HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Traffic_Study_240607_v1 STRIDE Bus Rapid Transit South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, Master Site Plan Review, and Lot Line Adjustment Application Attachment 36a Traffic Study June 2024 Prepared by the I-405 corridor South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 Stride program: I-405 corridor Page i | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 Consultant Quality Control Form  Version Title Date Originator/ Drafted by Reviewed by Approved by Notes, as required 0 South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Analysis Interim Traffic Analysis Memo (Draft) 03/11/2022 A. Lo, T. Ma C. Ell R. Gorman Initial draft 1 South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Analysis Interim Traffic Analysis Memo 4/12/2022 C. Ell A. Lo R. Gorman ST comments addressed. Issued as final 2 South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Analysis Interim Traffic Analysis Memo 5/4/2022 C. Ell A. Lo R. Gorman Addressed comments from Anchor Stride program: I-405 corridor Page ii | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................................... 1  2 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 3  2.1 Scenarios Modeled ................................................................................................ 4  2.2 Background Projects ............................................................................................. 7  2.3 Synchro Model Elements and Assumptions .......................................................... 9  2.3.1 Trip Generation and Distribution ................................................................ 9  2.3.2 Intersection Vehicle Volumes .................................................................... 9  3 ANALYSIS RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 9  3.1 Performance Measures ....................................................................................... 10  3.2 Analysis Results .................................................................................................. 10  4 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................ 11  Figures Figure 1-1 I-405 BRT Stride Project Corridor.......................................................................... 2  Figure 1-2 SRTC 30% Design ................................................................................................ 3  Figure 2-1 Interim Parking Analysis Study Area Intersections ................................................ 4  Figure 2-2 Interim Parking Scenario 1 .................................................................................... 5  Figure 2-3 Interim Parking Scenario 2 .................................................................................... 6  Figure 2-4 Full Build Scenario ................................................................................................ 7  Figure 2-5 SW 7th St Widening Project (est. 2024) ................................................................ 8  Figure 2-6 Shattuck Ave S Cycle Track Project (2021) .......................................................... 8  Tables Table 2-1 Interim Year Parking Trips and Distributions ......................................................... 9  Table 3-1 AM Peak Hour Intersection Performance Results ............................................... 10  Table 3-2 PM Peak Hour Intersection Performance Results ............................................... 10  Stride program: I-405 corridor Page iii | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 Acronyms and Abbreviations ADT average daily traffic API Google Application Programming Interface ARR access revision report BRT bus rapid transit ETL express toll lanes HCM Highway Capacity Manual ICE Intersection Control Evaluation LOS level-of-service Metro King County Metro NB northbound OBS On-Board Systems PSRC Puget Sound Regional Council SB southbound SEPA State Environmental Policy Act ST Sound Transit TRAC Washington State Transportation Center TSP transit signal priority TTR transportation technical report WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 1 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND This technical memorandum describes the supplemental traffic analysis performed for the South Renton Transit Center and Roadway Improvements project, which would be used by the I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service and other King County Metro bus routes. The project includes a new transit center facility, which would include a new I-405 BRT station, a park-and-ride garage, and associated roadway improvements to provide access to the new South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) and improve speed and reliability to the transit center for the I-405 BRT service. In