HomeMy WebLinkAboutLarge Format4' X 3'-6" CONCRETE PATIO 0 0 0 M W lop X31-611 z 0 } o 22'-104" 11 23#-311 � N W 883 SF GARAGE4 GARAGES GARAGE2 GARAGEI STORAGE 0 (0 SPACE - W So DE ADDI W z W a n 0 0 N PROPERTY LINE 49'-2" EXTERIOR STAIRS PRIVATE ENTRANCE TO B&B ABOVE 1 ST FLOOR - GARAGE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPERTY LINE .441-211 2ND FLOOR - BED & BREAKFAST SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N LINE OF ROOF ABOVE, TYP. MEDICI ARCHITECTS Architecture 'Programming Accessible Design Interior Design 11661 SE 1 st Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Tel: (425) 453-9298 Fax: (425) 452-8448 171 REGISTRATION: 6926REGISTERED RCHIT T' EMILY BUCHWAL STATE OF WASHINGT❑N REVISIONS: DATE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROJECT / CLIENT: MARY'S NEW GARAGE AND B&B MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON,--WA=98057 = JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME: FLOOR PLANS ISSUE: Drawn By: SJ Checked By: EB Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.: 2014042 DATE: 08-21-14 ,r, PLOT SCALE: 1:1 701e lop X31-611 CONCRETE PATIO 0 31_02" 22'-104" 11 23#-311 4 CAR GARAGE 883 SF GARAGE4 GARAGES GARAGE2 GARAGEI STORAGE SPACE - So DE ADDI 0 0 � 0 1_011 8'-01' (J , 8'-011 (J 8„011 81_011 2'-0It (�0„ '-3' 3'-011 21_511 44' -(2j 49'-2” EXTERIOR STAIRS PRIVATE ENTRANCE TO B&B ABOVE 1 ST FLOOR - GARAGE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPERTY LINE .441-211 2ND FLOOR - BED & BREAKFAST SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N LINE OF ROOF ABOVE, TYP. MEDICI ARCHITECTS Architecture 'Programming Accessible Design Interior Design 11661 SE 1 st Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Tel: (425) 453-9298 Fax: (425) 452-8448 171 REGISTRATION: 6926REGISTERED RCHIT T' EMILY BUCHWAL STATE OF WASHINGT❑N REVISIONS: DATE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROJECT / CLIENT: MARY'S NEW GARAGE AND B&B MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON,--WA=98057 = JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME: FLOOR PLANS ISSUE: Drawn By: SJ Checked By: EB Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.: 2014042 DATE: 08-21-14 ,r, PLOT SCALE: 1:1 701e �Z Y W J m o w a i WEST ELEVATION m W -' i �W W Z CL 0 W a H 6926 REGISTERED (D. EMILY :: W STATE OF WASHINGTON 123 MAIN AVENUE S. W z RENTON WA 98057 � - o Z) L? ao m cy) .� N LON Y Q W U) ____ _4--- 5'TOP OF ROOF 43' 1 ST FLOOR 1 smile losses IN 01111111 NINE son NINE NINE U loss NONE EXTERIOR STAIRS PRIVATE ENTRANCE TO B&B ABOVE SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF COMPOSITION SHINGLES, TO MATCH ON EXISTING HOUSE HARDIE PLANK HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING, PAINTED COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING HOUSE SHINGLES, PAINTED COLOR TO MATCH EXISTING HOUSE REFER TO SHEET A0.0 EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING MED[CI ARCHITECTS Architecture Programming Accessible Design Interior Design 11661 SE 1 st Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Tel: (425) 453-9298 Fax: (425) 452-8448 FN REGISTRATION: REVISIONS: DATE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROJECT / CLIENT: MARY'S NEW GARAGE AND B&B 6926 REGISTERED RCHIT T EMILY :: BUCHWAL STATE OF WASHINGTON REVISIONS: DATE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROJECT / CLIENT: MARY'S NEW GARAGE AND B&B EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME: ELEVATIONS ISSUE: Drawn By: Si Checked By: EB - Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.: 2014042 DATE: 08-21-14 PLOT SCALE: 1:1v ,..,vvD I,1C t- %_., L'-- " ,. 