HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINALDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINALFINAL A. REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER Hearing Date: August 20, 2024 Project File Number: PR23-000169 Project Name: Tesla SSD and Collision Center Land Use File Number: LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Project Manager: Alex Morganroth, Principal Planner Owner: EV 600 LLC, 3323 NE 163rd St, Ste 600, North Miami Beach, FL 33160 Applicant/Contact: Barsin Bet Govargez, 1100 W Town and Country Rd, Suite 700, Orange, CA 92868 Project Location: 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) Project Summary: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review approval to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component within an existing industrial building located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050). The proposal qualifies as a change of use. The 4.38-acre site has a zoning designation of Medium Industrial (IM) and a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of Employment Area. The proposed use would include a showroom and sales area, a service area with 64 work bays, a customer lounge, and office space within the existing 114,531 square foot tilt-up concrete structure. The work proposed is primarily interior in nature, but also includes various facade and parking lot improvements, including the construction of a new parking lot on the north side of the building. The building was previously occupied by Ryerson, a metal supplier, with warehousing and office space through the third quarter of 2022 and is currently vacant. Access to the site would remain via the three (3) existing curb cuts on SW 10th St. Access to the north onto Seneca Ave SW would remain gated and provide emergency access only. According to COR Maps, a High Seismic Hazard is mapped on the project site. No trees are proposed for removal. Approximately 165,528 square feet of new impervious surface is proposed. The applicant submitted a technical information report, draft geotechnical report, arborist report, traffic impact analysis, and environmental checklist with the application. Site Area: 10.01 acres Li n d A v e S W Th o m a s A v e S W City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 2 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL B. EXHIBITS: Exhibits 1-16: As shown in the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 17: Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Exhibit 18: Environmental (SEPA) Review Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated, dated July 8, 2024 C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: EV 600 LLC, 3323 NE 163rd St, Ste 600, Miami, FL 33160 2. Zoning Classification: Medium Industrial (IM) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Employment Area (EA) 4. Existing Site Use: Vacant (previously a metals supplier) 5. Critical Areas: High Seismic Hazard 6. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Warehousing; Employment Area (EA) Comp Plan Designation; Industrial, Medium (IM) zone b. East: Warehousing; Employment Area (EA) Comp Plan Designation; Industrial, Medium (IM) zone c. South: Commercial; Employment Area (EA) Comp Plan Designation; Industrial, Medium (IM) and Commercial Arterial zones d. West: Warehousing; Employment Area (EA) Comp Plan Designation; Industrial, Medium (IM) zone 7. Site Area: Error! Reference source not found. D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date S 180th Annexation A-002-59 1745 04/19/1959 Conditional Use Permit LUA98-064 N/A 05/20/1998 Comprehensive Plan N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Zoning N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Environmental (SEPA) and Site Plan Review LUA21-000273 N/A 07/25/2024 E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities a. Water: Water service is provided by the City of Renton. There are existing 12-inch (12”) water mains in SW 10th St and Seneca Ave SW. In addition, there is an existing 12-inch (12”) water main that City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 3 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL extends from Seneca Ave SW into the future parking lot area, which continues east, then south along the east property line. b. Sewer: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing sewer main in SW 10th St. c. Surface/Storm Water: Existing surface water mains are located in SW 10th St fronting the site as well as in Seneca Ave SW at the rear (north) of the site. No storm water conveyance systems are located on the site. 2. Streets: SW 10th St is classified as an Industrial Access Road, with an existing Right-of-Way (ROW) width of 60 feet. The existing street section is 38 feet of pavement (2 travel lanes), with 0.5-foot curb, and 5- foot sidewalk on the south side only. A 5-foot sidewalk is located on the applicant’s property directly adjacent to the ROW. A 10-foot planter is located on the north side of the ROW and a 4-foot planter is located on the south side of the ROW. Seneca Ave SW is classified as a commercial access road with an existing Right-of-Way (ROW) width of 60 feet. The existing street section is approximately 42 feet of pavement (2 travel lanes and parking on each side). 3. Fire Protection: Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA) F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table – Uses Allowed in the Zoning Designations c. Section 4-2-130: Industrial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts a. Section 4-3-050: Critical Area Regulations 3. Chapter 4 City-Wide Property Development Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Permits – Specific a. Section 4-9-070: Environmental Review Procedures b. Section 4-9-200: Master Plan and Site Plan Review c. Section 4-9-200: Variances, Waivers, Modifications, Alternates 6. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on May 15, 2024 and determined the application complete on June 6, 2024. The project complies with the 120-day review period. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 4 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL 2. The project site is located at 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) . 3. The project site is currently developed with a vacant existing industrial warehouse building previously occupied by a metal supplier. 4. Access to the site would be provided via three (3) driveways off of SW 10th St. Emergency access to the site is provided via a gated driveway off Seneca Ave SW on the north side of the site. 5. The property is located within the Employment Area (EA) Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 6. The site is located within the Medium Industrial (IM) zoning classification. 7. No trees on the site are proposed for removal. 8. The site is mapped with a High Seismic Hazard area. 9. No significant grading or filling would occur as part of the project. 10. The applicant is proposing to begin construction in fall of 2024 and end in spring of 2025. 11. Staff received one comment letter from the Duwamish Tribe related to the finding of archeological or cultural artifacts (Exhibit 13) . 12. Staff received no other comments from members of the public. 13. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on July 8, 2024, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Tesla SSD and Collision Center (Exhibit 18). The DNS-M included two (2) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on July 8th, 2024 and ended on July 22nd, 2024. No appeals of the threshold determination have been filed as of the date of this report. 14. Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated: 1) The applicant shall comply with the recommendations found in the submitted Draft Geotechnical Report and Infiltration Assessment prepared by PanGEO, Inc., dated June 10, 2021 (Exhibit 9), and any future addenda. 2) The applicant shall submit an Archaeological Monitoring and Inadvertent Discovery Plan (MIDP) to the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and any interested Tribes for review prior to the start of any ground disturbing activities. Documentation of the submittal shall be provided to the City of Renton prior to the issuance of building or construction permits. 15. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 16. Comprehensive Plan Compliance: The site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City’s Comprehensive Plan Map. The purpose of the EA designation is to promote uses such as office, industrial, warehousing, and manufacturing, with access to transportation networks and transit, within the Employment Area (EA) land use designation. Employment Areas provide a significant economic development and employment base for the City and also, maintains a variety and balance of uses through zoning that promotes the gradual transition of uses on sites with good access and visibility to more intensive commercial and office uses. The proposal is compliant with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance Comprehensive Plan Analysis City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 5 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL ✓ Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive. ✓ Policy L-34: Ensure buildings, roads, and other features are located on less sensitive portions of a site when sensitive areas are present. ✓ Policy L-36: Land uses in areas subject to flooding, seismic, geologic, and coal mine hazards should be designed to prevent property damage and environmental degradation before, during, and after construction. ✓ Policy L-48: Address privacy and quality of life for existing residents by considering scale and context in infill project design. ✓ Policy L-55: Preserve natural landforms, vegetation, distinctive stands of trees, natural slopes, and scenic areas that contribute to the City’s identity, preserve property values, and visually define the community and neighborhoods. ✓ Goal L-FF: Strengthen the visual identity of Renton and its Community Planning Areas and neighborhoods through quality design and development. ✓ Policy L-56: Complement the built environment with landscaping using native, naturalized, and ornamental plantings that are appropriate for the situation and circumstance and provide for respite, recreation, and sun/shade. ✓ Policy L-60: Improve the appearance of parking lots through landscaping and screening. 17. Zoning Development Standard Compliance: The purpose of the Medium Industrial Zone (IM) is to provide areas for medium-intensity industrial activities involving manufacturing, processing, assembly, and warehousing. Uses in this zone may require some outdoor storage and may create some external emissions of noise, odor, glare, vibration, etc., but these are largely contained on-site. Compatible uses that directly serve the needs of other uses permitted within the district are also allowed zone-wide. Additionally, within the Employment Area designation, an even wider variety of commercial and service uses may be permitted. The proposal is compliant with the following development standards, as outlined in RMC 4 -2-130.A, if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance IM Zone Develop Standards and Analysis ✓ Use: The uses “Small vehicle sales” and “Vehicle service and repair, small” are permitted uses in the IM zone. For “small vehicle service and repair,” the following is required: a. All operations shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. b. Vehicles shall only be held on the property while being serviced and shall have an active repair or service invoice that shall be made available to the City upon the City’s request. c. Vehicle storage before or after service shall not be allowed. Vehicles held on the site shall be subject to the screening and landscaping provisions in RMC 4- 4-120, Storage Lots – Outside, unless enclosed within a building. d. Vehicle holding areas shall count toward the maximum lot coverage standard of the zone. e. Any overnight vehicle parking accessory to this use shall not be located in the front setback or in a side setback along a street. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 6 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing to operate an auto-dealership with associated service and repair component, both of which are permitted uses in the IM zone. According to the applicant, the proposal would satisfy all five criteria for “small vehicle service repair” shown above. The proposed large parking lot on the north side of the lot would primarily be used for cars being actively serviced or for staging new cars prior to customer pick up. ✓ Lot Dimensions: The minimum lot size required in the IM zone is 35,000 sq. ft. There are no minimum lot width or depth requirements for lots created after September 1, 1985. Staff Comment: The existing lot is approximately 436,044 sq. ft. in size and complies with the lot dimension requirements for the IM zone. No changes to the lot dimensions are proposed as a part of the project. ✓ Setbacks: The minimum front yard setbacks are 20 feet along principal arterial streets and 15 feet along other streets, provided for lots adjacent to residentially zoned properties this setback increases to 50 feet. The minimum secondary front yard setbacks are 20 feet along principal arterial streets and 15 feet along other streets, provided for lots adjacent to residentially zoned properties this setback increases to 50 feet. There are no side or rear yard setback requirements, except 50 feet if abutting a lot zoned residential. Staff Comment: The existing building is located 60 feet from the south property line (front yard), 283 feet from the north property line (rear yard), 95 feet from the west property line (side yard), and 27 feet from the west property line (side yard). No changes to the existing building are proposed as part of the project. The adjacent lots are all zoned industrial and therefore, the existing building complies with the setback requirements for the IM zone. ✓ Building Standards: There are no maximum lot coverage requirements for buildings in the IM zone. The maximum building height in the IM zone is 50 feet. Staff Comment: The maximum height of the existing building is 36 feet and 2.5 inches. No changes to the height of the building are proposed and therefore the proposal complies with the building standards for the IM zone. Compliant if conditions of approval are met Landscaping: The