HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport 05• •• ; Cramer Northwest, Inc . • • Surveyors •Planners •Engineers TECHNICAL.! INFORMATION REPORT OF GURDEV SINGH SHORT PLAT (L05S0009) 11328 SE 192Mb ST . RENTON, WA 98055 FOR GURDEV SINGH 19100 104TA PLACE SE RENTON, WA 98055 ' JANUARY 18, 2006 (UPDATED DECEMBER 5, 2006) C.N.I. JOB NO. 2004-139 Prepared by Paul J Nitardy, P.E. 945 N. Central, Suite# I 04 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 www.cramernw.com E·mail: cni@cramernw.com RECEIVED SFP o 4 2007 KING COUNTY LAND USE SERVICES EXPIRES • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW II. C<!>NDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Ill. OFFSITE ANALYSIS IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN I V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES VII. OTHER PERMITS i VIII. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN IX. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT X. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL APPENDIX A APPENDIXB APPENDIXC OFFSITE ANALYSIS REPORT BMP AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS TIR WORKSHEETS, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL, & BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET • • • I. PROJECT OVERVIEW Existing ~onditions: / This project is located at 11328 SE 192"d St. in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately .51 acres. The property has an existing single family residence and a garage. The remainder of the property is mostly grass with a gravel dri,veway and some trees and shrubs. The existing site.drainage sheet flows from the north to the south. No significant amounts of upstream flow enter thei site. The updated level one drainage analysis can be found in appendix A. Proposed Conditions: ' The existing residence, garage and gravel drive will be removed. The property will be di~ided into four residential lots. These lots will gain access from a proposed private access tract off of SE 192"d ST. All new homes will route roof runoff through downspout dispersion trenches . II. CbNDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ' This project is subject to Category #2 Targeted Drainage Review per report and decision short subdivision file no. L05S0009. The following requirements of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) will be provided as follows:. Core Requirement #1, Discharge at the Natural Location: llhe site's drainage pattern currently tends to sheet flow from the north to the south and enters the existing storm system located in SE 192"d ST, which flows to the west. All site runoff will be conveyed to the same existing storm system. ' Core Requirement #2, Offsite Analysis: An offsite analysis is provided in Appendix A. Core R~quirement #3, Flow Control: This project proposes less than 10,000 sf of net new impervious surface and therefore qualifies for small site review. There is no formal flow ci:ontrol required, however, all new homes will route roof runoff through downspout dispersion trenches . • ' Core Requirement #4, Conveyance System: Two new catch basins are being added with a pipe between them. The corveyance system calculation has been provided in Appendix B. Core Re4uirement #5, Erosion and Sediment Control: An erosion and sediment control plan has been designed. Some of the ESC measures to be provided are a stabilized construction entrance, silt fence, inlet protection and seeding. Core Requirement #6, Maintenance and Operations: A maintenance and operations manual has been provided in Appendix C. Core Requirement #7, Financial Guarantees and Liability: Ttie owner will provide this information prior to permit issuance. ' Core Requirement #8, Water Quality: Per Exemption #1 of Section 1.2.8, this project is exempt from a formal w~ter quality facility because the new PGIS will be less than 5,000 SF. No water quality facility will be provided. Ill. 6FFSITE ANALYSIS • A Level ~ Offsite Drainage Analysis is provided in Appendix A. • ' IV. FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ' The below figures represent the impervious surface calculations for this project. New impervious: ' 8,800 sf (4 developed lots@ 2200 sf each) 3,430 sf New road, sidewalks & Frontage -3,532 sf Removal of existing home and drive 8,698 sf 11his project proposes less than 10,000 sf of net new impervious surface a'nd therefore qualifies for small site review. There is no formal flow cbntrol required, however, all new homes will route roof runoff through downspout dispersion trenches. V. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A conveyance calculation can be found in Appendix B for the single added pipe. ' • • • i VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ' i No speciil reports or studies are known to exist for this project. i ' VII. OliHER PERMITS No other permits are known to be required at this time. VIII. ESC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ' An erosiqn and sediment control plan has been designed. Some of the ESC measures to be provided are a stabilized construction entrance, silt fence, inlet protection and seeding. Per Appendix D, Section D.3.3, silt fence can be the primary treatment if the slopes a~e 10% or less for a 250' flow path length. The site h.as an average slope of less than -6% and a flow path of about 170', thus satisfying the criteria. ' I IX. BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ! The Bond quantities worksheet has been provided in Appendix C . I X. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL i A maintenance and operations manual has been provided in Appendix C . I • • • APPENDIX A OFFSITE ANALYSIS REPORT • • • Cramer Northwest, Inc . . • Surveyors •Planners •Engineers i LEVEL 1 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS OF I GURDEV SINGH SHORT PLAT (L05S0009) 11328 SE 192Mb ST RENTON, WA 98055 I FOR ' I GURDEV SINGH 19100 104fl/ PLACE SE RENTON, WA 98055 I EXPIRES 11/26/2007 / MAY 23, 2~05 (UPDATED AUGUST 18, 2006 by Paul Nitardy, P.E.) C.N.I. JOB ~O. 2004-139 ' I Prepared by Hubbell Ongking, E.I.T 945 N. Central. Suite# I 04 Kent WA 98032 (253) 852-4880 Fax (253) 852-4955 www.cramemw.com E-mail: cni@cramer~w.com • TABLE OF CONTENTS ' ' ' I. TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS ' I II. TASK2 RESOURCE REVIEW ! i Ill. TASK3 FIELD INSPECTION i ! i ' IV. TASK4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS i V. TASKS MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS • I APPENDIX THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT I ; ' • • • • I TASK1 STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS ' ' • • • i TASK 1 I STUDY .AREA DEFINITION i This projtct is located at 11328 SE 192"d St. in Renton, Washington. The property is approximately .51 acres. The property will be divided into four residential lots. These lots will gain access from a proposed private access tract off df SE 192"d St. The prop~rty has an existing single family residence and a garage. The remaind~r of the property is mostly grass with a gravel driveway and some trees and shrubs. The existing site drainage sheet flows from the north to the south. N'o significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. i MAPS I A vicinityj map, sensitive areas map, aerial/topo map, and offsite drainage map can be found in the proceeding pages . • Vicinity Map • • • • • I Mar,Output i -..... ' I I (® King Cfunty ,i .Home ·: -Wi4i&t44M Comments 41¥1141-M I i ---~-'f' ____ ,// I I I I 1565951030 322illl593t5 :~~5~ I I IMAP -Sensitive Areas fall themes\ !1585P50!5~ / ,,./ A 3223059038 I I 15G5P60!1'1J 1665P601SD I l // ____ '- -· _ __."'"'"""Ti ______ .::i,,._ _____________ ..JL ___ .....;1~5!!158~~!5~s~S11:._ ___ _f i I msos55ss -----+:-----------..lSgOP:.,:1[;192N,.D..,S.,_T _________________ _, --t·· I tci:..., ... -;eo-,...,.,..,..--.;. 1 -------==· M-fio:;:i -· ! ll§I S•hlcte4 Pa@ls 1 _ • County ~oundary Swett ! i 11"'. ~ay II ;..v' -I . I .,.-+\./ ~ I D P•""''"i /V F'ISh and Oitch SAosJam P """"' i ;I C ... 2+ . f .,... ......... ,IV I ... ,, .. Legend O Lama and large ~t& ,r/ Slt'Oams ~ Floo<IW•Y miffl 100 V4~t FJoodPteii'I m SAOWGtland ~ SAO Landaf.:!e ffl SAO Coal Mino ~ SAO Sels,nlc :tr% SAO ErosiOn 01 t@fi 1&f;E& +?\Si~0.1.Sml Landsfide Hamn:! Otainage Ania ,. Dt- 11111 """"' 1ne ln'<>rmallon lnciud•d on this map hao been compiled by Klng County staff from a va~ety or sources and Is subject to c;t,ange \Mthoutnotlco. IKing County makes no'. representations or warranties, express or lmpBed, 11 to accuracy, eompleteness, timellness, or rights to the use ohuch llllonrallon. King County shall not be liable for any general, apeclal, Indirect, lncldemal, or conoequenUBI damogos Including, but not Umllod to, lost r,,.,enuo, or lost ~ofits resulting from the uso or misuse of tho Information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or Information on "'Is r.,aD Is IVfthlbHod •xceDt hu wltten nArmfsslon of Kina Countv. I f<ing County I GIS Center I News I ~ I Comments I Search By vtsltlng this and other King County web pages, you exp,esaly agrao to be bound·by terms and condWons of the slte. Jha details. ! ! I ' http·//wwwS.metrokc.gov/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&Clie ... 