HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1• CITY OF RENT4i DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 8, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Taylor Deck Repair LUA (file) Number: LUA14-000604, SME Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Clark Close Acceptance Date: May 7, 2014 . Applicant: Becky Henderson Owner: Robert & Alison Taylor Contact: PIO Number: 3342700149 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: May 20, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: June 3 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Shoreline Exemption for the repair of a deck on Lake Washington Location: PID 889870, Victoria Hills, Tract C ( Y?I I ~wft-f!,\..i}.. 1\1 l Comments: '--' ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; OS -Determination of Significance. r I t I ' [ • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION • CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION. FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: May 20, 2014 LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: LUA14-000604, SME PROJECT NAME: Taylor Deck Repair PROJECT MANAGER: Clark H. Close, Associate Planner OWNER/APPLICANT: Robert and Alison Taylor, 3811 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 CONTACT: Becky Henderson, Marine Restoration & Construction LLC, P.O. Box 884, Kirkland, WA98083 PROJECT LOCATION: 3811 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 PARCEL NUMBER: 334270-0149 SEC-TWN-R: NW quarter of Section 32 Township 24N Range 05E WATER BODY/WETLAND: Lake Washington, Reach D PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to conduct normal maintenance and repair on an existing 480 square foot near-shore deck at 3811 Lake Washington Blvd N, within the Residential 8 (R-8) zoning district. The project will occur over the Ordinary High ' Water Mark (OHWM) and landward of the OHWM. The applicant proposes to remove the existing decking and understructure for the near-shore deck that spans the existing bulkhead, and replace the near-shore deck with new stringers and decking. The replacement decking, over the bulkhead and closest to shore, will consist of trex or similar type product, while the remaining 128 square feet overhanging portion of the deck (three feet) will consist of thru-flow plastic grating to allow light transmission of overwater coverage. As part of the proposed project, the applicant is proposing two native planters to the existing dock near the boatlift with canopy area. Each planter will be filled with one shrub consisting of a 1-gallon Red Osier Dogwood Cornjus Stolonifero. • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic DevelopmentCertificate of Exemption from Shorefine Substantial Development Taylor Deck Repair LUA14·000604, SME DATE OF PERMIT: May 20, 2014 Page 2 of 3 No repair work is proposed for the existing dock that extends west, into Lake Washinton, from the near-shore deck. No fill is proposed for this project and no change to the existing bulkhead is proposed. In addition to the Shoreline Substantial Development Exemption Permit, the following permits will also be required: a City of Renton building permit, Army Corps of Engineers permit, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife permit, and a Department of Natural Resources permit. It should also be noted that the subject project would be exempt from Environmental Review (SEPA) per WAC 197-11-800.3 Repair, remodeling and maintenance activities. This section states that "on lands covered by water, only minor repair or replacement of structures may be exempt {examples include repair ar replacement of piling, ramps, floats, ar mooring buoys, or minor repair, alteration, or maintenance of docks)." An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. There shall be no in-water work conducted as a part of this project action. The proposed project is hereby granted in accordance with RMC 4-9-190C.3 for the following reason(s): Pursuant to RMC 4-9-190C.3 the normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire or elements shall not be considered substantial developments for the purposes of the Shoreline Master Program. a. "Normal maintenance" includes those usual acts to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation from a lawfully established condition. b. "Normal repair" means to restore a development to a state comparable to its original condition, including but not limited to its size, shape, configuration, location and external appearance, within a reasonable period after decay or partial destruction, except where repair causes substantial adverse effects to the shoreline resource or environment. The proposed development is consistent or inconsistent with: Consistent N/A Consistent Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adapted by the Department. The City of Renton Shoreline Master Program. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PROJECTS\14-000604 • • City of Renton Deportment of Community & Econc~mic Deve/opmentCertificate of Exemption from Shoreline Substantial Development Toy/or Deck Repair LUA14-000604, SME DATE OF PERMIT: May 20, 2014 Page 3 of 3 SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator Attachments: A) Vicinity Map B) Neighborhood Detail Map C) legal Description D) Plan View E) Proposed Site Plan F) Proposed Framing Plan G) Construction Details H) Proposed Elevation I) Proposed Planting Plan cc: Becky Henderson, Marine Restoration & Construction LLC (Applicant/Contact) Robert and Alison Taylor (Owner) City of Renton Official File H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PROJECTS\14-000604 lAKE FOREST PARK ~ w "' KENMORE JUANITA MEDINA RENTON LAKE MAP/NO SCALE KIRKLAND APPLICANT: TAYLOR, ROBERT & ALISON SITE ADD. 3811 LAKE WASH. BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 MAIL ADD. 3811 LAKE WASH. BLVD N PAGE: 1 of 8 DATE: 4/22/1.4 '~. \ '' • '~;:' '.U.r" '' . ,. e·•~· .. :: i~?::~ _V_IC_I_N_ITY_M_A_P ____ __,,.~WW.Will>-1/4 SEC: NW-32-24-5 NOT TO SCALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PARCEL No. 3342700149) N LAT: 47' 31' 33.168" LONG: -122' 12' 22.896" DECIMAL CONVERSION: LAT: 4 7 .52588 LONG: -122.20636 SEE PAGE 2 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. SHEET INDEX: 1. COVER PAGE 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3. PLANVIEW 4. PROPOSED SITE PLAN 5. PROPOSED FRAMING PLAN 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7. PROPOSED ELEVATION 8. PROPOSED PLANTING PLAN ADJACENT OWNERS: (D ERIKSON, BRUCE AND MARY 3815 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N (2) LITTLEMAN, VIKTORIA 3805 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N LOCAL JURISDICTION: CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 of8 PROPOSED: REPAIR EXISTING DECK LOCATED ON SHORELINE. ADD GRATED DECKING TO OVERWA TER PORTION OF DECK. ADD NATIVE PLANTERS WITH NATIVE PLANTS AS MITIGATION PURPOSE: MAINTAIN EXISTING DECK DATUM: C.O.E MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC P.O. BOX 884 Kirkland, WA 98083-0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM FAX ', (425) 576-8669 001lRAMICISPRCW'ERTYISMAAINE:Jl£SftfU.'IKll.t~U.C AND 11.1.l !!OT 1£ W'l£D CW! REPROOUCED W:THWT 'MlfT1EN CO!SENT GRAPHIC SCALE 200· 0 100' 200' 1111 • t I I 1 " 200' NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP SCALE: 1' = 200' @ MAP OBTAINED FROM KING COUNTY ASSESSORS Ufl70 = 'c'd..£:1 ....... '"' f :; ~(~~~u;~-' ; ..,....,_ '":.~ ! .. l'-1. - N/f ~:-:-;~ HILLMAN'$ 1,1., LAKE WASHINGT• ... ... 111.:1 i.., .,_.,,.,,.~u, :;·~J"c.~ 1-=~-w-:mnn 10 !'I II ,~. •'!~~S:.-:J ~" -~· p =' ~; ·~.JI": 1~,,~ ~ ,,.,.,,,. ~2~ i: . jj ~! ~,:-'"i;,;,t,;-;i;,.;tij GA'!DEN OF ;;l;N ~ ~j~\~~; .. , °"'1 !!:j .i'.- ':, .. ·u , .~ I •· «"< • " -·k ~;c-----~'--1 • ......... -· • ,~~ ,G791s • .n '\ ~ ~ ~ I \'~ ~ ~; •,.:• II ' ' -1; ~ .m1~fr 1'!Jl Cl' -= p.l)",., ... ~.--··• 3-l, ,! MO • -• ,._n ~ 1...... -. J,---,,--,--,,-,-,.-; .....,., ~ n u ~ ,n .. . ~ .. ~):~·. ; ; 8-:::: i ,s\.'E-0, .; -;;;-, '·! '!.:;~ j; l7TllfN !:fi/.:;.~',;. . ..,, ... 1'Ut,i:, OCS!) 'J """ ,i:,sr • 1c.~,,. -,• 1w,r,: .,..,~ IQJII • nj•;!! • =• 7 un, 7 . I0:0 ·~ \P./ i:;o ,: ~ -.F!' -=~ ><' :, ,.,. I~ :»"' ~I'•~~ ( • "'~i· =:~, i! ~,~ ~l,_ /-.L .. 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"" ,...d . .,~ "" -<,-~ ,• ,.,, ~rm~~~~~~~~ MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 PHONE: FAX: ( 425) 576-8661 ( 425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM llB Dll"Wlll 1$ PROPD!TT ts" M-RESTOll"TION • CDIS1IIIJCllOM U.C N1D ..,.T HOT 8( aAED DR -WlllOrr WIUTlDI CONSENT i ~. • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of lots 31, 32, ond 34, Black A. HILL.MAN'S IAl<E WASHINCTON GARDEN OF 1:DEN ADDfllON TO S£A1llE NO. 2, according to the Plat thereat reoarded In Volume 11 of· Plata. Page 64, records of King Counl:y, · Woahlngton and af the former. right of way of the Northam Pacific RaRway Company's Belt Une lying We$f1y af o One parallel with and distant 35 feet Westerly, measured at right allglaa fram the centerline of tt,e main track af said Lake Washln<lton Belt Una. located In the Northeast quarter of Section . 31, and Northwest quarter af section 32, Township 24 North, Range 3 East, W.M., In King County, Washington, mare fully described as foll""8: Commencing at the West quarter comer of sold Section 32, ttom which the East-West centerline of said Section 32, bears North B8'42'3g• East THENCE North 15°41'32" east 708.77 feet to o point on o llne 35.00 feet Westerly, as measured radially from the centerline of the main track of said ronroad right of way and the true point of beginning; THENCE Northerly on o curve, the radius point of which beare South 82'03'07" East 2023.59 feet a distance of 37.48 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point A THENCE North 82'29'09" West 80.68 feet; THENCE South 11•J8'00" West 35.09 feet; THENCE South 82'29'09" East 89.75 feet to the true point of beginning, also beginning at said point a, · THENCE North 82'29'09" West 80.66 feet; THENCE, .. North-7:~51° East:6.92 feet;,..c ... c , ..... , ..