City’s landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) require a 10-foot landscape strip along all public street frontages. Additional minimum planting strip widths between the curb and sidewalk are established according to the street development standards of RMC 4-6-060. Street trees and, at a minimum, groundcover, are to be located in this area when present. Spacing standards shall be as stipulated by the Department of Community and Economic Development, provided there shall be a minimum of one (1) street tree planted per address. Any additional undeveloped right-of-way areas shall be landscaped unless otherwise determined by the Administrator. All parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping as follows: Such landscaping shall be at least ten feet (10') in width as measured from the street right-of-way. Standards for planting shall be as follows: City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 7 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL a. Trees shall be two inches (2") in diameter at breast height (dbh) for multi- family, commercial, and industrial uses at an average minimum rate of one tree per thirty (30) lineal feet of street frontage. b. Shrubs at the minimum rate of one per twenty (20) square feet of landscaped area. Up to fifty percent (50%) of shrubs may be deciduous. c. Ground cover in sufficient quantities to provide at least ninety percent (90%) coverage of the landscaped area within three (3) years of installation. Surface parking lots with more than fourteen (14) stalls shall be landscaped as follows: Surface parking lots with 100 or more spaces shall provide 35 sq. ft. of landscaping per parking space. Perimeter parking lot landscaping shall be at least 10 feet (10’) in width, interior parking lot landscaped areas shall have minimum dimensions of 8 feet (8’) by 12 feet (12’). Staff Comment: The entire project site is subject to the landscape regulations in RMC 4-4-070 due the installation of new storm drainage facilities. Per RMC 4-4-070.B, projects that include new storm drainage facilities are required to comply with the landscape regulations across the entire site. The applicant has proposed new stormwater facilities including both a vault and modular wetlands as part of the project. The applicant submitted a Conceptual Landscaping Plan (Exhibit 4) with the land use application. Proposed planting areas in the parking lot would contain trees, shrubs, and groundcover, including but not limited to, Emerald Queen Norway Maple, Sunburst Honey Locust, Edward Goucher abelia, Japanese barberry, sea green juniper, creeping mahonia, and bearberry cotoneaster. A small portion, or approximately 60 linear feet, of the parking lot area has frontage along Seneca Ave SW. The applicant has proposed the installation of a 10-foot-wide perimeter parking lot landscape strip along the entire north property line, which includes the Seneca Ave SW ROW frontage, satisfying the perimeter landscaping requirement along public ROWs. Perimeter landscaping is also proposed along the west side of the parking lot and ranges between 10 and 30 feet in width. Per RMC 4-4-070.G.6, the preference for vegetation within setbacks or screening areas shall be native coniferous trees, native deciduous trees, and other native vegetation, in that order. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan that identifies use of vegetation types identified in RMC 4-4-070.G.6 in the perimeter landscaping. The final detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit approval. The proposal includes various landscape islands across both the north and south parking lots including a single contiguous landscape island running east/west through the middle of the new north parking lot. Based on a proposed total of 550 spaces, a minimum of 35 sq. ft. of interior parking lot landscaping is required to be provided for a total of 19,250 sq. ft. According to the conceptual plan (Exhibit 4), approximately 26,565 sq. ft. of interior parking lot landscaping is proposed. All interior landscape islands appear to meet or exceed the dimension requirements (minimum of 8 feet by 12 feet) and include City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 8 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL a healthy mix of shrubs and trees that exceed the minimum rates required for industrial uses. However, multiple stalls in the existing south parking lot appear to be further than 50 feet away from an interior parking lot landscape area and therefore, do not meet the requirement in RMC 4-4-070.H.5.d. As discussed above, due to the proposed installation of new storm drainage facilities, the entire site is subject to the landscape requirement in RMC 4-4-070. Based on the current site characteristics, additional landscape elements including both perimeter and interior parking lot landscaping are missing from the front parking lot area near SW 10th St. In addition, based on recent aerial photographs, vegetation is missing from the pervious area along the east side of the building near the common property line. Lastly, the required 10 feet of on-site landscaping is not shown on the plans. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan identifying compliance the requirements for parking lot landscaping, 10-feet of on-site landscaping adjacent to the ROW, and landscaping in all pervious areas of the site. The detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit approval. ✓ Tree Retention: The City’s adopted Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations (4-4-130) require the retention of 30 percent of trees on all properties subject to an active land development permit. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than twenty percent (20%); significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and significant trees over sixty feet (60') in height or greater than eighteen inches ( 18") caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and other significant non-native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted an Arborist Report: Tree Inventory, prepared by Rippey Arboriculture LLC, dated March 19th, 2022 (Exhibit 12) with the application. The applicant has not proposed the removal of any trees; therefore, the project complies with the tree retention requirements in the IM zone. If the applicant proposes removal of any trees as part of an updated landscape plan, a tree retention worksheet would be required to be submitted at the time of civil construction permit application, to ensure compliance with the IM zone tree retention standards. Partially Compliant/Compliance not yet demonstrated Screening: All on-site surface mounted utility equipment shall be screened from public view. Screening shall consist of equipment cabinets enclosing the utility equipment, solid fencing or a wall of a height at least as high as the equipment it screens, or a landscaped visual barrier allowing for reasonable access to equipment. Equipment cabinets, fencing, and walls shall be made of materials and/or colors compatible with building materials. All operating City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 9 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL equipment located on the roof of any