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Report 01
·-- 0 w "' = > "' c:, w - NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP u :z ::J w -, 5-9-14 t i~o~ i ,~02~~0~ ~ .,, v. ' J:!TI [,i 2020 ('i'.2020 ~ ~ ~ Cl [r3iJ/2 ;',iRJ! ~'I~ :.<>1 ~('l ~ .!,--'-·-'<I LJ t000'0~ I ., ~ --~dommlums (rf-j . a,... ~ -~ r1J.o a F -" · --·. .\ (ll 1:2020 · ~ __ ___ _ _ ____ ~ ~i _>Zl ~ tj~~ LocatI~n of proposed ~ N \ I Q'.'. •\ ··· ,---Sout_h_~_Dnve --· • 1 ~ Combmed signs ' ,; ' ~--~ ·-~ . If -· • i ·,·,; (Site Plan 1) \ ·\·'.. . .... ~--. ---. ~ ' t •151'2 2027 22. \ / -" -' "· !'-'' a,~""1: (o;jtoJ L " v-----\ .................. , ,pi,~! ' l ]3;,~,ooo13_isi ti ,' I 5° . f\.3i9/ J.hl \ \·· .. \ / .. . I '.223. \· 2.ri ,.2223. \ · "jienson CQq~miniums ,., 14t~ .. -fit . ~:, __ ;-"'\-, /\}>' . \' \ 2223 .2229, \ . \·, \ · 1425' O · '·. ::v·~~+.-·..,- 6, 0 . ·~1.J25 • 11 B25 )( , , 0 Ov,lJV -3~ 6 1425 c1425!425 S. N,iget Dr. O e Renton,~~ f,1425 :-~:.:. ---~ \ -~,~ 2200 J-300 ~22'1'3 \"I:• e ,· 2223 \t. ', t, ':f ,l-300 ~23 •22.n» -.,nn \~\ 23~,.HJo o \ /223 \' e J-223 , ' 2i10 • 23 j • • I 23-- • !,' 2223· 2223 .»23 i .. .. ' .,. \ , , noo 9102 .,~n I " 2'i-'23 i• ! r'---~ ... JJ.NKN Location of 1st Post & Panel sign (Site Plan 2) 9061 Nel>an M"1e .,24(J)oci 0 ~ if, 0 C r. ro 0 8 e'I.Mlill) Apartment Homes 1 .1455. 4li 0 gs~55 S. Puget Dra,1455 • Rento111.. ~a • 11 16112 I -lltii l§CI Y '!I ~o l~S> . ~'~ffl I J Ii . 1455... ' ,i dO 'ti43 .. 01(?~ <51162"sl. j~; Q~6 frj 211216 : I 8 g ~IO!'' ;1212 01 Ln iH,04 r r , __ _ ,,. ·- Constellation Apartment Homes 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. 98055 ~~!~a!·~~on~es:n~p~,j~2Sign 5-9-14 t 1/2" = 20' N Site Plan 2 + > .,. ~I •• I .,, " • '< ,,. I I I I ' i .e s. I ' I, J,) \I ' l r ,l r ' ' .... , ' ' ' ' I' 4 Constellation Apartment Homes 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. 98055 Site Plan 3 -2nd Post & Panel Freestanding Sign (not part of variance) 5-9-14 Sign & location shown on Design plan pg 3 Left side I 1" = 100 ' + N ~l(~~i\ '-' I ., " r~ ",: . i ,• \ ;> f. J ..,.· " ,f~J ti t'J U-4 ... .. • 1<1 .l ~ . 1 ( • ,, I I \' ·~ \1 '1 ·, ~ .. ~ '# \ ! , . .,, ... .. C • ,~. '¥ 11 \ ".'j, ' l,t.:, ~ ,t· .• l.',. ., ~ ''.:11 . ~ :Ji . •'6 ' ~J~, t~ I r:f_-i r I ~ •I ~ ' f .. t , I ' ' l, r 4 '. ... • " .. ' • s: . , { ~· • t'/ • I ' I I . I 1~! . . ,, . I ,,, '\ ... . f ~ ..., .. ,c ~ ' • r' 't. J ,1' •l I . ' J ... • • j . ., I. .... \ ' ~ ;o c._ m ~o c::, -.- ,0 ~ eleGSE7411A....,. Q m -. °'-' 97206 :S Z m.4555.eoo.&13.4566 CJ> .... 503. Q rir}~ 0 F•!iO:J.m.0220 z"Z (J\.. ~ Eotobll oh ed 19 11 Client Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton, WA 98055 Date: 1·24·14 Pto!ect M!llfAO! ; T odd Mros ~: Rlch Knox ·-Ml IE9 aE¥IWID pc:. ,omnv.a. PIIOaOINIIJ NXJIU,Cfff:: ~ Richard M 2·24-14 ~ M <JIERAJ)ONS IIANAGeR lWI Client Approval + Dalt B_e~s Landlord Approval + Date ~ Manufacture and Install one S/F non illuminated sign .125 aluminum routed to shape full digital graphic applied to shape - 44" e • • create 7) bolt co vers w ith digital print on face painted black .25 aluminum , rout inside down enough to cover bolt head . Glue to face of sign wi th extreme adhesive. - • ~ -.. ·~-.......... Ln°"°""*'IN .... ~b ~ =:=.;:,:......,•11-...._.._ .. OOl'IMCIMl·h~ ......... ~ ............ ii...._.11 .. ~..... -tr;.."~_.,.., ...... _-= ~lf'Nl tolllf ... HIIIIMDlcM::IIIC.ode ._-::,:::: •. !'J:: ... -=::, • ._ . ...... IPPlcll* ... OCIM. l'lla~ ...... ........... d .. lfl,i"lf'IO!Jdba... .........-. ............. __ Ci) ,....'" ...... WIiii............. " ........ ,._, ... ,,, ....... _. ............... .......i .......................................... ....... ........... tig,I. " ____ ..... _,... __ __ --• :,.::r--.i":.:..':'..::-..:: Page#: 3 Numberofpogea:J 14-130-p • ~ Client ~l1IIOSE741,- Constellation Apt Homes -°"-'-2J-5D3.177A565 ·1C0.11l4665 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton , WA 98055 Fa 50l.m.D22D Eotabllshod 1911 ~ Date: 1-24-14 --· Todd Mros o..,g,,: Rlch Knox Client ApproYal + Date l..-.clotd Approval + Date Rlllllslons 12' verify field survey to determine angles seam ... ~ .125 aluminum flush mounted to wall. Faux painted Terra Cotta 220-24 vinyl applied to face. White vinyl for LEASING OFFICE -HAl----fiQIIVT!lffllll. ....... JO»Mt:rlt ~ Richard ~ 2-24-14 i!l.f.$. .Im. (fERATDCS IWWi8 .lll!lf. • ~-----1 tn~........................ =.-::.:::....._ ................ _... ........................ -............ 111 .. -.... ~-1:::."::"..::C ........................ a...a., ............... =--.... .... .................. "" .... -...................... ..... . .-..,,, ... _______ @ -.. ........ --...... --===-=-·=·~.::.-=· 1 .................................... .__ .... .,.. ::.-::;~;r=.:;:.: Page#: 2 -ol-3 14-130-p ~ z -z ~g ~ Ml Q ~~ l180SE7<t,A--.. < -~97206 ,~ ~ 1. m .m .'5155-800.613.'5155 ~ 0 .., ' CJ F .. 503.IDmlO ~1bll1hod 1911 ~ Client Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Or. Renton, WA 98055 Dale : 1-24-14 Projecl Manage, ; Todd Mros °"!II!!' Rich Knox · ... \.1-,.,. Richard C&enl Approval • Date l.and1o<d Approval + Dale l!fil 2 -24-14 E _11,fil Revlslons 11' top vi ew ~ star logo spaced off wall . 75 I ?-#¥¥.2, . •+ + • • • • • ;;a:s ~ radius face with constellation letters supported with uprights a strip of white led lights at base of cabinet L t wall to create a white wash behind letters. silhouetting letters i 66' x66' 1 EJ ,: :::: 15' Ill ~ 57' X 48' El .25 aluminum shallow tapped spaced off wall .75' • cut out shape faux painted background, Peacock blue 220-77 vinyl applied to face 1:1 Constellation letters .25 aluminum mounted to support with 1" sq tube painted cool gray 7c wMe vinyl applled to face. l!I .125 aluminum painted matlhews brushed aluminum with white Yinyt for apt homes rolled to fit radius cabinet housing white led strip for letter halo lllumlnalton. I!) .25 aluminum shallow lapped aluminum spaced off wall .75, cut out shape faux painted wl1h T erra Cotta 220-24 vinyt applied to face. e e • Ln ____ .. _ ·--·~--.... ... _ _.. ....... ....., .. ...., ........ Page#: 1 Cllllffl9dlldlli8ff .................. ...... ......... ......, .... ....., ... .. ............. "' ........ DdtcllllClde .................... llilllldlr,llllit1111 ............... f/1 .. .,,. ....... ... @ .............................. -..................... ,...... ....... .... ........... .......... ...,._ ~----==:......,...---..::c =:.::--:==--:::. .... - :::.-:=-~~':.~ ---~ ................ Numbor d-: 3 14-130-p e !ll ':-.., ,~ Establlshed 1 91 1 ~ 9160 SE 74th Avenue Ponlancl. OR 97206 soo .m .4555. 800.613.4555 Fax soo m 0220 ramsayslgns.com C1m!lt Constella.tion Apl Homes 1455 S Puge1 Or. Renton, WA 98055 , 125 AILll1. panels wl!aux con~n finish • ipptied 10 front 1 axposed baci<. 3· Sq bJbe posts, palnl!d black \ /--4 CONsl·E'LLATION Manufacture & Install (2) S/F Non-illuminated Directional ID Signs Construction • 3" Sq. tube Posts w/.125 a.lum. panels attached Base · .125 Alum. panel PAINTED GRAYTM Main Monument Sign Top Panel Anish • BaekgF8YRd & baek P-aillted Fat!• GefleR Stul PAINT QEPT. T8 SlJBMIT 12" X 12" SliMPLE PRIOR TQ PRQQIJGTIQN Background Panel & Logo· 3M Digitally printed vtnyl applied 1st surface Logo· 3M Digitally printed vinyl applied 1st surface Address/Directional Text· 3M Black applied 1st surface 'BACK OF SIGN TO HAVE OIGITALL Y PRINTED FAUX CORTEN STEEL [==:J White 28'4 PMS 2728 C 67'4 PMS 299 C ~GINA ~ -=--------_J""'~IcJ•2t.l•.3.•.1i3.s Jim. (ll'EBt,T)ONS MA&GER ADARTM[~T 1-<0M~S 1465 SOUTH PUGH DRI V !;. < OFFICE .125 alum. panel to llmulata concreta base lexlcoated llgl1I gray 3M 8ladt vlnyl ll)l)lled to lace P2 • CHANGE ORDER: BASE NOT TEXTCOATED & CHANGE FACES TO DIGITALLY PRINTED FAUX CORTIN Sllil 2.1 4.14 .l!ill:.ZJill. Cllen! fDllITtm + Date RIN!sions ~ Manage,; Todd Mros Landlord Approval + Dale Designer Gina warthen o"'"""",.,,~-.,-loc. :;.-=:-:.:c-·~-----_____ ......,. ... _ ..... ,.. z=:...-:: ~=-...:::-~= ..__ .... ______ _ ---·-...... ·-·---·· -·-----·------.... _______ ........ ........ ~----·--·-...... -.... -.. ~ 55":t.-=~-= \\W{/ 5=..:::c""'t.:,tG • Page 3 13·597r3·P4 Salt: 112"~1 · 2'-117M 7'-6318" 2'-3 f/8" 7'-6 3/8" 2'-10 518" [[ j l [ J ~ 'J ;, ~ I~ r:,-r.:r .. [o o ! _t_L Base Front View Base Foot p rint Corten steel panel lace A . __ attaciledlocablnel ------------~I ------I ----- ----I I ------Oty 3 -Non-Illuminated I I I ------~..; ._ _ ,..., =" I~ ~I ____________ 1 1 ~ . , 1·--\-----------1 11 1 I 11 II I -0 Q ;;o -~ Fabnuii:1 1~!rame alum. base sections Q Z "'nte-' ray text coat TM Concrete "'" -m ;o c:> -~ ~ < ~ Established 1911 9160 SE 74111 Avenue Por1wld, OR 97206 503.777.4555 -800.613.4555 Fax 503.m .0220 ramsaysigns.com ----==----= ----= ~-=---~-------=- ,, I" !I i ~ v-____ __ 'j ~= ~ !.lilnl Cons tellation Apl Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton, WA 98055 Date: 1.11 .13 Project Manager Todd Mros Designer: Gina Warthen CUent AQR!lZYJI + Date Revisions Landlord ApplOYil + Date 3" Sq. tube pipe um, sides ol cabinet & base into concrete looting below grade 0~2013.--lnc. ............... ._.. . .._ .......... ..,._ .. ,, .... _. ::.:...-:-~-=-===-':':'.:..c = ................... -.._ ....__ ...... ,, ........ _ ..... ........ ,..__,.,. ______ , ... -·----·----... _______ ...,... __ _ ""'--'"""_.,.. __ ___,,..,._ ,_ ...... ,, ........... ~ =:ff-:.!'=.1'!: • ...... -:i=-t:.=~ ==---==-"":...:: • - - e ~2 13-597r3-P5 - Sq. tube attached 10 base frame lor. aa:en1 pan1l 1ttacllmen1 e :r ... I 1 -~ Establlahed 1911 3116" Wale,jet cut Cof12n Steel panel Allached 10 fabi1cated alum. lnlemally llumlnled cabinet bacbd w1wllila aaylc slmplllled wrslon ol logo wl3M digitally p!lnted specbl dmll applied 1st surfaal • 25.3 Sq R. !l; ,. ., 3'·15/S' 9160 SE 74th Avenue Ponland, DR 97206 503.m.4555 . aoo.613.4555 Fu 503.m .0220 ramsaystom.com (;klJI. Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton, WA 98055 Project Mwger Todd Mros Designer: Gina warmen --[" I I ce:::1, ... , \ •• -· l . ---" · ...... Sign Is Grounded via Slee! Square tube pipe & s1III mounting posts lrom baclt al panels & lntemal sign struc1utl 1luv COIICl1le base \_ 11n· alum. c11anne1 mounll!d io back of lace w/\.£0 slJ1p llumlnallng onto accent panels 3116" Wale, jet CUI Collen Slee! panel Attached 10 Fabrlcated lium. lnlemally llumlnted Clblnet bacad w/whlta aaylc & 3M Olympic Blue applied 1st surlace, 090 ROUl!d alum. address painted whlla. allacl1ed flusll to face 25.3 Sq. R. 2'·11118' ~1/2"=1' ... _.... ___ _,. ...... .,,... __ _ .... -"~----::.:..-:.-..:.::. 4: ':.: :.-::-.:.c :. ............................. ... ................ _ ....... _ _,_ ........... ____ .... .__ .. ______ ._.,.. __ ··-----------.......... _..,.._. __ _ .......... ___ _ • 13·597r3·P5 l.andlonl p pproval • Date • CITY OF RENToll DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: August 15, 2014 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Constellation Apartments LUA (file) Number: LUA-14-000745, VAR Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Clark H. Close Acceptance Date: June 18, 2014 Applicant: Garrett Gibson Owner: Redwood Construction Contact: Garrett Gibson PIO Number: 008800-0005 I 07378-ooo ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved Date: July 10, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: Julv 24. 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: Ramsay Signs & Heath Northwest are proposing a variance application for The Benson Condominiums and the Constellation Apartment Homes. The two sites are located at 1425/1455 South Puget Drive, respectively. The project includes three (3) wall signs, two (2) off- site free-standina monument sians and one (1) on-site multi-tenant monument sian. Location: 1455 S Puget Dr. Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. I I PLAN REVIEW COM MEWS (LUA14·0_oo_7_4s_)_..,,__ PLAN ADDRESS: S 1455 PUGET DR RENTON, WA 98055-4351 APPLICATION DATE: 06/10/2014 DESCRIPTION: Ramsay Signs & Heath Northwest are proposing a variance applicatlon for The Benson Condominiums and the Constellation Apartment Homes. The two sites are located at 1425/1455 South Puget Drive, respectively. The project includes three (3) wall signs, two (2) off-site free-standing monument signs and one (1) on-site multi-tenant monument sign. Reviewer Comments Leslie Betlach Ph: 425-430-6619 email: LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Community Services Review Created On: 07/09/2014 There are no impacts to parks. Engineering Review Created On: 07/08/2014 1-Applicant must locate the existing utilities at proposed construction area and avoid construction on top of utilities/easement. August 15, 2014 Page 1 of 1 Denislaw ie· Mayor . . . . July 30, 2014 ·.Community & Economic Development Department.· . C.E.''.Chip"Vincent,Administ;~tor Garrett Gibson '. · · Ramsay Sign, Inc .. 9160 SE;74th Ave; . Portland, OR 97206 · · SUBJECT: · Constellation Apartments, LUA14s000745, VAR. . . . . . . . . · . . ' Dear Mr. Gibs.on:· ". '. . ·.. .:. . .... · . -This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended July. 24, 2014 for the Administrative Variance approval. No appeals .were'filed, therefore; this decisi9ri is final • · · . and application for the appropriately req'uired permits may proceed. '. . . . . ' ~ . ' The applicant should be aware that the Administrative Variance decision wiff expire two .. (2) years from the decision' date of July .10, 2014. If they·· are unabie to commence . c6nstructio~ or'otherwis'e im~l~inent effectively the variartce granted within the .two- . yeartime~frame; a single one (1) year extension may be requested in VJriting, pursilant · to RMC 4-9-2508.18. . . . . . . . If you have any questions regarding the report and decisi~n issued for this variance proposal, please c~II me at (425) 430,7289. :a> · · · · · · ·· · · · Sincerely,. Clark H: Close •. Assodate Planner cc:. Thomas Uohns; FAOF G~t.eway; LLC / Owner(s) . i" · Rentoh City H~U ~ 1055 South Grady Way ~-R~nton;Washington 98057 .-re~to~yva.goy .. ·1:, .. '~ DEPARTMENT OF COM .. NITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Nome: Owner: Contact: File Number: Project Monoger: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: July 10, 2014 Constellation Apartments Sign Variance Redwood Construction, 4685 MacArthur Ct., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Garrett Gibson; Ramsay Signs, Inc.; 9160 SE 74th Avenue, Portland, OR 97206 LUA14-000745, VAR Clark H. Close, Associate Planner Ramsay Signs, Inc. requests a Variance from RMC 4-4-lOOC.10 and 4-4- lOOE.4 in order to be allowed two (2) single-sided off-premises freestanding signs and three (3) wall signs for The Benson Condominiums at 1425 South Puget Drive and the Constellation Apartments at 1455 S. Puget Dr. The first off-premises sign would replace the existing wooden sign. located at the corner of the access road near S. Puget Dr. and the access road, approximately 10 feet south of the property line. The second off- premises sign is located on the embank,ment where the road splits to the left for the Constellation Apartments and to the right for The Benson Condominiums. The three wall signs will all be located on the apartment's leasing office building. Sign material and additional project information can be found in the description section below. Landscaping will be added to further enhance the area and complement the sign structures. 1425/1455 South Puget Drive 292,787 SF {6.72 acres) Project Location Map Variance Report ~--------------------------------- City of Renton Department of Commun; & Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE Report of July 10, 2014 I 8. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND: dministiative Variance Report & Decision LUA14-000745, VAR Page 2 of 9 The applicant, Ramsay Signs and Heath Northwest, are requesting approval of an Administrative Sign Variance from RMC 4-4-lOOC.10 and 4-4-lOOE.4.a in order to install three (3) wall signs and two (2) off-premises freestanding signs. As part of the larger application the applicant is also proposing one (1) single-sided on-premises multi-tenant freestanding sign that is permitted outright in the zone. The variance would allow the applicant more than the allowed two illuminated on-premises signs. Permitted signs are limited to 32 square feet in area on one face, six feet (6') above any established grade, and shall be no closer than 10' to any street right-of-way or 5' to any side property line. Therefore, an administrative variance is needed in order to site the off-site signs and allow the increased onsite signage at the proposed location. The proposed signs are intended to convey the locations of the dwelling units and are as follows: 1. Off-premises multi-tenant freestanding sign: Located at the corner of S. Puget Drive and the apartment complex's access road, the sign roughly measures 5'-4" x 23'-2 3/8" at its maximum height and length and has a combined size of 117.3 square feet. This illuminated sign consists of five different panel sections and is made up of 3/16" waterjet cut Carten Steel panels attached to fabricated aluminum backed with white acrylic and Olympic blue, mounted to a concrete base. The sign reads "Constellation Apartment Homes" on the left side and "The Benson Condominiums" with the address below the word condominiums on the right side. The two main panels are divided and accented by smaller Carten Steel panels that have the appearance of a constellation. The proposed sign will replace an existing wood sign and structure. The sign will be located roughly 10.3 feet south of the north property line and 17 feet from the back of the sidewalk (Exhibit 2-Main Sign). 2. Off-premises tenant freestanding sign: Located at the road junction between the apartments and the condos, this non-illuminated sign measures 3'-7 5/8" in height and 4'-8" in width (17 sf) and consists of a 0.125" aluminum panel mounted to two 3" square tube posts. The aluminum panel will be painted to match the main sign with the upper portion digitally printed to faux Carten Steel, measuring roughly 2'-4" by 4'-8" (10.9 sf), and the lower portion painted to simulate a concrete base, apporximately 1'-4" in height and 3' 1/8" in width. The sign reads "Constellation Apartment Homes" with a large blue and white north star in the middle of the design. Within the light gray base, the text will read "1455 South Puget Drive" and "Office" with an arrow pointing to the left. The proposed sign would be located roughly 405 south of S. Puget Drive, no more than 3 feet from the existing rock wall, and approximately 132 feet from northwest of the BPA Tower 1-9- 4 location. 3. On-premises freestanding sign: Located in the planter island, just beyond the entrance gate to the Constellation Apartments, the freestanding sign will replace an existing wood freestanding sign. The new sign is nearly identical to Sign #2, in shape, size and material. The only difference is there are no words or symbols at the bottom of the sign. 4. Three wall signs: The three signs include two north facing office signs and one west facing office sign. The two north facing signs are identification signs, intended to create an appealing appearance for residences, located near the main entrance. The first north facing wall sign is Variance Report ~---------------------------- City of Renton Department of Commu · & Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE. Report of July 10, 2014 • ministrative Variance Report & Decision LUA14-{)()0745, VAR Page 3 of 9 constructed of four elements: 1) 0.25 aluminum star painted peacock blue vinyl applied to the face, spaced 0.75" from the face of the wall; 2) 0.25' aluminum letters with a radius face supported with uprights text that reads "Constellation Apartment Homes" painted cool gray with white vinyl applied to the face; 3) 0.125" aluminum rectangle painted a light gray color and brushed with white vinyl for "Apartment Homes," rolled to fit radius cabinet housing white LED strip for letter halo illumination; 4) 0.25" aluminum star using shallow tapped aluminum spaced off-wall 0.75" and painted Terra Cotta with vinyl applied to the face. This sign is roughly 80 square feet when including all elements. The second north facing wall sign is located to the right of the first north facing wall sign. This "L shape" sign is madefrom 0.125" thick aluminum flush mounted to the wall. The aluminum will be faux painted Terra Cotta vinyl with white vinyl applied to the text that reads "Leasing Office." The sign will also have a brown star logo at the upper left corner at the elbow, and is roughly 62 square feet. The third wall sign is a single face non-illuminated sign made of 0.125" thick aluminum routed to a long hexagonal shape with full digital graphics applied. The sign is located on the west elevation and is consistent with the other two wall signs, including a star and text that reads "Constellation Apartment Homes" and "Leasing Office." This wall sign measures 90" in length by 44" in height (27 .5 square feet). The subject sites, namely The Benson Condominiums and the Constellation Apartments, are approximately 6.72 acres in area and are both located within the Residential Multifamily (RMF) zoning district. The proposed sign package is generally consistent from one sign to the next with an overall design that is compatible with the area and meets the directional needs of the applicant. I C. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: I D. FINDINGS: Neighborhood Detail Map Site Plan 1, 2, 3, and 4 Sign Examples Sign Elevation Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant has requested approval of an Administrative Variance from the prohibition of two off-premises signs (RMC 4-4-lOOC.10) and residential signage above and beyond the maximum two on-premises signs (RMC 4-4-lOOE.4.a). The request is to site three wall signs at the apartment's leasing office (totaling 170 sf), one on-premises freestanding sign (17 sf), one off-premises freestanding sign (17 sf), and one off-premises multi-tenant freestanding sign (117.3 sf). The proposed signs are for The Benson Condominiums at 1425 South Puget Drive .and the Constellation Apartments at 1455 South Puget Drive. Variance Report City of Renton Department of Commu · Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE atfministrative Variance Report & Decision • LUA14-00074S, VAR Report of July 10, 2014 Page4of9 2. Administrative Variance: The applicant's submittal materials comply with the requirements necessary to process the administrative variance. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings are provided as Exhibits 2-4. 