•. ,.,,, THENCE South 82'29'09" East 43.00 feet; THENCE 72'04'28" East 38.29 feet to said Point A and the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH uplands and seciond claes shorelands adjoining. Situate In the. Coun~ of King, state of Washington. ...... , .. -·f~;!;'.~•-~-·-;:-'.!'~ .. ,-- PAGE 2 of8 MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC P.O. BOX 884 Kirkland, WA 98083-0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM FAX: (425) 576-8669 !:::':~'::"QRCl'~m:~w: ~ ~ ~=============================== i i - " ~ ~ 'i ,, ) t J.::. ~ ;f 0 "«;;-; 11 u ,, . -7 ~ ::t I I ~ s I I O.H.W. 21.85'. AT / / EXISTING ROCK N 1 BUU<H£AD / If' gi~~ ~~EP~rJ ----[: ,f' . I -----;i:39"E---,a&.1Tz I JOB SITE, " , I. . 1 11.I .v . _ _'_':!;. ""-~~:" N, I I-____ ---u-:;n---• , , LITTlEMAN, VIKTORIA i tf 1 -11811' 17'-11 I X 3805 LI< WASH BLVD N / ~ · / EXISTING PIERS 5'-11"__j ;' , AND COVER / Ir-' '"t-rrrn, _/, I ----L--------,mr'Jri_-----I 60' - GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20' Ill -.. I , .. = 40' / 40' I PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1 •-40• NOTE: Property information for this site was obtained from an Army Corps ofEngineers permit (2002-1.00288). Marine Restoration & Construction LLC has added information from other sources including field measurements and aerial photos. We are not surveyors and can not guarantee great level of accuracy. I PAGE 3 of8 . a MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 FAX: (425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM TltlS DIIA-IS ~TY r:tF -lt£5TDIIA-.. CONSmuctlON LlC ,,,_, MAT NOT BE ~ DI! l'IV'flOOIIQll Mll!Olfl IWIITTtN CONSOIT il I " ~ WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE THE EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCTURE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUCTURE WITH ACZA TREATED LUMBER INST ALL TREX DECKING WITH Tl-IRV-FLOW ORA TED DECKING IN CO RP ERA TED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGHT PENETRATION. EXISTING STEP TO BE REPAIRED NOTE: NOTE: TOTAL AREA: 480 SQ. FT.(+/-) DECK OVERHANG VARIES AS PER THE SHAPE OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD EXISTING DOCK TO REMAIN UNCHANGED . ' EXISTING STAIRS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED l ,., f EXISTING 6X8 POSTS (TYP) NEAR-SHORE DECK TO BE REPAIRED BY REPLACING UNDERSTRUCTURE AND DECKING. DECKING TO BE TREX DECKING OR SIMILAR. (TREX COVERAGE 352 SQ. FT. (+/-) THRU-FLOW PLASTIC GRATING TO BE INCORPERA TED INTO OVERHANG AREA TO ALLOW LIGHT TRANSMISSION OF 128 SQ. FT. (+/-) OF OVERWATER COVERAGE. 4X4 DECK SUPPORTS OHWL AT EXISTING BULKHEAD T 3'-o· 11·-a" 'I -~ -~ ~ ______,, ._________, '--._/ ~ 1-----· 10·-s· --···---------·-······-·······-·--·--------····-····-···-·····-·--···-···-·-·-··-····I IL------. -----·-·--·:-~-·······-·-·---·········---···-·--···-- 11-----------------j g;T 42'-BN ., ; GRAPHIC SCALE 5' PROPOSED SIT~ PLAN PAGE 4 of 8 o 2.5' I tscALE: 1' -5 5· I ._ .. • • • ·-r 1" -5' MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC 'ii :" r.; MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM lNS DIU.WIO IS ~ ll' ltl.<,RIN£ R£SnlllA'IOI .. CONSTRUCTION U.C AHi) WAY NOT 11C a PHONE: ( 425) 576-8661 FAX: (425) 576-8669 ~b~~===============~~~~~~~~=~~~~~=======11 COPCD 1;11 ltfPIIODUCED 111110JT ~ CONS[N1 f • • i -~ a ~ WORK DECRJPTION: REMOVE TIIB EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCTIJRE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUCTURE WITH ACZA TREATED LUMBER. INSTALL TREX DECKING WITH Tiffi.U-FLOW ORA TED DECKING fNCORPERATED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGlfr PENETRATION. 5-3/8~ TREX BORDER THRU-FI TO BE I OVERHA DECK TO PENElRA T 3'-o" t ( - µ ·c >-= "\ ~ - I I / ~ < ----ex: ,- -r- ' / ---" un, uone• / / , I: I I/ "" -be .cc.:: ? f---= ---[): ( ~· -f-, ' I ' ' r- ~ ' DECKING TO BE TREX OR ~IMllAR PROPOSED FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = 1 '-0" 3-1/6" x 6" GLU / ' l, L µ ' ~ J ) . -"---... ) ~ r--~ - ~ ----- PAGE 5 of 8 . • MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 .. ' .. : PHONE: (425) 576-8661 FAX: ( 425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM 'IMS ta.\WIC IS Plt(P[lllY or MAIIINt llf;510IIA'IOI • caGllllUC1ION W:: NG IIAY NOl K 00PC ~ IID'IICDUCm aTHCUt -TIDI CONSOcT ~ I - ~ ~ ~ WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE TIIE EXJSTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCTURE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUCllJRE WITH ACZA THEA TED LUMBER INSTALL TREX DECKING WITH TIIRU·FLOW GRATED DECKING IN CO RP ERA TED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGHT PENEfRATION. 