HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Traffic_Study_Addendum_240607_v1 STRIDE Bus Rapid Transit South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, Master Site Plan Review, and Lot Line Adjustment Application Attachment 36b Traffic Study Addendum June 2024 Prepared by the CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 1 Technical Memorandum DATE: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 PROJECT: GEC CUD 5 TO: Sound Transit FROM: HDR (Zhuojin Wang, Robert Acevedo) SUBJECT: Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 1. Introduction The new South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) is proposed to be constructed at the northeast corner of the Grady Way and Rainer Avenue intersection. This project is part of the I-405 Stride Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) program. The new BRT service and the majority of local buses will access the SRTC via the intersection of Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue, which is the main access point of SRTC. The Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection is currently unsignalized and will be signalized when the transit center is completed. The Rainier Avenue South median will be modified and pedestrian crosswalks will be added. Figure 1 shows the transit center location and proposed geometry at the intersection of Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue at 30% design. In this design, eastbound Hardie Avenue is right turn only at Rainier Avenue and buses approaching from the north make a southbound left turn from Rainier Avenue into the SRTC. Sound Transit is seeking an alternate route that allows the buses coming from eastbound 7th Street to make a right turn onto Hardie Avenue and go through the intersection from Hardie Avenue to SRTC. This would change the eastbound Hardie Avenue approach at Rainier Avenue to be a right turn lane shared with through buses. A separate bus through lane may not be feasible due to geometry constraints. Figure 1 shows the two options of bus access routes to SRTC. The purpose of this tech memo is to document the evaluation of transit and traffic operation at the intersections near the SRTC and compare the bus operation under different access and geometry options at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection. 11/13/2024 CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 2 Figure 1: SRTC Location and Bus Access Options with Option 1 and 2 Intersection Geometry 2. Study Intersections Three intersections were identified as study intersections, listed below: · 7th Street & Hardie Avenue · 7th Street & Rainier Avenue · Hardie Avenue & Rainier Avenue CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 3 The analysis is based on the 2026 opening year traffic volumes developed from South Renton Transit Center Traffic Operations and Concept Validation Summary Memo dated August 2021. Three options of the bus operation at the intersection of Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue were evaluated in this study. Option 1 assumes the same geometry as 30% design plan, as shown previously in Figure 1. All buses coming from the north would access the transit center by making a southbound left turn on Rainier Avenue at Hardie Avenue. Eastbound Hardie Avenue would be right turn only. Option 2 assumes the buses traveling along eastbound 7th Street would turn right onto Hardie Avenue and access the transit center by making a through movement across Rainier Avenue. In both options all other buses accessing the transit center from the north would use the proposed southbound bus-only left turn lane at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection. Due to the existing geometry constraint, eastbound Hardie Avenue is not wide enough to provide a separate through lane used for bus only. The buses going through would share the lane with right turning vehicles. Option 3 assumes the same bus access route as Option 1 but the right turn lane location on Hardie Avenue would be the same as the existing condition. Figure 2 shows the proposed geometry at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection in Option 3. Figure 2: Option 3 Intersection Geometry Signal phasing would be similar in all three options at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection. Eastbound and westbound approaches will use split phasing in all options. In Option 2, eastbound right turns will run simultaneously with the bus-only eastbound through movement. In Option 3, the