3. Existing Zoning and Land Uses: a. The Benson Condominiums at 1425 South Puget Drive: 1. North -Residential Multifamily (RM-F) Zone -Sunset Ridge Condominiums 2. South -Residential Multifamily (RM-F) Zone -Westgate Condominiums South -Residential-8 (R-8) Zone -Fred Nelson Middle School 3. East -Residential Multifamily (RM-F) Zone -Puget Sound Energy Easement 4. West -Residential Multifamily (RM-F) Zone -Hillside Villa Condominiums b. The Constellation Apartments at 1455 South Puget Drive: 1. North -Residential-8 (R-8) Zone -Parkwood South Division #1 2. South -Residential-8 (R-8) -Akers Farms 3. East -Residential-8 (R-8) -Akers Farms 4. West -Residential-8 (R-8) -Vacant Land 4. Zoning: Both sites are located within the Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) zoning classification. I E. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: Section 4-9-2508.5.a lists 4 criteria that the Planning Director is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on an Administrative Variance application. These include the following: The Planning Director shall have authority to grant an administrative variance upon making a determination, in writing, that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: 1. The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification: a. Off-premises signs: The applicant contends that the variance is necessary due to the location of the office building and lack of building visibility along the traffic corridor of S. Puget Drive. Building access is located roughly 1,000 feet away from the public street, down a shared access road, and neither The Constellation Apartment Homes nor The Benson Condominiums are visible from the public street. Puget Sound Energy's parcel is located along the public street frontage. The applicant states that lack of visibility from the street, creates the need for directional business signs along the shared access road. The applicant maintains that the new off-premises signage serves to match the ongoing major upgrade and rehabilitation projects at each property. The new signs would replace existing Variance Report ~--------------------------------- City of Renton Department of Commu · Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE Report of July 10, 2014 la;jministrativ~ Variance Report & Decision • LUA14-000745, VAR Page 5 of 9 aging outdated off-premises signs (at or near the same locations as the old signs), and will serve as an outward reflection of the renovations and re imaging on the site. Staff concurs that the location of the parcels and their overall distances from the existing public street, roughly 1,000 feet, prohibits site visibility of the buildings from the main arterial (S. Puget Dr). Due to the building locations and their lack of visibility from a public street, compliance with the strict application of the sign code becomes difficult and thus the applicant suffers practical difficulties. The proposed locations, sizes and use are historically consistent with the area. The signs are sized appropriately to serve the public, prospective new tenants, and delivery and emergency personnel. The applicant is proposing off-premises replacement sign age that is in harmony with the remodel of the buildings. b. Wall signs (at 1455 South Puget Drive): The applicant contends that the location of the office building, at the southwest part of the lot near the end of the access road, creates visibility and identification challenges for the apartment homes. The new leasing office signage would make the leasing office easier to identify and distinguish from the rest of the buildings. The increase on overall size and number matches the character, design and size of the building. Staff concurs that applicant suffers practical difficulties due to the loc.ation of the apartment homes office building and its lack of visibility from the public street creates a need for wall sign age that serves to identify and distinguish it from the rest of the buildings. Staff also concurs that the three new wall signs match the character of the building in terms of size and placement on the fa~ade and will assist to better serve the area. Z. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated: a. Off-premises signs: The applicant contends that the materials and workmanship of the main sign is of high craftsmanship and the lighting is subtle routed push-thru and restricted only to the sign face areas. Landscaping will be added to further enhance the area and complement the sign structure. Staff has reviewed the applicant's proposal and concurs that the material and size of the sign is consist with other freestanding signs in the vicinity and the proposal will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and the zone in which the property is situated based on the scale and location ofthe proposed signs, provided the applicant locates the existing utilities at the proposed construction areas and avoids construction on top of any utilities and/or easements. b. Wall signs (at 1455 South Puget Drive): The applicant contends that the placement of the sign is set back far enough from the street and sidewalk as to not interfere with vehicular traffic or sight distance requirements. The applicant states that two wall signs on the front of the leasing office building are not visible to anyone outside of the apartment complex. The associated lighting for the lit portion is reverse pan halo and does not shine outward but instead reflects off of the wall behind the letters. Variance Report City of Renton Department of Commu · Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE Report of July 10, 2014 • ministrative Variance Report & Decision LUAJ4-000745, VAR Page 6 of 9 Staff ·concurs that the wall signs will not be materially detrimental to the· public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and the zone because the wall signs are generally not visible to public outside the apartment complex. 3. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated: a. Off-premises signs: The applicant contends that other signs of similar quality, size and location are located throughout the Benson Hill area (Exhibit 3). The applicant stated that the proposal to replace the large, aging wooden structure with a sign that has a unique design using materials and elements fit in with the location and other structures found nearby, namely Rolling Hills, Winsper Neighborhood, The Pointe Apartments, Village Gate Townhomes, and Chinquapin Neighborhood. The applicant asserts that approval of the proposed sign variances would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zoning designation, and the freestanding post and panel sign shown in Site Plan 2 (Exhibit 2) would meet current code as a standalone sign if the property extended to S. Puget Drive. The signs are only large enough to convey that an apartment complex is located further down the access road to the east. Staff has reviewed the applicant's justifications and concurs that the granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with other properties in the vicinity and same zoning designation as shown in Exhibit 3. The replacement of the old signs with new signs is consistent with the history of the properties. b. Wall signs (at 1455 South Puget Drive): The applicant contends that the purpose of the wall signs is to identify the leasing office in a way that enhances the overall perception of value and livability in order to improve property values for the site and in the area. Staff concurs that internal wall signs that enhance tenant visibility while at the same time create cohesiveness with building design, building scale, and display limited public visibility outside the apartment complex served would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with other properties in the vicinity and same zoning designation. 4. That the approval is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose: a. Off-premises signs: The applicant contends that the proposed freestanding signs are the minimum size needed to be visible to the public, prospective new tenants, delivery, and emergency personnel. Staff reviewed the variance request and concludes that the proposed location and sizes of the freestanding signs would be the minimum required variance to be visible to the public, prospective new tenants, delivery, and emergency personnel. b. Wall signs (at 1455 South Puget Drive): The oversized wall signs serve to enhance and identify the leasing office, which is needed due to its location at the back of the lot. Variance Report City of Renton Department of Commu · Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE Report of July 10, 2014 • ministrative Variance Report & Decision LUA14-000745, VAR Page7of9 Staff concurs that the variance request is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose in terms of size, location and number of wall signs. The variance will improve visible to the public, prospective new tenants, delivery, and emergency personnel. I F. CONCLUSIONS: a. Off-premises signs: 1. The subject site is located at 1425 South Puget Drive and 1455 South Puget Drive within the Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) zoning classification. 2. The RM-F Zone allows up to two (2) on-premises identifying signs of not over thirty two (32) square feet in area on one (1) face. The signs may be illuminated but not animated, shall be for location identification only and shall display no copy, symbol or device other than that in keeping with the development. Freestanding signs shall be not higher than six feet (6') above any established grade and shall be no closer than ten feet (10') to any street right-of-way or five feet (5') to any side property line. The applicant is proposing an off-premise multi-tenant freestanding sign at the road entrance and two freestanding ground-related signs (one at the fork in the access road and a second on-site at the entrance to the development) as depicted in Exhibit 4. 3. The analysis of the proposal according to variance criteria is found in the body of the Staff Report. 4. The proposed off-premises signs variance meets the four criteria to be considered in making a decision on a variance request as specified in RMC 4-9-25085.a. Special circumstances apply to the subject site which impose undue limitations on the property; the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; the granting of the variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon the use of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located; and the approval of the variance request would be the minimum variance necessary to accomplish the desired purpose. b. Wall signs (at 1455 South Puget Drive): 1. The subject site is located at 1455 South Puget Drive within the Residential Multi-Family (RM- F) zoning classification. · 2. The RM-F Zone allows up to two (2) on-premises identifying signs of not over thirty two {32) square feet in area on one (1) face. The signs may be illuminated but not animated, shall be for location identification only and shall display no copy, symbol or device other than that in keeping with the development. The applicant is proposing three wall signs for the leasing office as depicted in Exhibit 4. 3. The analysis of the proposal according to variance criteria is found in the body of the Staff Report. 