HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscSewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. July 14, 2014 Justin Holland Prospect Development, LLC 19410 Highway 99, Suite A #135 Lynwood, WA 98036 IDBox880 Fall Oty, WA 'ID24 Re: Weston Heights Preliminary Plat-Critical Areas Update SWC Job#l4-l71 Dear Justin, Phone: 253-859--0515 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. prepared a Critical Areas Report for Robert Johnseine for the "Pleasant Path Plat", dated October 9, 2012. This report was for Pleasant Path Plat which was to be located on the east side of Nile Avenue NE (148th Avenue SE) in the City of Renton, Washington (the "site"). Specifically, the site consists of two abutting irregular shaped parcels (Parcels# 11230590 IO & 092) located in a portion of the SW Y,, of Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian in King County, Washington. This letter is to confirm that the findings of that report are still accurate as far as the delineation, and associated rating and buffer. If you have any questions or need any additional information please contact me at (253) 859-0515 or by email at esewall@sewallwc.com. Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Ed Sewall Senior Wetland Ecologist PWS #212 l July 10, 2014 Jill Ding City of Renton Depaitment of Community & Economic Development Renton, WA 98057 Re: Weston Heights Preliminary Ph1t Wetland Stncly CORE Project No. 14040 Dear Jill Ding: I am writing to give my permission to use the wetland study that was done for my prope1ties under the name Pleasant Path for this submittal as Weston Heights. The parcels involved are 650 & 684 Nile Ave. N.E., 112305 92,1123059010. ,, ; ~'l'Illllllll.111.11 ,"·· ~'" Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. . .. ~ ' ,. ,, October 9, 2012 Robert Johnseine 9805 NE 116th Street, Suite 7499 Kirkland, Washington 98034 RE: Critical Areas Report -Pleasant Path SWC Job#A6-209 1.0 INTRODUCTION 27641 Covington Way SE #2 Covington WA 90012 Phone: 253-859-0515 Fax: 253-852-4Z32 This report describes jurisdictional wetlands on the 3. 93 acre proposed Pleasant Path Plat located on the east side of Nile Avenue NE ( I 48'h Avenue SE) in the City of Renton, Washington (the "site"). Specifically, the site consists of two abutting irregular shaped parcels (Parcels # 1123059010 & 092) located in a portion of the SW V. of Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian in King County, Washington. I ! z 'C att·l'I rl'! '1•;·,1 ~' .,,., ., "If ;-;1 C·I .•. •,,·1c•1, ;;. r,c •• ~· .,, ·-~'\Ir·• r.,[ ·r,; ,--. * ·1cc:-,:::c ',I :''I ,'-~- 'JI_ T•.•--' ~ ! ··,,·h's• ~ :::~ 1 ~ ,, Ir, L,., .. r-., SITE •·\I ·,1',•' -30 ",lh',r f > ' -~ lr-i4th''I Northeast -4!tT Sire<!! ;; e SE. 12i!llh St 'HC: J·c _n .,, m ,,,-.,• --< ..... · Vicinity Map . Pleasant Pathl#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 2 The site consists of an undeveloped parcel containing both forest and pasture areas. The site is proposed to be subdivided into I I single family residential Lots with associated roads and infrastructure. 2.0 METHODOLOGY The site was originally delineated by Sewall Wetland Consulting in 2006 and 2007. This is documented in the attached "Johnsein Property-Revised Wetland Analysis Report and Conceptual Mitigation Plan dated October 10, 2006 and revised June 20, 2007. This was reviewed and accepted by the City as part of the previous submittal on this project between 2009-2010 (City of Renton File No LUA09-120 (L07S0018)). Ed Sewall of Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. inspected the site in October of2012 to confirm the findings regarding the delineation of this wetland remain the same using methodology described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (W ADOE, March 1997). This is the methodology currently recognized by the City of Renton and the State of Washington for wetland determinations and delineations. The site was also inspected using the methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987), and the Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast region Supplement (Version 2.0) dated June 24, 2010, as required by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Soil colors were identified using the 1990 Edited and Revised Edition of the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Kollmorgen Instruments Corp. 1990). The Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual and the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual/Regional Supplement all require the use of the Pleasant Path/f1A6-2/N Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 3 three-parameter approach in identifying and delineating wetlands. A wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils and display wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultativc (F AC), facultative wetland (FACW), or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low chromas (2 or less), as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is de lined by inundation or saturation to the surface for a consecutive period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators of wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending upon other indicators. Field indicators include visual observation of soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres, water marks on trees or other fixed objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland areas. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.2.2 Wetlands As described the 2007 report, a single Category 2 wetland is located on the eastern side of the site. The delineation of the wetland remains the same as in 2007 with a well- defined edge. According to the criteria in City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-3-050.M. I, Wetland A would be classified as Category 2 wetland. Category 2 wetlands are defined in the Code as follows; ii. Category 2: Category 2 wetlands are wetlands which meet one or more of the following criteria: (a) Wetlands that are not Category I or 3 wetlands; and/or (b) Wetlands that have heron rookeries or osprey nests, but are not Category I wetlandY; and/or (c) Wetlands of any size located at the headwaters of a watercourse, i.e., a wetland with a perennial or seasonal outflow channel, but with no defined influent channel, but are not Category I wetland5; and/or (d) Wetlands having minimum existing evidence of human-related physical alteration such as diking, ditching or channelization: and/or Pleasant Path!#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting. Inc. October 9, 2012 Page4 Wetland A best meets this rating as a wetland with minimum evidence of human related physical alteration, but not meeting the criteria of a Category I or Category 3 wetland. Typically, Category 2 wetlands have a 50' buffer measured from the wetland edge. 4.0 PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project is the construction of a l 4 lot subdivision with associated access road, and storm water facility, all located along the western side of the site. In addition and at the request of the City, a walking trail for residents will pass through the wetland and buffer to allow access to the open space on the east side of the site. In order to allow a reasonable density oflots on the site, the project proposed a combination of paper fill and buffer averaging to allow the site to be developed in a manner that economically feasible yet still protects and enhances the critical area and its buffer. As a result, it is our intention to "paper fill" 191 sf of Category 2 wetland so as to have the minimum 25' buffer, as well as average l l ,509sf of buffer as depicted on the attached conceptual mitigation plan. Impacts to wetlands and buffers must be justified through a mitigation sequence as detailed in City of Renton Code. This sequencing requires addressing the following criteria; a. Avoid any disturbances to the wetland or buffer; As detailed above, avoidence of the wetland and its buffer is economically feasible as it would eliminate all the lots (total of5) along the west side of the site, which is> 1/3 of the project. The application of this project also negates the need to cross the wetland with a road that was already approved in the King County approval of this plat prior to annexation. b. Minimize any wetland or buffer impacts; The project has been designed to minimize the impact by leaving the entire east side of the site undeveloped with the exception of the trail. The buffer will be reduced to the minimum allowed by Code (50%) and transferred to the eastern side of the wetland. This buffer is already functionally recued on the west side where the proposed reduction will occur, as it has been converted to lawn and other portions are covered with blackberry. The small amount of paper fill proposed is being proposed to meet the minimum 25' buffer criteria. The wetland creation proposed on the east side of the wetland will compensate for this impact and will restore some of the overall wetland size that has been reduced in the past ofl~site to the south. The trail is being proposed through the buffer and wetland at the request of the City. The trail has been designed at a minimum width (4') to create a functional nature trail through Pleasant Path!#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting. Inc October 9. 2012 Page5 the critical areas. The trail will be constructed on "pin piles" through the wetland, which is generally not considered a wetland impact. c. Restore any wetlands or buffer impacted or lost temporarily; and Restoration of this wetland in this location would not be feasible due to the fact it is genera II y not degraded. d. Compensate fi,r any permanent wetland or buffer impacts by one of the following methods: i. Restoring aformer wetland and provide buffers at a site once exhibiting wetland characteristics to compensate for wetlands lost; This is not feasible on this site as there is no former wetland to restore. ii. Creating new wetlands and buffers for those lost; and As previously described and is depicted on the attached Conceptual Mitigation Plan, the proposed project will compensate for the "paper fill" of 191 sf of Category 2 wetland at a 3:1 ratio by creating 818sfofwetland along the east side of the existing wetland edge. This area will be excavated out and brought to grade with 12" of topsoil to an elevation matching the existing wetland. As depicted on the attached Conceptual Mitigation Plan, 8 l 8sf of area will be excavated out to a similar depth to the existing wetland to intercept the surficial groundwater table and create conditions favorable to create wetland hydrology. This area will then be graded back at a slope no steeper than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). The area will then be planted with a mix of native trees, shrubs and herbaceous species and will also include several habitat features (logs) to increase its habitat function. The goal will be to create at least 8 l 8sf of area meeting all three wetland criteria (hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology) as specified in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (W ADOE, March 1997). As described in Code; "Any applicant proposing to alter wetlands may propose to restore wetlands or create new wetlands, with priority first for on-site restoration or creation and then second, within the drainage basin, in order to compensate for wetland losses. Restoration activities must include restoring lost hydrologic, water quality and biologic junctions". Additionally, Code states" Where feasible, created or restored wetlands shall be a higher category than the altered wetland. In no cases shall they be lower". Code specifies the following mitigation ratios for wetland impacts; i. RATIOS FOR WETLANDS CREATION OR RESTORATION: Wetland CategorylVegetation TypelCreation/Restoration Ratio Category 1 Forested Scrub-shrub Emergent Category 2 Forested Scrub-shrub Emergent Category 3 Forested Scrub-shrub Emergent 6 times the area altered. 3 times the area altered. 2 times the area altered. 3 times the area altered. 2 times the area altered. 1.5 times the area altered. 1.5 times the area altered. 1.5 times the area altered. 1.5 times the area altered. Pleasant Pathl#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 6 Buffer averaging will be utilized for the western buffer of Wetland A. In addition, the remaining 25' buffer of Wetland A along its west side will be enhanced to increase its functional value and remove exotic blackberry. Enhancement of this area will include hand removal of blackberry, and installation of a native conifer understory as well as native trees and shrubs in areas that are completely covered in blackberry. This will restore a native shrub stratum in this area through removal of the exotic blackberry and will also initiate the return of a conifer component to this forested area which is not present at this time. As requested by the City, a recreational trail will pass through the buffer and over the wetland along its south end, and then with a loop on the eastern side of the site outside the buffer. The areas of buffer impact from this bark covered 4' path will be compensated through the use of buffer averaging and as allowed by Code. Code allows trails through the outre part of the wetland buffer. In order to access the east side of the site the trail will cross the wetland using pin piles to eliminate any impacts to the wetland except for the small cross section of the pin pile. The resulting wetland creation and buffer enhancement area will be monitored for 5 years as required by Code. If you have any questions regarding this report, please call us at (253) 859-0515 or at esewall@sewallwc.com . Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Ed Sewall Senior Wetlands Ecologist PWS #212 Attached: Johnsein Property-Revised Wetland Report June 20, 2007 REFERENCES Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9.2012 Page 7 Coward in, L., V. Carter, F. Go let, and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79-31, Washington, D. C. Daubenmire, R. 1959. A canopy-coverage method ofvegetational analysis. Northwest Science 33:43-64. Diers, R. and J.L. Anderson. 1984. Development of Soil Mottling. Soil Survey Horizons, Winter 1984, pg 9-15. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. City of Renton Municipal Code Hitchcock, C. and A. Cronquist. 1976. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Munsell Color. 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., Baltimore, Maryland. National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. 1991. Hydric Soils of the United States. USDA Misc. Pub!. No. 1491. Reed, P., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). 1988. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section, St. Petersburg, Florida. Reed, P.B. Jr. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). USFWS supplement to Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9) May 1988. Pleasant Path/#1\6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Jnc. 1.0 CONCEPTUAL MITIGATION PROJECT OVERVIEW October 9, 2012 Page 8 To compensate for the paper fill ofa 191sfCategory 2 wetland, it is proposed to create 818sf of wetland along the east side of Wetland A, a Category 2 wetland, as well as enhance the averaged buffer along the west side of the wetland. 2.0 MITIGATION CONCEPT AND GOALS 2.1 Mitigation Concept The mitigation proposal is to enlarge the existing Category 2 wetland on the site by 8 l 8sf and enhance 9,930sf of the western buffer area. The wetland and buffer enhancement areas will be densely planted with native vegetation. The use of diverse native plantings are expected to significantly improve the overall function of the wetland and buffer as it will remove dense thickets of exotic blackberry as well as add emergent and shrub plant communities into what is now, a single class forested wetland. 2.2 Mitigation Goals 2.2.1 Create 818sf of forested wetland. 2.2.2 Enhance 9,930sf of the western wetland buffer and will consist of exotic vegetation removal and replanting with native tree and shrub species. 3.0 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The construction sequence of this project will be implemented as follows: 3. I Pre-construction meeting 3 .2 Construction staking 3 .3 Construction fencing and erosion control 3 .4 Clearing and grading 3.5 Stabilization of mitigation area 3.6 Plant material installation 3. 7 Construction inspection 3.8 Agency approval 3.9 Monitoring inspection and reporting 3.10 Silt fence removal 3.11 Project completion 3.1 Pre-construction Meeting A pre-construction meeting will be held on-site prior to commencement of construction, to include the biologist, the City, and the contractor. The approved plans and specifications will be reviewed to ensure that all parties involved understand the intent of Pleasant Palh/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting. Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 9 the construction documents, specifications, site environmental constraints, sequences, and inspection requirements. 3.2 Construction Staking The limits of clearing and grading near the critical areas will be marked in the [1eld by a licensed professional land surveyor prior to commencement of construction activities. 3.3 Construction Fencing & Erosion Control All erosion control measures adjacent to the critical areas, including silt fencing and orange construction fencing, will be installed. Erosion control fencing will remain around the mitigation area until clearing, grading and hydroseeding are complete in upland areas outside the critical areas. 3.4 Clearing & Grading Clearing and grading in and near the existing sensitive area will be per the approved Final Mitigation Plans. 3.5 Stabilization of Mitigation Area All graded areas in the wetland or buffer will be stabilized with native hydroseed mix or mulch upon completion of grading. Orange construction fencing and erosion control fences will be restored (if necessary) and placed around the critical areas. 3.6 Plant Material Installation All plant material will be planted by hand per detail and Construction and Planting Notes. The Mitigation Plan specifies the required size, species, quantity, and location of plant materials to be installed. The contractor will re-seed or over-seed all hydroseeded areas disturbed during the planting process. Upon completion of the planting, the erosion control fencing will be restored and repaired. Plant substitutions or modifications to locations shall be approved in writing by the Owner's biologist prior to installation. 3. 7 Construction Inspection Upon completion of installation, the biologist will conduct an inspection to confirm proper implementation of the Mitigation Plan. Any corrections, substitutions or missing items will be identified in a "punch list" for the landscape contractor. Items of particular importance will be soils in pits, pit size, plant species, plant size, mulch around pits, and tree staking. Upon completion of planting, if installation or materials vary significantly from the Mitigation Plan, the contractor will submit a reproducible "as-built" drawing to the Owner. 3.8 Agency Approval Following acceptance of the installation by the City, the biologist should prepare a letter granting approval of the installation. 3.9 Monitoring Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 10 The site will be monitored for 5 years to insure the success of the mitigation project. 3.10 Silt Fence Removal Erosion control fencing adjacent to the mitigation area will remain in place for at least one year, and/or until all areas adjacent to the mitigation area have been stabilized. The City may recommend that the fencing remain in place for a longer duration. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING NOTES 4.1 Site Preparation & Grading 4.1.1 The Landscape Contractor will approve existing conditions of subgrade prior to initiation of any mitigation installation work. The Landscape Contractor will inform the Owner of any discrepancies between the approved construction document and existing conditions. 4.1.2 The General Contractor will flag the limits of clearing with orange construction fencing and will observe these limits during construction. No natural features or vegetation will be disturbed beyond the designated "limits of clearing". 4.1.3 The Landscape Contractor will hand grub all blackberry varieties onsite. Weed debris will be disposed of off site. 4.1.4 The wetland area will be excavated to the depths shown on the Final Mitigation Grading Plan and brought to grade with 8" of topsoil. The biologist will be on-site to confirm the grading is acceptable for planting. 4.2 Plant Materials 4.2.1 All plant materials will be as specified in the plant schedule. Only vigorous plants free of defects, diseases and infestation are acceptable for installation. 4.2.2 All plant materials will conform to the standards and size requirements of ANSI Z60.l "American Standard for Nursery Stock". All plant materials will be native to the northwest, and preferably the Puget Sound Region. Plant materials will be propagated from native stock; no cultivars or horticultural varieties will be allowed. All plant materials will be grown from nursery stock unless otherwise approved. 4.2.3 All nursery grown plant materials will be in containers or balled and burlapped. Bare root plantings will be subject to approval. Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sev.rall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 11 42A All plant materials stored on-site longer than two (2) weeks will be organized in rows and maintained by the contractor at no additional cost to the owner. Plant materials temporarily stored will be subject to inspection and approval prior to installation, 4,2,5 Substitution requests must be submitted in writing to the Owner and approved by the Owner's biologist in writing prior to delivery to site, 4,2,6 All plant materials will be dug, packed, transported and handled with care to ensure protection from injury. All plant materials to be stored on site more than 24 hours will be heeled into topsoil or sawdust Precautionary measures shall be taken to ensure plant materials do not dry out before planting, Wetland plants will be shaded and saturated until time of installation, Immediately after installation the mitigation planting area will be saturated to avoid capillary stress, 4.2.7The contractor will verify all plant materials, the quantities shown on the planting plan, and the plant schedule, The quantity of plant materials shown on the plan takes precedent over the quantity on the plant list 4-3 Plant Installation 43, I All plant materials must be inspected prior to installation to verify conformance of the materials with the plant schedule including size, quality and quantity. Any plant or habitat materials deemed unsatisfactory will be rejected. 4.3 2 All plant materials delivered and accepted should be planted immediately as depicted on the mitigation plan, Plant materials not planted within 24 hours will be heeled-in per note 3 .2.6. Plant materials stored under temporary conditions will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. Plants will be protected at all times to prevent the root ball from drying out before, during, or after planting. 43.3 All planting pits will be circular with vertical sides, and will be sized per detail on the mitigation plan and filled with pit soils approved by the Owner's biologist If native soils arc determined to be unacceptable by the Owner's biologist, pit soils will be amended with Cedar Grove mulch or equivalent 43ANo fertilizers will be used within the wetland, In buffer areas only, install "Agriform", or equal plant fertilizer to all planting pits as specified by manufacturer. Fertilizers are allowed only below grade in the planting pits in the buffer areas. No sewage sludge fertilizer ("SteerCo" or "Growco") is allowed in the mitigation area, 4.3 ,5 All containerized plant materials will be removed from their containers care folly to prevent damage to the plant and its roots, Plants removed from their containers will be planted immediately, Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 12 4.3.6All plant materials will be placed as shown on the approved mitigation plan. If the final installation varies from the approved mitigation plan, the contractor will provide an electronic as-built of the installed conditions. All plant material will be flagged by the contractor. 4.4 Planting Schedule and Warranty 4.4. l A fall-winter installation schedule (October I st -March 15th ) is preferred for lower mortality rates of new plantings. If plant installation occurs during the spring or summer (March 15 1h -Oct. ! 't ) a temporary irrigation system will be required, unless the area can be sufficiently hand-watered. 4.4.2 All disturbed areas will be mulched or seeded with native mixes as specified on the plans, as soon as the mitigation area grading is complete. The seed must be germinated and a grass cover established by October I". If the cover is not adequately established by October I st, exposed soils will be covered with approved erosion control material and the contractor will notify the Owner in writing of alternative soil stabilization method used. 4.4.3 The installer will warrant all plant materials to remain healthy and alive for a period of one year after final acceptance. The installer will replace all dead or unhealthy plant materials per the approved plans and specifications. 4.5 Site Conditions 4.5. 1 The installer will coordinate with the Owner and the Owner's biologist for construction scheduling. 4.5.2Landscape installation will begin after the City acceptance of grading and construction. The Owner will notify the Owner's biologist of acceptance of final grading. 4.5.3 Silt fences will be installed as shown on the approved mitigation grading plans. The installer is responsible for repair and replacement of silt fences disturbed during plant installation. No equipment or soils will be stored inside the silt fences. 4.5.4After clearing and grading is complete in the mitigation area, exposed soils will be seeded or mulched. Orange construction fence will be placed around the mitigation area to prohibit equipment and personnel in the mitigation area. 4.5.5Final grading will be based upon soil conditions found during excavation of the mitigation area. Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 13 4.5.6AII plant material will be planted with suitable soils per planting details. Soils from planting holes will be spread and smoothed across the mitigation area. 5.0 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM This maintenance program outlines the program, procedures and goals for mitigation of the stream and buffer impacts at the mitigation site. This maintenance program will be the responsibility of the project owner through the duration of its ownership of the mitigation area, or throughout the duration of the monitoring period, whichever is longer. The maintenance contractor will complete the work as outlined below. 5.1 Maintenance Work Scope 5. I. I To accomplish the mitigation goals, normal landscaping methods must be modified to include: a. No mowing or trimming of ground cover or vegetation in the mitigation area. b. No placement of fertilizers in the mitigation area. c. No placement of bark mulch or equivalent in the mitigation area, except as noted in the planting details. d. No placement of grass clippings, landscape debris, fill or ornamental plant materials in the mitigation area. 5. l.2 Work to be included in each site visit: a. Remove all litter including paper, plastic, bottles, construction debris, yard debris, etc. b. Remove all blackberry varieties and scotch broom within the mitigation area. All debris is to be removed from site and disposed in an approved landfill. c. Repair silt and/or permanent fencing and signage as needed. 5 .1.3 Work to be completed on an annual basis includes: a. Areas containing Himalayan blackberry should be controlled by hand cutting the blackberry and treating the remaining cut stems only with a glyphosphate herbicide such as Roundup or Rodeo (applied by hand, not sprayed). b. Replace dead or failed plant materials. Replacement plantings are to be of same species, size and location as original plantings. Plantings are to be installed during the dormant period. c. Remove tree staking and guy wires from all trees after one year. 5.2 Maintenance Schedule The Owner will conduct all items listed in the Maintenance Work Scope on an annual basis. Additional work may be required per the Monitoring Report and as approved by the City Biologist. Additional work may include removal of the grasses around each shrub and tree, installation of wood chips at each shrub and tree base, reseeding the mitigation area, re-staking existing trees and erosion control protection. 5.3 Watering Requirements Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. October 9, 2012 Page 14 5.3.1 If plantings are installed within the dormant period throughout the winter months (October through March 15th ), watering is not required. However, watering will be encouraged if plants mortality rises due to dry conditions. 5.3.2Ifplantings are installed during the summer months (March through October I st), a temporary irrigation system will be required, unless the area can be sufficiently hand- watered. The temporary irrigation system may be removed after the first year providing the plantings are established and acclimated to on-site conditions. 5.4 Close-out of Five-Year Monitoring Program Upon completion of the monitoring program and acceptance of the wetland mitigation by the City, the maintenance of the project will be reduced to include removal of litter and debris, repair of perimeter fencing and sign age, removal of noxious weeds and undesirable vegetation, and repair of vandalized areas. 6.0 WETLAND AND BUFFER MONITORING PROGRAM 6.1 Sampling Methodology The created wetlands and their associated buffers will be monitored 4 times the first year, and once per year for years 2-5, as required by the City. Monitoring will be conducted using the techniques and procedures described below to quantify the survival and relative health and growth of plant material. A monitoring report submitted following each monitoring visit will describe and quantify the status of the mitigation at that time. The monitoring schedule will be determined after the plant installation has been completed. Typically, the first monitoring visit occurs 3 months after the installation sign-off. 6. l.2 Vegetation The vegetation monitoring consists of two tasks. The first is the inspection of the planted material to determine the health and vigor of the installation. All the planted material in the stream and buffer will be inspected during each monitoring visit to determine the level of survival of the installation. 6.1.3 Hydrology Monitoring of hydrology within the created wetlands will be conducted to confirm that wetland hydrology has been created. Two sampling points will be established within the created wetlands. At these points monitoring wells will be installed to determine the level of surface or groundwater in these areas. Pleasant Path/#A6-209 Sewall Wetland Consulting. Inc. 6.2 Standards of Success October 9, 2012 Page 15 6.2.1. Evaluation of the success of the mitigation project will be based upon a 100% plant survival for all planted vegetation at the end of Year 1; 90% at the end of Year 2; 85% at the end of Year 3; and 80% at the end of Year 5. 6.2.2. Up to 20% of any stratum can be composed of desirable native volunteers when measuring cover. 6.2.3. No more than 10% cover of non-native or other invasive, e.g., Himalayan blackberry, Japanese knotweed, evergreen blackberry, reed canary grass, Scots broom, English ivy, morning glory, etc. Is permissible in any monitoring year. Bond-holders are encouraged to maintain mitigation sites within these standards through the monitoring period, to avoid corrective measures. 6.2.4 Wetland hydrology will be considered to be successfully attained when inundation or saturation within 12" of the surface is present for 2 continuous weeks or more in the growing season (March 15-0ctlS) in the 818sfofwetland creation. 7.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN 7.1 A contingency plan can be implemented if necessary. Contingency plans can include regrading, additional plant installation, erosion control, modifications to hydrology, and plant substitutions including type, size, and location. 7.2 Careful attention to maintenance is essential in ensuring that problems do not arise. Should any of the site fail to meet the success criteria, a contingency plan will be developed and implemented with the County approval. Such plans are prepared on a case-by-case basis to reflect the failed mitigation characteristics. 7 .3 Contingency/maintenance activities will include, but are not limited to: -Replacing all plants lost to vandalism, drought, or disease, as necessary. -Replacing any plant species with a 20 percent or greater mortality rate with the same species or similar species approved by the City Biologist. -Irrigating the stream area only as necessary during dry weather if plants appear to be too dry, with a minimal quantity of water. -Reseeding stream and buffer areas with an approved grass mixture as necessary if erosion/sedimentation occurs. -Removing all trash or undesirable debris from the wetland and buffer areas as necessary. Preliminary Technical Information Report Project Manager: Prepared by: Date: Revised: Core No.: FOR Weston Heights CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Lafe Hermansen Sheri Murata, P.E. July 2014 August 28, 2014 14040 !4111 Nf1?111l'lace.Suite 101 BtJll~vu~. Wu\l1inytun \1800! Ph>\?.':, IIB5 7Rl7 www coredesigninc com Weston Heights Table of Contents I PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 1 Figure 1-1: Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................ 2 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ................................................................ 3 2.1 Core Requirements ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1. l Core Requirement # I: Discharge at the Natural Location ............................................ 3 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis ......................................................................... 3 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control ............................................................................. 3 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System .................................................................. 3 2.1.5 Core Requirements #5: Erosion and Sediment Control ................................................. 3 2.1.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations ..................................................... 3 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability ............................................ 3 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality ............................................................................ 3 2.2 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements ................................ 4 2.2.1 Critical Drainage Areas ................................................................................................. 4 2.2.2 Master Drainage Plan···············································«··················································· 4 2.2.3 Basin Plans ..................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.4 Salmon Conservation Plans (SCPs) ............................................................................... 4 2.2.5 Stormwater Compliance Plans (SWCPs) ....................................................................... 4 2.2.6 Lake Management Plans (LMPs) .................................................................................. 4 2.2.7 Flood Hazard Reduction Plan Updates (FHRPs) ........................................................... 4 2.2.8 Shared Facility Drainage Plans (SFDPs) ....................................................................... 4 2.3 Special Requirement #2: Floodplain/ Floodway Delineation .............................................. 4 2.4 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities ............................................................ 4 2.5 Special Requirement #4: Source Controls ............................................................................ 4 2.6 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control .................................................................................... 4 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 Study Area Definition and Maps ........................................................................................... 5 3.2 Resource Review ................................................................................................................... 5 Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports ............................................................................... 5 FEMA Maps ........................................................................................................................... 5 Sensitive Areas Folio .............................................................................................................. 5 City of Renton Soil Survey ..................................................................................................... 5 Downstream Drainage Complaints ......................................................................................... 5 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS 3.3 Field Investigation ................................................................................................................. 5 Upstream Tributary Area ........................................................................................................ 5 Level 1 Downstream Analysis ................................................................................................ 6 Field Investigation .............................................................................................................. 6 3.4 Mitigation of Existing and Potential Problems ................................................................... 10 Downstream Drainage Problems Requiring Special Attention ............................................ 10 Department of Ecology 303d Listings .................................................................................. 10 Drainage Adjustments .......................................................................................................... 10 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY DESIGN .................................. , ........................ 11 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology ...................................................................................................... 1 I 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology .................................................................................................. 12 Figure 4-1: Existing Conditions Basin Exhibit.. .................................................................. 14 Figure 4-2: Developed Conditions Exhibit.. ........................................................................ 15 4.3 Performance Standards ........................................................................................................ 16 Flow Control: Duration Standard Matching Forested Site Conditions ................................ 16 Conveyance Capacity ........................................................................................................... 16 Water Quality: Basic Water Quality Menu .......................................................................... 16 4.4 Flow Control System ............................................................... : ......................................... 16 Calculation of Lot Impervious Area ..................................................................................... 16 Flow Control BMPs/Individual Lot BMPs ........................................................................... 17 Detention Modeling .............................................................................................................. 18 4.5 Water Quality Calculations ................................................................................................. 22 Basic Wetvault ...................................................................................................................... 22 Basic Wetpond ...................................................................................................................... 23 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ........................................................... 25 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ....................................................................................... 27 7 OTHER PERMITS ...................................................................................................................... 29 8 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................................................................ 31 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT .................................................................................................................................. 33 9.1 Bond Quantities ................................................................................................................... 33 9.2 Facility Summaries ............................................................................................................. 33 9.3 Declaration of Covenant ..................................................................................................... 33 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................................. 35 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS ii Appendix A -Parcel & Basin Information King County Parcel Report ( 1123059092) King County Parcel Report ( 1123059010) Appendix B -Resource Review & Off-site Analysis Documentation FEMA Map (53033C0977F) City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zones City of Renton Groundwater Protection Areas City of Renton Sensitive Area Maps City of Renton Soil Survey Drainage Complaints Exhibit Downstream Drainage Map Appendix C -Pond Sizing City of Renton Flow Control Map Rainfall Region & Regional Scale Factor (Figure 3.2.2.A) KCRTS Hydrologic Soils Group Table (Table 3.2.2.B) Mean Annual Storm Precipitation (Figure 6.4.1.A) Vault KCRTS Input Vault Results Vault Peaks Analysis Vault Durations Analysis Pond KCRTS Input Pond Results Pond Peaks Analysis Pond Durations Analysis Appendix D -Conveyance Calculations To be provided at Final Engineering Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS iii Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS iv 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW The project site is located at Nile Avenue NE and NE 6th Pl in the City of Renton, King County. Specifically the project is in the southwest quarter of Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. The site is bordered by single-family residential homes to the east, south and north and Nile Avenue to the west. The King County tax parcel ID numbers for the two parcels involved in the project are shown in Table l below (refer to the King County Parcel Reports included in Appendix A). Table 1: Parcel Information KC Parcel# Parcel Area (SF) 1123059092 26,796 1123059010 171,190 Total 197,986 (4.55 ac) The total parcel area is 4.55 acres, however the project site is approximately 3.3 acres. The west quarter of the site has three structures with the surrounding area covered in lawn. It drains west to Nile Avenue NE at approximately 8 percent to a ditch flowing south at a 2 percent. Drainage remains on the east side of Nile Avenue NE in a series of ditches and culverts until NE 4th Place where it is piped until the outlet to Maplewood Creek. The remaining area made up of forest and drains to a wetland in the center of the site. When the wetland overflows it drains south and west connecting to the storm drain system in Nile Avenue. The site does not receive any upstream flow. Proposed development of the property will include demolishing all existing structures and constructing 12 new single-family residences with associated roadway, utilities, open space and storm water management facilities on the site. Half-street frontage improvements on Nile Avenue NE will be completed to provide 22 feet of pavement from the right of way centerline, curb and gutter an 8-foot planter and a 5-foot sidewalk. See Figure 1-1: Vicinity Map, provided below. The project will be designed using the guidelines and requirements established in the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual (2009 KCSWDM) and City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Manual (COR Amendments) The project is required to apply a Flow Duration Standard to Forested Conditions and Basic Water Quality. The drainage analysis for detention sizing was modeled using the King County Runoff Time Series (KCRTS) software. The water quality facility sizing calculations are based on methods described in Chapter 6 of the 2009 KCSWDM. The conveyance calculations will be completed using the Rational Method and the King County Backwater program. There are two storm water facilities on site. A combined detention and water quality treatment vault will be located at the southwest portion of the site next to Nile Avenue NE. The treated and detained flows will be discharged towards Nile Avenue NE into the existing drainage ditch where it will flow south. A combined detention and water quality treatment pond will located at the southeast portion of the site at the end of the private road connecting to NE 7th Place. The treated and detained flows will be discharged west to the existing wetland in Tract B. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 1 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 2 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY The proposed project is classified as requiring ·'Full Drainage Review" per the COR Amendments. Therefore, all eight core requirements and five special requirements will be addressed per Section 1.1 of the 2009 KCSWDM). 2.1 Core Requirements 2.1.1 Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location The combined detention and water quality vault will discharge at the natural discharge location to the ditch on the east side of Nile Avenue NE. The combined detention and water quality vault will discharge at the natural discharge location to the existing wetland located in Tract B. 2.1.2 Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis This core requirement is addressed in Section 3 of this report. 2.1.3 Core Requirement #3: Flow Control The detention vault and pond has been designed to meet the flow control duration standard matching the forested site conditions per page 1-35 of the COR Amendments. This requires that the developed condition discharge durations match the existing condition durations from 50% of the 2-year to the 50-year storm events and that the developed 2-year and I 0-year peak discharge rates do not exceed the existing 2-year and 10-year peak discharge rates, respectively. 2.1.4 Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System A backwater analysis using King County Backwater (KCBW) will be performed during final engineering and will show that the proposed conveyance system provides sufficient capacity for the 25-year storm as calculated by the Rational Method. 2.1.5 Core Requirements #5: Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sediment control will be provided through catch basin protection, silt fencing and mulching. The permanent detention/water quality vault and pond will also be utilized as a temporary sediment pond during construction. 2.1.6 Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations The vault and pond will be City owned and maintained. 2.1.7 Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability A bond quantities worksheet will be provided in Section 9 of this Report during Final Engineering. 2.1.8 Core Requirement #8: Water Quality Basic water quality treatment will be provided by dead storage in the vault and pond. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 3 2.2 Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements 2.2.1 Critical Drainage Areas This project is not in an aquifer protection zone or groundwater protection area. 2.2.2 Master Drainage Plan Not applicable. 2.2.3 Basin Plans Not applicable. 2.2.4 Salmon Conservation Plans (SCPs) Not applicable. 2.2.5 Stormwater Compliance Plans (SWCPs) Not applicable. 2.2.6 Lake Management Plans (LMPs) Not applicable. 2.2.7 Flood Hazard Reduction Plan Updates (FHRPs) This project is not within a floodplain (see FEMA map included in Appendix B) and is not within an area with an applicable Flood Hazard Reduction Plan. Therefore, additional requirements from a Flood Hazard Reduction Plan do not apply. 2.2.8 Shared Facility Drainage Plans (SFDPs) Not applicable. 2.3 Special Requirement #2: Floodplain/ Floodway Delineation This project is not located within the 100-year floodplain (see FEMA Map included in Appendix B). 2.4 Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities As this project is not located within a 100-year floodplain there are no levees, revetments or berms within the project. 2.5 Special Requirement #4: Source Controls These requirements are not applicable as the project is not a commercial, industrial or multi- family development. 2.6 Special Requirement #5: Oil Control This requirement does not apply because the project is not a commercial or industrial development nor is it expected to have more than 15,000 vehicles per day. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 4 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Study Area Definition and Maps The proposed project contains parcel numbers 1123059092 and 11230590 IO totaling 4.55 acres. A map of the downstream can be found in Appendix B Downstream Drainage Map. 3.2 Resource Review Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports No Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports are available for the area that is within one mile of this project site. FEMA Maps A FEMA map dated May 16, 1995 number 53033C0982 F was reviewed. The site is not located within a floodplain as it is covered by "Zone X -Outside of 500-year floodplain. The FEMA Map is included in Appendix B. Sensitive Areas Folio The City of Renton Sensitive Area Maps are included in Appendix B. Below is a summary of the project site regarding Coal Mine Hazards, Erosion Hazards, Steep Slopes and Landslides: • Coal Mine Hazard -the site is not near a coal mine hazard. • Erosion Hazard -Low • Steep Slopes -The majority of the site has 2% slopes with the steepest slope under 15%. • Landslide Hazard -Low City of Renton Soil Survey The City of Renton Soil Survey Reference 11-C shows the site as having AgC or Alderwood (Till) soils. The Soils Map exhibit is included in Appendix B. Downstream Drainage Complaints Drainage complaints were researched within the study area. King County lists four complaints which have all been closed, therefore there are no current documented downstream problems associated with this project site. See the Drainage Complaint Exhibit Appendix B. 3.3 Field Investigation Upstream Tributary Area There is no upstream tributary area for this project. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 5 Level 1 Downstream Analysis Field Investigation A field investigation was completed on May 21, 2014. The temperature was approximately 60 degrees and sunny. The existing site has two residences with gravel driveways and a detached garage. The western quarter of the site is covered in lawn (surrounding the residences and garage) and the remaining site is forested with a wetland in the center of the site. The wetland drains south and overflows into a 12-inch storm drain in the Edenwood Plat which continues south to NE 61h Street. From NE 6'h Street, the 12-inch storm drain flows west where it has a confluence with the drainage system on the east side of Nile Avenue NE. Overland flow from the west portion of the site drains west to Nile Avenue NE and drains south in series of grass or rock lined ditches and culverts on the east side of the street. The open channels range from a depth of 1 foot and a width of 4 feet with rock lining on the north end of the site (Picture 1) to a vegetated channel with a depth of2 feet and width of3 feet just below the project's south property line. The ditch and culvert section continues south on the east side of Nile Avenue NE until approximately 300 feet north of NE 4th Pl, where it drains into an 18-inch storm drain and flows south. This is the quarter mile point downstream of the site. The City of Renton provides current storm water information online, using a GIS based system called COR Maps. COR Maps provides information on the type of pipes, manholes and catch basins in the city. Following the pipe flow direction from COR Maps, the 18-inch diameter concrete pipe crosses over to the west side of Nile Avenue just before it intersects with NE 4th street. The pipe then heads west down NE 4th street and crosses to the south side just before Jericho Avenue. The storm water pipe parallels Jericho Avenue running through private property until NE 2"d street. Picture 10 shows the manhole as the pipe crosses from the east side of Jericho Avenue and heads south down the center line of the road. Flow continues south until NE I" street, where the 36-inch pipe heads west and discharges into Maplewood Creek. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page6 I -Looking south in drainage ditch along the east side of Nile Avenue next to the site 3 -Looking south on the cast side of Nile Avenue just downstream of site 2 -Looking south along the east side of 1'/ile Avenue into first culvert 4 -Looking south along the cast side of Mic Avenue just before 'iE 6'" Street Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 7 ' ..... 5 -Looking at a concrete pipe junction with water flowing left to right (south) down Nile Avenue 7 -Looking south on the east side of Nile Avenue before NE 4'" Street 6 -Looking south on the east side of '1/ilc Avenue at the last drainage ditch before pipe flow 8 -Looking South at the intersection of 4'" and Nile Avenue where pipe flow crosses Nile Avenue from left to right (east to west) Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 8 9 -Existing man hole looking west on NE 4'" street ~-.::~~-.. ;. ~.,. ·1:~t~f ";.,.: to, . ''{ ' : :· '7!. ' : .. ,..,-~_:.,.,,:~, . . •'~~ . /":>.,, ;;, ~· " ,• ~:·~~ ~: .;~,~~ " . ''.•~;:_.,,,. I .-: .. ! ~.;·v .. ..: ···~x:· >. :-• ~' ... ~--'".'I·, .... -, ,· ---. ·< .. "'"~-.. ~\ , ~ ! __ (___ . ··~"~:~,\.:~ ~ ... '. :, . -.~ 11 -Storm water outlet into Vlaplewood stream next to Jericho Street 10 -Existing Man hole looking South down Jericho Avenue 12 -Looking at the downstream flow from Maplewood just after outlet Looking south on Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 9 3.4 Mitigation of Existing and Potential Problems Downstream Drainage Problems Requiring Special Attention Type 1 -Conveyance System Nuisance Problems There are no known, reported or observed current downstream conveyance nuisance problems. Type 2 -Severe Erosion Problems There are no known, reported or observed current downstream severe erosion problems Type 3-Severe Flooding Problems There are no known, reported or observed current downstream severe flooding problems. Department of Ecology 303d Listings Type I -Bacteria Problems There are no known or reported bacteria problems. Type 2 -Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Problems There are no known or reported dissolved oxygen problems. Type 3 -Temperature Problems There are no known or reported temperature problems. Type 4 -Metals Problems There are no known or reported downstream metals problems. Type 5 -Phosphorous Problems There are no known or reported downstream phosphorous problems. Type 6 -Turbidity Problems There arc no known or reported downstream turbidity problems. Type 7 -High pH Problems There are no known or reported high pH problems. Drainage Adjustments There is no drainage adjustment proposed for this project. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 10 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology The west quarter of the site has three structures with the surrounding area covered in lawn. It drains west to Nile Avenue NE at approximately 8 percent to a ditch flowing south at a 2 percent. Drainage remains on the east side of Nile Avenue NE in a series of ditches and culverts until NE 4th Place where it is piped until the outlet to Maplewood stream. The remaining area made up of forest and drains to a wetland in the center of the site. When the wetland overflows in will drain south and west connecting to the storm drain system in Nile Avenue. See Table 4-1 below and Figure 4-1: Existing Conditions. A site Soils Map is included in Appendix Band the KCRTS Hydrologic Soils Group table (Table 3.2.2.B) is included in Appendix C. Historic site conditions are assumed for the existing onsite area of 3.02 acres per Section of the 2009 KCSWDM (page 1-43) and are modeled as Till Forest. Table 4-1 Existinq Conditions Areas GROUND COVER AREA ( acres l Till-Forest (Draining to Nile Ave NE) 1.76 Till-Forest (Draining to Ex Wetland) 1.36 TOTAL 3.12 The peak flow rates for the pre-developed conditions as determined by KCRTS (one hour time steps) are shown below. A regional scale factor of ST 1.0 was used as determined by Figure 3.2.2.A in Appendix C. Draining to Nile Avenue NE (Vault) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14040_pre.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0 .111 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.030 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.082 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.003 8 3/24/04 20:00 0. 049 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.085 3 1/18/06 21:00 0.072 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.142 1 1/09/08 9:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.142 1 100.00 0.990 0 .111 2 25. 00 0. 960 0.085 3 10.00 0.900 0.082 4 5.00 0.800 0. 072 5 3.00 0.667 0.049 6 2.00 0.500 0.030 7 1. 30 0.231 0.003 8 1.10 0. 091 0 .132 50.00 0.980 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 11 Drainin!! to the Existin!! Wetland (Pond) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14040_pre.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.083 2 2/09/01 18:00 0.022 7 1/06/02 3:00 0.061 4 2/28/03 3:00 0.002 8 3/24/04 22:00 0.036 6 1/05/05 8:00 0.064 3 1/18/06 21:00 0.054 5 11/24/06 4:00 0.106 1 1/09/08 9:00 Computed Peaks 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.106 1 100.00 0.990 0.083 2 25. 00 0.960 0.064 3 10.00 0.900 0.061 4 5.00 0.800 0.054 5 3.00 0.667 0.036 6 2.00 0.500 0.022 7 1. 30 0.231 0.002 8 1.10 0.091 0.098 50.00 0.980 Proposed development of the property will include demolishing all existing structures and constructing 12 new single-family residences with associated roadway, utilities, open space and stormwater management facilities on the site. Half-street frontage improvements on Nile Avenue NE will be completed to provide 22 feet of pavement from the right of way centerline, curb and gutter an 8-foot planter and a 5-foot sidewalk. Lots 1-9 will drain to the detention/water quality vault in Tract C and discharge west to an existing ditch on the east side of Nile Avenue NE. Lots 10-12 will drain south to a detention/water quality pond in Tract A and discharge to the existing wetland in Tract B. There is a small portion of area at the intersection of Road B and NE 7'' Street that is unable to drain to the pond due to topographic constraints which will be modeled as bypass area. The developed condition areas are summarized in Table 4-2 and Figure 4-2 Developed Conditions Map. Table 4-2 Developed Condition Areas GROUND COVER AREA /acres) Till-Grass 0.65 Effective Impervious 1.11 TOTAL (To Vault) 1.76 Till-Grass 0.88 Effective Impervious 0.43 TOTAL (To Pond) 1.31 Till-Grass 0.01 Effective Impervious 0.04 TOTAL Bypass 0.05 Till-Grass 1.54 Effective Impervious 1.57 TOT AL (Site) 3.12 The undetained peak flow rates for the developed conditions as determined by KCRTS (one hour time steps) are shown below. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 12 Draining to Nile Avenue NE (Vault) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14040 dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.327 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.267 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.393 3 2/27 /03 7:00 0.289 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.348 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.347 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.420 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.662 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Draining to the Existing Wetland (Pond) Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14040 dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.183 4 2/09/01 2:00 0 .132 7 1/05/02 16:00 0.224 2 2/27/03 7: 00 0.124 8 8/26/04 2:00 0.154 6 10/28/04 16:00 0 .192 3 1/18/06 16:00 0.179 5 11/24/06 3:00 0.389 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks Pond Bvoass Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:14040_bypass.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0. 011 6 2/09/01 2:00 0.009 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.012 3 12/08/02 18:00 0.010 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.012 4 10/28/04 16:00 0.012 5 1/18/06 16:00 0.015 2 10/26/06 0:00 0.021 1 1/09/08 6:00 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.662 1 100.00 0.990 0.420 2 25.00 0. 960 0. 393 3 10.00 0.900 0.348 4 5.00 0.800 0. 347 5 3.00 0.667 0. 327 6 2. 00 0.500 0.289 7 1. 30 0.231 0.267 8 1.10 0.091 0.581 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.389 1 100.00 0.990 0.224 2 25.00 0. 960 0.192 3 10.00 0.900 0.183 4 5.00 0.800 0.179 5 3.00 0.667 0.154 6 2.00 0.500 0.132 7 1. 30 0.231 0.124 8 1.10 0. 091 0.334 50.00 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.021 1 100.00 0.990 0.015 2 25. 00 0.960 0.012 3 10.00 0.900 0 .012 4 5. 00 0.800 0 .012 5 3.00 0.667 0 .011 6 2. 00 0.500 0.010 7 1. 30 0.231 0.009 8 1.10 0.091 0.019 50.00 0.980 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 13 1 I I ,,,-,, ,, . ·-.~ ' ' ., \ ·," " 't- · .. I / / ",~ \ .ttr . -I\ I \R~~i~ ;'r,v ~~, -I"' (( ,-:-------,1: ~ II'_,..,. i,; 1> I/ l f-11· . I ~ , 1 ,1 , ~ Tl CD : ~,is....... I =-I I -,::!3~ :· o : • :1 ~ := lJ I> 1 J:> ,.J ~_::_ ______ _; I I ~ r;. ~ ..... : ~.I'-u r-~= '";::_=;;:_=-=_=_=_=_=,7111"--1 -~ "!l ·~ . - ' .·· Y i 1 --be'"' I) \ 1 I I (I> ~) I/ /,1 iro \ : I ~ ... Li' -"':•~•-•-•~•-•_•_•_•_•_•: ... "'t~"'--.:...J:~---..,;i!':(,w'."l-V \ If Jj { • 1 u 1 1 -I ., ill \\ - 9 '' \. . i '\ IJ -/ 1 .• , G 1 / r----------, I' 1 .-1 ~<:i. : / / : I I ' 1 • 1 . f/' 1 : 1 '-"'·r/111 ' \ i~ :,_/ 0 ~ f--' -----: ---'--f-lJ Y I · c.,;· '/' ' • 1 jr -.,, /' • _,,,,.,,,--( ', ' .. ...I /' ...,,_ ,::;::_-_::J ,1----L..,---t-,-+·i-tu "'r , / -- 11 ,. i I ./1 r1 r------1 ' '<.. /. --... I I .V y· ( -, -".. I : / ,,_ / 11 •: ( ~ /J 1 1 , : 1 )i; ) 1 1 !:,, I #-_,.. / I I -I I I ;:... I 1 /,f.·a:i I / I I f'I 141 1 1 1 r _, 1 1 1 -/ I I i I \... 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Z',. m\ G' -I r -u r ' ·,\1 'f), I I I J I I . ··-· ' --' ' NILE AVENUE NE r \ \,__ I • ., ' / I I I -_ l .--: ---- I I \ ~ ;~ \ () \J iii - ;I) ill r () I> ::! zo \J z ,, 0 r ,, 2 _---< I I " ~ I ~ /' -- -- I L --/ I / / -'- ) ' \ I \ I \ , \ / / ( -- ) ( -- \ \ \ \ \ ( I // \ ( r----.._/ J I/ .- / I I I ,,,----I / ' ( ,-__/ ,'-I / / ' / \ '-I '.. ---j ---- -------T .,, ______ _,,,,, , ---.... / -, \ ::; \l' ~ ,, 0 ill (J) -< / I ) I\ /~~ I I I 0 c ------~,~~-J ',! i!" I ( ----' / t ' ,,,!'.!_ /_:'> ~. I ,;: ___ \_/ I I --~,"' • I~ ~ /,t. ,,.,.....,, -I I _f' / -'\ ,.-- ...... ,'&' ...... ..... I (!' I ...... _..,.~ . I ...... '~~ Ill -< r £ \J I j I I --,, / ----, I ~ . I li: w "'-.---- m ~ ---'v-.-----1 V' IT1 , j ~~ -----, / -----I ----1 / .-/ I I I I -> -----~ ----!_ \ ! ,/ -----/ ---\ __ ,,,_-------I /'s, I ' I " \ I ' -- i \ I \/ / --------./, i;,L. / \ -~,,,n~ ""' ""' , , • ) ), ) . : I> () 'Tl 0 I I I I I I I I ' ' . ,·, ' I '' - ill (J) -< I \....._ __ ____J I 1 r I I I ;:j DA TE Af.JGI./Sf 20f.f 0 ~ '"""~ ~ rr1 DESIGNED SHEHIH, AIIJRATA P,l flt.~ '::: DRAWN RAN!}All R. lAMfR[ ~~ APPROVED SHERI H. J,/lJRATA P.[ ~ N, ~ LAFE H£RJ.1ANS£N ~ PROJECT MANAGER Vl ,o () > -' • fT1 ,-~ ~ ' II g (,< 0 I I lv?:=l~,-.2~ FIGURE 4-:1. EXISTING CONDlllONS WESTON HEIGHTS PROSPECTDEVELOPMENT,LLC 19/fO HIGHWAY 99, SI.if![ A /!J5 L'r'NtKJO/). WASHINGTCW 980.16 I'\ I \ r---, cORE ~DESIGN 1 47 r I NE 21111 Placo Sult& 1 01 &ari.vu.., Wcuhhgrcn 98007 425.885.7877 fox 4'J5.885.79o3 ENGINEERING· PLANNING SURVEYING - z m __J -I r (J) -I I ; i I ~ I 4.3 Performance Standards All stormwater facilities will be designed in accordance with the 2009 KCSWDM with the COR Amendments, with Flow Control Duration Standard Matching Forested Site Conditions. The proposed water quality treatment system will meet requirements from the Basic Water Quality Protection Menu. Flow Control: Duration Standard Matching Forested Site Conditions The Flow Control Duration Standard Matching Forested Site Conditions requires maintaining the durations of developed flows at their pre-development levels for all flows greater than one-half of the 2- year peak flow through the 50-year peak flow. The pre-development peak flow rates for the 2-year and I 0-year runoff events must also be maintained under this requirement. Conveyance Capacity The proposed conveyance system will be designed with sufficient capacity to convey and contain the 25- year peak flow as determined by the Rational Method. It will also be verified that the I 00-year peak flow will not create or aggravate a severe flooding or erosion problem per Section 1.2.2. Water Quality: Basic Water Quality Menu The Basic Water Quality Menu includes one pollutant removal targets: • Total Suspended Solids~ 80% reduction The Basic Water Quality Menu, described in detail in Section 6.1.1 of the 2009 KCSWDM (page 6-4), provides eight options to meet the pollutant removal targets listed above. • Option I: Biofiltration Swale • Ootion 2: Filter Strio • Option 3: Wetpond • Option 4: Wetvault • Option 5: Stormwater Wetland • Option 6: Combined Detention and Wetpool Facilities • Option 7: Sand Filter • Option 8: Stormfilter The project proposes to apply Option 3 and 4, a wetpond and a wetvault. More detailed discussion and preliminary sizing calculations of the flow control and water quality treatment facility proposed for this project follows later in this section. 4.4 Flow Control System Calculation of Lot Impervious Area The impervious area per lot applied to the developed basin time series file was determined using the criteria in the 2009 KCSWDM page 3-27 and page 3-2 of the COR Amendments. The proposed development is urban residential and the west portion of the site is zoned R-8. The minimum impervious area per lot per the 2009 KCSWDM (page 3-27) would either be 4,000 square feet or the maximum impervious area as stated in Section of the COR SWDMA, whichever is less. The maximum impervious surface allowed in the R-8, zone in the City of Renton, is 75%. The east portion of the site is zoned R-4 with a maximum impervious surface of 55%. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 16 Flow Control BMPs/lndividual Lot BMPs This project will not be served by an infiltration facility and therefore must apply flow control BMPs to supplement the flow mitigation provided by the detention vault and pond. This project has lots less than 22,000 square feet so it is subject to the small lot BMP requirements. Full dispersion and full infiltration of the roof runoff is not feasible, so one or more of the following BMPs must be applied to an impervious area equal to at least 10% of the lot for lots up to 11,000 square feet and 20% of the lot for lots between 11,000 and 22,000 square feet. • Limited Infiltration I • Basic Dispersion • Rain Garden • Permeable Pavement • Rainwater Harvesting • Vegetated Roof • Reduced Impervious Surface Credit • Native Growth Retention Credit This project will be implementing basic dispersion or other menu items that may be feasible at the time of acquiring building permits on impervious area equal to 10% of the lot area for lots 1-9 since they are less than 11,000 square feet. Lots 10-12 will be implementing dispersion on impervious area equal to 20% of the lot area since these lots are greater than 11,000 square feet. This area draining to the flow control BMP on each lot will be modeled as 50% impervious and 50% grass. Table 4-3 below summarizes the breakdown of the onsite areas. Table 4-3 Onsite Areas Total Area Land Use Area Lot Effective Individual Lot (sf) Impervious (sf) lmoervious (sf) Till Grass (sf) BMP (sf) 1 5,279 3.959 3,695 1,584 528 2 4,618 3,464 3,233 1,385 462 3 5,321 3,991 3,725 1,596 532 4 5,614 4,000 3,719 1,895 561 5 4,908 3.681 3,436 1,472 491 6 5,710 4,000 3,715 1,996 571 7 5,911 4,000 3,704 2,207 591 8 5,978 4,000 3,701 2,277 598 9 5,527 4,000 3,724 1,803 553 Tract A 8,891 2,001 2,001 6,890 ROW 18,879 22,489 13.616 5,263 Total to 76,636 48,268 28,368 Vault (sO Total to 1.76 1.11 0.65 Vault (ac) 10 14,009 4,000 2,599 11,410 2802 11 13,129 4,000 2,687 10,442 2626 12 12,414 4,000 2,759 9,655 2483 RoadB 5,107 4,337 4,337 770 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 17 Tract C 12,383 6,247 6,247 6,136 Total to 57,042 18,629 38,413 Pond (sD Total to 1.31 0.43 0.88 Pond (acl Pond 2,022 1,657 1,657 365 B~nass /sD Pond 0.05 0.04 0.01 . Bvnass (ac) TOTAL 135,700 68,554 67,146 Site (sD TOTAL 3.12 1.57 1.54 Site /acl Notes: 1. Impervious Area= 4,000 sf or 75% of the Total Area for Lots 1-9, 55% for Lots I 0-12 whichever is less 2. Effective Impervious Area= Impervious Arca -Individual Lot BMP 3. Pervious Grass Area= Total Area -Impervious Area 4. Individual Lot BMP Area= I 0% of Total Area for Lots l-9 and 20% for Lots 10-12 (This area would not drain to the vault) Therefore, there is a total of 1. 96 acres draining to the vault consisting of 1.31 acres of effective impervious area and 0.65 acres of till-grass. There is 1.31 acres draining to the pond consisting of0.43 acres of effective impervious area and 0.88 acres of till-grass. There is 0.05 ac of area that will bypass the pond consisting of 0.04 ac of effective impervious and 0.01 ac of Till-Grass. The total developed area for the project is 3.32 acres consisting of 1.78 acres of impervious and 1.54 acres of till-grass. Detention Modeling The proposed detention vault (82 'x62') will be located at the south west comer of the site adjacent to Nile Avenue NE with 4. 7 feet of live storage. KCRTS Vault Calculation Type of Facility: Detention Vault 80.00 ft 62.00 ft Facility Length: Facility Width: Facility Area: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice # 1 2 Height (ft) 0.00 3.05 4960. 4.70 509.00 23312. 4.70 12.00 2 Diameter (in) 0.68 1.44 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None sq. ft ft ft cu. ft ft inches Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.027 0.072 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Page 18 The proposed detention vault includes a two orifice control structure. The first orifice is 11/16 inches in diameter and is at the bottom of the riser. The second orifice is 3.05 feet above the live/dead interface elevation and is I 7/16 inch in diameter. The proposed vault will have a maximum live storage depth of 4.78 feet (0.08 feet above the riser) with a maximum storage volume of23,713 cubic feet. Target Cale Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0.66 ******* 0.35 4.78 513.78 23713. 0.544 2 0.33 ******* 0.09 4.49 513.49 22249. 0 .511 3 0.39 0.10 0.08 4.12 513.12 20424. 0.469 4 0.33 ******* 0.08 3.95 512.95 19569. 0 .449 5 0.35 ******* 0.04 3.21 512. 21 15906. 0.365 6 0.21 0.06 0.02 2.97 511. 97 14729. 0.338 7 0.27 ******* 0.02 2.90 511. 90 14364. 0.330 8 0.29 ******* 0.02 1. 78 510.78 8847. 0.203 The outflow from the detention vault control structure releases 0.02 cfs for the 2-year event and 0.08 cfs for the JO-year event. These release rates are below the pre-developed peak flows of 0.06 cfs and 0.10 cfs for the 2-year and I 0-year rates, respectively. Therefore, the proposed facility meets the peak release rate requirements. The flow duration comparison analysis results for the provided detention vault are shown below. There is less than I 0% excursion between the 2-year and 50-year release rate and the curve is entirely under the target curve for the required range of 50% of the 2-year to the full 2-year pre-developed tlowrates. Therefore, the proposed detention facility meets the flow duration requirement. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 19 Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 14040_pre. tsf New File: rdout vault.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base 0.025 0.92E-02 0.57E-02 -37. 9 I 0.92E-02 0.025 0.031 0.62E-02 0.50E-02 -19.3 I 0.62E-02 0. 031 0.038 0.49E-02 0.45E-02 -7.0 I 0.49E-02 0.038 0. 045 0.37E-02 0.36E-02 -0.9 I 0.37E-02 0.045 0.051 0.28E-02 0.26E-02 -6.4 I 0.28E-02 0.051 0.058 0.22E-02 0.20E-02 -7.4 I 0.22E-02 0.058 0.065 0.15E-02 0.17E-02 13 .3 I 0.15E-02 0.065 0.071 0.99E-03 0 .12E-02 24.6 I 0.99E-03 0.071 0.078 0.60E-03 0.83E-03 37.8 I 0.60E-03 0.078 0.084 0.34E-03 0.44E-03 28.6 I 0.34E-03 0.084 0.091 0.21E-03 0.24E-03 15.4 I 0.21E-03 0.091 0.098 0.16E-03 0.82E-04 -50.0 I 0.16E-03 0.098 0.104 O.llE-03 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I O.llE-03 0.104 0 .111 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0 .111 Maximum positive excursion= 0.005 cfs ( 7.1%) occurring at 0.076 cfs on the Base Data:14040_pre.tsf and at 0.081 cfs on the New Data:rdout vault.ts£ Maximum negative excursion= 0.009 cfs (-29.4%) occurring at 0.032 cfs on the Base Data:14040_pre.tsf and at 0.022 cfs on the New Data:rdout vault.ts£ New %Change 0.021 -15.0 0.022 -28.9 0.033 -13. 9 0.044 -0.9 0.050 -2.3 0.056 -3.7 0.068 5.6 0.075 4.9 0.082 6.0 0.086 2.2 0. 092 1.4 0.094 -3.7 0.096 -7.7 0.099 -10.7 The proposed detention pond will be located at the south east comer of the site at the end of the private road connecting to NE 7'" Place with 3.3 feet of live storage. KCRTS Pond Calculation Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage 0 Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Number Orifice# 1 2 of Diameter: orifices: Height (ft) 0.00 2.40 2.40 H:lV 80.00 ft 40.00 ft 3200. sq. ft 6103. sq. ft 0 .140 acres 3.30 ft 520.00 ft 13972. cu. ft 0.321 ac-ft 3.30 12.00 2 Diameter (in) 0.56 1.38 ft inches Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.016 0.049 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Page 20 The proposed detention pond includes a two orifice control structure. The first orifice is 9/16 inches in diameter and is at the bottom of the riser. The second orifice is 2.4 feet above the live/dead interface elevation and is 1 3/8 inch in diameter. The proposed vault will have a maximum live storage depth of 3.32 feet with a maximum storage volume of 14,061 cubic feet. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 0.39 0.12 3.32 523.32 14061. 0.323 2 0.18 0.06 3.16 523.16 13245. 0. 304 3 0.22 0.05 3.00 523.00 12387. 0.284 4 0.18 0.04 2.69 522.69 10845. 0.249 5 0.19 0.03 2.49 522.49 9874. 0.227 6 0 .11 0.01 2.38 522.38 9357. 0 .215 7 0 .13 0.01 2.28 522.28 8899. 0.204 8 0.12 0.01 0.97 520.97 3382. 0.078 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir POC Outflow Outflow Inflow Inflow Target Cale 1 0.12 0.02 ******** ******* 0.12 2 0.06 0.01 ******** ******* 0.06 3 0.05 0.01 ******** 0.06 0.06 4 0.04 0.01 ******** ******* 0.04 5 0.03 0.01 ******** ******* 0.03 6 0.01 0.01 ******** 0.03 0.02 7 0.01 0.01 ******** ******* 0.02 8 0.01 0.01 ******** ******* 0.02 The outflow from the detention vault control structure releases 0.02 els for the 2-year event and 0.06 cfs for the 10-year event. These release rates are below the pre-developed peak flows of0.03 cfs and 0.06 cfs for the 2-year and 10-year rates, respectively. Therefore, the proposed facility meets the peak release rate requirements. The flow duration comparison analysis results for the provided detention vault are shown below. There is less than I 0% excursion between the 2-year and 50-year release rate and the curve is entirely under the target curve for the required range of 50% of the 2-year to the full 2-year pre-developed flowrates. Therefore, the proposed detention facility meets the flow duration requirement. Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 14040_pre.tsf New File: dsout_pond.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base 0.018 0.99E-02 0.77E-02 -22.4 I 0.99E-02 0.018 0.023 0.64E-02 0.56E-02 -12.8 I 0.64E-02 0.023 0.028 0.50E-02 0.46E-02 -8.8 I 0.50E-02 0.028 0.033 0.38E-02 0.35E-02 -7.8 I 0.38E-02 0.033 0.038 0.29E-02 0.27E-02 -6.7 I 0.29E-02 0.038 0.043 0.22E-02 0.17E-02 -24.3 I 0.22E-02 0.043 0.048 0.15E-02 0.14E-02 -10.6 I 0.15E-02 0. 048 0.053 0.lOE-02 O.lOE-02 -1. 6 I 0.lOE-02 0.053 Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Tolerance------- New %Change 0.016 -13.1 0.020 -13. 3 0.026 -6.7 0.032 -3.5 0.036 -5.3 0.041 -4.9 0.046 -4. 3 0.053 -0.1 Page 21 0.058 0.65E-03 0.64E-03 -2.5 0.65E-03 0.058 0.063 0.34E-03 0.36E-03 4.8 0.34E-03 0.063 0.068 0.23E-03 0.33E-04 -85.7 0.23E-03 0.068 0.072 0.16E-03 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-03 0.072 0.077 0. llE-03 O.OOE+OO -100.0 O.llE-03 0. 077 0.082 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 0.16E-04 0.082 Maximum positive excursion= 0.001 cfs ( 2.1%) occurring at 0.059 cfs on the Base Data,14040_pre.tsf and at 0.060 cfs on the New Data,dsout_pond.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.014 cfs (-17.9%) occurring at 0.080 cfs on the Base Data,14040_pre.tsf and at 0.065 cfs on the New Data,dsout_pond.tsf 4.5 Water Quality Calculations Basic Wetvault 0.057 -0.5 0.063 0.2 0.064 -5.4 0.065 -10.9 0.065 -16.2 0.068 -17.5 A Basic Wetvault includes a permanent wetpool that allows for the removal of 80% of Total Suspended Solids. Section outlines a 4-step process to calculate the required wetpool volume. Step 1: Identify required wetpool volume factor /f) A basic wetpond requires a volume factor of 3.0. Step 2: Determine rainfall (R) for the mean annual storm Figure 6.4.1.A (page 6-71 in the 2009 KCSWDM, included below and in Appendix C) is used to determine the rainfall, in inches, for the mean annual storm. The rainfall is then converted into feet for use in Equation 6-13 (shown below). The mean annual storm rainfall for this project site is 0.47" as noted on Figure 6.4.1.A included in Appendix C. Step 3: Calculate runoff from the mean annual storm (V,) for the developed site The land cover types and associated areas for each in the developed project site are used to calculate the amount of rainfall, in cubic feet, that runs off each land cover type. Coefficients specific to the four U.S. Department of Agriculture soil survey cover categories are weighted by the drainage areas and then multiplied by the rainfall, R, from Step 2. Equation 6-13 V,. = (0.9A; + O.ZSA,9 + O.lOA,1 + O.OlA 0 )x(R) where V, ~ calculated volume of runoff from mean annual storm A,~ area of impervious surface (57,141 sf) A,, ~ area of till soil covered with grass (28,368 sf) A,r~ area of till soil covered with forest (0 st) A,~ area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (0 sf) R ~ rainfall from mean annual storm (0.039 ft) Using Equation 6-13 above and the land cover areas in the developed basin calculations, the volume of runoff from the mean annual storm is 2,292 cubic feet. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 22 Step 4: Calculate wetpool volume /V bl The numbers/ results from the previous steps are used in Equation 6-14 (shown below) to calculate the required wetpool volume. Equation 6-14 Vb = fVr where Vb= calculated required minimum wetpool volume f = volume factor from Step I (3.0) V, = volume of runoff from mean annual storm (2,292 cf) Using Equation 6-14 above and the results from the previous steps, the required minimum wetpool volume, V. is 6,876cubic feet. The proposed wetpool yields a volume of 7,355 cubic feet. Basic Wetpond A Basic Wetpond includes a permanent wetpool that allows for the removal of 80% of Total Suspended Solids. Section outlines a 4-step process to calculate the required wetpool volume. Step I: Identify required wetpool volume factor /f) A basic wetpond requires a volume factor of 3.0. Step 2: Determine rainfall /R) for the mean annual storm figure 6.4.1.A (page 6-71 in the 2009 KCSWDM, included below and in Appendix C) is used to determine the rainfall, in inches, for the mean annual storm. The rainfall is then converted into feet for use in Equation 6-13 (shown below). The mean annual storm rainfall for this project site is 0.47'' as noted on Figure 6.4.1.A included in Appendix C. Step 3: Calculate runoff from the mean annual storm (Vrl for the developed site The land cover types and associated areas for each in the developed project site are used to calculate the amount of rainfall, in cubic feet, that runs off each land cover type. Coefficients specific to the four U.S. Department of Agriculture soil survey cover categories are weighted by the drainage areas and then multiplied by the rainfall, R, from Step 2. Equation 6-13 V,. = (0.9A; + 0.25Atg + 0.lOAtf + 0.0lA0 )x(R) where V, = calculated volume of runoff from mean annual storm A,= area of impervious surface (18,629 sf) A,,= area of till soil covered with grass (38,413 sf) A,r = area of till soil covered with forest (0 sf) A,= area of outwash soil covered with grass or forest (0 sf) R = rainfall from mean annual storm (0.039 ft) Using Equation 6-13 above and the land cover areas in the developed basin calculations, the volume of runoff from the mean annual storm is 1,033 cubic feet. Step 4: Calculate wetpool volume /Vbl Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 23 The numbers I results from the previous steps are used in Equation 6-14 (shown below) to calculate the required wetpool volume. Equation 6-14 where vb= fV,. Vb~ calculated required minimum wetpool volume f~ volume factor from Step I (3.0) V, ~ volume of runoff from mean annual storm (1,033 cf) Using Equation 6-14 above and the results from the previous steps, the required minimum wetpool volume, V. is 3,098 cubic feet. The proposed wetpool yields a volume of 4,080 cubic feet. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 24 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The onsite conveyance system will be analyzed using the King County Back Water (KCBW) program per the requirements described in Chapter 4 of the 2009 KCSWDM during Final Engineering. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 25 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 26 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES The geotechnical report for this project completed by Liu and Associates, Inc. dated November 10, 2008 and is provided under a separate cover. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 28 7 OTHER PERMITS ~ NPDES Permit ~ Building Permits ~ ROW Use Permit ~ Demolition Permit ~ Vault Permit Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 30 8 ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This section will be completed during Final Engineering. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 31 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 32 9 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.1 Bond Quantities A Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet will be included prior to approval of the final engineering plans. 9.2 Facility Summaries Not applicable. 9.3 Declaration of Covenant Not applicable. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 33 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 34 10 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The operations and maintenance information will be provided at Final Engineering. Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 35 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Core Design, Inc. WESTON HEIGHTS Page 36 Appendix A Parcel & Basin Information ~ King Count',' Aho.cars .:,t your Se/'VYCE' KCGIS Parcel Reports Districts and Development Condit:ons Report Find Your Council District Find Your Watershed KCGIS Center King County GIS Center King Street Center 201 S Jackson St Suite 706 Seattle, WA 98104 giscenjer@!(ingcoun!y__c_Qov + 47 59909 N · 122 33136 W + 47" 35' 56 72" -122' 19' 52 90" HOME NEWS S:'RVJCES :JIRc::CTORY (:QNTACT$earcr1 rerr'lS /. -------:--·------------1 [ Search KCGIS Center www.KingCounty.gov/GIS King County Districts and Development Conditions for parcel 1123059092 Parcel number 1123059092 Drainage Lower Cedar River and Address 684 NILE AVE Basin May Creek NE WfJ.leratiec Ci::!:tac Bint l L.aki:: Jurisdiction Renton WashingtQn Zipcode 98069 l'.YB18 Cedar·Sammamish 18) Krotl Map page 806 PLSS SW-11-23-5 Thomas Guide 656 Latitude 47.49353 page Longitude -122.14297 Electoral Districts ~---·-····· ------------- Voting district RNT 11-3404 Fire district does not apply King County Council district District 9, RH9i!D (J:ynn Water district King County Water mstrict (206) 477-90 1009 ~ Sewer district does not apply Congressional district 9 Water & Sewer district does not apply Legislative district 11 Parks & Recreation does not apply School district lssaguah #411 district Seattle school board district does not apply (not in Hospital district do .. not apply Seattle) Rural library district Rural King County Library District Court electoral district Southeast System Tribal Lands? No _Ki_ng_C_ounty_planning ancl critical areas designations ____ ---~---_ King County zoning Develqpment conditions Comprehensive Plan Urban Growth Area Community Service Area Community Planning Area Coal mine hazards? Erosion hazards? Landslide hazards? Seismic hazards? NA, check with jurisdiction None um Urban does not apply Newcastle None mapped None mapped None mapped None mapped Potential annexation area Rural town? Water service planning area Roads MPS zone Tfansportation Concurrency Management Forest Production district? Agricultural Production district? Critical aquifer recharge area? 100-year flood plain? Wetlands at this parcel? Within the Tacoma Smelter Plume? _ R~late_dr~s2urci)_s ___ ··-···----~---· does not apply No does not apply 443 does not apply No No None mapped None mapped ID= 3723B Rating= 4 (NWI) 20.1 ppm to 40.0 ppm in Soil http://www5 .king county .gov/kcgisreports/dd _report.aspx?P!N = l l 23059092 6/3/2014 KCGIS Parcel Reports Districts and Development Conditions Report Find Your Council District Find Your Watershed KCGIS Genier King County GIS Center King Street Center 201 S Jackson St Suite 706 Seattle, WA 98104 g iscen te r@k lrJ.9.£Q.\ffi.!Y.,_g QX + 47 59909 N -122 33136 W + 47° 35' 56 72" -122· 19' 52 90" _H_O_M_E __ N_E_W_S __ S_E_R_V-JC_E_S_ --D-JR_E_C_T_O_R_Y_ CONTAClSearch Terms· cL _________ J ~~:iJ KCGIS Center www.KingCounty.gov/GIS King County Districts and Development Conditions for parcel 1123059010 .,, .. ., .. Parcel number 1123059010 Address 650 NILE AVE Drainage Basin Lower Cedar River and May Creek NE Jurisdiction Renton Zipcode 98059 Kroll Map page 806 Thomas Guide 656 page Electoral Districts Voting distrid King County Council district Congressional district Legislative district School distrtct Seattle school board district Watershed 'flBl8 PLSS Latitude longitude Cedar River I Lake Washington Cedar-Sammamish (8) SW-11-23-5 47-49314 -122.14297 ----------------·-· --- RNT 11-3404 District 9, Reagan Dunn (20G) 477. 1009 ~ 9 11 Issaquah #411 does not apply (not in Seattle) Fire district does not apply Water district King County Water District 90 Sewer district does not apply Water & Sewer district does not apply Parks & Recreation does not apply district Hospital district Rural library district does not apply District Court electoral district Southeast Rural King County Library System Tribal Lands? No King County planning and critical areas designations King County zoning Development conditions Comprehensive Ptan Urban Growth Area Community Service Area Community Planning Area Coal mine hazards? Erosion hazards? Landslide hazards? Seismic hazards? Related resources . --··--·' --·------ NA, check with jurisdiction None um Urban does not apply Newcastle None mapped None mapped None mapped None mapped Potential annexation area Rural town? Water service planning area Roads MPS zone Transpor1ation Concurrency Management Forest Production district? Agricultural Production district? Critical aquifer recharge area? 100-year flood plain? Wetlands at this parcel? Y'Ylthio the racoma Smeller ~? does not apply No does not apply 443 does not apply No No None mapped None mapped ID = 3723B Rating = 4 (NWI) 20.1 ppm to 40.0 ppm Esrimaled Af5enii: Con1:<1nlr:;ition in s.,;1 http://www5.kingcounty.gov/kcgisreports/dd _report.aspx?PIN=l 1230590 I 0 6/3/2014 Appendix B Resource Review & Off-site Analysis Documentation ~ ~ ~ < ''\PfT So,. T-_t.A ': T N~ ~ST ~l'i[.! ?1<0 o 1:: er <S'ITG 11 KING COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 530071 Ht-4TH SI ,6,.Pl-'R:)X.11v1~ 1 l:. s.:_AL£ IN H.~ ~ ~\i'.) IJ :,oc, ~-==r= } v-r,<&c• •~•at. <,>.•o-, ·.~,-;«.'. IIAPIIIIIIIEI 53033C0982 F 111P IE'IISED. , IIAY Ii. 199S , ,l).,, ... ,,,., -~ .... ~~ "' • ..;.-1,..;· ;:,,1;;;. ..-,-..:.;., .. o1 a......:!"·~ 1 .._..,.lra<::l90"""~"·M<T{:;<>-L,,..,. n.•--~,,,.flc..:.t~- ,;r-.unc-..=rr-_., ....... -ti,e,e.., ... _ • .i:.~ !<; tl\t .,.,...,. ~" 1".C 11r,c, ril<K"l< For me ,.-.1 pO.S..cl 1nfb<m..Oon .ao..r Nl>IOor,.al ~ood '""'"'M>L<ir ... _~_!O<td T-~,w:>~• l"t" ~t."""' f'-~ ~IQ'~ 01f -~ ..,. .. ~"-~- i. "~.--1 ... ? / ! \: !· ' I • ' ... , 1, '· ., < -~. ·~. ··----·--' ,., • ' ,_ - / ,. . i \ I C. ' "'""""'" :) ' ,. \1 .. C· -~-----\c· AQUIFER PROTECTION ZONES e Technical Services Planning/Bui .. rig/J>ublic WOlb R. Mat;.Ow, D. Vlsneskl JII\Wlry 22, 20Clll R&nltm Municipal Coda -Zona,1 · Zone 1 Modified -Zon&2 Citvlimb ( Reference 11-B i ! I __ J ;'____ ')· / r_. r/ \'-" / V I \t / \~ J-\ I '. z • Wellfield Capture Zon&S One YearCaplure Zone Fi~e Year Caplure Zone D Ten Yea~ Capture Zone Cedar Valley Sole Source Aquifer Project Review Area S1,eamnow Source >'rea Aquifer Protection Area Zones f::{{I Zone 1 ;(_~ Zone I Mcd1f,ed ~Zone2 Network Structure • Produclrnn 'Nell • Springbrook S~nngs Cedar Val'ey Sole Source Aquofer [.":~j Renlon City _1rn11s [:J Potenhal Anne~at,on Area Groundwater Protection Areas Dale: 01/09/2014 w., s 0 2 Miles i I N I -n .. ·--.... ' '\ '· i ! ft. .,C. .jl/,'. lf ,_ ·H i I ,, " •' ., " l, '''1· I -~~.'!;,' _· " i' . '_., ' ' l l, I l- 1 '···1·· ' 'I I -i :1 l'i / I\ I -I ' ' ,i ,-; '" ,, i / I \ ? -!' .. ;·;·;.r: ri s. : ,,1 I ' . ,~..- ·//.· .. i: '"'" -,j ...... • •. ."< h,. I -, .. ., .. , ·.\ i I, . , ----l-. .........L~--~-.1 ,. ! ! :-I . ,._ :_:·:} 1 _I , i_ 'Jr. Information Technology-GIS mapsupport@renlonwa.gov Printed on: 08/13/2012 Data Sources: Ci\)" of Renton. King County This document is a graphic representation, mX guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information avai(able as of the date shown fh1s map is intended for City display purposes only Coordiruml Sy&tam NAD 1083 HARN Sla/flP/Qm, W,uhmgkm Noflh F/PS 4~QI Feol Projedian. Lamberl Conformal Can;c; D,1/um: North Amen·can 1!J81 HARN !..~j Renton City Limits .t Education .tJ Flee Statloas * Police Department (:] Valley Medical Center :! ' City of Renton Sensitive Areas ''· i I --1 1:. i:' ! • r 'i j •. ~./'' 1 .~. ' / ' . Jh I ;[, _,. 'I [ ! :t ,, ii . ,,11 11 0 0.2s as I I ··~----' -·-· ._ Milt-$ ·---j Landslide Hazard Severity M Very High M High Moderate Unctassified ,' i[i· 0 ' ' ! • .,.:· ' ... I.~. I I / ; t 1;; T111~ do!;umelll 15 ii Q:tilpl\,c r11pt11wnlm1Qn. noi o:~or•nlnd lo -y acc\lBCj, Md ,,~on1"8 t1o111 cr,lo,,...111:1n awH11bln u of 11!<1 <t•1e ,t,o,,n, Tlw1 map 1\ ..,flllnlkl(l lor City display pu<p0!1eS only. rnlo!fflal"ln T~y. GIS meosupp0rt@re11tonwe ,;io>' PfJ/'l\ecl en: 1211112012 Mcrti F11i:lerai Erm,rgency M.1.,agemant Agancy maps availall1e M 1ne FEMA w11b5:l11 al www.tema IJllwha:zan:1/mapil~de~ shim 0666F ' . , ' '• 0667F ·-- Dela Sources Crty orRonlon, ~EMA FIRM reviseil May 11!. \gg5 t;e\lar '<,ver rJcod halilrtl ome uooa(ed with FEMA Ce<:!a, R.v;,r 1..0MR (Case nc Oll-1 O-B5BQP) approved Deca~•ber 4. 201)(1 ... ZoneAE, A.AH.AO -RegLilaiory C=3 Renton Cay Limits I , I,\ \I i' ~ .•. N j t J _./;, r ,/ .; i'.c -I ' \ ',\ ,', _,I!. I ,,1 \, · rift 1· ,· . :f"""'" "1- 1 1';" ' ,' ! •l ... .l i -_J, Information Technology-GrS mapsupport@rentonwa go\/ Prided on: 08/13/2012 Data Sources City of Renton, King County I..' ,[ (' '' ! .. I .. · .t' ' !' This document is a graphic representation, not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and is based on the best information available as of lhe date shown Tnis map is intended for City dispiay purposes only. Coordm.te Sys/em: NAD 1983 11/J.RN .Sta/oPI'-""' Wa.,11~,gfort Norlh FIPS 4501 Feel Prniedl()f): L"mberl Conformal Conic Do/um Norll1 American 1983 HARN ' . !! ~~j Renton City Limits !. Education ,ii Fice Statioos * Police Deparlment rn Valley Medical Center City of Renton Sensitive Areas ' .t -.I, 0 ' '- ·-·I'. 0.25 0.5 Miles Erosion Hazard Severity High ·-~- 1·. ".\ r J r I \\") N .4"<. l t ·,:-:-... ·. I ' .,. ,jJ : : '' 41 :4i I ¥··· '· ij ··,.' ' ·1 . (! \_.\;. f.'-·, .... , ti . -1 )~:-?··· 1 ...... ; ·.:." ._:<j ,_.r-- I I i Information Tectmology -GlS mapsupport@rentonwa.gov Printed on: oa10112012 \ jl ··1 I . ' . ·, ,.,"' ' ' I I· I ... I',/ /·' Data Sources: City of Renton, King County _,/ \ ' This documen! is a graphic representation, not guaranteed to survey accuracy, and 1s based on the best information available as of the date shown. This map is intended for City display purposes only. ·t." ' ji j, .. ·f! ·.'-1 CoordinG/8 SyaJem NAO fg53 HARN S/916Plane WBsl!ingl'on Nortl! F/PS ~60f Feel Projection: Lambert c,mformBI Conic 0,,/um Norltr AmericS/1 1983 HARN ( ' ''· '\ J; J; ' -~ .. ;; . . ' )•_/; "'.''.! ' :, ' I• ;; "-'-,:_I ___ _ l Education Iii} Fi,e Statioos * Po!1ca Department £:) Valley Medical Center (ii Renton City Limits < ' '. City of Renton Sensitive Area •· ,. :! ' ' 0 Coal Mine Hazards Severity M HIGH MODERATE UNCLASSIFIED 0.25 05 1 Miles ______ J r~. Cityol' ~-----r 1 ;-[l[(j(I -"''. :::· ,, \:·_ c.·;J Reference 11-C City of Renton Soil Survey Map Public Works Surface \Nater UtHity G Del Rosario 12/22/2009 ---- r~---· _ r):·.·r,~') 0 0.5 Miles c::J G1'1>1ln<M•ter Prot,ctionArea Boundl!Y ~uifef Prolllction ArH Zona 1 0 Aqu,19 FfalKIID~ Ahia Zona 1 Modifled t:·.:1 Renlon Oly U1T1b!, ~ N ' -I ,,..... ___ -I ' .,.,. sr -" -Renton ! ! ~ ' 0 ~ ~ z ; ~ i ......... """ll"'" .. .... A. :" i< I 20C1t~~11 •crwcr I rJf w ~ ." I ' i I .----:-• -~ NE 4TH ST i ! iii I ""~""" _ ... J/11 -Iii R Complai Prahl Recd Date Close Date Address Comments ec nt No em 1 2006-RFN 7/28/2006 8/31/2006 12601 148TH AVE SE Stormwater from 148 Ave SE. Inv found 2 developments 0515 (under DDES) contributing. Provided DOES contacts. I 1996-RUN 10/11/1996 11/8/1996 12227 148TH AVE SE ADJACENT PROPERTY IMPACTS FILLING??? 1771 OFF ;, 1996-WET 2/7/1996 2/27/1996 12227 148TH AVE SE SAME AS 96-01S7 0323 LAN D 1 1996-DIGG 2/7/1996 2/26/1996 12227 148TH AVE SE EXC IN WETLAND 0157 ING Figure 3-1 Downstream Drainage Complaints Notes Ncll>e 0 Ci~fl l '111a111<c' & I r I l i\'i,ici n MA? ti:lM. wtlll,!--!!=!!. S'-~ 't)OWN.s'fl:'£AM. ~I~ Legend Qty and County Bounda,y ~; C.ltr~R~ Parcels New."Olil Struciures o ""' -""· D V, r,V,.• L.' o...., ''\ T>nl ' v .. , "'- P,pe Cuvert Open 0r3Jns Fac1lrty Oull ine Prrv:,IA N"""""°' Stn1 r.t11r<>, l nfonn.1t1on T,e,chnology G,s Jt• t , , •r "ti' -·"\'"'1 ;'.;· : • ' '-,~ 11"1 ',;IT'l.:.I '1.,· ~ · j ~ P, .111 l ~ .. n·.on"-~.Jr'3upp-;,rt@~9r.:onw J ~o·: ~·-::-··~ 11. r~-, ., ....... 1~ .,., ·t. i' •r 1,-II• I ·., .... ;· ~; ~-t"'I ., ~t 5/2312 014 Thi", MAP ,!:, l'.OT TO 5t: u::;t:u FOR MA i 11,;A I 10'1 Notes None 0 C ity of Rerlton Fin .111 .:c & IT I llvi.~ion ~AIN~ Legend City and County Boundary o:r- ~.! (,ryolRo-on Parcels Network Structures D ""' 1o1-. CJ \ft ,yv,., \.fnL!':OW,~ 6,.• f'.11nlrnl S in ,r-h'"' hiformatlofl Tf'chnology . GIS Re,ntot1M~pS upPQrt@Re,,10nW~.gov 5/23/2014 Oeten!Jon F ~ities V P- 0 Tank v,.,. Pipe Culvert Open Drains Facility Ou tline Priv;alA Ni>two,k ~1n 1r.lur~ f,-,-rr'l;!1t ,•,.-.ry ... i\T'" .. ~.Jn"~f" )C; v-,o 'i",r·•'.,.....ot -I .. C1•1.1, ... ,t-i,,.,.~pti'.)l' r:r:'5rJ~ ,,,. "'1"11 1 -. ·• •· THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NA'JIGA TION Appendix C Pond Sizing I _, ~ ·sw1t'~St>' I f. J Reference 11-A Peak Rate Flow Control Standard (Existing Sit1:1 Conditions) Flow Control Dural:ion Slandard (Exis~ng Site Condi~ons) ~1~ Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Conditions) : \ I ,· .. \ , I I \ \ ' se:1_:1~p1 s.' SE:'r2-JJJ>I ,, ·\:. 'I ~_;, '--'. \ \ , ',cc~\ ' /\ •. __ Flow Control Application Map N A Printed 1/14/2010 0 2 Miles SECTION 3.2 Rli1'0FF COMPUTATJOJ-,; AND ANALYSIS METHODS FIGURE 3.2.2.A RAINFALL REGIONS AND REGIONAL SCALE FACTORS ST 1.1 ST 1.1 ST 1.0 Rainfall Regions and Regional Scale Factors ; _____ Incorporated Area --.r= River/Lake Major Road 1/912009 3-22 LA 0.9 LA 1.0 LA 1.2 ~lfQlfQl,IISH ~OUlfTY l;l · ,o.,,,i ~ou11TY- LA 1.0 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 3.2.2 KCRTS/RU!\OFF FJl.f'.S METHOD-GENERATING TIME SE!llr.S ·--- TABLE 3.2.2.B EQUIV ALEN CE BETWEEN SCS SOIL TYPES AND KCRTS SOIL TYPES SCS Soil Type scs KCRTS Soil Notes Hydrologic Group Soil Group Alderwood (AgB, Age, AgD) e Till Arents, Alderwood Material (AmB, Ame) e Till Arents, Everett Material (An) B Outwash 1 Beausite (Bee, BeD, BeF) e Till 2 Bellingham (Bh) D Till 3 Brisco! (Br) D Till 3 Buckley (Bu) D Till 4 Earlmont (Ea) D Till 3 Edgewick (Ed) e Till 3 Everett (EvB, Eve, EvD, Ewe) A/B Outwash 1 Indianola (lne, lnA, lnD) A Outwash 1 Kitsap (KpB, KpC, KpD) C Till Klaus (Kse) e Outwash 1 Neilton (NeC) A Outwash 1 Newberg (Ng) B Till 3 Nooksack (Nk) e Till 3 Norma (No) D Till 3 Orcas (Or) D Wetland Oridia (Os) D Till 3 Ovall (Ove, OvD, OvF) C Till 2 Pilchuck (Pc) e Till 3 Puget (Pu) D Till 3 Puyallup (Py) B Till 3 Ragnar (RaC, Rao, Rae, RaE) B Outwash 1 Renton (Re) D Till 3 Salal (Sa) C Till 3 Sammamish (Sh) D Till 3 Seattle (Sk) D Wetland Shalcar (Sm) D Till 3 Si (Sn) e Till 3 Snohomish (So, Sr) D Till 3 Sultan (Su) C Till 3 Tukwila (Tu) D Till 3 Woodinville (Wo) D Till 3 Notes: 1. Where outwash soils are saturated or underlain at shallow depth (<5 feet) by glacial till, they should be treated as till soils. 2. These are bedrock soils, but calibration of HSPF by King County DNRP shows bedrock soils to have similar hydrologic response to till soils. 3. These are alluvial soils, some of which are underlain by glacial till or have a seasonally high water table. In the absence of detailed study, these soils should be treated as till soils. 4. Buckley soils are formed on the low-permeability Osceola mudflow. Hydrologic response is assumed to be similar to that of till soils. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual 119/2009 3-25 6.4.1 WETPONDS-BASIC AND LARGE-METHODS OF ANALYSIS FIGURE 6.4.1.A PRECIPITATION FOR MEAN ANNUAL STORM IN INCHES (FEEn ST 1.1 , __ i Incorporated Area ~ River/Lake Major Road 0.47" (0.039") 0.47" (0.039') NOTE: Areas east of the easternmost isopluvial should use 0.65 inches unless rainfall data is available for lhe location of interest LA 1.2 ST 1.0/ LA0.8 LA. 0.9 LA 1.0 ,,.,,.,.,,.,,,. ,,rn111, -'!""""'~ ,----.-.-..r... -' ·-... ,'/ ,;i, \,...,-"-"'\.l. 0.52" (0.043') 0.56" (0.047') ··-···-----·--· """ """"' r) \ . '·---,c ..,-..~ 0.65" (0.054') result, generates large amoW1ts offWloff. For this application, till soil types include Buckley and bedrock soils, and alluvial and outwash soils that have a seasonally high water table or are underlain at a shallow depth (less than 5 feet) by glacial till. U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) hydrologic soil groups that are classified as till soils include a few B, most C, and all D soils. See Chapter 3 for classification of specific SCS soil types. 2009 Surface Water Design Manual l/912009 6-71 KCRTS Program ... file Directory: C:IKC SWDMIKC DAT Al --::J CREA TE a new Time Series T I. 76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4040 Pre.tsf T 1.00000 0.000000 Till forest 0. 000000 Ti II Pasture 0.000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module '] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies 4040 Pre.tsf 14040_Pre.pks q RETURN to Previous Menu :J CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.1 1 0.00 14040 Dev. tsf 1.00000 T 0. 000000 Till forest 0.000000 Till Pasture 0. 000000 Ti II Grass 0.000000 Outwash forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious '] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module '] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies 14040 Dev.tsf W40_Dev.pks t] RETURN to Previous Menu [CJ CREATE a new Time Series r 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.00 1040 Devi 5.tsf 1.00000 0.000000 Till Forest 0.000000 Till Pasture 0. 000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious F [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies 14040 Devl5.tsf 14040 _ Devl 5.pks [DJ Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence 14040 Pre.tsf 14040 Pre.dur F F 36 0.0031 0.025 [RJ RETURN to Previous Menu Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Facility Length: Facility Width: Facility Area: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Detention Vault 80.00 ft 62.00 ft 4960. sq. 4.70 ft 509.00 ft 23312. cu. 4.70 ft ft ft 12.00 inches 2 Full Head Pipe Orifice# Height (ft) 0.00 3.05 Diameter Discharge Diameter 1 2 Top Notch Weir: Outflow Rating Curve: (in) 0.68 1.44 None None (CFS) (in) 0.027 0.072 4.0 Stage Elevation Storage Discharge (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) 0.00 509.00 0. 0.000 0.000 0.01 509.01 50. 0.001 0.001 0.02 509.02 99. 0.002 0.002 0.03 509.03 149. 0.003 0.002 0.04 509.04 198. 0.005 0.003 0.05 509.05 248. 0.006 0.003 0.06 509.06 298. 0.007 0.003 0.16 509.16 794. 0.018 0.005 0.26 509.26 1290. 0.030 0.006 0.36 509.36 1786. 0.041 0.007 0.46 509.46 2282. 0.052 0.008 0.56 509.56 2778. 0.064 0.009 0.66 509.66 3274. 0.075 0.010 0.76 509.76 3770. 0.087 0. 011 0.86 509.86 4266. 0.098 0.012 0.96 509.96 4762. 0.109 0.012 1. 06 510.06 5258. 0.121 0. 013 1.16 510.16 5754. 0 .132 0. 013 1.26 510.26 6250. 0.143 0. 014 1.36 510.36 6746. 0.155 0.015 1.46 510.46 7242. 0.166 0.015 1. 56 510.56 7738. 0.178 0.016 1. 66 510.66 8234. 0.189 0.016 1. 76 510.76 8730. 0.200 0.017 1. 86 510.86 9226. 0.212 0.017 1. 96 510. 96 9722. 0.223 0.017 2.06 511. 06 10218. 0.235 0.018 2.16 511.16 10714. 0.246 0.018 2.26 511. 26 11210. 0.257 0.019 Percolation (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.36 511.36 11706. 0.269 0.019 0.00 2.46 511. 46 12202. 0.280 0.020 0.00 2.56 511. 56 12698. 0.291 0.020 0.00 2.66 511. 66 13194. 0.303 0.020 0.00 2.76 511.76 13690. 0 .314 0. 021 0.00 2.86 511. 86 14186. 0.326 0.021 0.00 2.96 511. 96 14682. 0.337 0.021 0.00 3.05 512.05 15128. 0.347 0.022 0.00 3.07 512.07 15227. 0.350 0.022 0.00 3.08 512.08 15277. 0.351 0.024 0.00 3.10 512.10 15376. 0.353 0.026 0.00 3 .11 512 .11 15426. 0.354 0.029 0.00 3 .13 512 .13 15525. 0.356 0.033 0.00 3.14 512 .14 15574. 0.358 0.037 0.00 3.16 512.16 15674. 0.360 0.040 0.00 3.17 512.17 15723. 0.361 0.042 0.00 3.27 512. 27 16219. 0.372 0.049 0.00 3.37 512.37 16715. 0.384 0.055 0.00 3.47 512. 47 17211. 0.395 0.060 0.00 3.57 512.57 17707. 0.407 0.064 0.00 3.67 512.67 18203. 0.418 0.068 0.00 3.77 512.77 18699. 0 .429 0.072 0.00 3.87 512.87 19195. 0.441 0.075 0.00 3.97 512.97 19691. 0.452 0.079 0.00 4.07 513. 07 20187. 0.463 0.082 0.00 4.17 513 .17 20683. 0.475 0.085 0.00 4.27 513. 27 21179. 0.486 0.088 0.00 4.37 513. 37 21675. 0.498 0.091 0.00 4.47 513 .47 22171. 0.509 0.093 0.00 4.57 513. 57 22667. 0.520 0.096 0.00 4.67 513.67 23163. 0.532 0.099 0.00 4.70 513.70 23312. 0.535 0.099 0.00 4.80 513.80 23808. 0. 547 0. 410 0.00 4.90 513.90 24304. 0.558 0.975 0.00 5.00 514.00 24800. 0.569 1.710 0.00 5.10 514 .10 25296. 0.581 2.500 0.00 5.20 514. 2 0 25792. 0.592 2.790 0.00 5.30 514.30 26288. 0.603 3.040 0.00 5.40 514. 40 26784. 0.615 3.280 0.00 5.50 514. 50 27280. 0.626 3.500 0.00 5.60 514. 60 27776. 0.638 3.710 0.00 5.70 514.70 28272. 0.649 3.900 0.00 5.80 514.80 28768. 0.660 4.090 0.00 5.90 514.90 29264. 0.672 4.270 0.00 6.00 515.00 29760. 0.683 4.440 0.00 6.10 515.10 30256. 0.695 4.600 0.00 6.20 515. 20 30752. 0.706 4.760 0.00 6.30 515.30 3124 8. 0. 717 4.920 0.00 6.40 515 .40 31744. 0.729 5.070 0.00 6.50 515.50 32240. 0.740 5.210 0.00 6.60 515.60 32736. 0.752 5.350 0.00 6.70 515.70 33232. 0.763 5.490 0.00 Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Cale Stage Elev 1 0.66 ******* 0.35 4.78 513.78 2 0.33 ******* 0.09 4.49 513.49 3 0. 3 9 0.10 0.08 4.12 513 .12 4 0.33 ******* 0.08 3.95 512.95 5 0.35 ******* 0.04 3.21 512. 21 6 0.21 0.06 0.02 2.97 511. 97 7 0.27 ******* 0.02 2.90 511. 90 8 0. 29 ******* 0.02 1. 