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LUA-08-126 -Report 2
® DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CORRECTIONS TO DDES PRELIMINARY REPORTS PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS/ L03P0005 & PRELIMINARY PLAT OF LIBERTY GROVE/ L03P0006 P. RECOMMENDATIONS: Revise recommended condition of approval: 7. Ei. The stermwater Eieteatiea Eiesiga shall eelflflly with the Le,;el 2 Flew Ceatrnl requiremeats per the 1998 Kiag CeUAty Surfaee Water Desiga Maaual (KCSWDM). ec d. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21 A.14.180. Revise recommended condition of approval: 12. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): d. 02/09/04 SE 1361h ST from 160111 Ave SE to !62'1d Ave SE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard(south side only),; EXCEPT for the first 270 feet east of 1601h Ave SE. The first 270 feet can transition to a narrower width to avoid creating an adverse grade to the existing three driveways. Reverse slope driveways or other designs may be considered by DOES at engineering plan review stage. / ExhibitN~ , Item No ~o~? Aeceived -/0 -0 King County Hearing Efaminer Cooper, Ted L02SRo78 From: Sent: To: Cc: Jeremy S. Febus ueremy.febus@drstrong.com] Monday, March 10, 2003 3:30 PM ted.cooper@metrokc.gov mark.bergam@metrokc.gov Subject: FW: Dickinson Subdivision Ted, I received the following correspondence from the Issaquah School District regarding the bus stop and pedestrian path issue. The District is requesting that the Plat use an existing trail south rather than north, and that modest improvements be made to this trail. We will specify these improvements on our plans. Their memo specifically states that the gravel pathway improvements to the north are not necessary, thereby satisfying the hearing examiner's condition. I will include a hard copy of this email with our next submittal, which should be very soon. Please let me know if you have any questions, the Issaquah School District transportation ·-director• s em.ail is also below if you have any questions for her. Thank you, Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph: (425) 827-3063 fx: (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com -----Original Message----- From: Porter, Jo TRANS-Director [mailto:PORTERJ@issaquah.wednet.edu] Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 3:16 PM To: 1 jeremy.febus@drstrong.com 1 Cc: McCoy, Connie TRANS-Staff; Nilsen, Kathy TRANS-Staff Subject: RE: Dickinson Subdivision March 10, 2003 To: Jeremy S. Febus Re: Dickinson Subdivision Issaquah Transportation Supervisor, Connie McCoy, and I reviewed the existing bus stop for Briarwood Elementary school at 164th Ave SE and SE 144th St, Renton. There is a current walking path from the proposed t(}~ Dickinson Subdivision, north of this bus stop which accesses this Exhibit Nt , ~~:~~nt ~~ J:~it This pedestrian walking pathway is safe and acceptable if it is King County Hearing mmer improved: 1. The path needs to be widened of overhanging shrubbery and branches. 1 .. 2. There is a need to add gravel to the dirt pathway. 3. There is no need for a gravel pathway to 160th Ave SE because the designated bus stop for elementary students will be at 164th Ave SE@ SE 144th St. 4. The middle school students will be walking to Maywood using the same existing pathway to SE 144th ST that the elementary students will be using. 5. The high school students will be walking on an acceptable existing pathway from the east end of the Dickinson Subdivision to Liberty High. Please feel free to call me with any further questions or concerns at 425 837-6325. Sincerely, Jo Porter Director of Transportation Issaquah School District -----Original Message----- From: Jeremy s. Febus [mailto:jeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:33 AM To: porterj@issaquah.wednet.edu Cc: Donita Dickinson; luay.joudeh@drstrong.com Subject: RE: Dickinson Subdivision I would like to make a correction to the first point in my last email. I understand that a new bus stop will not be created at 162nd and' 139th, but rather at 164th Avenue SE and SE 144th. Therefore, please indicate this location in your email or letter, and please state that an acceptable pedestrian route exists to this bus stop location. We still need a statement regarding points two and three as well. I apologize for any confusion. Again, thank you for your help. Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph: (425) 827-3063 fx: (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com -----Original Message----- From: Jeremy S. Febus [mailto:jeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:35 PM To; porterj@issaquah.wednet.edu Cc: Donita Dickinsoni luay.joudeh@drstrong.com Subject: Dickinson Subdivision Ms. Porter, 2 . . Thank you for taking the time to meet with Donita regarding your district 1 s approval of the proposed plat. Baned on your meeting with Donita today, and the drawings she showed you 1 we simply need an email or letter from you that states the following three things: 1. New bus stops for the middle and elementary school buses will be created at the intersection of 162nd Avenue SE and the newly created SE 139th Place. 2. A gravel pedestrian walkway is not necessary from the Plat to 160th Avenue SE. 3. The engineering plans show an acceptable Pedestrian route to Liberty High School. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph: (425) 827-3063 fx: (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com 3 SEE DRAWINGS) P.O. BOX 1255 FALL CITY, WA 98024-1255 CELL: 206-227-8187 FAX: 425-228-7232 CASEY ENGINEERING November 20, 2003 Bruce Whittaker, P .E. L.U.S.D. King County D.D.E.S. REFERENCE: SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Whittaker: Liberty Grove Contiguous, L03P0005, (L03TY401) and Liberty Grove, L03P0006, (L03TY403) Response to November 12, 2004, Plat Screening, Request For Additional Downstream Information The following is a narrative of the existing downstream system from the Parcel "B" portion of the Liberty site to the Petrie Property. A. Description of stormwater drainage within the Parcel "B" portion of project: The stormwater generated from the site in the existing condition and any stormwater that enters the site from the north (SE 136th St.) flows to an existing wetland at the southern central portion of the property. The wetland is shown on the preliminary plat. Stormwater leaves Parcel "B" at the low point of the wetland and flows to the south. It should be noted that the wetland is not a closed depression. B. Description of Stormwater Drainage Across Property#!: Tax Parcel#: "0095" 13802 1601h Ave. SE Steve & Joanne Lee This property is located directly to the south of Parcel "B" of the proposed development. Permission was granted by the property owner to cross this property. Stormwater leaving Parcel "B" (under a wood fence) enters Property#! and is intercepted by a constru,.tCid.i!Nill"~). See Picture#2 that is taken from the i ~ 0 p y ::";: ;0:3, =~=~-~~-:-1:~-~--;::,-- STORMWATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Kir1G l,UU!\J i, CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN LAND PLANNING LM~D USE SEfNICES LO .,, ,Ki(IQ,, County Hearing Examiner S Fww O v North end of the swale looking south. The swale (sump) is approximately 15' wide and 28' long. At the south end of the swale there is a 12" Concrete Pipe (CP). The top of the existing grade around the swale is approximately 3.5' above the IE of the culvert. The culvert conveys stormwater across this property to the adjacent property to the south. Within this property there is also an additional swale that flows into the above mentioned sump. The swale is to the south of the Parcel "B" fence and begins approximately 50' east of the southeast corner Parcel "B". This swale intercepts stormwater leaving the Parcel "B" property and directs the stormwater to the west to the sump feature. Picture #1 is taken to the east of the sump, looking to the east. This swale is approximately 10' wide and 2' deep with gentle side slopes. The swale is grassed and is stable. C. Description of Stormwater Drainage Across Property#2: Tax Parcel#: "0096": 13814 160th Ave. SE Brett Bowden. Mr. Bowden granted permission to cross his property. Reach 1: A 12" CP conveyance system outfalls from Property 1 to Property 2 adjacent to a large cottonwood stump. The pipe discharges into a short swale/ditch that is approximately 8' long and 3' wide. The swale is approximately 3' deep with varying side slopes and appears to be stable. At the end of the swale is a 12" CP pipe that conveys stormwater under a gravel road. The IE of the CP to the top pf the gravel road is approximately 2.5'. Reach 2: Stormwater leaves the 12" CP under the gravel road and enters a broad swale. Picture#3 was taken near the upstream culvert under the gravel road looking to the south. The swale is approximately 110' long, 3' wide at the bottom, approximately 3' deep with varying side slopes. The swale ends at another gravel road. There is a 12" CP at the southern end of the swale where the water is conveyed under the gravel road. Picture #4 was taken at the southern end of Reach 2 looking to the north. D. Description of Stormwater Drainage Across Property#3: Tax Parcel# "0101": The property owner was not home and a card was left at the front door. Reach 1: Stormwater leaving the 12" CP under the gravel road from Property 2, discharges into a shallow ditch on the north side of the driveway access to the Property 3 residence -see Picture #5. The ditch flows for a short distance to the south and then turns to the west -see Picture #6. At the western terminus of the ditch, stormwater is intercepted by a 12" CP that conveys stormwater under the driveway to the south. Picture #7 shows the outfall at the southern side of the gravel drive. The ditch is approximately 2' wide, 1' deep with varying side slopes. There was approximately 2' from invert to the top of the gravel road. There were no observed capacity issues within this reach. Reach 2: Stormwater leaving the 12" CP under the gravel road for Property 3 enters a clearly defined channelfswale that varies in width from 2' to 5' with side slopes from 3: 1 to flatter. This channel flows to the southeast. Near the southern property line of this parcel, the channel transitions to a wide, broad swale that matches the existing topography of the land. The identification of a clearly defined drainage feature at this point cannot be distinguished. There are no identified capacity issues within this reach. E. Description of Stormwater Drainage Across Properties#4 : Tax Parcels# "0100" & "0116": There was no attempt to contact property owners for this portion of the downstream analysis, as the houses were quite a distance to the west from the area of interest. Stormwater leaving Property 3 enters into a very broad area with no defined drainage features. The ground slopes gently to the southeast. The majority of this area is covered with alders, salmonberries, vine maples and low groundcover. The ground is hummocky. There are tree blow-downs and debris from historic logging activity. The logical direction that stormwater would flow was followed to a point that terminated at an east/west dirt bike trail. There was no defined channel across this trail. It is assumed that this trail was within Property#S. Within this area, there were many dirt bike trails meandering every which way. A route was chosen (to the southeast) to continue the investigation through an area that appeared to be where stormwater would flow in the absence of the dirt bike trails. This route led to an old stream channel. The channel was meandering with a rocky bottom and no water. This channel is within the southeastern portion of Property#S. This channel was followed to a point where it entered Property#6. There are no identified capacity concerns within these properties. F. Description of Stormwater Drainage Across Property#6: Tax Parcel# "0110": The property owner was contacted for this report. Stormwater enters Property#& approximately 120' west of the northeast east/west fence line that is assumed to be near the property corner. At this location, there is a 4' high field fencing with 2 strands of barbwire on the top. There is old pink survey flagging attached to the centerline of the stream with the notation "CL Stream". The stream continues to the southeast through the property and leaves the site approximately 80' south of the northeast fence corner. The stream within Property#6 is within a wide broad channel with varying side slopes. There are no identified capacity issues within this property. Attached is the following information: 1. Copies of photos described in this report. SEE DRAWINGS) ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, WA 98055-1219· December 4, 2003 Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Mel L. Daley, P.E. Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. / 726 Auburn Way North Auburn, WA 98002 RE: Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision 1998 KCSWDM Adjustment and Shared Facility Plan Request (File No. L03V0065) Dear Applicant and Engineer: The Land Use Services Division, Engineering Review Section, has completed review of the adjustment request for the Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision. You are requesting approval for an adjustment from the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) Core Requirement No. 1, Section 1.2.1, Discharge at the Natural Location and approval of a shared facility plan with the Liberty Grove subdivision. Our review of the information and a site visit provides the following findings: I. The froposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is located between 1601h and 162" Avenues SE, south of SE 1361h Street. The 36 lot, 7.9 acre, proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0005. The proposed Liberty Grove subdivision is located in the northwest quadrant of the 1601h Avenue SE/SE 136'h Street intersection. The 24 lot, 4.8 acre, proposed Liberty Grove subdivision is filed under Land Use Services Division (LUSD) file number L03P0006. 2. The Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous subdivisions are located in the Orting Hills subbasin of the Lower Cedar River basin. The sites are subject to the Level Two flow control and Basic water quality requirements of the 1998 KCSWDM. 3. The Liberty Grove site slopes gently to the south and southeast, causing sheetflow to migrate to the south property line where it is intercepted by a well defined ditch. The ditch flows east to the west side of 1601h Avenue SE into a well defined channel that proceeds south. Gentle slopes across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site direct sheetflow to the southwest. This results in the eastern portion of the site sheetflowing across the south property line where a constructed swale located on the adjacent parcel to the south carries flows to the midpoint of the common property line. Central flows migrate through an on-site wetland that allows excess flow to join intercepted eastern flows at the midpoint outlet. The drainage path from the defined outlet conti_l\ues Exhibit No. .;/__] , -~~~:t1~~ King County Hearing Examiner Liberty Grove Contiguous/L03V0065 December 4, 2003 Page 2 of3 south through a defined open swale that bisects several parcels to the south and ultimately flows via stream channel south in the 162nd Avenue SE unopened right-of- way. Sheetflow from the western side of the site migrates to the southwest and eventually reaches the ditch system on •he east side of 160'h Avenue SE. Flow from this portion of the site flows south in the ditch system on the east side of 160'h Avenue SE. Liberty Grove and western Liberty Grove Contiguous flows meet V. mile south on 1601h A venue SE at a newly upgraded culvert crossing. Combined flows then cross parcel #145750-0110 to the east to rejoin eastern Liberty Grove Contiguous flows in the vicinity of the 162nd Avenue SE unopened right-of-way. Both sites have upstream tributary area of several acres. · 4. The proposal is to collect most runoff from the Liberty Grove site and divert it to a single, combined detention and water quality facility located in the southwest comer of the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. Flows across the Liberty Grove Contiguous site will also be collected and diverted to the single, shared facility. The allowed release would then be proportionally split between the southern flows on the east side of 160 1h A venue SE and the natural discharge path that runs south through the neighboring parcels. Nuisance flows across the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous would be significantll curtailed. A small reduction of flow would occur in the western ditch of 160' A venue SE, offset by an increase in the eastern ditch. It is not clear if frontage improvements are included in the conceptual drainage plan. 5. No decorative ponds or shallow wells have been identified that would be affected by the proposed diversion. 6. The Level One Downstream Analysis identified drainage complaints related to conveyance overflows at 14028 160th Avenue SE (Brenden/Myers) and in the southeast comer of the 145750-0110 parcel and adjacent neighbor (Gragg) to the south. Continuing to utilize the natural discharge path that traverses the center of the intervening parcels reduces the volume of total flows that would reach the problem conveyance area and would minimize the diversion of flows. The applicant has offered mitigation in the form of Level Three flow control in the on-site detention system and, via a combination of flow control and splitting outflows, maintaining predeveloped flowrates to parcel 145750-0110. Potential conveyance upgrades along any of the downstream paths will be addressed in the plat conditions. 7. Both sites are being developed by the same applicant who intends to build both projects at the same time. 8. A consolidation of facilities for the proposed subdivisions will be more economical in long term maintenance. Based on these findings, we hereby approve this adjustment to allow the diversion of runoff to a single, shared facility draining via flow splitter to two downstream paths with the following conditions: / Liberty Grove Contiguous/L03V0065 December 4, 2003 Page 3 of3 1. The release rates for the detention facility will be based on all of the tributary area to be developed being directed to the facility. 2. The volume for the detention facility will be based on all flows directed to the facility at full development under current zoning. The allowed release rate will be reduced by any undetained flows that would bypass the proposed subdivision drainage facilities. The detention volume shall be sized using the Level Three flow control standard in the 1998 KCSWDM. A 10 to 20 percent volumetric factor of safety must be applied to all storm events requiring detention. The design Technical Information Report shall state the factor of safety selected and the basis of that determination. 3. Water quality facilities must be sized based on the entire proposed subdivision draining to the facilities including any required frontage improvements. 4. All onsite or offsite drainage facilities must be located in a public right-of-way, recreation space tract with easement or storm drainage tract dedicated to King County. 5. Developed flows from Liberty Grove must be conveyed via tightline to the drainage facility located in the Liberty Grove Contiguous site. If not built concurrently, Liberty Grove Contiguous must precede Liberty Grove. 6. Additional storm drainage requirements identified by SEP A or the plat hearing review will apply to this project. If you have any further questions regarding this KCSWDM adjustment or the design requirements, please contact Mark Bergam at (206) 296-7270. Sincerely, ) /;·!:.,·)) ' ' . ' ' James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Engineering Review Section Land Use Services Division ,---,...,,.~ B-t;: Chan, P .E. Supervising Engineer Site Engineering and Planning Section Building Services Division cc: Curt Crawford, P.E., Managing Engineer, Stormwater Services Section, KCDNR Randall Parsons, P.E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Bruce Whittaker, Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD Karen Scharer, Project/Program Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Mark Bergam, P.E., Engineer III, Engineering Review Section, LUSD '. ' ® King County Department of Development and Environ.mental Services 900 Oakesdale Aveane Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-12!9 Surface Water Design Manual Requirements / Standards Adjustment* Request Project Name: Address: 7U, ,4U&VMI WI/ INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT/DESIGN ENGINEER: Please be sure to Include all plans (T.I.R., if available), sketches, photos and maps that may assist In complete review and consideration of this adjustment request. Failure to provide all pertinent lnfoonatfon may result in delayed processing or denial of yotJ" request. Please submit two complete copies of this request appljcation foon, 3nd applicable fee to the ODES Intake Counter, at 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwes~ Renton. Washington 98055-1219. For addltlonal lnfonnatlon, phone Randall Parsons, P.E., at (206) 296-7207 . . ··••· Jtl!,_!l-•. 'l.'.Cl••ii~olf ~, •• _t!f.c:mJl1'1!~•;••!lf. rjtg·•l!tJ:ilfA9)! ~Tl!ll•• !)B$l:~·~Af,.··J'c,i!" ~11~/.f··•' DESCRIPTION OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST: ..(s;andard 0Complex D Experimental D Blanket 0 Pre-application APPLICABLE VERSION KCSWDM: D 1990 (11195) • ~a (9/98) D ____ _ • (Note: the term "variance" replaced by "adjustmenr) APPLICABLE SECTION(S) OF STANDARDS: CoR.€ Rc<;,v1R.eH~NT ;11.,. I JUSTIFICATION PER KCSWDM SECTION 1.4-2 0 See attachments listed below. /. .JUST/FtCAr101'1 FfJ.I?. AtJ<IUSTHf:"/1/T 1<£<;Vc°ST z. ///C/AJIT'f HAI' 3. ASse sso;e.'S HAPS AUTHORIZATION S~NATURES: DETERMINATION: D Approval )ii!Conditlonal Approval (see beJcm) a Denial D DNR/WLRO Approval Signed: --,r/-#-~-7"9~...-:=,---enlal & Blanket variances only) DDES Staff Recommendation Sigled: ~~t;=-~Da~te:.:: ~c/=°=#-=_3==-------_.j Condttlons of Approval: See attached Memo Dated: ODES~ Use Services Div., Engineering Re,,_ Supervisor: / -~ Signed: Date: I l ) /. / ,~----- F99/En5/SWOM-ADJ .dac F96/ERS/SWDMR-S.cpy22 .doc 11./11/99 clc . D.D.E.S . .3(,,&4fir014--I /4-57':)(j-00?5'5 ooqo (FORMERLY DALEY ENGINEERING CO.) DALEY· MORROW· POBLETE, INC. ENGINEERING -PLANNING • SURVEYING 726 AUBURN WAY N AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 TELEPHONE (253) 333-2200 FAX (253) 333-2206 DRAINAGE ADJUSTMENT JUSTIFICATION The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments are within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of SE 136"' Street and 160th Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest corner of said intersection, will be developed as Liberty Grove. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast corner of the previously mentioned intersection, will be developed as Liberty Grove Contiguous. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County Washington .. There is an existing house and shop within the proposed the Liberty Grove development, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Liberty Grove is approximately 4.84 acres. The Liberty Grove site has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow, then through the conveyance facilities along the west side of 160th Avenue SE. There are two houses within the proposed Liberty Grove Contiguous development, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre Liberty Grove Contiguous site is presently forested in the northeast corner, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest corner, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. The Liberty Grove Contiguous site has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line and the east side of 160"' Avenue SE. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the southacorner of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of J 60"' Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C of the Off-site Analysis, and are itemiz.ed in the Off- site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G of the Off-site Analysis. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Liberty Grov~· s ~m, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to i JJl9V @~l~@ facilities between point l to point 24 (See Exhibits C and I of the Off-si 1s). file& rtt#i I O conveyance system will be designed to handle the peak flow rates. SEP I 1 2003 K.c. o.o.E.s. l-O~V~ ' I This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within both developments. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the south~mer of Liberty Grove Contiguous. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. Due to the proposed location of the detention facility, it will be necessary to divert runoff from Liberty Grove to the east and into the detention facility, instead of flowing down to the south (See attached map). Downstream facilities from Liberty Grove to the new 24" ADS culvert crossing 1601h Avenue SE will be bypassed, while flows between the detention facility down to the east end of the 24" culvert will be increased. Flows from the west and east sides of 1601h Avenue SE converge at the east end of the 24" culvert. Since flows to the east side of 1601h Avenue SE will be increased, conveyance facilities along the east side will be improved up to the convergence point. As previously stated, most of the runoff from Liberty Grove Contiguous leaves the site along the south property line. Since most of the post development flows will be conveyed to the detention facility and will be discharge to the facilities along 1601h Avenue SE, additional flows will have to be considered in the upsizing of the conveyance facilities. This Adjustment Request is for diverting water from the west side of 1601h Avenue SE (between Liberty Grove and the 24" ADS culvert) to the east side of 160th Avenue SE. In addition, the request is being made to allow post-development runoff to be conveyed to the detention pond and released directly to 1601h Avenue SE, instead of being released along the south property line of Liberty Grove Contiguous. Both Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous are part of the same basin. We believe that our proposal benefits the public for the following reasons: 1. By diverting flows from Liberty Grove to Liberty Grove Contiguous, there will only be one stormwater facility to be maintained by the County. 2. Improvements to the downstream facilities will eliminate existing problems. 3. Re-routing flows to the south of Liberty Grove Contiguous to the public facilities within the 160th Avenue SE RO.W. will eliminate potential for failure of the private facilities downstream from the site. We believe the above reasons justify our adjustment request. We therefore respectfully request that this Adjustment be granted approval. ·' • • • ·"' • '®King County aJ!llllallmllll Comments Sc-(.1 rch iMAP Print Paoe ' --.. I 1_ r1 I I !--I I -G061 0023 l 9053 lio10 -~ I 9045 -0108 tl070 91 ~ 9111 --112,45 0025 -.. ~ --~ ----~-~&- 0136 '1:ic ~ 1 lJ \ ij -Oi31 ~"' -i--~ .... -Ml 16 --r----_-..., ~ ·-01:!II -1118 ~ 91147 ~ ----Jr "f ~,,., ·-11718 ~ r,.(&0.r, ""'I -011 ", 1211 0141 ---Ol!7!I Offll ~ 6/'l,Dv"E I -0281 ~ I .. 1i , • • ~ a a . ... -OIM5 111122 ---~/ 'r,, ~ --~, '"~ -9112 I I om 12 -9019 l I/A -~ 0126 ~---1!012 -~ ~/j I • -w,sr c.,,,.vv,-. --10-GOSt -,.YANCE :;... I -fl -~-907• l!ll51 i ~ . # - I. l +-!J ,:Aelc.1r1~S ~.( 'f'b 1!>6" ~ l~'l'ASt*/) . f'PJJ'OS6P f)(i'/T1,17 1, rt-·"I I -\ m,1.,,-,, 903I --009T -fl -st'.f __ -: ' -~ 0101 Ft.ocvt 7b r,1: 'r -oJt''"" i t: I Nt:!/12. ~ ~ ,os+ I 910. 9101 /1/ Vi.':1/J.j,.,. -~ 9057 -/ 'Jlrf,Net: -· ---.a--~~ 01'6 -r-;.. ~ 111123 9046 -9041 \f\1::/J I_, -0110 --tl!llj ~ 907II -~ 0115 I ~/ 901S !llllll .. 111318 'i:r' ~ lj8a ,_ 0160 SE -I i '-; ~ ~ -0154 om lH II '"/ ' -... ta f llOOO -. 1 ne infonnation Inducted on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representabons or warranties, express or im~ied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such nformation. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages inducing, but not limited to, ost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of 1hts map or information on lhis map is prohibited exceot bv written oermission of Kina Countv. King County f GIS Center I !'j-_ I SeMces I Commems I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you e~pre,i,1¥ aQr,ie lo i,,, bound by terf111 an~ co~~ons of the site. The details. 11 12 I I I I ----.-r---r=r'-'--t=--'~--------T-- SITE w {/) SE 136TH §?ubERTY t:i 6 ~ rH.S. > ~ MAPLEWOOD ... HEIGHTS PAK 1 I I I 13 ST I I I I I I -+-~+~'18----(-=--------+-- RENTON FISH ANO t G1'ME REgcu;.. 24 : VICINITY MAP Scale: 1" = 1 /2 MILE I I I I I I I 00 &©&UW&fB1 . SEP I I 2003 /_!:!) K.c. D.D.E.s. L.CJ?, V ®l,6 SEE DRAWINGS REPORT AND DECISION OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 400 Yesler Way, Room 404 Seattle, Washington 98104 Telephone (206) 296-4660 Facsimile (206) 296-1654 February 4, 2004 SUBJECT: Department of Development and Environmental Services file nos. L01P0016A and L03RE038 Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0490 EVENDELL Preliminary Plat Revision and Proposal for Transfer of Density Credits Location: Lying South of Southeast 136th Street, between 156th Avenue Southeast And 160th Avenue Southeast Applicant: U.S. Land Development Association/Centurion, represented by Michael Romano 22617 -8th Drive Southeast Bothell, Washington 98021 Telephone: ( 425) 486-2563 Facsimile: (425) 486-3273 King County: Land Use Services Division, represented by Karen Scharer 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Telephone: (206) 296-7114 Facsimile: (206) 296-7055 SUMMARY OF DECISION/RECOMMENDATION: Department's Preliminary Recommendation: Department's Final Recommendation: Examiner's Decision: Approve, subject to conditions Approve, subject to conditions (modified) Approve, subject to conditions (modified) EXAMINER PROCEEDINGS: Hearing Opened: Hearing Closed: Exhibit No. -l,,,,I.....,_...--,.,...., Item No. Received ~-J,..W..~'-- Kinij County Heari!lil Examiner January 22, 2004 January 22, 2004 LOIP0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 2 of2l Participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the King County Hearing Examiuer. ISSUESffOPICS ADDRESSED: , Transfer of density credits , Road improvements , Safe walking conditions , Wetland buffer averaging , Tree protection SUMMARY: Application for approval of transfer of20 density credits and revision ofa preliminary plat, to subdivide 12.43 acres into 70 lots in the urban area, is granted preliminary approval. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. General Information: . . ·v11 ~'I "· . ', • " '-·''~ .. ... Owner: Representative: Location: U.S. Land Development Association P.O. Box 22200 Seattle, WA 98122 Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Dr. SE, Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 425-486-2563 Facsimile: (425) 486-3273 e-mail: Michael.romano@verizon.net Lying south of SE 136th Street between 156th Avenue SE and 160th Avenue SE. Section/Township/Range: SE 14-23-05 12.43 acres Parcels # 142305 9022 & 9009 Acreage Plat: Zoning: Number of Lots: Density: Lot Size: Proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: I c• t-... • I i .. . . R-4 Proposed: 70 (previously approved: 46) 5.6 dwellings per acre 3,900 to 6,600 square feet single family City of Renton Water District #90 ,,. .•.. ·' J ' ,• • . ' •. LOIPOOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Fire District: King County Fire District# 25 School Districts: Renton & Issaquah Community Plan: Newcastle Drainage Subbasin: Lower Cedar River King County Permits: Subdivision Complete Application Date: October 27, 2003 Threshold Determination: Mitigated Determination ofNonsignificance (MDNS) Date of!ssuance: December 23, 2002 (Adoption Notice Nov. 10, 2003) Page 3 of21 KC Permit Contact: Karen Scharer, Project Manager II, Current Planning Section, LUSD Phone # 296-7114 or e-mail at karen.scharer@metrokc.gov 2. Except as modified below, the facts set forth in the King County Land Use Services Division's preliminary report to the Hearing Examiner for the January 22, 2004, public hearing are found to be correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Said report is exhibit no. 60a in the hearing record. 3. Directly north, east and south of the eastern II acres of the subject property (proposed lot nos. 12-70) are three parcels proposed to be subdivided pursuant to the R-4 zoning classification. Those parcels are the subject ofDDES application nos. L03P0006 (Liberty Grove), L03P0005 (Liberty Grove Contiguous) and L03P0015 (Nichols Place). The adjacent property to the west is developed with single-family residences on larger lots. There is no currently proposed or anticipated development of the property to the west. 4. King County's "Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)" program is governed by Chapter 21A.37 of the King County Code. The TDR program establishes a property right which is separable from the fee-simple title to certain lands within King County, and provides a method for the transfer and utilization of that new right, which is colloquially known as a development right or "density credit." A density credit has a substantial market value. The underlying purpose of the TDR program is to allow for the movement of residential density from rural areas to urban areas of King County. The code is intended to provide, " ... an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other County goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site." KCC 21A.37.0I0.2. Receiving sites are required to meet the provisions ofKCC 21A.37.030. Those requirements are that the receiving site: 1. be within an unincorporated urban area, zoned R-4 or higher, or be within a potential annexation area; 2. be within a city where new growth is or will be encouraged, and where facilities and services exist or public investments in facilities and services will be made; or 3. be within RA-2.5 and RA-5 zoned parcels, subject to stringent criteria. The subject property is within the first category of eligible receiving sites listed in KCC 21A.37.030. Sites within the unincorporated urban growth area are not required to have • LOIPOOJ 6A & L03RE038 -Evendell Revision Page 4 of21 any specific level of available facilities and services. Development approvals that utilize density credits must meet only those service criteria that apply generally to development of the number of dwelling units proposed on the site. King County Code chapter 21A.12 governs densities and development standards in residential zones. The R-4 zone in the urban residential area allows for a maximum density of six dwelling units per acre, which may be achieved only through the application of residential density incentives or transfers of development rights. KCC 21 A.12.030.A. and B. l. When density credits are used, development shall comply with dimensional standards of the zone having a base density most comparable to the total approved density. KCC 21A.37.030.B. 5. The foregoing provisions of the King County Zoning Code are generally consistent with policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan governing residential land use. In particular, the Zoning Code provisions are generally consistent with: Policy U-113, that new residential development in the Url>an Growth Area should occur where facilities and services can be provided at the lowest public cost and in a timely fashion; Policy U-114, that the County seek to achieve an average zoning density of at least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities, allowing for lower density zones to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment; Policy U-122 that supports increases in urban density through a rezone or a proposal to utilize density transfer, when the proposal will help resolve traffic, utility, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. This proposal will improve traffic circulation in the area, will extend sewer service further into the urban area, and will provide recreation facilities and open space available to future residents on the subject property. Comprehensive Plan Policy U-120 addresses zoning changes to increase density, and is not material to this application for use of density credits consistent with the existing zone classification. Likewise, policy U-121 applies to the evaluation ofrezone requests, and is not material to this application. 6. DDES and the Applicant have agreed upon right-of-way dedications and road improvements to mitigate the impacts of traffic which the Applicant's proposal will generate adjacent to and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development. The dedications and improvements include additional right-of-way and construction on Southeast 136th Street, from 156thAvenue Southeast to 160th A venue Southeast, and shoulder improvements along the site frontage of 160th Avenue Southeast. 7. In order to provide safe walking conditions for students from this subdivision who will walk to school, improvements are necessary along existing right-of-way or upon right-of-way anticipated to become available through the development of subdivisions to the east of the subject property. The existing available right-of-way that can accommodate children walking to school is on 160th L01POOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 5 of21 Avenue Southeast to Southeast 135th Street, then east to 166th Avenue Southeast, and then south to the north boundary of the Liberty High School property. Alternatively, a route within future right-of-way may become available along Southeast 136th Street east from 160th Avenue Southeast to 162nd Avenue Southeast, then south to "5-Jot subdivision" (a.k.a. Dickenson Plat), that would enable a connection to the southwest corner of the Liberty High School property. Improvements to either route could accomplish the provision of safe walking conditions for students who will walk to school from the subject property. 8. Removal of trees from this or other property being developed commonly subjects trees on adjacent properties to stress and increases the windthrow hazard. Trees that remain in an area which is substantially cleared present an increased risk to persons and property on and off the site of the remaining trees. There is no King County regulation applicable to the subject property that restricts clearing or tree removal to protect trees on adjacent properties from increased stress or risk ofwindthrow. The environmental review of this proposal did not identify impacts of clearing or tree removal as a significant adverse environmental impact of the proposal. 9. The Applicant's proposal includes wetland buffer averaging to enable proposed road construction and possibly facilitate lot development. The area shown for the provision of additional buffer to mitigate impacts oflost buffer is in the northeast corner of the plat, adjacent to 160th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street. Replacement buffer is proposed at approximately a 2: I ratio to Jost buffer area. This would provide additional protection to the class 2 wetland, as required by KCC 21A.24.320.B. CONCLUSIONS: I. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision and Zoning Codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King County. 2. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for open spaces, for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supply, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and safe walking conditions for students who only walk to school; and it will serve the public use and interest. 3. The conditions for final plat approval recommended below are in the public interest and are reasonable requirements to mitigate the impacts of this development upon the environment. 4. The dedications ofland or easements within and adjacent to the proposed plat, as recommended by the conditions for final plat approval or as shown on the proposed preliminary plat submitted by the Applicant, are reasonable and necessary as a direct result of the development of this proposed plat, and are proportionate to the impacts of the development. 5. This proposal is subject to the mitigated determination of environmental non-significance issued December 23, 2002 and adopted November I 0, 2003. There was no appeal of the MDNS or of its adoption for this proposal. Therefore, the conditions of that MDNS must be implemented as conditions of this preliminary plat approval. L01POOt6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page6of21 The conditions of the MONS require substantial downstream drainage improvements (see condition no. 19). Culvert and channel improvements required in the east drainage basin for a distance approximately 1,700 downstream from the plat, together with the change in flow volume resulting from development of the subject property, should be analyzed by the Applicant and reviewed by DDES to determine the impacts, if any, downstream from the improvements. Any such impacts should be addressed if it is necessary to do so to prevent flooding or other damage from occurring as a consequence of the required improvements. 6. The Applicant has negotiated for the purchase of20 development rights, which would allow for an increase in the number of lots to be developed on the subject property to a total of 70. This development will be within the maximum density of6 dwelling units per acre permitted in the R- 4 zone classification in the urban area, although it will be most comparable to the base density of the R-6 zone classification. The proposed development of the subject property, utilizing 20 density rights, is consistent with all applicable development standards and other provisions of the King County Code. 7. The road improvements proposed and agreed to by the Applicant, including those shown in the 70-lot preliminary plat revision received October I, 2003, as modified by the conditions recommended below, will reasonably mitigate the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed development. Due to the diversion of substantial additional traffic to the east leg of the intersection of Southeast 136th Street and 156th Avenue Southeast, substantial improvements to that intersection are necessary, and have been agreed to by the Applicant. 8. Safe walking conditions for children who walk to school from the subject property will be provided by using one of the alternatives for improvements incorporated into this proposal, set forth in finding no. 7 and reflected in the conditions of final plat approval. 9. There is no applicable provision of the King County Code to restrict the removal of trees in the course of the development of the subject property, or to protect trees on neighboring properties from increased stress and risk ofwindthrow. I 0. The proposed wetland mitigation, and buffer averaging for the class 2 wetland at an approximate 2: l ratio for replacement buffer, meet the requirements of the King County code. The proposed replacement buffer area gives additional protection to the wetland. DECISION: The preliminary plat revision ofEvendell, as received October I, 2003, is APPROVED, subject to the following conditions for final plat approval: I. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. a. The plat shall comply with the maximum density (and minimum density) requirements of the R-4 zone classification. All lots shall meet the minimum dimensional requirements of the L01P00I6A & L03RE038-Evende11 Revision Page 7 of21 R-6 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is larger, except that minor revisions to the plat which do not result in substantial changes may be approved at the discretion of the Department of Development and Environmental Services. b. The Applicant shall provide transfer of density credit documentation to ODES prior to final approval to allow transfer of a maximum of 20 density credits to achieve a maximum of 70 lots on the subject property. 4. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the King County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 11187, as amended (1993 KCRS), subject to any variances that may be approved by the King County Road Engineer. 5. A Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA) shall be completed prior to final plat approval to except from the plat that portion of the 200 (approximate) feet on the far west that is not part of the proposed plat. Documentation demonstrating the resolution of boundary issues with the property to the south (Nichols Place) also shall be provided to ODES. 6. The Applicant must obtain the approval from the King County Fire Protection Engineer for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. Joint Use Development Tract H as shown on the plat will provide access to Lots 28 and 29. Additionally, it is a future emergency vehicle access tract to and from 160th Avenue SE, which the Applicant proposes to create in response to concerns raised by the City of Renton. The Applicant shall include proposed protocols for the construction and maintenance of Tract H, plus any related plat notes, with its engineering plans submittal, meeting the following standards: The emergency vehicle access to 1601h Avenue SE shall have a minimum driving surface width of 20 feet, with an all-weather surface capable of supporting 25 tons. Any locking device shall be approved by the Renton Fire Department (KCFD # 25). Chains, cable or bollards will not be permitted. The gate shall be located at least 50 feet from 160th Avenue SE to allow space for fire apparatus to stop while opening the gate or to wait before entering the public roadway. If these conditions are not met any future residence constructed on Lots 28 and 29 will have to be sprinklered NFP A 13D. These requirements concerning adequate fire and emergency access may be modified in a manner approved by the King County Fire Protection Engineer and King County Fire District no. 25. 7. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with the drainage provisions set forth in King County Code 9.04. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location oflots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Preliminary review has identified the following conditions of approval which represent portions of the drainage requirements. All other applicable requirements in KCC 9.04 and the Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) must also be satisfied during engineering and final review. L01P0016A & L03RE038 -Evende11 Revision Page 8 of22 a. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the I 998 King Connty Surface Water Design Manual and applicable updates adopted by King County. DDES approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. Current standard plan notes and ESC notes, as established by DDES Engineering Review, shall be shown on the engineering plans. c. The following note shall be shown on the final recorded plat: "All building downspouts, footing drains, and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings # on file with DDES and/or the King County Department of Transportation. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with plans on file." d. The stormwater detention design shall comply with the Level 2 or Level 3 Flow Control requirements, as applicable, per the I 998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). (See SEPA conditions in condition no. 19.) e. The storm water control facility shall be located in a separate tract and dedicated to King County unless portions of the drainage tract are used for required recreation space in accordance with KCC 21A.l 4.180. 8. Drainage adjustment L02V0024 is approved for this project. All conditions of approval for this adjustment shall be met upon submittal of the engineering plans. 9. A drainage easement for the conveyance from the Tract N drainage facility to 156th Ave SE shall be provided upon engineering plan submittal. I 0. The following road improvements are required to be constructed according to the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS): a. The internal access road from SE I 36th Street to the beginning of the internal loop road shall be improved to the urban subcollector standard, except that portion on the west side between Lot 11 and Lot I 2 is not required to be improved with a sidewalk. b. The internal loop road shall be improved to the urban subaccess road standard with sidewalks on the outside frontage of the loop road. c. SE 136th Street ( frontage and offsite) shall be dedicated, designed and improved in general conformance with the Preliminary Road Improvement Plan received 3/26/2002 with the Plat ofEvendell: LOJP0016A & L03RE038-Evende11 Revision Page 9 of22 The frontage from 1581h Ave.NE to 16011, Ave NE shall be improved to the urban one-half street standard. Eighteen feet of additional right-of way shall be dedicated for this improvement. SE 13611, Street frontage from the west side of J.U.D.T. 'A' boundary to 15811, Ave NE shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard; EXCEPT that no sidewalk construction is required on the north side. Twenty feet of additional right-of-way shall be dedicated for this improvement. SE 1361h Street from 1561h Ave SE to J.U.D.T. 'A' shall be improved to the urban neighborhood collector standard; EXCEPT that no sidewalk construction is required on the north side. Twenty-six feet of additional right-of-way shall be provided for this improvement. An additional 25-foot right-of-way radius is required at the southeast comer of 1561h Ave SE and SE 13611, Street. Striping for a second westbound lane shall be provided within the 150-foot widened section approaching 156th Avenue SE, in a manner to be worked out at the time of submission of engineering plans. d. 1601h Ave SE FRONTAGE: The 1601h Ave SE frontage shall be improved with an 8-foot paved shoulder on the west side. Adequate provisions for road drainage shall be provided. e. Tracts A,C,F,G,H, and I shall be improved to the joint use driveway standard per Section 3.01 of the KCRS. Tract A shall include an easement to King County for the maintenance of the Tract N drainage facility. Tract A shall be owned and maintained by the owners of Lots I and 2. f. Tracts B, D and E shall be improved to the private access tract standard per Section 2.09 of theKCRS. g. The Applicant shall revise the channelization that has been constructed in conjunction with the plat of Highland Estates (LOOP0009). These modifications to the channelization shall incorporate a revision of the current proposed painted 'island' to a southbound left tum lane with at least 60 feet of storage for left turning vehicles to (a) encourage the use of 156th A venue SE in lieu of 158th A venue SE and 160th Avenue SE, and (b) mitigate the potential deficient condition that would result from southbound left turning vehicles making left turns from the southbound through lane, or using the painted island as a deceleration and refuge area while waiti.ng for gaps in northbound traffic. Channelization and illumination plans must be submitted to King County Traffic Engineering Section for review and approval of the tum lane channelization. Modifications to the above road conditions may be considered according to the variance provisions in Section 1.08 of the KCRS. 11. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 1601h Avenue SE from those lots which abut this street. A note to this effect shall appear on the engineering plans and final plat. LOIPOOJ6A & L03RE038 ~ Evendell Revision Page 10 of22 12. All utilities within proposed rights-of-way must be included within a franchise approved by the King County Council prior to final plat recording. 13. The Applicant or subsequent owner shall comply with King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), by paying the required MPS fee and administration fee as determined by the applicable fee ordinance. The Applicant has the option to either: (1) pay the MPS fee at final plat recording, or (2) pay the MPS fee at the time of building pennit issuance. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the fee in effect at the time of plat application and a note shall be placed on the face of the plat that reads, "All fees required by King County Code 14.75, Mitigation Payment System (MPS), have been paid." If the second option is chosen, the fee paid shall be the amount in effect as of the date of building permit application. 14. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the Sensitive Areas Code as outlined in KCC 2IA.24. Preliminary plat review has identified the following specific requirements that apply to this project. All other applicable requirements from KCC 21A.24 shall also be addressed by the Applicant. a. This site contains a Class 2 wetland. The majority of the wetland will be protected from alteration during and after construction, with a 50-foot wide buffer around the wetland boundary. An additional 15-foot building setback is required beyond the edge of the buffer. b. A maximum of200 square feet of wetland will be filled for construction of SE 136th Street. Mitigation shall consist of at least 400 square feet of wetland enhancement to degraded portions of the existing wetland. c. Road improvements for SE 136th Street and 160th Avenue SE will eliminate 6,989 square feet of wetland buffer. Mitigation shall consist of providing replacement buffer in the northeast portion of the site at approximately a 2: I ratio to provide additional protection for the wetland pursuant to KCC 21 A.24.320B. Reduced impact will result in reduced mitigation. d. The proposed sewer main within the SE 136th Street right-of-way will intrude into the wetland buffer along with the road improvements. In order to protect wetland hydrology: (I) the sewer line shall be installed during the dry season (June through September), and (2) the design shall incorporate the use of pipe bed darns of bentonite or other material at intervals to preclude draining possible subsurface water flows through the gravel pipe bedding. e. Downstream drainage improvements to existing culverts and stormwater conveyances required through the SEPA MDNS shall cause no adverse alteration to existing wetlands or streams in the vicinity of the drainage improvements. f. Critical Areas staff shall review engineering plans for the plat and sewer main for conformance with these requirements. 15. The following note shall be shown on the final engineering plan and recorded plat: LOIP0016A &LOJRE038-Evendcll Revision RESTRlCTIONS FOR SENSITIVE AREA TRACTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS AND BUFFERS Page 1 I of22 Dedication of a sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land subject to the tract/sensitive area and buffer the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer. The vegetation within the tract/sensitive area and buffer may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without approval in writing from the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services or its successor agency, unless otherwise provided by law. The common boundary between the tract/sensitive area and buffer and the area of development activity must be marked or otherwise flagged to the satisfaction of King County prior to any clearing, grading, building construction or other development activity on a lot subject to the sensitive area tract/sensitive area and buffer. The required marking or flagging shall remain in place until all development proposal activities in the vicinity of the sensitive area are completed . . No building foundations are allowed beyond the required 15-foot building setback line, unless otherwise provided by law. 16. Suitable recreation space shall be provided consistent with the requirements KCC 21 A.14.180 and KCC ZJA.14.190 in providing sport court[sJ, children's play equipment, picnic table[sJ, benches, etc .. a. A detailed recreation space plan (i.e., landscape specs, equipment specs, etc.) shall be submitted for review and approval by ODES and King County Parks prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the engineering plans. This plan shall comply with Ordinance# 14045. b. A performance bond for recreation space improvements shall be posted prior to recording of the plat. 17. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of ODES which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the recreation, open space and/or sensitive area tract(s). 18. Street trees shall be included in the design of all road improvements, and shall comply with Section 5.03 of the KCRS and KCC ZIA.16.050: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. L01P0016A & L03RE038-Evende11 Revis.ion Page 12 of22 b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 of the 1993 King County Road Standards, unless King County Department of Transportation detennines that trees should not be located in the street right-of-way. c. If King County detennines that the required street trees should not be located within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line. d. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the abutting lot owners or the homeowners association or other workable organization unless the County has adopted a maintenance program. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat. e. The species of trees shall be approved by DDES iflocated within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing trees, or any other tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or stonn sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines. f. The Applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by DDES prior to engineering plan approval. g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a perfonnance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a perfonnance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed and inspected within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the perfonnance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after DDES has completed a second inspection and detennined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. A landscape inspection fee shall also be submitted prior to plat recording. The inspection fee is subject to change based on current County fees. 19. The following have been established by SEPA as necessary requirements to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of this development. The Applicants shall demonstrate compliance with these items prior to final approval. a. East Drainage Basin: The 160th Ave SE downstream conveyance system shall be upgraded to provide for the I 00- year storm capacity. Downstream driveway culverts/ditches and a cross-culvert under 160th Avenue SE shall be improved as follows: Culverts P-117 and P-116 on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, cross-culvert P-115, and culverts P-114 and P-113 on the east side of 160th A venue SE shall be improved as needed. The culvert designations are according to the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis by Haozous Engineering dated August 26, 2002. To address a related localized flooding condition, bank and channel stabilization are also required in the unopened right-of-way for 162"• Avenue SE, in the vicinity of the easterly line of Lot 12, Rich Lea Crest (address 16046 SE 142"' Street). It is estimated that stabilizing and LOIPOOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 13 of21 re-grading approximately 50 to 100 feet of channel, east of 16046 SE 142nd Street, will be adequate to resolve flooding that has occurred in the past location. The culverts and channel described are located from the south site boundary to a distance of approximately I, 700 feet downstream. Level 2 Flow Control design is required for the proposed stormwater detention facility. A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. b. West Drainage Basin: The storrnwater detention facilities shall be designed to the Level 3 Flow Control Standard as described in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). As an option, Level 2 Flow Control with downstream improvements can be proposed according to Core Requirement 2 of the KCSWDM. The minimum Flow Control Standard shall be Level 2. A factor of safety of 5 to 15 percent, determined by the design engineer, shall be required for detention storage volumes. The downstream impacts of the 1,700 feet of conveyance improvements shall be reviewed by the developer's engineer, and any recommendations necessary to prevent flooding or other damage from occurring as a consequence of the required conveyance improvements shall be included with the plans for review by DOES. School Mitigation Fees 20. Lots within this subdivision east of 1581h Avenue SE are subject to King County Code 2IA.43, which imposes impact fees to fund school system improvements needed to serve new development. As a condition of final approval, fifty percent (50%) of the impact fees due for the plat shall be assessed and collected immediately prior to recording, using the fee schedules in effect when the plat receives final approval. The balance of the assessed fee shall he allocated evenly to the dwelling units in the plat and shall be collected prior to building permit issuance. School Walkways 21. A pedestrian access easement between 1581h Place SE and 1601h A venue SE shall be provided over either Tract H or L (as shown in Exhibit 62). The easement shall have a minimum IO foot width and be improved with a 5 foot wide paved surface. 22. The Applicant, individually or in conjunction with other developers, shall construct an off-site walkway to Liberty High school from the site. The walkway shall be constructed within the right-of-way from 160th Ave SE, east along SE 135th Street to 166th Ave SE, and south to Liberty High School at SE 136th Street, or via alternative right-of-way and easements that become available and are approved by DOES. One acceptable alternative would be to use future right-of-way of Southeast 136th Street and 162nd Avenue Southeast to connect with the sidewalk improvement of"five lot subdivision," and through the plat of"five lot subdivision"/LOOP0023 to the southwest gate of Liberty High School. The walkway shall be designed and constructed in LOIPOOl 6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 14 of22 accordance with the 1993 King County Road Standards and shown on the engineering plans for DDES review and approval. Any surfacing alternative from the King County Road Standards (KCRS 3.09) may be submitted for approval through a road variance application. ORDERED this 4th day of February, 2004. TRANSMITfED this 4th day of February, 2004, to the following parties and interested persons of record: 4CreeksUAC Scott D. Baker Marshall Brenden Attn: Claudia Donnelly 7018 47th Ave. NE 18225 SE I 28th P.O. Box 3501 Seattle WA 98115 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 Ronda Bryant Marilyn Carlson Ronald Coffin 15406 SE 136th Street 13616 -156th Avae. SE 16015 SE 135th PL Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059-6828 Michael Rae Cooke Mark Costello Robert Darrow 13125 158th Ave. SE 13012158thAvenueSE Haozous Engineering Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 13428 -45th Court Mukilteo WA 98275 Shirlene Day Roger Dorstad Kathy Graves 14412 -167th Pl. SE Evergreen East Realty 13020 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 P0Box375 Renton WA 98059 Redmond WA 98073 Michelle Hagerman Stephen & Yvonne Hanson Valerie Hemnes 13710156thAve. SE 1561 I SE 138th Pl. 15627 SE 139th PL Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059-7422 Victor & Gwendolyn High Edward & June Hill Edward & Nancy Hilton 13405-158thAve. SE 13527 156th St SE 13414-158thAve. SE Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 Kurt Hughes Fred & Helga Jaques Leonard J. Johnston 19112 NE 146th Way 13114-158thAve. SE 16016 SE 135th Woodinville WA 98072-636 I Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98059 L01PD0l6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Diane Kazele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Lakeridge Development Inc. Attn: Wayne Jones Jr. P.O. Box 146 Renton WA 98057-0146 Rebecca Lind City of Renton, EDNSP 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98056 Fred & Gloria Martin 13019 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Bill Mokin 14404 -162nd Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 John Nanney 16169 SE 146th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Gary Norris Gary Struthers & Associates 3150 Richards Road # JOO Bellevue WA 98005 Richard & Anita Oliphant 16519 SE 145th St. Renton WA 98059 David Rockabrand Four Creeks UAC 11427 162nd Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Geneva Scholes 12924 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Don & Diane Kezele 15657 SE 137th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Joann Lee 13802 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 9805 9 Steve Lyman 14505 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Linda Matlock WA State Ecol. Dept.lWQSW Unit P0Box47696 Olympia WA 98504-7696 Eleanor Moon KC Executive Horse Council 12230NE 61st Kirkland WA 98033 Kathy Nelson Transportation Dept. 805 -2nd Ave. S. Issaquah WA 98027 Florence Nott 15915 SE 134th Pl. Renton WA 98059-6832 David Petrie 811 S. 273rd Ct Des Moines WA 98198 Marsha Rollinger 15646 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Curtis Schuster KBSIII,LLC 12320 NE 8th St., Ste. 100 Bellevue WA 98005 Page 15 of22 Duana Kolouskova Johns Momoe Mitsunga PLLC 1500-l 14th Avenue SE, #102 Bellevue WA 98004 Tim & Gina Lex 13116 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Jerry Marcy P.O. Box 575 Seattle WA 98111 Jim McDougal 14502 167th Pl. SE Renton WA 98059 Steven & Peri Muhich 13420 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Sally Nipert 14004 -156th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 DaveNyblom PMB 129 4820NE4th St., Ste. IOI Renton WA 98059-4845 David & Georgia Platt 510 Panoramic Dr. Camano Island WA 98282 Mike Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell WA 98021 Charles & Viola Scoby 13112 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059-8531 L01POOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Seattle KC Health Dept. E. Dist. Environ. Health 14350 SE Eastgate Way Bellevue WA 98007 Howard Stansbury Centurion Development 22617 • 8th Dr. SE Bothell WA 98021 David Watler 15635 SE 138th PL Renton WA 98059 Kurt Wilson Harbour Homes 1010 South 336th Street #305 Federal Way WA 98003 Greg Borba DDES/LUSD MS OAK-DE-0100 Kristen Langley DDES/LUSD Land Use Traffic MS OAK-DE-0100 Karen Scharer DDES/LUSD Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 Bruce Whittaker DDES/LUSD Prel. Review Engineer MS OAK-DE-0100 Karen & Jeffrey Sidebotham 13004 -158th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Peggy Streit 13512 -160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Alex Weitz 15646 SE 13 8th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Alvin Wolberg 16021 SE 136th St. Renton WA 98059 Laura Casey DDES/LUSD Wetland Review MS OAK-DE-0100 Anne Noris Clerk of Council MS KCC-CC-1025 Richard Warr en Transportation Planner King Co. Dept of Transportation MS KSC-TR-0317 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Page 16of22 Daniel B. Slaton 15315 SE 133rd Court Renton WA 98059 Penny Thorbeck 15650 SE 138th Pl. Renton WA 98059 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wilmot 13900-160th Ave. SE Renton WA 98059 Harold & Eleanor Zeek 16612 SE 145th St Renton WA 98059 Kim Claussen DDES/LUSD Current Planning MS OAK-DE-0100 Carol Rogers LUSD/CPLN MS OAK-DE-0100 Larry West DDES/LUSD Geo Review MS OAK-DE-0100 In order to appeal the decision of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of$250.00 (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before February 18, 2004. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and six (6) copies ofa written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before February 25, 2004. Appeal statements may refer only to facts contained in the hearing record; new facts may not be presented on appeal. L01P0016A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 17 of22 Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room I 025, King County Courthouse, 516 3"' Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, prior to the close of business (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing is not sufficient if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. If a written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument are not filed within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date of this report, the decision of the hearing examiner contained herein shall be the final decision of King County without the need for further action by the Council. MINUTES OF TIIE MARCH 6 and 10, 2003 AND JANUARY 22, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FILE NO. LOIP0016 AND LOI TY 401; L03RE038 James N. O'Connor was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. Participating in the hearing were Karen Scharer, Kristin Langley, Bruce Whittaker and Laura Casey, representing the Department; Mike Romano, representing the Applicant; Marsha Rollinger and Gwendolyn High, representing the Intervenors; and Mark Heckert, Gary Norris, Scott Baker, Michael Rae Cooke, David Rockabrand, Dave Petry, Michelle Hagerman, Sally Nipert, Diane Kazele, Alex Weitz, Fred Jaques, Jim McDougal, John Nanney, Bill Mokin, Anita Oliphant, Vanessa Burris, June Hill, Rhonda Bryant, and Kristy Hill. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the record: Exhibit No. I Exhibit No. 2A 2B Exhibit No. 3A 3B Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 DOES combined file LOITY401 & LOIPOOI6, application filed and dated July 6, 2001 DOES application for land use permit(s) LOITY401 & LOIPOOI6, application dated July 6, 2001 Zone reclassification application and justification questionnaire with revision received September 6, 2001 DOES preliminary report prepared 02/20/03 with attachments as follow: I. Map of rezone from R-4 to R-6 2. Reduced copy ofR-6-70 lot preliminary plat 3. Reduced copy ofR-4 -alternative 46 lot plat 4. Density calculations for R-6 plat 5. City of Renton January 20, 2003, letter 6. City of Renton June 15, 2001 letter 7. Certificate of water availability dated May 30, 2001 . 8. School information dated July 12, 2001 9. SWM adjustment approval for L02V0024 dated October 17, 2002 DOES addendum report with corrections and additional information regarding schools serving the property, prepared 02/27/03 Revised environmental checklist received October 14, 2002 Mitigated determination of non-significance dated December 23, 2002 Affidavit of posting indicating posting dates of October 3 and 4, 2001. LOJPOOI6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 18 of22 Exhibit No. 7A 7B Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. I 0 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 Exhibit No. 15 Exhibit No. 16 Exhibit No. 17 Exhibit No. 18 Exhibit No. 19 Exhibit No. 20 Exhibit No. 21 Exhibit No. 22 Exhibit No. 23 Exhibit No. 24 Exhibit No. 25 Exhibit No. 26 Exhibit No. 27 Exhibit No. 28 Exhibit No. 29 Exhibit No. 30 Exhibit No. 31 Exhibit No. 32 Exhibit No. 33 Exhibit No. 34 Exhibit No. 35 Exhibit No. 36 Exhibit No. 3 7 Exhibit No. 38 Exhibit No. 39 Exhibit No. 40 Exhibit No. 41 Exhibit No. 42 a b Site plan (70 Jot preliminary plat map) received March 26, 2002 Alternative site plan (46 lot preliminary plat map) received March 26, 2002 Assessors maps (4) for SE 14-23-05 revised 02/23/95, NE 14-23-05 revised 04/05/93, NW 14-23-05 revised 10/92, and SW 14-23-05 revised 07/07/97 Traffic impact analysis by Garry Struthers Associates, Inc. dated June 28, 2001 Traffic memo dated January 29, 2002, from Garry Struthers Assoc., Inc. Preliminary technical information report dated June, 2001, by Haozous Eng., P.S. Level 3 downstream drainage analysis by Haozous Eng., P.S., dated August 26, 2002 Addendum (6 pages plus cover) to the level-three study dated December 5, 2002 Wetland evaluation and delineation report, wildlife habitat evaluation and compensatory wetland mitigation plan by Habitat Technologies, dated May 15, 2001 Addendum to wetland/stream/wildlife report dated October 28, 2002 City of Renton three-page certificate of sewer availability dated 6/15/01 Jaques, Fred & Helga email dated November I, 2001 Carlson, Marilynn letter dated November 7, 200 I Revised alternative R-4 plat density calculations received 3/26/02 Petition from Gwendolyn High (8 pg.+ cover), received September 23, 2002 City of Renton letter received January 22, 2003, with attachments (4 pgs.) Letter from G. High & M. Rollinger for Citizens Alliance for a Responsible Evendell ( CARE) dated April 5, 2002 with attachments ( 60 pgs. + cover) G. High and M. Rollinger, CARE petition to intervene filed on 2/18/03 DDES planning map (created 7/1/2003) prepared 2/20/2003 showing new development planned in the immediate vicinity Letter from Greg Zimmerman, City of Renton, dated March 05, 2003 (2/12/03 memo attached) Certificate of Transportation Concurrency received July 6, 200 I Topographic map provided by City of Renton (aerial photography taken Winter, 1996) subject property in conjunction with Highland Estates Article from King County Journal, "Give Us Some Space, Firefighters Say ... " 02/27/2003 Transportation service areas 2000 map -KCDDES, February, 200 I Community action strategies sub-area priority ranking map -KCDOT, February, 2001 Assessors map of East Renton/Briarwood area with coloring Proposed but not entered into the record -area map showing nesting sites Online permit details -DDES website printouts (18 pgs.) Notice of application for the Bales Annexation and pre-zone application, dated January 15, 2003 -City of Renton Letter from Scott D. Baker, Consulting Arborist dated 2/8/03 Tree retention/protection buffer site plan alternatives C.A.R.E. households list (2 pg) Letter from Four Creeks Unincorporated Area Council dated March 5, 2003 Tree loss and possible ground water contamination depiction Sign-in and time donation sheet (3 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Transportation concurrency diagrams for 2001, 2002 & 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Don & Janice Milbrath dated March 3. 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Kristy J. Hill dated March 6, 2003 LO IPOO 16A & L03RE038 -Evendell Revision Page 19 of22 Exhibit No. 43 C d e f g h J Exhibit No. 44 a b C d e f. Exhibit No. 45 a b C d e Letter (2 pg) from Edward and June Hill dated March 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Charles W. Scoby, Viola M. Scoby, and Geneva D. Scholes dated March I, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Laurie A. Hindes dated February 26, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Mark Costello dated March 4, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Eloise and Claude Stchowiak dated March 6, 2003 Letter (3 pg) from Bruce and Joyce Osgoodby dated Feb. 21, 2003, and Mar, 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Richard Savage (undated) Letter (I pg) from Dan & Lynn Peterson, also signed by Fred & Helga Jaques (undated) Letter (I pg) from John Nanney dated March 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Linda Williams dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Rodney S. Stewart dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Edward A. Schultz dated March 4, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Joseph Matsudaira dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Brenda Matsudaira dated March 5, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Richard & Anita Oliphant dated March 5, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Mark Costello dated March 4, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Jeff & Karen Sidebotham (undated) Letter (I pg) signed by Nancy & Edward Hilton dated March 6, 2003 Memo (4 pg) from Michael Rae Cooke dated March 4, 2003, with attached resident survey sheet, error notes, and April 3, 2002, memo and attachments (8 pg) to King County Surface Water and Land Management The following items were entered at the March 10, 2003, continued hearing: Exhibit No. 46 Exhibit No. 4 7 Exhibit No. 48 Exhibit No. 49 Exhibit No. 50 Exhibit No. 51 Exhibit No. 52 Exhibit No. 53 Exhibit No. 54 Exhibit No. 55 Exhibit No. 56 a b C d e f g Photos (9) provided by Anita Oliphant with commentary (undated) Letter (3 pg) from Bruce and Joyce Osgoody dated February 21, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Marilynn Carlson dated March 9, 2003 Letter (2 pg) from Kristy Hill dated March 6, 2003 Letter (I pg) from Marsha Rollinger (undated) Letter (I pg) from Joseph Bostjancic dated March 5, 2003 Memo (I pg) from Nick Gillen dated March 7, 2003 Copy of table #3 from the 2002 Issaquah school plan showing "Projected Capacity to House Sudents" Memo (I pg) from Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, dated March I 0, 2003 Gwendolyn High's testimony of March 6, 2003 with cover letter dated March 10, 2003 noting correction Letters from: Donald & Diane Kezelle (2 pg) -undated Vanessa Burris (l pg) Carolyn Ann Buckett (I pg) Ronda Bryant (3 pg) dated March 10, 2003 Michael Rae Cooke (7 pg) dated 3/8/02 Marsha Rollinger (I pg) undated Sally Nipert ( l pg) dated March 6, 2003 LOIPOOl6A & L03RE038-Evende11 Revision Page20 of2l h I Exhibit No. 57 Exhibit No. 58 Shirley Day (1 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Bill and Donna Mokin (2 pg) dated March 6, 2003 Photos of hawk (2) DDES revised recommendation/additional conditions dated 3/10/03 The following exhibits were entered into the record at the January 22, 2004, hearing for the Evendell Revision: Exhibit No. 59 Exhibit No. 60a Exhibit No. 61 Exhibit No. 62 Exhibit No. 63 Exhibit No. 64 Exhibit No. 65 Exhibit No. 66 Exhibit No. 67 Exhibit No. 68 Exhibit No. 69 Exhibit No. 70 Exhibit No. 71 Exhibit No. 72 Exhibit No. 73 Exhibit No. 74 Exhibit No. 75 Exhibit No. 76 Exhibit No. 77 Department of Development and Environmental Services Application for major plat revision, filed 10/1/03 Department of Development and Environmental Services preliminary report for the January 22, 2004, public hearing on file no. L03RE038, with attachments: I. 70-lot plat layout 2. Density calculations 3. Intent to sell and purchase density credits, dated 11/26/03 4. SEPA Adoption Notice, dated ll/10/03 5. Inquiry to Issaquah School District, dated 05/23/03 6. Certificate of Water Availability, dated 9/18/03 7. Letter from City of Renton, dated 11/19/03 8. Letter from City of Renton re: Sewer Extension, dated 11/26/03 9. Transportation Concurrency (e-mail of9/03/03 & Certificate# 01305) I 0. SWM adjustment approval for file no. L02V0024, dated I 0/17 /02 Department of Development and Environmental Services corrections to the Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner, dated 1/22/04 Site Plan (plat map) for 70 lots, received October I, 2003. Notice of Application, Hearing & Recommendation, 11/10/03 Affidavit of Posting indicating November 3, 2003 as date of posting and November 6, 2003, as the date the affidavit was received by the Department of Development and Environmental Services Walkway study prepared by dmp, inc., dated 8/18/03 School walking route analysis, annotated by DDES, prepared 1/21/04 3/10/03 and 3/04/03 emails from Issaquah School District and Jeremy Febus re: LOOP0023 plat conditions for school walkways Examiner's recommendation to the Council-LOITY401 & LOIPOOl6, dated 3/28/03 Ordinance no. 14694 denying reclassification to R-6 under file LOI TY 401 Ordinance no. 14695 approving the 46 lot plat ofEvendell Jaques, Fred & Helga, e-mail regarding density, traffic, and infrastructure inadequate to support increase in density, received 1/20/04 Shirley A. Gaunt-Smith, note re: concerns, received 1/20/04 Colored copy of plat map SEPA MDNS for Liberty Grove Contiguous, file no. L03TY401 & L03P0005, dated 12/16/03 SEP A MDNS application for Liberty Grove, file no. L03TY 403 & L03P0006, dated 12/16/03 C.A.R.E. response: Evendell plat revision, L03RE038, dated 1/22/04 C.A.R.E. households list .. LOIPOOl6A & L03RE038-Evendell Revision Page 21 of21 Exhibit No. 78 Exhibit No. 79 Exhibit No. 80 Exhibit No. 81 Exhibit No. 82 Exhibit No. 83 Exhibit No. 84 Exhibit No. 85 Exhibit No. 86 Exhibit No. 87 Exhibit No. 88 Exhibit No. 89 Exhibit No. 90 Exhibit No. 91 Exhibit No. 92 Exhibit No. 93 Exhibit No. 94 Exhibit No. 95 Exhibit No. 96 Exhibit No. 97 Exhibit No. 98 Exhibit No. 99 Exhibit No. 100 Exhibit No. 101 Exhibit No. I 02 Exhibit No. I 03 3/28 and 4/10/00 press releases re: Transfer of Development Credits Six-year transit development plan showing urban centers, dated February, 2002 King County General Government Budget Advisory Task Force report, dated 6/25/03 A Joint City Position statement for the King County Budget Advisory Task Force Message to employees from King County Executive Ron Sims, re: budget advisory task force, dated 6/09/03 King County Council, Budget & Fiscal Management Committee Capital Budget Panel -2004 CIP Budget Overview Article entitled "Facing the Challenges -In Transportation" by Harold Taniguchi dated I 1.94 Transportation Service Areas 2000 High accident locations report no. 16, dated July 2003 King County transportation concurrency maps 2001, 2002 and 2003 Transportation concurrency map, level of service standards status, dated 3/07/02 2003 Annual Growth Report -excerpts King County Benchmarks Report 2003: Land Use -excerpts Buildable Lands Report of 8/29/02 -excerpts State, county, city populations report from OFM Forecasting, State of Washington Renton Strategic Planning Department -staff reports of 6/03, 9/23, 10/01 and 10/10/03 Renton Planning Commission recommendation of October 22, 2003 Renton Ordinance no. 5026 Renton City Council regular meeting minutes of November 24, 2003 ODES revised recommendations/additional conditions for file no. L01P0016, 70-lot plat, dated 3/10/03 Photographs (5 color copies) of tree damage to Kezele and Thorbeck Homes No exhibit entered Photographs (4 color copies) taken by Diane Kezele Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Edward and June Hill (undated) Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Kristy J. Hill dated January 21, 2004 Letter to the Hearing Examiner from Anita and Richard Oliphant dated 01/22/04 JOC:ms/gao LOIP0016A-L03RE038 RPT LEVEL I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR LIBERTY GROVE CONTIGUOUS CLIENT: Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-9750 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 333-2200 Fax: (253) 333-2206 PROJECT: 01-470 DATE: March 3, 2003 Exhibit N • .2 .3 Item No. l§5""'£'""0-~-~--,.S- Receive<lliO-~ King County Hearing Examiner y "'~'"' f\LE coP . Lo [5) ~ re; ~ 0 w ~ lij ml MAR 1 1 2003 0 K.C. D.D.E.S. Pooo5 TASK 1: TASK 2: TASK3: TASK4: TASKS: TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Area Definition and Maps General Information On-Site Drainage Analysis Upstream Drainage Analysis Downstream Drainage System Description Future Site Conditions Resource Review 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps 2. Offsite Analysis Reports 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. King County Soils Survey Maps Field Inspection 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring, Bank Sloughing, or Sedimentation 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topography and Soil Types 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes, Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area 1 O. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions 2. Problems Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems ' • Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F ExhibitG Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L APPENDIX Vicinity Map Drainage Basin Map Downstream Drainage System Map FEMAMap Assessors Map Sensitive Areas Information SWM Division Drainage Investigation information King County Soils Survey Map Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Site Plan of Liberty Grove Copy of December 5, 2002 letter from Haozous Engineering Copy of November 27, 2002 letter from Ms. Laura Casey TASK 1: Study Area Definition and Maps General Information The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments will be within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of SE 136th Street and 160th Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest corner of said intersection, will be designated as "Parcel A" in this report. Liberty Grove will be entirely within Parcel A. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast corner of the previously mentioned intersection, will be designated as "Parcel 8" in this report. Liberty Grove Contiguous will be entirely within Parcel 8. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The project site is located within an area zoned R-4. Since both projects will be developed at the same time, and in fact will share the same detention facility, this off-site analysis will be for both projects. There is an existing house and shop within Parcel A, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Parcel A is approximately 4.84 acres and generally drains to the south. There are two houses within Parcel 8, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre parcel is presently forested in the northeast comer, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest comer of Parcel 8, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. Site soils have been identified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). On-Site Drainage Analysis Parcel A has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow. Parcel 8 has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line. Upstream Drainage Analysis As shown in Exhibit B, Parcel A receives runoff from approximately 9.7 acres. The upstream basin is presently covered with trees, pasture land, grass and some houses. Water from said basin enters the site via sheet flow along the northern property line. Parcel 8 has an upstream area of approximately 13.1 acres. This basin is partially forested, but is dominated by single-family houses with a density of approximately 6 DU/GA. Water from the upstream area mostly enters the site via culvert that discharges near the northern property line, and into a ditch that flows to a wetland area within the site. Downstream Drainage System Description As previously described, there are two separate areas to be developed as part of this project, which are designated as Parcels A and B. Parcel A presently discharges into an earth-lined ditch along its south property line. Water then enters a ditch along the western side of 160111 Avenue SE and continues to flow south. Approximately Y.-mile downstream, a 12-inch diameter concrete culvert intercepts water and brings it across 160111 Avenue SE. We are proposing to bypass the above mentioned downstream system as part of the development, and will therefore provide no further analysis of said system. Furthermore, said system will most likely be improved by the proposed Evendell Plat, located south of Parcel A It is proposed to collect runoff from the developed Parcel A and its upstream tributary area, and convey it to the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. The existing downstream facilities from the proposed detention facility will therefore be described in more detail in this report. Parcel B presently discharges runoff along its south property line. However, most of the runoff passes thru an on-site wetland located near the southwest comer of Parcel B. Water that is released by the wetland is collected by a yard drain located within the adjacent parcel to the south. We were unable to enter the property to collect more information about the system within said property. Although we were unable to collect more information about the above mentioned yard drain, we believe this system will be inadequate to handle runoff from the proposed development. The County may however, require the existing hydrology to the wetland be retained, and therefore, the yard drain will continue to receive the same amount of runoff. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the southeast comer of Parcel B. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of 160111 Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C, and are itemized in the Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Parcel A to this system, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to improve the conveyance facilities between point 1 to point 30 (See Exhibits C and I). The new conveyance system will be design to handle the peak flow rates. Future Site Conditions This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within Parcels A and B. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the southeast comer of Parcel B. This development is within the Level 2 Flow Control Area, therefore, we are proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria to size the detention facility. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. There have been several recorded complaints along this downstream route (See Exhibit G). Due to the proposed plan to convey water from Parcel A to Parcel B, runoff to the downstream facilities on the eastside of 160th Avenue SE will be increased. It is therefore proposed to improve a portion of the downstream facilities to handle the post-development flows, and will be further discussed in Task 5 of this report. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we are proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, the pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. There is a proposed development called Evendell Plat, which is located south of Parcel A and across the street from Parcel B. A Level 3 downstream analysis, dated August 26, 2002 has been prepared by Haozous Engineering for said development. The analysis was later supplemented by a letter from Houzous Engineering, dated December 5, 2002 (See Exhibit K), which identified conveyance facilities that need to be upgraded. We believe that with the improvements proposed by Liberty Grove, and together with the improvement for Evendell Plat. most of the downstream problems will be eliminated. TASK 2: Resource Review The following is a description of each of the resources reviewed in preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. Flood Plain/Floodway {FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Refer to Exhibit D. 2. Offsite Analysis Reports We have reviewed the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Evendell Plat. Evendell Plat is located south of Parcel A and west of Parcel B. We also reviewed a supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, which lists the downstream facilities that need to be upgraded by the Evendell Plat (See Exhibit K). We have also review the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Evendell Plat, dated June 15, 2001. 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. 5. We have included a printout from the King County website as Exhibit F in this report. The printout shows that there are no sensitive areas on or adjacent to the site. However, a wetland area has been identified near the southwest comer of Parcel B. A wetland evaluation and delineation report has been prepared by Habitat Technologies. The report, dated November 5, 2002 has been review by Ms. Laura Casey of King County's Critical Areas Section. See Exhibit L for a copy of the letter from Ms. Casey. The wetland area is shown on the conceptual drainage plan, and will be within a Tract. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information There have been several recorded complaints, both on-site and within the downstream flow path. In Exhibit G, we have included a map showing the location of where each problem occurred and the complaint number. We have also included a summary of the pertinent complaints and a copy of each complaint. King County Soils Survey Maps The soil underlying the site is Alderwood. A copy of the relevant page from the King County Soils Survey Map is included as Exhibit H. TASK 3: Field Inspection As previously mentioned, this project involves the development of Parcels A and B. Although the parcels are not connected, they are part of the same basin. Parcel A presently drains into the facilities along the western side of 160111 Avenue SE, while Parcel B presently drains into the eastern side of 160111 Avenue SE. The flows however converge further downstream. It is proposed to divert runoff from the developed Parcel A into the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. This analysis therefore focuses more on the facilities downstream from the proposed detention facility. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review There were several drainage problems identified in the review. Please see Exhibits G, I and K, and also Task 5 of this report. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System See Exhibit I. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems See Exhibits G, I and K Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping. Scouring. Bank Sloughing. or Sedimentation See Exhibits G, I and K Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms At the time of the site visit, there where no signs of aquatic habitat or organism destruction. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use. Impervious Surfaces. Topography and Soil Types Qualitative data has been collected from previous field visits. This information is included within this report. 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures See Exhibits C and I. 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. At the time of the site visit. the tributary basins described in Task 1 were verified as being accurate. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area At the time of the site visit, a neighbor living in address 13814 160th Avenue SE was available during our site visit. This neighbor had previously complained about water overflowing from the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE and flowing into the facility in front of his property, causing said system to fail (See Exhibit G). This problem has been identified for the Evendell Plat also. and improvements were proposed to eliminate this problem (See Exhibit K). We are also proposing to upgrade this system in front of his property. The wetland area within Parcel 6 currentiy drains across address 13802 160th Avenue SE, before discharging into a channel behind the above mentioned neighbor's property (See Exhibit C). Said neighbor stated that he constructed the channel to allow water to flow freely. He also stated that the channel is dry during summer and wet during winter. He mentioned that there was no problem with the system. Furthermore, due to the requirement to maintain the wetland hydrology (See Exhibit L), the proposed plat of Liberty Grove should not have any effect on the system. 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit The site and downstream system were visited on Jan. 17 and Jan. 20, 2002. It had just rained prior to our Jan. 20, 2002 visit. 1. 2. TASK 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Description Drainage System Descriptions: As previously stated, runoff from the developed Parcel A will be conveyed to the detention facility to be constructed within the southeastern corner of Parcel 8. Discharge from the detention facility will be to the drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE, which is the focus of this report. The existing drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE consist of roadside ditches and driveway culverts. Several complaints have been filed due to the failure of this system. One residence has experience flooding on more than one occasion. Haozous Engineering, in their study of the downstream facilities, prepared a Level 3 analysis. A supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, outlining their proposed improvements is included as Exhibit K in this report. It is evident that the downstream facilities will have to be upgraded to fix the ongoing problems within said system. Problems: A summary of the different complaints is included in Exhibit G. Please see Exhibits C and I also. TASK 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Drainage facilities for the proposed Liberty Grove Plat will be designed using the guidelines within the King County Surface Water Design manual. The development is proposing to install a new detention and water quality facility within the southwest property comer using Level 2 Flow Control criteria and basic water quality requirements. Due to several recorded downstream drainage problems, we are proposing to improve some of the downstream facilities as shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan. The new facilities will be designed per the quidelines within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S., it is our under standing that downstream improvements will be required from similar projects within the basin in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. The drainage complaints are included in Exhibit G. Also included in Exhibit G is a summary of the drainage complaints that relate to this project. Each complaint will be address as follows: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. These complaints originated from Parcel B of the project. These problems will be eliminated by the development of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160thAve. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. The County will require the flows to the wetland within Parcel B to be maintained, and therefore there should be no affect on this property. 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell will be improving the west side 160th Avenue SE, which will also help eliminate the problem. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell has also proposed to improve the system in front of this property (See Exhibit K). 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 1997-206 16046 SE 142°d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. This is beyond Y.-mile downstream from the project site. We believe the Level 2 Flow Control requirement should be sufficient mitigation for the erosion problem. In addition to the above mentioned solutions, the conveyance facilities between point 1 and point 30 (See Exhibit C), will be analyzed and upgraded accordingly to handle post- development flows from the basin. This level 1 analysis has provided a complete review of the downstream conditions. With implementation of the conveyance, detention and water quality standards, the project should not pose significant negative impacts to the downstream drainage course. EXH18!1 A 11 w (/) SITE I f- "' "' :,:W f-(/) "' > ~., SE 136TH ~ubrnrY w f-NI (/) 0 m H.S. > ~ MA;LEWOOD :: H El Gf-lTS £/1 PAK 12 I I I I -----T-- 13 ST 1 I I I I I I I I I +=""-++=¥r--+..>.J-------+-- RENTON FISH ANO I GAME CLUB REC AREA VICINITY MAP Scale: 1" = 1 /2 MILE 24 .. ~ ~ ,., SCAU tN ra:T •.• , .,.:._ , .•. l. -·' "' ,Moilil, 1·· - • , I: I -. '" '" . . -· ... .. ' •'"' .,.,.,, ,. ' ,, ' , , '" •• , · ,, I \ . ...,,,_"" 1 !"'' "' ' ' . ._. <,. "II, ' '·, , I ' -............ ---...,,----,i ,,, . '·-16Y -@ ' .,.,. •• _,. ~· • ,-,•< .. .- ' ' / .. .... 1i: ' I ~ t ,. ' l w I ' . ' .. ' t '' ' 1, • ·,· \'. ... '\· ' .\. ~ : . .'·; • .......1"'!-. ...... ...,...-ll·"'..,_~ )· ..llJ ' • '"' ' \. 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II I XI . m SAO- Sh0ft!lli1e Uanagall'IBllt ~n m SAO.....,_ m SAOCcaJ-. £XH!Blr F m Cutu•q ~ SAO-m -• SAO-!!JEN~tnt/£ AREAS ma -Im Omoolt lli<M>utian INFCll.HAT/tJN §Ill RuC "*it!) • s---onTile ma .,._ - he information included on tilts map has been compiled l7f Kmg County staff from a variety of sources and t8 eubiect to change without notice. ~ng CoUnty makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such nformation King County shaB not be liable for any general, special, incirect, incidental, or consequential damages inclucing. but not limited to, ~ revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map OJ information on Ulis map is prohibited except bv written permission of Kina Countv. · v.~ r..1U1ntv I (;IS Center I News I Servi~ I Comments I Search EXHlblT G Swt-1 DI ,/1S1DN f)/l.AtNAbf. /rJVE~T!GM!ol'J !NFCi2NPr7ltYI/ 111g Cllllty Wair ... lad' .a.llllllm-llr*8galnll:asSa:lill Ci1iC,•1 Sa-di Plwu.d : 12128100 7:36~ AM Clalblol '"" '"""--II--1-.... -!all 1974-0095 C Rl1'tW' 15225 JONES RO ROO<SIDIKEl15219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657A4 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RO ROO<IDIKE/JONES RD/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1974-0103 C 15631 .IONESRDSE W/0 BACKFIUJJONES RO 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD OITCWALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975--0128 C FLOG 16418 SEHSTHST STORM SEWERSIBR\ARWOOO S 65784 1976-0084 C 156TH Pl SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RO/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657M 1976-0091 C DEBRl 15463 SE JONES RD cEDARRIVER 657A4 1979-0090 C DRNG 14406 162NOAVSE 65783 1980-0117 C DANG 13405 158THAVESE 657A2. 1981-0316 C 15035 SE.JONES RO DIKE JETlYJCEOAR RIVER 657A4 / 1962-0520 C FLOG 13612 160Tl-lAVESE 65782 1962-0521 C A.OG 16426 SE 145THPL BRIARWOOD AREA 65784 1983-0357 C DANG 1<827 SE.JONES RD CHNL OVERfLOIMADSEN CRK 657M ' 1983--03116 C DRNG 15243 SE. 132ND ST . ORNG DITCH/SE 132ND ST/152NO AVE SE 657A2 1983-0387 C A.OG. 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOO AR.EA 65783 1964-0224 C A.OG 16211 SE 145Tl-t ST 65784 1985-0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RO KG ClY _NOT RESP-Wlli.nocE.NF 657M 196&-0Jn C VIOLATE 15617 SE JONES RD MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PLAIN 6S7A4 1986-0372 E lll..OVLT 15817 SE JONES RO TO BA.L.D FOR CM{CHK STAT BY CMOT}. 657M 1986--0378 C FLOG 13129 160TiiAVE SE BLOCKED OOCH 65782 1986-0437 C CUl.vERT 15252 SE 142ND Pl INSTAUATION-NEED CB 6571\3 19'l6-0651 C FILUNG 15045 SE JONES RO SEE 86-0745.1158 657A4 1986--0745 C ALL 15045 SE JONES RD IUEGAL Flll-CEDAR RIVER 657M 1986-0812 C EROSION 15421 SE JONES RO CEDAR RIVER 657AA 1986-1158 C A.OG 15059 SE JONES RO SEE: 86--0745 BRAM8LETT 86-0745 657M 1987--0430 C TRFDTO SWM-FM/RO OR.NG. 65782 1967-0430 ER OH/SWM DIV PLY. 65782 1987--0430 NOA OHISWM DIVPLY. 65782 1987--0496 C DRNG 16423 SE 135THST SEEPAGE 65782 1987--0589 C SEE 87-0430 WILSON. 657132 1967-0593 C ORNG 16904 SE 1~HST ORNG ESMT WATEPJOITCH NEEDS MAINT 65782 1967-1001 " ALL 16861 SE JONES RO ILLEGAL. FILL IN FLDPt..AIN 65784 1988-0377 C ORNG 14250 161ST AVE. SE HAZARDOUS POND OHfTO CM. 06/10/89 65783 1989-0020 C ALL 13400 168THAVE SE NEAR DRNG CHNL 65782 1989-0086 C DRNG 14820 Hi4THPL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 198S-0863 C DRNG 1=• 168TiiAVESE DrTCH CLEANING/LOSING YARD 65782 ,_/ 1989-0867 CL DRNG 13802 160THAVE. SE CU12735 DllEAPRIL 6S7B2 Page 1 ol 4 DIii*! lWIJwlor--·-ClalllJ ----1990-0318 C FlDG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITCWSTORM El/ENT 657M ·1-C ORNG 1"9<3 SE JOHESRD DEBES IN mEEKJSTORM E\l£NT" 657M 199().0518 a. FlDG 15225 SE JONES RD a.12839 657M 1990-0590 C DANG 14933 SE JONES RO BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657M 1!19C>07tl2 a. FlDG 15059 SE JONES RO CU12933 SEE TUU.Y DUEA.UGUST ·657A4 1990-0748 a. FlDG 15023 SE JC)IES RD CIJ12989 SEE TVLL V DUE AUGUST 657M 1990-0793 a. FlDG 15035 SE J<)IESRO WA.SHE OOlJT DR1VEWAY1Clfl3019 SEE 657AA 1990-0931 C DANG 16423 SE 135THST SWJUIP IN NEXT LOT/STORM SS782 1990-0056 a. FlDG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM a.OGGED CULVERT/a.J1313 657M 1990-1023 C DRNG 15'08 SE JONES RO HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 651M 199CH1D1 C EASEMT 16516 SE 149THST ON LOT BUl.O AOOl1lON 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE .1491H.ST MET ON SITE WllL SUBMIT PROPOSED S 657134 1990-1280 C DRNG Wl:26 16STHPL SE ONTO 0/W AT CUL~ SAC 65784 1990-1343 C ORHG 14920 163RDCT SE OAMI\GEO PVT DRAIN -· 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156ll< PL SE PIPE OVTFAU TO RIVER 651M 1990-1509 C EROSION 14250 15'IBPLACE SE CULVERT DAMAGE NtO St.JOE IN RAVINE 651M 1990--1542 C FlDG 16448 SE JONES RO WATER OVER RONYNAY/Ot.Jf OF BANf<S 657134 1990--1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JOtESRD OF Ffflt'ERBANKtFAJLEO LEVEE 651M 1990-1673 C EROSION 14908 SE JOIESRO CEDAR RIVER BANK 657M 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 ·SE JQIESRO REPAIR OF Oll<'.E OF RIVER 05784 1991-0064 C FlDG 16426 SE 145TH R/0 P\.UGGEDINO OR.AtNAGE 05784 19914)154 SR FLOG 16426 SE 145TH ROST FM ADO TO Ol.OSIOFF 657B4 1991-0188 C DANG 16400 SE 143RD Pl.ACE BROKENP1PE 65783 1991..()168 E DANG 143RD SE 1&1TH AVE. Se BROKEN PIPE 657113 1991-0322 C FlDG 16418 SE t4ST1-I ST PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 05784 t991-04ZZ C DANG 16448 SE J<)IES RD ROCKS AND OEBfUS FROM RAVINE 65784 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SEJONESRO OHIRORNGCM051t1/91 SEE91--0530 65784 1991--0688 C ORNG 15243 SE 132NO ST BACKYARD IS UNUSABLE 651Kl 1991-0150 C AU. 13008 156THAVE. SE IN DRAINAGE AREA 6S1Kl 1991-(1954 C FLOOOING 15606 SE 143RDST STORM EVENT C/B OVERFLOW 6S7"3 1991-1000 C DRAINAGE 13535 160THAVE. SE MAINTAINENCE Of UNOPEN R.0.W. OITC 65782 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165THAVE SE WATER PONDING 1N ROAD 65784 1992-0082 C DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 E DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 ER DRAINAGE 12817 162ND. SE PnlA<SyCmDt). 65782 1992-0082 PN DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 l!l!n-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143RD~ TIJRNEOTOE 6S783 1993<l252 E DRNG 16410 SE 1-43RO Pl.ACE CHECKSTATBYCMDT DATE 6S783 1993-0521 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160TH Pl.ACE BROKEN WATER i..JNE 65782 1993-0528 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160THPLACE SEE 93-0521 65782 J)age'2Qf4 Dll9IIIII = '"'"--..11-----1993-0724 C FLDG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOODING 657ll2 1993-0n• RN FLDG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOOOING 1N WEll.ANO ON PROPERTY ·6571l2 1&S3-07~ <rue UUMr=it,;G. ioo61 5C: JCNESRu 657B4 1993-0752 WQE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RO SEDIMENT FROM WEl..1. DRIUING 65784 1993-1063 C HOU" 16519 SE 149THST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 1994-0326 C DRNG 13200 156TH AVEY RD SE NEW UPSTREAM CONSfRUCTION -Will. 657"2 1994-0538 C >"'2ARD 16519 SE 14911-i ST NEW KC Of'TOf tN YARD IS AHAZAAO 65784 1994-1011 C DRNG SE 132ND & 156TH A SE DIRECT DISCHARGE FROM Pl.AT OEVElO 657"2 1995--0107 C COLVERT? 15641 SE 1'36Tli PL POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO S 657B3 1995-0715 C RUNOFF 164)0( SE 135TH ST ROAD CULVERT DISCHARGE HIST ORNG 657ll2 1995-0907 C DRAINAGE 1310Q 164THAVE SE I.ACK OF COHVEYANCE IN UNOPENED RI 65702 1995-0907 R DRAINAGE 13100 164THAVE SE LAOC OF CONVEVANCElN UNOPENED R/ 65782 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148THST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 1996-0039 C DRNG 15609 SE 128TH ST NO INFORMA TlON AVAllABLE 65182 1996-02<!9 C FLOG 1S225 162NOAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996-02<!9 R FLOG 1S225 162NOAvE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM tMPACT PVT PR 6S7B4 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NOAVE SE SEE 96-0289 DUP 65784 1996-05'6 C RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFAC1NG 65783 1996-0556 R RUNOFF 1"31l1 166THPL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURF.ACING 65783 199&-0869 C FLDG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OlJT 657M 1996-0869 NDA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657M 199&-0869 R FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657M 1996-0870 C R/OPONO 1SJOC< SE 143ROST KIDS USING PONO FOR DIRT BIKES 657"3 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL SE REIMSURSMENTFORO.~UPWORKIN 657M 1996-1253 C ORNGIPIP 1SZ!6 162NOAVE SE PVT ORNG INSTAU.ATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1253 NOA DRNGIPIP 1SZ!6 162:NOAvE SE PVT ORt,lG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1253 R ORNGIPIP 1SZ!6 162ND AVE SE PVT ORNG !NSTAUATtoN IMPACT ROAD? 65764 1996-1557 WOA CONSUt.T 13203 156THAVE SE BCW SITE CONSULTATION 657A2 1996-1724 C FLOG H206 164Tli AvE. SE OFFS1TE FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 65783 1996-1762 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD DAMAGE TO ORNG OUTFAU. TO CEDAR R 657M 1997-0056 C DITCH 13215 1S4THAVE SE 657"2 1997..oo56 R DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 657"2 ./ 1997-0203 C FLOG 14026 16011-lAVE SE OVERFLOW FROM DIW CUl V IMPACT PVT 65783 v 19':17 -0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFfSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRNATE PRO 65783 / 1997-0206 NOA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL oFFSfTE R.OW IMPACTING PRNATE PRO 657B3 ,/ 1997-0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND Pl OfFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 657B3 1997-0318 CL CLAIM 14036 S6THAVE SE fl.00()».lG DUE TO PLUGGED CULVERT 651"3 /[/Or ~ 1997-0423 CL FLOG 1-4028, 160THAVE SE ROADSIDE OfTOi OV1:;RFLOW-160TH AvE 65783 It VAi i.A ~ 1997-0454. C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT DRNG 657A3 1997-0524 C EROSION 1'631 156Tli AVE. SE NATIJRAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657M Page3of'4 ~ --.... -_ .. _ ----DIii 1997...()8$ Fa< v~ 167TH PL SE & SE 1.44lH VAHDN...JSMTO RID VEHlJFJCATION SIGH 65783 1997..(1917 FCR DRNPOND 145TH SE Pl B1WN 150&151 Pl NEIGH KIDS OIGGING IN PONO SIDE SLOP 6S7A3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RD STUMPS STOCKPJI..Et) FOR CO PROJECT 1;57M 1997-1432 C DRAINAGE 15413 SE 133ROST l.OT DRAINAGE PVT DRNG SYS CB L.<JWE f;57A2 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 145THST ltFU-TRATION pONI) NOT HANJLING LAR 65784 1998-0152 C DRAINAGE 13115 156THAVE SE PVT PROPERTY IMPACT DUE TO NTRL. OR 6S7B2 1998-0192 FCR w.sre 15006 SE 1'51HPl DOG WASlE SIGN REOUESTEO 1;57"3 1-.i= C DRAINAGE 14312 160THAVE. · SE LOW AAEA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1--= C lREES 1<232 1S<fTHPl SE TREE FALL DAM FENC:E. NOT lDSU f"ACI 1;57"3 1998-<>475 woe N..GAE. 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RB.EASE FROM ASH PONO 65784 1998-<>475 WOR N..GAE 16713 SE JONES RD &GAE. RB.EA.SE. FROM FISH PONO 65784 199S-0931 wac FUL 12813 163RDA.VE. SE OUMP1NG OF COL ADJ TO IJRAltW3E SYS 65783 1"9!><Xl59 a_ lREE 14334 t66THPl SE TREE FALL DAMAGED FENCE 1;5783 199S-0225 wac DUMPING 15921 SE 148THST DUMPING ON PVT PROP Y>n:J WASTEJOE 65784 ·/= FO< RDMAINT 15006 SE 145TH PL REQUEST TO REPlACE BOllAROS ANO l 657M. woe WO< 13612 160TH AVE SE APPARENT IRON OXIDE BACTERIA IN DtS 65782 200(>()666 FCR MNM t63XX SE 1'5THST REQUEST TO HST ALL ADOrTlONN.. TRAS 65784 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145THST DUMPINGISTOCKPnJNG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 1'5THST DUMPtNGISTQCKPtUNG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000.()703 FCR· MNM 16225 SE 145THST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LID. FENC 65784 2<J00.<)731 FCR MMG 14210 149THPL SE OEVl..E:Of'MENT WITHIN TI£ CITY OF REN 657"3 2000-0731 WOE woo 14210 149TH PL SE . DEVLEOPMENT WITTffN 1lfE CITY OF REN 657"3 2000-0731 WQR MMG 1"210 149TH Pl SE OEVl.EOPMENT WITHIN THE aTY OF REN 6S7"3 .. ·--------·-·-·--·---· -------,------- ____ , ___ _ ;___ --.i. • • • • • . • • -· ' -~~ . . . ,:rs: . : ; ___ tril9,, 01-· . -' 8 C. .- DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS SUMMARY: 1. 2. 3. 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Complaint Number: Address: Description: Complaint Number. Address: Description: Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160u, Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160u, Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160u, Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160u, Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160u, Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 1997-206 16046 SE 142"d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.2/6 Plat name: ~ fivi.K. hn: ~ Tl!..-LotNo: / BlockNo:3 Other agencies involved: No field investigation required:-...,=--- S::: _L±.._ '2.3 5 . . . ~ . s , T · . R · Parcel No. /1./5 75t}tJ035 Kroll 'if JJ · Th.Bros: New fl.E1 @.2--· ·.. . -· JRN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 ' • .,. t ·tr '* aw ... ,.,._,,.,,z vntr : :rs: • z:: r · r rr : a 11 ·• tt " · tit, 11 1, •. , . Nam:: ~~'K::1• 1 • U (,, .. ' , )l!tVJ\ btfit I; .. p' r#f6-Complaint No. 00 0322 Investigated by; Virgil Pacampara Date: May 16, 0000 DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: I met with Mr. Craig Geller (re.sident) at 2:30 PM regarding a water quality complaint. He informed me that he has no idea where the pipe has originated, its source of flow and notice the discharge two months ago. He been living in that home for sevm months only. The subject of complaintS a 6" dia., white colored PVC pipe discharging an orange colored liquid. The exposed end-part (out mil) of pipe line is located nt side ditch of 160th Ave. SE. app!'Olt. 40 feet North from the SW comer of the property. Using the end of pipe as reference point (refer to photo# 1,2, 3). It seems it was been laid Iatmally at an angle towards the bOU$e in north-easterly direction and buried in varying depth of I' to 2' feet. At time of visit, I took a water sample frolll out fall (end of pipe). It is discharging clear/ colorless liquid(~ to photo# 5,6). Noted a constant flow of dischll!'ge in the whole duration of visit. Stained area is still visible (refer to photo #4, 5,7), No trace of recent back fill/ excavations aloug !he probable route of PVC pipe due to presence of'debris and yard waste scattered all over the property. Notice the south side of the small ~ge, a stock pile of used/ remna!lts of varying size of PVC pipe includin1; an identical 1.ize and color of pipe mentioned in the complaint (he informed me that it was materials use at his othei· work as a plumber). Checked water meter for possible leak in water supply of tb.e house, (noted water meter gage is not running despite a constant discharge of liquid/ water in out tall). He added tliat a septic tank is serving his sewerage system and a drain field located at backyard. The roof downspout is not connected to any stann drain pipe, will create a surface run off in the area (refer to phato #8). W au:r sample taken from the pipe reveals Category #4; variety of iroP-related bacteria and Category #S; Iron -related bacteria plus anaerobic & aerobic slime- ~• ·').,!-,-~~Sl~B!~~-~.-::Z,......,1!!.t~-"l"lfl~-~at~"ll"~~~~~~-- 16" dia. r---,----T---, drainage pipe ~ I I ----, (buried) · Pratt I Walberg I #ltiOl I #16021 j I I I I I I I I Properiy line I I I I driveway ,--------...... -1 I I 1113612 --.-------. L ___ r--,::=:~,a/;!~L~---l..j Drain field Water meter Old traile, ditch Out fall/ area Old garage i""'"<::::::---.ir::-----:--::--::-:-, I , Stock pile of pipes (used I remnants) I .,,___ '-----------' I I _ _J JAN.29.2003 -;---l.;,-· .- 12:10PM N0.339 KC WLRD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORICS I K ,, COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT P.12/13 ~J.-ad,u, - DIVISION NO, · A_ 0896<+ DATE 7 S ~8 f?, Cl Complain• Recd NATURE OF COMPLAINT, 11 <JOlJ/11)(., '""-'.:.;:.:;=c.....:::=:.:..:::..::.:..a"'---.:.....:::...::..=--...;.;_~~---·-------------lRodio O 0Ti>en 0 LOCATION, l3 6 I l • 16 0 Av6 St!" Phone k'.I On-view O COMPLAINANT, JoHfl S:r~wA(T ADDRESS 136/Z,.-/{,o 4v, <;;E PHONE: 7 72--C,3'1< Details of Complaint, Jow,o 0fovt~ A.VO C,1.AJ Btr l)o!UC ? Complaint Received Bv, ~''! (. e;w Complaint Referred To, ~ot:et. /31?11i1~K Dote,' r' ff:~ 8'l- The Stewart property is naturally low,lying approx. 4 feet below the ACTIONTAKEN,surrounding prope;rty which is County road, and other private propert~ 'he road and its culverts have been in existence for well beyond 7 years. I aon't 'eel we should do any work,expending public funds to improve private property. Ir. Stewart could install a French drain,collect any water that enters his pro_per ,nd discharge from the french drain into the roadside ditchll along 160th AVE,S.E. 'he discharge wonld have to be controlled so that it was not much more than a tri .n order to assure that the ditch can handle it, and that we also do not create~ ,roblems elsewhere, Stewart told me h~ 7ants County to channel the drainage along Cornploinant advised of Action po,sible e , Phone @ Lelle< 0 Personal Contoct O :J -b:tf lte,J :/o ""'"P.' .he roads and not onto , ..,,.L' rP "'"+ ""er ~6"t. ,,.. ~ Complaint Action Handled By . · / 1 /ft# Q2 -a...,t r"'e( ~ c' [aJ)s show Natural d.1:'ainage ..,... OATI! f'bio,:c,·.,.. +i...:rr Tf.t~s .cl'oss his property.Established dr. inage. "' ~~1'-rat-e. p..-oble.,.. RETAIN PINK CARBO~: ENO YELLOW ANO WHIT O~Ro . ..,;, w£,Jet.. -the U'lof>th 11.? ~ l .. ;,,; r.o-t ff,lk:e ci~+,,,..,, -a_ C, ¥0'" e/o~-..., +t...-.. """' • . : / ·---·- JAN.29.2003 12:10PM KC WLRD ·' 1 6 0 A V s E -------OPEN DITCH :, , 1 S. E. 136th Street '. I OPEN 1-4-· DITCH 13612 'C.------D I: ------ -- STEWAR't' PROPERTY ----- N0.339 P.13/13 1 ----· O.DITCH 6 • 2 , I I r A I • I V r" I I s . OPEN I E l DITCH~ \ ,, , I. /,. / . - · l(i;,g c.__ounty Department_ !)f TrallSpol:_tatiq_n Citizen Action Request Form Request taken vii>: P {P)hone (R)adio (O)n-Yiew (F)ax By: MCDONALD Caller Name: BOWDEN, BRET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 l,.ocalioo: 160 AV SE@13814 Request Details: CLEAN DITCH Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: --.. roromc:e Use Initial lmrestigatioo by: CAMPBELL F1rufings Action Taken: SLOPE MOWED Task Completed: 262 Responding Pit SUMMIT Second lnlle$ligalion by: Action Taken: Refer'd to: Task Completed: Contact Log: I 10/6/99 PM CONT ACTED CITIZEN Time Refd: Req.Type: D RPU Request Type: RequestN~ RequestDa~ RequestTime: 9u0 Day Phone: (425)255-6152 Other. 3'\ ~ 5£ lo~ Re,.....-k ... C\5os-g Investigation Date: 10/0511999 or Work Scl\eduled: I Date Refs: Date Recv'd: Date Closed: 08/23/2000 Caller contacte<I by: I (P) Phone {I) In petson {N) Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A. Abandoned/Com'L Vehicle B. Utility • ......,..,., C. Conlra<:I/Oller1 iSsUes D.Drainage E. Debris on Roaaway F. Roo,jng P«lporty G. --.C..Damage H. Spil Cleanop (°"'*31) I. Inquiries RE: Maint. Actvilies J. Spray Appicatiorl KW-Repai<ISli::loRemoval . L V~ Control ()Ao,,. Brush. e!c.) M. llega! Use or R/W N.Shculder Naw\~ 0. Ilise. Requesls p_p_ 0. Sidewsl</Curb Maint. R Repair Streel/Pavw,g S. S-Main.JSloeep T. Trashllitler on RMI U.Snaoab V. Waleror, RoadlFlooding W. Lid Missing (CJB Uli.) x_ D!lching Y.Bnd!)e1- . Ki~ County Oepart{llent of Tr.t!!spo~on Citizen Action Request Form Request taken via: p (P)hone (R)adio (O)n-V-tew (F)ax By: GALLARDO C::aller Name: l:30~EN, l:3RET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 Location: 160 AV SE ~1381_4 Request Details: DRAINAGE DITCH PLUGGED Request forwarded to: PU 004 0111: 4 Dispatched to: ;RONIN Time Refd:t633 ---for Office Use Initial Investigation by: CRONIN Req. Type: D Findings Action Taken: VACTOREO & FLUSHED SYSTEM Task Completed: 241 Refer°d to: RPU Responding Pit: SUMMIT Second Investigation by: Action Taken: Task Completed: Request Type: Contact Log: RequestN-~ Reques!Oa~ Request Time: 1633 Day Phone: (425)793-7783 Other: ---fur Field Use Investigation Date: 12/13/2001 or Work Scheduled: I Dale Refs: Date Recv'd: · Date Closed: 12/1412001 Caller eonlacted by: U {P) Phone (lJ In peqon (N) Note or letter {U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choice$ A AbandonedlComl Vehicle B. Utility tn.pedion c.~isoues o.~ E. Oellris oo Roao»ay F. Flooding P<ope,ty G. GuanltaM'eK:e ~ H. Sp! Cleanup (General) t Inquiries RE: llaint. - J. Spray Applicalm K. Waohout RepaidSlide Removal L Vegetation C<>rrtrcl (Maw, BIUSh, etc.) M. !legal \Joe ol RNV N. Shwkle< Mamoenarn:;e 0. Misc. Requests P.P- Q. S-,Curb llaint R. Repaa-S-amg S.SlleetMainJS- T. Trash/Utter on RM/ U.Snowllce V.Wab!ronRoad'Flood;ng W. Lid Misslng (CJB Ulil) X. Ditching Y. Bridge Issues JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.4/6 .......... ~~. -- KING COUNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMEITT DIVISION DRAJNAGB lNVESTIGATION RE],'ORT Page· 1:· INVESTIGA.TION'REQUE~T L. ,; , ·r .f J , 1 11_. I .. Type (?./ 1 . Received by; .· I Date: OK'd by: File No. ?7-;;? 0~ . . t:~ ·~ • Recefved from: ·· (Please pri plaln tor scanning), . (Day) {&le) Nme. · -/llcuo}i.f&U?.t/vn .: · . PHoNe d 77-: £9.;J.L& ADDRESS: &Od£ d/a Ofd6 u»r 0 < st=' City tfkt/m!) .state ZlpJ?& Loca~on of problem, If different . · ~ . ) L!JtNo: J BlcckNo: 3 ~ ~ DISPOSmON: Turned to __ • On ____ . by __ _ OR: No further ac!lon recommended b< _ Lead agency has been notified: _ Problem has been corrected. -_-;N:;::o:-::p:=ro:;::;bl'='=em=has::-=.:b~ee=--n~ld:r:e=ntc;;;ified::'.:l'"", ---_--;:P::,rio:-.:r,:lnvest1=~g:'C'.at~lo,...n...,.a'c;-dd'-:.res-s-es-pr SH File ,t, • _ Private problem -NDAP will no: consider because: · _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel . Loc:atlon ls outside SWM Se~;ea. ,;__ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSED: ,2_ t_Ll;.J.l. by:~ ;?jlJ'/f<rfff J •• ' ... .-~- ~·~ ·: .' '! 1 . ! ' ,, ' . . . ' ' .. -·. . . ·.' I';< th' ' ' 160 Ave. S.E . . . . -. . ~' · ... ,;-:~ ·, :: ·.: :1 !, Culvert inlet area red~d 1,ly sedim,mt an gravel build~ul> -. . ' r, ,1' ... .. Stonn dnin I 140 ,, . , .. ·U. ------i !-' {· ': \' ,. . ';. l > N0.222 P.5/6 -~,. , •• -..... :..:,,•--.•• ••••••H••"i.,. ••• ................................ . l-f\,. . ...... ..,---·--~ding· Water ........... . @ ... ~ ,,u••' J · .. '-..~.: .. ·:~ace Wat.er Disc}µtr.ges ' '·. ··: t6 Openi Land' . . i 0 h ..... ,,,,,o000000•o O , .. :•••'••,, .. _ ! ••oo00o000oo00000Hooo0•0••uo••H00T0··· ··1·-•......................... f ... -· .. ••--:· ··-· .... '· ,, JRN.24.2003 4:16PM KC l,l..RD ··, .. .. N0.222 P.6/6 ............... ·- \. ---~ ,, .......................... ,h ........ --~; ace Water .ICDUDIY ..__J._--"..;,.;_____. __________ ProJect-----1 '.•• anaaament Eve1JM1e lives downstream Con P'-----Chk ____ Rev ___ _ Engineering & Enllironmental Services Oat _ Date Date I I I I I I \ \ ' I I . ' ~"" : ~ k t·!-c. l • • ., ... SWM-EngWorkSheet 4122193 I I £; . I .' I . ._ I 1 I l I ' . :.·. \L / ,. r-..._...-- I I t •i,.. •. ' ,__ ·t ~ I,, .~ .._. ---S ,,_ C r c... -h,. I. e+ vvdc-.. Page of ----· ·- h.r.. t..... . I Pages '\.. I .. \ - KING COUN1Y, WASHINGTON CLAIM FOR DAMAGES CUIM 21860 NOTICE: Ne damages. can t,e·paid 't1( King County unless a claim ccmplyfngwith Was~ington Slate La,; 'f. preser~ed to the King County Council Alter fif1t1g claim. please direct all que,;tions to the Office cl 2-o;k Mana9cment at, (206) 296-7 432. lNS TRUCT\OHS: 1 )Complete form1 gMng specific details abOut your damaf;e er loss. In.elude dates. !I.mes ood Wilr>esses. Z)Sign and have tr.e rarm notartzed. 3)Return fo/m to King County.Clerk of !he. Ccur.c.,. Rvem 403, King Count;, Courthcuse, Seattle, WA. 9a 104. '-----~--==---==--=·-====-------.dJ;----§5:~--.;~.:...~·~ =-=-=:-::-::=--,-:,~-c=~~-,--..._.,--,------------';>-....3.----1'.!L. __ ~ING COUNTY'S !NVOL VSMENT (If p<¥,ibJe, identify the empio',-ee Of department ~ ;~(") ! :nclc-ent): k a'lisc{'...,e.v,:-ll · . . _., m -i ' $ =u ~ i . ! ~r 1nls IS a !rue ana 2etura~~ ttatemeht'. t .. I I '. J •.' d . i .J; i'.L PROPERTY DAMAGE 35.00 Hair dryer 95:00 vacuum cleaner 950.00 Carpet and pad l 50.00 Removal 600.00 Doll I-louse 40.00 Dog bt•d 225.00 two Nintendos 100.00 Srcreo cabinet 800.00 1-lidcabed 750.0C) Couch 350.00 Recliner 250.00 Stereo spei,kers 200.00 roffee table l 75.00 Picnire fnuneS 185.00 Wicker chair 450.00 three doors at I 50.00 each 100.00 Rug cleaner-rental 50.00 Rug llm rental -5 days $5,505.00*To<al Costs Brenden claim /\ttachmenl C Jamiary 18, 1997 .. The total amount dots: not include hidden charges such as mildew or water·damages to the walls or instl1alion . ) j ;; r~~~iue.~h~M~~l:it~tta~k~iJl .. ~7~~~~-e.;~}~~w~~~WfiX"~~,dRE&.{tltwdn~~™-~®:iati-£1~~~~'.f~I:~~P.~'Z"?~$~~,!~!"-A-·'·~ ' .'i King County lnvolveinent Brenden claim Attachment B fanU3T)' [ 8, ] 997 King County Maintenance over a period of ,tuu monihs have ~en cle3ning, iining and otherwise .. improvintthe drainage ditches on both sides of 160 SE above iny properly starting at a point from $E 130th srreet. Thesi: improvements and cleaning was extended to approximately I block North ofmy property. This ac(ion caused the drainage water to be an diverted to the cul~ert at my prnpc,t}' site rather I.ban some waters be absorbed by properties above mine. Immediately North of my site the County and/or others diverted all waters draining on the Westside.of 160 SE by the use of a culvert under the roadway to the East sid<! of 160.SE thereby doubling the water-volume immediately above my home site. This ·action along with ditch improvements to the North and the:debris lmildup in thl' ditclJ next lo my home caused an o, .. rllow of the culvert area· and du'i:cily caused my"iiouse 10 be deluged with drainage watc,". I believe the County erred in·improvingthe dr.i.inage areas above my site rather ,ban below m:, site. This left only my house to contain !he excess How of water. · I h,-,., included photographs to help you better understmld the Councy's negligence in this matter. PhOto No. I Driveway al 13815 160 SE-shows drain c11]\..;rt and volume of warer on\VESTsideof 160 SE Photo No. 2 Drainage and culvert WEST side of J 60 SE Photo No. 3 Drninage of water in ditch on WF.ST side of 160 SE and the point where this drainage is directly dosed ulT and routed 10 the EAST side of 160 SF. and directly feeds this waler through my culvert. Ph"lo No. 4 Drainage on EAST side of 160 SE and immediately prior to conversion of waters see Photo. No. 3 Photo No. S Drainage ditch on EAST side where waters from both EAST and WEST ditches were diverted by'the County dircc-1ly abllve my res1dence. Photo No. 6 Drain culvert from WEST ditch to EAST ditd1. Photo No. 7 EAST ditch directly Nonh of my residence and after the conversiOTl ofbolh WEST and EAST drainage dilches into one drainag-c dite-h. Pilato No. 8 West side of 160 SE ( across the street from my home). Altboul!h there is a culvert on the South 11\e culvert ends or is plugged before it meets the d"1in waters on the WEST side of 160 SE_ d .. .-; --J '·J . :f J ' . i ·j , .. •-_. I· ··.:1·- ·i ·.1 l,:':., . 'j, ~ ' . -,-:i(\= :--:;•;'" .,,-·;_ -. ... ,.., ,-,.; ··, ,-,'.:-·•< . '· o,; cl J . . ~~;:..9fi-;.~<~,d-;u/~aJ::i<J5lJ:~f,ldZ.~&~·t~::J:~~@::..:>i::~w°J~~£~~~~~;1·.r;:;-;;~j~.~:~-~,-·,,.-'.L'il ... ~:;,, ~--;;.• .~::::-~7·;':'~,;-..-_r; :·:: : "'-~~_:;;:-::·,~ ... -.• ,,. ~c.:,.-:.T.""!".-" ~ -.-,,:r·., ;-;--,- ., ~. ·,.; -'' .. !. -, . .. ;::-,,,._-,:;, ::•., . . ,-,-, ., if ip /.f. ,: .. ',;·-· ,.._., : .. <,. _·: '. •' ··-.. ~ . ·,•· ., . '!'.; ·+,·· ., ..... · . .-1•; -: ~f7mrt."'1hl1~~Tirb.i::/~mi~~fl'-if1ff~~~}.-;t~1!.~.?~-ci~~ .. 1.{'fhfiR3~1J.:t; •.. ;~~·:i::•-;;:~'D~~~:S'\ll.I~, .. ~~-·" .·. · ' : 1< •. • ... !;'.i"·,· Brenden claim Attachment A Janna!)'. JS, 1997 Description of details: (see auachment A) .! Loss resuhed from approximately a foot or so of water entering: the grp11t1d floor area ofmy home at 14028 160 Avenue SE and severely damagmg or destroying the co:nkrtts of !he living area of)ny home. The water was the res11!1 of an overflow from th.e roadside ditches and its drainage culvert on 160 SE caused by I. overgrowth of vegetation 2. det>ris in lhe ditch immedia1ety adjacent 10 my home and 3. excessive wa1« drainage routed to the ditch adjacent tQ my home. by the County. ·.,.:.· ::·! ,.; 'd '•· i ,. ·, .;-. ·--. ·. -~-·~ .. , ..... L,: i; September 11, 1998 TO: Karen Graham, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Harold s{~i, Manager, Road Services Division . RE: Claim: 21860/Clalmant; Marshall M. Brenden/Amount; ss.sos.oo Thank you for your February 5, 1997 memorandum requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. This claiinant alleges damage to various pieces of personal property due to King County Maintenance cleaning, piping and otherwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of 160th Avenue Southeast, above his property at #14028. This work caused the drainage water to be diverted to the culvert at his property site. rather than some waters to be absorbed by properties above his. The flooding incident reportedly occurred on December 31, 1996, between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. My staff has reviewed this claim and the findings are as follows: Incident Confirmation; The incident was confirmed by Road Services, Maintenance Division Four personnel who responded the same day to a report of plugged drains. Staff did not located a plugged pipe, apparently there was just too much water for the pipe. Also again on January 2, 1997 County forces observed one-foot plus of water in the Brenden residence and a driveway culvert that could not handle the heavy flows.· pa mace Confirmation: King County employees did not assess damages to the property. The claimant's property is located below the road with no provisions to address possible overflow of the roadside ditch. Recommendatlon; I recommend denying payment of this claim. Although King County has done ditch cleaning, some installation of drainage pipe and other . improvements to drainage ditches on l 60~ Avenue Southeast, this work was a considerable distance north of the claimant's property and none of these activities altered water flows. Staff did not confirm the claimant's allegations of a plugged pipe inlet. There is an l 8-inch diameter culvert pipe along the front of the Brenden property and there is no history of previous or subsequent problems at this site. Karen Graham September 11, 1998 Page Two Second Party Liability: None. Staff report there was just too much water for the system to handle during the stonn of December 31, 1996. The event included snow and ice melt concurrent with the rainfall. Remedial Action; The drainage system on 160" Avenue Southeast is being reevaluated for possible improvements. Hold Harmless Agreement; None known. Jfyou have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Field Engineer Bill O'Connor at 296-8147. HST:WEO:le cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill O'CoIU1or, Field Engineer · 1 • ® Klng County Rood Service Dh1sl< Department of Transi Road Maintenances, 155 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA 98056..; September 10, I! TO: Harold Tani1 FR: Roderick M1 RE: Contract c· Attached is Chanf Contracting Cami change does not r1 required because t building permit ap space provided ant If you have any qu Cc: Kathy Bro, Jon Cassid; ! KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . CLAIM FOR })A.MAGES O.AiM 31249 NOT]CE: "N'o ~~ an be paid by Kh:ig Ccort;,,· unb :t d:i:nri. a:cn:pl}-iog widr W.1$~ Sbte LJ!IW is ~100 toll'£ Ck'Yl: cl"Tb.e Ci;.,of)CJ1. t\!.a .filicg cJ;ital. pfc:t!,>! ,,:Jirect !I.JI qu~ions 1o ~ Ot6c(' -ofRrt..k Mamigcment :d {2~) '296--7432, n,.~-rRi:;cn·o· ;;.s, (l) ~ktcfoan &n",'.g,p<citicd.."'3ils""°"'~tluriag<or ""'-. h><;lodcoofcs,. . ·· time, .,.. .. a. ... ,,,· (2)Sig,,U... f<>n,,. {3)1<.drm"""l'let<d:foim j .