HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 1RECEIPT EG00031749
5050 1 ST AVE SOUTH, STE 102
LUA14-001619 PLAN -Temp Use -Tier 2
Technology Fee
Printed On: 12/1012014 Prepared By: Clark Close
_____ ....,_.-p,-r ¢ City of
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LUA 14-001619
Fee Payment
Fee Payment
Transaction Date: December 10, 2014
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SEATTLE, WA 98134-2400
:i:::.,r;;.~.'.'[,[~-,;~,,~:~'.;,'-'.':t~"' {206) 762-9125 POINTE HERON/S'
B.CE JOB NO. 14200 \1c--.-...-.-,,...,""''._,,,"" .,,., ""'·,"·,··
Date: July 30, 2015
To: City Clerk's Office
From: Sabrina Mirante
Subject: Land Use File Closeout
Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City
Clerk's Office
Project Name: Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
LUA (file) Number: LUA-14-001619, TU
AKA's: Sunset Bluff Temporary Use Permit, Pointe Heron Temporary Use
Project Manager: Clark Close
Acceptance Date: December 16, 2015
Applicant: Jimmy Blais, Pointe Heron, LLC
PID Number: 3779200008, 3779200009, 3779200005
ERC Determination: Date:
Anneal Period Ends:
Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: February 17, 2015
Anneal Period Ends: March 3. 2015
Public Hearing Date:
Date Appealed to HEX:
By Whom:
HEX Decision: Date:
Anneal Period Ends:
Date Appealed to Council:
By Whom:
Council Decision: Date:
Mylar Recording Number:
Project Description: The applicant is requesting a Tier II Temporary Use Permit pursuant to
Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-240 in order to continue to temporarily stockpile construction
aggregates for a period up to five (SJ years. The 9.022 acre site consists of the easterly three (3)
parcels located contiguous to the Stoneway Black River Quarry property, just south of the eastern
portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes. The Black River Quarry's street address is 510
Monster Road SW, Renton, WA (APN's 3779200005, 3779200008 and 3779200009). In addition to
stockpiling, the site is used for outdoor storage of construction materials (pipe, manholes and catch
basins) and construction equipment (loaders, excavators, trucks, and trailers). All three parcels are
zoned Light Industrial (IL) on the City's zoning map.
Stormwater from the site is discharged to ground or captured through a series of swales and
routed to an existing sediment pond on the Black River Quarry property. The site is currently
regulated by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency and the Department of Ecology's Sand and Gravel
General Permit. As such, there are stringent environmental regulations that require limitation of
erosion, control of dust, an, mitering of all stormwater discharg Currently, Pointe Heron uses
the following BMPs: intercep.vr dikes, straw waddles, rock check <..urns, track walking, sediment
ponds, CO2 sparging, stabilization measures and site watering.
There are no wetlands or water bodies on the three parcels; an existing steep slope lies along the
south edge of the parcels. Access to the site is through the westerly part of the Quarry property
from Monster Road SW. No trees are proposed to be removed and no fill or excavation is proposed.
The applicant submitted the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, prepared on January 4, 2013
(last reviewed/revised on Februarv 6. 2014) for Kanalev Rock and Recycle Black River Ouarrv.
Location: 510 Monster Road
.. ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-S1gnif1cance; DNS-M -Determination of
Non-Significance-Mitigated; OS -Determination of Significance.
Application Date: December 09, 2014
Name: Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
PLAN -Planning Review
Site Address: 510 Monster Rd SW
Renton, WA 98057-2937
Version 1 I February 19, 2015
Recommendations: During the wet season (October 1 to April 30), slopes and stockpiles at 3H:1Vor steeper and with more than ten feet
of vertical relief shall be covered if they are unworked for more than 12 hours. The material necessary to cover all disturbed areas must be
stockpiled on site. Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded or sodded unless the City determines that winter
weather makes vegetation establishment infeasible.
The cover methods to be used are based on the time frame of use. See D.3.2 of Appendix D from the 2009 King County Surface Water
Design Manual (KCSWDM) page D 1 O for the cover methods and maintenance standards.
Perimeter Protection to filter sediment from sheet wash shall be located downslope of all disturbed areas. Perimeter protection includes
the use of vegetated strips, constructed measures such as silt fence, fiber rolls, and sand/gravel barriers, brush or rock filters. If all
surface water is connected by an interceptor dike or swale and routed to a sediment pond or trap, there may be no need for the perimeter
protections measures specified in this section. See D.3.3 of Appendix D from the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual
(KCSWDM) page D 30 for the perimeter protection methods and maintenance standards.
The performance of the erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed and maintained per D.4.3 of the 2009 KCSWDM on
a e D 70.
Ran: July 30, 2015 Page 1 of 1
AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ----------City of ~ J<_.~ I l t ()JJ d 1
February 17, 2015
LUA14-001619, TP
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
Clark H. Close, Associate Planner
Jimmy Blais
Pointe Heron, LLC
5050 1 '' Ave S, Ste 102
Seattle, WA 98134
510 Monster Rd SW
February 17, 2020
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Tier II Temporary Use
Permit pursuant to Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-240 in order to continue to temporarily
stockpile construction aggregates for a period up to five (5) years. The 9.022 acre site consists
of the easterly three (3) parcels located contiguous to the Stoneway Black River Quarry
property, just south of the eastern portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes. The Black
River Quarry's street address is 510 Monster Road SW, Renton, WA (APN's 3779200005,
3779200008 and 3779200009). In addition to stockpiling, the site is used for outdoor storage of
construction materials (pipe, manholes and catch basins) and construction equipment (loaders,
excavators, trucks, and trailers). All three parcels are zoned Light Industrial (IL) on the City's
zoning map.
Stormwater from the site is discharged to ground or captured through a series of swales and
routed to an existing sediment pond on the Black River Quarry property. The site is currently
regulated by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency and the Department of Ecology's Sand and
Gravel General Permit. As such, there are stringent environmental regulations that require
limitation of erosion, control of dust, and monitoring of all stormwater discharges. Currently,
Pointe Heron uses the following BMPs: interceptor dikes, straw waddles, rock check dams, track
walking, sediment ponds, CO2 sparging, stabilization measures and site watering.
City of Renton Department of Comm_ _y & Economic Development
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
DATE OF PERMIT: February 17, 2015
Admini tive Temporary Use Permit
LUA14-001619, TP
Page 2 of 5
There are no wetlands or water bodies on the three parcels; an existing steep slope lies along
the south edge of the parcels. Access to the site is through the westerly part of the Quarry
property from Monster Road SW. No trees are proposed to be removed and no fill or
excavation is proposed. The applicant submitted the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan,
prepared on January 4, 2013 (last reviewed/revised on February 6, 2014) for Kangley Rock and
Recycle Black River Quarry.
The following Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit is hereby approved for a term of five (5)
years, subject to the following conditions:
a. ""I ' -
1) Limitatians an Naise: The maximum permissible enviranmental naise levels shall be
subject ta Washingtan Administrative Cade (WAC) 173-60-040. The code reads as
A) Na person shall cause or permit noise to intrude into the praperty of another person
which noise exceeds the maximum permissible noise levels set forth below in this section.
BJ (a) The noise limitations established are as set forth in the following table after any
applicable adjustments provided for herein are applied.
City of Renton Department of Comm_ ... ty & Economic Development
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
Admin1_ __ tive Temporary Use Permit
LUA14-001619, TP
DATE OF PERMIT: February 17, 2015 Page 3 of 5
Class A Class B Class C
CLASS A 55 dBA 57dBA 60dBA
CLASS B 57 60 65
CLASSC 60 65 70
(b) Between the haurs af 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the naise limitatians af the faregaing
table shall be reduced by 10 dBA for receiving property within Closs A EDNAs.
(c) At ony hour of the day or night the applicable noise limitations in (o) ond (b) obove
moy be exceeded for ony receiving property by no more thon:
i) 5 dBA for a total of 15 minutes in any one-hour period; or
ii) 10 dBA for a total of 5 minutes in any one-hour period; or
iii) 15 dBA for a totol of 1.5 minutes in any one-hour period.
2) Use of S. 131h Street {20-foot right-of-way): All outdoor stockpiling of construction
aggregates, construction moteriols, ond construction equipment sholl be removed from
the public right-of-woy within thirty {30} days of permit issuance. The applicant shall call
the Current Planning Project Manager for an inspection or provide documentation (i.e.
photos) that S. 231h Street is vacant of al/ stockpiling and storage.
3) Restore S. 131h Street (20-foot right-of-way): The applicant shall replant the right-a/-
way with sight-abscuring trees in order to eventually restore the right-of-way back to
2007 levels. The applicant sholl submit a landscaping plan to the Current Planning
Praject Manager far review prior to planting.
4) Screening: In arder ta minimize the visual impact of the temporary use from the
residential property ta the narth, the applicant shall delineate the northern edge af the
permitted operating area with ecolagy block and chain and install "No Trespassing"
signs along the narthern baundary af the site. The final plans sholl be submitted to and
approved by the Current Planning Project Manager.
1 The EDNA (environmental designation for noise abatement) has been established by RMC 8-7-4 as follows:
A. Class A: Residential zones, which shall include RC, R·l, R-4, R-6, R-8, R-10, R-14, RM, and RMH.
B. Class B: Commercial zones, which shall include CN, CD, CV, CA, CO, COR, UC-Nl, and UC-N2.
C. Class C: Industrial zones, which shall include IL, IM, and IH.
City of Renton Department of Camm_ _y & Economic Development Admin, tive Temporary Use Permit
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit LUA14-001619, TP
DATE OF PERMIT: February 17, 2015 Page 4 of 5
5) Limitations of Use: The identified uses of the site: 1) outdoor stockpiling of construction
aggregates; 2) outdoor storage af construction materials; and 3) outdoor storage of
construction equipment may continue their use, subject to the following mitigation
A} The maximum height of all new stock piles shall be forty feet {40').
BJ All new stockpiling and storage shall be located at least five feet {5') from all public
rights-of-way, wildlife habitat, public areas, and waterways.
6) Erosion and sediment control measures: The applicant shall install and maintain Best
Management Practices (BMPs) in accordance with the Sand and Gravel General Permit
applicable ta the overall Black River Quarry property (Exhibit 1).
7) Reclamation plan: During the first quarter of the fourth year {Spring 2019) of the
temporary use permit, the applicant shall submit a preliminary reclamation plan that
would remove any remaining stockpiles and discontinue use of the site for outdoor
stockpiling and outdoor storage of construction materials and equipment. The final
reclamation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project
Manager. Prior to expiration of the temporary use permit, the site should be reclaimed
per the approved plan and all additional land use permits (if necessary) shall be received
for such reclamation. If the applicant has determined that the reclamation plan and
associated permits cannot be obtained within the time frame allotted through this
temporary use permit, the applicant shall be required to submit for a bulk storage permit
for continued operations at the site. Such bulk storage permit application shall be
submitted to the City of Renton prior to the expiration of this temporary use permit.
8) The applicant's compliance with the conditions mentioned above will be subject to
annual review by the Planning Division for the duration of the temporary use. If
conditions of approval are not met, the Administrator may suspend or revoke the
temporary use permit upon twenty (20) days written notice to the applicant, unless an
emergency exists, in which case the Administrator may declare such an emergency and
immediately suspend the temporary use permit until the emergency is abated.
~ .Pv\i~t) {of1 {~u(I'
Jennifer Henning, AICP, Planning Director
Department of Community & Economic Development
City of Renton Department of CommL. _y & Economic Development
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
DATE OF PERMIT: February 17, 2015
Admini • tive Temporary Use Permit
WA14-001619, TP
Page 5 of 5
RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the
decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if
material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds
there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the
approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further
extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal
appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame.
EXPIRATION: This Temporary Use Permit is valid for five years from the effective date of the
permit, as established by the Community & Economic Development Administrator.
EXTENSIONS: No extension requests to this Temporary Use Permit will be accepted by the
Community and Economic Development Administrator.
APPEALS: Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required fee to the City of
Renton Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 by 5:00
p_m, on March 3, 2015. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional
information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, (425)
NPDES General Permit No. 50-0000
Issuance Date:
Effective Date:
Expiration Date:
Modified Date:
Modification Effective Date:
August 4, 2010
October 1, 2010
October 1, 2015
August 17, 2011
October l, 2011
The Sand and Gravel General Permit
A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
State Waste Discharge General Permit
for Process Water, Stormwater, and Mine Dewatering Water Discharges Associated with Sand and
Gravel Operations, Rock Quarries, and Similar Mining Facilities, Including Stockpiles of Mined
Materials, Concrete Batch Operations and Hot Mix Asphalt Operations
State of Washington
Department of Ecology
Olympia, Washington
In compliance with the provisions of
The State of Washington Water Pollution Control Law
Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act
(The Clean Water Act)
Title 33 United States Code, Section 1251 et seq.
Until this permit expires, is modified or revoked, Permittees that have properly obtained
coverage under this general permit are authorized to discharge in accordance with the
special and general conditions which follow.
e usewind, P.E., P.O.
ater Quality Program Manager
Washington State Department of Ecology
Table of Contents
SUMMARY OF REQUIRED REPORTS AND PLANS ........................................................... 4
List of Required Reports ...................................................................................................... 4
SPECIAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................. 5
SI. PERMITCOVERAGE ................................................................................................. 5
SI.A. Coverage Under This Permit ........................................................................ 5
S J.B. Facilities Excluded From Coverage under This Permit ................................ 6
S2. EFFLUENT LIMITS .................................................................................................... 7
S3. ADDITIONAL DISCHARGE LIMITS ..................................................................... 10
S3.A. BMP Maintenance ...................................................................................... 10
S3.B. Not Cause or Contribute to a Violation of Standards ................................. 10
S3.C. Maintenance Shop Zero Discharge ............................................................. 10
S3.D. Unauthorized Use of Site ............................................................................ 10
S3.E. WaterManagement ..................................................................................... 10
S3 .F. Use of Chemical Treatment Products .......................................................... 11
S3.G. Discharges to Surface Water -Additional Effluent Limits ...................... 12
S3 .H. Discharges to Groundwater -Additional Effluent Limitations ................ 13
S3 .I. Discharge to Sanitary Sewer ........................................................................ 13
S3.J. Discharge of Type 3 Stormwater Directly to Ground Water ....................... 14
S3.K. Inactive Sites ................................................................................................ 14
S4. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 14
S4.A. All Discharges ............................................................................................. 14
S4.B. Discharges to Surface Water. ...................................................................... 14
S4.C. Discharges to Groundwater ......................................................................... 15
S4.D. Stormwater Monitoring at Inactive Sites .................................................... 15
S4.E. Monitoring for Oil Sheen ............................................................................ 16
S4.F. Stormwater Inspections ............................................................................... 16
S4.G. Sampling and Analytical Procedures .......................................................... 17
S4.H. Laboratory Accreditation ............................................................................ 17
S5. SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN (SMP) ....................................................................... 18
S5.A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) ............................................... 18
S5.B. Monitoring Plan .......................................................................................... 19
S5.C. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) ........................................ 20
S5.D. Spill Control Plan ........................................................................................ 25
S6. REPORTING AND RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS ................................. 25
S6.A. Discharge Monitoring Reports .................................................................... 25
S6.B. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee ..................................................... 26
S6.C. Records Retention ....................................................................................... 26
S6.D. Recording of Results ................................................................................... 26
S6.E. Reporting Permit Violations ........................................................................ 27
S6.F. Spill Reporting .............................................................................................. 27
S7. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL. ..................................................................................... 27
S7.A. Solid Waste Handling ................................................................................. 27
S7.B. Leachate ...................................................................................................... 27
S7.C. Recycle and Waste Material Other Than Concrete or Asphalt ................... 27
Sand and Gravel General Permit-August 17, 2011
S8. OTHER/UNPERMITTED USES OF SITE ............................................................... 28
S9. PERMIT APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 28
S9.A. How to Apply for General Permit Coverage for Non-Portable Facilities .. 28
S9.B. How to Apply for and Maintain Permit Coverage for Portable Facilities .. 28
S9.C. Permit Coverage Timeline For New Facilities ........................................... 30
S9.D. Reporting Change in Operating Status ....................................................... 30
S9.E. Terminating Coverage ................................................................................. 30
S9.F. Transferring Permit Coverage ..................................................................... 31
GENERAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................ 32
GI. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 32
G2. DISCHARGE VIOLATIONS ................................................................................... 33
G3. PROPER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................... 33
G4. REDUCED PRODUCTION FOR COMPLIANCE ................................................. 33
GS. BYPASS PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 33
G6. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY ................................................................ 35
G7. PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED .................................................................................. 35
G8. NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE IN COVERED ACTIVITIES ............................... 35
G9. PERMIT COVERAGE REVOKED ......................................................................... 36
G 10. GENERAL PERMIT MODIFICATION AND REVOCATION ............................ 36
GI 1. REPORTING A CAUSE FOR MODIFICATION .................................................. 36
Gl2. TOXICPOLLUTANTS ........................................................................................... 37
G 13. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR ................................................................. 37
G14. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES ................................... 37
G15. ADDITIONAL MONITORING .............................................................................. 37
G16. PAYMENTOFFEES .............................................................................................. 37
G17. REMOVED SUBSTANCES ................................................................................... 37
PERMIT .................................................................................................................. 37
G19. PERMIT TRANSFER .............................................................................................. 38
G20. DUTY TO REAPPLY ............................................................................................. 38
G21. UPSET ..................................................................................................................... 38
G22. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS ................................... 39
G23. APPEALS ................................................................................................................ 39
G24. SEVERABILITY ..................................................................................................... 39
G25. PROPERTY RIGHTS .............................................................................................. 39
G26. DUTY TO COMPLY ............................................................................................... 39
G27. PENAL TIES FOR TAMPERING ........................................................................... 40
G28. REPORTING ANTICIPATED NON-COMPLIANCE ........................................... 40
G29. REPORTING OTHER INFORMATION ................................................................ 40
G30. DUTY TO MITIGATE ............................................................................................ 40
FACILITIES COVERED UNDER THIS PERMIT ............................................... 41
APPENDIX B -DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 44
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
List of Required Reports
The table below lists reports that must be submitted in order to be in compliance with this permit.
Additional reporting requirements can also be found in the Special and General Conditions of this
Section Reports and Notices
S4.B.4 and 5 Receiving Water Flow Report Discharge 1
S6.A Discharge Monitoring Report
S9.D and
Reporting Perm it Violations
Notice of Change in Operating Status2
S6.F and G5 Notification of Spill, Overflow, or Bypass
G9. Permit Application for Coverage for Substantive
Changes to the Discharge2
Notice of Change in Activities'
Notice of Permit Transfer'
Application for Perm it Renewal
First Due Date
Two years from
date of coverage
January 30, 2011
Each Noncompliance Wtthin 24 hours
and in 30 days
Each Change Wtthin 10 days
As Necessary
As Necessary
As Necessary
As Necessary
1/Permit Cycle
As necessary
As necessary
As necessary
As necessary
March 4, 2015
I . Receiving Water Flow Report only required for some new facilities that discharge to surface waters of the
state. See S4.B.4 and 5.
2. The forms can be downloaded from: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/sand/permit.html
Sand and Gravel General Permit-August 17, 2011
S1 .A. Coverage Under This Permit
The coverage provided in this general permit is limited to the specific facilities identified in
listed below and within the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and NAICS
Codes, and the cited Subparts of 40 CFR Part 443, Effluent Limitations Guidelines for Existing
Sources and Standards of Performance and Pretreatment Standards for New Sources for The
Paving and Roofing Materials (Tars and Asphalt) Point Source Category ,40 CFR Part 436,
Mineral Mining and Processing Point Source Category and 40 CFR Part 41, Cement
This general permit covers discharges from facilities in Washington State that have the
following characteristics:
Table 1. The facility conducts activities designated by one or more of the following Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC) or NAICS1 codes:
Corresponding NAICS number and
SIC number and descriotion2 description (if different from SIC)
0811 Timber Tracts (long term timber farms) 113110
1411 Dimension Stone 212311 Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying
1422 Crushed and Broken Limestone 212312 Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining
1423 Crushed and Broken Granite 212313 Crushed and Broken Granite Mining
1429 Crushed and Broken Stone, NEC 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone
Mining and Quarrying
1442 Construction Sand and Gravel 212321 Construction Sand and Gravel Mining
1446 Industrial Sand 212322 Industrial Sand Minin11:
1455 Kaolin and Ball Clay 212324 Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining
1459 Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Minerals, NEC 212325 Clay and Ceramic and Refractory
Minerals Mining
1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone
Fuels (bituminous limestone and bituminous Mining and Quarrying
1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except 212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
Fuels ( except bituminous limestone and bituminous
2411 Lo,rning 113310
2951 Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks 324121 Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block
Manufacturing (includes recvcled asohalt)
3271 Concrete Block and Brick 327331 Concrete Block and Brick
3273 Readv-Mixed Concrete 327320 Readv-Mix Concrete Manufacturing
3272 Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick 327332 Concrete Pipe Manufacturing
( concrete pipe)
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
Page 5
SIC number and descriotion2
Corresponding NAICS number and
description (if different from SIC)
3272 Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick 327390 Other Concrete Product Manufacturing
( concrete products, except dry mix concrete and
3272 Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick 327999 All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic
( dry mixture concrete) Mineral Product Manufacturing including
concrete recvcle .. Itahc1zed words m this penmt are defined m Appendix B.
2A full descriptive text describing code activities is found in Appendix A.
In addition to the activities listed in Table I, similar activities may be required to obtain coverage
under this general pennit. This applies when
1. Ecology determines the discharge characteristics are similar and the permit conditions satisfy
applicable state and federal requirements; and
2. The facility has one or more of the following characteristics:
a. Owned or operated by private entities, the State of Washington or local governments; or
b. If the discharge is to groundwater, is owned or operated by the federal government or is
located on tribal land ( except within Indian reservations on trust land or land owned by
tribal governments); and
3. The facility has one or more of the following characteristics or processes:
a. Any facility that ditches, routes, collects, contains, or impounds process water, mine
dewatering water, or Type 3 stormwater.
b. Any facility that discharges stormwater, mine dewatering water, or process water to
suiface waters of the state.
c. Any facility that discharges to a municipal storm sewer
d. Any facility with a discharge to suiface water or groundwater that operates a concrete
batch plant or a hot mix asphalt plant that uses a wet scrubber for air emissions control.
e. Any facility located inside a designated wellhead protection area.
f. Any silvicultural point source.
g. Any facility that recycles concrete or asphalt concrete.
S1 .B. Facilities Excluded From Coverage under This Permit
1. Ecology will not provide coverage under this general permit for activities that fall under
NAICS (SIC) codes listed above when the facility:
a. Has a pit design that will intercept more than one aquifer.
b. Discharges to a water body with a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity, fine
sediment, pH or temperature unless the Permittee complies with S3.G.3 to S3.G.5, and the
requirements of this general permit are adequate to provide the level of protection
required by the TMDL or control plan.
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
Page 6
c. Discharges or proposes to discharge to a segment of a waterbody that is listed pursuant to
Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act, and discharges or proposes to discharge a listed
pollutant at a concentration or volume that will cause or contribute to a violation of the
applicable water quality standard.
d. Uses material for reclamation or backfill that is not inert and also is not covered by a
DNR reclamation permit.
e. Conducts mining operations below the ordinary high water mark in a river or stream
f. Would impair adjacent water rights as a result of pit operations lowering the water table,
g. Discharges to su,face water on Federal Land or land within an Indian Reservation except
for the Puyallup Reservation. Within the Puyallup Reservation, any facility that
discharges to surface water on land held in trust by the federal government.
Any facility excluded from coverage under conditions Sl.B.l.a-g must apply to Ecology for an
individual discharge permit unless the activity is regulated under permit requirements of another
section of the Federal Clean Water Act.
2. Ecology will not provide coverage under this general permit for any facility covered under a
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit or state waste discharge
individual permit that addresses the same activities and pollutants.
The Permittee is authorized to discharge process water, mine dewatering water, and
storm water to waters of the state at the permitted location subject to the following effluent
limits and monitoring requirements. All discharges and activities authorized by this permit
must be consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. If the discharges from two
or more industrial activities are combined, the most stringent effluent limits apply.
Permittees must comply with the following effluent limits and monitoring requirements
for process water, mine dewatering water, and stormwater:
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
Page 7
Table 2. Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements for Process Water and Mine Dewatering Water. See additional limits in S3 and additional
monitorimz l"Plluirements in S4.
NAICS Sutpended
! Code pH Tun,ldlty (NTU) Solids OlachargeFlow Total
(see Discharge ta; ITSSI 011ShNn 1
(gpm) Dissolved
Appendix I Max
Avwage I Maximum Ave,-Sollds (TDS)
A) Min -ly Dally Qua-
Ouarter1y1 Two/Month 2 Ouarterly1 Daily when see S4.B.4 and -113110, Surface runoff occurs S4.B.5
212312, 6.5 I 8.5 50 I 50 40ma/l No Discha,.,_
212313, Dally when 212319, Ground Ouarterty1 --runoff occurs --
6.5 I 8.5 Visible Sheen -
-Two/Month 2 Quartsr1y1 Daily when see S4.B.4 and -= Surface runoff occurs S4.B.5 ;; 212321 50 I 50 25 ma11 No Discha"""' --;i: Daily when "' --C Ground runoff oocurs 'C
I No Dischame --
Surface -Surface Water Discharge Not Pennitted-
C 212311, • 212324, Quarter1y 1 Dailywhan C ----i 212325, Ground runoff occurs
.: 6.5 I 6.5 -No Dlscha,.,... • Daily when see S4.B.4 and I Surface -Two/Montf12 Quarter1y 1
runoff occ:ura $4.B.5 -
• I 50 I 50 25 mQ/1 No DischamA • 212322 i ---Dally when --.. Ground runoff occurs
-I -----No Discharne --
Ona.lMonth Two/Montn2 Quarterly' Daily when see S4.B.4 and
327320, Surface runoff occurs S4.B.5
327331 6.5 I s.5 50 I 50 40 mg/I Visible Sheen -327332,
327390, One/Month --Daily when -MonU,Jy
327999 Ground runoff occurs
6.5 I 8.5 Visible Sheen -500 mo/I
Notes for Tables 2 and 3
1. Quarterly means at least one sample in each of the periods of January to March, April to June, July to September, and October to December.
2. When required to sample Jurbidity twice a month, there must be at least 24 hours between sampling.
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Page 8
Table 3. Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements for Type 2 and Type 3 Storm.water.
pH Tumidity (NTU) OIi Shun Nitrate+ Nitrite Discharge
! NAICSCod• Discharge N ma/L 4 Flow,,....;;..,
(see Appendix A) to: Min I Max Average I Maximum
Monthlv Dallv
One/Month Two/Month2 Daily wnen runoff see S4.B.4
~ Surface """'"' and S4.B.5
C 327320, 327331, I .. 6.5 6.5 50 50 No Discharge -~ 327332, 327390, Deify when n.moff -€ 327999 One/Month --.... Ground """"" • 6.5 8.5 No Oischarge3 :.r --
Ouarterfy1 T'A'O/Month 2 Daily when runoff Quarterfy1 see S4.B.4
!. ~ 113110, 212312, Surface occurs and S4.B.5
t::J 1
212313, 6.5 8.5 50 I 50 No Olscharge3 o.68 mg/L -212319,212399
15.~ 212324, 212325, Ouarterfy1 -Daily when runoff -~ ~· 113310, 324121 """'" .... Ground ;i 6.5 8.5 -No Discharge3 -
E-~ -Two/Month2 Daily when runoff auarter1y1 see S4.B.4 s~ Surface oca,ra and S4.B.5
1/) a 212311, 212321, --50 I 50 No Discharye3 0.68 mg/L --E
N 212322
• --Daily when runoff -~ Ground """'" ----I -No Discharye3
Notes for Tables 2 and 3(continued).
3. The discharge of sheen or petroleum products to surface or ground water is a violation and must be reported as a violation. The presence of a visible sheen on
site is not a violation if the Permittee corrects the problem in a timely manner, notes the occurrence in the inspection report, explains the cause and describes
the immediate solution and future preventive practices i.n the inspection report and the SWPPP. (See also conditions S4.E and S6.E)
4. Monitoring and limit applicable only when blasting is used at the facility (within 2 y~ prior to sample: date).
Sand and Gravel General Permit-August 17, 20//
S3.A. BMP Maintenance
The Permittee must inspect, maintain, and repair all BMPs to ensure continued
performance of their intended function.
S3.B. Not Cause or Contribute to a Violation of Standards
Discharges must not cause or contribute to a violation of: Groundwater Quality
Standards (Chapter 172-200 WAC), Surface Water Quality Standards (Chapter 173-
201A WAC), or Sediment Management Standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC) of the
State of Washington; and 40 CFR 131.
S3.C. Maintenance Shop Zero Discharge
No wastewater shall be discharged to surface water or ground water from a
maintenance shop unless the following criteria apply:
1. The maintenance shop exists at the time permit coverage begins; and
2. A discharge to sanitary sewer is not available; and
3. Adequate treatment before discharge is provided; and
4. The discharge will not cause or contribute to a violation of the surface water or
ground water quality standards.
S3.D. Unauthorized Use of Site
The Permittee must maintain and manage permitted sites to prevent unauthorized
activities such as illegal dumping, spilling, or other misuse of the site that could
discharge pollutants to waters of the state. Appropriate site management may include,
but is not limited to, visual inspections, signage, and physical security measures.
S3.E. Water Management
1. Any ditch, channel, or other Best Management Practices (BMPs) used for routing
water must be designed, constructed, and maintained to contain all flows except
• Designed to infiltrate Type 1 stormwater.
• Precipitation exceeds the design storm (10-year, 24-hour event).
2. Lined lmpoundment Required
This permit prohibits the direct discharge of process water from Concrete Batch
Plants (NAICS 327320) and Asphalt Batch Plants (NAICS 324121), including any
wastewater from truck wash-out areas, except to a lined impoundment. The lined
impoundment must have adequate structural load-bearing design to support any
mechanical method used for sludge removal and must be maintained to prevent any
discharge to groundwater. After treatment, the Permittee may discharge wastewater
subject to the limits set forth in Conditions S2 and other parts of this section (S3 ). At
a minimum, the lined impoundment must meet one of the following design standards.
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Page 10
The Liner must be constructed of:
a. Synthetic or flexible membrane material, not less than 30 mils thick (40 mils for
new installations after the effective date of this permit), that must not react with
the discharge.
b. Concrete with a minimum thickness of 6 inches.
c. Asphalt with a minimum thickness of 6 inches.
d. Steel-walled containment tank.
e. Any other functionally equivalent impoundment, structure, or technique that is
based on standard engineering practices, and approved by Ecology to meet the
intent ofthis section.
3. Impoundment Capacity
Any impoundment must have adequate capacity to provide treatment for water
quality and flow control of wastewater. The design storm for calculating the size
required for the impoundment is the 10-year, 24-hour precipitation event.
4. The Permittee must inspect the structural integrity of a lined impoundment whenever
sludge removal occurs and, before refilling, make any repairs necessary to ensure
that the lined impoundment functions to prevent discharges as intended. Continuous
removal systems must draw down the impoundment periodically for inspection.
5. Mined Pit Pond
Discharges to a mined pit pond are not required to comply with TSS and turbidity
limits prior to final reclamation. When reclamation is complete, discharges to the
pond must not cause or contribute to a violation of su,jace water quality standards
(Chapter 173-201A WAC).
6. The Permittee must not discharge Type 3 stormwater from an asphalt plant, concrete
batch plant, asphalt release agent application area, or concrete truck washout area
into a pit or excavation that penetrates the water table.
S3.F. Use of Chemical Treatment Products
I. Document Use -The Permittee , upon application for coverage under this permit
must document the use of any chemical treatment additives or soil stabilization
polymers used to:
i) Treat water discharged to waters of the state.;
ii) Stabilize soils.
iii) Suppress dust.
Documentation must identify the chemicals used, their commercial source, the
material safety data sheet, and the application rate. The Permittee must retain this
information on site or within reasonable access to the site and make it
immediately available, upon request, to Ecology. The Permittee must notify
Ecology prior to use of any new chemicals discharging to surface waters or of any
significant change in application rates of chemicals discharging to surface waters.
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Page 11
2. Apply as Instructed by the Manufacturer -The Permittee must apply chemicals used
to enhance solids settling before discharge to waters of the state, to stabilize soils, or
abate dust according to the manufacturer's instructions and may only use a chemical
if the toxicity to aquatic organisms is known. The Permittee may only use chemicals
to stabilize soils if the stormwater from the chemical application area is routed to
and treated by a stormwater detention pond.
3. The Permittee must not use ligninsulfonate for dust suppression in excavated areas,
including areas where topsoil has been removed.
4. Additional Restrictions -In addition, chemical treatment/soil stabilization must
meet one of the following conditions. It must:
a. Be consistent with Ecology's Stormwater Management Manuals.
b. Be consistent with other methods approved by Ecology's Stormwater Technical
Review Committee or Chemical Technology Review Committee.
c. Use chemical treatment additives at a dosing rate resulting in no toxicity in the
effluent or stormwater discharge.
S3.G. Discharges to Surface Water -Additional Effluent Limits
1. The following operations are not allowed to discharge process water to surface
waters of the state:
NAlCS 324121 (SIC 2951), Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing
(includes recycled asphalt), Asphalt Batch Plants
NAICS 212311, (SIC 1411), Dimension Stone
NAICS 212324, (SIC 1455), Kaolin and Ball Clay
NAICS 212325 (SIC 1459), Clay, Ceramic, & Refractory Mineral Not Elsewhere
NAICS 212319, (SIC 1499), All other Nonmetallic Minerals
2. Discharges must not cause a visible increase in turbidity or objectionable color; or
cause visible oil sheen in the receiving water.
3. New facilities and existing facilities must comply with TMDL wasteload allocations
(for turbidity, fine sediment,pH and/or temperature) developed from a TMDL
which was completed prior to the date permit coverage is issued.
4. New facilities that propose to discharge to an impaired water body that is on the
current EPA-approved 303(d) list, but without a completed TMDL, must not
discharge the listed pollutant (turbidity,fine sediment (TSS},pH or temperature) at a
concentration or volume that will cause or contribute to a violation of the applicable
water quality standard in the receiving water.
5. Existingfacilities that discharge to an impaired waterbody on the current EPA-
approved 303(d) list must not increase their loading or concentration of the listed
pollutant (turbidity, fine sediment measured as TSS, pH or temperature) for the
duration of the coverage of this permit or until a wasteload allocation is assigned to
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the Pennittee from a TMDLapproved by the United States Environmental Protection
6. No Permittee may discharge pollutants in excess of levels established in a wasteload
allocation in a TMDL approved by the United States Environmental Protection
a. Where an applicable TMDL has established a general waste load allocation for
facilities covered by this permit but has not identified facility-specific
requirements, compliance with conditions S2 through S5 will constitute
compliance with the TMDL.
b. Where an applicable TMDL has not specified a waste load allocation for facilities
covered by this permit, but has not excluded these discharges, compliance with
conditions S2 through S5 will constitute compliance with the TMDL.
c. Where an applicable TMDL assigns a wasteload allocation to a specific facility,
Ecology will implement the wasteload allocation by issuing a modified coverage
or an administrative order.
S3.H. Discharges to Groundwater-Additional Effluent Limitations
The Permittee is authorized to discharge process water, mine dewatering water, and
stormwater to groundwater at the permitted location subject to the numeric effluent
limitations S2 above. If the Pennittee combines discharges from two or more
industrial activities, the most stringent effluent limit for each parameter applies.
I. There must be no visible oil sheen at any points of discharge to groundwater.
2. Any discharge to a pond, lagoon, or other type of impoundment or storage facility
that is unlined is considered a discharge to groundwater and is subject to the
groundwater quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC). Water ponding at a facility
can be considered a discharge to groundwater.
3. If a Permittee discharges wastewater below the surface of the ground, such as to a
dry well, drainfield, or injection well it must comply with the Underground
Injection Control Program regulations (Chapter 173-218 WAC).
S3.I. Discharge to Sanitary Sewer
Discharge of stormwater to sanitary sewers is subject to the following conditions:
The Permittee may discharge stormwater to a non-delegated POTW only upon written
approval by Ecology. The Permittee must submit a request to Ecology demonstrating
• No other option is feasible or reasonable.
• The POTW has excess wet season hydraulic capacity (no sanitary sewer overflows
or treatment system bypasses).
• The POTW is willing to accept the discharge.
• The hydraulic loading to the POTW will be reduced by eliminating the clean water
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that can be directly discharged directly without causing pollution.
The request must also certify that the Permittee is routinely implementing all applicable
Discharges to sanitary sewer must meet the discharge restrictions of 40 CFR 403.
S3.J. Discharge of Type 3 Stormwater Directly to Ground Water
The Permittee must not discharge Type 3 stormwater from an asphalt plant, concrete
batch plant, asphalt release agent application area, or concrete truck washout area into a
pit or excavation that penetrates the water table.
S3.K. Inactive Sites
No excavation is allowed at an inactive site. All inactive sites are subject to the
discharge limits for stormwater (Table 3).
An inactive site must have appropriate BMPs in place and functioning.
S4.A. All Discharges
The Permittee must retain inspection, maintenance and servicing records of the
following inspections on site and make them immediately available to Ecology upon
I. The Permittee must inspect oil/water separators once per month during the wet
season (October 1 -April 30) and during and immediately after a large storm event
of greater than or equal to 1 inch per 24 hours. The accumulated oil must be removed
when it reaches a thickness of 1 inch. The bottom sludge must be removed when it
reaches a thickness of 6 inches. Oil absorbent pads must be replaced as necessary to
maintain effectiveness.
2. The Permittee must inspect all operationally related equipment and vehicles weekly
for leaking fluids such as oil, hydraulic fluid, antifreeze, etc.
S4.B. Discharges to Surface Water
1. The Permittee must monitor by visual monitoring or sampling representative
discharges of process water, mine dewatering water, Type 2 stormwater and Type 3
stormwater to surface waters of the state, or to a storm sewer that drains to surface
waters of the state., Sampling requirements are given in a matrix in Tables 2 and 3 of
Condition S2 above.
2. The Permittee must representatively sample discharges to surface water.
Representative sampling of Type 2 storm water and Type 3 stormwater requires
sufficient number of sample locations to represent differences in stormwater quality.
The Permittee must collect samples as close to the point where the discharge comes
into contact with the receiving water as is reasonably achievable.
3. The Permittee must conduct a visual inspection of each point of discharge to
surface water at least once a month when discharges occur. The date of the
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inspection, and any visible change in turbidity or color in the receiving water
caused by the discharge, must be recorded and filed with the monitoring plan
required by Condition S2. The permittee may request an exemption from visual
monitoring for any outfall where there is no safe access point from which to
monitor the outfall. The permittee must specify by GPS coordinates or by diagram
the specific location and the reason for exemption in an email or letter to Ecology.
The permittee must keep any visual monitoring exemption approvals in the SWPPP.
4. New facilities that propose to discharge to a segment of a waterbody on the current
EPA-approved 303 (d) list for turbidity or fine sediment must conduct turbidity
monitoring in accordance with an Ecology-approved monitoring plan that includes
receiving water monitoring to demonstrate the discharge does not cause or contribute
to the impairment. The applicant/Permittee must contact Ecology before developing a
monitoring plan.
5. New facilities that propose to discharge to surface water must conduct a receiving
water study for two years when Ecology determines, at the time of application, that
there is a potential for violation of water quality standards. The study consists of
measuring the receiving water flow and temperature and discharge flow and
temperature at the time of critical flows. The applicant/Permittee must contact
Ecology before developing a monitoring plan. If Ecology determines a receiving
water study is required, the receiving water study plan must be completed before
operations are begun.
S4.C. Discharges to Groundwater
1. The Permittee must monitor all discharges of process water, mine dewatering water,
Type 2 stormwater and Type 3 stormwater to groundwater according to the matrix in
Condition S2.
2. The Permittee is required to representatively sample discharges to ground.
Representative sampling must include discharges of wastewater and mine dewatering
water to groundwater; or may include sampling groundwater quality from
monitoring wells in accordance with an Ecology-approved groundwater impact study
based on Ecology Publication 96-02 (Implementation Guidance for the Groundwater
Quality Standards). Representative sampling of stormwater requires the Permittee to
identify the sample sites in the monitoring plan.
S4.D. Storrnwater Monitoring at Inactive Sites
Inactive sites are not required to monitor stormwater or submit monitoring reports,
however, all inactive sites are subject to the appropriate discharge limits and must
maintain BMPs necessary to ensure compliance. Stormwater monitoring and reporting
is required at inactive sites when both of the following conditions apply:
1. The Permittee or operator adds or withdraws raw materials or finished products from
stockpiles during the calendar quarter, and
2. The site has a discharge of stormwater to surface waters of the state.
The monitoring requirements are given in Table 3 and reporting requirements are given
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in S6.A.
S4.E. Monitoring for Oil Sheen
Permittees must conduct visual monitoring for oil sheen at all surface water and
groundwater discharge points ( or representative locations where water collects prior to
discharge) each day that equipment operates and runoff occurs. If oil sheen is present,
the Permittee must clean up the source and report the event on the inspection form
identifying the probable cause of the oil sheen and describing the actions taken to prevent
further contamination (See Condition S2, Tables 2 and 3, footnote 3).
S4.F. Stormwater Inspections
The Permittee must conduct at least two stonnwater inspections each year at all active
sites covered under this permit. The Permittee must conduct at least one inspection
during the wet season (October I -April 30) and at least one inspection during the dry
season (May 1 -September 30).
I. Wet Season Inspection
The wet season inspection must be conducted by personnel named in the SWPPP
and must include observations for the presence of floating materials, suspended
solids, oil and grease, discoloration, turbidity, odor, etc. in the stormwater
The Permittee must conduct the inspection during a rainfall event adequate in
intensity and duration to verify that:
a. The description of potential pollutant sources (as defined in S5.C.5.b)required
under this permit is accurate, and
b. The Permittee has updated or otherwise modified the site map as required in the
SWPPP (S5.C.5.a) to reflect current conditions and,
c. The Permittee is implementing controls which are adequate to reduce pollutants
in stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity identified in the
2. Dry Season Inspection
The dry season inspection must be conducted by personnel named in the SWPPP and
after at least seven (7) consecutive days of no precipitation. The inspection must
determine the presence of non-stonnwater discharges such as process water to the
stormwater drainage system. If a discharge related directly or indireetly to process
water is discovered, the Permittee must comply with non-compliance notification
requirements of Special Condition S6.E. and must eliminate the discharge within ten
(10) days. If the Permittee cannot eliminate the discharge within ten days, the
discharge must be considered process water and subject to all process water
conditions of this general permit. The inspection shall also include review of the
implementation of BMPs to ensure that the SWPPP is fully implemented.
3. Erosion and Sediment Control Inspections
a. At active sites conducting earth moving activities that discharge to surface water,
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Page 16
the Perrnittee must inspect all on-site erosion and sediment control BMPs at least
once every seven days, and within 24 hours after any storm event of greater than
0.5 inches of rain per 24 hour period. The Permittee must maintain a file
containing a log of observations and corrective actions as part of the Erosion and
Sediment Control Plan (ESCP).
b. At Inactive sites that are inactive for a period of three years or longer, and have
the potential to discharge stormwater off site, a Registered Professional Engineer,
or equivalent ( e.g. Licensed Professional Geologist, Certified Professional in
Erosion and Sediment Control, etc.) must certify every three years that the facility
complies with this general permit. The Permittee must maintain the certification
as part of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP).
4. Inspection Reports
The Perrnittee must prepare and retain a report on each inspection as part of the
SWPPP. The report must summarize the:
a. Scope of the inspection.
b. Personnel conducting the inspection.
c. Date(s) of the inspection.
d. Observations relating to the implementation of the SWPPP.
e. Any actions taken as a result of the inspection.
The responsible party must sign the reports in accordance with General Condition G l
and must certify that the Perrnittee has investigated the discharge of stormwater for the
presence of non-stormwater.
S4.G. Sampling and Analytical Procedures
Samples and measurements taken to meet the requirements of this permit must represent
the volume and nature of the monitored parameters, including representative sampling of
any unusual discharge or discharge condition, including bypasses, upsets, and
maintenance-related conditions affecting effiuent quality.
Sampling and analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements specified in
this permit must conform to the latest revision of the Guidelines Establishing Test
Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 CFR Part 136.
S4.H. Laboratory Accreditation
The Permittee must ensure that all monitoring data required by Ecology is prepared
by a laboratory registered or accredited under the provisions of chapter 173-50 WAC,
Accreditation of Environmental Laboratories. Flow, temperature, turbidity, settlcablc
solids, conductivity, pH, and internal process control parameters are exempt from this
requirement. The Permittee or laboratory must obtain accreditation for conductivity
and pH if accreditation or registration is required for other parameters.
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Page 17
The Permittee must:
1. Fully implement the SMP.
2. Review the plan once a year and update it as necessary to represent changes in facility
3. Retain the SMP and permit on site or within reasonable access to the site and make it
immediately available, upon request, to Ecology or the local jurisdiction.
4. Provide a copy of the SMP and applicable incorporated plans to the public when
requested in writing to do so. The copy must be provided within 10 days.
The responsible party as identified in General Condition G 1 must sign the SMP and all of its
modifications. The Permittee may include in the SMP, by reference, applicable portions of
plans prepared for other purposes (e.g. Pollution Prevention Plan prepared under the
Hazardous Waste Reduction Act, Chapter 70.95C RCW). The referenced plans must be
available on site or within reasonable access to the site and become enforceable
requirements of the SMP.
The SMP consists of 4 main sections consisting of:
A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) (equivalent to a Clearing, Grading, and
Excavation plan required by EPA).
B. Monitoring Plan.
C. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
D. Spill Control Plan.
S5.A. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP}
The Permittee must prepare an ESCP prior to any earth moving activities. The ESCP
must identify and describe the erosion and sediment control BMPs to be implemented at
the facility and a schedule for BMP implementation.
1. The Permittee must initiate Stabilization BMPs as soon as practicable on portions of
the site where mining activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. The
Permittee must:
a. Stabilize and protect all soils from erosion by the timely application of effective
b. Preserve existing vegetation where feasible. Areas that are not to be disturbed
must be permanently marked; these include setbacks, sensitive/ critical areas and
their buffers, trees, and drainage courses.
c. Design and construct cut slopes and fill slopes in a manner that will minimize
d. Provide Stabilization at the outlets of all conveyance systems to prevent erosion.
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Page 18
2. Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs
The ESCP must include a description of runoff conveyance and treatment BMPs used
to prevent erosion and sedimentation. The plan must ensure that the following
requirements are satisfied. The Permittee must:
a. Protect properties adjacent to the project site from erosion and sedimentation
related to the facility.
b. Construct sediment ponds and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers, and other
BMPs intended to trap sediment on site as a first step. These BMPs must be
functional before land is disturbed. Slopes of earthen structures used for sediment
control such as dams, dikes, and diversions must be stabilized immediately after
c. Design any BMP constructed at an active site to maintain separation of Type 2
stormwater from Type 3 stormwater and Type 1 stormwater during the peak flow
from the design storm. If any commingling of Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3
stormwater occurs, the Permittee must meet the most restrictive permit
S5.B. Monitoring Plan
At active sites, Permittees must maintain and comply with a monitoring plan developed
in accordance with Special Conditions S2, S3, and S4. The Permittee must retain the
monitoring plan and permit on site or within reasonable access to the site and make it
immediately available, upon request, to Ecology or local jurisdiction. In addition, the
Permittee must make the monitoring plan available to the public when requested in
writing to do so. The responsible party as identified in General Condition GI must sign
the monitoring plan and all of its modifications.
I. Monitoring Plan and Content Requirements
The monitoring plan must at minimum:
a. Identify all the industrial activities at the site.
b. Include all of the applicable parameters and monitoring frequencies identified in
Special Conditions S2, S3, S4, and S5 as monitoring requirements. Where a
discharge combines two or more industrial activities and each activity requires the
same monitoring parameter and frequency, only one sample and analysis for that
parameter will be required. No sampling is required of water held in a lined
impoundment that is designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with
Special Condition S3 .E.2. Any discharges from a lined impoundment to waters of
the state must be sampled in accordance with the monitoring plan.
c. Include a site map identifying the location of all sampling points, the types of
discharges that occur at each point (e.g. process water, mine dewatering water and
stormwater), and whether the discharge is to surface water or groundwater. The
plan must identify enough sample points to provide representative sampling of all
point source discharges to surface water or groundwater.
d. Assign a unique label (e.g. SI, S2, etc.) to each sampling point. The Permittee
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Page 19
must use these labels on Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs).
e. List the standard procedures used at the facility for collecting samples for
analysis. The publications NPDES Stormwater Sampling Guidance Document
(EPA 833-B-92-001, July 1992), or How to Do Stormwater Sampling-A
guide for industrial facilities (Ecology Publication 02-10-071 ), or equivalent
sampling methods, must be used as guidance for stormwater, mine dewatering
water, and process water sampling procedures. The Permittee must collect
samples taken to meet the requirements of this general permit during the
facility's normal working hours and while processing at normal levels.
f. List the non-compliance notification procedures and contact numbers.
2. Maintaining Monitoring Plan
If facility conditions require the addition or deletion of a sampling point, the
Permittee must inform Ecology in writing of the addition/deletion before the end of
the quarter in which the change will occur. Notification is by use of the appropriate
notification form.
S5.C. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPPl
The Site Management Plan (SMP) must include a SWPPP.
I. The SWPPP must be consistent with permit requirements and include the BMPs
necessary to provide AKART It must also include any additional BMPs as
necessary to comply with state water quality standards.
2. Unless the facility is designed for reuse of process water, the SWPPP must include
measures to prevent the addition of process water or mine dewatering water into
stormwater and measures to verify that non-stormwater discharges do not enter the
stormwater treatment system. Stormwater that commingles with process water is
considered process water and is subject to all permit conditions for process water.
3. Modifications of the SWPPP
a. The Permittee must review and modify the SWPPP whenever there is a violation
of stormwater discharge limits in Special Conditions S2 and S3. Additional or
modified BMPs must be implemented as soon as practicable but not to exceed 10
days except for those circumstances that require additional time for such as
obtaining other permits or purchasing equipment. Allowance of time beyond 10
days must be requested of and approved by Ecology.
b. Ecology may require the Permittee to modify the SWPPP for non-compliance
with the minimum requirements of this section. The Permittee must then
complete SWPPP modifications and implement additional or modified BMPs as
soon as practicable or as directed by Ecology.
4. Stormwater BMPs must be consistent with one of the following conditions:
a. The Stormwater Management Manual (most current edition) for Western
Washington, for sites west of the crest of the Cascade Mountains.
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b. The Stormwater Management Manual (most current edition) for Eastern
Washington, for sites east of the crest of the Cascade Mountains.
c. Other equivalent stormwater management guidance documents which have been
subject to public review and comment and approved by Ecology.
d. Documentation in the SWPPP that the BMPs selected provides an equivalent level
of pollution prevention, compared to the applicable Stormwater Management
Manual, including:
1. The technical basis for the selection of all stormwater BMPs (scientific,
technical studies, and/or modeling) which support the performance claims for
the BMPs being selected
ii. An assessment of how the selected BMP will satisfy AKART requirements and
the applicable federal technology-based treatment requirements under 40 CFR
part 125.3.
5. SWPPP Contents and Requirements
The SWPPP must contain, at a minimum, the following:
a. Site Map (may be combined with site map required in S5.B)
The site map must locate and document the stormwater drainage and discharge
structures, an outline of the stormwater drainage areas for each stormwater
discharge point (including discharges to groundwater,) and the discharge points.
The site map must also identify nearby and on-site surface water bodies, drainage
ditches and any known underlying aquifers.
The site map must also identify all areas associated with industrial activities
including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Loading and unloading of dry bulk materials or liquids.
11. Outdoor storage of materials or products.
iii. Outdoor processing.
iv. Processes that generate dust and particles.
v. Roofs or other surfaces exposed to air emissions from a process area.
vi. On-site waste treatment, storage, or disposal.
vii. Vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning.
viii. Paved areas and buildings.
ix. Underground storage of materials or products.
Lands adjacent to the site must also be depicted where helpful in identifying
discharge points or drainage routes.
b. Inventory of Materials and Pollutant Sources
This inventory must list potential pollutants and pollutant sources. The
inventory of materials must include a list of all types of materials handled at the
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site that are exposed to precipitation or run-off(e.g. raw materials, cement
admixtures, petroleum products, etc.).
c. Runoff Conveyance and Treatment BMPs (see Stormwater Manual for
Western/Eastern Washington Vol. 5)
The SWPPP must include runoff conveyance and treatment BMPs as necessary to
control pollutants and comply with the stormwater discharge limits in S2 and S3.
Runoff conveyance BMPs include, but are not limited to:
i. Interceptor dikes
ii. Swales
iii. Channel lining
iv. Pipe slope drains
v. Outlet protection
Treatment BMPs may include, but are not limited to:
i. Oil/water separators
ii. Biofiltration swales
iii. Infiltration or detention basins
iv. Sediment traps
v. Chemical treatment systems
vi. Constructed wetlands
d. Innovative BMPs
Innovative treatment, source control, reduction or recycling, or operational MPs
beyond those identified in Ecology's SWMMs are encouraged if they help achieve
compliance with this general permit.
e. Other Materials
The Permittee must manage the following materials to prevent stormwater
1. Toxic materials or chemicals
2. Petroleum contaminated soils (PCS) that fail to meet the most protective
MTCA Method 'A' treatment levels (WAC 173-340-740(2))
3. Cement
4. Admixtures
5. Fuels, lubricants, tar and other petroleum products
6. Any material that contains petroleum contamination or has the potential to
cause aquatic toxicity.
f. Source Control BMPs
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The SWPPP must include source control BMPs as necessary to achieve AKART and
compliance with the stormwater discharge limits in S2 and S3. Ecology has
determined the following BMPs will be appropriate for most facilities covered
under this permit. The Permittee may omit individual BMPs if site conditions
render the BMP unnecessary, infeasible, or the Permittee provides alternative and
equally effective BMPs. The Permittee must note the rationale for omission or
substitution in the SWPPP. The Permittee must:
I. Store all chemical liquids, fluids, and petroleum products, on an impervious
surface surrounded with a containment berm or dike that is capable of containing
I 0% of the total enclosed tank volume or 110% of the volume contained in the
largest tank, whichever is greater.
i) Precipitation must be prevented from accumulating in containment areas with
a roof or equivalent structure.
ii) If cover is not practicable, the Spill Control Plan must include a description
of how accumulated water will be managed and disposed of.
2. Empty containers must be fully drained, capped and labeled. The number of
empty containers on site must be minimized.
3. Use drip pans and absorbents under leaky vehicles and equipment or store
indoors where feasible.
4. Fit all dumpsters containing leachable materials with a lid that must remain
closed when not in use, or alternatively keep the dumpster under cover.
5. Locate spill kits at all stationary fueling stations, fuel transfer stations, and
mobile fueling units.
6. Use drip pans or equivalent containment measures during all petroleum transfer
7. Conduct all vehicle and equipment cleaning operations under cover or in a
bermed area to prevent commingling of wash water and stormwater. All wash
water must drain to a proper collection system (i.e., not the stormwater drainage
system). This does not apply to using low pressure (under 100 psi) cold water to
rinse mud off of vehicles and equipment provided no soap is used, and provided
that the rinse water is routed to a sediment treatment structure on the site.
8. Store uncured concrete, any type of concrete solids (does not include fully cured
or recycled concrete), uncured asphalt paving materials, cold mix asphalt on a
bermed impervious surface. This includes ecology blocks, septic tanks, jersey
barriers, and other cast concrete products.
9. Treat all stormwater that contacts these materials (identified in 7 above) in a
lined impoundment as the permit considers it process wastewater. Discharge of
this water is subject to the effluent limitations in permit condition S2 and must
not cause a violation of water quality standards.
10. Store lead acid batteries under cover.
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11. Take leaking equipment out of service and prevent it from leaking on the
ground until repaired. Repair all leaks before putting equipment back into
service on the site.
12. Manage paving equipment to prevent stormwater contamination.
13. Manage sediment track out to paved public roads to prevent the tracked
sediment from delivering to surface water or storm drain systems. Discharges to
surface waters, public storm drain systems, or both are subject to permit limits
for turbidity and must be included in the Permittee's sampling plan whenever
track out onto the public roadway is evident. Measures recommended to
control or prevent track out include:
a. Limit vehicle access and exit to one route, if possible.
b. Stabilize access points with a pad of quarry spalls, crushed rock, or other
equivalent BMP, as necessary to minimize the tracking of sediment onto
public roads.
c. Locate a closed loop wheel wash or tire baths ( or equivalent BMP) on site, if
the stabilized construction entrance is not effective in preventing sediment
from being tracked onto public roads. Wheel wash or tire bath wastewater,
must be discharged to an on-site treatment system or to the sanitary sewer.
d. Clean public roads thoroughly at the end of each day or more frequently
during wet weather if sediment is tracked off site. Clean sediment from
roads by shoveling or pickup sweeping and transport to a controlled
sediment disposal area.
e. Only wash streets after sediment is removed in accordance with condition d
above. Street wash wastewater must be controlled by pumping back on site
or otherwise be prevented from discharging into systems tributary to waters
of the state.
14. The Permittee must use source control BMPs in the following areas as
necessary to control pollutants:
a. Fueling at Dedicated Stations
b. Mobile Fueling
c. Loading and Unloading Areas
d. Storage of Liquid in Above-Ground Tanks
e. Dust Control
f. High Use Parking Areas
g. Storage or Transfer of Solid Raw Materials, By-Products or Finished
(See Stormwater Manual for Western/Eastern Washington Vol. 4 for specific
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S5.D. Spill Control Plan
l. Materials of Concern
The Permittee must maintain and comply with a Spill Control Plan for the prevention,
containment, control and cleanup of spills or unplanned discharges of:
a. Oil and petroleum products including accidental release from equipment.
b. Materials, which when spilled, or otherwise released into the environment, are
designated Dangerous (DW) or Extremely Hazardous Waste (EHW) by the
procedures set forth in WAC 173-303-070.
c. Other materials which may become pollutants or cause pollution upon reaching
waters of the state.
2. Spill Control Plan Contents
The Permittee must review and update the Spill Control Plan, as needed, but at least
annually. The Spill Control Plan must include the following:
a. A description of the reporting system which will be used to alert responsible
managers and legal authorities in the event of a spill.
b. A list of equipment and materials on site that have the potential to leak or spill.
c. A description of preventive measures and facilities (including an overall facility
plot showing drainage patterns) which prevent, contain, or treat spills of these
d. Specific handling procedures and storage requirements for materials kept on site.
3. Spill Response
The Permittee must have the necessary cleanup materials available and respond to all
spills in a timely fashion, preventing their discharge to waters of the state. All
employees must receive appropriate training to assure all spills are reported and
responded to appropriately. The Permittee must immediately clean up all spills,
leaks, and contaminated soil to prevent the discharge of pollutants to groundwater or
surface waters.
The Permittee must monitor and report in accordance with the following conditions. The
falsification of information submitted to Ecology constitutes a violation of the terms and
conditions of this permit.
S6.A. Discharge Monitoring Reports
1. The Permittee must submit a "Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)" form on a
quarterly basis for all:
a. active sites, whether or not the facility was discharging.
If there was no discharge, submit the form as required and with the words "no
discharge" or "not operational", as applicable, on the DMR form in place of the
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monitoring results.
b. inactive sites required to conduct stormwater monitoring per condition S4.D.
2. The first monitoring period starts on the date the permit coverage begins. The
Permittee must report monitoring results obtained during the previous three (3)
months on the DMR provided, or otherwise approved, by Ecology.
3. The Permittee must submit DMRs to the Water Quality Permit Coordinator at the
appropriate regional office that issued DMRs under the general permit. DMRs must be
received by Ecology according to the schedule below:
Discharge Monitoring Period DMR due on or before:
October, November, December January 30
January, February, March April 30
April, May, June July 30
July, August, September October 30
Note: If a Permittee is covered under this perm~ for only part of a monitoring
period, they must submit a DMR for the period of time that they are in
active status (see S4.D).
S6.B. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee
Any Permittee that monitors any pollutant more frequently than required in Conditions
S2, S3, or S4 must include those results in the calculation and reporting of the data
submitted in the DMRs or other reporting requirements.
S6.C. Records Retention
The Permittee must retain records of all monitoring information for a minimum of five
(5) years. Such information must include all calibration and maintenance records and
all original recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports
required by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for this
permit. The Permittee must extend this period of retention during the course of any
unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the Permittee or when
requested by Ecology.
S6.D. Recording of Results
The Permittee must record, for each measurement or sample taken, the following
1. The date, exact place, method, and time of sampling.
2. The individual who performed the sampling or measurement.
3. The dates the analyses were performed.
4. The individual or lab which performed the analyses.
5. The analytical techniques or methods used.
6. The results of all analyses.
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S6.E. Reporting Permit Violations
In the event the Permittee is unable to comply with any of the permit terms, conditions
or discharge limits, due to any cause, the Permittee must:
1. Immediately take action to stop, contain, and cleanup unauthorized discharges or otherwise
stop the violation, correct the problem and, if applicable, repeat sampling and analysis of
any violation immediately.
2. Notify the Ecology Regional Sand and Gravel Permit Manager by phone or in person
within 24 hours of when the Permittee becomes aware of the circumstances.
3. Submit a detailed written report to Ecology within 30 days, five days for upsets, spills and
bypasses, unless requested earlier by Ecology. The report must describe the nature of the
violation, corrective action taken and/or planned, steps to be taken to prevent a recurrence,
results of the re-sampling, and any other pertinent information. The Permittee may not
substitute data from re-sampling for ongoing permit monitoring required under Special
Condition S2, S3 and S4 and must not be reported on the DMR.
Compliance with this condition does not relieve the Permittee from responsibility to
maintain continuous compliance with the terms and conditions ofthis permit or the
resulting liability for failure to comply.
S6.F. Spill Reporting
The Permittee must report all spills according to section E above.
S7.A. Solid Waste Handling
The Permittee must handle and dispose of all solid waste material, including material
from cleaning catch basins and any sludge generated by impounding process water or
stormwater, in such a manner as to prevent its entry into waters of the state. Disposal
must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
S7.B. Leachate
The Permittee must not allow leachate from solid waste material to enter waters of the
state without providing AKART, nor allow such leachate to cause or contribute to
violations of the State Surface Water Quality Standards, Chapter l 73-201A WAC, or
the State Groundwater Quality Standards, Chapter 173-200 WAC. The Permittee must
apply for a permit or permit modification as may be required for such discharges to
waters of the state.
S7.C. Recycle and Waste Material Other Than Concrete or Asphalt
The Permittee must comply with the Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste
Handling, Chapter 173-350 WAC, and where appropriate, the Dangerous Waste
Regulations, Chapter 173-303 WAC. The Permittee must meet the procedural,
operational, and structural controls required under the Chapter 173-350 for any type of
recycling or solid waste handing on the site. If the Permittee places or intends to place
amounts and types of inert waste as defined in WAC 173-350-990, they must fully
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comply with solid waste regulations. The Permittee must comply with the requirements
for obtaining permits from health departments that have jurisdiction over the disposal
activities at the permitted site and comply with those permits.
This permit does not authorize discharge of leachate or process water from solid waste
handling activities except as provided under WAC 173-350-990 (inert waste).
All activities at the permitted site must have the appropriate permits for those uses. This
permit does not cover any discharge from uses not falling within the NAICS/SIC codes
covered by the General Sand and Gravel Permit. No discharge is allowed from any
activities unless it is either covered under this permit's NAICS/SIC code criteria or is
covered by a separate individual wastewater discharge permit.
S9.A. How to Apply for General Permit Coverage for Non-Portable Facilities
1. All new facilities, un-permitted existing facilities, and permitted existing facilities that
intend to obtain coverage or implement a significant process change must submit a
completed and signed "Sand and Gravel General Permit Application for Coverage"
form (ECY 070-31) to Ecology. The Permittee must submit the application for
coverage no less than one hundred and eighty (180) days before beginning any activity
that may result in the discharge of any pollutant. No discharge is authorized until the
effective date of permit coverage as provided in Special Condition S9.C below. New
facilities proposing to discharge to surface waters should review condition S4.B above.