4. The three proposed leasing office wall signs variances meets the four criteria to be considered in making a decision on a variance request as specified in RMC 4-9-25085.a. Special circumstances apply to the subject site which impose undue limitations on the property; the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to Variance Report City of Renton Department of Commu · Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE Report of July 10, 2014 • ministrative Variance Report & Decision LUA14-000745, VAR Page 8 of 9 the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; the granting of the variance does not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon the use of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located; and the approval of the variance request would be the minimum variance necessary to accomplish the desired purpose. I G. DECISION: The Administrative Variance for the Constellation Apartments, File No. LUA14-000745, is hereby approved. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development TRANSMITTED this 10" day of July, 2014 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner: Contact: Todd Mros Ramsey Signs, Inc. 9160 SE 74'' Ave Portland, OR 97206 Applicant: Garrett Gibson Ramsey Signs, Inc. 9160 SE 74" Ave Portland, OR 97206 TRANSMITTED this this 10" day of July, 2014 to the following: Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Neil Watts .. Development Services Director Craig Burnell, Building Official Vanessa Dolbee,. Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal Renton Reporter Date Owner of Parcel Redwood Construction 4685 MacArthur Ct. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Thomas L Johns 1425 S Puget Dr, Unit 207 Renton, WA 98055 H. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION The administrative land use decision will become final if it is not appealed within 14 days of the effective date of decision. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 24, 2014. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton; WA 98057. Variance Report ~------------------------ City of Renton Department of Commu · Economic Development RAMSEY SIGNS INC. SIGN VARIANCE Report of July 10, 2014 • ministrative Variance Report & Decision LUA14-000745, VAR Page9of9 RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the effective date of decision, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The variance(s) approval will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A variance one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-2508.17. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the .initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Variance Report NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP 5-9-14 For combined Benson Condo's/ConstellationApts sign at 1425 & 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. t 1" = 200' I I N ~~~-~-~ '., ·.ajL_~~--~-''"-..' m >< :::c 1-1 D:I 1-1 -t ..... . il~Y~,\'~\ -~ ... :rr ·<:,~,' ·-' . \1, .!; ,.:i ;:,"":~ 'l ,,·., '2223-}1 " · ._ --'J} ti . -cf,.. 2223 .. ·{!. -,:f. · '/ 23.~;t ''2223 23 Ji!-FA\ ., . -·· I/ .-" -}IC,"\; --2223, , '""" ;c 2223 t; ..... _.;~:W"' -_\{~ ~. --. ": . '·,2300 '·,300: -: ., -,fr ···"'-\:: '2_ 300 ,.7 3001· -~v5)00; ~ _ · '' '-ii~ ',,i~o ¥, :·i /A•,~l.. -3 ··-··p, -,-, 2223~ 'i2 2 -.· ,-~; -,f l223h' . '{ ~23 .. ~'!" JJ09 ""'//-).,. ~ rl~---·· \· O· ~,. 150\ ·::scion' \'/,·' --,;.~:...~t.t""' .. , " ... 9102 Location of Post & Panel sign (Site Plan 2) ,90,61, ,-'£ .. ...,. -~ ,"'°2e· ·2403'J(:j' .. ' ',. 0 .n "' 0 ~ Location of 2nd Post & Panel Sign (Site Plan 3) (not part of va~ance) _ "<;:oijteJ,I,aliuµ·A partment Homes,, "'!] ': ; , --~'-'.4l4S,S,:, , ·;:"' ~ ,g "' 0 '· -oe~b' ~ • ' ·.' 14~!1:sfs Puiet Dr;;iIJsC ' ' ·--:.-·-·--.Renton'Wa' . ·: >-<.-$ J·''.·r·1C1·:1 ~ ..... ' ( -~'45"f ' 1;5 ., ~ ' ~-_.·_.:_. __ :·_ ••.•.. •_ .:_·, (;>.,, 1-+-j ;B~ 'l ' ;"~'~/:~"- m >< ::c M a, M -I N Constellation Apartment Homes 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. 98055 Site Plan 1 -Main Sign 5 -9-14 Sign lo cation shown on Design plan pg' s. I & 2 t N Site Plan 2 + ,,. I 1f '/!',, ni, \' . r )( l ,Vr > ~. ',,I~ I I I I ,)!\!()\'• ,\ (ff ( l./ ••• ···r ·I I' <IN\\· , . I ), ) \,-1 r Constellation Apartment Homes Site Plan 3 -2nd Post & Panel 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. 98055 Freestanding Sign (not part of variance) 5-9-14 Sign & location shown on Design plan pg 3 Left side I 1"=100' t N Constellation Apartment Homes 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton , Wa . 98055 S ign & location shown on Leasing Office D esign Site Plan 4 - Wall Sign 5 -9-14 Leasing Office t l" = 40' N CONSTELLATION APTS SIGN EXAMPLES 1425 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa 98055 Decorative structures for sign placements are A common design tool to help blend into An environment. Different types of materials And configurations are used. These show how a well designed structure Can enhance a sign's aesthetics without Being obtrusive or blaring. We feel that our sign, though unique, fits Within this standard and blends well our Location. m >< :c .... m .... -t w Rolling Hills 1614 R olling Hills Ave SE e e [~-··-"·~-~--... ~-·-~'''""'~'~""""' ' " ==~ =---..rr::,;=...i:ij: ~ Ee: -2--~ Sign Is Grounded vta Steel Square tube pipe & steel mounting post$ from back of panels & Internal sign structure tllru concrete base m >< ::c t-4 a, t-4 -I ~ ~I ~ ·ir % ~ :E 3/16" waterjet C1Jt Corten Steel panel Attached to Fabricated alum. Internally lllumlnted cabinet bacbd w/White ac,yfic slmplfied Yll$lon of logo w/3M dlgitall'f printed speckel detan applied 1st surface· 25.3 Sq. Ft 3'·1 518" ~ '.9 ... .~ 9160 SE 74th Avenue Portland, OR 97206 S03.7n.4555 • 800.613.4555 Fax 503.m 0220 ramsayslgns.com Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton, WA 98055 Established 1911 Projecl Manager Todd Mros Des1Qner. Gina wa,u,en \_ 1 112· alum. channel mounted to back of face w/l.ED strip ittumlnating onto accent panels Lanc!IQrd Jpproval • Date 3/16" Water let cut Corton Steel panel Attached to Fabricated alum. lnternall'f Rtumlnted cabinet backed w/Whlte acrylic & 3M Ol'fmplc Blue applled 1st surface, - .090 Routed alum. address painted white, attached flush ID lace 25 ·3 Sq. Ft 2'·111/8' ______ .,.._ ........... ..._ ..... ...... ,.......r,-.- ::.::....--:-.:::, =::: :.-:':" .:.c = .............. ---..-............ _____ _ -·--·-·---·-· .. --·-----------................... _.._ ........ ........... "' .. -....-.... ·----& .... _______ .... Sale: 1/2" =1 ' ... --·-,· Pagel e~~"'"ECEIVED ,a.. JUN 1 0 2014 '81 C TY Of:3RRNIDN PlANN!NG-~J., Scale:1tr=1' 2'·10 5/8' I I -1 [ r===1 ~,,,,. ! .,.,_,_ Ll ~ ~I J'd fJC:"';':c~[@_ CJ 1~= JEo====-- IJ i~ l I t [ J I ;:: Base Footprint Corten steel panel lace attached to cabinet A Qty 3 Non lllum!n CortenSteel •-ated ~ --__ ---I ---------- 1--------I I I I I Ii ---------1 : I I I 1 ___ _ I -----------:1 ------~.~-------------~ [ fabficated 1 1n· angle frame alum. base sections painted gray text coat TM Concrete ljj '! ! !iw ill I. n 111 oate:7.11.13 fl '" 11 ! Client Approv,al + Date Revisions_ ,11 ii a-t '" '" 3· Sq. tube pipe thru sides o! cabinet & base Into concrete tooting below grade <> ~2013.RamsaySiOffl,!nc. .... -"""t'-1~"!__~~,:I Paoe 2 I~ I 9160 SE74111Avenue Portland, OR 97206 503.777.4555-800.613.4555 Fax503.777.0220 ramsa.ysigns.com Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton. WA 98055 Project Manaper: Todd Mros Lamllord ~pproval + Date __ .. ______ .._ .... ...... ---··--:::.=-"""':""..:::. =. ':.:::. ":':".:.:: =---.. ··--·-... ---.. --~----·--·-·--·-· ... .......... --·-- ~~it~r.'f.r.EIVED ~----~ ---Established 1911 Designer: Gina Warthen ... _.,. ___ , __ ... _ ... -, .. ·---·-·-·--·--- JU~ 1.0 2014 CITY bF RBISWN3-P5 ' I 'r "' !ll ~ ;:, I~ Estab lished 1911 9160 SE 74th Avenue Portland, OR 97206 503.7ll.4555 • 800.613 4555 Fax 503 m .0220 ramsays,ons.com 4'-lr Clicnl Constellation Apt Homes 14 55 S Puget Dr. Renton, WA 98055 125 Alum. panels w/faux corten finish applied to front & 1 exposed back 3" Sq tube posts, painted black Manufacture & Install (2) StF Non-Illuminated Directional ID Signs Construction -3" Sq. tube Posts w/.125 alum. panels attached Base -.1 25 Alum. panel PA!Nrnl GRAYTM Main Monument Sign Top Panel Anlsh -Baekgrnund & ~eek Painted filuM Gallen Steel !*INT llEPT. TQ SUBMIT 12" X 12" SAMPL.E PRl8R TQ PR81lll6Tl8N Background Panel & Logo -3M Digitally printed vinyl applied 1st surface Logo -3M Olgltally printed vinyl applied 1st surface Address/Directional Text -3M Black applied 1st surface 'BACK OF SIGN TD HAVE DIGITALLY PRINTED FAUX CORTEN STEEL ~ White 28% PMS 2728 C DESIGN G.INA 67% PMS299 C lWil .11,',!f, OPERATIONS MANAGES e i base taxtcoated light gray / .125 arum. panel to simulate concrete 3M Blad( vinyl apptted to lace 1465 SOUTH PUGl:T DRI V I: < OFFICE P2 • CHANGE ORDER: BASE NOT TEXTCOATED & CHANGE FACES TO DIGITALLY PRINTED FAUX CORTEN STEEL 2.1 4.14 Date· 111 13 Gliem AporoyaJ • Date Revisions Project Manager. Todd Mros undtord ~rova!+ Date Designer: Gina Warthen 0~201~lbnlaJS....~ _____ _..,.., .................... ..... ._.. .......... -.., ____ _.., ..... _...,.. .. _ ------· .... --··-= .......... ··----·----·----·---......... _._.. .... ---·-·· -· .. ---· ............. ........ ____ ......,..,._ .... .... .---.. -........ ·---.............. __ ~ :.:r.=c---~~Iffi:-iE.IVE. D 3 ..... J N 10 2014 v.' C~ ~!.~~l~-P4 s.Lvi.tl,(LC!tect V'vLgvit vLew ~ 91BOSE7 ... A- -"'-' 97208 6 S03.m .. 555 -aoo.&t3A556 FOK I03.m.o220 Eatabllahed 1911 - .Cli@!lt _____ _ Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Or. Renton, WA 98055 Date: 1-24-14 Projod,.._: Todd Mros De.!!lz!: Rich Knox Client Approval -~ D_.11! Re~ Landlold Approval • Date top view star logo spaced offwall .75 L 7 ' ::;as ,/. wall ~ 11· +,tee et•.,,,... ~ radius face with constellation letters supported with uprights a strip of white led lights at base of cabinet to create a white wash behind letters, silhouetting letters ' 66° X 66" i Iii -: ~ ~ 0~~1r;\1Ll~1~©tNJ 12 -., . . ~ ,; -• • ~-.... .• • • ~-----------'--------""·s·"-•••••'"''"'"' .. .._ ___ ,,'-'"-"''L,.. 15· m 19 ~ 57" x48· Iii .25 aluminum shallow tapped spaced off wall • 75• cut out shape faux painted background, Peacock blue '12!>-n vinyl applied to face l!l Constellation letters .25 aluminum mounted to support with 1• sq tube painted coot gray 7c white vinyl applied to face. 1:1 .125 aluminum painted matthews brushed aluminum with white vinyl for apt. homes rolled to fit radius cabinet housing whits led strip for letter halo illumlnation. I!] .25 aluminum shallow tapped aluminum spaced off waD .75, cut out shape faux painted with Terra Cotta 220-24 vinyl applied to face. e Co,vnc,nt 21u . Ramsay lltM. Inc. CJIIIIIIMCMIII .................. ....... ~ ........................ .. .....,_. ........ _....._~c.,., e - •"' _____ _ ....,., .. ~ ........ ..,. ....... .............................. @) ......................... .. ......... IMKIIN.or.......,.••..,....,._. ............. - ~lt-3 n~tffl'i}N ·',ING DIVISION ~ .RAMSAY 9160SE7 ... _ ·2:; "SIGNS -o..nenoe J 501m.4555 .eoo.e1,- '-Fa 5/J3.mJ1120 Eltabll1hod 1911 - Qi!!!!! Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Or. Renton, WA 98055 Date : 1-24-14 Prpjeg Manage< : Todd Mros ~: Rich Knox Client Approval + Date Landlonl ApP<oval + Date lglrislons 12' verify - field survey to determine angles seam seam -seam ,.. ~ .125 aluminum flush mounted to wall. Faux painted Terra Cotta 220-24 vinyl applied to face. White vinyl for LEASING OFFICE -llf.llmf.._Ra:POJBRW. ..... MDll:tJJIJl:'lft ~ Richard ~ 2-24-14 i'W. 11m (fERAlQjS MNWiE8 .!WI. • ..,,_ ... __ .. _ IDIIMM:lld .................. ...... lllrMMld'8 IN MIIIIM"-.. ..._. ... .. ,..._.., ... IOOallllt ...... ~C.. Mdlot _ _..... __ ....