HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-08-137 -MiscPLANNING DIVISION
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Calculations 1
... ' .
.. ....... .
CoiQred MilPS forpisplay, •.. .•. . ••••. ' •..•.••.•••••.•.••.•. ' •. " . .. • .••.• ·t ·i ••..• < •••.. . •...•• • ..
Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND'
D<'I!lcjofRight-bf~VVaYDedicati()n.· ..••••. ' ... '> .'. .• •.• . ••.. . .....•..•....• '\ i" •• . .••••.•••.••••...••.•••. '. . .. ... ••.•. • .................. .
Density Worksheet,
Dr~i~a~ec:onjroIPlarl/ ...........\ .•••••.• (·.·1 ____ ..•....••.•.... '.1 .</ .............................•.• y .. <
Drainage Report 2
Elevatib~~, .ArchitecturaljA"'o, >< ..•• \ •......•••.•••..•.. > <, .. < ....••..• ·.1>< .•......••...• f··.····· .•• ·.·.·•• ••. . ........•.•..
Environmental Checklist 4
Exislingqolfermnls(R8cordedCdpYJ4.···.· ......... >L .. > ... ·• .>..< /< •••.•...•.. >( ...... .• ... . .•.
Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) ,
i"lbodi-l8zlil rcjData,< ...... ' .. ' .•.••.••.••..•.•••••.••...•• • .•..•... •..•... • I· .' ....\ •. '. .<>.. •• . •••... ' •• • •....... ' . "i'··
Floor Plans 3 ANO 4
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Grading Plan, Conceptual 2
Oracl ihgPian,petililed 2' •.•.••.••.••.•. _ ......•...... .•••••.••...• < , ................... < ..•...•.....•••.• < ...< ........................................ .
Habitat Data Report ,
Imprci vefTl 8 [)tD.;ferrai 2 ..•• ' .••..•..•.•.•..•.••..•. ...................... ·········· .. ·.···.t··.····.··.... ...> ................ · •.. i .............. .
Irrigation Plan,
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kihgCOuntyAssessor'sK.1aplndicating Site, .. . .... '. .... ... . ............... . . . .. .•.. .... ...
• •••
Landscape Plan, Conceptual. .... ... UlOdscap~ Plari,D8tajled~ .. :-....... ..... .... .. . .' .. . ...... . .... ' ................... '. ..
. .'
Legal Description,
K.1",pofExistingSite Conditions, '. . . • .• ....•......•... , ...••........ < i ........ '. '. . .
Master Application Form,
tv1qnument Cards (tme permonumentj 1 ..... •..• ' •••••• .. . ....... ..... .... •........ ..... .... '. . ..... .. .... . .. .
Neighborhood Detail Map,
Parklng, Lot Coverage & LandscapingAnalysi$. ,. .•. . ... <.. . ...... . .. ... ..... ........ . ................... .
Plan Reductions (PMTs),
This requirement may be waived by.
1. Property Services
2. Public Works Plan Review
3. Building
PROJECT NAME /lAn fz:Ltje {] Len,
DATE '7/;2;-1/0 '1
4. Planning
H , \CEO\Dala\Forms-Tempi ates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannl ng \wa ive rofsubm itta I reqs xl s 06109
I> ' .• '·LA~~·U:[Q'0i~~~~~~:fl1TAf·.· ••••••• ••• •• •••·
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Plat Name Reservation,
Preap#(i4i!!tidnMe~Hf1Q.$"i"tlm<!lrY4.· .•• · •••.. • ••• > •.•.••••••••••. 1>-i I» /) »/><> < ...•
>I Public Works Approval Letter 2 (
Reha tliii\<jtion· PI~fl·~·. LuLSs ir'2_ LL·.·······.··.·.~.··.·.·.· ...... •..••••.••••••....•.•.•••• 2. ....•.•.••..•••.•..••••••••.••••••..•.
••••••• Screening Detail,
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••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
/ . ........................................... / .....
Stream or Lake Study, Standard, .~
stre~ mor· Lake$tu<ly,$uppl~menllM U.·
. ......... \ ................. < •• <
Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan, W
.... ,
" ••. ;'" ,J~ ••. ·i.\ •• ·• •.• • ••• •••· •••• • ••• ·· •••••••• · ••.••••••.••••••.••••••••••.•••...• I.·· .... ·.·.· ... ·.······.·· ./H li/
Title Report or Plat Certificate 4
,.ClPdgt~~8y~E9p¥ .••• ·••· •. •··•·•· •• ·•••••••··• •••••••.•••.••••••.••••....•••.••••.••.••.••• IT>·· •• I·.·.·· ••• ·· •...••••••••• · •• ·•·•· 1<)«···· ....// ........... ..
Traffic Study 2
Tr~e¢(Jtti~glt~~dql#~HrigPI~h/ " .• 'i ......... , .. I' ••••• •· •• ····.··,···· •• · •••• · •• ,iLL
Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4
U!ilitiesPI¢h;.~el'\~rali~$d.; ...... ' ... ' ...•.................................. ' ... /> •••
I·.·.· .. ·,··.·.··· ... ··.·.·.····,.
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Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final, c<l77>
)r\1etl~ri~~.Mitig~tidri.Pi~~,f'reli"'in~&'~.· ••.. •• •• ·., •• · ...••••... \/' .•••. > ••.• ••... > •••• , .••.. •.••. < /.
Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 ~
\l\firelessS.\ •. ,.) '.·.·..>i " ....... > ••.•. i» ··.··».'·.<L>'
Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3
Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3
Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3
Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3
Map of View Area 2 AND 3
Photosimulations 2 AND 3
This requirement may be waived by:
1. Property Services
2. Public Works Plan Review
3. Building
4. Planning
PROJECT NAME: i/ 0/)9.£ q (erJ
DATE: C! / ;:l.L{ / () q
i ; i
H:\CEo\Oat8\Forms-Templales\Self-Help Hanaouts\Planning\waiverofsubmittalreqs,xls 06/09
I ..
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MAY 1 2 2009
Regarding an Appeal of a decision by the
Renton Department of Community & Economic
Project Name: Vantage Glen ShO~
NO. LUA08-137
(King County File No. L07S0066)
14 Appellant King County Housing Authority ("KCIIA") and Respondent City of
IS Renton ("City"), by and through their counsel of record hereby stipulate as follows and
I G stipulate to entry of the Agreed Order set forth herein,
17 1. On February 18, 2009, the City issued an Administrative Short Plat Report
18 and Decision regarding the Vantage Glen Short Plat CAdministrative Decision").
19 2. On March 3, KCHA filed a timely appeal of portion of the Administrative
20 Decision.
21 3. KCHA and the City have met and discussed the KCHA appeal issues and
22 have collectively determined that certain conditions of approval of the Short Plat should be
23 revised in order to improve their accuracy and clarity and avoid future confusion.
24 4. Entry of the Agreed Order set forth below by the Renton Hearing Examiner
25 will fully resolve the issues regarding KCfIA's appeal.
1601 114'" Ave. SF, Suite 110
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Tei (42S)4512812!Fax(425)4512818
... f
5. Upon acceptance and entry of this Agreed Stipulation and Order by the
Hearing Examiner, KClIA requests that its appeal of this filed be withdrawn in its entirety.
By Robert D. JOh;i/irttorney for KCHA
Date: _ y~! //69
::TY~ ~
Ann N ic1sen, Assistant City Attorney
Date: 5 -/2 -OJ
Based on the foregoing Stipulation, it is hereby Ordered:
1. Condition I of the Vantage Glen Short Plat Decision is hereby modified to
read as follows:
The following note shall be placed on the face of the short plat prior to recording:
The Applicant has the option to develop Lot 2 either under applicable King County
development regulations allowing multi-family development to which it is vested or
to waive those vested rights and develop under City of Renton standards in effect on
the date of application. In either case, the Applicant shall comply with City of Renton
standards for which the Applicant does not have vested rights based on its short plat
If the Applicant opts to develop under applicable King County deVelopment
regulations to which it is vested, the Applicant shall be required to comply with the
following King County development regulations: King County land use code
requirements regarding permitted use (KCC ch. 21A.08), density and dimensions
(KCC ch. 21 A.12), development standards -design requirements (KCC ch. 21 A.14)
and critical area protection (KCC ch. 21 A.24). If the Applicant opts to develop under
applicable King County development regulations to which it is vested, the Applicant
shall be required to comply with the City of Renton development regulations for
mitigation impact fees, traffic concurrency, road construction and safety standards,
storrnwater drainage, and fire and building construction.
The Applicant shall, in any case, be required to process any development application
using City of Renton procedural rules.
1601 114'" Ave. SE, Suite 110
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Tel: (425) 4512812! Fax (425) 4512818
2. Condition 5 of the Vantage Glen Short Plat Decision is hereby modifIed to
read as follows:
Prior to any development orLot 2 or redevelopment of Lot I, the critical areas shown
on the face of the short plat shall be surveyed and delineated. In the event that the
delineated boundaries of the critical areas are different than shown on the face of the
short plat, a boundary line adjustment shall be required to revise the location of the
critical area and any affected lot lines. (An amended short plat is not required lor this
purpose.) Any development of Lot 2 or redevelopment of Lot 1 shall be subject to
buffer and other applicable critical area requirements.
3. In Section E(l) "ProjectlDescriptioniBackground" the sixth sentence of the
second paragraph beginning "If the applicant intends on using ... " is stricken and replaced
with the following::
If the Applicant intends on using the vested King County development standards for a
future multi-family project, the applicant shall be required to comply with the
following King County regulations to which it is vested: pennitted use (KCC ch.
21A.08), density and dimensions (KCC ch. 21A.12), development standards -design
requirements (KCC ch. 21 A.14), and critical area protection (KCC ch. 21 A.24).
4. The Section E(5)(a) "Aquatic Areas" the second paragraph is stricken and
replaced with the following:
If the applicant intends on LLsing the vested King COLLnty development standards for a
fLLtllre multj-family project; staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the
note set forth in Condition 1, as amended, be placed on the face of the short plat prior
to recording.
5. In Section E( 5)(b) "AccesslRoadways" the last sentence of the first paragraph
20 beginning "If the applicant intends on vesting ... " and the entire second paragraph beginning
21 "Otherwise the applicant may ... " is stricken. The following paragraph is added to the
"Access/Roadways" section as follows:
Regardless of whether the applicant elects to use its vested rights to develop under
certain King County development regulations, any future development of Lot 2 or re-
development of Lot I shall comply with City of Renton road standards in effect at the
time of application.
1601 114'" Ave. SE. SUite 110
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Tel (425)451 2812iFax(425)4512818
6. In Section E(5)(b) "Drainage" the last sentence of the second paragraph
beginning "If the applicant intends ... " is stlicken. The third paragraph E(5)(b) "Drainage"
beginning "Otherwise the applicant may opt. .. " is modified to read as follows:
Regardless of whether the applicant elects to use its vested rights to develop under
certain King County development regulations, any future development of Lot 2 or re-
development of Lot I shall comply with City of Renton Stormwater Control Manual
in effect at the time of application.
7. In Section E(5) "School Facilities" the second and third paragraphs beginning
"The applicant is proposing ... " and 'The applicant may opt to not..." respectively, are both
stricken and replaced by the following:
Regardless of whether the applicant elects to use its vested rights to develop under
certain King County development regulations, any future development of Lot 2 or re-
development of Lot I shall comply with City of Renton regulations regarding school
mitigation fees, if any, in effect at the time of application.
8. Except as set forth herein, all other provisions of the original Administrative
Short Plat Report and Decision shall remain in full force and effect.
'X'\-... ORDERED this ~\ _~ day of May, 2009.
Approved for Entry:
Date: lj -II -a -/
1601 114'" Ave. SE, Suite 110
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Tel: (425) 4512812/ Fax (425) 4512818
By \ ~~lJ --=-___
Ann Nielsen, AssIstant City Attorne'y
Date: May 11-,2009
Il.lJ -/ Stlpu/alion and Agreed Order 04-/ / -09
1601 114'" Ave. SE, SUite 110
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Tel (425)45128121 Fax(425)451 n18
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
North: 154623.7339 East : 1307072.5336
Line Course: N 78-24-33 W Length: 32.2872
North: 154630.2211 East : 1307040.9048
Line Course: s 10-19-25 W Length: 82.3242
North: 154549.2296 East 1307026.1517
Line Course: s 84-17-27 E Length: 13 .1562
North: 154547.9208 East 1307039.2426
Line Course: S 63-58-32 E Length: 270.4599
North: 154429.2553 East 1307282.2798
Line Course: S 01-26-12 W Length: 18.4254
North: 154410.8357 East : 1307281. 8178
Line Course: N 88-49-25 E Length: 10.0104
North: 154411.0412 East : 1307291. 8261
Line Course: N 01-26-12 E Length: 108.0000
North: 154519.0073 East : 1307294.5339
Line Course: N 50-03-48 W Length: 188.3125
North: 154639.8927 East : 1307150.1444
Curve LenTth: 81.5137 Radius: 100.0000
De ta: 46-42-14 Tangent: 43.1743
Chord: 79.2756 Course: s 78-14-20 w
Course In: N 35-06-47 W Course out: s 11-35-27 W
RP North: 154721. 6946 East 1307092.6252
End North: 154623.7338 East : 1307072.5331
perimeter: 804.4896 Area: 29,692 sq. ft. 0.682 acres
Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0005
courses and chords)
Course: S 80-45-18 W
East : -0.00047 Error North: -0.00008
precision 1: 1,604,502.8000
parcel name: TRACT c-1
North: 154889.4800
Line Course: S 10-08-11 E
North: 154216.9310
Line Course: S 07-50-48 E
North: 154096.2245
Line Course: S 01-30-00 W
North: 153962.7807
Line Course: S 14-51-44 E
North: 153859.9939
Line Course: S 53-58-47 E
North: 153843.2125
Line Course: N 61-04-47 E
North: 153909.2896
Line Course: N 80-26-37 E
North: 153982.8632
Line Course: N 00-14-16 W
North: 154385.3565
Line Course: N 13-48-10 E
North: 154473.2868
Line Course: N 64-29-30 E
East: 1305967.0617
Length: 683.2128
East: 1306087.3016
Length: 121.8474
East: 1306103.9365
Length: 133.4895
East: 1306100.4422
Length: 106.3446
East: 1306127.7191
Length: 28.5363
East: 1306150.7995
Length: 136.6382
East: 1306270.3980
Length: 443.1655
East: 1306707.4136
Length: 402.4968
East: 1306705.7432
Length: 90.5450
East: 1306727.3455
Length: 75.2259
page 1
North: 154505.6823
Line course: N 84-30-33 E
North: 154513.3953
Line course: 5 84-17-27 E
North: 154504.1395
Line course: 5 63-58-32 E
North: 154385.4740
Line course: 5 01-26-12 W
North: 154367.0544
Line course: 5 88-49-25 W
North: 154359.4502
Line course: 5 01-26-12 W
North: 153869.9160
Line course: N 89-29-27 E
North: 153872.5510
Line course: 5 65-54-46 W
North: 153851.6468
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 W
North: 153850.9359
Line course: 5 49-41-07 W
North: 153815.5652
Line course: 5 26-53-28 W
North: 153765.2727
Line course: 5 89-29-27 W
North: 153765.0950
Line course: 5 01-29-00 W
North: 153660.6174
Line course: 5 89-29-27 W
North: 153653.5749
Line Course: 5 01-22-57 W
North: 153477.1262
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 W
North: 153475.5624
Line Course: N 01-20-02 E
North: 153652.0097
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 W
North: 153652.0008
Line Course: N 01-19-50 E
North: 154889.4791
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
East 1306795.2386
Length: 80.6072
East: 1306875.4759
Length: 93.0430
East: 1306968.0574
Length: 270.4599
East: 1307211.0945
Length: 18.4254
East: 1307210.6326
Length: 370.3851
East: 1306840.3255
Length: 489.6881
East: 1306828.0481
Length: 296.5189
East: 1307124.5553
Length: 51. 2200
East: 1307077.7953
Length: 80.0000
East 1306997.7984
Length: 54.6700
East: 1306956.1124
Length: 56.3900
East: 1306930.6075
Length: 20.0000
East: 1306910.6082
Length: 104.5126
East: 1306907.9028
Length: 792.5000
East 1306115.4341
Length: 176.5000
East 1306111.1757
Length: 175.9748
East 1305935.2079
Length: 176.4951
East 1305939.3164
Length: 0.9988
East 1305938.3177
Length: 1237.8120
East: 1305967.0603
Perimeter: 6767.7031 Area: 497,014 sq. ft. 11.410 acres
Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0017
courses and
5 57-05-43 W
-0.00139 Error North: -0.00090
precision 1: 3,981,001.7059
East :
Parcel name: TRACT c-2
North: 156022.4973
Line course: 5 03-09-31 W
North: 155942.6188
Line Course: 5 44-50-29 E
North: 155857.5315
Line Course: 5 08-09-31 W
North: 155664.5051
Line course: 5 21-50-29 E
North: 155525.2725
Line course: 5 74-50-29 E
North: 155479.5114
East: 1306003.4774
Length: 80.0000
East : 1305999.0694
Length: 120.0000
East: 1306083.6870
Length: 195.0000
East: 1306056.0138
Length: 150.0000
East : 1306111.8196
Length: 175.0000
East: 1306280.7306
page 2
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
Line Course: N 77-09-31 E Length: 280.0000
North: 155541. 7422 East : 1306553.7275
Line Course: 5 27-46-33 E Length: 22.3814
North: 155521. 9396 East : 1306564.1575
Line Course: 5 62-13-27 W Length: 132.8266
North: 155460.0406 East : 1306446.6355
Line course: 5 82-13-27 W Length: 300.0000
North: 155419.4513 East : 1306149. 3940
Line course: N 47-46-33 W Length: 238.0000
North: 155579.3952 East : 1305973.1500
Line course: N 00-46-33 W Length: 180.0000
North: 155759.3787 East : 1305970.7127
Line course: N 06-46-33 W Length: 80.0001
North: 155838.8200 East 1305961. 2739
Line course: N 11-46-33 W Length: 185.0000
North: 156019.9264 East : 1305923.5185
Line course: N 88-09-31 E Length: 80.0000
North: 156022.4970 East : 1306003.4772
perimeter: 2218.2080 Area: 74,734 sq. ft. 1.716 acres
Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0004
courses and chords)
course: 5 40-44-34 W
East : -0.00026 Error North: -0.00030
Precision 1: 5,545,520.2500
parcel name: LOT 1
North: 155249.9688 East 1312674.4290
curve Len 1th: 81.5137 Radi us: 100.0000
De ta: 46-42-14 Tangent: 43.1743
Chord: 79.2756 Course: N 78-l4-20 E
Course In: N 11-35-27 E Course out: 5 35-06-47 E
RP North: 155347.9295 East 1312694.5211
End North: 155266.1277 East 1312752.0403
Line Course: 5 50-03-48 E Length: 188.3125
North: 155145.2423 East 1312896.4297
Line course: N 01-26-12 E Length: 536.1618
North: 155681. 2355 East : 1312909.8723
Line Course: 5 88-09-31 W Length: 316.5180
North: 155671. 0649 East 1312593.5178
Line Course: 5 01-26-12 W Length: 58.5955
North: 155612.4878 East 1312592.0487
Line course: 5 62-13-27 W Length: 285.6036
North: 155479.3927 East : 1312339.3530
Line course: 5 82-13-27 W Length: 300.0000
North: 155438.8034 East : 1312042.1115
Line course: N 47-46-33 W Length: 238.0000
North: 155598.7473 East : 1311865.8675
Line course: N 00-46-33 W Length: 180.0000
North: 155778.7308 East 1311863.4302
Line Course: N 06-46-33 W Length: 80.0001
North: 155858.1721 East 1311853.9914
Line Course: N 11-46-33 W Length: 185.0000
North: 156039.2785 East : 1311816.2360
Line course: 5 88-09-31 W Length: 65.0055
North: 156037.1897 East : 1311751. 2640
Line course: N 01-19-50 E Length: 37.0568
North: 156074.2365 East : 1311752.1245
page 3
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
Line Course: 5 88-09-31 W Length: 100.1535
North: 156071.0183 East 1311652.0227
Line course: N 01-19-50 E Length: 477.5145
North: 156548.4040 East 1311663.1109
curve LenTth: 121. 5111 Radius: 1859.8600
De ta: 3-44-36 Tangent: 60.7778
chord: 121.4907 Course: 5 45-43-44 W
course In: 5 42-23-58 E course out: N 46-08-34 W
RP North: 155174.9683 East : 1312917.2056
End North: 156463.5969 East : 1311576.1181
Line course: 5 01-19-50 W Length: 458.8380
North: 156004.8826 East : 1311565.4636
Line course: N 88-09-31 E Length: 85.1304
North: 156007.6181 East : 1311650.5501
Line Course: 5 01-19-50 W Length: 448.2409
North: 155559.4981 East : 1311640.1417
Line Course: 5 10-08-11 E Length: 683.2128
North: 154886.9491 East : 1311760.3817
Line course: 5 07-50-48 E Length: 121. 8474
North: 154766.2426 East : 1311777.0166
Line course: 5 01-30-00 W Length: 133.4895
North: 154632.7988 East : 1311773.5222
Line course: 5 14-51-44 E Length: 106.3446
North: 154530.0119 East : 1311800.7991
Line course: 5 53-58-47 E Length: 28.5363
North: 154513.2306 East : 1311823.8796
Line Course: N 61-04-47 E Length: 136.6382
North: 154579.3077 East : 1311943.4781
Line course: N 80-26-37 E Length: 443.1655
North: 154652.8813 East 1312380.4936
Line course: N 00-14-16 W Length: 402.4968
North: 155055.3746 East 1312378.8233
Line course: N 13-48-10 E Length: 90.5450
North: 155143.3049 East 1312400.4255
Line course: N 64-29-30 E Length: 75.2259
North: 155175.7004 East 1312468.3186
Line course: N 84-30-33 E Length: 80.6072
North: 155183.4134 East 1312548.5560
Line course: 5 84-17-27 E Length: 79.8868
North: 155175.4663 East 1312628.0465
Line Course: N 10-19-25 E Length: 82.3242
North: 155256.4578 East 1312642.7996
Line Course: 5 78-24-33 E Length: 32.2872
North: 155249.9706 East 1312674.4284
perimeter: 6739.7646 Area: 963,659 sq. ft. 22.123 acres
Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0019
Error North: 0.00183
precision 1: 3,546,055.1579
courses and chords)
course: N 17-40-21 W
East : -0.00058
parcel name: LOT 2
cu rve Length:
course In:
N 01-50-42 W
East: 1306379.3793
Radius: 105.0000
Tangent: 111.0862
Course: N 45-13-54 W
course out: N 88-37-06 W
page 4
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
RP North: 155810.3182 East : 1306375.9987
End North: 155812.8500 East : 1306271.0292
Line course: N 01-21-02 E Length: 282.5344
North: 156095.3059 East 1306277 . 6884
Line course: 5 88-09-31 w Length: 220.0000
North: 156088.2367 East 1306057.8020
Line course: 5 03-09-31 w Length: 80.0000
North: 156008.3582 East 1306053.3940
Line course: 5 44-50-29 E Length: 120.0000
North: 155923.2709 East 130613 8.0116
Line Course: 5 08-09-31 W Length: 195.0000
North: 155730.2445 East 1306110.3383
Line Course: 5 21-50-29 E Length: 150.0000
North: 155591. 0119 East : 1306166.1441
Line Course: 5 74-50-29 E Length: 175.0000
North: 155545.2508 East 1306335.0551
Line course: N 77-09-31 E Length: 280.0000
North: 155607.4816 East 1306608.0520
Line course: 5 27-46-33 E Length: 22.3814
North: 155587.6790 East 1306618.4821
Line course: N 62-13-27 E Length: 152.7771
North: 155658.8752 East 1306753.6558
Line course: N 01-26-12 E Length: 58.5955
North: 155717.4523 East 1306755.1249
Line course: 5 88-09-31 W Length: 375.9408
North: 155705.3722 East : 1306379.3783
perimeter: 2283.0759 Area: 143,910 sq. ft. 3.304 acres
Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0011
Error North: -0.00037
Precision 1: 2,058,948.6364
courses and chords)
course: 5 69-27-42 W
East : -0.00099
Parcel name: OVERALL PARCEL -1
North: 155663.6906 East 13 04 909. 1844
Line Course: N 88-09-31 E Length: 692.4587
North: 155685.9412 East : 1305601. 2855
Line Course: 5 01-26-12 W Length: 644.1618
North: 155041. 9819 East : 1305585.1351
Line Course: 5 88-49-25 W Length: 380.3956
North: 155034.1722 East : 1305204.8197
Line Course: 5 01-26-12 W Length: 489.6881
North: 154544.6380 East : 1305192.5423
Line course: N 89-29-27 E Length: 296.5189
North: 154547.2731 East 1305489.0495
Line Course: 5 65-54-46 W Length: 51. 2200
North: 154526.3688 East 1305442.2895
Line course: 5 89-29-27 W Length: 80.0000
North: 154525.6579 East : 1305362.2926
Line course: 5 49-41-07 W Length: 54.6700
North: 154490.2872 East : 1305320.6066
Line course: 5 26-53-28 w Length: 56.3900
North: 154439.9948 East : 1305295.1016
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 W Length: 20.0000
North: 154439.8170 East 1305275.1024
Line course: 5 01-29-00 W Length: 104.5126
North: 154335.3394 East 1305272.3970
page 5
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 W Length: 792.5000
North: 154328.2969 East ; 1304479.9283
Line Course: 5 01-22-57 W Length: 176.5000
North: 154151. 8483 East 1304475.6699
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 W Length: 175.9748
North: 154150.2845 East : 1304299.7020
Line Course: N 01-20-02 E Length: 176.4951
North: 154326.7317 East : 1304303.8106
Line Course: 5 89-29-27 w Length: 0.9988
North: 154326.7229 East : 1304302.8119
Line Course: N 01-19-50 E Length: 1686.0529
North: 156012.3211 East : 1304341. 9628
Line Course: 5 88-09-31 W Length: 85.1304
North: 156009.5857 East 1304256.8764
Line Course: N 01-19-50 E Length: 458.8380
North: 156468.2999 East : 1304267.5308
Curve Len~th: 121. 5111 Radius: 1859.8600
De ta: 3-44-36 Tangent: 60.7778
Chord: 121. 4907 Course: N 45-43-44 E
Course In; 5 46-08-34 E Course out: N 42-23-58 W
RP North: 155179.6705 East 1305608.6175
End North: 156553.1071 East 1304354.5236
Line Course: 5 01-19-50 W Length: 477.5145
North: 156075 .7213 East 1304343.4355
Line Course: N 88-09-31 E Length: 100.1535
North: 156078.9395 East 1304443.5373
Line Course: 5 01-19-50 W Length: 37.0568
North: 156041. 8927 East : 1304442.6768
Line Course: N 88-09-31 E Length: 365.0055
North: 156053.6213 East 1304807.4938
Line Course: 5 01-21-02 W Length: 282.5344
North: 155771.1654 East 1304800.8346
curve Len~th: 170.8468 Radius: 105.0000
De ta: 93-13-36 Tangent: 111. 0862
Chord: 152.6143 Course: 5 45-13-54 E
Course In: 5 88-37-06 E course Out: 5 01-50-42 E
RP North: 155768.6336 East 1304905.8041
End North: 155663.6880 East 1304909.1847
perimeter: 7977.1295 Area: 1,709,010 sq. ft. 39.233 acres
Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed
Error Closure: 0.0026
Error North: -0.00254
precision 1: 3,061,105.9231
courses and
East :
5 06-15-44 E
North: 156687.0239 East 1304356.0435
Curve Len~th: 113.5354 Radius: 1959.8600
De ta: 3-19-09 Tangent: 56.7863
Chord: 113.5249 Course: 5 48-36-52 W
Course In: 5 39-43-33 E course out: N 43-02-42 W
RP North: 155179.6731 East 1305608.6188
End North: 156611.9700 East 1304270.8683
Line Course: N 01-19-50 E Length: 72.3888
North: 156684.3393 East : 1304272.5492
Line Course: N 88-09-31 E Length: 83.5375
North: 156687.0236 East : 1304356.0436
page 6
MAPCHECK 09 14 09.txt
perimeter: 269.4670 Area: 2,957 sq. ft. 0.068 acres
Mapcheck closure -(uses listed
Error closure: 0.0003
Error North: -0.00032
Precision 1: 898,170.6667
courses and chords)
Course: 5 10-06-37 E
East : 0.00006
page 7
City of Renton Planning Division
1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057
Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231
1. Gross area of property: 1. !1tl'i 1=
2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations.