11'-B" TO 10'-6" {+/-) r 1'-7." (+/-) ABOVE OHWI... 10 T6P OF DECK. B" (+/-) ABOVE OHWL OHWL TO BOTIOM OF EXISTING TURF LAWN DECK. TH RU-FLOW PLASTIC GRATING TO BE l INCORPERA TED INTO OVERHANGING J_ I ; PORTION OF DECK TD ALLOW LIGHT '< ;/' / "-. //"' 's .,, PENETRATION. '-y ~ ~ ~ "'-. 11" NEAR-SHORE DECK Y;)--.:::-/111"'. --------------------------j TO BE REPAIRED // / ' EXISTING DOCK TO REMAIN UNCHANGED OHWL OLWL ~----------~---/,.--.. ·; EXISTING BULKHEAD TO REMAIN UNCHANGED EXISTING 4X4 SUPPORT (2) EXISTING 6X8 POSTS (TYP) PROPOSED ELEVATION VIEW :SCALE: NTS ' PAGE 7 of 8 a MARINE RESTORATION &-CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 ;; , .~: PHONE: (425) 576-8661 FAX: (425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM 'MS DIIAWNO IS PROf'OITY C, )IIJINE IIESTCRAllCfl .. CONSmucllON llC INJ MAT HOT BE COPEi DR l!EPIIODUCtO M1HClll WRITlDI CONSVH ~ ~ ~ WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE THE EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTilUCTIJRE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUCTURE WITH ACZ.A TREATED LUMBER. INSTALL TREX DECKING WITH THRU-FLOW GRATED DECKING INCORPERATED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGITT PENETRATION. THRUFLOW PLASTIC GRATING TO ALLOW LIGHT PENETRATION ATIACHED 'MTH 3" STAILESS STEEL SCREWS. 5-3/8• TREX BOARDER 3/4" GALVANIZED CARRAGE BOLTS (TYP) 5-1 /B" X 12" GLULAM f ;, .• .. 'i " :. ,. 11'-B" TO 10'-6" (+/-) 'x4' THRU-FLOW PANEL FA STEN ED AT B PLACES EA. THRU-FLOW GRATED PANfl_"B" N.T.S. TREX DECKING OR SIMILAR 3-1/8• X 6" GLULAM (TYP) EXISTING 6XB POST TO REMAIN PROPOSED DETAIL SECTION SCALE: 1/2'; 1' PIER BLOCK (TYP) I PAGE6of8 I a MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 FAX: (425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM lHS DAA..0 IS Pl!OPO!tf Of" IININ IICSTOll .. llON ,I: CCNSllllUCflCN UC A1rC MAY NOl IC CCPED DII IIEPIIIJCUa1) •lMIU'I' llll:JTTDI CCINSD(f ==========================================il i i ~ a ~ ~· i:; PLANT LEGEND: TYPE: RED OSIER DOOWOOD SIZE: CORNUSSTOLONIFERA IGAL QTY. SYMBOL: 2 • ~ PROPOSED NATIVE PLANTERS AS MITIGATION r •.. ,• .. , ~ ---·--------------··----·-----.\-I \ ''i" " ARMY CORPS NUMBER: ' .- ------···-···--·-----------·------·-------·---·-·----- GRAPHIC SCALE 5' 0 2.5' 1111 -Ill I " = 5' I PROPOSED PLANTING PLAN SCALE: 1' = 5'·0' ., PLANTER DETAIL SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0' J____ H 2·-a· 1, w ,1 1'-0"J PAGE 8 of 8 ~ ~LAf !~x~B4~~~d!w? ~t !ls~N ~ C 2~,~Js~~~sTJ q_l):1L:~~SARINELLCCOM -FAX: (425) 576-8669 ~~~-~~;~~·~c..lU.C.+.hOWAYNOTBC ' City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Robert and Alison Taylor Taylor Deck Repair PROJECTIADDRESS(S)ILOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: 3811 Lake Washington BLVD N 3811 Lake Washington BLVD N Renton, WA 98056 CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 430-5476 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 3342700149 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Becky Henderson EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single Family Residential PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): Marine Restoration & Construction LLC Single Family Residential (No change to existing use) EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS:P.0. Box 884 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: Kirkland, WA ZIP: 98083 (if applicable) EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 576-8661 R-8 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): None proposed. SITE AREA (in square feet): q~ods NAME: Becky Henderson C48o sq. rt. ?r0 ,~+ 1tt.1e A--, SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable):Marinc Restoration &Construction LLC DEDICATED: NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 884 NIA PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Kirkland, WA ZIP: 98083 ACRE (if applicable) NIA TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) Phone: (425) 576-8661 NIA Email: info@marinellc.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NIA H:\CED\Data\Fonns-Templatcs\Self-Hclp Handouts\Planning\mastempp.doc -I -03/11 ~JECT INFORMAT..=-IO=N:...:.._ic(c=--=o=n=·='=ue=d=I) _______ _ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: $26,850.00 NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): NIA :Ill SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES 480 sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A D WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the followina information includedl SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION __E_, TOWNSHIP~. RANGE _s_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Robert Taylor , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one)~ the current owner of the property involved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Signature of Owner/Representative Date STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that /<obc/21 iv. -ray IOI? signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. ~/'.l r (<Z ~/J/U OJ//2S/:2tJt'-I @!!_t-, //, ~a Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Washington ,-·- ........... 811111 al WWII._ ANNA V AIITONENIIO ··-- Notary ( Print): ~/li'-"-''!1/J ___ Q'---Y,-, --'flrrt"'-'-_0c....l1_e_rJ_lt_O _____ _ U, Appajafmenl Expires Aug II, HIS My appointment expires: _.L/1<!.!U,:.:-fJi:.U::.:S:..f'----'/'-'l-=.21):...I_S _________ _ --' H : \C ED\Data \Fonns~ T cmplalcs\Scl f. Help Handoul">\Planning\mastcrapp.doc -2 -03/11 .. -.... • • MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC P.O. Box 884 Kirkland, WA 98083-0884 Phone: (425) 576-8661 Fax: (425) 576-8669 Project Name: Proposed Work: Basis For Exemption: Anticipated Work Dates: Other Permits required: Current Use of Site: Proposed Use of Site: Special Site Features: Soil and Drainage: Estimated Valuation: Fill Quantity: Trees to be Removed: Distance of Work to Proiect Narrative: Taylor Deck Repair We propose to repair an existing near-shore deck by removing existing decking and understructure, and constructing the deck with new stringers and decking. Decking to be trex or similar. Overwater portion of the deck will be grated with Thru-Flow plastic grating. WAC l 73-27-040(2)(b) -For normal maintenance and repair of an existing structure. Work dates to be determined by permits. City of Renton Building permit, Army Corps of Engineers permit, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife permit, Department of Natural Resources permit. Single family residential Single family residential (No change proposed to use) The project is to occur on the shoreline of Lake Washington. No change to the existing soil and drainage conditions is proposed with this application. No formal soil or drainage assessment has been performed. $26,850.00 No fill is proposed for this project. The proposed project does not include the removal of any trees or plant life. Shrubs proposed as mitigation: 2 Osier Dogwoods Ordinary High Water Mark: Project will occur over the Ordinary High Water Mark and landward of the Ordinary High Water Mark. Nature of Shoreline: Existing shoreline is a rock bulkhead. No change to existing bulkhead is proposed. .1 . ·- i • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That POl'llon of Iota 31, 32. and 34, Block A. HILLMAN'S I.ME WASIBNC'l!ON GARD9I OF a>EN ADDl1ION lO SFATTLE NO. 2, ~!IQ to the Plat thereof IWOrded In Volume 11 of Plata, Page 64, ~ of King Coul,\y, ' Walhlngton and of the former· right of way of the Northern Paclfto Railway Company's Bell Une ~ WeaJ,erty of o Bne parallel with and cllatant 35 feat Weatarty, --at rtaht onglllll from the centerllna of tile main track of aold Lalca ~ Belt Une. '-tad In the North1118l quarter of Seotlon 31, and ~ quarter of leCllorl 32. TOMlllhlp 24 North, .Range 3 Eoat, W.M., In IClng Coum,y, Woaltlngton. men fully d11crlbed a follollll: · Commenalllg at the Welt quarter comer of IIClld Section 32. lt'om which the t:aat-w.t center1lne of aold Sectlarl 32, baons North 88'42'39" taat; THENCE North 16"41 '32" east 708.77 feat to a paint on a l1ne 35.CIO feat Wellter!Y, oa ~ radially tram the cenlltrllne of the main track of IICllcl rollrood right of way and the true paint af beglnnlnQ; '!HENCE Narther1y on a ourw, the radlua point of wldch baora South B2'03'o7" £aat 2023 !18 feet a dlatance of 37.48 feet to a paint heiell.aftM 1eFei I ad to C111 Point A THENCE North 82'29'09" West 80.88 feel; THENC£ South 1 1'38'00" West 35.09 faet; 1lfENCE South 82'29'09" ~ 89.75 ~ to the true point of beglladri;. ateo be;lnnlng at IICllcl point o, THENCE North 112'29'09" West 80.88 faet; lHENCE North 7'30'151 • Eallt 11.92 feel; 1MENCE South 82'29'09" Eallt ·43.00 feet; 1HENCE 72'04'21" fast 38.28 feet to eald Point A and the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH ·Uplanda and eeclGnd ckma thorelandll adjolnlnQ. Sltuatill In the. ~ of King. Slate of Washington. PAGE 2 of6 MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC :11 ~ P.O. BOX 884 Kirkland, WA 98083-0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM ! FAX: (425) 576-8669 ::":~':' .. ~=..."":.:,.."'":"' ~~==================================::!J ' TAYLOR DECK REPAIR LAKE FOREST PARK KENMORE JUANITA KIRKLAND MEDINA RENTON LAKE MAP/NO SCALE APPLICANT: TAYLOR, ROBERT & ALISON SITE ADD. 3811 LAKE WASH. BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 MAIL ADD. 3811 LAKE WASH. BLVD N PAGE: 1 of 8 DATE: 4/22/14 ITE _V_IC_I_N_IT_Y_M_A_P ____ ~~==~ 1/4 SEC: NW-32-24-5 NOT TO SCALE N LAT: 47' 31' 33.168" LONG: -122' 12' 22.896" DECIMAL CONVERSION: LAT: 47.52588 LONG: -122.20636 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PARCEL No. 3342700149) SEE PAGE 2 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. SHEET INDEX: 1. COVER PAGE 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3. PLANVIEW 4. PROPOSED SITE PLAN 5. PROPOSED FRAMING PLAN 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7. PROPOSED ELEVATION 8. PROPOSED PLANTING PLAN ADJACENT OWNERS: G) ERIKSON, BRUCE AND MARY 3815 LAKE WASHINGTON BL VD N (V LITTLEMAN, v1KTORIA 3805 LAKE WASHINGTON BL VD N LOCAL JURISDICTION: CITY OF RENTON PAGE 1 of8 PROPOSED: REPAIR EXISTING DECK LOCATED ON SHORELINE. ADD GRATED DECKING TO Ov1ERWATER PORTION OF DECK. ADD NATiv1E PLANTERS ~TH NA Tiv1E PLANTS AS MITIGATION PURPOSE: MAINTAIN EXISTING DECK DATUM: C.0.E i -MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC ~-~ P.O. BOX 884 Kirkland, WA 98083-0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM FAX: (425) 576-8669 ::i:~=TYl»llt~~~!