August 2021, Sound Transit’s Board established an updated program schedule for the completion of ST3 voter-approved projects. For this project, the updated program schedule is to complete construction of the transit center facilities and roadway improvements in 2026 and complete construction of the park-and-ride garage in 2034. The Sound Transit Board committed to reassessing the ST3 program affordability annually. The supplemental traffic analysis evaluated interim condition scenarios at the transit center site for the years between 2026 and the start of construction of the park-and-ride garage. The intent of this analysis is to determine the effects and changes in intersection congestion levels due to various surface parking supply scenarios for SRTC as they compare to the No Build scenario and full build out of the park-and-ride garage. The I-405 BRT Stride project corridor, including SRTC, is shown in Figure 1-1. While the majority of station areas along the Stride corridor are directly on I-405 with access via the current and future expanded Express Toll Lane (ETL) system, the off-corridor location of the SRTC station area would require BRT coaches to leave the freeway facility and navigate along a segment of SR 167/Rainier Avenue before entering the transit center bus loop. Park-and-ride capacity is currently provided by two Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) surface lots (approximately 370 stalls) that would be augmented by the completion of the SRTC park-and-ride garage and potentially with interim surface parking provided by Sound Transit. Phase 2 for this project included an initial evaluation of various transit center design layouts that identified key bus routes into and out of SRTC and investigated a variety of bus priority treatments. The Phase 2 traffic evaluation summary was documented in the Technical Memorandum: South Renton Transit Center, BRT Stations, and Park-and-ride Garage Traffic Report (August 2019). Phase 3 of the project has focused on the modification of a preferred transit center concept, evaluation of selected improvements outside the transit center, and feasibility assessments of transit center design refinements including interim parking provisions. The 30-percent transit center design configuration is illustrated in Figure 1-2. This memo includes a description of key analysis elements and methodology. Following sections describe the analysis results for each interim parking scenario at the five (5) targeted intersection locations. The three (3) interim parking scenarios captured in this traffic analysis work were based on coordination between Sound Transit’s project design and environmental review teams. The findings of this memo will establish recommendations on what, if any, intersection mitigation measures will be needed to accommodate interim surface parking prior to the construction and operation of the parking garage. Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 2 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 SOURCE: Sound Transit 2020 Figure 1-1 I-405 BRT Stride Project Corridor Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 3 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 Figure 1-2 SRTC 30% Design 2 METHODOLOGY The intersection traffic analysis for the interim SRTC parking scenarios was evaluated using Synchro (version 11) software leveraging traffic models that were previously developed for the Phase 2 Transportation Technical Report (TTR) and early Phase 3 design feasibility and validation work. All models used for the purposes of this interim parking analysis reflect an updated opening year of 2026 (previously 2024). To investigate the operational effects of the interim parking scenarios on surrounding areas near the SRTC, a selected number of intersections were included in the model study network. These study locations are listed below and illustrated in Figure 2-1. 1. Rainier Avenue S & SW Grady Way 2. Lake Ave S & SW Grady Way 3. Shattuck Avenue S & SW Grady Way 4. Shattuck Avenue S & Lake Avenue S Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 4 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 5. Shattuck Avenue S & SW 7th Street Figure 2-1 Interim Parking Analysis Study Area Intersections 2.1 Scenarios Modeled In addition to the future 2026 No Build scenario, two interim parking scenarios and the Full Build were captured in the traffic analysis work representing varying levels of park-and-ride capacity. For each scenario, the AM and PM peak hours were analyzed.  No Build: No Stride S1 service, no new SRTC, existing bus routes and WSDOT surface retained (approximately 370 parking stalls) 1 2 3 4 5S 7th Street Lake Ave S SRTC site  Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 5 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022  Interim Parking Scenario 1: Stride S1 service begins with MetroConnects bus route restructuring, new SRTC facility in place (including bus loop and layover), no additional Sound Transit (ST) park-and-ride capacity beyond WSDOT surface lots (370 parking stalls). The proposed site configuration is shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2 Interim Parking Scenario 1 Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 6 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022  Interim Parking Scenario 2: Same as Interim Parking Scenario 1 but with additional onsite ST surface park-and-ride capacity (350 parking stalls), at the future transit-oriented development and ST parking garage sites on the west side of the transit center; WSDOT surface lots retained for a total of 720 parking spaces. The proposed site configuration is shown in Figure 2-3. Figure 2-3 Interim Parking Scenario 2 Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 7 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022  Full Build Scenario: Full Build scenario similar to Interim Parking Scenario 2 but with a 752- stall parking garage replacing 350 stalls of ST surface parking, WSDOT surface lots retained; a total of 1,102 park-and-ride spaces. This scenario is similar to the Full Build condition represented in the original National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Transportation TTR. The proposed site configuration is shown in Figure 2-4. Figure 2-4 Full Build Scenario 2.2 Background Projects The analysis of interim parking conditions for SRTC included two background projects: S 7th Street Widening Expansion of S 7th Street to four lanes between Shattuck Ave S and Talbot Rd S, including the reconfiguration of the intersection with Smithers Ave S to form a continuation between S 7th Street and Talbot Rd S. A concept sketch of this background project is shown in Figure 2-5. Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 8 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 Figure 2-5 S 7th Street Widening Project (est. 2024) Shattuck Ave S Cycle Track Dedicated bicycle lanes on the west side of Shattuck Ave S from S 7th Street to Lake Ave S creating a separated two-way bicycle facility and reduces the vehicle travel lane count (to one lane each direction). This project, initially completed in July 2021, was identified and developed as part of King County Metro’s safe access to transit program through coordination with the City of Renton. A concept sketch of this cycle track is shown in Figure 2-6. Figure 2-6 Shattuck Ave S Cycle Track Project (2021) N S 7th Street  Shattuck Ave S S 7th Street  Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 9 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 2.3 Synchro Model Elements and Assumptions The model elements and assumptions described in the following sections were included for all interim parking scenarios SRTC design layout of the transit center and access driveways. 2.3.1 Trip Generation and Distribution For the parking garage trip generation and distribution, information from King County Metro S Renton P&R License Plate Survey (2016) was used. Table 2-1 below shows trips generated by the parking garage for each interim year build scenario. Detail descriptions of the scenarios are included in section 2.1. Table 2-1 Interim Year Parking Trips and Distributions 2.3.2 Intersection Vehicle Volumes Intersection peak hour turning movement volumes for year 2024 No Build scenario were extracted from the previous Synchro models (previously developed for the Phase 2 NEPA DCE TTR and early Phase 3 design feasibility and validation work). An annual growth rate of 1.2% was applied to calculate the updated opening year 2026 No Build volumes. In the build scenarios where the transit center is constructed, the King County Metro buses taking the east entrance/exit are assumed to take Lake Avenue S. Parking trips from/to each origin/destination were assigned to intersections along their routes. The bus trips (both King County Metro buses and Stride S1 buses) and parking trips were then added to the 2026 No Build volumes to get the volumes for each build scenario. 