These include:
Public streets"
Private access easements'*
Critical Areas'
--cr---square feet
---"l;-'''-\~r--square feet
____ square feet
square feet
Total excluded area: 2. _~P'e=.... ___ square feet
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. ill, /li7 , square feet
4. Divide fine 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. ---=:J==--9·_:2----'-Cf_ acres
5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: ;2 /'I 5. ______ unit~
6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. 0.2/ = dwelJi.P9J~s/acre
·Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for
development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations
including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or f1oodways."
Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded.
** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded.
H : \f onns\Piatuling\densi ty .doc -I-03/08
King County Housing Authority
Vantage Glen Final Short Plat
Note to Reader: This document is provided for purposes of demonstrating that the Vantage Glen
Final Short Plat is in compliance with the Short Plat Approval by the Planning Director on
February 18, 2009, and the terms of the Stipulation and Agreed Order dated May 12, 2009,
Condition 1 per Stipulation and Agreed Order signed by Hearing Examiner on May 12, 2009:
I, The following note shall be placed on the face of the short plat prior to
The Applicant has the option to develop Lot 2 either under applicable King
County development regulations allowing multi-family development to which
it is vested or to waive those vested rights and develop under City of Renton
standards in effect on the date of application, In either case, the Applicant
shall comply with City of Renton standards for which the Applicant does not
have vested rights based on its short plat application.
If the Applicant opts to develop under applicable King County development
regulations to which it is vested, the Applicant shall be required to comply
with the following King County development regulations: King County land
use code requirements regarding permitted use (KCC ch. 2IA08), density and
dimensions (KCC ch. 2IAI2), development standards -design requirements
(KCC ch. 2IA.14) and critical area protection (KCC ch. 2IA24). If the
Applicant opts to develop under applicable King County development
regulations to which it is vested, the Applicant shall be required to comply
with the City of Renton development regulations for mitigation impact fees,
traffic concurrency, road construction and safety standards, stormwater
drainage, and fire and building construction.
The Applicant shall, in any case, be required to process any development
application using City of Renton procedural rules.
Response: The required note is shown on theface of the final short plat (see Note 20. on Sheet 3
Vantage Glen Short Plat
Compliance Narrative
Page I of3
Condition 2 per Land Use Planning Director Decision dated February 18. 2009:
2. The applicant shall be required to place the following note on the face of the
short plat prior to recording: Under King County minimum density
requirements in effect at the date the short plat application was submitted, this
short plat would be required to be developed with a minimum of 257 dwelling
units on a site-wide basis, including a minimum of 48 multifamily units for
Lot 2.
Response: The required note is shown on the face of the final short plat (see Note 21. on Sheet 3
Condition 3 per Land Use Planning Director Decision dated February 18.2009:
3. The following note be placed on the face of the short plat prior to short plat
recording: Any building/land use permit for Lot 2 shall require a sidewalk be
constructed along the frontage of SE 180lh Street and 1051h Place SE per the
applicable code provisions.
Response: The required note is shown on the face of the final short plat (see Note 22. on Sheet 3
Condition 4 per Land Use Planning Director Decision dated February 18,2009:
4. The following note shall be placed on the face of the short plat prior to
recording: No storm water drainage review was completed for this short
subdivision because no new impervious surfaces were proposed or approved
as part of the short plat application. Prior to any grading or building
development or redevelopment of Lot 2, drainage review and approval of a
stormwater drainage plan shall be required.
Response: The required note is shown on the face of the final short plat (see Note 23. on Sheet 3
of 3).
Vantage Glen Short Plat
Compliance Narrative
Page 2 of3
Condition 5 per Stipulation and Agreed Order signed by Hearing Examiner on May 12. 2009:
5. Prior to any development of Lot 2 or redevelopment of Lot I, the critical areas
shown on the fact of the short plat shall be surveyed and delineated. In the
event that the delineated boundaries of the critical areas are different than
shown on the face of the short plat, a boundary line adjustment shall be
required to revise the location of the critical area and any affected lot lines.
(An amended short plat is not required for this purpose,) Any development of
Lot 2 or redevelopment of Lot 1 shall be subject to buffer and other applicable
critical area requirements,
Response: No development or redevelopment is proposed at this time, A note regarding the
critical areas is shown on the face of the final short plat (see Note 24. on Sheet 3 of 3).
Vantage Glen Short Plat
Compliance Narrative
Page 3 of3
N o
li1 o n
N g;
. , ' ... :
ihe Grdfl or, GLACIER PARK COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, fur
and in cOf1sicerat on of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other 'Jaluable consideration,
receipt of I'Jhich shere-by acknowledged. conveys.:: ,d quite !a)ms to the HOUSING
AUT~ORjTY OF THE COUNTY OF KING, a municipal corporation of the State of
W'd.sh~ngton, all of its rigt,t, title and interest in dnd to the following
described rea I estate situated in the Count.y of King, State of WashingtQ!'1.
including dny dft~r ucquired tit le:
The north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East,
W.M.; EXCEPT the easterly 50 feet in width, and EXC,PT
the soUthT5 feet of the east 430 feet, also ---
The south 400 feet of the west 495 feet of the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23
North l Range 5 East~ W.M., in King County. Washington;
EXCEPT the north 37 feet of the east 395 feet thereof.
Parce I 2.
Parcel 3.
Ttle south half of the sDutheast Quarter of the northwest
qlJarter of Section 32, Township 23 North~ Range 5 East,
W.M., in King County, Washington~ EXCEPT that portion of
trle east 430 feet therecf lying ffo~ the south 210 feet
of said south half, and EXCEPT the south 110 feet of the
east 240 feet thereof, andTXrEPT the east 30 feet thereof
conveyed to King County for (aaa purposes by deed recorded
'Jnder Auditor's File No. 791761, and EXCEPT the west 10 feet
of the east 40 feet t.hereof conveye1 to :he State of
Washington for highway purpOSES by dEed rec.orded under
Auditor', Fi Ie NO. 7305150405.
81-,' 0':"-"::::
>;:-E':.C· F
The north half of the north ha:f of the northeast ouarter
of the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 N~rth,
Range 5 Cast, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT the
west 1 foot thereof; and EXCEPT the fa Ilowing des:r;bed
pert iar, thereof: ---
Beginning at the nar:heast corner of said subdivision;
t~ence south 1"26'23" west along the east line of said
subdivision 329 feet to the point of beginning; tnence north
87"40'12" west 912.25 feet to the east line of the west 40]
feet of said subdivision; thenc~ south 1~20'56" w~~~ along
said east line 54.56 feet to the s.outh line uf Sujd
subdivi~ion; thence north 89 D 38'S4" east along said suuth
line 912.51 .&eet to the east line of said subdivision;
thence north IDZ6'23" east alana said east line 11.86 feet
to the point of beginning; and ~XCEPT the east 40 feet
FilED faC ilccord al. Request 01
. ~ ':c" ... 'JI) DlrJ" . .k...'x.. 1 I. " c') )0" EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRE")
Kin~ CD. Recolds Division
-~ --) . ;
. ddlGI5I.5' .... J,.~;cl£J.' 111</
. v i) fM ",!;, , Deputy
_jp~.7 If" f Lc!/L.2-'..l...L!f
r\J o
'" o
Parcel 4.
The east. RS feet of thp fnllowinf!: tract:
That poT"tion of the northwes't quarter of the northwest
~Iuerter of Section 32, To,...nship 23 North, Range S F.a..<;t.
''{.M., in King County. Washington, desc:rihed ;IS fo1101·"s:
Reginninp, at the northe3st corneT of s:1.id ~baivisirm;
thence south 0"26'58'1 \-lest along the ea:.iterly Une of <::ctid
subdivision 337.02 feet to the true peint of heginning;
thence south 86°19'24" l~est 15F!.32 feet; thence !>outh
2 "24 1 54 11 west 336.52 feet; thence south 86 "39' 20" west
165.00 feet to the e;:lsterly line of the J. G. Can Road;
thence south 2·24'54" west along said easterly line 70.40
feet to a point of curve; thence southerly along sa_id
easterly line following a curve to the right having a radius
of 244.1B feet J an arc distance of 187.53 feet to the
easterly line of a private road; thence southeasterly in ~
straight line along the easterly line nf said private road
120 feet, more or less. to R point in the southerly line of
the north half of the southe<.: st quarter of the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of said section distant
south 86"59'16" west .342~07 feet fTom the easterly line of
said subdivision; thence north 86 e 59 1 16" east 342.07 feet;
thence north 0"26'58" east along tpe easterly line of safd
subdivision 674.04 feet to the true point of beginning;
except portion thereof; conveyed to King County for road
purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5S7615g~
This conveyance is subj ect to all easements J encumbrances, reservati ons,
restrictions of record.
EXCEPTING A.t..ID RESERVl~G, however, unto 5:"1io Grantors, its ~uccessors and
assigns, all of t:he coal, oil, gas, casinghead gas and all ('Ires and r.1inel"als of
every kind and nature tmderlying the surface nf the pnrc:els herein conveyed.
together with the full right-, privilege and license a.t :'!IJ1y and [1.11 times to
exploTe, or drill for and to pT'Dtect, conserve, mine, take, remove and market
any and all such prod.ucts in any manner which will not damage structures on the
sl.<TfaC0 of the parcels herein conveyed; EXCEPT, mineral rights reserved in Deed
recorded in King County. Auditor's Nc. 521719.
IN WITNESS Wf1.EREOF, said corporation has caused this instTIll'!lent t('t be
executed by its prope!' office'" ar,d its corporate scal to be hcretD1t.o affb:ed
this 18th day of September , 1981.
) ss.
On this 18th day of September J I!181, hefo:re f"le ~rsnTlal1y
appeared J. C. Kenady and G. F, Stelnhibel 1 to be knowTl to
be President a.nd Assistant Secretary of the cOTPoration that exec:u!.ec thl!'
within and foregoing rnstn..l,;nent ~!ld aclnm.'ledged snid instrument to be the free
and voluntary act and deed of said c:oTJlorntion for the use:e: a.nd pl1!Jloses therein
mentioned and on oath stated that they were authorized to exectJte the said instru-
ment and that the seal affixed is the corpor~te ~al 0f said corporation.
n~ 1\'ITNES8 1\~IFRP1F, I ha':e hcreunto set r:1Y hand and affi,;ed my official
seal the day and year fint above written.
eState 0
'~, ' ,
T.t. :-:''?
'Th~ grantor ~. herein
Robert :. Sw~ttenmm & An~B Mae Swe.tensm
De",d,.J. ·=<lW;,-·-""S~~-*-, DQnr.elly .5:::;.2 r --($ ),)2,.00 )
.. ~. ".... . --.... -..... , .. , ..................... , ....... ------_ ... _ ... Dollars
lind lil~~ ~(benefit. to.: accru~ t~. t.hem ...... __ by ru.IIOD of larintr out Uld ezt&blillhing a public ro.a.d
lhroLJl<1i :.rei r propHty, IInc 'll'ilich i~ herewa.fter de.erib~d, conny .. , rele&~JOIL., and quit.claim
to lin: [cnlDf!' of ........ State uf W&6hioijtOD, tor U8f-' of the Public
lore· .. ~r, 11$ I. pubh~ fOld and bjb'hway, e.llmtereat in the [j)UOWiD8' d1:lBcribea ~bB.1 elta!:, nt.:
.. --~
That p'Jrtion 0:' the East Half D.t: the N.W.\ at the N.·.oJ.\ of Sec. 32; Twp. 2.31L
R. s: E.~';,M .• said portion being des~ribed a9 rallov:I! Beginning lit the
Northeast cornor of!the N.I,~·.~ or the N.W.~ of £laid Section 32, thence
South .1,37.02 ft. to the true point or beginning; thence South 86° 19'24"
'Nest 1.53.J2 ft.~ thence South 2°2l4,'54 11 WeB~. 336.52 ft.~ thence South
66°.39 1 20 11 ',.Jest 165 ft., to ,the Eastsrly" margin of County Road ,?lb47,
thence southerly along said ee.:lte:,ly margin A distance of 70.40 .ft. I
thence along th~ arc of ,a curvl!! to the right having e. radiuB of 244.16
ft. a distance of ItJ7.53 ft. to too Easterly margin of Privete Road,
thence Southeasterly ~long said Easterly m&rgin e. distance of ~20 rt.,
Jolore 0-:' Less to a point on the south line 0:£ the North Hal.!' 01' too S.E.~
of t."1e N.',.J.j.i of the. N.w.f-, of said Section 32, £laid point :peinE:; 3!J2.07 I't"
.hlSt of the Ea!!"; line or said .subdivision, thonce East 342.G7 ft., thence
;;artlt 614.r'i~ ft. to the tr'.le point of begir .... "ling.
Inc1.uded within El st.!"ip ot land 100 !"t. in ioI'1dth, having 50 l't. of'such
.... idth on eac'h side of' the following das~ribed centerline:
Corr.i718Dcing at 6. point on the South line of t..~e N .E.l.t; of the N .E.~ of ,
~'ec. 31, Twp. 23 N .• R. 5 E.W.M .. said point being Sta. 17+47.0 aa su['veyed
by King County Road SU':"vey No. 31-23-5-5. thence South 69 Q 02 IJSJ II East
l;l. d::'stance ot: 145.51 .!"t., thence along the arc ot a curve -to the le1't
havint=; a r9-dius of 572.g6 !'t., Ii distance at: 395.96 .ft.) thence North
1;12.21' 36 11 Ea.s t 8. dis tance of 285.62 !'t., thence along the arc of a
ct.:..r·'f,;! to the right having a radiu~ of 573.14 ft.) e. distance of' 341.tJ
rt., thence North 85°)2'36 11 E.ast a dist&.nce of 141.70 ft., thenc~ along
the arc of e. curve to the right having & radius or 1432.40 [,t., a dist~~~e
of l7S.bJ ft .• thenc~ South 87D25 '24" East a distance of 474.74 ft.,
thence along the arc of a curve to tho left having a radius ,of 572.96 rt ..
a dis tance of 507.3.3 rt .• thence North 41 D50' 36" East B dis tanes of
253.tJ4 ft., thence e.long the arc of' B. eurve to the right having 8.. radius
of lrJ09.B6 ft., a distance of 1500.00 rt'J thence North 86°50'36 '1 East
a distance of 133.74 ft., to a terminus at the North Quarter corner of
SeG. 32. Twp. 2J N,. R. 5 E."f.M. said ~erm.inus being the intB:r~ection of
ID6:h Ave. ~.~.
~ontuin~'G O.7~ Acre More or Less.
lV,,' Carr Road (East V3.1:e r:i. to ~.H. 5IS}'
toget.her with the right W Illll.h aU DeCetlllary .Jopea for cutll and fin. tlpon ,th~ ol.butting prCpHty ILlld OD
,;~cb .ld@ of Uld ducnbed nght-of.'III'ay, III ~on1or:m.n1 'W'lth IIt&ndud plana urd lIJ.'f!ci:fiClltl<!D~ for h.lghl<".Jr"
purpo.ea bd to 1-he-~",,-ectftt-_d-p~"'" .....:J. t4~ pe,am ~Dt~d~*d been aeqwred by t!ondeIDDa tJoo
proceediJl.ra IlDder EmlnflJlt DOmalD IItlltUt.M ot th~8hte Cit W aahmgtu'il. ~. --• .. ..--. .... ~
,i'.a"d '" tho C''"'t,., --:;:'4:--:--.-.. -.... 8ta<o., w .. IUngt."
:::.ted thil ....... //ri... ...... d.y of.. ·····~··0 ... k":L::.. . ... , A.. D. l!l . .{~ .. ? -
w;: )L. I / "
1l _____ ~:lC"~ . ..,,:< ... ~~"./ ••. ~"'?-;-.lc~-?:~-(:-;-.~-tL-:-.~-=-_':_-._.-._---'--._ •••• ·_j_-_:_·~_~_:_'_::~_~.·_.~_~·_4_~_· ~_)(_,·-_·--_~~.:..7_··~_-_·-__ -.JIL
-." ',;
II ,', II
\ I,
I ,
d"",eribed in a.n~.....i)'.,.u.'ECl'Qted t.b~ wit~ m.tru.lI:lI!mt ADd .cb(/'''ledi'ed .. ~ m. th&t. . .L/?t~ .. _ .. .-igIll!d
and awed the ume u. .. _~ .. ~~4 •. i ...... __ ... _p.e.e ~~d ... ohmtuy act and dnd fur th1! UMII IlPd pnrpOle thenin
Witnells my b.tUId lLtId amBial leal the d .. ,. and 1eU' L-.t .bo.,.e~ written.
Not", Pobli, m ~, I" tho St." 0' Wuh;ngton, ,";~~',~~::~~12::~'~~~~c~' I
:. o
'" ..
County of //,.(..-If \ ~s
day-ptr50naJly appeared b~fore m~ YFN.N.lF J ..172 #/./£ L ~ ~
L/,'.·" ~ L". ".
,.-... ---...
:{~~:~ "
'I I,
" I,
" 'I ::
, , Ii
~. ,
;} ::1
-'I ! .0e,:ci::. /!
I' ,
ii' '.,......---
tne Illdividu::d ~ d~scritW'd in and Who.l ~~~IM
signed the same as
the within and tort'll:oing iDStrum~nl and
frtt :lnd lIoluntary act and deed, i", Ihl:
In thE' Maller of State HighwlllJ No. (SR No. ~15
HP 3.87 to HP 5.15. Renton Vicinity: S.l. 196th Street to Carr Road
JUIflI W. Huber and Sharon Ann Huber, hil Yif.
ic" and in consiaeratiolL of tlte Sllm of TEN and NO(lOO------(~lO.OO)-----------· ----Dollars,
.nd other valuable conelderatione
hrrc/}y l'U1IPC'!J {llld warrnnt to Ihe STATE or WASHINCTON', the following dClic,-ibcd rent eslate litu-
riled in Kin!!; Cotlntll, in che Stnte of Washington, to the Same
C.Tten! (mel purpose ali if rhl:! rights hen·in granted had been acquired tmdt"r Eminent Domain statute of
the State of Wl1shing10n:
.... 11 that portion of the following deacl.":l.bt"ld Parcel -All lying Eutorl,. of a lin ...
draw. ~O fut ',,!ute.rly of and parallel with the center line ,of .. ~l 51.5, liP .3.87 to
Hr 5.15. Renton Vicinity: S. E. 196th Street to Carr Road.' I '
South 110 feet of tt._ tut 150 feet of th. South.ast Quarter of the
Sout,)ltut Quarter of the No't'thY"st Quarter of S.ction '.J2, TOWfLllhip
2J North, Rang. 5 E •• t, R.M •• in K1nx County, W •• h1ngton, EXCEPT
tho ·East 30 feet theraof conveyed to ~1ng County by dead rocorded
under Auditor's 1ile No. 791761.
It 1e understood and a~n:ed that the State of Yashington ",ill reconstruct the existing
rOIHJ approach on the Yestcrly side of said hip,h ...... y .t or neAt' High ..... y Enp;inear's
Stati0n 297+J5, which approBch sholl be maintained betw'ecn the. ri~ht of 'Wtl.'! line and
the shoulder line of $Ilid highwBY~ by the granton. their heirs, successors or assigns.
'fhe granton!!; herein further grent to the State of.Washington, or its Itf'!tmts. the right
to enter uron the grantor's remaining land,. where necessary to construct Baid approach.
The lands h~r~in eonveyed cont.in an _reft of 1.100 aquar~ feet, m~r~ or leas
t1)(~ specific detGi!.~ conceming at! of which arc to be found within that certain map of definite location
now oj record and on ;tile in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia and bearing date of
Ilpprovlti AU~llflt 9, 15'71 and the center line of. vhich ill also shown 'of record in Volume 5
of Hip,hway Plate, pa~. 3J, recorda of said county.
Tne uncl~rsigned .q~reQ to Burrenticr pOSAcAsicn of tit!:! unimproved property herein conveyed
on ~ __ 8IBI72 , b\lt not prior to receipt: of pS)'T.'Icnt therefore.
It i,.; uTlneT.\'l(!od and agreed thar the deliveTY of this deed is IleTeby len'dcTed and tilel! tlie term:o:
(ltld oll!igations hereoJ $h(lH not become bindillg upon the State of Washington unless und unt it accepted
lind o))proJ)('d h<.>reotl in wtiting for the State of Washington, DepaTtm"::nt of' Highways, oy the Chief
Hight I"1f "Va!) Agell!.·
Dateu th!s .·.2t..b; .... day oJ ....... .Augu.tT ···l'il72, ..
By ..
M o rr-
"':j "'.
(1ndlvldull 1~lIno .... i~nt kll'Tnj
STAn or \\' ASHI'NCTON, }
County of.-.--_."b,f. __ . ___ . __ _
1, alt U~rigntd, R n.ota,,} p-ublic in and for the State of Waahington, htreby certify tI~ctt on thhl
... _ .... g_ ... ~_dnll of __ .uw\.v.p.t..,_197..1--._ ..... _,,_. ________ .. _ ..•. ___ ._. __ .pC'f'!01I.alIII appecTE'd before me
-........... -~. -··C,·,;-":,o;;<,,,,,---.-.. -.. -.. --.. ---.. --.-----.---------.--------------... -----..
to mr ;U;~1iI!C:;fIi. individual.s.. describl!d in and who execute~ the j01'erJ' ;ng i1utrument, and
' __ "9'''" and Be.uled the ,flame as __ th&ir,_"_fr~et' rrnd vol 'tary act and deed,
therein mentioned.
M.,JI"na and offici.al seal the day and year ~ written.
.------.-~--Nntllty hbll":h,, end thl! State of WIUhi'ngton.,
!:' I
Re.rtdhlg" 11l ..... -: •.. 01yap-i.a ...... .
. (CorportltJon at'knowledrment form)
"" County of _ __."_ .. _. __ _
On this ... ..... _ ... day 01-_ .. __ ........ _._._ ......... __ .. ____ .. __ ... -.._ ....... _ .... before me per.,onaHy nppea'7'ed
. __ .... _:.. •..• :n n~.~:~:....~_ .... _ .. _. ---:-:-.. --~,7:-r;--: ... -:--... -... -.-.--_:_-.--..... -.. -.-:' .... - .
to me known to be the._._. .... ~ .. ~_ .... _ ... _ .. _._ .. __ ._. __ and..:· ___ . ___ ~ __ ... __ ... _ ...• _._ .. __ .. _._ .... __ , ........... ..
oj the corporation ,that .executed the jOT'e!}oing .instrument, 1!,:,4 acr..no'U:,~edged !'!lid imtrument to be the
. . . -. .., l' . _...'" , '.
free and voluntary act afld deed of said corporation. Jor the tiSe! and purposes therein mentioned, and
on ollth stated thaL __ ._ .. " ... __ . __ . ____ " ___ '_'_"'H __ • __ t'1uthOTi.zed to exec'ute said i7U'trument and that the .seat
" '. Given Hflder my hand and official seal.the day' and lIear last above,.written.
" z
== '" <: ~ i::
'"' <: Iii
.--::-,'~.--' -,
RP"COr.C£.O Notcu·".Publk.'tn lind Jor th~ SlC1.tl' of WCII/'I.tnotcm,
'I ' ......... -.-••• ----_. __ •• Rl'rldhi" 41. ... ,;.
- ---. REQUE~l OF
: "," i'"
197? SEP 19 !,N' '8;:,06 ;jj,' .
1 1.:.1"' ,,';r', .. , .. ' . ,hi "lBD ' ,/ r ~ •• }'Z .. ~ ~Z.
D:. ! ,-. P10~REa:R1..> AI k.tl •• , "'0 ~ '. n:
; Ii: ~'CI, ~:,~ ..'" ,.:. E ~
(LECT/Jr.', < NA1'L. TlILE j '. ~', ~r>:= <t~
• ,I:JNG CO. rlt,' ~ SGC01'.lI) A V '\ .• t () ~ ~ 6!:2 ::;; J . . . .w........,.ll .,J: SOl: ,I. i ,?_~~~rr '. ~Vl I.l. "!'i • '. QM ""'" ~ < "'0 I'J
.; ,"'; ,.;,. '." -. , i-~ tl-.~:. "~ ~Z :"1=
z "L.l i ~ ( ~W .. .t ,;;:.
r I-~ ~ ,,' ..; .~~ t~ :'!.{ I I, fill tEl o'~;
\, Q i ~ .
~ i \}.,
'I , '<>i'j ~ , 0
'" sh~ '" Y ''-I ~g § , \.1 .. 'I ~£",Q i~=~ ~ :t''\ I ;;;~~
I~ H~· ~ , \! ~g < ~ .9 "'i '1 r~: Ij ~~~ ,I fi ! '\' 1~~ I
i , Y , ;!~i et~~ , I
y}:;i " 0
, .
. -,
R/W 377 #416
,R public .a.shlngton corporation, B.Dd PETER J. MUDbE. til single man.
as h1 s sl!!!parllt~ property. ----,.-''----
XillJlIU_~ _______ . _____________ ... __ . ___________ . __ . ___________ ~
xaUJt \lAlullbl~ consider£ltion, convey _ and w8fn,lIl __ to the COUlLt)' of Kini. State or WaahinrtOl'l,
all interest in the followma dc>scribed reBI eslllte:
Those portions of the northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North.
R.nge S East. W.M .• in King County. Washington, described os follows:
The north 30 feet of the east 220 feet of the sou~east quarter·of said
no.thwest quarter of Section 32, [,oept that portion thereof lying within
IDBth Avenue Southeast;
Together with, the south 30 feet of the ... t 220 feet of the northeast quarter
of said northwest quarter of Section 32. Except that portion thereof lyino
~ thin loath Avenue Southeast.
Contains an area of 11,400 Sq. Ft., or .26 Acres. MIL.
1>0749 E
JMI 4 2 "1 I'll 1'1
.,,--q;: GiVIS,ONOf' ~. ,.-\~~~:.1. ~~.·.·~~t\..~ .... wKj1'.~ C,)UN1Y
to:fd~r wittt the ~i«hl to make all nCCCI98aJ"}' IIolvJJe!l ror nil. _lid rill" upon the JblllliJlQ" property on
:-~,.·h ~H..;; -..t :t.ny fl)Qrt ... hkb is now. Of ilia.)" be COIio.ilrOlCI.iaod heht.n.er-an. uJd jll'llpert.V. ill COltf~.jly
,,"Il! .st~lI.dard plllni and r;;pecifiealionl for bizh"'l)' purpoge8. IMI to the .. 11De extent 'lAd purposel AI
it the nltl;l$ hereiJI IT*nt.eod lIad been .eq.~d by eOlld~mn.tiOZI Pfoceedinp lIDdn Emi.Delit DOIIIain
'<hlhstt-8 of (be SLate of Wnbin(tOll.
, .
/ J_ s;-'
. ... day or ... t'-!.-~ .. -...... " .................. 19 .... ~, "'before ·me, &. Nota'
Oa tlle ... _. /t/ ..
PUblic in
COUNTY OF KII'fO, f ~_L<..L_ .. ~l;...QJr""':'
On thls ........ :-?:..t.1.. .. day at ............. ~., .... ~.~.~.~., ............... _ .......... _ .. befDIe me pi"...rsonal!y appeared
J~.~.~.,,!: .... !.~.~~.r. .... _ ... _ ... _ ... _._ .... . .... ,J.U. _._ ....... __ ........................ _. ___ ... _. ___ ._ .. _ .. _ .. _._ .. _.
t.o ·m!! known to be the ...... ~_;~~.1J.~.t'!~._J~lr._~_1;9:r ...... _ ...... .-.l. __ ............. _._. __ ~ _____ ~~._. ___ . ___ ._.
at the corporation that executed the foregomg ins~ruml!"nt, end nckno'911edged wd lnstnlme-.rl(-to .~
the tCf.:f! and. voluntary act and deed. or said corporation. (or the uses Ilnd purposes therul men> .. · ...... "
tioned., and o~.,oa~ sit~,.r~~·;T".~-:-;"i~~··;·!~-~··· .. " ........ _ ... B.uthortzed 1.0 execute said lm.tn!!llWt and . ;: .-,. .... ,~
Lhat the sel*.aluz,;d''lJ the corporate 5e1l1 or said COTpC'Tation. . ..
Given under my hand and official seal the day :~.~ .. ~~h~~.;_ .. _ .. ___ _
t.' ~ ::,~:.: .. :z'~--:~~~_ .. ,~_._. ___ '-..
ST .... n or WASBlNCTON.
c-tJ 01 King
0.. "'" cloy ~Y """""" ....... .,. "*lin lard R. RIIod.s""
to ~ kBcrwD 1tII ~ tk i~ividuI det:ribed u.. aDd
, =iIId&ed tbat he sigM:t the same as
_ aDd purpa!ICI ~ fIIIm,(ioaed.
GI\'EN ..., my _ ...I oI&cial ..t this
STm or wASBJNGTON. t ....
~01 KIng \
wOO P!:U:<:lJ.lrd the wilbia aod ~ lbstrummt, aod
his ire!' and 't'OhmW}' Id. and deed, fOf" t.be
f ......
Houa!rg Auth::Jr1ty of the CCyntv sf KIM
ror ~ con.idcn,iOfl __________________________ a ...
Pl.iblic-rtwuet," • r",MiC' road and hiah"e.r. all iotetf'sr ia me: loJlo.in. du~ibed rea! estarr:, iacludina
T.L. ztI
TNt portion ?f the-West 146 feet (jf t~1! Ea~t 366 fNt Df the Southeast Quarter
of the Northlft!5t Quarter of Section 32. Tovnsh1p 23 North. P.3nge 5 EloSt W.M. 11fng
within a strip of land 60 feet in w1dth t ~av1~9 30 feet on each ~1d! of the following
described centerline:
Beginn1ng 11 a point on the centerlin@ of Carr ROid as surveyed by King County Survey
J~-23-S-5 and df"s1~.lt!d 4.1 Engineer's Stat1or. 53+0 •. 68. thence South 0'·20'08-
W@st I d"1stlllnce of 1,165.19 feeti thence 6100g I tAngent curve to the left na.1ng
~ rtd1us of 75.00 feel t:~rough I central angle of 93"'09' •• -In Ire: dtstence of 121.95
feet; thence North 88°10'2-4-Ent a dish'nee of 522.64 feet tu tne teMlllinlJs. S:11d
tera1nus being South Ol·Z6·2.3~ West 11. diStance of 1.!18.82 fHt~ tbenc-e SOI.It:-' 88-
lO'Ze· .... t • distance of 220 J6 feet f_ tile North qUirt •• comer of Secti ...
l2. Township 23 North, Rang, 5 East, Y.M.
All in ~Ing C...,ty, washington.
Cont.ains. 6n are.e. of O~22. Acres,
STAn: QF "'ASHI!'l<;roN. } ...
C.ount1 or r. U'I9
110 QQ$£,r.tJ:
l!A\' S 1987
-_._---.. _--=-. -.
.--. _ .... rip. b _.n ~~I .. _ r-"'.IIlo ....... ~"""", .. d ..
__ lii-tIl.ai4 ~ riPl.-oOl-wa.J'. ill ~ .u.k dGdud pt..., _ 4 " tloep fw .... .., _ ........ __ ... .--.. lItMria!> ............... W_...-Io7 __
FDa r c:r DO.r &..baat ~ at»r-. ~ tlaa Sta.tt of WuWqtea.
--...1m 1M ~ .. ",,--,X.:.:I:c"'''. ________ ~_ .:W~
DDM..........YPr.< dq ~, __ .c-=..;:U=-____ ~.t. D.lt~
,-10; ..... _..oj!~" __ --
fi "R'lZONE NO. 234-B4R / PERMIT NO. 85-0135
n~~J~:;*i:5.lUIT .. CLAIM DEED </" 377 .462
not "."IOt __ hltN! in .__ '!he fb.lsirg AuttDri ty of, the COU.="n"tLv-'o"fc..::K"'i$= ______ _
ror Ihe conaider-.tian .. f' .. m"2!!!_~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... !!!!!!!..!!..!!!!!!!!!! • .!! ... '"_,,_~""' ... I!!!!!!!!IIb .. I' ...
__ li+.,of bc-nt'tiI5 10 ~ccruL! tD ______ i.~_ .. ___ by r~n"n of JioOyi.ftB OUt and estebl~shiQ8" publ.k
T.L. 124
67···0S ..... 0'5
.... • ... · .... 00 -
Thllt PDTtfon. of the South 400 feet of the "ut 495 he1. of the ~oTtheast Quartl!'r J
of the Northwest quarter' of Section 32, Townsnip Z3 North. Range S £est Ii.M .• 1)ir:g "
within a strip Df land 6D feet in lIIIidth. ha .... ing 30 feat ::>n each side of tt-.e following
de$~ribec centerllne:
Beginning at a point on the cert.e.,.ltne of Co!l"'r road .!IS su~:~d by King COUIlt,. Su,.,.~y
Jl-~3-S-5 .and' designated u fl1gineer's Station 53+04.68: thence South ll1"'ZO'OO"
West a d1.!Unt:e of 1.165.19 feet; thet:lI:e along e: tengent cury!! to th!o left ~Yi.?l9
~ rauius of 75.00 feet through I central angle of 9l D09'44 w an Irc di~tance of 121.95
fe-et; thence North 88"'10 1 24-East e distance of SZZ.6~ feet t(' the te1T'.:'nus, slid
terai"us being South 01-26'23'" West a dhtance (If i,378.82 feet~ the-nce South 88-
10'24-Wes.t a a1stence of 220.36 feet frail the North qUlrte," corner of Section 32.
TONnshlp 23 ~ortht Range 5 E~st, W.N.
leSs. tholt portion lyil'lg within the North 37 feet of the South 400 feet of the ile5t .. ao feet. of' the Ho .. theast quaTtG:r of tbe NOT':Mst quarter of said Sec:tfDn 32.
All in King County. ~sh1ngton.
Contains ~n 4~ea o( 0.34 AcreS4 ~/L
/, i ..--,~~-.. -'7 h.l'{.(-·~> n
Ij~ S 1:57
.VoCl1.r:¥ Pwlt/:; if! ud.,""" II. SI~I.,. if*·~. ~
~tlirtg 4lt -\~; • .-J ':;;-. i ~
Jl!l<.Ypp'.ildflflCf:l~r~ t.~ .... .-~~~_.c. 3~~
lopllter wiu" fitt, ript to -..b an D~ .,.. fw ala aDd. IIiIJa 1IpQI1 tU at-uttiq-JII'OPWl;T &lid ..
eMk .... of Mid dll!lll:riW ric:.t..ot~"", ia ....... ity villi RaDdard pt~ ud .....",..6_ lot .... W'a.7
~ uc: _ tb ~_ ...nolllDt:l,...,... .. if u.. ria'llbi htftiD enokcl Ud beeIl ~ by eoodemu~
~ UDder ~t lkIaammtQt.eI of Ib_ State at W~
alhW4ld .ta die ~ 01_ king -. Il:ta~ of W~
___ ~!)'.~.,. of.. ______ 'O'OCU __ ~_-~ A. D. 1 •. .KL..
'1m tt;lm
__ -«c:'.(:.:..-'c..,,,;,t-,--,,.d/I..'"_'U'
:g.at Fld 4,,0'Y 19 1'0129 11-18
00 t 14 llUIt $1
;0. S. 0eI1U
1:0 'i."':w FIlii!! llJ TelepJlI!lIr.l8 ad Telegraph
,J. B/w 1a ~,br gt.a--In lUI ll';O-
't'J1. SK! 01.' 1mt of Sect 32 T"]I 13 JIll :3 €I .. liI4 Pl'VP lUling 1I01~ Pal
iNp pro, ,. r the gt.:l:r.
'1'11(; 8 by n!llOhc,J' to be 1)1.#.* at 8 d i.s tor Ibli ;;1'. tftr t.bmt 10 tt
t;f'~ the< l,1·11n.1 a/s ale •• X 8d,: tb.. a'O: ;:-&0'
--'1iIIIll 'Dc) Bl!!;1J ,1:5 150-l.,tt .
II!!. Oot H 1$1129 bJ D, S ..
.'t'rtIOOlllu n 0 l&1r £'9 JLV3~
ll. 3. Gent
Ges:tt bef ae:... J ht: noll
(Ml .. aa l.'SO) ('I /'
I, •
t,! ./ • • 11' •••
WHEREAS, by wr1tten instrument dated Ootober14,
1929, D. S. GENT, a bachelor, granted to THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE
AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, a oorporat1on, here1nafter.ferr.~ to
as the "Telephone Company", an eaeement on and over that
oerta1n land in King County, Waehington, deaoribed aa tollottal
The Southealt quarter ot the NorthWal't quar,t.r
(SEt NWt) Of. Seotion thirty·two (32) •. Townah1 P .
twenty-three (23) North, l\Mgef1ve \5) Bait,
W.M., K1ng County, State ot Valh1ngton, being
the sole and .aparata prop.r.t)' ot tbell"antol'
said eaaement being reoorded in the ottioa otthe Auditor of
~aid County in VolUme 1445 of Deeda at Pase 6141 and
WHEREAS, a portion of the above-delloribed land 1e
not required by the Telephone Company tor the purpoeell ot.
lIa1d eaaementl'
NOW THEREFORE, in oon,1deraHon ot the 1l11li ot ()QfI ... , !-
Dollar ($l.OO). rifoe1pt whereof 11 Muby aokl\owl~.' the"
Telephone Company don hareby re1ea •• , oonvey andquitolli.1III
unto sa1d D. S. GENT, end to hi' IUCOI.,ora in interellt, heir.,
exeoutors, admin1stratorll and a8l1gns, all right, tiUeand
1nterllllt aoquired by 1 t by v1rtue of' said .aslment~ in and J;o
the follo'll1ng-deeoribed portion of the land above-cle.cr1bedl
The north two hundred ten (210) felt of the
Southeast quarter of the Southeallt quartel" ot .
the Northwellt Quarter (SEt SEt NWi) oraecUon
th1rt:f~two (32), Township tWlnty-three(23)
North, P~nge five (5) East, W.M.. .
In all othel:' I:'lIIpeuts, said easement shall rallain 1ntull.
foroe and effeot,
' ..
.. I t.r. these presents thi6~aay of
company hae
.!vAlE' 1959 •.
:: ;
.&:eat 0>. P 10-:'17 /7
At,p': li-3' '1. 4"OVO J
,.w. ~T1tet. ~r of 1." tol :Ie. .. rl'''~; fiB < AI! n~ est
'~. Pili<;et >30UA4' .... 0W'el!' cc. 1.1r;!lt "~anT. iI ":"':18 O"l"P
" .cy n4gr_-= ~. 031 aone --... 51ngl& l.fl ---
Ttl, st ot lU:t 0:/ S2.';~ of l'Nli s.. 32 'l.p 2:5n:r !~ '.!'!WI
i'tul o.nter lD -i ft';' Ia:BI.:pl\ the N bot ad. tt
'I~Jtthrwith rt ---u t-. ---
Alec the rt to ~.~ •• --Ui. W jf:t.ric~:lJn out ---
4.W.n.rlt ..
Q~Js: Uo",I~l "'1~"'7. A.,i;.l(erhllt. I>"t f{aT~·'.M J • Geim .. r ;'1p ror !n
r~. at whl0,'l.~ ns _ On -.II)
The sit ot the IIWt of: tt.. ""1'1--or tbelWtot s:e.. a 32, til' 23 aft:; )I. .."
-,--App!'ll1t 1. foot 3 of tM ]I 1n ot 84 tt·~ ..
tl~ tJ.e dgbt at all t1:_.--blutl~ Dt aqi ~ atI"1«1aaIl--
lmold {t. I.not
n&r1. B.n;;t
F ruk A. ,ShltUen
Ruth J.. l:tutlc1f11l
!a~1f AlI,ig 21-47 by AmollA C, 1I.riJ.ct aDd KiLrl. a.rht~ bIrt IIih1 hirmlt A.
ShlllldAlll and fh:tJt. ~ _ 3be:t6en. lief * On.l A. P!U'!1:8 l!IP lop wa ~1. lit s
(118 1IkiJ' 23-50)
3912209 '
in kc.,
'1'b05. ptlUll or the .lltt or ttMt 8ft of 8" 32. tp 23 ~ R 5 K IftIl dar:
,", The lilt at tn. lit or tt. ~ or tM H Hi or' the lllit; except co l'd;
.-{,"e r the:B or tM E ot t:be lI' cit e4 0t or tM IIf~J _nept 00 rd;
; ,/ tn. It or tlM w o!" ta. E DE _. or tlW wt QOepfi rd
aDd lllhef'll!ll. tbtr .p .~ __ " or the rIg _cd pt,. adJ th~ abv
~~e: r~ f't;t y ~ne ' •• ':.r tllll IV, of he 32. tp 23 JJ R 5 ! 1l1li
aDd W'MreA1!I tbe r;.l"t1411 h:rt;o dMl" to ONate Ion .a. tor 1'1\ Oft%"
&nd aorooa a the ad ~~l't1_ tor the NUt .. 1 bonetlt or tbe PJ"OPez':;j.1H1
ao4 ••• to be 15 rt 011 .ltbar .1_ or the In C!llBKIIR to the ab", 4 .. 04
p.roperties (eQCltt)~
IlOW tbaret'ore. TfR' ... 1 eCIW14ent1c.n aM 1ft o<lD&1deN1t:lon 1:;/; tM
p~t!'II eacb or tM pa1"'tlQ. }uoto sj.ye IUI4 grant C4!.eb to the ath~r &1I
eaR fo1' rd. PUrpolMHl OM1' aDIi uross tba liltrlp or 1&00. ab'V h8<U'l.. ",btl
to theil" reapeet1," blin. aah1J..1:itrato:ro. qeeutol"ll and aaa1gns
'fila ,. 8. ClOY rJl& nUl the lartd
ilMrnJilI'd E, Sl.lttle
auUJ'leCi Y. 5 utUe
Ire 0. CSr1"
1.111 .. cal"!'
lee,", ""7 25-119 by :ueMlfU"l1 nl.SutU. 8l'l4 Jl.1lAred Y. Suttle, hwf bet
Jt14uell a. Jon". np tor wn N. at ;; (lUI :tJet. 1-50)
~ Jun 15-49 by Ira Q. ('..A1:'r _nil :Ua .. CaM", hid' bet' George 'II. U!ell IJ!'
fol!' wn MIl' at RentOft {IIIII! Oct 2:-lt9):n to ap !lenton, Rt 1 Box 600
D1U& 16-51 ." .... . . ..• . .. ~l61927
SeP 11--'9 .10.· ""'_.-.. (1r{lf TAXASIZ12299)
Ira Q.Car~ sod L18'~ Carr hw
to .l.R.HeIf;ter and Shirley Me1ater,hia daughter
PP cy and .rr to sp the f{]re in kcw
The S 940 ft of the 'y/ 495 ft of the U:;of the Inri-of sec 32
Tp 23 nr 5 ewa except 811 IIIIneral rts ar..d a 15 rt strip or
ld alg the E !1de reserved fer road purp
Tra G.-CalT
L1ssa e_
ke" Sepl7-49 bT Tra a .Carra" Lisaa Carr berp JilAry
~1,doD up for 8. resst Reaton De Jul 31-53
(Ml A.R.Me1sterRt II-Box 748 Renton)
I" o
Ill ... ! .. Fr~ ¥G'-~_~~~--· il" I,
i: .
