HomeMy WebLinkAboutCatholic Community Services Cheryl Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name 044.6; ( ynvY . Program name AftS 5. �K ff 021 �Q 4I S� Question 8„Or '. ,. i , F ganational��Experienie A. Experience 1. The organi ational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The ssucce es are in Renton and/or South King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought • 1- ,es 1 Point GtAdapaltl444d.al VNo 0 Points leiesifiW"Aot arele ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined __Des 1 Point VNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ergs 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Oes 1 Point - ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑N 0 Points W'bon't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 14:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ` I Que`stion�-9 Neecl_F�r, ':e. . r..ograrn' A. Problem Statement li 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County V.Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research d/or experiences. [I] Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targe�pulation is clearly defined ����� Yes 1 Point 01 ,�� /�� `je, ❑ No 0 Point iut//146- C ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • i Ques#ion:�'IO�Proposed�'ProgcamlSerrice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? �❑�Y s 1 Point 4�fNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? I ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑Vo 0 Points ' n't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this a /6 p g= . p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibilit to Renton residents? ' Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro .ded? �,Y� 1 Point 430 LId No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: I points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ❑ Y s 1 Point ti.A.tJ2�0 64 [ No 0 Points LI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points °'e (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the Irguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian mr 44)(01 Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the rogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ff Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pa e:4/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I . \ 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? PD*9 1 Point 0 Points n't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target `, population WI! benefit. es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I i Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage nt and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ' Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eval tion reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ,'Question:f tre tict Range`Plari 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? 1 Point kf 0 Points 'i ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ Y 1 Point M'No 0 Points 1 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I Subtotal this pa. 1/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f SCORES Your name: Cd14,40,EZ Agency Name: -MA' )-/ovse. 41trrAud Program Name: CheA4-e-t-1-8444.4 Page 1 : 3/7 Page 2: 3 /6 Page 3: 4 /6 Page 4: ,/6 TOTAL,,'/25 ) 9. P. 5 H:\HS 0'8\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name Program name e d A c„g, is„......tkri ea,, y'°.T 'CR�,f��-%.y°`^''.Fx:a;.�."�"`�.'. .'.`�'?}.„:T„':'�""i;:S..cn�,n. ...��Te�,.��.nx.�rr��2R S Gues.,tion �8:C rgan zatt nai.Ex e'r,.ience A. Experience 1. The organi tional background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: l es 1 Point I ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. NI es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ❑Y9s 1 Point 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ❑Yes 1 Point 0 0 Points I I Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of rd is clearly stated BoV s 1 Point ❑No 0 Points 1 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I III 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ItUfes 1 Point [No 0 Points I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. Oyes 1 Point LSO 0 Points ❑ Don't kn. , � .t addressed: 0 points l I Subtotal this pag p. l l H:\1HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc .I I Question<:97-14eed Fo.r the°Progrram I �I A. Problem Statement I 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research d/or experiences. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population ril 3. The targe opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point mka .h? {hy' ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points duestion iffii posed:P ti&iii7Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: -Qt,# t 1 es,41 P.c., ,.(,K. treA LV A- �1 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point �l0 0 Points i ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? p Y Y ❑ Yes 1 Point ['No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/ • -ddressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag: : 1/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ❑ Y s 1 Point 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point )sfl-S ;") No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? Kf-es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the I,riguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 44) Yes 1 Point '11/1AAJI4e, ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Y s 1 Point 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag :5 /6 P 3' H:\ IS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? lie: ) s 1 Point tJo 0 Points 1 Li Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes I 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in I measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. i!' es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise Iof management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point I ❑ No O Points ya ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eval ion reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Quetion11:Lo i#,RanQe7Plan, 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? IZI 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. I r 1 Point 0 Points 't know/Not addressed: 0 points A-5 Subtotal this page• /6 I I p• 4I H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: COL:1144a GWV144.041 Agency Name: SovA/C440G5 Program Name: agile.. Eitie&444..) Page 1 : /7 Page2: '1 /6 Page 3: 3 /6 Page 4:24 /g 6 TOTAL ag./25 P•IS H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name Mild eau_ Program name Vf4evienatan ' fatigigAsiL Questron 8>t rgan at onaf=:.E i e'irrence; A. Experience 1. The organi tional background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The.succe ses are in.Renton and/or South King County. 1 -Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The"agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought • rves 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined ( es 1 Point • ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo is clearly stated es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicpy, geography Wes 1 Point ❑No ()Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: • 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. .• ❑Yes 1 Point ❑N 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :4, /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc uestonF9'Need,Foie:the°Prograrir A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County [cYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research d/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined .�,��, FYes 1 Point �Of C���'"'"�l ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Quest or%10 Proposed -Program/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 5 , Laces arAt cad 0.0 /Zd1'1 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point Via. aMmartais �� ❑ No 0 Points �� on't know/Not addressed: 0 points OCrS 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? M/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro ded? �+ Yes 1 Point C.455 it) Xer ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9??: &I4es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? [ilYes 1 Point U No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 4) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the p ogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ubtotal this page /6 p3 I :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specifi agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point Yz❑ No 0 Points pi- S `43 1-e_ ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ale4Actio B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage nt and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eval tion reasonable and adequate? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Quest o : ?:t�7►r p;R' i�g4 Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Hes 1 Point • No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. E44es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points .‘ Subtotal this page /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: alact, eicote_, eaduArbiLi-J Program Name: TAiehhlucturn ciLANA eepAiLttk. Page 1 : 3'/7 Page 2: 4 /6 Page 3: '/6 Page4:c•76 TOTAL 2 f /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc I Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name g, 2k..1..01,waliziati e re%1Adie, C#2 Program name Cam yk, ritit C;2ues iioiaidi iii aticinaitfiper eti` A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Vies 1 Point ❑No ' 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King Rres• 1 Point ❑Na 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agenc has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought VfYes 1 Point ,,gyp ❑No 0 Points lag �lett. ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined FNes 1 Point o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. .Role of Board is clearly stated Ries 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Res 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a cl ar explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in uth King County. • es 1 Point • ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page q /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc dues#itiii.:Need.r6Ed ebf'Proq iii A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ❑ Yes 1 Point 1 ❑ No 0 Points u2 r ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ Yes 1 Point ya fP 7 ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targe opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points dues"tion:10;P O iiii ro iiiiitervice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point ya r/�r ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes ssessments be done in Renton?. Yes 1 Pointfa44611-167 41'r❑ No 0 Points Af4/7t/ ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will seryc,t be physically provided in Renton? v Yes 1. Point , ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points IL. Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? Wes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro ided? VYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (-) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Ft es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Piles 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the prigram collaborate with Renton serving organizations?tota.ejiiver VirYe 1 Point 'o�'D 1/ 0 0 Points 5z4 ri it r .,>//teto Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:'' /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Y- 1 Point 1 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point 7a p f ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage pent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eva ation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 'flue-stion 4:1:Loho;Rance Pali 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? c Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points i1 Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: CA4A1(- lS�i:t Aency Name: atleA e714-ekvaii, Ceti Program Name: n,G eterad4-‘. Page 1 : 1/7 Page 4,5 /6 Page 3: (/6 Page4:`tJC/6 TOTAL g-t /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications C�k Agency name 69114 �� Program name 141 �� C 1, �;>'.,,xv��*a.,.r°i`:€:?:..; _�:�"" ' `=����=� '�..�Sa:^-^'.;'""'.c'�3�."�u..ai�.my�t"s3�' Question:=8a O'rgan1zatlonal�:Experiene' A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ‘ eKes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succe es are in Renton and/or South King County. r 'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agenc has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operati al structure of the agency is clearly defined es 1 Point No e 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Ses 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography DYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in S. g King County. It es 1 Point r No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :16/7 p•, 1 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question 9'Need For`:th'e Program A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiat s need in Renton and/or South King County ' Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research /or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined 0 Yes 1 Point "' 1&AI " 14.1-4/" A "' "v ❑ No 0 Point g'' ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points i di estidi 1:OT P..rap4sedWOlifam/Serv`ed A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points rfri.,Sites: Vall, ��, ��) l 'w , J Aft4.6rr" 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points -on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑� `(es 1 Point 1PW No 0 Points ,❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points At' ( Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4_and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? ❑ Yes 1 Point nii-/' ek.e.mr40: how 0 0 Points EIK Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points def4011. eLcitvu €1141 GG6 i 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? s 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Wes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ N 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: . 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? I ❑ Yes 1 Point 1❑ N 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page I /6 I . p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ao. 1 Point 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. -es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point X-4❑ No 0 Points i ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 11 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Ffcs 1 Point • No 0 Points i ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ;Question 11,Li nq Range Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ❑ Yo 1 Point Vfio 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ❑ s 1 Point r 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 1y Subtotal this pa "' /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: olubt4lre ttodu-tuti Agency Name: Co/14ml. [ki-pit 0.0.4AteA4 i 1Cc eitu U Program Name: PeALW/LC.PAAA. hen , N dt4d> Page 1 : 4 /7 Page 2:LI•S/6 Page 3: l /6 Page 4: 0‘s /6 TOTAL 04/25 11i H: S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name 664.- 1,0 d' Program name n ecorA ues�io`�Y8;Organrzatiolnal'E:E�rt��erie�`c_e;- A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and curren om ents: MYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ISAlo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought , Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined 14Yes 1 Point � 0 Points 4�on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ❑Yes 1 Point 0 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points 7Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. ❑Yes 1 Poin • t No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 • • p. • H:11-1S 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Qwesti iii iiii Foriiiii Program' . Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substanti s need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research apd/or experiences. Yes 1 Point , ❑ No • 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined .[Wes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questiion 10 Pro osed' oro.9 ra n/SetViice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ,,, t, '.s EYes 1 Point (M1� (+�' ) j 1 ❑ No 0 Points P6VPItpti4Aj AfilA0P-4L ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: KQ,y -I 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point 1No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? et U ..e s 1 Point E No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibilit to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be ided? proYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? R4es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the l nguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ® Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 144) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ es 1 Point VNo 0 Points cu4ord ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points W/ 'VW (.6c-w gt4r4 4iri`d .u0.11,4) e.140 ) Subtotal this page: /6 p. 3 411, H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ es 1 Point Adj IDi 0 0 Pointse16.4. ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points I - f eleolefiv\004 B. Performance Measures and Outcomes r- 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target populatio will benefit. IYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of mans ment and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 4.4 W u .Loh es#ioii- Rid 4:Plan 1. Does the man list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan d monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. F1Yes 1 Point No 0 Points 4# ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:P /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: CjiLtf Agency Name: r_ech4,11.80 Program Name: SKC 61A4/.4.4., V)-t&te.A. MAPactia Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: t/6 Page 3: 5 /6 Page 4: 6 /6 TOTAL / /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name 61 62(444c; Program name 2-1—l fK(u , 044ini FO:rgan zatii rya xpe ence A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current VYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. t1es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought [ es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :, Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Boyd is clearly stated Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnici , geography Wes 1 Point • ❑No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in uth King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :7 /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questioaii.-.9:'Need:'For the.Pr.:ogram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantia s need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research 9nd/or experiences. E 'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined 1Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points di-testis:Hi 10'Prapbsed.Program/Service, A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: SeA o ol 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in enton? m/s —s 1 Point r No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servic be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: If/6 p. 2 H.\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? IlKes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? P' es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? 2'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) s 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies miy 9. Does the ogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6 • Subtotal this page: /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [M't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ( i es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ,Question--9.1 Long Range Plan' 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? 11,Xes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. [ f4es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:a e: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: /.k -G+4 Agency Name: e .t4t.e Program Name: ,a-1- Page 1 : 1/7 Page 2: ((/6 Page 3: 0. /6 Page 4: C /6 TOTAL ?,2125 P. 5 HMS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Igency name CIL444 eibtuei rogram name 2'f (r � 44.43 Question Sn Organ zationaf'::EXper Brice Experience 1. The organ)zational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: 'Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. riCKes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Fr;Kes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo5rd is clearly stated Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs irSouth King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :7/7 p. 1 HAILS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question:9:Need:,`For athe;-1?rogram' A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiat s need in Renton and/or South King County [t�'S'ees 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research a d/or experiences. Ryes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Popula "on 3. The targe opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Quoestion 10.ProposedProA�ram/S:ervice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: Pit4JY�/ 2. Will intake /assessments be done in Renton? RYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will seryc,i be physically provided in Renton? ru-Yes 1 Point • ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:60/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibif i to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro 'ded? K Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? es rNo1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients EilKs 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 144) yrYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:6 /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specs agencies/programs in Rento ntioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No O Points ❑ Don't know/Not addr ed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manag ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? s 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :Question:11 Lobo)Range Hari 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? R1)(e's 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. rNes 1 Point o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES . Your name: -/(A414 /46444444 Agency Name: CAAA4P 6-A4•1-4; Program Name: 024 01.4-4. �n�,� iAAA.,2) Page 1 : 7 /7 Page 2: (e /6 Page 3: ' /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name 3Wt4/) rogram name ��,,N � �� re ^c`�;�; •;.;,r'r`ir_."T.X�,S°"�",€ ..�a.g=�i�"'r.���-;ti�ii�:.�.:'.::.">',a Qu si iiiftdrga fi atioiiaTt erreiriLc #�t�� 1,. Experience 1. The organ ational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: `9 Yees 1 Point ❑No 0 Points El Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ( Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agenc has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The opera Tonal structure of the agency is clearly defined (Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated [N'Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points El Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points , 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. Yes 1 Point ElNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ' Subtotal this page :1 /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc QUestiion;,9.Need:F:oir 1h&PrograA . Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substanti s need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research d/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point "— ❑ No 0 Point 9 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points cuestion'10 Pro iosed",Ptr ram/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s where services will be delivered clearly stated? es 1 Point .;fiteptte,, .e,,t,vo ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/ ssessments be done in 1- 9es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servi s be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: '/6 p2 I4:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibili to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they i ntified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pr ided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? I1/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the'anguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 144) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does t�e,rfrogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable ms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manager t and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. • Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? IleAs 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question 4i-Et na iiiiii iti, 1. Does the p n list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? FP/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points LI Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan d monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ' 4, Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: ��e.e tn, 51444) Program Name: iitax-144) Page 1 : 2 /7 Page 2: c /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: c‘/6 TOTAL 01/25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name __O -Aireowee. t,J6060,4%-AILIA/44., Program name (1 011,1 tin uesto`n���Orgarirza#ioral~<Ex�ere��c_e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point Pfvo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. vies 1 Point ❑No 0 Points '❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Vies 1 Point • ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The oper tonal structure of the agency is clearly defined [Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated R'Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography [AYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question-.9_Need For4tlie. Program A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County ❑ es 1 Point V IVo 0 Points N ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points U12.YvvAAdvivv— MA/4"11 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. ❑ �Y s 1 Point Mk ONA tc IO 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target pulation is clearly defined R L Yes 1 Point `KJiewz'w`'0� ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :Qul"estion�✓3 0�l?roposedro.Pro`gram%Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 1-0,16thia (Jt v G• 1 V a SI ( l W itutkozmkt 2. Will intak /assessments be done in Renton? �YYes 1 Point � t`S Si 1/4 ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will seniic5s be physically provided in Renton? [ es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? K[ Yes 1 Point [[]] No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pr ided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? VKIes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ es 1 Point K No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ YES Point 0 W'No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? r❑ 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point r O- " 4" �l0 0 Points ` � - V ❑ oteast_tikes+ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation A- A- 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? CS ACIAM49.. Ik/Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Qrestion : .1! Longr-RanQe.V Plain 1. Does the an list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? F7'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 pointsL-0 Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: Program Name: Page 1 : /7 Page 2: /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL 15 /25 orolo p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ae4./te. Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications LencYname Ocoffilal-Z \ 001),A( A e. Irogram name o2Y--h.014/14--, I �."., '"'y` .,.a,�:;�'d{ram- �=m+,:...»r as >�i�».a.�,...,,,,-,.�.�;.� d',i�°�.."r":;:.^'�' I<;t��estititiT8.ba aaizatrona°f�-Ez�perre o A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ❑Yes 1 Point o . 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points S-12-4 )- 4 2. The succeses are in Renton and/or South King County. s k r es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points 40 iyuc ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agenc has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought es 1 Point �, L �, ❑No 0 Points (D S t S Lid Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined s 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo rd is clearly stated Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnici y, geography es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 Cf) p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ;Q:ues#ionM.9.Need:�Foraa#iie:f Program. AlProblem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County [❑ es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research nd/or experiences. [17�Yes 1 Point Jo 4 6tiAjll ❑ No 0 Points �Q Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ❑ B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined 41-9)1,,,ate ❑ es 1 Point '9(111e4 VNo 0 PointCrelleHAti ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 pointsroal 7- Pialz" Question''!OWoposedTPcogramtServiceavildujiie A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point VT No 0 Points c�„`�lS S1(Iy1 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points o,l..�(.)4 I.r`Q' M )(k-kg Sites: 0" a 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ' ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points 'Don't know/Not-addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ N ;0 Points [ on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibil., to Renton residents? k Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points c^J- nec71414 El Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points C _ ,figtil 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pr ided? n_,�,4d,,oYes 1 Point Ax�w' ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? << Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑� yes 1 Point IKNo 0 Points AO r M- tSL ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Oil 1 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ es 1 Point 0 lam, Irv No 0 Points 0 '"�I ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the rogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? VYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Y s 1 Point • 0 0 Points ��'" Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points S B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point �' ' ' TIstllo 0 Points ANY ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage pent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. [Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points (AIM , ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points V :l V Cii Evaluation 4 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? fes 1 Point Nok rvvirreiWi 0+01')?' No 0 Points Elp (AM 10411P+. Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points S Question /1 Lona'Range Plan 1. Does the gdan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. r❑ es 1 Point No 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 0 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: aki2,4ite. tccitrt,o Agency Name: Program Name: Page 1 : /7 Page 2: /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name Ulm/am-6 Program name COI il/nALytA t4CUS14013 jte-go 61:44 V Mueson=8&=0rq a �; `tiional��EX�ier�en�e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: ^❑�Y s 1 Point • I o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succe ses are in Renton and/or South King County. • 1es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Miles 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined [V]ces 1 Point ❑No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points • 5. Role of Board is clearly stated 'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethpicity, geography EYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. IVElYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question-9>Need Fvr ahe:.Program ., A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substanti s need in Renton and/or South King County [VT Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points S t(v‘� ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points g, 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research apd/or experiences. Yes 1 Point Soh ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ❑ Yes 1 Point not S cc,Q, ❑ N O Point P W,Oon't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questi n'.10�Proposed':,p ogramlS:ervice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? mrio0s 1 Point 0 Points t(Cct ivj..4 INVA4V1 > � Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points S Af t) S- 5Ay" Sites: Ml40 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑� 0 Points [ r Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point Dq 0 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p• 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? gc'es 1 Point a s ilk f4? wa- ..t4A min-et--...0 Points b sifits ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be prov. ed? Yes 1 Point Seg. G 4Y"m-- ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question • �'1��s 1 Point % /6.44‘."/A CFGLJY111441441° No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the pnguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of c Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑,,�s 1 Point L1d'No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the p ogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are spec' 'c agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points r ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 41/GbY1 l�s 1AL B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Mi Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. [-Yes 1 Point ivrfta ❑ No 0 Points CMS% ` 1.c ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (AU. c TT* Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? �❑ s 1 Point MI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Q iestiiiia t5iiiiRan'cgePla % 1. Does the p an list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan yiemonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. oil Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p• 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: Agency Name: 'rogram Name: Page 1 : /7 Page 2: /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications . ' Agency name '11/t,,L9,; 4emuite4 Program name 0uiest an s8,�Or a'rn a on I � . A. Experience 1. The organ' ational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: [Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑�s 1 Point IVNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The ages has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought ("Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The opera onal structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point . ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bard is clearly stated es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Ej 'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is tear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about fit needs i outh King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :k /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questio If heed For the.Program. A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiate need in Renton and/or South King County es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal giv relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research d/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Populat" n 3. The target opulation is clearly defined ),(4.— Yes 1 Point p+- ❑ No 0 Point1' ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points t. �. , -'" .v.;- �....".Pr�.-�_+« ... <w^..+rro^^--......� �yv. ........;......,vim Question T�10 Proposed`°pro'gramService. A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the t•rget population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yam' 1 Point • 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? • ❑ Yes 1 Point 0 Points Ur't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point 13r. 0 Points kno • •ressed: 0 points �• Subtotal this pag: : /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are sped ' agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points 6tne.. /2r' ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addr ssed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point /(9% ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working Iith proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, respdnsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ❑ Yes 1 Point (,fa, ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question:-:i i L inu RaAue Plat 1. Does the p an list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan 50monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag /6 p. 4 H.\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc r . SCORES Your name: ekvie...4.0 AkeM• .) A gency Name: -' 'rogram Name: C -4 Page 1 : (0/7 Page •6 g 3 /6 Page 3: 6 /6 Page 4: 5/6 TOTAL dS/25 P. 5 H \HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name ` /4,1 �U.14, is ,, 024 Pity Program name Voymillaup ? LOA' 44i �on -�. ._,„,s.'sh. ":.�:, - ..wt. e ri, �---r-, . . t' 8 titif ntiatiortai:.;Expe eiiii A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: 2'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point M6 . 0 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for whic'n funds are sought OYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . B. Operational Structure 4. The oper9ional structure of the agency is clearly defined Wes 1 Point ❑No ,, 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of B and is clearly stated es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography MI/Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. IVIYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't kna of addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag ‘ /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questio:>hi:9.J4eed:Fcr:;the Pr©gram, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the •roblem and substantia es need in Renton and/or South King County LlirYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King I ounty), comparisions, research a d/or experiences. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targe)population is clearly defined VJ Yes 1 PointX PT-- ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :i uestiion:10..Pr i.usid Pr i a ram/Bernice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the t-rget population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point V❑ No 0 Points pi- ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point Y9- i) ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servic a physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know iot ads -ssed: 0 points Subtotal this : `/a p96 p. 2 H \HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibil9 to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton corn unity where services will be pro ided? _Ales 1 Point 0 0 Points l ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ( ) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9) es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural ne-ds of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point 0 0 Points VDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point LI N4. 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? V Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag :PI)/6) P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ es 1 Point VI No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target populatic:9 will benefit. lal Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to set answers. Y,es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evalu tion reasonable and adequate? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Q estio,1:1! Long Randi Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan •-monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustain:bility. I/ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f SCORES Your name: NAPAy. 40.4 Agency Name: -YVVWit. Program Name: kiNpAtIQA.4) ADA.0.44147s,e‘d Page 1 : 6 /7 Page 2:4 6 Page 3: S /6 Page 4: 5 /6 TOTALj$'S/25 p. 5 H!\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency �vra name t,�,�,Q ,o[, 4eAA444 - rogramee ' name G� � j' "• e..,,."" >,�.'-s�.i.�:-'`� �.:.•: ',^'<-.�.na�t;.T;.-+:;-ems.>�,�a�w*, ;. , z duestion.8 araantz `tonal` c :eri `n e A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Ys 1 Point VNo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are P(es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points r. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated ICE ers 1 Point . ❑No 0 Points • ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethni • , geography es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a c ear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in outh King County. es 1 Point r � ` ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page 6 /7 H:1HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc truestion CNeed::'Eor-theW0ci ram, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substa tes need in Renton and/or South King County ntiEYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research d/or experiences. Yes glr 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target population is clearly defined ❑ Yes 1 Point s. Pr- , ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question 1 C Pro a D ed Pro`i ram/Se' A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: k6410 01- (.Li ? dr-734,44.4.) , 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? Fos 1 Point 0 Points n't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page '11°/6 p. 2 Ht\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibilit o Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? �❑ s 1 Point Lt No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) �es 1 Point ❑ No ' 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag : //6 P• '3 H:,\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc f i 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Jo es 1 Point 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in • measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Vies 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eval tion reasonable and adequate? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ofi es#ion-`=:7iti g l4an4/e7P iii 1. Does the pl n list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page- /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: illitket; 21-AAA-1-412-• Gt, Agency Name: f. 14AsAirte„cal-/A.6t0,4 iictui Program Name: ae,L.Gt firAsichA,k4.- Page 1 :4 /7 Page 23.r/6 Page 3: 4 /6 Page 4: c/6 TOTAL av s/25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • . I Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name aZtePCTAA"Ca41AetA•tdr Program name rgaar a�ioin�l=�:'Experient`:e A. Experience 1. The organ)zational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: V Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The succe ses are in Renton and/or South King County. ✓Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points '❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 1vs 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The opera onal structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated V1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consume s, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays inform-d and connected about needs irSouth King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 P. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc � ....,.:fig..«,..--...v.... gp....� .. ..s«.. :c- ':,...::Y._".n.....«:: Questiion 9 Need: iiith`e Program, A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County es 1 Point Ir No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. esRCI 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined [Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points aileeffii&Rf;Proposed=Pro°gram/Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly asKs 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: CIO') 6 6140 ,4€.(itG a - 2. Will intakes assessments be done in Renton? Yes 1 Point cnt ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servi s be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessil?ilily to Renton residents? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they i ntified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pr ided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? E Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No O Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ( Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the plogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: c/6 p• 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specifi agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points . Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measur-s and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addre sed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to bet answers. 7Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Res 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questio;41-LOnt Rail e'Pia 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? 1 }4es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan de onstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:66 p. 4 H•\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: VAILtit U-citak• enc Name: . 9,-A u•�.eo 9 Y ,f�.Q ., Program Name: Page 1 : 7 /7 Page 2: ( /6 Page 3: ' /6 Page 4: 6 /6 TOTAL /25 P. 5 H \HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 F nding A plications Fgency name p� , / ± �(�� �Q ' 1� •' v.�LN��elttit. l�-V' rogram name emotreid. ,4 Jt may �.,;:;:.-..,:_. �@,.. I u io�r gan[:t7 a k ' ,. Experience 1. The organjzational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: .MYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. DYes 1 Point ❑N 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: . 0 points 3. The agent has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Operational Structure 4. The opera ' nal structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points . ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated Hifes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumer., disability, gender, race/ethni , geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the :oard stays inform-d and connected about needs in South King County. ' 1 i ❑Yes 1 Point •frre+-Aetttit- �Pdo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/ addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page . /7 P. HAILS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc uestion 9�Neiacki ihilhoc ra i A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear'accurate profile that identifies the •roblem and substantia es need in Renton and/or South King County E Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points , ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research /or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target,Population 3. The targe opulation is clearly defined ► Yes 1 Point �� No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Question l0.Po ooedpo ra.^�/Servce A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: St VA..1X121k+ — S+ 4-1/464\01€71. 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? 4!I Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servic be physically provided in Renton? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:a e: P/6 p. 2 H.\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application addr ss the location and its accessibilily to Renton residents? es 1 Point El No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provi e services in Renton, have they i entified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pr ided? Yes 1 Point El No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the p oblem described in question 9 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points El Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural n reds of the clients 7. Were the I guage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Sparish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does t ram collaborate with Renton serving organizatio is? es z 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pager /6 9 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc i 10. Are spific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measur-s and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addresed, and how the target population ill benefit. Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, resporlisibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to o et answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ,�, Pr ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eva tion reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ;OTietioii fl tar i7,rRai 16:P144 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future f nding? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The pla4emonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustai ability. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't kno /Not addressed: 0 points ci Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 I4\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: C,, ta 40 Agency Name: AI- . VAAtr:,,Pd° aektotAt SR-L(5 Program Name: 6m )414 -12 Page 1 : ' /7 Page 2: 0 /6 Page 3: 3 /6 Page 4:1>/6 TOTAL ft '/25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • I � Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Va-th.tj )�.-�- �Agency name C :A► CAmiNicilAAt Program name 14.t (X ,t ki,t. uestioi, Organt a i inaI E c rear en e A. Experience 1. The organi ational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. Ofes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agen y has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought BYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points �� � ZO YES N1:600.14 ElDon't know/Not addressed: 0 points "" kiA'�e�'^ B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of B and is clearly stated W 1.46 Wes 1 Point vow- ❑No 0 Points ' ' ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consume s, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays inform d and connected about needs inSouth King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 01'1' Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Question.:Need Fo_r othe°'Prociram . Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the o roblem and substantia s need in Renton and/or South King County [S Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressee• 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics Renton .-nd/or South King ounty), comparisions, research d/or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined L 'Yes 1 Point ya j cioNVIA a ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ��AA Ivt(dld - ,--� 4= duestioifit'PraposettOiiigram/Se ice �° AlA 1� A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the et population 1. Is the site ) where services will be delivered clearly stated? Yes 1 Point ''� ❑ No 0 Points ( _,,,� �, ❑ Don't know/Not/��.. addressed:i�r �1 0 points Sites: 0E4, - I�wwa+�c, vw AA al�. 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ • 0 Points M'Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ N 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 2 11:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes i 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application addre s the location and its accessibilit to Renton residents? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provid services in Renton, have they i entified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pr ided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the pr blem described in question 9? FV(es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural ne ds of the clients 7. Were the Ian age and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the res dents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Span sh (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161) Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ s 1 Point 0 Points n't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/oti agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organizations? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 3 H: HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑,�, Y�s 1 Point lt�l'No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addr ssed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points IOW r41114444 451-4 Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage ent and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the ev ation reasonable and adequate? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Questioia `once Rliiii4.1ar 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? eNos 1 Point 0 Points n't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 0.7 s 1 Point [ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 Cf_2.) p. 4 HMS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: C:1.ec Agency Name: U Program Name: Page 1 : /7 Page 2: /6 Page 3: /6 Page 4: /6 TOTAL t to /25 4n.w Ca/y1/4. 01.0 w,k_ )1.02-64.dt ARAdvu-4:a 4dtenit 4.444 P. 5 HMS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Ful ding A plications 1 Agency name TI' i ed Doti Program name I • . latila*_,A1-eiVw-e%itt) d-T"�Ni:Yt :rn,,,-"-a,�,..,s°"'Y �,. _ yv..�:z ,. ,_...a ,.,� �a's%:..i."4s+J.''��''""'7y Qiuestion8o.Organ�rzational?:Exper: ence . Experience 1.1 1. The organ' ational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: VWYees 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. ❑Yes 1 Point ❑N 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points i 3. The agenc has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought 'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The opera{ al structure of the agency is clearly defined es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo d is clearly stated E'Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnOty, geography Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a c ear explanation as to how the Board stays info med and connected about needs in .outh King County. !I Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : (°/7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Qu`eitiorix$ Neea:Fnr t1 a.Progrram: AI Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the pr blem and substariajet need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research /or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population si/3. The target opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points aleitiolif0701Olidieit PiogiamlS:ervice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site( where services will be delivered clearly stated? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: G itt/CI-- avvii Wait 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? g(es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servi be physically provided in Renton? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag : '/6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in Jand 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibilit to Renton residents? es 1 Point No w 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton corn unity where services will be pr ided? Yes 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? EXes 1 Point �f No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points a P r ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) ❑ Yes 1 Point YA. Fir ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the program collaborate with Renton serving organisations? ©Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag0/6 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Y s 1 Point 0 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measurgs and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. I ❑ Yes 1 Point Pr No 0 Points a, El know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working wi ith proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. ❑ Yes 1 Point I ❑ No 0 Points X '1 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? ❑ s 1 Point []No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Otie'stioh 44 L:orig.Range Ptaii 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? [Pies 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The pleonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. 1 Point 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:3 /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . SCORES Your name: eittlite1144-6(At Agency Name: I/1 ed4 �'6 Program Name: 7c(-64viteile.4.4 ia444, Page 1 : (' /7 Page 2: ' /6 Page 3: 3 /6 Page 4: j/6 TOTAL 1 g /25 p. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name WaglJG ,...L 44 Program name (`1 ,./peitio arei iteA4aiim Cr,m4A-0-44d T?�'$Y'`�;R�-�S,t ^'ir++S Z;..�w-1 K�_q��. ,.!u.:.v...r.: � .. :..f.�:"`�f: uestron 8 t i an�zal iiiiii fif u rine A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: �es 1 Point 0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agen y has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought PYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The oper9tional structure of the agency is clearly defined Yes 1 Point [No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bo rd is clearly stated 1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, geography ❑Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in uth King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pa.:efr p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 6ii tionEO Need F ii t o7Pili gram, . Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the roblem and substanties need in Renton and/or South King County es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research and/or experiences. es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targe population is clearly defined r _ 40, Yes 1 Point • A ' t(' No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points rapasedArvgraiiii5ervice A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the t-rget population 1. Is the site(s here services will be delivered clearly stated? es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points u Sites: -- '+ ceeddvr, 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? KNo1es Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servi s be physically provided in Renton? Ivl Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page /6 p. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application addres the location and its accessil?ilipt to Renton residents? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they id ntified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro ided? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the pr blem described in question 9? L4es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural ne ds of the clients I 7. Were the nguage and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? VYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161 , Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 144) rIVYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/Qr agencies 9. Does theyvogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Zr Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 4/6 p. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Yes 1 Point lk o 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. 