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7 6C106-4'\ Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name 64._. ),./tzit,,, a0K,,.„,_077..„ (t)_i,__LJ Program name q\4.4)-4._..tio .e 'S L _ kfiaelitOWPECdiiiaiitaiialiattkjiaT6iiia A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ?es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 kr6on't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated V Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑ -es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. 171Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 PI 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f .. ..... +....w.. w. w, zv� ..em v.....y....., n, �� Questiiarr`_9 Neeef:r6'r:the.P.w rrarn IA. .roblem Statement . The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County /f rYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. E Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target ,opulation is clearly defined a Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Q iestiOhlO:Proposed..Pitciratn%Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? 1es . 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: ia,A" • 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point — �� No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? . ❑ Yes 1 Point ,�No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: `t /6 p. 2 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? [' Yes 1 Point ❑ o 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ es 1 Point f/�No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? /❑'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5 How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑)/o 0 Points Pr Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point Ofilo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Fr Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: ( /6 I 3 P :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point ,�No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 1. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. /Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points `Question f1'Long Range Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? 1es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 26'es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Ag I ncy Name: Program Name: Vo ► Page 1 : c/7 Page 2: /6 Page 3: 1 /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL ) ‘-/- /25 p. 5 1'I:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc E 7 a_ Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name 8`f.o )1'L L LA"L,.,,_,.A.,�,,' v ge, ui�t Program name Yo u--i:Lo..-, U.ce-t.&- Sp, }ic�„L s i eifkari Ora [ at onal,Ex ierfence A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: EYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. nd Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point alo 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated gc'es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs yi South King K.Yes 1 Point ['No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : ( /7 pl 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc :Ques� +an'9:�Ne'ed�,Fwrthe�,Pirogram' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. /( Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question:-'I D`::Prop©sed`P:irogiram%Sei� ce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? 2/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? V Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will service be physically provided in Renton? JYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? <V1Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? 0/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? VII-Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ,VrYes 1 Point l s`"-U 1--,1 se- ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? P1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (. /6 p. 3 1 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are speci c agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. PrYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Gi. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? fYes 1 Point cat ' e-)/ ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points uestion'f=�` eng Range Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? • Yes 1 Point ■ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point , ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Jur name: etP).-tiR Agency Name: Program Name: \o Page 1 : 6 /7 Page 2: 4, /6 Page 3: (p /6 Page 4: 4 /6 TOTAL "Lf/25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name ()Okr---,..,,,;--/ziy �°� rl s A Pro ram name �71ta,eat' .4_43v U U uestion;8 flrgan'r2atonal:Eprrr+ec�e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point ®No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. [ Yes 1 Point • ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points J,1 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ❑Yes 1 Point 0No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated 1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point 4Ngo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :3 /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Ques�iion.,9°`Need°For,the:Proq`ram' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ,FrYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ,F Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ,TYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questiioin 10'`Proposed-.Pirograni/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(,$) where services will be delivered clearly stated? v®Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: K.e.„4-6--7,, I ; 4--- 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 2 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points '24-e P 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ' No 0 Pointsq2VRI � ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points u /- Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro -ided? VYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point 211- ❑ No 0 Points .4 " cfr ��� J'Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points �Z-Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:`[ /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 0. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point ,� �i„.t...4 9---9 _ ^.-p_� - ❑ No 0 Points �� P_,J----C jDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points " 6 Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? .71-c'es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points tide stioI i1 Longi'Ran_ge;Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? 7 ❑ Yes 1 Point A-c ❑ No 0 Points is.4. �-"`.`` �Z� 4 `w�`r �� j Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points i axle.-- 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points _12-Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager./6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Yor r name: '< < ' K r Agency Name: „ . 1 -ea,_ Program Name: I " Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: h /6 Page 3: Li /6 Page 4: ?,/6 TOTAL I s-125 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc E. i z 1be t Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name a et,.e,,,S /4 coc;zc Program name CII-T.,e„` 1/44e,_e.,,,,_c I,,- ,a 4 Quest oti r8::Organ%zat,onal=tx ieiiirnae A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: / es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succe ses are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑/Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ( Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The opera)ional structure of the agency is clearly defined (AYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated [7fYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, ' 4 race/ethnicity, geography Vs ) rQ , ❑Yes 1 Point W wi ❑No 0 Points • - o; ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about P y needs in South King County. ❑/Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 4 /7 p. 1 IfI:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Ques�ion9�`Neec�:�For#he�P"roci rai>� A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County /[] Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. MI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targe,t,population is clearly defined DI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points e—....;. -..v,. ..,. ..aM;•Yi gym;—..,.,......-!cam-mrm';"`Y....p._w. ..a`TY+^.`.,.^..e �'..Ry�Y�'�; Question,1O:Proposed Program1Seru�+ e A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: A-�,,1Q, 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ,Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑,Yes 1 Point No 0 Points `❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: I6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? .,,(Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? \ 0Yes 1 Point 4e4'^"-e � `' ❑ No 0 Points II 0-Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6\ Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in \ question 9? ❑ Yes 1 Point III 0 Points I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? es 1 Point .❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of • Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) 17 Yes 1 Point I ❑ No 0 Points 0 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? I❑ Yes 1 Point . ❑I No 0 Points ,Q"Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Eyes 1 Point p/ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Gia'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. . Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ❑ es 1 Point o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ Yes 1 Point j iiZIo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 3/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\0 -10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: F,P; 4 Agency Name: Program Name: Page 1 : 4 /7 Page 2: L/ /6 Page 3: '/ /6 Page 4: 7 /6 TOTAL /W25 • P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 7w Hi man Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name 45itAIA- -i___z AQte c C-as 7v. r . 1 . Program name it r7 ) ��-C O ationai��-Exp'erience A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and.current accomplishments: ,1*es 1 Point et-0-0 � '� s e tv-i e.e� 4` -` ❑NO 0 Points v'a e J,!2-Cey_ A R• 6-c meta, 74(-'S rfecz3 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points SCA ,p 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Ores . 1 Point ef e €Y3 - ❑No 0 Points •❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ,Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points cep .tC.. B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ,n/ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Pies 1 Point cv-0.--1 Lt.-Le G e (. ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point r1-0 ❑ • O Points IS Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. DYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points F Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points '- f de ''et C_ P.7P Subtotal this page : 3 /7 ip. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questi+�nv9�Ne�er1 ForahemProgram' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County VTes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. 17I/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ❑ Yes 1 Point Q No 0 Point p.n_l tJ/eAt 1 i:,._ +-1 �" �rjCl c c.� � s---r‘ El Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2_0 4_4, pd , , Question 'i O Proposed'P.cogram%Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ,® Yes 1 Point ❑ No • 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 144J- . I A' ►'l 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point .0-No 0 Points El Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ,ETNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:3 /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ,®'Yes 1 Point - ? tr0 ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ es 1 Point 0 No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? (Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? JD/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spate h (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Rusin (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Yes 1 Point C&,ga. 4.4y a aoe,..`"e,.,--.`i-4 ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ( Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 6/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point #1717No 0 Points ►t6C1 Re. ° 'Ci"71 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point ]'"No 0 Points thrLD 5 c.6 GIs ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ,ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ,❑ YY s 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ,V(Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questionl:9�=Lonq%Range=yP1'at 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 2 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: a 0 Agency Name: ® - Program Name: cci Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: 3/6 Page 3: 516 Page 4: L) /6 TOTAL )5125 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc s, Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name (AA4.� 71z„ Ake-L-0-4 ass e eit-c--(110. Program name Od ,^.A, " vka 'C-61--P v D .mx =v uestr n 8:OMan2 try l'et t a aiaai��-die � r�`' e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point El0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. AYes 1 Point INo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points 6111 Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined dyies 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ©des 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography 12S'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points Pr-Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :3 /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question 9: NeedM'For>theP.i� gram'. A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targeopulation is clearly defined ,111 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points uestion�''I O�` m`l ervice . A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: g z-ei fp` c _s 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? J S es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Vf Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ( ) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ,I Yes 1 Point ElNo 0 Points ElDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the I nguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? J/[Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) VYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? j2rcifes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 4 /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? El yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. El Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. !]Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? lYes 1 Point 0.13 ,,,�_� te, :4"; No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: c:e.-e Agency Name: a 0-1 e 7_ rogram Name: rA c._„ p—tt � U Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: 446 Page 3: i/6 Page 4: t /6 TOTAL ) /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . i L 7L Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications I Agency o ,,,,,�,.�h' ke,-,A1) — g �� w, ��� ��/s � Pro1 Y name Po name P 'E—A/v �s,.n, Pra _ I _ Organ�iational���EXperledce A./Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Ye jis 1 Point ❑No 0 Points I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 1 2. The succ,ses are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point I ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points i 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points iFA Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure I44. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined 1es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points i ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I 5. Role of Board is clearly stated es 1 Point i ❑No 0 Points I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, 1 race/ethnicity, � Y� Wes 1 Point No 0 Points iDDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points i 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. 1 f 2lYes 1 Point 1 ❑No 0 Points I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : '/7 P. 1 H:1HS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I Question 9�Neecd For#he:°Progrartt A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substanti es need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research ,d/or experiences. Fr 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . Target Population 3. The targetyopulation is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑ No 0.Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questioni:0 Pro ose' ii "" pY ed�Program/Servrce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the sites where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites.' , t,„,-e.,1 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? fl Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be prvided? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? 0 Yes 1 Point LI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the)nguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Er Yes 1 Point '❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ,B1- es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (P/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ,® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. )es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ N 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ,®Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points G? iestion-7!1Lorxp Raince P1'ati 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple frding sources for future funding? ,176(es 1 Pointo"ri:-)—k_4;1,'�.4e, � ❑ No . 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: S /6 1114 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: <i?,-ciLlse71c Agency Name: C 5 Program Name: � -,-1 �►a�s Page 1 : /7 Page 2: 06 Page 3: l /6 Page 4: 5-16 TOTAL 2-3/25 p. 5 H:\ IS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc D176Ub61 Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name wA A _pK/ Program name ,r6-,4a_,,, is n:8£arganrzation�l�:Ex 'bt���ei�ce' A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: , Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ,nl'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points '❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure • 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined j Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated d es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography DSs 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : ( /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc uesti± 7119 4674 PVii e,Proq'ram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ,®Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research rind/or experiences. ❑/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined I Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points due #ion=10 Proposed,PtoOtaiini/Setifite A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the sites)-where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: -e-ta V 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ,V Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: Co /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ErYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be prided? P1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? O'Yes 1 Point d❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Jes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points .Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:5/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specjfic agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? f Yes 1 Point (..-/e 5 �� ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. iafes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ o 0 Points )/Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? viYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question;1 1!1:on4 Range:Plan. 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? p Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ‘17rYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (I6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: ie‘'`e,4t19- ig v Agency Name: d- / _S Program Name: 4A \ PF, s6,1 44_1,-- U Page 1 : (0/7 Page 2: C' /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: 516 TOTAL 2-el-425 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • E. 7(k,loc--44 -, Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name c_ �� u;C_42-4 rogram name 6!1 .Q,.. `K ?g,_,:,,finee_d-4- uestiiii i organi atronai Experience A. Experience 1. The orgy national background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: lYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. /Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points FfDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined [Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated nYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography (]Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in Ste-uth King County. ji]Yes 1 Point UNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : tp /7 P. 1 H:1HS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc (kueet cir .9 NbidA r fie7P ©gramh itL Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County . Yres 1 Point /❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ,❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined f Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point LI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points IQuestio O IProposed nProgiram%Se ce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: £ 'et_ i , 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ODon't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? , Yes 1 Point in^ Ate-- ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 06 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibili y to Renton residents? .F Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑�No 0 Points ,© Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points e-a--�% �� Dod (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ,® Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? 191Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) H7Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 0 0 Points ® Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: _3/6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. erformance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points 0 Pon't know/Not addressed: 0 points OiiestionA1 Lon Raege Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? i Yes 1 Point o L& 5ra-w,la y e,_,, s, `,`.`,,,_ ,5 S ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term E-Cfes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • Subtotal this page: '1/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc � l SCORES Yo r name: E02:-L4,0_k ) Aglency Name: Program Name: r ' -c•e A l G- Page 1 : //7 Page 2: s16 Page 3: -4 /6 Page 4: y /6 TOTAL $ /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc .. E_ z_6( b6-itc) Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name y � a-e_nz',�� pr,_,,A,1 ,-,. .) ii�� Program name z �e,„�. aep,6,,� / ,-,ice ,,,.,v d� /J(� v v u , v Q aniaticr � °' uestionr=�8�Or�q a1�::Ex�p�rience A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point ENo 0 Points Iv; ,,,,et k,_,-a_c i,,,�,�, , ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point 4.4.4„,/,,,. ..t.- I ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ®Yes 1 Point I ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 1 B. Operational Structure 44. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined I .,®Yes 1 Point I ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Eyes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography I J/IYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. rites 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 6 /7 p. 1 I H:\HS 98\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I I Ques#ion`9<Need���F�s.�the=Pcograr . Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County `®Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. 2Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :Ques#ion:9 0:P;ropased°Pro`q ramlService` A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? I9'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 41.d 7r•L. 7 ,V(Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? s. t;/�-r, idlt leke/(-44-1-4--S [iYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ��� �' ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:(, /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? r[ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pry ided? 4 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 92 ,d1Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the,language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? �Is Yes 1 Point 'moo ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 44) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? f/Yes 1 Point Di No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:le /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are speci 'c agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. �,�Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ElDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. s 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eval ation reasonable and adequate? �]Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question1i f;Lorizi.Range.:Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? �es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. �,> Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (, /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: PrC- Program Name: �,,,� . . 0. `Y, v Page 1 : W7 Page 2: Le /6 Page 3: ( /6 Page 4: 6, /6 TOTAL /25 s H:`1HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • . . E_ zidubc41c) Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name -Q +-. r X �,��± a __� Program name , if�1, �(� o T a iat Ques#iori�'&-0r: ari:� iona��:Ex�pe`r�6nce A. Experience 1. The orgy izational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: giYes 1 Point [No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succe ses are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 4NYes 1 Point o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined 2lYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo -d is clearly stated es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethn9ity; geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. fres 1 Point ' No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : V/7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question 9 Need: Fvr the"_Pr©gram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiat s need in Renton and/or South King County i Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point p No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ctuestion 90 Proposedi ?iragrani/Ser ice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 'A-A-L4,- 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 0O Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: C/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? f® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ,V Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points (}`Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the,rogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? .F Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 4/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point jNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target popula will benefit. tioFYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point LI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ,/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ?uestiOrt:11,Long:Raricie Plan 1. Does they n list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ?I Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. r © Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 6 p. 4 H: S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Gz_� ej Agency Name: Program Name: ?A- C-r- Page 1 : ?/7 Page 2: 3`/6 Page 3: 11/6 Page 4: 416 TOTAL a-) /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • E '( zr,ub6--k Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name fe,t.. _, 4;5 - ;rate A�.s. dir-led. 0 if-- Program name Z.r- ,,,,i L,e.4 i is M' ,�g4«-r'e.� uesftiii 8 { rgarir iiiiii ethi4i e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: , es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. 1es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points . ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought /Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ,Res 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated VIYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography J IYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. PIYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : `?-/7 el 1 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc GtCie stitit 9.Need Forwth a P>roci ram, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Eyes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. Ees 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined EYes 1 Point El No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points duestiore A Proposed PitiOramlSe v ce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ,U/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: J(5M-4 ��c.� �_ 0 ors- 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Q Yes 1 Point P--t / tc,"24 0ElNo 0 Points `/ ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ,❑/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: ( /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ,(Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? J Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? j2Kifes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) • ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Er Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? . Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 5 /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specjfic agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? 11 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population yill benefit. 