1422$ sJir 260th S"t.
Kent, Wa.ah.
c.c. . 14th
?" Robl¥Ps~G~ .. IIlIl.?BArigi'M&e lwegUn~ ~l'rn 19 65, by and bet"een
:: Dennis J. Donnelly &SulZanne A.Donnelly hareinaftel' called .the GRANTOR ~nd
{'" K~ng Cou.~ty. Washington, hereafter called the· GRANTEE:
That WHEREAS tbe GRANTOH, herein is tbe ownel' of that certain parcel of
iant,. described a. follows, to-wit: T.L. 79·
That portion of the East half of the NWl:,of the NWl:, of Seo. 32, Twp. 23 N.
R. 5 E.;.;. "1. said portion be in!; desc:rl i-ed as follows: Beginning at ttl-: Eortheas t
corner of the NW", of the NW" of saie. Section 32, thence South 337.02 ft, to the
true point of be 9inning: thenc.e South 86t)19'24 n ~est. 156.32 ft., thence!So~th
2°2)+'54" I,est 330.52 ft., thence South 86°39'20" West, 165 ft., to the Easterly
margin of Co. Rd. #1 g:"7, thence Southerly along sElid Easterl margin .. ' distance
of 70.40 ft., thence along the arc of .. curve to the right ving a radius· of
2~.lD ft., a distance of 107.53 ft. to the Easterly margin of private rd.,
thence Southeasterly .along said Easterly margin a dis·tancs or 120 t't., [<ore
.cr Less to a point on the South line of the North Half of the s:00 of the Ii,".
of the "If-l1]4 of said SeCa 32J said point being 342.07 ft. '..Jest of the East li.ne or
said subdivision, thence BfiSt JL!.2a07 .ft., thence North 67~ .Ou ,.ft. to the true~
point.. -:::r begirmin5 ..
46 ::') 30'3 M VV !'ALL •
.,; and,
~' WHr~EAS it bas be,'" found neee .'aery in the construction Bnd improvement
" of: Carr rtOfld (East Valley Rd., ,to S.H. 515)
l to make slope; on tne sal a property of tbe ORANTORl'l'or cuts and filis,
~ as follows: ._
On a strip of lana 15 .ft. in 'wIdth lying adjacent to and parallel with the
Southerly ii!" line of the Carr Road-:from ~ngr's 3ta. 44+00 to S'ta. 46+50 as
surveyed by King County Road Survey No. 31-23-5-5.
N01-!, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises-, the said, Grantor
hereby agrees tbat the s91d ~lopes may be ~ade on bis property as herein-
" 7': bef:ore set forth, in conformity 'with, standard plans and specifications f:or
hi gh-,;ay purposes end to the "arne extent and pctrpose. as if the rights herein ... ,-granted had been acqulred by condemnation proceedings under Eminent Domain r: statutes of the State of "Bshington.
LI') IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AIlD UNDERSTOOD by the partie_. bereto tbat this
.Easement bas been given to and accepted by said G-ounty gubje~t to and upon
the following conditions, to-wit:
If any part'of: said right of way sball be abandoned or shall acase to
be used or maintained as F.:I public high\>tsy by said County, or the route
thereoT changed, then as to ~uch part ~ll right~ under this easement shall
thereafter be null and VOid, and .uch portions of: sucb right of way shall
automat1cally revert to the URANTOR,S the1r successors, or aSBigns,
,Ii thout any notice being reqllired.
State or· ~ashi~~~ton ) CG~nty of Kill~ -)ss
CRANTOR lJas hor~unto signEd his na~e
19 /.r;;
ijotar;{ Fl.ibli'2 i':1 anrl f0r-the: 3tat-~ 'if Hashi%ten, residinght .
. ;;;,i/ SU3/62
· \iOl4'fiOO '._ l' ., ..,
f'/ "L.-I"· Coun.y 01 .It / '" v
On I..bU day ptnonally appeared belore tnt ~.,,.v/S -.:::;-: MAJ...v,e....:...-y'
j9A..,N£;'L'" .
jo mit known to be tbe individual S described in and 'Who executd
. T signed the same a5 7#.F /.<!
~~p.) .• nd and official se-..J this
"HSVN AP:r::C:i' ~~_I:~
~1''''C{.\'"''·/ ~-. ~" .. y:;:;)~
~ within and JortgD~ng instrument. and
fret: ADd voluntJolry a.c:l and deed, for the
!'l " ,. ." (lei 0
0 '" g'il iii
Ul A
"TIC Ul ... ;r
O~ " iii 0
"'0 ...
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, \
THE GPJ ... ~TORS, ARTHUR R. MEI~]TER, aleo knCJ\...Jf) ~.t'iI J\. R.
!'.EISTER, and MII~RED '.mISTER, his wife, for and in consideraU,rm
OOLLA.RS, in and paid, conveys and warrants to IARRY A. LA.CKIE and
DIANE lACKIE, his .. 1£e, the following described real estate,
situated in the County of Kin:;, State of Washington, to-wit:
PARCEL A. ThE west 360 faet of the south half
of the north half of the southeast quarter of
the northwest qu"rter of Section 32, Ta..nship 23
North, Range 5 East, W. M., and
PARCEL B. The south 400 feet of the west 495
feet of the no~theaBt quarter of thp. northwest
quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North,
Range 5 East, W. M., EXCEPT the east 15 feet
thereof reserved for road by Deed recorded
under Auditor's File No. 416:927, and
PARCEL C. The north half of the north half of
the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of
Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5, East, W. M.,
except the easterly 366 feet in width, together
with an easement for ingress and egress over the
south 30 feet of the east 366 feet of the above
described subdivisio", but.· reserving to the
grantors an easement for ingress and egress to
property retained by grantors, namely, the
easterly 956.14 feet of the south half of the
nJrth hQlf of the southeast quarter of the north-
we3t quarter of Sectio~ 32, Township 23 North,
Range 5, -East W.M., over the south 30 feet of the
west 283.2 fo~t of the east 649.2 feat of the
first describ~d subdivision (Note: All east and
W[~st measurements are to the division line between
the east and west one aalf of Section 32, Township
23 North, Range 5 East W. M&I and being approxLmately
the center of county Roaa known as lOath Ave S. E.}.
It is understood that the westerly 260 feet of ease-
ment reserved is limited to ingress and egress ill
connection with use of an existing dwelling on the
westerly 325 feet of the easterly 956.14 feet 0=
the south half of the north half of the southeast
quarter of the north~st quarter of Section 32,
Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W. M •• and that
said portion, namely, the westerly 260 feet of the
easement rese:o:-ved bhall cease upon the establishment
of roads b~1ng established in the future which w111
give reasonable access to the aforementioned dwelling.
"" 0
The terms and cond1tions of the Agreement Modifying
Real Estate Contract, dated the 15th day of May, 1959,
by and petwaen the parties hereto, hereinefter quoted,
shall be in full force and effect as to the eaa~lpnts
above reCited, which are granted or retained by the
parties to this deed.
a) 1:4.
b) "5.
All easement roads 9ranted or reserved sha~l.l be
kept open for use. No vehicle or object shall
be parked thereon, except for the tomporary
purpose of loading or unloading the same, and
neither P&cty hereto shall permit any of their
livestock to be on said easement roads.
In connection with the easement roads granted and
con,'eyed, the parties hereto shall make reasonable
use thereof by reducing speeds so as not to endanger
life or property of people resid1ng along the same
and to avoid unusual wear, tear and damage to said
road resulting from excessive &peed and braking.
The partiQ3 hereto shell share equally 1n the
responsibility of maintaining the easement roads
in passable condltloa.. No cost for maintenance
s:'a11 be incurred by either party which ",:.11
becOJUe in whole or in part, the fi"8'lcial
obligation of the other party, except ~,ere
mutually agreed."
r·is deed is given in fulfillment of that certain real
estate (·r,:-;:tract between the pa.rties hereto~ dated the 20th
day of February, 1958, as rnodif;ed by Agreement ModiTying
Real Estate contr.act dated the L5th day of May, 1959, and
con1itioned for ·':he conveyance of the above described
prope~ty, and the covenants of warranty herain con~ained
shall not apply to any title, interest or encumbrance
arising by, through or under the purchaser in ~aid contract,
and st~all not apply to any taxes, assessments or ot..'1er charges
levied, assessed or becoming due subsequent to the date of
said contract.
The County excise tax was paid on February 24, 1958,
under county Treasurer's receipt No. E-289652.
Dated this dd ( of June, 1959.
-/ . !
,/.' ,~'--... /,. / ~.J
. r./ ---:» ; . .-:-/. (, 6[,':'(' /i Ji.// (A>
COUNTY 01" KI:~G )
On this day perBor,~:' ly appeared before me, ARTHUR
R. MEISTER, also known as A. R. MEISTER, and MILDRED ".ElSTER.
husband and wife, to me known to be the indiVidUalls described
in ~ld who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and
acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same as
their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned.
d.:1Y of June; 1959-. , .
.uL. •..•• ······ .
PAGE., •••••••.. c.:· .
1971 APR 14 !~\~ 8 cO
uIRECT, .. y~~REG:::I:JS !.
ELECTIONS -K",3 c·o. WI'!.
,-. ,
'" ,.; ;;
I '~"
The Grant~r, GLACIER PARK COHPANY t a Minneso~ corporation, for and io
consideration of Ten Bnd no/lOO Ibllars ($10.00) and either V.3.1\.l.abl~ considera.-
tion conveys and quitclaims to the STAn; OF WASHINGTON the follow:l.n.g described
real estate ~ situated in the Count;:y of King, State nf Washington. including
.<!.Dy interest therein which Gratttor may hereafter acquire:
Parcel 1-8888
Tne north 329 feet of t:he west 10 feet vi the e"ist 40
feet of the Nortneasc Quarter of t.he Southwest Quarte:r
of Section 32, Townsnip 23 North, Range 5 E.W.M.
parcel 1 ~8a93
The north 100 feet of the south ZlO feet of the west 10
feet of the east 40 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the
!-~orthwest 'Quarter of Section 32. Township 23 North,
Range 5 E.W.M.
P.:l.TCf!l 1-8897
The west 10 feet of the east 40 feet of the Northeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
of Section 32 J Township 23 North, Range 5 E.W ~M'., e.xcept
the south 15 feet thereof,
All in King County, Washington.
The State of Washington is acquiring the above described property for the
purpose of constructing a highway, known as SR 515 Renton vicinity, Sf 196th
to Carr Road, and by the acceptance of this deed the State of Washington agrees
to reconstruct the existing road approaches ou the westeriy side of said
higl:7way at or neST Idgnway Enginee:::-'s Stations 294+83, 296+17 and 305+00, as
shown on the State Hignway Department's plan approved August 9, 1971~ the
center line of which is Blso shown of record in Volume 5 of Highway Plats~
Page 33, Records of said County. The portion of said approa~heB between the
right of way line and the shoulder line of said highway shall be maintained by
chP-Grantor, its successors a.nd assigns t and the Grantor grants to the Stat.e
of Washington tlle right to ~D~r upon the Grantor's rema:f.niug lands as may be
necessary to construct said approaches.
IN WITNESS ~, ~8id corporation has caused this instrument to be
e.xecuted by its proper officers and its corporate s.eal to 1;)e hereunto affixed·
41 (
this /,t u' day of (~<2--n<' ,7 'r . .tStt. If 7 3,
It is understood and agreed that t~ delivery of thi& deed is hereby
tendered and that t~ terms and obligat.ions hereC'f shall not become: binding
C) upon the S tate of Wasb..ington unless and until accepted and .approved hereon in
~ o ~ writing for the State of Washington, Deparbment of Highways, by the
of Way Agent.
Dat.d tois /,1, d
Accepted and approved
Department of Highways
>' / <" " BY_..:/;'~L~"'<..A~"'~07'-7:'~""",-".-k~<-;:<t:' '~=_
Chief Right of W. Agent
) S8.
County of Ramsey )
On this / LR day of ~ '~~. , ~J before ,me. the undersigned, / z;;lj J, /17.3,
n Notary Public in and for t 'State. of mnnesot:.a, duly cOQmIissioned and sworn)
personally appeared G, F, DEFIEL JUld R, M, D'Kl1lY
to me knO'WIl to be the YlCE President and Secretary) respectively) of Glacier
Park eampany) the corporation that executed the 'foregoing instrument, and
aclmowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of
said corpo~acion, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath
stated that t=ey are authorized to execute the said inst~nt and that the
seal affixed 1s the corporAte seal of said corporation.
Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the Jay and year first
above written.
~-, 7'~." I "'~::.:,:.,-,,',
,I , '
: ' '-J
L_, __ ,_ _ --~
~tl.ry Public in and for te of
M.1nne9ota~ re9idi.ng at. p (..:-~'.
My c-.i •• ion ex;>ire.';tf.....:..t .:2:2, 197j"
~ ~ .l .
.: ' , , ,-
re.', ~~
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\'C:~.:E5T OF
Job 82-3-b:,-2t>-
R/W Refelence 8')...! 'J. 3 (? / N
For and!~ consIderation 0; __ ~Mu""t~,~,al;cc~B~e~n~e~f~i~t~.,--________ , the undersigned, hereinafter relarr&d 10
as Grantor(s), l1ereoy grants a pefPEllual eas~menll0 PaclHc Norlh~51 Bell Telept'ione CoTT'Pany. a Washington Gof1XlratiCrl.
Its successor.! and I'.Issigns, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, with th', righi, prlvllege and authority to ~Iace. ~ruct,
maintain, Inspect. reconstruct. repair, replace, remove and keep obstacles clear1rom Granlea's facilities consisting 0'--.
Undergrmmd Cormmn1!le.:t.i.Qn lines. Manhole. and Appurtenance
and o1herappurtenanctu; as :he Grantee may from lime to lime require owr. across, upon and under the herelnafterdescrlbed
Propeli)' situated In Kj ng County, State of Washington and Is described as follavr.:;:
The South (5) sixteen (16) feet of ":.he East (E) thirty (30) feet o£ the
following described propel't.y.
'I'he South l of the Southeast Quarter (s::s.t) of the Nor"hwest Quarter
(NW t) t less l!:aBt 430 feet of portion lying North of Suuth 210 feet,
less South 110 feet of East. 240 .feet., less loath Avenue s.:&.
qr,~',-)RnE~ iHI'; ~;.';:
Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, w.M.. t King County,
State of Wa5hl.ngton. ~I) : S 2 44 ?~ ,~,
::.~ :~~t:·'!I.' ",,\.,:;~Of--
~'. lNG C our;-:-/
~ King Co. Rectlrds Oilfision
By 9-' !~ , Depu!y
GTBntee shall 81 all times have the fight 01 fUll and lree Ingress 10 and &gress: Irom said prop&rty described abctve, with the
understanding thal Grantee shan be ffispcnslble tor all damage caused 10 Gr.mtor arISing fTQl'T1 Grnnlee's exercise ol the rightS
and p:riY!leg&S here-ir> flranlecl.
Grantor F9.S08rves the-rlgh\ 10 use lhe ~8semenl lor any pu~es as long as not inconstslent Wlth ror BTl inlerfete-nce Wit" the
rlgtds 91'611100 Granl&el hereln.
11101 and be b!ndmg upon the heils. execulo~, The rights, col"ldilions and pr0ll1Sl0ns o! this easem&nl shall ioule Ie. the
administllllolS, SUCCE!!;SOI'$ and assigns oliM respeclrve parlies ~'r'
II! witness whe. rl:Ollhe undersi9,ned has exec:uled lhis inshurrtenl th~_ 1St h
0..../1 .' ,) \
""'"". 5r;t21 i1!J;:.~~ By +:F=='--=-:..;...:::.:r;L-----
HO\lzjna Authorl.-tv <rl' !.he COImty
pf King
FA No.
in rhcMall"ur Stat. Route 515 (108th Avenue Southeast)
SR 515 ~enton Vicini tYl SE 196th St. to ,_ -,>:..Rd
KNOW ALL MEN BY rHESh-PR£S£NTS, rhar rhe gTfUIlur I no 'Housing Authority of the County
of King, a public Wash1ngt~" corporation,
for dJtd ;11 ronsitkrutJon of Mutl.lal BeneN t.a
. ,nut{ and t'O.""'t"y unto rhe STATE OF WASHINGTON and its 1Wign.~, an CJl$e~'" over, und~r, upon ami
Qt."7'O$S the lIrt:rtlmQt~r described Itznth lor the p~ of an eas-,.ant for rvaCYa1 al oPla and the
riPt to m.intain .8&1:1 ~It!lIltm(!Jnt :for roadway al'l:p81!1
Said bmds brln., sUrrofrcJ Ur J:. i ng emoltr,l', S:a/ft of Wall.' .,lOn. (JlId rJ~C"rlb~ elf
1001ow ..
The w • .t 10 feet, of the East 60 f""t, of the North 130 feet, of the South 145 feet,
of the North half. of th~ Southeast quarter, of tile Northwest q\:erte\~ of" Section 32,
T~shlp 23 Hort", Range 5 East. W.H .• in king County, Washington.
f~ (~ ... ". t·~,"lIf.I'<-~J ,
. -" ~ .. ~ "," ..... "-,,.--, ,
I04~J 9
• (.v
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It is undu:r.tood and ogree.. ~'the deli~'elJl of this £a.emenr is hCfYby lr:nd"ed and that Ifl~ Il'TmS lJnd obJigrHiom hereo!
shallllQl become binding I1pnn the Stale of Wtnhing/on un/en allO ul/fil accepted and rJppmv,.d hereort in wrlr;n,: for rhe Wtl.thim.~lrm
S,Ote DepfITrmenf o!TmJlffK'rlarirm by if! Secru.lry or his duly aUThorized reph'$f!1?falive.
0, 6t:1! .... "'-, of i\ugust, 1982. . _ .. r"d {hi, I -' A
."~1F, .. !r9~-;"y{~U:A1. :rw:_gJ!NIX .. pr:~
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~1:"O .. _An_ .. e_O_.DOC*Oc-IT .-v.Wll
STAttor .. ~_ ........
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o{ raw ' ........ "., ~ nw ~ ...",.."....",. II11td "1ttO~ wiJ ~1 I(t« t#w ~.;N ....... ..-:r .. ,-.i
'*-"tdoftaJ(c:wpcw ...... ftr ..... f/IIIItJ~~"..,.no.J. -.J~ ... ,.", _RId*, he
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FA No.
Construct Roadway Cunnection
/II fhe MtJIta u/ State Route 515 (108th AvenLJe Southeast)
SR 515 Reoton "idnity: SE l%th St. t", Carr: Rd
KNOW ,UL AlEN dY THESE PRESENTS, thOll'" grun/or The' Hous log Authorl ty of
of King, b :>,::1ic Washington corporation.
fof >;mu /U l'Ola'id~ti();j or Mutual Benefi te
the County
/:T .. '1j( • "If) lit!! S:tA1r of WC:ilJhgrt~~J lmd ilJ wS.)'igmi, 'lit tig/ll, p,MJr'ge allli pt!rm.iI of utg,.r:tt dua tgf"fn lJl~r.
ucror.~ .• md 1.,'1'.1" lilt Ilci"tnJ/ia iJ~~['ribrd J.o.nJl Imm Ihr dOlt" hur:ufllfllil c~et1on or-pt-oject
j()rth~'pur"fI"~~rlf t. ·~tructtng roadway connection to Stat.e Route 515 (lOath Avenue South-
e-d:O':j 1:It tHgnway Si:dlion 310 .. 9B !, as delineat.c:d on the attached Erllib1t "A"
That portton of the southeast t;Uillrter of the northwest Qua.rtel'" of" SettiGn 32.
TDlItflsh1p 23 North, Range 5 r.ast. W.M., in king (our<ty. Wa~hjngtofl. de~~,'·lbed as . '
Beginning at the ,outhwest comer of the north III feet of tl> ..... t SU feet of soid
subdivision. beiny a point on the westerly ... rgln of lll8tb Avenue Southeast
(S.R. 515). tltenee northerly. alon9 said ... sterly "'rgln. III feet .,"" or leH. to
• point on the north line of said subdhl,lon; thence "".lerly. alon\l said north
11 ... ., foet "1"£ or 1 .... to • point on the ""'t line of the east liD t.et. of
.ald nortlaMst quarter; thence southerly. along .old "",t line. 8) feet 100 ... or
leH. to • point !>II the south line of the north III
of tM r."ru..e~t quarter of Section 32.; U·,.!nCt
feet of s,i(' SN.H.he~st quarter
.ast.:r1y. 610ng • str.isht 11"",
;.:0 me ~oinl oC" 8egillOih9.
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for-<lone In c:onsident.ion of One OUllar (S1. on\ ana other vduable
considerat)on, the receipt of which is her&by ~cknowledged,
.TliE~J:!Qllj;L'NJ&Tl!QBITY OF THE~.~!lXL.QF KIJ:lGL~~_"'''--Ilt;;.~-P~.L~o.= ... t~
.Q£ __ the... s:.t.a....l.-e.._:o~shingtQn_~ __ ~ ___ •. ~~ ______ . ___ ~ _________ _
r"C,r;lnlnr" h .. r,.in\ j;!I'linl~_ COOl·'~:'$ .!r,d "-.Irr..lnl~ In Pl'GF.T SOl.':-:O POWER. & LIGHT COMP ..... NY .• Wuhlngtoll CPT
pnrali!1n 1"r.r,mll'(," ho:'Tf'inl. ror th,~ 1''-ltr05t''~ nt"rein/'lftN :old r,)tln Q [ll!"rpeluftl ~B~ml!"nl undt'r. IDctoSS lind [Jn~r Ihf' fol-
J,,\\inlol' t\l'~'rilwd Tt'tli rornp.!rh-!lh~ "?r(\pert\''' heft'(n] ___ King GoUnly. Wll$hm~IDn
~B. HJ 0\ 1 ! J~O
K.in@ Co Reco:d~ Jlm.lIlR
" ~,1'J By 4', d:(Q;!.(·~ , D,puly
• ........... 00
I t
E-.:cepl u may be oLherwisr set forth herein CrBllIee's tillhlS snail be ~:xen:l:H!d upon thai p~rtion of the Properl)' {the "Righi.
of Way" herein! descibed Ito! follows:
:\ Ri!-!hl-of-War 10 feel in width h9vm~ 5 reel of sut:h width. on. each side of e cenleJ'-
line describtld as rouows:
The centerline of Grantee's facilities as constructed or to b@
constructed, extended or relocated within the above-described
parc.el s 1, 2, 3 and 4 ~
1. PutpouL GranTee shall Mvelhe ri!!,hllO oon~trutl. operate. maintain, repair. teplac:e and. fml~ an und .... fFOund ~edrir.:
transollss1on and/or dlstribution system upon and und.r the Ri8bI~f-W.,. together with all n..c:essar:v or corll/eruent ep-
purterAflces therefor. wbicl1 may incIutk hut ere nOllimUfld It) Ihe follDwing: .ndeJ'Bf'OWld coo.duita. mbi. commmaicatiOCl
lines.; vault&. C'lf'nhoies, switt:hm.. and transfonnen: and .mi-burled or snnmd mounted fadUna Followins ,the-inlti,l c:m.
:!t:rur;tion of Ib fadUties. Crantee may From time to time COIlSInIt.1 socb additional facilities u II may ~
1.. ACQItK. Granier: shan have the righl of a(;(;eSt to till! RilIhl-of-Way ~ and KrOSS the Pr-aperty an enable Cran~ ID enr-
~se its rishlZ hereunder, provided. thai Crantee shaU mrnpeD58.~ Grantorfor any damqe 10 the Proputyca1Uled by 1M ner-
Cl!E' of said right of access.
3. Obabuctita_, I d I' • Granlee mB)' from lime 10 time I1!m.DYt neea. buahe:s. or olber amtrudiOM within Ihe Rishl-
of-Way and may Ie-vel aM ~e the-Ritthl~f-Wl)' to the ..,'lrienl te&KlD8:bay neceaary to carry 0\11 the PWJlOIIlIS.,1 forth In
PQ~ph 1 he~£. provided. tha1 loIkMing an)' sueD work.. CraJltee .... n, te the extent :reuonabl)' pn!;bI3b1.t. .. ~ \be
Ripht-or-WII~' to (he c:onditioo it was irrun.lHbalel~· prior to such 'WOtL Follawins the in&lallatioo of G~ll~':11 uDd~
fatilitta, GlClnlor m8~' undertake any ordinary hnproveml!ntl tlllM 1antbapinlof the Ri[!h1-Of-WIIY. pnMded that DO trees or
other plants shall be placro thereon which would be unreasonably ~"" or bllpraetitll fCit Crume IG tMtlove and
4. Gnmur's the rl Rtpki_W.y. Granlor reserves Ibe right 10 'OM' !he ttighkd_Way fM any purpo!MI DGt inconsistent with
Ihe rimus herein J1'Ta.nled. prowied: Ihat Gr-antor shan not construct or maintain any buiklih8 or oth~" struOI1fi! or;. tbf' R~I.
ol-Way whith v.'Ould interfere l\ith the e-un::be of the rights bemn ~ted.; thai no diaglng. runneJ.1tll or otMJ" form of am-
struction adivity ~all be done on the ~. which wouJd diatutb the-UJmpaction IX unt'artb'Gru:~'s facilities 01"1 m.
Ri~hl..Qr-W8.y, or enda~' the laler..1 S1Ippart to Mid iadlitie$; and lMI bl;! blasting shall be: done -wilh&n 15 ieel at the 1UPt1-or.
So 1Ddenmhy. 8y .~Ptil!8 and ret:Ordin.B th.i! eNemtml., G-lWllee qrettII to indMnDify and hold harml.., Guntot from &Ill.
and alldaiml fur injuries artdJotdama~ suffered by an~' penon which may be celDed.~' th.e GranlMI"suerQx! of the rQhb
herein BfUlIad: provided. thai Granl" ah&lJ nOI be ~ble 10 Gnn~ fot ~. injuries alldior damap!s to an)' person
CIIused b~· lim or (UIli!iS:iuns of GtaDtoc.
'-AbandDnment. Thll' riphls hetein ptante-d shall r;;onlinUf> t:ntil such timll' as Grantee cease5 to. use the Righl-ol-Wa}' for.
p{'rirxt of fjye-fSl suCC'@:SSive ~'t!!.rs.. in whicl! event Ihis; N!iemenl shall terminate and .n rqmts hdl'9undet ahall·revert 10 Gru-
tnr.'pfmoided I,hSl no abandonmenl ,hall be-deemed to hR\'~ OCCtIrred by l"eM(Jn or Gn.ntee·s failwe 10 initi~' iMtall it!
rndlHif'!; on the RiJ,:hJ-Of-\\'a~' wllnin Rny JM"tiM of lime'from-th ... dat~-hf'teoI .
7. Su.ce8MIn.nd~. ~f' Mphls-And ohhll!Rtions of lhf' parlil!'5 sholl inal"'t· In Ihf' henrfil (If and lM' bindio!l upc::rn1hfO·lr
n·~p''1:II\·I· SUO:P55Or.'i <In ass-.Jm$. , 8!'n FOR RECORD AT'REQUEST Of" "P-1994 KJ-48 ._--, _ _ •
8'-216346 235-126 PUG~T POWER .
6Eu.ev\Je. WASHING'TtlN 98(:1». ,-.. "".
· . . l8th tlATIID thiA _. rl,av (1' Augu 5 t ------------.... ---,-._----~-.•... -----
Jl:!L~!s..t~l!!l:WQ1llD'~THE COUNT!
municipal corporation
S7A'l!: (£ I-:::.sHrmIW l
C -~-.· "''"' >''/''7' )l ~''';'''_~ ~ I'j""
,r.;:'n.:;ss my hand ancl official seal hereto affixed the day
certi!icate ab:>ve written.
Approved as to £0=:
Housing Aut.horlty of
J(~ng County
R-1994; 8216346
The North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East.
W.M.: EXCEPT the Easterly 50 feet in width, and EXCEPT the
South 15 feet of the East 430 feet,
ALSO, the Sout.h 400 feet. of t-he West 495 feet of the Northeast
quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23
North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington;
EXCEPT the North 37 feet of the East 395 feet thereof.
The south half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quart'er of Section 32, Township 2~ North, Range 5 East,
W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion of the
East 430 feet thereof lying North of-the South 210 feet of
said South half, and EXCEPT the South 110 feet of the East
240 feet thereof, and EXCEPT the East 30 feet thereof conveyed
to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under
Auditor's File No. 791761, and EXCEPT" the West 10 feet of
the East 40 feet thereof conveyed to the State of Washington
for highway purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File
NQ. 7305150405. "
The North half of the North half of ~he Northeast quar~er of
the Sou.thwc~t quarter of Section 32, TOwnship 23 North, Range
5 East, W.M., in King County, washington, EXCEPT the West 1
foot thereof; arid EXCEPT the following described portion
aeginning at the Northeast corner of said subdivision: thence
South 1 Q 26 1 23 n West along the East line of said subdivision
329 feet to the point of beginning: thence North 87°40 1 12"
West 912.26 feet to the East line of the West 401 feet of
said subdivision; thence South 1 D20 '56" West. along said Ea-st
line 54.56 feet to the South line of said subdivision: thence
North 89°38'54" East along said SOuth line 912.51 feet to the
East line of said subdivision; thence North 1 c26 I 23 ft East alo .... ,1
said East line 11.86 f...,t to the point of beginning, and EXCEFt
the East 40 feet thereof.
The East BS feet of the following tract:
That' portion of the Northwest-quarter of the Northwest quarter
of Section 32, TOwnship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.N., in King
County, Washington, described as follOws:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said subdivision: thence
South 0°26'58" west along the Easterly line of said subdivision
337.02 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 86°19'24"
West 158.32 feet; thence South 2°24 1 54" West 336.52 feet~ thence
South 86°39 1 20" West 165.00 feet to the Easterly line of the
J. G., Carr Road; thence South :2 ~24' 54 1t We~t along said Eas.terly
line 70.40 feet to a point of curve; thenpe Souther;l..y along said
Easterly line fallowing a curve to the right having a radius of
244.18 teet, an arc distance of 187~53 feet, to, the Easterly
line of a private road; thence Southeasterly in a straight line
along the Easterly line of said private road 120 feet,-more or
less, "to a point in the Southerly line of the North "half of t'he
Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest
quarter of said section distant South. 86.<159'16"' West. 342.07
feet from the Easterly line of said, subdivision; thence-North
,B6 11 59'16" East 342.07 feet: theric~" N'o_rib.-0<12"6 1 58"" East:'~long_ the
Easterly line of said subdivision, 674~: 04 fee:t 'Co the t.rue point
of .beginning; EXCEPT portion thereOf 'conv,eyed ,to, King_,County for
road ~urpo5"es by deed recorded u,nder Au~:itor_'.s_ file ,NO'.' ?87615B.
I'UGET POWEll' '"" .,"
PUGET;, PCI\IoIE!J .!lLbG.', "" " B1~e;,~2,N~~~'~Trn:OICK.OOwNS""
, ·'N "F
, .1 1 ';
EAS:l!£Nl' N:l._-=3~2--=. ~","3~..;;5,--4,-!JAAl!Rf" . """",, . .,., .. .;..' _
~ Vantage Glen Mobl1'{';H~Par'k
Housing Authority,· ctiuntY'iltilng
'WATER Oj~i. ,58
nus IImBIIrIIIIE. JUd. chia 11th day of March • 19~ h7 and
~b.~ J:lIIG COUIIn 1I.\n& DISrUcr NO, 58, a mm1c1?&l corporaUoll of Itiq CouIlt)'. Waah-
I 111&-, banWaaftar ur-d cha .. Gr .... ea· .... d Housing Authorl ty of the rc.mtv of K1.:1' •
he.re.1.Dafter t.e::ad tM -cr.mton";
nit the ... iel Granton for a val.uable couiel..,.UOil -0_-• reee1p:
~ of 1Oh1c:h 18 buab7 ac:Ialavl.ed11Od by the erllDtee. cIou by cha •• pre ..... ". cornIe7. ~ ... t ... d
'" varrant .... to tha Gran"ee a petp"I:ual./tellpOrary e.. • for vater u.1ns and appurtellaD.CU
.... dar. throaab. _. aeros. cbe follovu.a c1escr1h;od propert)' d ..... edill ~ CouIlt)'.
Wash1llltOD.. co.athar v1cb all afeer acquireci cltia of ehe GrlUlcora theraill. and -.on. par-
tic:ularly d-=1be4 as follova,
SEE ATTACHED EXHiBIT 'A' 85/03.···22
REef> "
:tl)667 a
....... : •. ~ ~ . ~J
'l"be C:ra.ntor vance. that tbe1r tl~le 1..8 fr.e azuS. claar of all lIDc.hraace.
U the propart)' of the Cr .... co ... at ehe' U-of &raDtiAa eh1a ... c 10 _1-
ac~ ~ Sa placced prtor co the record1lll of eh1a ~. tb. eha c:r_ton 40 _,.
a~r1M tba Gracee co..w co eh1a aar-t the d .. -..... 1_ (_~ and _e. atc.) of
ouch plat. '
n.. CrllDcor ~ chat part of tha eoD&1darotian he1Aa pr.U h7 eha CrIll>-
tea 111 for uq _ all -.. reault1lll to or ruuit1lll bareaftar En. eha _1b1Ao u.-,
terf&hDca of dol DaCurol f~ of ourfaee vatera h7 CrIIDtea'. MalhI of p1.pe l1IIaa wIdch
.. ,. duc.zrb dol ooU _IUo" vtth1n oa1cI .... _rt:.
The &aiel CrIIDtea ohall be".. tha r1aht v1tboot pdor ~UbatiOIl of _ aut. or
p ............ oC .~ loV. at: ouch u.. .. _y ha _cuoary. CO Ultar IIpOOi eha ... t for dol
purpooe o>f .,..,..tnaetiAa. ~riIl&. alcerJ.Da or hCOIUItruetiD& oa1cI _tar .a1IIa. or _
ina uq _U_ bel'W1.eh. v1~t 1Dc:...-r1lll Ul7 lqal. obl1pt1Oll or UabUicy cherP
for. provi<le4, -
(1) the Cr_t_. llater Dilltd"t 110. ~. v1ll. raocora Gr .... toro proparcy
to • _iUoo. .. aood a. or Meter thIID u.. prwaiaea .... n prior to .... cry
b7 tha Grant_. Vater Dl8trict 110. S8;
(1) 'lb. DlAleri"t v1ll ~=a. lra but afforce _I: co -... uq pd_U
aproi_U on che ___ t bard ... but 1f it doeo aa. it abal.l r'llpair
and./or repl.ac:. aa.1d 1aprow ' ta,
.,' .. ":':'~ BO. 32-23-5-41RRRR
(3)a.SI!oDttiaa . }:.pla..-t-rep~hal.l ba coatplated vithiD. 90 -d~. o.f
the data of ~ .... try by chi> Dilltriet "'Dd s&14 re.torat:io_replacemenc-or
repair v1l.l. b. of e qll&l.1cy and/or quanti!:), Chat 1& o:omparahle or better
than existed prlor to the Grantee's. District' •• entry upoDtba easement.
(4) The abova •• t forth conditio... .hall apply not only to the lniti&l
COn&tz:uct:ion but alLO to any re-entry hy the Wate" District'eMe he"" ......
... ec ..... ry for repair an4 ..... ioteoance of the vater line on .. 14 _ellS~t.
(5) Mr1 cIaaiq. aMlor r ...... val. of any Orn&lllRl1W tree, shrub, feuce, or rockery
.ball be replaced'll1thiD. the aforementioneli 'Odq period by the D1stricc.
'I.'b. c-abaU ht:aio the r1&h: co ... e the ....:face of tba ... e ...... c U aucb
..... 40aa IlOl: inarfan. v1c1l 1UtAllaWIl of ella vatu.ala. 1Iovftez:...,cbe. FUlcor .aball
.... t _t bn"d~ .. e or auuctllrM of • P"""" ..... t: _tIIn OG tIae ..... r a..nPI the __
UtePca ~ -.a14 _-. -
'I.'ba .... r. 4=:lD& lea exist~,
IDl4 ab&ll be blPd1JIs _ tIae ~_rs. beirs.
1lI VInIESS· U!IE!UHJP. _ hava ... t: our
March • 19 85 •
£TAU OF IV.Sil1liC1\At )
COIIlttT OF DlIG ) ..
00. tb1s day of • 19_, the UD4ers1&Ded. a HoC&q l'ubl1c
1D aGel for tIae Scere of v.phfnscon. dilly ."...1 scf.0ne4 and svo"'. JHI%'8OD&l.l¥ ~
.... 4 -eo---"--'~--NQ---to--~be---tlae--~P~.-ea~1deD~-t~a-n~d~S-e-~-re-ca-ry, ~~-----ti~Yaly~--,-O~f~------------------------
_~ __ :---:,.-,:-...,...~ __ -:,-:-.,....-:-__ -" the corporatioa that elOeCUtad the fo ....... 1o& 1naer-c,
_d acllllovle4pd the said 1nst~t to he tha free aa4 voluntary act """" 4ea4 of aa14
corpo-.,a!:1on. for the ... __ puzpocell cherein ...... t.i0De<l.
WItBESS ..,. Iumd _ off1.cl.al se&l. the day and yea .. first aboYe vr1tten.
NDrARY ~. ~lC re.lctns at ------
PROJECT: Vantage Glen Mobile Home Park
Housing Authority, County of King
The West 316.00 feet of the East 366.00 feet of the North half of the North half
of the Southeast quarter of thll Nl'rthwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23
North. Range 5 East, II.M., In I(lng County, Washington, EXCEPT the. North 30.00
feet of the ElSt 220.00 f"t of said Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter
Of Section 32 conveyed to King County by dlled recorded under Auditor's FileNo,
The West 330.00 feet of the East 380.00 filet of the South Ioalf of the North half
of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 3Z, EXCEPT
the South 15.00 feet thereof.
The West 2114.00 feet of the East 664.00 feet of thll South hal f of the North
hal f of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 32. EXCEPT
the South H.OO feet of the ust SO.OO feet thereof.
The South half of the North half or the Southeast quarter of thll North>oest
quarter of said Section l2, EXCEPT the West 360.00 r&8t thereof, and EXC£PT
the East 664.00 feet theroof.
The East 85.00 filet of the following tract:
That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 31'.
T ..... 'shlp 23 North. Rln9l' 5 East. II.M.. In 1::1 ng County. Washington. described
as follovs:
Beglnnlng.t the Northeast ~oMlf!r:~ said subdivision;
Thence South 00"26'58" ~$t 110ng tile Easterly I1ne of said subdh1slon 331.0l'
feet to the T ...... Point of 8e1Innlng:
TheIIee South 86D i9'Z4" ~st 158.32 feet;
Thence South 02'24'54" West ll6.S2 fellt;
Thence South 86"39'20" ~.t 165.00 reet to the Easterly 11011 of the J. Ii. CiJ..,.
Then;" Sout~ IIZ·24'54' l/est .long uld Easterly )tne 7C.40 reet to a point of
Thencf! Southerly .Iong Slid Easterly line following ~ cu""~ to the right huh'g
• ,..4lus of 244.18 feet, .n arc dlstanc," of 187.53 feet to the Euterly line of
• prlute road;
,.."" I ~f 5
Th1!nee Southeasterly In a straight line along the EuttrlyUnt of$.~d private
road 120 feet, IIIOre or less, to I paint tn,the Southerly l1neofthe';lIortll!l41f
of, the Southeast quarter of the Nortbwest quarter of the Nortm.est,qllarterof
said Section distant South 86°59'16" West 342.01 feet fl'Olll the Easterly line
of said subdivision;
Thence North 86°59'16" East 342.07 feet;
Th.nce North 00°26'58" East a1~ng the Easterly line of said subdivision 674.04
feet to the True Point of 8eginning:
EXCEPT pOrtion thereof;
Cilnveyed to King County for road purposes by deed r&corded under Aualtor's
Fll e No. 5876158.
The West 360.00 feet of the South half of-t~-Il-h.t-f-of4he Southeast quarter
of the Northwest quarter of Settion 32, TOIIIlship 23 North, Range 5 East, II.H ••
in King County, Washington, AlSO
The South 400.00 feet of the West 495.00 feet of the IIortheast quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section 32. Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.H •• in King
County. Washington;
EXCEPT the North 37.0D feet of the East 395.00 feet tlH!reof, AND AlSO
The North half of the North half of the So-;theast qUlrter of the Northwest
quarter of Section 32. Town~hlp 23 North. Ringe 5 East. W.M •• In King Count)'.
EXCEPT tlH! Easterly 366.00 feet fro wldth.
The South h.lf of the Southeast quarter of the NorthMest quarter of Section 32,
T_shlp 23 North. Range 5 ElSt, 1/.11 ... ft King County. liashlngtoa. EXCEPT that
portion of the East 430.00 feet the"",f 1,lng IIorth of the South 210.00 feet of
Slid South hllf. AND EXCEPT the South 110.00 f~t of the East 240.00 feet
thereof, AIID EXCEPT the East 30.00 feet thereof conv~d to King County for road
purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1917&1, AND EI:C£PT the llest
10.00 feet of the East 40.00 feet thereof conveyed to the State of Washington
for 1fIg/IwQ' PU'l'OSM by deed recorded UIlder Auditor's File 110. 13051S1M05.
Said pel'MlM!llt ea_t shill be described IS I 20.00 foot' wide strip of land
1),ln, within the .bo .... described perce' 1,lng 10.00 feet m He" Side of the
following described cOftterline:
Beginning It tile Southeast corner of the North hal f of the Southeast q.aarter
of the lIo..u-st qulrter of Hid Settlon 32;
Thence 'Iorth 01'26'23' Elst .1ong the East line 'hereof. distance of \13.00
Thence IIorth 88"33' 37' West • distance of 40.00 feet to the True Polnt of
Thence continuing Nort~ 88'33' 37' West • distinct of 80.00 feet:
Thence IIorth U'))'37" West I distance of 85.00 feet tc ~be terwt"us of tills
cOftterllne description;
Page 2 of S
AND beginning at the Northelst corner of slid Southeast quarter a 50.00 foot
wi~_Strip of land lying 25.00 feet each side of the following described
centerline: -
Th9nce South 88°10'24" West along the North line thereof a distance of 157.26
feet to a point frOOl which said easement extends 18.00 feet left and 14.00
feet righ~ of the following descdbed line;
Thence South 01°26'23' West a distance of 126.50 feet;
Thence continuing South 01°26'23' West a distance of 79.00 feet to a Point 'A";
ThenteCOII'tlnulng South 01°26'23" West a dIStance of 157.00 feet to a point of
Thence Southwesterly and Westerly along a curve to the right having a radius-
of 100.00 feet and a central angle df 100·09'57', an arc distance of 174.82 feet
feet to I point of tangency;
Thence North 7S"23'4O" west a distance of 213.S6 feet to I Point "S";
Thence continuing North 78"23'40" we~t a distance of 67.64 feet to I point of
Thence Vesterly along a curve to the left having I radius of lSO.OO feet Ind
I central Ingle of 20·46'10", In arc distance at 54.37 feet to I point of
Thence South 80°50'10. Vest , distance of 231.15 f~t to a Polfit 'WX";
Thence continuing South So05Q-;0" Vest I distance of 32.00 feet to I Point DC";
Thence contlnuing South SOOSO'10" Vest a distance of 56.SO feet to , point
of curvature: .
Thence Northwesterly along a curve to the right having a radius of ISO.OO feet
Ind I celltrll Ingle of 3g039'10", an arc distance of 103.81 feet to • point of
Thence North 59'30'~' Vest. distance of 7S.00 feet to • Point "YZ";
Thence continuing North 59°30'40" West I distance of 35.54 feet to • Faint "0"
I point of curvlture: -
Thence Northerly 110ng • c"rye to the right having I raeilus of 175.00 feet
Ind a centrll angle of 66°20'05", In Irc dlsta,)c. of 202.61 feet, tll I point of
Thence North 06°49' 25" Eut • di stance of 132.75 feet to a point of curyatu",;
Thence Northerly along. curye to the left hlylng a radius of 400.00 feet AIId
I canual angle of 05"32'40", an arc distance of 38.11 feet to 1 point of
Thence North 01"16'45" East a distance of 48.00 feet to a Point "E";
Thence contInuIng North 01'16'45" East. distance of 43.13 feet to I point of
curvatllre ; ,
Thence Northerly 010019 • curve to the left hnlng I radius of 400.00 feet end
«central .ngl~ of 26"33'30", .~ arc distance of 185.41 feet to • point of
Thence Itorth 25·16'45" llest a dlstuCl! Df SO.OO feet to a Point "F";
Thence IIorth 64'43'15' East I distance of '0,00 feet to tile tenterpolnt of 40.00
foot radius circl,,;
AIIIl begInning at Point "f", a 40.00 foot wide strip ~f land lying Westerly of
and adjacent to the folla.1ng d@scrlbed line:
Thence continuing North 25°16'45" West I distance of 66.00 feet, 110", or less,
to the Itorth 11 .. of the abo"" described parcel of land and the tenolnus of
this line d@scrlptlon;
AIIIl beginning at Point """, • 1 0.00 foot .. Ide strip of land iying 5.00 feet on
eub side of the fGlla.1ng de~crjbed cl!"lterllne:
Page 3 of 5
ThenCe So~th 88'33' 31' East a c1istance of 23.00 feet to the terminus of th1s
centerline description;
AlUlbeginning at Point "B', a 10.00 foot wide strip of land lying 5.00 feet
on each side of the following described centerline:
Thence South 11°36'20. West' distance of 23.00 feet to the terminus of this
centerline de~cription;
AND beginning at Poi:1t "e' a 10.00 foot wide strip of land lying 5.00 feet On each side of the following described centerline:
Thence South 09°09'50. East a distance of 23.00 feet to the terminus of this
centerline description;
AND beginning at Polnt MD' a 10.00 fo)ot wide strip of land lying 5.00 feet on
each.side of the following described centerline:
Thence South 30"29'20" West I distance of 23.00 feet to the tereinus of this
centerline description;
AIID beginning It Point "E', a 10.00 foot wide strip of land 1,11ng 5.00 feet
on each side of the following describ~ centerline:
Thence North 88·43'15' West a distance of 23.00 feet to t.he tere!nu\ of this
centerline description;
AIIIl beginning at Point 'WX', a 32.00 foot wide strip of land lying 18.00 reet
left and 14.00 feet right of the following describe1 centerline:
Thence South 09·09'50" Elst I distance of 390.00 feet to I Point "G";
Thence continuing South 09·09'50' ElSt a distance of 106.55 feet to a point
Thence Sout~terly along a curve to the right having a radius of 75.ro feet
and I central Ingle of"94"22'05", an arc distance of 123.53 feet to a point of
Thence SlIUth aso12'15' West a distance of 177.52 feet to a point of cunature;
Thence Morthwesterly along I curve to tbO right having a radius of 75.00 feet
and a central angle of 85"37'55" an arc distance of 112.09 feet to a point of
Thence IIDrth 09"09'50' West I distance of 150.51 feet to a Point "K";
Thence conttnulng North 119"09'5O' West. disunce of 280.94 r .... t to a point
of cUNature;
Thence Mortherly Ilong I curve to the right naving I radius of 100.00 feet
and a centrll Ingle of 39°39' I 0" an arc distance of 69.21 -feet to • point of
TheIlCl! IIorth ~29'20" East a distance of 93.59 feet to said ""int 'fZ" and
the teMilnus of this line description;
AIC beginning It Point "S'. a 10.00 foot wide strip of land lying 5.00 feet
on each side of the following described centerline:
Thence North ~"5O'lO" East a distance of 23.00 feet to the t&Mllnus of this
centerline description;
AIIIl beginning at Point 'H'. a 10.00 foot wide strip of land 111ng 5.00 feet
on each side of the following described centerline:
Thence North 80"50'10" Elst a dhtance of 19.00 feet to the te ... l ..... s of Ulis
centerline descriptIon.
".98 4 of 5
Tne East 85.00 feet of the following tract:
That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32.
Township 23 lIa,th, Range 5 East, W.H., in King County, liashington, described
as follows:
Beginning at the No"theast corner of said subdIvIsion;
Thence South 00·26'58" West along the Easterly line of said subdivision 337.02
feet to the True Point of Beginning:
Thence South 86'19'24" West 158.32 feet;
Thence South 02'24'54" West 336.52 feet;
Thence South 86°39' 20' West 165.00 feet to the Eo~terly l1ne of the J. G. Carr
Thence South 02°24'54" West along said Easterly 11ne 70.40 fe@t to a point of
Thence Southerly along sold Easterly line followIng a curYe to the rIght having
a radius of 244.18 feet. an arc dIstance of 187.53 feet to the Easterly line of
• private road;
Thence Southeasterly jn • straIght line along the Easterly line of saId pri.ate
road 120.00 feet. more or less. to a point in the Southerly line of the North
half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the North"".t quarter
of sal", section distant South 86·59'16" II!!st 342.07 feet fl'Oll the Easterly line
of said subdIvision;
Thence !Iorth 86·59'16" ElSt 342.01 feet;
Thence North 00·26' 58" EiSt along the Easterly Itne of said subdivision 674.04
feet to the Troe Pelnt of Beginning;
EXCEPT portion thereo: conveyed to I;lng eounty for rold purposes by deed McOrd-
eel under AudItor's ffle No. 5876158.
LESS the follow1ng descr,bed portion of said tract:
Beginning It the Southwest corner thereof; . .
Thence !Iorther1y along the llest line .hereof a dlstonce of 140.00 feet;
Thence Southeasterly to a poInt on the Easterly I!"" of said tract. said point
lying 20.00 feet North of tho Southeast curnor thereof;
Thence Southerly along said East line to the Southeast corner thereof:
Thence Westerly along the South Itne of said tract to the SOUt .... st corner
thef'@()f and the point of beqlnning.
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Flied for Record at
the request or
10aZa S.E. 116th Street
Eas,m.nt liD.: 3Z-Z3-5-WIOU
Project: Weshiew Village ~~c:; !!
Renton, Washington 98055
King County Housing Auth<ii:l:tY:; ""
15455 -65th Avenu. Soutti:;;:, t;
Seatt1e, WA 9B166 .:."'::,:":::-
--" ,.., .~
e;';; t,Q
TIlts AGREEMENT, mad. this tl.3·-!dayof ~PR!r ' 19q~, by and
between SODS Creek Water and sewerOlstrlct. a arunctpa corporatfC'ij""'or King
County. Washington, hereinafter termed the "District, and KUlG CO!lNT~ HOIISHIG
AUTHORITY I hereinafter termed the 'Grantors Ii,
legal fy described as follows:
Said parc.l b.ing the South 400.00 feet of the H.st 495.00 feet of the
Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32, Townsh1p 23
North, Range 5 East, IU-I., in K.ing County, Washingtoni
EXCEPT the North 37.00 feet of the East 395.00 f •• t th.r.of.
WHEREAS, the District requires an easement for "a 0 sanl tary seWl!'r W water
1 fnes across Grantors' property at 3 location more specl rical1y described
no\;'. THEREFORE, 1 n cons I dera t I on Dr -0-
ana other good
and valuahle consideration 1n hand paid, rec~tpt of which 15 hereby ac~nOlf'edged,
and In consideration of ther performance by the District of the cover.ants, terms
and conditions herl!'inaftl!'r s.et forth, Grantors herebY grant, c.onyey and quit-
claim to the District the following easement:
REeD ,
9. DO
2. DO
~D654 D
Said easement Is ror the purpose or installing. constructing, operating, main-
taining. removing, repairing, replacing and using sanitary sewer and/or water
1 ines and appurtenances thereto. as designated above. together with the non-
exclusive right to Ingress to and egress from said portion of Grantors' property
for the roregoing purposes.
ThIs easement Is granted subject to and conditloned upon the following
terms. conditions and covenants Wlllch the parties hereby promIse to faithfully
and fully observe and perrorm:
;:, .. : .: .. ,
Easement No.: 32-23-5-WlOll . .
1. USE OF PROPERTY DY GRAJITORS. The Grantors shall r.taln the right to
use the surface of the easement H such use does not tnterrere with tnshlllltfon
of tile sanitary sewer lind/or water lines. The Grantors shall not erect buildings
or structures of Ii! permanent nat.ure on the easement during the existence of said
2. TIlE D/STRICT'S USE AND ACTIVITIES. Th. District shall exercise Its
rights under thts Agreement so as t to minll'lllz! and avoid, tnsohr as posstbh.
damage to !!Iny private Improvements on the easer.tent heretn. rr any such dClmage
occurs, the District shalT repafr and/or reptace said improvements.
3. RESrOnfITIDN. The District wii i reqUire the Developer to restore
Grantor's property to a condition as good as IDr better than the premises were
prior to entry. In addHlon t orr-site eaSements wilt reqUire photographs to
be taken prior to construction on said property to assure the co~leteness of
res torat ion ..
~. COilS/DERATION. The Grantors ,cknowledge th,t part of the ,bov.-
mentioned consideration Is compensation for Dny and all damsge resulting tOt or
resulttng herearter from the possible Inlerference of the natural nOK of surface
waters, subsurface waters and/or groundwaters by the d,fg91ng on the easement.
Said digging may disturb the soil composition within said e.sement.
S. ATTORNEY'S fEES. In case suit or action Is conmenced against the
Grantors or the successors, heirs or assigns of said Grantors, for removal of
an encroachment from thts easement, the Grantors he-reby promise to pay, In
addition to costs prD'lfded by statute, such sum as the court may adjudge reason ..
able as attorney's fees therein.
6. EASEMENT TO DINO SUCCESSORS. This easement. during Its existence,
shall be a covenant running with the land and 'shall be binding on the successors.
heirs and asslgns or both of the parties hereto.
/N ~IlIIESS WIIEREOF. we have set our hands and seals this ..2JED... day of
APRIL J 19~. CbJ "1
; ;
f, '
.. :
Eas",",nt 1iD_: 31-:13-S-WIOll
CQunty of tlng
On this 23RD day of k~ • l~" before u:e personally
appeared .JlTtt 'WiJ'iY
and to me
known to be the tndh Idu.J1 described In ind 'WtIo utctJted the wt thin ilnd fore-
going fnstl1JJllle'nt. and adnovledged said fnstf'UDeflt to be the free and voluntary
act and deed of said grantors, for the uses and' purposes therein mentIoned.
1IlHIESS ~ hand and orrlcial sui heret'tJ arffx~ the di!l1' and year above
written ..
County or ~I"'I )
"OIAl(!L1~or ~~.te of
V~shlngton. resIding .t ,~
On this day of • 19_, beron~ me personally
appeared --
.~ ,~~
known to be the President an~ Secreta~. nespecttwely, or
• the corporatlon
.t~h.~t~e~xe~<~u~t~eaA<t~h~.~fo~re~90~,n~g~.~n~s't~~~~t-.-.~n~.~.arn~~ow~led~9~e~d-s<'~Ir,rd inst~nt to be
_ the free and Yoluntar:y act aDd deed of ~id corporation, for the uses and
purposes therein mentioned.
WITXESS ray hand and orflcial seal hereto arfhed the day and year above
written ..
IIDIAkr rusElt 1n ana for the State of
liasbtn,9ton. resldfll,9 at _____ _
-~ ," .l"
EASEMENT NO_: 32-23-5-WIOll
PROJECT: Ilestview V111age
King County Housing Authority
15455 -65th Avenue South
Seattle, IIA 98166
Said permanent easement being that portian of the above descr1bed parcel in-
cluded In a lO.aO-foot wide strip of land lying 5.00 feet on each side of the
following described centerline:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of the above-described parcel:
Thence North 88°09'36-East along the North l1ne of said parcel. a dIs-
tance of 100.00 feet to an angle point In the North line of said parcel;
Thence South 0,°20'52" \lest along the boundary or said parcel, a distance
of 26_75 feet to the Point of 8eglnnlng of this centerline description;
Thence South 421>54'17" West, 80 feet, more or less, to an existing Soos
Creek Water and Sewer District eight-inch water ma'" and a terminus of
this centerline description.
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2-B"CI'lG.ADPT •
(RJT£: NEAR£!iT EXISll~ to. Y.
TO mE srurn IS lOCATED S"lY.
1J1"imX.7StI. ~ UEAWRED AlortC
""'" "" _ ROJIl> "D".J
E. N M" _O:"BVE' ''& GL t'"
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FlI ed for Record at Ease",nt No.: 32-23-5-84RRRRR
the r,quest of SODS CREEK ..
10828 S.E. 175th Street
Renton, Washington 98055
Vanta~e Glen Mobile Home Park
Housing Authorfty ::j"o::-~
County of King :". F; ~
~-. '.':"~ :-..a-
)·'·2 -
... ~ .-:::
THIS AGREENEHT, made this 4th ';r of Matth , !99J.~· tU;and
between SODS Creek Water and .Sewer Df strict, til muni c1pa j c:orporatfO'ii'Tl DR 1"9
County, Washington, here1n,after termed the -District, and HOUSING AUTHORITY.
cpunTY OF KING , hereinafter termett the "Grantors",
WHEREAS, Grlnto-rs are the owners of a parcel of land Jlt approximate1y
the ·llol""thwest suarter of Section 32, ·Townshjp 23 North~ Range ~ East ,
legally cesCr1 ea as tollows! , .
91 .... 03 .... 0B
WHEREAS, the District requires an easement for a [lsanitary sewer o water
lines across Grantors' prqperty at a location more specH~cally descrfbed
N?~. THEREFORE, In consideration of -0 -
and other gOOd
and valualJle·constderatlon 1n hand paid. receipt: of wnich is hereby acknowledged,
and in consjd~ration of the performance by the Oistr1ct o( the covenants, tenns
and conditfons hereinafter set forth, Grantors hereby grant, convey and quit ...
claim to the District the following ",sement:
Said easement is for the purpose of installing, constructing, operatin9, main-
taining, removing" rl!:pafr1ns, replacing and usfng san1t~ry 5;e=:;" i:;i'-::!vi ·"d:ter
Tfnes and ~p'p!.!rt:::'1.!:-::'~:;' tlii!reco. as des1gnated aboYe. together with the non-
exc1usive rfght to ingress to and egress fram safd portion of Grantors' property
for the foregof ng purposes.
This easement Is grantett subject to .nd conditioned upon the following
terms, conditions and covenants which the parties hereby promfse to fafthfully
and fully observe and perform:
.• -....
-~====='7'""'~-':"::':-;::;;:-=-:':":::::T=~::-'=7'0S;:;~~~' .......... '.:; .. : .. '.' .. :: .. '.' .. ~~_:_ .•. ~:,,.~.:,.?,;?,.,.:.-~,:*~ .. ,:,~ . .-<*1,8y:;~.·i.~\.~·~ ~;.:. O. .' '->::;":~~{~:\-::!J·:_;.:,.:.:·0\.~~2~:_~>i~·r\.: ·:::';:..,·:;'~~}:<,~~~:f0:':f~\~~ :~!.!/;!, _" !£:--';..[~L _d;; ~ c-"~=~~_ ..-1~··,~.~~~~~~~t2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
Easement No.: 32-23-5-84RRRRR
1. USE OF PROPERTY BY GRANTORS. Th. Grantors sh.ll retafn the rfyht to
use the surface of the easement 1f such use does not Interfere with 1n~tJl1at1Dn
of the sanitary s ••• r .nd/or water I1n.s. The Grantors sh.ll not .rect bufldfnys
or structures of a permanent nature on the easement during thl! existence of said
2. THE DISTRICT'S USE AND ACTIVITIES. Th. District shall exerefse Its
rights under this Agreement so as to lIIinimize and avoid. insofar as possfble,
damage to any private ilJl)rovements on the easement herein. If any such damage
occurs, the District shall repair and/or replace said improvements.
3. RESTORATION. The District _Ill requIre the Developer to restore
Grantorls property to a cond1tjon as good as or better than the premises were
prior to entry. In addftion, off-site easements 101ft I require photographs to
be taken prior to construct1on on said property t(l assure the cOlJ1lleteness of
4. CONSIDERATION. The Grantors .cknowledye that part or the above-
mentfoned considerat.ion ts compensation for any and all damage resulting to. or
resulting hereafter 'rom the possible interference of the natural flow of surface
waters. subsurface waters and/or groundwaters by the d1 gg1ng on the easement.
SaId dfgying may disturb the soil composition withfn safd e.sement.
5. AnORNEY'S FEES. In cas. suit or action is comenced against the
Grantors or the successors. heirs or asSigns of said Grantors. for removal of
1m encroachment fran this easement, the Grantors hereby promise to pay, in
addition to costs provided by statute, such Slim as the court may adjudge reason-
able as attorney's fees therein.
5. EASEMENT TO BIND SU'CESSORS. This easement. durfng its exfstence.
shall be a covenant running with the land iln-J sh-lll be binding on the successors.
heirs and assigns of both of the parties hereto.
MARCH , 19..2L.
and seals this ~ day of
. ...
. :-,
E,senont No.: 32-23-5-34RRRRR
l ss_
County of Ktng
On thts .IH -.y of ,?,~ 1" b f 11 ~ ... £(~ t i.!.!....., e ore me persona y
appeared Q 'r %Lrf
and d' to me
known to be tne individuals described in and who executeCl thl!! wltMn and fore-
going 1nstrument, and ac~nowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary
act and de';!'d of safd grantors. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
WITNESS my hand and offtct.1 ,,;1 hereto affixed the d.y and year above
County of Kf n9 )
On thts day of _________ , 19_, before me pe",on.] ly
appeared --
known to be the PreSlaent and 5ecretary, respectively, of
I to me
I the corporation
tllat executed tne toregolng Instrument, ana aC£nowledged said 1nstrument to be
the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and
purposes thereIn, mentioned.
WITNESS my hand and offict.1 se.1 hereto afftxed the d.y and ye,r .bove
kO)ARi PUBLlc in and tor the State of
Washington, resfdtng at ____ _
,." . . ~'-.'
.. ,';'
Vantage Glen Moblle Home
The ijest 316.00 feet of the East 366.00 feet of th' North half of the /lorI'
ha If of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of SeCt ion 32, Town·
ship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, EXCEPT th. North·
30.00 feet of the East 220.00 feet of said Southeast quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Section 32 conveyed to King County by deed recorded under Aud1tor's
File No. 8401040749;
The West 330.00 feet of the East 3BO.00 feet of the South half of the /lorth
ha If of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 32,
EXCEPT the South 15.00 feet thereof.
The West 284.00 feet of the East 664.00 feet of the South half of the North
ha If of the Southeast quarter of the /lorthwest quarter of said Section 32,
EXCEPT the South 15.00 feet of the East 50.00 feet thereof.
The South n. If of the North ha lf of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter of said Section 32, EXCEPT the West 360.00 feet thereof, and
EXCEPT the East 664.00 feet thereof.
The East 85.00 feet of the fa 110wing tract:
That portion of the Northwest Duarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32,
Township 23 HOT'th , Range 5 East. U.M., in King County, Washington, described
as follOWS:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said subdivision; Thence South 0°26'58"'
West along the Easterly line of said sUbdivisiun 337.02 feet to the True Point
of Beginning; Thence South 86·19'24" West 158.32 feet; Thence South 2'24'54'
West 336.52 feet; Thence South S6'39'ZD' West 165.00 feet to the Easterly line
of the J. G. Carr Road; Thence South 2°24'54-West along said Easterly line
70.40 feet to a point of curve; Thence Southerly along said Easterly line
followlng a curve to the right having a radius of 244.1S feet, an arc distance
of 187.53 feet to the Easterly line of a private road; Thence Southeasterly in
a straight line along the Easterly line of said private road 120.00 feet, more
or less, to a point in the Southerly line of the North half of the Southeast
quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest quarter of said section
distant South S6'59'16' ijest 342.07 feet from the Easterly line of said sub-
division; Thence North 85·59'16" East 342.07 feet; Thence North 0°26 1 58" East
along the Easterly line of said subdivision 674.04 feet to the Tr'Je Polnt of
Beginning; EXCEPT portion thereof: conveyed to King County for road purposes
by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5876158.
Tti~ "~St 360.00 f!.i:~t of i:he South haif of the North haif of' the Southeast
Quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32. Township 23 North, Range 5
East, W.M., in King County, Washington. also
The South 400.00 feet of the West 495.00 feet of the Northeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North. Range 5 East. W.M" in
Kin9 County, ijashington; EXCEPT the North 37.00 feet of the East 395.00 feet
thereof, and also
The North half of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter of Sect ian 32, Townshi p 23 tlorth, Range 5 East. W .M., in King County.
WaShington; EXCEPT the Easterly 366.00 feet In width.
Page 1 Of 4
.. ".'.
. .. ~ ...
-,./ ..:
" .. '
o ..
The South ha If of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32,
Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M •• in King County. Washington, EXCEPT that
portion of the East 430.00 feet thereof lying North of the South 210.00 feet
of said South half, and EXCEPT the South 110.00 feet of the East 240.00 feet
thereof, and EXCEPT the East 30.00 feet thereof conveyed to King County for
road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor 'S File No. 79176', and EXCEPT the-
West 10.00 feet of the East 40.00 feet thereof conveyed to the State of Uash-
ington for highway purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's F11e 110. 7305150405.
Said easement shall be described as a 24.00 foot wide strip of land lying within
the above described parcel ~nd lying 12.00 feet on eacn s1de of the following
described centerline:
Cornnenc1ng at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter of said Section 23;
Thence South 88"10 1 24-West a distance of 157.26 feet to the True Point of
Beg1nning of this centerline descriptionj .
Thence South 01'26'23' ~est a distance of 126.50 feet to a PoInt 'A';
Thence continuing South 01'26'23' West a d1stance of 236.00 feet to a point of
-Thence Southwesterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 100.00 feet
and a central angle of 100"09 1 57". an arc distance of 174.82 feet to a point
of tangency hereinafter referred to as Point -F-;
L.n Thence North 78 111 23'40" West a distance of 266.86 feet to a Point "8"; ~ Thence continuing North 78°23'4CII West a distance of 14.64 feet to a pOint of
'--' curvature;
CO Thence Westerly along a Curve to the left having a radius of 150.00 feet and ~ a central angle of 20"46'10-, an arc distance of 54.37 feet to a point of
o tangency;
m Thence South 80"50'1011 West a distance of 319.65 feet to a point of curvature:
Thence Northwesterly along a curve to the right having a rad1us of 150.00 feet
and a central angle of 39"39'1011 , an arC distance of 103.81 feet to a po1nt of
~_ 0
Thence North 59 v 30'40M West a distance of 78.00 feet to a Point qc-;
Thence cont.~nuln9 North 5gv30'40'~ ).lest a distance of 35.54 feet to a point of
Thence Northw"esterly a long a Cur ... ~ to the right having a radius of 175.00 feet
and a central angle of 66"20 1 05"* an arc d1stam:e of 202.61 feet to a point of
Thence North 06"49'25" East a distance of 132.75 feet to a point of curvature;
Thence Northerly along a curve to the left having a radius of 400.00 feet and
a central angle of 05 v 32 1 40·, an arc distance of 38.71 feet to a point of
Thence North 01(>16'45" East a distance of 91.73 feet to a point of curvature;
Thence Northwesterly a long a curve to the left having a rad1us of 400.00 feet
and a central ang'le of 26"3j':Ju", an arC distance of la5.4-l feet to a point of
Thence North 25°16'45-West a distance of aO.OD feet to a Point MOft;
Thence tI(lrth 64"43'75" East a distance of 10.00 feet to the center of a 40.00
Foot radius circle and the terminus of this centerline description:
And, beginning at said Point "A", a 24.00 foot wide strip of land lying 12.00
feet an each side of the following described centerline:
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o -
Thence North 88°33 1 ]]'1 West a distance of 60.78 feet to a point of curvature;
Thence Southwesterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 12D~OO feet
and a central angle of 18"'18'51.5", an arC distance of 38.36 feet to a Point
"En. The~ce continuing along said curve to the left through a central angle of lSI;>
18 1 51.5", an arC distance of 38.36 feet to a point of tangency;
Thence South 54°48 1 40" West a distance of 241.00 feet to a polnt of curvature;
Thence Southerly a long a curve to the left with a radiuS of lZO.OO feet and
central an91e of 43 G 12'20", an arc distance of 90.49 feet to a point of tangency,
Thence South 111136'20" 'West a distance of 45.44 feet to said Point "8" and the
terminus of this centerline description;
And, beginning at Point 'C', a 24.00 foot wide strlp of land lying 12.00 feet
on each side of the following described centerline:
Thence South 300'29'20" West a distance of 93.59 feet to a point of curvature;
Thence Southerly .long a curve to the left havlng a radius of 100.00 feet and
a central angle of 390'39'10", an arc: distance of 69.21 feet to a pOint of tan-
Thence South 09"09'50" East a dist.nce of 483.77 feet to • point at which said
easement becomes a 12-foot wlde str1p of land lylng Westerly and Northerly of
and 11111ledlatelyadjacent to the followlng descrlbed l1ne:
Thence South 21"54'00" West a distance of 172.64 feet;
Thence NOrth 68"06'00" West a distance of 8 feet., mOre or less to a po~nt on
the centerlinE! of 8-1nch sanHary sewer at which said easement becomes a
lO-foot wlde strlp of land lylng 5.00 feet on each side of said 8-lnch sewer
main as constructed, and extending Southeasterly a distance of 320 feet, more
or less, to a polnt on the South line of the above-described parcel of land
and the terminus of this centerline description, said point lying approximately
440.00 feet Easter1y of thE Southwest corner thereof.
And, beginning at said Polnt .t:., a 10.00 foot wlde strip of 1.nd lying 5.00
feet on each side of the following described centerl1nf!:
Thence North 16 11 52'28.5-West a distance of 130 feet, more or less, to th€ North
line of the above described parcel and the tenninus of this centerline descrip-
And. beglnnlng at said Polnt "D', a 10.00 feot wide strip of land lying 5.00
feet on each side of the following described centernne:
Thence South 25 11 16'45" East a distance of 12.00 feetj
Thence North 64°43'15" East a distance of 6.00 feet;
Thence North.westerly to a point 89.00 feet North of the South line, as measured
.10ng the East line of the West 45.00 feet ef the East 85.00 feet of the North
half of the S01Jtneast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwe~t quarter
of said Section 32.;
Said point is the terminus of this centerline description.
And, tne East 85.UO ieet or the fo iiow irlg:
That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32,
TownShip 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described
as fol1ows:
Page 3 of 4
, ....
"", '. "
r ,
';" .
8eginn1ng at the Northeast corner of sa~d subdivision; Thence South 0.26 1 58"
West along the Easterly line of said subdivision 337.02 feet to the True Point
of Beginning; Thence South 80'19'24' \lest 15B.32 feet; thence South 2'24'54"
west 336.52 feet; Thence South 86'39'20' \lest 165.00 f.et to the Easterly line
of the J. G. Carr Roed; Thence South 2'24'54' West along said East.rly line
70.40 feet to a point of curve; Thence Southerly .long said East.rly line
following a curve to the right having a radius of 244.18 feet, an arc distance
of 187.53 fe.t to the Easterly line of a private road; Thence Southeasterly in
a straight lin. along the Easterly line of said privet. road 120.00 feet, more
or less, to a point in the Southerly line of the North half of the Southeast
quart.r of the llorthwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section
distant South B6'S9'l6" West 342.07 feet fr ... the Easterly line of said sub-
div' slon; Thence North B6'59' 16' East 342.07 feet; Thence North 0'26' 58' East
along the Easterly lin. of said subdivision 614.04 feet to the True Point of
Beginning; EXCEPT partion th.reof conveyed to King County for road purposes
by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 5876158. AND EXCEPT the following
Beginning at the Southwest corner of said East B5.00 feet; Th.nce Northerly
along the \lest line a distance of 140.00 feet; Thence Southeasterly to a paint
on the East line of said tract, said point lying 20.00 feet Northerly of the
Southeast corner thereof; Thence Southerly along said East line to the Southeast
corner thereof; Thence Westerly along the South line of said tract to the
Southwest corner thereof and the point of beginning.
AND EXCEPT that portion lying Northerly of Carr Road.
And, those portions of the above described parcel lying within a lO.OO-foot wide
strip of land lying 5.00 feet on each side of the follOWing described centerline:
Beginning at Slid Point 'F'; Thence South B5'35'37" East a distance of 95.75
feet; Thence Southeaster1ya distance of 235 feet, more or less, to the center
of an existing manhole ISoos Creek Water and Sewer District No. 20B-19); Thence
continuing along .. oct Same bearing a distance of 10.00 feet to a terninus of
this centerline description.
And, the North 30.00 feet of the West 120.00 feet of the East 340.00 feet of
the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 32.
Page 4 of 4
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Filed for Record at Easement
the request of M. , II
14616 S.E. 192nd Street
Renton, ~ashlngton 9BOSa .9YTt~r: DIV!~j('\!i rF
'::-, .: .',.
fill .. ; r. " ~
lego r y described as fo I lows:
No.: 32-23-5-S1009RR
Westview Vfl1age_ Offsite
King County Housing Authority
15455 -65th Avenue South
Seattle. WA 98166
Said parcel being the South 400.00 feet of the West 495.00 feet of the
Northeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 23
North, Range 5 Eas~, W.M., in King County, l~ashlngton;
EXCEPT the North 37.00 feet of the East 395.00 feet thereof.
W'HEREAS, the D1strlct requ1res an easement for a fU sanHary sewer 0 wa:ter
lines across Grantors' property at a location mare specifically descrtbed
NW, THEREFORE, in consideratlon of ___ --"tJc..... _____ ='-"=:-;=
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'"~~~~~~~~~~and other good and va 1uab Ie cons1derat ion in hand pa 1d, rece 1pt of wh lch h hereby acknow ledged,
and in conSideration of the performance by the District of the covenants j terms
and condttfons hereinafter s~t f[irth, Grantors hereby grant, convey and quit·
claim to the District the following easement:
Said easement is for the purpose of installing, constructing, operating, ma1n-
ta1n1ng, reroov1ng, repairing, replacing and using san1t{lry ~!!~r' e::d/.;:. ;.rater
j ~r"IE5 aria appurtenances thereto, as designated above, together with the non-
exclusive right to ingress to and egress from said partian of Grantors' property
for the foregoing purposes.
This easement is granted subject to and condItioned upon the following
terms, cond1tlons and covenants which the parties hereby promise to fa1thfully
and fully observe and perform:
", '
. " . (,
.. ..~. ~
\~ .., .,
Easement 110.: 32-Z3-5-SI009RR
1. USE Of PROPERTI BY GRANTORS. The Grantor' 'hall retain the right to
use the surface of the easement if such use does not interfere with installation
of the sanitary ,ower and/or water line,. The Grantors shall not ereot building,
Dr" structures of a permanent nature on tne easement during the existence of said
easement ..
2. THE DISTRICT'S USE AND ACTlVlTlES. Th. Oistrlct shall .xercise fts
rights under this Agreement so as to min~1Il1ze and avoid, insofar as possible,
damage to any private 1mprovements on the easement herein. If any such damage
occurs, the District shalT repair and/or replace said 1mprDvements.
3. RESTORATION. The District will require the Developer to restore
GrantorLs property to a condition as good as or better than the premises were
pr10r to entry. In add1 t1 or. , off-site easements will requ1 re photographs to
be taken prior to construction on said property to aSSure the cOIlJIleteness of
4. COKSIDERATION. The Grantors ac~nowled9. that part of the above·
mentioned consideration is c.ompensation for any and all damage resulting to. or
resulting hereafter from the possible interference of the natural flow of surface
waters. subsurface waters and/or groundwaters by the di ggi n9 on the easement.
Said dig91ng may disturb the so11 composition within said e.llsement.
5. ATIORNEY'S FEES. In case suit or action is co_need against the
Grantor-s or the successors. heirs or aSSigns of said Grantors. for removal of
lin encroachment from this ellsement. the Grantors hereby prClmise to pay, in
addition to costs provided by statute, such sum as the court may adjudge reason-
able as attorney's fees therein.
6. EASEMENT TO BIND SUCCESSORS, This easement, during its existence.
shall be a c.ovenllnt running with the land and shall be binding on the successors.
hei rs and aSSigns of both of the partifs hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. we have set and seals thfs 23RD day of
APRIL 19.29...
Cl = Cl
o •
Easement Mo.: 32-Z3-5-S1005RR
1 ss.
County of King
On thl. 23RO day of APRIL
appeared J.::fM'Wi"LEY
, 19..JQ. bt!:fore me pe["slJ.nally
and tD me
known to be the incdvlDualJ described in anO wno exe.Cutec the wlthln and. fore ..
gOing instrument, and. ac.knDwled~rl said instrument to be the free and voluntary
act and deed of said grantors.t for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.
WITNESS my hand and offici.! seal hereto affixed the d.y and year .bove
County of King
in ana for the State of
ro.l dl n9 at :;;¥F"',,,,;C,,---
On thiS day of ___________ , 19_, before me persona11y
appeared ------
and _~~~-..~~~~~~,,~~~~~~~~~~~ _______ " to me ~nc""in to De the PreSident and 5ecretar"Y. respectl'leiy, of
• the corpQratlon
t.nat exec.utea tne foregomg lnstrument, anCl aCk.nO'Wleoged salU instrument to be
the free lind voluntary act and deed of sa1d corporation, for the uses and
pUrpOS~5 therein mentione.d.
WITliESS my hand and official seal hereto aff1x~d the day and !lear above
NQIARi PUBLIc lR Q~d tor tne State of
Yashlngton, resldlng at ______ _
r ,
" :;
EASEMENT NO.: 32-23-5-S1009RR
PROJECT: Westview Village
Offsi te
King County Housing Authority
15455 -65th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98166
Said permanent easement being those port1ons of the above-described parcel
includ.d in the following description;
A permanent easement over. 10.OO-foot wide strip of land lying 5.00 feet on
each side of the followtng descr1bed line commencing at P01nt ·F· as described
in easement as recorded under King County Auditor's Fil. No. 8503220667;
Thence South 25D161~5" East along the centerl1ne of existing road, a
distance of 12.00 feet;
Thence North 64°43 1 1SA East, a distance of 6.00 feet to a pOint at the
center of Soos Creek Wat.er and Sewer O\strict's existing lo!anhole No.
208·3, sa1d point being further described as the True Point of BE!ginning
of this strip easemem: description;
Thence North 42°54' 1]1' East, a distance of 41.09 feet to Point "X· lyil'lg on a
line parallel with and 368.00 feet Northerly of the South line of the above
described parcel;
Thence North 69 110 44'22. East along sa1d parallel line, a d~stance of 20.44
feet to the East boundary of the above described parcel and a terminus
of this centerline description.
AND ALSO a permanent easement over a lO.OO-foot w1de strip of land lying 5.00
feet on each side of the following described centerl1ne beginning at said Po1n~
"X OI :
Thence North 27D27'~3· West. a distance of 35.49 feet to the North 1ine
of the above described parcel and a terminus of this centerline descrip-
tion, said terminus being further described as being 64.00 feet, as
measured along said North line. from the Northwest corner of said parcel.
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In G. C.n ill"~ IJ •• JI Carr 'TIff .. .. -• . ..
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roct. 9-10-11 c-!" the unrc .• 'd~ pIa t af'the Ilp r1nc "'l !" r: of);':
v" 01"" ~ aardan Tf.ot. >Qttn 4".04-.. tho r ~ yt o~ .. or :rrJt ar mrt or no 32 :I'
L 23 !Ii! , II: -0 exc, al!ltr1p &a tt rid. otarUnc . LoT . , abc'II,t 130 !t S .r NY Grtlr ot.d.OllOTe" 4.8-04 th lIlil ~----Cl:t~'11ng d.hgcmal tOt7lJrd... t.be trupr ... north_"'
pOTt1cn "ll!!lod to:" l'Oil6pU.TpR ur-d .11118'0 .""'. aU
ainl'!.!'1Il rtainaboTe c!(I.cd.ld.
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I v 0" blkGnlilt_1::1 np fot .. t'6f:.at,. 1118 ) ( :Jr ... .reD4t1. Df 520HC, 602 D iIl56 to IlMnr
00" .
!~by Grant •• II<> Park) .. -;JA:.
A RESOLUTION accepting certain
sewer facilities and lin~s by the
District for service and mainten~
ance and imposing a hook-up charge
in Ii,eu of assess~ent to be col-
lect~d from the owners of lands
subsequently connecting to said
lines for sewer service, and cor-
recting a typographical error in
Resolution No. 264.
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 76, the Board of Commis-
sioners has declared its policy of imposing and collecting hook-
up charges in lieu of assessments to property ownsrs whose prop~
erties have been specially benefitted by and who may subsequently
connect to facilities constructed a.t private expen-s'e and of reim-
bUTsing a portiDn of such hook-up charge to the person, firm or
c8Tporation paying the cost of such sewer facility! all in accord-
ance with and pursuant to RCW 35.91.020, and
l<t1iEREAS, it has been discovered that there is a ty-po-
graphical error in the legal description contained iro Resolution
No. 164 which should be corrected. NOW, TEEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Beard Df Commissioners of Cas-
cade Sewer District, King County, Washington, as fOllows:
SECTION 1. That the sewerage service lines and and facilities
within the following described property situated in King County,
Wa5hingto~, be accepted for service and maintenan~e:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 32,
Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence
Southerly along the section line 90S feet more or
less to the South margin of the I.G. Carr Road as
established in 1972; thence Easterly alorlg said
South margin of the I. G. Carr Road 95 feet to
the true point of beginning; thence Southerly 2t
right angle. to nid South margin of the I.G.
Car, Road 150 feet; thence Easterly and parallel
to said South margin of the I.G. CaTT Road to an
inter3ection with the West line of the East Quar-
ter of the West half of the Northeast Quarter
of the Northwe.t Quarter of said Section 32;
thence Northerly along said West line to the South
-1 -
SUBJECT: correcting
Resolution No. 264.
.~ .
.::J r--o
N o tn r-
margin of the I.G. Carr Road; thence Westerly
along .aid South mkrgin of the LG. Carr
Road to the true point of beginning.
SECT I ON Z. PI ior to the connec. t ien for sewer 5 erv ice bjO any pe rs on I
firm. or corporatinn of property within the &bave described area
in King County, Washington, there shall be collected from such
party seeking connection a late-comers charge as specified in
Section 3 below, ES the proportionate cost of district facilities
for which the party applying for service or his predecessors have
not contributed.
ShcrrON 3. Each. person, firm or corporation subject to the payment
required to be paid under Section 2 hereof shall pay to the Dis-
trict, prior to connection to sewer facilities of the District,
the total of $17.13 for each lineal front foot of all prQperty
owned, leased or otherwise occupied as and for proportionate con a
tribution to the cost of constructing the following improvements:
Si ze Length On
12" 675..84 t CaTr Road
Appr-ox. B40 r. W of
]03rd PI. S.E.
(ex. Metro M.H.)
Approx. ]64'+ W.
of l03rd Pl.S.E.
'·i 1385.08' Carr Rond Approx. 164'+W of
l03rd Pl.S.E.
l05th Pl.S.E. ,
(ex. CSD Sew.M.H.)
SECTION 4. A copy of this resolution shall be recorded in the office
of the Auditor of King County, Washington t for the purpose of giving
Notice to all present and future owners of the above described real
prGpey~y subject .to .tlate~comersrt connection fee.
SECTION 5. Resolution No. 264 of the Cascade 5e\~'er District, King
County, Washington should be and the same hereby is amended to
confor~ herewith.
ADOPT.cD by the Board of Commissioners of the Lascade
Sewer Dis~rict, King County, Wushingt~n at a regular npen public
meeting thereof held on tho /C;-I>.. day of Janaury, 1975 .
. .. : •. It ,.
stiaJECT: Correct;'r,g
Rp-sQl1Jti~n No. 264
b>':-~':' ~:_. 'J " .. ~
-':" },"~ ',' : ~.. . " -.-
• i-, ~t ' ". -,~."' .~Jci' Record at Reque!t If
Filed for record at request of
17200 i20th AVenue S.E.
Renton. Washing~on 98055
HS':'.'~. "'.llNt'!~:; ~~
£~~;J!.!.:O?l3 ~ SC1!O~31::1
::':).!.lJH''1 "".
9( 6 IW L 8i~ ~
:-iD .tS3nO;tl~-·--
.-------~ 0·-----
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"" j
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.... r--
10828 S. E. 170 th
F1ent.oo, u.'a~hin;ton 98055
ACS NO. 5n·)'
*OG71 E
~ ~ The unders igne-d I
o~ Vantage Glen
does here,l-.. y covenant and · .. gree .. lth WATER DISTRIct NO. 58, Df Kine
County, WAshington, .. mum cipa.l corpor .... tion, ae tollow.:
1. The underligned property owner ia the owner of tha real pl'ope%ty
herein described under ORIGINAL DESCRIP1iON.
:2. S.id prop.rty own:: d;ea hereby :'l!!Ique1t t~f&t the connection: chupe
~de by Wd~er Oistrict No. 5e pur.uant to ROW 51.0S.010 and cCmAonly ze-
ferred to &.s the 1.1'." connection charge, b ••• gre;at.d ... 'tc .&oid property.
that property owner be parmittad to pay .aid area conneetion charg •• s ~o
F&~eel A, ~nd ~h&~ the ~onn.ction chArg. &a to Parcel a be deterred ~nd b.
paYLble when .pplie~tion 1. ft~d. tor water •• rvie. to .aid Parcel B.
3. Tho! lIlden;igned ;>ropertv e>o>ner understands and agrees that the area
camectl"" charge for Parcel A. Shall h.o due and pay,;ble on a prorated basis as
each =tio" of Parcel A is developed and comectM for service. The area
comecctoo charge fm: Parcel B .nll be levied at the race applicable at the
time application [or service is made. This Agre<m2Ilt is binding CX1 the Ir<ler-
signed; his' heL.., an:! his assigns and is • Covenant \I1lling.nth the land.
See Atuc ...... nt
See Atteched EXHIBIT "A"
* Prorated. payable al t::.me: of cormec.tion
AHOtmT DU£S19,616,94* J
On lhh _lQ.r,b. day ot MAY I 10..a:L. be/or. !Il!Ci,
The undalliQned. ~ Natary Public in and far the ~t.t. ot W&ahinoton. duly
cnnul'd •• ionet.S and .worn ptlfIIOOl&lly e.rptlatod JIM Y.."IlEY, ;x,sut:ive {}freC"'
K;pg Cqt!!?~ fbm1ni' AutOOr'ty to ... known to bl tne ndiY1d~l_, deac:r ..
ihad. in an who .xecutad the (orego:lng in. tr,-ant. and &cknowledg;ed to m.
thAt __ heJl atoned and ••• lad the .aid lnatrunent &. his r~oe and
vcluntary act &nQ dlod tor tn. u •••• ~d purpo,ol th.~.rn •• ntion.d.
WfTNass .Y hand
in lhi. c.rt1Iicat. above
Not&r;P\lliilC n And
wa.h1n;~gn r •• 1~1ftg at
Da.t., _______ _
SIlGR~nON FU' __________________ ,tlX.URS ($,_~ __ _
o...t. ~idt _______ _
The Southeast 1/4 of lhe Northw.st 1/4 of Section 3Z. Township 23 North, Range
SEas'. W.M .• less the East 430.00 feet of the South 1/2 of said Southeest 1/4
dnd le" tne South 15.00 feet of the E.st 430.0~ feet of the North 1/2 of said
S.outheast 1/4.
less State Highway,
South 400.00 feet of tho West 4~5.DO feet of the North ••• t 1/4 of the Nortnwtst
1/4 of said Section 32. less the ~orth 37.00 f.et of the West 380.00 f •• t of
the fast 395.00 feet thereof;
The ,ost 85.00 feet of tho follow;")'
Be~innin9 at the Northeast "orner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Horthw.,t 1/4
of said Section 3Z. thence South 337.02 feet to The True Point of Beginning.
thence South 86-19-24 West 158.32 feet. thence South 02-24-54 West 336.52 f •• t.
thence South 06-39-20 ~e't 165.00 feet to the Easterly line of Coun~ Ro.d.
thenc:e Soutnerly 1110"9 said road 70.40 feet. t.hence Sou~herly on curve to
right radius 244.18 ,eet a dhlence of IS7.53 feet to the Easterly line of
pri"te road. thence Southeasterly .long said line 120.00 f.et JoIIt
to ooint on South line of North lIZ of Sout~,t 1/4 of HQrthwost 1/4 of
the Northw.st 1/4 342.07 feet West of Eest lin. of subdiv1sion.
thence North to True Point of Beginning ,
Less County Road.
I '" ,
ACS NO. _-,,8::.3 -_4-,--_~
a;:..--:" 24 410615 ."
R!:LD F 6.00
CASHSL *' .... .110*6. 00
The una" era' """". JIM WIIEi· t'M ~--:::~~~~~L:::::::::::::::::::::::::.~.~r~~:.:. ::::~~~_ the omer of the property: Vantl!ge Glen
does hereby oovenant and agree with CasCJlds Sewer District, of Y.ing
Coonty. W."hington. a m.mic:I.pal corporation. as foU""",
1. The tmdera:Lgned is the authorized agent for the Klro CDtNI"l
!DUSING AUl'IDRIlY. <MOOr of the real property described under ClUGINAL
2. Said frope::ty owner does hereby request that the. geaeral
facUities area charge .... de by CASCADE SEll&\ DlS'llUcr pursuontto S.....r
District 1_. Olapter 56 and camm1y referred to as the areR dm:ge, be
oegregated as to said plUpaLy, that the prq>ert:y ~ be~tted to
pay said area charge as to PARCEL A in acc:ordance with P""agt¥ 3 and
that: the area charge as to PARCEL B be deferred and be payable in accord-
ance with Po:ragtaph 4.
3. P8JllR!!lt of the area charge far PARCEL A shsl.1 be UI8de as
each section of PARCEL A is developed. and =ted to fully ...,m J atJ e
sanitary sewer S&Vice, with the amunt rue at that t:lloe equal to the
IUli>er of \mits (unbi1e baoe pads) in the section to be c::a.......u.d divided
by the total. rurber of uoits in the deYel.opD!!!Ilt (164 unbi1e baoe pads)
1ILlltiplied by $l9, 6l6. 94.
4. The area. c:h!n&e fur PARCEL B shall be def<=ed and payable
only .tlen the follo.ling occurs:
(a) PARCEL A is deoeloped and c""""eted to sewer service
and either P./\IICE!. A or PARCEL B ~ fran publia
to privtte oooership I or
(b) PIoRClL A is deIIeloped and c:cmected to ......,., service
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W King County
Web date: 09/2812007
Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES)
900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest • Renton, Washington 98057-5212 • 206-296-6600 • TIY 206-296-7217
Short Subdivisions
Visit the DOES Web site at
for more information
King County DOES has created customer information bulletins to inform
the general pubJlc about the effect of codes and regulations on their
projects. These bulletins are not intended to be complete statements of
all laws and rules and should not be used as substitutes for them. If
conflicts and questions arise, current codes and regulations are final
authority. Because the codes and regulations may be revised or
amended at any lime, consult King County staff to be sure you
understand all requirements before beginning work. It is the applicant's
responsibility to ensure that the project meets all requirements of
applicable codes and regulatIOns.
For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600,
This bulletin explains the requirements and the process for subdividing property in
unincorporated King County and answers questions regarding problems that customers may
encounter, It is not intended to replace legal, engineering, or other professional services, but
should help applicants decide when such expert assistance is needed, Call the King County
Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) Land Use Services Division
(LUSD) at 206-296-6600 if questions are not answered by the information in this bulletin,
What is a Short Subdivision?
When property owners want to sell, trade, or give away a portion of property to someone other
than an owner of an abutting property, it must first be subdivided. (Land may be transferred to
an abutting property owner through a process known as "Boundary Line Adjustment"), A short
subdivision, often called a "Short Plat," is a division of property into four or fewer lots outside the
Urban Growth Area and nine or fewer lots in the Urban Growth Area.
Here is an example to help illustrate a short subdivision: If property owners want to sell half of
an existing lot, it must first be subdivided into two "Legal Lots," one that the applicant will want to
keep, and one lot to sell, Everyone who shares ownership or who has an interest in the
property (e,g" spouse, partner, mortgage company, real estate contract holder, etc,) must agree
to sign on the face of the final short subdivision document.
For information regarding the laws governing subdivisions, see Chapter 58.17 of the Revised
Code of Washington (RCW) and Title 19A and 21A of the King County Code (KCC).
Why Are Short Subdivisions Necessary?
State and County Laws require short subdivisions for the following reasons:
To ensure that the new lots meet minimum zoning requirements for building
To protect the interests of the seller, buyers, builders, and neighbors
To prevent or mitigate drainage problems, access and traffic safety problems, and public
health hazards
To plan wisely for community growth and neighborhood traffic circulation
To maintain accurate public records of land divisions.
Bulletin 25 09/2812007 Page 1 of 11
Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
When is It Unnecessary To Short Subdivide?
Chapter 19A.08.040 of the King County Code provides the following exemptions when a short
subdivision is not required:
Divisions of land for cemetery and other burial plots
When creating new lots or tracts that are each 40 acres or larger, provided King County
zoning requirements allow for 40-acre parcels
When selling or deeding five acres or more to a public agency
When executing a will that legally divides property
When dividing land into lots or tracts under a recorded residential condominium binding site
When dividing land by adjusting boundary lines, as long as the division does not create any
new lot or reduce an existing lot to an area insufficient for a building
When a division is for the purpose of leasing mobile home space in lots with an approved
mobile home park site plan
When dividing land by binding site plan into lots or tracts classified for industrial or
commercial use
When a public road or freeway is planned and constructed that divides property.
Note: A boundary-line adjustment requires review and approval by King County DOES.
Also see DOES Public Rules Chapter 19-08, Adjusting Boundary Lines, available via the
DOES Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits.
In all cases where property owners may be considering one of the exemptions listed above
consultation with DOES staff before proceeding is recommended. Parcels that fail to meet
King County zoning, health, or access requirements will not be granted a building permit.
How Many Lots Can Be Created?
To meet short subdivision requirements, a property proposed to be subdivided must be
considered a Legal Lot, as defined in Chapters 19A.04.210 and 19A.08.070 of the King County
Code. Property owners may short subdivide a Legal Lot into a maximum of four lots outside the
Urban Grow1h Area and nine lots in the Urban Growth Area. The number of lots created
depends on how much land a customer owns and the zoning requirements that apply to the
proposed property. If an applicant has an ownership interest in two or more contiguous lots,
however, eight lots may be created outside the Urban Growth Area. After the recording of a
short plat, a property owner must wait five years before short platting again. However, a
property owner may further subdivide a short plat lot within the five-year time frame via the
formal plat process. A short subdiVision may inClude any number of tracts (land reserved for
special uses such as open space, surface water retention/detention utilities, or access). Tracts
are not counted as lots, and they cannot be used as residential building sites.
An owner of an existing non-building lot (as designated through an approved short subdivision
or subdivision) may have it recognized by King County as a Legal Lot and a legal building site
through a short subdivision or short subdivision alteration.
What Are the Costs?
Applicable fees for short subdivisions vary significantly and depend on many factors. The fees
are subject to change by the King County Council. Refer to the current list of fees, available at
DOES, for specific amounts.
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Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
What Are the Costs? (continued)
Some or all of the King County fees listed below must be paid, depending on the specific
Pre-Application Meeting review fees (Required for all applications.)
Short Plat application review fee (Required for all applications.)
Health Department review fees
Fire Marshal review fee
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review fee
Critical Areas review fee
Variance review fees
Engineering review fee
Inspection fee
Right-of-Way restoration financial guarantee
Final Short Plat review fee (Required for all applications.)
Division of Records and Elections recording fee (Required for all applications.)
Additional costs and expenses include the following:
Consultant fees for preparing applications and other documents and attending meetings with
County staff
Fees paid to utility districts for the preparation of Certificates of Water and Sewer of
Costs associated with determining the site's suitability for on-site sewage disposal (septic
tanks and drainfields)
Special studies such as a downstream drainage analysis, soils report, wetland study or
traffic analysis
A Short Plat Title Report
Engineering costs for surface water drainage plans and road plan and profiles
Costs of constructing and installing roads and drainage systems, water supply lines, sewer
lines and other required utilities
Performance and maintenance bonds
Fees for the preparation of the final short plat recording documents by a land surveyor.
What Procedures Must Be Followed?
Although obtaining approval of a short subdivision can be described as taking place in generally
two phases, preliminary approval and final approval/recording, the following eight steps describe
the County process in more detail:
Basic information meetings
Pre-application/Feasibility meeting
Application review meeting and submittal
County staff review of the application and granting Preliminary Approval
Engineering Plan review for required infrastructure improvements
Final review and recording
MaintenancelDefect Warranty
Before beginning the process of short subdividing a a parcel of property, review the following
information to thoroughly understand the procedures and steps involved. Most applicants find
that hiring a consultant with expertise in the short subdivision process is the best approach to
handling their application. Note that the services of a licensed civil engineer and a licensed land
surveyor will be required to complete certain steps in the short plat application process.
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Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
STEP ONE: Mandatory Informational Meeting
After acquiring basic information about a parcel of property from the staff at the DDES Permit
Service Center, if an individual is considering filing a short plat application, step one will be to
schedule an Informational Meeting. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory before filing a
short plat application, and must be attended prior to proceeding to step two described below.
This meeting can be scheduled by contacting Ms. Marci Gunnell (206-296-7059,
marci.gunnel/@kingcounty.gov). The purpose of this meeting is to provide a basic overview of
the short plat process, i.e., the phases of the review, the average cost for each phase, the
submittal requirements, timeframes, etc. Included in Step One will be the viewing of a
PowerPoint presentation on the short plat process. There is no charge for Step One.
STEP TWO: Mandatory Pre-application/Feasibility Meeting
If after attending an Informational Meeting an applicant decides to proceed further with a short
plat proposal, a Pre-application/Feasibility Meeting must be scheduled. At this meeting, the
short plat process will be discussed in more detail, as well as site-specific issues. Customers
will be informed about zoning requirements such as lot size, lot width and density; whether a
proposal will be affected by SEPA; whether a site is in a mapped critical area; and general
health, access, drainage, and utility requirements. During this meeting, issues involving difficult
site constraints may also be discussed.
To schedule a Pre-application/Feasibility Meeting, applicants will be required to submit a
description of the proposal; a proposed site plan drawn to scale showing geographic features
such as adjacent streets, existing buildings, and critical areas if any are known to be present; a
list of issues and questions; and a monetary deposit. The applicant must attend this meeting
with their professional consultant (e.g., civil engineer), and at the meeting County staff will
provide detailed written comments on the proposal.
Application packages for a Pre-Application/Feasibility Meeting can be obtained at the DDES
Permit Service Center, or online from the DDES Web site at www.kmqcounty.gov/permits. The
application package for the Pre-Application/Feasibility Meeting must be submitted in person;
please contact Ms. Marci Gunnell for this purpose (206-296-7059,
marci.gunnell@kingcounty.gov). Attendance at this meeting is required prior to proceeding to
Step 3 described below and the filing of a short plat application. Review fees will be charged
for this meeting.
STEP THREE: Application Review Meeting and Submittal
After completing Steps 1 and 2 above and prior to the submittal of a short subdivision
application, an applicant must schedule a mandatory Application Review Meeting, to determine
if all the application submittal requirements are met. To schedule this meeting, all application
documents must be submitted with the meeting request. County staff will visit the site prior to
the meeting, and a fee quote for DDES review fees for the review of the short plat application
through Preliminary Short Plat Approval will be provided by County staff at the meeting. Written
requests for scheduling an Application Review Meeting, complete with all application
documents, must be submitted in person. Please contact Ms. Marci Gunnell for this purpose
(206-296-7059, marci.gunnell@kingcounty.gov).
Every short subdivision application includes the following:
A completed Short Subdivision Application Form
A map/site plan prepared in accordance with King County Code 19AOS.150(8), including
field survey information developed by a licensed land surveyor
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Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
Preliminary approval by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health if an on-site
septic system or an on-site well are planned, or the submittal of Water and Sewer
Certificates from the appropriate utility districts
A current Title Report
A receipt filled out by the local Fire District
Copies of any easements, deed restrictions, or other encumbrances that may restrict the
use of the property
Documentation of lot creation and the date and method of segregation (see Bulletin 2, Legal
A Certificate of Transportation Concurrency
A completed Environmental Checklist if the short plat application is subject to the State
Environmental Policy Act (see Bulletin 26, SEPA Process)
A Level 1 Drainage Analysis and a conceptual drainage plan for stormwater control
A copy of completed applications for other permits that are to be processed with the short
subdivision application, or copies of related permits that have already been issued
[See King County Codes 19A.08, 150 and 20,20,040 for complete application requirements,]
Once DOES determines that an applicant has submitted a complete application, a proposed
project is vested and will be subject to the rules in effect on the vesting date. However, for short
plat applications that are subject to environmental review under the State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA), the project will be vested to the ordinances in effect at the time of the SEPA
threshold determination, if Significant adverse impacts will occur without conditions to mitigate
the project's impacts. [See Chapter 197-11-660(1 )(a) of the Washington Administrative Code
Applications containing material errors will be withdrawn, i.e., cancelled by DOES, and any
resubmittals by the applicant will be treated as a new application. A material error refers to an
error in fact or an omission of substantive information that would affect the outcome of the
Note that if an applicant initiates any changes to a vested application and these changes
are not required by County staff but rather by the applicant, and if the changes will result
in a substantial change to a project's review requirements, the application will be treated
as a new application for the purposes of vesting. Exam pies of such changes include
creating new lots, eliminating open space, or modifying short plat conditions.
Public Notice
Once customers have submitted an application, a notice must be posted describing the
proposed land use action on or next to the property. Notices are mailed to neighbors and to
appropriate jurisdictions and may also be mailed to other interested parties, as well as local and
community newspapers. King County DOES will send applicants instructions regarding
notice/posting responsibilities.
STEP FOUR: Application Review and Preliminary Approval/Denial
A County land use planner, engineer, and other appropriate staff will review an application for a
short SUbdivision to ensure that it meets King County requirements. Review times will vary
depending on the complexity of the application. The review process will include a visit to the
site by relevant County staff who have not previously seen the property, and applicants may be
required to submit additional information or revise a proposal to comply with County regulations
such as Critical Area requirements (e.g., wetlands, streams, floodplain, steep slope and
landslide hazard requirements).
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Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
Note that under state statutes, SEPA review is required for the following short subdivisions:
Resubdivision of a recorded short plat
Short subdivisions of land covered by water.
Short subdivisions where an applicant is required to get a Construction Stormwater General
Permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology, prior to beginning construction
activities for the short plat. This state permit is required when there will be a cumulative
disturbance of 1 acre or more of land to develop the short plat, including consideration of
future residential building sites in the short plat.
[For more information on the Construction Stormwater General Permit, visit
www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/stormwater/constructionfindex.htm!. For more information on the
SEPA process, please refer to Bulletin 26, SEPA Process]
Preliminary Decision
Following completion of the review process, applicants will receive either preliminary approval
with a list of conditions which must be satisfied to achieve final short plat approval, or a notice of
denial with an explanation of why an application was denied.
Preliminary approval is effective for 60 months. If any of the conditions of approval are not
satisfied and the final short plat is not recorded within the effective time, the preliminary
approval becomes void.
Site construction may not begin until the following requirements are met:
Preliminary approval has been granted
Engineering plans, if required as a condition of preliminary approval, are approved
A financial guarantee for required restoration has been posted and applicable fees paid
A preconstruction conference has been held with the King County Land Use Inspection
Decisions relating to short subdivision approval or denial may be appealed to the Hearing
Examiner by any aggrieved party, including the applicant and neighborhood residents.
Note: I n most cases, appeals must be filed within 14 days of when the decision was
mailed. The specific appeal period will be stated in the notice of decision. Appeal letters
must specify the reason for the appeal and must include a fee payment. The 14-day
appeal period extends to 21 days if a SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
(MONS) has been issued for the project. Appeal arguments must be su bmitted within 21
days of the date of the decision.
If an appeal is filed, the Office of the Hearing Examiner will set a date for the appeal hearing. If
a proposed project involves other land use appeals, such as those for SEPA, rezones, or
Conditional Use Permits, hearings for the short subdivision and other types of appeals will be
consolidated into one proceeding. Chapter 20.20 of the King County Code provides for the
consolidation of hearings and authorizes the Hearing Examiner to make final decisions on such
The Hearing Examiner may convene a pre-hearing conference to identify, to the extent possible,
the facts in dispute, issues, laws, parties, and witnesses in the case, and to set a timeline for the
presentation of the case. Also, any party to the appeal may request that the Examiner convene
a pre-hearing conference. The conference will be scheduled at least 14 days before the
scheduled appeal hearing, and at least 7 days notice of the date and time of the pre-hearing
conference will be given to those who are Parties-of-Record to the hearing.
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Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
STEP FIVE: Engineering Plan Review
Typically, a key requirement for preliminary short subdivision approval is the provision of road
and/or drainage improvements. Designing and constructing road or drainage improvements will
probably be the most costly requirement for a proposed short subdivision.
If the application is conditioned upon construction of road or drainage improvements, whether
public or private, the applicant will likely be required to submit a detailed engineering plan that is
prepared by a Civil Engineer licensed in the State of Washington. This engineering plan should
show the existing property and proposed improvements. Consult the King County Surface
Water Design Manual and the King County Road Standards for details on plan submittal
requirements. King County LUSD reviews engineering plans to ensure that the design complies
with the King County standards and specifications for roads and drainage.
To obtain engineering plan approval following short plat preliminary review, customers must
address all red line comments, pay review and inspection fees, and post a site and Right-of-Way
restoration financial guarantee.
STEP SIX: Construction
Following approval of the engineering plans, an applicant and/or the applicant's contractor must
set up a preconstruction conference with the Land Use Inspection Section. Applicants will not
be allowed to construct the improvements as part of a subdivision until after this meeting.
Throughout construction, a site will be subject to regular inspections. If construction is not
completed within one year from the date of engineering plan approval, applicants may be asked
to pay additional inspection fees.
Inspections are required to ensure that construction follows the approved plan and King County
specifications. Applicants may have to correct facilities that fail to meet minimum standards or
that were not identified on the approved design. Applicants will also have to regularly maintain
erosion control facilities or cover disturbed soils until construction activities cease and the site is
When improvements are complete, a final inspection will be necessary for King County approval
and release of financial guarantee(s).
STEP SEVEN: Final Review (Recording)
All short subdivisions require final review prior to recording. The final short plat must be
prepared by a Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Washington. The final review
application packet shall include five copies of the final short plat plans, a current short plat
certificate (Title Report), survey calculations, a copy of the approved engineering plans, fees,
and any additional information that may be required by LUSD.
Prior to final approval and recording, LUSD engineer/survey staff will review the final submittal
to verify that all technical survey information is consistent with state and local regulations and
that all conditions of the preliminary approval are satisfied. The final submittal is also reviewed
to verify that all title encumbrances have been addressed.
Property owners have an option to complete road and drainage improvements before recording,
or post a performance financial guarantee to ensure that improvements will be completed within
two years from the date of recording. Refer to the section of this bulletin that discusses financial
guarantees, for more information.
Once a proposed short subdivision is ready to be recorded, applicants will be notified of the
exact recording fee. All property taxes and application review fees that are owed must be paid
prior to recording. Once all review conditions have been satisfied, King County DOES staff will
process the proposed short subdivision with the King County Department of Assessments, and
the Department of Records and Elections. After a short subdivision is recorded, the proposed
Bulletin 25 09/28/2007 Page 7 of 11
Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
lots will be considered Legal Lots that may then either be sold or transferred, and for which
building permit applications may be submitted.
STEP EIGHT: MaintenancelDefect Warranty
If a short subdivision requires public street improvements valued at more than $1,000,
applicants will be required to post a maintenance financial guarantee for the roads. This
financial guarantee is required to warranty that the workmanship, materials, and design of the
roads will be free from defects for at least two years.
If a drainage retention/detention facility is required for a proposed short subdivision, property
owners must post a two-year maintenance and defect financial guarantee. This financial
guarantee is required to ensure maintenance of the drainage facilities and repairs of any failures
in design, workmanship, or materials for at least two years. King County will monitor drainage
systems and may notify property owners of needed maintenance or repair during the two-year
Release of the financial guarantee will require re-inspection by the King County Department of
Transportation and Department of Natural Resources and Parks.
What Road and Drainage Improvements Are Required?
Road improvements typically are required to ensure that a proposed property has adequate
access. Aspects of neighborhood circulation and road patterns will also be evaluated.
Applicants may have to construct or improve roads, both on and off site, to provide adequate
access. The following may apply to a proposed short subdivision:
Public Streets
Applicants may have to dedicate (deed) some land to widen an existing public street right-
of-way, to obtain off-site dedications to extend an existing neighborhood street to serve the
proposed property, or to ensure that access for future development is adequate. Property
owners may also be required to improve a public street if existing construction does not
meet current codes.
Private Roads
Private roads may be permitted when public right-of-way is not required, no public safety
hazards will result, and only a limited number of lots are being served.
Right-of-way and improvement requirements for private roads vary greatly, depending on lot
size, the potential and actual number of lots served, and the existing street network. To
satisfy road improvement conditions, property owners must first obtain approval of the road
design plans; then the road construction must be inspected and approved. Under certain
conditions, applicants may complete final recording of the short plat before the road
improvements are constructed, by posting financial guarantees or other acceptable
securities to guarantee completion of the required improvements within one year of final
short plat approval.
Drainage facilities are required to ensure that a short subdivision does not cause an
increase in peak surface water runoff to downstream properties. A review for drainage
impacts is required for any proposed short plat if any of the following conditions apply:
More than 2,000 square feet of new impervious surface is created
The property contains or abuts a floodplain, stream, lake, wetland, closed depression, or
a critical area
Bulletin 25 09/28/2007 Page8of11
Short Subdivisions Bulletin 2S
Typical drainage requirements include on-site water retention/detention facilities, water
quality systems, stream bank stabilization, and the creation of drainage easements and
What Additional Items May Be Required For Short Subdivisions?
In addition to road and drainage requirements, the following approvals are typically required:
Public Health
The Seattle-King County Department of Public Health must approve the water supply and
means of sewage disposal.
If a proposed project will be on a septic system, preliminary Health Department approval
must be obtained before filing a short plat application. Final Health Department approval is
required before short plat recording. In some cases, preliminary approval from the Health
Department requires hiring a consultant to conduct an on-site sewage disposal design.
Health Department approvals sometimes are delayed for worst case design conditions
(winter percolation tests). The design and delays in obtaining approvals can be very costly if
new regulations are implemented, or if zoning is revised before a proposed short subdivision
application is submitted to King County DOES. A proposed short subdivision is not vested
until a short subdivision application is complete and accepted for processing.
Critical Areas Designation
If the lots in a short plat application are proposed to be served by either an on-site septic
system for sewage disposal, or by a well for the potable water supply, as noted above an
applicant must first obtain preliminary Health Department approval. Before the Health
Department will accept an application for this purpose, the applicant must determine the
location of any critical areas on the site, such as wetlands, streams, ponds, steep slopes
and landslide hazard areas. This Critical Areas DeSignation is performed by DOES
technical staff. If an applicant suspects Critical Area features are present on the short plat
parcel, it may be advisable to first hire a professional consultant (e.g., a wetlands biologist or
geologist) to evaluate and delineate the Critical Area feature before coming to DOES for a
Critical Areas Designation. DOES has a preferred consultants list for this purpose, which an
applicant may wish to use. This list can be found on the DOES Web site at
Note that regardless whether the lots in a proposed short plat will be served by a
public sewer and water system, or by a private septic system, or by a private or
community well, if an applicant suspects that a Critical Area may exist on the short
plat parcel, it is advisable to complete a Critical Areas DeSignation before submitting
a short plat application, since the presence of a Critical A rea can significantly limit
the land area of a site which can be developed.
Fire Safety
Fire hydrants and water mains may be required if the lots in a proposed short subdivision
are smaller than 35,000 feet. Actual requirements will depend on the number of lots served,
existing water pressure and capacity, fire hydrant location, and accessibility for fire-fighting
equipment. A Fire District Receipt must be obtained and approved before recording. This
permit will require verification of access, hydrant location, actual water pressure, and flow
capacity for fire-fighting equipment.
All past-due taxes must be paid before the short subdivision may be recorded.
Bulletin 25 09/28/2007 Page90f11
Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
What Financial Guarantees Are Required For Improvements?
If property owners are required to construct road or drainage improvements as a condition of
approval, a financial guarantee must be posted before construction begins, to ensure that
conditions are met or the site is restored and stabilized.
The types of financial guarantees and amounts vary according to the types of improvements.
The financial guarantees typically required for a short subdivision include the following:
Right-of-Way and/or Site Restoration Performance
Maintenance and/or Defect
A financial guarantee may be in the form of a cash deposit with King County, an assignment
of funds with a bank or lending institution, or a bond. Each form also requires a signed
agreement from an applicant or a legal representative
Copies of the financial guarantee forms are available at DOES (see Bulletin 40, Financial
Guarantees ).
How Soon Can a Short Subdivided Property Be Divided Aqain?
Property owners must wait five years from the date of recording to subdivide again. However,
the five-year waiting period does not apply if the formal subdivision process is used. The formal
subdivision process requires a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner and approval by the
King County Council.
Within the five year waiting period, a short plat alteration may also be filed to increase the
number of lots within the original short plat, if the total number of lots does not exceed nine
within in the Urban Growth Area, does not exceed four outside the Urban Growth Area, and the
short plat alteration is consistent with current zoning. The following requirements also apply to
all short subdivision alterations:
Everyone with an ownership or security interest in the original lots to be altered must sign
the final altered short subdivision forms.
If subsequent land development or County planning decisions rely on any features of the
original short subdivision, those features must be kept in the altered short subdivision.
Short subdivision alterations or vacations are generally approved or denied in the same way
that the original SUbdivision was approved, and they must be recorded by DOES with the
DiviSion of Records and Elections.
What if Land Parcels Are Bought Without First Being Subdivided?
If a parcel of land is bought without first being subdivided, civil suit and/or criminal prosecution
against both the seller and agent may result. A person who knowingly buys a lot that was not
legally created will not be able to get building and other permits for the property.
Property owners may offer lots for sale before short subdivision approval. Lots may be
advertised, and earnest money may even be paid, but it is against State Law to transfer Title
until the short subdivision is recorded. Sale offers should be worded carefully to comply with
State Law.
If the purchaser of an illegally created lot is an innocent purchaser, the lot generally will be
treated in the same way as a legally subdivided lot. An innocent purchaser is someone who
purchases real property for value, has received no notice that the lot was illegally created, and
has not previously been granted Innocent Purchaser Status by King County.
To apply for Innocent Purchaser Status, the buyer must file a notarized affidavit with King
County DOES attesting to the above. Please contact DOES at 206-296-6600 for more
Bulletin 25 09/28/2007 Page 10 of 11
Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25
If an innocent purchaser buys an illegally created lot, it will be treated in one of the following
If it meets current zoning requirements for access, lot area, and lot width, it will be treated as
if it were a legally subdivided lot.
If it does not meet current zoning requirements, but did meet the zoning requirements in
effect when it was created, the lot will be treated as if it were a legally created substandard
If it meets neither current zoning requirements nor those in effect when it was created, the
innocent purchaser, who cannot be issued a building permit, may sell the lot, but the lot is
not eligible for a building permit.
Additional Information
If applicants still need more information after reviewing this bulletin, forms and additional
information are available via the DOES Web site at www.kingcounty.govipermits, by contacting
the Land Use Services Division at 206-296-6600, or by visiting the DOES Permit Center in
Renton, WA.
Other Bulletins and Telephone Numbers That May Be Helpful
Bulletin 1
Bulletin 2
Bulletin 17 A
Bulletin 18A
Bulletin 21
Bulletin 26
Bulletin 29
Bulletin 34A
Bulletin 34B
Bulletin 40
Building and Development Permit Telephone Numbers
Legal Lot
Zoning Code: Overview and Summary
Zoning Code: Permitted Use Tables
Critica I Areas Review
SEPA Process
Drainage Review
Road Variances
Surface Water Design Manual Variances or Adjustments
Financial Guarantees
These and other DOES bulletins are available via the department Web site at
DOES Information
DOES Land Use Services Division
Financial Guarantees Management Unit (FGMU)
Be sure to visit 0 ur Web site at:
King County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAl· If
you require an accommodation to attend a meeting (two weeks' notice)
or require this information In Braille, audiocassette, or large print, please
call 206-296-6600 or TTY 206-296-7217
Bulletin 25 09/28/2007 Page 11 of11