•o JGn,: C"""'JO<n.af lh< Com>cil, it ..... W-.tozs. J<boi< c-,,,c....-514 TJ.lri ,<,.;;.;..; Sc,t;lo, V.~\cm~. S.,.Cc/,iri,,lw,dJ',ng~on~ofform. _ i'<AME, NA!> L l-1£V£1f.S ---r;,.,1,. .'i.fiddlc. La'IJ t<Yr bu:sine.u name} Al>1>RJ'.ss,_) Jf /J 2 f / & !J +I, A UL S , £ '71'""'0 '°"''""') L;:'! I JQ(f 4qq 3709' Wa. S,(1/.t ;~~,;s,_;;5. 1Sl-i/5'§S ~g:;~t, .i/2~·1!::/, llf 7 I ~~~ 5"'-u.c: c-i<+. I I.? . D,\Tl\ OF BTJI.Tll __ ::7.::2..q -!,£.i.f, ____ SOCIAi, SEcllRITV ~ll<ER(Optiom,J): _,_N"'''-'-"'-'---- 98//S!l Zip AUDl<F"$S SIX MOl'iTIIS BEFQRl'. 6 A.I-.-\ I;; l.()S.'-;,'1Xl:ffi~)'ti' o<:,s~_RR...cc.1','() __ ._f ______ ,'n<'_i•_d,_C'-. .fl,._j . ..c&_r.-',c-'&-'7"'.ir_. -------------------------' 1~~:;:,,. n,(.,of.rH:_ ll • i4 ' 0 I t It· 13 'DI TIM}; OF l!<CTDEl\"I, kkm g A#-1 _ 5 PM,\MOU!\"r C.1c.\t-..rm, L~-b lJ O 2. b I L<X'AflOt< OF U)SSfJJ'CJDt:l'fT: ' 5,,_...,."' l':;_";-! ·"'1'!,0>:.1:-,_.:.,. . ·-·· ·-· --· Dt:IAIIS(<lL-«11h<i,,,,.,,,1.,!='u,c;,k,,t,,,wrmlJ: ~,b ( \:>M1H). ON Ccul'\~llil\.\tl1M.d <Zo(l_{l,_,.,1'.}uiiif]owM _811_0 __ _&00b(lLJ}viZ. __ G~a't?-~ ..1QwlA-µ,'f...l __ ot __ ~~:-'-.-----··-·-------- --··--·-----------------------------------~-----------~ J'J<OPERTY DAMAGE (pl= &,ail>, 1hc valu, ,.,,a <Xl<nl of cl... dsrn:,gc. 10 y,,.,< b<-. •~ o< j,a-.1 ~-· Jr,:,,..,i~ of~gQ!,')~.ril:iiyb_a.v-e): · · · · ["'" _'-~:":4<~_&.kkLL<'* "'\ , .. ···-------------__ --_---~--'------'---~~ ... r, ·--------. .. -------~---------] ···········--------- ·····------------- -··-----"- j 0.AIM · 312 4 9 MEYERS FLOOD-PAGE10F2 11/14/01 -Arrived home at approximately 5:30 pm to find that the lo'.ver level of the house had flooded that day. Most of the water had soaked into the carpet and pad by the time that r got home. By that time, the ditch was also lo\>/-er but I suspected tli.at it had overflowed. There were signs of water and debris running down the driveway from the ditch so I called King County to report the problem. 11/29/01 -I called King Country Roads Division again. They stated that someone would be out on Monday, December 3rd to investigate the problem. · · . 12/5/01 -I arrived home at approximately 6pm, I had a message on my answering machin; from Manny Espinosa v,ith King County Roads. He stated that he was. in my neighborhood and would be out to my property in approximately Yi hour. He did not statethe time that he called and my answering machine doesn't track it so I do not know whattime of the day he c.a11ed. This was the only message that I received from him. 1 do not knovi ifhe was out to my·house or not. 12/13/01 -My wife arrived home aiapproxima1ely 3 pm to find.thafthe ditch had been . overflO\, iag and the water nmning into the house again through the garage. She called me and I called the King County Road Division at 3:30 pm. Mike Hudson arrived at 5:30 pm, He stated that the drainage tileprobably needed to be upgraded to handle a larger capacity of water flow. He instructed me to call J-800-KCroads. My wife also called 911 arid. the Renion Fire Department was dispatched. Bill Kullburg and his crew from King CcmntyFire DiS1rict #25 assisted in draining all of the water from our home that day. 12/14/01 -1 called 1-800-KCRoads and talked to Bob Napier. All of the other employees were out at hmch. I told him that this was the second time that this had happened and we needed someone out to our home to see the damage as soon as possible. He said that someone would be contacting us and would come out and see the damage before we repaired anything. He. said that this person would be out later ihat same day or Monday, December 17th. 12/14/01 -I called and talked to Lori Kronan at 1 :45 pm,. She had called my wife earlier and stated that they had a «vac truck" out to our property on theri10rriing of December 11th but she didn't know if they had found anything that would have caused the problem. 12/18/01-Called at 9:00 am and left a message for the roads department to see if they had been out yet and if they hadn't, it was imperative that them come out ASAP because we were having new carpet installed and didn't want this to happen a third time. 12/18/01--I called 1-800-KCRoads at 3 pm. Talked to a woman at first, then I was transferred to L-0ri Kronans voicemail. I left her a message to call me. L-Ori Kronan called me backthat same day and stated that there wouldn't be anyone from their department looking at our damages. She said someone would be out to check out the· drain that same afternoon. Cl/i.lM 3124 9 MEYERS FLOOD -continued PAGE 2 OF 2 12/27/01 -I called again at 11:50 am. I asked for Lori but she was out in.the field, The person that I talked to looked up my file and said that nothing was :reported as being done yet. She would leave a message for Lori. · · . . . 12/28/01 -l 0:30 am -Received call from Lori Kronan. She saidshe had been out at our property and looked down our drain and didn't see any blockage, She saw a slight bo:w in the pipe near the telephone pole area, but nothing that should restrict flow. She's not stireif the vactor cleaned out sticks or debris, but when they vactoreci it, ihey found nothing that was of large proportion to cause blockage. She said she had filed the paperwork to have the ditch dug and cleaned. 1/25/02 -called Lori Kronan at 7 a.m, irrfonning her that the ditchwas cresting again and it needed to be looked at immediately. Sometime that morning after 1 Oam, someone was out to my property, but by that time, the water in the ditch had decreased. They left a load of-sandbags in a pile in my driveway. She stated that she had filed the request to have the ditch cleaned but was hot sure when this would happen. CURRENT SITUATION - As of today's date, the ditch has not bee11 dug outandlhere arestill times during heavy rain where the water is ata l~el higher than expected. lFIESE PHOTO'S W1ERE 71\"EtJ 8V 'THE ~N-mN FIRE DEPT. WHEN lUEY ARR\\JED 1D OVR HOME IIIC: 'DA'I o~,,·~1FIE ·. SECOWD FLOOD. ClAIM 3124 !) .... :·. (tf.iM 312 4 9 IIISSi PHOroS s~w . \A1t1E.eoe·-· ailte. ,.,.~~o v>v•..-n;;I' .. ·.•· ... · ~ '>0 .. v:vf\1·e;."' -e· Ff«J-. -· .· . ·. AN .. ··. .D· CAM·····.·.·· .•··.····M·· .. ·.·-• .. -·-........ . ff IE AAGAS OF our<. •• ? lt>IVE ·-·11 II\ 1 ··.· WERE t>AMJ.\C.ib· l>UE 1o ··1RE~ER • • CLAltA a>l 2 4 9 . ' __ . .., ·O; ,-../ ·~ .. .-. ® King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation 20 I South Jackson Seattle, WA 98104-2637 March 27, 2002 TO: Robert Hansen, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Linda Dougherty, Manager, Road Services Division RE: Claim: 31249/Claimant: Chad L. Meyers /Amount: $6,402.61 Thank you for your February 12, 2002 email requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. The claimant alleges County responsibility for flooding damage to the garage and lower level of a residence located at 14028 160th Avenue Southeast, which occurred on November 14, 2001 and again on December 13, 2001 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. My staff has reviewed this claim and provides the following findings: Incident Confirmation: A query of the Citizen Action Request database produced CAR 01- 005097, received from the claimant on November 30, 2001 at 2:55 PM, which stated "ditch plugged from last rain, had water in basement." CAR 01-005343 and 01-5405, which were received on December 13th and 14th also confirmed the incident. Damai:e Confirmation: Roads staff did not confirm damage to the Meyers' residence. Used sandbags were, however, located on the north edge of the property, which would indicate a flooding problem. Recommendation: Staff recommends this claim be denied. Roads staffbelieves there is no liability on the part of King County. Second Party Liability: Please note Brenden Marshall, Jr. (former owner), filed a claim for flooding damage (Claim 21860), which occurred on December 31, 1996. Staff investigation confirmed the installation of an 18-inch enclosed drainage system extending across the entire frontage of the property. A check with DDES could not locate any valid right of way use permits authorizing installation of this pipe. Staff believes this pipe is undersized (and probably-was at time of installation) and cannot handle flows from event storms. Roads staff further recommend Mr. Meyers check his purchase paper work to determine if the 'known' flooding problem was disclosed. Remedial Action: County engineering staff have reviewed the site, have assigned tracking number ( 4-1032) to this project and are currently designing an upgraded system to correct the problem created by the improper pipe installation. Hold Harmless Agreement: N/A If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Office Engineer Bill Hintz at 296-8709. Enclosures: cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill Hintz, Office Engineer Ji::r-t. s.2001 5:04R1 KC ..u<D - Pia%·~ · ·!?,<--{ L E.,4 Lkr?,T Other ag-=Jes lmrclvad; .. -. ParoeUlo. 7.2 1 'J 7 o -o/fo --B..sl~ ,L..Cj'. . Counoi, Ols! /:2._, Charge No: . l'0.642 LotNo:. // . Block No: No .Field lnVBstl<latlon N""'1ed __ _ : ~\ ·Th.Bros: N.,.,b!J7tf • Old 31:SF, _ Lead agency ha$ been notfl~ --c,--..,.--=-,---===--'--'--.,========::::. _. Problem has been corrected.. _ N_o probl.e.."Jl has been kientified. Prior lnve.stJg;mlon addresses prot -. S-efi1.-.# • . _ Privat.e problem ~ NDAP WiTl no: consider because: ·: _\\'.at.r orlgiN.tas or.site a.rd/or on nalghboring pal"Cel _. Locatl~\ls outside SWM Servicei.Area. DA.'TE ~LOSEo: ..L2.J.2::µ 4-1 by-. ..j2.._ /.J...;'v~ mt£ · Othor (Specify): · · -. ! (corf· Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD -'- '- "' .. .. .. .. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,, ,. ,, , , , , , , , , , ~ I I I J~. 8.2001 5:04PM KC L-l..RD Complaint 97-206; Don Gae:, 16046 SE 142'"" Pl. Rbtlton In~.iptcd b:f S::an GTOom Oil Ol/14/97 H0.642 P.4/9 Der. G~ W li~ Ai fuc a"ocnrc rcferenc:t:d locatioo since the Q.dy 60s. (air. house w.as second built in. tht: .deveLQPr:De!1il). Sw1"~ £tOnn water tJows bep.n flooding his ~ approximately fi\."C ye.an ago, At bis own c:ii:pe:nse at that ti'l'.l:P:. be tirougbt a~ hoc in to c:ut • dn:ina&C" ditch aloQI!! the back side aChis: property. 'Ibis: cipcn trench provitk:s 1We! dming .moa precipib:iou ~ 6W'!aa:. w.arer-moves aronnd h.is property. Storm '9f<ltc:r dOC.5 breech the 10p occ:asionally. Th.c ditch.fills~ \Xp and bl=. clears the ditch af dd:lri6 'W:f. n~ ~ mid redua:s :flow. Sic walks" the drainq,c ditch durin,g: mirm. CVf;flts ~ wam 't 2101l!&d fur the Z4:st stonn evcn.c) u, observe its lui\ctioD.21:it)' a.s a ptc::&'tlOOn as wen. Be wants tbe d:I:ainagc to contixw.e dawn l60Ql A-w:. SE instead or a auw<y&DO< system arom,d his and-·-· Appa=lly, .. --O<><th afhis pn,pcrty has ~ addilional runoff i$ eanccntrated mtD the drainage along 160• An SE. ud snbscquet1itly nm:Soti:i his property. 160"' Ave S.E. Srmdicg,an:r, nmotfftom 160• Ave: S£ disdw-p --a= Low~ G,,u saud the land can't be~ beemse they don't~ tbe pen:olation for -af,cpt;c=ms. ~ .. JJ Duch ,J, SE 142'"' Place --. Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I J~. 8.2001 5:05PM KC \.l.RD P.7/9 97-J04i lltrr cra.gg ia c;onc::arned abeiut continuing u.patraam 441:velapD.ent ..,h.i.cb t.ypical.ly raeu.lte i..tl. sore .urfac. wate: 'fl.'ir'.11 through hi• d.r•i.nage ditch and occaej,,o1111.l.ly .into hi.• 7-.rd.. l expl.~ th&t for l.a,:gar devel.opmenta vl'lere iac:i:e than s-,ooo •qtta.re f'••"t. c£ .i..mperv.L.cu.e surface• or• cor'letructed, tb.e dave.l.opci.r•• anginee:" :UI onl.y requ..l..red "t;O ~ev1..lew_ the d.ra.i.o•ge system.•• eapa.ci.ty up to ope quartCl-t" Df ,111 11111.e dow,:,.t:rel!Ur\ trom tbe prc:,poaed plat·a outl.et point. ?or •ingle bOtoeei.t••• thare i.e noraa.l.l.y n.o downstrea:ni an,;a,J.yeia ~ •i.nce ~ i.• U81Ut.lly l.e1ae th..n 5,000 •qua.re t'eet a.f new" UDpervi.oa• •urfaeee con.tnicted. :I .ugqeat.ed that Hr. Gragg look f~ Daval.opaent $~ a1ca.g l.60tb zi.ort.b. of" hi• bane. Whan A• 118*• new ai.gne:, h• can l!Ltte.nd publ.ic bearJ.nqa a.nd. ,nite let.tere cxpr*c .. a;l..tlg hi.• co:ncll!:rce and outli.ning bis drainage 1.mpart.l!lr ~o •ol.utio~ to th~• dr&i.n..ge pro~ltmi wa• i.de.nt~fiad. Mr. Gragg r~•tod that ,,..e cl•an cut hia drainage ditch. tla o:tf"ered to .cl.•flll c,ut p~ ot. hi• d.itch i~ our ~ontra.ctor Cll:Q get th• nec:aae-.ry equipn;ent frari Gragq•a dz:oi.vew&y iAtc the. di.tch. 3 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ... .. ,.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. ,. f" ,. ,. ,. fl f , f f f ' 4 .1Ri. e. 2001 KC "-"ll U.: RD.AP Z'VAI.D>.TlON FOR CCMl"tAlBT" JIK>. 1.604, 6lr 14,2KD n.acg: ~ 97-0206 GRAGG 23S-0168 ~ CIUtOlfOLOGr, OIIU:C.UOIL l.-10-9'7 FDIU> Dfff l.-U,-97 isr SUN cJt00M ~ EVJ..L ... :i-7-97 n 2.:1.MI KBYERS- ou, Pn.ES I JJoaB EJCSlAPotnms Pl..e..88 ... the atta.clr,ad dr&i..zl.aga cam;pl.•i.l:lt i.nv.et.1.g:ati.cu ~port. da~ 1-14-97 by Sean Groo,aa. PDIDDfGS: Si.nee the problem .....t:• al.1 of tha ,mAP F")ject cri.t.eria l.iat.d kl.ow, i.t gual.lfi.e• fer and ha11 been inv-e•ti.gated Qnder the ima.P p.rogrMt. • %'he probl.em. •1.te i• iwi.thi.n the sMK •eC"Vioe a.raa and doee not i,n...al.-.e • XiD9 Oounty ,ICC) cod.a v:Lol.ati..cn. • Thai probl.ea •i.te •how• eT14ence o'f or r.port.ed l.oc&lilUlcl t:.loodlnq, •ro•i.on u,.d/or eeci.1.IDentatiOJ:a within th• oEf road drainage ~,t.eo. Ofl priv•t• re•i.dential &D4/o: eCdNllBrci~l pz-oparty du.e in part t.o l.ate.r up11Ueam daTelOpiMtnt. • '%'he p::i;-0bl.em ill cauaed by surface wa.ter f~ .IDOrl!I thLo. one adjoi.DU\g, property. son.s; Aceo:c-dl.ng to th• XC &o~l• aap~ the site~• located in tbe follow.ring •oil aEsoc~•tio~: ALDERWOOD ASSOCXAT.JOII': jCOdera:~ely well d.:1:-ai.n.ed uni:tal.ati:nq to billy so.i.1• that A~ve denae, very el.owly pl"~ab1e glacial t i.ll •t a. 6-pth of 20 to 40 i.tl.cha•; on upland.# and terraceu. I met with Hr .. GX'tJ.99 on March. -,th and toured hi.a property. A.a de•e1oi;aeri.t oontinu•• i.a the approxi,e:iat.e 60 a.ere drai.na.ge b .. l.tl north of hie prqpe.rty·r more dra.i.na.9'• wa.~er MG been routed •~th into the po.a,.d located juet WW of his property which tbed draU'I• •aet &nd •outh around the edge of bi.s. prcpei:;t.y. 1 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD I • • • s:esPM KC '"'-.RD t-0.642 He r~eG'Ced th.at the drai.n•ga tlowi.n,; •outb. a.l.ong tb.l!t eaet 111.d• of 160th Avanue SZ be r~ted e~raight •ou.tb -.long tbe eaot elde of 160eh pa.et SE' l.t2nd J'l•c:• rather than t:he c-urr.nt rout• 1'fhJ.ch rl.att• 111a.rt an4 •outh around hi• pro~y. Mr, C:r=agg at.a.t.ad. tha.t eev1r.ra.l. long t•~ re.•1.dent• haV9' told hi.Ill. th.a dra.1.Jiaqe need to fl.OM at:rai9ht •cnttb elODg" th• ..,..t a:i.d •••t •i.de•· of 1wth all tb• v•y dOlffl tc BJ!: 144th. J:.: atated th.at may be true bot ttJ.e ex.J.llt,1.ng dl:::ai.d&(Jle p,atte.r-n i• old IU\d ca~ be raviaeQ because ~t ~a coo11idered t.be ••tablieb&d dra.ina.ge pattern £or hia area. :r revi.ewed hi11 an4 bia tvc neig:bbor• • d%:~ re.lated. ~• and oeo.r.J th• prt:ib1em at 14 with hi.a garage and .aptic ~ .iJap,a.ct• and 7-.i d~9• to tWQ propert:.i.e•• .lll.thCN.gh. l:he l.aat 1..-ye.,u-• b..il....-. ~ aepecially v.t and bad, I ratod tho event .f"reguency at 10 01:' ortc• $"V'$ry 2-5 year• which is fflY 4rti.m.ate of ttu!= frl!lq'Qetl.Cy of bow oftan b.i• aept.i.c •y•tam wi.ll be •~ly iDlpa.ct.ed. OTVr thQ 10119 term. ~ .. c:ragg atat.ad t~t bi.a pumped ef.t'l.uent &a'i'ti.C ayat-h&.a yorkad r:.t.n. 1:o:-tbe ~i.rst. lS yea.rs. Howt:rrsr, he ha• b\tt'Ded up :tour pQmp1II vitl:ti..n the last t.hrve yearM du• to the Ulcre~ured ~UJ:ldWOtRr 'fl~ i.nto bi.• aeptic tank/dr&i.n.1:i.cl.d a.r&a-!'r~ hie we:t./dry ee•oon obeervati.oo•, be i.. coa:Y;U:I.C:e.d tb.at m:ao•t of the groundwater ecoeB from. the drain.ago ditch located ;,u,t a.boYe his d.ra.int' i• ld. We r•vi..ewed W•Y• of prot.ctin9 his 11eptie drai..tt.field f%l;JIII, the lnQY9me.Q:t of groundwater from th~ ~phill pond And drai.Da9a d~tch. We dincuaeed way9 to ~eai the eo.rt.hen 4i.tch it••lf u•ing a pl.aJtie L~ or a l.aLrge ha1~ round or full pipe •ection• alCD9 ~t SO feet of ditch n.ho,,,e hi• dr~in£ielQ. % pointad oUt tbat conoiderable groundwater m.a.y atill ~low ~.rom north to eouth 'bel.0"1 U•a dit<=h. •~ion BO that •eali.Dg the di.tch ~ay not solve the problam. OepcJldi.ng on tb.e depth to b&rdp&n, a.n i~ioue .,.e,nic-11.l. laye.r o:f plastic or bantonite •lurry located uphill c~ hi• dl'.'ainfield between hie Qrai.nf~elQ &lid the ditch would probabiy be tba .-..i..•t -.Dd moat ef:f:ac:ti.Vll!ii eo1ut.i0Jl to thie probll!IIJI~ 'l'hi• i111pervioo.1111 l..a.yer would zun from tbe qround •u.rf..,ce down to the b&rd'Pa.n laye:c-wt:.e:c-e it woulQ be kayad d.i:n,,n into the b&rdpan 1ayer. Because tn.teh a l.a.yer woul.d :cll!atr1.ct th• flCN" of 9round water, higher gr~ater ie.,.le rr..i.ght ~esult in thi• part of Gragg'• ya.:c-d w.1.th 1:T10re groundwater •ur£ac.ing d.ur1.ng Che ·vet s•••o:o especially ncza.r 1;1ach end of auc:h a.n imperwi.ous wall. resulti.n,;-in Q)Or,i;i wot 1uuuaon ciu.rta.ce ,. .. ~e: 111.aepa.96/flowa a.nd iC)' C'\)"(\ditiona on pcrti.on-a of Mr. Cragg' s di'i.ve•ay. For a.Jly war:k thio eloee to the drainf~ald, atiy yard dra.~n or i.m,perviou9 faci1ity of thia ki.nd w<:1uld h•v~ to be reviewed a~d approved by the Xing County Keaith Department (Wayne oisen at 296-~737) . 2 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ; . • . • D. .. • •• R . " ·. : :. . •. : .. AgC 406 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE .. I 680 000 FEET " . " . " • • ' ·' • AgC ':. : EvB .. J?ri • u • • ~ . , . . t· ., . ... fu1LS MAP s .:'.A LE ·. I ,, = 2.txc/ £X/.lt817" H .. •. .. ..• ., ' ~: : .... R. 5 E. .//~f No I•· I r I I . I . I I I I . I I • ____ .._+- BM 574 -~~\\='e~: I _ .... . ·-.. . . . : . : : . . ··--. .... I Page 1 of 4 Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Site Visit 112012003 Weather Overcast A B C D E F lea (Shallow) Collecting from pavement NIA 37 None I 3 l218LF -18" LCPE Under gravel driveway 3.8% 37-256 None 4 l58LF Channel 4" wide; 3' deep 4.8% 256-313 Rusty water running from Side slopes 1 : 1 Rockery to earth lining the east 6" plastic pipe 5 J38LF -12" LCPE Under utility access dtiVe 3.6% 313-352 Erosion due to a water outfall from pipe to channel 95LF Channel 14' wide; 2.5' deep Side slope 2' from edge of 6 I Side slopes 1: 1 to 1 :2 Earth lined 4.2% 416-468 pavement 7 l20LF -12" Concrete 1under dirt dtiVe to back of 0.4% 448-468 Ponding @ south end of prop. pipe 8 141 LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep 3.2% 468-508 Water pool 3' wide .5' deep. Side slopes 1 :1 Earth lined Straw bail 9' from S. culvert 9 I 18LF -12" Concrete Dirt drive to back of property 2.2% 508-527 None 1' outfall to 2.5' wide 0.5' 153LF Channel 14' wide 2.5' deep I I ldeep water pool at end of 1 10 I Side slopes 1 :1 lo 2:1 Earth lined 3.0% 527-678 pipe. Straw bail 6' from S. culvert. Straw bail 57' from N. culvert G Site Visit 1 /2112003 Weather rainy H I System in good condition None Water pool 2.5' wide .5' deep @ south end of pipe 4" roof drain east. At beginning of channel Straw ((,," 0-<; ball 7' from S. culvert f<, ~ Plugged 4" roof drain east@ 00 south end of pipe 1.5' edge of pave. to edge of water SEE NOTE 1 15' EP to EW@ S. side of channel 11 l74LF -12" Concrete !Under asphalt pavement I 3.0% I 678-753 !None !None !SEE NOTE 2 ,NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PARTdFTHE-ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WITBE SIZED TO HANDLE-EXPECTEDFLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. 8cE E"XHll>tr (! At.SO ~ ~ ~ I- Page 2 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A _e_ 12 JcB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water I 13 52LF -12"' Concrete Under asphalt pavement 14 CB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 15 35LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 16 3.5LF Channel 3' wide; 1.5' deep Side slopes 1 :2 Grass lined 17 38LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive I 18 1116LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep I Side slopes 1 :1 Grass lined 19 JSSLF -12" Concrete !Under gravel drive I 156LF Channel 3' wide 2' deep 20 I side slopes 2:1 Vegetation lined 21 I 44LF -12" Concrete Under newly paved drive 125LF Channel 4' wide 2' deep 22 I Side slopes 1: 1 Grass lined NIA I 753 2.0% 753-805 NIA 805 2.0% 805-840 2.0% 840-844 2.0% I 844-882 2.0% I 882-996 2.0% I 998-1053 2.0% 1053-1209 2.0% 1209-1253 2.5% 1253-1378 S. end of N. pipe broken. CB in destruction None Water likely seeping under_Q_round None None Property owner noted water draining into property over 160th 3yrs ago 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool@ end of channel Straw bail 44' from N. culvert 6" outfall to 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool @ end of pipe Adjacent property owner noted that water partially drains onto the north property during he; rainfall. Flowing southeast then south None 4' from EP to EW@ beginning of channel Straw bail 30' from S. culvert 23 l26LF -12" Concrete !Under Gravel drive I 3.0% I 1378-1404 I None ~'1, "'o e:,'v<v Water curJently seeping into ground. Made of Cone. Bricks. Bricks out of place. SEENOTE2 4" roof drain into cb from east SEENOTE2 Straw bail 8' N. of culvert Straw bail 126' N. of culvert. SEENOTE2 NOTE 1: LOCATION 10 2 T0-10WILL BE UPGRADED BTTHIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILLBE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. S~ EX/111.311 C #4'0 Page 3 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 16oth AVE. SE A B 24 35LF Channel Side slopes 1 :2 25 40' 12" Concrete 3.5' wide 3" deep 3.0% Grass lined Crossing 160th Ave. W. to E. 3.0% 1404-1439 I Erosion of slopes ISEE NOTE2 1439 None None 26 9LF Channel Side slopes: vertical 4' wide 3' deep water pool. 9LF 2.0% in length 1439-1448 4' wide 0.5' deep water ISEENOTE2 pool. 9LF in length 27 20'24" CMP Under gravel drive 2.0% 1448-1468 1oownstream culvert is crimped SEE NOTE2 28 112LF Channel Side slopes 2:1 2' wide 1.5' depth 3.0% Grass lined 1468-1580 I Some sediment@ culvert SEE NOTE2 Past drainage problem 29 133' 18" LCPE Gravel drive in and out 3.0% 1560-1713 I reported at this location; See I SEE NOTE 2 ExhibitG. 30 50LF Channel Side slope 2:1 to none 3' wide 3' depth to none 2.0% Earth to forest lined 1713-1763 I Minor erosion at outlet of SEE NOTE 2 18" LCPE 31 Braided channel Forested 1.0% 1763-1863 None None 32 12 Concrete culvert Under gravel drive 2.0% From Parcel A None None Gravel cover I 2.0% I 30 I Will not be affected by this development ~1flf(tilbl:iQ11d 'd( li!~t~;l~[1i Almost vertical slopes Rockery@ inlet of West side SEE NOTE2 SEENOTE2 Constructed 6" high berm of 5/8" rock to prevent flow into drive during overflow SEE NOTE 2 Natural braided channel at end of 50' ditch Water flows east among trees Shall be upgraded by this development and sized to handle water flow. Road currently not developed 34 !Yard Drain I Lawn cover I NIA I From Parcel __ B I None Identified I None identified I Flows will be maintained IOTE 1: LOCATION 1D-2TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAVIMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. S'€€ EXll/13/T C AtSD Page 4 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A_ 13 35 I 12" Concrete pipe JLawn cover I NIA I 150 JNone JNone I Visible end of pipe from north. Under fence at property line 120LF Channel Grass lined 2.0% 150-270 None None Collects water from N. pipe 36 12, wide 1.5' depth and from adjacent properties 37 15' 12" Concrete Under drive to rear property 2.0% 270-285 None None None If current flows ,-- 38 30LF Channel Alongside of drive 2.0% 285-315 None Running east to west to on-site wetlands is 39 12" Concrete pipe Under drive to rear property 2.0% None maintained. Running north to south NOTE 1, LOCATION ID 2 TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2c LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. S'ff €){/ft/3/T C A-t.So , ' ' " " !l " ,, .. " .. " " " " .. " " ' TIU " " ' • " ~ SE 1311h sr. "' " " " " " ., <-0 " " "' " " " " " " " " " " @ B ~ 23 u .. i 22 24 20 :n (EXl9'Jl«l,) NOT OPEN " #'~ ..,. ~' '\.>\, • ~ j;.<J; ,<['I'' • '\ :'i> •" "t,'l .,, •. •· • " G) " ~ " " " "' "'·' " "' ' " " " "'. " " ' " ,-·· 1 ... 1' I 10020 L __ J - ( ' ,, 15 " ,, 12 " ' ""' 0,<-0 0130 OT20 0110 ,0 "" 0,00 II! --. '!!! ' s 2 [< ' I 0170 ' ,I L~~~~=J '4 I , , ' , 029;! _ _., ( , ' 15 ~--• I " '= > ,-' / ' ~" ' "" ,...,.,. 1 ' ' 0160 ._ ____ ..J ~· -~--~--~--SE.~-~~-- I ., ,~ I " ' ,. ,. I "' ! 111,1 ![ .. I, J-=-f-----t-..-+---+-1----l--;;;;-t---+-=~::::::::::::::i l filse, 54Sl52S1 ' "' !,,____ I I I ,-, ' ' r-~ L., ' -' L ____ ....1 r-----1 ' ' L-----.J CJ .. .. - .. .... ;------J l, SS'lt c.., ' ' '----.. _J EXH/8/T J I ' I ' '1 !, 1~ ,j I ' f- ' I ' ~ SITE !'LAN OF LJJ!,Ef?.T'1 Gl<OVE SCA!£: /1 • Zt'JO' EX/-11/3!7 K Haozous E n g i neering, Robert H. Darrow. P.E. /3428-45th Court Mukilteo. WA 98175 Jax (425) 742-8488 (425) 745-5872 December 5, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Additional Information Request Edward J. McCarthy, Ph.D .. P.E, 14816 SE 116th Street Renton, WA 98059 != (425) 254-0579 (425) 235-2707 Application No. LO! TY401 & L01P0016-Evendell Dear Mr. Romano: This letter is in response to an information request by DDES in their letter dated November 26, 2002. I have analyzed additional drainage complaints in the downstream Evendell basins that were recently released by DDES. The analysis presented below includes proposed mitigations for the downstream problems per Core Requirement 2 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems from Evendell were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Levell Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001). However, since the preliminary TIR was prepared, the following drainage complaints and claim information have been released by DDES: Complaint ID Date of Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint Complaint KCDOT Action 12/13/01 13814 160"' Nuisance Flooding -Ditch on west side Request 01-Avenue SE of 160th Ave SE overtopped road and 005339 flooded the owner's driveway and yard. Complaint 97-1/7/97 14028 160"' Severe Flooding-Capacity of pipe 0203 Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page2 Complaint ID Claim 31249 Claim 21860 Complaint 97- 0318 Claim 21699 Date of Complaint 1/29/02 1/25/97 1/21/97 1/10/97 Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint 14028 160" Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14028 160th Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14038 156" Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. 14038 156" Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house <ivertopped and flooded basement. I have also provided additional information regarding the following drainage complaint that was presented in the TIR for the project (Haozous Engineering, June 2001): Complaint 97-1/10/97 16046 SE Severe Erosion -Soil eroded from bank 0206 142nd Place is deposited 50-100 feet downstream and contributes to ditch overtopping and garage flooding. Analysis of Complaints The complaints and claims listed in the table above document problems that occurred along the downstream conveyance systems from the proposed Evendell plat. The complaints were filed by property owners due to flooding caused by inadequate capacity of conveyance stroctures. The hydraulic structures at the locations of each complaint were evaluated as part of the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002) prepared for the Evendell Plat. KCDOT Action Request 01-005339 was filed on 12/13/01 by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160th Avenue SE. The ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE overtopped the road and flooded the complainant's driveway and yard. King County DOT responded to Mr. Bowden's action request and cleaned the ditches on both sides of the road. The flooding that motivated Mr. Bowden's call to the county was apparently Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 3 caused by a blockage in the ditch. Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, across from Mr. Bowden's property, were modeled in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. The culverts, identified as Pl 16 and P 117 in the drainage analysis, were predicted to flood at a 2-year return period. Flooding at these culverts could create a backwater condition in the ditch, thereby causing water to sheetflow onto Mr. Bowden's property, as 'did occur when the ditch was blocked. This type of flooding would likely be classified as a "nuisance" problem by the King County Swface Water Design Manual. Complaint 97-0203, Claim 31249, and Claim 21860 relate to flooding that has occurred at the residence located at 14028 160th Avenue SE. Flooding at this location has been a recurring problem. Both 160th Avenue SE and a residential structure are subject to flooding. On at least two occasions in the past, the culverts in front of the property have overtopped. When flooding occurs, stormwater flows down the driveway and into the garage and ground level floor of the home. This problem is considered both a "severe building" and a "severe road" flooding problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis predicted flooding occurs in front of this residence at a 2-year return period. Flooding is caused by undersized culverts at locations Pl 13, Pl 14, and Pl 15. Complaint 97-0318 and Claim 21699 were filed by the property owner located at 14038 156th Avenue SE. A 12-inch diameter inlet pipe to a conveyance system, identified as POOl in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, is located in front of the complainant's property. Storrnwater in the easterly ditch of 156th Avenue SE overtops the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe and flows down the owner's driveway and into her basement. Flooding has occurred on more than one occasion and has resulted in damage to the owner's washer, dryer, and water heater. This flooding problem is considered a "severe building" problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Based on the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe in front of the property is predicted to overtop at a 2-year return period. Lastly, a "severe" channel erosion problem is located in the downstream system on the east boundary of the property located at 16046 SE 142nd Place. The channel is within the right-of-way of SE l 62°• Avenue. Channel bank erosion that is occurring at this location could be depositing in a flat section of channel 50 to I 00 feet downstream from the eroded area. Sediments in the channel could be contributing to flooding as documented in Complaint 97-0206. In my field visit of the site, Mr. Don Gragg, the property owner, described flooding that impacted his garage in the past. A 4-inch pipe drains a catch basin in the driveway near the garage. The invert of this pipe is only 1.4 feet above the bottom of the channel. It appears that when the channel fills, water backs up in the pipe and floods Mr. Gragg's driveway and garage. Minor channel improvements at this location would likely improve the existing flooding/erosion and sedimentation problem. Alternatively, changes to the configuration of the 4-inch diameter drain pipe could prevent further flooding of the driveway and garage. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page4 Proposed Mitigations Level 2 detention standards are required on the Evendell site, and were included in the preliminary drainage plan for the proposed plat. Prior to receiving recently released flooding information from DDES, described above, we had considered the flooding to be a "nuisance" problem and did not propose mitigations in addition to the Level 2 detention standards. In light of the new information, additional stormwater mitigations will be needed as part of the Evendell Drainage plan to conform with the King County Suiface Water Design Manual. Drainage Problems at 13814 and 14028 1601h Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14028 1601h Avenue SE, I recommend upgrading the downstream system as opposed to adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards. In my opinion, in this situation, upgrading the conveyance system along 160th Ave SE by eliminating constrictions, would provide more benefit to the neighborhood and surrounding properties than would adopting a more stringent onsite detention standard. By upgrading the system, the existing "severe roadway" flooding problem would be fixed, as would the existing "severe building" flooding at the residence located at 14028 160th Ave SE. Proposed upgrades would also solve the nuisance flooding problem at 13814 160th Avenue SE. While adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards would conform to requirements in the Suiface Water Design Manual, only conveyance upgrades would fix the existing problems. Pipes that would need to be upgraded would include the following: • Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Ave SE (Pl 16 and Pl 17) • Cross culvert under 160th Ave SE (P 115) • Culvert immediately upstream the property at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 14) • Existing 18-inch diameter pipe at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 13) Upsizing these pipes would prevent the ditch from overtopping. Stormwater would be contained in the roadside ditch and would not be allowed to flow across the road or onto adjacent properties, as has occurred in the past at 13814 and 14028 160th Avenue SE. Drainage Problem at 14038 1561h Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14038 1561h Avenue SE, either onsite Level 3 detention standards could be adopted in place of Level 2 standards or the capacity of the existing 12-inch inlet pipe could be increased. Increasing the capacity of the 12-inch.inlet pipe would likely entail upsizing at least 115 feet of 12-inch diameter pipe. By upsizing this reach of pipe to 18-inch diameter and increasing the head above its crown at the inlet, the capacity of the inlet pipe would be increased. The frequency of flooding would be reduced from a 2-year return period to approximately a 10-year return period. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 5 Drainage Problem at 16046 SE 142•• Place For the severe erosion problem along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142nd Place, the proposed Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through the King County Surface Water Drainage Manual under certain circumstances. Cleaning sediment out of the flat section of channel and stabilizing the eroding banks immediately upstream would reduce flooding to the driveway and garage at 16046 SE 142nd Place. Alternatively, the owner of the property could explore the possibility of retrofitting the outlet of the drainpipe from his property with a flap gate or extending the outlet of the pipe an additional 80 to 100 feet downstream to where the flood water surface in the channel is below the upstream invert of the pipe. Impacts of Mitigations on Downstream Properties I do not believe that upsizing the conveyance pipes along 160th Avenue SE would aggravate flooding that occurs further downstream. The amount of runoff that flows out of the constricted ditch during floods along 160th Avenue SE is enough to cause damage to affected properties. However, containing this water in the conveyance system would likely not result in a substantial increase in flow rate. Furthermore, because the storage volume in the roadside ditch is relatively small and provides insignificant attenuation, upsizing the pipes as proposed would not result in an increased flow rate at the downstream end of the improvements. If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional documentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist Mr. Mike Romano ecember 5, 2002 • age 6 References Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002. Evendell Plat -Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. Renton, Wash. Haozous Engineering, June 15, 2001. Evendell Plat -Preliminary Technical Information Report. Renton, Wash. King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1998. King County Swface Water Design Manual. Seattle. , •. ® King County Depar1mcnt of Development and Environmental Services 900 O~kcsclale AVl!nue Soutl\wesl Renlon, WA 9H055-1219 November 27, 2002 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development, Inc. P. 0. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 Wetland Determination Dear Mr. Jon&S: EXHIBIT L t<ECEIVEu OEC o 2 2002 I reviewed the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation for the "Liberty Ridge" property, prepared by Habitat Technologies, Inc., dated November 5, 2002. I met Mark Heckert of Habitat Technologies at the site on November 25, 2002 and walked the property and surrouncling areas. I also reviewed aerial photos in the County files, from 1936, 1970, 1985, 1990, 1996 and 2000. I conferred with several of my colleagues on interpretation of the Sensitive Areas Code in relation to this property. The site consists of two properties, separated by 160th Avenue SE. Parcel A (3664500141) has apparently been filled many years ago (prior to 1985) with ditches installed around the west, south and east sides. The property is maintained as lawns and landscaping with a residence and shop. There are neither wetlands nor streams on this parcel. Parcel Bis two tax parcels (1457500085 and 1457500090). The northeastern portion of this site is forested upland. The remainder of the property is pasture with a few structures and outbuildings. A central drainage through the site was ditched across the property following recent coristruction of three residences to the northwest. This conveyance has some wetland characteristics through the logged area, then is ditches across the pasture. An eastern drainage outlets from a culvert under SE 136th Street, conveying stormwater runoff from the roads, lawns and roofs of a pre-1970's subdivision to the north. This drainage has some wetland characteristics through the forested area, then is ditched through the pasture. These drainages are excavated through upland soils, and are neither used by salmonids nor convey a stream that was naturally occurring prior to construction. Therefore, they are neither jurisdictional wetlands nor streams. TO: Mr. Wayne Jones RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 November 27, 2002 Page 2 However, the wetland on the south-central portion of the site appears to have been present since at least the mid-1980s. The eastern ditch is evident in the 1970 aerial photo, conveying water from the culvert under SE 136th Street since that time. Thus, the source of hydrology to the wetland from the culvert is the "normal circumstance" for that wetland. This wetland on the south-central portion of Parcel B meets the criteria for a Class 3 rating. The wetland and a minimum 25-foot buffer must be protected through the subdivision process by placement in a Sensitive Areas Tract. The wetland buffer width could be averaged, as allowed in Code and Administrative Rule, with enhancement of the wetland and buffer provided as compensatory mitigation. The wetland's hydrology must be protected through the subdivision process. This could occur by conveying the flows from the culvert underneath SE 1361h Street across the site, either in pipes or aboveground, and outletting into the wetland through a dispersal system. Alternatively, equivalent hydrology could be calculated and possibly provided from roof drainage from surrounding structures. The stormwater runoff from the three new residences to the northwest is not required to be conveyed to the wetland as this is a recent new input to the wetland. The wildlife habitat survey may need an addendum prepared during early spring, to determine whether any of the nests observed on-site are used by species that require protection under the King County Comprehensive Plan. This property is within the Urban-designated portion of the County, so the few species that require protection include state and federal endangered, threatened or sensitive species, and certain raptors and herons. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at (206) 296-7291 or laura.casey@metrokc.gov. Cc: Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, Inc. Steve Bottheim, Supervising Engineer, Critical Areas Section LEVEL I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR LIBERTY GROVE CLIENT: Recetveo SEP O 3 2003 1 <il\v , ' ,·, , ,, L'~·.. . ... ,.,.,,v· r 11//i; USE SEfrVJCES Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-9750 FILE COPY PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 333-2200 Fax: (253) 333-2206 [REVISION! PROJECT: 01-470 DATE: March 3, 2003 REVISED: JULY 11 1 2003 Exhibit No.JI > Item ~o. 4l~Q ':~} Received ;o King couoly Hearing Examiner EXPIRES, JAN 9, 2004 STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED AND DA MAIN FILE COPY .J TASK 1: TASK 2: TASK 3: TASK4: TASKS: TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Area Definition and Maps General Information On-Site Drainage Analysis Upstream Drainage Analysis Downstream Drainage System Description Future Site Conditions Resource Review 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps 2. Offsite Analysis Reports 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. King County Soils Survey Maps Field Inspection 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring, Bank Sloughing, or Sedimentation 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topography and Soil Types 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes, Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions 2. Problems Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L APPENDIX Vicinity Map Drainage Basin Map Downstream Drainage System Map FEMAMap Assessors Map Sensitive Areas Information SWM Division Drainage Investigation information King County Soils Survey Map Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Site Plan of Liberty Grove Copy of December 5, 2002 letter from Haozous Engineering Copy of November 27, 2002 letter from Ms. Laura Casey TASK 1: Study Area Definition and Maps General Information The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments will be within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of SE 135th Street and 1601h Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest comer of said intersection, will be designated as "Parcel A" in this report. Liberty Grove will be entirely within Parcel A. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast comer of the previously mentioned intersection, will be designated as "Parcel B" in this report. Liberty Grove Contiguous will be entirely within Parcel B. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The project site is located within an area zoned R-4. Since both projects will be developed at the same time, and in fact will share the same detention facility, this off-site analysis will be for both projects. There is an existing house and shop within Parcel A, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Parcel A is approximately 4.84 acres and generally drains to the south. There are two houses within Parcel B, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre parcel is presently forested in the northeast corner, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest corner of Parcel B, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. Site soils have been identified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). On-Site Drainage Analysis Parcel A has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow. Parcel B has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line. Upstream Drainage Analysis As shown in Exhibit B, Parcel A receives runoff from approximately 9. 7 acres. The upstream basin is presently covered with trees, pasture land, grass and some houses. Water from said basin enters the site via sheet flow along the northern property line. Parcel B has an upstream area of approximately 13.1 acres. This basin is partially forested, but is dominated by single-family houses with a density of approximately 6 DU/GA. Water from the upstream area mostly enters the site via culvert that discharges near the northern property line, and into a ditch that flows to a wetland area within the site. There are minor flows from the ditch near the northeast comer of Parcel B. The ditch continuous south and starts to broaden. Water then enters the site, disperses and eventually drains into the wetland area. Downstream Drainage System Description As previously described, there are two separate areas to be developed as part of this project, which are designated as Parcels A and B. Parcel A presently discharges into an earth-lined ditch along its south property line. Water then enters a ditch along the western side of 1601h Avenue SE and continues to flow south. Approximately '!.-mile downstream, a new 24-inch diameter ADS N-12 culvert intercepts water and brings it across 160th Avenue SE. We are proposing to bypass the above mentioned downstream system as part of the development, and will therefore provide no further analysis of said system. Furthermore, said system will most likely be improved by the proposed Evendell Plat, located south of Parcel A. It is proposed to collect runoff from the developed Parcel A and its upstream tributary area, and convey it to the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. The existing downstream facilities from the proposed detention facility will therefore be described in more detail in this report. Parcel B presently discharges runoff along its south property line. However, most of the runoff passes thru an on-site wetland located near the southwest comer of Parcel B. Water that is released by the wetland is collected by a yard drain located within the adjacent parcel to the south. We were unable to enter the property to collect more information about the system within said property. Although we were unable to collect more information about the above mentioned yard drain, we believe this system will be inadequate to handle runoff from the proposed development. The County may however, require the existing hydrology to the wetland be retained, and therefore, the yard drain will continue to receive the same amount of runoff. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the southeast comer of Parcel B. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C, and are itemized in the Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Parcel A to this system, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to improve the conveyance facilities between point 1 to point 24 (See Exhibits C and I). The new conveyance system will be designed to handle the peak flow rates. Points 25 through 30 have recently been upgraded. Future Site Conditions This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within Parcels A and B. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the southeast corner of Parcel B. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. There have been several recorded complaints along this downstream route (See Exhibit G). Due to the proposed plan to convey water from Parcel A to Parcel B, runoff to the downstream facilities on the eastside of 160th Avenue SE will be increased. It is therefore proposed to improve a portion of the downstream facilities to handle the post-development flows, and will be further discussed in Task 5 of this report. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we were previously proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, not all downstream facilities are within the R.O.W. and therefore cannot be easily upgraded. Beyond point 30, the ditch begins to disappear. Water then disperses within the private property and then collects in a ditch, then continuous east. Although there have not been any drainage complaints from the property owners, it appears that the drainage facilities within said property will be inadequate to convey flows beyond pre-development rates. In lieu of upgrading facilities beyond point 30, we are proposing to upgrade the conveyance facilities from the project site to point 24 together with the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Another alternative is to provide the Level 2 Flow Control criteria and provide adequate conveyance along 160th Avenue SE down to SE 144th Street, which will prevent water from entering private property. The pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Flow to the existing wetland will be calculated and maintained by allowing some roof and yard runoff to drain directly into the wetland. Runoff from upstream areas, presently draining into the wetland will be collected and discharged directly into the wetland. There is a proposed development called Evendell Plat, which is located south of Parcel A and across the street from Parcel B. A Level 3 downstream analysis, dated August 26, 2002 has been prepared by Haozous Engineering for said development. The analysis was later supplemented by a letter from Houzous Engineering, dated December 5, 2002 (See Exhibit K), which identified conveyance facilities that need to be upgraded. We believe that with the improvements proposed by Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous, and together with the improvements for Evendell Plat, most of the downstream problems will be eliminated. TASK 2: Resource Review The following is a description of each of the resources reviewed in preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Refer to Exhibit D. 2. Offsite Analysis Reports We have reviewed the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Evendell Plat. Evendell Plat is located south of Parcel A and west of Parcel B. We also reviewed a supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, which lists the downstream facilities that need to be upgraded by the Evendell Plat (See Exhibit K). We have also review the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Evendell Plat, dated June 15, 2001. 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. 5. We have included a printout from the King County website as Exhibit F in this report. The printout shows that there are no sensitive areas on or adjacent to the site. However, a wetland area has been identified near the southwest comer of Parcel B. A wetland evaluation and delineation report has been prepared by Habitat Technologies. The report, dated November 5, 2002 has been review by Ms. Laura Casey of King County's Critical Areas Section. See Exhibit L for a copy of the letter from Ms. Casey. The wetland area is shown on the conceptual drainage plan, and will be within a Tract. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information There have been several recorded complaints, both on-site and within the downstream flow path. In Exhibit G, we have included a map showing the location of where each problem occurred and the complaint number. We have also included a summary of the pertinent complaints and a copy of each complaint. King County Soils Survey Maps The soil underlying the site is Alderwood. A copy of the relevant page from the King County Soils Survey Map is included as Exhibit H. TASK 3: Field Inspection As previously mentioned, this project involves the development of Parcels A and B. Although the parcels are not connected, they are part of the same basin. Parcel A presently drains into the facilities along the western side of 160th Avenue SE, while Parcel B presently drains into the eastern side of 160th Avenue SE. The flows however converge further downstream. It is proposed to divert runoff from the developed Parcel A into the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. This analysis therefore focuses more on the facilities downstream from the proposed detention facility. 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review There were several drainage problems identified in the review. Please see Exhibits G, I and K, and also Task 5 of this report. 2. 3. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System See Exhibit I. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems See Exhibits G, I and K 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping. Scouring. Bank Sloughing. or Sedimentation See Exhibits G, I and K 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms At the time of the site visit, there where no signs of aquatic habitat or organism destruction. 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use. Impervious Surfaces. Topography and Soil Types Qualitative data has been collected from previous field visits. This information is included within this report. 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. 9. See Exhibits C and I. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 At the time of the site visit, the tributary basins described in Task 1 were verified as being accurate. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area At the time of the site visit, a neighbor living in address 13814 160th Avenue SE. was available during our site visit. This neighbor had previously complained about water overflowing from the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE and flowing into the facility in front of his property, causing said system to fail (See Exhibit G). This problem has been identified for the Evendell Plat also, and improvements were proposed to eliminate this problem (See Exhibit K). We are also proposing to upgrade this system in front of his property. The wetland area within Parcel B currently drains across address 13802 1601h Avenue SE, before discharging into a channel behind the above mentioned neighbor's property (See Exhibit C). Said neighbor stated that he constructed the channel to allow water to flow freely. He also stated that the channel is dry during summer and wet during winter. He mentioned that there was no problem with the system. Furthermore, due to the requirement to maintain the wetland hydrology (See Exhibit L), the proposed plat of Liberty Grove should not have any effect on the system. 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit The site and downstream system were visited on Jan. 17 and Jan. 20, 2002. It had just rained prior to our Jan. 20, 2002 visit. 1. TASK 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Description Drainage System Descriptions: As previously stated, runoff from the developed Parcel A will be conveyed to the detention facility to be constructed within the southeastern comer of Parcel B. Discharge from the detention facility will be to the drainage facilities along the east side of 160111 Avenue SE, which is the focus of this report. The existing drainage facilities along the east side of 160111 Avenue SE consist of roadside ditches and driveway culverts. Several complaints have been filed due to the failure of this system. One residence has experience flooding on more than one occasion. Haozous Engineering, in their study of the downstream facilities, prepared a Level 3 analysis. A supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, outlining their proposed improvements is included as Exhibit K in this report. It is evident that the downstream facilities will have to be upgraded to fix the ongoing problems within said system. 2. Problems: A summary of the different complaints is included in Exhibit G. Please see Exhibits C and I also. TASK 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Drainage facilities for the proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous Plats will be designed using the guidelines within the King County Surface Water Design manual. The development is proposing to install a new detention and water quality facility within the southwest property comer. Due to several recorded downstream drainage problems, we are proposing to improve some of the downstream facilities as shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan. The new facilities will be designed per the quidelines within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we were previously proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, not all downstream facilities are within the R.O.W. and therefore cannot be easily upgraded. Beyond point 30, the ditch begins to disappear. Water then disperses within the private property and then collects in a ditch, then continuous east. Although there have not been any drainage complaints from the property owners, it appears that the drainage facilities within said property will be inadequate to convey flows beyond pre-development rates. In lieu of upgrading facilities beyond point 30, we are proposing to upgrade the conveyance facilities from the project site to point 24 together with the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Another alternative is to provide the Level 2 Flow Control criteria and provide adequate conveyance along 160th Avenue SE down to SE 144111 Street, which will prevent water from entering private property. The pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Flows to the existing wetland will be calculated and maintained by allowing some roof and yard runoff to drain directly into the wetland. Runoff from upstream areas, presently draining into the wetland will be collected and discharged directly into the wetland. The drainage complaints are included in Exhibit G. Also included in Exhibit G is a summary of the drainage complaints that relate to this project. Each complaint will be address as follows: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. Solution: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: These comp!aints originated from Parcel B of the project. These problems will be eliminated by the development of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. The County will require the flows to the wetland within Parcel B to be maintained, and therefore there should be no affect on this property. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell will be improving the west side 160th Avenue SE, which will also help eliminate the problem. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. The 18" pipe in front of this property was recently enlarged to a 30" ADS pipe, which should be adequate to convey the flows. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 1997-206 16046 SE 142nd PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. This is beyond Y.-mile downstream from the project site. We believe our proposed mitigation will improve existing conditions. This level 1 analysis has provided a complete review of the downstream conditions. With implementation of the conveyance, detention and water quality standards, the project should not pose significant negative impacts to the downstream drainage course. 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Any sale of this map or information on his mao is prohibited except hv written permission of Kina Countv. !Y..00. County I GJ$Center I News I Sery1oes J CJ)fflm~nts I Search • -L -----··-·· -··-----'·· --·~-•-....._ ......,,,n~ hu t .. rrnc, ,,.,.~ ... .-.nrlitinn<:i. nfthp stitP( Thfl' rlflotails EXl-llb!T G Swt-1 DI i/151DN !J!l..AtNAbE /rJVE~TtGlrrto!tl !NTCi2HA17DN lilD ClllltJ Wl1ll' ..i 1.a11111m 1a11 llvlml-llranl!ll S11was Sec11aa Q+4DMI Su1* Pmted: 121281UO 7:36:58 AM .... '"" '•"--"--1> _,... --1974--0095 C RIPRAI' 15225 JONES RO ROCKSJDiKE/15219 JONES RO/CEDAR RIV 657A4 1974--0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RO ROO<IDIKSJONESRWCEDARRIVER 657A4 1974--0103 C 15631 JONES RD SE W/0 8ACKFlWJONES RO 657A4 1974-0106 C ORNG 15005 .JONESRD DITCHfALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLOG 16418 SE 145THST STORM SEWERSISRIARWOOO S 65784 1976-0084 C 156Tll PL SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657A4 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RO CEDAR RIVER 657M 1979--0090 C DRNG 14406 162NOAVSE 65783 1980-0117 C DRNG 13405 1SBTHAVE SE 657A2. 1981-0316 C 15035 SE JONES RO DIKE JETTY/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 / 1982-0520 C FLOG 13612 160TH AVE SE 65782 1962-0521 C FLDG 16426 SE 145TH PL BRIARWOOD AREA 65764 1963---0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RD CHNL OVERFLOIMAOSEN CRK 657A4 ' 1983-0386 C DRNG 15243 SE 132N0ST . ORNG DITCHTSE 132ND ST/152ND AVE SE 657A2 19IU-0387 C FLOG 14063 171STAvESE BRIARWOOD AREA 65763 1984-0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH S1 657B4 198S-0710 E FILL 15035 SE JONES RO KG CTY NOT RESP-WlllnotENF 657M 1966-0372 C VIOlATE 15817 SE JONES RD MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PLAIN 657A4 1966-0372 E ILLDVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOR CM{CUK STAT BY CMOTJ. 657A4 1986-0376 C FLOG 13129 160THAVE SE BlOCKED DITCH 65762 1986-0437 C Cl.A.VERT 15252 SE 142ND PL INSTALLATION-NEED CB 657A3 1986--0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RO SEE 86-0745.1158 6S7A4 1966-07-45 C Fill 15045 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FIU...CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1966--0812 C EROSION 15421 SE JONES RO CE.DAR RIVER 657A4 1986--1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RO SEE: 86-0745 BRAMBLETT 86--0745 657M 1987--0430 C TRFD TO SWM-FM/RO [)RNG. 65782 1987-0430 ER OHTSWM DIV PLY. 65182 1987-0430 NOA Ot-VSWM DIV PLY. 65782 1987-0496 C ORNG 16423 SE 135TH ST SEEPAGE 657B2 1987-0589 C SEE 87--0430 WILSON. 65782 1987-0593 C DRNG 16904 SE 136TH ST DRNG ESMT WATER/DITCH NEEDS MAINT 65782 1987~1001 X FILL 16661 SE JONES RD llLEGAL FILL IN FlDPLAIN 65784 1988-03n C DRNG 14250 161ST AVE. SE HAZARDOUS PONO OHfTO CM, 06/10/89 65763 198!>-0020 C FILL 13400 168TH AVE SE NEAR ORNG CHNL 65762 1989-0086 C ORNG 14'!20 154TH Pl SE INST ALLING DRAINAGE 657M 1989--0863 C ORNG 13224 16BTHAVESE DITCH CLEANING/LOSING YARD 65762 V 1989-0867 CL DRNG 13802 160THAVE SE Cl#12735 DUEAPRIL 65762 Page 1 of4 ~ IWI -----------1990-0318 C FU>G 15225 SE JONES RD OfVERTED CHTCHISTORl,1i EVENT 651AA . 1990-0449 C ORNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 651AA 1990-0518 CL FU>G 15225 SE JONES RD CU,12839 651M 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BAactJP ENTO MADSEN CREEKISTORM 651M 1990-0702 CL FlOG 15059 SE JONES RD CU:1293.l SEE TlR.l.. Y DUE AUGUST ·657A4 1990-0748 CL FlDG 15023 SE JONES RD Cl..#12989 SEE TULLY DUE AUGUST 651M 1990-0793 CL FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT ORrvEWAYICU'13019 SEE 651M 1990-0931 C DRNG 16423 SE 13STHST SWAMP IN NEXT LOT/STORM 65782 1990-0956 CL FLOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/CtJ1313 657M 1990-10Z3 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR: RIVER 657M 1990-1101 C EASEM'T 16516 SE 1491HST ON LOT BUtLO AOOfilON 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149THST MET ON Sl1E WR..l SUBMIT PROPOSED S 657134 1990-1280 C DRNG 14926 165Uf PL SE ONTO DIW AT CUL OE SAC 657134 1990-1343 C DRNG ,.920 163RDCT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 657B4. 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156THPL SE PIPEOUTFAU. TORrvER 657A4 1990-1509 C EROSION 14250 154THPLACE SE CU.. VERT DAMAGE ANO SUOE IN RA.VINE 651M 1990-15'2 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RD WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 65184 1990-1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RD OF RIVERBANK/FAILED LEVEE 657M 1990-1673 C EROSION 14908 SE JONES RD CEDAR RNER BANK 657M 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 SE JONES RD REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65784 1991--0064 C RDG 16426 SE 14STii RID PLUGGED/NO DRAINAGE 65784 1991--0064 SR FLOG 16426 SE 145TH ROST FM ACX> TO OlDS/OFF 65784 1991--0186 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RD Pl.ACE BROKEN PIPE 65783 1991-0188 E DRNG 143RD SE 16411-1 AVE SE BROKEN PIPE 65183 1991-0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 65784 1991-0422 C DRNG 16448 SE JONES RD ROCKS ANO DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65784 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SE JONES RO OHIRORNGCM W11191 SEE 91-0530 65784 1991-0688 C DRNG 15243 SE 132NDST BACKYARD IS UNUSABLE 6STA2 1991-0750 C FI\L 13008 156THAVE SE IN DRAINAGE AAfA 6STA2 1991-0954 C FLOODING 15606 SE 143RDST STORM EVENT CJB OVERFLOW 6571\3 1991-1000 C DRAINAGE 13535 160THAVE SE MAINTAIJENCE OF UNOPEN R.0.W. OITC 65782 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165THAVE SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 1992-0082 C DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 E DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082. ER DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE QntAcByCmOt) 65782 1992-00BZ PN DRAINAGE. 12817 152ND SE 65782 1993-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143ROPLACE IDRNEOTOE 65783 1993<>252 E DRNG 16410 SE 143ROPLACE CHECK STAT BY CMDT DATE 65783 1993-0521 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160THPI..ACE BROKEN WATER LINE 65762 1993-0528 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160TH PLACE SEE 93-0521 65762 page 2cl4 ~ '"" ,,...,_ _.,_ -----1993-0724 C FLOG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOODING 65782 199.J.--0724 RN FLOG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOODING IN WETLAND ON PROPERTY 65782 19913--07~ WCtC UUM?iNO iiiOOi sc=: JONESRG 657S< 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RO SEDIMENT FROM WELL ORIUING 6578< 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149THST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 1994-0326 C DRNG 13200 156TH AVEY RD SE NEW UPSTREAM CONSlRUCTION + WILL 657A2 1994-0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 149THST NEW KC ()ITCH IN YARD IS A HAZAA.D 6578< 1994-1011 C DRNG SE 132ND & 156TH A SE DIRECT DISCHARGE FROM Pl.AT DEVEt.O 657A2 1995---0107 C CULVERT? 