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Report 3
(- " ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE SHORT PLAT REPORT & DECISION A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Name: Owner: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: July 9, 2009 Garcha Short Plat Javinder K. Garcha, 14446 59th Street South, Tukwila, WA 98168 Same as above Same as above LUA09-001, SHPL-A (King County File No. L07S0022) Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting approval of an Administrative Short Plat for the subdivision of a 0.40 acre site into two lots for the eventual development of an additional detached single family residence. The proposed project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed in the City of Renton. The proposed project is in the King County R-6 zone and has a density of 5 dwelling units per gross acre. Proposed Lot 1 would be 8,555 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet in size. The existing single family residence and garage would remain on proposed Lot 1. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. The project is Categorically Exempt from SEPA regulations. 18845 102nd Avenue SE 2,682 sf 0.40 ac (17,250 sf) Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: Project Location Map N/A N/A Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc • City of Renton Deportment of Comr GAR CHA SHORT PLAT 'ity & Economic Development Adr ·,trotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-.. {KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 2 of 14 I 8. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the project. Exhibit 2: Site Plan and Vicinity Map (dated December 10, 2008) Exhibit 3 Site Improvement Plan (dated December 19, 2007-superseded by Exhibit 2) Exhibit 4 Zoning Map 14 WY, Exhibit 5 Petition from residents on and around 18845 102°d Avenue SE (dated April 14, 2009) Exhibit 6 Letter from Cheryl & Edward Bigus (dated April 9, 2009) i C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: Javinder K. Garcha, 14446 59th Street South, Tukwila, WA 98168 14446 59th Street S Tukwila, WA 98168 2. Zoning Designation: Residential -6 Dwelling Units per Gross Acre (King County Zoning) 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Urban Residential (UR) 4-12 du/ac 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan 4. Existing Site Use: A single family residence and garage to remain. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: a. North: b. East: c. South: d. West: 6. Access: 7. Site Area: Single family residential (City R-4 zoning) Single family residences (City R-4 zoning) Single family residences (City R-4 zoning) Single family residences (City R-4 zoning) Via 102°d Avenue SE 17,250 sf (0.40 acre) I D. PUBLIC SERVICES: I. Utilities a. Water: Water supply for this two lot short plat would be provided by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Availability was issued by the District on March 16, 2007. b. Sewer: Sewage disposal for this two lot short plat would be provided by means of a public sewer system managed by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Availability was issued by the District on March 16, 2007. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A. doc City of Renton Deportment of Comn--fty & Economic Development Adrr · ,trotive Short Plot Report & Decision GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-. ,KING COUNTY FILE NO. l0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 3 of 14 c. Surface/Storm Water: The site has a gentle slope of 5 to 7 percent from east to west. The ground absorbs most of the rainfall and runoff sheet flows downhill to the west. A catch basin is located in the frontage and conveys any water from the roadway to the east side of the street and then south along the roadway. Future runoff from the site would continue with the same flow path. 2. Streets: The proposed project is adjacent to 102nd Avenue SE, an urban neighborhood collector street. This street varies in width from SE 192nd Street on the south to the proposed project site and beyond to the north. 102nd Avenue SE along the project frontage has a pavement width of 22 to 24 feet with 6-foot gravel shoulders on both sides of the street. Neighborhood collector streets have a design speed of 35 miles per hour and a stopping sight distance of 250 feet; this relatively flat street has stopping sight distances which exceed standards. Currently, there is a utility pole and one tree located approximately 6 feet west of the pavement; these obstacles would have to be relocated or removed to provide a 10-foot clear zone. 3. Fire Protection: King County has given preliminary Fire Engineering approval subject to the applicant obtaining approval for the adequacy of fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards. E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE KING COUNTY CODE: 1. King County Code, Title 19A: Land Segregation 2. King County Code, Title 21A: Zoning a. Section 21A.28, Adequacy of Public Facilities and Services (School Adequacy) b. Section 21A.16.050, Landscaping-street frontages c. Section 21A.38.230, Tree Retention 3. 2007 King County Road Design and Construction Standards {KCRDS) 4. 200S King County Surface Water Design Manual {KCSWDM) 5. King County Code 14.70, Transportation Concurrency Management F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan 2. Soos Creek Community Plan I G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: Urban Residential (UR) 4-12 du/ac I. Project Description/Background The applicant is requesting Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of 0.40 acres into two lots. Lot 1 would be 8,555 square feet and Lot 2 would be 8,705 square feet. The Administrative Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Comr GARCHA SHORT PLAT ity & Economic Development Adrr ··trative Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPh. ;KING COUNTY FILE NO. l0750022} Report of July 9, 2009 Page 4 of 14 existing house and garage on proposed Lot 1 would remain and Lot 2 is proposed for the future development of an additional single family residence. The project is vested to King County regulations and is being processed by the City of Renton. The applicant filed a King County Application for Land Use Permits/Short Plat Application for the proposed project on April 5, 2007. The proposed project is within the Benson/Cascade Community. The Benson/Cascade Community annexation was approved by the voters in November 2007 and the annexation to the City of Renton became effective on March 1, 2008. As specified in lnterlocal Agreement No. CAG-08-027, the City of Renton will process, using King County regulations, those projects vested in King County prior to the effective date ofthe Benson Hill/Cascade Community annexation. The proposed project is vested to King County Residential-6 zoning and would yield a gross density of 5 dwelling units per acre. The site has a gentle slope of 5 to 7 percent from east to west. Soils consist of Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (Ag(). Because ofthe site's topography only light to moderate earthwork is anticipated for the construction of an additional single family residence. Access to both lots would be from 102nd Avenue SE. A petition, signed by 13 residents of the surrounding neighborhood, in opposition to approving the proposed short plat was received on April 14, 2009. The following issues were identified in the petition: • Size of Proposed Lots. The petition states that most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed approximately 8,000 sf lots; • Tree Retention. The petition states that all trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102nd Avenue SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102'd Avenue SE; • Size of Yards. The petition states that neither lot would have a yard and existing homes have yard space; • Previous Subdivision. The petition states that the property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102nd Avenue SE; • Property Value. The petition states that subdividing the property in such fashion would bring already declining property values down further; • Drainage. The petition states that drainage problems exist due to past mistakes at the county level. The petition further states that cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors; • Traffic. The petition states that increasing density equals increases in traffic. 102nd Avenue SE is the only road into the neighborhood and it is narrow. The petition also states that problems exist with traffic and increased density would add to these problems. A letter, in opposition to approving the Garcha Short Plat, was received from Cheryl and Edward Bigus on April 14, 2009. The issues identified in this letter are tree removal, drainage, lot size, previous subdivision of the property and problems with previous tenants of the existing house on the subject site. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Comrr GAR CHA SHORT PLAT ·ty & Economic Development Adm· trotive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL·n , KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022) Report of July 9, 2009 Page 5 of 14 The issues identified in the petition and letter in opposition to approval of the proposed short plat which address the proposed lot size, size of yards and density are discussed in section G.5.b) (Compliance with Underlying Zoning) in this report. The issue which addresses existing trees and tree retention is discussed in section G.5.c) (Community Assets) of this report. The issues related to drainage and traffic are discussed in section G.S.e) (Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries) in this report. While issues related to property values and tenants are important, they are a matter of conjecture and are not addressed. 2. Environmental Review Except when located on lands covered by water or sensitive areas, short plats are exempt from SEPA Environmental Review pursuant to WAC 197-11-800(6)(a). 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions N/A 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 5. Consistency with Short Plat Criteria Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision-makers in the review of the plat: • a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Designation The site is designated UR 4-12 du/ac in the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with the goals and policies established with this designation. It is also consistent with the Soos Creek Community Plan. b} Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation The subject site is vested to King County R-6 zoning (Residential -6 dwelling units per gross acre). The petition and letter in opposition to the approval of the proposed short plat state that many of the properties in the immediate vicinity of the subject site are larger than the proposed lots. However, King County R-6 zoning allows the proposed lot sizes (8,555 sf and 8,705 sf). Density: The proposed subdivision meets the King County base density (6 dwelling units per gross acre) and minimum density (S dwelling units per gross acre). The density of the proposed project is 5 dwelling units per gross acre. The petition and letter in opposition to approval of the short plat state that the proposed project is not within a high-density neighborhood. King County R-6 zoning permits the lot sizes proposed. Lot Dimensions: The proposed project meets the minimum lot width (30 feet) and minimum lot area (none specified) requirements of King County R-6 zoning. The width of Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com GAR CHA SHORT PLAT ,ity & Economic Development Ad, 'strative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-.-, (KING COUNTY_FIL~ NO. L075002_2/ Report of July 9, 2009 Page 6 of 14 proposed Lot 1 would be 62.04 feet in width along its 102nd Avenue SE frontage and 52.04 feet in width at its rear property line by 150.03 feet in length. Proposed Lot 2 would be 58.04 feet in width by 150.03 feet in length. Setbacks: The minimum street setback in the R-6 zone is 10 feet. At least 20 linear feet of driveway must be provided between a garage, carport, or other fenced parking area and the street property line. Interior setbacks in the R-6 zone are five feet. Proposed Lot 1 would have side yard setbacks ranging from a minimum of 6.4 feet on the north to 13.1 feet on the south, a rear yard setback of 15.6 feet and a front yard of approximately 22 feet from the garage to the street property line. Proposed Lot 2 has adequate area to meet the minimum setback requirements. The petition and letter in opposition to the approval of the short plat state that the proposed lots would not have a yard. While the lot dimensions of the proposed lots may not be similar to surrounding properties, they are within the parameters of the setbacks for King County R-6 zoning. c) Community Assets Vegetation on the proposed project site consists of grasses, shrubs, and evergreen and deciduous trees. The trees on proposed Lot 2 consist of a 32-inch and a 34-inch cedar, an 8-inch, a 20-inch, and a 24-inch fir, an 8-inch and two 12-inch pine trees and a 12-inch and an 18-inch birch. The applicant's submitted environmental checklist states that all vegetation would be removed. However, King County Code specifies that in zones R-4 through R-48 trees shall be retained at a rate of 10 trees per acre or five percent of the trees, whichever is greater. As there are 10 existing trees, four trees are required to be retained on this 0.4 acre parcel. A detailed tree retention plan in compliance with King County Code 16.82.156 will be required as a condition of approval. Staff recommends that the 20-inch and 24-inch fir trees and the two 12-inch pine trees be retained as a minimum on proposed Lot 2. No additional on-site landscaping is proposed at this time. One street tree for every 40- feet of frontage is required as specified in King County Code 21A.16.050 and King County Road Standards 5.03. As specified in King County Code, street trees are owned and maintained by the abutting property owners. Street trees must be installed and inspected or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the short plat. The petition and letter in opposition to the Garcha Short Plat state that all trees would have to be removed to accommodate a planned 10-foot easement along the south property line of proposed Lot 2. The file does not indicate that a 10-foot easement is proposed. A County Boundary Line Adjustment was proposed by the applicant, but withdrawn. That Boundary Line Adjustment would have taken approximately 1,500 square feet from proposed Lot 2 and added it to the property to the south. d) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations The proposed two-lot short plat complies with the King County Subdivision regulations (King County Title 19A, Land Segregation) provided the conditions of approval are adhered to. The subject property was included as Lot 2 of King County Short Plat No. 287024 which was approved on August 14, 1987. The petition and letter in opposition to the Garcha Short Plat correctly state the property was part of a previous subdivision. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com GARCHA SHORT PLAT Report of July 9, 2009 •ity & Economic Development Adr ,trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-M (KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022/ Page 7 of 14 e} Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access: This short plat is adjacent to 102nd Avenue SE (an urban neighborhood collector street). This roadway varies in width and edge treatment from SE 192nd Street north to the proposed project site and beyond. The street north to SE 185th Street consists of curbs, 6 to 8-foot shoulders and areas of substandard shoulders. The existing roadway is in poor condition and most likely it will require some repair and overlay when the frontage improvements (shoulder) are constructed. The short plat frontage has a 22-24 foot wide roadway with a 6 foot gravel shoulder (both sides). The relatively flat straight road provides stopping sight distance that exceeds standards. Currently, there is a telephone pole and one tree approximately 6 feet back from the pavement. King County Code requires that these obstacles be relocated or removed to provide a 10 foot clear zone which is the total roadside border area available for use by errant vehicles. This clear zone area may consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, a non-recoverable slope, and/or a clear run-out area. It is anticipated that the eventual development of an additional single family residence on proposed Lot 2 would generate 9.57 average daily vehicle trips on City of Renton streets. The City's Transportation Mitigation Fee is based on $75.00 per average daily trip and is estimated to be $717.75. The petition and letter in opposition to the Garcha Short Plat contends that increased density equals increased traffic. The proposed short plat would create the potential for one additional residence in the neighborhood; single family residences have an average daily vehicle trip generation of 9.57 trips. The Transportation Mitigation Fee would help offset the cost of future road improvements. Topography: The site slopes gently from east to west approximately 5 to 7 percent. Based on the topography, light to moderate earthwork would eventually be required for construction of a new single family residence. Soils consist of Alderwood gravelly, sandy loam (AgC). Runoff is slow to medium and the hazard for erosion is moderate. This soil type has a moderate limitation for foundations due to a seasonally high water table. The petition and letter in opposition to the proposed short plat state that the removal of trees and an additional foundation will promote soil erosion and flooding. The Technical Information Report (TIR) for the Javinder K. Garcha 2-Lot Residential Short Plat, prepared by Bruce S. McVeigh, P.E. on June 26, 2007 states that existing surface runoff leaves the site to the north and west, and uncollected surface flows will continue to do so after development, although at a reduced rate. Additionally, runoff from all new impervious surfaces will be infiltrated on site using gravel trenches. The TIR also indicates that soil studies show infiltration is feasible for disposing of flows collected from all development impervious surfaces. The TIR indicates that infiltration of all or almost all of the new impervious surfaces would reduce the surface runoff leaving the site. Relationship to Existing Uses: The properties surrounding the subject site are developed as single family residential. The surrounding properties are zoned Residential -4 dwelling units per net acre (R-4) in the City of Renton. While the proposed Jots are smaller than surrounding properties the proposal would be compatible with the single family development pattern in the area. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Comrr GAR CHA SHORT PLAT ·+y & Economic Development Adm •-rative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-1; ,KING COUNTY FILE NO. L07S0022} , Report of July 9, 2009 Page 8 of 14 f) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: The City of Renton would provide fire and emergency services. The City's Fire Mitigation Fee is based on $488.00 for each new single lot. The fee for this short plat is estimated to be $488.00. Schools: The Renton School District has indicated that future students from this proposed project will be bused to Benson Hill Elementary, Nelsen Middle School, and Lindbergh High School. The bus stop location for elementary school and middle school students is at the intersection of 102nd Avenue SE and SE 190th Street. The bus stop location for high school students is located at the intersection of 104th Avenue SE and SE 190th Street. Walkway conditions to the bus stops include a series of paved and gravel shoulders and sidewalks. Parks: The nearest public park is Boulevard Lane Park located approximately 1.6 miles east of the subdivision. King County Code 21A.14 requires subdivisions of more than 4 units in the UR and R zone classifications to either provide on-site recreation space or pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. This subdivision is for 2 lots in the R-6 zone and is, therefore, exempt from providing on-site recreation space. Storm Water: The site has a slope of 5 to 7 percent from east to west. The ground absorbs most of the rainfall at this time and runoff flows in the form of sheet flow (to the west) downhill. A catch basin is located in the frontage and conveys any water from the roadway to the east side of the road and then conveys the runoff along the roadway. Future runoff from the site would continue with the same flow path. A Technical Information Report was submitted and accepted with calculations showing that the project is exempt from detention per the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. All other surface water improvements including, but not limited to conveyances, roof drains, yard drains, driveway crossings and frontage improvements are required to meet City of Renton standards. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk are triggered; an application for fee in-lieu may be considered. The petition and letter in opposition to the approval of the Garcha Short Plat contend that drainage problems in the vicinity would promote soil erosion and increased flooding. Adherence to the surface water improvements stated above should aid in the reduction of future surface water issues. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed project would be served by public water supply and a public sewer system by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. Certificates of Sewer Availability and Water Availability were issued by the District on March 16, 2007. i H. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1. Request: The applicant, Javinder K. Garcha, is requesting Administrative Short Plat approval for the subdivision of one parcel (total area of 17,250 square feet) into two lots for the future construction of a single-family residence on Lot 2 while'retaining the existing single-family residence and garage on Lo! 1 2. Application: The short plat application, short plat plan and other drawings are contained within the official land use file. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Comr GAR CHA SHORT PLAT Report of July 9, 2009 -ity & Economic Development Adrr ·~trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-~ (KING COUNTY FILE NO. L0750022/ Page 9 of 14 3. Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is designated UR 4-12 du/ac in the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and the Soos Creek Community Plan. 4. Zoning: The proposal is zoned R-6 in King County. 5. Subdivision Regulations: The proposal is subject to the King County Land Segregation regulations. 6. Existing Land Uses: Surrounding development and uses include: North -single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning); East -single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning); South -residential single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning); West -single family residences (City of Renton R-4 zoning). 7. Setbacks: The proposal is subject to the setback requirements of the King County R-6 zoning designation. 8. System Development Charges: Certificates of Sewer Availability and Water Availability were issued by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District on March 16, 2007. 9. Public Utilities: The Soos Creek Sewer and Water District provides water and sewer service. 10. Access: Access to both proposed Lots 1 and 2 would be provided via 102"d Avenue SE. /I 1. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the UR 4-12 du/ac designation of the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation. 2. The subject site is located in the King County R-6 zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with King County Code and conditions of approval. 3. The proposed two lot short plat complies with the subdivision regulations as established by King County Code and state law provided all conditions are complied with. 4. The proposed two lot short plat is required to comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards. 5. The proposed two Jot short plat is consistent with the single family residential development in the surrounding area. 6. Certificates of water and sewer availability were issued by the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District on March 16, 2007. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Comm, •y & Economic Development Admi ·,otive Short Plat Report & Decision GARCHA SHORT PLAT LUA09-001, SHPL-;, ,,;/NG COUNTY FILE NO. 10750022} • Report of July 9, 2009 Page 10 of 14 I~-DECISION: The Garcha Short Plat, File No. LUA09-001, SHPL-A (King County File No. L07S0022), is approved and is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with all Land Segregation provisions of King County Code (KCC) Title 19A including: a. The final short subdivision recording documents must be prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed in the State of Washington. These documents shall comply with all other conditions of approval. b. The final review process must be completed prior to the recording of the short subdivision or the sale of any lots contained within. c. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final short subdivision. d. Prior to final recording KCC 19A.08.160 requires: • Drainage best management practices (BMPs) facilities and erosion control measures are consistent with KCC 9.04.090; • Water mains and hydrants (if required) are installed and fire flow available; • Grading as necessary so that Jots are accessible by passenger vehicle; • Specific site improvements are completed that are required and conditioned prior to plat recording or required to remove any safety hazard. 2. The extent of conditioned improvements for this short plat qualify for small project drainage review as outlined in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) Section Prior to final plat submittal Best Management Practices (BMPs) are required for the new impervious surface (frontage improvements, driveways, and new houses) created by this project. Alternatively the applicant may submit the lot improvements for review with the building permit application with the following note shown on the face of the final recorded plat: "Permit applications for buildings or other improvements constructed on lots created by the subdivision must be reviewed by the City of Renton for compliance with Best Management Practices (BMPs) and other applicable drainage standards as specified in the 2005 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The permit applicant for each lot must prepare a drainage site plan with procedures for design and maintenance details, and record a declaration of covenant and grant of easement for implementation of the BMPs." 3. The applicant shall comply with Access Requirements of KCC Title 14 and the 1993 King County Roads Standards (KCRDS) Subdivision Requirements as follows: a. A six-foot wide paved shoulder shall be installed along the 102nd Avenue SE frontage. Alternatively, a standard neighborhood collector street section may be installed. Street widening shall conform to KCRDS standard 4.03.1. A minimum 1.5 inch overlay is required unless a waiver has been obtained. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Com GAR CHA SHORT PLAT 11ty & Economic Development Ad 'stralive Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-,< {KING COUNTY FILE NO. LO!S0022} • Report of July 9, 2009 Page 11 of 14 b. An existing power pole and trees located within the minimum clear zone for safety shall be relocated or removed prior to recording (KCRDS 5.11) unless otherwise approved. Field verification that this condition has been satisfied prior to final approval is required. 4. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of KCC Chapter 16.82, including KCC 16.82.156 concerning 'significant trees" on short subdivisions. A detailed tree retention plan, which complies with KCC 16.82.15682 and other applicable requirements, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Planning Division project manager for review and approval prior to final short plat approval. At a minimum the applicant shall retain the 20-inch and 24-inch fir trees and the two 12-inch pine trees indicated on the site plan (Exhibit 2). 5. The applicant shall obtain approval for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 6. All lots shall meet the density and dimension requirements of the R-6 zone classification. 7. The applicant shall provide street trees per King County Road Standards 5.03 and KCC 21A.16.050 as follows: a. Trees shall be planted at a rate of one tree for every 40 feet of frontage along all roads. Spacing may be modified to accommodate sight distance requirements for driveways and intersections. b. Trees shall be located within the street right-of-way and planted in accordance with Drawing No. 5-009 ofthe 1993 King County Road Standards; if it is determined that the required street trees should not be planted within the right-of-way, they shall be located no more than 20 feet from the street right-of-way line; c. The trees shall be owned and maintained by the owners of the abutting lots. Ownership and maintenance shall be noted on the face of the final recorded plat; d. The species of trees shall be approved by the City of Renton Planning Division project manager if located within the right-of-way, and shall not include poplar, cottonwood, soft maples, gum, any fruit-bearing tree or shrub whose roots are likely to obstruct sanitary or storm sewers, or that is not compatible with overhead utility lines; e. The applicant shall submit a street tree plan and bond quantity sheet for review and approval by the City of Renton Planning Division project manager; f. The applicant shall contact Metro Service Planning to determine if 102°d Avenue SE is on a bus route. If 102°d Avenue SE is a bus route, the street plan shall also be reviewed by Metro; g. The street trees must be installed and inspected, or a performance bond posted prior to recording of the plat. If a performance bond is posted, the street trees must be installed within one year of recording of the plat. At the time of inspection, if the trees are found to be installed per the approved plan, a maintenance bond must be submitted or the performance bond replaced with a maintenance bond, and held for one year. After one year, the maintenance bond may be released after the City of Renton Planning Division project manager has completed a second inspection and determined that the trees have been kept healthy and thriving. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-A.doc City of Renton Department of Com, oity & Economic Development GARCHA SHORT PLAT WA09-001, Report of July 9, 2009 Ad· -istrative Short Plat Report & Decision SHf' •. , (KING COUNTY FILE NO. L07S0022) Page 12 of 14 8. The applicant shall pay the City of Renton Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per each new average daily vehicle trip (estimated at $717.75) i:rrior to recording of the short plat. 9. The applicant shall pay the City of Renton Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per each new single family lot (estimated at $488.00) prior to recording of the short plat. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: C C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Planning Director Dote TRANSMITTED this 9th day of July, 2009 to the Contact/Applicant/Owner(s): Contact: Javinder K. Garcha 14446 59" Street 5 Tukwila, WA 98168 Applicant: Same as contact TRANSMITTED this 9th day of July, 2009 to the Party (ies) of Record: Bhupinder Singh Chandi Bruce MacVeigh 4413 5 146'" Street 14245 59'" Avenue S Tukwila, WA 98168 Tukwila, WA 98168 Harold Dolstad Robert Thomas 19010102'd Avenue SE 18833 102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Ivan & Allison Martz Steven Rusch 18819 102'd Avenue SE 18816 102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Stephen Flanagan Linda Church 18861102°d Avenue SE 18861102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Kerry Sikora Stephen & Heidi McNamee 10056 SE 19o'h Street 701 S 52'd Street Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98055 Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, · . SH PL-A.doc Owner(s): Same as contact Richard Valsvila 6041 Championship Circle Mukilteo, WA 98278 Edward & Cheryl Bigus 18839102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Steven Hunter 18810 102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 99055 Lester Lambert 18860 102'd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 Richard Krog 10127 188'h Street Renton, WA 98055 City of Renton Department of Cornn-, GAR CHA SHORT PLAT ·+y & Economic Development Adm t-rative Short Plot Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-;, 1KING COUNTY FILE NO. L07S0022} · Report of July 9, 2009 TRANSMITTED this 9th day of July, 2009 ta the following: Neil Watts, Development Services Director Lorry Meckling, Building Official Koyren Kittrick, Development Services Jan Conklin, Development Services Corrie Olson, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Planning Manager Renton Reporter Land Use Action Appeals, Request for Reconsideration, & Expiration Page 13 of 14 The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on July 23, 2009. An appeal of the decision(s) must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the $75.00 application fee to Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that a decision on a short plat be reopened by the Administrator (Decision-maker). The Administrator (Decision-maker) may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the Administrator (Decision-maker) finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal timeframe. EXPIRATION: The administrative short plat decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single one (1) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-7-070.M. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision . .The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc City of Renton Deportment of Comrr GARCHA SHORT PLAT ity & Economic Development Adrr ·-trative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SHPL-,. rKING COUNTY FILE NO. l07S0022) Report of July 9, 2009 appeal process for the land use actions. Planning Page 14 of 14 1. RMC Section 4-4-030C2 limits haul hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Department of Community & Economic Development. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other non-residential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Protection measures during construction for retained trees shall include: • Applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained; • Applicant shall erect and maintain a 6-foot high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees. Placards shall be placed every SO- feet indicating the words, "NO TRESPASSING-Protected Trees" or on each side of the fencing if less than SO-feet. Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four sides. The applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees; • If the grade level adjoining a tree to be retained is raised, the applicant shall construct a dry rock or rock well around the tree. The diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree's drip line; • Applicant may not install any impervious surface material within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained; • The grade level around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the area defined by the drip line of the tree or an area around the tree equal to 1 Y, -inches in diameter for each one inch of tree caliper, whichever is greater; • Applicant shall retain a professional arborist or other qualified professional to prune branches and roots, fertilize, and water as appropriate for any trees which are to be retained. Plan Review 1. A drainage report was submitted and accepted per Code with calculations showing the project is exempt from detention under 1990 King County Water Design Manual. All other surface water improvements including, but not limited to conveyances, roof drains, yard drains, driveway crossings and frontage improvements are required. 2. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are triggered. 3. Transportation mitigation fee is estimated to be $717.75. Property Services See attached comments. Administrative Short Plat Report & Decision LUA09-001, SH PL-A.doc I DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 24, 2009 Jerry Wasser ~ Bob Mac Onie I' Garcha Short Plat, LUA-09-001-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-09-001-SHPL and LND-20-0539, respectively, on the final short plat submittal. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Show City of Renton Survey Control Network monument numbers 1866 and 1868 in conjunction with the N'/, Corner and the EY, Corner monuments. Provide a direct tie to the subject property. Currently the tie is to a point 20 of the SE corner of the subject property. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties have been provided. Provide short plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unpiatted. Note all easements, covenants and agreements ofrecord on the drawing. The new address or addresses and possibily street names will be provided by the city as soon as possible. Note the addresses and the street names on the short plat submittal. On the final short plat submittal, remove ail references to trees, utilities facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary short plat approval. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20-Short Plat:s\0539\RV090424.doc. April 24, 2009 Page 2 The vicinity map is copyrighted material shown without copyright credit. This map is too heavily shaded to reproduce legibly and the use of other hatching obscures some of the dimensions and thus does not conform to WAC 332-130-050 ( 1) ( d) (ii). Provide an offset distance for the structure to the north of the north property line. Provide an approval block and signature line for the City of Renton, the City of Renton Administrator, Department of Public Works, is the only city official signatory of this short plat. The dedication block needs to be re titled "OWNER'S DECLARATION". Remove all references to density, zoning, building setbacks and comprehensive plan designations, if any, on the final submittal. Note that if there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements to others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) are to be referenced on the short plat drawing. Provide spaces for the recording numbers thereof. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this short plat will be provided at the next review. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plats\0539\RV090424.doc\msoffice z ~ 0 z I " < a " § i ~ 1; ' I II II EXHIBIT 2 i 0 ~ ~ i ~ ~ Ii i > I I I i 0 " i ;;; ~ 0 ; I~~ ~ I~! I " f ~ ! ~ I ~ i 1 • ~ 1 < •ii ~ ~ u i, .• •w 8 ;,;t-, -,<i:: c1~ i; i~~ l) wo ·t §3 ~ ~ 5~ -< o< 't ~ ~;i:-~~ ffs ~§ o< IE C ,1>-" ~ ;;3 " 0 :> ~ cl'. " :'; ,. C ,, 0 w " 5 •o . ~ fiF~ 0:1.Ji:: ~ i ~~lg~ ~ ~ 0 i • ~U;,--IJl ' C :g2>-" 0 ~ ~ffi', ~ " C 0~5 ~ • 0 ~ rOO z ' " ,!~~ < • ~ ~ 0 0 < < o>w 0 • ,,, C i " ~m~ ' " • • :,., "'"' : w !t~~ l 0 ~ " C " ~ ~ :;!~ ~ 0 ;z ~~~ ; • 0 r; ,. " 8 '< "'or: : le ~ !~ ~ ~~ : ~ 5...:~ " '~ ;:i ~ e 0 '" Ill~~ : ~ 0 8 '"' ','>:zz j;t:iS~ a: " ' 1.%= ... _..,., ........ ,....., EXHIBIT 3 mH<lmc,"" "'""l<""'ll "''-..:,~~~ ~.i::,~.~"!S eriJ -' l1 l! ' I 1, f/1 I ,1 • I !I I I S_; ~01.LOl~OS]C ©l '" ~~ j;J '.:' c>;i '" j rm: ' tl ,,t ~~~ 1110:;>; -! "' P$• .I ~·•-N :::~ -- WI '""'~"" 0 'I "" '"""']0 ~a,~ ;ON ~0( ~ 'ti co R-1 EXHIBIT 4 RM-F • ·t,er.;~ R-10 s sou,,s; .~-e ZONING R-1:4 R-14 PW TECHNICAL SERVlCES 07/15/08 ---Z9 T23N RSE W 1/2 RM-F CA R-14 CA R-1'0 . ; R-1 > e R4 J4 -05 T22N RSE W 1/2 0 200 400 J,-,W !Feel 1:4,800 CA CA CA R-8' SE 1&0ln St SE 175th SI 5E 1,;:,r,-1< R-6 . • "" • e R-a SE !61s1St .... '--------.:. \ • "SE !9C!h R-6 R-14 N 14 32 T23N RSE W 1/2 5332 We as residents on and arounc d~15 102°d Ave. SE oppose the s1 these criteria: 1. Most properties in this area are much larger than the propo EXHIBIT 5 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102nd Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102'd Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. Tfiis property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102°ct Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density= increases in traffic. 102°d Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. Name(Print): t])Wf'><'\t-1> J:)l&v::5 Address: \ 'o 'el'.) "J l O L. !£1. t\0~ )\;: Name(Print): tllt . ..r'J~YI /11 cJ7 Ada<ess If; fl1 I ~'2 ' 1 /M ii, Name(Print): JIits .1) lJ; 'lddress: /f(6Jf/ /(52Y'A bt. ,S[i'_ ~ame(Print): SievcVJ f)__wsc!n Signature: ~~ \ddress:~I f=f~/ C,,___~/ o~· -~ M_oC_ft-J-4'16~E'-~S =£-4--( _._&~Pvr"-"-'-'-fr2~n-'--!i'-l,v~ft-~------c.=__,_2---=-s'-----~-- Jame( Print): 57cve')J Hl/,.J'1'c:7\... Signature: ~ J, fl:i; ,ddress: __ l~f3~8_JU~/_D~Z, ri_d~m->-=<· -=S~.€~ .. _1C&J~~711,~'v-J~-w~11~_'1~8:_0_S_'.) ______ _ 'ame(Print): S1Ej>/f£'II/'. .µ_.4/(4f14!y' Signature: ~"C..>... A ~M~_ ddress: (';{}{61 !Oc) lkte f;:£...,kf..l.lfo«'t &.}4.q,yt?y-S:--63/J., . ' We as residents on and arour 8845 102'' Ave. SE oppose the subci _-sion of the property based on these criteria: 1. Most properties in this area are much larger than the proposed <8000 sq. ft. lots. 2. All trees would have to be removed to provide for the planned easement to 18855 102nd Ave SE, and planned second residence at 18845 102nd Ave SE. 3. Neither residence would have a yard; we live in an area where everyone has space. 4. This isn't a high-density neighborhood/subdivision. 5. This property has already been subdivided; the other half of the property is at 18839 102°d Ave SE. 6. Subdividing this property in such a fashion would bring our already declining property values down further. 7. We already have drainage problems due to past mistakes at the county level. Cutting down trees and adding more foundations will promote soil erosion and more flooding to the immediate neighbors. 8. Increasing density = increases in traffic. 102°d Ave SE is the only road into our neighborhood and it is narrow. We already have problems with traffic and don't wish to add to it. ,amc(C,,oq~CC:,c/9'::2 Ji:,1,c,4 ~c""""w ~u\/)ty ] ~L Address: ~~ /()()_j\fcf},<;(___~~ e1q_iCYJ1 7(__/~ · Name( Print): _____l_J2__~s~L~C~L~-~L~a~rlf~b~'t I '-1 _Sig nature:~~ '1v11_6?£= Address: __ f~!I~!l.,__..,_it~J_-~f~D->~s--r ~~----- ? Name(Print): t<~,-:S;kf._ '%&c-. S,Soa<cce5:i~~? ' Address \OO)l, S~,\ '10+h 2+ ~~~ A 4/S'OTr Name( Print) :_.,.&~,1~--t:_J:._Y __ ;vl __ --;-;._/.-1_-v_,vi_Ac_s_· ____ S ig nature: __ /-,<a~i,j;,~ ,_;:/~ r Address : __ l_o'_5'._:J._'.5_,, __ J,_o_;2_Av,_'t:~-_s_--'-'.£-,~----"~---=~,..;--','-"-<.J__,, __ w._'4_. _ _,,_,1--"cl':_o_62_:5""'_ Name(Print): 4Ted{tN M C NA ;t1 r;y Address: -pi-: · -70 I 5 !(7-., k rr Signature _ {ly_tt, /1z,, /~ (C[1{jO;v q f Js-r Name(Print): HE /J) J m ttJft~m-E~'f::........,~ ___ Signature: MLCL . m~ttrn., (___ Address: 1D/ S, ,5;;;,ry} &/-Ke.nfon 1 IA.fl q[Io5:5 Name(Print): ______ _ Address: April 9, 2009 • , , !;heryl & Edward Bigus 18839 102"' Ave. SE Renton, WA. 98055 425-277-9359 Mr. Gerald Wasser Associate Planner Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 5. Grady Way Renton, WA. 98055 EXHIBIT 6 Re: Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001. SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022) Dear Mr. Wasser, We are writing in response to the petition to subdivide the property located at 18845 102"d Ave SE, Renton. At this time, we wish to be a party of record for the Garcha Short Plat/LUA09-001, SHPL-A (KC File #L07S0022) We are opposed to the subdivision of the property at 18845 102"d Ave SE. Following are the reasons we oppose this subdivision as well as a little history. The property would be divided down th.e middle from East to West, AFTER a ten-foot easement along the length of the south side property line is granted to the property at 18855 102"d Ave SE that is behind 18845 and 18839 102"" Ave SE. The reason why Mr. Garcha is granting the ten-foot easement is that he and his paitner (the owner of record for the property at 18845 102"d Ave SE) are planning on subdividing and building houses on the property. This can't be done without widening the driveway, which is the reason he bought this property in the first place. There were grand plans for the property at 18855 102"' Ave. SE. First it was going to be six houses, then five houses, then they were thinking of apartments, and now have settled on three houses, even though the land is not suited for three houses due to a very large gully in the middle of the property, nor is it in keeping with the open space of our neighborhood. We oppose this subdivision at 18845 102"' Ave SE because if Mr. Garcha were allowed to grant the easement as well as build the second residence on the property, this would entail stripping the entire property of all the existing trees. We know this to be, because it is what his partner has recently done to the property behind us at 18855 102"d Ave. SE. Ninety percent of the trees on that property have been removed, which I am sure you are aware of since you are with the Community Development Department. I am sure we don't have to go into the benefits of trees in a neighborhood and community especially in regard to property values, environmental impact, soil erosion, and flooding. Also, if the property is subdivided, and another concrete slab is installed where is the rainwater to go, We have serious drainage problems already in our neighborhood due to the county allowing a residence just around the corner to be built on a former wetland site that was filled in for development (10318 SE 190'h St., built in 2000). This has been detrimental to our entire neighborhood with basements regularly flooding when it rains and large areas of standing water in everyone's yards. We feel that adding higher density housing in our area will impact all of us negatively. The next reason we oppose this subdivision is the plan to make lots around 8000 sq. ft. does not fit in with the surrounding neighborhood at all. Not to mention if the ten-foot easement is granted, the subdivided portion of the land will be very narrow and long, and less than 8000 sq. ft. per lot. This allows absolutely no space for a yard due to the shape of the lots. This may not be a problem in a planned community, but on our street there isn't a sidewalk easement, and our road is very narrow, which all contribute to the lack of open space for people. 'if you review the site map of our immediate area, you will see there are much larger properties surrounding this proposed subdivision and we feel it would be detrimental to the value of our properties. We should not have to shoulder the burden of our property values falling further because someone with development aspirations plans on carving up our neighborhood for their quick profit. The smallest lot by far in our general neighborhood of 102'd Ave SE is ours right next door at 18839 102'' Ave SE at 11,250 sq. ft., which coincidentally used to be the back yard of this proposed subdivision at 18845 10z0 d Ave SE. The property has already been subdivided once, and that is enough. Since we reside in a residence that sits where the "backyard" of the proposed subdivision was, Mr. Garcha is proposing tearing up the remaining front yard to build a residence. Two lots of barely 8000 sq. ft. along with the long narrow configuration of the current residence and the planned ten-foot easement leave little room for a residence, let alone any yard. This does not meet with the general make up of our neighborhood. We have been dealing with Mr. Garcha indirectly for three years. Indirectly because since he acquired the property from the previous residents (the Dunbars), he has placed five different tenants, including pot smoking rowdy 20-something partiers, folks who used it as a car lot, most recently an airport limousine staging area, and it has been constantly used as a dumping ground for trash and other household items from whatever tenants lived there. This in turn attracted vermin and other wild creatures from the four corners of the neighborhood. He has recently (in the past two weeks) started to clean up the property with multiple truckloads of debris removal, and landscape maintenance. This only occurred after I sent his partner a strong email stating they were going to have to do something about the property or I was going to file a complaint with the City of Renton. We have been visited by the Sheriff's department more times than we can count over the brawling brothers that were part of a family of at least ten living there. Then we had the pleasure of an FBI raid while an Indian man, his wife and young son lived in the residence. It turned out he embezzled $SOOK from Mr. Garcha. Our point in stating some of this history is that Mr. Garcha and his partner in the property at 18855 102"' Ave. SE have nothing invested in our neighborhood or our community except exploiting the two properties for a quick buck and then moving on without a care as to the impact of all the residents in the area. This all detracts from the neighborhood that we live in and contribute to. Mr. Garcha came upon the property in a less than ethical way when he offered to buy it in 2006 from the Dunbar family; they refused, so he had one of his friends make the offer, which was later accepted. At that point the property changed hands three times until Mr. Garcha finally acquired it in June 2006. The Dunbar's ·refused his offer because they knew he wanted to divide the land and grant an easement for his development aspirations for the property at 18855 102'd Ave SE which he had acquired earlier. He or his partner had previous asked the Dunbars for the easement; they refused to preserve their property and the neighborhood from high density development. We wish to preserve our neighborhood and our quality of life. We all live in this area for the open space, good neighbors, and great neighborhood. Although this area of Renton is zoned R-6, it doesn't mean that we have to allow that kind of density in an already established neighborhood. It sets a bad precedent to wanna-be developers that they can buy a property in Renton city limits, go in dig up the back yard and put up another house with no thought as to the long-term effects to the neighborhood. As stated before, our property ( 18839) is the former backyard of the proposed subdivision at 18845 102'd Ave SE. So now are we going to allow the only remaining space to be occupied by another residence? Mr. Garcha's high- density development plans would be to the detriment of our neighborhood. We all chose this area for the open space, lack of sidewalks and the feeling that we aren't living in a high-density subdivision. His plans for a quick buck would be at our neighborhood's expense. We have discussed this proposed subdivision with quite a few neighbors and no one in this neighborhood is in support of this subdivision. Best Regards, ~ Cheryl Bigus Edward Bigus Web dale· 09/28/2005 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services Land Use Services Division PRE-APPLICATION MEETING - LAND USE: FEES, SCHEDULING INFORMATION AND REQUEST FORM 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Fees: King County Code 27.06.010 authorizes the Department of Development and Environmental Services (ODES) to charge an hourly fee ($144.90 per hour as of January 1, 2004) for pre-application reviews. This includes an hourly fee for each staff member involved in pre-application research, pre- application meetings, and any post-meeting follow-up work. (See below for a description of the different types of land use pre-application meetings that may be requested.) An advance deposit of $392.44 will be required to schedule a pre-application meeting. To schedule a land use pre-application meeting, an applicant must: 1. Complete the Land Use Pre-Application Meeting Request Form on page 3 that identifies: a) Applicant's name, address and telephone number b) Project description and type of permit(s) requested c) Address of project and parcel number(s) d) Type of pre-application meeting requested (see below) e) Issues for discussion at the meeting f) Number of people attending from the applicant's team. 2. Provide a site plan and as much other information as possible, such as a completed environmental checklist, technical reports and any other related project documents that may assist ODES staff in reviewing the proposal. A meeting agenda is optional. Submit enough copies for each DOES staff person requested to attend the meeting. In most cases, at least three (3) copies of each document should be sufficient; except for preliminary plat proposals, submit at least five (5) copies. These materials must be submitted at the time the pre-application meeting request to DOES is made. 3. Submit the required deposit. Make all checks payable to King County Office of Finance. Pre-application meeting requests may be filed in-person or mailed, provided they include all the required submittal materials and a check for the advance deposit, to: Department of Development and Environmental Services ATTN: Permit Center 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, WA 98055-1219 Pre-application meetings will be scheduled as soon as possible following the date of the request, usually within 30 days from the date received. The applicant will be contacted via telephone regarding a date and time for the meeting. ODES will also send out written confirmation of the meeting schedule. landUsePreapMeelingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq~preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page1of4 Types of land use pre-application meetings Mandatory: A required meeting that is held prior to filing any Type 2 land use permit (e.g., conditional use permit, zoning or SAO variance, shoreline permit, or short plat); Type 3 land use permit (e.g., preliminary plat or plat alteration); or Type 4 land use permit (e.g., rezone, special use permit). The primary purpose of the mandatory pre-application meeting is for DOES staff to discuss the application process timeline, submittal requirements needed to file a complete application, and permit application fees. Land use feasibility: Also known as a "voluntary" pre-application meeting. This type of meeting is held at the applicant's request to assist in preparing an application. This may be very preliminary in nature and is not intended to fulfill the required pre-application meeting for permit submittal. A land use feasibility meeting may also be requested by an applicant who desires a more thorough and in- depth review of the proposed project. An applicant may request DOES to waive the required mandatory pre-application meeting if a land use feasibility meeting has already been held. Note to applicants for minor telecommunication facilities: When a community meeting is required to be held prior to application submittal, DOES is requiring applicants to request a land use feasibility meeting as described above. Such request should be submitted to DOES at least four weeks prior to the tentatively scheduled date of the community meeting. After the request is received, a DOES planner will confirm the date of the community meeting with the applicant. A DOES planner will attend the community meeting, and, in most cases, will conduct the land use feasibility pre-application meeting with the applicant at the conclusion of the community meeting. Consolidated: A pre-application meeting requested by the applicant to consolidate and combine land use permit review and building permit review into one meeting. If an applicant requests consolidated processing, it is important to identify all aspects of the proposal to be covered at the pre- application meeting. This is particularly important when there are multiple parts to a project so that ODES staff can understand the scope of the project and what changes may affect other reviews. Additional information regarding pre-application meetings can be obtained by contacting DOES at 206-296-6600. LandUsePreapMeelingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page 2 of 4 • ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217 • Land Use Pre-application Meeting Request Form To be completed by DOES Staff Pre-application No. Ao1f1"()3 J Date Received (Stamp) D I am interested in receiving FREE information and design assistance regarding compliance with Green Building and/or Low Impact Development. King County will contact the applicant. Please rint Project Description Tw O Le,+ g~,,J f I c.