9/15/2004 I I ! • • • Ad 1Jress Imagecy View --g· tt Advanced Find I :search TerraServer Horne Advanced . Address Search ,· 11328 SE 192nd St, Renton, WA 98055 ---·-·----t ~-... · Navigate I ·-· ·-· .1 .. ----., View· , Urban Areas -.,, . . .. __ -----r--... ..,. I I 1 meter resolution 1111111111111111 t;rcp S!ze_'.. ! .L:r_g1 . _./;'~1.;_. , c1'.dvanced Find .... ,., ......... ,. ··--·I. J r:amous Place$ , Web Services , About --·----,!,,--- -·---------. Rel~:ed Links: I Other Image,ry: IIIJ'IGS Aerial Phato110 Jul !9Sll j P.ortners: ! Waterproof Map 1 ·---+--- ckWeathel" .corn 1;1ick to got .~ w,Jather Forecast ~ .. .,~:d Mn• !or 1h13 point. • r;;;~~,.Q-v [t ·• ... ... ,INFOW.~ H.:•use and Hbme: ' .._ S, ::1ools, Crime and M .' I Dem :graphics for 98031 ID ~i:hools, Crime and I Dem,graphics for 98055 la S'1:hor.,;s, Crime and I Demogn phlcs for 98058 i Wo(:d File: I I GIS VI orld Coordln~tes ; 11328 SE 192nd St, Renton, WA 98055 June 1: oL...J.- Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Source=301205 Center=(-122.1898,47.4303) Oms Running Time . i http://terraservet1.microsoft.com/addressimage.aspx?t=l&s= 1 O&Lon=-122.190171 SO&Lat... . I 9/15/2004 I • • • MapOutput j I i ~I ~King~unty ! ,' Home',, --o---- -Ki44'h9¥1 Comments 4i4iiB,-M Tumber 32231Jll9036 i 0522059105 ! Se1oc:tsd PateelS I • 3223059/)38 ~ Legend SA0Stteam 1~65950!80 j/;6-0190 1------- 32230S9031 O!l220592~ 0622DSg()01 0522050300 0 0.03ml Stteams If c_, lll '-· C<>unty ,,i!Jnd•ry Topo Contoun, (5ft) ~ ,,,./ J"J Sttoet, ! "~~ ! /fral'i/lt, I ! -: PjJOefi i I I I Cbi&2~ /./ C~2s:tm<si4 ,N c,..., """""°"' 0 Laikea and large Rivera Ir.formation lnciudad on this map has been compiled by King County ataff from a variety of sources and b subject to change without nob. King County makes no; representations or warranties, express or Implied, as to accuracy,·completeness, timallness, or rights to the use of such 10111,atJon. King Cou~(y ohall not be liable for any general, ""8cial, Indirect, Incidental, or consequential damages Including, but not limited to, st rr,vonues or bst p;or.ts resultlng from the use or misuse of tho Information contained on this map. Any aale of this map or lntormatJon on Is ua Is ohiblted exce Witten rmlsslon of Kl Co I Kina County I GIS Center I~ I~ I Comments I~ / B)' visiting this a~d other King County web pages, you expreasly agree to be bound by t.enns and ~ndztlons of the aite. The details. . I ' I I I http://www5.me~okc.gov/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&Clie ... I . ; ! 9/15/2004 • TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW • • • • • TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW ' Adopted Basin Plans and Finalized Drainage Studies The property is not located within a Basin Plan. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports: No known reports are known to exist. Critical l:>rainage Area Maps: The site is not known to be located in any critical drainage areas. (FEMA) Maps: The site is located outside the 100 year flood plain. Other Offsite Analysis Reports: None were available Sensitive Areas Folio: None of the site is located in or near any sensitive area (see sensitive areas map under Task 1). DNR DJinage Problems Maps: Not applicable . Road Drainage Problems: Not applicable. King County Soils Survey: Soils on this site consist of Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 0 to 6 percent slope (AgB). Wetland~ Inventory Maps: There are no wetlands located on or near the site. Migrating River Studies: Not applicable. Drainag~ Complaints: The som~what relevant complaint in the area is 1997-1325 (Type 1) This problem appears to have been fixed with the installation of an 18" cmp pipe, which runs to the stream, which runs into the adjacent wetland . · Plat name: ""PA-~W W<..t-~,lrl""T>e"N> Lot No:· I(,, Block No: • Other agencies involved; . . No field investigation required, __ . . -ra11·~ ')\· :1\qMt~wa1j@llilliliMr4fifflt-4illL:J ..JQ..a _!;L 2 'Z, .J:I_ . Y-i s T R. Parcel No. {ff./.Z.!,4-{) -DikL. Kroll(fD'? E" Th.Bros; New y, [4' DZ., . Old . 4-1 'P'5 Basin (2l,.I';: Council Dlsttict·l · Charge No. · -..... --.... , .................. _...!, ___ .. , ... -.... -_ .. _____ , ............. ~ ......... -·-·--· .. ··-............ _ ........ -... ,-........ ,--·-·--.--------.. --.. _ .. _ .. R£spo;~sl!: Citizen notified on by: _ phone ~ letter ....,.._ in person · C'.,.11.Q i......(.1..-. .. ~ ,.._ -tf.i. i.J.. ~ ~ · ~ ,.,,1,1+/..$.. S...... v:,., +<f.J.. ,.....;r .., ... #1.<+ ...._ C.ro.. c/t1'ioi~ k..,_ µ/ ... ~ l~."'7 f~ ~,,t Sk ..,,.,ii I/fir. t.,~ v,,,.lw.,~-.. •M<ilc., th, r: d-'J. ,..,J, .,~ ... ,,::.p•""'· (-i/s/,1; ,?.-tl<ro. cQ..+:-D;e;rrf' DISPOSITION: T]-1IUe4 to K on l.:Z.1 I I 'J ?by~ No further actiOJ\ recommended because: _ Lead agency has been notified:. ____________________ _ _ Problem ha& lieen coJTeoted. _ No problem has been identified, ..;_,,,. Prior investlgatlon addresses problem: _ Prh,ate prob!~·. NDAP will not eollllider because: SEE Flt.I# --- __ Water originates onsite and/ox on neighborin,i par~el, . ___;__Location i~ outside WLRD Service Area. _Other (Sp~:~ • DATE CLOSED: C. 'f ... #:Lltef ,r By: JI..-~-,' D~ f ~ ~ ~ SEP.23.2004 8•59AM K~WLRD 1,u • ..:.1.1.r ',.., .... -i .. ·----- • I ~ r,,T!"yL<db""' &,•-c-From, Larey Gettle S·enlor £ngineer Supe~or Div 4 Pepa,tmltllo1Na1,1r1IA11owl'Ot1' Wat ... and Land RctOUl'<•I I)l\'illon Roads-RentQn 9A. Wat• -and Land RHoWCM Dt¥11lon Local D•-alnaec Senices Uidt Mall Stop G~2 ' ' ' i I SUBJECT.: COMPLAINll.' 91"-132.5 Webb; . ... : ,.,,:~•.,/ : q I', I ;. . : l':, . •. -J.-~. · ... • . ' . ' .. . '' ' • . . '. . . . DATE 8/30/97 MESSAGE: ·1NmALS PJS As a resuh of Mr. Webb's complaint we inspected the catch basin on the South side of S 192"6 St at 10859. The basin is .!11 the bru~h and about 30 feet from the road. A spring has eroded the dirt and created a hole ne>.'t to the basid. The old brick basin is failing as a result. Could you uiko a look El.t the problem and detenninc if the roads responsibility to maintain the pipes and basin. The basin is ~ezy near the rlgbt of way line and inay be on private property, however it docs convey water from the road drainage system. ' . If you feel that it would be up to the property owner to maintain the basin we will look at the problem under the NOA program for possible IIBS!stance. If it is yours let l1ll! know. 7i .f i {-JJ!-/ SIGNED ! • REPLY i : (:A 4-,. ~ <~;z,; tr ... n ,a-,2 ... 97 & &?"'• tfll1 I J,;;g,.,<;. &4 4· ;µ n.i.J:' at. ~~ L.,e,.a-4.d• sbcs ; .Q • .: 4 c*'. v:u.;.t ~::-:tr ;: ~ 1 , ,~ ... ' "'--. , ---. £ ~~cai,.t. ! ' -; . _/,:..,." ~ ~-t, , A --. -,. P,-.. ot " ._ JC .... ·. -r. , ' I . --" ' .... -· . A-,_ • ..... . .... -~ -" -.... • . . . ., ~ ..... --' . -, .............. ._ !I, .. --. • (}~,; I _..... • .J' •. ,_J I ' .. --. -_ . • I ' • ' . / ZiAt:(~ j hr..,,: r c r ~_J) 1.....:.t· t:~ y<J-taQ;;;; ,, ne er&, u~ NOd: - ' -1 -. . ~~~~~~~ ~2ld11~ ~-:r:-tr ~lit.ttd. .z.2, -JU.() 'I I i ' I ' ' I I . SIGNED ('f."f/ .J;/,~-J 1M1 • • • • 5E"."'. 23. 2004 8: 59AM J1-·-WLRD r-.o,. :;i . -·····--···-·-·------~-------- bo111plli!nt 97·1325 Webb Investigated by Pai Simmons 09/22/ll7 I . I went to site and talked to Ms. Webb about the problem with n ~h b«sill ill hcr)'ard 1llAt oonncct,i e cross cul\-ert and road dnwlage pipe to a pipe that COllvey& the willer to. a ditch In the South part ofhor parcel. This is a brick cctch ba.iin that probably build when SE 192"' Street was paved In the 60's Md bus worked for mBlly year. · · ' The problm appc11r1 to 'be that a spring has <leVelopod abo~t 4 IO 5 feet down ai1d has eroded tho 101i from lll'OWld/die caJM boain fot a number of ye!lrfl and reee11tly the ground on tho lllllface oollapscd orc1ting a hole about:? feet across and 2 feet wide lllld 4 to S feet deep, Tho day I was on s!to waler wenunnlng from tho sp1•ing Inti, the e11tx:b basin. ; The catcli basin Is approximately 30 feet from ll1e 0111w of the road and ls well hicldon in !he aces and . oth11r landscaping oflhe yard. I told het lhatRoads may ba ~loto help wl!b this pz;oblera as both pipes are from road drahlage. l also =d that maybe the catch bMin wwi lnsllllled by tho buildet of the house' and if that was the oue sho may be responsible for tho repair . ; i 18",CMP Pipe Road Dltd> • J. · COllasped Area j Webb 10859 i i . SE 192n St. Gravel Drlve:,vay • 18" Conaeto Pipe • • • S:'.P • 23. 