building shall be enclosed so as to be screened from public view. Staff Comment: No new surface mounted or roof mounted equipment would be installed as part of the project. An existing monopole wireless communication facility is located on the north of the site. The associated equipment enclosure is screened by mature vegetation that will not be impacted by proposed construction. The applicant has also proposed new vegetation around the perimeter of the monopole enclosure including Sea green juniper, Dwarf Japanese holly, and Renaissance Vanhoutte spirea. If the applicant proposes the installation of any new surface-mounted equipment, screening details would be required to be submitted at the time of building permit application to ensure compliance with the screening standards. Compliant if condition of approval is met Refuse and Recycling: In manufacturing and other nonresidential developments, a minimum of three (3) square feet per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas and a minimum of six (6) square feet per one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas. A total minimum area of one hundred (100) square feet shall be provided for recycling and refuse deposit areas. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted plans showing a refuse and recycling deposit area on the north side of the building. However, the size and screening method proposed for the deposit area was not included in the plans. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit plans for the trash and recycling enclosure for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. ✓ Parking: Parking regulations require small vehicle service and repair use to provide a minimum and maximum of 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. General office use requires a minimum of 2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of net floor area and a maximum of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of net floor area. Minimum standard parking stall dimensions are 9 feet by 20 feet, compact stall dimensions are 8 ½ feet by 16 feet. Each parallel stall shall be 23 feet by 9 feet in size. Van accessible parking stall dimensions are 8 feet by 20 feet with a companion access aisle of 8 feet wide. Typical accessible parking stall dimensions are 8 feet by 20 feet with a companion access aisle of 5 feet wide. Staff Comment: The total net floor area of the building is approximately 114,000 sq. ft., which will consist of approximately 107,000 sq. ft. of service and repair space and 7,000 sq. ft. of office space, according to the applicant. The applicant has proposed the construction of approximately 400 new parking spaces within the upgraded parking lot at the rear of the site (north), which would result in a total of 550 parking spaces on the site at project completion. Based on the floor area of the proposed uses in the building, the applicant would be required to provide a minimum of 288 spaces (no maximum due to service and repair requiring no maximum). While the applicant proposes a total of 550 spaces, the majority of spaces would be used for short term storage of City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 10 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL new and to-be-repaired customer vehicles. Therefore, the site would comply with the parking standards for the proposed uses. In addition, the dimensions of the parking stalls appear to comply with the parking stall dimension standards, which would be verified at the time of formal building permit application review. Complaint if condition of approval is met Bicycle Parking: The number of bicycle parking spaces shall be equal to ten percent (10%) of the number of required off-street vehicle parking spaces. Staff Comment: Based on the minimum number of vehicle spaces required for the use (288 spaces), the applicant is required to provide a minimum of 29 bicycle parking spaces (10% of 288 = 29 spaces). The bicycle parking space should be located close to the front entrance and positioned in a manner that does not allow a vehicle to block access for a user. The submitted documents did not provide any information or specifications for the required bicycle spaces and therefore compliance with the bicycle parking standards in RMC 4-4- 080F.11.b could not be determined. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall provide details of the proposed off- street (interior or exterior) bicycle parking for at least 29 spaces that complies with the bicycle parking standards to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit issuance. ✓ Fences and Retaining Walls: A maximum of eight feet (8') anywhere on the lot provided the fence, retaining wall or hedge does not stand in or in front of any required landscaping or pose a traffic vision hazard. There shall be a minimum three-foot (3') landscaped setback at the base of retaining walls abutting public rights-of-way. Staff Comment: An existing six-foot (6’) tall chain-link fence around a portion of the site perimeter would remain in place. The applicant has proposed the installation of new identical six-foot (6’) tall chain-link fences around portions of the site. No new retaining walls on the site are proposed. All new fences proposed shall comply with the fence and wall standards in RMC 4-4-040. Compliant if condition of approval is met Lighting: Guidelines: Lighting that is appropriate to the architectural character of the neighborhood and of a human scale shall be provided. Lighting shall be minimal where possible to achieve the desired purpose. Light spillover for all lighting, as well as single source lighting of large areas shall be avoided. Staff Comment: No lighting specifications were shown on the utilities or site plan and no separate lighting plan was submitted. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit a lighting plan be provided that demonstrates compliance with RMC 4-4-075 and provides enough light for security but does not create excessive light impacts on neighboring properties. In addition, the parking and pedestrian areas shall also contain adequate lighting to ensure safety and security. The lighting plan shall include detailed sheets of all existing and new light fixtures on site, footcandle illumination information, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 11 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL 18. Site Plan Review: Pursuant to RMC 4-9-200.B, Site Plan Review is required for all development in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation. For Master Plan applications, compliance with the review criteria for Site Plans are analyzed at a general level of detail to ensure nothing would preclude the development of the Site Plan. Given Site Plan applications are evaluated for compliance with the specific requirements of the RMC 4-9-200.E.3 the following table contains project elements intended to comply with level of detail needed for Site Plan requests: Compliance Site Plan Criteria and Analysis Compliant if conditions of approval are met a. Comprehensive Plan Compliance and Consistency. Staff Comment: See previous discussion under FOF 16, Comprehensive Plan Analysis. Compliant if conditions of approval are met b. Zoning Compliance and Consistency. Staff Comment: See discussion under FOF 17, Zoning Development Standard Compliance. N/A c. Design Regulation Compliance and Consistency. Staff Comment: N/A N/A d. Planned action ordinance and Development agreement Compliance and Consistency. Compliant if conditions of approval are met e. Off-site Impacts. Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a particular portion of the site. Staff Comment: No new structures are proposed as part of the project. The existing 114,531 tilt-up concrete building is of similar scale and style of other buildings in the immediate area, which primarily house light industrial, warehousing and distribution, and other transportation/auto-centric uses. Although currently undeveloped, the area the proposed parking lot would be constructed is comprised of packed gravel and was historically utilized for equipment and materials storage. Therefore, the proposal would not result in overscale structures or overconcentration of development on a particular portion of the site. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways and adjacent properties. Staff Comment: A five-foot (5’) wide sidewalk is located along the SW 10th St. frontage adjacent to the site that allows pedestrians to safely access the site. Vehicular connections to adjacent properties are not present or appropriate due to the predominantly industrial or warehousing/distribution uses adjacent to the site that frequently utilize semi-trucks, forklifts, and other large equipment. In addition, two (2) sides of the site are bounded by railroad ROW where a connection is not feasible. Due to the potential for accidents created by the large equipment entering and exiting adjacent industrial sites, restricting linkages between the project site and adjacent sites is safer for customers and employees of the existing business. Pedestrian connections to adjacent properties are provided via the public sidewalk along SW 10th St. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 12 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL Utilities, Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from surrounding properties. Locate utilities underground consistent with RMC 4-6-090. Staff Comment: The applicant did not identify a trash and recycling screening enclosure detail. See analysis above under FOF 17: Zoning Development Standards Compliance, Refuse and Recycling. Three (3) existing HVAC units above the applicant’s office space at the front of the building are partially visible from the public ROW. Due to the industrial nature of uses in the immediate area and relatively small size of the equipment, the visual impact to neighboring properties is negligible. In addition, no changes to the envelope of the existing building are proposed. If new rooftop equipment is proposed as a part of the project or at any time in the future, the new equipment would be required to be screened so as to not be visible from adjacent properties or from the public ROW. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features. Staff Comment: Due to the location of the site within a heavily developed industrial area, limited meaningful natural features are present within or nearby the site. The largest change to the site (the construction of a large parking lot) would occur at or slightly above grade, and would not significantly impact any of the already limited views in the immediate area. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the project. Staff Comment: The existing mature trees in the perimeter landscape strip along the southern frontage of the site provides an effective vegetative buffer between the subject site and the ROW. However, based on a site visit by staff, multiple trees visible in historic aerials appear to have been removed due to being in poor health. Specifically, three (3) trees located between the two (2) driveways are missing and some other remaining trees appear to be in poor health and may need to be trimmed to encourage recovery or replaced if their condition cannot be improved. Therefore, in order to enhance the appearance of the site and ensure the site has healthy trees along the frontage of the site, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit a tree assessment prepared by a licensed arborist that documents the health of the existing trees in the planter strip along SW 10th St. and includes a recommendation for replacement trees to be planted where trees were removed or where unhealthy trees are recommended for removal. If feasible, the applicant shall utilize a “Medium” or “Large” stature species from the Approved Street Tree List and Spacing Guidelines document. Any recommended tree maintenance should be performed prior to construction permit close out. The tree assessment and frontage planting plan shall be submitted with the building permit application for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The tree assessment and revised Detailed Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. Limited screening is present on the other three (3) sides of the site (north, east, and west). Due to the presence of railroad ROW adjacent to the east and west property lines, vegetative screening opportunities are limited due to maintenance and safety concerns. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 13 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL The proposed parking lot includes perimeter and interior landscaping that will enhance the appearance of the project, especially when viewed from adjacent properties or from Seneca Ave SW. See FOF 17, Zoning Development Standards; Landscaping for additional analysis. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets. Staff Comment: See FOF 17, Zoning Development Standards; Lighting for additional analysis and a recommended condition of approval. Compliant if conditions of approval are met f. On-site Impacts. Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and orientation. Staff Comment: No changes to the existing building footprint are proposed. The effective “front” of the building would continue to orient south towards the existing surface parking lot and SW 10th St ROW and does not negatively impact the privacy of the adjacent properties. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle needs. Staff Comment: The existing approximately 110,000 sq. ft. building and proposed parking lot improvements would not create a significant visual impact and would not negatively impact any natural characteristics on the site. The existing building is of similar scale and style as the surrounding buildings and does not look out of place in the primarily industrial area. Only a small portion of the new parking lot would be visible from the primary ROW (SW 10th St). Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces. Staff Comment: The applicant has not proposed the removal of any significant vegetation or trees on the site. Minor clearing of overgrown ground cover may need to occur on the west side of the site along the perimeter in order to make room for the new landscaping proposed. In addition, no significant cut or fill has been proposed as the site is primarily flat. No significant natural features are present on the site due to its location in a heavily developed existing industrial development. Reducing Parking Impervious Areas: Design parking areas to minimize impervious surfaces, including but not limited to: (1) breaking up parking areas and directing stormwater flows to multiple low impact development features such as bioretention areas; (2) locating parking near trees to provide storm water uptake; (3) retaining or adding vegetation to parking areas; (4) placing existing parking that exceeds maximum parking ratios in permeable pavement designed consistent with the Surface Water Design Manual in RMC 4-6-030; and (5) using other low impact development techniques consistent with RMC 4-6-030. Staff Comment: The proposed new parking lot on the north side of the site adds impervious surface. However, proposed stormwater upgrades will provide a significantly higher degree of water treatment compared to the current conditions, City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 14 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL which primarily consists of hard packed gravel with no water quality treatment. In addition, substantial landscaping is proposed in the form of perimeter and interior parking lot landscaping. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to enhance the appearance of the project. Landscaping also includes the design and protection of planting areas so that they are less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. Landscaping shall be consistent with RMC 4-4-070. Staff Comment: The proposed parking lot improvements include a variety of landscape improvements and represent a significant improvement over the existing conditions on site. See FOF 17, Zoning Development Standard; Landscaping for additional analysis. Compliant if condition of approval is met g. Access and Circulation. Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties. Staff Comment: The existing three (3) driveways off of SW 10th St. are appropriate for the size of the site and the type of use on the site, which would be used by employees for employee parking and customers for drop off, pick up, and the delivery of vehicles. The site does not access an arterial street. In addition, limited opportunities exist for sharing an access point with an adjacent property due to the neighboring uses which require large semi-trucks to maneuver as they pick up or drop off their payload. Lastly, railroad ROW adjacent to the site prevents connections to neighboring parcels to both the east and west. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways. Staff Comment: Minimal changes to the circulation are proposed within the existing surface parking lot and access drive that connects the front of the site to the rear of the site. Existing circulation conditions in the location of the proposed parking lot on the north side of the site are extremely poor due to a lack of pavement, traffic markings, and curbs. Construction of the asphalt parking lot would include curbs, new pavement, pavement markings, and landscape elements that would significantly improve safety and efficiency on the site by providing dedicated drive aisles and parking spaces, and would reduce the potential for traffic or pedestrian accidents. The need for pedestrian circulation is expected to be extremely limited due to the auto-centric nature of the use. However, the existing paved parking area on the south side of the building contains some pedestrian walkways and is directly adjacent to the building’s front entrance. In addition, the applicant has proposed ADA improvements to the lot which includes the addition of two (2) new ramps near the front entrance as well as new striping for 11 ADA spaces. The proposed improvements would promote safer and more efficient circulation for both office and manufacturing employees at the site as well as truck drivers accessing the proposed new parking lot at the rear of the site. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 15 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL Loading and Delivery: Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas. Staff Comment: Due to the proposed use, including the sale of passenger vehicles in addition to repair and service, a high volume of vehicle delivery to the site for customer purchase is anticipated. The applicant did not include information on the method of delivery and whether large car-hauler semis would be utilized to offload the new vehicles. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit a detailed plan that identifies the method in which vehicles would be delivered to the site including information regarding the type of semi-truck used, turning movement analysis for ingress and egress on the site, and circulation of the delivery vehicles on and off the site. The detailed plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access. Staff Comment: Due to the auto-centric nature of the use, staff expects the majority of visitors and employees of the site to arrive by vehicle. However, multiple King County Metro bus stops are located on SW Grady, Lind Ave SW, and SW 7th St. which are both within a quarter mile of the subject site and would allow relatively easy access to the site via public transit. In addition, a planned new transit center will be constructed at the northeast corner of S Grady Way and Rainier Ave S which will provide access to an even larger number of bus routes. Bicycle trips are expected to be limited; however, the requirement to provide a bicycle parking space or rack would ensure that facilities are available if an employee or customer chooses to bike to the site. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties. Staff Comment: The parking area is located directly adjacent to the building and customers would have a very short distance to walk into the customer-oriented area of the business. While pedestrian traffic is expected to be minimal due to the auto-centric nature of the proposed use and limited customer visits, a public sidewalk is located approximately 90 feet from the front entrance of the building. See above under ‘Circulation’ for analysis and condition of approval related to pedestrian connections. ✓ h. Open Space: Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal points and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the site. Staff Comment: Due to the industrial nature of the area, open space is generally not expected or provided on sites in the immediate area. However, the small landscape area at the front of the building currently functions as a break area for employees and provides smoking facilities, picnic tables, and a future bike rack. The provision of meaningful passive or active recreational opportunities is generally not necessary or appropriate for the project site due to the nature of the existing use. ✓ i. Views and Public Access: When possible, providing view corridors to shorelines and Mt. Rainier, and incorporating public access to shorelines Staff Comment: The proposed structure would not block view corridors to shorelines or Mt. Rainier. Due to the topography of the southern portion of the site, no shoreline or mountain views are present. The building has a maximum height of approximately 35 feet above grade, with no changes proposed. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 16 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL ✓ j. Natural Systems: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural systems where applicable. Staff Comment: See “Natural Features” under criterion ‘e’ above. ✓ k. Services and Infrastructure: Making available public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use: Police and Fire. Staff Comment: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, if the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. An existing hydrant may be relocated to an approved location. Protective bollard posts shall be required all around the new hydrant to protect the hydrant from vehicle impacts. The location of the hydrant would be reviewed at the time of civil construction permit review. Water and Sewer. Staff Comment: Water and sewer service is already available in the building and would not require any significant service changes. Drainage. Staff Comment: Based on the submitted documents, the project would add more than 5,000 square feet of new and replaced pollution generating impervious area. Therefore, the applicant is required to provide enhanced basic water quality treatment, which would be reviewed at the time of Construction Permit submittal. The applicant has proposed a Bio Clean Modular Wetlands System for enhanced basic water quality treatment. The applicant would need to provide a detail of the system showing the required Department of Ecology General Use Level Designation approval. For flow control, the applicant has proposed a 15,500 cubic foot vault to meet the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard. The proposed vault would be located at the northwest corner of the proposed parking lot under the new pavement. In addition, the applicant must obtain a Construction Stormwater Permit from the Department of Ecology due to clearing and grading exceeding one acre. The applicant submitted a Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., dated October 31, 2023 (Exhibit 10). The project contains greater than 2,000 square feet of replaced impervious surface and therefore the development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Black River Cedar River Drainage Basin. All nine (9) core requirements and the six (6) special requirements have been discussed in the TIR. Project construction is required to comply with the 2022 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). The TIR submitted is based on a full drainage review as required in the 2022 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. Core requirements one through nine (1-9), as well as the six (6) special requirements, have been discussed in the Technical Information Report. All requirements would be addressed in the final TIR submitted and reviewed with the civil construction permit application. The advisory notes (Exhibit 16) highlight several errors in the TIR that need to be addressed in the Final TIR. Staff’s opinion is that any changes can be addressed with the civil construction permit review and are not critical at this time. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 17 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL A Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (CWWPPP) and Erosion and Sediment Control plan (ESC) are also required for the site. Transportation. Staff Comment: SW 10th St is classified as an Industrial Access Road, with an existing Right-of-Way (ROW) width of 60 feet (60’). The existing street section is 38 feet (38’) of pavement (2 travel lanes), with 0.5-foot (0.5’) wide curb, and 5-foot (5’) wide sidewalk on the south side only. A 5-foot (5’) wide sidewalk is located on the applicant’s property directly adjacent to the ROW. A 10-foot (10’) wide planter is located on the north side of the ROW and a 4-foot (4’) wide planter is located on the south side of the ROW. Seneca Ave SW is classified as a commercial access road with an existing Right-of-Way (ROW) width of 60 feet (60’). The existing street section is approximately 42 feet (42’) of pavement (2 travel lanes and parking on each side). The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., and prepared in May of 2024 (Exhibit 11). For the analysis, the TIA utilized a horizon year of 2025. According to the analysis, the new development is anticipated to generate approximately 858 new average daily trips (ADTs) with approximately 19 new AM peak-hour trips and approximately 42 new PM peak-hour trips. The report evaluates the Level of Service (LOS) at four (4) offsite intersections (Lind Ave SW/SW 10th St, Powell Ave SW/SW 10th St, Powell Ave SW/SW 10th St, Lind Ave SW/SW Grady Way, as well as site access at SW 10th St. LOS was analyzed under three (3) conditions including existing, 2025 baseline, and 2025 future with development conditions. The analysis indicated all City intersections would operate at LOS D or better in the future with the development except for the intersection of Lind Ave SW and SW Grady Way. Staff has determined that the development will have met City of Renton concurrency requirements when complete (Exhibit 15). Access is proposed via the three (3) existing driveway access points from SW 10th St. The project fronts SW 10th St to the south and a small section of Seneca Ave SW to the north. Since this project is proposing an interior remodel and no new construction or additions valued at over $175,000, no street frontage improvements or right of way dedication are required. An existing 5-foot (5’) wide sidewalk is located along SW 10th St and is used by the public for access to the site in addition to crossing in front of the site. During review of the project, staff found that the sidewalk was not in the public ROW but instead on the project site (i.e. private property). In order to ensure the public continues to have access to the sidewalk, as was the original intent based on the sidewalk pattern in the immediate area, an easement should be established over the sidewalk. Therefore, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall record a public access easement over the existing sidewalk fronting the project site along SW 10th St. A draft of the easement shall be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. The easement shall be recorded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. N/A l. Phasing: Including a detailed sequencing plan with development phases and estimated time frames, for phased projects. Each phase must be able to stand on its own without reliance upon development of subsequent phases in order to meet all development standards of Title IV. Staff Comment: The applicant is not requesting any phasing. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 18 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL ✓ m. Stormwater: Providing optimal locations of stormwater infiltrating low impact development facilities. Avoiding placement of buildings or impervious areas on soils with infiltration capability to the maximum extent practicable. Staff Comment: There is minimal pervious surfaces to accommodate infiltration on this developed industrial site. On-site BMPs, as described in Section C.1.3 of the 2017 RSWDM, would be evaluated as part of the review of the final drainage plan and drainage report submitted with the construction permit application. 