78 510.78 ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:14040 dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout vault Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: Peak Outflow Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage: Peak Reservoir Elev: 0.662 0.350 4.78 513.78 CFS CFS Ft Ft at at Peak Reservoir Storage: 23713. Cu-Ft 0.544 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout vault.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac Ac-Ft (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 23713. 0.544 2224 9. 0. 511 20424. 0.469 19569. 0.449 15906. 0.365 14 72 9. 0.338 14364. 0.330 8847. 0.203 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 10:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) --Peaks --Rank Return Prob 0. 099 2 0. 021 7 0. 084 3 0. 017 8 0. 022 6 0. 046 5 0.078 4 0.350 1 Computed Peaks Flow Duration Cutoff Count CFS 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.010 0. 013 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.026 0.029 27402 7586 7679 5690 4636 3467 2390 1461 645 34 12 (CFS) (ft) Period 2/09/01 1/07/02 3/06/03 8/26/04 1/08/05 1/19/06 11/24/06 1/09/08 20:00 4:00 22:00 8:00 6:00 1:00 8:00 10:00 0.350 0.099 0.084 0.078 0.046 0.022 0.021 0.017 0.267 4.78 4.70 4.12 3.95 3.23 3.02 2.97 1. 79 4.75 from Time Series File:rdout vault.tsf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1. 30 1.10 50.00 Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability % % % 44.687 12. 371 12.523 9.279 7.560 5.654 3.898 2.383 1.052 0.055 0.020 44.687 57.058 69.581 78.860 86 .42 0 92.074 95.972 98.355 99.406 99.462 99.481 55. 313 42.942 30.419 21.140 13. 580 7.926 4.028 1.645 0.594 0.538 0.519 0.553E+OO 0.429E+OO 0.304E+OO 0.211E+OO 0 .136E+OO 0.793E-Ol 0.403E-01 0.165£-01 0.594£-02 0.538£-02 0.519£-02 0.990 0. 960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0. 091 0.980 0.032 0.035 0.037 0.040 0.043 0.046 0.048 0.051 0.054 0.057 0.059 0.062 0.065 0.068 0.070 0.073 0.076 0.079 0.081 0.084 0.087 0.090 0.092 0.095 0.098 16 10 9 15 29 29 25 24 19 13 13 7 10 7 11 13 10 10 7 14 8 2 5 4 3 Discharge Volume 0.026 0.016 0.015 0.024 0.047 0.047 0. 041 0.039 0.031 0.021 0.021 0. 011 0.016 0 .011 0.018 0.021 0.016 0.016 0. 011 0.023 0. 013 0.003 0.008 0.007 0.005 99.507 99.524 99.538 99.563 99.610 99.658 99.698 99.737 99.768 99.790 99. 811 99.822 99.839 99.850 99.868 99.889 99.905 99.922 99.933 99.956 99.969 99.972 99.980 99.987 99.992 Discharge Volume from Time Series rdout vault.tsf 0.492 0.476 0.462 0.437 0.390 0.342 0.302 0.263 0.232 0.210 0.189 0.178 0.161 0.150 0 .132 0 .111 0.095 0.078 0.067 0.044 0.031 0.028 0.020 0. 013 0.008 between 10/01/00 00:00 and 10/30/00 23:59 24881. Cu-Ft or 0.571 Ac-Ft in Duration Comparison Anaylsis Base File: 14040_pre.tsf New File: rdout vault.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS 0.492E-02 0.476E-02 0.462E-02 0.437E-02 0.390E-02 0.342E-02 0.302E-02 0.263E-02 0.232E-02 0.210E-02 0.189E-02 0.178E-02 0.161E-02 0.150E-02 0 .132E-02 0. lllE-02 0.946E-03 0.783E-03 0.669E-03 0.440E-03 0.310E-03 0.277E-03 0.196E-03 0 .130E-03 0.815E-04 30.0 days -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Tolerance------- Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base New %Change 0.025 0.92E-02 0.57E-02 -37.9 I 0.92E-02 0.025 0.021 -15.0 0.031 0.62E-02 0.50E-02 -19.3 I 0.62E-02 0.031 0.022 -28.9 0.038 0.49E-02 0.45E-02 -7.0 I 0.49E-02 0.038 0.033 -13. 9 0.045 0.37E-02 0.36E-02 -0.9 I 0.37E-02 0. 045 0.044 -0.9 0.051 0.28E-02 0.26E-02 -6.4 I 0.28E-02 0.051 0.050 -2.3 0.058 0.22E-02 0.20E-02 -7.4 I 0.22E-02 0.058 0.056 -3.7 0.065 0.15E-02 0.17E-02 13. 3 I 0.15E-02 0.065 0.068 5.6 0. 071 0.99E-03 0.12E-02 24.6 I 0.99E-03 0. 071 0.075 4. 9 0.078 0.60E-03 0.83E-03 37.8 I 0.60E-03 0.078 0.082 6.0 0.084 0.34E-03 0.44E-03 28.6 I 0.34E-03 0.084 0.086 2.2 0.091 0.21E-03 0.24E-03 15.4 I 0.21E-03 0. 091 0.092 1.4 0.098 0.16E-03 0.82E-04 -50.0 I 0.16E-03 0.098 0.094 -3.7 0.104 0.llE-03 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0. llE-03 0.104 0. 096 -7.7 0 .111 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0 .111 0.099 -10.7 Maximum positive excursion= 0.005 cfs ( 7.1%) occurring at 0.076 cfs on the Base Data:14040_pre.tsf and at 0.081 cfs on the New Data:rdout vault.tsf Maximum negative excursion~ 0.009 cfs (-29.4%) occurring at 0.032 cfs on the Base Data:14040_pre.tsf and at 0.022 cfs on the New Data:rdout vault.tsf iii "-s ~ e> m £ 0 w 0 10 • 10- o rdou'. __ vHult.pks iri Sea-Tac ~1!0'1::J pre pks 0 Return Period 2 5 101 20 50 109 ~ ______ _L ___ _L._ __ _L ___ L_ _ __c 0 00 95 98 99 Cumulative Probability 8 D 0 0 ":' 0 "/ 0 ~ "? ,------+,-------,------1------+-------+-------l-o 2:("0 0("0 B O 9 ·o t,Cl"O c: ·o oo· (s~::,) aBJB4:lS!O Q) () C Q) " Q) Q) () X lJ.J £ i5 "' .a e 0.. KCRTS Program ... File Directory: C:\KC SWDM\KC DATA\ -- [C) CREATE a new Time Series ST 1.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14040Pre.tsf T 1.00000 T 0.000000 Till Forest 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module [P] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies 14040 Pre.tsf 14040 _pre.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [C] CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 14040 _ Bypass.tsf T 1.00000 T 0.000000 Till Forest 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious [T] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module tP] Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies 14040 _ Bypass.tsf 14040 _ Bypass.pks [R] RETURN to Previous Menu [CJ CREATE a new Time Series ST 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 14040 Dev .tsf T 1.00000 0.000000 Till Forest 0.000000 Till Pasture 0.000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious , .·] Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module rpJ Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies !040 Dev.tsf . 1040_Dev.pks rRJ RETURN to Previous Menu :J CREA TE a new Time Series C r 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 . (040 Devl5.tsf T 1.00000 0.000000 Till Forest 0. 000000 Till Pasture 0. 000000 Till Grass 0.000000 Outwash Forest 0.000000 Outwash Pasture 0.000000 Outwash Grass 0.000000 Wetland 0.000000 Impervious fTJ Enter the Analysis TOOLS Module J Compute PEAKS and Flow Frequencies . 1040 Dev15.tsf 14040_Dev15.pks 1] Compute Flow DURATION and Exceedence .. 040 Pre.tsf 14040 Pre.dur 36 J.0023 ).018 fRJ RETURN to Previous Menu Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Side Slope: Pond Bottom Length: Pond Bottom Width: Pond Bottom Area: Top Area at 1 ft. FB: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Volume: Riser Head: Riser Diameter: Number of orifices: Orifice# 1 2 Height (ft) 0.00 2.40 Detention Pond 2.40 H:lV 80.00 ft 40.00 ft 3200. sq. ft 6103. sq. ft 0.140 acres 3.30 ft 520.00 ft 13972. cu. ft 0.321 ac-ft 3.30 12.00 2 Diameter (in) 0.56 1. 38 ft inches Full Head Discharge (CFS) 0.016 0.049 Top Notch Weir: None Outflow Rating Curve: None Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation Area (ft) (ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (cfs) ft) 0.00 520.00 0. 0.000 0.000 0.00 3200. 0.01 520.01 32. 0.001 0.001 0.00 3206. 0.02 520.02 64. 0.001 0.001 0.00 3212. 0.03 520.03 96. 0.002 0.001 0.00 3217. 0.04 520.04 129. 0.003 0.002 0.00 3223. 0.05 520.05 161. 0.004 0.002 0.00 3229. 0.15 520.15 487. 0. 011 0.003 0.00 3287. 0.25 520.25 818. 0.019 0.004 0.00 3345. 0.35 520.35 1156. 0.027 0.005 0.00 3404. 0 .45 520.45 1499. 0.034 0.006 0.00 3464. 0.55 520.55 1848. 0.042 0.006 0.00 3524. Surf (sq. 0.65 520.65 2204. 0.051 0.007 0.00 3584. 0.75 520.75 2565. 0.059 0.007 0.00 3645. 0.85 520.85 2933. 0.067 0.008 0.00 3706. 0.95 520.95 3307. 0.076 0.008 0.00 3768. 1. 05 521.05 3686. 0.085 0.009 0.00 3830. 1.15 521.15 4073. 0.093 0.009 0.00 3893. 1.25 521. 25 4465. 0.103 0.010 0.00 3956. 1.35 521. 35 4864. 0 .112 0.010 0.00 4020. 1.45 521.45 5269. 0.121 0.010 0.00 4084. 1. 55 521.55 5681. 0 .130 0. 011 0.00 4148. 1. 65 521.65 6099. 0.140 0. 011 0.00 4213. 1. 75 521. 75 6523. 0.150 0. 011 0.00 4279. 1. 85 521.85 6954. 0.160 0.012 0.00 4344. 1. 95 521. 95 7392. 0.170 0.012 0.00 4411. 2.05 522.05 7837. 0.180 0.012 0.00 4478. 2.15 522.15 8288. 0.190 0. 013 0.00 4545. 2.25 522.25 8746. 0.201 0. 013 0.00 4613. 2.35 522.35 9210. 0.211 0. 013 0.00 4681. 2.40 522.40 9445. 0.217 0.013 0.00 4715. 2.41 522.41 9492. 0.218 0.014 0.00 4722. 2.43 522.43 9587. 0.220 0.015 0.00 4736. 2.44 522.44 9634. 0.221 0.017 0.00 4743. 2.46 522.46 9729. 0.223 0.020 0.00 4756. 2.47 522.47 9777. 0.224 0.023 0.00 4763. 2.49 522.49 9872. 0.227 0.027 0.00 4777. 2.50 522.50 9920. 0.228 0.030 0.00 4784. 2.51 522.51 9968. 0.229 0.031 0.00 4791. 2.61 522.61 10450. 0.240 0.038 0.00 4860. 2. 71 522. 71 10940. 0.251 0.043 0.00 4930. 2.81 522.81 11436. 0.263 0.047 0.00 5000. 2. 91 522. 91 11940. 0.274 0.051 0.00 5071. 3.01 523.01 124 51. 0.286 0.055 0.00 5143. 3 .11 523 .11 12969. 0.298 0.058 0.00 5214. 3.21 523.21 13494. 0.310 0.062 0.00 5286. 3.30 523.30 13972. 0. 321 0.064 0.00 5352. 3.40 523.40 14511. 0.333 0.375 0.00 5425. 3.50 523.50 15057. 0.346 0.941 0.00 5498. 3.60 523.60 15611. 0.358 1.670 0.00 5572. 3.70 523.70 16172. 0.371 2.470 0.00 5647. 3.80 523.80 16740. 0.384 2.750 0.00 5721. 3.90 523.90 17316. 0.398 3.010 0.00 5797. 4.00 524.00 17900. 0 .411 3.250 0.00 5873. 4.10 524.10 18491. 0.424 3.470 0.00 5949. 4.20 524.20 19089. 0.438 3.670 0.00 6026. 4.30 524.30 19696. 0.452 3.870 0.00 6103. 4.40 524.40 20310. 0.466 4.060 0.00 6180. 4.50 524.50 20932. 0.481 4.240 0.00 6259. 4.60 524. 6 0 21562. 0.495 4.410 0.00 6337. 4.70 524.70 22199. 0.510 4.570 0.00 6416. 4.80 524.80 22845. 0.524 4.730 0.00 6496. 4.90 524.90 23498. 0.539 4.880 0.00 6576. 5.00 525.00 2416 0. 0.555 5.030 0.00 6656. 5.10 525.10 24830. 0.570 5.180 0.00 6737. 5.20 525.20 25507. 0.586 5.320 0.00 6818. 5.30 525.30 26193. 0.601 5.460 0.00 6900. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Stage Elev 1 0. 3 9 0.12 3.32 523.32 2 0.18 0.06 3.16 523.16 3 0.22 0.05 3.00 523.00 4 0.18 0.04 2.69 522.69 5 0.19 0.03 2.49 522.49 6 0 .11 0.01 2.38 522.38 7 0 .13 0.01 2.28 522.28 8 0.12 0.01 0.97 520.97 Hyd R/D Facility Tributary Reservoir Outflow Inflow Inflow 1 0.12 0.02 ******** 2 0.06 0.01 ******** 3 0.05 0.01 ******** 4 0.04 0.01 ******** 5 0.03 0.01 ******** 6 0.01 0.01 ******** 7 0.01 0.01 ******** 8 0.01 0.01 ******** ---------------------------------- Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:14040 dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Pond POC Time Series File:dsout Pond Inflow/Outflow Analysis Storage (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 14061. 0.323 13245. 0.304 12387. 0.284 10845. 0.249 9874. 0.227 9357. 0.215 8899. 0.204 3382. 0.078 POC Outflow Target Cale ******* 0.12 ******* 0.06 0.06 0.06 ******* 0.04 ******* 0.03 0.03 0.02 ******* 0.02 ******* 0.02 Peak Inflow Discharge: 0.389 CFS at 6:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Outflow Discharge: 0.116 CFS at 11:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Peak Reservoir Stage: 3.32 Ft Peak Reservoir Elev: 523.32 Ft Peak Reservoir Storage: 14061. Cu-Ft 0.323 Ac-Ft Add Time Series:14040_bypass.tsf Peak Summed Discharge: 0.120 CFS at 11:00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Point of Compliance File:dsout_Pond.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout_pond.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0.064 2 2/09/01 23:00 0 .116 3.32 1 100.00 0.990 0. 013 7 1/08/02 5:00 0.064 3.28 2 25.00 0.960 0.055 3 3/06/03 23:00 0.055 3.00 3 10.00 0.900 0.008 8 8/26/04 11:00 0.042 2.69 4 5.00 0.800 0. 013 6 1/08/05 8:00 0.028 2.49 5 3.00 0.667 0.028 5 1/19/06 19,00 0.042 4 11/24/06 15,00 0.116 1 1/09/08 11,00 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File,dsout_pond.tsf Project Location,Sea-Tac 0. 013 0. 013 0.008 0.098 2.40 2.33 0.97 3.31 6 7 8 2.00 1. 30 1.10 50.00 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0. 068 2 0. 02 0 6 0.058 3 0.017 7 0.017 8 0. 02 8 5 0. 043 4 0. 12 0 1 Computed Peaks 2/09/01 1/05/02 3/06/03 8/26/04 1/05/05 1/19/06 11/24/06 1/09/08 18,00 16,00 19,00 2,00 8,00 19,00 12,00 11,00 0.120 0.068 0.058 0.043 0.028 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.103 Flow Duration from Time Series File,rdout__pond.tsf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1. 30 1.10 50.00 Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.001 31998 52.182 52.182 47.818 0.478E+OO 0.003 6454 10.525 62.707 37.293 0.373E+OO 0.005 5579 9.098 71.805 28.195 0.282E+OO 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0. 013 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.027 0.029 0.031 0.033 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.040 0.042 0.043 0.045 0.047 0.049 0.050 0.052 5702 4287 2220 2550 1935 104 47 51 37 16 17 25 30 22 21 29 16 14 11 27 16 15 7 11 7 6 9 9 .299 6. 991 3.620 4.159 3.156 0.170 0.077 0.083 0.060 0.026 0.028 0. 041 0. 049 0.036 0.034 0.047 0.026 0.023 0.018 0.044 0.026 0.024 0. 011 0.018 0. 011 0.010 0.015 81.104 88.095 91. 716 95.874 99.030 99.199 99. 2 76 99.359 99.419 99.446 99. 4 73 99.514 99.563 99.599 99.633 99.680 99.706 99. 729 99.747 99.791 99.817 99.842 99.853 99. 871 99.883 99.892 99.907 18. 896 11. 905 8.284 4.126 0.970 0.801 0.724 0. 641 0.581 0.554 0.527 0.486 0.437 0.401 0.367 0.320 0.294 0 .271 0.253 0.209 0.183 0.158 0.147 0.129 0 .117 0.108 0.093 0.189E+OO 0 .119E+OO 0.828E-01 0.413E-Ol 0.970E-02 0.801E-02 0.724E-02 0.641E-02 0.581E-02 0.554E-02 0.527E-02 0.486E-02 0.437E-02 0.401E-02 0.367E-02 0.320E-02 0.294E-02 0.271E-02 0.253E-02 0.209E-02 0.183E-02 0.158E-02 0.147E-02 0.129E-02 0. ll 7E-02 0.108E-02 0.930E-03 0.990 0.960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 0.054 0.056 0.057 0.059 0.061 0.063 10 9 4 5 9 9 0.016 0.015 0.007 0.008 0.015 0.015 99.923 99.938 99.945 99.953 99.967 99.982 0.077 0.062 0.055 0.047 0.033 0.018 0.766E-03 0.620E-03 0.554E-03 0.473E-03 0.326E-03 0.179E-03 Flow Duration from Time Series File:dsout pond.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability CFS % % % 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.025 0.027 0.029 0.031 0.033 0.035 0.037 0.039 0.041 0.042 0.044 0.046 0.048 0.050 0.052 0.054 0.056 0.058 0.059 0.061 0.063 0.065 0.067 28611 9639 5508 5841 4146 3067 2283 1373 291 91 85 31 24 19 23 29 21 30 25 15 13 16 34 6 8 11 8 6 9 10 8 6 7 9 13 2 Discharge Volume 46.659 15. 719 8.982 9.525 6.761 5.002 3.723 2.239 0.475 0.148 0 .139 0.051 0.039 0.031 0.038 0.047 0.034 0. 049 0.041 0.024 0.021 0.026 0.055 0.010 0. 013 0.018 0. 013 0.010 0.015 0.016 0. 013 0.010 0. 011 0.015 0.021 0.003 46.659 62.378 71.360 80.886 87.647 92.648 96.371 98. 611 99.085 99.234 99.372 99.423 99.462 99.493 99.530 99.578 99.612 99.661 99.702 99.726 99.747 99.773 99.829 99.839 99.852 99.870 99.883 99.892 99.907 99.923 99.936 99.946 99.958 99.972 99.993 99.997 Discharge Volume from Time Series rdout_pond.tsf 53.341 37.622 28.640 19.114 12.353 7.352 3.629 1.389 0. 915 0.766 0.628 0.577 0.538 0.507 0.470 0.422 0.388 0.339 0.298 0.274 0.253 0.227 0.171 0.161 0.148 0 .130 0 .117 0.108 0.093 0.077 0.064 0.054 0.042 0.028 0.007 0.003 between 10/01/00 00:00 and 10/30/00 23:59 14850. Cu-Ft or 0.341 Ac-Ft in Duration Comparison Anaylsis 0.533E+OO 0.376E+OO 0.286E+OO 0.191E+OO 0.124E+OO 0.735E-01 0.363E-01 0.139E-01 0.915E-02 0.766E-02 0.628E-02 0.577E-02 0.538E-02 0.507E-02 0.470E-02 0.422E-02 0.388E-02 0.339E-02 0.298E-02 0.274E-02 0.253E-02 0.227E-02 0.171E-02 0.161E-02 0.148E-02 0.130E-02 0.117E-02 0.108E-02 0.930E-03 0.766E-03 0.636E-03 0.538E-03 0.424E-03 0.277E-03 0.652E-04 0.326E-04 30.0 days Base File: 14040_pre.tsf New File: dsout_pond.tsf Cutoff Units: Discharge in CFS -----Fraction of Time--------------Check of Cutoff Base New %Change Probability Base 0.018 0.99E-02 0.77E-02 -22.4 I 0.99E-02 0.018 0.023 0.64E-02 0.56E-02 -12.8 I 0.64E-02 0.023 0.028 0.50E-02 0.46E-02 -8.8 I 0.50E-02 0.028 0.033 0.38E-02 0.35E-02 -7.8 I 0.38E-02 0.033 0.038 0.29E-02 0.27E-02 -6.7 I 0.29E-02 0.038 0.043 0.22E-02 0.17E-02 -24.3 I 0.22E-02 0.043 0.048 0.15E-02 0.14E-02 -10.6 I 0.15E-02 0.048 0.053 0.lOE-02 O.lOE-02 -1. 6 I O.lOE-02 0.053 0.058 0.65E-03 0.64E-03 -2.5 I 0.65E-03 0.058 0.063 0.34E-03 0.36E-03 4.8 I 0.34E-03 0.063 0.068 0.23E-03 0.33E-04 -85.7 I 0.23E-03 0.068 0.072 0.16E-03 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-03 0.072 0.077 O.llE-03 0.00E+OO -100.0 I 0. llE-03 0.077 0.082 0.16E-04 O.OOE+OO -100.0 I 0.16E-04 0.082 Maximum positive excursion = 0.001 cfs 2.1%) occurring at 0.059 cfs on the Base Data:14040_pre.tsf and at 0.060 cfs on the New Data:dsout_pond.tsf Maximum negative excursion= 0.014 cfs (-17.9%) occurring at 0.080 cfs on the Base Data:14040_pre.tsf and at 0.065 cfs on the New Data,dsout_pond.tsf Route Time Series through Facility Inflow Time Series File:14040 dev.tsf Outflow Time Series File:rdout Pond POC Time Series File:dsout Pond Inflow/Outflow Analysis Peak Inflow Discharge: Peak Outflow Discharge: Peak Reservoir Stage: Peak Reservoir Elev: 0.389 CFS 0 .116 CFS 3.32 Ft 523.32 Ft at at Peak Reservoir Storage: 14061. Cu-Ft 0.323 Ac-Ft Add Time Series:14040_bypass.tsf 6:00 on 11:00 on Jan Jan Tolerance------- New %-Change 0.016 -13.1 0.020 -13.3 0.026 -6.7 0.032 -3.5 0.036 -5.3 0.041 -4. 9 0.046 -4.3 0.053 -0.1 0.057 -0.5 0.063 0.2 0.064 -5.4 0.065 -10.9 0.065 -16.2 0.068 -17.5 9 in Year 8 9 in Year 8 Peak Summed Discharge: 0.120 CFS at 11,00 on Jan 9 in Year 8 Point of Compliance File:dsout_Pond.tsf Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:rdout_pond.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak --Peaks --Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) (ft) Period 0.064 2 2/09/01 23:00 0 .116 3.32 1 100.00 0.990 0. 013 7 1/08/02 5:00 3/06/03 23:00 8/26/04 11:00 1/08/05 8:00 1/19/06 19:00 0.055 3 0.008 8 0. 013 6 0. 028 5 0. 042 4 11/24/06 15:00 1/09/08 11:00 0 .116 1 Computed Peaks Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dsout_pond.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) 0.068 0.020 0.058 0.017 0.017 0.028 0.043 0.120 Computed Peaks 2 2/09/01 18:00 6 1/05/02 16:00 3 3/06/03 19:00 7 8/26/04 2:00 8 1/05/05 8:00 5 1/19/06 19:00 4 11/24/06 12:00 1 1/09/08 11:00 0.064 0.055 0.042 0.028 0. 013 0. 013 0.008 0.098 3.28 3.00 2.69 2.49 2.40 2.33 0.97 3.31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1. 30 1.10 50.00 0. 960 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- --Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.120 1 100.00 0.990 0.068 2 25.00 0.960 0.058 0.043 0.028 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.103 3 4 5 6 7 8 10.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1. 30 1.10 50.00 0.900 0.800 0.667 0.500 0.231 0.091 0.980 Flow Duration from Time Series File:rdout_pond.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence_Probability CFS % % % 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0. 013 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.027 0.029 0.031 0.033 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.040 0.042 0.043 0.045 31998 6454 5579 5702 4287 2220 2550 1935 104 47 51 37 16 17 25 30 22 21 29 16 14 11 27 16 15 7 52.182 10.525 9.098 9.299 6. 991 3.620 4.159 3.156 0.170 0.077 0.083 0.060 0.026 0.028 0.041 0.049 0.036 0.034 0.047 0.026 0.023 0.018 0.044 0.026 0.024 0. 011 52.182 62.707 71.805 81.104 88.095 91. 716 95.874 99. 03 0 99.199 99.276 99.359 99.419 99.446 99.473 99.514 99.563 99.599 99.633 99.680 99.706 99.729 99.747 99.791 99.817 99.842 99.853 47.818 37.293 28.195 18. 896 11. 905 8.284 4.126 0.970 0.801 0.724 0.641 0.581 0.554 0.527 0.486 0.437 0.401 0.367 0.320 0 .294 0.271 0.253 0.209 0.183 0.158 0 .147 0.478E+OO 0.373E+OO 0.282E+OO 0.189E+OO 0 .119E+OO 0.828E-01 0 .413E-01 0.970E-02 0.801E-02 0. 724E-02 0.641E-02 0.581E-02 0.554E-02 0.527E-02 0.486E-02 0.437E-02 0.401E-02 0.367E-02 0.320E-02 0.294E-02 0.271E-02 0.253E-02 0.209E-02 0.183E-02 0.158E-02 0.147E-02 0.047 11 0.018 99. 871 0.129 0.129E-02 0. 049 7 0. 011 99.883 0 .117 0.117E-02 0.050 6 0.010 99.892 0.108 0.108E-02 0.052 9 0.015 99.907 0.093 0.930E-03 0.054 10 0.016 99. 923 0.077 0.766E-03 0.056 9 0.015 99.938 0.062 0.620E-03 0.057 4 0.007 99.945 0.055 0.554E-03 0.059 5 0.008 99.953 0.047 0.473E-03 0.061 9 0.015 99.967 0.033 0.326E-03 0.063 9 0.015 99.982 0.018 0.179E-03 Flow Duration from Time Series File:dsout_pond.tsf Cutoff Count Frequency CDF Exceedence Probability CFS % % % 0.001 28611 46.659 46.659 53. 341 0.533E+OO 0.003 9639 15. 719 62.378 37.622 0.376E+OO 0.005 5508 8.982 71. 360 28. 640 0.286E+OO 0.007 5841 9.525 80.886 19.114 0.191E+OO 0.009 4146 6.761 87.647 12.353 0.124E+OO 0.010 3067 5.002 92.648 7.352 0.735E-Ol 0.012 2283 3.723 96.371 3.629 0.363E-01 0.014 1373 2.239 98. 611 1. 389 0.139E-01 0.016 291 0.475 99.085 0.915 0.915E-02 0.018 91 0.148 99.234 0.766 0.766E-02 0.020 85 0 .139 99.372 0.628 0.628E-02 0.022 31 0.051 99.423 0.577 0.577E-02 0.024 24 0. 039 99.462 0.538 0.538E-02 0.025 19 0. 031 99. 4 93 0.507 0.507E-02 0.027 23 0.038 99.530 0 .470 0.470E-02 0.029 29 0.047 99.578 0.422 0.422E-02 0.031 21 0.034 99.612 0.388 0.388E-02 0.033 30 0. 049 99.661 0.339 0.339E-02 0.035 25 0. 041 99.702 0.298 0.298E-02 0.037 15 0.024 99.726 0. 274 0.274E-02 0.039 13 0. 021 99.747 0.253 0.253E-02 0.041 16 0.026 99.773 0.227 0.227E-02 0.042 34 0.055 99. 82 9 0.171 0.171E-02 0.044 6 0.010 99.839 0.161 0 .161E-02 0.046 8 0. 013 99.852 0.148 0.148E-02 0.048 11 0.018 99.870 0 .130 0.130E-02 0.050 8 0. 013 99.883 0 .117 0 .117E-02 0.052 6 0.010 99. 8 92 0.108 0.108E-02 0.054 9 0. 015 99.907 0.093 0.930E-03 0.056 10 0.016 99.923 0.077 0.766E-03 0.058 8 0. 013 99.936 0.064 0.636E-03 0.059 6 0.010 99.946 0.054 0.538E-03 0.061 7 0. 011 99.958 0.042 0.424E-03 0.063 9 0.015 99.972 0.028 0.277E-03 0.065 13 0.021 99.993 0.007 0.652E-04 0.067 2 0.003 99.997 0.003 0.326E-04 Discharge Volume Discharge Volume from Time Series rdout_pond.tsf between 10/01/00 00:00 and 10/30/00 23:59 14850. Cu-Ft or 0.341 Ac-Ft in 30.0 days in u._ 8 V "' ~ ~ 0 -~ Cl 10- s) rdout. Pond pks in Sea-Tac • dsout. Pond.pks • 2 • • (' 00 Return Period 5 R _____ _ • • 10 20 50 100 • 10 <-->-----------------------------------------~------------------- 10-'--'---~------~ ----------,· 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 Cumulati\/e Probability cii u.. £ <I) e> m ,:;; u 1/J c5 0 ~ c::i co c::i cg c::i y c::i (:,I c::i ~ 10' -5 +- R ---.-- 00 10 -4 :) 0-=--=---fi~.l 10 -3 rdout_Pond.dur dsout_Pond.dur + 14040 Pre oc11 \ >,, C •c ,_ o---,, __ , ------>, t --'-. ,,. 10' -2 10 -1 10° Probability Exceedence Appendix D Conveyance Calculations To Be Provided at Final Engineering GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT 684 & 650 NILE A VENUE NE RENTON, WASHINGTON G-2884-1 Prepared for Mr. Justin Holland, Manager Prospect Development, LLC 2913 -5th Avenue NE, Suite 201 Puyallup, WA 98372 July 3, 2014 GEO GROUP NORTHWEST, L"JC. 13240 NE 20th Street, Suite 10 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone: (425) 649-8757 Email: wchang@gcogroupnw.com or agaston@geogroupnw.com JUL ?, 1 Zl11 11 , I July 3, 2014 Mr. Justin Holland, Manager Prospect Development, LLC 2913 -5th Avenue NE, Suite 201 Puyallup, WA 98372 SUBJECT: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT 684 & 650 NILE A VENUE NE RENTON, W ASIIlNGTON Dear Mr. Holland: G-2884-1 GEO Group Northwest, Inc., has prepared the following geotechnical report for the proposed residential development based upon our previously completed subsurface investigation at the site. This work was performed in accordance with our contract with you dated May 28, 2014. GEO Group Northwest, Inc., explored subsurface soil conditions at the site by excavating four exploratory test pits on October 30, 2012 and two test pits in May of 2009. Soils encountered at the test pits consisted of loose to medium dense sandy SILT and silty SAND overlying dense to very dense and gravelly silty SAND and gravelly sandy SILT with some cobbles at depths ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Based on the results of our study, it is our professional opinion that the site is geotechnically suitable for the proposed development. The proposed buildings can be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the dense native site soils or on compacted structural fill placed on top of the dense native soils. The loose site soils and fills are not suitable to support foundations due to their loose and variable condition. Based on the findings from our soil investigation at the site, we anticipate that the dense soil under the building areas are present at depths of approximately 2-feet below ground surface at the test pit locations. Some over- excavation may be necessary at select locations but firm soil conditions are likely to be found at the anticipated foundation depths. Please refer to the text of the report for more specific recommendations regarding the site development. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service to you on this project. We look forward to working with you as this proje<.'t progresses. Should you have any questions regarding this report or need additional consultation, please feel free to call us. 13240 NE 20th Street. Suite 10 • Bellevue, Washington 98005 Phone 425/649-8757 • Fax 425/649-8758 July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington Sincerely, GEO Group Northwest, lnc. William Chang, P.E. Principal I GEO Group Northwest, Inc. G-2884-1 Page ii I • TABLE OF CONTENTS JOB NO. G-2884-l Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................... I l. I Project Description ............................................... . l .2 Scope of Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 2.0 SITE CONDITIONS .................................................... 2 2. I Site Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Geologic Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.3 Field Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.4 Soil Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.5 Groundwater Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.0 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ........................................... 3 4.0 INFILTRATION EVALUATION ......................................... 3 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Al'l'D RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. 4 5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5.2 Site Preparation and General Earthwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.2.1 Temporary Excavation and Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.2.2 Structural Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 .3 Spread Footing Foundations ......................................... 7 5.4 Permanent Basement and Conventional Retaining Walls ................... 8 5.5 Slab-on-Grade Floors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.6 Footing Drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5. 7 Pavements ...................................................... 11 6.0 LIJ\,fiT ATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate l Plate 2 Plate 3 APPENDIX A: -Site Vicinity . Site Plan · Typical Footing Drain Detail TEST PIT LOGS Al'l'D SOIL LEGEND GEO Group Northwest, Inc. GEOTECIL'IICAL ENGINEERING STt:DY PROPOSED WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT 684 & 650 NILE A VE NE RENTON, WASHINGTON G-2884-l 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The project site is located at the eastern side of Nile Ave NE at the subject address. Property tax records indicate that the site has addresses of 684 and 650 Nile Ave NE with parcel numbers of 1123059092 and l 1230590 IO, respectively. Based upon our previous work at this site we understand that the site also has an address of 12204 -148th Avenue SE. There is an existing single family residence at the 684 address and a couple of storage buildings at the 650 address. The existing buildings are shown on the attached Plate 2 · Site Plan. The project site consists of a 4.54 acre parcel. We have been provided with a Site Plan for the proposed development by Core Design which is dated June 17, 2014 and which has been modified and included with this report as Plate 2 · Site Plan. According to the site plan the development will consist of 14 new residential lots, a Open Space lot (Tract B) and two lots for stormwatcr facilities (Tracts A and C). Based upon information provided by the owner and Core Design we understand that wood-framed single family residences are planned for the western IO lots at the site. Finish floor elevations for the new buildings were not provided at the time of this study. A private access road is proposed to access the 10 new residences from Nile Avenue NE (148th Ave SE). In addition a new road is proposed to access the new eastern lots and Tract C. The majority of development is limited to the western portion of the property. The existing house and accessory buildings will be demolished. 1.2 Scope of Services The tasks we completed for this study were conducted in general accordance with the scope of work presented in our contract dated May 28, 2014. The results of our subsurface investigation and our recommendations regarding the proposed development are summarized in the following report. GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Western Heights Plat, Renton, Washington 2.0 SITE CONDITIONS 2.1 Site Description G-2884-1 Page 2 Based upon the site plan the site consists of a relatively flat 4.5 acre parcel occupied with one single family residence and two accessory structures. The existing buildings and development are located at the western side of the lot and the eastern side of the lot is undeveloped. 2.2 Geologic Overview According to the geologic map for the site vicinity the soils at the site are reported to be Ground Moraine Deposits (Qgt). The Ground Moraine soils typically consist of glacial till, a mixture of sand, silt and gravel, which was consolidated by overriding glacial ice. These soils can usually be divided into a surficial loose to medium dense weathered zone which overlies the dense to very dense underlying un-weathered till soils. 2.3 Field Investigation GEO Group Northwest, Inc., explored subsurface soil conditions at the site by excavating and logging 6 exploratory test pits labeled TP-1 through TP-6. The test pits labeled TP-1 and TP-2 were excavated at the western portion of the site in 2009 in order to support a Pavement Design by GEO Group Northwest. Test pits TP3 through TP-6 were excavated on October 30, 2012 specifically to provide data for a November 2008 geotechnical report. The test pits were located near the proposed development areas, as shown on Plate 2 · Site Plan. The test pits were excavated to depths ranging between 3 and 6 feet below ground surface (bgs ). Soil samples at varying depths were collected, classified and returned to our laboratory. The test pits were then backfilled with the excavated site soils. Backfilled soils were not compacted. 2.4 Soil Conditions Soils encountered in the test pits consisted of primarily loose to medium dense sandy SILT overlying dense to very dense gravelly sandy SILT and gravelly silty SAND with varying amounts of cobble. The underlying dense to very dense soils appear to be the glacial till soils GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-l Page J which are noted on the geologic map. For the most part, the soils at the site appear to consist of predominately SILT size particles. At a few locations and depths we visually estimate that the predominate grain size is SAND followed closely by SILT. fn either case the soil, are anticipated to exhibit relatively impermeable characteristics due to both their fine-grained texture and underlying dense to very dense condition. [n general, the underlying competent dense soils were encountered at depths ranging from l.5 to 3 .5 feet below ground surface. Copies of the Test Pit Logs are presented in Appendix A: Test Pit Logs. 2.5 Groundwater Conditions No groundwater seepage was encountered at the test pits. ft should be noted that groundwater conditions may fluctuate seasonally, depending on rainfall, surface runoff and other factors. 3.0 Seismic Considerations Based upon our subsurface investigation at the site, it is our opinion that the project buildings may be designed using the Class C soil profile per the fntemational Building Code. It is our opinion that the soils at the project site are not susceptible to liquefaction, due to the absence of groundwater within the loose soil zone. 4.0 INFILTRATION EVALUATION At the time of report preparation the site plan suggests that stormwater structures, such detention or infiltration ponds may be proposed for Tracts A and C at the site. Consequently, we have included this discussion regarding the potential for infiltration at the site. Based upon our subsurface investigation the soils at the site consist predominately of sandy S [LT and gravelly sandy SILT. Because they are fine-grained these soils are relatively impermeable. Additionally, the underlying soil deposit is dense to very dense which further inhibits the permeability of the ground. Of course the soils will allow for some infiltration under certain conditions, however, the infiltration rate for these soils is generally low. We recommend that if infiltration is used to treat site stormwater then overflow to an off-site stormwater system should be part of the design, or the detention should be designed for the required storm water event. GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-l Page 4 Alternatively, stonnwater treatment facilities such as dispersion trenches may be incorporated which will allow for dispersion at times when rainfall exceeds capability of the system to provide for infiltration. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Al'1D RECOi\~IENDATIONS 5.1 General Based upon the results of our study, it is our professional opinion that the site is geotechnically suitable for the proposed development. The proposed buildings may be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the dense native site soils or on compacted structmal fill placed on top of the dense native site soils. If a detention vault is planned then it should also be constructed on top of the dense native soils or compacted structmal fills placed on top of the dense native soils. The overlying loose site soils are not suitable to support foundations. We anticipate that the dense soils are located at depths ranging from 1.5 feet to 3.5 below ground surface (bgs) at the western portion of the site. At most of the test pit locations the dense soils were encountered at or near standard shallow foundation depths of 1.5 to 2 feet bgs. Consequently, we anticipate that over-excavation may be required only at select locations and may be limited to the area near test pit TP-2. Based upon om understanding of the proposed site plan new homes are currently proposed only for the western to-lots near Nile Ave NE. Our subsurface investigation occurred at this area. If at some point houses are to be developed at the eastern new lots (lots 11-14 ), we recommend that additional subsurface investigation be completed for this area or that GEO Group Northwest, Inc., be on-site at the time of building pad excavations in order to verify that new foundations are founded on the native dense soils and that foundations are properly designed for the soil conditions. It is also important to note that mapping of our test pits indicates that some test pits may have been located at areas where proposed buildings or pavements are to be located. No compaction was performed at the time that the test pits were backfilled. Therefore it is anticipated that the fills at the test pit locations will be loose. We recommend that the contractor plan on over- excavating and placing compacted structtual fill at any test pit locations which are located at pavement or building locations such as TP-1, TP-2 and TP-5. GEO Group Northwest, Inc., can be on-site at the time of grading and building pad preparation to aid in locating test pit locations and overseeing the subgrade repair work. GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3. 20 l4 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington 5.2 Site Preparation and General Earthwork G-2884-1 Page 5 The building pad areas should be stripped and cleared of surface vegetation and forest duff soils. Based upon the subsurface investigation topsoil/forest duff soils were encountered to depths of up to 2-feet below ground surface. Silt fences should be installed around areas disturbed hy construction activity to prevent sediment-laden surface runoff from being discharged off-site. Exposed soils that are subject to erosion should be compacted and covered with plastic sheeting. 5.2.1 Temporary Excavation and Slopes Under no circumstances should temporary excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state and national government safety regulations. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in height should be sloped at an inclination no steeper than IH: l V (Horizontal:Vertical) in the loose site soils. Temporary cuts in the dense site soils may be excavated no steeper than IH:2V provided that no seepage is encountered. [f groundwater seepage is encountered during construction, excavation of cut slopes should be halted and the cut slopes should be re-evaluated by GEO Group Northwest, Inc. If necessary the underlying very dense soils may be capable of standing at steeper inclinations such as I H:JV, however, this is dependent upon the conditions at the time of excavation. If it is necessary to form such steep excavation slopes than GEO Group Northwest, lnc., must be retained to evaluate the conditions at the excavation at the time of grading to provide an evaluation of stability. If the proposed temporary excavation slopes encroach upon adjacent properties then it may be necessary to obtain an excavation easement or plan for temporary shoring at those locations. Permanent cut and fill slopes at the site should be inclined no steeper than 2H: IV. Surface runoff should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of slopes into the excavated area. During wet weather exposed cut slopes should be covered with plastic sheeting during construction to minimize erosion. 5.2.2 Structural Fill All fill material used to achieve design site elevations below the building areas and below non- structurally supported slabs, parking lots, sidewalks, driveways, and patios, should meet the GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3. 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat. Renton. Washington G-2884-1 Page 6 requirements for structural fill. During wet weather conditions, material to be used as structural fill should have the following specifications: l. Be free draining. granular material containing no more than five (5) percent fines (silt and clay-size particles passing the No. 200 mesh sieve); 2. Be free of organic material and other deleterious substances, such as construction debris and garbage; 3. Have a maximum size of three (3) inches in diameter. All fill material should be placed at or near the optimum moisture content. The optimum moisture content is the water content in soil that enables the soil to be compacted to the highest dry density for a given compaction effort. The majority of the surficial site soils will be moisture-sensitive because they consist of sandy SILT and silty SAND soils. The site soils should be suitable for use as structural fill as long as they are placed near their optimum moisture content. We anticipate that the site soils will most likely be too wet to achieve the compaction requirements unless work is performed during the dry summer months. Alternatively, an imported granular fill material may provide more uniformity and be easier to compact to the required structural fill specification. If the on-site soils are to be used as engineered structural fill, it will be necessary to segregate the topsoil and any other organic-or debris-containing soil, because such soils would be unsuitable for use as structural fill. Excavated on-site material that is stockpiled for later use as structural fill should be protected from rainfall or contamination with unsuitable materials by covering it with plastic sheeting until it is used. Structural fill should be placed in thin horizontal lifts not exceeding ten inches in loose thickness. Structural fill under building areas (including foundation and slab area~). should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. as determined by ASTM Test Designation D- 1557-91 (Modified Proctor). GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-1 Page 7 Structural fill under driveways, parking lots and sidewalks should he compacted to at least 90 percent maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-1557-91 (Modified Proctor). Fill placed within 12-inches of finish grade should meet the 95% requirement. We recommend that GEO Group Northwest, Inc., be retained to evaluate the suitability of structural fill material and to monitor the compaction work during construction for qua I ity assurance of the earthwork. 5.3 Spread Footing Foundations The proposed buildings can be supported on conventional spread footings bearing on the dense native site soils or on compacted structural fill placed on top of the dense native site soils. Based on the findings from our soil investigation at the site, we anticipate that the dense soils are present between at between 1.5 and 3.5 feet below ground surface (bgs). Some over-excavation and placement of structural fill may be required at foundation locations, dependent upon the proposed finish grades and the conditions encountered at the building foundation excavations. We recommend that GEO Group Northwest, Inc., be retained to verify competent soils are present at each building foundation location, at the time of construction, prior to the foundation pour(s). Individual spread footings may be used for supporting columns and strip footings for hearing walls. Our recommended minimum design criteria for foundations bearing on the dense site soils or on compacted structural fill are as follows: Allowable bearing pressure, Dense native soil Compacted structural fill including all dead and live loads = 2,500 psf = 2,500 psf Minimum depth to bottom of perimeter footing below adjacent final exterior grade = l 8 inches Minimum depth to bottom of interior footings below top of floor slab = l 8 inches Minimtun width of wall footings = l 6 inches GEO Group Northwest. Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat. Renton, Washington Minimum lateral dimension of column footings = 24 inches Estimated post-construction settlement= l/4 inch G-2884-1 Page 8 Estimated post-construction differential settlement; across building width= 1/4 inch A one-third increase in the above allowable bearing pressures can be used when considering short-term transitory wind or seismic loads. Lateral loads can also be resisted by friction between the foundation and the supporting compacted fill subgrade or by passive earth pressure acting on the buried portions of the foundations. For the latter, the foundations must be poured "neat" against the existing undisturbed soil or be backfilled with a compacted fill meeting the requirements for stmctural fill. Our recommended parameters are as follows: -Passive Pressure (Lateral Resistance) • 350 pcf equivalent fluid weight for compacted structural fill • 350 pcf equivalent fluid weight for native dense soil. -Coefficient of Friction (Friction Factor) • 0.35 for compacted structural fill • 0.35 for native dense soil We recommend that footing drains be placed around all perimeter footings. More specific details of perimeter foundation drains are provided below in Section 5.6 · Footing Drains. 5.4 Permanent Basement and Conventional Retaining Walls At the time of report preparation finish grades for the proposed development were not shown on the site plan. We anticipate that little site grading is proposed and that the new construction will be primarily at-grade. The site plan does not indicate whether or not a detention vault of pond will be located at the stormwater tracts A & C. The following design recommendations may be used for permanent basement and conventional retaining walls at the project site, if necessary. GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Westlm Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-1 Page 9 Permanent basement walls restrained horizontally on top are considered unyielding and should he designed for a lateral soil pressure under the at-rest condition; while conventional reinforced concrete walls free to rotate on top should be designed for an active lateral soil pressure. Active Earth Pressure Conventional reinforced concrete walls that are designed to yield an amount equal to 0.002 times the wall height, should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressure imposed by an equivalent fluid with a unit weight of 35 pcf for level backfill. At-Rest Earth Pressure Walls supported horizontally by floor slabs are considered unyielding and should be designed for lateral soil pressure under the at-rest condition. The lateral soil pressure design shm1ld have an equivalent fluid pressure of 45 pcf for level ground behind the walls. Passive Earth Pressure and Base Friction The available passive earth pressure that can be mobilized to resist lateral forces may be assumed to be equal to 350 pcf equivalent fluid weight in both undisturbed soils and engineered structural backfill. The base friction that can be generated between concrete and undisturbed native soils or engineered structural backfill may be based on an assumed 0.35 friction coefficient. Drainage Based upon the subsurface investigation no groundwater seepage was encountered at the test pit locations which extended to depths of up to 6-feet below ground surface (bgs). If excavations extend deeper than this, such a for detention vaults or full-height basement~ then seepage may be encountered. If seepage is encountered then GEO Group Northwest, Inc., should be retained to evaluate and provide updated recommendations for the un-anticipated conditions. We recommend that a vertical drain mat, Miradrain 6000 or equivalent, be used to facilitate drainage behind permanent concrete basement and conventional retaining walls. We recommend GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-I Page IO that the drainage mat be installed on the back side of the wall extending from the finish grade down to a footing drain pipe. The wall footing drain pipe should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated rigid PVC pipe surrounded by a bed of washed gravel and separated from site soils by filter fabric, Mirafi 140N or equivalent. The drain pipe should be tightlined to discharge to the stormwater system. Backfill behind conventional retaining walls should consist of free-draining sand or gravel soils which are compacted in lifts. Backfill in areas adjacent to basement or conventional retaining walls should be compacted with hand held equipment or a hoepack. Heavy compacting machines should not be allowed within a horizontal distance to the wall equivalent to one half the wall height, unless the walls are designed with the added surcharge. 5.5 Slab-on-Grade Concrete Floors Loose site soils should be excavated from all concrete slab subgrade areas or compacted to a firm and unyielding condition. Slab-on-grade concrete floors may be constructed on top of medium dense to dense native site soils or on top of compacted structural fill placed on top of the competent site soils. The slab-on-grade floors should not be constructed on top of loose soils. To avoid moisture build-up on the subgrade, slab-on-grade floors should be placed on a capillary break, which is in turn placed on the prepared subgrade. The capillary break should consist of a minimum of a six (6) inch thick layer of free-draining crushed rock or gravel containing no more than five (5) percent finer than the No. 4 sieve. A vapor barrier, such as a IO-mil plastic membrane, is recommended to be placed over the capillary break beneath the slab to reduce water vapor transmission through the slab. Two to four inches of sand may be placed over the barrier membrane for protection during construction. 5.6 Footing Drains We recommend that drains be installed around the perimeter of the foundation footings. The drains should consist of a four (4) inch minimum diameter perforated rigid drain pipe laid at or near the bottom of the footing with a gradient sufficient to generate flow, as schematically illustrated in Plate 3 -Typical Footing Drain Detail. The drain line should be bedded on, surrounded by, and covered with a free-draining rock, pea gravel, or other free-draining granular material. The drain rock and drain line should be completely surrounded by a geotextile filter GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Westrm Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-1 Page l l fabric, Mirafi 140N or equivalent. Once the drains are installed, the excavation should he backfilled with a compacted fill material. The footing drains should be tightlined to discharge to the stormwatcr collection system. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing drainage system. All roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to discharge into the storm water collection system. We recommend that sufficient cleanouts be installed at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drains and downspout tightline systems. 5.7 Pavements Based upon the site plan we understand that new private access roadways will be constructed at the site. The adequacy of pavements is strictly related to the condition of the underlying subgrade. We recommend that all pavement subgrades be compacted by several passes of a large vibratory drum roller prior to placement of the crushed rock base. Before paving, we recommend that the subgrade be proof-rolled under the supervision of the geotechnical engineer to verify that the subgrade is firm and unyielding at the time of paving. The proof-roll may be performed by driving a fully loaded dump truck over the sub grade areas. If loose or yielding soils are encountered it may be necessary to over-excavate and replace with compacted structural fill in some areas. For firm and unyielding native subgrade soils we recommend the following minimum pavement sections for driveways: Class "B" Asphalt Concrete (AC) Crushed Rock Base (3/4-inch minus) Or Concrete Pavement Crushed Rock Base (3/4-inch minus) 3 inches 6 inches 6 inches 4 inches We understand that it may be beneficial to install a base pavement layer such as ATB (Asphalt- Treated Ba~e) prior to completion of the project. Oftentimes this can help protect the sub grade from construction impacts and reduce cost related to subgrade repairs during wet weather periods. Consequently we have calculated that the 3-inches of AC over 6-inches of Crushed Rock Base noted above would be equivalent to the following total pavement thickness: GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Western Heights Plat, Renton, Washington Class "B" Asphalt Concrete (AC) Asphalt Treated Base (A TB) Crushed Rock Base (3/4-inch minus) 2 inches 4 inches 3 inches G-2884-l Page 12 In accordance with the Washington State Department of Transportation Construction Manual, transverse cracks will develop in concrete slabs at about 15 foot intervals along the length of slabs and a slab wider than 15 feet may crack longitudinally. To control cracking of the concrete, contraction joints should be installed. Contraction joints are weakened planes which collect the cracking into a controlled joint, creating a maintainable joint in the slab, and preventing random ragged cracks which spread and require expensive maintenance. We recommend that contraction and construction joints be connected with #5 dowel bars, 30 inches long, 18 inches on center. The contraction joints should be placed at maximum 14 foot intervals. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report ha~ been prepared for the specific application to this site for the exclusive use of Prospect Development, LLC and their authorized representatives. We recommend that this report be included in its entirety in the project contract documents for use by the contractor. Our findings and recommendations stated herein are based on field observations, our experience and judgement. The recommendations are our professional opinion derived in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area and within the budget constraint. No warranty is expressed or implied. In the event the soil conditions are found to vary during site excavation, GEO Group Northwest, Inc. should be notified and the above recommendation should be re-evaluated. 7.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES We recommend that GEO Group Northwest Inc. be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications of the proposed development to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction documents. We also recommend that GEO Group Northwest Inc. be retained GEO Group Northwest, Inc. July 3, 2014 Proposed Weston Heights Plat, Renton, Washington G-2884-1 Page 13 to provide monitoring and testing services for geotechnically-relatcd work during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. We anticipate the following construction monitoring inspections may be necessary: I. Site clearing and grubbing; 2. Over-excavation and structural fill placement at building foundation locations; 3. Verification of bearing soil conditions for foundations; 4. Structural fill placement and compaction; 5. Slab-on-grade preparation; 6. Subsurface drainage installation; 7. Proof-rolling of pavement subgrade areas. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service to you on this project. We look forward to working with you as this project progresses. Should you have any questions regarding this report or need additional consultation, please feel free to call us. Sincerely, GEO Group Northwest, Inc. (/~1Jnk Adam Gaston Project Engineer cc: Bob Nix -Core Design William Chang, P.E. Principal GEO Group Northwest, Inc. ILLUSTRATIONS G-2884-1 GEO Group Northwest, Inc. I ' .. -' ~ l .. I I . :l I ._"!. I I I I SCALE: NTS DATE: 711114 l ' MADE: AG ' , • ;_. .... ) .l VICINITY MAP WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT 6S4 & 650 NILE A VE NE RENTON, WASHINGTON JOB NO.: G-2884-1 PLATE: I \ r: L. ·l~ I' I, ;, Jn, \'j-1 I ~-i . JI -+-1, ~ I ,: . 1 1 ~ I ,l,11 ~ ' ill ~ : '-' ... I I I• :'[ );H, ~,.. ' '4 ~ ~ "' I: Iii .• ·_. I )' ! ' 1 ~I . . I . ·!, '··t"]:'. / I -' -T --' . ----. • ,;---· ,, ,< -.... "' ' \ ' ;;-;,-C_:-,-:_. ' ' 1:---:-\ j.... C ...- 1 ' I ' " -;r~ -.7 ·:_: . 1., ' ~ / ~ U,1,( ..... ' / ' . "~~-~ \ 1; :\_.--L, ___ , ,, \ '· \. ·-...., ·";, ! ·.::· ~-/-\ ...... 1'111,AC;T A \. _., ~ i" '•,'! . ~-'1 I ft ' -,,:: ,. 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Do not replace rigid PVC pipe with flexible com1gated plastic pipe. 2.) Perforated or slotted PVC pipe should be tight jointed and laid with perforations or slots down. with positive gradient to discharge. 3.) Do not connect roof downspout drains into the footing drain lines. SLAB • Group Northwest, Inc. TYPICAL FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT SCALE NONE DATE 712/14 MADE AG CHl<O WC 684 & 650 NILE A VE NE RENTON, WASHINGTON JOB NO. G-2884-1 PLATE 3 APPENDIX A: TEST PIT LOGS G-2884-1 LEGEND OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND PENETRATION TEST UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) --r ---------------;· -------- , MAJOR OJVIStoN ! GROUP SYMBOL TYPICAL OESCA1PT10N LABORATORY CLASSIRCATIOH CRftERlA •• T"' ------r· -. --·-·--ii ·-· -------------.... I CLEAN GW WELL GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL-SANO 'I Cu = {060 i DH)) 0~1e, 11'.an 4 GRAVELS ___ L_ Ml~~~lJffiEOR~~-NES···-----J PE;ET:: ... ~:OF :_ ~~'.~-'.lCr.2)11010"~)~ 1 m?J GRAVELS I (irlt!e 0( no I GP POORL y GAAOEO GAAVEL'i, ANO GRAVEL-SAND·:; GRAVEL ANO SANO II NOT I.EETlNQ ABOVE REQUIREMl:Hrs !Moo! Than Half hne11) i "41XTURES lJTTlf OR NO F!"tES · FROM GAAJN SIZE . COARSE-~ BUTI . GRAINED SC>LS ; 1 u~': 4 r-Gg::;LS ; GM -~Sl~TY GRA,ELS,~:V~L $~~LT :XTURES) DIS~RVE OO : =; ;_•:R~,l~::~~ ! i (W!U'l 50'!'8 / GC ' CLAYEY GRAV~LS~:~EL-SANO-CLAY I COARSE GRAINED I exceeos ,r,.i ATTEABE~ ~:;~s ABOVE ·--·----·-.. ~~-+---------~-.. ------·------------------------l C~~,~~EAS ;:_ -------L ___ ~ P ~--~ETHA~_! __ - S-'NOS j SW I WEU. GRADED SANOS. GRAV EU. Y SANOS, Lil TLE i FOUOWS. ! Cu .,, {060 I DlO) greater t!"lal1 15 : CLEAN i I OANOFINES ! Cc"(DJ0'1)t(010"060)oetwHnlal"ldl ~Tha,ittalfi,y[ (~~= \1 <'~ 1 00 :-~; :--~LYG~~E~~~·:tF;~."~ I, <5%AMG-~---.:;~~:;,:,sov~:;~~ .... ~- w~Latge, iSmalletThanNo.4, . 1 • GW,GP,SW.SP """'s,~,200 ! ~) lr-·--------+------r- 1 · ---------·----------! 1 . >l2%FheG~ ;---·Tl ATTEABE~·u,,.""'Ne BELOW -~ DIRTY SM Sil TY SANOS. SANO-SILT MIXTlJRES : ,., i i SANDS I i ! GM, GC. SM. SC ' CONTENT OF ! -NITrl P.I LESS THAN 4 ! I -: -----I ----·------------1 s 10 12'% Frne J Exe:;~ 12"". r-A. ITTRB€R0 LIMITS ABOVE : {With som6 SC 1, CL.A VEY SANDS. SANO-CL.Av MtXTIJAES Grain«!: use dual L I 'A· LINE , i fltlElll) : ! svrntx,11 ( ~ P I ,l,.ORE TkAN 7 ~------!----·--t-:;-ililimil ! ·------t-1 ;~NICSILT~.AOCK-~OUR,SANOV;fLfS f . . . Sll TS i < 50% , ""-. OF SLIGHT PLASTICITY 60 ·1, I P1atticify Ghan, i I I j ---' (Be!ow A-UN Oil L__J__ ____ L ---------1 PV.SnCnl' CHART / A·l.Jll'8 --/ ANE-GRAINED : NeQliglblie Organic); l,Qoid L;mii t MH ! INORO.ANIC SILTS. YICACEOi.JS OR FOR SotLPASSING r--+--1'--t--,,.-t--1 50 SOILS ' I > 50"4 : ! DIATOMACEOUS. FINE SANDY OR Sll TY SOIL NO. 40 SIEVE I I / l i '"-----1~-----~---1---tlNOAGANICCU.vSOFLOWPLASTICITY ·1 I / CHorOH I CLAYS ! L..iQuid Lirnil I CL I GAAVELJ.Y. SAHOY. OA siuy cLAvs. cLEAN lJ -Ir--. /-l-r-i--t-1---J I <JO% . ' Cl/, ' i .:EJ ~ l.imjf lc:T1NOF10AN1c cws OF ::H PLASTICITY FA~ t-+-t-,-/lc.JL'-o,-OLt-~/1!---+--+-t-+-l--1 G:i 40 0 ;:; JO ~ : I > 50% I ' CLAYS ' More Than Ha1H1~ t-· ~ -- WrtqYt Smalet I_ I L..quid limit I I ORGANIC Sll TS ANO ORGANIC Sil TY CLAYS cx:- @ 20 ~ Q. I / ' "'"o, OH Than No 200 /OAOA;~;~LTS 'L <.""-. I Ol J.____ LOW PLASTICITY I SNNe (Below A·l.Jne on I I .. ----1----' __ / P-.,c,,.,., j ';": I OH I 00GAN1CClAYS0FH10HPLASTIC1TV 1 " 7 4 0 / I I I--pc, ML 0 10 20 JO 40 <J 60 70 "' 90 !00 110 HIGHL v ORGANIC SOILS I "' PEA r ANO OTI<ER HIGHI. v Of!GAN/G SOILS I LIQUID UMrT (%) SOIL PAlfflCl.E SIZE GEHERA.l. GUIDANCE OF SOI... ENOJNEERINQ PAOP£ATIE8 FROM STANDAAO PElfETFU.TIOH TEST(SPT) ,-----U.S. STAND.A.AD s,,ivE-----·-----l~-----------------~------------1 FRACTION I-P .... r,g j_' --1------- I ' Sim I .. [/ Sieve I (mm)-~. :'"- sa. T I Cl.AV r.?00 : 0 075 , ----1-. L ----r~ I Slz9 I Jmm) -·1 r .. --- I llAlfll I i I :~:w i :: ! fi:S I : I :: ~-COARSE ;_-~-_L .4 ~---i---~~-i _.,-2 __ W!4m [/ i I 1 1 FINE , 19 i •• -t 75 COARSE i, 715 / ! 19 o------·L ----'-----..L.·--~---·-__ _t_ ____ _ C080l.Ell 1----------·1----- 80ULDE.Ftl!I i f-----·· - AOCl( i ---------f--- i 76 ITWl'I ro 203 rrm - Blow N o-• 4-10 IO JO > 50 I I S.AHOY SOfLS SIL TY I CLAYEY SOILS = 1 ':;' r.· ----_-_---··----=------1-,-"= 1 _ _.- %. i ,t. Ol!lgl'N I N j Qu, Isl j -,~r---·-r-v..,~ ,, l-;-,-25-r·-;;·;; --· 15·35 I 28·Xl I llXlN Z·• 025-0.50 ! Sdt 35 66 28 -35 1 MIJdil.nl OenN 4 a 0.50 -1 oo I ~ Stiff M·815 I 35 .Q i Denle 11·15 j 1.00-2.00 ; 8!5 · roo I! 38 ·.., I vi,,y DenM 1s ~ I 2.00. 4 oo ; ,,. JO :>-4.00 i 132'40 NE 2Cffi Stlwt, Suite fO Phone (425) 649--8757 ~.WA 98005 F.u {425) 6"9-3758 PLATE 51'1 A1 TEST PIT NO. TP-1 LOGGED BY AW TEST PIT DATE: 05/ l 5/2009 .. DEPTH SAMPLE Water OTHER TESTS/ fl. uses SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS ML Dk. Brown top~il. SILT. l(XlSC S-1 Probe 5-9" -~-------. -------------------------------------------------. Bruwn .'>anJy S[L T with gravel, tine-grained, rnui:,1, loose to mc<lium S-2 Pn1bc4-l4" -' \!L ' ' dense S-3 Pnihe 0-J" -"·1-----· --------------------------------------------------· -" SM Gray gr..ivelly silty SAND with cobble, dense, becoming very dense at 5 - 3' bgs (unweathcred TILL) . Total depth of test pit:;; 3.3 feet bgs . No groundwater seepage observed . - 10 - - - - - 15 _ TEST PIT NO. TP-2 LOGGED BY AW TEST PIT DATE: 05/15/2009 DEPTH SAMPLE Water OTHER TESTS/ fl. uses SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS ----.1'.1!-. .... Drk. Brown Topsoil, SILT, very loose ________________________ Probe 30" -ML Brown sandy SILT with some gravel, fine-grained, moist, loose Probe 10" ----------------------------------------------------------Probe 2" -" SM Gray gravelly silty SAND wilh cobble, dense becoming very dense at 5 -4' bgs (unweathered TILL) - -Total depth of test pit= 4 feet bgs No groundwater seepage observed - - 10 - - - . - 15 _ TEST PIT LOGS • WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT Grou~ Northwest, Inc. 684 & 650 Jlt'ILE A VE NE GeolecMicaJ Engi'!&ers, Geologists, & RENTON, WASHL'iGTON Bwirorirrental Scientists JOB NO. G-2884-1 DATE 7/2/14 PLATE A2 -·------~ TEST PIT NO. TP-3 LOGGED BY AG TEST PIT DATE: 11)/30120 12 -. DEPTH SAMPLE Water OTHER TESTS/ n. uses SOIL DESCRIPTION No. 0, COMMENTS 0 ~1L Dk. Rniwn ,;andy S[LT (t1)psoil), moist, l1)t)SC to medium den~ S-1 Prohe 3-6" ----------------------------------------------------------Pn>hc 2-J" -.\IL CrJ:y g:rJvc!ly san<ly S(LT with oci.:asion.il cobhle, demc, hccoming S-2 Prnhc < l" -very Jense J.!ld cemented at J' hgs (unwealhered TILL) - 5 - Total depth of test pit = 6 feet bgs. -No groundwater 'iecpag:e obsen:e<l - - 10 - - - - - 15 - TEST PIT NO. TP-4 LOGGED BY AG TEST PrT DATE: I 0130/2012 -~---------·------ DEPTH SAMPLE Water OTHER TESTS/ n. uses SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS ML Drk. Brown sandy SILT (topsoil-forest <luff). moist. very loose to Probe 12-l8'' -medium dense S-I ---------~--------------------------------------------------Probe 1-3" S-2 -ML Tan and mottle<l sandy SILT wich occasional gravel and cobbles, Probe <I'' -dense becoming very dense at 3.5' hgs (unweathered TILL) 5 -Total depth of test pit= 5 feet bgs -No groundwater seepage observed - - 10 _ - - - - 15 - TEST PIT LOGS • WF.~TON HEIGHTS PL,\ T Group Northwest, Inc. 684 & 65-0 NILE A VE :,;i,: G&otect'-,rncal 8,,gi'leers. Geologists. & RE.'liTON, WASHLNGTON 8"1V,rontr8ntal Sc113111:1Sts JOB NO. G-2884-1 DATE 7/2/14 PLATE A3 . ----·--------·--~-- TEST PIT NO. TP-5 LOGGED BY AG TEST PIT DATE: I 0/30/2012 ·~· ---... _ .. ------·-·· . DEPTH SAMPLE Water OTHER TESTS/ ft. uses SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS \IU Dk. Brown silty SAND/sandy SILT (cop54.,il). moi.st. loose to medium Pn>he 18-24" -SM dense ----------------------------------------------------------S-1 Pwbe <I .. ML Tan grc1velly sandy S[L T with occasional cobbles., r~mcnted. moist, -, dense to very dense (unweathercd TlLL) . 5 Total depth of test pit = 3 feet hgs -No groundwater seepage observed - - - - 10 _ - - - . 15 - TEST PIT NO. TP-6 LOGGED BY AG TEST PIT DATE: l0/30/2012 DEPTH SAMPLE Water OTHER TESTS/ ft. uses SOIL DESCRIPTION No. % COMMENTS ML Ork. Brown to red-brown silty SAND/sandy SlL T with some gravel and Probe 4-IO" -occasional cobble, moist, loose to medium dense --------· ~--------------------------------------------------S-1 Probe 2" -SM Brown to tan and then gray gravelly silty SAND. dry, dense to very S-2 dense, cemented (unweathered TILL) 5 Total depth of test pit = 4 feet bgs - -No groundwater .seepage observed - - - 10 _ - - - - 15 - TEST PIT LOGS • WESTON HEIGHTS PLAT Group Northwest, Inc. 684 & 650 NILE A VE NE Geotechncal &ig.,eers, Geoi:>gists, & RENTON, WASHINGTON &lvironmental Scl8n~ts JOB NO. G-2884-1 DATE 7/2/14 PLATE A4 ------------