HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1CITY OF RENTO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 8, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. fii"~';;'f~~~~~~···~·--~c,'l;'p1~/Roze';;i;1~t""sFR R~~identia!De;Mod,ifi~~~~~i1 i LUA (file) Number: LUA15-000817, MOD ~. ~ Cross-References: 1 I AKA's: I Project Manager: ; Acceptance Date: ! Applicant: ] Owner: 1 Contact: I PIO Number: I ERC Determination: ~ Administrative Decision: ' ! Public Hearing Date: I Date Appealed to HEX: Angelea Weihs November 17, 2015 KC Oconnor 0423059141 Date: Appeal Period Ends: Approved Date: Appeal Period Ends: I By Whom: j HEX Decision: Date: November 24, 2015 December 8, 2015 '---------------------A~p~p_e.cca.c...l .c...P..ce.c...ri'-'o'-'d~En~d~s~: ----------s 1 !1 Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: . Council Decision: Date: I Mylar Recording Number: I ; Project Description: The applicant is requesting a residential design modification to reduce the j ! roof pitch to a 4: 12 pitch, rather than the required 6: 12 pitch, on the proposed modern-style home j l located at 2602 NE 22nd ST. Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of I; ! Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 i .i for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Crispin/Rozenblat SFR Residential Design Modification 6 i of the residential design requirements for the proposed single-family residential structure, Project ! ! Number LUAlS-000817 1 MOD is approved. I Location: 2602 NE 22nd St i Comments: '---·-· ~c:rtit1•w Type N$ -Determination of Non-Signific ~1'!tance-Mttlga~ . , OS -Determination of Significance. e; DNS-M -Determination of KC Oconnor LUAlS-000817, MOD Crispin/Rozenblat SFR Residential Design Modification 2602 NE 22nd St DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For City Use Only DECISION: Project Number: LUAlS-000817 Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Crispin/Rozenblat SFR Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single-family residential structure, Project Number LUA15-000817, MOD is approved. [SJ Modification Granted D Modification Partially Granted D Modification Denied (See attached staff comments) November 24, 2015 Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Date Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: Not Applicable The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on December 8, 2015. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'" Floor, (425) 430-6510. This decision expressly approves the specific request(s) to: reduce the roof pitch to a 4:12 pitch, rather than the required 6:12 pitch, on the proposed house located at 2602 NE 2Z'0 ST. Other design elements or representations, provided within the submitted application materials, are excluded from this approval and would be subject to the Renton Municipal Code in effect at the time of building permit application. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angele a Weihs, at 425.430.7312 or aweihs@rentonwa.gov. DEPARTMENT OF COM1v1UNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,,. MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4 AND R-8 ZONES EVALUATION FORM & DECISION Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant Name: Company (if applicable): OC,.:'.Ww 12-I 41 e o rtt 6\¥'.ht== PROJECT INFORMATION ;2 0-r 'of'1<.- }.7 Residential Design Modification Parcel Number: . Zoning Designation: f'IJ {?'f-UO:,-j14-l -.& Brief Summary of Request: ~ Af>i'\~'l::> E'i\.JSrn I {Jlc--'J) (..J=.!T82-. ~c?'v16lltv& f?-e,c,F sLof'G-\29Ji~orJ ~rv-, 6: 12-10 4: /z_ Please list the code section you are requesting a modification from and the "Standards" for that specific code. Write the points of justification and reasoning to grant the modification. Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Roofs" Standard: One of the following is required for all development: l. Hip or gabled with at least a six to twelve (6:12) pitch for the prominent form of the roof (dormers, etc., may have lesser pitch), or 2. Shed roof. Justification: ~£., AMG+tt:"D LE=1Tbo2_ In addition to this form, the following attachments are required: • Site plan and elevations (8.Sxll size) • Built example photos (if available) RMC 4-9-250D.2 Criteria for Modification of the Standards. The requested modification must also meet the following criteria: 1. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; and 2. Will not be injurious to other property(ies) in the vicinity; and 3. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and 4. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and 5. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and mplete. Applicant Signature: ~- Date: /J,,NO V 1 'Z-01~ DEPARTMENT OF COMl\t1UNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT For City Use Only DECISION: Project Number: LUAlS-000817 Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies 5 of the 5 criteria listed in RMC 4-9-250D2 for approval of modifications. Therefore, the Crispin/Rozenblat SFR Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single-family residential structure, Project Number LUAlS-000817, MOD is approved. IZJ Modification Granted D Modification Partially Granted D Modification Denied (See attached staff comments) Jennit:ii:' Henni;;: Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: Not Applicable November 24, 2015 Date The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on December 8, 2015. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'h Floor, (425) 430-6510. This decision expressly approves the specific request(s) to: reduce the roof pitch to a 4:12 pitch, rather than the required 6:12 pitch, on the proposed house located at 2602 NE 2r• ST. Other design elements or representations, provided within the submitted application materials, are excluded from this approval and would be subject to the Renton Municipal Code in effect at the time of building permit application. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Ange lea Weihs, at 425.430. 7312 or aweihs@rentonwa.gov. EXHIBIT 1 City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 26-0CT-2015 Modification Request for 2602 NE 22nd Street OCT 2 8 201'i TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, This letter is to request a modification of the City of Renton Building Guidelines in regards to "Residential Design Standards for Roofs" RMC 4-2-115F-3, from the 6:12 minimum standard to a 4:12 roof pitch. A great deal of thought and effort has gone into the design of this home to not only meet the needs of the client but of the site as well. This lot has some significant design restraints created by the easements for access and utilities, setbacks and a large right-of-way dedication. As a result the size and design of the proposed home was orientated in such a way as to provide the most architectural aesthetic home possible. [ see attached plans) We feel that our proposed design is also in keeping with the style and character of the varied architectural neighborhood in which it is to be built. A survey of the close in neighborhood reveals several other new homes wherein a less than the standard roof design pitches were used. This demonstrates an effort on our part to meet the intent of the ordinance. It is our desire to build a new home in Renton that will further enhance the architectural character of Renton's blossoming neighborhoods. Thank you for consideration of our project. ~{V-- KC O'Connor Project Manager & Designer 14734 NE 101h Street LLC 425.789.6326 kcoc3@msn.com ! ~ r ~ F'LATE • Ul"F'ER FLASHINIS • TOP OF flEAM sueFi..OORIPLATE ,_.