==w: ~===================================!J GRAPHIC SCALE 200· 0 100· I • 1111 I 1" = 200' 200' NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP SCALE: 1" = 200' @ I MAP OBTAINED FROM KING COUNTY ASSESSORS .!E J:UVO "" "~-?fl. tSLi .. ~ .. , {IQ] I:';:~~ ,flet I ! ·.L .. m.-u.~. J ' HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGT, Nf f :_~-----.. ,,. ::' un 11 ''" ~u " "" GARDEN "" .. ii ;:: t-1W: -=-•r ~] ~ l'l~t;I: '"!l!,. nq,an.:"'= ~ -I::' nu"u,1 :,~.~N ; ~j ~V,~?,;_., (M ~ .i~ OF ,a i':..., ,., .,.... · -·j.;; i --.;'ti w1., 0 '-" ::! lltA. n_ ti: 111 ,.,_ Ir ii. C' IIO'.IO iw!i,U' ,..Ov,p.-,._il _ u~ .c ~; .,,. ""' . .. • ..... ,,,. !:I') ! "# ~ r--"---F--"'-,,.. • U <S.H •• ~ r-w-r.::,;:-.::r:i \':,\,.'E. -~ ; .. =-:i~; \;U:, ~· ""' ';"~ U ;; 3 tt i ,'PT> ft":: i :; oo::, " ,,m ~ ,os u j,.;- . "--····'-~~".,§~~E~~-:-__ :_ __________ g;~£:~:~·-"" ::.~_:.~ -\-J~~~.;;~:_:;_~::: ,.., __ " "' ·• ""· '1'!S ~ :it J'l t.., i .. • •• ..-! I S.f ! ~~ ~:;~ to • ' •t•-•:-.\:,,r~ 110fED e --·"'~ -;:,·:O . 6 ~ al -. ., '/!:I' , '.:~H-,t:' 1=au $ VIE ADD ON ,nn1 / •~•H ?• !:t ,..;; 04,w -~ ,/.,,-. = ; ... "l II0.17 '='~a;g· ~':: --.. ~.,' • -a-_ ; ~ l_ ___ _J\ .,. .... l Dul:$, = ,:~-" i ,,;;;;:' ~it'" !(ii l. . .;.,J..C..C~ 1M101sixn " lDl 3 ~· "" "' ooa tr.,·,, =' = . ~ 11 '"" i,,111 tf l!IU' u v:n~ ,,, l:«!;I;" . 9! '::' ,. ' ; ,o:r .. If' - "" .,IO A ''" "' .. "" " u,.,~5'-,,l'l ".::::~~~ ~<;,;1~ ~~•~:. . XO ~2 -.••...• _::n_._4; ... ,-• O,,,:l , , . ,~,!;!IH! " .151 ..,.,.w •. a,.tt, mm,ncm W"""·UWH-1)~ lll!f. t.lJI QH-tN'-.. ii'Hll4 .. 0.U1--~~j..-:::;~1 p,f • ~ j "' •••'!<' = "" .,..,.., ----""-11)11.a:, ;. rr· L!ll2 ·= p ~JI\ lU . ._. .:!..ll-:U-,A.!.Jh.J.!_ ~~ti) IDT'f.t' ' 1 = .. f '0 !& .:::. ~~ .... "::''@ ill)======================================== ; ~ ~f ~ltix~s4~~1~d!w? ~t !!s~N & C 2~,~J5~J!-~6TI q-~IL~~SARINELLCCOM ~ -FAX: (425) 576-8669 ~-~-~~~"'='=""="""""'""'"'-"'~a . i LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That Porllon of Iota 31, 32. and 34, Block A. Hlw.tAN'S IN<E WASHINGroN GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO S£ATTLE NO. 2. according to the Plat thereof reoordecl In Volume 11 of Plats. Page 64, reoorda of King County, · Washington and of the former. right of way of the Northem Pacr11o Railway Company's Belt Une lying ~ of a Hne parallel with and. distant 35 feet Westerly, measured at right anglea from the centerttne af the main track of said Lake Washington Belt Une. located In the Northeast quarter of Section 31, and Northwest quarter of section 32. Township 24 North, Range 3 East. W.M., In King County, Washington, more fully described as foll0"'8; · Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 32, fl"om which the East-West center11ne af said Section 32, bears North 88'42'39" East; THENCE North 15°41'32" east 708.77 feet to a point on a nne 35.00 feet Weetorty, QI measured radlally fram the centerline of the main track of said ranraad right of way and the true paint of beginning; THENCE Northerly on a curve. the radius point of which beare South 82'03'07" East 2023.59 feet a distance of 37.48 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point A THENCE North 82'29'09" West 80.88 feet; THENCE South 11•35•00• West 35.09 feet; THENCE South 82'29'09" East 89.75 feet to the truo point of beginning. aleo beginning at said point a, THENCE North 82'29'09" West 80.88 feet; THENCE North T30'51" East 8.92 feet; THENCE South 82'29'09" East 43.00 feet; THENCE 72'04'28" ~ 38.29 feet to said Point A and the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH uplande and aecland claea shorelanda adjoining. Situate In the. County of King, state of Washington. PAGE 2 ofB MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC ~--~ P.O. BOX 884 Kirkland, WA 98083-0884 PHONE: (425) 576-8661 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM FAX: (425) 576-8669 !::':~':1"r.Cf=.n,~~.:r=tlC ~l=====================================!J i i e a ~ ,.::. ~ ~ Gij ~ ~ s ,. _--..::_ N' -7' ;' , """' ·-· ~ I I--. r: --;' I -~--------_:_·_ L.'!