1 [✓ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. v Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the eva ation reasonable and adequate? [ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points ' ueston:44��L�o } `" ;Q nq�-Range:`Plan 1. Does the en list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan monstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. RI Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 p. 4 • H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc . SCORES Your name: Watt &ti ...Tiii ie4 Agency Name: V H �Q Program Name: `r,/J�Urt0) Page 1 : /7 Page 2: A /6 Page 3: L) /6 Page 4: c/6 TOTAL 2./ /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc • Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plications Agency name tJVC-A U Sg "� % COwiti Program name V.443-646-c-t Question�BsrQrgan� ational�Exper�:en`c+� A. Experience 1. The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: DYes 1 Point d (AA Se Tr ova." 0 Points °f''" `{~` ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. DYes 1 Point • _UN9 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agen y has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought Yes 1 Point ON. 0 Points In don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined �❑Y s 1 Point [No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Board is clearly stated DYes 1 Point Pl0 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/ethn' 'ty, geography 1Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs in South King County. Wes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page : /7 p. 1 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc hues, dill Need.F ttbe,Program A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates need in Renton and/or South King County 1VYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research /or experiences. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The target opulation is clearly defined r. / ,t oy' Ng Yes 1 Point .b ❑ No 0 Point Q ' 164444' GC-IQ ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points tata / aft eetta.4.44 Question°b:Proposed'pcagram%Se vice eileu, A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? �� ("Yes 1 Point A../ ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? D y s 1 Point R No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will services be physically provided in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: /6 if. 2 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? IVYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be provided? ❑ Yes 1 Point 'No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 92 1 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? Yes 1 Point I I No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian 144) 01 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the p5egram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't kno , .t addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag : /6 P. 3 :\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc 10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ❑ Y- 1 Point , ■ • 0 Points Q. 1.0 f2 0.n I Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. ❑ Y 1 Point 0 0 Points Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of management and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? D es 1 Point -�!VI�l1� • No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points :Question 1 Lonq:Range Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? ❑ Yes 1 Point INiAo 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The plan demonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ei:111 1 Point 0 Points on't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this pag: :1 /6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: C,fit 4 at444/ A gency Name: YWCA qe4*tQ€ 4j $ d µeetavCd Program Name: 0011124ttei Vi.letteigi Aehusevs) Page 1 : 3 /7 Page 2: ` /6 Page 3: c/6 Page 4: 1 /6 TOTAL J3 /25 P. 5 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Human Services Advisory Committee, Rating Tool, 2009/2010 Funding A plica.tions Agency name YWCA Se..0 r' — GP. Program name fotpico PILVA4-1/4 m..*-\,TE?, �^- b, ,.r..n:.....�'v..ii2�=-•c,-x.o.N. : �.:"`, eE'i�T""r""4+h"•?ai Question_&Ot ani a Tonal:-Ex ier.Je ce' A. Experience 1. The orga)zational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments: `( Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: - 0 points 2. The successes are in Renton and/or South King County. es 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. The agenpy has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought I JIYes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Operational Structure 4. The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined r 'es 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. Role of Bard is clearly stated Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 6. Board is diverse. Diversity can include age, service, consumers, disability, gender, race/eth icity, geography []Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 7. There is a clear explanation as to how the Board stays informed and connected about needs i South King County. Yes 1 Point ❑No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page :1 /7 P•, 1 HI:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Questii iif Need itthiliiogram A. Problem Statement 1. The proposal gives a clear accurate profile that identifies the problem and [vrsubstanti s need in Renton and/or South King County Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. Proposal gives relevant statistics (Renton and/or South King County), comparisions, research nd/or experiences. ✓TYes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points B. Target Population 3. The targe opulation is clearly defined Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Point ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points + uest otilil Propoed:P:Pmgraim%Service A. Program Description (2) Methods (including locations) you will use to serve the target population 1. Is the site(s) where services will be delivered clearly stated? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ y 0 Points 'Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Sites: 2. Will intakes/assessments be done in Renton? ❑ Yes 1 Point ❑ 40 0 Points V Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 3. Will servi s be physically provided in Renton? 10 Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 1\/6 p• H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc Note: If 2. and 3. (above) are marked "yes", then mark yes in 4 and 5. 4. If answer is no to either#2 or#3, does the application address the location and its accessibility to Renton residents? tees 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points [' Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 5. If the agency's office is not in Renton and they plan to provide services in Renton, have they identified a specific location within the Renton community where services will be pro ' ed? Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ®'Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (4) How the program addresses the problem statement 6. Does the proposed program explain how it will address the problem described in question 9? [Q4es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (5) How the program addresses the language and/or cultural needs of the clients 7. Were the language and/or cultural needs of the clients addressed? ❑v'Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 8. Are the services delivered in languages appropriate to the residents of the City of Renton? Top seven languages spoken in RSD ESL are: Spanish (1728), Vietnamese (662), Chinese-Cantonese (256), Somali (205), Russian (161), Tagalog (174), Ukrainian (144) Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points (7) Detail how this program will work with other programs and/or agencies 9. Does the vrogram collaborate with Renton serving organizations? [ Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page:576 P. 3 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc ,10. Are specific agencies/programs in Renton mentioned? ["Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points oC 94 64 1 ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points P.# B. Performance Measures and Outcomes 11. The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed, and how the target population will benefit. Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Ci. Staffing Plan 8. Program Staff has applicable/related experience in working with proposed program. In Q8 operational experience, also asks to describe roles, responsibilities and expertise of manage nt and staff. May need to go to both sections to get answers. L es 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Cii Evaluation 12. Is the evaluation reasonable and adequate? Riles 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points `Question-11-Lont:Rang*Plan 1. Does the plan list realistic multiple funding sources for future funding? Ries 1 Point No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points 2. The pla emonstrates the agency plans for long-term sustainability. ii Yes 1 Point ❑ No 0 Points ❑ Don't know/Not addressed: 0 points Subtotal this page: 2/6 p. 4 H:\HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc SCORES Your name: e.eviatAfa. , Agency Name: i&cA . ` S-airm.41 Program Name: VI, U A#- Page 1 : (7/7 Page 2: ifL/6 Page 3: 5-/6 Page 4: 6/6 TOTAL 0125 P. 5 H:1HS 08\09-10 Funding cycle\Ratingtool HSAC.doc