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' ' j * * ------~-· _. _. ___ -:_ __________________________ _ City of Renton Planning Division NOV i 8 d!i [Ri~~[E~~~[Q) FOR PLANT SCHEDULE, NOTES AND DETAILS SEE SHEET L 14 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUBMITTAL -OWOJJALA -I I I .S NOTrn c,~, .. ,a,C,"""'""'"'"''""'M'' ~m~ 2~1;1CJ[D L 0-lL -,-,""":::'"', "'"' I ucoMA-SE.O.TII.E·SPOl'AN~ -m'-i:m£S =::=::'=!' I ,, I .E;:'-=~'"li":.E~1:i":~~ '~':."': I ~ I -~·~ i=::t:=t: .. 1-: :-: I ~ ® *' CITY OF RENTON Ao,n~/Q.,;<dl"1/PUOl-:"°"'oC>opt. SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT LANDSCAPE PLAN 1.U.1-SS·ddd I I 1 ! , I'' I' l-1"11 ,l ·• i, 1, ! .• ·1· ' !,, I i 111 '1 !, Iii !. I i I I ! ' ! ! ! I j l 1 I ! ' l ! ' S1N31A13AOl:::ldVoll 311S lOOHOS Al:::IV1N3Vi313 N31El ONll:::ldS ~ 5 ~ "" -> = z. I ~ ' l • i ' ; ! i ! • I ! • I i I ' ; ! ! ' ' I ' i j ' ! I ' ' ' ! ' !I I• •1 El !1 1' !i B 11 ~ r ~ I' 11 ~"'~ ~ !'i:Z~ o ,, ~~5 ~ ~~a t3 ::i;oo""" wo:::i:: o ~r "··· ·1 u:j~~ z z-2 w ! 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I ' • ! ' g I SPRING GLE N ELEMENTARY S l'RO.lm w,,r HOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS PPP-SS-TTTT @~ -----' !I ,l i \ . <. ; ' ! _ii··~.:~i-. ". • -\; .. -·,, · .. :,:ii .t,:i~,c'1"'i;:,.· . .,.,1 § ~( ,. ' \. ·c,,;. ·: : o,·'i ,i ~:-,:I·:: ' ... -.,.-ffl~:,-:--nl : ' .. ., ' I:;.~ ':f11;)L;r ·,. ! j ---, I 1> SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS \ ', ' ' ' \ \ ;;: ...... \ ........ ,,"' .. ~ .. "..:--..:::_-...-_' .... PPP-SS-TTTT ' ' \ i ,, CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM CLASSROOM $ RENTON ACADEMY AT SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY EXISTING FLOOR PLAN I I I I I I I I I 0 10' 20' BOILER ROOM CLASSROOM ADt.llNISTRATION .--o1p,...--------.... I"""-..... -. -·1 STAGE MULTI-PURPOSE CLASSROOM OFFICES Ci C ·;-2 : : i greenc ,;., ·-., '-· · 10/15/13 I 0 • • • • • I I . .!.J Renton School District Spring Glen Elementary School Vicinity Map RECF OCT 2 4 C C 0 1 inch = 200 feet l 1 ~ ~! i 1if t . t" . ' . .. •• ·' T .. . . . . . . . . . . •. -.. ' ::' -.I ... . : . • . . ' : t-..• : : . . : :::·:;;·. "":l t ·! l t 1 ii i \' 11 i 11 I _l -~, :. y:. . ... ., ... i, - i 1 "2 t. I l i 1 I 5 ~ l • , 0 •. : r--=====--i : ..... 'I, .. -i r---=:::::f;<, ' . ~ -·· .... ;:~ ~ -j) .J • -~ Q - ... -~ j ... ~ :! ... t _, l .. Q ... 1 r --·------------------------;- ~ : I I ~ ! It=· ++-i I ++-; I f,- I J ~,-, I - ~ I c:, -:--; -; "" ,;_ ,, ;---, I IYl'F' ~~P+t~{,, ~ I I I &~~ ~A~tt~JJl.t:> ,6.J,IW i,t,e:¥' ~ tA-tJHM ~tot~ ~~ 11,: ., -r 1·l--•1 0 "1"' t, iii April 2, 2014 Brad Medrud AHBL 2215 N 30'h Street #300 Tacoma, WA 98043 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E. "Chip"Vincent, Administrator SUBJECT: Spring Glen Elementary School Improvements· LUAB-001481; SA-A, MOD Dear Mr. Medrud: This letter is to inform you that the appeal period ended January 21, 2014 for the Administrative Site Development Plan Review approval. No appeals were filed, therefore, this decision is final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The advisory notes listed in the City of Renton Report and Decision dated January 7, 2014 must be adhered to during construction and prior to final inspection. Furthermore, the Administrative Site Development Plan Review decision willexpire two (2) years from the date of decision. If you are unable to finalize the development within the two-year time-frame, a single two (2) year extension may be requested in writing, pursuant to RMC 4-9-200. In regards to the vesting of the above referenced project, please be aware that as long as the development of the project conforms to the approved plans arid building permits are submitted within the relevant time limits, the zoning regulations in effect at the time of the original approval shall continue to apply. However; all construction shall conform to the International Building Code and Uniform Fire Code regulations in force at the time of building permit application. If you have any questions regarding the report and decision issued for this site plan development proposal, please call me at (425) 430-7314. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Current Planning Manager cc: Rick Stracke/ Applicant Donald Schultz, Sandra & Jiin Powers/ Party{ies) of Record Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way .• Renton, Washington 98057 • rentoi1wa.gov CITY OF RENTO __ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: February 4, 2014 To: City Clerk's Office From: Lisa M. Mcelrea Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Spring Glen Elementary School LUA (file) Number: LUA-13-001481, SA-A Cross-References: AKA's: Spring Glen Elementary School Improvements Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee Acceptance Date: October 29, 2013 Applicant: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc. Owner: Rick Stracke, RSD #403 Contact: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc. PID Number: 2923059061 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: January 7, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: Januarv 21. 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site unorades for drainaoe. narkino and circulation. Location: 2607 Jones Ave S. Comments: The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTf JA 13-001481) PLAN ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: 2607 JONES SAVE RENTON, WA 98055-5102 APPLICATION DATE: 10/24/2013 The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave.Sand S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. Community Services Review Leslie Betlach Ph: 425-430-6619 email: LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Avoid use of Maple species where possible. Does not comply with frontage requirements (landscape strip, street trees, ground cover, sidewalks). Engineering Review Rohini Nair Ph: 425-430-7298 email: mair@rentonwa.gov Engineering Plan Review Comments Created On: 12/19/2013 February 04, 2014 Waiting for information from the applicant that will finalize the project requirements. Recommendations: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER: The site is located in the City of Renton water service area. SEWER: The site is located in the city of Renton sewer service area. STORM: There exists storm drainage pipe on Jones Avenue South frontage and stormwater ditch in the South 27th Street frontage. STREETS: Jones Avenue South and South 27th Street are residential streets with a right of way width of 60 feet. CODE REQUIREMENTS Water 1. Installation of 2 new fire hydrants connecting to the existing 6-inch water main is required. The final location of the hydrants must be approved by Renton Fire Prevention. If a third hydrant is required by Fire Department and/or a fire flow of 2,500 gpm is needed, then additional water service is to be obtained from the Soos Creek Water District. The water availability certificate must be provided to the City and approved water service plan from the Soos Creek Water District must be provided to the City. 2. Civil plans (plan and profile) for the water main improvements will be required and must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Washington. 3. A utility easement shall be provided to the City for the installation of the hydrants. 4. System Development Charge {SOC) fee is applicable and will be based on the number and size of the meter installed. The fee will be based upon the size of the fire service. The 2014 rate for a 4 inch fire service is $9129.00. Sanitary Sewer The proposed portables and the new endosed space at the northwest corner of the main building will not contain plumbing fixtures (i.e. sinks, toilets etc.) as part of this project. Therefore no new sewer facilities are required. Storm 1. A drainage report (TIR) prepared by AHBL was submitted with the land use application. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions and the information is included in the report. The drainage report includes the need for a detention facility. The runoff from the sidewalk and the driveway approach in the frontage must also be included in the calculations for sizing the detention facility. The requirement for water quality is also included in the report. Drainage plans and a final drainage report (TIR) based on the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual and City Amendments is required to be submitted with the Construction permit and all required drainage improvements based on the study are to be provided. 2. A geotechnical report prepared in 2013 by Associated Earth Sciences Inc. was submitted by the applicant. The report mentions that storm water infiltration using conventional shallow infiltration strategies is not feasible. Final recommendations from the geotech regarding infiltration will be reviewed with the construction permit. 3. The Surface Water System development fee for 2014 is $0.491 per square feet of new impervious surface, with a minimum fee of $1,228.00. Fee is payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. 4. A NPDES General Stormwater Construction Permit from Department of Ecology is required for projects involving clearing Page 1 of 2 Fire Review· Building Police Review February 04, 2014 and grading that exceeds one acre. Transportation 1. Both South 27th Street and Jones Avenue South are residential streets. As per RMC 4-6~060. the frontage improvements on residential streets include 26 feet wide paved width (20 feet wide paved travel lane and 6 feet wide on street paved parking on one side), 0.5 feet wide curb, gutter, 8 feet wide landscaped planter strip, 5 feet wide sidewalk, and drainage improvements. The frontage improvements on the site frontage are required to be provided. The applicant has proposed that stormwater collection and conveyance will be provided for the frontage improvements. The applicant has submitted a modification request to eliminate the 8 feet wide landscaped planter strip on the short frontage on Jones Avenue South. Staff recommends approval of this modification. 2. The school building space increase is less than the threshold requiring street lighting, therefore street lighting is not required to be provided on the frontage. General Comments 1. The proposed changes to the site must not block any existing facilities. 2. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. When utility plans are complete, please submit three (3) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cast of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. Corey Thomas Ph: 425-430-7024 email: cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. The fire impact fees would be not be applicable for this project due to buildings being relocated and/or replaced. No charge for covered play structures. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow requirement is 2,000 gpm. Two fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant Is required within 150 -feet of the proposed buildings and one hydrant is required within 300-feet. There are no existing hydrants can be counted toward the requirements. It appears adequate fire flow exists In the area. A water main extension and a minimum of two new fire hydrants are required to be installed. 2. An approved fire alarm is required throughout the two relocated portable classrooms and the area that was formerly a play shed. Separate plans and permits are required to be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for review and permitting. Fire alarm system shall be fully addressable and full detection is required. 3. Per state fire code amendment, all portable classrooms exceeding a 50 person occupant load shall require an approved fire sprinkler system. If existing portables are relocated, they will required to be fully fire sprinklered. 4. Fire department apparatus access appears adequate. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 -feet of all points on the buildings. Fire lane signage required for the onsite roadways. Required turning radiuses are 25-feet inside and 45-feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Maximum grade on roadways is 15%. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30-ton vehicle and 322-psi point loading. Fire department lock boxes would be required on the proposed access roadway gates. Dead end roads require approved turnarounds. Cyndie Parks Ph: 425-430-7521 email: cparks@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 2 CFS Estimated Annually (for the new construction) Minima impact on police services. Page 2 of 2 January 9, 2014 Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL, Inc .. · .. 2215 N 39th Street; Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 . Address · Departmert ofCommunityand Economic. Development · · C.E."Chip"Vjricent,Administrator SUBJECT: Additional Exhibits for Site Plan Decision Spring Glen Elementary School, LUA13~001481 Dear Mr. Medrud: · Jhe initial mailing of the Administrative Site Plan Report & De'cision for Spring Glen Elementary School, City file number LUAB-001481 inadvertently dld not in.elude . Exhibits. 6-9. As such, the eh closed Exhibits sh~uld be added to the previous mailing of the Report and Decision. If you have questioris please feel free to call me at 425-430~ . 7314., . . 0 • . . • . • .• Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Current Planning Manager. Enclos~re(s};_Exhibits6.-_ 9 of th€! S,it~_ Plai1 De:cisi~fl dated Januar( 7, 2d14._. -. . cc: RSD #403 c/o Rick Stracke/ oiner(s) · . Donald S:c~ultz &_· Sa"t1dra .ind Jfrn_ ~owers /.f>arty(ies} Vanessa Dolbee From: Brad Medrud <BMEDRUD@AHBL.com> Wednesday, December 18, 2013 4:37 PM Vanessa Dolbee Sent: To: Cc: calvin@greenegasaway.com; tony@greenegasaway.com; Sean Comfort; William Fierst; Sara Coccia Subject: Renton SD -Spring Glen ES -Street and Storm Drainage Improvements Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Vanessa: We have reviewed the items we discussed at our meeting on December 5, 2013 with the District. The recent work at Nelsen Middle School and the upcoming work at Spring Glen Elementary School without off-site improvement work came to $7,700,000 ($1,200,000 for Nelsen MS and $6,500,000 for Spring Glen ES). The District is planning to do full storm water improvements on-site and full street improvements along the entire school property line along both Jones Avenue South and South 27'h Street, with the exception of the following: 1. Eliminating the landscape strip along Jones Avenue South that we filed as a modification request with the SPR. 2. Detention will be provided for an equivalent on-site roof area in-lieu of providing detention along 27th Street. This is based upon Chips comment about potentially exchanging certain storm water upgrades for street frontage improvements. Stormwater collection and conveyance is provided for the frontage improvements. 3. Water quality treatment. The only area requiring water quality treatment is an approximate 2-feet wide strip of asphalt surfaces requiring replacement to install the new concrete curb and gutter. Chip agreed the replaced asphalt surface does not require water quality treatment, because the pavement must be removed to install the new curb. The storm water collected along the west half of 27th will be discharged to its current outfall location at the existing swale paralleling the access road to Nelsen Middle school. The east side will be discharged into the existing system within the street. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Brad Medrud, AICP I Senior Planning Project Manager -'-------- AHBL, Inc. TACOMA. SEATTLE. SPOKANE. TRI-CITIES 253.383.2422 TEL I 253.383.2572 FAX I www.ahbl.com WEB Civil Engineers• Structural Engineers• Landscape Architects • Community Planners• Land Surveyors • Neighbors CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s), lf you are not the intended recipient, please permanently delete the original message and all attachments and notify the sender immediately. » Please consider /he environment before printing this email. 1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Planning bi vision of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public ApprOvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant ls requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. Sin the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be rE!:-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would ·be provided from- both Jones Ave.Sand S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification i-equests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip, between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave, and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./ bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: !Y.P, Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way1 Renton, WA 98057 1 by 5:00 p.m. on November 121 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at {425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be n·otified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 Jfyou would like to be made a party.of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:------~------------------------------ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ c,ty/State/Zip: ----------- TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- -------1]{(silll1tcuKn1 ~· NOTICE OF APPLICATION ~-::::~=-~~-":::..,.~.;:..~::-~ ...-.... -. -.... Pl.£ASE INCUJDE TllE PROJECT NUM8ER WHEN CAWN(i FOR PROPER mt IDENT1FICATIOH ,,,..._llilt,oM_,_..,._.. ......... .._......._,oH,...-,.,,Jea,-lhll """'""'n<1um,v.a,yo1........,ao.--.-..1.Cl!I.S-~w.,,111..,.,.w.00ltlf.'. Ao ....... , .... : ....... ---.... -,~ .. ~- CERTIFICATION • hereby certify that '2 copies of the above document were posted in -2__ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date: ID/.2.q /;s Signed:~@;'.)( :{Ja~-:e, ~ ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that t/q a< s: 5· rt Dal h,. e signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. "''"""\\"''' Datech-'-' 03 ublic in and for the State of Washington ff~'-'.,.:..~~ iS' f ~ !T~1"",.' ~ i8 -• -z : Notary (Print): r. ~ ·:--, , .t. O ----'H=,: 4--I. Y=o•;'"""'-+-•~-----, ~ "us'-"''\ i.;. = <!'~,,,,,,, 8.29·;.~ ~c; My appointment expires: ,4 , J:-J . ol ]-, , >-r-llh\\\\\11,"~ ~ ••• ~ ---"-'-"", 4"""-l.---"'-'"-1-"'""'-'-J:...-------- ' •,,.OF WP..S .. · I I, , , ~ . \' \ \ \'' ' On the 29th day of October, 2013, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application and Acceptance documents. This information was sent to: Brad Medrud Contact/ Applicant RSD #403 c/o Rick Stracke Owner See attached 300' surrounding property owners (Signature of Sender): ~ \fnc_, 't::t,~ V STATE OF WASHINGTON ,,,\\\\\\\\l\ ..:' IJ -·· :,._\.. '? PQiA ,,,, : '),._o :-."''"'"'' r ""'""' ,,, :· '< ·_,,.i_.SIO,¥ '~ f,,: · Io• +oT~ IP ~ .:: t.> ;;. ~ COUNTY OF KING ) u, ~ • • • ~ • 1 4 r. --, ~ "•\,.\'¥ :: ,;..~.~ 1 ct- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lisa M. McElrea ·· .. <!I' ,,,..,,:!t" ,;§ _:: signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act,~~ ~.,·.::.....~a(ld' purposes ,, ,it,~~ ..... mentioned in the instrument. 1"'"n"'''' ss Dated: Qc±cJdn i2 q :1013 I ary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print): ___ ~µ_o~ll""'4~1'~o~W~<=""'5~·------------ My appointment expires: J , At,_Jc,.st 1q1 :}Ol1 Spring Glen Elementary School LUAB-001481, SA-A ACCT _NO Name 337675006007 JTJ APARTMENT INVESTORS LLC 337810006003 WEBB BRIAN 337810005005 KNAPP KARL+EVA 337810004008 TRAN TRUNG DINH 337810003000 ROBERTSON KEVIN 337810002002 SWEENEY DAVID M+NAOMI K 8800077003 COLEMAN GINA E+JEFFREY A 8800070008 CADWELL SANDRA K 638700012005 SCHEMNITZER JOSEPH 638700011007 DEMIDIO BRADLEYT+YELSA WIL 638700007005 MANZ MICHAELA D 638700006007 POWERS SANDRA 638700005009 ANCHORS SANDRA L 638700004002 DUPUIS TERI L 638700003004 SCHULTZ DONALD E 638700002006 FICHTNER COLLEEN 8800078001 CRUEGER DONNA RAE 8800069109 KAMAUIT SINGH LALLY+DARSHA 8800079504 PHAM TURNER+ 8800079009 G & G ASSOCIATES/CP SALVINO 8800083100 BADISSY ZINE A+NAJIBA 8800085006 SEGOVIA FRANCISCO 8800083001 DAU SINH & NGUYEN HUONG 8800000500 MG PROPERTIES 292305912100 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC 73780012008 MARI LES JOSE ANGEL ZARETE 73780034002 MILLER DEBORAH JANE 73780090004 POPE PAUL DAVID 73780108004 HARTSHORN NELS P+JANET C 73780001001 JUVELAND LARAE 73780009004 DOWNS ERIC A 73780086002 CLARK KEVIN S 73780104003 MCCARTHEY DOUGLAS R 73780116007 ROANE JAMES L 73780123003 JONES HAROLD+CHRISTINE 73780052004 PARTOVI PASHA 73780053002 CALKINS MARGARET ANNE 73780074008 TAYLOR WILMA T 73780079007 WAGNER MICHAEL LAWRENCE+NIC 73780106008 TARE KEN ASTER 73780107006 BEZMAN ALEKSANDR 73780118003 SUPNET JULIAN+ANDRIE ADAM 73780029002 MAUDON LLC 73780041007 SOELBERG KENT D+SHARI J 73780056005 HERNANDEZ-LARIOS AURORA 73780062003 MCHARG BARBARA JEAN 73780075005 DU RENATE 73780033004 GEMINI ASSET MANGAMENT LLC 73780039001 PAKINJA 73780058001 NOMMENSEN MARY R 73780078009 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBA 73780081003 FLIGHT ANTONIO+KIM Address City 4155 BLACKHAWK PLAZA CIR#; DANVILLE 1518 S 28TH ST RENTON PO BOX 58422 RENTON 10724 SE 165TH ST RENTON 32914 170TH PL SE AUBURN 1516 NE 168TH ST SHORELINE 16427 109TH AVE SE RENTON 16432 108TH AVE SE RENTON,, 1405 S 27TH ST RENJON 1409 S 27.TH ST RENTON 1511 S 27TH ST RENTON 1517 S 27TH ST RENTON 1523 S 27TH RENTON, 1601 S 27TH ST RENTON 1607 S 27TH RENTCJN 1613 S 27TH ST ~ENTON.· 16417 109TH AVE SE RENTON'' 16422 108TH AVE SE 111:NfOJ'I 16409 109TH AVE SE RENTON' """ PO BOX4148 BELLEVUE. 4909 119TH PL NE KIRKLAND 2013 EDMONDS DR SE RENTON 28004 10TH AVES DES MOINES lOSOS SORRENTO VALLEY RD SI SAN DIEGO PO BOX 90868 BELLEVUE 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 112 1425 S PUGET DR #215 PO BOX 625 '·" C RENTON' REJl!TON, RAVENSDALE RENTON RENTON RENrbij ' WA Zip CA 94506 WA 98055 WA 98058 WA 98055 WA 98!192 WA 98155 WA 98055 «WA< li8oss WA 98055 WA 98055 wA 98055 WA . 98055 WA 98055 :WA 98055 WA 98055 WA .98055 ''CJNA 98055 WA 98055 WA 98055 WA 98009 WA 98033 ,''i" WA 98055 WA 98198 CA 92121 WA 98009 WA 98055 WA . 9~()~5 WA 98051 wA. 98055 wA, 98()5.5 WA' 98059 'c', 1817 LINCOLN CIR SE 1425 S PUGET DR #101 1425 S PUGET DR #109 1425 S PUGET DR #F5 PO BOX 94191 RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE.:. ,:;:, ·wA.: 98124 'se,,,'/fil ; WA 9Si:i6 2229 42ND AVE SW #203 1425 S PUGET DR #Nl 1425 S PUGET DR #Al 1425 S PUGET DR #A-2 1425 S PUGET DR D-5 PO BOX 423 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT J-1 1201 NALE AVE NE 1425 S PUGET DR #M2 3424 ABERDEEN AVE NE 25201 LWCC DR SE 1425 S PUGET DR #AS 1425 S PUGET DR #BS RENTbN WA 9.8055 '~ENf6N · :i./{J/A. 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WA 98055 CA 92701 WA; 98122 22s2s 141sT AVE sE '1<IrJr "' · 1425 S PUGET DR #304 RENTON ·. 1425 S PUGET DR #Bl "RENTON·' ' '·.,,''-" ·0n, ·,,;, 34 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA#7015 SANTA ANA , .... ,. _ _..<••<•·s" 327 29TH AVE SEAJ!\E 73780093008 SHAPIRO SVETLANA 73780102007 DAUGHARTY 2ACHARE'ROGUE 73780061005 Ll2ARDO EDELYN 73780103005 SADR MAHMOUD 73780129000 MOTIOLA VINCE L JR & CARLA 73780019003 HORAK AGATHA 73780023005 KUMAR USHA 73780028004 RODRIQUEZ RICHARD 73780040009 HUGHES RONALD E 73780077001 ATHERLEY ROBERTO L 73780117005 CHERN ELLA 73780010002 RADOVICH MICHAEL 73780026008 JOHNS THOMAS L 73780049000 MEDINA JOSEPH DAMIAN 73780059009 SAUTER MELISSA N 73780087000 ROTA EMILIA P 73780127004 SHIELDS KIP ALAN 73780011000 IRAQUI KHALID 73780072002 WIDMARK THOMAS A 73780096001 PINT JEFFREYS 73780112006 1425 PUGET SOUND DRIVE LLC 73780003007 FATA MICHAEL P 73780017007 DEGON CHRISTOPHER M 73780020001 SALDANA ALICIA 73780083009 JACKSON TRENT G 73780105000 HOLGATE JOHN H 73780115009 KORA MUHAMMADU+TIFFANY A EV 73780119001 PARSLEY CHASE 73780014004 DIEGO MICHELLE SUE 73780015001 GREAR EVERETI F 73780021009 HOPKINS NANCY M 73780037005 TANNER RUSSELL T 73780038003 PAHLOW DANIEL W+JACKIE R 73780092000 GON2ALEZ HERIBERTO 0 73780004005 KONO KEN 73780022007 SESTAK ROBERT R+LOUANNE M 73780025000 SMITH JEFFREY C 73780030000 BONNELL STEPHANIE K 73780044001 AHERN JOHN R 73780046006 CITIADINI PATRICIA D 73780060007 KALLSHIAN MERITH & JAN 73780089006 PURSCHWITZ CHARLES THOMAS 73780110000 LUU QUYEN C 73780121007 VANDER SANDEN GEORGE 73780002009 DUVAL MARTHA E 73780073000 INGLESIAS FERNANDO A 73780082001 DUKE CAROLYN J 73780111008 PHILLIPS LEONA 73780024003 GRAVES MICHAELS+ TONISE RH 73780097009 JACKSON HAROLD W 73780031008 MYERS CLEOTHA 73780057003 WACHTER STEVEN K 73780100001 JOHNSON GREGORY A 73780131006 BEVAN RAYMOND H 14024 S 33RD PL 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 1-3 1425 S PUGET DR #8 4 1425 S PUGET DR #1-4 20855 142ND AVE SE TUKWILA RENTON. RENTON RENTON !\'ENT· WA WA WA WA WA 98168 98055 98055 98055. 98042 1425 SOUTH PUGET DRIVE #11! RENTON 1425 5 PUGET DR #204 RENTON WA WA 98055 98055 1425 S PUGET DR #209 1425 S PUGET DRIVE #305 1425 S PUGET DR #E-2 10917 MERIDIAN DR SE 1425 S PUGET DR #110 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 207 1425 S PUGET DR #314 1425 S PUGET DR #82 1425 S PUGET DR #F6 1425 S PUGET DR #0-2 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 111 1425 S PUGET DR #D 3 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT H-3 JJENTciN RE_()l_TO_()l -; _ &~9J>J r;- EvERm RENTON RENTON RENTON RENTON R_ENTON RENTON RENTON RENTON RENTON WA 98055 WA. 98055 WA'98055 WA 98208 wi,, __ 98055. •·,;,»··<-, Wk 98055 ··WA 98055 j ~wa: 98058 ; WA 98055 WA 98055 WA 98055 WA 98055 WA 98055' 31811 PACIFIC HWY 5 #8101 JEf>ERAL;WAY · /.WA.· 98003 1425 S PUGET DR #103 ·RENTON'i'' -WA 98055 1425 5 PUGET DR #117 RENTON WA 98055 1425 5 PUGET DR #201 1425 S PUGET DR F-2 1425 S PUGET DR #1-6 1425 S PUGET DR #LS 1425 5 PUGET DR #M3 1425 S PUGET DR #114 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 115 1425 S PUGET DR #202 142S S PUGET DR #302 30012 127TH PL SE 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT G-5 1425 S PUGET DR APT 104 16117135TH SE 1425 S PUGET DR #206 18606 N HIHROCK RD 1425 S PUGET DR #309 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 311 1425 S PUGET DR #83 1425 S PUGET DR #G2 1422 S 124TH ST 1425 S PUGET DR M-5 1425 S PUGET DR #102 1425 S PUGET DR #D4 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT F-1 1425 S PUGET DR 1425 S PUGET DR #205 1425 S PUGET DR #H4 3207 S BYRON ST 1425 S PUGET DR #A6 26272 142ND AVE SE 12808 NE 139TH CT RENTON iiENToN ~ .-;, RENTON REt11iciN RENTCJN RENTON. : : .. <+,;;;,'"-' ",Ci'..:·,s;~j;\i; RENTON''· . ·;_,,:,,·· _, RENTON ,w? iiiost -y,;'A 98055 WA 980:S5i · \i,1. . 98055i WA 98055 -wi,9soss wA'_98oss-wA,9soss ~E-1'1-1-9,,~-, ,,, w K 98oss, AUBURN ;.·. . . WA' 98092 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON ,> -->w'A ·~soss RENTBN .WA 98058 WA 98055' -.,,,-:ta-.. •, .• ,,. 73780045008 KAZAVCHIN5KIY LEONID S+POLI 73780051006 BARR RICHARD 0 73780109002 5CEGO ALl+RODA 73780125008 GATTO DOMINIC+GEORGEINE 73780065006 LANCE MICHELLE 73780068000 YOUNG GARNETT 73780085004 BROUN ER BRIAN M+PHAM TUYET- 73780122005 MOUNT JIMMY M 73780126006 MURRAY MARVIN M 73780008006 OLEARY CELINE M 73780032006 CALLOWAY SELENA M 73780047004 NGUYEN PHUC NGOC 73780054000 LAU STEPHEN 5+BRENDA 73780055007 CORBEILJAMES R+HAYES WENDI 73780063001 MADIGAN JOHN C 73780084007 REKHI SURINDER S+PARMINDER K 73780120009 FREER LAWRENCE C Ill 73780124001 LI YUYl+HUAN ZHU LIANG 73780005002 OLIN DAREN 73780018005 HOWER JANE W 73780035009 ARMENDARIZ PEDRO+TINA 73780036007 KIMPTON GEORGE L 73780048002 HANSON DOLORES E 73780064009 HALLEX MARY F 73780080005 GEVING CAROLYN M 73780114002 DOHERTY DANIEL! 73780027006 ROUSE ROBERT JOSEPH 73780042005 OSTRANDER TIMOTHY S+SHERYL 73780050008 MCCRAY VINCENT P 73780071004 CALKINS MARGARET A 73780130008 PAINE ADRIA B 73780006000 SMITH JOHN D+CARRIE 73780007008 MEDBURY DOUGLAS A 73780043003 PENNINGTON WADE 73780091002 BROUN ER BRIAN MADISON+PHAM 73780101009 MAGGIO AMY MARIE+WILLIAM J 73780128002 LAWSON PAULE 73780094006 HARMON TODD L 73780095003 FURUKAWA CINDY K 73780099005 WEIMANN HALINA 73780013006 NINH JANE 73780016009 THOMPSON TRACEY LORRAINE 73780066004 QUACH VAN MONG 73780069008 DAVIS FLORENCE E 73780098007 DAVENPORT CHRISTIE LYNN 73780113004 RIGGSJEROME+ANTLEY KIMMY 638700001008 BAHIA BAL WANT S+MANNDER K 638700013003 CUMMINGS GLENN R+RUTH A 337810001004 NGUYEN PHILLIP 638700014001 HILLESTAD STEVE+DEBRA 8700008108 ROSA DAVID+CATHY L 638700009001 ZIMMERMAN ADAM 638700010009 AVILA SHELAH N+ALFREDO 8 638700008003 MILLER GERALD D 2225 166TH PL NE PO BOX 1034 22123 46TH AVE 5 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT N-5 1425 S PUGET DR #C 2 1425 S PUGET DR #C-5 1425 5 PUGET DR #F4 1425 S PUGET DR #M6 1425 S PUGET DR #0-1 1425 S PUGET DR #108 1425 S PUGET DR #213 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 312 BELLEVUE RENTON :_-,;;,y ', ·< !(ENT WA 98008 WA 98057 WA 98032 WA 98055 ,<~~ WA 98055 RENTON :·RENTb"N :1j:\K>"'·· R~ttoi-J f' . 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WA 98055· 1425 PUGET DR #208 RfNTQN WA 98055 1425 PUGET DRS #307 3800 A BRIDGEPRT W #502 1425 5 PUGET DR #A 2 1425 S PUGET DR #0 S 1425 S PUGET DR #106 1425 5 PUGET DR #107 3210 SW 166TH ST 1425 S PUGET DR #G-4 RENTON UNIVERSITY RENTON • .,, ''" '!~< a' RENTON WA 9805.5. PL 98466 · WA 98055 : wA: e8o55 ··• w'.A:t's~o.ss i • w;.. \98()55: ·•wA.98166 ·.;wt ~soss 16625 REDMOND WAY PMB 10 REDMOND WA: 98052 1425 S PUGET DR #0-3 1425 S PUGET DR #H l 1425 SO PUGET DR UNIT H-2 1425 S PUGET DR #H6 3755 77TH PL SE 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 116 3636 LINCOLN AVE NE 1425 SOUTH PUGET DR C-6 1425 S PUGET DR #H 5 1425 S PUGET DR #L3 1619 S 27TH ST 1307 S 277TH ST 10644 SE 165TH ST 1305 S 2 7TH ST 17407161ST AVE SE 1417 S 27TH ST 1413 S 27TH ST 1505 5 27TH ST ;~tti~; .. :, , .Y/Jt ~~~n: RENTON• •· iFwA. 98055 RENTON ··•.\wp.. ·.9.'.8.··o.·.s.·.·.s.·. \ O • ,,e;:;,,,.,_,• -,M0 H ".c'" •' • MERCER ISLAND. )WA· 98040 • .• ·.:. ··.: .•. ·.·.:.i.· .•. ;.·····g·:·· .• ·.~······· :.:.· •.. :,.,,· ... 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" .w6 !iaoss 8800068101 SINGH GURMUKH+RAJWINDER KAU 8800068002 HARRIS SHAWN M+CHRISTINA M 8700008009 ROSA JAMES V+DAVID B+PAMELA 292305906102 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 813520009008 BALDWIN ROSEMARIE 813520021003 MCGILVREY RACHEL M 813520025004 DESMOND KRISTINA J 813520062007 MCLEAN JULIA L 813520070000 HORSLEY JOE B+JANICE M 813520084001 SOURIYA THONG KHAM 813520096005 KELLOGG AMANDA 813520022001 WADE TRYPHONIA 813520046000 MILLER SUSAN A 813520072006 MELLEN MICHAEL D+JOSEFINA B 813520129004 FORD CHARLES 813520133006 ELLENWOOD DEBORAH J 813520013000 ARROL KEITH C+METZ KAREN L 813520033008 SPECHT TERESA L 813520040003 MCDONOUGH ROBERT J+NICHOLE 813520053006 SIMONS JENNIFER R 813520056009 GUTERSON JULIE F 813520110004 MACLIN CYNTHIA J 813520003001 BROWN THERESA 813520074002 ZHANG BIN 813520076007 LUMLEY scon P 813520102001 PLANTZ LINDA G 813520115003 LATIA GEORGEENA L 813520005006 MYERS RICHARD D 813520010006 JUL ZELLA 813520024007 KAM KENNETH K 813520035003 BROWN MICHAELJ 813520077005 GAUER MARCETIE YVONNE 813520092004 CABO WILBERT 813520101003 JOHNSON THERESA L 813520105004 ROACH KRYSTAL R 813520029006 DUNFEE DAVID C JR+ANDREA L 813520051000 MOORE LLOYD A 813520088002 SIU LAI YIN+HAI TING YIU 813520126000 NISHIMURA HANK M 813520001005 MUIR AMYE 813520017001 MADDEN BETH 813520020005 NEHER SUE ANN 813520037009 LIDZBARSKI RICHARD+ZOFIA 813520039005 BALLESTEROS ROCHEZ A 813520042009 BENEZRA ALLAN E+DENISE A 813520061009 KURTH LORRI K 813520083003 WELLS BARBARA J 813520090008 TESCH ER WILLIAM E MR 813520094000 NOEL MARCI A 813520113008 HILLS JEAN 813520027000 STETSON ANN L 813520047008 BLY BEATRICE LYNN 813520065000 LAWRENCE JOSEPH E 813520034006 CHESHIER AUDREY A 16402 108TH AVENUE SOUTHLRENJON 10821 SE 164TH ST RENTON WA 98055 WA 98055 32130 15TH AVE SE 300 SW 7TH ST 1319 S PUGET DR #D 21 1319 S PUGET DR #D35 1321 S PUGET DR #E 11 1327 S PUGET DR #F37 1301 S PUGET DR#l7A 1301 S PUGET DR #A-35 1305 S PUGET DR #B-21 1319 S PUGET DR #B36 1327 S PUGET DR 1301 S PUGET DR #A21 1315 S PUGET DR 1315 S PUGET DR UNIT C-36 AUBURN WA 98092 RENTON :WA 98055 l~f ~ij ; ; ::~:! :RENTQN1;;;'. 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WA WA. .. wi,.,. 98055 98055 98055 98055 . 98055 98055' .. RENTON · WAi 98055 RENTON:./.··· WA,98()55 RE~~N'"' .. . . WA' 98055 RENTON\:>.. WA.'98055 'ii'i::~"r1lN1 1'f ··•-.· wi Jso55 S:::i·<'..::{~"1;>:')i;i/(;i{f''.., ::,,,,.:;,<'\,?;> '• ,:,: •RENTON,;:;:..;:},;, .WA :.9.8055• '.~ti~E:i''f'liUOwK Jsoss :RENTON WA :98055 ]{f/.iroN':i .J:< :WA :•g~0.55 ·11ENtoN' ,t ,·,wA 93055 131s s PUGET DR #A22 '.?e'Nra111 WA. 98055· ; • WA 9805'.s •· \WA 9aoss 1301 S PUGET DR UNIT A27 'RENTON 1305 5 PUGET DR #16 ,Rfl\lJOI\I ... 94633 A HONOWAI ST WAIPAHN HI 96797 WA 98'cl42' wA . :Ssoss" i. .. ~~\;9805~. :;. )ll(A ,,98055 ~:~~~ ~Eu~:~T~::C38 ;~ii~:( ~:~~ ! :~~:; ~: :~~2 ~}~ti,11:;; 1327 S PUGET DR #F22 · RENTO ' WA' '98055 1327 S PUGET DR #F-27 RENJO~':: < . WA /!l8055 ~!~! ! :~~:; ~: ::~;2 1~}~~,Jtfli: :&fl :~:~:: 636 LAKE SAMMAMISH LN NE ''iiH:Ce:vui' · wA 98008 1315 S PUGET DR #C17 1315 S PUGET DR #C23 1327 S PUGET DR #F38 1301 S PUGET DR A-14 1305 SO PUGET DR #8-28 1305 S PUGET DR #8-35 1319 S PUGET DR #D-18 1321 S PUGET DR E-21 1327 S PUGET DR #F-12 1301 S PUGET DR UNIT A-31 1315 S PUGET DR #C-22 15374 SE 183RD Pl 1321 S PUGET DR #E12 1315 S PUGET DR #35 -C PO B0X546 1301 S PUGET DR #A-11 1305 S PUGET DR# 8-31 3208 COLUMBIA HTS RD #36 1305 S PUGET DR #838 1319 S PUGET DR #0-14 203 12TH ST NW 1305 S PUGET DR #836 1315 S PUGET DR #C15 1315 S PUGET DR #C28 1319 S PUGET DR #D23 ,AENJO~ ••....•••.. ,.,_·.·._, .. · .. '.•.ww' ;AA·••.: .•. · ~~955 'RENTON . <f; . . 98055 lRENToi-ii' • : WA. g'ao55 :RENfoi,j. WA 9~0 .• !55 ';\,!,:,; :., ": (·( ~ RENTON )11({;9.~9?~: f,~§N:roN H:, c:. . )/1( t 98.055, 'iiE'Ni:ori.CI'i!'E':'Wil · 9sCJss; •'~~~r~~\-···,,.···.>wA ?~~?:· ·~ENJP~ 9.805.Si 'RENTON;> i 98055 ;!i'"i'N,'H:O'if,°'-''-> · , "•'"·' , ' 'RENTON·''..' _;i••·\wA 98055 1~1:ilfo'N WA 9505a 'RENror;J \ ;;J/./1,. 9!loss :K~~rg~,i )If '\irr·wAi 98055 ,--,,,;·.;. MUKILTEO WA' 98275 :RENrou' wAt9soss' 'RENTOJ!!;;1,:,. • WA /98055 LONGVIEW •n\&J\Y:l 98632 ··w:,;.gsoss :WA '.ssos~ MANDAN ND 58554 'Jl~NjQN''''"·• ·w:,;. 98055· RENTON WA 98055 :.~~f~~ ::·•:,ni]'l~t· !!~!! 813520019007 LANCASTER STUART 813520079001 CULUMBER JOE & CARYL 813520081007 ZITO CARL M 813520082005 STANDISH DIANE M 813520089000 FABRE ALFRED R 813520106002 MARLOWE JODI 813520119005 MORI PAUL B 813520120003 WHITE LARI A 813520016003 GOLD JOCKO A 813520043007 SWEENEY LAWRENCE E JR 813520048006 HEALEY CAROL B+DANIEL K 813520124005 MORRIS JENNIFER 813520125002 GOUGH KATHY JO 813520128006 MOSS APRIL K 813520131000 LITILETON RYAN 813520002003 GOODWIN JO ANNE L 813520023009 STEWART ROSS 813520036001 OKERT F EVELYN 813520045002 WOREDE LEAH 813520050002 PINEDA BERNARDO 813520055001 FAULKNER BYRON J 813520057007 QUINN ROBERT DOUGAL ROY 813520059003 SOUSA MICHAEL G 813520068004 ROBINS STEVEN V 813520095007 YATES JAMIE R 813520006004 ENCARNACION MIGUEL A+PEDRO 813520031002 FERGUSON CANDACE A 813520114006 ELDER CATHERINE A 813520117009 FARRA JILL M 292305910294 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 929360011001 PROZHOGIN SERGEY+SVETLANA 929360030001 UNTI CARMEN 929360015002 DOLLENTE ORLANDO T JR 929360017008 RICHARDSON MARK 929360032007 CUSIN MARGO A 929360004006 LONG SHEILA MARIE 929360009005 HAYAMI DANIEL+SACHIKO 929360025001 HILFRINK TAUNYA 929360034003 WONG DAVID M 929360035000 GONZALEZ DANIEL J 929360019004 VOLD JAMES W 929360005003 GILLS EMMA L 929360001002 HERNANDEZ FRANK+LUPE A 929360023006 WU JOANNE C 929360029003 LITILETON JASON S 929360036008 MOUTON GLENDA L 929360012009 CALLENDER ANDREW JEFFREY 929360040000 PACIFIC RIM PROPERTY INVEST 929360038004 SAWYER VANESSA A+SCOTI JACQ 929360003008 SIEBOL CELESTE E 929360006001 TOY JOYCE MS 929360007009 NEILL RICHARD scon 929360020002 MIYAMOTO ALEXT+PHUONG M 929360027007 MARQUARDT HILDA R 1319 S PUGET DR #033 1347 SUNNY SLOPE RD 1301 S PUGET DR #A-32 1301 S PUGET DR #A-33 1305 S PUGET DR #8-12 1305 S PUGET DR #8 33 1315 S PUGET DR C-18 1315 S PUGET DR #C21 1319 S PUGET DR #D28 3 IRVINGAVE 975 ABERDEEN AVE NE RENTON GREENVILLE RENTON RENTON :l!I~TQN,i:( >R(NTON; WA 98055 IL 62246 WA 98055 WA 98055 WA. 98055 WA 98055• WA 980.S~ /JJ)i 98055 WA 98055· RENTON· sk111\:oi,i'r::l1: ~E.~roN e: ATHERTON CAif:i 94027 RENTON,( ·WAt 98056 1315 s PUGET DR #C25 flE~JD!:L ; ;A< i,y.4>93055' 3836 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD:.~I~,tt:iK,@r:~t\iim;.: w~if 1~1i[ss !:!:: :~~:; ~: :~:~ 1::~r5~. \1 ~ 1t :i ~:~!: 215 7TH AVE W KIRKL/INDI;S;mtf; ;WA 98033 :J'ii> ···1;1;;>!, •, ,,,, 1319 S PUGET DR #37D ,RENTOlf'; . WA !l8055 130S SOUTH PUGET DR UNIT B, l!ENJ().N; ''•''.'. WA /9so55 1327 S PUGET DR F·16 1327 S PUGET DR #F23 1327 S PUGET DR #F28 1327 S PUGET DR UNIT F-32 11108 SE 214TH ST 1301 S PUGET DR -UNIT A·lS 1305 S PUGET DR #B18 1319 PUGET DR #D16 1321 S PUGET DR #E222 1315 S PUGET DR #C·13 1315 S PUGET DR C 16 2640 BENSON RDS 2300 BENSON RDS UNIT B·S 2300 BENSON RDS #F3 2300 BENSON RDS #C2 2300 BENSON RDS #C 2300 BENSON RDS #F·5 2300 BENSON RDS #A4 2300 BENSON RDS #B-3 2300 BENSON RDS #E2 2300 BENSON RDS #G2 2300 BENSON RDS #G3 2300 BENSON RDS C6 2300 BENSON RDS #AS 2300 BENSON RD S #Al 2300 BENSON RD #D4 2300 BENSON RDS UNIT F2 2300 BENSON RD #G4 2300 BENSON RDS #86 815 SWELLER ST #101A 2300 BENSON ROADS H 2 2300 ~ENSDN rips' 2300 BENSON RDS #A 6 PO BOX 59955 2300 BENSON RDS #Dl 2300 BENSON RD S #E 4 RENTON ' ·,··' ; ; WA 98055 RENTON' y.iA 9805.5 'Mr-iroN/ ··· · ::,-/ft:<' lisas5 RENTON}' 1 WA 98055 fR'.EE,NTN····T:;o\rN';i:t ; WA, 98Q31. , . : ·. . :tLJ:i~'i'.~8Rs;5 J\'ENTON•f·· . •·. 'WA',98055 'RENTON; WA 9$0SS RENTON ••. ;;. WA. ,98055 ·J\'fN'roN 'wA, 98oss l!EN"[ON ; .•• Wi>, 98055 ~fNfo.ri' '.C1 ,:· Wtlisoss R,.tiJJsiW · · ,;.;;;.;t.1~8oss1 Rt~ION . 'i!I'.JWwAA~\?9loos5s5) illENTON 'E .... · ... · " ... '11ENl'or,J' ... • iWAs\!986.ss 1~~!{ j~ .. Ii~i!:~~~ft!lbff :::,::~,,,:.,"' .. , , .::~;g~ ;i!jJlit~~i,J~i~: RENTON ' ' Wf ;1~055 RENTON/ ,,WA>,98055· >,'.'JH')(c',." .. ;·/i:Ji,j:c: ·flENTON• 'BENTON ;; •.·, ' 'WA '98055 «,;:,;,;,· 929360016000 HSUEH MEI-CHEN 929360018006 VIDANAGE SEAN N 929360039002 RABENA NICHOLAS F+KATHERINE 929360010003 LO EVA WAI-YIN 929360028005 GANO MARIANNE BOLIBOL 929360031009 RATTSJOEL T 929360002000 DOS SANTOS EDSON GOMES JR+ELAINE P 929360022008 HSU RUEY J 929360013007 WUN YING LEUN 929360021000 PLEISS LISA K 929360014005 CITY LIGHTS LLC 929360033005 SZATKIEWICZ JAMES+MARY LOU 2300 BENSON RDS UNIT C-3 RENTON 2300 BENSON RDS . RENTON 2300 BENSON RDS #H-3 RENTON 2300 BENSON RDS #B4 2300 BENSON RDS #F-1 2300 BENSON RDS #F4 2300 BENSON RDS #A2 2300 BENSON RDS D-3 816 LINCOLN AVE SE 2300 BENSON RD #D2 .~ENTO~ •• RENT()N '. 'REt'!lPN. f\~NTO.f. · RENTON ·: ,~··" "' o,,ck :s;,· . .' - RENTON.; . 1· -.,,. '----,- 4030 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N 'KIRKLAND 2300 BENSON RD S #G 1 RE.NION '. WA 98055 WA 98055 WA 98055 ·w;,.., 98055 ·WA 98055 WA• .98055. "w .. ..".98055 Wi\' 9805.5 w;\930~1 W!\,9805~· , _ _.,_ ">,"-·d:'·\.'.,''. WA'.98033 WA !ispss· PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS (L ,13-001481-.:.) ____ ................. 1111 r• .. Cityof, .< P. r· · rro·r· .· r .. . ... I . . . I PLAN ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: 2607 JONES SAVE RENTON, WA 98055-5102 -.. ...,.....,,r._,_ .. ..;,··. ·-- APPLICATION DATE: 10/24/2013 The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-6 zone. The project would indude interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave. Sand S 27U, Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application indudes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then pennitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. Community Services Review Leslie Betlach Ph: 425-43().6619 email: LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Avoid use of Maple species where possible. Does not comply with frontage requirements (landscape strip, street trees. ground cover, sidewalks). Engineering Review Rohini Nair Ph: 425-430-7298 email: mair@rentonwa.gov Engineering Plan Review Comments Cntal:ed On: 12/1912013 January 06, 2014 Waiting for information from the applicant that will finalize the project requirements. Recommendations: EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER: The site is located in the City of Renton water service area. SEWER: The site is located in the city of Renton sewer service area. STORM: There exists storm drainage pipe on Jones Avenue South frontage and stormwater ditch in the South 27th Street frontage. STREETS: Jones Avenue South and South 27th Street are residential streets with a right of way width of 60 feel CODE REQUIREMENTS Water 1. Installation of 2 new fire hydrants connecting to the existing 6-inch water main is required. The final location of the hydrants must be approved by Renton Fire Prevention. rt a third hydrant is required by Fire Department and/or a fire flow of 2,500 gpm is needed, then additional water service is to be obtained from the Soos Creek Water District. The water availability certificate must be provided to the City and approved water service plan from the Soos Creek Water District must be provided to the City. 2. Civil plans (plan and profile) for the water main improvements will be required and must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Washington. 3. A utility easement shall be provided to the City for the installation of the hydrants. 4. System Development Charge (SOC) fee is applicable and will be based on the number and size of the meter installed. The fee will be based upon the size of the fire service. The 2014 rate for a 4 inch fire service is $9129.00. Sanitary Sewer The proposed portables and the new enclosed space at the northwest comer of the main building will not contain plumbing fixtures (i.e. sinks, toilets etc.) as part of this project. Therefore no new sewer facilities are required. Stonn 1. A drainage report (TIR) prepared by AHBL was submitted with the land use application. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls wtthin the Flow Control Duration Standard, Forested Conditions and the information is included in the report. The drainage report includes the need for a detention facility. The runoff from the sidewalk and the driveway approach in the frontage must also be included in the calculations for sizing the detention facility. The requirement for water quality is also included in the report. Drainage plans and a final drainage report (TIR) based on the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Drainage Manuel and City Amendments is required to be submitted with the Construction permit and all required drainage Improvements based on the study are to be provided. 2. A geotechnical report prepared in 2013 by Associated Earth Sciences Inc. was submitted by the applicant The report mentions that storm water infiltration using conventional shallow infiltration strategies is not feasible. Final recommendations from the geotech regarding infiltration will be reviewed with the construction permit. 3. The Surface Water System development fee for 2014 tS $0.491 per square feet of new impervious surface, with a minimum fee of $1,228.00. Fee is payable prior to issuance of the construction pennit. 4. A NPDES General Stormwater Construction Permit from Department of Ecology is required for projects invoMng clearing Page 1 of2 Fire Review -Construction Police Review January 06, 2014 and grading that exceeds "' e acre. Transportation 1. Both South 27th Street and Jones Avenue South are residential streets. As per RMC 4-6-060, the frontage improvements on residenfiel streets include 26 feet wide paved width (20 feet wide paved travel lane and 6 feet wide on street paved parking on one side), 0.5 feet wide curb, gutter, 8 feet wide landscaped planter strip, 5 feet wide sidewalk, and drainage improvements. The frontage improvements on the site frontage are required to be provided. The applicant has proposed that stormwater collection and conveyance will be provided for the frontage improvements. The applicant has submitted a modification request to eliminate the 8 feet wide landscaped planter strip on the short frontage on Jones Avenue South. Staff recommends approval of this modification. 2. The school building space inaease is less 1han the threshold requiring street lighting, therefore street lighting is not required to be provided on the frontage. General Comments 1. The proposed changes to the site must not block any existing facilities. 2. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 3. When utility plans are complete, please submit three (3) copies of 1he drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cost of oonstruction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. Corey Thomas Ph: 425-430-7024 email: cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. The fire impact fees would be not be applicable for this project due to buildings being relocated and/or replaced. No charge for covered play structures. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow requirement Is 2,000 gpm. Two fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150 -feet of the proposed buildings and one hydrant is required within 300-feet. There are no existing hydrants can be counted toward the raquirements. It appears adequate fire flow exists in the area. A water main extension and a minimum of two new fire hydrants are required to be installed. 2. An approved fire alarm is required throughout the two relocated portable classrooms and the area 1hat was formerly a play shed. Separale plans and permits are required to be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for review and permitting. Fire alarm system shall be fully addressable and full detection is required. 3. Per state fire code amendment, all portable classrooms exceeding a 50 person occupant load shall require an approved fire sprinkler system. If existing porta~s are relocated, they will required to be fully fire sprinldered. 4. Fire department apparatus access appears adequate. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 -feet of all points on the buildings. Fire lane signage required for the onsite roadways. Required turning radiuses are 25-feet Inside and 45-feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Maximum grade on roadways is 15%. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30-ton vehicle and 322-psi point loading. Fire department lock boxes would be required on the proposed access roadway gales. Dead end roads require approved turnarounds. Cyndie Parks Ph: 425-430-7521 email: cparks@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 2 CFS Estimated Annually (for the new construction) Minima impact on police services. Page 2 of2 Description of Proposal: FACILITIES, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CENTER CAPITAL PROJECTS OFFICE 7812 S 124th Street, Seattle, WA 98178-4830 425.204.4403, Fax 425.204.4476 Renton School District No. 403 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS Currently, the Renton School District's H.O.M.E. (F-lomeschool Opportunities for Merging Education) occupies the Spring Glen Elementary School and it will remain. E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start programs recently relocated to the new Meadow Crest Early Learning Center. Renton Academy will be moving from its current location in Newcastle to the Spring Glen Elementary School site in 2014. The Spring Glen Elementary School occupiL'S the southern part of King County Assessor's parcel number 292305-9061 and the Nelsen :Middle School occupies the northern part of tl,e parcel. There will be no changes to the Nelsen Middle School portion of the site as part of chis project. The work area for the project is approximately 4.5 acres. On the Spring Glen Elementary School portion of the site, iliere are two existin€ buildings and two existing double classroom portables. T11e main building was built ir 1952 "~th a major addition constructed in 1955. It is approximately 24,443 square fee in size. ·n,e annn was built in 1955 and it is approximately 7,400 square feet in size The two double classroom portables together are approximately 3,854 square feet ir size. The total building square footage on ilic site is approximately 35,427 square feet. The main building and tl,e annex will remain and will have upgrades to tl,eir interior and exteriors. The area under the existing roof at the northwest comer of ilie buildini will be enclosed. Two new double classroom portables will be placed along the nortJ side of tl,e main building and ilien the two existing double classroom portables on th site 'will be removed from tl,e west side of the building. A 3,120 square foot coverect play area, a 240 square foot awning on cl1e south side of tl,e main building, and gated area for a generator 'will be added to the site. The site in1provements will also include new parking lots, emergency vehicle access loop, bus drop-off areas, .ADA- compliam parking areas, outdoor play areas, and utilities. The H.O.M.E. program will remain in ilie annex and tl,e two portables. It will have approximately 90 students, who are not iliere full time, and approximately 21 staff, many of whom are itinerant. Renton Academy "'ill be located in the main building and it 'will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff, some of whom are itinerant 'The students and staff of d1c two programs will be separated on tl,e project site. l11ere \'\ill not be an increase in the number of staff or students. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124"' Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us Agent for Proponent: Location of Proposal: Lead Agency: School District Contact: The site currently has approximately 20 striped parking spaces and a gravel paved informal parking area that eu1-rently provides parking for approximately 10 cars. TI1e fonnal and informal parking areas on d1e site arc accessed from one cJri,,eway from Jones Avenue South. There "ill be approximately ninety-three toL1l parking spaces provided on the site once the project is complete. 111e Renton Academy program will be served by approxinlately fifty-three parking stalls (including two accessible stalls) located west and south of the main building and by a drop off area south of the main building tl,at will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street-T11e H.O.M.E. program will be served by approximately forty parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located east and north of the main building and the annex and by a drop off loop east of tl1e main building that will be accessed by the existing site entrance from Jones Avenue South. A fire loop gated on botl1 ends will connect the two separate parking areas. TI1e School District is working with the City of Renton to detennine tl1e t}pe level of street improvements required for the project Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL, Inc. 2215 North 30•' Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 (253) 383-2422 Tbe project is located at 2607 Jones Avenue South, on tl1e southern portion of King County parcel number 292305-9061 in the N\XI Quarter of Section 29, Toumship 23 North, Range 05 East in the City of Renton. Renton School Distric~ No. 4D3 7812 S0utl1 124'" Street Seattle, WA 98178-4830 Rick Stracke, (425) 204-4403 T11e Responsible Official of the Renton School District hereby makes the following Findings and Conclusions based upon review of the environmental checklist and attachments, other information on file "'-ith the Renton School District, and the policies, plans, and regulations designated by the Renton School Dist11ct as a basis for tl1e exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) pursuant to the Revised Code of\'l?ashington RCW 43.21C.060. Findings of Fact: 1. "111c Spring Glen Elementary School occupies the southern part of the site and the Fred Nelsen !\fiddle School occupies the northern part of tl1e site. There \\ill be no changes to the Fred Nelsen Middle School portion of the site. There ,,ill be modific,tions to the Sp11ng Glen Elementary School portion.of the site and interior remodeling to the existing structures. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124"' Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschoo/s.us 2. The project is anticipated to start construction in January 2014 "'th substantial completion scheduled for August 2014. 3. The use of the site is consistent with the City of Ren ton's Comprehensive Plan designation of RSF (Residential Single Family) and associated R-8 zoning classification. 4. The SEPA Environment Checklist was made available for public review from October 11, 2013 to October 25, 2013. No comments were receiYed. 5. TI1e site grading will be balanced to the maximum extent possible, however approximately 3,200 CY of cut and 1,600 CY of fill for a next "-'<port of 1,600 CY is anticipated. If import is required, fill Rill be obtained from an apprm·ed source and the project contractor will detennine the specific location. The implementation of a te1nporary sediment and erosion control plan using Best ~fanagement Practices should mitigate impacts. 6. City of Renton critical area maps identify portions of the Spring Glen Elementary School site as being in a moderate coal mine hazard area, an erosion hazard area, a moderate landslide hazard area, and steep slope areas. As required by the City of Renton code, Associated Earth Sciences prepared a '"Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report" on August 20, 2013. It addressed these issues and it was submitted to the City as part of the Site Plan Review application. 7. Demolition and construction activities on tl1e Spring Glen Elementary School site could stir up dust particles. Construction vehicles and equipment ·will also be a potential source of exhaust emissions. Both demolition and construction activities \\~ll follow the appropriate regulations and provide necessary mitigation for controlling emissions to the air. After project completion, the primary sources and amounts of emissions will be the same as they are now~ minimal. 8. According to Map Number 53033C0979 F of the FEJ:v[A National Flood Insurance Program's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, tl1e proposed project does not appear to lie within a 100-year flood plain. 9. The City of Renton uses tl1e "2009 King County Surface \X7ater Design Manual (KCSWDI\·[)," as amended. 11,e Manual establishes the methodology and design criteria used for the conveyance, treatment, and flow control facilities. A "Technical Information Report" was prepared in October 2013 by ,\1-IBL, Inc. and submitted for the City's review and approval. 10. Approximately nine existing trees will be removed to make room for the proposed improvc1nents. All other landscaping on the site will remain. New parking lot landscaping is proposed and will be designed in accordance "'~tl, the City ofRenton's landscaping requirements. 11. The School District obtained a "Limited Hazardous Materials Survey Report," prepared by EI-IS- Intemational, Inc., dated March 19, 2013. The report identified and quantified any asbestos- containing building materials (ACJ:v[), lead-containing paint (LCP), or other lead containing building materials (LC!',[), arsenic-containing brick masonry unit (BMU) mortar, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-containing light ballasts, and mercury (Hg)-containing light tubes and lamps that may be impacted by the project. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124" Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / t.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us --~ RENTON 12. Temporary, short-term noise impacts typical of construction projects will occur with operation of equipment during construction. Construction will occur during the hours subject to City of Renton ordinances. I11ere are no long-tenn noise impacts from this proposed project. 13. To our knowledge, no such places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the existing site. 14. No new roads or streets are proposed as part of this project. The proposed anticipated vehicular trips per day are approximately the same as what already exists on site. The nwnber of students and staff proposed are similar in numbers to the programs using Spring Glen FJementary School now. New parking is being proposed to meet current City standards and provide the proposed school programs with adequate parking arrangements. 15. The Spring Glen Elementary School is currently accessed from Jones Avenue South, which feeds onto 108th Avenue Southeast, South 27th Street and eventually onto Benson Road South. Parking and a drop off area for the Renton Academy program will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The existing Spring Glen Elementary School site entrance from Jones Avenue South "'ill continue and improve access to the parking and a drop off area for the H.O.M.E. program. A fire loop gated on both ends will connect the two separate parking areas. CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL The responsible official has determined tl,at the proposal, with the mitigation measures listed below, does not have a probable significant adverse in1pact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The mitigation measures described below are recommended as conditions of project perm.its or approvals. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, other information on file .,,,,,h the Renton School District, and existing regulations. Ibis inform,1cion is available to the public on request. The responsible official finds this information reasonably sufficient to evaluate the envirorunental iinpact of this proposal. MITIGATION MEASURES The following mitigation measures will be implemented by the applicant to offset potential adverse environmental impacts: Earth. 1. 2. Air. 1. The project will comply 'w1th TESC guidelines set in the 2009 KCS\vDM ,,~th City of Renton amendments. ,'\HBL, Inc. has prepared a preliminary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill Plan. The following measures will be shown on the preliminary ESC plans and "will be used to control sedimentation/ erosion processes. In addition, all work will be in1plemented consistent "1th tl1e recommendations of tl1c "Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report," prepared by ,'\ssociated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated August 20, 2013. Watering the ground as needed before and during clearing and grading activities "ill control dust particles. Vehicles that are not being used in construction accivicies will be shut off. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124~ Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us 2. Water. 1. 2. Materials stored on site (e.g., soil and fertilizer) will be enclosed and/or covered when not in use. 111e applicant "vill en1ploy best management practices in the use and storage of the5e materials consistent ,..,,th all applicable regulations. .'\ Department of Ecology General Permit to discharge Stormwater associated with construction actirity \\·ill be obtained. The project "ill install a comprehensive storm drainage system in accordance with the City of Renton's drainage requirements in effect at the time of the project application. Environmental Health. 1. TI1e "Limited Hazardous l\faterials Survey Report," prepared by EHS-International, Inc., dated March 19, 2013, prepared by EHS--lnternational, Inc. recommends measures to reduce or control risks related to the presence of hazardous materials on d1e site. Abatement specifications that outline the necessary abatement procedures will be included in d,e bid documents and will be implemented by the district's contractor. ·n,e contractor "'-ill be required to comply with all local, state, and federal requirements applicable to dust control, air monitoring, material handling, packaging, and disposal. 2. The Renton School District will enlist the services of a qualified consultant to oversee the abatement contractor's activities. The consultant v.,-il.1. docwnent abatement work activities and monitor overall compliance with appropriate regulations. Noise. 1. 2. Noise impacts associated -w~th the construction phase of the project will be limited in duration consistent 'wi.th the City of Renton's noise regulations. To mitigate general noise impacts during the constru.ction phases, measures such as locating stationary equipment away from receiving properties, limiting construction hours to avoid sensitive nighttime hours, rum off idling construction equipment, require contractors to maintain all equipment, and train construction crews to avoid unnecessarily loud actions near noise-sensitive areas should be employed. Historic and Cultural Preservation. 1. If cultural or archeological objects are found during site preparation work, the \Vashington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified, and appropriate measures "'ill be taken. This lvfitigated Detennination of Non-Significance (MDNS) is issued under the IVashing/011 Administrative Code (\X-',\C) 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on th.is proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance. Only written comments will be accepted and must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on November 27, 2013, to Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations, Renton School District 7812 South l24<h Street, Seattle, WA 98178-4830. Cnless modified by the Renton School District, this determination will become final follO\,;ng the below comment deadline. There is no agency administratiYe appeal under Renton School District SEP,\ policies. Pursuant to RCW 43.21 C.075 and the Renton School District SEPA Rules, decisions of the Responsible Official may be judicially appealed. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifeffme 7812 S 12411, Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / /.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us Responsible Official: Ric Straclice, Executive Director of Facilities, Maintenance, Operations, Safety and Security Lead Agency: Renton School District, No. 403 7812 South 124"' Street Renton, WA 98178-4830 Date ofissue: November 13, 2013 Comment Deadline: November 27, 2013, 5:00 PM 11,e issuance of this ]\,litigated Determination of Nonsignificance does not constitute project approval. 11,e applicant must comply w:ith all other applicable requirements before receiving construction permits and/ or approvals. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124'" Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us TO: FROM: DATE: PROJECT: OUR FILE NO.: SUBJECT: -'a>ROJECT MEMO Vanessa Dolbee City of Renton Community and Economic Development Renton City Hall -5th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Brad Medrud, AICP October 25, 2013 Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements 2130241.30, Task 33 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Includes Parking and Landscape Modification Requests, and landscape Analysis, lot Coverage, and Parking Analysis 1. Project name, size and location of site Project Name: Site Location: Parcel Number: Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements 2607 Jones Avenue South, Renton WA 98055-5102 292305-9061 Project Size: 29.54 Acres (Total Area of Parcel, includes Nelsen Middle School) ~4.5 Acres (Work Area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) ~211,000 square feet (Work Area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) 2. Land use permits required for proposed project • SEPA Review and Determination • Site Plan Review Renton School District No. 403 City of Renton 3. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties The City of Renton zoning designation of the project site is Residential-8 Dwelling Units Per Net Acre (R-8). Adjacent Properties: • West -City of Renton: • East -City of Renton: • North -City of Renton: • South -City of Renton: R-8 and Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) R-8 RM-F R-8 Page 1 of 11 .,-..., .. ·- Structura./ £"ngineers CNnmunity , Natural Res Land Surve Neipf"ibors TACOMA 2215 North 311'Street lune JOO Taroioo, WA 9840~3350 253.JBJ.2422 TH 253.383.2572 m SEA THE 1200 6' Av""' Surre 1620 Seottle, WA 98101-3117 206.2671425 m 206.267.2429 FAX SPOKANE 827 Wes1F,st Avmue Sunelll Spokone, WA 99201-3912 509152.5019 'EL 509315.8862 FM www.ahbl.com en 1-.... al .... ::c >< w 4. Current use of the site and any existing improvements The Spring Glen Elementary School occupies the southern part of the parcel and the Nelsen Middle School occupies the northern part of the parcel. There will be no changes to the Nelsen Middle School portion of the site. Existing Site Improvements: Elementary School buildings, Middle School buildings, portable classrooms, parking areas, drive lanes, playfields, and cinder running track. On the Spring Glen Elementary School Portion of the site, there are two existing buildings and two existing double classroom portables. The main building was built in 1952 with a major addition constructed in 1955. It is approximately 24,443 square feet in size. The annex was built in 1955 and it is approximately 7,400 square feet in size. The two double classroom portables together are approximately 3,854 square feet in size. The total existing building square footage on the site is approximately 35,427 square feet. 5. Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) City of Renton critical area maps identify portions of the Spring Glen Elementary School site as being in a moderate coal mine hazard area, an erosion hazard area, a moderate landslide hazard area, and steep slope areas. 6. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions According to the WA 633 Soil Survey of King County by the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the soils found on the Spring Glen Elementary School portion of the site are classified as 'AgC -Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes.' In addition, Associated Earth Sciences prepared a Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report on August 20, 2013 that provides more information on the soils on the site. The site is located within the Black River Drainage Basin as delineated by the King County Water Features Map. The east parking lot slopes to the east towards Jones Avenue South. The remainder of the project area slopes towards the north and west. Currently, most of the site slopes down towards the north and west corner. This entire portion of the site is currently collected into a closed drainage system on the adjacent Fred Nelsen Middle School site. A portion of the site also slopes down towards the east and is collected into a closed drainage system in Jones Avenue South. In general, the engineered drainage system for the proposed site will not alter existing discharge locations from the site. Runoff from the western three-quarters of the site will be collected and discharged directly to the closed drainage system located at the bottom of the slope between Spring Glen Elementary School and Nelsen Middle School. Runoff from the eastern quarter of the site will be collected and discharged directly to the closed drainage system in Jones Avenue South. +Project Memo Page 2 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmmo 7. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development Currently, the Renton School District's H.O.M.E. (Homeschool Opportunities for Merging Education) occupies the 10-acre Spring Glen Elementary School site. E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start programs recently relocated to the new Meadow Crest Early Learning Center. Renton Academy will be moving from its current location in Newcastle to the Spring Glen Elementary School site in 2014. The H.O.M.E. program will remain at the Spring Glen Elementary School-Annex. The existing main building and the annex will remain and will have upgrades to their interiors and exteriors. The area under the existing roof at the northwest corner of the main building will be enclosed. The two existing double classroom portables on the site will be moved from the west side to the north side of the main building. A 3,120 square foot covered play area and gated area for a generator will be added to the site. · The H.O.M.E. program will remain in the annex and the two portables. It will have approximately 90 students, who are not there full time, and approximately 21 staff, many of whom are itinerant. Renton Academy will be located in the main building and it will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff, some of whom are itinerant. The students and staff of the two programs will be separated on the project site. The site currently has approximatel{20 striped parking spaces and a gravel paved informal parking area that currently provides parking for approximately 10 cars. The formal and informal parking areas on the site are accessed from one driveway from Jones Avenue South. There will be approximately ninety-three total parking spaces provided on the site once the project is complete. The Renton Academy program will be served by approximately fifty-three parking stalls (including two accessible stalls) located west and south of the main building and by a drop off area south of the main building that will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The H.O.M.E. program will be served by approximately forty parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located east and north of the main building and the annex and by a drop off loop east of the main building that will be accessed by the existing site entrance from Jones Avenue South. A fire loop gated on both ends will connect the two separate parking areas. 8. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes {net lot area) of the new lots Not applicable to this application. 9. Access Spring Glen Elementary School is currently accessed from Jones Avenue South, which feeds onto 108th Avenue Southeast, South 27th Street and eventually onto Benson Road South. Parking and a drop off area for the Renton Academy program will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The existing Spring Glen Elementary School site entrance from Jones Avenue South will continue and improve access to the parking and a drop off area for the H.O.M.E. program. A fire loop gated on both ends will connect the two separate parking areas. +Project Memo Page 3 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary Sdloo[ -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 10. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) Proposed frontage improvements along Jones Avenue South include installation of new sidewalk, one new curb ramp, and one driveway ramp with a saw cut and asphalt pavement patch to match in with existing pavement. All of these improvements are located within City right-of-way. Additionally, one stonm pipe will connect to an existing catch basin located within Jones Avenue South, in the same area as the sidewalk/driveway frontage improvements mentioned above. No new streetlights are proposed because the project falls below the exemption level for commercial project per RMC 4-6-060. Lastly, two driveway aprons will be installed along S 27th Street within the right-of-way. No other frontage improvements are proposed along S 27th Street. 11. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project Total estimated construction cost for the proposed project is =$6,000,000 for the Spring Glen Elementary School improvements. The fair market value is anticipated to be equal to the estimated construction cost. 12. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed The site grading will be balanced to the maximum extent possible, however approximately 3,200 CY of cut and 1,600 CY of fill for a next export of 1,600 CY is anticipated. If import is required, fill will be obtained from an approved source and the project contractor will determine the specific location. 13. Number, type and size of any trees to be removed Approximately nine existing trees will be removed to make room for the proposed improvements at the elementary school site. All other landscaping on the elementary school portion of the site will remain. New parking lot landscaping is proposed and will be designed in accordance with the City of Renton's landscaping requirements. 14. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City No land will be dedicated to the City. +Project Memo Page 4 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 15. Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes There could be three to six office trailers and equipment storage containers located south of the main building and at any locations as determined by the Contractor when they are selected. 16. Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification) Request for Modification to Required Minimum and Maximum Number of Parking Spaces (RMC 4- 4-80(10)(e)) The Spring Glen Elementary School is more than sixty years old. It was originally oonstructed before the current parking, loading and driveway regulations (RMC 4-4-80) were adopted. For this Site Plan Review, we are a requesting a modification as allowed under RMC 4-4-80(10)(d) specifically to the minimum and maximum number of parking spaces required for the proposed school use (RMC 4-4-BO(lO)(e)). For senior high school uses, which would be an equivalent use to the two programs proposed for the site, the City requires minimum and maximum of 1 per employee plus 1 space for every 10 students enrolled per RMC 4-4-BO(lO)(e). On the site currently, there are 20 existing paved painted parking spaces, and an estimated 10 unmarked gravel parking spaces. The project will have 93 paved parking spaces at the end of construction (87 standard parking stalls and 6 accessible stalls), for a net increase of 63 parking spaces. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of Title 4, the Department Administrator may evaluate the requests for modifications by using the Decision Criteria established in RMC 4-9-250(0)(2). The Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided ... that a specific reason makes the strict fetter of this Code impractica~ that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed modification will substantially implement the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. If we did not do this project, the parking situation would not be improved. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; +Project Memo Page 5 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval ' 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 The proposed modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. d Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; The proposed modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The existing school facilities are an allowed use that has been in existence for more than sixty years. For the school to continue to operate, its parking lot needs to be expanded. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The proposed modification is justified and required for the use and situation intended. For the school to continue to operate, its parking lot needs to be expanded. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. Adding 63 additional spaces through this project will improve the site function. We request the City modify its parking space standards as allowed under RMC 4-9-250(D) to allow the existing school use to continue to operate as it has for more than sixty years. Request for Modification to Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards for Required 8' Landscape Planting Strip (RMC 4-6-060(F)) The Spring Glen Elementary School is more than sixty years old. The main school building and annex, as well as the site improvements and streetscape were constructed before the adoption of the current City of Renton Public Street Right-Of,Way Design Standards regulations (RMC 4-6- +Project Memo Page 6 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan _Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmmm 060). For this Site Plan Review application, we are a requesting a modification, as allowed under RMC 4-6-060(Q)(l) and RMC 4-9-250, specifically to remove the requirement for a 8' landscape planting strip on the east side of Jones Avenues SE. No other changes are proposed to the current street standards along the project's Jones Avenue SE frontage. For Residential Access classified streets, such as Jones Avenue SE, the City requires an 8' landscape-planting strip between the sidewalk and curb per RMC 4-6-060{F). On the site frontage currently, there is no sidewalk, curb, gutter, or formal driveway entry. Because of the age of the facility, there is not enough space between the existing main building and Jones Avenue SE to improve the existing drop off area to the Residential Access standards in RMC 4-6- 060(F). In order to meet current fire access standards for the drop off lane, separate the existing parking area from the drop off lane for safety, and provide the required ten feet of onsite screening landscaping, there is insufficient space to add an 8' wide landscape-planting strip. In addition, because of grade changes, we want to maintain the location of the existing sidewalk coming down from the Nelsen Middle School portion of the site. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of Title 4, the Department Administrator may evaluate the requests for modifications by using the Decision Criteria established in RMC 4-9-250(0)(2). The Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided ... that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the goveming land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the po/ides and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessaiy to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed modification will substantially implement the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; The proposed modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of- Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. +Project Memo Page 7 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; The proposed modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The existing school facilities are an allowed use that has been in existence for more than sixty years. For the school to continue to operate, improvements need to be made for access to the site and within the site. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The proposed modification is justified and required for the use and situation intended. For the school to continue to operate, improvements need to be made for access to the site and within the site. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. Adding all of the proposed changes to the site through this project on the Jones Avenue SE side of the existing buildings will improve access to the site and overall site function. We request the City modify its Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards as allowed under RMC 4-9-2SO(D) to allow the existing school use to continue to operate as it has for more than sixty years. 17. For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please include, distance in feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work Not applicable. + Project Memo Page 8 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmmm 18. For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington please include the following additional information: Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark. Not applicable to this application. Description of the nature of the existing shoreline Not applicable to this application. The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an obstructed view in the event the proposed project exceeds a height of 35-feet above the average grade level Not applicable to this application. +Project Memo Page 9 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 Landscape Analysis, Lot Coverage, and Parking Analysis 1,286,762 square feet (Total area of parcel, includes Nelsen Middle School) -211,000 square feet (Total work area for Total square footage of the site and the Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) footprints of all buildings 38,817 square feet (Total of all buildings existing and proposed) Footprints of all buildings are shown on the Site Plan Existing: 119,790 square feet (Total work area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Total square footage of existing and Parcel) proposed impervious surface areas(s) Proposed: 103,237 square feet (Total work area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) All buildings are a single floor. 24,443 square feet (Main school building) 7,400 square feet (Annex school building) Square footage (by floor and overall total) 1,560 square feet (Double classroom of each individual building and/or use portable #1) 1,560 square feet (Double classroom portable #2) 3,120 square feet (Proposed covered play areal Percentage of lot covered by buildings or 13% (Total lot, includes Nelsen Middle structures Schoon Number of parking spaces required by City 65 parking spaces (For a High School use: 1 per employee plus 1 space for every 10 code students enrolled) Number and dimensions of standard, 87 -9 feet by 20 feet standard stalls compact, and ADA accessible spaces 6 -9 feet by 20 feet with 8.0 aisle between provided ADA accessible soaces Square footage of parking lot landscaping -3,131 square feet (perimeter) (perimeter and interior) N3.739 sauare feet (interior) +Project Memo Page 10 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 C\"·· \ ' J .. ·• .. ,·' mmm11 c: Tony Matiatos, Greene-Gasaway Architects Calvin Gasaway, Greene-Gasaway Architects Q:\2013\2130241 \30_PLN\De1iverables_By_Date\S1te Plan Review\Fonnal SPR Submittal 10252013\20131025 _Project_Narrative_2130241. 30 .doo: + Project Memo Page 11 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval . 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmmm Vanessa Dolbee From: Brad Medrud <BMEDRUD@AHBL.com> Wednesday, December 18, 2013 4:37 PM Vanessa Dolbee Sent: To: Cc: calvin@greenegasaway.com; tony@greenegasaway.com; Sean Comfort; William Fierst; Sara Coccia Subject: Renton SD -Spring Glen ES -Street and Storm Drainage Improvements Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Vanessa: We have reviewed the items we discussed at our meeting on December 5, 2013 with the District. The recent work at Nelsen Middle School and the upcoming work at Spring Glen Elementary School without off-site improvement work came to $7,700,000 {$1,200,000 for Nelsen MS and $6,500,000 for Spring Glen ES). The District is planning to do full storm water improvements on-site and full street improvements along the entire school property line along both Jones Avenue South and South 27'" Street, with the exception of the following: 1. Eliminating the landscape strip along Jones Avenue South that we filed as a modification request with the SPR. 2. Detention will be provided for an equivalent on-site roof area in-lieu of providing detention along 27'h Street. This is based upon Chips comment about potentially exchanging certain storm water upgrades for street frontage improvements. Stormwater collection and conveyance is provided for the frontage improvements. 3. Water quality treatment. The only area requiring water quality treatment is an approximate 2-feet wide strip of asphalt surfaces requiring replacement to install the new concrete curb and gutter. Chip agreed the replaced asphalt surface does not require water quality treatment, because the pavement must be removed to install the new curb. The storm water collected along the west half of 27'h will be discharged to its current outfall location at the existing swale paralleling the access road to Nelsen Middle school. The east side will be discharged into the existing system within the street. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Brad Medrud, AICP I Senior Planning Project Manager ········--·-· ---·-········--·········· AHBL, Inc. TACOMA. SEATTLE. SPOKANE. TRI-CITIES 253.383.2422 TEL I 253.383.2572 FAX I www.ahbl.com WEB Civil Engineers• Structural Engineers• Landscape Architects• Community Planners• Land Surveyors• Neighbors CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s). lf you are not the intended recipient, please permanently delete the original message and all attachments and notify the sender immediately. » Please consider the environment before printing this email. 1 DEPARTMENT OF COM .•. l.lNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DA TE: Project Name: Owner/Applicant: Applicant: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Site Area: January 7, 2014 Spring Glen Elementary School Rick Stracke; Renton School District; 7812 S 124'" St; Seattle, WA 98178 Brad Medrud; AHBL, Inc.; 2215 N 30'" St, Ste #300; Tacoma, WA, 98501 LUAB-001481, SA-A Vanessa Dolbee; Current Planning Manager The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built, in addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave.Sand S 27th St. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave along with a modified frontage along S 27'" St and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. 2407 Jones Avenue South 29.54 acres, area of work 4.50 acres. Project Location Map Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Comt .. Jnity & Economic Development SPRING GlfN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .Mdministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Report of January 7, 2014 I B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Site Plan, Sheets 51.0 and 52.0 Exhibit 2: Grading, Storm Drainage and Utility Plan, Sheets C2.0-C2.3 Exhibit 3: Tree Inventory Plan Exhibit 4: Landscape Plan, Sheets Ll.1-Ll.4 Exhibit 5: Play Shed Elevation Exhibit 6: Notice of Application and Affidavit of Posting and Mailing Exhibit 7: Plan Review Comments Exhibit 8: SEPA Threshold Determination Exhibit 9: Modification Justification I C GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Rick Stracke Renton School District 7812 S 124'h St Seattle, WA 98178 Residential -8 du/ac (R-8) Residential Single Family Page 2 of 17 4. Existing Site Use: Nelsen Middle School and Spring Glen Elementary School 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Site Area: 7. Access: Multi-Family Condominiums (RM-F zone) Single Family Residential (R-8 zone) Single Family Residential {R-8 zone) Multi-Family Condominiums, Single Family Residential, and a Religious Institution (RM-F & R-8 zone) 29.54 acres Site access is via both Jones Avenue South and South 27th Street I o. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation Nelsen MS, Portables Nelsen MS, Entry Pavilion Nelsen MS, Replace Portables Site Plan Report13-001481.doc Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A LUA95-043 LUA99-077 LUA02-044 Ordinance No. 5099 5100 1909 N/A N/A N/A 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 09/20/1961 05/15/1995 06/22/1999 05/28/2002 City of Renton Department of Car SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHC 1ity & Economic Development dministrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUA13-001481, SA-A Report of January 7, 2014 Nelsen MS, Portables Nelsen Site Improvements I E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities LUA06-110 LUA12-016 N/A N/A a. Water: This site is located in the City of Renton water service boundary. b. Sewer: This site is located in the City of Renton sanitary sewer service boundary. Page 3 of 17 01/17/2007 04/18/2012 c. Surface/Storm Water: There exists a storm drainage pipe on Jones Ave S frontage and a stormwater ditch in S 27th St frontage. 2. Streets: Jones Ave Sand S 27th St are residential streets with a right of way width of 60 feet. Street frontage improvements are requested along both frontages. 3. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department I F. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant, the Renton School District, is requesting a Site Plan Review for interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The re-location of two existing portables and the construction of a 3,120 square foot covered play area, in addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. 2. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on October 24, 2013 and determined the application complete on October 29, 2013. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 3. Public notice was provided as required by Renton Municipal Code, (Exhibit 6). 4. The subject site is located at 2607 Jones Avenue South. 5. The property is located within the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the Residential-8 (R-8) zoning classification. 6. The site currently contains the Nelsen Middle School and Spring Glen Elementary School. The existing Elementary and Middle School buildings contain a net building area of 3S,697 square feet. The overall site contains an internal vehicular circulation system, parking lots, baseball fields, track, and a soccer field. 7. The changes proposed in this application would only impact the Spring Glen Elementary, as no improvements are proposed at Nelsen Middle School, also located on the same parcel. 8. Spring Glen Elementary currently houses the H.O.M.E. program and the E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start Program. The E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start program have been relocated to the new Meadow Crest Early Learning Center. The main building would be re-purposed to hold Renton Academy which would be moving to this location from its current location in Newcastle. 9. The proposed project would provide for both interior and exterior building upgrades to both the main building and the annex building. In addition, the applicant has proposed to relocate the existing portables from the west side to the north side of the main building, enclose the northwest corner of the main building which is currently a covered outdoor area, add a 3,120 SF covered play area, and provide site improvements including 93 parking spaces in an improved parking lot. Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Deportment of Con SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHO ity & Economic Development -fministrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUA13-001481, SA-A Report of January 7, 2014 Page 4 of 17 10. Landscaping improvements are proposed along both Jones Ave S and S 27th St along the street frontage. In addition, interior parking lot landscaping and site landscaping is proposed. The new landscaping would consist of a mixture of trees, shrubs, and ground cover including but not limited to Oregon Ash, Persian Parrotia, Serbian Spruce, Kelsey Dogwood, and Spirea. 11. The site contains moderate coalmine hazards, moderate landslide hazards and sensitive and protected slopes; there are no other critical areas on site. 12. The applicant requested a street modification to remove the required 8-foot landscape strip from between the back of the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave S. The Plan Review project manager has reviewed this request and supports approval of the modification as shown in Exhibit 7. 13. On November 13, 2013, the Renton School District issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Spring Glen Elementary School Site Improvements (Exhibit 8). The DNS-M included 11 mitigation measures. A 14-day comment period commenced on November 13, 2013 and ended on November 2 7, 2013. No appeals of the threshold determination have been filed. 14. No public or agency comments were received. 15. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in Exhibit 7, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 16. The proposal requires Site Plan Review. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with Site Plan Review decision criteria as outlined in RMC 4-9-200 E· ' .. SITE PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA: a. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE AND CONSISTENCY: The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the subject property is Residential Single Family (RSF). The Residential Single Family designation is. intended to be used for quality detached residential development organized into neighborhoods at urban densities. It is intended that larger subdivision, infill development, and rehabilitation of existing housing be carefully designed to enhance and improve the quality of single family living environments. Objective LU-JJ: Encourage re-investment and rehabilitation of existing housing, and development of new residential plats resulting in quality neighborhoods that: 1) Are planned at urban densities and implement Growth Management targets, 2) Promote expansion and use of public transportation; and 3) Make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Staff Comment: The above objective and the other three policies of the RSF focus on single ,/ family residential development. Evaluating the subject improvements at the Spring Glen Elementary School against existing residential policies is challenging. However, a school is a compatible use within residential areas, and the improvements of the existing school's facilities would not result in inconsistencies with the Comprehensive Plan's Objectives and/or Policies. Therefore, the above Policy Objective hos been met. Furthermore, The Comprehensive Plan contains policies on Public Facilities for the purposes of addressing the aspect of a public/quasi public use that is not addressed in the pertinent land use policies. The following are Policy Objectives that address public facilities. ,/ Policy LU-76: Internal site circulation should be primarily pedestrian-oriented. ,/ Objective LU-S: Site and design municipal facilities to provide the most efficient and convenient service for people while minimizing adverse impacts on surrounding uses. Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Car SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHI Report of January 7, 2014 ,ity & Economic Development fministrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUAlJ-001481, SA-A Page 5 of 17 Policy LU-102: Schools in residential neighborhoods should consider mitigating adverse impacts to the surrounding area in site planning and operations. b. ZONING COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: The subject site is classified Residential-8 du/ac (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. RMC 4-2-llOA provides development standards for development within the R-8 zoning classification. The following are applicable to the proposal ; Setbacks: TheR-8 zoning designation requires a minimum front yard and side yard along-a-street setback of 15 feet to the building. The minimum side yard setback is 5 feet. The minimum rear yard setback is 20 feet. No changes are proposed to the existing buildings therefore this standard is not applicable. The relocated portables would be compliant with the setback standards. Building Standards: Building height is restricted to 30 feet. The allowed impervious surface coverage is 75 percent. The allowed maximum building lot coverage is 35% or 2,500 sq. ft., whichever is greater. There are no changes proposed to the existing main and annex buildings on the property. The portables would be relocated and a new covered play area is proposed. The overall development (including Nelsen Middle School) would have a building lot coverage of 13 percent, which is well below the R-8 maximum of 35 percent. The applicant did not provide impervious surface coverage calculations for the overall site (including Nelsen Middle School); however information was provided in Exhibit 1-6 of the Technical Information Report (TIR). Based on the exhibits in the TIR the project area of 3.6 acres would have a total impervious coverage of 65.83 percent. The area included in Exhibit 1-6 only includes the developed Spring Glen Elementary School site excluding the sports fields and Nelsen Middle School. However, even with the reduced area the impervious surface coverage is below the maximum permitted in the R-8 zone. However, the applicant will be required to provide impervious surface coverage information for the entire site at the time of building permit application. The only new structure proposed is the covered play area. Based on the provided elevations, the building would be 23 feet in height, which would comply with the maximum permit height in the R-8 zone. landscaping: Site Landscaping: The subject development would be required to comply with this section if the cost of the remodel/addition is equal to or greater than fifty percent (50%) of the assessed property valuation. Pursuant to the Project Narrative provided by the project applicant the estimated fair market value of the proposed project is $6,000,000. The 2013 King County Assessor Appraised Total Value for the site is $19,487,900. The total estimate of $6,000,000 is 30. 79 percent of the total assessor's appraised value for the site; as such the subject project does not trigger landscaping requirements. The above exemption applies to the entire site, as such all portions of the site do not need to be brought up to current landscaping standards. However, landscaping regulations would still apply to new development. The subject project includes new development with in the vicinity of the Spring Glen Elementary School, identified above as the "area of work". For the subject "area of work", the project shall comply with the landscaping requirements as follows: Per RMC 4-4-070 ten feet of on-site landscaping is required along all public street frontages, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways or those projects with reduced setbacks The applicant provided a landscape plan with the application, which identifies a 10-foot wide landscape strip along the frontage of the developed portion of the site. The landscape strip is Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Deportment of Car SPRING GLEN fLfMfNTARY SCHI Report of January 7, 2014 ,ity & Economic Development dministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Page 6 of 17 proposed to be planted with a mixture of trees, shrubs and ground cover; which would comply with the above landscaping standards. Street trees and groundcover are required to be installed in the planting strip between the curb and sidewalk where provided. The applicant has request a street frontage modification to eliminate the landscape strip behind the curb for the frontage along Jones Ave. 5. As such, there are not street tree proposed along this frontage. Along 5 27'" St an 8 foot landscape strip would be provided along the frontage of the developed portion of the site. Based on the provided landscape plan, this area is proposed to be landscaped with grass and no trees, which would not comply with the above street tree standards. As such, staff recommends as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide street trees in the landscape planting strip along 5 27'h St. Parking Lot Landscaping: These standards only apply to the portions of the project that are considered new development, which would include the new parking lots proposed in the "area of work" around Spring Glen Elementary School. All parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping. Such landscaping shall be at least ten feet (10') in width. Trees shall be a minimum of two-inches in diameter at breast height at an average minimum rate of one tree per 30 lineal feet. Shrubs shall be planted at the minimum rate of one per twenty (20) square feet of landscaped area. Up to fifty percent (50%) of shrubs may be deciduous. Ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities to provide at least ninety percent (90%) coverage of the landscaped area within three (3) years of installation. The landscape plan identified perimeter parking lot landscaping in the form of grass and a few trees surrounding the proposed parking lots. However, the proposed landscaping plan does not comply with the above perimeter parking lot landscaping standards. As such, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant be required to submit a final landscape plan, identifying compliance with the perimeter parking lot standards for review and approval prior by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit issuance. In addition to perimeter parking lot landscaping, interior parking lot landscaping is required for parking lots with more than 14 stalls. The applicant has proposed to develop 93 parking stalls as a part of the site improvements for Spring Glen Elementary. For parking lots with 51-99 parking stalls 25 SF per stall is required. As such, the 93-stall parking lot would be required to provide a minimum of 2,325 SF of interior parking lot landscaping. Based on the parking and landscape analysis provided with the application, the applicant has provided 3,739 SF of interior parking lot landscaping. Staff compared the narrative to the provided landscape plans which identified 3,100 SF of interior parking lot landscaping. However, either calculation would exceed the minimum requirement. In addition to the total required area of interior parking lot landscaping the following standards apply: a. Landscaped areas shall be a minimum of 5 feet in width, All landscape areas are proposed to be at least 5 feet in width. b. Trees shall be two inches (2") in diameter at breast height (dbh) and planted at one tree for every six (6) parking spaces within the lot interior, Based on 93 parking stalls 16 trees are required to be planted. The provided landscape plan identified 13, 2" diameter trees to be planted in the interior of the parking lot. As such, an additional 3 trees are required to be planted in the parking lot interior. c. Shrubs shall be planted at the minimum rate of one per twenty (20) square feet of landscaped area, up to fifty percent (50%) of the shrubs may be deciduous. Based on the landscape plan 3,100 SF of interior parking landscaping is provided; as such 155 shrubs shall be planted within the parking lot interior. The applicant has proposed to provide 259 shrubs, which would meet the minimum requirements for shrub count. The primary shrub proposed is the Kelsey Dogwood at 137 shrubs. Based on the plant schedule provided with the landscape plan, the Dogwood is proposed to be a 1 gallon plant. All shrubs are required to be planted at a minimum size of 2 gallons. In addition, Site Plan Repart13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Car SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCH1 Report of January 7, 2014 rity & Economic Development dministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Page 7 of 17 50% of the shrubs may be deciduous, which would allow up to 130 shrubs to be deciduous. Of the 259 shrubs proposed 210 are deciduous which exceeds the maximum amount permitted of 50%. d. Ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities to provide at least ninety percent (90%) coverage of the landscaped area within three (3) years of installation, and Ground cover appears to be sufficient to meet the above standards. e. There shall be no more than fifty feet (SO') between parking stalls and an interior parking lot landscape area. As identified above, portions of the proposed interior parking lot landscaping complies with the minimum standards and portions do not. As such, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant be required to submit a final landscape plan, identifying compliance with the interior parking lot landscape standards for review and approval prior by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit issuance. Lighting: A lighting plan was not provided with the application; therefore staff recommends a condition of approval that lighting plan be provided that complies RMC 4-4-075 lighting standards. Refuse and Recyclables: Based on the application materials it appears no changes are proposed to the existing refuse and recycling facilities. If there are changes proposed, they shall be included with the building permit application. Critical Areas: The site contains geotechnical hazards including moderate coalmine hazards, moderate landslide hazards and sensitive and protected slopes; there are no other critical areas on site. As such, the applicant provided a geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated August 20, 2013 with the application. The Geotechnical report addressed slopes hazards and coal mine hazards among other geotechnical related issues. The Geotechnical Analysis concludes that the proposed improvements would not substantially change the north slope stability as no structural fill or new structures would be placed in the area that would impose slope stability driving forces. The west slope between the Elementary School and the play fields would be re- graded as it is not a protected slope. Portions of the north slope are considered to be protected slopes therefore; development is prohibited on this portion of the slope. Based on the provided site plan, no development is proposed on the protected slopes. Finally, the Geotechnical Analysis concludes that the proposed paving improvement project would not be affected by the mapped coal mine hazards. The Renton School District acted as lead agency for the SEPA review for this project. Included in the School District's SEPA decision two mitigation measures were included that relate to "earth" as follows (Exhibit 8): l)The project will comply with the TESC guidelines site in the 2009 KCSWDM with City of Renton amendments. AHBL, Inc. has prepared a preliminary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill Plan. The following measures (See Exhibit 8) will be shown on the preliminary ESC plans and will be used to control sedimentation/erosion processes. 2)1n addition, all work will be implemented consistent with the recommendations of the "Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, " prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated August 20, 2013. Based on the required mitigation and conclusions provided in the Geotechnical Analysis impacts to and/or from these critical areas are not anticipated. Parking: The applicant has indicated that the H.O.M.E. program and the Renton Academy are going to be located at the upgraded Spring Glen Elementary School. Both these programs offer educational opportunities for children ages K -12. Based on the applicant's project narrative, they have indicated Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Cor SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCH1 Report of January 7, 2014 1ity & Economic Development dministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Page 8 of 17 that the parking needs at the site most closely represent the City's parking requirements for "senior high schools, public". Based on this conclusion, parking would be required to be provided at a minimum and maximum rate of 1 per employee plus 1 space for every 10 students. The project narrative has indicated that the H.O.M.E program would have 90 students and 21 staff and Renton Academy would accommodate 55 students and 29 staff. As such, 59 parking stalls would be required of which 3 are required to meet ADA requirements. The applicant has proposed to provide 93 parking stalls of which 6 would be ADA stalls, which exceeds the maximum parking stalls permitted by the code and the amount of ADA stalls required for parking lots of this size. However, included with the application was a parking modification request to provide the additional parking stalls to achieve 93 stalls. Parking Modification Analysis: Parking modifications are permitted where practical difficulties are involved in carrying out the provisions of Title IV. Such modification shall be reviewed based on the decision criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D.2 as follows: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The applicant has indicated that the School District has evaluated the results of the City's parking requirements against actual current parking use by the two programs proposed to be located at Spring Glen Elementary. Following this analysis, the School District has determined that the parking ratio required by the City code does not adequately account for the special parking needs of the H.O.M.E program and Renton Academy. The applicant has indicated that the H.O.M.E. program commonly results in parents waiting in the parking lots while classes or activities are happening, or to consult with a teacher about the curriculum. In the case of Renton Academy, additional parking is required for itinerant staff and volunteer helpers who spend most of the day at the school. Furthermore, the applicant has indicated that there is a need to provide additional accessible parking at all primary building entrances which result in an excess of ADA stalls then required by ADA regulations. These stalls allow for limited use necessitating the need for additional stalls Staff reviewed the Applicant's justifications provided in their modification request (Exhibit 9). Upon review staff concurs with the applicant that the additional parking would implement the policy direction of the Comprehensive Plan by supporting the Renton Community by providing sufficient site improvements to accommodate Renton School Districts many functions. The modification would not be injurious to public safety, function, appearance, environmental protection as the additional parking would be behind the existing buildings, improve site access for both pedestrians and vehicles and provide improved fire and emergency service access to the site. The modification would not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity as the school district has indicated in their justifications Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Deportment of Car SPRING GLEN fLfMfNTARY SCHr Report of January 7, 2014 1ity & Economic Development dministrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUA13-001481, SA-A Page 9 of 17 that the capacity of the existing school facility would not be increased. As such, there would not be a change in traffic impacts on the surrounding street system. Furthermore, the additional on-site parking would reduce the potential impacts of overflow parking extending onto the public street. The Renton School Districts H.O.M.E program and Renton Academy are unique education programs that do not meet the traditional high school model, as such the parking code standards are not written to accommodate such a unique education model. Based on the applicant request that the parking is necessary for the sites functions the modification to accommodate such a request would conform to the intent of the code and be justified so the site can provide enough parking to meet the demand created by the use. Finally, it is not anticipated that adding parking to the subject site would create an adverse impact on other properties in the vicinity. As such, staff recommends approval of the parking modification for 93 parking stalls at the subject site. Bicycle Parking: Bicycle parking spaces shall be ten percent (10%) of the number of required off- street parking spaces. Based on the requirement for 59 parking stalls 6 bicycle parking stalls would be required. Sheet Ll.4 of the landscape plan, provided a bicycle rack detail showing a rack that could accommodate 6 bicycles. The bicycle parking stalls are required to comply with the specific requirements of RMC 4-4-080F.ll.b, of which it appears the project would primary comply. However, Staff was unable to determine if the bicycle rack was within 50 feet of the main entrance of a building. As such, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant provide a detail of the bicycle parking verifying compliance with RMC 4-4-080F.11.b, prior to construction permit issuance. c. DESIGN REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND CONISTENCY: The proposal is not located within a Design District. d. OFF SITE IMPACTS: Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a particular portion of the site. There are no changes proposed to the bulk of the buildings on site. However, the portable class rooms are proposed to be relocated and a new covered play area would be added. The relocation of the portables would move them off the street front of S 27th St to behind the main building and the new covered play area would also be located behind the main building. As such, the new/relocated buildings would have little to no new visual impact. All buildings on site are one story and the proposed buildings would also be one story maintain consistence with the current buildings on the site. The improvements proposed would not result in an over concentration of development on a particular portion of the site. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways and adjacent properties. The current circulation system for both pedestrians and vehicles would remain similar to what exists today, with some minor improvements. The subject project would require the installation of street frontage improvement, which would add sidewalks along both Jones Ave. S and S 27'' St. Internal pedestrian circulation improvements such as walkways from the Annex building to the new portables, walkways that provide access to the new parking lots and a new ADA accessible path to the athletic fields to the west would be added. Beyond the pedestrian linkages that are added to the site, improved vehicular circulation would also be provided. The new parking lots provide an internal loop for fire and emergency access and allow for improved public vehicular circulation at either the H.O.M.E. program or the Renton Academy. The proposed site improvements would result in improved pedestrian and vehicle linkages between school buildings and the public street and adjacent properties. Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Corr SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHI Report of January 7, 2014 1ity & Economic Development dmini.strative Site Plan Report & Decision LUA13-001481, SA-A Page 10 of 17 equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from surrounding properties No new loading and/or storage areas are proposed. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features. There are no large attractive natural features on or near the site for which to maintain visual accessibility. The upgraded buildings and site improvements would enhance the look of the school. The relocation of the portables would improve territorial views of the athletic fields from surrounding properties to the site. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the project. See Landscaping discussion under Findings Section 14.b. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets See Lighting discussion under Findings Section 14.b. e. ON-SITE IMPACTS: Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and orientation. There are no changes proposed for the majority of the buildings on the project site with the exception of the relocated portables and the new covered play structure. The proposed placement of these buildings would be behind the existing main and annex building on the site. By moving the portables and concentrating the play area in the rear of the existing buildings it would provide for noise reduction related to the surrounding single family development. The placement of these buildings in a form representing a pod or a node provides for appropriate spacing and orientation for the two separate programs (H.O.M.E. and Renton Academy) planned to be operated out of the school. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation ta natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle needs. There are no changes proposed in the scale of the structures on site. As discussed above, the relocation of the portables would improve territorial views of the athletic fields from surrounding properties to the site. The proposed site improvements for pedestrians and vehicles would improve the existing sites arrangement and usability by providing two distinct areas for the two separate programs planned to use the site. The proposed building is designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the buildings and the site. The design of the structures would not result in excessive shading of the property. In addition, there is ample area surrounding the building to provide normal airflow. Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces. The applicant provided a tree retention plan with the application, however this plan only shows the "area of work" and does not include the entire site. Based on the area of work, 43 trees are located in the project area of which 37 are proposed to be retained. Renton Municipal Code requires that 30 percent of the trees on site be retained. Of the 43 trees, 13 trees are required to be retained at the Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Car SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHI ,ity & Economic Development dministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Report of January 7, 2014 Page 11 of 17 30 percent retention rate. As proposed, the applicant would comply with the tree retention requirements of the code, as 37 trees are proposed to be retained in the "area of work" and many more trees would be retained across the entire site. The applicant will be required to comply with protection measures for retained trees as set forth in RMC 4-4-130H8 during construction. Based on the provided Geotechnical Analysis the area where the existing buildings and paving are located is relatively flat and appears to have been graded to its current configuration during previous development on-site. Along the north edge of the "area of work" the site descends approximately 24 feet to meet Nelsen Middle School. In addition, there is a slope on the west side the existing developed site that descends approximately 15 feet to the existing playfields. The area to the north between the area of work and Nelsen Middle school would not be disturbed, however the slope to the west is proposed to be re-graded to accommodate the proposed parking lots. The project would widen the upper building-level terrace by placing new fill, establishing a new top of slope and constructing a new structural fill slope inclined at lH:lV or flatter. New slope would be required to comply with the City's grading regulations and appears to be the minimum amount of grading needed to accomplish the new parking and drive aisle. Additional analysis related to slope stability and grading is provided above in Findings Section 14.b Critical Areas. Under current conditions the site has parking for 20 vehicles and many vehicles are parking in an unofficial gravel lot. The subject project would add impervious surface to the overall site, however the addition of the proposed impervious surface requires that the project employ new stormwater treatment. The applicant provided a TIR with the application which has identified that a traditional conveyance system would be provided along with rain gardens for water quality treatment. In addition, a Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and an Erosion Control plan would be required to be in place during project construction. Overall the project would result in grading and additional impervious surface area; however the applicant has limited the addition impervious and the cubic yards of grading to the extent practical to meet the needs of the School Districts purpose. Furthermore, improved stormwater treatment and erosion control would be utilized to reduce impacts related to the addition of impervious surface and grading respectively. However, the proposed layout would maintain territorial views and a large percentage of the existing vegetation on the site. Beyond the preservation of existing landscaping, new landscaping would be provided. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to enhance the appearance of the praject. Landscaping also includes the design and pratection of planting areas sa that they are less susceptible ta damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. See Landscaping discussion under Findings Section 14.b. Overall, the proposed landscape plan does not meet the minimum standards of Renton Municipal Code. Provided the applicant updates the landscape plan to meet the minimum requirements of the Code the new landscaping should soften the appearance of the parking areas, define and enhance the open space and enhance the appearance of the overall project. Based on the provided landscaping plan the appearance of the parking areas would not be screened and/or softened, as such staff has recommended a condition of approval that the applicant update the proposed landscape plan to be compliant with RMC. f. ACCESS: Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points an the site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties. The site has two public street frontages; Jones Ave. 5 and S 27th St. Currently Spring Glen Elementary is accessed exclusively from Jones Ave 5. Included in the project proposal is the addition of two new Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Co, SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCH( 1ity & Economic Development fministrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUAH--001481, SA-A Report of January 7, 2014 Page 12 of 17 driveways along S 27'h St and maintaining the existing access at Jones Ave. S. Overall, the Renton School District is looking to change the programming of the existing school which has triggered a desire to provide site improvements. One key aspect to the overall site improvement plan is to provide distinctly separate areas for the Renton Academy and the H.O.M.E program which would both be operated out the improved buildings. In order to accomplish the needed separation new access is proposed off of S 27th St. This new access would allow for both parent and school bus drop off in front of the main building via one-way circulation. Due to the current location of the main building a single access point with a looped road was not feasible to fit into the available space. As such, in order for the School District to accomplish the needed separation and provide for a drop off location the two new access points would be necessary. Overall, the new circulation system would improve emergency vehicle circulation and access to and through the site along with accomplishing the needs of the Renton School District. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the location, design and dimensions af vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways. See comments above under Finding of fact 14e, Circulation. Overall the new improved circulation system would promote safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system. All drive aisles are proposed to be 24 feet in width which would accommodate both emergency vehicle access and sufficient back out space in the parking lots. Loading and Delivery: Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas. No new loading and delivery area are included in the subject proposal. Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access. For bicycle parking analysis, see comments above in Finding of fact 14b, Parking. The subject site is not served by public transit, as the closet stop is along S Puget Drive. However, school's typically provide bus transportation for their students. The new drop off locations included in the site design provides for a safe drop of location for the students. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties. See comments above under Finding of Fact 14e, Circulation. Moreover, the proposed improvements would improve the safety for both pedestrians and vehicles along the public street fronts and internal to the site. g. OPEN SPACE: Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal points and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the site. The subject site is a developed school, innate to school design and curriculum recreation is provided. The existing site contains multiple sports fields and play areas for the students. In addition, the subject proposal would add a new play area including a covered play structure. The combination of the existing open spaces and the proposed improved play area the overall project would provide adequate area for both passive and active recreation by the occupants and users of the site. h. VIEWS AND PUBLIC ACCESS: When possible, providing view corridors to shorelines and Mt. Rainier, and incarparating public access to shorelines. The proposed structure would not block view corridors to shorelines or Mt. Rainier. The public access requirement is not applicable as the site is not adjacent to a shoreline. I. NATURAL SYSTEMS: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural systems where applicable. Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Deportment of Car SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHO Report of January 7, 2014 ity & Economic Development There are no natural systems located on site. j. SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE: ministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Page 13 of 17 Police and Fire: Fire and Police Department staff has indicated that existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal. Based on the proposed location of the new buildings, new fire hydrants would be required. One hydrant is required to be within 150 feet of the building and one is required to be within 300-feet of the buildings. In addition, a water main extension would be required to accommodate the necessary fire hydrants. Water and Sewer: Water and sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. The subject project would require the installation of 2 new fire hydrants connecting to the existing 6-inch water main. However, a third hydrant may be required by the City Fire Department and/or for a fire flow of 2,500 gpm. If this is the case, the applicant will need additional water service to be obtained from the Soos Creek Water District. If the third hydrant is required a water availability certificate must be provided to the City and an approved water service plan from the Soos Creek Water District must also be provided. A utility easement shall be provided to the City for the installation of the hydrants. The proposed project does not impact existing sewer services at the subject site. The two new portables would not contain plumbing fixtures (i.e. sinks, toilets etc.) as part of the project. As such, no new sewer facilities are required. Drainage: The project is required to comply with the new City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A conceptual drainage plan and report stamped by a PE was submitted with the formal application, and per the report the project is complying with the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The TIR indicates that flow control would be provided through the use of buried detention tanks. The proposed improvements would include a traditional storm conveyance system to collect and convey stormwater to the stormwater treatment and detention facilities. Stromwater runoff from the new pollution generating impervious surface are proposed to be treated utilizing on-site rain gardens. Drainage plans and a final drainage report (TIR) is required to be submitted with the Construction permit and all required drainage improvements based on the study are required to be provided. Transportation: Both S 27th St and Jones Ave S are residential streets. As per RMC 4-6-060, the frontage improvements on residential streets include 26 feet wide paved width (20 feet wide paved travel lane and 6 feet wide on street paved parking on one side), 0.5 feet wide curb, gutter, 8 feet wide landscaped planter strip, 5 feet wide sidewalk, and drainage improvements. The frontage improvements on the site frontage are required to be provided. Frontage improvements were only shown in front of the school along S 27th St. The frontage improvements are required to run the entire length of the subject parcel. The applicant requested a street modification to remove the required 8-foot landscape strip from between the back of the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave S. The Plan Review project manager has reviewed this request and supports approval of the modification has shown in Exhibit 7. The applicant has requested the modification because there is not enough room between the existing right-of-way and existing building to provide the full frontage improvements, meet fire access standards for the drop off lane, and provide sufficient space for parking and safety standards, along with the required 10 feet of on-site landscaping. Furthermore, the existing frontage is currently improved and is consistent with Jones Ave S to the north along the site frontage. The modification of the street standards along Jones Ave S would substantially implement the policy direction and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and the Code and would be the minimum adjustment necessary to implement the policies. The modification would meet the objectives of safety, function, appearance and environmental protection as a sidewalk and sufficient fire access and safety would be provided through the modified design. The modification would not be injurious to other Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Con ity & Economic Development SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHO __ Report of January 7, 2014 inistrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUA13-001481, SA-A Page 14 of 17 properties in the vicinity nor result in an adverse impact to other priorities owners as the modification impacts a short portion of Jones Ave 5 and would extend the entire block, not impacting any other properties in the neighborhood. The modification can be shown to be justified as it allows the school to improve the facilities without requiring the complete tear down of the existing facilities to meet all the updated code standards and focuses of public safety. Based on the above analysis, staff recommends approval of the street modification for Jones Ave 5. Schools: N/ A k. PHASING: The applicant intends to commence construction in spring of 2014 with completion anticipated in the fall of 2014. The applicant is not requesting any phasing. I G. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposal complies with the Site Plan Review Criteria if all advisory notes and conditions of approval are met. 2. The proposal is compliant and consistent with the plans, policies, regulations and approvals. 3. The Renton School District No. 403 has reviewed the proposal and issued a Determination of Non- Significance Mitigated on November 27, 2013 and imposed 11 mitigation measures. 4. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on surrounding properties and uses as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. 5. The proposed improvements are anticipated to be compatible with existing and future surrounding uses as permitted in the R-8 and RM-F zoning classifications. 6. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed structures are appropriate for the site. 7. Safe and efficient access and circulation has been provided for all users. 8. Proposed open spaces serve the site's intended user, the surrounding neighborhood and community, creating a focal point and providing adequate areas for active recreation by the users of the proposed facility and the community. 9. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use if all conditions of approval are met. 10. The proposed project would not change the current use at the subject site. The proposed location is suited for the proposed use. 11. Of the 43 trees in the project area 37 are proposed to be protected, which exceeds the 30 percent retention requirement. 12. Landscaping has been provided in all areas not occupied by buildings or paving. Updated landscaping will be provided along the street frontages and both interior and premier parking lot landscaping would be provided if all conditions of approval are met. 13. There are no view corridors at the subject site to shorelines or Mt. Rainier. Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Car SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHC Report of January 7, 2014 ' H, DECISION: 1ity & Economic Development ministrative Site Pion Report & Decision WAB-001481, SA·A Page 15 of 17 The proposed site plan and associated modification requests for Spring Glen Elementary School, File No. LUAB-001481, SA-A are approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the 11 mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non- Significance Mitigated, dated November 27, 2013 (Exhibit 8). 2. The applicant shall provide street trees in the landscape planting strip along S 27'" St. Street trees shall be identified in a final landscape plan submitted with the construction permit application. Review and approval of the final landscape plan shall be completed prior to construction permit issuance. 3. The applicant shall submit a final landscape plan, identifying compliance with the perimeter and interior parking lot landscaping standards for review and approval prior by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit issuance. 4. A lighting plan shall be provided with the building permit application that demonstrates compliance with RMC 4-4-075 lighting standards. The lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit issuance 5. The applicant shall provide a detail of the bicycle parking, verifying compliance with RMC 4-4· 080F.ll.b. The bicycle parking detail shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit issuance. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C.E. "Chip" Vincent, CED Administrator TRANSMITTED this f" day of January 2014 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner: Contact: Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL. Inc. 2215 North 30'" Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 Applicant/Owner: Renton School District No. 403 Rick Stracke -Executive Director Facilities & Operations 7812 South 124'" Street Seattle, WA 98178 TRANSMITTED this t" day of January 2014 to the Parties of Record: Donald Schultz 1607 S 2f" St. Renton, WA 98055 Site Plan Reportl3-001481.doc Sandra and Jim Powers 1517 S 2f" St. Renton, WA 98055 1 {+ l2.o1t Dae City of Renton Department of Cot SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHI Report of January 7, 2014 1ity & Economic Development TRANSMITTED this fh day of January 2014 to the following: Craig Burnell, Building Official Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Abdou/ Gafour, Development Services Jan Conklin, Development Services Fire Marshal Renton Reporter ministrative Site Plan Report & Decision LUA13-001481, SA-A Page 16 of 17 I. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXP/RATION: The Administrative Site Development Plan Review decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. Administrative Site Development Plan Approval Appeal: Appeals of the administrative site development plan review decision must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 p.m. on January 21, 2014. APPEALS: An appeal of the decision(s} must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3}; WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the application fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510 .. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify its decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. EXPIRATION: The Administrative Site Development Plan Review decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single two (2) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-200L.2. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. Site Plan Report13-001481.doc City of Renton Department of Can SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCH( Report of January 7, 2014 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT 1ity & Economic Development ministrative Site Plan Report & Decision WA13-001481, SA-A Page 17 of 17 The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes ore provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. Planning: 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 5. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (SO') indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING -Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (SO'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. Comments from Community Services. Fire and Emergency Services. and Polices can be found in Exhibit 7. Site Plan Report13-001481.doc , _ _': -;'T_J: ".;:;.'I :,\/} ' ,·-· .;.1"c".""t:7 f ,~ .;~ :r~:"w.' ~"':''" --" C -• ,,., > i l llJ.J.-SS-ddd S.LN3n3A0lidnl3.l1S1 -J!l]fQll,j OOHOS A.l:llfJ.N3~31 L.·. '·- L.:.:. ; i ; l ! ; 3 N310 ElNllidS l ' I: ., .... -------~ ,--~ I ' ' ' ' ' I 1'! il' j1'! -11 Sl.N3Vi3.hOl:ld~I 3..LIS lOOHOS Al:N!N3rl313 N31~ ~Nll:ldS -~ -1- l 111 ri(r ! ! • I i ; (.) l Li !!IL 11 pl I! !!11!!1 C I,! ii'i"•·•·•·1H " ' ' "' ' ' .J I I ! 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ITACOIIA•8""Tll.E·llPCll<Al'E·Tl'U-aTlEB ~~ ttll_XIIO __ ,.., 1-.m-.· l.11,.:i.,~H21UW<21 ... ..,_.,_"""" -- SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON SCliOOL DISTRICT LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 ~ -·, MATCHLINESHEETL12 L © ~ .-0:--••. --,. ,.~""""~"",...... II.,.·..,,. M.J• -•• -~ .. ··--·· MATCHLINE SHEET L1.1 • ..• -·"!Jl!'-~,,---.. I "' I ~ . ~ § ~ "' g 2 i ::, w aJ z ~ <!) z ir .. "' 1 ii 'I I !,( I )1 ' k;: . .,..,._J lj·-~ -- 108th /JVl:Nl.ll SE 11!11, *'*'' ·: rt i·· ~ -: : : -:I :,1\\ I 11'! ',: •>!111/FTOll\llllllllllf>. """"'- "/' ·:. --~-~ ... --· -_ --.. --. -.J -~ I ,>,I_ I •1' •Y'~."1..W/fHti-. --.. --') &: * ~./ ---..-" ·' ..,, . · · ,.m'w/rr"""--. -. -· -.1 J,15l!II/ITOl'i.....u. 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Dtpl. ==-@~ ,-... ,... • ,.11~~'::J".. •-.<e-,•-,'{,. ~c:rm'b --~--= I -IT~COW~·OU.TIU!·""""""E·TR'-Cr>IM ~Jl~=:u":~"",,.1~":'' SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT LANDSCAPE PlAN .LW·SS·ddd !! 1,1 ii !, li1 l i:1 •11 I·' i 11 Iii I, Iii i~ ! l l "===sl " ' ; ; I ! I ! ! S1N3W3AO!:::ld~I 311S 100H0S A!N 1N3Vi313 N31EI ONIHdS I ' i ' l ! ;,. = = " ; I ; 1-tt+tt- ; • UJ..L.Ll_ ! ! Ii 1 ' ; " . l .. = '"Z .,, ...... C•--1 . . . 1i .. I LU --:t' l ( (N I _.-' e- l\" f Li,.J u l = l~ c:::.: ... 4 ~ 5 l ·C-i· J.,f• t l l .• .. ., .. -:-: { .... : ;~:·, :,.~ •• ~ ' ., ... ·.• -·~- st ~ ! ~ 1 in ::i ~ I- Ill .... cc II 'i ~ ' .. "1 ..... I > l .. i .. . . ,,. . .. -...... ·: ::. ·-=·· -,..:._ ~-.14 :,;: -::, ... ~ :z .... ~ ::c >< ~ "' w !l ; I ~ "' 1~ ti !tl NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development {CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant ls requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. Sin the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave.Sand 5 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification i"equests 1 one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater ana.lysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./ bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30'" Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: !'!f8 Comments on the above applicat[on must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Sei:,ior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at {425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 Jfyou would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A, SA·A NAME:------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- Mayor !, - ---De:nis:La_w_ ... ---~-··r City of.- : t ~J .. [Umlllfil January 6, 2014 Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL, Inc . . 2215 N 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 SUBJECT: "Off Hold" Notice Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Spring Glen Elementary School, LUA13-001481 Pear Mr. Medrud -The School District has completed the SEPA EnvironmeritaLReview process and no appeals were filed. As such the Spring Glen Elementary Site Pla_n Review has been taken off hold and review of the Si.te Plan application will resume. If you have any questions, please contact me at (425) . 430-7314. -Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee · Current Planning Manager cc: RSD #403 c/o Rick Stracke/ Owner(s) Donald Schultz & Sandra a"nd Jim Powersf Party(ies} Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Vanessa Dolbee From: Sent: To: Brad Medrud <BMEDRUD@AHBL.com> Monday, January 06, 2014 8:51 AM Vanessa Dolbee Subject: RE: SEPA Appeals Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Vanessa: That is correct. No appeals were filed. Brad Medrud, AICP I Senior Planning Project Manager AHBL, Inc. TACOMA. SEATTLE. SPOKANE. TRI-CITIES 253.383.2422 TEL I 253.383.2572 FAX I www.ahbl.com WEB From: Vanessa Dolbee [mailto:VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 3:01 PM To: Brad Medrud Subject: $EPA Appeals Brad, Just verifying that no appeals were filed for the Spring Glen Elementary SEPA. Thank you for verifying. 'Vanessa '1Jof.6ee Current Planning Manager Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Renton City Hall -6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7314 1 Description of Proposal: FACILITIES, OPERATIONS ANO MAINTENANCE CENTER CAPITAL PROJECTS OFFICE 7812 S 1241 h Street, Seattle, WA 98178-4830 425.204.4403, Fax 425.204.4476 Renton School District No. 403 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE IMPROVEMENTS Currently, the Renton School District's H.OJvI.E. (Homeschool Opportunities for lvferging Education) occupies the Spring Glen FJementary School and it '\Vill remain. E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start programs recently relocated to the new J\feadow Crest Early Learning Center. Renton Academy will be moving from its current location in Newcastle to the Spring Glen Elementary School site in 20'14. T11e Sp1ing Glen Elementary School occupies the southern part of King County Assessor's parcel number 292305-9061 and the Neben Middle School occupies the northcm part of the parcel. There will be no changes to the Nelsen J\fiddle School portion of the site as part of this project. The work area for the project is approximately -ts acres. On tl1e Spring Glen Elementary School portion of the site, there are hvo existing buildings and two ex.is ting double classroom portables. The main building \Vas built in 1952 with a major a<ldicion constructed in 1955. It is approximately 24,4-43 square feet in size. 'lbe annex was built in 1955 and it is approximately 7,400 square feet in size. The t\vo double classroom portables together are approximately 3,85-l square feet in size. The total building sguare footage on the site is approximately 35,427 sc1u::1re fret. TI1e main building and the annex v.ill remain and will have upgrades to their interiors and exteriors. 1l1e area under the existing roof at the nortll\vest con1er of the building will be enclosed. Two new double classroom portables will be placed along the north side of the main building and then the t\vo existing double classroom portables on the site will be removed from the ,vest side of the building. A 3,120 square foot covered play area, a 240 square foot awning on tl1e south side of the main buil<ling, and gated area for a generator v.d.ll be added to the site. The site improvements ,\ill also include new parking lots, emergency vehicle access loop1 bus drop-off areas, ADA- compliant parking area~\ outdoor play areas, and utilities. 1he JI.0.tlE. program will remain in the annex and the t\vo portables. It will ha\Te approximately 90 students, who are not there full tirne, an<l approximately 21 staff, many of \vhom are itinerant. Renton Academy w-i.ll be located in the main building and it will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff, some of whom are itinerant. ]be students and staff of the two programs will be separated on the project site. There will not be an increase in the number of staff or students. Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime ----·--·-------~---·------·--··-. --····----·----~---·---' ··-·· 7812 S 124m Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f.425.204.4475 www.rentonschools.us --RENTON Agent for Proponent: Location of Proposal: Lead Agency: School District Contact: The site currently has approximately 20 striped parking spaces and a gravel paved infonnal parking area that currently provides parking for approximately 10 cars. The formal and infonnal parking areas on the site are accessed from one driveway from Jones Avenue South. '111cre \vill be approximately ninety-three total parking spaces provided on the site once the project is complete. 'lbe Renton Academy progtruTl will be served by approximately fifty-three parking stalls (including two accessible stalls) located west and south of the main building and by a drop off area south of the main building that will be accessed by NlO new driveways on South 27th Street. 111e H.0.M.E. program will be served by approximately forty parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located east and north of the main building and the annex and by a drop off loop east of the main building that ,\'ill be accessed by the existing site entrance from Jones Avenue South. 1\ fire loop gated on botl1 ends will connect the two scpara te parking areas. TI1e School District is working ,.vith the City of Renton to detennine the type level of street improvements required for the project. Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL, Inc. 2215 North 30<h Srreet, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 (253) 383-2422 111e project is located at 2607 Jones Avenue South, on the soutl1cm portion of King County parcel number 292305-9061 in the NW Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 Nord,, Range 05 East in the City of Renton. Renton School District, No. 403 7812 S0ud1 124<h Srreet Seattle, W,\ 98178-4830 Rick Srracke, ( 425) 204-4403 The Responsible Official of the Renton School District hereby makes the follo\\11.ng Findings and Conclusions based upon review of the environmental checklist and attachments, other information on file with the Renton School District, :md the policies, plans, and regulations design~ted by the Renton School District as a basis for the exercise of substantive authority under the \\7ashington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) pursuant to the Revised Code of\X'ashington RC\\' 43.21C.060. Findings of Fact: 1. The Spring Glen Ekmentary School occupies the southern part of the site and the Fred Nelsen !\.fiddle School occupies the northern part of the site. There witl be no changes to the Fred Nelsen Middle School portion of the site. There will be modifications to the Spt1ng Glen Elementary School portion of the site and interior remodeling to the existing strucnircs. Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime ---·------·-------·----· ,---·-·---·--··------.. ---· ---~---· 7812 S 124" Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f.425.204.4476 www. rentonschoo/s. us ·. 2. The project is anticipated to start constmct.ion in January 2014 with substantial completion ;,;cheduled for August 2014. 3. The use of the site is consistent ,v-ith the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan designation of RSF (Residential Single Family) and associated R-8 zoning classification. 4. The SEP.:\ Environment Checklist ,vas made ;ffailablc for public review from October 11~ 2013 to October 25, 2013. No comments were received. 5. The site grading will be balanced to the maximum extent possible, however approximately 3,200 CY of cut and 1,600 CY of fill for a next export of l,600 CY is anticipated. If import is required, fill will be obtained from an approved source and the project contractor ·will determine the specific locar.ion. The implementation of a temporary sediment and erosion control plan using Best l\fanagcment Practices should mitigate ll11pacts. 6. City of Renton critical area maps identify portions of the Spring Glen Elementary School site as being in a moderate coal mine hazard area_, an erosion hazard area, a moderate landslide hazard area, and steep slope areas. As required by the City of Renton code, Associated Earth Sciences prepared a "Subsurface Exploration, c;eologic f lazards, and Preliminary Geutechnical Engineering Rcpore' on August 20, 2013. It addressed these is:.ues and it was submitted to the City as part of the Site Plan Review application. 7. Demolition and construction activities on the Spring Glen Elementary School site could stir up dust particles. Construction vehicles and equipment will also be a potential source of exhaust emissions. Both demolition and construction actiYities will follow the appropriate regulations and provide necessary mitigation for controlling emissions to the air. After project completion, the primary sources and amounts of emissions will be the same as they are no\v, minimal. 8. ,\ccording to Map Number 53033C0979 F of the FEJ\L-\ 1':ational Flood Insurance Program's Flood lns.urance Rate t-.faps, the proposed project does not appear to lie "vi thin a 100-ycar flood plain. 9. The City of Renton uses the "2009 King County Surface \'Cater Design l\Ianual (KCS\"{'Dl\f)/' as amended. The l\.lanual establishes the methodology and design criteri.1 used for the cutweyance, treatment, and flow control facilities. A "Technical Information Report" \Vas prepared in October 2013 by r\HBL, Inc. and submitted for the City's review and approval. 10. Approximately nine existing trees will be removed to make room fot· the proposed improvements. AU other landscaping on the site will remain. New parking lot lan<lscaping is proposc<l and \vill be designed in accordance with the City of Renlon's landscaping requirements. 11. The School District obtaincu a "Limited Hazardous Materials Survey Report," prcpareu b,· EI-IS- Intemational, Inc., dated P.farch 19, 2013. The report identified and quantified any asbestos~ containing building materials (.-\CJ\!), lead-containing paint (LCP), or other lead containing buildinp; materials (LCr--.-1), arsenic-containing brick masonry unit (B.L\[U) mortar, polychlotinatcd biphenyl (PCB)-containing light ballasts, and mercury (1-Ig)-containing lip;ht tubes and lamps that may be impacted by the project. Launching Learning to Lasf a Lifetime 7812 S124''st;;~t. Se~ttl~ W--;;;hi~gt~-,;98178 / p.425.204.4403 / 14252044476 www.rentonschools.us ----------RENTON 12. Temporary, short-term noise impacts typical of constn1etion projects ·will occur \Vith operation of equipment during construction. Construction \vill occur during the hours subject to City of Renton ordinances. There arc no long-term noise impacts from this proposed project. 13. Tu our knowledge~ no such places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers kno\vn to be on or next to the existing site. 14. No new roads or streets are proposed as part of this project. The proposed anticipated vehicular trips per day are approximately the same as what already exists on site. The number of students and staff proposed are similar in numbers to the programs using Spring Glen Elementary School now. New parking is being proposed to meet current City standards and provide the proposed school programs with adequate parking arrangements. 15. The Spring Glen Elementary School is currently accessed from Jones Avenue South, \vhich feeds onto 108th Avenue Southeast, South 27th Street and even.Lually onto Benson Road South. Parking and a drop off area for the Renton Academy program will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The existing Spring Glen Elementary School site entrance from Jones Avenue South will continue and improve access to the parking and a drop off area for the H.0.f\-f.E. program. A fire loop gated on both ends \v1.ll connect the two separate parking areas. CONCLUSIONS OF THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL The responsible official has determined that the proposal, with the mitigation measures listed below, does not have a probable significant ac..·frersc impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RC\X' 43.21 C.030(2)(c). The mitigation measures described below are recommended as conditions of project permits or approvals. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, other information on file with the Renton School District, and existing regulations. 'TI1is information is available to the public on request. The responsible official finc..ls this informatjon reasonably sufficient to evaluate the env1tonmental impact of this proposal. MITIGATION MEASURES l11e follo\ving mitigation measures \Vill be implemented by the applicant to offset potential adverse environmental imp;1cts: Earth. 1. 2. Air. 1. 111e ptojecl will comply with TESC guidelines set in the 2009 KCSWDtv! with City of Renton amendments. AHBL, Inc. has prepared a preliminary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Spill Plan. 1be follo\\.i.ng measures will be shown on the preliminary ESC plans and will be used to control sedimentation/ erosion processes. In addition) all work will be implemented consistent \Vith the recommendations of the "Subsurface Exploration, Geologic J.fazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report." prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated August 20, 2013. \-X:'atering the ground as needed before and during clearing and grading activities \vill control dust particles. Vehicles that are not being used in constmction activities 'i.vill be shut off'. Launching Learning to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124" Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / 1.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us , 2. 1\·faterials stored on site (e.g., soil and fertilizer) \\.·ill be enclosed and/or covered when not in us<.·. Water. The applic;cint will employ best mairngemcnt practices in the use anJ storage of these materials consistent with all applicable regulations. 1. A Department of Ecology General Permit to discharge Stormwater associated with construction activity will be obtained. 2. The project \vill install a comprehensive storm drainage system in accordance '\\1th the City of Ren ton's drainage rec1uirements in effect at the time of the project application. Environmental Health. 1. The "Limited Hazardous ivlatcrials SUlYC)' Report," prepared by EHS-International, Tnc.1 dated lvlarch 19, 2013, prepared by EHS-Intemational1 Inc. recommends measures to reduce or control risks related to the presence of hazardous materials on the site. Abatement specifications that outline the necessru_·y abatement pi-uccdures ,vill be .included in the bid docmnents and will be implemented by the district's contractor. 'Ilic contmctor will be required to comply with all local, state, and federal requirements applicable to dust control, air monitoring, material handling, packaging, and disposal. 2. T11e Renton School District will enlist the services of a qualified consultant to oversee the abatement contractor1s activities. 111e consultant will docruncnt abatement work activities and monitor o\·erall compliance \Vi.th appropriate regulations. Noise. 1. Noise impacts associated with the construction phase of the project will be limited in duration consistent ,vith the City of Ren ton's noise regulations. 2. To mitigate general noise impacts during the construction phases, measures such as locating stationary eguipment away from recei·ving properties, limiting construction hours to avoid scnsitiYc nighttime hours, tum off idling construction equipment, require contractors to maintain all equipment, and train construction cre\VS to avoid unnecessarily loud actions near noise-sensitive areas should be employed. Historic and Cultura1 Preservation. 1. If culnual or archeological objects are found during site preparation work, the \"X'ashington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified, and appropriate measures will be taken. Thi~ i\-lfrigated Det<.·1·mination of Non-Significance (f\1DNS) is issued under rhe IFashi11gton .-1dministrati,,e Code (WAC) 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 day, from rhe date of issuance. Only \\,Titten comments \vill be accepted and must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on November 27, 2013, to Mr. Rick Stracke, Executive Director, Facilities and Operations, Renton School Distt;ct 7812 South 124,h Street, Seattle, \\'A 98178-4830. Unless modified by the Renton School District, this determination \\-ill become final follmving the below comment deadline. There is no agency ;u.lministrative appeal under Renton School District SEPA policies. Pursuant to RC\\' -l3.21C.t175 and the Renton School District SEPA Rules, decisions of the Rc~punsiblc Official may be judicially appealed. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime -·-·-------~---~-··-··-·----·--···----··-· -·- 7812 S 124~ Street. Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 f 1.425.204.4476 www. rentonschoo/s. us ---RENTON Responsible Official: RicR Stracl.fe, Executive Director of Facilities, ~faintenance, Operations, Safety and Security Lead Agency: Date oflssue: Renton School District, No. 403 7812 South 124,h Street Renton, WA 98178-4830 Comment Dead]ine: November 13, 2013 November 27, 2013, 5:00 PM The issuance of this ~litigated Determination of Nonsignificancc does not constitute project approval. The applicant must comply with all other applicable requirements before receiving construction permits and/ or approvals. Launching Leaming to Last a Lifetime 7812 S 124'" Street, Seattle Washington 98178 / p.425.204.4403 / f.425.204.4476 www.rentonschools.us Vanessa Dolbee From: Sent: To: Cc: Brad Medrud <BMEDRUD@AHBL.com> Thursday, November 21, 2013 8:42 AM Vanessa Dolbee Subject: tony@greenegasaway.com; calvin@greenegasaway.com; Sara Coccia RE: parking modification Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Vanessa: As you requested, I have provided additional information below in support of the School District need to provide more parking on site than is currently permitted under code. The Spring Glen Elementary School site will be accommodating two distinct programs that require the complete separation of students and staff of the two programs on the project site. The H.O.M.E. program will have approximately 90 students and approximately 21 staff who may be on the site at one time. The Renton Academy will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff who may be on the site at one time. The site currently has approximately 20 striped parking spaces and a gravel paved informal parking area that currently provides parking for approximately 10 cars. There will be approximately ninety-three total parking spaces provided on the site once the project is complete. The Renton Academy program will be served by approximately fifty-three parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located west and south of the main building. The H.O.M.E. program will be served by approximately forty parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located east and north of the main building and the annex. To calculate the number of parking spaces that both programs will require, the design team used the more conservative ratio for senior high schools found in RMC 4-4-080(F)(lO)(e) of a minimum and maximum of 1 per employee plus 1 space for every 10 students enrolled as the base. The District then evaluated the results of that calculation against the actual current parking use by the two programs and determined that the parking ratio used by the City does not adequately account for the special parking needs of the H.O.M.E. program and the Renton Academy. In the case of the H.O.M.E. program, it is common for parents to stay and park while a particular class or activity is underway or to consult with a teacher about the curriculum. In the case of the Renton Academy, additional parking is required for itinerant staff and volunteer helpers who spend most of the day there. In addition, based on recent experience with other projects, the District has found the need to provide accessible parking at all of the primary entrances to the buildings that exceeds the typical number required at a school facility. A limited number of users can use these stalls. If have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. Brad Medrud, AICP I Senior Planning Project Manager -'-····················--······ AHBL, Inc. TACOMA. SEATTLE • SPOKANE. TRI-CITIES 253.3832422 TEL I 253.383.2572 FAX I www.ahbLcom WEB From: Vanessa Dolbee [mailto:VDolbee@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11: 16 AM To: Brad Medrud Subject: parking modification Brad, 1 I know we discussed your request for a parking modification for the Spring Glen Elementary School over the phone yesterday and are both on the same page that you are asking for a modification to provide more parking then permitted by code. However, after further review of the provided justifications I do not see a specific reason why the School District needs the additional parking. If possible, could you please put tighter a brief e-mail explain why additional parking is necessary for this site. Just as a reminder you are asking for 34 additional parking stalls beyond the code requirement. Thank you for the additional explanation. 'Vanessa (J)o{6ee Senior Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton Renton City Hall -6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425.430.7314 2 November 21, 2013 Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL, Inc. 2215 N 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 SUBJECT: "On Hold" Notice Department of Community and Economic Development C.E. "Chip"Vincent. Administrator Spring Glen Elementary School, LUAB-001481 Dear Mr. Medrud: The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on October 29, 2013. During our review, staff has determined that additional information is necessary in order to proceed further. The following information will need to be submitted before February 13, 2014 so that we may continue the review of the above subject application: • The School District has not yet completed the Environmental review and SEPA Determination. The Site Plan decision cannot be issued until the SEPA review has been completed and the appeal period has lapsed without appeals. Please provide a copy of the SEPA determination and associated appeal period to the City upon completion. At this time, your project has been placed "on hold" pending receipt of the requested information. Please contact me at (425) 430-7314 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Vanessa Dolbee Senior Planner cc: RSD #403 c/o Rick Stracke/ Owner(s) Donald Schultz & Sandra and Jim Powers/ Party(ies) o Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton.Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov TO: FROM: DATE: PROJECT: OUR FILE NO.: SUBJECT: PROJECT MEMO Vanessa Dolbee City of Renton Community and Economic Development Renton City Hall -6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Brad Medrud, AICP November 8, 2013 Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements 2130241.30, Task 33 South 27'h Street Improvements Modification Request 1. Project name, size and location of site: Project Name: Site Location: Parcel Number: Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements 2607 Jones Avenue South, Renton WA 98055-5102 292305-9061 2. Proposed modification being requested: Request for Modification to the Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards for South 27th Street The Spring Glen Elementary School is more than sixty years old. The main school building and annex, as well as the site improvements and streetscape were constructed before annexation to the City of Renton and the adoption of the current City Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards regulations (RMC 4-6-060(F)). As part of our 2013 Site Plan Review application, we are a requesting a modification of the City's Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards, as allowed under RMC 4-6-060(Q)(1) and RMC 4-9-250. On the site frontage along South 271h Street currently, there is no sidewalk, curb, gutter, formal driveway entry, street lighting, storm drainage, conveyance system, flow control system, or water quality system. For Residential Access functionally classified streets, such as South 27 1h Street, the City requires that the minimum design standards in the table found in RMC 4-6-060(F)(2) be followed. The project team met with City staff on November 4, 2013 and discussed the improvements that would be required along South 271h Street. As shown on the attached plans, as part of this project, the Renton School District will improve to current City standards the South 27th Street frontage of the Spring Glen Elementary School from the intersection of Jones Avenue South and South 27'h Street west to the west end of the new driveway accessing the site west of the main building. Page 1 of4 Civil E11gmeers Structural Engineers Lw1dscapu Arch1tecrs Commumtv Planners Natural !lesource Ecoioqists Land Survoyor8 Neighbors TACOMA 2215 North 31J'Stro,t Seite300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3350 253.383.2422 m 15J.38J.15)1 CSX SEATTLE 1200 (lo Avenue Serre 1620 Seattle.WA 98101-3117 1061671425 -cc 206267.2429 PX SPOKANE 827 WestFirsl Avenue Serre:!ll Spokane, WA 99201-3911 509.252.l019 TF 509.315.8862 fAX The District is requesting approval for the following modification to the current City Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards regulations (RMC 4-6-060(F)). To construct a pedestrian path only along the north side of south 27th from the west end of the new driveway accessing the site west of the main building to the west access to Nelsen Middle School. The project does not propose street lighting. The District is requesting approval of this modification to the current City Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards regulations (RMC 4- 6-060(F)). The current South 27th Street right-of-way includes existing roadway that meets the pavement width requirement of RMC 4-6-060(F) for residential access travel lanes and parking lanes. New impervious surfaces and pollution generating impervious surfaces created for right-of-way improvements will be minimal. New impervious surfaces will be created only for installing new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk. New pollution generating impervious surfaces will be created only for installing concrete curb and gutter. Based upon the small amounts of impervious and pollution generating impervious surfaces required flow control and water quality treatment systems will be small in size and will only serve small portions of the roadway. In addition, the flow control and water quality systems will be located within the right-of-way, requiring maintenance of the City of Renton. The District is requesting approval of this modification to the current City Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards regulations (RMC 4-6-060(F)) for construction of right-of-way flow control and water quality treatment systems. The existing roadway meets pavement width requirements and new impervious and pollution generating impervious surfaces will be created only for the purpose of installing new concrete, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of Title 4, the Department Administrator may evaluate the requests for modifications by using the Decision Criteria established in RMC 4-9-250(D)(2). The Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided ... that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed modification will substantially implement the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement those policies and objectives. The proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards and the completion of pedestrian connection along South 27th Street. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; South 27~ Street Improvements Modification Request 2130241.30, Task 33 November 8, 2013 Page 2 of4 .. mmm11 The proposed modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The proposed right-of-way improvements will comply with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards in front of the existing building and site improvements, while leaving the athletic field portion of the site, which not be improved, substantially unaffected. If this project is not completed, the existing situation would not be improved and a pedestrian connection along South 27'h Street would not be completed. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. It will improve the overall character of the neighborhood. If this project is not completed, the existing situation would not be improved and a pedestrian connection along South 27'h Street would not be completed. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; The proposed modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The existing school facilities are an allowed use that has been in existence for more than sixty years. For the school to continue to operate, improvements need to be made to the site. The proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If this project is not completed, the existing situation would not be improved and a pedestrian connection along South 27'h Street would not be completed. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The proposed modification is justified and required for the use and situation intended. Improvements will be made for access to the site and within the site; however no improvements will be made to the existing athletic fields on the site. The proposed right-of- way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If this project is not completed, the existing situation would not be improved and a pedestrian connection along South 27th Street would not be completed. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. The proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. It will improve the overall character of the neighborhood. If this project is not completed, the existing situation would not be improved and a pedestrian connection along South 27th Street would not be completed. The proposed changes to the site along South 27th Street will improve pedestrian safety and overall site function. We request the City modify its Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards as allowed under RMC 4-9-2SO(D) to allow the existing school use to continue to operate as it has for more than sixty years. c: Tony Matiatos, Greene-Gasaway Architects Calvin Gasaway, Greene-Gasaway Architects South 27tn Street Improvements Modification Request 2130241.30, Task 33 November 8, 2013 Page 3 of 4 mmm11 Q:\2013\2130241 \30_PLN\Deliverables_By_Date\Site Plan Review\Formal SPR Submittal 10252013\20131108 _ Street_Standards _ Modification_Request_2130241 30 .docx South 27th Street Improvements Modification Request 2130241.30, Task 33 November 8, 2013 Page 4 of 4 mmm11 " . • . ~ e ~ ffi p p ' < • § •g ' ! I • i I (J;OO 0 --:o·s "'31,,., HJ..O<n tNld ~Nl!:l'Gl:::t Otffl / 3:)V,d S,:: :: = ' ' . ' : . ! " .. -! 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' \ I RE__CEi\ E"' OCT 1 7 2013 CITY OF f.tp:rc1 ~ PLANNIN,-. r-'\n1.. ·· • ii I 1~ ·1 HI ,\ ! ,,, ~.I ~ ~ Iii 0 0 "i 'z' :"i I ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ RECEIVED OCT 17 2013 C!TY OF RENTON PtANNING DJV/SION -...... _ ..,_,_,,,.,.,_ --~ ~~~-----------r.r; City of. , . . . . . r\\ 1 r:11 n I l r( 1: 1: C1 l _....,,,,, __ ...,;_"J __ NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Plannlng Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave.Sin the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave. Sand S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./ bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30" Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at {425) 430·7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 If you would llke to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:----------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip: __________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- Department of Community & Economic Development ........,. -+ Citv of.,.. ~ 1 vJs South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 6:r"".:= 813520053006 SIMONS JENNIFER R 1327 S PUGET DR #F26 ,J;iENTON, WA 98055 ·-'R8iJNMi'§ s ~~'lf'~~ 3 2 1~8', RECEIVED NO 11 ' 1 ZU!_; C!Ty OJ: .Qr.:i,,. _ '"'ANNI .··-•v1Q111 980 r,;;E 10~63l.~l.i10'~Jli13 RETURN TO SEND~R SIMONS 'JENNIFER MOVED LE~T ND ADDRESS UNABLE TO ~ORWA~D RETURN TO SENDER Sc: 9805732325, 'l.69S-06,07-3l.-29 !l1llt11111l11il1jli:l!11ll111;j1111llltill!:111111lli,11'ij!ii!,_i NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Publlc Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave. S and S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests1 one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./ bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30" Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: l'!L8 Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at {425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: __________________ City/State/Zip:------------ TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- Department of Community & Economic Development -- Hn~ South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 52 813520113008 HILLS JEAN •.', -·· 1315 SPUGET DR #C 12 RENTON, WA 98055 ,_if-,;f;.;tf...!f'-!f'1~rs ~.i~!z: ~ 2 --.. -.. .--" ~ RECE!\IED Nov 1 ?1•1--l) J crrv r,,-" D • •• ,.· '"'EN~o . L,11-,,,,. I N ''¥1111GO/V X 980 N~E :l.036'.il.2Ilr\91/0/3l./1.3 FORWARD TIM2 EXP RTN TD SEND HI L'"' S ! J E AN 2731.9 32ND Pc. S AUBURN WA 98001.-1806 RET\.JRN TO 5::NDER \ 1111\ ; I i ! ' ii ' " I I d I \11 !1 • \ II I \ I 1 ' I ! i ii Ji I ' I i p I , I i' I 111, I! ' ii I ' r NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development {CED}-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave.Sin the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave.Sand S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30'" Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: /,iLi\ Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 lf you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip:----------- TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- Department of Community & Economic Development ~- 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 62 -· ,.., 813520018009 STASZAK ANDRZEJ+JANET 1319$ PUGET DR #D32 RENTON, WA 98055 ._;;::;;ao;·.4;-.;;;;," """'F~s;:, , . ;j..,~' -:,,,-... ;;, - -.. -.. .. -·· -Jt.f31 RECEf\lED '1u~ V 1· ;-,, 1 I\ '-,_. J r,,.-,., -' . OF RENTON 1-"Ll'l..NNJN -• 9 6 0 ., c ' ' 0 5 .. "·, ., I% /)LY@Cf!',j ' . ' - R i:::-,...u::;-~.:1.,~,c:O '!::::'',._.D_~_,,_R._ ..... .J.f .J...;:; ._ ! ,. I• I :::, ... !'I! _ STASZAK. MOVED ~EFT NO ADDRESS UNABLE TD •ORNARD RETURN TO SS:NOER BC: 980S73232SS. ""1.69-5-062~~--3:..-29 I: I! tdj I !1: 1 l 1lJlj\ I 1!1l1l 1 I 11 u: I HI 11!\1~ 11~ 1I \l(; it!! i ! , d1! NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED)-Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave. S and S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30'h Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Ser:,ior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way1 Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 lf you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip:----------- TELEPHONE NO.: -------------- Department of Community & Economic Development 1 Q:,:, South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 0~00~©.)IID e 929360012009 :::·>-.,· . •.. -+,.,1,.,;f,.,<:.s' '-: ._,(·If"" ,,.c;" CALLENDER ANDREW JEFFREY 2300 BENSON RD S #86 RENJON, WA 98055 (!,«)~ RECEIVED IJ()V J 201::C 52 ,.iRBDt·Hifs 0~i§ii~s'z>o z err-.::s l?ENTON X 9 8 0 N ;:: f U'r~i~i S1~1~'!1'1, 01. 0 / 3 1 / 1 3 FORWARD TIME ~XP RTN TO SEND CALLENDER tA.NDf'.5.W J 8500 FALMOUTH AVE JNIT ~111 PLAYA DEL REY CA 9029~-B782 RETURN TO SEND R i,111111:11,11,111, 11,11!11\lli,:,, •1 ii 11,11illli1i•11iu'i1,11 NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been fl led and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave.Sin the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave. Sand S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnlcal report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./ bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30'" Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: llii, Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, P_lanning Division, 105S South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUA13-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:----------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip:----------- TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- Department of Community & Economic Development -10:,5 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057-3232 5;;~ -. -··~"· 929360028005 GANO,MARIANNE BOLlllOL 2300 BENSON RDS ltF-1 RENTON, WA 98055 ._!F,'8C1Ni"-if's o~;j~~¥°3 2 -·----·-·· "X 980 NDE ~ORWARO TIME EX? GANO'MARIANNE B 2S03 24TH AVE W lBW~ RECEI\IED NDV l ZfJ'.j Ci ·1~ RENTON ::i...,,.-;, "'"'"= Di'viSiON l036Ai2I0llB/3l/13 RTN TO SEND SEA-rT~E WA 98199-3405 RETURN TO SENDER l'J 1\1! •\ 11\ II i I!' 1 II 1\•11•\1 11 1\l!l '\11 • 111 • I \\1 I 1, \•1 1 ;l•\\11\' ~.· ~ -, !,Cl .a ,~·..:.:1 !~~) .• . I ,v,,D ......... ~~, '::_~1 ? ~gp~; . z 11 I ljijl1t ; 0 '' i '., . , l, ' j•-l,l \ -'"1' " aJia:d. z 1-1; '"''" l ...,. 'J i Jff~;l! E ....._" e -ll~!'~f"' a U -f!J: : ;;1_-!.11,J :l! !' ' 1,111 ' ::::;~..; i t:[a:$1 ~ c.. tl z «)j=H2 ! C. If ! ·!•1;= l ~-I " • l, L,i I • <X:n ti~Hr] r ~~ fl ~ ~1l!1i ~ lj' LL~~ ! itjiI: 1 l 0 !• ! ,, •·'. i li ,, ' j"'•'' . 1'~ 1 l!!tli 1·· UJ .;} .E ;J~;.l!.ll _." .,, • -E ~.,, -U ,, J ,;;1•,1 i -" l'" ' I-,, ,1 1;!'1 8 0 ll 'l 1J'!'' 1 8 H g,11 ~ 1 z.:i: ;; I 2 ., ., l!;h•. i j Ji, t. "!Qilil " !I fl ~iitl!I ~ ~ iHf ~ d•· ~ -d1 :z ! i l ! • •!h ~ ;,11 • j ... ·-e Ii! d ~E ::; Pih~ 9L,, 3 '"·J'l 5 ffJlh z g g l-·q,1 J ~ ; l ,,,,,, :!I a 1=-i I .g 8 "'Jl"' :l :, . "l z l~.'' !l ! i 1 1Hi ~ i i · il • a • l · l ;s ' l Ill l w !.'I ~ ,ll O ... ,,;;,,g ! l' ;; .-1! !! f -.. ,. Jlf !!; I ~ i Jj~!J .. ~ ; h Ii h I lb Jq . ' " !P , ! il l id'::: ill i@' f Hi! .i ~ i ... , '° • Hi I~ il ' ' -! ' t ! ( .. :i i H l ll, z 0 5 ... ~ w u .... C QJ E a !~ _g C '0 "' 0 ' ] -e r---._V .... QJ -a. 0 0 VI '- QJ a. ·o. "O 0 QJ u .c ·.: U' VI '1 I~ .... .s:;;; "' .... £~ .j::-~ ·-QJ t:: C (1) ... u 0 ~ VI QJ ~ ... "' QJ -.s:;;; a. 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"""'"'''"' ~ {-:' Q QJ C VI QJ//f "1 $' ' U u bO W ...., 11 ·-v, rn 111,, -~ ::, 0 ,,. Brad Medrud Contact/ Applicant RSD #403 c/o Rick Stracke Owner See attached 300' surrounding property owners (Signature of Sender): \eh~ '-.,ty}c_,t(:/g._p\-, STATE OF WASHINGTON ,,\\\\\\\\11 >' 11 -\." Po,A ,,, -,.o'-,"'""'•~ •• v~ , ,,, _ '<'_,."'+_.sio.,,,,~ ~ ~ ) SS /o~ ,i,OT"-t~IJ\ ~ COUNTY OF KING ) (/) f' . ' • ~ ~ ~ .. -_..\ ~ "••\c, -"Y'l(J, ~ ~- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Lisa M. McElrea -1-''•,,,,,:~,l1 II. .,,ff signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act,?~ ~A~i,d" purposes mentioned in the instrument. ''"\''"'"'''' fl ary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) : ___ ...1)...,_4 e""-, ul (-"lli_ ,_1'.,_· ""''. ;"'"k11..' "'r:_ ~t,;'.;L--_-_----------- My appointment expires: J , --, AllJ v, -1-,2 q1 ilul, Spring Glen Elementary School LUAB-001481, SA-A ACCT _NO Name 337675006007 JTJ APARTMENT INVESTORS LLC 337810006003 WEBS BRIAN 337810005005 KNAPP KARL+EVA 337810004008 TRAN TRUNG DINH 337810003000 ROBERTSON KEVIN 337810002002 SWEENEY DAVID M+NAOMI K 8800077003 COLEMAN GINA E+JEFFREY A 8800070008 CADWELL SANDRA K 638700012005 SCHEMNITZER JOSEPH 638700011007 DEMIDIO BRADLEY T +YELSA WIL 638700007005 MANZ MICHAELA D 638700006007 POWERS SANDRA 638700005009 ANCHORS SANDRA L 638700004002 DUPUIS TERI L 638700003004 SCHULTZ DONALD E 638700002006 FICHTNER COLLEEN 8800078001 CRUEGER DONNA RAE 8800069109 KAMAUIT SINGH LALLY+DARSHA 8800079504 PHAM TURNER+ 8800079009 G & G ASSOCIATES/CP SALVINO 8800083100 BADISSY ZINE A+NAJIBA 8800085006 SEGOVIA FRANCISCO 8800083001 DAU SINH & NGUYEN HUONG 8800000500 MG PROPERTIES 292305912100 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC 73780012008 MA RILES JOSE ANGEL ZARETE 73780034002 MILLER DEBORAH JANE 73780090004 POPE PAUL DAVID 73780108004 HARTSHORN NELS P+JANET C 73780001001 JUVELAND LARAE 73780009004 DOWNS ERIC A 73780086002 CLARK KEVIN S 73780104003 MCCARTHEY DOUGLAS R 73780116007 ROANE JAMES L 73780123003 JONES HAROLD+CHRISTINE 73780052004 PARTOVIPASHA 73780053002 CALKINS MARGARET ANNE 73780074008 TAYLOR WILMA T 73780079007 WAGNER MICHAEL LAWRENCE+NIC 73780106008 TAREKEN ASTER 73780107006 BEZMAN ALEKSANDR 73780118003 SUPNET JULIAN+ANDRIE ADAM 73780029002 MAUDON LLC 73780041007 SOELBERG KENT D+SHARI J 73780056005 HERNANDEZ-LARIOS AURORA 73780062003 MCHARG BARBARA JEAN 73780075005 DU RENATE 73780033004 GEMINI ASSET MANGAMENT LLC 73780039001 PAKINJA 73780058001 NOMMENSEN MARY R 73780078009 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBA 73780081003 FLIGHT ANTONIO+KIM Add~H C~ 4155 BLACKHAWK PLAZA CIR#; DANVILLE 1518 S 28TH ST RENTON PO BOX 58422 10724 SE 165TH ST 32914 170TH PL SE 1516 NE 168TH ST 16427 109TH AVE SE 16432 108TH AVE SE 1405 S 27TH ST 1409 S 27TH ST 1511 S 27TH ST 1517 S 27TH ST 1523 S 27TH 1601 S 27TH ST 1607 S 27TH 1613 S 27TH ST 16417109TH AVE SE 16422 108TH AVE SE 16409 109TH AVE SE PO BOX 4148 4909 119TH PL NE 2013 EDMONDS DR SE RENTON RENTON ;!\IJ~YRN SHORELINE WA Zip CA 94506 WA 98055 WA 9805.8 WA 98055; WA 98.0~~ 28004 10TH AVES DES MOINES WA 98198 10505 SORRENTO VALLEY RD SI SAN DIEGO CA} 92121 PO BOX 90868 ij~LL~~E ; i);/!:J.A ,98009' «11)/''0','"'''':" ,,; 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 112 ;RENlON/c ·T{,f\j//i,1' ;11!;m+1:,hw;:::--,, ,_, _,,-- 1425 S PUGET DR #215 'ijEN,TQJ1p ' ,,..;,,;ff/A:.; PO BOX 625 RAVENSDALE ,~A'' 98051 1817 LINCOLN CIR SE 1425 S PUGET DR #101 1425 S PUGET DR #109 1425 S PUGET DR #FS PO BOX 94191 2229 42ND AVE SW #203 1425 S PUGET DR #Nl 1425 S PUGET DR #Al 1425 S PUGET DR #A-2 1425 S PUGET DR D-5 PO BOX 423 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT J-1 1201 NALE AVE NE 1425 S PUGET DR #M2 3424 ABERDEEN AVE NE 25201 LWCC DR SE 1425 S PUGET DR #AS 1425 S PUGET DR #BS 19550 N GRAYHAWK DR #1013 SCOTISDALE 22525 141ST AVE SE 1425 S PUGET DR #304 1425 S PUGET DR #Bl 34 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA #7015 327 29TH AVE 73780093008 SHAPIRO SVETLANA 73780102007 DAUGHARTY ZACHARE'ROGUE 73780061005 LIZARDO EDELYN 73780103005 SADR MAHMOUD 73780129000 MOTIOLA VINCE L JR & CARLA 73780019003 HORAK AGATHA 73780023005 KUMAR USHA 73780028004 RODRIQUEZ RICHARD 73780040009 HUGHES RONALD E 73780077001 ATHERLEY ROBERTO L 73780117005 CHERN ELLA 73780010002 RADOVICH MICHAEL 73780026008 JOHNS THOMAS L 73780049000 MEDINA JOSEPH DAMIAN 73780059009 SAUTER MELISSA N 73780087000 ROTA EMILIA P 73780127004 SHIELDS KIP ALAN 73780011000 IRAQUI KHALID 73780072002 WIDMARK THOMAS A 73780096001 PINT JEFFREYS 73780112006 1425 PUGET SOUND DRIVE LLC 73780003007 FATA MICHAEL P 73780017007 DEGON CHRISTOPHER M 73780020001 SALDANA ALICIA 73780083009 JACKSON TRENT G 73780105000 HOLGATE JOHN H 73780115009 KORA MUHAMMADU+TIFFANY A EV 73780119001 PARSLEY CHASE 73780014004 DIEGO MICHELLE SUE 73780015001 GREAR EVERETI F 73780021009 HOPKINS NANCY M 73780037005 TANNER RUSSELL T 73780038003 PAHLOW DANIEL W+JACKIE R 73780092000 GONZALEZ HERIBERTO 0 73780004005 KONO KEN 73780022007 SESTAK ROBERT R+LOUANNE M 73780025000 SMITH JEFFREY C 73780030000 BONNELL STEPHANIE K 73780044001 AHERN JOHN R 73780046006 CITIADINI PATRICIA D 73780060007 KALLSHIAN MERITH & JAN 73780089006 PURSCHWITZ CHARLES THOMAS 73780110000 LUU QUYEN C 73780121007 VAN DER SANDEN GEORGE 73780002009 DUVAL MARTHA E 73780073000 INGLESIAS FERNANDO A 73780082001 DUKE CAROLYN J 73780111008 PHILLIPS LEONA 73780024003 GRAVES MICHAEL S+TONISE RH 73780097009 JACKSON HAROLD W 73780031008 MYERS CLEOTHA 73780057003 WACHTER STEVEN K 73780100001 JOHNSON GREGORY A 73780131006 BEVAN RAYMOND H 14024 5 33RD PL 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT 1-3 1425 5 PUGET DR #B 4 TUKWILA 111:NT!ri.tv RENTON 1425 S PUGET DR #1-4 iiij:Eij~~:tF: '.\!HJ:i•'. 20855 142ND AVE SE :lKEN'I'~ 1425 SOUTH PUGET DRIVE #ll!l'ile~'J'p 1425 5 PUGET DR #204 1425 S PUGET DR #209 1425 5 PUGET DRIVE #305 1425 5 PUGET DR #E-2 10917 MERIDIAN DR SE 1425 5 PUGET DR #110 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT 207 1425 5 PUGET DR #314 1425 5 PUGET DR #B2 1425 5 PUGET DR #F6 1425 5 PUGET DR #0-2 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT 111 1425 5 PUGET DR #D 3 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT H-3 31811 PACIFIC HWY 5 #BlOl 1425 5 PUGET DR #103 1425 5 PUGET DR #117 1425 5 PUGET DR #201 1425 5 PUGET DR F-2 1425 5 PUGET DR #1-6 1425 5 PUGET DR #LS 1425 5 PUGET DR #M3 1425 5 PUGET DR #114 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT 115 1425 5 PUGET DR #202 1425 5 PUGET DR #302 30012 127TH PL SE 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT G-5 1425 5 PUGET DR APT 104 16117 135TH SE 1425 5 PUGET DR #206 18606 N HIHROCK RD 1425 5 PUGET DR #309 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT 311 1425 5 PUGET OR #B3 1425 5 PUGET DR #G2 1422 5 124TH ST 1425 5 PUGET DR M-5 1425 5 PUGET DR #102 1425 5 PUGET DR #D4 1425 5 PUGET DR UNIT F-1 1425 S PUGET DR 1425 5 PUGET DR #205 1425 S PUGET DR #H4 3207 S BYRON ST 1425 5 PUGET DR #A6 26272 142ND AVE SE 12808 NE 139TH CT WA 98168 <¥,J/A 98055 WA •!l805S 73780045008 KAZAVCHINSKIY LEONID S+POLI 73780051006 BARR RICHARD 0 73780109002 SCEGO ALl+RODA 73780125008 GAITO DOMINIC+GEORGEINE 73780065006 LANCE MICHELLE 73780068000 YOUNG GARNETI 73780085004 BROUN ER BRIAN M+PHAM TUYET- 73780122005 MOUNT JIMMY M 73780126006 MURRAY MARVIN M 73780008006 OLEARY CELINE M 73780032006 CALLOWAY SELENA M 73780047004 NGUYEN PHUC NGOC 73780054000 LAU STEPHEN S+BRENDA 73780055007 CORBEILJAMES R+HAYES WENDI 73780063001 MADIGAN JOHN C 73780084007 REKHI SURINDER S+PARMINDER K 73780120009 FREER LAWRENCE C Ill 73780124001 LI YUYl+HUAN ZHU LIANG 73780005002 OLIN DAREN 73780018005 HOWER JANE W 73780035009 ARMENDARIZ PEDRO+TINA 73780036007 KIMPTON GEORGE L 73780048002 HANSON DOLORES E 73780064009 HALLEX MARY F 73780080005 GEVING CAROLYN M 73780114002 DOHERTY DANIELJ 73780027006 ROUSE ROBERT JOSEPH 73780042005 OSTRANDER TIMOTHY S+SHERYL 73780050008 MCCRAY VINCENT P 73780071004 CALKINS MARGARET A 73780130008 PAINE ADRIA B 73780006000 SMITH JOHN D+CARRIE 73780007008 MEDBURY DOUGLAS A 73780043003 PENNINGTON WADE 73780091002 BROUNER BRIAN MADISON+PHAM 73780101009 MAGGIO AMY MARIE+WILLIAM J 73780128002 LAWSON PAULE 73780094006 HARMON TODD L 73780095003 FURUKAWA CINDY K 73780099005 WEIMANN HALINA 73780013006 NINH JANE 73780016009 THOMPSON TRACEY LORRAINE 73780066004 QUACH VAN MONG 73780069008 DAVIS FLORENCE E 73780098007 DAVENPORT CHRISTIE LYNN 73780113004 RIGGS JEROME+ANTLEY KIMMY 638700001008 BAHIA BAL WANT S+MANNDER K 638700013003 CUMMINGS GLENN R+RUTH A 337810001004 NGUYEN PHILLIP 638700014001 HILLESTAD STEVE+DEBRA 8700008108 ROSA DAVID+CATHY L 638700009001 ZIMMERMAN ADAM 638700010009 AVILA SHE LAH N+ALFREDO B 638700008003 MILLER GERALD D 2225 166TH PL NE PO BOX 1034 22123 46TH AVES 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT N-5 1425 S PUGET DR #C 2 1425 S PUGET OR #C-5 1425 S PUGET DR #F4 1425 S PUGET OR #M6 1425 S PUGET DR #0-1 1425 S PUGET DR #108 1425 S PUGET DR #213 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 312 10105 SE 226TH PL 1900 SW CAMPUS BLDG-48 DR- 4139 42ND AVE SW 6167 NE 195TH CT 1425 S PUGET OR #M4 1425 S PUGET DR #N3 1425 S PUGET DR #105 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 118 2807 14TH AVE W #3 1425 S PUGET DRS #301 1425 S PUGET DR #313 1425 S PUGET DR C-1 1425 S PUGET DR #ES 1425 SOUTH PUGET DRIVE L#4 1425 PUGET DR #208 1425 PUGET DRS #307 3800 A BRIDGEPRT W #502 1425 S PUGET DR #A 2 1425 S PUGET DR #0 5 1425 S PUGET DR #106 1425 S PUGET DR #107 3210 SW 166TH ST 1425 S PUGET DR #G-4 1425 S PUGET DR #0-3 1425 S PUGET DR #H 1 1425 SO PUGET DRUNIT H-2 1425 S PUGET DR #H6 3755 77TH PL SE 1425 S PUGET DR UNIT 116 3636 LINCOLN AVE NE 1425 SOUTH PUGET DR C-6 1425 S PUGET DR #H 5 1425 S PUGET DR #L3 1619 S 27TH ST 1307 S 277TH ST 10644 SE 165TH ST 1305 S 27TH ST 17407 161ST AVE SE 1417 S 27TH ST 1413 S 27TH ST 1505 S 27TH ST UNIVERSITY . ~-'-98008° ~t,,!lsPS1, ;'.:00'''''""""",,,,,1, 98032 'Ifs' PL 98466 8800068101 SINGH GURMUKH+RAJWINDER KAU 8800068002 HARRIS SHAWN M+CHRISTINA M 8700008009 ROSA JAMES V+DAVID B+PAMELA 292305906102 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 813520009008 BALDWIN ROSEMARIE 813520021003 MCGILVREY RACHEL M 813520025004 DESMOND KRISTINA J 813520062007 MCLEAN JULIA L 813520070000 HORSLEY JOE B+JANICE M 813520084001 SOURIYA THONGKHAM 813520096005 KELLOGG AMANDA 813520022001 WADE TRYPHONIA 813520046000 MILLER SUSAN A 813520072006 MELLEN MICHAEL D+JOSEFINA B 813520129004 FORD CHARLES 813520133006 ELLENWOOD DEBORAH J 813520013000 ARROL KEITH C+METZ KAREN L 813520033008 SPECHT TERESA L 813520040003 MCDONOUGH ROBERT J+NICHOLE 813520053006 SIMONS JENNIFER R 813520056009 GUTERSON JULIE F 813520110004 MACLIN CYNTHIA J 813520003001 BROWN THERESA 813520074002 ZHANG BIN 813520076007 LUMLEY seen P 813520102001 PLANTZ LINDA G 813520115003 LATIA GEORGEENA L 813520005006 MYERS RICHARD D 813520010006 JUL ZELLA 813520024007 KAM KENNETH K 813520035003 BROWN MICHAELJ 813520077005 GAUER MARCETIE YVONNE 813520092004 CABO WILBERT 813520101003 JOHNSON THERESA L 813520105004 ROACH KRYSTAL R 813520029006 DUNFEE DAVID C JR+ANDREA L 813520051000 MOORE LLOYD A 813520088002 SIU LAI YIN+HAI TING YIU 813520126000 NISHIMURA HANK M 813520001005 MUIR AMYE 813520017001 MADDEN BETH 813520020005 NEHER SUE ANN 813520037009 LIDZBARSKI RICHARD+ZOFIA 813520039005 BALLESTEROS ROCHEZ A 813520042009 BENEZRA ALLAN E+DENISE A 813520061009 KURTH LORRI K 813S20083003 WELLS BARBARA J 813520090008 TESCHER WILLIAM E MR 813520094000 NOEL MARCI A 813520113008 HILLS JEAN 813520027000 STETSON ANN L 813520047008 BLY BEATRICE LYNN 813520065000 LAWRENCE JOSEPH E 813520034006 CHESHIER AUDREY A 16402 108TH AVENUE SOUTHE.~E~~N iU}iJIJ'if WA 98Q.55 10821 SE 164TH ST RENTON .. WA' !lSQ.55 32130 15TH AVE SE 300 SW 7TH ST 1319 S PUGET DR #D 21 1319 S PUGET DR #D35 1321 S PUGET DR #E 11 1327 S PUGET DR #F37 1301 S PUGET DR #17A 1301 S PUGET DR #A-35 1305 S PUGET DR #8-21 1319 S PUGET DR #B36 1327 S PUGET DR 1301 S PUGET DR #A21 1315 S PUGET DR 1315 S PUGET DR UNIT C-36 991 CHALICE CT 1321 S PUGET DR UNIT E-24 1327 S PUGET SOUND DR #Fll 1327 S PUGET DR #F26 1327 SOUTH PUGET DRIVE #F 3 1305 S PUGET DR #B37 1319 S PUGET DR #Dl3 1301 S PUGET DR #A23 1301 S PUGET DR #A25 1305 S PUGET DR #B27 1315 S PUGET DR #C-14 10322 15TH AVE NW 1319 S PUGET DR #D22 1319 S PUGET DR #D-38 644 S 189TH ST 1301 SO PUGET DR #A-26 1305 S PUGET DR #Bl5 4719 S BOND ST 1305 S PUGET DRS #B32 1321 S PUGET DR E-15 1327 S PUGET DRIVE #F24 1305 S PUGET DR #B-11 1315 S PUGET DR C-27 1319 S PUGET DR #Dll 1000 SW 34TH ST STE D 1319 S PUGET DR #D-34 360 STEVENS AVE NW 1315 S PUGET DRE #35 24102 118TH PL SE 1327 S PUGET DR #F36 1301 S PUGET DR #A-34 1305 S PUGET DR #B-13 1305 S PUGET DR 1315 S PUGET DR #C 12 1321 S PUGET DRE 13 1327 S PUGET DR #F-18 1301 S PUGET DR #A12 1321 PUGET DRS #E-25 813520044005 MENNENGA SHERRYL 1327 PUGET DRS #F15 ,,,.wA 813520058005 KHAZEHEI RUKA 1315 S PUGET DR #F-33 813520060001 NING HUI CHANG 1327 S PUGET DR #F35 813520075009 LONG PAUL T +STEPHANIE J 1301 S PUGET DR #A24 813520085008 BAINES BRED W 1301 S PUGET DR A-36 813520087004 TASCA NICHOLAS 1301 S PUGET DR #A38 813520015005 HOLLOWAY KAREN ANN 1319 S PUGET OR #D27 813520052008 CROMWELL MONICA F 1327 S PUGET DR #25 813520071008 FREEMAN CASSANDRA M 1301 S PUGET DR #A18 813520007002 HAXTON KENNETH R 1319 S PUGET DR #D-17 813520066008 TUGWELL CHRISTOPHER L 1301 S PUGET DR UNT A-13 813520086006 BLUE GARY A+VICKY L 1301 S PUGET DR #A37 813520100005 MCALPIN M JOAN 130S S PUGET DR #B 25 813520130002 KING CAROL A 1315 S PUGET DR #C33 813520038007 FARRELL MUY 1321 S PUGET DR #E34 813520069002 DECROIX MARILYN 1301 S PUGET DR #A16 813520073004 BELARDE JOHNNA J 1315 S PUGET DR #A22 813520078003 HAGLUND BENJAMIN S 1301 S PUGET DR UNIT A27 813520093002 VEREIN DMITRY+LINA 1305 S PUGET DR #16 813520098001 RAMOS NOEMI 94633 A HONOWAI ST WAIPAHN HI 96797 813520112000 JACKSON SHIRLEY A+HERB J 17620 SE 240TH ST 813520135001 LUONG MIKE 1315 S PUGET DR #C38 813520018009 STASZAK ANDRZEJ+JANET 1319 S PUGET DR #D32 813520028008 JOHNSON AGNES I 1321 S PUGET DRE 14 813520049004 PALLAS WILLIAM N 1327 S PUGET DR #F22 813520054004 GLOVER TIMOTHY JAMES JR 1327 S PUGET DR #F-27 813520091006 SHARMA NEETU 1301 S PUGET DR #614 813520097003 MACKIE KRISTINA M 1305 S PUGET DR #B-22 813520099009 ARNTZEN MICHAEL 636 LAKE SAMMAMISH LN NE 813520118007 BENTON DYANE L 1315 S PUGET DR #C17 813520122009 MARMOL MIGUEL E 1315 S PUGET DR #C23 813520063005 SAULQUE MARYL 1327 S PUGET DR #F38 813520067006 ROBINSON LATASHA 1301 S PUGET DR A-14 813520103009 NOMURA KENNETH K 1305 SO PUGET DR #B-28 813520108008 OKERT FRANCESE 1305 S PUGET DR #B-35 813520008000 ANDREAS SHARON A 1319 S PUGET DR #D-18 813520030004 CHAU SHING H 1321 S PUGET DR E-21 813520041001 DU BUC ANGELA H 1327 S PUGET DR #F-12 813520080009 STURGEON HOLLIS A 1301 S PUGET DR UNIT A-31 813S20121001 LORENTSEN LINDA SUE 1315 S PUGET DR #C-22 813520014008 ALLEN PATRICIA D 15374 SE 183RD PL 813520026002 WILSON DONALD L 1321 S PUGET DR #El2 813520132008 FINNIE RENEW 1315 S PUGET DR #35 -C 813520134004 JOHNSON TRACEY ANNE PO BOX 546 813520064003 ALFRED BRUCE A 1301 S PUGET DR #A-11 813520104007 STOWELL RICHARD+MARIA 1305 S PUGET DR# B-31 813520107000 WOOD DAVID 3208 COLUMBIA HTS RD #36 813520111002 TRAN QUYEN+LAN T NGUYEN 1305 S PUGET DR #B38 813520004009 JACKSON DENICE V 1319 S PUGET DR #D-14 813520012002 BEER ROSEMARY J 203 12TH ST NW MANDAN ND S8554 813520109006 SORRELL LINDA M 1305 S PUGET DR #B36 813S20116001 MCGEE JENNIFER M 1315 S PUGET DR #Cl5 813520127008 RAWLINGS JUDY 1315 S PUGET DR #C28 813520011004 WALKER KYLE G 1319 S PUGET DR #023 813520019007 LANCASTER STUART 813520079001 CULUMBER JOE & CARYL 813520081007 ZITO CARL M 813520082005 STANDISH DIANE M 813520089000 FABRE ALFRED R 813520106002 MARLOWE JODI 813520119005 MORI PAUL B 813520120003 WHITE LARI A 813520016003 GOLD JOCKO A 813520043007 SWEENEY LAWRENCE E JR 813520048006 HEALEY CAROL B+DANIEL K 813520124005 MORRIS JENNIFER 813520125002 GOUGH KATHY JO 813520128006 MOSS APRIL K 813520131000 LITILETON RYAN 813520002003 GOODWIN JO ANNE L 813520023009 STEWART ROSS 813520036001 OKERT F EVELYN 813520045002 WOREDE LEAH 813520050002 PINEDA BERNARDO 813520055001 FAULKNER BYRON J 813520057007 QUINN ROBERT DOUGAL ROY 813520059003 SOUSA MICHAEL G 813520068004 ROBINS STEVEN V 813520095007 YATES JAMIE R 813520006004 ENCARNACION MIGUEL A+PEDRO 813520031002 FERGUSON CANDACE A 813520114006 ELDER CATHERINE A 813520117009 FARRA JILL M 292305910294 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 929360011001 PROZHOGIN SERGEY+SVETLANA 929360030001 UNTI CARMEN 929360015002 DOLLENTE ORLANDO T JR 929360017008 RICHARDSON MARK 929360032007 CUSIN MARGO A 929360004006 LONG SHEILA MARIE 929360009005 HAYAMI DANIEL+SACHIKO 929360025001 HILFRINK TAUNYA 929360034003 WONG DAVID M 929360035000 GONZALEZ DANIELJ 929360019004 VOLD JAMES W 929360005003 GILLS EMMA L 929360001002 HERNANDEZ FRANK+LUPE A 929360023006 WU JOANNE C 929360029003 LITILETON JASON S 929360036008 MOUTON GLENDA L 929360012009 CALLENDER ANDREW JEFFREY 929360040000 PACIFIC RIM PROPERTY INVEST 929360038004 SAWYER VANESSA A+SCOTI JACQ 929360003008 SIEBOL CELESTE E 929360006001 TOY JOYCE MS 929360007009 NEILL RICHARD seen 929360020002 MIYAMOTO ALEX T+PHUONG M 929360027007 MARQUARDT HILDA R 1319 S PUGET DR #033 1347SUNNYSLOPERD 1301 S PUGET DR #A-32 1301 S PUGET DR #A-33 1305 S PUGET DR #B-12 1305 S PUGET DR #B 33 1315 S PUGET DR C-18 1315 S PUGET DR #C21 1319 S PUGET DR #D28 3 IRVING AVE 975 ABERDEEN AVE NE 1315 S PUGET DR #C25 3836 LAKE WASHINGTON BLV 1315 S PUGET DR #C31 1315 S PUGET DR #C34 215 7TH AVE W 1319 S PUGET DR #37D 1305 SOUTH PUGET DR UNIT B0o 1327 S PUGET DR F-16 1327 S PUGET DR #F23 1327 S PUGET DR #F28 1327 S PUGET DR UNIT F-32 11108 SE 214TH ST 1301 S PUGET DR -UNIT A-15 1305 S PUGET DR #Bl8 1319 PUGET DR #D16 1321 S PUGET DR #E222 1315 S PUGET DR #C-13 1315 S PUGET DR C 16 2640 BENSON RDS 2300 BENSON RDS UNIT B-5 2300 BENSON RD S #F3 2300 BENSON RD S #C2 2300 BENSON RD S #C 2300 BENSON RD S #F-5 2300 BENSON RDS #A4 2300 BENSON RDS #B-3 2300 BENSON RDS #E2 2300 BENSON RDS #G2 2300 BENSON RDS #G3 2300 BENSON RDS CG 2300 BENSON RDS #AS 2300 BENSON RDS #Al 2300 BENSON RD #D4 2300 BENSON RDS UNIT F2 2300 BENSON RD #G4 2300 BENSON RDS #BG 815 SWELLER ST #lOlA 2300 BENSON ROADS H 2 ~s/l'.6il~iii111111 PO BOX 59955 2300 BENSON RDS #Dl 2300 BENSON RDS #E 4 GREENVILLE IL 62246 929360016000 HSUEH MEI-CHEN 929360018006 VIDANAGE SEAN N 929360039002 RABENA NICHOLAS F+KATHERINE 2300 BENSON RDS UNIT C-3 2~0(),Bl;~SONJ\D·sr· 2300 BENSON RDS #H-3 929360010003 LO EVA WAI-YIN 2300 BENSON RDS #84 929360028005 GANO MARIANNE BOLIBOL 2300 BENSON RDS #F-1 929360031009 RA TIS JOEL T 2300 BENSON RDS #F4 929360002000 DOS SANTOS EDSON GOMES JR+ELAINE P 2300 BENSON RDS #A2 929360022008 HSU RUEY J 2300 BENSON RDS D-3 929360013007 WUN YING LEUN 816 LINCOLN AVE SE 929360021000 PLEISS LISA K 2300 BENSON RD #D2 929360014005 CITY LIGHTS LLC 4030 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N 929360033005 SZATKIEWICZJAMES+MARY LOU 2300 BENSON RDS #G 1 REtffoN), ·0 • 0h,wA, 9soss R~NTON ( ijA;jQ8QSS Rl:NTON;it Denis Law ', .. ', , City o ,,/ -----~M:ay:o:, ____ ............... i r ) October 29, 2013 Brad Medrud, AICP AHBL, Inc. 2215 N 30 1h Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 I ', , ,' /~, , r:· :·1 r1 C',' '(--",-),Ir r:, \ l d.!-~~l~~~ Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application Spring Glen Elementary School, LUA13-001481 Dear Mr. Medrud: The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your, application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7314 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~-DJb.eJL Vanessa Dolbee Senior Planner cc: RSD #403 c/o Rick Stracke/ Owner(s) Renton City Hall • l 055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov NOTICE OF APPLICATION A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development {CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: October 29 1 2013 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Site Plan review for upgrades to the Spring Glen Elementary School. The school is located at 2607 Jones Ave. S in the R-8 zone. The project would include interior and exterior upgrades to the existing main building and annex building. The two existing portables would be re-located and a 3,120 square foot covered play area would be built. In addition to site upgrades for drainage, parking and circulation. The Renton School District has elected to complete the SEPA review for the project. Access would be provided from both Jones Ave. S and S 27th Street. Street frontage improvements are proposed along Jones Ave. S. The application includes two modification requests, one to eliminate the required landscape strip between the curb and the sidewalk along Jones Ave. and the second is to provide more parking then permitted by code. The applicant has indicated that 9 trees would be removed from the site. With the application a geotechnical report and stormwater analysis was provided. PROJECT LOCATION: 2607 Jones Avenue South PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Site Plan Review APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON; Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc./bmedrud@ahbl.com / 2215 N. 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 PUBLIC HEARING: !::!./.p, Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner, Department of Community & Economic Development, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton1 WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on November 12, 2013. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430-7314. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: October 24, 2013 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 29, 2013 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. File Name/ No.: Spring Glen Elementary School/ LUAB-001481, SA-A, SA-A NAME:------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: _________________ City/State/Zip:----------- TELEPHONE NO.: --------------- / City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION Renton School District No. 403 PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Rick Stracke -Executive Director Facilities & Operations Spring Glen Elementary School ADDRESS: 7812 South 1241 " Street PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: 2607 Jones Avenue South CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98178-4830 Renton, WA 98055-5102 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 204-4403 292305-9061 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: Same as Property Owner EXISTING LAND USE(S): School (Houses H.0.M.E. Head Start and E.C.E.A.P.) PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): School (Houses H.O.M.E. and Renton Academy) EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: RSF PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable) NIA EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: Residential-8 Dwelling Units Per Net Acre (R-8) CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (ii applicable): NIA SITE AREA (in square feet): NAME: Brad Medrud, AICP 1,286,762 SF (29.45 acres) (Total Area of Parcel, includes Nelsen Middle School)/ -211,000 SF (-4.5 acres) (Area of work for Spring Glen Portion of Parcel) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (ii applicable): AHBL, Inc. DEDICATED: NIA ADDRESS: 2215 N 30'" Street, Suite 300 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: NIA PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Tacoma ZIP: 98403 ACRE (if applicable): N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: 253-383-2422 / bmedrud@ahbl.com NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTfyif!~cfb)~) 1 . NIA t.._ \.. -~ t·-J ~ :· Ct'·,. ·-.r C, 1 J NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UrtJt)=j(~'!fP,Jiy;,ble): NIA cl, . ·""•.:· .-~ l: · .. J ·" . · -, __ . -· ,' . Q:\2013\213024 l \JO_PLN\Deliverables_By _Date\Site Plan Review\2013102 LMaster_Land_ Use_App_2 l 3024 l .30.doc . 1 . PRo9cr INFORMATION continu r-'-----'---'---"-'---''--'--'-=-=L_----------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): 3,120 SF (Covered Play Area) SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 24,443 SF (Main Buildina\ / 7,400 SF (Annex)/ 3,854 SF (Portables) NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NIA NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 21 (H.O.M.E. Program)/ 29 (Renton Academv PROJECT VALUE: $6,000,000 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. D GEOLOGIC HAZARD 46,205 sq. ft. D HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. D WETLANDS sq. ft. Q:\2013\2130241 \30_ PLN\Deli verables _By_ Date\Site Plan Review\20 13102 l_Master _land_ Use_App _2130241. 30 .doc . 