HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1El�ti i-f'F-'11.A5. :..SLI_ Pr Illl�,El 111 A lf} 1.1.1 Tr' 1. T,1 r4 C'\ :`c=vPSY3 r}'E 4i'l.vai[ SIF=FT rL- ?r:, «- T, F} TNr Crrr T4. 11 r:F r0?IV V FVS 24 FE"PS RI AC'�0.'iC_ cIFE {.r .Flsrr{ ;, hl;) p1' ;HAL_ ;« NGTINE1Il 21 119JwS I', 1l7%Arlr,:.. IFP er-RgtpiAly Afi,' {I ."i,L_ Jr H,F ^Cif,;Aryrp'S PE'nf87,'ai iTy Tn D41jAr£ o D:<r «,FsIJL . CC!ITaACtI F-51nI!1 PPT''',^r ALL {r PIr1 11L'ITvTY i_r1^a"0"� JJiH +Ir rcDF'EP a:E'r{c F3^.'LTITS r; reCA A.r,T1 A*rt',. FC;! rA� LI'; L7,9 ["I NE rwr IDr RErTrcJ PPJ E;Z'f. r Ic .FrgTREr? rF(1p ;C �.,� C?rr=;FlC'a7l. A 41, I: rF 'S'rt,Ti-FFVJF 4C'i!P. 1{C'i:CE rrll SE zE7'I'R%D 7P.I TO SI?P11'd" HEVf ;C1l5 ,,;TIS !,, FEFlit I FI THF C'."f C. Frrll'44. IT SPALL 9E 1PE C{xJ7FAr;1C+'S OTI'EP rERU'i5 FF.IC`F 1TI SlAS'T?F CCAKipL'CTICII:- JFHiS. rr ;:r,^IF!r7f:X{c. r LCCAI{W 57 KE L0;4'F UTILID_S AND S=I(,'A' Ti'E'J CN rlC"S1FUCn^rl C-RAaAI;S ?''ERJr SIUTD�%{ r.CvnJIT EE r'I P TO S'SWFL'T1rIG AND E?CAY-1011. Er; nrrlr£ AREA A310 ;PPliATIIW SF'RJrf?c1::R Pk"!LIF., IDENiiT!EF! Ei THE ;.:cr ;r rR T-,r!CAL 11EifIL Ik{ SriEET `:.r�I=�. IIAiILEPS SHALL OF. LlKA'ED AT UPII :u?Nc_s OF rlpr not{. NTTII{ ; Ft CF A III Al ALL 4a+HI-';q._S Al vAL'rE B•:T'rES. ';ER3 pDlitD rIPICATE 3=PY T, FIRE G{jE. OIFECTIQN OF rLC%, P1FE M4TEa'AIL AND F'rE Cr4lpr;$ SHALL E 1t41ICATErI Si IHE CONTF,ACTCR rFOtiT6ED A3 'il'LI I IFC+Mr.110f1 Irl APJNGS. -S EXCAVATION GRADING AND PAVING NE'A' TIPE, IT 5HA'_L 9E IHSrECTEn oY A PprRJG REFaESEIITari'xE TO T!;SJ E THAT `CT STA'{LIARDS AHD S=ECJr7CArl',I' S. IT cHALL BE SHE {nRIPACTOR'S P,E1HC. RE'PuT7I4IATIVE 26 HRS IN AD:A4E OF P.ANTILU16 A{1 CGNSTRUCTIgN, rDE AS -RIM INrCRWATI.^,FI IN N[ FORT) OF RED-M4PKED ORASRtIGS TO CiE EHr4mff.p, r{; IQ 2E REI SHALL a_ ptr.IJT TO A MIH DCb7H 0, TWD RICI-IES AT PEIJOVAL lt{CR_TE, FASEIJEHT. ,pE'A'A1kS- CU;Z55, GUTTV3, AIID DPIv£%'AY AFFFOA':I{ES S ALL Rc sVX} n{r.irc CAR PEIJDVPO 10 AY EHSTIN" ENFAN9011 Milt. E:{T FAIC!{: ATTER THE WA. -PArx PAS PEN PPEfA9ED, P"(11 III CLASS A (3/4') !JEIIT CCHCRE iE Yd TN Li}xEU K AIJb RElHFG CEII NT PE COrICRETE TFENCH DEIaLS ml AHh TO NE S'PCk.IJESS o- TuE FY6744G CONCRETE :ASrtr.IE!}l. ALL 4,1111TS SHALL BE PEP SYCOT $C41`1C01. SPEUFICA'IDr: 9-OA.2(1). AREAS WERE A14 ASrFALT O'1EFL kLi IJET{T, el ASPHALT 0%97LAY ?HALL BE FVCEO OVER IKE IIE%' CORCAErr PA',EUENI PATCH F 7HE EASFaIG J:51`IlAL1 O4EPLar. :Ni PATC,4: APtEF IIIE SUPGRA!'t HAS 9_G!: VIRE°ARED ASFI+At? CCiI 7. FAiLI1ENT iLA55 B ND T!5 THE IIaCNIIESS OF T?tE EI1SPIIG A51714ALT PATE'AENT OR TO A !epL DEPTH nF rF{rFE E?- T`IE EPM OF THE EYISlI ASPHALT PALAIEMENIS AIID CASTINCS SI{ALL BE PA}� -nAWH . ay ,LT -rlkelT EuULS!ON IAIuEU!ASELY EE`CRE PI_ACFir THE ASPHALT FA?C`11H; MATER'A_. {E AS PH PC PLACED, LE,`IELED ARO TOIwI'ACTED la [04F®r.IJ TO 11;E ij%.gGE'IT PA,ED SURF ACF. L ICINTS 9E7YFLII TT{E riEw AN! ORIGINAL ASPHALT PAIJElA7NT SHALL BE PAINTED WIN HCT (H ArID 5E COARED 'NTH rRY PA414G SAND EETCPE THE ASiHALors ll Elkil-14FlEH 131I4ALT, gl)TTUN ralD 91 Or PATCHES FOR ASPHALTIC COOCREYE SHALL 1FR PLACING P1 r5rRALTIC C7{C;ETt PATCH, 115E A LICJil CUIRACI( CALM -ACP i0 FPCVPIT 1RACY.INc. wo A-.4 I}+F r)TY Or PENT., 1,IJ0 OTF'ER FOA=Tr9!if, A:F.NC'.ES FOR I[1JPDPARY EFCSI'NI IS tR!iLECT'S STORYW'ATER I'MUJI FREJER7PC44 T`L'N. TEI_r KJIFY THE OMiER IF VM1741.1g4A7D '!'X QR L A R IS ENCOVIITEFED !?IIP14 S,-Fr14 CCll(vn9t6 FOR REOL'IPEO 11IFECTID11. iAl SIaA6l BE 315P07 O C,4 AT AN AorPO`FD F0£ING LDCAK)" SOIL 101£P.IAL USED TO ! PIi E tFEr+CH SuALI Cr'IJFLY 111111 '?ACKiILi WATE_P',AL A; S>'Et:lFlEn 111 S"-E"61LATCJ AN C�?Dfr14'I;,E� �I A'fi);�y 'CD ti hrlj} 7'C6E 'QTS T'S CCaJFLY DO. 5Y.$Ha F1;0,4DE Sj-^R!I{G AriE' G7lGIh:r: YA{c7E SLDP7{S IC Ilnl PC:;SIr::.E BECr'kly O.5.1_� TAEILITr LIr IJATER14L C'cAVATEO, CF TPEIIG! DEPTH IS CREArER THAN 440 :}^LSCC, Ai Nr) E,.'r"F;IGF In BC'c;II Ally SIP:JCILIRES, PALI:'JENI, OR 01HE; IT'E!JS Ar AaE DrJJAT2D DURING PEJ^1'4L CFERAr'UI+=. TOF'S;E;7't>IrSIBIUIY TO FRE"E'rT AT"f SILTS SEO4ATErITS, DR OTHER DELE'ERIOi15 U4TEF.145 ASE G ,iPSr AS A PES'c S nF TTS rR50,ECT, TES SURVEY — „—",_,. ,,.,,e rnnn:n rArnrnrIT Alin HOL:1'FS LLKATEG ;iY 11A?7IJ?dJ h ASSPC'ATES. RIC. TEMPORARY EROSION SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES —,Ir canLl`f1.`�rCIT'F'I'A-*f. rh•..R,_ Glsr; jir'�l nr:G H'T£ '.!P_iE - :.l! P -E V'J'JLt;TL7'0'I Cr Fi:" Faro - D r.{r !.C:_rclJCi'C'l. !,Ir:'ITciE ,X- grC ril. TU-,rScf4i:E117T` C,^ 111_ rYI'P;.r .�D-1 u; f! AS'L E IS CGJJrLEILO n .LEL=!I: tA'' ± SH='A'J :11 1vS PLAT 7 ALL a C1!If LL E'IiED rN �E FIELD EF'1,ti? 0 CINSTPUCTICI "F5 a n 111li3 SHALL °E UFVTTP T. -;E `LA-,.'i� -II'. K •Fill„r,r -VALE `E. vselTr"•r,..Y r''._ C Y.Tcs lra Soa Tv.- OJRAT!Ljt, ;r T14,rr,i FUrTI.I'i rP r._ t. 1. IdE 'ESi_C 1st"ILI'Ir3 3u�,ri'i 't. 'Tr'S r1 „J ILSr ar t, S;S '.iT-.0 rFr,,P r'J a.. Oi.lc' LE--, ATfD ':.Ar1J, !^.PiTrc A!C:R a1fH A UAlI'FF Sc -p IhS42E T:;LT SE?!AEHI-LSr=I. SAYE.F D_L• ROT =117£3 NE FFAlrIA' ci;TE'A. LEA tF. `E. ?,LATE hrL7_u r.alr a'I,rE; ILL1;Y clA'IDAaES. 5. TI1E 75 r.5f]LT',E. S'IO:tfi i'i Tk'_ ;.t.+.y ARE PH, 'J!Fi'44;IJ 5E`.I,!^r.E'1:!:1'_ r_�i L'::I:"✓f,IFl� _iM [rklClrn':S F}L',pR;C ;ur _C!t3T;L'^pps' FCa3C, rti'E5£ I£S!= rACIL!r,E; csIALL ?E':#r;farcr, tHD '7DEr. {, {t, aDCI'!7iAL 3'JT. P'_0'ATI �' ,i C TC�E- NiES;Ili FIrIC_C, [-C do 'ILPED T` -,P IT!E'EECIEsn STORM E,_1, a ArID Tr F 'A_F.CT CHS Y.ED 704DI i.,.5 45 711E r,ITf-F7.11715 S IE lE5'0 rnC'.TkEi =1p'_L BE mz, ECTED -DAIL' Pr THE r0NIn;, .?;:F Ar:C 'J,5lr:s 41140 AS I;E.' '4;$' -0 ElRISE I1;ER :vilrhlLED MiCTO'4114 AHD r�ERLRCzl- A+; :erA ]'<'FEE6 x }rrrTATIC.H RIrLVeD^I,: F;!JAp55R` E#1By1v.41�RTC ','s{EPE IICI FLIRF?EF, I ., 5 I1L.ry WH A:TICIfATED (.^" A FERIv9 OF 2 DAi3 D.FIR THE 'J_T SEASCI, =HJ{L E Id!lEPIaTEI'r S,lA3' AFFPCI'"Eco. T£Sr.P }A=TNr;,'S :i}f.>; AS .:DIN^, uLjL-,Hri--,, NE1T17IG. ER.!4170`1 BIETC. ;F,ASS SEET:Rl^ ALONE '1 -XL �= A?eaL; VILY CFI?!ISG THE MOfIT-S Cr APRIL HPOE1'J{ C 'CFER IIfLIJ7:E. ^.CEP 3 ANY AREA IIrEC"l!