2. Facilities with stormwater discharge to a storm sewer operated by any of the following
municipalities must send a copy of their application for coverage to the appropriate
municipality: Seattle, King County, Snohomish County, Tacoma, Pierce County, and
Clark County.
3. All new facilities and permitted existing facilities planning a significant process change
a. Satisfy public notice requirements in WAC 173-226-130(5). Ecology will provide
instructions for complying with public notice requirements.
b. Certify that the applicable SEPA requirements have been met.
c. Meet the requirements of Chapter 173-240 SUBMISSION OF PLANS AND
4. A Permittee may include in the application for coverage, activities that are, or could be
performed by an operator(s) other than the Permittee. These activities may be ongoing
or intermittent. As the permit holder, the Permittee is responsible for compliance with
all conditions of the permit.
S9.B. How to Apply for and Maintain Permit Coverage for Portable Facilities
An owner and/or operator of a portable concrete batch plant, portable asphalt batch
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plant, or portable rock crusher may obtain general permit coverage to operate the
portable facility throughout Washington State by submitting a completed and signed
"Application for Coverage for Portable Operations" form (ECY 070-35) to Ecology.
New facilities (i.e. facilities that did not operate in Washington State prior to February
4, 2005) must comply with S9.A.3 at the time of application. No discharge is
authorized until the effective date of permit coverage as provided in Special Condition
Permit coverage will apply only to the specific portable facility identified in the
"Application for Coverage for Portable Operations" form. Permit coverage is provided
for the portable facility at sites throughout the state subject to the following
1. Coverage of the portable facility at a site is for a limited time, not to exceed two (2)
years. However, when related to a specific project, two six-month extensions may
be granted upon request. The Permittee must submit the request to Ecology in
writing, at least 30 days before the facility will exceed two years at a site and
explain why a six-month extension is warranted.
2. The Permittee of the portable facility must submit a completed and signed "Portable
Facility Notification of Intent to Begin Operation" form (ECY 070-36) no less than
ten (I 0) days before beginning each operation at a new location. The form must be
sent to the Water Quality Permit Coordinator at the appropriate Ecology regional
office for where the site and operation is located. The Permittee must also
complete requirements for new discharges (S9.A.3.a and b above) if the new
location will have a discharge to surface waters.
3. Upon completion of the portable operation, the Permittee must restore all areas
affected by the operation in accordance with the "Site Restoration" portion of the
"Notice of Intent to Begin Operations" form submitted to Ecology prior to
beginning operations.
Site restoration must include:
a. Cleaning up, or otherwise preventing the discharge of, any pollutant (including
spilled petroleum products) to waters of the state.
b. Stabilizing all areas affected by activities associated with the portable operation
with a permanent vegetative cover or equivalent permanent stabilization measure
(crushed rock surfacing, rip rap, etc.) which will prevent erosion.
4. The Permittee must submit a completed and signed "Portable Facility Notice of
Completion of Portable Operations" form (ECY 070-30) to the Water Quality Permit
Coordinator at the appropriate Ecology regional office when it has completed the
a. All activities associated with the portable operation have ceased.
b. All equipment associated with the operation has been removed.
c. All land affected by the portable operation has been restored in accordance with
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S9.C. Permit Coverage Timeline For New Facilities
I. Unless Ecology notifies the applicant in writing to the contrary, coverage under this
general permit will begin on the later of the following:
a. The thirty-first (31 ") day after Ecology receives the completed application for
b. The thirty-first (31'') day after the end ofa thirty (30) day public comment period.
c. The effective date of the general permit.
2. If the application is incomplete, an appeal has been filed, public comments have been
received, or more information is necessary to determine whether a facility requires
coverage under the general permit, additional time may be required to review the
application. When additional time is required, Ecology will:
a. Notify the applicant in writing and identify the issues that must be resolved before
a decision can be reached.
b. Send the final decision to the applicant in writing. If the application for coverage
is approved, coverage begins the thirty-first (31 '') day after approval.
3. If the applicant has an individual permit but applies for coverage under the general
permit, the individual permit will remain in effect until terminated in writing by
Ecology. However, an expired individual permit, pursuant to WAC 173-220-180(5),
will terminate upon coverage by the general permit.
S9.D. Reporting Change in Operating Status
Any facility that changes operating status from active to inactive, or inactive to active,
must submit an "Operating Status Change Form" (ECY 070-331) to Ecology as
I. If the change is from inactive to active, the form must be submitted no less than ten
( I 0) days before the change.
2. If the change is from active to inactive, the form must be submitted no later than ten
( 10) days after the change.
The failure to accurately report changes in operating status is a permit violation.
S9.E. Terminating Coverage
A Permittee may request termination (cancellation) of permit coverage for a closed site
by submitting a "Change Request Form" (ECY 070-32). In addition to discontinuing
all activities at the site, the Permittee must complete restoration of the site.
I. A mining site is considered restored when DNR has completely released the
reclamation bond or the site has been reclaimed to the satisfaction of the Ecology
permit manager and local jurisdiction, if required. If the site is not subject to DNR
reclamation, the mining site is considered restored when the site has been reclaimed
to the satisfaction of the Ecology permit manager and local jurisdiction, if required.
2. Processing sites (includes concrete and asphalt batch operations) are considered
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restored when processing equipment has been removed and the Ecology permit
manager determines the site has been returned to an appropriate condition.
3. Permittees that operated a portable facility at one or more locations in Washington
State may terminate statewide permit coverage if the Permittee is in compliance
with S9.B.4 at all sites where they have operated a portable facility under this
4. If the Permittee is prohibited by law from accessing the site to complete site
restoration, the Permittee may request termination by submitting to Ecology a
"Change Request Form" (ECY 070-32) along with documentation of the
Permittee's inability to access the site.
S9.F. Transferring Permit Coverage
See condition G 19 and Ecology Change Request Form
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A. All applications, reports, or information submitted to Ecology must be signed and
(a). In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer.
For the purpose of this section, a responsible corporate officer means:
(i). A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of
a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy-
or decision making functions for the corporation, or
(ii). the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities,
provided, the manager is authorized to make management decisions which
govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or
implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and
initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term
environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager
can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather
complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and
where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager
in accordance with corporate procedures.
(b ). In the case of a partnership, by a general partner.
(c). In the case of sole proprietorship, by the proprietor.
(d). In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal
executive officer or ranking elected official.
Applications for permits for domestic wastewater facilities that are either owned or operated
by, or under contract to, a public entity must be submitted by the public entity
B. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by Ecology must be
signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that
person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if:
I. The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to
2. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility
for the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant
manager, superintendent, position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or
position having overall responsibility for environmental matters. (A duly authorized
representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a
named position.)
C. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under paragraph B.2 above is no longer
accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall
operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph
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B.2 above must be submitted to Ecology prior to or together with any reports,
information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative.
D. Certification. Any person signing a document under this section must make the
following certification:
I certify under penalty oflaw, that this document and all
attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who
manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware
that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing
All discharges and activities authorized by this general permit must be consistent with the
terms and conditions of this general permit. The discharge of any pollutants more
frequently than, or at a concentration in excess of, that authorized by this permit constitutes
a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit.
The Permittee must at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of
collection, treatment, and control ( and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by
the Permittee for pollution control.
The Permittee, in order to maintain compliance with their general permit coverage, must
control production and/or all discharges upon reduction, loss, failure, or bypass of the
treatment facility until the facility is restored or an alternative method of treatment is
provided. This requirement applies in the situation where, among other things, the primary
source of power of the treatment facility is reduced, lost, or fails.
Bypass, which is the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment
facility, is prohibited, and Ecology may take enforcement action against a Permittee for
bypass unless one of the following circumstances (1, 2, or 3) is applicable.
1. Bypass for Essential Maintenance without the Potential to Cause Violation of Permit
Limits or Conditions.
Bypass is authorized if it is for essential maintenance and does not have the potential to
cause violations oflimitations or other conditions of this permit, or adversely impact
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public health as determined by Ecology prior to the bypass. The Permittee must submit
prior notice, if possible, at least ten ( 10) days before the date of the bypass.
2. Bypass Which is Unavoidable, Unanticipated, and Results in Noncompliance of this
This bypass is permitted only if:
a. Bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss oflife, personal injury, or severe property
damage. "Severe property damage" means substantial physical damage to property,
damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or
substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be
expected to occur in the absence of a bypass.
b. There are no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary
treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping production, maintenance
during normal periods of equipment downtime (but not if adequate backup
equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering
judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment
downtime or preventative maintenance), or transport of untreated wastes to another
treatment facility.
c. Ecology is properly notified of the bypass as required in condition S6E of this
3. Bypass which is Anticipated and has the Potential to Result in Noncompliance of this
The Permittee must notify Ecology at least thirty (30) days before the planned date of
bypass. The notice must contain (I) a description of the bypass and its cause; (2) an
analysis of all known alternatives which would eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the need
for bypassing; (3) a cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives including comparative
resource damage assessment; (4) the minimum and maximum duration of bypass under
each alternative; (5) a recommendation as to the preferred alternative for conducting the
bypass; (6) the projected date of bypass initiation; (7) a statement of compliance with
SEPA; (8) a request for modification of water quality standards as provided for in WAC
173-201A-4 l 0, if an exceedance of any water quality standard is anticipated; and (9)
steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the bypass.
For probable construction bypasses, the need to bypass is to be identified as early in the
planning process as possible. The analysis required above must be considered during
preparation of the engineering report or facilities plan and plans and specifications and
must be included to the extent practical. In cases where the probable need to bypass is
determined early, continued analysis is necessary up to and including the construction
period in an effort to minimize or eliminate the bypass.
Ecology will consider the following prior to issuing an administrative order for this type
a. If the bypass is necessary to perform construction or maintenance-related activities
essential to meet the requirements of this permit.
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b. If there are feasible alternatives to bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment
facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping production, maintenance during
normal periods of equipment down time, or transport of untreated wastes to another
treatment facility.
c. If the bypass is planned and scheduled to minimize adverse effects on the public and
the environment.
After consideration of the above and the adverse effects of the proposed bypass and any
other relevant factors, Ecology will approve or deny the request. The public must be
notified and given an opportunity to comment on bypass incidents of significant
duration, to the extent feasible. Approval of a request to bypass will be by
administrative order issued by Ecology under RCW 90.48.120.
The Permittee must allow an authorized representative of Ecology, upon the presentation of
credentials and such other documents as may be required by law:
A. To enter upon the premises where a discharge is located or where any records must be
kept under the terms and conditions of this permit.
B. To have access to and copy -at reasonable times and at reasonable cost -any records
required to be kept under the terms and conditions ofthis permit.
C. To inspect -at reasonable times -any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and
control equipment), practices, methods, or operations regulated or required under this
D. To sample or monitor -at reasonable times -any substances or parameters at any
location for purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the
Clean Water Act.
Prior to constructing or modifying any wastewater control facilities, an engineering report
and detailed plans and specifications must be submitted to Ecology for approval in
accordance with Chapter 173-240 WAC. Engineering reports, plans, and specifications must
be submitted at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the planned start of construction
unless a shorter time is approved by Ecology. Facilities must be constructed and operated in
accordance with the approved plans.
The Permittee must submit a new application for coverage whenever facility
expansions, production increases, or process modifications are anticipated that will:
A. Result in new or substantially changed discharges of pollutants; or
B. Violate the terms and conditions of this permit. This new application for coverage must
be submitted at least 60 days prior to the proposed changes. Submission of the
application for coverage does not relieve the Permittee of the duty to comply with the
existing permit.
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Page 35
Pursuant with Chapter 43 .2 lB RCW and Chapter 173-226 WAC, the Director may require
any discharger authorized by this permit to apply for and obtain coverage under an
individual permit or another more specific and appropriate general permit. Cases where
revocation of coverage may be required include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Violation of any term or condition of this permit;
B. Obtaining coverage under this permit by misrepresentation or failure to fully disclose all
relevant facts;
C. A change in any condition that requires a temporary or permanent reduction or
elimination of the permitted discharge;
D. Failure or refusal of the Permittee to allow entry as required in RCW 90.48.090;
E. A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment,
or contributes to water quality standards violations;
F. Nonpayment of permit fees or penalties assessed pursuant to RCW 90.48.465 and
Chapter 173-224 WAC;
G. Failure of the Permittee to satisfy the public notice requirements of WAC 173-226-
130(5), when applicable; or
H. Incorporation of an approved local pretreatment program into. a municipality's permit.
Permittees that have their coverage revoked for cause according to WAC 173-226-240 may
request temporary coverage under this permit during the time an individual permit is being
developed, provided the request is made within ninety (90) days from the time of revocation
and is submitted along with a complete individual permit application form.
This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 173-226 WAC. Grounds for modification or revocation and re-
issuance include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. When a change occurs in the technology or practices for control or abatement of
pollutants applicable to the category of dischargers covered under this permit;
B. When effluent limitation guidelines or standards are promulgated pursuant to the
FWPCA or Chapter 90.48 RCW, for the category of dischargers covered under this
C. When a water quality management plan containing requirements applicable to the
category of dischargers covered under this permit is approved; or
D. When information is obtained that indicates the cumulative effects on the environment
from dischargers covered under this permit are unacceptable.
A Permittee who knows, or has reason to believe, any activity has occurred or will occur
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which would constitute cause for modification or revocation under Condition G 10, or 40
CFR 122.62, must report such plans, or such information, to Ecology so that a decision can
be made on whether action to modify coverage or revoke coverage under this permit will be
required. Ecology may then require submission of a new application for coverage under
this, or another general permit, or an application for an individual permit. Submission of a
new application does not relieve the Permittee of the duty to comply with all the terms and
conditions of the existing permit until the new application for coverage has been approved
and corresponding permit has been issued.
The Permittee must comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section
307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations
that establish those standards or prohibitions, even if this permit has not yet been modified to
incorporate the requirement.
All other requirements of 40 CFR 122.41 and 122.42 are incorporated in this general permit
by reference.
Nothing in this permit excuses the Permittee from compliance with any applicable Federal,
State, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations.
Ecology may establish additional specific monitoring requirements, including the
installation of groundwater monitoring wells, by administrative order or permit
The Permittee must submit payment of fees associated with this permit as assessed by
Ecology. Ecology may revoke this permit or take enforcement, collection, or other actions,
if the permit fees established under Chapter 173-224 WAC are not paid.
Collected screenings, grit, solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in
the course of treatment or control of wastewaters must not be resuspended or reintroduced
to the final effluent stream for discharge to State waters.
Any discharger authorized by this permit may request to be excluded from coverage under
this general permit by applying for an individual permit. The discharger must submit to the
Director an application as described in WAC 173-220-040 or WAC 173-216-070,
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whichever is applicable, with reasons supporting the request. The Director will either issue
an individual permit or deny the request with a statement explaining the reason for the
denial. When an individual permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to this
general permit, the applicability of this general permit to that Permittee is automatically
terminated on the effective date of the individual permit.
A. Coverage under this permit is automatically transferred to a new owner or operator if:
1. The Permittee notifies Ecology at least 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer
2. The notice includes a written agreement between the existing and new Permittees
containing a specific date transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability
between them.
3. Ecology does not notify the existing Permittee and the proposed new Permittee of its
intent to modify or revoke coverage under this permit.
8. Unless permit coverage is automatically transferred according to section A. above, this
permit coverage may be transferred only if it is modified to identify the new Permittee
and to incorporate such other requirements as determined necessary by Ecology.
The Permittee must reapply for coverage under this permit, at least, one hundred and eighty
(180) days prior to the specified expiration date of this permit. An expired permit continues
in force and effect until a new permit is issued or until Ecology cancels it. Only those
facilities which have reapplied for coverage under this permit are covered under the
continued permit.
Definition -"Upset" means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and
temporary noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limitations because of
factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee. An upset does not include
noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment
facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or
improper operation.
An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with
such technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of the following
paragraph are met.
A Permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate,
through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that: 1)
an upset occurred and that the Permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset; 2) the
permitted facility was being properly operated at the time of the upset; 3) the Permittee
submitted notice of the upset as required in condition S6.E) the Permittee complied with any
remedial measures required under G30 of this permit.
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In any enforcement proceedings the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset
has the burden of proof.
Any person who is found guilty of willfully violating the terms and conditions of this permit
is guilty of a crime, and upon conviction thereof may be punished by a fine of up to ten
thousand dollars and costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
Each day upon which a willful violation occurs may be deemed a separate and additional
Any person who violates the terms and conditions of a waste discharge permit incurs, in
addition to any other penalty as provided by law, a civil penalty in the amount ofup to ten
thousand dollars for every such violation. Each and every such violation is a separate and
distinct offense, and in case of a continuing violation, every day's continuance is a separate
and distinct violation.
A. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to the appropriate class of
dischargers, are subject to appeal by any person within 30 days of issuance of this general
permit, in accordance with Chapter 43 .2 IB RCW, and Chapter 173-226 WAC.
B. The terms and conditions of this general permit, as they apply to an individual discharger, are
appealable in accordance with Chapter 43.21B RCW within 30 days of the effective date of
coverage of that discharger. Consideration of an appeal of general permit coverage of an
individual discharger is limited to the general permit's applicability or non-applicability to
that individual discharger.
C. The appeal of general permit coverage of an individual discharger does not affect any
other dischargers covered under this general permit. If the terms and conditions of this
general permit are found to be inapplicable to any individual discharger(s), the matter will be
remanded to Ecology for consideration of issuance ofan individual permit or permits.
The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this general permit or
application of any provision of this general permit to any circumstance is held invalid, the
application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this general
permit, will not be affected thereby.
This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege.
The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance
constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for
permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit renewal
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The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly
renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this
pennit will, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation,
or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of
a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this
Condition, punishment will be a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or by
imprisonment of not more than four (4) years, or by both.
The Permittee must give advance notice to Ecology by submission of a new application or
supplement thereto at least one hundred and eighty ( 180) days prior to commencement of
such discharges, of any facility expansions, production increases, or other planned changes,
such as process modifications, in the permitted facility or activity which may result in
noncompliance with permit limits or conditions. Any maintenance of facilities, which might
necessitate unavoidable interruption of operation and degradation of effluent quality, must be
scheduled during non-critical water quality periods and carried out in a manner approved by
Where the Pennittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a pennit
application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application or in any report to
Ecology, such facts or information must be submitted promptly.
The Permittee is required to take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or
sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit that has a reasonable likelihood of adversely
affecting human health or the environment.
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Page 40
Table I. Standard Industrial Code and the corresponding North American Industry Classification
S (NAICS) b iystem num er.
Corresponding NAICS number and
SIC number and descriotion description (if different from SIC)
0811 Timber Tracts (long term timber farms) 113110
1411 Dimension Stone 212311 Dimension Stone Mining and• . "in_g
1422 Crushed and Broken Limestone 212312 Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining
1423 Crushed and Broken Granite 212313 Crushed and Broken Granite Mining
1429 Crushed and Broken Stone, Not Elsewhere 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone
Classified Mining and Quarrying (in this permit includes
crushing or recvcle)
1442 Construction Sand and Gravel 212321 Construction Sand and Gravel Mining
1446 Industrial Sand 212322 Industrial Sand Mining
1455 Kaolin and Ball Clay 212324 Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining
1459 Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Minerals, NEC 212325 Clay and Ceramic and Refractory
Minerals Mining
1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except 212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone
Fuels (bituminous limestone and bituminous Mining and Quarrying
1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except 212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining
Fuels ( except bituminous limestone and bituminous
2411 L0<><>inQ 113310
2951 Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks 324121 Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block
3273 Ready-Mixed Concrete 327320 Readv-Mix Concrete Manufacturing
3272 Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick 327332 Concrete Pipe Manufacturing
( concrete oine)
3272 Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick 327390 Other Concrete Product Manufacturing
( concrete products, except dry mix concrete and pipe) ( except pipe, brick, or block)
3272 Concrete Products, Except Block and Brick (dry 327999 All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic
mixture concrete) Mineral Product Manufacturing including
concrete recvcling
I. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal
statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting. analyzing,
and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
NAJCS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget (0MB). and
adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. It was developed
jointly by the U.S. Economic Classification Policy Committee (ECPC), Statistics Canada & , and
Mexico's Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia c Informatica G>, to allow for a high level
of comparability in business statistics among the North American countries.
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Page 41
This official U.S. Government Web site http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/ provides the
latest information on plans for NAICS revisions, as well as access to various NAICS reference
files and tools.
The official 2007 U.S. NAICS Manual, includes definitions for each industry, background
information, tables showing changes between 2002 and 2007, and a comprehensive index. The
official 2007 U.S. NAICS Manual is available in print and on CD_ROM from the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS) at (800) 553-6847 or (703) 605-6000, or through the NTIS
Web site. Previous versions of the NAICS Manual are available.
The coverage provided in this general permit is limited to the specific facilities identified in
Condition S 1 and within the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes, and the
cited Subparts of 40 CFR Part 436, Mineral Mining and Processing Point Source Category or
40 CFR Part 443, Effluent Limitations Guidelines for Existing Sources and Standards of
Performance and Pretreatment Standards for New Sources for The Paving and Roofing Materials
(Tars and Asphalt) Point Source Category:
SIC Code 811 Timber Tracts
SIC Code 2411 Logging
Coverage for timber tracts and logging activities is limited to those mining activities associated
with the forestry industry that classify as silvicultural point source. A silvicultural point source
applies only to the production of materials for use in forest management. For this industry,
covered activities are limited to rock crushing or gravel washing facilities that use a discernible,
confined and discrete conveyance to discharge pollutants to waters of the state.
