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Agenda C`r1 �/1 r L Human Services Advisory Committee Funding Deliberations June 17 and 18, 2008 ,. '° GAD„,_ p Tuesday morning, 9am to 11:30am. Break at 10:15am 1. "Rules" and Guidelines Robin • Cell phones on mute or vibrate • No side-bar conversations • Respect each other • What is said in the room, stays in the room • Use of"parking lot" 2. Disclosures—conflict of interest or agencies All 3. Agreements Robin&Karen • Work done at Sub-Committee level & Decisions made at sub-committee level Robin facilitate one group &Elizabeth the other • Fund all result areas • Fully fund#1 ranked agency/program in each result Area • Soft funding targets for each small group—based on Proportion of available funds to total amount of requests $248,490 to Group 1 (Elizabeth, Rolf, Adria, Alicia, Margie, Karen) $235,508 to Group 2 (Robin, Tony, Charlie, Cheryl, Sami, Dianne) • Ten percent of funds $48,400 to connector services 4. What we want at end of process on Wednesday • --Fund recommendations that will be forwarded to mayor and City Council • Funding Contingency Plan Lunch 11:30am ,Tuesday afternoon, noon to 4pm 1. Break-out into the subcommittees—the groups that read the applications 2. Discuss any scores that are out-lyers or high/lows or if one person ranked differently than others 3. Group comes up with recommended funding-rank order of agencies with scores Wednesday morning, 9am to 11:30 1. Subcommittees reconvene to discuss thoughts/make adjustments 2. Whole group convenes—each subcommittee presents final recommendations 3. Adoption of contingency plan 4. Evaluation of process or parking lot items 9--CSL r j Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name ( ,'Program name S'sdidc o I n, eel' ii /�w U � C at esti n 8'orgetha#o at x ►e'i r:c A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: jgYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ®Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined )4Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated 'Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ®Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 7/7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc � ues#ioa�%9�Need-F%ir�the=.Program` A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined 2 Yes 1 Point "❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points M estion4C Pcoposed;Proc tamlSeNice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ni Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points JI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? UYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: q,6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? 1 Paint No 0 Point—0 ' /Not addressed: 0 points (4i ) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? -N Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? AYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Yes 1 Point No 0 Points JNI-Dona-knewNet-aeltkessed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page/6 p. 3 HAFTS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are s ecific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. iYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. `1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ❑ Yes 1 Point f. No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questian41 Lo k ;ka»i7ePlan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? il Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES 6/Your name: �'.� �,i Agency Name: (JcC k (IL 611 !'l�� S ceS Program Name: VG i,�/Ike( 26 ��, f�✓CAS Page 1 : .7/7 Page 2: 1'l/6 Page 3: 5/6 Page 4: J6 TOTAL i /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • I /1 rick , Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications l. Agency name aovliATI id &A f� _ dzit44 41 Program name iO ur , 01 ( uesti% i8M'Or a we ea q >r�r.�ati+b�tal�E�c�►�'r roc"'° A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ~ Yes 1 Point _No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ONo 0 Points Al Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought EYes 1 Point INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined • IYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ' Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ' 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ]Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :5/7 p. 1 H: S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc �r.tMeFProgram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County \M Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Al Yes 1 Point No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Q�est�oYn�10�Prapased�3Piri�giramlSeraice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points , Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? XI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p• 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? { Yes 1 Point f No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? IgT Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point al No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? (I Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Yes 1 Point M No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (P/6 p3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point slNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point J No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? 1MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ouestkiiicr L:on Ranpe'Plan. 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ❑ Yes 1 Point 1MNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. NIYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: ./6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: � 1 Program Name: /J &, Ufa,/ 14/62 G 111 Page 1 : 5 /7 Page 2: '/6 Page 3: 6/6 Page 4: 5/6 TOTAL 0/25 5 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications ex' Agency name M r7 �^(�Program name Psih4a�� c�114cae r Quesit on ,Chian at t nt Frost ence A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Yes 1 Point INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought W.Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined .Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated NYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point [ No 0 Points r I Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :6 /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question 9 Need Fo: '€ e:E P�ro`gram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point J No O Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points K .., .. duestion 10Proposed Program/Seivice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? XI Yes 1 Point J No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point MNo 0 Points .Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 11/6 p. H:. S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point ` f No 0 Points ❑❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point 'M No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: I /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle'1Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. EIYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Qi soon-:11!.Long:Range..Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? 'g Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. `1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:5/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: ji, lC1L rok.1 Agency Name: 6orwvvykLt,i4 /1-, /, 4 . j -.41-4 Program Name: Pc) rY Ot,r1 aide Page 1 : /7 Page 2: 06 Page 3: //6 Page 4: 5 /6 TOTAL / /25 P. H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications N. Agency name Program name r,'�vl�f(/ 4/1.! t' n�:8Organ:rz� ib�rai���tpe�rerice A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point UNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined " Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ]Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point No 0 Points J Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. DYes 1 Point NNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 1//7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question :Weil Fa:r`the=°Progran 1• Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. IA Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined iYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points question=;1.0'Propos aVto`gram%Serv%ce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? 1 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point 33 No : 0 Points ji Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 3/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Ul Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5._ If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point 0.011 No 0 Points 11 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? 11 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? NI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points 154 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: -I6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points C%i Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? VJ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questron�1rfi Long=RanQe~�F'lari 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. IMYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pages-5/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • S99RES Your name: ►�n2t/MA 4 /2 ��41441 &614, Agency Name: Program Name: gif'y Nor47. 4 Page 1 : Y /7 Page 2: (3 /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: -C/6 TOTAL ///25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications O !� � d / Agency name / i r /j�/. ',I Program name 5fr // / �,l4444 14.'D U(/ Que'StTOfftbirfihfaiibiiartibertieiite A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: DYes 1 Point JJNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. DYes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 1]Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ` ]Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ['Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. DYes 1 Point JjNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : ,_?/7 p. 1 H:iHS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • • 'Question :9 y-Need:Fo��S�heW,Pr�ogram, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined -Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question:10 Proposc4Program/Seir k e. A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Ll Yes 1 Point XI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? B Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? O Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:3/6 p2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ,❑ Yes 1 Point X No 0 Points I Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Ei Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points rISI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point lNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point PNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 0/6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1JPoint No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point g No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. RI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points estio i 1' ;L©ng Ra ge.Pran, 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? • Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. • Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 7/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: 4L Agency Name: RA ikA4:4/7ed- 4 Program Name: C 0P 1 yle44-z-y1 Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: 3/6 Page 3: 0/6 Page 4: Y/6 TOTAL /6125 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • 79-- Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name tM/M,f lMiikkfrc gdeil ZamX, Program name c,,,,,,a/,, (/ZU il th M'4 j.6 , 8 AOrcta tzati nJ Expo ijt .c'e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. t Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points .❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ®Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points =. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated 1JYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography gC Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc uesto.n.9'oNeed For thoP.rogram A. Problem Statement • 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point rs No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ❑ Yes 1 Point fi No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question=;'l a Proposoi Prot at/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? LI Yes 1 Point NI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑. Yes 1 Point I l No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 5/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? n Yes 1 Point ZI No 0 Points j-] Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 1 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? 0 Yes 1 Point El No 0 Points E Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ( ) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does,the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? j21 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points • Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point 31 No 0 Points 111 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ..NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: Z/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? 10 Yes 1 Point •❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. resi Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point —1 No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points hest oiri !L'orietRar qe Flare 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: �(') .c'\-4, \1) (x )akro.,, Agency Name: Program Name: a/1/1/IA Page 1 : :2/7 Page 2: 5/6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: G/6 TOTAL 26 /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 1 A i'of,,___, ---11-S,r Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name L® � u.r I s P r o s e �r� Program name Y ,/p-1 `pro n‘ mil --J `"%`',:c%r x. Z;.--..,� �,.;�;. .,.Far'�." ��<�y., � - •��'-rw°Ga"a.�;?•i�d. dues onr8•�0igamiatiorial.-EX�periinc°e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: EYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point • No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined 41Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated [ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography aYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ®Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 7/7 p. 1 H: S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question;a seed:,For the°Program; A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County [ Yes 1 Point AU No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. (, Yes 1 Point I'No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point [� No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question .'IO,:Piroposed`I'rogiram/Seirvic+E A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point rl No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:5/6 p. 2 H:1HS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points '1 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? al Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point NNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? U Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 2/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? AR Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. M.Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? f Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points atieiiiiiii4fr6iiii-PiiiiiiiPiiii. 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? >A, Yes 1 Point "d No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. EN Yes 1 Point _ ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 6/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc * SCORES �`61,644-Vii4*/,1 , 1, 4 Your name: �, � � )c L , Agency Name: / c4 o r v Program Name: //nio/ 7 trizi.f„4 nog dioyi Page 1 : `7. /7 Page 2: 5/6 Page 3: 2 /6 Page 4: 6 /6 TOTAL 6 /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ,111&. Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Li Agency name Py/ M1 / cOlI� ,1 Program name�; i fart (A.) Sr!,OC.(A a 1Ieeck .va;^5 .^,�,,. ,�;a .^:s�-..-..;v,Y:i.'-^*5-.—,..-{:s•v.�,..,._-,^�,a,�ry°:'�'°Yz%"Y;':7b Qtieioi 8: i'ganrzatbnra'1'. �c�5erence` A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point NNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point gNo 0 Points .❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ,PIYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ❑Yes 1 Point • FINo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. InlYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page J /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Quest1on;9:Need:for.the Program A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ❑ Yes 1 Point zrq No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point Er No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ,l Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questioitil .Proposedr'PrOiiiamlServidd A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No OPoints rEl Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points J]C Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:/6 p. 2 Hi\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? n Yes 1 Point P1 No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? 0 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in ques 'on 9? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (N How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Wer the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ,❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrai ian (144) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pagey /6 i p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . • I 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point No' 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ,1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? EYes 1 Point No 0 Points k❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Qiestion.,�3 on't Rani e'PlO 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point • No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: Program Name: Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: 2/6 Page 3: "/6 Page 4: /c/6 TOTAL /025 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name &W>r ,L /ro7rlfn ,0 L.c>0.4 ) Program name \lf v �✓ 4041/ i .8µ:Orgari[za����aaE�cl3eri+�rice; A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: 1yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points A Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Yes 1 Point INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined I( Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated )JYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography NYes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points • 51 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:1HS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I I ;•�•em.•^•.-.-....:-`^*.x++«wr—..,.-..-.......-.,fin+......... .......±a,...sy.....�.-.-...•.-..>.«.;..,y,�. «..-m... Questiioh,V Need Fotflie Program, ' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. \tKI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points LI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined 1/40 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . uestion>v�10=Proposed Proq�ram%Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point I No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? N. Yes 1 Point Al No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:/6 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Y1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will b provided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point ri No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? pg Yes 1 Point No 0 Points • Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point C No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (i7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:s/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? 1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. \M Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? 'M Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question ft Lo liz Ranga:Pla 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: '/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: c/1ikroc,L'P Agency Name: &Yier $' 4 ,,,z (4 Program Name: Page 1 : ,6 /7 Page 2: 6 /6 Page 3: 5/6 Page 4: 4/6 TOTAL eS/25 P. 5 I;I:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ---79--(IL r i&., Human Se ices Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency ine `1 ruS± �' 1 6 c / ayy�,�,��j U04 ntp Program name P C T V ia=C?rgarirzataat::Elarre}rice° A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point (No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The a ency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated J[JYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ]Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point NI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :S/7 p. 1 II:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f uestion:e Need Fvr=_the_Program A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ErYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points L'�uestQii�:3'10�„P�oposed-��rdq ramlServ>!c A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? JS Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑-Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pages/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ffYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have t ey identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be ,rovided? ,Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? i1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points. ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points How the program ad dresses p g a dresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? '.Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ,Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7I Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Ai Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page& /6 B p' H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are sific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? 1cI Yes 1 Point Li No OPoints ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. k] Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ❑ Yes 1 Point TyNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points C, uestien:,=1r1.l,oAg Rancie;Pfa 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. • Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:3 /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES / Your name: &f ) / / 1" 0 (� c C Agency Name: De ve�4 S-�� �� , �� �' /-a'�c�r� /oui / l, Program Name: Pz c_. 74 Page 1 : 5 /7 Page 2: 5 /6 Page 3: 5/6 Page 4: ,3/6 TOTAL / i25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc CS) .1 Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications ,Agency name KO 5A RC- Program name C,,5 A 5 �ue��ionp8�.Organrzatiana�:'E���ri� �e� ,A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: "Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. DYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ►�/ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 40 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Yes 1 Point I INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography `®,Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ,Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points El .Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 6 /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ;Questi on:9�'N eed�'Fvr�the�.P,iroq gram A.. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point DI No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questiion:.:10 Propose ;°Rrog"ram/Serv'ice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? 37.Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points j ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page/6 p. 2 IH:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? EYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? AYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? [�G] Yes 1 Point H No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) MT Yes 1 Point ip No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? al Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 9ii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? JX] Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question:11 lonaFRan± ePlan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. N4 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:(4' /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES J Your name: Odn't kr Agency Name: C.)S Program Name: G l; Page 1 : 6/7 Page 2: 5/6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: ( /6 TOTAL - /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name Program name (Y��, � nm ,r6140frin oae t :? ues ro Q ganrzatartat Exiie �en .e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: gYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. MYes 1 Point No 0 Points- ] ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ]Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ,Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography °Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is.a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points 1)4 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : (p /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc QuestiiCf.9'Need::F iiiifa iiiiraiii A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ' MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined 2 Yes 1 Point No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Qiuestron 1.0''P-ira'p`osed',Piai ram%Sere"ice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? '1 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point jil No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point '❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: ( /6 p12 \HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 1 Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (P/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? IXYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. U Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ,N Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? MYes 1 Point [] No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points uestion 41.;Lonp an e:.Man 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? AYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. W. Yes 1 Point • No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:G /6 p. 114 H:1HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES i 1 Your name: c r 1 6 , ret Agency Name: Re4,3 n, are& (Oa 'S 40 Program Name: Page 1 : (p17 Page 2: 6/6 Page 3: ( /6 Page 4: 6 /6 TOTAL 24' /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name /?ems eit)//i/ Program name ✓ l .xw4 �.i%c',:,,- ?-s?yr,•.;'F„i�:=5"""3? v;v',»•;.;. ;� �s�v�,x�,;,•�,;i,r Qi�s�ion�8��Qrgata ri���:na't��:Ez�ier�eri`ce A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: 'SYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. IAYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 'EYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Operational Structure 4.' The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated [Yes 1 Point 1No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point ®No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :6;. /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc uestion':9"Neel}Fzt``tte Progaa A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The t rget population is clearly defined Ari Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 'luestion 1O Proposed:Proc ram!Service; A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? 1MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 'N] Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 HMHS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? 194,Yes 1 Point ri No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point T No 0 Points 15< Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? 0 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:' /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Arespecific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? DM Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. 1571 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Fl Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is th evaluation reasonable and adequate? Al Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points f A r estion-14 Lon•`;Ran•``e=Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? J Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: LP /6 p. 4 H:1HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc cO S Your name: Agency Name: Program Name: Page 1 : 4L7 Page 2: /6 Page 3: Y/6 Page 4: C /6 TOTAL /25 p5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc .Human Services Advisory Committee Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name ))�-Q^'11 Program name rc v0/� a7f v✓A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined NYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography jYes 1 Point fNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board.stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. nYes 1 Point MNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :6 /7 p. 1 }l:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc �'uestic�.n:9�'Need�Fwr�the��Pro rann: A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County igj Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. R Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined X Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question��10=,Proposed'progiram/S.ervice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: G/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ❑ Yes 1 Point KNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? XYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Yes 1 Point No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? *.MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:5/6 p. 3 HMS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? MYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. V Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? r4 Yes 1 Point ❑ No " 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points QuestThh :Lonq'Rarige P1th 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points 11 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ Yes 1 Point gNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:546 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f SCORES Jriri Your name: k Agency Name: RJ /E g (tiet SiVILro ram Name: Page 1 : 6 /7 Page 2: 0/6 Page 3: 5/6 Page 4: 7/6 TOTAL 2/ /25 p: 5 I :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name Se/1. e ro Program name 00+11M6/0,f� AA,il,145 !Cues# oria�84: ati .n�a1��E�per� nce A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ]Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought IMYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • B. Operational Structure 4. The o er.ational structure of the agency is clearly defined 1lYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated 1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ` Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. NIZYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :7/7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Westiair =9.;Ne`iitriir#iiiI rogAram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County `iVl Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. 11 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The t rget population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points duestion=10. Proposed P'roq'iram/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? t5K1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points LI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 121 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? "V Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 6/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? N Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? (Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? UYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point MNo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? 154 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:5 /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Ares ecific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? sO Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point • No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point L No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question if Long Range"Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? iXj Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. MYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager /6 4 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc r , � SCORES 1 Your name: ra,{ Agency Name: Air Ce r U/Ce 3 Program Name: &MMIZA.4&) Page 1 : 7 /7 Page 2: c /6 Page 3: Page 4: 6 /6 TOTAL 2V/25 . 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name e A i G f' e (/i G '. Program name r)/ ( 4 Off, Quesfiion.:8�xOr na-I:EitjJerrerice A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Yes. 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 1X1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined 1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated 1X1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ' Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 7 /7 p. 1 -I:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question:9.Need-Porsthe Program; A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County I,Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. I>Z Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Quest,oin-T1 U:Proposed°Pcociram/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points xi Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 7 /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? -- 1 Point a No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points J Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? hYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:2/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? n Yes 1 Point IA. No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. NIKI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? 1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points j ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :Question fl LorieiRi geNPfan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 1-//6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ,' SCORES Your name: ail//, ir,/,4, p Agency Name: eA i' r Q rU/L0,5 Program Name: Mect6 Page 1 : 7/7 Page 2: f/6 Page 3: ?/6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL )7/25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc