HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 1Supplemental Agreement Number Organization and Address Phone: Original Agreement Number Project Number Execution Date Completion Date Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Description of Work The Local Agency of desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with and executed on The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: II for completion of the work to read: III If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate By: By: Consultant Signature Approving Authority Signature Date DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 City of Renton Sargent Engineers, Inc. 04/29/2020 CAG-20-004 The Scope of Work of the Original Agreement is supplemented to include the attached Exhibit A-1. Change contract complete date from 12/31/2026 to 12/31/2028. Refer to attached Exhibits A-1, D-1. The maximum amount payable is increased by $48,613 from $99,866 to $148,479. 1 CAG-20-004 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Ln NW Olympia, WA 98502 360-867-9284 TED4004022 4/29/2020 12/31/2028 Williams Ave Bridge - Seismic Retrofit and Painting $148,479 Refer to the Description of Work in Original Agreement. The work to be performed under this supplement includes: Design Phase 2 - Preliminary Design and Environmental Support. Sargent Engineers, Inc Pa , CAG-20-004, Adden #1-24 Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT A 1 SCOPE OF WORK CONTRACT: CAG 20 004 PROJECT: WILLIAMS AVE BRIDGE –SEISMIC RETROFIT AND PAINTING CONSULTANT: SARGENT ENGINEERS, INC. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: No change from original contract. B. PURPOSE: The City of Renton (AGENCY) is requesting engineering services from Sargent Engineers, Inc. (CONSULTANT) for the preparation of Plans, Specifications and Estimates for the Bridge – Seismic Retrofit and Painting Project (PROJECT). It is anticipated that this contract will be implemented and subsequently supplemented to accommodate the following design phases. Design Phase 1 –Preliminary Studies and Survey (COMPLETE) The initial design phase scope of work is included in the original contract and involved the following: Preliminary Studies: Structural and Seismic Evaluation, Hydraulic Study; Survey: Establish control, project topographic base map, Right of Way and boundary resolution. Design Phase 2 –Preliminary Design and Environmental Support The scope of work and budget for this design phase is included in Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to this contract. Design Phase 2 includes delivery of 30% plans, preliminary bid item list and estimate quantities for the project. The 30% plans and estimated quantities are necessary to complete the environmental (e.g. NEPA and/or SEPA) for the project. Design Phase 2A –Right of Way Investigation (NOT REQUIRED) The scope of work and budget for this design phase will be included in a supplemental agreement to this contract. If this design phase is required, the work may be included in the supplemental agreement for Design Phase 2. This design phase is only required if it is determined that the AGENCY has insufficient property rights to construct the project. Design Phase 2A is anticipated to include development of Right of Way plan(s), Right of Way Funding Estimate, etc. in order to obligate Right of Way funds. Design Phase 3 –Final Design, Bid Package Preparation, Bid Support The scope of work and budget for this design phase will be included in a supplemental agreement to this contract. The completion of Design Phase 3 is anticipated to include three submittals at 60%, 90% and 100% completion. This design phase is also anticipated to include bid support (e.g. providing responses to bidder inquiries and preparing amendments, if necessary). Design Phase 3A –Right of Way Acquisition (NOT REQUIRED) The scope of work and budget for this design phase will be included in a supplemental agreement to this contract. If this design phase is required, the work may be included in the supplemental agreement for Design Phase 3. This design phase is only required if it is determined that the AGENCY has insufficient property rights to construct the project. Design Phase 3A is anticipated to include all work necessary to Page 2 of 7 acquire the necessary property rights to certify the Right of Way acquisition. Right of Way certification required to obligate Construction funds. Design Phase 4 –Engineering Support During Construction The scope of work and budget for this design phase will be included in a supplemental agreement to this contract. Design Phase 4 is anticipated to include engineering support services during construction. This includes, but isnot limited to,reviewof submittals, responding to requestsfor information (RFI’s)andsite visitsasnecessary.Italso includespreparation of final record drawings once construction iscomplete and red line markups are provided by the AGENCY. C.DESIGN CRITERIA The design of this project design shall be in accordance with the following: FHWA HRT 06 32 Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures: Part 1 –Bridges, Jan 2006 AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design, 2 nd Edition, 2011, plus 2012, 2014 and 2015 interim revisions AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 9 th Edition, 2020 WSDOT Bridge Design Manual LRFD (M 23 50.22), September 2023 WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (M 36 63.42), September 2023 The project construction specifications shall be based on the 2025 WSDOT Standard Specifications. For Design Phase 3 special provisions are to be developed. D.GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS: No change from original contract. E.DELIVERABLES: Deliverables to be prepared and produced by the CONSULTANT, as part of this scope of work, are identified at the end of each task listed below. F.SCHEDULE: The AGENCY anticipates construction of this project in summer 2025, starting before the end of June with completionbythe end ofSeptember.Therefore,AGENCYanticipatesadvertisingforbidsin February2025 to allow sufficient time to award and execute a construction contract and for a contractor to procure materials and start constructionby the last week in June 2025. The CONSULTANT shall update the project schedule asdescribed in Subtask5.5 below that meetsthisobjective.Unlessotherwise noted inthe scope of work, the completion date for all deliverables described in the scope of work will be determined by the project schedule. For the duration of this contract, should a stay in placeorder and/or travel ban be enactedby the Federal Government, State of Washington, King Countyand/or City ofRenton that resultsin conditionswhere the CONSULTANT cannot obtain field data required to continue work on any given task, the CONSULTANT shall stop work on the task. Additionally, the completion dates for the deliverables of that task will be extended for a period of time that equals the time period of the stay in place order and/or travel ban. Finally, the overall project schedule will be adjusted to reflect the delay. Page 3 of 7 G.SCOPE OF WORK: The original budgets for Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, S2 are reallocated in whole or in part by this supplemental agreement to the tasks listed below. Refer to Exhibit D 1. AGENCY to issue a Notice to Proceed (NTP) letter for Design Phase 2. The date listed on this NTP letter is the NTP date referred to in the Deliverables section of each Design Phase 2 task below. TASK 5 –PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR DESIGN PHASE 2 The CONSULTANT will provide overall project management, coordination with the AGENCY, monthly progress reports and invoicing. This effort will include the following elements. 5.1 –Administration, Coordination and Supervision Initiate project set up including establishment of timesheets (charge codes), creation of project files (electronic and physical) and scheduling of CONSULTANT personnel work activities for the new tasks described in this contract amendment. Coordination with AGENCY for any required public meetings or other forms of public outreach that may be required for the work to be performed in this contract. Supervision of CONSULTANT personnel and activities to ensure compliance with contract scope and schedule and proper charging of time against the contract. Oversite of sub consultant activities to ensure compliance with contract scope, schedule and budget. 5.2 –Invoicing Preparation of monthly invoices with progress reports that include the following: o Summary of budget, expenses to date and expenses for invoice period, assigned to each task. o Summary of work accomplished for the invoice period. o Summary of outstanding issues to be resolved by the AGENCY. o Backupdetail thatincludesthe name,directsalaryrateandhourscharged,for eachindividual charging time to this contract, for the invoice period. o Backup detail of all direct non salary costs included in the invoice for the work period. 5.3 –Project Meetings and Site Visits Kickoff Meeting –After receiving a Notice to Proceed (NTP) from the AGENCY, set up a kickoff meeting with key AGENCY and design team personnel. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss key elements of the scope of work, project schedule timelines and critical path elements. This meeting may be held at Renton City Hall, on line or via conference call. Meetings and coordination with AGENCY –The CONSULTANT project manager will participate in phone conference calls with the AGENCY project manager a minimum of once every four weeks to provide status updates. The CONSULTANT project manager and key team members will attend monthly project meetings with the AGENCY project manager. The AGENCY anticipates that the monthly project meetings may be held at Renton City Hall, on line or via conference call. For all monthly project meetings with the AGENCY, the CONSULTANT shall prepare an agenda, sign in sheet, record of meeting including a list of action items, if any. Page 4 of 7 Internal design coordination meetings –The CONSULTANT project manager will conduct regular internal design coordination meetings and/or conference calls with key design team members including sub consultants. Site Visit for Environmental Coordination –Up to one (1) site visit is anticipated for the CONSULTANT to review environmental considerations with AGENCY staff and AGENCY’S environmental consultant during Design Phase 2. Site Visit for Design Coordination –Up to one (1) additional site visit is anticipated for the CONSULTANT to evaluate and verify project design elements during Design Phase 2. 5.4 –Environmental Coordination Aspreliminarydesigndecisionsareconsidered and the preliminary design develops, coordination with the AGENCY’s environmental consultant may be necessary to understand the potential impacts on the environmental permitting process. 5.5 –Preliminary Project Schedule Update Update the preliminary project schedule developed for Subtask 1.5 with assistance from the AGENCY. This project schedule will cover the entire timeframe of the project from initiation of Design Phase 2 activities to completion of construction activities. It will incorporate estimated timelines for the following: o Completion of Design Phase 2 –Preliminary Engineering (30% Submittal). o Completion of Design Phase 2 –Environmental (e.g. NEPA and/or SEPA). o Completion of Design Phase 3 –Final Design 60% Submittal o Completion of Design Phase 3 –Final Design 90% Submittal o Completion of Design Phase 3 –Final Design 100% Submittal o Completion of Design Phase 3 –Bid advertisement, evaluation and award. o Completion of Design Phase 4 –Construction from NTP to Substantially Complete. DELIVERABLES The following deliverables and delivery times are included in Task 5. Meeting agenda(s) in Microsoft Word format –Delivered to the AGENCY one (1) business day before scheduled meeting. Sign in sheet(s) in Microsoft Word or Excel format –Delivered to the AGENCY at the scheduled meeting. Draft record of meeting in Microsoft Word format –Delivered to the AGENCY three (3) business days after scheduled meeting. Final record of meeting in Microsoft Word format –Delivered to the AGENCY three (3) business days after comments received from AGENCY. Monthly invoices with progress reports –Delivered to the AGENCY monthly. Preliminary Project Schedule Update in Adobe pdf format –Delivered to the AGENCY ten (10) weeks after Notice to Proceed date. Page 5 of 7 TASK 6 –DESIGN PHASE 2 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING –30% SUBMITTAL The following items are to be performed by the CONSULTANT under this task. Assumption(s) The budget shown in Exhibit D 1 assumes this task is ten (10) weeks in duration. 6.1 –30% Plans The purpose of the 30% plans is to define the major construction activities proposed for the project. The information provided in this submittal will also become the basis for starting the following activities: environmental and permitting process, right of way acquisition (if necessary), development of traffic control plan(s) to accommodate closure of bridge for construction, coordination with franchise utilities that may need to be permanently or temporarily relocated (if necessary), utility potholing (if necessary). Forenvironmentalpermitting,thissubmittalmustestablishthetypeandextentofanypermanent in water work (e.g. placement of riprap) or temporary in water or over water work (e.g. shoring or scaffolding for temporary work platform). Additionally, this submittal must identify the locations, estimated maximum depths and estimated quantity of excavation work for the project. Finally, this submittal must define the location(s) of project activities in order to establish an Area of Potential Effects (APE). Prepare plan sheet(s) that show the following information: Cover Sheet, Vicinity Map, Sheet Index Abbreviations and Legend General Notes Existing Conditions and Survey Control Existing Bridge Plan and Elevation Alignment and Right of Way Site Preparation & TESC Plan Construction Staging Construction Sequencing Seismic Retrofit –This may include multiple sheets to describe the following work: (1)Main Span Bearing Modifications –Removal of existing rocker and fixed bearings. Installation of new elastomeric pads and associated appurtenances to maintain existing deck elevation of main span. Concept, conditions and restrictions for bridge jacking. (2)Approach Span Modifications –Fill spaces between the three small reinforced concrete columns with reinforced concrete, turning the concrete cross beams into continuous reinforced concrete walls; replace steel slide bearings with elastomeric pads to support continuous reinforced concrete walls; strengthen approach spans by adding dowel bars, rebar and concrete to soffits or bonding carbon fiber wrap to soffits or other means. Bridge Painting This may include multiple sheets to describe the following work: (1)Painting Plan and Details –Complete removal of existing paint to bare metal, repair steel elements including rivets as necessary and apply new paint system. (2)Expansion Joint Modifications –Remove steel slide plate expansion joints and install new RCS Joints with polyester concrete headers (refer to Bronson Way Bridge project, change order no. 8) or new compression seals. Page 6 of 7 (3)Deck sealing and jointseals –Apply thin epoxy overlayto bridge deck to sealcracks, apply Silane treatment to seal concrete and protect top of existing deck beams, seal joints in approach span sidewalks and concrete bridge rails. (4)Deck pavement markings –Apply MMA for lane marking across bridge. Traffic Control –This may include multiple sheets to describe the following: (1)Street closure location and detour route. (2)Cedar River Trail, Lower River walk tail closure and detour route. Note: The AGENCY intends these plan sheets to be general. AGENCY to develop concept for temporary traffic control signs, locations and details to include in appendix of construction contract. 6.2 –Preliminary List of Bid Items Prepare a preliminary list of bid items based upon the 30% plans developed for Subtask 6.1. 6.3 –Preliminary Quantity Estimate Prepare preliminary estimate of quantities for all bid items listed in preliminary list of bid items developed for Subtask 6.2. 6.4 –Preliminary Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs Prepare a preliminary engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost using the bid item list and quantities developed in Subtasks 6.2 through 6.3. Include a contingency on the total sum that is appropriate for a 30% submittal. 