1es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manag,ment and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ode-4/on 1r Long`Range`Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 121YYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (. /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES "our name: gl:k. 4/A. ''‘) Agency Name: Kc,c4g 6- Program Name: Page 1 : ?/7 Page 2: C /6 Page 3: s'76 Page 4: (0 /6 TOTAL 2-1- /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . . Eh7 6(196-1,--, Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name NA.P1,-; c/,-; . , (-4 Program name , PgUJO 0;,1_p, , e 0 Quesiio abi Tai i aiia "� ._�i i q �"I�-:Expi:�rience A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Pr Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succe ses are in Renton and/or South King County. VYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point EIN.o 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined /1es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point II ❑No 0 Points �a5, `raJ /Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points , 7k. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ,�l0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 1 /7 p. 1 i H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I I �I I Question 9'Need For:the.Program, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ❑ es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point te'"; ❑ N.o 0 Points /�- P Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points �`�'` - `� B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ) r _ to-e-, `6 "' L-0X ❑ Yes 1 Point ff No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questiot110;Proposed.Program%SerVice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point 7No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 40..„4-7, so a�-►a., r' P� 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ o 0 Points Pr Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ❑ es 1 Point No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ fy.o 0 Points _DIDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ,VrYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the la guage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point IN No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 0 0 Points ,Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ es 1 Point 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page;/6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point giNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. .�Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Lion-:�st Q v.L. nciRanrie:Plan 1. Does the Ian list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ,( Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ o 0 Points ,Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 'f /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: �il� 7 Agency Name: C- Program Name: (c)e, Page 1 : `//7 Page 2: 0/6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: 9/6 TOTAL /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc D 1 7 GUb61f) Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications 4Agency name t- i.)(9 1, o.^ 's /6` 4_.0_ . Program name %(� ,p�..,� 1,r a ,..... 00 v s'?v..4 i;�k:.. ..:;:":�.:3„"a.l^t'Y'^rx"..w.'yra`��.v,�. ...,P�,.,.�x•^.wS Si'.2`..i�.,`�`3'�r�'i. Q3uestion:r8:E=Organ[zational=Experience A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Kes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: , 0 points . 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. MYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agenc has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought VYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ,Q�es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ❑Yes 1 Point 20o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ['Yes 1 Point Do 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :</7 p. 1 H:1HS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • QuestionY 9:Nee�=�For�.the Prrogram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑-Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined /❑'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question'!4''Praposed Prdoiam%Ser vice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: cect a c- 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? • ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:It /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? 0 Yes 1 Point /❑'No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ es 1 Point M No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5 How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? j�Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Jes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9�. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point El No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: tt /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ es 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Rfes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manag jment and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ,❑i'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points t uest nono zit.L`on i Range:Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. / Yes 1 Point El No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: S/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: ke_u0A-- Program Name: 4- C) Page 1 : 07 Page 2: / /6 Page 3: `1/6 Page 4: (/6 TOTAL 1? /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc E zidulo Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name <",,,,i-e5-/L Ca_ el/�� �„ � Program name V-74. ,r. lYi.-e 4.; .uestion :<=organtzatir na E pe'r.. pence A. Experience 1. The organs -ational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: , s 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succses are in Renton and/or South King County. es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency-has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought /Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The opera 'onal structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo rd is clearly stated JIYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. f]Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : ')'/7 1 H:\HS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc durestii©n::9:;Need-For iiii Prrogram' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County 0-Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ,0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question 10Peoposed:P e itamlSeN ce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population • 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ,I1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 43,rie-k_a. f c 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? 71 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (p /6 pt 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibilityit to Renton residents? ,lVI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ��Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (,5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? IN Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point Jo Dyes 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? j2iYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 66 P. 3 Hr\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are speci .e agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? s Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points r. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. ;be ser_vicqelivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in eeasurable'terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point .0 No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point '❑ No 0 Points „il Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points k c"S,t- i aj t -J .iflk Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 'Question> 1_:L. t .. anq: Plan oriq:Range_ 1. Does the an list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. EYes 1 Point .❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:`1' /6 p. J4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: G-,..P� A) Agency Name: RP?S __ Program Name: Page 1 : -/7 Page 2: '/6 Page 3: n6 Page 4: 9- /6 TOTAL ,2 ./25 I. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name Ja £k, t1s Program name p 6,1 /. �8=➢0:rganizatio�nal..ExpeN'e�oe A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: 2I es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. 1 Point ❑No 0 Points '❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The ag has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought encYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ❑Yes 1 Point J Jf o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated , es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point • ❑No • 0 Points jDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ji-Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. HMS 08109-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Questiiiif9:kNeed giii i e',Pfiiiii m, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ❑ Yes 1 Point JNo 0 Points Pet v,A,uL1-, 1:1-e /''`'t 'tk. ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point /❑rNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined /9 jI''Yes 1 Point te- '1ktro_& ,,-q-e.-r—r- 4 ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question O Proposii PiroOram%Servicd A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakessessments be done in Renton? ,® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servic s be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:11 /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ,0 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ` Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points j ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points - (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? LaYes 1 Point IA A. n i ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) jes 1 Point y e_t ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Ries 1 Point El No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 3. H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? 'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. IN Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points CH Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? yrc'es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questk i4 Long'Rar ge Plah 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point �❑i No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points j Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 9-/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: fokft,,eA Program Name: Page 1 : t? /7 Page 2: Li /6 Page 3: C. /6 Page 4: `1- /6 TOTAL I /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ill zayb6-1 \ Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name i.e [�e.. ,; Program name A Sf O`.ue ! n 8���orgaintzatiidnalr���e.�rle��e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1, Point 26o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. f 71Yes 1 Point ❑No. 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ❑Yes 1 Point j4No 0 Points a(4-a- Oits .f � � � e,14 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ,®Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point Rio 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 3 /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question 9- eci`Fdr tl aOrogram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. �( Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question-lO-Praposet!° .P_rogram/Service; A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ZYes 1 Point LI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: iJi.ftai e y� 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points LI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servic s be physically provided in Renton? ,E1 Yes 1 Point LI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibiliy to Renton residents? ,0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? Yes 1 Point `❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question ki Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? VI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) [' Yes 1 Point 111No 0 Points diZ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 5/6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are spec'fic agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? 171 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B'. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. f X Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? / Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points '�;2ueston����`t�► �p.Ran�e�'Plai! 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:6/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I A SCORES Your name: -(& a. * Agency Name: AT, Program Name: eire, L "" Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: 6 /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: (,, /6 TOTAL 2,0 /25 P. H: S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . • • Es: 7__6(_,I0c:344c) uman Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications agency name cet-i-ic,--r i u-i c.r2.-J Program name OA tm wit w�;I-0)m ,' , u uestioMirgariizattonaiY:Exp erii ce A. Experience . 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ®Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ,Dfes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought E es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined es , 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated . ,®Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Dyes 1 Point ,Virlo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ,iNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : 517 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questiion'.9Need.: :.ora e Program' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics ((Renton,and/o outh King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ; tcp-e ji❑ Ye 1 Point n 14; ? , 5No 0 Points " ' ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ques#ion 1 O:�P�roposed.Prr�'gram�Serv�Ce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population-, 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? .17T�Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: i . A ci-r . r 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 0-Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager'/6 p. 2 I:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ®`Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? r0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? k Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points le Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this p 9 a e: /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are spec' is agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? e Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I B. Performance Measures and Outcomes I 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. , es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Z Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :Question 11::Lon p:Ran_ge.:Plans 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? .FT Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. I/I Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: 21 ;,FA.a-fe Agency Name: 57 • , Program Name: 0 Page 1 : 577 Page 2: Page 3: /6 Page 4: (4 TOTAL ) /25 p. 5 H`.\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc zr,c,• Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name c.."4A_.1,,�r ;Program name -eA-Od 1 L C�` tio'n�8�Organr�atonal�E.x=penence� A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Vices 1 Point ❑No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ['Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ®des 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure • 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ®Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly PWes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑)es 1 Point ,(✓No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. Des 1 Point j No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Quesfi�on:9"Needy For=the�Program` A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and ' substantes need in Renton and/or South King County ri Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. 0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question�:1 O:�.Pcoposed=.Program/Sereice, A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? o�`Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ,,-' Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 4 /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? V Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? .® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? V(Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ® Yes 1 Point L� d� ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point 5t i -r" ❑.No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: p/6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I • I 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentio ed? , -Yes 1 Point i c- k.4...0 �`f-`` ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. !� Yes 1 Point ❑ No . 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ,Z Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points `l estion4t iiiii RanrUe Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? nJ Yes 1 Point tore_,` ,,,�ct, Aap.O,..,� ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 0 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (4/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: .- , ( `e p� Program Name: tkt_e_cv -(i om tOL0. e.0 Page 1 : /7 Page 2: ( /6 Page 3: 1p /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL en /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc L7be4 Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name 24r'aJ�LP�� ./�/d�.� �, ' �� � J , Program name ,l��® 1�'a... //arZe-r'��a,_ ,�G ,0 6_ i` ues��oi�8::�Organato'na�==:Experience A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: niSes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. v(1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ,If1Y�es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined pies 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ( Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑ es 1 Point /No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 17. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ,Kbon't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :5--/7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc iliiiiiit5n797Neict For.the,Program` A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County TrYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. 4 t1 es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ❑7iYes 1 Point ❑ No OPoint ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question 10 Proposed Program/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: CVO 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? O Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: (e /6 p. 2 H \HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibif to Renton residents? al Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services it will be pr9,vided? ,7 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in I question 9? HYes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? /f Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? / Yes 1 Point 111 No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: ( /6 P. 3 H:\HSI08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are speci c agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. p-Kles 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of managient and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ,V1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eva uation reasonable and adequate? / Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question i1=ioni Rati._ge.Plan 1. Does the tan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? . Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan d-monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 10 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager /6 p4 I-I:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: Program Name: LkrJ,mj _ _ Page 1 : c/7 Page 2: (p /6 Page 3: (( /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL z3 /25 p. S H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . \ E: izz,c,1941,--) IHuman Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding Applications Agency name OA- Gai.. - a,�f. 0 ��av..��,1 Lc ;.�,-. Program name I/A--14 P/t., Q n-8_=Ory'an ti r:;R; ..._ Li ; --�f 1 u:estto g a o.nal,Eifiiii nce a '���,_I A. Experience `,_,,`_r: . ' 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑i (�s 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. JV(es 1 Point ['No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Lies 1 Point • ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated i ❑Yes 1 Point ` ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point (: INo 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑ o 0 Points (/Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :07 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questii4n 9"Need ,Fv�..the.Program' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County 7 fl Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, ,research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point 2-No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined , Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Quest�on:90 Proposed. Program/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population • 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? J J Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: . UU . 0 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ZvYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ,/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: / /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? '/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro .ided? • Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question j? k] Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points VDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ o 0 Points Pr Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:3 /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc i 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point 0/No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. Mayneed togo to both sections to getanswers.g a s. /❑/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? , Yes 1 Point LI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question°:1i ''Lonp"f ajj Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. / Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:5/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc i SCORES Your name: Sic i Agency Name: Program Name: e A-c Page 1 : C/7 Page 2: L /6 Page 3: 3 /6 Page 4: c /6 TOTAL /-/25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc