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'M.1U£ CI'9t SPlICE IN UTlJTY EJSateNf 47.493 Sf TOTAlWNEA. 1'I3AISf TOTAl ON:sm IJHJSCAPE MfA: 2iU01 SF pn. OF StTE ~ RECf:/VED AUG 2 4 2015 .'ON PL .. 'r,u, ..... 'ON LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER SWl7Tll$l&NO£S "" .. l~I,j •• ~.~, "".'~" --_ .. -_ .... . ..-... -... -_. _,.,Jo'" '''''-""',.. .... ... _---------------"I II~ " L5.05 V1 "III Z I II -'. ....J i . ....J • I WOERMAN 1!1. l) !I;j L / / <n 1·1 w<n", 5f31=! <li~z .~ z~w ~ l-om U I -' i • : -- I~i l! II III II I' I ~ Ii "', u I I ' , I I I I .. I I I 1111 • .! I ' .n-n . . ". "" "'1 , , ,,' "" '"'' " '. ~-----------------------------~ c. ! I ro 'E:::!: • I " ro ro ON_ i Ororo 1 u.:I:O I I 0 ..,.. L.U en = ~ ,. "" -..... IN U '-" :=> oUJ « -' Q.. Ull. r c .---~......---- ~.~-'"';: ".. , • "It ~ ~ z ~z 'I 11'11 en !'I I ~il I,. 1\ I' ~~'" ~ ql" ", u WW • I (!jzt-•• I -z z~w g< o",u I Co • I -' I I I I " , • , . : , . , , " , , , , , ! , , II , , , " \ , , \ , , \ ' '! ! , ! 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City of Renton, on Thursday, N"ovember '5/2015 to" discuss maintaining the in'tegrity of the transportatio'n network through a north/south corridor within the Longacres Business Center Phase II project. In an email submitted to " the City, dated November 10, 2015, you've" provided two (2) additional options for "relocating the 32 cfoot wide private access & 'public utility easeme~~s of the Second , Amended'Binding Site Plan. At your request; we have reviewed the alternative options" • with ou·r. Public W'orks-TrarisportationDepartment and feel that OptionC is a workab.le: solution. The design options identified areas follows: Option A: Adhere to the Hearing Examlrierapproved Site Plan. Option B: Provide" 32-fodt wide easement. : Option C: Provide 50-foot wide right-of-way dedication. The following items will need to be addressed in order to move forward fro~ design Option A to design Options C:' " 1. Dedicate 60 feet of right-of-way along the west edge of Lot 9. 2., Redesign the Longacres Phase II project to be integrated into the City's Strander Blvd (SW 27'h Street) project. The design has been completed to the 35% level. The approved cross-section for the Strander Blvd/SW 27th Street roadway shall be provided for the design requirements in the right-of-way; A current cost of construction for this specific project to be included. 3. Update and resubmit the traffic impact analysis to study the new intersection, with particular attention to the eastbound lane wanting to turn left (north) onto the new north/south road. The trip rate generation forecast must include completion of the Strander Blvd/SW 27th Street connection to the City of Tukwila. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov "" . , .. Molly Carson • Page 20f 2 November'10, 2015 " ' Please contact me at(425) 430-7289 ifY~U have any questions." Sincerely; ,,' @Ik~. Clark H. dose' Senio"r Planner, cc:, ' Longacres Rento,;, LLC / ownerls)" .. Dave Williams, RyilO Companies / Contact," , .". , , " ,- , i' ", Phil Olbrechts Jamey Barlet, ColinsWoerman Dave Williams, Ryan Companies Molly Carson, Ryan Companies Joel Wage, Ryan Companies Mark Clement, The Boeing Company Nancy Eklund, The Boeing Company (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING Dated: 0 cJr,k.. :W J.Of) ] Hearing Examiner Contact Contact Applicant Applicant Owner Party of Record Notary (print): ____ \-\,,=..!\..::;~~-'f..l...!<OlIJ.Ur>~i<!..1..---------_,_- My appointment expires: ~\G~ 2'i( .l.Dll Longacres Business Center Phase II LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD SA-H template -affidavit of service by mailing • I I ,\' < . r ------------------------------------------------------ Longacres Renton, LLC 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Phoenix, AZ a>lJl~"~)j PO BOX 3707 MS lW-09 Seattle, WA 98124 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington_ The Renton Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County_ The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on September 25, 2015. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $133.38. \\\\\IIIf1',/ "" ~'" SH /," ~ -I. ~ •••••••• <0,0 ' ... ~ " "','SS\ON i"~ .. 'X«' ...... ~d~ J inda Mills Legal Advertising Represent . e, Renton Reporter Subscribed and s~ e this 25th day of September, 2015. --....... Polly Ann S'JIephere,NOtary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Federal Way, Washington .... ..\,.' "'.0' '" .... ":$_ /~. A"\" ::0:0 -"«'.'.;-":. = <l. 1'" NOTARY <l'; 0 = ~ <fl \. PUBLIC j z = ... :.,..\. • 0 - ,,:--?"'. .:",,:: ........ /-.l' -•• !ls.1\· \;. ••• 0-.:-",~' OF·W···~"e.~~ ,,~ '/ t'~" /'"1111\\\\\ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC HEARING RENTON. WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee has issued a Determi· nation of Non-Significance Miti- gated (DNS-M) for the following project under the authority of the Renton municipal code. Longacres Business Center Phase II LUA 15-000630 Location: SW 27th St and Na- ches Ave Sw. SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave Sw. The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Environmental Review, and a Street Modifica- tion for Longacres Business Cen- ter Phase II to construct two stan- dalone buildings totaling 300.000 SF. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three? story 150.000 SF general office building. Access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via private access roadways. The project site is located in the Commercial Office (CO) zone. The site plan includes 1,063 parking stalls. The project would include a detention pond and the site contains high seismic haz· ards. Appeals of the DNS-M must be filed iu writiug 00 or befort 5:00 p.m. OB Odober 09, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner clo City Clerk, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the "Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4--8-110 and more infonnation may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-43()"6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on October 27, 2015 at 11:00 am to consider the submitted applica- tion. If the DNS·M is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Published in the Renton Reporter September 25, 2015. #1420859. • • · Easy Peele labels Use Avery® Template 5160® ~tlquettes fadles it peler Utilisez Ie gabarit AVERY® 5160® I. Bend along line to i I _ I ~ L. Feed Paper -expose Pop-up Edge™ J .4':'"':'-, ~ I AVERV® 5160® i A '~ )I .. 'I \1 );-'!"l.:~~t' "",Wt' 'iN ~ft!\fe}H;r'.;!! "-,.0-".~ i: ~)O;"~~." 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To be viewed at the City 'Clerk's office'on the i h floor or Renton City Hall, 1055 ,South Grady Way, between 8 am and 4 pm. Ask for the project file by the above ,project number; and • For purchase at a copying charge of $0.15 'per page. The estimated cost for the' Hearing Examiner Documents is $2.10, plus a handling and postage cost (this cost is subject to change if documents are added) .. APPEAL DEADLINE: RMC 4-8-080 provides that the final decision of the Hearing Examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Couneil.RMC 4-8-110(E)(14) requires appeals of the Hearing Examiner's deCision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days , from the'date of the hearing examiner's decision. Appeals must ,be filed in writing together with the required fee to the City Council, City of Renton, 1055 'South Grady Way, Renton, WA98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, R'enton City Hall-7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: A request forrE!consideration to the,Hearing Examiner may also be filed within this 14 ~ay appeal peri'od as identified inRMC4,8-110(E)(13) andRMC4~8- 100(G)(9). Reconsiderations must be filed in writing to th~ 'Hearing E~aminer, City of 1055 South GradyWay. Renton,Washington 980S7. (42S) 43~510/ Fax (425) 430-6516. rentonwa.gov ·' • Renton, 1055 South Grady,Way, Renton; WA' 9'805'7" ,Additional information regardi~g , the r~consideration process may be obtairied from the ,i::'ity' Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall-7th Floor, (42S) 430-6'510. A new fourteen (14) day appeaLperiod shall commence upon the isslJance of a reconsideration decision. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@reritoniNa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, " , !:rtll) City Clerk cc: . Hearing Examiner Clark Close, Associate Planner Jennifer Henning, Planning Director , Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official " Sabrina Mirante; Secretary, Planning Division Ed Prince, City Councilmember Julia Meazegian, City Council liaison Parties of Record (7) , , , ,----------------- Denis Law Mayor November 16, 2015 Dave Williams • Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E. Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018-2653 Subject: Hearing Examiner's Final Decision - ---------------- City Clerk -Jason A. Seth; CMC RE: Longacres Business Center -Phase II, LUA-15-00~630 Dear Mr. Williams: . nie City of Renton's Hearing Examiner has issued a Final Decision dated November 10, 2015 (date' stamped at the City Clerk's office on ~ovember 13, 2015). This document is immediately available: • Electronically on line at the City of Renton website (www.rentonwa.gov); .• To be viewed at the City Clerk's office'on t'he j'h floor or Renton City Hall, 1055 . South Grady Way, between 8 am and 4 pm. Ask for the project file by the above project number; and • For purchase at a copying charge of $0.15 'per page. The estimated cost for the Hearing Examiner Documents is $2.10, plus a handling and postage cost (this cost is subject to change if documents are added). '. APPEAL DEADLINE: RMC 4-8-080 provides that the final decision of the ,Hearing Examiner is s,ubject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-110(E)(14) requires appeals ofthe Hearing EX,aminer's decision tobe filed within fou'rteen (14) calendar days , from the' date of the hearing examiner's decision. Appeals must be filed in writing together' with the re,quired fee to the City Council, City of Renton, 1055 'South Grady Way, Renton, WA'98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office; Renton City HaU -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: A req~est for re~onsideration to the Hearing Examiner may also be filedwittiin thi~ 14 ~ay appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8'-1l0(E)(13) and RMC4-8~ 100(<>)(9). Reconsiderations must be filed in writing to, the Hearing E~aminer, City of . .' ' . . . , , 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 ~ (425) 430-6510 / F~x (425) 43~51 6. 'rentonwa,gov .' . Renton, 1055 South Grady Way; Henton; WA' 9'8057" Additional information regarding the r~consideration process maybe obtain:edfrom t,lie city Clerk's 'Office, Renton' City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510, A new fourteen (14) day appeal.period shall comnience . '.' . upon the iss~ance of a re,consideration decision, I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@reritonwa,gov.'Thank you, 7:f;tJ /::!1seth City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Clark Close, Associate Planner Jen'niler Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth,Developmen't Engineering Manager Cra,ig Burnell, Building Official Sabrina Mirante; Secretary,Planning Division Ed Prince, City Council member Julia Meazegian, City Council Liaison Parties 01 Record (71 ' .' ~r " , I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • • CITY OF RENTON NOV 1 3 2015 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: Longacres Business Center Phase II Site Plan and Street Modification LUAI5-000630, MOD, SA-H ) ) ) FINAL DECISION ) ) ) ) ) ----------------------------) Summary 16 The applicant requests site plan approval and approval of a street modification for two (2) standalone buildings totaling 260,000 square feet at a site north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches 17 Ave SW. One building will be a three-story 113,00 square foot general office use building and the other building will be a three-story 147,000 square foot general office building. The site plan and 18 street modification are approved with conditions. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Testimony Clark Close, Senior City of Renton Planner, summarized the staff report. In response to examiner questions, Mr. Close clarified that at a minimum the applicant would comply with the 1990 stormwater manual but was also voluntarily complying with some current stormwater standards. Mr. Close also noted that there was conflicting evidence on whether the project site is in a flood zone and that the applicant is being required to provide compensatory flood mitigation to avoid any potential problems. Vanessa Dolbee, current planning manager, identified the factors that would be reviewed in a biological assessment required by staff recommended conditions of approval. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-1 ,-----------------------------------------------~--------- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 • • Exhibits Exhibits 1-32 identified in the "Exhibits" lists within and accompanying the staff report were admitted into the record during the hearing. The staff report was admitted as Ex. 33, the City's core planning maps, located at the City's website, were admitted as Ex. 34. Amended staff recommended Condition No. 12 was admitted as Ex. 35. FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: I. Applicant. Molly Carson. 2. Hearing. A hearing was held on the application on October 27, 20 15. 3. Project Description. The applicant requests site plan approval and approval of a street modification for two (2) standalone buildings totaling 260,000 square feet at a site north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. One building (Building C) will be a three-story 113,00 square foot general office use building and the other building (Building D) will be a three- story 147,000 square foot general office building. The project site is 17.38 acres in size, is vacant and is relatively flat with a six-foot increase in overall grade. The project as approved by this decision is depicted in Ex. 4, 5 and 6 as amended by Ex. 32 and the conditions of approval. The street modification request is a requested modification to RMC 4-6-060. At the time of vesting RMC 4-6-060 required 8 feet oflandscaping, 8-foot wide sidewalks, a right of way width of 103 feet, and an 8-foot parking lane along Oakesdale Ave SW. The applicant requests that they be allowed to retain the existing 6-foot landscaping strips, 6-foot wide sidewalks, 90 feet of right of way and no parking lane. 4. Adequacy of InfrastructurelPublic Services. The project will be served by adequate/appropriate infrastructure as conditioned by this decision. The adequacy of infrastructure and services is more specifically addressed as follows: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A. Water and Sewer Service. Sewer and water are provided by the City of Renton. City sewer and water mains are available along Naches Avenue for connection. B. Fire and Police. The City of Renton will provide fire and police service. Fire and police department staff have detennined that existing facilities are adequate to serve the development. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-2 ---------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • C. Drainage. The applicant has submitted a preliminary drainage report, Ex. 13, that staff has found to be acceptable for site plan review. The applicant proposes to convey project stormwater to a detention/wet pond located on a development tract to the north. D. Parks/Open Space. City development standards do not impose any park or open space requirements for commercial uses and no legal justification is found in the administrative record. E. Off-Site Transportation. No significant off-site transportation impacts are anticipated and no off-site mitigation beyond traffic impact fees is necessary. The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis completed by TENW (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 15). The results of the traffic study establish that the project will not lower the level of service of affected intersections below adopted standards. G. Parking (vehicular and bicycle). Parking meets vested City parking standards. The applicant is proposing 365 compact stalls (17%), 677 standard stalls (81%), and 21 ADA stalls (2%) for a total of 1,063 parking stalls. Based on the parking regulations, Building C would have a required minimum stall count of 339 and a maximum stall count of 509, and Building D would have a required minimum stall count of 441 and a maximum stall count of 662. Together the two buildings would have a minimum off-street parking stall requirement of 780 and a maximum stall requirement of 1,171. The proposed 1,063 stalls fall within the minimum and maximum parking regulations of the code. So that the parking is located on the same lot as the structure, a condition of approval requires that the applicant complete a lot combination into a single lot or a lot line adjustment, such that the required parking is on the same lot as each structure, pursuant to the minimum code standards per building. Should the applicant choose to complete a lot line adjustment with more than one lot, a condition of approval requires that a cross access agreement and/or a shared parking agreement be provided with the development. Bicycle parking is cncouraged for the development by vested development standards. The staff report recommends a condition requiring 40 bicycle parking stalls, which has been adopted by this decision. H. Vehicular Access and Internal Circulation. The proposal provides for safe and efficient access and circulation for all users. City public works staff have reviewed the proposal and found it to provide for safe and efficient access and circulation. The limited number of intersections and driveway access points will increase vehicle and pedestrian safety by reducing the amount of pedestrian and vehicle cross-over from an arterial street. All public access will be SITE PLAN AND MODIFICA TlON-3 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • provided from either SW 27th St at Naches Ave SW or from Oakesdale Ave SW (roughly between SW 27th St and SW 23rd St). The site access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW will be a full access driveway in order to allow all tum movements and be configured with separate outbound left and right tum lanes. A center two-way left tum lane exists on Oakesdale Ave SW which would provide a left tum lane for traffic entering the site and a center refuge lane for traffic exiting the site. The site plan includes several 24-foot wide through driveway aisles, around perimeter and portions of the interior of the site. Pedestrian connections from the street to each of the two buildings will be provided if all conditions of approval are met. There is also pedestrian linkage between the nearby light rail station and the project site, as depicted in Ex. 5. All public entries open to the sidewalk surrounding the exterior building elevations and not into an internal driveway or drive aisle which promote safety and efficiency. The accessible stalls are proposed as the nearest stalls to the front entrances for easier access. As determined in the staff report, the applicant is also taking special measures to protect landscaping from damage by vehicles and/or pedestrian traffic by providing defined pedestrian and vehicular areas. L Refuse and Recycle Enclosure. The proposal provides for adequate refuse and recyclable areas. The staffs analysis of applicable requirements, located at p. I of the staff report, is adopted by reference. J. Recreation. The primary open space on the subject site is located in the hardscape between the two structures at the center of the site. The roughly 132-foot wide space between the two buildings includes landscaping, walkways and patio areas. The open space has the potential to serve as a distinctive focal point from within the site. Proposed and conditioned landscaping would provide passive recreation opportunities for Group Health employees. K. Transit and Bicycles. The subject site is located just south of Sound Transit's Tukwila train station. The new office buildings would be within walking and biking distance from this transportation hub. A bicycle lane provides bicycle access to the project site and as previously discussed the proposal is conditioned to provide for bicycle parking. 5. Adverse Impacts. There are no significant adverse impacts associated with the project as conditioned by this decision. Adequate infrastructure serves the site as determined in Finding of Fact No.4. Impacts are more specifically addressed as follows: A. Compatibility. No compatibility issues are evident from the record. The project is generally bounded by CO zoning on all sides except the west property line, which is BNSF Railroad in the City of Tukwila (TUC-TOD Tukwila Urban Center -Transit Oriented Development). The buildings will be located towards the center of the project site with surface parking areas located around SITE PLAN AND MODIFICA TlON-4 ,------------------------------- ----------------- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • most sides of the two buildings. The proposed buildings would have a combined footprint of 86,500 square feet, resulting in a building lot coverage of approximately 11.4% across the combined property. The proposal would not be an over scale structure or exhibit over concentration of development as the proposal does not exceed maximum height, lot coverage, and setback requirements. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed building are also appropriate for the scale of the 17.38-acre site. The applicant has achieved compatibility with the surrounding uses through substantial setbacks and proposed landscaping. Additionally, the Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor, combined with the perimeter landscape area along the east and west property lines, creates a 30-foot wide onsite landscape buffer that not only makes 4% of the site to suitable area for wildlife but also serves to create compatibility with surrounding properties. B. Views. There are no territorial views for which to maintain visual accessibility for on-site buildings. No view corridors of neighboring properties to shorelines or Mt. Rainier would be adversely affected. No comments were submitted from adjacent properties regarding views. C. Lighting. The applicant did not provide an on-site lighting plan. A condition of approval will require the applicant to provide a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit review. Down-lighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe vehicular movement in an area where pedestrians could be walking. The conditions of approval require that the lighting plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. D. Screening of Mechanical Equipment and Refuse/Recycling Area. The application has roof mounted mechanical equipment on both structures that will be screened around all sides, approximately 8 feet above the top of the parapet, in order to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian environment and adjacent uses. Compliance with vested rooftop screening requirements will be verified at the time of building permit construction. It's unclear from the record whether the refuse and recycling area will be screened from view so screening of that amenity will be made a condition of approval. E. Privacy and Noise. Given the surrounding commercial uses and zoning, the proposal is not anticipated to create any significant noise or privacy impacts. Existing noise within the vicinity of the subject site is primarily composed of vehicles on the abutting streets (SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW), the rail line located immediately west of the site, and the Tukwila Sounder Station located northwest of the proposed campus style buildings. It is anticipated that most of the noise impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The site is surrounded by commercial development; therefore, the temporary noise impacts are anticipated to be minimal and limited in duration, and are not anticipated to be more impactful then the existing rail noise. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 F. • • The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan (Exhibit 18), which provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. Based on the provided construction mitigation description, the applicant has indicated that construction is anticipated to begin in December of 20 15 and complete in June 2017. At this time, the applicant has indicated that construction work would occur from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. The project's first phase was granted approval of the requested construction schedule and hours for Longacres Business Center Phase I. No public complaints have been received by the City for work outside the approved construction hours. The City of Renton is anticipating approval of the requested construction schedule and work hours for Longacres Business Center Phase II. Also, no excessive levels of noise are expected to be generated during the operation of the completed project. Due to the requirement and need for parking, it is a challenge to limit the paved and/or impervious surfaces on the site. While there is an exceptional amount of parking the lot has been sufficiently landscaped. The applicant is also taking special measures to protect landscaping from damage by vehicles and/or pedestrian traffic by providing defined pedestrian and vehicular areas. If all conditions of approval are met, there will be adequate provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement and the use of landscaping. Natural Systems/Critical Areas. There are no natural systems or critical areas on-site except for a potential flood zone and a high seismic area, low erosion hazard area and low landslide hazard area. The flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the property identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern property boundary, which may extend onto the property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or 500-year flood zones. According to the Flood Plain Hazard Data Map, the 100- year flood plain encroaches roughly 4,400 square feet onto the northwest portion of the site (northwest of Building C) and 44,000 square feet within the stormwater detention pond (Exhibit 8). The applicant is proposing to fill 2,500 cubic feet of fill within the northwest portion of the site and remove approximately 250,000 cubic feet of the 100-year flood plain from the stormwatcr pond. As such, the applicant is proposing compensatory volume in the footprint of the combination wetpond in Tract B, at the elevations above the overflow detention line. Staff have determined that this compensatory mitigation is adequate to mitigate against any impacts to potential development in a flood zone. As noted in the staff report, based on the soil and groundwater conditions onsite, the site would be mapped as a high seismic hazard, a low erosion hazard area and a low landslide hazard area. The applicant has prepared a geotechnical report that has been reviewed and approved by staff, Ex. II, which contains recommendations to assure safe construction in these geological hazardous areas that are imposed by the conditions of approval. G. Landscaping and tree retention. The applicant's preliminary landscaping and tree retention proposal has been found to comply with City standards by staff as conditioned SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-6 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 • • by this decision. The staff's analysis of applicable requirements, located at p. 8 of the staff report, is adopted by reference. H. Provision for Light and Air. The proposal provides for adequate provision of light and air. The proposed buildings would be located central to the site with surface parking areas located along the perimeter of the site. The larger setbacks of the building from the property line will provide for flow of sunlight, winds, vehicle and pedestrian movement through most of the site. Prevailing winds in the area are from the southwest during most of the year (fall, winter and spring) as well as the direction of sunlight. The structures would cast various degrees of shade along the north elevations throughout most of the day. The applicant should take measures to provide ornamental lighting within the vicinity of the entrances and along the north elevations in order to adequately illuminate the area for pedestrians and bicyclists. The lighting plan required by the conditions of approval will include ornamental lighting. Proposed landscaping has been strategically placed on site in order take advantage of sun exposure from the south and west most times of the year, and would likely only be shaded at certain times ofthe day during the winter months. Conclusions of Law 1. Authority. RMC 4-9-200(B)(I)(a) requires Levell site plan review for all development in the CO zone, subject to various exceptions that don't apply to this proposal. RMC 4-9-200(D)(3)(b) requires a public hearing before the hearing examiner because the proposed gross floor area exceeds 100,000 square feet. RMC 4-8-080(G) classifies hearing examiner site plan review as Type III permits and modifications as Type I permits. The site plan and modification requests of this proposal 17 have been consolidated. RMC 4-8-080(C)(2) requires consolidated permits to each be processed under "the highest-number procedure". The site plan has the highest numbered review procedures, so the site plan and modification requests must be processed as Type III applications. As Type 111 applications, RMC 4-8-080(G) grants the Examiner with the authority to hold a hearing and issue a 18 19 20 21 22 final decision on them, subject to closed record appeal to the City Council. 2. Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Designations. The subject property is zoned Commercial Office (CO) and has a comprehensive plan land use designation of Employment Area Valley. 3. Review Criteria. Site plan review standards are governed by RMC 4-9-200(E) and (F) as 23 vested under a development agreement applicable to the project, Ex. 19. Modification criteria are 24 governed by RMC 4-9-250(D), as vested under the development agreement of Ex. 19. Applicable criteria are quoted below in italics and applied through corresponding conclusions of law. The criteria of RMC 4-9-200(F) are not quoted but instead summarized within the Conclusions of Law 25 26 due to their excessive length. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICA TION-7 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • I 2 Site Plan 3 RMC 4-9-200(E): The Reviewing Official shall review and act upon site plans based upon 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II comprehensive plan considerations and the following criteria ... : l(a): Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. its elements and policies; 4. The proposal is consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies and zoning regulations as outlined in Finding 20(a) of the staff report, which is adopted by this reference as if set forth in full, including the findings and conclusions. RMC 4-9-200(E)(I)(b): Conformance with existing land use regulations; 5. The proposal is consistent with all applicable land use regulations as outlined in Finding 20(b) of the staff report, which is adopted by this reference as if set forth in full, including the findings and conclusions. 12 RMC 4-9-200(E)(I)(c): Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; 13 6. As determined in Finding of Fact No.5, the proposal will not create any significant adverse 14 impacts, including any impacts to surrounding uses. As detailed in Finding of Fact No.5, the proposal is fully compatible with adjoining uses, does not impair any views, does not impair privacy 15 or generate unreasonable amounts of noise and light and has all mechanical equipment and the like screened from view. As determined in Finding of Fact No.4, off-site traffic and stormwater 16 impacts are fully mitigated as well. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7. RMC 4-9-200(F)(I) also provides for more detailed standards governing impacts to surrounding properties and uses. Those standards are met by the proposal as well. In summary, the proposal will not negatively interfere with use and enjoyment of surrounding properties and uses because the proposal is fully compatible with surrounding properties and uses as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(A). The proposal does not create any undesirable scale impacts because as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(A) the proposal is fully compatible with surrounding uses. The proposal provides for appropriate transition and linkage to surrounding uses and infrastructure because the site provides for safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4(H) and is accessed by a bicycle lane as noted in No. 4(L) and has pedestrian access to the nearby Tukwila Sounder station as shown in Ex. 5. Perimeter landscaping serves as effective buffering of the large parking areas of the proposal as shown in the landscaping plans, Ex. 5. The buildings are appropriately situated on the project site by centcring them towards the middle in order to provide for maximum separation of the relatively large buildings from surrounding uses. No views are impaired by the proposal as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(B). Refuse and recycle areas as well as mechanical equipment will screened from view as required by City standards as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(1). As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(C), excessive SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-8 I 2 3 4 5 • • glare and lighting will be adequately mitigated through staff approval of a lighting plan required by the conditions of approval. RMC 4-9-200(E)(1)(d): Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; 8. All impacts to the proposed site have been mitigated by the staff recommended conditions of approval adopted by this decision and the measures initially proposed by the applicant. As outlined in Finding of Fact No. 5(F), the only critical areas on site are a potential flood plain zone and low geologically hazardous areas, which will be fully mitigated by compensatory flood storage, a 6 biological assessment and adoption of the recommendations in the applicant's geotechnical report, Ex. II. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(G), trees will be retained and replaced on-site to the extent required by City development standards. 7 8 9. RMC 4-9-200(F)(2) also 9 provides for more detailed standards governing impacts to surrounding properties and uses, which are met by the proposal as conditioned. In summary, building placement and spacing provides for adequate privacy and noise reduction and for adequate passage of light and air as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(E) and 5(H) and for adequate accommodation of views as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(B). Structures are properly concentrated in the center of the site in order to 10 11 12 maximize separation of the buildings from adjoining properties as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(A). Existing vegetation is retained to the extent required by the City's tree retention standards as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(G). No other vegetation retention is required or necessary. As 13 14 noted in the geotechnical report prepared for the project, Ex. II, the project area is relatively flat with only a 6-foot grade change so topography does not playa major role in dictating cut and fill plans. Erosion impacts are addressed by conditions recommended in the geotechnical report for the project as well as City development standards applicable to clearing and grading permits. Impervious surfaces are difficult to limit due to the parking required of the proposal. Project site plans show that the proposal limits impervious surface to that necessary to accommodate parking and other requirements for the proposed buildings. There is no restriction on total amount of impervious surface imposed by vested zoning regulations. As determined in the staff report, the applicant is also taking special measures to protect landscaping from damage by vehicles and/or pedestrian traffic by IS 16 17 18 19 providing defined pedestrian and vehicular areas. The proposal provides for adequate passage of light and air as determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(H). 20 21 22 23 RMC 4-9-200(E)(1)(e): Conservation of area wide property values; 10. Given the compatibility of the site with surrounding uses and the absence of adverse impacts as determined in Finding of Fact No.5, in the absence of any evidence that the proposal will adversely affect property values it is determined that the proposal adequately conserves area wide 24 property values as required by the standard quoted above. 25 RMC 4-9-200(E)(t)(t): Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; 26 SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-9 I 2 3 • • II. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 4(H), the proposal provides for safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation. 12. RMC 4-9-200(F)(3) also provides for more detailed standards governing circulation and access. In summary, as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4(H), the proposal provides for safe and 4 efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation as required by RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(a), (f) and (i). As detailed in Finding of Fact No. 5(H), the 17.38-acre site only has two vehicular access points, which limits ingress and egress movements as contemplated by RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(b). RMC 4-9- 200(F)(3)(c) requires the consolidation of access points with adjoining properties when feasible and RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(d) requires the coordination of access on a block-wide basis. The conditions of approval require internal access roads to connect to adjoining parcels as depicted in Ex. 32 in order to reduce the need for additional access points as contemplated in RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(c) and to coordinate access points as contemplated in RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(d). RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(e) discourages access points onto arterials. The project access points are on Naches Ave SW and Oakesdale Ave SW, neither of which are arterials. RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(g) requires separation of 5 6 7 8 9 10 loading and delivery areas. The staff report does not address loading and delivery areas. The conditions of approval require separation of loading and parking areas to the extent feasible with site constraints. RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(h) requires provision for transit and bicycle access. As noted previously, the Tukwila Sounder station is located just north of the project. The conditions of approval require bicycle parking and the applicant is proposing a bicycle shelter. II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RMC 4-9-200(E)(1)(g): Provision of adequate light and air; 13. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(H), the proposal provides for adequate light and air. RMC 4-9-200(E)(1)(h): Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmfol or unhealthy conditions; 14. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5(E) the proposal will not generate any unreasonable noise. As a proposed general office building, there is nothing inherent in the use or any indication in the record that the proposal would generate any odors or create any other harmful or unhealthy conditions, given the findings of Finding of Fact No. 5 that the proposal will not create any significant adverse impacts. RMC 4-9-200(E)(1)(i): Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; and 15. As determined in Finding of Fact No.4, as conditioned the proposal is served by adequate public services and facilities. RMC 4-9-200(E)(1)(j): Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. 16. As is evident from the building elevations, Ex. 6, the applicant proposes a high quality office park development that involves a substantial financial investment. There is nothing in the record to suggest that the project could contribute to or harbor any neighborhood deterioration or blight. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-10 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • Modifications RMC 4-9-2S0(D)(2): Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, the Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided he/she shall first find that a specific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineeringjudgment; b. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; c. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; d. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. 13. The criteria above are met for the requested modification identified in Finding of Fact No.3 for the reasons identified at pages 23-25 of the staff report. DECISION The site plan and street standard modification identified in Finding of Fact No. 3 are approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the one (I) mitigation measure issued as part of the Determination of Non significance-Mitigated (DNS-M), published on September 25,2015. 2. The applicant shall maintain the proposed 32-foot wide private access roadway width as provided for in the approved binding site plan, as follows and showing in Exhibit 32: a. Along the main entrance from Oakesdale Ave SW to the first drive isle located immediately east of Building D (approximately 391 feet). This east/west connection shall include two 12-foot travel lanes with a center 8-foot wide raised planter island. The center planter island may include breaks to allow for vehicular circulation. b. Along the north/south driveway isle located immediately east of Building D (approximately 380 feet). This driveway isle shall provide a direct connection to the north and south property lines. The walking trail, landscaping and parking shall be revised to allow future road connections for site-to-site vehicle access ways to allow a smooth flow of traffic across abutting CO lots (or to Lots 18 & 20) without the need to use a public street. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • c. Along the east/west driveway isle located immediately south of Building C, west of Naches Ave SW (approximately 212 feet). d. Along the north/south driveway isle located immediately west of Building C (approximately 300 feet). This driveway isle shall provide a direct connection to the north property line. The walking trail and landscaping shall be revised to allow future road connections for site-to-site vehicle access ways to allow a smooth flow of traffic across abutting CO lots (or to Lot 8) without the need to use a public street. A fmal site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 3. The applicant shall be required to submit a detailed landscape plan that complies with RMC 4-8-120 to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 4. The applicant shall be required to add a minimum of 40 bicycle parking spaces onsite. Bicycle parking shall be provided for secure extended use and shall protect the entire bicycle and its components and accessories from theft and weather. A fmal bicycle parking analysis and bicycle parking plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 5. The applicant shall be required to submit a conceptual sign package which indicates the approximate location and size of all exterior building signage. Proposed signage shall be compatible with the building'S architecture and exterior finishes. Signage shall comply with RMC 4-9-200(F)(4). The conceptual sign package shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 6. The applicant shall be required to obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor for the new structure. A flood elevation certificate shall be submitted by the applicant to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the building's finished floor construction. The finished floor elevation would be required to be verified by a preconstruction elevation certificate at the time of construction of a substantial structural element of the finished floor (i.e., foundation form for the concrete floor). An as-built elevation certificate would be required to be provided prior to issuance of fmal occupancy. 7. The applicant shall be required to submit a biological assessment or BA, as required by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The applicant shall be required to comply with any unanticipated mitigation recommendations from the assessment. The BA shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 8. The applicant shall provide a lighting plan which will adequately provide for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit. The plan shall indicate the location of exterior/ornamental lighting to be attached to the building, and any surface parking lighting, including specifications of the light fixtures. In the plan the applicant should take measures to provide ornamental lighting within the vicinity of the entrances and along the north elevations in order to adequately illuminate the area for SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • • pedestrians and bicyclists. The lighting plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 9. The applicant shall complete a lot combination or a lot line adjustment prior to building permit approval. A cross access agreement and/or a shared parking agreement shall be completed if the development is divided into two or more separate lots. If a cross access and/or parking agreement is proposed, the document shall be reviewed and approved concurrently with the two lot combination and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The agreement shall be recorded concurrently with the lot combination. 10. The applicant shall provide direct pedestrian connections from Building D to the proposed perimeter walking trail. In addition, the applicant shall provide a 5-foot wide paved walking trail from Oakesdale Ave SW to Building D. Final approval of materials and/or patterns shall be reviewed by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 11. The applicant shall complete the on-site 12-inch water main loop around Buildings C & D by connecting the water main to the existing onsite 12-inch water main and extending the south portion of the 12-inch looped water main to the intersection of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th St. This 12-inch water main extension shall be installed prior to final building occupancy of Longacres Business Center Phase I. 12. The applicant shall amend the Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan (Exhibit 3) to reflect the approved Longacres Business Center Phase II Site Plan. The applicant shall submit a time line by which the reconfiguration of the lots and transportation system will be amended and the next amendment to the binding site plan shall be approved by the City of Renton and recorded prior to building permit issuance. 13. The applicant shall separate proposed loading and delivery areas (if any) from parking and pedestrian areas as required by RMC 4-9-200(F)(3)(g) to the extent feasible and consistent with site constraints. All modifications necessary to accommodate the required separation shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ----------------------- • • 14. The refuse and recycling area shall be screened from view as required by RMC 4-9- 200(F)(1 )(g). DATED this 10th day of November, 2015. City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 4-8-080 provides that the fmal decision of the hearing examiner is subject to appeal to the 11 Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-11O(E)(14) requires appeals of the hearing examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. 12 A request for reconsideration to the hearing examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-11O(E)(13) and RMC 4-8-100(G)(9). A new fourteen (14) day 13 appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information 14 regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th floor, (425) 430-6510. 15 Affected property owners may request a change m valuation for property tax purposes 16 notwithstanding any program of revaluation. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SITE PLAN AND MODIFICATION-14 Longacres Renton, LLC 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Jeff Adelson The Boeing Company Mollv Carson Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix. AZ 850182653 Dave Williams Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 850182653 Joel Wage Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Nancv Eklu The Boeing Company P.O. Box 46-86 Seattle, WA 981242207 Jamev Barlet CollinsWoerman 710 Second Ave, 1400 Seattle, WA 981041710 Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 MS 1W-09 Seattle, WA 98124 DEPARTMENT OF COrve.JNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT enton€) REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPDSE DF REQUEST HEARING DA TE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Praject Manager: Project Summary: October 27, 2015 Longacres Business Center Phase II Longacres Renton, LLC /3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite'100 / Phoenix, AZ 85018 Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Dave Williams, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Clark H. Close, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 260,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670- 0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670- 0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a three-story 113,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 147,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with building heights at roughly 47 feet. Site access would be served from either .Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. Project Locotion: SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW --=------- Project Location Map HEX Report LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of co. unity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE" Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 I B. EXHIBITS TO THIS REPORT: Exhibit 22: Report to Hearing Examiner Exhibit 23: Notice of Application (dated August 26, 2015) • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 2 of 26 Exhibit 24: Street Modification Request for Oakesdale Ave NW (received August 24, 2015) Exhibit 25: Exhibit 26: Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan (Rec. No. 20050504000673) Traffic Concurrency Test for Longacres Business Center Phase II: Bannwarth Exhibit 27: Street Modification Memo: Bannwarth Exhibit 28: Exhibit 29: Environmental "SEPA" Determination, ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Notice of Environmental Determination and Public Hearing Exhibit 30: Affidavit of Posting and Mailing Exhibit 31: Exhibit 32: Revised Architectural Exterior Elevation (A4.1) Parking Lot Circulation Map I C. GENERALINFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: 2. Zoning Classification: 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: Commercial Office (CO) b. c. East: South: Heavy Industrial {lH} CammercialOffice (CO) Longacres Renton, LLC / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Commercial Office (CO) Employment Area Valley (EAV) Vacant covered with brush, weeds, grass, and trees d. West: Burlington Northern Railroad, City of Tukwila (TUC-TOD Tukwila Urban Center- Transit Oriented Development) 6. Access: Vehicular access to the site would be from the intersection of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th St or from a new access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW. 7. Site Area: ±757,073 square feet (±17.38 acres) I D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Comprehensive Plan Zoning Annexation (5 180th) Development Agreement (Recording No. 20030221002405) HEX REPORT LUA15·000630 Land Use File No. N/A N/A A-002-59 N/A Ordinance No. 5758 5758 1745 N/A Approved Date 06/22/2015 06/22/2015 04/19/1959 02/21/2003 ----------------------------- City of Renton Department of COAnity &. Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 Strander Agreement (CAG-02-211) (Recording No. 20060420001032) Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan (Rec. No.200S0S04000673) I E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities N/A N/A • N/A N/A Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 3 of 26 04/20/2006 OS/04/200S a. Water: The proposed development is within the City of Renton's 196 pressure zone water service area. There is an existing 12-inch water main in Naches Ave SW that ends at the cul-de-sac (refer to City project plan no. W-3399). There is also an existing 12-inch water main that runs north south near the project's east boundary line. b. Sewer: Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sewer main along Naches Avenue SW. c. Surface/Storm Water: There is an existing storm water conveyance system in Naches Road SW and along Oakesdale Avenue SW. 2. Streets: The existing right-of-way on SW 27th St (AKA Strander Blvd) is approximately 90 feet in width and is classified as a minor arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk) on the north side of SW 27th St. The existing right-of-way on Oakesdale Ave SW is approximately 90 feet and is classified as a principal arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk and landscape strip) on the west side of Oakesdale Ave SW. 3. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department. F_ APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE (RMC), TITLE IV DEVELOPMENT REGULA TIONS: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-060: Zoning Use Table c. Section 4-2-120: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Special Districts a. Section 4-3-0S0: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations -General b. Section 4-4-070: Landscaping c. Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations d. Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclables Standards e. Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards a. Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria a. Section 4-9-070: Environmental Review Procedures b. Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review c. Section 4-9-2S0: Variances, Waivers, Modifications, Alternates HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 6_ Chapter 11 Definitions G_ APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element 2. Community Design Element I H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 4 of 26 1. The applicant requested SEPA Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, and Street Modification for construction of a three-story general office building totaling 113,000 square feet with overall height of 47 feet and a three-story general office building totaling 147,000 square feet with an overall height of 47 feet. 2. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted an application for SEPA Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit, and a modification request for review on August 24,2015 and determined it complete on August 26,2015 (Exhibit 22). The project complies with the UO-day review period. 3. The project site consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and - 0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site fronts onto SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW (Exhibits 2 & 3). 4. The Longacres Business Center Phase II site is somewhat rectangular in shape, being roughly 1,800 feet wide and 445 feet long through most of the site. The project is generally bounded by Commercial Office (CO) zoning to the north and south, Heavy Industrial (IH) to the east and the City ofTukwila is located to the west of the property. 5. The project site is located within the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zoning classification. 6. City ordinances governing the development of land up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877, per Development Agreement No. 20030221002405 (Exhibit 17), therefore all development regulations cited herein are dated on or before Ordinance No. 4877, effective December 13, 2000. 7. Site access is served by extending Naches Ave 5W to the north at SW 27th St and constructing a full access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW. Interior circulation includes several 24-foot two-way drive aisles throughout the 1,063 stall surface parking lot (Exhibit 4). 8. The topography of the property varies from parcel to parcel but is relatively flat with gentle slopes to the northeast with elevations around 20 to 22 feet (Exhibit 5). 9. The applicant submitted an Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015). According to the report the site contains no wetlands, streams, lakes, or critical habitats on or adjacent to the property based on a review of third party work and online resources (Exhibit 15). 10. A Geotechnical Report for the site was prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015; Exhibit 11); the report recommends that the heavier three-story building loads could be mitigated from potential settlement-related impacts by supporting the structure on augercast piles or on spread footings, bearing on ground conditions, improved by installation of rammed aggregate piers/stone columns. Augercast piles, if used, should be advanced to obtain support in the medium dense sand alluvium indicated to be present at depths of 30 to 35 feet. HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 I City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE If Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 5 of 26 11. Building C measures roughly 125 feet wide by 325 feet long (first floor footprint of roughly 37,500 SF) and building B measures roughly 130 feet wide by 420 feet long (first floor footprint of roughly 49,000 SF) (Exhibits 4 & 7). Together the two structures have a combined total building area of approximately 260,000 SF. 12. The site is undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds, grass, and trees. The site contains a paved/gravel road that runs parallel to SW 27th St across the parcels from Oakesdale Ave SW, and north along parcel no. 088670-0190, which will be removed during site development (Exhibit 4). 13. There are a total of 53 significant trees that intermittently appear on parcels 088670-0150, -0190, while parcels -0090 and -0100 have very few existing trees. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) original trees along the project perimeters of the site (Exhibit 5). 14. The applicant submitted a conceptual landscape plan which includes the installation of 178 canopy trees (American sweet gum, red oak, gold falls zelcova), 68 columnar trees (bowhall red maple, columnar tulip tree), 167 small deciduous trees (vine maple, paperbark maple, flowering dogwood, quaking aspen), 15 weeping Alaska cedar, 51 shore pine, 110 Douglas fir, and 55 excelsa cedar trees. The proposed planting plan also includes native shrubs, accent shrubs, groundcover plants, perennial/ornamental grasses, sod lawn, native hydroseed with wildflower mix, and hydro seed throughout the site. 15. The applicant submitted a Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 13). The drainage report is in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). According to the report, the plan proposes a pipe network for conveyance of the onsite storm water from the building's footing drains, roof drains and parking lot to be conveyed to the proposed detention/wet pond in Tract B to the north of the site (to be owned and maintained by the Boeing Company). Compensatory storage is also proposed to be provided within the Tract B detention/wet pond. 16. On September 21, 2015, the Environmental Review Committee, pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), issued a Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for Longacres Business Center Phase II (Exhibit 28). The DNS-M included one (1) mitigation measure. A 14-day appeal period commenced on September 25, 2015 and ended on October 9, 2015. No appeals of the threshold determination have been filed. 17. Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measure with the Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated: a) Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. 18. Staff received no public or agency comments. 19. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development (Exhibit 21). These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. 20. The applicant has requested Site Plan Review and a Street Modification. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with Site Plan Review decision criteria, as outlined in RMC 4-9- 200: HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 _._---------------------- City of Renton Department of co_nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 6 of 26 a; COIVIPREHENSI"E PLAN COMPUANCEANO CONSISTENCY::':';;,:, i,;::r:;;;,," ,'e" '";;,;;''' ' " " ',: ",," ".' ''',,', ',,""~ .'" . >"-,,1"1'" I'. !,,', ',:,', / , • ,-'.,' ,J ." " ;~" ,', ",' "J" " "'"" I!". '('di,,/ '"PI "',: t,,,~, "'" ; "'" ,,: ."; " " .. :;. ".. ,',,', ,,'" :The'site;is designate,d,E/llploym!!nt ~rea Vaney(EAV)9n;the,;Co,/llpreh~nsive ,Plan ,Land Use; Map, There" ::~re l~oE,m pI6YI11:~,t ;~~~a"La rid ".0,s~ '(),~,si~n~lio~s,:;§,ri:J:p'loy~,e1t:;"~eaHi~~:~,strl~ lia~~; '~'111 ployril~rit Are~ ''-'Valley"Flexibility is, encouragedin:the:,Employment,Areas, by ,allowing a:range'::of.uses,and multiple i (, 'YI< " '. ,I, ,.i ,)'<J: '-,,', I, "/ ;/,' ,"i ',," ,'1,,',', ' , ' ,:' ,,; ':"',:"', ,;", "" ",.1'" '.: ." '"' I >:;"" d, • !. \"i; "!A,, 'I', 'ii;", '<,,', :.. ','" -',' ." ,'" 'b'" "". " 'users on' sites, ,Research,illid ;;aevelopment;':businesses"may: need, .. to,'evolve' into,:production' and ", , 'j • , ,'_ ", '. ",' :"" " • 'd~~".\~ " _" __ :; ".', '~."d, ,.";,, ,,!-' " ~;' ":-.,' .," ,-,;' ".'" I , ';'.' .';" "'-.'i!i;,'i!"~;'J " :, "," w,,,,!,",.,: ,:",:," '. . ,; ".' --'. " ','.".". " · distribution'facilities as products,are,.developed.ilnd:receive'approvaIJor·iTtarketing,;,Aflexible,.approach .. ,.;<', '~, "i",J:", ,.,:,:,;" :""":"".""r'"f,,,·.·~,,'"t'"';"'i "<'.'"lJi:,:,~:'",·,,'·,';"'~""1i""""!'-:-"'''i,,i''·;t'" ""','.1;,;;,',"" .• ,!~"" · can. facili!ate' busin~ss.;.clev~.I0Jl/lle9t,a~a· stimulate,qeati9n'0f,'noqes ote\n,RI9Y/llen,t activity, supported. ,.. ",',. "',__ ' __ , ,", ,'" " ! ' "j .',' .', " "I , __ ,,' "hi , ',). -, A.! ,i"", "" ,,' . ,,~<,' 'I, " ., ", , " "'.' '. '''',,, · by, tom mercial: a nd,seiliiceuses, The. 'goal of employment a reas: is; tq~:achieve a,/llix;oqa nd . uses inel udihg .i~du~itia.I,; h igfi;techn9Ibgy,offiCe,;a!1dfc9rorriei~i~lacti\liti~.~· iri'Em'pI6yrljerit: Areast~~t lead; tb.ec~~qmic ','.,i' "F, ",''',.'';" .. ,',,, "', ,,', 'r'".',: ,". ,'",'1,_' ,'", """i',,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,"',,,, __ :,'" :'" ','. growth ?ndastr~,~gt,~er!.~g:of~,~l1t,?~:'sempl.oYm~ntRa~.~;:';:.:: ....... ;'/", "';1'.': '.... ",,: .. ' : Tile .p'urpose.of the Em pl9Yl11en,t Area:'-Va Iley' designaJi() nis,to'a IloYl'.the· g~aqual tra nsition. ofthe Valley, , , I, ' " '!" I' . ", 'f '",.,.'; " .. ,." ""j ""."", ", I" ", "," " , ' " ,'., ,--",1 ." ,".'".",', ' • --, ".'" i.' ,from "iraa ition'a Li inaust'riaLa'rid;,'warehousing; uses' to .more:i ntensive'reta i 1': servitea nd office' activities, 'I:~e: i~tent:ii. to ill Io.~'tfi~~e i'h~~a~ti~iti~S:~@b~nna~irg;i"9 f!stri~lus~s\npn-wni9rrTl i!lg: ~ri(!' ~itbb~t . rE!strictingtheability of.'existi'ngbusinesses to'expimd,'. ""/: ;::.; . ,:;':'; :." '..,,:::,";',:', ',. '; Policy LU-305. Multi-story office uses should be located in areos most likely to be served by " future multi-modal transportation opportunities, A greater emphasis on public amenities is oppropriate for this type of use, Policy LU-315. Commercial Office zoning should be supported where a site has high visibility, particularly in those portions of the Valley that are gateways and/or along the 1-405 and SR 167 corridors, where larger sites can accommodate more intensive uses, and where sites can take advantage of existing and/or future multi-modal transportation opportunities, Policy LU-317. Site plan review should be required for all new projects in the Employment Area-Valley pursuant to thresholds established in the City's development regulations, Policy LU-318. New development, or site redevelopment, shauld conform to development standards that include scale of building, building fa,ade treatment to reduce perception of bulk, relationship between buildings, and landscaping, Policy CO-20. Orient site and building design primarily toword pedestrians through master planning, building location, and design guidelines, Policy CO-21. In areas developed with high intensity uses, circulation within the site should be primarily pedestrian-oriented, Internal site circulation of vehicles should be separated fram pedestrians wherever feaSible by dedicated walkways, Policy Coc23. Development should have buildings oriented toward the street or a common area rather than toward parking lots, Policy CO-30. Non-residential development should have site plans that pravide street access from a principol arterial, consolidate access points to existing streets, and have internal vehicular circulation that supports shared access, Curb cuts and internal access should not conflict with pedestrian circulation, Policy (0-35, Support commercial and industrial development plans incorporating the following features (only applicable features are listed): 1) Shared access points and fewer curb cuts; 2) More than one use into a single development; 3) Internal circulation among adjacent parcels; 4) Shared facifities for parking, transit, recreation, and amenities; 5) Unified development concepts; and 6) Landscaping and streetscape that softens visual impacts, HEX REPORT LUA1S-000630 City of Renton Department of coAnity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 7 of 26 Policy CO-39. Ensure quality develapment by supporting site plans and plats that incorporate quality building, development, and landscaping standards that reflect unity of design and create a distinct sense of place. Policy CO-40. Use design regulations to pravide direction on site design, building design, landscape treatments, and parking and circulation. Policy CO-41. Site design of development should relate, connect, and continue design quality and site function fram parcel to parcel. Policy C~-55. Landscape buffers, additional setbacks, reduced height, and screening devices, such as berms and fencing, should be employed to reduce impacts (e.g. visual, noise, odor, light) on adjacent, less intensive uses. Policy C~-56. Office sites and structures should be designed (e.g. signage; building height, bulk and setback; landscaping; parking) to mitigate adverse impacts on adjacent lana uses . . b;ZONi.N.~.£0M.P.LI~~CE~N~:<:ONSISTENCy;,.·.,:i':'Z';,,·;'.:: .. :,.'::0:;:,>;:':"/',.' ::..: .... : ....•.. : ..... . ;,The subject site. is classifiect:.~omine·rcial Office:(COI.orithei.CityOf Renton Zoriing Map:rheCommerci.al ",".', ": ,',/""",,',,,,)!\,,,,,_ '1""""-+' i-'_·i,<..",'~',_ ''''',<!~'' ""p"; "-'-'J·'i'"_,,,· -"'".,.,'1 ,f, :"_' .• ",,' ' . . 0ffice'(CO) zoneimpleinents.the .EmploymentAreiJ'ValleY'(EAV)-Land. Useaesignationi' The 'Commercial • ;., -,' " ". " ,," '. ,"":'/''''','; f ,< "1"'"" '.,., "! ,,' .,'J" _",i.:, ~-.'J" '~"I,'_":,,J,,',< •. , ", ,d",'I,' ", '_., ' ,., " . Office Zone (CO),:,iS' establis~ed .;fei Ipieiliidi!:"areas' appropriate: for" professional, " administratiite;and "''''''',';':"",' '-I_"_·-'"'J"','rr'_'!"""·-,,,,·,,',,,,-:,~,,> ,"':<""" ,","",,"_',1:". """""""""1',1:; ,,--.,,' .~.,.,_."", business offices;. arid/or~elated·· uses. ,Office:iuses';ofiiarious; intensities are. alloweo·ih.these areas to ,creai:~anE;;'~I;y~e~t centei;,.:rhefollo;,.;)irig ~re'appli~~bleto'th~p~o~osai: .! ," •. .••• .......•• ' .•.... ; '., '. Lot Dimensions: Per RMC 4-2-1208, the minimum lot size in the CO zone is 25,000 square feet. Staff Comment: The project site consists of six (6) full parcels and two (2) partial parcels. The existing parcel sizes have a range from as small as 93,783 square feet (APN 0886700380) to as large as 206,164 square feet (APN 0886700100), Following a lot combination and/or lot line adjustment, each lot would be required to meet the minimum lot size of the zone (Exhibits 2-4). Lot Coverage: Per RMC 4-2-1208 the CO zoning designation has an allowed lot coverage of 65 percent (65%) for bUildings. Staff Comment: Based on conceptual site plans, the buildings would have a combined footprint of 86,500 square feet. The two buildings are proposed to cover four of the potential seven building development parcels. The applicant must complete a lot combination and/or lot line odjustment prior to building permit issuance. Through a lot combination of all building parcels the two buildings would meet the lot coverage thresholds of the zone by covering only 11.4% (86,500 sf /757,073 sf = 11.4%) of the entire site. Additionally, there are no impervious coverage maximums for the zone. The proposed structure with other associated improvements, including impervious surfaces for parking area, would cover approximately 60 to 65 percent of the site. Building Height: Per RMC 4-2-1208 building height is restricted to 250 feet, or 20 feet more than the maximum height allowed in the adjacent residential zone. Staff Comment: The 3-story buildings (Buildings C & D) have an overall building height of roughly 47 feet above the surrounding finished grade (Exhibit 6). The structure has a parapet around the building that is about 3 feet above the roof level (58 ft). The proposal complies with the height requirements for commercial structure within the CO zone. Setbacks: Per RMC 4-2-1208 the CO zoning classification requires a 15-foot minimum front yard setback for buildings less than 25 feet (20 ft -buildings 25 ft to 80 ft in height). The CO zone has no rear or side yard setback except 15 feet if lot abuts or is adjacent to a residential zone. . HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 L-___________________ _ City of Renton Department of Co An ity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUAIS-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 8 of 26 Staff Comment: The project is generally bounded by CO zoning on all sides except the west property line, which is BNSF Railroad in the City of Tukwila (TUC-TOD Tukwila Urban Center -Transit Oriented Development). The smaller 3-story building, Building C, is located furthest west, and is roughly 459 feet east of the western most property line, 84 feet to the north property line, and 225'-6" from the south property line. Building C measures roughly 125 feet wide by 325 feet lang and is 46'-6" in height. The second 3-story building, Building D, is located roughly 416 feet west of the east property line at Oakesdale Ave Sw, 95 feet south of the north property line, and 147'-5" north of the south praperty line. Building D measures roughly 130 feet wide by 420 feet long and is also 46'-6" in height. The buildings are separated by 132 feet. The proposed building meets the minimum setback requirements of the CO zone. landscaping: Per RMC 4-2-120B a minimum onsite landscaping of ten feet is required along the street frontage, except where reduced through the site plan review process. Additionally, a minimum 15-foot wide sight-obscuring landscape strip is required when a commercial zoned lot is adjacent to property zoned commercial. Staff Comment: The property is covered by ground cover, grasses, weeds, low growing vegetation, and trees. There are 53 significant trees growing on the site. The majority of the existing trees are Cottonwood and Lombardy Poplars. Other onsite tree species include Acacia, Cedar, Spruce, and Alder along with other deciduous trees located immediately off-site. The Tree Retention/Land Clearing Plans (Exhibit 1) and the Arborist Repart (Exhibit 1) show four (4) trees on Lot 9, two (2) trees on Tract C, 14 trees on Lat 15, 16 trees on Lot 19, one (1) tree on Lot 16, seven (7) trees on Lot 18, and nine (9) trees on Tract B. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) significant trees. Native tree preservation would occur along project perimeter buffers of the site. The retained trees are as follows: two 28" cottonwood trees along the western property line, one 27" alder near the southwest property line, three poplar trees along the east property line (2' clump, 15" and 23"), and one 39" poplar near the southwest corner of the detention wetpond. The applicant meets the 10 percent (10%) tree retention requirements in the commercial zone by retaining a total of 7 existing significant trees throughout the site (Exhibit 5). The balance of the trees would be removed due to unsuitable species or due to site grading constraints (for example: 2 feet of fill is proposed in most areas). The new landscaping improvements would be integrated with the existing and would include drought tolerant plant materials. The applicant is proposing to replant the site with 178 canopy trees (American sweet gum, red oak, gold falls zelcova), 68 columnar trees (bowhall red maple, columnar tulip tree), 167 small deciduous trees (vine maple, paperbark maple, flowering dogwood, quaking aspen), 15 weeping Alaska cedar, 51 shore pine, 110 Douglas fir, and 55 excelsa cedar trees. All new landscaping would be covered with 2" depth of mulch and would receive a fully automatic irrigation system. The detention wetpond tract (Tract B) would receive a temporary irrigation system. The applicant is also proposing to plant native shrubs, accent shrubs, groundcover plants, perennial/ornamental grasses, sad lawn, native hydroseed with wildflower mix, and hydroseed throughout the site. Around the perimeter of the site, the landscaping plan includes a 4 foot wide 3/8" minus crushed rock over filter fabric walking trail. As proposed, the landscaping plan's plant schedule does not distinguish tree count between the listed canopy trees, columnar trees, or small deciduous trees. In addition, the landscaping plan should be designed to include the other onsite amenities, such as signage and lighting. A final detailed landscape plan that complies with RMC 4-8-120 must be submitted and appraved prior to issuance of the street and utility construction permits; staff recammends this as a condition of approval. The preliminary landscaping calculations include the following elements throughout the site plan: 1) Frontage buffer along SW 27th St: 40,019 SF; 2) Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor: 27,203 SF; 3) Utility easement open space: 47,493 SF; 4) Perimeter landscaping: 71,538 SF (includes a 10-foot buffer on the west, east and southwest property lines, a 20-foot buffer on the north property line, and HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of com.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review WA1S-000630, ECF, MOO, SA-H Page 9 of 26 a 15-foot buffer on the southeast praperty line); 5) Parking lat landscaping: 34,821 SF; and 6) Additional site landscape area: 40,019 SF. The proposal includes 1,063 parking stalls for 260,000 square feet of office space. The parking lots have perimeter landscaping. This is achieved through a conceptual landscaping plan that includes a minimum 10-foot landscaping buffer around the perimeter of the site. The landscaping is increased to 17 feet along the southeast property line, combined with 20-foot wide Green River Valley Habitat Corridor along the west and east property lines, combined with a utility easement and a 30-foot frontage buffer along SW 27th St, and increased to 20 feet along the north property line. (Exhibit 5). Additionally, the applicant has submitted for a street modification request on Oakesdale Ave SW, as outlined in RMC 4-6-060F.2.d to maintain the existing sidewalk and landscaping strip. The existing right-of-way width of the principal arterial street is approximately 90 feet in width with 64'-5" of pavement and a 7'-5" sidewalk on each side of the street. in" order to meet the street frontage requirements of the code the applicant would be required to dedicate 6.5 feet of property frontage along Oakesdale (103 feet of total right-of-way), 8-foot sidewalks, 8 foot planter strip, curb and gutter and an 8-foot parking lane with bike lanes. Street lighting is also required. Additional street modification analysis is included in the Street Modification FOF #21. Sur/ace parking lots with 10,000 square feet or greater in area must provide a minimum of 5% of landscaping within the parking lot area in a pattern that reduces the barren appearonce of the parking lot. The parking stall area totals 177,560 square feet and the total parking lot area equals 402,815 square feet. The applicant has provided 35,405 square feet of hardscape throughout the parking lot or nearly 9%. The landscaping islands have been dispersed throughout the parking area and they serve to reduce the barren appearance of the parking lot. The perimeter landscaping area totals 72,978 square feet to further reduce the barren appearance of the parking lot. All landscape islands meet the minimum five-foot width requirement and for the most part are generally eight feet wide. The placement of the buildings also contributes to the break-up of the 9.3-acre parking lot. Underground sprinkler systems are required to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas, unless 100% of the landscaping is drought tolerant. The applicant is proposing to install a fully automatic irrigation system for all onsite landscaped areas. The detention pond, located in Tract B, has been proposed by the applicant to receive a temporary irrigation system. A final detailed landscape plan would need to be submitted and approved prior to construction permit. Screening: RMC 4-2-120B has standard requirements for surface mounted equipment to be screened or shielded from public view and standards for roof-top equipment that should be similarly screened from view. Shielding shall consist of roof wells, clerestories, parapets, walls or enclosures as determined by the Administrator to meet the intent of the requirement. All surface mounted equipment must be screened from public view and all outdoor storage must be screened from adjacent or abutting properties and public rights-of-way. Outdoor storage uses shall provide fencing, berming, and/or landscaping. Staff Comment: The application has roof mounted mechanical equipment on both structures that will be screened around all sides, approximately 8 feet above the top of the parapet, in order to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian environment and adjacent uses. Compliance with rooftop screening will be verified at the time of building permit canstruction. The proposed outdoor storage is screened tram the south by the two buildings, trom the north by the 20-foot wide perimeter landscape buffer, and on the sides by parking lot planter islands and bulb- outs. Parking: The parking regulations, RMC 4-4-080F.l0.e, require a specific number of off-street parking HEX REPORT WA15-000630 City of Renton Department of com.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Pion Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 10 of 26 stalls for vehicles. The following ratios are required based on land use: 1) Offices -professional and businesses, a minimum of 3.0 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area and not more than a maximum of 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Bicycle parking is encouraged for the development. Based on the land use, the number of bicycle parking spaces should be equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the number of required off-street parking spaces. Staff Comment: The applicant is proposing 365 compact stalls (17%), 677 standard stalls (81%), and 21 ADA stalls (2%) for a total of 1,063 parking stalls. Based on the parking regulations, Building C would have a required minimum stall count of 339 and a maximum stall count of 509, and Building D would have a required minimum stall count of 441 and a maximum stall count of 662. Together the two buildings would have a minimum off-street parking stall requirement of 780 and a maximum stall requirement of 1,171. The proposed 1,063 stalls fall within the minimum and maximum parking regulations of the code. So that the parking is located on the same lot as the structure, staff recommends as a condition of approval that, the applicant complete a lot combination into a single lot or a lot line adjustment, such that the required parking is on the same lot as each structure, pursuant to the minimum code standards per building. Should the applicant choose to complete a lot line adjustment with more than one lot, staff is recommending as a condition of approval that a cross access agreement and/or a shared parking agreement be provided with the development. The parking lot is designed with 24-foot-wide two-way trovel aisles throughout the site. All parking onsite will be 9 feet wide by 20 feet deep for standard parking stalls and a minimum 8 feet wide by 16 feet deep for compact parking stall, which is in compliance with RMC 4-4-080F.8. SO that the private access roadways are consistent with the second amended binding site plan, staff is recommending that the applicant maintain the 32-foot wide private access roadway width along the main entrance from Oakesdale Ave SW to the first drive isle located immediately east of Building D (approximately 391 feet). This east/west connection sholl include two 12-foot travel lanes with a center 8-foot wide roised planter island. The center planter island may include breaks to allow for vehicular circulation. In addition, the following 32-foot wide private access roadways are also recommended by staff: 1} along the north/south driveway isle located immediately east of Building D (approximately 380 feet). This driveway isle would provide a direct connection to the north and south property lines. The walking trail, landscaping and parking shall be revised to allow future road connections for site-to-site vehicle access ways to allow a smooth flow of traffic acrass abutting CO lots (or to Lots 18 & 20) without the need to use a public street, 2} along the east/west driveway isle located immediately south of Building C, west of Naches Ave SW (approximately 212 feet), and 3} along the north/south driveway isle located immediately west of Building C (approximately 300 feet). This driveway isle would provide a direct connection to the north property line. The walking trail and landscaping would need to be revised to allow future road connections for site-to-site vehicle access ways to allow a smooth flow of traffic across abutting CO lots (or to Lot 8) without the need to use a public street (Exhibit 32). A final site plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. In addition, the applicant shall amend the Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan (Exhibit 3) to reflect the approved Longacres Business Center Phase II Site Plan. The amended binding site plan shall be submitted for review at the time of the commercial building permit submittal and be recorded prior to final building occupancy of Longacres Business Center Phase II. Bicycle parking is encouraged for the development. The subject site is located just south of Sound Transits Tukwila train station. The new office buildings would be within walking and biking distance from this transportation hub. As a result, it is reasonable to assume many employees may be utilizing Sound Transit to commute to work; therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant comply with more than 50% of the current adopted bicycle parking code. Based on the land HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of com.ity & Economic Development. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 Page 11 of 26 use, the number of bicycle porking spaces should be equivalent ta ten percent (10%) af the number of required off-street parking spaces. There is limited space between the buildings that would support bicycle racks and bicycle parking. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant pravide a minimum of 40 bicycle parking spaces. Bicycle parking shall be provided for secure extended use and shall pratect the entire bicycle and its camponents and accessories from theft and weather. Acceptable examples include bike lockers, bike check-in systems, in-building parking, and limited access fenced areas with weather protection. A final bicycle parking plan shall be submitted to, and appraved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Pedestrian Access: For the CO zone, per RMC 4-2-1208, a pedestrian connection shall be provided from a public entrance to the street, unless the Hearing Examiner determines that the requirement would unduly endanger the pedestrian. Staff Comment: This section of code is intended to provide pedestrion connections from the public entrance to the public street. The applicant is proposing a common pedestrian connection between the building entrances and SW 27th Street {via Naches Ave SW}, as well as around each building. No direct concrete sidewalk connection is provided from Building D to Oakesdale Ave SW. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provides direct pedestrian connections from Building D to the proposed walking trail (4-foot wide 3/8" minus crushed rock) located around the perimeter of the project. In addition, the applicant shall provide a 5-foot wide paved walking trail from Oakesdale Ave SW to Building D. Final approval of materials and/or patterns shall be reviewed by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Refuse and Recyclables: RMC 4-2-1208 and RMC 4-4-090 provide specific standards for garbage, refuse, dumpster areas, and recyclables. Outdoor refuse and recYciables deposit areas and collection points shall not be located within 50 feet of a residential zoned property and in no case shall garbage, refuse, or dumpster areas be located within the required setback or landscape areas. The collection points must also be located in a manner so that hauling trucks do not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic onsite or public right-of-way. Collection points shall be of sufficient width and depth to enclose containers for refuse and recyclables and allow easy user access, including a gate opening at least 12 feet wide for haulers and a vertical clearance of 15 feet. They must also be identified by signs not exceeding two (2) square feet. Architectural design of any structure enclosing an outdoor refuse or recyclables deposit area or any building primarily used to contain a refuse or recyclables deposit area shall be consistent with the design of the primary structure on the site. The collection areas must be screened with a six-foot (6') wall or fence and provide weather protection by using weather-proofed containers or be screened with a wall or fence and provide a roof over the storage area. Statt. Comment: The table below is based on standards required in RMC 4-4-090E: Reeye/ables Refuse Use Deposit Subtotal (SF) Depasit Subtotal (SF) Total Area Areas Areas Required (SF) (Minimum) (Minimum) Office 2 sf per 1,000 4 sf per 1,000 113,000 SF 226 452 678 (Building A) gross sf gross sf Total (Building C) 226 452 67B Office 2 sf per 1,000 294 4 sf per 1,000 588 882 147,000 SF gross sf gross sf HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of coAnity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 (Building B) Toto/ (Building D) 294 Refuse and Recyclables Toto/s • . Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 12 of 26 588 882 1,560 The applicant is proposing two separate refuse and recyclable areas. Building C's refuse and recyclable collection area is located narth af Building C, near the northwest corner of the building along the northern most drive aisle. The location of the deposit areas are roughly 44 feet south of the north property line and outside the required setback or landscape areas. The design consists of 8x8x16" CMU block (painted) wall on three sides. The overall height of the wall is 6'_2" above a 4-inch concrete slab. The refuse area measures 20 feet by 30 feet (600 SF) and the recycle area measures 16 feet by 22'-6" (360 SF). The gate openings are 12 feet wide as required for haulers for each of the four deposit enclosures. No roof structure is proposed; therefore, weather-proofed containers are required. The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for Building 0 both meet the minimum size requirements for refuse and recycling. The recyclable area of measures 13.5 feet x 22.5 feet (303.75 SF) and the refuse area measures 20 feet x 30 feet (600 SF). Signs: The applicant would be required to comply with the sign age requirements outlined in RMC 4- 4-100 at the time of sign application. Staff Comment: The applicant did not submit a signage package for the proposed Longocres Business Center Phase II. Staff recommends, as a candition of approval, that the applicant be required. to submit a conceptual sign package, which indicotes the approximate location of all exterior monument and/or building signage. Proposed signage shall be compatible with the building's architecture and exterior finishes. The conceptual sign package shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. Critical Areas: The fload insuronce rote mop (FIRM) for the Property identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or 500-year flood zones. According to the Flood Plain Hazard Data Mop, the 100-year flood plain encroaches roughly 4,400 square feet onto the northwest portion of the site (northwest of Building C) and 44,000 square feet within the stormwater detention pond (Exhibit 8). The applicant is proposing to fill 2,500 cubic feet of fill within the northwest portion of the site and remove approximately 250,000 cubic feet of the 100- year flood plain from the storm water pond. As such, compensatory volume is being provided in the footprint of the combination wetpond in Troct B, at the elevations above the overflow detention line. According to the Environmental Setting Report by Terrocon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015; Exhibit 16) the site contains no wetlands, flood zones, streams, lakes, or critical habitats on or adjacent to the property, based on a review of third party work and online resaurces. However, the site is located within a high seismic hazard area. Additionally, the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mop did not identify a wetland area on or adjacent to the property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent wetlands were identified on the east-, west-and south-adjoining properties respectively, approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A report entitled "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (dated August 1998) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the subject property. Also, new construction of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated a minimum of one foot (1 ') above the level of the base HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 flood elevotion. • Site Plan Review LUAlS-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 13 of 26 Staff recommends, as a candition of approval, the applicant be required to obtain and recard the actual elevatian (in relation to mean sea level) af the lawest flaor for the new structure. A flood elevatian certificate shall be submitted by the applicant to the Current Planning Praject Manager priar to the building's finished floor construction. The finished flaar elevation would be required to be verified by a preconstruction elevation certificate at the time of construction of a substantial structural element of the finished floor (i.e., foundation farm for the concrete floor). An as-built elevation certificate would be required to be pravided prior to issuance of final occupancy. Pursuant to RMC 4-8-120 and the Endangered Species Act all properties located within a floodplain are required ta provide a biological assessment or BA for any major construction praject with a federal nexus. The purpose of a BA is to evaluate the potential effects of a proposed praject on listed and proposed wildlife, fish, and plant species and designated or proposed critical habitats that are likely to occur in the vicinity of the project. The applicant did not submit a biological assessment or BA for the praposed Longacres Business Center Phase II. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant be required to submit a biological assessment or BA, which is used to help analyze project impacts and is the basis for the effect determination. The applicant shall be required to comply with any unanticipated mitigation recommendations from the assessment. The biological assessment shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to canstruction permit approval. "d. ~~~NED:~~I~~.~~~~I.~;~~,C"E.A,:~D~EVEL?~T~~;;AG~E.~ME.~!>CO~~L~~~CE' A~D.~O~~~TE~CY:., .• ,Not applicable'.", "':'I!·,tj:"i;" •. 1 ... ' ,. :' '," , , , ~';" ',:.-',/ ,_ ", _', ':., '£, ': '~"'~ '/1, -. . ',_ 0,' . , : ".;' " .. . .. j. '" n-· Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a particular portion of the site. Staff Comment: The praposed structures utilize less building coverage and height than allawed for in the zone. The buildings would be located more towards the center of the project site with surface parking areas located oround most sides of the two buildings. The building'S primaryorientation and entrances would face sauth, with secandary access doors located throughout the balance af the remaining fa,ades. The proposed buildin'gs would have a combined footprint of 86,500 square feet, resulting in a building lat caverage of approximately 11.4% across the combined property. The proposal would not be an overscale structure or overconcentration of development on the subject site as the proposal does not exceed maximum height, lot coverage, and setback requirements. The scale, height and bulk of the praposed building ore also appropriate for the scale of the site. The applicant has achieved compatibility with the surrounding uses thraugh substantial setbacks and proposed landscaping. Additionally, the Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor, combined with the perimeter landscape area along the east and west property lines, creates a 30-foot wide onsite landscape buffer that not only designated 4% of the site to suitable area for wildlife but also serves ta create compatibility with surrounding properties. City staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on surrounding praperties and uses as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways and adjacent properties. HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of co,anity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 14 of 26 Staff Comment: There are two existing access points proposed to serve the site. The intersection of 27th St SW and Naches Ave SW has been partially constructed to include the future expansion of Naches Ave SW to the north. Oakesdale Ave SW has been constructed with frontages across the balance of the lots. A single driveway approach has been canstructed near the northeast corner of Lot 18 to gain access to the existing paved/gravel raad that runs parallel to SW 27th St ocross the parcels. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing access points by extending Naches Ave SW vio a private rood onto the site and convert the existing driveway approach from Oakesdale Ave SW ta a full access driveway at the northeast corner of Lot 18. The access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW would be located roughly 650 feet north of the NW 27th St!Oakesdale Ave SW intersection and would allow all turning movements configured with separate outbound left and right turn lanes. See Pedestrian Access subsectian above for more information. The proposal promotes safe and efficient circulation thraugh the proposed access points, provided all conditions of approval are met. Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, rooftop equipment, loading areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from surrounding properties. Staff Comment: The refuse and recyclable areas would be located within CMU block walls. The structure as described in detaif in the previous subsection "b. Zoning Compliance and Consistency" Refuse and Recyclables. Views: Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features. Staff Camment: There are na territarial views for which to maintain visual accessibifity. Staff received no comments from adjacent properties regarding views. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between developments and surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the project. Staff Comment: There is a note on the Binding Site Plan that reads: "The City reserves the right to require reasonable landscape enhancements along street frontages in order to establish a consistent streetscape throughout the site" (Exhibit 25). See Landscaping discussion under Findings of Fact, Site Plan Review Criteria #19.b. Lighting: Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets. Lighting standards located so as to not interfere with parking stalls, stacking areas and ingress and egress areas. Staff Comment: Upon project completion, it is anticipated that primary light impacts would be generated from exterior lighting associated with the newly constructed building and parking lot lights. Any lighting impacts of this nature would occur during the evening hours ond during the late afternoon in the winter months. Proposed perimeter landscoping along SW 27th St and Oakesdole Ave SW is anticipated to minimize glare from headlights on adjacent streets and properties. The required lighting, including LED street lighting meeting Commercial Access road lighting levels from the development, should adequately provide for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties or interfere with parking stalls, stacking areas and ingress/egress areas. A lighting plan was not submitted with the application. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, the applicant be required to provide a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of buifding permit review. Down-lighting shall be used in all cases to assure safe vehicular movement in an area where pedestrians could be walking. The lighting shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 --------------------------- - - --------- City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 15 of 26 prior to building permit opproval. Parking lot lighting fixtures are to be mounted no more than 25 feet above the ground. ,,;' .; . "'. " Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and orientation. Staff Camment: Existing naise within the vicinity af the subject site is primarily campased af vehicles on the abutting streets (SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW), the rail line lacated immediately west af the site, and the Tukwila Sounder Station located northwest of the praposed campus style buildings. It is anticipated that most of the noise impacts wauld occur during the construction phase of the project. The site is surrounded by commercial development; therefore, the temporary noise impacts are anticipated to be minimal and limited in durotion, and are nat anticipated to be more impactful then the existing rail noise. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan (Exhibit 18), which provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. Based on the provided construction mitigation description, the applicant has indicated that construction is anticipated to begin in December of 2015 and complete in June 2017. At this time, the applicant has indicated that construction work would occur from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. The project's first phase was granted approval of the requested construction schedule and hours for Longacres Business Center Phase I. No public complaints have been received by the City for work outside the approved construction hours. The City of Renton is anticipating approval of the requested construction schedule and work hours for Longacres Business Center Phase II. Also, no excessive levels of noise are expected to be generated during the operation of the completed project. Due to the requirement and need for parking, it is a challenge to limit the paved and/or impervious surfaces on the site. While there is an exceptianal amount of parking; the lot has been sufficiently landscaped. The applicant is also taking special measures to protect londscoping from damage by vehicles and/or pedestrian traffic by providing defined pedestrian ond vehicular areas. Ifall conditions of approval are met, there will be adequate provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement and the use of landscaping. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight, prevailing winds, and pedestrian and vehicle needs. Staff Comment: The proposed buildings would be located central to the site with surface parking areas locoted along the perimeter of the site. The larger setbacks of the building from the property line will provide for flow of sunlight, winds, vehicle and pedestrian movement through most of the site. Prevailing winds in the area are from the southwest during mast of the year (fal/, winter ond spring) as well as the direction of sunlight. The structures would cast various degrees of shade along the north elevations throughout most of the day. The applicant should take measures to provide ornamental lighting within the vicinity of the entrances and along the north elevations in order to adequately illuminate the area for pedestrians and bicyclists. The required lighting plan shall address ornamental lighting. Proposed landscaping has been strategically placed on site in arder take advantage af sun exposure from the south and west mast times of the year, and would likely only be shaded at certain times of the day during the winter manths. Natural Features: Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and soils, using HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 l ': -~-::ity of Renton Deportment of com.ity & Economic Development '" ~ LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I V Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUAIS-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 16 of 26 topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces. Staff Comment: There are very few natural features ansite. The site is currently undeveloped and covered with a brush, weeds, grass, and trees. The site can be characterized as relatively flat with gentle slopes to the north with established grade changes of less than six feet. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) priority trees throughout the site, thus complying with the tree retention requirements of retaining 10 percent of existing significant trees in commercial zones (Exhibits 4 & 5). The balance of the trees would be removed due to unsuitable species or site grading constraints of the two (2) feet of the proposed fill in most areas. Protected trees to be retained shall be fenced off around the drip line and a sign posted that the trees to be preserved and the location of the trees shall be indicated on all utility construction plan sheets. The fencing shall be in place prior to the issuance of any utility construction permits and shall remain until the final inspection of the new building is complete. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Report prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18, 2015 (Exhibit 11). The report states that the subsurface conditions were explored by excavating nine (9) soil test pits to depths of 10.5 to 13 feet below current site grades. In-Situ Engineering, under subcontract with Terra Associates, Inc., performed 8 cone penetration tests (CPTs) to depths of 70 feet. More data was achieved by excavating four (4) test pits to depths of 14.5 to 17 feet below current site grodes in the proposed storm water troct (Tract B). A Supplemental Site Exploration by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 31, 2015 included six (6) soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades (located within the footprints of the proposed buildings). The soils observed at the site contain a significant amount of fines which would be difficult to compact as structural fill when too wet. Over most of the site with the existing slope gradients, these soils would have a slight potential for erosion when exposed. Therefore the site is considered a low erosion hazard area. Erosion protection measures would include perimeter silt fencing to contain erosion onsite and cover measures to prevent or reduce soil erosion during and following construction. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions onsite, the site would be mapped as a High Seismic Hazard (SH). The impact to the site would be in the form of surface subsidence or settlement, should liquefaction occur. Estimated total potential settlement by the geotechnical engineer was in the range of two to four inches (2"-4"). In the geotechnical engineer's opinion, this amount of settlement would not structurally impact the building but could result in damage of a cosmetic nature. The existing site consists of 2.14 acres of impervious area and 13.82 acres of pei"Vious area. The developed site hydrology will increase the amount of impervious area by approximately 8.93 acres to 11.07 acres (69%) and the pervious and landscaping would be 4.89 acres following construction. The geotechnical report concludes that development of the site as proposed is feaSible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. The primary geotechnical concern at the site is the presence of compressible soil strata susceptible to consolidation under the planned building loads. The heavier three-story buildings could be mitigated from potential settlement-related impacts by supporting the structure on augercast piles or an spread footings, bearing on ground conditions improved by installation of rammed aggregate piers/stone columns. Augercast piles, if used, should be advanced to obtain suppart in the medium dense sand alluvium indicated to be present at depths of 30 to 35 feet. If grading activities take place during the winter months, clean granular material for use as structural fill and backfill should be imported. Alternatively, stabilizing the moisture in the native and existing fill soils with cement or lime can be considered. Overall the submitted geotechnical report provides recommendations for geologic hazards, site prepararion and grading, preload/surcharge, excavation, foundations, slab-on-grade construction, lateral earth pressures for wall design, drainage, utilities, and pavements (Exhibit 9). The HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of coAnity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 17 of 26 Environmentol Review Committee issued a mitigation measure that project construction be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015 and August 31, 2015, respectively) or an updated report submitted at a later date. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and . privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to enhance the appearance of the project. Landscaping also includes the design and protection of planting areas so that they are less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. Staff Comment: Landscaping in public spaces and within the building site are being employed to provide transitions between development and the surrounding environment as well as enhance the project's overoll appearance. Proposed landscaping is analyzed under Findings of Fact, Site Plan Review Criteria #19.b. Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties. Staff Comment: All public access would be provided from either SW 27th St at Naches Ave SW or from Oakesdale Ave SW (roughly between SW 27th St and SW 23rd St). The site access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW would be a full access driveway in order to allow all turn movements and be configured with separate outbound left and right turn lanes. A center two-way left turn lane exists on Oakesdale Ave SW which would provide 0 left turn lane for troffic entering the site and a center refuge lane for traffiC exiting the site. It is estimated that this location would expect to operote at LOS C or better in 2017 with the proposed project (based on 300,000 square feet of building space). The results of the traffiC analysis show that no major improvements, such as signalization, are needed at either site access locations. A sidewalk was recently canstructed on the north side of SW 27th St and it currently serves both pedestrians and bicyclists until a separoted multi-use trail is constructed on the north side of SW 27th st. Construction of the multi-use trail would be in coordination with the City of Renton Transportation Division for location, layout, connection to light rail station, and in accordance with the adopted Trails Plan. Street frontage improvements on SW 27th Street would include an ADA accessible sidewalk ramp at the northwest corner of the Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection and construction of Naches Ave SW to the north as a private road running north and south as one of two entrances to the site. The applicant submitted a TraffiC Impact Analysis completed by TENW (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 15). Based on a building square footage of 300,000 square feet, the memorandum included information that the project would generate an estimated 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Based on the results of a traffiC operations analysis at the offsite study intersections (Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW / SW 27th St), the study intersections currently operate at LOS A and B, and are expected to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed project. More specifically, the Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in 2017 without the project and LOS B with the proposed project. The Oakesdale Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in 2017 without or with the proposed project and no significant adverse transportation impacts are anticipated with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase II development. HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 ------------------------------------------------- City of Renton Deportment of COanity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 18 of 26 The proposal promotes safe and efficient circulation to and from the 17.38-acre site at the proposed access points, provided all conditions of approval ore met. The limited number of intersections and driveway access points will increase vehicle and pedestrian safety by reducing the amount of pedestrian and vehicle cross-over from an arterial street. Vehicle and pedestrian access is described in further detail in the subsections above. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways. Staff Comment: See Parking, Location and Consolidation discussions above, also see Transit and Bicycle discussion below. The site plan includes several 24-foot wide through driveway aisles, around perimeter and portions of the interior of the site. Pedestrian connections from the street to each of the two buildings will be provided if 011 conditions of approval are met. All public entries open to either the sidewalk surrounding the exterior building elevations and not into an internal driveway or drive aisle which promote safety and efficiency. The accessible stalls are proposed os the nearest stalls to the front entrances for easier occess. Transit and Bicycles: Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access. Staff Comment: The applicont is vested to the 2003 Development Agreement (Exhibit 17) up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877. Bicycle Parking Standards were not introduced to the Renton Municipal Code until several years later. In the Parking subsection under Findings of Fact, Site Plan Review Criteria #19.b staff is recommending that the applicant add a minimum of 40 bicycle parking spaces secure from theft and weather. This staff recommendation is located in the Parking subsection of the report, under the heading "b. Zoning Compliance and Consistency." The applicant is proposing secured bicycle parking between Building C and Building D, near the refuse and recycling location for Building D. The bicycle facility includes hooped bicycle racks and a bicycle shelter with an overhead roof. The depth of the bicycle stall, from front to bock, measures 7.5 feet long and the top of the sloped roof measures 9.5 feet above grade. Alternative transportation options are also available through the public Tukwila Sounder Station at 7301 Longacres Way in Tukwila, located just north of the site. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties. Staff Comment: Safe and attractive pedestrian connections are provided between parking areas, buildings ground floor levels, ond public sidewalks, provided all conditions of approvals are met. Improvement towards providing safe and attractive pedes trion connections wos analyzed in the Pedestrian Access subsection above, including adding improvements to pedestrian connectivity from Building D to the walking trail and Oakesdale Ave SW. 'h.' OPEN;SpACE: )ncorporating' open 'spaces, to"ser:ve':as distinctive project focal points and .. to.provide :,'j ,'.' '".' <',,;' ,: '. _ . "';' -.. -,', -"I ---: "_;-_ I"~;,"~ > _ ,.,d, or' '!'" )', _" '_ " '.,; ,,' ." ". _ ,<), _ -'" " ., ?dequ~t!!:are.~sfo~p~~s~~;a,l1d;act,iv~/e~re~tipn, byt~,T·?ccupaii~~l,userso~t~e site: . '.. .' " " .. .... . . " . Staff Comment: The primary open space on the subject site is located in the hardscape between the two structures at the center of the site. The roughly 132-foot wide space between the two buildings includes landscoping, walkways and patio areas. The open space has the potential to serve as a distinctive focal paint from within the site. Proposed and conditioned landscaping would provide passive recreation opportunities for Group Health employees. i.VIEWS AND PUBLlC;ACCESS:When'pcissible, 'providing view corridors .to shorelines. and Mt:Rainier, and irico'rrorating~Ublicacc'~sS~?Sh.()r:liries. :<,;:.:', .;.,.; .: .... • ..' . ...• HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 19 of 26 Staff Comment: The proposed structures would not block view corridors to shorelines or Mt. Rainier. The public access requirement is not applicable as the site is not adjacent to a shoreline. j.',NATURAL SYSTEMS: Arranging project elements to:pr"otectexisting~naiuralsYstemswhereaRplicable. '!-','''''!:!' ,:",,':,' ",f;/u';,,~, :;:"'>O:,<:~/"r ',0"",,'/'.'/,;/ \'.'. ">', ,-;", i-"."" ,.:', "L,",t ,:c':. /:t:;"J:'.'," . -"~. ::"_:c-,-'C_, "",',_,,' Stoff Comment: There are no natural systems located onsite with the exception of drainage flows. See Drainage discussion under Findings Section 19.k. I(.SERVlcES.ANDiIN~RAStR\JCTURE:.Ma~irig:·availabl!!.putilicservic!!s:~i1(tfacil.ities;to~ccommodate the. , ',,, p. -, ' , ,-'. , '\ :~::/'~{>:'I:i: ,::' : . .J~;. ;" -<;';-' :;'.')"''i'' ,~r, ,""-,i,;,,, "0,"';'';'1 1'),! -:_'" 'i'l ,J1 "~,,> > .!. ,}: _.;.'j~,<J., -, _. :-'-"'. -""'f' ~"<;",' ", .. ' i.", '; " ". " p.roposedus~... ' .. h:::.·.:L::;::,.:.,:;;.:" ""'.:.' ,I) ..... ,':'::;:~:I,/:"'I . ... .. ( ." """!'" "'.,, I " "'<1,'/,,/, 'J._" .,", ")';"",', "'.,,' ',,'I ",;,;',''' __ ' ';" '" '"., ti" • ,',,", " '. ,:,", .,' Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development with 150 calls for service estimated annually by the Renton Police Department, provided the applicant provides Cade required improvements and fees. Approved fire sprinkler, fire standpipe and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits are required to be submitted by the fire deportment. Direct outside access is required ta the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. Fire deportment apparotus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the onsite roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways sholl be a minimum of 20 feet wide and shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 7S psi point loading. The buildings must also comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 per square foot of commercial office. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. See Exhibit 21 for additional police and fire services and infrastructure comments. Parks and Recreation: There are no impacts to Parks for commercial projects. The adopted Trails Plan includes a multi-use trail along the north side of SW 27th St with connection to light rail station and Oakesdale Ave SW includes a 5-foot bike lane on both sides of the street. Drainage: The applicant submitted a Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 13). Drainage review is in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Although, the TlR fluctuates between the 1990 KCSWDM and the 2009 City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM. The 17.38-acre site is located within the Black River drainage basin. The project would be required to provide a Levell downstream analysis as port of the final drainage report. The report and plan proposes a pipe network for conveyance of the onsite storm water from the building's footing drains, roof drains and parking lot to be conveyed to the proposed detention/wet pond in Tract B to the north of the site. This detention/wet pond wauld be owned and maintained by the Boeing Company. Compensatory storage would be proposed to be provided within the Tract B detention/wet pond. Additional analysis and modeling shall be required at the time of the final drainage report to address the volume of compensatory storage. From Tract B, the runoff would discharge into the managed storm water system belonging to the Boeing Company that was previously developed as part of the Longacres Office Park project. The runoff discharges from Boeing's existing storm faCility via a pump station into Springbrook Creek and finally into the Duwamish River. The 15.96 acre site (not including the stormwoter pond) would consist of 12.09 acres of impervious (buildings and pavement) area and 3.87 acres of pervious (landscape) area. There is some portion of the Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) that would bypass the proposed system and be treated by a cartridge system (allowable under the 2009 KCSWDM). The water quality and detention pond design requirements of the existing and proposed storm water facilities are designed to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Coalescing plates are required for PGIS over 1 acre, please add to the final design. HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of com.ity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUAIS-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 20 of 26 Surface water system development fee rate is $0.540 per square feet of impervious surface. The rate that is current ot the time of utility permit issuance will be applicable. A Construction Storm Water Permit (NPDES) from the Department of Ecology is required for prajects with clearing and grading exceeding one acre and a Storm Water Pallution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is also required. Transportation: The subject site fronts onto SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave Sw. The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis completed by TENW (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 15). The memorandum included information that the proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Based on the results of a traffiC operations analysis at the offsite study intersections (Naches Ave SW I SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW I SW 27th St), the study intersections currently operote at LOS A and B, and are expected to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed project. More specifically, the Naches Ave SW I SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in 2017 without the project and LOS B with the proposed project. The Oakesdale Ave SW I SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in 2017 without or with the proposed project and no significant adverse transportation impacts are anticipated with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase II development. The proposed site access on SW 27th Street would form a new north leg (private access road) to the existing all-way stop controlled intersection at Naches Ave SW I SW 27th Street. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing all-way stop intersection under its current status with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is anticipated that the intersection would be modified to its ultimate canfiguration in the future when SW 27th is extended to the west to connect with Strander Blvd. Alternatively, the westbound lanes Of SW 27th St may be opened up by relocating the existing restrictive c-curbing in order to allow a dedicated right- turn lane into the site at Noches Ave Sw. The applicant is proposing a full access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW in order to allow all turn movements and be configured with separate outbound left and right turn lanes. A center two-way left turn lane exists on Oakesdale Ave SW which would provide a left turn lane for traffic entering the site and a center refuge lane for traffiC exiting the site. It is estimated that this location would expect to operate at LOS C or better in 2017 with the proposed project. The results of the traffic analysis show that no major improvements, such as signalization, are needed at either site access locations. The right-of-way (ROW) width on SW 27th St is 90 feet, SW 27th Street requires 91 feet of ROW or 0.5 feet of dedication. A sidewalk was recently constructed on the north side of SW 27th St and it currently serves both pedestrians and bicyclists until a separated multi-use trail is constructed on the north side of SW 27th St. Construction of the multi-use trail would be in coordination with the City of Renton Transportatian Division for location, layout, connection to light rail station, and in accordance with the adopted Trails Plan. Street frontage improvements on SW 27th Street would include an ADA accessible sidewalk ramp at the northwest corner of the Naches Ave SW I SW 27th St intersection. The road standards for Oakesdale Ave SW include a 103-foot ROW that includes the following improvements: 8-foot wide sidewalks, 8-foot wide planter strips, curbs and gutters, and 8-foot wide parking lanes with 5-foot bike lanes and street lighting. These standards would trigger 6 J1 feet of ROW dedication on Oakesdale Ave Sw. The applicant has submitted a street modification in order to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping. One of the written justifications listed by the applicant for this exemption from the identified standards is to allow for improved landscape screening of the project. For a modification to be granted, the project must also comply with the decision and design criteria stipulated in RMC 4-9-2500.2. It is also anticipated that the proposed project would not significantly or adversely impacts the City of HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 ~---------------------------. City of Renton Department of com.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 21 of 26 Renton's street system, subject to the payment of cade-required impact fees and the constructian of code-required (or approved modifications of) frontage impravements (Exhibit 21). In order to mitigate the projects transportation impacts, the applicant would be required to meet code-required frontage improvements, City of Renton's tronsportation concurrency requirements (Exhibit 26) based upan a test of the citywide Tronsportatian PIon and pay appropriate Transportation Impact Fees. The fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of building permit issuance, shall be payable to the City. Schools: No impacts are proposed to schools. Water and Sewer: The praposed development is within the City of Renton's 196 pressure zone woter service oreo ond outside of the City's aquifer and wellhead protection areas. There is an existing 12- inch water main (see City water project plan no. W-0871J within a utility easement (recording no. 198803161006) running north-south and near the middle of tax lot 0886700190. The maximum capacity of this 12-inch line is 5,500 gallons per minute (gpmJ. There is also an existing 12-inch water main in SW 27th St which ends about 350 feet west of Naches Ave SW (see City project plan no. W- 3218 and W-3693). The maximum capacity of this dead-end water line is 2,800 gpm. The static water pressure is about 70 psi at ground elevation of 25 feet. Based on the project information submitted by the applicant for the pre-application meeting, the City's Fire Prevention Department has determined that the preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development including the use of an automatic fire sprinkler system is 4,000 gpm. In order to provide water service for domestic and far fire protection to the proposed buildings, the following water main improvements will be required per City codes and development standards: For Buildings C & 0, the applicant is proposing an an-site 12-inch looped water main around both buildings connecting to the existing 12-inch water main at two separate locations within the existing easement on the east side of Building D. The south portion of the above 12-inch looped water main, within the development, shall be extended southerly in the new access road and shall be connected to the existing 12-inch water stub at the intersectian of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th St. As a result, it is reasonable to assume that the applicant would forego the extension of the off-site 12-inch water main extension in SW 27th St fram Oakesdale Ave SW, as conditianed under Longacres Business Center Site Plan and Street Modification LUA15-000076 (Condition #6). Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the applicant shall complete the on-site 12-inch water main loop around Buildings C & 0 by connecting the water main to the existing onsite 12-inch water main and extending the south portion of the 12-inch looped water main to the intersection of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th st. The 12-inch water main extension shall be installed prior to final building occupancy of Langacres Business Center Phase I. For Both Buildings: 1. Installation"of a separate fire sprinkler stub to each building with a detector double check valve assembly (DDCVA) for backflow prevention. The DDCVA shall be installed in an outside underground vault or in the building sprinkler rooms if it meets the conditians as shown on City's standard plan for the interior installation of a DDCVA. 2. Installation of hydrants as required by Renton Fire Prevention Dept. 3. Installation of a separate domestic water meter with a reduced backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) to each building. The RPBA shall be installed behind the meter and inside a heated enclosure ("hot-box") per City standard plan. Sizing of the meter shall be done in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code meter sizing criteria. 4. Installation of landscape irrigation meter and double check valve assembly (DCVA). HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 ,------- ----------------------------------- City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I • Site Plan Review LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 Page 22 of 26 Please nate that that the new water mains will be parallel to and will also crass over the 2 existing BP/Olympic Pipeline Co.'s petroleum pipelines and a Metro sanitary sewer line in this area. There is also an existing 60-inch transmission water pipeline belonging to Seattle Public Utilities. Adequate horizontal and vertical separation must be provided between the new water line and the petraleum pipelines, the Metro's sewer line and SPU's water pipeline. The applicant shall also obtain all required permits or authorizations from Olympic Pipeline, SPU and from King County/Metro for any work in vicinity of their respective lines. Civil plans for the water main improvements will be required and must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City's 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separotions between the new water main and other utilities (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, power, gas, electrical) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. The development is subject to City's water system development charges and meter installation fees will be based on the size of the meters and the size of the fire sprinkler feeds. Sewer service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sewer main along Naches Road S. W. Two separate 6-inch diameter side sewer stubs are shown to each of the new buildings and have the required minimum 2% slope. The site plan proposes to connect to the existing sewer manhole located to the north of the intersection of Naches Avenue SW and SW 27th St. System development charge (SOC) for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water meter(s) that will serve the new buildings. This is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. 21. Modification Analysis: Pursuant to RMC 4-9-2500 the _ applicant is requesting an Administrative Modification from RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards for an exemption from the typical required street frontage improvements along Oakesdale Avenue SW to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping. Whenever there is a practical difficulty involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title IV, the applicant may request a modification of the standards, provided the Criteria for modification identified in RMC 4-9-2500.2 is satisfied. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-2500.2 for the requested modification if all conditions of approval are met. Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the requested roadway modification to leave the existing improvements along Oakesdale Avenue SW as is with no additional right-of-way dedication, as noted below: 'COMPLIANCe ; STREETMODIFICATlciNCRITERIAAND ANALYSIS::· ',.-r'. .-- , ',-,-,'-'" , I' ".' '_ ," _ ~-"l, h ,j, ." """" :",,, '~"":;' ", '~'.;', ',i,o" "', "" .,'.,,-... ::<," ;{'''i.' /. H' " "', : t,;, ,.' '" ' a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. The applicant is proposing a modification from RMC 4-6-060F.2 for Oakesdale Ave SW. v' The existing right of way on Oakesdale Avenue SW is approximately 90 feet and is classified as a principal arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements on the west side of Oakesdale Avenue SW, including half of a 13-foot center refuge lane, two 11-foot travel lanes, a 5-foot bike lane, curb and gutter, a 6-foot sidewalk, 6-foot landscaping, and street lighting. The proposed project would normally be required to provide 8-foot sidewalks, 8-foot planter strip, curb and gutter, an 8-foot parking lane HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of co.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan R'eview LUA15-000630, EeF, MOD, SA-H Page 23 of 26 with bike lanes, and provide a right-of-way (ROW) width of 51.5 feet (103 feet of total ROW on Oakesdale Ave SW). In a street modification request letter (received August 24, 2015; Exhibit 24) the applicant requested a modification to the required frontage improvements along Oakesdale Ave SW. Specifically, the applicant is proposing to retain the existing improvements in order to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping. The applicant contends that the required suburban street improvements are out of context with the natural setting of the site and surrounding native vegetation and would create discontinuity along the street frontage. The applicant maintains that the existing sidewalk conditions along Oakesdale Ave SW meet the intent of the required improvements and already include street lighting, sidewalks, a bike lane and curb and gutter. The Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan states that "the development of the lots created herein shall provide suitable vehicular and pedestrian connections to public rights-of-way with the development of the site as follows: Pedestrian connections shall be provided from building entrances within each individual parcel to a public right-of-way." Therefore, staff is supportive of the applicant's street modification request, in part, because the street already contains safe pedestrian access along Oakesdale Ave SW from Longacres Office Park (LOP) Phase I to LOP Phase IV, or from SW 16th St to SW 27th St. This modification request would serve to maintain a larger onsite landscaped buffer that is generally consistent with LOP Phase I, along the west side of Oakesdale Ave SW, near the Boeing buildings. The modification request would meet the objective of a safe walkable environment along Oakesdale Ave SW. The proposed right-of-way improvements would allow for a planting strip along the back of the sidewalk that would be of ample length and width to support new landscaping trees as well as preservation of existing on site trees. There are no identified adverse impacts from the requested modification to provide a reduced right-of-way width less than the existing right-of-way width of approximately 90 feet wide. b. Will not be injurious to other property{s) in the vicinity. Oakesdale Ave SW is a principal arterial street and there are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk and landscape strip) on the west side of Oakesdale Avenue SW. The applicant has indicated that the modification would no prohibit future implementation of the street improvements. The existing improvements support both public demand and pedestrian movements and a reduction to the road standards would not be injurious to other properties in the vicinity. c. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code The intent of the code is to require new construction to dedicate and complete half- ./ street frontage improvements. The applicant has indicated that the proposed modification would allow for improvements to the on site landscape screening at the back of the existing sidewalk. With the identified improvements the intent and purpose of the Code are achieved . ./ d. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The revised street standards provide a safe design for vehicles and pedestrians, and HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 ------------ City of Renton Department of coAnity & Economic'Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 24 of 26 will enhance the attractiveness of the new development. Maintaining a consistent appearance 'along the street frontage will be beneficial to the subject property and surrounding property owners. The improvements provide for a planting strip of sufficient size for landscaping on the backside of the sidewalk. The six foot side sidewalk at this location meets the needs of the limited number of residents relying on this sidewalk for access to the greater neighborhood. In addition, the applicant is proposing a walking trail (4-foot wide 3/8" minus crushed rock over filter fabric) located around the perimeter of the project. The applicant contends that the modification would allow for an enhanced pedestrian path around the perimeter of the project which would improve pedestrian connectivity between Oakesdale Ave SW and SW 27th Ave SW and allow for on-site passive recreation. If all conditions of approval are met, there are ample pedestrian and vehicular accommodations to support safe and efficient access and circulation for all users and uses in the area. e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. A reduction in the size of the road standards will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity and would eliminate disruption of services in the area, provided if all conditions of approval are met. I,. CONCLUSIO_N_S_: ____________________________ --1 1. The proposal is located in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) Comprehensive Plan designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zoning designation and is compliant and consistent with City of Renton plans, policies, regulations and approvals, as vested via Exhibit 19, 20, and 25, see FOF 20, 2. The proposal complies with the Site Plan Review Criteria if all conditions of approval are met. 3. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on surrounding properties and uses as long as the conditions of approval are complied with. 4. The proposed Site Plan is anticipated to be compatible with existing and future surrounding uses as permitted in the CO zoning classification. 5. The scale, height and bulk of the proposed buildings are appropriate for the site. 6. Safe and efficient access and circulation can be provided for all users, see FOF 20. 7. There are adequate public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use. 8. The proposed location is suited for the proposed office use. 9. Adequate parking for the proposed use can be provided, see FOF 20. 10. The proposed use would not result in a substantial or undue adverse effect on adjacent properties. 11. The proposed development would not generate any long term harmful or unhealthy conditions. Potential noise, light and glare impacts from the proposed use have been evaluated and mitigated if all conditions of approval are complied with. 12. Adequate onsite landscaping is provided in all areas not occupied by buildings, refuse and recycling or paving. HEX REPORT LUA1S-000630 r----------------------------~--------------~--------------- City of Renton Department of com.nity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 25 of 26 13. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-2500.2 for approval of the roadway modification as the conditions of approval are complied with. I J. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the Site Plan and Street Modification for Longacres Business Center Phase II, File No. LUA15-000630, ECF, SA-H, MOD as depicted in the Exhibits, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the one (1) mitigation measure issued as part of the Determination of Nonsignificance-Mitigated (DNS-M), published on September 25, 2015. 2. The applicant shall maintain the proposed 32-foot wide private access roadway width as provided for in the approved binding site plan, as follows and showing in Exhibit 32: a. Along the main entrance from Oakesdale Ave SW to the first drive isle located immediately east of Building D (approximately 391 feet). This east/west connection shall include two 12-foot travel lanes with a center 8-foot wide raised planter island. The center planter island may include breaks to allow for vehicular circulation. b. Along the north/south driveway isle located immediately east of Building D (approximately 380 feet). This driveway isle shall provide a direct connection to the north and south property lines. The walking trail, landscaping and parking shall be revised to allow future road connections for site-to-site vehicle access ways to allow a smooth flow of traffic across abutting CO lots (or to Lots 18 & 20) without the need to 'use a public street. c. Along the east/west driveway isle located immediately south of Building C, west of Naches Ave SW (approximately 212 feet). d. Along the north/south driveway isle located immediately west of Building C (approximately 3qO feet). This driveway isle shall provide a direct connection to the north property line. The walking trail and landscaping shall be revised to allow future road connections for site-to-site vehicle access ways to allow a smooth flow of traffic across abutting CO lots (or to Lot 8) without the need to use a public street. A final site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 3. The applicant shall be required to submit a detailed landscape plan that complies with RMC 4-8-120 to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 4. The applicant shall be required to add a minimum of 40 bicycle parking spaces onsite. Bicycle parking shall be provided for secure extended use and shall protect the entire b.icycle and its components and accessories from theft and weather. A final bicycle parking analysis and bicycle parking plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 5. The applicant shall be required to submit a conceptual sign package which indicates the approximate. location and size of all exterior building sign age. Proposed sign age shall be compatible with the building's architecture and exterior finishes. The conceptual sign package shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 6. The applicant shall be required to obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor for the new structure. A flood elevation certificate shall be submitted by the applicant to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the building's finished floor construction. The finished floor elevation would be required to be verified by a preconstruction elevation certificate at the time of construction of a substantial structural element of the finished floor (i.e., foundation HEX REPORT WA1S-000630 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Renton Deportment of coAnity & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Hearing Date: October 27, 2015 • Site Plan Review LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 26 of 26 form for the concrete floor). An as-built elevation certificate would be required to be provided prior to issuance of final occupancy. 7. The applicant shall be required to submit a biological assessment or BA, as required by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The applicant shall be required to comply with any unanticipated mitigation recommendations from the assessment. The BA shall be submitted to the Current Planning Project Manager prior to construction permit approval. 8. The applicant shall provide a lighting plan which will adequately provide for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit. The plan shall indicate the location of exterior/ornamental lighting to be attached to the building, and any surface parking lighting, including specifications of the light fixtures. The lighting plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 9. The applicant shall complete a lot combination or a lot line adjustment prior to building permit approval. A cross access agreement and/or a shared parking agreement shall be completed if the development is divided into two or more separate lots. If a cross access and/or parking agreement is proposed, the document shall be reviewed and approved concurrently with the two lot combination and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The agreement shall be recorded concurrently with the lot combination. 10. The applicant shall provide direct pedestrian connections from Building D to the proposed perimeter walking trail. In addition, the applicant shall provide a 5-foot wide paved walking trail from Oakesdale Ave SW to Building D. Final approval of materials and/or patterns shall be reviewed by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 11. The applicant shall complete the on-site 12-inch water main loop around Buildings C & D by connecting the water main to the existing onsite 12-inch water main and extending the south portion of the 12- inch looped water main to the intersection of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th St. This 12-inch water main extension shall be installed prior to final building occupancy of Longacres Business Center Phase I. 12. The applicant shall amend the Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan (Exhibit 3) to reflect the approved Longacres Business Center Phase II Site Plan. The amended binding site plan shall be submitted for review at the time of the commercial building permit submittal and be recorded prior to final building occupancy of Longacres Business Center Phase II. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Site Plan Approval expires two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4-9-200. HEX REPORT LUA15-000630 --------------------------------------, EXHIBITS Project Name: Project Number: Longacres Business Center Phase II LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Date of 10/27/15 Contact Clark H. Close I Dave Williams Project Location SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15 Exhibit 16 Exhibit 17 Exhibit 18 Exhibit 19 Exhibit 20 Exhibit 21 Exhibit 22 Exhibit 23 Exhibit 24 Exhibit 25 Exhibit 26 ERC Report Neighborhood Detail Map Boeing Second Amended Binding Site Plan Architectural Site Plan (A1.1, Al.2, Al.3) Preliminary Landscape Plan (L5.01, L5.02, L5.03, L5.04, L5.05) Architectural Exterior Elevations (A4.1, A4.2) Floor Plans (Building C -A2.1, A2.2 and Building D -A2.1, A2.2) Flood Hazard Data Map Utility Overall Plan (C5.00, C5.01, C5.02) Grading Plan and Drainage Overall Plan (C4.00, C4.01, C4.02, C4.03) Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) Supplemental Site Exploration (dated August 31, 2015) Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21,2015) Drainage Control Plan Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015) Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015) Arborist / Landscape Architect Report by Brumbaugh & Associates Landscape Architecture (dated August 25, 2015) Construction Mitigation Description Development Agreement (Recording no. 20030221002405) Strander Agreement (Recording no. 20060420001032) Advisory Notes to Applicant . Report to H.earing Examiner Notice of Application (dated August 26, 2015 Street Modification Request for Oakesdale Ave NW (received August 24, 2015) Boeing Longacres Property Second Amended Binding Site Plan (Rec. No. 20050504000673) Traffic Concurrency Test for Longacres Business Center Phase II: Bannwarth EXHIBITS Project Name: Project Number: I nr"",o,,'< Business Center Phase II LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Date 10/27/15 Exhibit 27 Exhibit 28 Exhibit 29 Exhibit 30 Exhibit 31 Exhibit 32 Clark H. Close Senior Planner Street Modification Memo: Bannwarth Dave Williams Inc. Project Location SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW Environmental "SEPA" Determination, ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Notice of Environmental Determination and Public Hearing Affidavit of Posting and Mailing Revised Architectural Exterior Elevation (A4.1) Parking Lot Circulation Map L-_________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECaNOMIC DEVELOP.T ----~trRenton 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: September 21,2015 Project Nome: Longacres Business Center Phase II Project Number: LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Project Manager: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Owner: Longacres Renton, LLC /3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Applicant: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Contact: Dave Williams, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Project Location: SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW Project Summory: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, - 0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and - 0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building 0 is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. Site Area: ±757,073 square feet (±17.38 acres) STAFF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of RECOMMENDATION: Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS,M). Project Location Map EXHIBIT 1 Development 'nvil'onrnental ,Rev,iewCommittee Report Report of September 21, 2015 Page 2 of 10 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review and a street modification for the construction of a four-story general office building (Building C) totaling 150,000 SF and a three- story general office building (Building D) totaling 150,000 SF along with surface parking and associated infrastructure. Building C measures roughly 125 feet wide by 325 feet long (first floor footprint of roughly 37,000 SF) and building B measures roughly 130 feet wide by 420 feet long (first floor footprint of roughly 50,000 SF) (Exhibits 4 & 7). Together the two structures have a combined total building area of approximately 300,000 SF, and the construction materials include using precast concrete wall panels with interior columns supporting upper level floors and a roof structure. The subject property is situated in the NE X of NW X and NW X of NE X of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 04 East, W.M. (King County Parcel Numbers APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, - 0190, -0370, -0160, and 0180) on the north side of SW 27'" St at Naches Ave SW (Exhibits 2 & 3). The subject property is considered to be part of Phase IV of the Longacres Office Park ("LOP") and is subject to the 2003 Development Agreement (Exhibit 19) and a 2006 Strander Agreement (Exhibit 20). The parcels are located within Phase IV of LOP and the development agreement is in effect until February 21, 2023. According to the development agreement, development regulations include (a) zoning, land division, and development standards; (b) environmental rules and policies, including (but not limited to) SEPA; (c) Comprehensive Plan policies; (d) poliCies, regulations, standards, and methods applicable to the development of land that are incorporated by reference in the Renton Municipal Code; (e) surface water management regulations; and (f) other City ordinances governing the development of land up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877. Environmental analysis of development of 2.5 million square feet under the LOP Site Plan was conducted by the City of Renton pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA"). A Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("DEIS") for the LOP Site was issued in August, 1994: the Final Environmental Impact Statement ("FE IS") was issued in March, 1995. Phase IV was proposed to consist of development of office or light industrial space as permitted under the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and Commercial Office (CO) zoning, with support and utility facilities. Phase IV will be developed with multiple buildings and associated parking, roadways, and pedestrian walkways. The adjacent Renton parcels are zoned CO to the north and south with Heavy Industrial (IH) to the east (across Oakesdale Ave SW). The property is bordered on the west by Burlington Northern Railroad, located within Tukwila City Limits. To the south are Longacres Business Center Phase, I and the Federal Reserve Bank and to the north is BOW Lake Pipeline right-of-way, within a 3D-foot wide tract, followed by undeveloped commercial properties. The site is currently undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds and grass. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and associated buildings and infrastructure. The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the property. There are no existing buildings on the site. There are 53 significant trees that intermittently appear on parcels 088670-0150, -0190, while parcels -0090 and -0100 have very few existing trees. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) significant trees. Native tree preservation would occur along project perimeter buffers. The new landscaping improvements would be integrated with the existing and would include drought tolerant plant materials. In addition, onsite there is also a paved/gravel road that. runs parallel to SW 27th St across the parcels from Oakesdale Ave SW, and north along parcel no. 088670-0190, which will be removed during site development. The topography of the property varies from parcel to parcel but is relatively flat with gentle slopes to the northeast with establishing grade changes of less than six feet. Based on the topographic map, the elevation of the property is approximately 20 to 22 feet in elevation (Exhibits 5, 6,8& 10). A Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report, prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc. on August 14, 2015, did not identify a wetland area, streams, lakes, or critical habitats on or adjacent to the property based on a review of third party work and online resources (Exhibit 16). In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property (see attached) identifies a lOa-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the lOa-year or SOD-year flood zones. The ERe Report WA15-000630 City of Renton Department of Community BUSINESS CENTER Development Enviro"me.ntal Review Committee Report SA-H Report of September 21, 2015 page 3 of 10 nearest habitats are mapped on the Green River approximately 1,100 feet to the west and a small creek approximately 800 feet to the east and south. These habitats are associated with bull trout and salmon. A wildlife corridor was identified through the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which extended through the central portion of the Property (Tract C). The report noted that the corridor was originally designated to provide for storm water treatment, wetland mitigation and wildlife habitat;· however no easements or deed restrictions were present within the corridor. The site also contains High Seismic Hazards. The proposal includes 1,063 surface parking stalls. Along the west and east borders of the site, a 30-foot setback to the property line is observed. This setback accommodates a 20' wide Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor as well as a 10-foot wide perimeter landscaping buffer. Along the north property line, a minimum 20-foot wide perimeter landscaping buffer is observed. Along SW 27th St, a 15 to 115-foot street frontage buffer is provided. An additional 45-foot wildlife open space within several utility easements is also provided. Beyond the easements, a final 10-to 15-foot wide landscaping st.rip screens the large surface parking lot (Exhibit 5). This project proposes to construct a drainage system with a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct it to a detention wetpond within Tract B for water quality treatment and detention. Runoff from the site will be discharged to the north, into the previously developed longacres Office Park drainage system within the Boeing property. From the longacres Office Park drainage system, the drainage flows into Springbrook Creek and ultimately the Duwamish River. Construction is anticipated to be completed and occupied by June 2017. The applicant has submitted a Drainage Report, Traffic Impact Analysis, Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report, Geotechnical Engineering Report, and a Supplemental Site Exploration with the subject application. Staff received no comments from the public, Muckle~hoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division, or any other agency. I PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures C. 1. Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 ERC Report Neighborhood Detail Map Boeing Second Amended Binding Site Plan Architectural Site Plan (Al.1, Al.2, Al.3) Preliminary landscape Plan (L5.01, l5.02, l5.03, l5.04, l5.05) Architectural Exterior Elevations (A4.1, A4.2) Floor Plans (Building C -A2.1, A2.2 and Building D -A2.1, A2.2) Flood Hazard Data Map Exhibit 9 Utility Overall Plan (C5.00, C5.01, C5.02) ERe Report WA15-0OD63D City of Renton Department of Community .om;c Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I environmental Review Committee Report WA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Report of September 21, 2015 Page 4 of 10 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15 Exhibit 16 Exhibit 17 Exhibit 18 Exhibit 19 Exhibit 20 Exhibit 21 Grading Plan and Drainage Overall Plan (C4.00, C4.01, C4.02, C4.03) Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) Supplemental Site Exploration (dated August 31, 2015) Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21, 2015) Drainage Control Plan. Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015) Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015) Arborist / Landscape Architect Report by Brumbaugh & Associates Landscape Architecture (dated August 25, 2015) Construction Mitigation Description Development Agreement (Recording no. 20030221002405) Strander Agreement (Recording no. 20060420001032) Advisory Notes to Applicant D. Envlronmentallmpacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipoted to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposol is likely to hove the following proboble impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The site is currently undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds and grass. The site can be characterized as relatively flat with gentle slopes to the north with established grade changes of less than six feet. The soils onsite generally consist of three to seven inches of topsoil overlying 1 to 6 feet of medium dense to dense inorganic fill material overlying alluvial silts and sands in 6 of the 13 test pits. The fill soils varied and consisted of sand, sand with silt, silty sand with gravel, gravel, and crushed rock. In general, the fill was relatively thin, ranging from one to two feet thick. Deeper fills were discovered where abandoned utilities were found. Where no fills were present, loose to medium dense alluvial silt, silty sand with silt, and relatively clean sand were present. Cone penetration tests (CPTs) data indicated highly variable interbedded alluvial soils composed of silts, clays, and silty sand layers are present to a depth of 15 to 22 feet followed by medium dense to dense silty sand and sand to the termination depths of the CPTs, 70 feet. Additional site explorations, via six soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet, using mud rotary drilling methods, indicate very loose and soft silty sand and silt alluvium to a depth of about 23 feet followed by Il1edium dense to occasionally dense dark gray to black sand alluvium. Evidence of groundwater was observed at depths of 5 to 11 feet below current surface grades. The Geological Map of the Renton Quadrangle, Washington, by D.R. Mullineaux (1965), maps the site as Alluvium (Qaw). The soils observed onsite are classified as Newberg Silt Loam, Woodinville Silt Loam, and Urban Land by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), formerly the Soil Conservation Service. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Report prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18, 2015 (Exhibit 11). The report states that the subsurface conditions were explored by excavating nine (9) soil test pits to depths of 10.5 to 13 feet below current site grades. In-Situ Engineering, under subcontract with Terra Associates, Inc., performed 8 cone penetration tests (CPTs) to depths of 70 feet. More data was achieved by excavating four (4) test pits to depths of 14.5 to 17 feet below current site grades in the proposed stormwater tract (Tract B). A Supplemental Site Exploration by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 31, 2015 ERe Report WA1S-000630 City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE 1/ Report of September 21, 2015 .EnVironmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H . Page 5 of 10 included six (6) soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades (located within the footprints of the proposed buildings). The soils observed at the site contain a significant amount of fines which would be difficult to compact as structural fill when too wet. Over most of the site with the existing slope gradients, these soils would have a slight potential for erosion when exposed. Therefore the site is considered a low erosion hazard area. Erosion protection measures would include perimeter silt fencing to contain erosion onsite and cover measures to prevent or reduce soil erosion during and following construction. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions onsile, the site would be mapped as a High Seismic Hazard' (SH). The impact to the site should liquefaction occur would be in the form of surface subsidence or settlement. Estimated total potential settlement by the geotechnical engineer was in the range of two to four inches. In the geotechnical engineer's opinion, this amount of settlement would not structurally impact the building but could result in damage of a cosmetic nature. The existing site consists of 2.14 acres of impervious area and 13.S2 acres of pervious area. The developed site hydrology will increase the amount of impervious area by approximately S.93 acres to 11.07 acres (69%) and the pervious and landscaping would be 4.S9 acres following construction. The geotechnical report concludes that development of the site as proposed is feasible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. The primary geotechnical concern at the site is the presence of compressible soil strata susceptible to consolidation under the planned building loads. The heavier three-story and four-story buildings could be mitigated from potential settlement-related impacts by supporting the structure on augercast piles or on spread footings, bearing on ground conditions improved by installation of rammed aggregate piers/stone columns; Augercast piles, if used, should be advanced to obtain support in the medium dense sand alluvium indicated to be present at depths of 30 to 35 feet. If grading activities take place during the winter months, clean granular material for use as structural fill and backfill should be imported. Alternatively, stabilizing the moisture in the native and existing fill soils with. cement or lime can be considered. Overall the submitted geotechnical report provides recommendations for geologic hazards, site preparation and grading, preload/surcharge, excavation, foundations, slab-on-grade construction, lateral earth pressures for wall design, drainage, utilities, and pavements (Exhibit 9). Staff recommends as a SEPA mitigation measure that project construction is required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study and Supplemental Site Exploration prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated' August lS, 2015 and August 31, 2015, respectively). The applicant will be required to design a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP). Mitigation Measures: Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study and Supplemental Site Exploration prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August lS, 2015 and August 31, 2015, respectively; Exhibits 11 & 12). Nexus: State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Review, RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations, and RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation, and Mining Regulations. 2. Water a. Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: A Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report, prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015; Exhibit 16) was submitted with the project application materials. Information reviewed by Terracon was limited to available online resources and/or prior reports. The site is within the Black River and 1 High Seismic Hazard (SH): Areas underlain by soft or loose, saturated soils. These soils generally have site classifications E or F, as defined in the International Building Code, 2012 (RMC 4-3-050G.5.d.ii) .. ERe Report LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 .Environmental Review Committee Report LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H page 6 of 10 specifically the Springbrook Creek drainage basin. This site is located generally at the high point of the area topography and the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) map did not identify a wetland area on or adjacent to the property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent wetlands were identified on the east-, west-and south-adjoining properties respectively, approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A wetland area was identified approximately 250 feet south-southeast of the property. A report entitled "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (dated August 1998) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the subject property. According to the report, the site does not contain a wetland area. In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close prc;>ximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or 500-year flood zones. As such, Terracon infers that the information may be subject to change following a current review by a wetlands professional, if required. Terracon did not field verify the Shapiro Report findings and only provided a review of the third party work. Terracon's review of the topographic map and visual observations of the property did not identify streams or I.akes. Several areas of surface water were observed on the central portion of the property which appeared to be· the result of seasonal rain events or surface water runoff. No readily apparent low-lying areas and/or wetlands are known to be or have been reported to be present on the property. In summary, the Terracon report indicates that there are no wetlands, streams, or lakes on or immediately adjacent to the property based on a review of third party work and online resources. According to the Flood Plain Hazard Data Map, the 100-year flood plain encroaches roughly 4;400 square feet onto the northwest portiori of the site (northwest of Building C) and 44,000 square feet within the stormwater detention pond (Exhibit 8). The applicant is proposing to fill 2,500 cubic feet of fill within the northwest portion of the site and remove approximately 250,000 cubic feet of the 100-year flood plain from the storm water pond. As such, compensatory volume is being provided in the footprint of the combination wetpond in Tract B, at the elevations above the overflow detention line. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable b. Ground Water Impacts: Groundwater was observed at a depth of five to thirteen feet below current site grades in the test pit excavations. Con penetration test (CPT) data indicates groundwater within five to eight feet of the current surface. The groundwater seepage observed by the geotechnical engineer was likely representative of the groundwater table associated with the site. Dissipation testing indicated the static groundwater table was at a depth of between five and eight feet. Based on the current topographic survey, this equates to approximately elevation 16. This is consistent with groundwater seepage identified throughout the site. The static groundwater level indicated likely represents the near seasonal high level that could be expected at the site. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions of the site, the property would be mapped as a High Seismic Hazard (SH). Once stripping operations are complete, cut and fill operations would be initiated. The preliminary grading indicates the site would be filled by one to two feet to achieve building and access grades. Prior to placing fill, all exposed bearing surfaces should be observed by the geotechnical engineer to verify soil conditions are suitable for support of new fill or building elements. If excessively yielding areas are observed, and they cannot be stabilized in place by compaction, the affected soils should be excavated and removed to firm bearing and grade restored with new structural fill. If the depth of excavation to remove unstable soils is excessive, the use of geotextile fabrics, such as Mirafi SOOX, or an equivalent fabric, could be used in conjunction with clean granular structural fill. ERe Report LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of Community anomiC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE" Report of September 21, 2015 eEnvironmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 7 of 10 The geotechnical report states that if wet soils are encountered they will need to be dried by aeration during dry weather conditions. Otherwise the contractor should import a granular soil that can be used as structural fill. The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within 2% of its optimum, as determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation 0-698. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable c. Stormwater Impacts: The applicant submitted a Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 13). The stormwater design for the project was based on the Development Agreement and supplemental amendments to that document between the City of Renton and The Boeing Company. This agreement has adopted the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Conditions. The proposed drainage system would include a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct it to a detention/wet pond for water quality treatment and flow control. Runoff from the building roofs would be collected into roof drains and routed directly to the proposed detention/wet pond via pipe flow. Runoff from the new pond would be discharged to the north, into the previously developed Longacres Office Park drainage system within the Boeing property. From there the drainage flows into Springbrook Creek and ultimately the Duwamish River. The propos~d system would be developed to mitigate peak runoff rates through a single detention/wet pond. The calculated detention facility includes volume capacity for the 2-year and la-year storm events, in accordance with the 2009 KC-SWDM Section 1.2.3. The stormwater conveyance has been designed such that the lOa-year flow is conveyed without overtopping the crown of the roadway (or drive aisle) or flooding any building. The preliminary design shows the following: 1) a combination of 12-inch to 24-inch storm drain pipes and sheet flow; 2) a 24-inch storm drain pipe would discharge into the detention wetpond (Exhibit 14); and 3) connection from the pond to the existing Longacres 48" storm system to the north. Final conveyance capacity conditions of proposed system would be analyzed and final pipe sizing will be performed with the final drainage system design in accordance with Chapter 4 of the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM. A Construction Stormwater Permit (NPDES) from the Department of Ecology is required for sites over an acre. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable 3. Vegetation Impacts: The property was previously cleared for the former sports racing track land use. The site has been vacant for a number of years and the condition is now open field covered with moderate growth of brush, weeds, grass and sporadic trees. The existing trees onsite were either planted with the previous development, or are volunteers that have since grown on the site. The majority of the existing trees are Cottonwood and Lombardy Poplars. Both speCies have been identified by the landscape architect as short lived, weak wooded tree species that are conSidered to be unsuitable for the built environment due to the very invasive root systems (Exhibit 17). These species can often result in unnecessary damage to paved surfaces and underground utilities and/or may become hazardous concerns during a heavy storm event. Other onsite tree species include Acacia, Cedar, Spruce, and Alder along with other deciduous trees located immediately off-site. There are 53 significant trees that intermittently appear on parcels 088670-0150, -0190, while parcels -0090 and -0100 have very few existing trees. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) priority three trees ERe Report LUA15-000630 City of Renton Department of Community .nomiC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 .EnVironmental Review Committee Report LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 8 of 10 (RMC 4-4-130H.1.b) as part of the site plan review process. Significant tree preservation is proposed within the project perimeters of the site. The retained trees are as follows: two 28" cottonwood trees along the western property line, one 27" alder near the southwest property line, three poplar trees along the west property line (2' clump, 15" and 23"), and one 39" poplar near the southwest corner of the detention wetpond. In order to comply with the tree retention requirements to retaining a minimum of 10 percent (1O%) of existing significant trees in commercial zones, the applicant would be required to retain up to 5.3 significant trees on site. The applicant meets the tree retention requirements by retaining a total of 7 existing significant trees throughout the site (Exhibit 5). The balance of the trees would be removed due to unsuitable species or due to site grading constraints (for example: 2 feet of fill is proposed in most areas). The applicant is proposing to replant the site with 178 canopy trees (American sweet gum, red oak, gold falls zelcova), 68 columnar trees (bowhall red maple, columnar tulip tree), 167 small deciduous trees (vine maple, paperbark maple, flowering dogwood, quaking aspen), 15 weeping Alaska cedar, 51 shore pine, 110 Douglas fir, and 55 excelsa cedar trees. All new landscaping would be covered with 2" depth of mulch and would receive a fully automatic irrigation system. The detention wetpond tract (Tract B) would receive a temporary irrigation system. The appHcant is also proposing to plant native shrubs, accent shrubs, groundcover plants, perennial/ornamental grasses, so~ lawn, native hydroseed with wildflower mix, and hydroseed throughout the site. Around the perimeter of the site, the landscaping plan includes a 4" depth 3/8" minus crushed rock over filter fabric walking trail. As proposed, the landscaping plan's plant schedule do·es not distinguish tree count between the listed canopy trees, columnar trees, or small deciduous trees. In· addition, the landscaping plan should be designed to include the other onsite amenities, such as signage and lighting. A final detailed landscape plan must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of the street and utility construction permits; this will become a recommended condition of approval during Hearing Examiner site plan review. The preliminary landscaping calculations include the following elements throughout the site plan: 1) Frontage buffer along SW 27th St: 40,019 SF; 2) Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor: 27,203 SF; 3) Utility easement open space: 47,493 SF; 4) Perimeter landscaping: 71,538 SF (includes a 10-foot buffer on the west, east and southwest property lines, a 20-foot buffer on the north property line, and a 15-foot buffer on the southeast property line); 5) Parking lot landscaping: 34,821 SF; and 6) Additional site landscape area: 40,019 SF. Additional landscaping analysis will be included in the Hearing Examiner Staff Report. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable 4. Noise Impacts: Existing noise within the vicinity of the subject site is primarily composed of trains and vehicles from SW 27th St to either the Tukwila Sound Transit Station at 7301longacres Way in Tukwila, the Federal Reserve Bank at 2700 Naches Ave SW, or the Bank of America Operations Center at 2985 Naches Ave SW. Temporary construction noise is anticipated as a result qf the subject project. Based on the provided construction mitigation description, the applicant has indicated that construction is anticipated to begin in December 2015 with a completion date of June. 2017. At this time, the applicant has indicated that construction work would occur from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday (Exhibit 18) which is outside the City of Renton permitted construction hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and Saturday by permission only. Final construction hours will be determined by the City at the preconstruction meeting. The site is surrounded by commercial development. No excessive levels of noise are expected to be generated during the operation of the completed project. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable ERe Report LUA15-000630 L-____________________________ -- City 0/ Renton Department 0/ Community &.omIC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 5_ Transportation enVironmental Review Committee Report LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 9 of 10 Impacts: The subject site fronts onto SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW. The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis completed by TENW (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 15). The memorandum included ipformation that the proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Based on the results of a traffic operations analysis at the offsite study intersections (Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW / SW 27th St), the study intersections currently operate at LOS A and B, and are expected to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed project. More specifically, the Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in 2017 without the project and LOS B with the proposed project. The Oakesdale Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in 2017 without or with the proposed project and no significant adverse transportation impacts are anticipated with the proposed 'Longacres Business Center Phase II development. The proposed site access on SW 27th Street would form a new north leg (private access road) to the existing all-way stop controlled intersection at Naches Ave SW / SW 27th Street. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing all-way stop intersection under its current status with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is anticipated that the intersection would be modified to its ultimate configuration in the future when SW 27th is extended to the west to connect with Strander Blvd. Alternatively, the westbound lanes of SW 27th St may be opened up by relocating the existing restrictive c-curbing in order to allow a dedicated right-turn lane into the site at Naches Ave SW. The applicant is proposing a full access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW in order to allow all turn movements and be configured with separate outbound left and right turn lanes. A center two-way left turn lane exists on Oakesdale Ave SW which would provide a left turn lane for traffic entering the site and a center refuge lane for traffic exiting the site. It is estimated that this location would expect to operate at LOS C or better in 2017 with the proposed project. The results of the traffic analysis show that no major improvements, such as signalization, are needed at either site access locations. The right-of-way (ROW) width on SW 27th St is 90 feet, SW 27th Street requires 91 feet of ROW or 0.5 feet of dedication. A sidewalk was recently constructed on the north side of SW 27th St and it currently serves both pedestrians and bicyclists until a separated multi-use trail is constructed on the north side of SW 27th St. Construction of the multi-use trail would be in coordination with the City of Renton Transportation Division for location, layout, connection to light rail station, and in accordance with the adopted Trails Plan. Street frontage improvements on SW 27th Street would include an ADA acceSSible sidewalk ramp at the northwest corner of the Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection. The road standards for Oakesdale Ave SW include a 103-footROW that includes the following improvements: 8 feet of sidewalks, 8 feet planter strip, curb and gutter a'nd 8 foot parking lanes with 5 foot bike lanes and street lighting. These standards would trigger 6 Y, feet of ROW dedication on Oakesdale Ave SW. The applicant has submitted a street modification in order to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping. One of the written justifications listed by the applicant for this exemption from the identified standards is to allow for improved landscape screening of the project. For a modification to be granted, the project must also comply with the decision and design criteria stipulated in RMC 4-9-2S0D.2. It is anticipated that the proposed project would not significantly or adversely impacts the City of Renton's street sy~tem, subject to the payment of code-required impact fees and the construction of code-required (or approved modifications of) frontage improvements (Exhibit 21). The fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of building permit issuance, shall be payable to the City. A concurrency recommendation will be provided in the staff report to the Hearing Examiner based upon the test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested ERe Report LUA15-000630 City of Renton Departme~t of Community .nomiC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 • Environmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 10 of 10 Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site specific mitigation. The development will have to meet the City of Renton concurrency requirements. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable 6. Fire & Police Impacts: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development with 150 calls for service estimated annually by the Renton Police Department. The development is subject to the construction of code-required improvements and the payment of code- required impact fees (Exhibit 21). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or listed under Exhibit 21 "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ./ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. . . The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). . Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 9.2015. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall- 7,h Floor, (425) 430-6510. ERe Report LUA15-000630 V') , i CIJ z •• !' 1l!CIJa: ! ! ()f3w --l <!Zf-5 -l I i ij O-Z Z~w ~ i W ERMAN f ' I . ' . oaJ() U i ...J I • ~ ; I • i I I ! •. J Ii j - 0 8 0 ! ~~ ~ 1 :J;~ « \2~ i :Ii 0 I-I L,~ I _j ~_ I , t , xi :.r~f f .: • ":'>':: .. :: -=~. t • r l l--o.:·-~----i .,:;-.:::.. " j' , --~-- • ~ ~:Z~· 'I --/ ~ .... _v I \' " ~- "-~l ' .. -.r. -• sc:;c 4 ...... -..;;.~ 50C 't ..e:: .... !.' •. " -:-.,-.::," -" --:;f.:.. ... ~"" .. 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II§I !~I ' ~ II I I g Illd'dll \ , , .. , ' Vl W Vl C::VlC:: ,~ • ~- '-,,6._ ..... ~_ " I -r , 1 j ',/ II' , ~ \, . I, , " ; I n 'I,' /\ I J~ /' \llf ( -I. 'I \ J"I , l 'I' I / II'.~ , ,I . ... / j b \ I '\ I • f -;. .. f. I , .. ' -r I , ., , I • 1'1 II I , ' 1 ' it ,: I ~o / "'i' 1 I 1& I n,. I I , I :~ « I~ ,. i If , I I ,.- I • • GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Long Acres Phase II SW 27.th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW • Renton, Washington Project No. T-7159-1 Terra Associates, Inc. Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 11 Prepared for: . . Ryan Companies Phoenix, ArJzona ' . . August 18, 2015 • • TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Cons ult ants in Geotech ni ca l En gi neer in g, Geo logy an d Environmenta l Ear th Scie nces Entire Document Available Upon Request Mr . Joel Wage Ryan Comranies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Subject: Supplemental Site Exploration Long Acres Phase fI SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton , Washington August31 ,2015 Project No. T-7159-1 Reference : Geotechnical Report, Long Acres Phase II, SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW, Renton, Washington, Project No. T-7159-1 , prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18,2015 Dear Mr . Wage: As request, we have performed additional site exploration at the Long Acres Phase n project in Renton, Washington. On August 20, 2015, we observed the soil and groundwater conditions at 6 soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades. Four test borings were located in the footprint of the revised west building location with two additional test borings located in the east building area . The locations of the test borings in relation to the previously performed field work are shown on the attached Figure 1. The test borings were advanced using mud rotary drilling methods. Soil samples were obtained at five-foot intervals in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation D- 1586 . Using this procedure , a 2-inch (outside diameter) split barrel sampler is driven into the ground 18 inches using a 140-pound hammer free falling a height ofJO inches . The number of blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches after an initial 6-inch set is referred to RS the Standard Penetration Resistance value or N value . This is an index related to the consistency of cohesive soil s and relative density of cohes ion less mate rials. N values obtained for each sampling interval are recorded on the boring logs. All soil samples were visuall y classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described on the attached Figure 2. The boring logs are presented as Figures 3 through 8. Laboratory testing completed on soil samples obtained included determination of the soils in pl ace moisture content. Results of the laboratory moisture contents for the soil samples are shown o n the boring logs opposite the samples on which they were performed . EXHIBIT 12 12220 113th Avenue ,'iE , Ste. 130, ki rkland, Washlnglun 98034 nt , ..... _ .......... _ .... _ ... ~ ,., ............... . • • COUGHLINPORTER LUNDEEN PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Technical Information Report Longacres Business Center 11 Renton, WA PREPARED FOR: Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 322 -6100 PREPARED BY: Entire Document Available Upon Request COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN 801 Second Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98104 P 206 .343 .0460 CONTACT I Jeff Peterson, P.E . TIm Brockway, P.E . EXHIBIT 13 ! I ! I II I • I &! "I I ~ IJ I I Iii. IH ~ I I - , I ./. I .-r • , L I , I ! I I , d~ ~o J , : :! , ,11 I, I :~ , 11 " I I ,- I I~ , :1 I . I , I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : I I .J -.:t 9"4 t:; al .... l: >< w • MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21. 2015 TO: Vicki Grover City of Renton Public Works FROM: Chris Forster. P.E. TENW SUBJECT: longacres Business Center Phose 2 Traffic Impact Analysis TENW Project No. 5093 ----------------------- • ~TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Entire Document Available Upon Request This memorandum documents the troffic impact analysis completed for the proposed longacres Business Center Phase 2 project. The project is located west of Oakesdale Ave SW on the north side of SW 27th Street across from the proposed longacres Business Center (Phase I) project in Renton, WA (see Figure I). Executive Summary Project Description. The proposed project would include up to 320,000 square feet of office space on a currently vacant site. Vehicular access to the site would be provided at 2 separate access driveways, one on SW 27th St and one on Oakesdale Ave SW. The site access driveway on SW 27th St will form the north leg of the existing Naches Ave SW /SW 27th St all-way stop controlled intersection and will provide full access to all turning movements. The new driveway on Oakesdole Ave SW will provide full access to all turning movements. For the analysis in this report, a 2017 horizon year was used. This project is located within Phase IV of the Boeing Longocres Office Pork and is subject to the 2003 Development Agreement and Strander Agreement. Trip Generation. The proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday NIl peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Traffic Operations at Study Intersections. Based on the results of a traffic operations analysis at the off- site study intersections, the study intersections currently operate at lOS A and B, ond are expected to continue to operate at lOS B in 2017 with the proposed proiect. Access Analysis. With the proposed site access via the north leg at Naches Ave SW /SW 27th Street, the intersection is proposed to remain as an all-way stop with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is assumed that the intersection will be modified to its ultimate configuration in the future when SW 27th is extended to the west to connect with Strander Blvd. The results of the site access lOS analysis show that the movements at both access locations are expected to operate at lOS C or beffer in 2017 with the proposed proiect. These results show that no major improvements such as signalization are needed at the site access locations. Mitigation. No significant adverse transportation impacts are anticipated with the proposed langacres Business Center Phase 2 development. Transportation impact fees are anticipated to be required and will be determined prior to building permit issuance based on discussions with the City of Rentonand Boeing. Trans~ 11400SE€ EXHIBIT 15 iperatlons 425)889-6747 • August 14, 2015 Mr. Jon Blaha Ryan Companies US, Inc .. 50 South Tenth Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55403-2012 RE: Confinnation of Environmental Setting Approximate 25.88-Acre Area Lots 9-10, 15-19, and Tract C, Boeing Longacres Park Renton, King County, Washington Dear Mr. Blaha: • lrerracan Entire Document Available Upon Request Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has been retained by Ryan Companies US, Inc. (Ryan) to provide confirmation of the general environmental setting for the approximate 25.88-acre vacant parcel legally described as Lots 9-10, 15-19, and Tract C of Boeing Longacres Park, City of Renton (City), King County, Washington (the Property). The Property includes the entirety of King County Tax Assessor Parcel Numbers 0886700090, 0886700 I 00, 0886700150, 0886700160, 0886700180, 0886700190, 0886700380, and 0886700170. The Property is located in part of the south If. of Section 24, Township 23 N, Range 4 E and is north of SW 27th Street and west of Oakesdale Avenue SW. Per your request, Terracon has prepared this letter to summarize our findings regarding the potential for wetlands, streams, lakes, and critical habitat to be present at the Property. Information reviewed by Terracon for these findings was limited to available on-line resources and/or from prior reports provided to Terracon from Ryan. Wetlands Terracon reviewed the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map, published by the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (see attached). The NWI map did not identify a wetland area on the Property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent wetlands were identified on the east-, west-and south-adjoining properties respectively, approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A report entitled "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (Boeing) by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (Shapiro); dated August 1998 (Shapiro Report) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the Property. No wetland areas were identified on the Property. In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property (see attached) identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AB, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea leveL Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or 500-year flood zones. Environmentsl • Terracon Consultants Inc. 21905 64th Ave W Mounllake Terrace. WA. 98043 P 425·771·3304 F 425·771·3549 le"aeon.com EXHIBIT 16 ical • Materials • Brumbaugh & Associates August 25, 2015 Cory Handfelt Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd Suite 100 Phoenix,PCZ 85018 RE: Arborist I Landscape Architect Report Group Health Renton, Phase II Dear Cory: • Entire Document Available Upon Request Per the City of Renton's Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist, Item #21 Arborist Report, an evaluation of existing trees describing types, sizes and conditions is to be prepared by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect. The site was previously cleared for the previous land use. Most of the current condition is open field with sporadic tree locations. Existing trees were either planted with the previous development, or are volunteers that have grown since. The majority of the site trees are Cottonwood and Lombardy Poplars. Both species ar.e short lived, weak wooded and generally inappropriate for the built environment. Both species have very invasive roots that result in damage to paving surfaces and underground utilities, and can represent hazards in storm conditions. The entire site will be graded with approximately 2' of fill placed in most areas. Tree preservation to meet City of Renton requirements will occur within project perimeters for the above reasons. All retained trees are considered Priority 3 by City rating standards due to species type. Summary: 45 Total Surveyed Trees, based on current Survey 6 Trees within 2' of site fill area. 30 Trees within 2' of site fill area and of species not compatible with developed site. I Trees in conflict with Metro Power Easement. I Trees in conflict with Public Sidewalk. 38 Total trees to be removed The table below provides the following information for each tree: Tree #: as indicated on tlie Tree Retention I Land Clearing Plan Tree Species: Common Name DBH: Trunk diameter in inches 4.5 feet from the ground. Condition Rating: 'I' Removal due to unsuitable species, '2' Removal due to site grading constraints, '3' Healthy viable tree to remain wwlt/.brumbiiI.H,lh·'I'>'iOU.Otl1 EXHIBIT 17 98103'.1826 ph 20G.1R?3650 lil,206.782.3615 ---------- • • WWW.RYANCOMPANIES.COM RYAN COMPANIES US. INC. 3900 E. Camdback Rd. Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-322-6100 phone 602-322-6300 fax ~YAN· August 20, 2015 Mr. Clark Close City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 RE: Longacres Business Center -Phase II Construction Mitigation Description Dear Mr. Close: -'"tID'~~' .s.,,~ .. ~"'Tlo~<.".1 For Application [tern 10, Construction Mitigation Description, Ryan Companies is providing the following items: 1. Anticipated construction start date is December, 2015 with completion in June, 2017. 2. Allowable working hours will be from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday-Friday and from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. It is not anticipated that work will occur overnight and on Sundays, however as conditions present themselves we reserve the ability to work off-hours and Sundays as necessary to maintain the construction schedule. 3. The primary transportation route anticipated to site via 405 will be 167 to Grady Way, Lind Ave, to our primary entrance off of 27"'. A secondary entrance will be provided off Oakesdale but will be primarily used for exiting. A Haul Route plan is attached. 4. A dedicated traffic control is not anticipated, however as required this will be developed in conjunction with the City of Renton. 5. The attached site logistic plan addresses the location of the contractor trailer complex, parking, site security and silt fencing, and wash out and track out stations. 6. Dust control will be controlled on site with water as required. A Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan will be provided as part of the final civildesign package. Please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Companies if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. i :. I) I ·-··f i "·"'~.r--.. . '" .~-<~7'J.-, .. i " '\ Cory Handfelt Project Manager Cc: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. Dave Williams, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. EXHIBIT 18 • • .. - -- '1((1111111111111 20030221002405 .... _ .•. ,.. . .... ;. ,;: ./ Doeument Title(s),(or·transaCuons'contalhed theit1!i)· .•.. I Development Agreem~t /; .:,.."'/ ./ .:, CITY OF RENTON AG 44 00 PAGlE 0el OF e2B 02/21/2e03 14 48 KING COUNTY, lolA ,--'" .. ::" .f'" .,.,~ ... "" " .f Reference Number(s) of Documen.~ asSlgue,d'or r~leased: (on page _ of documents(s» ...' , ...... Graotor(s),.{Last name first, then first name aria Iltinals) .. .-. Grao~(s} ~ nam~ first, then first name and lrunals) .~, iegal d~cription (iibl1reiiiaied. I e lot, block, plat or seeDOR, townshtp, range)'..,../ i.:" ( P~;uoti~fM;i~de~ HenlY -b-C #46 PCL, STR 242304 TAXLOT 22 PCL I BOE~G .. STR 242304 ":'" TAXLOT ~li PCL l.BOISING; STR 242304 T AXLOT 50 PCL J BOEING, STR 242304 T AXLOT 52 ·PC\,-.. I5.aoEING,s'rR ~42304 T f,'.XLOT 55 PCL L BOEING, STR 242304 T AXLOT 71 PCL M BOEING, sm 252304'" AXLOT 2 PCLG BOEING, and STR 242304 T AXLOT 62 PCL F BOEING I:Rl Fuilleg.:ils O~p~g~ .. {'rovg1i1,ft o;dOCll~ent ':. ,: ," " ,", .. " " Assessor's Propert)i'Tu ParctllA~UDt N'iiuiber ". Pornons of the followmg :#oOd~8p.()OOI-01:;"1I090S80.,oOi(i-OO,1I000S80-0018-08, #242304-0022-06, #242304-9048-06, #24230<t~9050-O(#242304~90S2.,o9, #242304-9055-06, #242304-9071-06, #252304-9002-09 and #252:l()4.,??§.2.:O6 ... · . .' /; ....... .. i [03003-0104/5B022180 328] ;: ",\' -'.-., ... ,.. .' ':. ,,",:' "., .. -.. Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 19 ii.······,··· ."'0,. 81\2102 .:- . Rcturn Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton • 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 • Please prin't or type infommtjoll WASHINGTON STATE UECORDEU'S Cover Shcet (RCW 65 04) .. Document TiUe(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must he filled in) L Strander A![eement (CAG-02-211) 2. 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'5 all page _ of document Gralltor(s) (Last name first name, initials) L The Boeing ComEan~ 2. Additional names on page _ of document. Grantee(s} (Last name firs~. then first name ilnd initials) 1. Citl of Renton , 2. , Additional names on page _ of document. Legal descriptioll (abbreviated: i.e. lot block. plat or section, township, range) Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46 with the most Westerly line of Government Lot 13 in said Section 24; ...... Additional leglll is on pages 8-12, 14, 19-23,25.30: 32-40 of document. --Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number I I 0 Assessor Tax # nol yet assigned The Audi[orlRecorder will rely on tb~ information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document 10 verif~ (he accuracl: Or ~omE.letencss_~r the indexing information provided herein. r am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an addlltOnallee as proVIded ll1 RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure saine rart of the text on the original document. _______________________ Signature of Requesting Party Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 20 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLIC"T LUA 15-000630 A;i I"'~ ?f(, '. .. _--==~~., ! r,:<,'~" rf j ['(1'1 tl d\;~_ . .!~~..;.W -"- Application Date: August 24, 2015 Site Address: Name: Longacres Business Center Phase fl PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach 1425-430-66191 LBellach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. Coordinate with Transport:'tion for multi use trail layout width and location along north side of SW 27th Street with connection to light rail station as per Trails Plan. I Re-;';';;:'mend~iiori'-:'-2. I,;~iud; 5 ili';tblkeianes ~n Oakesdale Ave SW, ;sp~r adopted Trails Pia';:' Police Plan Review Comments Contact: Holly Trader 1425-430-75191 htrader@renlonwa,gov Recommendations: 150 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually To protect matarials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced In wllh portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide bolh a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area Is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 11/2-throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. . I also recommend the business post the appropriate MNo TrespaSSing-signs on the property while it's under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours If suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. Due to the isolated location of this site. the use of private security personnel to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is recommended. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty deadbolt locks. latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks. and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a leyer of security film. Security film can incraase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greaUy reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing. as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or employees. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems Installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft andlor vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespaSSing. All araas of this project need to have adequate IighUng. This will esslst in Ihe deterrent of Iheft from motor vehlcte (one of Ihe most common crimes In Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both employees and customers. Both structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 12" in height and of a color contrasting with the building. This will assist emergency personnel In locatlnll the correct location for response. Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close 1425-430-7289 1 cclose@renlonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a.m. and three thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'ctock (8:00) p.m., Monday Ihrough Friday. Work on Salurdays Is by permission only. No work is permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work. the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mUlch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. FIre Review -Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas 1425-430-70241 cthomaS@renlonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 per square foot of commercial office space. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 4,000 gpm. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feel of each structure and Ihree addilional hydrants are required within 300 feet of each structure. Applicant shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of 600 feet on center. A looped water main is required to be installed around the buildings. Ran: September 17, 2015 EXHIBIT 21 Page 1 of 2 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLlCWT LUA15-00063.0 • ~ o p. City of" __ -===~:OO-' I },'< i~-II n~ r;(')"; t. t, '-'. ~\-'F __ I.:..'~ '-, j PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I Fire Review, Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas 1 425-430-7024 1 Clhomas@renlonwa.gov 2. Approved fire sprinkler. fire standpipe and fire alann systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and pennlts required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all pOints on the building. Fire Jane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5.' The buildings shall comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shan verify both incoming and outgoing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If inadequate, the building shall be enhanced with amplification eqUipment In order to meet minimum coverage. Separate plans and pennlts are required for any proposed amplification systems. Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren 1425-430-73691 aaskren@renlonwa.gov Recommendations: Technical Services 9/4/2015 Property lines shown on plan set do not refleel aeluallegal boundary lines. title report or ALTA provided. Amended Binding Site Plan or other land conveyance document will need to be prepared to show the proposed property lines consistent with plan set. Ran: September 17, 2015 page 2 of 2 • " enton® NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -P.lannlng Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: August 26, 2015 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, 5A-H PROJECT NAME: longacres Business Center PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Ryan Companies U.S. Inc., is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building 0 is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. The site is part of the original 158 acres of property known as the longacres Office Park. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and associated buildings and infrastructure. The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the property. Site access would be served through either from Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone. The site plan includes 1,063 parking stalls with a perimeter landscaping observed around the site. The site contains high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. There are 53 significant trees onsite and the applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) trees. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015); a Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015); a Preliminary Technical Information Report (dated August 21, 2015); and an Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015). The project site includes a drainage system with a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention located north of the BOW lake Pipeline Right-of-Way. PROJECT LOCATION: SW 27 th Ave & Naches Ave SW OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APPLICANT: August 24, 2015 August 26, 2015 Molly carson, Ryan Companies US, Inc./3900 E. camelback Road, Suite 100 I Phoenix, A1. 85018 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Longacres Business Center/LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H NAME: _____ _ MAILING ADDRESS: __ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ___ _ EXHIBIT 23 !IP, ____ ------- ~--------------- • • ------"..,..".,.-Ren ton ® PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Dave Williams, Rvan Companies US, Inc./3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100 I Phoenix, AZ 85018/ Dave.Wllliams@rvancompanies.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Site Plan Review-Hearing Examiner and Street Modification Other Permits which may be required: Building Permit, Construction Permit Requested Studies: Arborlst Report, GeotechnIcal Study, Traffic Impact Analysis, Preliminary Technical Information Report, Landscape Analysis, Parking Analysis, and Environmental Setting Report Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/Land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for October 27. 2015 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers at 11:00 AM on the 7th floor of Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Commercial Office (CO) on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPAl Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-Z-1Z0B; 4-4; 4-6-060; 4-9-070; and 4-9·200 and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. • Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Clark H. Close, Senior Planner, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, ·Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on September 9, 2015. This matter is also tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on October 27, 2015, at 11:00 am, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6578. Following the issuance of the SEPA Determination, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments regarding the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: longacres Business Center/lUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H NAME:' ---------------------------------------------- MAILING ADDRESS: ________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: _________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: ____________ __ .------------------ CONTACT PERSON: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7289; Email: cclose@rentonwa.gov I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I • • CITY OF RENTON Modification Request City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98055 Project Name: Longacres Business Center Phase II Site Address: 27'h St. & Naches Ave SW Renton, WA 98057 King County Parcel ID: 0886700090,0886700100,0886700150, 0886700190, 0886700160, and 0886700180 Applicant: Contact: Longacres Renton LLC 3900 E. Camelback, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ. 85018 Dave Williams Ryan Companies (602) 322-6126 Dave.Williams@ryancompanies.com Project Location: The proposed development location for Longacres Business Center Phase II is a 17.38 acre site near the West municipal border of the City of Renton. It is comprised of 7 lots; parcel numbers 0886700090, 0886700100, 0886700150, 0886700190, 0886700160, and 0886700180. The site is bounded by Burlington Northern Railroad to the West, SW 27th St. to the South, Oaksdale Ave. SW to the' East, and the Bow Lake Pipeline to the North. Project Scope: Development for the'longacres Business Center Phase II will include two (2) standalone buildings totaling ~300,000 SF. The occupancy classification for building development will be general office. The building uses we are proposing fall under the City of Renton's Commercial Office Zone requirements. EXHIBIT 24 • • Modification Request: Street frontage improvements along Oaksdale Ave per RMC 4-6-060 requires 103 ft (6.5ft of dedication). Street frontage improvements required are 8ft. sidewalks, 8ft. planter strip, curb and gutter and 8ft. parking lanes and bike lanes. In order to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping we are requesting the following modification. • Exemption from the typical required street frontage improvements along Oaksdale Ave SW. Modification Justification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. . • The required suburban street impovements. are out of context with the natural setting of the site and surrounding native vegetation. • The existing sidewalk conditions along Oaksdale Ave SW meet the intent of the required improvements and include the following: Street lighting, Sidewalk, Bike lane, curb and gutter. • The required improvements are not in alignment with recently developed properties along Oaksdale AVE SWand will create discontinuity along the street frontage. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; • The existing improvements meet the objectives intended by the Code requirements. • The existing sidewalk conditions along Oakesdale adequately serve the public's interest. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; • The proposed modification will not be injurious to other properties. • The proposed modifications do not prohibit future implementotion of the street improvements. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; • The existing conditions meet the intent of the Code. • The proposed modifications allow for improved landscape screening of the project. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; • The proposed modification will allow for an enhanced pedestrian path around the perimeter of the project and will improve pedestrian connectivity between Oaksdale Ave SW and 27th Ave SW. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. • The proposed modification to preserve the existing conditions will have no impact on other properties in the vicinity and will eliminate disruption of services in the area. ------------ • • V Z2.~ BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY ..... :~ "CON~' ,u,;IIHHD BINDING liTe P1AN S.W. '146EC. 24, T.23N .. ft.4I!., W.1oI. !i.E. 114 SEC.~, r.23N., It4/! .. W.I.4 . N.W.'14Sec.a r.23H., /t4E., w,u. N./! 1/4 SEC;. Z/J, T.2:W .• R.4~., tv.u ':. ' ...... ~"" ..... III.IT __ 5"t ..... cr_I~ .. __ ,JJj~CIll~~ ... ~OI"!ItC.,.,...~'lGzs.~2.I_ ..... _.u ... IOUJoIoIITII[_ ."" ",.r II-it /111701JC(l1 AAI; ~IW CQIIUClz.r 1HI1II:0iI0t "P. oz. '2... .' ,i' ~~~~~~~E,X~H=I~BI~~~2~5~~==~~~~ 8Of1NO LONGACfU!1I PROPERTY SECONO AMENOEO BINOING SITE PLAN • • BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY ·~.tfiJ:...llJ'll'lt1()ftA'm ~'_tt..r«l ......::a.u.t _ "loq_ ~_ III ~ _","fr~I."_OW o>C" 1IC>l1.".,w, .. " lI<f 111'11' ~s FOLLD..., -.. on_ ~ClI(WI SIUIU. • ~ ___ "''''....:ts .. _ tACIj __ ~NtI%l. III • N!IUC ."",,·or_ ... ~ -...... 1( _l'S' 1iHoOU. .. CCIIdflllll:Jm """ _ 'A>PItH!' lIID!!<tlTUraTI'UtfWOlll_*"AUfOtoQlo(tllIt, . _ ._111 ........ _J!IIII(~ .... ,. _w: ... w~'1'IIllIo' f1Il1<8f r'~" roo[ ~r" -..: ~ _IIIA,.-£(NIWU}f' st...,pOl!C~ 1ItIIM" ~~'IoW) ~"'.lilItl'ICA_ra QI(N. -"'Qo'''oaotOQn.("",,"ID_._t~~11 "01'«; ""n" 1"'(WUIIO. QfIIIPI 10 ar_ .. CQrroIdI(N' $M!ISI: ..... ~rl>/{."II:. UCOND AllIiHDeD BINDING SIn I'LJJI s,w. 114 SEC. 24. T,23N., R.olE., W.M. e.l!. 1Jot SEC. 24. T.23H .• It4C" W,III. N.W. 114 SEc.:n. T.ZjN., R .• I!'.;W.M. N.I!. 114 MC. 2$, 7.23101., IU£. W.M. l 1'.02. 3 VlCINITl" MAP HOT 1O....u ~~~~S~EC_O_N_Dr.A~M~E"N"O"EnO_B_m_D_m_Gr,sWI"TE .. P~LA~N~~L-----------~L-~I .';" • • l00505t)'/OOO~ 7 3 V. 'l.l ~ 11, 0 2. tf BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY '" .::-> '.~ .. . " ,\' .t.,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1, .... +'.:!'-~t411 ""., ........ I I I , II -~~-Il~g..~~. • • SEE SHEET 4 :; .. , .•.•....... ------~------------------------------------~------- --,-------- r~ 1'(I0I{~~'-$(1I(Ij' AF'_." "coar llUI'HI:N!: ~ZOIlI"'"~ !Ii oj oj .r :',. ';"" • • • 2.005 0501/ (f)O~ 73 BOEING LONGACRESPROPERTY .. OOHO AM"' __ N.lNa "TI/'£AN 10 SEE SHEET 6 SEE SHEET 7 m ~WGREXrrCORPORAT1OH BOEJNG I.l:lHaACR!S PROfIlftTY SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PLAN • ~;~~;;'~l:L""""'--To;p';;0;;""C"'-:H;;;O.----r;;;,..;;;;;7iI~¥Y.!"j ," -100' J2269 p.oz.S" " ;... ij iX 12 '~JJ' ... '1. lLJ U"_ bj LUA-02-0U-~ SlJRI'fI"£Q MAlIN BY: ~"'Sl (PIT: • • {j]050 50~ 000 lp 73 SEE SHEET 7 BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY .... /iN_ lIND/H. " .. PIAN , I S.W. 114 SEC. H, TnN .• R.4E.., W.1oI. S.l!. 1/4 SEC. 24. T.23N •• R.4E, W.M'. N.W. 114 ~ a T.2JN. IUE., W.K N.E 114.sEC. a T.2JN., R.4E .. W.1d. I I I I I 801i1NG fCYLTYCOAFORA1IQfII 8OE1HGL~ PROPfRTY SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PlAN P. 02.(P iii .. d ! ~ ----------c------------------------------- --~--J'Ur' JD ".17 .. II. ,~- ,. 1,lQIIf,I .. fI. .m_ • • 2-00505 (J'f 000' 73 l BOEING LONGAORES PROPERTY !.W.11f~C;.~, T.23H .. R.4f~ W.Id. 114 SEC. ~ T .23N., R.~ .• W AI. u .. ,ec. 2$, T~., R.4E., W."', " .... ' .. , ... N ..•.. 1/4 SEC..u, r.Z3N., IUE" W.M l' .:,/ ;;:.t :,/ f ./~~'"'''''' i,,:.:, .. :: .' .,~" " ':':':-",,~ ... ("'" '\ :' .. "', .. . ' .:" .:," ./, ...... " .. ",.,.\.,,,) ." ,: ""., . f,.··'····· ... ' .. /' .;; ...... . . " ... ~. .t J .,' ... ; f .' :: 27 """'''' ~, ~'4_ l ----------------------------------------- J1 ".JU ... ~_ 111_ -----2111 .... TRAcr H JiW::-~ • • lOO5050'-l (;()o~73 V.Z2'i --~- ,""""'"'' "::'. 6OE»«l1ltAl..,..,. ~ Jl(IH JODNO~~~1t1Y SECOND AMENDED BINDING SITE PlAN I I j ! I 1 I I 1III"1l-""'::::=i~~~: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM September 21, 2015 Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manage(p Traffic Concurrency Test -Longacres Business Center Phase II; File No. LUA150000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Longacres Business Center Phase II is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, 5EPA Environmental Review, and a Street Modification for two (2) standalone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF). The vacant 17.38 acre site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. The site is part of the original 1S8 acres of property known as the Longacres Office Park. Site access will be served either from Oakesdale Ave SW or a private access roadway from Naches Ave SW via SW 27th St. The site plan includes 1,()63 parking stalls. The Traffic Impact Analysis was completed by TENW (dated August 21, 2015). The memorandum included information that the proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 existing). Based on the results of a traffic operations analysis at the offsite study intersections, the study intersections currently operate at LOS A and B, and are expected to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed project. The results ofthe site access LOS analysis show that the movements at both access locations are expected to operate at LOS C or better in 2017 with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase II development. These results show that no major improvements such as signalization are needed at the site access EXHIBIT 26 -- • • Transportation Concurrency Test -longacres Business Center Phase II Page 2 of 3 September 21, 2015 locations. The proposed project passes the City of Rent on Traffic Concurrency Test per RMC 4- 6-070.D as follows: Traffic Concurrency Test Criteria Pass Implementation of citywide Transportation Plan Yes Within allowed growth levels Yes Project subject to transportation mitigation or impact f ees Yes Site specific street improvementslo be completed by p roject Yes Traffic Concurrency Test Passes Evaluation of Test Criteria Imlliementation of cit~wide Transllortation Plan: As s hown on the attached citywide traffic on of the forecast traffic improvements concurrency summary, the city's investment in completi are at 130% ofthe scheduled expenditure through 2014. Within allowed growth levels: As shown on the attache d citywide traffic concurrency summary, ith the city adopted model for 201~ is mmodate the 3,178 additional trips from the calculated citywide trip capacity for concurrency w 92,310 trips, which provides sufficient capacity to acco this project. A resulting 89,132 trips are remaining. Project subject to transllortation mitigation or imllac t fees: The project will be subject to each new single family residence. transportation impact fees at time of building permit for Site sllecific street iml2rovements to be coml2leted b~ complete all internal and frontage street improvements project: The project will be required to for the building prior to occupancy. Any EPA or land use approval will also be additional off-site improvements identified through S completed prior to final occupancy. Background Information on Traffic Concurrency Test fo r Renton The City of Renton Traffic Concurrency requirements f or proposed development projects are -070. The specific concurrency test for reference: covered under Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-6 requirement is covered in RMC 4-6-070.D, which is listed D. CONCURRENCY REVIEW PROCESS: 1. Test Required: A concurrency test shall be c onducted by the Department for each cy test shall determine consistency with and Concurrency Management System nonexempt development activity. The con curren the adopted Citywide Level af Service Index established in the Transportation Element of the Renton Comprehensive Plan, according • • Transportation Concurrency Test -Longacres Business Center Phase II Page 3 of 3 September 21, 2015 to rules ond procedures estoblished by the Department. The Department shall issue an initial concurrency test result describing the outcome of the concurrency test. 2. Written Finding Required: Prior to appro vol of any nonexempt development activity permit opplication, a written finding of concurrency shall be made by the City as part of the development permit approval. The finding of concurrency shall be made by the decision maker with the authority to approve the accompanying development permits required for a development activity. A written finding of concurrency shall apply only to the specific land uses, densities, intensities, and development project described in the application and development permit. 3. Failure of Test: If no reconsideration is requested,or if upon reconsideration a project fails the concurrency test, the project application shall be denied by the decision maker with the authority to approve the accompanying development activity permit application. The Concurrency Management System established in the Transportation Element on page XI-65 of the Comprehensive Plan states the following: Based upon the test of the citywide Tronsportatian Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigotion Fee, and an application oj site specific mitigation, develop'ment will have met City of Renton concurrency requirements. DEPARTMENT OF CO&UNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVElOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ROADWAY MODIFICATION [gj RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL D DENIAL PROJECT NAME: . PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICANT: ZONING CLASSIFICATION: PROJECT LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Longacres Business Center phase II LUA15-000630, MOD Clark Close, Senior Planner Longacres Renton LLC 3900 E Camelback, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Commercial Office (CO) SW 27th Street and Naches Avenue SW Pursuant to RMC 4-9-2S0D the applicant is requesting an Administrative Modification from RMC 4-6-060 Street Standards for Oakesdale Avenue SW. The street frontage improvements along Oakesdale Avenue siN per RMC 4-6-060 require 103 ft. of right-of-way (6.5 ft. of dedication). In addition, the standards require 8 ft. sidewalks, 8 ft. planter strip, curb and gutter and 8 ft. parking lanes and bike lanes. The applicant is requesting an exemption from the typical required street frontage improvements along Oakesdale Avenue SW to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping. BACKGROUND: Longacres Busine.ss Center Phase II is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review, and a Street Modification for two (2) standalone general office buildings . totaling 260,000 square feet (SF). The vacant 17.38 acre site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a three-story 113,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 147,000 SF general office building. The site is part of the original 158 acres of property known as the Longacres Office Park. Site access will be served either from Oakesdale Ave SW or a private access roadway from Naches Ave SW via SW 27th St. An uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping is proposed surrounding the site providing pedestrian connectivity. The existing right of way on Oakesdale Avenue SW is approximately 90 ft. and is classified as a principal arterial. The existing half-street frontage along Oakesdale Avenue SW contains half of a 13-foot center refuge lane, two ll-foot travel lanes, a 5-foot bike lane, curb and gutter, a 6- foot sidewalk, and street lighting. EXHIBIT 27 City of Renton Department of C,Amity and EC~nQmic Development Admin. MOdi/ien Request Report & Recommendation LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER %sE 1/-ROADWAY MODIFICATION LUA15-000630, MOD Report of October 20, 2015 Page 2 of 3 EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Site Plan (A1.3) Exhibit 2: Preliminary Landscape Plan (L5.05 and L5.06) ANALYSIS OF REQUEST: The Section 4-6-060R.1 allows the Administrator to grant modifications provided the modifications meet the following criteria (pursuant to RMC 4-9-2500.2): Criteria Criteria Met a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment. Staff Comment: The modified street improvements will meet the objectives of a safe walkable X environment. The improvements provide for a planting strip of sufficient size for landscaping on the backside of the sidewalk. The six foot side sidewalk at this location meets the needs of the limited number of residents relying on this sidewalk for access to the greater neighborhood. b. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and Staff Comment: The improvements will provide an upgrade to current conditions. The new X improvements will meet the standards for safe vehicular and pedestrian use within the existing Oakesdale Avenue SW right-of-way. c. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and Staff Comment: X This modification provides a safe pedestrian route with sufficient width for this area. d. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and Staff Comment: The revised street standards provide a safe design for vehicles and X pedestrians, and will enhance the attractiveness of the new development. Maintaining a consistent appearance along the street frontage will be beneficial to the subject property and surrounding property owners. City of Renton Department of [,Amity and Economic Development Admin. MOdi/ien Request Report & Recommendation LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER-;tffsE ,,-ROAOWAY MODIFICATION LUAlS·000630, MOD Report of October 20, 2015 e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property{ies) in the vicinity; and Staff Comment: There are no identified adverse impacts from this modification of sidewalk width and planting strip width for this area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Page 3 of 3 x The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D.2 for the requested modification if all conditions of approval are met. Therefore, Longacres Business Center Phase II roadway modification to leave the existing improvements along Oakesdale Avenue SW as is with no additional right-of-way dedication, Project Number LUA15-000630, MOD is recommended for approved. ~~~"c<c& Bri:/leB3nnwarth~ Development Engineering Manager !o).2-Dhs-r / Date This recommendation for approval of this modification will become part of the Staffs project report to the Hearing Examiner. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Clark Close, at 425.430.7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov. .---------------~------------~----------- .I! II Ii .il ill I I '" " .' ~ -~ -:--': ,--; ~--------". ' ", " n, " I', " ". " ". " '" " ::' :: '" " ". " '" " ", " ". " ". " ", " HI I I ", " '" " I, " ", " tI. " '" " ) . ~t-·~·_',· ).. . . i'5c'/ /7" .,/. ---' .. -~,/ , / J , ~: -;"- ". "- " .-,-">;.L."~'t~. '. .,_/ ~ I ""'"""" ""'~I .. " -t -\ . ..-f, ~ J t ,..>_ ,r- 1.; . :J' , , .v ~, o , ..... I J~EQUIRED(lTPROYDED) ,,' ~C \'WIIlE PWImR'-""'CN'E d"IlIlIl ~IIIiIlIIIlIlIllIlI-!!!. :. 1J1101IIHI]!!,mn ,~' i I f r ,~~ __ ---.:_-~ ---+''.\_ _ _ _ I,~~ _~~ c ..... ,";c. CD LANPSCAPE COPE COMPl lAN ce PlAN • • w ... w I PRELIM INAR ~ EB 'HOlE: PERIETER I.NIlSCAPE WU ALSO I .. !HEHRMRVAUEY'NII.DLH:IWIITAT~ REQURED GRfBrI RMRVALLEYYrIJl.FE HABITAT (21 CW SITE AREA):: 15,142 SF PAOYlIED GREBf Rff'ER YALLEYWl.ll.F£ IWIITAT: ~,45I SF 13%) .. PERIE1ER I.N()SCNIEN£A:. REClJAED ,,, ON \lEST fIfU'ERT'r. REQUIRED 15' ON IOmi PRa'ERTY: .. RfOUREO 15' AT Sf PRCf'ERTY: RECIJAED W ON (W(SIW..E AVE. ~ TOTAlPRCMlED~lN«)SCAPE: 1U7ISF PAAKIfG LOT lN€lSCAPE PROVD3) PNNtG LOT AREA: 402.815 ~ REQUAED PARI(NG l OT I.ANlSCAPE (5'Ao CF PARKtIG t OT .wAj: 20,14' Sf PROtUD PNIKItG lOT LNtJSfJi'E: 35,405 SF (I'l.) FRONTIoGE ""'" REQUREO: • FRONTAGE Il.ffER ON SW 211M STREET PROYllEDFRONTAGEumt 4O,11OSF .. PROWBIAOOITJCIW. SfTEt»05CN'ENV.: 711.413SF .. !'ROYlE) AIDTOW. WILl..fE (fIEH SPACE "VTlITY EASBIEHT: 41,441 SF .. PROYIJED AEDTlOfrW. WIJl.FE 0PeH SPIU " 0Ff..srrE I1TIJTY EASBEHT: ..,5ilI SF ~ CO LLI NS m ;:0 ::I ~ z . ... --.--_ .... _-,._ .. -..... -. LONGACRES BUS INESS CENTER "''"'1. L a n"~cop ."'chlt.et .... ----.... , .. ----}= =:::= • ~~ L5.05 ~ III j . iI',' WO ERMAN !t; u ( . I' ,I I', ." , , " • ; I I ! • ,.r .-" ! ). ':--...- ~;~;:;;~:::"::';" ;";;";:"~ ::1:.::::;;:::::::: .. ,r:-_ .... -".,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::: ~ " r-- I , ED I • • • • , a • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATE!) (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA15-000630, ECFR, MOD, SA-H Molly Carson, Ryan'Companies US Inc. Longacres Business Center Phase II PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building 0 is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone a'nd currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wet pond for water quality treatment and detention. PROJECT LOCATION: SW 27'h Ave & Naches Ave SW LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental, Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-0700 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 9, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2015 EXHIBIT 28 Longacres Business Park Phase II, LUA15-000630, EeF, MOD, SA-H ~----------------------------------------- • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: --~····'~~~r~aPn~N~ . e rtment Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department September 21, 2015 q/tl/;)' rJ1; Ii ~ ~ Ma Peterson, Administra or Date Date Fire & Emergency Services esJ!. "'-J)'H-l-- C.E. "Chip" Viiifellt, Adminis~rator Department of Community & Economic Development 7&1/)-- I 7 Date Date Longacres Business Park Phase II, LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H L-_____________________________ _ • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --~::---:: -.--rstfII!J1"'~Renton ® DETERMINATION OF. NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H APPLICANT: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US Inc. PROJECT NAME: Longacres Business Center Phase II PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental ~eview and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls .. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670- 0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three- story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards: The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: SW 27'h Ave & Naches Ave SW The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. ADIVISORY NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. • Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach I 425-430-6619 I LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: • 1. Coordinate with Transportation for multi use trail layout width and location along north side of SW 27th Street with connection to light rail station as per Trails Plan. 2. Include 5 foot bike lanes on Oakesdale Ave 'sW, as per adopted Trails Plan. Police Plan Review Comments Contact: Holly Trader I 425-430-7519 I htrader@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 150 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy duty dead bolt installed with no less then a 11/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. Due to the isolated location of this site, the use of private security personnel to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is recommended. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty dead bolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or employees. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both employees and customers. Both structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 12" in height and of a color contrasting with the building. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 2 of 8 • Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close I 425-430-7289 I cclose@rentonwa.gov Recommendat.ions: • 1. RMC section 44 030.C.2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a.m. and three thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is by permission only. No work is permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton 'may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. , Fire Review -Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas I 425-430-7024 I cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 per square foot of commercial office space. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 4,000 gpm. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet of each structure and three additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of each structure. Applicant shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of 600 feet on center. A looped water main is required to be installed around the bUildings. 2. Approved fire sprinkler, fire standpipe and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. The buildings shall comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shall verify both incoming and outgoing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 3 of 8 • • inadequate, the building shall be enhanced with amplification equipment in order to meet minimum coverage. Separate plans and permits are required for any proposed amplification systems. Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren I 425-430-7369 I aaskren@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Technical Services 9/4/2015 Property lines shown on plan set do not reflect actual legal boundary lines, title report or ALTA provided. Amended Binding Site Plan or other land conveyance document will need to be prepared to show the proposed property lines consistent with plan set. Engineering Review Comments Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov Comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS: WATER The proposed development is within the City of Renton's 196 pressure zone water service area. There is an existing 12-inch water main in Naches Ave SW that ends at the cul-de- sac (refer to City project plan no; W-3399). There is also an existing 12-inch water main that runs north south near the project's east boundary line. SEWER Sewer service will be provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sewer main along Naches Road S.W. STORM There is existing storm water conveyance system in Naches Road S.W. and along Oakesdale Avenue SW. STREETS The existing right of way on S.W. 27th Street (AKA Strander Blvd) is approximately 90 ft. in width and is classified as a minor arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk) on the north side of S.W. 27th Street. The existing right of way on Oakesdale Avenue S.W. is approximately 90 ft. and is classified as a principal arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk and landscape strip) on the west side of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. CODE REQUIREMENTS: WATER . The proposed development is within the City of Renton's 196 pressure zone water service area' and outside ofthe City's aquifer and wellhead protection areas. There is an existing 12-inch water main (see City water project plan no. W-0871) within a utility easement (recording no. 198803161006) running north-south and near the middle of tax lot 0886700190. The maximum capacity ofthis 12-inch line is 5,500 gallons per minute (gpm). There is also an existing 12-inch water main in SW 27th St. which ends about 350 feet west of Naches Ave SW (see City project plan no. W-3218 and W-3693). The maximum capacity of this dead-end water line is 2,800 gpm. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page4of8 • • Engineering Review Comments; cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov The static water pressure is about 70 psi at ground elevation of 25 feet. Based on the project information submitted by the applicant for the pre-application meeting, the City's Fire Prevention Department has determined that the preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development including the use of an automatic fire sprinkler system is 4,000 gpm. In order to provide water service for domestic and for fire protection to the proposed buildings, the following water main improvements will be required per City codes and development standards: For Building C & D On-site 12-inch looped water main around both buildings connecting to the existing 12-inch water main at 2 locations within the existing easement on the east side of the building. The south portion of the above 12-inch looped water main within shall be extended southerly in the new access road and shall be connected to the existing 12-inch water stub at the intersection of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th St. For Both Buildings: 1. Installation of a separate fire sprinkler stub to each building with a detector double check valve assembly (DDCVA) for backflow prevention. The DDCVA shall be installed in an outside underground vault or in the building sprinkler rooms if it meets the conditions as shown on City's standard plan for the interior installation of a DDCVA. 2. Installation of hydrants as required by Renton Fire Preventi.on Dept. 3. Installation of a separate domestic water meter with a reducedbackflow prevention assembly (RPBA) to each building. The RPBA shall be installed behind the meter and inside a heated enclosure ("hot-box") per City standard plan. Sizing of the meter shall be done in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code meter sizing criteria. 4. Installation of landscape irrigation meter and double check valve assembly (DCVA). Please note that that the new water mains will be parallel to and will also cross over the 2 existing BP/Olympic Pipeline Co.'s petroleum pipelines and a Metro sanitary sewer line in this area. There is also an existing GO-inch transmission water pipeline belonging to Seattle Public Utilities. Adequate horizontal and vertical separation must be provided between the new water line and the petroleum pipelines, the Metro's sewer line and SPU's water pipeline. The applicant shall also obtain all required permits or authorizations from Olympic Pipeline, SPU and from King County/Metro for any work in vicinity of their respective lines. Civil plans for the water main improvements will be required and must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City's 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separations between the new water main and other utilities (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, power, gas, electrical) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. The development is subject to City's water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the meters and of the fire sprinkler feeds. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 5 of 8 • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425·430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov SANITARY SEWER • 1. Two separate 6·inch diameter side sewer stubs are shown to each of the new buildings and have the required minimum 2% slope. The site plan proposes to connect tq the existing sewer manhole located to the north of the intersection of Naches Avenue S.W. and S.W. 27th Street. 2. System development charge (SOC) for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water meter(s) that will serve the new buildings. This is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. SURFACE WATER 1. Preliminary drainage plans and preliminary drainage (TIR) report dated August 21, 2015 were submitted by Coughlin Porter Lundeen. The proposal is for construction of two commercial buildings with a total of 300,000 square feet and associated parking and utility services. Drainage review is in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), however the TIR fluctuates between the 1990 KCSWDM and the 2009 City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM. The 15.96 acre site is located within the Black River drainage basin. The project is required to provide a Levell downstream analysis and will need to be provided in the final TIR. The report and plan proposes a pipe network for conveyance of the onsite storm water from the building's footing drains, roof drains and parking lot to be conveyed to the proposed detention/wet pond in Tract B to the north of the site. This detention/wet pond will be owned and maintained by the Boeing Company. Compensatory storage is proposed to be provided within the Tract B detention/wet pond. Additional analysis and modeling shall be required at final TIR to address the volume of compensatory storage. From Tract B the runoff is to discharge into the managed storm water system belonging to the Boeing Company that was previously developed as part of the Longacres Office Park project. The runoff discharges from Boeing's existing storm facility via a pump station into Springbrook Creek and finally into the Duwamish River. The 15.96 acre site will consist of 12.09 acres of impervious (buildings and pavement) area and 3.87 acres of pervious (landscape) area. There is some portion of the pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) that will bypass the proposed system and is proposed to be treated by a cartridge system (allowable under the 2009 KCSWDM). The storm water plans do not show where the cartridge system will connect to discharge from the site. The water quality and detention pond design requirements ofthe existing and proposed storm water facilities are designed to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Coalescing plates are required for PGIS over 1 acre, please add to the final design. ERe Mitigation Measures and AdVISOry Notes. Page 6 of 8 ----------------- • • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov 2. A geotechnical report, dated August 18, 2015 was submitted by Terra Associates, Inc. The report identifies the soils as inorganic fill material overlying alluvial silts and sands, with the fill soils consisting of sand, sand with silt, silty sand with gravel, gravel and crushed rock. The report does not address storm water infiltration. The report addresses various options to support the proposed buildings to include supporting the buildings on piles or ground improvements through the use of rammed aggregated piers/stone columns for suitable support for conventional spread footings. A supplemental Site Exploration letter dated August 31,2015 was also submitted and contained additional site exploration boring logs for the site. - 3. Surface water system development fee of $0.540 per square foot of new impervious surface will be required. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction/utility permit. 4. A Construction Storm Water General Permit (NPDE5) from Department of Ecology is required for all sites greater than 1 acre in area. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention plan (SWPPP) is also required for this site. 5. Applicant shall address the depth of the proposed detention pond and the ground water elevation observed in the geotech report and what measures shall be proposed to not allow any mixing of the surface water flows with the groundwater. TRANSPORTATION/STREET 1. The transportation impact fees are assessed are on a per square foot basis of building area and multiplied by the dollar amount for the use of the building. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the building permit. 2. A traffic study is required at all points of ingress, egress to the site and the intersection of 27th Street and Oakesdale Avenue SW. . 3. The applicant has submitted to the City a modification request for the street frontage improvements along Oakesdale Avenue S. W. from the code requirements (RMC 4-6-060) to . maintain the existing sidewalk and landscaping strip that is currently there. 4. LED Street lighting meeting Commercial Access road lighting levels will be required per City of Renton Standards. 5. Paving and trench restoration will comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 6. Pavement thickness per RMC 4-6-060 is 4 inches of HMA over 6 inches of crushed surfacing and top course. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 7018 • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-'430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov GENERAL COMMENTS • 1. Separate permits and fees for water, sewer and storm connections will be required. 2. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. 3. The Construction Mitigation Description quotes construction hours that do not meet the City of Renton code requirements. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 8 of 8 • OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: LONGACRES BUSINESS PARK PHASE II PROJECT NUMBER: LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H LOCATION: SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING HEARING EKAMINER SITE PLAN REVIEW, SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND A STREET MODIFICATION FOR TWO (2) STAND-ALONE GENERAL OFFICE BUILDINGS TOTALING 300,000 SQUARE FEET (SF) AND 1,063 PARKING STALLS_ THE VACANT 17_3B ACRE SITE, CALLED LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II, CONSISTS OF SIX (6) FULL PARCELS (APN'S 088670-0090, -0100, - 0380, -0150, -0190, AND -0370) AND TWO (2) PARTIAL PARCELS (APN'S 088670-0160 AND -0180)_ THE SITE IS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SW 27TH ST ANO NACHES AVE SW. BUILDING C IS A FOUR- STORY 150,000 SF GENERAL OFFICE USE BUILDING AND BUILDING D IS A THREE-STORY IS0,000 SF GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING. THE TWO BUILDINGS WILLINCDRPORATE TILT-UP CONCRETE PANELS IN CONJUNCTION WITH STEEL FRAMING AND LIGHT GAUGE METAL CONSTRUCTION WITH HEIGHTS AT ROUGHLY 61 FEET AND 47 FEET. SITE ACCESS WOULD BE SERVED FROM EITHER OAKESDALE AVE SW OR NACHES AVE SW VIA A PRIVATE ACCESS ROADWAY. THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN THE EMPLOYMENT AREA (EA) LAND USE DESIGNATION AND THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) ZONE AND INCLUDES HIGH SEISMIC HAZARDS, LOW EROSION HAZARDS AND LOW LANDSLIDE HAZARDS. THE SITE IS WITHIN THE 10o-YEAR FLOOD ZONE AND CURRENTlY NO WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES OR STEEP SLOPES ARE IDENTIFIED ON THE. PROPERTY. THE PROJECT WOULD INCLUDE A DETENTION WETPOND FOR WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AND DETENTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental determination must be flied in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 9, 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 105S South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING Will BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCil CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HAll, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 27, 2015 AT 11:00 AM TO .CONSIDER THE SITE PLAN REVIEW. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL Will BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REM""" TU'~ ""'T,ro:: "UTun"T nnnn~ni AUTHORIZATION I PLEASE INClUDE THE I EXHIBIT 29 OPER FILE IDENTIFICATION_ I J CERTIFICATION I, CLJ1yt? It. CLOse· , hereby certify that 's copies of the above document were posted in _3_ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on· Date:_9 ...... (....::z;:;;~II.2.~ ____ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON 55 COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Clad::: It, Cl"s.e signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purR'\l.\'i\'\mentioned in the instrument. ", y III/ Dated: .:2' \.. Ol1,,:t J6/,> -,L/~ P91i2/b/) :: i'~\'i> T ~J!::~ \.Il ~ NotarY It'Ujblic in and for the State of Washington ~~o ·fo0~., .~~ /, V ,;:U J. (n~ ~ . • J' ;:: .... _ fA~ /. ~ In * ~ ;;. ~ ~ ~ ..0,_ (, : .... <~ '7 ~/f "g\.\ .! <-.:;: '.' ;.\ '" 8. "'9 ·,1 .,'" ~ ." l, \~ 1", <"... .... ... , •. (, -', 0 1111,\\\\\,,,,,, 0 "~I"~ i~ WASrl\~, ' '\ !" " ,,~,,' Notary (Print) : ___ .!.!~-"-~ \;,l,lu!4---I-PU.01J.1'LI;:4.Y.2..,! ______ _ J ) I"d-EXHIBIT 30 ~~=a=rt~~~ ~ .1 'U~!~~i ~'0 ~~-~ •• ;l_iIiiIl~ ~ ElEVATKlN· 8f:NIl.N<E (NMTH) .-, ----.. (j)"Je:- I' r L % /"J ,c;-I _ Ii , Ii , 'i ' ±S Ii Ii ~ TI I ~I ~II;.~ ----OOERJORB..EVATilN :SWmHs'f(5Otffiti ---------~----"'0------------------------~ --------'-=-..!!.-•• 0W,:-..... . -':':; -~ ";'. _. -... , ""'-' -7\---"'-.:-!!.. __ ----------'c,,"-"" ". EXTERIOR ELfVAfION. CW<ESDALf AVE. S'N (EAST) '1..!J '-\.!) ---EXTERIOR ELEVATION -BNSF RAfi..ROAD (WEST) (DW:TION 0E£tfKlN -=-» r ---. -~-----~ :-~-:-.:;;;,:-.:::-::,-:-.==-;::;~~~-:--::::--:-~ ..1 -----~----.- OffICE OffICE OFFICE ~ ----I rnr -;,:-h ---~--~--- OffICE OffICE ------rn OffICE OffICE ~" --_ ... l ~~-=1t~~:m I -<:~~le;! ~ :'h - (1)~~1NG c· BUILOING SE~ lOO<WG NORTH EXHIBIT 31 KEYNOTES 0--· .... ' 0----· 0- 0---,- 0--" 0---0----0---·..- 0--e--- RECEIVED OCT 1 320'5 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION ~ C O LLI NS m ;0 3: > Z o ------._-----'"' ~ •• MiMI , •• __ ..... -~- -LONGACRES BUS INESS CENTER BU ILD. • -- ..... 1_1 _1 ---- • --_ .. • ---- ---00'ERl0R ElEVATIONS • SITE PIN< RE1IlEW A4.1. . __ ... _- • .. ' ... 1 ___________ _ ---~ J I I .' • _._-bj •. -rf~-~"--- --- ----------------------.u..._ .1 ....L..J I" ;1 I ' I: I , I ' I: I , I ( I, I' ': , , , ", I , ~ I '~ "I g • 1 ! I I u !i! 9 :5 ID N M .... 1-4 CO loot :::t: >< w I I • ............ ---,- • , I i , , , ' , I : , ' , , , I : , , , " I i , , , ' j i , : , , I : , " , , , I! , , , ' oR .. 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DEPARTMENT OF COM NITY .... ~ri Cityofc, a i }c~rrl)l r(())1f1) -<,.'V_ AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I i\ r 40 I l, I .\*). I \ _ I, .1.)"..,,/(,:: ''-< "eOl\JCl1RRENCE tJ REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER /,//NAME INITIAL/DATE A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST ~Vclh \AL) [UII "IllS HEARING DATE: Project Nome: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: October 27,2015 Longacres Business Center Phase II Longacres Renton, LLC / 3900 E. Camelback Road, SUite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Dave Williams, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Clark H. Close, Senior Planner The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 260,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670- 0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670- 0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a three-story 113,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 147,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with building heights at roughly 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW Project Location Map HEX Report LUA15-000630 ~. , • -"""--" ...... _' .-... ,---""~ .-, .. ,_~" ............... -, .. t --~ .... -.'.-'" I • Agencies See Attached Dave Williams Contact Mark Clement, The Boeing Company Owner Joel Wage, Ryan Companies Applicant Parties of Record See Attached (Signature of Sender): ---A,J.A~.J---:\A!l.\+JJ.--IL¥-+-+---------- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) "",,'\\"1\111, ~~O\.L Y PO"", I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante ff ~~~/"f~/'l'l signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for tffe~ an~O~~ ~ ~ mentioned in the instrument. ~ ~ l ""c.. • II § 'I: ~ l . ..a .u(, I :: Dated: 1f.pkmka .:1~ ;Wlr / I" ., .... ., .1- 't, 0 ~11~".9.17 ,,"o·~ = I ., ,\.,.... _ Public in and for the State of Washil] ~~H\~ .... :$" .,\\\\\\\",,-x Notary (print):. ____ ~f!oi!..llw~( ~_J.JJ;<2A~24'!U,..!>..,.------------ My appointment expires: (j A....a "a <"1.0./ ( .. () 1.0.6+. Oq, ou 1- Longacres Business Park Phase II LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H template -affidavit of selVice by mailing • • Dept. Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region' Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS·240 PO Box 330310 Powers Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 4701S KC Dev. Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 35030 SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC·TR·0431 I -R\:I~r{17V~l:IID\ IVIRILINU (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. Attn: Misty Blair PO Box 47703 WA 98504-7703 Duwamlsh Tribal Office' 4717 W Marginal Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1514 KC Wastewater Treatment Division Environmental Planning Supervisor Ms. Shirley Marroquin 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 WDFW -Larry _ 17.7S _l~\h.iI~~: !'I!VS~i!e.2Ql.. ,,_ .... Issaquah, WA 98027 City Newcastle Attn: Tim McHarg Director of Community Development 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 I WA Puget Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. 355 110'" Ave NE Mailstop EST 11 W I WA 98004 Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin, Municipal liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228'" St Kent, WA 98032 Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. ** Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer 39015 -172"" Avenue SE WA98092 Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Laura Murphy 39015172" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092·9763 Resources Program Attn: Erin Slaten 39015172'" Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092·9763 Archaeology & Historic ,Attn: Gretchen Kaehler PO Box 48343 City of Kent Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECD 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032·S895 i i Jack Pace, Responsible Official 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Tukwila, WA 98188 *Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. **Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan' PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov U Karen Walter; laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are em ailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn,us I Laura.murphy@muckleshoot,nsn.usL erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us *uDepartment of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing Longacres Renton, LLC 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix. AZ 85018 Jeff Adelson The Boeing Company Mollv Carson Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix. AZ 850182653 Dave Williams Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix. AZ 850182653 Joel WaRe Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd. 100 Phoenix. AZ 85018 Nancv Eklund The Boeing Company P.O. Box 46-86 Seattle. WA 981242207 Jamev Barlet CollinsWoerman 710 Second Ave, 1400 Seattle. WA 981041710 Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle. WA 98124 Propertv Tax Division BOEING. PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle. WA 95124 ,-----------------------------------~ • PI'"7 . •... . ______ .......... ""1-7l1li.1,I0Il, ......... --.. I{cnt 0 fie OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION oj: NONSIGNIFICANCE : MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTlEY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN.ENVIRONMENTAl ACTION PROJECT NAME: LONGACRES BUSINESS PARK PHASE II PROJECT NUMBER: LUAIS-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H LOCATION: 5W,27'h Ave & Naches Ave SW DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING HEARING EXAMINER SITE PLAN REVIEW, SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND A STREET~ MODIFICATION FOR TWO (21 STAND-ALONE GENERAL OFFICE BUILDINGS TOTALING 300;000 SQUARE FEET (SF) AND 1,063.PARKING STALLS; THE VACANT 17.3B.ACRE SITE, CALLED LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II, CONSISTS OF SIX (6) FULL PARCEls (APN'S 088670-0090, -0100, - 0380, -01S0, -0190, AND -0370) AND TWO (2) PARTIAL PARCELS (APN'S 088670-0160 AND -0180). THE SITE IS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SW 27TH ST AND NACHES AVE SW. BUILDING C IS A FOUR- STORY 150,000' SF GENERAL OFFICE USE. BUILDING AND BUILDING D IS A THREE-STORY. 150,000 'SF GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING. THE TWO BUILDINGS WILL INCORPORATE TILT-UP CONCRETE PANELS IN CONJUNCTION WITH STEEL FRAMING AND LIGHT GAUGE METAL CONSTRUCTION WITH HEiGHTS AT ROUGHLY 61 FEET AND 47 FEET. SITE ACCESS WOULD BE SERVED FROM EITHER OAKESDALE AVE SW OR NACHES AVE SW VIA A PRIVATE ACCESS ROADWAV.THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN· THE EMPLOYMENT AREA (EA) LAND USE. DESIGNATION AND THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) ZONE AND INCLUDES HIGH SEISMIC HAZARDS, LOW. EROSION HAZARDS AND LOW LANDSLIDE HAZARDS. THE SITE IS WITHINTHE 10o-YEAR FLOOD ZONE AND CURRENTLY NO WETLANDS,STREAMS, LAKES OR STEEP SLOPES ARE IDENTIFIED ON THE PROPERTY. THE PROJECT WOULD INCLUDE A DETENTION WETPOND FOR WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AND DETENTION •. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROP.OSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on ,October 9, 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8-110 and Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 27, 2015 AT 11:00 AM TO .CONSIDER THE SITE PLAN REVIEW. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF . COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPERFILE IDENTIFICATION. I • • CERTIFICATION I, C~ t{--. CLOse , hereby certify that ~ copies of the above document were posted in _3_ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date:_9u(~y;;~11Lr ___ _ Signed:~aC::::~:::::::::!..I!.6...:..!::~=.::::::::==--=== __ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Ckvt: If. Glos.e signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and in the instrument. Dated: lic in and for the State of Washington -~ ~ ~ Notary (Print): IL\~ :i) 'l. .,. ~ __ ......!.!mJ~~-L.LJ.lro.LI..LjI.e:L-a2..-_____ _ 'l ~ 0 = \/ O,e-~~"'.!9'y appointment expires:· __ ---=~...:..:;;\_I_ltf.u+---=a.:...~"I_/~ao=!..11.!.------ '//1" WAS\'\~ , ....... :~ G !tll •• '.\\\ .... ',' • • . Denis,Law. Mayor ". '. September 24, 2.015 . Community & Economic Development Department . 'C.E."Chip"Vincent. Administrator;, Washington State De'partment of Ecology EnvirclIi'fnental Review Section , PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPAl THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Trimsmitted herewith is a C6PY ofthe E'nvironme~tal Determination for'the follo",:,ing , project reviewed b"y the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) 6n September 21, . . "; .' ,...... ..' ,. . 2015: . ". SEPA DETERMINATION: Determimition of NoncSignificance Mitigated (DNSM) 'PROJECT NAME: Longa~res Busin~ss Center pha'se II . PROJECT NUMBER:. ' , LUA15-000630, ECFR, MOD, SA-H ,." Appeal~ of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 ' , p.m. on October 9,2015, together with the require'd fee with: Hea~ing Examiner, City of 'Renton, 1055 South:Grady Way, Renton, WA9805.7. Appeals tcithe ~xaminer are governed by RMC4c8-110andinformation regardingthe ~ppealp;'ocess may be obtained from the CitY,Clerk's Office,(425) 430-6510. • "'.' ' Please refer tcithe enclosed Notice ofEnvironmentalDeterrr\ination for complete details. If you havequestioris, please call me at (425) 430-7289.' . ,'For the Environmental Review Committee, . -. " , , Clark H. Close , Senior Planner Enclosure , ' , cc: king County Wastewater Treatment Division Boyd Powers,' Department of Natural Resources . Karen Walter, Fisherie's, Muckleshoot indian Trfbe Mel!ssa Calvert, MuCkieshoot Cultural Resources program' ~retchen Ka~h!er, Office of,Archaeology & Histor!c P~ese~at!on Ramin Pazooki, VJSDOTi NW R~gkm. Larry Fisher. WDFW' Duwam'ish Tribal Office . 'US Ar~y Corp. of ~ngi'1eers . -.Re~to~ City Hall • i65~ South Gr~~y'w~y .~ Rent~n, waS~ingtcin '98057 • rentonwa.gov. ~, " .. ,.' , ; , • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: LUA15-000630, ECFR, MOD, SA-H Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US Inc. Longacres Business Center Phase II PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. PROJECT LOCATION: SW 27'h Ave & Naches Ave SW . LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 9, 2015. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: September 25, 2015 Longacres Business Park Phase II, LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H -------------------------------------------------------- • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department September 21, 2015 Date Date C.E. "Chip" VlMent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development 9;&//;r I 7 Date Date Longacres Business Park Phase II, LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • ----"",.""..--.. Ren ton ® DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H APPLICANT: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US Inc. PROJECT NAME: Longacres Business Center Phase II PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental ~eview and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670- 0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three- story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. PROJECT LOCATION: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW The City of Renton . Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division 1. Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. ADIVISORY NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. .------------------------• Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach I 425-430-6619 I LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: • 1. Coordinate with Transportation for multi use trail layout width and location along north side of SW 27th Street with connection to light rail station as per Trails Plan. 2. Include 5 foot bike lanes on Oakesdale Ave 5W, as per adopted Trails Plan. Police Plan Review Comments Contact: Holly Trader I 425-430-7519 I htrader@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 150 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy duty dead bolt installed with no less then a 11/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. Due to the isolated location of this site, the use of private security personnel to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is recommended. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty dead bolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or employees. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance ofthe buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both employees and customers. Both structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 12" in height and of a color contrasting with the bUilding. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. ERe Mitigation Measures and AdviSOry Notes Page 2 of 8 • Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close I 425-430-7289 I cclose@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: • 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a.m. and three thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is by permission only. No work is permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection arid approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. Fire Review -Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas I 425-430-7024 I cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 per square foot of commercial office space. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 4,000 gpm. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet of each structure and three additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of each structure. Applicant shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of 600 feet on center. A looped water main is required to be installed around the buildings. 2. Approved fire sprinkler, fire standpipe and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane sign age required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. The buildings shall comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shall verify both incoming and outgOing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 3 of 8 • • inadequate, the building shall be enhanced with amplification equipment in order to meet minimum coverage. Separate plans and permits are required for any proposed amplification systems. Technical Services Comments Contact: Amanda Askren I 425-430-7369 I aaskren@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Technical Services 9/4/2015 Property lines shown on plan set do not reflect actual legal boundary lines, title report or ALTA provided. Amended Binding Site Plan or other land conveyance document will need to be prepared to show the proposed property lines consistent with plan set. Engineering Review Comments Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov Comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS: WATER The proposed development is within the City of Renton's 196 pressure zone water service area. There is an existing 12-inch water main in Naches Ave SW that ends at the cul-de- sac (refer to City project plan no. W-3399). There is also an existing 12-inch water main that runs north south near the project's east boundary line. SEWER Sewer service will be provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sewer main along Naches Road S.W. STORM There is existing storm water conveyance system in Naches Road S.W. and along Oakesdale Avenue SW. STREETS The existing right of way on S.W. 27th Street (AKA Strander Blvd) is approximately 90 ft. in width and is classified as a minor arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk) on the north side of S.W. 27th Street. The existing right of way on Oakesdale Avenue S.W. is approximately 90 ft. and is classified as a principal arterial. There are existing street frontage improvements (sidewalk and landscape strip) on the west side of Oakesdale Avenue S.W. CODE REQUIREMENTS: WATER . The proposed development is within the City of Renton's 196 pressure zone water service area and outside ofthe City's aquifer and wellhead protection areas. There is an existing 12-inch water main (see City water project plan no. W-0871) within a utility easement (recording no. 198803161006) running north-south and near the middle of tax lot 0886700190. The maximum capacity of this 12-inch line is 5,500 gallons per minute (gpm). There is also an existing 12-inch water main in SW 27th St. which ends about 350 feet west of Naches Ave SW (see City project plan no. W-3218 and W-3693). The maximum capacity of this dead-end water line is 2,800 gpm. ERe Mitigation Measures and AdviSOry Notes Page 4 of 8 • • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov The static water pressure is about 70 psi at ground elevation of 25 feet. Based on the project information submitted by the applicant for the pre-application meeting, the City's Fire Prevention Department has determined that the preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development including the use of an automatic fire sprinkler system is 4,000 gpm. In order to provide water service for domestic and for fire protection to the proposed buildings, the following water main improvements will be required per City codes and development standards: For Building C & D On-site 12-inch looped water main around both buildings connecting to the existing 12-inch water main at 2 locations within the existing easement on the east side ofthe building. The south portion of the above 12-inch looped water main within shall be extended southerly in the new access road and shall be connected to the existing 12-inch water stub at the intersection of Naches Ave SW and SW 27th St. For Both Buildings: 1. Installation of a separate fire sprinkler stub to each building with a detector double check valve assembly (DDCVA) for backflow prevention. The DDCVA shall be installed in an outside underground vault or in the building sprinkler rooms if it meets the conditions as shown on City's standard plan for the interior installation of a DDCVA. 2. Installation of hydrants as required by Renton Fire Prevention Dept. 3. Installation of a separate domestic water meter with a reduced backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) to each building. The RPBA shall be installed behind the meter and inside a heated enclosure ("hot-box") per City standard plan. Sizing of the meter shall be done in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code meter sizing criteria. 4. Installation of landscape irrigation meter and double check valve assembly (DCVA). Please note that that the new water mains will be parallel to and will also cross over the 2 existing BP/Olympic Pipeline Co.'s petroleum pipelines and a Metro sanitary sewer line in this area. There is also an existing GO-inch transmission water pipeline belonging to Seattle Public Utilities. Adequate horizontal and vertical separation must be provided between the new water line and the petroleum pipelines, the Metro's sewer line and SPU's water pipeline. The applicant shall also obtain all required permits or authorizations from Olympic Pipeline, SPU and from King County/Metro for any work in vicinity of their respective lines. Civil plans for the water main improvements will be required and must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City's 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separations between the new water main and other utilities (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, power, gas,-electrical) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. The development is subject to City's water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the meters and of the fire sprinkler feeds. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 5 of 8 • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov SANITARY SEWER • 1. Two separate 6-inch diameter side sewer stubs are shown to each of the new buildings and have the required minimum 2% slope. The site plan proposes to connect to the existing sewer manhole located to the north ofthe intersection of Naches Avenue S.W. and S.W. 27th Street. 2. System development charge (SDC) for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water meter(s) that will serve the new buildings. This is payable at the time the utility construction permit is issued. SURFACE WATER 1. Preliminary drainage plans and preliminary drainage (TIR) report dated August 21, 2015 were submitted by Coughlin Porter Lundeen. The proposal is for construction of two commercial buildings with a total of 300,000 square feet and associated parking and utility services. Drainage review is in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDMj, however the TIR fluctuates between the 1990 KCSWDM and the 2009 City of Renton Amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM. The 15.96 acre site is located within the Black River drainage basin. The project is required to provide a Levell downstream analysis and will need to be provided in the final TIR. The report and plan proposes a pipe network for conveyance of the onsite storm water from the building's footing drains, roof drains and parking lot to be conveyed to the proposed detention/wet pond in Tract B to the north of the site. This detention/wet pond will be owned and maintained by the Boeing Company. Compensatory storage is proposed to be provided within the Tract B detention/wet pond. Additional analysis and modeling shall be required at final TIR to address the volume of compensatory storage. From Tract B the runoff is to discharge into the managed storm water system belonging to the Boeing Company that was previously developed as part of the longacres Office Park project. The runoff discharges from Boeing's existing storm facility via a pump station into Springbrook Creek and finally into the Duwamish River. The 15.96 acre site will consist of 12.09 acres of impervious (buildings and pavement) area and 3.87 acres of pervious (landscape) area. There is some portion of the Pollution Generating Impervious Surface (PGIS) that will bypass the proposed system and is proposed to be treated by a cartridge system (allowable under the 2009 KCSWDM). The storm water plans do not show where the cartridge system will connect to discharge from the site. The water quality and detention pond design requirements of the existing and proposed storm water facilities are designed to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Coalescing plates are required for PGIS over 1 acre, please add to the final design. ERe Mitigation Measures and AdviSOry Notes Page 6 018 • • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov 2. A geotechnical report, dated August 18, 2015 was submitted by Terra Associates, Inc. The report identifies the soils as inorganic fill material overly.ing alluvial silts and sands, with the fill soils consisting of sand, sand with silt, silty sand with gravel, gravel and crushed rock. The report does not address storm water infiltration. The report addresses various options to support the proposed buildings to include supporting the buildings on piles or ground improvements through the use of rammed aggregated piers/stone columns for suitable support for conventional spread footings. A supplemental Site Exploration letter dated August 31, 2015 was also submitted and contained additional site exploration boring logs for the site. 3. Surface water system development fee of $0.540 per square foot of new impervious surface will be required. Fees are payable prior to issuance of the construction/utility permit. 4. A Construction Storm Water General Permit (NPDES) from Department of Ecology is required for all sites greater than 1 acre in area. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is also required for this site. 5. Applicant shall address the depth of the proposed detention pond and the ground water elevation observed in the geotech report and what measures shall be proposed to not allow any mixing of the surface water flows with the groundwater. TRANSPORTATION/STREET 1. The transportation impact fees are assessed are on a per square foot basis of building area and multiplied by the dollar amount for the use of the building. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. Payment of the transportation impact fee is due at the time of issuance of the building permit. 2. A traffic study is required at all points of ingress, egress to the site and the intersection of 27th Street and Oakesdale Avenue SW. 3. The applicant has submitted to the City a modification request for the street frontage improvements along Oakesdale Avenue S. W. from the code requirements (RMC 4-6-060) to maintain the existing sidewalk and landscaping strip that is currently there. 4. LED Street lighting meeting Commercial Access road lighting levels will be required per City of Renton Standards. 5. Paving and trench restoration will comply with the City's Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 6. Pavement thickness per RMC 4-6-060 is 4 inches of HMA over 6 inches of crushed surfacing and top course. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 7 of 8 ..-------------------------_ ... _-------------------- , • Engineering Review Comments, cont. Contact: Vicki Grover I 425-430-7291 I vgrover@rentonwa.gov GENERAL COMMENTS • 1. Separate permits and fees for water, sewer and storm connections will be required. 2. All construction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. 3. The Construction Mitigation Description quotes construction hours that do not meet the City of Renton code requirements. ERe Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 8 of 8 • .~------------¢6Renton ® OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: LONGACRES BUSINESS PARK PHASE II PROJECT NUMBER: LUA15·000630, ECF, MOD, SA·H LOCATION: SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW DESCRIPTION: THE APPLICANT IS REQUESTING HEARING EXAMINER SITE PLAN REVIEW, SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND A STREET MODIFICATION FOR TWO (2) STAND·ALONE GENERAL OFFICE BUILDINGS TOTALING 300,000 SQUARE FEET (SF) AND 1,063 PARKING STALLS. THE VACANT 17.38 ACRE SITE, CALLED LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II, CONSISTS OF SIX (6) FULL PARCELS (APN'S 088670·0090, ·0100, • 0380, -0150, ·0190, AND ·0370) AND TWO (2) PARTIAL PARCELS (APN'S 088670-0160 AND -0180). THE SITE IS GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SW 27TH ST AND NACHES AVE SW. BUILDING C IS A FOUR· STORY 150,000 SF GENERAL OFFICE USE BUILDING AND BUILDING D IS A THREE·STORY 150,000 SF GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING. THE TWO BUILDINGS WILL INCORPORATE TILT·UP CONCRETE PANELS IN CONJUNCTION WITH STEEL FRAMING AND LIGHT GAUGE METAL CONSTRUCTION WITH HEIGHTS AT ROUGHLY 61 FEET AND 47 FEET. SITE ACCESS WOULD BE SERVED FROM EITHER OAKESDALE AVE SW OR NACHES AVE SW VIA A PRIVATE ACCESS ROADWAY. THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN THE EMPLOYMENT AREA (EA) LAND USE DESIGNATION AND THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) 20NE AND INCLUDES HIGH SEISMIC HAZARDS, LOW EROSION HAZARDS AND LOW LANDSLIDE HAZARDS. THE SITE IS WITHIN THE 100·YEAR FLOOD ZONE AND CURRENTLY NO WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES OR STEEP SLOPES ARE IDENTIFIED ON THE PROPERTY. THE PROJECT WOULD INCLUDE A DETENTION WETPOND FOR WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AND DETENTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERC) HAS OETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES. Appeals of the environmental ~etermination must be flied In writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 9, 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4·8-110 and Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (4Z5) 430-6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON,WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 27, 2015 AT 11:00 AM TO .CONSIDER THE SITE PLAN REVIEW. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF . COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION I PLEASE INCLUDE THEPROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILEIDENTIFICATlON •. 1 • ,Denis Law' . Mayor September24; 2015' . . .. Dave Williams " Ryan Companies US; Inc.· 3900 E Carmilback Ro~d, Suite 100' Phoenix', AZ" 8S(i1S ,." . . . '" ,.. I Community & Economic Developn CO:'"".''"j ~ 11 Lt ... .1 ". SUBJECT: ' ENVIRONMENTAl/SEPAl THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Longacres Business Park Phase II, LUA15-00.0630, ECF, MOD, SA-H. Dear Mr~ William~: . / ... THis leUer'iswdUen' on behaltofthe' Environmental Re~iew COinmittee(ERC) to advise. you thatttiey have completed,their review of the subject project and have issued.a' • threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures; . ", Please refer to' the enclosed ERCReport, for'a list of the Mitigation Measures:. '.. -" ..' .' .' '.'.-." .. . :,' , .,' Appeals ~f the.environ~ental det~r~ination n;~5tb~ fiiedinOi.vriting on orbefor~5:00 p.m. on October 9,2015, together\vith the required fee with: Hearing Examiner; City of Renton/lOSS South Grady Way; Renton, WA 98057: Appeaisto the .Examiner are, .' governe9'byRMC4-8-110 and in'formation regarding the appeal process may be.'. obtained from the City Clerk's O(fice, (425) 430-6510: ' . " Ifthe EnvirorimentalDetermination is appealed, a publiChe~ring date will'be set and all ' parties notified., . . .' Also, a public hearing has been scheduled by the Hearing Examiner in.the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall on October 27,2015 at 11:00 am to consider , the Site Plan Review. The applica!1t or representative(s) ot'the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff recommendation will be mailed to you prior to the hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov ," " Dave Williams Page 2 012 September 24, 2015 , , If you have. any further questions, please call meat (425) 430-7289. , For the'Environmental Review Committee, , Cltwtr 1/. Ct~-· -..,..... , Clark H. <:Iose Senior Planner Enclosure cc:" longacres Renton, llC, Mark Clement, The Boeing CompanYI / Owner{s) " . Molly Carson, Ryan Companies / Applicant· . " Nancy' Eklund, Jeff Adelson; Jamey Barlet / par;tv(Jes) 01 Record , ERe Determination Ltr DNSM_Longacres Business Park_15·000630 ',. ',' • • --v, ',15 -- OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ,ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE:MITIGATED (DNS~M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION ' PROJECT NAME: ", ' LONGACRES BUSINESS PARK PHASE II PROJECT NUMBER: LUAls·000630, ECF, MOD, SA'H .. LOCATION: SW.27t,h Ave & Naches Ave SW DESCRIPTION: THE APPUCANT IS REQUESTING HEARING ExAMINER SITE PLAN REVIEW, SEPA ENVIRONMENTA~ REVIEW AND, A,STREET MODIFICATION, FOR TWO: (2) ',STAND·ALONE' GENERAL OFFICE BUILDINGS, TOTAUNG 300,OOO.SQUARE FEET (SF) AND l,063,:PARKING·STALLS. THE VAcANT,. 17.38. ACRE SITE;, CALLED LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II, CONSISTS OF SI~ (6) FULL PARCELs,(APN'S 088670-0090; ·0100; • 0380, '0150,.·0190; AND·0370),AND TWO (2).PARTIA~ PARCELS (APN'S 088670·0160 AND ·0180). THE SITE IS' GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SW 27TH ST AND NACHES AVE SW. BUILDING C IS A FOUR· STORY lS0,OOO'SF GENERAL OFFICE USE. BUILDING AND BUILDING 0 IS A THREE·STORY.ls0,OOO SF ,GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING. THE TWO BUILDINGS WILL INCORPORATE TlLT·UP CONCRETE PANELS IN CONJUNCTIONWITH· STEEL FRAMING AND LIGHT GAUGE METAL CONSTRUCTION, WITH HEIGHTS AT ROUGHLY 61 FEET AND 47 FEET,· SITE ACCESS WOULO BE SERVED FROM EITHER OAKESDA~' AVE'SW OR NACHES AVE SW. VIA A PRIVATE ACCESS', ROADWAY. THE PROJECT SITE IS, LOCATED IN THE EMPLOYMENT AREA .(EA) LAND USE DESIGNATION AND THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) ZONE ANO.INCLUDES HIGH SEISMIC HAZAR.DS,LOW.EROSION HAZARDS AND LOW LANDsLlD,EHAZARDS. THE SITE ISWITHINTHE 100·YEAR FLDDD ZONE AND CURRENTLY NO WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES OR STEEP SLOPES ARE IDENTIFIED ON. THE' PROPERTY, THE PROJECT WOULD INCLUDE A DETENTION',' WETPOND FOR WATER QUALITY TREATMENT AND DETENTION, .. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERe, HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS PROBABLE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS THAT CAN BE MITIGATED THROUGH MITIGATION MEASURES, Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00' p.m. on October 9,' 2015, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South' Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of RMC 4-8·110 and Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office; (425) 430·6510. • A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON OCTOBER 27, 2015' AT 11:00 AM TO ,CONSIDER THE SITE PLAN REVIEW, IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430·7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. DEPARTMENT OF COMMU. AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------.. egenton e ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project Name: Project Number: Project Monager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Location: Project Summary: September 21, 2015 Longacres Business Center Phase II LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Clark H. Close, Senior Planner Longacres Renton, LLC / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 Dave Williams, Ryan Companies US, Inc. / 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100/ Phoenix, AZ 85018 SW 27th Ave & Naches Ave SW The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet (SF) and 1,063 parking stalls. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, - 0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and- 0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and· Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building 0 is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. Site access would be served from either Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone and includes high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. The project would include a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention. Site Area: ±757,073 square feet (±17.38 acres) STAFF Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of RECOMMENDATION: Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-MI. Project Location Map L-_____________________ _ City of Renton Department of Community & .miC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND .ironmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 2 of 10 The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review and a street modification for the construction of a four-story general office building (Building C) totaling 150,000 SF and a three- story general office building (Building D) totaling 150,000 SF along with surface parking and associated infrastructure. Building C measures roughly 125 feet wide by 325 feet long (first floor footprint of roughly 37,000 SF) and building B measures roughly 130 feet wide by 420 feet long (first floor footprint of roughly 50,000 SF) (Exhibits 4 & 7). Together the two structures have a combined total building area of approximately 300,000 SF, and the construction materials include using precast concrete wall panels with interior columns supporting upper level floors and a roof structure. The subject property is situated in the NE y,; of NW y,; and NW y,; of NE y,; of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 04 East, W.M. (King County Parcel Numbers APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, - 0190, -0370, -0160, and 0180) on the north side of SW 27'h St at Naches Ave SW (Exhibits 2 & 3). The subject property is considered to be part of Phase IV of the Longacres Office Park ("LOP") and is subject to the 2003 Development Agreernent (Exhibit 19) and a 2006 Strander Agreement (Exhibit 20). The parcels are located within Phase IV of LOP and the development agreement is in effect until February 21, 2023. According to the development agreement, development regulations include (a) zoning, land division, and development standards; (b) environmental rules and policies, including (but not limited to) SEPA; (c) Comprehensive Plan policies; (d) policies, regulations, standards, and methods applicable to the development of land that are incorporated by reference in the Renton Municipal Code; (e) surface water management regulations; and (f) other City ordinances governing the development of land up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877. Environmental analysis of development of 2.5 million square feet under the LOP Site Plan was conduCted by the City of Renton pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA"). A Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("DEIS") for the LOP Site was issued in August, 1994: the Final Environmental Impact Statement ("FE IS") was issued in March, 1995. Phase IV was proposed to consist of development of office or light industrial space as permitted under the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and Commercial Office (CO) zoning, with support and utility facilities. Phase IV will be developed with multiple buildings and associated parking, ro·adways, and pedestrian walkways. The adjacent Renton parcels are zoned CO to the north and south with Heavy Industrial (I H) to the east (across Oakesdale Ave SW). The property is bordered on the west by Burlington Northern Railroad, located within Tukwila City Limits. To the south are Longacres Business Center Phase I and the Federal Reserve Bank and to the north is BOW Lake Pipeline right-of-way, within a 3D-foot wide tract, followed by undeveloped commercial properties. The site is currently undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds and grass. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and associated buildings and infrastructure. The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the property. There are no existing buildings on the site. There are S3 significant trees that intermittently appear on parcels 088670-0150, -0190, while parcels -0090 and -0100 have very few existing trees. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) significant trees. Native tree preservation would occur along project perimeter buffers. The new landscaping improvements would be integrated with the existing and would include drought tolerant plant materials. In addition, onsite there is also a paved/gravel road that runs parallel to SW 27th St across the parcels from Oakesdale Ave SW, and north along parcel no. 088670-0190, which will be removed during site development. The topography of the property varies from parcel to parcel but is relatively flat with gentle slopes to the northeast with establishing grade changes of less than six feet. Based on the topographic map, the elevation of the property is approximately 20 to 22 feet in elevation (Exhibits 5, 6, 8 & 10). A Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report, prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc. on August 14, 2015, did not identify a wetland area, streams, lakes, or critical habitats on or adjacent to the property based on a review of third party work and online resources (Exhibit 16). In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property (see attached) identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or SOD-year flood zones. The ERe Report LUA15-000630 ------------------ City oj Renton Department oj Community & .miC Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I eVironmental Review Committee Report LUAIS·000630, ECF, MOD, SA·H Report of September 21, 2015 Page 3 of 10 nearest habitats are mapped on the Green River approximately 1,100 feet to the west and a small creek approximately 800 feet to the east and south. These habitats are associated with bull trout and salmon. A wildlife corridor was identified through the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which extended through the central portion of the Property (Tract C). The report noted that the corridor was originally designated to provide for stormwater treatment, wetland mitigation and wildlife habitat; however no easements or deed restrictions were present within the corridor. The site also contains High Seismic Hazards. The proposal includes 1,063 surface parking stalls. Along the west and east borders of the site, a 30·foot setback to the property line is observed. This setback accommodates a 20' wide Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor as well as a 10·foot wide perimeter landscaping buffer. Along the north property line, a minimum 20·foot wide perimeter landscaping buffer is Observed. Along SW 27th St, a 15 to 115·foot street frontage buffer is provided. An additional 45·foot wildlife open space within several utility easements is also provided. Beyond the easements, a final 10· to 15·foot wide landscaping strip screens the large surface parking lot (Exhibit 5). This project proposes to construct a drainage system with a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct it to a detention wetpond within Tract B for water quality treatment and detention. Runoff from the site will be discharged to the north, into the previously developed Longacres Office Park drainage system within the Boeing property. From the Longacres Office Park drainage system, the drainage flows into Springbrook Creek and ultimately the Duwamish River. Construction is anticipated to be completed and occupied by June 2017. The applicant has submitted a Drainage Report, Traffic Impact Analysis, Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report, Geotechnical Engineering Report, and a Supplemental Site Exploration with the subject application. Staff received no comments from the public, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division, or any other agency. i PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS·M with a 14·day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures C. 1. Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18;2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. Exhibits Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 ERC Report Neighborhood Detail Map Boeing Second Amended Binding Site Plan Architectural Site Plan (ALl, A1.2, A1.3) Preliminary Landscape Plan (L5.01, L5.02, L5.03, L5.04, L5.05) Architectural Exterior Elevations (A4.1, A4.2) Floor Plans (Building C· A2.1, A2.2 and Building D· A2.1, A2.2) Flood Hazard Data Map Exhibit 9 Utility Overall Plan (C5.00, C5.01, C5.02) ERe Report LUA15·DDD630 • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE" LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Report of September 21, 201S Page 4 of 10 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15 Exhibit 16 Exhibit 17 Exhibit 18 Exhibit 19 Exhibit 20 Exhibit 21 Grading Plan and Drainage Overall Plan (C4.00, C4.01, C4.02, C4.03) Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) Supplemental Site Exploration (dated August 31, 2015) Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21, 2015) Drainage Control Plan Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015) Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015) Arborist / Landscape Architect Report by Brumbaugh & Associates Landscape Architecture (dated August 25, 2015) Construction Mitigation Description Development Agreement (Recording no. 20030221002405) Strander Agreement (Recording no. 20060420001032) AdviSOry Notes to Applicant 0_ Environmentallmpacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impocts: 1. Earth Impacts: The site is currently undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds and grass. The site can be characterized as relatively flat with gentle slopes to the north with established grade changes of less than six feet. The soils onsite generally consist of three to seven inches of topsoil overlying 1 to 6 feet of medium dense to dense inorganic fill material overlying alluvial silts and sands in 6 of the 13 test pits. The fill soils varied and consisted of sand, sand with silt, silty sand with gravel, gravel, and crushed rock. In general, the fill was relatively thin, ranging from one to two feet thick. Deeper fills were discovered where abandoned utilities were found. Where no fills were present, loose to medium dense alluvial silt, silty sand with silt, and relatively clean sand were present. Cone penetration tests (CPTs) data indicated highly variable interbedded alluvial soils composed of silts, clays, and silty sand layers are present to a depth of 15 to 22 feet followed by medium dense to dense silty sand and sand to the termination depths of the CPTs, 70 feet. Additional site explorations, via six soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet, using mud rotary drilling methods, indicate very loose and soft silty sand and silt alluvium to a depth of about 23 feet followed by medium dense to occasionally dense dark gray to black sand alluvium. Evidence of groundwater was observed at depths of 5 to 11 feet below current surface grades. The Geological Map of the Renton Quadrangle, Washington, by D.R. Mullineaux (1965), maps the site as Alluvium (Qaw). The soils observed onsite are classified as Newberg Silt Loam, Woodinville Silt Loam, and Urban Land by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), formerly the Soil Conservation Service. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Report prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18, 2015 (Exhibit 11). The report states that the subsurface conditions were explored by excavating nine (9) soil test pits to depths of 10.5 to 13 feet below current site grades. In-Situ Engineering, under subcontract with Terra Associates, Inc., performed 8 cone penetration tests (CPTs) to depths of 70 feet. More data was achieved by excavating four (4) test pits to depths of 14.5 to 17 feet below current site grades in the proposed storm water tract (Tract B). A Supplemental Site Exploration by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 31, 2015 ERC Report LUA15-000630 • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report 01 September 21, 2015 • Environmental Review Committee Report LUAIS-000630, ECF, MOO, SA-H Page 5 of 10 included six (6) soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades (located within the footprints of the proposed buildings). The soils observed at the site contain a significant amount of fines which would be difficult to compact as structural fill when too wet. Over most of the site with the existing slope gradients, these soils would have a slight potential for erosion when exposed. Therefore the site is considered a low erosion hazard area. Erosion protection measures would include perimeter silt fencing to contain erosion onsite and cover measures to prevent or reduce soil erosion during and following construction. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions onsite, the site would be mapped as a High Seismic Hazard' (SH). The impact to the site should liquefaction occur would be in the form of surface subsidence or settlement. Estimated total potential settlement by the geotechnical engineer was in the range of two to four inches. In the geotechnical engineer's opinion, this amount of settlement would not structurally impact the building but could result in damage of a cosmetic nature. The existing site consists of 2.14 acres of impervious area and 13.82 acres of pervious area. The developed site hydrology will increase the amount of impervious area by approximately 8.93 acres to 11.07 acres (69%) and the pervious and landscaping would be 4.89 acres following construction. The geotechnical report concludes that development of the site as proposed is feasible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. The primary geotechnical concern at the site is the presence of compressible soil strata susceptible to consolidation under the planned building loads. The heavier three-story and four-story buildings could be mitigated from potential settlement-related impacts by supporting the structure on augercast piles or on spread footings, bearing on ground conditions improved by installation of rammed aggregate piers/stone columns. Augercast piles, if used, should be advanced to obtain support in the medium dense sand alluvium indicated to be present at depths of 30 to 35 feet. If grading activities take place during the winter months, clean granular material for use as structural fill and backfill should be imported. Alternatively, stabilizing the moisture in the native and existing fill soils with cement or lime can be considered. Overall the submitted geotechnical report provides recommendations for geologic hazards, site preparation and grading, preload/surcharge, excavation, foundations, slab-on-grade construction, lateral earth pressures for wall design, drainage, utilities, and pavements (Exhibit 9). Staff recommends as a SEPA mitigation measure that project construction is required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study and Supplemental Site Exploration prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015 and August 31, 2015, respectively). The applicant will be required to design a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP). Mitigation Measures: Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study and Supplemental Site Exploration prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015 and August 31, 2015, respectively; Exhibits 11 & 12). Nexus: State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Review, RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas Regulations, and RMC 4-4-060 Grading, Excavation, and Mining Regulations. 2. Water a. Wetland, Streams, Lakes Impacts: A Confirmation of Environmental Setting Report, prepared by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015; Exhibit 16) was submitted with the project application materials. Information reviewed by Terracon was limited to available online resources and/or prior reports. The site is within the Black River and , High Seismic Hazard (SH): Areas underlain by soft or loose, saturated soils. These soils generally have site classilications E or F, as defined in the International Building Code, 2012 (RMC 4-3-050G.5.d.ii). ERe Report LUA15-000630 • City 0/ Renton Department of Community & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 • Environmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 6 of 10 specifically the Springbrook Creek drainage basin. This site is located generally at the high point of the area topography and the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) map did not identify a wetland area on or adjacent to the property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent wetlands were identified on the east-, west-and south-adjoining properties respectively, approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A wetland area was identified approximately 250 feet south-southeast of the property. A report entitled "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (dated August 1998) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the subject property. According to the report, the site does not contain a wetland area. In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property identifies a lOa-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or SaO-year flood zones. As such, Terracon infers that the information may be subject to change following a current review by a wetlands professional, if required. Terracon did not field verify the Shapiro Report findings and only provided a review of the third party work. Terracon's review of the topographic map and visual observations of the property did not identify streams or lakes. Several areas of surface water were observed on the central portion of the property which appeared to be the result of seasonal rain events or surface water runoff. No readily apparent lOW-lying areas and/or wetlands are known to be or have been reported to be present on the property. In summary, the Terracon report indicates that there are no wetlands, streams, or lakes on or immediately adjacent to the property based on a review of third party work and online resources. According to the Flood Plain Hazard Data Map, the 100-year flood plain encroaches roughly 4,400 square feet onto the northwest portion of the site (northwest of Building C) and 44,000 square feet within the storm water detention pond (Exhibit 8). The applicant is proposing to fill 2,500 cubic feet of fill within the northwest portion of the site and remove approximately 250,000 cubic feet of the lOa-year flood plain from the stormwater pond. As such, compensatory volume is being provided in the footprint of the combination wetpond in Tract B, at the elevations above the overflow detention line. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable b. Ground Water Impacts: Groundwater was observed at a depth of five to thirteen feet below current site grades in the test pit excavations. Cone penetration"test (CPT) data indicates groundwater within five to eight feet of the current surface. The groundwater seepage observed by the geotechnical engineer was likely representative of the groundwater table associated with the site. Dissipation testing indicated the static groundwater table was at a depth of between five and eight feet. Based on the current topographic survey, this equates to approximately elevation 16. This is consistent with groundwater seepage identified throughout the site. The static groundwater level indicated likely represents the near seasonal high level that could be expected at the site. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions ofthe site, the property would be mapped as a High Seismic Hazard (SH). Once stripping operations are complete, cut and fill operations would be initiated. The preliminary grading indicates the site would be filled by one to two feet to achieve building and access grades. Prior to placing fill, all exposed bearing surfaces should be observed by the geotechnical engineer to verify soil conditions are suitable for support of new fill or building elements. If excessively yielding areas are observed, and they cannot be stabilized in place by compaction, the affected soils should be excavated and removed to firm bearing and grade restored with new structural fill. If the depth of excavation to remove unstable soils is excessive, the use of geotextile fabrics, such as Mirafi 500X, or an equivalent fabric, could be used in conjunction with clean granular structural fill. ERe Report LUA15-000630 • City 0/ Renton Department of Community & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 • Environmental Review Committee Report LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 7 of 10 The geotechnical report states that if wet soils are encountered they will need to be dried by aeration during dry weather conditions. Otherwise the contractor should import a granular soil that can be used as structural fill. The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within 2% of its optimum, as determined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation D-698. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable c. Stormwater Impacts: The applicant submitted a Preliminary Drainage Report by Coughlin Porter Lundeen (dated August 21,2015; Exhibit 13). The storm water design for the project was based on the Development Agreement and supplemental amendments to that document between the City of Renton and The Boeing Company. This agreement has adopted the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). Based on the City's flow control map, this site falls within the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Conditions. The proposed drainage system would include a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct it to a detention/wet pond for water quality treatment and flow control. Runoff from the building roofs would be collected into roof drains and routed directly to the proposed detention/wet pond via pipe flow. Runoff from the new pond would be discharged to the north, into the previously developed Longacres Office Park drainage system within the Boeing property. From there the drainage flows into Springbrook Creek and ultimately the Duwamish River. The proposed system would be developed to mitigate peak runoff rates through a single detention/wet pond. The calculated detention facility includes volume capacity for the 2-year and lQ-year storm events, in accordance with the 2009 KC-SWDM Section 1.2.3. The stormwater conveyance has been designed such that the 100-year flow is conveyed without overtopping the crown of the roadway (or drive aisle) or flooding any building. The preliminary design shows the following: 1) a combination of 12-inch to 24-inch storm drain pipes and sheet flow; 2) a 24-inch storm drain pipe would discharge into the detention wetpond (Exhibit 14); and 3) connection from the pond to the existing Longacres 48" storm system to the north. Final conveyance capacity conditions of proposed system would be analyzed and final pipe sizing will be performed with the final drainage system design in accordance with Chapter 4 of the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM. A Construction. Stormwater Permit (NPDES) from the Department of Ecology is required for sites over an acre. Mitigation· Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not Applicable 3. Vegetation Impacts: The property was previously cleared for the former sports racing track land use. The site has been vacant for a number of years and the condition is now open field covered with moderate growth of brush, weeds, grass and sporadic trees. The existing trees onsite were either planted with the previous development, or are volunteers that have since grown on the site. The majority of the existing trees are Cottonwood and Lombardy Poplars. Both species have been identified by the landscape architect as short lived, weak wooded tree species that are considered to be unsuitable for the built environment due to the very invasive root systems (Exhibit 17). These species can often result in unnecessary damage to paved surfaces and underground utilities and/or may become hazardous concerns during a heavy storm event. Other onsite tree species include Acacia, Cedar, Spruce, and Alder along with other deciduous trees located immediately off-site. There are 53 significant trees that intermittently appear on parcels 088670-0150, -0190, while parcels -0090 and -0100 have very few existing trees. The applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) priority three trees ERe Report LUA15-000630 • • City 0/ Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE" LUA1S-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Report of September 21, 2015 Page 8 of 10 (RMC 4-4-130H.1.b) as part of the site plan review process. Significant tree preservation is proposed within the project perimeters of the site. The retained trees are as follows: two 28" cottonwood trees along the western property line, one 27" alder near the southwest property line, three poplar trees along the west property line (2' clump, 15" and 23"), and one 39" poplar near the southwest corner of the detention wetpond. In order to comply with the tree retention requirements to retaining a minimum of 10 percent (10%) of existing significant trees in commercial zones, the applicant would be required to retain up to 5.3 significant trees onsite. The applicant meets the tree retention requirements by retaining a total of 7 existing significant trees throughout the site (Exhibit 5). The balance of the trees would be removed due to unsuitable species or due to site grading constraints (for example: 2 feet of fill is proposed in most areas). The applicant is proposing to replant the site with 178 canopy trees (American sweet gum, red oak, gold falls zelcova), 68 columnar trees (bowhall red maple, columnar tulip tree), 167 small deciduous trees (vine maple, paperbark maple, flowering dogwood, quaking aspen), 15 weeping Alaska cedar, 51 shore pine, 110 Douglas fir, and 55 excelsa cedar trees. All new landscaping would be covered with 2" depth of mulch and would receive a fully automatic irrigation system. The detention wetpond tract (Tract B) would receive a temporary irrigation system. The applicant is also proposing to plant native shrubs, accent shrubs, groundcover plants, perennial/ornamental grasses, sod lawn, native hydroseed with wildflower mix, and hydroseed throughout the site. Around the perimeter of the site, the landscaping plan includes a 4" depth 3/8" minus crushed rock over filter fabric walking trail. As proposed, the landscaping plan's plant schedule does not distinguish tree count between the listed canopy trees, columnar trees, or small deciduous trees. In' addition, the landscaping plan should be designed to include the other onsite amenities, such as signage and lighting. A final detailed landscape plan must be subf'llitted and approved prior to issuance of the street and utility construction permits; this will become a recommended condition of approval during Hearing Examiner site plan review. The preliminary landscaping calculations include the following elements throughout the site plan:. 1) Frontage buffer along SW 27th St: 40,019 SF; 2) Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor: 27,203 SF; 3) Utility easement open space: 41;493 SF; 4) Perimeter landscaping: 71,538 SF (includes a lO-foot buffer on the west, east and southwest property lines, a 20-foot buffer on the north property line, and a is-foot buffer on the southeast property line); 5) Parking lot landscaping: 34,821 SF; and 6) Additional site landscape , area: 40,019 SF. Additional landscaping analysis will be included in the Hearing Examiner Staff Report. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable 4. Noise Impacts: Existing noise within the vicinity of the subject site is primarily composed of trains and vehicles from SW 27th St to either the Tukwila Sound Transit Station at 7301 Longacres Way in Tukwila, the Federal Reserve Bank at 2700 Naches Ave SW, or the Bank of America Operations Center at 2985 Naches Ave SW. Temporary construction noise is anticipated as a result of the subject project. Based on the provided construction mitigation description, the applicant has indicated that construction is anticipated to begin in December 2015 with a completion date of June 2017. At this time, the applicant has indicated that construction work would occur from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday (Exhibit 18) which is outside the City of Renton permitted construction hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and Saturday by permission only. Final construction hours will be determined by the City at the preconstruction meeting. The site is surrounded by commercial development. No excessive levels of noise are expected to be generated during the operation of the completed project. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required .. Nexus: Not Applicable ERe Report LUA15-000630 • • City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Environmental Review Committee Report LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I LUAlS-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Report of September 21, 2015 Page 9 of 10 5. Transportation Impacts: The subject site fronts onto 5W 27th 5t and Oakesdale Ave 5W. The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis completed by TENW (dated August 21, 2015; Exhibit 15). The memorandum included information that the proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Based on the results of a traffic operations analysis at the offsite study intersections (Naches Ave 5W / 5W 27th 5t and Oakesdale Ave 5W / 5W 27th 5t), the study intersections currently operate at LOS A and B, and are expected to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed project. More specifically, the Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in 2017 without the project and LOS B with the proposed project. The Oakesdale Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS B in 2017 without or with the proposed project and no significant adverse transportation impacts are anticipated with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase II development. The proposed site access on SW 27th Street would form a new north leg (private access road) to the existing all-way stop controlled intersection at Naches Ave SW / SW 27th Street. The applicant is proposing to retain the existing all-way stop intersection under its current status with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is anticipated that the intersection would be modified to its ultimate configuration in the future when SW 27th is extended to the west to connect with Strander Blvd. Alternatively, the westbound lanes of SW 27'h St may be opened up by relocating the existing restrictive c-curbing in order to allow a dedicated right-turn lane into the site at Naches Ave SW. The applicant is proposing a full access driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW in order to allow all turn movements and be configured with separate outbound left and right turn lanes. A center two-way left turn lane exists on Oakesdale Ave SW which would provide a left turn lane for traffic entering the site and a center refuge lane for traffic exiting the site. It is estimated that this location would expect to operate at LOS C or better in 2017 with the proposed project. The results of the traffic analysis show that no major improvements, such as signalization, are needed at either site access locations. The right-of-way (ROW) width on SW 27th St is 90 feet, SW 27th Street requires 91 feet of ROW or 0.5 feet of dedication. A sidewalk was recently constructed on the north side of SW 27th 5t and it currently serves both pedestrians and bicyclists until a separated multi-use trail is constructed on the north side of SW 27th St. Construction of the multi-use trail would be in coordination with the City of Renton Transportation Division for location, layout, connection to light rail station, and in accordance with the adopted Trails Plan. Street frontage improvements on SW 27th Street would include an ADA accessible sidewalk ramp at the northwest corner of the Naches Ave SW / SW 27th St intersection. The road standards for Oakesdale Ave SW include a 103-foot ROW that includes the following improvements: 8 feet of sidewalks, 8 feet planter strip, curb and gutter and 8 foot parking lanes with 5 foot bike lanes and street lighting. These standards would trigger 6 Y, feet of ROW dedication on Oakesdale Ave SW. The applicant has submitted a street modification in order to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping. One of the written justifications listed by the applicant for this exemption from the identified standards is to allow for improved landscape screening of the project. For a modification to be granted, the project must also comply with the decision and design criteria stipulated in RMC 4-9-2S0D.2. It is anticipated that the proposed project would not significantly or adversely impacts the City of Renton's street system, subject to the payment of code-required impact fees and the construction of code-required (or approved modifications of) frontage improvements (Exhibit 21). The fee, as determined by the Renton Municipal Code at the time of building permit issuance, shall be payable to the City. A concurrency recommendation will be provided in the staff report to the Hearing Examiner based upon the test of the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested ERC Report LUA15-000630 • City 0/ Renton Department 0/ Community & Economic Development LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE /I Report of September 21, 2015 • Environmental Review Committee Report LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H Page 10 of 10 Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site specific mitigation. The development will have to meet the City of Renton concurrency requirements. Mitigati'on Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable 6. Fire & Police Impacts: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicated that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development with 150 calls for service estimated annually by the Renton Police Department. The development is subject to the construction of code-required improvements and the payment of code- required impact fees (Exhibit 21). Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. Nexus: Not applicable E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or listed under Exhibit 21 "Advisory Notes to Applicant." ./ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 9,2015. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall- 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. ERC Report LUA15-000630 Vl .11' -i ' Z III j , I!! WO ER MA N II~. u "" ~ ~ MS , r I ~ ~ ~~~J. III ~ ,--- ~ QVO~ ».i .D' NO ~VlS. ,~,~ , , ~ •. " t\~ II [0/' h I -- I , . i-- ... r-I !-f- '- '3 -rt" -c"-4 r I I. i ! I ~ I 1"1 III l .r \~ ~I " \ )\ ~ ...J i1 / •• I \---,1 1 I '7# V~ ,( l i~ ~ :J: ~ !2~ i ~ c ~ - I I q .-- or::( (~, f-- '--- N .... I-t a:I I-t ~ ~ ~ I I i • I 'I ~ I -"ttl II I ~~a:Cl ~I ""': i u~~~ _ , I ..-(3u;w 9 ;: <x:: giilo1ji E ~ I III I, I h;~ I a III • I • ~ "'I -"1111 II z ill ~~a:(!) j • il: u~~~ _ I C'lioo UJ 9 ;; 1:1 W 8 ERMAN lih gii1u ai ~ • I I a I Il iI ---II Iii " I 'I ~ I ...- I i~ ...- <C I " I I I I 1········ .. ··,= .. ····1 ~ 1 ......... ...-~ •• I I "I' Ii II .11111 .'jll li ll II Ii! r ," I" '1 II Ii 1 li I ji; I~ Ii; ! 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I • \ ,. ," "I ,; l' • • GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Long Acres Phase II SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington Project No. T -7159-1 <' 'h ' , " ,,:,-: 'r ",' t,' • _ , • .h • __ ", _ ,~_ "''' :''';1' , Terra Associates, In.c~ w,',:"," ',. , , , , • "i .. ~ . ," , 1 i l , ,., , .'j .I " 1 'I 1 , ,I " , t ' , " . ,. ,-, .,':~., :: ;j~~." ; \,' " "".: !~.'. :-' ~'" ,;:; Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 11 • 'Prepared for:: ,Ryan Companies Phoenix, Arizona' , ' AlIgus~ 18, 2015 , ' , , , ., " , , .I '.' .. . ' , • . : ..... '. I i;' ;",' , >" , 'n , .t ') TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc . >" ,.. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Science, Entire Document Available Upon Request Mr, Joel Wage Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Subject: Supplemental Site Exploration Long Acres Phase II SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington August3I,2015 Project No, T-7159-1 Reference: Geotechnical Report, Long Acres Phase II, SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW, Renton, Washington, Project No. T-7159-1, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 18,2015 Dear Mr. Wage: As request, we have performed additional site exploration at the Long Acres Phase II project in Renton, Washington. On August 20,2015, we observed the soil and groundwater conditions at 6 soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades. Four test borings were located in the footprint of the revised west building location with two additional test borings located in the east building area. The locations of the test borings in relation to the previously performed field work are shown on the attached Figure I, The test borings were advanced using mud rotary drilling methods. Soil samples were obtained at five-foot interVals in general ,accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation D- 1586. Using this procedure, a 2-inch (outside diameter) split barrel sampler is driven into the ground 18 inches using a 140-pound hammer free falling a height of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches after an initial 6-inch set is referred to as the Standard Penetration Resistance value or N value. This is an index related to the consistency of cohesive soils and relative density of cohesion less materials. N values obtained for each sampling interval are recorded on the boring logs. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described on the attached Figure 2. The boring logs are presented as Figures 3 through 8. Laboratory testing completed on soil samples obtained included determination of the soils in place moisture content. Results of the laboratory moisture contents for the soil samples are shown on the boring logs opposite the samples on which they were performed. EXHIBIT 12 12220 113th Avenue l'iE, Ste.130, Kirkland, W<lshington 98034 Phonc'(425) 821-7777 • Fax (425) 321-4334 • • COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN STRucrUKAL '::IVlt oFISMIC 1'1GIN!:(RiNG ----------------------- PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Technical Information Report Longacres Business Center II Renton, WA PREPARED FOR: Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 322-6100 PREPARED BY: Entire Document Available Upon Request COUGHLIN PORTER LUNDEEN 801 Second Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98104 P 206.343.0460 CONTACT I Jeff Peterson, P .E. Tim Brockway, P.E. EXHIBIT 13 801 8ECOND AVi;?,NUC, SUiTE 800 SEATTLE, WA 9B104 I P 206,3.1:LO,t60 ! <:plif'c.I;om I I I I I / ,; " .. " ,/ , , , \ .,' " .' \ , > •• . \ '} \ • fl ~\ t .n\" , I \ I .\ , I I I. I ., I I I . , I I \ I / ( I I I I I I , , 1 / / 1 , , 1 1 ) I Y I ii I / / I I I " I • \.>.., '.-,\, \ -<L:._, \ t ',. "':-_\ , , , , " '.. , "t \,t \ "I.I!1 I ··U \ " \ Y... I \' \ \\ \ 1\ \ , , I I , , I I I I 1 I '. J ,. ;: ;' :: . ,,::' ' " • · I I I I J ,I I I I J J I J I I I I I I I \. ; I , J , J , J , I 1 .. " f' .' I , • I • J I .' , I I " " " I I ,I' 'i , III '1\ ~ • MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21. 2015 TO: Vicki Grover City of Renton Public Works FROM: Chris Forster, P .E. TENW SUBJECT: Longacres Business Center Phase 2 Traffic Impact Analysis TENW Project No. 5093 • ~TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest Entire Document Available Upon Request This memorondum documents the troffic impact onolysis completed for the proposed Longocres Business Center Phose 2 project. The project is loco ted west of Oakesdole Ave SW on the north side of SW 27th Street ocross from the proposed Longacres Business Center (Phose 1) project in Renton, WA (see Figure 1). Executive Summary Project Description. The proposed project would include up to 320,000 squore feet of office space on a currently vacant site. Vehiculor access to the site would be provided at 2 seporote access driveways, one on SW 27th St and ane on Oakesdale Ave SW. The site access driveway on SW 27th St will form the north leg of the existing Naches Ave SW /SW 27th St all-way stop controlled intersection and will provide full access to all turning movements. The new driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW will provide full access to all turning movements. For the analysis in this report, a 2017 horizan yeor was used. This project is located within Phase IV of the Boeing Longacres Office Park and is subject to the 2003 Development Agreement and Strander Agreement . . Trip Generation. The proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Traffic Operations at Study Intersections. Based on the results of a traffic operations analysis at'the off- site study intersections, the study intersections currently operate at LOS A and B, and ore expected to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed praject. Access Analysis. With the proposed site access via the north leg at Naches Ave SW/SW 27th Street, the intersection is proposed to remain as an all-way stop with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is assumed that the intersection will be modified to its ultimate configuration in the future when SW 27th is extended to the'westto connect with Strander Blvd. The . results of the site access LOS analysis show that the movements at both access locations ore expected to operate at LOS C or better in 20 17with the proposed project. These results show that no major improvements such as signalization ore needed at the site access locations. Mitigation. No significant adverse transportation impacts ore anticipated with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase 2 development. Transportation impact fees ore antiCipated to be required and will be determined prior to building permit issuance based on discussions with the City of Renton and Boeing. Trans~ 11400SEf EXHIBIT 15 !perations 425) 889-6747 • August 14,2015 Mr. Jon Blaha Ryan Companies US, Inc. 50 South Tenth Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55403-2012 RE: Confirmation of Environmental Setting Approximate 25.88-Acre Area Lots 9-10, IS-19, and Tract C, Boeing Longacres Park Renton, King County, Washington Dear Mr. Blaha: • lrerracan Entire Document Available Upon Request Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has been retained by Ryan Companies US, Inc. (Ryan) to provide confirmation of the general environmental setting for the approximate 2S.88-acre vacant parcel legally described as Lots 9-10, IS-19, and Tract C of Boeing Longacres Park, City of Renton (City), King County, Washington (the Property). The Property includes the entirety of King County Tax Assessor Parcel Numbers 0886700090, 0886700100, 0886700150, 0886700160, 0886700180, 0886700190, 0886700380, and 0886700170. The Property is located in part of the south Y:z of Section 24, Township 23 N, Range 4 E and is north of SW 27th Street and west of Oakesdale Avenue SW. Per your request, Terracon has prepared this letter to summarize our fmdings regarding the potential for wetlands, streams, lakes, and critical habitat to be present at the Property. Information reviewed by Terracon for these findings was limited to available on-line resources and/or from prior reports provided to Terracon from Ryan. Wetlands Terracon reviewed the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map, published by the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (see attached). The NWI map did not identifY a wetland area on the Property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent wetlands were identified on the east-, west-and south-adjoining properties respectively, approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A report entitled "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (Boeing) by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (Shapiro); dated August 1998 (Shapiro Report) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the Property. No wetland areas were identified on the Property. In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property (see attached) identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or SOO-year flood zones. EnVironmental • Terracon Consultants Inc. 21905 64th Ave W Mountlake Terrace. WA, 98043 P 425·771·3304 F 425·771·3549 terracon.com EXHIBIT 16 ieal • Materials • • I ; B rurr:ba ~g~' 8.'A1s~c:l~'t~X >" - -\ ,.', ! ",' '''''. "'I '. f~.f±,~!t~'t:i,E i'Jf;?/{i.j/i\£.i;l !fld:mi,ir!!~if:fi Entire Document Available Upon Request August 25, 2015 Cory Handfelt Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd Suite 100 PhoenJx,~ 85018 RE: Arborist / Landscape Architect Report Group Health Renton, Phase II Dear Cory: Per the City of Renton's Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist, Item #21 Arborist Report, an evaluation of existing trees describing types, sizes and conditions is to be prepared by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect. The site was previously cleared for the previous land use. Most of the current condition is open field with sporadic tree locations. Existing trees were either planted with the previous development, or are volunteers that have grown since. The majority of the site trees are Cottonwood and Lombardy Poplars. Both species are short lived, weak wooded and generally inappropriate for the built environment. Both species have very invasive roots that result in damage to paving surfaces and underground utilities, and can represent hazards in storm conditions. The entire site will be graded with approximately 2' of fill placed in most areas. Tree preservation to meet City of Renton requirements will occur within project perimeters for the above reasons. All retained trees are considered Priority 3 by City rating standards due to species type. Summary: 45 Total Surveyed Trees. based on current Survey 6 Trees within 2' of site fill area. 30 Trees within 2' of site fill area and of species not compatible with developed sitc. I Trees in conflict with Metro Power Easement. I Trees in conflict with Public Sidewalk. 38 Total trees to be removed The table below provides the following information for each tree: Tree #: as indicated on the Tree Retention / Land Clearing Plan Tree Species: Common Name DBR: Trunk diameter in inches 4.5 feet from the ground. Condition Rating: 'I' Removal due to unsuitable species, '2' Removal due to site grading constraints, '3' Healthy viable tree to remain EXHIBIT 17 '----------------------------------------- ----I I ,---------------------------------------------------------- • WWW.RYANCOMPANIES.COM August 20, 2015 Mr. Clark Close City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 RE: Longacres Business Center -Phase II Construction Mitigation Description Dear Mr. Close: • RYAN COMPANIES US, INC. 3900 E. Camdback Rd. Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-322-6100 phone 602·322-6300 fax : ~YAH' -'U""'NG uST,"G .n~TJI''''~'~~ For Application Item 10, Construction Mitigation Description, Ryan Companies is providing the following items: I. Anticipated construction start date is December, 2015 with completion in June, 2017. 2. Allowable working hours will be from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday-Friday and from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. It is not anticipated that work will occur overnight and on Sundays, however as conditions present themselves we reserve the ability to work off-hours and Sundays as necessary to maintain the construction schedule. 3. The primary transportation route anticipated to site via 405 will be 167 to Grady Way, Lind Ave, to our primary entrance off of 27 th• A secondary entrance will be provided off Oakesdale but will be primarily used for exiting. A Haul Route plan is attached. 4. A dedicated traffic control is not anticipated, however as required this will be developed in conjunction with the City of Renton. 5. The attached site logistic plan addresses the location of the contractor trailer complex, parking, site security and silt fencing, and wash out and track out stations, 6. Dust control will be controlled on site with water as required. A Stonn Water Pollution Protection Plan will be provided as part of the final civil design package. Please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Companies if you have any questions or need further infonnation. Sincerely, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. (f~*~·--~ Cory Handfelt Project Manager Cc: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. Dave Williams, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. EXHIBIT 18 • • --1(11111111111111 20030221002405 """'., 9ffi~oftlie Cltf Cieri.<:, ;RenUm Cli)-Hail .'/ ";" 1O~5 SOllih Qiady Way ~nton;,'WA"9g055 ",""" .' , .. , . . /' CITY OF RENTON AG 44 00 PAGE 00' OF 028 02/21/2003 14 48 KING COUNTY, YA Document Title(s),(pr,fuwsactJon.:i'conrailled th~lli)'; .... ' .. .;.: I Development Agreem~t c' ",;:-" c;' .,-. Reference Number(s) of Documents assignedeor ~11lli~d: (on page _ of documents(s) . Grantor(s),.(4st name first, then first name 3rid InJJIlIlsL.,.c', I The li!Oemg;C~mpany "",~,,,., Gran~(s) ~ nami: first, then first name and IrubalS) ICily ofRent6n " tegal d;"cri~tion (libqreliiii!ed, I e lot, block, plat or section, townslup, range)<-."". ;' •. , P~ihoIiofMe~e~Henry -bc #46 PCL, STR 242304 T AXLOT 22 PCL I IiOErNG,STR 242304 ~~J:nfd." S¥i62~~~ ~~~05~ ~~O~~~~~~ ~~;:~4s=~6~IT~~ 52 BOEiNG, STR 252304'1-AXLot 2 PCLQ BOEING, and STR 242304 T AXLOT 62 PCL F BOEING [R] Fulilegai~s ~~'p~g~c~t'tu-ol!gliL,ft o;iiOC1!~~t Assessor's Property'TuParctVAc;fount N'iitftbe~", Portions of the followmg #ood~$p.qoo l-Ot'#OQosSOA)Oi6-00, #O005S0-00 IS-OS, #242304-0022-06, #242304-904S-06, #242304.90S0-O(f!242304,90S2..Q9, #i42304:-90SS-06, #242304-9071-06, #252304-9002-09 and #2S2j04,;,~?§,2.:06': , .', .'. [03003·0104/SB022180 32S] Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 19 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton • 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 • illig III 1032 75.00 PI ease pnnt or type III ormatton ". 0 e ". WASHINGTON STATE RECORDFR'S C verShe t (RCW 61 04) DOCUlnent Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must he filled in) I. Strander Agreement (CAG-02-211) 2" 3" 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference #'5 on page _ of document Grantor(s) (Last name first name. initials) I. The Boeing ComEan~ 2. , Additional names on page _ of document. Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) I. Cit~ of Renton , 2. , Additional names on page _ of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. 101 block, plat or section. township, range) Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46 with the most Westerly line of Government Lot 13 in said Section 24; ...... Additionalleg,,1 is on pages 8-12, 14, 19-23,25-30,32-40 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number I I 0 Assessor Tax # not yet assigned The AuditorlRecorder will rely on Ihc'information provided on die form. The staff will ~OI read the uocument to verify the accuracy or completeness of [he indexing informalion ~r~JVided herein. ::;:--.. I am requesttng an emergency nonstandard recording for an additIonal fee as provided In RCW 36.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some pmt of the text on the original document. ___________ -=-_.,--__ -,-______ Signature of Requesting Party Entire Document Available Upon Request EXHIBIT 20 r--------------------------~------ Application Date: August 24, 2015 Site Address: Name: Longacres Business Center Phase II PLAN· Planning Review· Land Use Version 1 I ~ Contsct:·teslieB~tlacnI425_430,66191 LBetlach@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. Coordinate with Transportation for multi use trail layout width and location along north side of SW 27th Street with connection to light rail station as per Trails Plan. I Recomm-;;~o~s: 2. Include 5 iO~tbike .. la~e;onQ;j(esd~.ii8Av;'SW,·;S-p;,:~dopted Tr;jj;~ . ." -';, ,j"," " ",j', ,; . ',-- "Contact: Holly Trader 1425'-430,75191 htrader@rentonwa.gov· Recommendations: 150 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1 1/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate wNo Trespassing" signs on the property while It's under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. Due to the isolated location of this site, the use of private security personnel to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is recommended. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty deadbolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or employees. It Is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems Installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both employees and customers. Both structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 12-in height and of a color contrasting with the buildin This will assist emer enc ersonnel in locatln the correct location for res onse. '" , ! "/"Contact:Clark Close{425'-430,7289.1 cclose@renlonwa,gov Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a.m. and three thirty (3:30) p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays is by permission only. No work is permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management DeSign Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discha . NPDES uired when more than one acre is bein cleared. ' •. ,,"c:, _ I', '';-. ,/" , ," ;' ,. ", ,'" ,,' ,T "" ' 'Contsct: Corey Thomas1425;.430-7024 1 cthomas@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 per square foot of commercial office space. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The preliminary fire flow is 4,000 gpm. A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet of each structure and three additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of each structure. Applicant shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of 600 feet on center. A looped water main is required to be installed around the buildings. Ran: Seplember 17, 2015 EXHIBIT 21 Page 1 of 2 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICAe LUA 15-000_6_3_0 __ --rfIIIII'rfIIIII'l!III.l""" .... f!llll;~C~ity~O':':C-" ----:: .. ,,1...[;; -J"r~®l:i!W!D@ ~~J PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use 2. Approved fire sprinkler, fire standpipe and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building .. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. The buildings shall comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shall verify both incoming and outgoing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If Inadequate, the building shall be enhanced with amplification equipment in order ro ased am lificatlon 5 stems. Version 1 I T~h·~i;;'iSe";I~;~.Co;rim~n&;::·:::;::"·· '··1.:"/;·::' ;·.;;::· •. ·di;.;~,.;:;d~.it~~t;A:Il1:~d~ A~k;~r\1 42i;.43o.7369Iaa~k~n@~~tony;~.go~. Recommendations: Technical Services 9/4/2015 Property lines shown on plan set do not reflect actual legal boundary lines. title report or ALTA provided. Amended Binding Site Plan or other land conveyance document will need to be prepared to show the proposed property lines consistent with plan set. Ran: September 17, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Leslie Betlach • •.. ' .. ....;. .. ,;,;. ~C~ity~of-. ----': c,-;-, --==' . .-~'!""'. '~J5Ull1t(Q)@ ~t~l Plan Review Routing Slip RECEIVED AUG 25 2015 Plan Number: LUA15-000630 Name: Longacres Business Center Phase lie' ' ',' . ',. U"",,0,'" I :>tRVICES Site Address: SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW Description: The applicant, Ryan Companies U.S. Inc., is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and - 0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. The site is part of the original 158 acres of property known as the Longacres Office Park. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and associated buildings and infrastructure, The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the property. Site access would be served through either from Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone. The site plan includes 1,063 parking stalls with a perimeter landscaping observed around the site. The site contains high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. There are 53 significant trees onsite and the applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) trees. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015); a Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015); a Preliminary Technical Information Report (dated August 21, 2015); and an Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015). The project site includes a drainage system with a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention located north of the BOW Lake Pipeline Right -of-Way. Review Type: Community Services Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: Date Due: 08/26/2015 09/09/2015 Project Manager: Clark Close Environmental Impact Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/Natural Resources Housing Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/GI a re Historic/Cultural Preservation Recreation Ai rport Envi ron menta I util iti es 10,000 Feet Transportation 14,000 Feet Public Service Recommendation· Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmentallmpacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and lor requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added (f) corr;;;;~ to7Yh TY7Jr7Sfl!J~ IJ.r mu/l;-tJ~ fra;/Ia tole$? fi:-anlfrJt:l/mC/I7Tri1J Sf¢. ,,/':5 .a..;, ~jI1J:5T /()/,fh6~in ~ t'/Cf~ rOIl :5fi!lft~P?.d~:.rkJi/~ p!'t2/7. V ~14~~ f/--6< ~ 10 Sig:a;u;e of treor ori ed eprese/fuifive . Oat ·{)r Ee-t @ /J1C/~61t3tt.-~mCJq/;x;la~ ~.a6 rpradojJkc/1;;aJ Is. Plcll/l, ~-----------------------------------------------------, Agencies See Attached Dave Williams, Ryan Companies Contact Molly Carson, Ryan Companies Applicant Longacres Renton, LLC Owner 300' Surrounding Properties See Attached (Signature of Sender): STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Sabrina Mirante signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary ,r.t~f"'(l) mentioned in the instrument. Dated: ~I'.J-::> (g d OJ$" ) Public in and for the Notary (print):, ___ ....!1£.\l1+----t:aJ.j~:.s::...------.:..!14r;;;~~>:::..--- My appointment expires: Longacres Business Center LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H template -affidavit of ser'ilce by mailing • Dept. of Ecology •• Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region' Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Oev. Serv., MS·240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers· Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Boyd Powers ••• Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 35030SE Douglas St. #210 Snoqualmie. WA 98065 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Seattle Public Utilities Timothy C. Croll, Attn: SEPA Responsible Official 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle. WA 98124-4018 • AGENCY (DOE) LETIER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology" Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Oept .•• Attn: Misty Blair Attn: Karen Walter or SEPA Reviewer PO Box 47703 39015 _172"" Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program •• 4717 W Marginal Way SW Attn: Laura Murphy Seattle, WA 98106-1514 39015 1720d Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program·· Environmental Planning Supervisor Attn: Erin Slaten Ms. Shirley Marroquin 39015 172nd Avenue SE 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 WDFW -Larry Fisher' Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation· 1775 12th Ave. NW Suite 201 Attn: Gretchen Kaehler Issaquah, WA 98027 PO Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Tim McHarg Attn: Charlene Anderson, AICP, ECD Director of Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South 12835 Newcastle Way, Ste 200 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Newcastle, WA 98056 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Wendy Weiker, Community Svcs. Mgr. Jack Pace, Responsible Official 355 110" Ave NE 6200 Southcenter Blvd. Mailstop EST 11 W Tukwila, WA 98188 Bellevue, WA 98004 Puget Sound Energy Doug Corbin, Municipal Liaison Mgr. 6905 South 228" St Kent, WA 98032 ·Note: If the Notice of Application states that It Is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, and the Notice of Application. ··Department of Ecology is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email address: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov •• Karen Walter, laura Murphy and Erin Slaten with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. are emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice to the following email addresses: KWalter@muckleshoot.nsn.us Ilaura.murphy@muckleshoot.nsn.usL erin.slaten@muckleshoot.nsn.us ···Department of Natural Resources is emailed a copy of the Environmental Checklist, Site Plan PMT, & Notice the following email address: sepacenter@dnr.wa.gov template -affidavit of service by mailing -==rmmme ____ .. _ ........ . . Longacres Renton, LLC Dave Williams Jamev Barlet 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Ryan Companies US, Inc. CollinsWoerman Phoenix, AZ 85018 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 710 Second Ave, 1400 Jeff Adelson The Boeing Company Mollv Carson Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 850182653 Phoenix. AZ 850182653 Seattle. WA 981041710 Joel Wage Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 E Camelback Rd, 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Nancy Eklund The Boeing Company P.O. Box 46-86 Seattle, WA 981242207 Mark Clement BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle, WA 98124 Propertv Tax Division BOEING. PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 Seattle, WA 95124 886700060 BOEING COMPANY THE PO BOX 3707 M/C 20-00 SEATILE, WA 98124 886700331 FEDERAL RESERVE BK SAN FRAN 1201 SW 27th St Renton, WA 98057 2523049058 OCT RENTON LLC PO BOX 173382 DENVER, CO 80217 2423049115 1905 RAYMOND AVE LLC 18818 TELLER AVE STE 277 IRVINE, CA 92612 ~ " ~ .•.. . -> -----. --_.- -.:; -". • I I 886700330 • 886700330 FEDERAL RESERVE BK SAN FRAN FEDERAL RESERVE BK SAN FRAN 101 MARKET ST 101 MARKET ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 886700332 2523049037 FEDERAL RESERVE BK SAN FRAN SEATILE CITY OF SPU-WTR 2700 Naches Ave SW PO BOX 34018 Renton,WA 98057 SEATILE, WA 98124 2523049059 2523049064 OCT RENTON LLC CIVF I WA1B01 LLC 1100 SW 27th St PO BOX 173382 Renton, WA 98057 DENVER, CO 80217 ", , f:~:-' :. . -.. . - ;-',,(,--':.~;; ,; .... :--- , ~-:.:.-. -. ' . ",.~ .- ,",.. .. -" .. -.~".~ ; .. . -';:::.' -, '--:.".-',".: ., .. ___ ... ,"-, .. ' _, _I'i'. __ ',-',. . ..... . .. > .. ', ~ , " .. _." . . : ..• " " .. .-", .. . ... :~ " .' . -) .. ' t ~--~Renton®. I • -----Renton@> ..... R"enton® nCE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (ONS-M) . A~ h .. boo .. mod and OCU~lod.itIt I~' Oopanmo'" of COmm""'''I • !.anaml< 0 ... ",._ 1."n ... DMd""af'I\aCll'/oI~_Tho~bIIafIY_ ..... ......-... ""'-..... -MI1ICl O. API'\.lUllC»I' ........ 121. IC15 ~NlIMIU: LUA15-OO111iIO, ECF. MOO. SA-H LO"l'cnn8ullnUlC,n'" . DUClUI'TlOIt! Tho .ppI~n~ ~~n Campo.l .. 11.5. Inc. I ... ~".~"I ~ •• rIol Enml"", 5IbI "W, 5!PAf ... lnlnmonlll R ... I ... atId. __ ro.._(ll ~.-w_bullc!lnp 11ll,!DI_1Ht. """ • .un, 17,)1 au.~ ... ,,11,d !.Dop .... Bu ....... Coot .. Ph.I .. ,!. COn"'" 0111. (6jlull .4!'N', OI.H7O-ll!l9O, -<J10Cl, -<JlIO, .0150. oOl!iO ..... -01111) .... two (II portIaIl*aII \APfI" 0U&1!I-Ol&O 0IIII 1>1_10 pd~IyIoQ'" .... h 01 "'" Int __ " of 5W 11th 51 ,.d ~u ..... SW. 8u~dlnl C I,. 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U ~1Ican1_' n<ltho"",*""II~IO""o1n"""'!1!tr_ IIam ...... rtto<I. Geo,odonlcal Study by T ..... _ ..... Inc. (d ... ""JU<!. 11. WISt, 0 T"ffi, ImPO<l ...... ..,.,kO .p ..... "o. [nl,...nnl NO"'"'WHllcII'od ..... (\ISI H. lOtSl;' _'*V T_'_ fttportldolad 2L lOU~ ,"".n ElMranmentai SettInI ft.,.,., bV T ........ Contlllton", 'ne. Ido ......... IU .. 14. IOU!. Th. u,. Ind<>d ... drOl",p 'V""'" _. _ntlO. wttpand lor...,,, _~ .... _ ond --- IIlHIIOW ...... PI!>oI" ~~...t-Way. TLOCATlOItI 5W l-r' A .. I. NKIoos ..... SW IAI O(l"DtMlflAllON QII NON-~ MmliAttD IO_~ ........ L .. d .... rq. Ill. City ., Re .. on lin lnod tkot ' .... ncant ,n.I",.",o.1I1 I",p.et> .... unl,III1iV 10 ""'u~ Ire", 'ho p<apnod "",joeL Th".-. .. • d u_ ,h. IlCW n nc.uo. oN O'V al "_10 ........... 0ptJan0I Cf'li-M _ to .... natll:1 ,,111, I. Ukoly 10 b. I .. "",. !;omm .... ' .,,10<10 fo' ,II" ",oJOCI ond ,II. pro ..... d Cr<S-M .11 int<FOtod Inco • lin'" nt oorlOd. IMno "ill b. "" CO"'''''''' penod ,--. "" ..-01 .... n.r0l_ O.'ormln.~an ., Non· """,,-Mlnp"" !C!<5·M). 11>1, m ... be IIlo onl. ,,,,,"""nlly ,. <ommont on 'hi ,"""o.", •• lIllmllO"" of lIl. II.A 1 ........ p .. , period IIOinto_llHI ............ oIt11oCHS-M. r APPLlCAnONCAIb loJiulllt.lCI' Mall-jC ...... It'P"Camp_us,IM.' neJOl. c--.. ...... louItoUICI/_UlSDU; ...,.,., ... Ia'" modo 1110"" al ro<o<O Ia , .. ,I., fIj"horlnfo,,"otion on 'il" pr'ooNd .rO)''''' ,omo .... ,101 • • d roMn 10' City 01 Ro .. "n. em _ PI.n"'"" OM''"'. lOSS 50. Groll\' Way. Ron'"", WA 9111!i1. f~. No_' Lo"pc ... IIIo~n ... C.ntl'/lUAIHIOJIlU. [CF, MOD, s,t.-H • Roqu .... d$lUdl ... PUIUCHUIUNIll _.nblIDDaIIft.otolhol ~1III""1H'QII1'fa/KI:I """1.pmonl~""rtI ... U_,. ......... MlIIoollon' --- 0. .. -.. ""'" c • .....-\11, 111<./1_ r. CameIbodt 110M, ""10 100 I Ph.,., .. .u nOli I C •••. WIllI ..... "I,."."' .. nI ..... .. =":. ... (5fPA)~ .. low.IIIO~IIIIR ... _H .. ~"1 [,.mlnOt •• dllro •• lulldl •• ,.""Il,COn_ ........ 1t Af'oartst ~OJI'R, CloOlWdtnIAl Stlldy, ,....1II.lm_ ...... ~., • .....;,,""'" ~::=~=~.-..-..--""" CERTIFICATION ON: Oarll H. Oose, Senior Planner, Tel: [4251 430-7289; rentonwa·lov • ; THE PROJECT NUM8EII WHEN CAWNG FOil PROPEII FILE IDENTIFICATION I, LL>'t7lbZ-H-. CLOSe , hereby certify that '3 copies of the above document were posted in ~ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on Date:,_--=:.8'L.,) u,-,,-,-I-=.I ~ ____ _ Signed:,.-.!,,~~:.:.:::.!:./-..:..!::::::ce--:::::.:...::====-__ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _-'C:::::..:I.::"-:!.t'.!l'-::..._\.\.:.;,..-'C::.I'-'o:..S:."". _____ _ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. "", .. ,,\\ .' Da}~ ='V 30' 3::r ~ -:; ~. ublic in and for the State of Washington Nota ry (P ri nt) :_---"\fo"-I";~It-_3?.L.L.CI1'-" .. L"'fNl"""-----:---_ My appointment eXPires: __ t::AU!"'tff..l41.:5i...f-L...:0:2::wq'-tf-,J~· ()~17.!.... ____ _ _..:De~~~:..~~w ..... ..,."",.....,j.p ... ".) .>(S ... : .• fn1~.() f .. V---tn., 1 ~ ~. " ... " ~~~_. ~N~O August 26, 2015 Dave Williams Ryan Companies US, Inc: 3900 E. Camelback, Ste 100 Phoen ix, AZ 85018 Community & Economic Development Department" C.E. "Chip"Vi ncent; Administrator Subject: Notice of Complete Application " Longacres Business Center, LUA1S0000630, ECF,MOD, SA-H Dear Mr. Williams:' The Planning.Divis!Cu1 of the City of Renton has determined that the subject appiication is complete according ~o submittal require~ents and, therefore, is accepted for review; . -. . . It is tentatively scheduled 'for consideration by the Envi~onmental Review Committee on September 21, 2015. Prior to that review; you' will be notifi~d if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. . .' ..,. . In" addition, this matter is tentatively scheduled for a Public Hearing on October 27, 2015 at 11:00 am,Councii Chambers~ Seventh Floor, Renton CityHall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. The applicant or representative(s)of the applicant are required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed· to you prior to the scheduled hearing. Please contact me at (425) 430-7289 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Clark H. Close Senior Planner cc: longacres Renton, llC I Owner(s) Molly Carson, Ryan Companies / Applicant Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov • enton@) F NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: August 26, 2015 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H PROJECT NAME: longacres Business Center PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Ryan Companies U.S. Inc., is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 300,000 square feet. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -01S0, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a four-story 150,000 SF general office use building and Building 0 is a three-story 150,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 61 feet and 47 feet. The site is part of the original 158 acres of property known as the Longacres Office Park. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and associated buildings and infrastructure. The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the property. Site access would be served through either from Oakesdale Ave SW or Naches Ave SW via a private access roadway. The project site is located in the Employment Area (EA) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone. The site plan includes 1,063 parking stalls with a perimeter landscaping observed around the site. The site contains high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. There are 53 significant trees onsite and the applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) trees. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015); a Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015); a Preliminary Technical Information Report (dated August 21, 2015); and an Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015). The project site includes a drainage system with a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention located north 01 the BOW Lake Pipeline Right-ai-Way. PROJECT LOCATION: SW 27'" Ave & Naches Ave SW OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DN5-M): As the Lead Agency, the City 01 Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.ll0, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comm'ent period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated (DNS-M). This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal. A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the ONS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: APPLICANT: August 24, 2015 August 26, 2015 Molly Carson, Ryan Companies US, Inc./3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100 I PhoeniX, A2 85018 If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: Longacres Business Center/LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA·H NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ___ MAILING ADDRESS: _______________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: __________________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: __________________________ __ -------------- • • ----~rRenton ® PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Permits/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zoning/land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: Dave Williams, Ryan Companies US, Inc./3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100 I Phoenix, AZ 85018/ Dave.WlIliams@ryancompanles.com Environmental (SEPA) Review, Site Plan Review-Hearing Examiner and Street Modification Building Permit, Construction Permit Arborlst Report, Geotechnical Study, Traffic Impact Analysis, Preliminary Technical Information Report, Landscape Analysis, Parking Analysis, and Environmental Setting Report Department of Community & Economic Development (CEO) -Planning Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for October 27, 2015 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers at 11:00 AM on the 7th floor of Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated Employment Area (EA) on the City of Renton Comprehensive land Use Map and Commercial Offlce (CO) on the City's Zoning Map. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, RMC 4-2-120B; 4-4; ~s.o60; 4--9-070; and 4-9-200 and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. • Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Study conducted by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015) or an updated report submitted at a later date. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Clark H. Close, Senior Planner, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 PM on September 9, 2015. This matter is also tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on October 27, 2015, at 11:00 am, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Planning Division to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled at (425) 430-6578. Following the issuance of the SEPA Determination, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments regarding the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. If you would like to be made a party-of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Name/File No.: longacres Business Center/LUA15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H NAME: ______________________________________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: _______________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: _________ __ TELEPHONE NO.: _____________ __ CONTACT PERSON: Clark H. Close, Senior Planner; Tel: (42S) 430-7289; Email: cclose@rentonwa.gov I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I • CITY OF RENTO. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 21, 2015 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Longacres Business Center Phase II LUA (file) Number: LUA-15-000630, ECF, MOD, SA-H CrOSS-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Clark H. Close Acceptance Date: August 24, 2015 Applicant: Molly Carson, Joel Wage Owner: Longacres Renton, LLC, The Boeing Company Contact: Dave Williams PID Number: 0886700150, 0886700370, 0886700180, 0886700090, 0886700100, 0886700190, 0886700380, 0886700160 ERC Determination: DNS-M Date: September 21, 2015 AD Deal Period Ends: October 9 2015 Administrative Decision: Date: ADDeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: ADDeal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant, Ryan Companies U.S. Inc., is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, SEPA Environmental Review and a street modification for two (2) stand-alone general office buildings totaling 260,000 square feet. The vacant 17.38 acre site, called Longacres Business Center Phase II, consists of six (6) full parcels (APN's 088670-0090, -0100, -0380, -0150, -0190, and -0370) and two (2) partial parcels (APN's 088670-0160 and -0180). The site is generally located north of the intersection of SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW. Building C is a three- story 113,000 SF general office use building and Building D is a three-story 147,000 SF general office building. The two buildings will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction with heights at roughly 47 feet. The site is part of the original 158 acres of property known as the Longacres Office Park. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and aSSOCiated buildings and infrastructure. The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the orooertv. Site access would be served from either from Oakesdale Ave SW or ,------------------------------------- ----------------- Naches Ave SW via a access roadway. The project site in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use nation and the Commercial Office zone. The site plan includes 1,063 parking stalls with a perimeter landscaping observed around the site. The site contains high seismic hazards, low erosion hazards and low landslide hazards. The site is within the 100-year flood zone and currently no wetlands, streams, lakes or steep slopes are identified on the property. There are 53 significant trees onsite and the applicant is proposing to retain seven (7) trees. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Study by Terra Associates, Inc. (dated August 18, 2015); a Traffic Impact Analysis by Transportation Engineering NorthWest (dated August 21, 2015); a Preliminary Technical Information Report (dated August 21, 2015); and an Environmental Setting Report by Terracon Consultants, Inc. (dated August 14, 2015). The project site includes a drainage system with a detention wetpond for water quality treatment and detention located north of the Location: North of intersection SW 27th St and Naches Ave SW Comments: ERC Determination Types: ONS -Determination of Non-Significance; ONS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; OS -Determination of Significance. ----------------------------------- ADVISORY NOTES TO AP~CANT LUA 15-000630 • ,---~ of, • --~®rnlllrIDllll Application Date: August 24, 2015 Site Address: Name: Longacres Business Center Phase II PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I September 28, 2015 cj)rIlmunityServi~es~evl~wC~mm41nt~ ,;->,B ";.,;.", ;i';I:",Cbni~~t:' Le;Ii~B~ilach 1425-430~6~19 ILB~tl~~h~reMton'Nk.g~v Recommendations: 1_ Coordinate with Transportation for multi use trail layout width and location along north side of SW 27th Street with connection to light rail station as per Trails Plan_ Recommendations: 2_ Include 5 f~o~ot,-:b;.:i7-ke"'7la,-:n~e~s'-o-cn-;O-a:--;k,-:e-s-,;da-;l-,-e·A".v-:-e'S;-;-W;-;-, a-'-s-, p'C,e:-r--a--d;-:o-C;-:Plte--d"'T"'r:C:a"'ils--P"I"'a-=-n-_ ---------,-------1 , Police.PI~rii'Revi~;C:~;"~~rits,;" ,~,,' ;",1",',,'::::::1-:, ·;,,·;,:::"\,!!,'&oJikct;:H~II/ Tia:d~;i:42~:4~b~ 7519'1' htrader@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 150 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use. and should also have a heavy duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1 1/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction. This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. Due to the isolated location of this site, the use of private security personnel to patrol the site during the hours of darkness is recommended. All exterior doors should be made of solid metal or metal over wood, with heavy duty deadbolt locks, latch guards or pry resistant cylinders around the locks, and peepholes. If glass doors are used, they should be fitted with the hardware described above and additionally be fitted with a layer of security film. Security film can increase the strength of the glass by up to 300%, greatly reducing the likelihood of breaking glass to gain entry. Access to the back of the buildings should be limited, preferably with security fencing, as these areas could be vulnerable to crime due to the lack of natural surveillance by business customers or employees. It is recommended that the commercial areas be monitored with recorded security alarm systems installed. It's not uncommon for businesses to experience theft and/or vandalism during the hours of darkness. An auxiliary security service could be used to patrol the property during those times. It is important to direct all foot traffic towards the main entrance of the buildings. Any alternative employee entrances should have controlled access doors to prevent trespassing. All areas of this project need to have adequate lighting. This will assist in the deterrent of theft from motor vehicle (one of the most common crimes in Renton) as well as provide safe pedestrian travel for both employees and customers. Both structures should have building numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 12" in height and of a color contrasting with the building. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. :, P,i~n~in4' ~eJie;' c~rii;"~rits:;:"'t/i'l ii'::'.:;""_;i~."". I"~;" ;":'f'r;,;;',,>!io~d~ttctaa(d'i~s~1425:436:72891 cclo~~@ rentonwa:gov Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030,C,2 limits haul hours between eight thirty (8:30) a,m. and three thirty (3:30) p,m" Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved in advance by the Development Services Division, 2, Commercial and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a,m, and eight o'clock (8:00) p,m" Monday through Friday, Work on Saturdays is by permiSSion only, No work is permitted on Sundays, 3, Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plants appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days, Alternative measures such as mulch. sodding, or plastiC covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division's approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4, A National Permit Discharqe Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is beinq cleared, F.ire Review/ B~ildir;g,coniments ';'-i<i"i",__,;,'i'~;,;:6ci';t~'ct:,C~rey Tho;"asi 425~436,7024 I ;thbinas@;entor\;';a:gov Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments: 1, Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0: 14 per square foot of commercial office space, This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1, The preliminary fire flow is 4,000 gpm, A minimum of one hydrant is required within 150 feet of each structure and three additional hydrants are required within 300 feet of each structure. Applicant shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of 600 feet on center. A looped water main is required to be installed around the buildings. Ran: October 21, 2015 Page 1 of 2 ~~~ -------------------------------------------------- ADVISORY NOTES TO APa'CANT LUA_1_S-0_0_06_30"'-"""-_ijll ~~J~@W) PLAN -Planning Review -Land Use Version 1 I September 28, 2015 '"Fif~'!R~liiewcBiJilding ctiinment; !F' . '.. . .;:',ii,i;,::;h,::"; c~~;~dCc6~~~:rhtirri~~~r~2~~~3Q;!02~lbthdin~~~·I~~i6~wa:gCJ~. 2. Approved fire sprinkler, fire standpipe and fire alarm systems are required throughout the building. Separate plans and permits required by the fire department. Direct outside access is required to the fire sprinkler riser room. Fully addressable and full detection is required for the fire alarm system. 3. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all pOints on the building. Fire lane signage required for the on site roadway. Required turning radius are 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside. Roadways shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30 ton vehicle and 75 psi point loading. 4. An electronic site plan is required prior to occupancy for pre fire planning purposes. 5. The buildings shall comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shall verify both incoming and outgoing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If inadequate, the building shall be enhanced with amplification equipment in order to meet minimum coverage. Separate plans and permits are required for any proposed amplification systems. I> ",/."\,, ':" ".,. : .,:'-, t,,, :', .>', _'''" ',',-,/ ,',',"' ," _ k:,,:;:',_ ' .. ", 'n _" ,'. ",< ."', -<\ ,",>;/,fi:,'IiiY-""''',::r_'',',''_ :;,,'),,·''-":'-';r·':';;,-<,,,>,;((I' «i-J;'L~\J'-)!H";""-:!':/;-,~;'; '<"""/,,-<i!),ib_<>-<'h) TechniCal' Services' Cbmments'·'ir·'i# .p" d;r.,3:i,,?1',.rrl,r''',h!!,)!' Contact:' Amanda Askren·'1I'<l25~430:i369~1.· aasKren.@rerW:>o'wa:gQ:vl Recommendations: Technical Services 9/4/2015 Property lines shown on plan set do not reflect actual legal boundary lines, title report or ALTA provided. Amended Binding Site Plan or other land conveyance document will need to be prepared to show the proposed property lines consistent with~plan set. Ran: October 21, 2015 Page 2 of 2 ·. I Print Form II Reset Form II Save Form I DEPARTMENT OF COMMIITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • - ----.....-·Renton e Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Longacres Renton. LLC PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Longacres Business Center ADDRESS: 3900 E. Camelback. Suite 100 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: SW 27th Ave. & Naches Ave. SW Renton, WA 98057 CITY: Phoenix. AZ ZIP: 85018 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (602) 322-6100 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 0886700090.0886700100.0886700380.0886700150, 0886700190.0886700160.0886700180 APPLICANT (If other than owner) NAME: Molly Carson EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant COMPANY (if applicable): Ryan Companies. U.S .. Inc. PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Office EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: 3900 E. Camelback. Suite 100 Employment Area PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: Phoeniz. AZ ZIP: 85018 (if applicable) n/a TELEPHONE NUMBER: (602) 322-6100 EXISTING ZONING: Commercial Office CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): n/a NAME: Dave Williams SITE AREA (in square feet): 763.905 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): Ryan Companies US. Inc. DEDICATED: 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: 3900 E. Camelback. Suite 100 0 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET CITY: Phoeniz. AZ ZIP: 85018 ACRE (if applicable) n/a TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) (602) 322-6126 n/a Dave. Williams@ryancompanies.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): n/a Dl=rl=l\ll=n 1 AUG 24 2015 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application.doc Rev: 02/2015 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION , ). • • PROJECTINFORMATrIO~N~~(,c~o~n~ti~n~ue~d~I) ______________ -. NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: $41,700,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): nfa IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): nfa o AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): -310,000 (see site plan for more detail) 0 FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): 0 GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if 0 HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. applicable): -310.000 (see site plan for more detail) 0 SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES sq. ft. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): 600-700 0 WETLANDS sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information Included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION _, TOWNSHIP _, RANGE _, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) , declare under penalty of pe~ury und~ laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check ne) the current owner of the property involveo in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the for contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best Signature of Owner/Representative STATE OF ARIZONA ) ) SS COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) Date I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that M Ol.L ~ &1. rtN c.A4./'iO"'\ signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be hislherltheir free and voluntary act for theses nd purpose mentioned in the instrument. N ry Pu c in or the State of ArIZona Notary (Print): My appOintment expires: JI..lIJt:: d.-I, ;).019 2 H:\CED\Oata\Forms-Templates\SeIf-Help Handouts\Planning\Master Application.doc Rev: 02/2015 , ." Form WA-5 (6{76) Commitment LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL I: • • EXHIBIT 'A' File No.: NCS-748552-WAl Page No.2 Lot A of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No. LUA-ll-049-LLA, recorded September 13, 2013 as Recording No. 20130913900001, records of King County, Washington. EXCEPTING THEREFROM those portions conveyed to the City of Renton by Quitclaims Deeds recorded September 13, 2013 as Recording No. ;!Q13Q91390000j and November 25, 2013 as Recording No. ~Q1}1125000546. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed to BNSF Railway Company, a Delaware corporation and BN Leasing Corporation, a Delaware corporation, by Bargain and Sale Deed recorded December 6, 2013 as Recording No. f9131f96901~2· PARCEL II: Lots 10, 15, 16, 18, 19 and Tract C of BOEING LONGACRES PROPERlY, BINDING SITE PLAN NO. LUA-02-022- BSP, recorded in \I0!um~Jo~J~fP!a~,J~~g~.~3 and amended in \I0IlJrn~_219,J~ag~§J and Volume i!28,JlC!ge 22, in King County, Washington. First American Title Insurance Company ,-------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF COMMIITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 50uth Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 lAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: Arborist Report 4 Biological Assessment. Calculations 1 Colored Maps for Display 4 Construction Mitigation Description 2AN04 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet 4 IAk- Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Architectural, AND 4 Environmental Checklist 4 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1 AND 4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) lAN04 Flood Hazard Data 4 Floor Plans, AND' Geotechnical Report 2 AND' Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed 2 Habitat Data Report • Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 PROJECT NAME: L,()('IbAe:eH 13v,',fVl,iC<; Cewn::'1Z. PI~G" 'It DATE: ~ Ill/IS'" I , 1 RECEIVED H :\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\ Waiversubmittalreqs.docx AUG 2 Rr'fa{30 1S CITY OF RENTON PlANNING DIVISION • • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site. Landscape Plan, Conceptual. Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 Legal Description 4 Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form. Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map. Overali Plat Plan. Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis. Plan Reductions (PMTs). Post Office Approval, Plat Name Reservation 4 Plat Plan 4 Preapplication Meeting Summary. Public Works Approval Letter, Rehabilitation Plan. Screening Detail. Shoreline Tracking Worksheet. Site Plan >AND' Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental. Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan. Street Profiles, Title Report or Plat Certificate lAND' Topography Map, Traffic Study, Tree Cutting/land Clearing Plan. Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Ott- Utilities Plan, Generalized, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final. Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary. 2 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Plannlng\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 02/2015 • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMInAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement, AND, Inventory of Existing Sites, AND' Lease Agreement, Draft 'AND' Map of Existing Site Conditions 'AND' Map of View Area, AND' Photosimulations 'AND' This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx • COMMENTS: Rev: 02/2015 • • PRE-APPLICATION MEETING COMMENTS FOR . .' :.-. '. .-. LONGACRES BUSINESS CENTER PHASE II . ". PRE 15~00029:t . CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division May 19, 2015 Contact . Information: Planner: Clark H.Close, 425-430-7289 Public Works Plan Relfil:!wer: Vicki Grover, 425-43Q-7i91 Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425-430~7024 Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425-43(}-7290 . . REC[IVED AUG 24 2015 CITY OF R!:NTON PLANNING DIVISION Please retain this packet throughout the course~ofyour project as a reference. Consider givh1gcoplesofit to any engineers, architects,. andcontractQrs who work on the I proj~ct. You wlll.l'leed to submit a cQPyof this packet when YQuapply for land use and/or envlrcmmel'ltal permits.' . ! Pre-screening: When you have the project appllcatlonrel!dy for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager toha~e It pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting Is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The Information contained In this summary Is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). ! I • FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDU M DATE: May 19, 2015 TO: Clark Close, AsSilciatePlanner FROM: , Corey Thomas, Plan Revil~w/lnspe~or SUBJECT: Longacres Business Center Phase II :... SW 27th St and Oakesdale Ave SW, 7 Parcels (APNs 088670-D090,.(J1OO; -oiso; .(J160, .(J18D, .(J190, & -D(80) /2. PREIS-000192 The preliminary fire flow is 4,000' gpm. A minimum of one hydrant Is requlred.withln ISQ-feet of each structure and three additional hydrants are required within 300-feet of each',structure. Applicant shall also meet maximum hydrant spacing of SOO-feeton center. A looped water main Is required to be Installed around the'bulldlngs; Due to existing dead end mains feeding this area; it , appears adequate fire flow Is not available In this area. Furthefwater main loops are reql.llred to provide adequate fire flow. ' ' , Fire Impact fees are applicable at the rate of $0.14 p~~ square foot of commertlal office space. This fee is paid at time of building permltis~uance. ' 13.' Approved fire sprlnkler,andflre ~Iiirni~ystems are required throughout the building, Separate plans and pl:!rmlts required by the flre ~~partment.6Ire,ct outside access Is required to the fire ~prlnkler , 4. j' 5, 6, riser room, Fully addressable and full deteCtlali Isrequir'ed for the'flrealarm System. ' ' Fire department apparatus access roadways are requirei:t' withiri'ls0-feet of all poInts on the: building. Fire lane signage required for the on-site roadway. Required turning radius are 2S-feet Inside and 45-feet outside. R,oadways shall be a mlnlmumof2Q-feet wide. Roadways shall support a' minimum of a 30-ton vehlcl~~nd 7s-psillointloading. An electronic site plan Is required prIor to occupancy for pre-fire plannlngpur,poses. The buildings shall comply with the City of Renton Emergency Radio Coverage ordinance. Testing shall verify both incoming and outgoing minimum emergency radio signal coverage. If Inadequate, the buildIng shall be enhanced wIth amplification equipment In order to meet minimum coverage. Separate plans and permits are required for any proposed amplifIcation systems. Page 10f1 ,.----------- • • ==================================================~~==::~-== DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVEU)PMENT MEMOR.ANDUM May 19, 2015 Clark Close, Associate Planner Vicki Grover, Plan Review Pre-Application for the Lonpcres .Buslness Center, 14_7 acre Sit!! located north.of SW 27 lf1 ·Street (Strander Blvd.) PRE :1.5-000292 . NOTE: The appliCant is cautioned that information contained in thissunimary Is preliminary and non- binding and may til! subject to modification and/or concurrence by offidal City declslori-makers. Review comments may also need to be revised baSed on site planrilhllarid other design chimges required by City staff or made by the applicant. . i have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal located at (7) parcels No. 0886700150,0886700190,0886700100, 0886700380, 0886700160,0886700180 and 0886700090, for a total of 14.7 acres. The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. WATER The proposed development Is within the City of Renton's 196·pressure zone water service area and outside of the City's aquifer and wellhead protection areas. There is an existing 12-inch water main (see City water project plan no. W-D871) within a utility . easement (recording no. 198803161006) running north-south and near the middle oftax lot 0886700190. The maximum capacity of this 12-inch line is 5,500 gallons per minute (gpm). There is also an existing 12-inch water main in SW 27111 st. which ends about 350 feet west of Naches Ave SW (see City project plan no. W-3218 and W-3693). The maximum capacity of this dead-end water line is 2,800 Rpm. The static water pressure Is about 70 psi at ground elevation of 25 feet. Based on the project information submitted by the applicant for the pre'application meeting, the City's Fire Prevention Department has determined that the preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development Including the use of an automatic fire sprinkler system is 4,000 gpm. L-_____________________________________________________________ ---- Longacres Business Center PhaseeRElS-000292 Page 2 of3 May 19, 2015 • In order to provide water service for domestic and for fire protection to the proposed buildings, the following wate~ main improvements will be required per City codes and development standards: For Building B-1 (east building) On-site 12cinch looped water main ~round the building connecti~gtQ the existing 12-lnch water main at 2. locations within the existing easement on the east side of the building. The south portion of the above 12-lrich looped water'maln within shall be eXtended southerly In the new access· road and shall be connected to the existing 12-inch water Stubattheintersectlon of Naches Ave 5W and 5W 27'" 5t. For Building A-1 (west building) . On·site 12-lnch looped water main around the building connecting to the new 12-lnch main along the new north~south access road north of 5W 27'" 5t and to the new12-lnch main along the south side of Building B-1. The proposed building footprint needs to be shifted to the south to allow the Installation of the new water line within a IS-foot wide utilitY easement. For Both Buildings: 1. Installation of a separate fire sprinkler stub to each building with a detector double check valve assembly (DDCVA) for backflow prevention. The DDCVAshall be Installed in an outside underground vault or in the building sprinkler rooms If It meets the conditions as shown on City'S standard plan for. the Interior Installation ofa DDCVA. . 2. Installation of hydrants as required by Renton Fire Prevention Dept. 3. Installation of a se~anite domestic water meter with a reduced backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) to each building. The RPBA shall. be installed behind the meter and In~lde a heated enclosure r'hot,boJ() per CItY standard plan. Sizing of the meter shall be. done In accordance with the l,Iniform Ph,imbing CQdemetei' si;lngcriteria; . . .. .. .... . 4. Installation of landscape Irrigation meter and double check valve assembly (DCVA). Please note that tl1e new water mains will be parallel to and will also cross over the 2 existing . BP/Olympli: PlpelineCo.'s petroleum pipelines and a Metro.sailitary sewer line in this area. There is also an exi$ting 60'lnch transmission water pipeline belonging t6 Seattle Public Utilities. Adequate horizontal and vertical. separation must be· provided between the new water line and the petroleum pipelines, the Metro's sewer line and sPU's water pipeline. The applicant will need to provide cathodic protection for the new water mains near these pipelines; The applicant shall also obtain all required permits or authorizations from Olympic Pipeline, SPU and from King County/Metro for any work in vicinity of their respective lines. These permits must be submitted to the COR prior to Issuances of any construction . permits . . Civil plans for the water main Improvements will be required and must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main EXtensions as shown in Appendix J of the CIty's 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separations between the new water main and other utilities (storm sewer, sanitary sewer, power, gas, electrical) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. The development is subject to City's water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the meters and of the fire sprinkler feeds. SANITARY SEWER 1. Sewer service Is provided by the City of Renton. There is an existing sewer manhole on the KC Metro line located on the north side of sW 27'h Street (AKA Strander Blvd). A new 8-inch diameter sewer H!\CED\Planning\Current Plannlng\PREAPPS\ls-000292 Longacres Business Center Pha.PRElS-000292 Page 3 of3 May 19,2015 • main can connect there and be extended to the nQrthern most property line. Connect 6-inch (minimum) side sewers as necessary to meet the project's needs to this new st!wer main. A 15 ft. sewer easement shall be dedicated to the 'city that runs east/west the entire length of the north property line.' .' . .. . . 2. System Development Charges (SOC) for sewer Is based on the size ofthe new domestic water meter to serve the development_ SURFACE WATER . 1. There Is a drainage conveyance system along 5W 27'h Street and along Oakesdale Ave SW. 2. A drainage plan anddrainage report will be required with the site plan application. The report shali comply. with the 1990 King County Surfac~ Water Manual. All core and any speCial requirements shall be contained in the report. Based.or1 the City's floW control map, this site falls within .the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard, Existing Conditions .. 3. A Construction Stormwater Permit (NPDES) from the Department of Ecology is required for sites . over an acre. 4. Applicantwlll be required to submit separate structural plans for review and approval under a . . building permit fOra starin water vault and for walls, if proposed. Special iilspj!ctionfroni the building depart'ment is required. . ..... '. '. . 5. Surface water system development fee (SOC) will be. applicable. The current rate of the SOC fee is $0.540 per square foot of new impervious surface area, but not less than $1,3S0.00. Transportation/Street, .' '. , . 1. This pro]ectfroMts SW 27t11 Streetand Oakesdale Ave SW.The existing Right Of Way is approximately 90 ft;lnwidth fur both streets. SW27t11 Street.i!; classified as a Minor Arterial and Oakesdale Avenue SW Is a Principal Arterial, . 2 .. A Trafflc.lmpact Analysis will be required at all proposed ingress, egress points on the site, intersection of SW 27'h:Street and Oakesdale Avenue. 3. StreeHrontage Improvements requlredalongSW 27t11 Street and Oakesdale Ave. per RMC 4-6-060, th ," ',. ". " .' , . SW 27 . Street requires 91 ft. of Right Of Way (0.5 ft~ of dedication) and Oakesdale Ave. SW requires 103 ft. (6.5 ft. of dedication) .. Street frontage improvements required are 8 ft. Sidewalks, 8 ft. planter strip, curb and gutter and 8 ft. parking lanes.and bike lanes. Street lighting is required. 4. Applicant may submit an application to the City requesting a modification ofthestreet frontage Improvements as outlined In City code 4-9-25OCSd. 5. Trafflclmpact fees are required and will be determined at a later date. General 1. All construction and service utility permits fur drainage, water and sewer will require plan submittals. All utility plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. 2. When utility plans are complete, please submit three .(3) coplesofthe drawings, two (2) copies of the drainage report, and permit application, an Itemized cost of construction estimate, and application fee at the counter on the sixth floor of City hall. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\lS-000292 Longacres Business Center P.I; PRE1S-000292 Page 3 of 8 May 19, 201S • LillJlt?scale projects, such as structures niore than 100,000 square feet a/groSs floor arealn the Co ~ane, would be fequlredto obtain Hearing examiner Site Plan oPPrOva! per 8MC 4-9- 200D,2, Setbacks: Setbacks are the distance between the building and.the property line· or any private acceSs easement; Setback requirements in the CO zone are as follows: 20 feet(20') minimum front yard setback forbui!dlngs 2S' to 80'. in height; on lots abutting more than one (1) street the maximum setback shall. only be applied to the. primary ·street as determined by the Reviewing Official; no rear yard or side yard setbacks,e~cept 15' if abutting or adjacent to a residential zone. Based on the current zoning maps, the subject side does not abut a resldt!ntlal . '. . . .. . . zone . . In the case of the proposed proJect, the. applicant Is proposing a three-story and a four-story building with front yard setbacks of 152' from sW 27 t11 St and 337' from O~ke.sdale Ave SW. A rear yard setback of 10', for building ,0.:1, Is being proposed from the Bow Lake Pipeline property · line. The pl'Oimseil buUdlngs meet themlnltnllni setba.ck requIrements of the zane. .. . Gross Floor Area: There Is no minimum requirements for gross floor area within the CO zone. Building Height: The maxlm~m building height allowed In the CO zone is 250 feet unle.ssthe building Is abutting a lot designated as resldentlal~ DimensIoned building eleVatlons·are required · with the la(1d use/building permit· application submittals. BuildlngA-l will be a four (4i story structure with a blilldirighelghtof approximately 62 feet above the surrouridinggrade. Building B-1 v,:iU be a t~ree (3) story structure rising approximately 47 feet. The pro~sed3-story and 4- sto.ry structures. would comply with the helliht req!l'rementso/ the zone.· ... . Scre!!nins: Screenlngmust be enclosed so· as to besl1lelded from vlewfor.allsurface-mounted and roof top ~tlllty and mechanical equipment. The site plan application will need to. Include elevations and details for the proposed. methods of screening. . · Refuse ilOd . Recvcllng Areas: All n~w dev~iop~eritfor nt;Jnresldentlal uses shall provide onslte refuse and. recyclables deposit areas and. collection polnts·for· coliectlC)n of refuse ancl recyclables. Refuse and recycling areas need to meet the requirements of RMC·4::4-090, ·."Refuse and Recyclables Standards." For office developments, a minimum of two (2) square feet per · every 1,000 square feet cif building gross floor area shall·be provided for recyclable deposit areas and a minimum of four (4) square feet·per 1,COO square feet of bulldlnB gross floor area shall be provldecl for refuse deposit areas. 8efuse aild recydlng Qreas will need to be Identified In the land use .applicatlon that meet the minimum size, screening, location, and ather standards in RMC 4-4-690. Off/ce, general 592 Off/ce, general 150,000 300 Combined Totals 298,000 596 1,192 H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\15-000292 Longacres Business cente.se II; PRE1S-{)00292 Page4of8 May 19, 2015 • Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this ~ectlon, the supervisor may grant modifications for In'dlvidual cases provided h~/she shall first find that a special individual reason 'makes the strict letter of'tneserequirements hilpractiCal, that the modification is in confol1'illty with the Intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: 1) will meet the objectives and safety, function, and appearance intended by the requirements for recydables deposit areas. and collection points; and 2) will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity. "" Landscaping: All portions of the development ilrea not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation, or service areas, must be landscaped with, native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. The minimum landscape width required when a commercial lot is adjacent to property zoned commercial, office or public/quasi-judicial Is 15 feet sight-obscuring landscape strip. (The minimum arterial setback in the CO zane Is 10 jeet landscaped setback from the street property line, or 20 feet landscaped setback from the back a/the Sidewalk, whichever is less.) If the street is a designated arterial, non-slght-obscuring'landscaplng shall be provided unless otherwise determhied by the Hearing Examiner through the site plan review process. The site is located within the, Green RI~er Valley. Any development In the Green River Valley shall provide a minimum of twope!'cerit (2%) of the total site for landscaping suitable for wildlife habitat. This landscaping is in addition to any other landscaping requirements. ' Perimeters of the lot mUst be effectively screen~d by a combination oflandscaping and fencing. The landscaping shall be of a size and variety so as to prOvide an eighty perCent (80%) 'opaque screen. Any landscaping area shall bea minimum offlVe feet (5') In width, An underground sprinkling system shall be requlred.to be installed and maintained for all landscaped areas. According t.oThe City ofR~ntonTrallsand BicYcle Master Plari,adoptedMayll, 2009,S'N 27th Street ImprovementS include a.local multl~usetrail. Th~ existing traU on the southside of SW 27th Street, frOm Oakesdale Ave 'sw to Naches Ave SW, is Improved as a separated multi-use trail with a landscape strip. The trail crosses over to the north side of SW 27th St at Naches Ave SW. The applicant, wauid be reSponsible /Or meetIng. the requirements 01 the adopted Trails and Blcyde Master plan at the time oj application /Or Hearing Eltllmlner Site Plan Review. Staff is requesting a 30,foot landscaped buffer with ber'm along SW 2ih Street and Oakesdale Ave SW from the back of property line; all other street frontages shall be 15 feet sight-obscuring landscape, except where reduced through' the site pbin development review process. A canceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meetIng the requIrements In RMC 4-8- 120D_12, shall be submitted at the time 01 application /Or Hearing Examlller Site Plan Review. Tree Preservation: A tree inventory and a tree retention plan along with a tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land, use application as defined in RMC 4·8-1200. Trees, shall be maintained to the maximum extent feasible on the property where they are growing. Properties subject to an active Land Development Permit must retain at least ten percent (10%) of the significant trees (trees six inch (6") caliper, "at chest level" and larger). As an alternative to retaining trees, the Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrator that an insufficient percentage of trees can be retained. Fences: If the applicant intends to install any fences as part of this project, the location must be designated on the landscape plan. A fence detail should also be included on the plan if proposed. H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\lS-{)00292 Longacres Business Center pA II; PRE1S-000292 PageS of8 • May 19, 2015 Parking: The following Ilarklng ratios would be applic,able.to the site: Offices, professional and businesses:. Offices, professional and businesses: .' 148,000 150,000 A minimum of 3.0 per 1;000 square.reet· of gross floor area and not more than a maximum of. 4.5 parking spaces per floor A minimum of 3,Oper 1,000 square feet of gross floor area 'arid not more than a maximum of 4.5 parking spaces per feet of Min: 444 Max: 666 Mln:450 Max: 675 The regulations Identifi.ed above were applicable under the. development' agreement (2003 vested code).Slighily diff.erent calculations can' be 'achieved PV applying the parking regulations found In RMC4-4-QSO, that exist today. The applicant Is prapasing a tatiJl 0/1,008 parking st~lIs (14 compact, 972 sta~d~iTI; a;,dZZ ADA); B(lsed onglo" square ft,otage 0/ the site, the oppllmnt would be lIilJlted to no less ihan 894 and no more than 1,341 parlcing stalls. The applicant will be nioulredat the tinjeof fOrmal hind Use applicaticiri to proyldedetaiied parking Informatlonli.e. stall and drlveillsle dim~nsioris)and caiculatlorisof the sUblect site and . the overall campus use. . .' .' ..' . . If futUre pracllcal dlfficu~iesexlst In meeting parking req~irements, the ap~lic~nt may request a modificatlcirifcOmthese Stiindards, Please refer to RMC ~!H50[i.2 for decision criteria. It is the responsibility of the developer or building ocX:upant to provide the Departmimt of Community and Economic Development with written Justification for the'parking modification, . It shol,lld be noted that the parking regulations specify standard stall dimensions. Surfuce parking stalls must be a minimum of 9 feet x 20 feet, compact dimensions of8~ feet·x 16 feet, and parallel stall dimensions of 9 feet x 23 feet; compact surfuce parking spaces shall not account for more than 30 percent of the spaces in the surfuce parking lots. Please note parking lots ten thousand (10,000) square feet or greater In area shall have a minimum of five percent (5%) ofarea within the parking lot landscaped In a pattern that reduces the barren appearance of the parking lot. Alternatively, the applicant may choose to provide 35 square feet of landscaping per parking space as identified in RMC 4-4-070.6.b.; this is in addition to the required perimeter parking lot landscaping. ADA accessible stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet in width by 20 feet in length, with an adjacent access aisle of 8 feet In width for van accessible spaces. The minimum required number of accessible spaces is two percent (2%) of the total spaces for parking lots with 501 to 1,000 total spaces. For lots with over 1,000 stalls the minimum required number of accessible spaces is 20 spaces plus 1 space for every 100 spaces, or fraction thereof, over 1;000. The applicant Is propaslng1,OOB parking spaces, therefore, at least a minimum 0/21 total ADA stalls. H:\CED\Plannlng\Current Plannlng\PREAPPS\lS-0Q0292 ' . Longacres Business cente.se II; PRE15-o00292 Page 6 of8 May 19, 2015 • Bicycle parking Is encouraged for the development. Based on the land use, the number of bicycle parking spa,ces should be equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the number of required off- street parking spaces. spacessholMfoll~W the requirements of RMC 4-4-oS0F.l1. ' . Finally, the applicant would be required to demonstrate adequate parking Is provided during , each phase 01 the project. Lighting: Parking lot or display lot light fixtures should be non-glare and mounted no niore than 25 feet above the ground to minimize the impact onto adjacent and abutting properties. The applicant would be requlrerlto provide a lighting plan prior to construction permit approval. Staff recommends following the standards found In RMC 44-075 Lighting, Exterior On-s/tei Access & Location of Parking Stalls: Access to the buildings would,beprovided via two private access roads from SW 27 th St and Oakesdale Ave SW. The private roads comiectat roughly the middle of the site or between the two proposed bUildihgS. No driveways shall be constructed in such a manner as to be a hazard· to any exi~tirig street lighting standard; utility pole, traffic regulating device, fire hydrant, abutting street traffic, or similar devices or conditions (RMC 4-4~ OSOI). The location of all Ingress and egress driveways shall be subject to approval through site plan review. 'Street ImproVements, including, curbs, gutter and sidewalk, are required along the frontages of the properties; Whenever a building permit Is applied for, the applicant shall build and Insmll.street ImprovementS (RMC4-6-060). MOdl/lmtions to half street. ImprovementS . may be allowed when there. are practltal dlfilculties Involved In carry/ngout the provisiOns 01 title IV or when a special Individual reason makes the strict letter of this Code Improctlml (RMC 4-9-250). Pedestrian Access:.A pedestrian connection shall be provided from all public entrances;to the street; Inorderto. provide direct; clear and separatepedestriim walks from sidewalks to building entries. and Internally from buildings to abutting properties. . . Critical Areas: The site contains High Seismic Hazards. The seismic hazard Is related to potential liquefaction of solis duringim earthquake event. Also, within portions of parcel rio. 088670-0100 and 08867O-D380there are' special flood hazard areas (100 year flood -FEMAZoneAE), according to the 1995 FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map. But not according'to FEMA's un- adopted DFIRM map. Requirements on all projects located within the City, including Base'Flood Elevations (BFE), Finished Floor Elevation and Compensatory Storage requirements are based on the adopted 1995.FIRM (including the Cedar River LOMR) mali TIle applicant will be required to provide Flood Hazard dato In their SEPAcheckllst and Identify their intent to either use the 1995 FIRM or the DFIRM for Finished Floor Elevation and Compensatory storage requli'etilents. HOll!lever, II the DFIRM has a lower SFE thim the adopted 1995 FIRM you will be required to build to the SFE.olthe 1995 FIRM. A geotechnical analysl$ for the site Is required. The analysis needs to assess soli conditions and detail construction measures to assure building stability. Environmental Review: The proposed project would be subject to Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review due to the size and scope of the project. Therefore. an environmental checklist is a submittal requirement. An environmental determination will be made by the Renton Environmental Review Committee. This determination is subject to appeal by' either the project proponent, by a citizen of the community, or another entity having standing for an appeal. Note: The lee for Enllironmental (SEPA) Review Is $1,030.00 ($1,000.00 plus 3 % Technology Surcharge Fee), H:\CED\Planning\Current Planning\PREAPPS\lS-000292 Longacres Business Center P.II; PRE15..(100292 Page7of8 May 19, 2015 • Site Plan Review: The purpose of the site plan review Is to assure the site plan is compiitlble with both the physical. characteristics of. the site and the existing and potential· uses of the surrounding area. In addition, Site Plan Review assures the development is consistent with City of Renton plans, policies and regulations. Generai review criteria Include the following: a. Compliance and Consistency. Conformance with plans, policies, regulations and approvals, Including: . . b. Off-Site Impacts. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; c. On:.Slte Impacts. Mitigation of impacts to the site;. . . . d. ACcess and CIrculation. Safe and efficlentaccesS and circulation for all users; . .' -. . . e. Open Space •. Incorporation of public and ·private open spaces to serve as· distinctive project focal· jioints and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the site; .. . f. Views and. Public Access. Provision of vlew;corridorS to shorelines and Mt. Rainier, incorporates public access to shorelines, and -arrange~project elements to protect existing natural systems where applicable; II. Seniices and Infrastructure. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; . . h. Slgn~ge. Use of slgn~ primarily for the purpose of Identification and management of sign elements':" such as the number, size, brightness, lighting intensity, and location -to complement the visual character of ·the. surrounding area, avoid visual. clutter and distraction; and appea~ in proportion to the bulldlngahd site til which they pertain; and I. Phasing. Inclusion of a detailed· seq~enclng plan with d~velopment phases and estimated time frarnes, if appllcabh!. ... . Permit Requirements: TheprQPosed project would require Hearing Examiner Site Plan·Review and Environmental 'SEPA' Review which would be processed. within an estimated time frame of 12 weeks. The application fee for tlie Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review Fee Is $2,500 and Modification requests have a fee of $150 each. The application fee for SEPA Review (Environmental Checklist) Is $1,000. A 3% technology fee would also be assessed at the time of land use application. Detailed. information regarding the land use application submittal Is provided in the attached handouts or Is also available on the CIty's website. In addition to the required land use perrnlts, sep~rate construction arid building per~lts would be required. The review oHhese permits may occur concurrently with the review of the land use permits, but cannot be issued prior to the completion of any appeal periods. Impact Mitigation Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, impact fees are required. Such fees apply to all projects and would be calculated at the time of building permit application and payable prior to building permit issuance. The 2015 fees are as follows: • Transportation Impact Fees would be based on the land use. General office is $3.69 per square foot or as determined by City per current ITE Manual; and • Fire Impact fees are $0.14 per square foot for office. A handout listing ali of the City's Development related fees is attached for your review or is available at www.rentonwa.gov. H:\CED\Plannlng\Current Plannlng\PREAPPS\15..(100292 Lonsacres Bus iness centerae II; PRE15 -000292 Page 8 of8 May 19, 2015 • Note: When. the formal application materials are complete, the applicant Is stron.11y encouraged to haVe one copy of the applici!1:lon mat,rlals pre-$Cl'l!ened at the 6th fldOr front counter prior to submlttinl ·the cOmplete application patka,,; pri!~ contact Clar!< Close, Associate Planner at 425-430-7289 or by amall at cclo~eCPrentonwa.gov for an appointment. > Expiration and . extensions: Once the Site Plan application has been approved, the applicant has two years to comply wit~ all conditions· of approval and to apply for any necessary permits before the approval becomes null and vo id. The approval body that approved the original application may grant a · single two -year extension. The approval body may require a pulilic hearing for such extension. . H:\CEO\Plannlng\current Plann ing\PREAPPS\lS -000292 • • I I I • ----- ," " I (l1Jjj In /II " I , ~ a I ' III II II !l~i~' » ~ I "I I -'" 1·1 I .~ ~ ~ TRACT C 2.15 ACRES ------ 17 r:, 18 'f" .,:~.~ : .--~ ~ ... SITE NOTES !WIll ",..., ~ .. -.... -~II-""- fle8'!IIS rpcG ----------re""G 'fR-wm ---- ... ~':I - . ..-_. _ ......... _10_ ...... ---...... ----_ .. .. ,,--..... -.... - 1''''fCHIf'·newas ---==-~-----_ .. ------ _. _ .... _ .... _ •. ..... ....... ...... ----.... -_ ........ -•. _ ...... -~ ....... -----... ... -...----- ~ 111 pAfl(lNG LEGEN~ Q t ~ o fa c: <>( ..... ~y j1 1 aM. I ---=--=11 ::J1 !IlE I1lNf ! f CD,,· ..... @ - ~ COLLI~S m ;;0 ~ > OZ· --_._----yo --"-... LONGACAES BUSINESS CelTS\ "'f1TH~. II - ---- ===-= ---_ .. ~ ---- .--.. ,,,-_ ....... A1.3 .. - .' .' ,- -_"'7 \ ) , :, /; :-r , /' .," ! ~------ ~ C©LLI NS m :::0 ::I: » z • ARCHITECTURE' PLANNING· INTERIOR DESIGN 710 SECOND AVENUE· SUITE 1400 SEATTLE WASHINGTON' 98104.1710 ro 208 245 2100 F· 206 245 2101 • COLLINSWOERMAN.COM August 21 st. 2015 Jennifer Henning Planning Director City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton. WA 98057 • Re: Longacres Business Center Phase II -Project Narrative Dear Jennifer Henning: ---------------- RECEIVED AUG 24 2015 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION On behalf Ryan Companies U.S .• Inc. & CollinsWoerrnan. we are submitting the following project summary as a part of the Site Plan Review package for Longacres Business Center Phase II. Proposal Summary The proposed development location for Longacres Business Center Phase II is a 17.38 acre site near the West municipal border of the City of Renton. It is comprised of710ts; parcel numbers 0886700090. 0886700100. 0886700150. 0886700190. 0886700160. and 0886700180. The site is bounded by Burlington Northern Railroad to the West. SW 27th St. to the South. Oaksdale Ave. SW to the East. and the Bow Lake Pipeline to the North. The adjacent privately owned lots to the North and Southeast of the site are currently undeveloped. Development for the Longacres Business Center Phase II will include tWo (2) standalone buildings totaling -300.000 SF. The occupancy classification for building development will be general office. The building uses we are proposing fall under the City of Renton's Commercial Office Zone requirements and therefore we are not asking any rezone. variance. or conditional use for the on-site development. The anticipated constructin costs are approximately $47.000.000. Site Characteristics Land Use & Zoning: The proposed site for Longacres Business Center Phase II is zoned as a part of the Commercial Office Zone (CO). Per 4-2-020-0 of the RMC. "The Commercial Office Zone (CO) is established to provide areas appropriate for professional. administrative, and business offices and related uses, offering high-quality and amenity work environments ... Limited light industrial activities, which can effectively blend in with an office environment, are allowed." The adjacent properties to the immediate South. East. & North of the site are similarly zoned for commercial office. The site abuts the City of Renton's municipal boundary to the West. Along the West & East borders of the site. a 30' setback to the property line is observed. This setback accommodates a 20' wide Green River Valley Wildlife Habitat Corridor as 110 SECOND AVENUE. SUITE 1400 SEATTLE WA 98104-1710 T 206.245.2100 F 206.245.2101 COlUNSWOERMAN.COM COLLINSWOERMAN IS A WASHIN9TON CORPORATION. Jennifer Henning Apri130,2015 Page 2 • • well as a 10' wide perimeter landscaping buffer. Along the North property line, a 20' wide perimeter landscaping buffer is observed. Along the South property line, a 30' minimum landscaping perimeter buffer is provided. Beyond the landscape perimeter to the South within the property lines of the project an additional landscaping frontage buffer is provided. This additional landscaping frontage buffer extends to the South most property line of the proposed site. Refer to L5.05 for more details. The existing contour of the site and the existing utility easements prohibit the addition of a four foot high landscape burm. The existing contours of the site, additional landscape buffer, and 225' setback of the proposed buildings mitigate the visual impact of the project to the street. Existing Site Conditions: The proposed site is predominantly undeveloped and covered with moderate growth of bush, weeds, and grass. Intermittent trees appear on parcels 0886700150 and 0886700190, while parcels 0886700090 and 0886700100 have very few existing trees. An existing paved/gravel road runs parallel to SW 27111 St across the four (4) parcels. The existing paved/gravel road has private access from the West via Oaksdale Ave. SW and from the North via the property currently owned and developed by Boeing. All existing gravel roads are to be removed during site development. The existing site has minimal grade change across the four (4) parcels. The existing site's average grade is approximately 22' above sea level, sloping from 22' to 19' as one moves north from SW 27 th St., peaking at 24' near the proposed location of Building D. Existing overhead power lines run East-West across each of the four (4) parcels on the site. Running North-South and bisecting the four (4) parcels sits a 2.15 acre Tract assumed to accommodate the required natural habitat landscaping. The natural habitat landscaping is to be redistributed along the East & West perimeters of the proposed site. No wetlands, bodies of water, or steep slopes exist on the site. This project is not located within 100' of a stream. A portion of the Renton Wetlands, located directly across Oaksdale to the East, is measured -90' from the East property line of the proposed site. This project is not within 200' of Black River, Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek and Lake Washington. Soli Conditions: Cone penetration tests were taken to analyze the soil conditions on the site. In general, the CPTs indicated soils of 3" to 7" of topsoil overlying 1-6 feet of medium dense inorganic fill overlying alluvial silts and sands. Based on the soil analysis, it is recommended the both buildings be supported on piles or ground improved using rammed aggregated piers/stone columns. For detailed data regarding the results of the CPTs, as well as recommendations for building foundation systems, please refer to the Geotechnical Report included in the Site Plan Review package. Drainage Conditions: Groundwater seepage at depths between 5' and 13' were observed in a majority of the 13 test pits. It is recommended a positive drainage gradient away from the buildings be provided and collected in a storm water sewer system. For subsurface drainage, the geotechnical report recommends installing perimeter foundation drains adjacent to shallow foundations for each building. Please refer to the Geotechnical Report for more information regarding on-site drainage conditions. 710 SECOND AVENUE. SUITE 1400 SEATTLE WA 98104·1710 COlLlNSWOERMAN IS A WASHINGTON CORPORATION. T 206.245.2100 F 206.245.2101 CQLLINSWOERMAN.COM - Jennifer He. April 30,2015 Page 3 • Proposed Site & Building Development Development of the proposed site will be in conjunction with (2) proposed standalone buildings to be constructed and occupied in phases. The proposed two (2) standalone buildings on-site will combine to create -300,000 SF of building development. Building C & Building D will be of Type II construction and will be occupied with general office space. The construction method for each building will incorporate tilt-up concrete panels in conjunction with steel framing and light gauge metal construction. Building C is to have a single footprint totaling -37,000 SF and will be constructed as a four (4) story structure elevating approximately 61' above the surrounding grade. Building D is to have a single footprint totaling -50,000 SF and will be constructed as a three (3) story building elevating approximately 47' above grade. All building development will be considered general office use. Building matrials & colors, proposed mechanical screening, and building dimensions are included in the Architectural Building Elevations section of the Site Plan Review package. Building Use Building C SF Building D SF Total SF I General Office 150,000 150,000 300,000 Parking: Parking for all development within the property will be on-site surface parking. Parking and Circulation will consist of impervious surfaces constructed of asphalt and concrete paving over a gravel base. The current site plan includes .1,063 parking stalls, alternated by landscaped islands within the run of parking stalls. Refer to the Site Plan for parking sizing & locations. Min. Building C Building SF Max. Stalls· Stalls· I Offices, General 150,000 I 675 300 Building 0 I Offices, General 150,000 I 675 300 I Totals 300,000 I 1,350 600 I. -Maximum & minimum parking ratios are referenced from RMC 4-4-0BO.F.10.d based on use or required by code. Parking Stalls Provided Compact Stalls 365 34% Standard Stalls 677 64% ADA Stalls 21 2% Total 1,063 710 SECOND AVENUE. SUITE 1400 SEATTLE WA 98104·1710 COLLINSWOERMAN IS A WASHINGTON CORPORATION. T 206.245.2100 F 206.245.2101 COLI..INSWOERMAN.COM Jennifer Henning April 30,2015 Page 4 • • Site Accessibility: There will be two (2) points of site accessibility into the proposed site. Located at the intersection of Naches Ave SW & SW 27'h St., a private access road running North-South is proposed to enter the site from the South. A separate private access road is proposed from Oaksdale and enters the site from the East. The private access road from Oaksdale will run East-West and connect into the North-South private access road stemming from the intersection of SW 27 th Ave. and Naches Ave. SW. Building C & Building D can be accessed from either the Oaksdale or the SW 27"' St. site entrance. Proposed Off-Site Improvements: Off-Site Improvements beyond the scope of development of Longacres Business Center Phase II are to be coordinated with the City of Renton. Landscaping: The project site is bounded by SW 27th SI. to the south, Oaksdale Ave SW to the east, rail lines and associated buffer to the west and future Boeing development parcels to the north. Additional native landscape buffer area will be added to required perimeter landscape requirements on the east and west edges to provide a wildlife corridor around the entire site and meeting the 2% Green River Valley requirements. The adjacent utility easements to the north and south, and future BNR landscape buffer improvements along the rail lines to the west will provide additional wildlife open space opportunities. Native tree preservation meeting code requirements will occur along project perimeter buffers. There will be an emphasis on the use of native and drought tolerant plant materials, particularly in the perimeter and wildlife areas. All landscape improvements will be irrigated. Landscape islands will be provided for interior parking lot landscape requirements to provide visual and shade relief. Interior site plantings will provide provide shade, architectural articulation and year around visual interest for occupants and the public views of the project. Landscape and pedestrian circulation improvements will surround both office buildings and a large landscaped open space connecting the two buildings is in the middle of the site and will contain amenities such as outdoor patio and meeting spaces. Construction Logistics: During construction, on-site job trailers will be located at the East portion of the site. The job site will be accessed via a primary entrance off at the intersection of SW 27'h St. & Naches Ave. SW. The exit for vehicles leaving the site during construction will be onto Oaksdale Ave SW. Please refer to the Construction Mitigation Plan for more details. "In terms of grading, the site is relatively flat; as such it is our intent to balance the site. Balancing the site will reduce/eliminate fill required for the project. As the entire site will be developed the total area of grading is approximately, 17.38 acres." Refuse & Recycling: Refuse and Recycling is provided per RMC 4-4-090. All refuse and recycling areas are to be screened with a minimum 6' tall fence. See the table below for the required and provided refuse and recycling areas for each building. Please refer to the Site Plan for the location of the recycle and refuse areas 710 SECOND AVENUE. SUITE 1400 SEATTLE WA 98104·1710 COlLlNSWOERMAN IS A WASHINGTON CORPORATION, T 206.245.2100 F 206.245.2101 COLL.INSWOERMAN.COM ,------~~ ------.~---------- Jennifer Hen.' April 30, 2015 Page 5 • on-site. Please refer to the Architectural Elevations for details regarding refuse/recycling area screening. I Offices, General Building C Building SF Refuse (SF) Recycling (SF) 150,000 600 I 300 Building 0 I Offices, General 150,000 600 300 • refuse and recyle requirements are referenced from RMC 4-4-090.E.3 based on use or required by code. Refuse and Recycle Provided Refuse Recvcle Building C 600 360 Buildin!! D 600 300 Totals 1200 660 Proposed Modifications: A modification document will be submitted requesting that the existing sidewalk along Oaksdale Ave SW remain as constructed. This modification will allow for contiguous landscaping along the west boundardy of the site and continuation of a walking trail around the perm iter of the project. We look forward to continuing to work with your team as the Longacres Business Center Phase II develops. Please don't hesitate to contact any members of our team with inquiries regarding the Site Plan Review package. Sincerely, Jamey Barlet, Project Manager, CollinsWoerman cc: Corry Handlelt, Ryan Companies Joel Wage, Ryan Companies Dave Williams, Ryan Companies 710 SECOND AVENUE. SUITE 1400 SEATTLE WA 98104·1710 COLLINSWOERMAN IS A WASHINGTON CORPORATION. T 206.245.2100 F 206.245.2101 COLLINSWOERMAN.COM ... it If CITY OF RENTON Modification Request City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98055 Project Name: Longacres Business Center Phase II Site Address: 27'h St. & Naches Ave SW Renton, WA 98057 RECE\VED AUG '2 4 20\S el'N Of REN'tOI\l PlANNING oiVlSION King County Parcel ID: 0886700090,0886700100,0886700150, 0886700190, 0886700160, and 0886700180 Applicant: Contact: Longacres Renton LLC 3900 E. Camelback, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Dave Williams Ryan Companies (602) 322-6126 Dave.Williams@ryancompanies.com Project Location: The proposed development location for Longacres Business Center Phase II is a 17.38 acre site near the West municipal border of the City of Renton. It is comprised of 7 lots; parcel numbers 0886700090, 0886700100,0886700150,0886700190,0886700160, and 0886700180. The site is bounded by Burlington Northern Railroad to the West, SW 27th St. to the South, Oaksdale Ave. SW to the East, and the Bow Lake Pipeline to the North. Project Scope: Development for the Longacres Business Center Phase II will include two (2) standalone buildings totaling -300,000 SF. The occupancy classification for building development will be general office. The building uses we are proposing fall under the City of Renton's Commercial Office Zone requirements. Modification Request: Street frontage improvements along Oaksdale Ave per RMC 4-6-060 requires 103 ft (605ft of dedication). Street frontage improvements required are 8ft. sidewalks, 8ft. planter strip, curb and gutter and 8ft. parking lanes and bike lanes. In order to provide an uninterrupted on-site pedestrian trail and continuous native landscaping we are requesting the following modification. • Exemption from the typical required street frontage improvements along Oaksdale Ave SW. Modification Justification: a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives. • The required suburban street impovements are out af context with the natural setting of the site and surrounding native vegetation. • The existing sidewalk canditions along Oaksdale Ave SW meet the intent of the required impravements and include the following: Street lighting, Sidewalk, Bike lane, curb and gutter. • The required improvements are not in alignment with recently developed properties along Oaksdale AVE SW and will create discontinuity along the street frontage. b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; • The existing improvements meet the objectives intended by the Code requirements. • The existing sidewalk conditions along Oakesdale adequately serve the public's interest. c. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; • The praposed modification will not be injurious to other properties. • The proposed modifications do not prohibit future implementation of the street improvements. d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; • The existing conditions meet the intent of the Code. • The proposed modifications allow for improved landscope screening of the project. e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; • The proposed modification will allow for an enhanced pedestrian path around the perimeter of the project and will improve pedestrian connectivity between Oaksdale Ave SW and 21" Ave SW. f. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. • The proposed modification to preserve the existing conditions will have no impact on other properties in the vicinity and will eliminate disruption of services in the area. --------------------------------------------------------- • W WW .RY ANCO MP AN I ES .CO M August 20, 2015 Mr. Clark Close City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 RE: Longacres Business Center -Phase II Construction Mitigation Description Dear Mr. C lose: • RYAN COMP AN IES Us, IN C. 3900 E. C"""I\)2c k Rd . Su it'c 100 Phoenix, AZ 850 18 602·322-61 00 ph one 602·322·6300 fa.....: ~YAH For Application Item 10, Construction Mitigation Description, Ryan Companies is providing the following items : I. Anticipated constru ction start date is December, 2015 with completion in June, 2017. 2 . Allowable working hours will be from 6 :00 am to 10:00 pm Monday-Friday and from 6 :00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday. It is not anticipated that work will occur overn ight and on Sundays, however as conditions present themselves we reserve the ability to work off-hours and Sundays as necessary to maintain the construction schedule. 3 . The primary transportation route anticipated to site via 405 will be 167 to Grady Way, Lind Ave, to our primary entrance off of 27th • A secondary entrance will be provided off Oakesdale but will be primarily used for exiting. A Haul Route plan is attached. 4 . A dedicated traffic control is not anticipated, however a s required this will be developed in conjunction with the City of Renton. 5. The attached site logistic plan addresses the location of the contractor trailer complex, parking, site security and silt fencing, and wash out and track out stations . 6. Dust control will be controlled on site with water as required. A Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan will be provided as part ofthe final civil design package . Please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Companies if you have any questions or need further information . Sincerely, Ry an Companies U .S ., Inc . #- C ory Handfelt Project Manager Cc: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies U.S ., Inc. Dave Williams, Ryan Companies U .S., Inc. Pag e I of 1 RECEIVED AUG 24 2015 CITY OF R::NTON PLANNING DIVISION • ~ . '-- ---- J ! I ~ ~ I I I, I IIIII~I;;; ~ 11111111111111- NZ W~ Vlo. «'" J:!.! o...t;; ~8 C::C...J «w o...t:: Vl'" Vl W Z Vl ~ c::c u « \.!) z 9 • • • \ ., I ( I t " ~, J " , ---(' -_ v '--_ , 1IIIIII IIIIIIIIIImTITm I I I H#tttHIIIIIIIIIIHt , 111111 111111111- H#tttHIIIIIIIIIIHt 11111111111 WWWI ,II \ ~ fllIlIlIllIllIlIllIll \ ~IIIIIIIIIII~ tI) o -.... tI) -C) o ..J W .... -tI) V> "- I V> Z o --' ... "" C> Z .... V> ... --' C> z a --' • • • • ;.l!i~ rri.baugf~~ s~~tj~.t:e·sil H~"\Jt!jS;:~@I}'t:!-GW~ti1~if;;~l~"1 1;;g August 25, 2015 Cory Handfelt Ryan Companies US, Inc. , 3900 E Camelback Rd Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 RE: Arborist / Landscape Architect Report Group Health Renton, Phase II Dear Cory: RIECEIVIED SEP 1 5 2015 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION Per the City of Renton's Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist, Item #21 Arborist Report, an evaluation of existing trees describing types, sizes and conditions is to be prepared by a certified arborist or a licensed landscape architect. The site was previously cleared for the previous land use. Most of the current condition is open field with sporadic tree locations. Existing trees were either planted with the previous development, or are volunteers that have grown since. The majority of the site trees are Cottonwood and Lombardy Poplars. Both species are short lived, weak wooded and generally inappropriate for the built environment. Both species have very invasive roots that result in damage to paving surfaces and underground utilities, and can represent hazards in storm conditions. The entire site will be graded with approximately 2' of fill placed in most areas. Tree preservation to meet City of Renton requirements will occur within project perimeters for the above reasons. All retained trees are considered Priority 3 by City rating standards due to species type. Summary: 45 Total Surveyed Trees. based on current Survey 6 Trees within 2' of site fill area. 30 Trees within 2' of site fill area and ofspecics not compatible with developed site. I Trees in conflict with Metro Power Easement. I Trees in conflict with Public Sidewalk. 38 Total trees to be removed The table below provides the following information for each tree: Tree #: as indicated on the Tree Retention / Land Clearing Plan Tree Species: Common Name DBH: Trunk diameter in inches 4.5 feet from the ground. Condition Rating: '1' Removal due to unsuitable species, '2' Removal due to site grading . constraints, '3' Healthy viable tree to remain ' .. v..".....,w.brumml!,Jl)h·a,)50c (Oln _~~ , __ "_~ ~ I ~ i: 1 IK , ~:,";;,-~_:~-,~,; :'".-~--''":,,::r, 7'--~-'-:---':----"~--.-::'---.--.,.....,... 7:"~-:--" "1 ': ';',..' ,: 600 N,J35th'Stree,l; ~.~dtc lo"2! Se(H"tle, Wi\ ~10~,3g2~ pfi 206.7~2J6.S0~ fi1Jt20t?.782.367;; : ,,;,:;: t __ :~;,_ ,.:... . .:..,~.:::"l~j •• ~,._,.I.:.;.!_.,:j~. " );J..~' , __ '''" j,,,,:,,,,,,;;~, "".-~;~;_~' __ ._ :':.:_, ~ •• , ,~.;_ )", _ ••. ~_.,,' ,.~_-~,_"", •• 1",':': ..•. ;,. ""',,. .• ;"~_ "",., ',", ~ • Group Health Phase II August 25, 2015 Page 2 Tree # Tree Sgecies I Cottonwood 2 Cottonwood 3 Cottonwood 4 Alder 5 Cottonwood 6 Cottonwood 7 Cottonwood 8 Cedar 9 Poplar 10 Cedar 11 Poplar 12 Cedar 13 Cedar 14 Poplar 15 Cottonwood 16 Cottonwood 17 Cedar 18 Cottonwood 19 Cottonwood 20 Poplar 21 Cedar 22 Poplar 23 Cottonwood 24 Cottonwood 25 Cottonwood 26 Cottonwood 27 Cottonwood 28 Poplar 29 Cottonwood 30 Cottonwood 31 Poplar 32 Cottonwood 33 Cottonwood 34 Cottonwood 35 Cottonwood 36 Cottonwood 37 Cottonwood 38 Poplar 39 Poplar 40 Poplar 41 Poplar 42 Poplar 43 Poplar 44 Poplar 45 Spruce Status OBH Condition Rating Remove 12" I Retain 28" 3 Retain 28" 3 Retain 27" 3 Remove 12" 1 Remove 12" I Remove 15" I Retain 15" 3 Remove 7' 0.0. Clump I Remove IT' 2 Remove . 35" 1 Remove 14" 2 Remove 13" 2 Remove 6.5' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 4' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 6' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 13" 2 Remove 4' 0.0. Clump I Remove 3' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 8.5' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove' 12" 2 Remove 9' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 15" 1 Remove 15" 1 Remove 12" 1 Remove 15" 1 Remove 14" 1 Remove 18" 1 Remove 6' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 5' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 18" 1 Remove 2' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 6' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 15" 1 Remove 15" 1 Remove 22" 1 Remove 20" 1 Retain 23" 3 Remove 3' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 15" 1 (r.o.w. conflict) Retain 15" 3 Retain 2' 0.0. Clump 3 Remove 14" 1 (power conflict) Remove 3' 0.0. Clump 1 Remove 24" 2 600 N. 85thSttt'!~r. Stllte 102, S€'jHtle, WA \)8103.-3826 ph 2Q6.782.3650 fi\x 206.782.3675 I Group Health Phase II August 25,2015 Page 3 • • Refer to the Tree Retention I Land Clearing Plans for specific locations of each tree. Please call with any questions Sincerely, Brumbaugh & Associates Mark Brumbaugh ASLA, LEED AP BD+C ", -'.~,,"',-~, "'-r "~-:r; .'. ";~-"":""_!~''''''~'{\''',..,M_'_ ""~I""":""",' ,'"':;:~' ",,~''';'''. ',J" ':",;"""x',;, '-':.'~ I,' 1, .-'::-'1'~: ,".-~.-~<~r :-:-~ ... ,.-1 < www.~/U';l')b~li~h.a'~~h~,C:Oi:T'\,"'" 5" .,' .. '.:t'~,609 N:'S5t~<15tfii;et; St~it~ 102j,~eattlr::i.w~ 9?SI OJ·382?,,\ rih 2061782:3959 f;1;(206.78236~5 I ._" )_ :~' ,," __ ' ,J. 't:-.; .:.',~ ",r._;; '<:'i!. ,"; .. ;.', :. 1"",." .. ", .'_. "_'L,~i,;,;',, ":'_M"'_"""'~_"-'" ," • '" _ ... ,_ _ ... "'~ -! . __ ------------------------------------------------ • August 14, 2015 Mr. Jon Blaha Ryan Companies US, Inc. 50 South Tenth Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55403-2012 RE: Confirmation of Environmental Setting Approximate 25.88-Acre Area Lots 9-10, 15-19, and Tract C, Boeing Longacres Park Renton, King County, Washington Dear Mr. Blaha; • lrerracan RECEIVED AUG 24 2015 PLP.NNING DIV;SION Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has been retained by Ryan Companies US, Inc. (Ryan) to provide confirmation of the general environmental setting for the approximate 25.88-acre vacant parcel legally described as Lots 9-10, 15-19, and Tract C of Boeing Longacres Park, City of Renton (City), King County, Washington (the Property). The Property includes the entirety of King County Tax Assessor Parcel Numbers 0886700090, 0886700100, 0886700150, 0886700160, 0886700180,0886700190,0886700380, and 0886700170. The Property is located in part of the south Y2 of Section 24, Township 23 N, Range 4 E and is north of SW 27th Street and west of Oakesdale Avenue SW. Per your request, Terracon has prepared this letter to summarize our fmdings regarding the potential for wetlands, streams, lakes, and critical habitat to be present at the Property. Information reviewed by Terracon for these fmdings was limited to available on-line resources and/or from prior reports provided to Terracon from Ryan. Wetlands Terracon reviewed the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map, published by the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (see attached). The NWI map did not identifY a wetland area on the Property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent wetlands were identified on the east-, west-and south-adjoining properties respectively, approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A report entitled "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (Boeing) by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (Shapiro); dated August 1998 (Shapiro Report) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the Property. No wetland areas were identified on the Property. In addition, a flood insurance rate map (FIRM) for the Property (see attached) identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or 500-year flood zones. Terracon Consultants Inc. 21905 64th Ave W Mountlake Terrace. WA. 98043 P 425·771·3304 F 425·771·3549 terracon.com Envirunmental • facilitIes • Geotechnical • Matellals Mr. Jon Blaha August 14,2015 Page 2 of3 • «lrerracon It should be understood that the Shapiro Report was performed in 1998. As such, Terracon infers that the information may be subject to change following a current review by a wetlands professional, if required. Terracon did not field verifY the Shapiro Report findings and provided a review of the third party work on the behalf of Ryan. Stream and Lakes The Property is currently characterized by generally level topography with general gradient toward the northeast. Based on the topographic map, the elevation of the Property is approximately 20 feet NGVD. Review of the topographic map and visual observations of the Property did not identifY streams or lakes. Several areas of surface water were observed on the central portion of the Property which appeared to be the result of seasonal rain events or surface water runoff. No readily apparent low-lying areas and/or wetlands are known to be or have been reported to be present on the Property. A copy of the USGS 7.5-minute Renton, Washington, topographic quadrangle map dated 1994 is attached. Habitat Data Terracon reviewed information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) online databases to identifY the potential occurrence of critical habitat and federally-and state-listed threatened and endangered (T &E) species located in the Property vicinity. Terracon conducted a preliminary review using the USFWS Information, Planning and Conservation System (lPAC) Endangered Species Act species list to identifY species of concern determined by the activities proposed at the Property. Based on a review of the website, the IPAC list indicates that there are ten protected species that may occur in King County. No T&E species were reported on the Property in information obtained from either agency. Based upon a review of the online USFWS and WDFW databases, there are no critical habitats mapped on the Property, and the nearest habitats are mapped on the Green River approximately 1,100 feet to the west and a small creek approximately 800 feet to the east and south. These habitats are associated with bull trout and salmon, these species or their suitable habitat are not present on the Property. A copy of the WDFW Critical Habitat map is attached to this letter. A review of the WDFW Priority Habitats Section (PHS) webpage indicated that no PHS features (species occurrences, nesting areas etc.) are identified at the Property. A report entitled "Boeing Longacres Office Park, Property Disposition Report (PDR), Renton, Washington" prepared for Boeing Shared Services Group by WHPacific, dated October 2008 (WHPacific Report) was for the 154-acre Boeing Longacres facility, which encompassed the Property. A review of the WHPacific Report indicated that a wildlife corridor was identified through the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which extended through the central portion of the Property (Tract C). The report noted that the corridor was originally designated to provide for stormwater treatment, wetland mitigation and wildlife habitat; however no easements or deed restrictions were present within the corridor. Mr. Jon Blaha AuguSi 14 ,2015 Page 3 o f3 • • lrerracon Please call Matt Wheaton at (425) 361-0360 or Mark Miller (651) 600-3309 if you have any questions regarding work being conducted at the Property. Sincerely, TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC. (_~( 11 ~_~ "V\.J~ Caitlin Price #~j/ Matt Wheaton, L.G. Staff Environmental Scientist Environmental Department Manager LEGEND : D _ .... '-Or CJp --Or MYW _ .. MYW APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY _ .. 811m31 lEfiacon .... as_ "' .. COflluKng Engine .... and Sdenlist. ... 2tlDllUIoA_W ,a.1OCI IIINIIfN T",_. WA IIOoQ June 2015 PIltC251TlI-33(M FAX 1G5] TlI~ USGS Renton WA Quadrangle , published1994 . TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Exhibit Boeing Longacres Lots 9-10 , 15-19 , Tract C SW 27th Street & Oakesdale Ave SW 1 Renton , King County , Washington User Remarks: 1'hiI; IMP Is for ... ,. refe_. only. The us Fish Mel Wildlife Servlr:. III not NspOMibIe for tIw .cCIIf1IC)' or ,_. f/lu. ilioN clllta .n-. on .,. 1ft., ..... ~ ,""d dIta tIlIcMd be IIHd In ac~. with 1M .. ,.., meUcllltil found on .,. We"", "~r -' Rt.. Mar 13,2015 Wetlands Frl!$PMaIIt' Eme.rgent Fres,hwaler Forestedi$hnJb EIIU.1rine and Ibrin_ OeeptlMllllr E~rin. and ' .... "TII Fr .. hwater Pond" hle Riverine 011'1." • • ZONE X I APPIlOXIMA TE SCAL~ f'l FEH SOO 0 500 H IlAnllW. F\JOII INSUWCE PIOCaAIl FIRM nooo INSURANCE RAlI MAP KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND INCORPORATED ARI::AS ..::!.~.!" ''''m. loI.FfK ~'XE :t:W ~r.t "' ~XC'Ct -71'" MAP NUMBER 53033C0978 F MAP REVISED: MAY 16,1995 • June 2 , 2015 • PHS Report Cl ip Area PT LN AS MAPPED 0 TO\I'v1IISHIP o SECTION o QTR-TWP WDFW 1:19 ,842 o 0 .15 0.3 0.6 mi I " I", •• I'; I o 0 .275 0 .55 1.1 km So.Ia. Esri. DigitaGbbe , GeoEye, Earll"etar Geogl1ll1ta, CNE SIAiIbUi os , USDA, uSGS, AEX. Gemappiru. A_COrid , IGN, IGP, aw isatq:lo, ... d • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • TREE RETENTION RECEiVED AUG 2 4 2015 WORKSHEET cr~"_' ~--...................... -' ... ~,j Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Total number of trees over 6" diameter" or alder or cottonwood trees at least 8" in diameter on project site 45 trees ----- 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: 3. Trees that are dangerous 2 Trees in proposed public streets Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts Trees in critical areas 3 and buffers Total number of excluded trees: Subtract line 2 from line 1: o trees ----o trees ....:.....--o trees ....:.....--o trees --'--- o trees ----- _4..:;5=-____ trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained', multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-l, R-4, R-6 or R-8 0.2 in all other residential zones 0.1 in all commercial and industrial zones 5. List the number of 6" in diameter, or alder or cottonwood trees over 8" in diameter that you are proposing S to retain4 : 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (if line 6 is zero or tess, stop here. No replacement trees are required) 7. Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement inches: 5 trees 40 trees -35 trees n/a inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2" caliper trees required) n/a inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees·: (If remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) n/a trees 1 Measured at 4.5' above grade. 2 A tree certified, in a written report, as dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to persons or property by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 3 Critical areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in RMC 4-3-050. 4 Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. 5 The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a. 6 When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch (2") caliper or an evergreen at least six feet (G ') tall, shall be planted, See RMC 4-4-130.H.1.e.(ii) for prohibited types of replacement trees. M:\Office\Project Files\2015jobs\201S-19GHPhll\2015.08.17 SPR\2015.08.17 Tree Retention Worksheet.docx 03/2015 '/ DEPARTMENT OF CO~NITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~'" , ~' . . . . -, 1""" . PLANNING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: . City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 AUG 2 4 2015 CITV OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze the proposa I. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may use "not applicable" or "does not apply" only when you can explain why it does not apply and not when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA process as well as later in the decision-making process. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period oftime or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its erivironmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining ifthere may be significant adverse impact. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEAD AGENCIES: Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the existing environment, all interrelated aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts. The checklist is considered the first but not necessarily the only source of information needed to make an adequate threshold determination. Once a threshold determination is made, the lead agency is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting documents. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Mllestones\2015.0B.17 -Land Use Submltlal\Site Plan Review -Submlttal\05_Slte Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_BnJmbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 • • For non project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the applicable parts of sections A and B even though questions may be answered "does not apply". In addition the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal", "proponent", and "affected geographic area" respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B -Environmental Elements -that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Long Acres Business Center 2. Name of applicant: Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 3900 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85018 602-322-6100 Attn: Dave Williams 4. Date checklist prepared: August 20th, 2015 S. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction to commence in November, 2015 with substantial completion in June, 2017. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. There are no plans for future additions or expansion on this site. 2 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Mllestones\2015.08.17 -Land Use Submittal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbeugh_CW.doc 05114 - • • 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Ryan Companies US, Inc. (Ryan) has contracted with Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the 17-acre vacant parcel legally described as Parcels 27 -31 of Boeing Longacres Park located in Renton, WA. This report (draft dated 8/14/15) is currently underway and will also include a Limited Phase 1/ Subsurface Investigation, which was conducted in conjunction with a geotechnical investigation in January 2015. Ryan also intends to perform additional Phase 1/ activities as a fol/ow up to the draft Phase I ESA that is currently in progress. Ryan also has been provided with the fol/owing documents pertaining to the site that have been prepared by others: • "Phase One Environmental Site Assessment, 12,500-Square Foot Portion of City of Renton Parcel, Renton, Washington", prepared for Boeing by Landau, dated April 9, 2013. • "Revised Data Summary Report, Boeing Longacres Lots 1 to 20, Tracts Band C, Renton, Washington", prepared for Boeing by Landau, dated January 31, 2011. • "Boeing Longacres Office Park, Property Disposition Report, Renton, Washington" prepared for Boeing Shared Services Group by WHPacijic, dated October 2008. • "Final Report, Additional Site Investigation Lot 8, Boeing Longacres Property, Renton, Washington" prepared for Boeing by Landau, dated November 4, 2008. • "Geotechnical Engineering Considerations, Lots 27 to 31, Boeing Long Acres, Renton, Washington" prepared for Boeing Realty Corporation (Boeing) by Terra Associates, Inc. (Terra); dated April 21, 2008. • "Longacres Office Park, Surface Water Management Project, conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan" prepared for Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (Boeing) by Shaplra and Associates, Inc. (Shapiro); dated August of 1998. • "Enviranmental Site Assessment, Broadacres Property, Renton, Washington" prepared for Boeing Realty Corporation (Boeing) by Landau Associates, Inc. (Landau); dated August 31, 1990. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None are known. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. City of Renton Land Use Approval City of Renton Grade and Fill Permit City 0/ Renton Building Permit 3 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\201S.08.17 -Land Use SubmiHal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 - • • 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) Development for the Longocres Business Center will include two (2) standalone buildings totaling 300,000 SF on 17.38 acres and will provide 1,063 parking stalls. The occupancy classification for development will be general office. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project is located on the corner of SW 27th Street and Naches Ave SW in Renton WA. See attached map. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site The site previously was developed as the Longacres paddock and other ancillary uses to the race track. Most of the building site was cleared and either gravel, asphalt, building or grass cover. The site Is currently undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds, open grass and limited groupings of trees. Site topography is generally flat. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Approximately 3S% (2:1), 5 feet in height, 446 feet in length. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any agricultural land of long·term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in removing any of these soils. Site soils generally consist of three to seven inches of topsoil overlying one to nine feet of medium dense to dense inorganic fill material overlying alluvial slits and sands. The fill varied and consisted of sand, sand with silts, and silty sand with gravel, gravel, and crushed rock. In general, the fill Is relatively thin ranging from one to two feet thick. Deeper fills were noted where abandon utilities were found. Native soil conditions underlying the fill. Where no fill soils were present consisted of loose to medium dense alluvial silt, silty sand, sand with silt, and relatively clean sand. CPT data indicates 4 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\2015.08.17 -Land Use Submittal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 - • • highly variable interbedded alluvial sails composed of silts, clay, and silty sand layers are present to a depth of 15 to 22 feet followed by medium dense to dense silty sand and sand to the termination depths of CPTS, 70 feet. The Geological Map of the Renton Quadrangle, Washington, by D.R. Mullineaux (1965) maps the site as Alluvium (Qaw). This mapped description is consistent with the native soils observed at depth in the test pits and indicated by the CPT data. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. There are not any indications or history of unstable soils. e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The site is relatively /lat, as such It is our intent ta balance the site. This will reduce/ eliminate fill required for the project. As the entire site will be developed the total area of grading is approximately, 16.0 ac. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Yes, erosion could occur, however, the use of typical construction best management practices such as silt fence will be sufficient to prevent any soil fram leaving the site area. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Total Site Area 757,058sf Building Footprints 90,742sf 12% Impervious surfaces (non-bldg) 374,376sf 49% Landscaping 291,940sf 39% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Silt fence and covering any exposed stockpiles of material 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction. operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Exhaust emissions that would typically be expected from construction vehicles traveling to and from the site and from construction equipment are anticipated during project 5 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\2015.08.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Site Plan Review -Submittal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 - • • construction. Exhoust emissions from possenger vehicles during post-construction use of the office building are also anticipated. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. There are not any off-site sources of emissions or odor affecting this proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: The proposed project will comply with applicable air quality regulations and standards during construction activities and operations. In addition, measures would be implemented during construction to control dust emissions. 3. WATER a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There is a manmade detention and water quality pond on the property north of the project site, which will be within lOD-feet of the off-site detention facility being constructed for this site, in Tract B. This pond eventually /lows into Springbrook Creek via pumped discharge and piping within the Boeing property to the north. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, pond construction in Tract B will be within 200 feet af the existing detention pond. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. There will not be any amount of dredge material placed or removed. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. This proposal will not require any surface water withdrawals or diversions. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. 6 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004·PhasaIl\09 MJlestonas\2015.0B.17 -land Use Submlttal\Slto Plsn Review -Submittal\05_SltB Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_BnJrnbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 • • This proposal does lie within the laD-year floodplain according to the City records based on the 1996 FEMA panel. There is some discussion about revising the mapping but currently the floodplain does extend onto this site. Both building finish floor elevations are above the floodplain by more than l foot. Compensatory volume for the filling within this area is being provided via the additional depth in the detention pond proposed for Troct B. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. This proposal does not involve any discharges of waste materials to suI/ace waters. b. Ground Water: 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Groundwater will not be withdrawn from a well for any purposes. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals. ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. No septic systems or other waste discharges are anticipated on the project site. C. Water runoff (including stormwater): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. The runoff generated for this site will be in the form of storm water. The runoff will be collected and conveyed to a new detention and water quality pond being constructed off-site by this project in Tract B to the north. From the new pond, detained and treated runoff from this project will flow into the existing Boeing pond, which in turn pumps out into a conveyance system that extends to Springbrook Creek to the north. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Small amounts of waste materials could make it into the stormwater detention pond in Tract B, however water leaving the system should be clean of those contaminates. 7 G:\AG\RVAN.01.1S.004-Phssell\09 Milestones\2015.0S.17 -Land Use Submltlal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05_Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbsugh_CW.doc 05114 • • 3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of the site? If so, describe. No. In the original storm water design for the Longacres Office Park, runoff from this area was to be directed un-detained into the Boeing pond to the north, which is the current and previous (while developed as Longacres race trock) runoff pattern for this area. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage pattern impacts, if any: A detention and water quality pond, conforming to the requirements of the Boeing Longacres Development Agreement with the City af Renton, will be constructed in Tract B to the north of this project. This location was chosen at the direction of the Boeing Company. 8 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004-Phssell\09 Mliestones\201S.08.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05_Slte Plsn Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05114 • 4. PLANTS a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site: .JLdeciduous tree: alder. maple, aspen, other .JLevergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other __ shrubs .JL....grass __ pasture __ crop or grain __ orchards, vineyards or other permanent crops. • __ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other __ water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other __ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The site had been previously cleared ond filled for development. Site will be stripped with the exception of trees preserved in perimeter setbacks. Most of the site consists of open field grass. Of the 45 trees on the survey, 38 will be removed and 7 will be retained. The majority of the site trees are Poplars and Cottonwood trees. c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. There are none known near the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Project perimeters and areas designated as Wildlife habitat area will be planted with native and adapted species consistent with the site region. e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site. Only such observed growth on the site are blackberries. 5. ANIMALS a. List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. Examples include: Signs of small mammals such as rabbits, field mice and gophers are present and local song birds and crows have been observed on the site. 9 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\2015.08.17 -Land Use SUbmlttal\Slle Plan Review -Submittal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05114 - • • b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. None known. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Most all of the site perimeters will be planted with native vegetation exceeding the 2% wild life habitat area requirement. Native plantings will be adjacent to open space corridors created by utility easements expanding the effective habitat corridor sizes. e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site. Himalayan Black Berry. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric and natural gas will be used for the project energy needs. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. This project will not affect the potential use of solar energy on adjacent properties. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Compliance with applicable energy code(s}. In addition, the proposed building will use energy efficient glass. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 10 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Mllestones\201S.0B.17 -Land Use Submittal\Site Plan Review -Submlttal\05_Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05114 • • 1) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses. Based on the results of the Terracon draft Phase I ESA, total petroleum hydrocarbons (oil range) have been detected in fill soil across the site, however, concentrations do not exceed MTCA Method A Cleanup Levels. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in fill soil with Ibenzo(a}pyrene, exceeding MTCA Method A Cleanup Levels in C?ne location on the site. Regarding historical work, the Landau 1990 ESA indicated that one groundwater sample collected from the site contained total arsenic at 24 micrograms per Liter (",giL) and total lead at 81 ",giL, which exceed their MTCA Method A cleanup levels of 5 ",giL and lS",gIL, respectively. 