HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscSIGN ITEM #1 . N -I N 3/4" = 1-0· D/F NONILLUMINATED SIGN, CONSISTS OF PAINTED PANELS (GREEN OR BRONZE) -2 PANELS BACK TO BACK. COLORS TO MATCH COLOR CODE -PAINT, VINYL , (AND/OR) DIGITAL PRINT -AT FACTORY DISCRETION. DECORATIVE SUPPORT STRUCTURE: TWO 2" SQ TUBE WITH 1/4" FCO ALUMINUM DECORATIVE . PAINT DARK DURANODIC BRONZE. 9160 SE 74th Ave. Client: Portland , OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes 503.777.4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. 800.613.4555 Fax 503.777.0220 Renton, Wa. 98058 rarnsaysigns.corn Date: I Client Approval + Date 8/20/14 Project Ma nage r : TODD M. I Landlord Approval + Date Design: Leslie Sullivan East E1!trance: Sign #2 placement location behind Easement color code RURAL GREEN SW6418 Revisions: PENNYWISE SW6349 DURANODIC BRO NZE RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS • L73 Grounding and Bondng Statement tor each permanenUy connected ~gn the lollow,ng statement or equvalent 'This s,gn ~ mtenooo to be ,istalled m the accoroance W1th the reQ u,remems of Artiele 600 ol th e Na uon al Electncal Code an<l'or othe, apphcable local codes Th~ '1Cludes prope r g•oundmg and bonding ol the sign' should be e'1her direcUy malf<ed on the sign or label attached to the s,gn inc luded m tne ons1ana1Jon ,nstrucllons. or J>'OYided on a separate sheet or ta g sh,wed W(Jl the Sign . RFC i) APR 2 7 20\S ~ECE\Yt:t:, APR ?., 7 20\c; C\T ~~t © Copyright 2014, Ra msay Signs, Inc. Thestplansate lheexdusivepcoperryolR.lmsaySigns Inc the onginal wor1<.o l rts design team Tne., are subminea to you r company lo, tht scwe pupose ot 'fOI.I" consmraton ot \lrl'hether la purchase these plans or lO purchase from Ra msay Signs. Inc: ii sign man\J tictured 1ecordl'l910 these pli ns Oistnt>uoon Of 11xtubrt1eo o1 these plans to w,yone ottier !NO ~ees "'your company. or ust ol the se plans to COl'\.\trutr a S¥;1n sunlla r toff'l e ooeembodled he<em.1sexP'l!sslytort>tdden In the event that wch f..mblJ()l"I occurs. ~Y S.,,s Inc expects lo be retmbursed 15'l. ol totil p1oiect va'ue in co mpensation lor tune and etto, t entailed 111 c:ru1;no thesa plMIS ~ Page#: 1 Num ber of pages: 1 2 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #2 Photo inlay concept 9160 SE 74th Ave. Cl ient: Date: I Client Approva l + Dat e Rev i sions: 8/20/14 Portland. OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes Project Manager : 503.777.4555 12000 SE Petrovltsky Rd. TODD M. I Land lord Approval + Date 800.613.4555 Renton, Wa. 98058 Des ign : Fax 503.777.0 220 RS : CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS ra msaysigns.c om Leslie Sullivan • RFC' F:D APR ? 7 2Gi5 C N Existing Th e new ri ght of way line is located at th e back en d of the existi ng sign. Place new sig n to the left (back en d) of ex istin g. VERIFY OBSTR UCTIONS. I I I I L73 Groundie g and Bon<l111<J State ment for each per n~n ent y con nected sign tne 'al owin g statement or cqwvalent "This s1gr ,s ,mended 10 be msta l ec" the accordaoce with the requ1iemen ts of Arti cle 600 of fee ~a10°a 1 Electncal Code aad or othe• app ,c abl~ local codes Th,s includes prope• ground,ng and bo•d,ng ol lhe s1g1· srould be eit>er dlrecU1 ma•,cc on the ~g, or label attac'ied lo the s11111. 1°ctudeO ,n the ,nsta11ato n mstruc~o·s or prornled on a separate sheet or :ag s"'pped ~,th the ~g· © Copyright 2014, Ramsay S igns, Inc . These plans are the e1c-,si¥11 Pl'ClOefl;, or Ra ~1~i,~ S1Qrs ~"IC 1~-e 00(!,0l wM. o'rtsdts,g l'I IUm The/ are sobmf!ledtoyoorcoolpan~ 'o• ttw! Wit pu1pose DI YQt.f cons defatlOfl 01 w".Cl"ff to pu<C"l.i.$.C ~sc p1•i-:s °' 10 purr. "l•~e lrom Rams ay s,,o:,s inc a s~-r.a.nolactur ed accord,ngto t"le se ~.ll~S o ,s~n0<..Ho~ o· eih.Y.Jon o4 ~ese pAAs 10 a'1)'o/"e 01tet thar emp1oyees 01 you· corn;.)411)'. oi use 01 tht'sa plaPS to cons:iuct a SIQ~ smlrtottie:)f)temood.cdr,crc~ ·scwess ~ lort,.ddel'\ In the e,..er.t lhat siJCn e'\tl<t'llt,on occurs HamsJ ~ 54Qns he expec1s to be re.mt>.Jrsed 15~ of tot.ii i pro1ect wal ue ir com,enu:iOO !or d~ and ef'orl cnta,,eo 1n crea~no 1hese plains Pagett: 3 Number of pages: 12 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #3 6'-0" area for sign WEST ENTRANCE AREA -LOOKING EAST 9160 SE 74th Ave. Client: Portland, OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes 503 .777.4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . 800.613.4555 'I 91 Fa x 503.777.0220 Renton, Wa. 98058 rarnsaysigns .corn _Q_at~ I Client Approval + Date 8/20/14 Proiect Manager : TODD M. I Landlo rd Approval + Date Design: Leslie Sullivan Cl I N Cl . tO %" = 1..Qn Revisions: UNDER 32 SQUARE FEET 5'-11" J D/F NON ILLUMINATED SIGN WITH FCO ELEMEN TS L73 G·o.nd,ng and Bond,ig S1a1emen1 lo, each permanenly conriected sig, the fo11ow·ng statement or equiva cnt ·rttts sig~ s ntended to be ,ista ed ,n 1oe acco•dance w,th tee R5 : CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS • requ rements of A111cle 600 of lhe tlal<>nal Elec1·~~ Cooe and o, 01he1 aw:,cab e IOca codes Th~ ~eludes p<o;,e· ground1r19 and oonding ol tne sign· shookl be ~ther d rectl) 'llar~ed on tre s~n er label anached \O lhe sign, ,·coded in the nsta latt0n :ostr Jct,ans_ or prov:dcd on a separate sheet or :ag sh,pped N1h ttie s,;in RE(:r=\VED APR ? 7 2015 Cl "N © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Si gns, Inc. The\e plA"S ;ire lr\e CJ.ck.s,ve PfOO"'I) ol R.J~s.ay S,i,.,;ns r"lC t~ onginil: YrlOO. o' its desion team Ttte·, are wt}rm!!ed:O y()(;r tom;M") to• I~ SQlt ~1pcseot y0t.,r ~oos.atra:ion ol w~.ttne,, 10 purcrias.e ~$tP,MIS Of!O JlU'C'll<J> l·orr. Ramu·,. S,gr,s :r,c a s,on rranulacrured a.::corCioc lot'"eS(: piill"S U s111!>_!·on o• e\'h,or.,-:,n of !hest pians tCI a'l,On<' O".t'let 1"ar er1,lc,yetsol you· co··apa;n·,. or u~eot :ttese pan~ to coosl'.vtl a signsml1rto"tieooce11t,oo,M~C1c,n ,se\l)'tSSio,·l~n In the e"a't!nt t~dt such e'(h.bt or1 occur1, Ramsa, S-ons tnc e~pcc1s '.c ~ r(',mt:,ur-se(I 15,;, or 101,1 JKO:cc:: \J ~ 1n com.per.sa'IO': !Of 11.~ and efl011 eritai:.00 ~ crea:,."'Q :hest P:l'ls Page#: 4 Number of pages: 12 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #4 3/4" = 1-0" 9160 SE 74th Ave. Portland. OR 9720 503.777.4555 800.613.4555 (:<; t. 1911 Fax 503.777 0220 ramsays 1gns.com 1'-10" x 5'-0" sign pa nel S/F NO NI LLUM INATED SIGN . PA INTED PANEL (GREEN). WHI TE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANODIC BRONZE VINYL BACKGROUND WITH DIE-CUT DIGITALLY PRINTED LOGO. WEBS ITE/PHONE NUMBER STRIPE SHALL BE DIGATALLY PRIN TED. TWO 2" SQ TUBE WITH 1/4" FCO ALUMINUM DECORATIVE. PA INT DARK DURANOD IC BRONZE. Client: Date : I Client Approval + Date Revisions: 8/20/14 Grammercy Apartment Homes Project Manage r : 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TODD M. I La nd lord Approval + Date R5 : CHA NG ES TO SO ME OF SIG NS DUE TO SET BACKS Renton , Wa. 98058 Design : Leslie Sullivan • RECf-\\Jt:D ~rR ?, 1 ?_G\5 N en l)l Next to b ld g Fon I 75'h St. l 73 G•oc nd,ng and Bonding Staleme,1 lo• eac h pe<manertty connec ted s•gn lhe 10 110.v ng slalcmcrt or equi,a,cn l ·rr.s s gn s nt ended to be ,~sta l,ed '1 lne accordance w•th t"e 'e<iU rements ol Arlcie 600 o' the Natrona! Flechcal Code aod or oth~r appt cab ,~ :oca cOOes Tr.is lfictudes prope· ground ,~ ar d bOndmg ot lhe sign· shoo~ be e,t,er drectli 'TIJ••ed on t·,e sign or 'abei arached to the s,91. i'c.uded n t'e nsta labon ,nstruct,ons or P'O't ded on a separate sr~t or t,g Sh :pped w:th the s,an © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Signs, Inc . litese p!;ms are lt1e C(i)l;SM!: r..rooerr~ 01 R~..,~c1y Sigr·~ l"'C lhe ong,naJ Y.·Oll,. ot d:s deSIQO teJ1l ltie~ a,~s;,bm l'.M lo your c;o•"'Pdll'i' l,)r lt1e s.o .e pu1pose 01 :,-ou C0'1Sl0Cril1>0'1 o• ·Nhe'.~' 1-.'.; PJfCn.lS.C t.'l(!SC p.ans OflOpurc.'laS(' from RJ~Sa/SIQ~·S. he I SIQf: m-,nda~l .. red ~c0fd·f¥,i to t~ne P·iH'IS Orsmw1vr, 0t e('HO•!,Ol'l of l"es t piJ~s :o an-,o:-E ~!re1 ttiar ~'IPIO'tees o• ~ovcon-iu-1, O' i.sf' ol tht:;e p1,r·s 1ocons'.1JCI ~ s~ns1m~~r to 1rc on~ emboo,~C tie,e,. ,. 1Se>J):-ess) f()(:,.dde n 1~ tu ever! trJt s.oc 1 ext-m :l·on oc co's . •{3fl)~J~ S.~ns lnc opects 10 be ,e,mbu1sc-d 15" al :01.i t prc1ec• ~o:1:ue if' co'"peout-o,, f()( t:rnc 3-V.: el!Ji'.en'.:Jo eo ,nc ,ea:i,'lQ:he.;.e .ic:ans Pagett: 5 Number of pages. 12 14-682-R5 SIGN ITEM #5 }:,";:; 1-0" (:-t 9 I 2'-1 O" ( +) x 4'-0" sign panel -(bend sid es -see photo) S/F NONILLUM INATED SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANODIC BRONZE VIN YL BACKGROUND WITH DIE-CUT DIGITAL LY PRINTED LOGO. MOUNT TO EXISTING BASE -USE EXISTING SQ TUBE. 9160 SE 74th Ave. Client: Date: I Client Approva l + Date Revisions: 8/20/14 Portland , OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes Proiect Manager : 503.777.4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . TODD M. I Landlo rd Approval + Date 800 .613.4555 Renton, Wa. 98058 Desig n : f ax 503 .777.0220 RS : CHANGES TO SOME OF SI GN S DUE TO SET BACKS ramsaysigns.com Lesl ie Sullivan • R VED 1\PR ?, 1 '2.0\S Si!!n #6 on 17St 11 St N L73 G•o,M ng asd Bond,ng Stalfment tor eac h oermanen t'y con oecled sig, the lo:1ow,ng statement or equ,va ee l 'Tt•s s gn ,s ntenccd to tie ,osta>ed m the accordance w,th t•c 'eQu rem,n:s 01 Arnc te 600 of !he tlat,onal l lectncal Cod, and or 01he, apphcab'e loca codes This 1<1clU<les p,o;,e· o•ound1ng an d bono1og o! the sign· shoUld be either d rectly 'lWked on tre s~n or label anached to the s,g,. re uded ,n t!'e nsta la lion ,nstuct ons o• p,ov•ded <>'1 a separm s~ee t o• tag sh Pi>'1d N1h \t>e sign © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Signs, I nc . T'lesc p,ans are ITIC CXciuSive PfOIM!fT\'OI Ra rrsay S1.gns :oc tne onginal wor\< ot tts 08SJOO tea~1 l'le)' ,ue $;.bl'M '.00 to y01.,;r CO'f'lp.ln, lo,, thf <;,°"3 p1.:1posl.'of )'(lt1r cons.aerillio'l of .,.,hethe' to p-Jrc!