\ ;;:: ~ (~) i'RAPF'OOT~IIII TO IOxlO ! i 4x4 ePl.Aa t ~·T~"":. ________ a. ~'><30'6ASE, TOP D ~·-o• A.MF. MAIN FLOOR PlATE o L.Ol"eR COM"OSITION SHIN6LES T'f'PIGAL Hl6+-l RJDISE ! PLATE • UPPER ::Z><6 SMOOTH TI<IM PLAre ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ r'INISH 6-RAO~ ~ ~=-~=-_Jl~~~---~, -·- FRONT ELEVATION ~~~z ~ m >< :::c 1-1 c:I ~ t,J ~ ~ a=!< ...-rJ"W.L TCf',:,z l!IOT,i!::21 M."'-1( HT, '4&" :IU~ 15.&' 52.0' 52.2' PRQf'l!8JY QflOCR NAM!!!, C!!TAT!! or lit. GRISPEN ,lrrPUGANT"tit!t:C, 1<4'794~10'!'1-l91'1'1Ze'TLI.G IO!elr'RO~T MAIL., ~i! ~ 2ND CT, ~"""'~ P"t-lONe, '429.1&"1~6 ~IL., ..FtO~T•,.a.oL.COM N'f'l-lC.ANT GQN'VCC Uf"Q, ~O'GGINNOR Pl-!Ote, ,42!J,.1ticfb!,:26 ~IL, ~M9N.GOM l"M!Q!b tM::1:1:fl, III042'0!-"'ll41 SITP A.PPBM5, 26XX He: 22ND S'TREET, RENTON bC§,AL,pgg,c.glpnQN., I!!: 100 l"TCIP Ji't!!l!Of"TO'P9 .!!i!5 f"T or N 211'0 FTOF 51/:2 OF~ l/40F1'1'( t/-4 ....,,..,_,._,, = 1~ D'V FULL 6MT ~ EXP,'.NSION] fi,500Sf {WOUT ~ EXP"""'610N) BUILDJM6 fOOTI"RIHI, l,4"1"1$1"' [INGUJOIN6 GANTllZ'IERS ANO l"OlllGH. !"BQPQ:,t!p LQI c..qye,y..se, rr . .+!ll!i lrvo1WV'IE.XP] 1e.e11 w 1Wt"I ex,:>J "°""' >lfl'.r. UNDfR ~ !ll!i. Al..1..Qt"IABl.li: J!f'C8YIQUS ME ... , -"'-'-""""' "5111, 1.weR ~ I,..... AREA !"OR Bl'f. PRQf"QSl!P lt:-ff'8YIQUS l"'.,Rl;,',1 [rvo lltOl'i exp], ~,.+4-45P / e,~ • ..a~ < ~ AL.LOreD U/ ""4". [W l't.C¥t ~]. 9,41ag I i,b!!O!f' • -4334-ll < ~ ALLCVEP U/ et-'P. G,1.1 QI t!:DPl::l PhTA, BUILDIM6, l,"1605F [TO~] ~ RP {6AAVEW, l;i.oosF GONCRE're DRJVB"t""'r", ~2SF flla.ONT SI~ • S'TEF5, 'T"5F (M,::.')T'e, ADO 26SI" ti" RC~ IS NO'r 1!)(1"'-'NDE[)) ~ G.oNC l'VJ.K, 929' SIDI! STEPS i c;.oNC. STOOP, ~ TQTAL f'8m'QSp ll'f':8YIQUS, ~t++46l"D'V0~~1 i!.-+l~f.l"V~~l !,11?! GOl'FLl!!S UTILIZ1N6 A~~ Of' A ~TION OI"' ~ 1Mf!RV10U5 J\Rl!A Of' 9-·-·-· ., I ' A.:A>-" ·:-y,™OFEXISTINSASPHAI..TROADY'lAY' ---·~-·-·--·~"-· 1Mi,,~TH,l,,Nlall!,~~(MP"ERVIOUS I ~ l'HG+i 19 ~ O"-L.e55at ~TI-I OR ri!THOL/T TIE RGt'( exf'ANfilON. 0 """' H'roRAl<T LANDSCAPE PLAN 2602 NE 22ND STREET :>ATE, :26-0C.T-:2015 Kc.O ~I,' sGAi:£11.f'•:20' ~ f\;::(~' ... )\,·:-n lo -20 -,40 1Jll282ll15 BUH./i!1\~t, ,_:'j;;;\·L·: ~• I~~ AAe.,a,5 l>IPE!R TI-le SHADON OP Tte l'.aoF ~ ~ CM .. :T' GaLNT'ED ONCE. PLAN Sl'.M6QLS, l""""I (12) 2 6AL BOXY't:>OD D 12'0< ~ FINE 6ARK A5 A 6EDD!N6 TC F.3 FINE BARK [MULTC.H] WI 6AL i,:,:,:,:J SAL.AL (OR Ea) co 9b'OG, DIA, SPAGIN6, FER DETAIL. e i'iASHED 6RAYEL cl/4' MINUS, I D~~~~~Tic~; PER GJT'T" OF RENTON ROAD ! ~ TURF SOOD OR f-t'r1:)R05EEO < • L:.....:J 4$6' TOPSOIL. ( STREET TREES' IOEDSPII gz_ EGl PER OrolNER. 2" MIN INSTALLED PER DETAIL. m >< :::c 1-t m 1-t -I w i NORTH HIGHLANDS RESIDENCE· AERIAL PHOTO ~ KING CO IMJ -~LW<-·i f,.L:~~'..1,' .._,Affrl{'.'IJ',,1id:t,J1:l1i;l.7f:'.'.~~'~· m >< ::c 1-1 0, 1-1 -t .i::,. RECEIPT EG00046260 BILLING CONTACT KC O'CONNOR 5415 NE 2nd Ct Renton, WA 98059 REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA15-000817 Printed On: November 25, 2015 Prepared Bv: Angelea Weihs --------.•Kenton 0 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Transaction Date: November 17, 2015 TRANSACTION TYPE PAYMENT METHOD TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $154.50 Page 1 of 1