5�1 ��2014 Q �v W V� AN MARY RYAIle N W a 123 MAIN AVENUE S. W ° RENTON WA 98057 EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME: ELEVATIONS ISSUE: Drawn By: Si Checked By: EB - Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.: 2014042 DATE: 08-21-14 PLOT SCALE: 1:1v ,..,vvD I,1C t- %_., L'-- " ,. 5�1 ��2014 Q �v W V� AN EXISTING TREE #1 ^iS,3'Td,��'�"i„� CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" EXISTING TREE #3 EXISTING TREE #2 N MEUICI ARCHITECTS Architecture Programming Accessible Design Interior Design 11661 SE 1 st Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Tel: (425) 453-9298 Fax: (425) 452-8448 Fol REGISTRATION: REVISIONS: DATE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROJECT / CLIENT: MARY'S NEW GARAGE AND B&B MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE S. >:Eh(TON; WA.9.8-Q;7. ,_ -, _...�. -- —� JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME: LANDSCAPE PLAN ISSUE - Drawn By: Si Checked By: EB Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.- 2014042 DATE: 09-09-14 I PLOT SCALE:: 1:1,1 1.� /C f') Pir'�t�il�i , a ")ojla(7N 6926 ,..•.REGISTERED RCHIT T EMILY BUCHWAL STATE ❑F WASHINGT❑N REVISIONS: DATE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROJECT / CLIENT: MARY'S NEW GARAGE AND B&B MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE S. >:Eh(TON; WA.9.8-Q;7. ,_ -, _...�. -- —� JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME: LANDSCAPE PLAN ISSUE - Drawn By: Si Checked By: EB Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.- 2014042 DATE: 09-09-14 I PLOT SCALE:: 1:1,1 1.� /C f') Pir'�t�il�i , a ")ojla(7N 123 MAIN AVE. S, RENTON WA 98057 , *-0. 49l-2" PROPERTY LINE RFM " SETBAM S89007'30"E 120.00' o EXISTING TO WALKAWAY 335 SF DRIVEWAY NEW PERMEABLE PAVERS EXISTING DRIVEWAY 8 672 SF - — --- - — - — -80 SF - - - - - - — - — — — — — - - — - — - — - r> UJ NNW VIEW PROPERTY LINE N89007'30"W 120.00' N SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 10' 6,000 SF ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 85% WAP 1.EXISTING HOUSE: 2,000 SF S 117 SF 3. NEW 4 CAR GARAGE: Legend 4. DRIVEWAY EXISTING: 672 SF 5. DRIVEWAY (50 %): Highlighted Feature 03 Otis' 7. STAIRS: ntial, 48 OU w we PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: CountV Boundary W4 Parks 2 N6 Neiobothoad Butmeo X Itliauntain Peaks 1. EXISTING MAIN STRUCTURE FOOTPRINT: Un.1morparatedKC Zoning 2. PROPOSED ACCESSORY BUILDING efl,cw"flarvityflusinm TOTAL PROJECT Highways BUILDING COVERAGE AREA: A— W A96cuilluia1, one'DU 10 a=,s PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: Re, Rolim'Fal Forest Praduction District 0 t Offmz lyl)mbp, V t2f el M 1 1, i7ZWV­,`, :717, M mi"Gral District Bo u n da ry RA -2,1 -Rut Ama, one 011 par 5 =es 81 U rbc n G rowth Area Lin: 5 ime RA -5 . Rutal Ates, one DU par s IW045 x,10 -Rural krw, one OU per 10 acres 41 deck UR - urbom Rewvs, one oijpw 5 awa$ Streets too ddition R, g iY!,; R-4 4 DU Artari* R,S, RasAen,14,6DUp*r=,r* Yr, LOGBI 1027 IVs R4 - Residential, 8 Wpw &,= Lakes andt-argo Rivers "1200903 EXISTING R-12 ­'Resk1wribial, 12DU per Streams RAS- Retid4mt, It DU per ame Tribal Lands R-24, RaWwtk04 24 OU, r=m DECK 108 lot m?:njwsI open decking fl�)W200162 a. 36 0 190 SF 6391 22 mentarn' IV /1231 S_',13_- U50 122 19 9 ■ —EXTERIOR STAIRS F/M _ 100 PRIVATE ENTRANCE 10.10 TO B&B ABOVE 1000 IMMIM 111110MIZIZ1111111111111 - 50113 OPEN DECKING OVER 1005 PERVIOUS AREA _2 DRIVEWAY NEW PERMEABLE PAVERS EXISTING DRIVEWAY 8 672 SF - — --- - — - — -80 SF - - - - - - — - — — — — — - - — - — - — - r> UJ NNW VIEW PROPERTY LINE N89007'30"W 120.00' N SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 10' N NEIGHBORHOOD MAP ( I SCALE: 1" = 100' EXISTING HOUSE - VIEW 1 EXISTING HOUSE - VIEW 2 EXISTING HOUSE -VIEW 3 6,000 SF ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 85% WAP 1.EXISTING HOUSE: 2,000 SF S 117 SF 3. NEW 4 CAR GARAGE: Legend 4. DRIVEWAY EXISTING: 672 SF 5. DRIVEWAY (50 %): Highlighted Feature 03 Otis' 7. STAIRS: ntial, 48 OU w we PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: CountV Boundary W4 Parks 2 N6 Neiobothoad Butmeo X Itliauntain Peaks 1. EXISTING MAIN STRUCTURE FOOTPRINT: Un.1morparatedKC Zoning 2. PROPOSED ACCESSORY BUILDING efl,cw"flarvityflusinm TOTAL PROJECT Highways BUILDING COVERAGE AREA: A— W A96cuilluia1, one'DU 10 a=,s PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: Re, Rolim'Fal Forest Praduction District 0 t Offmz lyl)mbp, V t2f el M 1 1, i7ZWV­,`, :717, M mi"Gral District Bo u n da ry RA -2,1 -Rut Ama, one 011 par 5 =es 81 U rbc n G rowth Area Lin: 5 ime RA -5 . Rutal Ates, one DU par s IW045 x,10 -Rural krw, one OU per 10 acres 41 UR - urbom Rewvs, one oijpw 5 awa$ Streets too R, g iY!,; R-4 4 DU Artari* R,S, RasAen,14,6DUp*r=,r* Yr, LOGBI 1027 IVs R4 - Residential, 8 Wpw &,= Lakes andt-argo Rivers "1200903 R-12 ­'Resk1wribial, 12DU per Streams RAS- Retid4mt, It DU per ame Tribal Lands R-24, RaWwtk04 24 OU, r=m 108 lot m?:njwsI fl�)W200162 a. 36 0 6391 22 mentarn' IV /1231 S_',13_- U50 122 19 9 912 100 10.10 1000 50113 1005 _2 211 L 1-111) ry 2W 212 -5 ;11231 so I I &Irj 2715 221 220 222 2Z:, r KO -1 60 3 _160 0 Wf V 230 3160090 6 le2s16011Til file, e, 1,50117-15 ur 934 4C I 2M K rvq C a a n I y !;J1-1 1 -71 174ft The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without nolice Kino Count makes go representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy. completeness, timeliness. or rights to lho use of such information. �hls document is not intended for rise as a survey product. King County shall not be liable for any gener 1, special, indir(Ect. incidental, or consequential damages including, but not firrifted to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained oil this map. Any sale of 111', 4A R 11 M King County this map or information on this map is prohibited exceptby written permission of King County. Date! 8/712014 Source: Kog County MAP - Property Information (http:/Iwww,metroke.gov/GIS/iMAP) N NEIGHBORHOOD MAP ( I SCALE: 1" = 100' EXISTING HOUSE - VIEW 1 EXISTING HOUSE - VIEW 2 EXISTING HOUSE -VIEW 3 The information included on this map has be n pile by � 9 County start froavanety W, sources an& nji:� led, as to accuracy, cornipleteness. tirinelines" County makes no representations or warra i !1111'11`nghrl� t to h. rra: 9. 'This document is not intended for rise as a survey product. 11 1sa . f1l P,.Wr,,,Cou, 5hil.lincil Itj;,�lb. for ally general, special, indirect. incident ing I, n daniages including, but not4mited to, lost revenues or lost , misuse of the information contained on if this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. King County LA Date: 8/712014 Sourew King County MAP - Property Information ihitp;/iwww,metrokc..goviGIS,'iMAFI; E PROJECT DATA OWNER: MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA PHONE: 425-271-8800 FAX: 425-671-0787 marypatryan@comcast.net ARCHITECT: MEDICI ARCHITECTS EMILY BUCHWALTER, AIA 11671 1st STREET, SUITE 302 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 PHONE: 425453-9298 FAX: 425-452-8448 emily@mediciarchitects.com PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NEW 4 CAR GARAGE AND ACCESSORY BED & BREAKFAST ABOVE SHEET INDEX A0.0 NEIGHBORHOOD MAP AND SITE PLAN A1.0 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN A2.0 ELEVATIONS A3.0 FLOOR PLANS ZONING & CODE INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CITY OF RENTON ZONING: RM -U PARCEL ASSESSOR'S 000720-0082 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TOBIN H H -D C # 37 BEG 90 FT N OF NE COR OF LOT 5 BILK 12 TOWN OF RENTON TH N 50 FT TH W 120 FT TH S 50 FT TH E 120 FT TO BEG OCCUPANCY: ACCESSORY B&B SET BACKS REQUIRED: TO MAIN BUILDING - 0'-0" SIDE YARD - 6-0" REAR YARD - 6-0" Wei 11110000514MAXIM A. GROSS LOT AREA: 6,000 SF ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 85% WAP 1.EXISTING HOUSE: 2,000 SF 2.EXISTING DECK/STAIRS (50 117 SF 3. NEW 4 CAR GARAGE: Legend 4. DRIVEWAY EXISTING: 672 SF 5. DRIVEWAY (50 %): Highlighted Feature 6. PATIOS: Parcels 7. STAIRS: ntial, 48 OU w we PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: CountV Boundary LJ Parks B. GROSS LOT AREA: N6 Neiobothoad Butmeo X Itliauntain Peaks 1. EXISTING MAIN STRUCTURE FOOTPRINT: Un.1morparatedKC Zoning 2. PROPOSED ACCESSORY BUILDING efl,cw"flarvityflusinm TOTAL PROJECT Highways BUILDING COVERAGE AREA: A— W A96cuilluia1, one'DU 10 a=,s PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: Re, Rolim'Fal Forest Praduction District 0 t Offmz Boundary 1 1, Agricultural Production M mi"Gral District Bo u n da ry RA -2,1 -Rut Ama, one 011 par 5 =es U rbc n G rowth Area Lin: 5 ime RA -5 . Rutal Ates, one DU par s x,10 -Rural krw, one OU per 10 acres Ince,rporated Area UR - urbom Rewvs, one oijpw 5 awa$ Streets R, +14REhway R-4 4 DU Artari* R,S, RasAen,14,6DUp*r=,r* LOGBI R4 - Residential, 8 Wpw &,= Lakes andt-argo Rivers R-12 ­'Resk1wribial, 12DU per Streams RAS- Retid4mt, It DU per ame Tribal Lands R-24, RaWwtk04 24 OU, r=m (COM) The information included on this map has be n pile by � 9 County start froavanety W, sources an& nji:� led, as to accuracy, cornipleteness. tirinelines" County makes no representations or warra i !1111'11`nghrl� t to h. rra: 9. 'This document is not intended for rise as a survey product. 11 1sa . f1l P,.Wr,,,Cou, 5hil.lincil Itj;,�lb. for ally general, special, indirect. incident ing I, n daniages including, but not4mited to, lost revenues or lost , misuse of the information contained on if this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County. King County LA Date: 8/712014 Sourew King County MAP - Property Information ihitp;/iwww,metrokc..goviGIS,'iMAFI; E PROJECT DATA OWNER: MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WA PHONE: 425-271-8800 FAX: 425-671-0787 marypatryan@comcast.net ARCHITECT: MEDICI ARCHITECTS EMILY BUCHWALTER, AIA 11671 1st STREET, SUITE 302 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 PHONE: 425453-9298 FAX: 425-452-8448 emily@mediciarchitects.com PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NEW 4 CAR GARAGE AND ACCESSORY BED & BREAKFAST ABOVE SHEET INDEX A0.0 NEIGHBORHOOD MAP AND SITE PLAN A1.0 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN A2.0 ELEVATIONS A3.0 FLOOR PLANS ZONING & CODE INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CITY OF RENTON ZONING: RM -U PARCEL ASSESSOR'S 000720-0082 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TOBIN H H -D C # 37 BEG 90 FT N OF NE COR OF LOT 5 BILK 12 TOWN OF RENTON TH N 50 FT TH W 120 FT TH S 50 FT TH E 120 FT TO BEG OCCUPANCY: ACCESSORY B&B SET BACKS REQUIRED: TO MAIN BUILDING - 0'-0" SIDE YARD - 6-0" REAR YARD - 6-0" Wei 11110000514MAXIM A. GROSS LOT AREA: 6,000 SF ALLOWED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 85% 5,100 SF 1.EXISTING HOUSE: 2,000 SF 2.EXISTING DECK/STAIRS (50 117 SF 3. NEW 4 CAR GARAGE: 1,055 SF 4. DRIVEWAY EXISTING: 672 SF 5. DRIVEWAY (50 %): 444 SF 6. PATIOS: 54 SIF 7. STAIRS: 46 SF PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 4,388 SF = 73% TOTAL NEW: 1600 SF<2,000 SF B. GROSS LOT AREA: 6,000 SF ALLOWED BUILDING COVERAGE: 75% 4,500 SF 1. EXISTING MAIN STRUCTURE FOOTPRINT: 2,000 SF 2. PROPOSED ACCESSORY BUILDING 1,055 SIF TOTAL PROJECT BUILDING COVERAGE AREA: 3,055 SIF PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: 51% LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT: SMALL PROJECT TYPE I ( < 2,000 sf new impervious surface) OPTION: PERMEABLE PAVEMENT Appendix C, Section C.2.6 TOTAL LOT AREA: 6,000 SF TOTAL PROJECT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: 1,619 SF PERVIOUS PAVERS AREA: DRIVEWAY: 880 SF 10% LOT SIZE: 600 SF TOTAL : 880 SF > 600 SF Renton City Limits Commercial Designations __j cc - Commercial Corridor PAA Boundary CN - Commercial Neighborhood M' COR - Commercial -Office -Residential Land Use Center Designations Residential Designations CV - Center Village RLD - Residential Low Density UC -D -Urban Center Downtown RMD - Residential Medium Density UC -N - Urban Center North RBF - Residential Single Family Employment Designations RMF - Residential Multifamily EAV - Employment Area Valley EA1 - Employment Area Industrial r- r_% %1jj r- k -A I I tj 16-0 1 116-1 IN VICINITY MAP NTS ---- - --- 0 C",7,61M _9 126 7_',1,'f • A! dN `F i 723, 0 9 .'f 0 S'z N PROJECT LOCATION PARCEL MAP NTS NO- L 21 I Renton City Limits (R-14) Residential 14dufac showandtell,SHOWANDTELL,vVaterBodif--s 'RM -F) Residential Multi-Fami, (RC) Resource Conservation RM 3) Resi. Multi -Family Tradi k (R -1i Residential Idulacill W 'c"Ou Resi. Mufti -Family Urba 1 41 ResicfentiaG 4du/a,� &*Centeoeage,`s 41 jP R-8) R."� flial 8dulac F_ ;,lic-NIPOrban Center t4rth I ' - , v0plar (,RMN) Reiiili4pltal lI-7. i nlact.,no Nes i :UC -N2) Uri ,.,C.nter normo 2 C 16 ;I -D) Center Downtown 10) Residential ltdl� t I PROJECT LOCATION am Architecture Programming Accessible Design Interior Desiqn 11661 SE 1st Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98005 Tel: (425) 453-9298 Fax: (425) 452-8448 REGISTRATION: 6926 REGISTERED RCHIT111T EMILY BUCHWA STATE [IF WASHINGTON REVISIONS,'- DATE: 2, 3, 4. 5, PROJECT i CLIENT: MARTS NEW GARAGE AND B&B MARY RYAN 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 JOB ADDRESS: 123 MAIN AVENUE S. RENTON, WA 98057 DRAWING NAME - NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL 7.. PLAN -ISSUE: Drawn By: Si Checked By: EB Owner Approval: PHASE: CONDITIONAL USE This drawing is the exclusive property of Medici Architects, and can be reproduced only with the permission of the Architect. Variations and modifications to work shown on this drawing shall not be carried out without written permission from the Architect. PROJECT No.: 2014042 DATE: 09-09-14 PLOT SCALE: 1:1 RE C E I V TFP 19 2014