2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity. There are no such conditions that will affect the design or development of this site. 3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the operating life of the project. There will not be any. such materials stored, used, or produced at the site. 4) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Special emergency services will not be required. 5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None are required. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic noise from SW 27th Street and a commuter ral/llne to the west of the project will not affect the project. 11 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\201S.08.17 -Land Use Submittal\Site Plan Review -Submittal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 - • • 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. On a short-term basis, construction noise from trucks and construction equipment would be created by construction of the proposed buildings. Construction activities will generally occur on the site between 7:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m. Saturday, and no work on Sunday as regulated by the City of Renton. On a long-term basis, the primary noise source will be noise from automobiles arriving at ar leaving the site. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Noise attenuating equipment (such as properly operating mUfflers) would be used to help suppress construction equipment noise. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe. The property to the west Is railroad right of way, the properties to the south and east are develaped commercial properties and to the north Is undeveloped commercial properties. This project will not affect the current land uses an adjacent properties. b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so, describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted to nonfarm or non-forest use? No known agricultural use has been conducted on the site 1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how: This praject will not affect or be affected by surrounding farm or forest land. c. Describe any structures on the site. There are no structures existing on the site. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? There will not be any structures demolished with this project. 12 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.0D4-PhaseIl\09 Milestones\201S.0B.17 -Land Use Submlttaf\Slte Plan Review -Submittal\05_Slte Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbeugh_CW.doc 05114 ,-------------------------------------------------------------------- • • e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The current zoning is CO-Commercial Office. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current comprehensive plan designation is EAV-Employment Area Valley. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not Applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so, specify. This site has not been classified as a critical area. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Potentially 900 people could work on the site at full occupancy j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? There will not be anyone displaced by this project. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None are required. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The project is planned to meet the current zoning and land use designations of the city. m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any: None are required. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. There not any housing units on this project. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. There are not any housing units eliminate with this project. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not Applicable. 13 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004-PhaseIl\09 Mliestones\201S.08.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05_Slte Plan Review -SEPA Envtronmental Checklist· CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05114 • • 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The tallest of the proposed structures will be 61'. The principol exterior building materials will be painted concrete, metal panels, and widow systems. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None are impacted. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The proposed building will be set back a minimum of 225' feet from the adjacent streets. Project will also use high quality building materials consistent with the local area. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Proposed development would generote light and glare from stationary sources and mobile sources typical of office use including vehicle headlights, interior lighting, building and parking lighting required by code. The light glare will be generated during typical office hours. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? This project will not produce any safety hazards. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? This proposal will not be affected by any off-site sources of light or glare. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Not applicable (No significant light or glare impacts are expected.) 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? An Internal loop trail will be provided and existing sidewalks and roadways connect to the Interurban Trail and Springbrook Creek Trail. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No existing recreational uses will be displaced. 14 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004·Phasell\09 Mliestones\201S.08.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Slte Plan Revlew -Submlttal\Q5 Site Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 - - ---------------------- • • c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: No impacts are expected. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45 years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe. There are no such structures on or near the site. b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Is there any material evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources. There are none. c. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic maps, GIS data, etc. None. The project site has been cleared, graded and prepared for construction by previous owner. d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be required. None are required. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. There are two new access points proposed for the development. One is off of s. w. 2fh Street and the other ;s off Oaksdale Ave SW. b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? King County Metro F line passes the project site on SW 27th Street. It is approximately 1,200 feet to the Sound Transit Sounder Train Tukwila station. 15 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\201S.08.17 • land Use SubmlUal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\OS_Slte Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Chackllst -CPl_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 • • c. How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate? J,063 new parking spaces are being provided for use by the project. No existing parking is being eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian, bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Excluding driveways no improvements are included in this proposal. e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. The westerly boundary of the project is right of way owned by the Burlington Northern Railroad. No improvements to the right of way are proposed with this project. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non-passenger vehicles). What data or transportation models were used to make these estimates? • Trips per day: 2,498. • Peak AM volume: 349 (highest hour 7-9 AM) • Peak PM volume: 334 (highest hour 4-6 PM). • Estimated 2-3% trucks overall. • Transportation Model used: Institute af Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition for Land Use Code (LUC) 7JO General Office Building and LUC J50 Warehousing g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe. No agricultural or forest products will be affected by the project. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: The project Is being constructed on existing commercial lots with the existing transportation grid. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The project is to construct office buildings on bare ground so there will be an increased need for public services, however the project is in an existing commercial development and as such the Impact is anticipated. 16 G:\AG\RYAN.01.1S.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\201S.0B.17 -Land Use Submittal\Slte Plan Review -Submittal\05_Slte Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_BnJmbaugh_CW.doc 05114 .-------------~------------------- • • b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Constructing the project within on existing development is one way the impacts are reduced. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity. natural gas. water. refuse service. telephone. sanitary sewer, septic system, other Storm drainage b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Power- Gas- Telephone- Sewer- Water- Storm Droinage- C. SIGNATURE Extend existing services to the new buildings. Extend existing services to the new buildings. Extend existing services to the new buildings. Extend existing services to the new buildings. Extend existing domestic services to the new buildings, Fire flows require water to be looped onsite to connect to the existing mainline in 2f1' as well as onsite. Surface drainage is available as sUrface flow to the north and in existing piping to the north that this project will extend to via the new pond in Tract B. The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Proponent Signature: __ ....,7"..~:::....::.-=:..::...::.=::..::+_~"'!"'=-"'~::.::~=..:::.L::..::..'L_----"-___ _ Name of Signee (printed): Jamey Barlet Position and Agency/Organization: Owner's Agent / CollinsWoerman ___ _ Date Submitted: 8/21/2015 17 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004-Phasell\09 Milestones\201S.0B.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Site Plan Review -Submittal\05_Slts Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 • • SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NON PROJECT ACTIONS (These sheets should only be used for actions involving decisions on policies, plans and ro rams. You do not need to fill out these sheets for ro·ect actions. Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent of the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release oftoxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? 18 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004·PhaseIl\09 Milestones\2015.08.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Slte Plan Review -Submittal\OS_Slte Plan Review -SEPA Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05/14 • • Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. 19 G:\AG\RYAN.01.15.004-Phasell\09 Mllestones\201S.08.17 -Land Use Submlttal\Slte Plan Review -Submlttal\05 Site Plan Review -SEPA. Environmental Checklist -CPL_Brumbaugh_CW.doc 05114 - -------------- • • ~TENW Transportation Engineering NorthWest MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21. 2015 TO: Vicki Grover City of Renton Public Works FROM: Chris Forster, P.E. TENW SUBJECT: Longacres Business Center Phose 2 Traffic Impact Analysis TENW Project No. 5093 RECEIVED AUG 24 2015 C!!,!()F RfMTON . " .. '''.'111.:=> UIVISION This memorandum documents the traffic impact analysis completed for the proposed Longacres Business Center Phose 2 projecl. The projecl is located west of Oakesdale Ave SW on the north side of SW 27th Street across from the proposed Longacres Business Center (Phase 1) project in Renton, WA (see Figure 1). Executive Summary Project Description, The proposed project would include up to 320,000 square feet of office space on a currently vacant site. Vehicular access to the site would be provided at 2 separate access driveways, one onSW 27th St and one on Oakesdale Ave SW The site access driveway on SW 2711 St will form the north leg of the existing Naches Ave SW /SW 27th St all-way stop controlled interseclion and will provide full access to "ail turning movements. The new driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW will provide full access to all turning movements. For the analysis in this report, a 2017 horizon year was used. This projecl is located within Phose IV of the Boeing Longocres Office Pork and is subjecl to the 2003 Development Agreement and Strander Agreement. Trip Generation. The proposed projecl is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday doily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peok hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). Traffic Operations at Study Intersections. Based on the results of a traffic operations analysis at the off- site study interseclions, the study interseclions currently operate at LOS A and B, and are expecled to continue to operate at LOS B in 2017 with the proposed project Access Analysis. With the proposed site access via the north leg at Naches Ave SW /SW 27th Street, the interseclion is proposed to remain as an all-way stop with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the interseclion for site access. It is assumed that the interseclion will be modified to its ultimate configuration in the future 'ijhen SW 27th is extended to the west to connect with S)rander Blvd. The results of )he site access LOS analysis show that the movements at both access locations are expected to operate at LOS C or betler in 2017 with the propcsed projecl. These results show that no major improvements such as signalization are needed at the site access locations. Mitigation. No significant adverse transportation impacls are anticipated with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase 2 development. Transpcrtation impacl fees are anticipated to be required and will be determined prior to building permit issuance based on discussions with the City of Renton and Boeing. Transportation Planning I Design I Traffic Impact & Operations 11400 SE 8-Street. Suite 200. Bellevue. WA 98004 ) attice (425) 889-6747 • Figure 1: Site Vicinity ~TENW Traffic Impact Analysis .acres Business Center Phase 2 (!) NOTTOSCALf August 21. 2015 Page 2 • Traffic ImpaC.IYSiS -Longacres Business Center Phase 2 Introduction Based on correspondence with the City, the following items are addressed in this traffic impact analysis: • Project description • Trip generation • Trip distribution and assignment • Traffic volume forecasts • Traffic operations at 2 study intersections • Site access operations • Mitigation Project Description The proposed proiect would include up to 320,000 square feet of office space on a currently vacant site. Vehicular access to the site would be provided at 2 separate access driveways, one on SW 27th St and one on Oakesdale Ave SW. The site access driveway on SW 27th St will form the north leg ·of the existing Naches Ave SW /SW 27th St all-way stop controlled intersection and will provide full access to all turning movements. The new driveway on Oakesdale Ave SW will provide full access to all turning movements. For the analysis in this report, a 2017 horizon year was used. A preliminary site plan is provided in Figure 2. This proiect is located within Phase IV of the Boelflg Longacres Office Pork and is subiect to the 2003 Development Agreement and Strander Agreement. Trip Generation The trip generation estimates for the proposed uses were based on methodology documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE) Trip Generation Manual, 9 th Edition for Land Use Code (LUC) 710 General Office Building. The new weekday daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation from the Longacres Business Center Phase 2 development are summarized in Table 1. Detailed trip generation calculations are included in Attachment A. Table 1 Longacres Business Center Phase 2 Trip Generation Summary Doity AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour New Trips Generated tn Out Totat 1.589 1.589 3, t78 427 58 485 74 363 .437 As shown in Table 1, the proposed longacres Business Center Phase 2 project is estimated to generate a total of 3,178 new weekday daily trips with 485 new trips occurring during the weekday AM peak hour (427 entering, 58 exiting), and 437 new trips occurring during the weekday PM peak hour (74 entering, 363 exiting). ~TENW August 21, 2015 Page 3 • Figure 2: Preliminary Site Plan ~TENW Traffic Impact Analysis .acres Business Center Phase 2 August 21. 2015 Page 4 • Traffic ImpOC.IYSiS -Longacres Business Center Phase 2 Trip Distribution and Assignment The distribution of PM peak hour project trips in the study area was based on the assumptions used in traHic studies supporting the Master Plan, EIS, and Development Agreement for the Boeing longocres Office Pork. The assignment 01 trips at the site driveways was estimated based on the allocation 01 parking within the site as well as logical assumptions based on the origins/destinations. The PM peak hour project trip distribution and assignment at the study intersections and site driveways are shown in Figure 3. Traffic Volumes Forecasts Existing weekday PM peak hour traHic counts were collected by All TraHic Data, Inc. at the following two study intersections Istudy intersections were selected based on discussions with the City): 1. Naches Ave SW /SW 27th Street loll-way stop) 2. Oakesdale Ave SW /SW 27th Street ItraHic signal) The existing PM peak hour traffic counts are summarized in Figure 4. Year 2017 without-project baseline troffic volumes were estimoted based on the ossumption 01 a 2 percent annual'growth rate, consistent with other studies conducted in the area. In addition, traffic from the Longacres Business Center (Phase I) project were added to the background volumes as a pipeline project. The year 2017 boseline volumes are shown in Figure 5. - Future 2017 with-project traffic volumes were estimated by adding the trip assignment from the proposed project IFigure 3) to the year 2017 without-project volumes (Figure 5). The resulting 2017 with-project PM peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections and site driveways are shown in Figure 6. ~TENW August 21, 2015 Page 5 • Traffic Impact Analysis egacres Business Center Phase 2 ;: V) <l> > « <l> 15 1J ~ .1l ;: 0 V) :i. 0 <l> > « 1J c: ::::l LEGEND '" '" '" "-"'''' II study Intersection M _"'N _6 ) ) t ~ ) t ® Project Trip Distribution 91 J ,., t 91J ,., t t PM Peak Hour 27_ '" 0 '" -xx Project Trips -'" 73 Figure 3: PM Peak Hour Project Trip Distribution & Assignment (!) NOT TO SCALE ~TENW August 21. 2015 Page 6 --------------------------------- • Traffic ImpaC.IYSiS -longacres Business Center Phase 2 SW 19th St LEGEND ~~ ........ "-15 II study Inlersection +-49 N .., N +-19 1'4 ) ... I.. 1'46 t PM Peak Hour XX Traffic Volume "l l' 19 -'" "l t l' 91-+ '" "' 35-+ "'~N 4" 35" Figure 4: 2015 Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ~ HOT TO SCALE 'ilPTENW Augusl2L 2015 Page 7 • Traffic Impact Analysis egocres Business Center Phase 2 SW 19th St LEGEND "'Si'" "--16 II study Intersecfion .... 51 "' '" .... 29 r 55 ) + '>.. r 48 t PM Peak Hour XX Traffic Volume '" (' 158--'" '" t (' 220_ "-a-78 ... "''''N '" '" "'-ON 6....,.. M Figure 5: 2017 Baseline PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ~ NOTTOSCAtE 'ilPTENW Augusl21. 2015 Page 8 • Traffic ,mpocteYSiS -Longacres Business Center Phase 2 LEGEND '" o-:e: II study Intersection -'" '" ""'''' _35 -'" ) t \.. r 48 ) t t PM Peak Hour XX Traffic Volume 249..-1f "l t r 91 ..-1f "l t 220_ 105 .... N"-N '" 0-.., " N -N 6" . 150" .., 73" '" N Figure 6: 2017 With-Project PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (!) NOTTOSCAlE ~TENW August 21, 2015 Page 9 • Traffic Impact Analysis .acres BUsiness Center Phase 2 Traffic Operations at Study Intersections An existing 2015, 2017 without proiect, and 2017 with proiect level of service [lOS) analysis was conducted at the two study intersections. lOS generally refers to the degree of congestion on a roadway or intersection. It is a measure of vehicle operating speed, travel time, travel delays, and driving comfort. A letter scale from A to F generally describes intersection LOS. At signalized intersections, LOS A represents free-flow conditions [motorists experience little or no delays). and LOS F represents forced-flow conditions where motorists experience on overage delay in excess of 80 seconds per vehicle. The LOS reported for signalized intersections represents the overage control delay [sec/veh) and can be reported for the overall intersection, for each approach, and for each lone group [additional v/c ratio criteria apply to lone group LOS only). The LOS reported at stop-controlled intersections is based on the overage control delay and can be reported for each controlled minor approach, controlled minor lone group, and controlled maior-street movement [and for the overall intersection at all-way stop controlled intersections. Additional v/c ratio criteria apply to lone group or movement LOS only). . Table 2 outlines the current HCM 2010 LOS criteria for-signalized and stop-controlled intersections based on these methodologies. $10 A F $10 A F > 10 to,; 20 B F > 10 to $ 15 B F > 20 to $ 35 C F > 15 to $ 25 C F > 35 to" 55 D F > 25 to $ 35 D F > 55 to,; 80 E F >35to$50 E F >80 F F > 50 F F 1 Source: HCM2010 Highway Capacity Manual. Transportation Research Board, 2010. 2 For approach-based and intersection-wide assessments 01 signals. lOS is defined solely by control delay, ~ For two-way stop controlled intersections, the LOS criteria apply to each lane on a given approach and to each approach on the minor street. LOS is not calculated for major-street approaches or for the intersection as a whole at two-way stop controlled intersections. For approach-based and intersection-wide assessments at all-way stop controlled intersections, LOS is solely defined by control deloy. level of service calculations for intersections were based on methodology and procedures outlined in the 2010 update of the Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board [HCM 2010) using Synchro 8. o traffic analysis software. Existing signal timing used in the analysis was provided by the City of Renton. For the 2017 with-proiect analysis at the study intersection of Naches Ave SW /SW 27 th Street, the proposed site access will form a new north leg to the existing all-way stop controlled intersection. For our analysis, we ~TENW August 21. 2015 Page 10 • Traffic Impact.YSiS -Longacres Business Center Phose 2 are proposing that the intersection remain as on all-way stop with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is assumed that the intersection will be modified to its ultimate configuration in the future when SW 27 th is extended to the west to connect with Strander Blvd. The PM peak hour LOS analysis results ore summarized in Table 3. The LOS worksheets are included in Attachment B. Table 3 PM Peak Hour LOS Summary at Study Intersections . AII-Wa~ Sto12 Intersection #1 Naches Ave 5W/5W 27'h 51 A 7.9 A 9.9 B 13.0 Signalized Intersection #2 Oakesdale Ave 5W/5W 27'h 51 B 11.3 B 14.5 B 16.8 As shown in Table 3, the study intersections currently operate at LOS A and B. The Naches Ave SW j SW 27th St intersection is expected to operate at LOS A in 2017 without the project and LOS B with the proposed project The Oakesdale Ave SW j SW 27th St intersecfton is expected to operate at LOS B in 2017 without or with the proposed prc:ject Site Access Analysis A level·of service (LOS) analysis was conducted at Ihe site access driveways using the methodology and procedures outlined in the HeM 2010. The Synchro software package was used to determine the reported LOS. The proposed site access on SW 27th Street will form a new north leg to the existing all-way stop controlled intersection at Naches Ave SW jSW 27 th Street. For our analysis, we are proposing that the intersection remain as an all-way stop with only minor revisions associated with creating the new north leg of the intersection for site access. It is assumed that the intersection will be modified to its ultimate configuration in Ihe future when SW 27th is extended to Ihe west to connect with Strander Blvd The driveway on OaKesdale Ave SW was assumed to allow all turn movements (full access) and be configured with separate outbound lett and right turn lanes. A center two-way lett turn lane exists on Oakesdale Ave SW which will provide a lett-turn lane for Iraffic entering the site and a center refuge lane for traffic exiting the site. Table 4 summarizes the results of the LOS analysis for future 2017 with project conditions for the site access locations. The LOS and queue calculation sheets are included in Attachment B. ~TENW August 21, 2015 Page II • Troffic Impact AnalYSiSegOCres Business Center Phose 2 Table 4 Future 2017 PM Peak Hour Site Access LOS Summary I. SW 271h St Access Turning Movements (All-Way Stop) EB Shared Left-Th-Right (entering) B 15.0 SB Left-through lexiting) B 13.5 5B Right lexiting) A 8.7 WB Shared Through-Right (entering) B 10.5 3. Site Driveway on Oakesdale Avenue 5W EB Left (exiting) C 19.5 EB Right (exiting) B 11.3 NB Left lentering) A 9.0 The results of the site access LOS analysis in Table 4 show that the movements at both access locations are expected to operate at LOS C or beijer in 2017 with the proposed project. The results show that no major improvements such as signalization ore needed at the site access locations. Mitigation No significant adverse transportation impacts ore antiCipated with the proposed Longacres Business Center Phase 2 development. Transportation impact fees are anticipated to be r.equired and will be determined prior to bUilding permit issuance based on.discussionswith the City of Renton and Boeing. If you have any questions regording the information presented in this analysis, please call me at 206-498- 5897 or email atforster@tenw.com. cc: Molly Corson, Ryan Companies US, Inc. Jeff Haynie, P.E., Principal, TENW Aijachments ~TENW August 21. 2015 Page 12 • Traffic ImpOC.IYSiS -Longocres Business Center Phose 2 ATTACHMENT A Trip Generation DAILY I Land Use Size General Ottlce 320,000 AM PEAK HOUR I Land Use Size 1 General Otllce 320,000 PM PEAK HOUR J Land Use Size 1 General Utllce 320,000 . -- Notes: 1. GFA = Gross Floor Areo. Lolacres Business Center Phase4t Trip Generation ITE Directional Split Units 1 LUC 2 Trip Rate In Out GFA 710 equation 50% 50% NEW DAilY TRIP GENERATION = ITE Directional Split LUC 2 Trip Rate In Out GFA 710 equation 88% 12% NEW AM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION = ITE Directional Split LUC 2 Trip Rate In Out GFA 710 equation 17% 83% NEW PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION = 2. Institute of Transportation Engineeri (ITE) Trip Generation manual 9th edition land use code. TENW Trips Generated In Out Total 1.589 1.589 3,178 1,589 1,589 3,178 Trips Generated In Out Total 427 58 485 427 58 485 Trips Generated In Out Total 74 363 437 -74 363 437 8/17/2015 • Traffic Impoct.YSiS -longocres Business Center Phase 2 ATTACHMENT B Level of Service Calculations • Traffic Impact Analysis .acres Business Center Phose 2 2015 Existing . Lanes, Volumes, Timings. 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St -.. lane GrouE EBT .. :EBR Lane Configurations 1> Volume (vph) 91' 4 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Storage Length (It) 0 Storage Lanes 0 Taper Length (It) Link Speed (mph) 25 Link Distance (It) 652 Travel Time (s) 17.8 Conft. Peds. (#ltir) 3 Peak Hour Factor 0.84 0.84 Heavy Vehicles (%) 7% 7% Shared Lane Traffic ('!o) Sign Control Stop rnte!fection Suml1l8lY ': .. " s~ \,,, J ,,;t:' Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2015 Existing -PM Peak Hour (' . WBL 'I 4 1900 150 1 '. 25· 5 0.84 15% ~" ',L'-;,' • 8/17/2015 -~ ~ WBT .NBL NBR t ¥ 49 9 15 1900 1900 1900 0 o . 1 0 25 35 25 366 557 7.1 15.2 3 5 0.84 0.84 0.84 15% 17% 17% Stop .. Stop 0"'r'T' _ k ,u::.;,;" ,: _ ),,'4 , ~ 'j \ •• \ Synchro 8 Report HCM 2010 AWSC • 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St Irite"'r'SectiorL "hiinhijlillii; ,; '",hi " Intersection Delay, s/veh Intersection LOS Movemenf~ , ,::,iti, 't,~ Vol, vehlh Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles, % MvmtFlow Number of Lanes Opposing Approach Opposing Lanes Conflicting Approach Left Conflicting Lanes Left Conflicting Approach Right Conflicting Lanes Right HCM Control Delay HCMLOS "gj~ri'Rln!,jtlliif';;;:fl:': 7.9 A i EBt1I~I';I> 0 0.92 2 0 0 «<iV'o:, ' . EBT; 91 0.84 7 108 1 o NB 1 7.9 A ::-',;' :i;:hiKf;i);:i£,)' EBR WBU 4 0 0.84 0.92 7 2 5 0 0 0 ~ane"4li.j!;tlj}MH)ii!b.lilif!I~,:i;Jhi!;,:;)IJJ_NBUnjl11;;IESUO)WJ!WBGlu'mMelfn2·;, Vol Left, % Vol Thru, % Vol Right, % Sign Control Traffic Vol by Lane LTVol Through Vol RTVol Lane Flow Rate Geometry Grp Degree of Uti! (X) Departure Headway (Hd) Convergence, YIN Cap Service Time HCM Lane VIC Ratio HCM Control Delay HeM Lane LOS HCM 95th·tile Q Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2015 Existing· PM Peak Hour 38% 0% 62% Stop 24 9 0 15 29 2 0.034 4.301 Yes 837 2.301 0.035 7.5 A 0.1 0% 100% 0% 96% 0% 100% 4% 0% 0% Stop _ Stop • Stop 95 4 49 0 4 0 91 0 49 4 0 0 113 5 58 5 7 7 0.132 0.007 0.079 4.19 5.362 4.861 Yes Yes Yes 852 667 .136 2.233 3.098 2.597 0.133 0.007 0.079 7.9 8.1 8 A A A 0.5 0 0.3 !ih' " WBIl 4 0.84 15 5 1 1 NB 1 o 8 A • WBT 49 0.84 15 58 1 NBU 0 0.92 2 0 0 NBL 9 0.84 17 11 1 o EB 1 WB 2 7.5 . -A 8/17/2015 NBR 15 0.84 17 18 0 Synchro 8 Report . Lanes, Volumes, Timings. 2: Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St Lane Group Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Storage Ltlngth (ft) Storage Lanes Taper Length (ft) Right Turn on Red Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) TravelTime (s) Confl. Peds. (#/hr) Peak HourFactor Heavy Vehicles (%) Shared Lane Traffic (%) Turn Type Protected Phases Permitted Phases Detector Phase '. Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s)" . Minimum Split (s) Total Split (s) Total Split (%) YellowTime(s) AII·Red Time (s) Lost Time Adjust (s) Total Lost Time (s) Lead/Lag Lead·Lag Optimize? RecaUMode'_ . EBL 'I 19 1900 250 1 25 2 0.95 9% pm+pt 7. 4 7 -EBT tft 35 1900 35 992 19.3 0.95 9% NA 4 '4 4.0 4.0 9.0 26.0 15.0 30.0 15.8% 31.6% : 4.0 4,0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 Lead . Lag Yes Yes None' None. IntersectlO'::-n '"Su:::m==m""ary::7:"· ,,--,.7"----- Area Type' Other Cycle Length: 95 Actuate~ Cycle Length: 37 Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated:·. EBR 35 1900 o o Yes 3 0.95 9% .WBL 'I 46 1900 200 1 25 • -t war WBR.. NBL -NBT t 7' 'I tft 19 15 9 350 1900 1900 1900 1900 35 730 14.2 o 215 1 1 25 Yes 4 0.95 0.95 0.95 35 726 14.1 0.95 NBR 21 1900 o o Yes 5 0.95 3 0.95 8% 8% 8% 4% 4% 4% pm+pt 3· 8 3 NA Perm 8 8 B. .8 4.0 .4.0, 9.0 26.0 15.0' 30.0 15.8% 31.6% 4.0" ' 4:0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 Lead Lag Yes Yes J,!o~e .' . None' 4.0 26.0 30.0 31.6% 4.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 Lag Yes None pm+pt 5 2 5 NA 2 4.0 5.0 9.0 26.0 15.0 35.0 15.8% 36.8% 4.040 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 Lead Lag Yes Yes None .. , ~one. ,.l _,. Splits and Phases' 2' Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St -"01 ""t 02 15 s I . I 35 s . ,.s ~\t;06 15 " , ' I' "~I' • 35.s:~::.' Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2015 Exisling • PM Peak Hour ?I, •• 3 ~ I 115 s I . I 3D s ..J-07 ~ if 08 I·!. 1I1jj's. ',:,'\. a,s SBL 'I 27 1900 150 1 25 2 0.95 7% pm+pt 1 6 1 4.0 9.0 15.0 15.8% 4.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 Lead Yes None 8/1712015 SBT tft 489 1900 35 325 6.3 0.95 7% NA 6 6 5.0 26.0 35.0 36.8% 4.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 Lag Yes None SBR 24 1900 o o Yes 2 0.95 7% • •• Synchro 8 Report HeM 2010 Signalized Intersect.Summary 2: Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St / Movement EBL Lane Configurations 'I Volume (vehlh) 19 Number 7 Initial 0 (Ob), veh 0 Ped·Bike Adj(A.Jlb T) 0.99 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 Adj Sat Flow, vehlhnn 1743 Adj Flow Rate, vehlh 20 Adj No. of Lanes 1 Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Percent Heavy Veh, % 9 Cap, vehlh 326 Arrive On Green 0.02 Sat Flow, vehlh 1660 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 20 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1660 o Serve(g_s), s 0.4 Cycle 0 Clear(g_c), s 0.4 Prop In Lane 1.00 Lane Grp Cap(c), vehlh 326 VIC Ratio(X) 0.06 Avail Cap(c_a), vehlh 697 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 Upstream Filter(l) 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 16.3 Incr Delay (d2), slveh 0.1 Initial 0 Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 %ile BackOfO(50%),vehnn 0.2 LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 16.4 LnG~ LOS B Approach Vol, vehlh Approach Delay, slveh Approach LOS ifimer Assigned Phs 1 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 6.1 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 10.0 Max 0 Clear Time (9_c+11), s 2.4 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.0 InterseCtion Summa~ HCM 2010CtrI Delay HCM 2010 LOS Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2015 Existing· PM Peak Hour -"\. EBT EBR tft 35 35 4 14 0 0 0.99 1.00 1.00 1743 1900 37 37 2 0 0.95 0.95 9 9 155 135 0.09 0.09 1674 • 1453 37 37 1656 1471 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.99 154 136 0.24 0.27 1009 . 897 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.3 17.3 .1.1 . 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.5 18.4 18.9 B B 94 18.2 B 2 3 2 3 19.4 6.7 5.0 5.0 30.0 10.0 5.3 3.0 S,3 0.0 11.3 B " WBL 'I 46 3 0 0.99 1.00 1759 48 1 0.95 8 330 0.04 1675 48 1675 1.0 1.0 1.00 330 0.15 670 1.00 1.00 15.9 0.2 0.0 0.5 16.1 B 4 4 8.8 5.0 • 25.0 3.0 0.7 - WBT t 19 8 0 1.00 1759 20 1 0.95 8 200 0.11 1759 20 1759 0.4 0.4 200 0.10 1072 1.00 1.00 16.3 0.3 0.0 0.2 16.6 B 84 16.3 B 5 5 5.4 5.0 10.0 2.1 0.0 • 8/1712015 '-, t ~ ..... ~ ~ WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR , 'I tft 'I tft 15 9 350 21 27 489 24 18 5 2 12 1 6 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1759 1827 1827 1900 1776 1776 1900 16 9 . 368 22 28 515 25 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 8 4 4 4 7 7 7 169 404 1171 70 476 1209 59 0.11 0.01 0.35 0.35 0.03 0.37 0.37 1480 1740 . 3328 198 1691 3275 159 16 9 191 199 28 265 275 1480 1740 1736 1791 1691 1687 1747 0.4 0.1 3.3 3.3 0.4 4.8 4.8 0.4 0.1 3.3 3.3 0.4 4.8 4.8 1.00 1.00 0.11 1.00 0.09 169 404 611 630 476 623 645 0.09 0.02 0.31 0.32 0.06 0.43 0.43 902 812 1269 ' 1310 843 1234 1278 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.3 8.6 9.7 9.7 8.2 9.7 9.7 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 1.6 1.7 0.2 2.3 ,2.4 16.6 8.6 10.1 10.1 8.2 10.3 10.3 B A B B A B B 399 568 10.1 10.2 B B 6 7 8 I 6 7 8 20.1 5.8 9.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 30.0 10.0 25.0 6.8 2.4 2.4 8.1 0.0 0.7 Synchro 8 Report • Traffic Impact.SiS -Longocres Business Center Phase 2 2017 Baseline (Without Project) Lanes, Volumes, Timings • 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St Lane. Group )F;i;;: .• ;m,. Lane Configurations Volume (vph) Ideal Flow (vphpl) Storage Length (It) Storage Lanes Taper Length (It) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (It) Travel Time (s) Confl: Peds. (#/hr) Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles (%) Shared Lane Traffic (%) Sign Control -.. T> 'I 220 6 55 1900 1900 1900 25 652 17.8 o 150 o 1 25 3 5 0.84 0.84 0.84 7% 7% 15% Stop Area Type: Other Control Type: Unsignalized Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 Baseline -PM Peak Hour - WBT; + 51 1900 35 366 7.1 0.84 15% Stop .., ;,i'.;NBL ¥ 37 1900 0 1 25 25 557 15.2 3 0.84 17% Stop .NBR 139 1900 o o 5 0.84 17% • 8/17/2015 Synchro 8 Report HCM 2010 AWSC • 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St Intersection Intersection Delay, slveh 9.9 Intersection LOS A Vol, vehlh Peak Hour Factor Heavy VehiCles, oj, Mvmt Flow Number of Lanes Approach' Opposing Approach Opposing Lanes . Conflicting Approach Left Conflicting Lanes Leit Conflicting Approach Right Conflicting Lanes Right HCM Control Delay HCM LOS ., " 0 0.92 . 2 0 0 220 6 0 0.84 0.84 0.92 7 . 7 2' , 262 7 0 1 0 0 EB WB 2 O. NB 1 10.5 . ,9 " Wane •••.. p ,0jl~ . '"", $,,1;; ,'':' 4\',:NBLn1 .,'EBln 1. ... WBLn 1 . ,WBLn2 . Vol Left, % VoLThru, % Vol Right, % Sign Control Traffic Vol by Lane LTVol 1 ... Through Vol RTVol ,,' Lane Flow Rate Geometry Grp Degree of Util (X) Departure Head"way (Hd) Convergence, YIN Cap Service Time HCM Lane VIC Ratio .. ' HCM Control Delay HCM Lane LOS HCM 95th-tile Q Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 Baseline .. PM Peak Hour 21% 0% 79% Stop 176 37 '. 0 139 210 2 0.275 4.73.2 Yes 756 2.773 0.278 9.6 A 1.1 0% 100% 0% .. 97.% 0% '100% 3% 0% 0% . . Stop:." StoP . Stop' 226 55 51 .0 .5.5 1',0 220 0 51 6 0 0 269 65 61 5 7 7, 0.358 0.109 0.093 4.787 6.019 5 .. 515 Yes Yes Yes 748 594 648 2.831 3.772 3.267 . 0.36 0.109 .' 0.094 " 10.5 9.5 8.8 B .. A A 1.6 0.4 0.3 'W9L 55 0.84 15 65 1 WB' EB l' . NB 1 o 9.2 A ",1i:h' • WST . 51 0.84 15 61 1 ,:~dL', ':'-:,-. -NEiU 0 0.92 ,2 0 0 .. NBW::: 37 0.84 17 44 1 NB o EB 1 WB 2 9.6 'A 8/17/2015 '01 NBR 139 0.84 17 165 0 Synchro 8 Report Lanes, Volumes, Timings • 2: Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St ~ Lane Grou~ EBl Lane Configurations 'I Volume (vph) 158 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 Storage Length (ft) 250 Siorage Lanes 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 Right Turn on Red Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Heavy Vehicles (%) 9% Shared Lane Traffic (%) Tum Type pm+pt ProteCted Phases 7 Permitted Phases 4 Detector Phase 7 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 9.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 Total Split (%) 15.8% Yellow Time (s) 4.0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 Total Lost Time (s) 5.0 Lead/Lag lead Lead-Lag Optimize? Yes Recall Mode None Intersection Sumrna[}: ::;<iiiu;, Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 95 Actuated Cycle Length: 48.5 Natural Cycle: 70 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 Baseline -PM Peak Hour -"'" EBT EBR 1'1> 78 105 1900 1900 0 0 Yes 35 992 19.3 3 0.95 0.95 9% 9% NA 4 4 4.0 26.0 30.0 31.6% 4.0 1.0 0.0 5.0 Lag Yes -N9ne (' - WBL WBT 'I l' 48 29 1900 1900 200 1 25 35 730 14.2 3 0.95 0.95 8% 8% pm+pt NA 3 8 8 3 8 4.0 4.0 9.0 26.0 15.0 30.0 15.8% 31.6% 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 Lead Lag Yes Yes None None • 8/17/2015 "-'"\ t ~ .,. ~ ~ WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR l' 'I 1'1> 'I 1'1> 16 23 364 22 28 509 53 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 0 215 0 150 0 1 1 0 1 0 25 25 Yes Yes Yes 35 35 726 325 14.1 6.3 4 5 2 2 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95. 0.95 0.95 8% 4% 4% 4% 7% 7% 7% Perm pm+pt NA pm+pl NA 5 .. 2 1 6 8 2 6 8 ·5 2 6 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 . 5.0 26.0 9.0 26.0 9.0 26.0 30.0 . 15.0 ~5.0 15.0 35.0 31.6% 15.8% 36.8% 15.8% 36.8% 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None None None None None Synchro 8 Report . HeM 2010 Signalized IntAction Summary 2: Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St . ~ -Movement EBL EBT Lane Configurations , +lo Volume (veh/h) 158 '. 78 Number 7 4 Initial Q (Ob),vel1 .' .. a .. 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A.pbT) 0.99 Parking Bus,Adj 1.00 tOO Adi Sat Flow, veh/h~n 1743 1743 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 166 82 Adj No. of Lanes 1 2 Peak Hour Fact~r 0.95 0.95 Percent Heavy Veh, % 9 9 Cap: vehlh 451 300 Arrive On Green 0.12 0.18 Sat Fiow, vehlh 1660 . 1656 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 166 82 Grp Sat ~!ow(s),vel1lh~n " 1669 . 16.56.. Q Serve(g.s), s 4.2 2.1 Cycle Q Clear(gj), 5 . '4.2 ... .2 . .1' Prop In Lane 1.00 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h , ," .• )151 VIC Ratio(X) 0.37 Avail.Cap(c.a), veh/h 595 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 Upstream Filter(l) tOO' . Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 16.1 Incr Delay (d2), slveh c O.S Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh~n ,1.9 LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 16.6 LnGr~ LOS" . . . B Approach Vol, veh/h Approach Delay, s/veh Approach LOS i1imer ',j ,-1 Assigned Phs Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s . .6.3 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 10.0 Max Q Clear Time (g.c+11), s 2.5 Green.Ext Time (P.c), s 0.0 Intersection Summa!}; : •. :...,;, } .. ~ HCM 2010 CtrlDelay, ' HCM 2010 LOS Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 Baseline -PM Peak Hour 300 0.27 837 1.00 1.00 17.4 0.7 0.0 1,0 18.1 8 359 17.8 8 2 2 22.2 5.0 30.0 6.2 8.9 " EBR 105 14 o. 1.00 1.00 1900 111 a 0.95 9 29 8 0.18 1474 111 1474 3.3 3:3 1.00 268 0.41 745 1.00 1.00 17.9 -1.5 0.0 1.4. 19.4 8 3 3 7.0 5.0 10.0 3.3 0.0 14.5 8 # WBL , 48 3 a 0.99 1.00 1759 51 1 0.95 8 333 0.04 1675 51 16,75 1.3 1.3 1.00 333 0.15 603 1.00 1.00 18.5 0.2 0.0 0.6 18.7 8. '4 4 14.0 5.0 25.0 5.3 1.7 - WBT + 29 8 , a 1.00 1759 31 1 0.95 8 188 0.11 1759 31 1759, 0.8 0,8, 188 0.16 889 1.00 1.00 20.1 0.6 0.0 0.4 20.7 C 99 19.6 '. B '5 5 6.1 5.0 10.0 2.4 0.0 • 8/17/2015 "-'"' t ~ ',. .. ~ -WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL' SBT SBR l' , +lo , +lo 16 23 364 22 28 509 53 18 5 2 12 1 6 16 a o· a a a a a 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1759 1827 1827 1900 1776 1776 1900 17 24 383 23 29 536 56 1 1 2 a 1 2 a Q.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 8 4 4 4 7 7 7 158 357 1155 69 433 1082 113 0.11 0.02 0.35 0.35 0.03 0.35 0.35 1479 1740 3327 199 1691 3064 321 17 24 199 207 29 293 299 1479 . 17~0 1736 1791:. 1691 1687 1718 0.5 0.4 4.2 4.2 0.5 6.7 6.8 0.5 0.4 4.2' 4.2 0.5 6.7 6.8 1.00 1.00 0.11 1.00 0.19 158 357 602 622 433 592 603 0.11 0.07 0.33 0.33 0.07 0.49 0.50 747 669 1052 1086 730 1023 1041 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00· 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 (00 20.0 10.4 11.9 11.9 10.1 12.6 12.6 0.4 0.1 0.5 0.4 6.1 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 2.1 2.1 . 0.2 3.2 3.3 20.4 10.5 12.4 12.4 10.1 13.5 13.5 C 8 '8 8 8 B. B 430 621 , 12.3 13.4 8 B 6 7 8 "I 6 7 8 22.4 . 10.7 10.3 5.0 .5.0 5.0 30.0 10.0 25.0 8.8 6.2 2.8 8.4 0.1 1.8 " Synchro 8 Report • Traffic Impact Analysis egocres Business Center Phose 2 2017 With-Project . Lanes, Volumes, Timings. • 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St -' -~ I'" -"-, t ~ Lane Groue ':¥ , EBh, .. ,.ESI EBR .• .·.WBt! WBT. WBR" .. NBl} .. NBT i0 .. NBR ~" •• 1 •• ;( , , Lane Configurations 4-'I f> 4- Volume (vph) 7 220 6 55 51 33 37 0 139 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Storage Length (ft) . 0 0 150 0 0 0 Storage Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 0 :raper Length (ft) 25 25 25 Link Speed (mph) 25 35 25 Link Distance (ft) 652 366 557 Travel Time (s) 17.8 7.1 15.2 Corifl. Peds. (#thr) 3 5 3 5 Peak Hour Factor 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 Heavy Vehicles (%) , 2% 7%, . 7°~ 15% 15% 2%' 17% 2% 17% Shared Lane Traffic (%) Sign c;ontrol . Slop Stop .. Stop ~-. --~~"P'~"Nf!"""""'"'!i""'''''t''1'~_~''''''''" __ W __ '-'''''~'''~''''''''--'' Intersection Summa!)!. ". . .' . .'.:.... .", "'""'1~"""- Area Type:. Other. Control Type: Un signalized Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 With·Project • PM Peak Hour 8/20/2015 .... ~ ~ SBl . SBT , SBR of , 163 0 36 1900 1900 1900 0 0 0 1 25 25 298 8.1 0.84 0.84 0.84 2% 2% 2% Stop Synchro 8 Report HCM 2010 AWSC • 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St Intersection Delay, s/veh 13 Intersection LOS B Vol, vehlh Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles, % MvmtFlow Number of Lanes Approach" ;:.j;]iE,; Opposing Approach Opposing Lanes ;:]2,,::. Conflicting Approach Left Conflicting Lanes Left Conflicting Approach Right Conflicting Lanes Right HCM Control Delay HCM LOS o 7 220 0.92 0.84 0.84 2 2 7 o 8 262 o 0 1 ii~i)Hi;ill;;;!jih(;", ',EB,. WB 2 SB 2 NB 1 15 B laneY "~iJ1; 'I, '''~' ![!DjllfilitNBlli1t,.EBLrl1 :,,' Vol Left, % Vol Thru, % Vol Right, % Sign Control Traffic Vol by Lane LTVol Through Vol RTVol Lane Flow Rate Geometry Grp Degree of Util (X) Departure Headway (Hd) Convergence, VIN Cap Service Time HCM Lane VIC Ratio HCM Control Delay HCM Lane LOS HCM 95th·tile a Longacres' Business Center Phase 2 2017 With·Project· PM Peak Hour ------- 21% 3% 0% 94% 79% 3% Stop Stop 176 233 37 7 0 220 139 6 210 277 6 6 0.363 0.482 6.237 6.258 Ves Ves 574 574 4.3 4.314 0.366 0.483 12.8 15 B B 1.6 2.6 6 0 0.84 0.92 7 2 7 0 o 0 ;,,;)::); WBLrlr WBLrl2i, 100% 0% 0% 61% 0% 39% Stop Stop 55 84 55 0 0 51 0 33 65 100 7 7 0.13 0.177 7.167 6.379 Ves Ves 499 560 4.934 4.145 0.13 0.179 11 10.5 B B 0.4 0.6 • 8/20/2015 WBU -war" WBR'''''· NBU" NBL NBT " .• NBR 55 51 33 0 37 0 139 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.92 0.84 0.84 0.84 15 15 2 2 17 2 17 65 61 39 0 44 0 165 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 .,WB· NB EB SB 1 2 NB EB 1 1 SB WB 2 2 ' 10.7 12.8 B B SBLrl1 . SBLn2 100% 0% . Oo~ • 0% 0% 100% Stop Stop 163 36 163-0 0 0 0 36 194 43 7. 7 0.367 0.066 6.804 5.585 Ves Ves 528 639 4.565 3.345 0.367 0.067 13.5 8.7 B A 1.7 0.2 Synchro 8 Report HCM 2010 AWSC • 1: Naches Ave SW & SW 27th St Intersection Delay, s/veh Intersection LOS ' , Vol;vehlh Peak Hour Factor Heavy Vehicles, %, Mvmt Flow Number of Lanes Opposing Approach Opposing Lanes Conflicting Approach Left Conflicting Lanes Left , Conflicting Approach Right Conflicting Lanes Right HCM Control Delay HCMLOS Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 With-Project -PM Peak Hour NB '1 WB 2 EB 1 ' I,~, ;;: ' , 12,6 B • 8/20/2015 "",< , , Synchro 8 Report Lanes, Volumes, Timings • 2: Oakesdale Ave SW & SW 27th St .,} -LaneGrou~ EBt EBT Lane Configurations 'I tf> Volume (vph) 249 105 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 Storage Length (tt) 250 Storage Lanes 1 Taper Length (tt) 25 Right Turn on Red Link Speed (mph) 35 Link Distance (tt) 992 Travel Time (s) 19.3 Confl. Peds. (#/hr) 2 Peak Hour Factor 0.95 0.95 Heavy Vehicles (%) 9% 9% Shared Lane Traffic (%) Turn Type pm+pt NA Protected Phases 7 4 Permitted Phases 4 Detector Phase 7 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initi~1 (s) 4.0 4.0 Minimum Split (s) 9.0 26.0 Total Split (s) 15.0 30.0 Total Split (%) 15.8% 31.6% YellQw Time (s) 4.0 4,0 All-Red Time (s) 1.0 1,0 Lost Time Adjust (s) 0.0 0,0 . - Total Lost Time (5) 5.0 5,0 LeadlLag Lead Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Yes Yes Recall Mode None None Intersection Summa!}: , ;;:fiih!?< Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 95 Actuated Cycle Length: 55,4 Natural Cycle: 70 ControlType: Actuated-Uncoordinated Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 With-Project -PM Peak Hour ~ EBR 150 1900 0 0 Yes 3 0.95 9% .-- WBL WBT 'I t 48 35 1900 1900 200 1 25 35 730 14.2 3 0.95 0.95 8% 8% pm+pt NA 3 8 8 3 8 4.0 4.0 9.0 26.0 15.0 30.0 15.8% 31.6% ·4.0 4,0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0,0 5.0 5.0 Lead Lag Yes Yes None None ,-'ii'-~ • 8/17/2015 "-~ t ~ .,. ~ ~ WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR l' 'I tf> 'I tf> 21 32 374 22 55 555 71 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 0 215 0 150 0 1 1 0 1 0 25 25 Yes Yes Yes 35 35 726 650 14.1 12.7 4 5 2 2 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 8% 4% 4% 4% 7% 7% 7% Perm pm+pt NA pm+pt NA 5 2 1 6 8 2 6 8 5 2 -,..-. 1 6 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 26.0 9.0 26.0 9.0 26.0 30.0 15.0 . 35.0 '-.' -15.0 35.0 31.6% 15.8% .36.8% 15.8% 36.8% 4.0 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes None None None. None None Synchro 8 Report . HeM 2010 Signalized Int.ection Summary 2: Oakesdale Ave SW.&,SW 27th St ~ Movement EBl lane Configurations ., Volume (veh/h) 249 Number 7 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0' Ped-Bike Adj(A-pbT) 0',99 Parkin'g Bus, Adj 1;0'0' Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1743 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 262 Adj No, of Lanes 1 Peak Hour Factor 0',95 Percent Heavy Veh, % 9 Cap, veh/h ' ' 513 Arrive On Green 0',16 Sat Flow; veh/h 1660' Grp Volume(v), veh/h 262 Gip Sat Flow(s),veh/hnn 1660' Q Serve(g_s), s 7.4 Cycle a Clear(g_c), s 7.4 ' Prop In lane 1.0'0' Lane Grp CaR(c), vehlh -,,-, " 51,3 VIC Ratio(X) 0',51 Avail Cap(c_a), ~ehlh 534 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.0'0' Upstream Filter(l) 1.00' ' Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 16,2 Incr Delay (d2j, s/veh 0',8 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0',0' %ile,BackOfQ(5D%),veh/ln 3.5 ' LnGrp Delay(d),siveh 17.0' l.nG!!! LOS ' " B Approach Vol, veh/h Approach Delay, s/veh Approach LOS inm~ ,1 Assigned Phs 1 Phs Duration (G+Y+Ry); s 7.4 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5,0' Max Green Setting (Gmax),s ' 10:0' Max Q Clear Time (g_c+11), s 3.3 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0',0' intersection Summa~ ' ' ,+ HCM 20'10' CtrlDelay HCM 20'10' LOS Longacres Business Center Phase 2 20'17 With-Project -PM Peak Hour -~ ,EBT EBR +t> 195 150' 4 14 ,,0' 0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1743 190'0' 111 158 2 0' 0',95 0',95 9 9 392 350' 0',24 0'.24 1656 1476 111 158 1656 ' 1476 3:1 5'2 -3,1, ' 5,2 1.0'0' ,392, " ,,350' 0',28 0'.45 72~ ~645 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0': :: 1.0'0', 17,8 18,6 0':6 ' 1,3 0',0' 0',0' 1.5 2,2 18.4 19,9 B' B 531 18,2 B ,2", ,,3 2 3 24:0' 7,2 5,0' , 5,0' 30',0' ' " 10',0' 7,1 3,5 ' 9,5 0':0' I. " ''. }- , 16,8 B • - WBl, WBT ., + 48 ,,35 3 8 0' 0' 0',99 1.0'0' 1.0'0' ,; 1759 1759 51 '37 1 1 0',95 , , 0',95 ' 8 8 3D9' 199 0',0'4 0',11 , 1675 1759 51 37 1675 1759 1.5 1,1 1,5 1,1 , 1.0'0' 30'9 ' ,,199 0',17 0',19 ,,537 769 1.00' 1.0'0' 1.0'0 1,0'0' 21,2 23,0' 0,2 0',6 0',0' 0',0' 0'.7 ' 6,6 21,4 23.6 C C 110' 22,5 C 4" ,5>, 4 5 18,6 6.7 ' 5,0' 5,0' 25,0' 10',0' 7,2 2.7 2.4 0',0' ~': ------ • 8/17/20'15 '-'"\ t ,.. ... + ~ WBR ," NBl NBT , NBR SBl SBT SBR l' ., +t> ., +t> 21 ,32 374 ' 22 55 555 71 18 5 2 12 1 6 16 ,,0'" , , 0' 0' 0', 0' 0' 0' 0',99 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1,0'0' , 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' ' 1.0'0' wi 1759 1827 1827 190'0' 1776 1776 190'0' 22 34 394 ' 23 58 584 7,5 1 1 2 0' 1 2 0' , 0',95 0',95 0',95 0',95 0',95 0',95 0,95 8 4 4 4 7 7 7 168 318 110'8 84 420' " 10'39 133 0',11 0',0'3 0',33 0',33 0',0'4 0'.35 0',35 1480 1740' 3333 '194 1691 300'8 385 22 34 20'5 212 58 327 332 1480 1740' , 1736 1792 1691 1687 170'7 0',8 0',7 5,1 5,1 1,3 9,0' 9,0' 0',8 0',7 5,1 5,1 1,3 9,0' 9,0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 0',11 1.0'0' 0',23 168 ,318 , 577 595 420' 582 589 0',13 0',11 0',35 0',36 0',14 0',56 0',56 ,647 ,572 9,11 940' 644 885 896 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0 ' 1:0''0 ' 1.0'0 .,1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' 1.0'0' ' 1.00 22,8 12,5 14,4 14,5 11,8 15,2 15.2 1i,5 b,1 0',5 0':5 0',1 1.2 1,2 0',0' 0',0' 0',0' 0',0' 0',0' 0',0' 0',0' 0'.3 ' " 0',4 2,5 2,6 0',6 4.4 4.4 23.3 12.7 15,0' 15,0' 12,0' 16,4 16.4 C ,8 B B B B 8 451 717 14,8 16,1 B B ,6, ~ , A;;?;, 7', .{' 8, ' ;j 6 7 8 24,7 14,3, '11.5. 5,0' 5,0' 5,0' 30',0' 10',0' 25,0' 11,0' 9,4 3,1 8,6 0',1 2,6 ""., "c(' , w1lS ~ I Synchro 8 Report Lanes, Volumes, Timings • 3: Oakesdale Ave SW & Site Access t Lane Configurations Volume (vph) "'1""'1 tt·H. Ideal Flow (vphpl) Storage Length (ft) Storage Lanes Taper Length (ft) Link Speed (mph) Link Distance (ft) Travel Time (s) Peak Hour Factor Shared Lane Traffic (%) Sign Control Area Type: Control Type: Unsignalized 91 1900 a 1 25 25 244 6.7 0.92 Stop Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 With-Project -PM Peak Hour 73 1900 a 1 0.92 15 629 608 1900 1900 1900 50 1 25 35 35 650 325 12.7 6.3 0.92 0.92 0.92 Free Free SBR 19 1900 o a 0.92 • 8/17/2015 Synchro 8 Report HCM 2010 TWSC • 3: Oakesdale Ave SW & Site Access Int Delay, s/veh 1.9 Movement EBL EBR Vol,"vehlh 91 73 Confiicting Peds, #lhr 0 0 Sign Control ' Stop' Stop RT Channelized None Storage Length 0 0 Veh in Median Storage, # 1 Grade, % 0, Peak Hour Factor 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 2 Mvmt Flow 99 79 Maj2rlMinor ,'\ .. i :" " ~inor2' }'1L .. , {,., ',j' Confiicting Flow AU 1Q45 341. Stage 1 671 Stage 2 . 37( Critical Hdwy 6.84 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.84 Critic~1 Hdwy Stg 2 5.84 Follow-up Hdwy 3.52 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 224 655 . Stage 1 470 Stage 2 666 Platoonbtoc~ed,% . Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 220 655 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver ,"346 Stage 1 470 Stage 2 654 Ape roach EB HCM Control Delay, s 15.9 HCMLOS C Capacity (veh/h) 907 346 655 HCM Lane VIC R~tio -0.018 0.286 0.1.21 HCM Control Delay (s) 9 19.5 11.3 HCM La~.~ LOS' A C B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 0.1 1.2 0.4 Longacres Business Center Phase 2 2017 With-Project -PM Peak Hour • 8/17/2015 NBL NBT SBT ·SBR . 15 629 608 . 19 0 0 0 0 Free Free Free Free None None 50 0 0 0 .. 0 92 92 92 92 2 2 2 2 16 684 661 21 MaiOM . " ''',..,.-:~. ~Mai0r2?' . '~ 682 0 0 . 4.14 -:0 2.22 907 ..' - 907 • NB SB .. 0.2 0 Synchro 8 Report .. . . " ,,"'. \ : " :. • • TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc . Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences August 31, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 Mr. Joel Wage Ryan Companies RECEIVED 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, Arizona 85018 SEP 0 I 2015 Subject: Reference: Dear Mr. Wage: Supplemental Site Exploration Long Acres Phase II SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION Geotechnical Report, Long Acres Phase II, SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW, Renton, Washington, Project No. T -7159-1, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August I 8, 20 15 As request, we have performed additional site exploration at the Long Acres Phase II project in Renton, Washington. On August 20,2015, we observed the soil and groundwater conditions at 6 soil test borings drilled to depths of 60 feet below current site grades. Four test borings were located in the footprint of the revised west building location with two additional test borings located in the east building area. The locations of the test borings in relation to the previously performed field work are shown on the attached Figure I. The test borings were advanced using mud rotary drilling methods. Soil samples were obtained at five-foot intervals. in general accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation D- 1586. Using this procedure, a 2-inch (outside diameter) split barrel sampler is driven into the ground 18 inches using a 140-pound hammer free falling a height of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches after an initial 6-inch set is referred to as the Standard Penetration Resistance value or N value. This is an index related to the consistency of cohesive soils and relative density. of cohesionless materials. N values obtained for each sampling interval are recorded on the boring logs. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described on the attached Figure 2. The boring logs are presented as Figures 3 through 8. Laboratory testing completed on soil samples obtained included determination of the soils in place moisture content. Results of the laboratory moisture contents for the soil samples are shown on the boring logs opposite the samples on which they were performed. 12220 113th Avenue NE, Ste. 130, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 • Fax (425) 821-4334 Mr. Joel Wage August 31, 2015 • • The soil conditions observed in the test borings are generally consistent with the previous cone penetration tests (CPTs) data and test pit excavations completed for the referenced geotechnical engineering report. These consist of very loose and soft silty sand and silt alluvium to a depth of about 23 feet followed by medium dense to occasionally dense dark gray to black sand alluvium to boring completion. Evidence of groundwater was observed at depths of 5 to II feet below current surface grades during drilling. The supplemental soils data obtained at the test borings by SPT sampling is generally consistent with that indicated by the CPT data. Liquefaction analysis based on the SPT data indicates the alluvium would be subject to the liquefaction phenomenon during a design level earthquake. Site impacts should liquefaction occur would be in the form of building settlement with maximum settlement approaching four inches, similar to that indicated by the analysis using the CPT data and discussed in the referenced report. Based on the results of the supplemental test boring data, we are amending our recommendations for supporting the buildings on augercast piles. Augercast piles, if used, should be advanced to obtain support in the medium dense sand alluvium indicated to be present at depths of 30 to 35 feet below current site grades by the recent test borings. Pile capacity, both vertical compressive and uplift values as well as lateral values outlined in the referenced report would remain the same. With the exception of the recommendations for augercast pile depth as amended above, all other geotechnical recommendations for design and construction as outlined in the referenced report continue to remain valid. We trust the supplemental information presented is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES, INC. J;ia11t'1!~ -Exploration Location Plan Figure 2 -Unified Soil Classification System Figures 3 through 8 -Boring Logs Project No. T-7159-1 Page No. ii • Han: L~Q~ND: 'MS IITII'lAH IS ICHEIMnc .IU LOCATIONI N«) ~ ~TE UIT '"' lOCAllON ===y~~~~}':'Ju:~~OR eAMl(ljl; ...... 'ECOHI!PI:~~T1OtITU1 l0CA11ON OE&IOtt ()III COHSTIIIVCTlON I'\.W'OI(' $ APPIIOItlMllfl 8OMoIO \.OCAllON IIII!FEREHCt!:&ll'I: I'lAN ~O ,,,WH Hoeft: HClCClU.Hl~ • ~Terra ,. . Assoclatesd nc; C-_Ioa.-.l I""=t:...--. EXPL.ORAllON LOCATION PlAN LO NG ACRES PHASE II RE NTON , WA.SHINGTON ~AL DESCRIPTION MAJOR DIVISIONS LETTER SYMBOL Clean GW Well-graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. Gravels (less GRAVELS than 5% • More than 50% ~ Q) fines) GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines . 2'Q) i5 ..!lI .!:I of coarse fraction VI -WI is larger than No. GM Silly gravels, gravel-sand-sllt mixtures , non-plaslic fines . Q .l! Q) 4 sieve Gravels with w .! ~ fines z ~.;;; GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines . ~ ~8 CI 0'" Clean Sands SW Well -graded sands , sands with gravel, little or no fines . w ~~ SANDS (less than ~ ,. c a =,. More than 50% 5% fines) SP Poorly-graded sands, sands with gravel, little or no fines. I!! = of coarse fraction (J 0 ~ is smaller than Sands with SM Silty sands , sand-slit mixtures, non-plastic fines . No.4 sieve fines SC Clayey sands , sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines . • J! ML Inorgan ic silts, roel< flour, clayey silts with slight plasticity . ~ .~ ~ SILTS AND CLAYS CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity. (Lean clay) i5 .l! Q) Liquid Limit is less than 50% VI GI > Q r! OL Organic slits and organic clays of low plasticity . w Z ~~ ~ ~ d MH Inorganic slits, elastic . CI c Z SILTS AND CLAYS w ,. c Liquid Limit is greater than 50% CH Inorganic clays of high plastiCity . (Fat clay) z = ,. iL I!! = 0 OH Organic clays of high plasticity . ~ HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS :g Standard Penetration I 2' OUTSIDE DIAMETER SPILT SPOON SAMPLER i Den!ity Resistance In Blows/Foot Very Loose O~ ][ 2.4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER VI Loose 4-10 W Medium Denae 10-30 ::c I WATER LEVEL (Da te ) 0 Dense 30-SO (J Very Dense >50 Tr TORVANE READINGS, tsf Standard Penetration Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf Consistency Resistance In Blows/Foot ~ DO DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot ! Very Soft 0-2 Soft 2~ LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent Medium Stili 4-8 Stili 8-16 PI PLASTIC INDEX Very Stiff 16-32 HIIrd >32 N STANDARD PENETRATION , blows per foot ~Terra UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ~:>!-&!.!J Associates Inc. LONG ACRES PHASE II RENTON , WASHINGTON :>': -• ./ ConluklnlS In Geolochnlaol ~ng l n"rIng GeoIog~ Ind Proj . No.T-7159-1 I Date AUG 2015 I Figure 2 Environme nt. earth Sciencea LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Figure No.3 Project No: T·7159·1 Date Drilled: 8120/15 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: Ryan Companies Location: Renton. Washington Driller: BORETEC Logged By: ..,A,::J"'D'--__ _ Soil Description FILL: crushed gravel. fine to medium grained. moist. (GP) Gray SILT with sand. fine grained. moist. (ML) Brown grading to gray/black silty SAND. fine grained. moist to wet. Gray SILT with sand interbedded with brown peat. wet. (ML) Gray/black poorly graded SAND. fine to medium grained. wet. (SP) ·Continued on Next Page. Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geoteChnical purposes. This information pertains only 10 this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistency/ Relative Density Medium Stiff Very Loose Soft Loose Medium Dense Medium Dense Moisture Content % 10 wgd";;cr70' : 46.6 x 43.0 " 26.7 x 31.5 x 82.1 ~ Pocket Penetrometer • TSF • 3 , SPT (N) • Blows/ft • 10 20 30 40 6' e: 4 • 261 • 1 ! i 1 , i 28 -I I t ! I Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental EarUl Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B·1 Figure No.3 Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8!20!15 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: Ryan Companies Location: Renton. Washington Driller: BORETEC Logged BY..,.,.: -"-AJ=D __ _ 41-~ 42-: 43-: 44-.. 46-:~ ,- 48- 49': en 51-U- :~~ :~-: 56':~ ,- 58": 59~ 61-I 62': 63': :~ 66- :;~ 69': 70 .. Soil Description Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater observed below 11 feet. Note: This bonJhoIe log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This Infonnatlon penalna only to this boring location end should not be Interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the alte. Approx. Elev: N!A Consistency! Relative Density Medium Dense Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Pocket Penetrometer 6 1 ~TSF~ ~ 6 I---,,,x-·---I WI • Blows!1I • M,o w.0i~st,~u.re Content % SPT (N) 10 ,59 . 7,~.,~,c:.1_ 1,0 2,? .3,0 .4,0 .. ,11.11 1l, ; :I. .• , •• ~~ " •• -.-. .•• _ ..•.. 26.1 >: 27.5 x 30.1 >: 28.5 >: 31.3 x ... " , , · , i3.2 , i · : : , .: • 26[ I'" ... i ........ , , , , ... · ~ ..... . I. i.[. 2~, .. . I .... · i . , ... i., . i .... . I···i ;: .... . : . . • )24' .... ... :' ... j. '/-. .,.~ ... 1"'+' ~ · .. , ... " .. , .... " ...... :':: ,;Ill: ...... j' ,,', .. ......... ; ........ ·+ .. ·· .. ·, .. · .... i . t .. ··· t ... f:' ! .. ............. ..... ... .. : .. .. '_. 1 .. · .... L ....... i. ........... -•. ; •....•. Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering. Geology - ----------- LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 No.4 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: Ryan Coml'"a"-n"'ie"s'-____ _ ProJect No: T-7159-1 Driller: BORETEC Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Logged By: .!.,A""JD"-__ _ Location: Renton, Washington 1ii 1: .& .E '" Soil Description ~ C. E '" .. Cl (J) 'No sample. Gray SILT with sand, fine grained, wet. (ML) 'From 15to 16.5 feet soil is interbedded with brown peat. Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to medium grained, wet. (SP) 'Occasional shell fragments observed below 30 feet. 33 34 'Continued on Next Page. Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes, This Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted 88 being indicative of other areas of the site. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistency/ Relative Density Soft Very Soft Very Soft Very Soft Loose Medium Dense Medium Dense Pocket Penetrometer 0 TSF • 2 3 4 SPT (N) • Blows/ft • 10 20 30 40 3 • 45.7 x 66;8 x ! , i 55.6 i x I , I ! .1 28.4 ~ ·x i i i i i I 25.7 i 261 x i • i i i i i 1 ! Terra Associates, Inc. I ! ! j I Consultants 111 Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING B-2 Figure No.4 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: Ryan Companies Location: Renton, Washington Project No: T·7159·1 Date Drilled: 8120115 Driller: BORETEC Logged B'Ycy:~A!!!CJD~ __ _ Approx. Elev: NIA 36~ 1 r- 38·· :~~ 41-.1 42~ 43~ 44 :~~1 48~ 49 50 I 51- 52- 53 54 55 I := 58- 59· Soil Description "Trace wood fragments observed. Consistencyl Relative Density Very Loose Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense 5(" T Medium Dense 61-p + _____________ t-___ -l :~. 64':: :~ :~~ 69- 70~ Boring terminated at 61,5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 10 feet. Nota: Ttlls berenole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. Thi. Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be Interpeted 81 being Indicative of other areas of the alte. Pocket Penetrometer A1 ~TSF~ / Moisture Content % SPT (N) 10w~.b· 59 7,b W~,o ·10 ~Ir~~ 4,; , , 38,3 2",.!11 +' .... ' ........ 1 x .............. .. : : ! • 32,2 x 4 .,. ! , I·: , 1 .. ··\ ; , ." I .... · , .... :-. , ...... . I··· .. ! .. ) ..... , ..... . 1~::' .. 28.9 " , , ! 37,0 ~ : •.• i: ...... I 16: ,", ........... ~ ....... ' ........ ', .... .. ...... ]. 33.0 ! <0 ~ i ! 31,8 .. ,c .. 20" " -.. --., .. ~ . : i ...•. .,! ........... -.' .. . , . :.~:r::.:r :,~ .. :i .. ~::j: .. ::: ... ,-~ ...... i .. , ..... j, ..... i "'- , ' ! 1 ,. ..... '0'" 0 •• + .... , .. -0. ! : ! . , 1.°\,'" ; .. . . ' .... ! ! .... iil ........ 1 , Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering. Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 Figure No.5 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T·7159·1 Date Drilled: 8/20115 Client: BYa" Companies Driller: .!B~O~R=Ec!T=E",C,-________ _ Logged By: .!:.AJ~D~ __ _ Location: Renton, Washington Approx. Elev: N/A Consistency/ Soil Description Relative Density Brown/gray SILT with sand, fine grained, wet. (ML) Mottled Brown silty SAND, fine grained, wet. (SM) Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be Interpeted as being Indicativa of other areas of the site. Soft Very Loose 38.3 ~ 36.0 ~ Pocket Penetrometer 6 TSF • 2 SPT (N) Blows/It • 20 30 40 Terra AssOCiates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B·3 Figure No.5 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: By'an Companies Location: Renton. Washington Project No: T-7159-1 Driller: BORETEC Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Logged By.:..: -,AJ=D __ _ 62 63 64 Soil Description Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 5 feet. Note: This borehole tog has been prepared for geotechnical pUrpoSBS. This Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be Interpeted 8S befng Indicative ot other areas of the aite. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistencyl Relative Density Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense 24.4 • 33.8 x 28.7 • 31.5 Pocket Penetrometer 6 TSF , ':23 !. ! .•.. : ..... .;.. .... " • i··· .. ~ ~ .. - , "'i" · .... c· . ; 28' .. ~ . . .... : Medium Dense x .. -~ .. j -+ I .... ·~· ...... i-· .. ·i-.... ' .. i ... + ... i t J.. ... . ) _. o •• , •• , •• _:_. ___ .!" .,.. ".,.-.\ ..... ,. Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Figure No.6 Project: Long Acres Phase II Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8120/15 Client: Ryan Com~",a!!ni",e,,"s _____ Driller: BORETEC Logged By: "'AJ=D ___ _ Location: Renton, Washington iii 2: ~ Soil Description Q) i5. E ., (JJ 1 2 3 Gray/brown SILT with sand. fine grained, wet. 4 (ML) Mottled ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 Brown silty SAND, fine grained, wet. (SM) 11 12 13 17 Gray/black poorly graded SAND with silt, fine grained, wet. (SP-SM) 18 19 20 24 26 27 Gray black, poorly graded SAND, fine to 28 medium grained, wet. (SP) 29 30 31 32 33 34 'Continued on Next Page, Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes, This informaUon pertains only to this boring location and should not be Interpeted as belng indicative of other areas of the site. Approx. Etev: N/A Consistency/ Relative Density Soft Very Loose Very Loose Very Loose Medium Dense Dense Pocket Penetrometer • TSF 2 37.7 4 " • 39.9 " 31.5 " 34.4 " , i ! 26.3 ~2 .. ' ,. 25.1 " Terra Associates, Inc. i34 Ie I i i , ! A 4 • 40 , Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING B-4 No.6 Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/20/15 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client Ryan Companies Location: Renton. Washington Driller: BORETEC Logged B"y:c....!:A"'JD><-__ _ 40 41 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Soil Description 'Occasional shell fragments observed betow 40 feel. Boring terminated at61.5 feel. Groundwater seepage observed betow 5 feet. Note: thiS borehole log has bean prepared for geotechnical purpoaes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the aite. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistencyl Retative Density Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Medium Dense Moisture Content % W~b---5~---7b Wt 24.5 • 29.5 • 1~ _1. __ 1_.1 34.7 x 31.5 x 38.2 Pocket Penetrometer 6 TSF 6 SPT (N) • Blowslfl • ··············,···,··,······+····1 ! '29'- . .... "1k' L_. ..•• j,. _ . J : "r' ." r'---•. , .. l···· ·t· .. ·· .. -.~ ... .,. Medium Dense x '. '·· __ ·+····1 .•• j ........ , ••• : : .. -1··.·.·-1 .- J : '..j ... : ........ " ...... I ! ..... L .................... .I._ •• Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering, Geology LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 No.7 Project No: T·7159·1 Date Drilled: 8121115 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: Ryan Companies Location: Renton, Washington Driller: BORETEC Logged By: .!:A~JD:!..... __ _ "'" 10-'1-r~ Soil Description Gray/brown silty SAND, fine grained, moist. (SM) Mottled ·Continued on Next Page. Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geoteCtlnical purposes. This information pertains only to this boring location and should nol be interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistency/ Relative Density Loose Very Loose Medium Dense 29.5 x 35.9 x 31.0 l( Pocket Penetrometer 4 • • TSF • '23 i· 1 i j i 1 Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Figure No.7 Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/21115 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: BYan Companies Location: Renton. Washington Driller: BORETEC Logged By',-: .!:A""J""D __ _ Soil Description ·Occasional shell fragments observed below 40 feet. Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 10 feet. Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be Interpeted as being indicative of other areas of the site. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistencyl Relative Density Medium Dense Medium Dense Loose Medium Dense Medium Dense Moisture Content % 1 oW~b---5~---7b W~o 37.7 x 32.4 x 31.3 Pocket Penetrometer A TSF , 124 SPT (N) • Blowslft • 10 20 30 40 _ '----'_1 __ .1. __ :,. • . .-..... l ... -, :. .-. , .. -.~. . ! . . . ' .J.,-- I , ... ·t···· ", •• -. t-•.•.• ~ ... t .. · . .. . ;... . . .. -.. " . i j .••• ! , .•.• :. t··· : : , L ·_·-f··_·· / ...... ~-.. ''1'''' . : ! : • . 'i'-! .. , .. \ .. ··1··· Medium Dense x . .. .; .•.... :'-,., Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology , . . LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Figure No.8 Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8/21/15 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: .BY.an Companies Driller: BORETEC Logged By: .!.A"'J""D ___ _ Location: Renton, Washington Soil Description Brown poorly graded SAND interbedded with silt, fine to medium grained, moist. (SM) MoUled Gray/black poorly graded SAND, fine to medium grained, wet. (SP) *Trace wood fragments observed at 26 feet. 'Continued on Next Page. Note: This borehole log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpeted 8S being Indicative of other areas of the site. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistency/ Relative Density Loose Loose Loose Medium Dense Loose Medium Dense 29.5 x 28.5 x Pocket Penetrometer 6 TSF A 8; e: 7 • i I I i , I I 4 • 40 30.9 9 1 • 24.7 • 30.3 x • I ! ! I , i 16 1 . : I ! i ! 7 ! • I i ! I 55.7 18 • .j i i I , i ! Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences . , LOG OF BORING NO. B·6 Figure No.8 Project No: T-7159-1 Date Drilled: 8121115 Project: Long Acres Phase II Client: Ryan Companies Location: Renton, Washington Driller: BORETEC Logged B."y:'-'.:A""JD"-__ _ 63 64 65 66 67 68 Soil Descriplion 'From 35.5 to 36.5 soil is interbedded with gray silt and brown peat. 'Occasional shell fragments observed below 50 feet. Boring terminated at 61.5 feet. Groundwater seepage observed below 10 feet. Note: This bOret'IOIe log has been prepared for geotechnical purposes. This Information pertains only to this boring location and should not be interpetBd 8S being indicative of other BreBS of the site. Approx. Elev: N/A Consistencyl Relative Density Medium Dense Moisture Content % I----··x-----I WI 90 , 23.6 Pocket Penetrometer A • 10 L i .... ! ..... . ''t-.. ·1··············:.. Dense " Dense Medium Dense Loose 22.4 x 24.1 x 31.9 x 33.0 .~ .. -.. . . " 1._ , ,+ 311' .-~ . _.-~ .... -~ ". ! ·······f····· ........... ;··26[ .. · .. ·c .. · ... 0;._." ." . ,00 • • ! .•• . ... ,. • :...... --'<> ." • . . "'i' .. j ........ . . -.... -.~ I . . ~-, -'! ... . .. ~ .... -~. _ .. -. Medium Dense ;0: .. -( .. -......... ,.-... --_ .. ' ...... ~.-. ··,·.·_··i··_·--··· . Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology , ' ,,' ,,',.:L.'". "I : i' " , ' I ' }: , , , , , • NO J tole: SiXJ!, v ~, :j\ \ <J a3J\\3'J3~ GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Long Acres Phase II SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington Project No. T -7159-1 "t,' i ' ,. " , "TerraAssociates, ','Inc~' " ,', ,Prepared fon ' :RyanCo.mpanie~ Ph(u~i1 ix;" Ar,izori~ , T~RA ASSOCIATE~lnc. Mr. Joel Wage Ryan Companies 3900 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Subject: Geotechnical Report Long Acres Phase II Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Envi ron mental Earth Sciences SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Wage: August 18, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 As requested, we have conducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject project. The attached report presents our findings and recommendations for the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction. Our field exploration indicates the site is generally underlain by one to six feet of medium dense to dense inorganic fill material overlying alluvial silts and sands in five of the nine test pits. The fill soils varied and consisted of sand, sand with silt, silty sand with gra"el, gravel, and crushed rock. In general, the fill was relatively thin ranging from Y:z to 2 feet thick. Deeper fills were noted at Test Pit TP-8 where abandoned utilities were also found and also in Test Pit TP-I04. Native soil conditions underlying the fill and at Test Pits TP-l, TP-4, TP-S, TP-6, TP-IOI, TP-I02, and TP-103 where no fill soils were present consisted of loose to medium dense alluvial silt, silty sand, sand with silt, and relatively clean sand. CPT data indicates highly variable interbedded alluvial soils composed of silts, clays, and silty sand layers are present to a depth of IS to 22 feet followed by medium dense to dense silty sand and sand to the termination depths of the CPTs, 70 feet. The exception to this was observed in CPT -4 and CPT-5 where a 10- to IS-foot layer of soft silty sand to sandy silt was observed approximately 40 feet below current site grades. Groundwater was observed at a depth of 5 to 13 feet below current site grades in the test pit excavations at the time of our field work. Cone penetration test data indicates groundwater within five to eight fcet of the current surface. 12220 113th Avenue NE, Ste. 130, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 • Fax (425) 821-4334 Mr. Joel Wage August 18, 2015 • • Since completion of our field exploration work in April 2015 the location of the west building has changed and has been shifted to the east. Additional test boring explorations are planned in the proposed revised building area to confirm soil conditions are consistent and geotechnical recommendations contained herein remain valid for project design. In our opinion, the medium dense and soft alluvial soils will not be capable of supporting moderate to heavy building loads using spread footing foundations. To provide suitable support, without risk of detrimental differential building settlement, we recommend supporting the buildings on pile foundations or on ground improved with rammed aggregate piers or stone columns. Detailed geotechnical engineering recommendations regarding these issues along with other geotechnical design and construction considerations are summarized in the attached report. We trust this information is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES, INC. Project No. T-7159-1 Page No. ii • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 Project Description .......................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 Site Conditions ................................................................................................................ 2 3.1 Surface ................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Soils .................................................................................................................... 2 3.3 Groundwater ....................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Geological Hazards ......................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Seismic Considerations ...................................................................................... 3 4.2 Erosion Hazard Areas ......................................................................................... 5 4.3 Landslide Hazard Areas ..................................................................................... 5 5.0 Discussion and Recommendations .............................................................................. , ... 5 5.1 General ............................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Site Preparation and Grading ............................................................................. 6 5.3 Preload/Surcharge .............................................................................................. 7 5.4 Excavation .......................................................................................................... 7 5.5 Foundations ........................................................................................................ 7 5.6 Slab-on-Grade Construction ............................................................................... 9 5.7 Lateral Earth Pressures for Wall Design .......................................................... 10 5.8 Stormwater Detention Pond ............................................................................. 1 0 5.9 Drainage ........................................................................................................... 11 5.10 Utilities ............................................................................................................. 11 5.11 Pavements ................................................... ; ..................................................... 11 6.0 Additional Services ....................................................................................................... 13 7.0 Limitations .................................................................................................................... 13 Figures Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................................ Figure 1 Exploration Location Plan .................................................................................................. Figure 2 Typical Wall Drainage Detail ............................................................................................. Figure 3 Appendix Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing .................................................................... Appendix A LiquefY Pro Output ....................................................................................................... Appendix B • Geotechnical Report Long Acres Phase II ' . SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW Renton, Washington 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project will consist of developing the approximately 21-acre site with a 3-story 50,000 square-foot building, a 4-story 37,000 square-foot building, and a stormwater detention pond along with associated access, parking, and utility improvements. The undated site plan shows the two building will be constructed side by side in the approximate center of the site. The preliminary grading plan indicates the site will be filled by one to two feet to achieve building and access grades. Storm water will be collected and routed to a detention pond located in the north-central portion of the site. The pond will be formed by excavating below current site grade. The excavation required to achieve the floor elevation of 6 will extend 12 to 16 feet below current site grades. Both structures will be constructed using precast concrete wall panels with interior columns supporting upper level floors and the roof structure. Structural loading is expected to be moderate to heavy, with isolated columns carrying loads of 400 to 600 kips, and bearing walls carrying up to 13 kips per foot. Uniform distribution of product loading on the slab-on-grade floors is not expected to exceed 150 pounds per square foot (pst). The recommendations in the following sections of this report are based on our understanding of the design features outlined above. We should review design drawings as they become available to verilY that our recommendations have been properly interpreted and to supplement them, if required. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK On March 11,2015, we excavated 9 soil test pits to depths of 10.5 to 13 feet below current site grades. On April 29, 2015, In-Situ Engineering, under subcontract with Terra Associates, Inc., performed 8 cone penetration tests (CPTs) to depths of 70 feet below existing surface grades. On August 14,2015, we supplemented this data by excavating 4 test pits to depths of 14.5 to 17 feet below current site grades in the proposed stormwater tract. Using this data, we preformed analyses to develop geotechnical recommendations for project design and construction. Specifically, this report addresses the following: • Soil and groundwater conditions • Seismic Site Class per 2012 International Building Code (IBC) • Geologic Hazards per City of Renton Municipal Code • Site preparation and grading • Surcharge/preload • Excavation 3.0 3.1 .' • • Foundations, including pile and ground improvement recommendations. • Slab-on-grade floors. • Earth pressure parameters for design of below-grade walls and lateral restraint. • Stormwater detention pond. • Drainage • Utilities • Pavement SITE CONDITIONS Surface August 18, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 The project site is rectangular shaped, consisting of 7 tax parcels totaling approximately 21 acres located north, west, and east of the intersection of SW 27th Avenue and Naches Avenue SW in Renton, Washington. The approximate location of the site is shown on Figure I. The site is currently undeveloped and covered with a moderate growth of brush, weeds, and grass. The parcels were previously developed with a horse racing track and associated buildings and infrastructure. The aboveground structures have since been demolished but remnant paved roadways and foundations are still visible across the propertY. Abandoned underground utilities were encountered during test pit excavations. These included an abandoned electrical conduit and iron pipe at depths of three and four feet, respectively at Test Pit TP- 8. Two major regional utilities currently in use cross the property, namely the Olympic pipeline which runs east to west across the north end of the propertY and a 60" concrete water main which runs through the center of the propertY roughly parallel to the Olympic pipeline. The topography of the propertY varies from parcel to parcel but is relatively flat with gentle slopes establishing grade changes ofless than six feet. 3.2 Soils In general, soil conditions we observed at the test pits consisted of three to seven inches of topsoil overlying I to 6 feet of medium dense to dense inorganic fill material overlying alluvial silts and sands in 6 of the \3 test pits. The fill soils varied and consisted of sand, sand with silt, silty sand with gravel, gravel, and crushed rock. In general, the fill was relatively thin ranging from one to two feet thick. Deeper fills were noted at Test Pit TP-8 where abandoned utilities were also found at TP-I 04. Page No. 2 • • August 18,20 IS Project No. T-7159-1 Native soil conditions underlying the fill and at Test Pits TP-I, TP-4, TP-5, TP-6, TP-IOI, TP-I02, and TP-I03 where no fill soils were present consisted of loose to medium dense alluvial silt, silty sand, sand with silt, and relatively clean sand. CPT data indicates highly variable interbedded alluvial soils composed of silts, clays, and silty sand layers are present to a depth of 15 to 22 feet followed by medium dense to dense silty sand and sand to the termination depths of the CPTs, 70 feet. The exception to this was observed in CPT-4 and CPT-5 where a 10- to IS-foot layer of loose silty sand to sandy silt was observed approximately 40 feet below current site grades. In general, where fine grained sediments (silt and clay soils) are indicated, correlated N60 values, indicate consistencies in the medium stiff to stiff range. Where cohesionless (sand) sediments are indicated, correlated N60 values indicate relative densities in the medium dense to dense range. The Geological Map of the Renton Quadrangle, Washington, by D.R. Mullineaux (1965) maps the site as Alluvium (Qaw). This mapped description is consistent with the native soil we observed at depth in the test pits and indicated by the CPT data. The preceding discussion is intended to be a brief review of the soil conditions observed at the site. More detailed descriptions are presented on the Test Pit and CPT Logs attached in Appendix A. 3.3 Groundwater Minor to heavy groundwater seepage was observed in 9 of the 13 test pits. Groundwater seepage was observed in Test Pits TP-I through TP-9 between 5 and 13 feet below current site grades, respectively. The groundwater seepage observed is likely representative of the groundwater table associated with the site. We also evaluated groundwater conditions at the site by performing 5 pore water dissipation tests at CPT:l, CPT- 4, CPT -5, and CPT -8 at 20 to 48 feet below current site grades. A pressure transducer mounted behind the tip of the cone measures the pore water pressure as the cone is advanced. Dissipation testing consists of terminating cone advancement and allowing the pore water pressure to stabilize. Once stabilized, the pressure reading represents the head of water above the cone tip. The results of the dissipation testing are included with the CPT Log attached in Appendix A. Dissipation testing indicated the static groundwater table was at a depth of between five and eight feet. Based on the current topographic survey this equates to approximately elevation 16. This is consistent with the groundwater seepage we observed throughout the site. Considering the time of year our study took place, in our opinion, the static groundwater level indicated likely represents the near seasonal high level that could be expected at the site. 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 4.1 Seismic Considerations Section 4-3-050 J .I.d of the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) defines a seismic hazard as either "i. Low Seismic Hazard (SL): Areas underhiin by dense soils or bedrock. These soils generally have site coefficients of Types S 1 or S2, as defined in the International Building Code. ii. High Seismic Hazard (SH): Areas underlain by soft or loose, saturated soils. These soils generally have site coefficients of Types S3 or S4, as defined in the International Building Code. (Ord. 5450, 3-2-2009)" Page No. 3 • • August 18, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 Based on the soil and groundwater conditions observed, the site would be mapped as a High Seismic Hazard (SH) pertheRMC. Based on the soil conditions encountered and the local geology, per Section 16 of the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) for seismic conditions, site class "D" should be used in design of the structure. Based on this site class, in accordance with the 2012 IBC, the following parameters should be used in computing seismic forces: Seismic Design Parameters (IBC 2012) Spectral response acceleration ( Short Period), SMS 1.440 Spectral response acceleration (I -Second Period), SMI 0.805 Five percent damped .2 second period, Sos 0.960 Five percent damped 1.0 second period, SOl 0.536 Values determined using the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Ground Motion Parameter Calculator accessed on May 13, 2015 at the web site http://earthquake.usgs.gov/designmaps/uslapplication.php. Soil Liquefaction Liquefaction is a phenomenon where there is a reduction or complete loss of soil strength due to an increase in pore water pressure induced by vibrations from a seismic event. Liquefaction mainly affects geologically recent deposits of fine-grained sands that are below the groundwater table. Soils of this nature derive their strength from intergranular friction. The generated water pressure or pore pressure essentially separates the soil grains and eliminates this intergranular friction; thus, eliminating the soil's strength. As described earlier, the soils indicated at the site by the CPT data consist of highly variable interbedded layers of fine grained sediments (silts and clays) and cohesionless layers composed of silty sand, sandy silt, and relatively clean sand. The consistency of the fine grained sediments indicate that they would exhibit sufficient undrained strength to offset shear stresses imposed during an earthquake and would resist the liquefaction phenomenon. The indicated relative density of the coarser alluvial sediments also indicates that these layers have likely liquefied during past seismic events, thus increasing their relative density and making them more resistant to liquefaction during future events. We completed a liquefaction analysis using the computer program LiquifYPro following procedures outlined by Seed and Idriss. The analysis was completed using a ground acceleration of .32g, which represents acceleration that could be expected for an earthquake having a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years (return period of once per 500 years). The impact to the site should liquefaction occur will be in the form of surface subsidence or settlement. Estimated total potential settlement from our analysis is in the range of two to four inches. Given the variability of the soils, all of this settlement could be differential in nature. In our opinion, this amount of settlement would not structurally impact the building but could result in damage of a cosmetic nature. Results of the analysis are shown in Appendix B. Page No. 4 ---------------------------- • 4.2 Erosion Hazard Areas August 18, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 Section 4-3-050 J.l.c of the RMC defines an erosion hazard as either "i. Low Erosion Hazard (EL): Areas with soils characterized by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (fonnerly U.S. Soil Conservation Service) as having slight or moderate erosion potential, and that slope less than 15 percent). ii. High Erosion Hazard (EH): Areas with soils characterized by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (fonnerly U.S. Soil Conservation Service) as having severe or very severe erosion potential, and that slope more steeply than 15 percent." The soils observed on-site are classified as Newberg Silt Loam, Woodinville Silt Loam, and Urban Land by the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), fonnerly the Soil Conservation Service. Over most of the site with the existing slope gradients, these soils will have a slight potential for erosion when exposed. Therefore, the site is considered a low erosion hazard area by the City of Renton. Regardless, erosion protection measures as required by the City of Renton will need to be in place prior to starting grading activities on the site. This would include perimeter silt fencing to contain erosion on-site and cover measures to prevent or reduce soil erosion during and following construction. 