__~ .. ................ ., ............ ... (© ............................ hi .................. ,..... .. ...,._.,.. ............... - ·~ 2111, Ra.My lltM,, Inc. .... ..---..... -.... --.... ..::".,!"' "1111111 """';'9...,;.i - Page#: 2 EIVED ~ .RA.MSAI' 9180SE74thAvent.1t ~"SI(;NS -. 0n,gonmoe / ~-( 503 m.4555 -IIOO.ll13A565 , "J Fa< S03.m.ll220 E1t1b llahod 1911 - ~ Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Ren ton, WA 98055 Date: 1-24-14 Prott<IM!O*!; Todd Mros !l!!!II!)_: Rk:h Knox ElllliillNiUaa~RIIPUIBNtl ..... ltlZJaM:lft l§!!:i!f. Richard .!lfil 2-24-14 ~ .IWI (fERADQNS M,1/WlER JlAIE Client AporoYal + Dale R•vlslQ(is Landlocd Approval + Date e, 44" ~ Manufacture and Install one S/F non illumi nated sign .125 aluminum routed to shape -full digital graphic applied to shape • • create 7) bolt covers with digital print on face painted black .25 aluminum, rout inside down enough to cover bolt head. Glue to face of sign with extreme adhesive. - • ·-··~--..... ~ e #:3 L13~8"dloldr,g ......... W ......, =-:1:.:..,.....,...._....._.. ag • =:.::=:::::.ec::= -te. .. -=:.c"' ........ -::-,::-~ CE\VED ...._.., ...... ., .. NIIMIIIIDlla!lil:afCode = ..... -.:=-..... .,._ :.:-... "::::.';.:..~ .... ..-. ... -.-........... 11 IW 1 n 7Q\t (i) __........................ ~=~·------· ~tit~3 ....................................... .......... ., :..::::-~~':.'=... GfSOr"-"TON __...._........................ . .., ... NN'J,IG ()MSl()N City of Re! Deportment of Community & Economic De.pment ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMENTS DUE: JULY 3, 2014 APPLICATION NO: LUA14-000745,VAR DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 19, 2014 APPLICANT: Ramsay Signs, Garret Gibson PROJECT MANAGER: Clark Close PROJECT TITLE: Constellation Apartments PROJECT REVIEWER: Kam ran Yazdidoost SITE AREA: 292.787 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross): LOCATION: 1455 S Puget Dr. PROPOSED BLDG AREA (gross) SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Ramsay Signs & Heath Northwest are proposing a variance application for The Benson Condominiums and the Constellation Apartment Homes. The two sites are located at 1425/1455 South Puget Drive, respectively. The project includes three (3) wall signs, two (2) off-site free-standing monument signs and one (1) on-site multi-tenant monument sign. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinn Air Aesthetics Water Liaht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transnortation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Natural Resources Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000Feet 14 OOOFeet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE·RELATEDCOMMENTS /NAtaAJvO~~ ·-6 'lk-c We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact e d to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date • • -________ .,......,1" r,f, ,."!:f-Ofc, .-. • -. ~ --l.r\:,.(s1f,lin.ww1 'U NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Mntllr Appllcatlon h11 hHn fll•d and •«•pt•d with tho Department of Community • !tonomtc O.,volopmont (CED)-Planlll"I Olvldon of the City of llellton. Thll followln:i !>riofly do$CrllHls tho application and th. ._._,,.., Publl<:APfl"""'ls. o.•;re Of t,!OTICE OF APPLICATION: Juno 19, 2014 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PROJECT DESCl{IPTION: Ramsay Sl1n• & Huth Northwen ore pn,p,uln11 1 ••rl•nc:• 1ppnc1tfon for The BenJOn Condominiums 11\d the Conrttllatlon A~rtment ~mes. Toll two Jltes aro k>ated at 142S/14SS Sa<Jth l'uf;et Orlve, ,.,pea;,,,ty. Tlul project lnch,cfu v,,.. (l) -n sl&N, two (2) an-si,e frtt.<tandi"I monumenl sllf\S and oM (1] on-,lte multi-tenant monument ,l1n. • PIIOJECT L.00,TlON: 1155 S Pupt Dr . PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED, Variance APPUCAHT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Garrett Gibson, 11am.:.y 5ian Inc., 9160 SE 71• Ave, Portl1nd, 0~ 97206 Comments on tho abo"" appllculon muff bo suhmlttod In wrl~nr to Clark H. Cl.,.e, A.,adat• Plann•r, De1>1rtment gf Community & Economic Oevelopm•nt. 1055 South G,.dyWay, Renton, WA 91057, by $;DC p.m. on July 3, 10l4. l(you ha...., ~uutk,m about this pr,:,posal, or wW, to !>a made a party of r.,:,,,rd and receHe 1ddltlonal o,otillation by mall, contact th• Pn,joct Mano1or •t !425) 4l0-n89. Arr;on• wl1o oubmrU written camrn,,nu will IUtomotlcalfy bocom• a party ol re,:ord and wm be 110tlfll!d of any declslon on thl• projoct. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IOENTIFlCATION DATE Of APPLICATION: JUNE 10, 2014 NOTICE OF COMPUTE APPLICATION: JUNE 19, 2014 If you would like to bo made I party of rocord to rec•lv• further ln/()rmatlon on thli proposed project, complet1 thls fem, and retum to: Otyof~enton, CEO, Pl1n.nln11 DMslo"-1055 SCl,sth G,.dy Way, !!anion, W~ 91057. File Name/ No.: Cor,stellatic:m Ai,artmtnt, / lUA14-0007•5 NAME'--------------------------MAlllNGAOORESS: _______ ~ ____ Clty/Sta~/Zlp: _______ _ CERTIFICATION I, Cz_A·rtf5:._ µ. CL0S1e hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted in _2_ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date:_~(;,~/_1~'1.,_/_l'f~---- STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING Signed:._a.A~--"-'~--'-~.:;:;___--=------ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that C.\o-r-lL ( \o,5€ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purooses mentioned in the instrument. "''''"" 1111 111 ,.-. I Dat~~ ~Oil{ ff ;;,Jt ~ ~ ~~ ,,, ~ o; o ... "".. ~ '. ~ l:#a a -0 : .,. •o • Notary (Print): \, . -; ~., • 1t .., 't',o \~ 3CN., us ~. ~, .ou•" ~= c, : ---"-"='-'"'::::s'-'<----"-"""'..,__,.~'--'L------ \ .;~•,,1111 8-Z~,: .... ~i:' --My appointment expires: A-~v--sa-\ <:)'{ 1 ~O l"t '"1 \\\\\\\\\'\: <;"' ----~--~~"i'"t-~~-e~----~.~-----~----- 7"1: OF \jlll>- '· See Attached See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING mentioned in the instrument. Dated: gwn, I~ :io,4 • • Applicant, Owner and Contact 300' surrounding property owners ss Nata ry (Print): ___ ____1ll-o=l.i.l .,,,__f...1.l.ow"""-"'.u£r<:.:::a.... ____________ _ My appointment expires: A;~r~: a,011- BrJ!!!IF&I Constellation Apartments -LUA14-000745 template -affidavit of service by mailing • ~!i;ii.::siJi/::f~W/!J?J-,IUI WENDY OR GARRED GIBSON THOMAS L JOHNS RAMSAY SIGN INC 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 207 9160 SE 74TH Ave PORTLAND, OR 97206-9345 f!!!/11//ffi,l/ll/llJ!lff/!Pfll!,1/IIIIIHi!!IHIBO/Wl!JJll1!ilNJ}D!m1JJ)l/llli81/W81n.ll FAOF GATEWAY LLC 433 E LAS COUNAS Blvd, 300 IRVING, TX 75039 RENTON, WA 98055 fi111111/IIIY/IIHIII/Wlfil/!JJll1/ilJl6HIM//1J111/ll/J/Rl//llil TODD MROS RAMSAY SIGNS 9160 SE 74TH Ave PORTLAND. OR 97206 • ~8000850 88000810 88000830 DAU SINH & NGUYEN HUONG DAU SINH & NGUYEN HUONG SEGOVIA FRANCISCO 1700 S 27th St 2800410TH AVES 1740 S 27th St Renton,\NA.98055 DES MOINES, \NA 98198 Renton, \NA 98055 88000870 88000870 88000890 ABLEIDINGER ROBERT A ABLEIDINGER ROBERT A LALLY KAMAUIT S+DARSHAN 1810 S 27th St 1814 S 27th St 10936 SE 164th St Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT E302 1455 S Puget Dr APT H 101 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1203 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT J202 1455 S Puget Dr APT Bl01 1455 S Puget Dr APT B203 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT ClOl 1455 S Puget Dr APT H301 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1101 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT J301 1455 S Puget Dr APT F102 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1103 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT D204 1455 S Puget Dr APT H302 1455 S Puget Dr APT E301 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1302 1455 S Puget Dr APT J103 1455 S Puget Dr APT D202 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT F201 1455 S Puget Dr APT F202 1455 S Puget Dr APT J302 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT K303 1455 S Puget Dr APT H104 1455 S Puget Dr APT A301 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 • ~8000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 8102 1455 S Puget Dr APT D301 1455 S Puget Dr APT GlOl Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT E103 1455 S Puget Dr APT K301 1455 S Puget Dr APT B104 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT C103 1455 S Puget Dr APT D203 1455 S Puget Dr APT F303 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Henton, VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT E102 1455 S Puget Dr APT B103 1455 S Puget Dr APT B303 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT C203 1455 S Puget Dr APT G203 1455 S Puget Dr APT E202 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G304 1455 S Puget Dr APT J102 1455 S Puget Dr APT J303 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT F304 1455 S Puget Dr APT H204 1455 S Puget Dr APT C303 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1303 1455 S Puget Dr APT J101 1455 S Puget Dr APT J201 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT A302 1455 S Puget Dr APT D201 1455 S Puget Dr APT A102 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1304 1455 S Puget Dr APT J104 1455 S Puget Dr APT A303 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 -------------• ~8000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT A304 1455 S Puget Dr APT C102 1455 S Puget Dr APT D101 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT D302 1455 S Puget Dr APT K201 1455 S Puget Dr APT B204 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,INA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT C204 1455 S Puget Dr APT B201 1455 S Puget Dr APT FlOl Renton,INA 98055 Renton,INA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT A103 1455 S Puget Dr APT B302 1455 S Puget Dr APT G104 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,INA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1202 1455 S Puget Dr APT C302 1455 S Puget Dr APT D304 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT E201 1455 S Puget Dr APT E204 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1301 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT B301 1455 S Puget Dr APT F302 1455 S Puget Dr APT E304 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,INA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G303 1455 S Puget Dr APT K102 1455 S Puget Dr APT K104 Renton, \NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT B304 1455 S Puget Dr APT C202 1455 S Puget Dr APT D102 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton,\NA 98055 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT Dl04 1455 S Puget Dr APT F204 1455 S Puget .Dr APT F103 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton, VI/A 98055 Renton,VI/A 98055 • ~8000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT H102 1455 S Puget Dr APT K302 1455 S Puget Dr APT A203 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton,'NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT AlOl 1455 S Puget Dr APT E203 1455 S Puget Dr APT E303 Renton,1/1/A 98055 4 Renton,'NA 98055 Renton, 'NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1102 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1201 1455 S Puget Dr APT G204 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1104 1455 S Puget Dr APT A204 1455 S Puget Dr APT F301 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton, 1/1/ A 98055 Renton, 1/1/ A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G102 1455 S Puget Dr APT H303 1455 S Puget Dr APT J204 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT C301 1455 S Puget Dr APT E104 1455 S Puget Dr APT F104 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G301 1455 S Puget Dr APT H202 1455 S Puget Dr APT 8202 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G302 1455 S Puget Dr APT D303 1455 S Puget Dr APT F203 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 88000005· 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT H304 1455 S Puget Dr APT J203 1455 S Puget Dr APT ElOl Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton, 'NA 98055 88000005 88000005 88000005 Current Resident Current Resident Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT 1204 1455 S Puget Dr APT KlOl 1455 S Puget Dr APT C104 Renton, 'NA 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 Renton,1/1/A 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT C201 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT H203 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT C304 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT K203 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT H 103 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT A104 Renton,INA 98055 88000016 TURNER SUSAN D 16101111th Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 88000020 NESPER DONALD 16120 111th Pl SE Renton,INA 98055 88000023 SCHREINER SYLVAN T+CONNIE K 16126 111th Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 88000026 AGENA ALAN S 16111111th Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 • 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G103 Renton,INA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT K304 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT D103 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT A202 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT K202 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT A201 Renton,\NA 98055 88000017 RESCH \NAYNE S 16100 111th Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 88000021 STURTZ DD 11104 SE 162nd St Renton, \NA 98055 88000024 JENKINS RICHARD A+CAROL A 16119 111th Pl SE Renton,INA 98055 88000100 GOLDMAN FRANCES LIAO 11122 SE 164th St Renton,INA 98055 .88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G201 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT J304 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT K103 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT G202 Renton,\NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT K204 Renton, \NA 98055 88000005 Current Resident 1455 S Puget Dr APT H201 Renton,\NA 98055 88000018 SANDOVAL IVAN J 16112 111th Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 88000022 HO K\NOK KOON+\NONG CHOI YIN+ 11114 SE 162nd St Renton, \NA 98055 88000025 COLLIER MARCELLE 16127 111th Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 88000101 NGUYEN QUANG T 11107 SE 162nd St Renton,\NA 98055 88000102 NAULT KENNETH E 11105 SE 162nd St Renton, \NA 98055 88000106 DEMAN DAN P+NOUANTHONGME BOUTSY 11107 SE 162nd St Renton,\NA 98055 6673060060 HENRIQUEZ MARCOS A 2103 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 6673060220 MARTIN PEDRO J 2210 Monterey Ct SE Renton, \NA 98055 6673050040 TRUONG HIEN-DEAN LIEt\ll+ANH T 2203 Jones Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 6673050070 MCGUIRE PATRICK E 2221 Jones Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050100 BETIS STEVEN R 2210 Jones Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050150 CHINN TEDT 2209 Lincoln Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050180 PHAM THANG+DO HANG 1907 SE 22nd Pl Renton, \NA 98055 6673050210 KNITILE BRIAN D+THARON L 1904 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 • 88000103 STE\NART LOIS L 11103 SE 162nd St Renton, \NA 98055 2923059061 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 2607 Jones Ave S Renton, \NA 98055 6673060200 SHARIN CHARLES L 2213 Aberdeen Ct SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673060280 NAVARRO JOSE D 2211 Monterey Ct SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050050 GALIMBA MARGARITA PERALTA 2209 Jones Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050080 MAZENGIA MULUGETA 2227 Jones Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050110 ZMIRLI A 2204 Jones Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050160 sun CHARLES \N 2215 Lincoln Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 6673050190 \NATSON \NILLIAM G+SCHIERHOFF 1913 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 6673060010 CURTIS GARRETI+CHANDRA 1919 SE 22nd Pl Renton, IN A 98055 lt8000104 GOMEZ PEDRO 10935 SE 162nd St Renton, IN A 98055 2923059061 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 2403 Jones Ave S Renton,\NA 98055 6673060210 CAMERO JONATHAN H 2008 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 6673050030 BELO FLOREMIL B 2113 Jones Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050060 OLSON ROBERT H 2215 Jones Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 6673050090 LIBED AL A+ELISA NG 2216 Jones Pl SE Renton, \NA 98055 6673050140 FLORES JOSE C 2203 Lincoln Pl SE Renton,\NA 98055 6673050170 TRIVELAS ISAIAH 1901 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 6673050200 SAECHAO SANLUANG+FAHM SAEPH 1910 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 6673060020 KUNNAP TIM+ANN LAN VU 2001 SE 22nd Pl Renton,\NA 98055 1------------------------• ~8000891 6673060030 6673060040 DEFRANCO SHRILEY M+TEXEIRA EDWARD FISHER B BRAMBILA MANUEL+BERNICE M 2007 SE 22nd Pl 2013 SE 22nd Pl 10932 SE 164th St Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 88000893 2023059128 6673060050 BASARABA STEVE W NORTHWEST PIPELINE LYNCH AMEO L+CHRISTOPHER G 10952 SE 164th St PO BOX 2400 MD 46-4 2019 SE 22nd Pl Renton, WA 98055 TULSA, OK 74102 Renton,WA 98055 2023059016 2023059018 2023059065 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC KING COUNTY-PROPERTY SVCS PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC PO BOX 90868 5004TH AVE PO BOX 90868 BELLEVUE, WA 98009 SEATTLE, WA 98004 BELLEVUE, WA 98009 • • NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Appllcation has beeri filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the appllcatlon and the necessary Publlc Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: June 19, 2014 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Constellation Apartments/ LUA14-000745 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ramsay Signs & Heath Northwest are proposing a variance application for The Benson Condominiums and the Constellation Apartment Homes. The two sites are located at 1425/1455 South Puget Drive, respectively. The project includes three (3) wall signs, two (2) off-site free-standing monument signs and one (1) on-site multi-tenant monument sign. PROJECT LOCATION: 1455 S Puget Or. PERMITS/REVIEW REQUESTED: Variance . APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Garrett Gibson, Ramsay Sign Inc., 9160 SE 74th Ave, Portland, OR 97206 Comments on the above applicatlon must be submitted in writing to .Clark H. Close, Associate Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on July 3, 2014. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be ITlade a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430·7289. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: JUNE 10, 2014 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: JUNE 19, 2014 lf you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Constellation Apartments/ LUA14-000745 NAME:------------------------------------ MAILING ADDRESS: ________________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- Denis Law May9.r June 18, 2014. · ·. Garrett'Gibson , , , Ramsay Sign; Inc .. · 9160 SE 741h Ave . . Portland, OR 97206 • · Community & Ec;nomic Development Department · · · C.Ec"Chip"Vinceni, Admlnistraior' Subject: Notice of Complete Application. Constelladon Apartments, LUA14-00CJ745, VAR . . . -,, -. Dear Mr: Gibsori: · ·· ThePlanningDivision oftl)e CityofRehton has determi~ed 1:h~t the s~bject ~pplication is compiete according to submittai requirements and, the'refore, is acceptedforrevie;,.,,: . . . . . . . . . . You will benotified if any additional infor;,:,aticin is. required to co11ti'nue'. processing your application. · · : •• -· • •• -' • •••• ·:. • •• -• '> :. •• •• • ••• Please contact me at(425) 430-72.89 if you have any questions. · . ' ' . . . . . Sincerely, , ·• i :clark H. Close· .Assodate Planner , , cc: ; . Thoma,Uohns, FAOFGaieway, LLC / Owner(s) . Renton City Hall • 1 ass Sou;ti Gr~dyWay · • Re~ton, Washington 98057 · • rentonw:.gov · • .Ll<A I Y -OO 014{. ·. City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: iZ .. ,\, ,,_j Cc,,.-{,-, •*1'00-. "~, f,, ll~ -t,a.,.._ /lvMf...e.,..../s 51 "in Van ADDRESS: 4 . /1. 11,-11.,, {} I l,/35 A,( .,-• PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: iL.\55 'b. \"~ct D.-. \2'.e.~+o~, W qB o.:s CITY: J /,.,=/I /le,u.k, I' A ZIP: q Z, l.i _ I\ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: 001:5800-ooo 5 APPLICANT (if other than owner) ')i378 ·6tJ00 NAME: e ff-d 6_ :::::la.,re... --:;;; >,J,"'A EXISTING LAND USE(S): flts,de~ /,1, I COMPANY (if applicable): ]7, ,...~o·' ~1e'11,...S PROPOSED LAND USE(S): P, sicl,.Jti,'tc I ( ~ EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: C/ / {pt, SC 71/'" ,,,w PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY:/}, I ' I 1.P ,?( i 1,,,,' (). ZIP: t/ 120&, (if applicable) EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 50 S 5 3.-7-,7 · l{5 rz fl-r CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): NAME/,;, II /{ . · "'l!~.rrC: '/-UCµ 2 'l1... 7 87 'GF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable):e s·, ,;, .... {oy l~t~f DEDICATED: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS:q/ /pl) .5f; 'Jl(f"-/fv~. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY a. / ' c,/l l<,v-.,J, {) /Z_ ZIP:lj 72()4, ACRE (if applicable) TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) /5{) ".;;. 777 -i/55 $ -" ,r f"\ l ttf/"JE S ;?1,1..e. °?(&-U"'<{bll /9H.J NUMBER OF NEW DWELLI I"-• .L.~clrol!!)" -- "·'" 1 n ?G\4 -yv . H:\CED\Data\Fonns-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\r!anning\masterapp.doc -l ~ 03/11 CllY Of RENTON PLANNING DIVISION VJ • • PROJECT INFORMATION (continued) ;:...=..:..:->..::..=.::.c.c.:..:..:..:c..:..c= ___________ ~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): D GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): D WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal descrintion on senarate sheet with the followin!I information included! SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION _,TOWNSHIP_, RANGE __ , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name.'s) /1 Ci(f/..,f) , declare under penalty of pe~ury under the laws of the State of Washington that am (please check one __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or Vthe authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (;; ./lJ/1/ Date Signature of Owner/Representative STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thar:::::la\f\G l le. <{C Ht S5Le<2. signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be..Ais/her/tbeir free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. Date'ci \\\\\llllltt1 ,,,, GALl!.A ,,,, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Date ,, ..:::. \ \) .. . .... ,., 1' ,, ",--,. -) ~ b. ,.•~\ON EX.Pi••, ', Notary (Print): ---"~e:::...:___iv1-'-_,6==' ..::O.::..i.,u=""'='""""->--------, ""' ..... ~~ . ~~·· , ~ -..; :o·~· '1 d'\ ~ / / : fo 1>10iil-~' \ Z~ appointment expires: --""0-''5""""'. ,1--2_7-'.-!-, --"Z'--c)cc__C.::5:...._ _____ _ -~ n\}S\..\C : o :: -:. .. ' :,::::.~ . ~ tr>.A·.. ,<r:> ... Q)-.:- H:\CED\Data\Forms-T~~,,..~~l!I74~l~it1'Jt.iasterapp.doc -2 -,, , r~ ........ '::, ~'""·;,.tfl;'-- ,,,, OF \JIJ~ ,,,, ''''"""\\\ 03/11 • • PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4 §~~2fi.BJ9:~t~iW~.YrPe;~(~ljRfil\~\iii!!~~~I::mitl~i~~tti~\~1f' Density Worksheet 4 6'rainage Report 2 Neighborhood Detail Map 4 ,~.~:lli·!,Q~J::::g2!l!£8Y.~:[~.~:~:~~::~~.ti~~'.§8\h~:~4Q.:~J:X~\l::~·;:111::1]!i Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review RECE\VED PROJECT NAME: -----n-rr~-n-'>fl+lr----JQN l O ie',4 3. Building 4. Planning DA TE: ------=-:,-,.........,rt"l'N--C\lV Of REN(ON PLANNING DIVISION H: \CE D\D ata\Forms-T ernplates\Self-Help Hand outs \Pl an ning\wa iverofsubmittalreqs.xl s 06/09 • • PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Title Report or Plat Certificate , Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final, Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review PROJECT NAME: ____________ _ 3. Building 4. Planning DATE: ____________ _ H:\Ct:D\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs.xls 06/09 I -------------• • ESTABLISHED 1911 9160 SE 74th Avenue, Portland, OR 97206 503 777 4555 * 503 777 0220 fax To: The City of Renton Attn: Planning Division Re; Constellations Apartments Location: 1455 S. Puget Dr./1425 S. Puget Dr. Date: 5/19/2014 • Ramsay Signs & Heath Northwest are proposing a variance application at the Constellation/Benson Apartments. The two sites are located at 1425/1455 S. Puget Dr. The current lot area of the Benson Condominiums (1425 S. Puget Dr) is 320,190 Sf while the Constellation Apartments (1455 S. Puget Dr.) is currently 292,787 SF. • The proposed project will require both sign/building permits for the installation of the monument and wall signs. • Both sites are zoned RM-F (Residential Multi-Family) although surrounding properties are zoned R-8 (Residential 8du/ac) • The two sites are currently being used for residential use and multi-family living. Soon the apartment complexes will be undergoing a major remodel, but will still be used as an apartment complex. • There are no "Special Site Features" • No comment regarding the soil type and drainage conditions • The current sign code in residential areas allows, "Churches, apartment buildings, subdivision developments, existing legally established nonconforminR,~G;.fil\lgQ JUN 10 20'14 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION • • residential zones and similar occupancies located in residential and mixed-use zones may have two (2) on-premises identifying signs of not over thirty two (32) square feet in area on one (1) face. What we are applying for is for the city to allow the following signage. o 3 Wall signs • 141.66 SF • 27.5 SF • 4.375 SF o 2 Monument Signs • 4.67 SF • 4.67 SF o I Off Premise Multi-Tenant Sign • 117 .26 (Corner of S. Puget Drive and the apartment complexes access roads.) Obviously we're asking for more signage than code currently allows (300.135 SF) but the location of the property makes it difficult for people to find the complex and every sign serves a purpose. The interior monuments signs ( 4.67 SF each) serve as directional signage and as a primary entrance identification sign. On the north elevation of the leasing office will be the 141.66 SF wall identification sign, this sign will provide an architectural feature to the building. The sign will also create an appealing appearance for future· residence. • No plats are related to this project • The proposed variance will not obstruct access to the property • • • The offsite wooden sign display will be upgraded at the corner of S. Puget Dr. and the access road to both the Constellations Apartments and the Benson Condominiums. Along with the improvements to the sign their will also be new landscaping to replace the existing. • The total estimated cost of the signs both manufacturing and installation is $34,000.00 • The sign footings for the main identification sign will be (2) 2'x2'x3' deep with the middle footing being 2 'x3 'x3' deep (1.56 yards of concrete), while the directional identification signs will each have (2) 24"x24"x18" deep footings (.44 yards per sign) • No trees will be removed. • No land will be dedicated to the city. • There will be no proposed job shacks, trailers, or model homes. • No modifications to wetlands • Proposed project will not exceed 35' Variance Justific3'on for Constellatwi Apts & Benson Condominiums Replacement Signs • The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; • The Constellation Apartment Homes are doing a major upgrade and rehabilitation to their property and along with The Benson Condos would like to update their aging outdated signs as well. The large freestanding structure that serves both The Benson Condominiums and Constellation Apartments located on the Southeast comer of their shared access road and S. Puget Dr. and the post and panel sign located another 380 feet further at the tum-off no longer adequately represents an inviting impression for either property. Since neither The Benson nor Constellation has any street frontage along S. Puget Dr. and primary access to both is from S. Puget Dr. we ask that we be allowed to replace the existing signs and structure with a new and more aesthetically compatible sign and structure with a higher perception of value as our primary identification to the world at our only access point to that world. • The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; • We are proposing that we replace the large, aging wooden structure with what we feel is an interesting and unique design using materials and elements that fit in with the location and other structures found nearby. The materials and workmanship of the main sign is of high craftsmanship and the lighting is subtle routed push-thru and restricted only to the sign face areas. We are mindful of our neighbors and environment. Landscaping will be added to further enhance the area and compliment the sign structure. • The approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and • What we are proposing for the main sign would be permit-able if our property extended to S. Puget Dr. and would meet current sign code as we understand it. The I" freestanding post and panel sign shown in Site Plan 2 would also meet current code as a stand alone sign and is only being asked for as an additional due to our need for further identification based on our location being out of site from that tum off. It is only large enough to convey that an apartment complex is further to the East and is compatible with the main sign. • The approval is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. • We feel this is the minimum needed to be visible to the public as well as found by prospective new tenants as well as delivery and emergency personnel. RECEIVED JUN 1 0 20\4 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION V·ariance Justific31on for Constellat~ Apts & Benson pg: Condominiums Replacement Signs • The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; • We are trying to create a feeling of value and pride within formerly challenged apartment complex. One of the best tools we have is by improving our outward appearance. We are committed to adding interesting artistic and architectural elements of which signage play a significant role. The Leasing office sign we propose uses both of these elements as well as the building itself to accomplish this task. The scale is what we determined blends best with the Leasing office building. The second smaller Leasing Office Panel's purpose is to allow people driving in a locator for the Leasing Office. • The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; • These two wall signs are not visible to anyone outside of the apartment complex. This lighting for the lit portion is reverse pan halo and does not shine outward but instead reflects off of the wall behind the letters. • The approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and • We are attempting to identify our leasing office in a way that enhances our overall perception of value and livability in order to improve our property value and that of our neighbors. • The approval is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. • We feel this is the minimum needed to be both enhance and identify our leasing office to its full potential. .. Constellation Apartment Homes 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. 98055 Site Plan 1 -Main Sign S ign locati on shown on D esign plan pg' s. 1 & 2 5-9-14 t l/2" = 20 ' N Site Plan 2 + I • Site Plan 2 Freestanding sign at turn-off to Constellation Apts 1455 S . P uget Dr . Sign s hown on Design Plan p g 3 Rt. side 1• 20.oott •I 1"=20' N Constellation Apartment Homes Site Plan 3 -2nd Post & Panel 1455 s. Puget Dr. Renton , Wa. 98055 Freestanding Sign (not part of variance) 5-9-14 Sign & location sh own on D esign plan pg 3 Left side I l " = 100' + N ... ~---:- Constellation Apartment Homes 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton , Wa. 98055 Sign & location shown on Leasing Office Design Site Plan 4 - Wall Sign 5-9-14 Leasing Office t 1"=40 ' N e e CONSTELLATION APTS SIGN EXAMPLES 1425 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa 98055 Decorative structures for sign placements are \/- A common design tool to help blend into · An environment. Di:ff erent types of materials And configurations are used. These show how a well designed structure Can enhance a sign's aesthetics without Being obtrusive or blaring. We feel that our sign, though unique, fits Within this standard and blends well our Location. Winsper Neighborhood Rolling Hills 1614 Rolling Hills Ave SE RECE\VED JUN 1 0 20\4 CITY OF RENlO N pL,A.NNlNG 01v1s10~ Nt:1GHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP REC EIVE D A For combined Benson Condo's/ConstellationApts sign at 1425 & 1455 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa. ~ "'r '-~--...!.-l -: , r1 r ____ , ~n~.nii I ~ ( , ,:...-: I U~IU 5-9-14 t 1" = 200' I I N ~~ ~, ~& ..,.,I~ ()~ ~~~Q'~ ~~ ~~ " ~ or .'>J> \ L-...,=========--~-~~ ~ I) \ \· \\ .2223 ,1\3 ~223.\ U23 ._22.n . \ 22.?3, p29 ~ 150 South Puget Drive 0000 .1305 J-315 1. •. Benson Condominiums ,.22.n J223 <2223 300ft J-425J • e 1425 e 1425 ~· 14: , _1425 S. Puget Dr. Renton, Wa • 1425 2t100 ,1-300 23DO ,]300 -.-vDOO \ 2;,o tP, 23-- ~ f1300 9102 .NKN Location of proposed Combined signs (Site Plan 1) ~~,0 ~e~·7 lo~oJ L ~2,· 191 l-11' ,) 0 0 0 0 ellatioD Apartment Homes 1 4 ltc c- Location of Post & Panel sign (Site Plan 2) 9061 Nelsen Mdde ,1-~ 0 ~ co 0 0 l"1 co 0 no7n ..t ~4*55 S. Puget Dr. 1455 Renton, Wa 14 -...a I "'"':"'P:. I 45S iHd, 1 1 ..16 :..iD 1 1 1 1 ;;; OIJ'r8 0-106 -Southeast 162nd ~ _ oro4 J09j~S ~yrti[~o3 30 i1~1I -•i:23-3 013 .90 '\.. lo it ~ ~ r-ur ri 0'51 ~- I"-"--~ ~ _ . _ ri\o7~ l;f.UCU O I ~ ~ 3116n waterjet cut Corten Steel panel Attached to Fabricated alum. Internally illuminted cabinet backed w/White acrylic simplified version of logo w/3M digitally printed speckel detail applied 1st surface -25.3 Sq . Ft. \ ;'\_ 1112n alum . channel mounted to back of face w/1..ED strip illuminating onto accent panels \ 7'-3 3/8. I 2'-10 T/8· __J --.