_08 SITE, 0 , "" ....... I § I _ awN ~ untEMAN --/ ; ' ....... ----1 L ......... , .tc ---I ~ -----,. ' 40 1111 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 20· -Ill I 111 = 40' N88"4nft_____ I I ' 60' _____ _; / 40' PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1•.40• NOTE: Property information for this site was obtained from an Anny Corps of Engineers permit (2002-1-00288). Marine Restoration & Construction LLC has added information from other sources including field measurements and aerial photos. We are not surveyors and can not guarantee great level of accuracy. PAGE 3 of 8 MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM 1H!S DRA'lll<IG IS F'IIOPER1Y CT """'1NE RCSTORATIOOI & CONSlRUC!ION U.C ......0 .. AT NOT BE ~ -~b===============================================!.J PHONE: (425) 576-8661 FAX: (425) 576-8669 COP1Et1 OR R£PR00UCCD VlllMCUT -TIUj CONSENT WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE TI-IE EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCllJRE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUcnJRE WITH ACZA TREATED LUMBER. INST ALL TREX DECKING WITH THRU-FLOW GRATED DECKING INCORPERA TED TNTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGI-IT PENETRATION. EXISTING STEP TO BE REPAIRED 11'-B" ----------- 5' GRAPHIC SCAL~ 0 2.5 I -1111 I 1" = 5' 5' I NOTE: NOTE: TOTAL AREA: 480 SQ. FT.(+/-) DECK OVERHANG VARIES AS PER THE SHAPE OF THE EXISTING BULKHEAD EXISTING DOCK TO REMAIN UNCHANGED EXISTING STAIRS TO REMAIN UNCHANGED EXISTING BXB POSTS (TYP) ····----·----~-----·---- 42'-8" NEAR-SHORE DECK TO BE REPAIRED BY REPLACING UNDERSTRUCTURE AND DECKING. DECKING TO BE TREX DECKING OR SIMILAR. (TREX COVERAGE 352 SQ. FT. ( + /-) THRU-FLOW PLASTIC GRATING TO BE INCORPERA TED INTO OVERHANG AREA TO ALLOW LIGHT TRANSMISSION OF 128 SQ. FT. (+/-) OF OVERWATER COVERAGE. 4X4 DECK SUPPORTS T 10·-s· ;I ., PROPOSED SITE PLAN PAr.F 4 nf R SCALE: 1' -5' MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 PHONE: ( 425) 576-8661 FAX: ( 425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM lHS DRAIWG IS l'IICPOITY OF 11-~-f, CONSTRUC'IDI lie #HJ IIAY NOT 8( CXll'l[ll CII ll£PfllXlUC[l) •lHOUT .. TIDI CONSDIT WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE THE EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCTIJRE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUCTURE WITH ACZA TREATED LUMBER. INST ALL TREX DECKING WITI-1 THRU-FLOW GRATED DECKING INCORPERATED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGHT PENETRATION. THRU-F TO BE IN OVERHAN DECK TO PENETRA ALLOW LIGHT TION. • 3'-D" ' C ~ . -.. = '\ 1--/ - ~ - /"" I / R = [X = ------., ,,. ~ ----'- ' - DOCK CAP BEAM / DECK SUPPORTED 7/ I , I V I ,CCC: :;::c 5 ,=: -c:.-' '( '(__ '---t---r--' ',: DECKING TO BE OR SIMILAR PROPOSED FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = 1 '-0" / EXISTING 4X4 POSTS~ L _J ~ ----"'-t-) 1-'( J --· / ---./ - ~ -- --- , PAGE 5 of 8 I f -~f~l~X~84~~~d!w?~t!!8~N & c2~~J5~£~6T 1 q~IL~~SARINELLCCOM b -FAX: (425) 576-8669 ~DltAmtWIG~~~J&::; .. ~-llCANDIIATNOtllE 'Le:::========================================'J i ~ ~ I " ~ ~ WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE TilE EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCI1JRE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUCfURE WITH ACZ.A TREATED LUMBER. INSTALL TREX DECKING WITH THR.U-FLOW ORA TED DECKING INCORPERATED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGHT PENETRATION. THRUFLOW PLASTIC GRATING TO ALLOW LIGHT PENETRATION ATTACHED WITH 3" STAILESS STEEL SCREWS. 5-3/8" TREX BOARDER 3/4" GALVANIZED CARRAGE BOLTS (TYP) 5-1 /8" X 12" GLULAM 'x4' THRU-FLOW PANEL FASTENED AT 8 PLACES EA. THRU-FLOW GRATED PANEL "B" 11·-a· TO 10'-s· (+/-) -----------1 TREX DECKING OR SIMILAR 3-1/8" X 6" GLULAM (TYP) EXISTING 6X8 POST TO REMAIN PROPOSED DETAIL SECTION SCALE: 1/2' = 1' :'~ r· N.T.S. PIER BLOCK (TYP) PAGE 6 of 8 -MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC -MAIL: P.O. BOX 884, Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 PHONE: ( 425) 576-8661 FAX: (425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM '!}JS Dl!A'MHG IS PIICPCRTT OF fllAAlNE R£STOl'tA,TICN • CONSlRIJCTION U.C AND WAY NOT IIE CCf'IEl) OR~ •TIIClJl IWIITIDI Cl»ISEKT ~==========================================" .· ~ il i " ~ ~ WORK DECRIPTION: REMOVE THE EXISTING DECKING AND UNDERSTRUCTURE. REPLACE UNDERSTRUC11JRE WITH ACZA TREATED LUMBER. INST ALL TREX DECKING WITH TI-IRU-FLOW ORA TED DECKING TNCORPERA TED INTO DESIGN TO ALLOW FOR LIGHT PENETRATION. EXISTING TURF LAWN 11'-8" TO 10'-6" (+/-) ----------- 1'-7" (+/-) ABOVE OHWL to TOP OF DECK. 8" (+/-) ABOVE OHWL OHWL TO BOTIOM OF DECK. THRU-FLOW PLASTIC GRATING TO BE JNCORPERATED INTO OVERHANGING _L I PORTION OF DECK TO ALLOW LIGHT PENETRATION. OHWL~- EXISTING DOCK TO REMAIN UNCHANGED -.______.,....-----~ 11 • 3'-5" (+/-) -......_J ____ ~ NEAR-SHORE DECK TO BE REP AIRED ~--.... ------0 L WL __ ./ ··-.___.....---·-~.,.-· ----..... __ J ____ ..--J-- ---1"-1-___ _ --____ ,.,.,, II EXISTING BULKHEAD TO REMAIN UNCHANGED EXISTING 4X4 SUPPORT (2) EXISTING 6XB POSTS (TYP) PROPOSED ELEVATION VIEW SCALE: NTS PAGE7of8 MARINE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION LLC MAIL: P.O. BOX 884. Kirkland, WA 98083 -0884 PHONE: ( 425) 576-8661 FAX: ( 425) 576-8669 E-MAIL: INFO@MARINELLC.COM lNfS Dll,O,.iG IS PIIOPflllY Of MARINE RCSTOflAllON le CONSTJ!UCllON I.LC AHO MAY NOT 8[ COPIED OR IW'l!ODUC[I) MtltOJT M!ITICN CONsUIT ~========================================- •· , PLANT LEGEND: TYPE: SIZE QTY. RED OSIER DOOWOOD CORNUS STOLONIFERA I GAL PROPOSED NATIVE PLANTERS AS MITIGATION ---·-----·---·-·--·---- 1-------------- ,f-. ---·-L--,---,-,----,, SYMBOL • PLANTER DETAIL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" J_H2·-s· 11 w 11 1'-Q"J ----------------------------I GRAPHIC SCALE 5' 0 2.5' 5' ... -Ill : : PROPOSED PLANTING PLAN SCALE: 1" = 5'-0' ., PAGE 8 ofB il~iiiii~~~~~~~~~I~" ~~~~~~==;;~~~~~~~~~::='.'.~=:="~~~~~~~~! ARMY CORPS NUMBER: f a ~f~!~X~84~~1~d!w?~t!!s~N & cg~~·~J;ng~:f 10~~~~~~:~~~~---,~,oc ~ ~ ~ ' • • SHORELINE TRACKING WORKSHEET City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 The City of Renton is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology to track and evaluate the effectiveness of the Shoreline Master Program at achieving no net loss of shoreline ecological functions with respect to shoreline projects. The City will use shoreline development tracking information to prepare a Shoreline Master Program report every eight years to comply with the Shoreline Management Act requirements. SHORELINE STABILIZATION 1. Is there currently a bulkhead on your site? ,/ Yes D No; If yes, fill out table below. If no, see "Site Conditions", Section 2 below. What Type of Materials is Your Bulkhead Made of? Rocks Linear Feet of Hard Materials: 42'-8' (+/-) Linear Feet of Soft Materials: Examples of Types of Bulkheads: Hard (e.g. racks, wood; Saft (e.g. sand, plants); Combination-soft materials at the water with hard materials furtherer inland, or a combination of hard and soft materials at the water . . SITE CONDITIONS 2. List the size (in square feet) and type of all structures (1'' floor only) on your property (e.g. 2,000 sq. ft. house, 125 sq. ft. greenhouse}. 840 sq. ft. House, 280 sq. ft. shed, 481 sq. ft. dock, 480 sq. ft. deck. Information according to King County Parcel Viewer 3. List distance (in feet} from the water to the closest point of each structure. List each building separately (e.g. shed, dock, carport). House 25' (+/-}, Shed 15' (+/-), Dock is over water, deck is partially over water. -1 - C:\Users\Rob\Dropbox\Projects\ Taylor_ Rob 2014\Docu ments\Permits\City Forms\Shoreline Tracking Worksheet.docx 09/23 • • 4. List the size (in square feet) and type of all impervious surfaces (e.g. driveway, parking area, walkway, patio). House: 840 sq. ft. (+/-) Parking areas/driveway: 7,295 sq. ft. (+/-) Shed: 280 sq. ft. (+/-) (No formal impervious surface assessment has been performed. Information obtained from king county parcel viewer and field measurements. We are not surveyors and cannot guarantee a great level of accuracy.) 5. List distance (in feet) from the water to the closest point of each impervious surface (hard surface. House: 25 feet(+/-) Parking areas/driveway: 25 feet(+/-) Shed: 15 feet(+/-) 6. Describe the existing vegetation within 100 ft. of the waterline. Estimate the amount (in square feet) of native vegetation. Grass and ornamental plantings (e.g. plants requiring care or grown for decorative purposes) should not be counted. None on site. 7. Describe the proposed vegetation within 100 ft. of the waterline. Estimate the amount (in square feet) of native vegetation. Grass and ornamental plantings (e.g. plants requiring care or grown for decorative purposes) should not be counted. We propose to place two native planters with two red osier dogwood plants on the existing dock. 8. Will the project require any added fill? If so, how many cubic yards will be added: No fill is proposed. -2 -09/23 C:\Users\Rob\Dropbox\Projects\Taylor_ Rob 2014\Documents\Permits\City Forms\Shoreline Tracking Worksheet.docx • • IN WATER AND OVER WATER STRUCTURES 9. Are there any in or over water structures on your site (e.g. docks, floats, bridges, mooring piles, boatlifts)? ,/ Yes D No; If yes, fill out the table below. Describe the in and over water structures on your site Type Surface Area Light Penetrating Materials (e.g. dock, float, bridge, (in square feet, if (the percentage of the mooring pile, boat lift, etc.) applicable) surface area that is made of material that allows light to reach the water) Dock 481 sq. ft. None Deck 480 sq. ft. (170 sq. None Existing ft. over water structures coverage) to remain Boatlift with Canopy Canopy is 234 sq. ft. None Mini-lift N/A. mechanical N/A device Existing N/A Overwater decking to be structures replaced with Thru-Flow that will grated decking. be removed Proposed N/ A (repairing existing structures structure) -3 -09/23 C:\Users\Rob\Dropbox\Projects\Taylor_ Rob 2014\Documents\Permits\City Forms\Shoreline Tracking Worksheet.docx