3 ANALYSIS RESULTS This section presents the results of the future 2026 year-of-opening traffic analysis for the Full Build scenario and the No Build scenario, as well as the traffic analysis for the two potential interim condition scenarios as described in Section 2.1. A brief description of the performance measures used for reporting and the interim parking scenarios considered is also included. A significant traffic impact (i.e., an impact that would require mitigation) is based on the following:  Sound Transit would provide proportionate mitigation if the project results in an additional 15 seconds or more of delay to a given intersection or corridor that is In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out Rainier Ave (N of 7th) 9% 5 5 6 6 15 5 6 15 27 7 8 28 Morris Ave (N of 7th) 15% 9 9 10 10 25 8 9 26 46 11 14 47 Rainier Ave (S of Grady) 34% 20 20 22 22 57 18 21 58 104 26 31 106 Grady Way (E of Talbot) 33% 20 20 21 21 55 17 20 57 101 25 30 103 7th St (W of Edwards)1%111121123113 Grady Way (W of Lind)8% 5544144514245 825 Total 100% 60 60 64 64 168 53 62 172 305 75 92 312 AM PM %  DistributionOrigin/Destination AM PM AM PM Interim Parking Scenario 1 Interim Parking Scenario 2 Full Build Scenario Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 10 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 projected to exceed the established standard under the No Build conditions. The mitigation contribution would be based on the proportionate amount of delay that would be added by the project. 3.1 Performance Measures To evaluate the transit center and the possible improvements outside the transit center, intersection delay and LOS were reported for each scenario of the Synchro model. 3.2 Analysis Results The full build out of the SRTC site would be expected to draw additional trips to the transit center area, due to increased bus activity (Stride and King County Metro restructuring) as well as additional vehicles using the surface lots or parking garage to connect to the new Stride service and King County Metro bus routes. Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 show the AM and PM peak hour overall average intersection delays and LOS. Reflected in these tables are the No Build and build scenario results for each of the five (5) study intersections. Table 3-1 AM Peak Hour Intersection Performance Results Table 3-2 PM Peak Hour Intersection Performance Results Though the build scenarios include greater volume levels in general, the intersection delay and LOS results remain similar to the No Build condition. During the AM peak hour, the only location where LOS degrades (with the proposed transit center in place) was at Lake Ave & Grady Way. The AM No Build condition shows 14 sec delay and an LOS of B which is maintained for Interim Parking Scenario 1. However, with an increase in park-and-ride capacity (350 additional parking stalls) assumed in build scenario 2, the intersection delay increases to 20 and the LOS falls to C. During the PM peak hour, the intersection Rainier Ave & Grady Way was already reflecting overcapacity conditions in the No Build condition with average delays greater than two minutes. For the build scenarios, by optimizing the signal timing splits, the delays could be slightly Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Methodology Rainier Ave & Grady Way  66 E 58 E 59 E 61 E HCM 2000 Lake Ave & Grady Way  14 B 19 B 20 C 24 C HCM 2000 Shattuck Ave & Grady Way 24 C 25 C 25 C 26 C HCM 2000 Shattuck Ave & Lake Ave  4 A 4 A 3 A 3 A HCM 2010 Shattuck Ave & 7th St  9 A 9 A 9 A 9 A HCM 2000 Full Build ScenarioNo Build Interim Parking Scenario 1 Interim Parking Scenario 2Intersection Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Methodology Rainier Ave & Grady Way  138 F 86 F 88 F 92 F HCM 2000 Lake Ave & Grady Way  21 C 27 C 31 C 37 D HCM 2000 Shattuck Ave & Grady Way 20 C 17 B 18 B 20 B HCM 2000 Shattuck Ave & Lake Ave  6 A 6 A 6 A 9 A HCM 2010 Shattuck Ave & 7th St  19 B 19 B 19 B 19 B HCM 2000 Full Build ScenarioNo Build Interim Parking Scenario 1 Interim Parking Scenario 2Intersection Stride program: I-405 corridor Page 11 | AE 0054-17 | South Renton Transit Center Interim Parking Traffic Analysis Summary Memo May 2022 reduced though the intersection would still operate at LOS F. The only location during the PM peak hour where LOS was shown to change was at Lake Ave & Grady Way. Under the Full Build Parking Scenario (with the parking garage in place and WSDOT surface lots retained) the resulting delays fall to LOS D compared to LOS C for No Build conditions, which would not require mitigation by Sound Transit. 4 CONCLUSIONS The proposed 30-percent SRTC design would incorporate a new signal at the intersection of Rainier Avenue S and Hardie Avenue SW for Rainier Avenue S transit access and also provide transit center access along Lake Avenue S near the current WSDOT park-and-ride lots north of S Grady Way. The interim park-and ride lot (and eventual parking garage) would provide access on Rainier Avenue S, S Grady Way and Lake Avenue S. The analysis examined the impact of interim parking levels along S Grady Way and Shattuck Avenue S, and the results indicate that the transit center design and access provisions would adequately accommodate the full range of onsite parking capacity scenarios with no notable congestion effects (15 additional seconds of delay per vehicle from the No Build bringing the LOS to E or F) or mitigation requirements. soundtransit.org brt@soundtransit.org 206-398-5470