19. Critical Areas: Project sites which contain critical areas are required to comply with the Critical Areas Regulations (RMC 4-3-050). The proposal is consistent with the Critical Areas Regulations, if all conditions of approval are complied with: Compliance Critical Areas Analysis Compliant if SEPA Mitigation Measures are Implemented Geologically Hazardous Areas: Based upon the results of a geotechnical report and/or independent review, conditions of approval for developments may include buffers and/or setbacks from buffers. A standard 15-foot building setback is required for all structures from Protected Slope areas. A 50-foot buffer and 15-foot building setback are required from Very High Landslide Hazard Areas. Staff Comment: The subject site is located in an area with a known high seismic hazard. As such, the applicant submitted a Draft Geotechnical and Infiltration Test Results Report, prepared by PanGEO, Inc., dated June 10, 2021 (Exhibit 9), with the application. The project would include a total of approximately 146,797 square feet of new impervious surface and approximately 51,400 square feet of replaced impervious surface. The report includes multiple construction recommendations for infiltration facilities on the site including but not limited to, scarifying the subgrade prior to placing fill, limiting heavy equipment during wet weather, and constructing infiltration facilities as late in the schedule as possible after upstream areas are stabilized. As part of the SEPA Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated issued for the project (Exhibit 18), the applicant would be required to comply with the recommendations found in the submitted draft report and any future addenda. I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Employment Area (EA) Comprehensive Plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation, see FOF 16. 2. The subject site is located in the Medium Industrial (IM) zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 17. 3. The proposed Site Plan complies with the Site Plan Review criteria provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 18. 4. The proposed Site Plan complies with the Critical Areas Regulations as established by City Code and state law provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 19. 5. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed parking lot upgrade project, see FOF 18. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 19 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL 6. Key features which are integral to this project include the provision of perimeter landscaping adjacent to the north property line, storm water improvements, and retention of all existing trees on the site. J. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Tesla SSD and Collision Center, File No. LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H, as depicted in the Site Plan (Exhibit 3), subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan that identifies use of vegetation types identified in RMC 4-4-070.G.6 in the perimeter landscaping. The landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit approval. 2. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan identifying compliance the requirements for parking lot landscaping, 10-feet of on-site landscaping adjacent to the ROW, and landscaping in all pervious areas of the site. The detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit approval. 3. The applicant shall submit plans for the trash and recycling enclosure for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. If the enclosure is visible from the public ROW, a higher quality material such as masonry, cedar, or alternative approved by staff shall be used. 4. The applicant shall provide details of the proposed off-street (interior or exterior) bicycle parking for at least 29 spaces that complies with the bicycle parking standards to be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project prior to building permit issuance. 5. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan be provided that demonstrates compliance with RMC 4-4-075 and provides enough light for security but does not create excessive light impacts on neighboring properties. In addition, the parking and pedestrian areas shall also contain adequate lighting to ensure safety and security. The lighting plan shall include detail sheets of all existing and new light fixtures on site, footcandle illumination information, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. 6. The applicant shall submit plans for the trash and recycling enclosure for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. If the enclosure is visible from the public ROW, a higher quality material such as masonry, cedar, or alternative approved by staff shall be used. 7. The applicant shall submit a tree assessment prepared by a licensed arborist that documents the health of the existing trees in the planter strip along SW 10th St and includes a recommendation for replacement trees to be planted where trees were removed or where unhealthy trees are recommended for removal. If feasible, the applicant shall utilize a “Medium” or “Large” stature species from the Approved Street Tree List and Spacing Guidelines document. Any recommended tree maintenance should be performed prior to construction permit close out. The tree assessment and frontage planting plan shall be submitted with the building permit application for review and approval by the Current Planning Project Manager. The tree assessment and revised Detailed Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to civil construction permit issuance. 8. The applicant shall submit a detailed plan that identifies the method vehicles will be delivered to the site including information regarding the type of semi truck used, turning movement analysis for ingress and egress on the site, and circulation of the delivery vehicles on and off the site. The detailed plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Tesla SSD and Collision Center Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Report of August 20, 2024 Page 20 of 20 SR_HEX_Tesla_240731_v3_FINAL 9. The applicant shall record a public access easement over the existing sidewalk fronting the project site along SW 10th St. A draft of the easement shall be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. The easement shall be recorded prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER EXHIBITS Project Name: Tesla SSD and Collision Center Land Use File Number: LUA24-000157, ECF, SA-H Date of Hearing August 20, 2024 Staff Contact Alex Morganroth Principal Planner Project Contact/Applicant Barsin Bet Govargez, 1100 W Town and Country Rd, Suite 700, Orange, CA 92868 Project Location 600 SW 10th St (APN 2146000050) The following exhibits are included with the Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner: Exhibits 1-16: As shown in the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 17: Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Exhibit 18: Environmental (SEPA) Review Determination of Non-Significance, Mitigated, dated July 8, 2024