HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA_Neighborhood_Meeting_Material_240607_v1 STRIDE Bus Rapid Transit South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, Master Site Plan Review, and Lot Line Adjustment Application Attachment 14 Neighborhood Meeting Material June 2024 Prepared by the South Renton Transit Center Outreach Summary September 2023 Stride bus rapid transit Page 1 | South Renton Transit Center Outreach Summary February 2024 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 2 2 VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING ........................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Key themes ............................................................................................................. 2 3 IN-PERSON “POP-UP” EVENT ................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Key themes ............................................................................................................. 3 Stride bus rapid transit Page 2 | South Renton Transit Center Outreach Summary February 2024 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Sound Transit hosted two engagement events, one virtual meeting on Zoom and one in-person “pop-up” event at the South Renton Park and Ride, to provide an update to the Renton community about the South Renton Transit Center’s design progress and collect feedback. 2 VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING Sound Transit hosted a Zoom meeting on September 14, 2023 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. The virtual meeting included an overview of the Stride S1 service, South Renton Transit Center’s design progression, and project impacts and effects. Following the presentation, a facilitator moderated questions from the audience to project staff and subject matter experts. Approximately 12 members of the public attended the meeting. 2.1 Key themes • Security and safety: Members of the public asked about Sound Transit’s plans to ensure people at the South Renton Transit Center will be safe and secure while waiting and transferring buses. • Multi-modal travel and amenities: Members of the public asked how the design plans account for bike access, secure bike storage, safe pedestrian access and parking options. • Local access: Many members of the public asked how the South Renton Transit Center will affect the current Renton Transit Center downtown. Additionally, people asked if the new transit center will feature buses or other services that connect to downtown Renton and other nearby destinations. • Regional access: Members of the public asked a variety of questions about the Stride system and how it connects riders to other areas around Puget Sound. SeaTac Airport, downtown Seattle and Bellevue emerged as popular areas of interest. • Transit Center design: Members of the public asked a variety of questions to learn more details about the current, proposed designs for the South Renton Transit Center. Topics included signage, artwork, accessibility and plans for the areas surrounding the center. 3 IN-PERSON “POP-UP” EVENT Sound Transit hosted an in-person “pop-up” event at the South Renton Transit Park & Ride on September 20, 2023 from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The purpose of the pop-up was for Stride Staff to connect directly with transit users, hear feedback on the design plans, and answer questions. Approximately 80 members of the public stopped by the Sound Transit table. Stride bus rapid transit Page 3 | South Renton Transit Center Outreach Summary February 2024 3.1 Key themes • Service frequency and capacity: Many people at the South Renton Park and Ride voiced their thoughts about the level of service on various bus routes. Some transit riders articulated that the buses arrived at inconsistent times, often inconsistent with the established schedule and that late arrival times could cause problems in their workdays. Other riders mentioned that there was inadequate service on some routes and plenty of service on others. • Parking: Many people at the South Renton Parking and Ride expressed interest on future parking availability and security when the South Renton Transit Center opens. Transit riders mentioned that finding a parking space has been easier since the COVID pandemic; however, in recent months, they have noticed more cars in the parking lot. These transit riders voiced that it is important for Sound Transit to provide enough parking at the future South Renton Transit Center with added security. • Stride is still largely unknown: Nearly all the people we spoke to at the South Renton Park and Ride had not heard of the Stride program before. In general, the response was very positive, and people were excited to learn about Stride coming to the area. Of particular note, the frequency of service, improved travel times and connections to Link Light Rail stations drew very positive reactions. • Connections to other buses and transit services: Many of the people we talked to mentioned that they take more than one bus or connect to another transit service, usually Link Light Rail, for their commutes. These transit riders expressed interest in how Stride routes would connect to other bus routes and the regional Link Light Rail System. Many wanted to know if Stride would impact their commute in the future, either positively or negatively. 