4.3 Landslide Hazard Areas Section 4-3-050 J.l.b of the RMC defines a landslide hazard area as either "i. Low Landslide Hazard (LL): Areas with slopes less than 15 percent. ii. Medium Landslide Hazard (LM): Areas with slopes between 15 percent and 40 percent and underlain by soils that consist largely of sand, gravel, or glacial till. iii. High Landslide Hazards (LH): Areas with slopes greater than 40 percent, and areas with slopes between 15 percent and 40 percent and underlain by soils consisting largely of silt and clay. iv. Very High Landslide Hazards (LV): Areas of known mappable landslide deposits." Based on. the existing site topography there are no slopes that are greater than 15 percent, therefore, it is our opinion that the site is a low landslide hazard as defined by the RMC. 5.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General Based on our study, in our opinion, development of the site as proposed is feasible from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. The primary geotechnical concern at the site is the presence of compressible soil strata susceptible to consolidation under the planned building loads. For the heavier three-story and four-story buildings, in our opinion, mitigating potential settlement-related impacts would best be accomplished by supporting the structures on piles or on spread footings bearing on ground conditions improve by installation of rammed aggregate piers/stone columns. Page No. 5 • August 18, 2015 Project No. T-7159-1 The soils observed at the site contain a significant amount of fines and will be difficult to compact as structural fill when too wet. The ability to use native soil and existing fill soils from site excavations as structural fill will depend on its moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. If grading activities will take place during winter, the owner should be prepared to import clean granular material for use as structural fill and backfill. Alternatively, stabilizing the moisture in the native and existing fill soils with cement or lime can be considered. Detailed recommendations regarding these issues and other geotechnical design considerations are provided in the following sections. These recommendations should be incorporated into the final design drawings and construction specifications. 5.2 Site Preparation and Grading To prepare the site for construction, all vegetation, organic surface soils, and other deleterious material should be stripped and removed from the site. Surface stripping depths ranging from three to seven inches should be expected to remove the organic surface soils. Organic topsoil will not be suitable for use as structural fill, but may be used for limited depths in nonstructural areas. The abandoned utility pipes as observed in Test Pit TP-8 will require removal or in place abandonment. If these abandon utilities fall below the buildings they should be removed and the trench excavation backfilled with new structural fill. If they are outside the building areas, abandonment in place by filling and sealing with control density fill (CDF) to prevent soil and groundwater intrusion into the pipes can be considered. Once stripping operations are complete, cut and fill operations can be initiated to establish desired building grades. Prior to placing fill, all exposed bearing surfaces should be observed by a representative of Terra Associates to verify soil conditions are as expected and suitable for support of new fill or building elements. Our representative may request a proofroll using heavy rubber-tired equipment to determine if any isolated soft and yielding areas are present. If excessively yielding areas are observed, and they cannot be stabilized in place by compaction, the affected soils should be excavated and removed to firm bearing and grade restored with new structural fill. If the depth of excavation to remove unstable soils is excessive, the use of geotextile fabrics, such as Mirafi 500X, or an equivalent fabric, can be used in conjunction with clean granular structural fill. Our experience has shown that, in general, a minimum of 18 inches of a clean, granular structural fill place and compacted over the geotextile fabric should establish a stable bearing surface. The ability to use native and existing fill soil from site excavations as structural fill will depend on its moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. If wet soils are encountered, the contractor will need to dry the soils by aeration during dry weather conditions. If grading activities are planned during the wet winter months, or if they are initiated during the summer and extend into fall and winter, the owner should be prepared to import wet weather structural fill. For this purpose, we recommend importing a granular soil that meets the following grading requirements: U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing 6 inches 100 No.4 75 maximum No. 200 5 maximum" " Based on the 3/4-inch fraction. Prior to use, Terra Associates, Inc. should examine and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. Page No. 6 ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- • • August 18, 20 IS Project No. T-7IS9-l Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers not exceeding 12 inches and compacted to a minimum of 9S percent of the soil's maximum dry density, as determined by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Designation 0-698 (Standard Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within two percent of its optimum, as determined by this ASTM standard. In nonstructural areas, the degree of compaction can be reduced to 90 percent. 5.3 Preload/Surcharge Based on the projected building loads, it is our opinion that a preload/surcharge program would not be an effective or economical approach for improving ground conditions for spread footing support. Surcharge depths over and above finished floor grades approaching 8 feet would be needed for the expected structural loading with time duration of 8 to 12 weeks or greater. 5.4 Excavation All excavations at the site associated with confined spaces, such as utility trenches, must be completed in accordance with local, state, and federal requirements. Based on regulations outlined in the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA), the native soils would be classified as Type C soils. Temporary excavation side slopes in Type C soils can be laid back at a minimum slope inclination of I.S: I (Horizontal:Vertical). If there is insufficient room to complete the excavations in this manner, using temporary shoring to support the excavations may need to be considered. A properly designed and installed shoring trench box can be used to support utility trench excavation sidewalls. Based on conditions we observed, during the wet season, groundwater will likely be encountered within excavations extending depths of five to eight feet below existing surface grades. For excavation depths that extend two feet below the groundwater table, dewatering using conventional sump pumps along with collector trenches should be capable of maintaining a relatively dry excavation and would not be expected to impact the stability of the excavation when completed, as described above. For deeper excavating, dewatering by well point or deep pumped wells will be required to maintain a dry and stable excavation. The dewatering system should be designed and implemented by an experienced dewatering well contractor. This information is provided solely for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants, and should not be construed to imply that Terra Associates, Inc. assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job site safety is the sole responsibility of the project contractor. 5.5 Foundations As noted above, due to the projected building loads, we recommend supporting the building on piles or ground improved using rammed aggregated piers /stone columns. Augercast Piles Augercast piles are constructed by advancing a hollow-stem auger into the ground to a predetermined tip elevation. When the bearing depth is achieved, grout is injected under pressure through the stem of the auger, which is then slowly extracted from the ground. Reinforcing steel, as required, is then set into the completed grout column. Page No.7 • • August 18, 2015 Project No. T-7IS9-1 We recommend that augercast piles obtain end bearing support in the dense to very dense sand layer observed at depths of 20 to 25 feet below current site grades. With piles advanced to these elevations, the following allowable axial pile capacities for 18-inch pile diameters can be used in design: Pile Diameter Axial Capacity (kin~) (inches) Comnression Unlift 18 74 26 These allowable capacities are provided with a safety factor of2.0. Following the successful installation of the augercast piles, maximum total settlements of about one- inch should be expected. Lateral Pile Capacity Analysis Lateral pile load capacity analyses were performed for a single pile. The analyses assume that the pile will act as a beam under vertical loading. The vertical loading follows the allowable pile capacities above. For the analyses, we used the computer program LPilE Plus 5.0. The design lateral load available will be dependent on the allowable lateral deflection than can be tolerated. The following table provides single pile lateral capacities for deflections of one-inch at the top of the pile for both free and fixed head conditions for 18-inch piles: Lateral Pile Capacity Lateral Pile Capacity Lateral Pile Capacity Pile Head Deflection Free-Head Condition Fixed-Head Condition (kips) (kips) (inches) Pile Diameter Pile Diameter 18 inches 18 inches 1.00 6 15 The maximum moment in the piles or point of zero shear occurs at a depth of seven feet for the freehead condition. The point of zero shear occurs at a depth of 15.6 feet for the fixed head condition. Fixing moment at the pile cap/grade beam connection for the fixed-head condition is 130 ft-kips. In addition to the lateral pile capacities, additional lateral resistance will be provided by passive earth pressure acting adjacent to the buried portions of the pile caps and grade beams. Passive resistance equivalent to a fluid weighing 200 pcf can be used to calculate this lateral resistance. Full single-pile capacities may be used provided pile spacing is a minimum of three-pile diameters. For closer spacing, there may be a slight reduction in the allowable capacity due to group effects particularly for lateral loading effects. The amount of reduction will depend on the number of piles in the group and their spacing. We should be contacted to provide this information, if required. Page No. 8 • Construction Considerations • August 18, 20lS Project No. T -7IS9-1 The auger should be extracted slowly and uniformly below a sufficient and consistenl head of grout. If the auger is extracted too quickly, the pile may neck down and soil may collapse into the pile, reducing its structural integrity. At a point along the injection line, the piling contractor should use a pressure gauge to monitor the grout pressure during construction. The pressure used to inject the grout and construct the pile column will compress the soils immediately adjacent the pile. As a result, the amount of grout needed to form the pile will be greater than the computed grout volume. There will also be excess grout used to construct the piles because of the head of grout in the hollow stem auger that is required to construct the pile. Minimum grout takes should typically exceed the theoretical grout volume by 10 to IS percent. Accounting for compression of the soils, maximum grout takes of 1.5 to 1.8 times the theoretical volumes should be expected. The contractor must take this into consideration in estimating grout volumes. The grout pump should be calibrated with a stroke counter to allow for monitoring and verifying the amount of grout used to construct the pile. The pile installation sequence should be such that piles are constructed at a minimum spacing of five diameters. Once the grout has achieved its initial set, usually in 24 hours, installation between these locations can be completed. Ground Improvement Alternative As an alternative to piles, consideration can be given to using ground other improvement techniques to establish suitable support for conventional spread footing designs. Methods that could be considered include vibrated stone columns or GeoPiers (aggregate rammed piers). Both of these methods create highly densified columns of graded aggregate that would extend through the upper softer soils a short depth into the underlying dense sands. Because of the methods used to construct the columns some improvement of the adjacent soils is also realized. Once constructed, conventional spread footing foundations can be designed to bear immediately above the stone column/GeoPier locations. These ground improvement techniques are typically completed on a designlbuild approach with both design and construction completed by a specialty contractor. We can assist in contracting and selecting the specialty contractor, if desired. 5.6 Slab-on-Grade Construction . Slab-on-grade floors may be supported on subgrades prepared as recommended in Section S.2 of this report. Immediately below the floor slabs, we recommend placing a four-inch thick capillary break layer of clean, free- draining, coarse sand or fine gravel that has less than three percent passing the No. 200 sieve. This material will reduce the potential for upward capillary movement of water through the underlying soil and subsequent wetting of the floor slabs. Page No. 9 • • August 18, 2015 Project No. T -7159-1 The capillary break layer will not prevent moisture intrusion through the slab caused by water vapor transmission. Where moisture by vapor transmission is undesirable, such as covered floor areas, a common practice is to place a durable plastic membrane on the capillary break layer and then cover the membrane with a layer of clean sand or fine gravel to protect it from damage during construction, and aid in uniform curing of the concrete slab. It should be noted that if the sand or gravel layer overlying the membrane is saturated prior to pouring the slab, it will be ineffective in assisting uniform curing of the slab, and can actually serve as a water supply for moisture transmission through the slab and affecting floor coverings. Therefore, in our opinion, covering the membrane with a layer of sand or gravel should be avoided if floor slab construction occurs during the wet winter months and the layer cannot be effectively drained. We recommend floor designers and contractors refer to the 2003 American Concrete Institute (ACI) Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 2, 302.1 R-96, for further information regarding vapor barrier installation below slab-on-grade floors. 5.7 Lateral Earth Pressures for Wall Design The magnitude of earth pressure development on below-grade walls will partly depend on the quality of the wall backfill. We recommend placing and compacting wall backfill as structural fill as described in Section 5.2 of this report. To guard against hydrostatic pressure development, wall drainage must also be installed. A typical recommended wall drainage detail is shown on Figure 3. With wall backfill placed and compacted as recommended, and drainage properly installed, we recommend designing unrestrained walls for an active earth pressure equivalent to a fluid weighing 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcl). For restrained walls, an additional uniform load of 100 psf should be added to the 35 pcf. To account for typical traffic surcharge loading, the walls can be designed for an additional imaginary height of two feet (two- foot soil surcharge). For evaluation of wall performance under seismic loading, a uniform pressure equivalent to 8H psf, where H is the height of the below-grade portion of the wall should be applied in addition to the static lateral earth pressure. These values assume a horizontal backfill condition and that no other surcharge loading, sloping embankments, or adjacent buildings will act on the wall. If such conditions exist, then the imposed loading must be included in the wall design. Friction at the base of foundations and passive earth pressure will provide resistance to these lateral loads. Values for these parameters are provided in Section 5.5 of this report. 5.8 Stormwater Detention Pond A stormwater detention pond will be constructed in the north-central portion of the development. The proposed pond floor will be 12 to 16 feet below current site grades and formed by excavating below current site grades. Our field exploration indicates that the soils in this area consist of loose to medium dense alluvial soils consisting of sand, sand with silt, silty sand, and silt. Seasonal high groundwater table was noted at approximately elevation 16 feet just south of the pond location. Interior pond slopes below the stored water elevation should be graded at an inclination of3:1. We observed the excavation of four test pits within the proposed pond area. Soils observed were generally alluvial silts and sands to the depths explored. In general, soil conditions we observed would be suitable for construction of the pond. However, fluctuations in the pond will likely cause shallow raveling of the pond slopes even graded at 3:1. Where this occurs, the affected area can be repaired by excavating the soils and restoring the slope grade using two-to four-inch size quarry stone. This potential could be mitigated by armoring the slopes with a 12-inch thick quarry spall blanket placed over a geotextile filter fabric. Page No. 10 • 5.9 Drainage Surface • August 18, 20 IS Project No. T-7159-1 Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the site at all times. Water must not be allowed to pond or collect adjacent to foundations or within the immediate building areas. We recommend providing a positive drainage gradient away from the building perimeters. If this gradient cannot be provided, surface water should be collected adjacent to the structures and disposed to appropriate storm facilities. Subsurface We recommend installing perimeter foundation drains adjacent to shallow foundations. The drains can be laid to grade at an invert elevation equivalent to the bottom of footing grade. The drains can consist of four-inch diameter perforated PVC pipe that is enveloped in washed pea gravel-sized drainage aggregate. The aggregate should extend six inches above and to the sides of the pipe. Roof and foundation drains should be tightlined separately to the storm drains. All drains should be provided with cleanouts at easily accessible locations. 5.10 Utilities Utility pipes should be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA), or City of Renton specifications. As a minimum, trench backfill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in Section 5.2 of this report. The native alluvial soils will likely be excavated in a wet condition and would not be suitable for use as trench backfill unless dried back to a moisture content that will facilitate proper compaction. If utility construction takes place during the wet winter months, it will likely be necessary to import suitable wet weather fill for utility trench backfilling. Excavations into the native soils below the groundwater table will likely expose soft soils that will be unstable and would not provide suitable support for the utility pipes when backfilled. When soft unstable soils are exposed, the utility contractor should be prepared to overexcavate and remove the soils and replace them with crushed rock or bedding aggregate to establish a stable pipe foundation. Given conditions indicated by the CPTs, we would not expect overexcavation and replacement of soils for establishing stable pipe foundations would exceed two feet. 5.11 Pavements In order to prepare a stable pavement base with the native alluvial soils, we recommend using a soil cement application. For this application, we recommend blending Type I or II Portland cement with the native inorganic alluvium at an application rate of eight percent by dry compacted weight of the soil. On a preliminary basis, based on our experience with similar alluvial soils, this will be equivalent to an application rate of 0.7 pounds of cement per inch of compacted thickness per square foot of treated surface area. The actual cement application rate should be confirmed by testing at the time mass site grading is completed. Page No: II • • August 18, 2015 Project No. T-71S9-1 The cement should be blended uniformly with the subgrade soil. Prior to mixing, the soil's moisture content should be at or slightly above the soil's optimum moisture. If required, water should be added during mixing to maintain this moisture conditioning. Once blended and moisture conditioned, initial compaction of the mixture should be accomplished with a sheep's-foot compactor. Following this initial compaction, the soil cement can be graded, with final compaction then achieved with a static smooth-drum roller. The soil cement should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent per ASTM Test Designation 0-698 (Standard Proctor). Grading and final compaction of the soil cement should occur within three hours of initial mixing. Once completed, traffic on the soil cement subgrade should be kept to a minimum, and the soil cement allowed to cure a minimum of three days prior to paving. During this time, the surface of the soil cement should not be allowed to dry excessively. Watering with a water truck or covering the surface with tarps should be completed as necessary to prevent the soil cement base (SCB) from excessive drying during this initial curing period. If the SCB will not be paved over following initial curing and traffic will traverse the base, we recommend placing a two-inch thick layer of crushed rock over the soil cement to reduce surface degradation. Quality control during construction of the soil cement base should include verifications of the following: • Cement application rate • Moisture and compaction • Compressive strength A minimum of three test specimens from the same soil cement sample should be prepared for compressive strength testing for each day's construction. The soil cement should achieve a minimum 7-day compressive strength of 100 psi. We anticipate traffic in the parking areas will mainly consist of light passenger and commercial vehicles with only occasional heavy traffic in the form of buses, delivery, and refuse removal vehicles. Based on this information, with a stable subgrade prepared as recommended, we recommend the following pavement sections. Light Traffic and Parking: • Two inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) over 8 inches ofSCB Heavy Traffic Pavement: • Three inches of HMA over 12 inches of SCB For conventional site pavements supported on a stable native soil subgrade not incorporating SCB, the following pavement sections are recommended: • Two inches of hot mix asphalt (HMA) over six inches of crushed rock base (CRB) over 8 inches of gravel base. Page No. 12 • • Heavy Traffic Pavement: • Three inches of HMA over six inches of CRB over 12 inches of gravel base. August 18, 20 15 Project No. T-7159-1 The materials used to construct the pavement section should conform to the current edition of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSOOT) Standard Specifications for Yo-inch class HMA , CRB, and gravel base. Long-term pavement performance will depend on surface drainage. A poorly-drained pavement section will be subject to premature failure as a result of surface water infiltrating the subgrade soils and reducing their supporting capability. For optimum performance, we recommend surface drainage gradients of at least two percent. Some degree of longitudinal and transverse cracking of the pavement surface should be expected over time. Regular maintenance should be planned to seal cracks as they occur. 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Terra Associates, Inc. should review the final design drawings and specifications in order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in project design . We should also provide geotechnical services during construction to observe compliance with our design concepts, specifications, and recommendations . This will allow for design changes if subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction . 7.0 LIMITATIONS We prepared this report in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report is the copyrighted property of Terra Associates, Inc . and is intended for specific application to the Long Acres Phase" project. This report is for the exclusive use of Ryan Companies and their authorized representatives. The analyses and recommendations presented in this report are based on data obtained from the subsurface explorations performed at the site. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident until construction . If variations appear evident, Terra Associates, Inc . should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this report prior to proceeding with construction . Page No. J3 • f •• ., .... 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NO .T-7159 -1 Date AUG 2015 Figure 1 • Ci z w <.? w ..J 12" MINIMUM 3/4" --""\ MINUS WASHED GRAVEL SLOPE TO DRAIN 12"[~~ii"" .. r 12" OVER PIPE 3" BELOW PIPE 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE EXCAVATED SLOPE (SEE REPORT TEXT FOR APPROPRIATE INCLINATIONS) NOT TO SCALE NOTE: MIRADRAIN G100N PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE PANELS OR SIMILAR PRODUCT CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE 12-INCH WIDE GRAVEL DRAIN BEHIND WALL. DRAINAGE PANELS SHOULD EXTEND A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES INTO 12-INCH THICK DRAINAGE GRAVEL LAYER OVER PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE . erra ~ Associates Inc. Con suKln" In Geolechnlcol ~nglneerln g GeoIoov and TYPICAL WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL LONG ACRES PHASE II RENTON , WASHINGTON Environment.l earth Sciences Proj . No .T-7159 -1 Date AUG 2015 Figure 3 • • APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Long Acres Phase II Renton, Wasbington On Marcb 11,2015, we completed our site exploration by observing soil conditions at 9 test pits. The test pits were excavated using a trackhoe to a maximum depth of 13 feet below existing site grades. On April 29,2015, we performed additional site exploration by perfonning 8 cone penetration tests. On August 14, 2015, we supplemented this data by excavating 4 additional test pits to a maximum depth of 17 feet below current site grades. The test pit and cone penetration test locations are shown on Figure 2. The test pit locations were approximately detennined by measurements from existing site features. The Test Pit Logs are presented on Figures A-2 through A-14. The cone penetration graphs are presented on Figures A-17 through A-24. A geotechnical engineer from our office conducted the field exploration. Our representative classified the soil conditions encountered, maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative soil samples, and recorded water levels observed during excavation. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described on Figure A-I. Representative soil samples obtained from the test pits were placed in closed containers and taken to our laboratory for further examination and testing. The moisture content of each sample was measured and is reported on the Test Pit Logs. Grain Size Analyses were perfonned on selected samples. The results ofthe Grain Size Analysis are shown on Figures A-IS and A-16. InSitu Engineering, under subcontract with Terra Associates, Inc. conducted 8 electric CPTs at locations selected by Terra Associates, Inc., which are shown on Figure 2. The CPTs were advanced to depths of70 feet below the surface. The CPT is an instrumented approximately I Y,-inch diameter cone that is pushed into the ground at a constant rate. During advancement, continuous measurements are made of the resistance to penetration of the cone and the friction of the outer surface of a sleeve. The cone is also equipped with a porous filter and a pressure transducer for measuring groundwater or pore water pressure generated. Measurements of tip and sleeve frictional resistance, pore pressure, and interpreted soil conditions are summarized in graphical fonn on the attached CPT Logs. Project No. T-7159-1 MAJOR DIVISIONS • LETTER TYPIC.ESCRIPTION SYMBOL Clean GW Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. GRAVELS Gravels (less .... More than 50% than 5% fI) Q) fines) GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. ....I e>Q) of coarse fraction 0 .!l! .1::1 fI) ~: is larger than No. GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. C Q) > 4 sieve Gravels with w -Q) fines z .. .-GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. ~ E I/) a ~o " b N Clean Sands SW Well-graded sands, sands with gravel, little or no fines. "'ci w c:z SANDS (less than til .. c: ~ :5 .. More than 50% 5% fines) SP Poorly-graded sands, sands with gravel, little or no fines. c( 0 1!!:5 of coarse fraction u 0 :;; is smaller than Sands with SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. No.4 sieve fines SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastiC fines. .... .91 ML Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts with slight plasticity. ~Q) til SILTS AND CLAYS ....I ~ ·at CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity. (Lean clay) 0 .~ Q) Liquid Limit is less than 50% til Q) ili c ~~ OL Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity. W Z ~~ ~ a . MH Inorganic silts, elastic. ",0 " c:Z SILTS AND CLAYS w .. c: CH Inorganic clays of high plastiCity. (Fat clay) Z :5" Liquid Limit is greater than 50% ii: 1!!:5 0 OH Organic clays of high plasticity. :;; HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS gj Standard Penetration I 2" OUTSIDE DIAMETER SPILT SPOON SAMPLER W Density Resistance in BlowsIFoot ....I ][ 2.4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER OR Z Very Loose 04 Q SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER til Loose 4-10 W Medium Dense 10-30 :z: ~ WATER LEVEL (Date) 0 Dense 30-50 U Very Dense >50 Tr TORVANE READINGS, Isf Standard Penetration Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf Consistancy Resistance in BlowsIFoot w DD DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot ~ fI) Very Soli 0-2 w Soli 2-4 LL L1aUID LIMIT, percent :z: 0 Medium Stiff 4-8 U Stiff 8-16 PI PLASTIC INDEX Very Stiff 16-32 Hard >32 N STANDARD PENETRATION, blows per foot • Terra UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ~ Associates Inc. LONG ACRES PHASE II RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants in Geotechnical ~ngineering GaOlog~ and Proj. No.T-7159-1 I Date AUG 2015 I Figure A-1 . Environments Earth Sciences ~--------------------' .. -, lOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-1 FIGUREA·2 PROJECT NAME: .Long.AC~esJ~haseJI ______ _ PROJ. NO: ],.07J59:.1, __ _ LOGGED BY: .AJO, __ _ LOCATION: .• Renton.,Washington ...... __ • SURFACE CONDS: ,GraSs.s _____ _ APPROX. ELEV: _'.'' .. _ .... , DATE LOGGED: • .MarchJ.1 •. 2DJIL __ . DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: .6.F.eeL__ DEPTH TO CAVING: _3.5.Eeet __ . ;:: !:. j!: .. W Q 5 10 11 14 15· 0 z ~ .. ~ DESCRIPTION Tan SilT with sand, fine grained, moist, mottled, (ML) Gray silty SAND to silt with sand, fine grained, wet. (SMlML) Test pit terminated at approximately 12 feet. Light groundwster seepage obselVed at 6 feet. Caving obse/Ved at 3.5 feet. NOTE: This subsul'face information pertains only to this test pit location and should not be Interpreted as being indicative of other locations at the site. CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Medium Dense loose , , L ....... ii: ~ Z i! Ie REMARKS Iii ~ '" " 0 .. 46.3 Terra Associates, Inc. ,. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-2 FIGUREA·3 PROJECT NAME: J.QOgAg:u-'~basltllLl ______ _ PROJ. NO: T.:oU5.9::.11 __ _ LOGGED BY: .A.lD'--__ LOCATION: _RenloD •. Washington ___ SURFACE CONDS: .Grass _____ _ APPROX. ELEV: __ _ DATE LOGGED: _March._1.1 •. 20JlL...-. DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: .5.Eaet DEPTH TO CAVING: _5.Eeet 2 3 4 y 5 7 11 DESCRIPTION (3 inches SOD) FILL: brown silty sand with qua"y spalls. fine to medium i moist. Tan. gray. and brown SILT with sand to silty SAND. fine grained. moist to wet. (MUSM) Brown and gray poorly graded SAND. fine to medium grained. (SP) Test pit tenminated et approximately 10.5 feet. Light groundwater seepage observed at 5 feet. Caving observed at 5 feet. NOTE: This subsurface infonnatlon pertains only to this teat pit location and should not be interpreted 88 being Indicative of other locations at the alte. CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Oense Medium Dense Loose REMARKS Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering GeOlogy and Environmental Earth ScIences ~------------------------- ~ LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-3 FIGUREA-4 PROJECT NAME: Long Acres.EhaseJJI ______ _ PROJ. NO: J.::1.t59:.L-____ LOGGED BY: .AJO,-_ LOCATION: _Reoton._WasbiogIM'-__ SURFACE CONDS:_Grass _____ _ APPROX. ELEV: ___ _ DATE LOGGED: _Marcb_11~20j5__ DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER:._5.Eeel__ DEPTH TO CAVING: _6.5.Eeel __ DESCRIPTION CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY FilL: brown poorly graded .and wilh sill and gravel, fine 10 medium grained, moist. (SP-SM) Dense 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Gray and brown SilT wilh sand 10 sandy SilT, fine grained, moisllo wet. (Ml) Brown poorty graded SAND with silt, fine grained. wet. (SP-SM) Tesl pn lerminaled al approximately 11 feet. light groundwater seepage observed at 5 feet. Caving observed .at 6.5 feet. NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only to this tesl pit Iocatlon and should not be interpreted as being indicative of other locations at the site. Loose to Medium Dense Loose 'I .~ REMARKS 45.0 30.7 Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences I ~ LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-4 FIGUREA-5 PROJECT NAME: _Long./:\cresJ:'haseJI _______ ._ PROJ. NO: J,,7J59,,1 __ _ LOGGED BY: ~~ __ _ LOCATION: _Benton •• WashingtoD ___ . __ ... _ SURFACE CONDS: .Gras8 ______ _ APPROX. ELEV: __ ... ___ .• DATE LOGGED: .Ma[chJJ •. 20J5 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: .5.Eeet DEPTH TO CAVING: _5 Eee.t 1 2 3 4- 5- 6- 7-· 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- o z i DESCRIPTION (3 inches SOD) Brown and gray poorly graded SAND with silt. fine grained. moist to wet. (SP-SM) Gray SILT wtth sand, fine grained, weI. (ML) Test pit terminated at approximately 11 feet. Moderate groundwater seepage observed at 5 feet. Caving observed at 5 feet. NOTE: This subsurface Information pertains only to this lest pit location and should not be interpretecla8 being Indicative of other locations al the site. CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSllY Medium Dense Loose REMARKS 35.2 Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences ... LOG OF TEST PIT NO, TP-5 FIGUREA-6 PROJECT NAME: _Long.l. ... cres_P-haseJI'--______ _ PROJ. NO: 1:11.59=.1 __ _ LOGGED BY: _AJDl..-. __ LOCATION: -RenloJLWashing\o[l __ _ SURFACE CONDS: .. Grass._. _______ APPROX. ELEV: ___ _ DATE LOGGED: ._MarchJJ._20J5 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: ._6 .. 5_FeeL .... _.. DEPTH TO CAVING: .A.Eeel 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 14 15 ci z ~ ! DESCRIPTION (3 inches SOD) Brown SILT with sand, fine grained, moist to wet, lightly cemented. (ML) 'Mottled from 3 to 4.5 feet. Gray poorly graded SAND with slit, fine grained, moist to wet. (SP.SM) Test pit terminated at apprOximately 11 feet. Light groundwater sa.page observed at 6.5 feet. Caving observed at approximately 4 feet. NOTE: This subsurface infonnation pertains only to this test pit location and should not be Interpreted as being indicative of other Iocatfons at the aits. CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Medium Dense Loose REMARKS Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-6 FIGUREA-7 PROJECT NAME: .LongAcres.EhaslI.Il ______ _ PROJ. NO: 1:].159-...1, __ _ LOGGED BY: _AJuD __ _ LOCATION: _Bentan..Wasbillgton ___ . SURFACE CONDS: .Blackberries ___ _ APPROX. ELEV: __ _ DATE LOGGED: .MarcILU •. 2015 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: ]_EeeL-DEPTH TO CAVING: .6_Eeet 2 3 4 5 6 y 7 ,; z i DESCRIPTION (6 inches Brown and gray silly SAND to sandy SILT, fine grained, moist (SMIML) CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Medium Dense Brown/gray poorly graded SAND, fine to medium grained. Loose 11 (SP) Test pit terminated at approximately 11 feet. Light groundwater seepage observed at 7 feet. Caving observed at 6 feet. NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only to this last pit location and should not be interpreted as being Indicative of other locations at the site. .-r-- REMARKS 37.0 Terra Associates, Inc. Consultanta in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences '" LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-7 FIGUREA-8 PROJECT NAME: _Long.AcresJO'haseJI ______ _ PROJ. NO: I:oI1.5.9;:.1L __ LOGGED BY: .. AJO ..•....• _ .•. _ LOCATION: -Benton._Weshington_ .. __ SURFACE CONDS: .BlackberJieL .......... _. __ . APPROX. ELEV: __ _ DATE LOGGED: _MarchJ.1 .•. 201S__ DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: .t3.EeeL_ DEPTH TO CAVING: _iU:eet __ 11 DESCRIPTION FILL: 6 inches organic topsoil FilL: gray to tan silty sand, fine to medium grained, moist. (SM) Brown silty SAND. fine grained, moist. (SM) Graylbrown poorly graded SAND, fine grained, moist to wet. (SP) Test pit tenninated at approximately 13 feet. Light groundwater seepage observed at 13 feet. Caving observed at 11 feet. NOTE: This subsurface Information pertains only to this test pit location and should nol be interpreted as being Indicative of other locations at the site. CONSISTENCY/ RELATIVE DENSITY Dense Medium Dense . 1 I REMARKS Terra Associates, Inc_ Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO, TP-8 FIGUREA-9 PROJECT NAME: _Long.AcresJ:.haseJI ______ _ PROJ. NO: J.::7J59=.J-1 __ _ LOGGED BY: J\JO'--__ LOCATION: ..Renton_Washington ___ .____ SURFACE CONDS: _Gras .... _____ _ APPROX.ELEV: ______ _ DATE LOGGED: .Mar.ctU.LZOJ5 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: .I.Eeel DEPTH TO CAVING: _6_Eeet 8 9 10 11 12 DESCRIPTION FILL: 6 inches organic topsoil FILL: tan silly sand, fine grained, moist. (SM) 'Upper 12 inches loose. 'Abandoned electrical condu~ encounterad at 3leet. ·Abandoned dudlle Iron water main encountered at 4 leet. Brown/gray poorly graded SAND, fine grained, wet. (SP) Test pll tennlnated at approximately I 1 'eet. Light groundwater seepage observed at 7 !eet. Caving observed at 6 feet. NOTE: This subsurface infofmation penalns only to this test pit location and should not be Interpreted as being Indicative of other locations at the site. --------------- CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Loose Medium Dense Loose REMARKS 21.7 Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO, TP-9 ' FIGUREA·10 PROJECT NAME: .Long.Acr.es.P-basIIJI ______ _ PROJ. NO: J~7.t59~1~ __ . LOGGED BY: .. AJO .. __ LOCATION: _Benton •. WashiogIOn ___ _ SURFACE CONDS: .Gra'lel _____ _ APPROX.ELEV: ____ _ DATE LOGGED: .MarchJ.1. • .2015 DEP1l1 TO GROUNDWATER: _ttt5.Eee\ DEPTH TO CAVING: ._B.Eeel ;:: 0 z !!:. w :I: ... J-~ .. W Q 2 11 OESCRIPTION FILL: moist. (GP) Gray silty SAND, fine grained, moist to wet. (SM) 'Mottled from 6 to 7 feet. Test pll terminated at approximately 11 feet. Light groundwater seepage obs8Ned at 10.5 feet. Caving observed at 8 feet. NOTE: This subsurface Information penalns only to this test pit locatlon and should not be interpreted a8 being indicative of other locations at the site. CONSISTENCYI RELATI'lE OENSITY Dense Loose to Medium Dense iL ~ Z ~ w .. REMARKS J-~ ~ g .. Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-101 FIGUREA-11 PROJECT NAME: _Long,Ac(esJ~hase.lI ______ _ PROJ. NO: J-=7J.59,1 __ _ LOGGED BY: .AJD, __ _ LOCATION: _Renlon._Washing1on ___ ._,_~ SURFACE CONDS: ,Blackberries ___ _ APPROX. ELEV: ,NtA __ DEPTH TO CAVING: ..::6.5' DATE LOGGED: _AugusL1~.,2.0J5, DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: NlA 3 4 5 6 DESCRIPTION Brown to gray silty SAND, fine grained, dry to moist, moilled. (SM) Gray to black SAND with silt. fine grained. moist to wet. mottled to 7 feet. (SP-SM) Black SAND. fine to medium grained. wet. (SP) Test pit terminated at approximately 14.5 feet due to excessive caving. No groundwater seepage observed. Heavy caving below 6.5 feet. NOTE: This subsurface Infonnalion pertains only to this test plilocation and should not be Interpreted 88 being Indicative of other locations at the site. CONSISTENCYI RELAnVE DENSITY Loose Loose Loose REMARKS Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and ErlVlronmental Earth Sciences ------------------------------------------------------- LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-102 FIGUREA-12 PROJECT NAME: .. Long.Acnj\\..ehase .. H ____ ""_. __ ,,.__ PROJ. NO: T.:L1.o9=.1 ___ LOGGED BY: .AJD' __ _ LOCATION: .. Renton •• Washington ..... ,._ ... _" SURFACE CONOS: .Blackberries _____ APPROX. ELEV: .N/A __ DATE LOGGED: ,AugusUA •. 20J5 .... OEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: ,NIl'. DEPTH TO CAVING: 6_Eeet 2 3 5 7 9 10 I I 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 DESCRIPTION (8 i Brown silly SAND. fine grained, dry to moist. (SM) Gray to black SAND wnh sill, fine grained. moist to wet, mottled to 8 feet. (SP-SM) Gray SILT interbedded with layers of brown peat, wet. (ML) Test pit terminated at approximately 17 feet. No groundwater seepage observed. Caving observed below 8 feet NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only to this test pit location and should not be interpreted 8& being indicative of other locations at the alta. CONSISTENCY! RELATIVE DENSITY Loose Medium Dense Soft .'" ---I " .. ""':~ ... -~..,.I/ REMARKS Terra ASSOCiates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-103 FIGUREA·13 PROJECT NAME: J.ongAcresJ~haseJI .. PROJ. NO: T,,7.1 59~1 LOGGED BY: .AJO'--__ LOCATION: .Renton_Washington SURFACE CONDS: .. Blackberries APPROX. ELEV: J'N"'IA"--__ DATE LOGGED: .AlijjusU.4~20.t5 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: .N/A DEPTH TO CAVING: .6.Eeet ~ 0 z ~ j!: .. .. ~ w " 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DESCRIPTION Brown silly SAND, fine grained, dry to moist. (SM) Gray 10 black SAND wilh sill, fine grained, moisllo wet. (SP·SM) . Test pit terminated at approximately 14.5 feet due to caving. No groundwater seepage observed. Caving observed below 6 feet. NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only to this test pit location and should not be interpreted sa being indicative of other locations al the sile. CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Loose to Medium Dense Loose Ii: ~ Z ~ .. .. REMARKS ti ;= '" g .. Terra Associates, Inc; Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-104 FIGUREA-14 PROJECT NAME: _LQng.J.\CIeJiJ~haseJI ______ _ PROJ. NO: J-,,7J.59~1_ •. _. __ . LOGGED BY: .I"JD .• _~~ LOCATION: _Renton •. Washington____ SURFACE CDNDS: .Grass _____ _ APPROX. ELEV: J~li.\ __ DEPTH TO CAVING: .a_Eeet DATE LOGGED: .J.\ugusU!l •. 20j5 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: _Nt .... 17 18 20 DESCRIPTION (8 inches ORGANICS) FILL: brown and gray silty sand, fine to medium grained, moist. Brown 10 gray silty SAND, fine grained, moist. (SM) Gray to blaCk silty SAND, fine grained, wet. (SM) wet, numerous inclusions of partially fragments. (ML) Test pit terminated at approximately 16 feet due to caving. No groundwater seepage observed. Caving observed below 8 feet. NOTE: This subsurface information pertains only to this test pit location and should not be interpreted as being indicative of other locations al the site. CONSISTENCYI RELATIVE DENSITY Dense Medium Dense Loose Loose Soft REMARKS Terra Associates, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Partie Size Distribution R;ilrt _5 c c~ c_5.5~ _ ~ ~!!!!!! 8~g 10 M N;" -; ~ ~.., A .. ". " ;;'~ 100rr~~I~nrnrrrrTl-fiIITn~~~~~--~I~n~~lhr~lminlTlrl---rrnTTT'-'-~ I I I I I I I I ........ III ~I\l I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I 9°1t·t-til-1rttH-rtttl-tir~HH-t-t--t&Ai~~~jtlTIKttllr---~Httti-1--1 801-l-.J-h-: -l-l-li :::::: ::: I I I : I :: I : I I I I -: : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 70 1-l--l--l-t--+,I-1fl-l-l-It-l--tr-lH-lrI~I-I-I-IH----I-1--I-l1 -tI-I--i-!h---t!+!t!++++-l--I+l-l--l-I--l-I--I----l I I I I I I I I I I : I II I I I II I I I I I I I I I 601-l--l--l-t--+~l-l-~,r*-~,W+WH~~--~j~~~1-1·~~~~-+--4H~_I_~~-; I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 501-~+_1-+_+~~~,~-+~HHI+~~~1~~~-H~~Hm+++4_4--~I_I_I_~+_+__4 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I! I ! I I I I ! I II 40~+_~~_4j~~-~-~-+~~,·~~~+_~~~~I~I~+~~H~~~--~~~++4_+_--1 I I 11111 I 111111 ! I I! I ! I I I I ! II I ~~+_~_4I~-I4-~-~-+~~~~~~~Hi44~~~~~H+1~~--_HH+~+4-+_--1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I! I ! I I I I ! ! I I 20 1-I---l--W--+ml-l-ll-l-l-II--l-II~-l4_1_4_--!.Ill+I_I_~_+4_-I-_Il_A!l+_H4_~I___H_I++++_I__+___! I I I II /I I I I I I I : I I I! I ! I I I I ! ! I 10~+_+J-I~~~~~~~IY-+_+__+~~~~~~HH+_~I___H~++_I_+~ I I I I I I I I I I I I II ! I I I! I ! I I I I II ! I I OLL~~~~~~~~~WLLL-L __ ¥U~~~~~LU~~--~~LLL-~~ 100 10 1 0,1 0,01 0.001 %+3" 0.0 0.0 -"Gravel Fine -Q,() 0.0 0,0 0,0 2.0 0,2 C::RAIN !':171= . mm % Sand .. ~ .. ,. 8.2 0.8 D .. n 0.2216 0,1702 0.1528 0.1125 10 Silt with Sand 10 Silty Sand Project No. T-7159-1 Client: Ryan Companies, Inc, Project: Long Acres Phase II Renton, Washington 10 Location: TP-l 10 Location: TP-2 Depth: 8' Depth: 8' Terra ""'", Inc. Fine 4.7 83.0 % Fines Slit I Clav 85.1 16.0 I CII USCS AASHTO ML SM .a Figure A-IS Pa ele Size Distribution ~;:--rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 0; ~i ,~~ ~ 100rr'-~r-,rrm~~n'rf-T;'ITrM>rT-o--~~~~~~~N~~no'-r-r-~~nnrrrr--' I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 901-1-1-1, ,!,-!J.+++++-I--I--+h!-++-!-J--h\.+-',-I+lrl-H-H-+--l+H+++-l--l--l , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /I /I I I I I I I I 60 1 1 I 1 1--"1 l-I-'H-J.--l+H++·++-+-l I I 1 /I II I I I I I I I I 11111 I 111111 70 1-1-1-+--1-1-1+l-1-1 T I, -r 1 I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I II II 1 I 1 I I I I 60~-I--I-~~~~~,~ r,~-+--~I++~~~~~H44-~~-+H+~~-+~ I I I II II I I I I I I I I , I 1/ II I I 1 I I I , 50 1-4~~~+-+--41H+l~~J...+*-*~H4-1-~I--H~~~-I--~~ I I I ill/ I I' I II I I I 1/ I I I I I I I I 40~-I--I-I--~-I-I--II--II-l~-+~~+H~+-+---l~++I~-~-~~+*H44~~-~+~~++-+--4 I 1 I II II I I I I I I I ~ I I~I~I I I I~I/I 30~-I--I-I--~++-II-I~~~~~~I-J...-+-~~~~~~t~H-~-+-~~~+-+---l I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I i ! I 11111 I II!!/I 201~-I--I-1--~1 ~~I-I!~-~-~--+--HI!+t~~-I-~~H44-~~-+H+~-~-+~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 ! I I! I !' I I I I : : I I -~~~I-1---WI~jH~~~~~~-+--~H4-~-+~ I I I II II I I I I I I OLL~~!~~I~LLILLil~I_Lil~l~uul -L-L __ ~I~~I-U:-LLil~I~I~~~ __ ~ULLL~~~ 100 10 1 0:1 0.01 0.001 % +3" 0.0 OJ) 10 Sand with Silt 10 Silt with Sand 0.2205 0.0894 0.0 I 0:0 0.1760 Material "'""'1 ~171= . mm "10 San "oj 0.0 0.1 D .. n 0.1611 0.1288 'uJ .... ,No. T·7159-1 Client: Ryan Companies, Inc. nuJ .... '. Long Acres Phase II Renton, Washington 10 Location: TP-3 10 Location: TP-4 Depth: 8' Depth: II' Inc. ... ,WA % Fines Fine Silt I Clay 91.5 8.1 21.9 78.0 I D.n C,., CII 0.0952 0.0806 1.17 2.18 USCS ",-",",1.1 SP-SM ML '''". Figure A-16 • Terra • Dep1I1 (ft) o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 lip Resistance OcTSF (-.: "'" :~0'i- , ~ , , :-3' , ~ , ': . 'f;- , , I I , ' . , , , , , , • • I • >= ~ _.;.--c~: .§:. __ ;. __ t ni_ I , , , , " Zl , , ~i ,;:> .~~- ~;-' , , , , · , , · , , :{J' : , , , , , 'J: :--k' I , -$ sensitive fine grained organic material clay Operator: Brown/Romanelli Sounding: CPT.(l1 Cone Used: DDGI236 GPS Dala: NO GPS , , ,- . -.. -'--. ~ , , . , Maximum Depth = 70.21 feet .4 silly clay 10 clay • 5 cleyey sill to silty clay .6 sandy sift 10 clayey sill ·Soll behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 CPT Oalemme: 41291201510:27:48AM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number. T-7159-1 Pore Pressure PwPSI Soil Behavior Typa- Zone: UBC-t983 ,5 25 o 12 , , '. _, __ )._ ._ L . -"-... : :) ,~ -{:-c-;: , '.-J;> 1 ; 2 :: l' , , ,. • , ! , , 1 ~ i }P':: , , i ! , , ' , · .. t-7-;-[' :~ :[:. , .. · , , '(!:.; I I ' I ,-.. -~ -"-~ Oeplh Incrament • 0.164 feet SPTW 60% Hammer o 45 ".;~ , ':....r . I , ! J" ,'j r, .' " (::: ~<,_ .. 'J._ ill:: . · .. '. . , , · -~. : ;K:-· ,-;-,-· fbi: :c:: :: ,~, , . • Ii, ,"" • •• ..• ,.,.. .. ''': :~: , . , .. : ; 2; :(:.-:'{ > , , I . .. , '. .7 silly sand 10 sandy slit o 8 sand 10 silty sand .9 sand • 10 gravelly sand to sand • 11 very sllff flne grained (') • 12 sand to clayey sand (') 6 5 4 3 Pressure 2 (PSI) o -1 -2 • Operator Brown/Romanelli Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DOG 1238 GPS Dala: NO GPS , Terra • CPT Dalemme: 41291201510:27:48 AM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T-7159-1 Selected Daplh(s) (feet) 20.669 , :~~ .____, F ,,'\ /' ; Iii • I, ______ • ___ • '. _ . . , , - ., , . , . _'~ '.' ~ ' __ .. .1 '. , . ; .. __ ~I~ __ ' .• ~ .1. I _", . . ~ .... ,., , 1 ' , •• , • I " , I 'I I ; . , , , . , I , , • . . • , . J. ' , . , . , , , . , , , 10 Maximum Pressure ... 5.392 psi , -, -' , _ •• _ .. M'-,. .. , ' 100 Time: (seconds) . , -, · -' · -' · , 1000 • Terra • Deplh (h) o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o Tip Resistance acTSF '--.-~ . -~~ ~. : ' ~. I ,~. , , , , , • '\' 1 '1:' , , i , :-~ : ~' _-: __ ~~~w_~ , , , · , , , , , , , L , 1 "'~' : : :~':: , t • t t J , • , , , , • , ...... ! , '/" , , ' , '~' ,.,_ .'_, w __ 0-W'I __ I , • J , .~: , , , :5': , . , , , . . . . -'J: • • , , sensitive fine grained organic material clay Operator: Brown/Romanelli Sounding: CPT-I12 Cone Used: DDGI238 GPS Dala: NO GPS 300 Friction Ratio FslQc(%) o 8 "C'I-i ! . I ! ';-;-y' ., , • , , , , I I \ I. • I , <: , " ,", , '!:'" " I r:::" {, f-I.'~ '.. ..... L. > <'., .'(, " l~ J' c: :~ ,~~: ~: I ~Q~' ~ " , I \ '. I , . , , . , , , , , • , , , ,." , • , , , >: J " , ~: , ' , >, , L' ~: S~ , I-?: If ' , , , , , , . ~: , ., " .. ~. , , ," ~ ..:-, , Maximum Depth a 70,21 feat .4 slhy clay to clay • 5 clayey slit to silty clay .6 sandy sill to clayey slit -Soil behavior type and SPT based on data trom UBC-1983 CPT Datemme: 4129/201512:06:58 PM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T·7159-1 Pore Pressure PwPSI 5011 Behavior Typa' Zone: UBC·1983 ·5 25 o 12 ?: .,. ~: ~ : : ]. ).:.: , , , , " " :~,.:, , i" , , . d;i' :~:: , r:,--'}";'; ) , , I i . , , . ~"" , , • I , , , . , , , , , : :<; ,~-{ w.~ I' ::.~) , ' \ j , , , , r , , , , ' I , " "") , I • I , \ 1 \ Depth Increment a 0,164 feat SPTN' 60% Hammer o 45 :y' ; :-:..:.., " ,.! • , • ' ! , ' 1 , , ' , • t . , , .I _'. I_ • I • , , , , . , , , t ,I.'. ,_ , ,1_' ; , :\_: 1 , \ . ',,{! , , . ':~!-; ; ,. , 11' I " , ::(,; " , , , I, "f ~ ~ I_:~ i. I :_, "J: :; , :\ I I ;,~ : , "" . , .~. , , , . , , . , , , , , . • • , , :i/ . , .7 silty sand to sandy slit • 10 gravelly sand to sand o 8 sand 10 silly sand • '1 very sllft fine gralned (.) .9 sand • 12 sand to clayey sand (') • Terra • Deplh (ft) o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o Tip Resistance acTSF sensitive fine grained organ~ material day Operator: Romanelli Sounding: CPT·03 Cone Used: 0001238 GPS Dala: NO GPS 300 Friction Ralio FslQc (%) o 8 )~!:!I t~~~:: " I I , " :' t ·.·· ~ ~, j , , , . , . , '/':" , ~ ... ~ I , <.! I , I :'~ "~,,' !,~* ~~': .:-T"7\! , k?2~-,:. -+ .... ~'! '''<.,:. r-: , , , J M ,_ j · . .. ' , , .... ' ~." · . t ' , , ~< : , .> ~," " j -, , . : : . , ,-!-, . .;-... -+ .' , , · . , . , , , : : Maximum Depth .. 70.05 feet • 4 sllty clay 10 clay • 5 clayey sill 10 silty clay • 6 sandy sill 10 clayey sill ·Soil behavIor type and SPT baaed on data from UBC-1983 ·5 CPT Dale!TIme: 4129120151:27:54 PM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number. T-7159,1 Pore Pressure PwPSI n t: ) '-\' , ' , , . , ,~ r' , :\';: : , ' • I .... -.'; T' < ... I . "" ' ,.,-r...p-, '~' , , , <-7-: , > '\, I ~. , "L;::\ =-, I ' , "- .~~' 0" --;"> , , , , I ( , , , , , . , 1-,· 25 Soil Behavior Type· Zone: UBC-1983 o 12 Depth Increment ... 0.164 feet SPTN" 60% Hammer o 45 ~-LL~ ~ ~ , , . ,,:..;.::. ( . ~~ . , , , , 1 ' , , , · , , " 'P" , :"S: '>: f:;' · ., · , , , , if::' I ! ' • , , , j'! , " . ;~;-: : :jj ::: :~:: J : ;~.),' , j gf'"', \ :(: :: ::.,~.::: I I , ,'! , ; , 'j " , ; , " I' I"" .','. r ·J·I-, " , ;~p: V:>: ~ , , , ! , I ' , , I ' , '.I' ' I , • .. :~ :_: .. :, , ~ M' ~ ~~: :,::'. : '<:'. ' :'~:: · , · . , , , • 7 silty sand 10 sandy sill iiJ 8 sand to silty sand .9 sand • 10 gravelly sand 10 sand • 11 very sllff flne grained (.) • 12 sand to clayey sand (.) operalor:~manelll Sounding: CPT-04 Cone Used: DDG1238 GPS Dala: NO GPS Terra CPT DalefTlme: ~12015 8:05:46 AM location: Long Aaes Phase 2 Deplh (ft) o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o Tip Resistance QcTSF , , · , , , , , , :=']5: <;-"" . :;z: "! , , , -, f ' :0'~: ' , . . , , , , • I , , , , ,I I 11 _-:--.~ -:---;--_ ... '. , " I , . , cF:' : , . · , , , , ," --~, ~ ~ ... , , · . , . I • I , , . . , t • I , , ; r:: _.: : : -~r-': -;-:;:. . :~ ~? : , . , . , sensitive fine grained organic material clay 300 Friction Ratio FslQc ('!o) o 8 , . , , ~ ,. " , , , , , , l ..... L.'.·.i .... ' , , , , , , .. , , , , , . .. Maximum Depth. 70.21 feet • 4 silty clay 10 clay • 5 clayey slh 10 silly clay • 6 sandy sll. 10 clayey sill ·5011 behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC·1983 Job Number: T-7159-1 Pore Pressure PwPSI Soli Behavior Typo' Zone: UBC-1963 -5 25 o 12 • • Depth Increment. 0.164 feet SPTN' 60% Hammer o 45 , , , , '.' I •. /.. J , , , . , , ! ""1 " r i" "; 1 '; i;IT6::; I I , • ' ( , '!;' !, 1'1 I : : ot}-~ , . , . . , , ' , , , , , , , , , f .J •• .... 'I·\-.1 .' .; • , • '!P! ::!: : ,,): I • 'I' i I "~' :l~1 -1, \ , . , • 7 silty sand 10 sandy silt o B sand 10 silty sand • 10 gravelly sand to sand lie sand • 11 very stiff fine gralnad (') • 12 sand to clayey sand (') 40 35 Pressure 30 (psi) 25 20 .' • Operator Romanelli Sounding: CPT·04 Cene Used: DOG 1238 GPS Data: NO GPS : ~ --:--~: :~--: : . : :~~. , I. , __ .a. • Maximum Pressure .. 41.14 psi , . , , , , , . , .. , . , .. , , , , .'.; , . oJ ,.'. • , , . '. , ,I Terra • I, ,~ . , , •• -1 • , . , , CPT Date/Time: 4/30/20158:05:46 AM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T·7159·f '_ .1. ' ~ ; , '. , .J _ , .1 •. _.1.. _. _ .. .1 __ ~ , , , , , .J •• ,J • _ L J ___ • _ .1" ., .., ..... " . , , ,. lime: (seconds) Selected Depth(s) (feet) 48.228 Pressure (psi) IS 15 , J. _ . ' , , , , , , , , , , , , • • Operator Romanelli Sounding: CPT·04 Cone Used: DOG 1 238 GPS Data: NO GPS " , " · , , , " · , " , , .. , .. , " , ' . , , " " " " , , j .. ' , ' . . , .. .. .. , , , , , , , • , " , , . • , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , · , , . , , 10 Maximum Pressure. 15.593 psi . . ~ , Terra " , , " " , , " " , , · , " · , · , .. · , " , , , , ,., " " " · . · , " " , , " " , " " .. " .. .. , , .~ , " .. " , , " " " " " " · , , , , · , , , , , • CPT DatefTlme: 4130120158:05:46 AM location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T·ll 59· I -, , , . , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . , " , .. J, ' , .. " , ... " " . , , , , , ' , , , , , , , Selected Depth(s) (feet) --44.029 , , , , . , " , , , • , , , · , • .. , · " , , " , • , , • ~ i.. _ ~ i ~ .'. l _'. L L.' Ii, I .. , . , , , . , , , . , . , j -I I , , , , " . , , , , , 11me: (seconds) 0 0 '0 20 30 Dep,h (ft) 40 50 60 70 Tip Resistance OcTSF (: : \ • ' _L. .' f--z : · . . · , · . I : . :-~-,< .. , :6 ~~ <: -. t · . ' , CJ , ;-~? , , ' , , j , , , , . ~' 1-" :::::>-J' ~, • I (-r ~: " ':j ." " . · , , , · ,. , ,. '~' : J-3. : " (: --; " '? ' , , : ')-:- sensitive fine grained organic material clay --------------------------------------------------- • Terra • , .. r --, Operator: Romanelli Sounding: CPT·05.5 Cona Used: DDG1238 GPS Da'a: NO GPS Friction Ratio Fs/Oc (%) :.' . , , , .; -,-: : .. ; .. , . , , ;~:j3..i; , ,. . , --.!.-l . , , . . " . - , -' - , , ~: 5' ? ,.., ;~ [~. . . , . . , , , <=.' f:~ , . , , f. : . ....,...~ , , , , . ,-f ., Maximum Depth. 69.88 teet • 4 silty clay to clay • 5 clayey sift to silty clay • 6 sandy silt to clayey sirt ·5 CPT DatefTime: 4/30/20'5'0:59:'7 AM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T·7,59-, Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type· SPTN' PwPSI 7: . -'- ! : " , , . , , 1-.: . ; ;~.: , S I , , , , , , . " , , , , , 1 , , , , • , ! 25 ,: :~ , , I-':)~:L ,b" ,~: : ,:~, 1-; :~. : ;-. , , " , ., ~. ,-; 'I, , , , ' , .• I , .. I , , , '~' : : ,-.:. Zone: UBC·' 983 0 '2 0 60% Hammer ;.,); , , ' · " , , , J • '_'. :'~1: , .. " , , , ,: 'f' ,1. • J. ') :1: :':,/: :., " , · , . , ~:'::::: ,. j j • ,j" ::::)':': , , . , , 1 1 I , _.t J ..! .1 , "t 1·, ';';t: " , " . , . , , . :("1' 45 , ,'-,~, . ~ , 1"k.... , , Depth increment co 0.164 feet • 7 silty sand to sandy silt ~ 8 sand to silty sand .9 sand • 10 gravelly sand to sand • 11 very stiff fine grained ( .. ) • '2 sand to clayey sand (') ·Soll bel1avlor type and SPT based on data (rom UBC·1983 Pressure (PSI) 12 _. 11 , , , -j • ,-, , ' • Operator Romanelli Sounding: CPT-05.5 Cone Used: DOG 1238 GPS Data: NO GPS " .. " " . , I' I f " , , -~-~~-.~ . , " , , , ",'" •• \ 1'" , . , ","\" , , " Terra , , · , , , " , , · , " , , · , · , " I' • I " " " , . ., M • • CPT Datemme: 41301201510:59:17 AM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T-7159-1 , . , , , " , , " . : .:----, ".-, , , " I , I, < I , , , " r w .. ; -, I , " , , , . .. --;." " , , I , 1 t ',"" ~. ,-"1-,.,.,"'. ~r--'l--'-l-'-" , , , , , . , . Selected Depth(s) (feet) , , .. , ' , . " -33.957 10 ".. ~ r . ,-, -, .,,-, T"-'-'-'-" 'I .• '.,-.-. -r u " 9 8 .. , . . , , , , , , , . . , " , , " 10 Maximum Pressure co 12.438 psi , , , , , " , , " · , · , · , " " , · , .. " " " " " , ' " " " " 100 TIme: (seconds) , , " , , " " , . , , " I '" " , , , , " ~ I I " , , " " 1000 , , , , I ' '! , , , , , , , , ~ I' . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 10000 Depth (ft) o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -------------------------------------- TIp Resistance QcTSF sensltlve fine grained organic material clay • Terra • Operator: Romanelli Sounding: CPT-OS Cone Used: DOG 1 238 GPS Data: NO GPS Friction Ratio FS/Qc (%) o 8 " • • " • , . .. , . • . ',' r , . Maximum Depth. 70.05 feet • 4 silty clay to clay • 5 clayey slit to silty clay • 6 sandy silt to clayey silt -5 CPT Datemme: 413012015 12:35:23 PM Location: Long Aa'es Phase 2 Job Number: T-71SS-1 Pore Pressure Soil Behavior Type" Zone:UBC-1983 SPTW PwPSI 25 o 12 Ir! ! : ! ~ , 1 , I , 1'--: !--: Depth Increment a 0,164 feet 60% Hammer o 45 "~' . 'j'" : ~ ,: : , , :~;' , , . , _I ~ _, L..I.1 , ., , : :2 :') :( , ";-? ~; 1-; 1k~: i 1 '\. , , " . , , I " i 'I ' i , " \ t' ' , ' • I .. , , , :~\~-: ; , , ' I I , , , • i • I : : : ~ , , , , , ! ; , • 1 .' ! ..l _ • 7 silty sand to sandy silt • 10 gravelly sand to sand 1)8 sand to silty sand • 11 very stiff fine grained (") • 9 sand • 12 sand to clayey sand (") ·SOU behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC·1983 • Terra CPT Date/1lme: 12015 1 :40:59 PM Location: Long Acres Phase 2 Depth (ft) o 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 o Tip Resistance OcTSF -' -. ,- -C-3' " . ' , , '-,' , ;-. ~-f ~' : -.,..:::;- sensitive fine grained organic material clay 1-__ Operator. Romanelli Sounding: CPT-07 Cone Used: DDG1238 GPS Data: NO GPS 300 Friction Ratio Fs/Oc ('Yo) o 8 , , , , ' .. " , , .I. '-l .J .' • .1 -.I , , . , . , , , , , , , , , , . .-.. -. -i , . , Maximum Depth. 69.88 foot • 4 silty clay to clay • 5 clayey slit to silty clay • 6 sandy slit to clayey sin "SoIl behavior type and SPTbased on data !rom UBC-1983 Job Number: T-7159-1 Pore Pressure PwPSI Soil Behavior Type' Zone: UBC-1983 SPTN' 60% Hammer -5 25 o 12 , _ t. .' .... J ~ L _ , . , .-.,. "I . '~'" , . . , , . , o 45 . , , , . , J.~ j,. :\:: , . , . , , , I I" , , . , • : ;r:-, 1" : , I'" j l . 1 , ; ,"'_ \ t , . , Depth Increment. 0.164 feet • 7 silty sand to sandy sin c: 8 sand to silty sand .9 send • 10 gravelly sand to sand • 11 vary stiff fine grained (') • 12 sand to clayey sand n • Terra • o 10 20 30 Depth (H) 40 50 60 70 TIp Resistance OcTSF -' ~ . , , (: , , , . ..'. _. ., , , < "')" . -, . . " ,~ , " .~ y: •• :-••• < • -• ~ -• -I ~ _. :. , , ~ , < , '\ . ! j · , , , . , . ,:~: , . , • :J :.~j .. ~,. _ t __ .-=s. , . :ti' , . • c • , . __ ;w .. . _ ;.. . , , . . . . , . (? -;-.--:-. : :jl · . , , . , , . . • -! --.. :. -~ .;. --:" , .;s-, l:<P , . , r ' . , · . , ; , · . . , , , , , , , , · , sensitive fine grained organic material clay Operator: Romanelli Sounding: CPT-D8 Cone Used: DDG1238 GPS Dalo: NO GPS F rlcllon Ralio FslOc(%) 300 0 8 n,~---':rl ' • i, 'I , , , . '_. ; , . , , , . .. , . j ... t '"i • . , • " , , Maximum Depth = 70.05 leet • 4 silly clay 10 clay II 5 clayey sill to silly clay • 6 sandy sill to clayey silt ·Soll behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 ·5 CPT Datemme: 4130120152:40:31 PM location: Long Acres Phase 2 Job Number: T·7159-1 Pore Pressure PwPSI :t, I .\: , . .. . , . . , . ; B: Y'" , , · , ' · ~~. , . ' · , . , , Soil Behovlor Type" Zone: UBC·1983 25 0 12 Deplh Increment. 0.164 leet 0 SPTW 60% Hammer j:';:- , .'_ I. , __ , ,} ,/, · · . ::1:'" · .. · . • -, ,"I,. , , , .~ , . , l · . ~.: " . "'r"" • , , , . , I ! , , " '" • , .• I , I I ~ , , , • , , I ...... ,,~~ ,-1, ".-, • , •.• , I i ; : ':if"': ; ; : : ! '" ; .. "1)' . : , • I • , • I , 1'1 , , ." , , .;-.. , ,'~r , :: :~I ;':'{'ckf ,.",: ., " " • i · '" . .' " ,j .' " , . ;' ,). f~r"\ ;, ~:".l;'. , " .", I -, -~, 'l ~ ., , 1 , , , ' I , , , > , ' • .. . I j, , 45 I:,~~ 1 , , I , ;"' . • • , . , , , . • 7 silly sand to sandy sill I] 8 sand to silly sand • 10 gravelly sand to sand 119 sand • 11 very Sllff fine grained (") • f 2 sand 10 clayey sand (") Pressure (PSi) • Operator Romanelli Sounding: CPT·OB Cone Used: DOG 1238 GPS Dal.: NO GPS Terra • CPT DatelTime: 4130120152:40:31 PM Location: Long Acres Pha.e 2 Job Number: T· 7159·1 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 19 r-----.---._-c-.--._~c_----._----_C_C--7C~C_----~--c_._._._~~,7.------._--C_._._._CT,Tl, " lB ... -. -; .... , , , " , , 17 --W ,. 'I W •• ' •• 16 15 14 13 12 11 " . - , , , , . '0 .. ,-• " , , , . , , , , . , , , , , , , , « -, , . , , . ., , t." "-.' _.' "J,.I , 'I !. , " , , , ' , , " , , I,. I 1 I ,I 11-' . , , " , , , , , , . , MaxImum Pressure - 1 B.057 psi , . , , . , -;'--., .. \ .. --.. ~.,~. , , · , " , , " ., " , , ~ - --- -I" ..... ; "" -j-,--, . , " ,,. ,," j , I, , . , , , , , , , , . , r . , , . , , , , " . J ___ ' ____ , I '_I_·~ _____ L_.l_w' ' •. l_tl' . -r , , .. ' ... " " " , • , , , , , , r r r ( " , . , . · , " , , , " " " " " " .... "' ~., , w 1-, ,! , " " r7~:·-·--"W" · , · , Time: (seconds) , " , < ..... " ,. , " · , " , " , , · , , , ... \' j r~-'-'W'~L·-·-" , . , , , " .1 _ . " , , . " · , " •• 1_ .. , ".--' .~ I .. , '., • 1 -,", " ~ ----, .. -", " 1'1 f ,. , , " , , " , , .. , -(~ 1·',' . " l' , , , ' . , " , , _, _ .J. _ j_ ~ I , , , , , " , , , . .~-., '"'". 1" t , , . , , , , . ~ _'w t { , , . -32.152 • • APPENDIXB LIQUEFY PRO OUTPUT LIQUit=ACTION ANAL ~IS Long Acres Phase II Hole No.=CPT·2 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=2 ft qc unit: atm (It) 0 500 -0 - ---.. --r··r -10 -20 -30 -40 CPT t.st RF=fslqc % Unit Weight -pel Fines % o 10 0 200 --rT-r-rT-r--J JTlTTTl CPT test 100 Fines are based on Robertson method. ~ -70 ! CiviiTech Corporation CPT·2 Magnitude=7 Acce/eratlon=.32g Soil Description Plate A·1 10 --20 -30 -40 -50 LI<!JEFACTION ANAlYSIS Long Acres Phase II Hole No.=CPT-2 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=2 ft Factor of Safety o 1 5 TTTTT1T Settlement o (in.) 10 ,TrlTTTfT S = 3.55 in. e ' Shaded Zone has Liquefaction Potential Saturated Unsaturat. - L ! I ~ -60 L Ii '" -(j £ -70 f CivilTech Corporation CPT-2 Magnitude=7 Acce/eration=.32g Plate A-1 LIQUi!=ACTION ANAL ~IS Long Acres Phase II Hole No.=CPT-4 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=2 ft qc unit: atm RF·fs/qc % Unit Weight ·pet Fines % (f/) 0 o ;:-r 500 0 to 0 200 r~~~ ........ -n-r-rrn rrrr -10 -20 -30 -40 -50~-------------1 CPT!es! CPT!es! Fines are based on Robertson method, l -70 I CivilTech Corporation CPT-4 Magnltude=7 Acce/eration=.32g Soil Description Plate A-1 LIc!JEFACTION ANAlYSIS Long Acres Phase II Hole No. =CPT -4 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=2 ft Shear Stress Ratio Factor of Safety Settlement !!!)o I.;:O---'=~'==j'=r-==I==r='f=9==!91 01 5 °tr1TTTr)° -r ~n-rTTTT -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 ~~========l ~ • Shaded Zone has Liquefaction Potential ! . '6 r ~-60 L i '" -~ £ -70 ! CivilTech Corporation ~ ~ .s-;: ? S S = 2,73 In, Saturated Unsatura!. - CPT-4 Magnitude=7 Acce/eration=.32g Soil Description Plate A-1 LIQU8=ACTION ANAL ~IS long Acres Phase II Hole No.=CPT-6 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=2 ft QC unit: atm RF=f./qe % UnH Weight -pef Fines % (ft) 0 o -:-r-I-r-,--,--o 500 0 10 0 200 0 50 r-rc:e.::'l;';I,-n, 1.-1'-1'-1.-,T1 10 -20 -30 -40 -50 LL ____ --' CPT test CPTte.t Fines are based on Robertson method. ~ -70 ! ClviiTech Corporation CPT-6 Magnitude=7 Acceleration=.32g Soil Description Plate A-1 LI~EFACTION ANAlYSIS Long Acres Phase II Hole No.=CPT-6 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=2 ft Shear Stress Ratio ~o I~O-'--\--'--I-'-T--'I--l--r=T-~ Factor of Safety o 1 5 TIT -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 ~ -Shaded Zone has Liquefaction Potential i -~ J Settlement o (in.) 10 I'-lTnT S = 3.83 in. Saturated Unsaturat. - CivllTech Corporation CPT-6 Magnitude=7 Acceleration=.32g Soli Description Plate A-1 LIQUI!tACTION ANAL *15 Long Acres Phase II Hole No.=CPT-8 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FIII=3 ft qc unit: etm RF=fslqc % Unit Weight -pel (ft) a o 500 a 20 a 200 l-I,-r-rTl ·r.~"!""f"..,rrr rl-r-rr '" -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 '---'-------' 9 _ CPT test i - i: 3-60 L ~ ~ -6 £ -70 I ClvllTech Corporation ._'. CPT test CPT-8 Fines % a tOO -I"f"n-rrn- > > Magnitude=7 Acce/eration=.32g Soil Description Plate A-1 LltfJEFACTION ANAtVSIS Long Acres Phase II Hole No. =CPT-8 Water Depth=5 ft Ground Improvement of FiII=3 ft Shear Stress Ratio ~'!! 0 .. oc .. ··T -·-Y -,·'1'''''''T .... ···'I·'··T ..... -I'···-T·· .... ·T---" Factor of Safety ° 1 5 T'TTITITr -10 -20 -30 -40 -~~----~ ~~--------------_I § -Shaded Zone has Liquefaction Potential i r ~ -60 i - i ~ & -70 J CiviiTech Corporation CPT-8 Magnitude=7 Acce/eratlon=.32g .. Plate A-1 • WWW.RV;\NCOMPANIES.COM August 20,2015 Mr. Clark Close City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98057 RE: Longacres Business Center Site Plan Review Requirement No.8 Dear Mr. Close: • RYj\N CO[l..tPi\NIE~ US, INC. woo E. Camdback Rd. Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ HSm 8 W2·322-Gl0U phone 602-322-63()() fax ~YAN' -"." ~"L""~( ''''L'O~'"'' RECEIVED AUG 24 2015 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DIVISION For Requirement No.8 -Legal Documents of the Site Plan Review Package, Ryan Companies is providing the following documents: • Development Agreement Between The Boeing Company and the City of Renton for the Futnre Development of Longacres Office Park. recorded (#20030221002405) February 21. 2003: This is the original development agreement for the entire office park that will be in effect for this project. • Strander Agreement, dated December 4. 2002: This document memorializes the agreement between the City of Renton and Boeing, and thus extended to Ryan Companies as the purchaser of the proposed site, for the planned improvements to Strander Boulevard and the required funding. Per section 3.1 of this Memorandum, the land owner's obligations for the Strander Boulevard Improvements have been fully satisfied. Based on this agreement it is Ryan Companies understanding that the half street improvements contemplated in the Preapplication Report dated 1/8/15 will not be a requirement of this project. Please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Companies if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. Cory Handfelt Project Manager Cc: Molly Carson, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. Dave Williams, Ryan Companies U.S., Inc. Page 1 of I , , . ,- Return Addreas Office of the City Clerk Renton City Hall 1055 80uth Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 • Document Title(s) (or transactions contained therein): 1. Development Agreement Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or reIeased: (on page _ of documents(s» Grantor(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials): 1. TheBocinli OUnpaIlY, Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name arid initials): • '.D 1. City of Renton Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township; range) Portion of Meader Heruy -DC #46 PCL, S1R 242304 TAXLOr 22 PCL I BOEING, 8TR 242304 TAXLOT 4.8 PC!. I BOEING, 8TR 242304 TAXLOT 50 PC!. J BOEING, 8TR 242304 TAXLOT 52 PCL K BOEING, 8TR 242304 T AXLOT 55 PC!. L BOEING, STR 242304 TAXLOT 71 PC!. M BOEING, 8TR 252304 TAXLOT 2 PC!. G BOEING, and STR 242304 T AXLOT 62 PC!. F BOEING. [1£! FuIIlegaI is on pages ~ througIi d of document. Assessor's Property Tax ParceVACCOIlDt Number Portions of the following: 1IOOO5S0-OOO1-o7,11000580-o016-o0, #000580-0018-0.8, #242304-0022-06, #242304-904S-06, #242304-9050-01, #242304-9052-09,#242304-9055-06, 11242304-9071-06, #252304-900Z-09and #252304-9062-06. (~~ [03003-0104ISB022180.328] ",·;riJI I • • DEVELoPMENTAGREEMrnNTBETWEEN THE BOEING COMPANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LONGACRESOmnCEPARK I. PREAMBLE . 't J This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") between THE BOEING COMPANY ("Boeing"), aDelaware corporation, and the CITY OF RENTON ("City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, is entered into pursuant to the authority of RCW 36.70B.l70 through .210, under which a local govemment may enter into a development agreement with an entity having ownership or control of rew property within its jurisdiction. n. RECITALS A. Longacres Park, Inc. (HLPI"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Boeing, is the owner of certain real property, known as the Longacres Office Park ("LOP"), located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, and more particularly described in Attachment 1, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. LPI and Boeing have entered into a long-terril Ground Lease ("Lease") with effect from Januaiy 1, 1993 pursuant to which Boeing may possess LOP through December 31, 2027 and may in certain circumstances extend the term of said lease through December 31, 2057. Pursuant to the Lease, Boeing may enter into this Agreement in Boeing's own name. A memorandum of the Lease was recorded as No. 9707030128'inthe Real Property Records, of King County. B. LOP consists of approximately 158 acres located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Interstate 405 and the BurlingtonNorthern Santa Fe Railroad right of way in the City of Renton. Boeing's Customer Service Training Center ("CSTC") occupies an , adjacent 48-acre site to the' north and east of LOP . LOP is currently located entirely within the Commercial Office ("CO") zoning district and is designated Employment Center-Valley in the City's Comprehensive Plan: C. , The site plan for the Longacres Office Park ("LOP Site Plan") includes the construction of approximately 3 million square feet of office or light industrial space as permitted under the CO designation and related support and utility facilities over a period of , up to twenty (20) years. Of the 158 acres comprising the LOP site, the LOP Site Plan proposes that approximately 65 percent will be impervious sUrface (i.e., buildings, parking areas or parking structures, and roadways), and approximately 35 percent will be dedicated to a stormwater detention system, landscaping and open space. The LOP Site Plan is . attached to this Agreement as Attachment 2 and by this reference is incorporated herein. DEVELOPMI!NT AOREEMENT [03003'() I O4ISB02Z 180 328) PAOEI 8112102 rtl" ' \~I ., h.: , . -------------------- • • D. Environmental analysis of development of2.5 million square feet under the LOP Site Plan was conducted by the City pursuant to the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (" SEP A"). A Draft Environmental Impact Statement ("DEIS ") for the LOP Site Plan was issued in August, 1994; the Final Environmental Impact Statement ("FEIS") was issued in March, 1995; an Addendum to the FEIS, analyzing the impacts of, among other things, the addition of 500,000 square feet to the LOP Site Plan, was issued in December, 2000. A SEPA Mitigation Document ("Mitigation Document") was issued by the City in . May, 1995, and was amended by the Addendum. E. In 1997, Boeing developed the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (''BCAG") headquarters office building, consisting of approximately 300,000 square feet, as Phase I of LOP. The location and extent of Phase I development is depicted on Attachment 2. F. In 1998, Boeing developed the Boeing Family Care Center (,'FCC "), consisting of approximately 22,000 square feet to provide day care services for 200 children as Phase II of LOP. The location and extent.ofPhase II development is depicted on Attachment 2. 1. Phase IV of the Longacres Office Park will consist of the development of approximately 2.7 million square feet of office or light industrial space as permitted under the CO designation, with support and utility facilities, on that portion of LOP not developed under Phases I, II, and ill or reserved for environmental mitigation purposes pUrsuant to development conditions. Phase IV will be developed with multiple buildings and associated parking, roadways, and pedestrian walkways. The Phase IV development capacity is consistent with the capacity analyzed in the existing DEIS, FEIS, and Addendum. The Phase IV development envelope is depicted on Attachment 2. I. In order to provide certainty and efficiency with respect to the City's review and approval process for Phase IV development, Boeing and the City entered into a Development Agreement ("2000 Agreement") on December 28, 2000 regarding Phase IV DEVEWPMENT AGREEMENT I0300J.oI04ISBOllI80.Jl8] PAGEl 8112102 ·' • development, recorded as No. 20010104000886 in the Real Property Records of King County. K On ljpU'A'*\E',@ ii;., J/<..lQ...theCity approved a binding site plan, recorded as No~O..ild'?~1 OO:l'l't'1' in the Real Property Records of King County, that divides Phase IV into multiple parcels for future development. Accordingly, Boeing and the City desire to rescind the 2000 Agreement and to enter into a new Development Agreement governing Phase IV development. Therefore, Boeing and the City agree as follows: III. AGREEMENT I, vesting and Term of Agreement, The City's development regulations in effect and applicable to project applications as of the recording date of the 2000 Agreement shall govern the development of Phase IV of LOP for all Phase IV development applications submitted to the City within twenty (20) years from the recording date of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City reserves the authority under RCW 36. 70B.170( 4) to impose new or different regulations to the extent required by a serious threat to public health and safety, as determined by the Renton City Council after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been provided to Boeing. 2. Deyelopment Regulations. For purposes of this Agreement, "development regulations" means (a) zoning, land division, and development standards, (b) environmental , , rules and policies, including (but not limited to) SEP A,-( c) Comprehensive Plan policies, Ifi~ (d) policies, regulations, standards, and methods applicable to the development ofland that ":"1' are incorporated by refererice in the Renton MUnicipal Code, (e) surface water management regUlations, and (t) other City ordinances governirig the development ofland up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877; provided, however, that Boeing may elect at its discretion that ordinances adopted after Ordinance NO. 4877 shall apply to all or pan of Phase IV development. Applicable development regulations are attached to this Agreement as Attachment.3 and are incorporated herein by reference. 3. Mitigation Document. This Agreement amends the Mitigation Document as follows: 3.1. Section I, General Information, second paragraph, is hereby amended to read: As indicated in the EIS, numerous state and local regulations will govern development of Long acres Office Park, and application of those regulations will also serve . to mitigate certain significant adverse environmental impacts. Regulations applicable to specific development actions shall be as defined in the Development Agreement DEVELO~ENTAOREKMENT [03003~I041SB022180.32SI PAGE 3 8/12102 .. • •• • between Boeing and the City dated U ~ il5-g,O(),2 ("Development Agreement"), the Addendum to the EIS dated December 19, 2000, and the Addendum to the EIS dated May 14, 2002. 3.2. To the extent that Section 2, Mitigation Plan, references or incorporates development regulations, they shall be as provided and defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Development Agreement. 4. Site Plan Review and Minor Modifications. Phase IV development permit applications shall besuhject to the City land use review process under the development regulations applicable to such review and approval as provided in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Agreement. The final design of the buildings and other improvements, precise location of building footprints, land diVision creating building sites for individual structures, location of utilities, determination of access points, and other land use issues related to authorization of individual development shall be determined pursuant to that process. 5. Recording. This Aireement, upon execution by the parties and approval of the Agreement by resolution of the City Council, shall be recorded with the Real Property Records Division of tile King County Records and Elections Department. 6. Recission Upon recording of this Agreement, the 2000 Agreement shall be null, void, and without effect. . 7. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of Boeing and the City of Renton and their successors in interest, and may be assigned to successors in interest to the Longacres property. Upon assignment and assumption by the assignee of all obligations under this Agreement, Boeing shall be released from all obligations under this Agreement. 8. Counte!llarts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original. 9. EXl!iration. This Agreement, unless rescinded by Boeing or its successors in interest, shall become null and void twenty (20) years from the date of recording of this Agreement. . rd AGREED this ~3 day of £)L"'~ DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03OO3<1104/s8022180.328J , 2002. PAGE 4 8112102 • CITYO'Y;~~ By: Jesse Tanner Its: Mayor . ~,.,·~·~"'~f'.··'~;c_~ :>. ; .,),' ,~,jJt. ~"'v ! _ .- • ArrEST: BttM",;". tJ4~ By: Bonnie 1. Walton Its: City Clerk . APW as to form: ot..~~~V"t2 .. - City Attorney ~ STATE" FWASHINGTON COUNTY OF ~ ~) ) ) ss. ) On this ta.J. day of , 2002, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the person who signed as of the CITY OF RENTON, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly elected, qualified and acting as said offiCer of the corporiltion, that was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, ifany, is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. DEVELOPMENT AOREEMENT [0300WI04ISB022180.328] (Signature of Notary) tvhe-hde Ne.ul'n.t! jlH'l (print or stanip name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and fOhthe State of Washington, residing at ..,.;W~M..=t-hm..:.,;..:..::....,,:--_ My appointment expires: 911 q I"" 00 PAOES 8112102 . , • -------------------------------------------------------------------------• • EING COMPANY By: Its: ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA " ) ss, COtiNTYOF ______________ ~) On this __ dayaf ' , 2002, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of California, duly commissioned ilnd sworn, personally appeared , to me personally known to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity as the __ ----:--:----:-:-:-_7"'::_----:----; __ ofTHE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the wit\rin and foregoing instrument, and on oath stated that he was duly elected, 'qualified and acting as said officer of the corporation, and that by his signature on the instrument he, or the entity upon behalf of which he acted, executed the instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT , [03003'()!D4/SB022180.32,8] (Signature of Notary) (print or stamp name of Notary) NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of California, residing at _______ _ My appointment expires: ______ _ PAOE6 8/12/02 • • State of California County OfLe8 Angeles On August 16, 2002, before me, T.S. Wertner, Notary Public, persoruilly appeared Philip W. Cyburt personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. ••• n ••.•.•••• • ~ T. s. weRTN£R l.· . C ........... lon.'349842 S . Notary Public· C.lllamia ! j . loa Angeles County i MyComm. EJcpItM AF 8, 200II ese.au.u •esu WITNESS my hand and official seal . . ' • -----------------_ . • DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03003-0 I O4IllB022IBO.32B) • ATTACHMENT 1 Legal Description of LOP Property PAGEl 8112102 • • EXHIBIT II 2 A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LONGACRES PARK PARCE:L 1 All U.at cct'Ialn n:aI property ,IIuau> In Ihe CII)' or R=lCn. CounlY of KlnB. SralC of W."unglOn. bOlnl: GoVcmmcnl Lal 14, and a panl"" of Go""""""", 1.01 8. booll In S .. edon 24. Township 23 . NOM. Kange 4 Haot. Wdlamcuc Meridian. and a ponlon of Ihe N W. 1/4 of Ih" S.B 1/4 or said S=.OIl 24. and a ponton DC Ihc H.E. 1/4 or 11\" S E~ J/4 of said Section 24. &lid be.ng mor" paruculatly dClCI'tbcd as (ollow.: . l'lllOINNINCl at \he Sou\h-.. conlCr of III .. N.I!. 114 o( ~ S To 114 of said SeellO" 24, \hen" (,001 .... d POlm' 01' BEClINNINCl. alone Ihc 2ast lin.. of .~.d Covernmen. 1..0. 14 Soo~S6'17"W 68 96 fOCI 10 Ihe Nonl. line of Henry A. Meader', Donahon Land Claim No 46 •• hellce alonl: .. "d NaM bne N87"13'S7"W 1462.38 rcc.r; Ihence leaving ... Id NOM line NOO"n' I I 'I! 102222 (CCL 10 U,C sou\hcrly rJabt-o(.way line of 1-405, Ihonco along ... Id ",uLlictly rlghl·of,way line and 1110 • .,uLh rlgill-of-way Une or s. W. 1(;111 SLrc:d rrol1l a tanaen, lIIai bc.ar. NG2"S2'S7"B, along 1110 ~re; or a curve 10 1IIe; rlBhl having. radlUI of 543 14 (Cd and a c:cnLrAI anale or26"4S'oo', an are; Ien.:\h o( 253.S8 feet: Ihcnce Ian&cnllC \hI> precedlna curve N1!9'37'S7'E 1079.63 (eet;"'cncc ""'1:""1 '0 Ihe prcccd~ COline aWI\& \he arc or a curve to lha leA bavlng a radiu. or 1940 08 teet and a """Ira! anIle or02"S2'OO", an arc IcrIaIh 0(97.07 fcct; IIIcnco \.UII:Onr to lhc preceding CUJ'YC N86"4S'S7'E tlI! <4 5G feet; chcncc tan&ent. 'la-the prcccd1n& coun.o alon& !he arc o( • curve 1.0 Ihe right bavln, a radlu. 6 of IS80 08 tee, and a c:csw:aI &1\&10 of 01 "32'55" , an arc lcaglh of SO 81 rc..t; to ~ "OMWU' carner of 1110 parcel convoyed 10 Ihc C1cy o(Renton UDdCl' A.I'. 18~11030810, King CoUllI)' record.; Ihcnc;o ulone Ih .. boundary on .. , said parCCi SOS'3S'S6~ 42.70 feet and N79"i.3'4S"C sa 77 (CCllO ~ .....est rlgllL o( way lin" of &ho WIll .... River Dnlinace DilCh No. I, .. condemned In Superior Court C&UIIO No. 92912, King CoWlt)' Rcconl&; tIIc:IIco alonz . &:lid west rlab' o( way lwe \hI> (ollowlftg courxs 500"25'33°247.35 rc..t. SOl "48'32"W 44.211Ioct, 507"14'42'2 48.2S fccl, Sl~'25'58'B 66.50 fCct; S:W"OS'30"l340..14 reet, S30"SS'SO"BSl,32 (c.ct, S39"S3'S""232.19 (CCI, $3O'06'16°I! 76.04 foci. Sl7"U'OO"B 34.56 feet, S31 "19'SO"li41.01 teet, S36"OO'41 °274 11 fOOl, 531'SO' 12"2 42.02 feet, S42"0S'27"l347..21 teet. S40·19'S7"D47.67 foct, S.5°25·S2"BS9.32 fccl. SSO'37'I2 °n 39.63 fOOl. SSl"16'SS"S 68.16 feet, S81'36'SO'!1 62.75 reet, N86"S~'20'J! 94.n fOCI, SSS004'26"SS3.:U;f_,S48"3I'30"S4S.SS (oct, 539"25'2,4°S49 84fcc.t, 536'.9'16'1146.76 (cc'. 544 '53'2I"n 48.07 rc..t, Sl9"3S'20"l3 35.41 foct, ·530"48'41'246.69 rOd, S20'07'4~"n SS.72 fcel, and S24"18'59"E Ga.77 f_ to 11101 Soulll Iino o( lhc N.B 1/. of the S.n. 114 of:wei Se<:l1on 24, 1I1C11cc a101\& last said Sculh llno NB7"26'4S'W ~18.3s fcc, to \he PoiNT 01' DCGlNNINCl. Except for publlC r"hts of way,. Contains. 47.669 Ac:I'elI o( land ma ... or leu. Tho Dasls or Bcar!i.a. rot IhU cScs<:rJptlon Is the Record of S~rvcy for Droadaeres Inc • recorded In nool: 10 DC Surv"y. an, No. 77072811002, Kine Couruy records. 1. S 11568 Jl.W/PWC 12,04,111 RnvpAnCl t l2Q 3'2464,38~ - " I~ "':f!/I < • ---------------• • l'AReBLI All lhal cert.lm real propctty $I~ in \he Cily of Renlon. C.ounty of KIII&. S~le of WashlllgUln, helng a pOllion of the S.W. 1/4 oflhe N.E, 1/4. and oflho N.W. 1/4 oflhe!; P- 1/4 of Section 24. l'ownship 23 North, Ran&o " IlasI, Willametre Mcrkhan. and betng more particularly described as follow,' COllulienciJlg aI the inlcflcdion oflbe Nonh m:trl:in of S.W 16th SIIllCl (South 153rd SI,). with the West boundary of C.D. Hillman', Earlington Gardens Addltlon 10 the C,ty of SCo1Ulc, DIvISion No I, as per the Pial T'C()()rde4 111 VolulIID 17 of Plats, Pa&c 14, RC(()rcii of Kill" Counly: thence (ram said POINT OF.COMtdENCP..Mr:NT. Westerly along wd North margin; . 350 rcellO the TRUl! POINT OP BEGINNING of this PARCEL I: thence from Aid TRUE l'OlNT or DI!GINNING, continUing WO$teI'!y aloa, Aid North JIWlln S89"37'S7"W 257.00 feci, thenCe leavlDi aa/d Nonherly margin at rl:bllll£lcI, NOO'21'03'W 214.06 feci 10 tho Soulherly right~C way iine of SR 405; thtncc aIor>& Aid SOutherly rI&ht-or-way Iw from I tangcnllbat bean N71" 13 'S3"B, aIon& \he arc or. curve to the right hlvm,:a rldlul of2765.00 fect. and a central 1II£\c of 05'23'22', an B1'e \ea&lh of 260.09 feet; Ihcnce \cavln&lIIid Southerly right-of-way line SOO'22'03'E 253.41 feet 10 the TRUE POINT 0).1 Dl!OJNNING. Except for publlc nghts. of way. CONTAINS 1.39 Acre; of land more or less. 'lllc Bub or Bearing, for this delalptlon Ia Iho Record or Survey for nroadacrca, Inc" recordcdln Boolc 10 of Survey5 at Page 2, under Kccordlli&. No. 7707289002, Xin, County rccord~. FWC 11-21-91 rARCEI.J.l..EG 3-2464·3806 , , " . ", .' ,', ,,' .'; '. ; . ,," j "~./ • , • PARCELl A\I thBl ccnaln real property, situalc in the CII)' of Kenton. COUIU)' of King. Slate of Washingtnn. being a portion oflhe S W. 1/4 of the N.F.. 1/4. and o(lhc N.W. 114 uCIhe S.E. 114 of SealOn 24, TOWIUbIp 23 North. Range 4 EasI. Wlllamcuc Mcridaan. and bCilll mon: particularly cleacrlbcd Ii follows: COlnmencing 11 the inlCncdion of the No!1h margin or S.W 16th Street (South IS3rd St.), with , Ihe WQt bOllac\aly of C.D. HUlman', BarllnJUm Gardens AddItion to the Clly of Seaulc. Division No.1. IS per tile Plat rccotdod In Volumt 17 of Plats. !'lie 74, Record, of King Counly;!hence from said POINT OP COMMeNCI!MENT, Weslerly along uid North margin.' (/J1 feet to the TRUE POINT 0)/ BEGINNING of thl. PARcm. J, thence from IIId TRUE POlNl" Of lmGlNNlNG, con&lllllan,Wcstcrly lion: Aid NPJ1h margin S89"37'l7"W ]20.00 feet; 1hcncc leaving aildNOI1bcrIy lIWIin II ridlt Il\tlcs. Noo"21'03"W 187.07 feel to the , Soud\erly rI&hL-of way line oC SR 4OS;, thcnI:c ala", ,lAId Southerly right-of-way line from a I4ngClIt IlulLbcMs N7S",w'S6"B. aJon.cthe an;oCaCIII'YGto the n&hthavlnla mills 0£2765.00 feel. and a cenual IIII&Ic of 02·31'51". an arc Ienath of 123.02 feet; thence Ie&v1n& aaId Southerly right-of-way Jlno SOO"22'03"E 214.06 fect to the 'fRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Except for pub11c r1ght& of way. CONTAINS 0.S5 Acres of land more or leu 'fhe BasiS of &aring. (or this ducriptaoD II the Record of Survey for Urolllacrca, Inc., recorded III Book 10 of SUt\'OyS 11 P~e 2, WIder Recordang No. 71072B9002, Killl Count)' rcc:ords -..we 11-21·91 PARCEU.LEG 3-2464-3806 " " " ~ . ,-, • • ----------------------------------------- • • PARcax All thatccrtaln real property ,ituate Ul Iho Clly of Renlon, County of King. Slalc of Washlnelon. bcin.l a ponlon of tho N.W. 114 of the S.B. 1/4 of-Section 1,4. Towruhip 23 Nonh. Range 4 £!