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CITY OF REN1 N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: December 9, 2016 To: City Clerk's Office From: Sabrina Mirante Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office fii;;;ject'Name: ·~ IIC-!iii .. t 1J;lm'l/\ll\00\'1;\ali'Cim.1'J:'i\!ll$l '!l'i I I I m!W!W Riverview Park Tree Maintenance i LUA (file) Number: LUA14-001626, SME , I Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Vanessa Dolbee Acceptance Date: December 15, 2014 t Applicant: Leslie Betlach, City of Renton Owner: Jonathan Wilson, COR Contact: Terry Flatley, COR PID Number: 1623059033 I f ~ ERC Determination: Date: I Anneal Period Ends: ! , ,: Administrative Decision: Approved Date: December 15, 2014 Anneal Period Ends: December 29. 2014 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: I By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: I Aeeeal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: fl Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Exemption to remove 9 extremely I ' hazardous trees and prune or remove ivy from 4 trees, located on the south (left) bank of the ·· Cedar River in Riverview Park, parcel number 1623059033. The subject site is located in Cedar River Reach C, designated Urban Conservancy. The trees are located on the left bank adjacent to the developed park turf area located on the "high terrace" above the river's Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). The removal would included 7 black cottonwood trees and 2 bigleaf maples along , with pruning or removal of ivy on four black cottonwoods. The removal of these trees is considered f an emergency due to the probability of life and property damage. The City's Urban Forester, Terry I Flatley has assessed the trees health and has concluded that all the trees exhibit signs of advance decay, presence of diseases and hollows, root rot, and leaning. Mr. Flatley, has concluded that all m of the trees proposed for removal pose an extreme risk to property and people. Potential targets I in the vicinity of the dangerous trees include a high use developed park with numerous benches and picnic tables, a picnic shelter, walkways, the Cedar River Trail and a State highway. According f to the International Societv of Arboricultural. Tree Risk Assessment Manual. the risk ratino for ' these trees is "Ext ~" the highest risk rating becaus 1e likelihood of failure and impact combined with sever~ ~onsequences to people and property 1ddditional detail related to tree health assessment can be found in the attached project narrative). Tree removal would be completed immediately prior to the end of 2014. Removal will require the use of a crane as well as manual climbing. The majority of the tree debris except for several tree trunks will remain standing as habitat trees. The site will be planted with over 50 replacement trees as a part of a City mitigation oroiect (see olantino olan attached\. Location: 2901 maple Valley Hwy Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determ1nat1on of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. DEPARTMENT OF C0'\/IMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOr-MENT pfff r, _ Ci_ty_of 1 _ _ _0~ --lllllflll""'r< ~fl re j fl t,f) ·--"""__,, _,_ .,d/ .,_J ___ ~ DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: APPLICANT: CONTACT: PROJECT LOCATION: PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT December 15, 2014 LUA14-001626 Riverview Park Tree Maintenance Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager City of Renton 1055 S GRADY Way RENTON, WA 98057 TERRY FLATLEY, PARKS DEPT -CITY OF RENTON 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 2901 Maple Valley Hwy Page 1 of 3 City of Renton Department of Commu Riverview Park Tree Maintenance PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SEC-TWN-R: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WATER BODY: , Economic Development Certificat .-xemption from Shoreline Substantial Development LUA14-001626 The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Exemption to remove 9 extremely hazardous trees and prune or remove ivy from 4 trees, located on the south (left bank ofthe Cedar River in Riverview Park, parcel number 1623059033. The subject site is located in Cedar River Reach C, designated Urban Conservancy. The trees are located on the left bank adjacent to the developed park turf area located on the "high terrace" above the river's Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). The removal would included 7 black cottonwood trees and 2 bigleaf maples along with pruning or removal of ivy on four black cottonwoods. The removal of these trees is considered an emergency due to the probability of life and property damage. The City's Urban Forester, Terry Flatley has assessed the trees health and has concluded that all the trees exhibit signs of advance decay, presence of diseases and hollows, root rot, and leaning. Mr. Flatley, has concluded that all of the trees proposed for removal pose an extreme risk to property and people. Potential targets in the vicinity of the dangerous trees include a high use developed park with numerous benches and picnic tables, a picnic shelter, walkways, the Cedar River Trail and a State highway. According to the International Society of Arboricultural, Tree Risk Assessment Manual, the risk rating for these trees is "Extreme" the highest risk rating because the likelihood of failure and impact combined with severe consequences to people and pro pert· (additional detail related to tree health assessment can be found in the attached project narrative). Tree removal would be completed immediately prior to the en of 2014. Removal will require the use of a crane as well as manual climbing. The majority of the tree debris except for several tree trunks will remain standing as habitat trees. The site will be planted with over SO replacement trees as a part of a City mitigation project (see planting plan attached). SW16-23-5 POR OF GOV LOT 3 & OF GOV LOT 5 IN SW 1/4 OF SEC 16-23-05 LY NLY OF BURLINGTON RR R/W PACIFIC COAST RR LESS PS P & L CO TRANS LINE R/W TGW POR OF GOV LOT 4 LY SLY OF SR 169 & SLY OF OLD CO RD NO 1140 -- SUBJ TO ESMT OF PS P & L CO TRANS LINE TGW POR OF GOV LOT 2 & OF GOV LOT 4 -BEG IN GOV LOT 4 AT INTSN OF SWLY R /W OF SR 169 AS EXISTED PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 18, 1971 AND A LINE DAF -BAAP OPPOSITE HWY ENGR STATION REFERRED TO AS HES 1494+21.74 ON SR 169 LINE SURVEY OF 169 RENTON MAPLEWOOD TO JCT SR 405 & 57.85 FT SWLY THEREFROM TH NWLY TAP OPPOSITE HES 1499 & 54.94 PC ON SAID SR 169 LINE SURVEY & 60 FT SWLY THEREFROM TH NWLY WLY & SWLY PLW SAID SR 169 LINE SURVEY TAP OPPOSITE HES 1504+00 THEREON TH SWLY TAP OPPOSITE HES 1505+50 ON SAID SR 169 LINE SURVEY & 85FT SELY THEREFROM & END OF THIS LINE DESCRIPTION TH NWLY WLY & SWLY ALG ABOVE DESCRIBED LINE TO INTERSECTION OF SAID GOV LOT 2 WITH SAID SWLY R/W LINE TH SELY ALONG SAID SWLY R/W LINE TO POB Cedar River An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby Approved on the proposed project in accordance with RMC 4-9-190( 'Exemption from Permit System' subsection 4. Emergency Page 2 of 3 City of Renton Deportment of Commun· Economic Development Certificate remption from Shoreline Substantial Development Riverview Park Tree Maintenance LUA14-001626 Construction: Emergency construction necessary to protect property from damage by the elements. a. An "emergency" is an unanticipated and imminent threat to public health, safety, or the environment which requires immediate action within a time too short to allow for full compliance with the Shoreline Master Program. b. Emergency construction does not include development of new permanent protective structures where nom previously existed. Where new protective structures are deemed to be the appropriate means to address the emergency situation, upon abatement of the emergency situation, the new structure shall be removed or any permit which would have been required, absent an emergency, pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW, chapter 17-27 WAC or the Shoreline Master Program shall be obtained. c. All emergency construction shall be consistent with the policies of chapter 90.58 RCW and the Shoreline Master Program. d. In general, flooding or other seasonal events that can be anticipated and may occur but that are not imminent are not an emergency. and for the following reasons: The project meets the requirements of an emergency as the trees are classified as an Extreme Hazard threatening public heath and safety. The proposed development is Consistent or Inconsistent with: Consistent Policies of the ShorJine Management Act. Not Applicable The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been fin all\ approved or adapted by the Department. Consistent The City of Renton Shoreline Master Program. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION : December 15, 2014 Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Date The decision to Approved the Shoreline Exemption will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or beforE 5:00 pm, on December 29, 2014. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. Attachments: Vicinity/Neighborhood Detail Map, Site Plan, Project Narrative, Mitigation P\c,-r\ cc: City of Renton -Applicant City of Renton -Community Services Leslie Betlach -Party of Record PARKS DEPT -CITY OF RENTON TERRY FLATLEY -Contact Page 3 of 3 Rive .. iew Park -Neigh be.. .. 1ood Map Notes None 512 0 0 256 IWGS _ 1984 _Web_ Mercator _Auxiliary_ Sphere 512Feet ~{OD() Finance & IT Division Legend City and County Boundary Other [:J Crty of Renton lnfonnation Technology • GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 10/31/2014 1 his map 1s a user generated static output from an In ternet mapping s11e and 1s for reference only Data layers that appear on thi s map may or may not be accurate c1..1rrent or otherw·se reliable THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION l:\i'c:c:1,; ,{-1) 't) G (c I .,__, .. I\ (y:-:;. ev'(.AI c:'. (.../ ( \,, L-\ ( <:'1\.%\. '+ J ) -{c\ NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ;'\ / c / -(( ( l / l, City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION City of Renton -Community Services Department PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Riverview Park Tree Maintenance Project 1055 S. Grady Way 61 " Floor PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: Riverview Park Renton, WA ZIP: 2901 Maple Valley Highway Renton, WA 98057 98057 425-430-6600 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: 162305-9033 APPLICANT (if other than owner) EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: Park PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): Park EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP ADDRESS: DESIGNATION: Residential Low Densitv (RLD) PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP CITY: ZIP: DESIGNATION (if applicable) N/A EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: Resource Conservation (RC) CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A Terry Flatley, Urban Forestry and Natural NAME: Resources Manager SITE AREA (in square feet): 18,000 s.f. City of Renton SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): Community Services Department DEDICATED: N/A 1055 S. Grady Way SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS ADDRESS: EASEMENTS: N/A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER CITY:Renton ZIP:98057 NET ACRE (if applicable) N/A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable) N/A 425-430-6601 tflatley@rentonwa.gov NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): N/A H:\Ztrcc\l UFNR\Contracts\Tree Mamtenance\2014 ProJects\Seattle Tree Preservation\Project D\masterapp.R1verv1ewParkProJect.doc • I • .iOJECT INFORMATION (co ... mued) ,-----~-----~-----------~ NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: $30,000 NIA SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A ~QUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A D FLOOD HAZARD AREA efGEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION /sHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY _ sq. ft. 18 000 sq. ft. ___ sq.ft. 18,000 sq. ft. ___ sq.ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE SW QUARTER OF SECTION __1§_, TOWNSHIP~. RANGE _5_, IN THE CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Terry Flatley, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) __ the current owner of the property involved in this application or _x_ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects tr and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature o Owner/Representative STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) to/z'-1/rf I Date Signature of Owner/Representative I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that~--,-=· ":-'--""t----,:'--,-'--"''=--'->.::"-=-f-,,---- signed this instrument and acknowledge it to be his/her/their uses and purpose mentioned in the instrument~11 "''"' 111111, Date IO -,, 1/ f Li-_,,.," ... R MOy,. ,,,, -0 V / ,::-~r ''"'""""' -, 111 ---+-~-----1-----5 ~ .s-"-;.otf. EX1>1.1'1,, 1,,,_ __ ,,____,,.___,,e"'-\l,----l.---"'C..:S,,..-------------- Dated : ~ ff~., ~,_R, "«},:,, ~otary P blic in a for e State of Washington -(> ::~ 0 $ z ~ ,;: ~-~ • ~ " 0 :::: ~ . Q 0(\ -:.: :;:O ,.. (J :; ,,,,,. :\-\ . \ -., ~o '::,-...-~ ',:,, "u•" ..,j c., _l!!'otary (Print): "-~'-<--9-1 ILA ~ ,, 1~.::-~-'j '1 <f>,'·,,. 8-'2 ·,--~ _,,. "' 21 I '25 i, ,...~ 11,\\\1\,,,.,,, <:>'-.:::-2 ·1 -r, I 11,1 -,.~ OF 'lllt'~intment expires: ___ .,___.,__ll,~~~)~~---------- /f 11111,\\\\''''' H:\Ztree\l UFNR\Contracts\Tree Maintenance\2014 Pr~jects\Seattle Tree Presef\lation\Project D\masterapp.RiverviewParkProject.doc . 2 . PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS INAIVSO .••.••• ijy\••······ Calculations 1 ¢pip~~f'.1#p~Jpf pii@li t•••••••••••••••••••••••·•··········. Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4 Density Worksheet 4 PN 1r~gii PPrfupi /:'i~ri ...•••...•.............. Drainage Report 2 $i~yi#i8ni: Ar{;mi\i\~(#!/4N~ ~ •• • • • • • ••• < • • • ·• ·· • ··· ··· ··· ··· .·. · · Environmental Checklist 4 tffiii#ir9PPfi#nt#j~~%lrP~~ qppi1~••·•·•·•·•············· Irrigation Plan 4 Kin~·tPYno/.A#$~$SClr'#M#p.ln~~#~rg~i\~~············· Landscape Plan, Conceptual• Legal Description 4 M~P p/~xi~ijg ~i\~ PPn~1\ibh#t••••••···••·••••················ . Master Application Form 4 MPP~rh~nf~~~# /pi p~frnpryaj~riP i······················· Neighborhood Detail Map 4 P#rkins;•µpf PPY~ri~ ~ h#n~#i;#pim~• Ar~1y$is 4· • •· •·• Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1 . Property Services PROJECT NAME: Riverview Park Tree Maintenance Project 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning DATE: IL-/ JS /1 v( I I H:\Ztree\1 UFNR\Contracts\Tree Maintenance\2014 Projects\Seattle Tree Preservation\Project D\waiverofsubmittalreqs.Riverview 06/09 PLANNING DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS .. LAND use PERllilirsi.isMiriAL ••. ·······-········~Ek.iiJi~~ti'irsi••··············-· Plat Name Reservation 4 Public Works Approval Letter, R®~~iiiJajiprn pi~h J . Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 $ir##rn pfµ~~# $/@x: $ypr@n#r~rn > > Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Traffic Study 2 rnr~i P@itjQih~o~ ¢1i¥1riri~ • r 1~~ J ••• ••• •·· ·•• ... ··· •·· ··· · · · · · -· ---· - Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 w#t1#m~fMifis##Pn i=>1~niRr#iiiiiimt•····•·······-· · Applicant Agreement Statement , AND, Inventory of Existing Sites, AND, Lease Agreement, Draft, AND, Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND , Photosimulations, AND, This requirement may be waived by: wii.,vi/p Mi:>i:itP1eP • /BY(• . >> BY;><• 1. Property Services PROJECT NAME• Riverview Park Tree Maintenance Project 2. Public Works Plan Review 3. Building 4. Planning DATE I z_ / Is/ I u/ r ' H:\Ztree\1 UFNR\Contracts\Tree Maintenance\2014 Projects\Seattle Tree Preservation\Project D\waiverofsubmittalreqs.Riverview 06/09 Application Materials 1. Legal Description for Riverview Park Tree Maintenance Project The trees in this project are located adjacent to the high left bank (south bank) of the Cedar River. The King County Assessor's Map shows a Parcel Number as 1623059033 and legal description is the SW Quarter-Section 16-Township 23 North-Range 5 East. In narrowing a description for the project site, it can be additionally described as: The project site is on the south (left) bank of the Cedar River and south of Maple Valley Highway near and south of SE 5th Street, north of the Cedar River Trail, west of Maplewood Roadside Park and east of 2513 Maple Valley Highway. All trees in this project are adjacent to the developed park turf area and the Cedar River and they are located on the high terrace above the river's ordinary high water mark and further. 2. Project Narrative: • Riverview Park Tree Maintenance Project • Tree maintenance includes the removal of up to 6 black cottonwood trees, 2 bigleaf maples and pruning four black cottonwood trees. Most trees are located within 10 to 15 feet of the maintained turf area and 55 feet and more from the Cedar River. Seattle Tree Preservation will be contracted to provide tree maintenance services and will utilize a crane to remove tree sections as well as manual climbing to remove sections. Some or all tree debris will be moved off-site depending upon a tree's location. Replacement plantings will occur following removal of the trees by way of a mitigation project and possibly later through a knotweed control program, if further stocking is warranted. The number of replacement trees will exceed 50 trees. Several of the tree trunks will remain standing as habitat trees. • There are several cottonwood trees that are in poor condition structurally and in poor health. These trees have lost their original main leader top from past storm damage. Once the tops were blown-out, side branches and sprouts took over as the new top of the tree; these have become tree-size themselves over the past 20 or more years. Some other cottonwood and maple trees are hollow at the base of their trunks with hollows reaching up to 25 feet high, contain decayed wood beyond the cavities and are producing fungal disease symptoms along the trunk and around the ground beneath trees indicating root decay is occurring. Because of the advance decay, presence of disease and hollows, these trees have become imminent risks for failing and striking property and people in the park. Evidence of fungal disease was seen in 2013 where one species of fungal fruiting body (referred as a conk) was observed in numerous locations on the tree trunks (Laetiporus gilbertsonii) as well as another species of fungus (Ganoderma applanatum). During an inspection in 2014 another fungal disease, Armillaria solidipes was discovered on one of the cottonwoods around the base of the tree, indicating advanced root decay. Generally, the presence of conks signals infected wood that can destabilize trees by "eating" either the lignin (strength cells) or cellulose (elastic cells), causing them to topple due to decayed roots or snap where Shoreline Exemption -Application Materials Liberty Park Tree Maintenance Project Page 1 disease has spread to the interior of the trunk. One of the bigleaf maple trees has significant lean towards the Cedar River Trail and a large hollow exists below the root collar that moves upward into the trunk. Another maple with the same condition leans over a picnic table. A cottonwood tree found along the right bank of the Cedar River, near the park sign on Maple Valley Highway is in decline and has advanced root decay. This tree leans over Maple Valley Highway and will be added to the contract for removal; this tree has Armillari solidipes root disease. Targets include a high use developed park with numerous benches and picnic tables, a picnic shelter, walkways, the Cedar River Trail and a State highway. Maple Valley Highway is constantly busy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Occupancy rates of the park areas are high to very high from April through October. The Cedar River Trail is constantly used during each day of the year by pedestrians and bicyclists. According to the International Society of Arboriculture, Tree Risk Assessment Manual. the risk rating for these trees is "Extreme," the highest risk rating because the likelihood of failure and impact combined with severe consequences to people and property yields the rating due to above factors of condition and health of the trees. • The contract for this work has been executed. A schedule is being coordinated with the contractor and work is expected to begin before the end of 2014. • No other permits are required for this project. Very little woody debris will remain within the area for the purpose of optimizing the subsequent replacement-planting areas. • The site use will not change and will be restored using native plants and trees. • There are no special site features other than those described above. • Soil type is listed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service as Urban Land (Ur). Urban land is soil that has been modified by disturbance of the natural layers with additions of materials several feet thick (rip-rap) with soils of gravelly sandy loam to gravelly loam in texture. Erosion hazard for this classification is listed slight to moderate. This project will have no impact on soils due to other remaining tree cover and thick herbaceous and scrub- shrub groundcovers below. Drainage will not be impeded. • • • The value of this project is tied to the contract which includes other areas in the park system. The contract value is $184,000. No excavations or filling will occur . There are twelve trees to be removed, pruned or ivy removed: i. To be removed -14 inch diameter, 46 inch diameter, 46 inch diameter, 56 inch ,, diameter, 40 inch diameter and 42 inch diameter black cottonwood trees (Populus ,)·' w" trichocarpa). One 26 inch diameter black cottonwood will be added to the contract.' ~,I/,, Z ii. To be removed -22 inch diameter and 36 inch diameter bigleaf maple trees (Acer macrophyllum). iii. To be pruned or ivy removed -43 inch diameter, 20 inch diameter, 30 inch diameter and 25 inch diameter black cottonwood trees. • The Ordinary High Water Mark is within zero to 20 feet of the trees. Shoreline Exemption -Application Materials Liberty Park Tree Maintenance Project Page 2 • The bank has been engineered in this location. Much of the bank upriver from the former bridge is natural and the bank downriver of the bridge location is rip rap and high bank. The trees to be removed provide nominal shade because they are located away from the river, high on the south bank, and south of other native vegetation along the river that provides dense shade already for the south bank to mid-stream or further. • There is no construction or development occurring in this project and the bank will remain in its natural existing condition. 3. Neighborhood Detail Map -attached. 4. Waiver Form -attached. Shoreline Exemption -Application Materials Liberty Park Tree Maintenance Project Page 3 -...... -.-.------·---c-:_::__-c_-c·_-_ .. _._ .. ________________ _ I '" i•I m .~: " " ,. ' ; ~ I . ' • ' Ji 8 ~;:; r ~ • "' "' c II _f __ I ~ ! m .. 1!! "' r C-C: ,. 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