HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Arborist_Report_240607_v1 STRIDE Bus Rapid Transit South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, Master Site Plan Review, and Lot Line Adjustment Application Attachment 21 Arborist Report June 2024 Prepared by the South Renton Transit Center Arborist Report City of Renton Contract No. D3458619 February 2023 & April 2024 Prepared for: Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | i TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................... II 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Description and Background ...................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Project Schedule..................................................................................................................... 1 2 TREE EVALUATION FINDINGS ...................................................................................... 3 3 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Proposed Removals ................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Tree Replacement Requirements .......................................................................................... 6 Renton Right-of-Way .............................................................................................................. 6 Private Property...................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Tree Protection .................................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Tree Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 10 4 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 11 FIGURES Figure 1: Vicinity Map ................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLES Table 1: Tree Conditions Components .......................................................................................................... 4 Table 2: Tree Determination Summary by Category .................................................................................... 5 Table 3: Tree Summary by Location .............................................................................................................. 5 Table 4: Tree Removal and Replacement Summary ..................................................................................... 6 Table 5: Tree Preservation by Parcel ............................................................................................................ 7 Table 6: Tree Preservation Credit Value ....................................................................................................... 8 Table 7: Proposed Tree Credits ..................................................................................................................... 9 APPENDICES Appendix A: 90% Site Preparation Plans Appendix B: Tree Inventory Tables Appendix C: Tree Retention and Credit Worksheets Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines Appendix E: Assumptions and Limitations Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BAT Business Access and Transit BRT Bus Rapid Transit City City of Renton CTLA Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers DBH diameter at breast height (4.5 feet above grade) I-405 Interstate 405 Jacobs Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. MLOD Minimum limits of disturbance Project South Renton Transit Center ROW right-of-way RMC Renton Municipal Code SRTC South Renton Transit Center Sound Transit Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority SR 518 State Route 518 TPZ tree protection zone Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description and Background As part of the regional Sound Transit Stride bus rapid transit (BRT) lines S1 and S2 connecting communities along I-405 and State Route 518 (SR 518), the South Renton Transit Center (SRTC) is a connection point for communities from Lynnwood in the north to Burien in the south. Sound Transit’s Stride BRT will be a new fast, frequent and reliable bus service, similar to a train the BRT is designed for fast arrivals and departures. The SRTC will be a connection point to light rail and communities north, east and south of Lake Washington. The SRTC is proposed to be developed at the northeast corner of the Rainier Avenue South and South Grady Way intersection. The Project construction is proposing to alter the streetscape through adjusting lanes, medians, and sidewalks and adding a new entrance and exit to the proposed station. Additionally, some locations would likely receive required subterranean work for installing new or relocated utilities. Planned work is expected to impact adjacent trees, and the contents of this report detail the overall impacts for the City of Renton (City). 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this report is to document tree impacts in the form of proposed tree removal and protection, by anticipated construction impacts for those trees adjacent to the project, in accordance with the requirements set forth by the City of Renton Municipal Code 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Additionally, tree protection measures are presented to provide a pathway for maintaining a healthy and sustainable urban forest throughout the project. 1.3 Project Schedule The Project is currently anticipated to be completed and open for service in the year 2026. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 2 Figure 1: Vicinity Map Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 3 2 TREE EVALUATION FINDINGS All trees with the potential to be impacted by the Project, including trees with tree protection zones crossing into the project limits, were inventoried and evaluated. Based on the 90 percent design plans 70 trees were inventoried by Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (Jacobs) as part of the project. Tree condition assessments were conducted by means of visual tree assessment and assigned a rating, as outlined by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers' (CTLA) Guide for Plant Appraisal (2019). Tree assessments were conducted by Jacobs Project arborist team on September 27th, 2022. Trees evaluated within Renton fall into one of the below categories based on Renton Municipal Code 4- 11-200: • Landmark - A tree with a DBH of 24 inches or greater except for bigleaf maple, black cottonwood and red alder which qualify as a landmark tree with a DBH of 30 inches or greater. • Significant - A healthy evergreen or deciduous tree 6 inches in diameter or greater at 4.5 feet above existing grade or an alder or cottonwood tree with a diameter of at least 8 inches at 4.5 feet. The diameter at breast height (DBH) of each tree was measured at 54 inches above grade unless otherwise noted. If a tree had multiple stems, the six largest stems were measured and recorded separately, and a single-stem equivalent was determined using the method defined in the CTLA Guide (2019). Condition, as described in the CTLA Guide (2019), is a general term that is comprised of three components: health, structure, and form. Since the components are interrelated and the City chose to combine the components for their city-wide tree inventory, Jacobs adopted this method and combined the components into a single tree condition rating representing the tree health and structure. Should a tree be in such a poor condition and on a forecasted path down the death spiral then it was deemed as non-viable. The components that contribute to aspects of a tree’s condition are below: 1. Tree health considers factors such as vigor, foliage size and color, leaf density, presence or absence of pests, amount of twig or branch dieback, and wound closure. 2. Tree structure considers a visual inspection for defects that would affect structural integrity, such as decay indicators, trunk cracks or seams, abnormal basal flare, loose or missing bark, root defects, crown defects (such as asymmetry), weak branch attachments, cankers, and stress- contributing site factors. 3. Tree form describes a trees habit—its silhouette or shape. A tree’s form is a product of its genetic makeup as well as its management history and environment. The values and categories assigned to each component were adapted from the CTLA Guide (2019). These values are general representations used to assist arborists in assigning ratings. Table 1 lists these value ranges and categories. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 4 Table 1: Tree Conditions Components Rating Category Condition Components Percent Rating Health Structure Form Excellent High vigor and nearly perfect health with little or no twig discoloration Nearly ideal and free of defects Nearly ideal for the species. Generally symmetric. Consistent with the intended use 81%–100% Good Vigor is normal for the species. No significant damage due to diseases or pests. Any twig dieback, defoliation, or discoloration is minor. Well-developed structure. Defects are minor and can be corrected. Minor asymmetries/ deviations from species norm. Mostly consistent with the intended use. Function and aesthetics are not compromised. 61%–80% Fair Reduced vigor. Damage due to insects or diseases may be significant and associated with defoliation but is not likely to be fatal. Twig dieback, defoliation, discoloration, and/or dead branches may comprise of up to 50% of the crown. A single defect of a significant nature or multiple moderate defects. Defects are not practical to correct or would require multiple treatments over several years. Major asymmetries/ deviations from species norm and/or intended use. Function and/or aesthetics are compromised. 41%–60% Poor Unhealthy and declining in appearance. Poor vigor. Low foliage density and poor foliage color are present. Potentially fatal pest infestation. Extensive twig and/or branch dieback. A single serious defect of multiple significant defects. Recent change in tree orientation. Observed structural problems cannot be corrected. Failure may occur at any time. Largely asymmetric/ abnormal. Detracts from intended use and/or aesthetics to a significant degree. 21%–40% Very Poor Poor vigor. Appears to be dying and in the last stages of life. Little live foliage. Single or multiple severe defects. Failure is probably or imminent. Visually unappealing. Provides little or no function in the landscape. 6%–20% Dead — — — 0%–5% Source: Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers 2019. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 5 The following sources were reviewed for tree evaluation: • International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Best Management Practices: Root Management (Costello, Watson, and Smiley 2017), Tree Risk Assessment (Smiley et al. 2017), Soil Management (Scharenbroch et al. 2014), and Managing Trees During Construction (Fite and Smiley 2016) • ISA Tree Risk Assessment Manual (Dunster 2017) • ISA Municipal Specialist Certification Study Guide (Matheny and Clark 2008) • Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During Land Development (Matheny and Clark 1998) Trees were not physically tagged or marked as part of the inventory and evaluation process; rather, they were assigned a virtual identification number by the Project arborist team. Table 2 represents the evaluated trees and the proposed recommendation. Table 2: Tree Determination Summary by Category Tree Category Protect Remove Total Landmark 0 0 0 Significant 21 18 39 Non-Significant 16 14 30 Total 37 32 69 Note: Table includes trees which are dead Table 3: Tree Summary by Location Tree Category ROW Private Property Total Landmark 0 0 0 Significant 29 10 39 Non-Significant 17 13 30 Total 46 23 69 Note: Table includes trees which are dead Details on tree removals are documented in Section 3 and Appendix B provides details on trees inventoried up to the 90 percent design milestone. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 6 3 RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Proposed Removals The proposed tree removals are based on the extent of impacts shown in the 90 percent design plans and have been separated out by location and category in Table 4. These determinations are a factor of tree species, current tree conditions, and an understanding of the proposed impacts surpassing the tolerable threshold to provide a viable tree. Table 4 below summarizes the Project’s tree impacts by location and size category. Proposed tree removals have been separated by the jurisdictional boundaries of the City ROW and private property. The tree removal quantities are not expected to change; however, if subsequent design changes trigger additional tree impacts, these changes will be reflected in the Final contract plans. Table 4: Tree Removal and Replacement Summary Tree Category ROW Private Property Total ROW Required Replacement Quantity Private Property Required Replacement Tree Credits Landmark 0 0 0 0 0 Significant 14 4 18 14 450 Non-Significant 10 3 13 10 0 Total 24 7 31 24 450 Notes: Table excludes trees that are dead, or which no longer exist. ROW required replacement quantities were counted as a 1:1 replacement ratio regardless of tree category. Refer to Table 5 for required tree credit calculations. 3.2 Tree Replacement Requirements Renton Right-of-Way Any street trees removed from the City’s ROW should be replaced on a 1:1 ratio per Renton Municipal Code Title IX, Section 9-13-8, and would be planted in the Project area per the Project landscape plan as space allows. In lieu of planting replacement trees and at the sole discretion of the City arborist, the permittee may contribute to the City’s tree fund a dollar amount equal to the value of the replacement trees, including installation costs. The replacement trees were selected based off the City’s draft approved street tree list. In alignment with the City’s urban forestry mission, the newly planted trees should receive the necessary resources for establishing quality replacement trees as part of this Project: appropriate soil volume, watering, proper mulch application, maintaining a weed-free environment and protection from vandalization and maintenance equipment (mowers and line trimmers). Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 7 Private Property The Project is within Commercial Arterial zoning and the existing site characteristics have been and are extremely sparse on canopy coverage. The Project site encompasses 5 separate private parcels with only 2 that have proposed significant tree removals and the below identifying characteristics in Table 5. Among these 5 parcels there are a total of 4 significant trees located within the property boundaries which are proposed for removal. Per Renton Municipal Code 4-4-130H, the tree retention requirements state to comply with a minimum of 30 tree credits per net acre. The 5 parcels combined have a total of 14.96 net acres. The Project is required to provide 449 tree credits based on this understanding. The total number of preserved significant trees across the 5 parcels is 59 equating to 245 tree preservation credits using Table 6 below. Additionally, per Renton Municipal Code 4-4-070F, private parcels are to maintain compliance with the 10-foot-wide street frontage landscaping with street trees. Table 5: Tree Preservation by Parcel for Proposed Lot Lines Tax Parcel ID Sound Transit ROW ID Parcel Area (sq./ft.) Parcel Area (acres) Tree Credits Required Significant Tree Removal Quantity Tree Preservation Credits Provided 1923059032 BRI-150 291,362 6.69 201 21 2343 1923059035 BRI-151 53,273 1.22 37 0 0 1923059068 BRI-152 56,471 1.30 39 0 4 1923059074 BRI-153 42,248 0.97 29 0 7 1923059063 BRI-154 208,500 4.79 144 22 0 Total 651,854 14.96 449 4 245 Notes: 1Tree numbers 1046 and 1047. 2Tree numbers 1056 and 1058. 3BRI-150 trees outside of the project impacts were remotely inventoried via aerial imagery and publicly available data. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 8 Table 6: Tree Preservation Credit Value Tree Size Tree Credits New small species tree 0.25 New medium species tree 1 New large species tree 2 Preserved tree 6 – 9 caliper inches 4 Preserved tree 10 - 12 caliper inches 5 Preserved tree 12 - 15 caliper inches 6 Preserved tree 16 - 18 caliper inches 7 Preserved tree 19 - 21 caliper inches 8 Preserved tree 22 - 24 caliper inches 9 Preserved tree 25 - 28 caliper inches 10 Preserved tree 29 - 32 caliper inches 11 Preserved tree 33 - 36 caliper inches 12 Preserved tree 37 caliper inches and greater 13 Example: A 0.22 net acre (9,583.2 square feet) lot would need seven (7) tree credits (30 x 0.22 = 6.6, rounded up to 7). The tree credit requirements for the lot could be met by retaining one existing seventeen-inch (17") tree (seven (7) tree credits) or by planting three (3) new large species trees (two (2) tree credits each) and one new medium species tree (one tree credit). The Project is obtaining 245 tree preservation credits and providing a total of 129.75 tree credits by means of newly planted trees on these parcels making a total of 374.75 tree credits as seen below on Table 7. This leaves a deficit of 74.25 tree credits, which shall be rounded up to 75. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 9 Table 7: Proposed Tree Credits Tax Parcel ID Sound Transit ROW ID Proposed Replacement Tree Size Proposed Replacement Tree Quantity Tree Credits per Tree Total Proposed Replacement Tree Credits 1923059032 BRI-150 Small 6 0.25 1.5 Medium 0 1 0 Large 0 2 0 1923059035 BRI-151 Small 14 0.25 3.5 Medium 7 1 7 Large 0 2 0 1923059068 BRI-152 Small 31 0.25 7.75 Medium 8 1 8 Large 4 2 8 1923059074 BRI-153 Small 53 0.25 13.25 Medium 14 1 14 Large 3 2 6 1923059063 BRI-154 Small 11 0.25 2.75 Medium 42 1 42 Large 8 2 16 Total Tree Replacement Credits 129.25 Total Tree Preservation Credits 245 Total Tree Credits Project Wide 374.75 Tree Credit Deficit 75 (74.25) Notes: Proposed replacement species sizes are based on the City of Renton Tree Retention and Tree Credit Worksheet (Appendix C). Tree deficit was rounded up to 75 to provide a whole number. Should the tree density credits not be attainable onsite then a fee in lieu payment to the City’s Urban Forestry Program fund may be approved in an amount of money approximating the current market value of the replacement trees and the labor to install them. This number is determined by the City. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 10 3.3 Tree Protection Tree protection will be required throughout the Project for trees not scheduled for removal. Protection measures may include tree protection fencing, signage, ground protection, mulching, supplemental irrigation, root pruning, or others as specified and would be included in the Project specifications. These protection measures should be discussed during a pre-construction meeting and, additionally, they should be installed prior to any work commencing onsite or within a tree protection zone. Tree Protection during construction within Renton is outlined in the Renton Municipal Code under Section 4-4-130H, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. These standards define the tree protection zone as the circular area defined by the extent of the dripline of a retained tree or at a distance calculated as a 1.25-foot radius for every 1 inch of DBH, whichever is greater, that is required to be protected with a 6-foot-tall, chain-link fenced enclosure. This protection requirement is incorporated into the tree inventory table in Appendix B (Tree Protection Zone column) and was used to locate the tree protection fencing within the construction limits in the site preparation plans (Appendix A). Tree tolerance to construction impact is dictated by many variables, including tree species, age, condition, site factors, and nature of impact. The impact from construction activities can be further reduced/mitigated by appropriate tree protection measures and construction methods. For these reasons, an additional column is provided in the tree inventory in Appendix B titled MLOD (minimum limit of disturbance) for protected trees. This was determined by multiplying the trunk diameter by a factor of six. If the TPZ distance cannot be met on all sides of the tree, the protection zone may be reduced to the distance equivalent to the minimum limit of allowable disturbance on one side of the tree on a case-by-case basis and would be coordinated with the Project arborist. If a construction activity does not pose a risk to the long-term health and stability of a given tree, the TPZ may be reduced further if effective and appropriate protection measures are in place and approved by the Project arborist. Appendix C outlines tree protection guidelines that, at a minimum, should be included in the contract requirements. 3.4 Tree Monitoring Throughout the Project, an arborist will be consulted for guidance when construction work is proposed inside a TPZ. Work inside the TPZ of any tree will be conducted in accordance with current best management practices for tree retention during construction activities. Trees with significant impacts within the TPZ will be monitored throughout the life of the Project to determine the future success for retention of a healthy and stable tree. If a tree is determined to be beyond the threshold of healthy retention, then it will be added to the removal quantities and mitigated for accordingly. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | 11 4 REFERENCES Costello, Lary, Gary Watson, and E. Thomas Smiley. 2017. Best Management Practices: Root Management. International Society of Arboriculture. Dunster, Julian A., 2017. Tree Risk Assessment Manual, Second Edition. International Society of Arboriculture. Fite, Kelby, and Thomas Smiley. 2016. Best Management Practices: Managing Trees During Construction, Second Edition. International Society of Arboriculture. Matheny, Nelda and James R. Clark. 1998. Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During Land Development. International Society of Arboriculture. ———. 2008. Municipal Specialist Certification Study Guide. International Society of Arboriculture. Scharenbroch, Bryant C., E. Thomas Smiley, and Wes Kocher (Scharenbroch et al.). 2014. Best Management Practices: Soil Management for Urban Trees. International Society of Arboriculture. Smiley, E. Thomas, Nelda Matheny, and Sharron J. Lilly (Smiley et al.). 2017. Best Management Practices: Tree Risk Assessment, Second Edition. International Society of Arboriculture. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Appendix | A APPENDIX A: 90% SITE PREPARATION PLANS CENTRAL PUGET SOUND REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITYDRAWING No.:SHEET No.:REV:LOCATION ID:THE PREPARATION OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN FINANCED IN PART THROUGH A GRANT FROM THEU.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE URBANMASS TRANSPORTATION ACT OF 1964, AS AMENDED, AND IN PART BY THE CENTRAL PUGET SOUNDREGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON, AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTONREVIEWED BY:NAME:TITLE:DATE:03/22/24 | 1:58 PM | CSAXEC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SAXEC\D0436120\S1-BT120-GZT001.DWG PREPARED BY:SUBMITTED BY:NAME:TITLE:DATE:STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSITRTA/OA AE 0206-19SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER90% SUBMITTALAPRIL 2024RICARDO PARGASPROJECT MANAGERJOEY ALTCHECHPROJECT MANAGERBOOK #BT120-GZT001BT120 S1-BT105VOLUME 1AND ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTSGENERAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTSERVICESCONTRACT LOCATION MAPPROJECT LOCATIONN SW GRADY WAYSW 7TH ST ///////////////////////////////////////////////RAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAYSW 7TH ST ///////////////////////////////////////////////RAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAYSW 7TH ST////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// //// /// HARDIE AVE SWSR-167I-405N SCALE IN FEET 0150 300300 600 (1" = 300') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 GENERAL KEY PLAN BT120-GZK001 BT120 E. GOLLER C. SAXE L. GILBERT R. PARGAS RTA/LR 0206-19 1" = 300' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/25/24 | 3:38 PM | CSAXEC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SAXEC\D0436120\S1-BT120-GZK001.DWGS1-BT120-GZK001 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xS1-BT120-VRX001 xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-GZK020 GB-SEAL-JKH53550 xS1-BT120-GZK701 LAKE AVE S CAP - ALIGNMENTCDP - DRAINAGECMP - PAVEMENT MARKINGCPP - PAVINGCSP - SITE PREPARATIONCLP - ILLUMINATIONJCP - SITE COMMUNICATIONLHP - HARDSCAPELPP - PLANTINGLRP - IRRIGATIONRPP - PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAYTIP - INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SYSTEM (ITS)UCP - UTILITY DEMO PLANUWP - WATER UTILITYUSP - SEWER UTILITY CROSS REFERENCING OF DRAWINGSBASE SHEET TITLE1"=20' DRAWING SETS S1-BT120-**P101 S1-BT120-**P102 S1-BT120-**P103 S1-BT120-**P104 S1-BT120-**P105 S1-BT120-**P106 S1-BT120-**P10701**P = DESIGN ELEMENT PLAN VIEW DESIGNATION01SCALE: 1" = 300'KEY MAP - 1"=20' SCALE ROADWAY SHEETS0203040506 02 03 04 05 06CAP - ALIGNMENTCDP - DRAINAGECMP - PAVEMENT MARKINGCPP - PAVINGCSP - SITE PREPARATIONCLP - ILLUMINATIONJCP - ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATIONLHP - HARDSCAPELPP - PLANTINGLRP - IRRIGATIONRPP - PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAYTIP - INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SYSTEM (ITS)UCP - COMPOSITE UTILITYUWP - WATER UTILITYUSP - SEWER UTILITY CROSS REFERENCING OF DRAWINGSBASE SHEET TITLE1"=20' DRAWING SETS S1-BT120-**P201 S1-BT120-**P202 S1-BT120-**P203 S1-BT120-**P204 S1-BT120-**P20501**P = DESIGN ELEMENT PLAN VIEW DESIGNATION01SCALE: 1" = 300'KEY MAP - 1"=20' SCALE SITE SHEETS02030405 02 03 04 05SOUTH RENTONTRANSIT CENTERSTATIONSOUTH RENTONTRANSIT CENTERSTATION SCALE: 1" = 300' KEY MAP - 1"=20' SCALE SR-167 SHEETS N07 CROSS REFERENCING OF DRAWINGSBASE SHEET TITLE 1"=20' DRAWING SETS S1-BT120-**P701 S1-BT120-**P702 S1-BT120-**703 01 02 03 CAP - ALIGNMENT CDP - DRAINAGE CHP - HAUL ROUTS CMP - PAVEMENT MARKING CPP - PAVING CTP - TESC CXP - DEMOLITION CLP - ILLUMINATION RMP - RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENTS RPP - PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY TDP - TRAFFIC DETOUR TMP - TRAFFIC CONTROL TNP - SIGNING UCP - COMPOSITE UTILITY **P = DESIGN ELEMENT PLAN VIEW DESIGNATION 07 01 02 03 X-#-X-DATUMNAVD '88ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN FEETUNLESS OTHERWISEDESIGNATED.SCALE BAR (SCALE AS NOTED ON SHEET)NAVD 88 DATUM NNORTH ARROWSCALE IN FEET0(CUSTOM)####DETAIL TITLESCALE:#XXELEVATION TITLESCALE:XXXELEVATION TITLESCALE:X-DETAIL TITLESCALE:#-SECTIONSCALE:XXXSECTION TITLESCALE:X-SECTIONDESIGNATION(LETTER)SECTION CUT ON THESAME SHEET ONLYELEVATION CUT ONTHE SAME SHEET ONLYELEVATIONDESIGNATION(LETTER)ELEVATIONDESIGNATION(LETTER)DRAWING NUMBER OFFIRST SHEET WHERE THEELEVATION IS CUT FROMSECTIONDESIGNATION(LETTER)#-SYMBOLSNB 000+00275.2320.12 PROPOSEDELEV OR PGL (T/LR)EXIST ELEVTYPICAL PROFILEELEVATION DATAELEVATIONDESIGNATION(LETTER)DRAWING NUMBER OF SHEETWHERE THE ELEVATION IS SHOWN(DASH IF ON SAME SHEET ONLY)SECTIONDESIGNATION(LETTER)DRAWING NUMBER OF SHEETWHERE THE SECTION IS SHOWN(DASH IF ON SAME SHEET ONLY)DETAILDESIGNATION(NUMBER)DRAWING NUMBER OF SHEETWHERE THE DETAIL IS SHOWN(DASH IF ON SAME SHEET ONLY)DETAILDESIGNATION(NUMBER)DETAILDESIGNATION(NUMBER)DASH IF FROMSAME SHEET ONLYLEGENDNOTE: HATCH PATTERNS AND SYMBOLS MAY BE SHOWN AT DIFFERENT ORIENTATIONS AND/OR OVERLAP ON DRAWINGS.PERMANENT EASEMENTCONCRETE SIDEWALK /CONCRETE PAVEMENTGRAVEL SURFACINGTEMP CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT (TCE) TEMP CONSTRUCTION AIRSPACE LEASE (TCAL)GUIDEWAY EASEMENTOVERLAYFEE ACQUISITIONACCESS EASEMENTREMOVE EXISTINGSTRUCTUREREMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENTTIEBACK/SOILNAIL EASEMENTHMA PAVEMENTPERMANENT WSDOTAIRSPACE LEASE (ASL)REMOVE BY OTHERSTEMP ENVIRONMENTALMONITORING EASEMENT AREA IMPACTED BY EXISTINGEXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEMCONSERVATIONEASEMENTWETLANDTEMPORARY CRANESWING EASEMENTPROPOSED RESOURCECONSERVATION AREADRAWING NUMBER OFFIRST SHEET WHERE THESECTION IS CUT FROMDRAWING NUMBER OFFIRST SHEET WHERE THEDETAIL IS SHOWNREMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENTEMBANKMENTBALLASTSUBBALLASTPOROUS CONCRETENOT IN CONTRACTEXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK /EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENTEXISTING WETLANDRSTRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSITSOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTERBT105R. PARGAS04/12/2024J. ALTCHECH 4/12/2024GENERALGENERAL SYMOBLS AND LEGEND BT120-GZN006BT120 E. GOLLERC. SAXEL. GILBERTR. PARGAS RTA/LR 0206-19NTSNo.DATEDSNCHKAPPREVISIONSUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE:CONTRACT No.:FILENAME:SCALE:DRAWING No.:SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" AT FULL SCALE DESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:03/22/24 | 1:59 PM | CSAXEC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SAXEC\D0436120\S1-BT120-GZN006.DWG S1-BT120-GZN006FACILITY ID:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTALXrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 GB-SEAL-JKH53550 SYMBOLSUNKFACILITY TO ABANDONFACILITY TO REMOVETRAFFIC SIGNAL POLETRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE WITH LUMINAIRECAMERACABLE VAULT\INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY SERVICESDOUBLE LUMINAIRESTANDPIPE WITH HOSE VALVEWATER METERWATER MANHOLETHRUST BLOCKFIRE HYDRANTFIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONBUTTERFLY VALVE, M.J.GATE VALVEIRRIGATION CONTROL VALVEGAS VALVEELECTRIC VAULTELECTRIC MANHOLEELECTRIC METERUTILITY POLEUTILITY POLE ANCHORUTILITY POLE W/ LIGHTTELEPHONE RISERUTILITY VAULTUNKNOWN VAULTTELEPHONE MANHOLECABLE TV MANHOLEFIBER OPTIC MANHOLETELEPHONE VAULTFIBER OPTIC VAULTCABLE TV VAULTTRAFFIC CABINETSAN. SEWER CLEAN OUTSAN. SEWER MANHOLEWSDOT SYMBOLSVMSCHCVBPBTVMS/LED CABINETVARIABLE MESSAGE SIGNADVANCED WARNING SIGNCCTV CONTROLLER CABINETCOMMUNICATIONS HUBITS CABLE VAULTINDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOR (TYPE R1)TRAFFIC CONTROLL GATETYPE 1 JUNCTION BOXTYPE 3 JUNCTION BOXNEMA 4X JUNCTION BOXTYPE 6 JUNCTION BOX NEMA 7 JUNCTION BOXJUNCTION BOX TYPE AJUNCTION BOX TYPE BELECTRIC SERVICE SERVICE CABINET (SUA)MOTORIST AID TELEPHONELIGHT STANDARD, 2-ARM, METALLIGHT STANDARD, SINGLE ARM, METALHIGH MAST LIGHT STANDARD, 4 ARMS, METALHIGH MAST LIGHT STANDARD, 3 ARMS, METALITS PULL BOXELECTRONIC SIGNTRANSFORMER CABINETUNDERDECK LUMINAIREHARS CONTROLLER CABINETGUY POLE W/ ANCHOR TYPE 2 INDUCTION LOOP VEHICLE DETECTOROVERHEAD CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (CMS)TYPE 2 JUNCTION BOXTYPE 1 SIGNAL STANDARD WITH SIGNAL HEADSCCTV CAMERATYPE 2 SIGNAL POLE WITH 2 SIGNALSORFOOEOEECOCOETOETCEFOOECOEFOTCTCOETFOCABLE TV UNDERGROUNDCABLE TV OVERHEADELECTRIC UNDERGROUNDELECTRIC/FIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUNDELECTRIC OVERHEADELECTRIC/CABLE TV OVERHEADELECTRIC/TELEPHONE OVERHEADELECTRIC/TELEPHONE/CABLE OVERHEADELECTRIC/FIBER OPTIC OVERHEADFIBER OPTICTELEPHONE/CABLE/FIBER OPTICTELEPHONE/CABLE TVETETELECTRIC/TELEPHONEGGASWSDOTOTTUDSSUTILITY LINESANITARY SEWERSTORM DRAINTELEPHONETELEPHONE OVERHEADWATERTELEPHONE/FIBER OPTIC DUCT BANKWATERSTORM DRAINSANITARY SEWERELECTRIC DUCT BANK24" W 24" SD24" ECONCRETE CULVERT24" CC24" GGASTELEPHONE DUCT BANKT (2' W X 2' D DB)T&FO (2' W X 2' D DB)24" SSPEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEADSIGNAL CONTROLLER CABINETSERVICE CABINETCOUPLINGAIR RELEASE VALVEPROPOSEDWOROREFOOECOEFOTCTCFOEXISTINGE (2'W X 2'D DB)24" SS24" SD24" WT&FO (2'W X 2'D DB)OCCEOEFOGTOTSDW24" GOET24" CCOECT (2'W X 2 'D DB)ETSSXFENCEXXCFXXXSAW CUTMAJOR CONTOURTOP OF CUTMINOR CONTOURGUARD RAILTOE OF FILLCONTRACTOR WORKING LIMITSCLEARING AND GRUBBING LIMITSCONCRETE BARRIERXXXEXISTINGPROPOSEDEXISTINGPROPOSEDSTORM DRAIN CASINGCONSTRUCTION FENCEGRADE LINETYPE 1, PS, OR PEDESTRIANPUSHBUTTON POLEMODIFIED TYPE 2 INDUCTION LOOPVEHICLE DETECTORCONTROLLER CABINET(RAMP METER OR DATA STATION)EXISTINGPROPOSEDWALL RAILINGOCS POLE FOUNDATIONOCS DOWN GUY FOUNDATIONUNDERDRAINUDIMPACT AREA LIMITUNDERGROUND UTILITIES W/ A DIAMETER OR WIDTH 24" & GREATERACOUSTIC PANELSNOISE WALLSAPAPNW^^^GUY WIRE///////////////)()(||l llNWNWUTILITY SETTLEMENT POINTSURFACE SETTLEMENT POINTUSPSSPDITCH LINEESTIMATED STREAMESMECHANICAL FIRE PIPEDSPCVITSWICVICVEVEVEEEMEMUTUTTCFOFOCTTFOFOCCTCBTCBCOCO JUNCTION BOX TYPE IRAILROAD CROSSING GATETCBTCBSTORM DRAIN CULVERTSTORM DRAIN CLEAN OUTROCK PROTECTION OUTFALLSTORM DRAIN CATCH BASINSTORM FACILITY ACCESS LIDCOSTORM DRAIN GRATE INLETMAINTENANCE HOLESTORM TRENCH DRAINSTORM AERIAL DRAINSTORM DOWNSPOUTCURB CUT INLET>BALLAST WALLRETAINING WALL ALIGNMENT(REVERSIBLE CUT/FILL)( ( (FDC CONNECTIONMONITORING WELLOHWM Axx Axx/////////////////////////////MISCELLANEOUS LINETYPESLANDSCAPE PROTECTION FENCINGNo.ST ROW NUMBERPARCEL NUMBER(TAX ACCOUNT NO.)No.SURVEY MONUMENTTREEINVENTORYNUMBERR/W NO.12344John DoeMISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLSWCLWCL/ /// /// //BUILDING OUTLINE/////////STMBSTMBCOS INLETPIPE LABEL FLOW ARROW<////////////////////PERMANENT EASEMENT LINETEMPORARY EASEMENT LINEPROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY/PROPERTY LINELIGHT RAIL TRANSIT WAYFUTURE NOT-IN-CONTRACTEXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINEEXISTING PROPERTY/LOT LINESECTION LINEEXISTING CENTERLINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEWSDOT LIMITED ACCESS LINEEXISTING ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARKEXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARYEXISTING WETLAND BUFFERWSDOT COMPATIBILITY LINESTREAM BUFFERSTORM DRAIN - PIPE CASINGSTORM DRAIN - PROPOSED CROSSINGSTORM DRAIN - DITCH TOE BOUNDSSTORM DRAIN - DITCH CLABANDON UTILITYREMOVE UTILITYSTRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSITSOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTERBT105R. PARGAS04/12/2024J. ALTCHECH4/12/2024GENERALGENERAL SYMOBLS AND LEGEND BT120-GZN007BT120 E. GOLLERC. SAXEL. GILBERTR. PARGAS RTA/LR 0206-19NTSNo.DATEDSNCHKAPPREVISIONSUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE:CONTRACT No.:FILENAME:SCALE:DRAWING No.:SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" AT FULL SCALE DESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:03/22/24 | 1:59 PM | CSAXEC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SAXEC\D0436120\S1-BT120-GZN007.DWG S1-BT120-GZN007FACILITY ID:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTALXrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 GB-SEAL-JKH53550 1.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL DIMENSIONS AREMEASURED TO THE BACK OF CURB.2.PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES AND FEATURES WITHINPROJECT LIMITS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.3.REMOVE SIDEWALK AND CURB AND GUTTER TO NEARESTJOINT.4.FOR SIGN REMOVALS, SEE CHANNELIZATION ANDSIGNING PLANS.5.FOR DRAINAGE REMOVALS, SEE DRAINAGE PLANS.6.FOR UTILITY REMOVALS, SEE UTILITY PLANS.7.FOR SIGNAL REMOVALS, SEE SIGNAL PLANS.8.FOR LIGHTING REMOVALS, SEE LIGHTING PLANS.9.FOR ELECTRICAL REMOVALS, SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS.10.CHANNELIZATION REMOVALS OUTSIDE OF SAWCUTLIMITS ARE SHOWN ON THE SITE PREPARATION PLANS.CHANNELIZATION WITHIN SAWCUT LIMITS ARE ASSUMEDTO BE INCLUDED WITH PAVEMENT REMOVALS.11.PAVEMENT IS TO BE SAWCUT WHEN REMOVAL LIMITSABUT PAVEMENT TO REMAIN IN PLACE.GENERAL SITE PREPARATION NOTESTREE PROTECTION NOTES1.TREE PROTECTION FENCING TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TOANY GROUND DISTURBANCE WORK. //////////////////////////////////////////////XXXX XXSIGNSIGNSIGNSIGNASPH ASPH ASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHASPH ASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHUTUTUTUTHHHHHHHVLTVLTVLTVLTVLTVLTSVLTDRW6" CONC8" VC8" CONC18" CONC EDRWDRWDRWECOEEEEEEEEWEEEEEEEGVGVGV EFOFOGG WW WCOW FOWGV GV GM2VLTSHH TWTMHGMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4 BLRD3 BLRD3 BLRD 2 BLRD XXX2 BLRD/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3 BLRDMISCVALV GFO FO FO////////////////SLSLGGGFO FOFOWSDOT FOWSDOT FOGW FOVLTHHGV 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP4'1" DP3'6" DP4'8" DP12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP2'8" DP3' DP3'9" DP 3'6"DP3'11"DP 6'4" DP 6'3" DP 6'7" DP 2' DP3'2"DP2'6" DP4'11" DP3'11" DP2'8" DP3'10" DP2'7" DP 2'4" DP 3'4" DP 3'10" DP 3'5" DP 3'2" DP 3'11" DP3'9" DP3'3" DP5'5"DP4'10" DP4'4" DP5'3" DP 1'10" DP1'2" DP1'6" DP 5'6" DP400404 418CCO2 BLRD2'2" DP BROADBANDVAULT2'3" DP3'11" DP 4'11" DP 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11"3'6"4'8"8'11"3'9"4'10"ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.)3'10"4'1"4'9"7"4'1"3'11"5'9"5"2'1"1'11"9"2'4"3'1"2'11"3'3"3'11"3'5'2"4'1"4'7"2'11"2'9"1'4"1'7"2'9"2'1"2'7"2'11"3'4"3'9"2'10"4'9"4'11"2'8"2'1"2'8"2'7"2'5"7"1'1"1'4"2'2'1"2'9"//6" TREE30' DLN ////////////////CONCCONCSIGNSIGNSIGNSIGNCONCASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHASPH ASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHASPHUTUTUTUTHHHHHHHVLTVLTVLTVLTVLTHHVLTSVLTDRWDRWC&GC&G C&GC&GC&G C&G C&G C&GDRWDRWDRW DRWEXTR CONC CURB EXTR CONC CURB EXTR CONCCURB6" CONC8" VC8" CONC18" CONC TTTETMHGVFOFOGVGVGVGV2 MISCMHGVGVFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMHGV ICVICVICVICVICVICVICVICVGVDRWDRWCONC SEAMS (TYP)C&GC&GC&GC&G C&G DRWECOEEEEEEEEWEEEEEEEGVGVGV ECOGVGVGM2VLTSHHTTMHGMXXXC&G C&G C&GC&G C&G4 BLRD3 BLRD3 BLRD 2 BLRD 2 BLRD/////////////////////////////3 BLRDWHEEL STOPS (TYP)WHEEL STOPS (TYP)WHEELSTOPS (TYP)MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE////SLSL SSCENTURYLINKCENTURYLINK FO CENTURYLINK FOCENTURYLINK FOCENTURYLINK FO CENTURYLINK FOCENTURYLINK FOCENTURYLINK FOWSDOT FOWSDOT FO2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FO2-ZAYO FO 2-ZAYO FOFOVLTHHGV7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP4'1" DP3'6" DP4'8" DP12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP2'2" DP 2'8" DP2'7" DP2'8" DP 3'6" DP3'9" DP3'10" DP4'3" DP2'3" DP1'7" DP3' DP3'9" DP3'6"DP4'11" DP6'7" DP3'9" DP2'2" DP2'4" DP5'8" DP8'6" DP9'11" DP10' DP2'DP5'10" DP10' DP3'8" DP3'11"DP 5'1" DP5'3" DP5'2" DP6'4" DP6'3" DP6'7" DP 2' DP3'2"DP2'6" DP1'4" DP2'1" DP7' DP7' DP 2'8" DP4'11" DP6'3" DP8' DP2'2" DP1'3"DP2'5" DP 1'10" DP2'3" DP4'11" DP3'11" DP2'8" DP3'6"DP3'10" DP2'7" DP2'4" DP3'4" DP3'10" DP3'5" DP3'2" DP3'11" DP3'9" DP2'4" DP3'3" DP5'5"DP4'10" DP4'4" DP5'3" DP1'10" DP1'2" DP1'6" DP 1'8" DP2'3" DP5'6" DP 4'8" DP5'8" DP3'11" DP6'1" DP6'4" DP6'1" DP5'4" DP4' DP5'4" DP4'11"DP4' DP3'6" DP5' DP5'11" DP6'9" DP5'4" DP7'11" DP6'7" DP4'5" DP 2'8" DP6'9" DP6' DP7'6" DP 5'6" DP 1'9" DP2'5" DP400404 418CONC SEAMS (TYP)C&G EXTRUDED CURBCO2 BLRDEXTR CONC CURBEXTR CONCCURB 4'11" DP5'5" DP2'6" DP1'3" DP1'11" DP2'2" DP 2'2" DPBROADBANDVAULT2'11" DP2'3" DP3'11" DP 4'11" DP 5'5"DP6'7" DP 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11"3'6"4'8"8'11"1'7"2'3'9"4'10"6'9"4'5"ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.)3'10"4'1"4'9"7"4'1"3'11"5'9"5"2'1"1'11"9"2'4"3'1"2'11"3'3"3'11"3'5'2"4'1"4'7"2'11"2'9"1'4"1'7"2'9"2'1"2'7"2'11"3'4"3'9"2'10"4'9"4'11"2'8"2'1"2'8"2'7"2'5"7"1'1"1'4"2'2'1"2'9"6" TREE30' DLN STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN GENERAL NOTES BT120-CSN101 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 NTS No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:56 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSN101.DWGS1-BT120-CSN101 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CXN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-CGP001 xS1-BT120-VCN001 SR-167S GRADY WAYHARDIE AVERAINIER AVE SLAKE AVE SN SCALE IN FEET 0 (CUSTOM) 60 30 60 120 AREA MAP 1" = 60' SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167KEY MAPSW GRADYWAY LAKEAVE S102 103201 202203204205101104 105106 107 N SCALE IN FEET 0 (CUSTOM) 60 30 60 120SW //////////////////////////////////////////104 H8" CONC18" CONCDRWEEEWEE3TRAFFIC CONTROLCABINETSX XXX XXXXXXXGRADY 149+00GRADY 150+00GRADY 151+00RAINIER 200+00 RAINIER 201+00 RAINIER 202+00 RAINIER 203+00 RAINIER 204+0011001011021031061071051081091601612110111112166100210011003LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X ////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH DRW DRW TRAFFICCONTROLCABINET DRW DRW DRW DRW 6" CONC 8" VC 8" CONC 18" CONC TTTETRAFFICVLTTMHGVFOFOGVGVGVGV2 MISCMHGVGVFOFOFOMWTMHICVICVTMHGV ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV GV GATE 4' WOOD FN C DRW DRW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE GV GV GV E 3TRAFFIC CONTROLCABINETS CO MWGV GV GM MW MW 2VLTS HH TTMH GM DETECTORLOOP (TYP) DETECTORLOOP (TYP) 6' CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMPCLEF 8' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 2' FNC GATE 6' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 6' CLEF CONC 4 BLRD 3 BLRD 3 BLRD 2 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF 2 BLRD /// /// //////////////////// // / 3 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF DETECTORLOOP (TYP)DETECTORLOOP (TYP) GATE MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL SSWSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH GV MWEL=25.08 MWGWMW-3EL=26.16 MWGWMW-4EL=26.41MWGWMW-2EL=26.06MWGWMW-1EL=26.60 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP 2'2" DP 2'8" DP2'7" DP 2'8" DP 3'6" DP3'9" DP3'10" DP4'3" DP 2'3" DP CO 2 BLRD 2'6" DP1'3" DP1'11" DP 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" 1'7" 2'6'9"4'5" 3'10"4'1"4'9"7"4'1"3'11"5'9"5"2'1" 1'11"9"2'4"3'1"2'11"3'3" 6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES: 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN RAINIER STA 200+00 TO RAINIER STA 204+00 BT120-CSP101 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' NMATCHLINE: RAINIER STA 204+00SEE DWG BT120-CSP102MATCHLINE: GRADY STA 151+00SEE DWG BT120-CSP104 RAINIER AVE SS GRADY WAYCL BT120-C-RAINIERCL BT120-C-GRADYCL BT120-C-SR167 No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:56 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP205MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP205 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 HHHHSWDRWECOEEEEGVGVWWWCCCCCCCCCGVN TC 509+53N TC 510+00S TC 609+53S TC 610+00 HARDIE 310+00HARDIE 309+00HARDIE 310+00RAINIER 204+00 RAINIER 205+00 RAINIER 206+00 RAINIER 207+00 RAINIER 208+00 RAINIER 209+00120121122128123124125126130129127132133134137131136135311128138139140141142143144102510241025.11026 1027.1 1027 1028 1028.11028.21028.3 1029 1029.1 1029.2103010311032 1033 1034 10351033.110231022102110201019 10181012 (no longer exists)NOT SURVEYED NOT SURVEYEDNOT SURVEYED LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERPROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION NOTES:12381.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES:////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH BUS SHELTERBUS SHELTER TTTTMHGVGVGVGVGV2 MISCMHGVGVMWTMHTMHGVGV GATE 4' WOOD FNC CO GV GV GV CO MWGV GV GM MW MW 2VLTS HH TTMH GM X6' CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF X6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMPCLEF 8' CLEF X 5.5' CLEF 2' FNC GATE 6' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 6' CLEF GAZEBO CONC 4 BLRD 3 BLRD 3 BLRD 2 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF 2 BLRD /// /// //////////////////// // / 3 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF GATE MISCVALV SHELTERCANOPYBLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SLWSDOT FOWSDOT FO FOVLT HH GV MWEL=25.08 MWGWMW-3EL=26.16 MWGWMW-4EL=26.41MWGWMW-2EL=26.06MWGWMW-1EL=26.60 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP 3' DP3'9" DP3'6"DP 7' DP7' DP 2'8" DP4'11" DP6'3" DP8' DP2'2" DP1'3"DP 2'7" DP2'4" DP3'4" DP3'10" DP3'5" DP3'2" DP 3'11" DP3'9" DP 5'5"DP 4'10" DP4'4" DP5'3" DP 1'10" DP1'2" DP1'6" DP CO 2 BLRD BROADBANDVAULT 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP 3'6"4'8" 2' 3'9" 4'10" 4'5" 3'1"2'11"3'3" 3'11"3'5'2" 4'1" 4'7"2'11"2'9"1'4"1'7" 2'9" 2'1"2'7"2'11"3'4"3'9"2'10" BIKESTORAGE6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN RAINIER STA 204+00 TO RAINIER STA 208+50 BT120-CSP102 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:57 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 N RAINIER AVE S HARDIE AVE SWCL BT120-C-STC CL BT120-C-NTCCL BT120-C-RAINIER CL BT120-C-HARDIE 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 MATCHLINE: RAINIER STA 208+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP103MATCHLINE: RAINIER STA 204+00SEE DWG BT120-CSP101MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP203 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP201 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 (WALL) //////T TE WRAINIER 208+00 RAINIER 209+00 RAINIER 210+00 RAINIER 211+00 RAINIER 212+00 RAINIER 213+00 RAINIER 214+001371502151103410351033.1 103610201019 1015101610171018 1014101310111012 (no longer exists)NOT SURVEYED LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBCONSTRUCTION NOTES:21.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES:////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH BUS SHELTER DRW DRWBUS SHELTER DRW DRW DRW DRWTTTETMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV DRW DRW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E CO 2VLTS HH TTMH X XX GAZEBO CONC /// /// //////////////////// // / MISCVALV SHELTERCANOPYBLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP CO 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP 3'6"4'8" 2'4'5" BIKESTORAGE6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN RAINIER STA 208+50 TO RAINIER STA 212+42.13 BT120-CSP103 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:57 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 N SW 7TH STRAINIER AVE SCL BT120-C-RAINIER CL BT120-C-SW7THSTMATCHLINE: RAINIER STA 208+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP102MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP201102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 //////////////////////XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX X XHHSWSWSWEESL FOFOGRADY 151+00 GRADY 152+00 GRADY 153+00 GRADY 154+00 GRADY 155+00 GRADY 156+0055812322525 1021601611621631641652166167168169170103810391043.1 1043.2NOT SURVEYED NOT SURVEYED104010411042104310441045LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERREMOVE EXISTING FENCEPROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION REMOVE EXISTING GATE CONSTRUCTION NOTES:12358 10 1.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES:////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH SW SW SW SWSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSW TTTETMHGVFOFOGVGVGVGVGVGVFOFOFOMWTMHICVICVTMHGVICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV GV GATE CWSW SW 4' WOOD FNC CW SW SW SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE GV GV GV E CO MWGV GV GM MW MW 2VLTS HH TTMH GM 6' CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMPCLEF 8' CLEF 5.5' CLEF SW 2' FNC GATE 6' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 6' CLEF CONC SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW 4 BLRD 3 BLRD 3 BLRD 2 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF 2 BLRD /// /// //////////////////// // / 3 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF GATE METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO SSWSDOT FOWSDOT FO FOVLT HH GV MWEL=25.08 MWGWMW-3EL=26.16 MWGWMW-4EL=26.41MWGWMW-2EL=26.06MWGWMW-1EL=26.60 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP 3' DP3'9" DP3'6"DP 7' DP7' DP 2'8" DP4'11" DP6'3" DP8' DP2'2" DP1'3"DP 2'7" DP2'4" DP3'4" DP3'10" DP3'5" DP3'2" DP 3'11" DP3'9" DP 5'5"DP 4'10" DP4'4" DP5'3" DP 1'10" DP1'2" DP1'6" DP CO 2 BLRD BROADBANDVAULT 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" 2' 3'9" 4'10" 4'5" 3'1"2'11"3'3" 3'11"3'5'2" 4'1" 4'7"2'11"2'9"1'4"1'7" 2'9" 2'1"2'7"2'11"3'4"3'9"2'10" 6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLANS GRADY STA 151+00 TO GRADY STA 156+50 BT120-CSP104 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:57 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 NS GRADY WAYCL BT120-C-GRADYSAWCUTMATCHLINE: GRADY STA 151+00SEE DWG BT120-CSP101MATCHLINE: GRADY STA 156+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP105MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP205 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP204 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 (TRANSMISSION POLE) X X TXXXXXXXXXXXX/////////////////////////////////SHELTERCANOPYSL SDSDLAKE 399+48 LAKE 400+00 LAKE 401+00 GRADY 160+46GRADY 157+00 GRADY 158+00 GRADY 159+00 GRADY 160+00 RAILAKDW 722+12RAILAKDW 719+00 RAILAKDW 720+00 RAILAKDW 721+00 RAILAKDW STA 722+12.21= LAKE STA 401+91.3251322356486180181182183184185186187190918821055NOT SURVEYED1046LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERREMOVE EXISTING BUSINESS SIGN AND FOUNDATIONREMOVE EXISTING FENCE PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT AREA BY OTHERS CONSTRUCTION NOTES:12345 8 9 1.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES:////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH BUS SHELTER DRW DRWBUS SHELTER DRW DRW DRW DRWTTTETMHGVFOFOGVGVGVGV2 MISCMHGVGVFOFOFOMWTMHICVICVTMHGV ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV GV GATE 4' WOOD FNC DRW DRW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE GV GV GV E CO MWGV GV GM MW MW 2VLTS HH TTMH GM 6' CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMPCLEF 8' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 2' FNC GATE 6' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 6' CLEF GAZEBO CONC 4 BLRD 3 BLRD 3 BLRD 2 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF 2 BLRD /// /// //////////////////// // / 3 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF GATE MISCVALV SHELTERCANOPYBLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 3-PSEPSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE PSE PSE PSEPSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSEPSE WSDOT FOWSDOT FO FOVLT HH GV MWEL=25.08 MWGWMW-3EL=26.16 MWGWMW-4EL=26.41MWGWMW-2EL=26.06MWGWMW-1EL=26.60 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP 3' DP3'9" DP3'6"DP 7' DP7' DP 2'8" DP4'11" DP6'3" DP8' DP2'2" DP1'3"DP 2'7" DP2'4" DP3'4" DP3'10" DP3'5" DP3'2" DP 3'11" DP3'9" DP 5'5"DP 4'10" DP4'4" DP5'3" DP 1'10" DP1'2" DP1'6" DP CO 2 BLRD BROADBANDVAULT 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" 1'7" 2' 3'9" 4'10" 6'9"4'5" 3'10"4'1"4'9"7"4'1"3'11"5'9"5"2'1" 1'11"9"2'4"3'1"2'11"3'3" 3'11"3'5'2" 4'1" 4'7"2'11"2'9"1'4"1'7" 2'9" 2'1"2'7"2'11"3'4"3'9"2'10" BIKESTORAGE6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN GRADY STA 156+50 TO GRADY STA 160+46.15 BT120-CSP105 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:57 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 NS GRADY WAY LAKE AVE SCL BT120-C-LAKECL BT120-C-GRADY 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105MATCHLINE: GRADY STA 156+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP104MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP204 MATCHLINE: LAKE STA 401+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP106 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 EXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXSDSDSDSD2-PSELAKE 402+00 LAKE 403+00 LAKE 404+00 LAKE 405+00N TC 518+75N TC 518+00S TC 619+04S TC 618+00S TC 619+00RAILAKDW 722+12RAILAKDW 721+00 RAILAKDW 722+00 35 8 5631 3 3 156190191192193194195196197 19819966200201202203204205206207104710551054105310521051105010481049NOT SURVEYED NOT SURVEYEDNOT SURVEYED NOT SURVEYED NOT SURVEYED NOT SURVEYED1046LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERREMOVE EXISTING FENCEREMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGSPROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTION NOTES:135681.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES:////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH SW SW SW SWSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSW TTTETMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV CWSW SW CW SW SW SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E CO 2VLTS HH TTMH SW CONC SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL W PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 3-PSEPSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE PSE PSE PSEPSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSEPSE WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP CO 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" 2'4'5" 6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN LAKE STA 401+50 TO LAKE STA 405+55.16 BT120-CSP106 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:58 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 N LAKE AVE S CL BT120-C-LAKECL BT120-C-RAILAKDW SAWCUTMATCHLINE: LAKE STA 401+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP105 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP204 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP202 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 MATCHLINE: LAKE STA 405+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP107 106 LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGSCONSTRUCTION NOTES:61.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES:////////////////104 CONC UT H H H H H HH BUS SHELTERSW SW SW SWDRWDRWBUS SHELTER TRAFFICCONTROLCABINETSWSW SW DRW DRW SW SW DRW SW SW SWSWDRW 6" CONC 8" VC 8" CONC 18" CONC TTTETRAFFICVLTTMHGVFOFOGVGVGVGV2 MISCMHGVGVFOFOFOMWTMHICVICVTMHGV ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV GV GATE CWSW SW 4' WOOD FNC CW SW DRW DRW SW OEOE SW SW SW DRW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE GV GV GV E 3TRAFFIC CONTROLCABINETS CO MWGV GV GM MW MW 2VLTS HH TTMH GM DETECTORLOOP (TYP) DETECTORLOOP (TYP) X6' CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF X6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMP CLEF 6' TEMPCLEF 8' CLEF X 5.5' CLEF SW 2' FNC GATE 6' CLEF 5.5' CLEF 6' CLEF GAZEBO CONC SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW 4 BLRD 3 BLRD 3 BLRD 2 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF 2 BLRD /// /// ////////OEOEOE OEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE//////////// // / 3 BLRD 6' TEMP CLEF 6' CLEF DETECTORLOOP (TYP)DETECTORLOOP (TYP) OEOE GATE MISCVALV SHELTERCANOPYBLDG BLDG BLDG BLDG METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE OEOE//// SL SL FOFO W SSSSPSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 3-PSEPSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE 2-PSE PSE PSE PSEPSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSE PSEPSE WSDOT FOWSDOT FO FOVLT HH GV MWEL=25.08 MWGWMW-3EL=26.16 MWGWMW-4EL=26.41MWGWMW-2EL=26.06MWGWMW-1EL=26.60 7'11" DP11' DP4'9" DP4'9" DP13'6" DP6'3" DP5'8" DP 4'1" DP 3'6" DP4'8" DP 12'6" DP13'6" DP11'6"DP10' DP 2'2" DP 2'8" DP2'7" DP 2'8" DP 3'6" DP3'9" DP3'10" DP4'3" DP 2'3" DP 3' DP3'9" DP3'6"DP 7' DP7' DP 2'8" DP4'11" DP6'3" DP8' DP2'2" DP1'3"DP 2'7" DP2'4" DP3'4" DP3'10" DP3'5" DP3'2" DP 3'11" DP3'9" DP 5'5"DP 4'10" DP4'4" DP5'3" DP 1'10" DP1'2" DP1'6" DP CO 2 BLRD 2'6" DP1'3" DP1'11" DP BROADBANDVAULT 4'2" DP2'4" DP12' DP6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" 1'7" 2' 3'9" 4'10" 6'9"4'5" 3'10"4'1"4'9"7"4'1"3'11"5'9"5"2'1" 1'11"9"2'4"3'1"2'11"3'3" 3'11"3'5'2" 4'1" 4'7"2'11"2'9"1'4"1'7" 2'9" 2'1"2'7"2'11"3'4"3'9"2'10" BIKESTORAGE6" TREE30' DLN 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER 1.5' RET WALLPLANTER //////LAKE 408+29LAKE 406+00 LAKE 407+00 LAKE 408+0066210211212 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20') STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN LAKE STA 405+50 TO LAKE STA 408+28.91 BT120-CSP107 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:58 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP101-107.DWGS1-BT120-CSP101-107 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BTP120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-RPP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 GB-SEAL-LBR22025708 xS1-BT120-VSF100 N LAKE AVE S CL BT120-C-LAKE 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105MATCHLINE: LAKE STA 405+50SEE DWG BT120-CSP106KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 SIGN ASPHVLT COHHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////10101009 225425 47 4313N TC 511+00 N TC 512+00 N TC 513+00 N TC 514+00S TC 611+00 S TC 612+00 S TC 613+00 S TC 614+00RAINIER 207+00 3 2221220 222 5N TRANSIT CENTR 512+00 N TRANSIT CENTR 514+00PC = 511+04.96PT = 511+36.73PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERREMOVE EXISTING BUSINESS SIGN AND FOUNDATIONREMOVE EXISTING FENCE REMOVE EXISTING BOLLARDS CONSTRUCTION NOTES:12345 7 1.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES: CONC CONC SIGN SIGNSIGN SIGN CONC ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPHASPHASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH UT UT UT UT H H H H H HH VLT VLT VLT VLT VLT HH VLTS VLT SW SW SW SWSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSW TTTETMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV CWSW SW CW SW SW SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E CO 2VLTS HH TTMH X XX SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW /// /// //////////////////// // / MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO SD WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH CO 3'6"4'8"////////////////N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 0 9 + 5 3 N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 1 0 + 0 0 N TR A N S I T C E N T R 5 1 2 + 0 0 N TRANSIT CENT R 5 1 4 + 0 0N TRANSIT CENTR 516+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+75BP = 509+53.23PC = 511+04.96PT = 511+36.73PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39EP = 518+75.0720 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20')NSOUTH TRANSIT CENTERNORTH TRANSIT CENTERCL BT120-C-NTCCL BT120-C-STC STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN S RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT120-CSP201 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:59 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP201-205.DWGS1-BT120-CSP201-205 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 xS1-BT120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CPP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP103 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP202MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP102MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP203 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 FO FO FOXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXX/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4 N TC 514+00 N TC 515+00 N TC 516+00 N TC 517+00S TC 615+00 S TC 616+00 S TC 617+00 S TC 618+002225511N TRANSIT CENTR 514+00 N TRANSIT CENTR 516+00PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X CONSTRUCTION NOTES:4 REMOVE EXISTING BUSINESS SIGN AND FOUNDATIONREMOVE EXISTING FENCEFOUNDATION REMOVED BY OTHERS5111.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES: SIGN SIGNSIGN SIGN UT UT UT UT H H H H H HH VLT VLT VLT VLT VLT HH VLTS VLT SW SW SW SWSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSWCONC WALL TTTETMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV CWSW SW CONCBENCH CW SW CO N C B E N C H CONC BENCHCONCSW SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E CO 2VLTS HH TTMH SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW CONC BASEREMOVED LT /// /// //////////////////// // / SIGN POST ONCONC BASE MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO SD WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH CO 6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" ED(TYP.) ED(TYP.) ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.) 3'1"2'11"3'3"////////////////N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 0 9 + 5 3 N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 1 0 + 0 0 N TR A N S I T C E N T R 5 1 2 + 0 0 N TRANSIT CENT R 5 1 4 + 0 0N TRANSIT CENTR 516+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+75BP = 509+53.23PC = 511+04.96PT = 511+36.73PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39EP = 518+75.0720 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20')NNORTH TRANSIT CENTERSOUTH TRANSIT CENTERCL BT120-C-NTCCL BT120-C-STC STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN S RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT120-CSP202 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:59 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP201-205.DWGS1-BT120-CSP201-205 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 xS1-BT120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CPP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP201MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP106MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP204 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 E2VLTSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3'1"2'11"3'3"100810071006 106010591005100410031122252 4 42 RAILAKDW 716+002155230231232LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBREMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTERREMOVE EXISTING BUSINESS SIGN AND FOUNDATIONREMOVE EXISTING FENCECONSTRUCTION NOTES:123451.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES: CONC CONC SIGN SIGNSIGN SIGN CONC ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPHASPHASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH UT UT UT UT H H H H H HH VLT VLT VLT VLT VLT HH VLTS VLT SW SW SW SW TRAFFICCONTROLCABINETSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSWCONC WALL TTTETRAFFICVLTTMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV CWSW SW CONCBENCH CW SW CO N C B E N C H CONC BENCHCONCSW CONC SEAMS (TYP) SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E 3TRAFFIC CONTROLCABINETS CO HH TTMHDETECTORLOOP (TYP) DETECTORLOOP (TYP) X XX SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW CONC BASEREMOVED LT /// /// //////////////////// // / SIGN POST ONCONC BASE DETECTORLOOP (TYP)DETECTORLOOP (TYP) MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO SD WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH CONC SEAMS (TYP) CO 6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" ED(TYP.) ED(TYP.) ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.) 3'1"2'11"3'3"////////////////N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 0 9 + 5 3 N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 1 0 + 0 0 N TR A N S I T C E N T R 5 1 2 + 0 0 N TRANSIT CENT R 5 1 4 + 0 0N TRANSIT CENTR 516+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+75BP = 509+53.23PC = 511+04.96PT = 511+36.73PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39EP = 518+75.0720 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20')NRAINIER ANDLAKE DWYCL BT120-C-RAILAKDW STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN S RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT120-CSP203 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:59 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP201-205.DWGS1-BT120-CSP201-205 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 xS1-BT120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CPP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP204MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP205MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP102MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP201 KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 XXCONCUT VLT SW2VLTSXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXX///SWXXXX///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SIGN POST ONCONC BASE10581056NOT SURVEYED1057 2 8 844 LAKE 400+00LAKE 401+00GRADY 159+00LAKE STA 400+00.05RAILAKDW 717+00 RAILAKDW 718+00 RAILAKDW 719+00 RAILAKDW 720+00 RAILAKDW 721+00244751177LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINE TREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBER SEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE EXISTING BUSINESS SIGN AND FOUNDATIONREMOVE EXISTING FENCEREMOVE EXISTING BOLLARDSPROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION REMOVED BY OTHERS CONSTRUCTION NOTES:4578 11 1.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITE PREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES: CONC CONC SIGN SIGNSIGN SIGN CONC ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH ASPHASPHASPH ASPH ASPH ASPH UT UT UT UT H H H H H HH VLT VLT VLT VLT VLT HH VLTS VLT SW SW SW SW TRAFFICCONTROLCABINETSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSWCONC WALL TTTETRAFFICVLTTMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV CWSW SW CONCBENCH CW SW CO N C B E N C H CONC BENCHCONCSW CONC SEAMS (TYP) SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E 3TRAFFIC CONTROLCABINETS CO 2VLTS HH TTMHDETECTORLOOP (TYP) DETECTORLOOP (TYP) SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW CONC BASEREMOVED LT /// /// //////////////////// // / SIGN POST ONCONC BASE DETECTORLOOP (TYP)DETECTORLOOP (TYP) MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO SD WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH CONC SEAMS (TYP) CO 6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11" ED(TYP.) ED(TYP.) ED(TYP.)ED(TYP.) 3'1"2'11"3'3"////////////////N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 0 9 + 5 3 N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 1 0 + 0 0 N TR A N S I T C E N T R 5 1 2 + 0 0 N TRANSIT CENT R 5 1 4 + 0 0N TRANSIT CENTR 516+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+75BP = 509+53.23PC = 511+04.96PT = 511+36.73PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39EP = 518+75.0720 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20')NRAINIER AND LAKE DWYCL BT120-C-RAILAKDW SAWCUT SAWCUT STRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN S RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT120-CSP204 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 1:59 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP201-205.DWGS1-BT120-CSP201-205 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 xS1-BT120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CPP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP203MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP205 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP202MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP104 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP105 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP106KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 XXXX XXXXXXXXXXASPH ASPHASPHVLTSWSWDRWEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX//////////////////////////////////////////////////////6'11"ED(TYP.)1038 1043.110021001103710411042104310032255GRADY 153+00 GRADY 154+00RAINIER 202+002 2 5240241242243LEGEND:CLEARING AND GRUBBINGREMOVE GRAVELHMA GRINDINGSAWCUT LINETREE PROTECTION ZONE TREE PROTECTION FENCING TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE TAG NUMBERSEE SHEET BT120-CSS101 SITE PREPARATION POINT 1036 X REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURBREMOVE EXISTING FENCECONSTRUCTION NOTES:251.SEE SHEET BT120-CSN101 FOR SITE PREPARATIONGENERAL NOTES.2.SEE SHEETS BT120-CPP101-107 ANDBT120-CPP201-205 FOR PAVING PLANS.3.SEE SHEETS BT120-CSD101-102 FOR SITEPREPARATION POINT TABLES. 4.SEE SHEETS BT120-LTS101-102 FOR TREE INVENTORY TABLE AND TREE PROTECTION DETAIL. 5.SEE GENERAL SHEETS FOR HATCHING AND LINE STYLES. GENERAL NOTES: SIGN SIGNSIGN SIGN UT UT UT UT H H H H H HH VLT VLT VLT VLT VLT HH VLTS VLT SW SW SW SWSWSW SW SW SW SW SW SWSWCONC WALL TTTETMHFOFO2 MISCMHFOFOFOTMHICVICVTMH ICVICVICVICVICV ICVICV ICV CWSW SW CONCBENCH CW SW CO N C B E N C H CONC BENCHCONCSW SW SW SW DRW ECOEE EE E E E E W E EE EEEE E CO 2VLTS HH TTMH SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW CONC BASEREMOVED LT /// /// //////////////////// // / SIGN POST ONCONC BASE MISCVALV METAL POLEMETAL POLEMETAL POLE //// SL SL FOFO SD WSDOT FOWSDOT FO HH CO 6'11" 3'6"4'8" 8'11"////////////////N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 0 9 + 5 3 N TRAN S I T C E N T R 5 1 0 + 0 0 N TR A N S I T C E N T R 5 1 2 + 0 0 N TRANSIT CENT R 5 1 4 + 0 0N TRANSIT CENTR 516+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+00N TRANSIT CENTR 518+75BP = 509+53.23PC = 511+04.96PT = 511+36.73PC = 513+60.65PT = 514+15.39EP = 518+75.0720 40 SCALE IN FEET 01020 (1" = 20')NSTRIDE BUS RAPID TRANSIT SOUTH RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT105 R. PARGAS 04/12/2024 J. ALTCHECH 10/22/2024 4/12/2024 CIVIL SITE PREPARATION PLAN S RENTON TRANSIT CENTER BT120-CSP205 BT120 L. REDMAN L. REDMAN L. GILBERT L. REDMAN RTA/LR 0206-19 1"=20' No.DATE DSN CHK APP REVISION SUBMITTED BY:DATE:REVIEWED BY:DATE:DATE: CONTRACT No.: FILENAME: SCALE:DRAWING No.: SHEET No.:REV:LINE IS 1" ATFULL SCALEDESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:03/26/24 | 2:00 PM | YSHENC:\PWWORKING\JACOBS_B&I\JEG_EX-SHENY\D0436120\S1-BT120-CSP201-205.DWGS1-BT120-CSP201-205 FACILITY ID: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 90% SUBMITTAL Xrefs: xBRT-CUD05-TB22x34 xS1-BT120-CAP001 xS1-BT120-VRX001 xS1-BT120-CSN001 xS1-BT120-CSP001 xS1-BT120-LTP001 xS1-BT120-VSF100 xS1-BT120-CPP001 xS1-BT120-GZK020 102 103 201 202 203 204 205 SW 7TH STRAINIERAVE SHARDIEAVE SWSR-167SW GRADY WAY 101 104 105 MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP104MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP203MATCHLINE:SEE DWG BT120-CSP101KEY MAP LAKEAVE S107 106 Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Appendix | B APPENDIX B: TREE INVENTORY TABLES Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | B-1 Tree Number Renton Asset ID Species Common Species Scientific Single- stem equivalent DBH (inches) Drip Radius (feet) Tree Protection Zone Radius (feet) MLOD (feet) Tree Condition Rating (0- 100) Viability Assessment Notes Tree Location Significance Determination 1001 TRE-14215 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 7.4 7.0 10.0 3.7 70 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1002 TRE-14214 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Dead tree completely dead ROW Non-significant Remove 1003 TRE-14213 Amur Maple Acer ginnala 2.5 6.0 6.0 1.3 60 Viable ROW Non-significant Protect 1004 TRE-14212 Amur Maple Acer ginnala 4.0 9.0 9.0 2.0 70 Viable sparse canopy ROW Non-significant Remove 1005 TRE-14211 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.7 7.0 11.0 4.4 80 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Remove 1006 TRE-14210 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 7.6 8.0 10.0 3.8 80 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1007 TRE-14203 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 7.4 8.0 10.0 3.7 70 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1008 TRE-14202 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.9 7.0 12.0 4.5 70 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1009 TRE-14201 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.5 7.0 11.0 4.3 70 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Remove 1010 TRE-14209 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 6.9 5.0 9.0 3.5 80 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Remove 1011 TRE-14207 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.4 7.0 11.0 4.2 80 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1012 TRE-14206 No Longer Exists No Longer Exists 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 No Longer Exists ROW Not Applicable Protect 1013 TRE-14205 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 9.5 8.0 12.0 4.8 80 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1014 TRE-14204 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 9.3 9.0 12.0 4.7 80 Viable several limbs branching at 5ft. ROW Significant Protect 1015 TRE-12979 Frontier Elm Ulmus x 'Frontier' 9.0 14.0 14.0 4.5 80 Viable codominant at 12ft. ROW Significant Remove 1016 TRE-12981 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 5.9 8.0 8.0 3.0 60 Viable past pruning for traffic clearance, sparse foliage ROW Non-significant Remove 1017 TRE-12980 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 4.6 8.0 8.0 2.3 70 Viable past pruning for traffic clearance ROW Non-significant Remove 1018 TRE-13024 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 5.2 8.0 8.0 2.6 80 Viable several limbs branching at 4.5ft ROW Non-significant Remove 1019 TRE-13023 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 7.2 8.0 9.0 3.6 90 Viable ROW Significant Remove Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | B-2 Tree Number Renton Asset ID Species Common Species Scientific Single- stem equivalent DBH (inches) Drip Radius (feet) Tree Protection Zone Radius (feet) MLOD (feet) Tree Condition Rating (0- 100) Viability Assessment Notes Tree Location Significance Determination 1020 TRE-13022 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 5.3 7.0 7.0 2.7 60 Viable ROW Non-significant Remove 1021 TRE-13021 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 7.4 9.0 10.0 3.7 60 Viable several branch unions at 3ft. ROW Significant Remove 1022 TRE-13020 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 5.5 8.0 8.0 2.8 70 Viable ROW Non-significant Remove 1023 TRE-13019 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 7.3 7.0 10.0 3.6 50 Viable ROW Significant Remove 1024 TRE-13017 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 5.9 8.0 8.0 3.0 50 Viable sparse canopy ROW Non-significant Protect 1025 TRE-13016 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.1 8.0 11.0 4.1 70 Viable several limbs branching at 7ft. ROW Significant Protect 1025.1 Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 12.3 10.0 16.0 6.2 80 Viable Private Property Significant Protect 1026 TRE-13011 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 7.0 7.0 9.0 3.5 30 Non-viable early leaf drop, significantly sparse foliage ROW Significant Protect 1027 TRE-24241 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 6.8 6.0 9.0 3.4 70 Viable ROW Significant Protect 1027.1 TRE-24240 Beacon Oak Quercus bicolor 'Bonnie and Mike' 2.0 2.0 6.0 1.0 50 Viable moderate die back ROW Non-significant Protect 1028 Red Oak Quercus rubra 2.5 5.0 6.0 1.3 60 Viable ROW Non-significant Protect 1028.1 Beacon Oak Quercus bicolor 'Bonnie and Mike' 2.2 3.0 6.0 1.1 70 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1028.2 Beacon Oak Quercus bicolor 'Bonnie and Mike' 1.8 2.0 6.0 0.9 60 Viable minor dieback Private Property Non-significant Protect 1028.3 Beacon Oak Quercus bicolor 'Bonnie and Mike' 1.6 1.0 6.0 0.8 10 Non-viable canopy is only adventitious sprouts Private Property Non-significant Protect 1029 Red Oak Quercus rubra 3.1 6.0 6.0 1.6 50 Viable ROW Non-significant Protect 1029.1 Beacon Oak Quercus bicolor 'Bonnie and Mike' 2.0 4.0 6.0 1.0 60 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1029.2 Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 10.6 10.0 14.0 5.3 80 Viable Private Property Significant Protect 1030 TRE-13009 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 2.1 3.0 6.0 1.1 10 Non-viable weak structure ROW Non-significant Remove 1031 TRE-13008 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 6.2 10.0 10.0 3.1 70 Viable ROW Significant Protect Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | B-3 Tree Number Renton Asset ID Species Common Species Scientific Single- stem equivalent DBH (inches) Drip Radius (feet) Tree Protection Zone Radius (feet) MLOD (feet) Tree Condition Rating (0- 100) Viability Assessment Notes Tree Location Significance Determination 1032 TRE-13007 Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum 3.5 6.0 6.0 1.8 60 Viable ROW Non-significant Protect 1033 TRE-13028 Summer Sprite Linden Tilia cordata 'Halka' 2.1 2.0 6.0 1.1 40 Viable minor branch dieback ROW Non-significant Remove 1033.1 TRE-13027 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.7 7.0 11.0 4.4 70 Viable several branch unions at 6ft. ROW Significant Protect 1034 TRE-13026 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 9.9 9.0 13.0 5.0 60 Viable several branch unions at 6ft. ROW Significant Protect 1035 TRE-13025 Amur Maple Acer ginnala 7.5 17.0 17.0 3.8 60 Viable moderately weak crown, sparse branching ROW Significant Protect 1036 TRE-12977 Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata 8.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 80 Viable ROW Significant Protect 1037 Armstrong Maple Acer rubrum 'Armstrong' 7.5 4.0 10.0 3.7 30 Non-viable Private Property Significant Protect 1038 Freeman Maple Acer x freemanii 16.2 21.0 21.0 8.1 40 Viable Private Property Significant Protect 1039 TRE-19197 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 7.8 9.0 10.0 3.9 50 Viable directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1040 TRE-19196 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 6.1 8.0 8.0 3.1 50 Viable directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1041 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 6.9 7.0 9.0 3.5 40 Viable directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1042 TRE-19194 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 8.4 9.0 11.0 4.2 50 Viable topped/directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1043 TRE-19191 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 8.3 10.0 11.0 4.2 50 Viable directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1043.1 TRE-19674 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 5.0 6.0 7.0 2.5 60 Viable minor directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Non-significant Remove 1043.2 TRE-19190 Freeman Maple Acer x freemanii 14.2 9.0 18.0 7.1 40 Viable columnar form, significantly topped/directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1044 TRE-19188 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 6.6 9.0 9.0 3.3 50 Viable directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Significant Remove 1045 TRE-19673 Norway Maple Acer platanoides 5.9 8.0 8.0 3.0 50 Viable directionally pruned for OH transmission conductors ROW Non-significant Remove 1046 Shore Pine Pinus contorta var. contorta 10.2 12.0 13.0 5.1 50 Viable moderate browning of lower canopy throughout lower 10 feet Private Property Significant Remove 1047 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia 22.8 24.0 29.0 11.4 60 Viable Private Property Significant Remove Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | B-4 Tree Number Renton Asset ID Species Common Species Scientific Single- stem equivalent DBH (inches) Drip Radius (feet) Tree Protection Zone Radius (feet) MLOD (feet) Tree Condition Rating (0- 100) Viability Assessment Notes Tree Location Significance Determination 1048 Red Maple Acer rubrum 4.9 9.0 9.0 2.5 90 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1049 Thornless Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 7.9 12.0 12.0 4.0 90 Viable Private Property Significant Protect 1050 Persian Parrotia Parrotia persica 2.7 6.0 6.0 1.4 80 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1051 Persian Parrotia Parrotia persica 3.0 6.0 6.0 1.5 60 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1052 Persian Parrotia Parrotia persica 3.3 7.0 7.0 1.7 70 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1053 Persian Parrotia Parrotia persica 2.8 7.0 7.0 1.4 70 Viable early to lose leaves Private Property Non-significant Protect 1054 Red Maple Acer rubrum 6.0 10.0 10.0 3.0 80 Viable Private Property Significant Protect 1055 Red Maple Acer rubrum 4.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 80 Viable Private Property Non-significant Protect 1056 Arborvitae sp. Thuja sp. 8.5 6.0 11.0 4.2 50 Viable topped at 8ft. Private Property Significant Remove 1057 Arborvitae sp. Thuja sp. 5.9 6.0 8.0 3.0 50 Viable topped at 8ft. Private Property Non-significant Remove 1058 Arborvitae sp. Thuja sp. 7.9 6.0 10.0 4.0 50 Viable topped at 8ft. Private Property Significant Remove 1059 Chinese Photinia Photinia serratifolia 3.3 5.0 6.0 1.7 60 Viable Private Property Non-significant Remove 1060 Chinese Photinia Photinia serratifolia 3.9 5.0 6.0 2.0 70 Viable Private Property Non-significant Remove Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Appendix | C APPENDIX C: TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEETS rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS A minimum retention of thirty percent (30%) of all significant trees (as defined in RMC 4-11-200) is required on site. Please complete the form below to verify compliance with minimum tree retention requirements. • Identify total number of trees 6-inch caliper or greater (or alder or cottonwood trees 8-inch caliper or greater) on site: Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Required Trees Proposed •Deductions – Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: o Trees that are high-risk, as defined in RMC 4-11-200: o Trees within existing and proposed public right-of-way: o Trees within wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: •Total remaining trees after deductions: •Required tree retention (30%): •Identify number of trees proposed for retention: •Identify number of trees requested for replacement in lieu of retention (skip page 3 if no tree replacement is requested):Trees TREE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Tree credit requirements apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre. Complete the form below to determine minimum tree credit requirements. •Gross area of property in square feet: Square Feet •Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from tree credit calculation: o Existing and proposed public right-of-way: Square Feet o Wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: Square Feet •Total excluded area:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in square feet:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in acres:Acres •Required tree credits:Tree Credits Required rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 2 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET PROPOSED TREE CREDITS Please complete the table below to calculate the total tree credits proposed for your project. Identify the quantity of trees for each tree category, after deducting trees within excluded areas, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS RETAINED TREES Preserved tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 Preserved tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Preserved tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Preserved tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Preserved tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Preserved tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Preserved tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Preserved tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Preserved tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Preserved tree 37” caliper and greater 13 NEW TREES New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 TREE CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 3 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE REPLACEMENT JUSTIFICATION Replacement may be authorized as an alternative to 30% retention provided the removal is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose and provided the proposal meets one of the following options: a. There are special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property; or b. The strict application of the code would prevent reasonable use of property; or c. The strict application of the code would prevent compliance with minimum density requirements of the zone; or d. The project is a short plat with four (4) or fewer lots. Please attach a written justification demonstrating compliance with the requirements and criteria as descripted above. TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY Tree replacement quantity is determined based on the credit value of the trees proposed for removal. Larger, higher priority trees shall be used for calculation of tree replacement. Identify the quantity of each tree requested to be removed in lieu of 30% retention, based on tree size. List the identification number of each tree, as indicated in the arborist report. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TREE INDENTIFICATION # TOTAL TREE CREDITS Tree 37” caliper + 13 Tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 REPLACEMENT CREDITS REQUIRED: TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING Identify the quantity of proposed new replacement trees (minimum size of 2-inch caliper). The total replacement credits proposed should be equal to or greater than the replacement credits required, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 REPLACEMENT CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS A minimum retention of thirty percent (30%) of all significant trees (as defined in RMC 4-11-200) is required on site. Please complete the form below to verify compliance with minimum tree retention requirements. • Identify total number of trees 6-inch caliper or greater (or alder or cottonwood trees 8-inch caliper or greater) on site: Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Required Trees Proposed •Deductions – Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: o Trees that are high-risk, as defined in RMC 4-11-200: o Trees within existing and proposed public right-of-way: o Trees within wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: •Total remaining trees after deductions: •Required tree retention (30%): •Identify number of trees proposed for retention: •Identify number of trees requested for replacement in lieu of retention (skip page 3 if no tree replacement is requested):Trees TREE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Tree credit requirements apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre. Complete the form below to determine minimum tree credit requirements. •Gross area of property in square feet: Square Feet •Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from tree credit calculation: o Existing and proposed public right-of-way: Square Feet o Wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: Square Feet •Total excluded area:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in square feet:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in acres:Acres •Required tree credits:Tree Credits Required rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 2 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET PROPOSED TREE CREDITS Please complete the table below to calculate the total tree credits proposed for your project. Identify the quantity of trees for each tree category, after deducting trees within excluded areas, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS RETAINED TREES Preserved tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 Preserved tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Preserved tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Preserved tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Preserved tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Preserved tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Preserved tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Preserved tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Preserved tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Preserved tree 37” caliper and greater 13 NEW TREES New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 TREE CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 3 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE REPLACEMENT JUSTIFICATION Replacement may be authorized as an alternative to 30% retention provided the removal is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose and provided the proposal meets one of the following options: a. There are special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property; or b. The strict application of the code would prevent reasonable use of property; or c. The strict application of the code would prevent compliance with minimum density requirements of the zone; or d. The project is a short plat with four (4) or fewer lots. Please attach a written justification demonstrating compliance with the requirements and criteria as descripted above. TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY Tree replacement quantity is determined based on the credit value of the trees proposed for removal. Larger, higher priority trees shall be used for calculation of tree replacement. Identify the quantity of each tree requested to be removed in lieu of 30% retention, based on tree size. List the identification number of each tree, as indicated in the arborist report. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TREE INDENTIFICATION # TOTAL TREE CREDITS Tree 37” caliper + 13 Tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 REPLACEMENT CREDITS REQUIRED: TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING Identify the quantity of proposed new replacement trees (minimum size of 2-inch caliper). The total replacement credits proposed should be equal to or greater than the replacement credits required, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 REPLACEMENT CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS A minimum retention of thirty percent (30%) of all significant trees (as defined in RMC 4-11-200) is required on site. Please complete the form below to verify compliance with minimum tree retention requirements. • Identify total number of trees 6-inch caliper or greater (or alder or cottonwood trees 8-inch caliper or greater) on site: Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Required Trees Proposed •Deductions – Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: o Trees that are high-risk, as defined in RMC 4-11-200: o Trees within existing and proposed public right-of-way: o Trees within wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: •Total remaining trees after deductions: •Required tree retention (30%): •Identify number of trees proposed for retention: •Identify number of trees requested for replacement in lieu of retention (skip page 3 if no tree replacement is requested):Trees TREE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Tree credit requirements apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre. Complete the form below to determine minimum tree credit requirements. •Gross area of property in square feet: Square Feet •Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from tree credit calculation: o Existing and proposed public right-of-way: Square Feet o Wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: Square Feet •Total excluded area:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in square feet:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in acres:Acres •Required tree credits:Tree Credits Required rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 2 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET PROPOSED TREE CREDITS Please complete the table below to calculate the total tree credits proposed for your project. Identify the quantity of trees for each tree category, after deducting trees within excluded areas, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS RETAINED TREES Preserved tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 Preserved tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Preserved tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Preserved tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Preserved tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Preserved tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Preserved tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Preserved tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Preserved tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Preserved tree 37” caliper and greater 13 NEW TREES New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 TREE CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 3 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE REPLACEMENT JUSTIFICATION Replacement may be authorized as an alternative to 30% retention provided the removal is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose and provided the proposal meets one of the following options: a. There are special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property; or b. The strict application of the code would prevent reasonable use of property; or c. The strict application of the code would prevent compliance with minimum density requirements of the zone; or d. The project is a short plat with four (4) or fewer lots. Please attach a written justification demonstrating compliance with the requirements and criteria as descripted above. TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY Tree replacement quantity is determined based on the credit value of the trees proposed for removal. Larger, higher priority trees shall be used for calculation of tree replacement. Identify the quantity of each tree requested to be removed in lieu of 30% retention, based on tree size. List the identification number of each tree, as indicated in the arborist report. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TREE INDENTIFICATION # TOTAL TREE CREDITS Tree 37” caliper + 13 Tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 REPLACEMENT CREDITS REQUIRED: TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING Identify the quantity of proposed new replacement trees (minimum size of 2-inch caliper). The total replacement credits proposed should be equal to or greater than the replacement credits required, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 REPLACEMENT CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS A minimum retention of thirty percent (30%) of all significant trees (as defined in RMC 4-11-200) is required on site. Please complete the form below to verify compliance with minimum tree retention requirements. • Identify total number of trees 6-inch caliper or greater (or alder or cottonwood trees 8-inch caliper or greater) on site: Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Required Trees Proposed •Deductions – Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: o Trees that are high-risk, as defined in RMC 4-11-200: o Trees within existing and proposed public right-of-way: o Trees within wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: •Total remaining trees after deductions: •Required tree retention (30%): •Identify number of trees proposed for retention: •Identify number of trees requested for replacement in lieu of retention (skip page 3 if no tree replacement is requested):Trees TREE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Tree credit requirements apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre. Complete the form below to determine minimum tree credit requirements. •Gross area of property in square feet: Square Feet •Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from tree credit calculation: o Existing and proposed public right-of-way: Square Feet o Wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: Square Feet •Total excluded area:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in square feet:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in acres:Acres •Required tree credits:Tree