2004 '3 : 00AM K~WLRD ·---------"--------- DATBr Janwu:y_ a, 1998 'FIU: TO: I· FROM: ' JB!i'F JACOBSON RB: BNGINEE!UNQ BVAl.tr.A'rIOll FOR COMPLAINT 11"0, I 97•1325; Webb COMPr..ri.r= cmtONOLOG't' 1 ioa1c;INAL, : n11m =, ll'XELlJ EVA.t.: : OLD FJ:I.3S i . 9/10/97 9/22/97, O'J./07/97 'bl/A IIACltCilROllffll 1 I t"rlle complainant: Hves :1.zi a s 0 !.ngle•family res:l.denoa al,;,ng SB u2nd Street, An old briol<. catch basin sits :l.11 the northea111t corner o:f tha oomplainant'm yard, The cateh bastn conveys flow from t:ha 11Crth and west t:o the soubh. A 4 -foot plua airuchole has formed along t:ll.e 11out:hern and of t:b.e oetoh basin, rt· appears a spring-has develope_d in this area oauai.11g the area to erode away,· I did 11ot aee any str:uot:ural·problem to the catch basin despite its age and circumstance. I 11'.:rm):i:N'GSI . ,i The probli,m doa'a not meet all of the NDAP project eriteria listed below, therefore, it does not quaJ.:Lfy for assistance Up4er the NDA program. I • '1'he problem site :l.11 within tbe Dmt eerv1oe area 111>d doeg not involve e King County (KC) oode violation. • 'rhe p;r:Oblem site shows evidence of or reported localized flooding, aroaion and/or a•d.imentat:Lon within the off.~oad drainage system on private residential and/or 00<1111\ercial property due to later ~scream develop~.enc. • 'l'he problem is not caused by surfaoa water from more than . ca" ad:I o:i.n:l.11g-proi,erty. : SOil,S: / AOoor<iing to the ICC soils map, the sit• is looaced in the :fol.lowing soil. association, I . . !ALDERWOOD ASSOCIATION: Moderately well drained unclulating to : h:1.lly eoila t:hlit: have dense, very el.owly permeable srlaoial till at a depth of 20 to ,o inc~es, on u~lan.ds and terraces . l ·• '· • • • S::'.P.23.2004 9>00AM . 'l, Fill in the ui:,lchole with a combination of 8-inch plus rock ed. gi:avel overlaid witlt !Ut:.er fabric,, 11pproximataly :z-cub.io yarda of material will be needed to fill in'the hole, j2. Replaoe t:he briak oatch basin witl1 a new type-I oatah badn, Provide a 6 or e-inah inlet for the spring; XMll'A.C'l' SCOR!I a lO i PROPOS&D ~O~t1TXOW1 !Option numl:>er l. is the moat cost effective solution to the afore~entioned d.rainage pl"Oblemi however, the prol:>lem does not meet the crite1ia estal:>lished..fcr ac:ceptanae into the NllA p:rogram. The file was olased as a private problem. »RXORX'l'Y scorui: •.N/A ' ' 2 :1o ., •. ... r • 11~ 1-"'-'" I •~ ; ; L,__r' . _ Pk. I '"' · 1,._ I l toe ·l)UJ . l_J a:;: W.=t A f:l-~1 ·~ I... ~-,ei!,/4-tso.zs (2ao.ss' ,m,16 ~ -. .:~-ri---- :· o_. f N i-~1 ------- 1 , • 'E -.-~=;-.. I : ~=~=~J. __ _ ,· IJt " I-p 0 ;l : ll ·~ t--~ b.l .,., ..l b.. <C B. cl J) V) f ~ -~---r,;~& -- !: -~o 4 :x: .... Cl) 0 ---------- PANTH BENSinN , r ·2 T 3 g S.P. 281014•...: (II ti . ~ =-_-;;_;;-_---.... ;:-.:'..'::. ~l r-------- ~Jr ·--,~'H3ARDEN •4 . I ;'.:f\ . ' ' !'.::; -~ ''[I] II ,a· .. II "' II I! 1S?J9 BUILDING D Ml! ~_,g i+~-~ ;_'Y.! ~-r.~-: .. LEGEND APf'RoX. STORIES IJ"""1 HOUSE NUIIRFR Im, I . I I I I I 37 ~-_,.,y.·' • ~~c. ~- kfp;p 1· · -\Z::,IJ,I ~' o 1700'1--.\ Y.i~\ 1 ~ l ~ l ~-~~ I ~ 7 "" ~,. I '"' I r--;;;,s,--L' .1.l 1:1~<~( ,: ' I I jlis<21 I l_,g_ I ·1 I " I r;-, I .b:'-L __ , I I I I < "---' ' ... ·u· ··u I --~, ' + \, l r \ > \ .... ~ 1\ ' ) . ' • ' \\ , .... , r~ ~... r.., \ o, ,, '--' '\;~ ' ___ J ,_ . \ ----------------~---- :l ----I --")_£-----, --------~-_.. --- ,m ~ I i~C\ . ,:'-: .,UU.U-" Watk;: Dis1. u -1 NPJ?.8@} f'"' ._ ~ II tt)WIU !?. : ..., ft II wE ~ 1.32.Ac.. ~ .... \_ ... _), @ --11 @ lBQ_ ~l.08Ac. i:!I @) rE i,,.56 -- ~ cb[t][b • ,-;-;: ::S.E'."'189TH: L N: ~rr,f:lrnd q l..:i...J .... 'I Lt :1 f3 ' i I /. Youngs L. Oke I! Housing Er ~ ,,E] L3' r,, " ~ 111u;l "' LJ n~ I, 14, 1 l ' King Cty. Housing Au1hority ( I' , ~. '--.::::s.E.-190TH:u rn v 1.95Ac. Cfil rn ill ® 'j:' ---',: • 2 ,,,,--- ' ~ 15Ac. ,'~ ~ -~@ Ji . ·nn-0 ~·· -, , . -,, 98M 1 .&'ll'llae --__ _. ___ _ l"tV, ii:;r,:ir I•'-' I SEP 22.~004 U:01AM l<C.._WLRD IIIIIJ County Water 81111 lanU BllamlrcBS Dlvlalan • lll'alollll9 S11J'Vlo88 Slllll:lan . • ComplalJtt Belll'CII Printed : 91~/2004 7:36:20 AM --l'Yfl8 TYPe or Prulllam Ml-883 Df Pl'llb181R CIBllliaUta TbrosPaue lllmlb9r CadU 1976-0076 C FLOG RO WYIFLD'0/112TH AV!; SEISE 186TH ST e86E2 1976-0078 C DRNG 18845 105THAVE SE 68603 197~026 C DRNG 19405 104THAVE SE SEPTIC ORAIN FleLD CONCERNS 88603 1978-0030 C ORNG SUMMI TPIT @ 11011 SE 192ND Si 68602 1978-0033 C ORNG 11011 SE 192N0ST BLKD STORM WATeR DRAINWY/SUMMIT 68602 197&-0026 C DRNG 20201! 108THAVE SE 686E3 1979-0047 C 11403 SE 204TH ST ·SOIL BULLOOZEDIPANTHl:R LK AReA 686E2 1980-0076 C FLOG 20204 10611-MVE SE ·,, , ·, . ' 158803 1981--009<4 C FLDCl 10404 SE 194TH ?L INAOEQUATe RO DRNG 68603 1881-0096 C FLOG 10836 SE 190TH ST . YARD 68802 1982-0208 C FLOG 11~ se 188TH E~,9SJON 688D2 198~0190 C FLOG 20004 106THA\/E -. .. .... ~ se . B,ASEMl:Ni 88803 1983-01'a4 C DRNG 108TH AVE SE 686E3 1983-0'99 C 10860 SE 198TH FILLING & GRADING !18EiE3 1984-0094 C FLOG 18814 110TH CT SE 88802 1884-0095 C FLDG 20204 106THAVE SE 6S6E3 1985°0827 C VIOLATE 10300 se 192NO ST roo.1.s. 686D2 1ea,.1 n2 E VIOLATE 19236 107THAI/E se DIS RESP. FOR ENF. 88803 • 1986-11 !1 C FLOG 11325 SE 176THS.. FM NEIGHBOR 68802 1986-1010 C PL.AT 18700 102NDAVE SE WIDEN SHORT PLAT/102NO AVE SE 68802 1aae.1rn6 c· FLOG 11202 SE 186T/:1,ST S:roRM OVERFLOW 6B8E2 1886-1165 C FLOG 11202 SE 188THST SEE: B8-118S BRYANT, BILL esee2 1866-1190 C FLOG 11001 SE 186THST BASEMENT GErrlNG WATER B88E2 1987-0314 C FLOG 10028 SE lllOTH ST ROAD CULVERT DISCHARGE ON PROPER 88802 1987-0334 c. DRNG 11202 SE 188TH ST CU~VERTS BLOCKED 86•1166,1185 686E2 1987-0342 C RID 10600 SE 188TH ST FACILllY NOT FUNCTIONING 8860.7 19874!7~ C FLOO 11202 se 188TH ST SPRING GLEN 88-1168, 1 Hl8 688E2 1987-0MS C DRNG 18627 109TH AVE SE INADEQUATE SYSTEM 66BE2 1987-07~;( C DRNG 18616 102ND AVE SE! OEBRl·EASEMT 8i:18806-18816 102ND AV 6SB02 1987-07~2 ER DEBRIS 18816 102NDAVE SE AREA HAS BEEN CLEANED 88802 1ss1-09e.1 C ORNG 19218 102NOAVE sE DOWNSPOUTS NOT CONNSCTEO/NO DRY B8603 1987-096., C DRNCl 19218 103ROAVe SE INFILTRATION SYSTEM NOT INSTALLED 68603 1987-102'1 C DRNG 18626 102NO,AVE SE R/S DITCH & CULVERT INSTALLED 88802 1987-11-411 C FLOG 1BB50 103RD CT SI: . PIPE TO HIGH /'OR PONO 68602 1988·0183 C FLOG 18030 102NDAVE se SPRINGBROOK AREA 68602 1988-0193 ER 19030 102NDAVE OH/TO BALD FOR INFO. 08113/88. 68602 1988-0220 C FLDCl 18882 103ROCT se AID PONO IS FLOODING PROPERTY 68602 Pago1o!6 • N0.287 P,3/7 S\'.P, 22, 2004 . 11: 02AM Kr--._WLRD Cfflq)la!J1t Type TYIID or Pl'oblaDI Al1t'll8I Df Pl'obim CpllDRBlltl lllPIII P81111 IIIIIIIJel' ~ • 194a.0324 X OF!NO 192111 102NDAVE SE @ PARKRIOGE !:AST-SURFACE WTR ORN 88603 1988-0462 C ORNG 19e21 104TH AVE SE DITCH/ENCLOSING $8803 198a.o&94 C ORNG 19101 104TH PL SE NEIGHBORS WATER EROSION eaeo2 1989-0044 C EROSION 10308 SE 196TH ST DRNG PIPE 8·1 OFT FALL aaeo3 1989~221 C ORNG 19120 104TH PL SE WATER OVER SIDEWALK 68602 1989-C221 EH CRNG!SW (OS-PLT). 6B5D2 1989-0650 C ORNG 18631 111THPL SE SM/ ORNG AND DAMAGE 6S6E2 1 ess-r.,,63 C ESMT 19101 104THPL SE GRADING PERMIT89-0729, 727 . 6S6D2 1889-0672 C ORNG 18828 102NDAVE SE BLKD EASMT 886D2 1888-C-700 X DRNG ·1a531 111TH PL SE .WATER ON SIDEWALKIBQ.0650 FRITON G88E2 1989-0~27 C ORNG 19026 104Tl{PL SE W~TER OVER FLOODED R/0 POND 89-07 eaeD2 1969-0';'28 C ORNG 19025 104TH_~L .. SE FLLG CIT IN ESMT . ·~· .... . 68602 198Et-0728 ER DRAINAGE 1802ij 104TH PL se FLO CH~ REQD. 88602 1889..0604 C DRNG 18860 102NOAVE sE NEW-ROAD BLOCKING DRAINAGE 68602 1989-0804 ER DRAINAGE 18860 1021110 AVE SE OVLMNT TO SOUTH/CAUSING PROBLEM B88D2 1990-0!)76 C DRNG 11254 SE 186TH ST PL.UGGED CULVERT/STORM 686E2 199().0078. C DRNG 10404 se 194TH PL sroRM 68603 1980-007e. NOA DRNG 10404 SE 184TH PLACe STORM l:VENT • LOW IMPACT 68803 1980•014' C FLOG 18400 112TH AVE SE POND OVERFLOW/90-0149,235,372/STOR 88$1:2 1990-0149 C FLOG 11202 SE 188TH ST RID POND OVERFLOW/ROBERT/ STORM E 588=2 1990.0231 C DRNG 18425 112THAVE SE RIO PONO OVERFLOW/SiORM 90-274,37 68652 1880-0235 C FLOG 11202 SE 1813TH ST · WATER IN BASE:MeNT/STORMr~0-141.149, 686E2 • 1990-0274 C FLOG 11022 SI: 184'n-l PL RIO PONO FLOODED/STORM 686E2 1990.0342 C FLOG 11202 SE 180Tf·l_~T RID POND/ROBERT/ STORM EVENT 686E2 1890·03?2 X ORNG 11202 se 186TH ST R/O·PONOS OVERFLOW9/90.141,149,235,2 688E2 1990-07(18 CL FLOG 18504 112Tli AVE se CL#12959 SEE CL#13224 oue DECEMBE 6S8E2 19~().()884 C DRNG 18427 112TH AVE SE 1W POND DRAINAGE/STORM 886E2 1990-0114 l C P!Pe 20080 104TH PL SE SUB STANDARD IN DITCH 68803 1990.094·: E SSTOPIPE ReLEAse LETTER PREPARED 68603 1990-097,j C ORNG 19246 107TH AVE SE DEBRIS IN DITCH 68802 1990-1081 CL FLOG 11202 SE 186TH ST CL#13224 see CL#129S9 GARAGE FLOO 8881:2 1990.1186 CL FLOG 11044 SE 186TH ST MEMO/RUOOELLS STUDY TC PA 888E2 1990-1212 (. DITCH 11044 SE 188TH ST RO/SIDI: orrcH-FILl../90-1100 688E2 1880-1212 E FILUDIT 11044 se 188TH ST WILL START WORK 09120 CHK ON 09/30/9 6881;2 .1990-1212 ER l'ILLIOIT 11044 se 186~ST RUDELLS STUDY 688!:2 1990-1226 C DRNG 18616 107TH,A\/E Si= F~OOOEO 8ASEMENT/13AO ROADWAY 68SE2 1991J.1319 C CRNG 11044 SE 186TH ST NEAR HOUSE/EILOCKEO DRAINAGE: B8602 1991).1319 ER DRNG 11044. SE 186THS;r. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 88602 1990-1428 E ORNG 192ND Se 10411-i PL se COMPLeTED WORK 1$ ADEQUATE 88802 1990-1428 EFl ORNG 18200 104TH PL SE F'ENCES IN DRNG CHANNEL 68602 • llV•'-'-'' SE;., 22. 2004 11 : 02AM Kc;;_. WLR!) CM\l!llllllt : TYPa or Pl'Slll8HI Miras DI PrOOlalll ' CanmlJ. lbrosPaae IIIJll!mr • 1990,,1445 C DRNCl 18427 112TH AVE SE Ff/0 PONO OVERFLOWING TO STUDY/91-1 6B0E2 19g().1491 C ClRNG 19000 104TH PL SE TO•PM&O FOR INFO 68602 199Q-1630 SR FLOG 18427 112'11i AVE SE STORM EVENT 60BE2 19S0-1531 SR FLOG 18427 112TH AVE SE STORM EVENT NOT NDAP 6861:2 1Q91-0150 C DANG 18624 112THAVE se S8GE2 1991-ClMO SR DRNG 18624 112TH AVE SE NOTNDAP 6B6e2 1991-0196 C FLOG 18425 11.2THAVE SE 61)6E2 1991-019( SR F'LOG 18425 112TH AVE SE NOTNDAP 686::2 1991-025;l C DRNG 11254 SE 186TH ST 68'682 1991-03;;0 C ORNG 10856 SE 192ND ORIV!:WAY PONDING 886D3 10e1-03,~a C ,LOG 11214 SE 1aer11. ST 1.,eva OF PANTHER LAKE/STORM EVENT 68BE3 1891-0338 SR PLDG 11214 SE 1116TH ST STORM EVENT NOT NOAP G8BE3 1091·0~38 s, SPK.TO FINISH S1 314 • 62 TO '92 CON S88E2 1991-0,!89 C FLOG 18425 112TH AVE se RUOELLS STUDY 91-0438/POND FL00DIN 68~02 1991-11,583 C EROSION 10300 SE 2001"H ST SPRINGBROOK ORK: OVERFLOWS BaS03 1991-0683 SR EROSION 10300 SE' 200TH oT SPRINGBROOKCRK:PARKRIOGEeASTR/0; 88603 1991-0E!Si CL DRNG 18427 112TH AVE SE SEE 91-0438 SEE RUODELLS 686E2 1991-0~79 C R/DPONO 18!351 103RD CT SE TRFOSWMFM 686D2 1991.0800 C PLG PIPE 18627 110THAVE SE OLD 4' IN LINE 68602 1981-0817 C FLOODING 18851 103RD CT . Sl'l RIO PONO BACKUP 68602 1 se1-oe,1 C OAMAGECB 10001 110THAVE SE C/B BELOW GRADE 686E2 1991-09,6 ,, FLOODING 11058 SE 186TH ST RUDOEL'S FIRST ADD STUDY 68602 , • 1991-10.15 C DRAINAGE 18860 102NOAV SE NEIGHBOR FILLED LOT 68602 ·1991-1046 SR DRAINAGE 18860 102NDAV SE NOT NDAP-INFO ONLY 68602 · 1991-1086 C FLOG 11200 SI: 186TH ST RUDDELL POND OVERFLOW 68GE2 19i11-11W LS !'LOCOING 19300 108THAVE SE 8861:S 1gs1-11s:? C DRAINAGI: 18006 116TH AVE SE INFOTOPM&D 689E2 1991-1149 X FLOG RID 11200 SE 184TH sr CCF# SWM-1031 RID POND CAPICITY 686E2 19Q1•115(, C DRAINAGE 11007 SE 1serH·sT INFO TO BALD OIU./PARKINCl LOT EXPAN 61!6E3 1992-0099 C DRAINAGE 10858 SE 182ND 68802 199.2-0099 PN DRAINAGE 108515 se 192ND TO SN1 69602 1992-009H SN1 DRAINAGE 10656 SE 192ND 68602 1992·02H C ORG/OEVL 2216 N 30TH ST., STE210 CHINQUAPIN RIDGE 68602 1992,04611 C FILL 10847 SI: 1~6TH ST PANTHER LAKE OUTLET 68BD3 199:),060:: C ORNG 27423 111THAVE se CLOSE TO 93-0823 66803 1994°001C C FLOODING 11007 Se 1S6THST PANTHER LK OUTLET -TO BE STuOIEO B86D3 1 e94-001ri NOA FLOODING 11007 SE 1913TH ST PANTMeR LK OUTLET· REf'O TO BP 686D3 1994-0010 RN FLOODINO 11007 SE 100TH ST PANTHER LK OlJTU:T. TO BE STUDIED 68603 1994-0022 C DRNG 19406 1oeTHAVE SE 68808 1994,-00S<l C PONDING . 11430 SE 192N0ST POSS GRADING/FILLING VIOLATION 686E2 Paga 3 of6 • ',.,.., __ . g;_p. 22. i::004 11: 03AM KC.WLRD Cllll1lfallJt 1YJ19 rypser PrabJ8m All!lru8S of~ C~118111a lbro& Pllll8 tlllllilm' Cllllo . • 1994-0117 X DRIIIG 11.400 SI: 196TH ST ·111·0 RESPONSE: FM JS , NO REPLY NEC!;$ 158803 1994-0498 C DITCH 19701 121ST AVE se GRAVEL DUMPED IN ROADSIDE DITCH 688E3 1994-0/!58 wcic OUMPIIIIG 19914 106THAVE SE PRUNING$ IN ROADSIDE DITCH 886D3 1sea.022e woe MUD FLOW SE 1118TH & 118TH A SE RFOOES GRADING S86E3 1995-0343 WQC POLLUTIO 18929 111THPL SE SEPTIC OR SEWER? DRAINAGe?? 68602 1986-0343 WQR POLLUTIO 18929. 111THPL SE SEPTIC DISCHARGE TO STORM eseoz 1~::J594 C DITCH 19803 121S'I' AVE SE Reauesr TO ENCLOSE R/S DITCH 886E3 1 s11s::oes1 woe OIL•CB 19236 108THAVE SE APT COMPLEX WNEHICLEi MAINT PROS 88602 19915-.: 631 WOE wooo 19236 10BTHA\/E SE APT COMPLEX WNEHICL.E MAINT Pl'\08 C 686D2 i995•('ll74 C FLOODING 19701 121ST AV"(!; SE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION IN R/S DITCH 6BBE3 1996-.1067 C RUNOFF 18631 121$'f AV5 SE EROSION FROM Nf2N SCHOOL CONST 686E3 19;16..r.137 C RUNOFF 10e.56 se 192ND ~!. OFFSITE FLOW FROM UPBASIN DEVELOP 68602 1996-0137 SN 1 RUN OFF 10886 OE 192N0ST ADJ DEV MAY HELP REDUCE OFF•SITE FL 68602 1886-0243 C ORNG 10631 121ST AV'ii SE DOWNSTREAM IMPACT SCHOOL DEV5LO 886E3 1ges.oeoe C DRNG 19400 120TH AVE SE DRAINOE FLOW QUESTION DEVELOP INF GS8E2 1996-1154 C R/OPONO 18648 111THPL SE wrrr SACK Y~.RO FOR FORESTl:D AREA 68802 1996-1233 C FLOG 19Q10 118TH AVE SE GROUNDWATER IMPACT TO PVT PROP 8S6E3 1998·1684. C DRNG 18908 113TH WAY SE PRIVATE PROPERTY IMPACT TO PVT ORN 68852 1996·1613 C FLOC3 19910 118TH AVE SE ROOF DRNS PLUGGED PVT PROS 68Se3 1096-2115 C DRNG 10656 se 192ND ST NO VISIT CLOSE TO Qe-0137 eae02 1897-0n92 C VEGETATI 10810 Se 196TH ST PMT NEEDED :I. CLR OTCH? CL K.ZIMMER 88803 1997.0;71 C FLOG 11007 se 198TH ST WETI.ANO PONDING LAKE: OUTLET ELEV 88803 • 1S97-0Mi C DRAINAGE 19422 108iHAVE SE QRADJNQ ACTIVITY IMPACT PVT PROP 88603 19117•0MO C DRAINAGE 20248 106THAVE SE SATURATED SOIL MAYBE seWER OR WA 6S6D3 i991-T0\'3 C STRMDJ:IN 19BOB 108THAVE SE SEWER MAINT ACTIVl1Y FENCE DAMAGE 613603 1ser-11:: . .3 C GRADING 18908 '113THWAY SE PVT PROP IMPACT NO ORNG INSTALLED 68GE2 1997.11:,3 R GRADING 18906 · 113TliWAY SE PVT PROP IMPACT NO DRNG INSTALLED 68SE2 1a97-13:'.5 C ca 10859 SE 192ND ST SRICK BUIL j ca UNDERMINED BY SPRIN 686D2 1997-1326 NOA CB 10859 SE 182NDST BRICK BUILT CB UNDERMINED BY SPRI:,./ 68602 -, 1997-1326 ,, CB 10859 se 192ND ST BRICK SUIL T CB UNDERMINED BY SPRIN e86D2 1997-1335 FOR MAINT. 11129 SE 189TH PL NF.'/'/ FAC. MAINT NEEDS OWNERSHIP QU e88D2 1997-1550 C FLOODING 19631 121ST AVE se PVT PROP IMPACTS UPBASIN 01:VELOPM 68653 1987-1560 R FLOODING 19631 121STAVE SE PVT PROP IMPACTS UPBASIN OE!VELOPM saeE3 1987-1650 S1 FLOODING 19631 121STAVE SE PVT PROP IMPACTS UPBASIN DEVELOPM S86E3 1aea.oorn C DRAINAGE 19016 116THAVE SE NE'N GRAVEL, RD POSSIBLE PVi PROP IM 6861;2 1998-005/i C DRAJNAGE 18820 116TH AVE se SFR CONST IMPACTING ADJACENT PROP 6851:2 198S-01n C DRAJNAOEi 10856 SE 192ND ST OFFS/Tl: FLOW IMPACTING PVT PROP 68602 1998-021\: C DRAINAGE · 1000s · 106THAVE SE 81:RM CONST ALLEGED IMPACT TO PVT P ·88603 1Q9e-OB9~ R DRAINAGE: 11,221 108l!,t AVE SE REQUEST TO ReALIGN DRAINAGE CHANN 68602 1 989-0300 C DRAINAGE 1181B SE 188TH ST ADJACENT PROP PAVED 2500 SQ FT 88652 Page <4 of 6 • N0.267 t-',b/f ~ : ~pa et PNllJlam Auiroaa ar Prllblem Can1Qeul8 hPllllll Nmr • 1999-vS49 X FLOODING 11007 se 1811TH ST OLLIE BURTON PROBLEM 68803 1999,-0723 C ORAINAGE 1S620 106THAVE SE ROAD DITCH PROBLEM 68603 189ll-0812 woe DUMPING 19238 107TH AVE SE Rl;QU FOR INFO MCL NO DUMPING IUENT 60002 2000-0523 FCR MMG 181$31 106THAVE SE FENCE AROUND RID PONO DAMAGED AS 68602 2000-057~ C DOM ACROS 18029 120TH AVE SE APPARENT FILLING Or: ROADSIDE DITCH. G88E2 2000-0~72 R OOM ACROS 18029120TH AVE SE APPARENT FILLINO OF ROADSIDE orrcH. 686E2 2000,0660 C DOM 1oa10 se 198TH ST REQU!lST TO CLEAR OUTLET CHANNEL F 88603 2000.oero C DOM 10847 SE 198TH ST CONCl:RN Rli:GAROINQ OUTLET CHANNE 88603 2001,r:,181 C DOM 119TH AV!: SE & SE 106 QROUNDWATER DISCHARGE OVER SIDE 688E3 2001,1:360 FCC MMG 12025 SE 196THST OFFS/TE FLOW ONTO PRIVATE PROPERT 6B6E3 2001-'1360 NOA· MMG 12025 SE 198THST OFFSITE FLOW ONTO PRIVATE PROPERT 6661:3 ..... 200HJJ60 R MMG 12025 SE 196TH ST , .. 9FF~ITE FLOW ONTO PRIVATE PROPERT 686!'!3 -. 2001-0547 WQP WQP 11010 se 192/\ID 68602 2001-0565 WQA WQPD 19300 108THAVE se AUDIT COMPLrno OUE TO NEW PERMIT 68602 2001-(1707 C 0DM 10621 se 196TH ST STORM EVENT: FLOODING OF PROPERT 68SD3 2001,0~0T NOA• DOM 10621 SE 186TH ST STORM EVENT: FL.OCDING OF PROPl:RT 68603· 2001-0''07 R DOM 10621 se 1915TH ST STORM EV.ENT: FLOODING OF PROPERT 68603 2001-0"62 C DOM 11214 SE 196TH ST FLOODING OF PASTURE AND PROPERlY. iS8603 2001-oa43 C DOM 19620 106THAVE SE ALLEGED FLOODING OF D/W AND YARD. 68803 2002,004c woe WQD WOF108THAVENE &S DUMPING OF BOX SPRING INTO PANTHE 68602 2002-0091 Fl REM 19222 108TH AVE se . SWM#72 REMl=ASURE COMPLcTEO. REM 68602 2002-034,, C DOM 18919 111TH PLSE APPARENT DOWNSTREAM RESTRICTION 68502 • 2002-03•-<i l'l!:r DOM 16919 111TH PL SE APPARENT DOWNSTREAM RESTRICTION 66602 2002.03"19 FCR MNM 18631 105TH A\i'E SE 2 SHOPPING CARTS 11-IROWN INTO PONO 68602 2002-0Sf,3 ~ OTA 18013 114TH CT SE CONCERN REGARDING POSSIBLE SLOUC3 688f:2 ~ 2002.os,,s FOR MNW. 18631 106THAVE SE REQUEST TO REMOVE TANSY RAGWORT 6B8D2 2002•05/JO FCR MNW 19260 117TH Pl. SE REQUEST TO REMOVE TANSY RAGWORT -686E3 2002•0i' 13 FCR MNM 18927 111TH PL SE TRACT B VEGETATION GROWTH f:!ESTRIC 68802 2002-07:;e FCC MNM 1g235 1oaTH A'Je se COMMERCIAL RID FACILITY NOT FUCTION 68802 2003-0146 WQC WQO SE19N & 106TH AVE SE ALLEGED PUMPING INTO STORM. INVES 68602 2003.02~0 C DOA 11465 SE 196TH ST APPARENT DIRT BERM CONSTRUCTION. ll86E3 2003'i,!3·: R OCA 11465 SE 100TH ST APPARENT DIRT BERM CONSTRUCTION. 888!:3 2003·029h FCC DOM 19800 108TH AVE SE COMPl.AINT CONCERNS ACTIVE PERMIT 68803 2003-0S)8 FOR MNW 18123 113TH WAY SE 88602 2003-072!1 Fl REM 10926 SE 189TH ST 68602 2003·0776 •• , REM 18800 108THAVE SE REQUEST TO DETli:RMINE IMPERVIOUS 6 686D3 2003·0847 .. DOM 19230 118THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFS/TE C 6891:2 ., 2003-0847 R. DOM 19230 118THAVESE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF OFFS/TE C 6661:2 2003-0660 C OTA 18627 110nl Pl.SE APPARENT OBSTRUCTION OF 4-INCH LOT 886D2 2003-0913 WOA WOAI SE 102N & 108TH A VI: Si: 68602 Pago B ota • SEP.22.2004 '. 11:04AM KC.WLRD ' Clllltllallrt IY~D lYJlB or Problum AltlmaB or Probfaln · CoiJID8Jlt8 lb'oal'U Nunllllr COde : • 2003--0973 WQA WQAI 19238 107THAVE SE WQA Pl:R MCl. REQUIREMENTS 68602 2004-0277 CL l~Q 19422 108THAVE SE CLAIM RELATED TO THI: DAMAGE: OF REN 68603 2004-0297 FCR MMA · 2D127 106TH AVE SE REFD TO DOSS. l.89P3019-MURPH!:YS LA 88603 20CJ4.0310 WQA WQA/ 10S2S se 200TH ST 66603 -2004-0413 C DOM 10848 se 192ND ST e.rnail to DOES 66802 2004-04QJ FCC OTA ' 18630 108TH AVE SF. Any legal restrlctlons on p4ridn9 on ecoees to 68002 2004-0536 FCR MNM 194-06 116THAVE SE Bloawale fillecf In? lnY01Stlgallcn ,hows no blo 686E3 2004-0664 Fl REM 1940.0 108THAVE SE 68602 • Pag•6of S • ~--------------------- -· TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION • • • TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION A field i,:ispection was conducted on September 15, 2003 to inspect the onsite drainage system of the site. Offsite drainage systems were also inspected downstri:3am approximately 1/4 mile(s) from the discharge point of the site. The inspection involved investigation of the ten specific items of a Level 1 Inspection per the King County Surface Water Design Manual, 2005. The inspection yielded the following findings: 1. There were no existing or potential problems observed. 2. The existing drainage system capacity was adequate. 3. There were no existing or potential flooding problems. 4. There were no existing or potential sedimentation, scouring or bank;sloughing problems. 5. No significant destruction of aquatic habitat or organisms was noticeable. 6. Qualitative data such as land use, impervious surfaces, topography, and soil types was noted and can be found in Task 4 information. • 7. Information was collected on pipes, ditches, and structures. This information is also included in the Task 4 information. 8. Tributary basins delineated in Task 1 were verified. 9. No neighbors were contacted. 10. The:weather conditions at the time of the inspection were cool and cloudy . • • • • TASK 4 DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS • • • TASK 4 ! DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONS Site Drainage This project is located at 11328 SE 192nd St. in Renton, Washington. The property 1 is approximately .51 acres. The property will be divided into four residential lots. These lots will gain access from a proposed private access tract off of SE 192nd St. The property has an existing single family home and garage. The remainder of the property is covered with mostly grass with a few trees and shrubs, and a gravel d~veway. The existing site drainage sheet flows from the north to the south. "'!o significant amounts of upstream flow enter the site. I Soils on this site consist of Alderwood gravely, sandy loam; 0 to 6 percent slope (AgB). : ' Offsite Drainage An Off~ite Analysis Drainage System Table is provided on the next page that describes in detail the offsite drainage components at least % mile downstream from theiproject discharge location. Please refer to the offsite drainage map in Task 1 b~cause the map symbols listed in the table correspond to drainage component symbols on the offsite drainage maps . • Basin: Black River ····---· -------.. ---- Symbol Drainage Component Type, Name, and Size see map · Type: sheet flow, swale, stream, channel, pipe, pond; Size: diameter, surface area A 10" PVC with catch basins B Flows into Jocked drainage structure C Flows across to the south side of SE 192°d St and into a 18" CMP pipe D Stream 4' wide 3' deep 98-4\inB04 • OFF-SITE ANALYSIS DRAINAGE SYSTEM TABLE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL, CORE REQUIREMENT #2 • Subbasin Name: Subbasin Number: ··-----·-... . .. -... Drainage Slope Distance Existing · ·Potential Observations of field Component from site Problems Problems inspector, resource Descriotion discharae reviewer, or resident drainage basin, vegetation, % Y. ml = 1,320 ft. constrictions, under capacity, ponding, tributary area, likelihood of problem, ~ver, depth, type of sensitive overtopplng, flooding, habitat or organism overflow pathways, potential Impacts area, volume destruction, scouring, bank slough_ing, sedimentation, incision, other erosion Flows west along SE 0-420' none none No problems observed J 92"d Street Flows west along SE 420' -893" none none No problems observed 192nd Street Flows south and 893' -1113' none none No problems observed dumps into a stream Flows south into 1113'-1320' none none No problems observed wetland . Covered with blackberries, trees and grass ----------------- • ! lf ASK 5 MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR , POTENTIAL PROBLEMS • • • • • ! i TASK 5 j MITIGATION OF EXISTING OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS I After a thorough field inspection and a detailed resource review there were no I existing, !or potential problems. The proposed improvements will not produce a significant impact to the existing drainage patterns once the site has been stabilized and the runoff has been controlled via driveway dispersion, and down spout diJpersion trenches. · ! A tempotary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be created at the final design stage to minimize the transport of sediment laden runoff to the downstream conveyance system . • • • APPENDIX THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT • • • I ' THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT I The below figures represent the impervious surface calculations for this project. I Developed impervious: I I 4 new hbmes & driveways@2200 each New roJd, sidewalks & frontage improvements Total I RemovJ1 of existing home and driveway · Net Total 8,800 sf 3.430 sf 12,230 sf -3,532 sf 8,698 sf Per Seclion 1.1.2, this project qualifies for Small site drainage review. ' I i • • • APPENDIX B BMP AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS • • • BMP CALCULATIONS (for Dispersion trenches) A 1 O' trEinch is allowed to receive runoff from 700 SF of impervious surface. We are allowing 2200 SF of impervious surface per lot. I ! i Length qf trench needed per lot: (2200nOO)*( 10) = 31.4', Use a total of 32' of trench per lot. I We chose to use two 1 O' trenches in combination with a 12' trench for each lot. I I 10+10+12 = 32' Therefore OK. ' i ~------------------------------------ • • • Project Description Worksheet 12"RCP@4.5% Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Slope 0.045000 ft/fl Depth 1.00 ft Diameter 1.00 ft Results Discharge 7.56 els Flow Area 0.8 ft' Wetted Perimeter 3.14 ft Top Width 0.00 ft Critical Depth 0.98 ft Percent Full 100.0 % Critical Slope ~.040418 ft/fl Velocity I 9.62 ft/s I Velocity Head I 1.44 ft I Specillc Energy 2.44 ft Froude Number 0.00 Maximum 8.13 els Discharge Discharge Full 7.56 els Slope Full 0.045000 ft/fl Flow Type NIA i c:\haestad\fmw\2004-139. fm2 8117/200811:23:18AM ~-------------------------------------------------- • • • APPENDIX C TIR WORKSHEETS, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL, & BOND QUANTITIES I WORKSHEET • • • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Project Owner GV/1 DEV SIN ,;H Phone (i+JS) 271 -I 718 Address l?Joo 1°'t~ f'LIJCE ff, REfJT•JJ LvA 110 f, I Project Engineer P 1'1JL fJ ITIM DY, P. E. Company c~Af1Ei /J•trll"'HT IJJ(. Phone (2 t;J) 9;2 -11-li'Bo Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION &!' Landuse Services Subdivison / Short Subd. / UPD D Building Services M/F / Commerical I SFR D Clearing and Grading 0 Right-of-Way Use D Other Part 5 PLAN AND REPORT INFORMATION Technical Information Report Type of Drainage Review Full / {targete)> I (circle): Large Site Date {include revision I 1/ ~ /:i-J dates}: Date of Final: Part 6 ADJUSTMENT APPROVALS Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Name GU~~EV SIN(;H $ Jlb'1' fLfl DOES Permit# Lo~'$ 0 oo j Location Township 13 fJ~TH Range S-f /tST Section 12 --=----- Site Address I /Jl8 SE I J1,.J fT ffNT•JI, wt, Jto !i!, Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS D DFW HPA D Shoreline D COE404 Management D DOE Dam Safety D Structural RockeryNaultl __ 0 FEMA Floodplain 0 ESA Section 7 D COE Wetlands D Other Site Improvement Plan (Engr. Plans) Type {circle one): ~/ Modified I I Site Date (include revision il/ S" }2,oo/ dates): Date of Final: Type (circle one): Standard / Complex / Preapplication / Experimental/ Blanket Description: {include conditions in TIR Section 2) Date of AMroval: 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1 1/1/05 • • • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIA) WORKSHEET Part 7 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monitoring Required: Yes I No Describe: Start Date: Completion Date: Part 8 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community Plan: ___________ _ Special District Overlays: _____________________ _ Drainage Basin: BLIKK R ,m Stormwater Requirements: --------------------- Part 9 ONSITE ANO ADJACENT SENSITIVE AREAS 0 River/Stream --------- 0 Lake 0 1Nettands _________ _ 0 Closed Depression -------0 Floodplain _________ _ 0 Other __________ _ Part 10 SOILS Soil Type Slopes A,_g .... ,% 0 High Groundwater Table (within 5 feet) 0 Other 0 Additional Sheets Attached 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 2 0 Steep Slope -------- 0 Erosion Hazard ------- 0 Landslide Hazard------- 0 Coal Mine Hazard ______ _ 0 Seismic Hazard ------- 0 Habitat Protection-------0 _________ _ Erosion Potential SI..I GltT 0 Sole Source Aquifer 0 Seeps/Springs l/l/05 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIA) WORKSHEET • Part 11 DRAINAGE DESIGN LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION I SITE CONSTRAINT D Cor§l 2 -Offsite Anal~Si§ D Sensitive/Critical Areas D §EeA 0 Qlher D D Additional Sheets Attached Part 12 TIA SUMMARY SHEET lorovide one TIA Summary Sheet oar Threshold Discharge Area} Threshold Discharge Area: I name or descriotionl Core Requirements (all 8 apply) DischarQe at Natural Location Number of Natural DischarQe Locations: I l!otrD Hf11 Offsite Analysis Level: (J)I 2 I 3 dated: t:" I 2 ~ /'1•• i;- • Flow Control Level: 1 / 2 / 3 or Exemption Number (incl. facilitv summarv sheet\ Small Site BMPs D•'WJISl0 111 b1!fl't!J•J, n'~,.c11rr Conveyance System Spill containment located at: Erosion and Sediment Control ESC Site Supervisor: Contact Phone: After Hours Phone: Maintenance and Operation Responsibility: Private / Public If Private, Maintenance Loa Reauired: Yes I No Financial Guarantees and Provided: Yes / No Liabilitv Water Quality Type: Basic / Sens. Lake / Enhanced Basicm / Bog (include facility summary sheet) or Exemption No. 1 Landscaoe ManaQement Plan: Yes I No Soeclal Reaulrements (as aoollcable) Area Specific Drainage Type: CDA / SDO / MOP/ BP / LMP / Shared Fae. / None R""uirements Name: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation ·Type: Major / Minor I Exemption t{None) ~ 100-year Base Flood Elevation (or range): Datum: Flood Protection Facilities Describe: Source Control Describe landuse: (comm./lndustrial landuse) Describe any structural controls: • 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 3 1/1/05 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIA) WORKSHEET • Oil Control High-use Site: Yes/~ Treatment BMP: Maintenance Agreement: Yes / No with whom? Other Dralnaae Structures Describe: Part 13 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION e!J Clearing Limits 2sl Stabilize Exposed Surfaces 3 Cover Measures es Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities £8 Perimeter Protection {!!I Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris Ensure Qil Traffic Area Stabilization Operation of Permanent Facilities Cl Sediment Retention CJ Flag Limits of SAO and open space Cl Surface Water Control preservation areas Cl Other asl Dust Control ~ Construction Seouence • Part 14 STORMWATER FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS {Note: Include Facilitv Summarv and Sketch) Flow Control T voe/Description Water Qualitv Tvr.e/Descriotion Cl Detention CJ Biofiltration Cl Infiltration Cl Wetpool Cl Regional Facility CJ Media Filtration Cl Shared Facility Cl Oil Control l:3 Small Site BMPs /JD"""~ PouT Oi!P(Ml•II ~~fJCJ/~ Cl Spill Control CJ Other CJ Small Site BMPs CJ Other • 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 4 1/1/05 • • • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIA) WORKSHEET Part 15 EASEMENTS/TRACTS Part 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS CJ Drainage'Easement Q Cast in Place Vault CJ Access Easement CJ Retaining Wall CJ Native Growth Protection Covenant Q Rockery> 4' High Cl Tract CJ Structural on Steep Slope Cl Other a Other Part 17 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I, or a civil engineer under my supervision, have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated Into this worksheet and the attached Technical Information Report. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. f-/-l,/jl:,,c'5 I f-f. /1/>'. /2.ooi .-ned!Date 2005 Surface Water Design Manual 1/1/05 5 APPENDIX A MA!NTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5-CATCH BASINS • Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed General Trash & Debris Trash or debris of more than Y.t cubic foot which No Trash or debris located (Includes Sediment) is located immediately in front of the catch basin immediately in front of catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by opening. more than 10%. Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds 1/3 the No trash or debris in the catch depth from the bottom of basin to invert the basin. lowest pipe into or out of the basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or more than 1 /3 of Its height. debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate No dead animals or vegetation odors that could cause complaints or dangerous present within the catch basin. gases (e.g., methane). Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in No condition present which would volume. attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Comer of frame extends more than % Inch past Frame is even with curb. Frame and/or Top curb face into the street (If applicable). Slab Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches Top slab is free of holes and cracks. or cracks wider than X inch (intent is to make sure all materfal is running into basin). Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., Frame is sitting flush on top slab. separation of more than ~ inch of the frame from the top slab. Cracks in Basin Cracks wider than v; Inch and longer than 3 feet, Basin replaced or repaired to design • Walls/Bottom any evidence of soil particles entering catch standards. basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Cracks wider than Y2 inch and longer than 1 foot No cracks more than 1/4 inch wide at at the joint of any inleUoutlet pipe or any the joint of inleUoutlet pipe. evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. SettlemenU Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated Basin replaced or repaired to design Misalignment more than 2 iriches out of alignment. standards. Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas, oil No flammable chemicals present. and gasoline. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more No vegetation blocking opening to than 10% of the basin opening. basin. Vegetation growing in inleUoutlet pipe joints that No vegetation or root growth is more than 6 inches tall and less than 6 inches present. apart. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than '!.1i cubic No pollutlon present other than foot per three feet of basin length. surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any Catch basin cover is closed open catch basin requires maintenance. Locking Mechanism Mechanism cannot be opened by on Mechanism opens with proper tools. Not Working maintenance pe~on with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less than X inch of thread. Cover Difficult to One maintenance person cannot remove lid after Cover can be removed by one Remove applying 80 lbs. of lift; intent is keep cover from maintenance person. sealing off access to maintenance. • Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, Ladder meets design standards and mlsallgnment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. allows maintenance person safe access. 1/24/2005 2005 Surface Water Design Manual -Appendix A A-6 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUJREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEYANCE, AND WQ FACILITIES NO. 5 -CATCH BASINS • Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance is performed Metal Grates Unsafe Grate Grate with opening wider than 7/B inch. Grate opening meets design (If Applicable) Opening standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% Grate free of trash and debris. of grate surface. Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards . • • APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOW CONTROL, CONVEY ANGE, AND WQ F AGILITIES . NO. 10-CONVEYANCE PIPES AND DITCHES • Maintenance Defect or Problem Conditions When Maintenance Is Needed Results Expected When Component Maintenance Is Performed Pipes Sediment & Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the Pipe cleaned of all sediment and diameter of the pipe. debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water All vegetation removed so water through pipes. flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is causing Pipe repaired or replaced. more than 50% deterioration to any part of pipe. - Any dent that decreases the cross section area Pipe repaired or replaced. of pipe by more than 20%. Open Ditches Trash & Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 Trash and debris deared from square feet of ditch and slopes. ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the Ditch cleaned/flushed of all design depth. sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water Water flows freely through ditches. through ditches. Erosion Damage to See "Detention PondsM Table No. 1 See ~Detention Ponds~ Table No. 1 Slopes Rock Lining Out of Maintenance person can see native soil beneath Replace rocks to design standards. Place or Missing (If the rock lining. Applicable) . • • • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 @) King County Department of Development & Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98055-1219 206-296-6600 TIY 206-296-7217 Project Name: GURDEV SINGH SHORT PLAT Location: 11328 SE 192ND ST Clearing greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? ~~~~~~ yes If yes, Forest Practice Permit Number: (RCW 76.09) Page 1 of9 Bond-qunatity.xls X no For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600. Date: 12/5/2006 Project No.: L05S0009 Activity No.: L06SR010 Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit Prices are from RS Means data adjusted for the Seattle area or from local sources if not included in the RS Means database. Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 ,_.:·, ·,_,.;;,,'.:"::·,/: -;:/: :.:.· .< _. __ ·,-·;,,, ."';·· .. -~ ,,~-,~:-_~ .. _ ,,. <.'~ )!illt•·;· .. ;•. ·-' ~: .. ;:.--·. #·of-·~:~ ,., __ \·-__ :-"~-. ' . . . ·x·: . . ... . l. '. . . Reference# . . . Price :. . Unit . Quantitv .. . Aftnllcatlons·.. '·" ·cost l . EROSION/SEDIMENTcCONTROL · 0 • ·. Number ·. · . .: ' " ' ' · · • .. · . · '., ' .. 'C· . '. ·. Backfill & comcaction-embankment ESC-1 $ 5.62 CY Check dams, 4" minus rock ESC-2 SWDM $ 67.51 Each Crushed surfacina 1 1/4" minus ESC-3 · WSDOT 9-03.9(31 $ 85.45 CY Ditching ESC-4 $ 8.08 CY Excavation-bulk ESC-5 $ 1.50 CY Fence, silt ESC~ SWDM $ 1.38 LF 366 1 505 Fence, Temoorary (NGPEl ESC-7 $ 1.38 LF Hvdroseedina ESC-$ SWDM $ 0.59 SY 900 1 531 Jute Mesh ESC-9 SWDM $ 1.45 SY Mulch, bv hand, straw, 3" deep ESC-10 SWDM $ 2.01 SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deep ESC-11 SWDM $ 0.53 SY Picina, temnnrarv, CPP, 6" ESC-12 $ 10.70 LF Piping, temoorary, CPP, 8" ESC-13 $ 16.10 LF Picina, temnnrarv, CPP, 12" ESC-14 $ 20.70 LF Plastic covertng, 6mm thick, sandbaaaed ESC-15 SWDM 5.42.3 $ 2.30 SY Ric Rae, machine claced; slo""s ESC-16 WSDOT 9-13.1121 $ 39.08 CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1' ESC-17 SWDM $ 1,464.34 Each 0.4 1 586 Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1' ESC-18 SWDM $ 2,928.68 Each Sediment pond rtser assembly ESC-19 SWDM $ 1,949.38 Each Sediment trac, 5' hiah berm ESC-20 SWDM $ 17.91 LF Sed. trap, 5' hiah, rionmped spillway berm section ESC-21 SWDM $ 68.54 LF Seedina, bv hand ESC-22 SWDM $ 0.51 SY Sodding, 1" deep, level ground ESC-23 SWDM $ 6.03 SY Soddina, 1" deec, slooed around ESC-24 SWDM $ 7.45 SY TESC Supervisor ESC-25 $ 74.75 HR 1 2 150 Water truck, dust control ESC-26 SWDM 5.4. 7 $ 97. 75 HR 1 2 196 WRITE-IN-ITEMS**** lsee nane 91. · ... Page 2 of9 Bond-qunatity.xls INLET PROTECTION $ 20.00 Each 3 1 60 ESC SUBTOTAL: 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: ESCTOTAL: COLUMN: $ 2,026.82 $ 608.04 $ 2,634.86 A Unit prtces updated: 02/12/02 Version: 04/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 • "'' ....... ·-~ •' '" -,-· .• . ' · .. ,, ' '/: - ·"" _, .. ,~ . .; _:;~' ,~ ,, -,;;..: .. ··:, '.-·,· ,:, ... ; cl • ,·_;;. •• :,. _, ', -;-_, ~:; -,..,., '·. ( .. • , .. ·, ; ,, . -' -.. .. GENE'""' ITEMS . . No .. -, .. ·._ Backfill & Comoaction-embankment Gl-1 Backlill & Compaction-trench Gl-2 Clear/Remove Brush, bv hand Gl-3 Clearino/GrubbinllfTree Removal Gl-4 Excavation -bulk Gl-5 Excavation -Trench Gl-6 Fencina, cedar, 6' hich Gl-7 Fencina, chain link, vinvl coated, 6' high Gl-8 Fencina, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 2 Gl-9 Fencina, split rail. 3' high Gl-1 Fill & compact -common barrow GI -11 Fill & compact -aravel base Gl-1 Fill & comoad -screened tormnil Gl-1 Gabion, 12" deeo, stone filled mesh GI -14 Gabion, 18" deeo, stone filled mesh Gl-15 Gabion, 36" deep, stone filled mesh Gl-1 Gradina, fine, bv hand Gl-11 Gradina, fine, with grader GI -18 Monuments, 3' long Gl-19 Sensitive Areas Sign Gl-21 Soddlna, 1" deep, slooed around Gl-21 Surve\rina, line & arada Gl-22 Survevinn, lot location/lines Gl-23 Traffic control crew ( 2 flannen, l Gl-24 Trail, 4" chinnPd wood Gl-21 Trail, 4" crushed cinder Gl-26 Trail, 4" too course Gl-2; Wall, retainina, concrete Gl-28 Wall, rocker; Gl-29 Pege 3 of9 "KCC 27A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond-qunatity.xls Site Improvement sld Quantity Worksheet Web-11/21/2005 •-.•· --:f)' , '•, '."·· ·,. -.-· 'U~t Unit Price ' $ 5.62 CY $ 8.53 CY $ 0.36 SY $ 8,876.16 Acre $ 1.50 CY $ 4.06 CY $ 18.55 LF $ 13.44 LF $ 1,271.81 Each $ 12.12 LF $ 22.57 CY $ 25.48 CY $ 37.85 CY $ 54.31 SY $ 74.85 SY $ 132.48 SY $ 2.02 SY $ 0.95 SY $ 135.13 Each $ 2.88 Each $ 7.46 SY $ 788.26 Dav $ 1.556.64 Acre $ 85.18 HR $ 7.59 SY $ 8.33 SY $ 8.19 SY $ 44.16 SF $ 9.49 SF SUBTOTAL -. -.. -~ ... .. ,,_•,·0-.--;· ,,_ .. -_., ... ·~ _..,,,, . ·--• a' "" · . I~ -':?{.~1~:!:!.t,: .·. '.". . : .· . ·. Future Public • , ' ,, Roaif lmpioYe;;,_nts ; ' -'" . " ., --·s. . ;:-' i.'oni1mi...;'Fllcl1~' , ; I'. .. ,,-. ~. ; --'.Ca:;t · ·· ~~ 'Quant. · ··., .. ,-; Quant. . .... :cosf - . ·--.' :/._'.·_~ .. : :~ · .... · . .,· ._,-,. . . . .. ' .. - 132 125.40 8 681.44 62 588.38 1,395.22 '. '/-, lm~;.:ti{~( ., :Quantity Completed' · ,- ,;; ·. ·(llond ReducJlon)'.'' · ,: -,. ·, ' ,, ~ <auan(-, ~:·-~ ' ,c,' . ' .. ·,· , Quant.· ;,: .;'·cos{'•'.,-: Comi>krte /: )bo£tc ; .-, . . ' 250 111 1 0.51 1 . " .. '. ' .. ·-. " 375.00 105.45 788.26 793.89 9.49 2,072.09 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 • Site Improvement sld Quantity Worksheet • Webdate: 11/21/2005 .; . • _c'" -:···.'.,:: _' _ :\ , _ ._-. _ ,l:!<~tlng•,~-•::'. l'C .JF~~~Publl~'.' " -:Pn,va~._-_.,--_:• BondReductlon(':- --. Right-of-way-; ,Roadlmprovernents ·-Improvements,_. c. ,., __ ___ .. . ____ :• "_--•---. ir.ora1naeei:ac11111.-s<' --_ ·; •.. ;>. qua•Jl-1''.< ,, ..... •-.. •. , .. , .. _ , : ·· UnltPrice Unit Quant.-).·,. CosL. ··Quant.).,/.·· Cost· .Quant.· •-,c::: CosH .. ,-·· Corrioletel·/;'.,·.-. Cost;_;\, ROAD IMPROVEMENT .. No, .. ---· ' ' --_ . -~ . --· . ~~ ~ AC Grindina, 4' wide machine < 1 OOOsv RI -1 $ 23.00 SY AC Grindina, 4' wide machine 1000-20111 RI -2 $ 5.75 SY AC Grindina, 4' wide machine > 2000sv RI -3 $ 1.38 SY ACRemovaVDisoosaVRe=ir Rl-4 $ 41.14 SY 22 905.08 Barricade, ""'e I RI -5 $ 30.03 LF Barricade, tvne Ill ( Permanent ) RI -6 $ 45.05 LF Curb & Gutter, rolled RI -7 $ 13.27 LF Curb & Gutter, vertical RI -8 $ 9.69 LF 176 1,705.44 45 436.05 Curb and Gutter, demolition and disoosa RI -9 $ 13.58 LF Curb, extruded a=halt RI -10 $ 2.44 LF Curb, extruded conaete RI -11 $ 2.56 LF Sawcut, a•nhalt, 3" deoth Rl-12 $ 1.85 LF 193 357.05 Sawcut, concrete, oer 1" deoth RI -13 $ 1.69 LF Sealant, asphalt Rl-14 $ 0.99 LF 193 191.07 Shoulder, AC I see AC road unit orice ' RI -15 $ -SY Shoulder, aravel, 4" thick RI -16 $ 7.53 SY Sidewalk, 4" thick RI -17 $ 30.52 SY 127 3,876.04 Sidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and dispos RI -18 $ 27.73 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick RI -19 $ 34.94 SY Sidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and disnns RI -20 $ 34.65 SY Sian, handicao RI -21 $ 85.28 Each Striclno, =r stall RI -22 $ 5.82 Each Strioina, thermootastic, I for crosswalk l RI -23 $ 2.38 SF Striping, 4" reflectorized line RI -24 $ 0.25 LF Page4of9 *KCC 27A authorizes onty one bond reduction. Bond-qunatity.xls SUBTOTAL 7,034.68 436.05 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 • ·,, .. - Site Improvement Efnd Quantity Worksheet Webtt 11121/2005 ---, I -· 1,· ---: ' < .. , ; ::'·. ex1s11no "Rlght'<!f...,,.y ' : futu'!'l~.bl!c c. --P!'vaiii--=:-Bond Reduction• . _ , Road lmpi:l)~!"9"ts: . ,c . I : & Dralna a Facllltlea. : . "·: ' : ; , ,:I Unit Price "T Uritt",f .Quant f. ·cost· ., -' ~--Quant ' ~Cost -\.Quant.· ::\Cost' ROAD SURFACING\"'_· (4" Rock= 2.5hase·& 1$'top cxiurseJ Fot'9iKCRS ( ~5"B6g<=j.:_b'!~_& 1SJop COlJfSe)_" -·---- For KCRS '93, /additional 2.5" basel add RS -1 AC Over!=, 1.5" AC RS-2 AC Overlay, 2" AC RS-3 IAC Road, 2", 4" rock, Fin,t 2500 SY RS-4 AC Road, 2", 4" rock, Div. over 2500SY RS-5 AC Road, 3", 4" rock, First 2500 SY RS-6 IAC Road, 3", 4" rock, otv, over 2500 SY RS-7 'AC Road, 5", Firat 2500 SY RS-8 IAC Road, 5", Qtv. Over 2500 SY RS-9 1AC Road, 6", First 2500 SY RS-1 AC Road, 6", Qty, Over 2500 SY RS-1 !Asphalt Treated Base, 4" thick IRs-1 Gravel Road. 4" rock, First 2500 SY IAs -1 Gravel Road, 4" rock, Div. over 2500 SY IRs-1 PCC Road, 5", no base, over 2500 SY RS-1 PCC Road, 6", no base, over 2500 SY RS-1 Thickened Edge RS-1 Page 5 of9 "KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond-qunatity.xls $ 3.60 SY $ 7.39 SY $ 8.75 SY 1 io9iil 9,537,5iil $ 17.24 SY I I I 1 1 $ 13.36 SY $ 19.69 SY $ 15,81 SY $ 14.57 SY $ 13.94 SY I ' I I I $ 16,76 SY $ 16.12 SY $ 9.21 SY 1 1321 _ 1,215.72 $ 11.41 SY $ 7.53 SY $ 21.51 SY $ 21.87 SY $ 6.89 LF SUBTOTAL 10,753,22 11il ' -· . ., . -<-·---' . --'--,-_, 1,913.64 --. ' - 1,913.64 Un~ prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 II _j • Site Improvement sld Quantity Worksheet Web .1/2112005 . ' f.:'. -,_ _, -. · 'Existing · . · . Future Public ·· • rt1gi,1.;c,,:...~y' -· Road 1mjiiovJ~.~.,,' . & Drainage Facllltles . c ,, l~~~t:i~~t;'':}>_c-·::_• ~-~-~---~- ~o ' ' ,~" '"I' . I Unit-Price'" l:unit·l Quant; 1--' '.-. Cost .Quant,-Cost • · Quant: -·Costs;,. DRAINAGE (CPP = Coirugate<!PJ~~tic,_ejpe,1'!_12 oi_l;quivalent).:°'---~For Culvert PVC ~same as SOiid . ----,----,~ IAccess Road, RID D -1 $ 16.74 SY Bollards -fixed D -2 I ! 240.74 I Each Bollards ~ removable D -3 I S 452.34 I Each • (CBs include frame and lidl 'CB Type I D-4 $ 1,257.64 Each I CB Type IL D-5 $ 1,433.59 ~ CB Type II, 48" diameter D-6 !_2,033.57 Each for additional depth over 4' D-7 I$ 436.52 FT CB Type II, 54" diameter D-8112,192.54 ~ for additional depth over 4' D-9 I! 486.53 FT CB Type II, 60" diameter D-10112,351.52 ~ for additionaJ depth over 4' D -11 I $ 536.54 rr.. CB Type II, 72" diameter D -121 $ 3,212.64 ~ for additional d~ over 4' D -131 ! 692.21 rr.. !Through-curb Inlet FramewcrkJAdd) D-141 $ 366.09 Each ICleanout, PVC, 4" D-151! 130.55 Each Cleanout,_P\/C, 6" D -161 ! 174.90 Each Cleanout, PVQ, 8" D-171 $ 224.19 ~ .Culvert, PVC. 4" D-181! 8.64 !:!: Culvert, PVC, 6" D -191 ! 12.60 !:!: Culvert, PVC, 8" D -201 ! 13.33 LF Culvert, PVC, 12" D-211 $ 21.77 !:!: Culvert, CMP, 8" D -221 $ 17.25 !:!: Culvert, CMP, 12" D-23 $ 26.45 LF Culvert, CMP, 15" D-24 $ 32.73 !:!: Culvert, CMP, 18'' D -25 $ 37.74 !:!: Culvert, CMP, 24" D-26 $ 53.33 LF Culvert,_f:~P. 30" D-27 $ 71.45 !:!: Culvert,CMP, 36" D-28 $ 112.11 !:!: Culvert, CMP, 48" D-29 $ 140.83 LF Culvert, CMP, 80" D-30 $ 235.45 !:!: Culvert, CMP, 72' D-31 $ 302.58 LF Page 6 of 9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27A authorizes onfy one bond reduction. Bond..qunatity.xls 21 2,515.28 250 2,515.28 3,150.00 3,150.00 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/1512006 • Site Improvement and Quantity Worksheet • Web date: 11/21/2005 i, > : ' I { ,,, ,,;;,~,,, ,, ~-'-·_'', ne,j > .i.·;_.,,. _'-Futu_-_._Jf/ Publ\c: DRAINAGE'.CONTINUED ' ' IL.· -No. Junlt Price , Culvert~Conaete, 8" D-321 $ 21.02 Culvert, Concrf!te1 12" D -331 $ 30,05 :cutvert, Conae!e1 15" D-341 ! 37,34 iCulvert, Con_aete, 18" D-351 $ 44.51 Culvert, Concrete, 24" D -361 ! 61.07 Culvert, Con,:,ete, 30" D-371$ 104,18 Culvert, Conaete, 36" D-381S 137.63 Culvert, Conaete, 42" D-391 $ 158.42 Culvert, Concrete, 48" D -401 $ 175,94 Culvert~CPP, 6" D-41 I$ 10.70 Culvert,CPP,8" ID-421 ! 16.10 Culvert, CPP, 12" ID -431 $ 20.70 Culvert, CPP, 15" ID -441 ! 23.00 Culvert,CPP,18" ID-451 $ 27.60 Culvert, CPP, 24" ID -46 I $ 36.80 Culvert, CPP, 30" ID -471 ! 48.30 Culvert, CPP, 36" ID -48 I S 55,20 Ditching ID-491 $ MS Flow Dispersal Trench (1,436base+) ID-SOI$ 25,99 French Drain (3' depth) ID -51 I $ 22,60 Geotextile, laid in trench, polypropylene I D -52 I $ 2.40 lnfillraUon pond testing ID -531 ! 74.75 Mid-tank Access Riser, 48" dla, 6' deep I D -54 f S 1,605.40 Pond Overflow i,pmway ID -55 I ! 14.01 Restrictor/Oil Separator~" ID -56 I !J..,045.19 Restrictor/Oil Separator~ I D -57 I $ 1,095,56 Restrictor/Oil Separator.1 18" D-581 $1,146.16 Riprap, placed D -591 $ 39,08 Tank End Reducer (36" diamete!)_ D -60 I J !.,000.50 Trash Rack, 12" D -61 I $ 211.97 Trash Rack, 15" D-621 $ 237.27 Trash Rack, 18" D -631 $ 288.89 !Trash Rack, 21" D -641 $ 306.84 Page 7 of9 SUBTOTAL *KCC 27 A authorizes only one bond reduction. Bond-qunatity,xls . . Rlght'Of-way , · . . !{oad Improvements · ·· · '\ -, .. , & Drainage FacUltiee ~f.;.,~ '. Unit)'. Quant. : Cost Quant.• I · Cost LF LF I 4 120.2 LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF CY LF LF SY HR Each SY Each ~ Each CY Each Each Each Each Each 120.2 ·:· .-Private-. B0nd ReductlOll* ,;;,provemenis ··_ .. ''.QuanC "'a='"ua~n""t"'. _,-,..;...:,.;."'c.::.os"'t----''----1. . 6~1111'1~~ ·• Cost· 128 4762.72 4762,72 Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 • Site Improvement aid Quantity Worksheet Web-11/21/2005 ' :.Bond Reduction•. ·· < ExlstJrig'-_, F\ifure Public ·.: ·:_Private . . ,-.. . :-. , Rlght..,f-,y · . ,., · Jmpro\'8~ .. . ._ .·-~ " . Quant.. , UnilPrice ' Unit · Quant. Prtce. Cosl : Quant> Cost Complete co'st PARKING LOT:SURFACING No. 2" AC. 2" top course rock & 4"" borrow I PL -11 $ 15.84 SY 2" AC,__1J;" top course & 2.5" base courf PL -21 ! 17.24 SY 14" select borrow I PL -3 I $ 4.55 SY 1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base course I PL -4 I ! 11.41 SY WRITE-IN'ITEMS -. - Such as detention/water quality vaults.) No. Wl-1 Each Wl-2 SY Wl-3 CY Wl-4 LF Wl-5 FT Wl-6 Wl-7 Wl-8 Wl-9 WI~ 10 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL (SUM ALL PAGES): 30% CONTINGENCY & MOBILIZATION: Page Bof9 *KCC 27 A authorizes onty one bond reduction. Bond-qunatity.xls GRANDTOTAL: COLUMN: . 21,818.60 6,545.58 28,364.18 B C 12,334.50 3,700.35 16,034.85 D E Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006 rt • • • Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet Web date: 11/21/2005 Original bond computations prepared by: Name: PAUL NITARDY, P.E. Date: 12/5/2006 PE Registration Number: 40404 Tel. #: (253)852-4880 Firm Name: CRAMER NORTHWEST, INC. . - Address: 945 N. CENTRAL, STE #104 Project No: L05S0009 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS & DRAINAGE FACILITIES FINANCIAL GUARANTEE REQUIREMENTS Stabilization/Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) PERFORMANCE BOND" AMOUNT (A) $ 2,634.9 Existing Right-of-Way Improvements 1 (B) $ 28,364.2 Future Public Road Improvements & Drainage Facilitie (C) _:$:_ _______ _ Private Improvements (D) $ 16,034.8 Calculated Quantity Completed Total Right-of Way and/or Site Restoration Bond*/** (First $7,500 of bond" shall be cash.) Performance Bond* Amount (A+B+C+D) = TOTAL Reduced Performance Bond* Total-· Maintenance/Defect Bond* Total NAME OF PERSON PREPARING BOND" REDUCTION: (A+B) $ 30,999.0 (T) $ 47,033.9 Minimum bond' amount 1s $1000. BOND" AMOUNT REQUIRED AT RECORDING OR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY"- (E) ....:$"--------~ Tx0.30 $ 14,110.2 OR (T-E) $ 47,033.9 Use larger of Tx30% or (T-E) Date: • NOTE: The word "bond• as used in· this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to King County. -NOTE: KCC 27A authorizes right of way and site restoration bonds to be combined when both are required. PUBLIC ROAD & DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE/DEFECT BOND" (B+C) x 0.25 = $ 7,091.0 The restoration requirement shall include the total cost for all TESC as a minimum, not a maximum. In addition, corrective work, both on-and off-site needs to be inciuded. Quantities shall reflect worse case scenarios not just minimum requirements. For example, if a salmonid stream may be damaged, some estimated costs for restoration needs to be reflected in this amount. The 30% contingency and mobilization costs are computed in this quantity . .,.,. NOTE: Per KCC 27A, total bond amounts remaining after reduction shall not be less than 30% of the original amount (T) or as revised by major design changes. SURETY BOND RIDER NOTE: If a bond rider is used, minimum additional performance bond shall be ! $ 16,034.8 !(C+D)-E REQUIRED BOND* AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND MODIFICATION BY ODES Page 9of9 Bond-qunatity.xls Check out the ODES Web site at www.metrokc.gov/ddes Unit prices updated: 02/12/02 Version: 4/22/02 Report Date: 12/15/2006