eastbound right turn movement would be signalized and run on its own signal phase (Phase 3). The southbound left turn could overlap with eastbound right turn in this option. The southbound left turn could be serviced twice in the signal cycle. CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 4 Traffic volumes and signal phasing for Option 1 and Option 2 are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. Traffic volumes for Option 3 will be the same as Option 1 and signal phasing for Option 3 was shown previously in Figure 2. Option 1 and Option 3 estimate 44 peak hour buses in the AM and 51 in the PM making a southbound left turn from Rainier Avenue into the transit center. Option 2 estimates 10 buses on eastbound 7th Street in the AM and PM making a right turn onto southbound Hardie Avenue and going through from Hardie Avenue into the transit center. The remaining 34 buses in the AM and 41 buses in the PM would make a southbound left turn from Rainier Avenue into the transit center, as they would with other two options. In Options 1 and 2, pedestrians crossing Rainier Avenue at the Hardie Avenue intersection would use Phase 8, concurrent with the westbound vehicle phase (buses leaving the transit center). Figure 3: Estimated 2026 Traffic Volumes and Signal Phasing in Option 1 CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 5 Figure 4: Estimated 2026 Traffic Volumes and Signal Phasing in Option 2 Alternative signal phasing in Option 2 and Option 3 has the eastbound traffic running simultaneously with pedestrian crossing phases on both south and north legs. Westbound buses would run on an exclusive phase. Option 2 Alternative option also allows eastbound left turn movement from Hardie Avenue. Figure 5 and Figure 6 shows the alternative signal phasing in Option 2 and Option 3, respectively. The Alternative Option 2 would increase the pedestrian conflicts with heavy right turning movement while Option 3 eliminates the conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians. CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 6 Figure 5: Alternative Signal Phasing in Option 2 Figure 6: Alternative Signal Phasing in Option 3 CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 7 3. Traffic Analysis Traffic volumes and signal phasing were input into Synchro models for traffic analysis. Based on the traffic volumes, 120-second and 150-second cycle length is assumed for three study intersections in the AM and PM peak hour, respectively, for 2026 study year. The new Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection will be coordinated with the 7th Street and Rainier Avenue intersection. In Options 1, 2 and 3, pedestrian crossings on both north and south legs at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection use signal Phase 8 which runs concurrently with westbound buses in Phase 4. Buses exiting from the transit center must yield to pedestrians when making turns at the intersection. To improve pedestrian safety when crossing Rainier Avenue, a leading pedestrian interval (LPI) of 3 seconds could be beneficial. LPI allows pedestrians to enter the crosswalk prior to the start of vehicular phases, which results in them being more visible to auto drivers. LPI is assumed in the analysis documented in this tech memo. In addition, the westbound right turn bus lane is not adjacent to the crosswalk on the north leg, additional “yield to pedestrian” signs or flashing yellow indication of signal head might be used to emphasize the yield movement of right turning buses. In Option 3 Alternative Signal Phasing, pedestrian phases are running concurrently with eastbound right turning vehicles. This signal phasing is likely to provide the best condition for pedestrian safety. Appendix A contains detailed Synchro results at the study intersections. Table 1 shows a comparison of intersection delays and LOS for all options. The intersection delays and LOS are similar in all options. Table 1: Intersection Delays and LOS in Three Options Intersection 7th St & Hardie Ave Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave 7th St & Rainier Ave Option Time Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS Option 1 AM 15.5 B 22.8 C 28.5 C PM 25.9 C 29.1 C 56.9 E Option 2 AM 15.5 B 24.0 C 29.1 C PM 25.8 C 23.8 C 53.8 D Option 2 Alternative AM 15.3 B 28.2 C 31.0 C PM 25.8 C 26.8 C 54.4 D Option 3 AM 15.5 B 21.5 C 28.7 C PM 25.9 C 20.7 C 57.0 E Option 3 Alternative AM 15.4 B 29.4 C 26.3 C PM 25.9 C 25.4 C 54.7 D Table 2 shows a comparison of bus movement delays and level-of-service (LOS). Total bus delay is the sum of all the bus delays at three intersections. Southbound and westbound bus delays at the 7th Street and Hardie Avenue intersection are excluded as the bus delays should be the same in all options. Table 3 shows the estimated individual BRT and local bus travel time and total bus travel time to access the transit center. BRT travel time is estimated from the 7th Street and Hardie Avenue intersection to transit center, and local bus travel time is estimated from the 7th Street and Rainier Avenue intersection to transit center. Synchro/SimTraffic is not capable of provide vehicle travel time as a direct output. The travel time shown in the table is the sum total of the estimated running time between intersections with CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 8 assumed 25 mph bus travel speed, 10 second acceleration/deceleration time for bus at each intersection, and delays at signalized intersection. Table 2: Bus Movement Delays by Option Option 1 Intersection Movement AM PM Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) 7th St & Hardie Ave EBT 7.7 10 17.9 10 7th St & Rainier Ave EBR 29.2 10 111.9 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave SBL 83.9 44 102.5 51 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave WBL/T/R 41.6 63 57.9 56 Total (min) 111.4 162.8 Option 2 Intersection Movement AM PM Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) 7th St & Hardie Ave EBR 7.3 10 17.8 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave EBT 31.8 10 48.1 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave SBL 89.4 34 109.5 41 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave WBL/T/R 41.9 63 58.2 56 Total (min) 101.2 140.1 Option 2 - Alternative Signal Phasing Intersection Movement AM PM Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) 7th St & Hardie Ave EBR 7.3 10 17.8 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave EBT 34.8 10 50.4 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave SBL 108.4 34 103.2 41 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave WBL/T/R 81.4 63 95.3 56 Total (min) 153.9 170.8 Option 3 Intersection Movement AM PM Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) 7th St & Hardie Ave EBT 7.7 10 17.9 10 7th St & Rainier Ave EBR 29.2 10 111.9 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave SBL 33.5 44 37.9 51 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave WBL/T/R 41.6 63 57.9 56 Total (min) 74.4 107.9 Option 3 - Alternative Signal Phasing Intersection Movement AM PM Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) Delay (sec) Num. of Buses (veh) 7th St & Hardie Ave EBT 7.7 10 17.9 10 7th St & Rainier Ave EBR 29.2 10 111.9 10 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave SBL 119.4 44 95.5 51 Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave WBL/T/R 84.7 63 89.5 56 Total (min) 182.6 186.3 CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 9 Table 3: Individual and Total Bus Travel Time Option AM PM BRT Travel Time (min) Local Bus Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time (min) BRT Travel Time (min) Local Bus Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time (min) Option 1 2.7 1.7 86.1 4.5 2.1 129.6 Option 2 1.0 1.8 72.5 1.4 2.2 103.6 Option 2 - Alterntaive 1.0 2.2 83.8 1.5 2.1 99.6 Option 3 1.8 0.9 49.1 3.5 1.0 74.7 Option 3 - Alternative 3.3 2.3 112.1 4.4 1.9 123.7 Total Num. of Buses 10 34 10 41 As shown in Table 2 and Table 3, in Option 1, buses are expected to experience major delays when making eastbound right turn at the Rainier Avenue and 7th Street intersection and making southbound left turn at the Rainier Avenue and Hardie Avenue intersection. Vehicles are expected experience 1.9 minutes of delay to turn right from 7th Street to Rainier Avenue during the PM peak hours. The southbound left turning buses are expected to wait approximate 1.5 minutes at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection during and AM and PM peak hours. In option 1, buses travelling eastbound along 7th Street through the three study intersections to the transit center are anticipated to take 2.7 minutes during the AM peak hour and 4.5 minutes during the PM peak hour. In Option 2, southbound left turning buses would also experience long delays at Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection, comparable to Option 1. However, the buses going eastbound experience less delays as compared to the southbound left turning buses. Buses travelling along eastbound 7th Street are expected to take 1.0 minutes and 1.4 minutes during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively, to pass two intersections before reaching the transit center, which is much less travel time for BRT as compared to other options. But the BRT bus would share a single lane with other traffic along Hardie Avenue, and friction between buses and driveways along Hardie Avenue is not captured in this analysis. When considering all buses, Option 2 would have less total delays than Option 1 but higher total delays than Option 3 in the AM and PM peak hours. In Option 2 Alternative Signal Phasing, westbound buses exiting the transit center would experience longer delays than Option 2. This results from eastbound green time being extended to accommodate concurrent pedestrian phases while the westbound transit phase is truncated. In Option 3, southbound left turn delays at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection are much lower than other options as this movement could be served twice per cycle. The southbound left turn runs on its own phase (Phase 1) as well as eastbound right turn phase (Phase 3). Each southbound left turning bus is expected to save approximate 1 minute of delay as compared to the other options. Individual BRT travel time in this option is lower than Option 1 but higher than Option 2 due to the longer travel distance and more total signal delays. However the total bus delays including BRT buses and local buses will still be less as compared to other options. Therefore, Option 3 would have the least total bus delays when compared to other options, though the BRT delays are higher than Option 2. CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 10 In Option 3 Alternative Signal Phasing, westbound buses would experience higher delays than with Option 3 during the AM peak hour. This results from eastbound green time being extended to accommodate concurrent pedestrian phases while the westbound transit phase is truncated. Transit Signal Priority (TSP) was not included in this analysis and future conversations or analysis should be done to determine if TSP can be used for any bus route at the study intersections. Table 4 summarizes the difference and analysis findings of all scenarios for the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue Intersection. Sound Transit and City of Renton should determine which option should be used at this intersection prior to the signal design. The Grady Way and Rainier Avenue is a congested intersection in particular during the PM peak hour. SimTraffic simulation was conducted to understand if the queues originating from Grady Way would extend along Rainier Avenue to Hardie Avenue and 7th Street and block the eastbound right turning buses at the 7th Street and Rainier Avenue intersection to access the transit center. Traffic conditions at the Grady Way and Rainier Avenue intersection are similar among all options and Option 3 was selected for this test. The analysis indicates that the southbound queues from Grady Avenue are generally not expected to extend beyond Hardie Avenue along Rainier Avenue during the PM peak hour as the average queues are less than the storage between two intersections. However, for a few cycles within the PM peak hour only, the southbound queues may spill back beyond Rainier Avenue and reach 7th Street as the maximum queue lengths reach the storage distance between intersections. Table A-11 in Appendix A shows the average and maximum queue lengths at the Grady Way and Rainier Avenue intersection and study intersections. To reduce southbound queues, the study team recommends changing the southbound right turn lane at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection to a shared through and right turn lane. Since the southbound right turning volumes are very low during both AM and PM peak hours (less than 10 vehicles as shown in Figure 3), converting the right turn lane to be shared with through movement will increase the southbound capacity along Rainier Avenue and reduce queues on southbound approach, which will facilitate eastbound right turning buses at 7th Street and Rainier Avenue intersection accessing the transit center. Figure 7 shows the recommended geometry on southbound Rainier Avenue approaching Hardie Avenue. There are three receiving lanes south of Hardie Avenue in the existing condition and the three through lanes would extend to Grady Way and beyond. The existing geometry along Rainier Avenue would make this change feasible. City of Renton should determine if they would like to incorporate this lane configuration change as part of this project. CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 11 Figure 7: Recommended Geometry on Southbound Rainier Avenue CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 12 4. Conclusion and Recommendation The project team analyzed and compared three options at the intersection of Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue. Option 1 and Option 3 assume all inbound buses from the north make a protected southbound left turn at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue to access the transit center. Option 2 allows BRT buses traveling eastbound along 7th Street to access the transit center by crossing Rainier Avenue at the new Hardie Avenue signal. Option 3 assumes the eastbound right turn lane will be at the same location as the existing condition. In Option 1 and Option 3, eastbound Hardie Avenue is right turn only while in Option 2 eastbound Hardie Avenue allows buses to go through. Option 2 Alternative Signal Phasing and Option 3 Alternative Signal Phasing allows pedestrian phases to run concurrently with eastbound approach rather than the westbound approach as shown in other options. The traffic analysis results indicate that BRT buses would have least travel time to access the transit center in Option 2 due to shorter travel distance and less signalized intersections to go through. Please note in Option 2 the BRT would share the single lane with other vehicles along Hardie Avenue and friction between BRT and driveways along Hardie Avenue is not captured in this analysis. Option 3 has higher BRT travel time as compared to Option 2 but this option has least total bus delays including BRT and local buses. Buses would experience long delays when making a southbound left turn from Rainier Avenue to transit center in both Option 1 and Option 2. Option 3 significantly reduces this delay by overlapping the southbound left turn phase with the eastbound right turn phase, which then allows the southbound left turning movement to be serviced twice within one signal cycle if necessary. Option 3 Alternative Signal Phasing provides best pedestrian safety; however, this option would have the highest peak hour bus delays of the options considered. Table 4 summarizes the difference and analysis findings of all scenarios for the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue Intersection. Sound Transit and City of Renton should determine which option should be used at this intersection prior to the signal design. The Grady Way and Rainier Avenue is a congested intersection in particular during the PM peak hour. Based on the SimTraffic analysis results, the southbound queues from Grady Avenue generally do not go beyond Hardie Avenue along Rainier Avenue, however, for a few cycles, the southbound queues have the potential to spill back beyond Rainier Avenue and reach 7th Street. To reduce southbound queues, the study team recommends changing the southbound right turn lane at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue intersection to a shared through and right turn lane due to low right turn volumes. City of Renton should determine if they would like to incorporate this lane configuration change as part of this project. CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 13 Table 4: Comparison and Summary at the Hardie Avenue and Rainier Avenue Intersection Option Geometry on EB Approach Signal Phasing Can buses go through in EB? Can EBLT be allowed? BRT Travel Time Total Bus Delays Pedestrian Safety 1 EB lane at intersection · EB/WB ped phases run with WB buses No No High Median Median 2 EB lane at intersection · EB/WB ped phases run with WB buses Yes Yes Low Median Median 2 Alternative EB lane at intersection · EB/WB ped phases run with EB traffic Yes Yes Low Median-High Low 3 EB lane at existing location · EB/WB ped phases run with WB buses · SBLT phase serviced twice in a cycle No No Median-High Low Median 3 Alternative EB lane at existing location · EB/WB ped phases run with EB traffic No No High High High CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 14 APPENDIX A: SYNCHRO RESULTS Table A-1: Option 1 – 2026 AM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 51 0.41 41 83 61.3 EEBT 1402 163 0.12 13 80 7.7 AEBR 92WBL 5 0.06 4 m8 65 EWBT 400 550 0.31 28 286 8.4 AWBR 51NBL 2NBT 557 4 0.04 5 m14 51.2 DNBR 1 0 0 m0 0 ASBL 61SBT 517 46 0.48 85 131 53.1 DSBR 31 0.1 0 0 0.5 AEBL 0EBT 557 0EBR 154 0.42 5 12 5 AWBL 12 0.07 8 25 35.6 DWBT 702 10 0.33 35 75 43 DWBR 41NBL 0NBT 200 1255 0.77 502 #716 33 CNBR 12 0.03 6 20 22.2 CSBL 44 0.52 39 m72 83.9 FSBT 593 709 0.36 62 87 5.3 ASBR 7 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 134 0.5 58 #103 61.9 EEBT 400 61 0.22 52 45 29.2 CEBR 29WBL 52 0.44 41 86 64.8 EWBT 583 299 0.71 229 278 49.7 DWBR 369 0.8 180 255 37 DNBU 37NBL 145 0.65 135 m#222 31.7 CNBT 593 1031 0.73 16 #576 11 BNBR 48 0.07 0 m0 0.2 ASBU 5SBL 111 0.46 48 80 58.4 ESBT 539 608 0.55 215 298 34.3 CSBR 162 0.27 0 52 5.7 A C7th St44.3 DRainier Ave13.5 BRainier Ave32.2 C28.5119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St48.7 D CSouth Renton Transit Center41.6 DRainier Ave32.9 CRainier Ave9.6 A22.812 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave5 A B7th St8.9 AHardie Ave43.9 DHardie Ave41.2 D15.511 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St16.6 B CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 15 Table A-2: Option 1 – 2026 PM Int ID Intersection Name Link NameMovementVolume v/c Ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 72 66.5 75 128 71.3EEBT 632 16.7 201 445 17.4 BEBR 239WBL 5 73.8 5 m12 111.1 FWBT 412 19.6 52 m237 10.2 BWBR 61NBL 3NBT 4 64.1 7 m20 62.1 ENBR 2 63.9 0 m0 63.9 ESBL 123SBT 102 58.1 230 310 68.6 ESBR 51 50.5 0 0 50.6 DEBL 0EBT 0EBR 356 227 171 156 97.8 FWBL 12 144 11 31 54 DWBT 10 134 40 84 57.8 EWBR 34NBL 0NBT 1253 1588 521 m#840 37.8 DNBR 12 373 7 m9 25.8 CSBL 51 92 56 m62 98.1 FSBT 1425 2073 157 m#892 7.6 ASBR 9 912 0 m0 12.2 BEBL 356 3 175 #328 50.6DEBT 317 3 402 #596 69 EEBR 83WBL 100 3 102 #199 89.4 FWBT 172 3 171 214 62.6 EWBR 169 0 0 0.1 ANBL 135 4 ~229 m#312 109.3 FNBT 973 3 120 61 15.9 BNBR 77 3 0 m0 6.4 ASBL 364 3 204 #293 78.3 ESBT 1197 3 ~714 #855 63.3 ESBR 171 3 40 99 30.3 CC7th St21.5 C7th St11.2 BHardie Ave62.5 EHardie Ave65.3 E11 Hardie Ave & 7th St25.912 Rainier Ave & Hardie Ave33.5 CHardie Ave97.8 FSouth Renton Transit Center57 ERainier Ave37.6 DRainier Ave10.6 B119 Rainier Ave & 7th St51.0 D7th St60.3 E7th St44.7 DRainier Ave30.1 CRainier Ave63.3 E CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 16 Table A-3: Option 2 – 2026 AM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 51 0.41 41 83 61.3 EEBT 1402 153 0.12 12 77 7.3 AEBR 102WBL 5 0.06 4 m8 65.2 EWBT 400 550 0.31 28 286 8.4 AWBR 51NBL 2NBT 557 4 0.04 5 m14 53 DNBR 1 0 0 m0 0 ASBL 61SBT 517 46 0.48 85 131 53.1 DSBR 31 0.1 0 0 0.5 AEBL 0EBT 557 10 0.76 11 123 31.8 CEBR 154WBL 12 0.11 8 26 37.2 DWBT 702 10 0.33 35 75 43 DWBR 41NBL 0NBT 200 1255 0.74 494 #735 30.9 CNBR 12 0.03 6 21 22.8 CSBL 34 0.5 30 m57 89.4 FSBT 593 709 0.37 60 90 5.9 ASBR 7 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 134 0.5 58 #103 62.6 EEBT 400 61 0.2 50 48 31.3 CEBR 19WBL 52 0.44 41 86 64.8 EWBT 583 299 0.71 229 278 49.7 DWBR 369 0.8 180 255 37 DNBU 37NBL 145 0.65 140 m#239 33.2 CNBT 593 1031 0.73 16 #576 12.2 BNBR 48 0.07 0 m0 0.2 ASBU 5SBL 111 0.46 48 80 58.4 ESBT 539 608 0.55 215 298 34.3 CSBR 162 0.27 0 52 5.7 A C7th St44.3 DRainier Ave14.7 BRainier Ave32.2 C29.1119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St50.9 D CSouth Renton Transit Center41.9 DRainier Ave30.8 CRainier Ave9.5 A2412 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave31.8 C B7th St8.9 AHardie Ave45.4 DHardie Ave41.2 D15.511 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St16.3 B CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 17 Table A-4: Option 2 – 2026 PM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 72 0.56 75 128 80.7 FEBT 1402 622 0.43 200 444 17.8 BEBR 249WBL 5 0.07 5 m12 96.8 FWBT 400 412 0.27 52 m236 12.2 BWBR 61NBL 3NBT 557 4 0.04 7 m21 52.8 DNBR 2 0.01 0 m0 0 ASBL 123SBT 517 102 0.74 230 310 71.7 ESBR 51 0.14 0 0 0.8 AEBL 0EBT 557 10 0.93 183 243 48.1 DEBR 356WBL 12 0.17 11 33 55.6 EWBT 698 10 0.34 40 84 59 EWBR 34NBL 0NBT 184 1253 0.79 350 m#840 26.2 CNBR 12 0.03 6 m7 22.6 CSBL 41 0.6 46 m52 109.5 FSBT 593 1425 0.78 156 m#907 10.8 BSBR 9 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 356 0.61 175 #328 53.7 DEBT 400 317 0.91 386 #571 101.1 FEBR 73WBL 100 0.77 102 #199 100 FWBT 583 172 0.61 171 214 66.2 EWBR 169 0.11 0 0 0.1 ANBU 67NBL 135 1.1 ~229 m#340 111.2 FNBT 593 973 0.82 74 61 14.1 BNBR 77 0.13 1 m0 0.5 ASBU 12SBL 364 0.86 203 #293 80.9 FSBT 539 1197 0.96 ~705 #855 63.6 ESBR 171 0.28 39 99 12.4 B D7th St48.5 DRainier Ave28.6 CRainier Ave62.3 E53.8119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St78.5 E CSouth Renton Transit Center58.2 ERainier Ave26.2 CRainier Ave13.4 B23.812 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave48.1 D C7th St13 BHardie Ave41.1 DHardie Ave58.7 E25.811 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St22.6 C CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 18 Table A-5: Option 2 – Alternative Signal Phasing - 2026 AM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 51 0.41 41 83 61.3 EEBT 1402 153 0.12 12 77 7.3 AEBR 102WBL 5 0.06 4 m8 65 EWBT 400 550 0.31 28 285 8.4 AWBR 51NBL 2NBT 557 4 0.04 2 m10 26.5 CNBR 1 0 0 m0 0 ASBL 61SBT 517 46 0.48 85 131 53.1 DSBR 31 0.1 0 0 0.5 AEBL 10EBT 557 10 0.8 53 #136 34.8 CEBR 154WBL 12 0.22 9 30 56.2 EWBT 702 10 0.67 42 #101 87.2 FWBR 41NBL 0NBT 200 1255 0.8 ~595 #772 35.6 DNBR 12 0.03 6 22 25.6 CSBL 34 0.55 25 m57 108.4 FSBT 593 709 0.4 48 66 5.9 ASBR 7 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 134 0.5 58 #103 62.6 EEBT 400 61 0.2 50 48 31.3 CEBR 19WBL 52 0.44 41 86 64.8 EWBT 583 299 0.71 229 278 49.7 DWBR 369 0.8 180 255 37 DNBU 37NBL 145 0.65 88 m#166 38.2 DNBT 593 1031 0.73 118 #158 16.9 BNBR 48 0.07 0 m1 0.6 ASBU 5SBL 111 0.46 48 80 58.4 ESBT 539 608 0.55 215 298 34.3 CSBR 162 0.27 0 52 5.7 A11 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St16.3 B B7th St8.9 AHardie Ave22.7 CHardie Ave41.2 D15.312 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave34.8 C CSouth Renton Transit Center81.4 FRainier Ave35.5 DRainier Ave10.3 B28.2119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St50.9 D C7th St44.3 DRainier Ave19.3 BRainier Ave32.2 C31 CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 19 Table A-6: Option 2 – Alternative Signal Phasing - 2026 PM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 72 0.56 75 128 80.7 FEBT 1402 622 0.43 200 444 17.8 BEBR 249WBL 5 0.07 5 m12 96.8 FWBT 400 412 0.27 52 m236 12.2 BWBR 61NBL 3NBT 557 4 0.04 7 m17 50.7 DNBR 2 0.01 0 m0 0.0 ASBL 123SBT 517 102 0.74 230 310 71.7 ESBR 51 0.14 0 0 0.8 AEBL 10EBT 557 10 0.92 287 254 50.4 DEBR 356WBL 12 0.32 12 36 81.7 FWBT 698 10 0.64 46 91 99.0 FWBR 34NBL 0NBT 184 1253 0.78 391 m#840 27.6 CNBR 12 0.03 5 m8 26.2 CSBL 41 0.62 46 m53 103.2 FSBT 593 1425 0.77 202 m#927 14.1 BSBR 9 0.01 0 m0 0.0 AEBL 356 0.61 175 #328 53.7 DEBT 400 317 0.91 386 #571 101.1 FEBR 73WBL 100 0.77 102 #199 100.0 FWBT 583 172 0.61 171 214 66.2 EWBR 169 0.11 0 0 0.1 ANBU 67NBL 135 1.1 ~233 m#355 111.0 FNBT 593 973 0.82 316 21 15.2 BNBR 77 0.13 7 m0 0.7 ASBU 12SBL 364 0.86 203 #293 80.9 FSBT 539 1197 0.96 ~705 #855 64.8 ESBR 171 0.28 39 99 12.4 B11 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St22.6 C C7th St13 BHardie Ave39.4 DHardie Ave58.7 E25.812 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave50.4 D CSouth Renton Transit Center95.3 FRainier Ave27.5 CRainier Ave16.4 B26.8119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St78.5 E D7th St48.5 DRainier Ave29.4 CRainier Ave63.1 E54.4 CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 20 Table A-7: Option 3 – 2026 AM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 51 0.41 41 83 61.3 EEBT 1402 163 0.12 13 80 7.7 AEBR 92WBL 5 0.06 4 m8 65 EWBT 400 550 0.31 28 286 8.4 AWBR 51NBL 2NBT 557 4 0.04 5 m14 48 DNBR 1 0 0 m0 0 ASBL 61SBT 517 46 0.48 85 131 53.1 DSBR 31 0.1 0 0 0.5 AEBL 0EBT 557 0EBR 154 0.39 5 12 4.6 AWBL 12 0.07 8 25 35.6 DWBT 702 10 0.33 35 75 43 DWBR 41NBL 0NBT 200 1255 0.75 492 #703 31.9 CNBR 12 0.03 6 20 21.4 CSBL 44 0.36 33 m60 33.5 CSBT 593 709 0.38 63 93 6.1 ASBR 7 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 134 0.5 58 #103 61.9 EEBT 400 61 0.22 52 45 29.2 CEBR 29WBL 52 0.44 41 86 64.8 EWBT 583 299 0.71 229 278 49.7 DWBR 369 0.8 180 255 37 DNBU 37NBL 145 0.65 141 m#229 32.3 CNBT 593 1031 0.73 16 #576 11.3 BNBR 48 0.07 0 m0 0.3 ASBU 5SBL 111 0.46 48 80 58.4 ESBT 539 608 0.55 215 298 34.3 CSBR 162 0.27 0 52 5.7 A C7th St44.3 DRainier Ave13.9 BRainier Ave32.2 C28.7119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St48.7 D CSouth Renton Transit Center41.6 DRainier Ave31.8 CRainier Ave7.6 A21.512 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave4.6 A B7th St8.9 AHardie Ave41.1 DHardie Ave41.2 D15.511 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St16.6 B CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 21 Table A-8: Option 3 – 2026 PM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 72 0.56 75 128 80.7 FEBT 1402 632 0.43 201 445 17.9 BEBR 239WBL 5 0.07 5 m12 96.8 FWBT 400 412 0.27 52 m236 12.1 BWBR 61NBL 3NBT 557 4 0.04 7 m20 53.3 DNBR 2 0.01 0 m0 0 ASBL 123SBT 517 102 0.74 230 310 71.7 ESBR 51 0.14 0 0 0.8 AEBL 0EBT 557 0EBR 356 0.92 171 156 45.7 DWBL 12 0.09 11 31 50.7 DWBT 698 10 0.36 40 84 59.8 EWBR 34NBL 0NBT 184 1253 0.74 350 m#810 21.9 CNBR 12 0.03 5 m7 19.8 BSBL 51 0.3 48 m52 37.9 DSBT 593 1425 0.77 157 m#892 10.4 BSBR 9 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 356 0.59 175 #328 53.4 DEBT 400 317 0.92 402 #596 111.9 FEBR 83WBL 100 0.77 102 #199 100 FWBT 583 172 0.61 171 214 66.2 EWBR 169 0.11 0 0 0.1 ANBU 67NBL 135 1.1 ~229 m#380 115.5 FNBT 593 973 0.83 293 59 17.2 BNBR 77 0.13 5 m0 0.8 ASBU 12SBL 364 0.87 204 #293 81.9 FSBT 539 1197 0.97 ~714 #855 67.5 ESBR 171 0.28 40 99 12.5 B E7th St48.5 DRainier Ave31.7 CRainier Ave65.2 E57119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St84.3 F CSouth Renton Transit Center57.9 ERainier Ave21.8 CRainier Ave11.2 B20.712 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave45.7 D C7th St12.9 BHardie Ave41.5 DHardie Ave58.7 E25.911 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St22.7 C CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 22 Table A-9: Option 3 – Alternative Signal Phasing - 2026 AM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 51 0.41 41 83 61.3 EEBT 1402 163 0.12 13 80 7.7 AEBR 92WBL 5 0.06 4 m8 65 EWBT 400 550 0.31 28 286 8.4 AWBR 51NBL 2NBT 557 4 0.04 5 m10 31.2 CNBR 1 0 0 m0 0 ASBL 61SBT 517 46 0.48 85 131 53.1 DSBR 31 0.1 0 0 0.5 AEBL 0EBT 557 0EBR 154 0.35 7 17 5.6 AWBL 12 0.14 9 30 50.8 DWBT 702 10 0.7 42 #101 92.6 FWBR 41NBL 0NBT 200 1255 0.85 ~634 #772 40.7 DNBR 12 0.04 7 22 26.3 CSBL 44 0.69 39 m#83 119.4 FSBT 593 709 0.41 62 82 6.6 ASBR 7 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 134 0.5 58 #103 61.9 EEBT 400 61 0.22 52 45 29.2 CEBR 29WBL 52 0.44 41 86 64.8 EWBT 583 299 0.71 229 278 49.7 DWBR 369 0.8 180 255 37 DNBU 37NBL 145 0.65 79 m144 23 CNBT 593 1031 0.73 16 #32 5.9 ANBR 48 0.07 0 m0 0.1 ASBU 5SBL 111 0.46 48 80 58.4 ESBT 539 608 0.55 215 298 34.3 CSBR 162 0.27 0 52 5.7 A C7th St44.3 DRainier Ave8.1 ARainier Ave32.2 C26.3119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St48.7 D CSouth Renton Transit Center84.7 FRainier Ave40.6 DRainier Ave12.9 B29.412 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave5.6 A B7th St8.9 AHardie Ave26.7 CHardie Ave41.2 D15.411 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St16.6 B CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 23 Table A-10: Option 3 – Alternative Signal Phasing - 2026 PM Int ID Intersection Name Link Name Movement Length Volume v/c ratio50th Queue Length (ft)95th Queue Length (ft)Delay LOSApproach DelayApproach LOSInt. Delay Int. LOSEBL 72 0.56 75 128 80.7 FEBT 1402 632 0.43 201 445 17.9 BEBR 239WBL 5 0.07 5 m12 96.6 FWBT 400 412 0.27 52 m236 12.1 BWBR 61NBL 3NBT 557 4 0.04 7 21 54.5 DNBR 2 0.01 0 m0 0 ASBL 123SBT 517 102 0.74 230 310 71.7 ESBR 51 0.14 0 0 0.8 AEBL 0EBT 557 0EBR 356 0.82 157 168 32.3 CWBL 12 0.15 12 34 62.8 EWBT 698 10 0.63 46 90 96.8 FWBR 34NBL 0NBT 184 1253 0.8 462 m#840 33.3 CNBR 12 0.04 6 m9 30.8 CSBL 51 0.54 56 m62 95.5 FSBT 593 1425 0.73 191 m214 12 BSBR 9 0.01 0 m0 0 AEBL 356 0.59 175 #328 53.4 DEBT 400 317 0.92 402 #596 111.9 FEBR 83WBL 100 0.77 102 #199 100 FWBT 583 172 0.61 171 214 66.2 EWBR 169 0.11 0 0 0.1 ANBU 67NBL 135 1.1 ~230 m#337 108.7 FNBT 593 973 0.83 368 17 14.1 BNBR 77 0.13 5 m0 0.6 ASBU 12SBL 364 0.87 204 #293 81.9 FSBT 539 1197 0.97 ~714 #855 62.8 ESBR 171 0.28 40 99 12.5 B D7th St48.5 DRainier Ave28.2 CRainier Ave62 E54.7119 Rainier Ave & 7th St7th St84.3 F CSouth Renton Transit Center89.5 FRainier Ave33.2 CRainier Ave14.6 B25.412 Rainier Ave & Hardie AveHardie Ave32.3 C C7th St12.9 BHardie Ave42.4 DHardie Ave58.7 E25.911 Hardie Ave & 7th St7th St22.7 C CUD 5 – Traffic Analysis for Transit Access to South Renton Transit Center 24 Table A-11: SimTraffic Queuing Results in Alternative 3 Queue Length Grady Way & Rainier Ave Hardie Ave & Rainier Ave 7th St & Hardie Ave 7th St & Rainier Ave AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) Avg (ft) Max (ft) EB L 186 355 258 418 - - - - 27 77 85 224 50 142 181 285 T 142 317 782 1210 - - - - 20 97 456 701 48 141 256 286 R 36 220 1090 1341 86 178 298 404 24 103 540 700 48 141 256 286 WB L 268 483 516 525 20 117 18 95 5 66 5 28 41 89 103 192 T 323 576 778 839 79 255 71 233 68 218 37 180 188 335 134 276 R 356 545 548 830 79 255 71 233 84 210 58 195 124 305 10 129 NB L 224 235 230 235 - - - - 4 24 5 37 162 225 149 225 T 332 359 338 360 74 90 183 219 4 24 5 37 310 452 198 461 R 257 367 282 351 5 53 11 71 2 28 3 31 4 37 4 28 SB L 38 91 239 311 64 224 68 204 55 145 319 484 73 170 279 427 T 163 196 327 549 123 344 212 448 55 145 319 484 200 344 456 539 R 8 102 122 312 3 28 28 428 18 52 57 321 40 95 164 511