\ase IJ'ltst PJanS or to l)UfChase Ir Qi n Ra m~v S,gns _ Inc a sigr martl.l ilClvOOa::co•ClnQ l otht~1 p,ans Oistn~1011 Of eno:.or. ot l~es.e pla"'~ '.o arif:)OI:' o:he• tl ... 111 cmpJoyees ot -,,:x.r co mr>a;~i <Y L~OI rritse pran!. :o co"!i:truc'. a s1~n s11r·~ar IJ lt'e one embodied herei n 1s e<t1·ess~1 to,btode:, 1·1 t"le e,erl r.:at w,:.r-cxt-:,M,ori occ,m, ~dm..l'f S,g,,s ~v e,pt:cts to bt •etmbursed 15'k. o l tc:lill PIO .~! vl1ue ;O cornpens ~t~, !Of t:n~3'ltl etl 01:enta ~ ~c:eal ''1 t.,ese p.~r1s Pagett : 6 Numbe r of pages 12 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #6 Map Sign is to be 3/16 '' Dib o nd pan e l w ith digit a l pr inted v in y l a ppli ed fir st surface, affixed to the sc r ee n fence w ith counter s in k screws. Dimensions are 48" by 48" and mounting heig ht: 9160 SE 74th A·,e. Client: Date: I Client Approval+ Date ~MSAY Portland. OR 9720 Grammerc y Apartment Homes 8/20/14 Pr01ecr Manage': lGNS 503 777 4555 12000 SE Petrovit sky Rd . 800.613.4555 TODD M. I Landiord Approval + Date I Fax 503.777.0220 Renton , Wa. 98058 Design. -'\J ral'1sdys1gns.com Le slie Sullivan I Rev1s,ons: ~ 48" ~ •• ..;J l>-~._r:, 1;,. a·c Co,;~i g 5'.3te -~ fi.;r !-3: ;-.,~· l.f":t'l\ (Jf ,e :Ir<;: s-,/ 1 ti ~ fnllo,;.·.q; :.Id.It' -:-·-e· t u· ei~.;i•. ]1-~rr ... t;i:= sigr- s r•-~-.::c: •,, ~c 1:1s:a:::-'J ·r ::-e ~(:crcc.rrl! .i: t1~ n-~· ~[·~' c,::1:-~ i0:::i c: '.;!:: T· ~ r,J_~(l~s :.rq; -r qL r'!"r···:3 ..,, ,t:·,··., 3CO c-• ·t ~ ,\;·t::1,il E1c.:t·ic.il C1i.!t ~ ' . ;r:u1d1~" a·d ::c:1;:n., 01 ·~~ $'~,..· s~~,Jj ce ;:.+-:er i::J ··,::: "'"lY~ ,,. "r. ·:: •\;1 r ,1~~ ~:1il: IE!.'. I:. tt-F-).,,;-1 r .. J(!e~ ,r; 'h: ·s•·t: ''.i~ ·1 usr. ,::ac!'1: o· o-:.,·Cc·: or a ;e~Ya'.8 ;t'.~e· :r :aq :t-1!"1"·' ~ "'·r •...,p ~r ~ ' 00 • -.:::t ,...... LD t • RECE\VED Mfl.Y OS 20'5 C\TY Of RENTON f-!,N~" . , '' v•c ·". @ Copyrighl 2014, Ramsay Signs, Inc. Page~: 10 '.;! • f "·'· , ,trr:i w"'l.. o' ·~ ·e• ,~· ·~· r:- e· ,!<)'i:J;:0:1 C : ~· ,:,·_ : l." ~ .: 'l~ .r ~.J'J i; .t, ·1 •• -s~ ~.'. . ..., n ·11~ "',+:'~,1 ~rt(~•;· !o ~i·ia::f1J' o, _: R!":.. .. ,· S,l,1-,, e:i_:.: t; ~i~ t1;. r; ~· ~c:r! • \ ·1 t;:•J: , 'Cli .:' , 1 b1 'p' p,1'.lt'S l '1 14-682-R3 SIGN ITEM #7 0 I :.:,- f:: t b T""" I N )11 S/F NONILLUMINATED SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. 1 '-6 " INSTALL ON EXISTING POST -REPAINT POST DA RK BRONZE 9160 SE 74th Ave. Client: Da t e: 8/20/14 Port land. OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes Proj ect Manager : 503.777.4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . TODD M. 800.613.4555 Fax 503.77(.0220 Renton, Wa. 98058 Design: ramsays1gns.com Leslie Sullivan I Client Approval + Date Revisions: RS: CHANGES TO SOM E OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS I Landlo rd Approva l + Date '<l-'._'F\\/ t:D .\,; ~, s 1 ': fl \S Sign #8 in fro nt o f tov{ers r 8 WI & 8 a • L73 Groundicg and Bood ng Stalement for each permanenty connecled sign L'1e l~klw1ng s:a1emen1 0< equi,alenl "This s,g, 1s m:ended l o be •nslal~d m tl'e acc0<dancc w,lh the req,,rer-eo ts of Arucle 600 ol the \at,ona l tlec:rcal Cooe amt 01 olhe· app ,ca ble local codes T!,,s ,ncludes pr ope• grou,d 1Cg and bonc,-g o• the s,gn • s•ould be eit"e' d,rectl·1 ma·lec on the s,gn or label an ached 10 It>, s,gn iac•uded ,n the mslailat ·on 1nstructMs or prov:ded on a separdte sheet or ~g sropped w,lh lht s,qn © Copyright 201 4, Ra msay S igns, In c . These pl.ins aretl'le excllls 1 ... e f)(opcr[), ot R,rnsa~· S1Qrs 1~.c tne DO!JlflJ '""'DfJ..0'1tsdes,gn l eam lhcf .t1 re &11:>mr1fd•o ,rourcornpMl/ 'or 1rie Sl),C 11·,roose o• yOLr rnns oe•at,on ol w".e l!'lilr to pu,rcT'lase !t.es~ p:ans °' to Ourt'lll:Se h;mRamiu1ySgns ,nc JS'9fl<T"Ju.A~ctweO.iCCOf(11ng101•·t~r: pla'1S lksT11!)..l,o :1 o· t~i 1,t)t'1l')C Of '.!"libf pl.;ns !Li d'1';~t Nlet 1:·1411 trr,p10yc-eso1 ~Ou' comp.;iny Df use ofTM::se plar-s tot:oostr .. ,1 a SIQ~ sm 1.1· to1ie ::inee;iood .ed nere1n ·s e>.pre:ss 1ylortudoen ~1 n)P. ~it 11.-,1 su<..h e~:1,hlh1u oo;wr~ Ral •~~f ~n;;. me t•pe-:1s t::i be re,mbur scd 1 s, ol tota l proiec: 1;a1ue 1r, C()fllt)eOS,d'.1.,J."' tor t,:,~ ;t•)lj eNVI e11ta1 o:d If'\ Uttd~'n(J t hese p!d )S Pagett: 8 Number of pages 12 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #8 3/4" = 1-0" 9160 SE 74th Ave. Portland , OR 9720 503.777.455 5 800.613.4555 t.S 191 Fax 503.777.0220 ramsays1gns.com 1 '-4" x 3'-3" sign panel S/F NONILLUMINATED SIG N. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WH ITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANODIC BRONZE VINYL BACKGROUND WITH DIE-CUT DIGITALLY PRI NTED LOGO. ADDRESS STR IPE SHALL BE DIGATALLY PR INTED. STUD MOUNT TO WALL WITH 1" SPACERS. Client: Date: I Client Approval + Date Revisions: R5 : CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS 8/20/14 Grammercy Apartment Homes Project Manager : 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . TODD M. I Landlord Approval + Date Renton, Wa. 98058 Design : Leslie Sullivan • \< D P,,P\{ '2 7 ?G\S C Leasing Ce nte r , 73 Groond1~ and Bood,ng Statement 10< each pe•manent y con"ecled s1ge !he loliowmg statemem 0< equrvaeol ·r~,s stg" s ,mended 10 be 1ns12l1ed ,n Uie accordance w,lh Ule rcqu rernents o1 Artkle 600 ol lhe Nat,ona, Electnc~ Code and or other ap1Hcable IOC~ codes This ,ncludes proper 9rouM1"9 and bona,·g o• the s,gn· ~nould be either ~reclli ,wked on ire s,g, or label anacheo to lhe sign ,·cudea m lhe nsta 1a1;:n nstr ,c'.oos 0< pro~ded oo a separa le snee t or :ag sh,pped w th tlie s,gn © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Signs, Inc . The~ plars are the eack.ls·ve p<OllCfl~ 01 ~:n~ay$ig'1S. Inc ~ OOQ·OJ \lil ort,.ofrtsdtSIOl'l leam They aresobrr'rtfed to ,'OIJI' compan) lo· tne ~--pu,pose ot )'Ov! coo~dera'.oo cl wr-ctr,erto pur Cl'lil:s.cmese pjars or lo pure.ruse l·omRamsa,S;gns :r,c as,go"l'lam,tacru•~accordlngto:hes, olans U·stnt>c.t,ot o· e \'h.Of'.tOr. ot mese p;ans to a";one o:"et 1\311 ef"'lplOyees cl ~oo· cor1~rr,. Of vs e rft these plifr!s ioconsirlj\;I J sigrs sim lli':O :he ooee.11:>0d.ednere!O 1S e,p'eWylc.itb<ddt'-" In the ev-em t'i<1( suet, e:dN)rtton occ-..rs. 1-\arm.af 5,grs he upec1~ 1;;. be re,mburstd 1 S\. ol 101a P'01ect wa:ue w· comotnsJ'.~" f0< tl'rle a~ ef'lort tnta~e-d u, creatng :hese p_ans Pagett: 9 Number of pages 12 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #9 9160 SE 74th Ave. Client: Date: I Client Approval+ Date - Port lan d. OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes 8/20/14 503.777.4555 Project Manager : 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . TODD M. I Landlord Approval + Date 800.613.4555 l 911 Fa x 503777.0220 Renton , Wa . 98058 Design: ramsays1gns.com Leslie Sullivan co I Revisions: RFC:FI\IED AP,-{_ 2 7 2015 C .~ 4'-0" Resident Center 1" = 1-0" S/F NONIL LUM INATED SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANOD IC BRONZ E VINYL BACKGROUND WITH DIE-CUT DIGITAL LY PR INTED LOGO. ALL GRAPHIC S SHALL BE VINYL . S i g n #10 Wes t C lu b h o u se © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Signs, Inc . ; hese plans are thee<c:us:,.ii, ~ooer:y ot H3rnsa'{ S.gris ·nc t~ ong n31 wo11i: Of i'$ de',,grt tea'fl Page#: 10 R5: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGN S DUE TO SET BACKS • L/3 Ground,•g and Sood ng Statement for each pcrmanenry co11nected sign the lol!owmg statement°' equ1talen1 ·n11s sign is intended to be 1nstal'cd in tt,c accordance witt1 the reQu,reircnts ot AIIKle 600 ot the ~aiona Electrca, Coce They a·e subm:nec to'(0\;1 cor'J'pa~y l0ttne s:.ie purp::,s(' o! your COl'b.Clt<ation 01 Whefh•:H !Op1,1Chilse ttit!>t pl.ans OI lo 1w·~hase •rwfl2ms.a"1Stgos. 1~c. a~nml"IL!.actufcdaao,crr.10tteS(: pl,305 Number of pages 12 an<\ 01 ottie· app ,cable fx~ codes Th s ,nctudes prO!Je< g1ousd,ng ,nd bo0di-g o1 the s,g,,· s~ould be e1:1·er d,reCff/ ma·k~ on the s,go or label anached to tne sicn mciuocc'" the 1nst2i1aton 1nslructio1s O< proml~d oo a separate shee1 Of tag s~p;,c<I with the s,gn D·slrit>il,on or c.1.h1~1(}1 ol l~~e pii~s !o .a-:1·1 :_'lf: o't·e· rr ,w e . ..,ployetsol y:;.or compa~~-er u~ ct l~cse p,;1;ris :o co,sl'Lct .. )IIJl'l s•m~.irtolheo"ttmtY.>d~rt tw!'.i! n 1s ~t p-es:.~, 10:btdr!en ,n the C~t01 1~a1 :-.JC~ f):.t'U~!(H' OC.CJrS. :U,1'1S.l)" S:Qr'IS ·'!'IC e•pe-cts to he rtH.,burs~ I~'\ cl t;tal pro.e<:I vau'! :J c()(J1')Crsa110" l:>rlJffiC a1dcttor1 e--la.k!d: rnc!!al nQ rttescplil_;s 14-682-R5 SIGN ITE M #10 SAMPLE LAYOUTS 2'-4" F J 11912 17317 3/4" = 1-0· BUILDING IDENTIFICATION PLAQUES 42 ( +/-) ALUMINUM SIGN PANELS (VERIFY) 9160 SE 74th Ave. Client: Date: Client Approval + Date Revisions: 8/20/14 Portland, OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes Project Manager : 503.777.4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TODD M. 800.613.4555 Landlord Approval + Date RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS t )11 fax 503.7710220 Renton , Wa. 98058 Design: ramsays1gns.com Leslie Sullivan RFC:EIVFD 1"\Pk 2 7 2015 IJldg S ign s ~ LIST OF SIGNS AND COLOR CODE -A-11909-2 -B-11917-2 • C-11925-2 -D-11921-2 -E-11913-2 -F-11912-2 -0-11908-2 -H-17409-1 -1-17405-1 • J-17317-1 -K-17313-1 -L-17303 ·2 -0 -17 204-l -P-17112 -2 -Q-118U-l -R-11819-2 -S -17123 -I -T -17226 -2 -U -171 34 -I -V -17128 -1 -\\ 1 -17 I 22 -I -Y-17110-2 -Z -17100 -2 -ZZ-17101-1 N \, -M-11818-2 -W c•s l C ]u bhous l'.-.. VERIFY -N-11808-2 -(FT ) 17220-I • L 73 Grounding a~d Bond,~g Statement lo• each wmanent y connecled s,gr the to11ow,ng. stalemem o• eq. u,va en! 'This s,g, s rn'.ended to be msta'led 1n trc accordance with t•e requ,rements of Aructe 600 of the Nauonat Elect'IC~ Ca<re a net or other applcab e loca codes Thrs ~c,udes proie· croundrnq and oondmc of the sign· shook: be eilher d reclly malked on ll'e SIIJn Of label attached to the sign nc uded ,n tee nstaldlrcn nstrnct~ns. o· prwded on a separate stieet or tag sh pped w th the sign © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Signs, Inc. lhese pl;ms a·e l"lee'<ciuSM:I propert)·or Harr.say &gns Irie the CNlQ:10aJ.,.,(nolrtsdc~n!t.am 1 Ile~ are submft':ed to )'(kJt CO'l1patlt' lor the ~ purpose ol yOUf co,siderat o, o1 whether 10 pJrchJs.e ~esc p·ans o, ~o pw.:hase l·om R.t-nuySIQl'IS_ 11\c a s~nman~lact;.red lCCord~ lo tr.est olar.s lh,:nt>uiOr or e~in.too ol ,~.t::.e J)la".S :o .lf'lt;)flt C)j)cf 1tan emp·oyeesof-,0t.rcon:pa,11 o· u~ol rmsep,.;n~to consb,cia <..tgr <;imda• !o ft-,e one Ernhot'!itd t>er1~m 1"' P.itp·esst,• fo•brdO(.'fl In the e11er1 ttiat Sutt' e,..r,ti,t:an occurs. -=tl.11Sa) S,ons inc expects to be •e1e:,bu,!>cd 15'\ of tctal pro.eel ,.tu! ,n co11;iensit,ort !or t:rnc m c-Hort cnt.t:le<l Ill cre.u oq :hese pjans Page tt: 11 Number of pages: 12 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #1 0 9160 SE 74th Ave. Cl ient: Portla nd, OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes 503.777.4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . 800.613.4555 1 , 1 Fax 503.77 7.0220 Renton, Wa. 98058 ramsaysigns.com Date: 8/20/14 Proje ct Manager : TODD M. De si gn : Leslie Sullivan I Client ~roval + Date I La ndlord Approval + Da t e Revis i ons: . s::t" I R5 : CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DU E TO SET BACKS RE(-:EIVF.D Cur port p In q tH', # • ~ I -16 ~ REPLACE PARKING NUM BER SIGNS. NUMBERS :1 THRU164 APR 2 7 2015 CHi ) PAINTED ALUMINUM WITH WHITE VINY L NUMERA LS THRU 164 '-6" • ,/3 Grounding an d 800<!,ng Stalemenl lor each permancnly connec ted srgr lhe lollovm19 sta lemeni o· equiva ent ·1 n,s s•gn s :ntenc!ed lo be =ns!a!!ed ;n t':c accortlance ·.vith l"e •equ remen:s o! Arhc le 600 o• the Nahonal Elcctnca Cooe and.'or ollie; apphcdt.i;e loca codes T .. ,1s 1rc:udes pm;)er grounO:llil and :ionor"l, ol t'1C s~n· shocld bee-the, d,,ec:ly marked on !tie sign or label anac~ed lo '.he s,gn ncluded :n tnc nsta latJon ~structJons o, P'OV 'C~ on a sepa·ate sr.eet o, ta g sh~ ~Ith the srgn . '-6 " © Copyright 2014, Ramsay Signs, Inc . lhese pl :tr-s ,ue~ e1CltJ~,ve Pfop.!'I~ of R~rrs.1;ys..,_M Ire tM ong~il / ..,.0t1,. 01 tts 6esig n team !he, are so~1'.ledto ~· rnrn;i..trr1 IOf II"'° ',(~p1.,.1p1seo1y:,t~ co1si<W.it10001 wlirthc1 to pu•.,;M~t!"oi!se p.ians Drto pu,cr-.as~ l romR.>'flsa, S,o:is ':oc a 5'01"! mMJ1.;l ~clL1eda.::co"Cln'w l:J 11 es~ plar.., D,stn~IO~ Gf cxh D1t1oo o* t"ese pir' :o .nr~ o:her 1t·.,11 ernp oy~s ol )'Our c;o·:-µ.t')t tY 1.1,1:ol fhtsP µ;in~ ta r.t>~s1·ue• a s~n S1T';larta me one l!"H>od~ hereirt ,se,JYl!SSly !O(bl.:ldco h I~!! e-~e··t t~-l\ sue.~ e• .. 10.t.01• OCC:.11S. ilJ'Tl5.J)' Slf,J'lS fn,: l'~pech lo ~ re 1m1>o1!.00 15"' ol 111.1.1 i::uoec.1 va \Je ,;r,; COl'l'lpc(ISl!I-Ot! to, b/'r'!C a~ eMottc-ntl led ., CIUI ~ l"'e~ pCJJiS N Page it: 12 Number of pages 12 14 -682-R5 Grammercy Apartment Homes 17425 120th Lane SE Renton, WA 98058 Sign locations shown on Design plan pages 9-11 Site Plan: ID Building Panels 2-24-15 1" = 100' I t N -Building panels y' -,:i ;;O I:..:) -:I ~ r-0 0 z Li-! ~ (' ~ = ('-I r- SIGN IT EM #1 CN 0:: 0.... 4 -· u ~ D/F NONILLUMINATED SIGN CONSISTS OF PAINTED PANE LS (GREEN OR BRONZE) -2 PANELS BACK TO BACK. East Entrance-: Sign #2 placeme-nt location be-hind Easeme-nt COLORS TO MATCH COLOR CODE -PAINT. VINYL. (ANO/OR) DIGITAL PRINT -AT FACTORY DISCRETI ON . color code DECORAJNE SUPPORT STRUCTURE lWO 2" SO TUBE WITH 1/4" FCO AL UMINUM DECORATIVE. PAINT DARK DURANODIC BRONZE. 9160 SE 74th Ave Client· ,_-Portland, OR mo Grammercy Apartrnem Homes ~ mm.= 12000 SE Petrovitsky Ad. 800 61) 4555 Remon, wa. 98058 1 Fu S03 7710220 ramsays19ns com Date t,'20/1 4 Pr~ect Manager TODD M. ~ Lesie Sulivan RURAL GREEN SW6418 PENN'rWISE SW6349 DURANODIC BRONZE I Client Apprn.,,~I .. nil,~ ...... . .. v,~ I ~R~"~"~'o~ns~---------------- AS : CHANGES TD SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS I landlord Approval • Oat• •'"""""'"' __ .. __ cornncl ~ t'll lobfflg a-lid QI tQl,MJWI -'U '4", <S noinoed~ct~., .. ~-"' ~olN!ldl600111 .. 'Ub:lr.ii t!Kt'alCO)t A"d'ara,m~10t.1«iat1 Th,Jill(.t..,I»$~ ~ ~~~af'-tsq1"il'weN.e,.,--.:,, ,........,~~WS,,IJl..:i.l~ .... ~ ,oaclt,hl ~Nl\.c:ID'\I o,;r,-:111 &U(llll'lll~OI~ ~.-.11,-'9' C Copyright 2014 , Aemny Sfvn•, lne . 1-.......... -.-.._..,.,~~-... ...... -.. ll ... -r..., ______ b" ... __ .,,.... _...,,,,_._..._..,.Ir ___ =--.,~ ........ _.......~"-0.-.-•----·---;:::~c-~=-=--..::;~· ..... __ -.u __ ~~---h· .. --U\.a.., -··-• .__.-~ .... -.......... _ _. Page II: 1 ~umoer of pages · 'l 14-682-RS SIGN ITEM #2 5'-2" 3/4" PUSt-1-THUR ILLUMINATE D GRAPHIC. DIGITALLY PRINTED VINYL OVERLAY. Manufacture and install one D/F illuminated monumnet sign End View b ~ b ~I ;:;; ;:;, CONCRETE PAD -2-1/2" ABOVE GRADE -12 ·~· IN LENGTH BY 2' IN DEPTH, 2·-1 0· UNDER 32 SQUARE FEET 8'-0" 3/4" PUSt-1-THUR ILLUMINATED COPY. DURANODIC BR ONZE VINYL OVERLAY. VINYL COPY 1/4. FCO ALUMINUM DECORATIVE ELEMENTS. PAI NT 2 COLORS TWO S/F CABINETS IIIOUNTED BACK TO BACK. 3/4" ACRYLIC PUSH -TH RU GRAPHICS WITH DURANODIC BRONZE VINYL. MOUNT TO POLE COVER ANO 2" SQ TUBE FRAME. PAINT CABINET (2) TWO COLORS. ~ color code ~-l 1 -1 gra SIIIMIIS-7777 11-iarammercy.com ~ Oc1te ___ I Chent_~_~ro\·al • Dale 9160S[ 74tr' ,..,.e 8/20/14 Po•taM OR 9720 Grammert:y Apartment Homes Prc1e-ct Manager 5037n4555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd . TOOO M. J La~d.ard Appra ... a + Date 800 613 4555 Renton, Wa. 98058 OP_~~ 'd~ 503 771 0220 ·•msi,St<ll'IS COl"'I Leslie Sullivan ~e~1s1oos RURAL GREEN SW6418 COBBLE BROWN PENNYWISE SW6082 SW6349 DURANODIC BRONZE RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS • • ."!C:"l)l.~.l~{l.lni:"'-~7.&~.;-~a.;.·:,1-.iw:-, ::w~~---~1')'"""""'"'~···'1'1..,..,. • -~;p~~~'.'w,ii,.;~C.-.C.t...e-t<t 'IC).,"IITW!Cll/,:IIQl/l:i,3r"!ll'llltJr ... i,e,:;'U:~ ,0:(JI ·'l'W.iix,<~~<X..11..:Jlrl ttitni;,,:in:,(;..~ ~ ~-.....,.-;.A:ietdr';cl'!-.e4"VQ..::.;w:-<f'.W-t.:'1', -.,'\.:.,;i/Jfr.,~:ll.l:lolli"~X,._.'4'~ !"<e >fltlllff~:i:.'."'°"-1J:~~o-.·«(.-·...,. ;.:ie;: r'!'ticv, C Copyfighl l014, Aanuay 5J9,'l.t;, Inc. q..:=.·· , ... _~·-~ .. ~q. .. ,..,_.__ ... _ • ..,..'I' ··~--·~·-----~,,,--"<:;..· ...... ~ .. ..,..,,.,.,. .... :: .. -... ... !,.y,.,c1....-............ ~ .... ;.:~--~- l~l<h_c,l_-11:...---r ... ---,-~ ... ...._., ..... 1~ .. ~ .... ,1,:,;-.:,A .............. ~,.·---·-1-,.1'1·- ......... "'#. w':" ···"'"-" ~-"' ................ .... ·~.;:...i..'*~.;.;. •. ~.:..-.. ~::..:.~ Page II . 2 ·Ot!,U ,::!;"' 14-682-RS S IGN IT EM #3 6'-0' area for sign ---1 WEST ENTRANCE AREA -LOOKING EAST 9160 S£ 74t~ li~e, C11e-nl Porli.Jn{I. OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes 503 77~ 4SS5 12000 SE Petrovitslcy Rd. 80( 613 4551 F°,l( 503 777 0220 Renton , Wa. 98058 "d1'"1UVS•Qrs~o~ Da!e I Chtnt Apercva. + Da!~ 8/2()/14 Pro1ect ManaQer TODD M. I LJid.ord Appro~a, + 0,3te Des191 Lesie Sullivan UNDER 32 souARE FEET 5'-1 1' ~ D/F NONIL LU MINATED SIGN WITH FCO ELEMENTS ~e~1s1oos RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACK S • ~ .·:ic~n;ll'~~~:.:a~·-"~,...~°" ,1ll'l'>fQe,~,..,. .... ·,1ntt·'¥,)1'~JJ'O.,.e,,l'';,,,7 ,,,,..~lll:itr.i'.illc<N.:COo'.:.n:t~'"'tl ~'rilllltlC11'-'~it/;t,:;1N-...,1.,,.1t.:rue,.,.. .-.:.,~.o::in«u;;1:;o;:lt) ''lon::·..0.1:w:IOC" '¥S""'7,;;."IC!'iclr~(T:l't!,lf¥',-"O-ect ... <l'«.c:. ......... a,::.yr......-:s~~-.:11n.....q,_.-,\m!"~ ~.i.,r!>)c.(;,o,;.'i!o '.T~'311:·:,,,-,b~•7;c ~,~-.n~ Cl Copy,11,iht 201,&, AamU:'y ~-. lnG. --.... ,\ ... ''If .. '.-"'-"' .,,.. ,.q ·, ... -.;,"l,·t.·,",.,.. Paqe ll. 4 -n,.,,_o;,,.-,,_,.., ..... -~ ll'V• ·"· ,,._,......,_._.._, ....... -.. ......... ,,,.,.,., .•. "::. ...... · .. ,.-."' .. ., ............ '-.. -~~ ... o~ -iii-=~ ~-=:~~~:~"~!:...'"";"~ 14-682-RS ~··----·:,.,,.,..--........ _.\ .. ,- .. ..,.,_...,._...,, •• ___. ,, .... -t,,,',1,1,..,-,0 O•)IM'> .... h ............. , ,.,,. • '°"" •<N-' ,...., ,~--.""-· .... ,,.,,,. . ...,...,.-, ... ......,. .. _...,.. S IGN ITEM #4 ~ 9160 s~ 1~ir-A.\t Po·t ond. CA 97{0 5C37T!45S5 300.6" 3 4;55 Fu 503 777 OZZO ·arrsa~·s,;ns ::n 1'-1 o· x s· -0" sign pane l S/F NONILLUMINATEO SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANOOIC BRONZE VINYL BACKGROUND WITH DIE-CU r DIGITAL LY PR INTED LO GO. WEBS ITE/PHONE NUMBER STRIPE SHALL BE DIGATALLY PRINTED. TWO 2· SQ TUBE WITH 1/4" FCO ALUMINUM DECORATIVE. PAINT DARK DURAr.ODIC BRONZE. c11erit Oate (hiJnt Aptro\·<r .. Oate Qe~l~(Q~S .. 812(\/1 4 Grammercy Apartment Homes Pro1e<:t Managr,r 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TOOO M. Lardiorc Apprcva .. )ate Renton, Wa. 98058 Des,gr RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS Leslie Sullivan N~xt to b lJ,g Fon 175,h St. • ~C"Ol....:~rcl:lnc-.. ~:;:n_.-;~u,.;..·~~.-., r,;l«~!-liJ"~..-...,~~ ll'O,,o\o-.'1 ... ,.,.,.., ,•~'D:.C~r:"li<.Zt,l!l,;fl,,t~~ -."ll'l'll'IS~-'--~:ll~\JLY.t.1..,:::"~....,..,, n:.x,.,::,W,,1f.Qf'.4tloc llL.il~ ,,..,,11.Ar-.~ @) ,p.,..llOIQVC:.0:~11'!'Wliqi",,-a..c:t:w;to1>,. Qr+.~, ....... -,.:,rr-.. ui:;-:11~ ... ...,...._~""''4 ..,,,..."'<I,~ .t.1,,11.o.,,r~O".--:,,.;IJ',~*'"«-·.-; • ,:ot: ... ,,. :t~..,. C Copyright 2014. Aamuy Signa. Inc:. ...... ,.,.,, ........ ,._,,,._.., . ..._~-,.,,......,.._,. ._, .... .-..-... -._ -"'~-"""""'.~~ ,~.-..-~ --->--............ _..,,,,.;,,,,--..... '-" ... ,...~,<( ,--.. -.... ......., ... -,.::.·- ·:-·-----·1';-,N<r.'lt .... -··~ .......... ,.,. ... _,,._,.....,w,.,., -c·-· ... ____ ......... ~~- .. ~.;~ ~·· .. ~;.:.;~, \ ;;.:"~.~~ ..... """-.. '°',,,,_ • ..:,,.,,·..-......i· ... ~--. PaGe ". 5 \. ·c, ·.• ·,:, 14-682-RS S IGN ITEM #5 ~ 2'-1 O" ( +) x 4'-0" sign panel -(bend sides -see photo) S/f NONILLUM INATED SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GR EEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANODIC BRONZE VINYL BACKGROUND WITH DI E-CUT DIGITALLY PR INTED LOGO. MOUNT TO EXISTING BASE -USE EXISTING SQ TUBE . Rev1s101s c:1rnt WL l~r-~va_l + Oate 9160 SE 74!1' A.ve 8,12(ll1 4 Port:dn~. CR 972C Grammercy Apartment Homes PrQJecl Managt"r SC37'7 455 5 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TO DD M. I Landlord Ap prml • Date SOO 6"3 4SS5 Renton, Wa . 98058 D~!·Q .n_. __ . fax SOJ 77~ 0220 R5: CHANGE S TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS •arrsanqrscon Leslie Sullivan • • :'J;.,,,,~lllC~S.:.i:.e.....-:·tYa.;.•:,t,.i'W':', , C.Copyrlght2014,AamuySl,gn1,lnc. ta:>!'l:"«llClql .... l~c',(;ttnr.~Y~W"l·•.,-~..,,, ,...;;.,.-::,.";;:•..:oq'.:'°.,:''-·, ...-..~.,.-. ,,,.~u:ie~11:-w...._o,~sw't:.>,e •. -...-, .,,.,_,~ .... .,. ..... _.,,.._ . .,. ~~ofk:dUlC:ff'IIIUUll'.1J1«t''•"'°'" -·--·.,.,,_ '11),.0,: ........... ,,,),,o'l(<t.;:,.r··-..,,.v .... ,., .... ,,,.,., .. ,o.,-.'10<! ... ,_ .. l,; ....... • •·.!~\>.'"lll""°t...t-e•Uwo.)r> 'r,1.10.tdf,.1~ - @) 9'.,.,.-drw;.-,c~IS'lll,q1".hwc ;.e .-,c,;i.-t-:!'/ -~«Noq,:,,ar~"X-N,v-,r.:.t.:e:1P"W' ~~"or:\.~~,,,.,wc..-l't~ill-... i,/,·,:.;Jl(...,:"11~· ~ ... ;-=.: :-i:.~i.;::.~ ~ "· -<·-· 7'0---·-..... -.......... ..... _ .. ...,. ............ .. ,. ........... -•• , "• .. .,l > ......... ... ..._.,.. ... ,e,,,.,.,...i-..-......... --. Page=: 6 \. ::at; 0 , 1; 14-682-R5 SIGN ITEM #7 !, .. ~ .:.. S/F NONILLUMINATED SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. 1'·6" INSTALL ON EXISTING POST -REPAINT POST DARK BRONZE 9160 ~E 74t!'I l.~e Chent Date 8/2(1/1 4 Po:11,1ntl_ OR 9720 Grammercy Apanment Homes Pro1ect ManaQ.f!__ SOJ71745S5 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TOD D M. 800 6134555 fa( )OJTH·J220 Renton , Wa . 98058 Oes,2n ·amu~wJrs co~ Leslie Sullivan ~ro~a•Odte Re~m~s RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS Lal'ldioril A.pprotta' + OdtE' Sign #8 in fr ont of towers I ..-.... C'lJ& I -a • :,i;,:,.,-~ll'C~S~'~ACIPf':"'l"offl:', C~~,wfl""lll~tu:r.'«'!Yte<.,,.,,llwr "•., -~ l -~,1!1f~,Cl,t°lf~j1,~f.C-"1 iq...,at1'<1'1tisllk:1t1ro;J;Jft'lll'W..lr•CcCT~.11:ooc r.:.J1ci,w~,c11Jo1..:al(NU "."!'&$ ~~ C: Copynv.ttt 2014. RMn"Y ~n•, Inc. -IM"~· , ___ ............... . ............. ~,.. ~ft:='~~::,:~ S:i:-:_~E:tf Pago 11 8 \ .. rr':JC< 'I' /~':.~ . 7·-'lllw.d~.,.._oi ... ~·IIW<:..""'4"~"-~ / ""..__.,--._",·--;-...... ""::"· 114-682-R5 -..--.»11h~(ll-"""l.#<.""-k:tlil!>-9"0ll~l:"e ...,. .............. --.. ---.~- ~i*°O'"<l":.n.nori1 Y;:f~.X:ai,!1C',t,l'it!e~-ll:.i( >'Wlf!f. .~ '.r'~ I,")' .... ·"'1 '"~-................ '-•'-'• ~--.., ........ -~ ,. -~-...... _ .,, -~ --.. , ..,., ·-__ ,.., ____ .... ___ --·-- SIGN ITEM #8 ~ 916C SE !41tiA,e. PcliLJrd. 0~ 9720 5037774515 6CO 613'555 t ' 19 ' ru 503 7"10220 r.1m~iffS,~ns corr. 1'-4" x 3'-3" sign pane l S/F NONILLUMINATEO SIGN. PAINTED PANE L (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANODIC BRONZE VINYL BACKGROUND WI TH DIE-CUT DIGITAL LY PRINTED LOGO. ADDRESS STRIPE SHALL BE DIGATALLY PRINTED. STU D MOUNT TO WAL L WITH 1 • SPACERS. c1,ent Date I C',e•t App,o,al • Om Rev s;ons Grammercy Apartment Homes IV2W14 Sign #9 Leasing Center -..:::::a:c---;_w::"""'""'"1.f'-.j Paqe II 9 e Copyrio;,Jht 2014, 11'.muy Slgna, lrte. ...... ~._-.. ,.-._.,_,, .... I •• , .... _. .......... RS : CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS Pro.eel ~a .. a;(lr 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TODD M. • ':!:C'O!."d~.-.C:ti-Jnc.\;~·t""'er'"trtl,Jl;,t-:-4'Wf'II, CJIY'«:IIK~"M''*"t'!if'_......Y1Ql,o-,1Wt''•,,q . ,.._.)!Cl~:,0:.1t1,'.t,l!,clr..,.11.(<,,"t.o.,,:,,l"• tO.'ll'IO<.'"ll-Jl.\:lll:lloOColl""I \..C.:,-.t.!~I:~ •·.:!Jl~:l'W~-::..r:c«Jit")Qf:!7'>.$r~1;,,(,,:M .... .=;::-o....;.:.M.;;,;.."';:·~~;.:.~ •= ;::11..·-w,ly•hr u.7 . ..-..... ~ ... -.,~ .... "' ll'I(!~ 7 I l_an:::Jo:d ;.ppro·,al • Dcte Renton, Wa. 98058 ~ Leslie Sullivan C'··'*'l.,....Oi:-"4"',Jcf'l'll'~",'VM)~ ....... ~~ I.>,,,-. •. ..-..-. ... -......... ,,,__.,. 114--682-RS -.................. _ .......... ·--· ,·., ...... ""o,h~J1.,t,,iil4'ct,Nj'.~"':,q....-"4i!id,oll",t .................. ____ ,,,_ .. , ... .._ ~.f'.J':'\(JIO".lat~:)'IJ!tel,¥1.lt'1'-.,-~ ~w'Y'hl")' .,..._'.',o_ ... ,,-.. ............... ~. --..IIIM •·IM•M".'l .1 .... .,.,,_,,,. .. ,.._~ ~-,..,#o, ......... .._ ...... _ SIGN ITEM #9 91b0 S[ 7411' A.ve C.1e"t Dille. ll/20/14 Po•t dn:l. OR 91.?t. Grammercy Apartment Homes Pro1~t Manage.· 5031"'!74557 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TODD M. 5006,J <15~ l. l Fu S(J31no22c Renton. Wa. 98058 Oes•gn r,ursaysu;ns ,orr Leslie Sullivan 1:...:...1.:!2: S/F NONILLUMINATED SIGN. PAINTED PANEL (GREEN). WHITE VINYL COPY. LOGO SHALL BE A DURANODIC BRONZE VINYL BACKGROUND WITH DIE-CUT DIGITALLY PRINTED LOGO. ALL GRAPHICS SHALL BE VINYL . Sig n # 10 w~,.1 C lu bh o u ,r C:1e:it A_2JHO'iill. + 0~ _ -1 :,~e,_,,,.,,.,,,,00"''"-------------------• .~lG~..,.,:~..:r.t-..·;·~u...-pt,.,....LW:', ;a",'~$,IQ'lflltra;-.-'11,l\l' .......... ~~"'p,,••<¥ • •""""'9.:IIJ,er.:.:.illdr:'le-.t"t.n.toC"l""t '*O,,'~Cll-.;l:l(:lti£(1dN~ll-..1:'LIIIC,c,,:a, lflC.'11:f!t~flJOt,,it.,rlQ0.111:~ ~...._,nn _,c,,,r ~C>IO'lg+'ll2::,0,,0,.;dh,q'~~tw:-"'C•Qf~ 4\l~rr.....;·..-...o..::,r.!IIIC'J)!i'lo-"° ww..:,r~ -.tNv.r."t'~/•c~ y;:,,..,,Oe<.:<-"'41,.,,,,...:tli·«'tr#, ~":u,e:11,-~tiiq C Copy~I 2014. Aamuy ~n,, Inc. Paqet 10 R5: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS ldndlo:d Approvdl • Odte ~ ~ ............ _ ··-·, ---_. .... ,," __ ..., __ ..__,_..., ....... ...._, ... a:a.-........ -.,>,~ .... ..,,..,.......,, .. ,., . .._ :;:.tr .... ~ ...... ~,,. ........... .__ ............ ~ .. /.\-.. •~«-,. -~,, ... _ .... Af ,.... .• , .• ---,,., .... _., .............. ,_..,,. -..,.. •. _N ___ .. __ ... Neff .......... _, .. _ ...... ._._, '··7•" -::i--, ........... _, ...... _,, ..... -...... .-ur.-.-w,...,,.~-~--. . ..-. .. ....,;,,.,,,,,. .. ;:,,,~, ' 14-682-RS SIGN ITE M #1 0 SAMPLE LAYOUTS 2'-4" F G J 11912 11908 17317 ~ BUILDING IDENTIFICATION PLAQUES 42 (+/-)ALUMINUM SIGN PANELS (VERIFY) -·w• ""'" ! CR~··~··~o~n~•----------------Cl;ent Date I~! A;iprn~AI 4 l\.at• 9160 SE 14th Ate &'20/14 Portland OR 9720 Grammercy Apartment Homes Pro1ect lila(klqer 5037774555 12000 SE Petrovttsky Rd. TODDM. I Lcrnd:ord Acp~o~al .. Odtt 800 613 4555 Renton . Wa. 98058 Design -J :ax 503 7770220 R5 : CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS ra Msa,siq~s,o"!'I Lesia Sullivan Bld:: Sig n ,. ' ~ ~ LIST OF SIGNS AND COLOR cooe -A -119()1)-2 -lJ -J /10~ -I -B-11917-2 -P-1711 2 -2 -C-119:ZS-2 -()-II XLl -1 -D -11921-2 -I{. 111<)9-2 -E-11913-2 -S -1 7 12-'-1 -F-11912-2 ..... 1712(1 -1 -0 -11908-2 -t · -1713-1-I -H-17"®-1 -\" -171 2!!-I -I-17405-1 -\\" -17 121 -I -I-17317-1 -Y-17110-2 -1'.-17313 -1 -Z-17100 -2 -L-17303-2 -ZZ -1 7 10 1 -I -M-11B18 -2. -\\"l',1 Cl11hh 1111w .-VERIFY -N-11808-2 • wr, 11120. 1 • "'°"""w"""';:'"""'~0¥'>'"•- eo>'WIIIICltc!i91e-..1~st1~0-tlt".,~·1:,~..,- i.nllnOICl\lDensailcl,r,:-..lo:.ca1~1•:-.. ........ IIIWC$Olk"6.X:itr-.'CA,::, .. t ~:r<~t:ioe • r>J'Jl~IW!"-bciur::tlwda '.M.'ll.WU,:lf-1(,C' @ 9"""'°"'11"1C~al~llf1l·!J\'ul::,,af111'4t~ ,.¥WGath'-9"l·l1..0.~~'l'll'14'..:W,,,,C,f:"",e ».tdf!ISt~ Jl)r ..... 111'0~~···-~:.-;: \!"t.a,ec,..,.N;"'7' Cl Copyright 2014, Rama~ ,Si,gna, ln,c. .::;;.:;.~:;;,: "':"..."'_.,,.... .., ... ·.¢", .... Page~: 11 :;~.,..:.:."",.'0 . .,. .... ..:~~~~ .... I , ~-..... "'t ·-.._.._ .. "°'"""'--.. .. =:,:=.;,:-::.-.:!~.~:~ 11~82-R5 .................. ~-"-·\II'·- r -._ ~.., _,__-., "-·v'• .,...,-, "'°'' -":I<...,"',.,.,..&.,,_. ')" 1' "4 VO,"<• o·.-_ _,,...,.....,,"ll"'v",...,Mr•·,.-..•...,..,.. SIGN IT E M #1 0 l 916C SE !4th /.~e Cl,er.t Date I Cl,ert App.rowdl • Odte Re., s10:--s a.'20114 Portland OR 9720 Grammercy Apartme nt Homes Pro1~t ~anai;ier soim,555 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. TODD M. I Ldndiord Acp•o·~al .. Date 800 613 4515 Renton , Wa. 98058 O~s19n '••503777C?IO RS: CHANGES TO SOME OF SIGNS DUE TO SET BACKS ra riiSJ~s,gnsc.om Lesie Sulivan C urporl plu4u<·, #',I . 164 -~s J-.,-~ 1-Gl-i +QJ REPLACE PARKING NUMBER SIGNS. NUMBERS: 1 THR U 164 PAINTED ALUMINUM WITH WHITE VINYL NUMERALS THAU ·-o· ~- • "li.1:,,,,ro'.'°IQl,..:l~~·'lOJ~~!O't"-~W"'_..,,. t:,., Al'tL~ ~' h lt6;...,,,"I; l:a,r,s,I :JI :,;:..i,,"M"I "J·,_; •'1' .S.O'Wll»:;11!:)llrJ.~lt"IIIK,UJfCil'Ui•°"'"" ,eo,,~IJAto:1rflOOclP,e\.t;l",!iec'.'oU1:.odr • rt~lll.-l,;ICIICE'oe0.llt0.ZS f'n.r<..dit,:to,;lr' ~ ~ ~WJ~olT(W'~"'NCC'!e,".,-,:..~ -•'\f(7~-... ,>4,e~\,lht:,IIJl"--<.4:(fltr11; ~nlt"-"!Jcm..~~CFIJHCWilt<."41111>'')9 v~r':"!t'"='" ·-o· ~ Cl C4pyrigl'lt 2014, Aamuy S~t'I•, Inc 'tMll<,l. .. ;t .... •..:--:,,,--·, -..-..,,,0',.-.,. """"""""' 1~Jo<q)I ... .................. ,.,.;u.-,,··-· .,.. ___ ... _,.., :«,_O,_._p,,,,.;,\l ..... ~-"tl~-· ... "::.-..... ... -.. .,.."'"' ...... " .. .., ... ~ .......... '"._ _..._.. .... -,,-~·~"'--"' ...... _._,,, ..... --... , ...... -....... -,: ...... ~,-,.,.. .......... .-..-... ~-"""'~~~ • .; .. ~ .:--::":...;;.,··~t\·~':'"~.~~~~i~. <C,°'-)1'··-·---· .......... ,........,..__., Page II. 12 "" ~ ... ~~ 14-682-RS Grammercy Apartment Homes 17425 120th Lane SE Renton, WA 98058 Sign location shown on Desig n plan pg. 2 Site Plan A -East Entrance Sign 1" = 20' t N ,. SE Petr •tsky Dd ,.j .. _ ()~ ~ i46' i ~--·1···1 i \ t \ • Grammercy Apartment Homes 17425 120th Lane SE Renton, WA 98058 Sign location shown on Design plan pg. 4 Site Plan B -West Entrance Sign 2-24-15 t I I 1" = 20' N Grammercy Apartment Homes 17425 120th Lane SE Renton, WA 98058 Sign location shown on Design plan pages 5, 6 & 7 Site Plan C -SE 175th St. Signs 2-24-15 t I I 1" = 40' N Grammercy Apartment Homes 17425 I 20th Lane SE Re nton, WA 98058 Sign locations shown on Des ign plan pages 9-1 I Site Plan: ID Building Panels 2-24-1 5 l" = 100' t N -BuiJding panels NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP For The Gram.mercy Apts sign at 17425 120th Lane SE Renton, WA 98058 Renton, Wa. 98058 l" = 200' t N -Bldg I.D. Panel Location -Wall Sign Location Freestanding -Sign Location -Property Line Grammercy Apartment Homes 1"=40' t R 0 BPATawer Will Sip Locadiaa Free!C•!'ding Sip LocalioD Propaty Line 12000 SE Petrovitsky Rd. Renton, Washington 98058