Credits Required rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 2 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET PROPOSED TREE CREDITS Please complete the table below to calculate the total tree credits proposed for your project. Identify the quantity of trees for each tree category, after deducting trees within excluded areas, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS RETAINED TREES Preserved tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 Preserved tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Preserved tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Preserved tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Preserved tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Preserved tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Preserved tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Preserved tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Preserved tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Preserved tree 37” caliper and greater 13 NEW TREES New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 TREE CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 3 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE REPLACEMENT JUSTIFICATION Replacement may be authorized as an alternative to 30% retention provided the removal is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose and provided the proposal meets one of the following options: a. There are special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property; or b. The strict application of the code would prevent reasonable use of property; or c. The strict application of the code would prevent compliance with minimum density requirements of the zone; or d. The project is a short plat with four (4) or fewer lots. Please attach a written justification demonstrating compliance with the requirements and criteria as descripted above. TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY Tree replacement quantity is determined based on the credit value of the trees proposed for removal. Larger, higher priority trees shall be used for calculation of tree replacement. Identify the quantity of each tree requested to be removed in lieu of 30% retention, based on tree size. List the identification number of each tree, as indicated in the arborist report. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TREE INDENTIFICATION # TOTAL TREE CREDITS Tree 37” caliper + 13 Tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 REPLACEMENT CREDITS REQUIRED: TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING Identify the quantity of proposed new replacement trees (minimum size of 2-inch caliper). The total replacement credits proposed should be equal to or greater than the replacement credits required, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 REPLACEMENT CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS A minimum retention of thirty percent (30%) of all significant trees (as defined in RMC 4-11-200) is required on site. Please complete the form below to verify compliance with minimum tree retention requirements. • Identify total number of trees 6-inch caliper or greater (or alder or cottonwood trees 8-inch caliper or greater) on site: Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Trees Required Trees Proposed •Deductions – Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: o Trees that are high-risk, as defined in RMC 4-11-200: o Trees within existing and proposed public right-of-way: o Trees within wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: •Total remaining trees after deductions: •Required tree retention (30%): •Identify number of trees proposed for retention: •Identify number of trees requested for replacement in lieu of retention (skip page 3 if no tree replacement is requested):Trees TREE CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Tree credit requirements apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre. Complete the form below to determine minimum tree credit requirements. •Gross area of property in square feet: Square Feet •Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from tree credit calculation: o Existing and proposed public right-of-way: Square Feet o Wetlands, streams, very high landslide hazards, protected slopes, and associated buffers: Square Feet •Total excluded area:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in square feet:Square Feet •Net land area (after deductions) in acres:Acres •Required tree credits:Tree Credits Required rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 2 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET PROPOSED TREE CREDITS Please complete the table below to calculate the total tree credits proposed for your project. Identify the quantity of trees for each tree category, after deducting trees within excluded areas, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS RETAINED TREES Preserved tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 Preserved tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Preserved tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Preserved tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Preserved tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Preserved tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Preserved tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Preserved tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Preserved tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Preserved tree 37” caliper and greater 13 NEW TREES New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 TREE CREDITS PROPOSED: rentonwa.gov/permitcenter | planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7294 10/6/2022 Page 3 of 3 TREE RETENTION AND CREDIT WORKSHEET TREE REPLACEMENT JUSTIFICATION Replacement may be authorized as an alternative to 30% retention provided the removal is the minimum necessary to accomplish the desired purpose and provided the proposal meets one of the following options: a. There are special circumstances related to the size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings of the subject property; or b. The strict application of the code would prevent reasonable use of property; or c. The strict application of the code would prevent compliance with minimum density requirements of the zone; or d. The project is a short plat with four (4) or fewer lots. Please attach a written justification demonstrating compliance with the requirements and criteria as descripted above. TREE REPLACEMENT QUANTITY Tree replacement quantity is determined based on the credit value of the trees proposed for removal. Larger, higher priority trees shall be used for calculation of tree replacement. Identify the quantity of each tree requested to be removed in lieu of 30% retention, based on tree size. List the identification number of each tree, as indicated in the arborist report. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TREE INDENTIFICATION # TOTAL TREE CREDITS Tree 37” caliper + 13 Tree 33 – 36” caliper 12 Tree 29 – 32” caliper 11 Tree 25 – 28” caliper 10 Tree 22 – 24” caliper 9 Tree 19 – 21” caliper 8 Tree 16 – 18” caliper 7 Tree 12 – 15” caliper 6 Tree 10 – 12” caliper 5 Tree 6 – 9” caliper 4 REPLACEMENT CREDITS REQUIRED: TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING Identify the quantity of proposed new replacement trees (minimum size of 2-inch caliper). The total replacement credits proposed should be equal to or greater than the replacement credits required, as shown in the previous section. TREE SIZE TREE CREDITS TREE QUANTITY TOTAL TREE CREDITS New small species tree (30' or less at maturity) 0.25 New medium species tree (30' to 50' at maturity) 1 New large species tree (50' or more at maturity) 2 REPLACEMENT CREDITS PROPOSED: Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Appendix | D APPENDIX D: TREE PROTECTION GUIDELINES Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | D-1 Tree protection measures are based on best management practices, as outlined in the International Society of Arboriculture’s Best Management Practices: Managing Trees During Construction, Second Edition.1 Below is a partial list of protection measures the design team will consider for implementation, depending on the nature of the construction impacts and the proximity to the tree’s Tree Protection Zone. For a more detailed description please refer to the project specifications as design is finalized. Also, below is a tree protection detail which shows a visual representation of the tree protection zone and accompanying notes. • Tree Protection Fencing: All trees designated for protection (including trees located on neighboring property that overhang the project site) shall be protected for the entire duration of the construction project. Tree protection fencing shall consist of a 6-foot-high, chain-link fence mounted on 2-inch-diameter metal posts, either driven into the ground to a depth of at least 2 feet or secured via concrete blocks and with no more than 10-foot spacing, installed at the extent of the tree protection area. • Signage: A warning sign shall be prominently displayed on each fence. The sign shall be a minimum of 11 by 17 inches and clearly state: “WARNING – Tree Protection Zone. This fence shall not be removed and any injury to this or these trees is subject to penalty according to Renton Municipal Code.” • Soil Protection: Prohibit parking, material storage, or dumping within the tree protection area. When access is required within the dripline, protect soil within the Tree Protection Zone with 1- inch plywood over 4 to 6 inches of wood chip mulch or steel plates or use Alturna mats or approved equal. • Project Arborist: Retain a project consulting, certified arborist during the construction phase. The arborist should be onsite and approve of all work performed within the tree protection fencing. They should be present during excavation within this zone to oversee the pruning and treatment of all roots and limbs greater than 2 inches in diameter. • Excavation: Prior to demolition activities, excavation work within the tree protection area should be carefully planned to minimize disturbance. When feasible, use alternative methods, such as a pneumatic excavation to blow away soil from a root system, directional drilling instead of trenching, or hand excavation to expose roots. When excavating by hand within the tree protection area, it should be performed by slowly removing small amounts of soil at a time with one person on the ground spotting for roots. When roots are encountered, excavation should stop and roots should be cleanly pruned as needed, so they are not ripped or torn. • Root Pruning: Overseen by project certified arborist for roots over 2 inches in diameter. Severed roots shall be cut cleanly with a sharp saw or pruning shears. Severed roots shall be covered immediately after final pruning with moist soil, heavy burlap, or mulch. The material should be 1 Fite, Kelby, and E. Thomas Smiley. 2016. Best Management Practices: Managing Trees During Construction, Second Edition. Champaign, IL: International Society of Arboriculture. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | D-2 kept moist and secured in place until the roots are covered with soil to finish grade. All material and fastening material should be removed from the roots before covering. • Duff/Mulch: Retain and protect as much of the existing duff and understory as possible. Retained trees in areas where there are exposed soils shall have 4 to 6 inches of wood chips applied to prevent water evaporation and compaction. Keep mulch 1 foot away from tree trunk. • Supplemental Irrigation: Retained trees will require supplemental watering and mulching during the dry months. Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Appendix | E APPENDIX E: ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS Report Arborist Report South Renton Transit Center April 2024 Page | E-1 The below are considered normal and allowable assumptions as it relates to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.’s (Jacobs) involvement with the project. • Jacobs assumes that the project site and its use do not violate, and are in compliance with, all applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or regulations. • Jacobs may provide report or recommendation based on published municipal regulations. Jacobs assumes that the municipal regulations published on the date of the report are current municipal regulations and assumes no obligation related to unpublished City regulation information. • Any report by Jacobs and any values expressed therein represent the opinion of Jacobs, and Jacobs’ fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specific value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, or upon any finding to be reported. • Unless otherwise agreed, (1) information contained in any report by Jacobs covers only the items examined and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection, and (2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, climbing, or coring. • These findings are based on the observations and opinions of the authoring arborist, and do not provide guarantees regarding the future performance, health, vigor, structural stability, or safety of the plants described or assessed. • Measurements are subject to typical margins of error, considering the oval or asymmetrical cross section of most trunks and canopies. • Our assessments are made in conformity with acceptable evaluation/diagnostic reporting techniques and procedures, as recommended by the International Society of Arboriculture.