401 S Jackson St., Seattle, WA 98104 // 1-800-201-4900 / TTY: 711 | main@soundtransit.org | soundtransit.org SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER OUTREACH NOTIFICATIONS PLAN OVERVIEW The Stride program plans to conduct outreach regarding upcoming improvements for the South Renton Transit Center (SRTC). In advance of the start of construction (2025), Sound Transit will connect with neighboring residents and businesses to build relationships and communication networks. This fall (2023), the outreach team will conduct two events: a virtual public meeting on Zoom on Sept 14, 2023 and an in-person “pop-up” outreach at the South Renton Park and Ride on Sept. 20, 2023). During the virtual meeting, the Stride team will share a presentation and leave time for questions and answers. The presentation content will include the current designs for the SRTC, information about when Stride service begins, as well as anticipated impacts and effects. During the in-person event, Stride staff will be available to connect directly with transit users, hear feedback, and answer questions. Notifications will be sent for both events via Sound Transit Gov Delivery, the Sound Transit website, social media ads, and a flyer/poster, and paid media ads. NOTIFICATIONS • Gov Delivery • Sound Transit website • Flyer • Social media ads • Paid media ads • A-board at stations? • Press release? Task Lead Deadline Draft Gov Delivery and ST Website blurb Bryan 8/25/2023 Review Gov Delivery and ST Website blurb Alison 8/25/2023 Draft flyer Bryan, Isaiah 9/1/2023 Connect w/ ST social media, and press release team Bryan, Isaiah 8/25/2023 Contact I2I for flyer distribution Bryan 8/25/2023 Connect with local media Isaiah 8/25/2023 Notification edits Bryan 9/1/2023 QC notifications Alison 9/6/2023 Send Web Blurb to ST Team Bryan 8/30/2023 Send Notifications Bryan 9/8/2023 MEETING 9/14/2023 Gov Delivery Draft OA 0206-19 11.03 Stride S1 and S2 Project Update 20230901.docx Sound Transit Website Draft Stride bus rapid transit: South Renton Transit Center Webinar and In-person Pop-Up Thursday, September 14, 2023 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Virtual) Wednesday, September 20, 2023 I 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (Pop-Up at the South Renton Park & Ride) Add to calendar button/link (Pop-up) If you live, work, or take transit in Renton, we’d like to share updates to the South Renton Transit center! We’re holding a live webinar and an in-person pop-up in September to share project updates/designs for the South Renton Transit Center, answer questions, and collect input from transit riders. Join the webinar button/link For more information about the upcoming webinars and how to attend, sign up for project email updates. Flyer Draft Example: Social Media Draft Copy: Ads? For more information about Sound Transit projects or services, visit soundtransit.org. Fast, frequent, and reliable bus service connecting communities along Lake Washington Stride Bus Rapid Transit Attend a virtual webinar or in-person pop-up Virtual webinar Thursday, Sept. 14 // Noon-1 p.m. Questions? Contact the Community Outreach team: Email: brt@soundtransit.org Phone: (206) 553-3412 Learn about design at the South Renton Transit Center Learn more about our virtual and in-person events soundtransit.org/system-expansion/stride-s1-line/news-updates Sound Transit’s Stride bus rapid transit will be a fast, frequent, and reliable bus service connecting to light rail and to communities north, east, and south of Lake Washington. Similar to light rail service, Stride is designed for convenient travel with fast arrivals and departures, including off-board fare payment and multiple-door entry and exit. To request accommodations for persons with disabilities or information in alternative formats, call 1-800-201-4900 / TTY Relay: 711 or email accessibility@soundtransit.org Para información acerca del proyecto llame al 1-800-823-9230 / 要瞭解項目資訊,請致電 1-800-823-9230 / За информацией об этом проекте обращайтесь по телефону 1-800-823-9230 / 프로젝트에 관한 정보를 위해, 1-800-823-9230로 전화 부탁드립니다 / Để biết thông tin về dự án, hãy gọi: 1-800-823-9230 / ងោមរ្េគីពំអនាម៌ត័ព់បាមរ្ស 0329-328-008-1 ខលេៅទេៅហេមូស In-person pop-up South Renton Park & Ride Wednesday, Sept. 20 // 6:30-8 a.m. 205 S 7th St, Renton, WA 98057 South Renton Transit Center S1 -I405 Bus Rapid Transit September 14, 2023 VIEW SCREEN SPEAKER VIEW SCREEN SPEAKER SPEAKER 5 Agenda •Welcome and webinar overview •Background: how did we get here? •What is Stride and BRT? •South Renton Transit Center •What is it? •Design •Construction •Future Outreach Opportunities •Q&A 6 Objectives for today •Share design updates for SRTC •Share future outreach opportunities •Share latest construction information •Answer questions 7 What is Stride? Bus Rapid Transit •Buses every 10 – 15 minutes •Dedicated bus-only lanes •Regional Connections •Connections to Link Light Rail and other transit services 8 Bus Fleet Battery electric bus fleet (EVs) Quieter, comfier and cleaner rides High-capacity accommodations Service provided by Sound Transit 9 South Renton Transit Center - Location •What is it? •Transit connections •Collaboration with Renton •Subarea Plan •Urban Design Elements SRTC SR 167 10 South Renton Transit Center -Stride Bus Routing SRTC SR 167Southbound buses to Burien Northbound buses to Bellevue 11 South Renton Transit Center -Stride Bus Routing SRTC SR 167Southbound buses to Burien Northbound buses to Bellevue Southbound from Bellevue to SRTC 12 South Renton Transit Center -Stride Bus Routing SRTC SR 167Southbound buses to Burien Northbound buses to Bellevue Southbound from SRTC to Burien 13 South Renton Transit Center -Stride Bus Routing SRTC SR 167Southbound buses to Burien Northbound buses to Bellevue Northbound from Burien to SRTC 14 South Renton Transit Center -Stride Bus Routing SRTC SR 167Southbound buses to Burien Northbound buses to Bellevue Northbound from Burien to SRTC with BAT lane 15 South Renton Transit Center -Stride Bus Routing SRTC SR 167Southbound buses to Burien Northbound buses to Bellevue Northbound from SRTC to Bellevue 16 South Renton Transit Center Baseline Schedule 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N Final Design Procurement South Renton Transit Center Construction Start Construction Construction Complete Design in progress Construction in Late 2024/Early 2025 – 2027 Testing 2027 - 2028 Service in 2028* *KCM service available at the SRTC in 2027 before Stride service begins 17 South Renton Transit Center - Future Stride Bus Bays Current S Renton Park and RideSRTC Security Office 18 South Renton Transit Center - Future 19 Upcoming construction – what to expect What's happened so far •Environmental remediation SRTC: 60% design completed. 90% upcoming Potential Impacts – Work starts late 2024/early 2025 •Surface street impacts •SRT 167 roadwork improvements – new BAT lane •KCM Bus stops and connections 20 Future Outreach Opportunities Stride •Pop-up event next week!6:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. •Pre-construction outreach and construction safety engagement (2024) •Construction communication (2025 – 2027) Questions? Thank you. soundtransit.org Further questions? Please contact brt@soundtransit.org