\ ~ , Please indicate if pre-application is: D Land Use Feasibility 0Mandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: I Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision/ CUP/ Variances/ Reasonable Use/ PAUE Site Issues: Zoning /Setbacks/ Density / Subdivision Design / Landscaping Site Issues: Traffic/ Road Access/ Road Improvement I Road Variances/ Parking Layout @ Site Issues: Drainage / Site Development I SWDM Variances & Adjustments D Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit I Permitted Uses/ Shoreline Setbacks D SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist/ Off-Site Improvements I Mitigation D Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers/ Building Setbacks / Flood Plains/ Mitigation D Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope I Landslide/ Seismic/ Coal Mine/ Erosion D Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development I Clearing Restrictions / Site Restoration D Building Issues: Building I Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards D Fire Issues: UFC / Fireflow /Access/ Sprinklers/ Alarms/ Hazardous Materials D Health Issues: Sewer I Septic/ Water/ Groundwater/Noise Impacts D Other (Specify): LandUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page3of4 Revised for Web: 08/12/200~ Please indicate the numbers and types of representatives that will be at the pre-application meeting , l~"l from your design team: \ 'J \ r 'MIi 'MIi Not 'MIi 'MIi Not 'MIi 'MIi Not t I o•Y Attend Attend Attend Attend Attend Attend l D [2tApplicant D D Geotechnical Consultant D D Structural Engineer D D Architect D D Landscape Architect D D Wetlands Consultant D D Civil Engineer D D Legal Consultant D [a'Others: Rul' I No~ f-.SI t,..fG !-/ J:a' D Developer D 0f'roperty Owner 131-1 ti f' I N !><':-~ Sh "1 C 4 Total Number Attending I certify that I am the applicant for this pre-application meeting request and I understand that DDES will assess hourly review fees for each DDES staff member involved in pre-application research, meetings and post-meeting follow-up work, and that I assume financial responsibility for all fees associated with this request. Applicant's signature Note: An advance deposit of $392.44 is required to schedule a pre-application meeting. Make checks payable to King County Office of Finance. If you have any questions about your pre-application meeting, please contact DDES at 206-296-6600. Check out the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes LandUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq~preap.pdf 0912812005 Page 4 of 4 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Land Use Pre-application Meeting Request Form To be completed by DOES Staff Pre-application No, Ao1e,.,()3 J - Date Received (Stamp) LJ I am interested in receiving FREE information and design assistance regarding compliance with Green Building and/or Low Impact Development King County will contact the applicant Please rint A licant Name .::TAlflNDEcR.. [.Z. Phone Fax E-mail Project Description Tw 0 Please indicate if pre-application is: D Land Use Feasibility C>il'Mandatory D Consolidated Check the box(es) regarding issues you wish to discuss: Date o 1 I Land Use Permit Issues: Subdivision/ CUP/ Variances/ Reasonable Use/ PAUE Site Issues: Zoning I Setbacks I Density I Subdivision Design/ Landscaping Site Issues: Traffic I Road Access/ Road Improvement I Road Variances I Parking Layout @ Site Issues: Drainage I Site Development/ SWDM Variances & Adjustments 0 Shoreline Issues: Substantial Development Permit/ Permitted Uses/ Shoreline Setbacks 0 SEPA Issues: SEPA Checklist I Off-Site Improvements/ Mitigation 0 Wetland/Stream Issues: Buffers I Building Setbacks/ Flood Plains I Mitigation 0 Geotechnical Issues: Steep Slope I Landslide/ Seismic I Coal Mine I Erosion 0 Clearing/Grading Issues: Site Development I Clearing Restrictions/ Site Restoration 0 Building Issues: Building I Mechanical: HVAC/Energy/ Barrier-Free Standards 0 Fire Issues: UFC I Fireflow / Access I Sprinklers/ Alarms/ Hazardous Materials 0 Health Issues: Sewer I Septic I Water I Groundwater/Noise Impacts 0 Other (Specify): LandUsePreapMeetingslnfoAndReqFORM.doc lc-infreq-preap.pdf 09/28/2005 Page 3 of4 ® King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES) 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest • Renton, Washington 98055-1219 • 206-296-6600 • TTY 206-296-7217 Short Subdivisions • FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS • Visit the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes for more information King County ODES has created customer information bulletins to inform the general public about the effect of codes and regulations on their projects. These bulletins are not intended to be complete statements of all laws and rules and should not be used as substitutes for them. If conflicts and questions arise, current codes and regulations are final authority. Because the codes and regulations may be revised or amended at any time, consult King County staff to be sure you understand all requirements before beginning work. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the project meets all requirements of applicable codes and regulations. For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. This bulletin explains the requirements and the process for subdividing property in unincorporated King County and answers questions regarding problems that customers may encounter. It is not intended to replace legal, engineering, or other professional services, but should help applicants decide when such expert assistance is needed. Call the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DOES) Land Use Services Division (LUSD) at 206-296-6600 if questions are not answered by the information in this bulletin. What is a Short Subdivision? When property owners want to sell, trade, or give away a portion of property to someone other than an owner of an abutting property, it must first be subdivided. (Land may be transferred to an abutting property owner through a process known as "Boundary Line Adjustment"). A short subdivision, often called a "Short Plat", is a division of property into four or fewer lots outside the Urban Growth Area and nine or fewer lots in the Urban Growth Area. Here is an example to help illustrate a short subdivision: If property owners want to sell half of an existing lot, it must first subdivided into two "Legal Lots", one that the applicant will want to keep, and one lot to sell. Everyone who shares ownership or who has an interest in the property (e.g., spouse, partner, mortgage company, real estate contract holder, etc.) must agree to sign on the face of the final short subdivision document. For information regarding the laws governing subdivisions, see Chapter 58.17 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and Title 19A and 21A of the King County Code (KCC). Why Are Short Subdivisions Necessary? State and County Laws require short subdivisions for the following reasons: To ensure that the new lots meet minimum zoning requirements for building; To protect the interests of the seller, buyers, builders, and neighbors; To prevent or mitigate drainage problems, access and traffic safety problems, and public health hazards; To plan wisely for community growth and neighborhood traffic circulation; and To maintain accurate public records of land divisions. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 1 of 10 Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25 When is It Unnecessary To Short Subdivide? Chapter 19A.08.040 of the King County Code (KCC) provides the following exemptions when a short subdivision is not required: When buying or selling cemeteries and other burial plots; When creating new lots or tracts that are each 40 acres or larger, provided King County zoning requirements allow for 40-acre parcels; When selling or deeding five acres or more to a public agency; When executing a will that legally divides property; When dividing land into lots or tracts under a recorded residential condominium binding site plan; When dividing land by adjusting boundary lines, as long as the division does not create any new lot or reduce an existing lot to an area insufficient for a building; When a division is for the purpose of leasing mobile home space in lots with an approved mobile home park site plan; When dividing land by binding site plan into lots or tracts classified for industrial or commercial use; and When a public road or freeway is planned and constructed that divides property. Note: A boundary-line adjustment requires review and approval by King County DDES. Also see DDES Public Rules Chapter 19-08, Adjusting Boundary Lines, available via the DDES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes. In all cases where property owners may be considering one of the exemptions listed above consultation with DDES staff before proceeding is recommended. Parcels that fail to meet King County zoning, health, or access requirements will not be granted a building permit. How Many Lots Can Be Created? To meet short subdivision requirements, a proposed property must be considered to be a Legal Lot, as defined in Chapters 19A.04.210 and 19A.08.070 of the King County Code (KCC). Property owners may short subdivide a Legal Lot into a maximum of four lots outside the Urban Growth Area and nine lots in the Urban Growth Area. The number of lots created depends on how much land a customer owns and the zoning requirements that apply to the proposed property. If an applicant has an ownership interest in two or more contiguous lots, however, eight lots may be created outside the Urban Growth Area. After the recording of a short plat, a property owner must wait five years before short platting again. However, a property owner may further subdivide a short plat lot within the five-year time frame via the formal plat process. A short subdivision may include any number of tracts (land reserved for special uses such as open space, surface water retention/detention utilities, or access). Tracts are not counted as lots, and they cannot be used as residential building lots. An owner of an existing non-building lot (as designated through an approved short subdivision or subdivision) may have it recognized by King County as a Legal Lot and a legal building site through short subdivision or short subdivision alteration. What Are the Costs? Applicable fees for short subdivisions vary significantly and depend on many factors. The fees are subject to change by the King County Council. Refer to the current list of fees, available at DOES, for specific amounts. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 2 of 10 Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25 What Are the Costs? (continued) Some or all of King County fees that are listed below must be paid, depending on the specific situation. All fees, prior to the inspection process, are typically paid at the time of application. Health Department Review Fees; Preliminary Application Fee; Fire Marshal Review Fee; State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Fee; Critical Areas Review Fee; Variance Review Fee; Engineering Review Fees; Inspection Fees; Right-of-Way Restoration Financial Guarantee; Final Short Plat Review Fee; and Division of Records and Elections Recording Fee. Additional costs and other expenses, depending on the particular situation, could include the following: A consulting fee for preparing applications. Certificates of Water and Sewer of Availability (vary by District); Costs associated with determining the site's suitability for on-site sewage disposal (septic tanks and drainfields); Special studies, such as a soil report, wetland study, or traffic analysis; A Short Plat Title Report; Engineering costs for surface water drainage plans and road plans and profiles; Costs of constructing and installing roads and drainage systems, water supply, sewer lines, and other required utilities; Performance and maintenance bonds; and Fees for preparation of the final short plat by land surveyor. What Procedures Must Be Followed? Although obtaining approval of a short subdivision could be a two-step process (Preliminary Approval and Final Review), most short subdivisions require six steps, which include the following: Preapplication Meeting; Preliminary Application and Preliminary Approval; Engineering Plan Review; Construction; Final Review (Recording); and Maintenance/Defect Warranty. Before beginning the process of short subdividing a proposed property, review the following information to thoroughly understand the procedures and steps involved. Many applicants find that hiring a consultant with expertise in the short subdivision process is the best approach to handling their applications. STEP ONE: Mandatory Preapplication Meeting If applicants decide to proceed with a proposal, a preapplication meeting must be scheduled with a Planner and Engineer. There is a fee for this meeting. At this meeting, applicants will receive a Short Subdivision Application Form and instructions, and there will be an opportunity to discuss a potential application. Most importantly, customers will be given a fee estimate for the application step of the project (through preliminary approval). Customers also will be informed about zoning requirements, whether a proposal will be affected by SEPA, if a proposed property is within a mapped critical area, and whether there are general health, Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 3 of 10 s·hort Subdivisions Bulletin 25 access, drainage, and utility requirements. For additional information on zoning requirements, refer to Bulletin 17A, Zoning Code. For SEPA requirements, refer to Bulletin 26, The SEPA Process. During the preapplication meeting, issues involving difficult site constraints, access or drainage requirements, and/or critical areas may also be discussed. Depending on the results of this meeting, customers may determine whether to continue with a formal application, which typically involves a substantial financial investment. STEP TWO: Application and Preliminary Approval Every short subdivision of property begins with an application that includes the following: A completed Short Subdivision Application Form A map/site plan prepared per King County Code 19A08. 150(B) Verification of preapplication approval of proposed sewage disposal by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health (if on septic system) and Water and Sewer Certificates, if applicable A current King County Fire Marshal application A receipt filled out by the Fire District Copies of any easements, deed restrictions, or other encumbrances that may restrict use of the property • Documentation of lot creation and the date and method of segregation. (See Bulletin 2, Legal Lot.) A Certificate of Transportation Concurrency A completed Environmental Checklist, if required. (See Bulletin 26, The SEPA Process.) A Level 1 Drainage Analysis A copy of completed applications for other permits that are to be processed with the short subdivision, or copies of related issued permits, if applicable. See King County Codes 19A.08.150 and 20.20.040 for complete application requirements. Vesting Once LUSD determines that an applicant has submitted a complete application, a proposed project is vested. For short subdivisions that are subject to environmental review under SEPA, the project is vested to the ordinances in effect at the time of the threshold determination. [See Chapter 197-11-660 of the Washington State Building Code (WAC)] Applications containing material errors will be withdrawn and any resubmittals will be treated as new applications. Material error refers to an error in fact or an omission of substantive information that would affect the outcome of the approval. Note: If customers initiate any substantial changes in an original application or request any revisions that are not made in response to King County ODES staff review or public appeal, these changes will be treated as new applications for the purposes of vesting. Examples of such changes include creating new lots, eliminating open space, or modifying short plat conditions. Public Notice Once customers have submitted an application, a notice must be posted describing the proposed land use action on or next to the property. Notices are mailed to neighbors and to appropriate jurisdictions and may also be mailed to other interested parties, as well as local and community newspapers. King County DOES will send applicants instructions regarding notice/posting responsibilities. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page4of10 Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25 Review A Planner and an Engineer will review an application for a short subdivision to ensure that it meets King County requirements. Review times will vary depending on the complexity of the application. The review process includes a visit to the site. As a result of the site visit and SEPA review (if one is required), customers may have to submit additional information or revise a proposal. SEPA review is required for the following short subdivisions: Resubdivision of a recorded short plat (second generation short subdivisions); Contiguous short subdivisions (piggyback short subdivisions); and Short subdivisions on lands covered by water. For more information on the SEPA process, please refer to Bulletin 26, The SEPA Process. Preliminary Decision Following completion of the review process, applicants will receive either preliminary approval, subject to conditions, or notice of denial with an explanation of why an application was denied. Preliminary approval is effective for 60 months. If any of the conditions of approval are not satisfied and the final short plat is not recorded within the effective time, the approval becomes void. Site construction may not begin until the following requirements are met: Preliminary approval has been granted; Engineering plans, if required as a condition of preliminary approval, are approved; A financial guarantee for required restoration has been posted and applicable fees paid; and A preconstruction conference has been held with the King County Land Use Inspection Section. Appeals Decisions relating to short subdivision approval or denial may be appealed to the Hearing Examiner by any aggrieved party. Note: In most cases, appeals must be filed within 14 days of when the decision was mailed. The specific appeal period will be stated in the notice of decision. Appeal letters must specify the reason for the appeal and must include a fee payment. The 14-day appeal period extends to 21 days if a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) has been issued for the project. Appeal arguments must be submitted within 21 days of the date of the decision. If applicants decide to appeal, the Office of the Hearing Examiner will set a date for the appeal hearing. If a proposed project involves other land use appeals, such as those for SEPA rezones and Conditional Use Permits, hearings for the short subdivisions and other types of appeals will be consolidated into one proceeding. Chapter 20.20 of the King County Code (KCC) provides for consolidation of hearings and authorizes the Hearing Examiner to make final decisions on such consolidations. The Hearing Examiner, or any other party, is authorized to call a pre-hearing conference to identify, to the extent possible, the facts in dispute, issues, laws, parties, and witnesses in the case, and to set a timeline for presentation of the case. The conference will be scheduled at least 14 days before the scheduled hearing. At least 14 days of prior notice will be given to those who are Parties-of-Record to the hearing. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page5of10 Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25 STEP THREE: Engineering Plan Review Typically, a key requirement for preliminary short subdivision approval is the provision for road or drainage improvements. Designing and constructing road or drainage improvements will probably be the most costly requirement for a proposed short subdivision. If the application is conditioned upon construction of road or drainage improvements, whether public or private, it may be required to submit a detailed engineering plan that is prepared by a Civil Engineer licensed in the State of Washington. This engineering plan should show the existing property and proposed improvements. Consult the King County Surface Water Design Manual and King County Road Standards for details on plan submittal requirements. King County LUSD reviews engineering plans to ensure that the design complies with King County standards and specifications for roads and drainage. To obtain engineering plan approval following review, customers must address all redline comments, pay review and inspection fees, and post a site and Right-of-Way restoration financial guarantee. STEP FOUR: Construction Following approval of engineering plans, customers and/or a representing contractor must set up a preconstruction conference with the Land Use Inspection Section. Applicants will not be allowed to construct the improvements as part of a subdivision until after this meeting. Throughout construction, a site will be subject to regular inspections. If construction is not completed within one year from the date of engineering plan approval, customers may be asked to pay additional inspection fees. Inspections are required to ensure that construction follows the approved plan and King County specifications. Applicants may have to correct facilities that fail to meet minimum standards or that were not identified on the approved design. Customers will also have to maintain erosion control facilities regularly or cover disturbed soils until construction activities cease and the site is stabilized. When improvements are complete, a final inspection will be necessary for King County approval and release of financial guarantee(s). STEP FIVE: Final Review (Recording) All short subdivisions require final review before recording. Applicants must complete the final short subdivision forms that were sent with the preliminary approval. A land surveyor who is licensed in the State of Washington must prepare the final short plat. It must be submitted along with the most recent Short Subdivision Title Report and the final review fee. A Supplemental Plat Certificate is required if the final short plat is not recorded within 30 days of the original certificate or dale of the supplemental certificate. Before final approval (recording), LUSD staff will review the submittal to verify that all information is accurate and that all conditions of the preliminary approval are satisfied. Property owners have an option to complete road and drainage improvements before recording, or post a performance financial guarantee to ensure that improvements will be completed within one year of the date of recording. Refer to the section of this bulletin that discusses financial guarantees, for more information. Once a proposed short subdivision is ready to be recorded, customers will be notified of the exact recording fee. All taxes must be paid before recording. After receiving the fee, King County LUSD staff will process the proposed short subdivision with the King County Department of Assessments and Records and the Department of Elections. After a short subdivision is recorded, the proposed lots will be considered Legal Lots that may then either be sold or transferred and for which building applications may be submitted. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 6 of10 short Subdivisions Bulletin 25 STEP SIX: Maintenance/Defect Warranty If a short subdivision requires public street improvements valued at more than $1,000, applicants will be required to post a maintenance financial guarantee for the roads. This financial guarantee is required to warranty that the workmanship, materials, and design of the roads will be free from defects for at least one year. Release of the financial guarantee will require reinspection by the King County Land Use Inspection Section. The inspection fee is paid at the time of construction approval. If a drainage retention/detention facility is required for a proposed short subdivision, property owners must post a two-year maintenance and defect financial guarantee. This financial guarantee is required to ensure maintenance of the drainage facilities and repairs of any failures in design, workmanship, or materials for at least two years. King County will monitor drainage systems and may notify property owners of needed maintenance or repair during the two-year period. What Road and Drainage Improvements Are Required? Road improvements typically are required to ensure that a proposed property has adequate access. Aspects of neighborhood circulation and road patterns will also be evaluated. Applicants may have to construct or improve roads, both on and off site, to provide adequate access. The following may apply to a proposed property: Public Streets Applicants may have to dedicate (deed) some land to widen an existing public street Right-of-Way, to obtain off-site dedications to extend the existing neighborhood street to serve the proposed property, or to ensure that access for future development is adequate. Property owners may also be required to improve a public street if existing construction does not meet current codes. Private Roads Private roads may be permitted when no public Right-of-Way is needed, no public safety hazards will result, and only a limited number of lots are being served. Right-of-Way and improvement requirements for private roads vary greatly, depending on lot size, the potential and actual number of lots served, and the existing street network. To satisfy road improvement conditions, property owners must first obtain approval of design for plans; then construction must be inspected and approved. Under certain conditions, applicants may do final recording before improvements are constructed by posting financial guarantees or other acceptable securities to guarantee completion of required improvements within one year of final approval. Drainage Drainage facilities are required to ensure that a short subdivision does not cause an increase in peak surface water runoff to downstream properties. A review for drainage impacts is required for any proposed short plat if any of the following conditions apply: More than 2,000 square feet of new impervious surface is created; The property contains or abuts a floodplain, stream, lake, wetland, closed depression, or a critical area; and Typical drainage requirements include on-site water retention/detention facilities, water quality systems, stream bank stabilization, and location of drainage easements and setbacks. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 7 of 10 s·hort Subdivisions Bulletin 25 What Additional Items May Be Required For Short Subdivisions? In addition to road and drainage requirements, the following approvals are typically required: Public Health The Seattle-King County Department of Public Health must approve the water supply and means of sewage disposal. If a proposed project will be on a septic system, preliminary Health Department approval must be obtained before filing an application. Final Health Department approval is required before recording. In some cases, preliminary approval from the Health Department requires hiring a consultant to conduct an on-site sewage disposal design. Health Department approvals sometimes are delayed for worst case design conditions (winter peaks). The design and delays in obtaining approvals can be very costly if new regulations are implemented or if zoning is revised before a proposed short subdivision application is submitted to King County LUSD. A proposed subdivision is not vested until a short subdivision application is complete and accepted for processing. Fire Safety Fire hydrants and water mains may be required if the lots in a proposed short subdivision are smaller than 35,000 feet. Actual requirements will depend on the number of lots served, existing water pressure and capacity, fire hydrant location, and accessibility for fire-fighting equipment. A Fire District Receipt must be obtained and approved before recording. This permit will require verification of access, hydrant location, actual water pressure, and fiow capacity for fire-fighting equipment. Taxes All past-due taxes must be paid before the short subdivision may be recorded. What Financial Guarantees Are Required For Improvements? If property owners are required to construct road or drainage improvements as a condition of approval, a financial guarantee must be posted before construction to ensure that conditions are met or the site is restored and stabilized. The types of financial guarantees and amounts vary according to the types of improvements. The financial guarantees typically required for a short subdivision include the following: Right-of-Way and/or Site Restoration Performance; Maintenance and/or Defect; A financial guarantee may be in the form of a cash deposit with King County, an assignment of funds with a bank or lending institution, or a bond. Each form also requires a signed agreement from an applicant or a legal representative; and Copies of the financial guarantee forms are available at DOES. (See Bulletin 40, Financial Guarantees.) How Soon Can a Short Subdivided Property Be Divided Again? Property owners must wait five years from the date of recording to subdivide again. The five- year waiting period does not apply if the formal subdivision process is used. However, the formal subdivision process requires a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner and approval by the King County Council. The following requirements apply to all short subdivision alterations: Everyone with an ownership or security interest in the original subdivision lots must sign the final altered short subdivision forms. If subsequent land development or County planning decisions rely on any features of the original short subdivision, those features must be kept in the altered short subdivision. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 8 of 10 Short Subdivisions Bulletin 25 If a lot created in the original short subdivision was non-conforming because of insufficient square footage; property owners may alter the lot-lines without regard to current square footage requirements. Property owners may not alter the lot-lines to make the non- conforming lot smaller. Newly created lots must meet zoning requirements and Board of Health regulations that are in effect when applying for alteration. Short subdivision alterations or vacations are generally approved or denied in the same way that the original subdivision was approved, and they must be recorded by DOES with the Division of Records and Elections. What if Land Parcels Are Bought Without First Being Subdivided? If a parcel of land is bought without first being subdivided, civil suit and/or criminal prosecution against both the seller and agent may result. A person who knowingly buys a lot that was not legally created will not be able to get building and other permits for the property. Property owners may offer lots for sale before short subdivision approval. Lots may be advertised, and earnest money may even be paid, but it is against State Law to transfer Title until the short subdivision is recorded. Sale offers should be worded carefully to comply with State Law. If the purchaser of an illegally created lot is an innocent purchaser, the lot generally will be treated in the same way as a legally subdivided lot. An innocent purchaser is someone who purchases real property for value, has received no notice that the lot was illegally created, and has not previously been granted Innocent Purchaser Status by King County. To apply for Innocent Purchaser Status, the buyer must file a notarized affidavit with King County LUSD attesting to the above. Please contact ODES at 206-296-6600 for more information. If an innocent purchaser buys an illegally created lot, it will be treated in one of the following ways: If it meets current zoning requirements for access, lot area, and lot width, it will be treated as if it were a legally subdivided lot. If it does not meet current zoning requirements, but did meet the zoning requirements in effect when it was created, the lot will be treated as if it were a legally created substandard lot. If it meets neither current zoning requirements nor those in effect when it was created, the innocent purchaser, who cannot be issued a building permit, may sell the lot, but the lot is not eligible for a building permit. Additional Information If applicants still need more information after reviewing this bulletin, forms and additional information are available via the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes, contacting the Land Use Services Division at 206-296-6600 or visiting the DOES Permit Center in Renton, WA. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 9 of 10 s'hort Subdivisions Other Bulletins and Telephone Numbers That May Be Helpful Bulletin 1 Bulletin 2 Bulletin 17A Bulletin 18A Bulletin 21 Bulletin 26 Bulletin 29 Bulletin 34A Bulletin 34B Bulletin 40 Building and Development Permit Telephone Numbers Legal Lot Zoning Code: Overview and Summary Zoning Code: Permitted Use Tables Critical Areas Review The SEPA Process Drainage Review Road Variances Surface Water Design Manual Variances or Adjustments Financial Guarantees · These and other DDES bulletins are available via the department Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes. 206-296-6600 206-296-6600 206-296-7009 DDES Information DDES Land Use Services Division Financial Guarantees Management Unit (FGMU) Bulletin 25 Be sure to visit our Web site at: www.metrokc.gov/ddes King County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require an accommodation to attend a meeting (two weeks' notice) or require this information in Braille, audiocassette, or large print, please call 206-296-6600 or TTY 206-296-7217. Bulletin 25 12/16/2005 Page 10 of 10 <'~i::::: ··,:'.:::::::::::;:;:. A07PM031 ZONING .•_..•Trails ,C' Schoola/School F acilitie8 N Ulban Growth /vea Line N Streeca ,:':: Water Bodies -Raad Rlglts4-Way O Paroels CJ Pal1<s CJ Cities Zoning . A-10 -Agricultural , one DU -10 acres -A-35 -Agricultural, one DU -35 acree -F -Forest -M -Mine<al RA-2.5 -Rlsal Area, one DU per 5 aa&& RA-5 -Rural Area, one DU P8' 5 aaeo • RA-10 -Rural Alea, one DU P8' 10 aa&& UR -Urban -·· one DU P8' 5 ac,eo R-1 • Residential, one DU -aae R-4 • Rellidential, 4 DU -aae R-8 • RellidentiaJ, 6 DU -aae R-8 • Residential, 8 DU P8' acre R-1 2 -Reoidenlial, 12 DUperaaa R-18-Reoldential, 18 D U peraaa -R-24 -RMldentlal, 24 DU per aaa -R-48 • Rasldentlal, <IS DU per aaa W NB · Neighborhood Busineos -CB · Community BusiMU U RB • Regional Busine&s • 0-0ffice 1-lndus1rial 500 1"= 1000 teet 1000 F8"1 ® King County Tha lnftwmslion lncuSed on 1111 map hal bMtl compl'l•d by KJng C....,, -from a -<JI.....,.. and Is -k> dwnge wi1hout noa.c.. t<lf'G Co.itt:f makN no ,.preMl'ltatk>,ns otWlmlrl'iM, ~-ot lmpUed, as to thlt ~.~. timellnMa,otrightato11'W UM d --KlngC....,,lhallnotbellabletc<.,,,. -·-·--·"'<OOMCl-datnarQial lndudlog, bul: not lirnn.d '°· k»1 ~ or Iott p,cllla-tromllousa"'rnlsuM<ll11>olnlot!nMlon c:aruined on ttu map. An;.,... d Vil rnai, « W'lfonnailon on.,. map IS -bitod-bywrtnon po,miNlon at King eo...iv. PfOI date: Feb 16, 2007; \\ddes0011x01\gislav_devlprojects\base2.ap, --"'F' + A07PM031 2005 SWDM N Streets :;:::: Water Bodies O Parce1s L.andalide Hazard Drain ago Areas (2004) E3 Landslide Hazard Drainasie Landslide Hazard Ania Flow Control (2004) Baaic Flow Conservation Flow • Flood Problem Flow OClties 1•: 500foet 400 F- @ l(u,g County TM lnfom'ladon k\duded on 11w map ha bNn compiled by KM"IQ Count)' ltlff 1rom a vanity cJ IOIICN and Is ~ect 1o change Wil\thOI.I. notic:.. King Co.n;y makiN no rt,preNntatlona o, warramlu, ....,,.... or lmpiad, • to tnt eoca-acy, ~._..,.... timen,-. or rigtQ 10 Iha UM~ IUCh -.... Klrc, Co..nty ..... not bo liable lo< any -·-·--...... ...._-.. ..,.... lnduci~. btA not llmitll<I to. fast An'9fMM Of lost pn,l!ts~from11l41 ... or-allho- conlalned on tNa map. Ant..-al tt.• map « WcrmaOon "" ... """''•f'Ohlbilod-by"'1tlllnpennl ..... <11Klrc, Co..nty. Plot date: Feb 16, 2007; l \ddes001\x01\gislav_de\/lprojectslbase2.apr - A07PM031 CAO N Water course (WLR) N Streets ;:;:; Waler Bodies • Critical -Designation >< Wildlife Habitat Conservation lnea (2004) CJ hea of Potential WoUand Influence (2004) C]Par<:ela c;a Aquaac Areu aurr ... (2004) Critical Aquilar Rocnarge /Vea.s (2004) ~! Basin CondiUon (2004) ~Higl t:j ~um oaues 400 Feet ~~~~""'I 1'= 500 fee( ® King County nw k'll'onnadon indudml on aw map MS bMll c:ompllld by ~ CoJnty staff from a \IWWty at 80U'CN and la IUIJjec:I to __ ..... __ l<lngec..,iy..-"' ~ or waT'&"ltlrN, eJCP('NI a lmpl*1, • lo the ac:ancy, c:omple'llneu, ~. Of rlgh1a 10 the UN ot ----l<lnOC<ulty&hall no<bo u.i..1«--·-·--·°'-· damlfOM nc:ludllng, bul not lmltecS 10, la.t ~ or lost proftta ~ from lht UM ot mlauN d tr. Wormlltion «malned on this map. NI:/ Nie at th!• map« ntonnadon onttumapl&prohl--by-pe,m....,ofl<lna ec..,iy, Plot date: Fob 16, 2007; 1\ddes001\x011Qislav_dev\projllCtl\base2.apr 1,S lll t ~ if s' ~ 'i "' J 0 I t . 1-i~ b j IL 11 21,1ili;1 J ~I-~I t C") 0 j d 1 Uibt~ji;t ~ OI 0 1 J"'J 111; ,,1/ }' 1 CII .:t ·ii ~b1f 0 ~ a.. C ~ !Iii s 'I · i ;i ! 0.. LO J I j I @ Us ri~i,i e :e I'-0 ~ a. u ru 11h11 , Oo <-. .-.-... JD l· . . ~i l . ~ <(N ..... a!Hdiuu ~ ~ ii IL .! ~ lS IC 0 T""" t-~ o OI ~ 0... 0... 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Floodplain c::J CiUes 0 500 1·= 10001eet 1000 F- ® Kin 51 County The Wonnalion ncluded oo Ns map ha& t.a, canpl*' by ~ Co.nty stalf from a vawty of IIOU"CN and RI sul:lfed k> ~ wtllou!: nock:a. Kl~ eo...rty mu.Ni no ~ orwarTW11>N, ~ cwimpled, • to tht aco.,q, ~. tlrnel;ineM, « ""'1ta to lhe uee of ---· ~eo..,ty..,..notbo-forwr, -·-·--·°'-" ~ indudl,v. bUI not limited t>, "* ,.....,... « io.t P'aftt:l l'Maltirla frQffl the ..-. or rnl&uM of tt. lnfotmltlan ariained on thll tNp. lvfy Mle cl 1hl• map or Wcnndon onw,map1a....,.__0y..-penmo1onc1~ C:0..,ty. Pio< date: Feb 16, 2007; llddes001\x01\gis\aV_~ectslbase.2.apr 0 A07PM031 HYDRO/GEO Topot23'<l5 N ~o Topot22JOS ' 5 N 10 Bald Eagle Nests (WOFW) ~=:·-'7v Stree1a «~ ~rs ~i '" CQ SAO Welland (1998) eJ SAO landalide Ill SAO Coal Mine ~ SAO Seiamio c=I SAO Erosion :i:i:Wat«- a,a Road Rlghla-<lf-Way D WLRO Drainage CO,nplalnla C]Patce11 i Bald ~~=•t and Roos! Surfers (WOFW) 800 Fooc or Shoreline 1320 Fooc FEMA Croes Section, FEMA Floodway ~ FEMA 100.yr. Floodplain D Claes 0 500 1000 Feet 1"= 1000 feet @) K"mg County The infomlaUon Jndudtd on INI map naa bNn camplled by l<lf'G Ccu\ty ltaff1rom a Yarialty af XIUr'tN and Is ~ b:I ---· KlngC:O..,tymMNno ~ ot W1nW1C1N. ..-or lmpHed, • toUw acancy, ~ 1:/rnerihNa, or rightl toe.,... af &uch -· King CaJnty-not bo -"".,.,, -·-·--·"'..._.... darNgN lndudl~. w not~ to, io.t rwan,.,eia or k>st pratlta ~ from t.. UM« mllUN of thli lnfonnaUon antain8d on ua map, Ant Nied Na maip or lnfomla1lon on this map la J:W'ClhibMd uc.pt bywrttWI penriMlon of~ County. Plot date; Feb 16, 2007; \lddes001\x01\gislav_dev\projectsll>asa2.apr @ King County DOES Parcel Information Report This report was generated: 2/16/2007 9:20:44 AM Parcel Number: 3223059285 1-:=-, Base Info Parcel Number: 3223059285 Tax Payer: GARCHA JAVINDER KAUR Annexation: N/A Jurisdiction: King County Situs Address: 18845 102ND AVE SE Zip Code: 98055 Postal City f:::, Reference Info Plat Name: N/A Plat Recording Date: 11/9/1999 Plat Lot: N/A Plat Block: N/A Kroll Page: 604 Thomas Brothers Page: 686 1/4-S-T-R: SW-32-23-5 Lot Area: 17,250 SqFt. (0.4 Acres) ,::, Planning Info Zoning: R-6 Comprehensive Land Use: um Assessor's Open Space: N/A Commercial Use: N/A Number of Units: N/A The information included m this report has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and 1s subJect to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or 1mpl1ed, as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not l1m1ted to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained 1n this report. Any sale of this report or information on this report 1s prohibited except by written permission or King County. Appraised Land Value: 2005 -$91,000, 2006 -$110,000 Appraised Improvements Value: 2005 -$135,000, 2006 -$191,000 ;_ Administrative District Info Community Plan Area: Soos Creek Unincorporated Area Council: N/A School District: Renton School District 403 Fire District: King County Fire Protection District No. 40 Roads MPS Zone: 340 ($3,181) Roads Transportation Concurrency Mitigation Zone: 795 Waterfront: No Water System: WATER DISTRICT Water Service Planning Area: Soos Creek Water and Sewer District Sewer System: PUBLIC Airport Noise Remedy Program: N/ A Bald Eagle Flag: N/A Council District: 5 Julia Patterson Drainage Basin: Black River: WRIA 9 Police Jurisdiction: King County Police Precinct: 3 Police District: F3 Snowload Zone: Standard Agricultural Production District: N Page 1 of 2 Forest Production District: N Rural Forest Focus Area: N Transfer Development Rights Type: N/A Transfer Development Rights Status: N/A Transfer Development Rights Permit Number: N/A ·:: Inspection Area Info Building Inspection Area: 5-6 Clearing Inspection Area: Jim Ballweber Code Enforcement Inspection Area: Bill Turner ESA Inspection Area: Kathy Newborn Grading Inspection Area: Ramon Locsin Land Use Inspection Area: Tim Cheatum -Sensitive/Critical Area Info Sensitive Areas Notice(s) on Title: None Sensitive Historic Site: None Aquatic Areas Buffer: N Basin Condition: Low Flow Control Area: Conservation Flow Water Quality: Basic Water Quality Treatment Critical Aquifer Recharge Area: None Area of Potential Wetland Influence: N Page 2 of 2 @ King County DDES Report on Assessor's Legal Info This report was generated: 2/16/2007 9:21: 12 AM Parcel Number: 3223059285 Legal Description The i11formation included in this report has beeri compiled by King county staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, t1mel1ness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages 1ncludlng, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained in this report. Any sale of this report or information on this report is prohibrted except by written permission of King Cou11ty. 322305 285 LOT 2 OF KC SHORT PLAT NO 287024 RECORDING NO 8708141452 SD SHORT PLAT DAF -E 180 FT OF S 190 FT OF N 220 FT OF E 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 LESS CO RD Taxpayer/Mailing Address GARCHA JAVINDER KAUR 14446 S 59TH AVE TUKWILA WA 98168 Page 1 of 1 @ King County DOES Permit Information Report This report was generated: 2/16/2007 9:21:25 AM Parcel Number: 3223059285 Select All I Clear Selection I Switch Selection 1141#,iiEMtS,ci~h!!l:fa;j~ • The information included in this report has been compiled by King County st;;iff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or 1mpl1ed, as to the accuracy, completeness, t1mel1ness, or rights to the use of such rnformat1on. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages 1nclud1ng, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resultrng from the use or misuse of the information contained 1n this report. Any sale of this report or information on this report is prohibited except by written permission of Kmg County. ' ' A07PM031 B94A0906 PREAPP-M PENDING GARCHA PRE-AP MTG 3223059285 GARCHA JAVINDER 01/30/2007 ACCESSRY FINALED LOT 2 KCSP 287024 3223059285 DUNBAR, DAVID 02/25/1994 Get detailed report Page 1 of 1 soc ® King County IIIIl'mm'lll llm!!III K14hi%4¥ Comments Miiii§.,M By law this information may not be used for commercial purposes. Taxpayer Tax Year Assessor Real Property Records: GARCHA JAVINDER KAUR 2007 Account Number Levy Code Taxable Value Reason $114,000 Taxable Land Value 322305928507 4260 NONE OR UNKNOWN $114,000 Tax Status TAXABLE Appraised Land Value Appraised Improvement Value $210,000 Taxable Improvement Value $210,000 Assessor Property Sales Records: Tip: Use the 8ecorders Office: Excise Tax Affidavits Re~ort to see more sales records details Sate Date 7127/2006 Sate Price $474,000 Seller Name DUNBAR DAVID H+JOYCE D Buyer Name GARCHA JAVINDER KAUR Sale Date 914/1987 Sale Price $103,500 Seller Name VACCA DEBORAH J+RALPH P Buyer Name DUNBAR DAVIE H+JOYCE D Assessor Parcel Records: District Name KING COUNTY Property Name Property RESIDENTIAL Type Present Single Family Plat Name Use (Res Use/Zone) Plat Block Water WATER System DISTRICT Plat Lot .Sewer f!Jl:3LIC System Lot Area 17,250 SqFt (0.4 acres) Access !Sfial.'.la Section/Township/Range SW32 23 5 Street PAVED Surface Assessor Legal Description Records: Account Number 322305928507 Page I of3 soc Legal Description 322305 285 LOT 2 OF KC SHORT PLAT NO 287024 RECORDING NO 8708141452 SD SHORT PLAT OAF -E 180 FT OF S 190 FT OF N 220 FT OF E 1/2 OF S 1/2 OF NW 114 OF SW 1/4 OF SW 114 LESS CO RD Assessor Residential Building Records: Address 18845 102ND AVE SE 98055 Building Grade Average Condition Very Good Year Built 1954 2 Year Renovated 0 0 Total Living SqFt 2270 3/4 Baths 1 1st Floor Sq Ft 1820 Stories 2 Half Floor SqFt 0 Single Storyf ireplace 2 2nd Floor Sq Ft 450 Mulii Story Firepl.i¢e .. 0 Upper Floor Sq Ft 0 Free Standing 0 Fireplace Total Basement SqFt 0 Basement Garage SqFt 0 Total Finished Basement 0 Attached GarageSqFt 0 SqFt Finished Basement Grade NONE OR Open Porch SqFt 170 UNKNOWN Daylight Basement Enclosed Porch SqFt 0 Heat System Forced Air Deck SqFt 0 Heat Source Oil Percent Brick Stone 0 This report was generated: 2/16/2007 9:21:44 AM Related on-line reports: King County GIS: Proi:ierty information FAQ King County Assessor: Submit a request to correct this information DOES: Permit Ai:ii:ilications Rei:iort King County: Districts and Develoi:iment Conditions Report King County Assessor: eReal Proi:ierty Report (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County Assessor: Quarter Section Mai:i Report (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County TreasuryOperations PrnQerty Tax Information Recorders Office: Excise Tax.Affidavits RepQrt Recorders omce.~S.cann_ed images of plats. surveys, and other map documents Enter a 10 digit Parcel Number: or Enter an address: I Search Page 2 of 3 ® KINGCO'Jr-HY DEPARTMENT ~I ASSESSMENTS -··-'-'.-,· ··-···-··· .. ,,,,.. ··-·Ar----- 1 :r1r· . L ------- SW 32-23-05 I __ J~.,.,,..-~---~~--~-----"--"L -·--------------- ( ( ( .;, \.r,,,'t-"- ~r,.\'<"'""-" ·. "i\'.f'c,s ' --I' .. I , ! .; .J;;:. ; " ,...;.,_ ' INT. B Cl I VUU V\.,iVL J 5.6 5 ..,. 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ST. ~1-N 89-41 54°Wc--- :;: ~ 180 IG 9 .65 79 ' ,, _, -, -, '.!:.'.. ':21 ,a~ -_, "'-I 188 0.49 AC 9244 I " ' : l--N 01-18 09 [ 18B.03 N 69-41-~2 W ' ' -JO DO TR JO 188.0J . X :UN 0 N 89 41~ ,--"~~---' "N -8-9--,-1--1-0-W -I JC ;;. S.E. 190TH ST. I / R. 1 20 Jrj'lJ :<; I ' .,, 9 J .71 100.ZJ = ::; ;:: 5 ~ :1 "/ 0010 ~' . ,::,_, ~9.JS ,o 117 a 5 sr 0070 1002 J Sf 100.2) 0050 I ::: ::: = ~ ,, " ~ ~'-· \.~ ~- "-' -.. .. = 10 uJI ~ -- 12 0 90 2J v.01 . is~ 6-J8 ;:: 64 0 7 SF 0060 90 .18 98 0 6 0 ;;; 11 lJO 5· 8021 Sf 0060 • --......i= .... ------....... ---_--::-· c:, Xo M-, I 150 -1 /------·,-~-----------I I I I I I I 0 I ~•= LO ,..._ I 0 I o'I I =1! ... -------.:=s.--1~ I.a.II I en ' ~·· KCSP 281 mlO :,-= 8708141542 LOT 2 11260 sr I I a.I :.J I VIJ ..... ,,_.1 ... ml o I ...... Q -..... 1 01 I I I I I 1215 I 1&0 f /-I --• • •· • •··:• ---• • I 1 30 o I ., .. a.,.-4.9 .. -~~.o .. •i!ia----------· .... ......... 9 .J0] ,]0 I I I I .,-...1 -1 OIi .a• t'{'I ....,.. r-' -,111111111'1 I I I ... "' 0 0 - Q Subject: Technical Information Report (TIR) for Javinder K. Garcha 2-Lot Residential Short Plat 18845 102nd Avenue S.E., Kent, WA (King County, WA) June 26, 2007 Bruce S. MacVeigh, P.E. Civil Engineer/Small Site Geotechnical 14245 591hAve. S. Tukwila, WA 98168 Office: (206) 242-7665 Fax: Same Table of Contents: Project Overview Conditions and Requirements Summery Off Site Analysis Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design Conveyance System Analysis and Design Special Reports and Studies Other Permits ESC Analysis and Design Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries and Declarations of Covenant Operations Manual Project Overview: The purpose of this report is to evaluate the soils on the above property for suitability for on-site infiltration, as well as stability and erosion characteristics. The parcel is approximately 18,000 square feet or 0.41 acres, with an existing one story wood frame residence, driveway and surrounding lawn with landscaping shrubs and small trees. The existing house is approximately 40 years old, and will be retained. The lot is bordered on all sides by single family residences, some with larger parcels. It is located on the west side of 102nd S.E. in its 188XX block, in King County, WA. This report will evaluate the suitability of the site for on-site infiltration existing stability, along with identifying potential problems or specific design recommendations relating to future residential development of the one new lot created by this short plat. Based on the topography of the site, only light to moderate earthwork will be required to install the new residence. The existing garage and driveway will be retained for continued use by the existing house. A new driveway will be constructed for the new residence within its new lot lines. The existing lot coverage is 4,000 square feet, with an estimated full development impervious surface being 8,000 square feet. The resulting net additional impervious surface is therefore estimated to be 4,000 square feet. This will require a Level 1 drainage review for the sizing of new house infiltration system. The drainage system will serve the new driveway and residence. Please note that the detailed design for a drainage system for the new residence will be required at the time of building permit, and those measures recommended in this report are advisory only. The net additional full development vehicular impervious surface area is estimated to be 1,000 square feet, which will not require formal water quality measures as it does not exceed the 2,000 square foot threshold. Drainage measures, and erosion and sediment control measures will be use the Small Site Criteria of the KCSWM Manual Appendix C methodology. For this site, the ESC criteria are the same as for a full review situation. Existing surface runoff leaves 2/,,3 •. the site to the north and west, and uncollected surface flows will continue to do so after development, although at a reduced rate. Due to site soils and topography, the infiltrated soils will eventually deliver the infiltrated water to the aquifer. As will be discussed below, runoff from all new impervious surfaces will be infiltrated on site using formally designed gravel trenches. There are no known critical areas such as steep slopes, wetlands or streams associated with this project. Conditions and Requirements Summery: Core Requirements from the current KCSWM Manual are discussed within this report at appropriate sections. The Core Requirements will be identified by number and title. The first is Core Requirement #1, Discharge at a Natural Location. This requirement is met by the use of on site infiltration for runoff from all new impervious areas on site, with some trade off for the old and new driveways. The KCSWM Manual requires infiltration where feasible. Soil studies of the site indicate infiltration is feasible for disposing of flows collected from all full development impervious surfaces. Since the full development net new impervious area is greater than 2,000 square feet, a Level 1 Drainage Review is required. This review requires a formal Technical Information Review (this document). The design storm used is the 100-year event. The sizing is done using the "black box" KCRTS computer modeling program. Calculations are attached. The calculations and conceptual design include considerations for the roof area of the new residence, and possibly a regrading and paving of the existing driveway to serve it. Off Site Analysis: This section discusses Core Requirement #2, Off Site Analysis. Since all runoff collected from equivalent new impervious surfaces is infiltrated on site, no off site analysis would usually be required. However, a walking tour of the site and adjacent downhill properties and rights-of-way found no apparent existing drainage problems. Note that the infiltration of all or most of the new impervious surfaces will in fact reduce the surface runoff leaving the site. Due to the indistinct flow path below the site, a full one-quarter mile distance from the site was not able to be investigated, however the above field review is believed to substantially complete this requirement. Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design: This section discusses Core Requirement #3, Flow Control. As discussed above, all or most of the runoff generated by new impervious surfaces on the site will be infiltrated. Most flows, especially those from the new roof of the new residence, will be conveyed to an infiltration trench sized by KCRTS using a 100 year storm event. Sizing calculations for the new residence are attached. These calculations are "generic" in that they provide trench requirements for new impervious surface on a "per 1,000 square foot impervious surface" basis. The soils found on site were_ slightly silty medium sands, underlain by mottled grey clay. No water was found in any of the three test holes (3/9/07). The silty sands were deepest in the west end of the new lot, with depths of 48 inches to 54 inches above the clay. This will allow a trench depth of 2.5 feet, with a foot clearance beneath the trench. Due to the silt in the sand, a fairly conservative infiltration rate of 15 minutes per inch is assumed, and with a safety factor of 2.0. Therefore, the calculations attached use a design infiltration rate of an assumed 30 minutes per inch. An impervious surface area of 4,000 square feet, or 0.092 acres, is used for the KCRTS calculations. From this, the "generic" trench length per 1,000 square feet of served impervious is determined and recommended. The following discusses Core Requirement #8, Water Quality. Since the net new impervious vehicular surface area is only estimated to be 1,000 square feet, water quality measures are limited to tees in the system's sump, and possibly in a driveway catch basin, if one is installed. Conveyance System Analysis and Design: This section discusses Core Requirement #4, Conveyance System. Due to the short nature of the drainage lines serving the infiltration trenches, the lines capacity are considered adequate by inspection. Special Reports and Studies: None. Other Permits: A residential permit will be required for the construction/remodel of residences on the two lots. ESC Analysis and Design: This section discusses Core Requirement #5, Erosion and Sediment Control. As noted above, the ESC measures required for this site will consist of a stabilized construction entrance and down slope silt fencing. Criteria will be per Appendix C. Specific placement will be determined at the time of residential construction. Bond Quantities, Facility Summery and Declarations of Covenant: This section discusses Core Requirement #7, Financial Guarantees and Liability. Since there are no common driveway or drainage facilities required for this project, no Bond Quantity Worksheet or Declarations of Covenant are required. Operation and Maintenance Manual This section discusses Core Requirement #6, Operation and Maintenance. An Operation and Maintenance Manual for the new residential infiltration system will be provided at the time of permit/occupancy. Questions relating to this report may be directed to this office. #;,lA!,~ Bruce S. MacVeigh, P.E. Civil Engineer jondisingh102sptir/0706 3S ld OH?CI ' ' ' '<"J\, < " cc, • ~ -··--1,') 3S ;!' ~ ~ 0 3S ~V Hl8Ir w ;!' 0 !l 0008! 3S w 0 t,; ;!' 0 g\ ~ I-8 Ul. ~ I I 00z6r i 3S A¥ ~ l ~ ~ -r-~~ (/ ~ ~ .: ~ I g\ t,;I ~ I I I 1. ~ s t,; AV ~ is 0 ~ ·~ z ~ e\ 0 111 0 " Hf1'8 t,; .,+ "' "' 0 ,i 0~~--lt~Wll ~ ooetz AV: ' ' 0, ' ' ' ~ w~ 0 s ' ~ ; N 3S --~-.l --.<.~-- " • w ~ " z~ " "' '" ~/ ... CL. 11-.. 111zi ::i::: 3S ~ ~ ~!]~] N Hll] 1d HlOrT ~1: r ; I; . :: ·- ""'' I~- ' ···\> •,) 5{)/L .,f'£P,:)RT SCJ)L LLJ~S 9 .rJA/l. '" 7 SL.J.. Q-1211 r,.r. /Z-.3'£.. '' S/t?Y /t?£LJ, .rAHD 3~-7Z"~ CRFY ~~AV s~ z 0-/2" 7,. .r. -/2.-4'N" SJJ.. 7Y HFD • .s::4HLJ 'll'J-"7.l "../ GRI.Y L'.I...A Y S.C.3 LJ-12•1 T,.S. • -/.,Z-Pf " S".JL 'J' )" Alf'i>, S-ANIJ ~#•7;"-1-<SR£Y L'LA.Y ALL hQL-CS .All Y FENCE CR. O.T E, 1,7' N ,c,.,. > "'R> .so.s <:i> I '~o~O< >,> e ~ I ~ ~,/ S-/L-7 i! " / ./= E/'I t" .E. --, I """' I 502 :sq. ft. :mm L Q.\11 - IENUE I s.E. r..J / I 1,500 :1:"':l"fL \ 0.03 ""fU . ___ __l I ~ i;; / FENk CR.. 0.1',J( o.2' S / V.s, <<5>> 7</. 0 l..or , s</.<<<t. 7 /, 9.2'~ )( :S C>tM'lJHI' FENCE 4-"PJ/~ W/ PCJ .. 077?E. SLt:)PE rT.7.PI) St/fr'IP W/Tee t'"Pc£ OETA/~ \ CLO(', /.JPP.e.AX,) ~ is o-,, I Ii 83 CB T'rl'E I RIM=-413.12 IE{E)-411 'o~e'i DI A:i-ce TYPE I RIM-413.04 IE(E,S)-410.8 Rat'9e: C t'.JHST /i? - ENTRAHt', (i) • /S -. ~ SCALE 1" = JO' ~:~1i~!Miji11Jt,~M!J~.=-~-~~=··=~·~ s~·· or ··"tr·~~-~~~-·~··=·-ffeijh'.~,,~ Step: 2a Select dates for Iteration Hydrograph [ 1 1tonth window] Initializing ranked peaks. Step:2b Route to POC; Iterate in Event Vindow Step: 2c Route All Hydrographs Step:3 Route Tiaeseries to Point of Coapliance Route Ti•e 'Series Facility Length=205, 35 Step:4a (1 of 7) Select dates for Iteration Hydrograph Ranked pea.ks that have changed: Peak Year 1 changed f roa rank 7 to 6 Peak Year 3 changed fro. rank 3 to 5 Peak Year 4 changed froa rank 6 to 7 Peak Year 5 changed f roa rank 4 to 3 Peak Year 6 changed froa rank 5 to 4 Step:4h (1 of 7) Noute to POC; Iterate in Event Vindov Step:4e (1 of 7) Route all Hydrographs Step:4d (1 of 7) Route Tiaeseries to Point of Coapliance Route Tiae Series Facility Length•205.334 Step:4a (2 of 7) Select dates for Iteration Hydrograph Ranked peaks that have changed: None Type of Facility: Facility length: Fac-ility Vidth: Facility Area: Effective Storage Depth: Stage O Elevation: Storage Voluae: Vertical Per•eability: Per-.eable Surfaces: Riser Head: Riser DiaJ1.eter: Gravel Infiltration 205.33 ft 2.00 ft 411. sq. ft 2.50 ft 0 00 ft 308. cu. ft 30. 00 ain/in Botto• 2.50 12 00 ft inches Top Notch Weir: None Outflov Rating Curve: None Trench Click Right Mouse Button or Press .Any Key to continue c::?#SF ~-~~-~--~ ~ ( --2'7,4 C [ 1 aonth windov] [ 1 aonth window] .~· / oo rr=-/ c 9/;3 Flow Frequency Analysis -------~-------------------------~-------------------- Time Series File:aarkleydev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates~------Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak -Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.022 7 2/09/01 2 :00 0. 044 1 100.00 0. 990 0.020 8 l/05/02 16 .00 0.033 2 25.00 0 . 960 0.027 3 12/08/02 18 00 0.027 3 10.00 0. 900 0.023 6 8/26/04 2 :00 0 027 4 5.00 0. 800 0.027 4 10/28/04 16 :00 0 024 s 3.00 0 .667 0.024 5 l/18/06 16: 00 0.023 6 2.00 0 .500 0.033 2 10/26/06 0: 00 0.022 7 1. 30 0. 231 0.044 1 l/09/08 6 00 0.020 8 1.10 0 . 091 COJA.puted Peaks 0.040 50 00 0 980 /0/,,3 .. --Area ? - TIii fores1 0.00 acres TIii Pesture 0.00 acres TIii Grass 0.00 acres Outwash fores1 0.00 acres Outwash Pesture 0.00 acres Outwash Grass 0.00 acres Wetland 0.00 acres Impervious 0.09 acres [ To:9 acres/ Scale factor : 1.00 Hourly Reduced Time Series: .... !m_a_rkl_eyd_·_· evl ________ ..... !.._>_,>J Compute Time Serles I Modify User Input j r·-. --·---·-·.. . Ale for computed Time Series-(.TSF) , Top of Riser---------· !r Notched Effective Storage Depth before Overflow (Ft) 2.500 ~==='-~ Elevation at O Stage (Ft) I0,000 ;=====: Vertical Permeablllty(Min/ln) 130.000 (o' Aat f!OINT of Compliance Setup Define BISER Orifices and Notch Riser Head (Ft) j2.500 ;=====: Riser Diameter (In) 112.000 Number of Orifices .._jo ___ __, ---·--····--··--·~ ' ····---················· .. ·.·.·.·.·············:ti Iterate then save to markleydev.rdf ---~--·-.. --~------·-·-----------·~-----~---------· -.---------··------·--··----····--·-- Specify the Inflow TSF, event targets ~m·iii'irmii:iiiiiTiiiilfi'1i?li::i~*' /2);-::, • . . Primary Design Hydrograph; 1 ~;:::::::::==..::; Hyd:1 Peak flow on 1,091118 Target Discharge: jo.ool j Hyd:2 Peak flow on 1 ll/2&I06 Target Discharge: i;, .. ;;.;; .. ;; .. ;.;.==,j Hyd:3 Peak flow on 12/08/02 Target Discharge:!"""""""" ! Hyd:4 Peak flow on 10/28/04 Target Discharge:/"""""""" I Hyd:5 Peak flow on 1/18/06 Target Discharge: I"""""""" j Hyd:6 Peak flow on B/2&I04 Target Discharge: ,........ I Hyd:1 Peak flow on 210!II01 Target Discharge: l"""""""' I Hyd:8 Peak.flow on 1/05/02 Target Discharge: i""""""0 ! Return to Size Retention/Detention Faclllly Screen j -·-·-··-"--·-----·""----··-----~-·--"'·-----·····-.. ----~--~-····--···----·-'·"-·------···--·· __ , ,•' -Peak flow: 0.044 CFS. Return Perlod:100.0 CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHORT PLAT FILE No. L07S0022 LAND RECORD NUMBER: _________ _ DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAM I NIED & APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ________ , 20 __ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR CITY OF RENTON / ADMINISTRA TOT / PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL NOTES= THIS REQUEST QUALIFIES FOR EXEMPTION UNDER KCC 19A.28 IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE LOTS WILL BE SUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. THE LEGAL TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE DONE BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT UNLESS ALL ALL LOTS HEREIN ARE UNDER SAME OWNERSHIP. RECORDING NO. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET) PORTION OF: 30 VOL./PAGE 0 15 30 60 1 inch • 30 ft S.W. 1/ 4 of S.W. 1/ 4, SEC. 32, T-23N., R-5E.,W.M. SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SHORT SUBDIVISION~-------------------,--------~------------------------...._----------------------------1 MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS SHORT PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY OF SEATAC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF RENTON. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. JA~NDER KAUR GARCHA BANK OF AMERICA BY: STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS llTLE: COUNTY OF __ j.$lf:IG __ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT JAVJ.ND..E.!L~U.R_GAR._G.HA_ IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ____________ _ (SEAL OR STAMP) (SIGNATURE) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF __ j.$lf:IG __ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ------------------------------SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT _HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ---------------OF _BANl,LOF .1-,MERICA __ ---------------------TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ____________ _ (SEAL OR STAMP) (SIGNATURE) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES __________ _ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CORRECTLY REPRE- SENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION !N CONFORMANCE WITH STATE AND COUNTY STATUTES. IN ................. , 20 ....... . CERTIFICATE NO. 39570 RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ............................................................... .. FILED FOR RECORD THIS ......... DAY OF ......... ,20 ..... AT ... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF & ••• 0 0 0 0-0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ·--~······························"""'· MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS TOPO MAP LEGEND M.I.C. FOUND ----._ 1 3/4 " BRASS DISK fat--- 0 '9 EB [><l STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE POWER METER FIRE HYDRANT WAITR MEITR WAITR VALVE UTILITY POLE MAIL BOX CONIFEROUS TREE SFR D .'.·\Y\\:/ ,. -· ' SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ITLEPHONE RISER PAVEMENT GRAVEL CONCRETE ADJOINERS BUILDING LOCATION APPROXIMATE W/PUNCH STAMPED "22335" • t SEE SECTION SUBDIVISION o·! FOR MONUMENT TIE lfl ,- N -VISITED JUN '08 \ ~ - MON. NOT FOUND 31 32-E,/, CALC. POSITION \ -· PER ROS 2 ...\ 1 ~~ss DISK W/X /~ IN CONC. IN CASE W. LN. SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E, W.M.~,,,.,,..,. @ X-ING W/SE 18 ~T~5,s~---- BEARING N01 "13'31 "E VISITED DEC '06 DECIDUOUS TREE N LN ., OF S 190', N 220', E 1 /2, S 1 /2, --I~ -- FENCE AP __ --: 0.9' E, 1.8' N z I . N ,, ::;: ,~ (/) I NW }_j4._SW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N._R-5E. W.M. i I /\ Ii VICINITY MAP N.T.S. rn d::J LEGEND (M) (c) M.I.C. ROS 1 ROS 2 SET 1/2" BY 24" REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP "PLS 39570" MEASURED CALCULATED MONUMENT IN CASE PLAT OF PANTHER MEADOW VOL. 151, PG. 26-28 THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN PLAT VOL. 233, PG. 43-47 REFERENCES 1. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP OF SW. 32-23-5 2. PLAT OF PANTHER MEADOW VOL. 151, PG. 26-28 3. THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN PLAT VOL. 233, PG. 43-47 4. PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE VOL. 194, PG. 15-17 KCSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 7909130717 5. PLAT OF HI-VIEW HEIGHTS VOL. 19, PG. 75,76 6. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 2004046900009 7. KCSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 9101089003 8. PLAT OF FREDERICKS PLACE VOL. 169, PG. 30-37 9. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DATED MARCH 14, 2007. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS= LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 287024, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 8708141452, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED USING A NIKON DTM 420 TOTAL STATION EMPLOYING CONVENTIONAL TRAVERSE PROCEDURES. FIELD WORK BY GEODETIC SURVEYING SERVICE IN 2007. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. 2. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DATED MARCH 14, 2007, WAS RELIED UPON FOR DISCLOSURE OF THE VESTING OF TITLE OF THE REAL PROPERTY COMPRISING THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT, WHICH ACCORDING TO SAID BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. A. KC WATER DIST. No. 58 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AGREEMENTS AND THE TERMS REC. No. 7410290028 AND 7708300433. B. RESTRICTION, CONDITIONS OF FACE OF SHORT PLAT REC. No. 7909130717. C. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTICE REC. No. 9903022495. D. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS REC. No. 7708150917. E. FACILITIES CHARGES REC. No. 9707110512. F. TERM AND PROVISIONS OF SIDE SEWER EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 8706100533 G. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SHORT PLAT REC. NO. 8708141452 3. TRAVERSE CLOSURES FOR THIS SURVEY EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 332-130-090. 4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS PERFORMED IN JANUARY OF 2007 THE FIELD DATA WAS COLLECTED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRIC THEODOLITE. THE DATA FILE IS ARCHIVED ON DISC OR CD. WRITTEN FIELD NOTES MAY NOT EXIST. _.,./ CALC. POSITiON PEI~ ROS 1 /,, N89'29'13"E 5292.52' 31 ~2 = --,---~-------..t_ 32 -266,,·,.cJCJ' , 2629.52' 0 H32§aa Mf\lN FILE COPY01 0 co r--ro N '-'-' '--"v. ')'./'<). '~- LL! • n 0 . r.o f',/ ~ 0 z ' '2o,, ;::, t;-- , ,s, '- '10"' J-> r--.- THEORETICAL C1/4 tc., J'.1'0 i.D -·--··-----··-·······--··-··--rrr-f-T---+---o): '-· tJ'iv'.:-. ------1 lfl 0'~'.0, ~ '1 "" ./ ('-l -~, J-> Q' 70 'V' . ~ ''O '-,~ DEC ·10 2008 z I , K.C. D.D.E.S. l ',, -·-··----------3r 2 , 32 FOUND M.1.C. BRA.SS DISf< GEODETIC SURVEYING SERVICES P. 0. BOX 3488 RENTON, WA 98056 PHONE: ( 425)299-1739 l=*~__J'---:---:-..J.._-----DCXJ 6 5 NS9.26'08"W 2618.55' 5 W/X IN CONC. VISITED JUNE '08 MON NOT FOUND CALC. POSITION PER ROS 1 SUBDIVISION OF: SW 1/ 4, SEC. 32, T -23N, R-SE, W.M. SCALE: 1''=1 ooo' JA VINDER. KAUR GARCHA 18845 102ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 PROJECT GARCHA SHORT PLAT No. L07S0022 DATE 12/08/08 SCALE 1,, = 30 , DWG _j08RNT1 JOB# 06KNT02 DRAWN BY R !------·- w 0 <( Q_ "- APPROVED RV _J --0 SHEET _l_o'F _1_ > --·- N 0 1-z ~ (0 0 SURVEY SCALE: 1 inch = 20 ft. 20 0 1 Cl 20 MERIDIAN: OF A PORTION OF S.W. 1/ 4, S.W. 1/ 4 SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E, CITY OF KENT, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ( IN FEET ) SECTION SUBDIVISION PCR P/AT OF FREDERICKS PLACE VOL. 169, 30-37 BASIS OF BEARINGS: E. LN., NW 1/4, SW 7/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E. W.M. AS DEPICTED HEREON BEARING N01°16'44"W DATUM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DA /UM OF 1988 BENCHMARK: CITY OF RENTON BENCH/vlARK "RENT 1906" DESCRIBED AS: A BRASS PIN SET IN I\ CONCRETE MONUMENT SET FLUSH WITH THE SURFACE OF THE STREET, 5' NORTH OF THE ELEVA T/ON: 374.861 U.S. FEET SITE INFORMATION: SITE ADDRESS: 18845 102ND AVE SE KtNT, WA 98055 TAX ACCOUNT Noo: 3223o5--92s5 SITE AREA: 17,255 +sq.ft. NOTES: 1. CONTROLLING BOUNDARY DA/A WAS OBTAINED UPON TH[ ACTUAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND SUBDIVISION OF 3[C:f/ON 32, TOWNSHIP 23, 'f-/ANCif:_-4-·fAST, ·w.M:,· CITY OP !<ENT, KING ·cOUNTi°, WASHINGTON . ANGU/l\R AND LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS WERE DETERM/N[O WITH A NIKON DTM 332NPL FIVE SECOND TOTAL STATION SUPPIEMFNTED WITH A STEEL TAPE. 2. ALL CENTERLINE CONTROL MONUMENTS SHOWN ON THIS RECORD OF SURVEY WERE VISIT[D IN D[CEMBER, 2006. 3. THE SURVEY ACCURACY FOR THIS SURVIT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 332-I 30-090. 4. THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETE WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT EASEMENT AND OTHER ENCUMBRANCES MAY EXIST ON THIS PROPCRTY THAT AR[ NOT SHOWN HEREON. 5. ALL STRUCTURES (BUILDINGS) TIES AND FENCES TIES SHOWN HEREON /\RE APPROXIMATE AND CAN NOT BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES. 6. THIS SURVEY DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL FENCl:S AND/OR ALL OTHER SIGNS OF OCCUPATION OR POSSESSION. 7. EXISTING, POSSESSION, I.E.., FENCES, SHEDS, DRIVEWAY, ETC. MAY HAVE PRIOR RIGHTS. DO NOT REMOVE THEM WITHOUT LEGAL ADV/CC. B. IDPOGRAPHICAL DA TA GENERA T[D FOR THIS SIT[ PLAN ARE THE R[SUL T OF AN ACTUAL FIELD TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. /HE FIELD DATA WAS COLLECTED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRIC THEOLJOUTE. THF DATA FILE IS ARCHIVED ON DISC OR CD. WRITTEN FIELD NOTES MAY NOT EXIST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 281024, UNDER RECORDING No. 8708141452, O[ING A PORTION Of : THE EAST 180 FEET OF THE SOUTH 190 FEET OF THE NORTH 220 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TH[ SOUTHWEST QUARTER or TH[ SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, VV.M., IN KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; ' I • ·-....__./ LEGEND ~ (S) SFR D CENTERLINE CONTROL MONUMENTS SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE POWER METER FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE UTILITY POLE MAIL BOX CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TELEPIIONE RISER F""" "-~o _/ • f--!'l ~t \Jf\i. b PAVEMENT 0.7' E, L7' N GRAVEL CONCRETE REFERENCE SURVEYS: EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET FOR ROAD. SITUATE IN THE COUN l Y OF KING, STA TE OF WASHINGTON. 1. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP OF SW 32-23-5. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS NOTE: THE ABOVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND THIS SURVEY AR[ BASED UPON DEED OF TRUST, AFN #9404041042. 2. KC SHORT PLAT REC. No. 7909130717 3. KC SHORT PLAT REC. No. 9101089003 4. PLAT OF Hf-VIEW HEIGHTS VOL. 19 PG. 75-76 5. PLAT OF FREDERICKS PLACE VOL. 169 PG. 30 6. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 20040406900009,~ 7. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 8508299004 8. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 8410200004 CLIENT DATE 1 5 07 GEODETIC JARRAD & ANGELA MARKLEY 3436 S. 164 TH ST. SCALE 1,, = 20 , DWG SEA TAC, WA. 98168 061<NT02 w JOB# r ,, BA:;E ~ PROJECT DRAWN BY 0.. RVL ·~ 0 n SJTE BENC!-/MARK: ( SET 60D NAIL IN SOUTH FACE OF UTILITY POLE. 0 /' ELEVATION: 412.10 U.S. FEET ~" r·-·=, 1r2 (r;:,@ f\u \~.n I .~ --fQ~\ UO) @(\;JD u 8 rt) JAN 3 O 2007 K.C. D.D.E.S. , .. -.. ·- EXrlRES: ' SURVEYING SERVICE 6041 CHAMPIONSHIP CIRCLE lv1UKILTEO, WA 98275 PHONE: ( 425) 299-1739 CITY OF KENT SURVEY APPROVED RV _j f--------110 sHEET _l_oF _L > 7PM03f SSMH RIM [L. =413.91 N. /NV [L =393.08 (8" PVC) S. /NV. EL.=.397.86 (B" PVC) [ /NV [L.=398.06 (8" PVC) SSMH RIM [L.=414.94 N. /NV [L.=396 64 (8" PVC) S. /NV. EL.=396.39 (8" PVC) [. /NV. [L.=397 09 (8" PVC) ED CB TYPE I RIM=413.12 lf..(F)=411 32LF 12" DI @ 0.6% /B TYPE I L~tM=413.04 IE(E, S)=410.8 CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHORT PLAT FILE No. L07S0022 . . .. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS .. · EX.AMI NIED & APPROVED THIS --,-DAY OF ---.,,....,..---• 20 __ ----------------------------------------- . · KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR LAND RECORD NUMBER:--------~-CITY OF RENTON-/ADMINISTRATOT /-PUBLIC -WORKS·---- DEDICATION APPROVAL NOTES: THIS REQUEST QUALIFIES FOR EXEMPTION UNDER KCC 19A.28 IT DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE LOTS WILL BE SUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT NOW OR IN· THE FUTURE. THE LEGAL.· TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY · MUST BE DONE BY SEP ARA TE INSTRUMENT UNLESS ALL ALL LOTS HEREIN ARE UNDER SAME OWNERSHIP. RECORDING NO. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET) PORTION OF: 30 VOL./PAGE. 0 15 30 60 1 inch • 30 ft. ··· .. S!W. 1/4 of S.W.1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N., R-5E.,W.M. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS. OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE' THIS . SHORT PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SHORT SUBDIVISIQN1-··...,....,.--------------...,....,.----------_.._----------------,------------,....&,---,-----------------....---------I MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC · . . FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND •. · · END DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT •. TOPO MAP LEG WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE• ........ · · ··· ··· RI GHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LO.TS . •· !OJ . · STORM DRAIN CATCH BASIN SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS . ·. ($) .·. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE .. ···~ · POVER METER EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS. SHORT PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC ·.· ···.· C •.. ··•·· .. -r. FIRE H'!PRANT PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS,. .,, OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS. . 83 ·. WATER METER ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS SHORT PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR . . · .. · IX] · .. • WATER VAJ..V£. CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE ··. r,,c · WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE .· ... ··. . • . ,:, ... r' . !JllUTY POLE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STA TED. .·. Mf£, MAIL eox FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED •· 1~ WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR . . ~.~. ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR ·· """' DAMAGES AGAINST lHE CITY OF SEATAC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY ···• BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OTHER . lHAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY lHE CITY Of RENTON, . FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD. lHE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE, < INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE . GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, Of, SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE<< WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, .. CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE . CONSTRUED AS RELEASING lHE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN ... WHOLE OR IN PART FROM lHE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. . . . . THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE$ OF SAID OWNERS. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. JA~NDER KAUR GARCHA STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS BANK OF AMERICA BY: llllE: COUNTY OF __ j$.!tJG___ .. . . · .. · · .....•.. · I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT. JAY.INO.ER~GARCHA IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR .... THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT •. ·. . DATED ________ _ ·----.. -_.,.., (SIGNATURE) . (SEAL OR STAMP) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ___ .;..._ __ . STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF __ j$.!tJG __ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT . . . __ _ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT _HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND< ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE __ . ---OF . BANK. QF • AME;filCA --- -------· ______ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT op· SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRU"4ENT, .. DATED _____ . __ _ ---~----------------·------:-(SIGNATURE) (SEA(-OR STAMP) ----------------·------;,..--. TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES__ ---......:- LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CORRECTLY REPRE.,,.;. •··.· .. ·. · SENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH STATE AND COUNTY STATUTES .. ·. 20 .... 6~~ ... CERTIFICATE NO. 39570 RECORDER'S CEATlFICA TE .............................................. ~ .......... ~~~·~~·~·~··::- FILED FOR RECORD THIS ......... DAY OF ......... ,20 ..... AT •.. M ' ,-, . . JN BOOK .......... OF ....... , AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS lREE FENCE AP_--'l 0.9' E, 1.8' N SFR D SINGLE fAMll Y RESIDENTIAL · 1ELEPHONE RISER PAVEMENT GRA'vU CONCRETE ADJOINERS BUILDING LOCA 110N APPROXIMATE ............................... * ..... MANAGER ... suPr:· ·oF .RECORos'· ... , ·· \TICINITY MAP N.T.S, • El LEGEND (M) (C) SET 1/2" BY 24" REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP "PLS 39570" MEASURED CALCULATED M.I.C. · MONUMENT IN CASE · PLAT OF PANTHER MEADOW ROS 1 ·· VOL. 151,. PG. 26-28 Ros 2 · THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN ····. PLAT VOL. 233, PG. 43-47 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: REFERENCES 1. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP OF SW. 32-23-5 2. PLAT OF PANTHER MEADOW VOL. 151, PG. 26-28 3. THE RESERVE AT STONEHA VEN PLAT VOL. 233, PG. 43-47 4. PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE VOL. 194, PG. 15-17 KCSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 7909130717 5. PLAT OF HI-VIEW HEIGHTS VOL. 19, PG. 75,76 6. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 2004046900009 7. KCSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 9101089003 8. PLAT OF FREDERICKS PLACE VOL. 169, PG. 30-37 9. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GU AR ANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DA TED MARCH 14, 2007, LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 287024, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 8708141452, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED USING A NIKON DTM 420 TOTAL STATION EMPLOYING CONVENTIONAL TRAVERSE. PROCEDURES. FIELD WORK BY GEODETIC SURVEYING SERVICE IN 2007. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN. U.S. SURVEY FEET. . . . . . . . 2. STEWART Tllt.E GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DATED MARCH· 14, 2007,: WAS RELIED UPON FOR DISCLOSURE OF THE VESTING OF TITLE OF THE REAL PROPERTY COMPRISING THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT, WHICH ACCORDING TO SAID BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. A. KC WATER DIST. No. 58 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AGREEMENTS AND THE TERMS REC. No. 7410290028 AND 7708300433. . . 8. RESTRICTION./ CONDITIONS OF FACE OF SHORT PLAT REC. No. 7909130717. C. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTICE REC. No. 9903022495. . D. RIGHT TO MAKE NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS REC. No. 7708150917. E. FACILITIES CHARGES REC. No. 9707110512. F. TERM AND PROVISIONS OF SIDE SEWER EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 8706100533 G. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED fN THE SHORT PLAT REC. NO. 8708141452 . --,----------. -- 3. TRAVERSE CLOSURES FOR THfS SURVEY EXCEED THE REQUfREMENTS OF WAC 332-130-090. · 4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS PERFORMED IN JANUARY OF 2007 THE FIELD DATA WAS CQLLE(;TED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRIC THEODOLITE. THE DATA FILE IS ARCHIVED ON DISC OR CD. WRITIEN FIELD NOTES MAY NOT EXfST. BASIS OF BEARINGS . THE LINE BETWEEN THI:: MONUMENTS AT THE S. 1/4 CORNER AND MONUMENT AT :><:..ING OF CENTERLINE OF S. 47TH AVE AN!) W. I..INE OF SW 1/4 AS DEPICTED HEREON BEARING N43'12'21"W ,_ . ~ _. . . MERIDIAN SECTiON SUBDIVISION PER PLAT OF PANTHER MEADOW \IOL 151, PG. 26-28 31 3 t .. . K.C. D.D.E:.S.. 6 5 / N89'26'08"W !t'·,··:---· r··-····,--·'··--··-···--MGN Nor FOUND CALC. POSITION 2618.55' PER ROS 1 SUBDIVISION OF: ~ 0 z 5 CALC. POSITION PER ROS 1 B32§33 THEORETICAL C1/4 FOUND M.I.C. BRASS DISK W/X IN CONC. VISITED JUNE '08 SW 1/ 4, SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E, W.M. SCALE: 1"=1000' JA VINDER KAUR GARCHA 18845 102ND AVE SE RENTON, WA 98055 ROJECT GARCHA· .. SHORT PLAT No. L07S0022 ' -' ' ·, ,· . •, . ' . -:-.: ·:"·: . . DA 12 08 08 SCA.LE 1,, = 30, DWG Y08RNT1 w JOB# 0 06KNT02 <( DRAWN BY ~ R .APPROVED RV • ___J 0 SHEET 1 o'F 1 > --- . I ·-. !fu-. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON GARCHA SHORT PLAT No. L07S0022 APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT AL SERVICES EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _______ _, 20_ L-~~~~~------------------~ -DE-VE-LO_P_M-EN-T-EN_G_IN_E_E_R ____________ _ DEPPffiMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ---------20~ ASSESSOR AECOfiDINQ NO. VCA../PAOE. 1---------------"'-------------1 60 SCALE: 1 inch = 30 ft. I DEDICATION EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _______ _, 20-DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT No. 322305-9285 PORTION OF: S.W. 1/ 4 of S.W. 1/ 4, SEC. 32, T -23N., R-5E.,W.M. BASIS OF BEARINGS LINE BETWEEN THE TWO FOUND MONUMENTS IN THE CENTERLINE OF 102ND AVE SE, BEARING N0116'44°W IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. JA\'INDER KAUR GARCHA STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF _ KING )SS BANK OF AMERICA BY: TITLE: I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT JAVJNDER KAUR GARCHA IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED---~~-- (SIGNATURE) (SEAL OR STAMP) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON -OA_J_H_S_TA-J-ED-=T-HA:-::-J--:-Hc::E:-:W~/:.s'."'.:"'""A~U=TH~O:=R::::IZ=Eo=-=To=-EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT /:.s THE OF BANK OF AMERICA ----------TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED _______ _ (SIGNATURE) (SEAL OR STAMP) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE-------- VICINITY MAP N.T.S. NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED USING A NIKON DTM 420 TOTAL STATION EMPLOYING CONVENTIONAL TRAVERSE PROCEDURES. FIELD WORK BY GEODETIC SURVEING SERVICE IN 2007. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. 2. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DATED MARCH 14, ·2007, WAS RELIED UPON FOR DISCLOSURE OF THE VESTING OF TITLE OF THE REAL PROPERTY COMPRISING THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT, WHICH ACCORDING TO SAID BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. A. TERM AND PROVISIONS OF SIDE SEWER EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 8706100533 B. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SHORT PLAT REC. NO. 8708141452 3. TRAVERSE CLOSURES FOR THIS SURVEY EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 332-130-090, 4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS PERFORMED IN JANUARY OF 2007 THE FIELD DATA WAS COLLECTED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRIC THEODOLITE. THE DATA FILE IS ARCHIVED ON DISC OR CD. WRITIEN FIELD NOTES MAY NOT EXIST. 31 . 0) 0 <.o I'- <D N w ' ~ t') . t') -• ~ 0 z 31 6 32 32 5 • • N89'26 24 E 2629.68 3 . lO aJ r-: N r-. N w ' 0 ~ . ~ <D f"l ~ 0 z 32 N89'26'07"W 2618.54' 32 SUBDIVISION OF: SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E, W.M. SCALE: 1"•1000' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE FILED FOR RECORD THIS --DAY OF ---20. __ AT_M THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR IN BOOK __ OF --AT PAGE ---AT THE REQUEST OF UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PAUL E. MORROW APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN SURVEYOR'S NAME MARCH, 2006. MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS CERTIFICATE No. 39570 . ,. ' ', ; LEGEND ..JL SECT. CORN. PER PLAT T OF FREDERICKS PLACE CS) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ~ POWER METER "? FIRE HYDRANT EE WATER METER f><l WATER VALVE -0-UTILITY POLE M~ MAIL BOX CONIFEROUS TREE * @ DECIDUOUS TREE srR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL \ ~ 0 TELEPHONE RISER FENCE: CR. PAVEMENT 0.7' £. 1.7' z "0S'. u.. > ~ 9 0 a> o ""' CONCRETE 97 ..3o;0 -?,s~ o ADJOINERS BUILDING 7 > 'io an LOCATION APPROXIMATE GRAVEL ------ x-x-}(- I I I SITE BENCHMARK: 9,2' N86"2Q'..OO·e ~.56' . 6' CHAINLINK FENCE ~,-i; 20' W E EASEMENT PER ' . REC. # 8910312126 SIT 600 NAIL IN SOUTH FACE OF UTILIIY POLE. ELEVATION: 412. 10 U.S. FEIT ~ REFl::RENCES 1. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP OF SW. 32-23-5 2. CKSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 7909130717 3. PLAT OF HI-VIEW HEIGHTS VOL. 19, PG. 75,76 4. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 2004046900009 5. CKSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 9101089003 6. PLAT OF FREDERICKS PLACE VOL 169, PG. 30-37 7. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER l\lo. 207149921, DA TED MARCH 14, 2007. SSMH RIM EL.=414.94 N. /NV. EL.-396.64 (a• PVC) S. /NV. EL.=396.39 (8" PVC) E. /NV. EL.=J97.09 (8" PVC) LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 287024, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 8708141452, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ENT I GEODETIC JAVINDERKA~bM@WA 14446 S 591J,1rAlv:l=n · TUKWILA, WA.l\st81'&s''E.S. 14 07 SCALE 1 "= 3Q' OWG 06KNT2SP w SURVEYING SERVICES P.O. BOX 3488 RENTON, WA 98056 PHONE: ( 425) 299-1739 JOBI 06KNT02 <.'.l ::=-=--------------!-=,~~~~<( ROJECT DRAl'IN BY Q_ lXPIRES: ~ KING COUNTY 1-----'-'RC.C.CVL=--lil"-- GARCI-IA SHORT PLAT No. L07S0022 APPRoVEo RV _j 0 SHEET ..!_oF J_ > L07S0022 C\I 0 1-z ~ co 0 APPROVALS: RECORDING NO. VOL/PA<:£ DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHORT PLAT No. ____ _ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT AL SERVICES EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ______ DAY OF ------------------• 20 __ . EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ____ DAY OF ________________ , 20 __ . g....,..-------------------------------"1 -----·-------·---------------------------------- ASSESSOR 111-----~···----·-------·------------1 DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER DEDICATION EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ____ DAY OF ________________ , 20 ___ . DEPUTY ASSESSOR KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY 11-lESE PRESENTS 11-lAT WE, 11-lE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN 11-lE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE 11-llS SHORT PLAT TO BE 11-lE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF 11-lE SHORT SUBDIVISION DIVISION DIRECTOR, LAND USE SERVICES DIVISION ACCOUNT No. 322305--9285 30 0 15 30 60 SCALE: .1 inch -30 ft. ~ PORTION op. MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO 11-lE USE OF 11-lE PUBLIC 1---------------------------L----·------------------------...L..-----------------------;----------, FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE 11-lE USE 11-lEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT Wlll-l 11-lE USE 11-lEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO 11-lE S.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N., R-5E.,W.M. RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON 11-lE LOTS SHOWN 11-lEREON IN 11-lE Ol~IGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURll-lER DEDICATE TO 11-lE USE OF 11-lE PUBLIC ALL 11-lE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFlCALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS SHORT PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY KING COUNTY. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF !DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SHORT SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFlCA TION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM TI-IE NEGLIGENCE OF KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. JAVINDER KAUR GARCHA ST.ATE OF W.ASHINGTON COUNTY OF __ 1$J.!)JG __ _ )ss BANK OF AMERICA BY: TITLE: I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT JAY.LND_ER_M.!)JL.GA!iCl:lA... IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE HIS FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED __________ _ ------------------------------ (SIGNATURE) (SEAL OR STAMP) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ____________ _ STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF __ J:$1.!)JG __ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ---------------------------SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT _HE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE -------------OF _BANK_Of:_.}.MERIC.A,__ -----------------TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ____________ _ (SEAL OR STAMP) (SIGNATURE) TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES __________ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE -------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: LOT 2, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 287024, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING No. 8706141452, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BASIS OF BEARINGS LINE BETWEEN THE TWO FOUND MONUMENTS IN THE CENTERLINE OF 102ND AVE SE, BEARING N01"16'4-4"W REFERENCES 1. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP OF SW. 32-23-5 2. CKSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 7909130717 3. PLAT OF HI-VIEW HEIGHTS VOL. 19, PG. 75, 76 4. RECORD OF SURVEY REC. No. 2004046900009 5. CKSP RECORDED UNDER REC. No. 9101089003 6. PLAT OF FREDERICKS PLACE VOL. 169, PG. 30-37 7. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DATED MARCH 14, 2007. NOTES 1. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED USING A NIKON DTM 420 TOTAL STATION EMPLOYING CONVENTIONAL TRAVERSE PROCEDURES. FIELD WORK BY GEODETIC SURVEING SERVICE IN 2007. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. 2. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE, ORDER No. 207149921, DATED MARCH 14, 2007, WAS REUED UPON FOR DISCLOSURE OF THE VESTING OF TITLE OF THE REAL PROPERTY COMPRISING THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT, WHICH ACCORDING TO SAID BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CERTIFICATE IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS. A. TERM AND PROVISIONS OF SIDE SEWER EASEMENT UNDER REC. NO. 8706100533 8. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDrnoNS AND RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SHORT PLAT REC. NO. 8708141452 3. TRAVERSE CLOSURES FOR THIS SURVEY EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF WAC 332-130-090. 4. THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWN HEREON WAS PERFORMED IN JANUARY OF 2007 THE FIELD DATA WAS COLLECTED AND RECORDED ON MAGNETIC MEDIA THROUGH AN ELECTRIC THEODOLITE. THE DATA FILE IS ARCHIVED ON DISC OR CD. WRITIEN FIELD NOTES MAY NOT EXIST. N89'26'24"E 2629.68' 31 32--l --32 ~--J ~; SITE ;:-: CJ §::._I --· + ---1 ---!w ' 0 31 32 6 5 L 32 NrJ9'26'07"W 2618.54' ~ SUBDIVISION OF: SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E, W.M. SCALE: 1"=1000' SUf~VEYOR'S CERTIFIC/,fE FILED FOR RECORD THIS ----DAY OF --~---20 ____ AT_~_M THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR IN BOOK _____ OF ----AT PAGE ·-------AT THE REQUEST OF UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PAUL E. MORROW -----SURVEYOR'S NAME -- MGR. SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN MARCH, 2006. CERTIFICATE No. 39570 SFR D . . . . ~ EXPIRES: SECT. CORN. PER PLAT OF FREDERICKS PLACE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE POWER METER FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE UTILITY POLE MAIL BOX CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONE RISER PAVEMENT GRAVEL CONCRETE L 2 20/08 ,:5:1 102ND L AVENUE S,E, -- BRASS DISK W/X IN CONC. IN CASE ,<i.:i @ X-ING W/SE 186TH ST/]\ __ --~---,----,----,-----------,VlSITED DEC 06 •'- N LN., S 1/2, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 32, T-23N, R-5E. W.M. ~ IBUII.DING I CON.nNUES SOUTI-1 -SITE BENCHMARK: . 0 I') 2ct BUILDING CONllNUES sOU1H SSMH RIM EL.=413.91 N. /NV. EL.=393.08 (B" PVC) S. /NV. EL.=397.86 (8" PVC) £. /NV. EL.=398.06 (B" PVC) E EASEMENT PER REC. # 8910312126 SET 600 NAIL IN SOUT/-i FACE OF UTILITY POLE. SSMH RIM EL. =414.94 ELEVATION: 412.10 U.S. FEET N. /NV. EL.=396.64 (B" PVC) S. /NV. EL.=396.39 (8" PVC)~ s ~ l.,J ( '? fil Cl:: <'. .-:-:::::.: ... :~---- :::::::::: ::::: J::/:. ······-· ........... . ::::::::: ::::: ~:::: ·::::::: :::. ·.~::::. . ................. . //}la:} f5{/ ::-:-:-:-:-:: -:-:-:,:i:-:-:-~-:-:-:-: -:-:-:,:-:-:-:-:,:-:-:-~:-:-:-:- ·::::::.· :::. ·.::..J:::: .................... ······· ........... . :-:::::::::::::::::::::4r:::::: ................... ....... .... ....... . ............ ... ., ... .................. , ~. £. /NV. [L~,.709 1•· T) n A m, CB TYPE I RIM=413.12 IE(E)=411 321.F 12" Dl D 0.6% TYPE I 1 RIM=413.04 IE(E,s)-410,8 1_CB TYPE I RIM=414.36 @ X-ING i~!~~g~Ai!:::;:: '-I-+-----------· GEODETIC SURVEYING SERVICES 6041 CHAMPIONSHIP CIRCLE MUKILTEO, WA 98275 PHONE: ( 425) 299-1739 CLIENT I 18845 102ND AVE SE KENT, WA 98055 322305--9285 JA VINDER KAlJR GARCI-IA 14446 S 59TH AV'c- TUl<WILA, WA. 98168 DATE · 04/Q_5_j07 SCALE 1,, = 20 , DWG OQ_KN T2_S_E>__ w JOB# (.') --··--------------------------------___ Qf3_1~N TQ~ <( PROJECT DRAWN BY Q_ KING COUNTY RVL '-.... , __ _ SHORT PLAT No. ____ _ APPROVED RV _j ·------0 SHEET _1_o·F _1_ >