&st, Wlllanldle Meridian, and. bcln& more particularly descnbcd as folloWa: COIlUUncillJ atlhc lJIIUSCCtlon orllle North margm of S W. ~!;:l! Slrcet(South lS3rd St.),with Ihe West boUMlIlY of .C.D. Hillman', Earlill&lon Gardens Addillon to the City of SeauJo, D,vl~ion No.1; &II. pet the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plals.l>agc 74, Realrds of Kint County:.thcnc:e fronl aaId POINT OP COMMENCEMENT, W~ltrly alOn&: &aid North mas&In, mfcet 10 the TRUB }'OINT OP BEGINNING of Ihb PARCEL IC: thllllU from Ald. TRUE POINT OPBEOINNINO, CODtInuw, Wcszerly alonl aaldNOrtJllIW',lnSB9°37'S7'W 62.00 feel; thence leaying Aid Nol1bt:ly mar,iDll ri,abl angl~, NOO'12'03"Wl70.90 feet to IhC Southerly riJhl-of way 11M ofSR <4OS: Ihcncc a1on, said Southerly r!&bl-of-way line from a IlUJ8CIIIlha! bear, N74~1'17'E, along the are of I. curvc \0 the ri,hl having a radius ofn6S.00 feet, BIKI II CCI1ttaI an,~ofOl·19'39°; an arc Icn.£lll of 64.06fcct; Ihcnct: lcavin& &aid Southerly rl~I-:of-WI)' liDI: 500·22'03'B 187.07 ,feet to Ihc nun POINT OP BBGINNING. Except for pubhc nghts of way • CONTA1NS 0.2S Aeres of 1ancS more or Ie" 'Ille Halia of Bearings fot this d~11on II the Rccord of Survcy for Droadaacs, lne., recorded in BooIc: 10 of Survey. at Paio 1,. under Recording No 7707289002, King COlInI)' recorda. FWC 11-21-91 PARCEtK LEG 3-2464-3806 .... " j." • • , PARcr:!.). All ~ ~in rw ptopert)' allllalo in \he CIty ofR~nton, County of KIng, Slale uf . . . Washington, being aJlllrtion of the N W. 1/4 oftheS E. 114 or SUlion 24, Township 23 NOM, !lange 4 Casl, Willamctle Mcridiaq, and bc:in: /lIO~ particularly dcsc:rlbcdas follows. Commencin: a tho InterlCCtion of the North martin o( S.W. 16th SIJ'ccl (~Ih 153rd St."wllh \he Wesl boundary of C.D. HiIIllWI', EarUII&lOn Gardens Addition 10 the CIty of ScaUle, . DivisIOn No. I, as per.the Plal rcrorded In Volume 17 of Plats, }>,go 7", Records of King County: thence from &aid POINT OF COMMF.NCEMENT. W"tcrly &10", said North mar,in, . 789 feet 10 tho TRun POINT OP BECilNNING of this PARCBL L: Ihence (rom Aiel TRUE! POINT OF BEOJNNINO. con1lnuq.Wesaerly aIon, saldNorIh mar,1n S89"37'S7'W 6S.00 feel;' \hcncc NOO";zl'03"W IS.OO feet; tben~ S89°37'S7'W 50.00 fect; I/u:Ileo lcaviri, said Norlhorly marJin III ri,hl angles, NOO'22'03'W 121.79 (cello!he Soulherly ri&hl-cfwayhne of Sit 405; thca= lIons said. Southerly ri,ht-<lf.way Iinc. from I tantcnt. IhI1 beMa N71"S2'OS'E, 110111 the In: of I c:urYC 10 !he ri,h! hav1n& a radlua of. 2765.00 feet.' and a ccncral Ul,llJe of 02 '29'09", an .III'C length of 119.96fcet; thence leavll1& laid SOUIhcrly righl-of. way line SCO"21'03'B 170.90 tCCt 10 the num !'OINT OP BEGINNING, Except {or pub11c r1ghts. of yay. CONT AJNS 0.39 Acres of land .more or lela, The Bub of Bearm,. for this dOSCl'lpIian iJ tho ReaIIlI of SIINC)' for uroadacrca, Inc., recorded In Book 10 of SW'\IC)" II Plgo 2, under ReCording No. 7707l89002, Km: CoIlaI)' records. PWC 11·21-91 PARCELL.LI3G 3·2464·3806 r0f,~; ':iilit' ': . ; .; . '. " ta.··.· .' .. • PARCEl.. M All !hat ccrtJlin rcalproperly SllUalC in the City of RCntllll, COUllly of Klilt., <'UII~ of Wa~hi"&llln, hcint. • »Or1ion of.he N W 114 of Ibc S ll. 1/4 of Scaion 24, Township 23 Norlh, Rance 4 J:a.I . . ' Willamcttc MeridIan, and beillJ: more panlcularly described as fol:ows Commcncing at lin: jlltcncetion o(th~ NOI1h mIIt!:in of S.W 16th Slrc:e/ (Solllh I 53rd St ), WIth the West boundary of C ,D. Hlllman'sl2rIlIl£\O/\ Gardcnt Addition to !he Cily of Seallle, Divi~i,," No I,IIS pcrthe Plat rcrordcd In Volume 17 of J·lau.l~c 74, RccoidL of King Counly.!henee from $aid POINT OJ> (".oMMBNCP.MP.NT, WeslCrly .1011& Slid NOM rnarr.IIl, 854 fc:e/. tllenee NOO"22'03'W 15.00 feet; thence S89"37'S7'W SO.OOfcct lothe 1 RU~ l'OlN'r 01' BOOINNING of thi, PAStern. M, thence from &aid TRUB POINT Of BEGINNING; contmumg alonl: said North IIwgin S89'31'S7'W 6S 00 reet; 1111111ce S«'37'S7'W21 21 {eet; thence SH9')7'S7'W 124.11 feet, 10 the Easterly line of a parcel conveyed tolho Swo of WasllIJ1&\On. by deed recorded uncia: Auditor',Ptlo No. 5494126, KIII& County reoOrds; thence IcavlllI said NOllll margin ofS.W. 16th StrecI along lall &aid l!a.sttrly IIMN22'42'33'W 56. 60 CcellO the SOutherly ri8hl~r way line of SIt 405; lI,ence aJont uid SoUtherly right-Of,way bne un a spiral dlltrd bearing of N66 D 40'47"r. 68.S4 fca, thence from atan:ent that beara N6SoJ7'S6"B, a10nt the arc of a curve 10 the riih\ bavlng a radlu. of i76S.00 fed; wa central 8I1tlc of 03 '34'27' , an arc length of 172.48 fCOl; thCnee lcavillJ: uid Southerly righl~f-way line MXl'22'03"E 121 79 fed to the TRtllfPOINT OP BEGINNING. Except for publ1c r1ghta of way. CONTAINS 046 Acres of land .more or less lbe liB'" oC Bcarlnl:J Cor thl, dcsenptlon I. tho Record of Survey for lJroadaercs, Inc., recorded III Boole 10 of Survey, II p~c 2, under /tccordlne No~ 7707289002, Ktng Counly records. FWC 11-21-91 l'ARCl!LM U!G 3-:l464-3806 :.". , .. : .•.. . . \-: . . ,: ,~. :' ~: .. ," .: .... :. "", ' '." • PARCllLA All Ihal ccnaln real property ailua16 in the City of Renton, County of King, Swc of Waminglon, being a pori ion of Henry A. Meadl:l'" Donadon Land Claim No. 46 In Sections 24 and 2S '. ' Township 23N., Range 4B., W.M .. IIId ,portion of Government 1..01 8 tn laid SccllOn 24, and being more panlcularly described as foUows: . . DI!(i[NNING at the IntcrlCctlon of the North line of ulel DonatIOn Land Claim No. 46, willi the /. .. most Weslerly line of Govemrnont Lot 13 In Aiel Section' 24; '\hcnco(rom said' !'OINT Of' BEGINNING SOO'S6'17'W 12S7.95 feet; thence SOl "02'S6'W 154.52 feet 1.0 \he nor1h~1y line of the CilyO( Sullie now Lake Pipeline rlght-of·way u Collw.ycd by """ J'CCOrdod undl:l' Recordlllg No. 4131067, Xliii Coulli)' =rd.; thcnco along uid IlOnhccly II~ S71"44'48'W 436.96 (eeli thence tangent 101110 precedinl COlIne alolll the arc DC. curve 1.0 lhc nsh~ havinB a radius of 122..55 (eel and a central Bllilo of 20'01'15', an are 1cn&1h oC 42.82 (ecI; thence I~ to the preceding CUI)iC NB7'13'S7'W 1377 97 feet 10 the East rl,ht-oC.wayllne oflhc BurUngl.01I Northern Railw:iy, . thence alcing said East right-of.way line N02"07'43'S 1709.63ftct; thcIIee tallienL to thcpreccding tDuDClllcmgthe arc of. curve to tho loft blvlnj a radiliS of 2107.00 feet and a central aDJIlc of 14'09'08', an Ire lenglh or 520.44 feet 10 the WClWly line of the former PIllet Sound Shore Railroad Company', Sc:alllc Unc; IIlcncc along saJdwcstetly line N02"07'43'1! 221.30 feet 10 the southwterly line olthe parcel conveyed 10 the State ofWu~lnlton by deed recorded under A.F~# 1412140016, King ('.oUllty records; thence along uId aoutbcall.crly line N66"17'S6"R3S 69 feet Lu a polill all a line Ihat Is parallel with the South line of aald Sealon 24, IIId pallCi througb the mu~t southerly comer of the southcmmoSl of two concrete abuuncius near IhC wested), extension of S. W. . •. 16th Str=t. thence alon, "id parallclIlncS87"43'33"S 61.88 Cccllo the easterly Ilnc of uk! former Gf l'ugct Sound ShoTe Railtoad Company', SCattIe Lu\c; tbcllce along Aiel castctly IIU l';I02'07'43"13 11.96 fCCf 10 the: aouthc:rly rl&/ll-of-way IJne ofl-4OS; thence along nlet sOUtherly diht-o{·wa)' Imc N81°S7'Z7"a 43 10 feet; thonI:o Wl&8II1 to the preceding COIIrSC along the arc of a curve to.the len havmg a radius of 603.14 feet &lid a central angle of 19'04'30", an arc Icn&th 0(200.80 fect; thence Langen( to the preceding curve N62 "52 '57'B 90.32 feCti Ih~ leaving said sOIltherly ri,hl-of·way hne SOO"n'11'W 1022,22 feet 10 the Nor1llline of &aid Donation Land ClIIIIII No 46; thenco along . laid Nonh 'inc S87"13'S7"B 1462.38 CeclIo the POINT OF BEGINNING. Except· for pubhc nghta of way. . Conlairia 12 83 Acres of Land more or lesl. 1be Basis of Bearings for this description Is the Record of Survey for Droadacrcs. Ine., recorded In Book of Survcy~ at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County rerords . MAUPWC 11·07-91 PARCELA.LEG 3-2464-3806 r£ • • • PAJtCELB A11!ha1 cuta1n real propeny dtlatc In the City of Renton, COUnly of Kin" Suu: of W uhlnJ:lon, being a portion of Henry A. MCJdcr', DonatIon Und Clabn ~o 46 In Sections 24 IIIld 2S, Townsbip 23 N., RlIl&o 4 B., W. M., and • portion of Govci"l1IIlC/It Lot 13 In aald S~lon 24, and bclna more particularly described II followJ:' lllilllNNlNG &I !he Northwest corner of laid Govcmmcnt LOt 13, thence from Slid POI NT OT' BeGINNING alOI1£ Ihc North linto! u.Id Govcmmenl Lot 13SS7~6'4S"E S04 52 feet to the northerly prolol1£atlOIi of the Ea$t IJne of aaId Donation umt Claim No. 046, !hence along said'. proJonaalion and P.lUt line SOZ"46'03"W 1336.8610 1he North lino oCtho City of ScattIe llow l.ake Pipebne rlghl·of-way as convoyod by dood rocotdcd under Ruording No. 4131067 • Kina County records, thence along said North line from a !&n&enl thlt bean S84"32'34"W, aJOII& the arc of II curve to the len havang a radius of 935.00 roct and a CIIDlraiqlc of 11·47'46", an arc Jen:th of 19250 feet; thence UIlgem 10 !he preceding curve sn·44'4S·W 288.62 feet; Ihcncc leavlil, said North line NOI"02'S6"B 154.52 feet; thence NOO·S6'17"n 1326.91 fCC! 10 !he 1'OIN'J' OF . BEGINNING. Except for publ1c rIghts of vay COnlainc tS.S] Acres of Land moro or less. The nasis of n""ng~ for !his description II Ih& Rccord of SUMY (or Broadacres Inc., recorded in . Dock 10 of Surveys II ~e 2. under Rccordin, No. 7707289002, King County records MAUPWC 11·07·91 PAJtCELD LUG 3-2464·3806 ;" -:.. : : '.' ' .... ..... , .. • • PARCELC All thaI ccnaJn real property IllUaIe In the City of Renton. Coun!)' of King. SU1e of Washington. bemg thai ponlon otHenry A Meader'. Donation I..and Clalort No 46. In Seellon 25. T.23N .• R.41:!., W.M , dcactJbcd II 1b1l0WI' DllGlNNING at Ihe bucneal!>n of the SOuth, line of aald Donauon ClaIm. ind tbe ~t IIIlC: of Guvernment I.ot lOin the N.E. 14 of AId SeedOD 25; thence from AId l'OlNT OF BEGINNING alonz, sald South line N87"13'S7"W 1842.90 foot to Ille East line of the Burlington Nonhem RaIlway; Ihcnco 1I0llI Jail lAId East Iin& NOl"Q6'48"e 129.69 feel and N02"07'43'J! 251.58 fecI to the SOuth line of the Bow LakQ Pipil lJnc .. wnVQ)'ed by deed rQCOrdcd undQr l'Damilng No 4131067. King County reeordJ: thence 110lIl said South JlIIQ S87"13,'S7°E 1377.63 feet, thence t .. ngenltl) thc pl"CCt:dinB rounD aIonl the arc of 8 CII~ 10 the left bavlng a radius of 152.S5 fcct and a central anJ:~ of 20"01'15", an arc Ien&IiI of 53.30 feet: !hence tangent to lIle prcCDding c:urve N72°44'4S'1:! 427.04 rcelto'the nonherl), prolongatloRof!he EAst hne of Governmelll Lot 10; thence alollA aald /IOnhcrly pralonglllon SOl'02'S6'W 536.89 fcellO \he POINT OF BEGINNING. Except for publlC r1Shts of way. Con181n~ 16 87 AcreI of land mote or IQSs. The Buis of Bearin:. for this description \a IiIc Rceord of Surve)' for Br08daQrCI Inc., recorded In !:Jook 10 of SUTVClI at Pile 2, under RccordlnJ: No. 7707289002. King County records L S 27193 MAUPWC 11-07-91 PAR(:I!J,c LBO 3-2464-3806 , ", ,r;'f.rr \·U· ,: . ' • • • rARCJ!LP All that certain rul property situate in the Clly o{ RenIO~ County of Kmg, State of W~\hmlton. bell'S a portion of Government LoU 10,& 11 in Sc:ctlon 25, Township 23N., Ran£e 411., W .M •• and being more particularly datribcd as follnw$ BEGlNNJNG It the iniencaion oflile South line ofHcnry A Meader', Doll!llon.Land Claim No. 46, with the East line of .aid Government Lot 10, lhenc:c (rom aaId POINT OF nr>OlNNlNG along said Eut line SOl·OZ'.56"W 255.38 foct: Ihencc leaving said Basi lme ' NBS' J6'SS'W 1841.S1 feet to • point on !he ~t line or the BurllnJlOn Northern kailroad rithl-of way Which is 289.12 feet Swtherl)'; u nlC&JllRd alon: aaId rl&ht-of Wiy lillC:, from the lntcracction Ihcmof with the SoUIh line of sald DoIWion Land Clilm No 46; ~ alan: last said East line N02·o(j'4S·E 289.12 fca to the South line of said Donation LInd Clalm; Ihcn~ 'alonj: said South lme S87'13'S7"S 1842.90 (cellO the POINT OP BEOlNNING. Except for publlC rlghts of way. Contains 11.53 Actca of Land more or less The Basis of BearinS' . (or thls dcscripllon Is the Record of SurYC)' for BroadlClC&, Inc.. , recorded In Uook ]0 of Survq. at page 2, undc:r Rccordlng No. 7707289002, King County recorlll. PWC 11-21-91 PARCP.I.P.LEG 3·2464-3806 . ',". , ': '. ,:' ." . '-. • • PARCELG All thlll urt.lin rcal propcny sltuala in the City of KonIOn, Counly of Kill8, S\aIe of Wasllingtnn, being a ponlon of Oovonunenl Loll 10 and 11, and oflhc S,W. 1/4 orllle N E 1/4, and of the S.~. 114 of the N. W. 114, all in Section 25, l"owlUhip 23N., Ringe "B., W M , and being mnRl p.1r1icularly dclctlbcd as follows' BEGlNNJNG al a poilu, on abc Eall line of said Government Lot ,10, distant thuC4n SOI°02'S6"W 25S~38 fccl from \be ~ dIcreofwith the Soulh line of Henry Meader', Donation land t'lalrn No. <46 thence from aid POINT OF BEGINNING, a1Dng said Ball line of Government Lot 10, and liIe out line of &aid S.W. 114 Df the N.H 114 of Stdion 25. SOI"OrS6"W 1112 01 fCClIO • line tIIIl ia parallol with and 54S.6 feet notIherly of the But- ,West c:cnlCrllllc of said Soctlon 2S (mcuurod along the: Il&sllinc of laid S.W. 1/4 ofthc N.B 1/4); tbcncc alo", said parallel lint N87"S7'42"W 1808.19 feet to a Ih= tIIal Ii paralJc1 with and 60.00 fr:ct Bascof!he EUt lIncof tho DurliJl&lon NotIhcm RailwayrW!I-of-way: thence aiD", last said parallcllh= N02"Q6 i 48"n S5·t48 foct; thonoe No.. "OS'49,"W 5S0.24 roct to • POIDI on said EMI Iiile of &aid, Burlin&1DII Nonbcm Railway ri£ht-of-way, dislanl Ihcrcon S02'06'4B"W 289.121cct from tho IDIersealon IIJcrcofwlth the South Une of said Donation I.:lDd Claim No. <46; Ihi:nce 588"16'5S"B 1847.57 fed to the POINT OF BBGlNNING~ Except for,puhlLc r1ghts of way. Contain, 46 06 Acres of LInd nlOre or loss 'Ille Basis of Tlcarlllli for thil description il the ~ of Survey for Broadacrc&, Inc., rcC4rdcd in Book 10 of SurVeY' at pa£C 2, WIIIet'Recordi", No, 7707289002, Kin, Counly records. FWC 11·27·91 PARCELO.LEG ~2464-3806 ,', t: . ., ~2 " .. , . • • ATIACHMENT2 LOP Site Plan 1. Phase I: BCAG Building 2. Phase 11: Family Care Center Building 3. Phase ill: Surface Water Management System 4. . Phase IV: Future Development DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [03003-0104lSB022180,328] PAGEl 8112102 • ATTACHMENT 2 1 '; • . ' ,. .\ ,- I , ;' ~ --'"j, • , I.!.. I '. \ . " I , ): I , . PHASE I -------- ---.. _--- ---I __. r.:I, -~~ ------ ------ , . 1 I ~ '., r I FIGURE 1 PHASE I IICAG BUILDING '--pl1,.. JTIGJ !IOrlNC LONCACRES OfFlC£ PARK RENTON. WASHINGTON N ... , .. - a •• rlirup g .... ".. INC! --- -- ,', , . • , 1 " t-i .. "I 1 • " / ~;/ 'I " • ATTACIIIIENT 2 2 '" " PHASE /I ~ , . 111-j ': , 1·11 ~ /' I I: / ! I i L ' jiL~~~ =====-----:;::l ----=:=:=;- -------------- ---------------- , " I fIGURE 2 ~ PHASE /I fAMilY CARE CENTER BUILDING I , , , ' , I BOEINC lONGACRES 0fFlce: PARK RENTON, WASHINGION '/ L' ,,' : . ..~ .-. ---' -.:~-------~ N 1M... I.. ,. a .. rllrup CI""'''' .o.oc: ..... - ,. , \ , , I , i , ,. I , , I , !.'~·-i , , , I , , I • ATTACHMENT 2.3 j .. _._---_ .. --_ .. _ ... r------~---.----, , L. ________ . ___ ._ I ---.--.. --. , \ ~~ I ,.' ., Ii I 0, j 1 L: , . _/ . . I . .") :' -----..L.------___________ --..:.l • .,': . '- , / ! 'j 1'-' , , 1 FIGURE 3 0' \ PHASE UI SURrACE WATER UANAGEMENT SYSTtU BOEING lONGACRES omcE PARI< RENTON, WASHINGTON N .. ". .• - O".l'lIl'u,. CIlV .... IHG . _.- . "' I· ' .. '.'1. . '-, . " • • ..... • \ , " ;/ • . , • "-"-"-"- • ATTACIIHENT 2 4 -. ----I '" , -'-~'-~ ~ " . -..-Yo' .. _I .. ~ .. --; l. '"1: ' / --\ -" . , 1---~.pHo\SE IV .. -... -.. -._-FleURE 4 . '., I'Ho'.sE IV fUlURE DEIIElOPIlENT ----.. -.. -.. -.... -... -.. - , .') • '.' , eOEltic lOtICACR£S omc£ PARK RENTON. WASHINGTON N .. ". .. - S".rllrup CI ...... ~ ~ _.- '. ( 1 • • AITACHMENT 3 Development Regulations Applicable to Pbase IV Development I. Development regulations, including but not limited to Title IV of the Renton rvIlln!cip~, Code. 2. Environmental rules and policies, including, but not limited to: • Chapter 4-3 RMC • • Chapter 43.21C RCW; 3. Policies set forth in the City of Renton's Comprehensive Plan (adopted FebrulUY 20, 1995, amended October 20, 1999; . ' , \ 4. Policies, regulations, standards, and methods applicable to the development ofland that are included in or incorporated bY reference in the Renton Municipal Code; 5. Surface water llUinagement regulations, including, but nOI Iimited'to, Tide IV RMC;and ' 6. Other City ordinances governing the development ofland, up to and including adopted Ordinance No. 4877; provided, howeVer, that Boeing may elect at its discretion that ordinances adopted after Ordinance No. 4877 shall apply to all or part of Phase IV development (i.e., Ordinance No. 49S4"Binding Site Plans"). ,,, . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (03003-OI04ISBO:llISQ,3lS] PAOEI 8/12102 • • CAG-02-211 STRANDER AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this J..j..-'l-day of Oe:En16el2...... 2002, by and between THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Boeing"), and the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington ("the City"). RECITALS A. Longacres Park, Inc ("LPI"), a wholIy-owned subsidiary of Boeing, is the owner of certain real property ("Property"), known as the Longacres Office Park ("LOP"), located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, and more particularly described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. LP[ and Boeing have entered into a long-term Ground Lease ("Lease") with effect from January I, 1993 pursuant to which Boeing may possess.the Property through December 31, 2027 and may in certain circumstances extend the term of the Lease through December 31,2057. Pursuant to the Lease, Boeing may enter into this Agreement in Boeing's own name. A memorandum oflhe Lease was recorded as No. 9707030128 in the Real Properiy Records of King County. B. The City has included in its Transportation Improvement Program ("I1P") an extension of Strander Boulevard (also known as S.W. 27'h Street) west from Oakesdale Avenue S.W. across the Property to the City limits of Renton ("Strander Extension" or "Extension"). C. On May II, 1984, dle City and Broadacres, [nc., Boeing's predecessor in interest, entered into an agreement recorded in King County as No. 8406010540 ("1984 Agreement"), providing for, among other things, (aJ reservation of right of way for the Strander Extension across the Property, (b) establishmcnt of an aligmnent for the Extension across the Property, (c) acquisition by the City of the reserved right of way, (d) construction by Broadacres ofa local access road according to City street standards for local access roads within the reserved right of way, (e) payment by Broadacres not to exceed 30 percent of the total cost of extending Strander from the east Property line to 200 feet east of the Burlington Northem railroad right of way, and (f) reductio~ of Broadacres' payment by the full cost expended by Broadacres in designing and constIUcting the local access road. D. The Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") Mitigation Document for111e LOP that was issued in May, 1995 ("Mitigation Document") included a Transportation Mitigation Conditions Agreement dlat among other provisions requires Boeing to pay to the City transportation mitigation fees of $75.00 per trip ("City Transportation Mitigation Fee") based on 27,000 average daily trips to be generated by full development of the LOP ("LOP Mitigation Fee"). Boeing has paid to the City, as transportation mitigation fees under the Transportation Mitigation Conditions Agreement, $157,500 (based on 2,100 average daily trips) at the time of permit application for dIe Boeing Commercial Airplane Group ("BCAG") Headquarters Building and $69,750 (based on 930 average daily trips) at the time of permit application for dle Boeing-Renton Family'Care Centre. The LOP Mitigation Fee less d,e transportation mitigation fees already paid to the City ("Net LOP Mitigation Fee") as of the date of this Agreement is $1,797,750 (based on 23,970 average daily trips, referenced hereinafter as the "Prepaid Trips"). • • E. Boeing now plans to prepare the Property for potential development that will require (a) modification of the 1984 Agreement right of way alignment, (b) modification of Boeing's paytnent obligations for the Extension to address current conditions, and (c) clarification of the procedures and standards for Boeing to construct a local access road within the reserved right of way for the Strander Extension. F. The City desires to confirm the availability, location and funding of the Strander right of way and extension. In addition, the City has received information and data provided by Boeing indicating that expansion and improvement of the Grady Way and Oakesdale Avenue intersection will be required as a result of traffic demands from the completion of Oakesdale Avenue and future development in the area. G. Boeing and the City desire to rescind the 1984 Agreement and to enter into a new agreement regarding the Strander Extension to replace the 1984 Agi-eement. H. Establishing this Agreement will materially aid the City in approaching the State of Washington and federal funding agencies for financial assistance in developing the Strander Extension project. I. The City and Boeing consider this effort to be a pUblic-private partnership and approach it and this Agreement in the spirit of partners, anticipating that issues and unforeseen events will be resolved on a mutually agreeable basis as they arise during the course of perfonnance of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration oftbe mutual covenants and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. Right of Way Reservation and Alignment. Boeing agrees to reserve for the duration of this Agreement a 90-foot wide right of way across, over, and through the Property for the Strander Extension according to the alignment described in EXHIBIT B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and apprOXimately depicted in EXHIBIT C, also attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Right of Way Reservation"). The City agrees that the alignment of the Strander Extension shall be located within the Right of Way Reservation. 2. Building Restriction. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Boeing agrees not to construct permanent buildings within the Right of Way Reservation and setbacks from the Right of Way Reservation that are required by City Code. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "building" shall mean any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls and intended for the shelter, housing or enclosure of any individual, animal, process, equipment, goods or materials of any kind or nature. 3. Right of Way Acquisition. 3.1. Boeing agrees to dedicate to the City that portion of the Property located within the Right of Way Reservation ("Right of Way Property"). This dedication shan be accepted by Strancler Agreement Page 2 of6 J 1121/02 • • the City within 180 days from the date of this Agreement. In consideration for the dedication of the Right of Way Property, the City agrees that (a) the LOP Mitigation Fee payable to the City of Renton for the LOP shall be fully satisfied, (b) all of Boeing's obligations for the Strander Extension across the Property and approaches to the Property that may be imposed by the City or any financing jurisdiction shall be fully satisfied, and (c) all of Boeing's obligations for any other off-site transportation improvements within the City of Renton that are required to support the level of full development oftbe LOP as contemplated in the EIS shall be fully satisfied. 3.2. The City agrees to enter into formal discussions with Boeing regarding placement of the proposed expansion and improvement of the Grady Way and Oakesdale Avenue intersection as a priority project on the City'S TIP at the next scheduled update of the TIP. Any agreement reached between the City and Boeing on this subject shall be memorialized and approved in a separate document. 3.3. The City agrees not to adopt an authorization under applicable law for the acquisition of all or part of the Right of Way Property under condemnation or threat of condemnation during the term of this Agreement, unless Boeing fails to dedicate the Right of Way Property in accordance with the telms and provisions of this Agreement. 3.4. The City agrees tbat Boeing may at the time of City acquisition of the Right of Way Property reserve a nonexclusive perpetual easement over, across, along, in, upon, under, and through the Right of Way Property for purposes that include access, utility, drainage,.and any regulatory requirements applicable to the development of LOP. Any uses forthe Right of Way Property proposed by Boeing other tilan for tilOse purposes will require prior City approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 4. Reserve Account. 4.1. Upon dedication of the Right of Way Property to the City, the City agrees to create a reserve account in Boeing's name ("Reserve Account") that contains the Prepaid Trips. Trips in the Reserve Account shall be considered the personal property of Boeing unless they are assigned by Boeing to a successor in interest to all or any portion of real property located in the City of Renton, including, but not limited to, an owner's association or similar entity governing any or all of such property. Boeing may at its sole discretion withdraw from the Reserve Account all or a portion of the Prepaid Trips, to be credited against and constitute full payment of the City Transportation Mitigation Fee for the equal number of trips generated by development of any property owned by Boeing within tile City of Renton as of the date of this Agreement ("Renton Properties") that would otherwise be subject to tile City Transportation Mitigation Fee. The Renton Properties are described in EXHIBIT D attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. If and when Boeing withdraws such Prepaid Trips from the Reserve Account, the num ber of Prepaid Trips in the Reserve Account shall be correspondingly reduced. Should Boeing choose to assign Prepaid Trips to projects other tilan LOP, those Prepaid Trips will no longer be available for LOP transportation mitigation. 4.2. Boeing shall timely notify tile City, as provided in this Agreement, of the withdrawal, designation, or assignment of trips in the Reserve Account by providing to the City a document in the fODlI and content described by EXHJBIT E attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The City agrees to provide to Boeing written confinnation of such withdrawal, designation, or assignment, also as described by EXHJBlT E. Stramk:r Agreement Page 3 01'6 ! 1121/02 • • 5. Review of Plans. The City agrees to use its best and timely efforts to include Boeing in the planning and design of the Strander Extension. Prior to City approval of construction plans for the Strander Extension, but in any event no later than sixty (60) days prior to commencement of construction of the Strander Extel1sion, the City shall provide Boeing with engineering, architectural, and other construction plans for the Extension and related improvement, including but not limited to signal control systems, utilities, sidewalks, driveway access, walls, fencing, lighting, and signing. 6. Local Access Road. Should Boeing require Property access prior to completion of the Strander Extension, Boeing may construct upon all or part of the Right of Way Property a local access road to· City standards ("Local Access Road"). The Local Access Road may include roadway, utilities, storm water facilities, sidewalks, lighting, and other structures required by Boeing and the City. The Local Access Road shall be dedicated to the City for public use within thirty (30) days following its completion. The City agrees that the Local Access Road or a mutually agreed upon detour route shall remain open to vehicular traffic during construction of the Strander Extension. The City agrees to reimburse Boeing at the time of the Strander Extension construction for all design and construction costs incurred for Local Access Road components that are designed and constructed to City standards for and that may be incorporated into the Strander Extension project. 7. Street Access and Jntersections. 7.1. AU Property frontage along the Strander extension shall have access to the public right of way, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. 7.2. Boeing may establish along the Strander Extension two intersections with streets to the north and south of the Extension. Boeing may propose additional intersections in the future for consideration and possible approval by the City. Boeing shaU pay full cost for any traffic signaJ(s) required at any intersections established. Boeing may also establish along the Strander Extension private driveway access points, subject to City Code requirements; provided, however, that the City reserves the right to limit turning movements at such private driveway access points to right-in and right-out only. 8. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate twenty (20) years from the date of execution of this Agreement, or upon final completion of the Strander Extension, whichever occurs earlier. If construction of the Strander Extension has not been fully funded and commenced by the date oftewination of this Agreement, Boeing at its sole discretion may require that the City reconvey to Boeing the Right of Way Property exclusive of the Local Access Road if dedicated to the City as provided in Paragraph 6 of this Agreement. When the Right of Way Property is reconveyed to Boeing by the City, Boeing shall pay to the City the amount of the Net LOP Mitigation Fee credited to Boeing under Paragraph 3.1 Dfthi, Agreement. 9. Default. In the event of a default or failure of performance by either party of any term or condition under this Agreement, the defaUlting party shall have thirty (30) days after written notice given to that party by the non-defaulting party, as provided in this Agreement, to cure the default; provided, however, that if the cure cannot reasonably be completed within such thirty (30) day period, the defaulting party shall have such longer period as is reasonably necessary to cure the default so long as the defaulting party shall commence the cure within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter complete the cure with due diligence. Stnmder Agre~ment Page 40f6 11/21/02 • • 10. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement and each oftbe terms, provisions, conditions, and covenants herein shaU run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and assigns. The parties acknowledge that Boeing may assign this Agreement to an owner's association or similar entity for the Property, and agree that upon such assignment Boeing shall be released from all rights and obligations hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that Boeing may retain all rights to the Prepaid Trips in the Reserve Account, as provided in Paragraph 4.1, and may assign those rights for withdrawal and use as provided in this Agreement. 11. Rescission of 1984 Agreement. Upon execution ofthis Agreement, the 1984 Agreement shall be null, void, and without effect. 12. Compliance with Laws. The parties shall at all times exercise the rights granted to them under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 13. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State ofWashingtoD. Venue for any action under this Agreement shall be King County, Washington. 14. Notice. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the following designees: If to Boeing: with a second notice to: If to City of Renton: with a second notice to: Stnmde.r Agreement Colette Temmink The Boeing Company MC IF-58 P.O. Box 3707 Seattle, WA 98124 Fax: 206-662-1355 Gerald Bresslour, Esq. The Boeing Company MC 13-08 P.O. Box 3707 . Seattle, WA 98124 Fax: 425-965-8230 Gregg Zhnmerman Administrator ofPlaJU1ing, Building, and Public Works City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Fax: 425-430-7241 Sandra Meyer PlaJlfling, Building, and Public Works City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Page 5 of6 11121102 • • Fax: 425-430-7241 Notices may be delivered by facsimile or U.s. mail. Notices shall be deemed effective, if mailed, upon the second business day following deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or upon delivery thereof if otherwise given. Either party may change the address to which notices may be given by giving notice as above provided. Boeing or its successor or assign to this Agreement shall give notice to the City of what successor property owners shall be given separate notices under this Paragraph 14 in addition to the above. IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1/;. dot} of the City of Renton, said City has caused this ins~fUJllent to be executed by its _-'-,'"YI=w,"""'-""i'I=?7'"=-------. . DATED this J CJ # day of 1I.l!;1#r~ , 2002 I APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIlE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of )fe State of Washington fJ I -....t/ -'"'\/7 -?' d-Ct.,w.....-.a" . ../..P >.q-W ,:~-By: _,""'L.-_~ -" ~-"""'-~ij!I-",,-, -'""---"---'-- Lawrence J. Warren 1 City Attorney Its: ____ -'M:!!a!.ly'-'o"r~--------- A TrESTI AUTIIENTICA TED: StIander Agreement Page 6 of6 11l2110:2 • • EXHlBITE Longacres Prepaid Trips Reserve Account Transaction and Status Report The agreement entered into by The Boeing Company ("Boeing") and the City of Renton ("City") dated :::--,-_--::-__ -:-:::--:-concerning the extension of S.W. 27th Street (also known as Strander Boulevard) across the Boeing Longacres Office Park ("LOP',) property ("Strander Agreement") includes a provision for the establislunent of a Reserve Account for the total number of LOP trips represented by the transportation mitigation fees satisfied under the Strander Agreement ("Prepaid Trips"). Prepaid Trips means the number of average daily trips to be generated by full development of the LOP that were estimated in the Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") Mitigation Document for the LOP, issued in May, 1995 (27,000 average dailY trips), less those estimated trips for LOP development projects for which transportation mitigation fees have been paid to the City.l As of the date of the Strander Agreement, the number of LOP Prepaid Trips was 23,970 average daily trips. The Reserve Account was created upon dedication by Boeing of the S.W. 27 th Street extension right of way, with an initial deposit of 23,970 Prepaid Trips. Boeing may at its sale discretion withdraw from the Reserve Account all or a portion of the Prepaid Trips, to be credited again,t and to constitute full payment of the City transportation mitigation fees for the equal number of trips generated by development of any property within the City of Renton that was owned by Boeing on the date of the Strander Agreement and that would otherwise be subject to the City transportation mitigation fees. This Report, in fonn and content as depicted in this Exhibit E, shall be used by Boeing to report a transaction to withdraw, designate, or assign trips in the Reserve Account and by the City to record and acknowledge such transaction. Boeing shall submit the Report to the City at the time of a planned withdrawal. The Administrator of Planning, Building and Public Works sball acknowledge the withdrawal and designation by signature. Copies of tbe.Report shall be placed in the City's project file for the receiving project and for the LOP Binding Site Plan, and a copy shall be provided to Boeing. . Numberof Balance of Aclmowledgement of Trips in City File Number and Location Trips After Transaction and Balance Date Transaction of Receiving Project Transaction by City of Renton Date2 + 23,970 LOP Binding Site Plan, Longacres 23,970 G. Zimmerman, Admin. I Boeing paid transportation mitigation fees to the City at the time of development of the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Headquarters Building (2,100 average daily trips) and ofthe Boeing~Renton Family Care Centr"e (930 average daily trips). The original 27,000 average dailY trips for LOP, less 2.100 and 930 trips for which fees previously paid, equals 23,970 average daily trips prepaid under the Strander Agreement 2 The initial transaction date, on which 23,970 Prepaid Trips will be credited in the Reserve Account ami documented in the LOP Binding Site Plan file, wiIJ be the effective date fOT the Boeing dedication of the S. W. 27 th Street right uf way. • EXHIBITE Reserve Account Transaction and Status Report STRANDER AGREEMENT [fSB0204:-0065] • 10/2/02 • • EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOf CONOEMNED FOR SR 405 BY KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOf CONVEYeD TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR WIDENING Of PARK AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY Of KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON. PARCEL 14: THAT PORTION OF THE BURLINGTON-NORTHERN INC. (fORMERLY NORTHERN PACIfiC RAILWAY CO.) 100 fOOT RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SECTIONS 7 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING BETWEEN THE NORTH MARGIN Of NORTH 4TH STREET AND THE SOUTH MARGIN Of NORTH 6 T11 STREET; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY Of KING, STATE OF WAsHINGTON. PARCEL 15: THAT PORTION Of THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC:S 100 FOOT RIGHT-Of-WAY FOR ITS BELT LINE IN GOVERNMENT LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND NORTHWEST V. Of THE SOUTHWEST 'I. Of SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST, W.M., AND GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 ANO 2 IN SECTION 7, SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE, BETWEEN A WEST PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF 6TH AVENUE NORTH AND A LINE EXTENDING SOUTHEASTERLY AND RADIALLY TO THE MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00 IN SAID CENTER LINE (DISTANT 40.8 fEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED ALONG SAID MAIN TRACK CENTER LINE, fROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY END OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC:S BRIDGE NO.3) AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE fOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT 2S FEET SOUTHEASTERLY, MEASURED RADIALLY AND AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE OF TRACK AS NOW CONSTRUCTED, FROM SURVEY STATION 1068+00; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 25 FEET NORTHWESTERLY, MEASURED FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE AT SURVEY STATION 1074+00; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHWESTERLY AT AN ANGLE TO THE RIGHT TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INC. AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF SPUR TRACK HEADBLOCK STATION 8+85.5 THE END OF DESCRIBEDLINE AND END Of DESCRIPTION; SITUATED IN THE (ITY Of RENTON, COUNTY Of KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. • • THENCE SOUTH 31°37'23" EAST 448.22 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN Of THE RIGHT-Of-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN SOUTH 50°43'32" WEST 174.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°38'24" WEST 700.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°53'04" EAST 21S.00 fEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS THEREOf CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8812140277 AND FURTHER DELINEATED AS PARCELS C AND D ON CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 004-88, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8808309006; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION KNOWN AS PARCEL E OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 004-88 RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8808309006, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE ABOVE REFERENCED TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 43°06'S6" EAST 3.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14°36'26" EAST 244.87 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 14°36'26" EAST 345.29 fEET; THENCE NORTH 31°37'32" WEST 309.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°53'04" EAST 103.03 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON. PARCEL 13: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST', W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY AND LYING WESTERLY Of PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION Of GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SAID SECTION, DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION Of THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN Of THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN (LAKE WASHINGTON BELT LINE) RAILROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY AND THE . WESTERLY MARGIN Of PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN 60 FEET TO THE TRUE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE50UTHEASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO 10 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF PARK AVENUE (LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD S.E.); THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID MARGIN TO THE SOUTH LINE Of SAID GOVERNMENT LOT; THENCE WESTERLY TO SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RAILROAD MARGIN; TU~W-. NC'lRTHEASTERLY TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING; • • THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 274.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 17°59'39" WEST 1484.81 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY ;-lAR-GIN OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT FROM WHENCE THE CENTER BEARS SOUTH 49°18'19" EAST 288.67 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 250.57 FEET TO THE POINT OF TANGENCY, SAID POINT OF TANGENCY BEING ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN Of SAID PARK STREET; THENCE SOUTH 00°57'41" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 1581.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION FOR PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO.1 (SR 405) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE. AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNlY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 656127; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION(S) THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CIlY Of RENTON FOR PARK AVENUE NORTH 8Y DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9703181422, BEING A RE-RECORDING OF 9612120855 AND RECORDING NO. 8811150482; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD; ADJDINING, WHICH. UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERlY BY OPERATION OF LAW; SITUATE IN THE CIlY OF RENTON, COUNlY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 12: AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON, INCLUDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS SHOWN ON SHEETS NOS. 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAUSE NO. 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS. ANNIE J. ADAMS, ET AL, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON; THENCE NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LJNE OF SAID LOT 1, AND ALONG SUCH UNE PRODUCED WESTERLY 960.01 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-Of-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LJNE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED . WESTERLY 761.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY UNE OF THE SHUFfLETON STEAM PLANT PROPERlY; THENCE NORTH 43°06'56" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERlY LINE OF SAID SHUFFLETON PROPERlY, 680.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR LJNE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS LAID OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 46'52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 607.89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 43'06'56" EAST 713.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT Of BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 43'06'56" EAST 220.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46'53'04" WEST 220.00 FEET; • • THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 214.91 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 50043'32" EAST ALONG SAiD RiGHT-Of·WAY MARGIN 159.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20°38'24' WEST 700.81 FEET; THENCE NORTH 46°53'04" EAST 215.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 43006'56" WEST 713.87 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 10: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING EASTERLY OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO.2 (CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY), AND WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH EXTENSION (LOGAN AVENUE NORTH) AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 3261297, DESCRI8ED AS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6'" AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST MARGIN OF LOGAN STREET NORTH; THENCE NORTH 89034'11' WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN, 674.91 FEET, TO THE MOST NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY CORNER OF A TRACT CONVEYED TO THE BOEING COMPANY, 8Y DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5701683, ANO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°34'11" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN, 441.54 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF COMMERCIAL WATERWAY DISTRICT NO, 2, AS CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO. 211409; THENCE SOUTH 12047'42" EAST, ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 328.72 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 320 FEET SOUTH OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF 6Tl1 AVENUE NORTH; THENCE SOUTH 89°34'11" EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 366.34 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°25'49" EAST 320.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 8EGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 11: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NqRTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., DESCRII2ED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAIO NORTHWEST 1/4 WITH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PARK STREET, ALSO KNOWN AS SECONOARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2A; THENCE SOUTH 89°28'19" EAST ALONG SAJO SOUTH LINE 771.21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00'31'51" EAST 253.23 FEET TO THE TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO • • THENCE SOUTH 14°36'25" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID EXTENDED COUNTY ROAD 817.01 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 4P22'31" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN 514.19 FEET TO A POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE BOEING COMPANY PROPERTY KNOWN AS PARCEL V; THENCE SOUTH 66°24'16" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF PARCEL V 217.51 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, SAID INTERSECTION BEING POINT ON A CURVE OF RADIUS 1482.71 FEET FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 62°38'53" EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 316.79 FEET TO A POINT FROM WHENCE THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 50°24'23" EAST; THENCE NORTH 14°34'18" WEST 1,546.44 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 9-0 AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7 AND IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., INCLUDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS SHOWN ON SHEET NOS. 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAUSE NO. 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS. ANNIE l. ADAMS, ET AL AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M.; THENCE NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, AND ALONG SUCH LINE PRODUCED WESTERLY, 960.01 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88°51'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY 761.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SHUFFLETON STEAM PLANT PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 43°06'56" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF SAID sHUFFLETON PROPERTY, 680.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR LINE OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS, AS LAID OUT BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 46'52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 607.89 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 46'52'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 250.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14'34'18" EAST 1,546.44 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, SAID INTERSECTION BEING POINT ON A CURVE OF RADIUS 1,482.71 FEET FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE BEARS SOUTH 50°24'23" EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT AN ARC LENGTH OF 132.81 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE OF RADIUS 2,052.27 FEET FROM WHENCE THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLES BEAR SOUTH 45'16'28" EAST; • • THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO AN INTERSECTION WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 30 FEET NORTHWESTERLY OF THE GOVERNMENT MEANDER LINE IN SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID VACATED LOGAN STREET NORTH; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE, NORTHWESTERLY TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID VACATED STREET TO THE INNER HARBOR LINE Of LAKE WASHiNGTON; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE TO THE EASTERLY LINE Of THE RIGHT- Of-WAY Of COMMERCIAL WATERWAY NO.2; THENCE SOUTHERLY, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE Of SAID WATERWAY RIGHT-Of-WAY, TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH "J:HE NORTH LINE OF SAID SIXTH AVENUE NORTH; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH BLOCK C OF THE 3"0 SUPPLEMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS; SITUATE IN THE CITY Of RENTON, COUNTY Of KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON. PARCEL 9-C: AN IRREGULAR TRACT OF LAND LYING IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, THE NORTHEAST 1/4 Of SECTION 7 AND IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., INCLUDING WITHIN THIS TRACT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE tANDS, AS SHOWN ON SHEETS NOS. 3 AND 4 OF MAP PREPARED BY UDO HESSE AND FILED IN CAUSE NO. 156371 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF KING COUNTY ENTITLED SEATTLE FACTORY SITES COMPANY, ET AL VS. ANNIE J. ADAMS, ET AL , AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8; TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M.; THENCE NORTH 88051'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT I, AND ALONG SUCH LINE PRODUCED WESTERLY 960.01 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY Of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 88051'05" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1 PRODUCED WESTERLY, 751.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT, SAID MONUMENT BEING AN ANGLE POINT UPON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THESHUFFLETON STEAM PLANT PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 43006'56" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY PROPERTY LINE Of SAID SHUfFLETON PROPERTY, 680.06 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE INNER HARBOR LINE Of LAKE WASHINGTON SHORE LANDS AS LAID OUT 8Y THE STATE OF WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 46052'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 858.51 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 46052'27" WEST ALONG SAID INNER HARBOR LINE 726.94 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE VACATED COUNTY ROAD NO. 376, ALSO KNOWN AS RAILROAD AVENUE, WILLIAMS STREET AND LOGAN STREET IN THE CITY OF RENTON, ___ . __ . __ ................. r.nTut:OI V· • • THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS AVENUE NORTH, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT NO.2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS DF KING COUNTY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION TO THE NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6TH STREET; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF NORTH 6Tli STREET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF THE ABANDONED BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD RIGHT -OF·WAY; . THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF'WAY TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDrVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTIDN CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF NORTH 5TH STREET BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 710611050B, 7105110510, 7106110511, 8509100968,8509130916 AND 8509130917; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., LYING SOUTHERLY OF NORTH 6TH STREET, WESTERLY OF LOGAN STREET NORTH EXTENSION (LOGAN. AVENUE NORTH) AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 3261297, EASTERLY OF CEDAR RIVER WATERWAY (COMMERCIAL WATERWAY NO.2), AND NORTHERLY OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO RENTON SCHOOL DrSTRICT BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5701684; EXCEPT THAT PORTIDN CONVEYED TO THE BOEING COMPANY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 5907048 (ALSO BEING THAT TRACT DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 10 FOLLOWING); SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON PARCEL 9-B: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOTS 1 AND 3 IN THE EAST '12 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W.M., AND OF C.H. ADSIT'S LAKE WASHINGTON PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 79, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, AND CERTAIN VACATED STREETS, AVENUES AND ALLEYS IN SAID PLAT, AND CERTAIN SHORE LANDS AND VACATED LOGAN STREET NORTH (FORMERLY WILLIAMS STREET NORTH), IN SAID SHORE LANDS, ALL DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SIXTH AVENUE NORTH AND THE WEST LINE OF LOGAN STREET NORTH; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO THE EAST-WEST CENTERI:1NE IN SAID SECTION 7; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH, AS THE SAME IS CONVEYED NORTH OF SAID SECTION LINE; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF SAID LOGAN STREET NORTH TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID WEST LINE; • • PARCEL 6: THAT PORTION Of THE SOUTH 660 fEET Of THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES NORTH OF THE NORTH UNE OF NORTH 6 TH STREET AND BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE CENTERLINES OF PELLY AVENUE NORTH AND MAIN STREET, NOW WELLS STREET NORTH; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON 8Y OEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7108190352 AND 8509130916; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 7: PARCEL A OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT " RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8911149006; TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 IN BLOCK 3 AND LOTS 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK 4 OF RENTON FARM ACREAGE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 37, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED STREET AND ALLEY ADJOINING, AS VACATED UNDER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NOS. 3319, 3327 AND 4048 WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHES TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW; AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., WHICH LIES BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF SAID VACATED ALLEY ON THE EAST AND THE EAST UEN OF SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2-A (PARK AVENUE EXTENSION) ON THE WEST; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 5180889 AND 9406070579; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE Of WASHINGTON. PARCEL 8: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: " BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIViSION WITH THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN THE PLAT OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING " COUNTY; THENCE"SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PRODUCTION, TO A POINT 715 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SU8DiVISION; THENCE WEST PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO THE NORTHERLY PRODUCTION OF THE CENTER liNE OF PELLY STREET; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRODUCED CENTERliNE, TO THE NORTH OF SOUTH 660 FEET OF SAID CIIP..r.l\JTc,TnN: • • PARCEL 2: LOTS 3, 4 AND 5 IN BLOCK 4 OF RENTON FARM ACREAGE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12, PAGE 37, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON • . PARCEL 3: THE WEST 17.5 FEET OF THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 10, THE WEST 17.5 FEET OF LOTS 11, 12, AND 13, ALL OF LOTS 14, IS, AND 16, AND THE NORTH 30 FEET OF LOT 17, ALL IN BLOCK 10 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF THE VACATED ALLEY ADJOINING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION DEEDED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7307090450; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 4: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 'NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 60 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 13 IN BLOCK 10 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVENUE PRODUCED, 185 FEET; THENCE WEST 107.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 185 FEET; THENCE EAST 107.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE WIDENING OF 6Tl1 AVENUE NORTH BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7206090448; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY BY . DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9406070574; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCELS: PARCEL B OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 093-89, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8911149006; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. • • PARCEL 1: LOTS 1 THROUGH 13 IN BLOCK 11 OF RENTON FARM PLAT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 97, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NOS. 7203140338 AND 9406070578; TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 8 IN BLOCK 1 OF SARTORISVILLE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 8 OF PLATS, PAGE 7, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 1 CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7203140338, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RADIUS 13.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°, AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, 13.50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, RADIUS 13.50 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90°, AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.20 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, 13.50 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF A DISTANCE OF 13.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; AND TOGETHER WITH THE WEST 83.5 FEET OF LOTS 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK 1 OF SAID PLAT OF SARTORISVILLE; EXCEPT THE NORTH 20 FEET OF SAID LOTS 11 AND 12; AND TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 AND 2 OF RENTON BOILER WORKS SHORT PLAT NO. 282-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7907109002; SITUATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON; STRANDER AGREEMENT [03003-0 I 04fSB020450.065] • • 3. Legal Description of Boeing Renton Plant 1011102 , . ~ ,""." • PARCEL M All that ceruin r~al prope[\y situate in the City of Renton, Counly of King, State of Washington, being a portion of the N.W. 1/4 of lhe S.E. 1/4 of Section 24, ToWnship 23 North, Range 4 East. Willarnen.e Meridian, and being more panicularly described as follows: Commencing ~t the intersection of me North margin of S.W. 16lh Street (Soulh 153rd St.), wilh lhe West boundary orc.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seal lie, Division No. I, as per thePlal recorded in Volume 17 of PlalS, Page 74, Records of King County; thence from said P.OINT OF COMMENCEMENT, Westerly along said NOM margin, 854 feel; mencc NOO022'03"W 15.00 feet; lhence S89°)T57"W 50.00 feet to the TRUE pOINT Of BEGINNING of this PARCEL M; thence from said TRUE'pOINT Of BEGINNING, continuing along said North margin S89°37'57"W 65.00 feet; thence S44°37'57"W 21.21 feet; lhence S89°31'57"W .~. "0 ." •• _ ••• -• -----• -- 124.11 feet;, to, the Easterly line of a parcei conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor'S File No. 5494126; King County records; lhence leaving said North margin of S.W. 16th Street along last s.ud Easterly line N22"42'33"W 56.60 feet to the Soulherly right-of way line of SR 4D5; thence along said Southeriy right-of·way line on a spiral chord bearing of N66"4D'41"E 68.54 feet; thence from a \aPgent that bears. N68."17'S6"E, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2765.00 feet, and a central angle of 03 °34'27' , ,an arc length of'172A8:feet; thence leaving s.ud Southerly right-of-way line sooo22'Q3"E 121.79 feet 10 theTRUE pOINT OF. BEGINNING. CONTAINS 0.46 Acres of land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc., recorded . ' , in ~ook 10 of Surveys at Page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. Pilc 11-21-9C PARCELM.LEG .' . 3·2464-3806 ... it:: .}:.; • • PARCEL L All that certain real property situate in the Cit)' of Renton, County of King, State or Washington, being a pOrlion of the N.W, l/4 of the S.E. 1I4 of Section 24. Township 2] NOM. Range 4 Easl, Willamene Meridian, and being more panicularly described as follows: Commencingal the intersection of the North margin ofS.W. 16th Slreet (South IS]rd St.), with the West boundary of C,D, Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seaale, Division No. I, as pee the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, Page 74, Records of King Count)' ; thence from said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, W.:sterly along said North margin, 789 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINl'{ING of this PARCEL L; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, continuing Westerly along said North margin S89'37'S7"W 65.00 feet; thence NOO'22'03"W 15.00 feet;·1:hence S89'37'57=W-~ -feet; monce leaving said Northerly margin at right' angles, NOO'22 '03"W 121.79 feet to the Southerly righl-of way line of SR 4DS; thence along said Southerly right-Qf-way line from a taIlgent that bears N71 '~2'08"E, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 276S.00 feet, and a central angle of 02"29'09", an arc length of 119.96 feet; thence leaving said Southerly right"Of- way line SOO'22'03'E 170.90 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. .' CONTAINS 0.39 Acres of :land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Rewrd of Survey for Broadacres, lnc., reccrded in Book 10 of Surveys at Page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King CountY records. FivC 11-21,91 PARCELL. LEG 3·2464-3806 .:.~ " • • PARCEL K AI! that cerutn real property situate In the City of Renton, County of King. S13te of Washington, being a ponion of the N.W. 1/4 o(lhe S.E. 1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 Nonn, Range 4 East, Willarnene Meridian, and being more particularly described 3S (ollows: Commencing at the intersection of the North margin of S.W. 16th Street (South I S3rd Sl.), with the West boundary of C.O. Hillman's Earlinglon Gardens Addilion 10 the City of Seatlle, Division No. I. as per the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of PlaLS, Page 74, RecordS of King County;. thence from said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, Westerly along said Nonn margin, 727 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN~ING of this PARCEL K; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, continuing Westerly along said Nonn margin S89·37'srW 62.00 feet; thence'leaving said Northerly margtn at 'flglit 'angles, NW""22'03"W'nO.90 feel to the Southerly right-of way line, of. SR 405; thence along said Southerly right-of,way line from a tangent that bears N74 ·2I'n"E, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2765.00 .' .. feet, ~d a central angle of 01·19'39" ,an arc length of 64.06 feet; thence leaving said Southerly right-of,way line SOO·22'03"E 187.07 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. (:~; CONTAINS 0.25 Acres of land more or less. The Easis of Bearings for ,this description is th.e Record of Survey' for Broadacres, Inc., recorded in Book: 10 of Surveys at Page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002; King County records. FWC li~21-91 PARe:ELK.LEG 3-2464-3806 ,. .0.- -------------------------------------• • PARCEL J All that ce.rt.ain real propcr1y situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of WaShington, being a pOr1ion of the S W, 1/4 of Lhe N ,E, 1/4, and of the N, W, 1/4 of the S ,E, 1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 Nor1h, Range 4 East, Willamene Meridian, and being more panicularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Nor1h margin 0 f S, W, 16th Street (South 153rd SI.), with the West bouncjary of CD, Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seanle, Division No, I, as per the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of PlalS, Page 74, Records of King County; thence. from said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, Westerly along said NOr1h margin, 6D7 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this PARCEL J; thence. from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, continuing Westerly aIong'said Not"L" margin-S89'-37'57"W 120,00 feet; thence I~ving said NOr1herl'y margin at right angles, NOO'22'03"W 187,07 feet to the Southerly right-of way line of SR 405; thence along said Southerly right-of·way line from a tangenl}hal bears N75'40'56"E, along the arc of a curve to the right naving a radius of 2765,00 feet, and a central angle of 02'32'57", an arc length of 123,02 feel; thence leaving said Southerly right-of·way line SOO'22'03"E 214.06 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINS 0,55 Acres of land more or less, The Basis of. Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc" recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at Page 2, under Recording No, 7707289002, King Counti records, FWC 11·21·91 PARCEU,LEG 3·2464·3806 • • PARCEL I All that ceruln real property situate in the City of Renton. County of King. SlAte of Washington. being a ponion of the S.W. lf40fthe N.E. 1/4, and of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 24, Township 23 Nonh, Range 4 East, Willamene Meridian. and being more , ' . panicularly describe!l as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Nonh margin ofS.W. 16th Street (South 153rd St.), with the West' boundary of C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seanle, Division' No. I, as per the Plat recorded in Volume 17 of PlaLS, Page 74, Records of King County; thence from said POINT OF COMMENCEMENT, Westerly along said Nonh margin, 350 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this pARCEL \; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, continuing Wmerly a1ml'g-said NOldl iTIafgitfS8'}0-;7'57"W 257.00 . , . feet; thence leaving said Northerly margin at right angles, NOO022'03"W 214.06 feet to the Southerly right-of way line of SR 4D5; thence along said Southerly right-of-way line from a tangen~ that bears N78 °13 '53 "E, along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2765.00 feet, and a central angle of 05°23'22", an arc length of 260.09 feet; thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way line SOOOn'03"E 253.41 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS' 1.39 Acres of land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc., recorde!l in Book 10 of S~eys at Page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King CountY records. FWC 11-2L;9.1 PARCEll. LEG 3-24-64-3806 ,. • • . PARCEL I All that cenain real property siruate in the City of Renton, County of King .. State of Washington. being Government Lot .14. and a ponion of Government Lot 8, both in Section 2~. Township 23 NOM, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, and a portion of the N.W. 1/4 of the S.I::.1/4 of said. Section 24, and a ponion of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 24. and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. l/4 of said Section 24: thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along the East line of said Government Lot 14 SOO'56·1?"\\,. 68.96 feet to the NOM line of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46; llience along said NOM line'N87'13'57"W 1462.38 feet; thence leaving said NOM line NOO'22'II"E 1022.22 feet to the southerly right-of-way line ofl-40S; thence along said southerly right-of·way line and the south right-of-way line of S.W. 16th Street from a tangent that bears N62'52'S7"E. along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 543.14 feet and a untral angle 0 f 26' 45'00" . an arc length of 253.58 feet;tllenu tangent to the preceding-eurvTN89°3T5T'EJ:079:63 feer; thence tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1940.08 feet and a central angle of 02 '52 '00", an arc length of 97.07 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N86' 45' 57" E 4.56 feet; thence tangent to the preceding courSe along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius ofl880.08 feet and a central angle of 01°32'55", an arc length of 50.81 feet; to the nOMwest corner of the parcel conveyed to the City of Renton under A.F. #8911030810, King County records; thence along the boundary of last said parcel SOg'35'56"W 42.70 feet and N79"13'48"E 52.00 feet to the west bank of the White River Drainage Ditch No.1; thence along said west bank the foHowing courses: SOO'34'Q4"W 138.18 feet, S27°08'OO"E 186.06 feet, S29"52'37"E 79.58 feet, S35'57'46"E 133.48 feet, S31 '23'5S"E 99.64 feet, S48°12'00"E 170.'74 feet, S60"12'45"E 105.81 feet, S80'4O'25"E 141.98 feet, S4O'52'33"E 144.78'feet, S34°4O'43"E 132.06 feet, S 18'10'45"£ 75.74 feet, and S24"54'27"E 64.27 feet to the South line of the N.E. 114 of the S.E. 1/4 of s~id Section 24; thence along last said South line N87'26'45" W 899.63 feet to the POl NT OF BEGINNING. Contams 47.38 Acres of land marc or less. The :Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. / JLW/FWC 11-07 -91 PARCEL!. LEG 3-2464-3806 . • • 2. Legal Description of Boeing Customer Service Training Center STRM.IDER AGREEMENT roJ003..{) 1 04/SB020450.0651 lOll 102 • • PARCEL G All that ceruin re4J property situate in the City of Remon, County of King, State of WashingtOn, b<ing "ponion of Govemment Lots 10 and II, and of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4, and of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 114, all in Section 25, Township 23N., Range 4E., W.M., and b<ing more panicularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said Government Lot 10, distant thereon SOl '02'56'W 255.38 feet from the intersection thereof with the South line of Henry Meader's Donation land Claim No. 46 thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along said East line of Govemment Lot 10, and the east line of said S.W. 114 of the N.E. 114 of Seaion 25, SOl '02'56"W 1112.01 feet to a line th:u is parallel with and 545.6 feet northerly of the East- West centerline of said Section 25 (measured along the East line of said S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4); thence along said parallel line N87'57'42'WI908,19 feet to a line that is parallel with and 60.00 feet East of the East line of the BurlingtOn Northern Railway right-of-way; thence along last said parallel line N02'06'48"E 554.48 feet; thence N04 'OS'49'W 550.24 feet to a point on said East line of said BurlingtOn Northern Railway right-of-way, distant thereon S02'06'48"W 289.12 feet from the intusution thereof with the South Line of said Donation Land Claim No. 40; thence SS8'16'55"E 1847.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contairu 40.06 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc., recorded in Book JO of Surveys :u page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. FlVC 11-27-91 PARCELG.LEG 3·2464-3806 • • PARCEL F All that lZna.in re.>I property situate in the City of Renton, County of King, Slate of Washington, being a ponion of Government Lots 10 & 11 in Section 25, Township 23N., Range 4E., W.M., and being more panicularly described as follOws: BEGINNING at the intersection of the South line of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46, with the East line of ~aid Government Lot 10; thenlZ from said POINT OF BEGINNING along said East line SOI'02'S6'W 255.38 feet; thence leaving said East line N88'16's5'W 1847.57 feet to a point on the EastHne of the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of way which is 289.12 feet Southerly, as measured along said right-of way line, from the intersection thereof with the South line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence along last said East line N02'06'48'E 289.12 feet to the South line of said Donation Land Claim; thenlZ along said South line S87'13'S7'E 1842.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 11.53 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broad acres , Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County r=rds. FWC 11-21-91 PARCELF.LEG 3·2404-3806 .., t:: • • PARCEL C All that ceruin real properry situate in the Cityof Renton, County of King, State of Washington, being that portion of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Section 25, T.23N., RAE., W .M., described as follows: BEGINNING a1 the intersection of the South line of said Donation Claim, and the East line of Government Lot 10 in the N.E. I~ of said Section 25; thence from said POI)-,'T OF BEGINNING along said South line N87'13'57"W 1842.90 feel to the East line of the Burlington Northern Railway; thence along last said East line N02·05'4S"E 129.69 feet and N02'07'43"E 251.58 feet to the South line of the Bow Lake Pipe Line.as conveyw by dee<! recorded under recording No. 4131067, King County records; thence along said South line S87'13'57"E 1377.63 feet; thence =gent 10 the prece<ling course along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 152.55 feet and a central angle of 20'01'15", an arc length of 53.30 feet; thence =gent to the preceding curve N72'44'4S'E427.04 feet to the northerly prolongation of the East line of Government Lot 10; li~ thence along said northerly prolongation sal '02'56'W 536.89 feet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNIl\G. Contains 16.87 Acres of land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. / LS. 27193 MA.L!FWC JI·07·91 PARCELC.LEG 3·2464·3806 • • PARCEL B All that certain real propeny situate in the City of Renton, County of King, S!3te of Washington, being a panion of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46 in Sections 24 and 25, Township 23 N., Range 4 E., W. M., and a panion of Government Lot 13 in said Section 24, and being more panicularly descri~ as follows: BEGINNING at the Nonhwest comer of said Government Lot 13; thence from said POIf'..'T OF BEGINNING along the Nonh line of said Government Lot 13 S87'26'4S'E 504.52 feet to the northerly prolongation of the East line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence along ~aid prolongalion and Easl line S02 '46'03'W 1336.8610 the Nonh line of the City of Seanle Bow Lake Pipeline right-of.way as conveyed by deed recorded under Rerording No.4 131 067, King County records; thence along said Nonh line from a WIgen! that bears S84'32'34'W, along the arc of a curve 10 the left having a radius of 935.00 feet and a central angle of 11°47'46', an arc length of 192.50 feel; thence tangent to the preceding curve Sn'44'48'W 288.62 feet; thence leaving said North line NOI'02'56'E 154.52 feet; thence NOO'S6'17'E 1326.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 15.51 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres Inc .. recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Rerording No. 7707289002, King County records. L.S.27193 MAUF\\'C 11-07·91 PARCELB.LEG 3·2464·3806 • • PARCEL A All thaI certain real properry siruale in the City of Renton, County of King, Stale of Washington, being a portion of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46 in Sections 24 and 25, Township 23N., Range 4E., W.M.~ and a portion of Government Lot 8 in said Section 24, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING al the intersectiOn of the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46, with the most Westerly line of Government Lot 13 in said Section 24; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING SOO'56'17'W 1257.95 feel; thence SOI'02'55'W 154.52 feet to the northerly line of the City of Seanle Bow Lake Pipeline righl-<lf·way as conveyed by deed recorded under Recording No. 4131067, King County records; thence along said northerly line S72 '44 '48'W 436.96 feel; thence tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve to the righl having a radius of 122.55 feel and a central angle of 20'01'15', an arc length of 42.82 fee!; thence tangent to the preceding curve N87'13'57"W 1377.97 feel to the Easl right-<lf·way line of the Bur!ington Northern Railway; thence along said East right-of·way line NOZ'07'43"E 1709.63 feet; thenc~ tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 2107.00 feet and a central angle of 14 '09'08", an arc length of 520.44 feet to the westerly line of the former Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company's Seanle Line; thence along said westerly line N02'07'43"E 221.30 feet to the southeasterly line of the parcel conveyed 10 the State of Washington by deed recorded under A.F.H 8412140016, King County records; thence along said southeasterly line N66'17'56"E 35.59 feet to a point on a line that.is parallel with the South line of said Section 24, and passes through the most southerly comer of the southernmost of twO concrele abuonenlS near the westerly extension of S. W. 16th Street; thence along said parallel line S87' 43 '33"E 67.88 feet to the easterly line of said former Pugel Sound Shore Railroad Company's Seanle Line; thence along said easterly line N02'07'43"E 11.96 feet to the southerly right·of-way line of 1-4D5; thence along said southerly right-of·way line 1'81 0 57'27"E 43.10 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve 10 the left having a radius of 603.14 feet and a central angle of 19'04 '30", an arc length of 200.80 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N62'52'57"E 90.32 feel; thenre leaving said southerly right·of·" .. ay line Soo'22'11"W 1022.22 feet to the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence along said North line S87'13'57"E 1462.38 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 72.83 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc., recorded in Book Waf Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. L. S. 27193 MALfFWC 11-07·91 PARCELA.LEG 3·2464·3806 ..." • • 1. Legal Description of Longacres Office Park STRANDER AGREEMENT [0300J-<l1 041SB0204 50.06 5 J 1011/02 • • • EXHIBITD Legal Descriptions of Boeing Properties in the City of Renton STRANDERAGREEMENT [03003'() 104ISB020450.065J 1. Longacres Office Park 2. Boeing Customer Service Training Center 3. Boeing Renton Plant 1011/02 if , ;;-, 1 \\-------1 ~ "'I ~ r'-----' ii ~ ~\'<Jo. r.QC ' s'<" ~~~ -~~ 0'<-~ I ul ..; 0; Technical Services Planning/Building/Public Works R. MocOme, D. Visneski 10 September 2002 " e ~ 0; ,; 1 / I 1 Bo.w Lake Pipeline ___________ -t-____________ _ ~ ------.----~.---------- I .~ II I I i .J._ ~------r 1 Tract F1 -----4.A +----if " ------i ____ ,j .-1-._._--". -I ----,-./ Exhibit C ./""'-.-J Strander Extension SW 27th Street o o SW 27m Street -StLL t 01'--' --- 400 800 _______ City Limits ___________ Proposed Lot Lines • • STRJ\NDER AGREEMENT [/SB020':) 50065) • EXlllBITC Map of Strander Extension • 10/2/02 • • EXHlBIT"B" BOEING PROPERTY (portions ofTax Lot No. 252304-9002 & 252304(9062) LEGAL DESCRlPTION: Tract F ofthe unrecorded BOEING LONGACRES PROPERTY BINDING SITE PLAN dated July 15, 2002 and approved by the City of Renton under Land Use Action number LUA-02-022-BSP and contained in Land Record ntunber LND-35-0010. All situate in Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, Williamette Meridian, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. H:\File SyslLND _ Land Subdivision & Surveying RecordslLND-OI -Legal Descriptionsl0048.doc 911012002 STRANDER AGREEMENT [ISB020450065] • EXHIBITB Legal Description of Strander Extension • J 0/2102 • • • PARCEL G All thai certain re.1l propeny situate in the City of Renton, County of King, St.ate of Washington, being a ponion of Government Lots 10 and II, and of the S. W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4, and of the S.E. 1/4 of the N.W. 114, all in Section 25, Township 23N., Range 4E., W.M., and being more panicularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said Government Lot 10, distant thereon SOI"02'56"W 255.38 feet from the intersection thereof with me South line of Henry Meader's Donation land Claim No. 4Q thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along said East line of Government Lot 10, and the east line of said S.W. 114 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section 25, SOI"02'56"W 1112.01 feet to a line thar is parallel with and 545.6 feet nonherly of the East· West centerline of said Section 25 (measured along the East line of said S.W. 114 of the N.E. 1/4); thence along said parallel line N87'S7'42'W 19O5.19 feet to a line that is parallel with and 60.00 feet East of the East line of the Burlington Nonhern Railway right-of-way; thence along last said parallel line N02'06'48'E 554.48 feet; thence N04'08'49'w 550.24 feet to a point on said East line of said Burlington Nonhern Railway right-of-way, distant thereon S02'06'4S'W 289.12 feet from the intersution thereof with the South Line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence S88'16'55'E 1847.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Conuiru 46.06 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc .. recorded in Book 10 of Surveys aI page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. FWC 11·27·91 PARCELGLEG ., 3·2464-3806 • • PARCEL F All Ihat certain real propeny sirua~ in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of Government Lots IO & II in Section 25, Township 23N., Range 4E., W.M., and being more panicularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of Ihe Soulh line of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46, wilh Ihe East line of said Government Lot 10; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING along said East line SOI'02'S6"W 255.38 feet; Ihence leaving said East line N88'16'55"W 1847.57 feet to a point on the East line of the BurlinglOn Norlhem Railroad right-of way which is 289.12 feet Soulherly, as measured along said right-of way line, from the in~rseaion Ihereof with Ihe Soulh line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; Ihence along las! said East line NOr06'48'E 289.12 feet to Ihe South line of said Donation Land Claim; thence along said Soulh line S87'13'S7"E 1&42.90 feet to Ihe POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 11.53 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for Ihis description is Ihe Record of Survey for Broadacres, Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. FWe 11-21-91 PARCELF.LEG 3-2464-3806 • • • PARCEL C All that certain real propeny situate in the City of Renton, County of King, Slate of Washington, being that portion of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Seaion 25, T.23N., RAE., W.M., described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the South line of said Donation Claim, and the East line of Government Lot 10 in the N.E. ,..\ of said Seaion 25; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING along said South line N87°13'57"W 1842.90 feet to the East line of the Burlington Northern Railway; thence along last said East line N02'06'48"E \29.69 feet and N02'07'43"E 251.58 feel to the South line of the Bow Lake Pipe Line as convey~ by d~ recorded under recording No. 4131067, King County records; thence along said South line 587'13'57"E 1377.63 feet; thence tangent to the pre~ing course along the arc of a curve to !be lef! having a radius of 152.55 feet and a central angle of 20·01'15", an arc length of 53.30 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N72'44'48"E 427.04 feel to the northerly prolongation of the East line of Government Lot 10; thence along said northerly prolongation SOl'02'56"W 536.89 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNIl'G. Contains 16.87 Acres of land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. / L.S. 27193 MAlJFWC 11-07·91 PARCELC.LEG 3-2464·3806 • • PARCEL B All that cenain real property siruate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46 in SeCtions 24 and 25, Township 23 N., Range 4 E., W. M., and a ponion of Government Lot 13 in said SeCtion 24, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest comer of said Governmenl Lol 13; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING along the North line of said Government Lot 13 S81'26'45"E 504.52 feet to the northerly prolongalion of the Easl line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence along said prolongalion and East line S02'46'03"W 1336.86 to the North line of the City of Seanle Bow Lake Pipeline right-of-way as conveyed by deed recorded under Recording No. 4131067, King Count)' records; thence along said North line from a tangent that bears S84'32'34"W, along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 935.00 feet and a central angle of 11 '47'46", an arc length of 192.50 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve S72'44'48"W 288.62 feet; thence leaving said North line NO! '02'56"E 154.52 feet; thence NOO'56'I7"E 1326.91 feeL to the roH,a OF BEGINNING. Contains 15.51 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. MALlFV>'C 11-07-91 PARCELB.LEG 3·2464-3806 1/-//-'11 .=,- • • PARCEL A All that certain real properT)' siruate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of Henry A. Meader's Donation Land Claim No. 46 in Sections 24 and 25, Township 23N., Range 4E., W.M., and B ponion of Government Lot 8 in said Section 24, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Nonh line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46, with the most Westerly line of Government Lot 13 in said Section 24; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING SOO'S6'17"W 1257.95 feet; thence SOI'02'S6'W 154.52 feet 10 the northerly line of the City of Seanle Bow Lake Pipeline right-of·way as conveyed by deed recorded under Recording No. 4131067, King County records; thence along said nonherly line S72'44'48"W 436.96 feet; thence tangent 10 the preceding course along the arc of a curve 10 the right having aradius of 122.55 feet and a central angle of 20'01'IS', an arc length of 42.82 feet; thence tangent 10 the preceding curve N87'13'57'W 1377.97 feet 10 the East right-of·way line of the Burlington Nonhem Railway; thence along said East right-of·way line N02"07'43"E 1709.63 feet; thence tangent 10 the preceding coune along the arc of a curve 10 the left having a radius of 2 I 07.00 feet and a central angle of 14.'09'08", an arc length of S20.44 feet to the westerly line of the fonner Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company's SeanJe Line; thence along said westerly line N02"07'43'E 221.30 feet to the southeasterly line of the parcel conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under A.F.II 8412140016, King County records; thence along said southeasterly line N66'17'S6'E 35.69 feet to a point on a line that is parallel with the South line of said Section 24, and passes through the most southerly comer of the southernmost.oftwo concrete abutments near the westerly extension of S.W. 161h Screet; thence along said parallel line S87'43'33'£ 67.88 feet 10 the easterly line of s.aid former Puget Sound Shore Railroad Company's Seattle Line; thence along said easterly line N02°07'43"E 11.96 feet to the southerly right-of·way line of 1-4D5; thence along said southerly right·of.way line 1"81 "57'27"E 43.10 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 603.14 feet and a central angle of 19.'04'30', an arc length of 200.80 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve N62'S2'S7'E 90.32 feet; thence leaving said soulherly right·of·way line SOO'22'll"W 1022.22 feet to the Nonh line of said Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence along said North line S87'13'57"E 1462.38 feet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING. Con12ins 72.83 Acres of Land more or less. The Basis of Bearings for this description is the Record of Survey for Broadacres. Inc., recorded in Book 10 of Surveys at page 2, under Recording No. 7707289002, King County records. MALlP,l.'C 11·07-91 PARCELA.LEG <.1dl'.4_ ,ROn " • STRANJ)ER AGREEMENT [03003-0104/8B020450.06;J • • EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Longacres Office Park 1011/02 ( RECEIPT EG00042801 • BILLING CONTACT Dave Williams Ryan Companies US, Inc. 3900 r; Camelback Rd , 100 Phoenix, AZ 850182653 . REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 15-000630 ~~ ~~ M ~~ CI ~-~>~ i ~~ ~~ -= ~= Q~' ~= ....J ..... g;: co In ! ->~ a~(TI1I =:o::.~ '" ::It.Oc~ a:::Cf.I:S1 ., In u..lJj....!:.C'J OU"')C5'=2" 8ii: I! :> St:; <-;.-i:j ,... ~~ ~> '" Printed On: August 24, 2015 Prepared By: Clark Close -----------Renton ® B NS;< ,..., Q';; .... ... = ""-~ M ~ ""ioi ~ In ""-Q ""-.. = ::~ .: ~ --::o~ ::: <J:~ ,.... ~ Qg;::; t::: a:~' ", ~ "'_. -.~ u~ .--,~., ~~r: "--:=: :: ...... ~:5:;:; ':-ii ._ ~:..:w·-~ .. ~ ~"""'"'E! r.n':::: -1~ ;~ a: =..;.. ~~~ ~~~~g~~ ; " ~ -\ ~ .:x ~. ~ -= " """'i: TRANSACTION TYPE ~ :3 ~ :@ 10555 Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Transaction "Date: August 24, 2015 PAYMENT METHOD TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $3,759.50 Page 1 of 1