2. ., I tOJECT INFORMATION (co .1ued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY /Attach leaal descriotion on seoarate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION~. TOWNSHIP 23N , RANGE 05E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) el,·.\:: Strc....J..t , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or __\,L_ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contain~g_,.th~ inforta~i:nherewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. J;___l<St-:J-_, ) o), 71 {J Signature of Owner/Representative Date Signature of Owner/Representative STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that !<1 ~,-'. Sw.l u signed this instrument and acknowledge tt to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument. f{>-/1--13 Dated Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Date Notary Pubiic State of Washington THERESA M REECE Notary (Print): _/t"'t__:/c__:..c:U'i:c:__Llc-L-==-=--f},--. __:i?_-=--e:_=.,C:.cc,,,C.c:,e._,,='----- • My Appointment Expires Nov 13, 2014 •My appointment expires: __ fl-"-"~Cfl>eJrv-~~W= _ _,_/~3c..,,'--"2Q~~l 'i--+-----~-----..... ~ C:\Users\Theresa.reece\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\ Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\HF l EU41Z\2013 l 021 _Mastcr_Land_ Use_App_21 30241 30.doc-3 - PLANNING DIVISION UP DI+ 'f'c'Y> L3 1 10(:1..1(1:1 WAIVER OF SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Plat Name Reservation 4 ?relililPIJ~1\li!i•M®l1tig;$(irjjmacy,:!,;,:,;,:,;.;, ,:,; ;,; :,:,:,;,;, ,;:, Public Works Approval Letter, Rll~lila!iciti:PratiT:·· ·· ·:·:·:: · ·· ':' · ·: :: :::·:·:· : : :·::::·: :::::::: Screening Detail 4 ~It~ f'l1l~J!\!i!?,{., ; . . . . Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 $it!!'etB@fifli$,~,;,,,,.,.;,,,::,:,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,:.,,,,,,:,,,:,,,,,:,:,,,:,:,:.:,:,,,:,,,;,;.:.: .. Title Report or Plat Certificate , TiiPP.St,ffii~,~~,, .. ,:,,,,,:,;,;,;,;,;,;:,,,,::,,,,,,,,,,,,:,;:,.,,,.,,,,:,•,:, ... ,:,:.:.:.: Traffic S1udy 2 Wetlands ReporVDelineation 4 Wifiil\iss· ·:··· · •:• · · ::·:,:,:, :, · ··· ... :.,. .. ,, ,,,,:, .. · ·· ,,:,:' Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND, Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND, Lease Agreement, Draft 2AND3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 ANo 3 Map of View Area , AND, Photosimulations ,ANo3 This requirement may be waived by: 1 . Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning ,-·,•"· c n y' . '"C"1 J 2420:J PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS •• :::;:;:;;:;~l):!J::&~=1:;:~JJIT:~l'::·:·:::::::·:: ::::·,wr::::: :;:M~:;IE·°:· .;. •::•:::': ::;eb~M@#~;;:;:;.;::•:::;:;;::::: •:: Calculations 1 co1or@Ma1w@tPf/!111a)\A . ::::: ::::·:::::r-nrr -_ i' ·•·· ;= Construction Mitigation Description lAND• Density Worksheet 4 · ~~m.~.~~~~:~ra~:~:;:~:::~:;:=:=:1:;:::~t;:;:1~;~;t;1,1::;;;:i::~+~:;;~]~!j;::::: :;::t;;~i!?j:/~;~~:!:l;i;~ D~nagl!_ Report 2 __ __ __ _ ~~~~~k~ffi'nl~\'\\!t~!~~~>H: ::: :i: ;::: ::;:;i;:;;•; : Envlronrfiental Checklist 4 e&iijng•Covettatit!i;~~dof@ij ¢<11?*h''''' ,.,,,,,,,:,::,,:,,,,,,,,, Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 m®il.Ha~,0a1aw:•,-=•·-----•------: .... : .... ,v,.•--:=-<---•·•-.-.-.--• -• Floor Plans , ANO • ~~B\~~~~!~1Ri~~4~~w:m::::::uni:u:WmtI1/f Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 __. G$di~,r~:Pi:;W11¢(l,,,:,,,.;,;,,,,,,,,,;:,:,u:n,:,,:,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,;,,,,,,., Habitat Data Report 4 1rtipn~vi!!meiiuii!fti~raii,,n,,,:, .. ,,,.;.;,:,:,•,'=><·;,;,;,:.;,:.;.;.+;,:,;, Irrigation Plan 4 !S!iil~,~\#jS,ss~si#i~~'Mal'iI1iidisa11na'st~~=n::w=im,, Landscape Plan, Conceptual, lla~dij$p~Man;D~ia,ti!B, : : : ; ti :C Legal Description 4 ~A'!::f!l*!!l!1~~,~~~gr~WAM~:w:::m,,=,=:::s:::u::,:,,,,:,,;,:,:,;, Master Application Form 4 ijij~~,~~##J#,m~:~~t:~~~?/tlm:r:::r:tr::::m::,, Neighborhood Detail Map 4 P.~,Bsit91,iiJW*'~~·~:rnwiiil~~p1@@ma1~~1;rw:::::: Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 f.'cst.bffloe. i!l:Pl>~lialf,•--•-•-•-•·>•: ..•.•.•.•.• , ..•..••.•..... : ...•.•.•... - This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning I l.&QQ 911§ i 4111plalbiiSCHq lifaiiifil!g#lsl la:1•111gw,poqq@fu1111i&1@ £& __ ¢&@ ,, • PREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR Spring Glen Elementary Site Improvements 2607 Jones Ave. S PRE 13-001129 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division September 5, 2013 Contact Information: Planner: Vanessa Dolbee, 425.430.7314 Public Works Plan Reviewer: Rohini Nair, 425.430.7298 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.430. 7024 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425.430.7290 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Deve_lo_pment Servi~es Director, D:~artment of C~mmunit! & Economic ~~E;~~ll'l,e~t ·~. Administrator, Pubhc Works Admrmstrator and City Council). · .' t t .. , t ·, ', · i::· LJ OCT 2 4 ZCJ:1 Fire & Emergency Servic. Department DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM 8/28/2013 12:00:00AM Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Corey Thomas, Plan Review/Inspector (Renton Academy relocation to Spring Glen Elementary) PREB-001129 1. The preliminary fire flow requirement is 2,000 gpm. Two fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed buildings and one hydrant is required within 300-feet. There are no existing hydrants can be counted toward the requirements. It appears adequate fire flow exists in the area. A water main extension and a minimum of two new fire hydrants are required to be installed. 2. The fire impact fees would be not be applicable for this project due to buildings being relocated and /or replaced. No charge for covered play structures. 3. An approved fire alarm is required throughout the two relocated portable classrooms and the area that was formerly a play shed. Separate plans and permits are required to be submitted to the Renton Fire Department for review and permitting. Fire alarm system shall be fully addressable and full detection is required. 4. Per state fire code amendment, all portable classrooms exceeding a 50 person occupant load shall require an approved fire sprinkler system. If existing portables are relocated, they will required to be fully fire sprinklered. 5. Fire department apparatus access appears adequate. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150-feet of all points on the buildings. Fire lane signage required for the onsite roadways. Required turning radiuses are 25-feet inside and 45-feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide. Maximum grade on roadways is 15%. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30-ton vehicle and 322 -psi point loading. Fire department lock boxes would be required on the proposed access roadway gates . Dead end roads require approved turnarounds. Page 1 of 1 DEPARTMENT OF CC.. .. IMUNITY I, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM 9/3/2013 12:00:00AM Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner Rohini Nair, Plan Reviewer (Renton Academy relocation to Spring Glen Elementary) PREB-001129 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non-binding and may not subject to modification and/or concurrence by official city decision-makers. Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal. The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. Water The project is within the City's water service area in the Rolling Hills 590 hydraulic pressure-zone. There is an existing 6-inch water main (refer to City water project plan no. W-1125} along the north side of the existing Spring Glen Elementary School building. The maximum available capacity from the 5-inch main is 2,000 gpm. The static water pressure from the above 5-inch main is about 70 psi at ground elevation 428 feet. A~cording to Renton Fire Prevention's preliminary review comment~ 2 new hydrants will be required along the north side of the building and the hydrants must be within 150 feet'tif the 2 portable buildings that will be relocated in front of the existing school building. Therefore, the following on-site water main improvements will be required, a preliminary conceptual layout of the proposed water mains is attached: l. Installation of 2 new fire hydrants connecting to the existing 6-inch water main. The final location of the hydrants must be approved by Renton Fire Prevention 2. Civil plans (plan and profile) for the water main improvements will be required and must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Washington. 3. An utility easement shall be provided to the City for the installation of the 2 hydrants. OR, since the applicant had asked if Soos Creek Water & Sewer District can provide water service for fire protection to the proposed Spring Glen Elementary school improvements. The City Water Engineer has no objection to the District providing water service to the new hydrants as required by Renton Fire Prevention, however the applicant needs to provide us with a water availability certificate from the District, along with a conceptual water main extension showing how they plan to extend the District's main to serve the new hydrants. The location of the hydrants must be approved by Renton Fire Page 1 of 2 Prevention. Sanitary Sewer 1. If the portables are plumbed, the applicant needs to identify how they are reconnecting to sewer and water. Storm 1. A Drainage review is required for projects resulting in a. 2,000 square feet or more of new and/or replaced impervious surface, or b. 7,000 square feet or more of land disturbing activity, or c. proposes to construct or modify a drainage pipe or ditch that is 12 inches or more in size, or d. is located in a flood hazard area, or e. is located within a critical drainage, or f. a redevelopment project proposing $100,000 or more of improvements to an existing high use site, or g. the redevelopment project has a total of new plus replaced impervious surface of 5,000 square feet or more, and exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the existing site improvements. If drainage review threshold is triggered, a drainage review complying with the City adopted 2009 King County Surface Water Manual and City Amendments is required. Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Site Conditions). 2. Surface water system development fee (SOC) will be applicable for increase in impervious surface area. The current rate of SOC fee $0.448 per square foot of net new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,120.00. Transportation 1. If there is increase in square footage of the buildings, transportation impact fee will be applicable. Transportation impact fee if applicable, will be due at the time of building permit issuance. 2. Sites that generate additional 20 vehicle trips per hour in the peak hour are required to provide a traffic study. Nn-d Ir, ,.., ...,L._ f.-.+ ;f-~ ......._ J,.{,,_, rt>co sr-J,, ... del.,s.c 3. South 27th Street and Jones Ave SE are residential streets. Assessor map shows an existing right of way 1c.ff-., width of 60 feet in both streets, which meet the City requirements of 53 feet right of way width. sf.....:r....+-ot- As per RMC 4-6-060, if the development is a new construction or addition with valuation more than $50,000, '""' or interior remodels of any value involving a building addition, then street frontage improvements as per City code is required. As per City code, the street frontage improvements on residential streets include 20' wide paved travel lane, 6' wide on street parking on one side, 0.5' wide curb, gutter, 5' wide sidewalk, 8' wide .J.andscap~ planter strip, and drainage improvements. · ' 4. Any new access to the site must be located at a minimum distance of 100 feet from the intersection: Any new driveway must follow the Driveway regulations of RMC 4-4-080. General Comments 1. All construction or service utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. When utility plans are complete, please submit three (3) copies of the drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, permit application, an itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor. Page 2 of 2 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development MEMORANDUM September 5, 2013 Pre-Application File No. PRE13-001129 Vanessa Dolbee, Senior Planner (425) 430-7314 Spring Glen Elementary Site Improvements -2607 Jones Ave. S General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Public Works Administrator, Development Services Director and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $SO.OD plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or on line at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal The subject property is located at 2607 Jones Avenue S; on tax parcel #2923059061. The project site totals 29.54 acres in area and is zoned Residential 8 dwelling units per net acre (R-8). The applicant has proposed improvements to Spring Glen Elementary School including a small addition of 1,400 SF, the relocation of two portables, parking Jot improvements and two new vehicular access points from S 27th Street to the existing site. The existing site is accessed at two locations from 5 27'h Street and 1081h Avenue SE, which are not proposed to change. Current Use: Nelsen Middle School and Spring Glen Elementary School. Zoning designation and consistency of land use: The subject property is located in the Residential 8 dwelling units per net acre (R-8) zoning designation. In the R-8 zone, existing K-12 educational institution are permitted. However, a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit is required when changes in facilities exceed 10% of the development's gross floor area. Based on the provided site plan it appears the changes would not exceed the 10% threshold to trigger a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. Development Standards: The following standards apply to new development on the site. A copy of the development standards, RMC 4-2-llOA, can be found in the packet given to the applicant at the pre-application meeting. Spring Glen Elementary Site lmprovem_, nS September 5, 2013 Page 2 of 4 Density -The minimum housing density in the R-8 zone is 4 units per acre and the maximum is 8 units per acre. No dwelling units are proposed; therefore density requirements are not applicable. Setbacks -Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. The minimum front yard setback in the R-8 is 15 feet, the minimum required side yard setback is 5 feet, and the minimum rear yard setback is 20-feet. The setback for a side yard along a street is 15-feet. Based on the site plan provided with the application, it appears the existing, relocated and proposed building would meet the setback requirements of the R-8 zone. Lot coverage -The R-8 zone allows a maximum impervious surface area of 75% of the total lot area. However, there was not enough information for staff to determine compliance with imperious surface coverage. At time of land use permit application, detailed information shall be submitted evaluating impervious coverage. Access and Parking: New or resurface or restriped parking, loading areas, and driveways shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the current parking regulations. Based on the provided site plan, it appears changes are proposed to the parking areas. The following ratios would be applicable to the site because changes are proposed: Use units Ratio Required Se.aces Elementary and # of employees: 50 A minimum and maximum of 1 per Vehicle junior high -staff employee. In addition, if buses for Parking Public # of buses: unknown the transportation of students are Min/Max: kept at the school, 1 off-street 50 parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. Elementary and # of Vehicle Parking The number of bicycle parking Bicycle junior high -Spaces: 50 spaces shall be ten percent (10%) Parking Public of the number of required off-Min: 5 street parking spaces. The applicant has indicated that 83 parking stalls would be provided for the development, which may be more than required by RMC. If the proposal provides more or less parking than required by code, a request for a parking modification would need to be applied for and granted. This detailed written request can be submitted before or concurrently with a site plan application. It should be noted that the parking regulations specify standard stall dimensions of 9 feet x 20 feet, compact dimensions of 8Y. feet x 16 feet, and parallel stall dimensions of 9 feet x 23 feet. ADA accessible stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet in width by 20 feet in length, with an adjacent access aisle of 8 feet in width for van accessible spaces. The appropriate amount of Spring Glen Elementary Site I.,,._., ovements September 5, 2013 Page 3 of 4 ADA accessible stalls based on the total number of spaces must be provided. In addition, two- way drive aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width. Please refer to landscape regulations {RMC 4-4-070) for further general and specific landscape requirements for parking areas (enclosed). Refuse and Recycling Areas -Refuse and recycling areas need to meet the requirements of RMC 4-4-090, "Refuse and Recyclables Standards" (enclosed). Outdoor refuse and recyclables deposit areas and collection points shall not be located within fifty feet (50') of a property zoned RC, R-1, R-4, R-8, R-10, R-14, or RM, except by approval by the Reviewing Official through the site plan review process, or via the modification process if exempt from site plan review. The properties located on all sided of the subject site are zoned R-8 and RM-Fas such a minimum 50 foot separation would be required on all sides of the site. landscaping: New development shall comply with the City of Renton landscape requirements. The subject development would be required to comply with this section if the cost of the remodel/addition is equal to or greater than fifty percent (50%) of the assessed property valuation. Ten feet (10') of on-site landscaping is required along all public street frontages, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways and those zones with building setbacks less than ten feet (10'). In those cases, ten feet (10') of landscaping shall be required where buildings are not located. When nonresidential development in located in a residential zone a fifteen-foot (15') wide partially sight-obscuring landscaped visual barrier, or ten-foot (10') wide fully sight-obscuring landscaped visual barrier, is required along common property lines. The frontage of the property along S 2Th Street and Janes Ave. S would be required to comply with the landscaping standards in addition to the new parking lots included in the proposal. All other new development would also be required to comply with the landscaping standards oftheRMC. Parking lots -All parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping and interior landscaping. Parking lots with 15 to 50 parking spaces shall provide a minimum of 15 square feet of interior parking lot landscaping per parking space. Significant Tree Retention: A tree inventory and a tree retention plan along with a tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 30 percent (30 %) of significant trees, and indicate how proposed development would be designed to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be retained. If the trees cannot be retained, they may be replaced with minimum 2 inch caliper trees at a rate of six to one. Vicinity Critical Areas: The site is located in an area of sensitive slopes, moderate and high landside hazards and moderate coalmine hazards. Steep slopes, landslide hazards and coalmine hazards are Geological Hazards therefore; a geotechnical study including a coalmine assessment may be required. If required, the study shall be completed by a qualified professional. The Spring Glen Elementary Site Jmprovem,_,1~s September 5, 2013 Page 4 of 4 geotechnical study must meet the requirements set forth in the City of Renton Critical Areas Regulations, RMC 4-3-050. Environmental Review: Not enough information was provided with the application for staff to determine if the subject project is exempt from SEPA Environmental Review. However, the applicant has indicated that the School District would be the lead agency for the SEPA Environmental Review. Documentation of SEPA compliance would be required with your land use application, if the project is not exempt from SEPA review. Permit Requirements: Site Plan Review would be required if the project is no exempt from SEPA Environmental Review. If the project is exempt from SEPA Environmental Review it is also exempt from Site Plan Review. In addition any associated building/construction permits would be required for the project. If required, the Site Plan Review process would take an estimated time frame of 6 -8 weeks. The application fee and additional 3% technology surcharge would be $1,030 for the Site Plan Review. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. *Once the application materials are complete, the applicant is strongly encouraged to have one copy of the application materials pre-screened at the 6'h floor front counter prior to submitting the complete application package. Please contact me at (425) 430- 7314 to schedule a time for the pre-screen. Fees: A handout listing all of the City's Development-related fees is included for reference. Expiration and Extensions: Once an application has been approved, the applicant has two years to comply with all conditions of approval and to apply for any necessary permits before the approval becomes null and void. The approval body that approved the original application may grant a single two-year extension. The approval body may require a public hearing for such extension. cc: Jennifer Henning 0 1: 4,894 408 O 20.i 408 =eel VVGS _ 198~ _ Web_Mercator_AL.:xiliaiy _Sphere • RC Resource Conservation R-1 Resid2ntial 1 dulac: :::·" R--4 Resident al 4 du lac R-8 Residential 8 dulac · CA Commercia: Af1e:ial f:=~~==~!!l!~CO C~crnme~rcial0ffi~, 1 ce~~= City of -ton G·---~_") Information Technology -GIS R I This map is a L:ser gene:a1ed sta!Jc cwt u Finance & IT D" . . ~ e'l onMapSupport@Ren1onwa.gov ,s for referenc,c only. Data layers t!-at P 1 Iran an_lnter.iet mapping site a.'ld lVlSlOn 9/3/2013 ' appear on t'11s map may or may riot b" accurate. cu:--renl. or otherwrse relia:lle~ THIS MAP IS NOTTO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 0 1: 4,894 408 0 204 408 Fee! WGS_ 1984_\Neb~Mercator __Auxiliary_ Sphere Finance & IT Division Vicinity Map City and County Labels City and County Boundary . -Other rJ Cl',:., of Renton D Parcels Information Tec:hnology -GIS RentonMapSuppcrt@Rentonwa.gov 9/3/2013 !his map 1s a user generated stabc O'Jlput trorn an ir,\e:net mapl)lng site -nd ts for refernnce onl~. Dala layers Iha! appear on \his map may or may no~ be accurale, current, or othe~ise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION ; TO: FROM: DATE: PROJECT: OUR FILE NO.: SUBJECT: +PROJECT MEMO Vanessa Dolbee City of Renton Community and Economic Development Renton City Hall -6'h Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Brad Medrud, AICP October 25, 2013 Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements 2130241.30, Task 33 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Includes Parking and Landscape Modification Requests, and Landscape Analysis, Lot Coverage, and Parking Analysis 1. Project name, size and location of site Project Name: Site Location: Parcel Number: Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements 2607 Jones Avenue South, Renton WA 98055-5102 292305-9061 Project Size: 29.54 Acres (Total Area of Parcel, includes Nelsen Middle School) =4.5 Acres (Work Area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) =211,000 square feet (Work Area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) 2. Land use permits required for proposed project • SEPA Review and Determination • Site Pian Review Renton School District No. 403 City of Renton 3. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties The City of Renton zoning designation of the project site is Residential-8 Dwelling Units Per Net Acre (R-8). Adjacent Properties: • West -City of Renton: • East -City of Renton: • North -City of Renton: • South -City of Renton: R-8 and Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) R-8 RM-F R-8 Page 1 of 11 $tn,ctum1 engineers Lanoscap!'! AmhiWcis Gomrnun:/y Planners NeigU1ors TACCMA 2215 Nor1h 30'1heet lune 300 Tacoma, WA 9840~3350 253.l112422 ,,,,. 253.383.2572 ,,,;x SEATTi .. E 1200 6fi AYenue Suite 1620 Seot!I,, WA 'llllOl-3117 206.267.2425 CE: 206.267.2429 FAX SPOKANE 827Wesl First Avenue lune301 lpokone,WA 99201-3912 509.252.5019 '" 509.315.8862 FAX www.ahbLcom 4. Current use of the site and any existing improvements The Spring Glen Elementary School occupies the southern part of the parcel and the Nelsen Middle School occupies the northern part of the parcel. There will be no changes to the Nelsen Middle School portion of the site. Existing Site Improvements: Elementary School buildings, Middle School buildings, portable classrooms, parking areas, drive lanes, playfields, and cinder running track. On the Spring Glen Elementary School Portion of the site, there are two existing buildings and two existing double classroom portables. The main building was built in 1952 with a major addition constructed in 1955. It is approximately 24,443 square feet in size. The annex was built in 1955 and it is approximately 7,400 square feet in size. The two double classroom portables together are approximately 3,854 square feet in size. The total existing building square footage on the site is approximately 35,427 square feet. 5. Special site features {i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) City of Renton critical area maps identify portions of the Spring Glen Elementary School site as being in a moderate coal mine hazard area, an erosion hazard area, a moderate landslide hazard area, and steep slope areas. 6. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions According to the WA 633 Soil Survey of King County by the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the soils found on the Spring Glen Elementary School portion of the site are classified as 'AgC -Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes.' In addition, Associated Earth Sciences prepared a Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report on August 20, 2013 that provides more information on the soils on the site. The site is located within the Black River Drainage Basin as delineated by the King County Water Features Map. The east parking lot slopes to the east towards Jones Avenue South. The remainder of the project area slopes towards the north and west. Currently, most of the site slopes down towards the north and west comer. This entire portion of the site is currently collected into a closed drainage system on the adjacent Fred Nelsen Middle School site. A portion of the site also slopes down towards the east and is collected into a closed drainage system in Jones Avenue South. In general, the engineered drainage system for the proposed site will not alter existing discharge locations from the site. Runoff from the western three-quarters of the site will be collected and discharged directly to the closed drainage system located at the bottom of the slope between Spring Glen Elementary School and Nelsen Middle School. Runoff from the eastern quarter of the site will be collected and discharged directly to the closed drainage system in Jones Avenue South. +Project Memo Page 2 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 .. mmm11 , 7. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development Currently, the Renton School District's H.O.M.E. (Homeschool Opportunities for Merging Education) occupies the 10-acre Spring Glen Elementary School site. E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start programs recently relocated to the new Meadow Crest Early Learning Center. Renton Academy will be moving from its current location in Newcastle to the Spring Glen Elementary School site in 2014. The H.O.M.E. program will remain at the Spring Glen Elementary School-Annex. The existing main building and the annex will remain and will have upgrades to their interiors and exteriors. The area under the existing roof at the northwest corner of the main building will be enclosed. The two existing double classroom portables on the site will be moved from the west side to the north side of the main building. A 3,120 square foot covered play area and gated area for a generator will be added to the site. The H.O.M.E. program will remain in the annex and the two portables. It will have approximately 90 students, who are not there full time, and approximately 21 staff, many of whom are itinerant. Renton Academy will be located in the main building and it will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff, some of whom are itinerant. The students and staff of the two programs will be separated on the project site. The site currently has approximately 20 striped parking spaces and a gravel paved informal parking area that currently provides parking for approximately 10 cars. The formal and informal parking areas on the site are accessed from one driveway from Jones Avenue South. There will be approximately ninety-three total parking spaces provided on the site once the project is complete. The Renton Academy program will be served by approximately fifty-three parking stalls (including two accessible stalls) located west and south of the main building and by a drop off area south of the main building that will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The H.O.M.E. program will be served by approximately forty parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located east and north of the main building and the annex and by a drop off loop east of the main building that will be accessed by the existing site entrance from Jones Avenue South. A fire loop gated on both ends will connect the two separate parking areas. 8. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots Not applicable to this application. 9. Access Spring Glen Elementary School is currently accessed from Jones Avenue South, which feeds onto 108th Avenue Southeast, South 27th Street and eventually onto Benson Road South. Parking and a drop off area for the Renton Academy program will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The existing Spring Glen Elementary School site entrance from Jones Avenue South will continue and improve access to the parking and a drop off area for the H.O.M.E. program. A fire loop gated on both ends will connect the two separate parking areas. +Project Memo Page 3 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 10. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.) Proposed frontage improvements along Jones Avenue South include installation of new sidewalk, one new curb ramp, and one driveway ramp with a saw cut and asphalt pavement patch to match in with existing pavement. All of these improvements are located within City right-of-way. Additionally, one storm pipe will connect to an existing catch basin located within Jones Avenue South, in the same area as the sidewalk/driveway frontage improvements mentioned above. No new streetlights are proposed because the project falls below the exemption level for commercial project per RMC 4-6-060. Lastly, two driveway aprons will be installed along S 27th Street within the right-of-way. No other frontage improvements are proposed along S 27th Street. 11. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project Total estimated construction cost for the proposed project is -$6,000,000 for the Spring Glen Elementary School improvements. The fair market value is anticipated to be equal to the estimated construction cost. 12. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed The site grading will be balanced to the maximum extent possible, however approximately 3,200 CY of cut and 1,600 CY of fill for a next export of 1,600 CY is anticipated. If import is required, fill will be obtained from an approved source and the project contractor will determine the specific location. 13. Number, type and size of any trees to be removed Approximately nine existing trees will be removed to make room for the proposed improvements at the elementary school site. All other landscaping on the elementary school portion of the site will remain. New parking lot landscaping is proposed and will be designed in accordance with the City of Renton's landscaping requirements. 14. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City No land will be dedicated to the City. +Project Memo Page 4 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 .., mmm11 15. Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes There could be three to six office trailers and equipment storage containers located south of the main building and at any locations as determined by the Contractor when they are selected. 16. Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification) Request for Modification to Required Minimum and Maximum Number of Parking Spaces /RMC 4- 4-80/10)/e)) The Spring Glen Elementary School is more than sixty years old. It was originally constructed before the current parking, loading and driveway regulations {RMC 4-4-80) were adopted. For this Site Plan Review, we are a requesting a modification as allowed under RMC 4-4-80(10)(d) specifically to the minimum and maximum number of parking spaces required for the proposed school use (RMC 4-4-80(10)(e)). For senior high school uses, which would be an equivalent use to the two programs proposed for the site, the City requires minimum and maximum of 1 per employee plus 1 space for every 10 students enrolled per RMC 4-4-80{10)(e). On the site currently, there are 20 existing paved painted parking spaces, and an estimated 10 unmarked gravel parking spaces. The project will have 93 paved parking spaces at the end of construction (87 standard parking stalls and 6 accessible stalls), for a net increase of 63 parking spaces. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of Title 4, the Department Administrator may evaluate the requests for modifications by using the Decision Criteria established in RMC 4-9-250{D)(2). The Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided ... that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractica~ that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed modification will substantially implement the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. If we did not do this project, the parking situation would not be improved. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; +Project Memo Page 5 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 The proposed modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. d Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; The proposed modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The existing school facilities are an allowed use that has been in existence for more than sixty years. For the school to continue to operate, its parking lot needs to be expanded. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The proposed modification is justified and required for the use and situation intended. For the school to continue to operate, its parking lot needs to be expanded. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so there will not be additional traffic impacts beyond what already exists on the site and we will be adding 63 additional stalls to move closer towards compliance with the current code. Adding 63 additional spaces through this project will improve the site function. We request the City modify its parking space standards as allowed under RMC 4-9-2SO(D) to allow the existing school use to continue to operate as it has for more than sixty years. Request for Modification to Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards for Required 8' Landscape Planting Strip (RMC 4-6-060{Fll The Spring Glen Elementary School is more than sixty years old. The main school building and annex, as well as the site improvements and streetscape were constructed before the adoption of the current City of Renton Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards regulations (RMC 4-6- + Project Memo Page 6 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 060). For this Site Plan Review application, we are a requesting a modification, as allowed under RMC 4-6-060(Q)(l) and RMC 4-9-250, specifically to remove the requirement for a 8' landscape planting strip on the east side of Jones Avenues SE. No other changes are proposed to the current street standards along the project's Jones Avenue SE frontage. For Residential Access classified streets, such as Jones Avenue SE, the City requires an 8' landscape-planting strip between the sidewalk and curb per RMC 4-6-060(F). On the site frontage currently, there is no sidewalk, curb, gutter, or formal driveway entry. Because of the age of the facility, there is not enough space between the existing main building and Jones Avenue SE to improve the existing drop off area to the Residential Access standards in RMC 4-6- 060(F). In order to meet current fire access standards for the drop off lane, separate the existing parking area from the drop off lane for safety, and provide the required ten feet of onsite screening landscaping, there is insufficient space to add an 8' wide landscape-planting strip. In addition, because of grade changes, we want to maintain the location of the existing sidewalk coming down from the Nelsen Middle School portion of the site. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of Title 4, the Department Administrator may evaluate the requests for modifications by using the Decision Criteria established in RMC 4-9-250(D)(2). The Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided ... that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractica~ that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; The proposed modification will substantially implement the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; The proposed modification will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of- Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. +Project Memo Page 7 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; The proposed modification conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code. The existing school facilities are an allowed use that has been in existence for more than sixty years. For the school to continue to operate, improvements need to be made for access to the site and within the site. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The proposed modification is justified and required for the use and situation intended. For the school to continue to operate, improvements need to be made for access to the site and within the site. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. The proposed modification will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity. The capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the capacity of the existing school facilities is not being increased beyond what has already been approved, so the proposed right-of-way improvements are a positive step towards compliance with the current Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards. If we did not do this project, the existing situation would not be improved. Adding all of the proposed changes to the site through this project on the Jones Avenue SE side of the existing buildings will improve access to the site and overall site function. We request the City modify its Public Street Right-Of-Way Design Standards as allowed under RMC 4-9-250(D) to allow the existing school use to continue to operate as it has for more than sixty years. 17. For projects located within 100 feet of a stream or wetland, please include, distance in feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work Not applicable. +Project Memo Page 8 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 18. For projects located within 200-feet of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington please include the following additional information: Distance from closest area of work to the ordinary high water mark. Not applicable to this application. Description of the nature of the existing shoreline Not applicable to this application. The approximate location of and number of residential units, existing and potential, that will have an obstructed view in the event the proposed project exceeds a height of 35-feet above the average grade level Not applicable to this application. +Project Memo Page 9 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmma Landscape Analysis, Lot Coverage, and Parking Analysis 1,286,762 square feet (Total area of parcel, includes Nelsen Middle School) =211,000 square feet (Total work area for Total square footage of the site and the Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcel) footprints of all buildings 38,817 square feet (Total of all buildings existing and proposed) Footprints of all buildings are shown on the Site Plan Existing: 119,790 square feet (Total work area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Total square footage of existing and Parcel) proposed impervious surface areas{s) Proposed: 103,237 square feet (Total work area for Spring Glen ES Portion of Parcell All buildings are a single floor. 24,443 square feet (Main school building) 7,400 square feet (Annex school building) Square footage {by floor and overall total) 1,560 square feet (Double classroom of each individual building and/or use portable #1) 1,560 square feet (Double classroom portable #2) 3,120 square feet (Proposed covered play areal Percentage of lot covered by buildings or 13% (Total lot, includes Nelsen Middle structures School\ Number of parking spaces required by City 65 parking spaces (For a High School use: 1 per employee plus 1 space for every 10 code students enrolled1 Number and dimensions of standard, 87 -9 feet by 20 feet standard stalls compact, and ADA accessible spaces 6 -9 feet by 20 feet with 8.0 aisle between provided ADA accessible snaces Square footage of parking lot landscaping =3,131 square feet (perimeter) (perimeter and interior) =3. 739 sauare feet linterior1 +Project Memo Page 10 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 c: Tony Matiatos, Greene-Gasaway Architects Calvin Gasaway, Greene-Gasaway Architects Q:\2013\2130241\30_PLN\Deliverables_By_Date\Site Plan Review\Formal SPR Submittal 102520 13\20 131025 _Project_ Narrative_2130241.30.docx +Project Memo Page 11 of 11 Project Narrative for Site Plan Review Renton School District -Spring Glen Elementary School -Site Improvements Site Plan Review Approval 2130241.30, Task 33 October 25, 2013 mmm11 greenegasav\/ay October 17, 2013 Re: Spring Glen Elementary -Site Improvements Memo Subject: CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION Construction is expected to commence in spring of 2014 and be complete by early fall 2014. Construction operations will occur during days and hours that comply with City of Renton requirements. Hauling routes will be developed by the General Contractor, once contracted, and will be reviewed and approved by the City of Renton prior to the start of construction. Temporary, short-term noise impacts typical of construction projects will occur with the operation of equipment during construction. Noise impacts associated with construction phases of the project will be limited in duration. Mitigation for general noise impacts during the construction phases will include measures such as using and regularly maintaining efficient mufflers and quieting devices on all construction equipment and vehicles. Construction activities at the site could stir up dust particles. Construction vehicles and equipment will also be a potential source of exhaust emissions. Watering the ground as needed before and during clearing and grading activities will control dust particles. Vehicles that are not being used in construction activities will be shut off. The scope of this project includes work within the right-of-way. No major impacts to local traffic are expected. However, a traffic control plan will be developed by the General Contractor, once contracted, and will be reviewed and approved by the City of Renton prior to the start of construction. Tony Matiatos Greene Gasaway Architects QC"\ ., 70,n it) ct .. -·~· '~ ~ P.O Box 4158, Federal Way, WA 98063 • Seattle: 253-941-4937 • Tacoma: 253-572-9615 • rax: 253-941-5122 .~ " . City of Renton TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET 1. Total number of trees over 6" in diameter1 on project site: 1. ----'4"'3"------trees 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dead, diseased or dangerous2 Trees in proposed public streets Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts Trees in critical areas3 and buffers Total number of excluded trees: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: 2. 3. ____ trees ____ trees ____ trees ____ trees __ O,.,_ __ trees __ 4.,_,3"---trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained4, multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, or R-8 0.1 in all other residential zones 0.05 in all commercial and industrial zones 4. __ 1.,_,2=-' . .,,_9 __ trees 5. List the number of 6" or larger trees that you are proposing 5 to retain 4: 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (If line 6 is less than zero, stop here. No replacement trees are required). 5. 37 trees 6. __ --=2ce4"-. 1,___ trees 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches: 7. _____ inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2" caliper trees required) 8. _______ inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 6: (if remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) 9. ______ trees 1 Measured at chest height. 2 · Dead, diseased or dangerous trees must be certified as such by a forester, registered landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 3 Critical Areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in Section 4-3-050 of the Renton Municipal Code (RMC). 4 · Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. 5 The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per AMC 4-4-130H7a f ::-: ;·_:: ( .... ', ;.:: . \ c. Inches of street trees, inches of trees added to critical areas/buffers, and inches of trees retaln!!!d--ert~teUbilt \ are less than 6" but are greater than 2" can be used to meet the tree replacement requirement. cr,r212~1 C:\U sers \trelic\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\ Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\K8WZAGL T\20131009 _ Tree_Retention_ Worksheet_Z 130241 30.doc 12/08 Renton School District ENVIRONMENT AL CHECKLIST FORM FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Applicant: Renton School District No. 403 7812 South 124th Street Seattle, WA 98178-4830 Project: Spring Glen Elementary School Site Improvements ('';-,, ,.,, FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Spring Glen Elementary School Site Improvements 2. Name of applicant Renton School District, No. 403 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Owner: Renton School District, No. 403 7812 South 124th Street Seattle, WA 98178-4830 Phone: (425) 204-4403 Rick Stracke -Executive Director Facilities & Operations Contact: Brad Medrud, School District SEP A Process Consultant AHBL,lnc. 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 Phone: (253) 383-2422 E-Mail: bmedrud@ahbl.com 4. Date checklist prepared: October 8, 2013 5. Agency requesting checklist: Renton School District No. 403 6. Proposed timing or Schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Site work for the project is anticipated to start in January 2014 with substantial completion scheduled for August 2014. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 2 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No additional plans or further related activities are anticipated at this time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 9. 10. 11. • Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated August 20, 2013 • Survey, prepared by AHBL, Inc., dated March 15, 2012 • Limited Hazardous Materials Survey Report, prepared by EHSI International, Inc., dated March 19, 2013 • Stormwater Technical Information Report, to be prepared by AHBL and submitted at time of Site Plan Review Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. There are no other pending applications affecting this property. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. • SEP A Review and Determination • Site Plan Review • Clear and Grade Permit • NPDES Permit • Building Permit • Fire System Permit • Electrical Permit Renton School District No. 403 City of Renton City of Renton Department of Ecology City of Renton City of Renton City of Renton Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. Currently, the Renton School District's H.O.M.E. (Homeschool Opportunities SEPA Environmental Checklist· Page 3 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form for Merging Education) occupies the 10-acre Spring Glen Elementary School site. E.C.E.A.P. and Head Start programs recently relocated to the new Meadow Crest Early Leaming Center. Renton Academy will be moving from its current location in Newcastle to the Spring Glen Elementary School site in 2014. The H.O.M.E. program will remain at the Spring Glen Elementary School-Annex. There are two existing buildings and two existing double classroom portables on the site. The main building was built in 1952 with a major addition constructed in 1955. It is approximately 24,443 square feet in size. The annex was built in 1955 and it is approximately 7,400 square feet in size. The two double classroom portables together are approximately 3,854 square feet in size. The total building square footage on the site is approximately 35,427 square feet. The main building and the annex will remain and will have upgrades to their interiors and exteriors. The area under the existing roof at the northwest corner of the building will be enclosed. The two existing double classroom portables on the site will be moved from the west to the north side of the main building. The H.O.M.E. program will remain in the annex and the two portables. It will have approximately 90 students, who are not there full time, and approximately 21 staff, many of whom are itinerant. Renton Academy will be located in the main building and it will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff, some of whom are itinerant. The students and staff of the two programs will be separated on the project site. The site currently has approximately 20 striped parking spaces and a gravel paved informal parking area that currently provides parking for approximately 10 cars. The formal and informal parking areas on the site are accessed from one driveway from Jones Avenue South. There will be approximately ninety-three total parking spaces provided on the site once the project is complete. The Renton Academy program will be served by approximately fifty-three parking stalls (including two accessible stalls) SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 4 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form located west and south of the main building and by a drop off area south of the main building that will be accessed by two new driveways on South 27th Street. The H.O.M.E. program will be served by approximately forty parking stalls (including four accessible stalls) located east and north of the main building and the annex and by a drop off loop east of the main building that will be accessed by the existing site entrance from Jones Avenue South. A fire loop gated on both ends will connect the two separate parking areas. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project is located at 2607 Jones Avenue South, on the southern portion of King County parcel number 292305-9061 in the NW Quarter of Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 05 East in the City of Renton. Spring Glen Elementary School shares the same parcel as the Nelsen Middle School. Legal Description: LOT 1 OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 70-80 RECORDING NO. 8107299002 SD SHORT PLAT DAF-POR NE 1.4 OF NW 1.4 LY SWL Y OF BONNEVILLE POWER ADMIN TRANS LN R/W & LY ELY OF FOLG DESC LN -BEG SW COR OF SD SUBD TH 88-12-38 E 333.77 FT TO TPOB TH N 01- 42-40 e 749.65 FT TH N 88-17-20 W 191.67 FT TOE LN OF BENSON RD, STATE RD NO. 5, TH NL Y ALG SD E LN TON LN OF SEC 29 & TERM OF SD LESS CO RD LESS C/M RGTS SUBJ TO BOWLAKE PIPELINE R/W ESMT SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 5 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (underline one): primarily flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The portion of the site where existing buildings and paving are located is relatively flat and appears to have been graded to its current configuration during previous earthwork on-site. A slope at the north edge of the site descends approximately 25 feet at an inclination of approximately l.6H:1 V (Horizontal: Vertical) to meet the Nelsen Middle School site. A slope on the west side of the existing buildings descends approximately 15 feet to the existing playfields at an inclination ranging from 4H:1V to 5H:1V. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, day, sand, gravel, peat, and muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. According to the Web Soil Survey by the National Resources Conservation Service, the soils found on the Spring Glen Elementary School portion of the site are classified as 'AgC -Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes.' d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No, there are no indications of unstable soil in the vicinity. City of Renton critical area maps identify portions of the Spring Glen Elementary School site as being in a moderate coal mine hazard area, an erosion hazard area, a moderate landslide hazard area, and steep slope areas. As required by the City of Renton code, the Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazards, and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report, was prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., August 20, 2013. It addressed these issues and it will be submitted to the City as part of the Site Plan Review application. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 6 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 3,300 CY of cut and 1,300 CY of fill with a net export of 2,000 CY is anticipated. The site grading will be balanced to the maximum extent possible. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Yes, erosion could occur because of clearing and construction. However, the implementation of a temporary sediment and erosion control plan using Best Management Practices should mitigate impacts. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? It is anticipated that approximately 34 percent (approximately 3.05 acres) of the Spring Glen Elementary School portion of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after the completion of the proposed improvements. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: The proposal will follow the stormwater management design criteria outlined in the City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual and the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Erosion control measures will include, but are not limited to silt fencing, filter fabric catch basin inserts, plastic covering, pavement, lawn seeding, establishment of permanent plantings, wattles, check dams and a sedimentation pond. The proposal will apply erosion-control best management practices (BMPs), as described in Appendix D of the City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 7 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Demolition and construction activities on the Spring Glen Elementary School site could stir up dust particles. Construction vehicles and equipment will also be a potential source of exhaust emissions. Both demolition and construction activities will follow the appropriate regulations and provide necessary mitigation for controlling emissions to the air. After project completion, the primary sources and amounts of emissions will be the same as they are now, minimal. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. There are no known off-site sources of emissions or odors observed that might affect this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Watering the ground as needed before and during clearing and grading activities will control dust particles. Vehicles that are not being used in construction activities will be shut off. 3. WATER a. Surface Water 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, and wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Based on the information derived through site reconnaissance, there are no surface water bodies. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 8 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form No. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. According to Map Number 53033C0979 F of the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the proposed project does not appear to lie within a 100-year flood plain. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No water will be withdrawn from or discharged to groundwater as part of this project. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 9 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form expected to serve. No waste material will be discharged into the ground. Spring Glen Elementary School is connected to sanitary sewer. c. Water Runoff (including storm water) 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Stormwater will be subject to parking lot pollutants, such as brake dust and leaky motor vehicles. Stormwater will be conveyed to rain gardens via both surface flow and catch basin and pipes. Rain gardens will be designed to meet the pollutant removal requirements outlined by the King County Surface Water Design Manual, as amended by the City of Renton. Downstream of the rain gardens, stormwater will be conveyed to underground detention systems designed to meet the requirements outlined by the King County Surface Water Design Manual, as amended by the City of Renton. Downstream of the detention systems, storm water will be conveyed to two separate locations. The areas currently tributary to Jones Avenue will be conveyed via pipe to the buried storm water collection system in Jones Avenue. The areas tributary to the north and west perimeters of the site will be conveyed via pipe to the buried storm water collection system south of Fred Nelsen Middle School. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: A storm drainage system will be installed in accordance with the City of Renton drainage requirements. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page JO FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form 4. PLANTS a. Check or underline types of vegetation found on the site: ~X~-deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other ~X~-evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ~x~-shrubs ~x~-grass ---pasture ---crop or grain ---wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other ---water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other ---other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Approximately nine existing trees will be removed to make room for the proposed improvements. All the other landscaping on the Spring Glen Elementary portion of the site will remain. New parking lot landscaping is proposed and will be designed in accordance with the City of Renton's landscaping requirements. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site, if any: To our knowledge, there are no threatened or endangered plant species on or near Spring Glen Elementary School. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The project team will prepare a landscape plan for the project to meet the City of Renton's landscaping requirements. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 11 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form 5. ANIMALS a. Underline any birds and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, small rodents, other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. No. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Spring Glen Elementary School is located within the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Natural gas will be used for heating and electricity will be used for power and lighting. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List of other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: New windows, additional building insulation, an energy monitoring system, SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 12 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form occupancy sensors, timers and new lights are proposed to help reduce or control energy impacts. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. The School District obtained a "Limited Hazardous Materials Survey Report," prepared by EHS-lntemational, Inc., dated March 19, 2013. The report identified and quantified any asbestos-containing building materials (ACM), lead-containing paint (LCP), other lead containing building materials (LCM), arsenic-containing brick masonry unit (BMU) mortar, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-containing light ballasts, and mercury (Hg)-containing light tubes and lamps that may be impacted by the Project. For a detailed review of the results, please refer to the report prepared by EHSI. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services will be required other than those normally provided such as police and fire protection. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: The "Limited Hazardous Materials Survey Report," prepared by EHS- Intemational, Inc., dated March 19, 2013 recommends measures to reduce or control risks related to the presence of hazardous materials on the site. Abatement specifications and drawings that outline the necessary abatement procedures will be included in the bid documents and will be implemented by the district's contractor. The contractor will be required to comply with all local, state, and federal requirements applicable to dust control, air monitoring, material handling, packaging, and disposal. The Renton School District will enlist the services of a qualified consultant to oversee the abatement contractor's activities. The consultant will document abatement work activities and monitor overall compliance with appropriate SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 13 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form regulations. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, aircraft, other? None. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long· term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Temporary, short-term noise impacts typical of construction projects will occur with operation of equipment during construction. Construction will occur during the hours subject to City of Renton ordinances. There are no long-term noise impacts from this proposed project. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: To mitigate general noise impacts during the construction phases, measures such as locating stationary equipment away from receiving properties, erecting portable noise barriers around loud stationary equipment, limiting construction hours to avoid sensitive nighttime hours, tum off idling construction equipment, require contractors to rigorously maintain all equipment, and train construction crews to avoid unnecessarily loud actions near noise-sensitive areas should be employed. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The current use of the site is Spring Glen Elementary School and Fred Nelsen Middle School. Current uses of adjacent properties include the following: East: Single-family residential, vacant land, and utility easement SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 14 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form North: Nelsen Middle School South: Single-family residential West: Condominiums and church b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. The Fred Nelsen Middle School occupies the northern part of the site and the Spring Glen Elementary School the southern part of the site. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No structures will be demolished. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The City of Renton zoning designation of the project parcel is R-8. £. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The City of Renton comprehensive plan designation is RSF (Residential Single Family). g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. City of Renton critical area maps identify portions of the Spring Glen Elementary School site as being in a moderate coal mine hazard area, an erosion hazard area, a moderate landslide hazard area, and steep slope areas. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? The H.O.M.E. program will remain in the annex and two portables and it will have approximately 90 students, who are not there full time, and SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 15 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form approximately 21 staff, many of whom are itinerant. Renton Academy will be located in the main building and it will have approximately 55 students and approximately 29 staff, some of whom are itinerant. The students and staff of the two programs will be separated on the project site. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? No one will be displaced because of the proposed project since E.C.E.A.P and Head Start will be relocating to the new Meadow Crest Elementary School. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable. l. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The proposed project will be designed to comply with applicable regulations. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? The proposed project will not include the addition of any new housing units. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The existing smoke stack is the tallest structure. As part of the proposed SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 16 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form project, the smoke stack will be removed, leaving the tallest structure, the gym, at 23 feet 6 inches AFF. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Views in the immediate vicinity should not be altered. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: No special measures are proposed. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The project will not produce any light or glare beyond what already exists on site. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None known. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: No special measures are proposed. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? The existing play equipment will be replaced with new play equipment. Additionally a new covered play area is proposed at Spring Glen Elementary School. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 17 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: No special measures are proposed. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. To our knowledge, no such places or objects exist on or near Spring Glen Elementary School. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site? To our knowledge, no such landmarks or evidence exist on or near Spring Glen Elementary School. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: If cultural or archeological objects are found during site preparation work, the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation will be notified, and appropriate regulatory measures will be taken. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Spring Glen Elementary School is currently accessed from Jones Avenue South, which feeds onto 1081h Avenue Southeast, South 27th Street and eventually onto SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 18 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form Benson Road South. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? King County Metro Routes 102 and 148 serve Spring Glen Elementary School. The nearest bus stop is located at the intersection of Puget Drive South and Grant Avenue South. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The site has 20 existing paved painted parking spaces, and an estimated 10 unmarked gravel parking spaces. The project will have 93 paved parking spaces at the end of construction, for a net increase of 63 parking spaces. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Improvements to Jones Avenue SE will include the installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalk from the intersection of Jones Avenue SE and SE 27th Street north to the existing cement concrete sidewalk. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The proposed anticipated vehicular trips per day are approximately the same as what already exists on site. The number of students and staff proposed are similar in numbers to the programs using Spring Glen Elementary School now. New parking is being proposed to meet current City standards and provide the proposed school programs with adequate parking arrangements. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Not applicable. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 19 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: There will not be any increased need for public services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. No special measures are proposed. 16. UTILITIES a. Underline utilities currently available at the site: Electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone. sanitary sewer, septic system, other: fiber optic cab le. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. All utilities required for this project exist on-site presently. Water service may need to be extended to the new portable locations to provide fire sprinklers. This may require trenching, backfilling and pipe installation. SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 20 FINAL VERSION -October 8, 2013 Renton School District Environmental Checklist Form C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: _.,_n-J _ _,,_\ _rr-1__.1.A,,J\=----=-....\------' Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc. acting as agent for Renton School District, No. 403 Date submitted: October, 8, 2013 SEPA Environmental Checklist -Page 21 .t\Ssociated Earth Sciences, Inc. August 20, 2013 Project No. KE130370A Renton School District Capital Projects Office 7812 South 124'h Street Seattle, Washington 98178 D ~~~~ LLJ L3'Ed ~ l!l_J Serving tfie 'Pacific Northwest Since 1981 Attention: Mr. Rick Stracke Subject: Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Spring Glen Elementary School Pavement Improvements 2607 Jones Avenue South Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Stracke: We are pleased to present these copies of our preliminary geotechnical engineering report for the referenced project. This report summarizes the results of our subsurface exploration, geologic hazards, and geotechnical engineering studies, and offers preliminary recommendations for the design and development of the proposed project. At the time this report was prepared, the site was in the planning stage and no detailed project plans had been formulated. We recommend that we be allowed to review the recommendations contained in this report and modify them, if necessary, when a project plan has been developed. We have enjoyed working with you on this study and are confident that the recommendations presented in this report will aid in the successful completion of your project. If you should have any questions, or if we can be of additional help to you, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. Kirkland, Washington ~· (uu. ~ Merriman, P.E. Senior Principal Engineer KDM/pc KEl30370A2 Projcccs\20130370\KE\WP Kirkland 425-827-770 I • Everett 425-259-0522 www.aesgeo.com i'•[T 'l,l· ",•1111 .., ' .., .... , • Tacoma 253-722-2992 (;jeoteclinica{ 'Engineering )\later '.Resources Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Serving the 'Pacific Northwest Since 1981 Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report PROPOSED SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS 'Environmenta{ .'Assessments anif '.Remedlation Sustaina6{e Vevefoyment Services (;jeofogic .'Assessments Renton, Washington Prepared for Renton School District Project No. KE130370A August 20, 2013 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS Renton, Washington Prepared for: Renton School District Capital Projects Office 7812 South 124'' Street Seattle, Washington 98178 Prepared by: Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. 911 5'" Avenue, Suite 100 Kirkland, Washington 98033 425-827-770 l Fax: 425-827-5424 August 20, 2013 Project No. KE130370A Proposed Spring Glen Elementary School Pavement JmprovemenJs Renton, Washing/on Subswjace Exploration and Preliminary Geo/echnical Engineering Report Project and Site Conditions I. PROJECT AND SITE CONDITIONS 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration, geologic hazards and preliminary geotechnical engineering studies for the proposed pavement improvements at Spring Glen Elementary School. The site location is shown on the "Vicinity Map," Figure 1. The approximate locations of exploration borings completed for this study, along with observed depths of existing fill, are shown on the "Site and Exploration Plan," Figure 2. A "Typical Key and Bench Schematic" is included as Figure 3, and slope stability cross sections are presented as Figures 4 and 5. Logs of the subsurface explorations and copies of laboratory test results completed for this study are included in the Appendix. 1.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this study is to provide geotechnical engineering design recommendations to be utilized in the preliminary design of the project. This study included a review of selected available geologic literarure, advancing 12 hollow-stem auger soil borings and performing geologic studies to assess the type, thickness, distribution, and physical properties of the subsurface sediments and shallow ground water. Geotechnical engineering studies were completed to establish recommendations for site preparation, structural fill, pavement subgrade preparation, and drainage. At the time this report was prepared, infiltration of storm water on-site was not planned and our study was not strucrured to support storm water infiltration. Based on exploration data contained in this report, storm water infiltration using conventional shallow infiltration strategies is not feasible. This report summarizes our fieldwork and offers preliminary geotechnical engineering recommendations based on our present understanding of the project. We recommend that we be allowed to review the recommendations presented in this report and revise them, if needed, when a project design has been developed. I. 2 Authorization Authorization to proceed with this study was granted by means of a Renton School District (District) purchase order, P2011200234. Our work was completed in general accordance with our scope of work and cost proposal, dated July 22, 2013. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Renton School District and their agents for specific application to this project. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been performed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices in effect in this area at the time our report was prepared. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EAKfH SCIENCES, INC. BWG/pc-KE/Jrui'OAZ · Profecrsl20IJ03i'O\KE\WP Page 1 Proposed Spring Glen Elememary School Pavement Improvements Remon, WashinR1on 2.0 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION Subs111face Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnica/ Engineering Repon Project and Site Conditions The project site is that of the existing Spring Glen Elementary School. The proposed project will include removing two portable classrooms and constructing hard surface improvements in several areas including: • A new parking area north of the annex building; • A new drop-off area south of the main building; • A new parking area west of the main building; • A new service area north of the main building; • New fire lane area; • New hard surfaced play area; and • A new concrete courtyard area west of the existing annex building. The existing buildings on-site will remain as they are. The portion of the site where existing buildings and paving are located is relatively flat and appears to have been graded to its current configuration during previous earthwork on-site. A slope at the north edge of the site descends approximately 25 feet at an inclination of approximately 1.6H: 1 V (Horizontal: Vertical) to meet the Nelson Middle School site. A slope on the west side of the existing buildings descends approximately 15 feet to the existing playfields at an inclination ranging from approximately 4H:1V to 5H: IV. The site appears to be affected by several geotechnical sensitive areas as defined by Renton Municipal Code (RMC), including: • The north slope appears to meet the RMC defmition for a High Landslide Hazard due to its geometry. • The west slope appears to meet the RMC definition for a Moderate to High Landslide Hazard due to its geometry. • The site contains areas that meet the RMC definition for High Erosion Hazard due to slope inclination and United States Soil Conservation Service mapping August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EAR11/ SQENCES, INC. BWG/pc-KElf037(Ml · l'roi«-"11tJJlOJMIXEIWP Page 2 Propos,d Spring Glen Elememary School Pavemem lmprovements Remon, Washington Subsurface Explorarion and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Project allfi Site Conditions • The site appears to lie within a Coal Mine Hazard Area as defined by RMC; however, more detailed maps than those that appear in RMC indicate that mapped coal mine hazards are adjacent to and not below the site. Sensitive areas are discussed in further detail later in this report. 3.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Our subsurface exploration completed for this project included advancing 12 hollow-stem auger soil borings. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the explorations completed for this study. The locations and depths of the explorations were completed within site and budget constraints. 3. l Exploration Borings The exploration borings were completed by advancing hollow-stem auger tools with a trailer-mounted drill rig. During the drilling process, samples were obtained at generally 2.5-to 5-foot-depth intervals. The exploration borings were continuously observed and logged by a representative from our firm. The exploration logs presented in the Appendix are based on the field logs, drilling action, and inspection of the samples secured. Disturbed but representative samples were obtained by using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedure in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):D 1586. This test and sampling method consists of driving a standard, 2-inch outside-diameter, split-barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer free-falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows for each 6-inch interval is recorded, and the number of blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is known as the Standard Penetration Resistance ("N") or blow count. If a total of 50 is recorded within one 6-inch interval, the blow count is recorded as the number of blows for the corresponding number of inches of penetration. The resistance, or N-value, provides a measure of the relative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils; these values are plotted on the attached exploration boring Jogs. The samples obtained from the split-barrel sampler were classified in the field and representative portions placed in watertight containers. The samples were then transported to our laboratory for further visual classification and laboratory testing. August 20, 2013 ASSOCJATED EAKT'H SCIENCES, INC. BWG/pc-K£130370A1-Proj«.nl101J0370\.KE\WP Page 3 Proposed Spring Glen Elementary School Paveme111 Improvements Renton, Washington 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface F.xp/oration and Preliminary Geotechnica/ Engineering Report Project and Site Conditions Subsurface conditions at the project site were inferred from the field explorations accomplished for this study, visual reconnaissance of the site, and review of selected applicable geologic literature. Because of the nature of exploratory work below ground, extrapolation of subsurface conditions between field explorations is necessary. It should be noted that differing subsurface conditions may sometimes be present due to the random nature of deposition and the alteration of topography by past grading and/or filling. The nature and extent of any variations between the field explorations may not become fully evident until construction. 4.1 Stratigraphy Surjicial Topsoil Exploration borings completed in unpaved areas encountered approximately 3 to 6 inches of topsoil and grass. Topsoil is not suitable for structural support, and should be stripped from structural areas. Excavated topsoil may be suitable for reuse in landscape areas if allowed by project specifications. Existing Paving Existing surficial asphalt paving was encountered at three exploration locations and was observed to be approximately 2 inches thick. Fill Existing fill was encountered in five of our exploration borings to a maximum depth of approximately 9 feet below the existing ground surface. The observed depth of existing fill at each exploration location is depicted on Figure 2. The existing fill was observed to be typically medium dense, and occasionally loose. The existing fill was of a similar texture to the existing undisturbed soils on-site, but with trace organic materials in some locations. The existing fill will require remedial preparation below planned paving. Excavated existing fill is suitable for reuse in structural fill applications if specifically allowed by project specifications, and if any organic or other deleterious materials are removed. Excavated existing fill material is expected to be wetter than optimum moisture content for compaction purposes and will require drying during dry site and weather conditions prior to use in compacted fills. Lodgement Till Each of the exploration borings encountered native sediments consisting of medium dense grading to very dense sand with varying silt and gravel content interpreted as Vashon August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. IWO/pc -KEJJOJ70A1 • /'roj,ct,\11J/J()l71M£\WP Page 4 Proposed Spring Glen Elemema,y School Pavemem Improvements Renton, Washington Subsurface Explomtion and Preliminary Georechnical Engineering Report Project and Site Conditions lodgement till. Lodgement till was deposited at the base of an active continental glacier and was compacted by the weight of the overlying glacial ice. Lodgement till is suitable for pavement support when properly prepared. Excavated lodgement till material is suitable for use in structural fill applications if suitable moisture conditions are achieved prior to compaction, and if such reuse is specifically allowed by project plans and specifications. At the time of exploration, we estimate that most or all of the lodgement till soils that we observed were above optimum moisture content for compaction purposes, and therefore, will require drying during favorable weather prior to compaction in structural fill applications. Our interpretations of subsurface conditions on-site are generally consistent with a published geologic map of the area, as represented by the Geologic Map of King County, Washington, by Derek B. Booth, Kathy A. Troost, and Aaron P. Wisher, 2006. The referenced map indicates that the site is underlain by lodgement till sediments, with small surface ex:posures of recessional outwash and Tertiary bedrock also mapped nearby. 4.2 Hydrology No ground water was observed in explorations completed for this study. Ground water may occur seasonally at this site "perched" above the underlying lodgement till, and possibly above existing fills. Perched ground water occurs when vertical infiltration is impeded by less-permeable soil layers, resulting in horizontal flow. The quantity and duration of perched ground water flow from an excavation will vary, depending on season, soil gradation, and adjacent topography. Ground water conditions should be expected to vary in response to changes in precipitation, on-and off-site land usage, and other factors. 4.3 Laboratory Testing As a part of our investigation, we completed one laboratory grain-size analysis on a sample of native site soils and one organic content analysis on a selected sample of existing fill soils. Copies of the laboratory reports are included in the Appendix. 4 .4 Infiltration Potential The site is underlain at shallow depths by lodgement till, covered in some locations by existing fill. Lodgement till is silty and dense, and is not suitable for use as a storm water infiltration receptor. Existing fill is not suitable for use as an infiltration receptor. Augusr 20, Z0/3 ASSOCIATED EA/U'H SCIENCES. INC. 6WG!pc-KEJ.JOj70Al-Proj«11\10/Jt)JlfJ,,KE\WP Page 5 Spring Gle11 E/eme111ary School Proposed Pavemem Improvements Rell/Oil, Washington Subswface Exploration a11d Pre/imi11ary Geotech11ica/ Engineering Report Geologic Hazards and Mitigations II. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS AND MITIGATIONS The following discussion of potential geologic hazards is based on the geologic, slope, and ground and surface water conditions, as observed and discussed herein. The discussion will be limited to slope stability, seismic, coal mine, and erosion issues. 5.0 SLOPE HAZARDS AND MITIGATIONS North Slope Area In our opinion, the slope on the north edge of the property meets the City of Renton definition for a High Landslide Hazard area due to its geometry. The slope is approximately 25 feet tall and is inclined at approximately 1.6H:1V. This slope is very uniform in appearance and is likely to have been constructed during site development of the Spring Glen Elementary School site and/or the adjacent Nelsen Middle School site. This slope is covered with mature vegetation including trees, grass, and undergrowth. We did not observe visual indications of active erosion, or visual indications of past or ongoing slope failures in this area. Exploration borings included with this report indicate that the slope is composed of very dense lodgement till, covered in some locations by existing fill. The existing fill was observed to be up to approximately 9 feet thick and ranged from loose to medium dense, with SPT blow counts ranging from 10 to 36 and averaging 21. The proposed project will include work near the north slope including paving existing gravel driveways and constructing paved parking areas in areas currently occupied by paved play areas and grass. We anticipate that these improvements will be constructed close to existing grades, without the need to raise grades substantially. In our opinion, the proposed improvements adjacent to the north slope will not substantially change the slope stability of the existing slope. No structural fill or new structures will be placed which would impose slope stability driving forces. The planned new paving will be provided with a storm water collection system, and better control of storm water in this area is expected to have a positive, though unquantifiable beneficial effect on slope stability. As part of this study, we completed a limited slope stability analysis of the north slope using the computer program Slope/W. Inputs for the slope stability model included site topography taken from the topographic survey, subsurface stratigraphy observed in our exploration borings, soil strength parameters estimated based on our previous experienced with similar soils and published references, and a seismic acceleration of 0.25g as required by the 2012 lnternational Building Code (IBC). We completed two analyses on the selected slope cross section, one modeling existing conditions and one modeling proposed conditions. The August 20, 20 /3 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. IIWG/pc -KE./J0310AZ · ProjtasllOJJOJ'JOIXEIWP Page 6 Spring Glen Eleme111ary School Proposed Pavemem lmprovemems Renton, Washington Subsuiface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Geologic Ha;.ards and Mitigations proposed new paving was represented by a surcharge load of 250 pounds per square foot (psi) in the slope model. Slope stability modeling results are attached to this report as Figures 4 and 5. Based on the slope stability modeling, the proposed new paving will have little effect on stability of the north slope and both existing and proposed conditions are characterized by factors of safety well in excess of the minimum of 1.1 under seismic conditions. West Slope Area In our opinion the slope between the existing school buildings and the existing natural turf play field on the west part of the site meets the RMC definition for a Moderate to High Landslide Hazard Area. This slope is approximately 15 feet tall and has an inclination that ranges from approximately 4H: l V to 5H: IV. Based on our exploration borings, this slope is composed of lodgement till covered by up to 7 feet of existing fill. The existing fill was observed to be loose to medium dense; with SPT "N" values of 9 and 13 in the two samples driven in fill in this area. Anticipated improvements in the west slope area would widen the upper building-level terrace by placing new fill, establishing a new top of slope, and constructing a new structural fill slope inclined at 2H: 1 V or flatter. The expanded area would be used to construct new paved parking and driveway areas. Execution of the pr~ject as currently proposed will result in removal of the existing west slope. The existing slope would be covered by new structural fill. The west edge of the new structural fill will consist of compacted fill material inclined at 2H: 1 V or flatter and provided with grass and/or landscape plants for erosion protection. The new fill should be keyed and benched into the existing site soils in accordance with the recommendations of this report. In our opinion, the new engineered structural fill slope that will replace the existing slope is expected to be in accordance with local standards of practice for man-made slopes with respect to stability and erosion potential. 6.0 COAL MINE HAZARDS The RMC includes a map of coal mine hazard areas. The map is published at a scale that offers little detail, but includes mapped coal mine hazard areas near the subject site. We reviewed King County iMap for more detailed coal mine hazard maps of the project area. The more detailed maps show mapped coal mine hazard areas below Nelson Middle School, north of the current project. Coal mine hazard areas are also mapped to the south of the site and extending below the extreme southwest corner of the site. This portion of the site is currently occupied by grass playfields and none of the currently proposed improvements is located in this August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. ~WGlpc -KEl10370A1 · Proj«Lf\201.lOJ](JI.Kfi.\WP Page 7 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavement Improvemems Remon, Washington Sul>swface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Geologic Hazards and Mi1iga1io11S area. In our opinion the currently proposed paving improvement project is not affected by mapped coal mine hazards. 7.0 SEISMIC HAZARDS AND MITIGATIONS The site is underlain primarily by lodgement till with relatively thin layers of surficial fill. The does not contain areas that meet City of Renton definitions for High Seismic Hazard areas in our opinion. We do not anticipate that construction of new paving warrants a detailed analysis of seismic hazards. 8.0 EROSION HAZARDS AND MITIGATIONS The following discussion addresses Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) erosion control regulations that will be applicable to the project. We anticipate that if the project complies with Washington State requirements, it will also be acceptable with respect to City of Renton requirements. As of October I, 2008, Ecology Construction Storm Water General Permit (also known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System [NPDES) permit) requires weekly Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (TESC) inspections and turbidity monitoring for all sites 1 or more acres in size that discharge storm water to surface waters of the state. Because we anticipate that the proposed project will not require disturbance of more than one acre, we anticipate that these inspection and reporting requirements will not be triggered. The following recommendations are related to general erosion potential and mitigation. The erosion potential of the site soils is high. Maintaining cover measures atop disturbed ground typically provides the greatest reduction to the potential generation of turbid runoff and sediment transport. During the local wet season (October IM through March 31'~. exposed soil should not remain uncovered for more than 2 days unless it is actively being worked. Ground-cover measures can include erosion control matting, plastic sheeting, straw mulch, crushed rock or recycled concrete, or mature hydroseed. Project planning and construction should follow local standards of practice with respect to temporary erosion and sedimentation control. Best management practices (BMPs) should include but not be limited to: • Provide storm drain inlet protection; • Route surface water away from work areas; August 20, 20/3 ASSOCIATED EAKI'H SCIENCES, INC. IIWG!pc -KEIJOJJG42 -hoj«t~llOJJOJl'O.KEIWP Page 8 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Paveme/ll Improvements Rell/on, Washington Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geo1echnical Engineering Report Geologic Hazards and Mi1iga1ions • Keep staging areas and travel areas clean and free of track-out; • Cover work areas and stockpiled soils when not in use; • Complete earthwork during dry weather and site conditions, if possible. A11gust 20, 20/3 IWG!pc -KEJ.J03Jll42 -/'rofrc.tsl20JJOJ7VIK£lWP ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC Page 9 Spring Glen Elememaiy School Proposed Paveme/11 lmprovemems Renton, Washington Subsuiface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnlcal Engineering Repon Preliminary Desisn Recommendations III. PRELIMINARY DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 9.0 INTRODUCTION Some portions of the site are underlain by a layer of surficial existing fill that is loose and variable. Existing fill warrants remedial preparation where it occurs below paving and similar lightly loaded structures. Structural fill or native sediments are suitable for support of storm water vault foundations, and paving with proper preparation. Where fill is placed on existing slopes 5H:1V or steeper, the fill should be keyed and benched into the existing soils. A typical keying and benching schematic is presented as Figure 3 of this report. 10.0 SITE PREPARATION Existing structures, paving, unused buried utilities, vegetation, topsoil, and any other deleterious materials should be removed where they are located below planned construction areas. All disturbed soils resulting from demolition activities should be removed to expose underlying undisturbed native sediments and replaced with structural fill, as needed. All excavations below final grade made for demolition activities should be backfilled, as needed, with structural fill. Erosion and surface water control should be established around the clearing limits to satisfy local requirements. Once demolition has been completed, existing fill should be addressed. The observed thickness of existing fill ranged up to approximately 9 feet. Observed thickness of existing fill at each exploration location is depicted on Figure 2. Below planned on-site paving, existing fill should be exposed, proof-rolled, and compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. If a firm and unyielding condition is achieved, no further remedial preparation would be needed. If yielding conditions are encountered, existing fill would be partially removed and replaced with imported structural fill. The depth of replacement of the existing fill below paving should be determined at the time of construction when field conditions are known. Alternatively, soil cement treatment could be used to complete remedial preparation of existing fill below planned new paving. 10.1 Soil Cement Treatment Treatment of weak and/or wet subgrade soils with Portland cement is often a cost effective way to provide support for new paving. Soil cement treatment could be considered at this site for preparation of paving subgrades underlain by existing loose fill as an alternative to removing and replacing or aerating soils that are too wet to compact. August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. 8WG/pc -KEIJOJ'l<Ml · ,rojtt:alJOl.1()J'1f>,KEJWP Page 10 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavement Improvements Renton, Washington Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Preliminary Design Recommendations Soil cement treatment consists of applying dry Portland cement powder to the surface of a soil area that has excess moisture prior to compaction. The cement powder is thoroughly mixed into the underlying soil to a pre-determined depth. Hydration of the Portland cement consumes the excess moisture, and allows the soil to be compacted to a firm and unyielding condition. The amount of cement powder that is required is a function of field moisture content versus laboratory optimum moisture content for compaction purposes. Typically, the geotechnical engineer and contractor review field conditions, and estimate an appropriate soil cement admixture rate to achieve the desired results. A test pad is then constructed with using the estimated amount of cement powder. Results are evaluated and the cement admixture ratio is fine-tuned based on initial results. Typical admixture percentages range from about 3 to 7 percent by dry weight. On-site soils should he assumed to have a dry unit weight of 135 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). For bidding purposes, any place that soil cement treatment is required, a soil cement admixture ratio of 5 percent by dry weight should be used. We recommend that the contract cement treatment base bid amount be converted to a cost per cubic yard of treated soil for application to payments in excess of the base bid, or credits for cement treatment volumes less than the base bid. Soil cement areas are typically not durable to vehicle traffic or other intensive uses, particularly during wet weather, unless very high soil cement admixture rates are used. The soil cement admixture rates recommended in this report are for stabilization of soils with above-optimum moisture content that will be paved or otherwise protected before they are exposed to vehicles or other loads. If the soil cement treated areas are to be exposed to construction traffic or other heavy use, they should be protected by a surficial layer of structural fill, by a layer of asphalt pavement surfacing or asphalt treated base (ATB), or should be completed with a higher cement admixture percentage. If these situations occur, we should be allowed to offer situation-specific recommendations. Soil cement treatment must be done in such a way that cement dust is controlled during completion of site work. This is typically accomplished through the use of flexible skirts on equipment used for application and mixing of the cement powder. Because the skirting and mixing equipment are specialized equipment, typically specialty contractors are retained for completion of soil cement work. In addition to dust control, permitting may require monitoring of storm water pH if soil cement treatment is used. In our experience, typically soil cement treated areas have a relatively short initial period of high storm water pH that rapidly decreases over time. In the short term, it may he necessary to detain runoff from soil cement areas and add dry ice or carbon dioxide diffusers to reduce pH to an acceptable level before discharge off-site. Typically, pH monitoring requirements will be imposed by either construction or storm water permitting. Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (AESI) can provide pH monitoring services concurrent with our other construction observation activities on-site if August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EAJITTI SCIENCES, INC. IWG!pc-KEJJOJ70Al -1'1o}«t1.\20JJ0170\KEIWP Page 11 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavement Improvements Renton, Washington S11bs11,face Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Preliminary Design Recommendations requested to do so. Project specifications may contain additional details regarding soil cement treatment that should be reviewed in addition to the information presented in this report. 10.2 Site Drainage and Surface Water Control The site should be graded to prevent water from ponding in construction areas and/or flowing into excavations. Exposed grades should be crowned, sloped, and smooth drum-rolled at the end of each day to facilitate drainage. Accumulated water must be removed from subgrades and work areas immediately prior to performing further work in the area. Equipment access may be limited, and the amount of soil rendered unfit for use as structural fill may be greatly increased, if drainage efforts are not accomplished in a timely sequence. If an effective drainage system is not utilized, project delays and increased costs could be incurred due to the greater quantities of wet and unsuitable fill, or poor access and unstable conditions. 10.3 Subgrade Protection To the extent that it is possible, existing pavement should be used for construction staging areas. If construction will proceed during the winter, we recommend the use of a working surface of sand and gravel, crushed rock, or quarry spalls to protect exposed soils, particularly in areas supporting concentrated equipment traffic. In winter construction staging areas and areas that will be subjected to repeated heavy loads, a minimum thickness of 12 inches of quarry spalls or 18 inches of pit run sand and gravel is recommended. If subgrade conditions are soft and silty, a geotextile separation fabric, such as Mirafi 500X or approved equivalent, should be used between the subgrade and the new fill. Subgrade protection could also be accomplished using Portland cement treatment as outlined earlier in this report. 10.4 Proof-Rolling and Subgrade Compaction Following the reconunended demolition, site stripping, existing fill removal, and planned excavation, the stripped subgrade within the planned paving areas should be proof-rolled with heavy, rubber-tired construction equipment, such as a fully loaded tandem-axle dump truck. Proof-rolling should be performed prior to structural fill placement or foundation excavation. The proof-roll should be monitored by the geotechnical engineer so that any soft or yielding subgrade soils can be identified. Any soft/loose, yielding soils should be removed to a stable subgrade. The subgrade should then be scarified, adjusted in moisture content, and recompacted to the required density. Proof-rolling should only be attempted if soil moisture contents are at or near optimum moisture content. Proof-rolling of wet subgrades could result in further degradation. Low areas and excavations may then be raised to the planned finished grade with compacted structural fill. Subgrade preparation and selection, placement, and compaction of structural fill should be performed under engineering-controlled conditions in accordance with the project specifications. Augusr 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EAKI'H SCIENCES, INC. IWG!pc-KEIJOJ7fJAZ · Proj«t.s120JJOJl(liK.E.IWP Page 12 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavemem Improvements Renton, Washington 10.5 Overexcavation/Stabilization Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Preliminary Design Recommendations Construction during extended wet weather periods could create the need to overexcavate exposed soils if they become disturbed and cannot be recompacted due to elevated moisture content and/or weather conditions. Even during dry weather periods, soft/wet soils, which may need to be overexcavated, may be encountered in some portions of the site. If overexcavation is necessary, it should be confirmed through continuous observation and testing by AES!. Soils that have become unstable may require remedial measures in the form of one or more of the following: I. Drying and recompaction. Selective drying may be accomplished by scarifying or windrowing surficial material during extended periods of dry and warm weather. 2. Removal of affected soils to expose a suitable bearing subgrade and replacement with compacted structural fill. 3. Mechanical stabilization with a coarse-crushed aggregate compacted into the subgrade, possibly in conjunction with a geotextile. 4. Soil/cement admixture stabilization. 10.6 Wet Weather Conditions If construction proceeds during an extended wet-weather construction period and the moisture-sensitive site soils become wet, they will become unstable. Therefore, the bids for site grading operations should be based upon the time of year that construction will proceed. It is expected that in wet conditions additional soils may need to be removed and/or other stabilization methods used, such as a coarse crushed-rock working mat, to develop a stable condition if silty subgrade soils are disturbed in the presence of excess moisture. The severity of construction disturbance will be dependent, in part, on the precautions that are taken by the contractor to protect the moisture-and disturbance-sensitive site soils. If overexcavation is necessary, it should be confirmed through continuous observation and testing by a representative of our firm. 10.7 Temporary and Permanent Cut Slopes In our opinion, stable construction slopes should be the responsibility of the contractor and should be determined during construction. For estimating purposes, however, we anticipate that temporary, unsupported cut slopes in the existing fill can be made at a maximum slope of I.SH:JV or flatter. Temporary slopes in unsaturated lodgement till may be planned at IH:IV. As is typical with earthwork operations, some sloughing and raveling may occur, and cut slopes may have to be adjusted in the field. If ground water seepage is encountered in cut slopes, or if surface water is not routed away from temporary cut slope faces, flatter slopes August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. BWG/p{ -KEJJOJi'VAl-Proj«IS\l0/3QJtUIK£\WP Page 13 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavement Improvements Renton, Washington Subswface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Preliminary Design Recommendar/01,s will be required. In addition, WISHA/OSHA regulations should be followed at all times. Permanent cut and structural fill slopes that are not intended to be exposed to surface water should be designed at inclinations of 2H: 1 V or flatter. All permanent cut or fill slopes should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM:D 1557, and the slopes should be protected from erosion by sheet plastic until vegetation cover can be established during favorable weather. 10.8 Frozen Subgrades If earthwork takes place during freezing conditions, all exposed subgrades should be allowed to thaw and then be recompacted prior to placing subsequent lifts of structural fill or foundation components. Alternatively, the frozen cnaterial could be stripped from the subgrade to reveal unfrozen soil prior to placing subsequent lifts of fill or foundation components. The frozen soil should not be reused as structural fill until allowed to thaw and adjusted to the proper moisture content, which may not be possible during winter months. 11.0 STRUCTURAL FILL All references to structural fill in this report refer to subgrade preparation, fill type and placement, and compaction of materials, as discussed in this section. If a percentage of compaction is specified under another section of this report, the value given in that section should be used. After stripping, planned excavation, and any required overexcavation have been performed to the satisfaction of the geotechnical engineer, the upper 12 inches of exposed ground in areas to receive fill should be recompacted to 90 percent of the modified Proctor cnaximum density using ASTM:D 1557 as the standard. If the subgrade contains silty soils and too much moisture, adequate recompaction may be difficult or impossible to obtain and should probably not be attempted. In lieu of recompaction, the area to receive fill should be blanketed with washed rock or quarry spalls to act as a capillary break between the new fill and the wet subgrade. Where the exposed ground remains soft and further overexcavation is impractical, placement of an engineering stabilization fabric may be necessary to prevent contamination of the free-draining layer by silt migration from below. After recompaction of the exposed ground is tested and approved, or a free-draining rock course is laid, structural fill cnay be placed to attain desired grades. Structural fill is defined as non-organic soil, acceptable to the geotechnical engineer, placed in maximum 8-inch loose lifts, with each lift being compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum density using ASTM:D 1557 as the standard. Use of soils from the site in structural fill applications is acceptable if the material meets the project specifications for the intended use, and if August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATW EAJrTH SCIENCES, INC. BWQ/pc-KEIJOJJVA2. f',o,fec1s\20J.Jt1J10IKE\WI' Page 14 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavemem Improvements Renton, Washington Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnica/ Engineering Report Preliminary Design Recommendations specifically allowed by project specifications. In the case of roadway and utility trench filling, structural fill should be placed and compacted in accordance with current City of Renton codes and standards. The top of the compacted fill should extend horizontally outward a minimum distance of 3 feet beyond the locations of the roadway edges before sloping down at an angle of 2H: l V. Structural fills with sloping faces that cannot be compacted directly by a vibratory roller should be compacted by over building, then cutting back to a compacted slope core. Track walking alone is not an effective means of compacting a structural fill slope. Where fill is placed on existing slopes 5H: 1 V or steeper, the fill should be keyed and benched into the existing soils in accordance with details depicted on Figure 3 of this report. The contractor should note that any proposed fill soils must be evaluated by AESI prior to their use in fills. This would require that we have a sample of the material 72 hours in advance to perform a Proctor test and determine its field compaction standard. Soils in which the amount of fine-grained material (smaller than the No. 200 sieve) is greater than approximately 5 percent (measured on the minus No. 4 sieve size) should be considered moisture-sensitive. Use of moisture-sensitive soil in structural fills should be limited to favorable dry weather conditions, and is only permitted if specifically allowed by project plans and specifications. The native and existing fill soils present on-site contained significant amounts of silt and are considered highly moisture-sensitive. Existing fill also contained trace organic materials in some areas, and soils with significant organic content (more than about 3 percent) are not suitable for reuse in structural fill applications. If fill is placed during wet weather or if proper compaction cannot be obtained, a select import material consisting of a clean, free-draining gravel and/or sand should be used. Free-draining fill consists of non-organic soil with the amount of fine-grained material limited to 5 percent by weight when measured on the minus No. 4 sieve fraction with at least 25 percent retained on the No. 4 sieve. A representative from our firm should inspect the stripped subgrade and be present during placement of structural fill to observe the work and perform a representative number of in-place density tests. In this way, the adequacy of the earthwork may be evaluated as filling progresses, and any problem areas may be corrected at that time. It is important to understand that taking random compaction tests on a part-time basis will not assure uniformity or acceptable performance of a fill. As such, we are available to aid the District in developing a suitable monitoring and testing program. 12.0 FOUNDATIONS We anticipate that a storm water vault may be constructed as part of the project. We anticipate that the vault will be located with a bottom elevation deeper than any existing fill, and will be directly supported on very dense lodgment till. Spread footings for a storm water vault may be August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EAKI'H SCIENCES. INC. IWG/pc.-KEJJ0.310A1 · l'r()j«nllOIJ().1'10!.KEIWP Page 15 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavement Improvements Renton, Washington Subswface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Repon Preliminary Design Recommendations designed with an allowable bearing pressure of 5,000 psf, including both dead and live loads. An increase of one-third may be used for short-term wind or seismic loading. Footings should be buried at least 18 inches into the surrounding soil for frost protection. However, all footings must penetrate to the prescribed bearing stratum, and no footing should be founded in or above organic or loose soils. All footings should have a minimum width of 18 inches. It should be noted that the area bound by lines extending downward at 1 H: IV from any footing must not intersect another footing or intersect a filled area that has not been compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM:D 1557. In addition, a l.5H:IV line extending down from any footing must not daylight because sloughing or raveling may eventually undermine the footing. Thus, footings should not be placed near the edge of steps or cuts in the bearing soils. Anticipated settlement of footings founded as described above should be on the order of 'l4 inch or less. However, disturbed soil not removed from footing excavations prior to footing placement could result in increased settlements. All footing areas should be inspected by AESI prior to placing concrete to verify that the design bearing capacity of the soils has been attained and that construction conforms to the recommendations contained in this report. Such inspections may be required by the governing municipality. Perimeter footing drains should be provided, as discussed under the "Drainage Considerations" section of this report. 12.1 Drainage Considerations Foundations should be provided with foundation drains. Drains should consist of rigid, perforated, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe surrounded by washed pea gravel. The drains should be constructed with sufficient gradient to allow gravity discharge away from the proposed vault. No other runoff should not be placed into the footing drain system. If the storm water vault cannot be provided with a footing drain that reaches foundation elevation, the foundation walls should be designed to resist hydrostatic pressures below the level of the foundation drain. 13.0 FOUNDATION WALLS All backfill behind foundation walls or around foundation units should be placed as per our recommendations for structural fill and as described in this section of the report. Horizontally backfilled walls, which are drained and free to yield laterally at least 0.1 percent of their height, may be designed to resist active lateral earth pressure represented by an equivalent fluid equal to 35 pcf. Fully restrained, drained, horizontally backfilled, rigid walls that cannot yield should be designed for an at-rest equivalent fluid of 50 pcf. Walls with sloping backfill A11gus1 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EA/ITH SCIENCES, INC. IJWGIJK ~ KEJJOJ70Al-Pro)«ull0130170\KE\WI' Page 16 Spring Gle11 Elementary School Proposed Pavemel!/ Improvements Renton, Washington Subsurface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engi11eering Report Prelimi11ary Design Recommendations up to a maximum gradient of 2H: l V should be designed using an equivalent fluid of 55 pcf for yielding conditions or 75 pcf for fully restrained conditions. If parking areas are adjacent to walls, a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of soil should be added to the wall height in determining lateral design forces. Where foundation walls cannot be provided with wall drains, we recommend designing for hydrostatic surcharge conditions, using equivalent fluid pressures of 55 pcf for yielding and 95 pcf for non-yielding conditions, respectively. As required by the 2012 !BC, retaining wall design should include a seismic surcharge pressure in addition to the equivalent fluid pressures presented above. Considering the site soils and the recommended wall backfill materials, we recommend a seismic surcharge pressure of 5H and !OH psf, where H is the wall height in feet, for the "active" and "at-rest" loading conditions, respectively. The seismic surcharge should be modeled as a rectangular distribution with the resultant applied at the midpoint of the walls. The lateral pressures presented above are based on the conditions of a uniform backfill consisting of excavated on-site soils, or imported structural fill compacted to 90 percent of ASTM:D 1557. A higher degree of compaction is not recommended, as this will increase the pressure acting on the walls. A lower compaction may result in settlement of the slab-on-grade or other structures supported above the walls. Thus, the compaction level is critical and must be tested by our firm during placement. Surcharges from adjacent footings or heavy construction equipment must be added to the above values. Perimeter footing drains should be provided for all retaining walls, as discussed under the "Drainage Considerations" section of this report. It is imperative that proper drainage be provided so that hydrostatic pressures do not develop against the walls. This would involve installation of a minimum, I-foot-wide blanket drain to within I foot of finish grade for the full wall height using imported, washed gravel against the walls. 13. I Passive Resistance and Friction Factors Lateral loads can be resisted by friction between the foundation and the natural glacial soils or supporting structural fill soils, and by passive earth pressure acting on the buried portions of the foundations. The foundations must be backfilled with structural fill and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density to achieve the passive resistance provided below. We recommend the following allowable design parameters: • Passive equivalent fluid = 250 pcf • Coefficient of friction = 0.30 August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EA1U'll SCTENCES, INC. BWG/p( -KEl1037DA2 · Proj«.tsilOJJ0170\KE\WP Page 17 Spring Glen Elememary School Proposed Pavemem Improvements Renton, Washington 14.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Subs,uface Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Prelimillllry Design Recommendmions Pavement areas should be prepared in accordance with the "Site Preparation" section of this report. If the stripped native soil or existing fill pavement subgrade can be compacted to 95 percent of ASTM:D 1557 and is firm and unyielding, no additional overexcavation is required. Soft or yielding areas should be overexcavated to provide a suitable subgrade and backfilled with structural fill or treated with cement as previously discussed. The pavement sections included in this report section are for driveway and parking areas on-site, and are not applicable to right-of-way improvements. At this time, we are not aware of any planned right-of-way improvements; however, if any new paving of public streets is required, we should be allowed to offer situation-specific recommendations. Pavement subgrades underlain by existing fill should be prepared in accordance with the "Site Preparation" section of this report. The exposed ground should be recompacted to 95 percent of ASTM:D 1557. If required, structural fill may then be placed to achieve desired subbase grades. Upon completion of the recompaction and structural fill, a pavement section consisting of 2'h inches of asphaltic concrete pavement (ACP) underlain by 4 inches of l 'A-inch crushed surfacing base course is the recommended minintum in areas of planned passenger car driving and parking. In heavy traffic areas, a minimum pavement section consisting of 3 inches of ACP underlain by 2 inches of '!,-inch crushed surfacing top course and 4 inches of 1 \4-inch crushed surfacing base course is recommended. The crushed rock courses must be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density, as determined by ASTM:D 1557. All paving materials should meet gradation criteria contained in the current Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications. Depending on construction staging and desired performance, the crushed base course material may be substituted with A TB beneath the final asphalt surfacing. The substitution of A TB should be as follows: 4 inches of crushed rock can be substituted with 3 inches of ATB, and 6 inches of crushed rock may be substituted with 4 inches of ATB. ATB should be placed over a native or structural fill subgrade compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative density, and a l 'h-to 2-inch thickness of crushed rock to act as a working surface. If ATB is used for construction access and staging areas, some rutting and disturbance of the ATB surface should be expected. The general contractor should remove affected areas and replace them with properly compacted ATB prior to final surfacing. 15.0 PROJECT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Our report is preliminary since project plans had not been developed at the time this report was written. We recommend that AESI perform a gcotechnical review of the plans prior to final August 20, 2013 ASSOCIATED EAK11I SCIENCES, INC. IWG/pc-KEJ301'10A2 • ho/«1'1/IJIJQ1701KEIWP Page 18 Spring Glen Elementary School Proposed Pavement Improvements Renton, Washington Subsu,face Exploration and Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Preliminary Design Recommendations design completion. In this way, we can confirm that our earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design. We are also available to provide geotechnical engineering services during construction. Construction monitoring services are not part of this current scope of work. If these services are desired, please let us know, and we will prepare a cost proposal. We have enjoyed working with you on this study and are confident that these recommendations will aid in the successful completion of your project. If you should have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. Kirkland, Washington Bruce W. Gilenzler, L.E.G. Senior Project Geologist Attachments: Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Appendix: August 20, 2013 Vicinity Map Site and Exploration Plan Typical Key and Bench Detail Kurt D. Merriman, P.E. Senior Principal Engineer Slope Stability Cross Section A-A' Existing Conditions Slope Stability Cross Section A-A' Proposed Conditions Exploration Logs · Laboratory Testing Results A.SSOCM.TED E.4RTH SCTENCES, INC. AIWG/pc -XEJ 30Ji'l:U2 -Projecu\201J03?0\KE\WP Page 19 • E ;ll REFERENCE: USGS TOPOI ! !" Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. ]i i~@~~m VICINITY MAP SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY RENTON, WASHINGTON 2000 FEET FIGURE 1 DATE 8/13 PROJ. NO. KE130370A i 1 NAlURAL GROU«> ~y r PROPOSED --1 ......... """'"'" I• •I ....... ' ' ... ... ... -,, ... ... -- COMl"'CTED RLl.S SHALL BE BENCHES INTO SUITABLE MATERIAi. AS APPROVED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. THS APPUES TO ALL FllL lNHERE NATURAL GRADE IS !5H:1V OR STEEPER MIN3' ... ... I ............. , I',, ...... _ ~ FINISHED SURFACE / COMPACTED All ---.......... __ -- ~ -------=MUM2'1NTO ~--::_---UM DENSE ----NATURAL SEDIMENT --- 1 ---- ' 8' ,I ----- 1%MIN '- BACKSLOPE ', I j 1=A=S80Cl==.a=ted=Earth==Sci=.en=ces=,Inc=.=======K=EY=A=N=D=B=E=N=C=H=S=C=H=E=M=A=J=IC===========F=,ou=R=E=3 = : IE] I ~I E:l IZ:il lia SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY DATE 8113 ! tl/!!!ll!I . .. l:!Bil -llliil RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJ. NO. KE13D370A ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ .i w .. • . . . . • . • . • . ·. . . • • . • • . . • . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '"' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . • • •• •• •• •• •• •• 1 : •• •• •• •• •• • • • . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ~ . . .. .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . • ·. . . • • • . . • . . • • • ·. · . . . . . . . . . . · . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • • . • • • • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . · . • . • ·. Spring Glen Elementary School Slope Stability Cross Section A-A' Seismic Conditions With No Surcharge (Existing Condition) MQIE: BLACK AND \M·ffTE REPRODUCTION OF THIS COLOR ORIGINAL MAY REDUCE ITS EFFECTIVENESS AND LEAD TO INCORRECT INTERPRETATION. Name: Existing Fill Unit Weight: 125 pcf Cohesion: O psf Phi: 30 ' Name: Lodgement Till Unit Weight: 135 pcf Cohesion: 400 psf Phi: 38 ° ; Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. SLOPE STABILITY CROSS-SECTION A-f!,;. EXISTING CONDITIONS FIGURE 4 DATE 8/13 ~ mi] r.:;:l l',l;:l [}"'ZI ij]1j1 SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY ~ ~ W ~ IBJ n..l RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJ. NO. KE130370A N $ 11 t fil ~ § i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ' . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ...... •• •• •. '• 1 6 •• •• • ••••• •• •• •• •• •• • ••• •• • • . • ... ·• ·. •. · ..... ~·. ·• •. •. •. •, ·. ·. ·• •. •, .. ·. ·. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ........... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. Spring Glen Elementary School Slope Stability Cross Section A-A' Seismic Conditions With Surcharge (Proposed Condition) MQIE: Bl.ACK ANO '/lr!ITE REPRODUCTION OF THIS COLOR ORIGINAL MAY REDUCE ITS EFFECTIVENESS AND LEAD TO INCORRECT INTERPRETATION. Name: Existing Fill Unit Weight: 125 pcf Cohesion: 0 psf Phi: 30' Name: Lodgement Till Unit Weight: 135 pcf Cohesion: 400 psf Phi: 38' j ; Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. SLOPE STABILITY CROSS-SECTION A-A' PROPOSED CONDITIONS FIGURE 5 i fa] rr, ~ ~ ~ SPRING GLEN ELEMENTARY DATE 8113 I ~ L1.J [!li!I ial5l n..l RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJ. NO. KE130370A APPENDIX .2 u I! j 0 isl 0 z C 0 il .E ! :,~ i I ~ ~ . ,I 0 ., ... .. j l Well-graded gravel and GW gravel with sand, little to no firies Poorly-graded gravel and gravel with sand, little to no lines Silty gravel and silty GM gravel with saoo Clayey gravel and GC clayey gravel with sand Wall-graded sand and sw sand with gravel, little to no fines Silty sand and SM silty sand with gravel Clayey sand and sc clayey sand with gravel SIil, •andy silt, gravely sfft, ML silt with sand or gravel Clay of low to medium CL plastlcity; silty, sandy, or gravelly clay, lean clay Organic clay or silt of low OL plasticity Terms Describing Relative Density and Consistency Density SPT121 blowsffoot Very Loose o to 4 Loose 4 to 10 Medium Dense 10 to 30 Dense 30 to 50 Very Dense >50 Coarse· Grained Soils Test Symbols G • Grain Size Consistency SPT12hlowsffoot M = Moisture Content A = Atterberg Limits C = Cherricaf Very Soft o to 2 Soft 2 to 4 Medium Stiff 4 to 8 Fino- Grained Soils DD -Dry Density K = Permeability Stiff 81015 Very Stiff 15 to 30 Hard >30 Descriptive Term BouSdsrs Component Definitions Size Range and Sieve Number Larger than 12' Cobbles 3'to12' Gravel coarse Grawl Fine Gravel 3'toNo. 4 (4.75 mm) 3'to 3/4" 3/4" to No. 4 (4.75 mm) sand Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand No. 4 (4 75 ITVTI) 10 No 200 (0.075 mm) No. 4 (4.75mm) to No .. 10(2.00mm) No. 10 (2.00 nvn) to No. 40 (0.425 nvn) No. 40 (0.425 mm) to No. 200 (0. 075 nm) Sitt and Clay SrneRer then No 200 (fl.075 mm) C3 ) Estimated Percentage Moisture Content Component Percentage by Dry · Absence ol moisture, Weight dusty, d!y to the touch Trace Few Little Wth ~5 Sflghtly Moist -Perceptible 5to10 molslu'e 15 to 25 Moist • Damp bu\ no '""Ible • Non-pm,ary coan,e water constituents: ~ 15% Very Moist~ Walarvisble bu1 -Fines content between not free ctalnlng 5%and 15% Wei -Visible free waler, usuaHy from below water table Blows/6"· or portion of B' Symbols / Sampler Type : Description • 3.t1 OD Spit-Spoon Sampler 325• OD Splt-5poon Aing Sampler 3.t1 OD Thin-Wall Tube SBfTlller • ftnduding Shelby lube) Portion not recovered .. , -· .... :. Flle<peckwlh : blllnlt casing ·-·-:· ; ~- •• wllh liter pack • Endc:ap i'I Percentage by dry weight iW--+--_:_------1121 (SP1) Standord-rationTest (ASTM D-1586) 141 Deplh ol ground water :J ATD -Al limo ol dTlling .V. Static water -(date) Peal, muck and other PT highly organic soils 131 In General Accordance with Standwd Practice for Desaiplion and fdentlficalion ol Soils (ASlM D-2488) 111 Combined uses symbols used tor flnss ba!waen 5% and 15"' 1 ctossllfeallons olsofls In llis report are based on --and/or~ obse!vallonl, which,,_ donsly~. molskQ ...-i, grain-. and plaodclly elllknoln ..i -.id nol be--, lo Imply lletcl 0< ,._loly teoUng unless pcnonled ""'""'· -andlorfaboralooy ca_, I :metlw,d==s=ol=ASTM==D-2=48=7=and=D=·=24=M=we=re=us=ed=•=·=.,=ldo=,-==Uoi=,gulde==fO<=lhe=u.tllo==d=Scl=cto=-===Syolem==·============== J Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. r•~lllam EXPLORATION LOG KEY FIGURE A1 Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exnlorati..,n Loa ~ [i] ~ Ml tif:l Projecl Number I Exploration Number I Sheel __ ;-'ii.-· , KE130370A EB-1 1 of 1 Project Name Sllring Gl!a!!l Elem!a!Ol!!tY Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Location Beo!QD WA "" Datum tllll\ Driller/Equipment ~ffi,!)rill/~L Date StarVFlnlsh 8/Zll 3 8/Zll 3 Hammer Weight/Drop Hole Diameter (in) Biacbes g ~ .90 .~ ,1. ~ ~ ~~ 'i! ~l Blows/Foot " C "" ... 1i s E e"' 3:e a; " T ~ (!J"' 1,j-C C (/) DESCRIPTION 8 ;i:"' 15 10 20 30 40 Asnhalt - Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense, very moist, reddish brown grad~ to gray, line to mechum s"t I SAND, with silt, little fine gravel, trace organics ( M). 12 .6.12 7 ' 5 i Drilling becomes harder -5 Very dense, very moist, mottled gray, fine lo coe.rse SAND, with silt, little fine gravel; nonstratified {SM). 23 S"2 31 "66 35 Bottom of exploration boring at 6 5 feet No ground watet encountered I >-10 I I I -15 M ii il i i Sampler Type (ST): ~ [[) 2' OD Spilt Spoon Sampler (SPT) 0 No Recovery M. Moisture Logged by: BWG i [I) 3' OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample ~ Water Level O ~by: [!)] Grab Sample 12] Shelby Tube Sample~ Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) Associated Earth Sciences, lnc. Exoloratlon Lua ~ w~~m Project Number I Exploration Number I Sheol ' KE130370A EB-2 1 of 1 Project Name S,iring ~l!!Q E1!1Dl!1!lll!!ll Ground Surface Eleva1ion (ft) Location B!1!l1Q!l, w A Dalum tll/A Driller/Equipment ~!o~prill l li!. Date StarVFinish Bl1ll 3 8/Zll 3 Hammer Weight/Drop Hole Dlameler (in) Biacbes g l! Q :s ~ ]~ ! Blows/Foot .. J: 'iS. }[ "!,a >-a s i ;::E ii ~ .. T Cl</l Cl 8 ';: ID DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 '· :. !f':. Gravel SUrlace - FIii Medium dense, very moist, dark bfOWI\ line to medium SAND, with sm. low fine to coarse gravel, trace organ.CS (SM) 5 s-1 13 at, 14 ' 5 Grades to trace to few organics. S-2 4 ... ,. 6 8 ; Harder drilling al 9 leel, Vashon Lodgement TIii ------~ L 10 Dense, very moist to wet (no free waterk mottled brown, 11ne SANO, wtth silt, little fine to ooarse gravel; nonstrati led (SM). 14 • S-3 18 be 20 Bottom ol uploratlon boring al 11.5 leet No ~nd water encountered i L 15 ~ : 2 ~ Sampler Type (ST): ~ (0 2' 00 Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) O No Recovery M·Molslute Logged by: BWG ; [[] 3• oo Sptil Spoon sampler (D 11. M) 11 Ring samp1e '¥-Water LeYOI () App,vved by: ., ii,J Grab Sample 0 Shelby Tube Sample~ Water Lovet al lime of drilling (ATD) ~ Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exnlorat1on Loa ~ [i] ~ ~ ~ Project Number I Exploration Number I Sheet -KE130370A EB-3 1 of 1 Project Name Sr,[ing gl!!n Elementa[ll Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Location B!!ntgn, WA Datum tll/11 Driller/Equipment gilJl9ffl/iDrill l llL Date Start/Finish BtzlJ 3 8tzll 3 Hammer WeighVDrop Hole Diameter (in} 8 incbes 14 #_:J_' ~ }. ~ g 1'I .lLs .; ~ sg Blows/Foot " .c 1i CLE -" ,-m-l!; ~ 1i s E e"' ,:~ .. " ~ "'U) -!2 Cl T (J) 8 ~"' 5 DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 ~-~ Grass and Topsoil '·' Vashon Lodgement Till Medium dense, moist, light brown, line to medium SANO, with silt, few fine ' ... , S-1 gravel (SM). 10 11 .· I . -5 Very dense, moist, mottled rsay, fine to coarse SAND, with silt, few fine to S-2 · coarse gravel; nonstratitied SM). 28 ~ '"SOI • Bottom of exploration boring at 6 s feet No f70Und water encountered ~ 10 ' 15 ~ 1'j i! l " " Sampler Type (Sn: c ~ ~ [Il 2' 00 Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) D No Reoovery M -Moisture logged by: BWG i [I] 3" 00 Split Spoon Sampler (0 & M) IJ Ring Sample ~ Water Level () Appr<>1Nld by: .. ~ Grab Sample 0 Shelby Tuba Sample.!'. Water Leval at time of drlling (ATO) ~ Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exoloratlon L,..,n ~ [iJ ~~ m Project Number I Exploration Number I Sheet KE130370A EB-4 1 of 1 Project Name S11ting Gl~o !;lemenlan, Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Looation B!i!DIQD WA Dalum Ill/A Driller/Equipment G,loaWil:ltill l ~L Date Start/Finish 8a./l3 8a./l3 Hammer Weight/Drop Hole Diameter (in} Biacb8s 14 # (3_' g I ll _j !j Blows/Foat I .c ~f ... C. s E ! ~ ~ T .. (!) (/) ~"' B "' DESCRIPTION 0 10 20 30 40 -As-t Fill i Loose. very moist, mixed brown and dark brown, fine to ooerse SAND, with i silt, little line gravel, traoe organics (SM). • S-1 4 •10 ! 6 ... 5 Becomes medium dense S-2 .· 6 ... , 7 8 Harder drHilng at 81eet. ! Vuhon Lodgemant TIii I ~ 10 Very dene, moist, mottlod gray, tine to coarse SAND, with silt, Nttle fine gravel; nonstratifled (SM). 16 S-3 26 ~50 24 Bollom al exploration boring at 11 s leet ' 15 ~ Ii ls . i1 i Sampler Type (Sl): I]] 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler ($Pl) 0 No Recovery M • Moisture logged by: BWG ; Ill 3' OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample ~ Wat« Level O Apprcwmby: ., ~ Grab Sample IZ] Shelby Tube Sample~ Water Lewi at time of driHing (ATD) ~ Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exalorat1on Loa f----,,-,-~~--~----'==a!"'-c~=;~-=C"'-~---~~----l Project Number I Exploration Number I Sheet KE130370A EB-5 1 of 1 Ground Surface Elevation (rt) Project Name Location Driller/Equipment Hammer Weight/Drop Spring Glen Elementary Renton. WA Datum -'N'</uA'--~~---- Data StarVFinish BOil 3 BOil 3 g .c ! s-1 -5 S-2 . -10 f-15 DESCRIPTION AsUILll.lt FIH Medium dense, very moist, mottled brown, fine to mecJium SAND, with slit, few fine gravel, trace coarse gravel and cobbles (in drill action) (SM). Vashon Lodgement THI Medium dense, very moist, mottled gray, line to coarse SAND, with sAt, little fine to coarse gravel; noostratified (SM). Bottom ol explofalion boring at 6 5 Jeet No ground water encountered f_· Sampler Type (ST}: >< [I] 2' OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 0 No Recovery M · Moisture ; [I] 3' OD Split Spoon Sampler (0 & M) I] Ring Sample 'SJ. Waler Level O Hole Diameter (in) 8 inch8s 6 9 8 9 10 13 Blows/Foot 10 20 30 40 I .. 7 Logged by: BWG Approved by: I ; ~ Grab Sample 0 Shelby Tube Sample :f Water Level allime of drilling (ATD) '"--------------'"--"'----'---------------------' Associated Earth Sdences, Inc. Exoloratlon L..,a ~w~lwl~ Project Number 1 Exploration Number Sheet --·•. KE130370A EB-6 1 of 1 Project Name S11riag Gl!!n El!!men1,m1 Ground Surlace Elevation (ft) location Benion. WA DallITI Nill Driller/Equipment ~l&f?&iPrill l ~!. Date Start/Finish 81Zll3 81Zll3 Hammer Weight/Drop Hole Diameter (in) Biacbas e: ~ l· .. ; ii 1;i t l =• ~1 Blows/Foot {!?. ""li s I! >, 3: E lo C T (!) Cl) 8 ~ iil .c DESCRIPTION 10 20 :JO 40 0 ~ .. !( \ Grau and T--... H Vashon Lodgement TIii Very dense, moist, ltt brown. fine to medium SAND, with snt, few fine 5-1 gravel; nonstratifled SM). t9 ~ !50/! > -5 Becomes mottled gray. S-2 ~ "SOI!. Bottom of e,ploralion bo<i"<l at 6 leet No ~nd water encounlered ' i -10 -15 ~ ii !ii ] i ~ Sampler Type (ST): ~ I] 2" OD Spilt Spoon Sampler (SPT) D No Recovery M -Moisture Loggodby: BWG ; [] 3" 00 Spilt Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample ~ Water Level O Approved by: .. I!!! Gl'III> Sample 0 Shelby Tube Sami>•:r. Water Level at time or drilling (ATD) !I Associated Earth Sdences, Inc. Exolorat1on Loa ~ w~~ ~ Project Number I Exploration Number I Sheet . KE130370A EB-7 1 of 1 Project Name S11ring Gl!la !;;l!lmsln!a[)I Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Loca1ion B!i!ntQn, WA Datum 111111 Driller/Equipment ~1\lloa%0[ill / XL Date Start/Finish 8a./l38a./l3 Hammer WeighVDrop 4 #(3 ' Hole Diameter (in) B inches g -~ J. ~ lll 2:g ;; ~~ Blows/Foot C % 1i -lie ;;cl. ii I- s E a~ S: E ! C T .. 0 <Jl DESCRIPTION 8 s: "' 10 20 30 40 ·:~·:is-. Grass and To-oll I All Medium dense, moist, mottled brown, fine to medium SAND, with silt, little fine gravel (SM). 13 S-1 12 .O.:e, 13 I . -5 Dense, moist, brown, line to coarse SAND, with sit, few fine to coarse gravel (SM) 10 S-2 15 ... , ' 21 Vashon Lo<lgement TIii . ' -10 -S-3 I Very dense, moist, brown, fine to coarse SAND, with silt, few fine gravel; nonstratifled (SM). 18 S·4 23 ·~63 40 BcAt001 of exploration bomg at 12 feet No ground water erax.in1ered -15 I ~ ~ ,i j ~ "' Sampler T~pe (ST]: 0 ~ rn 2' OD Spilt Spoon Sampler (SPT] D No Recovery M -Mois1ure Loggod by: BWG i [] 3' OD Spilt Spoon Sampler (0 & M) I] Ring Sample :Ii'. Water Level 0 Approved by: ~ Grab Sample 0 Shelby Tube Samplo l'. Water Loval at time of drilling (A TD) Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exoloratlon L.,o ~w~~m Project Number I ExploraUon Number Sheet KE130370A EB-8 1 of 1 Project Name Sll[itlg Gleo Elf!ffi!!Ollil)' Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Location Bf!O!QD WA Datum 111111 -·--· -~ DriUer/Equipment ~~.P[illlX!. Date StarVFinish 8£Z/l38£Zll3 Hammer WeighUDrop Hole Diameler (in) Bioches g :ts !i J. J!'l l!l it ~1 Blows/Foot :l .c 1'I. c.e I- 1 s j 5in' ! a T 8 f"' DESCRIPTION u 10 20 30 40 ,, :~· ), Gras, Ind Topsoil FIN Medtum dense, moist, brown and dark brown. fine to medium SANO, with slit, little fine gravel, trace organics (SM). 7 S-1 5 "'13 • . ~ 5 Becomes loose. S-2 3 ' g .... 3 6 Harder drUling at 7 leet. Vnhon Lodgement Tin 1 . -10 Very dense, moist, mottled gray, fine to coarse SAND, with s~t. few fine 5.3 .· gravel; nonstrallfied (SM). ~ 50' Bottom of exp!Oralion boring at 11 faet: No ground water ercounlered -15 " i<i l, i ~ ~ Sampler Type (ST): I (D 2" OD SplH Spooo Sampler (SPT) 0 No Recovery M • Moloturo logged by: BWG a rn 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample :';c Water Level 0 Approved by: ~ Grob Sample 0 Shelby Tube Sample~ Wotor Lewi at time al drilling (ATD) ~ Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exnlorat1un Lon ~ [I] ~ [wl ~ Project Number I Exploration Number Sheet . KE130370A EB·9 1 of 1 Project Name Spring (,1110 El!!m!!nlary Ground Surface Elevation (ft) Location B1mtQD, W8 Datum tlllA Driller/Equipment (a!;lo!J9%Qrill / XL Date Start/Finish 8all3 Ba/13 Hammer Weight/Drop 14Q# ·3_" Hole Diameter (in) 8 iocbes g 0 ~-g l· j!l ~ Q. .8 ~i Blows/Foot I £ C. ~~ I- C. s E t""t ;;: ~ l6 ~ T ~ (!)CJ) ;; -.c C <I) DESCRIPTION 8 ;;: cc 5 10 20 30 40 ~·.; Gross and Topsoil I S·l Vashon Lodgement TIii I 12 &33 Dense, moist, mottled brown grading to mottled gray, fine to Medium ! 14 SAND, with sHt, trace fine gravel (SM). 19 I I . -5 Becomes very dense, mottled gray. S-2 23 35 'BS 50 . ' I -10 As above. 22 S-3 ~-'>S(ll . Bottom of e:,i;ploration boring at 11 feel No ground water encountered -15 ~ 0 N g j 2 " Sampler Type (ST): la! ll [I) 2" OD Spin Spoon Sampi.r (SPT) 0 No Recovecy M -Moisture Logged by: BWG I rn 3" OD Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample '¥-Water Level () Approved by: ~ Grab Sample lZJ Shelby Tube Sample Y. Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) ' Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. Exnloratlon L,.,a ~[i] ~!wBffl Project Number I Exploration Number Sheet -KE130370A EB-10 1 of 1 Project Name SQciog Glaa Elam1mta[ll Ground Surtace Elevatioo (ft) Locatioo B1a1o111a. WA Datum fll/A Driller/Equipment Tfo!o?~%prill / XL Date Start/Finish Ba/13 Ba/13 Hammer WeighVDrop Hale Diameter (in) ' Biocbes g C J. ~ " ~, ,g .. ~i Blows/Foot .. .c C. ~-! ... C. s E ~ >, ~E ~ • T .. (!)</) I-~ Q "' DESCRIPTION 8 1' CD 10 20 JO 40 L ... ( ~ l:il'ISS and Topsoil I Vashon Lodgement THI ' Very dense, moist, mottled gray to gray, fine to coarse SAND, wtth silt, lew "' S-1 fine gravel (SM). M 82 -5 Becomes gray. 5-2 32 OI• 50/•. ' I I I . . ~ 10 I S-3 . AsaboVe . ~· , 'SOI • ----- Bollom ol exploralion bOri1g It 1 o 5 feel No ground water l!lf'ICCUlllerecl i -15 .. iii Iii I ~ " Sampler Tl'IJ8 (ST): I [[] 2· 00 Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) 0 NoRocowry M • Moisture Loggodby: BWG ; [[] 3" 00 Split Spoon Sampler (D & M) I] Ring Sample "SJ. Water Level O ~by: ~ Grob Sample 1Z1 Shelby Tube Sample~ Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) ~ Associated Earth Sciencesr Inc. Exolorat1un Lon ~ [iJ ~ ~ !Ia Project Number I Exploration Number 1 Sheet -. KE130370A EB-11 1 of 1 Projecl Name S11tiog Glen Element;i.[}' Ground Surlace Elevation (tt) Loca1lon Beaton. WA --Datum t,J/A Driller/Equipment ~~lf!F:~Prill I XL. Date StarVFinish 8ail38ail3 Hammer Weight/Drop ~4 #---3~11 Hole Diameter (in) 8 iocbes g ~ u--1 }. l/! .. "' :c-8 -3 ~ Blows/Foot .. _c li "-E ;;li I- ii-s E !! >, ~ 3 a, T ~ "'CJ) ~~ ~ .Q ~ 0 CJ) DESCRIPTION Q ~ a, 10 20 30 40 ~-~ Grass and Topsoil Vashon Lodgement TIii S-1 Medium dense, moist, brown, fine to Medium SAND, with silt, few fine 10 " 8 gravel (SM). ! 10 .. 8 ' ~ 5 Becomes very dense, gray. S-2 16 34 70 36 . Bottom or exploration boring al 6 5 feet No ground waler encountered -10 '-15 ! ! ' ~ il 0 N 1 ~ ~ Sampler Type (ST); ~ [Il 2" OD Split Spoon Sampler (SPT) D No Recovery M -Moisture Logged by: BWG ; [Il 3" OD Splil Spoon Sampler (D & M) [] Ring Sample "l Water Level I) Approved by: ~ Grab Sample 0 Shelby Tube Sample~ Water Level at time of drilling (ATD) ~ Associated Ec1rth Sciences, Jnr. Exaloration L.,a ~ rn~~m Project Number I Exploration Number ! Sheet KE130370A EB-12 I 1 of 1 . I Project Name S11tiag Glen Elementaiy Ground Surface Elevation (It) Location Beatca WA Datum 1'11111 Driller/Equipment ~,Ptilll)(L Date Start/Finish Ba./13 8lZll3 Hammer Weight/Drop Hole Diameter (in) ' 8 iccbes g fl -1 ]. J!l I ~1 Blows/Fool X: i C. ~! f-s E 5 T ,l! "(/) 1o -5 0 8 s: " DESCRIPTION 10 20 30 40 ,, '1." ' Grass and Topsoil VHhon Lodgement Till ·, . Very dense, moist, mottled gray, fine to coarse SAND, with slit, little line S-1 gravel; nonstratifled (SM). 25 :., -~50'!. ~ 5 S-2 Becomes gray. O'l" . ''°"' Bottom ol explol'atlon boring at s s feet No ground waler eo;;ountered -10 15 ~ 2 I! l ~ ~ Sampler Type (ST): ~ ~ rn 2' 00 Spllt Spoon Sampl« (SPT) D No Recovery M • Moisture l.ogglcl by: BWG i rn 3' 00 Spllt Spoon Sampler (D & M) I) Ring Sample .ll Water Level () Approved t,v: ~ Grab Sample IZI Shelby Tube Sample~ Wat• Level at time ol drilling (A TD) GRAIN SILc ANALYSIS -MECHAt-.i1CAL Date Sam pied Project Project No. Soil Description 08/07/2013 Spring Glen Elementarv KE130370A Sand with silt, few gravel Tested By Location EB/EP No l~epth BCM/MS EB-3 0.5 Ft Wt of moisture wet sample+ Tare 229.29 Total Sample Tare 519.11 Sieve No. ~ ! u: i: • ~ • A. 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 3/4 3/8 #4 #8 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 #270 100 80 60 40 20 0 100 3• 217.62 98.32 119.3 10% Total Sample wt + lare Total Sample Wt Total Sample Dry Wt 1057.83 538.7 490.7 Specification Reouirements Diam. fmml Wt. Retained rn 1 % Retained % Passlnn Minimum Maximum 76.1 0.0 100.0 -- 64 0.0 100.0 -. 50.8 0.0 100.0 . . 38.1 0.0 100.0 . . 25.4 0.0 100.0 . . 19 22.72 4.6 95.4 9.51 34.39 7.0 93.0 4.76 42.54 8.7 91.3 2.38 49.61 10.1 89.9 2 51.38 10.5 89.5 0.85 61.51 12.5 87.5 0.42 87.71 17.9 82.1 0.25 138.64 28.3 71.7 0.149 188.1 38.3 61.7 0.074 238.93 48.7 51.3 0.053 254.79 51.9 48.1 US STANDARD SIEVE NOS. 314" N04 N01fl N040 N0200 - I ' -- ' "" ...... - i ' ! --~ 10 0.1 0.01 Gravel Saud Silt and Clay Coarse I Fine Coarse I Medium I Fine Grain Size, mm ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. ;11 51h Ave, Suite 100 Kiiidand, WA lil8033 425-827·7701 FAX 425-827-542" Associated E a r t h Sc i e n .. e s , I n c . Moisture, Ash, and Or HQnlc Matter of Peat ~ ~ ~ and Other Organic Soils -ASTM 2974 Date Sampled Project Project No. Soll Description 8/7/2013 Sorina Glen Elementaru KE130370A Fine to medium sand with sit Tasted By Location EB/EP No. 'Depth Few fine to coarse gravel MS Onsite Existinn Fill EB2 S-1 2.5' Trace oroanics Moisture Content Sample ID Wet Weight + Pan 691.36 Dry Weight + Pan 639.97 Weight of Pan 226.05 Weight of Moisture 51.39 Dry Weight of Soil 413.92 % Moisture 12.42 Organic Matter and Ash Content Dry Soil Befor Bum + Pan Dry Soil After Bum + Pan Weight of Pan WI. Loss Due to Ignition Actual Wt. Of Soil After Burr % Organics 762.86 755.12 348.46 7.74 406.66 1.87 ASSOCIATED EARTH SCIENCES, INC. 911 S.h Ave., Suite 100 Klrktand, WA. tl033 425-827·7701 FAX425-827-5424 March 8, 2012 Ms. Vanessa Dolbee Renton City Hall -6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Project: Subject: Renton School District -Nelsen Middle School -Site Improvements Our File No. 211298.30 Site Plan Review Submittal -Survey Submittal -Items #5 and #6 of Title Report Schedule B Dear Ms. Dolbee: Schedule B, Special Exception Item 5, per Chicago Title Insurance Company Order m Strucrural Enomecrs f_;_mdscape A1r:hitP.c:!s Co:nm1.m1/y Pianr1us Natwal Resource Ecologi<>IS No. 1322110, dated April 15, 2011, references a water line easement recorded under King Land Su,ceyoc, County Recording No. 8107299002. This document is a short plat that was prepared for the Renton School District. The waterline easement shown on that face of the short plat contains no recording number or dedication language to indicate that the easement had been recorded Ne,ghbocs or conveyed. Special Exception Item 6, per the same report, references a utilities easement recorded under King County Recording No. 8501030454, granted by the Renton School District in favor of the City of Renton. The easement description In this document describes the same area as that shown on the face of the earlier recorded short plat. Presumably, this was done to correct the oversight of not properly dedicating the easement with the recording of the short plat. tions or comments concerning this matter. DCF/lsk c: Brad Medrud, AHBL Q:\2011\211298\W0RDPROC\Letters\20120308_Ltr_(Survey5ubm_Items5&6)_211298.30.dooc TACO,\,!A 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3350 253.383.2422 rn 253.Jernn m www.ahbl.com @ T ( u V CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP ANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #2300, SEATTLE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOANNO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT 'l..l lo~s. S 0 PHONE: (206)628-5610 FA)(: (206)628-9717 001322110 NELSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 06 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 04/15/11 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH FOUR OF SCHEDULE A OF OUR COMMITMENT HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: LOT l, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 070-80 (ALSO KNOWN AS NELSON MIDDLE SCHOOL SHORT PLAT), RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8107299002, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE APRIL 15, 2011, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. MAY 20, 2011 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY SUPPLCOM/RDA/OO'J9 )ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP A. ) . 2300 COLOMBIA CENTER, 701 5TH A.VE SEA.'r.l'LZ, WA 98104 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Short Plat 2.JIO"l6, SO OrderNo.: 1322110 In the matter of the short plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holcling terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title ta the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $500.00 TAX: $ 47.50 Records examined to April 15, 2011 at 8,00 A.M. By CHICAGO TII'LE INSURANCE COMPANY DARYL SAVIDIS Title Officer (206)628-5610 SHPLATA/12·5-90/BK • \ lCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP Af SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION ) Order No.: 13 22110 LOT .1, CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 070-80 (ALSO KNOWN AS NELSON MIDDLE SCHOOL SHORT PLAT), RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8107299002, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SAID LOT 1 BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE NORTH 88'12'38" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF 337.77 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF RENTON, WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 4902678; THENCE NORTH 01°42'40" EAST 749.45 ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 88'17'20" EAST 47.21 FEET TO A POINT 237.15 EAST OF EAST LINE OF BENSON ROAD; THENCE NORTH 01'45'25" WEST 197.67 FEET; THENCE NORTH 18°51'39" WEST 50.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°24'53" WEST 363.57 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS SOUTH 87°08'52" WEST A DISTANCE OF 989.22 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 87'08'52" WEST 849.53 TO SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION TRANSMISSION LINE RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE SOUTH 42°33'41" EAST 195.90 FEET ALONG SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTH 1'43'14" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SUBDIVISION; THENCE. WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT PORTIONS CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR 108TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST AND FOR SOUTHEAST 164TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 4662053 AND 5169416 RESPECTIVELY. C!IlCAGO 1TIUl INSURANCE COMPANY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OrderNo.: 1322110 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B .. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records . . E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer1 water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMP ANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). SHPlATB/0316:14/soc CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A )CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAl SHORTPLATCERTIF1CATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS v'j__ EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF SEATTLE WATER PIPELINE NORTH 30 FEET SEPTEMBER 27, 1946 3612021 OrderNo.: 1322110 • v2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND COND<TIONS THEREOF, C D GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF SEATTLE ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES NORTH 30 FEET JUNE 23, 1960 5174699 V3_ RIGHT TO ENTER SAID PREMISES TO MAKE REPAIRS, AND THE RIGHT TO CUT BRUSH AND TREES WHICH CONSTITUTE A MENACE OR DANGER TO UTILITY LINES LOCATED ON PROPERTY ADJOINING SAID PREMISES, AS GRANTED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 5174699. V4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER, RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 UTILITY STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET IN WIDTH DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT MARCH 28, 1963 5562366 ,/' '"'"' c':;0. -~·~ \ > A. ~?~ £A':,('"'Ml::A."J'• ' E SAID INSTRUMENT ALSO APPEARS OF RECORD UNDER INSTRUMENT(S) RECORDED UNDER ' RECORDING NUMBER(S) 5801097. Vs. EASEMENT PROVISIONS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF CONTAINED IN CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 070-080 UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8107299002: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: WATER LINE A STRIP OF LAND 15 FEET IN WIDTH, WITHIN SAID PREMISES CHICAGO TIILE INSURA. '<CE COMPANY )CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAf SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: l322110 o V6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: B I GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES (INCLUDING WATER AND SEWER) SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY JANUARY 03, 1985 8501030454 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND ENE.~GY ONE OR MORE UTILITY SYSTEMS 10 FEET IN WIDTH HAVING 5 FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTERLINE OF GRANTEE'S SYSTEMS LOCATED AS CONSTRUCTED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED, EXTENDED, OR, RELOCATED MAY 13, 2005 20050513001116 /g_ EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED: FROM: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, A MASSACHUSETTS CORPORATION APRIL 30, 1951 4132659 AS FOLLOWS: EXCEPTING AND RESERVING THEREFROM TO THE FIRST PARTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ALL COAL OIL AND MINERALS AND THE MINING RIGHTS LYING IN AND UNDER THE SAID PROPERTY AND EVERY PART THEREOF, WHETHER HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER DISCOVERED WITH THE RIGHT TO MINE, QUARY AND PROCURE THE SAME AT ANY TIME HEREAFTER, WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER TO THE SAID PARTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS FOR ANY SUBSIDENCE OF THE SOIL WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE MINING. J 9. COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, DEDICATIONS, AND AGREEMENTS CONTAINED IN CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER 070-80 UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8107299002. COPY ATTCHED. /10. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: KING COUNTY SHPIATB.3/12-12-90/"BK ClllCAGOTITLEINSURANCECOMPANY RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: '!ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP A; SHORTPIATCERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS FEBROARY 07, 1956 4662053 Order No.: 1322110 VL 11. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS OR FILLS UPON PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS GRANTED IN DEED: GRANTEE: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: KING COUNTY JUNE 08, 1960 5169416 11 / 12. TERMS. AND CONDITIONS OF NOTICE OF CHARGES BY WATEP·, SEWER, AND/OR STORM AND SURFACE WATER UTILITIES, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20031013000893. N ~3. THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED IS CARRIED ON THE TAX ROLLS AS EXEMP.T. HOWEVER, IT WILL BECOME TAXABLE ON THE DATE OF THE EXECUTION OF A CONVEYANCE TO A TAXABLE ENTITY AND SUBJECT TO THE LIEN OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR FROM THAT DATE. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALOE-LAND: ASSESSED VALOE-IMPROVEMENT: 2923 05--9 061-02 2110 $ NOT DISCLOSED $ NOT DISCLOSED o 14. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT !,"UMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: 2011 292305-9061-02 2110 $ NOT DISCLOSED $ NOT DISCLOSED BILLED: $ 16.60 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 16.60 AFFECTS: SPECIAL TAXES FOR NOXIOUS WEED AND CONSERVATION. P 15. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE SHPlATW/12-12-90/BK CHICAGO TI1LE INSURANCE COMPANY lCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAf ) SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS OrderNo.: 1322110 INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. o NOTE l: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MOST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT l, RENTON SP #70-80, REC #8107299002. END OF SCHEDULE B CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY @ CHICAGO TITI1~SURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFfHA VENUE, #3400, SEATILE, WA 98104 •• PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. l ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i i i i I i'i"'"-----J i i - ..... _ h07-t ... --....:..=-. NW 29-23-05 ==-- ~-p,.J'.',l_iffl_P./W_. Z.tlO'JB_.§"0 ----- ,;;s_, / \'--~·----. <;,. c,L. ",£ )61.212..l ~----' The m, JD f' Qf Pt of ••s 29. hp 2) 11 , ii: , l, ,·.a., le11a U1• st•'• • cou,, :rte l: r1-1f -, ctt>tnor,.,. to t..u, w.. tor t;.b.e bo!UleTUle Pew,r ~ll1alou11,1c,a \nume,110• 11,a.1 al.ao tbe n, )0 rt flt .... ni • , ... 111 30 rt of tu :r1, et 1r•t of • .., )0, t.1lp ,l) ll JI f J:.lfi ••• l ... ;,t•to I: oHDt.J l'la, ' '>< :!'fl !1. OUll •• 11 101llf ... ffg!'CJilDZ to II clepU, 01' •• l•o ·· ., j ft ul<t•• MMnl a-at••• .... ot tlla l.t liffe .1w1 aMll '.,::,..-11119• n4111re 1: •• p1Ju 11u uall ,,, ue41 1,11.i,-u • Jut. .1 I.ta •t.W O&fplJ 01•t• If t.Jt.e •t• "'• t·p •••ia•H h IC.alt. S t.o ••••••o:r11 ik •••l.fM ,aa rl&A' M • ue the 11 llw•la dM tor Lta a U.h' lni,I ,ari-t••• 1a a.,-·~ wlaot- tNTN' .tli•Ja ahall at be 1uoulale8'. 1111,1:l the I lpu 11•·•11, croat .. to tit.• •t 1.Ml~ln.1 the rich' t• ddioot,, thll 111d )0 f\ 1trl1• to th• llffe ot th p11dlo •• • puhll;e ll1&)111a1, tp ttl'tll•r r .. enN U• rl,zilt i.o •Wl• ., .. 14 -.!.tll ·11U!er ldo 14Jacaitt \llero\o • pl.a~ .,,.. .. iA\o lei• •· llllla, ,, -•J ,, "°•Jltfa U:,o ript.o 11u•IIJ cnat-4, llo.r.llJ • .,... to turn!aa • •l•r aQJ(l7 ~ ,he .... ,...,,, •• •• &J!i.l l'J'Mf• el ol:i. ·•!Me ,n,air lutallat1• >t al plpe l1N auJ la. ll.t ••Pl1-llllfo J'IIIMII & 1 .. pl.U ... il•lJ ,,eu\liah .. ~J' ••· riJ flll'\hel' aCl'tM M 80ft <k lllt1' Aal'lll.Oat 'lae IKI tp 1,a Olla-aN u aaa1.-fa all 1M1 • •••••• 'Alll" ll • t&OJ' air aZ'fer oa •• 11oeoaat tot •~lac toJle o•: "91t\ell \J \I• ap li1 ._, a:ce!M flt ·;.Ile rtp.1.1 11'11'•1Jr gnat ... '.~1• gn.111 1• --'• 111t~ .. , •!'raal7 at ••.I' lt1ad 1J).al1~•· :.:'Kill t.11.e !'p llea ••• .. tb.11 tut. ta Ill• a.11c11I..S 1,, 11,a J,l'Op ott alur \Jlarau·h, 4uly aatll ir. lta oa:rp al to •• ,.rrxil 11.l l,! 46 a. •• .tlU 11a~s.t tit.la iet tu \a 011111~.0 l,J 1U •,... ,\ • t !HIit llJ ita oitJ '••'" '•P 18 46 pllNIWlBt .. 011\b C"ldo4 l,J Ord i75a.l19, i'qel St;ldl l'OIIU a: L~ c .. J*., ' r-p ,1) llJ' C .I'. T•rtell ·1 lM pHI ~ltni J al.ter f , :ze.aha1'7, aaal ue '!iio Cl t.r et ! ec,ttle ( ~1'1'J! all bJ ll"la -, • IteYia, 1•1w llJ ~, .c, tl,oaaa t:.t1· 111or11: i·o" J'rll 12 46 •1 C.l!'. 'l'lll'N•l.l a: Waltu s, '2.acharJ '1'1M Jl'N I< eent i,ee (awp ta) lit a.&. ~:.·d.a ap f'or -.area et S (u Mar lJ 4lll u11 l:<1p ll! 46 DJ' ifll. Y, tO'ril1 •ro.r l: ?: •. ; • rt.-., 01\7 110,spt.rollt.r ( corp fl J llt Georc• ". Ohrtt. •P rr:i:r 11A ':'e·• et !? ( 1• Pelt a.6 Ji?) \1 t.o h/Q ... 017 .... . -. 51'74699 voL4052 PAGE2R7 EASEMENT ftOS lllt>!lffUFit, 11aOt-thi• 17'\b. .Sly of _____ ,,,,_;J:,:""°;:::.... ............. ,.,,,.....----· ,.,,.., l!E!II'Olf SCHOOL DIP!!UCT lfo. lio3, ICIIIG COIJ1'l'Y, llASIIIIRlTOII ht@'r,einafler Clllled \ta Gnnhr _. par(!__ of ttis flrat pe,rt. CITV Of SU.TTU:, • lllllffllclP11 c:orpontlon, ~.~ inafter ,:a.Hed u~ crantae, p,,rty c .. thf MCOlllf ,-rt. and heNinatier r;alled t.ht lill01'1fa.aH, ""' or tfllt tflltll part, WITIIESSETlh TNot ,,. Cir•ntcr_. ror aM In consldffatlon at tne sta or OH& and oo/l!XJ Collars r, LOO ) ard oU•r .-a1..-ie conslWatloa, rec,slPi of •hlc:h ls hotrebi ac11now1~ec1. ller"!Oy eof'lveyS and grante_ to tnl-GrantN, hi sui::c.ctaors and ual9ns, tne rl11M, 1.1rivilt-ge and authority to construct, .r.ct, a1t~r. ,,.rove, rspalr, 091ra..-,trid 11ain1ain elll!etrle traMffllss.lon ana 1'is- trit1\JtltJ11 lines., conslsllng or tflt l'lkHtar11owera an::I P01H, with tiracea, 911ys and 1ncnon, .v,J ;;o tlace upot1 er "USP!l'd tnnsmissiO", 41strlbu~lon and sl9•I .. 1~,, ln&11latcrs, cron-arffiS, transtor•n att1 otl'Ml!r l'IP.Ces~ 511ry or' c;or1Yenl@t11 3.0fWr'tt'"9nat!'>, acroH, CN•r afU up("n the follo,tlng 1tncrlbed hnds ano c,rew.iS.!'!. ~il111.t@c •n t~ county of Y,i · , Stat• or wa111lngtcri, to-wit: ~11' nr:,rth rhirty {30) feet of' that p::irtion of the Northwest. {tt.9.rter (Jrw 1/4) of Section 29, ~hip 23 Northi I'JU'l{.:e :- ~list, 'ri.foi,, in Kill6 County, Wa.sbi~on, l.yi.n!; e::ii;terly of 3'=..:.:3:--. ..... tiOo.<! nnd southveste:-1,y of {.he BoDneville PoYCr A,i'"J1n- istr:e.ti.:i:-.. Trar.mn~ ssion Line RiE!lt. of Way. ~OQ"'t"!"'" .. il" tt.e r;;l\t at 1'11 t!Nlf's t.".) tr,r l'-ra11.t~. it1o 5Ll'Ctenor,: 111-d ,u11i9ri, of in,gren :o ,u•(I ei;r•u frc,,- 3-11.ia •.,rcJ!> !!lcross a<IJacfl'!t 11""11 ot thl' Gr6n1N'--rcr t~ flUfDOH of .-::01"1Slr11Ctir.g. reconstrveti"lljl, l'"t'(lairirt;t. q•~,.i"O, ..,•,~r,na, .cr-erigir,,;i, ~.!tr":>11ii,g ~f'id >~r-.'.ing uid line. "Jrd lhr ri911t <'l.t My tll"lf' le re<TOwt' uid lt.,, .. r~ ttnd 1Y.1lec1,, ... ir1!:1, and a1;11H:rrlt'll!IA::.e$ rtt)III u,iCS lal'IO•. H~c t~ •,..rther right to ct•11r aaia rl911t of war .,na lit't'D tfll! :!11111! cl,e11r of Or11"5h, til!Oer 11nd ;,11 t;r, .,.,,..,rds 1u>d tM rt,;iM. to~" d11"9er tr~s. if,,,,., lacc1t.O t1-,,ont1 ttoe lii"ll'its of sAi<f ~uerrenl arl!lo -.i-i~~ u, ta11;"9 •e..,ltl l!'tv::•nrau tr. na.,Sl!lissior, -ria di!lotriD\.l1ion li~,. r.,,.. C.r~,..tor, ~:~ suceenors 3r ,ssigns 1-"'1111 l'IOt olace. constr..ct C'r 'l'l!int11ir: ,.n~ tv-iloir.;;, or Ol""'r Hr1.1::t .... , •itti,n tr. t1ourd11r,. !i"'-iU of' said nri11 or lai,d. it i~ u"4f'r'ltoO<I •~ 69"--o t~l tre Cltyef Sesttlt', OOl!ir'lfl'llfrtt or Li9hli119, 111111 qraAt onier u1ilit:c! tr-.e r:3r,t ar,,o .:;dvile;r to occui>y ard ~ jo,int1y t~ ,aid ttaftSfflis,ion trd dis•.ritiutiol'! lines. Toe tity of ~attle is to D• rnoon1ID1,, u or0rillf'II tty 1a,., ror anr <ll\ll'lll9t r.'.'s1o't i1111 tc;; tr-c Gral'lt.:r_ t"-..-~,us~ it~ N!flig•11Ce ir, lN ~on1tr1£tion, 111i1.inttne:n:;e :,!'tlf 00f'r11tior, or u.1<1 tra11snils,io11. aorl' diSlrit>1,,~1or. , i""'~ r,,er srvJ atrQ:Ss U• proDot-rly or so,id Gr1t1-tcr_. lfff ~rantor_. ~""irs, ti.lC'«ssors or ,atsigl'IS, cov@l\.1nt..-,.. •hll a9rtt...,L ttlllt __ ---''•";,__ __ o.ill r.Qt oo 11n, blu\;119 or dis~ter11e af\y e11.piosillH 11oitflin • dlstan::e or t"-rtt nl#flcJrNI 1)00} fet-1 or s21iC! linf' •itf\Out gi ... i"9 reas0Mt>l11 l'IO\ice-it1 •r11ing to t!W' crar,tee, its 11.Cc.-Mors Cf' 11ssi9ns, or intention SQ tt' <lt>. 1i.e ri9t1t.s, title, -,r,vi1e9,s and tn,1thQl"itJ llf!rMIJI' grant@(! shall col'ltin-ut e.n:I oe i"I roru ,,mlil SI.IC" l •"'1' ~s 11111 :;renttt, Its a.~c'l!l11sors Gr usi9ns, Shall pe,l"llllltnantl)' r~• said tOMrs anCI oo1@s, J1irits and e,p:ivttf'- ""-"'<"' rrc,r,i saii:1 la..ss, Qr ,,-n ot11Cnri1e pef'l!ll.ntnt1y Gt1at'ldo11 al<I 1ines, at ""hicl'I tiw. all '"""' ri9hU, '. ,n,. ::riv,le;es 11na eut!Q'"i\y ~no, grtfttt'd :,N111l hf"ll'liflate. •"-Y t10rlQqe 1)fl ti-e Mill DH•lst'S l'ft1d o, th!! "-)r\~gee 6bO"'t 111ffltlll is /\erftly r@lHsed to l!le e•hnt, hl 0.-.1, to ;:t,e exte.-.t, nec,usar7 to sul)crdi~te l"e s-tid ""tll'tOft!t to tl'il!' eHf!jllt'l\l 11erein 11r1nted to said Gr11M.et, 111. ~1,.lltSl wttEAt:Or, tl\iS instr~t 11u ""11. executed tht' ,a.,. and year r,:st al!u.e-,.rittefl. ?.E:i70i; SCHOOL DIS':'RICT :.c. ~·.: At.~ > Secretary Q! the :Boar..! of :::irectors • SflTE OF lil.SlilllGTOlt,l ... CDUN1'Y OF I, H111 r.tr<ktre-i9ned, !. wotary "Wlic, 4e ...,_, ctrt1,; um °" thlt __________ ,da1 or- "--· wton1t1r·•PHaNO ltt'fcn • -------------- •M --------------------------------------------------------nit wlf•. to• k,-n to be tN 1Nt1Yidual_ 011crl1*1 in and atto •Ktc11- Leod the •itbln iMtr_.,.,.t, and, ac~n-,wledged tMt llt'*9 1h11 ..,. q rrM anO \IOIUt'IUry act e.1111 deed, t'Ot' tlW lfHI Ind DU1"1IOIH tl'llnf11 •ntlo,,ed. CiYe11 11nder-111.r "lnd 1l'ICI ortlclal ... 1 ttw day anll ,-ar In tJlh certlficah •Dwe -.rlttH. Uil lllU •T ---------------- ST J.T[ or 1U$!1lll(';T0-, 1 ... CC'oJ~T\" CF ,, trir ,.,n:,~r:iip,~d. 11. Mottry "'"'lie, do tiertt,,r certi'y tMt on tnla -----------'d", or -------------·· u_. $111'r.tcMY.11)' appeared betor. 11e -------------- •M----------------------------------·----------------------"Is 111i1'111. to• 11nown to tie tt• indlviel\le.l_ descrlbff in al"ld 11ho 0~11- tf'd \llt' "ilhin instr1At11t, ancl aclulC'ltl&dge<I tll.e.t 1.i9neo tN MIiie •• Tr11,e ,,,;i "0 1 ..,n1 '''7 act .illd de@<J, , Dr t l\f 11SH Ind pyr POW:i therein 11'$flt lon.d, :;;,,en "'f'd~r !!I.J rw,t,I,'! and ~..tfi!:i,1\ ~ul tl'lt dar an, yeer 111 tllls carl.it'icalit a~cv~ written. ltB ID 11, "----------------- "· On .~riis .. ,_.17;:h d•r ,;,t Jun.r. , •.o .• 1t~. before ,re Hrtonie.lly ama.ru, Il4 t\a .. o.-... 1SO:, to 111! 'tl'Oli" to ti• t~ Secr,etaI;;,1: I -of the BoerC of . pt;recto:,;:_: ,of 1he eorPOnt iC!f'o \l'l.lt Uf'Cu~ t\"', U!i! •t_t~1n •l"CI 'oregoi119 inttr~nt. ann•:aac:1u1DW1~ff tt•t s11ld ln91n.n!nt tot,~ the he!' 11rv:1 ~::i1un- tM'! .:1Ji•• ft'td c:f \ttiCI cOf'pQcrl\t iol\, •or t'M-~, atd c111rNtec l111tral" •ni i,oned, al'ld W(o!'I o&tr, s~All"d that _ JM 1.11t"or,1ed to e•1!'Cv1f said 111!1\r~rit, atwJ 1Nt.t t~ Hal a.rti:ice<I is tl',f, cor~rat,e SHI of seid' cotpo"re.n~·. 11.wnn.ss )lt{[lt[!Jf, 1 M•e lll!'reunto :sM '"t P'lllnd eird afli1eei::I ftl1 of1ici11l teal tt1e lky alld ~ .. , Mlw, • ~ "' " ~ I" "' ~ 0 /" • I ~ ....::;., .. " .. -, 1. ~ ~ ,, • r i ' _, ... ,.., ~ ----• "' c::, 0 . --: j ~ "' ~ """ ; ~ 2:...., i --"' 0 > • ~ ... ~ .. F ~- ~ ~ m ~ "V 0 l X " . • "-~ fZ ~ • ~ "' :~ • -• : 0 ... ~~ i ! ... a. I "'CO ~ "' "' I I = -'" l -• r :cc, 2 ~ ~ \ .2l ) \ i \ I - 1vot4300 11R459 s·:·::::·::t;·_. .,5 . " .• , .A ~ ··. ~~*'';~,M~~w;·: ICl<OW ALL 11811 BT 'tlillilli)'II . . Tftal ...... P.UJ:JIII .. S..ml .. lllruS.cLl!jlA..Am... .. -.. • ..... 1&:l,Jal ... c.m:,anU ..................................... , .hn'llmaftwf'lfflftlt"foU ....... at1iiiailnl l*ft" tortaid m Cllllltderstf= .. OMS DOLLAR azd other aaod and Ta1..w. noe11tflftMCII, teotilpl al nlCh II~~ da ...,.,.srallt. .... lln«I CGD•eJ unto the orrr OP RIDffOlt, • lb:lllclJm CWpu:.:aUam al tbl lliaie Of Wublnlr..•, u "flvtr ot tale .«JDd pa.rt." an eMemen.t appWWIIIA~ 1111d ~ Oftllr. oa, lllCl • lihe rollowlnl dnl;rlbtd p,op,trt:!M: A 10 foot Utility llaa-t 5 faet: wi4• on either aicl• of the following claacribed canter-line, Beginning at-the Southweat Coxner of the.Hortheast one-quarter of the liorthweat one-quarter of Section 29, Tc-..,nship 23 Horth., Range 5 &aat, M.K. , Th.enc••· ee 0 12•39• Baet along the South Line of said Borth•a•t ~rter of the •Orthwe•t one-quarter 337.77 feet; Thence North 1° 42 1 40~ Ba.at 446.7S feet to the true point of be~inningr Thence due &ast.400 feet, more or less, to the termination of aaid Utility B~aoment. And the pa.rt.y of tht $ta)l1(I part t.o bne lor the pa:rpose.s c,I eot\51rucUon, repair, ,ienrl,.,. a.nd malnter:ance Qf R'll.'&.&:e pipe linu and any other publk! ut1IIUN and AMTlf!fS. end othlft' muntc lpRl put'r,aae!!'. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF th., said parUu baYe bf'NUl\to 1et thidr hand, and seall lhls 2lH day of H.arch STATE OP' WASHINGTON CoVlJTY o, K1t1c ... l'BN'l'Oll SCHOOL DlSTRICT NO. 403, ,~·,p.~I ,orp\~pn ly . ~ I at~ o · the &Oard ofDincton .;/~' (.) . ,:' '··'r'?.~ ly / GR/tNTOR Secret11ry o! rht l\oiin1 '">f D!rect.nr!'i l, the Ql'Werslgned Jrilota.ry Public: In aad tor the Sb.\e of Wuhtn1t.on, rnld!r.g Ir. ~er.~ri. Washin&:ton. do 1963 hereby certify'· Ula& on the .... day , . , '&llllil: persona!!y ... Marc.h ...... Ul.LJ .. \.,,,.,.kL~ •.. ..,, ... Nov.r,' P•.abllc ln and lot th& State or WWLlncton, .raidlna lrl Renton. PERPETUAL EASEMENT ' ~ow AU. MEN BY -rin:ss PRDICN'l'S: T'hat ... lienton. School.. D:utrlcrtdio.-... 4.03 •.... ~ .. .Dll: .. a . .;M.,l1l.l..~l ... CQX'P..Q!'A~-Q.P.. . _ .... . . . ... . huab.anc:1 and wUe, hertinarter reftrtt4 to u "patty of ~be h,. pari" for a.nd in ~n.tden.Uon of ONJ: DOLLAR 1.nd other JOOd a.nd '\'IUUt.l>Je COlullderattol)., ~etpt :,f whlt-h la henbJ•admowledgff, ;lo hereby lf&Dt, release and convey, unto U!.t ·CITY OF Rl!iN"l'\')lf, a IIOllllcJpal corporaU011 or the State ol Wuhlncton, u ''Pan.)' or t.he secom:l part.';- ,n easement appurl.ena.nl &nd ptrpeiual D'fl!r, on, til.'1 to the !oll..."Wi!iC di!r.:rtt.d propertl.9: A 10' foot ut"ility easement 5 feet in vidtb on each ('f the fol.lowing de!icrihed center-line: · Beei1"1r."1ine e.t the sou.tbwe-ot corner ·or the nor...he.ast one-quarter of the northwest one..quart@r of Section 29, 'Township 23 North, ~a.nge 5 Ea.Gt, W.M. J tbence North 68°12 1 .}R 11 East along the south line o:: said sub-division 33'1 .. 77 feet; thence North l°l.i.2 1 l,.o 11 Ea.st L.ti'.:., 75 feet; thence due oast 400 :feet, more or lessJ· to the ter- !!'ilnation of the easerrent rtcorded in Volume 4390 of D~cds, Page l.$'9, ~cc.ords of Kine County Washington, and t,he true point of bcdrminf;; thence southerly, parallel with the WP.sf.erly l.ine of s~ id. sub-di.vision, to the north rnarg1.n of r-:outheast 161.th Street. • . .\rnJ llll' ~rty of lhe SPeond pllf1 lo have for the Jtlll'Jl(l~.!I of conslructlon." r,palr. se-rvtce. and maillltr,ant'f' or .!<,.,.,.a~·· P•tit' lines and .uny utht-r public' ul1l:tie.'I J.llCl ~rvices. 24th lN WltN.l!:.SS WHEREOF thir .said partJe.s have here-untu $t'L their hand.I and seals thi, 1964. . ~, T epte1111lleT ,>IUIK RENTON SCHOOL l)gicT NO. i:.o3 tJ,~ ',l\ <.~ .................. _._ \:::.. ·..l~~-...::-.... •.._ ••• ,(/;·· .---;,... Vruit!(!nt ~-, _. J .. l\ _}µ-:,_..,..,~ • ,... .. ~gaANTOR Secret,1ry ·., . / STAT£ OF WA:"liiINOTON I COUlo!TV "or Ktl'IG I ss. I, thl' undcrsii:ned Notary Publ~ in and for thl! St.alt' of Washln1rton. residing in Renton. Wa:shington. d<> , . d:J.}" /-~ ·-\ '··· { . . ~:· ))f"rwna!Jy Notary Pubtlc 1n and tor the Sta~ or Washington. re,iWur 1n Rent.on. j ~" • ·I .~·/'·' _,.· ,.,.--.,,· /·· ,,-O.&V•Alil"·VO% ·1-a·~1ao:,4 II.V4COll-.at .I'· NE!JlON MIDDLE SCHOOL SHORT PLAr ,.,,,.. ,...,., "''!'.',; • ·' CJTY,;:OF :-.RENTON, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON .-C£1NU tnr.n'Ut~c..)!ICUII -90ffL.Ad Pl!"'I!'-• ,;;; ->\\ ,,'" . ,: "'·· .•. , RC, If -. IEAi"T lllf.ED 2DW444l 1,1 _f"'~l'fJN CF,~ .. NE-~-OF THE ,tW 1/4, OF SECTION 29, :Zt<i , -----'l11,"" . 1-...-a110.1'H ... I ] l .. TOwr«il-liP B NOR'tH, RANGE ~ EAST, W. M. Ill." "' ,:;: ~. ~ {Nt1•oe'dCl "'911 of.,_. ! •• fU'IIO ,.. SfUL \ • ,··'' 070,t-80 wmt'1C·~u· \ 1 · •~-"' • ·' t-= !'W'C "t':"D ;'\,. .,., ....... , ....... -· ... -.,.. .,· .. ,,,--~----,,,. , ..... ·-..... ,,., ~-l· .. ! r'":·:::-::: OESCRIPiiQN .--····'"'':-;·, i"'"',t' ,;l P'D.MOII.INCMi .s-, .:· _ ,,,. ,: ~/ ,t···•.:,., IPC .1:'~~' . llffl'Ofll'l(ll_(lf'ff~awnlJlfJfH'N:ll'IHCST~ .-:: ,1,' ".,,. ,,•'' .,.Jl.·i~ ~ Sf.CTT(ff i!J, fflMH" Il lmlk,' lllll'll! 5,DSr, 11"", Ut 11ne , ·,. ·.•' ,,, ,,• ,,,_.,,....oiJ./, COWf, INl!llfrnJI lYIIIG llllnlEllUl."I' Of:111: ~W PCIClt .,•' ~· .,' .<'" tl ,,,,· 'ft '!e· P AIMlllmtATKll 'IIWl!MlS!IIOI LINE 1181T Of •Y NII \Yllll '' •• ' ~' '$ Rf~ _,,-• '·',"' • .. \ ~j~''Pura::,..,.,FTr~ta(IU~L.J,f'~ ="'~~.,1Nl,ff Nil ~~"= ="~·I·';:~ )~ ~Fr, 10 ~~ilI\~-i,:~l';fTEDDl>ai-.~110,,~uwa-~1'"T1£~.11BnUt¥.~Pfl:B· /' , .....• ~} , 1"•40 ~ • CD i ;;,tJ:11-~~~~-~~~•,, . ., .. ,,flli111GT"ff:......:1'' 11 ;.::f.,...~;;;•,-,,,,,,.:~,',\~; _./, .. \ & 11AID~t11"11,-111!TEJfltMJlt1Fllll1D.U~ntU '•: •. ,~)·· ,/ .,=~·~,°"':·.,,'"..._ ./ ,,,' ·\:.... r-'ii ~~~':.i:=~~IGff{l,Nl.1',M :-tt::),"."....£~,,,',.-,/' "'_ .. , !;:f /'. ~., ... ,r-.:.::~ .!!!":f.r;'~= ~:~:AT',ltTILITT I I• ... ~ ,("'• ~;y.. , •. 'F: <:i -: ·~-*JII•.... "'" ~"t~ 111 • POITl!ll~TDQll!;~..fDIIIQD..IY_,-IM!CIIIID _•j ·.• ,,· .Y~.1,''.,· .,' \ ..,\-;:t"'::l S.' •· WlflE>Wll£ CITY 13' $&flmt: VI' a,,,,;~-----r.._Smn' l'N:lllltlR P,l,S, 1ml,. ,,' ~. .(jj } 'i-~it· ~-\ .-' ,,,' ' ·;:'.i:: -..:i~·t.~""g,:;~~,, ~ii . .-f;.::~i~§ /' 1 i··y·; ... / ... Jl!,),•'u-,.,: ... i~:.:.-.~ ,,.J :,;t~i~~ .. ~.l CERTIFICATE _,,-.'''-):,,,,_ RECQRDINO CERTIFICATE ~,012~002 · ...... , !... \, ,, Hl1'-~ -~·,·· ··~· ........ ?·~11~!~ .... it . .,· .,,. ·,. .. . ...... ,_,,. ........ , ,,. . ,,· .IEmotmmfY'!WiTnEIIURIIIGJtlll, i,''llt!-1Nra:"· _,tUl)A'.llflelXIIIDTHU..zi.!lllTW~A.ii,l!llt'i!r'·,,,,, r ,,•' •·· \ • .... IEt''ffEt,tfllltCOIIIDlTIDIII ..... ; 111'1'1.[ OF THE I.MCI M!IU'I' kATJm IN,(9Uff ~:,. ..:f.!_.p,", 1ft Dll(_H_tf IIJRUtn At,_ ~AT 111: .,,.,.,~,• .,-:·' ,,,,<", '""" .• ., .•• •'" .:/ ,/~> ./ , , · ~~ ,,. ,,,,· '•I;, Rl!al!!ToitiElnJ!SomD1.muct~ ,,o-Jf )· .:.~· , .... ~~~·® .,:• ,.,.. ._,,·· '. ~-~ ,, '.'. ._,,, ,, _., •' .,,-,.·· .,• J ram mu ,, · ,~,! :: \ 1~· ... -~•n. til,.,urli' RD~,-~~~ L111r ACKNOWLEGEM~ · /_: · c,, n: r A I,• ie • 1 A ar, 1 1 •,,, a •· \ deS~t.-,~-.--·,;.,.c. .;·., .. ,c,,=====.~,.=~T~S• .. ~i1,.lla>~ ,,,,,/:_.,,,,,; ............ ~ "~--------• -··-···-· -~-· ,.. o:illrf'tl"'II.INI l.$i ,. i.,,~.u ... ii•·, ··1J~·1,y 11\ II 'TD Clilll'IF'I' ~'df=., ~r/ fJllf CF ~•:;,o./' ...... •· ... ;: ::.~ #'l'E.WD~LL~.IH~,1~,Ac~--~J~ ,f ~ Q , •• ~----,,, .•.. ,. O>Wrtats, !lfRDnll!JOm.!MfflUCJlll5;·.1111NOt1NDtiE -~· ~,, ··,:. ·,, ~~~.~~i=n~~THJ1fflD~T ;·. . ... ,· -.ii· _ _,,,· . _. \·_ ' IIIKTORS M THEIR A& Alli '>U1HTMf ,er NII IIE!D, lfllllEa'.',, l!IOtll91Jim)lifflO,m 11111,'l!L.'liill,r, ~ -'<(I, P.f' Solltlf/lllT ,ENUI OMNENT SEE 111m 2 Ffll CIJNDlTIOltt \\ \,. tr tw. -Of'fl(AI. SEAL M Mr .IIICI WM FtRsr ,-,,e lalT'IEN."·:.; ••• _. 4 i1 ({ i:t .', ,1 • •: .·."· . ' .. _, 3=-r:1:.~44" , .............. MCI!£ !"t." ..... '"'' .,· ~IC A!ll,miiliiilllJlttl • ,·. ·' .. · IUIDJHGAT r._,._, E)INl!'·~jti'll·:t.;~,.,~A.0.~· ~--;·,·.,· ., .. A LANDMARK ENGINEERING ,,.,;_.):'Jillttli DHC'!(ti' :f .,:,'- CORPOftATION D'#ltNED ,tKJ oWD1b ni1a_.:Ltwr' c,t~~~J,~f '"o to. ~Oil, IUnt: •io ~ '· llllfflllll,WAtll. M:letl Jl>LLH!'.:{ l\· f ; '.',_ IOt • ····-• kl , _, .• ,•·.;· ().. 'N,o:11:::::..:_. . ...... / .. IC,n, TD ti, 11, 1. W.M. i&Oh lb.iii WWW ·.,, NELSON MIDDLE 9CHOOL PLAT EoWUNED -N'PRY1tD TMII_Llg. t11..fli!t.:..._A,D, .... ¢;L (!. ·',!,rr:+-? SHORT om, ,~11-lll .... .. ,. .Lot .L ~""-4(.ff--~-d -,Ap,,,-..e." ~-OS· ~I ii lllllfFtt ECJIQk ;'; .. --····· I _,.--,,._. .I"" ·, '1-·./ ·{ ,,,,' .. ,,,,~,a ./''.:,~i·;:::).; . -·.,, .... ,•:;.,\. .,,;'/~- iJDPi.. --I H~Fr'IO'W m:i,;. .,,r~f ., 1k1T'~"~"-,.,.._;411el, ~I. i lll0.31 U.. II& tl.tfWg.Q,W," /' I ~MON.llout' I, l~ 8bk.CIO •·,;.,;J_,: :1!11 ~,. ··, ,::~:·, .... - ,1•--""'"'";:· .i'l··,.-,,,/' ,.(.!, /:>,(/ ,, '-\)· ,, ..• /; .. .. ... ... ID • • ; • " . ' • " l ~ ,,, I .J g :c ~ ~ .. I ~ ... 0: 0 :z: ., ;1,, . . • • .,. ~ ~ • ,; IITILITIES II .LA11!!.1!l TNII l11$T-T, .. d, thhll!1.,dor .,, __ ~o, .. ,al""i!i:b~ei;_, _______ 11~; by and Ntwfflt Re;iton School Oi~trict 111d1 ___ ;:C:,;it;!Y..;O~f~R.::ien~t;20!!,•-------- _--------------~••d1 -----~-~'i'l"I'----=; ------------------'Hd-§5/Q] -'U} 1'04~4 f - ________________ _;lfld ci=isHSL t,,t:,t<,t.'"; 00 55 ti.relnlfl•r c.al IP 11G,r1ntorh)", and tM un Of RENTON, 1 flwllcf,.I Corpor1tlon of 11111 ~acy, W.1hlftfC011 1 hlrel111fter call•d "lr1nte_.1 , "' "" VITNEISCJN: ~ !hat 11ld Gt1ntor(1), for •nd 1n con1Jdar1tlonof tht 1wof $1.00 (one dollar} ~ peld by Gir1n1 .. , aM 01:Mlr v1l1Nbl1 can1ldar1tlon, do &., ¢chH, p,.tenu. 9,1111 1 &1r91ln 1 nll, c:onvey, and wrrnl unto tt.t 11ld Grantee, 111 ~1r,,cce11or1 ,1nd a11lan1, an ,a1-n1 for pullllc: utJlttlu (hl1c.lvdfng wtttr and,.,.,) with ntu111ry 1ppurt1nettCH OYtr, ttlrou9ll, 1cro11 and ypon tfle fotlO#lng dHcrlNd propert,. In line CoMncy. VtthtftfJO~, er, ,.nlcwl1rly de,crllld H fo1la11: A 15 foot wide easement over. under and across LC1ts 1 and 2 of City Clf Renton Short Plat NCI. 070-BO. also known as Nelson Middle School Short Plat. :-ecorded under King County Auditor's File No, 81072:99002; and a,.,er a port ton of the Northeast quarter cf the Northwest quarter of Sectfon 29, Township 23 North 1 Range 5 East. W.M .• King County, Washington; described as followed: A 15 foat wide ease~.ant being S feet on the west side and 10 feet on the east sfde of the following described atsement 11ne: Beginning ilt the North 1/4 corner of said Sec:tion 29, thence S. 87°'0B'52 1' W. along t~ north line thereof a distance of 206.61 feet to the True Point of 8sginning of said easenent linei Thence S. 16~00.'00" W. a distance of 67.46 feet; '.:'r~-..• t-{.(. {/-·· Thence S, 4°13'55 £, a distance of 283.69 feet to a point here after refeL as Point ·A" and the terminus of said line; and a 15 foot wiclt ease11ent being 5 feet on the north side and 10 feet on the south side of th!! fo1low1r.g described 11ne: Beginning at said Point 11 A11 thence S. 87°16'54 11 W. 1 distance of 437.70 feet to a point hereafter referred as Point "B"; The:nce S. S4°'08 1 21" W. a distance of 83.-1-9 feeti Thence S. 89°49 1 02" W. a distance of 249.44 feet to the w~ster1y 11ne of Lot 1 of said short plat; Thence continuing S. 89°49'02w W, a distance of 238.98 feet rn:>re or less to the east RBrgin of Benson Road and the terminus of safd line; and a 15 foot ~ide . V .::ase~nt being 5 feet north and 1G feet sot.1th of the following descr1bed line: Beginning et the ilibove mentioned Point i.A" thence N. 87°16'54" E. a distance of 5S.80 feEt to a point hertafter referr-ed as Point "C"; A 15 foot wide easeirent be.tng 5 feet west and 10 feet east of tl\e following described line: Begining at said Point "c· thence s. 2"'35'58" E. a d1stancit of 265.5:J feet to a point hereafter refctred as Point "D·; thence continuing S.. 2"'35'S8N E. a distance of 283 .19 feet to a point hereafter referred as Point 11 £*'; A 15 foot wtde easement being :> feet north and 10 feet south of the foi'lowrng d.ucr1 bed 11 ~:.: Beg1nn1ng at sa1d Point Pf" thence s. 87"'24'07" w. a clistanee of 434.68 feet to a pofnt hereafter referred as Point "F"; thence continuing S. 87°24 107• w. a distance of 50.99 feet to a point hereafter referred 15 Point "G"; Vl-{,,,/0 l cf 2 -IF l..j?-?t/ I ' · •. Thence continuing S. 87°24'07" W. a distance of 20.00 feet; Thence S. 02°35'53" La distance of 5.00 feet; Thence S. 07•24•07 W. a distance of 378.38 feet to the west line of said Lot and the terminus of said easement line; A 15 foot wide easenent being 5 feet east and 10 feet west of the following described line: Beginning at said Point "G"; thence N. 16'42'11" W. a distance of 27.83 feet; Thence N. 41'31 '54 W. a distance of 18.70 feet; Thence N. 06°00'32" W. a distance of 95.52 feet; Thence N. 01'44'56" E. a distance of 131.06 feet; Thence N. 01'16'43" w. a distance of 224.06 feet to , point hereafter referred as Point 11 H11 ; Thence continuing N. 01°16'43" W. a distance of 56.14 feet to a point previously ~eferred to as Point 1'8 11 and the termintJs of said easement line; A 15 foot wide easement being 5 feet north and 10 feet south of the follcwing de5cribed line: Beginning at Point "D"; thence S. 88'16'44" E. a distance of 117.51 feet to the east line of Lot l of said Short Plat and the terminus of said line; A 15 foot wide easement being 5 feet west and 10 feet east of the following described line: Beginning at said Point "F" thence N. 0'36'19 E. a distance of 45.05 feet to the tenninus of said line~ A 15 foot easement being 5 feet north and 10 feet south of the following described line: Beginning at said Point "W thence N. 86'15'3C" E. a distance of 30.74 feet to the terminus of sai~ ,Hne); i? GRANTED by the Board of Director~ at a regular meeting on December 6 1 1984 1 with a quorum of members present and voting • • ·,:t ,_,,; ..... •'''. ·.·.,,,. ---.:..,~' .,.. . ~ ~~ -~·. ~. : .. : ~ -.. ;· .... ,,lt .... " ,' .. ..,j~·I·.-~·,,'\ 2 of 2 Sa1d heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or asiigns, shall have the right. without prior notice or proceeding at law, i!it such times as NY be necessary to enter uoon s.aid above described propNty for the purpose of construct- ing, maintaining, repairfng, altering or reconstructing said uti11t1es, or m&kin9 any connections thP.rewith. with.out incurring any 1ega1 ob11911tions or Uabi1ity therefore, provided, that such construction, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstruction of satd utilities shall be accomplished in such e manner that the private .improvements existing in the right(s)-of•way shall not be disturbed or daJ11aged, they will bo replaced in as good a condition as they were i111M?diate1y before the ~roperty was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the a:foP"edescribed premises, including the right to retain the right to use the surf.ace of said right-of-way if such use does not interfere with insta11at1on and maintenance of tl'le ut11it1es. However, the grantor shall not erett buildings or structures over, under~~ !cross the right-of-way during the existence of s,ch utilities. TMs easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the Grantor, his succ ssors1 he1rs and assigns. Granter$ covenant that they are the la ~1 o s ot the above properties and that they have a good and lawful r1ght '?~..Us ement. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF K!NG ss "'1!0NOf . ·--r,nr· ·(\\i· -~ ·,uu= · I. the undersigned, a notary public: in and for the State of Washington, hert1by certify that on tMs !ib...~Y of December 19 ..§1.. persona11y appeared before me GARV F. KORLWES and-----~-------~'---------------- and~-,,---~~-~---~--; to me known to be individual~~ described 1n and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged. th~t•~~h•=-~-~-- si 9ned and sealed the same as his free and vo 1 untary act end deed for the uses and pijr-poses therein mentioned . . ·· ...... ··· \~···~·;·~>-: ... -:~·-· \'JlU.i~'\\ . ; ~ -... : .\:.\.:.:;::~~;;~~·' iiJ ) ...... .· ·11 ' .::y l ·1 •.. . ·?:;:,\ . ,~: "-~i . . .. . . . ···------·-···. ··----~-------~~--- mm FUR am 111£111ESt 11 n••an• 111111111 ........ aiatnt• 11111111. WI -i I ' ; j ) 20060513001116.001 BrnlBPfApDRESS: Pugol-nd Energy, Inc. A1ln: ROWDopor1mmlt PO B0X808e8 GEN ·03E Bellowo, WANOOHMt ATIN.:WRC .,,,,,,,, :lffl,f"1=" .,Ill ..... m.!~J.!1~· ORIGINAL EASEMENT REFERENCE#: GRANTOR: · -8Chool DIIIIICI Number4G3 GRANTEE: · · PUGe)' SOUND EIERGY, INC. SHORT LEGAL, I.Gt 1 of a1yo1 Rentcn 8P No. 70-80 noconllng -8107299002 ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL: at23DS-410l1 Fot and h consiarallon of One Dollar ($1.00) and other veklable conakteretfon In hand paid, Renton School Dlll~ct Number olO!, a poffllcal llllbcl-on of Ille S1ate of-neton ("G<anlo<' heraln), hen,by con...,. and warnnto to PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a W-ngton Cotporatlon iGramae' hareln), for 1he pu,poaes herail8ftre. Slit forth, a nooexclustve perpetual eeeement over, under, along 8Cl'098 and ltlfough the followlng daoaibecl 1881 piot,eny ('Property' huln) h KINo County, Waahhgton: LOT 1 .OF CIIY OF Ran'cN 8HoRr PLAT NO. 70-80 RECORDED IN KING Coulm' lllDl!ll IECOR!IING NO. 8107299002, -THE CIIY OF Rl!NlON, STA1E OF w-. E,capt • may be o-eet bth hareln Gra_., rlglD sham be """"""Bd upon that poltior1 or 1he l'N>peity ("Ea&ement ""'8' ._,_as fol-: AN EAsalacT AREA 10' FEer IIWIJlH HAVING 5' FEliT OF SIICH WIDTH ON EACH SIDI! OF ACEHTERUNE DE8CRlll!DAS RIU.DWS: 1\fE e91tB!LIIE OF -· FM:ILllP M HOW CON81RUCll!D, TO BE CON8lltlJC'TED, ~ OR RELOCATII:> LYNG Wll'HJN THE AB0YE" DESCRIBED PARCEL,. . . · 1 • ..._, -lhallhavetherigl>!ID ... thee.e-tMN1beonolruol.-ms-.,n,pair, -mpRl'l8,-. and anta,geforone «RIOl9 IJtlib' •-for pull)08G8 oftransmlaohln, dlobibution and saloof""""11ci>', SUch_may,-bul ... not-!D: Poles, -. and other .._i llnJClwall with """""""'9 braces, guys and anchono; eleclrlc -on end dls1rl>ullon R--op6o cable end other Rn ... cebles and lacl-for communieatlonll; tra.MJoine,1J, etroet Dghla, meters. lbdurea. attachments and 8ff'/ and an Olhar faclltJes or appurten~ naceaa,y orcorwarient to any or all of Ile foregomg; . Foltown; 1he lnlliliill ~ "Of all or a po,t1on· of Jta e)'8Cems, C3l8nt8e may, trom time to time, construc.t auch additional fadllliea u It may ntq~ for such ayetema. Grantee shall have the right of ecceas to lhe Easement -°""' 81'<1 OCIOII Ille Pn,porly !D enable Gia-to -Its righfl hereunder. Grorl1eo ahall compansalo Grantor1orany~to lhe Pmperlf aiuoed by the -of•ueh right of scone by Gnintee. 2. E-rnont Aru a...Jng and 1111-GITll11Be Sllel havo the right to cul. remove ancl dilfx,<e of any and all bnJsh, INN or other vtge1Blkwl In the ENernent Area. Grantee &hall aflo haY8 the right IO control, on a ocntlnlY"lg baels and by any prudent ald r98SOn8bl• means.. the establlahment and growth of brush, trees er other vegetation In the Easement Ania. 3. T,_ Outstdo -linL -ohal haw tho right to cul, trim Nm<Mo and dispose of any .... loc8ted on 1he Prope,ty-e the Easemem Ama Iha! ooud, In Gra-'• -Judgment, -with or ""8le a hszanl b G'""'8a's -· -shell, pnor to the -rclae of such right, ldantlf\' IUCII .... ancl make a reuonable etrort to giw GranlDr prior notice that auah tntes wf& be cut, 1rlmrned, rerooved or diapoAd ot (except that Grantee 8hall have no obllgalon to identtf"y such trees or glw Gmntor such prior nalice When trees are cut. -· ..........., or o1heJwlae dfsJ>OOGd of In responoe to emeigency COndltlono~ Granto< shaU be ent111os to no compenaaHon for lrHs cut,. trtmmed, removed or dlflP(MSed or e-xcept fOr Ifie adllal me~value Of merchantable timber(lf any)cut and removed Imm the~ by-. 4. Cranlofs Use of Eaaatnertt Ania. Grantor reaeNeS the 4t1ht to me the Eeeement Araa for any purpose not Inconsistent with the rtghll herein granted, ~ed. hO'HIENW, Gran.or shall not construct or maintain any bt.ildlnga, otruc:lures or Clher ot,joclz on 1he Ea""""" Area and Granto, shall do no blasting .. -300 feet or Grantee's facffl1les w!hM.11 Grantee's prior VYrftten consent Renton School Olsblcl:-Nelson l.tddla School WONO: 101026169 ReOT: 54658 a...:"2005 EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED -~~ Page 1 Clf2 .. 20060513001116.002 5. Jndemnll\< -ag,... to Indemnify Gnmto< from and against liability """""' by G<anlor .. a red of Grantee's negligence In the exeroise of the right& herein granted to Gren tee, but nothing herein shall raqui'e Grantee to fndamnlfy Grantor for that portion of any such llabilily attributable to lhe neglgence of Grantor or the n<gigenceofothers. I. Abandonment. The r1gh1:s henlln granted ehllll conUnue l.lltll such Ume as Grantee C868e& to use 1he --mr a pel10d of llWl (5) SIJ0Cf!8Sive yen, n which -,i. this easement llhaD lermlnate and all righ1A hereunder, and any lmprovemanll rwnalnlng in 1ha EasEimant Area, ahal revert to or otherNlte become Iha property of Grantor, provided, "°"""''· 1hat no al>ondonment -be d"""1ed to have oecum!d by reason of Grantae'a ra11ure to lnft1ally mtall b gystems on 1tl& Easement AIM 'Nittin any period of time from the date heceof. 7. Succencrs and M8lgna. Grantee lflall have the right kl aselQn. apportion or otherv.tsa transfer any or an of 11, -ben-. -and I-arieJng in a,c1 under 11,1s easement. Without lmlting 1he genemlllf oflhe lonlgolng, lherigh1> snd obllgallor,a otlhe paraes 8hall lnuro ID !he benent of and be blnd'1g ""°" their ,-padlv& sucoeaaora and B88qJl8 / = _ n ~ _ ilfa .200 •. BY: ~~"-•· ~d Its:'$,,~ 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )$8 COIJHTYOF ) On IIIIS ') 'f day ol ~ Ck , 2005. _,,, .... !he ~lgned~· -::\lblle In enc11or111a S1ma"".iw~ --and-. oe--_!~~~~l'to me knOMI to be tbe pereon who 9d m ~ ~µ . of Ren School Dlntct Number ~a, a po1111ca1 oubdlWlloo o1 the 81ata of ngton, 111a ...,,.....,. that -"'• wl!hln and ~Ing lrj&tromant. ft acknowtedged ta!d lnltr\lment to be hie/her 'he and 'VOiuntary act end deed and the he and ~I~ -=t and dead ar said school dlalrict tor the 111188 and purposes theraln mentioned: anct on 08lt1 stated that ~ wao aulhorimd .,........, .... aald inetrumenton bol>aWofaald -diatrld. IN WITNESS WHEREOI' I halle -ntoaetrrrt t1!m and -al '8111heday andyearfimabcM!wrlflan. : i·- J· .. ; i ,,;: il Renton Sehool Clsblct-Nellon Mickle SChoct WONO: 10102615 REDT: t54G59 Oaia:<C/2005 Page2ol'2 ('T/ D Apr ~G-51 41J2C59 Apr ~-':,l $15,26·'.' $17,05 1r11 $15.50 ~t Pu,;ct 5,,und Pow(,r & :;:,1,1;ht com;.,any, a Mae Corp To Renton school D1st:.·1ct ;qc. 4:J3, Kl.ng 1ounty, ·washington f,i i, b, e, and cy to ep tta 3 a;sd A the flg descd re :i it in :.Cow /'ih~tptn ~ the NE!. of NWi of Seo 29, tp 23 If R 5 E wr~ ly1ng S'lilY · the Sonneville pc,wtr ... c1m1n1.etration Tran~miss1',n ln r1,e;h~ of way ae oondelbl'led by US ill : a··•· ll•, •~, la , " : • Dii• 1 .! 1 the US ror the Weatcrn D1::t of wn~ Northern Div and Ely of s~oondary state n1ztiway 5-c, aka the J. P, Ben11.n rd; also, that p.tn of lo':.s 4 and 5, blk 3 of Bensen R~ tts, iln unrecd 9lat · in the ft sE~ of swf: of sec 20, tp 23 N R 5 E wrnylne SWly af the Bonneville Power _,c:min1strat1on T::-ansm1se1on ln r1gbt of wa:.r, I'eferred to ~bv, ed lots being more part1oul.arl:,-daf: B~~ at the l cor on the s ln of sd sec 20, th S85°12'12" ~ 629.19 rt; th N ci• 13 1 18" E 661. 20 rt; th Ely 626. 53 ft t-::, ~. rt which bears N ,:to8 1 1!9" E ,535.58 rt fnn th'-t cor on th~ S lri of ad sec 20; th 3 o• 08 1 49n ;I 635.;8 rt to the pob, all less co rds and exc<cpting and reserving thrfl'III to the fp, its S and A, al_l •~l oil and minerals and the ~~ning rights lying in and underthe ad pty and every part throf, whether hrtof'ore or h;'aftr discovered witb the right to mini, quarry, and procure the same a.tany time hrafter, lllthout any liabil1t;r whatsoever to the ep, its S and1"]l ~r any eubs1dence o! the soil which way result rrm the mining~ (con •t )res ::'urth~r to the flg: , .1 • Th"-t cert a 1n ease ··rill: d ~ ' "'--:,, c"' -1..,.-co under dt of Sep 5_22 fo~ 6 e by P3P&Leo to Pac· Tel·& Tel [jtn oE the abv descd land • a telephone ln over and ncross a ~. That •anv certa1 S under dt of Jul 12-116 for n a ease granted by PSP&Lco to C cf' ,inc! across a ptn of the ab d n undergr.ound water pio€ ln Lmi ~P does by the~e ore v tesod land . er <'d to thos 1 1 --sen 5 ",·pr~asly l' tt t :t t € U' n~.fte1• expre .. ,ed -· n · .in he cov of this " a ute or other imnl<cati "· • ;in_. rxcludr-s all cov arisin b ~ersons whomaoever ia;full;nc ~~i !oes hby cov that agnst all g Y ··hru or uncler the fp and not th DI ng or to ela 1ll1 the same bv IWW, fp has caueed its c O .. erw1eei war and def · ~~~~n~;f~;~yd !tnJh· tr.1,eee pr~~~n~:mtoa~~ :xe~ o bybe 1:unto eubecirbed or zed proper officers Corp sl ~~~: i~~~~cko~e~ & Light C0111pany k By -... 't o neon, Vice p,-e., -cw ,-pr 3-51 by C.Patrick ,.., .. er s. ~achary, A8e't S;c i~ F'.'~B~~d S A~(na ~t .;;ec •t of the Jr:;n{~>°'~d Walter S • zachary: V1ce o Aug 30-5:?) Ml to Tom D ~r v. H, Jor.nson np for 'lln 0 ll on& Son 911 ill 3rd Ave *RES* • • / D 1,.li !•'JO · -~205J Jan 5-5t •1.00 • ••• below llttnton So1teol os,tr10, No. t.,)3 ICl.ng Coun,,,wa,bln,,on a.o .JIIOrt"l•on, ,., .. ,., H .11Jc.tineN1,hOY ,o tnec.,unty ot unc, :Jtaw or wa1bt111too .,_,.I!! r~ 111 oi;ina alao or o•nafl .. a te ai,•.::>ua to 1, b)' Naaol\ ,c ·~Ji~ out, end ••tabl11n1~ -·• ... •• ti 4662052--kow--4 raNs Toe & 30 rt ot ttw ~ 196.64 rt or tn, 11&! 01 tne J1Vi or ••o 2'.)-2 j-, ••• contalntng 0.14 aeNa arl R/V 1oa,1, Ava£ t,v tne rtgt:11; to IAlce ---bal •ntire 1Mtr ,_. •• 466205:c'•• t,t.ci'<Z ~1" V .LI ; jj ii :I and allq. tJ! 'bebdltl to .....-~ .. .:~~.:..w~Jlg'..:_ ___ ... _.b7 NU111 of lqiDr 018 and --"llalt.iue & public Nad . t1troap.... ... __ ,!;ba1z_,,_.,.Jll'OPll'V. D4 ~ ii. ~W'dllafliir 4tNribfd. ecllmfT••• ..... ttlol!~R ....... , l!IIJd quit- clam. ....... ta· IN 0oaav •f.-................ nq -------------------................ Stat.e o! W"hiD.f;ton.. for u.,e. of tbe Puhlie foN••, u • pa.bile nad and. hip,-..,. di iDt.tNII ill 0. followl:q deurib~a nal estate. ,·i:z:.: 1'he South JO ft. of. the Ea!t Q79.09· rt. o~ th') N".3.~-l'.'f' L,h '-~ ~: • .', of Sec. 2~, '!'1,q,. 23 ·J"F.R:, 5 R.W.M., L(l-'SS t.he Ka:\lt 30 ft, t.h"':?"l'!~C. ~on~~ining 0.70 Acr•s mor~ or 1~ss. ~/1:; S,3, 16!;th Stre.,t •. topl.Ur witll tllil ript to ..._all ......,-a!,opa .f9r oa.tl and lillli apoa &be •k1:dn1 property, 1,111d 011. eacb. aide. af uid dMl!lilled. ript-ot • ..,., ill eonforait;y ,ri~ ata4atd: plu.a Pd IIP'Nifieatiom tor higb•a1 putpoee:a, ud lo the .ae a.tat uad ~ u it th ~ti 11--. pa-1. had beat uqaiNd by eoaden:nu&tioa proceed- inp undff' Bahitart DoaaiJt llkftltet of 111.e 8tM4I of w .. mst-. ., ·--·· ----·· -=t== 5TA11 Of WAIIIINGTON } COUNTY Of ____ . _____ j.,:?Jt}-····-·····----_··; l\n :h~. . . J'" .V -d1y Of... ...-:r~ , 19(-~: hefnu Ult". a !"i1HU}" f't1\>JiL' ~ ~ i11 11ci,1 for U:ie State of Wa,bington. du.b' commffldioned and 1won.. perso11.all)· came.S~ ;;~. ~ ,,J :-':?; /-.,~ 3 , "7 /f ff I/_,. hq'ri< /r;H .rl ·· ,17,-,,,.~ . , •'1f ,Y·-;{ .Y_rAr, -Pj,,.... -:-~ me known t-o be the iu.dividual .5 .tluerilied in ,m.1 l(.... H'° Ul'~ll!td d11c-within irur.trumtnt al'id 1teknowledced to me that. "f;i,~ 1igned and 11nlN. 1ht-~Rm~ 111,,; . ?,i~ ,i .. JNt1 and voln11ta~· &f.'1 and de.d fot the t111• aad purposes 1hl"l!in rn.PnliC>11NI. ;: Witntse 1ny balld arid official seal tbeday and yeaJ' tint ~itten. ("'· N•te, Notari&! ••al ndt afl'ue<I) _.;,---"~-4~~- J',;miiry Publit in Pd foJ" tlt.e ~tate of Wuhillgt,m. raidi~ir{t. .... .,,--::."~..-<.d: .lV 4-~-. Filed for Record at the request of SOOS CREEK WATER.AND SEWER DISTRICT 14616 SE 192nd St POBox58039 Renton, Waslllngton 98058-1039 Docwnent T1tle(s): WATER SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE #123 Reference Number(s) of Documents 8SSl.gned or released NIA ,, Addinonal reference mnnbers on page_ of document(s) Grantor(s) NIA Addinonal names on page_ of document Grantee(s) SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Addinonal names on page_ of docwnent Legal Descnptmn See Exlnb1t A Additional legal 1s on page __l___ of document Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s): NIA 20031013000893.001 SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT I, _ __,CI""'e"'men.,..t...,Og""'amu""""'d"--~· Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Soos Creek Water end Sewer District, King County. Washington, hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution No. 2.lf<'r1-W is a true and correct copy of the origiru,1 resohmon adopted on the '2:7 I!] day of ~ust DATED this 8ff+l!. -· date of ftu.§u,sf: • 2003. CLEMENT QUANRUD, SECRETARY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT C \Lmda\Porms\Certdioatton ~ Resat doc 20031013000893.002 SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2497-W A RESOLUTION of the Boero of Comm1ss1oners of Soos Creek Weter and Sewer Dlstnct, King County, Washington, establ1sh1ng Water Specral Connecbon Charge #123 due Soos Creek Water and Sewer Drstnct for Contract B-2002W 20031013000893.003 WHEREAS, water mains and facillbes have heretofore been installed as part of the proJeCI commonly known as Contract 8-2002W, and WHEREAS, said water facrht1es writ provide benefits and seMces to the properlles descnbed in Exh1b1t "A" attached hereto, which rs made a part hereof by this reference thereto, and WHEREAS, 1t 1s the policy of Soos Creek Water and Sewer D1stnct to requl/8 reimbursement for any facrh!Mts burlt by the D1stnct and/or by an individual when said faal11Jes provide benefit and seMce to other properties, and WHEREAS, the Drstnct engineer has determined the properties benefited and computed the value of said benefit as applied lo said properties, and WHEREAS, the Board of Comm1ss1oners finds sard benefits and the cost thereof to be reasonable, and the Special Connectron Charge Rate based thereupon to be a fair allocatron of such benefits and costs, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Comm1ss1oners of Soos Creek water and Sewer Dtstnct as follows SECTION 1: That Water Special Connecllon Charge No 123 1s hereby estabbshed for the properties and in the amounts shown in Exh1brt "A", which 1s incorporated herein by this reference Said rata does not include cost of connectrng, stub service, permits or 1nspect1ons, general fac11Jtres charges, or other latecomers that may be due on the properties RESOLUTION NO. 2497-W SUBJECT: Establrshmg Water Specral Connection Charge #123 Due SCWSO Pertaining to Contract 8-2002W PAGE-1 20031013000893.004 SECTION 2: That no service shall be provided to any of tha property descnbed m Exh1brt "A" pnor lo payment to the Dtstnct of the above estabhsried charges for all property held by the apphcanl whJCh lies within the area descnbed m Exh1b1t "A" SECTION 3: That a Notice of the adoption of this Resolution as Special Connection Charge shall be recorded with the King County Div1S1on of Records and Elecbons ADOPTED by the Board of Comm1sS1oners of Soos Creek Water and Sewer Dlstnct, King RESOLUTION NO. 2497-W SUBJECT: Establ1sh1ng Water Speaal Connection Charge #123 Due SCWSD Perta1nrng to Contract 8-2002W PAGE-2 Exhibit A SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE NO. 123 CONTRACT S-.2002W Base Maps B-2 and B-3 20031013000893.005 The following propertres have been benefited by the mstallatlon of new water mains and/or water service connections after acceptance of Contract No. 8-2002W. The Southerly 150 feet of Lot 1 of Renton Short Plat 70-8 as recorded under recordmg number ,/ 8107299002 1n King County, Washington; said Short Plat lies in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sect!on 29, Townshlp23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; In King County Washington; AND Ths Southerly 150 feet of the Easterly 1 BO feel of the following parcel: That porbon of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Secllon 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, described as follows: Beg1nrnng 1n the Southwest comer of said Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter. thence North 88212'38" East along the South line of said Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter 87. 77 feet to the true pant of beginning; thence continuing North 88012'38" East 250.00 feet; thence North 01°'12'40" East 749.65 feet; thence North 88217'20" West 191.67 feet to the Easterly Ima of the Benson Road (State Road No. SC); thence Southerly along said Easterly line on a curve to the right with a radius of 1462.69 feet a distance of 487.42 feet; thence continuing along said Easterly hne on a curve to left With a radius of 447.68 feet, a distance of 285.95 feet to the true point of beginning, containing four acres more or less; AND Lots 1 through 13 inclus1Ve of the Plat of Olympic View Terrace as recorded In Volume 64 of plats, page 69, records of Kmg County, Washington; AND Lots 1 through 6 inclusive of Block 1 and Lots 1 through 5 inclusive of Block 2 in the Plat of Hilltop HBlghts as recorded in Volume 75 of plats, pages 79 and BO, records of King County, Washington, ANO Lot 5, Block 1 of the Plat of Akers Farms No. 5 as recorded in Volume 40 of plats, page 27, records of King County, Washington; AND The Northerly 150 feet of Lot 1, Block 8 and of the west 90 feet of Lot 2, Block B In the Plat of Akers Farms No. 6 as recorded 1n Volume 42 of plats, page 15, records of King County, Washington. SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE RATE: $44.26 PER FRONT FOOT SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE RATE: $779.76 PER SERVICE , • ,.. .oJ\SCC123ExA doc 8" 4• 8" 8" FI 12\014\03\SCC123ExB doc SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE NO. 123 CONTRACT S-2002W Base Maps B-2 and B-3 ON .E.BQM s. 27"'St. Benson Ad. 20031013000893.006 IQ 108°' Ave. S.E. s. 28 .. St. 106"' Pl. SE 105 ft+/-West of 1 Os" Ave. S.E. s. 28" St. 105 ft +I-West of 1 Os°' Ave. S.E. 108 .. Ave. S.E. s 29"' St. Benson Rd. 1 oglh Ave. S.E. PURCHASE ORDER Ren.,Jn School District 403 300 SW 7TH STREET -RENTON, WA 98057 PURCHASING PHONE (425) 204-2250 -FAX (425) 204·2383 Please submit invoices and correspondence to the above address, ATTN: Accounts Payable P.O. NUMBER: VENDOR KEY: PAGE NUMBER: P.O. DATE SHIP DATE FISCAL YEAR: ENTERED BY: PRINTED 10/14/2013 COMPANY: QUANT. CITY OF RENTON 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-6897 UNIT OF MEASURE .. DESCRIPTION DELIVER TO: SPRING GLEN DAYCARE 17803 105TH PL SE RENTON, WA 98055 ATTN: THERESA REECE . UNIT COST 1 LOT Permits and Miscellaneous fees related to Spring Glen Upgrades. 2000.00000 PO Subtotal Other Charges Tax USE P.O. NUMBER ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE TOTAL 2011300035 CITY OF 01 1 10/11/2013 10/11/2013 2013-2014 REECETHEOO TOTAL COS1 2000.0C 2,000.0C o.oc o.oc 2,000.0C 0 CT 2· . 4 ;rw ,_ ·' 1::i T A X E X E M P T I O N S The District is subject to Washington State Sales Tax and exempt from Federal Excise Tax Purchasing Manager ================================================================================ P.O.: 2011300035 ACCOUNT SUMMARY (FOR INTERNAL USE) VENDOR KEY: CITY OF 018 ACCOUNT AMOUNT 20 E 530 1420 22 7220 000 0160 0000 2,000.00 Billing Invoice EG000151 Job or PO#: 2011300035 BILLING CONTACT RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 300 Sw ?Th St Renton. WA 98055 Phone:() - REFERENCE NUMBER LUA13-001481 Relocate Renton Academy K-12 School to former Spring Glen Elementary School and associated site improvements. Renton Academy is described as follows on the RSD web site: "Renton Academy currently serves students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. By using a specific intake process Renton Academy determines if the program can best meet the individualized needs of the student. Renton Academy is a school tor Renton School District students whose home school cannot provide the level of services to meet their academic and behavioral needs. Home schools present data and documentation of academic and behavioral interventions before a student can be considered for Renton Academy." 2607 Jones Ave S Renton, WA 98055-5102 r ,;::. City of , . . <, Pr··· .1· rr · .· r·. 1 r .. , .·. J l 1 -~ ----'<ill#· -V""'"''".,_; Department: CED -Planning AR: Eden Invoice: FEE NAME/ GL Number Amount Due PLAN -Modification $200.00 000.000000.Q11.345.81.00.000 PLAN -Site Plan Review -Admin $1,000.00 000.000000.007.345.81.14.000 Technology Fee $36.00 503.000000.004.322.10.00.000 SUBTOTAL $1,236.00 TOTAL $1,236.00 ' ..... _.,, Created On: 10/24/2013 12:56:43PM Prepared By: Vanessa Dolbee 425-430-7314 Page 1 of 1