------,_c-+-1-3·-1 5/8' 1 I --\ . 1 1 ~ '° ..... = .!? Cl.> :c >< rd ~ .'Wr Established 19 11 co ~ ~ 9160 SE 74th Avenue Portland, OR 97206 503 .777.4555 -800.613.4555 Fax 503.777.0220 ramsaysign s.com Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton , WA 98055 Project Manager: Todd Mros Landlord JlQQ.roval + Date Designer: Gina Warthen Sign is Grounded via Steel Square tube pipe & stee l mounting posts from bac k of panels & internal sign structure thru concrete base 3116n Water jet cut Corten Steel panel Attached to Fabricated alum . Internally illuminted cabinet backed w/White acrylic & 3M Olympic Blue applied 1st surface , .090 Routed alum. address painted white, attached flush to face 25.3 Sq . Ft. h-2'-111/8'~ ~ ......... D:C,;41M~-~S.l"I." ~--,,,. q-na ¥twort,, u Nit" 19.1"1'1 fl'IIY n a.b"IW lo~ r;or"J9l."Y tor w '°" CM.rtoSt of ,o1.r corsio.mio., OI W,,.tchlr II c,wn:N.JI "".,. pjl,'lt Gt tD pvrtt..na frum RalrlSI)' $,W~S.. lnC. l ttgn marllfactllrlCI ICCG~'\\l UI thUe pilrL Oistr-~ or «0bi\.oll GI t!IISI. ,_., IO ar,or,t ._ ~ ....,,_«tt,..,~or•ol.,.._..111cont1...a1s.-r S...10NOl",~tlert•m..-,~ l!' .. Mt'IINIIMl'llllhl>UOl'llaca.n Rll'ISIJS.0,,Slnc QPldS • bl nun!la'1111 1S\a ol tr.11 t,tlfld ~lit r, cortfliW!Wtelt tor tmt &~R,.alftin,t,11f1t111tollf!S, Scale: lll." =1' Page 1 JUN 1 O 2014 City 0~ li~flf6~ PLANNIN G DIVISION Scale: 1/2" =1' • • 2'-11 7/8' 7'-6 3/8' 2'-3118' 7'-6 3/8' 2'-10 5/8' ~1-I -, I ~ I"' ~ -- '"5' --; - ;_ r 12' -L Base Front View r----_ - I ~ID C:=J lo ol D i -i: 1'-2 3/8' ii Base Footprint Carten steel panel face attached to cabinet A Qty. 3 -Non-Illuminated --Corten Steel Accent Panels ~ , !'Fl ------------ , --\------I IT11 ------------------------------I I ---I -- 1 : ,--------------! : -----=--=-~ --------------II] 1-----' ------------------- CT ---rut~ Fabricated 11/2" angle frame alum. base sections painted gray text coat TM Concrete 1-W, I 9160 SE 74th Avenue Portland, OR 97206 503.777.4555 -800.613.4555 Fax 503.777.0220 ramsaysigns.com Established 1911 Client Constellation Apt Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton, WA 98055 Date: 7.11.13 i' I i' I i' I i' I i' 11 I; I I; I Proiect Manager: Todd Mros Designer: Gina Warthen I I 11 I 11 I Ii I I I I I; I 11 I Client Approval + Date Landlo~roval + Date Revisions i' I 11 I ti I I I I I; I I; I I ----1,------ 3" Sq. tube pipe thru sides of cabinet & base into concrete footing below grade e Copyright 2013. Ramsay Signs. Inc. Toes• pla"sa,.L"< oxciosl•• property 1)1 RaC1$:!yS,gr.s lee. and ire org'"""""""'"'-t'•Oo!s:;nteam n,,y aro ,o,m,n!ll t~ your comi)3ny Jo, 1n, so,1 po,poso ct yo,r cons,deri1l-0n of wh<ll11r to puroh.r.lo tiese pl1~s o, to ourtn:is, lram F\a'TISll/ S,gas. lt:t a s,g1 m;ieatact,ired 1caud:,g i:, i,.,. ''" o,stab•Uin or 11J<h1b1,o.1 ol 1"118 ptans to ar:yone otrer tiar. emp~es ot your comiw,y or usa of tMSo pl;ln1 lo l)(lrsl!l,(;l l ~gr. ll'mr,ir 10 1~1 o:,e ,,.,DOO,ed r-eri::n ,s ppr,s,;t,, fl:rtudl!u Page 2 CEIVED In mo ,,em tn!l !<Uctl ex~1M,oos occurs, Ramsiy S,gr.s Inc. e.01o:ts to!>< re,nbursoo \5% of total pmjactvlltie on com~ns.1111:,,i fort,m. & cttM ll'UOed "' erut:sg ta~ llllns • Cl'!JY OF12EfflOr,f5 PlANNING DIVISION -. ~ C\I ~I ~ Established 1911 9160 SE 74th Avenue Portland , OR 97206 503 .7 77.4555 • 800 .613 .4555 Fa x 503.777 .0220 ra msaysign s.co m 4'-8" lie.n1 Cons tellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton , WA 98055 .125 Alum. panels wAlilx cortan llnlilh applled to front~ exposed back 3• Sq. tube posts, painted black Manufacture & Install (2) S/F Non-illuminated Directional ID Signs Construction -3" Sq. tube Posts w/.125 alum . panels attached Base -.125 Alum. panel PAINTED GRAY TM Main Monument Sign Top Panel Finish -Baekore1rnEl & bask PainteEl Faul< Gerten Steel PAINT DEPT. TO SUBMIT 12" X 12" SAMPLE PRIOR TO PRODUCTION Background Panel & logo -3M Digitally printed vinyl applied 1st surface logo -3M Digitally printed vinyl applied 1st surface Address/Directional Text -3M Black applied 1st surface *BACK OF SIGN TO HAVE DIGITAll Y PRINTED FAUX CORTEN STEEL White 28% PMS 2728 C -DESI GN GINA _::..:._ _______ J;wMnJ!,.~1"W1Llv SALES DATE 67% PMS 299 C O_F>_ERAUQN S MANAGER 1465 SOUTI-I PUGEfi.QAIVE < OPi=ICI: .125 alum . panel to simulate concrete base textcoated light gray 3M Black vinyl applied to face P2 • CHANGE ORDER: BASE NOT TEXTCOATED & CHANGE FACES TO DIGITALLY PRINTED FAUX CORTEN STEEL 2.14.14 Date: 7.11 .13 Clie nt Approval + Date Revisions Pro ject Manager: Todd Mro s Landlor!~roval + Date Designer: Gina Warthen c Copyrigh t 2013, Ramsay Signs, Inc. _,..._ .. __ ., __ ..._ ..... onOINI_., ... _ ...... Ttwy ........ to~ CM'*'1 to, .. IC!tt,.... .. )'tw coaailltt ......................... ~ fronRa.f'IIA)'S°V"' 1-c 1sienn'lfflme\i,/tld~li)ff't11t ..... C)lst;~r, or llltlitlltm of ,._.. plrs IC r,.,,-. «f'itr 1"¥1 amo,oyMI of yotir ~"'~ or 11st of tnffe Mf?I IOoonstnsd a si.-, llf",;.ir ll)tl'\tonl t.l'l:ltlOrll,111 '°lffl.·_11 iS tx.;IINIP(tol'WIII., IIID"91ttlaliltniW\:J,timCICC,fl,~14"$11'1c.lkNCls 1,0be tt1Ml)i,'51(11~~(tto&al;pto,IC1'411tt IIIC'OlnPl!'llal,Ol'l loft,f!lil ltftorttrU,'td lflCf .. ..,Dl"llllolars 0?.-~~ ~~ .... ~..:::... 'r':ru: REC E 11 w-b 1{1 L" 1s-=:1.~~ V C ~,'!-~ wt1l1I ,.~-ol Ar1cle 600 al 1"t " ::r"~ · Ccdund,orotherilPI).,_ JUN 1 O 2014 CITY OF RENTON PLA~gtj"~N e $[VtA..uLC1teci tA[g t.1t vLew ~ SA.I' 9160 SE 74th Avenue f;N5 Portland , Oregon 97206 "l 503.m.4555 . aoo.613.4555 Fax 503.m .0220 Established 1911 ramsaysigns .com Client Constellation Apt. Home s 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton , WA 98055 e DESIGN HAS BEEN m'EWED FOR P01BIT1AL PROBl.fllSAII> ~ BY: DESIGN Richard DATE 2-24-14 SALES DATE OPERATIONS MANAGER OAIE Date: 1-24-14 Client ~roval + Date Revisions Proje ct Manager : Todd Mros Landlord Approval + Date Design : Rich Knox top view star logo spaced off wall . 75 ____ I 11n I i cg_ c-___ ._..,,. --25 311s· = 1-0· radius face with constellation letters supported with uprights a strip of white led lights at base of cabinet L I wall to create a white wash behind letters, silhouetting letters r 66" X 66" I 11 3/8" = 1-0· 57" X 48" 11 .25 aluminum shallow tapped spaced off wall . 75" cut out shape faux painted background , Peacock blue 220-77 vinyl applied to face El Constellation letters .25 aluminum mounted to support with 1" sq tube painted cool gray 7c white vinyl applied to face . El .125 aluminum painted matthews brushed aluminum with white vinyl for apt. homes rolled to fit radius cabinet housing white led strip for letter halo illumination. m .25 aluminum shallow tapped aluminum spaced off wall . 75, cut out shape faux painted with Terra Cotta 220-24 vinyl applied to face. ~ Copyright 2013, Ramny Signs, Inc . L73 Grouncing 111d Bonds,g S1atement for .....,,..iyg =::.:::,.-o1"-s.ic,,s Int."' connecled lign lhe lolowfng stat.men! or equivalent "Th li!ln Is intended to be lnstaled In lhe aa:otdanot with lhe TIIOy .. _. __ .......... _ .. conskilnaond .tMlfllf 10 tiese ,r.w. Ofl> i!IIIM requirements ofllolt 600 of the National Eledrical Code 1romR1muySq,1.11c ,~,.c:oo1ng., and/of -applcable local codes. This idldes plw. groundi~ and bonding ol the oign" should be either di marl<.ed on the oign or label allec:hed lo the SVI, lnduc installation lnllttion&, or proo,lded on • aeparale sheet Page#: 1 ECEIVED Jirttr W 'fflR 3 shipped with the sign. 14-130-p -,...~, OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION 3/16" = 1-0· Established 1911 e 9160 SE 74th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97206 503.m.4555 -aoo.613.4555 Fax 503.m.0220 ramsaysigns.com Client Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton , WA 98055 e Date : 1-24-14 Project Manager : Todd Mros Des!9_n : Ric h Knox Client ~roval + Date Landlord Approval + Date Revisions 12' verify field survey to determine angles 24" 3/16" = 1-0· .1 25 aluminum flush mounted to wall. Faux painted Terra Cotta 220-24 vinyl applied to face. White vinyl for LEASING OFFICE DESIGN HAS BEEN REVIEWED FOR POTEIITIAL PRoet.alS All> ACCURACY BY: DESIGN Richard DATE 2-24-14 SALES OPERATIONS MANAGER DATE .Qfil L73 Glounding and~ Slalemlnl far~ comected 9ign 1he lolowing s~ « equivalent Is Intended to be Installed In lhe accotdance with 1he ~ oft,le 600 of lhe National Eledrical Code tndlOf alher applicable local codes. This Includes grounding and bonding oflhe sign" should be either mailced on lhe ligr, « label attached 1o lhe sign, Ind Installation lnslclions. or provided on • separa1e lheet shipped with 1he aign. C Copyright 2013, Ramsay Signs, Inc . ~~:,=.-at-Sq,s'"' .. ~ .. __ .. __ ................. .,.,..,, ... -al-lOPll'W't ................ _ =--Sip.n: 1tlgnl!IIIIIIK>nd1Ccooln010 'T) _«_ol_plwlD,nyant-..L~ In~:~~=-':"~~· I In h-.,._,, _ ocan -Sogno Inc . -10 bt ,_ 1$' o1 tolal profect vu In -lorlmlandlllort_ll __ _ Page#: 2 CEIVED Number of pages: 3 Jyij_l £.?J l4 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION 3/8" = 1-0" Established 1911 • Fax 503.m.0220 ram saysigns.com Clie_nt Constellation Apt. Homes 1455 S Puget Dr. Renton , WA 98055 - Date: 1-24-14 Project Manager : Todd Mros Desijln : Rich Knox DESIGN HAS BEEN REVEWED FOR POlBflW. PROlllEIIS AlfJ ACC!JflJI:'( BY: DESIGN Richard DATE 2-24-14 SALES DATE OPERATIONS MANAGER t1fil Client ~roval + Date Revisions Landlord Approval + Date 90" 3/4" = 1-0· Manufacture and Install one S/F non illuminated sign .125 aluminum routed to shape full digital graph ic applied to shape 44" •• create 7) bolt covers with digital print on face painted black .25 aluminum , rout inside down enough to cover bolt head . Glue to face of sign with extreme adhesive. C) Copyright 2013, Ramsay Signs, Inc. L73 Glounding end Bonding Statement for ~~=";:'~~ot"-'YS.,,S lnc.h OOMOCled sign the lalowing statement or equivalent "Th ~ ii Intended ID be lnslaled In the ICCOldanco with lhe ...... -..=.--1ot .. 1D1o.--=R ~ ot• 800 ol lhe National Elearical Code =t-.1nc ::--=:: • ., r,d/or olher applcable local a>des. This incblel - grouncing end bonding ollhe a1gn· shoud be eilher -.. -.. -""" .. --.... ITl8l1<ed on the sign ot label attached ID the sign In~ al'fO'Jl-ar-ot-planslD c:anslnlCI 1 Installation lnu:tions, or p,ovlded on a_,..·._ ., .. ..,.IITllloelod-.1sapm,1y..._,,_ shipped with lhe sign . ln11ie ..... lhaloud1-0Cctn. flatn,aySlplnc UDtcts IO be ft1mburucl 151Ai ot total project value t'I C-600""-anel_........, .. _ ..... _c Page#: 3 J tttf'1Jr 6' 2fflf: 3 14-130-p _ OF RENTON PLANN IN G DIVISION RECEIPT EG00024454 BILLING CONTACT RAMSAY SIGNS INC. PERMIT ACCOUNT 9160 SE 74TH AVE PORTLAND, OR 97206 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA14-000745 PLAN -Variance _ Technology Fee Printed On: 6/10/2014 Prepared Bv: Clark Close • FAOF GATEWAY LLC 433 E LAS COLINAS BL VD , 300 IRVING, TX 75039 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: June 10, 2014 PAYMENT METHOD Check #1483 bheci< #1483 SUBTOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $2,400.00 $72.00 $2,472.00 $2,472.00 RECEIVED JUN 10 2014 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION Page 1 of 1