6.5 –QA/QC 30% Submittal Review all work performed in Subtasks 6.1 through 6.4 for quality and accuracy. Note errors and/or omissions and review corrections. DELIVERABLES The following deliverables and delivery times are included in Task 6. Draft30%Plans inAdobepdfformat –DeliveredtotheAGENCYwithinten(10)weeksafterNotice to Proceed date. As per WAC 196 23 020, official preliminary plans submitted to the AGENCY for review must be stamped, but need not be signed or dated by the licensee. Final30% PlansinAdobepdfformat –Deliveredto the AGENCYwithintwo(2)weeksafterreceipt of review comments from the AGENCY. As per WAC 196 23 020, official preliminary plans submitted to the AGENCY for review must be stamped, but need not be signed or dated by the licensee. Draft PreliminaryListof Bid Itemsin Adobepdf format –Deliveredto the AGENCY within ten (10) weeks after Notice to Proceed date. Draft Preliminary Estimated Quantities in Adobe pdf format –Delivered to the AGENCY within ten (10) weeks after Notice to Proceed date. Draft Preliminary Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Costs in Adobe pdf format –Delivered to the AGENCY within ten (10) weeks after Notice to Proceed date. Page 7 of 7 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The AGENCY will require additional services of the CONSULTANT for future design phases of this project. Section B summarizes the future design phases and describes the work anticipated for each. Thescopeofworkforadditionalserviceswillbedeterminedbasedonanticipatedorunanticipatedproject needsorotherconsiderationsatthesolediscretionoftheAGENCY.Thisworkmayincludeitemsidentified in the current task authorizations as well other items, which may include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: Utility Potholing Additional Surveying Services Additional Engineering Design Services Right of Way Services Engineering Support During Construction Services Other services not specifically referenced this scope of work. These services will be authorized under future supplemental agreements to this contract. At the time these services are required, the CONSULTANT shall provide a detailed scope of work and an estimate of costs. The CONSULTANT shall not proceed with the work until the AGENCY has authorized the work and issued a notice to proceed. CONTRACT: CAG 20 004 PROJECT: WILLIAMS AVE BRIDGE SEISMIC RETROFIT AND PAINTING PRIME CONSULTANT: SARGENT ENGINEERS, INC. ORIGINAL CONTRACT (PREVIOUSLY EXECUTED) Total Expend Funds to Task Budget Task Task Description Budget To Date Difference Sup. No. 1 Remaining 1 Project Management for Design Phase 1 $10,103.00 $2,512.66 $7,590.34 $6,590.34 $1,000.00 1A Diversity Compliance $1,503.00 $868.82 $634.18 $0.00 $634.18 2 Structural and Seismic Evaluation $24,010.00 $11,381.05 $12,628.95 $12,628.95 $0.00 3 Evaluate Bridge Elements $6,972.00 $4,425.96 $2,546.04 $2,546.04 $0.00 4 Evaluate Replace Water Main on Bridge $4,898.00 $903.26 $3,994.74 $3,994.74 $0.00 S1 Survey and Basemapping (1 Alliance) $39,746.00 $20,077.31 $19,668.69 $0.00 $19,668.69 S1A Diversity Compliance $1,075.00 $254.91 $820.09 $0.00 $820.09 S2 Hydraulic Study (WSE) $10,894.00 $4,628.25 $6,265.75 $4,239.93 $2,025.82 S2A Diversity Compliance $665.00 $21.79 $643.21 $0.00 $643.21 TOTAL $99,866.00 $45,074.01 $54,791.99 $30,000.00 $24,791.99 SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 (NEW) Funds from New funds Task Task Description Budget old Tasks required Check 5 Project Management for Design Phase 2 & 3 $8,397.00 $6,590.34 $1,806.66 $8,397.00 6 Design Phase 2 Prelim. Design 30%$70,216.00 $23,409.66 $46,806.34 $70,216.00 TOTAL $78,613.00 $30,000.00 $48,613.00 $78,613.00 Total Authorized Contract Amount prior to Supplement No. 1 = $99,866.00 Total new funds required for Supplement No. 1 = $48,613.00 Total Contract Amount including Supplement No. 1 = $148,479.00 REALLOCATE UNDERUTILIZED BUDGET FROM ORIGINAL TASKS TO SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TASKS Original Contract SUMMARY OF TASK BUDGETS EXHIBIT D 1 Page 1 of 5 CONTRACT: CAG 20 004 PROJECT: WILLIAMS AVE BRIDGE SEISMIC RETROFIT AND PAINTING PRIME CONSULTANT: SARGENT ENGINEERS, INC. DIRECT (RAW) LABOR (DL): Classification DL Sup. No. 1 TOTAL Principal $64.00 x 60 = $3,840 Senior Project Engineer $54.00 x 160 = $8,640 Project Engineer $50.00 x 60 = $3,000 Design Engineer $45.00 x 216 = $9,720 $0.00 x 0 = $0 DL Subtotal = 496 $25,200 INDIRECT COST RATE (ICR) DL x ICR of 180.36% x $25,200 =$45,451 FEE (PROFIT) DL x FEE 30.00% x $25,200 =$7,560 DL + ICR + FEE =$78,211 DIRECT NON SALARY COSTS (DNSC) Mileage 600 x $0.670 = $402 SUBTOTAL =$402 TOTAL FOR PRIME = $78,613 SUBCONSULANTS = $0 TOTAL FOR SUBCONSULTANTS = $0 TOTAL =$78,613 EXHIBIT D 1 PRIME CONSULTANT COST COMPUTATIONS SUMMARY NEGOTIATED HOURLY RATE Page 2 of 5 CONTRACT: CAG 20 004 PROJECT: WILLIAMS AVE BRIDGE SEISMIC RETROFIT AND PAINTING PRIME CONSULTANT: SARGENT ENGINEERS, INC. Principal Sr. Proj. Project Design / PM Engineer Engineer Engineer $64.00 $54.00 $50.00 $45.00 Sup. No. 1 TASK 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR DESIGN PHASE 2 5.1 Administration, Coordination and Supervision 4 0 0 0 0 $256 5.2 Invoicing 4 0 0 0 0 $256 5.3 Project Meetings and Site Visits 4 12 0 0 0 $904 5.4 Environmental Coordination 4 8 0 0 0 $688 5.5 Preliminary Project Schedule Update 4 4 0 0 0 $472 Total 20 24 0 0 0 $2,576 Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) ICR = DL x ICR% ICR% = 180.36%ICR = $4,646 Fee (Profit) FEE = DL x FEE% FEE% = 30.00%FEE = $773 Direct Non Salary Cost (DNSC) Mileage = 600 Rate = $0.67 DNSC = $402 Task 5 Total = $8,397 TASK 6 DESIGN PHASE 2 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 30% SUBMITTAL 6.1 30% Plans Cover Sheet, Vicinity Map, Sheet Index (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Abreviations and Legend (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 General Notes (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Existing Conditions and Survey Control (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Existing Bridge Plan and Elevation (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Alignment and Right of Way (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Site Prep & TESC Plan (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Construction Staging (est. 1 sheet) 1 4 0 8 0 $640 Construction Sequencing (est. 1 sheet) 2 4 0 8 0 $704 Seismic Retrofit (est. 8 sheets) 8 32 0 64 0 $5,120 Painting (est. 8 sheets) 8 32 0 64 0 $5,120 Traffic Control (est. 2 sheets) 2 8 0 16 0 $1,280 6.2 Preliminary List of Bid Items 2 8 24 0 0 $1,760 6.3 Preliminary Quantity Estimate 2 8 16 0 0 $1,360 6.4 Preliminary Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs 4 8 16 0 0 $1,488 6.5 QA/QC 30% Submittal 4 4 4 0 0 $672 Total 40 136 60 216 0 $22,624 Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) ICR = DL x ICR% ICR% = 180.36%ICR =$40,805 Fee (Profit) FEE = DL x FEE% FEE% = 30.00%FEE = $6,787 Direct Non Salary Cost (DNSC) Mileage = 0 Rate = $0.670 DNSC = $0 Task 6 Total = $70,216 Total Hours = 60 160 60 216 0 Total Mileage = 600 Total DL = $25,200 Total ICR = $45,451 Total FEE = $7,560 Total DNSC = $402 TOTAL = $78,613 Direct Labor (DL) EXHIBIT D 1 PRIME CONSULTANT HOUR AND FEE SUMMARY Task Description Total Page 3 of 5 EXHIBIT D 1 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Lane NW Olympia, WA 98502 Actuals Not to Exceed Table Job Classifications Direct Labor Overhead Fixed Fee All Inclusive Hourly Rate 180.36% 30.00% Billing Rate NTE NTE NTE NTE Principal $83.00 $149.70 $24.90 $257.60 Senior Engineer $73.00 $131.66 $21.90 $226.56 Senior Project Engineer $68.00 $122.64 $20.40 $211.04 Project Engineer $66.00 $119.04 $19.80 $204.84 Design Engineer $55.50 $100.10 $16.65 $172.25 Engineering Technician $45.00 $81.16 $13.50 $139.66 Engineering Intern $36.00 $64.93 $10.80 $111.73 Drafter II $43.00 $77.55 $12.90 $133.45 Business Manager $61.00 $110.02 $18.30 $189.32 Business Associate $43.00 $77.55 $12.90 $133.45 Clerical $35.00 $63.13 $10.50 $108.63 City of Renton Page of June 1, 2023 Sargent Engineers, Inc. 320 Ronlee Lane NW Olympia, WA 98502 Subject: Acceptance FYE 2022 ICR – CPA Report Dear Molly Cichosz: We have accepted your firms FYE 2022 Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) of 180.36% of direct labor, based on the “Independent CPA Report,” prepared by Shannon & Associates LLP. This rate will be applicable for WSDOT Agreements and Local Agency Contracts in Washington only. This rate may be subject to additional review if considered necessary by WSDOT. Your ICR must be updated on an annual basis. Costs billed to agreements/contracts will still be subject to audit of actual costs, based on the terms and conditions of the respective agreement/contract. This was not a cognizant review. Any other entity contracting with the firm is responsible for determining the acceptability of the ICR. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office at (360) 704-6397 or via email consultantrates@wsdot.wa.gov. Regards; SCHATZIE HARVEY, CPA Contract Services Manager SH:BJO EXHIBIT D-1 Page of