15641 SE 138TH Pl POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT Tb S 65783 1995-0715 C RUNOFF 164)0( SE 135TH ST ROAD CULVERT DISCHARGE HIST ORNG 657B2 1995-0907 C ORA!NAGE 13100 164THAVE SE LACK OF CONVEYAl'K:E IN UNOPENED RJ 657B2 1995-0907 R ORAINAGE 13100 164THAvE SE LACK OF CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED R1 65782 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 14ITTH ST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 1996-0039 C DRNG 15609 SE 128THST NO INFORMATtON AVAILABLE 65782 1996-0289 C FLOG 15225 162NDAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996--0289 R FLOG 15225 162NDAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1996--0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NOAVE SE SEE 96-0289 OVP 65784 1996-05'6 C RUNOFF 14301 166TH Pl SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 657B3 1996-05'6 R RUNOFF 14301 166THPL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 1996-0869 C FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW P{)NOING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0869 NDA FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0869 R FLOG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996--0870 C R/OPOND 15XXX SE 143RD ST KIDS USING POND FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 1996-1050 CL FLDG 15010 156TH PL SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657M 1996-125:3 C DRNG/PIP 15226 162ND AVE SE PVT ORNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-125:3 NOA DRNGIPIP 15226 162ND AVE SE PVT ORNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65764 1996-1253 R DRNG/PIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996--1557 WOA CONSULT 13203 156TH AVE SE BCWS1TECONSULTAT10N 657A2 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164THAVE SE OFFSfTE FLOW IMPACTING pVT PROP 65783 199&-1762 C FLDG 15059 SE JONES RD DAMAGE TO DR.NG OUTFALL TO CEDAR R 657A4 1997-0056 C DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 657A2 1997--0056 R DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 657A2 v 1997--0203 C FLOG 14028 160THAVE SE OVERFLOWFROMO/WCULVIMPACTPVT 65783 v' 1997-0206 C FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 ,/ 1997--0206 NDA FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 657B3 v 1997---0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND Pl OFFSITE A..OW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 1997-0318 CL CLAIM 14038 56THAVE SE FLOODING DUE 10 PLUGGED CULVERT 657A3 NOr fu 1997-0423 CL FLOG 140~ 160THAVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 65783 "VAIL;\ E 1997-0484· C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH PL SE PHOPERTY DEV CONCERNS PYT ORNG 657A3 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 15611-1 AVE SE NATURAL SUOE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657M Page 3 of 4 ~ ........ --·------1997..(1659 FCR VANDALi$ 167TH PL SE&SE1441H VI\NllNJSM TO RIO IOENTIACATION SIGN 65783 1997--0917 FCR ORN PONO 145TH SE PL B1WN 150&151 Pl. NEIGH KJOS DIGGING IN PONO SIOE SLOP 657.A.3 1997-1072 C STUMPS 1S<05 SE JONES RO STUMPS STOCKPILED FOR CO PROJECT 657M 1997-1 .. 32 C DRAINAGE 15413 SE 133RDST LOT DRAINAGE PVT DRNG SYS CB LOWE 657A2 1997-1493 FCR PONO 16426 SE 1 .. 5THST INFR...TRATION PONO NOT HANDLING lAR 657"'4 1998-0152 C DRAINAGE 13115 1S8THAVE SE PVT PROPE:RTY IMPACT DUE TO NTRl. OR 65782 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145TH Pl. DOG WASTE SIGN REQUESTED 657A3 1998-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160THAVE. SE LOW AA£A PVT PROP ADJ PRoP RAISED 65783 1_..,,, C TREES 14232 150TH Pl. SE TREE FAU.. DAM FENCE. NOT LDSu f'ACI 657A3 1996-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE .JONESRD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH PONO 657"'4 1998-0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH PONO 65784 1-1 woe FILL 12813 163ROAVE. SE DUMPING OF COL M).J TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 1999-0059 a. TREE 14334 166THPl. SE TREE FAU. DAMAGED FENCE 65763 1999-0225 woe OUMPING 15921 SE 148THST DUMPING ON PVT PROP YAAD WASTEJDE 657B4 . 1"99--0297 FCR RDMAINT 15006 SE 145THPL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOU.ARDS ANO L 657M ,/ 2000-<= woe wot 13612 160THAVE. SE APPARENT IRON OXJOE BACTERIA fN DIS 65782 2000--0666 FCR MNM 163XX SE 145THST REQUEST TO INSTALL ADDmONAl. TR.AS 65784 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145THST DUMPWGISTOCKPll.JNG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMP1NGt'STCXl<PIUNG OF LUMBER ON 657"'4 2000--0703 FCR MNM 16225 SE 145THST CB OOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LIO. FENC 657"'4 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH Pl SE OEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WO£ WQO 14210 149TH Pl SE OEVLEOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE OEVl.EOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 ~-- ,, (): . 8"7~19 . . ----------·--. ----------9~53 -------------------, "---c-r::-c;:) . -. 91·"13 . DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS SUMMARY: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160111 Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160111 Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160111 Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 1997-206 16046 SE 142"d PL Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. JRN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.2/5 LOCATION OF P~OBLEM, IF DIFFERENT: Plat name: ~ ~ /;i,e MU-Tll--LotNo: / BlockNo:3' Other agencies involved: No field investigation requiied'=-- SE ...11:_ 23 .5 · · · ~ s . T R -Parcel No. f'l/57$t}(J(J35 Kroll 'J JI -Th.Bros: New /61 j2-. ' ' ~ ' . JRN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.3/5 ·:ti t . -• ',,, -,,,.,-·, ·:rt ii I tiW . t: Complaint No. 00 -0322 Investigated by: Virgil Pacarnpara Date: May 16, 0000 Ti J r m r:: r Ii 'it r: n rt ,•wr: Name: Jeff Ketchel · l1 I :·011:litzf:c I I . Ii'""' 'Iii DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: I met with Mr. Craig Geller (resident) at 2:30 PM regarding a water quality complaint. He informed me that he has no idea where the pipe has originated, its source of flow end notice the discharge two months ago. He been living in that house for sev,n months only. The subject of complaintS a 6" dia., w~ite colored PVC pipe discharging en orange colored liquid. The exposed end-part (out rail) of pipe line is located nt side ditch of 160th Ave. SE. approx. 40 feet North from the SW comer of the property. Using the end of pipe as reference point (refer to photo# 1,2, 3). It seems it was been laid laterally at an angle towards the house in north-easterly direction and buried in varying depth of I' to 2' feet. At time of visit, I took a water sample from out fall (end of pipe). It is discharging clear/ colorless liquid (refer to photo# 5,6). Noted a constant flow of discharge in the whole duration of visit. Stained area is still visible (refer to photo #4, 5,7), No trace of recent back fill/ excavations along the probable route of PVC pipe due to presence of"debris ond yard waste scanered all over the property. Notice the south side of the small garage, a stock pile of used/ remnants of varying size of PVC pipe includins; en identical ,.,ze and color of pipe mentioned in the complaint (he informed me that it was materials use ac his other worlc as a plumber). Checked water meter for possible leak in water supply of the house, (noted water meter gage is not running despite a constant discharge of liquid/ water in out tall). He a<ided t!,at a septic tank is serving his sewerage system and a drain field located at backyard. The roof downspout is not connected to any storm drain pipe, will create a surface run off in the area {refer to photo '1'8). Water sample taken from the pipe reveals Category #4; variety of irop-related bacteria and Category #5; Iron -related bacteria plus anaerobic & aerobic slime- °""'i!rm 16" dia. drainage pipe {buried) driveway I r---,----T---, Poppas #16009 ' I Pre;-, I Wolberg I I #1<~ I #16021 I I I I I ,--.... ----~-1 I Property line I 1113612 --.--------, L ___ .r---,:::C.::::::::.,!;!;;::L~---.!.i Drain field Water meter ditch area Probable route crl 6" dia. PVC pip·~ Old garage . Stock pile of pipes (used/ remnants) _ _J Property line JAN.29.2003 12:10PM ~--. \'l...:, KC WLRD N0.339 P.12/13 82-od,ui - DIVISION NQ · 64 089 DATE "ZS Fi;& • DEPARTMENT OF PUILIC WORKS , K ,. COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT r:l,., I) Complaint Recd NATURE OF COMPLAINL 11 vO l,V(;, =~=.::::..::=.:c.::..:,:c.;:.;.;~---'-=..:::.......;.:.~'-----·---------------lRod,o O O•i>en 0 LOCATION 1~ 6 { 2. • 16 0 Ave! <:;;~ Phone On-view O COMPLAINANT, JOHii s:[~Wlt(T ADDRESS /s{,/z._-/60 4v, <;:<£ PHONE: 7 7 Z · b3'H. Details of Complaint, J t>lltU 0Ko Ill f: 11.V o l'A ,V 8,:;: t) o/U C ? Complaint Received By. I,;,,,,_ /.. Gw Complaint Referred To, Rot:€t. 81?11~,et Dote, '1 • fi,1 8·"l- The Stewart propel'tY is naturally low,lying approx. 4 feet below the ACTION TAKEN, surrounding property which is County .l'Oad, and other private property, 'he road and its culverts have been in existence for well beyond 7 years. I aon't 'eel we should do any work,expending public funds to improve private property. Ir. Stewart could install a French drain,collect any water that enters his pro8per1 ,nd discharge from the trench drain into the roadside ditchll along 160th AVE •• E1• 'he discharge would have to be controlled so that it was not much more than a tr c .n order to assure that the ditch can handle it, and that we also do not create at ,roblems elsewhere. Stewart told me h~~ants County to channel the drainage alo~ Complainant odvised of Acfon possible e : Phone @ Letter D Persoriol Contact O I ~/fte,J "-lo ~ he roads and not onto , -,,,r o "'"'-+ ov-.1.r plt~t. in. ¥ Complain, Action Hondled By .· · / 1 ff# Q2 -a....l r-ei ~ 01< ra~s show Natural d.t"ainage """ ""Tl! P.,G,~,· .... -t-l,,,;rr ff.t~s , .c oss his property.Established dr, inage. .::t r~•'-te.+e. p...-oble- RETAIN PINK CARBO~: ENO V~LLOWAND WHIT O~RD _..;p t<Ji..,.C.k -fke ";<"W.-,+-,, 11,l 11.l ~ 1, bz "°.,. +ei ~ ,:: .. ::.-1-,,,.,, . ~ C, yo t:.fo~..,, +t..,s. /IOW • . : / JAN.29.2003 12:10PM KC WLRD 1 6 0 A V s E :1 'I ' ' I ------- OPEN DI'l'CH s.E. 136th Street OPEN . DITCH 13612 \f.------D I' ------STEWAR'l' PROPERTY N0.339 P.13/13 1 O.DITCH 6 ' 2 , I J f A I ' I V " I { I s OPEN I E l DITCH~ . \ ,, , I // / . -~ · King C._ounty Department. <>f T ranspo~tiq_n Citizen Action Request Form RequeslN Request Dale:1lllllmgg;g' Request Time: 900 ---------------------------------~ Request taken via: P {P)hone {R)adio (O)n-View (F)ax By: MCDONALD Caller Name: BOWDEN, BRET Caller Address: 160 AV SE@13814 Location: 160AVSE@13814 Request Details: CLEAN DITCH Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: Abow ttas line forOffice Use Initial lnvestigatiOn by: CAMPBELL Findings Action Taken: SLOPE MOWED Task Completed: 262 Responding Pit SUMMIT Second Investigation by: Action Taken: Refe(d to: Contact Log: Task Compl<;!ted: 1016199 PM CONTACTED CITIZEN TimeRefd: Req. Type: D RPU Request Type: Day Phone: (425)255-6152 Other: 3''\ ~ SE to~ L ~-b- C\f!,Ds-g B&low this Ona for FHtld Use Investigation Date: 10/0511999 or Work Scheduled: I Date Refs: Date Recvd: Date Closed: 08/2312000 Caller contacted by: I (P) Phone (I) In person (N) Note ot" letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A. Allandoned/Com'I. Vehicle B. Utiily ln6pecli(ln C. Con1rad/Overtay issues D. rn.,;,-._ E. Debris on R~ F. Flooding Prcpef1y G. GuanlralllFenoe Damage H. Spit CJ@snup (General) I. Inquiries RE: Mainl Actilrllies J.SprayApplicatioo K. WashootRepaa/Slide Removal L Vegelaliofl Control (Mow, Brush, etc.) M. llegal Use of R1W N. Shoulder Maintenance 0. Misc. Requests P. Potllole O.S~Mao-tt R.R_..s~ S.S-Man./S- T. Trzhl\..iller on RMI u.s.- V. Walen,n Road/Flooding W. Lid Uisslng (CIB Ubl) X. Dllchlng Y.B<idge"*"'5 Request N-~• Request Oat~ Request Time: 1633 . Kill" County Depart,nent of Tl'3!lspo~on Citizen Action Request Form ---------------------- Request taken via: p (P)hone (R)adio (O)n-View (F}ax By: GALLARDO Caller Name: l;IOWl;)EN, l;IRET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 Location: 160 AV SE ~13814 Request Details: DRAINAGE DITCH PLUGGED Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: ;RONIN Above Ibis lnl for Office Use lnltial Investigation by: CRONIN Time Refdl633 Req. Type: D Findings Action Taken: VACTORED & FLUSHED SYSTEM Task Completed: 241 Refer"d to: RPU Responding Pil: SUMMIT Second Investigation by: Action Taken: Task Completed: Request Type: Contact Log: Day Phone: (425)793-7783 Other: -tt,;snnero.FJOldUse Investigation Date: 12/13/2001 or Work Scheduled: I DateRers: Date Recv'd: Date Closed: 12/1412001 Caller contacted by: U (Pl Phone (II In person (N) Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A.~oml. Vehicle 8.Uliilylnspection C. Cont,,,dl()verlay is$ues D.Drainage E. DebtiSOO R~ F. Floodmg Property G. Guanlrail/F<!nce Damage H. Spi1 Cleanup (General) I. Inquiries RE: Maint Ac!Mres J. Spray Applica1ion K. Washout Repair/Slide Remo,/al L Vegel;,tion G"'1frnl (Mow. Brush. etc.) M. llegal Use ol RNV N... Shouldef Maintenance 0. Misc. Requests P.P- Q. S-,Curb Maint. R. RepairS""81/Paving S.S"""'-MainlS- T_ T rash/l.itlec" on RM/ u. Snow/Ice V. Waler on Road/Flooding W. tl<I Missing (CJB Ufil.J X. D<ching Y.Bridgelssues JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD NO. 222 P. 4/5 -·,·.''''• -- KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION RE];'ORT Pagei 1:· INVESTIGATION"REQUE~T Type (?., Flle·No. 97-:;?0 RfJCefved .,,;,m: ·.. (Pie .... pri ~l~n for tcannlng), . (Day} {Elle) NAME:._.L..~...,<..lo4,"'-'-'.dµ=~~?,1,"""#.._&~ ....... ,"-':112'!-"'-. '*"'-"-"-'0--~· _· _ PHONE R 1;: £9c:21 d,5,.\-rf; ADDRESS: 1//Qc2X7 dCzOtiS U).)r;g City ~) .s~e Zlp·w Loc:a~on of pro bl em, If dlfferant: . ·-·~ Plat ~me; C ec/CL/" /4r(:_ Cj Cle. r,.. T v > Other agencies Involved: Lot No: S" Bloc:kNo: 3 Th.Bros: New.&.7' Basin t.., C./r Councll Dist / d... Ch<:rge No:. ___ _ ' Old 35F~ DISPOSlT/ON: Tumecl to ' On · by -----------OR: No further action recommended be _ Lead agency has been notified: ---,,-;,---,.,.......-,----,--.,...,....=--,-----=====---c'c:-c.----, _ Problem has been con-ected. _ No problem has been Identified. _ Prior Investigation addresses prob! SN Filo# • _ Private problem -NDAP will not consider because: · · _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel . Location Is outside SWM Se~jfea. .;._ Other (Specify}: DATE CLOSE;;). 11.ufl by-.~ ;J("f!i'<rJ.6 JRN.24.2003' I •' ' . ... 4: 16PM N0.222 :: .; ' l '_ . i .. ' ' t . ' ' '.l 160th Ave. S.E . . -·, -.. -. " .. \ ... ,• "' ... 1.·_ ,·· ..· :, :. Culvert inlet area redu<;e:4 )>y sedim,nt an gravel build~µp . . ' .,· Storro drain I -·. '!': ' ~· ,. ·l.lt_..;--~~~-, !-' . ,i, I • 140 !f· •:::.:I,. •I'•· n•••••. • """"U••·•••••••,n . --~--------- •• ~.,, ,.·.-•. ,,;_:.71 •"""I" ••• , •••••••• . !f···...... . ............. /·--· Standing Water ........... . . @ .-:::·.· .. ·:s~ace :Water Disc4argj;;s ' ;" ···: t6 Open Land' · . : · i • '"'"••••·••••••••••' •--~•··••., ... , ! • ,••••••••••••••••••••••·••·••••''no•••*' ,-.. ···--------·--·--····· ··' ., . . --··-· --,-,, JRN.24.2003 4: 16PM KC NLRD NO. 222 P. 6/6 Everyone lives di,umstream Engineering & Em,ironmental Services f t·!-C ' .. ,, - I , I I I I I I I \ SWM-EngWoi1<Slieet 4/22/93 'I i- l 1 I ( I ' \. ·· ..................... ' .... ,,................ } . . ... '\.. ···············-·····- I '·-I ;4, •·• ·-. C-h-k~~~-=--=----_-R-ev-=----_-_-_----11 Project Date _ Date Date Page of ... _ . ,,•, ro......__ __ .J./ '• .... _ 1.-, I ,n, I i ,.._ .~-....__ -....__ -----' ' .. S,rcrc.... ~ --h-~?+ h.r.. t,,.,, -/_ T ~ Pages '-· J. -\ - KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CLAlM FOR DAMAGES 0:llM 218 6 0 NOTICE'. Ne dar..agc;;_ can be·pJid 'ay King County unless-a ciairii comptying·v,;th \Vashfnglon State :...at•:; preser:led to the King County Council. Arter filing claim, please direct ~II questio,,s tO th~ Office of Risk Man~~ement at, (206) 296·7432. lNSTRUCTlONS: 1)Comple:e form1 giv;ng specific details about your damage er loss. Include: dates: !tmes and witnesses. Z)Sign and have me torm notarized. 3)Returnform to King C~unty Clerk of the_ Ccur.c~t, Rvcm 403, King County CCUrthcuse, Seattle, WA 98104. !NAM" /lllqr,y,111-1r -/J1, &,e,i1]""111 1 .f,I!?,_. ' . . I (Flrt;~ middle, last o:-bUS!f'.ess name) I ·,:/.--\ADDRESS (p;{I I (home or c·_:s:nessJ lauSlNErs I PHONE~ d C,)JJJ--J>f'o? ( I ADDRESS SIX MONTrlS BEFORE HOME r_, 1\ . P'r-lONE:I.J,?(dl> )J 77-tf' / 2 / MESSAGE PHONE: __ ~----- ILOSS/ACCIDE!'/T ,/. ,:7 !ocCURRED: 1 -r z..J' ~ !'{o s: F ~ ,(Vt,41( L · lnclud• citY. slate 9nd zip ioArE OF ACC!DENT r.,7'.'.f;, ? Ji....OCATION LOSSiACClDENT -~-.;/,'---~ TIME OF ACC1DENT8-/0 /fll·AMOUNTC!..AIM:cD s--!;5o.£...,f,+_· /tpL~ /to J'.c ~ 4,</t,J · I jDESCRiPTl0"-1 OF D=7AlLS (Desc1foe h°'"v the losslincidef'lt oc.:-urred): 1 $y., ,il«~d'.,,.,~r ,J. _ . i----------------------------~----c=--------' ~ ~ i--------------------------'r--~---. -. -----~·= ---~= -8 ~ -;JJ . ~ ~l~G ~OUNT'f'S ?r\lV_Ol VEMENT (If possible, identift the employee or department i~ i~~---, l'ncid.en,): Q,, /J{uc(AJevf: ,5' -_ ~ .,, m j -------m D JPROPE~TY DAM AG:.:: {P1ea~e desert~ thia\,a1ue and extent of d~mage to your no_me, aUtomobile, Ci .. _. ___ ( rPets.cna: pr~rty. Attach estimates.. bills oiwt",atever ctocumenta11on uf damages you ma-,; · , ,nave): • ~ /l, I - i7-:-:-:-;-;;'--C-:-:-C-~--CC-:-----,-----,---------~~---------j ldenUy p:'"lys.ician{s) er any other medica~ profes.siona,1(s) inv~lved~--£=,_,_,,_i/,-,.·----------- ! sweer tnls ~s a rrue and ~eturat~ t.taten,er.t .-.~ ,J PROPERTY DAMAGE 35.00 Hair dryer 95~00 vacuum cleaner 950.00 Carpel and pad l 50.00 Removal 600_00 Doll House 40.00 Dog btJ 225.00 two Nintendos J00.00 Stereo c.ibiner 800.00 HiJcabed 750.00 Couch 350.00 Recliner 250.00 Stereo 5-peakcrs: 200.00 coffct table 175.00 Pkrnre frames 185 00 Wicker chair 450.00 lhrec doors at I 50.00 each 100 .. 00 Rug ,;:Jean,;;r-rcntal 50.00 Rug fan real.al -5 days $5,505.00'Total Costs Brenden claim Attachrnenl C January 18, 1997 •111e lotal amount docs not include hidden charges such as mildew or water damage:s to the walls or lnstl1mion. ' ' ! :1 / King Councy lnvo1vement: Brcnd(~ii claim Attachment B January 18, 1997 King County Maintenance over a period of,hre.e months have been cleaning, lining and otherwise 'improving the drainJ.gc ditches on both sides of 160 SE above my property_ starting at a poiht from SE 130th street 'll1e,e improvements and cleaning was extended to approximately I block North ofmy property. This action cause:d the-drainage water to be all djvcrted to the culvert at my property site rilther than some waters be absorbed bf properties above. mine. Immediately North of my s.-ile the C01.inty andfor others diverted a)I \Vale.rs draining on the West side_ of 160 SE by the uS:c of a culvert under lhe roadway 10 the East side of'160 SE thereby doubling the water-·volume immcdiale.ly above my home site. This action along with ditch improvements to the North and the:debris buildup in the ditch next to my home caused an overflow of lhe culvert area and directly caused myJ1ouse to be deluged with drainage V.•atcr. J believe the County erred in 'improving· the drainage areas above my sire rnther tban below my site_ This left onty m.y house to contain t~e excess. flow of water. I have lnclmh:tl photograph!. to help you better unders~nd the Count)·~s negligence in this in~tter. Photo No. I D.rlvcw.::y al 13& 15 t60 SE-.i;;hows drain culvert and volume of water on \VEST side-of 160 S"E Photo No. 2 Drni,rngc and culvert WEST side of 160 SE Photo No. 3 Drainage of water in ditch on WF..ST side of 160 SE and the point where this drainage is directly closed off ,md routed to the EAST side on 60 SE and directly feeds tbi.s w.iler through my culvert. Photo No. 0 1 Drainage on EAST side of I 60 SE and immediately pril1f to c-0nversion ofwate-rs see Photo. No, 3 Pll{)IO No. 5 Drainage ditch on EAST side where waters from both EAST and WEST ditches were diverted by the County direc1Iy abo\.'C my residence. Photo No. 6 Drain culvert frort1 WEST ditch to EAST ditch. Pholo No. 7 EAST ditch <lirccl1y Nnr1h of my reside.nee and after 1he conversion of both \VEST and Ei\ST drninage djtches. into one drair1agc ditt;.h. Photo No. 8 West side of 160 SE ( acmss the street from my home). Although there is a culvert on the South the culvert ends or is pl.ugged before it mtcts tht. drain waters on the \VEST side of 160 SE_ ' i :::_:;;:;{%¥.~f,)~~~~~~;:;:,rf:(~'.i';~,'.!. ~,>:~'§::;~J-e\TA:?±~[i~~Y8/t~l!B.;:!;;.1#~C:,J;6·.':;1oS:~;;1:c:-flJ;7'.-:~~-:.:::v:;,c·~,g;:;.'.;t:'0':e"~,'1ft.dA~ir;!{'!.!;"'.;\,"";l:7i:-Ai>i.~,~ir?';~g~·~,i·.~·-·~-',r&~f.~·_t.~"·"'"""'=I ' ,:-·· ", •1·:,f',.," . .' .. ," l-'• ·,,,. .. ,,, -i···· ... :,. ' :;,,.-., ./) -~~;·:·, ..;.·-:,c .•. ..... _ .. _._ if r. • t\ ,, j l Brenden ,Jaim Attachment A January I 8, I 997 Description of details: (see auachment A) . ! Loss Rsultcd from approximately a foot or sO·ofwater entering the ground floor area of my borne Ot 14028 160 A venue SE and severely damaging. or de.c.troying. the conlents of the living area· of my home. The water was the result of an overflow from the roadside ditchCs afld its drainage·culvert oil J 60 SE caused by L overgrovnh of vegetation 2. debris in the ditch immediately adjacent lo my home and 3. excessive ,-..,a1er drainage routed to lhc ditch adjacent lo my home. by the County. ,,. September 11, 1998 TO: Karen Graham, Claims Officer, Office ofRfak Management FM: Harold s(~i, Manager, Road Services Division . RE: Claim: 21860/Clalmagt: Marshall M. Brtnden/Amount; $5,sos,oo Thank you for your February 5, 1997 memorandum requesting conunents and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. This claimant alleges damage to various pieces of personal property dlle to King County Maintenance cleantng, piping and otherwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of 160\h Avenue Southeast, above his property at #14028. This work caused the drainage water to be diverted to the culvert at his property site rather than some waters to be absorbed by properties above his. The flooding incident reportedly occurred on December 31, 1996, between 8:00 p.m. and I 0:00 p.m. My staff has reviewed this claim and the findings arc as follows: Incident Confjrmatjon; The incident was confirmed by Road Services, Maintenance Division Four personnel who responded the same day to a report of plugged drains. Staff did not located a plugged pipe, apparently there was just too much water for the pipe. Also again on January 2, 1997 County forces observed one-foot plus of water in the Brenden residence and a driveway culvert that could not handle the heavy flows. J)amaee Conflrmatlop: King County employees did not assess damages to the property, The claimant's property is located below the road with no provisions to address possible overflow of the roadside ditch. Resommendatioo; I recommend denying payment of this claim. Although King County has done ditch cleaning, some installation of drainage pipe and other . improvements to drainage ditches on 160:h Avenue Southeast, this work was a considerable distance north of the claimant's property and none of these activities altered water flows, Staff did not confirm the claimant's allegations of a plugged pipe inlet, There is an 1 s:inch diameter culvert pipe along the front of the Brenden property and there is no history of previous or subsequent problems at this site, Karen Graham September 11, 1998 Page Two Second Party Liability: None. Staff report there was just too much water for the system to handle during the stonn of December 31, 1996. The event included snow and ice melt concurrent with the rainfall. Remedial Action; The drainage system on !60~ Avenue Southeast is being reevaluated for possible improvements. Hold Harmless Agreement: None known. If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Field Engineer Bi 11 O'Connor at 296-8147. HST:WEO:le cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill O'C0IU1or, Field Engineer I ' ~ ® King County Ro,d s,rvk, Dh1,ioc Department ofTranspc Road Maintenance Sec 15S Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA 98056-41 September I 0, 199 TO: Harold Tanigu FR: Roderick Mats RE: Contrac1 C75( Attached is Change C Contracting Compan. change does not resu required because the building permit applic space provided and n If you have any questi Cc: Kathy Brown, Jon Cassidy, Si ' f\-) ~~ Kli'IG COUNTY. WASHINGTON CLAIM FOR DAMAGES 31249 ~OTJCE: ~,:. d..unag:cs QJl be p-aiJ .by King. CaorQyUJ)k:-.!i '1 cbim uirnr.lyio~ with W~hingk>n Sblc l..sw IS pn:scolOO to~ Ck-di; of Tb~ C,c,oniri1. (\R~r filiot cbiln. rk:1-'",.o! J)ret..1 ~n qu;:;:µ},;,ns lo~ Offic-.e <>fRisk),{;m;ir,cmclll :rt (206) 296--74)2. r L'<SnU;CTIOl<S: tl)Cc<npktefoanghmg~d<t>ilubo<d you, .i.m.sc .. 1=. h><looc<l,k,:, tm,o,;.30<\~ (2) ~)&n lh<fmn. (3) R"""'eanple!ciJfo;,,;1 . t..'~~~; __ <;~1_c~('.rkO[!hF-:~a. R~W~'-ff25..){lr):C[l(mtyC~5161lw,I.A¥0RH'~~V,~.i\-9Rl04. Sttcl~b.mJlini~oo~koffOfUL 1 l>AT>:Of" INOO~.r,,, ll •J~ '0 l ~ J i•f3 •{)I T™EOFINCIDENT,k}1\itlll gA/.1 _ 5 PM_\MOUl>'TCl.hlMEDcL~-b 40 2. bl LOC\flO,< Of1.0SSl11'0DF.NT: 5_._,_,.,,, J>..-=, i\"Gevt- Dt: IAILS ("='"' ._ ''"' loc•<-\n<.~,1e,,, ,-.,wml~ :::DJ~"Qg.A@_J_QN. ·c~~ '"'~"''---4~1 f.Ld. QOtI4_ ... 0 ueriFfiiiiid ..... AIJO __ [1.oct>fi)__ovt2. _ G":""".o/:. ~-~wlA VN{'.J_ of' -~...'.l,,L. ·_______ . ···--.------ K l:'.'t(; ('01 :Nn .. s J:",i.-VR," "EM£. Yf fiJ ~ibk, pka.s;..::: u:k:otiJy ctnvl,,yec ;ind.<'ffl" dcp:U"'.ml?:rrt iQVVh'~ ---___:+t"--""--~~w. ----. --~----------------· -----~-----~-•... ,_ ----- WIT~£SSt:S (plea.-.c pro:>~·idt: ~di~= c'l,1(1 p"huoem.1mlxn): 11) 1..,\dE l-\_u,d_:?Q_/'l __ l)f_ -~l_i?mi~Jit·S~D"Y\ -( WJ ((.~~~ t -Z • I 3 • 0 i -·· ___________ ,. :~;-~:~z.f1~~~~ = ~~i~~!" ~~·-!'·it~;:!k. "t "os<; ·z;:i:i~J.f-2~ ~ 1s..11_=:. n INJlftlY (if }"(.'U wae injul'C4 p~ &~ det.aU!!-): -----·- ,_J Ip. -~-~-... ,-· ·---·---· . ·---' ---··--··· ,--~-------------------------- .!00,t,fy .uJJ plysi<;.i.in(s.} ~"" any ,otha-med~ p-of~M'.)Jl,31:($) involved: ----~------~-~-~---~ ___ _ -------->-1 I p. ------------ " I declare under pcM. lty.o< ..,;-, -,,. -o<o>o s-•w.,o,;,,-gm. f}1Ttg iS troc and correct:~ i /'.2 'iµ.coz. _'i{!c'::~-~--------___ _ ·, __ :,0L~--_--------·- ioa1c and Place (Cil)', St;ltc)) Signature :;,,., •. ',.~ .. , ;-_f~-~1~!1r · UAiM 3124 9 MEYERS FLOOD -PAGE 1 OF2 11/14/01 -Arrived home at approximately 5:30 pm to find that the lower level of the house had flooded that day. 1vfost of the water had soaked into the carpet and pad by the time that I got home. By that time, the ditch was also lower but l suspected that it bad overflowed. There were signs of water and debris running down the driveway from the ditch so I called King County to report the problem. I In9/0l -I called King Country Roads Division again. They stated that someone would be out on l'vfonday, December 3"' to investigate the problem. 12/5/01 -I arrived home at approximately 6pm, I had a message on my answering machine from Manny Espinosa with King County Roads. He stated that he was in my neighborhood and would be out to my property in approximately ,.; hour. He did notstatethe time. that he called and my answering machine doesn't track it so I do not knmv whaftime of the day he called. This was the only message that I received from him. I do not know ifhe was out to my house or not. 12/13/01 -My wife arrived home ai approximately 3 pm to find that the ditch had been overflowing and the water running into the honse again through the garage. She called me ,md I called the King County Road Division at 3:30 pm. Mike Hudson arrived at 5:30 pm, He stated that the drainage tile probably needed to be upgraded to handle a larger capacity of water flow. He instructed me to ca11 1-800-KCroads. l\1y wife also called 911 arid the Renton Fire Department was dispatched. Bill Kullburg and his crew from King County Fire District #25 assisted in draining all of the water from our home that day. 12/14/01 -I called 1-800-KCRoads and talked to Bob Napier. All of the other employees were out at limch. I told him that this was the second time that this had happened and we needed someone out 10 our home to see the damage as soon as possible. He said that someone would be contacting us and would come out and see the damage before we repaired anything. He said that this person would be out later that same day or Monday, December 17th. 12/14/01 -I called and talked to Lori Kronan at 1 :45 pm .. She had called my wife earlier and stated that they had a .. vac truck" out to our property on the morning ofDecember 11th but she didn't know if they had found anything that would have caused the problem. 12/18/01-Called at 9:00 am and left a message for the roads department to see if they had been out yet and if they hadn't, it was imperative that them come out ASAP because we were having new carpet installed and didn't want this to happen a third time. 12/18/01 -· l calleu J-800-KCRoads at 3 pm. Talked to a woman at first, then I \Vas transferred to Lori Kronans voicemail. I left her a message to call me. Lori Kronan called me. back that same day and stated that there ·wouldn't be anyone from their department looking at our damages. She said someone would be out to check out the drain that same afternoon. J\IIEYERS FLOOD -continued PAGE 2 OF 2 12/27/01 -I called again at 11 :50 am. I asked for Lori but she was out in the field, TI1e person that l talked to looked up my file and said that nothing was reported as being done yet> She would leave a message for Lori. · 12/28/01-10:30 am-Received call from Lori Kronan. She said she had been out at our property and looked down our drain and didn't see any blockage. She saw a slight bow in the pipe near the telephone pole area, but nothing that should restrictflow. She's not sure if the vactor cleaned out sticks or debris, but when they vactored it, they found nothing that was of large proportion to cause blockage. She said she had filed the paperwork to have the ditch dug and cleaned. 1/25/02 -Called Lori Kronan at 7 a.m. infonning her that the ditch was cresting again and it needed to be looked at immediately. Sometime that morning after l Cam, someone was out to my property, but by that time, the water in the ditch had decreased. They left a load of sandbags in a pile in my driveway. She stated that she had filed the request to have the ditch cleaned but was i10t sure when this would happen. CURRENT SITUATION - As of today's date, the ditch has not been dug outand'there are still times during heavy rain where the water is at a level higher than expected. lRESE PHOTo·s WERE ~"EtJ 8Y 11-tE REW'lbN FIRE DEPT. WHEN 1UEY ARR\\/ED 1l:> OVR HOME IIIE ~'I o,::.,~ii-fE SECOWD FLOOD. (!AIM 312 4 ~J ,. .. \.' . ' -' ~·<<'-• 0 1249 tJ ... n.a f:j\ ~ . __:_ ; IIIESE PHOToS StrJ\JV - WHEAE . UIE. Wls:f~R. -CAME R«)M AND It IE AREAS OF OUR \, H)IVE--·11-11\l.-WERE t>AMJ\GEl:> ...,E 1c> iflE ~TS<. u1.u" a 1.24 9 · · ·m· · · · ··· 15· ··· ·P1WTI· ·.·. · · ·.· · o . . ;;_ . _-_ ' -.··-·_.-·,. -: .>-. ·:-.. ;; ;_, _·,.: _.-.· . . ·.·.···-·;~··· ".· __ ·:,:·· ·.-: .. · .. ·.:'.·i·.··.·" '.·, .· ·.· ... • .. ',.;.-_---:.·:, . . \AJ··· .· .... ·1-1····· -e·· .:as···_ .···.· ... ·· ' . : ; ',:: .,:: ·_,_.,:._-·::'. -··' .. __ '' . ' ·-. -. . ··,Re ~~~ CR65fEb ct.AIM. 31249 . -' . • • # .... ,A.., ....,; ,i z~ ':') ,...,., c;,"':) ® King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation 201 South Jackson Seattle, WA 98104·2637 March 27, 2002 TO: Robert Hansen, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Linda Dougherty, Manager, Road Services Division RE: Claim: 31249/Claimant: Chad L. Meyers /Amount: $6,402.61 Thank you for your February 12, 2002 email requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. The claimant alleges County responsibility for flooding damage to the garage and lower level of a residence located at 14028 160th Avenue Southeast, which occurred on November 14, 2001 and again on December 13, 2001 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. My staff has reviewed this claim and provides the following findings: Incident Confirmation: A query of the Citizen Action Request database produced CAR 01- 005097, received from the claimant on November 30, 2001 at 2:55 PM, which stated "ditch plugged from last rain, had water in basement." CAR 01-005343 and 01-5405, which were received on December 13th and 14th also confirmed the incident. Damaee Confirmation: Roads staff did not confirm damage to the Meyers' residence. Used sandbags were, however, located on the north edge of the property, which would indicate a flooding problem. Recommendation: Staffrecommends this claim be denied. Roads staffbelieves there is no liability on the part of King County. Second Party Liability: Please note Brenden Marshall, Jr. (former owner), filed a claim for flooding damage (Claim 21860), which occurred on December 31, 1996. Staff investigation confirmed the installation of an 18-inch enclosed drainage system extending across the entire frontage of the property. A check with DDES could not locate any valid right of way use permits authorizing installation of this pipe. Staff believes this pipe is undersized (and probably-was at time of installation) and cannot handle flows from event storms. Roads staff further recommend Mr. Meyers check his purchase paper work to determine if the 'known' flooding problem was disclosed. Remedial Action: County engineering staff have reviewed the site, have assigned tracking number (4-1032) to this project and are currently designing an upgraded system to correct the problem created by the improper pipe installation. Hold Harmless Agreement: NIA If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Office Engineer Bill Hintz at 296-8709. Enclosures: cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill Hintz, Office Engineer KC '"1Ji:D - Pl,n·narne: -~,'t:...( L E.,4 LRf:,T Other-ag~ lml~: Basin L.-6f · Counoi !list / :2 Cha,yo No: . r«:l. 642 P.3/5. . .. l,,'":'_ {_;, -1.DtNo; ff . stock NO: • No _Fleld lriv&<tl<,a1tlon Needed ---.....,., _ Lead agency has baan notffl~--;:;-:,-========--'----'------a-========;;;;; _ Problem has been corrected._ _ No probl:em has been Identified. Prior Investigation address.es prot -~·f;\•# . _ Private problem r NDAP Will not consider be.cause.~ . : Walat" originaw: ons1te s.tYJ/Of oo nelghboring pare(!! --:-Lncau~tJs: outside SWM SeTVice._Area. DATECUJSED,1JLJ..2.!=;/J4-2 1,y-_..p_ J.l__;,;_,.~ _-_ Otho.-(Specify), ... _ C /corf mt£ Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD --._ '- '- "-... .. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ E JA'i. e.2001 s=04PT1 Coraplaint 97-206; Don Gucg. 16046 SE 142..i Pl.. Rtmton In'VCStiptcd by-S:an Groom on Ol/H/97 P.4-"'9 Der. Grq:g has lived at the above rcfttenced. locatio:a rci:occ the early 60s (hl6 house w.as 51:XOQd buiJt ill. the rieve.lapmct:it). Surf"*" &to.cm water flows began :floocling his garage approxima:tely fi,."C years ago. At his own expense at 'that time be brought a back hoe m. 10 cm a dninage di!ch aJoo.t:: the hack side oL b1' property_ 'Ibis 0pcn trench provf&:s .did dming .mm:t pzec;ipituion ~ mrface "'3fa' mavcs around hi.s prcpcrty. Stonn 'w.lltcr docs breech the lOp occasionally. Tilc ditch .fills ttdUDt::nts: up and he clears the ditch of ddlri& mm: :flcats Oown and reduces flow. He waik:5" the dr.dnqe ditch durin,J Qmm ievuits (he was:n ~t around! fur the: last .storm evcJlt) to ~ its :functionality as a prccan6on as well. He wants the dtainagc to o:mtmue dovm. 160~ AV¢-SE instead. or a conveyance system arunnd his a:Dd ncigbbor'a ptap:zty. Appareo(fy. as dcvcl~ DOrth afhis pn,p,e:ny-hss inaea$ed .additional runatr is~ UllD the~ along 1600.. A-W. SE. and snbscque:ntty ll&D5.-tci his prnpc,1y. 160"' Ave S.E. StandiQgw.ua-, nmotfn'om 160"-Ave SE discharp:s ln:to this w:a. Lo~~ Gregg said the land am~ be dcvelop,-d bcs::anse they don't ~ the percolation for infiltratu:m. of. septic;~. SE 142"" Place Tm..E ··-...... • Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • J~. e.2001 5:05PM KC \.LRD N0.642 97-JO(p OP.I'I.OIIB ,AJdJ D:I8CU$S:l0lf Hr. Gr3.99" i• conc.rned. abou~ continuing upatr&11111 devel~nt which typically ree~lto .i..n aore trurfac-wat.r f"lgwa through hi• drairtage d1teh and occ•ei.oual.ly .into hi• yard. 't e-JtP1a.i.ned that for 1w1.r9.-r deYelopzrem:.a w1le~ more than 5 1 000 •quare £.•t of .i.mpOr,;,.Loua uurfac•• ara conetructed1 th& d•vlf.l..OpQr'e •nginae:i= i.• only Eequ.i.red to revi..--_ 'the ~ai.D,age syetem•• cap&ci.ty up to ap.e quarter Of .;a mi.J.e downstream from the propoeed. plat·• outlet -p:>i..nt. !'or ai.ngle ~aite•, there .i.e noi:JIIAl.ly no downstream an.;l.1yeia required •iDce there i.• uimally .I.eea thel1 5,000 aqu;are feet of new i.lnpervir,qa aur.f.a.ceg COnll't:.ruct~. J.: augqeetllld that Mr. Gragg ].oak for »-lopment 6.igru, al.ong 160th north of hi.• bcae-When h• .... new signe, he can a.tt.end pabl.ic bear.li1gl!I and ~i.t& l.ettera ~aBJ.ng M• eoncerna and autl.i.n.i.ng bi• drainage i.mpact11 .. No •ol.uti.on to thi-.a drai.nllge pL"ObllftD, waa 1.denti.fi.d. Mr-Gra.99 r~ated that we cl.aan out hi.a d'J"a.\.n.age di.tch. we o,f':f~d to cl.ean out part of h~• d1tch l.f oQr contr•ctor can get tha neceeallrY equ1pment £rain Graqg•a dri.vew-ay i.n.t..o the di:tch. 3 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD .-1 ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,,. ,. .. .. .. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. • JA'i. 0.2001 KC '"-.RD ro; P.tLJl kB:: >till\P ~TZOH FOR COMPLll.IIT JIN). 1604& SB 1.4.2lm PLAa': Jtmoa CCiG"LAlJl'l' CBPOllOI-OGr I OJa.f.:umt l.-l.o-97 Fzar.D DIV .2-.14-97 ff rm&N GJV.>OK 97-0206 GRAGG 235-0168 FJ:SLD EVM.. 3-"1-9'1 BS' A:LMI" HBYBKS- OU> Pl::LICS I ... Pl.eiUMI -the attached drai.nage complai.nt i.dvwet.Lgaticn report dated 1-3.4-97 by scan orooo. l"DIDX.OS: S.i..nc• the :probi... meat• a11 o:f tha KD.AP project cri.ttri.& 1.iatad bel.ow1 .it quali.fiee for and hllLII ):)een i.:nve•ti.ga.ted \lllder the Rn.AP p.rc)gr1UD.. • 1"be ~obl.a. •ite i• with.in the SWK •ervice area and d.oea not 1.Dvol•e a ~ OOunt.y (XC} code vi.ol.at.ion. • 'l'be pra~l.em •i.t• •h~• e..idence o~ or ~ed 1ocal.i:ui,d :fl,.ood.inq .. ero•ion and/or ee<li.81el1tation. wi.tb.i.n ~111 off road drainage ay.-taa on ptivate r.•~dential and/or coim..rcial p:roparty dua 1.n part to l.ater up,9tream a:avelopnent. • Tbe problem .i.a caueed by surlace w•ter fJ:Oeb AOre tha..o one adjol..fti.ng property. SOlLS: Acco.rdi.ng to the J.C eoi.la -.a.p,. the e.ite i.s locatec1 i.n tbe following •oil. ~esoci~tion: ALtlE:RIIOOO ASSOC:UT:IOII~ Jlodera"t:ely well drauied ~nctQl.ati.ni;r to .bi.lly 1101.l.• that have deD.ae, ve:r;y slowly perlQl!l•l:11.e g-lac.ial. ti.11. e.t ~ dapth o'f 20 to 40 i.nebl!uf; 01".1, upland!!! and terraces. I met with Kr. Gragg on. March 7th and toured b.La property. U deve1opomit oonti.nu•• in tbe •.FPUJ:it"imate 60 a.ere drainage b .. 1.n north of hi~ ~pcrty: JDOre. drai..nag• water ha& been rout*d. •~th i.nt:..o the pond locat~ jaet JqW of h~• property whicb then dra:S.na ea.t. •nd •outh a.round the edge cf bis prope~y. 1 TITLE .. Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD 4 4 C 4 4 C C 4 e 4 4 • J~. 8.2001 5; 05f"M KC~ P.6/9 ·------,.--:,:,_ -· ·- He requested that the d:l':ainag,a flowin~ •onth aiong the eaet ei.d• of 160th Avainu.e 5Z be :re.routed etraight aoutb a.long tbe east uide of l.60tb. p,iUlrt: SE 142:n.d P1•c• .rather than t:he cur;raDt rout• whJ._eh 1'.l.DW• 111a,t and •ou.th around hie pro~y. Mr. Cragg •tat.ad. that -~1""u.l Lo~ t,w.~ re•Went• have tald him. tho dr&i.nagtt uaed ta -flow au="ai9ht •DUtb along th• ve•t ata.d •••t •i.de• c:f 160th al1 th-. w•y down to SE: l.4.4th. x: etated tba.t tllily be true. but tJ:ia e.x.l.ati_pg ~•~ ~ttern i.• old and cannot be roviaad J>ec&use i.t 111 con111idsrad the e..tal'.11iebed drainage pattern £or hie area. r rtviftWftd hi.a and hi• two ne.igbbOr" • drainage rvlatod. impa.eta and. · aco.r&d tbl"I probl.em at l.4 with b.1.u garag-e and aeptic .-yatem im:pa.ct.• and 7a.rd. damn.g• to two propertl..-. J1,..l:tboggh the 1.-t :f-~-UTeo beCQ:I aapecial1y -t and bad, r rated the event .frequency at 10 ar once I/IVery 2-S yea.re which i• 1'IY eot~te af the £:requen:cy cf hOW oft8D hi.a 518p'ti.c •Y•t8dll wi,11. b. a.-1.y illlpact.cl ~ tba long tez1D. ~. c::ragg-at.a.tad that hiu pi:lbped eff11,,1ent ~ic ayv.t.nt ~ workad fine> r~ tbe r.1.rut is yeax-11, Howr,-var • he: ha• burJ2ed up four pumps w.i:t.h.i.:n. the 1a.st thrae para duo!! to the 1.ncreased ,groundwater :f1ow,, i.nto hi.• aaptic tank/drai-n:f.ie1d a.r&a. r~ow bi.-e wet/dry eeaecn otu,e.rvati.on•; be i.• convinced that ~mt o~ the ~Ur coa,,eu from th.a drai..n.&.ge di:tch looated juet atioTe hi.a dra.inf i•ld- w• revi.ewed way• of prctect.ing hi.a Aepti.e dra.in.fiald from. the movement of groundwater £ran the upbi.11 poud and drainage ditch. we dieC'l•uud wayu to eeai the cDrthc~ d..i.t~h i.te•1£ uaii)g a pl.a..at:Lc 1~ or a large hel~ round o• fuil pipe •eetione along at.,out 50 feet of ditcb abov-8-hi~ d~&i.nf.i.e1d. % point&d out tbat coneidera?>le groundwater may eti11 £low :trom north to eouth t,e-100., the ditcll eecti.on so that •e&li.ng tbe diteh ~~y not so1ve the prob1am. Depending on tbQ depth to ~pan~ an i.mpervi.oue v-e:cti.cal layer of plastic or bwntoni.t:.e slurry located upbil.L o~ hie dl::M.i.n£ie1d bet~n hie dra1.nf.i.~l.d 11.ft.d. t.h.e ditch would probabl.y be t:.ba -i.•et a;nd. moat e!£ecti:ve eO].ption to thie probl-. rhi• i .. perviQI.I• l•yer wc:ruld run fcCHll th& ~round aurface down to the hardpan layer where it would be key•d down into the hardpan layer. Beeauae aucb. a l.ay.air .roul.d restrict the flO'\l o~ grcu.nd wa.te~. higher groundwater i~..-la rn.ight reBUlt i.n this part of Gragg'e yard w~th more groundwater •urfac~ng during the ·wet s•••on uepec:ia.J.ly ne.ar ea,r;b end of •u.c:h ,a.n 1.mperv.:Lau.• wall re•u.J.t.:Lnq :i.n ll>Oru WGt aeaa.on lilV-rfaee. ~atetr a.ee.page/ flowu iL4d iey conditiOt.\.e on Port.ions o~ Mr. cx:agg' e driveway. Por a.ny work thi.l!I clone to the drai.n£~eld, any yard drain or imperv~ouB f&Cility of this ki.nd wou1d h•ve to be rev.i.ewed and a-p9~ed by the ~ing eounty Health Dapartment cwnyne oisen •t 296-9737). 2 mt£ Drainage Complaints -From the files of KCWLRD AgC 406 C i' I I I ! ::==F"~_;ell';'-·:~.;,,:.,,;,·_aa···,..,_. ! • : • I • I I I ~--~b,~faa =-====a.I I I I I I I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE .. 1 680 000 FE ET .. . . . .. ' • • • =' • AgC : : Eva 122°0)7'30" .- ~,,_._.,..,c I f?l)eeeL ~ I ... "" • I ! I t. I • ,,. I ·-t t \I':. t I I I r SGILS MAP S.:ALE: 1 ''s 2D:.u 1 £XJ112Jtr H ., I I I I I I . I 'I I I I I • . . ~+= BM 574 Page 1 of 4 Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Site Visit 1/20/2003 Weather Overcast E Crossing SE 136th St. N. to S. 2 CB (Shallow) Collecting from pavement N/A 37 None --j 3 218LF -18" LCPE Under gravel driveway 3.8% 37-256 None 58LF Channel 4' wide; 3' deep 4.8% 256-313 Rusty water running from 4 !Side slopes 1 :1 Rockery to earth fining the east 6" plastic pipe 5 \38LF -12" LCPE Under utility access drive 3.6% 313-352 Erosion due to a water outfall from pipe to channel 95LF Channel 14'wlde;2.5'deep Side slope 2' from edge of 6 I Side slopes 1 : 1 to 1 :2 Earth lined 4.2% 416-468 pavement 1under dirt drive to back of Ponding @ south end of 7 l20LF -12" Concrete 0.4% 448-468 prop. pipe 41LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep 3.2% 468-508 Water pool 3' wide .5' deep. 8 !Side slopes 1 :1 Earth lined Straw ball 9' from S. culvert 9 \18LF-12" Concrete Dirt drive to back of property 2.2% 508-527 None 1' outfall to 2.5' wide 0.5' 153LF Channel 14' wide 2.5' deep I I deep water pool at end of 3.0% I pipe. Straw ball 6' from S. I 10 I Side slopes 1 : 1 to 2: 1 Earth lined 527-678 culvert. straw ball 57' from N. culvert Site Visit 1/21/2003 ---· --I System in good condition None Water pool 2.5' wide .5' deep @ south end of pipe 4" roof drain east. At beginning <v" of channel Straw ball 7' from S. culvert o"' Plugged 4" roof drain east@ rv~ e:,«J south end of pipe 1.5' edge of pave. to edge of water SEE NOTE 1 15' EP to EW@ S. side of channel 11 \74LF -12" Concrete I Under asphalt pavement I 3.0% I 678-753 !None !None !SEE NOTE 2 NOTE 1: LOCATIONID 2 TO 10111/TLL BE lJPGRADED8YTH1S DEVELOPMENTAS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZ~D TO HANDLE EXPECTEDFLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1~ 11-24 . WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. 8£E tX.Hl/3/r (3 At.So ~ ~ ~ hi Page2 of4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE p,_ ~-B 12 lcs (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 13 52LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 14 CB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 15 35LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 16 3.5LF Channel 3' wide; 1.5' deep Side slopes 1 :2 Grass lined 17 I 38LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive I 18 1116LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep I Side slopes 1 :1 Grass lined 19 l55LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive I 20 1 1 SSLF Channel 3' wide 2' deep Side slopes 2:1 Vegetation lined 21 l44LF -12" Concrete Under newly paved drive 22 1 125LF Channel 4' wide 2' deep Side slopes 1 :1 Grass lined ;;:;;.:c;z N/A 753 2.0% 753-805 N/A 805 2.0% 805-840 2.0% 840-844 2.0% I 844-882 2.0% I 882-998 2.0% I 998-1053 2.0% 1053-1209 2.0% 1209-1253 2.5% 1253-1378 S. end of N. pipe broken. CB in destruction None Water likely seeping underjj_round None None Property owner noted water draining into property over 160th 3yrs ago 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool@ end of cllanne! Straw bail 44' from N. culvert 6" outfall to 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool @ end of pipe Adjacent property owner noted that water partially drains onto the north property during he: rainfall. Flowing southeast then south None 4' from EP to EW@ beginning of channel Straw bail 30' from S. culvert 23 J26LF -12" Concrete !Under Gravel drive I 3.0% I 1378-1404 !None o""' ". fv..,. 0<,; Water currently seeping into ground. Made of Cone. Bricks Bricks out of place. SEE NOTE 2 4" roof drain into cb from east SEE NOTE 2 Straw bail 8' N. of culvert Straw bail 126' N. of culvert SEE NOTE2 NOTE 1: LOCATIOl'rlD 2 .TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE RoADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID . / -~ =-2-_'-f WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. S$ ~)(/11!3/T C ~lCO Page 3 of4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE p._ -_B ...... ;til!\t~,~il 24 135LF Channel I side slopes 1 :2 25 147' 24" ADS N-12 I 26 ISLF Channel I side slopes• riprapped 27 lw 30" ADS N-12 I 28 J 112LF Channel Side slopes U 29 1133' 30" ADS N·12 I 30 ISOLF Channel I Side slope 2•1 to none 31 Braided channel 31A Ponded Area 316 2.5' channel, 1' deep with Side slopes2•1 32 I 12 Concrete culvert 3.5' wide 3' deep I Grass lined 3.0% Crossing 160th Ave. W. to E. I 30% 4' wide 3' deep. 9LF in length 2.0% Under gravel drive 2.0% 3' wide 3.5' depth I 3.0% Grass lined Along property frontage I 3.0% 3' wide 3' depth to none I Earth to forest lined 2.0% Forested 1.0% Forested 0.5% Earth-lined 2.0% Under gravel drive I 2.0% !; 1404-1439 1439 '1439-1448 1448-1468 1468-1580 1580-1713 1713-1763 1763-1863 1863-1963 1963-2113 From Parcel A E Erosion of slopes None None None None None Minor erosion at outlet of 18" LCPE None None None None 33 112" CMP culvert !Gravel cover I 2.0% I 30 I Will not be affected by this development _t.i SEE NOTE2 None None None None None SEE NOTE 2 None None None None H ,utiify ~rea, ·likelihood of <•·._·problem, overflow Almost vertical slopes Recently installed (old pipe was 12" cone.) Was recently upgraded Recently Installed (old pipe was 24" cmp_.) Was recently regraded Recently installed (old pipe was 18" lcpe.) Natural braided channel at end of 50' ditch Water flows east among trees Flow path through middle of _eonded area See proposed mitigation Shall be upgraded by this development and sized to handle water fiow. Road currently not developed 34 I Yard Drain !Lawn cover I Nil\_ __l_ f[OJTl Parc_el B !None identified I None identified I Flows will be maintained NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENTAS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTEDFLOWS NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1 & 11-24 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. s;e: e €"J(H I(!; rr C AL S'O Page 4 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE §!!!.D;. Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A _El '".;' <\:~:tc:t,· 35 I 12" Concrete pipe !Lawn cover I NIA I 150 ··.· 1:0~~ . ----·' -1~~:~ . ,Visible end of pipe from north. Under fence at property line 120LF Channel Grass lined 2.0% 150-270 None None Collects water from N. pipe 36 12' wide 1.5' depth and from adjacent properties 37 15' 12" Concrete Under drive to rear property 2.0% 270-285 None None - 38 30LF Channel Alongside of drive 2.0% 285-315 None None if current flows to on~site wetlands is Running east to west 39 12" Concrete pipe Under drive to rear property 2.0% None maintained. Running north to south NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO 10WILLBE UPGRADED SY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, · AND l!-2~WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS . .f ff €.(I/! /.J /'T C .lrt.S'O ; ' : @r--I-1 r--1 r--, I. ' = ' ~ , , I I ' ' \ Sl'"A I 1"""'1 ! I ' L--J 1 : ' ' r--,r-1'---1._J ' L-1 __ .r ___ _J ' " ' @ ;!1 L--..JL_J • 5 • 3 ' " ti-' ~ ' I n ' :< 2.1 I II i " .. ;;, ' I .. 14 § ,. " ~I , ' • 9£.'0Bl'IBT. -(E)08'l'WQl NOT CFEN ,}{_ "\ ' " ,0 " ~ i--J #/ ----" " " " ~ .---"t...,.,.. ~v" " -z "''1 ,,,,#' ~ I·---;--• '% ' ., ~ <1;;'\ ,,-7 ., " " w w ~ " • " 8 ' " "' ( ~ n " " " "' " I'\ ~ " " " " " " " "' m. c " " TR. H " " -~ " ) " m ' " " " " " " \ ' " m ' / m.• :;i " " " " ,., ,. " " " < ~ ' \ I iJ ,-•• I L r ' :cmo -'·- ( ' " H iJ '; " " 10 I "''° mw '"' o,ro 0110 0,00 ""'' ~· • - ' , I "' o# I ' ,I !ii. ,,_ I ' !. ,___ M I I I ~ ' I I ' I ' SE. NII ST. (Elrl!ITNQ) ---. ------------- "' .. "' c-, ' ' ,-1_ .. ., ' ' 57 .. L----...J ,------, ' ' ._ _____ .J C:] .. 34 " ,. 53 " " .. .. ., 42 .. - £XH!8!T J I ' I ' !i \ll ,II 1~ ,j I ' ~ ' I ' ~ S /TE !'LAN OF 1./N~i'f GROVE , SeAtf: 1'• ZbJ EXll!/317 K Haozous E n g i n e e r i n g , Robert H. Darrow. P.E. 13428-45th C'ourt Mukilteo, WA 98175 Jax (425) 742-8488 (425) 745-5872 December 5, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Additional Information Request Edward J_ McCarthy, Ph.D .. P.E. 14816SE116th Street Renton, WA 98059 Jax (425) 254-0579 (415) 235-2707 Application No. L01TY401 & L01P0016-Evendell Dear Mr. Romano: This letter is in response to an information request by DDES in their letter dated November 26, 2002. I have analyzed additional drainage complaints in the downstream Evendell basins that were recently released by DOES. The analysis presented below includes proposed mitigations for the downstream problems per Core Requirement 2 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems from Evendell were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Level 1 Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001 ). However, since the preliminary TIR was prepared, the following drainage complaints and claim information have been released by DDES: Complaint ID Date of Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint Complaint KCDOT Action 12/13/01 13814 1601h Nuisance Flooding -Ditch on west side Request 01-Avenue SE of 160th Ave SE ovcrtoppcd road and 005339 flooded the owner's driveway and yard. Complaint 97-1/7/97 14028 1601h Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe 0203 Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home . . Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 2 Complaint ID Claim 31249 Claim 21860 Complaint 97- 0318 Claim 21699 Date of Complaint 1/29/02 1/25/97 1/21/97 1/10/97 Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint 14028 1601h Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14028 1601h Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14038 1561h Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. 14038 156th Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. I have also provided additional information regarding the following drainage complaint that was presented in the TIR for the project (Haozous Engineering, June 2001 ): Complaint 97-1/10/97 16046 SE Severe Erosion -Soil eroded from bank 0206 142nd Place is deposited 50 -100 feet downstream and contributes to ditch overtopping and garage flooding. Analysis of Complaints The complaints and claims listed in the table above document problems that occurred along the downstream conveyance systems from the proposed Evendell plat. The complaints were filed by property owners due to flooding caused by inadequate capacity of conveyance structures. The hydraulic structures at the locations of each complaint were evaluated as part of the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002) prepared for the Evendell Plat. KCDOT Action Request 01-005339 was filed on 12/13/01 by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160th Avenue SE. The ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE overtopped the road and flooded the complainant's driveway and yard. King County DOT responded to Mr. Bowden's action request and cleaned the ditches on both sides of the road. The flooding that motivated Mr. Bowden's call to the county was apparently Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 3 caused by a blockage in the ditch. Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, across from Mr. Bowden's property, were modeled in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. The culverts, identified as P 116 and P 117 in the drainage analysis, were predicted to flood at a 2-year return period. Flooding at these culverts could create a backwater condition in the ditch, thereby causing water to sheetflow onto Mr. Bowden's property, as ·did occur when the ditch was blocked. This type of flooding would likely be classified as a "nuisance" problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Complaint 97-0203, Claim 31249, and Claim 21860 relate to flooding that has occurred at the residence located at 14028 160th Avenue SE. Flooding at this location has been a recurring problem. Both 160th Avenue SE and a residential structure are subject to flooding. On at least two occasions in the past, the culverts in front of the property have overtopped. When flooding occurs, stormwater flows down the driveway and into the garage and ground level floor of the home. This problem is considered both a "severe building" and a "severe road" flooding problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis predicted flooding occurs in front of this residence at a 2-year return period. Flooding is caused by undersized culverts at locations Pl 13, Pl 14, and Pl 15. Complaint 97-0318 and Claim 21699 were filed by the property owner located at 14038 156th Avenue SE. A 12-inch diameter inlet pipe to a conveyance system, identified as POOi in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, is located in front of the complainant's property. Stormwater in the easterly ditch of 156th Avenue SE overtops the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe and flows down the owner's driveway and into her basement. Flooding has occurred on more than one occasion and has resulted in damage to the owner's washer, dryer, and water heater. This flooding problem is considered a "severe building" problem by the King County Swface Water Design Manual. Based on the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe in front of the property is predicted to overtop at a 2-year return period. Lastly, a "severe" channel erosion problem is located in the downstream system on the east boundary of the property located at 16046 SE 142nd Place. The channel is within the right-of-way of SE 162nd Avenue. Channel bank erosion that is occurring at this location could be depositing in a flat section of channel 50 to l 00 feet downstream from the eroded area. Sediments in the channel could be contributing to flooding as documented in Complaint 97-0206. In my field visit of the site, Mr. Don Gragg, the property owner, described flooding that impacted his garage in.the past. A 4-inch pipe drains a catch basin in the driveway near the garage. The invert of this pipe is only 1.4 feet above the bottom of the channel. It appears that when the channel fills, water backs up in the pipe and floods Mr. Gragg's driveway and garage. Minor channel improvements at this location would likely improve the existing flooding/erosion and sedimentation problem. Alternatively, changes to the configuration of the 4-inch diameter drain pipe could prevent further flooding of the driveway and garage. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page4 Proposed Mitigations Level 2 detention standards are required on the Evendell site, and were included in the preliminary drainage plan for the proposed plat. Prior to receiving recently released flooding information from DDES, described above, we had considered the flooding to be a "nuisance" problem and did not propose mitigations in addition to the Level 2 detention standards. In light of the new information, additional stormwater mitigations will be needed as part of the Evendell Drainage plan to conform with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Problems at 13814 and 14028 160th Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14028 160th Avenue SE, I recommend upgrading the downstream system as opposed to adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards. In my opinion, in this situation, upgrading the conveyance system along 160th Ave SE by eliminating constrictions, would provide more benefit to the neighborhood and surrounding properties than would adopting a more stringent onsite detention standard. By upgrading the system, the existing "severe roadway" flooding problem would be fixed, as would the existing "severe building" flooding at the residence located at 14028 160th Ave SE. Proposed upgrades would also solve the nuisance flooding problem at 13814 160th Avenue SE. While adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards would conform to requirements in the Surface Water Design Manual, only conveyance upgrades would fix the existing problems. Pipes that would need to be upgraded would include the following: • Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Ave SE (P 116 and P 117) • Cross culvert under 160th Ave SE (P 115) • Culvert immediately upstream the property at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 14) • Existing 18-inch diameter pipe at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pi 13) Upsizing these pipes would prevent the ditch from overtopping. Stormwater would be contained in the roadside ditch and would not be allowed to flow across the road or onto adjacent properties, as has occurred in the past at 13814 and 14028 160"' Avenue SE. Drainage Problem at 14038 156th Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14038 156th Avenue SE, eitheronsite Level 3 detention standards could be adopted in place of Level 2 standards or the capacity of the existing 12-inch inlet pipe could be increased. Increasing the capacity of the 12-inch inlet pipe would likely entail upsizing at least 115 feet of 12-inch diameter pipe. By upsizing this reach of pipe to 18-inch diameter and increasing the head above its crown at the inlet, the capacity of the inlet pipe would be increased. The frequency of flooding would be reduced from a 2-year return period to approximately a 10-year return period. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 5 Drainage Problem at 16046 SE 142'.i Place For the severe erosion problem along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142"" Place, the proposed Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through the King County Surface Water Drainage Manual under certain circumstances. Cleaning sediment out of the flat section of channel and stabilizing the eroding banks immediately upstream would reduce flooding to the driveway and garage at 16046 SE 142nd Place. Alternatively, the owner of the property could explore the possibility of retrofitting the outlet of the drainpipe from his property with a flap gate or extending the outlet of the pipe an additional 80 to I 00 feet downstream to where the flood water surface in the channel is below the upstream invert of the pipe. Impacts of Mitigations on Downstream Properties I do not believe that upsizing the conveyance pipes along 160"' Avenue SE would aggravate flooding that occurs further downstream. The amount of runoff that flows out of the constricted ditch during floods along 160 .. A venue SE is enough to cause damage to affected properties. However, containing this water in the conveyance system would likely not result in a substantial increase in flow rate. Furthermore, because the storage volume in the roadside ditch is relatively small and provides insignificant attenuation, upsizing the pipes as proposed would not result in an increased flow rate at the downstream end of the improvements. If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional documentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 6 References Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002. Evendell Plat -Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. Renton, Wash. Haozous Engineering, June 15, 2001. Evendell Plat-Preliminary Technical Information Report. Renton, Wash. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. -® King County Department of Development and Environ1ncntal Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Sou1hwe:;l Rcnlon, WA 9UOJ!:i-1219 November 27, 2002 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development, Inc. P. 0. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 Wetland Determination Dear Mr . .Jones: EXll/£3/T L ttECEIVEIJ DEC O 2 2002 I revimved the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation for the "Liberty Ridge" property, prepared by Habitat Technologies, Inc., dated November 5, 2002. I met Mark Heckert of Habitat Technologies at the site on November 25, 2002 and walked the property and surrounding areas. I also reviewed aerial photos in the County files, from 1936, 1970, 1985, 1990, 1996 and 2000. I conferred with several of my colleagues on interpretation of the Sensitive Areas Code in relation to this property. The site consists of two properties, separated by 160u, Avenue SE. Parcel A (3664500141) has apparently been filled many years ago (prior to 1985) with ditches installed around the west, south and east sides. The property is maintained as lawns and landscaping with a residence and shop. There are neither wetlands nor streams on this parcel. Parcel Bis two tax parcels (1457500085 and 1457500090). The northeastern portion of this site is forested upland. The remainder of the property is pasture with a few structures and outbuildings. A central drainage through the site was ditched across the property following recent construction of three residences to the northwest. This conveyance has some wetland characteristics through the logged area, then is ditches across the pasture. An eastern drainage outlets from a culvert under SE 136u, Street, conveying stormwater runoff from the roads, lawns and roofs of a pre-1970's subdivision to the north. This drainage has some wetland characteristics through the forested area, then is ditched through the pasture. These drainages are excavated through upland soils, and are neither used by salmonids nor convey a stream that was naturally occurring prior to construction. Therefore, they are neither jurisdictional wetlands nor streams. TO: Mr. Wayne Jones RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 November 27, 2002 Page2 I\..~--- However, the wetland on the south-central portion of the site appears to have been present since at least the mid-1980s. The eastern ditch is evident in the 1970 aerial photo, conveying water from the culvert under SE 136th Street since that time. Thus, the source of hydrology to the wetland from the culvert is the "normal circumstance" for that wetland. This wetland on the south-central portion of Parcel B meets the criteria for a Class 3 rating. The wetland and a minimum 25-foot buffer must be protected through the subdivision process by placement in a Sensitive Areas Tract. The wetland buffer width could be averaged, as allowed in Code and Administrative Rule, with enhancement of the wetland and buffer provided as compensatory mitigation. The wetland's hydrology must be protected through the subdivision process. This could occur by conveying the flows from the culvert underneath SE 136th Street across the site, either in pipes or aboveground, and outletting into the wetland through a dispersal system. Alternatively, equivalent hydrology could be calculated and possibly provided from roof drainage from surrounding structures. The stormwater runoff from the three new residences to the northwest is not required to be conveyed to the wetland as this is a recent new input to the wetland. The wildlife habitat survey may need an addendum prepared during early spring, to determine whether any of the nests observed on-site are used by species that require protection under the King County Comprehensive Plan. This property is within the Urban-designated portion of the County, so the few species that require protection include state and federal endangered, threatened or sensitive species, and certain raptors and herons. Please Jet me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at (206) 296-7291 or Jaura.casey@metrokc.gov. Cc: Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, Inc. Steve Bottheim, Supervising Engineer, Critical Areas Section LEVEL I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR LIBERTY GROVE CLIENT: Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-9750 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 333-2200 Fax: (253) 333-2206 PROJECT: 01-470 DATE: March 3, 2003 ID)~t~~~IE\D) \f\~ MI\R '\ 1 2003 K.C. o.o.E.S. / Exhibit No. i ~ Item No. l 1-,g 000 _<., Received _-...0-oy' King County Hearing Examiner MA.IN ~11..c Cop~ ~--~I~ I EXPIRES, JAN. 9, 2004 . 0_V STAMP NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED ANO DA TED TASK 1: TASK2: TASK3: TASK4: TASKS: TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Area Definition and Maps General Information On-Site Drainage Analysis Upstream Drainage Analysis Downstream Drainage System Description Future Site Conditions Resource Review 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps 2. Offsite Analysis Reports 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. King County Soils Survey Maps Field Inspection 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring, Bank Sloughing, or Sedimentation 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topography and Soil Types 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions 2. Problems Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F ExhibitG Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L APPENDIX Vicinity Map Drainage Basin Map Downstream Drainage System Map FEMAMap Assessors Map Sensitive Areas Information SWM Division Drainage Investigation information King County Soils Survey Map Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Site Plan of Liberty Grove ------------- Copy of December 5, 2002 letter from Haozous Engineering Copy of November 27, 2002 letter from Ms. Laura Casey TASK 1: Study Area Definition and Maps General Information The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments will be within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast comers of the intersection of SE 136th Street and 160th Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest comer of said intersection, will be designated as "Parcel A" in this report. Liberty Grove will be entirely within Parcel A Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast comer of the previously mentioned intersection, will be designated as "Parcel B" in this report. Liberty Grove Contiguous will be entirely within Parcel B. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The project site is located within an area zoned R-4. Since both projects will be developed at the same time, and in fact will share the same detention facility, this off-site analysis will be for both projects. There is an existing house and shop within Parcel A, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Parcel A is approximately 4.84 acres and generally drains to the south. There are two houses within Parcel B, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre parcel is presently forested in the northeast comer, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest comer of Parcel B, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. Site soils have been identified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). On-Site Drainage Analysis Parcel A has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow. Parcel B has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line. Upstream Drainage Analysis As shown in Exhibit B, Parcel A receives runoff from approximately 9. 7 acres. The upstream basin is presently covered with trees, pasture land, grass and some houses. Water from said basin enters the site via sheet flow along the northern property line. Parcel B has an upstream area of approximately 13. 1 acres. This basin is partially forested, but is dominated by single-family houses with a density of approximately 6 DU/GA. Water from the upstream area mostly enters the site via culvert that discharges near the northern property line, and into a ditch that flows to a wetland area within the site. Downstream Drainage System Description As previously described, there are two separate areas to be developed as part of this project, which are designated as Parcels A and B. Parcel A presently discharges into an earth-lined ditch along its south property line. Water then enters a ditch along the western side of 160th Avenue SE and continues to flow south. Approximately Y.-mile downstream, a 12-inch diameter concrete culvert intercepts water and brings it across 160111 Avenue SE. We are proposing to bypass the above mentioned downstream system as part of the development, and will therefore provide no further analysis of said system. Furthermore, said system will most likely be improved by the proposed Evendell Plat, located south of Parcel A. It is proposed to collect runoff from the developed Parcel A and its upstream tributary area, and convey it to the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. The existing downstream facilities from the proposed detention facility will therefore be described in more detail in this report. Parcel B presently discharges runoff along its south property line. However, most of the runoff passes thru an on-site wetland located near the southwest comer of Parcel B. Water that is released by the wetland is collected by a yard drain located within the adjacent parcel to the south. We were unable to enter the property to collect more information about the system within said property. Although we were unable to collect more information about the above mentioned yard drain, we believe this system will be inadequate to handle runoff from the proposed development. The County may however, require the existing hydrology to the wetland be retained, and therefore, the yard drain will continue to receive the same amount of runoff. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the southeast comer of Parcel B. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C, and are itemized in the Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Parcel A to this system, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to improve the conveyance facilities between point 1 to point 30 (See Exhibits C and I). The new conveyance system will be design to handle the peak flow rates. Future Site Conditions This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within Parcels A and B. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the southeast comer of Parcel B. This development is within the Level 2 Flow Control Area, therefore, we are proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria to size the detention facility. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. There have been several recorded complaints along this downstream route (See Exhibit G). Due to the proposed plan to convey water from Parcel A to Parcel B, runoff to the downstream facilities on the eastside of 160th Avenue SE will be increased. It is therefore proposed to improve a portion of the downstream facilities to handle the post-development flows, and will be further discussed in Task 5 of this report. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we are proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, the pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation. will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. There is a proposed development called Evendell Plat, which is located south of Parcel A and across the street from Parcel B. A Level 3 downstream analysis, dated August 26, 2002 has been prepared by Haozous Engineering for said development. The analysis was later supplemented by a letter from Houzous Engineering, dated December 5, 2002 (See Exhibit K}, which identified conveyance facilities that need to be upgraded. We believe that with the improvements proposed by Liberty Grove, and together with the improvement for Evendell Plat, most of the downstream problems will be eliminated. TASK 2: Resource Review The following is a description of each of the resources reviewed in preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. 2. 3. Flood Plain/Floodway {FEMAl Maps The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Refer to Exhibit D. Offsite Analysis Reports We have reviewed the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Evendell Plat. Evendell Plat is located south of Parcel A and west of Parcel B. We also reviewed a supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, which lists the downstream facilities that need to be upgraded by the Evendell Plat (See Exhibit K). We have also review the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Evendell Plat, dated June 15, 2001. Sensitive Areas Information We have included a printout from the King County website as Exhibit F in this report. The printout shows that there are no sensitive areas on or adjacent to the site. However, a wetland area has been identified near the southwest comer of Parcel B. A wetland evaluation and delineation report has been prepared by Habitat Technologies. The report, dated November 5, 2002 has been review by Ms. Laura Casey of King County's Critical Areas Section. See Exhibit L for a copy of the letter from Ms. Casey. The wetland area is shown on the conceptual drainage plan, and will be within a Tract. 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. There have been several recorded complaints, both on-site and within the downstream flow path. In Exhibit G, we have included a map showing the location of where each problem occurred and the complaint number. We have also included a summary of the pertinent complaints and a copy of each complaint. King County Soils Survey Maps The soil underlying the site is Alderwood. A copy of the relevant page from the King County Soils Survey Map is included as Exhibit H. TASK 3: Field Inspection As previously mentioned, this project involves the development of Parcels A and B. Although the parcels are not connected, they are part of the same basin. Parcel A presently drains into the facilities along the western side of 160111 Avenue SE, while Parcel B presently drains into the eastern side of 160111 Avenue SE. The flows however converge further downstream. It is proposed to divert runoff from the developed Parcel A into the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. This analysis therefore focuses more on the facilities downstream from the proposed detention facility. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review There were several drainage problems identified in the review. Please see Exhibits G, I and K, and also Task 5 of this report. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System See Exhibit I. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems See Exhibits G, I and K Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring. Bank Sloughing. or Sedimentation See Exhibits G, I and K Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms At the time of the site visit. there where no signs of aquatic habitat or organism destruction. 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use. Impervious Surfaces. Topography and Soil Types Qualitative data has been collected from previous field visits. This information is included within this report. 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures See Exhibits C and I. 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 At the time of the site visit. the tributary basins described in Task 1 were verified as being accurate. 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area At the time of the site visit. a neighbor living in address 13814 160th Avenue SE was available during our site visit. This neighbor had previously complained about water overflowing from the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE and flowing into the facility in front of his property, causing said system to fail (See Exhibit G). This problem has been identified for the Evendell Plat also. and improvements were proposed to eliminate this problem (See Exhibit K). We are also proposing to upgrade this system in front of his property. The wetland area within Parcel B currentiy drains across address 13802 160th Avenue SE, before discharging into a channel behind the above mentioned neighbor's property (See Exhibit C). Said neighbor stated that he constructed the channel to allow water to flow freely. He also stated that the channel is dry during summer and wet during winter. He mentioned that there was no problem with the system. Furthermore, due to the requirement to maintain the wetland hydrology (See Exhibit L), the proposed plat of Liberty Grove should not have any effect on the system. 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit The site and downstream system were visited on Jan. 17 and Jan. 20, 2002. It had just rained prior to our Jan. 20, 2002 visit. TASK 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions: 2. As previously stated, runoff from the developed Parcel A will be conveyed to the detention facility to be constructed within the southeastern corner of Parcel B. Discharge from the detention facility will be to the drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE, which is the focus of this report. The existing drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE consist of roadside ditches and driveway culverts. Several complaints have been filed due to the failure of this system. One residence has experience flooding on more than one occasion. Haozous Engineering, in their study of the downstream facilities, prepared a Level 3 analysis. A supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, outlining their proposed improvements is included as Exhibit K in this report. It is evident that the downstream facilities will have to be upgraded to fix the ongoing problems within said system. Problems: A summary of the different complaints is included in Exhibit G. Please see Exhibits C and I also. TASK 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Drainage facilities for the proposed Liberty Grove Plat will be designed using the guidelines within the King County Surface Water Design manual. The development is proposing to install a new detention and water quality facility within the southwest property comer using Level 2 Flow Control criteria and basic water quality requirements. Due to several recorded downstream drainage problems, we are proposing to improve some of the downstream facilities as shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan. The new facilities will be designed per the quidelines within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S., it is our under standing that downstream improvements will be required from similar projects within the basin in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. The drainage complaints are included in Exhibit G. Also included in Exhibit G is a summary of the drainage complaints that relate to this project. Each complaint will be address as follows: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000--0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. These complaints originated from Parcel B of the project. These problems will be eliminated by the development of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. The County will require the flows to the wetland within Parcel B to be maintained, and therefore there should be no affect on this property. 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell will be improving the west side 160th Avenue SE, which will also help eliminate the problem. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell has also proposed to improve the system in front of this property (See Exhibit K). 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 1997-206 16046 SE 142°d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. This is beyond Y.-mile downstream from the project site. We believe the Level 2 Flow Control requirement should be sufficient mitigation for the erosion problem. In addition to the above mentioned solutions, the conveyance facilities between point 1 and point 30 (See Exhibit C), will be analyzed and upgraded accordingly to handle post- development flows from the basin. This level 1 analysis has provided a complete review of the downstream conditions. With implementation of the conveyance, detention and water quality standards, the project should not pose significant negative impacts to the downstream drainage course. EXH/8/1 A 11 14 SITE I w >-V) <t <D > <t 128TH TREET w (/) w V) > <{ SE 12 I I I I "~-----T-- 136TH w Ul > <{ >- (/) 13 ST 1 I I I I I I I I I -J.-c~-H-'=P.--,-.>.l.-------+-- S£ 1•BTH sr RENTON FlSl-1 >.NO I G1'ME RE~:EA 24 : I I I I I I I VICINITY MAP Scale: 1'' = 1 /2 MILE 200 "' SC•U: IN ,ti:T . -- . j ', ! I; ; ~- ,:. Ii . .· --, . . . • . 7l . _ .... ..,. --------.,i --...... ' : .. -s•" .•••• ... l - ., :i<. ~ .. ., ~ ·r-,-.--1 .~ ·. . :z: ....... - ., I -I l : ; ' I ' ' I { ' ' I.:. '· ..... . . ., ; . r... 111 "('>.;A J .11, ~ '' I.;;;,>' .. . t1• - ---t5. \ .. \ \ .I. I . . ...... ,. -.' /~.-~11C'::>~J.:~ •. , ................ 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Kn"&n Countll' I GIS Center I News I ServtceS I Comments I Search EXfl/8/T G SwM DI i/15/DN .Dl2.A!NAbE. /tJVE~liGA,10/1) INFCY2MA7loN ._,CIUltJWJllrnlal I ... llvlllml -a'llllagu llnll:a la:IIIIII Q114Mits.dt Pmfed': 12128.ro 7:36:56 AM ~ '"" lffllal------.... -ta 1974-0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONE.SRO ROCKSIDIKE115219 JONES RD/CEDAR RIV 657M 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RO ROCKJDIKBJONESROJCEOARRIVER 657A4 1974-0103 C 15631 .KJNES RO SE. W/0 BACKFIUJJONES RO 657A4 1974-0106 C DRNG 15005 JONES RD DITCH/ALONG CEDAR 657A4 1975-0128 C FLOG 16416 SE 145THST STORM SEWERS/8RIARWOOD S 657B4 1976---0064 C 156Tli Pl SE/.JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RO/CEDAR RIVER AREA 657M 1976-0091 C DEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CEDAR.RIVER 657M 1979-0090 C DRNG 14406 162NOAVSE 657B3 1980-0117 C DRNG 13405 158TH AVE SE 657A2 1981-0316 C 15035 SE JONES RD DIKE JETTY/CEDAR RNER 657A4 ,/ 1982-0520 C FLOG 13612 160TH AVE SE 65782 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145THPL BRfAAWOOD AREA 6571!4 1983-0357 C DRNG 14827 SE JONES RO CHNL OVERFLOIMADSEN CRK 657M ' 1963-0386 C DRNG 152-43 SE 132ND ST . ORNG DITCHTSE 132ND STJ152NO AVE SE 657A2 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOO AREA 657B3 19M-0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65784 1985--0710 E FIU 1e,J35 SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WILlnoCENF 657A4 198&-03n C VIOi.Al£ 15817 SE JONES RO MOBILE HOME IN FlOOD PLAIN 6S7A4 1986--0372 E ILLDVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOR CM(CHK STAT BY CMDT). 657M 1986-0378 C FLOG 13129 160THAVE SE BLOCKED DITCH 65782 1986--0437 C Ct.n..VERT 15252 SE 142ND PL INSTAUATION-NEEO CB 657A3 1986-0651 C FILLING 1'"'45 SE JONES RD SEE 86--0745.1158 657AA 1966----07 45 C AU 1'"'45 SE JONES RO ILLEGAL FIU-CEOAR RIVER 657A4 1986-0812 C EROSK>N 15421 SE JONES RO CEOARRIVER 657M 1966-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RO SEE: 86-0745 BRAMBLETT 86---0745 657M 1987-0430 C TRFD TO SWM--FMIRO ORNG. 65782 1987-0430 ER OHISWM DIV Pl Y. 65762 1987-0430 NOA OHISWM DIV Pl Y. 65782 1907-0496 C ORNG 16423 SE 135TH ST SEEPAGE 65782 1987---0569 C SEE 87-0430 WILSON. 65782 1987--0593 C DRNG 16904 SE 136TH ST DRNG ESMT WATERJOITCH NEEDS MAINT 657B2 1967-1001 X Fill. 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL Fill IN FLDPLAIN 657B4 1988-03TI C DRNG 14250 161ST AVE SE HAZAADOUS PONO OH/TO CM. 06110/89 657B3 198S-0020 C FILL 13400 168TH AVE SE NEAR DRNG CHNL 65762 1989-0086 C ORNG 14820 154Tii PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657A4 1989--0863 C DRNG 1=• 168TH AVE SE DITCH CLEANING/LOSING YARD 65782 V 1989-0867 CL ORNG 13802 160THAVE SE CL#l2735 DUE APRIL 65782 Pagel ol4 c.11111 .......... -------..... -1990-0318 C FLDG 15225 SE .JONESRD DIVERTED DITOU'STORM EVENT 657M 1990-0449 C DRNG 14943 SE JONES RD DEBES INmEEKIS'rORM EVENT 657M 1990-0518 Cl. FLDG 15225 SE JONES RD CU12839 657M 1990-0500 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BACKUP INTO MADSEN CREB</STOftM 6S7A4 1990-0702 Cl. FLDG 1SO!i9 SE JQNESRD CL#12933 SEETI.JlLY DUE.AUGUST . 6S7A4 1990-0748 Cl. FLOG 150Z3 SE JONES RD Cl..#12969 SEE TULLY OUEAUGUST 657A4 1_,,,,., Cl. FLOG 15035 SE .JONESRO WASHE DOUT DR1VEWAYJCU13019 SEE 6S7AA 1990-0931 C DRNG 16423 SE 135THST SWAMP IN NEXT LOT/STORM 65782 1990-09"6 CL FlOG 15226 SE JONES RD MUD FROM CLOGGED CULVERT/OJ1313 657M 1990-1023 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED IN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657M 1990-1101 C EASEM7 16516 SE 149THST ON LOT BULO AOOrnoN 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149TH.ST MET ON SITE WR..L SUBMIT PROPOSED S 65784 1990-1280 C DRNG 1492" 165THPl. SE ONTO D/W AT CUL OE SAC 65784 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 16JRDCT SE DAMAGED PVT DRAIN 65784 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 156lMPl. SE PIPE OVTFAll TO RJVER 657M 1990-1509 C EROSION ,.,,,, 154THPlACE SE CULVERT DAMAGE AND SLIDE IN RAVINE 657M 1990-1542 C FLOG 16448 SE JONES RD WATER OVER R.ON:IWAYIOUT OF BANKS 65784 1990-1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RD OF RJVERBANKIFAILED LEVEE 657M 1990-1673 C ERO$ION 14908 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER BANK 657M 1990-1684 C EROSION 17055 SE JONES RD REPAIR OF D1t<E OF RIVER 657134 1991.()064 C FlDG 16426 SE 145TH Rn) PLUGGEDINO DRAINAGE 65784 1$1--0064 SR FLOG 16426 SE 145TH ROST FM ADO TO OlDSIOFF 65784 1991-0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RDPLACE BROKEN PIPE 65783 1991-0188 E DRNG 143RD SE 164Tl-lAVE SE . BROKEN P1PE 65783 1991-0322 C FLOG 16418 SE 145TH ST PLUGGED PVT ORAJN 65784 1991-0422 C DRNG 16448 SE JONES RD ROCKS ANO DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 657134 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SE.JONES RD OHIRORNGCM 05f11191 SEE 91-0530 65784 1991--0688 C DRNG 15243 SE 132NDST BACKYARD JS UNUSA8LE 657"2 1991.0750 C FDJ._ 13008 156THAVE SE IN ORAINAGE AREA 657"2 1991-0954 C ROOOING 15606 SE 143RDST STORM EVENT C1B OVERFLOW 6,fl(l 1991-1000 C DRAINAGE 13535 16QTHAVE SE MAINTAINENCE OF UNOPEN R.0.W. OITC 65782 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE 14506 165THAVE SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 657134 1992-0082 C DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 E DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 ER Dl<AINAGE 12817 162ND. SE pnlAdlyCmD<) 657112 1992-0082 PN DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1993-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143RDPLACE TlJRNEDTOE 65783 1993-0252 E DRNG 16410 SE 143RDPLACE CHECKSTATBYCMOT DATE 65783 1993-0521 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160THPlACE BROKEJ,I WATER LINE 65782 1993-052JI C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160TH Pl.ACE SEE 93-0521 65702 Pill}e2d4 ~ '"" '"""'--"-----.. c.. 1993-0724 C FLDG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOODING 65782 1993--0724 RN FLDG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOODING IN WETl.AND ON PROPERTY 657132 1%;;-075.£ WV: DUMYiNG iOO'GI SC: XJNESRU 65784 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RD SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRILLING 6578< 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149TH ST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 1994-0326 C ORNG 13200 156TH AVEY RD SE NEW UPSlREAM CONSffiUCllON -Will 6SlA2 1994-0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 149TH ST NEW KC OfTCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 657B4 1994-1011 C ORNG SE 132ND & 156TH A SE DIRECT DtSCHARGE FROM Pl.AT OEVELO 6"1A2 1995-0107 C CULVERT? 15&11 SE 138TH Pl POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER lMPACT TO -.S 65783 1995-0715 C RUNOFF 164XX SE 135TH ST ROAD CULVEJH DISCHARGE HIST DRNG 65782 1995-0907 C DRAINAGE 13100 164THAVE SE LACK Of CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED RI 65782 1995--0907 R OfWNAGE 13100 164TH AVJ=. SE LACK Of CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED Rf 6S7B2 1995-1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148TH ST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 1996-0039 C DRNG 15609 SE 128THST NO INFORMATION AVAIL.ABLE 65782 1996-0289 C FLDG 1S225 162NDAVE SE GROUNOWA TER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1""6--0289 R FLDG 15225 162NOAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 6578,f 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NDAVE SE SEE 96-0289 OUP 65784 1996-0556 C RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPAREN'f GROlJNOWATER SURFACING 65783 1996-0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166TH PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 1996-0669 C FlDG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 651M 1996-0869 NDA FLDG 1S035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW' PONDING PVT PROP NO OlfT 657M 1996-0669 R FLDG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0870 C R/DPONO 1SXXX SE 143R0ST K10S USING POND FOR DIRT BIKES 657/',3 1996-1050 Cl FLDG 15010 156TH PL SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657M 1996-1253 C ORNG/PIP 15226 162ND AVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1253 NOA ORNGJPIP 15226 162NOAVE SE PVT ORNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD'? 65784 1996-1253 R DRNG/PlP 15226 162ND AVE SE PVT DRHG INST .AU.ATK)N IMPACT ROAD? 65784 199&-1557 WOA CONSULT 13203 156THAVE SE BON SITE CONSULTATION 657A2 1996-1724 C FLOG 14206 164Tti AV£ SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPAcTING PVT PROP 65783 1996-1762 C FLDG 15059 SE JONES RD DAMAGE TO DRNG OUTFALL TO CEO.ARR 657A4 1997-0056 C DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 657"'1. 1997--0056 R DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 657"'1. v 1997-0203 C FLOG 14028 160THAVE SE OVERFLOW FROM 0/W CULV IMPACT PVT 65783 v 1997-0206 C FLDG 16046 SE 142NOPL 0FFS1TE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 ,/ 1997-0206 NOA FLDG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65703 ,/ 1997-0206 R FLOG 1604G SE 142ND PL OFFS1TE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 1997--0316 Cl ClAlM 1'1038 561HAVE SE FLOODlNG DUE TO PLUGGED CULVERT 657A3 tvl?r ~ 1991-0423 CL FLDG 1402~ 160TH AVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE 657B3 /t V,A I /.A ~ 1997-0484 C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH Pl SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS ?VT ORNG 657/',3 1997--052.4 C EROSION 14631 156THAVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657M PBge 3 of 4 c.-1JIII ... ..--·----..... -1997-0859 FCR v""""us 167TH Pl SE & SE 144TH VANO,\l.JSMTO RID l?ENTif'CATION SIGN 65783 1997-0917 FCR ORN PONO 145ltl SE PL B1WN 150&151 Pl NEIGH ICIDS OKiGING IN PONO $IDE SLOP 65TA3 1997-ton C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RO STUMPS STOCKPII...EO FOR CO PROJECT 657M 1997-1-432 C DRAINAGE 15413 SE 133RDST l0T~P'VT0RNGSYSCBL;OWE 657A2. 1997-1493 FCR POND 16<26 SE 145ltlST INFB..TRATION PONO NOT HANDLING LAR 657M 1998-0152 C ORAINAGE 13115 158THAvE SE PVT PROPERTY IMPACT DUE TO NTRL DR 65762 1998-0192 FCR WASTE 15006 SE 145ltlPL DOG WASTE SIGN REOUESiEO 657A3 1900-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 16011tAVE SE LOW AA£A PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 657B3 1998-0322 C TREES 14232 150TIIPL SE TREE FAU. DAM FENCE. NOT LDSU f'"ACl 657A3 1996-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE Ra.EASE ffiOM FISH POND 65784 199&-0475 WQR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RI) ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH PONO 65784 199&-0931 wac ALL 12813 163RDAVE SE DUMPING OF COL ADJ TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 1"9!>-0059 a. TREE 14334 166THPl SE TREE F.ALL OAMAGEO FENCE 65783 199!}-0225 wac DUMPING 15"21 SE 1-48Tli ST OOMPlNG ON pVf PROP YAAD WASTEJOE 65784 . 1999-0297 FCR ROMAJNT 15006 SE 145THPL REQUEST TO REPLACE 80LLARDS ANO l 657M / 2000-0322 woe WCI 13612 160THAVE SE APPARENT IRON OXIDE BACTERIA IN DIS 657ll2 2000-0666 FCR ...... 163XX SE 145ltlST REOUEST TO tNSTALL ADDITIONAL. TRAS 65784 2000-0674 FCR MMG 16225 SE 145111 ST DUMPING/STOCl<PIUNG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0674 R MMG 16225 SE 145ll<ST DUMPING.ISTOCKPIUNG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0703 FCR· ...... 16225 SE t45THST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING UD. FENC 65784 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149THPL SE OEVl.EOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-()731 WOE woo 14210 149TH PL SE . OEVLEOPMENT WTTHN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WQR MMG 14210 t49THPL SE DEVI..EOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 ~-~.-··-.0/-'j . ' '' .··~ ,_,_ ~ /._iJ .. ;. '. : 8 .,, ..... -·· -----. - ~~-- ~'-_;-~---~:~ :...:.~. -·-------- ··...: ·' DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS SUMMARY: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. 1989--0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 1997-206 16046 SE 142"d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD NO. 222 P. 2/6 I<.IN~WATERANDLANii.RESO,URCESDIVISION. I . ;Y~.~~/ . DRAJNAGEINVESTIGATIONREPORT . 1 • •.. \/tf,"J.}r.~· :'' '., ' / A' A ~:J ~ ~-~ 1 INVESUGATlON REQUEST . . Type LULL;,: PROBLEM: ~!!.0:.~1111 ' L . . . , ' ' ,~. -~ I ;., I -.:·' , .. 8.£CEIVEDBY; ·. ··. . !me:5fa,(X) OK'dby: ~ENO .. · 00'.:-03?.a.::' . Reccived'from: (A?..//~~~~u ct<96-97"/3 . . ,' . ,·: :.. ,. . fT70 . . . . , · (Day) C ) (Eve) • C f.~ NAME: Pia H:, [xiv,d . , PHoNE :·: · .-., -~· AD':'~~= 1ai.1,2 1rootl< G,e _c~~-city 14.3J-f4.! State_· _· .· Zip,:'q~~~-< LOCATION OF _P~OBLEM, IF DIFFEJIBNT: Plat name: ~ fdJ,.,,K liYe ~ r,t..- Other agencies involved: LotNo: / BlockNo:.3' No field investigalion required=== JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.3/6 ' ' Complaint No. 00-0322 Investigated by: Virgil Pacarnpara Date: May 16, 0000 DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: ,· I met with Mr. Craig Geller (resident) at 2:30 PM regarding a water quality complaint. He informed me that he has no idea where the pipe has originated, its source of flow and notice the discharge two months ago. He been living in that house for sev,n months only. The subject of complaints a 6" dia., white colored PVC pipe discharging an orange colored liquid. The exposed end-part (out fall) of pipe line is located nt side ditch of 160th Ave. SE. approx. 40 feet North from the SW comer of the property. Using the end of pipe as reference point (refer to photo# 1,2, 3). It seems it was been laid laterally at an angle towards the ho~ in north-easterly direction and b11Iied in varying depth of I' to 2' feet. At time of visit, I took a water sample from out fall (end of pipe). It is discharging clear/ colorless liquid (refer to photo# 5,6). Noted a constant flow of dischl!lge in the Whole duration of visit. Stained area is still visible (refer to photo 1/4, 5,7), No trace of recent back fill/ excavations along the probable route of PVC pipe due to presence of 'debris lilld yard waste scattered an over the property. Notice the south side of the small garage, a stock pile of used I remnaots of varying size of PVC pipe including an identical ,,ize and color of pipe mentioned in the complaint (he informed me that it was materials use at his other work as a plumber). Checked water merer for possible leak in water supply of the house, (noted water meter gage is not running despite a constant discharge of liquid/ water in out fall). He added that • septic tank is serving his sewerage system and a drain field located at backyard. The roof downspout is not connected to any storm drain pipe, will create a sutface run off in the area (refer to photo ,~8). Water sample taken from the pipe reveal• Category #4; variety of uvn-related bacteria and Category #S; Iron -related bacteria plus anaerobic & aerobic slime- ~• J..-1-l --~·-·~~-~--3~8-T_H_~-ffl~T~~~~~-- 16" dia. drainage pipe (buried) driveway r---,----T---, r;;.;;;;-i I ~;-i I Walberg I ~l~~I #16021 I I I I I ,--_. ____ ..__l I Property line I 1113612 --::------. L ___ ..r----,~::::::.,..,l.;~L~----LJ Drain field Water meter Old trailer ditch area Probable route crl 6" dia. PVC pip,~ Old garage . Stock pile of pipes (used/ remnants) _.J Property line N0.339 P.12/13 JAN 29 2003 12'10PM \ ,I..;, • KC WLRD ' K'' g2-o:iui -DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISIONNO:c"""·,,....,.,-r COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT 7 < O~SB! DATE, t.. .J ,~i n • NATURE OF COMPLAINT, F lO o l) f,V G Comploint Recd LOCATION, Radio O G•i:ren 0 l.:S 6 { l " / 6 0 Ar1t Sf£ Phone -Ill On,view D COMPLAINANT: JoHII 5;T~Wll(T ADDRESS 136/?,.-(bO 4vc ,;E PHONE: 772.-bl'H. Details of Complaint, Ne' :!:TeC()At.r ~ Joy,u btorJtK 1111.10 C~..U Bt. l)otUC ? Complaint Received Bv, I,;,~ l 6 w Complaint Referred To, R0 t:et. 81?Aj,lell Dote,' r h 6 8·'Z- The Stewart propel'tY is nat11crally low,lying approx. 4 feet below the ACTION TAKEN, surrounding property which is County road, and other pr;lvate property 'he road and its culverts have been in ru1istence for well beyond 7 years. I aon't 'eel we should do any work,expending public funds to improve private property. Ir. Stewart could install a French drain,collect anr water that enters his proper ,nd discharge from the french drain into the roadsi<le ditchJI along 160th AVE.S.E:l. 'he discharge would have to be controlled so that it was not much more than a tr .n order to assure that the ditch can handle it, and that we also do not create a ,roblelllS elsewhere, Stewart told me h~ ~ants County to channel the drainage alolll! Comploinon, odvised of Action possible e : Pl,one 0!1 1.el!e, D Personal Contact O :J. ~/lte.J "-lo ~ he roads and not onto ..,,,,/ ~ Cl! .. + aver plun,~ dl1 .3 Complain! Action Handled By 11 //(4/L CL2-= a....t ,..e, ~ o~ [al?s show Natural drainage NAM oATI! ,....,,'e,'o,,, -t-1,.a.f-'ti.t,s .c oss his property.Established dr, inage. .::r 9r 1'-,e,.t-e. prable- RETAIN PINK CARBO~: END VELLOW AND WHIT o~~a . ..,.;, wit. }ek -t'1e C8\f'1 +.t ? ~ I.. J...; ,i.o..,. tr;it:e. c .. ,,~;,,.,, ,-a: . ¥0"' etas.';,.,,, -+l.,"1. 110,,, • I JAN.29.2003 12:10PM KC WLRD 1 6 0 A V s E ------OPEN DI'I:CH s.E. 136th Street , OPEN . DITCH 13612 'f-------D , . ------STEW.i\R't' PROJ:!EBTY N0.339 P.13/13 i'IWfED SHWlbt=ll l O.DITCR 6 ' 2 , I I I A I ' I V \ I { I s OPEN~ E \ DITCH \ ,, , , /,. I . .:-.- _IU/ ts.Lt.:::uv~. v• _J~ l"n..A "-uu ,_.,..,. ,.,...,_..,.., King C._ounty Department <>f T ranspol;tatiQ.O Citizen Action Request Form RequestN~ Request Oat~ Request Time: 900 ------------- Request taken via: P {P)hone (R)adio {O)n--View {F)ax By: MCDONALD Cader Name: BOWDEN, BRET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 LocatiOn: 160AVSE@13814 Request Details: CLEAN DITCH Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: ---lorOffice Use Initial Investigation by: CAMPBELL Findings Action Taken: SLOPE MOWED Task Completed: 262 Responding Pit SUMMIT Second lm,esfigalion by: Action Taken: Refer'd to: Task Completed: Contact Log: I 10/6199 PM CONTACTED CITIZEN TimeRefd: Req. Type: D RPU Request Type: Day Phone: (425)255-6152 Other: ?><\ ~ ~€. to~L ~~ 9.tl!,DS8 ---forFlaklUse Investigation Date: 10/05/1999 or Work Scl\eduled: I Date Refs: Date ReC\l'd: Date Closed: 08J23/2000 Caller contacted by: I (P) Phone (I) ht person (N) Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A. AbandcnedlCom'I Vellicle B. Utiffl)I _.,., C.C~issues D.Drainage E. Debris'"1 R~ F. Aoodng Ptoporty G. GuardraiVFenoe Damage 1-1. spa~ !Genefl>I> I. lnquitie$ RE: Ma;nt Ac1ivilies J. 5-Appication K. Washout Repai,JS6de Removal L Vegetatio,, Control (Mc,,v. Brush. ck:.) M. llegal Use cf RMI N. Shou-Mammnance 0. MisC Roquesls P. POlhole Q.S~Mainl R. Repaa-S-aving S.S-Main~ T. TrasM....itter on RflN U.SIJOWll(;e V.Waleron~ W. Utl Missing (CS Utif.) X. Dllching Y. Bri<!ge ISOUQS KiPC County Oepartfllent of Tl"3!1spo~on Citizen Action Request Form RequestN~ Request Date: 1 Request Time: 1633 ------- Request taken via: p (P)hone (R)adio (O)n-View (F)ax By: GALlARDO Caller Name: ~OWt>EN, 1,'!RET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 Location: 160 AV SE @!1381:4 Request Details: DRAINAGE DITCH PLUGGED Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: ;RONIN Abovathis -for Office Use Initial kwestigation by: CRONIN Time Refdl633 Req. Type: D Findings Action Taken: VACTOREO & FLUSHED SYSTEM Task Completed: 241 Refer'd to: RPU Responding Pit: SUMMIT Second Investigation by: Action Taken: Task Completed: Request Type: Contact Log: Day Phone: (425)793-7783 Other: Investigation Date: 12/13/2001 or Work Scheduled: Date Refs: Date Ri,cv'd: Date Closed: 1211412001 Caller contacted by: U (Pl Phone (I) In person (N) Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A_ .Al>andoned/Com Vehicle B. utilily lnspe<;tion c.~....- o. Drainage E. D9ll<is on Roadway F. Flooding Property G.GuardraillH!nceDemage H. Sp;! Cleanup (General) 1. lnqUiries RE: Maint Adi>rilie$ J. Spray Application K.WashoutRepair~Remw.,1 L V __ , Conlrcl (Mow. Brush, el<e) M. lleg« Use ol RIW N. Shoulder Meintenam;,e 0. Misc. Requests P.Polhole Q. S~urb Main\. R. Repair Sbe81/Paving s.s---~ T. T---on R/1/V U.Snowlk;e V. Waler on Road/Flooding W. lid Mssing (CJB UCIL) X. Ditching Y. Bridge Issues JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.4/S . •, .,•: '. ',: ~· ·. -- KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REJ;>ORT Page· 1 :· lNVESTlGATION 'REQUE~i OK'd by: Flle·No. L; ,,; ; I 1 I j , I IJ-, .. Type (\ 97-;;?0 RecaiviJd fh,m: ·.. (Please pri ~I~ tor scanning), . (Day} {Ell&) NAME:._....c....~~~.:<.!-:>LJ.=~~1,1_"'4f!~&~f'"'-ff).;.t<.. :;it,,,___,VJ~1-----.--·: _· _· _ PHONE:'. d 77-J?9c::1~~ ADDRESS: ///0,.J.f( d& Oti) U/Jt~ c-~ ~) .s~'--- Loca~on of problem, H different Lot No: .) BlockNo: 3 Other agencies lnv?lved: . No .Field lmtestlgatlon Needed __ _ ; (In-) ~·FreU*,~~-i&l~.\WtfflJS@~flBnit¥1iCm& 2..t_~..l:3... !) Parcel No. /1f:.f7f6-0/f?L l<l'OU 8/ ,[; Th.Bros: New.&.7? 1/4 s T R . Old 3 5 F Basin t..,C./r Council Dist /,)__ Cnarge No:"----- D!SPOS!TION: Turned to , On . by -----------OR: No further action recommended b _ Lead agency ha.s been notified: ---c'-=------,..,......-,--,--.,..,....-=....,..__;---=-,--,-..,,....--.---.,.._--- -Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been identified. _ Prior lnvesUgat!on addresses pr see File# • _ Private problem -NDAP will no: consider because: · · _ Water originates onslte and/or on neighboring parcel . Location Is ouiside SWM S~)Jea. .:._ Other (Specify): DATE CLOSE;-). 1-1l.i-1l by;__Jtf} ;?jlf/f<rf.6 JAN.24. 2003. J r • 4: 16PM N0.222 P.5/6 ,r. ."!.! ·, .' 160th Ave. S.E. ,:;,·, . ... ., ... ,, ... 1.1.'. ,'' •• ' • J ~. ·,~ ., ' 1• Culvert inlet area redu<;e4 )>y sedim,;:nt an gravel build~\JP . •: /,. . : -. ' ' } ·: ,1 ·. f .., Storro drain r-----..ai:/~::::::::;:==; -·. E ·! . .i, I • 14 , .. I, .. . ( '•\ .. ·.: . .::.:..,-........................ . . !·f\'·.. . ............. ...-···--Sbmding Water .... . ............... \ -~ '~.::;: .. ··: S~ace Water Disp~gi;s ' , ) to Open Land· . : · i .. . h ..... ---········· . ···:· ····-·-.... _ .\ •. _ ··---------·-------········"""···································· ,. JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD Management • King Coun1Y sunace Water Efiliryone lives downstream lingineering & Enllironmental services J r'~ C l • • ,, - I I / - I I t I I I SWM-EngWorkSheet 4/22193 \ I •• I ! L,- l ' I l I \ '-- N0.222 P.5/5 ··• •. '········---... ~\,.-······--............................ - Pages I ·:.·.~L / .. l---....,-,__ t 1" ': \ • l ·--..._. -~ ·-. -'\.. - .5" ,r C re,__ -tr~?+ \ . h.t. "-I . J .. -, ,, ' ¥ ~ KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CLAIM FOR DAMAGES cUUA 21860 NOTICE: No damages. can be paid 'a( Klng County unless a claim cornptyingv.ith Washington State Law·~ presenled to the King County Council. Att.er-filing Clat~ p1ease direct ~II. que£.tions to thf: Office of Ris1< Managcme:-.1 2.t, (206) 296-7 432. lNSTRUCTIONS: 1)Complete forn1i gMng spetif1c deta\Js about your damage or loss. in.elude. Gates: nmcs "nd witnesses_ Z)Sign and have trie form notarized. 3)Retutnforrn to King County Clerk of !he. Ccur.ci;, Ruem 403, King Count/ Co<Jrthevse, Seattle, WA. 9il104. !NAME /ffcn-,;-dlfl{. A?. &e11d('N ,f.<. l {Firt.t, rni.."idle, last O:' 1:>uswies.s narne} . ADDRESS t0€1 /(16 /lv. s.: .E:. -I: 1lff4?Kl YI 05 F {home or b!..:s!ness) _;nc.1ur1e ~, sr.aro and Zip BUStN~S {) PHON~ a -, d.17:-~Zd I MESSAGE PHONE: ______ _ jADDRESS SiX MONTrlS BErORE ILOSSIACCIDE:NT ,/. /,7 ' \occuRRED: / V z..t W-t'.(o £f: ~ 4,;/ov i L · JncJud• cilYci.rale and z.Jp 1 1 . t:!(41; C . . 8;. I ·~ *':,-s,: --~ I \DATE Or ACCIDENT ? TIME OF ACCIDENT -() ·fll·AMOUNTCLAIM:::D 4 ,2!!_,.z_..<,+-· < LoCATION LOSS/ACCiDi:NT /</o Lrf /(o S:.c ~ ""..v z#d . . I jDESCRiPTION OF Dec.JAILS (Oescn"oe hcM the loss/incident o°"u'. red): I $ ;J([,u,.-,, ,;c (}. . i jPROPERlY DAMAGE {Pteas.e ctss.crtDe tne·va1ue and e~ent or damage to your home, automobite, or-------~ ipeiSona! pro rty. Atta.:h estimate~. bills oiwtiatever documentation of damages You rna"i · : tnave):_=""'--_a"'-'=<A="'-.--'-~-----------------------·-1--~---;----r---,,,---r.--~~~---------·--_:·_-4, _______ _ 1 1"°-=_=_=~'~*"'.."'-~-,:,."'~Ji 6 ,r."'.,c.l:i,.;~·.i!Jc..· ,.-";"':c,c::~"'":f"'--,f.<~:::,.,..--,,;ij=;?~·~",..,."''.'·,:.~·:.:,,?,.,,:;:.,~"=-·-.<Jdc1:,_~fflit.111Zn,-11~,;,Crto..t&=r::.·_s:d'-'""-"<!l!2· .aa~1c.1e!..__ ___ _ ! S'!i'e~; mis !s a !rue and auurat~ staten\er.t: ,1 ' ! i I ! ! ::i j PROPERTY DAMAGE 35.00 Hair dryer 9.$:00 vacuum cleaner 950.00 Carpel and pad l 50.00 Removal 600.00 Doll House 40.00 Dog be<l 225.00 rwo Nintendos 100.00 Stereo cabinet 800.00 Hi<lcabed 750.00 Couch 3.'i0.00 Recliner 250.00 Stereo spc?ikers 200.00 coffee table 175.00 Picwrc frrune.s 185.00 \Vicker chair 450.00 three do<irs al J 50.00 each 100.00 Rug c}eaner-ren1al 50.00 Rug fan rental -5 days SS,505.00*Toral Costs Brenden claim Attachment C January J H, 1997 ""The tot,1f amount does not inc-lude hidden charges such as mildew or water damages to the walls or insula1ion. E~1filWii'/;;:ii',;\i'i;~~;'[,;i..i!~fViiii,:.iT'iii;;b'<i\iZl?7T,hi.i;l:,\:lt1ti'h""'"&.l!:i\!ll!l's,,,!!iiili>l•lillV,s"t,Ms<•.::;,,,:t.";:>T.,~,AWJl'A,1>;1,r,,z;s;;;,,:~-,:,,r1~'"*"""'am•w~~ .. , ''I ;, ·,) ) ._'( ' I ,/ Ki11g County lnvoJvement: Bren<lcn claim Attachment B January I R, 1997 King County Maintenance over a period ofihree months have been cleaning,, lining and otherwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of 160 SE above my property startiog at a poillt from SE I 30th strc-et. 111ese improvements and cleaning was extended to approximately I block North of my pr-opcrt)'-Thi~ actlon cau.$t!:d the drainage water to be all diverted to the cul\lcrt at my property site ia.ther than some waters be absorbed by propenies above mine. Immediately North of my site the County amVor others diverted all wnters draining on the West side•of 160 SE b)· the use of a culvert under the roadway to the East side ofl60 SE thereby doubling the water volume immediately above my home site. This action along with ditcb improvements to the North and tbe:debris buildup in the dilch next to my home caused an overflow of the culvert area and directly caused my house to be deluged with <lra!nagc water. 1 believe the County erred in'lmprovin!t the drainage areas above my sire rather 1bat, below my site. 'l11is left only ,ny house to contain the e_xccss now of wa1<r. l have incluc.kd photograph:ti 10 hdp you better understand the County 1 s negligence in this matter. Pht>tn No. I Dtivcway at 138 l 5 160 SE~shows drain culvert and volume of water on.\VEST side· of 160 SE Photo No. 2 Drainage and culvert \Vf:ST side of 160 SE Photo No. 3 Orninage of water in ditch OJI WFJH side of 160 SE and the point where this drainage is directly closed off and routed to the EAST side of 160 SE and direclly feeds this water through my culvert. Phmo No. 4 Drainage on EAST side of 160 SE and immediately prior to conyersion of waters see Photo. No. 3 Photo No, S Drainage ditch on EAST side where waters from both EAST and WEST ditches were diverted bylhe County diccc1ly above my residence. Photo No. 6 Drain culvert from WEST ditch to EAST ditch. Photo Nu. 7 EAST Jitch Jirec(ly North of my residence and alter the conversion of both WEST and EAST drainage di1ches. lnto one drainage ditch. Photo No. 8 West side of 160 SE ( across the sueet from my home). Ahbou gh there is a culvert on the South the culvert ends or is plugged before it meets the drain waters on 1he WEST side of 160 SE. •• 0 '.·~-~T:Z.J-:;;t~T4),'J~f;:1f7~~~~'.~iJ.~j:ff~-;-:~~~~}!2,~-Y,~17;.:;~;::t;_~,;;;=~tJ.0-~~D1V:t:~i:o-__,:.;:,:::.o~.:-;-;:-:~~"~,'.~~_:;~,,'t.i,;:,":t7.~i',*~~~-'icG.o:,:.,.~Y~.H!-~.'t-r,•.~;,_.,_~,i:;:.:3r?':~<Y~~.r~.:,;·,~--~~~ ,, /. ' ,;:-·: •:::•'"· ,. ·, ,; }~~~a~e:~1.?+.'h;;a&?i~:!il~~~{:<i}fJ_:jJ;(J~.:JG~~-~~l!(},.~I~i;.:;:)Tr..~~;!7'"-~--,'"',.·),~_;-.:-~-,--:r_-;-.,. ·, ._.,.._.,,..,.,. ,.! ·r· ' -: 1 i1 '--~'_-_:_, ,- :1 ;j .. ~'.' ,·::,,.:.",, , . .r.,:· -- ~t~J{U8k~~~,Ufii}hn~~1i·,S\\-\?.~f~STu~~#;~~.mW~Z;%1ZtIT~mW#~f.an~n.,~-.;.~s~:-:,:·t~·--~7;~'.':::_~·.:::-~':;,-:~\'·. ',.-;-.· Brenden claim Attachment A January I 8, 1997 Description of delllils: (see attachment A) . l Loss resulted from approximately a fool or so of water cl'ilering ihegronnd floor area of my home at 14028 160 A venue SE and severe!)' damaging or destroying the conttnls orthe living area ofmy home. The water w·as the result of an overflow from the roadside di(chCs and its drainage culvert oil 160 SE caused by L overgrowth of vegetation 2. tlebris iil the ditch immediately adjacent lo my home and 3. excessive '"·a,q drainage routed lo the ditch adjacent to my home. by the County. l ' -,. ; . -~~------~---· ·t·. ;· ----·'·'"·:.· ,-___ , ,· ,,, I September 11, 1998 TO: Karen Graham, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Harold s{~i, Manager, Road Services Division . RB: Claim: 2t86Q/Clalmant: Marshall M. Brenden/Amount: ss.sos.oo Thank you for your February 5, 1997 memorandum requesting corrunents and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County, This claimant alleges damage to various pieces of personal property due to Kfag County Maintenance cleaning, piping and otherwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of \60~ Avenue Southeast, above his property at #14028, This work caused the drainage water to be diverted to the culvert at his property site. rather than some waters to be absorbed by properties above his, The flooding incident reportedly occurred on December 31, 1996, between 8:00 p,m, and 10:00 p.m. My staff has reviewed this claim and the findings arc as follows: Incident ConfirmatioD; The incident was confinned by Road Services, Maintenance Division Four personnel who responded the same day to a report of plugged drains. Staff did not located a plugged pipe, apparently there was just too much water for the pipe, Also again on January 2, 1997 County forces observed one-foot plus of water in the Brenden residence and a driveway culvert that could not handle the heavy flows, Damage Confirmation: King County employees did not assess damages to the property. The claimant's property is located below the road with no provisions to address possible overflow of the roadside ditch, Recommendation; I recommend denying payment of this claim. Although King County has done ditch cleaning, some installation of drainage pipe and other . improvements to drainage ditches on 160~ Avenue Southeast, this work was a considerable distance north of the claimant's property and none of these activities altered water flows. Staff did not confirm the claimant's allegations of a plugged pipe inlet There is an 18;inch diameter culvert pipe along the front of the Brenden property and there is no history of previous or subsequent problems at this site, Karen Graham September 11, 1998 Page Two Secopd Party Liability: None. Staff report there was just too much water for the system to handle during the storm of December 31, 1996. The event included snow and ice melt concurrent with the rainfall. .Remedjal Actiop: The drainage system on 160~ Avenue Southeast is being reevaluated for poss lb le improvements. Hold Harmless Agreement; None known. lfyou have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Field Engineer Bill O'Connor at 296-8147. HST:WEO:le cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill O'Connor, Field Engineer · 1 ... ® , l(Jng County Road Sm'1 Dep••-ce Dh1,101 ~ .,,,nt of r 1•: Road Main ransp, 155 M lenancc Sc< onroe Ave NE Renton WA • 98056-41 September 10, l 9' TO: Harold Tanig FR: Roderick Mai RE: Contract C7 Attached is Chang! Contracting Compi change does not re! required because th building permit app space provided and If you have any que Cc: Kathy Brow; Jon Cassidy, ' O.A.IM a1249 KING COUNTY, WASIIINGTON .·CLAIM FOR DAMAGES NOT]C"E: NQ ~<>a: <:-m be paid hy Xing (',ainrylmk!.$: ;i. cb:im ~lying with W~ Sl:i;tc l..!'1~ is prcsmtOO to (be Ck-rl: "i"fTht! Ccttncit /\fl~ .filfQg cb.im. riea~ Jjrro :o.11 qu~i,c,os le, lbt: ()[fice ofRi...ot;k Mamgcmcnt ;rl {2o6) 'l9(i..74)2. L'<~11n::cnol<'S, ll)Ccu,pk1,,f0<mgh~g~--.,.............., .. i.... h><lododatc,,i;,,,.,i-1 ........... (2)~ignlhe[~ (l)R-.._......loim I lo~t:'"?'_"_:,:_t'.J<ri<or!"' Cou»cil, "'""" W-111;15, hlDt c'~ C"""""""' 516 TJm,l A•<nei,;~ v.'.Ac?s!ll4. S<ic1'>uhtbindli,,g~"'~•rr.•iu. j L 96!)r£ '1l';SS,'lGE PDO."<k 6t>..u.C: _____ sOCIA1,SEC1J1trrv Ntii'llll',R (Opli....!)' -~N_,,..· ·t,.~-- Zip Al>DR~:ss srx MONTHS BU~IU' -. -,--.,.--c-,<-',-_A."='l,..\-'-l;.~----"--·------------,.-,c-----~- (.O .. .;;.o.;t1i"tl."IDK1'l' t)(.·C-t1flRF..l)f -htci,ul~ Ctiy. Sir.w-& 7:ir --'--"---------0-4.'-'C--CC.C..'--------------------·-----J n.n.coHNcio,.r .. ,. It •i4 · 01 t I Z.· 13 ·DITIM>;oFU'CIDENT,klw@ iA1,1 _ 5 P~,wouN-rci_ .. 1Mv;o,s ,..; 6 !.JO 2. bl LOC.\'fl0°" OF Lbs&'.IJ'ICJDF,NT: • :;S:,,.,-,. E ~,?. -1\..=..:.t--· . --· ·-· ·•-·• Ot:IAII.S (=-r>I>< ,-. 11.-'°""'in<i,bl<"-"".,J~ ::D.Jt:c~~_tJ )__Q1,1__Cc_0 j'\~~/ll I\ -kt t\l.d P... 0(!:f!, .• QJJl.R[[cw'id __ AIIJ) ___ .£LoeD£JL.._Ql,'IZ __ Gua_g.t.~ j..,.,w'A _\.,,,.,>,w...1_6f': _~------·-·---------· -·---------------·------·-----------··------------ --------=============· =-· ·:.::--=·-==-=-=-=--=--=-=-:.::· =======-=-=-=--:::'."=-===========·=---=--=--=-· =:.:_:_;:::_::_J ----------------------------------------------------. KIN(; ro1:;-,.n··s J:'-VY{"'LJ\lE..~;r (if ~ibk:, p~ H:lcrrti.fy e1rrpl1.1Jee and!« ct..~:it ioV'lJh'td): --~--\<e .. A~W · _ . --~---- J>Jl:OPERTY D.-\i'\tAGE ~ ~be. the vain.: aod ~xteJ'JI of 'l:hc. ~ 10 }'Q\lf ~ .:..momobik ~ -~l·jll'(lf)erty. tkicu.QX::llb1.l()l.1 of dlma~ yoo rmy Ml\"t!):. · · Ji"'JlJRY (if y<iu wac Uljlll'cd, pl...~ giw &"Uils): ____ _,_ __________ _ ------,J; /}, -------·----------------- _Mcu.tify :uiy ph)-:;i.:::ran(s;) QI any «bcr-mcdk~ p,o:G..~)(~) in'.'ldvcd: ------ -------·-·· ·. ----... , p. ··----- . ' ""= ,..,,,,...,,.,, """' -'"' -~ """'·~OW"""'"'" €!)JT.""" ... "'"""" i /7, '![ 2..coz. '.J?.v.:~ _,_liV.:1.-, _ _____ __ ·. . ~.\----~- h>a,c and Place (City, State)} Signa!urc :;:.,,..:~.-,r J. , "-"ii{1; · ,~·----- ' Ct.AIM 3124 9 MEYERS FLOOD -PAGE1 OF2 11/14/01 ~ Arrived home at approximately 5:30 pm to find that the lower level of the house had flooded that day. Most of the water had soaked into the carpet and pad by the time that I got home. By that time, the ditch was also low-er but I suspected that it had overflowed. There were signs of water and debris running down the driveway from the ditch so I called King County to report the problem. · 11/29/01 -I called King Country Roads Division again. They stated that someone would be out on Monday, December 3'd to investigate the problem. · 12/5/01 -I arrived home at approximately 6pm, I had a message on my answering machine from Manny Espinosa with King County Roads. He stated that be was .in my neighborhood and would be out to my property in approximately \/, hour. He did not state the time. that he called and my answering machine doesn't trackit so I do not know whattimeofthe day he called. This was the only message that I received from him. 1 do not know ifhe was out to my house or not. 12/13/01 --My wife arrived home at approximately 3 pm l<> find that the ditch had been ovedlO\,ing and the water running into the house again through the garage, She called me and I called tl1e King County Road Division at 3:30 pm. Mike Hudson arrived at 5:30 pm, He stated that the drainage tile probably needed to be upgraded to handle a larger capacity of water flow. He instrucied me to call 1-800-KCroads. 1viy wife also called 91 I· arid the Renton Fire Department was dispatched. Bill Kullburg and his crew from King Ci>unty Fire District #25 assisted in draining all of the water from our home that day. 12/14/01 -I called J-800-KCRoads and talked to Bob Napier. All of the other employees were out at hmch. I told him that this was the second time that this had happened and we needed someone out to our home to see the damage as soon ns possible. He·said that someone would be contacting us and would come out and see the damage before we repaired anything. He said that this person would be out later that same day or Monday, December 171h. 12/14/01 -I called and talked to Lori Kronan at 1:45 pm,. She had called my wife earlier and stated that they had a «vac truck" out to our property on the morning of December 11 lh but she didn't know if they had found anything that would have caused the problem. 12/18/01-Called at 9:00 am and left a message for the roads department to see if they had been out yet and if they hadn't, it was imperative that them come out ASAP because we were hav'ing new carpet installed and didn't want this to happen a third time. 12/18/01--1 called 1·800-KCRoads at 3 pm. Talked to a womari at first, then I was iransferred to Lori Kronans voicemaiL I left her a message to call me. Lori Kronan called me. backthat same day and stated that there wouldn't be anyone from their department looking at our damages. She said someone would be out to check out the drain that same afternoon. MEYERS FLOOD-continued PAGE20F2 12/27/01 -I called again at 11 :50 am. I asked for Lori but she was out in the field. TI1e person that I talked to looked up iny file and said that nothing was reported as being done yeL · She would leave a message for Lori. 12/28/01-10:30 am-Received call from Lori Kronan. She said she had been out at our property and looked down our drain and didn't see any blockage.· .. She saw a slight bow in the pipe near the telephone pole area, but nothing that should restrict flow. She's not sure if the vactor cleaned out sticks or debris, but when they vactored it, they found nothing that was of large proportion to cause blockage. She said she had filed the paperwork to have the ditch dug and cleaned. 1/25/02 -Called Lori Kronan at 7 a.m. informing her that the ditchwas cresting again and it . needed to be looked at immediately. Sometime that morning after 10am, someone was out to my property, but by that tin1c, the water in the ditch had decreased. They left a load of sandbags in a pile in. my driveway. She stated that she had filed the request to have the ditch cleaned but was itol sure when this would happen_ CURRENT SITUATION - As of today's date, the ditch has not been dug outand'there are still times during heavy rain where the water is at a level· higher than expected. lFI.ESE PHOTO'S WERE ~1£EtJ 8Y 7HE ~NION FIRE OEPT. r WMEN 11-IEY ARR\VED 10 OUR HOME IIIE t>A'I Ot=--~1FfE SECOWD FLOOD. CLAIM 312 4 ~) -; (LtJM 312 4 9 PHOroS Sl-kl\N . WME~E 1ME w.-eR CAME FROM ANt> If IE AA6AS OF OUR \, H)IVI£ • 1111\ I ·. WERE t>AMJ.\6El:> bUE 1o IRE~TER. UA11A 312 4 9 -· -· .,, ~-{ 12 4 9 QJJN\ -u _.- . ----. ·-·-15·· . ,--'H(ffi" . l') . :> .'. '· •· .'·;. :. :_. "':' ; _.-',. ' ·_ --__ -. -~t -•·-··~: \" > ...... --- , .': -·" --,._ ·. '': -_ ', '..' _:, ' '' . --\N-_--___ ,_, __ :e··· >--RE< .• _---_--,.-n), -·---:-.-·_ . . . ·tfl€- -w~£R -C-RESfEb WWER. atltf2ED · ClAlM 312 4 9 .OUR.+lOME ru \jl"'I HE. · GA· .R· .. ·:PGE.· ... ·.· ... · ·.·.·.·• . . ' . i· . . :-,·· ' .. '. .. · ' . . . . . ' . . ' -, --. . . .. --.. CJ';; ~· ® King County Road Seneices Division Department of Transportation 20 I South Jackson Seattle, WA 98104-2637 March 27, 2002 TO: Robert Hansen, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Linda Dougherty, Manager, Road Services Division RE: Claim: 31249/Claimant: Chad L. Meyers /Amount: $6,402.61 Thank you for your February 12, 2002 email requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. The claimant alleges County responsibility for flooding damage to the garage and lower level of a residence located at 14028 160th Avenue Southeast, which occurred on November 14, 2001 and again on December 13, 2001 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. My staff has reviewed this claim and provides the following findings: Incident Confirmation: A query of the Citizen Action Request database produced CAR 01- 005097, received from the claimant on November 30, 2001 at 2:55 PM, which stated "ditch plugged from last rain, had water in basement." CAR 01-005343 and 01-5405, which were received on December 13th and 14th also confirmed the incident. Damage Confirmation: Roads staff did not confirm damage to the Meyers' residence. Used sandbags were, however, located on the north edge of the property, which would indicate a flooding problem. Recommendation: Staff recommends this claim be denied. Roads staffbelieves there is no liability on the part of King County. Second Party Liability: Please note Brenden Marshall, Jr. (former owner), filed a claim for flooding damage (Claim 21860), which occurred on December 31, 1996. Staff investigation confirmed the installation of an 18-inch enclosed drainage system extending across the entire frontage of the property. A check with DDES could not locate any valid right of way use permits authorizing installation of this pipe. Staff believes this pipe is undersized (and probably-was at time of installation) and cannot handle flows from event storms. Roads staff further recommend Mr. Meyers check his purchase paper work to determine if the 'known' flooding problem was disclosed. Remedial Action: County engineering staff have reviewed the site, have assigned tracking number (4-1032) to this project and arc currently designing an upgraded system to correct the problem created by the improper pipe installation. Hold Harmless Agreement: NIA If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Office Engineer Bill Hintz at 296-8709. Enclosures: cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill Hintz, Office Engineer J~. e.2001 5:04PM KC~ -N0.642 -K!NEH310UNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DMS1611 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION REl;'ORT · Page 1,". INVESTlGATION~ C . Type ~ ~ d& Ol<'dby: FJetlo. 'J7-cJQ(p . ~-;,J.,r. -~ ~. . ,,(;A/' .... • _Yf-..._ ... '·· .,.-. .[.. / ~ V Plot·nam,,; · A1,i;, .{ L E,4 C l<f: ,T L.otNo:· if. Block Ne: o:her-agimcle$ .l1Vorwd: 2£.1f::: Z-3. :,-Parce!No. 7.Z 5:~70-0//0 1/4_ 6 T A - Basin L,Clj'. · Councir IJ/sl / :2 C>,,ugo No; ·Th.Bros: New 6!J'7p. • Old 2/5Fo DISP0Sll7DN: Turned to OR: No further acUon reeommencti!d bee _ Lead agency~ baa.n notffled.: __ ~=======...-:-:.--'--'--s:========= _ Probl~m has been corrected.. _ No problem has been identified.. Foor lm,e.stlgation addres:ses prot -_ s-, .. f.i• # • _ Pnvate problem r NOAP w,71 no~ consider becsuse.· · · -~al.at" originates:; ontn.e ard/or on nelghboriog parcal _. Loca.UO!ltk: outside SWM Servicei_Area. DA.TE CLOSED: ../..;J..J..?._!::µ~ br.--/2 /.1.;,;_,.~ TITI.£ • Other (Speelfy): . · · -. ! f<. ... O".;f· Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ~ t, ti ,, ff fl Ji::ti. 8.2001 5:04PM KC L-1.RD Complaint 97-206; Don.~ 16046 SE 142..i Pt, Renton Investigated by-Suan Groom ou 01/14/97 N0.642 P.4/9 Den Giqg hu. liVOO at fu.c atJil:M: ~ location &inec the arty 60.s. (!us hou:.e w:as sceooo buiJt in. the. .deve1ap~O. Swf3CC ~ water tJows :began flooding his garage approxima:tcly five ye.an ago. At hi$ own c::q:,ense at that ti:me be 'brought a back hoe ln to cut a chain.agc diti:;b aion,: the hack side ar his: property. 'Ibis ClpCD ticoch provutcs n::licf chsring Jaof:t precipitation ~ 5Ut!ace watu DlDtt$ an:mnd his praperty. Stonn. ~k:r docs bn::tth the 10p oc,;:asionally. The ditch .fills udiateut:. up and he clcar5 the diic:h m &o:bri5 mar. :floats down and ~ :Dow. Be walks Che drainaae ditch~ dwm evcotll (be wasn't .around :for tb: last .storm event) to ob$::ntc its filfter.ionality as a ptec80tion • wen. He wants lb: dx:ainagc 10 continue down 1601!11. Ave SE in.sti:ad. or a coaw.yance. sym:m around bis and ncighbor'.s property . .Apparcody, :ltS ~opmcnt DOrtb of his pmpeny ha! incrt::ased addit:rona.1 runotr is. <zmc:catt3tcd ill1D the draim.~ along 160* An SE and snbscqoi:ntly nws·tO his property. 160"' Ave S.E. Standiag'llf3U:r', nmoff:£rcm 160• Ava:-SE dw::ha:a-p iD:t.a this atea.. Low pcrc.c,btion. ~ s,id the land can't be~ because .. .,,. _, have lbe p=olatiun foc in:filtratioa of septic~. SE 14 2nd Place nn.E ·• ... .• Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD JA't. e.2001 5:05PM KC~ llr-cragg i-111 o:=i.o.carn.ed. aho\J.t eontinui.ng upstre.tuq de,r-elapoent whicb typical.l.-y r&.,ul.ta J...n. .ore: surfac. water flgwa t~gh hi.• dr•i~ag« di.t.ch ~ oc;:ca.11U)nal.ly i.nto h.i.• y-«t. I ex:pltltw,d that £or J.arglrt' deYel.opq,e,tt.a WlUare nore than 5,000 11qu.are f••t 0£ .i.inpetrvi.oua uurface• are Cotletructed.,, the davel.opar"e enginee&: i.M only required. to rev.t.e.o,. 1che drai.b.age ayBtem•a c•pac:J.ty up to ooe q.iarter of ~ mJ.111!' c:lo"1ntt.z:"l!'a,;n ~rom tu proposed. plat•• outl.et poi.nt. ~or aingle hoa,eatt••• there .1.:a b0r1M.11y no down~ anal.yaiv r~ •i.nce there. 1.• unual.ly J..e,i;ia t:.han 5,000 ~o.ru :[eat of new i.epe,rvit,Q• aur.faceg c0netruct~. I -ggeatl'Jd tba.t Kr. Graw .look for 0.V.l.opment 6.1.gne a1ong 160th north o"f hi.• bCll:ltll-When he •~• new 111.igno, he e.an •tt.end public beari.nq111 and. wri.~ let.tera expr-.-1.ng hi.a concern.a and D'Utl.J.ni.ng bi.• drA~ge i.mp&cte. IXP&er SCORE = 140 No •oJ.uti.on to thi.• drai.n49e problem waa i.denti.:fiad. Mr. Gragg r~11ted that we claan out bis cb.""alnage ditch. we o:f;f~d to e1atur out part of hLa ditch .1.f our coneract.cr ca~ get tha nace&•JtrY equipstent frcai Gragg• s dri:vew.a.y i.nto t.he di.t"Ch. 3 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ' ' J~. 0.2001 5:04PM KC ...rul DAT.It: 3-19-91 RS: HOJ\P :svALUA.TXON FOR COMP1.AlJff JrO. 1604& SB 14.211D l'l.Jlc& RDTOlf 97-0206 GRAGG 23.S-Ol&e cc::ta"LADrr CBPOIJOLOGYI ea l.-10-97 FDILD DIV 1-.14-97 ff OAK Glt.OOK :rTZLD EVU.. 3-7-9'1 BY .l.l.Al!iJ KB'XJtBS. O[.D PtLKs1 JtOID •.m:Ds Pl.ea.811 ... the attached. dz:a..1.nage co.p1ai.nt iilv.et.1.qati.ou raport da.t:«l 1-14-97 by sean Grooll!.. Si.:Qce the problea at.eat• a.11. o:t the KDAP project ,;:rit.cr.ia l.i.at:.ed bel.o.,,~ i.t:. quall:fi.•• for and ha.a been inve.et:i9ated QDC\er the RDAP progr,ua. • %'be proDl.e. ei.te i• wi.tb.in the SWM •ervice area and doe• not ~vol.ve a. llft9 County 1JCC) cod• vl.ol.ati.on. • 'l'be prab.1ea •J.te •how111 evl4ence o:t' or reported l.ocal.i~d. ~l..ood~nq~ ero•iO'l!I and/o~ __,,_,,,tatton w1th.ul tha off road drainage •y.C.ea. on pr1vate reai.dential azJd/o~ COPniB~c~al proparty due ~ part to l.ate.r upstream 11eve10pnent. • Tbe prQblem i.a ea1i.ed by aurface water frc:JIQ llli0r111: tJuul one adjol.nJ.ng property. SOILS: Acco;:c-Cli.nq to th• ICC, inoi.l.11 .aap,. the aite 1.a 1ocated .in the fol.lowing eoi.l association; ALDERWOOD ASSOCIAT3:0W: Xodar.a-c.el.y wel.l drai.ned undta.l&ti.n9 to hi.l.ly •ol.111 that ha.Te dense, vary al.owly per111&able glacial tL11 at~ 4-pth ot 20 to 40 inch••; on upl.nd.9 and terraces. 1 met v~t.h KrT Graw on March 7th and tou~d bi.a property. Jui deve10Ja8flt OOJ:llt:i.nu•• i.a t;be apprmd.mate 60 acre drainage b .. 1n :north of hi.e property~ JtlOZ"e. dra.ii\AO• wa.~r has taeen rou.ted •O\lth i..nto the pond 1oea.ted juet JIii of hi.a property which tbOn. drai.n&I' aa.t;. and •outb aroqnd the edge of bi1;, pro~rty. 1 lffi£ .. Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ' • , II I ' • JFfi. 6.2001 5:05PM KC "-Rll P.6/9 -------,·=--· < He requested. that tne drai.Q.ag-. tl.owing south aiong the eaet 11.id• of 160th Avaiiue SlE be ra.J:'OUted eut11i-ght eoutb. al.onq tbe east ai.de of 160th pa.et SE 1~2nd Pi•c• rather than the currant rout• which rl..ow• aaet and •outh a.round. hi• pro~Y-Mr. G:cagg atatad tba.t aevaral Long t.~ ~•1.dent• hava told b.i.sa th.Ill dra1.D&90 ueed to fl.ow sti"ai.9ht •outh along th• w.at &Ad ea•t •.i.de•· of 160th al.1 tb• way dowu 1:0 SJt 144th. X •tated that tJ!i!l.y ~ t.r:ue but tM exJ..att.ng dra~ p,a.tte,:n i.e old and 0111.nncrt be reviaed, b11cause it .ie conllliderad the e1111tabl.i.eb0d drai.na.ge pattern £or hi.1:1 area. r ~.i~ hi.11 and hie two n.eighbOr·• dr~ rsl.ated. imp&ets and · ncor&d tbl!to probl.em at l.-4 wi.th bJ..e 9araqe and ..pti.c ay,ltem lmpa.eta and yard d-ve to two prot;,ert.1.••• Al.though the 1.-t f-:r-r• u..,. boon especia11y -1: and bad, I r•ted the enmt Lreqtietter at 10 &r once every 2-5 year• which is my 111Jti.lN.te of the freqnen.cy of how oftsn bi.e aepti.c •Y•tem wi11-ba ~l.y i.arpacted o-r the J..ong term. ~-Crag9" at;.atAd tJ,a.t hi.G puniped e£f1uent SRpt.i.c •J'•~ ha.a 'flOrkad f~ t:~ tbe f'Ust 15 yea.re:. Bawe-r, be ha111 bux-ned, up four paape wi.thi.n t.he 1a.st threa pcre du111 to the J,l:lcreaaed grow>dwatcr ~lc:JW9 .into bl.• •aptic tank/dJ:'a.i.nt".i.e.1d a.re.a. rrom hi."B vet/dry eeaecn obserYati.ona, be i• COll:lvinced that 11AC•t of the groundv•te.r come& t:roa t:be d"C'a.uUlge d.itch located ;uet aboYe hi.P dra..infield~ we. reviAwed wayu of protect.i.ng hi-a septie dra.inf.i.,ld frQll\ the ~nt of groundl,rater frcai the uph.i.11 pODd and drainag., di.tch. llfe di.11c,z•e~ way& to eeal. the earthen di.t:.ch i.t•alf u•i..ng a pi.a.tic l.i..ner or a 1.-.x-ge hal~ round or ~ull pipe •ection• along about SO ~eat of ditch~ hi.11 d~ai.nf~eld. 2 point&d out th&t cone~Oerab1e ground~atcr may still £low rrom north to &outh below the ditch section so that •eali.ng the d~tch may not eo1ve the probl1m1. Depending on ttua depth to na.rdpan, an i.mper,,ioue vertical layer o:f plastic or bantcni~e alu.:a;ry located uphi.11 o~ hi• ,i;irainfield be~weeo hia dra1.nfiel.d and the ditch would probably bA the ...-i.a•t 11,l\d, soat eff•cti.ve aol.:i:itiOJl to th.ie probl--Thi• i•perviOt.1• l•~ would nln f.com tha Qround 11urface down to the ba.rdpan l.ayei:-wbere-it woulD. be keyed down i.nto the hardpan layer. B~au.111e 8\1.Cb a. 1a.yer would reatriet the flo,.r of ground water. higher groun<hrater levels ffl.i.ght reault i.n th~a pa.rt 0£ Gragg•• yard wi.th more groundwater •ur£a.ci.Dg during 'the ·vet s•••on aapecial.ly nG.ar e&c=h end of auc=b .n iJllperv.iO'l.ls wal.l. reaul.ti.ng i.n IPO~"" vgt aea1;11on filV-rface '9f&tar aeecpage/ fl.owe and i.ey condi.t:inna co. portion"' of. Mr. cra99'a driveway. For any work th:ie cl.oee to the drainfiald. any yard dr•~n or i.mparviou.8 faci1ity of thie ki.nd WQU1d h"lVe to be reviewed .:i.nd •P'"=ovir,d by the Xing County H-ith Oepartlllen.t (Wayn~ oiaen at 296-9737,. 2 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ( I I I • :-I _; ·: ::, ._. ... : U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE .. l 680000 FEET .. . " . " . " • • • ·' • AgC t ..... - EvB • AkF ' u " • ~ ... --~ , . &illS MAP S .::ALE: I"< 2Dx,1 £'){ 11 t 2,/1" H AgC . , .. '--~~ \ R_ S £. ,,' Tu •• I No " M I I I I I I . I I I I I I -~+ BM 574 . : . I \ Akf I -------0-------··------+ \ I . I \ ;::::::;;~~~~~;::~~~~-~ ~f-"~ p.gc.-"---:::~=-:~-----:. - Page 1 of 4 Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Site Visit 1/20/2003 Weather Overcast E 0~~fliJf if iE1 ·10,-'of!len111tivaarea, ;;•.• ;;:,,; 'ti ';,' ·'"" 37LF -18" LCPE Crossing SE 136th St. N. to S. 1.4% 2 CB (Shallow) Collecting from pavement NIA 37 None 1 3 1218LF -18" LCPE Under gravel driveway 3.8% 37-256 None 58LF Channel 4' wide; 3' deep 4.8% 256-313 Rusty water running from I 4 ISldeslopes 1:1 Rockery to earth lining the east 6" plastic pipe 5 I 38LF -12" LCPE I Under utility access drive I 3.6% I 313-352 I Erosion due to a water I outfall from pipe to channel 95LF Channel 14' wide; 2.5' deep Side slope 2' from edge of 6 I Side slopes 1 : 1 to 1 :2 Earth lined 4.2% 416-468 pavement I 7 l20LF -12" Concrete I Under dirt drive to back of 0.4% 448-468 Ponding @ south end of prop. pipe 41 LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep 3.2% 468-508 Water pool 3' wide .5' deep. 8 I Side slopes 1 :1 Earth lined Straw bail 9' from S. culvert 9 I 18LF -12" Concrete Dirt drive to back of property 2.2% 508-527 None 1' outfall to 2.5' wide 0.5' 10 1 153LF Channel Side slopes 1 :1 to 2:1 14' wide 2.5' deep Earth lined I 3.0% I 527-678 I deep water pool at end of pipe. Straw bail 6' from S. culvert. Straw bail 57' from I N. culvert Site Visit 1121/2003 H I System in good condition INone 'Water pool 2.5' wide .5' deep @ south end of pipe 4" roof drain east At beginning <v" of channel Straw o" ball 7' from S. culvert fv-,!, Plugged 4" roof drain east@ 0«; south end of pipe 1.5' edge of pave. to edge of water SEE NOTE 1 15' EP to EW@ S. side of channel 11 l74LF -12" Concrete I Under asphalt pave.men! I 3.0% I 678-753 !None I None ISEE NOTE 2 NOTE 1: LOCAfloITTD 2 TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED SY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2 LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. 8EE EXHIBtr G ,4t.SO ~ ~ ~ hi Page 2 of4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A_ _e_ · 1~:~1tl'.!N81~~=1~·: :!8!~~-!!llf-. 12 CB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 13 52LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 14 CB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 15 35LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 16 3.SLF Channel 3' wide; 1.5' deep Side slopes 1 :2 Grass lined 17 l38LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive 116LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep 18 I Side slopes 1 : 1 Grass lined 19 l55LF -12" Concrete I Under gravel drwe 20 156LF Channel 3' wide 2' deep Side slopes 2:1 Vegetation lined 21 44LF -12" Concrete Under newly paved drive 22 112SLF Channel 4' wide 2' deep Side slopes 1 :1 Grass lined NIA 753 2.0% 753-805 NIA 805 2.0% 805-840 2.0% 840-844 2.0% 844-882 2.0% 882-998 2.0% 998-1053 2.0% 1053-1209 2.0% 1209-1253 2.5% 1253-1378 S. end of N. pipe broken. CB in destruction None Water likely seeping under_Q_round None None Property owner noted water draining into property over 160th 3yrs ago 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool@ end of channel Straw bail 44' from N. culvert 6" outfall to 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool@ end of pipe Adjacent property owner noted that water partially drains onto the north property during hea' rainfall. Fl~ng southeast then south None 4' from EP to EW@ beginning of channel Straw bail 30' from S. culvert 23 l26LF -12" Concrete I Under Gravel drwe I 3.0% I 1378-1404 I None 'I, o"'"' f<,~ '"e>(c; Water currently seeping into ground. Made of Cone. Bricks. Bricks out of place. SEE NOTE 2 4" roof drain into cb from east SEE NOTE 2 Straw bail 8' N. of culvert Straw bail 126' N. of culvert SEE NOTE 2 NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO 10 Wl[[SE UPGRADED-BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TOHANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, 11 -24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS . .SI% E)(/11!,J!T C ~LS'CJ Page 3 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 16oth AVE. SE A_ $_ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35LF Channel Side slop_es 1 :2 40' 12" Concrete 9LF Channel Side slop_es: vertical 20'24" CMP 112LF Channel Side slopes 2:1 133' 18" LCPE 50LF Channel Side slope 2:1 to none Braided channel 12 Concrete culvert 'pa::li~~f~!t~j~~~ 3.5" wide 3' deep Grass lined Crossing 160th Ave. W. to E. 4' wide 3' deep water pool. 9LF in lenll_th Under gravel drive 12· wide 1.5' depth Grass lined Gravel drive In and out 3' wide 3' depth to none Earth to forest lined Forested Under gravel drive 3.0% 3.0% 2.0% 2.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 2.0% 1404-1439 1439 1439-1448 1448-1468 1468-1580 1580-1713 1713-1763 1763-1863 ,2rf.li,iis~irlstt~!l'if (tlriif~t;ijp.~ ·.· .• coveftoPPinif ',~coi1nii11r~lit <<.)&litrieiitat/dii;ith~~ Erosion of slopes ISEE NOTE 2 None None 1 4· wide 0.5' deep water pool. 9LF in length SEE NOTE 2 I Downstream culvert is crimp_ed ISEE NOTE2 I Some sediment@ culvert ISEE NOTE 2 Past drainage problem I reported at this location: See /SEE NOTE 2 Exhibit G. Minor erosion at outlet of /SEE NOTE2 18" LCPE None /None From Parcel A /None None 33 112" CMP culvert I Gravel cover I 2.0% I 30 I Will not be affected by this development Almost vertical slopes Rocke,y@ inlet of West side SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE2 Constructed 6" high berm of 5/8" rock to prevent flow into drive during overflow SEE NOTE 2 Natural braided channel at end of 50' ditch Water flows east among trees Shall be upgraded by this development and sized to handle water flow. Road currently not developed 34 IYard Drain /Lawn cover I NIA I F[om Parcel B /None Identified I None identified /Flows will be maintained NOTE 1: LOCATIONID 2 TO 10 WILL BE-UPG-RADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZEDTO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND_26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL SE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. 0€€" cXll/8/T C ,1[..SD Page 4 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE §!!i.!l.;. Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A ____ B --------",,Jilli1;!~rr 1f~~,~~r~;itif ;0Slm:,i:llameter;'Ml!th. •·-.·• .typ!f Qf seositiv@-area c ;·:tJi~i!liit- 35 I 12" Concrete pipe !Lawn cover N/A 150 INone \None I Visible end of pipe from north. Under fence at property line 120LF Channel Grass lined 36 12' wide 1.5' depth 150-270 \None \None Collects water from N. pipe land from adjacent properties 2.0% 37 15' 12" Concrete Under drive to rear property 2.0% 270-285 None None 38 30LF Channel Alongside of drive 285-315 None None if current flows Running east to west to on-site wetlands is 2.0% 39 12" Concrete pipe Under drive to rear property 2.0% None maintained. Running north to south NOTE 1 LOCATION ID 2 fO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY TiliS DEVELOPMENTAS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS NOTE 2 LOCATION ID 1, 11-24 AND 26-30 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. ['ff €.(/./11.J ITC .-ft£o I ' :\1 ~ ii-' ' ' I ' I ~ ' I , . \ " " !l 1-·• I._ I !0020 r L--~ ( ' ,, '5 " " 12 11 10 ' "'° '"" OJJO ""' 0110 moo "'" 17 ~ • ;. .. .. i 22 .. b " .. 211 21 ..___,__..,___-'--',:..--J..---'---...1» I (EX8'IWOl NOT OPEN ;:::===;.:=~=~~==:;::=:;::===========':i-i---___________ SE_,_ ..... _sr_. _ ElffllQ\--____ --__ ., .. " " " .. .. • " .. " " " " '" "' " " " " " " " " " " "' m., ,s " " " ffi." " " " ,, " " " \. " , ffi .• " '" " " ,., ,. " " .. I .. ' ~ 1---1.011 .... _..:;~ 311 I ,. .. o@ ,. ,. "' ,. 31 I u "·~. ltf' I -~~!c_-,BE=..,,,.!=_,.,sr=-.'=o=,..=_=-,i=,~,c"'_ ~ 11------i 1\sl-""~'"---t-,,t-----l.--l------1---;;;,c-l •. ,-----~~:J-..t:=== 07 ==:i \ 51 50 54 S'j 52 SI Ill ' "' \ ~1-------' ' I I ' c-, ' ' r_J L"\ ' -' L----_J r-----, ' ' L-----~ .. .. '3 .. - EXH/8/T J I ' I ' !; \, \! ,i I ' r ' I ' ~ SITE f'LAN OF L/13£1?.-rt GROVE , SCAL£: 1'• l.fJO Haozous E n g Roben fl_ Darrow, P.E. /3428 -45th Courl Mukilteo, WA 98275 fax (425) 742-8488 (425) 745-5872 December 5, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Additional Information Request i n e EXH/817 k ering, Edward J. McCar1hy, Ph.D., P.E, I4816SE /16th Street Renton, WA 98059 fax (425) 254-0579 (425) 235-2707 Application No. LOl TY 401 & L01P0016 -Evendell Dear Mr. Romano: Tiris letter is in response to an information request by DOES in their letter dated November 26, 2002. I have analyzed additional drainage complaints in the downstream Evendell basins that were recently released by DOES. The analysis presented below includes proposed mitigations for the downstream problems per Core Requirement 2 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems from Evendell were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Levell Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001). However, since the preliminary TIR was prepared, the following drainage complaints and claim information have been released by ODES: Complaint ID Date of Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint Complaint KCDOT Action 12/13/01 13814 160"' Nuisance Flooding -Ditch on west side Request 01-Avenue SE of 160th Ave SE overtopped road and 005339 flooded the owner's driveway and yard. Complaint 97-1/7/97 14028 160°' Severe Flooding-Capacity of pipe 0203 Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 2 Complaint ID Claim 31249 Claim21860 Complaint 97- 0318 Claim 21699 Date of Complaint 1/29/02 1/25/97 1/21/97 1/10/97 Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint 14028 160th Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14028 160th Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14038 156th Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. 14038 156th Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. I have also provided additional information regarding the following drainage complaint that was presented in the TIR for the project (Haozous Engineering, June 2001): Complaint 97-1/10/97 16046 SE Severe Erosion -Soil eroded from bank 0206 142"d Place is deposited 50 -100 feet downstream and contributes to ditch overtopping and garage flooding. Analysis of Complaints The complaints and claims listed in the table above document problems that occurred along the downstream conveyance systems from the proposed Evendell plat. The complaints were filed by property owners due to flooding caused by inadequate capacity of conveyance structures. The hydraulic structures at the locations of each complaint were evaluated as part of the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002) prepared for the Evendell Plat. KCDOT Action Request 01-005339 was filed on 12/13/01 by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160 .. Avenue SE. The ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE overtopped the road and flooded the complainant's driveway and yard. King County DOT responded to Mr. Bowden's action request and cleaned the ditches on both sides of the road. The flooding that motivated Mr. Bowden's call to the county was apparently Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 3 caused by a blockage in the ditch. Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, across from Mr. Bowden's property, were modeled in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. The culverts, identified as Pl 16 and Pl 17 in the drainage analysis, were predicted to flood at a 2-year return period. Flooding at these culverts could create a backwater condition in the ditch, thereby causing water to sheetflow onto Mr. Bowden's property, as'did occur when the ditch was blocked. This type of flooding would likely be classified as a "nuisance" problem by the King County Sutface Water Design Manual. Complaint 97-0203, Claim 31249, and Claim 21860 relate to flooding that has occurred at the residence located at 14028 160th Avenue SE. Flooding at this location has been a recurring problem. Both 160th Avenue SE and a residential structure are subject to flooding. On at least two occasions in the past, the culverts in front of the property have overtopped. When flooding occurs, stormwater flows down the driveway and into the garage and ground level floor of the home. This problem is considered both a "severe building" and a "severe road" flooding problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis predicted flooding occurs in front of this residence at a 2-year return period. Flooding is caused by undersized culverts at locations Pl 13, Pl 14, and Pl 15. Complaint 97-0318 and Claim 21699 were filed by the property owner located at 14038 156th Avenue SE. A 12-inch diameter inlet pipe to a conveyance system, identified as POO 1 in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, is located in front of the complainant's property. Stormwater in the easterly ditch of 156th Avenue SE overtops the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe and flows down the owner's driveway and into her basement. Flooding has occurred on more than one occasion and has resulted in damage to the owner's washer, dryer, and water heater. This flooding problem is considered a "severe building" problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Based on the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe in front of the property is predicted to overtop at a 2-year return period. Lastly, a "severe" channel erosion problem is located in the downstream system on the east boundary of the property located at 16046 SE 142nd Place. The channel is within the right-of-way of SE 162nd Avenue. Channel bank erosion that is occurring at this location could be depositing in a flat section of channel 50 to l 00 feet downstream from the eroded area. Sediments in the channel could be contributing to flooding as documented in Complaint 97-0206. In my field visit of the site, Mr. Don Gragg, the property owner, described flooding that impacted his garage in the past. A 4-inch pipe drains a catch basin in the driveway near the garage. The invert of this pipe is only 1.4 feet above the bottom of the channel. It appears that when the channel fills, water backs up in the pipe and floods Mr. Gragg's driveway and garage. Minor channel improvements at this location would likely improve the existing flooding/erosion and sedimentation problem. Alternatively, changes to the configuration of the 4-inch diameter drain pipe could prevent further flooding of the driveway and garage. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 4 Proposed Mitigations Level 2 detention standards are required on the Evendell site, and were included in the preliminary drainage plan for the proposed plat. Prior to receiving recently released flooding information from ODES, described above, we had considered the flooding to be a "nuisance" problem and did not propose mitigations in addition to the Level 2 detention standards. In light of the new information, additional stormwater mitigations will be needed as part of the Evendell Drainage plan to conform with the King County Suiface Water Design Manual. Drainage Problems at 13814 and 14028 160"' Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14028 160"' Avenue SE, I recommend upgrading the downstream system as opposed to adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards. In my opinion, in this situation, upgrading the conveyance system along 160th Ave SE by eliminating constrictions, would provide more benefit to the neighborhood and surrounding properties than would adopting a more stringent onsite detention standard. By upgrading the system, the existing "severe roadway" flooding problem would be fixed, as would the existing "severe building" flooding at the residence located at 14028 160th Ave SE. Proposed upgrades would also solve the nuisance flooding problem at 13814 160"' Avenue SE. While adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards would conform to requirements in the Suiface Water Design Manual, only conveyance upgrades would fix the existing problems. Pipes that would need to be upgraded would include the following: • Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Ave SE (Pl 16 and Pl 17) • Cross culvert under 160th Ave SE (Pl 15) • Culvert immediately upstream the property at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 14) • Existing 18-inch diameter pipe at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 13) Upsizing these pipes would prevent the ditch from overtopping. Stormwater would be contained in the roadside ditch and would not be allowed to flow across the road or onto · adjacent properties, as has occurred in the past at 13814 and 14028 160"' Avenue SE. Drainage Problem at 14038 156"' Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14038 156"' Avenue SE, either onsite Level 3 detention standards could be adopted in place of Level 2 standards or the capacity of the existing 12-inch inlet pipe could be increased. Increasing the capacity of the 12-inch.inlet pipe would likely entail upsizing at least 115 feet of 12-inch diameter pipe. By upsizing this reach of pipe to 18-inch diameter and increasing the head above its crown at the inlet, the capacity of the inlet pipe would be increased. The frequency of flooding would be reduced from a 2-year return period to approximately a l 0-year return period. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 5 Drninage Problem at 16046 SE 142"d Place For the severe erosion problem along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142"" Place, the proposed Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through the King County Surface Water Drainage Manual under certain circumstances. Cleaning sediment out of the flat section of channel and stabilizing the eroding banks immediately upstream would reduce flooding to the driveway and garage at 16046 SE 142"" Place. Alternatively, the owner of the property could explore the possibility of retrofitting the outlet of the drainpipe from his property with a flap gate or extending the outlet of the pipe an additional 80 to 100 feet downstream to where the flood water surface in the channel is below the upstream invert of the pipe. Impacts of Mitigations on Downstream Properties I do not believe that upsizing the conveyance pipes along 1601h A venue SE would aggravate flooding that occurs further downstream. The amount of runoff that flows out of the constricted ditch during floods along 160th Avenue SE is enough to cause damage to affected properties. However, containing this water in the conveyance system would likely not result in a substantial increase in flow rate. Furthermore, because the storage volume in the roadside ditch is relatively small and provides insignificant attenuation, upsizing the pipes as proposed would not result in an increased flow rate at the downstream end of the improvements. If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional documentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 6 References Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002. Evendell Plat -Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. Renton, Wash. Haozous Engineering, June 15, 2001. Evendell Plat -Preliminary Technical Information Report. Renton, Wash. King County Department ofNatural Resources, 1998. King County Swface Water Design Manual. Seattle. , £ ® King County Dcpartrncnt ofDcveI0pn1e11t and Envi1·onrncntal Services 900 Oakesdale AV('nuc. Southwest Rcnlon, WA 9UO!J5-1219 November 27, 2002 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development, Inc. P. 0. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 Wetland Determination Dear Mr. Jones: EXll/13/T L t<ECEIVEIJ DEC o 2 2002 ~n~'rl I revimved the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation for the "Liberty Ridge" property, prepared by Habitat Technologies, Inc., dated November 5, 2002. I met Mark Heckert of Habitat Technologies at the site on November 25, 2002 and walked the property and surrounding areas. I also reviewed aerial photos in the County files, from 1936, 1970, 1985, 1990, 1996 and 2000. I conferred with several of my colleagues on interpretation of the Sensitive Areas Code in relation to this property. The site consists of two properties, separated by 160th Avenue SE. Parcel A (3664500141) has apparently been filled many years ago (prior to 1985) with ditches installed around the west, south and east sides. The property is maintained as lawns and landscaping with a residence and shop. There are neither wetlands nor streams on this parcel. Parcel Bis two tax parcels (1457500085 and 1457500090). The northeastern portion of this site is forested upland. The remainder of the property is pasture with a few structures and outbuildings. A central drainage through the site was ditched across the property following recent construction of three residences to the northwest. This conveyance has some wetland characteristics through the logged area, then is ditches across the pasture. An eastern drainage outlets from a culvert under SE 136th Street, conveying stormwater runoff from the roads, lawns and roofs of a pre-1970's subdivision to the north. This drainage has some wetland characteristics through the forested area, then is ditched through the pasture. These drainages are excavated through upland soils, and are neither used by salmonids nor convey a stream that was naturally occurring prior to construction. Therefore, they are neither jurisdictional wetlands nor streams. TO: Mr. Wayne Jones RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 November 27, 2002 Page2 However, the wetland on the south-central portion of the site appears to have been present since at least the mid-1980s. The eastern ditch is evident in the 1970 aerial photo, conveying water from the culvert under SE 1361h Street since that time. Thus, the source of hydrology to the wetland from the culvert is the "normal circumstance" for that wetland. This wetland on the south-central portion of Parcel B meets the criteria for a Class 3 rating. The wetland and a minimum 25-foot buffer must be protected through the subdivision process by placement in a Sensitive Areas Tract. The wetland buffer width could be averaged, as allowed in Code and Administrative Rule, with enhancement of the wetland and buffer provided as compensatory mitigation. The wetland's hydrology must be protected through the subdivision process. This could occur by conveying the flows from the culvert underneath SE 1361h Street across the site, either in pipes or aboveground, and outletting into the wetland through a dispersal system. Alternatively, equivalent hydrology could be calculated and possibly provided from roof drainage from surrounding structures. The stormwater runoff from the three new residences to the northwest is not required to be conveyed to the wetland as this is a recent new input to the wetland. The wildlife habitat survey may need an addendum prepared during early spring, to determine whether any of the nests observed on-site are used by species that require protection under the King County Comprehensive Plan. This property is within the Urban-designated portion of the County, so the few species that require protection include state and federal endangered, threatened or sensitive species, and certain raptors and herons. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at (206) 296-7291 or laura.casey@metrokc.gov. Cc: Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, Inc. Steve Bottheim, Supervising Engineer, Critical Areas Section LEVEL I OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR LIBERTY GROVE CLIENT: Lakeridge Development P.O. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 228-9750 PREPARED BY: Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc. 726 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 333-2200 Fax: (253) 333-2206 PROJECT: 01-470 DATE: March 3, 2003 REVISED: JULY 11 1 2003 Exhibit No. ~ ;s C Item No.~ 00 Received -~-~p King County Hearing Examiner REc1=1veo SEP O 3 2003 L k.uvG cuu1v ry ANO USE SERVICES FILE COPY EXPIRES, JAN. 9, 2004 STAMP NOT VAUO UNLESS SIGNffi ANO DA MAIN FILE COPY TASK 1: TASK 2: TASK 3: TASK4: TASKS: TABLE OF CONTENTS Study Area Definition and Maps General Information On-Site Drainage Analysis Upstream Drainage Analysis Downstream Drainage System Description Future Site Conditions Resource Review 1. Flood Plain/Floodway (FEMA) Maps 2. Offsite Analysis Reports 3. Sensitive Areas Information 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information 5. King County Soils Survey Maps Field Inspection 1. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review 2. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System 3. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems 4. Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping, Scouring, Bank Sloughing, or Sedimentation 5. Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms 6. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topography and Soil Types 7. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes, Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures 8. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 9. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions 2. Problems Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L APPENDIX Vicinity Map Drainage Basin Map Downstream Drainage System Map FEMAMap Assessors Map Sensitive Areas Information SWM Division Drainage Investigation information King County Soils Survey Map Off-Site Analysis Drainage System Table Site Plan of Liberty Grove Copy of December 5, 2002 letter from Haozous Engineering Copy of November 27, 2002 letter from Ms. Laura Casey TASK 1: Study Area Definition and Maps General Information The proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous developments will be within three separate parcels, located near the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection of SE 1361h Street and 1601h Avenue SE. Parcel 3664500141, which is located near the northwest comer of said intersection, will be designated as "Parcel A" in this report. Liberty Grove will be entirely within Parcel A. Parcels 1457500085 and 1457500090, which are located near the southeast comer of the previously mentioned intersection, will be designated as "Parcel B" in this report. Liberty Grove Contiguous will be entirely within Parcel B. The parcels are located within the NE and SE quarters of Section 14, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, King County Washington. The project site is located within an area zoned R-4. Since both projects will be developed at the same time, and in fact will share the same detention facility, this off-site analysis will be for both projects. There is an existing house and shop within Parcel A, with the remainder of the site mostly covered with grass and some tree. Parcel A is approximately 4.84 acres and generally drains to the south. There are two houses within Parcel B, with associated structures. The 7.92-acre parcel is presently forested in the northeast comer, with the remainder of the site being dominated by pasture land. There is a wetland area within the southwest corner of Parcel B, which will remain, and will be protected by a 25-foot buffer. Site soils have been identified as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS). On-Site Drainage Analysis Parcel A has an average slope of approximately 3.6 percent, and generally drains to the south via sheet flow. Parcel B has an average slope of 4 percent, and generally releases water along the southern property line. Upstream Drainage Analysis As shown in Exhibit B, Parcel A receives runoff from approximately 9. 7 acres. The upstream basin is presently covered with trees, pasture land, grass and some houses. Water from said basin enters the site via sheet flow along the northern property line. Parcel B has an upstream area of approximately 13.1 acres. This basin is partially forested, but is dominated by single-family houses with a density of approximately 6 DU/GA. Water from the upstream area mostly enters the site via culvert that discharges near the northern property line, and into a ditch that flows to a wetland area within the site. There are minor flows from the ditch near the northeast comer of Parcel B. The ditch continuous south and starts to broaden. Water then enters the site, disperses and eventually drains into the wetland area. Downstream Drainage System Description As previously described, there are two separate areas to be developed as part of this project, which are designated as Parcels A and B. Parcel A presently discharges into an earth-lined ditch along its south property line. Water then enters a ditch along the western side of 160th Avenue SE and continues to flow south. Approximately Y.-mile downstream, a new 24-inch diameter ADS N-12 culvert intercepts water and brings it across 160th Avenue SE. We are proposing to bypass the above mentioned downstream system as part of the development, and will therefore provide no further analysis of said system. Furthermore, said system will most likely be improved by the proposed Evendell Plat, located south of Parcel A. It is proposed to collect runoff from the developed Parcel A and its upstream tributary area, and convey it to the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. The existing downstream facilities from the proposed detention facility will therefore be described in more detail in this report. Parcel B presently discharges runoff along its south property line. However, most of the runoff passes thru an on-site wetland located near the southwest corner of Parcel B. Water that is released by the wetland is collected by a yard drain located within the adjacent parcel to the south. We were unable to enter the property to collect more information about the system within said property. Although we were unable to collect more information about the above mentioned yard drain, we believe this system will be inadequate to handle runoff from the proposed development. The County may however, require the existing hydrology to the wetland be retained, and therefore, the yard drain will continue to receive the same amount of runoff. It is proposed to construct the detention facility within the southeast corner of Parcel B. Discharge will be to the existing conveyance facilities along the east side of 1601 h Avenue SE. The drainage facilities consist of driveway culverts and drainage ditches. The system components are shown in Exhibit C, and are itemized in the Off-site Analysis Drainage System Table (Exhibit I). There have been several complaints within this downstream system, copies of which are included in Exhibit G. Furthermore since we are proposing to convey runoff from Parcel A to this system, the facility will have to convey more flows. We are therefore proposing to improve the conveyance facilities between point 1 to point 24 (See Exhibits C and I). The new conveyance system will be designed to handle the peak flow rates. Points 25 through 30 have recently been upgraded. Future Site Conditions This development involves the creation of sixty single-family residential lots within Parcels A and B. Access roads and roadway improvements will also be a part of the development. As previously stated, the detention facility will be constructed in the southeast comer of Parcel B. A wetpond, sized per the Basic Water Quality Menu, will be constructed below the detention facility. The proposed facility will discharge to the facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE. There have been several recorded complaints along this downstream route {See Exhibit G). Due to the proposed plan to convey water from Parcel A to Parcel B, runoff to the downstream facilities on the eastside of 1601h Avenue SE will be increased. It is therefore proposed to improve a portion of the downstream facilities to handle the post-development flows, and will be further discussed in Task 5 of this report. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we were previously proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, not all downstream facilities are within the R.O.W. and therefore cannot be easily upgraded. Beyond point 30, the ditch begins to disappear. Water then disperses within the private property and then collects in a ditch, then continuous east. Although there have not been any drainage complaints from the property owners, it appears that the drainage facilities within said property will be inadequate to convey flows beyond pre-development rates. In lieu of upgrading facilities beyond point 30, we are proposing to upgrade the conveyance facilities from the project site to point 24 together with the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Another alternative is to provide the Level 2 Flow Control criteria and provide adequate conveyance along 160th Avenue SE down to SE 144th Street, which will prevent water from entering private property. The pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Flow to the existing wetland will be calculated and maintained by allowing some roof and yard runoff to drain directly into the wetland. Runoff from upstream areas, presently draining into the wetland will be collected and discharged directly into the wetland. There is a proposed development called Evendell Plat, which is located south of Parcel A and across the street from Parcel B. A Level 3 downstream analysis, dated August 26, 2002 has been prepared by Haozous Engineering for said development. The analysis was later supplemented by a letter from Houzous Engineering, dated December 5, 2002 (See Exhibit K), which identified conveyance facilities that need to be upgraded. We believe that with the improvements proposed by Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous, and together with the improvements for Evendell Plat, most of the downstream problems will be eliminated. TASK 2: Resource Review The following is a description of each of the resources reviewed in preparation of this Downstream Analysis: 1. Flood Plain/Floodway {FEMA) Maps The site is not within a 100-year floodplain. Refer to Exhibit D. 2. Offsite Analysis Reports We have reviewed the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis for the Evendell Plat. Evendell Plat is located south of Parcel A and west of Parcel B. We also reviewed a supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, which lists the downstream facilities that need to be upgraded by the Evendell Plat (See Exhibit K). We have also review the Preliminary Technical Information Report for Evendell Plat, dated June 15, 2001. 3. Sensitive Areas Information We have included a printout from the King County website as Exhibit F in this report. The printout shows that there are no sensitive areas on or adjacent to the site. However, a wetland area has been identified near the southwest comer of Parcel B. A wetland evaluation and delineation report has been prepared by Habitat Technologies. The report, dated November 5, 2002 has been review by Ms. Laura Casey of King County's Critical Areas Section. See Exhibit L for a copy of the letter from Ms. Casey. The wetland area is shown on the conceptual drainage plan, and will be within a Tract. 4. SWM Division Drainage Investigation Information There have been several recorded complaints, both on-site and within the downstream flow path. In Exhibit G, we have included a map showing the location of where each problem occurred and the complaint number. We have also included a summary of the pertinent complaints and a copy of each complaint. 5. King County Soils Survey Maps The soil underlying the site is Alderwood. A copy of the relevant page from the King County Soils Survey Map is included as Exhibit H. TASK 3: Field Inspection As previously mentioned, this project involves the development of Parcels A and B. Although the parcels are not connected, they are part of the same basin. Parcel A presently drains into the facilities along the western side of 160th Avenue SE, while Parcel B presently drains into the eastern side of 160th Avenue SE. The flows however converge further downstream. It is proposed to divert runoff from the developed Parcel A into the proposed detention facility within Parcel B. This analysis therefore focuses more on the facilities downstream from the proposed detention facility. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Investigation of Reported or Observed Problems During Resource Review There were several drainage problems identified in the review. Please see Exhibits G, I and K, and also Task 5 of this report. Location of Existing/Potential Constrictions or Lack of Capacity in the Existing Drainage System See Exhibit I. Identify Existing/Potential Flooding Problems See Exhibits G, I and K Identify Existing/Potential Overtopping. Scouring, Bank Sloughing. or Sedimentation See Exhibits G, I and K Identification of Significant Destruction of Aquatic Habitat or Organisms At the time of the site visit, there where no signs of aquatic habitat or organism destruction. Collect Qualitative Data on Land Use, Impervious Surfaces, Topography and Soil Types Qualitative data has been collected from previous field visits. This information is included within this report. 7. 8. 9. Collect Information on Pipe Sizes. Channel Characteristics and Drainage Structures See Exhibits C and I. Verify Tributary Basins Delineated in Task 1 At the time of the site visit, the tributary basins described in Task 1 were verified as being accurate. Contact Neighboring Property Owners in the Area At the time of the site visit. a neighbor living in address 13814 160th Avenue SE was available during our site visit. This neighbor had previously complained about water overflowing from the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE and flowing into the facility in front of his property, causing said system to fail (See Exhibit G). This problem has been identified for the Evendetl Plat also. and improvements were proposed to eliminate this problem (See Exhibit K). We are also proposing to upgrade this system in front of his property. The wetland area within Parcel B currently drains across address 13602 1601h Avenue SE, before discharging into a channel behind the above mentioned neighbor's property (See Exhibit C). Said neighbor stated that he constructed the channel to allow water to flow freely. He also stated that the channel is dry during summer and wet during winter. He mentioned that there was no problem with the system. Furthermore, due to the requirement to maintain the wetland hydrology (See Exhibit L), the proposed plat of Liberty Grove should not have any effect on the system. 10. Note the Date and Weather Conditions at the Time of the Site Visit The site and downstream system were visited on Jan. 17 and Jan. 20, 2002. It had just rained prior to our Jan. 20, 2002 visit. TASK 4: Drainage System Description and Problem Description 1. Drainage System Descriptions: As previously stated, runoff from the developed Parcel A will be conveyed to the detention facility to be constructed within the southeastern corner of Parcel B. Discharge from the detention facility will be to the drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE, which is the focus of this report. The existing drainage facilities along the east side of 160th Avenue SE consist of roadside ditches and driveway culverts. Several complaints have been filed due to the failure of this system. One residence has experience flooding on more than one occasion. Haozous Engineering, in their study of the downstream facilities, prepared a Level 3 analysis. A supplemental letter, dated December 5, 2002, outlining their proposed improvements is included as Exhibit K in this report. It is evident that the downstream facilities will have to be upgraded to fix the ongoing problems within said system. 2. Problems: A summary of the different complaints is included in Exhibit G. Please see Exhibits C and I also. 1 TASK 5: Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems Drainage facilities for the proposed Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous Plats will be designed using the guidelines within the King County Surface Water Design manual. The development is proposing to install a new detention and water quality facility within the southwest property comer. Due to several recorded downstream drainage problems, we are proposing to improve some of the downstream facilities as shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan. The new facilities will be designed per the quidelines within the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Per discussion with Mr. Bruce Whitaker of King County D.D.E.S, it is our understanding that developments within the basin will be required to provide downstream improvements, in lieu of the Level 3 Flow Control requirement. Although we were previously proposing to use the Level 2 Flow Control criteria together with downstream improvements, not all downstream facilities are within the R.O.W. and therefore cannot be easily upgraded. Beyond point 30, the ditch begins to disappear. Water then disperses within the private property and then collects in a ditch, then continuous east. Although there have not been any drainage complaints from the property owners, it appears that the drainage facilities within said property will be inadequate to convey flows beyond pre-development rates. In lieu of upgrading facilities beyond point 30, we are proposing to upgrade the conveyance facilities from the project site to point 24 together with the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Another alternative is to provide the Level 2 Flow Control criteria and provide adequate conveyance along 160th Avenue SE down to SE 144th Street. which will prevent water from entering private property. The pond shown in the Conceptual Drainage Plan, in our estimation, will be able to accommodate a pond sized per the Level 3 Flow Control criteria. Flows to the existing wetland will be calculated and maintained by allowing some roof and yard runoff to drain directly into the wetland. Runoff from upstream areas, presently draining into the wetland will be collected and discharged directly into the wetland. The drainage complaints are included in Exhibit G. Also included in Exhibit G is a summary of the drainage complaints that relate to this project. Each complaint will be address as follows: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. Solution: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: These complaints originated from Paree! 8 of the project. These problems will be eliminated by the development of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. The County will require the flows to the wetland within Parcel B to be maintained, and therefore there should be no affect on this property. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. We are proposing to upgrade the facilities in front of this property to handle post-development peak flows. The proposed Plat of Evendell will be improving the west side 160th Avenue SE, which will also help eliminate the problem. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. The 18" pipe in front of this property was recently enlarged to a 30" ADS pipe, which should be adequate to convey the flows. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: Solution: 1997-206 16046 SE 142"d PL. Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. This is beyond Y.-mile downstream from the project site. We believe our proposed mitigation will improve existing conditions. This level 1 analysis has provided a complete review of the downstream conditions. With implementation of the conveyance, detention and water quality standards, the project should not pose significant negative impacts to the downstream drainage course. I I I I --,- 1 I I I I I I I I £XH18!1 A 11 w (/) 14 > <( SITE I >-- <D "' SE 128TH TREET w I.I) SE 136TH I I 12 I I -----T-- 13 ST 1 I I I I ~ukrnTY lJl I o ~ IH.S. > J '." MA;LEWOOD : I HEIGfns ~ I PA~K " I 14 Tl-T -+-==-'k-f-µ=t.lflr--1-=-------+-- RENTON FlSH ANO / G™E SE liBJH SJ REgL~EA I 24 I VICINITY MAP Scale: 1" = 1 /2 MILE I I I I I I I 200 .. , 1 • I .. ......... ,' ····•·· . , ... ' ''' '. "·-· .... ; : \. ' ' ··-· .... ! ... , ' --··- \lJ ,...... &M =-· "" ~ ' ~ .... B -.:i ' '\. < ::, ~ J ... "'-•• CJ ~ <t l"'l {S"f ,,i,, ~ " c:i ~ '\ '] ~ ..... \.,.., ', ~ .. \-. l ' . -l.<J .. ~ ,,,,~··',. -< ,,__ IU .... ' ' ': . . ·' .. :~ <::!) ~ Ill ..J ~ ..... \,;; :,- I ::r:: <it • . -,.,. V') <:.! --~ ... ~ ~ 91 ~ t -I l r, ' \ • t\ "3 I ' ' Cl ~ , r ' -~ ' . . >c ' \ -y,\it£k ' ; ' ~ V I\ ' ' @ ~ ''4. - ' / I " I r . II. :-t \..9' ,, i'-' . ' \ I·~ ,111~,G . . ,~ -. 1 ' /'/>"'IL 1~ ' i " ' ' I . . I ' ' -. -' . "-"·· -... ,, .. . ' . -w .... " '' ., ..... , ""' I ~f~ \.· ·,·. t . ' ,, ' : . ...-.:· ' -~ . ' . V l ' ~ . , "Ill,, Si ... ... 10> ,.. i '\. t--0.: l~ : ·--ii, ..__ -r ;~ :, • . . 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I, / "' m ~ ~ m 158TH I/ I/;' I I I /7;1RcQ. 9/11:_,.. A 7 Y, a _/ / ,/ / ; ;,1 " / ; I I ~ I ,/ ; ~i /////_J U> m AVENUE 163RD AVE SE AVENUE 164TH AVENUE . Till\60735 ' !JO(' i ~·"'.-.. (GI I ------1 i0639 •• ... @ ~ ~-~.~ .. ~.~,.,-------., ., f; ., ~· : ' ,. f'A!l..f!tl A 1, ; ; ' .;.I /. .. -t .. ,. ., •' • .~ : .. ' 0) ----• .., .... ~.~-~,.-~,.J--:;-... *----------1 -·- 3 ·"' •. "' ' 2 : ,(" '61-SS~-£ = ; , ~ _..: .~ ·" ~ 'I -~ .~ .. : ~ ~ ;,: .• I I ~ • ~ ' 11 '2'&tS UP IS YUa fll1!! PUllPoS£ DP ~ ~ LOQTIIQ, 'all PJlOFIRff .DD IS WOT ~ TO Sll"1I AC(.'VJU~ ~- --~-- A~E.SS61eS MAP Sl!.4£.E : ! '' r:. 2ao " EiH!B!T £ K.C. 54 ' ®King County ~-------- 1.Q3059112 -- ,~ County 8oundaty fr s ....... 0 -~ lnttwpotated Ai8a ;/ n!ih and Olm .... -... -SA0Stn>am ~ ""'"1 Clals2Pl!ln!l'rill ;/ Cla!sa2s.baid fr -· .. . -. ShaMliHI Man-mont oe~n m C ..a.q 19 -e -ffill ~ e -!"""I Comment~ iMa p Print Paae fffll Legend -g Lakea and Laf91! Rh'em ~ FE-floa<lway -Floodpla"1 P1fj -~ .....,.. \M...RD Channel Mqtaticm ttazeni -___ 'ffl.l<IJ'J.dlU!lJ!lJ-""IJ;!!!J-"!!']!_ ______ ~ -----____ __. ____ _ 1111 • ~ m fizl !ffll 00 ii e • MOOB!ATE -Sole Souroe Aquifer SAOWOlla<ld SAOt.a- SAOCoalMila SAOS- SAOE«l<ion Chin<IGI<- SenSiMI Ame No&:& on Tlla t EXH!/3/r F j£N~1nt/E AREAS INF~AT/()N he information induded on this map has been compiled by Klng County staff from a variety of sources and ts subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such nformation. King County shalt not be liable for any general. special, in<irect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to. ost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misU&e of the information contained on this map_ Any sale of this map or information on ~is map is prohibited except bv written permission of Kinn Cour'ltv. King County I GIS Center I News I Semces I Comments I Search ' -----.__ L -'--·•-~ ..... _r_.., ~ ...... ,.._..,,4.+;..,_ ,...f+I,,.,, .,. ..... ThG rto,t.,;,,ik, EXl-/18/T G Swt-1 D1 v1S1DN fJr2.AtNAb£ /rJVE:;.TtG.A110N !NFa2H1t1lDN lilgc...tylbbl' nl.a I c& llvilllll -llrlbVI llnlca S8c1ill oe,,e1 llll'dl PJWlted : 12J28/00 7:36:58 AM ~ = ID1II-...... "'_ ----197 4---0095 C RIPRAP 15225 JONES RO ROCKSIOIKE/15219 JONES RO/CEDAR RIV 651M 1974-0096 C RIPRAP 15224 JONES RO ROCKIDIKEJJONES RO/CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1974-0103 C 15631 JONES ROSE W/0 BACKFIWJONES RO 657A4 1974--0106 C ORNG 15005 JONES RD DITCHfALONG CEDAR 657M 1975--0128 C FLOG 16418 SE 145THST STORM SEWERS/BRlARWOOO S 65784 1976-0084 C 156Tli PL SE/JONES RD DAMAGE ALONG RD/CEDAR RrvER AREA 657A4 1976--0091 C OEBRI 15463 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER 657A4 1979---0090 C DRNG 14406 162NOAVSE 65783 1980-0117 C ORNG 1340S 156TH AVE. SE 657A2 1981--0316 C 15035 SE JONES RO DIKE JETTYfCEDAR RIVER 6S7A4 ,/ 1982-0520 C FLOG 13612 160TH AVE SE 65782 1982-0521 C FLOG 16426 SE 145TH Pl BRIARWOOD AREA 65764 1963--0357 C ORNG 14827 SE.JONES RO CHNL OVERFLO/MADSEN CRK 657A4 1983-0386 C ORNG 15243 SE 132ND ST ORNG OITCHfSE 132ND ST/152ND AVE SE 657A2 1983-0387 C FLOG 14063 171ST AVE SE BRIARWOOD AREA 65783 1984-0224 C FLOG 16211 SE 145TH ST 65784 1985-0710 E FILL 1503S SE JONES RD KG CTY NOT RESP-WILUlolENF 657A4 1986-0372 C VlOLATE 15617 SE JONES RO MOBILE HOME IN FLOOD PtAIN 657A4 1986-0372 E ILLDVLT 15817 SE JONES RD TO BALD FOO CM{CHK STAT BY CMOT). 657M 198&-0376 C FLOG 13129 160TI--t AVE SE BLOCKED DITCH 65782 1986-0437 C CULVERT 15252 SE 142ND PL INST ALLATION--NEED CS 657A3 1986--0651 C FILLING 15045 SE JONES RO SEE 86-0745.1158 657M 198&-0745 C FILL 15045 SE JONES RO ILLEGAL Fill-CEDAR RIVER 657M 1986-0812 C EROSION 15421 SE JONES RO CEDAR RIVER 657114 1986-1158 C FLOG 15059 SE JONES RO SEE: 86-0745 BRAMBLETT 86-07-45 657A4 1987-0430 C TRFD TO SWM-FM/RO ORNG. 65782 1987-0430 ER QH/SWM DIV PLY. 65782 1987-0430 NOA Ot-VSWM DIV PLY. 65782 1967-0496 C DRNG 16423 SE 135TH ST SEEPAGE 65782 1967--0589 C SEE 67--0430 WILSON. 65782 1987--0593 C DRNG 16904 SE 1361H ST DRNG ESMT WATER/DITCH NEEDS MAINT 65782 1987-1001 X FILL 16861 SE JONES RD ILLEGAL FILL IN FLOPLAIN 65784 19BB---03n C DRNG 14250 161ST AVE SE HAZARDOUS POND OH/TO CM. 06/10189 65783 1989-0020 C FILL 13400 166THAVE SE NEAR DRNG CHNl 65782 1969-0066 C ORNG 14820 154TH PL SE INSTALLING DRAINAGE 657M 1969-0863 C ORNG 13224 168THAVESE DITCH CLEANINGJLOSING YARD 65782 v· 1989--0867 CL ORNG 13002 160THAVE SE Cl#12735 DUE APRIL 657B2 p~ 1 of4 ~ "'" """--II-----ga,, 1990-0318 C ftDG 15225 SE JONES RD DIVERTED DITOVST~ EVENT 657A4 1990-0U9 C DRNG 149<3 SE JONES RD DEBES IN CREEK/STORM EVENT 657M 1990-0518 Cl. ftDG 15225 SE JONES RD Cl.#12839 657A4 1990-0590 C DRNG 14933 SE JONES RD BAa<UP INTO MADSEN CREEK/STORM 657A4 1990-0702 Cl. FLOG 15059 SE JONES RD Cl..#12933 SEETULLY DUEAI.KiUST 657M 1990-0748 Cl. FlDG 15023 SE JQNESRD CU12989 SEETUU.Y OUEAUGUST 657M 1990--0793 Cl. FLOG 15035 SE JONES RD WASHE DOUT ORtVEWAY.ICl.#13019 SEE 657A4 1990--0931 C DRNG 16423 SE 135THST SWAMP IN NEXT LOT/STORM 65782 1990-0956 Cl. FLOG 15226 SE .JONESRD MUOFROMCLOGGEOCULVERT/a.J1313 657M 1990-1023 C DRNG 15408 SE JONES RD HOUSE MOVED tN NEAR CEDAR RIVER 657M 1990-1101 C EASEM'T 16516 SE 149Tit ST ON LOT BUILD ADDITION 65784 1990-1101 E EASEMENT 16516 SE 149ll-l. ST MET ON SrTE WIU. SUBMIT PROPOSED S 657B4 1990-1280 C DRNG 14926 165lli Pl. SE ONTO D/W AT Cl.I... OE SAC 657B4 1990-1343 C DRNG 14920 163RDCT SE DAMAGED PVT DRA1ti 657B4 1990-1503 C DRNG 15025 1561M Pl. SE PIPE OUTFAU. TO RIVER 657A4 1990-1509 C EROSION 1"250 154TH PL.ACE SE CULVERT DAMAGE AND SLIDE lN RAVINE 657M 1990-1542 C ftDG 1&Wl SE JONES RD WATER OVER ROADWAY/OUT OF BANKS 6571>< 199()..1625 C EROSION 15633 SE JONES RD OF RIVERBANKIFAILED LEVEE 657M 1990-167:3 C EROSION 14908 SE JONES RD CEDAR RIVER BANK 657A4 1990-1684 C EROSlON 17055 SE JONES RO REPAIR OF DIKE OF RIVER 65784 1991--0064 C ROG 16426 SE 145TH RIO PUJGGEOMO DRAINAGE 657B4 1991-0064 SR FlDG 16426 SE 145TH ROST FM ADO TO Ol.OSIOFF 65784 1991-0188 C DRNG 16400 SE 143RDPl.ACE BROKENP1PE 65783 1991-0188 E DRNG 143RD SE 164TH AVE SE ~PIPE 65783 1991-0322 C FlDG 16416 SE 145TH ST PLUGGED PVT DRAIN 657B4 1991-0422 C DRNG 1&148 SE JONES RD ROCKS AND DEBRIS FROM RAVINE 65784 1991-0422 SR DRNG 16448 SE.JONES RO OHIRORNGCM 05111191 SEE 91-0530 65784 1991--0688 C DRNG 15243 SE 132NDST BACKYARD IS UNUSABLE 657KJ. 1991-0750 C FllL 13008 1S6THAVE SE lN DRAINAGE AREA 657KJ. 1991-0954 C FLOOOJNG 15606 SE 143ROST STORM EVENT CJB OVERFLOW 657"'3 1991-1000 C DRAINAGE 13535 160THAVE SE MAINTAINENCE OF UNOPEN R.0.W. DITC 65782 1991-1147 C DRAINAGE U506 165THAVE SE WATER PONDING IN ROAD 65784 1992-0082 C DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1992-0082 E DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 657B2 1992-0082 ER DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE (lntAcSyCmDt) 65782 1992-0082 PN DRAINAGE 12817 162ND SE 65782 1993-0252 C DRNG 16410 SE 143ROPLACE TIJRNEOTOE 6$783 1993-0252 E DRNG 16410 SE 143RDPI..ACE CHECK STAT BY CMOT DATE 6S7B3 1993-0521 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 1601HPlACE BROKEN WATER LINE 65782 1993--0528 C DRAINAGE 13301 SE 160TH Pl.ACE SEE 93-0521 65762 Page2of-4i .....-i '"' '"'"--II---.... ..... -1993-0724 C FLDG 13516 164THAVE SE FLOODING 65782 1993-0724 RN FLDG 13516 164Tl-lAVE SE FLOODING IN WETIAND ON PROPERTY 65782 1993--075;. WQC UUMriN,::; 'ioo61 SE JONES RU 6578-< 1993-0752 WOE DUMPING 16861 SE JONES RO SEDIMENT FROM WELL DRIUING 65784 1993-1063 C HOLE 16519 SE 149TH ST HOLE IN ROAD SHOULDER 65784 1994-0326 C DRNG 13200 156TH AVEY RD SE NEW UPSTREAM CONSTRUCTION -WILL 657A2 1994-0538 C HAZARD 16519 SE 149Tii ST NEW KC OITCH IN YARD IS A HAZARD 65784 1994-1011 C DRNG SE 132ND & 156TH A SE DIRECT DISCHARGE FROM Pl.AT OEVELO 657A2 1995-0107 C CULVER1? 15641 SE 136TH Pl. POSSIBLE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO ·s 65783 1995-0715 C RUNOFF 164XX SE 135TH ST ROAD CULVERT DISCHARGE HIST DRNG 65782 1995-0907 C DRAINAGE 13100 164THAVE SE LACK OF CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED R/ 65782 1995-0907 R DRAINAGE 13100 164THAVE SE LACK OF CONVEYANCE IN UNOPENED RI 65762 1995--1070 C CREEK 15915 SE 148THST STREAM FLOW INFO REQUEST 65784 1996-0039 C DRNG 15609 SE 128TH ST NO INFORMATION AVAllABLE 65782 1996-0289 C FLDG 15225 162NOAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 65784 1-.-0289 R FLDG 15225 162NOAVE SE GROUNDWATER STREAM IMPACT PVT PR 6S7B4 1996-0376 CD SEEPAGE 15225 162NDAVE SE SEE 96-0289 OUP 65784 1996-0556 C RUNOFF 14301 166nt PL SE APPARENT GROUNDWATER SURFACING 65783 1996-0556 R RUNOFF 14301 166THPL SE APPARENT GRC>l.Jt.lOWATER SURFACING 65783 1996--0669 C FLDG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH FLOW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996--0669 NDA FLDG 15035 SE JONES RO HIGH FLOW POI\IOING PVT PROP NO OUT 657A4 1996-0869 R FLDG 15035 SE JONES RD HIGH A.OW PONDING PVT PROP NO OUT 657M 1996-0870 C R/OPONO 15XXX SE 143RD ST KIDS USING PONO FOR DIRT BIKES 657A3 1996-1050 CL FLOG 15010 156TH PL SE REIMBURSMENT FOR CLEAN UP WORK IN 657A4 1996-1253 C ORNG/PIP 15226 162NOAVE SE PVT DRNG INSTALLATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996--1253 NDA ORNG/PIP 15226 162ND AVE SE PVT ORNG 1NSTAU.ATION IMPACT ROAD? 65764 1996-1253 R DRNGJPIP 15226 162NDAVE SE PVT ORNG INST AL.LATION IMPACT ROAD? 65784 1996-1557 WOA CONSULT 13203 156THAVE SE BCW SITE CONSULTATION 657A2 1996-1724 C FLDG 14206 164THAVE SE OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING pVf PROP 65783 1996-1762 C FLDG 15059 SE JONES RD OAMAGETOORNGOUTFALL TOCEDARR 657A4 1997-0056 C DITCH 13215 154TH AVE SE 657A2 1997-0056 R DITCH 13215 154THAVE SE 657A2 v 1997-0203 C FLOG 14028 t601HAVE SE OVERFLOW FROM DIW CUL V IMPACT PVT 65783 v 1997-0206 C FLDG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 / 1997--0206 NDA FLDG 16046 SE 142ND PL OFFSflE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 v 1997--0206 R FLOG 16046 SE 142ND PL OfFSITE FLOW IMPACTING PRIVATE PRO 65783 1997-0318 CL CLAJM 14038 S6THAVE SE FLOODING DUE TO PLUGGED CUL VERT 657A3 NO"T ./ 1997---0423 CL FLDG 14028; 160THAVE SE ROADSIDE DITCH OVERFLOW-160TH AVE. 65783 II VIII 1-ABl G 1997-0484· C DRAINAGE 15701 138TH Pl SE PROPERTY DEV CONCERNS PVT DRNG 657A3 1997-0524 C EROSION 14631 156THAVE SE NATURAL SLIDE AREA ADJACENT TO PIP 657A4 Page3ol4 ~ IWl lfflll,._ -.. .. ..-----II* 1997..()659 Fm VNEl<JJS 161TH PL SE & SE 144TH VANOAUSM TO RID JOENTlFICATION SIGN 657B3 1997-0917 FCR DRNPOND 1451H SE Pl BTWN 150&151 PL NEIGH KJOS DIGGING R'II PONOSIOE SLOP 657A3 1991-1on C STUMPS 15405 SE JONES RO SllJMPS STOCKPn..EO. FOR CO PROJECT 657M 1997-1-432 C DRAINAGE 15413 SE 133RDST LOT ORAJNAGE PVT ORNG SYS CS LOWE 657A2 1997-1493 FCR POND 16426 SE 1"'5TH ST INFR....TRATION PONO NOT HANDLING LAR 657B4 1998-0152 C DRAINAGE 13115 158THA.VE SE PVT PROPERTY IMPACT DUE TO NTRL OR 65782 1996-0192 Fm W/OSTE 15006 SE 145THPL DOG WASTE SIGN REOUESTEO 657A3 1996-0202 C DRAINAGE 14312 160THAVE. · SE LOW AA.EA PVT PROP ADJ PROP RAISED 65783 1996--0322 C TREES 14232 150TH PL SE TREE FALL DAM FENCE. NOT LOSU f"ACI 657A3 1996-0475 woe ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM ASH POND 657B4 1996-0475 WOR ALGAE 16713 SE JONES RD ALGAE RELEASE FROM FISH POND 65784 .,,.,,,m1 woe FD.1. 12813 163RDAVE. SE DUMPING OF COL AD.J TO DRAINAGE SYS 65783 1999-0059 Q lREE 14334 166TH PL SE TREE FAU DAMAGED FENCE 65703 1999-0225 woe DUl,V'ING 15921 SE 148THST DUMPlNG ON PVT PROP YARDWASTEJDE 65784 · 1999-0297 Fm RDMAINT 15006 SE 1-45THPL REQUEST TO REPLACE BOUAROS ANO l 657M / 2000-0322 woe WOI 13612 160THAVE SE APPARENT ~ON OXIDE BACTERIA IN DIS 65782 2000-0666 Fm MNM 163XX SE 145THST REQUEST TO INSTAl...l..ADOITIONAL TRAS 657B4 2000-0674 Fm MMG 16225 SE 145TH ST DUMPINGISTo:KPIUNG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0074 R MMG 16225 SE 145™ ST DUMP1N3/STOO<Pfl1NG OF LUMBER ON 65784 2000-0703 FCR -...... 16225 SE 145TH ST CB DOES NOT HAVE LOCKING LIO. FENC 65784 2000-0731 FCR MMG 14210 149TH PL SE OEVLEOPMENT wrntlN THE CITY Of REN 657A3 2000-0731 WOE VIOO 14210 H9THPL SE OEVLEOPMENT WITHIN ntE CITY OF REN 657A3 2000-0731 WQR MMG 1.c210 149TH PL SE OEVLEOPMENT WffiflN THE CITY OF REN 657A3 P:ag,e .f of 4 7_ / rv .. -·--·---;;;;,. -r=·· --~-C-0:-c.t,: ·=-~~ ....... ~~-_.occ·~:'=,··· ~ ~o? J blo11\ ·-, -··--··-·--•1=-,--~~:r f~•pe""1_: . ·~.~.-c:,._ '---···----·-:_, __ :_ ___ .: ,,: ,.-, i4iiiii@ ---·--'-- ""·- 9{}-I -: ~I...: .. '-. .. / -------r-::·-CA, --·----(bw --;_,...,__ - . -. -~.; - . --:---" -------------- DRAINAGE COMPLAINTS SUMMARY: 1. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 3. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 4. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 2000-0322 and 1982-0520 13612 160th Ave. SE Complaint 2000-0322 was a water quality complaint. Problem could not be identified; therefore the County closed the file. Complaint 1982-0520 was file in 1982 and involves flooding of the property. 1989-0867 13802 160th Ave. SE Was not available. Complaint may be too old and may already have been addressed. CAR No. 99-004152 and CAR No. 01-005339 13814 160th Ave. SE Complaints indicated that the ditch in front of the property has plugged. King county responded by cleaning the ditch. The property owner indicated that the ditch along the west side of 160th Avenue SE floods. When flooding occurs, water crosses onto his property. 1997-0203, 1997-0423 and Claim Nos. 31249 & 21860 14028 160th Ave. SE Complaint 1997-0423 is not available. Complaints 97-203 and Claim No. 21860 were filed by the previous owner Mr. Marshall Brenden. Claim No. 31249 was filed by the current owner Mr. Chad Myers. All the complaints involve failure of the drainage system and flooding of the property, which includes flooding of the lower level of the house. Problem appears to have not yet been resolved. 5. Complaint Number: Address: Description: 1997-206 16046 SE 142nd PL Off-site flows impacting property. Property gets flooded and septic system operation impacted. Although Drainage Investigation Report does not indicate any actions were taken at the time of the complaint, it appears that the County has installed an 18-inch diameter pipe behind pipe behind his property. There is still a problem with erosion downstream from the 18-inch pipe. JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.2/6 KIN~WATERANIJ LANiiRESO,URCESDIVISION \je,P .... ·:. DRAINAGE INvESTIGATION REPORT . . 1 · · ~l:1'1 ~ ,,~ ·, ' uA_.d~INVEm.GATIONRE';).UEST : ~·~miyc.: . PROBLEM: ~e--~''/2· ~L. ·· .. ·. , .. r<;;·1 • <: .. , . RECEIVED BY; ·. ··. · D e: 5i ITT OK'd by: ~E No:· 00 '.:03?,Z /(. Received.from: a.//;&'~~~ ,x96-97-'/3 . . . , . ' ·' . ·, :. · .... ·:· . rr;JO . . . . , · (Day) C } (Eve) 'c . . l '.~ NAM~= Pia H:, [):1,v1d , PHoNE · ,-: · · <,::. ADORES~: /c3~/ ,2 l&Otl< <2Lte /vi~ City r<t1.i-r4.:J State . · i.ip_~'q34~: .• . . . . ' . ' . . ' . ~ . \• .. LOCATION OP P~OBLEM, IFD~: . . , Plat name: ~ fa,,,,,K /j n:_ ac,u_ 772--LotNo: / BlockNo:3' 0ther agencies involved: No field investigation required"=="~ · Th.Bros: New /61 $2-- "· · . JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 ~~c...:·""--' ·=··~, --'-~vz...,·-,~,.,, ....... ')1,1' llilai'1111it)lllj5)_$_' .. ,.1111 •r•:s•· 11111•••11 1 p 11) , f trr• wr r ( ' I -I MJ tr• Complaint No. 00 -0322 Name: Jeff Ketchel . 1!Q !MR,# • .,~, Investigated by: Virgil Pacampara Date: May 16, 0000 DETAILS OF INVESTIGATION: I met with Mr. Craig Geller (rosident) at 2:30 PM regarding a water quality complaint, He informed me that he has no idea where the pipe has originated, its sonrco of flow and notice the discharge two months ago. He been living in that house far sev,n months only. The subject of complaiuts a 6" dia., white colorecl PVC pipe discharging an orange colored liquid. The exposed end-part (out fall) of pipe line is located at side ditch of 160th Ave. SE. approx. 40 feet North from the SW comer of the property. Using the end of pipe as reference point (refer to photo# 1,2, 3). It seems it was been laid latarally at an angle towards the house in north-easterly direction and b11ried in varying depth of l' to 2' feet. At time of visit, I took a water sample from out fall (end of pipe). It is discharging clear/ colorless liquid (refer to photo# 5,6). Noted a constant flow of discblll'ge in the whole duration of visit Stained area is still visible (refer to photo #4, 5,7), No trace of recent back fill/ excavations along the probable route of PVC pipe due to presence of'debris and yard waste scattered all over the property. Notice the south side of the small i;arage, a stock pile of used/ remnants of varyin; size of PVC pipe including an identical ,ize and color of pipe mentioned in the complaint (he informed me tha1 it was materials use at his other work as a plumber). Checked water meter for possible leak in water supply of the house, (noted water meter gage is not running despite a constant discharge of liquid/ water in out fall). He added that a septic tank is serving his sewerage system and a drain field located at baclcyard, The roof downspout is not connected to any storm drain pipe, will create a surface run off in the area (refer to photo #8). Water sample taken from the pipe reveals Category #4; variety of ilvn-related bacteria and Category #S; Iron -related bacteria plus anaerobic &: aerobic slime- fumti~ ~I ~~-~~l!!~~-·.~-3~9~'T~Hl~~-~-"IF~~~~~~~ 16" dia. r---,----T---, drainage pipe ~ [;~ I (buried) I Pre.tr I Wolberg I #1601 I #16021 I Property line I I I I driveway 1 __ _. ____ _.__l I I ~--- L ___ ..r--~::::-::=..!.t::-L~. ----Lj ~ J Drain field Gw;;at;:er~::::!:=~+=-0 ,,···· G,_ '!. q~=::{ow;~ meter ,• @ i.,;; Old garage •• lco~1~d-;1r;::a,:-1~er:;:--;:;~==1~~-:/-\.:• •• •• , Stock pile of pipes (used/ remnants) ditch area E~ --·----------;;--_J Probable route crl 6" dia. PVC pip•~ , ...... JRN.29.2003 ~--.\,I.;, 12:10PM KC WLRD N0.339 P.12/13 gJ-odu - DIVISION NQ · liT 0890'+ DATE 7 5" fl:a f?-. DEPARTMENT OF PUIUC WORKS I K ,· COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION REPORT Ll Complainr Rec d NATUREOFCOMPLAINL fl C)OIJ/11)(:, =-c~;;a...=c....:=.:.~~-"---.;_.;~---'-c.....;:'-----·-------------IRadio O O•i>en 0 LOCATION, I.~ 6 I Z. • 16 0 Avt: S:e!" Phone ><.'I On-view D COMPLAINANT: Jo HI( S: T~WA( r ADDRESS I s61 z. -lbO 4v, -:;.E Details of Comr,loint, Joff,Q bf:()1/l.f: /INO C.A A.J /st:: I) o/U t: ? Complaint Received Bv, (,;,,t l G..J Complaint Referred To, f<ot;ct. .f5t?A]Je/t Dote: '2 r" f;,6 8·'2- The Stewart property is naturally low,lying approx. 4 feet below the ACTION TAKEN, surrounding propel'ty which is County road, and other private property, 'he road and its culverts have been in ~istence for well beyond 7 years. I aon•t 'eel we should do any work,expending public funds to improve private property. Ir. Stewart could install a French drain,collect any water that enters his proper1 ,nd discharge from the french drain into the roadside ditchJl along 160th AVE.S,E. 'he discharge would have to be controlled so that it was not much more than a tric .n order to assure that the ditch can handle it, and that we also do not create at ,roblems elsewhere, Stewart told me h~ ~ants County to channel the drainage alo~ Compfoinon, advised of Action possible e : Phone ~ l.orie, D Personal Contact O :Z -b:,,/ft:ed '-lo ~ he roads and not onto , -vir (!) q .. + over el461<tt! in, .y. Complaint Action Hondled By ·· · / 1 O'(M. CL2 a...,( r-ei ~d "'" [a~s show Natural drainage NAM ""Tl! P..G,'l,'.,.. +t..a+--tf.t,'s. , .c oss his property.Established dr, inage. .::r r-,·,-ate. proble-. Ri:TAIN PINK CARBO~: ENO VELLOWAND WHIT O~Ro . ...,;, wl..,e/.. -t/.te ~.,+st ,t.J, 11,,1 ~ , t,.; 11.oi' ti:!~ c;,o:.4-•"'1, ~ ' c, !,10'-~, .. ~,..., +f.;~ now. . ·- I JAN.29.2003 12:10PM KC WLRD 1 6 0 A V s E -------OPEN Dl'I'CH : I 1 1 s.E. 136th Street '. I OPEN . DITCH 13612 'C------D I: ------STEWAR"C' PROPERTY N0.339 P.13/13 /Jt:Ner, sw O<Jtbell 1 --. O.Dl:TCH 6 ' 2 ' I J I A I ' ' \ I V { I s OPEN I E \ DITCH~ I ,, , I /" / -- V/C.,L/LUV.{ Of _J-;;, l'n.A .:..vu,._._,~ ,..._._~v RequestN~ RequestDat~· RequestTime: 9u0 · Ki:19 C._ounty Department. «>f Tra!lSpoi::fatiQ_n Citizen Action Request Form __: ______________________ _ Request taken via: P (P)hone (R)adio (O)n-View (F)ax By: MCDONALD caner Name: BOWDEN. BRET Caller Address: 160 AV SE @13814 Location: 160 AV SE@13814 Request Details: CLEAN DITCH Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: -thig line lo< Office USe Initial Investigation by: CAMPBELL Findings Action Taken: SLOPE MOWED Task Compleled: 262 Responding Pit: SUMMIT Second Investigation by: Action Taken: Refer'd to: Contacl Log: Task Compl,:,ted: 10/6/99 PM CONTACTED CITIZEN Time Refd: Req. Type: D RPU Request Type: Day Phone: (425)255-6152 Other: '3>'\ 3"\ SE. lo~ L Re.,...,.--6 .... q5C>S'8 Below this One for F181d Use Investigation Dale: t 0/0511999 or Work Scheduled: I Date Refs: Date Recv'd: Date Closed: 08/23/2000 Caller contacted by: 1 (P) Phone Ill In person (N) Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A.~,. Vel>icle B. Utiily ln6pEdion C. C"'11ra<:I/OII issues D.D-- E. ~ on RoaiMaY F. Floodng P,oporty G. Guardrail/Fence Damage H.Spil~{~) I. Inquiries RE: Mani. Aclivities J. Sp.iy AllPficatiOO K. Washoot RepairlSide Removal L v_.,i;oo Con'1CI (Mow, Brush, et,;.) M. llegal Use cf R/W N. Shou-Mamtenance 0 Misc. Requesls P. PoUtole Q.S~Mawll R.ReplU'SlreeWaw,g S.S1ree!Main.~ T. Trashll....itter on RMI U Snow/Ice V. Waieroo RoadlF1ood;ng W. lid lllSSing (CIB Util.) ){. Dllching Y. Bridge Issues Kio~ County Departinent of Tl'a!\spo~on Citizen Action Request Form Request taken via: P (P}hone (R)adio (O)n-V"'w (F}ax By: GALU\RDO Caller Name: {30WQEN, {3RET CallerAddress: 160AVSE@13814 Location: 160 AV SE ~13814 Request Details: DRAINAGE DITCH PLUGGED Request forwarded to: PU 004 DIV: 4 Dispatched to: :RONIN Time Refd:1633 RequestN~ Request Date: 1 Request Time: 1633 Day Phone: (425)793-7783 Other: Above this line for Office Use Below this One for FIOld Use -------------- Initial Investigation by: CRONIN Req. Type: D Investigation Date: 12/13/2001 Findings Action Taken: VACTORED & FLUSHED SYSTEM Task Completed: 241 Refer'd to: RPU or Work Scheduled: I Responding Pit: SUMMIT Date Refs: Second Investigation by: Date Recv'd: Action Taken: Task Completed: Request Type: Date Closed: 12/14/2001 Contact Log: Caller contacted by: U (P) Phone (I) In person (N) Note or letter (U) Unable to contact Type of Request Choices A. Al>aooooe<IICom. Vehide G. Guanlfail/Fence Oemage B. Utility lnspecoon H. Sp;J Cleanup (General) C. Conlr.>dlOv,,rlay isoues I. hpries RE: Maint ACIMlies D. Draina9e J. Spray Application E. Debris on Roadoay K. Washout Repair/Slide Removal F. Flooding Property L Vegelation Control (Mow. Bnish, etc.) M. llegal Use ol R1W N. Shou-Ma"'"""'"°" 0. Misc. Reques1s p_p_ Q. S-'Curb Main!. R.RepairSl<eel/Paving s. $-Main/S- T. TrashlLitte< on RM/ U. Snow/fee V. Water on Road,IFlooding W. Lid M$$inQ (CIB Ufil.J X. Ditching Y. Bridge Issues JAN.24.2003 4:15PM KC WLRD N0.222 P.4/6 -- KING COUNlY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVJSION DRAINAGE JNYESTIGATION RE~ORT Paga· 1: INVESTIGATION"REQUE~T Received by; .· I Date; OK'd by: FHa·No. ' . L; ,; . 'I ,,_ ' .. Type {?_., 97-;)0~ -Flecefved from: ·· (Please pn plaln for scannlnij), . (Day) {Eve) W>.ME:.. -t'1Jv;J;JAt2/da114/YM .: . . PHONE 2 77-_ S,9:J./ di,,ry;; ADDRESS: /,f{)r2}? d/a0-tnU!)ti..St:,_ City ~) .State Zlp·y'@ Loca~on of problem, If different: · /~ Lot No; S" BlockNo: 3 DfSPOSlTIDN: Tumec:I to. ___ • On----· by __ _ OR: No further action recommended beca1 _ Lead agency has been notified: --........---::.,--.-,--.--..-,---:=-,-----:::-,--,-----,,--=---'-a-.---. _ Problem has been corrected. _ No problem has been Identified. _ Prior investigation addresses proble SH Filo# • _ Private problem -NDAP will no: consider ber::ause: · · _ Water originates onsite and/or on neighboring parcel . Location ls outside SWM Se;!u)fea. ~ Other (Specffy): DATE CLOSE~ )_ t_il_;_j_J_ by-.~ ;?('f!f<#g JRN.24.2003' I ,· • • 4: 15PM KC WLRD' N0.222 P.5/6 ·; ., .. ,:r. ' ... 'l ,'!.! ·,, 160th Ave. S.E . . -·,. . .. . ',,\ ... ,, . I ' ) ..• ' :! ·: Culvert inlet area redrn;eq PY sedimimt an gravel build~up .. . ' ' Storm drain r----..a.i:'r==::::::;:::::=, -· . .•. '.. ;:.. [. . !L..:.---"'.'""'"--i !-" :·. ~ I \ 140 g •. •;;:( I '. •I ' •. '\ .·.~.:._:_71,••r" \ .. -·· ,, .,· ............ , ....................................... . -·-···-·---- ····· ·····-. !f \...... . ........... / StaI:Lding Water · ~ ,:::_·~·· .. ·:S~ace Water Disp4ar~s ' · ··: t6 Open Land' · ·· i h................. . ·:· ·-.... ·.. . ....... ·· , ............................. . ":,'· ........................... ~ .. :: .• " i ,; JAN.24.2003 4:16PM KC WLRD Everyone lives dllwnstream l:ngineering & Environmental Services ( ' \ ' I \ I I I ., I I t I I . I I I J '-- ~ ,... ~ \: -~ I -' I I \ \ SWM-EngWorkSlleet 4122!!13 .. •·. .. ................ N0.222 P.6/6 '" . : . ..... '-._/"""······························ ... -·' I ,, .. , ! ·-t--:'-,;---~----------Project 1-------- coJp, ____ Chk ____ Rev ___ _ Oat~ _ Date Date Page of Pages i ' I I I . ,,., ~L / ,. 1---....,..,---"t I" ": 1 .... i I ' l . --'-·-...__ ·-. -\... -S,,.,rc.... \ --h,,~+ h,t. '--f I. -' -~ ' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON CLAJM FOR DAMAGES a.MM 218 6 0 NOTICE: Ne damages:_ can be·p:aid t,y King County unless a ciairn comptyITTg with V'las~rnglon State :_a.,o; :s. preser:!ed to the King County Council. After filing claim, please-direct. :3-ll queEtic.-.s to th~ Office cf Rts~ Manc.;eme;-;~ ~t. (205) 296-7 432. lNSTRUCT)ONS: 1}Ccrnplete form1 giving sp_edfic detaUs about ycr;r damage er !oss lnc!ud~ Gates: !t~s and wimes:ses. Z)Sign and have me form notarized. 3)Return form lo King C?unty Clerk cf the_ Ccur.cii.. R..1.::;.-1 403: Kir.g County Ccurth~use, Seatt!e1 WA 98104. !NAME /Jllq,)",1/1/( ' l r:-1l'ht, middle, iasf O:' bUS»1eSS name) . !AooREss ljf dL /(, 6 If,./. s <. -t: ,v-krf?td. YJ' as 1 \ (home er c·.:s:ness) Jnciude cJty, ~taro andz.fp _ iausttl_ic;iS ) . HOME //J 1\ . (PHON~4(i7J--rf?,,? I P'riONE:\f)(d~)l77-tf'J2/ MESSAGE PHONE:. ______ _ ' iADORESS SIX MONTrlS BEFORE ILOSS/ACCIOSNT ,:,> toccURREO: ;fa z..o' ~ l{o S:F -,&.v/ov L Jncludt ctcy. ,$'Qle and zlp ioA,EoFAcc10EN,a(f;. rC ,1MEoFAcc1DEN18-/0/fll-AMO'JN,cLA1M:=fS;:fso~~ · kocATION LOSSiACCiD:CNT 1(01..t /to J:.E , ~,r.nf.u' . j iDESCRiPTION OF DETAILS (Descn-oe how the loss/incident oc=ur.ed): ! . c.,.. ,;10d',,,,~z-a - : 1----------------------------~---c---------:-------------------------------'-----'~;,e...-.:;"':;;...------=~--===--::-. .... ~.--~ j;;-~ :G KING COUNTY'S !NVOLV:'.:MEt-..'T (lf possible, identify the employee or cteparl:merrt inv~ ;~*~---'. ,!ncic<ent): C,, d0c(....,e-vC .Ii' · . . ~ -·m l l 8-;x.;{< i L_ .., m , 0 J PROPER I f DAMAGE {Ple2.~e describe the\ralue and extent of dama;-e to yom no_me, aulomobH~. or------: 1 persona: pro.-ny. Attach e:st1mate6, bills or wi",atever documentation of damages you iTH:!:Y · : p1avet 1 I ·--- L__:__w -~".2:£07 °~:: tiz~;a1·, ,£ . .,., .f. "f • , , • le ;; r· J •..... g ·' e j '.Gent!ft P:1~'s}cian{s) er any other medical professional(s) in~lved:_~N~,.,i/"-'-·----------~ ! swe::!r rr:1s !s a tme ana attur~te tta!';:n'teht: I I ·' I I ! t I PROPERTY DAMAGE 35.00 Hair dryer 95:00 vacuum cleaner 950,00 Carpel and pad 150.00 Removal 600.00 DDII House 40.00 Dog bed 225.00 rwo Nintendos 100.00 Stereo cabiner 800.00 Hidcabed 750.00 Couch 350.00 Recliner 250_00 Stereo spe.:kers 200.00 coffet table 175.00 Pk:nae frames 185.00 \Vicker chair 450,00 lhrce dc,or, at J 50.00 e~ch l oo_oo Rug cJeaner-rcntal 50.00 Rug fan rental -5 days $5,505.00'Total CoSIS Brenden claim Attachment C January 18, l 997 "The wt,11 amount docs not include hidden charges such as mildew or water damages to the walls or insul£1tion. / ' j King County Invo:vcment: Brenden claim Attachment B January 18, 1997 King CtHHlt)' ~-faintenance over a period of tb!"e-e monlhS llavc been·deaning., lining and otherwise improving tl,e drainage ditches on both sides of 160 SE above my property srarting at a point from $E I 30th s1rcet. Tliese improvements and cleaning was exlende<l to approximately I bl<><:k North ofmy prnpcrt)'-This action caused Uie drainage water to be all ·di\i·crted to lhc cul\.'crt at my pmpe.rt.y site rather than some \'.:aters be absorbed by properties above n1ine. lmmedia1cly North ofn1y site the C<)Unty andlor others diverted all willer:. draining on the We.11;t side_:of 160 SE by 1J~e use of a cufyert under lhe roadway to the East side of l 60 ·sE thereby doubling the water Volume in1medialely ~bove my home site. This action along with ditch improvements to the North and the.debris buildop in the dit,h next to my home caused an o,·ert1ow of the culvert area and diiectly caused mihonse to be delugc<l with <lra!nagc V.•atcr. 1 beHCve lhe County erred Jn·improving: the dta.Inage areas abov·e my sire rmher than bc:1ow my sire_ This left only my hous~ to contain t~e e.xce.sS now of waler". l have. included photographs to help you better underst.,nd the Coumy··s negligence in this matter. Photo No. I Driveway ;it 13815 160 SE-shows drain culvert and volume ofwate, on WEST side of 160 SE Photo No. 2 Drain;,gc and culvert WEST side of 160 SE Photo No_ 3 Drainage of water in ditch on WEST side of 160 SE and the point where this drainage is diree!ly closed <>ff and roured to the EAST side of 160 SE and directly feeds this W'lller through my culvert. PholO No. ,1 Drai?"rnge on E;\ST side of 160 SE and immediately pr.ior to -c-0nversion of ,vaters see Photo. No. 3 Photo No 5 Drainage dilch on EAST side where watcrS from bo1h EAST and \\'EST ditches were diverted by the County directly above my residence. Photo No. 6 Drain culvert from WEST ditch lo EAST ditch. Photo No. 7 EAST ditch Jircctly Nmth of my reslde-nce .1nd after the conversion of both \VEST and EAST drainage di1ches into one drainage diich. Photo No. 8 West side of 160 SE ( across the street from my home). Ahhoug,h there is a culvert on the South 1he culvert ends or is plugged before it meets tho drain water, on the WEST side of 160 SE. ··-!· ., 1.-,· ·, ·.j <, • . . ·~-" ,. I'• ' l ' . ·,t·· ,, .. _·. Brendm c-iaim Attachment A January 18, J 997 Description of details: (se-e auachment A) Loss resuhed from approximately a foot or so of water cniering lhe ground floor area of my home at 14028 J 60 Avenue SE and severely damaging or destroying_ the contents of 1he living area ofmy home. The water was the result of an overflow from the roadside ditch.es arid i:ts drainage-culvert on 160 SE caused by L overgrowth ofvtgetatjon 2. debris in the ditch immediately adjacent lo my home and 3. excessive water drainage rQnted to !ht ditch adjacent to my home. by the County. -------:,""' l,: \ September 11, 1998 TO: Karen Graham, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Harold s(~hi, Manager, Road Services Division . RE: Claim: 21860/Clalmant: Marshall M. Brenden/Amount; $5.sos.oo Thank you for your February 5, 1997 memorandum requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. This claimant alleges damage to various pieces of personal property due to !<fag County Maintenance cleaning, piping and otherwise improving the drainage ditches on both sides of 160th Avenue Southeast, above his property at #14028. This work caused the drainage water to be diverted to the culvert at his property site. rather than some waters to be absorbed by properties above his. The flooding incident reportedly occurred on December 31, 1996, between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. My staff has reviewed this claim and the findings are as follows: Incident Conflrma(joo; The incident was confinned by Road Services, Maintenance Division Four personnel who responded the same day to a report of plugged drains. Staff did not located a plugged pipe, apparently there was just too much water for the pipe. Also again on January 2, 199·7 County forces observed one-foot plus of water in the Brenden residence and a driveway culvert that could not handle the heavy flows. Damage Confirmation: King County employees did not assess damages to the property. The claimant's property is located below the road with no provisions to address possible overflow of the roadside ditch. Recommendation; I recommend denying payment of this claim. Although King County has done ditch cleaning, some installation of drainage pipe and other . improvements to drainage ditches on 160~ Avenue Southeast, this work was a considerable distance north of the claimant's property and none of these activities altered water flows. Staff did not confirm the claimant's allegations of a plugged pipe inlet. There is an 18-inch diameter culvert pipe along the front of the Brenden property and there is no history of previous or subsequent problems at this site. Karen Graham September 11, 1998 Page Two Second Party Liability: None. Staff report there was just too much water for the system to handle during the stonn of December 31, 1996. The event included snow and ice melt concurrent with the rainfall. Remedial Action; The drainage system on 160~ Avenue Southeast is being reevaluated for possible improvements. Hold Harmless Agreement: None known. If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Field Engineer Bill O'Connor at 296-8147. HST:WEO:le cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill O'Connor, Field Engineer · 1 ..,.. ® l(Jng County Rood Servko Dhi,lo1 Department of Transpc Road Mainlenancc Sec lS5 Monroe Ave NE Renton, WA 980J6-4l September I 0, l 99 TO: Harold Tanigu FR: Roderick Mats RE: Contract C751 Attached is Change I Contracting Compan change does not resu required because the building permit applic space provided and n If you have any quest Cc: Kathy Brown, Jon Cassidy, S1 O.AiM 31249 KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON CLAIM FOR bAMAGES "'-OTJCE: Nry dllJn:lgc:s: c..m be paid _by King C.""Urrzyunb ;1 ci.am'I «>rnpiyiog W1th W~hmgk,n St;afo I.aw is pr-esrotOO 10 WI!: Cki'l.: of Tb,!: Cci~mcil. /I.ft-a filing. cbim. pk3s ... ~ .-l)CW. ~J qu.::g.ti,;,t'I!: II.'! tbo! Office <.>fRi5k _:o...-famgc:mcnl :rt 0~) 2?6,. 7432. fiNsnu;cnoNs, tl)Cunpiw,1o<m£hi!>s~<1."'bil<.-Y<"" ~ ...... b><lo<lc.i.t.;.,timcs 304~ (2) Sign 1hcform. (ll R-..eomp"""fuim 1 !•· Kin_; C:~.! O~,kof U.. c:OUDCll, Room \v.J(!LS, l<Jz>I! c'.,..;,,.. c~ 516 Thh'ol h<DB<, ~"~;&JIU, S.. cr..nn. b.mdling l""""" c., lx¥'l <>f fo,m j NA.'\ff:_ HAD 4-, --/:Ti V:.:..f/.S F;nr. .\fiddle, t.au (or b:uine.J.s n.lme) \DDRY.»s, __ j_,J t> 2 ~ I & /) H, /J Ui .S . £ i}wn,c '" in,,mrn) -• .; I I 70:fr 4qn 3-;yc, n L'--I -. -1. , -,.c:r-. City Wa. s,,..,,c :~~;;:"'qz5 · ;/Sl· l/9S5' ~·r~,~~, 42[; .,2£",j, 1171 ;~~~i,; · .:$1>..u.c: __ _ --· ,e.;,<t. 10 1 D,\TEOFBJJ!TH __ 1::2.q_ --~Li ___ S0CJALS£CURITV Nl~IBF.R(Oplicnal): _..,_N-=· 1-10.t,..c...... __ ADDk1':S,S, srx _:"fO:"\'THS BEFQJzy.. -=-------=<=-'-'A..="-":c-,..,\;.s.,__ __ .,.c.. __________ _c._~~c_.-....;._~.--e t_!,0$.~IXCITfF.;-;T f~5°~~1-f{,_::R_:c'-:::·D:::'c.· ___ -_· __ •:::'nc:::<:::•d::'..::'.::aY,;.-_::'3tm':::·:::'c.:«:::·T:.:,.irc."---------------------------' Mri,;onr,;1..'tm;r,,-,_ I! •l~ '0 l £ f Z.· 13 ·Dl1n1,;0FINCIDENT, .hdw@ gA1a _ 5 1"''1,..Mou;..'Tclc~r.~mo,~-~-b 40 2. bl ux·.n10:s OFl_(.)SS,'11'<:JDF.NT, • 5,,...,.E: }'.'o,, A..=-:.ie. J»:L\11.S (d~woo h(v,,· 1)r ~;,s,ci,-,cidcnl •>«~Jc -.:J2_d~DR.J\/fJ )_Q_l,L_/~~u 1'h,j_~ll I I\ ~l Af_a_ fload._ __ Q viiifJi:iiiid _A!JO ___ [u:,ct>f.Q_,'.h.lR. __ G4-,r,uy., tt.+<A l..-00,.U.. V\'t-1_ 6£ h..aw\.t_:, · _____ .. _ ........ ________ _ -" ·-· ·-·-----------------·------------.. _, ----------~---------~---------- --------------------- K l;'l,C; co, ;,.._n,·s £:\'V<;J}-;VEME:"liT (if ~-.,ibl-!:, pka.~ Hk::olify ,;:xnplo)·tt ;u:td/oc dcp:lf!mcnt in\l\:-l\'t1.I): ___ 'j:tv __ _,\,i_\_~w... . .. ----------------------~----- WlfN£$~ES (r1=--,;.c po.,..·ldc: :WJr~= ,:md pl).;oe ullml,n): \I) l.,\,{E' µ~d~tl __ ()F J:'.l_foo!>_<1,~_!Si0>'\ -{'Wlll,e.£A._1>S m p~~':. .i".c1.li~~:::........8a~"-'---.f11:.:'. d"-f<',t.!::1te,-\: if'lc"":-1--~-- t>J _.....,.. .... ,.., 1 l-J.e..',I« S -t~-025,_Jip¢•"' ~ S-E kk., lJ.J.:-. 'l80SC, PJtOPERTI' 0.-\...'\L\GE (pk=c de5cribc the '\--atuc .md eXlenl C<f lhe ~ to )'"'Of ln'oe. au1omobik:-or ~1-~- d<:,,,,.--umcnbtion or duna~ )® 11.);ly h~,.-c:): ·-------·----------- Jr,J:.JlJ~Y ( if ~"<-'U wac injured, p~ f)vc-_&uik): ------.. ~ ___ _ ----. ,Ji t>. ·--··------- .Mrnt.ry .Ill)' rh)-~i,;:ran(:s;) °'" any olnCf" med~ 9rn~N.lJl3:1($) in\/'Olvcd:: ----- 1,.11 j\. ,\re-),'c"U ~1ill n-...:ci"iug mc;,dic.;J be;wncnf! ----- ~ 1 A 4.c..· __ rn . '° -~--'---------------------·--- ~,,-~~---_,_,.,. ______ _ ·--~----·--------,,---- ! a.AIM 3124 9 MEYERS FLOOD -PAGE 1 OF2 11/14/01 -Arrived home at approximately 5:30 pm to find that the lower le\•el of the house had flooded that day. Most of the \vater had soaked into the carpet and pad by the time that I got home. By that time, the ditch was also lov,er but I suspected that it had overflowed. There were signs of water and debris running down the driveway from the ditch so I called King County to report the problem. 11/29/01 -I called King Country Roads Di.vision again: They stated that someone would be out on l\fonday, December 3"' to investigate the problem. 12/5/01 -I arrived home at approximately 6pm, I had a message on my answering machine from Manny Espinosa 'With King Cmmty Roads. He stated that he was in my neighborhood and would be out to my property in apprmdmately Y, hour. He did not state the time that he called and my answering machine doesn't track it so I do not know whattime of the day he called. Tii.is was the only message that I received from him. I do not know ifhe was out to my house or not. 12/13/01 ·-My wife arrived home at approximately 3 pm to find that the ditch had been overfio,~itlg and the water nmning .into the house again through the garage .. She called me and I called the King County Road Division at 3 :30 pm. Mike Hudson arrived at 5:30 pm, He stated that the drainage tile probably needed to be upgraded to handle a larger capacity of water flow. He instructed me to call 1-800-KCroads. My wife also called 911 arid the Renton Fire Department was dispatched. Bill Kullburg and his crew from King County Fire District #25 assisted in draining all of the water from our home that day. 12/14/0 I -I called 1-800-KCRoads and talked to Bob Napier. All of the other employees were out at lunch. I told him that this was the second time that this had happened and ·we needed someone out to our home to see the damage as soon as possible. He said that someone would be contacting us and would come out and see the damage before we repaired anything. He said that this person would be out latet that same day or !vlonday, December 17th. 12/14/01 -I called and talked to Lori Kronan at 1:45 pm .. She had called my wife earlier and stated that they had a "vac truck" out to our property on the morning of December 11th but she didn't know if they had found anything that would have caused the problem. 12/18/01-Called at 9:00 am and left a message for the toads department to see if they had been out yet and if they hadn't, it was imperative that them come out ASAP because we were having new carpet installed and didn't want this to happen a third time. 12/18/01--I called 1-800-KCRoads at 3 pm. Talked to a woman at first, then I 'w<IS transferred to Lori Kronans voicemail. I left her a message to call me. Lori Kronan called me. back that same day and stated that there wouldn't be anyone from their department looking at our damages. She said someone would be out to check out the drain that same afternoon. •_) 1 i)·4 .9 v .1..;;., 1"1EYERS FLOOD-continued PAGE20F2 12/27 /01 -I called again at 11 :50 am. I asked for Lori but she was out in. the field, The person that I talked to looked up my file and said that nothing was reported as being done yet.· She would leave a message for Lori. 12/28/01-10:30 am-Received call from Lori Kronan. She said she ~d been out at our property and looked down our drain and didn't see any blockage. She saw a slight bow in the pipe near the telephone pole area, but nothing that should restrict flow. She's not sure if the vactor cleaned out sticks or debris, but when they vactored it, they found nothing that was .of large proportion to cause blockage. She said she had filed the paperwork to have the ditch dug and cleaned. · · 1/25/02 -Called Lori Kronan at 7 a.m. informing her that the ditch\vas cresting again and it . needed to be looked at immediately. Sometime that morning after l Oain, someone was out to my property, but by that time, the w-ater in the ditch had decreased: They left a load of sandbags in a pile in my driveway. She stated that she bad filed the request to have the ditch cleaned but was ilot sure when this would happen. CURRENT SITUATION - As of today's date, the ditch has not been dug out and there are still times during heavy rain where the water is at a level higher than expected. -' r·c<'> 0 1249 t~l.hi f~ V _ -- lllESE PHOTOS Sf-kl\JV . . · WHERE· iltE 'JVl(rER . · CAME FROM AND ff IE AREAS OF OUR -., tr>fVIE. · ·ill lAI ·. WERE · t>AM~GQ> l>UE 1b ·1r1E ~T~. UAIIA a12 4 9 . ··m· .. ·.·1$·.. . ·ffl,MTTI' . . . . D . -.. . . ·.: --.. ·. : .:--_-:·::-.:.· __ :._ ·::, , .:: -r ..... _-, . •, -: ·. • ·.·-._,., , . <. ·-' ' .. ·· ,_· . . : ._ -· ' . . . ·: .· : ,. -· .·.·.···6M·~··· .... ·. \NH·~IE ·. ·,ne \JVit-rtR CR6SfE.L) . . ; · ClAIM 312 4 9. -. . . ~ ..... .~ ....,,; •' ~~ ':'-} ;-/ crt:, ® King County Road Services Division Department of Transportation 20 I South Jackson Seattle, WA 98104-2637 March 27, 2002 TO: Robert Hansen, Claims Officer, Office of Risk Management FM: Linda Dougherty, Manager, Road Services Division RE: Claim: 31249/Claimant: Chad L. Meyers /Amount: $6,402.61 Thank you for your February 12, 2002 email requesting comments and a recommendation concerning the above-referenced claim filed against King County. The claimant alleges County responsibility for flooding damage to the garage and lower level of a residence located at 14028 160th Avenue Southeast, which occurred on November 14, 2001 and again on December 13, 2001 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. My staff has reviewed this claim and provides the following findings: Incident Confirmation: A query of the Citizen Action Request database produced CAR 01- 005097, received from the claimant on November 30, 2001 at 2:55 PM, which stated "ditch plugged from last rain, had water in basement." CAR 01-005343 and 01-5405, which were received on December 13th and 14th also confirmed the incident. Damage Confirmation: Roads staff did not confirm damage to the Meyers' residence. Used sandbags were, however, located on the north edge of the property, which would indicate a flooding problem. Recommendation: Staff recommends this claim be denied. Roads staffbelieves there is no liability on the part of King County. Second Party Liability: Please note Brenden Marshall, Jr. (former owner), filed a claim for flooding damage (Claim 21860), which occurred on December 31, 1996. Staff investigation confirmed the installation of an 18-inch enclosed drainage system extending across the entire frontage of the property. A check with ODES could not locate any valid right of way use permits authorizing installation of this pipe. Staff believes this pipe is undersized (and probably-was at time of installation) and cannot handle flows from event storms. Roads staff further recommend Mr. Meyers check his purchase paper work to determine if the 'known' flooding problem was disclosed. Remedial Action: County engineering staff have reviewed the site, have assigned tracking number ( 4-1032) to this project and are currently designing an upgraded system to correct the problem created by the improper pipe installation. Hold Harmless Agreement: NIA If you have any questions concerning these findings, please contact Office Engineer Bill Hintz at 296-8709. Enclosures: cc: Roderick E. Matsuno, Maintenance Operations Manager Bill Hintz, Office Engineer 5:04PM KC I-I.RD . N0.642 -· ~unrv SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DMSleH DRAINAGE JNYESTIGATION Rm'ORT P.3/5. .· .. I .'" /. v:--{_/ Page 1: . INVESTIGATION~ Date: !,,9q/f / ~~.j by: n.~.,_ 97-JO(p Plat-~ · A1,c.-{ LEA L!<rf:T omerag~ tnv~: .2!;,__.:z'J!:. Z-3 -~ Parce!No. 7.2. t:,-'570-0110 1/.C. S T R -B~n £@ Council Olst / :}__ Chs,g8 No: DJ$POSll70N.: .LctNo:. if . Block NO: No_Fldd lnwstfga!lon Needed __ _ ·ThBrns: Newh57tf • Old 3tsFt OR:. No further aetlon recomrnenc1ed bee _ Leild agency has bae.n notlllad: __ ,,..,.,========---'----'---.c========::a Problem has been corrected. _ N_o problem has been Identified. Prior 1nve..stlgaticn ad'dress_es prot _ Pnvate problem ~ NDAP Wt71 no: conslde(' beCllUSe..~ · · -~ax.ar origN.tu onsh8 ard/or on nelghboring parcel _. Loc:atI~\Js outside SWM Service ·J.rea.. DATECLOSE0:...£2t2=+-1.:=,.:i. by.-f2_ /.)_,:,;__z.. -. S-eR•• - _._ Othor (Specify): . . . . f l< ... 17); f· Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD ---"" '- '- '-.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ,.. ... ... ... ... ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E I I J~. 8.2001 5:04PM KC .t..RD Complaint 97•206; Don G~ 16046 SE 142""' Pl.Renton Investig:!,tcd b)" · S:an Groom on 01/14/97 N0.6.42 P.4..1"9 !>er. Gregg bu. li'W:d Al the above rcf'ereocea loartion r;:ince the ~ 60s (hi~ house 1.1.'2.!ii ~nd built in. the developme:dt). Sud ace &torm ~ 1Iaws bepn flooding hls g:aragi:: approximalely five years a.go. At hi$ own ~ at that 'lim.e be brought a bade. hoe in to cut :a dainagi dilc.h lloa,: the back side afhis property. Tirls epen trc:ncb provides RI.id during ao05tpcecipitati'oa ~ Qlfi4CI:: wafr:[" moves around hi& property. Stotm ~Cer docs breech the top oa;:asiODally. The ditch fills r.cdimcut:. up and he ckar$ thi:: ditch of ddxri& r:hm: floatt down and ttduces flow. He walks the draina&e ditcb. ~ dorm. ~ts (he wasn't around fur 1hc: lest storm evcni) to ~ its functiomlity B.$ a pto::lltllion as wdl. He wants the drainagt: to continue down 160c, Ave SE i:nstcad or a ~ce system arot2lld Im and. }lrighlx,r"spropcrty. Appatcn£1y, as dc:vcl~ north of~ property h.u ~ .e.ddidonal nmotr is CtmceAtrated iino the drainage along 16012, AYC SE and subsc:qoc:ntty l'llll5·10 ~ pt<>p<rty. 160" Ave S.E. St:mdin.BW2t0", ttmofttro:m 1~ A'V!: SE -....---=-'--~ Gn:gg said the 18.Dd am"t be: ~ becmsc they don •t h.aft: the percolation for mfiJtratit:m. of septic systems. SE 142"" Place mt.E -----·, • Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • I JF=fi. 8.2001 5:05PM KC 1-LRD 97-JO/p OP'rI.OIIS AJtD D:tSCU'SSJ:Olf Hr. c..r.ag-g, i• coP.ca:rned about continuing u.pstreaa1 ~-velopment whi.cb typically rseul.to in a.ore surface ,n.t•r flgws t}u:-ough bi• d.r•i.nags ditch and cccaa1.oual.ly .into hJ.• :r-,rd-I expl.ai.ned that £or l.ar13"•l': deYelOpmenti!I vb.ere mare than 5,000 equ&re f••t cc i.mpcirvJ.oue surf.ace• ar• conetructed., the d•vel.opar•u e.ll91Xl.er i.• onl.y requ.ired. to ~1.ew. th& dra:in•ge sy.tot11•e c•paC.i.ty 11,,1,p to one quarter 0~ a mJ.1e downcrt.reaat ·frorp. the prapo11ed plat·• outl.et poi.nt. J"or ai.ngle bcoe•i..t•11~ thare. .1.n nor41&11.y no dOWn~ anal:y•ia requi..red •inoe there !.• uerually J.eae tbel1 5,000 •qu.are fe,111:t of" new lmpervioq,• 111ur.f.-.co11 constructed. I: auggested that Hr. cra.gg look fQr Deval~t Sigm:i a..lonq 160th north of" hU bCl(lll,(!J,. When b• 11-*• new aigne, rut can attend PQ.bl.ic hear.i.ng• and w:.:i.te letter• expa:"*t1ei.ag hi• conc:ernd and o,,:itl..!..n.ing hie drai.ne.ge impa.ct11. No •ol.uti.on to th~ draLn-.ge pz"Oblem -• i.denti.fiad. Mr. Cragg r~ated that we cl.a an out hi.a drainage d:1.tch. We o:f1:ercd to cl-n out part of hi• ditch 1.f 0qr contr~ctor can get tha ~•ceeaary equ~pment £rom Gra.129 • a driveway in.t..o the di.'te;:h. NO PJUoarrr scoas WAS cu.no J>.TPD SDICE NO SOLUTIOX tfllS rt:l'Elr.l'IF:a:.D 3 lTTlE Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD .. .. .. .. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. f"' ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. - ~ ~ , • • • • JFI'(_ 8.2001 5:04PM ----------- . DA'l'.E: 3-19-Sn Y.RCllllt Al.an Heyer• ltlt: NDAP .J:vAI,tg.flotf FOR DJMPLl.'ll'lrr JR>. 97--0206 GRAGG 1604& o 14.211D PLa.CS RDTOII" ::us-0168 c:::otG'LAXll'r C<Olfot.oGY I oia~uuu. 1-lo-97 pp FZB'LD "rN'V l.-.U,-97 ff 11EAM CROOK r7u.D ~-3-7-9'1 Br~ KB'XEltS. OU> Pl:LBSt Jraaz Pi.ease aee the .attacll,ed dJo:ai.na9* coaw,l.aiut invwet.1..gati.cm. report dated l-l.4-97 by Sean Groom. Si.uc• the. probl-amrt• .a.l.1 o:f the mAP pc-oject:: c:ri.tcrJ.a l..i•tec:I bel.cw, it qua1l.f1-for and ii.a beet1 inveat:L9ated under the RDAP progr-. • Tb.e prol>.l.es •.ite ie 1r.ithi.ia the SWK •ervic:e ar.11. and doe11 not 1.il,-.-ol.v~ a ~ OouAty-(JCC) coda vi.o1ati.on. • Tbtt probl.ea ei.t• •howa e-vidence or or reported l.oca1i.~ fl.oodi.ng, ero•ion and/or: ~tion wi.t.hi.n tba off roMI drainage ay~ea on pr~v•te re•~dential azu.1/o~ eotn'Nl~cial prope.rty due 1.n part to 1ater up•tream d:avel0priunt. • The p~oJ:>lem ie cau••d by aurf"ace water from eore tbao ooe adjchl.1.ng property. SOILS: According to the J:c ftOil• .map .. the site 1.a 1ocated i.n the following soil a960Ci-tion; At..DERWOOD ASSOCXArl:OII': JIOdara~el.y we11 drai.ned undu.lati.09 to· b~1ly soJ..i• that h&ve denee, ve"CY al.owly per1QB&b1e glacial ti_ll .at a. depth ot 20 to ,o i.ncba•; on uplands and terrace&. t. aiet ,.it.h Hle+ GC'a!iJ9 on >larch. 7th and tourad hi.• property_ All develoi-,ent oont:i.nu•• i.a. tb. approxi&ate 60 acr. dr.11.inage :b .. J..n nortb of hi.a property~ more dra.i.nAg• water hac beeo routed •au.th into ~ pQnd located juet :Rlf of his property wh.icb t~d drai.n• •,a.at and 90Utb around the edge of hi-t. prope~y. 1 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD • • ~------------------------------- J~. 8.2001 5:05PM KC "-"" P.6/<3 ------=---~ He requeared. that the drai.n•ga f1ow1.ng •outh a.long the eeet eid• of 150th Avenue SE b• ra:rou.te4 o~r~i.ght aOQtb al.ong tbe east el.de of 160th p,a•t SE' .1"42n.d 1'.l-1toe• rath•r than the eurrent rovt,a wb.i.ch 1'l.av• ••IIJt and •o..ith around hi• property. Mr. '4:i:::-99 atatad that fl.avlllra.l. Long t•:c\11- reai.dent• b&v. to1d him. the dra.1..rt&(rQ Wied to fl.ow at.ra..ight *°Uth aloug th• ..,..t and east •idea· of 160th .ii tb• way down to BE 144th. z •tat~d th&'t may be true but tbe -.x.J.at1.ng dr&.i.a&ge ~tte:rtL i.• old and c11.~ b• raviaad beeauae ~t 1.& ccnaidered tbe eetaki1~abed dr~ pattern for h.i.e area,. I rt':Viewed hi.a and b.i.a two neighbor"• dra.i.na9"'-r-l•ted inipa.eta and · ti.cor&d the problem at 14 vi.th hi.a 9arave Alld .eptic ~ im:p&ct• .and yard daiinng,• to two~·•· Al.though thof: 1-t f-~· ha&T9 be,e,n eepeci.a11y -t ,md bad, I rated the evott:t .frequency-at 10 ~ otsee ~ry 2-5 year• which i• my taoati.aate of the freque-ncy of how oft.ui hi• .epti.c syatem will be ..-verely impact~ OTer the long term. ~. cragg atatad that td.11 p\lll:lped e£1'1.uent septic ayat-n h&S wot:"klld t:illa, f'~ 'Che f"!.rst 15 ye&s::"•• Howav.r. be has ~ up four pumps wi.th.i.rt tbe 1ast thrwm year111, duf'I to the increased grou.ndvzltcr :t"lDW9 i~to bi• •.pt.le tank./drai.nfield. ar&a. rrOlll hi.tt wet/dry nea.eon observation•• he i.., c:onvi.nced that 1S11D•t o~ the ~t.er COIDeS £roJ.fl the drai.r).a.9a ditch looate,d ju~t abc:ITe hie drai..nfield. wa reviewed way• of protect.ing hie aeptLc drai.nfield frCIII\ the ~nt of groundwater frca:i the '1pbi.ll pond and ~zt..i.Dlilge ditch. JJe diflC"Uae:ed waya to .,eal. the earthen 4i.tt;h it••l:£ uai.i:1-g a pla.at1.c l~ or a l..rge half round or rul1 pipe •ectioaa along i!WOVt 50 fe,a-t a~ ditch above hie dr&io£~eld. Y point&d out that coneiderable groundwater may et~l1 flow ~rom no~n to aouth below the ditch section eo that sealing the di.tch may not eol.ve the probl.asa. Depend1-ng on tho dept.b. to b.ardpa.n, .ast icn.perv.iove vertical layer of plastic or bti:ntonite Hlurry located uphill of bi• drainfiel.d between hie dralnfi.~l.d. a.nd the ditch yauici p:robab1y be tha --.i.•11Jt ~ S.ODt effective eolvt.i.03'.I to th.if) Fobl--Thi• i.iipe,rviou• 1ayer would run frora tba qround •1.1rface down to the bardpan l•yer where 1t would be ksyad down i.nto tlloe hardpan layer. Becau•e auch • J.ay.r ..-oul.d reetrict tha flaw of ground water, higher grou.ndto,ater l~ela t'IU.ght ~eeu.lt in thio pa.rt o:f Gragg'• yard with more grouncbrater •urfac1.ng during ~he wet •••soo ,a.~cially near e&cb end o:f •uch &n i.DpaX""iou:e we.11 1"CDu1ti.n.g in i:poi:e -t uGoaoon ou.rface "'a.~ar oeepilge/flowa a%ld icy ccll\d.itione oo pcrtiop.~ o:f Mr. iCragg•a driveway, For any work thi& cloee to the drainfiald, any yard ~rain or i.mperviou9 facility of thia ki.nd would h-ve to be reviewed. ;u".r.d approved by the Xing Collnty Health DepartJ:Da:nt (W&ynl! O.I.sen at 296-9737). 2 Drainage Complaints -From the Files of KCWLRD :. C U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 1680000 FEET . . .. • ' • ' ' • AgC f . -· ... EvB ":'11 ' u • ' ~ . , . . '· ·" .. " &.itLS MAP S .'.'.ALE·. I"• 2u:.t:,1 EXll!/3/"r H 900 AgC AgD R. 5 E. I /~){;: .• I No " M I I I I I I •. 1 I I I I I • ~'"-+-:: BM 574 Page 1 of 4 Basin: Basin draining to 1Soth AVE. SE OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Site Visit 1/20/2003 Weather Overcast C D E F Crossing SE 136th St. N. to S. 1.4% 0-37 None 2 I CB (Shallow) Collecting from pavement N/A 37 None 3 l218LF -18" LCPE Under gravel drtveway 3.8% 37-256 None --- 58LF Channel 4' wide; 3' deep 4.8% 256-313 Rusty water running from 4 I Side slopes 1 :1 Rockery to earth lining the east 6" plastic pipe 5 l38LF -12" LCPE Under utility access drtve 3.8% 313-352 Erosion due to a water outfall from pipe to channel 95LF Channel \4'wlde;2.5'deep Side slope 2' from edge of 6 I Side slopes 1 : 1 to 1 :2 Earth lined 4.2% 416-468 pavement I 7 I 20LF -12" Concrete I Under dirt drive to back of 0.4% 448-468 Ponding @ south end of prop. pipe 41LF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep 3.2% 468-508 Water pool 3' wide .5' deep. 8 I Side slopes 1 : 1 Earth lined Straw bail 9' from S. culvert 9 I 18LF -12" Concrete Dirt drive to back of property 2.2% 508-527 None 1' outfall to 2.5' wide 0.5' 153LF Channel \4' wide 2.5' deep I I deep water pool at end of 3.0% 527-678 \pipe. Straw bail 6' from S. I 10 I Side slopes 1 :1 to 2:1 Earth lined culvert. Straw bail 57' from N. culvert Site Visit 1/21/2003 Weather rainy G_ H '"):.,. ...• , ....... SEENOTE2 System in good condition None Water pool 2.5' wide .5' deep @ south end of pipe 4" roof drain east. At beginning <v" of channel Straw 0-<:: ball 7' from S. culvert ~~ Plugged 4" roof drain east @ C;,'<, south end of pipe 1.5' edge of pave. to edge of water SEE NOTE 1 15' EP to EW@ s. side of channel 11 l74LF -12" Concrete I Under asphalt pavement I 3.0% I 678-753 !None !None !SEE NOTE 2 NOTE 1: LOCATION ID 2 TO 10 Will BE UPGRADED8YTHIS DEVELOf'MENrAs PART OF 'rHE RdADWAYIMPROVEMENfS, AND Will BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID l 11-24 _ Will BE ANALYZED AND Will BE UPGRADED ACCOROINGL Y TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. 8£E tX.Hll)lr (!. AtSO ~ ~ ~ ht Page 2 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A s 12 ICB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 13 52LF -12'" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 14 CB (Shallow) Collecting surrounding water 15 35LF -12" Concrete Under asphalt pavement 16 3.5LF Channel 3' wide; 1.5' deep Side slopes 1 :2 Grass lined 17 l38LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive -- 18 111eLF Channel 5' wide; 2.5' deep Side slopes 1 : 1 Grass lined 19 l55LF -12" Concrete Under gravel drive 156LF Channel 3' wide 2' deep 20 I side slopes 2:1 Vegetation lined 21 I 44LF -12" Concrete Under newly paved drive 22 1125LF Channel 4' wide 2' deep Side slopes 1 : 1 Grass lined NIA 753 2.0% 753-805 NIA 805 2.0% 805-840 2.0% 840-844 2.0% 844-882 2.0% 882-998 2.0% 998-1053 2.0% 1053-1209 2.0% 1209-1253 2.5% 1253-1378 S. end of N. pipe broken. CB in destruction None Water likely seeping under_11_round None None Property owner noted water draining into property over 160th 3yrs ago 3' 'Wide 0.5' deep water pool @ end of channel Straw bail 44' from N. culvert 6" outfall to 3' wide 0.5' deep water pool @ end of pipe Adjacent property owner noted that water partially drains onto the north property during heavyl rainfall. Flowing southeast then south None 4' from EP to EW@ beginning of channel Straw bail 30' from S. culvert 23 l26LF -12" Concrete I Under Gravel drive I 3.0% I 1378-1404 I None !:--'1, ~o c,,'<-'<, tributary area, .ifkeHhood 01 t\J:Jri>blern,,.~verflow Water currently seeping into ground. Made of Cone. Bricks Bricks out of place SEE NOTE 2 4" roof drain into cb from east SEE NOTE 2 Straw bail 8' N. of culvert Straw bail 126' N. of culvert SEE NOTE 2 NOTE 1: LOCAtlONID 2 TO 10 Wl[L BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENTAS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NDTE 2: LOCATION ID .. / :f::.J./_-2. 'f WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. Sa-~Xllt(3/T C '4t$0 Page 3 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE p.. ____ B F 24 I ... , .... _-•----..... I"" ......... " -~---., __ .., I 3.0% I 1404-1439 I Erosion of slopes ISEE NOTE 2 I Almost vertical slopes 25 147' 24" ADS N-12 Crossing 160th Ave. W. to E. 3.0% 1439 None None Recently installed (old pipe was 12" cone.) 26 19LF Channel lside slopes: riprapped 4' wide 3' deep. 9LF in length 2.0% 1439-1448 None None Was recently upgraded 27 120' 30" ADS N-12 Under gravel drive 2.0% 1448-1468 None None Recently installed ( old pipe I was 24" cmp.) 28 1112LF Channel 3' wide 3.5' depth 3.0% 1468-1580 None None Was recently regraded Side slopes 1 :1 Grass lined .... 29 1133' 30" ADS N-12 I Along property frontage 3.0% 1580-1713 None None Recently installed (old pipe was 18" lcpe.) I SOLF Channel 3' wide 3' depth to none 2.0% 1713-1763 Minor erosion at outlet of SEE NOTE 2 Natural braided channel at end 30 I side slope 2:1 to none Earth to forest lined 18" LCPE of 50' ditch 31 I Braided channel Forested 1.0% 1763-1863 None None Water flows east among trees 31A I Ponded Area Forested 0.5% 1863-1963 None None Flow path through middle of ponded area 31B 12.5' channel, 1' deep with Side slopes:2:1 Earth-lined 2.0% 1963-2113 None None See proposed mitigation 32 I 12 Concrete culvert Under gravel drive 2.0% From Parcel A Shall be upgraded by this None None development and sized to handle water How. 33 12" CMP culvert Gravel cover 2.0% 30 Will not be affected by this Road currently not developed development 34 Yard Drain Lawn cover NIA From Parcel B None identified None identified Flows will be maintained NOTE 1. LOCATION ID 2TO 10 WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2: LOCATION ID 1 & 11-24 WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. s;;eE EXHlfJ;rr C ALSO Basin: Basin draining to 160th AVE. SE A ___ B .. i.;t~t-~,~ 35 12" Concrete pipe Lawn cover 36 120LF Channel 12· wide 1.5' depth Grass lined Page 4 of 4 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE Jc?p;t NIA 150 None 2.0% 150-270 None None None ~ffeidfn"qf{ ti'\i:!~111& area,Ji~lih09d of ·~11,~?"·f • .... if;'p@l~m,'bve_rflow Visible end of pipe from north. Under fence at property line Collects water from N. pipe and from adjacent properties 37 15' 12" Concrete 2.0% 270-285 N 270-285 !None I I None 2.0% ; 2.0% lNone 38 30LF Channel 39 12" Concrete pipe I I I I !85-315 I None I None if current flo"." I Running east to west I 1-, ---------+------------,.1-------t·-------t·----------1-to on-s~ewetlands ts. -I Under drive to rear property maintained. Running north to south NOTE 1 • LOCATION ID 2 TO fO WILL BE UPGRADED BY THIS DEVELOPMENT AS PART OF THE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, AND WILL BE SIZED TO HANDLE EXPECTED FLOWS. NOTE 2• LOCATION ID 1, AND / I •2'/ WILL BE ANALYZED AND WILL BE UPGRADED ACCORDINGLY TO HANDLE EXPECTED WATER FLOWS. f'« €,(1-ft/.JIT C ,tt.,S'o " ' : ' " " 1l • " " " " " " " " .. " ~ " .. " 1S SE. Olltl ST. " " " ., " ., " "' " " " " " " " " " " " " " " D i 22 .,. ,. 21 (E)CSJJ«l) NOT OP£N -1'9"' ;f' -rY ~'v'v ~ z "i;''v #,ti' • \.iJ '' ~ ,/J.,,, • " " " "' m.' m " " " " " .... " " " ~ • I ,~ I ) ~ii l1li1 I ' I ~ ' I I I I • 1-" t .c ' :. 10020 ' ( ' 'a I oorn .. "' .. c-, ' ' -~ L-,, f SFR I '5 "" 'l1 !' - If ""' D ,. (§) 29 ,3 01]0 30 - " "" 31 11 0110 32 10 0,00 33 34 .. 36 ., .. r------J L, srn c., " L----.....J ,-------, L ___ "\._J L _____ ~ CJ EXH/8/T J SIT£ /"I.AN OF L/NR.i'1 GF<OYE SCALE: 1'• tr,o' Haozous E n g Roberl H. Darrow, P.E. 13428 -45th Court Mukilreo, WA 98275 f= (425) 742-8488 (425) 745-5872 December 5, 2002 Mr. Michael Romano Centurion Development Services 22617 8th Drive SE Bothell, WA 98021 RE: Additional Information Request i n e EXI.J/817 K ering, Edward J. McCarthy, Ph.D., P.E, 14816 SE l161h Street Renton, WA 98059 fax (425) 254-0579 (425) 235-2707 Application No. LOI TY401 & L01P0016-Evendell Dear Mr. Romano: This letter is in response to an information request by DDES in their letter dated November 26, 2002. I have analyzed additional drainage complaints in the downstream Evendell basins that were recently released by DDES. Toe analysis presented below includes proposed mitigations for the downstream problems per Core Requirement 2 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints along the downstream systems from Evendell were investigated at King County Water and Land Resource Division as part of the Levell Downstream Drainage Analysis submitted with the project's preliminary technical information report (TIR)(Haozous Engineering, June 2001). However, since the preliminary TIR was prepared, the following drainage complaints and claim information have been released by DDES: Complaint ID Date of Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint Complaint KCDOT Action 12/13/01 13814 1601h Nuisance Flooding -Ditch on west side Request 01-Avenue SE of 160th Ave SE overtopped road and 005339 flooded the owner's driveway and yard. Complaint 97-1/7/97 14028 160°' Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe 0203 Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page2 Complaint ID Claim 31249 Claim 21860 Complaint 97- 0318 Claim 21699 Date of Complaint 1/29/02 1/25/97 1/21/97 1/10/97 Address of Type of Flooding/Description Complaint 14028 160th Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14028 160th Severe Flooding -Capacity of pipe Avenue SE system in front of house was exceeded. Water overtopped ditch, and flooded road and ground level floor of home. 14038 156"' Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. 14038 156"' Severe Flooding -Inlet pipe in front of Avenue SE house overtopped and flooded basement. I have also provided additional information regarding the following drainage complaint that was presented in the TIR for the project (Haozous Engineering, June 2001): Complaint 97-1/10/97 16046 SE Severe Erosion -Soil eroded from bank 0206 142"" Place is deposited 50 -l 00 feet downstream and contributes to ditch overtopping and garage flooding. Analysis of Complaints The complaints and claims listed in the table above document problems that occurred along the downstream conveyance systems from the proposed Evendell plat. The complaints were filed by property owners due to flooding caused by inadequate capacity of conveyance structures. The hydraulic structures at the locations of each complaint were evaluated as part of the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis (Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002) prepared for the Evendell Plat. KCDOT Action Request 01-005339 was filed on 12/13/01 by Mr. Bret Bowden, a resident at 13814 160th Avenue SE. The ditch on the west side of 160th Avenue SE overtopped the road and flooded the complainant's driveway and yard. King County DOT responded to Mr. Bowden's action request and cleaned the ditches on both sides of the road. The flooding that motivated Mr. Bowden's call to the county was apparently Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page3 caused by a blockage in the ditch. Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Avenue SE, across from Mr. Bowden's property, were modeled in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. The culverts, identified as Pl 16 and Pl 17 in the drainage analysis, were predicted to flood at a 2-year return period. Flooding at these culverts could create a backwater condition in the ditch, thereby causing water to sheetflow onto Mr. Bowden's property, as·did occur when the ditch was blocked. This type of flooding would likely be classified as a "nuisance" problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Complaint 97-0203, Claim 31249, and Claim 21860 relate to flooding that has occurred at the residence located at 14028 160th Avenue SE. Flooding at this location has been a recurring problem. Both 160th Avenue SE and a residential structure are subject to flooding. On at least two occasions in the past, the culverts in front of the property have overtopped. When flooding occurs, stormwater flows down the driveway and into the garage and ground level floor of the home. This problem is considered both a "severe building" and a "severe road" flooding problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis predicted flooding occurs in front of this residence at a 2-year return period. Flooding is caused by undersized culverts at locations Pl 13, Pl 14, and Pl 15. Complaint 97-0318 and Claim 21699 were filed by the property owner located at 14038 156th Avenue SE. A 12-inch diameter inlet pipe to a conveyance system, identified as POOi in the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, is located in front of the complainant's property. Stormwater in the easterly ditch of 156th Avenue SE overtops the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe and flows down the owner's driveway and into her basement. Flooding has occurred on more than one occasion and has resulted in damage to the owner's washer, dryer, and water heater. This flooding problem is considered a "severe building" problem by the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Based on the Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis, the 12-inch diameter inlet pipe in front of the property is predicted to overtop at a 2-year return period. Lastly, a "severe" channel erosion problem is located in the downstream system on the east boundary of the property located at 16046 SE 142nd Place. The channel is within the right-of-way of SE 162nd Avenue. Channel bank erosion that is occurring at this location could be depositing in a flat section of channel SO to 100 feet downstream from the eroded area. Sediments in the channel could be contributing to flooding as documented in Complaint 97-0206. In my field visit of the site, Mr. Don Gragg, the property owner, described flooding that impacted his garage in.the past. A 4-inch pipe drains a catch basin in the driveway near the garage. The invert of this pipe is only 1.4 feet above the bottom of the channel. It appears that when the channel fills, water backs up in the pipe and floods Mr. Gragg's driveway and garage. Minor channel improvements at this location would likely improve the existing flooding/erosion and sedimentation problem. Alternatively, changes to the configuration of the 4-inch diameter drain pipe could prevent further flooding of the driveway and garage. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 4 Proposed Mitigations Level 2 detention standards are required on the Evendell site, and were included in the preliminary drainage plan for the proposed plat. Prior to receiving recently released flooding information from DDES, described above, we had considered the flooding to be a "nuisance" problem and did not propose mitigations in addition to the Level 2 detention standards. In light of the new information, additional stormwater mitigations will be needed as part of the Evendell Drainage plan to conform with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Drainage Problems at 13814 and 14028 160th Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14028 160th Avenue SE, I recommend upgrading the downstream system as opposed to adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards. In my opinion, in this situation, upgrading the conveyance system along 160th Ave SE by eliminating constrictions, would provide more benefit to the neighborhood and surrounding properties than would adopting a more stringent onsite detention standard. By upgrading the system, the existing "severe roadway" flooding problem would be fixed, as would the existing "severe building" flooding at the residence located at 14028 160th Ave SE. Proposed upgrades would also solve the nuisance flooding problem at 13814 160th Avenue SE. While adopting onsite Level 3 detention standards would conform to requirements in the Surface Water Design Manual. only conveyance upgrades would fix the existing problems. Pipes that would need to be upgraded would include the following: • Two driveway culverts on the west side of 160th Ave SE (Pl 16 and Pl 17) • Cross culvert under 160th Ave SE (Pl15) • Culvert immediately upstream the property at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 14) • Existing 18-inch diameter pipe at 14028 160th Ave SE (Pl 13) Upsizing these pipes would prevent the ditch from overtopping. Stormwater would be contained in the roadside ditch and would not be allowed to flow across the road or onto adjacent properties, as has occurred in the past at 13814 and 14028 160"' Avenue SE. Drainage Problem at 14038 156th Avenue SE For the severe flooding problem at 14038 156th Avenue SE, either onsite Level 3 detention standards could be adopted in place of Level 2 standards or the capacity of the existing 12-inch inlet pipe could be increased. Increasing the capacity of the 12-inch.inlet pipe would likely entail upsizing at least 115 feet of 12-inch diameter pipe. By upsizing this reach of pipe to 18-inch diameter and increasing the head above its crown at the inlet, the capacity of the inlet pipe would be increased. The frequency of flooding would be reduced from a 2-year return period to approximately a 10-year return period. Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 5 Drainage Problem at 16046 SE 142nd Place For the severe erosion problem along the east boundary of the property at 16046 SE 142n" Place, the proposed Level 2 RID standards provide the mitigation required by code. Other types of mitigations to reduce erosion at this location, such as bank stabilization in the eroded section of channel or Level 3 RID standards, can be imposed through the King County Surface Water Drainage Manual under certain circumstances. Cleaning sediment out of the flat section of channel and stabilizing the eroding banks immediately upstream would reduce flooding to the driveway and garage at 16046 SE 142°d Place. Alternatively, the owner of the property could explore the possibility of retrofitting the outlet of the drainpipe from his property with a flap gate or extending the outlet of the pipe an additional 80 to 100 feet downstream to where the flood water surface in the channel is below the upstream invert of the pipe. Impacts of Mitigations on Downstream Properties I do not believe that upsizing the conveyance pipes along 160th A venue SE would aggravate flooding that occurs further downstream. The amount of runoff that flows out of the constricted ditch during floods along 160th Avenue SE is enough to cause damage to affected properties. However, containing this water in the conveyance system would likely not result in a substantial increase in flow rate. Furthermore, because the storage volume in the roadside ditch is relatively small and provides insignificant attenuation, upsizing the pipes as proposed would not result in an increased flow rate at the downstream end of the improvements. If you have questions regarding these analyses or need additional docwnentation, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Edward McCarthy, Ph.D. P.E. Hydrologist Mr. Mike Romano December 5, 2002 Page 6 References Haozous Engineering, August 26, 2002. Evendell Plat -Level 3 Downstream Drainage Analysis. Renton, Wash. Haozous Engineering, June 15, 2001. Evende/1 Plat-Preliminary Technical Information Report. Renton, Wash. King County Department of Natural Resources, 1998. King County Surface Water Design Manual. Seattle. ® King County Dcparhncnt ofOevelopment and Environntcn<al Services 900 Oakc:-<-lalc Avenue Sou1hwe-_-;( Rcnlon, WA 9B05:J-1219 November 27, 2002 Mr. Wayne Jones Lakeridge Development, Inc. P. 0. Box 146 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 Wetland Determination Dear Mr. Jon9S: EXll/8/T L t<ECEIVELJ DEC O 2 2002 I reviewed the Wetland Evaluation and Delineation Report and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation for the "Liberty Ridge" property, prepared by Habitat Technologies, Inc., dated November 5, 2002. I met Mark Heckert of Habitat Technologies at the site on November 25, 2002 and walked the property and surrounding areas. I also reviewed aerial photos in the County files, from 1936, 1970, 1985, 1990, 1996 and 2000. I conferred with several of my colleagues on interpretation of the Sensitive Areas Code in relation to this property. The site consists of two properties, separated by 160th Avenue SE. Parcel A (3664500141) has apparently been filled many years ago (prior to 1985) with ditches installed around the west, south and east sides. The property is maintained as lawns and landscaping with a residence and shop. There are neither wetlands nor streams on this parcel. Parcel Bis two tax parcels (1457500085 and 1457500090). The northeastern portion of this site is forested upland. The remainder of the property is pasture with a few structures and outbuildings. A central drainage through the site was ditched across the property following recent construction of three residences to the northwest. This conveyance has some wetland characteristics through the logged area, then is ditches across the pasture. An eastern drainage outlets from a culvert under SE 136th Street, conveying stormwater runoff from the roads, lawns and roofs of a pre-1970's subdivision to the north. This drainage has some wetland characteristics through the forested area, then is ditched through the pasture. These drainages are excavated through upland soils, and are neither used by salmonids nor convey a stream that was naturally occurring prior to construction. Therefore, they are neither jurisdictional wetlands nor streams. C TO: Mr. Wayne Jones RE: Liberty Plat, A02P0151 November 27, 2002 Page2 ..._ ___ _ However, the wetland on the south-central portion of the site appears to have been present since at least the mid-1980s. The eastern ditch is evident in the 1970 aerial photo, conveying water from the culvert under SE 136th Street since that time. Thus, the source of hydrology to the wetland from the culvert is the "normal circumstance" for that wetland. This wetland on the south-central portion of Parcel B meets the criteria for a Class 3 rating. The wetland and a minimum 25-foot buffer must be protected through the subdivision process by placement in a Sensitive Areas Tract. The wetland buffer width could be averaged, as allowed in Code and Administrative Rule, with enhancement of the wetland and buffer provided as compensatory mitigation. The wetland's hydrology must be protected through the subdivision process. This could occur by conveying the flows from the culvert underneath SE 1361h Street across the site, either in pipes or aboveground, and outletting into the wetland through a dispersal system. Alternatively, equivalent hydrology could be calculated and possibly provided from roof drainage from surrounding structures. The stormwater runoff from the three new residences to the northwest is not required to be conveyed to the wetland as this is a recent new input to the wetland. The wildlife habitat survey may need an addendum prepared during early spring, to determine whether any of the nests observed on-site are used by species that require protection under the King County Comprehensive Plan. This property is within the Urban-designated portion of the County, so the few species that require protection include state and federal endangered, threatened or sensitive species, and certain raptors and herons. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss this furtner. I can be reached at (206) 296-7291 or Jaura.casey@metrokc.gov. Cc: Mark Heckert, Habitat Technologies, Inc. Steve Bottheim, Supervising Engineer, Critical Areas Section Cooper, Ted From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ted, Jeremy S. Febus Oeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Monday, March 10, 2003 3:30 PM ted.cooper@metrokc.gov mark.bergam@metrokc.gov FW: Dickinson Subdivision I received the following correspondence from the Issaquah School District regarding the bus stop and pedestrian path issue. The District is requesting that the Plat use an existing trail south rather than north, and that modest improvements be made to this trail. We will specify these improvements on our plans. Their memo specifically states that the gravel pathway improvements to the north are not necessary, thereby satisfying the hearing examiner's condition. I will include a hard copy of this email with our next submittal, which should be very soon. Please let me know if · you have any questions, the Issaquah School District transportation ·-director's email is also below if you have any questions for her. Thank you, Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph: (425) 827-3063 fx: (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com -----original Message----- From: Porter, Jo TRANS-Director [mailto:PORTERJ@issaquah.wednet.edu] Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 3:16 PM To: 1 jererny.febus@drstrong.com 1 Cc: McCoy, Connie TRANS-Staff; Nilsen, Kathy TRANS-Staff Subject: RE: Dickinson Subdivision March 10, 2003 To: Jeremy S. Febus Re: Dickinson Subdivision Issaquah Transportation Supervisor, Connie McCoy, and I reviewed the existing bus stop for Briarwood Elementary school at 164th Ave SE and SE (} 144th St, Renton. There is a current walking path from the proposed c!:l.( Dickinson Subdivision, north of this bus stop which accesses this ExhibitNO,cl::1..:1-------=\.S,Jo?q? (o current stop. This pedestrian improved: walking pathway is safe and acceptable if it is King County Hearing Examiner 1. The path needs to be widened of overhanging shrubbery and 1 branches. LO$?OOO\o - 2. There is a need to add gravel to the dirt pathway. 3. There is no need for a gravel pathway to 160th Ave SE because the designated bus stop for elementary students will be at 164th Ave SE@ SE 144th St. 4. The middle school students will be walking to Maywood using the same existing pathway to SE 144th ST that the elementary students will be using. 5. The high school students will be walking on an acceptable existing pathway from the east end of the Dickinson Subdivision to Liberty High. Please feel free to call me with any further questions or concerns at 425 837-6325. Sincerely, Jo Porter Director of Transportation Issaquah School District -----Original Message----- FFom: Jeremy s. Febus [mailto:jeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Sent, Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7,33 AM To: porterj@issaquah.wednet.edu Cc: Donita Dickinson; luay.joudeh@drstrong.com Subject: RE: Dickinson Subdivision I would like to make a correction to the first point in my last email. I understand that a new bus stop will not be created at 162nd and' 139th, but rather at 164th Avenue SE and SE 144th. Therefore, please indicate this location in your email or letter, and please state that an acceptable pedestrian route exists to this bus stop location. We still need a statement regarding points two and three as well. I apologize for any confusion. Againr thank you for your help. Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D.R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, Suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph, (425) 827-3063 fx, (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com -----Original Message----- From, Jeremy s. Febus [mailto,jeremy.febus@drstrong.com] Sent, Monday, March 03, 2003 4,35 PM To: porterj@issaquah.wednet.edu Cc: Donita Dickinson; luay.joudeh@drstrong.com Subject: Dickinson Subdivision Ms. Porterr 2 , Thank you for taking the time to meet with Donita regarding your district's approval of the proposed plat. Based on your meeting with Donita today, and the drawings she showed you, we simply need an email or letter from you that states the following three things, 1. New bus stops for the middle and elementary school buses will be created at the intersection of 162nd Avenue SE and the newly created SE 139th Place. 2. A gravel pedestrian walkway is not necessary from the Plat to 160th Avenue SE. 3. The engineering plans show an acceptable Pedestrian route to Liberty High School. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, Jeremy S. Febus, E.I.T. D. R. STRONG Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10604 N.E. 38th Place, suite 101 Kirkland, WA 98033 ph, (425) 827-3063 fx, (425) 827-2423 www.drstrong.com 3 SEE DRAWINGS) Parcel No·j366450·0141 Location: NE 14·23·05 Cit.Y /Zip: Owner: r-lPt.A=T~Z~G~U~Y~E~E~T~AL~-------- Applicanl: ]LAKERIDGE DEVELOPMENT. !NC.·WAYNE JONES Planner IKSCH Val89· Amount Paid: I $0.00 Develop: Wednesday, Aug 06, 2008 12:23 PM Balance Due: I $0.00 User: galls Computer: DE242908 Os: Windows NT Version: 5.1 Applied J05/07/2003 Deemed Comple,:e: 105/15/2003 Vested: 105/07 /2003 SEPA(YIN) fT SEPA mlMDNS 112116/2003 R epmt·/01 /27 /2004 Open Hearing: j_/_/~ Dec1mn:]_I_/~ Complete: 101128/2004 Last Status Charge· 102102/2004 Entered b9: IPINTNMAG Dale Entered: 105/07 /2003 _.i.;;:::,e::::::...__,__-l--'T~y~p~e'------!-'T~e~,~·----------------~~~~ •l : Comment :_Propose_d_ ordi_n,3ris:e _n~: . .i.s .. ~_2004_-000_4 ,·corJlment j Received copy of th·~ i~9~i ads to the KCJoumal and Seattle Times lor •• j _r;~!:':-~!?_ri~---.L!:'.(.!?.l.!~-~~_;_y_ ;t~i{_;e·p_~;_'i"'_I~_ th_~)sc H_e_aitn~--~~?-~r)_e_r:_ £~~~-'-~-~;_~ __ 0_it_h. L03f : Comment : Rezone application withdrawn pe1 emoil from Wayne Jones dtd 1 /28/0, Fie sent to archives per transmittal dated 2/4/05. bo)( U4 •lJ Bdd New !Jpdate .Qelete Type: ! Comment · · ' Enllies marked by•• are currently in effect. Te~t per transmittal Entered By ;::======:;-----;:::====~ User Id;====:::;-~ Etfective:f 5/25/2005 I Thru:I 12/31/2020 I Entered: ~----'----~ T oolBar Order Inheritance Option:s Wednesday, Aug 06, 2008 12:22 PM User: galls Computer: DE242908 Os: Windows NT Version: 5.1 Rezone: Application King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division 900 Oakesdale A venue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 (206)296-6600 TIY(206)296-7217 Alternative formats available upon request GENERAL INFORMATION File No.: LO 3TTf 4tt~byDDES) Project Name: Liberty Grove Applicant Name: Wayne Jones, Jr. -Lakeridge Development, Inc. Address of Property: Existing Zoning: --'R:..:-4-'---------------------- Proposed Zoning: _R_-_6 ___________________ _ Acreage of Property: _4..;c._84..;__ _________________ _ S.T.R: ------------------------ Tax ID No.: 366450 -0141 Mapped Sensitive Areas: ...:....:Nc::.o:..:ne=------------------ Related DOES Files: Liberty Grove Subdivision Application, Liberty Grove Contiguous Subdivision and Re-zone Application Applicant: Do not write above this line Note to applicants preparing this form: The burden is on the applicant to provide adequate justification supporting this rezone request. In order to approve this application, the Hearing Examiner must find that the request meets the criteria for approval as specified in King County (K.C.C.) 21A.44.060. Applicants must answer the following questions accurately and concisely. As necessary, use additional pages for detailed explanations and/or attachments that support this request. 1. Describe the request. State the existing and requested zone classification, P-suffix revision, and/or Special District Overlay designation removal that is proposed through this application. The request is to rezone one parcels within unincorporated King County from the existing R-4 zone to a proposed R-6 zone. Under the current R-4 zoning the applicant is permitted 19 units. Under the proposed R-6 zoning the applicant is permitted 29 units, but is proposing to construct 24 single-family units. There is no requested modification to the P-suffix or special district overlay designations. (366450-0141) Rezone -ApplicatiC1n Jc-app-rezone.pdf 03104/02 Page 1 of 12 LibeLty Gr2ve Ki.:'-Zone Appl:catio;1 Kinq Coun::y 2. Does the zoning request include a specific use or development proposal? 0 No If yes, describe the use or proposal in narrative form and submit a development plan for the site. The proposed preliminary plat will subdivide one parcels, totaling 4.84 acres located on tax parcel(s) 366450-0141 into 24 single-family lots, open space, and access tracts. The project site is located on the west side of SE 1601h Ave. SE. This property currently has a single-family home and associated outbuilding. The outbuilding is to be removed. The proposal includes the provision of internal plat roads and the construction of urban frontage improvements. Please see the attached site plan for more specific information. 3. Has an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) been prepared for the proposed development? 0 Yes If yes, submit a copy of the EIS with this application. 4. List and describe all existing buildings and land uses currently on the property. The project site is located on the west side of SE 1601h Ave. SE (366450-0141). This property currently has a single-family home and associated outbuilding. The outbuilding is to be removed as part of this proposal. • 3,270 SF home located at 13535 160TH AV SE 98055 (366450-0141) 5. Describe existing land uses on adjoining properties. The surrounding area is in transition from a primarily large lot subdivision residential uses (R-4) to slightly higher density urban residential developments (R-6 to R-8). Many of the existing large lot developments are serviced by on-site septic systems. The proposed plat of Evendell (75 lots) is under review immediately to the west of parcel 145750-0085 and south of parcel 366450-0141. · The recently approved plat & rezone of Highlands Estates (60 lots) is located approximately 900' west of the subject site. Highlands was approved by the KC Hearing Examiner and adopted by the County Council on June 11, 2002 by Ord. # 2001-0187.2 The plat of Maplewood Estates (R-8) is located approximately 1,500' northwest of the subject site in the City of Renton. 6. Have interested community groups or neighboring property owners been notified about this development proposal? 0 Yes 0~ If yes, who was notified and what were their reactions? L03TY403 Rezone -Application le-a pp-rezone. pdf 03/04/02 Page 2 of 12 :-::ir,g County 7. What effect will the proposed zoning and contemplated use of the subject property have on adjoining or neighboring properties? The proposed development will have the effect of locally increased traffic and population; altered views from primarily pasture and scrub to urban residential homes, streets and landscaping; existing substandard roads as well as unopened county road right-of-way will be upgraded to public urban road standards; extension of gravity sewer service within close proximity to surrounding properties with septic service. The proposed subdivision will bring with it on-site recreational facilities which are currently unavailable to the surrounding properties. These impacts are identical to those created by the plat of Evendell to the west. The proposed re-zone will have minimal impacts over the current zoning. The Comprehensive plan designation for this area is consistent with the proposed re-zone and its impacts. 8. How can the uses permitted within the proposed zone be made compatible with uses permitted on abutting property or dissimilar zoning? The land uses permitted within the existing R-4 zone are identical to those found in the proposed R-6 zone. As such, they are already compatible, by definition. This proposed rezone will only increase the density of single-family homes in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan designation. The proposed increase in the number of homes is minor and will not be noticeable to an outside viewer. No modification to the plat is required. 9. Is this proposed rezone a logical expansion of any existing adjacent zone? 0 No Explain. Yes. The zoning proposed for the subject project is analogous to the densities achieved in the following nearby projects. Liberty Grove is proposing to construct 24 single-family units under the requested R-6 designation with an achieved density of 4.9 units per gross acre: The proposed plat & rezone (R-4 to R-6) of Evendell (75 lots) is under review immediately to the west of subject parcel 145750-0085 and south of parcel 366450-0141. This proposal will yield an average zoning density of 5.76 lots per acre. The recently approved plat & rezone of Highlands Estates (60 lots) is located approximately 900' west of the subject site. Highlands was the subject of a rezone application from R-4 to R-8, and was approved by the KC Hearing Examiner and adopted by the County Council on June 11, 2002 by Ord.# 2001- 0187.2 The density achieved in that plat was approximately 6.92 lots per acre. The plat of Maplewood Estates (R-8) is located approximately 1,500' northwest of the subject site in the City of Renton. The subject site is within the City of Renton's future annexation area. 10. Was a reclassification request made on this property at the time of the last area zoning or at any other time in the past? 0 Yes If yes, describe the request and action taken by the County CounG"· -" ··:._--\ ~ (~'cl \~--11\ '-,'·-,'i' '1:-~ LO 3 TY 4 O 3 (1\ -" ~~:yo 1 2003 ~ Rezone -Application lc-app-rezone.pdf 03/04/02 K.C. ') D.LS Page3of12 L1bert)' Greve Re-Zor:e App:icat10~ King County 11. Since the last area zoning of the subject property, have authorized public improvements, private development, or other circumstances materially or significantly affected the property? D No If yes, what are the changed circumstances and how have they affected the property? Recently, a portion of the East Renton Potential Annexation Area (ERPAA) was annexed into the City of Renton. This annexation included lands northwest of the subject site. According to the Renton Comprehensive Plan, properties with a residential designation within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGA) that are greater then % mile from the UGA may be zoned R-5 (5 units per acre), R-8 (8 units per acre) or Mobile Home Park. Included in this annexed area is the Maplewood Estates property. Subsequent to annexation, that portion of the Maplewood Estates site closest to the subject property was up-zoned from King County R-4 to City of Renton R-8. In conjunction with development of Maplewood Estates, a gravity sewer connection will be constructed within 1,500 feet of the northwest corner of the Evendell Plat & rezone which is currently under review by ODES. This gravity sewer connection will not only serve the plat of Evendell but also provide service to properties east and southeast, including the subject plat (Liberty Grove) and the adjoining preliminary plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous. More recently the plat of Highland Estates received preliminary plat and zoning reclassification approval from R-4 to R-8. This property is located southeast of Maplewood Estates and approximately 900' west of Liberty Grove, Liberty Grove Contiguous and the plat of Evendell. The Highland project will provide a gravity sewer connection at its northeast corner that, when constructed, will provide a gravity sewer connection in SE 1361h Street approximately 900 feet from the subject site. In conjunction with the Maplewood and Highland developments, the proposed plat of Evendell will provide urban road improvements along portions of SE 1361h Street and intersection improvements at SE 135th ST./ 156th Ave. SE. These improvements will include widening of the existing travel lanes, the creation of dedicated turning lanes and the extension of urban services. The subject plat of Liberty Grove proposes to construct the apposing side (north) of SE 1361h Street as part of its frontage improvements for parcel 366450-0141. In addition to all the other improvements associated with the surrounding development, the plat of Evendell proposes to construct a sewage lift station near the southeast corner of the project (current proposal). This facility will serve as primary connection point for gravity sewers for a large portion of the East Renton Potential Annexation Area, approximately 37 acres. Included in this new 37 acres service area is the subject plat of Liberty Grove. The applicant has offered to contribute to the cost of the proposed lift station. Development of Maplewood Estates, Highland Estates and the plat of Evendell will bring urban residential densities and services comparable to those proposed in the subject application to a large portion of the East Renton Annexation area. These improvements will provide services to areas that were previously unable to be served and , therefore, unable to be developed to the densities contemplated in the King County Comprehensive Plan. The development of these neighboring properties and the services that they will provide will forever change the nature of the area and further its transition from a low density neighborhood to a more urban center of housing. These changes are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Management~t~ 10; ~ [! ,.,. •c:' 1 , -;, LO 3 TY 4 0 3 ij~ I~ ~;;y ~o; zoo~~ llJI Rezone -Application lc-app-rezone. pdf 03/04/02 K.C. 0 D.F'., Page 4 of 12 L.:.:Oer-1:::.y G.::-.Jve Re-Zor.e Ap[::..icatiori 12. Name the public roads and/or ingress/egress easements that provide legal access to the site. Development of the Liberty Grove project will require improving existing unimproved or marginally improved King County right-of-way adjacent to the subject property. Primary access of the subject property will come from 1601 h Ave. SE. Frontage improvements contemplated for this project include: • Construct half-street urban neighborhood collector road improvements along the project frontage on SE 1361h Street. The existing KC right-of-way along the northern frontage is 30'. • Construct half-street urban neighborhood collector road improvements along the project frontage on 1601h Ave. SE. The existing KC right-of-way along the east and west frontage is 30' on either side. 13. A Certificate of Sewer and Water Availability Form must be completed by the appropriate agency (sewer district, water district, city, water company, or water association) whether or not public water or sewer service is planned for the proposed development, unless the site is to be served by an on-site waste disposal system or private well and is located in the Rural Area as defined by the King County Comprehensive Plan. If a waste disposal system other than public sewers is proposed, explain what type of system will be utilized. If water service is planned by some means other than an existing water purveyor, explain how it will be provided. The required sewer and water certificates have been attached to the permit application. 14. What is the Comprehensive Plan land use designation for this site; and, will an amendment to the Land Use Map be required to support this request? The King County Comprehensive Land Use Map designates the subject property as Urban Residential 4 to 12 Dwelling Units per acre. The applicants request is to rezone the subject property from R-4 to R-6. Since R-6 is within the density range of the current Land Use Designation, an amendment to the King County Comprehensive Land Use Map will not be required to support this request. 15. What are the specific King County Comprehensive Plan policies that support this proposal? (List or reference Comprehensive Plan Policy numbers.) Describe consistency of proposal with each policy. Attach additional sheets if needed. The following King County Policies relate to the subject request: U-114 King County shall seek to achieve, through future planning efforts over the next 20 years, an average zoning density of at least seven to eight homes per acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities and housing types. A lower density zone may be used to recognize existing subdivisions with little or no opportunity for infill or redevelopment. While the applicant's proposal will result in a density just below the density target, the project is in an area where substantial prior development has resulted in large lots serviced by on-site septic systems. This development pattern has produced neighborhoods with densities far below 4 units per acre. Therefore, this proposal will go a long way in achieving the comprehensive plan goal of higher densities in the urban areas. Without the approval of the proposed re- LO ~ T v 11 0 3 iJll /§ ~ r~ 11 \!; r f U: '{ezone. fppl;.n lc-app-rezone.pdf 03/04/02 · · MAY O 7 2003 -' Page 5 of 12 King Coc.nty zone, there is little chance the property will ever be re-developed at a higher density, and therefore not be in support of the Comprehensive Plan. It should also be noted any project requesting sewer service from the City of Renton, must generally conform to the land use policies of that community. As such, the City of Renton determines density by the net acre, while King County bases its calculations on gross acres. Therefore the proposed R-6 zoning of this project is analogous to the City of Renton R-8 designation, which is the highest density possible for a property serviced by the City of Renton. U-122 King County supports increases in urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to increase density through the density transfer or density incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies in the immediate neighborhood. The applicant proposes to provide sewer and transportation system improvements in conjunction with surrounding developments that will resolve existing local deficiencies: • SEWER. Applicant proposes to participate in the construction of the Evendell sewer lift station. Completion of this facility will allow access to approximately 37 acres of land currently serviced by on-site septic systems. In addition, several hundred acres to the north will be able to connect via gravity sewer mains to the gravity portion of the sewer system to be constructed by the Subject Plat and the Plat of Evendell as part of the SE 1361h Street improvements. • TRAFFIC. Currently only SE 1441h Street, approximately 3,600 feet south of Liberty Grove, provided east-west connectivity between the Renton Highlands area south of 1281h Street and east of 1561h Ave SE to 1561h Ave. SE. 1561 h Ave. SE is identified by King County as a minor arterial and is considered the main north-south thoroughfare in the vicinity. It was determined during the planning and review of the nearby Evendell proposal that an easterly extension of SE 1361h Street to 1681h Ave, SE was feasible. The neighboring plat of Evendell proposes to construct full-width nei~hborhood collector improvements on SE 1361h Street between 1561h and 158 h Ave. and half street improvements between 1601h and 1581h Ave. The Subject plat of Liberty grove proposes to complete the neighborhood collector improvements on the north side of SE 1361h Street, between 1601h and 1581h Ave. These improvements will provide a ~reatly needed and highly desired second east-west connection to 1561 Ave. SE. • RECREATION. There are currently no recreation opportunities in the immediate vicinity of the subject property. In conformance with the provisions of 21A.14, the proposal will construct a recreational facilities on site. Additional recreational facilities will be provided on the adjacent Plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous 16. Which of the additional Hearing Examiner findings listed below (e.g., A,B,C, or D) apply to the zone reclassification request. Explain the relevant circumstance(s). Provide a detailed response on an attached sheet(s). Note: If the request is for a reclassification to the M (Mining) Zone, the additional Examiner findings do not apply. K.C.C. 20.24.190 Additional examiner findings -Reclassifications and shoreline redesignations. When the examiner issues a recommendation regarding an application for a reclassification of property or for a shoreline environment redesignation, the recommendation shall include additional findings which support the conclusion that at least one of the following circumstances applies: L03TY403 {I ' ' MAY O 7 2003 ['.i': '' ! i Rezone -Application le-a pp-rezone.pd!, 03/04/02 Page 6 of 12 Kr; D I) F :', Kir:g Cotlnty A. The property is potentially zoned for the reclassification being requested and conditions have been met which indicate the reclassification is appropriate; B. An adopted subarea plan or area zoning specifies that the property shall be subsequently considered through an individual reclassification application; C. Where a subarea plan has been adopted but subsequent area zoning has not been adopted, that the proposed reclassification or shoreline redesignation is consistent with the adopted subarea plan; or D. The applicant has demonstrated with substantial evidence that: 1. Since the last previous area-zoning or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change not anticipated or contemplated in the subarea plan or area zoning; 2. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different from other properties in the vicinity such that rezoning or redesignation is not appropriate. For purposes of this subsection, "changed conditions or circumstances" does not include actions taken by the current or former property owners to facilitate a more intense development of the property including but not limited to changing tax limitations, adjusting property lines, extending services, or changing property ownership; 3. For proposals to increase rural residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies R-205 through R- 209· , 4. For proposals to increase urban residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies U-118 through U-123; and 5. The requested reclassification or redesignation is in the public interest. Please refer to the attached sheet All relevant proposal information attached as part of the rezone and plat application packet. Naj1 of the person who prepared the Rezone application: ti.a 0s ~. Kor 1/c_ 0-/-l:i'-01 L ~rint Name Date prepared Signature L03TY403 Rezone -Application le-a pp-rezone. pdf 03/04/02 K .C .. D iJ t:.S Page 7 of 12 liberty Grove Ke-Zoi:e Applicatl011 King County Additional Hearing Examiner finding D. is appropriate to this request D 1. Since the last previous area-zoning or shoreline environment designation of the subject property, authorized public improvements, permitted private development or other conditions or circumstances affecting the subject property have undergone substantial and material change not anticipated or contemplated in the subarea plan or area zoning. Recently, a portion of the East Renton Potential Annexation Area (ERPAA) was annexed into the City of Renton. This annexation included lands northwest of the subject site. According to the Renton Compr.ehensive Plan, properties with a residential designation within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGA) that are greater then Y. mile from the UGA may be zoned R-5 (5 units per acre), R-8 (8 units per acre) or Mobile Home Park. Included in this annexed area is the Maplewood Estates property. Subsequent to annexation, that portion of the Maplewood Estates site closest to the subject property was up-zoned from King County R-4 to City of Renton R-8. In conjunction with development of Maplewood Estates, a gravity sewer connection will be constructed within 1,500 feet of the northwest corner of the Evendell Plat & rezone which is currently under review by ODES. This gravity sewer connection will not only serve the plat of Evendell but also provide serves to properties east and southeast, including the subject plat (Liberty Grove) and the adjoining Preliminary Plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous. More recently the plat of Highland Estates received preliminary plat and zoning reclassification approval from R-4 to R-8. This property is located southeast of Maplewood Estates and approximately 900' west of Liberty Grove, Liberty Grove Contiguous and the plat of Evendell. The Highland project will provide a gravity sewer connection at its northeast corner that, when constructed, will provide a gravity sewer connection in SE 136th Street approximately 900 feet from the subject site. In conjunction with the Maplewood and Highland developments, the proposed plat of Evendell will provide urban road improvements along portions of SE 1361 h Street and intersection improvements at SE 1361h ST./ 156th Ave. SE. These improvements will include widening of the existing travel lanes, the creation of dedicated turning lanes and the extension of urban services. The subject property (liberty Grove) proposes to construct the apposing side of SE 1361 h Street as part of its frontage improvements for parcel 366450-0141. In addition to all the other improvements associated with the surrounding development, he plat of Evendell proposes to construct a sewage lift station near the southeast corner of the project. This facility will serve as primary connection point for gravity sewers for a large portion of the East Renton Potential Annexation Area, approximately 37 acres. Included in this new 37 acres service area is the subject plat of Liberty Grove and Liberty Grove Contiguous. Development of Maplewood Estates, Highland Estates and the plat of Evendell will bring urban residential densities and services comparable to those proposed in the subject application to a large portion of the East Renton Annexation area. These improvements will provide services to areas that were previously unable to be served and , therefore, unable to be developed to the densities contemplated in the King County Comprehensive Plan. The development of these neighboring properties and the services that they will provide will forever change the nature of the area and further its transition from a low density neighborhood to a more urban center of housing. Failure to approve the proposed Re-zone would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goal of higher density in the area, due to the nature of the surrounding land development patterns. L03TY403 '~ r~ rn0 -· I \'.:; r 1· i'1 I:~) ' ' ·'-:D . -1,'' '":""1 : i i 1J MAYO 7 2003 1 '! Rezone -Application le-a pp-rezone. pdf 03/04102 Page 8 of 12 Libert/ GroYe Re-2-or.e App.:.ication King County 02. The impacts from the changed conditions or circumstances affect the subject property in a manner and to a degree different from other properties in the vicinity such that rezoning or re-designation is not appropriate. For purposes of this subsection, "changed conditions or circumstances" does not include actions taken by the current or former property owners to facilitate a more intense development of the property including but not limited to changing tax limitations, adjusting property lines, extending services, or changing property ownership; No circumstances exist on the subject property which would make a re- designation request inappropriate. The proposed re-zone will be visually identical to an outside observer. The projected increase in traffic and demands on public services would be negligible. 03. For proposals to increase rural residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies R-205 through R-209; NA 04. For proposals to increase urban residential density, that the proposal meets the criteria in Comprehensive Plan policies U-118 through U-123; and Minimum Density In accordance with Countywide Planning Policy LU-66(b), King County has included a minimum density requirement in its zoning regulations for all new urban residential development with a zoned density of four or more homes per acre. U-118 King County should apply minimum density requirements to all urban residential zones of four or more homes per acre, except under limited circumstances such as the: a. Presence of significant physical constraints, or b. Implementation of standards applied to a property through a property-specific development condition, special district overlay, or subarea plan. The Subject proposal will exceed the minimum urban density of 4 units per .ill!:. Increases of Zoning Density While King County supports higher densities in the urban areas, increased densities that would be incompatible with existing neighborhoods or cause significant impacts on roads, se1Vices and the environment are discouraged. The following policies will guide decisions on application of densities and proposed rezones. U-119 Requests for increases in density of urban resident/al property zoned for one dwelling unit per acre must include a demonstration that the property does not meet the criteria of Policy U-115. The Subject proposal is to rezone land which is currently designated R-4. U-120 King County shall not approve proposed zoning changes to increase density within the Urban Area unless: a. The development will be compatible with the character and scale of the suffounding neighborhood; The Existing visual impact of theR-4 zone will be identical to the proposed R-6 zoning. The surrounding area is in transition from a primarily large lot subdivision residential uses IR-4) to slightly higher density urban residential developments (R-6 to R-8). Many of the existing large lot developments are serviced by on-site septic systems. The nearby plat of Evendell 175 lots) is under review immediately to south of parcel 366450- 0141. The recently approved plat & rezone of Highlands Estates (60 lots) is located approximately 900' west of the subject site. Highlands was approved by the KC Hearing Examiner and adopted by the County Council on June 11, 2002 by Ord. # 2001-0187 .2 The plat of Maplewood Estates (R- 03/04/02 I\.C. D.D.E.S. Liber"'...Y ·3.rov.::; Re-Lene ApplicaLion Kinq Count:y Bl is located approximately 1,500' northwest of the subject site in the City of Renton. All of these projects are similar in nature character and scale to the proposed project. The land uses permitted within the existing R-4 zone are identical to those found in the proposed R-6 zone. As such, they are already compatible, by definition. This proposed rezone will only increase the density of single- family homes in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan designation. b. Urban public facilities and seNlces are adequate, consistent with adopted levels of seNice and meet GMA concurrency requirements, including King County transportation concu"ency standards; Urban services are available or will be made available as part of this proposal. Certificates of sewer and water availability have been secured and are included in the application packet. The project has also received a Certificate of Transportation Concurrency from KCDOT. Development of the Liberty Grove project will require improving existing unimproved or marginally improved King County right-of-way adjacent to the subject property. Prima\?' access to both segments of the subject property will come from 160 Ave. SE. Frontage improvements contemplated for this project include: • Construct half-street urban neighborhood collector road improvements along the project frontage on SE 1361h Street. The existing KC right-of-way along the northern frontage is 30'. • Construct half-street urban neighborhood collector road improvements along the project frontage on 1601h Ave. SE. The existing KC right-of-way along the east and west frontage is 30' on either side. In addition to all the other improvements associated with the surrounding development, he plat of Evendell proposes to construct a sewage lift station near the southeast corner of the project. Applicant proposes to participate in the construction of the Even dell sewer lift station to offset the cost of development. Completion of this facility will allow access to approximately 37 acres of land currently serviced by on-site septic systems. In addition, several hundred acres to the north will be able to connect via gravity sewer mains to the gravity portion of the sewer system to be constructed by the Subject Plat and the Plat of Evendell as part of the SE 1361h Street improvements c. The proposed density change w/11 not increase unmitigated adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive areas, either on site or in the vicinity of the proposed development; The proposed re-designation will not increase any non-mitigated impacts on environmentally sensitive areas. All applicable sections of 21A.24 will apply equally under either the R-4 or R-6 designation. d. The proposed density increase will be consistent with or contribute to achieving the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan, and subarea plan, if applicable; and The proposal will be consistent with the Land Use designation for the subject properties and will be in keeping with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as discussed in question 15 of this packet. MAY O 7 2003 L03TY403 ·-.~ f":1 l~I Ii., r =i 'I : --I l I_~ 1..::---5 : ___ --: I Rezone -Application lc-app-rezone.pdf 03/04/02 l<: C. DJ) t.S Page 10 of 12 :..iberty Grove Re-Zone Appl~':2-:ior, King County e. The proposal is consistent With the adopted city comprehensive plan for the Potential Annexation Area where the rezone is located if the proposed density exceeds eight dwelling units per acre. If the city is not planning for urban densities and efficient land use patterns consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies, then this paragraph shall not apply. This proposal has received an Certificate of Sewer Availability from the City of Renton. Any project requesting sewer service from the City of Renton, must generally conform to the land use policies of that community. As such, the City of Renton determines density by the net acre, while King County basis its calculations on gross acres. Therefore the proposed R-6 zoning of this project is analogous to the City of Renton R-8 designation, which is the highest density possible for a property serviced by the City of Renton. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with the adopted City of Renton comprehensive plan of this potential annexation area. U-121 King County, when evaluating rezone requests for increases in density, shall notify adjacent cities, special purpose districts and local providers of urban utility services and should work with these service providers on issues raised by the proposal. Applicant has provided the required notification information to King County Staff as requested. Applicant will work with all associated service providers to address any relevant issue. U-122 King County supports increases In urban residential density through a rezone or a proposal to Increase density through the density transfer or density incentive programs when the proposal will help resolve traffic, sewer, water, parks or open space deficiencies in the Immediate neighborhood. The applicant proposes to provide sewer and transportation system improvements in conjunction with surrounding developments that will resolve existing local deficiencies: • SEWER. Applicant proposes to participate in the construction of the Evendell sewer lift station. Completion of this facility will allow access to approximately 37 acres of land currently serviced by on- site septic systems. In addition, several hundred acres to the north will be able to connect via gravity sewer mains to the gravity portion of the sewer system to be constructed by the Subject Plat and the Plat of Evendell as part of the SE 1361h Street improvements. • TRAFFIC. Currently only SE 144th Street, approximately 3,600 feet south of Liberty Grove, provided east-west connectivity between the Renton Highlands area south of 12s•h Street and east of 156th Ave SE to 1561h Ave. SE. 1561h Ave. SE is identified by King County as a minor arterial and is considered a main north-south thoroughfare. It was determined during the planning and review of the nearby Evendell proposal that an easterly extension of SE 1361h Street to 1681h Ave, SE was feasible. The neighboring plat of Evendell proposes to construct full-width neighborhood collector improvements on SE 136th Street between 15616 and 158th Ave. and half street improvements between 160th and 158tri Ave. The Subject plat of Liberty grove proposes to comolete the neighborhood collector improvements on the north side of SE 13Er6 Street, between 1601h and 1581h Ave. These improvements will provide a ireatly needed and highly desired second east-west connection to 156 Ave. SE. • RECREATION. There are currently no recreation opportunities in the immediate vicinity of the subject property. In conformance with the provisions of 21 A.14, the proposal will construct 1 recreational facilities on site and additional facilities on the adjoining plat of LO 3 T Yi4rtv03e Contiguous. ···~. r~ C -, ~I i~ \ !;; 1 \I MAY O 7 Z003 . ._,, .. Rezone -Application lc-app-rezone.pdf 03/04/02 Page 11 of 12 ,-C !-<.C .. O_D t-__ .. :-: '..,ibe:-ty :.Jrcve Re-Zone Appli::2.tior. King Coi..nty LJ. 123 King County shall not support requests for residential density increases on lands located within the outer boundaries of the Noise Remedy Area as identified by Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. NA 05. The requested reclassification or redesignation is in the public interest. The requested reclassification is in the public interest for the following reasons: • It achieves the residential density goals set forth in the King County Comprehensive Plan and promotes the policies of the Growth Management Act, • It alleviates an urban services deficiency in a significant area of King County zoned for urban residential density that would otherwise be unable to meet the established density goals due to a lack of available sewer service, • It provides much needed road frontage improvements in an area which currently has limited pedestrian improvements and will complete a needed segment of SE 1361h Street • It will mitigate the shortage of available housing in King County . L03TY403 . ._, r~ r~ .. ') ,~ \"j iU I ,. n ,,~ ~·-"· ,,, --, ' '' . \ .. / 'L ! 111 : I ! I MAY O 7 2003 :_,) 1 Rezone· Application lc-app-rezone.pdf 03104/02 K.C. I) DF:, Page12of12 Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help King County and / or any other agencies with jurisdiction to identify impacts from a proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help King County decide whether an EIS is required . . A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Liberty Grove Subdivision / Re-Zone 2. Name of proponent: Lakeridge Development, Inc. 3. Address and phone number of proponent and contact person: Proponent: Contact Person: 4. Date checklist prepared: February 28, 2003 L.akeridge Development, Inc. PO BOX.146 Renton, WA 98057 (425) 228-9750 Phone Mel Daley or Hans Korve DMP Engineering 726 Auburn Way North (253) 333-2200 Phone (253) 333-2206 Fax 5. Agency requesting checklist: King County, DOES 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Application Submittal ............................ March 2003 Public Hearing ........................................ May 2003 Council Action ........................................ June 2003 Engineering Submittal .......................... June 2003 Site Grading ........................................... July 2003 Final Plat ................................................. December 2003 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY I: L03TY403 I AY O 7 ZGL,J K,C. D.DF.S I~) 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes please explain. No. 8. List any information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. The following infonnation will be prepared and submitted under separate cover or is available in County files: • Rezone application -ODES • Level 1 Downstream Analysis • Conceptual Drainage Plan • Traffic Study, ON Traffic Consultants, February 7, 2003 • Wetland Report -Habitat Technologies, November 5, 2002 • Preliminary Recreation Plan 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by this proposal? • Applicant has submitted a rezone application with this subdivision application. • Evendell Preliminary Plat approval (L01TY401) • Liberty Grove Contiguous Preliminary Plat Approval 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. SEPA Threshold Detennination Re-zone Approval Preliminary and Final Plat Approval Clearing and Grading Pennits Building Pennits King County King County King County King County King County 11. Give brief, complete description of the proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. SUBDIVISION The proposed preliminary plat will subdivide one parcels, totaling 4.84 acres located on tax parcel(s) 366450-0141 into 24 single-family lots, open space, and access tracts. Stonn water facilities will be located on an adjacent property to the south known as "Liberty Grove Contiguous". This is also where the majority of the required recreational facilities will also be located. The project site is located on the west side of SE 160"' Ave. SE This property currently has a single-family home and associated outbuilding. The out building is to be removed. This project was original designed as one development with Liberty Grove Contiguous. All Traffic, stonn water and recreation requirements have been addressed as part of the larger project, but presented with each individual application. The associated re-zone application is presented as a single application. Re-zone applications are based on parcels and not proximity. 2 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY REZONE This project and its contiguous neighbor include a proposed rezone from R-4 to R-6. This proposed rezone would be consistent with the current comprehensive plan designation. This proposal will also be consistent with the development patterns of the surrounding area. The plat of Evendell located west of the Liberty proposal is currently being rezones from R-4 to R-6 as well. 12. Location of the proposal. Provide a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site{s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if available. The subject proposal is situated on three parcels totaling 4.84 acres, located within the jurisdictional boundaries of unincorporated King County in the NE Y. of Section 14 Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.M. The site is located on parcel(s) 366450-0141. Please refer to the Preliminary Plat map for the legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map. The existing home is located at 13535 160"' Ave. SE. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one):! flat L &mnijl, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous. The project site is located on the west side of 160°' Ave SE, in unincorporated King County. The property is generally flat, with a slight slope to the south. A review of records indicates that the property may have been filled prior to 1985, with ditches installed around the east, west and south sides. The property is currently maintained as lawn and residential landscaping. There no streams or wetland features on this portion of the project. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? According to the field topographic survey, the steepest slope on the site is approximately 5% to 10% located northeast comer of the project site. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, and muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. According to the US Soil Conservation Service Soil Map, the site is primarily Alderwood series (AgC) d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. According to the King County Sensitive Areas Map, the property contains no hazard areas. 3 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Grading of the site will be necessary to modify the site for stonnwater drainage flow. The exact quantity of grading is not known at this time, however, it is anticipated that the grading activities would be designed to balance and not require import or export of soil. Grading of the individual home sites will involve the excavation of approximately 150 to 200 CY of cut and/or fill. These issues will be addressed during the building pennit phase. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Some erosion could occur on-5ite as a result of construction activities; however, temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures to be approved by King County will be employed to reduce erosion impacts. All construction during the wet season will comply with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, Sections 5.4.8 and D.4.2.1A concerning site coverage techniques. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 2. Air Due to the preliminary nature of the plans, the exact percentage of impervious surface associated with this project is currently unknown. The subject proposal will not exceed the maximum impervious surface area as required by KCC 21A.12.030 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion. or other impacts to the earth, if any: During construction, the contractor will follow an approved temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan meeting KCC standards. Typical measures, which may be employed, include the use of silt fences, straw bales, and temporary stonn drainage features. Hydro seeding exposed soils and cleared areas after construction will also reduce the potential for erosion. All construction during the wet season will comply with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual, Sections 5.4.8 and D.4.2.1A concerning site coverage techniques. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Construction: Emissions and dust particulates generated primarily by construction equipment will be produced during the construction phase of this project. The amount of emissions to the air will be minimal and will occur during the actual construction of the development. 4 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Long Tenn Air Quality: Long-term air impacts would be those typically associated with residential land uses. Sources of long-term emissions and odor could include vehicle emissions from increased vehicle use generated by the new residential units and emissions from wood burning fireplaces (if permitted). The additional vehicular emissions in these areas are not anticipated to concentrate and therefore are not anticipated to create a health hazard to the residents or surrounding areas. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 3. Water If particulates become suspended during construction, frequent watering of the site during the construction phase of the project would be used to help control dust and other particulates generated on the site. This will be accomplished in accord with Section 5.4.7 of the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, and wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. According to the King County Sensitive Areas Folio, there are no recorded streams or other water bodies on the subject site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. NA 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-yearfloodplain? lfso, note location on the site plan 5 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY According to the King County Sensitive Areas Maps, no portion of the site lies within the 100-foot flood plain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, agricultural; etc.) Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None known at this time. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. On-site storm water runoff will primarily be generated from roadways, residential structures, and associated driveways. Storm water will be collected in catch basins within the roadways and/or tight-lined from residential roof tops and conveyed to a proposed detention facility located in the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous, to the southeast. Storm water will be transferred along 160"' Ave. SE and processed in the single stormwater facility located on parcel -0090. Discharge from the proposed facility will be piped into the existing storm water system in the area. Refer to the attached Level 1 storm water report for complete details. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Some pollutants normally associated with residential development could enter the surface water; however, the amount would be minimal since the on-site drainage will be conveyed to a water quality and detention facility in conformance with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: The storm water runoff will be collected and conveyed to a detention facility(s) that will be designed and constructed in conformance with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. 6 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: evergreen tree: fir, cedar, hemlock. pine, other shrubs grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail. buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil. other: b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Section A of the proposed subdivision, located on the west side of 160"' Ave, SE is dominated by well managed and maintained lawn and other ornamental landscaping associated with the existing residence. Some of the existing ornamental landscaping will be removed during the development process as will any remaining trees or shrubs. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. There are no known threatened or endangered plant species on or near the site. d. Proposed landscaping. use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The proposed preliminary plat anticipates retaining existing trees when possible. The new single-family residences will provide new landscaping including lawns. shrubs, and ornamental trees. Native vegetation will be utilized, where appropriate. Some additional trees and vegetation may be incorporated into the recreation area and stonn water facility where appropriate. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle. songbirds, other: mammals: deer. bear. elk. beaver. other: rodents. raccoons. fish: bass, perch, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None Known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so. explain. No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife. if any: 7 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Installation of native landscaping throughout the plat area will provide coverage and habitat for urban tolerant wildlife. Typical landscaping is likely to include rhododendron, azalea, boxwood, magnolia, cedar, hemlock, blue spruce, cherry, plum, maple and ash. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electrical energy will be the primary source of power serving the needs of the project and natural gas will be made available for the purpose of heating and other needs associated with residential living. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The residential buildings that will be constructed as a result of this project will meet or exceed the applicable single-family residential energy conservation f consumption requirements in King County and the Uniform Building Codes. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. It is unlikely under normal working conditions that environmental health hazards would be encountered. All project-related construction will meet or exceed current, County, State and Federal laws. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. In the event that environmental health hazards are encountered or occur during construction, all appropriate precautionary measures will be employed. Any emergency situation would be addressed by the existing resources of Fire District #25. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: State regulations regarding safety and the handling of hazardous materials will be followed during the construction process. Equipment refueling areas would be located in areas where a spill could be quickly contained and where the risk of hazardous materials entering surface water is minimized. On-site management will be equipped with mobile communications equipment at all times to contact emergency services in the event of an incident. 8 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area, which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? The dominant source of noise in the project vicinity is traffic along 160'" Ave. SE, which bisects the proposed project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-tenn or a long-tenn basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short-tenn impacts would result from the use of construction equipment during site development. Construction would occur during pennitted construction hours and in compliance with King County noise standards. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction activity will be limited to pennitted construction hours and construction equipment will not be allowed to idle for continuous periods of time, which will help to mitigate the impacts of potential construction noise. Hours of operation will be posted on-site. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site(s) are currently used as single family residences. One of the existing properties contains a barn and other outbuildings associated with the keeping of live stalk. Adjacent land uses consist of a low density single- family residence. The existing plat of Liberty Lane is located to the east and the proposed plat of Evendell is located to the west. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. It is not believed that the site was utilized for agricultural production in the past. c. Describe any structures on the site. The project site is divided into two portions. One portion is located on the west side of SE 160"' Ave. SE , Section "A"(366450--0141 ). This property currently has a single-family home and associated outbuilding. The outbuilding is to be removed as part of this proposal. • 3,270 SF home located at 13535160TH AV SE 98055 (366450--0141 d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? Yes. One of the homes and all of the out buildings are proposed for removal. 9 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The project site is currently zoned R-4. The applicant has submitted a proposal to rezone the property as R-6. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? According to the King County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the area is designated Urban Residential -R 4-12. This designation would support the proposed rezone of the property. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. According to the 1990 King County Sensitive Areas Folio no part of the property has been designated as sensitive. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Assuming 2.5 persons per household, approximately 60 people would reside in the proposed project. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? 0 k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: The proposed project will provide 23 ~ housing units, 24 total. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project will be developed in accordance with applicable King County development and land use codes to ensure the project is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and applicable development regulations in effect at the time of a complete Preliminary Subdivision application. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Approximately 23 (24 total) ~ middle-income housing units will be provided. b. Approximately how many units, if any would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Two middle income homes will be removed. 10 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Adherence to the comprehensive plan and growth management planning goals of King County would ensure that housing development is consistent with those policies stated in the applicable land use plan. 23 new homes will be built. 1 o. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? No specific building plans are included with this project; however, it is anticipated that houses built on the site would conform to the King County development regulations and be limited to a height of 35 feet in accordance with 21 A.12.030. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Development of the site would result in a change to the visual character of the site for the nearest existing residences and roadways to that of a single- family neighborhood area. No significant views would be obstructed. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The site plan has been developed to provide a site design layout consistent with the development regulations in place for the R-4 and/or R-6 zone. The proposed project incorporates landscape and open space areas in accordance with King County development regulations. 11 . Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Light and glare from the completed project is anticipated to be that typically generated by single-family residences, mainly occurring during the evening hours, and be associated with vehicle headlights, streetlights and residential unit lighting. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not under normal circumstances. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Installation of front yard trees along the street frontages and landscaping in open space areas will help to alleviate some of the light and glare created by streetlights, headlights and residential unit lighting from the adjacent 11 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY properties. The proposal will only install those street lights approved by King County and Puget Sound Energy. Typical streetlights would consist of a 150-watt, flat lens luminaire located atop a 25' light standard. 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? There are currently no public recreation facilities in the immediate vicinity of the site. Undeveloped King County park land lies approximately 2000' west of the site. Maplewood Park is about 1 mile southwest of the site. Maplewood Heights park is .4 miles southeast of the site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. The project would not displace any existing recreational uses. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation. including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: The proposed project will provide a minimum of 390 square feet of open space/recreation area per single.family lot {8,970 SF) pursuant to 21A.14. The applicant proposes to construct recreational facilities on site or pay the appropriate fee-in-lieu of recreational facilities to offset any potential adverse impacts of the project. Many of the required recreational facilities for Liberty Grove will be combined with those proposed for the plat of Liberty Grove Contiguous, to allow for a larger, more centrally located recreational opportunity. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. To the best of our knowledge, there are no landmarks or evidence of any significant historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural resources known to be on or next to the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: If any such historic or cultural evidence is encountered during construction or installation of improvements, work would be halted in the area and a state-approved archaeologist/historian would be engaged to investigate, evaluate and/or move or curate such resources, as appropriate. 12 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The proposed project will take primary access from 160"' Ave SE. Please refer to the attached Traffic Study for more details. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? No. The nearest transit stop is located near the comer of SE 128 ... Street and 160"' Ave SE, approximately .46 miles away from the project site. The Metro bus rout providing service to that stop is #111. There is no bus shelter provided at that location. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? None. The proposed project will provide parking in private driveways, garages and on-street parking. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets. or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Yes, the e_roposed project will require improvement of public right-of-way along 160 Ave. SE & SE 136"' Street and construction of internal circulation roads and access tracts. All roads will be designed and constructed to current King County standards. 160"' Ave. SE will be designed to the Urban Collector standard. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so. generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Assuming 10 trips per household per day, the completed project will generate approximately 240 vehicular trips per day. Please refer to the attached Traffic Report for specific details. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The applicant or subsequent owner{s) will comply with Title 14 of the King County Code, which contains provisions for payment of MPS (Mitigation Payment System) Fees. Applicant will either pay the MPS fee at the time of final plat application or at the time of building permit application. If the first option is chosen, the fee paid will be the fee in effect at the time of plat application, and a note will be placed on the face of the plat stating, "All Mitigation Payment System Fees required by Title 14 have been paid." 13 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY If the second option is chosen, the MPS fee paid will be the fee in effect at the time of building permit application. Contributions to projects listed in the MPS program may receive credit towards the MPS payment due. The estimated MPS fee tor this project at the time of application will be, based on a 23 NEW (24 total) unit subdivision. The project lies within MPS zone # 452, which has a fee of $2,139 per new single-family unit. Based on 23 new units, the projected total MPS fee is $49,197. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The completed project would result in an increased need for police and fire protection as well as emergency medical service. Additional recreational and school facilities will also be required to address the increase in demand for recreational opportunities. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. The project will be designed and constructed with adequate water pressure, properly located fire hydrants and roadways constructed to allow adequate access for fire, medic and police protection vehicles. Increased property valuation will result in increased taxes generated to support public services. The proponent will pay necessary school and traffic mitigation fees to offset the potential impacts to the school and transportation system. The project is located in the Issaquah School District #411. The current school impact fee is $3,924 per single-family unit. Assuming 23 new units (24 total), the total school impact fee would be $90,252. Recreational facilities will be constructed on site in accordance with the requirements of 21A.14 to offset the potential impacts on the existing recreational system or a fee-in-lieu of those facilities will be offered. 16. Utilities a. Indicate utilities currently available at the site: Electricity, Natural Gas, Water, Telephone, Sanitary Sewer, Septic System, Refuse Service, Other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Water System - Sanitary Sewer System - Stonn Water - Electricity: Water District #90 City of Renton -Extension of a 12" sewer main in SE 136"' St., 10" sewer main in 16z"' St. SE., and a 8" sewer main in 168"' & 16d" Ave. SE. King County Puget Sound Energy 14 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Natural Gas: Telephone: Puget Sound Energy Qwest Refuse Service: Robanco Cable TV: AT&T Broadband All underground service will be constructed in conjunction with road and storm drainage construction activities C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Date Prepared: Hans A. Korve DMP., INC Planning Manager February 28, 2003 15 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY DO NOT USE THIS SHEET FOR PROJECT ACTIONS Rezone Request from R-4 to R-6 Parcel(s) # 366450-0141 D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emission to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? This proposal is to rezone 4.84 acres of R-4 land into R-6. The approved rezone would result in a minimal increase in the amount of water or air discharge from the project. The current comprehensive plan designation is for urban residential development at densities ranging from R-4 to R- 12. Achieved density is increasing from the current 4 units/acre to the proposed 4.9 units/acre. This proposed rezone would be consistent with that designation. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: All development will be in accord with the adopted King County Development standards. Stormwater collection and discharge will be in accord with the 1998 Surface Water Design Manual. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? The proposed rezone will have no new significant impact on the existing plant or animal populations. Wrth or without the proposed rezone, the subject property will be developed to its highest and best use. All sensitive areas will maintain the same level of integrity with or without the approval of the proposed rezone. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life? All sensitive areas will be protected in accord with the prov1s1ons of 21A.24.320. All retained sensitive areas will be provided appropriate buffers. All storm water will be detained and treated in accord with the 16 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 1998 King County Surface water Design Manual and will not adversely effect the retained sensitive areas. Wetlands will only be altered in accord with KCC 21A.24.330. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Electrical energy will be the primary source of power serving the needs of the project and natural gas will be made available for the purpose of heating and other needs associated with residential living. Electricity can be generated from renewable power sources such as hydro power. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: The proposed residential buildings for this project will meet or exceed the applicable single-family residential energy conservation I consumption requirements in King County and the Uniform Building Codes. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? Therefore, there will be no increased impact to sensitive areas as a result of this rezone application. The sensitive areas on site will be protected under the provisions of KCC 21A. regardless of zoning classification. Any modification to the existing sensitive areas will be in accord with 21A.24.330. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: All development will be in accord appropriate buffers and setbacks. provided if required. with 21A.24.320 and provided the Additional buffer planting may be 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? None The proposed rezone is consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: None 17 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY ---------------- 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? The proposed development will have the effect of locally increased traffic and population which will increase the demand on existing services from the currently allowed 29 single-family residences to the proposed 24. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: Neighborhood tax revenues, taken together with Traffic and School related mitigation fees, will provide funds to continue the municipal services offered to the existing neighborhood and surrounding area. Development of the Liberty Grove project will also require improving existing unimproved or marginally improved King County right-of-way adjacent to the subject property. Primary access to both segments of the subject property will come from 1601h Ave. SE. Secondary access to the eastern portion of the subject property will come from SE 1361h Street. Frontage improvements contemplated for this project include: • Construct half-street urban neighborhood collector road improvements along the project frontage on SE 136th Street. The existing KC right-of-way along the northern frontage is 30'. • Construct half-street urban neighborhood collector road improvements along the project frontage on 160th Ave. SE. The existing KC right-of-way along the east and west frontage is 30' on either side. Applicant proposes to participate in the construction of the nearby Evendell sewer lift station. Completion of this facility will allow access to approximately 37 acres of land currently serviced by on-site septic systems, some of which are currently failing. In addition, several hundred acres to the north will be able to connect via gravity sewer mains to the gravity portion of the sewer system to be constructed by the Subject Plat and the Plat of Evendell as part of the SE 1361 h Street improvements. The proposed subdivision will also bring with it on-site recreational facilities which are currently unavailable to the immediate surrounding properties. 18 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. None The Zoning Map amendment requested is needed to attain the residential density goals prescribed for the area in question, as currently designated within the King County Comprehensive Plan Map. Urban residential R-4 to 12 The re-designation of the subject property from R-4 to R-6 on the Zoning map will enable the property in question and the surrounding properties to be built out more in keeping with their maximum potential on land that is well suited for this level of density. • The proposed rezone is consistent with the current Comprehensive plan and the goals of the Growth Management Act. • The proposed rezone and subsequent development will be consistent with development in the vicinity. The proposed density will be visually identical to the current zoning. • The proposed rezone will have no additional unmitigated impact on the transportation system beyond what would be allowed under current density limits. • The proposed rezone will not have an adverse affect on the general health, safety or welfare of the citizens of King County 19 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY SEE DRAWINGS) ·.