SIC Code 1411 Dimension Stone
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart A--Dimension Stone Subcategory
Coverage is provided for mining and quarrying of dimension stone, including rough blocks
and slabs. The types of mines or quarries covered in this general permit are: basalt, diabase,
diorite, dolomite, dolomitic marble, flagstone, gabbro, gneiss, granite, limestone, marble,
quartzite, sandstone, serpentine, slate, and volcanic rock.
SIC Code 1422 Crushed and Broken Limestone
SIC Code 1423 Crushed and Broken Granite
SIC Code 1429 Crushed and Broken Stone, Not Elsewhere Classified
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart B-Crushed Stone Subcategory
Coverage is provided for mining, quarrying, and on-site processing of crushed and broken
stone or riprap. The types of mines or quarries included in this category for this permit are:
basalt, dolomite, dolomitic marble, granite, limestone, marble, quartzite sandstone, traprock,
and volcanic rock. Processing means washing, screening, crushing, or otherwise preparing
rock material for use.
SIC Code 1442 Construction Sand and Gravel
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart C-Construction Sand and Gravel Subcategory
Coverage is provided for mining and on-site processing of sand and gravel for construction or fill
purposes. Processing means washing, screening, crushing, or otherwise preparing sand and
gravel for construction uses.
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Page 42
SIC Code 1446 Industrial Sand
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart D--Industrial Sand Subcategory
Coverage is provided for mining and on-site processing of sand for uses other than construction,
including but not limited to glassmaking, molding, filtration, refractories, refractory bonding, and
abrasives. Processing employing a HF flotation method is not covered by this general permit.
SIC Code 1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart H Lightweight Aggregates Subcategory
Coverage is provided for mining, quarrying, and on-site processing of perlite, pumice, or
SIC Code 1459 Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Minerals, Not Elsewhere Classified
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart V-Bentonite Subcategory
Coverage is provided for the mining and on-site processing ofbentonite.
SIC Code 1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart X--Diatomite Subcategory
Coverage is provided for mining and on-site processing of diatomite or diatomaceous earth.
SIC Code 1459 Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Minerals, Not Elsewhere Classified
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart AD--Shale and Common Clay Subcategory
Coverage is provided for the mining and on-site processing of clays and refractory minerals.
Mines operated in conjunction with plants manufacturing cement, brick, or other structural clay
products are included in this industry. Establishments engaged in grinding, pulverizing, or
otherwise treating clay, ceramic and refractory minerals not in conjunction with mining or
quarrying operations are not included in this general permit.
SIC Code 1455 Kaolin and Ball Clay
40 CFR Part 436 Subpart AH-Ball Clay Subcategory
Coverage is provided for the mining and on-site processing of kaolin, ball clay, china clay, paper
clay, and slip clay.
SIC Code 2951 Asphalt Paving Mixtures and Blocks
40 CFR Part 443 Subpart B--Asphalt Concrete Subcategory
Coverage is provided for hot mix asphalt plants.
SIC Code 3273 Ready-Mixed Concrete
Coverage is provided for facilities engaged in manufacturing Portland concrete delivered to a
purchaser in a plastic and unhardened state. This includes production and sale of central-mixed
concrete and portable ready-mixed concrete.
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Page 43
These defmitions are for terms that are used, or relate, to this permit. In other sections of the
permit, defined terms appear in italics.
Active Site means a location where current mining (including site preparation and reclamation) or
processing operations (including, but not limited to, crushing, classifying, or operating a concrete
or hot mix asphalt plant) or stockpiles associated with current mining or processing operations,
are located. Also see defmitions for Inactive Site and Closed Site.
AKARTis an acronym for "all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control,
and treatment." AKART represents the most current methodology that can be reasonably required
for preventing, controlling, or abating the pollutants and controlling pollution associated with a
Applicable TMDL means a TMDL for turbidity, fine sediment or high pH which was completed
and approved by EPA prior to the later effective date of this permit, or modification, or the date
the operator's complete application is received by Ecology.
Average monthly effluent limit means the highest allowable average of daily discharges over a
calendar month. To calculate the discharge value to compare to the limit, you add the value of
each daily discharge measured during a calendar month and divide this sum by the total number
of daily discharges measured.
Average quarterly effluent limit means the highest allowable average of daily discharges over a
quarter (3 months). To calculate the discharge value to compare to the limit, add the value of
each daily discharge measured during a quarter and divide this sum by the total number of daily
discharges measured.
Best Management Practices (BMPs -general definition) means schedules of activities,
prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other physical, structural and/or
managerial practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMPs include
treatment systems, operating procedures, and practices used to control plant site runoff, spillage
or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, and drainage from raw material storage. In this permit BMPs
are further categorized as operational, source control, erosion and sediment control, and
Bypass means the diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility.
Capital BMPs means the following improvements that will require capital expenditures:
1. Treatment BMPs, including but not limited to: biofiltration systems including constructed
wetlands, settling basins, oil separation equipment, impoundments, and detention and
retention basins.
2. Manufacturing modifications, including process changes for source reduction, if capital
expenditures for such modifications are incurred.
3. Concrete pads and dikes and appropriate pumping for collection of stormwater, process
water or mine dewatering water and transfer to control systems from manufacturing areas
such as loading, unloading, outside processing, fueling and storage of chemicals and
equipment and wastes.
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Page 44
4. Roofs and appropriate covers for storage and handling areas.
Clean Water Act (CWA) means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law
92-500, as amended by Public Laws 95-217, 95-576, 96-483, and 97-117; USC 1251 et seq.
Closed Site means a location where all activities associated with permit coverage have been
terminated with no intent to return to operation in the future. Also see definitions for Inactive
Site and Active Site.
Constructed Wetland means wetlands intentionally created for the primary purpose of
wastewater or stormwater treatment and managed as such. Constructed wetlands are normally
considered as part of the stormwater collection and treatment system. Wetlands constructed for
treatment of stormwater are not be eligible for use as compensatory mitigation for authorized
impacts to regulated wetland systems.
Critical Flows means the lowest receiving water flows at the time wastewater discharges occur.
For process wastewater discharges which discharge from the site throughout the year, this is
typically midsummer flow. For stormwater discharges this is the receiving water flow when
significant stormwater begins to discharge from the site, typically early fall.
Current EPA-approved 303(d) list means the list which is in effect on the effective date of this
permit, or the 303(d) list which is in effect at the date the Permittee's first application for
coverage is received by Ecology, whichever is later.
Design Storm means the precipitation event that is used to design stormwater facilities, e.g. 10-
year, 24-hour storm event. Refer to Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for specific
information on requirements for determining design storm volume and flow rate appropriate for
designing stormwater treatment systems.
Design Storm Volume means the volume of runoff predicted to occur from a specified storm
event. The storm event includes a time interval (e.g. 24-hours) and frequency (e.g. JO-year).
Volume-based treatment BMPs use the design storm volume as their design basis. Refer to the
Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for storm event and additional information.
Director means the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology or his/her authorized
Discharge to Groundwater means the discharge of water into an unlined impoundment or onto
the surface of the ground that allows the discharged water to percolate, or potentially percolate,
to groundwater. Discharge to groundwater, discharge to land, and discharge to ground all have
the same meaning.
Discharger means an owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to regulation under
Chapter 90.48 RCW or the Federal Clean Water Act.
Disturbed Area means any area where activity has physically disrupted, compacted, moved, or
otherwise altered the characteristics of soil, bedrock, vegetation, or existing topography. This
includes activity in preparation for: a) surface mining, b) the construction of structures or, c)
mobilization of processing equipment. Stormwater discharge from disturbed areas is considered
Type 2 Stormwater.
Equivalent stormwater management documents means manuals ofBMPs approved by Ecology
and subject to public review and comment.
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Page 45
Erosion means the wearing away of the land surface by precipitation, running water, ice, wind or
other geological agents, including processes such as gravitational creep. Erosion also means the
detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice or gravity.
Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs means BMPs intended to prevent erosion and
sedimentation, such as preserving natural vegetation, seeding, mulching and matting, plastic
covering, filter fences, and sediment traps and ponds. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are
synonymous with stabilization and structural BMPs.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) means a document that describes the potential for
erosion and sedimentation problems and explains and illustrates the measures to be taken to
control those problems.
Existing Facility means a facility that begins activities that result in a discharge, or a potential
discharge to waters of the state, prior to the effective date of the general permit.
Final Stabilization means completion of all soil disturbing activities at the site and establishment
of a permanent vegetative cover, or installation of equivalent permanent stabilization measures
(such as riprap, gabions or geotextiles) that will prevent erosion.
40 CFR means Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which is the codification of the
general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and
agencies of the Federal government.
g/l.!!l. means gallons per minute; the volume of fluid passing a point during a one minute interval.
Groundwater means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the land surface or a surface
water body.
Groundwater Discharges: If water puddles/collects and discharges to ground at multiple
locations on site, it is unlikely that all locations must be sampled. Consider the source of the
water. If all the water is coming from a gravel stockpile area it is likely that just one sampling
point is required. However, if some discharge points receive runoff from a gravel stockpile area
and others receiving water from a concrete batch area, two sample points are probably necessary.
Hot Mix Asphalt Plant means a plant that blends together aggregate and asphalt cement to
produce a hot, homogeneous asphalt paving mixture. The term includes batch plants, continuous
mix plants, and drum mix plants.
Inactive Site means a location where 1) previous mining or processing operations (including, but
not limited to, crushing, classifying, or operating a concrete or hot mix asphalt plant) has
occurred; and has not been closed and restored; and 2) has no current mining or processing
operations but may include stockpiles of raw materials or finished products; and 3) the Permittee
has submitted an Operating Status Change Form (ECY 070-33) declaring the site inactive. The
Permittee may add or withdraw raw materials or finished products from the stockpiles for
transportation off site for processing, use, or sale and still be considered an inactive site, however
monitoring may be required. Also see definitions for Active Site and Closed Site.
Inert means nonreactive, nondangerous solid materials that are likely to retain their physical and
chemical structure under expected conditions of use or disposal.
Leachate means water or other liquid that has percolated through raw material, product, or waste
and contains substances in solution or suspension as a result of the contact with these materials.
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Page 46
Local Government means any county, city, or town having its own government for local affairs.
Maior Modification of Coverage means a change of operation at a facility that is not a Minor
Modification. Public notice is required for this modification.
Maximum daily effluent limit means the highest allowable daily discharge. The daily discharge
means the discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day. For pollutants with limits
expressed in units of mass, the daily discharge is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant
discharged over the day. For other units of measurement, the daily discharge is the average
measurement of the pollutant over the day. This does not apply to pH.
Mine Dewatering Water means any water that is impounded or that collects in the mine and is
pumped, drained, or otherwise removed from the mine through the efforts of the mine operator.
This term must also include wet pit overflows caused solely by direct rainfall and groundwater
seepage. However, if a mine is used for treatment of process generated waste water, discharges
of commingled water from the mine must be deemed discharges of process generated water.
Minor Modification of Coverage means a change of operation at a facility that does not
substantially change the volume or nature of pollutants. No public notice or new Application for
Coverage is required for this modification.
Monitoring Benchmark means a pollutant concentration used as a permit threshold, below which
a pollutant is considered unlikely to cause a water quality violation. When pollutant
concentrations exceed benchmarks, corrective action is required. Benchmark values are not
water quality standards and are not numeric effluent limitations; they are indicator values
Municipality means a political unit such as a city, town, or county, incorporated for local self-
NAICS -see Appendix A
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) means the national program for
issuing, modifying, revoking, and reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits, and
imposing and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402, 318, and 405 of the
Federal Clean Water Act, for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the state from point
sources. These permits are referred to as NPDES permits and, in Washington State, are
administered by the Washington Department of Ecology.
Natural Conditions means surface water quality that was present before any human-caused
pollution. When estimating natural conditions in the headwaters of a disturbed watershed it may
be necessary to use the less disturbed conditions of a neighboring or similar watershed as a
reference condition.
New Facility means a facility which begins activities that result in a discharge, or a potential
discharge to waters of the state, on or after the effective date of this general permit.
Non-delegated POTW means a POTW which has not been delegated to issue permits for
industrial dischargers to its system. Ecology is the permitting authority for non-delegated
NTU means Nephelometric Turbidity Units, a measure of turbidity.
J!ll --The pH of a liquid measures its acidity or alkalinity. A pH of 7 is defined as neutral and
large variations above or below this value are harmful to most aquatic life.
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
Point Source means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not
limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, and container from
which pollutants are or may be discharged to waters of the state. This term does not include
return flows from irrigated agriculture.
Pollutant means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage,
garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials,
heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and
agricultural waste. This term does not include sewage from vessels within the meaning of
section 312 of the FWPCA, nor does it include dredged or fill material discharged in accordance
with a permit issued under section 404 of the FWPCA.
Pollution means contamination or other alteration of the physical, chemical, or biological
properties of waters of the state, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or odor
of the waters; or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into
any waters of the state as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render such waters harmful,
detrimental or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial,
industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses, or to livestock, wild
animals, birds, fish, or other aquatic life.
POTW means publically-owned treatment works. This is a sewage treatment plant and the
collection system ( 40 CFR 122.2).
Process Water means any water that is used for or results from the production, clean-up, or use of
any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product. The term
also means any waste water used in or results from the slurry transport of mined material, air
emissions control, or processing exclusive of mining. Also, see definitions for Type 1, 2, and 3
Receiving Water means the waterbody at the point of discharge. If the discharge is to a
stormwater conveyance system, either surface or subsurface, the receiving water is the waterbody
that the stormwater conveyance system discharges to. Systems designed primarily for other
purposes such as for groundwater drainage, redirecting stream natural flows, or for conveyance of
irrigation water/return flows that coincidentally convey stormwater are considered the receiving
Representative Sampling means collecting an array of samples to accurately represent the nature
of the discharge for parameters of concern. Many factors contribute to variability of pollutants
in a discharge including quantity of water, time and date of sampling, and physical events and
location of discharge.
Sanitary Sewer means a sewer designed to convey domestic wastewater.
Sediment means the fragmented material that originates from the weathering and erosion of rocks
or unconsolidated deposits and is transported by, suspended in, or deposited by water.
Sedimentation means the depositing or formation of sediment.
SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) means the Washington State Law, RCW 43.21C.020,
intended to prevent or eliminate damage to the environment.
Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment
facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of
Sand and Gravel General Permit~ August 17, 2011
Page 48
natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass.
Significant Process Change means a change in the nature of discharge with respect to increased
volume and type or concentrations of pollutants. Examples include adding a batch plant at a site,
Significant Amounts means those amounts of pollutants that are amenable to treatment or
prevention or that have the potential to cause or contribute to a violation of standards for surface
or groundwater quality or sediment management.
Significant Materials includes, but is not limited to: raw materials; fuels; materials such as
solvents and detergents; hazardous substances designated under section 101(14) ofCERCLA;
any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to section 313 of title III of SARA;
fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag, and sludge that have the potential
to be released with stormwater or process water discharges.
Silvicultural Point Sources are timber tract and logging activities (SIC codes 0811 and 2411) that
produce mined materials for use in forest management. Additionally, silvicultural point source
activities are limited to rock crushing or gravel washing operations that use a discernible,
confined and discrete conveyance to discharge pollutants to surface waters of the state.
Site means the land or water area where any "facility or activity" is physically located or
Source Control BMPs means physical, structural, or mechanical devices or facilities intended to
prevent pollutants from entering stormwater. A few examples of source control BMPs are
erosion control practices, maintenance of stormwater facilities, construction of roofs over
storage and working areas, and direction of wash water and similar discharges to the sanitary
sewer or a dead end sump.
Stabilization means the application of appropriate BMPs to prevent the erosion of soils, such as
temporary and permanent seeding, vegetative covers, mulching and matting, plastic covering,
and sodding. See also the definition of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs.
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is the statistical classification standard underlying all
establishment-based federal economic statistics classified by industry as reported in the 1987 SIC
Manual by the Office of Management and Budget.
Storm Sewer means a sewer that is designed to carry stormwater. Also called a storm drain.
Stormwater means rainfall and snowmelt runoff.
Stormwater Drainage System means constructed and natural features that function together as a
system to collect, convey, channel, hold, inhibit, retain, detain, infiltrate, or divert stormwater.
Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) means the technical manual prepared by Ecology for
use by local governments that contains BMPs to prevent, control, or treat pollution in
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) means a documented plan to implement
measures to identify, prevent, and control the contamination of point source discharges of
Substantial Change (Requiring a new application for coverage) -Substantial change of
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
discharge for this industry group will be any modification of the facility that would change the
characteristics of the discharge or include for coverage a new activity (SIC) that was not
previously covered.
Surface Water Discharges: For all parameters required by this permit, a grab sample of
instantaneous measurement will be considered representative. Stormwater sampling should
occur within 24 hours of the initial discharge from a significant precipitation event (e.g. 0.25
inch/24 hr. precipitation event). Process water or mine dewatering water sampling should be
timed to occur when the facility is operating at full capacity.
Surface Waters o(the State includes lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, wetlands, inland waters, salt
waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of
JO-year. 24-hour precipitation event means the maximum 24 hour precipitation event with a
probable reoccurrence interval of once in IO years.
Total Daily Maximum Load (TMDL) means a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant
that a waterbody can receive and still meet State water quality standards. Percentages of the total
maximum daily load are allocated to the various pollutant sources. A TMDL is the sum of the
allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources. The
TMDL calculations must include a "margin of safety" to ensure that the waterbody can be
protected in case there are unforeseen events or unknown sources of the pollutant. The
calculation must also account for seasonable variation in water quality. A TMDL is effective
after EPA approval. TMDL as used in this permit includes alternative "direct to implementation
Total Dissolved Solids {TDS) means those solids that are capable of passing through a glass fiber
filter (1.0-1.5 µm) and dried to a constant weight at 180 degrees centigrade.
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is the particulate material in an effluent that does not pass through
a glass fiber filter. Large quantities ofTSS discharged to a receiving water may result in solids
accumulation. Apart from any toxic effects attributable to substances leached out by water,
suspended solids may kill fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms by causing abrasive
injuries and by clogging the gills and respiratory passages of various aquatic fauna. Indirectly,
suspended solids can screen out light and can promote and maintain the development of noxious
conditions through oxygen depletion.
Treatment BMPs means BMPs intended to remove pollutants from stormwater. A few examples
of treatment BMPs are detention ponds, oil/water separators, biofiltration, and constructed
Turbidity means the clarity of water as expressed by nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) and
measured with a calibrated turbidimeter.
Type I Stormwater means stormwater from portions of a site where no industrial activities have
occurred or from a site or area within a site that has been reclaimed and the reclamation bond
portion thereof (if any) has been released.
Type 2 Stormwater means stormwater from: I) portions of a site where mining has temporarily
or permanently ceased; or 2) from portions of a site with exposed soils in areas cleared in
preparation for mining or other industrial activity. When different types of stormwater
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
Page 50
commingle the water becomes the highest of the types which have commingled (i.e. when Type
1 and Type 2 stormwater commingle the stormwater becomes Type 2).
Type 3 Stormwater means stormwater discharges from:
1. Industrial plant yards;
2. Immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials,
manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility;
3. Material handling sites;
4. Sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment;
5. Sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal;
6. Shipping and receiving areas;
7. Storage areas for raw materials or intermediate and finished products at active sites; and
8. Areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain
and are exposed to stormwater.
USEP A means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Waste/oad Allocation (WLA) means the portion of a receiving water's loading capacity that is
allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. WLAs constitute a type of
water quality based effluent limitation (40 CFR 130.2(h)).
Wastewater means water or liquid carried waste from industrial or commercial processes. These
wastes may result from any process or activity of industry, manufacture, trade or business, or
from the development of any natural resource. The term includes contaminated stormwater.
Water Quality means the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, normally
with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose.
Waters o(the State includes those waters as defined as "waters of the United States" in 40 CFR
Subpart 122.2 within the geographic boundaries of Washington State and "waters of the state"
as defined in Chapter 90.48 RCW. This includes groundwater, lakes, rivers, ponds, streams,
wetlands, inland waters, salt waters and all other surface waters and water courses within the
jurisdiction of the State of Washington.
Wellhead Protection Area (WHPAI means the portion of a welt's, well field's, or spring's zone
of contribution defined as such using WHP A criteria established by the Washington Department
of Health.
Sand and Gravel General Permit -August 17, 2011
Page 51
.. of
February 16, 2015
LUA14-001619, TP (~ QATE: 2/ i;. . ,;--
DATE.,: IC ~
DATE : .. ';J.J..;J'.J..u.;.....c-1 PROJECT NAME:
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Per
Clark H. Close, Associate Planner
Jimmy Blais
Pointe Heron, LLC
5050 1" Ave S, Ste 102
Seattle, WA 98134
510 Monster Rd SW
February 16, 2020
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Tier II
Permit pursuant to Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-240 in order to continue w Iempurd111y
stockpile construction aggregates for a period up to five (5) years. The 9.022 acre site consists
of the easterly three (3) parcels located contiguous to the Stoneway Black River Quarry
property, just south of the eastern portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes. The Black
River Quarry's street address is SlO Monster Road SW, Renton, WA (APN's 3779200005,
3779200008 and 3779200009). In addition to stockpiling, the site is used for outdoor storage of
construction materials (pipe, manholes and catch basins} and construction equipment (loaders,
excavators, trucks, and trailers). All three parcels are zoned Light Industrial (IL) on the City's
zoning map.
Stormwater from the site is discharged to ground or captured through a series of swales and
routed to an existing sediment pond on the Black River Quarry property. The site is currently
regulated by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency and the Department of Ecology's Sand and
Gravel General Permit. As such, there are stringent environmental regulations that require
limitation of erosion, control of dust, and monitoring of all stormwater discharges. Currently,
Pointe Heron uses the following BMPs: interceptor dikes, straw waddles, rock check dams, track
walking, sediment ponds, CO2 sparging, stabilization measures and site watering.
C r Renton Department of Community & Eco, Development
PROJECT TITLE: Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit PROJECT REVIEWER:
SITE AREA: 393,004 square feet EXISTING BLDG AREA (gross):
SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant, Pointe Heron LLC, is requesting a Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit pursuant to Renton
Municipal Code Section 4-9-240 for the proposed five-year temporary use. The 9.022 acre site consists of the easterly three parcels
located contiguous to the Stoneway Black River Quarry property, just south of the eastern portion of the Sunset View Apartment
Homes. The Black River Quarry's street address is 510 Monster Road SW, Renton, WA (APN's 3779200005, 3779200008 and
3779200009). All three parcels are zoned Light Industrial (IL). The site is currently being used primarily for outdoor stockpiling of
construction aggregates with some stockpiles as tall as SO feet. Other portions of the site are used for outdoor storage of
construction materials and equipment. Stormwater from the site is discharged to ground or captured through a series of swales
and routed to an existing sediment pond on the Black River Quarry property. There are no wetlands or water bodies on the three
parcels. An existing steep slope lies along the south edge of the three parcels. Access to the site is through the westerly part of the
Quarry property from Monster Road SW. No trees are proposed to be removed and no fill or excavation is proposed. The applicant
submitted the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, prepared on January 4, 2013 for Kangley Rock and Recycle Black River
Element of the Probable Probable More
En11ironment Minor Major Information
Element of the Probable Probable More
Environment Minor Major Information
Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary
Earth Housina
Air Aesthetics
Water Liaht/Glare
Plants Recreation
Land/Shoreline Use Utilities
Animals TransrJDrtation
Environmental Health Public Services
Energy/ Historic/Cultural
Natural Resources Preservation
Airport Environment
We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact
or areas where additional information is eded to properly assess this proposal.
We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact
or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal.
Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date
On the 16th day of December, 2014, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing
Notice of Application documents. This information was sent to:
Jimmy Blais
300' Surrounding Properties
Pointe Heron, LLC
(Signature of Sender):
Dated: fl uwnlro I(, J,Ol'f
See Attached
Notary (Print): ____ ~ilo~/ ... ~"1-,--. ~t~o=.· =''~i·=u_:s:~-------------
My appointment expires: ~ ~ (-· ;:? {f :2.0 (?
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
LUA14-001619, TP
template ~ affidavit of service by mailing
9125 10th Aves
Seattle. WA 98108
9125 10th Ave S
Seattle. WA 98108
Jim Blais
Merlino Land Development Co
5050 1st Ave, 102
Seattle. WA 98134
Pl[)_ _ _ J!"'.X.~A'l~R_NAME iPSTLADDREss IPST~CITY __ Psi:~s-lPSTLZIPS
377920~191 RENTO~_<:_ffY OF_ i 105? ?-~~a_cJ_y_w_a_L ______ _i R_ento~ ___ \NA 1 98057
14ClQ0091Deliver to Resident _ 2101 SW Sunset Blvd ~Renton _JWA .
1400009 Deliver to Resident '210-1 SW Sunset Blvd APT A101 Ren.!0~ .. -....... 1w.-.A-· 1 · 98057
_____ 1_4_00_0_0_9+II D_e_l_iv_er_t_o_R_e_s_id_e_nt ___ f--2_10_1_S_W_S_u_ns_e_t _B_lv_d_A_P_T_A_l_02 Renton ~ WA I 98057
_____ 1_4_00_0_0_9_ Eeliv_e_r to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APTA103 Renton ... _ JWA I _ 98057
1 __ 14_0_0_0_0_9+-D_e_liv_e_r_t_o_R_es_id_e_n_t___ 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A104 I Renton iWA _280?7
1400009 Deliver to Resi~E!_n_t__ 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT Al OS Renton WA I 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A106 Renton WA 98057 t------+---------+------------------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 98057 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A107 Renton WA
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A108
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A109
Renton WA
98057 1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT AllO Renton
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT Alll Renton
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A112 Renton
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A201 Renton
98057 i ----------------+--------------
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A202 Renton __ WA _ I__ 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A203 Renton WA I 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A204 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A205 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A206 Renton W_A ___ ,! ____ 9_8_0_5--,7
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A207 Renton , WA , 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident
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1400009 Deliver to Resident
-------------'----. ' 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A208 Renton WA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A209 Renton 'WA i 98057
2101 SW Sun-set Blvd A-PT-A210-Ren-to~ ---iwA ,--98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A211 Renton WA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A212 98057 Renton WA
Renton WA 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A301 98057 -----------------------t-----t---+--------j
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A302 Renton WA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A303 Renton WA 98057
_ I Renton WA
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A304 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A305 Renton WA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A306 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A307 Renton WA 98057
12101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A308 Renton __ \NP._ -I-__ 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A309 Renton I w_A --1-98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A310 Renton ,WA
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A311 Renton WA i 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A312 Renton WA
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A401 Renton WA i
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A402 Renton 'WA '
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A403 Renton iWA
98057 l-----+---------+--------------+----~---~---
1400009 Deliver to ResicJi,n_t _____ I 2_!CJ1S\/\/ Sunset Blvd APT A404
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A405
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A406 Renton WA l-----t---------+--------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A407 Renton WA
98057 -------1-----+-----t-----J
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A408 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident -------------
1400009 Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A409
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A410
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT A411
1400009. Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT ~412
Renton _WA
98057 Renton :
RentM!w;;;:-j-, 98057
Renton !WA 98057
14000091 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT BlOl Renton WA 98057 ------+------------+----
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B102 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B103 Renton IWA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B104 Renton !WA 98057 f---------+------------------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT BlOS Renton WA 98057 ----1-:_:_::_:__:_::__:__ _____ __:___:__,
1400009 1 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B106 Renton , WA 98057
1400009! Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B201 Renton !WA 98057 --+-------1
1400009-Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B202 Renton iWA 98057 __ , ______ __,
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B203 Renton 'WA 98057
---14-0-0009 Delivert_o __ R_e_s_i_d-e-nt---t-2-10_1_S_W_S_u_ns_e_t_B_lv_d_A_P_T_B_2_04-+-Re_n_t_o_n_lWA ' 98_0_5_7
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd __ A __ P_T_B_2_0_c_S_e-'-R:_::e_:_:_nt-=--=o_n_--J-IW_A_+-1 __ 9_8_05_71
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B206 I Renton IWA ; 98057 -----------+-----------------+-
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B301 Renton WA
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B302 Renton WA
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B303 1 Renton WA
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B304 'Renton WA
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT 8305 • Renton WA 98057
1400009' Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT 8306 · Renton WA 98057
__ 14_0_0_0_09_D_e_liv_e_r_to_Re_s_id_e_n_t __ _,_I 2_1_0_1_s_w_s_u_n_s_et Blvd APT 134 __ 0_l __ ~R_e_n_to_n_+-W_A_+-_9_8_0_57_,
1400009 Deliver to Resident j2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT 8402 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 1 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT 8403 Renton WA 98057
1-----------------~-------------i-------. -
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT 8404 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT B405 Renton WA 98057 1---------------------------~------l------+-----1
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT 8406 Renton WA 98057 ------------+------------I--------
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 -Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT ClOl Renton lWA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C102 Renton WA 98057 ----+-:_:_---+----'---'-I
1400009 • Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C103 Renton WA 98057 --------------------+-----+--
14000091 Deliver to Resident , 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C104 Renton WA 98057
1400009! Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT ClOS Renton IWA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C106 I Renton !WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C201 Renton WA j 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C202 Renton WA i 98057
--1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C203 Renton WA I 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C204 Renton WA I 98057 ------+-------------+----+---+------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C205 Renton WA 98057 ------+-----+l-----+-----1
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C206 Renton WA 98057
. ---
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C301 Renton WA 98057 ------------+------------+---------+---+---------1 f---------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C302 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C303 Renton WA 98057
--. ----------------1-------------+--------------------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C304 Renton WA 98057 ________ _,
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C305 Renton WA 98057 I------+---------+---------------1--------+
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C306 Renton , WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C401 Renton WA 98057
1400009: Deliver to Resident 12101_SW Sunset Blvd APT ~~02 I Renton jWA_(~057
1400009, Deliver to Resident 12101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C403 I Renton ,WA ' 98057 -----=t:=--c----' -iRenton [wA_i 98057 1400009 ! Deliver to Resident j 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C404
14000091 Deliver to Resident i 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT C405 : Renton WA • 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 12101 SW Sunset Blvd APT (406 !Renton
---,--+-98057 WA
---l""." -----
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT DlOl !Renton ,WA 98057
-------.. --+--
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D102 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D103 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D104 Renton WA 98057 _____ ,_ -
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D105 Renton WA 98057 ----------------------~
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D106 Renton iWA 98057
1400009 t-°eliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D201 Renton WA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D202 Renton WA , 98057 1400009 Deliver to Resident
------------------------t -
1400009: Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D203 Renton WA , 98057
1400009 1 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D204 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D205 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D206 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D301 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D302 Renton WA ! 98057
1400009, Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D303 , Renton WA ' 98057 --
140SJ009 i Deliver to Resid_ent __ ; 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D304 Renton WA 98057
1400009 j Deliver to Resident I 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D305 I Renton jWA 98057
1400009 j Deliver to Resident : 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D306 I Renton 1 WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident I 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D401 Renton ,WA 98057
----' -------
1400009: Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D402 'Renton !WA 98057
14000091 Deliver to Resident
12101 SV.J_ Sunset Blvd APT D403 Renton WA I 98057
1400009 ! Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D404 Renton WA 98057
1400009 j Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D405 Renton WA 98057
1400009 · Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT D406 Renton WA 98057
1400009: Deliver to Resident
WA -[
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E101 Renton 98057
1400009 ! Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E102 Renton WA
98057 ----______ ,
1400009 i Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E103 Renton IWA 98057
1400009: Deliver to Resident '2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E104
--; -----!--
,Renton ,WA 98057
I Renton
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E105 1 WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E106 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E107 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident ! 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E108 -Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident ! 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E109 jRenton WA 98057
-------I ------
1400009 Deliver to Resident i 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT EllO :Renton WA 98057 --1---------
1400009 Deliver to Resident i 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT Elll Renton WA I
1400009 Deliver to Resident 12101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E112 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E201 Renton WA ' 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident .2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E202 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident : 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E203 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident : 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E204 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident ! 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E205 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident !2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E206 · Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E207 Renton 1WA 98057 .. ----
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E208 _R_e_nton ~1WA _ 1400009' Deliver to Resident 98057
1400009' Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E209 Renton , WA 98057
--------··-----------' -
14000091 Deliver to Resident __ j2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E210 ;Renton :wA 98057 -----------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E211 Renton !WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E212 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E301 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E302 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E303 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E304 Renton ;WA I 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E305 Renton WA
1400009: Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E306 Renton WA ; 98057
1400009 · Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E307 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E308 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E309 Renton WA 98057
Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E310 Renton iWA . 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E311 Renton 1 WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E312 , Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident j2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E401 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E402 ,Renton WA 98057
iRenton 1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E403 WA 98057 -------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E404 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E405 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E406 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E407 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E408 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E409 Renton WA 98057
-----· --
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E410 Renton WA 98057 ----
1400009 Deliver to Resident 12101 SW Sunset BlvdAPTE411 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT E412 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT FlOl Renton !WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F102 Renton !WA 98057
-1400009!Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F103 Renton IWA 1 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F104 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F105 Renton 'WA i 98057
1400009. Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F106 Renton WA 98057
1400009 i Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F201 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F202 Renton 'WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F203 I Renton jWA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F204 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F205 :Renton WA 98057 ----
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F206 'Renton WA 98057 ,-
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F301 Renton WA 98057
---.. ------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F302 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F303 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F304 Renton WA i 98057
1400009 ! Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F305 Renton WA 98057
1400009, Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F306 1 Renton !WA i 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident '2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F401 Renton WA '
,, 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F402 Renton WA 98057 --f-----sl------
14_00009 Deliver to _Re_s_id_e_n_t __ -+-2_10_1_S_W_S_u_n_se_t_B_lv_d_A_PT_F4_0_3_-+-R_en_t_o_n_-+-W_A_L~O~~
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F404 Renton WA : 98057 --------+----+---+-----·
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F405 Renton WA , 98057 __ , __
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT F406 Renton WA ! 98057 ---------------l------l----"-------l
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT GlOl Renton WA I 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G102 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G103 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G104 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G105 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G106 Renton WA 98057 ----------------+-----------_:__-+-_::__:_:__-+-----+------+
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G201 Renton WA 98057
.. ---
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G202 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G203 Renton , WA 98057
1400009 ! Deliver to Reside;.;t 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G204 Renton --W--A--'----9-8-0-57---1 1--------+-----------+--------------+------l------------
1400009 I Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G205 Renton WA 98057 -r-------------+-----------'-----l--'--------L-----l
14000091 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G206 Renton WA 98057 --------------------i--------1
1400009! Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G301 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G302 Renton WA 98057 ----------+------------+----+----1-----1
Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G303 Renton !WA 98057
1400009: Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G304 Renton lwA 98057
1400009(Deliverto Resident ___ 31~!5_W Sunset Blvd APTG305 _Re_n_ton_ _lWA 98057
14000091 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G306 Renton WA ! 98057 -------+----------s--------------+---~--+------
14000091 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G401 Renton iWA 1 98057
14000091 o;i~er to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G402 Renton WA 98057 -
1400009 j Deliver to Resident ___
_2_10_1_SW_S_u_n_se_t_B_lv_d_A_P_T_G_4_0-=-3---+--'Re-=-n--'t-=-o_n_+I W_A_---+---'--98_0_5--17
1400009, Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G404 Renton IWA 98057
r--1-40_0_0_0_9+! D-e-l-iv_e_r-to-Re-s-id_e_n_t __ -+-2-10-1-SW_S_u_n_se_t_B_l_vd-A-PT_G_4_0_5---J-R-e-nt_o_n __ lWA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT G406 Renton lwA 98057 l·-----------
1400009: Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H101 Renton IWA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H102 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H103 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H104 Renton WA 98057 f------------------+-------------+------lf------
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H105 Renton WA 98057
2_10!SW Sunset Blvd APT H106 Renton ,WA 98057 1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H201 Renton iWA 98057
1400009 1 Deliver to Reside_r,t _ _ -f-l_O_l_S_W_S_u_n_se_t_B_lv_d_A_P_T_H_20_2=---+R"-e-=-n--'t-=-o-'--n-+I W=A ___ 9'--'8'--'0-'5---l7
1400009,Deliverto Resident 1 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H203 -~nton jWA __ 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H204 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H205 Renton WA 98057 ,----------------+---------l-------'-----1
1400009 Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H206 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 Deliver to Resident
1400009 i Deliver to Resident
1400009 • Deliver to Resident
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H301 Renton WA , 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H302 Renton WA 98057 =-'-'---'---'---'----'---'---'--:_:__I
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H303 Renton WA 98057
2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H304 Renton WA 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident 1i~:tX~~::~:::: ::::::. 1:: l :::; ... -------·--.
1400009 Deliver to Resident
~::: :: ::::: ::: :; ::: Te::::; p: ~ :::; 1400009 • Deliver to Resident
-----. --·--
1400009. Deliver to Resident
1400009: Deliver to Resident 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H403 Renton WA 98057
IJJ_A I 1400009 · Deliver to Resident i 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H404 ,Renton 98057 . ----------
:2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H405
1400009 Deliver to Resident iRenton WA I 98057
1400009 Deliver to Resident ' 2101 SW Sunset Blvd APT H406 Renton 98057 WA -----·--
3779200005 POINTE HERON LLC 510 Monster Rd SW Renton WA 98057
1323049020 BNSF PO BOX 961089 FORTWOR TX 76161
--City of..-._ __ --~ 0 r,;., ~· . .• ir,,.c1D\1fQ)JJ ·· · __ _, __ __,.
DATI: Df Al'PU<:AllON: DE(:£MBER!, 2014
-E: Of'I/STATFJllP·-------Malll.lNG/ID011£s:5: _________ _
"ral.UHON!~.; ---------
I, C 1.,mw: f-1. ()..tJ':,f; hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document
were posted in _3_ conspicuous places or nearby the described property on
Date .. · __ 1"2--....,_('-10-+/_N......_ ____ _
) ss
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ( led; H. c· 1
, e
signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the
uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
blic in and for the State of Washington
Notary (Print):
Denis Law -----c·
_ _:May=-or -------. [( ~"l~[)' t ( \. t l
December 16, 2014
Jimmy Blais
Pointe Heron, LLC
5050 151 Ave S, Ste 102
Seattle, WA 98134
-·-.>~ .J·Y __,......,.
Community & Economic Development Department
C.E."Chip"Vincent, Administrator
Subject: Notice of Complete Application
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit, LUA14-001619, TP
Dear Mr. Blais:
The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application
is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review.
You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your
Please contact me at (425) 430-7289 if you have any questions.
Clark H. Close
Associate Planner
cc: Pointe Heron/ Owner(s)
Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov
·· _a Cityof/
i r~ :}iS: [-ri f:( l -r ]
-.. ..__,. --·-"J
A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Department of Community & Economic De\lelopment
(CED) -Planning Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary
Public Approvals.
PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit/ LUA14-001619, TP
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Pointe Heron LLC, is requesting a Tier 2 Temporary Use
Permit pursuant to Renton Municipal Code Section 4-9-240 for the proposed five-year temporary use. The 9.022 acre
site consists of the easterly three parcels located contiguous to the Stoneway Black River Quarry property, just south of
the eastern portion of the Sunset View Apartment Homes. The Black River Quarry's street address is 510 Monster Road
SW, Renton, WA (APN's 3779200005, 3779200008 and 3779200009). All three parcels are zoned Light Industrial {IL). The
site is currently being used primarily for outdoor stockpiling of construction aggregates with some stockpiles as tall as 50
feet. Other portions of the site are used for outdoor storage of construction materials and equipment. Stormwater from
the site is discharged to ground or captured through a series of swales and routed to an existing sediment pond on the
Black River Quarry property. There are no wetlands or water bodies on the three parcels. An existing steep slope lies
along the south edge of the three parcels. Access to the site is through the westerly part of the Quarry property from
Monster Road SW. No trees are proposed to be removed and no fill or excavation is proposed. The applicant submitted
the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, prepared on January 4, 2013 for Kangley Rock and Recycle Black River
APPLICANT/PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Jimmy Blais/Pointe Heron,LLC/5050 1st Ave S, Ste 102/Seattle, WA 98134
Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Clark H. Close, Associate Planner, Department of
Community & Economic De\lelopment, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, by 5:00 p.m. on December 30,
2014. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification
by mail, contact the Project Manager at (425) 430~7289. Anyone who submits written comments wfl! automatically
become a party of record and will be notified of any decision an this project.
lf you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this
form and return to: City of Renton, CED, Planning Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057.
File Name/ No.: Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit/ LUA14-001619, TP
MAILING ADDRESS: _______________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: _________ _
TELEPHONE NO.: ---------------
City of Renton
NAME: Pointe Heron, LLC Temporary Use Permit
ADDRESS: 5050 1st Avenue South, Suite 102 1101 SW Sunset Boulevard
Renton, WA 98057
CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98134
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-762-9125 377920-0008; 377920-0005; 377920-0009
APPLICANT (if other than owner)
NAME: Same as Property Owner Mining/quarry/ore processing/vacant
COMPANY (if applicable):
ADDRESS: Employment Area Valley (EAV)
CITY: ZIP: (if applicable)
TELEPHONE NUMBER: Light Industrial (IL)
SITE AREA (in square feet):
NAME: Jimmy Blais 393,004 +/-square feet.
COMPANY (if applicable): Pointe Heron, LLC DEDICATED:
ADDRESS: 5050 1st Avenue South, Suite 102 N/A
CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98134 ACRE (if applicable)
Ole: 206-762-9125; C: 206-255-5153
JBlais@gmccinc.com NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable):
C:\Users1JBlais\Desktop\Pointe Heron TakeofflT empomry Use\Master Application.doc -I -
P .. JJECT INFORMATION (continued) --~-----~-----------
BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A
BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A
BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A
BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A
applicable): N/A
PROJECT (if applicable): N/A
SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable):
D GEOLOGIC HAZARD (Protected Slopes) Q_ sq. ft.
D WETLANDS sq. ft.
(Attach legal description on separate sheet with the followina information included)
l,(Prj See attached Affidavit of Ownership. tsoftheStateof
Was ' authorized
repre'-----------------------------------~ ers herein
contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
) ss
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that
signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/th ·
uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument.
C:\Users,..JBlais\Dcsktop\Pointc Heron Takeoft\Tempornry Use\Master Application.doc
-2 -
(with respect to the "Pointe Heron LLC Parcel")
I, GARY M. MERLINO, declare that:
(I) I am a Manager of Pointe Heron LLC, a Washington limited liability company
("PHLLC"). As a Manager, I have authority to make decisions on PHLLC's
behalf and to execute this Affidavit of Ownership on PHLLC's behalf.
(2) PHLLC is the current owner of the "Pointe Heron LLC Parcel" that is legally
described on the attached Legal Description sheet.
(3) The foregoing statements and answers contained in the accompanying completed
City of Renton Land Use Permit Master Application are in all respects true and
correct to the best of my knowl~edge and b~lief. '\ (
Gary :M:-Merl. o
) ss.
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that GARY M. MERLINO is the
person who appeared before me and acknowledged that he signed the instrument, on oath stated
that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as a Manager of POINTE
HERON LLC, a Washington limited liability company, to be the free and voluntary act of such
limited liability company for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
0 71.-_,
Dated this a day of December 2014. -----
FEBRUARY 19, 2018
(print or type name of notary)
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of
Washington, residing at ;tu,-~. 5 \,,
My Commission expires: ;:).. l<:i, :;n15:'i
. .
· .. ·, •. REQUIREMENTS: •
•. WAIVED . ' MODIFIED .. . . . . . . ....... BY: BY: . COMMENTS:
Calculations 1
Colored Maps /or Display4 ·
·,,,·.·· '
,,,· ____ ..
Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4
Deed ofRight,ofWay Dedication.· , . . . ·,
Density Worksheet 4
Drainag" Cdntr6JPlan,. .•... . .. .. .•' -_.:
. . .. ·'' '· ·,
. . . .•
: ' ' '
'•. ·. ......... ···· '···',·•
'· .. '
-. :. '' ····.:
' .
. . .
~';,_'sj(,-··_ -_· ,i.,
Drainage Report 2 • " " .:..:.· \ ·v-,...,,..~r
Environmental Checklist ,
Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy),·.
• ... ·
Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4
Flood HazardData 4 . • . • ..• < • , .
Floor Plans 3 AND 4
·· ... . . Geotechnical Report.,ANO ~ ......
Grading Plan, Conceptual 2
· ... Grading. Plan:· De tall ed 2 .· ·•·
Habitat Data Report 4
:-.. '
Improvement Deferral 2 ' ..
.· .
Irrigation Plan 4
King County Asses,;9r's Map Jndicating Site, .
Landscape Plan, Conceptual,
LandScape Pt~h-. bet:3i,ledj . · ·
. . . . '·· . . . . · . · ..
Legal Description 4
Map of Existing Site Conditions, . , .
Master Application Form,
Monument Cards (oDe per monument) 1
Neighborhood Detail Map 4
Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 .. •. . ..
Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4
. ,,. '
Pos! Office Approval 2 . .
This requirement may be waived by:
1 . Property Services
2. Public Works Plan Review
3, Building
4. Planning
·. ... . ..
. .. ••
I . ·.·
. ..
.-,· :· ... .
. ·. -;.,"·.
. ,, . :-, -··
'. · . . . _.,_-.
••• •
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: .::,: ..
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H·\CED\Data\Fonns"Templates\Self-Help Handoots\P1anning\wai'ierofsubmitta1reqs.xls
. ·
. . ·.·· ··· .
I ' .
· .. ,·,,, ' . . . • .
' • .
,. . ..
. ·. . .
. . .
. . .
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· ···• \r/P.lyyi:o MQplFJEif ii / > ... COMMENTS;·... > •·.•• .· •·
·_ ·c. · ___ B :_, = ·_-,,·BY:'<:.-='· =_ .. :.-'. ,_: .... ,:. ·· · · · · ._: ·· ::.:,.:_·_ .·· · .. ,
Plat Name Reservation 4
Public Works Approval Letter,
.· .. • .. ., . :•·>:..···:·· ....•.•. :· • .. > .. •·. -.. ,. :.'-::.:·'. .·,:·.·:·.-:-.::·:_,,_ , .. -.... -... :.:·;: .. :·:r,:\-'.:·: .·
ffilh. ab. ilital. io.· .... ri.·. P. la. n .4 :·. . .. · .. ·. ··. • • ... ·•·:· .. · ; .: l? i · :·· · . } . .·• .... ·••. · :-:: '.,: '''' ,:·. ·:_ .. ,' _,·-='·:'· . _. . ,,_. ,, .. :·:::.' ,_-_-. :.--_:· ·:
. ;._ '.-:.·, . :· :..::-, "<_. : =. ,' .-. ,_· ·,. ':· ',', ._ . "' . . . ·.· •. .······• . > .. . · .. ····
Screening Detail 4
S.ile P.la .. n.····2.·AN· ·0·.4 •..•. ·• .. • .. · ... ·• ·· .· .. · : · > i • : ' .·· · > .. '.·. · .•. •:• · • •. • • > '.· ·. ' · • ·· · · ' • .. ,.;. .· ··· '' ' _,c: ' ":.' .. . . ... . " '' •,• . ·: : -. _... . '_,, .·-,·· : " '. . '.:_ .· ":.,' -· .· . '·:. '._-·:·,: -=-<::-;->:.-' -, '-·:.: ', ' _;
Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 . . . , . .
Sti,~ar:1:'.<t !i.ak0-:$t\Jp~,<;.$~_pfi1_f,)n,e_n·ta1 4: -,i .: ; ';':,,;-:':_.:{-.> .. ·:i ;:··-:.:· ._-.:; :~!'. __ -. · ,-: = .-·.: .-, , -. ·.-.. ::--;'~ _:::t;~f· P~'.;,,,~-'.-;¢:_:·=-11·\:?f.t:/?(~-~~~:<? .--: · -.....
Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 . . ·· .. ····· .··• >' :. . ..••. ..... ' .. Street Profiles 2 ·. <: . •· .. •· .. >< .. i ! < • · ·
Title Report or Plat Certificate ,
.• •··. . ! . .. -. : · . .'-_ ..
... · ··.··. . .••. ' . . • >
_,_ ...... ·.--.. ' .. ··.: . .-: ... ·:.-... :·-.-.: ::. :·:=.-r·-
Traffic Study 2
Tree Ctiltidg/Lar;id q,,,,fingPlan 4 ..••...•••••...••...•.. • .·• · .•· .
.-:CA~ ..... :
:, .. ;-••• :.:' .. -_. ·;-. ··. ' ..
,:):._''::::·,-; .. · _.-. ·.· . -.·· ·-'
Urban Design Regulations Analysis,
UtilitiesPla ... ".,Ge.ne.raliz .. ed,.· .·· •. · ...••.. ·· .... •:i ·-/·'" .. :,::•···· •••..... , . > .• . ;· .;·.· ·. "<·· i· .. :···c /":. ··, .... ; __ . · · _ .. ;."=;:\,.\-... -., .. ::·: .... ,·.:..,.,: .... ,.>:··· .. , ...... .
Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4
: . •:' .·
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Wetlands Report/Delineation 4
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Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3
Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3
Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3
Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3
Map of View Area , ANO,
Photosimulations 2 ANO,
This requirement may be waived by:
1. Property Services PROJECT NAME: --------------'-----2. Public Works Plan Review
3. Building
4. Planning
DATE: -----+--~-------
H:\CED\Data'.Forms-Templates\Setf-Help Handouts\Planninglwaivernfsutmittalreqs xis 06109
Justification for the Proposed "Point Heron Tier 2 Temporary Use"
Project Name:
Pointe Heron Tier 2 Temporary Use.
Size and Location of Site:
The approximately 9.022 acre temporary use site is located within a contiguous area on the
easterly three lots of the overall Stoneway Black River Quarry property. Those three lots total
9.022 acres in size. The Black River Quarry's street address is 510 Monster Road SW, Renton
The temporary use site is located (1) roughly 1,700 feet east of Monster Road SW, (2) south of
the eastern portion of the Sunset View Apartments property (property that lies south of SW
Sunset Boulevard), (3) north of the BNSF Railroad right-of-way, and (4) west of the site of the
previously approved (now expired) Sunset Bluff Preliminary Plat.
Assessor's Parcel Number:
The three parcels on which the subject project site is located have been assigned King County
Assessor's Parcel Numbers 3779200005, 3779200008, 3779200009.
Legal Description of the Three Parcels:
The three parcels within which the subject temporary use site is located are legally described as
Project Narrative Pointe Heron LLC
Land Use Permits Required for the Proposed Use:
The City is requiring a Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit pursuant to Renton Municipal Code Section
4-9-240 for the proposed five-year temporary use.
Zoning Designation of the Site and Adjacent Properties:
All three of the parcels on which the temporary use site is located are zoned Light Industrial
Light (IL).
Properties adjacent to the east, west, north, and south of the group of the three parcels are
currently zoned as follows:
To the east:
To the west:
To the north
December 3, 2014
Light Industrial Light (IL) zoning exists on the Sunpointe
Townhomes property.
Heavy Industrial (IL) zoning exists on the portion of the
Black River Quarry lying to the west of the three
subject parcels.
The site of the Sunset View Apartments to the north of
the three subject parcels is zoned Residential Multi-
family (RM-F). (A 20-foot-wide strip of unimproved
City of Renton road right-of-way lies between the
Project Narrative
To the south:
Pointe Heron LLC
three subject parcels and the Sunset View Apartments
to the north.)
A 30-foot-wide strip of unimproved City of Renton
road right-of-way abuts the south edge of the three
subject parcels. Along and to the south of that
unimproved road right-of-way is the abutting 100-foot-
wide Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad right-
of-way. South of that right-of-way is an open space
area owned by the City of Renton that is zoned
Resource Conservation (RC).
Current Use of the Site and any Existing Improvements:
The approximately 9.022-acre temporary use site is currently being used primarily for outdoor
stockpiling of construction aggregates, with some stockpiles as tall as about 50 feet. Some
portions of the temporary use site are used for outdoor storage of other construction materials
(such as pipe, manholes, and catch basins) and outdoor storage of construction equipment
(such as, but not limited to: loaders, excavators, dump trucks, spreaders, backhoes and service
vehicles). The existing use area (which is the same as the proposed temporary use area) is
surfaced with crushed aggregate, which prevents erosion. Stormwater from the site is
discharged to ground or captured through a series of swales and routed to an existing sediment
pond on the Black River Quarry property.
Special site features (i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes}:
There are no wetlands or water bodies on the three parcels that encompass the proposed site
of the temporary use. An existing steep slope lies along the south edge of the three parcels
Proposed Use of the Property and Scope of the Proposed Development:
The proposed use is a continuation of (1) use of most of the temporary use area for outdoor
stockpiling of construction aggregates (some stockpiles may be as tall as 50 feet), (2) use of
some smaller portions of the site for outdoor storage of construction materials (such as pipe,
manholes, and catch basins), and (3) use of some smaller portions of the site for outdoor
storage of construction equipment (such as loaders, excavators, dump trucks, spreaders,
backhoes, office trailers and service vehicles).
December 3, 2D14
Project Narrative Pointe Heron LLC
Access to the proposed temporary use site is through the westerly part of the Stoneway Black
River Quarry property from the quarry property's entrance roadway at Monster Road SW.
Proposed Off-site Improvements (i.e. Installation of Sidewalks, Fire Hydrants, Sewer Main.
No offsite improvements are proposed.
Total Estimated Construction Cost and Estimated Fair Market Value of the Proposal:
N/A. (No construction on the subject parcels is proposed.)
Estimated Quantities and Type of Materials Involved if Any Fill or Excavation Is Proposed:
No fill or excavation is proposed.
Number, Type, and Size of Any Trees to Be Removed:
No trees are proposed to be removed.
Explanation of Any Land to Be Dedicated to the City:
No land is proposed to be dedicated to the City.
Any proposed job shacks. sales trailers. and/or model homes:
No job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes are planned as part of the proposed
temporary use.
Any Proposed Modifications Being Requested (Include Written Justification):
No modifications are being requested as part of the proposed temporary use.
December 3, 2D14
Project Narrative Pointe Heron LLC
For Projects Located within 100 Feet of a Stream or Wetland, Please Include:
Distance in Feet from the Wetland or Stream to the Nearest Area of Work
The proposed temporary use is not located with 100 feet of a stream or a wetland.
Note: The site of the proposed temporary use is not located within 200-feet of the Black River,
Cedar River, Springbrook Creek, May Creek, or Lake Washington.
December 3, 2014
City of Renton Planning Division
1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057
Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231
t f" ,
i j
Pointe Heron LLC, the Washington limited liability company that is the Applicant for the Pointe Heron
Tier 2 Temporary Use Permit at 510 Monster Road SW, Renton WA, hereby authorizes the City of
Renton to summarily eliminate the Temporary Use and all evidence of the use if it has not been
removed at the end of the five-year term of the Temporary Use Permit as required by the terms of the
permit. I also agree to reimburse the City for any expense incurred in abating this Temporary Use.
Pointe Hero~ LLC, a Washington lim~.Hability company
By: \'\\ 'Y\ ~ _' __ ·,.
Gary M. erlino, Manager
Date: 'J / / ,/ 'f,/ -2U/ 1:'
) 55
I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that GARY M. MERLINO signed this instrument on
behalf of Pointe Heron LLC, a Washington limited liability company, the limited liability company that
executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and
voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company for the uses and purposes mentioned in the
FEBRUARY 19, 2018
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington
Notary (Print): '\(,,. \q,1:~ l,aC . ..,
My appointment expires: --;;l. I'\. ;;i.o) 8
Construction Mitigation Description
Project Name:
Pointe Heron Tier 2 Temporary Use.
Proposed Construction Dates
The use proposed under the Temporary Use Permit is already established and has been in
operation for many years. The Temporary Use Permit Application proposes that the existing
use be allowed on the property for a period of no less than 5 additional years. The
commencement date should thus be the permit issuance date and the end date shall be five (5)
years from the date of issuance.
Hours and Days of Operation
As stated above, the use proposed under the TUP already exists. The hours of operation for the
existing use are 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. We are not proposing
any changes to this as operational timeframes are dictated by market factors outside of our
Proposed Hauling/Transportation Routes
Access to the proposed temporary use site is through the westerly part of the Stoneway Balck
River Quarry property from the quarry property's entrance roadway at Monster Rd. There is
neither a specified route to access the entrance of the Black River Quarry, nor does there
reasonably need to be one. Monster Road SW is not in a heavily developed residential area or in
a dense business district where traffic congestion can be heavy. Based on the quantity of
materials generally stored on the site, it is unlikely that the project will produce any traffic
congestion getting to and from Monster Road. Trucks hauling stockpile material may be coming
from multiple, as-of-yet unknown locations, making the establishment of a haul rout for the
project site all the more unrealistic.
Measures to be Implemented to Minimize Dust, Traffic, and Transportation Impacts, Erosion,
Mud, Noise and other Noxious Characteristics
As stated above, the use proposed under the TUP already exists. There are numerous
measures already in place to mitigate the characteristics of the use. Dust is minimized (when
necessary) through the use of an on-site water truck. The water truck is used to increase the
moisture content of material stockpiles and haul roads in order to reduce dust. All traffic
enters and leaves through the Black River Quarry entrance onto Monster Road. This entrance is
located off of a non-residential street, which reduces noise impacts from the traffic.
Additionally the entrance is equipped with a wheel wash in order to remove any sediment from
truck tires prior to them leaving the site. Transportation and noise impacts are also reduced
through the use of large signs on the site such as, "No Slamming of Tailgates." These signs
remind drivers to reduce noise impacts to neighboring properties through operational best
management practices. Erosion control measures such as swales and impervious surfaces are
already installed on the site. Swales also are used to direct any stormwater that hits the site to
an existing sediment pond located on the Black River Quarry parcels. This pond and
conveyance system allows stormwater to settle out prior to discharge to surface waters,
reducing any stormwater impacts. It should also be noted that historically there was a
landscape buffer between the property to the north of the site and the TUP site. This buffer
was removed at the request of the ownership of the northern property in order to increase the
views of the adjacent site's apartments.
Special Hours Proposed for Construction or Hauling
As stated above, the use proposed under the TUP already exists. The hours of operation for the
existing use are 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. We are not proposing
any changes to this as operational timeframes are dictated by market factors outside of our
Preliminary Traffic Control Plan
As stated above, designated haul routes and a traffic control plan cannot reasonably developed
due to the multitude of locations that the materials are traveling to/from.
King County
The i nformation inclu ded on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a v ariety of sources and is subject to change w ithout notice. K ing County
makes no representations or w arranties. e xpress or i mpli ed . as to accuracy. completeness, time liness. or rights to the use of s uch i nformation . This doc ument is
not intended fo r use as a survey product . King County shall not be liable for any general , specia l. ind irect , incidental. or consequential damages including.
but not limi ted to. lost rev enues o r l ost profits resu lt ing from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on
1his map is prohibited except by w ritten pe r mission of King County.
Date: 12/1/201 4
1 in : 994 feet
0 1 0 2 ft
A ti1 King County
SWPPP Preparation Date: 1/4/2013 Last Review/Revised: 2/6/2014
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Permit Number: WAG 503057
Kangley Rock and Recycle Black River Quarry
Prepared For:
Northwest Regional Office
3190-1601h Avenue SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452
Emergency Contact:
Dan Lonsdale
Pit Manager
(206) 730-5969
Secondary Contact:
Jimmy Blais
Environmental Manager
(206) 255-5153
Site Location:
6808 South 1401
\ Renton, WA
S\VPPP Prepared By:
Gary Merlino Construction Co. Inc.
9125 10 111 Ave South
Seattle, WA 98108
(206) 762-9125
Materials Inventorv:
Operations at Kangley Rock and Recycle Black River require the following materials:
Aggregates Storage: Black River Quarry stores various sizes of aggregate in stockpiles
throughout the site. The aggregate is stored for a number of uses. Material is brought in
from off site to be crushed and reused. It is also stockpiled for sale and use in the
batching of concrete. Materials include but are not limited to: broken concrete and
asphalt, recycled concrete, pea gravel, state sand, one and a half inch rock, seven eighths
inch rock and concrete sand. Aggregates produced by mining operations are transported
to the stockpiles through conveyer systems and through the use of heavy machinery. All
transport of materials and final stockpiling is uncovered and thus subject to contact with
Mobile Equipment: Equipment used at the site includes pump trucks, sweeper trucks,
delivery trucks, water trucks, dump trucks, ready mix trucks, yellow iron, and
miscellaneous light vehicles. During operation, light vehicles park on the outer
boundaries of the site near the scale house. Heavy duty trucks and iron are stored
throughout the site. Vehicles are generally stored on site when the plant is not in
Cement: Cement is stored on site during concrete production. Cement is delivered to the
concrete batch plant by a pump truck.
Admixh!fes: The site has a secondary containment area in which admixtures are stored.
Water that builds up in the secondary containment area is pumped out through the use of
a sweeper truck and transported to Stoneway Concrete's Renton Batch Plant for reuse.
These chemicals are used in concrete production.
Process Water: The site holds process water in a three tier concrete walled containment
vault. Any water or fluids that are dispensed within the batch plant containment area and
truck wash out add to the process water vault. Process water and sediment is settled out
through the tiered vault system and then discharged to the sanitary sewer under Major
Discharge Authorization Number 4080-01.
Waste Oils and Lubricating Fluids: Small amounts of waste oils and lubricating fluids
are stored in job shack located near the rock crusher. All oils and fluids are located in
areas of cover or secondary containment.
Metals: Various metals including steel and iron are stored on site. The metals are a
byproduct of the concrete and asphalt crushing that occurs on site. Once the metals have
been separated from the aggregated they are stored in a dump bin and transported off site
for reuse.
Source Control BMPs:
Source Control BMPs are those that prevent spills and contaminants from coming into
contact with storm water through physical separation or careful management of activities
that are sources of pollutants. There are two types of Source Control BMPs including
Operational BMPs and Structural BMPs.
Operational BMPs: Operational BMPs are non-structural practices that prevent or
reduce pollutants from entering storm water. Kangley Rock and Recycle Black River
Quarry incorporates many of these BMPs into their processes including: pollution
prevention team, good house keeping procedures, preventative maintenance procedures,
spill prevention and cleanup, employee training, and recycling practices.
• Pollution Prevention Team: A pollution prevention team has been set up in order
to ensure clear lines of communication during an emergency and to ensure that
preventative maintenance procedures are accomplished. The pollution prevention
team consists of Dan Lonsdale, Pit Manager, Don Robertson, Safety Manager,
and Jimmy Blais, Environmental Manager.
• Preventative Maintenance Procedures: Monthly inspections of chemical
containers, aggregate storage, yard and catch basins help prevent discharge of
pollutants and sediment into storm water. Daily visual inspections for oil leaks
ensure that spills are cleaned up and mitigated. Weekly sweeping also controls
dust and removes sediments.
• Spill Prevention and Cleanup: Emergency Spill Kits are kept in the job shack
located near the rock crusher. Having this kit on site ensures a quick response and
clean up of any spill that occurs. Leaking vehicles will be taken out of service
inunediately and drip pans, absorbents or indoor storage will be utilized until the
leak is fixed. Additionally an emergency response vehicle is on call 24hours a
day to respond to any major spill or leak. All employees are trained on spill
prevention and clean up.
• Employee Training: All employees are trained on proper material handling, and
spill prevention and clean up within their first two weeks of hire and at least once
annually. These training courses prevent unnecessary spills and increase response
• Recycling Practices: Comeback concrete is poured and hardened in a lined
containment area. Water is managed such that it is not able to discharge from the
recycled area.
• Emergency Spill Control Plan: An emergency spill control plan has been
prepared and implemented at the Black River site. This plan addresses potential
spill areas, cleanup procedures, and emergency contacts. All employees are
trained in emergency spill response in order to ensure a reduction in response
Structural BMPs: Structural BMPs are physical devices or technologies that remove or
reduce pollution or contaminants in stonnwater. At Stoneway Rock and Recycle Black
River, secondary containment, sloped surfaces, containment, and sediment vault BMPs in
order are used to achieve contaminant reductions.
• Secondary Storage and Containment: All chemicals liquids, fluids, and petroleum
products at Black River must be stored on an impervious surface surrounded with
a containment berm or dike that is capable of containing 10% of the total enclosed
tank volume or 110% of the volume contained in the largest tank, whichever is
greater. Precipitation must be prevented from accumulating in containment areas
with a roof or equivalent structure. Water that accumulates in this area is pumped
out using a vacuum truck and is reused in the concrete production process.
• Empty Containers: Empty containers must be fully drained capped and labeled.
The number of empty containers on site must be minimized.
• Drip Pans: Drip pans and absorbents must be used under leaky vehicles and
equipment or leaky equipment must be stored indoors where feasible. If vehicles
are leaking, operators shall make an effort to store the equipment on impervious
surfaces at Black River until the equipment can be repaired.
• Dumpsters: All dumpsters containing leachable materials shall be fitted with a lid
that must remain closed when not in use, or alternatively keep the dumpster under
• Truck Washout: Black River has a truck washout used to clean off trucks. Mixer
trucks, dump trucks and dump boxes all utilize this area to wash off potential
contaminants. All process water generated from these activities is conveyed to
the sediment vaults and discharged to the sanitary sewer system. This process
prevents contamination of waters of the state by containing all process water.
• Wheel Wash: All trucks leaving Black River must pass through a wheel wash.
The wheel wash is equipped with rumble strips in order to remove any dirt or
debris that may have accumulated on site. Water from the wheel wash is replaced
daily and is discharged to the sanitary sewer system. Additionally, a sweeper
truck will be utilized as necessary to control any remaining track out. When track
out is present the sweeper shall run at least once per day.
• Containment Vault: Black River's truck washout area and concrete batch plant
drain into a sediment vault. This vault helps prevent stormwater contamination
by preventing high pH water and sediment from discharging into waters of the
state. The vault has an overflow check that flows into the city sewer system if
• Sloped Surfaces: All surfaces at Black River have been engineered to ensure that
stormwater and process water does not come into contact with each other. The
containment area is sloped such that all process water flows into a containment
• Containment Area: Containment areas prevent the runoff of contaminated water
into waters of the state. Black River has a containment area around its concrete
batch plant, and truck wash. This area conveys process water into the
containment vault were it is recycled.
• Uncured Concrete Storage: Store uncured concrete, any type of concrete solids
(does not include fully cured or recycled concrete), uncured asphalt paving
materials, cold mix asphalt on a bermed impervious surface. This includes
ecology blocks, septic tanks, jersey barriers and other cast concrete products.
Treat all stormwater that contacts these materials in a lined impoundment as the
permit considers it process water. Discharge of this water is subject to the
effluent limitations in permit condition S2 and must not cause a violation of water
quality standards.
• Battery Storage: Store lead acid batteries under cover.
Additional Source Control BMPs:
• Black River shall follow the Stormwater Management Manual for Western
Washington for a) fueling at dedicated stations; b) mobile fueling; c) loading and
unloading vehicles; d) storage ofliquid in above-ground tanks; e) dust control; f)
high use parking areas; g) storage or transfer of solid raw materials
Runoff Conveyance BMPs: Runoff Conveyance BMPs are used to prevent stormwater
from becoming laden with sediment by slowing the velocity of the drainage or by
preventing stormwater from contact with sediment.
• Containment Area: A containment area is used to prevent process water from
leaving the site. The area includes the truck washout, concrete batch plant and
wheel wash. All water in this area flows to the sediment vault where it is recycled
or discharged to the sewer system.
• Sediment Pond: A three tiered sediment pond is located at the southernmost
portion of Black River. The initial pond and largest pond has a hard rock bottom.
This pond is the primary sediment settling pond for the site. Water leaves this
pond to the south though an outfall pipe. In the second pond, the pH in the water
is corrected through the use of a CO2 sparge. Water leaving this pond travels
through a series of conveyance ditches and pipes until it reaches the final settling
pond located just south of the BNSF railroad tracks. Water from this site is
discharged through an outfall into Black River.
• Ditches: Black River uses a number of ditches and stormwater pipes throughout
the site in order to control the flow of storm water. Storm water is routed into these
conveyance ditches which carry the water to the sites sediment ponds. Ditches
allow Black River to reduce the amount of surface erosion by controlling the flow
rates and preventing contact with stockpiles.
• Check Dams: All ditches on site are equipped with multiple check dams. Check
dams help reduce the velocity of storm water flows, preventing sediment from
becoming laden in water and allowing sediment to settle out of storm water.
Treatment BMPs: Treatment BMPs are used to reduce pollutants and sediment in
storm water before it is discharged. The Black River site uses a containment vault,
sediment pond, wheel wash and a CO2 sparge to achieve this.
• Containment Vault: A containment vault is used at Black River in order to treat
process water. Stormwater and process water that falls within the containment
area is deposited into a containment vault. This water is separated from storm
water to reduce contaminants and alkaline water from being discharged into the
storm system. The sediment and water within this vault are treated and recycled
back into the concrete production cycle or discharged to sanitary sewer.
• Sediment Pond: All water that enters into the storm system is conveyed to a
sediment pond. Here sediments have the chance to settle out ofliquids reducing
the turbidity in stormwater discharges.
• Wheel Wash: All vehicles travel through a wheel wash before leaving Black
River. This reduces the potential for contaminants to be carried off site.
• CO2 Sparge: A CO2 sparge is located in the second sediment pond. The sparge
is used to control the pH of water being discharged to ground water and surface
water. The sparge system monitors daily pH levels and automatically adjusts high
pH when needed. Nonetheless, discharge to ground water is monitored daily.
Discharge to surface water is monitored daily when during discharge occurs.
, .. · -City of
r; (: '. + ' rj
I .:: . • ~0
City of Renton Planning Division
1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057
Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231
Governmental agencies use this checklist to help determine whether the environmental impacts
of your proposal are significant. This information is also helpful to determine if available
avoidance, minimization or compensatory mitigation measures will address the probable
significant impacts or if an environmental impact statement will be prepared to further analyze
the proposal.
This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal.
Please answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. You may
need to consult with an agency specialist or private consultant for some questions. You may use
"not applicable" or "does not apply" only when you can explain why it does not apply and not
when the answer is unknown. You may also attach or incorporate by reference additional studies
reports. Complete and accurate answers to these questions often avoid delays with the SEPA
process as well as later in the decision-making process.
The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a
period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help
describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this
checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably
related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact.
Additional information may be necessary to evaluate the existing environment, all interrelated
aspects of the proposal and an analysis of adverse impacts. The checklist is considered the first
but not necessarily the only source of information needed to make an adequate threshold
determination. Once a threshold determination is made, the lead agency is responsible for the
completeness and accuracy of the checklist and other supporting documents.
C:\Users\JB1ais\Desktop1Pointe Heron Takeoff\Temporary Use\SEPA Checklist.doc 05.'14
For non project proposals (such as ordinances, regulations, plans and programs), complete the
applicable parts of sections A and B even though questions may be answered "does not apply".
Please completely answer all questions that apply and note that the words "project", "applicant",
and "property or site" should be read as "proposal", "proponent", and "affected geographic area"
respectively. The lead agency may exclude (for non-projects) questions in Part B -Environmental
Elements -that do not contribute meaningfully to the analysis of the proposal.
1. Name of proposed project, if applicable:
Pointe Heron Temporary Use Permit
2. Name of applicant:
Pointe Heron, LLC
3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person:
Pointe Heron, LLC
Contact Person: Jimmy Blais
Address: 5050 1st Ave. South, Suite 102, Seattle, WA 98134
Phone Numbers: Ofc: 206-762-9125; C: 206-255-5153
Email: JBlais@gmccinc.com
4. Date checklist prepared:
December 4th, 2014
5. Agency requesting checklist:
City of Renton Planning Division
6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable):
Use is existing. Temporary Use Permit for the existing use would become effective upon
issuance and remain in effect for a period of at least 5 years.
7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or
connected with this proposal? If yes, explain.
None at this time.
8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be
prepared, directly related to this proposal.
C:\Users'•.JBlaisl.Desktop\Poinle Heron Takeoff\Temporary UselSEPA Checklist.doc 05114
9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other
proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain.
10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known.
A Tier II Temporary Use Permit from the City of Renton
11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of
the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to
describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this
page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on
project description.)
The proposed use is a continuation of 1) use of most of the temporary use area for
outdoor stockpiling of construction aggregates (some stockpiles may be as tall as 50 feet), 2) use
of some smaller portions of the site for outdoor storage of construction materials (such as pipe,
manholes and catch basins), and 3) use of some smaller portions of the site for outdoor storage
of construction equipment (such as loaders, excavators, truck and trailers, etc.)
12. location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise
location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township,
and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or
boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic
map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you
are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications
related to this checklist.
The parcels are located within the south half of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4
East, W.M. and is situated between SW Sunset Boulevard (SR 900) to the north and the BNSF
Railroad right-of-way to the south and between the Pointe Heron, LLC 23 acre grade and fill site to
the east and the Black River Quarry parcels to the west. Parcel numbers are: 377920-0005;
377920-0008 and 377920-0009. A site plan and vicinity map have been provided to the City of
Renton as part of the temporary use permit application documents.
a. General description of the site
(circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other _____ _
The 9.022 acre site can generally be described as flat, with some steep slopes along the
property boundary.
C:\Users\JBlais\Oesktop\Pointe Heron Takeoff\Ternporary UselSEPA Checklist.doc 05/14
b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)?
The steepest slope on the project site is approximately 67%
c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat,
muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any
agricultural land of long-term commercial significance and whether the proposal results in
removing any of these soils.
The site soils generally consist of compacted sand, gravel and structural fill
d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so,
e. Describe the purpose, type, total area, and approximate quantities and total affected area
of any filling, excavation, and grading proposed. Indicate source of fill.
There is no grading and filling proposed as part of this proposal. Materials associated with
construction material stockpiles will be placed, moved, spread, piled and/or removed throughout
the entire site area on an as needed basis. The location and size of the stockpiles will be
determined by market conditions.
f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe.
Material storage stockpiles can create erosion issues depending on the gradation of the
material. However, the site has been designed such that all stormwater from the stockpile area is
routed to a sediment pond that allows any sediment within the storm water to settle out prior to
discharge. Additionally, stockpiles are constructed in such a way that the material from the
stockpiles will not erode away (through the use of berms, setbacks, compaction, track walking or
other construction techniques).
g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project
construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)?
Approximately 75% of the site area is currently covered (and will remain covered) with
impervious surfaces (packed gravel). The percentage will increase and decrease based on market
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h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any:
As stated above, the site's stormwater is captured through a number of swales that lead
to a sediment pond. This pond allows any sediment to settle out prior to being discharged.
Additionally, discharges from the site are regulated by an Ecology Sand and Gravel General
Permit. Additionally, stockpiles will be constructed in such a way that erosion hazards will be
2. AIR
a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal during construction,
operation, and maintenance when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and
give approximate quantities if known.
The existing use (which is same as the proposed temporary use) does generate small
amounts of exhaust emissions from construction equipment and dump trucks utilized in
loading/unloading/transfer operations. Additionally, dust is occasionally generated during active
operations and from high winds, depending on the gradation and relative moisture of the
material(s) on site.
b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so,
generally describe.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any:
During active operations, a water truck is utilized in order to reduce dust levels on an as
needed basis.
a. Surface Water:
1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including
year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe
type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into.
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2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the
described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.
3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed
from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be
affected. Indicate the source of fill material.
4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general
description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site
6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so,
describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge.
b. Ground Water:
1) Will groundwater be withdrawn from a well for drinking water or other purposes? If
so, give a general description of the well, proposed uses and approximate quantities
withdrawn from the well. Will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general
description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.
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2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or
other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the
following chemicals.; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the
number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the
number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve.
c. Water runoff (including stormwater):
1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection
and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow?
Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe.
Stormwater that hits the site either percolates into the ground or is
controlled through the onsite conveyance system. The system consists of a number of
drainage ditches that direct all stormwater to a neighboring stormwater pond (same
ownership). The pond allows stormwater to settle out prior to ground or surface water
discharge. All stormwater from the site is monitored and regulated under the Sand and
Gravel General Permit.
2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally
There is the possibility of spills reaching stormwater or groundwater, if
they are not found/removed. This risk is extremely small as the site is monitored for
spills/leaks on a daily basis. Any spills are cleaned up immediately and any impacted soils
are removed. Additionally, a spill kit is located on the adjacent site and a spill response
team is on call 24 hours a day.
3) Does the proposal alter or otherwise affect drainage patterns in the vicinity of
the site? If so, describe.
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water, and drainage
pattern impacts, if any:
As stated above, stormwater is routed to a sediment pond where it is allowed to
settle out. Additionally, stormwater is monitored and controlled under an NPDES permit.
Impacts will not change/increase under the proposed use.
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a. Check the types of vegetation found on the site:
__x._deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other
__ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other
__ pasture
__ crop or grain
__ orchards, vineyards or other permanent crops.
__ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bull rush, skunk cabbage, other
__ water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other
__ other types of vegetation
b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered?
c. List threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site.
d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or
enhance vegetation on the site, if any:
e. List all noxious weeds and invasive species known to be on or near the site.
a. List any birds and other animals which have been observed on or near the site or
are known to be on or near the site. Examples include:
Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: Hawks, Heron, Eagle,
Songbirds have all been observed near the site in the past
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Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit,
Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other N/A
b. List any threatened and endangered species known to be on or near the site.
No threatened or endangered species of animals are known to be on or near the
Pointe Heron, LLC parcels.
c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain.
Yes, the Pacific Flyway
d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any:
e. List any invasive animal species known to be on or near the site.
a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the
completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating,
manufacturing, etc.
b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so,
generally describe.
c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List
other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any:
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a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of
fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal?
If so, describe.
1) Describe any known or possible contamination at the site from present or past uses.
2) Describe existing hazardous chemicals/conditions that might affect project
development and design. This includes underground hazardous liquid and gas
transmission pipelines located within the project area and in the vicinity.
3) Describe any toxic or hazardous chemicals that might be stored, used, or produced
during the project's development or construction, or at any time during the
operating life of the project.
4) Describe special emergency services that might be required.
Police, fire and general emergency services may be required should there be an
on-site emergency during operations.
5) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any:
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b. Noise
1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic,
equipment, operation, other)?
Currently, noise is generated from A) the operation of construction vehicles and
equipment in connection with the outdoor construction and material storage operations; BJ an
operating Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad line within the railroad right-of-way that
abuts and extends along much of the Pointe Heron LLC parcel's entire south boundary, and C)
noise from passing overhead aircraft and other off-site sources.
2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a
short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)?
Indicate what hours noise would come from the site.
No new impacts will be created.
3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any:
The existing operations already have measures in place to control noise impacts, these
include: A) highly visible signs are posted, stating "Do Not Slam Tailgates;" and B) Nighttime-
muffled backup alarms are used on all dump trucks and other earth-moving equipment.
a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Will the proposal affect
current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties? If so, describe.
The site is currently being used primarily for outdoor stockpiling of construction
aggregates, with some stockpiles as tall as 50 feet. Some portions of the site are used for outdoor
storage of construction equipment including excavators, loaders, etc. The uses on the adjacent
properties are as follows:
To the east: Light Industrial (IL) zoned land that is vacant and held under the same
To the West: Heavy Industrial zoned land that is used as a concrete recycling center,
concrete batching facility and aggregate transfer station.
To the North: The site of the Sunset View Apartments, zoned Residential Multifamily and
a 20 foot wide strip of unimproved City of Renton road right-of-way.
To the South: a 30-foot-wide strip of unimproved City of Renton road right-of-way abuts
the sought edge of the three subject parcels. Along and to the south of that unimproved ROW is
the abutting 100-foot-wide Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way.
The proposal will not affect current land uses on nearby or adjacent properties.
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b. Has the project site been used as working farmlands or working forest lands? If so,
describe. How much agricultural or forest land of long-term commercial significance will
be converted to other uses as a result of the proposal, if any? If resource lands have not
been designated, how many acres in farmland or forest land tax status will be converted
to nonfarm or non-forest use?
1) Will the proposal affect or be affected by surrounding working farm or forest land
normal business operations, such as oversize equipment access, the application of
pesticides, tilling, and harvesting? If so, how:
c. Describe any structures on the site.
d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what?
e. What is the current zoning classification of the site?
Light Industrial (IL)
f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation ofthe site?
Employment Area Valley (EAV)
g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site?
h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area by the city or county? If so,
Yes, there are steep slopes along the periphery of the project area. The current use of the
site does not occur on nor impact these slopes.
i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project?
Currently 2-6 employees work on the site at any given time.
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j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace?
k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any:
I. L Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected
land uses and plans, if any:
m. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with nearby agricultural and
forest lands of long-term commercial significance, if any:
a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle,
or low-income housing.
b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high,
middle, or low-income housing.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any:
a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the
principal exterior building material(s) proposed?
Existing stockpiles are as tall as 50 feet. Future material storage stockpiles will vary in
height but may be as tall as the existing piles.
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b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?
There will be no change in the views altered or obstructed. Currently there may be minor
impacts to the views of the adjacent apartment complex; however grades are such that the
apartment complex sits at a higher elevation than the subject property. This naturally mitigates
some of the view impacts and reduces the ability for the subject site to mitigate any visual
impacts through structural buffers.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any:
None. Historically, a landscape buffer was in place between the subject site and the
apartment complex to the North. This buffer was removed at the request of the then owner of
the apartment complex in order to create views for the apartments.
a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly
Material stockpiling does create some light and glare through headlights when operating
at night. There are no additional sources of light and glare.
b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views?
c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?
d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any:
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a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?
b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe.
c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation
opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any:
a. Are there any buildings, structures, or sites, located on or near the site that are over 45
years old listed in or eligible for listing in national, state, or local preservation registers
located on or near the site? If so, specifically describe.
b. Are there any landmarks, features, or other evidence of Indian or historic use or
occupation? This may include human burials or old cemeteries. Is there any material
evidence, artifacts, or areas of cultural importance on or near the site? Please list any
professional studies conducted at the site to identify such resources.
c. Describe the methods used to assess the potential impacts to cultural and historic
resources on or near the project site. Examples include consultation with tribes and the
department of archeology and historic preservation, archaeological surveys, historic
maps, GIS data, etc.
d. Proposed measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for loss, changes to, and
disturbance to resources. Please include plans for the above and any permits that may be
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a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site or affected geographic area and
describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any.
During material stockpiling operations, all trucks and equipment will use the Black River
Quarry entrance and exit off of Monster Road SW. The entrance and exit is a stabilized
construction entrance and exit that includes an automatic wheel wash to avoid any tracking of
mud and dirt onto public roadways.
There is neither a specified route to access the entrance of the Black River Quarry, nor
does there reasonably need to be one. Monster Road SW is not in a heavily developed residential
area or in a dense business district where traffic congestion can be heavy. Based on the quantity
of materials generally stored on the site, it is unlikely that the project will produce any traffic
congestion getting to and from Monster Road. Trucks hauling stockpile material may be coming
from multiple, as-of-yet unknown locations, making the establishment of a haul rout for the
project site all the more unrealistic.
b. Is the site or affected geographic area currently served by public transit? If so, generally
describe. If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop?
There is a public transit stop located on SW Sunset Boulevard, about 1/2 mile from the
project site.
c. How many additional parking spaces would the completed project or non-project
proposal have? How many would the project or proposal eliminate?
d. Will the proposal require any new or improvements to existing roads, streets, pedestrian,
bicycle or state transportation facilities, not including driveways? If so, generally describe
(indicate whether public or private).
e. Will the project or proposal use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air
transportation? If so, generally describe.
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f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project or
proposal? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur and what percentage of the
volume would be trucks (such as commercial and non-passenger vehicles). What data or
transportation models were used to make these estimates?
Vehicular trips will not change. Currently daily truck trips to the storage site vary from
zero to 50 commercial trucks. Peak volumes are generally between 7am and 10pm.
g. Will the proposal interfere with, affect or be affected by the movement of agricultural and
forest products on roads or streets in the area? If so, generally describe.
h. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any:
a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire
protection, police protection, public transit, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally
b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any.
a. Circle utilities currently available at the site:
electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system,
other ------
b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service,
and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might
be needed.
C:IUsers\JBla1s\Desktop\Pointe Heron Takeoff\Temporary Use\SEPA Checklist.doc 05114
The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the
lead agency is relying on them to make its decision.
Name of Signee (p~ ): _,T,.,-.L.L.;-'-'"''-''7.:::.;,'--"'££""-·'-'0,"'-'-'; Y'------------.....---
Position and Agency/Organization: Vi,//f.:,/.5 ,f'pc" I
Date Submitted: /2../<;? /.2.o!!.j
C:\Users\JBlais\Desktop\Pointe Heron Takeoff\Temporary Use\SEPA Checklist.doc 05/14
12/08/14 12 08 14 Pt Heron permit 154.50 .00 154.50
CHECK I I I CHECK 3139 I TOTAL> 154.50 .00 154.50 DATE 12 08 14 NUMBER
RECEIPT EG00031749
5050 1 ST AVE SOUTH, STE 102
LUA14-001619 PLAN -Temp Use -Tier 2
Technology Fee
Printed On: 12/10/2014 Prepared By: Clark Close
... ~ r ..S City of ------...-1{slJ tOil
LUA 14-001619
Fee Payment
Fee Payment
Transaction Date: December 10, 2014
~heck #3139
~heck #3139
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