^, 'ESCp NSA.S1!PEC, 9'JT'.iOT cE`YRIiIG I!Ji.IrD!AiE ATTEt!rk0': NJRI1{r THE 5'.ii SEA <r.J, PILL BE AOi7;E55Ep STITH;R 111 (15) GAYS 4 THE -ESI-P rAFILIFE3 CI: 11`1eCiPh SITE::•ItLL ar !NSrE,_TED kt0 YA!NTLITE 4'AVOJU!J OF C4i':E A MONTH• CP 'i.11".41k Lg HWi;i FDL'_Dri:ll,: 4 SrOP# E4ENT, A14D AS 111E f::l+ CEEWS NEMS41f. NO RtJE SHA", M"RE 14Ar1 n;E F05T OF E I! Flr FrE 01.1.0VU 10 Af,CTIVJLtJ< WTHLI{ A CATCp LIASi!T 4R "FE-iKEARIF1173ILT Fr:NO rR 511-T TRAP, ALL CJ;?;{! ?A51115 AI{ CC'+L',-1a1lrf, ";ES SHALL EE C_EAr{�D TRIrR In SANNr.- 711E CLEArJ.HG Or'E;AIION SHALL !I'T; P_UEp SED!!1ENT-LADEN f{aTER 1410 PIE DowM S ;E1,ld STSTEAT. it. STARIL`:E;I CrNSSRUCTION EA>TRAt,CES A'!C 'Nd51t r4pS ofP CITY 5?AHD A;nS. SHALL 2£ RIStA+_LED AT 71 111 BEC-l"OG L'F C.OILSSRUDTIO!{ ANS IJAII&IIIED FOR NE NPA11"14 OF THE rRO.E.CT. AMT1001L UEAS'!RES 1JAY BE PEOUIRED nT TkE CTY Cf n{gLRE THAI ALL PAYED AREAS ARE REPT CLEA{I F!3i THE DURATIC?5' Cr THE 12, n'PIH; PIE 1!q£ PERS!ti: F NOVE4rBEp I TPRO'I134 MAPr.i 3!, 151LRgED AzE"3 rraT AFE TO 2E EFT 'ef11H;KfNED W111TH TIlE rpC,TFCi LIMITS Ff>P SICRE 11;1..N 2 DA' SRALL EE CO4EFED Br [?{E OF THE FOLLO'MHC COVER MEA51IRFS� IJULCH- SCD OR rLA51rC 0V510, - j3 Aly FERR IEIFT RETEIJIIUII DETEITT)ON F4CIIJTY USED A`'I A YEI1rORARY SEIILI14G 9ASIN 51^11-'L Pf. VI;C'IfIFD VATN THE NEC;556RY I CONTROL T(EaSLiRLS i;4o SHALL rRO,,QE ADEQUATE SI^RACE CAPACITY A?ID SHALL BE CLEAHED QU1 FimELI' WTP FROPFE? C15C.'0199 IT IhASTE'H4TER 0E SAr{ITAP'• rIF EF mr'j1 rAULITY IS fOP.I( 1`01 -MON LIJTllI{ATELY 15 AR 11,1`109 101 Sy$TEH, THE A LITV511ALL DI E I4, 4NERE "EEMC. FOR TEMPORARY EFOSIC!IJ L.^4:1°CL 15 FTD'J1RED, FAST I'EF.VIHAITIG r'RA,SSEC y`IA;L 9E -=CUED AT All AFPRr4RIATE PATE (E.S. ANIJUAL Oa REr;C,j:lAL A f, AFFLIEP -1 APIPRr)YIIJA'IEL-f F7 EQUHDS PER ACRE). i5, A!'ERE S 1 Itw POLC4 FOP TEMPOPARY FP051f'{ CRNlPQL 15 REWIRED, II SH ALL R= 4PI'LIFD AT A MTj1ML!IJ THICI'NESS CF 3 1'JCJ'ESI OR 1.0W FCLRTOS/ACRE 15. A$ Cr'JiST?UCTrOri RRO�RESSES ilq JIFEYFECTED if WINK CC'iOiil:T`i3 L!!%TATE, AHD AS DTE CIiS' PED':K#E5, r,4S CCA{TFA.CI(V SHO.ILSy ArITIC.IF'A7-, wAT MOPE TESCP IIE,rC, 3FE5 ?XL BE IIECESSr°Y TSS PROTECT AI,JdCENT i R FEET#ES AND F"14lIP.E LIrJITIL!N V:A'.ER QuAL;IY FCR SIE r1VTCFF. IT --HJLL BC THE FE3r'fAISIBrL1TY OF THE CCrIt?AC10+ TO AFfpRESS D' FICIEHT TESU C 4Y?IOfIS ACID FrD4'DE a'D'- sIaL F2.CaITES. O'itP AriD ,523'x. Uri:,A4J'nEGJii?EIJE{I7S OUILIIIED M IRE ArPPCVED FLANS. SILT FENCE INSTALLATION NOTES 1. T+E FILM FA?PIC SHALL F- WWI -Or:Y OR APRPOTU E7J''I., ar{D SHALL PE F'R EASED IN 4 COtI1L1AF:Uz ROLE CL!T TO THE LEhIuTF1 OF THE BARR'F.R TD AV,91D USE OF ,7k'S. '1AIEM JQ-1113 PPF nr 1{CI{AFlAP.RAr DSRBGrT= FIDS OrSrHE 5I-tCEO L' 70CEa ATL 3E SEC'UREL7 FASTEIIE K'7 TO M FO@TII,+:141 2. IH= Sr_T qlj-v- 51?All BE I1;S1AL! ED ?0 TC LOw THE CG' K)URS t1JF;E :LtS:g'r. THE rrtirc P0ST3 Sf„5LL EE SrA':EO FFTNFE tl J FEET 10 A H5t11J'JIJ r)r F rEEI APART AIO PLALED SECT;?ELY rF'C THE CFl9JllD T9 A IJIlIRJL'!J CERTa TIF la INCITES. J A a AI L4V 5,s.:{ r SHaLL E£ ExCA'JA,ED. RCUCHLV 5 RICHES ',A)E ?IIz 5 II{CIIES LEEP. Ilr ^ IND AaaAc- IT in THE Lc)0 PrSIS tO AU -Ow THE LIpv.ER £Dr.E nF raTE4 E:�aR:C TO EE s.Ec:IPED x,TH C -F A!IS. A, ri4EH TA IER I;NO tAEPIC NOT AS Sl AS "Al9erl "(1O' IS ;,FF=C`•ED FGF: USE, A. YAiE 'JEST SIIrEXE 5141- S- Fd5 E:"•CO S -CUR -ELY TO THE I^SLDFE SIDE 31 DIE F'_5'S USILI.'. PEAT+ C'UT'! 5'JPE 51Ar1.ES AT 'EAST } 'PJC;{ LCv{.;, TE 'WES. CF HOG FlrIGS. THE rvr I1E54 SHALL EYTE!ID mL, -1,E SuA!LCYJ c;RALE A'Yfi:+1';IJ A r4')HES IND SHLIL NOT EkTE!ID AIOT'E THAN 'F IN'CIF.S A?O'•E T!f. OR1GtrlAL rrG,34D SORT ACE, 5 THE 1J'F.Ap '4]': nLTFR FAERIC STALL EE 51VLE r:R 'SPED TO 1E TEN^E. IIND AT LE431 20 ND INCHES OF 'IE E*IC a TALL PE LAID n�TO THE SHALLOW Sr Al -E- 111E FILlFR HOT �aEKc19"'1 NOTTE.,ES .JOKE THA.ti a IflCoES ABOW THE OR INCHES CaAL VIhiD _3PFA..E [ - WAtI.FI. TIIE 5'1ALrOH C7tr,LE A!I @OSH SIDES V THE SILT FEN:.E '4ALL BE PALKfli.LED VATH S 111 10 ,.I/2 INCH IV4!JETFp %;S4rD CRASri AFTER PIE SILT FETb^.E i5 RJGTALLED, THEY 91-T FEI:CLS SrIALI 6E P r.ipJED Jk:E'I uA',c SEa,'ED rirm ll=rr;}L rupFOSE. ril.11 -^IC'i PEF_fE ..,. --- —1c Wx dl TvjI: rpIu cv ? m M 4 Z p CD Q wQ m eoo} w C-) c.a O Q ¢ til 11_ Q 4 Q LU \% LU d OLL a C3 W O N � U Q,- U O I U` c O (n O r ul >- N Z II 7 J o J 00 - c NM1, CD CD 0 O d i O x CD CC1 LjL U LL Q m r = X S CD u Z W CD c -D Z cn w �QUl Q L I` Z Z N O Q OOf �w W 11_ L LJ -jI-i \% d d a C3 Ln m � O Q. C � O m m U U F M h7 Z I ¢ U` c N, L CJS U V W O O i— ap U F - w 4 v 0 Z z z LJ jC u.r � cy- Z Z N O Q OOf �w W L LJ -jI-i W LLI Ln m � O Q. C m m U U F M h7 Z I ¢ U Y G a >- N Z N CO er (11' Cfl LLJ � L `n J o J NM1, 1:3 O O d I Q x CD CC1 Q a o U LL f X S CD u Q,_,azao L L oo¢o o OmUaU L1J [IfO II J UZ ooLdaz � z < CO �1 L� � W o�ma� J 1 = o � n Ln o Q z , V7 Z c_;- [n (J L lI WE �I N OOf �w W I C:j W LLI Ln m � O Q. C m m U Z O F M h7 Z I ¢ U Y G t,J r _ x x W S i d >- N Z N CO er (11' Cfl LLJ � L `n NM1, I Q x CD CC1 Q a o LL f NO � 1 , '� 1 vo Tf - -- - -_-- _ - -- 10 a CITY OF RENTON PLANNING- / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: January 8, 2008 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: Boeing Fireline Removal Shoreline Exemption Permit LUA (file) Number: LUA-07-143, SME Cross -References: AKA's: Project Manager: Rocale Timmons Acceptance Date: December 7, 2007 Applicant: The Boeing Company Owner: Department of Natural Resources c/o Monica Shoemaker Contact: Mark Clement, The Boeing Company PID Number: 4177100002 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: December 7, 2007 Appeal Period Ends: December 21, 2007 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Proposal to remove a 25' X 5' X 8' wood plank water intake structure built in the Lake Washington. The intake structure functioned as an intake of lake water for fire protection. Location: 737 Logan Avenue N Comments: 0 Kathy Keolker, Mayor December 7, 2007 Mark Clement The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MIS 63-01 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Subject: Shoreline Exemption The Boeing Company 737 Logan Avenue North Dear Mr. Clement: CATio OF LENTO N Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator This letter is sent to advise you that the Development Services Division Director has reviewed your proposal to remove a 25 ft long by 5 f wide by 8 ft deep wood plank water intake structure in Lake Washington and restore the batik abutting the removal area. The Director has determined that the proposal is exempt from Shoreline permit requirements and I have enclosed the certificate of exemption with this letter. Also, based on the scope of the proposal the project will not be subject to Environmental (SEPA) Review per WAC 197-11-800.3, Repair, remodeling•and maintenance activities. Please feel free to contact me at 425-430-7289 if you have questions. Sincerely, R cale Timmons Assistant Planner cc: Neil Watts, Development Services Director enclosures 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98057 This papercomains509 recycled material 30'l postconsumer RENTON AH FA 1) OF THF CURVE 0 0 1( c ........-EXEMPT ONFROM SHORELINE MANAGEMENT , SUBSTANTIAL DEVELLOPMENT PERMIT At UIRE]1!IE T December 7, 2007 EXEMPTION FILE NUMBER: LUA07-143 SME APPLICANT: The Boeing Company Mark Clement PO Box 3707, MIS IW -09 Seattle, WA 98124 OWNER: Department of Natural Resources Monica Shoemaker 737 Logan Avenue North Renton, WA 98055 PROJECT NAME: Fireline Structure Removal PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks a Shoreline Permit Exemption to remove a 25 ft long by 5ft wide by 8 ft deep wood plank water intake structure in Lake Washington on property owned by the Washington Department of Natural Resources, leased by The Boeing Company. Once the intake structure is removed, restoration will take place along the bank, planting areas, and lake bottom within the removal area. A fabric filter fence and a debris barrier broom will be used for temporary erosion and sedimentation control.` PROJECT LOCATION: 737 Logan Avenue North (map attached) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NA SEC-TWN-R: 7 -23N -5E WATER BODY/WETLAND: Lake Washington CORPS PUBLIC NOTICE NUMBER: NA DATES OF PROPOSED WORK: A two week period between July of 2008 through January of 2009 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: None An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted on the proposed project described on the attached form for the following reason(s): Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire or elements. The proposed development is consistent or inconsistent with: CONSISTENT INCONSISTENT Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The Master Program. JJ/J r Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division o -7, zoo .7 Date To appeal this determination, a written appeal --accompanied by the required $75.00 filing fee --must be filed with the City's Hearing Examiner (1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, 425-430-6515) no more than 14 days from the date of this decision. Your submittal should explain the basis for the appeal. Section 4-8-110 of the Renton Municipal code provides further information on the appeal process. PROJECT LOCATION AN \10-1 TO S:L--- L�� M.vi_mm BY APPRO*D #140aBB REI WE CED ------------- WT 5 711 4-7, �� � I�I�1 5-44 Ai Tf 0 7 1 �7 t z 6� 11—A < 3 3 Fll Irl ARPORT WAY AN \10-1 TO S:L--- L�� M.vi_mm BY APPRO*D #140aBB REI WE CED ------------- City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: Department of Natural resources/ Monica Shoemaker ADDRESS: 737 Logan Ave In. CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206 799 2949 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Mark Clement COMPANY (if applicable): Boeing ADDRESS: 737 Logan Ave In. CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER 206 617-2944 CONTACT PERSON NAME: Mark Clement COMPANY (if applicable): Boeing/ ADDRESS: 737 Logan Ave n. CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 206 617- 2944 Mark.d.clement@boein .com PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Remove Fireline structure , Restore bank PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP 737 Logan Ave n Renton WA 98055: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 4177100002 EXISTING LAND USE(S): Shoreline PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Shoreline EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): EXISTING ZONING Urban Center north 2 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): 1275 SQUAME FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED:none SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doe l 11/30/07 OJECTINFOA MW NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): MA TION (conftuedl NUMBER OF EITPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: 11,500 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): ❑ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE ❑ AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO • FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. ❑ GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. ❑ HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft_ ❑ SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES 2500 sq. ft. ❑ WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE _ne QUARTER OF SECTION 7_, TOWNSHIP _23n_, RANGE_5e—, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. 2. —Shoreline.t�on I SEPIA 61 1= 0 0 Project narrative BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP RENTON WASINGTON REMOVE FIRE LINE INTAKE — RESTORE BANK DNR PROPERTY 737 Logan avenue north Renton WA 98055 On shoreline at the south end of Lake Washington adjacent to Boeing Renton plant site. The area is 25 feet by 25 feet across the lake, and 25 feet by 87 feet on the bank. Master use permit, Environmental Checklist, Shoreline exemption permit are the land use permits for the proposed projects. Zoning designation is Urban Center north 2 The site is a Department of Natural Resources shoreline. Boeing is planning to restore the Shoreline bank to its natural environment to attract wildlife. Shoreline of Lake Washington is it Special site feature Sandy silt loam is the soil type. The project is to remove a 25 ft long by 5 ft wide by 8 ft deep wood plank water intake structure built in the 1960's during the construction of the 4-81182 airplane assembly buildings. The wood intake structure functioned as an intake of lake water for fire protection in the now removed 4-01 building. The hole left after the removal of the wood Intake structure will be filled by the excavator slowly placing 1 inch minus clean rock into the void until the existing bank slope is matched. The bank is currently covered with blackberry and field grass. After major construction is completed the Temporary Construction Entrance BMP will be removed and replaced with 6 inches of three way top soil. Along the upland side of the bank, willow and dogwood will by planted at 48 inches on center. The remaining construction entrance area will be restored by hydro seeding with a meadow seed mix at 60 pounds of seed per acre. After all new plants and grass have stabilized; the silt fence and debris boom will be removed. Access is by boat, lakeside or Boeing owned land, shoreline side The total cost is $11,500 For bank restoration the Fill volume is 20 yards of 1 inch clean rock. Area to be filled is 0.0031 acres The 24 inch concrete pipe, the pipe will have Control Density Fill Concrete (GDF) pumped into it through the excavation hole. No trees will be removed. Native plants to be planted at project site. The project is located at the shoreline of take Washington. No views will be obstructed by the proposed project 0 Environmental Checklist REMOVE FIRE LINE INTAKE, RESTORE BANK - DNR PROPERTY BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP RENTON WASINGTON MARK CLEMENT PERMITS & LAND USE THE BOEING COMPANY P.O. BOX 3707 MS 1W-09 SEATTLE WASHINGTON 98124 206 617-2994 November 2007 0 0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Remove fire line on DNR property, Restore bank 2. Name of applicant The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MIS 1w-09 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Mark Clement Facilities Permits/Land use The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, M/S 63-01 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 [206 617-29441 4. Date checklist prepared: Nov, 2007 5. Agency requesting checklist. City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Demolition/Restoration Dec 16 to Dec 31 2008, 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. None planned at this time 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. None planned at this time ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 1 11/2912007 9 0 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Washington State DARPA Permit 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Federal: None known at this time State of Washington: Dept. of Ecology - 401 Water Quality Certification Dept of fish &wildlife - Hydraulic project approval Dept. of Natural Resources- Aquatic resources use authorization notification. Corps of Engineers - Section 404 permit King County: None known at this time City of Renton/Local: State Environmental Policy Act Review 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) In Lake Washington Remove wood block structure of existing defunct intake fire line and fill existing 24" concrete pipe With CDF. Restore bank and planting and restore Lake Bottom with clean rock over entire removal area 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. if a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire lige 2 11129/2007 9 0 Site address: 737 Logon ave north Renton, Washington Refer to Exhibit A, Location in Region, Vicinity Map; and Site Plan for exact location. Refer to Exhibit B for Legal Description B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other...... Flat; b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 1%; c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Sandy silt loam d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? if so, describe. No; e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed Indicate source of fill. The site will be restored and filled with gravel and top soil for bank planting L Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? if so, generally describe. Yes. Bank erosion See erosion dwg plan to mitigate any erosion impacts g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? None. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 3 1 112 912 00 7 0 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Appropriate measures, will be used to control erosion during demolition. After demolition, Specific erosion control measures will be detailed on the drawing plans submitted for permit approval. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? if any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During Demolition, marine and construction equipment emissions in minimum quantities no long term affect b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Mitigation measures will be implemented as required to meet or exceed all applicable standards as required by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency and the Department of Ecology. Additional potential mitigation measures to reduce emissions include ensuring that machines and equipment used during construction are well maintained. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. if appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. The Cedar River is in the vicinity; Lake Washington and shoreline is where the site work will be done ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 4 7 1 12 9/200 7 0 0 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? if yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes Lake Washington 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected Indicate the source of fill material. Fill volume is 20 yards of 1 inch clean rock. Area to be filled is 0.0031 acres. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. I ro 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100 -year floodplain? if so, note location on the site plan. M 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals... ;agricultural, etc.). Describe the general sire of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water runoff (including storm -water): ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 5 11729!2007 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? if so, describe. Storm water runoff will be collected in the existing plant's storm -water control system. No additional impervious surface or runoff will be created by the project. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Restoration of bank and new wet soil plants. Erosion plan on Civil Drawing designed by licensed Civil Engineer 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs, grass, pasture, crop or grain, wet soil plants., cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None; d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any. NA 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 6 19729!2007 See 2003 Boeing EIS. Birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site are listed below: birds: seagulls, crows, eagles Blue heron mammals: none fish: coho salmon, chinook salmon sockeye salmon steelhead and cutthroat trout, native char (bull trout) and long fin smelt b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Puget Sound Steelhead and their status are under ESA, the species is listed as "threatened," are Puget Sound Chinook salmon and coastal/Puget Sound bull trout c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Pacific Flyway; see 2003 Boeing EIS. d Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. Utilize temporary erosion; long-term storm water and hazardous materials control systems and best management practices to prevent contaminated discharges. New bank native plantings 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. None b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any.- None ny. None 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire lure 7 11/29/2007 None known 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services known 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? None 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Temporary noise impacts during demolition and construction are anticipated. Construction projects of this type typically produce noise levels that range from 68 to 98 dba at 50 feet from the specific equipment. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None 8. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is fully developed as an aircraft manufacturing and final assembly facility. DNR property on the shoreline b. Has the site been used for agriculture? if so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. The Renton Plant is a large airplane manufacturing and final assembly facility, consisting of many buildings and ancillary uses. The project site is adjacent to the Renton plant. The City of Renton boathouse is adjacent to the site [Confirm that there are no other structures located on the project site.] ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 8 11,12912007 d Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Remove wood block structure of existing defunct intake fire line e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? I UCN-2 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? UCN-2 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not known h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? if so, specify. Not known i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? None j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None i. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal are compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: NA 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 9 11729/2007 E None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? N/A b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None 11. Eight and glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None, Daylight b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? N/A. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. None 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 10 1112912007 The Cedar River shoreline trail and park are within the general area of the Renton Site. Kayak club Renton City Boathouse b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. IAC C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. me b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None have been identified on the project site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: If artifacts are uncovered, work in that area will be halted pending notification and response from appropriate agencies. 14. Transportation a. identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site has access to North 6 t Street and Logan Avenue North. b. Is site currently served by public transit? if not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes Metro. 150 yards c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? NA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 11 11129P2007 d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). No e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? if so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? if known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. None g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. None is anticipated. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. None b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. None ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 12 1112912007 L C. SIGNATURE 46 The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: cQ Mark D. Clement Date Submitted: AfJVff, 3 d 2 c) o 7 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Remove fire line 13 11 r29,2007 9 LOCATION IN REGION, VICINITWSITE MAP I' - L -1 EXHIBIT A S 1 lyrti ST IMAP S 114Ttl ST DIV, 4 31ST ST G9 A 4< S I 16TI-t ST I= N Y)tH Sf N I :i,J.' I -I S, - .1Z NFL 1oTt-1 ST I 29T, I 'T NF- 9TH 9L 14 28P I P- R-6 N 27TH I P�- a T H ST '4L 2aT-4 -ST 'il E Wfl ST S'14-7#1 ST N 8f H sr mt2ffm k 14 AT, I ST NW 7TH ST S 12:1 ,7 ST is 123AD.. tt Seaie NS�TryCr '4(:2A-ftl ST Q S 12dT11 ST 3j *4 OTi I ST R4 z nu U LJ 4 21 ST ST Lake Washington S 128TH ST w w zN d -TJ I ST >4 S� > NE 20TI I ST R N Al IiPoji r wAY n S 13201 N 2N() _,-r R 8 TOWN ST S TOB04 St r Liberty Park -S 4:�� . z JC 12005 King County —R I OE -- za COMMENTS: DNR SHORELINE & BOEING RENTON PLANT ME Si z 4J g5 CoonN makes no representetlons or ;,express or implied, as to arcuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of suchinf.rnriati..g This document ie not Intended for use as a survey product. King County shelf not be liable for any general, speciai, indirect incidental, or consequential NE I &T71 ST r King County NE 13TH lh,r map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission e m on of King County. R-fi-P 6 Date: 11129?2007 Source; King County IMAP - Property Inlormalion (hftpYhvww.motrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) E 12T, I ST S 1 lyrti ST S 114Ttl ST DIV, G9 A 4< S I 16TI-t ST I= .1Z NFL 1oTt-1 ST 9 118TH ST NF- 9TH 9L -S T R-6 cif 9T" ST S'14-7#1 ST N 8f H sr S 121181 ST S 121ST ST ti ',Ren to o n NW 7TH ST S 12:1 ,7 ST 123AD.. 41 z > NS�TryCr S 12dT11 ST 3j *4 OTi I ST R4 z nu L 14 5T? I ST Q7 Lif S 128TH ST w w zN d -TJ I ST >4 S� > S 13OTH ST N 3Ru sr R N Al IiPoji r wAY S 13201 N 2N() _,-r R 8 TOWN ST S TOB04 St Liberty Park -S 4:�� . JC 12005 King County —R I OE -- 1612ft COMMENTS: DNR SHORELINE & BOEING RENTON PLANT The Infomlatlan Incfudetl an this map has I compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and Is subject to change without notice. CoonN makes no representetlons or ;,express or implied, as to arcuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of suchinf.rnriati..g This document ie not Intended for use as a survey product. King County shelf not be liable for any general, speciai, indirect incidental, or consequential damages Including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits rosullin.R, from the use or misuse of the Information contained on this map. Any sale of King County lh,r map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission e m on of King County. 6 Date: 11129?2007 Source; King County IMAP - Property Inlormalion (hftpYhvww.motrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP) 2= 0=3 o ° E ° ; - / CLr— Z }322/ § g (07[ m m 2 ^ 7 } E » § , o ® ] > £ s > > > O I Z Z & _ » = m m E E \ \ \ o ® > > £ s f O E « ? � / / / R .� «. m>eQ ® _ I e � > � � } m 17� � � � 9 c( \ / CD .. ) Er o < n 3 0 ƒ_Lr 2 CL A 4 ` 17� � � � ƒ_Lr 4 ` � [ .� «. e � � � } k k | p IL � e 2 m n _® y W w ƒ\ 0 2 0± ® § 2 Q # o e 'o / 2 & 2 17� � � MATCH -FOR COrnNIAATION SEE SHEET 0110 70 MATCH 4NE FOR CONMbrUATM SEE SHEET Cm Tj It WD P J1 i s p7 i A F MATCH -FOR COrnNIAATION SEE SHEET 0110 70 MATCH 4NE FOR CONMbrUATM SEE SHEET Cm Tj It WD Tj It WD 0 0 Exhibit B Legal Description 0 DESCRIPTION OF THE BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY RENTON PLANT FACILITY PARCEL I-80 CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON The following described tract of land is the resultant consolidation of Record Title vested in the Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation and Puget Sound Power b Light Company, a Massachusetts Corporation, covered in the Pioneer National Title Insurance Company, Limited Liability Reports Number A-253801, A-253802, A-253803, A-253804, Unit 13, dated January 11, through January 21, 1980. ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE GRID MERIDIAN OF THE WASHINGTON COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE. THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS I AND 3 IN SECTION 7; AND OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND OF C.N. ADSIT'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 79, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND OF BLOCK C, THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 5927582; AND OF CERTAIN SHORE LANDS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHOWN ON SHEETS 3 AND 4 OF THE MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 156371; AND OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD (FORMERLY PARK STREET); AND OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. RAILWAY (FORMERLY NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY) RIGHT-OF-WAY, ALL MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH MARGIN OF SIXTH AVENUE NORTH AND THE EASTERLY RIGHT -OF -TRAY LINE OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO.2 IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE WITH SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 12°47'42" WEST 193.18 FEET; NORTH 00022'54" EAST 454.50 FEET; NORTH 12047'42" WEST 2394.32 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK C, SAID THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL MAP OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS; THENCE WITH THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID BLOCK C, NORTH 12°47'42" WEST 264.08 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID BLOCK C, NORTH 84°25'26" EAST 1299.96 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, BEING ON THE INNER HARB0R LIN£ OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS IN SAID SECTION 7; THENCE WITH SAID INNER HARBOR LINE NORTH 46052'27" EAST 977.56 FEET; -1- 0 0 PARCEL I-80 (Continued) THENCE WITHIN SAID SHORE LANDS SOUTH 43006'56" EAST 932.91 FEET; SOUTH 46053'04" WEST 220.00 FEET; SOUTH 31037'32" EAST 448.37 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF SAID BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. RIGHT-OF-WAY IN GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SOUTH 50041'48" WEST 248.33 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 12,769.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY WITH SAID CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0°10'00") 37.15 FEET TO THE POINT -OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH'A7 CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 6409.84 FEET; THENCE SOUTH- WESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0020'00") 37.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TD THE LEFT OF RADIUS 4269.90 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0°30'00") 37.44 T=EET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 3229.93 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0040'00") 37.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 2593.96 FEET; THENCE SOUTH- WESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0°50'00") 37.73 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 2169.97 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01000'00") 37.87 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 1867.13 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°10'00") 38.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 1639.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01020'00") 38.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT OF RADIUS 1482.69 FEET; THENCE SOUTH- WESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE 140.74 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN FROM WHENCE THE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 50044'31" EAST; THENCE WITHIN SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY NORTH 53°32'36" EAST 854.31 FEET; NORTH 49°53'02" EAST 606.40 FEET; SOUTH 44°22'57" EAST 25.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH- EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID RAILWAY RIG`1T-0F-WAY, SAID POINT BEING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIAL FROM THE MAIN TRACK CENTERLINE SURVEY STATION 1068+00, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT FROM WHENCE THE CENTER BEARS NORTH 44022'57" WEST 1639.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH SAID CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00°24'45") 11.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT OF RADIUS 1867.13 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID COMPOUND CURVE (THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00°40'33") 22.02 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHENCE THE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS NORTH 43017'39" WEST, SAID POINT BEING ON TH.E SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY N0.1 (SR 435) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE; -2- 0 0 PARCEL I-80 (Continued) CONTAINING 204.17 ACRES, OR 8,893,550 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE TO OWNERSHIP MAPS, RENTON PLANT FACILITIES, 1980 PROPERTY CONSOLIDATION, SHEETS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 OF 6 SHEETS. -4- a 4.. 1 8 0 E I N G COMMERCIAL AIRP< E COMPANY A DIVISION OF THE BOE C0)APANY RENTON PLANT FACILITY PARCEL 1-80 8,893,560 SQUARE FEET 204.17 ACRES 6O0 3DO G i 00 Izac Isco SCALE IM fEET CITY OF MENTOhi KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1 WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN T23N• R 5 E AAE • 7 a O w t FOA EXCEPTIOM SEE EXHIBIT ORAWiNG BY KD. IA RATED 3 -IO -a6 I 7 4+ f� I 22 a .a z5 ro�TN II[rTar Ir TX%CNAM4C I 9 I 2T 2 I zs_ Is 30 19 jVAL%MGTOMMORTMERm RAILROAD III rGMT OF VAT S` 1 . t 1w4 MW4,SEC-■ i r IN GTN 11N IT111911 "W4. S*1. SEC. a 3s 42 3T 34 P _ 32 0 0 Exhibit C Surrounding Property owners Print Map Page 9 King County II Parcel Map and Data I� q - L17.230`,UJO V. F! -R-6-P Cedar RiVer.. z.,,'',_ LL camlyj Parcel Number 0723059001 Address 800 PARK AV N Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer BOEING COMPANY THE The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a rariety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no -epresentations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, imeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental. or consequential damages including, but not limited .o, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information ,ontained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on this map is prohibited incept by written permission of King County." E Page 1 of 4 Parcel Number 0523056666 Parcel Number 0523059075 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer Taxpayer SOUTHPORT ONE LLC Parcel Number 0623056666 Parcel Number 0723056666 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer Taxpayer Parcel Number 0723059007 Parcel Number 0723059046 Address 1011 PERIMETER RD W Address Zipcode 98055 Zipcode Taxpayer CITY OF RENTON Taxpayer BOEING COMPANY THE http://uww5.metrokc.c,ov/parcelviewer/Print_Process.asp 3/10/2006 print Map Page 0 0 Page 2 of 4 Parcel Number 0723059053 Parcel Number 0723059085 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer FACILITIES & Taxpayer FACILITIES & OPERATION CTR OPERATIONS CTR Parcel Number 0723059096 Parcel Number 0723059100 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer CITY OF RENTON Taxpayer BOEING COMPANY THE Parcel Number 0723059105 Parcel Number 0823059027 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer WASHINGTON STATE Taxpayer BURLINGTON NORTHRN SANTA FE Parcel Number 0823059178 Parcel Number 0823059187 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC Taxpayer BOEING COMPANY THE Parcel Number 0823059191 Parcel Number 0823059216 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC Taxpayer SOUTHPORT LLC Parcel Number 0886600010 Parcel Number 0886600040 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Parcel Number 0886600050 Parcel Number 0886600060 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Parcel Number 0886600070 Parcel Number 0886600080 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Parcel Number 0886600090 Parcel Number 0886600190 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Parcel Number 0886600200 Parcel Number 4117100001 Address Address Zipcode Zipcode Taxpayer BOEING REALTY CORP Taxpayer WASH ST D N R http://ww-vv5.metroke.gov/parceIviewer/Print_Process.asp 3/10/2006 print Map Page Page 3 of 4 Parcel Number 4117100002 Parcel Number 7224500315 Address Address 546 BURNETT AV N Zipcode Address Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer WASHINGTON STATE Taxpayer JEFF'S AUTO REPAIR INC Parcel Number 7224500325 Parcel Number 7224500330 Address 536 BURNETT AV N Address 532 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer MIDELL VICTOR E+LANCE Taxpayer SCHULTZ NORMAN CORP Parcel Number 7224500335 Parcel Number 7224500340 Address 530 BURNETT AV N Address 524 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer SCHULTZ NORMAN CORP Taxpayer BROTTEN LANNETTE C Parcel Number 7224500345 Parcel Number 7224500350 Address 520 BURNETT AV N Address 518 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer DEADMAN ROBERT C Taxpayer MUNAGLIA DOMINIC A &TERR M Parcel Number 7224500355 Parcel Number 7224500360 Address 514 BURNETT AV N Address 508 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer LEE JERRY W Taxpayer CUTTING LARRY D Parcel Number 7224500365 Parcel Number 7225500075 Address 702 N 5TH ST Address 450 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer THOMPSON HEATHER Taxpayer TAYLOR THOMAS L+DORIS S Parcel Number 7225500080 Parcel Number 7225500085 Address 446 BURNETT AV N Address 442 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer HOOT CHERYL L Taxpayer MUELLER VICTOR Parcel Number 7225500090 Parcel Number 7225500095 Address 438 BURNETT AV N Address 432 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer TRAN PHUOC+THI NUOI FANG TU Taxpayer MEAD ROBERT C Parcel Number 7225500110 Address 422 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Parcel Number Address 7225500115 420 BURNETT AV N http://��;Nv5.metrokc.6ov/parcelviewer/Print Process.asp 3110/2006 Parcel Number 7225500105 Parcel Number 7225500100 Address 428 BURNETT AV N Address 426 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Zipcode 98055 Taxpayer CRECELIUS LEWIS Taxpayer 1995 MANN LIMITEDFAMILY PA E Parcel Number 7225500110 Address 422 BURNETT AV N Zipcode 98055 Parcel Number Address 7225500115 420 BURNETT AV N http://��;Nv5.metrokc.6ov/parcelviewer/Print Process.asp 3110/2006 Print Map Page Taxpayer Page 4 of 4 0 0 MOORE REUTIMANN I Zipcode 98055 RUTH Taxpayer GRAHAM JOHN M King Cour E GIS Center I News I Services ( Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details. http;//w-ww5.metrokc.gov/pareelviewer/Print Process.asp 3/iQ/?QQ6 0 0 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION AND MITIGATION PLAN BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP RENTON WASINGTON REMOVE FIRE LINE INTAKE -- DNR PROPERTY 12-16 to 12131 7::00 am to 4:00 pm CONSTRUCTION PROCESS The project is to remove a 25 ft long by 5 it wide by 8 it deep woad plank water intake structure built in 1968 during the construction of the 4- 81/82 airplane assembly buildings. The wood intake structure functioned as an intake of lake water for fire protection in the now removed 4-01 building. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Removal construction will start with the implementation and installation of Best Management Practices (BMP) for Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC). The BMPs to be installed are: a Temporary Construction Entrance from the Boeing concrete apron edge up 2 feet within the Lake Washington ordinary high water line, a Fabric Filter Fence 2 feet on the bank side away from the Lake Washington ordinary high water line, and a Debris Barrier Boom in an arch fashion around the intake box from bank to bank. WOOD INTAKE BOX REMOVAL The wood box removal is planned to be removed by driving an excavator on the temporary construction entrance. A workman will stand in the water or in a boat DEBRIS 9ARRRIER LOCK LAKE LEVLL- 15.0 SILT FFNCF 24` CONC. PIPE NV=9,53 NGVD 1929 �.00' PROFILE 19 8 WOOD IN—TAKE BOX AND CONC c SCALE. NTS C60p NOTE: NGJO 1929 ELEV, 0,00'— 1924—T942 EPOCH MAI— GAGE ELEV. 4.47' 7EMP GRAVEL WORK M 0 0 to secure tie lines from the excavator bucket to each piece of wood plank that makes up the wood intake box. Once the tie line is secured between the excavator and the piece of wood planking being removed, the excavator will lift out the wood plank, spin the excavator 180 degrees and depose the wood plank into a dump truck waiting on the temporary construction entrance and lined with liner to reduce water leakage. It may be required for the workmen to be equipped with scuba gear in order to connect the excavator tie line to the submerged wood planks. The contractor will continuously net any floating plank debris during this process. CONCRETE PIPE FILLING WITH CDF At the edge of the Boeing concrete apron, approximately 87 feet away from the Lake Washington ordinary high water line, the contractor will excavate down to the top of the 24 inch concrete pipe. The contractor will attach a temporary water tight seal cap to the inlet of the 24 inch concrete pipe. The contractor will then bore a hole in the top of the 24 inch concrete pipe at the excavation. Boeing personnel will inspect the water quality of the water inside the abandoned 24 inch concrete pipe. Any unsuitable liquid will be pumped out by Boeing and disposed of at Boeing's waste treatment facility. When all the liquid has been pumped out of the 24 inch concrete pipe, the pipe will have Control Density Fill Concrete (CDF) pumped into it through the excavation hole next to the Boeing concrete apron. A few days after the CDF filled pipe has cured per the manufactures specifications the temporary cap on the 24 inch pipe inlet will be removed. PLANT AND LAKE RESTORATIONS The hole left after the removal of the wood Intake structure will be filled by the excavator slowly placing 1 inch minus clean rock into the void until the existing bank slope is matched. The bank is currently covered with blackberry and field grass. After major construction is completed the Temporary Construction Entrance BMP will be removed and replaced with 6 inches of three way top soil. Along the upland side of the bank, willow and dogwood will by planted at 48 PLANT SCHEDULE SIZE NOTES 50% CORNUS STOLONIFERA / REDTWIG DOGWOOD 1 GALLON 48" p,C. 50Y SAUX SCOULERI / SCOULERS WILLOW 1 GALLON 48" O.C. NOTES: PLANT 50% WILLOW AND 50% DOGWOOD TO COVER AREA DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION. ALTERNATE SHRUBS SPECIES, APPROXIMATELY 24 SHRUBS TOTAL APPLY WOOD CHP MULCH TO AREA OF DISTURBANCE. 1" MINUS CLEAN ROCK FILL T�LOC � EE�1 L=1, 5.0 PLANT SHRUBS 4' D_C_ ' EDGE OF To COVER AREA OF DISTURBANCE. EDGE PVMT il EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN. —CURS COF FILLED 24- CONC. PIPE RANK RESTC)RAIION PLANTING 'S SCALE. NT5 G80{7 11 0 inches on center. The remaining construction entrance area will be restored by hydroseeding with a meadow seed mix at 60 pounds of seed per acre. After all new plants and grass have stabilized; the silt fence and debris boom will be removed. NOTE: NO CITY BOATS OR MARINE EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT