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LUA 16-000758 CANYON TERRACE LND 10-0527 ... -:1 C\ ():-I\ ~ •';~c_:;_,~·/':~I FEB 2 7 2017 .GC.VELG~_.,=:.::\ r St:R\liCt::~ VOL/PA.GE A PORTION Of DEDICATION THE S.E. 1/4 Of THE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS KNOW AU. PEOPLE BY TI-1ESE PRESENTS Tl-lAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED O'M"s!ERS OF" INTEREST IN CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVID~, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Of' THE SUBO SJON MADE HERESY AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TD THE USE EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ---DAY OF , 20 __ . OF THE PUBLIC FORE\IER ALL STREETS ANO AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR All. PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES. ANO ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY ADMINISTR A. TOR SJ)PES FOR C.:U1S AND nu.s UPON THE Lms SHO\\N THEREON IN lHE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED ll-lER[ON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LJMtlEO TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, PEDESffitAN ACCESS, UTILITIES ANO DRAINAGE CITY OF RENTON MAYOR UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFlED ON 11,fS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTI--iER TI--IAN THE PUBLIC IN WHICH CASE EXAMINED ANO APPROVED TH1S ---DAY OF , 20 __ . WE DO HEREBY DEDIC A TE ANO CONVEY SUCH STREETS. EASEMENTS. OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IOENTIFlED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. MAYOR FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED O~ERS OF THE L,',ND HEREBY SUBDIV1DEO, WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS A.ND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERl'v1NG TITLE FROM ATTEST: THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY ANO ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST TI--iE CITY OF RENTON, ITS QTY CL.ERK SUCCESSORS ANO ASSIGNS 'M-IICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE Of ROADS AND OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE an Of f?[NTOO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND THAT IJNDERSlGNEO OY»'NERS THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR COLLECTION ON FURTHER, THE Of ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CONTA!NED DEDICATED FOR STREETS, ALLEYS OR OTHER PUBLIC THEt.ASELVES, THEIRS HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS USES ARE PAID IN FULL THIS __J)A Y OF 20 --SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS HARMLESS F'ROM ANY DAMAGE INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR wt1HDUT "THIS SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY AL TERA TIONS Of THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR FINANCE DIRECTOR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE Of THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SUBDIV1SION, PRO\/IDED THIS WAIVER ANO INDEMNIFlCA TION SHAU. NOT BE CONS1RUED AS RELEASING THE C!TY OF RENTON, ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS FRQI.! UA81UTY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUOING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROI.! THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS PARCEL A: SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. \'r'l,'S 'r'lJ,,.'i \S S\JoJt.C"'i )t:, "'i'& 'v't.C\...t..SU•,"'i'IO'i \Jr C'iJ'.J'c.N~H"'iS, COO'i)\T'i0t6, -'N'u 'A:'t.S'i'A:'lt:wuHS LOTS X, Y, ANO Z, KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER L06L0093, RECORDED FOR SUMt.llT HOMES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070419900019, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. "THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES CF SAID OWNERS. IS '. a\OE TOGETHER Vvllli A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ROAD AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 7B08090599 ANO 8805310993. IN 'MTNESS 'M-iEREOF. WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: PARCEL B: TRACT 5 Of NORTH\\'ESTERN GARDEN TRACTS. DI\IISION 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 90, (N KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET l'HEREOF, AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAJD TRACT BY: 5· ITS: TOGETHER V.,TH THE NORTHERLY JO FEET Of THAT PORTION OF TRACT 5, OF SAID NORTH'M:STERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO 5. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BEGINNING AT Tl--iE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 4 OF SAID NORTHWES1ERN GARDEN TRACTS STAT( OF ) DIV. NO 5: ) ss THENCE SOUTH 1·oa·10B "NEST ALONG lliE 'WEST LINE OF SAID TRACT 5, A DISTANCE OF 120 COUNTY OF ) FEET: THENCE SOUTH a9·34•39~ EAST, 150 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1'08'10. EAST, 150 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 5; ON THIS DAY PERSONAU.Y APPEARED BEFORE ME TO ME THENCE NORTH 89'34'39" WEST ALONG SAID UNE. 103.38 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; KNOWN TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN AND VIHO EXECUTED THE "WITHIN ANO FOREGOING THENCE SOUTH 0'25'21n WEST, 30 FEET; INSTRU"4ENT AND ACKNOWL.EDGED THAT HE/SHE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS/HER FREE AND THENCE NORTH 89'34'39• WEST, 46.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN t.1ENT10NED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANO OFFlDAL SEAL THIS __ DAY Of 20 - SIGNATURE OF NOTARY: PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY: RESIDING AT: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES: VICINITY MAP KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID. THAT THERE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFF!CE FOR COU.ECTION ANO THAT ALL S.OEC!AL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY Of THE l PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS, OR FOR ANY OTHER st PETRO~T'SKY RO _,,,. PUBUC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL THIS -OAY OF 20_~ ORD ST MANAGER. FINANCE DlVlS!ON DEPUTY ii KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS ...... ,, Cl:.'.D > - ~ f ~ EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF , 20 __ . 'N ~ i ~ i i SITE KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ~ ~ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE SE 1-," "') t HEREBY CERTIFY THAT mis PLAT OF SUMMIT HOMES IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SUR~Y ANO SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 33, TOv.NSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., -THAT THE COURSES AND DI.STANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON; THAT THE V • SE 192ND ST MONUMENTS Will BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS V.,LL BE STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND. j ~ PAUL T. RICE, PLS# 40101 ,_ .., ... DATE: 02 23 2D17 RECORDING CERTIFICATE m BY: JNM F!LED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF , 20_ '.1 PROJECT No.: 1.3586.0, AT M IN BOOK Of AT PAGE AT THE REQUEST { fj) \ DDWL FILE No.: S306-07A ------- SCALE: NIA OF PAUL T. RlCE. l~;;....~ SHEET 8420 154th Avenue NE SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS ~L.~ Redmond, Washington 98052 1 of 8 MANAGER 425-869-2670 LUA 16-000758 LNO 10--0527 CANYON TERRACE VOL/PAGE A PORTION OF lHE S.E. 1/4 OF lHE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. EASEMENT NOTES fHE EASE:MENTS OEP!CTED ON TI-if MAP SHEETS OF TH!S FINAL PLAf ARE Fa:! THE Lll.l!TED PURPOSES USTED BELOW ANO ARE HEREBY GRAN r£0 AND CON'-£Yill FOUOWING THE RECORDING OF THIS FINAL PlA f A$ ~OFlfD ACCCf!DINC ra THE RES£Rv.-.TICNS USTEO BELOW'. 1 AN EASfMENr IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVl':'l'ED fO THE OTY OF RENTON, SOOS CREEK WATER ANO SE'1'£R DISTRICT, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, QWEST, COMCAST, THE OYINERS OF ALL LOTS 'MTHIN THIS PLAT AND THElR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS A.NO ASSIGNS, UNDER, Ovt::R AND UPON TI-iOSE EASEMENTS DESIGNATED HEREON AS "UTILITY EASEhlENT", 'MTH THE RESPECTI~ WIDTHS Of 5, 10 ANO 15 FEET, Wr-!ICH ARE PARALLEL Wini AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE Of ALL LOTS ANO TRACTS, IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUIT& CABL.£, PIPELINE, AND WIRES WTH THE NECESSARY FACILITIES ANO OTHER EQIJIPMENT FOR TI-if PURPOSE OF SERVICE TO THIS SUSOIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY MTH ELECTRIC, TEL.£PHCtlE, GAS, CABLE TV SERVICE, S£WER, WATER AND PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DRAINAGE TOGETHER \\\TH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON rnE EASEMENTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED. NO LINES OR 'MRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION or ELEC[RIC CURRENT. OR FOR T[LEPHONE USE, CABLE T[L[\l!SION, FIRE OR POLJCE SIGNAL FOR on-irn PURPOSES, SHALL BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNOER{;ROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTAC!-,ED TO A BUILDING. 2. ALL DRAINAGE EASEt.lENTS WITHIN THIS PLAT ARE HEREBY GRANTED ANO CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONVEl'INC, STORING, MANAGING, ANO FACIUTATil'lG STORM ANO SURFACE WATER PER THE EN~NEERING PLANS APPROVED FDR TI·IIS PLAT 8Y TI-iE CITY OF RENTON TOGHHER VMH n-lE RIGHT OF REASONABL.£ ACCESS (INGRESS AND EGRESS). TO ENrEA SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT Fa:! PURPOSES OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, REPAIRING AND IMPROVING THE DRAINAG( FACILITIES CONTAINED niEffflN PLAT NOTES PUAI IC STQAM PfWNA17if TRACT TRACT "8" IS A PUBLIC STORM DRAINAGE TRACT; UPOO RECORDING Of THE PlAT. l"RACT ~B" IS HEREEIY GRANTED AND CON\/EYEO TO THE CANYON TERRACE HCNEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION {HOA). AN EASEMENT 15 HEREBY GRANTED ANO CONVEYED TO TI-iE CITY Of RENTCN, O\'ER, UNDER ANO ACROSS TRACT "8" FOR TI-if PURPOSE CF CONVE'1'1NG, STORING. MANAGING AND FAOUTATING STORM .a.ND SURFACE WATER PER niE ENGINEERING PL.a.NS ON FlL.£ WITH THE CHY Of R£NTON. THE CITY OF RENTCfl HAS TH£ RIGHT TO ENrEA SAID STORMWATER EASEMENT FOR THE PURF'OSE OF INSPECTING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING, IMPRO\l!N{;, ANO REPAIRING ITS DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN. ONLY THE CHAIN UNK FENCE, FLOW CONTRQ, WATER QJALJTY TREATMfNT ANO CON\lt::YANCE FACILITIES ~u_ BE CONSIDERED FOR FORMAL ACCEPTANCE AND MAINTENANCE BY THE QTY. MAINTENANCE Cf ALL ornrn IMPRO'vEI.IENTS ANO LANDSCAPING ON SAID TRACT ~9• SHALL BE THE RESPa,l'SIBIUTY OF THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT TH£ HOA !S DISSOL',fil Of:! OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEH tS PROPERTY TAX OBLIGATIONS, AS EVIOENC:£0 BY NON PA'\"MENT Of PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF fJGHTEEN (la) MONTHS, TI-iEN EACH LOT IN Tl·US PLAT SHALL ASSUME ANO HAYE m EOIJAL ,t..NQ UNDIVIDED O'i\N£R5i11P IN lEREST IN TRAC f "B" PREVIOUSLY O~EO BY TttE HOA ANO HA-.£ THE Am:NIJANT flllfAM."rAL. fflO MArNiTNMi.."'C R£"SP<l•l'~iB1tiii£S. SINGLE FAMI! Y BMP'S SINGLE FAMILY RES10ENCES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED ON THE LOTS CREA1"£0 BY THIS SU8DI\I\S10N MUST IMPLEMENT 111( FLOW CONTROL 8ESf MANAGEMENT PRACTICES STIPULATED IN THE APPROVED DRAINAGE STUDY AND PL.ANS NO 3738 ON Fil£ 'MTH THE CITY OF RENTON ma AS LISTED IN THE TA&£ BELOW AS v.f.LL AS ANY DECLARATION Of COVENANTS AND GRAN"JS OF EASEMENT RECORDED HEREON. COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STIPULATION tJUST BE AODRESSEO IN THE "SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT DRAINAGE REVIEW" i\tlEN ANY APPLICATION IS MADE FOR A BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE LOT. A SEPARATE DECLARATION or COVENANT FOR FLOW CONTROL BMP's WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH EACH BUILDING PERMIT THE CITY Of RENTON SHALL HA'£ THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON TD REPAIR ANY OEflOENOES Of THE DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE E\IOIT THE OWNffi(S) IS/ARE NEGLIGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE Of THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHAU. BE AT THE 0\1/NER(S)'S COST PIPE CONNECTION TO cm STORM ALL BUILDING OOYINSPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS ANO DRAINS FROM ALL IMPER\l!OUS SURFACES SUQ--1 AS PATIOS AND DRl".£WAY$ SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMANENT STCf!M DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS OR ADDRESSES IN THE ~SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT DRAINAGE RE"1Ew" 00 FIL.£ Wlll1 THE CITY Of RENTON. THIS PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH Tl1E APPUCATICN fDR ANY BUILDING PERMIT ALL CONNECTIONS TO TttE DO'MIISTREAAI DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ca.iPUANCE WITH QTY OF RENTON STANDARDS. ALI.. CONNECTIOOS OF THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND APPRO\IED PRIOR TO THE FlNAL BUILnlNG INSPECTION APPROVAL. CIIY OF RfNTON MAINAg; E115£MfNf ALL [)R,',.jNAG( EASEMENT'S WITHIN THIS PLAT, NOT SHOlliN AS "PRIVATE" ARE. HERESY GRANfill ANO CONVEYED TO niE CITY OF RENTON, A MUN/OPAL CORPORATIOO, FOR n-lE PURPOSES OF COOYEYING, STORING, MANAGING, ANO FACILITATING STORM AND StJRFAC£ WATER PER THE ENGINEERING PLANS APPR0\,£0 FOO THIS PLAT BY TI-IE an OF RENTON TOGETHER 'MTH TI-iE RIGHT OF REASONABLE ACCESS (INGRESS ANO EGRESS), TO ENTER SAID DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR PURP0S£S OF INSPECTING, OPERATING. MAINTAINING. REPAIRING AND lMPRO..,NG THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CONTAINED THERON. NOTE· nCEPT FOO THOSE FACtuTIES V*IICH HA\/'£ BEEN FORMALLY ACCEl"TEO FOO MAINTENANCE BY TH£ CITY OF RENTON, M,',.jNfENANCE OF DRAINAGE FAOUTIES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IS THE RESf>CNSIBIUfY OF THE PRCf'ERfY 0\11'4ER(S). f'VfiH<" IJffA(l':fl\\T fA:illr1fY[ RfSIBrCUQN:S PROPERTY OWNER{S) SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHALL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS OR ACT1v,T1ES OCYOND THE BUILDING SETBACK UNE OR WITI-ilN TI-if UMIT'S OF niE PUBLIC DRAlNAGE EASEMENTS 1DENDFl£D HEREON A) ERECT 00 MAINTAIN BUILDING$, STRUCTURES, OBSTRUCTIONS OR PLACE FlLL {INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FENCES, DECKS, PAnDS, OUffiUILDINGS, RETAINING W,t,.J..i.S AND OVERHANGS.) 8) F'LANT TREE'S, SHRUBS OR VEGETATION HAl;lNG DEEP ROOT PATTERNS 'MilCH MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO OR INTERFERE MTH 11--tE DRA!NACE FACILITIES TO BE PLACED WITHIN THE EASEMENT. CJ OE\iUOP, LANDSCAPE, OR BEAUTIFY n-1£ EASEMENT AREA IN ANY WAY WHICH WOULD UNREASONABLY INCREASE T1"E COSTS TO THE CITY ~ RENTON FOR RESTORING THE EASEMENT AREA AND ANY PR!VAT[ IMPRO\/E:MENTS THEREIN. D) DIG, TUNNEL OR PERFORM OTHER FORWS OF CONSTRUCTION ACTI..,TIES ON TI-iE PROPERTY WHIQ--1 WOULD DISTURB THE COMPACTION OR UNEARTH DRAINAGE FACILITIES ON THE RIGHT OF WAY, OR ENDANGER THE LATERAL SUPPOH FACILITIES E) BLAST WITHIN FlFTITN (15} FEET OF TI-IE RIGHT OF WAY. F) ERECT FENCES IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PRE~NT ACCESS BY THE CITY Of RENTON'S \IEHICLES TO THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. ANY FENCE CONSTRUCTION MUST PROVIDE FOR AN OPENING (GATED, REMOVABLE SECTIONS, BARRIERS. t.K:..\ GF •. i: lE.*5.1 ,;rn ,.,,Q.~ fff.1 '""-'+f.G.W.. C) GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHO\'IN ON THIS PLAT MAP UNL.£SS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF RENTON Cf! IS SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGARDLESS OF PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AOlllffR fROifCDON NOTICE THE LOfS CREATED H£REIN FALL WlrnlN 2DNE 12 lf RENTDr(S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ANO ARE SU8£CT TO THE REQUIREMENTS Of THE CITY Of RENTON ORDINANCE l+.367 THIS QTY'S SOL£ SOJRCE Of DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHAU.OW AQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE JS NO NATURAL BARRIER BET\1£EN Tl1E WATER TA8LE ANO GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD 8E EXERQSED l'ltlEN HANDUNG Of ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE 0Tl1£R THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT 'MTl1 THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS TH£ HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE OT'(S DRINKING WATER THE TREES LOCATED IN TRACfS "I". "J". AAD 1<" ~E MITIGATION TREES F~ THE REMOVAL OF TREES TO DE\O.OP TH£ ROADS ANO OTHER IMPROYEMENfS OF THIS SU801\11SION. REMOVAL Of ANY MITIGATION ffiEE 'NITI-ilN TRACTS "I~, "J", #ID "I(" SHALL COMA..Y 1111TH THE C1TY Of RENTCN TRE£ REMOVAL REOUIRE'MOHS IN PLACE AT THE TIME ANY SUCH TREE IS RE'M0',£0. EXISTING EASEMENTS AFFECTING PROPERTY 1) EAS£MENT FOR ROADWAY, STREET. SIDEWALKS, UTILITIES, STORM ORAJNS ANO OTHER USES, RECORDED MARCH 18, 197+ UNDER RECORDING NO. 7+03180+27. SAID EASEMENT IS SHO'M'l HEREON 2) EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY ANO UTILITY PURPOSES, RECORDED AUGUST 9, 1978 UNDER RECOAOING NO. 7808090599. EASEMENT TO 8( VACATED 8Y OilNER. .3) EASEMENT FOR INGRESS ANO EGRE:SS FOO ROAD AND UTILITIES, RECORDED MAY .31. 1988 UNDER RECOROING NO. B805]10993 EASEMENT TO BE VACATED BY OWNER. +) AGREEMENT REGARDING ESTA8L1SliMENT Of EASEMENT fOR STORM WATER FACILITIES. DATED SEPTEMBER 27, 201J, UNDER RECORDING NO. 20130927001 +68. SAJD DOCUMENT IS AN BLANKET AGREEMENT TO PLACE STORM DRAIN FACILITIES ONTO THE KING COUNTY PARKS PROPERTY TO niE EAST OF THIS PLAT 5) EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION UNE GRANTED TO PUGET SOUND POWER&: LIGHT COMPANY, DATED JULY 15, 1949. UNDER RECORDING NO. 3919394-. SAID EASEMENT IS SHOWN HEREON 6) EASEMENT FOR WATER MAINS RECORDED MAR0-1 31, 197.!l AND MA'/ 26. 1978 UNDER RECCflOINC NO'S 7803310031 AND 7805260190. SAID EASEMENT IS SHO'NN HEREON 7) PlJGE.T 'iOOt-10 ENERGY EA~ENT Rf.CORDED UNDER RE.CQROlN.G NO. Yl1505QIQQQ626. 8.l/lNKET EASEMENT._ NOT PLOTT ABLE a) EASEMENT FDR ENCROACHMENTS ~TED TO TI-J£ OWNER OF LOT 1, KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT lfl(,CP 5S206+ TRACT NOTES TRACT "A" IS A PRIVATE All£Y TRACT; UPON THE RECORDING OF TI-ilS PLAT. TRACT "A" IS HEREBY GRANTED ANO CCNYEYID TO THE CMYON rEARACE: HOMEO'l'INffiS ASSOCIATICN {HOA). MAINTENANCE: Of ALL IMPR0\/0,IENTS AND LANDSCAPING ON SAID TRACT "A" SHALL 8E THE RESPONSIBILITY OF lHE HOA. IN THE £\.OIT THAT THE HOA !S DISSOLYEll OR OTHERWIS£ FAILS TO MEET IS PROPERTY TAX OBI.JGATIO'/S. AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF .'>RCPERTY TA.YES FCR A PER/00 OF E!CHTEEN {)8) IIIDNTI--IS, "THEN EAO/ !OT IN ™S PLU SHAU. .~SSU,.,£ ,4N[) H,~V!" AN EQUAL ANO UNDIVIDED O'l'fNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT "A" PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA ANO HAVf THE ATTENDANT FINANCIAL ANO MAINTENANCE RESPOOSIBLITlES. TRACT "Br AND "c" ARE STORM DRAINAGE TRACTS; UPON THE RECCf!DING OF THIS PLAT. TRACTS "8" AND "C" ARE HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CANYON TERRACE HOMEOY'INERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY GRANTED ANO CON\IEYED TD THE CITY or RENTON OVER, UNOER ANO ACROSS TRAC"JS "B" ANO "C" fOR MAINTENANCE CE THE STORM DRAINAGE FACILJTIES 'MilCH LIE WITHIN THE TRACTS. AN EASEIIAENT 15 HEREBY GRANTED ANO CONVEYED TO THE PUBLIC OVER TRACT "C" FOR A PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT. MAINrENANCE OF THE PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT Will_ BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT fHE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR OTHERWl'Sf fAlLS TO ME£f IS PROPERTY TAX OBUGATIONS. AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PRCf>ERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (IB) MONTHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PU.T SHALL ASSUME AND HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNOl\l!OED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACTS "6" ANO "c" PREVIOUSLY O'M'IED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE ATTENDANT FlNANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. TRACTS "0", -c, "F", "G", AND "H" ARE 20' SHARED ACCESS EASEMENTS: UPON RECORDING OF THIS PLAT, TRACT'S ·o•. "E", "f", "G", AND "H" ARE HEREBY GRANTED ANO CONVEYED TO THE CANYOO TERRACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). MAINTENANCE OF All IMPROVEMENT'S AND LANDSCl'PING ON SAID TRACTS SHAU. BE rHE RESPONSIBILITY (F THE HOA IN TH£ E\IENf THAT THE HOA IS OISSOL\1(1) OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET IS PRCPERTY TAX OEILIGATIOOS, AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TA:€S FOO A PERICO OF EIGHTEEN (1a) MONniS, THEN EACI-I LOT IN TH!S PLAf SHAl.l. ASSUME ANO HA\IE AN EOUAL AND UNOl.i,,0£0 O't.NERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACTS ·o•, "E", "F", "G", AND "H" PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA ANO HAVE THE ATTENDANT FINANCIAL ANO MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. TRACTS "I", "J', AND "K" ARE OPEN SPACE TRACTS: UPON THE RECOODINC OF TI-JIS PLAT, TRACTS "I". "J", ANO "K• ARE HEREBY GRANTB) AAO CON\£YED TO THE CANYON fERRACE HOMEOl'INERS ASSOOATION (HOA). MAINTENANCE OF ALL IMPROVEtJENTS ANO LANOSC/IP!NG ON SAID TRACTS "J". "J" ANO 'K" SHALL 8E THE RESPONSl81UTY OF THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT TI-iE HOA IS O!SSOlVEO OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET 15 PROPERTY TAX O&JGATIOIIS, AS E\/!OENCED BY NON-PAYMENT Of PACf'ERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD (17 EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS, TI-JEN EAOi LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL ASSUME AND HA\£ AN EOUAL AND UNDl'.1DED OWNERSHIP ~TEREST IN TRACTS ~1•, '.!' ANO "K" PR£~0USLY O\r!NED 8'1' THE HOA AND HA\1£ THE ATTENDANT FlNANOAL AND MNNTENANCE R£SPONSIBIUT1£S TRACT "L" !SA NATI'vE GROWTH PROTECTION TRACT: UPON TH£ RECORDING Of' THIS Pt.AT, TRACT "L" IS HEREBY CRAN~ ,l.N(J C\'j\'Jfflfil m lit£ CrVI'~' rCRRACY Ha,/EGMl'{£R5 AS5GCIATION {HOAJ AN CASEMC ... 'r ,'S 11'1c~Br GRANTED ANO CONVEYED TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LANO YJITHIN THE TRACT AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR TI-tE PURPOSE OF PRESER\/ING NATI\1£ VEGETATION FOR THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AAO EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE STABILITY, 'v1SUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION Of PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE EASEMENT IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND flJTIJRE Ov.NERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE EASEt.lENT AREA ENFORCEABLE ON 8EHALF or TI-iE PUBLJC BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TO LEAVE UNOISTRUBEO ALL TREES AND On--lER VEGETATION WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. THE VEGETATION VIITHIN n--lE EASEMENT AREA MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FlLL, REMOVED DR DAMAGED 'MTHOUT TI-iE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY Of RENTON TRACTS "M" AND "N" ARE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TRACTS; UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLA.T, TRACTS "M" ANO "N" ARE HEREBY GRANTED AND CON\£'1'ED TO THE CANYON TERRACE HOMEOWNERS ASSOOATlON {HOA). MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING ON SAID TRACTS "1,C ANO "N· SHALL BE TI-IE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA. IN TH£ EVENT niAT niE HOA 15 DISSOLVED OR OTHERWSE FAJLS TO MEET IS PROPERTY TAX OBUCATIONS, AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT or PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOO OF EJGHTI:EN (18) MONTHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL ASSUME ANO HAVE AN EOUAL AND UNOl'v1DEO O'MIIERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACTS "M" AND "N" PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE ATTENDANT FINANOAL AND MAINTENANCE RESPONS18ll1TlES. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1) PLAT OF NDRn-11'£STERN GAROCN TRACTS OIY. NO 5. RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 or PLATS, PAGE 90, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON 2) RfCDRO Of SURVEY FOR RA\llcNNNA DE\,£LOPMENT LLC, R£COROEO UNOE:R KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBfR 20080609900009 J) RECORD Of SURIIEY FDR MAR"1N 'M:HRMAN, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 2008090990000J 4) BOONOARY LINE AD..USltJENf NUMBER L06Ul093, Rf.CORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECOOOING NUMBER 200 70+1 9900019 5) BOUNDARY UNE AOJUSltJENT NUMBER FOR RA\IENNA DEVELOPMENT LL.C, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 2(1060711 90000., 6) Pl.AT OF AURIA WOOO<;;, RECOROEO IN VOWME 220 OF PLATS, PACE 7B-92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 7) RECORD (F SUR\/'EY FOR: WASHINGTCN"I FEDERAL, RECCf!OCD LNO£R KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 2013(]321900001 8) PLAT or GOLDEN HILLS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 104 Of PLATS, PAGE 98, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 9) BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER FOR MATT BERNTSON, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNrY RECORDING NUMBER 20060+\ 1900021 10) SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE ISSUED BY CHICAGO TITl.£ INSURANCE COMPANY, CERTIFICATE NO. 001918.3-06, DATED OCTOBER 28, 2016 11) PL.AT OF KELSEY'S CROSSING, RECORDED IN VOLUME 266 OF PL.A TS, PAGES 32-3+, RECORDS OF KING COJN TY, WASHINGTON SURVEY NOTES THIS SURVl::Y WAS PERFORMED FROM DECEMBER, 2013 TO OCTOBER, 2016. AU. MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON AS FOUND MONUMENTS \,'ERE VISITED DURING THE COURSE OF THAT SURVEY t.1EASUREMENTS WERE MAOE WITH A TOPCQN 8205 TOTAL STATION CALJBRATED AT AN N.G.S. BASELINE MTHIN THE LAST YEAR, AND A HIPER+ GPS UNIT PROCEDURES USED IN THIS SUR\£'( WERE FIELD TRAVERSE MEETING OR EXCEEDING STANDARDS SET SY WAC .332-130-090. BASIS Of BEARING. NOfHJ, 89"JS09" WEST, BETWl:E:N THE SOUTH QUAATI:R CCRNER OF SECTION JJ ANO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 33, P£R R£FER£NGE DOCUMENT I 11 ,. ..... t.on ,,.e~, DATE: 02-2..3-2017 m BY: JNM a ' ~f ~~,;~ DDWL PROJECT No.: 1..3586.01 i ' \ FIL£ No · S..306-078 --- NIA SCALE: 1, • SHEET ~~~'b 8420 154th Avenue NE l !'/ Redmond, Washington 980'52 2 of 8 ,~~I,LJ,~ 425-869-2670 VOL/PAGE LUA 16-000758 CANYON TERRACE LND 10-0527 A PORTION OF lHE S.E. 1/4 OF lHE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. FLOW CONTROL BMP'S LOT ADDRESSING TABLES LOT ADDRESSING TABLES MAX. IMP. LOT # HOUSE # ROAD NAME LOT # HOUSE II ROAD NAME r-JAX. /r-JPERVIOUS ALLOWED PER 1 19109 124TH AVENUE SE 37 19025 124TH A\.£NUE SE LOf AREA SURFACE ALLOW8J REDUCED 2 19103 124-TH AVENUE SE 38 19017 124TH AVENUE SE LOT # (SQUARE FEET) BY ZONING FOOTPRINT BMP FLOW CONTROL BMP 3 12333 SE 191ST STREET 39 19011 124TH AVENUE SE I 4728 3073.2 2600.4 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 4 12325 SE 191ST STREET 40 18947 124TH AVENUE SE 2 4.331 2815.15 2382.05 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 5 12317 SE 191ST STREET 41 18941 124TH AVENUE SE 3 3984 2589.6 2191.2 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 6 12309 SE 191 ST STREET 42 189.35 124TH AVENUE SE 4 4468 2904.2 2457.4 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 7 12303 SE 191 ST STREET 43 18929 124TH AVENUE SE 5 3815 2479. 75 2098.25 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 8 19125 123RD AVENUE SE 44 1892] 124TH AVENUE SE 6 5761 3744.65 3168.55 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 9 19119 123RD AVENUE SE 45 18917 124TH A\IENUE SE 7 5.324 3460.6 2928.2 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 10 19115 123RD AVENUE SE 46 18911 124TH AVENUE SE 8 5433 3531.45 2988.15 LE\.£.L TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 11 19111 123RD AVENUE SE 47 18905 124TH AVENUE SE 9 4000 2600.0 2200.0 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 12 19105 123RD AVENUE SE 48 18843 124TH A\IENUE SE 10 4000 2600.0 2200.0 LEVEL TRENCH llaTH PERF. PIPE 13 19059 123RD AVENUE SE 49 18831 124TH AVENUE SE 11 3985 2590.25 2191.75 LEVEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE 'A 1,9./J.S.3. "13.RU ,::;r; SE:_(l'i;;',\1/r,,\~ SQ ,e.B2S. \24\H ;\'£NOC '3£. 12 5909 J840.B5 3249.95 LEVEL TRENCH llaTH PERF. PIPE 15 19047 123RD CT S£ PRIVATE 51 18819 124TH A\IENUE SE 13 5301 3445.65 2915.55 LEVEL TRENCH 111 lH PERF._~ 16 19041 123RD CT SE PRIVATE 52 1881] 124TH AVENUE SE 14 6406 4163.9 3523.3 LE,EL TRENCH ll<TH PERF. PIPE 17 190]5 123RD CT SE PRIVATE 53 18807 124 TH A \IENUE SE 15 4000 2600.0 2200.0 LE,EL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE IB 19029 12JRD CT SE PR!VATE 54 18801 124TH A\IENUE SE 16 4085 2655.25 2246.75 LE,EL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 19 19023 123RD CT SE PRIVATE) 55 18815 123RD PL SE PRIVATE 17 5073 3297.45 2790.15 LE,EL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 20 19017 123RD AVENUE SE 56 18847 123RD PL SE PRIVATE 18 5608 3645.2 3084.4 LE,EL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 21 19011 123RD AVENUE SE 57 18909 123RD PL SE PRIVATE 19 45{]3 2926.95 2476.65 LE\IEL TRENCH 111TH PERF Pf PE 22 18931 123RD AVENUE SE 5B 18915 123RD PL SE PRIVATE 20 4133 2686.45 2273.15 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 23 18925 123RD AVENUE SE 59 18602 124TH AVENUE SE 21 4671 3036.15 2569.05 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 24 18921 123RD AVENUE SE 60 18808 124TH AVENUE SE 22 5418 3521.7 2979.9 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 25 18932 123RD AVENUE SE 61 18814 124TH A\IENUE SE 23 4973 3232.45 2735.15 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 26 18938 123RD AVENUE SE 62 18820 124TH AVENUE SE 2' 5382 34-85.J. 29~9.! LEH:"L TRENCH IWTH PERF. P!PE 27 1:1006 r Z3RO AV£NU£" 5£" 63 1B8Z6 r24rH A\tfWUC 5£" 25 3920 2548.0 2156.0 LEYEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 2B 19012 123RD AVENUE SE 64 18832 124TH AVENUE SE 26 3920 2548.0 2156.0 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 29 19018 123RD AVENUE SE 65 18838 124TH AVENUE SE 27 3920 2548.0 2156.0 LEYEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 30 19024 123RD AVENUE SE 66 18844 124TH AVENUE SE 28 4548 2956.2 2501.4 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 31 19030 123RD A YEN LIE SE 67 18900 124TH AVENUE SE 29 4686 3045.9 2577 . .3 LEvEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 32 19036 123RD A YEN UE SE 68 18906 124TH AVENUE SE 30 4267 277.3.55 2346.85 LEYEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 3J 19042 123RD AVENUE SE 69 18912 124TH AVENUE SE 31 3920 2548.0 2156.0 LEvEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 34 12302 SE 191ST STREET 70 18918 124TH A\IENUE SE 32 3920 254B.O 2156.0 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 35 12354 SE 191ST STREET 71 19019 123RD Pl SE(PRIVATE 3J 394-7 2565.55 2170.85 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 36 19029 124TH AVENUE SE 72 19031 123RD Pl SElPRIVATE 34 4\74 2713.1 2295.7 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 35 5\17 3326.05 2814.35 LEVEL TRENCH 111TH PERF PIPE 36 4161 2704.65 2288.55 L£'vH TRENCH 111TH PERF PIPE " 4'102 2/ll~.J 22'o~:1 LE\'E.L YRENC:ti "MIN ?'t.Rt ?>?c 3B 4235 2752.75 2329.25 LE'vH TRENCH 'Mn-, PERF. PIPE 39 4184 2719.6 2301.2 LE,H TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE LOT CURB PLUG TABLE LOT CURB PLUG TABLE 40 4229 2748.85 2325.95 lE\,H TRENCH 111TH PERF PIPE 41 4137 2689.05 2275.35 lE\,£L TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE LDT LJNE ~ST. fO COR. LO r UN[ oisr. ro cOR. 42 3968 2579.2 2182.4 LHH TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 43 3943 2562.95 2168.65 LHH TRENCH \\1TH PERF PIPE 1 1f.2f 39/-4-0 5.26 44 3918 2546. 7 2154.9 LE\.H TRENCH 111TH PERF PIPE ,;, lf.2ol-4-0/M 5.25 45 3893 2530.45 2141.15 LEl,EL TRENCH 111TH PERF PIPE ,;, 13 25 M/ol-1 5.26 48 3B68 2514.2 2127.4 LE,H TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE 47 3843 2497.95 2113.65 LEYEL TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE J/• U.25 ol-1/42 5.26 48 3819 2482.35 2100.45 LHH TRENCH 111TH PERF. PIPE ,;, IJ.25 f2/f3 5.25 49 4118 2676.7 2264.9 LEVEL TRENCH 'NITH PERF. PIPE 5/6 -'J/•U 5.26 50 4139 2690.35 2276.45 LEVEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE /3.25 51 4218 2741. 7 2319.9 LEVEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE 6/7 13.25 H/fS 5.26 52 3797 2468.05 2088.35 LEVEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE 7/< 13.25 -1-5/'i-6 5.26 53 3817 2481.05 2099.35 LEVEL TRENCH 'NITH PERF. PIPE 54 5221 3.393.65 2871.55 LEVEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE 8/9 5.03 46/47 5.26 55 5154 3350.1 2834. 7 LEVEL TRENCH WITH PERF. PIPE 9/10 5.01 +7 /-48 5.26 56 5135 .3337.75 2824.25 LEVEL TRENCH 'NITH PERF. PIPE \0/11 5.23 -48/49 5.27 57 4952 3218.8 2723.6 L£VEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE 58 4951 3218.15 272.3.05 LEVEL TRENCH 'MTH PERF. PIPE 11/12 5.24 49/N 5.25 59 8241 5356.65 5356.65 DISPERSAL TRENCH 12/13 5.25 ,;so 5.27 60 4307 2799.55 2799.55 DISPERSAL TRENCH 61 4279 2781.35 2781.35 DlSPERSAL TRENCH 1)/J 5.)9 50/51 5.26 62 4044 2628.6 2628.6 DISPERSAL TRENCH 1.7/Vi 1..':1.1. 'il/52 S.2' 63 3985 2590.25 2590.25 DISPERSAL TRENCH Hl/19 5.66 52/53 5.26 64 4361 2834.65 2834.65 DISPERSAL TRENCH 65 4]92 2854.B 2854.8 DISPERSAL TRENCH 19/20 5.fO SJ/54 5.26 6B 4B04 3122.6 3122.6 DISPERSAL TRENCH 20/21 5.25 59/60 13.25 67 51.3.3 .3336.45 .33]6.+5 DISPERSAL TRENCH 6B 5245 3409.25 3409.25 DISPERSAL TRENCH ,Sj2<l 13.25 eo/61 13.22 69 4B60 3159.0 3159.0 DISPERSAL TRENCH 26/27 TJ.25 61/62 IJ.25 70 4455 2895 75 2895. 75 DISPERSAL TRENCH 27/28 13.25 62/63 13.00 71 5096 3.312.4 2802.8 ' TRFNr.H 111TH PFRF. PIPE 72 4430 2879.5 2436.5 111TH p . Pl 28/:lg 13.25 63/6-4 13.25 •THE MAXIMUM !MPERv10US COVERAGE Fm LOTS 1 THROUGH 58, ANO 71 29/30 13 25 64-/65 1300 AND 72 IS 55% Of LOT AREA. THE MAXIMUM IMPERVlOUS COVERAGE FOR 30/31 1325 65/C 13.25 LOTS 59-70 IS 65% OF LOT AREA 31/:12 13 25 C/66 13.25 32/33 13.24 66/67 13.25 JJ/J,i. 12.99 67 /68 13,25 34~ 5.28 6S/69 13.25 35/36 5.27 69/70 13.25 36/37 5.26 70/8 13.25 37/38 5.26 72/1 5.36 J8/J9 5.26 , "'""~t..on DATE: 02-23-2017 m ,., BY: JNM .•. DDWL PROJECT No.: 13586.01 11, FILE No· S.306-07C ~~;,JJ; SCALE: NIA 8420 154th Avenue NE SHEET Redmond, Washington 98052 3 of 8 ~, ... lfO__,.:---- 425-869-2670 LUA 16-000758 LND 10-0527 ---J ClfY Of RENTON CONffiOL POINT #1666 LEGEND -------- -------- ------- ------- ---- J~] , ' 33 H ' PLAT BOUNDARY ~ PROPERTY LINE • CENTERLINE @ SECTION LINE EASEMENT LINE • WETLAND BUFFER LINE (M) SECTION CORNER (C) NORTH 1 /+ CORNER C,) & VOL/PAGE CANYON TERRACE A PORTION or THE S.E. 1/4 or THE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. 100 0 100 200 CASED ROAD MONUMENT PROPERTY CORNER SET (5/8" REBAR W/CAP, LS # 40101) PROPERTY CORNER SET (LEAD &. TACK W/WASHER, LS fl 40101) PROPERTY CORNER FOUND (AS NOTED) t,J[ASllRffi OLMEN90N. COIIAPUTED DIMENSION Olr-JENSION FROM REF. DOC # FOUND MONUMENT ID# LOTX EASEMENT FOR ENCflOACHMENTS ,FN ___ _ --· .!.,-499.BS'(C.2) J Jii.2.l'(M.2,J)l 322 . .JO{l) KING COUNTY PARKS (NOT PART OF THIS PLAT) 'NETLAND---........_ 1 BUFFER "'- \ LOTY \ I I . JO' ROADWAY __:_________j 1 EASEMENT, AfN I 74-03!80427 -<'J--FNO. 2-IF:ASS DISK W/PVNCH IN I\ION. CASE 4 I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ l • \ I \ \ \ N 0 I \ \ \ \ \ \ _____ \_ I --TT MONUMENT REFERENCE TABLE SYMBOL • & & & A ffi &. DESCRIPTION FND. 1/2" REBAR W /CAP, LS # 40016 /18898 FND. 1/2" REBAR W/CAP, LS fl 11691 FND. 1 /2" REBAR W/CAP. ~CNW 40016" FND. l)L." RIB.AR, NO CAP, 0.2' S CJF LlNE FND. 5/8" REBAR, NO CAP, 0.6' W OF UNE • SYMBOL # DESCRIPTION & FND. 1/r REBAR, NO CAP, 0.15' W OF LINE /n_ FND. 5/B~ REBAR W/CAP, LS # 19635 0.1' E & 0.7' S OF CORNER & FND. 5/B" REBAR W/CAP, LS # 18B98 a.:r s (If CGB.N.E"..R DATE: 02-23-2017 BY: JNM DDWL PROJECT Na.: 13586.01 fll£ No· SJG6-07D 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 SCALE: 4 1"=100' SHEET of 8 LUA 16-000758 LNO 10-0527 :."! ;~!'!j' TAO<: IN MON. CASE. an Of RENTON COOTflOL POINT lfl87J LEGEND -------- ------ ---- ------- -------- .)~r ' . 33 -• PROJECT BOUNDARY ~ PROPERTY LINE • CENTERLINE SECTION LINE 0 RIGHT OF WAY LINE ~ PROPOSED LOT UNE '-""l EASEMENT LINE (Cl WETLAND BUFFER UNE (#) SECTION CORNER NORTH 1/4 CORNER CANYON TERRACE A PORTION Of lHE S.E. 1/4 Of lHE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. 100 0 100 SCALE IN FEET "' ~ " a, t1 ,. ~ ,, .. 0 ~ ,, :;;, ,, 58 " '3 ~-I ~ '2 " .., 23 ,. 22 " __J ,. I ,, ,, "' ,. '8 " " 11 " ' ' ' ' • 8 l _ _J_ ____ -- I CASED ROAD MONUMENT PROPERTY CORNER SET (5/8" REBAR W/CAP, LS # 40101) PROPERTY CORNER SET (LEAD & TACK W/WASHER. LS # 4-0101) PROPERTY CORNER FOUND (AS NOTED) \l,[~"S1J!?£.Cl Cl\~1.£.H"S~ COMPUTED DIMENSION DIMENSION FROM REF DOC. # ,,., 200 \ i Ii :;; m ~ 8 7 I ' , I I I ----l I " fo~ot3 sm,,,. wa.,.- Foo~ty KING COUNTY PARKS (NOT PART Of TiilS PLAT) -· FND 2" BRASS DISK WjPUNCH IN MON. CASE I I r DATE: BY: VOL/PAGE \ \ \ I \ \ I I \ 02-23-2017 JNM DDWL PROJECT Nt'.l.: FIL£ No · 13586.01 S306-07E 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 SCALE· 5 1"=100' SHEET of B LUA 16-000758 LNO 10-0527 CANYON TERRACE VOL/PAGE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4 OF THE S. W. 1 / 4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. Curve Table S01 "49'09"W N01'49'09"[ =7-----------------I C,,rv,e I Length Radius Delta Cl 29-J9 276.50 C2 74.26 278.50 ~1S"16'J9" CJ 58.50 278.50 &.12·02·10" c• a.11 278.50 cs \J.14-27\.50 A.,.,2'-+6"20" C6 9.79 271.50 C7 +o.04-271.50 &.,8"26'56" A &cs·sn2· ,~o:~ c, 41 95 271.50 C9 61.01 226.50 A.=15"26"00" ~ CIO 27.65 226 50 --+--+-""-='c'c9_·•c•·-1 C11 37.51 J23.50 A=6'31l'36" C'2 1'4-.4-8 323 50 C1J <C-0.27 25.00 &=92'1 7"08" C14 81.69 178.50 C15 1J.2(i 178.50 C16 2J.61 15.00 C'7 " 08 73.50 "' 9.5'9 22J.50 C19 4-1.66 223.50 C10 10.6a 223 50 &.=1a·or13- C2' 22.35 223 50 t.=5"4J"+J" C22 16.10 11.50 &-80'14'09" C2J 66.80 32J.5C A.,,11'49'55" "' 38.68 27.50 A,:,80'3-4'55" C25 4.J.70 27.50 A.=911]2"30" '" 36.% 90.00 A=23"12"36" C27 54.32 90.00 t...J-+'35"02" C28 71.29 70.00 -::.?16 ',-S.ffi ','.l'c':Fu C37 20.00 390.00 w 72.14 370 00 NOTES: UNL.fSS SHOWN OTHERMSE. All FRONT CORNERS ARE MARK£0 WITH A TACK ANO WASHER STAMPED -4-0101-IN A LEAD PLUG AT THE PROPERTY UN£ EXTENDED ID THE TOP OF CURS. REFER ro THE OJRB PLUG TABLE IN SHEET 2 FOR DISTANCES FROt.l THE CURB PLUG ra {ti£ rfWIVr PR{]P[f?rY CCJfmfR. 35 5117 SF 29 46S6 sr ---- :gi 1; 19 -1-503 SF ,p ·~ ~ KEY MAP-1" = 400' --------_ _____/ ___ ---~--'!-~8~ ~----- ____ -:_u_~~D(TYP) _----'. C,O 2" BRASS __/tll 11 ~ •• 1 ~- ~* 4728 SF • 72 -4-4-JO SF ~6 ,4" 30 4267 ':F a 0 ci N ·" g .0 0 ;;; " z so1·49'Q9"w \l)IJ.00' 67.15 ' 32.85 <O . ~ I ,~ O.~ 00 N• ~ ll:l gJ z 6 40 SOl"49'09"W 88.00' 576\ SF c,,.9, 7 5J24-SF ~ z~ D 40 80 SCALE IN FEET LOT2 K.C. SHORT PLAT #278113 0 r,. /ri 0 , [)jSK W/PUN01 IN \ MON. CA~ \ J6.41' No1·s2·s1·£ \ \ \ \ 17.06 123rd Avenue SE "' 0 . _ NOi "52'51"E ~ :: "''1 !82.37' /Jl.55' "' ii .; ~ 4-0.00' 4().00' 44.07" 10 0 0 " if 0 0 'a 0 ..-i;::: 0 8 ·a,r "' . ,-9 ,-8 0~ -~ ;; ~ I" ~ 4-000 SF ·~ 5433 SF V, -il: ~ z t p ' p ' • • ' • • ~ ~ ~ 0 z $I w ~ ss .. 1-s· 4-0.00" 40.0Q' ]_ '/'. ' '• ,p • ~ 6599 SF 20' PrfvllE Road Traci F H.SJ' 8 g 18.02' ' 26.5' JJBO" 1·55·57 E ::il.82" ,~ I ~ tg T ® g 18 • ~-17 QC 5608 SF ·;;·; 5{)73 SF •• • z EASEMENT LEGEND @10· UTILITY EASEMENT @1s' UTILHY EASEl.iENT @s' UTILITY EASEMENT @10· SANITARY SEv.ER EASEMENT @10· WATERMAIN EASEMENT @10' STORM DRAINAG£ TRACT @20' SHARED ACC£SS TRACT G @5· STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT (Dia' STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT Q)15' STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT @FLOW DISPERSION TRENCH EASEMENT @Pusuc PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 4-000 SF ,- 14 - I 6406 Sf I I _J ;,.. a, m "' t' ,:; " m " z '4-0.00' 64.59' 240.08' N01'52 '51~E 30.01' ---~ DDWL ' ' I f.lON W;l£AD & ~-~~~-l~I ~ONOf ~ 4 REN TON CONTROL N ll:l POINT 11873 "' DATE: 02-23-2017 BY: JNM PROJECT No.: 13586.01 FllE No.: S.3{]6-07F SCALE: 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 6 SHEET of 8 LUA 16-000758 LND 10-0527 Curve Table ""=' Length R<1dius Delta " rJ.r,i: ur.50 6.=T-%"":ro" c, 9.79 271.50 lP-2"04'01" Cl 40.04 271.SD 6"-8"26'56" C8 41.95 271.50 lFB"51 ·1r c, 61.01 226.50 6=15"26'00" C,0 27.65 226.50 4=6'59"41" m 23.61 15.00 .!.=-90-10'09" m 71.08 7) 50 A=55'24'42" m 54 32 90.00 4=:34•35•02• Cl< 1, .. 1.~ 1Q.OO t.=.~"'.l\'"lli' "' 40.50 271.50 .1=s·J2·4s· CJO 20.81 271.50 lF4"2J"3J" '" 39.27 25.00 .6=90"00"00" CJ2 30.63 !9.50 4=:90"00'00" CJ3 50.02 226.50 4-a12:J9'!0" rn 28.38 128.50 1F-12·Jg'1 o" CJ5 )"4-.61 128-50 F15'2!5"00" CJ6 15.69 128.50 6=6.59'41" C]7 20.00 390.00 6=2"-56'19" C38 +BOO ]70.00 1:,,..7'26"01" C39 48.25 370.00 11;=1·2s'11· cw 49.26 370.00 4=7"37'4r C+1 4a.68 J70.00 6=T]2'17" m +B.50 ]70.00 .IJ,,,7'3{)"J9" C+3 7013 ]7(1.00 lF1o·sna· CH 27. 73 19.50 .0.-.81'28'01· m 19.02 235.50 &'4'J7'J6" C+6 37. 75 235.50 .&=911'05" w 37.90 235.50 6-9"1J'l3" C<B 38.42 235.50 t.a,9""20'49" C+9 37.32 235.50 4=:91l4' ~3· C,O 15.38 235.50 .o.=,3•44'30• C67 4_14 ]70.00 A,,,,00"38'28" LINE TABLE LINE I !'£ARING DISTANCE u SBB'09'J.J"E 4-.70' L2 N(i1"51'15"E 21.24" LJ Nas·a4·03•w 15.00' L+ 501'55'57"W 35.50' Lo S19i0'26'W 15.16' EASEMENT DETAIL -1·-20· -- 6.00" _J_ _j ,oo· NOTES: UNLESS SHO\ldll OTHER\IIISE, ALL FRONT CORNERS ARE MARKED WITH A TACK AND WASHER STAMPED "40\01" IN A LEAD PLUG AT THE PROPERTY LINE EXTENDED TO THE TOP OF CURB. REFER TO THE CURB PLUG T.O.BLE IN SHEET 2 FOR DISTANCES FROM THE CURB PLUG TO THE FRONT PROPERTY CORNER 40 0 CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF lHE S.E. 1/4 OF lHE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. JJ, T2JN, RSE, W.M. ---------- z~ 40 80 KING C.OUNTY PARKS {l'a'(H P~Rr OF n--llS PLAT) 3{)' ROADWAY EASEMENT. AFN 1~~~18~~2~ 156.52' SCALE IN FEET BUFFER {TYP) / llflLANO NGPA <WETLAND BUFFER (TYP) 32,134 SF N76"3116"E 4;,.·-::-:---- 1500 --·1~ ' -----@ow Dlsperson ~ • s''J"°fl --\ / _.,. ------: :..----• Trench Easement '4\'l _4__ S4 -.-,--/_ - NB 91la 3J W N0'51 27"£ -'8f> ' 3''{'1 --~ 1soo·........_ . _______ --~ -~'~-219 ......._ 5354' ~ Jo. 18.39' N0"51'27"E: _ ------=----41 --~ ----___ 73.72'- Tract L Tract B Storm Water Facility 69 70 26,512 SF 4455 Sf j2J.96' 124th Avenue SE No2·59·1s~ ____ 395,1] __ . ___ _ ~ " 21.Sf C50 40.00 4(1.00' 40.00' 40.00' + .68 +c.00 40.00 "' 40.00 \ 7.21' 0 8 0 0 '\l 0 0 0 ~ ~ • ~ ,g • 24 ' 25 •• 26 ,,• 27 • ,w, ,,., " 28 '" ,p 3920 SF 0 l~ 5362 sr ;J -~ ~ 3920 SF 3920 SF p 454B SF p SEE EASEMENT OETI\JL TO L(FT N88'04'0J"W 10.00' • ; ~ • ~ z z "'oo· 40.00' 40.oo· 1-'/,_l' 0 ~ 123rd Avenue SE ~ l 23 w• ~ I 4973 SF ~ ~ I ;,. 3l h,-0··-i? 22 5411! SF ~ b• I~ @--1 . -1 O' 15.50' 29.50' N01"55'57"E 121.21· e;i 56.71' c'' -\-c~~ 2.21· 21 ·" ·~ '671 se ' ' i; ' z q~ \,l "· C"3 '" .• 8 20 41.:l.3 SF ·';I 29 461!6 SF ,'. 19 4503 SF p , ,p ·~ a w :.; 0 ,·, 'P i! 1 ,• 8 2,;.., 5606 SF ~,:: __ J~- 5.00' VOL/PAGE 17 507J SF 491.07' / /, _,<fl / 6.aa· KEY MAP-1" = 400' EASEMENT LEGEND @10· UTILITY EASEMENT @15' UTILITY EASEMENT @5· UTILITY EAS£M£NT @10· SANITARY SE'AER EASEMENT @10· WATERMAIN EASEMENT {£)10· STORM OR"INAG£ TR.o.CT @20' SHARED .O.CCESS ffi.O.CT C @5· STOfiM DRAINAGE EASEMENT @10' STCfU,I DRAINAGE EASEMENT G15· STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT @FLOW DISPERSIOO TRENCH EASEMENT @F>usuc PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT DOWL 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 DATE: BY: PROJECT FILE No.: SCALE· 7 02-23-2017 JNM Na.: 13586.()1 SJ06-07G 1"=40' SHEET of 8 LUA 16-000758 LND 10-0527 CANYON TERRACE VOL/PAGE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. Curve Table Curve I ""'~ Rodius Delta cs, H-.57 170.00 A=4-"S4'33. cs, 45.35 170.00 t.=15'17'00" C53 90.08 220.00 ll-=2Y27'J2" '" 73.70 200.00 A-,21'06'43" C55 8.19 200.00 4=2'":20''4-8" C56 16.80 190.00 A=5'"C3'55" cs, 36.19 190.00 A-11)'54'44" csa 8.% 190.00 1r2·42·1r cs, 49.63 204.50 tJ.<-13"54'23"' C60 24.12 2M. 50 4=6"+5"31"' C6' 38.68 249 50 6'-8"52'57" CS, 38. 75 2.ot-9.50 .4-8"53'55" co, 1 't.22 249.50 6'c'Sl5"56" "' B9.29 84.50 A=60'32'49" C65 5.83 84.50 6=03'57'11" C66 1.28 249 50 6"-0017'41" C68 "' 204.50 .4-00'40'35" C'9 5.01 ''° 00 4=01'30"41" LINE TABLE UNE II BEARINC DISTANCE " N2T25'18"E 8.52' " S62'11'47'E 21.74" NOTES: UNLESS SHOWN 0TH£RMS£. ALL FRONT CORNERS ARE MARKED wrn-, A TACK ANO WASHER STAMPED "'40101" IN A L£AD PLUG AT ltJE PRCPERTY LINE EXTENDED TO Tl1E TOP I'.)'" CURB. REFER TO THE CURS PLUC TABI..£ IN SHEET 2 FOR DISTANCES FRru THE CURB PWG TO THE FRONT Mef>ERTY CORNER. 40 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET 54 , 5221 SF IN111'16"E J.00' J • ;,. &l::J :;;: ~"' 15.09' s, ,, • .-"c." • .----.- 27.59' _15.09'.£$"·-- ,- EAST LINE 30' EL£CTRIC EASEMENT, AFN ]919394 KING COUNTY PARKS (NOT PART OF THIS PLAT) WETLAND BUFFER (TYP) 20' WA TER:--+--1. EAS£MENT, AFN 7S0JJ100JI KEY MAP-1" = 400' ' ' N01·55'55"E J 30.00' r----- EASEMENT LEGEND @ro' unurr EASEMENT @1s· UTlUf'r' EASEMENr @5· UTILITY EASEMENT @10' SANITARY Sf:\1£R EASEMENT @10· WATERMAlN EASEMENT ©10' STalM DRAINAGE TRACT @20· SHARED ACCBS TRACT G @s· STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT @10' STORIII DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~ 15' STOOr.i DRAINAGE EASEMENT FLOW DISPERSION TRENCH EASEMENT PUBUC PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT L:18.14' 55 5154 Sf N01 "55'57"E l .. --., .,- Gabion Outfel ~/ EB88menl: ' (NOT DEDIC A TEO WITH THIS PL', T) ' ~ ~ ,d ·~ ~. • ------------ ~ • " ,g ,; i WETLAND BUFFER (TYP) " " ,<:!. '• ~ i 68 69 w J0.41·-. • " .~ ~ 'ti. 'd ,-. i . rn • ; 70 67 5133 Sf 5245 Sf ®SO SF 4-455 Sf ,_ ,-I~ '~ . " rn D ·~ '• . '• ,c ~J ~ . ,-. 40.00" 4(].00' 40.00' "'· 39~13_· __ 124th Avenue SE ND2'58'15"W --- 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 584.04' DATE: BY· PROJECT FILE Na.: SCALE: 8 L---- 90.oo:_ __ 291.15' 02-23-2017 JNM Na.: 1.3586.(11 S.306-07H 1"=40' SHEET of 8 4 . t--1,. ~ I I ~--J ~·~ I __ -I ":.::"/ 1' ~' ._,,.,,,,·, .] - ,,. . .;.,- Neighborhood Detail Map Canyon Terrace NORTHWESTERN i;ARDEN TRACTS] DIV. NO. ,.,_,.,,~,,-,, f--.- =~-·;_ l:J -· . ~-~· ,~--.. -. '\ ' . I " ' i ··:. i~ .. ·-11• I -·1 ~" ~ . # ·'· .,.,,. &, ..• .... .. . ¢•"'"" " ~ 7' ., ,·· .. ~-,~ ~· O"'· 8 "! , ' ·c ;TRACTS · .. ·1 NQa,r,TERN l<3AROEN D~~~ N0.15 ~=·\ ~ £: l£ 9 .:£_'.i ·, ~ 0 :, ~ t 5 z 0 "Tl N '" z .... 0 z ~, ,: ~ ,~ tn = ·-< "" l'ri = en 0 .•. ";",', : ...,. ~:.-,., ....... J ....... .-" 1 .•. .::::" ~ .. • I= I ' I I .. , -n l-n:klff,'f:J:f I.: 'b!:.~i I;..== ... ~ -.;.;.,1:1 = .· i· ·--'";'~ ..::.:::..: .. :;::;·• .. ·:& r:: l j---..L..::...l ! i-,...;...;.J '· \ . '' :/1 I ,.; "\_ -=- 1"=100' t NORTH -~,.·-.. :.· '. . ., '• . -.. --~. _··\--.:· __ ····-;··· ~·--, .. ·;·: .. -;< --~· ;.· ,SE"., 92111D 5,---"'!. March 10, 2016 ____ _r I ·-··-.,. I. ·'" l''"f ···-I ! . ii . I :: .,,,,,-,c,,,,,.,,,._,,.,..,.""' • :. ,,,., ,ce ;a,J a.cc,·«e .,,, .. t,,, ,,~,, at•,,1 <· " , o, ·~a,,,cd • te ~~". "'"9'' "'>"<"<«",en·•·,_, . .,,,_. Preliminary Plat Moditlcation Exhibit (IHnlAIWESE) -__ JO'.cJGHT~r - .,... north 1~)~ SUMMIT HOMES RENTON PROPERTIES /TRMP ___ .....-;G,,,, ..,.,.,, ' ' ' CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF lHE S.E. 1/4 OF lHE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY n.lESE PRESENTS THAT ',\{ THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INlEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SU8DIW>ED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION Or THE SUBDIVISION MADE 1-!EREBY .I.NO DO HEREBY DEDIC,t,TE TO THE USE 0t THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICA'l'E THE USE THERECf" Fa:! .A.LL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTE'.NT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES. AND ALSO Tl-iE RIGHT TO MAKE .A.LL NECESSA.R'f SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN l'rl[REON IN THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS f>LAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS, UTILITIES ANO DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFlCALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC IN WHICH CASE WE 00 HEREBY DEDICATE AND CONVEY SUCH S1REETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO lHE PERSON OR ENTITY 1DENTIF1ED ANO FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS Of THE u.ND HEREBY SUBDl'v1DED, WAl'VE FOR THEMSU."1:S, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS ANO ANY PERSON OR ENTITY OERMNG TITl.E F'ROM THE UNDERSIGNED. ANY ANO AU. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY OF RENTOt,1, ITS SUCCESSORS AND "-SSIGNS 'MilCH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE Of ROADS ANO OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THtS SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING Flia.l INAOEQUA TE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY Of RENTON. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED Ov.t.lERS Of THE LA.ND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSEl. \/ES, THEIRS HEIRS ANO ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS ANO ASSIGNS HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE INCLUDING ANY COSTS or DEfENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOOT THIS SUBDIVISIOO TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE Of THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SVBDlVISlON, PROVIDED THIS WAl'.1::R ANO INDEMNIFICATION 51-!ALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING THE CITY Of RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAG£S, INCLUDING l"HE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN ~OLE OR IN PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE Of THE CITY Of RENTON, ITS SUCCESSORS. OR ASSIGNS. UPON RECORDING Of THIS PLAT TRACTS ARE HEREBY GRANTED AND CONV£'!'EO TO THE SUMMIT HOMES HOMEO-,..ER'S ASS00Al10N (HOA) FOR OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION. TRACT IS HEREBY GRANTED AND COOVE'l'ED TO THE HOA FOR OPEN SPACE. TRACT IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CON'.1::YED TO THE HOA AS NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTIOIII AREA TRACTS. 0\1,t,jERSHIP ANO MAINTENANCE Of SAID TRACTS SHAU BE THE RESPONSIBILITY or THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR OTHER'MSf fAILS TO MEET ITS PRCf'ERTY TAX C8UGATIONS AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT CF PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD Of 18 ldONTHS, THEN EA~ LOT IN THIS PLAT SHAU ASSUME AND HAVE AN EQUAL ANO UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACTS PREVIOUst.Y OWNED BY THE HOA ANO HAVE THE ATTENDANT FlNANCIAL AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO THE OECLARA11QN OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, ANO RESTRICTIONS fOR SUMMIT HOldES UNDER RECORDING NUMBER ------- THIS SUBOIIIISION, OEDICA TIQN, WAIVER OF ClAlliiS AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT ANO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES Of SAID OYoWERS. IN WITNESS 'MiEREOF, WE SET OUR HANDS ANO SEALS: BY: '" ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF ----- COUNTY OF ) ) ss ) ON THIS DAY PERSONAUY ApP[AR(O BEFORE ME TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN AND 'MiO EXECUTED THE \Ti1THIN ANO FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNO'M..EOGEO Tl1AT HE/SHE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS/HER FREE AND ',IOLUNTARY ACT ANO DEED, fOf! THE USES ANO PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. C,IV[N UNDER MY HANO AND OFFlCIAL SEAL 11-IIS DAY or -----20~. SICNATIJRE Of NOTARY·------- PRINlEO NAME Of NOTARY: _____ _ RESIDING AT: __________ _ MY APPOINlMENT EXPIRES:-----~ KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND ol.PPROW THIS ---DAY Of ----, 20 __ . KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOO LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TlilS Pl.AT Of SUMMIT HOMES IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SUR\,£Y ANO SUBOl'.1SION Of SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .. THAT THE COORSES ANO DISTANCES ARE SHOMII CORRECTLY THEREON: lliAT TH[ MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WllL BE: STAl<EO CORRECTLY ON lliE GROUND. P.Wl T. RICE. Pt.Sf 40101 RECORDING CERTIFICATE FllfD FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF-----• 2016 AT ----M IN BOOK __ C>' __ AT PAGE __ AT THE REQUEST OF PAUL T. RICE. CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAMINED lo.ND APPRO\/EO THIS ---DAY OF ----, 20 __ . AOMINISTRA TOR CITY OF RENTCJ,i MAYOR EXAMINED AND APPRO\/EO THIS MAYOR AntsT: 'O"lY~CLER=~,---- DAY Of ----, 20 CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY Tl1AT THERE ARE NO DEUNQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ANO THAT ALL SPEC1"1. ASSESSMENTS CER11F1ED TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR COlLECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED FOR SlREETS, ALI.EYS OR OTHER PUBLIC use:s ARE PA.ID IN FULL THIS ____J)AY OF 20 __ FlNANCE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I H£R£8'1" CERTIFY THAT LL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSWENTS CERTIFlEO TO TH!S Of"flCE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFlED TO THIS OfF1CE FOR COLLECTION ON AN'I" Of THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS, OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS __J)AY Of ____ 20 __ MANAGER, FlNANCE DIVISICJ,i LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: LOTS X, Y, AND Z, KING COUNTY BCUNOARY LINE AD.JJSlMENT NUldBER L06LD09J, RECORDED VNOER RECORDING NUMBER 20070419900019. IN KING COUNTY. W.t.SHINGTCt,1. TOGETHER W'TH A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ROAD AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 7808090599 ANO 8805310993. PARCEL B: TRACT 5 Of NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TI!ACTS, OIVISON 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN \ltt..UME -47 OF PLATS. PAGE 90, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT Tl1E \IIEST 150 FEET THEREOF. AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTH LINE Of SAID TRACT ,. TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHERLY 30 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF TRACT 5, Of SAID NORTl1WESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO 5, DESCRIBED AS fO!.LOWS: BEGtNNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 4 Of SAID NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DJV. NO 5; THENCE SOUTH 1'08"10" WEST ALONG THE WEST UNE OF SAID TRACT 5, A DISTANCE Of" 120 FEH THENCE SOUTH 89'34'39" EAST, 150 FEET; THENCE Nef!TH 1"'08'10" EAST, 150 FEET TO THE Nef!TH LINE OF SAID TRACT 5; THENCE NORTH 89'34'39" VIE:ST ALONG SAID LINE, 103.38 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 0'25'21" Wo£ST. 30 FEET; THENCE Nef!TH 89"34'39" WEST, -46.89 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. VICINITY MAP ~DDWL DA1E: 05-06-2016 BY: "" PRO.f.:CT No.: 13586.01 FlLE No.: S306-07A SCALE: N A SHEET 1 of 7 CA N YON TER R ACE ·-, ,~ A POR110N Of THE S.E. 1/4 Of THE S.W. 1/4, Of SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. CITY OF RENTON ADDRESSING SYSTEM SURVEY NOTES ,. AVENUES RUN NORTH AND SOUTH (-----AVE. NE) TiilS SUR\'£'1' WAS PERFORMED FROM DECEMBER. 2013 TO SPETEMBER, 2016. ALL MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON AS FOUND MONUMENTS ~E \otSITED DURING ,. STREETS RUN E>.ST AND WEST (N.E. ------ST.) THE COURSE Of THAT SURVEY. ,. PLACE -PARAU£LS A'.£NUES .. WAY -PARAUELS STREETS M[,t,SUREMENTS 'foERE MADE 'lr'ITH A TOPCOO 6205 TOTAL STATION CALIBRATED 5. COURT -DEAD END smm AT AN N.G.S. BASELINE WffHlN THE LAST YEAR, AND A HIPER+ GPS UNIT. ,. ODO NUlilBEREO ADDRESSES -WEST AND S0Ull-( '· E'-91 NUMBERED ADDRESSES -EAST ANO NDRTH PROCEDURES USED IN lHIS SURVEY WERE new TRAVERSE MEETING "" ,. NUMBERS GET LARGER GOING NORTH AND EAST EXCffDING STANDARDS SET BY WAC 3.32-130-090. CITY OF RENTON UTILITY EASEMENT PROVISIONS FLOW CONTROL BMP'S ,. '"'"""""" ~""' COll[Jll,Q[ (~9. "". (SQl.lutE FtETJ ~ LOT .-RU) FLOW CCINTROI. EU' ' "'" ""'·' Level Trench W/Perf. Pi ' ''" 2B1S.2 u,.,.,1 r .. nch W/ Parf. Pini, ' "" ""'·' LeYel Trench W/ Perl. Pi • '"" ,.,.., l..,al J,.nd,W/ Parf. Pi ' "" 2479.8 leYelTrenchW Pelf.Pl ' "" 3744.7 Level Trench W/Perf. Pine PRIVATE EASEMENTS ' "" ""·' Level Trench WI Pert. Pioe • "" JSll.5 Level Trench W/ Perf. Pl '· ' """ 2600.0 t.ev.i Trend', WI Perf. Pi " ""' "'"·' leYel Trench WI Perf. Pl " "" 259'J.3 leYel Trench W/ Perf. Pi " ... ""'·' U!Vel Trench W/ Perf. Pi " "'' 344S.7 level Trench W/ Perf. Pl " ... 4161.9 t.,.,..ITmnd'IW/hrf.Pi EXISTING EASEMENTS PER TITLE REPORT ~ """ "'"·' LevelTrenchW Perl.Pi .. -2655.3 Le~I Trench W/Perf. Pi 3) EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY, STREET, SIDEWALKS, UTILITIES, STORM DRAINS " ""' 3297.5 leW!I Trench WI Perf. Pl AND OTHER USES, RECORDED MARCH 18, 1974 UND£R RECORO!NG NO. .. ... 3645.2 le~ITrenchW/hrf.PiDI' 7403180427. .. ..,, ""'·' lew!I Trench W/Ptrf. Pl 4) EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND UTILITY PURPOSES, RECORDED .IUJGUST 9, " "'' 2686.5 leW!ITrenchW Pelf.Pl"" 1978 UNDER RE:COROING NO. 7808090599. " ''" ""'' L.ewtlTrenchW/Perf.P!"" 5) EASEMENT FOR INGRESS ANO EGRESS FOR ROAD AND UTILITIES, RECORDED u "" ,,,,., Le~I Trench W/ Perf. PiDI' MAY 31, 1988 UNDER RECORDING NO. 8805310993 6) ,,.GREEMENT FDR EST,,.BUSHMENT OF EASEMENT FDR STORI.I WA1ER RUNOfF " '"' 3232.5 Level Tnmch WI Perf. Pioe LINE, DAlED I.IARCH 6, 2008 UNDER RECORDING NO. 20080306000502. " ,~, ""'·' Le~I Trench W/ Perf. Pipe 7 ,,.ND 25) ,,.GREOIENT REGARDING EST.t.BUSHMENT Of EASEMENT FOR STORM ~ "'' ""·' LevelTrenchW Perf.P•"" WA"JER F,,.CIUTIES, DATED SEPTEMBER 27, 2013, UNDER RECORDING NO. .. "'' ,,.,_, L.ewtl Trench WI P,rf. p,..., 20130927001468. " = _, t.v.ol T"'nch WI Parf. P!"" 21) 1:ASl:.M[NT FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE GRANTED TO PUGET SOUND .. "'' ""·' Lew.lTrenchW Pert.Pi""' POl'IER i!t LIGHT CCMPANY, D,,.TED JULY 15, 1949, UNDER RECORDING NO. J919394. ~ -""'' Level Trench W/ Perl. Pi"" 22) EASEMENT FOR EX1ENSION OF SE H!811, STREET, DATEO stPlEMEIER 6, ~ "'' 2m.6 tn,,I Trench WI Perf. Pl""' 1973 UNDER RECORDING NO. 7J0906D131. " "" ""' Level Trench w/ Perf. PIDI' 23) EASEMENT FOR WATER MAINS RECORDED MARCH 31, 1978 AND APRIL 19, " "" """ Level Trench W/ Pert. p; ..... 1978 UNDER RECORDING NO'S 780JJ10029 AND 7804190061 " ''" 2565.6 Lew.I Trench W/ Pelf. Pl"" 24) EASEMENT FOR WATER MAINS RECORDED MARCH Jl, 1978 AND MAY 26, 1978 UWDER RECORDING NO'S 7803310031 ,,.ND 7805260190 " 4174 2713,1 Level Trench W/ Perf. p;.,.. 27) SUB..ECT TO SOOS CREEi( WATER AND SE'1o£R OISTRlCT, SE'lo£R SPECIAL " m, 3326.l Level Trench WI Pert. PIDI' CONNENCTION D!ARCE f 267, RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 2008 UNDER " ,m 2704.7 Level Trench WI Perf. Pioe RECOROING NO. 20080225000496 " ,m 2705.3 Level Trench W Pelf. Pi""' J3) PUG£T SOUND ENERGY EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. " "" 2752.S Level Trench W/ Pelf. Pl"" 20150501000626 " ""' 2719.6 L.ewtl Trench W/ Perf. p,,.,,. SURVEY CONTROL TABLE ~ "'' 27411.9 Level Trench W/ Perf. PIDI' " "" 2689.1 LeV81 Tr2nch W/ Perf. Pipe SOORCE Of DATA: WGS SUR\.'£Y O,,.TA WAREHOUSE -SURVEY CONlROL POINT " ,.. ""·' Level Trench W/ Perf. p; ..... STANDARD DATA SHITTS " "" ""·' t.ev,,1 Trench W/ Perf. Pi"" HORIZONTAL O,,.TUM: WASHINGTON ST,,.TE PU.NE COOROINA1E SYSTEM -NORTH .. "" ""·' Level Trench W/ Pelf. Pi"" ZONE, NAO 1983/91 " '"" 2Slll.5 Level Trench W/ Perf. Pioe .. ... 2514.2 Lewi T"'nch W/ Perf. Pil>8 f BASIS Of BEARING: NDR11, 89'33'09" WEST, ESTABLISHED BY INVERSE BETWEEN " "" 24911.0 Level Trench W Pelf. Pi"" WGS PIJl,IT DESIGNATIOO 5808 AND 5809 .. "'' 2482.4 Le~I Trench W/ Perf. p;.,.. ~ BASIS OF COORDINATES: " '"' ""·' Level Trench WI Perf. Pi.,. a "' '"' ,..,, Level TrenchW/ Perf. p;.,.. -POINT DESIGNATION: 5808 " '"' 2741.7 Level TrenchW/ Pert. Pipe ' 2" BffASS DISK Will, PUNCH IN CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CASE AT 11,[ " "'' 2468.1 Level Trench W/ Perf. Pl.,.. ' INTERSECTION OF SE 192ND STREET AND 12411, A\IENUE SE. ,a "'' ,..., lirw!I Trench W/ Parf. p;.,.. NORTHING: 159,851.684 " ,m ""' Level Trench W/ Perf. Pi DI' EASTING: 1,J08,148.346 ~ " ""' 3350.1 Level Trench W/ Pelf. p; .... • POINT DESIGN,,. TION; 5809 " "'' ""·' Level Trench W/ Perf. p;.,. ' 4" SOUAAE CONCRETE MONUMENT 'Mll, LEAD AND TACK (N Level Trench WI Pert. p;.,.. ' " ""' 3218.8 CASE AT THE INTERSECTION Of SE 192ND STREET ANO 11611, " ''" 3218..2 Level Trench W/ PeTf. Pl ' A'f£NUE S£. ' NQRll,lNG: 15Sl',872.526 (PUBLISHED) " ""' 5356.7 Dis"""IYIITrend'I ' NORll,JNG; 159,872.526 (MEASURED) "' ,~, 2799.6 Di,,..,u1 Trend, ' EASTING: 1,305,50(1.369 (PUBLISHED) " "" "''"' Ol§oersalTrench EASTING: t,JOS,505.427 (WEASURED} " -2628.6 Disoe....!Trend, ' " "" 2590.3 Dlsper!i.11 Trench ~ REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .. '"' ""' D1,.,..ry1 Trench 1) PlAT OF NQR11,WES"TERN GARDEN 1RACTS DIV. NO 5, RECORDED IN VOLUME " ,~, 28S,4.8 [)jsoersal Trench . 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 90, RECORDS Cf" KING COUNTY, W,,.SHINGTON " ... 3122.6 Di•l>t!rs.alTmnch 0 2) RECORD Of SUR¥£Y fOR R,,.VENNNA OE\.'ELOPMENT LLC. RECORDED UNDER " ma 3336.5 Dis .... !YI Trench ! KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20080609900009 .. '"" ,.., [)js .... BIIITrench 0 3) RECORD Of SURVEY FOR MAR"1N \IIEHRMAN, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY " ... 3159.0 Dls,...!YIITrench ~ RECORDING NUMBER 20080909!Xl0003 "' «~ ""' Dis<>er»I Trench 4) BOIJNDAAY LINE AOJUS1MENT NUMBER L06L009J, RECOROED UNDER KING n ,.. 3312.4 Lew.lTrenchW Pert.Pl COONTY RECORDING NUMBER 20070419900019 ' 5) BOUNDARY LINE ADJJSTMENT NUMBER FOi! RAVENNA OE\1£LCPMENT U.C, n -2879.5 level Trench W/ Perf. P, ..... ! RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20060711900004 S) PLAT OF AURIA WOODS, RECORD£D IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGE 78--92, . ~DOWL DATE: 05 06--2016 ; RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~~l.T.~ BY, JNM ' 7} RECCRO Cf" SURVEY FOR WASHINGTON FEDERAL., RECORDED UNDER KING ' COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 201JOJ21900001 ... ~~+ PRo..ECT No.: 13586.01 3 B) PLAT Of GOLDEN HILLS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 104 OF PLATS. PAGE 98, [..~t fll£ No.: SJ06-07B RECORDS OF KING CCUNTY, WASHINGTON SCAt.E: ,1, ' 9) BOONOARY LINE AOJJS1MENT NUMBER "" MA TT BERNTSON, RECORDED 0 UNDER KING COUNTY RECOROlNG NUMBER 200l50'411900021 ~..,~~ &420 15'1-tll A ... enue NE SHEET ! 10) SUBDIVISIOH GUARANTEE !SSUED B'I' OflCAGO TlllE INSURANCE COMPANY, ~u,111/ Redmond. Wclshington 96052 2 of 7 ~ CERTlflCATE NO. 0019183-06, OATEO AUGUST 13, 2016 425--a69-2670 AO, CANYON TERRACE A PORTION Of ,00 0 100 200 ' LEGEND PRO..CCT 80I.JNDARY -------PROP£RTY LINE ~-----COITERUNE -------SEC110N UN[ -------EA561ENT UN[ J~ SECTION CORNER :s: i;t NOIHH 1/~ CORNER CAS£D ROAD MONUWENT PRQPERTY CORNER SET (5/B" REBAR W/CN", LS f 40101 THE S.E. 1/4 Of THE S.W. 1/4, Of SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. SCALE IN FEET LOTX MONUMENT REFERENCE TABLE -""""L...t PESCBJPDON -""""L...t & FND. 1/2• REBAR W/CAP, LS f 40016/18898 & & FND. 1/2• REBAR W/CAP, LS f 11691 1±,, & FND. 1/2" REBAR W/CAP. "CNW 40016" & & FND. 1/r REBAR, NO CAP, 0.2' S OF UNE & FNIJ. 5/8" REBAR, NO CAP, 0.6' W OF LINE , , I ~-:~u::~m_ I 225.M'(C.J) 4 /!I "f[ ,':.'.. I~ ; /f LOTY DESCRIPTION FND. 1/2" REBAR, NO CAP, 0.15' W Of LINE fND. 5/8" REBAR W/CAP, LS f 19635 0.1" E & 0.7' S OF" CORNER FND. 5/8" REBAR W/C/1.P, LS f 18898 0.3' S OF CORNER DATt: BY: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I ~ I I I I 05-0fi-2016 ... ~ • PROPERTY CORNER FOUND (AS NOlro) ~DOWL PROJECT No.: 13586.01 ~ (11) WEASURED DIMENSION ~ (CJ COl,IPUTID DIMENSION o (I) DIMENSlo.l FRaA REF. DOC. # 8420 154th Aveooe NE ALE No., S306-07C SCALE: 1·-100' SHEET ~ /1, FOUND WOHUUENT ID f Redmond, Washiogtoo 96052 L __ _::::: ___ :.:_.:_:.:_.:::::__:.:..:_ __________________ _J~::::::::::::::!l ___________ ~.,::: .... ~~;'.::'.,.~'~'l..: __ .:_ __ _J 3 of 7 LEGEND ----PROJE"CT BOUNDARY ------PROPERTY LINE -----CENrrRUNE -----SECTION LINE ------RIGHT or WAY LINE -----PROPOSED LOT LINE -------EASDIENTLI-IE 1lt3 SECTION CORNER " '"' '" "' NORTH 1/4 CORNER CASED ROAD WONUM.ENT MEASURED DIMENS1et,1 Cot.lPUlED DIMENSION Dlt.lENSION FROM REF. DOC. f CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF THE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. .f g !f • 20'Sl!o .... _ _ , n ~ D n -___J w " " • D • ~DCWL ,00 A 0 ,oo SCALE IN FEET ~/\\l I..:... I~ . ~\ \ \ I I I I I \ \ 200 DATE: 05-06-2016 BY: JNM PRo..ECT No.: 135&6.01 f1lE No.: SJ06-07D ·-----------SCfil: 1"•100' 6420 1.S..th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869--2670 4 of 7 CL1rv. Tllble c~,ve I Len9tn Rcctu, Ool!c " 2i.J9 278.!,,0 ll,,,5"02'SO" " 74.26 278.!,0 .a,,,is,s'J;' ~ ~~ 27B,50 .a.-12'02·10· " 8.11 278.SO bo!"<IO'OE" ~ 13.14 27UO a,..:nl!'W" " ,.n 27UO 6oo2"04'm" ~ ~·" 27BO a,.1ne·se· " 41.9S 271,SO ll-8'5f12" " ". 22e.so ti-15'2e'OO" '" 27.6S 226.50 a,.e~·.w en J7.S1 JU!,,O 11-5'38'3!!" "' 14."'8 J2J,!,O 6oo2'JJ'5J" 0, 40.27 noo 6-9217'08" ,,. 81.69 !78.50 l>ooll!13'\2° "' 1J.:ztl 178.50 ,..,.,s·H· "' 23.61 1:;.00 ..,90,o·os· m 71.oa 7),!,0 ... 55'24'~· "' $.S9 223.50 ll-2'2i3J" "' 41.!lti l:U.!IC ll,o,11)'4(l'47' '" 70.68 223.SO bo1e"01'1J" '" 22.35 223.!,0 ... 5·43'43• "' 16.10 !I.Ml ... 8014'09" rn ~~ Ji3.SO ti,.11'W!\5" "' ~.~ 27.!,0 6,,,8(l'l-4'55" "' 43.70 27.50 ... 91'02'30" "' ~.~ ~.00 ""'2312'36" "' S.U2 90.00 ... :1-4"35'02" "' 71.29 70.00 bo5!1'2T'2C" '"' 15.69 128.SO b-6'59'W "' 20.00 390.00 6,,2'%'19" "' 12.14 370.00 .a.-11,0·15• ! ..J CANYON TERRACE A PORTION Of" THE S.E. 1/4 Of" THE S.W. 1/4. Of" SEC. JJ, T2JN, R5E, W.M. EASEMENT LEGEND 40 0 SC"1.E IN FEET LOT2 KC. SHORT PLAT #278113 6 - -::: _::: 1; 1 1 12 I. ''""" I . I J C1 10.66 -, I 11 I: )n~ ,r I ..J N01'52'51"E t 14 ~ ~·""' ';f I z 1t----- ._J ' ,l{J.00' 40.()0" -, \~ 8 i;: 0403 se \; \ N01 '52's1 •E JO.OT' ---~ i V 110' UllJTY EASO,IENT 1S' ururr EASEMENT 5' IJ'!IUT'I" u.sEli8l1" ~DOWL DAT£: 05-06-2016 8Y: """ PRQ.ECT N,;,.: \3586.01 FlLE N,;,.· S306-07E 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-869-2670 SCAL.E: 1"•4-0' SHEET 5 of 7 CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4 OF THE S. W. 1 / 4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, RSE, W.M. lr---------0-------. Cur-we Tablt-~-. l-,~tt, R<1<1.,, D«to " 0.1• 271 50 """z-«r20· ~ 9.79 271.50 t,,,21'.),!'01" ~ WO< 271 !.o b,,,8'2(!'56" ~ 41.9~ in.50 l>a8'51'12' ca 81.01 225.SQ b,,,l!l'2!S'OO' '" 27.8~ ll,~ t,,,~'5!;°41" "' 2361 15.00 .:,,.90·10·09· "' ""' 7J.50 i,.55-:24·-02· m :',-1.32 ~.00 .. 34~·02· m 71.29 70.00 1,,,,:!,11.'1'20" "' w.~ 271.!\Q a,.5·32'48" "" 2081 271.50 .!,,,4'ZJ'JS "' 39.27 25.00 6"90'00'00" rn 3Q,6J 19.50 t,,,,9(l'OO'f)O" rn 50.02 n,~ a.-12"3!1'10" ,~ ~-~ 128.50 a.-1=·10· rn 3-UI 128.50 bo-15-:28'00" "' 1M9 128.50 6,,6'5',°41" "' rooo =oo a..2~·19• ,~ ~00 370.00 1!.7'2E'01" rn "5.25 370.00 11,,,T,!0'17" cw 49.26 37000 t,,,]'JT42" "' ~~ 370.00 l,,,7'32'\7" rn ~-~ 370.00 b-7'J.0'3!1" lf---+--+---t-----t-- i ' ' l rn 70.13 cu 2773 rn 19.02 ,~ 37.7~ rn 37.90 rn 38.42 "' 37.32 ,~ 15.38 370.00 b-10'51'38" 19.50 1,,,81'28'01" 2~.50 bo4'JT~" 23~50 io-91\'~· 235.50 6-913'\J" 235.50 ll-i'20''4-ll" 23~.!IO 1,,,9'0•f4J" 235 50 j 11-3"44'30" KEY MAP -1" = 400' l NGPA Tract L Tract B Storm Water Facility \?3 96' • " 398.13" _ -----+c-~--------, SCALE IN FEET tl!ll!'O{'D'.l"w rn.ocr ,....., __ c+~ ~TrectG 80 EASEMENT LEGEND '· S01'4!l'09"W _ _j L ~DDWL VOL PAGE 182.98' ,~.52" DATE.: 05-06-2016 BY: ,.. PRO.ECT No.: 13586.01 FILE No.: S306-07F SCALE! r.40• ! 84201S4thAvenueNE SHEET §L-=::=========:::=:::'....'.. _______________ _J~====:::'.L ______ "_""_m_o_,,_._-_:"'.:-~"~"""'~~L-6 __ 0_f __ 7_J 425-869-2670 ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1/4 Of THE S.W. 1/4, Of SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. ----,------~--- f-,------,~~~----, 1· c"...., I lrngtt, Rodlu, Delto 14 5:, 170.00 45.~ 170.00 .,.,. 220.00 "'"23'2T32" c~ 11,.21'06"4J" 7J.7(l 200.00 c~ bo2"20'<4,1!" 8.19 200.00 c~ bo~'llJ'~5· ,.,, 190.00 C57 ... ,~·«· 36.19 ,-.oo CS8 11,.2·42·12· ·~ 190.00 C!!'. 11,,,\J~4'23" 4S.6J -~ C60 2o!-.12 204.50 bo8'45'J1" C$1 38.68 249.50 6-a':i2"5T CE2 :ie 15 249.50 1,,,,e'$J·~- cg;:i 14.22 249.50 ..... 3,5•511• CM 89.211 B4.50 llooS0-:'12.'49° C65 ~Bj 54.!oO Jo-OS5711" ™ ,.2e 24950 i.-001r4,· C68 2.41 204.50 ll,.0!)'4(>"35" C61l ~01 190.00 i-01·:)()·4,· NGPA Tract ----_t102.'58'15"W _ va. ' Road A J~.13' ---------- w.oo ,1()00 ,1()00 ~--, 17.5' 12.5' N01·s5·55·r Ji 30.00' r----- KEY MAP-1" = 400' EASEMENT LEGEND m ,o· ,mm """"" 15' UlUTY EA5EMENT 5' ll'IUTY £.t.SDEHT ~~~~iE~ ~GAIIIOH Ol.llFIIL.l. ~T NOl'S5'57"E 0 "' 80 SCALE IN l'EET ~DCWL 5a4.04' OAT£: 0:1-06-2016 BY: JNM PRo.ECT No.: 13586.01 FlL.£ No.: S306-07G 1"•40' ' i ' ' i ~ '-f~ ,~ -,,,.. j...,, :air../ i ( ,,}' ,, ,,1 ' ;{ ' SUBMmAI.S I REVISIONS CANYON TERRACE SUBDMSION ~~;;;::===~·~·r--~~~~=-'--MMnlTfc1GA:lATT~1o~NriP~LAAi-iN__._._"C._.,..___~--i,i ""~ PREPARED FOR MEAD & HUNT, INC. ; ! SITE ADDRESS: • ; PARCEL NOS: 619900-0240, -0241, -0260, -0101 & 619960.0180 8 f ,, ~ RENTON, WA 98058 ;;, ::: ' f--:, ---;, f1, ,,. -\'.'t:. --_· :: r .. -·" \ . ,-- ,f\..._ l !_ __ /:i I I )> • ·--:::-::::1 ~ , _., ,'-----U ;;· - ' I ' _ .... -.J- • jO I~ '--< / ,. ~ --1""---~-~-i, ·' ·, ;...__.-· -;--~---1- CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED FOR MEAD & HUNT, INC. SITE ADDRESS: PARCEL NOS: 619900-0240, -0241, -0260, -0101 & 619960-0180 RENTON, WA 98058 §S:: i :::! ';G) )> ::::! !O !Z :"'C !r )> ;z 1-i :z iG) i-c !s;: 'z • ' z ~ ,, 0 ;o o I 1-"'' -------.J 0 I ti I ,• (:iJ i I ~ 8'~' i i ! I ' I ~ ' ! , ! ' I ; ! I ' I ; I ; i • ! I i 1 ij ! ~ I ' ij • ! 1 0 ' i l ~ I ' i i I ! ! ' I ~ ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ ' ~ i ! -. --fg'~/-------~~~.-1 J ~-l!uL~.--------~~=--~----------·~:,.~r\C~\_'LI~·~~~------------------- ~ ii ,i~! I I '"""'~"=•= CANYON TERRACE SUBDMSION ~ o ! •~Ii i11•c'':"~,,.;ta,.,,,jl:~:-,:;,:;i;•~~™~-~:::===11.~--·~:r: -----IMWIITTTlir.:GAATrilOniNf;JPiPLAIANNI _____ _ ( .•. n:-;::" ,~i:;,QQ ... 1 .,!Jl ', OONC • ...,............_,P<..._.... _ ' -" ,., -" ="0 ·-=~~ PREPARED FOR MEAD & HUNT, INC. Q!l:oR ~~;, 'Tl~~ J~fll ' '""''"" ~::=~ SITEADDRESS: O') ..... ~ ~Ii' ~~ . -L, PARCELNOS:619900-0240,-0241,-0260,-0101 &619960-0180 t:;Ui!o -':"]7£"" ... j·••_""" ...... :t--.-.. ~--,~·-·--j RENTON,WA98058 ~ I ~ I ' I ' i ' • i ! ' ~ ·i,S: ~i-1!::1 ''G) :~ ::! 0 z "C !; z ::! z G) -----------·-"-------------.-- I ' I C) I C) c~ ~--9'---------- 1 + 1· I ,. "C : !; ' zl I r- l-+--~----------- • • SUBMffTAlS & REVISk>NS o~..ii~, 1f!~..;:.-- -------... ,-// -~·1i---- l / // u -W,-- cOO.CEPr\.t,<L"'lllCAn:,t,1 ....... --· CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION MITIGATION PLAN PREPARED FOR MEAD & HUNT, INC. :CON:;:JiPTI,W.-rlOH"'--"""'...t;ED '"""·""""" .. ' SITE ADDRESS: PARCEL NOS: 619900-0240, -0241, -0260, -0101 & 619960-0180 RENTON, WA 98058 I I -r( I I I I ___ J • T 1, ~ -1 ---~~ I'------, ·.: l ,- ! CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION , ':;--------~M=1T=1=G~A~T~lo=N~P~LA~N~--------; PREPARED FOR MEAD & HUNT, INC- SITE ADDRESS: PARCEL NOS: 619900-0240, -0241, .0260, -0101 & 619960-0180 RENTON, WA 98058 ;; ll ~ 0 z '"' '" m Q ~ i ,s: ]--i iG) i:t> H 0 z z ~ m (/) r i ;z, ::!: ! I 0) i _. I oi~ ~ ip~ ~ £-~~ ~ RRR i ~ 1-n'~ [,.~-r~,~-J~.~.~ 11 ~ ,.ffr : ,,. "f-< ~ : !;1~, : ~~ r- ' S1J6MITTALS ,!, REIIISONS "" ~·-"' , -:.~~:iH::::::-1<..,ro.,;,:;.,. ... "' ·;;;.- ""'"'-" co,,,,.l'Tl).<L~'"'-'n:>N.,_.,NaE-~ "' ....,,_,. ·e,;~ .. ITSEl "' 10).10.1' ·~.Pe .... lT!!El" "' ,,:.;, .. ,< I P:H.?<RMl'rSfl "' ' .. ---~------------. ---···"'"- -------' J I CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION ~ MITIGATION PLAN a ! ii PREPARED FOR MEAD & HUNT, INC. ' ' ~l -· < -- SITE ADDRESS: ,. -~ ~ = ; [ •! =~ PARCEL NOS: 619900-0240, -0241, -0260, -0101 & 619960..0180 Ii <~ ' j ' RENTON, WA 98058 ' ' CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION: SEWER MAIN EXTENSION .. ,.., ::·. VICINITY MAPS PURPOSE: WETLAND RESTORATION DUE TO PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. DATUM: A'DJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I. SEE JARPA APPLICATION . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. PROJECT AREA .·;-~- .::.'::.:.:.· APPLICANT: MEAD B. HUNT, INC. SHEET INDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS 3. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION PLAN 4. IMPACTS AND MITIGATION: SEWER MAIN PLAN AND SECTION EXCERPT FROM CIVIL PLANS 5. MITIGATION PLANTING PLAN 6. PLANT INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL 7. MITIGATION NOTES (SHEET 1 OF 2) 8. MITIGATION NOTES (SHEET 2 OF 2) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE APPROVED CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION WILL REQUIRE LINEAR TRANSPORTATION, STORMWATER, AND SEWER LINE CONNECTION IMPROVEMENTS TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE PLANNED SITE DEVELOPMENT. AL THOUGH THE SUBDIVISION LOTS ARE ALL LOCATED OUTSIDE OF CRITICAL AREAS, THE ACCESS ROAD AND STORMWATER OUTFALLS WILL INCUR WETLAND BUFFER IMPACTS; THE SEWER LINE EXTENSION WILL CAUSE TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACTS. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION IS PROPOSED FOR ALL CRITICAL AREA PROJECT IMPACTS. THIS JARPA PLAN SET DOCUMENTS 3,500 SF OF TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACTS, AS WELL AS ADJACENT BUFFER IMPACTS, AND PROPOSED RESTORATION FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF A SEWER LINE. iPROPOSED: WETLAND MITIGATION I REFERENCE #: I NEAR: RENTON, WA AT: Soos CREEK ; COUNTY: KING COUNTY . SITE LOCATION ADDRESS: I SHEET: I OF B PARCEL Nos: 619900-0240, -0241, -0260, -OIOI -- 1.8 6_19_?_~0-q_l_~_O,_ RE_NTON_,_ V!JA 9_8058 _ _ J ~~T~_: ___ 0~~05(?0l4 __ R~V.-ll/~0/2_014 . . I . ' ~' \r ./ \' / ... ·. I I I l I I I I ~ ' . ,:_:~---.-. ~ -,,;::. r· ' --·-·o ~<; w (/) w ~ I t;j: N •T""'7"6 \, I I I I I EXISTING CONDITIONS SCALE 1 "=20' \ ,.;_, ,c I'-! •· I \ \, \ • ',::,.:\ - :::~, ~ ~if./ ~\ ~.L--- fa--~~~ . ~\ 1 J\ ___.--\ ~ BPA EASEMENT LINE ~ I J_ • . ~ (EASEMENT IS EAST OF LINE) ...---\-1 _l )_--~--- L--------~\ 11~ EXISTING STANDARD BUFFER ;; I I -------WETLAND A ------'.:----- (100'-0") '~£ SURVEYED . 1 1 __\- )--------MAY, 2012 >11-f /~ ..--~I--'~ r ..-----w-y.1----tr . I ----L ~ -------------~ --J.--------:1 I y.1-------= ----~v ~ -------_>UJ--------\il-1---\ ' _.--;\ / ------------' --t\ r >1-\--____-_>Ui--..---EXISTING MANH~ . 1__:i... \ / ----------~ ------y.1-- ....---~ ---------------------. / ------~.Jc-- --__;J..U-------y.1------------' ~ \ (~ ---: ---------------------_>UJ----~1.1-\. \ __ §, : . . y.1-------= ----.~' ~ -\--\ _0 . .-------_>UJ--. ~----: --------~ . ' ·---------------,,/ __;J..U-----y.1--.-\ -1----- .. --~ ' / .:---------------: ,\\ Ll.--- ' \ \ J,L:::----------------. . . . ~ \. . . ~---..-. . . I I . . · · · · \ \ --- SE 192ND STREET -_;-, ~~ C'~' ,)-) ., ,. \ \ "' \ \ 'i\·lli:_ .. R .. E .. NTON ___ --REF II: "APPLICANT: MEAD & HUNT, INC. PROPOSED: WETLAND MITIGATION DUE TO CfATE,-.[5<,)·/·05/2. 014 REV: ll/20/20ll;-~-] ~ !AT: CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. SHEET: 2 OF 8 0 20' 40' ------. ----------------------- l/ci I J-.. ', j -_';" --- / l 1M , I ~w <J::O I ~ ,-~ ------ ~ -·.~·~ ···-········· ;· .·lj .· ; .... ·.·. ~>---~==~~ (/) (/) I . I I (/) (/) I I 1 BUFFER LOSS AREA ~I I --~---1-EE-:-:t~--.--. ~-7-'&.c' . -·. =L~ ~~=-'°S ,-4----~ --\--4.:7 _ _ --------7 ---/ ---+----- ----------F \ St 192ND STREEt --------·-. ' M .,. .J. ';;_ )-1-~' ~ 1---- -' --r L '....-----r PROPOSED MODIFIED BUFFER (~NDS ~XISTING ,RO~ ~ TEMPORARY BUFFER IMPACTS jJ--~. y \ --- ----_l-, . \ ---L---~\ I~ ill--r---~ ----~ s1 --- PROPOSED GRADING ----yJJ--___ \\i • I• __\---- OCCURS IN WETLAND ,. , 1 IL------------' ri _ BUFFER ONL y ~ NEW SEWER LINEE~ENSION --r ;,:0 . f__.----TO EXISTING MANHOLE, I _ I ;0J--TEMPORARY WETLAND --;- -DISTURBANCE, 3,500 SF ~ / -------~ ---------: , I IL---\~. ~ ~ , I IL-_.-----~ .1-\ f-r w \-- _,,,/ -~ · . , \ I k--r: TRENCH, SEE DETAIL~ -----~ I NEXTSHEET. - 1 1 ---r ..------; ---___,_,_-~. \ -. ; E y··' c M_. -~ . ___ .... M ~~~· -~ i~- 11 I T C ··, ~ .. ~ ~· ~----·-····· '; PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACTS BPA EASEMENT .. \ '··\ ·. LINE (EASEMENT ~\ \ IS EAST OF LINE) ·---,-. ,.· .... __ __\. I I IMPACTS AND MITIGATION PLAN SCALE 1 "=20' 1 1 .. N .... ' ... R .. ENTON ------·RiF--#:·-----·------APPLICANT: MEAD & HUNT, INC. AT: CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED: WETLAND M1T1GAT10N DUE ro DATE: 0.910512014 m ... v.·.~.·.·.·.1.T1.20.12014 I PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. SHEET: 3 OF 8 ------- u ,. ,a 20· ••~ TRENCH CROSS SECTION ----/--4'--,f-t - 'st- "' ~ . N ·' 0 ~ l ' ~ I"··: >I: · ··i"-f ~ "' 4' NATIVE WETLAND TOPSOIL NATIVE SOIL IF SUITABLE OR IMPORTED FILL I' DEEP 5/8" CRUSHED ROCK/ SANDY BEDDING MATERIAL IO" PIPE UNDISTURBED SOIL 4' WIDE GRAVEL, 6" DEEP TRENCH DAM DETAIL ~· ~· 12" MIN. PACTED NATIVE ;;;,uLAL,IAL TILL t~~1''n':?i~;~·2;,i;!)~,~~,?~'1¥:· •. II)~~ -----,.....~ cbci~('I') '°~1111 "',,zw -> :X:~izz;r :;a:: __ I ---+--- ' / \ ----- EXISTING PROFILE I PROPOSED PROFILE ·---·-----~-........ ~ co ,._ - (') . "' I ~M (') I 1::: ! :; .. ~ -·-.~ ~~~ -....I.JJ.i.L..-!-....1.1.ilL __ ....l.1.L.LL _ -----+-----t'III'_ -=--~-=-~ -=--__ ..u,_ __ -UL __ _w_ '-~ ------- -....I.JJ.J.L.. -i-...i.l..l.1L --....l.1.L.LL -- 400 390 380 ---< 370 ...ill1L. -l...illlL -~ -~lli;;;;:---j:1----· I , ... + APPROX. 250 CY NATIVE SOIL TO BE REMOVED AND RETURNED AS SHOWN IN --f 360 1 3~ 8 TRENCH DETAIL TRENCH DETAIL. 0 50 100 8 SEWER EXTENSION P~~:~!.:~o· IMPACTS AND MITIGATION: SEWER MAIN SECTION AND PROFILE EXCERPT FROM CIVIL PLANS SCALE AS NOTED l lli:. RENTON REF#: APPLICANT: MEAD & HUNT, INC. PROPOSED: WETLAND MITIGATION DUE TO DATE: 09/05/2014 REV: 11/20/2014 ' AT: CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. SHEET: 4 OF 8 -. -,. + + + + + + + j + '-;-L-, {-._•, \ + + + -t, ---..-,:· ++++il•JY + + + + ,--JJ t+Jt ++++''•~t + + + t + + \+ + I + + + + +I: • ) I + 0-+ I + + + ·. ' + + r--+.~ + + + ~+++ +~++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -', • _) •.. ;fi. + + -:l----::--± .. :·. -- +( • }':_-I\ -- t \ __ 7.....::...+_ ,I t1, + + /i~_x,_ + + J '•Jf,t + -'sc-<-,,i\ !, + -( (~) )F< \ -_:.:_: t' ·~;r;__-_:,' -/ \ ·+ +(1e,•= + + + I cl )>-<,_ t + + t t t / ,-e'1 ~- + + + f + .~,P+~+ + + + 'I y_ .<. l' , + + + 1 t I, ! __ ~; : __ (_ -'{<. + ) I+ -+ + M-+--/_,,: ,~_+ ~ +" + + + :--~. t~_J/'/ ·-, ·.1., .. -·----------~~----------·------ PLANT SCHEDULE ·~ TREES QTY SIZE I · .. :y I ,-PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII / DOUGLAS-FIR 3 5 GAL. l -~: I SALIX SCOULERIANA / SCOULER'S WILLOW 6 2 GAL. \--~ SHRUBS /,,.,~ ~ \ ~-}1 ACER CIRCINATUM / VINE MAPLE 6 2 GAL. 1··-==\ \~) CORYLUS CORNUTA / BEAKED HAZELNUT 7 2GAL. CJ MYRi CA GALE/ SWEET GALE 12 1 GAL. _,,--__ i ., ) ROSA GYMNOCARPA / BALDHIP ROSE 5 1 GAL. ----·rr--/_ • J ~-.LI.--/ ROSA PISOCARPA / SWAMP ROSE 17 1 GAL. --· ( • I \ ' RUBUS PARVIFLORUS / THIMBLEBERRY 6 1 GAL. ·lb \~/ RUBUS SPECTABILIS / SALMONBERRY 12 1 GAL. (.} SPIRAEA DOUGLASII / SPIRAEA 37 1 GAL. \.,_"'-.,,/' + + + i + + + _+ r _,.: ,J>~z( +r.: + -,;,;,.__, . - ./J·-...,_ (--·-1 .1./ VACCINIUM OVATUM / EVERGREEN HUCKLEBERRY 13 1 GAL. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~· + t + \ + ---+ + 1 . \£_;~ _, +_ ,,,,. ,r-:} , : + --~'.o,c· . ~.· -~· ";/, 1' ,.. ~-~ + ' . ,. ,--. ,,.." '"' -''!l!...,'1 ¥--~-~ /. ,,·-,_-~-\:,_.J_L.J_, +\ }' 'i (3 VIBURNUM TRILOBUM / HIGHBUSH CRANBERRY -/ •tl!J ' -. -• , __ y -e-4 + +~,(~:7 ,-. ~,_.,, - ....... ~ +1-. L;( --I -}-1<l..,;,~, ,7"',_ ~"'-.111:t>,; ~-" --~,._ z. ., · .-' T,,_1 ··--._ :~J~~1 , .. / )_~ / / T ).1 . · r _ °'-L,•_\ r. \ -1--4' ... /~ ·{l :,,J/· _+ + > \-/1 ., '; ··-J • + I, ..,)/_\_+"\ ., )cf ' \ ,~_/ ., j +·-+ -._--+ __ + + T T 12 1 GAL. \ n, \ '... ~ MITIGATION PLANTING PLAN SCALE 1 "=20' - 'N_, RENTON R-,_F _#_ ,_ _ __ AePc.1cANT, MEAo a·HLINT, ·1i<c. --PaoPosm WETLAND M1T1GAT10N DUE To DATE: 0910512014 REV: 1112012014 1 1 ~ IAT CANYON H_RRAC~ SuBDIVIS~O~----PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. SHEET: 5 OF 8 __ Ji o ,. 1a 20· '"•• PLANT-INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL NOTES QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. PLANTS SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE SPECIFICATIONS OF FEDERAL, STATE, ANO LOCAL LAWS REQutRING INSPECTION FOR PLANT DISEASE ANO INSECT CONTROL. 2. PLANTS SHALL BE HEAL THY, VIGOROUS, ANO WELL-FORMED, WITH WELL DEVELOPED, FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEMS. FREE FROM DEAD BRANCHES OR ROOTS. PLANTS SHALL BE FREE FROM DAMAGE CAUSED BY TEMPERATURE EXTREMES, LACK OR EXCESS OF MOISTURE, INSECTS, DISEASE, ANO MECHANICAL INJURY. PLANTS IN LEAF SHALL BE WELL FOLIATED AND OF GOOD COLOR. PLA!'ITS SHALL BE HABITUATED TO THE OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS INTO WHICH THEY WILL BE PLANTED (HAROEHED-OFF). 3. TREES WITH DAMAGED. CROOKED, MULTIPLE OR BROKEN LEADERS WILL BE REJECTED. WOODY PLANTS WITH ABRASIONS OF THE BARK OR SUN SCALD WILL BE REJECTED, 4. NOMENCLATURE: PLANT NAMES SHALL CONFORM TO FLORA OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST BY HITCHCOCK AND CRONQUIST, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS, 1973 AND/OR TO A FIELD GUIDE TO THE COMMON WETLAND PLANTS OF WESTERN WASHINGTON & NORTHWESTERN OREGON, ED. SARAH SPEAR COOKE. SEATILE AUDUBON SOCIETY, 1997. DEFINITIONS 1. PLANTS/PLANT MATERIALS. PLANTS AND PLANT MATERIALS SHALL ltiCLUDE ANY LIVE PLANT MATERIAL ANO SEEDS USED ON THE PROJECT. THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO CONTAINER GROWN, B&B OR BAREROOT PLANTS; LIVE STAKES AND FASCINES {WATTLES}; TUBERS, CORMS, BULBS, ETC •. : SPRIGS, PLUGS, SEEDS AJ'iD LINERS. 2. CONTAINER GROWN. CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS ARE THOSE WHOSE ROOTBALLS ARE ENCLOSED IN A POT OR BAG IN WHICH THAT PLANT GREW. SUBSTITUTIONS 1. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN SPECIFIED MATERIALS IN ADVANCE IF SPECIAL GROWING, MARKETING OR OTHER ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE MADE IN ORDER TO SUPPLY SPECIFIED MATERIALS. 2. SUBSTITUTIOti OF PLANT MATERIALS NOT ON THE PROJECT LIST WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE RESTORATION CONSULTANT. 3. IF PROOF IS SUBMITTED THAT ANY PLANT MA TE RIAL SPECIFIED IS ttOT OBTAINABLE, A PROPOSAL WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR USE OF THE NEAREST EQUIVALENT SIZE OR ALTERNATIVE SPECIES, WITH CORRESPONDING ADJUSTMENT OF CONTRACT PRICE. 4. SUCH PROOF 'MLL BE SUBSTANTIATED AND SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO THE CONSULTANT AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO START OF WORK UNDER THIS SECTION. INSPECTION 1. PLANTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THE RESTORATION CONSULTANT FOR CONFORMANCE TO SPECIFICATIONS, EITHER AT TIME OF DELIVERY ON-SITE OR AT THE GROWER'S NURSERY. APPROVAL OF PLANT MATERIALS AT ANY TIME SHALL NOT IMPAIR THE SUBSEQUENT RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND REJECTION DURING PROGRESS OF THE WORK. 2. PLANTS INSPECTED ON SITE AND REJECTED FOR NOT MEETING SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY FROM SITE OR RED-TAGGED AND REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 3. THE RESTORATION CONSUL TANT MAY ELECT TO INSPECT PlANT MATERIALS AT THE PLACE OF GROWTH. AFTER INSPECTION AND ACCEPTAf',fCE, THE RESTORATION CONSUL TANT MAY REQUIRE THE INSPECTED PLANTS BE LABELED AND RESERVED FOR PROJECT. SUBSTITUTION OF THESE PLANTS WITH OTHER INDIVIDUALS, EVEN OF THE SAME SPECIES ANO SIZE, IS UNACCEPTABLE. 1. PLANTS SHALL CONFORM TO SIZES SPECIFIED UNLESS SUBSTITUTIONS ARE MADE AS OUTLINED IN THIS CONTRACT. 2. HEIGHT AND SPREAD DIMENSIONS SPECIFIED REFER TO MAIN BODY OF PLANT AND NOT BRANCH OR ROOT TIP TO TIP. PLANT DIMENSIONS SHALL BE MEASURED WHEN THEIR BRANCHES OR ROOTS ARE IN THEIR NORMAL POSITION. 3. WHERE A RANGE OF S!ZE IS GIVEN, NO PLANT SHALL BE LESS THAN THE MINIMUM SIZE AND AT LEAST 50% OF THE PLANTS SHALL BE AS LARGE AS THE MEDIAN OF THE SIZE RANGE. (EXAMPLE= IF THE SIZE RANGE IS 12" TO 18", AT LEAST 50% OF PLANTS MUST BE 15"TALL.). SUBMITTALS PROPOSED PLANT SOURCES 1. WITHIN 45 DAYS AFTER AWARD OF THE CONTRACT, SUBMIT A COMPLETE LIST OF PLANT MATERIALS PROPOSED TO BE PROVIDED DEMONSTRATING CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED. INCLUDE THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL GROWERS AND NURSERIES. PRODUCT CERTIFICATES 1. PLANT MATERIALS UST -SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION TO CONSUL TANT AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO START OF WORK UNDER THIS SECTION THAT PLANT MATERIALS HAVE BEEN ORDERED. ARRANGE PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION OF PLANT MATERIAL WITH COttSUL TANT AT TIME OF SUBMISSION. 2. HAVE COPIES OF VENDOR'S OR GROWERS' INVOICES OR PACKING SLIPS FOR ALL PLANTS ON SITE DURING INSTALLATION. INVOICE OR PACKING SUP SHOULD UST SPECIES BY SCIENTIFIC NAME, QUAITTITY, AND DATE DELIVERED (AND GENETIC ORIGIN IF THAT INFORMATION WAS PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED). DELIVERY. HANDLING, & STORAGE NOTIFICATION CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY CONSUL TANT 48 HOURS OR MORE IN ADVANCE OF DELIVERIES SO THAT CONSUL TANT MAY ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION. PLANT MATERIALS 1. TRANSPORTATION-DURING SHPPING, PLANTS SHALL BE PACKED TO PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST CLIMATE EXTREMES, BREAKAGE AND DRYING. PROPER VEN Tl LA TtON AND PREVENTION OF DAMAGE TO BARK, BRANCHES. AND ROOT SYSTEMS MUST BE ENSURED. 2. SCHEDULING AND STORAGE-PLANTS SHALL BE DELIVERED AS CLOSE TO PLANTING AS POSSIBLE. PLANTS IN STORAGE MUST BE PROTECTED AGAINST ANY CONDITION THAT IS DETRIMENTAL TO THEIR CONTINUED HEAL TH AND VIGOR. 3. HANDLING• PLANT MATERIALS SHALL NOT BE HANDLED BY THE TRUNK, LIMBS, OR FOLlAGE BUT ONLY BY THE CONTAINER, BALL, BOX, OR OTHER PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE, EXCEPT BAREROOT PLANTS SHALL BE KEPT IN BUNDLES UNTIL PLANTING AND THEN HANDLED CAREFULLY BY THE TRUNK OR STEM. 4. LABELS-PLANTS SHALL HAVE DURABLE, LEGIBLE LABELS STATING CORRECT SCIENTIFIC NAME AND SIZE. TEN PERCENT OF CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS IN INDIVIDUAL POTS SHALL BE LABELED. PLANTS SUPPLIED IN FLATS, RACKS, BOXES, BAGS, OR BUJ'iDLES SHALL HAVE ONE LABEL PER GROUP. CONSULTANT'S DISCRETION. 2. PLANTS NOT SURVIVING AFTER OttE YEAR TO BE REPLACED. PLANT MATERIAL GENERAL 1. PLAHTS SHALL BE NURSERY GROWfi lfi ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD HORTJCUL TUR AL PRACTICES UNDER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO OR MORE SEVERE THAN THOSE OF THE PROJECT SITE. 2. PLANTS SHALL BE TRUE TO SPECIES AND VARIETY OR SUBSPECIES. NO CUL TIVARS OR NAMED VARIETIES SHALL BE USED UNLESS SPECIFIED AS SUCH. QUANTITIES SEE PLANT LIST ON ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND PlANT SCHEDULES. ROOT TREATMENT 1. CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS (INCLUDES PLUGS): PLANT ROOT BALLS MUST HOLD TOGETHER WHEN THE PLANT IS REMOVED FROM THE POT, EXCEPT THAT A SMALL AMOUNT OF LOOSE SOIL MAY BE ON THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL. 2. PLANTS MUST NOT BE ROOT-BOUND; THERE MUST BE NO CIRCLING ROOTS PRESENT IN ANY PLANT INSPECTED, 3. ROOTBALLS THAT HAVE CRACKED OR BROKEN WHEN REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER SHALL BE REJECTED. SEED MIX SPECIFICATIONS 1.-+~·-· -, GRASS SEED MIX ·--" PROTIME 504 UPLAND MIX, AVAILABLE FROM WWW.PROTIMELAWNSEED.COM, OR EQUIVALENT APPLY PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS. 00) CUSTOM EMERGENT SEED MIX AVAILABLE FROM SUNMARK SEEDS CO., PORTLAND, OR APPLICATION RATE: 22 LBS PER ACRE SPECIES SCIRPUS MICROCARPUS JUNCUS EFFUSUS JUNCUS ENSIFOLIUS JUNCUS TENUIS %BY WEIGHT 25% 25% 25% 25% REMOVE FROM POT & ROUGK.UP ROOT BALL BEFOREIHSTALUNG. UNTANGLEAND STRAtQHTE"I CIRCLIMG ROOTS-PRVJiE IF NECESSARY. IF PLAf1T IS EXCEPTIOl'tALL Y ROOT-BOUND, DO li{)T Pl.ANT AND RETURN TO NURSERY FOR AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE {/ HOLD BACK MULCH FROM TRUNK/STEMS. ~ff 4" MULCH DEPTHRltiGAS SPEQFIEO WARRANTY F11'41SH GRADE AS SPECIFIED .,~,'i/:;fl~'./, .. ', . ~SOILAMENOEDANOTILLEOASSPEOAED. --;::=,ll-1'1:r.~2.~ -,----.___ -REMOVE DEBRIS AND LARGE ROCKS FROM I li···c·-WfJ .. I. I_., .... ~. r. ;'") 1.1. \1~::---1.~1,., .. 1 .. ¥.11 J, PLANTING PIT AND BACKALL 'MTH SPEQFIED PLAl'IT WARRANTY PLANTS MUST BE GUARANTEED TO BE TRUE TO SCIENTIFIC NAME AND SPECIFIED SIZE, AND TO BE HEAL THY ANO CAPABLE OF VIGOROUS GROWTH. ,11~0 -:_IJ -r 1 \ "::"\. ,= _' SOIL ARMUPSOILAROUNDPLAtfT 1· I-Ill_:_, -. , 1' ',--~::::I -=- )_j._l lll-dJ/ // ---~\ \ _,:.:.i-j:-I=· 1. PLANTINGP1TSHALLJ'IOTBELESSTHAN(2l __! 11. I:/ I :_1,-,., I ___ :_f _:_: if=! 1f: · 11 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE ROOT BALL DIA. =111tLU :"./ lj\, 1, l\;Ji!JI l} Nom· --11~~11-.!,I-'' "'----Iii-:::: I-2.LOOSE"ISIOESANDBOTIOMSOFPLANTINGPH REPLACEMENT -3. SOAK PL.AtHING PIT AFTER PL.ANTING 1. PlANTS NOT FOUND MEETING ALL OF THE REQUIRED CONDITIONS 2x MIN DIA. ROOTBAlL ;~;~~~~S~ALLATION SPECIFICATIQ~u~s~~~E~R~~;;~~EPLACEDIMME<>ATELYATTHEG) SHRUBPLANTINGDETAIL Scale: NT$ , IN, RENTON·· Re, ic-APPLICANT, MEAD a. HuNt. tNc. IAT, CANYON TERRACE sueD1v1s10N PROPOSED: WETLAND MITIGATION DUE TO DATE: 09/05/2014 Rl'V'-il/20/2014J·.·,.··.1 PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. SHEET; 6 OF 8 ll>lz;., --1 ··'I 6~i' z --1; -< 0 oz; z -< m "' "' )> ~lil11 ffi .,,I Q ~! "' - z :' l o; ~1 0 --. ~§ •• ;;:: =i c5 ~ 0 z z 0 .., m (/) (/) J: m m .., 0 "Tl "' MITIGATION NOTES (SHEET 2 OF 2) Site Maintenance Requirements The site • be matmalned In acoordaJtCe ..trti the folordng lnstrudlons for Ive years folowlng com~ of the construdloo. 1) folow the recommendalons noted In the previous moril.Oltng site \'l5ft and !he spitr,g maintenance memo. 2) General wee<lng fOf al planted areas: a, Al least twjce yearty remove al compeUng weeds and weed roots from beneath each Installed plant and any deslratje volunteer vegetation to a cl stance of 18 loches from the main plant stem. Weectng sllOIAd OCOJf at least twice durtng the spring and summer. Frequen1 weec;lng.,,. reslll In lower mortality. lower plimt replacement costs, and increased like81ood that the plan moots pertormance standards by Year 5. b. More frequent weedilg may be necessary depending on weed corxffons thal develop afler plan lnstalalon. c. Do not weed the area near lhe Jjant bases with string trimmer (weed whacker/weed ea1er). Native plants are easiy damaged or kkd, and weeds easly reco~er after trimming. 3) Apply slow release granular fertilzer lo each lnstaled i:j&nt annually in the spring {by June 1) of Years 2 through 5. 4) Replace mi.Jdl as necessary to mal~ a 4-lndl-ttick tayer, retain ~I moisture. afld lrnlt weeds. 5) Replace dead plants found In the summer morttorlng vi$ durfng the upcorrtng fallwinter domlant season (October 15 to March 1) or at the C.rectlon of lhe --6) Re.seed any bare areas where Grass Seed Mix has not estal::tshed. 7) Provide lnlgallon for the entire Jjanted area with a minimum °' 2 Inches ot water provided per week from June 1 through September 30 for at leas! the llrst two years folowing ins~tion through the operalion of a 1emporary irrigation system. Less water is needed during March. Ap,11. May and October. Condngency Plan ti there ts a sigrificant pr-oblem with the nitigation areas meeUng perlormance stand.lrds. a contingency plan wa be developed and lm~enled. Contingency i:,tans can lndude. but are not lmlted to: addlltonal plant lostalallorr, and~ sUbsltulloos of type, size, quantity. and locadon. Site Protection The wetland area will remain under King County Parks ownerstip. Feociog andJor we11and signs wll be installed along high-traffic areas at the oo-:site wetland buffer. Construction Notes and Specfflcattons General Wert Sequence 1. Prepare the pl<mting area; a. Welland Aasloratloo i Stockpile e~cavated wetland sol (stockpile wetland sol adjacent to lhe sewer lne trench Within the lmlts of temporary wetland ciSI\Jlbance as doctJmenled on sheets 3 and 5 of this plan set, st~ such thal !opsoll can be kept on-top during backfll of the lrendi.) Any elCC.8vated sol that is not used to backfll shal be disposed of outside of the wetland, Ii. Back.-1111 excavated area l.'Alh the wetland soil when pipe lrlstallallon Is complete II. Pl plan1 lnstalatlon Is 10 take place during the dormant season (Ociober 15th-March 1st), for best survival, 2. Prepare a ptanllng pit for each i:1ant arid Install per the i:1an11ng detalls. 3. Apply mulch rings around each lnstcMad shrub wtth wood cNp mtldl, lour Inches thick, 18 Inches in diameter. 11 .. fN·:· REN····T· oN .......... __ :_·_ ... REF #:· APPLICANT: MEAD a HUNT, INC. I AT: CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION 4. lnstal a teml)Orary, above ground ln1gatlon 8y&lem to pr<Mde ~ coverage to al plants ll'llflhin the restorallon area. S. Apply Grass Seed Mix per plan. -· 1. compost: Cedar Grove Compost or equivalent product. 100% vegetable compost with no appredatte quanttues of sand, gravel. sawduat, or other non-orgarjc materials. 2. Fertllzer: Slow release granular PHOSPHOROUS-FREE lertlizer. Folow manuraclurer's lnstruc:llons foc aPJtlcatlon. Keep fenltzef In a weathef.ttght COfltalner wt-. on site. Note lhat fertllzer Is to be appled only In Years 2 Uirough 5 and~ In the tlrsl year. 3. lnlgadoo system: Automated system c.apable of delvering at least two Inches of water per week from June 1 through September 30 for lhe first two years fclowlng lnstallallon.. 4. Ae8toralon Profesaonat The Wa!ershed Company ((425) 822-52421 personnel, or other persons quaHflecl to evaluate environmental resroralon projects.. 5. Wood cNp mddt: Alborist cljps (clipped woody material) approximatdy 1 to 3 Inches In maitmum <lmenston (nol sawdust or coarse hog fuel). Ttis matelial Is commonty avallade In large qual\G1es from arborlsts or tree-pruning companies. 111s material Is sold as 'Anlm.4 Frl~y Hog Fuel" at Pacllc Topsces ({800) 884-7645~ M.Jch must not contain approc.ial:te quandies of garbage, plasllc, metal, sdl. and dimensional lumber or constructlooldemoHoo debris. PROPOSED: WETLAND MITIGATION DUE TO DATE: 097o5/ZOl4 Rev: 1/120/2014 PROPOSED UTILITY CONNECTION. ~ 8 OF 8 i ·: i I --, u··_-·_ , __ ··1 L-U ' I l II l' ' Ji ·'! •. ,. 11 l ' j .. , ' l WEISMANDESIGNGROUP ' I ;- ' ..... . 0 ...... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , ~ SUMMIT HOMES ~ CANYON TERRACE =i , RENTON, WA n.i II · 1 •. 1,1' / \ c;, r --: z ~---___________________ .----· " ·~c'>--;:>-~~ ---- ' ' ~ 0 I\J ·:::: ~-;.:.. "~ --- ~ ,~:: ~ ---- -,, SUMMIT HOMES i CANYON TERRACE ~ RENTON.WA WEISMANDESIGNGROUP __ ,,,_.,., - 1 'r- 1 ..... 0 :W ' ' I i . ' I I I I I I I I fd __ -__ iIB: __ -,-__ - :'~j I --I ' " } j •! ,,, -_ 1 I ' I i, ,1, ' I I~ ;:ilci ?ilP 11; m,m !;!11 §,§ §1~, :-.-:;~ftccT0'f'.~' 'c-'--4p ;ll SUMMIT HOMES ~ CANYON TERRACE ::::j RENTON, WA I I • WEISMANDESIGNGROUP r ' ~ 0 .i::,. " ! _, " SUMMIT HOMES ~ CANYON TERRACE =:j RENTON, WA ·~ "! ~ sg . ~ ij~ " ~ ! ' h ~. : § 0 e ' ~ ~" l e ' ~ ' s ~ ~ • ,, ~ ~ i;i~ ~ 2 ~ •• 1': • s e ! ~~ .i 5 ~ ! 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TW TOPOFWAU. "" BOTIOM OF WALL EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT RT RIGHT LT LEFT CSBC CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE CSTC CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE WSEL WATER SURFACE ELEVATION z w ~ (.) Cl ~ Cl) I w i a:: z:::. woo I-iii :x: ~ Z-1-z o>-w >-ci:::. "' z Ill:::. ~ <:::::J:::::J ~ (.) Cl) Cl) " -....... E, ---EROSION CONTROL LEGEND ----·-_,,,__ ____ ~ ,.,--I I ---· --- ~ ~nc,:ra,_-.ncno,, ---·-·"' -..-...... ----- R-383802 --= -----""'""' --.. .,.........,.lllffHaTY«-.:lN ~·?EI"-# -·-~ --- ~ ---G-002 F - co· 12 7~-z,lt!fl.- • ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ff I ' ' I § I CANYON TERRACE I ~, SUBDIVISION I I, SUMMIT HOMES ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON \ ;, ' . .. \ l-----1--I (') 6 ..... 0 CANYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION SUMMIT HOMES CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 1i1i I u I!! i I I ! Ii ! i ! ! I : in!~ S! l ! ' ' ' . ' . . ; ;;;j .:j .i ,, ' . . ! . ' ' ' ' 1'1/ ;; ;;; ::: ' . . . .. . . ·! !ii 1! !• 1!,! 1!,! 1! !·! ·!~1 ·!·! •!H·! ·!! I! !I I -! ! !I 1! 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SUMMIT HOMES r CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I -, I;• ~ I CANYON TERRACE ~~ SUBDIVISION £~ SUMMIT HOMES i CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON () b .... u, I I i I • I , ' I ' i ~ I '.j; j g1•:1i i ~; i l1111·iilr I 91 1 1,1 'Iii' 1 11 I~ ""il I i', ··! m I ·'1 111 ··l I ll •1 B1 R' i(j lji I " u· · 1 111 'i'I i' ~ 11'1 el ,, 11!; Ii Ii! •: q If I! !1 Qi I' jl I ,, i I ·---~~~· ~· • -~,-I I' i;.~ d,~ ii ,1, 'I I· .,-!eli 11ffl ., /~ 11 ·· ii~ ,, ' lq • 11"1 r ·t~ i~ 'u ·1 ., ' 1, I fl ' I I Iii Ii 1 ft" ·I*-" .,.. '' ii ~ i!~ 1;1)""' ti', ! ,.., r' ' .,,. . ' I 11· lier' ii.Y ! I iii '~/ I I I ! ! I . ,/"' i@:>r. I · 111 I/ ;..1~ ! I 1 . , __ II I Ill ,! l l , Pi ii il'L .. ; ,•I· --' i , __ -r· 4 -~- § I CANYON TERRACE ~I SUBDIVISION 15 SUMMIT HOMES li li I i d I ; i i~ l, !, i I I I I ! I I , I ; CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON H' ·I '· I l-----<-____ 1J 1;,,J -! ! __ i , I ' i I I I • ! I I , I j! I ' '1 I I i I ! I ! ! I i I I I I ' I I '' !I i ' I l i I ,1,,11 111 jll,I 11!h • ,<.\IITl11J1ffiJTI--' -'W'[,,-··· ' l !=:?-:~ , I fi',_·~ .. -... 1 'I di : I -~.i 'L_ ____ !__~ L -,----~, \--: --~ Ill 11,1 ,. 11 !j I ' I ~ .I . ii _L, I ! 11 ii i II 11 ' ' ' ! § I CANYON TERRACE ~, SUBDIVISION I, SUMMIT HOMES ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON I ii II H ., B • l i 'I ! ! / () 6 .... ..,, • I II 11 I l 1111! li.1 ,,, 'li - '! I, II II ! I ; i---- I ii I , I I l I ' ~ I i ' i ! I CANYON TERRACE ii SUBDIVISION 15 SUMMIT HOMES i CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON i! I I I -i -T 1 -1 111 -,: ' ,---- l- 1 j ,l I I' I ·-II ,, CANYON TERRACE VOl/PA A PORTION Of THE S.E. 1/ 4 Of THE S. W. 1 / 4, Of SEC. 33, T2:lN, RSE. W.M. DEDICATION KNOW AU. PEOPLE SY THESE PRESENTS TliAT WE THE,UNOERSIGNEO OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LANO HEREBY SUBOIVIDED, HERESY DEClARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY ANO 00 HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FORE'vi:R All. STREETS ANO AVENUES NOT Sl-lOY,t,1 AS PRIVATE HEREON ANO DEDICATE TH£ USE THEREOF FOR AU. PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES. ANO ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAl<E AU. NECESSARY SLCPES FOR CUTS ANO Flll.S UPON THE LOlS SHQY,t,1 THEREON JN THE EASEMENTS AND "TRACTS SH0\111'1 ON 11,IS PLAT FOR AU. PUBLIC PURP0S£S AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, PEDES1RIAN ACCESS, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTlFlEO ON lHIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CON'l.-1:'.YEO TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC 1N WHICH CASE \11£. 00 HEREBY DEDlCA TE ANO CONVEY SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO TliE PERSON OR ENTITY tOENTlFJEO AIIIO FOR THE PURPOSE STA"IED. FURTHER, T'1E UNDERSIGNED O'flt!ERS OF THE LANO HEREBY SUBOl'-10£0, WAIVE. FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS .i.ND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING Tin.£ FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND All. CLAIWS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SIJCC£SS0RS ANO ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABUSHMEHT, CONSTRUCTION, OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS ANO OR DRAINAGE S'r'STEMS YolTHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN a.AIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUAT£ MAINTENANCE BY TI-IE CITY Of RENTON. FURTHER, Tl1E UNDERSIGNED QY,t,IERS CF TI-IE LANO HEREBY SUBDIVIDED AGREE FOR THEMSE1,.VES, THEIRS HEIRS ANO ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OTY OF RENTCN. ITS SUCCESSORS ANO ASSIGNS HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE. CL.AIMED BY PERSONS 'MTHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY _ ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, 1<£GETATION, DRAINAGE, ~ SURfACE OR SUB-SURFACE WATER FLOWS WITHIN ™IS SUBDJYISION 00 SY ESTABU5HM8H, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE Of THE ROADS 'MTHIN THIS SIJBDlYISlON, PR0\1DED THIS WAl\.£R ANO 1ND£MNIFJCATI0N SHAU. NOT BE CONSTRUED AS REL.EASING THE CITY CF RENTON. ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS FROM UABIUTY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUOING THE COST Of DEFENSE. RESULTING IN 'MiOLE OR IN PART FRCM TI-IE NEGUGENCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, ITS SUCCESSCRS, OR ASSIGNS. UPON RECORDING OF THIS F'Ut.T TRACTS ARE HEREBY GRAN"IED AND CONVEYED TO THE SUl,O.IIT HOMES HOMEO'flt!ER'S ASSOOATION (HOA) FOR OPEN SPACE ANO RECREATION. TRACT IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CON\JFl'ED TO THE HOA FOR OPEN SPACE. TRACT IS HEREBY GRANTED ANO CONVEYED TO THE HOA AS NA11\-f; GROW'IM PROTECTION AREA TRACTS, O'M'IERSHIP ANO MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA. JN THE EVENT THAT THE f,QA 15 OISSOL'..al OR OTHER'MSE f,0,11..S TO MEET ITS PROPERTY TAX OBLIGATIONS AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY T,o,xES FOR A PERIOD OF 18 l,IQNTHS. THEN EACH LOT IN THIS Pt.AT SHALL ASSUME AND HA'VE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACTS PREVIOUSLY O'MIIED BY THE HOA ANO HAVE THE ATIENOANT flNANCl-'L ANO 1,1,0,INTENANCE RESPONSIBUTIES. THIS PLAT JS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITICNS, ANO RESlRICTIONS FOR SUMl,IIT HOMES UNOER RECORDING NUl,IBER -------- THIS SU80MSION. DEDICATION, WA!\of.R OF a.AIMS AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS fS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID O'IINERS. IN W1'TN£SS 'M--IEREOF, WE SET OUR HANDS ANO SEALS: BY: !TS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE Of ----- COUNTY OF ) ) ss ) ON THtS DAY PERSONM.LY APPEARED BEFORE ME TO ME KNO'fltl TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED IN ANO 'tltiO EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOR£GOI~ INSTRUMENT ANO ACKNO~GED TH,o, T HE/SHE SIGNED THE SAME ,0,5 HIS/HER f'REE AND \/OlUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES ANO PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND ANO OFFICIAL SEAL THIS DAY or ----~ 20_. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY: ______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY· _____ _ RESIDING AT: __________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:------ KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED ANO APPROVED THIS ---DAY Of ----, ,o __ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESS~ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF SUMMIT HOMES IS BASED UPON AN A.CTUAL SURVEY AND SlJBDIYISION OF SECTION 3.:5, TOv.NSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON; THAT THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET ANO THE LOT ANO BLOCK CORNERS 'MU. B£ STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND. PAUL T RICE. PLSf 40101 RECORDING CERTIFICATE FTL£0 FOR RECORD THIS ----DAY or -----2016 " -----W IN BOOK OF AT PAGE _ AT THE REQUEST :)F' PAUL T. RICE. SU PERIN TENO ENT or RECORDS CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS OTY Of RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAMINED ANO APPRO\.fil THIS ---DAY Of ----, 20 AOMINISTRA TOR OTY Of RENTON MAYOR EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS MAYOR ATTEST:0o"rt~CLE=R=,~--- DAY Of ----. 20 CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIF'l' THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPEOAl. ASSESSMENTS Al'IO THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CER11FIEO TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR COLlECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CCfHAINED DEDICATED FOR STREETS. Al.1£YS OR OlHER PUBLIC USES ARE PAID IN FULL THIS __DAY Of 20 __ FINANCE DIRECTOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT LL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE NO OEI.JNOUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIF1ED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT AU sPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTiflED TO TH1S CfflCE rOR COLLECTION ON ANY or THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDlCATEO AS STREE'IS, AlilY'S, OR FOR ANY 0-n.lER PUBLIC US£, ARE PAID IN FUlL na,s ____ AY °'---~ 20 __ MANAGER, F'INANCE: Ol'ASION DEPUTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: LOTS X. Y. AND Z. KING COUNTY BOONOARY LINE ADJ.IS'TMENT NUMBER L061..0093, RECORDED UNOER RECORDING NUMBER 20070-419900019, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER 1'11-n.l A NON-EXClUSM'. £AS01£NT fOR ROAD AS O(SCLOSED BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS 7808090599 ANO 8!105.310993. PARCEL 8: TRACT 5 OF NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, Ot'ASla-1 5, ACCOROING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VCLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 90, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT -n.!E WEST 150 fEET THEREOF. AS MEASIA'lED ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT " TOGETHER wm, 'THE NORTHERLY 30 FEET Of THAT PORTION OF TRACT :l, OF SAID NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO 5, DESCRIBED AS FCUOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST C~NER OF lR,O,CT 4 Of SAID NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV, NO 5; 'THENCE SCOTH 11)8.H)" WEST ALONG THE \EST LINE Of S,1,10 ffiACT 5, A DISTANCE OF 120 ,en THENCE SOUTH 89-:J.4'39" EAST, 150 FEET; THENCE: NORTH l'U8'10" EAST, 150 FEET TO THE NOR'TH LINE Of SAID TRACT 5; THENCE NOR'TH 89-:J.4•39• \lt£ST ALONG S,1,10 LINE, 103.38 FEET TO AN ANG£ POINT: THENCE SOUTH 0'25'21" \\IEST, 30 FEET; THENCE NORTH !19'34'39" WEST, 46.!19 FEET TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING. VICINITY MAP _,, • ~ , • • ~ ~ODWL B420154thAvenueNE Redmond, WBBhmgton 98052 425-869-2670 SITE DATE: 05-06-2016 BY: JNM PR~CT No.: 13566.01 FILE No.: SJ06-07A SCALE: N A SHEET of 7 CAN YON TER R ACE VOL/PAGE A PORTION Of lHE S.E. 1/4 Of lHE S.W. 1/4, Of SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. CITY OF RENTON ADDRESSING SYSTEM SURVEY NOTES ' AVENUES RUN ·NORTI-t AND SOUT1, (-----A~ Nf) THIS SUR\£Y WAS PERFORMED FROM DECEMBER, 2013 TO SPETEMBER, 2016. AtL MONUMENTS SHO'M>I HEREON AS FOUND MONUMENTS ',o,ERE \otSITED DURING ,. STREETS RUN EAST AND WEST (N.E. ------ST.) TH£ COURSE OF THAT SURVEY. 3. PLACE -PARAU.a.S A\l'D4UES ,. WAY -PARALLELS STREETS MEASUREMENTS WERE MADE WITii A TOPCON 8205 TOTAL STATION CA!JBRATED ,. COURT -DEAD END SlREET AT AN N.G.S. BASELINE WrTI·HH THE U.ST '11:AR, AND A HIPER+ GPS UNIT. 6. 000 NUM8ER€D ADDRESSES -WEST AND SOUTH ,. E\'DI NUMBERED ADDRESSES -EAST ANO NORTH PROCEDURES c,ro " '"" SURVEY "'" FlELO TRAVERSE MEETING OR 6. NUMBERS GET LARGER OONG fl!OR'TH ANO EAST EXCEEDING STANDARDS SET BY WAC 3J2-13D-090. CITY OF RENTON UTILITY EASEMENT PROVISIONS FLOW CONTROL BMP'S '· IIAII. IIIPERW:US "'""' COVERAGE (69 ,~. (SllUAME fl£l'l CE UlT AAE.0.) Fl.OW CONTROL - ' ""' """' level T<end, W/ Perf. PIJI'! ' =• """ Level Trench W/ Perf. Pl""' ' -=-• Level Trenc:h WI Perf .. Plue • -""'' Leval Tranc:h W/ Perf. Pipe ; "" '"'' Level Trench WI Pelf. pjnA • "" 3744.7 L,....el Tn,nchWI Part. Ph"' PRIVATE EASEMENTS ' "" '""" Level Trench WI Pert. Pl..., • "" "'" level Trench W/ Pert. Ploe ,. ' .,. '""" Lwe! Tranch WI Ped. Pipe '" .,. '""" Level Trendl WI Pert. Pl""" u ""' """' Level Trench WI Pert. p;..., u ,.,, ...,_, L.e<nl Tranch WI Pert. Plt'.M! ' u ""' ""' Level Trench W/ Pert. pi.,., " ... ""' Leval Ttanch WI Pert. Pl- EXISTING EASEMENTS PER TlnE REPORT " = ·"'"-" l.e';et Trend> WI Perf. Pl"" " .., ""' L.e<nf Trenc:h WI Part. Pl"" 3) EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY, SlRITT. SIDEWALKS. UllUllES, STORM DRAINS " ""' 3297.5 Leve( Trench WI Pert. Pine ANO OlHER USES. RECOROED MARCH 18, 1974 UNDER RECORDING NO. a ""' '''" U!llel Trench W/ Part. Ploe 7403180427. " ""' 29Z7.0 Level Trench WI Pert. Pl- 4) EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY AND UTILITY PURPOSES. RECORDED AUGUST Y, '" ,u, ""-' L""el Trench W/ Part. Pl"" 1978 UNDER RECORDING MO. 7808090599. ll "" '"''" l.e';el Trench WI Pert. P 5) EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR ROAD AND UTILITIES, RECOFIOED ll "" ~521.7 UO\Oel Trench W' Ped. Pl MAY :}1, 1988 UNDER RECORDING NO. 880531099.3 6} AGREEMENT FOR ESTABL.ISHMENT Of EASEMENT FOR ~M WATER RUNOFF " "" '"'-' l.e';el TrenchW/ Perf. Pl.,.. UNE, DA1ED lilARCH 6, 200B UNDER RECORDING NO. 20080306000502. " "'' """ U,W,I Trench W/ Ped. Pl 7 AND 25) AGREEMENT REGAROING ESTABUSHMENT OF EASEMENT FOR STORM " ""' ""'" 1.e';el Trench Wl Perf. Pl"" WATER FACILITIES. DAlED SEPTEMBER V, 2013, UNDER RECORDING NO. " ""' ,,.... la~al Trencil W/ Part. Pl 201JD927001~8. " ""' _, i..oltl TnonchW/-. Pl 21) EASEMENT FOR ELECTRIC l'RANSMISSllf'I LINE GRANn;D TO PUGET SOUND " "" ''"" Le~el Trench WI Perf. Pl PQV!£R ,t UGHT COMPANY. DATED ..UL Y 15, 19-49, UNDER RECORDING NO. 3919394. B ... ""'-' l.ftel Trench W/ l'ill'f. Pi 22) EASEMENT fOA EXTENSION Of SE 188TH STREET, DA1EP SEP1EMEER 6, "' "'" 2m.6 i.e'lel Trend\ WI Pflf. Pl 1973 UNDER RECORDING NO. 73090HOlJl. " "" ""'" Ulllel Trend, W/ l>a<f. Pr 23) EASEMENT fCA WATER MAINS RECORDED MARCH 31, 1978 AN!l APRIL 19, " ""' ""'" Le~el TrelldlW/ Pffl. Pl 1978 UNDER RECORDING NO'S 780J310029 AND 7804190061 " _, '''" level Trench W/ Perl. Pi 24) EASEMENT FOO WA1ER WAINS RECORDED MARa-! ~1. 1978 AHO M"'l' 26, 1978 UNDER RECORDING NO'S 780J310031 AND 7805260190 " "" 2713.1 level Trench W/ Pert. Pl 27) Sl.J6.£CT TO SOOS CREEK WA1ER ANO SEWEil EllSTRICT, SEWER SPECIAL " "'' ..,,., l-,1 Trerd, W/ Pflf. Pl CONNENCTION D-!ARGE f 267, RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 200B UNOER " "" ,,,., level Trench W/ Perf. Pi RECORDING NO. 20080225000496 " "'" """ la .... Trenc:hW/Pf!rf.PI 33) PUGET SOJNO ENERGY EASEMENT RECORDED UN0£R RECORDING NO. " "'' 1752.8 Ll!Yel Trend\ W/Perf. Pl 20150501000626 ~ "" ""·' level Trench W/ Pelf. Pi SURVEY CONTROL TABLE "' "" 27411.9 Level T,e,,d, W Perf. Pl " ,m 26119.1 te.,.j Trend, W/ Pf!rf. Pip,, SOORCE OF DATA:. WGS SIJR',£'1' DATA WAREHCJJSE -SURVEY CONTROL POINT "' ... ""·' level Trench W/ Pelf. Pi STANDARD DATA SHEETS " ''" ""·" level Trench W Pelf. Pl HORIZONTAL DATUM: WASHINGTON STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSlEM -NORTH # "" """ le""I Trenth W/ Perl. Pi ZCNE, NAO 1983/91 " "" ,,,,_, level Trench W/Pelf. Pl " ... l514.Z Le""I Trl!nd! W/ i>erf. Pl BASIS OF BEARING: NORTH 89"33'0!!" WEST, ESTABUSH£D B'l' INVERSE BE~ " ''" ,.,., level Trench W/ Pert. Pl WGS POINT DESIGNATION 5808 AND 5809 ~ "~ ""'-' Level Trend, W/ Pert. Pl ' BASIS DF COORDINATES.: " •= ,=, Level Trench W/ p,.rf. Pl so "'' ""'-' le11el Trl!nch W/Perf. Pi POINT DESIGNATION: 5808 " "" 2741.7 level Tn,nd, W/ Pf!rf. Pl . 2" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH IN CONCRETE MONUMENT IN CI\SE AT THE " "'' ,.,., lewil Trench W/ Perf. Pi ' INTERSECTION ~ SE 192NO Sl"REET ANO 124TH A\/ENIJE SE. " ""' ,-, Level Trench W/ Perf. Pip,, NORTHING: 159,B51.88'4- EASTING; 1,308.1"'8.J46 " "" 332.7 lev<!I Trl!nch W Pert. f>I ,, "'' """ Level Trench W/Perf. Pi POINT OESIGNA TION; 5809 " 5135 3337.8 Level Trench W/f>erf. Pl 4• SQUARE CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH LEAD AND TACK IN " "" ,,, .. Lewi Tr<>nch W Perf. Pl ' CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF SE 192ND STREET AND 116TH " -· 121&2 L""el Tn,nch W/ hri. Pl 1\\/ENUE SE. NORTH!NG: 159,872.528 (PUBLISHED) " ''" ""' Oi,pars.al Tranch ' NORTHING: 159,872..526 (lilEASURED) ID ""' 2799.6 Dl$De~ Trend, EASTING: 1.305.505.369 (PUBL.15HED) " "" 2781.4 o,sper-sa/Trench EASTING: 1,305,505.427 (MEASIJRED) " -zi;is.s 01.....,.rsal Trench " "" ,,.,, b.sp,,MT~ REFERENCE DOCUMENTS " "" """ o, • ...,rs.a! Trend! 1) PLAT OF NORTHWESTERN G.-.ROEN TR"CTS OIV. NO 5, RECOROED IN VOLUME as --· O!,p,,~ Trend, 47 Of PLATS, PAG£ 90, RECOfiOS Of KING COUNTY, W,1,SH!NGTON so ... ]122.6 Oispe!!.al Trench 2) RECORO OF SURVEY FOR RAVENNNA DEVELOPMENT LLC, RECOROED UNDER " Sill 1336.5 "" """" KING COUNT'!' RECORDING NUMBER 2008060990D009 " "" '""" D«""......i Trench J) RECORD OF SURVE"Y FOR MARVIN "'EHRMAN, RECOROEO UNOER KING COONTY s, -]159.0 D!sDersal Tn,nd, ' RECORDING NUMBER 200BD909900003 ro ''" 2895.8 rn,.,.....,j Trench ,, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSlMENT NUMBER L06l009J, RECOROED UNDER K!NG n ""' 3312.4 Lewi TrO!'nch W/ Pert. Pi COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20070419900019 ,, BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSlMENT NUMBER FOR RAVENNA OE',£LJJPMENT l.LC. n ..., 2879.S Level Trend, W/ ~-Pl ' RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECOROING NUMBER 20060711900004 6) PLAT OF AURIA WOOOS. REC~DED IN VOLUME 220 OF PLATS, PAGE 78-92, -' . ' -f'"oowL DATE: 05--06 2016 RECOROS OF KING COUNT'!', WASHINGTON If,? BY: "'" 7) RECOOD OF SUR~ FOR WASHINGTON FEDERAL RECORDED UNOER KlNG PRO.ECT No.: 13586.01 COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 201]0321900001 8) PLAT Of" GOLDEN HILLS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 104 Of PLATS, PAGE 98, ~t ,, FlLE No.: 5306-0?B RECOROS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON f. SCALE, "' 9) BOUNOAR'I' LINE A0JJS1MENT NUMBER m, MATT BERNTSON, RECOROED '" SHEIT UNDER KING COUNTY RECOROING NUMBER 20060411900021 '~~~# 8420 154th Avenue NE c 10) SUBOIYISIQ',j GUARANTEE ISSUED BY CHICAGO TITI..E INSURANCE COMPANY. -~.tui<P/ Redmond, Washington 98052 2 of 7 CERTIFlCATE NO. 0019183-06, DATED AUGUST 13, 2016 425-869-2670 VOL PAGE CANYON TERRACE __J , L_ ___ _L_ LEGEND PROJECT BOUND.a.RY --------PROPERT'I' WJE ------CENTERLINE -------SECTION UNE -------EASEMENT UNE 1!f SECTION CORNER ' ' ~ NORffi 1/4 CORNER • "' "' "' & CASED ROAD MONUMENT PROPERTY CORNER SET (5/8" REBAR W/CAP. LS I 40101 PROPERTY CORNER FOUND {AS NOTtD) t.lEASURED DIMENSICN COMPUTED OIMENSIOO DIMENSION FROM REF. DOC. I FOUND MONUMENT ID t A PORTION Of ,co 0 ,oo 200 THE S.E. 1/4 Of THE S.W. 1/4, OF SEC. 33, T2JN, R5E, W.M. SCAL£ IN FEET r, MONUMENT REFERENCE TABLE """"1..1 DESCRIPTION & FND. 1/2" REBAR W/CAfJ, LS /I, 40016/18698 & FND. 1/2" REBAR W/CAP, LS f 11691 & FNO. 1/2" REBAR W/C/JP. "CNW 40016" & FNO. 1/2" REBAR. NO CAP, 0.2' S OF UNE & FND. 5/8" REBAR, NO CAP, M W Cf" UN£ I _,_ m,aQLI DESCRIPTION & nm. 1/:Z-REBAR, NO CAP, O.t5' W OF LINE & FNO. 5/B" REBAR W/CAP, LS I 196J5 a.1· E &: 0.7" S OF CORNER & FND. 5/8" REBAR W/CAP, LS I 18898 0.3' S OF CORNER ~DDWL 8420 154thAvenueNE Redmond, Wa11hmgton 98052 425-869-2670 DATE: 05-06-2016 BY: JNW PR0,£CT Na,; 13586.01 FILE Nr,,.: S306-07C SCAl.[; 1".,.100' SHITT 3 of 7 __J L_ __ __,_ LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDAff'( ---·--PROPERTY UNE ---~ ~ CENTERLINE --• ---SECTION UNE ------RIGHT Of WAY UNE --•• --PROPOSED LOT LINE ------EASl:MENT LINE Jy.J SECTION CORNER ~ 0 "' (C) '.fl ~QF!TI, '/4 CORNER CASED ROAD MONUMENT M(.ol.SllRED DIMENSION COMPUTED DIMENSION DIMENSION FROM REF OOC # CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4 OF THE S. W. 1 / 4, OF SEC, 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. ~ " # " ~ • ~ " " ~ ~ "''-'" ,oo ,oo ,co SCAL£ IN FEET '' I \ I ! ' --~1 -· ~ -~ .N I. ··n- DATE: 05-06-2016 BY: PRQ..£CT No.: 13566.01 FIL£ No.: 3306-070 SCAL.£: 1"-.clQQ' SHEET 4 of 7 Cun,a Table 182 98' C..,rv,11 f '"""lh f!Dd;u, Oo<to '56 5:t 0 29.J9 278.50 " H.28 278.50 '" ~00 na.sa " •n 27&50 " U14 271 50 " .. ~ 271.50 C, ~"' 271.50 " 41.95 271.50 C, s,.01 228.50 "" 27.65 226.50 en :J751 323.50 m 14-.48 523.50 m -40.27 asoo • o, 81.69 \78.50 "' 1326 178.50 ' "' 23.6\ ,soo ff o, "" n.50 °' rn 223.50 °' 4\.66 223.50 = 70.~~ 2:13.50 = ~~ =w = 16.10 11.50 "' ~.00 J2J.50 m ~.M 27.50 = ,rn 27.50 "' ~.~ 00.00 "' 54.32 ,coo "' 71.2!1 ,coo ,~ 15.69 128.50 '"' ,coo ,~oo rn l2.14 J70.00 llool110'15" '9 KEY MAP -1" z 400' CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF lliE S.E. 1/4 Of lliE S.W. 1/4, Of SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.1,4. 8 ~ J< a 0 :;; • z so1·49'09•w 100.:io· .J L EASEMENT LEGEND @10' l)Tlt.JTY EASEYetT @15' \!TIUT'I' EASEMENT @5' UTILITY EASEMENT NOl"49'09"E ' J< o0 oo ;,'; ~ z .J X I I ., I • C ~ I , I _ _J 418.01' ·---- ~~ 0 40 80 SCAJ..r IN FEET LOT2 K.C. SHORT PLAT #278113 S01"'51'37"W 174.8J' _J N01"52'51"E 30 01· VOL AGE ---~ I DATE: 05-06-2016 BY: PRo.JECT No.: 13586.01 FILE No.: S306-07E curve Tab .. Cww I Lon,.U, R«!lw, O .. la ~ ~ CT "' ~ c,o "' m "' ,~ = = "' "' = '"' = = '"' = "' = "' "' co "' "' ,~ m ,~ "' = --. \J.14 ~71.50 rn 271.50 ~" 271.50 41.95 271.50 61.01 226.,0 27.65 2211.,0 2J.61 15.00 n.~ 7J.50 5~.J2 90.00 71.2~ 70.00 ~.00 271.50 20.!I! 271.~ 3!1..27 ~00 :lC.llJ ,aoo 50.02 226.50 ,.~ 12&50 34.G! 1211.,0 ,s.e& 1211.50 woo J90.00 ~00 J70.00 = J70.00 ~.~ J71J.00 ~~ DOOO ~00 ,moo 70.1J J70.00 a.-r.ic·»· --+----<----l----a.-,o'51'J8" 27.7J 19.50 19.02 235.50 Jl.75 =.50 J7.9Q 235.50 ~" ,~oo J7.~ 23!1.50 15.38 235-50 •pen Space Tract I •J·.>;g of" CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF THE S.E. 1 / 4 OF THE S. W. 1 / 4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, A5E, W.M. ~~----" -------------------- NGPA Tract L Tract B Storm Water Facility • ' ---~•J_' ---------le--$--- Sil4.04' NUU4'0J"W 10.00' s1;gj;,', N8$"04'0J"W 10.00' ,.....,_ .--Tr:aceG ., "' SCM..E IN FEET EASEMENT LEGEND @ur UTILITY USEMENT @!5' UTILITY EASEM£HT @5· UTUTY EASEMENT I I L, _J L _J NOl'55'57"E 29.,0' ,t.DOWL 8420 154th Avenue NE Redmond, Washington 98052 425-86g...2670 VOL PAGE 491.07' DATE: 05-06-2016 BY: PRO..E:CT No.: 13586.01 FlLE No.: S306-07F SCALE.: 1 ~"' 40' SHEET 6 of 7 ----- Cunnt Tabla ~u,...e f ! Lon4t~ Rado<.o ~· "~ 170.00 ~, 4SJ5 170.00 = 90.Gl!I 220.00 = JJ.70 200.00 ~· '" =.oo "' 16.BO ·~oo CS7 JtU9 ''"°' "' ·~ 190.00 "' 4g,a3 204.50 '" 24.12 204.50 C61 ,8.68 "'"' "' ie ,s ms, m '~22 249.50 "' ~~ ~-"' "' ,.~ ~-"' "' 1.28 2W.-50 "' "' ~rn "' 5.01 ,~oo CANYON TERRACE A PORTION OF 1HE S.E. 1 / 4 OF 1HE S. W. 1 / 4, OF SEC. 33, T23N, R5E, W.M. NGPA Tract '" RoodA M02'56'15''11 ---------- ~00 ~ - 1 ~-Lr-~ I I I 48 I: I 47 \'u :e:g oF I ., ~·-;s _J __ J < I 27 54· !I 1!l_D~ a I • ! :0 j;: i" g1'· : ;•·;,; !JI= ~ -: ·,,. - II~ I ~ - ~~•••s J' , I 30 oo i t;, . i r------- N01"55'5T'( 584.04' 40 0 40 80 SCALE IN f£ET . • I VOL PAGE KEY MAP -1" = 400' EASEMENT LEGEND IHI' IJlll..lTY USEMENT 15" '.Jllt.ff'I' E,l,SE,IENT 5' Ul11.JTY EASOolENT ,])IO' SMITARY SE'olER tASOIDIT @10' lf,1,TERMAIN EA5EMENT @10• STORM CR.IJNAGE iRAeT @20' f'RIY,1,lE ~CCESS E>SEMENT 9,. ... -001".W. =Efft ~DDWL 8420 154th Av11nue NE Redmond. Washington 98052 425-869-2670 DATE.: 05-06-2016 BY: jNM PROJECT No.: 13556.01 FlLE No., S306-07G SCAL£: 1"~40' SHEET 7 of 7 SUBDIVISION Guarantee/Certificate Number: Issued By: @CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0019183-06 Update 5th Guarantee RECEIVED SEP 2 6 2016 CITY OF RENTON Summit Homes of Washington, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Compan¥1.ANNING DIVISION CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES I herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the identity of any party named or referred to in Schedule A or with respect to the validity, legal effect or priority of any matter shown therein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth in Schedule A. Please note carefully the liability exclusions and limitations and the specific assurances afforded by this guarantee. If you wish additional liability, or assurances other than as contained herein, please contact the Company for further information as to the availability and cost. Chicago Title Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2300 Seattle, WA 98104 Countersigned By: Authorized Officer or Agent Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 1 Chicago Title Insurance Company By: Attest: President Secretary Printed: 09.23.16@. 09:10 AM WA-CT -FNSE-021 50.622476-S~S-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee Llablllty $1,000.00 ISSUING OFFICE: Title Officer: Commercial I Unit 6 Chicago Titte Company of Washington 701 5th Avenue, Suite 2300 Seattle, WA 98104 Main Phone: (206)628-5610 Email: CT1SeaTitleUnit6""'ctt.com SCHEDULE A Premium $350.00 Effective Date: September 23, 2016 at 08:00 AM The assurances referred to on the face page are: Tax $33.25 That, according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of matter relative to the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Title to said real property is vested in: Summit Frenchies, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company subject to the matters shown below under Exceptions, which Exceptions are not necessarily shown in the order of their priority. END OF SCHEDULE A Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page2 Printed: 09.23. 16@ 09:10AM WA-CT-F NSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-16-00191 63--06 Parcel A: EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Lots X, Y and Z, King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number L06L0093, recorded under recording number 20070419900019, in King County, Washington. Together with a non-exclusive easement for road as disclosed by instruments recorded under recording numbers 7808090599 and 8805310993. Parcel B: Tract 5 of Northwestern Garden Tracts, Division 5, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Page 90, in King County, Washington; Except the west 150 feet thereof, as measured along the south line of said Tract 5. Together with the northerly 30 feet of that portion of Tract 5, of said Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 4 of said Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5; Thence south 1 '08'1 O" along the west line of said Tract 5, a distance of 120 feet; Thence south 89'34'39" east, 150 feet; Thence north 1'08'10" east, 150 feet to the north line of said Tract 5; Thence north 89'34'39" west along said line, 103.38 to an angle point; Thence south 0'25'21" west, 30 feet; Thence north 89'34'39" west, 46.89 feet to the point of beginning. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 3 Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.6224 76-S~S-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL EXCEPTIONS SCHEDULE B GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee H. Reservations and exceptions in United States Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page4 Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.6224 76-SPS· 1·16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee SCHEDULE B (continued) SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: United States of America Electric transmission line and appurtenances July 18, 1941 3178820 A northeaster1y portion of said premises 2. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Puget Sound Power & Light Company, a Washington corporation Electric transmission and/or distribution system March 6, 1968 6313654 A southerly portion of said premises and other property 3. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Roadway for ingress and egress, right to make slopes for cut or fill March 18, 1974 7403180427 An easter1y portion of said premises lying within a strip of land 30 feet in width 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Purpose: Roadway and utility purposes Recording Date: August 9, 1978 Recording No.: 7808090599 Affects: Portion of said premises lying within the east 30 feet of the south 300 feet of Tract 12, Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5 5. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Reserved by: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Robert E. Levy and Gertrud S. Levy, husband and wife, their heirs and assigns forever Ingress and egress and for road and utilities May 31, 1988 8805310993 An easterly portion of Lots X and Z lying within a strip of land 30 feet in width 6. Agreement regarding establishment of easement for installation, construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of a storm water runoff line and level spreader within a portion of said premises as described and delineated in document Between: And: Recording Date: Recording No.: Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Soos Creek Real Estate LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company Heidi L. Kuehnlenz and Anthony Ford March 6, 2008 20080306000502 Page 5 Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-FN SE-02150.6224 76-SPS-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee SCHEDULE B (continued) 7. Agreement regarding establishment of easement for storm water facilities Between: And: Area Affected: Recording Date: Recording No.: Rosemary Wehrman, as her separate estate Soos Creek Real Estate, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company As constructed September 27, 2013 20130927001468 8. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5, recorded under recording number 4061621. 9. Restrictions limiting the use of portions of the property lying within certain distances of a water well and/or regulating the location of a water well, recorded under recording number 8510220769. 10. Restrictions limiting the use of portions of the property lying within certain distances of a water well and/or regulating the location of a water well, recorded under recording number 8510220770. 11. Restrictions limiting the use of portions of the property lying within certain distances of a water well and/or regulating the location of a water well, recorded under recording number 8602030672. 12. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on: King County Short Plat No. 278113, recorded under recording number 7808281028. 13. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on: King County Lot line Adjustment No. 8710011, recorded under recording number 8803020949. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page6 Printed: 09.23. 16 @09:10AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B (continued) GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee 14. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status. disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on: King County Short Plat No. 388021, recorded under recording number 8902210370, 15. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on: King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. L06L0020, recorded under recording number 20060711900004. 16. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth on: King County Boundary Line Adjustment No. L06L0093, recorded under recording number 20070419900019. 17. Agreement regarding temporary water service Recording Date: Recording No.: October 29, 1974 7410290026 18. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2016 Tax Account No.: 619900-0240-08 Levy Code: 2128 Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-Improvements: General and Special Taxes: Affects: Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate $277,000.00 $0.00 Billed: Paid: Unpaid: $3,760.83 $1,880.42 $1,880.41 Lot X of Parcel A Pat,e 7 Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B (continued) GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee 19. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent iffirst half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2016 Tax Account No.: 619900-0260-03 Levy Code: 2128 Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-Improvements: General and Special Taxes: Affects: $264,000.00 $0.00 Billed: Paid: Unpaid: $3,574.76 $1,787,38 $1,787.38 Lot Y of Parcel A 20. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2016 Tax Account No.: 619900-0241-07 Levy Code: 2128 Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-Improvements: General and Special Taxes: Affects: $170,000.00 $0.00 Billed: $2,316.17 Paid: $1,158.09 Unpaid: $1,158.08 Lot Z of Parcel A 21. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electric transmission line July 15, 1949 3919394 A westerly portion of the north 30 feet of said premises 22. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Disclosed by: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Real Estate Contract To extend Southeast 188th Street September 6, 1973 7309060131 An undisclosed portion of a westerly portion of said premises Page 8 Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.6224 76-SPS-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee SCHEDULE B (continued) 23. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: King County Water District No. 58 Water mains and appurtenances March 31, 1978 and May 26, 1978 7803310031 and 7805260190 A westerly portion of the northerly 20 feet of said premises 24. Agreement regarding establishment of easement for storm water facilities: Between: And: Area Affected: Recording Date: Recording No.: Rosemary Wehnnan, as her separate estate Soos Creek Real Estate, LLC, a Washington limited liability company As constructed September 27, 2013 20130927001468 25. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, recitals, reservations, easements, easement provisions, dedications, building setback lines, notes, statements, and other matters, if any, but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is pennitted by applicable law, as set forth on: Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5, filed in volume 47 of plats, page 90 and recorded under recording number 4061621. 26. Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, Sewer Special Connection Charge #267, including the terms and conditions thereof: Recording Date: Recording No.: February 25, 2008 20080225000496 27. Matters disclosed by a survey of a portion of said premises by Cramer Northwest, Inc., dated May 19, 2008, recorded under recording number 20080609900012, as follows: Encroachment of a 4 foot wire fence, appurtenant to the northerly adjoiner, onto a northerly portion of said premises, and any adverse rights created thereby. 28. Matters disclosed by a survey recorded under recording number 20080909900003, as follows: A 4 foot wire fence not conforming to the northerly boundary of said premises, and any adverse rights created thereby. Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Page 9 Printed: 09.23.16@ 09:10 AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.6224 76-SPS-1-16-0019183-06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B (continued) GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee 29. General and special taxes and charges, payable February 15, delinquent if first half unpaid on May 1, second half delinquent if unpaid on November 1 of the tax year (amounts do not include interest and penalties): Year: 2016 Tax Account No.: 619900-0101-06 Levy Code: 2128 Assessed Value-Land: Assessed Value-Improvements: General and Special Taxes: Affects: Parcel B $ 280,000.00 $ 0.00 Billed: Paid: Unpaid: $3,791.17 $1,895.59 $1,895.58 30. Terms and Conditions of the limited liability company agreement for Summit Frenchies, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company 31. A Deed of Trust with Assignment of Rents to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: Dated: Trustor/Grantor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Not Disclosed July 3, 2014 Summit Frenchies, LLC SureTec Information Systems, Inc. SureTec Insurance Company September 12, 2014 20140912000897 Parcels A and B 32. Your application for title insurance was placed by reference to only a street address or tax identification number. Based on our records, we believe that the legal description in this report covers the parcel(s) of Land that you requested. If the legal description is incorrect, the seller/borrower must notify the Company and/or the settlement company in order to prevent errors and to be certain that the correct parcel(s) of Land will appear on any documents to be recorded in connection with this transaction and on the policy of tide insurance. 33. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Purpose: Recording Date: Recording No.: Affects: Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Puget Sound Energy, Inc. utility systems for gas and electricity May 1, 2015 20150501000626 portions of said premises, as described in said instrument Page 10 Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-F NSE-02150.622476--SPS--1-16-0019183--06 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE/CERTIFICATE NO. 0019183-06 UPDATE 5th Guarantee SCHEDULE B (continued) 34. Declaration of Covenant for maintenance and inspection of flow control BMPS, including the terms and conditions thereof: Executed by: Recording Date: Recording No.: Summit Homes of Washington, LLC August 11, 2015 20150811000957 END OF EXCEPTIONS NOTES The following matters will not be listed as Special Exceptions in Schedule B of the policy. There will be no coverage for loss arising by reason of the matters listed below because these matters are either excepted or excluded from coverage or are not matters covered under the insuring provisions of the policy. Note A: Note B: Note: Any map furnished with this Commitment is for convenience in locating the land indicated herein with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance thereon. There has been no change in this certificate since November 24, 2015, except the matters shown herein. The effective date of this certificate is hereby amended to January 15, 2016. END OF NOTES END OF SCHEDULE B Subdivision Guarantee/Certificate Printed: 09.23.16@09:10AM WA-CT-FNSE-02150.622476-SPS-1-1 &-0019183-06 Page 11 ··-----~---··· - oui I , ~u~o~.\ ~ i~~f,ri'• -. ',,, -~"~,.,~ " ~,.. -:--.,,. ~ .... 0,1, _j •• ' ---.,_ . .. -' -- K.c. •I.A I .~OlLJ'IIH .~ ' "-·~.3 .~ .. r --- )· ~ --'=--------~-~ e: ,.,, .. ! , . ' NORTHVIESTERN -GARDEN , . : TRACTS DIV. NO ! 5 ' •• •• '.· Ou, , · ·, -=r-1-~~ .ou ' ::• ,ou ... ... .. ,. '"I ,w . ' ~-; ' ·' ·., ' -. ,. ·"' ,o .. "' ·- mo I" =• IC>T1 • ' -" .. -.··· ...,,-1 ' --.. ... -• • C -- -, .. -{ .. • ' I. ...... ·--~· -,./'. e e J r,y -Z#l1111111111111111 When recorded rt!turn to: 1J~PJ927001458 Summit Frenchies, LLC 16000 011istenson Road, #303 Tukwila, WA 98188 Flied tor -at Request of; First Amencan Title Jr&irance eon.,..,v PAGi-ee1 o,C:3ij0 10.ee 119/27/2913 16·42 KING COUNTY, !Ml E2632919. 89/27/2913 18·35 KING COIMTY ,~ TAX ' -SAU $I $21,315.et ,281,IN,ee PAGE-891 OF 891 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (Not Statutory) File No: 4243-20911205 (BS) Grantor(s): Soos Creek Real Esmte, lLC Grantee(s): Summit Frenchles, LLC Date: September 24, 2013 Abbreviated Legal: Lots X, Y and Z. Bl.A No. L06L0093, Rec. 20070419900019, King County Additional Legal on page: Assessor's TaK Parcel No(s): 619900-0240-08 and 619900·0260-03 and 61111100-0241·07 lliE GRANTOR(S), Soos Creek Real Estate LLC, a Washington limited llabllity company, for and In conside111Uon of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, bargains, sells, and conveys to Summit Frenchles, LLC, a Delaware limited llablltty company, the following described real estate, situated In the County of King, State of Washington: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property In the County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: Parcel A: Lot X of King County Boundary Une Adjustment No. L06L0093, recorded under Recording No. 20070419900019. Parcel B: Lot Y of King County Boundary Une Adjustn,e,,t No. L06l.0093, recorded under Recording No. 20070419900019. Parcel 8·1: rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001458 Page 1 of 3 LP8 16-ll9(r) Page I ell Created By: sholstlne Printed: 6/27/2014 6:50:55 AM PST Fie No.; 424.1-:I09ll20S (U) Doto: 09/24/2013 An easement for road and utlHtles over the east 30 feet of the south 300 feet of Tract 12, Northwest Garden Tracts Div, No, 5, ac,cordlng to the plat thereof reClDrded In Volume 47 of Plats, page 90, In King County, Washington. Paree! C: Lot z of King county Boundary Line Adjustment No. LO&L0093, rec:orded under Recording No. 20070419900019, Tax Parcel Number(s): 61990IHl240-D8 and 619900-0260-03 and 619900-0241-07 Dated: September 26, 2013 Subject To: This conveyance is subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, If any, affecting tltle, whidl may appear In the publk: record, lndudlng those shown on any recorded plat or su,vey. Soos Creek Real Estate, LLC, a Washington limited liability company By: Ravenna Development, LLC, It's Manager ,..-Go-.. 4?.s-~ By: Charles W. Spaeth, rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001458 Page 2 of 3 LPB 16--09(r) Page 2 orJ Created Sy: sholstine l'finted: 6/27/2014 6:50:55 AM PST APN:611~240-lll 5pedal Warranly Deed -- STATE OF Washington ) )ss. COUNTY OF King ) file No.: 42"3·2099205 (U) Dote: 09(24(2013 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Charles w. Spaeth, llsflire) the person(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowtedged that he signed this Instrument, on oath stated that he Is authorized to execute the Instrument and acknowledge It as the Manager of Ravenna Development,. U.C, Manager of Soos Creek Real Estate, LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party(les) for the uses and pur~ ~foned/:~ls Instrument. Dated, September 26, 2013 Au~'1&.t4 -< Brleanne Regalia Sudderth Notary Public In and for the State of Washington Residing at Sultan My appointment explres: 1-22-2015 IIIIIEANIE REGALIA SUDDERTH STATE OF WAS111NGTON · NOTARY PUBLIC lll'f COMMISSION QPIRES . n1 --111 - ,rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001458 Page 3 of3 I.PS 16-09(r) Page 3 of3 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 6:50:55 AM PST e e ~~ -~ 1 i11111111111111 Whenrecordedretumto: 20130927001472 .. Summit Frenchles, LLC FIRST AIIERICAII UD 74.19 PAGE-Ml OF 813 16000 Christenson Road, Ste 303 Tukwila, WA 98188 Flied re, -at Request or: First...__ TIiie Insurance Company 89/27/2913 11:41 KING COIMTY, LIA E2632900 19/27/2113 18:21 KING CllUNTY, UA TAX S14,24S.lt SALE SIN,NI.H SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (Not Statutory) PAGE-NI OF Ht FIie No: 4243-2099208 (BS) Date:. September 26, 201:S Grantor(s): Rosemary Wehrman and Wehrman Estate Grantee(s): Summit Frenchles, LLC Abbreviated Legal: PTN TR 5, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO, 5, VOL 47, P. 90, KING COUNTY Additional Legal on page: Assessots Tax Pam!I No(s): 619900-0101-Q6 THE GRANTOR(S), Rosemary Wehrman, an unmarried person and Rosemary Wehrman as Personal Representative for the Estate of Marvin Wehrman, who also appears of reaml as Marvin D. Wehrman, deceased, for and In consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, In hand paid, bargains, sells, and conveys to Summit Frenc:hles, LLC, a Delaware Umlted llablllty mmpany, the following desaibed real estate, situated In the County of King, State of Washington: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property In the County of King, State of Washington, desaibed as follows: TRACT 5, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV, NO. 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 90, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 150 FEET THEREOF, AS MEASURED ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAIO TRACT 5; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHERLY :SO FEET OF THAT PORTION OF TRACT 5 OF SAID NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO. 51 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT 4 OF SAID NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV, NO. 5; <tier: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001472 Page l of 3 lP9 16--09(,) Page 1 of3 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 6:50:57 AM PST • APN: 11190CHl101-G6 Spedol WIITlnly Deed • c:ontlnuod Flle No,, 4243-l09ll:IOCl (IS) Dote: O!l/21/2013 THENCE SOUTH lo08'10" ALONG THE WEST LINE Of SAID TRACF S, A DISTANCE Of 120 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 19034•39• EAST, 150 FEET; THENCE NORTH lo08'10" EAST, 150 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACF 5; THENCE NORTH 89034'39" WEST ALONG SAID UNE, 103,38 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 00025•21 • WEST, 30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89034'39" WEST, 46,89 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT 01' BEGINNING. Tax Parcel Number(s): 619900-0101•06 Dated: September 26, 2013 Subject To: This conl/eyance Is subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, If any, affecting title, which may appear In the public record, lnduding those shown on any recorded plat or survey. Estate of Marvin Wehrman, deceased STATE OF Washington ) Sn o ko,,... 1 ~ l., )-ss COUNTY OF ';D1F ) l certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that RoNm•ll' Wehrman and Wela. 11•~ ~.~are the pe,son(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/~ Signed this Instrument and acknowledged It to be hl@thelr free and voluntary act for the uses and pu~ mentioned In thl~ ~o Dated: 9/J.lo ciO/~ ~~ rn "' irder: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001472 Notary Publle In and for the State of Washington Residing at: 5~...._,00 O My appointment expires: IO {,J.. j 1~ Page 2 of 3 LP8 IH9(r) Page 2 of 3 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 6:50:57 AM PST ACXNOWLEDGMENT. STATBOPWASBJNOTON. l coUNTioPS 00~ rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001472 Page 3 of 3 Created By: st,oistlne Printed: 6/27/2014 6:50:57 AM PST KlfiG COUNTY, WASHINGTON ,,~'~i· ,JiOVNDARY ,' , UN£ 0 Al)JUSTM~'NT , NO,c_J'.J!§),QQ~3 __ ,· -· ' ... R£COROINC: 11.0 • KING COUNTY BOUNDARY UNE ADJUSTMENT POR RA VEN NA DEYELOPJIENT LLC LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE s.r. t/4, O!' SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, ,r.Jl .• KING COUNTY. Jf.ASHINCTON .fl <.___17_ ,.......,..,,-i.fu _......, __ _ ~"i)i=.: ,oon•11"ooc:i11 1------~-----; LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE R8caRl)&R'S CER1'/FICArl ., 1nm rOR ,,.,,,,,.,, :':"5.;:JJl'."Dot/r o,A,l':.to.G'1.1,dSi.1t 1 .. Flnl'lo(_a~,('l( __ .lt t'>,Gl2\L.1 114( !ICQ~T Of' ~--ll .. !:!'.\M,Pl.5 --'",i,;iii -~~;..,/ 51JP'l. Of' RCCOl<M --IJll(A(l,,ushflllff-l;flT • ..atlffS .. _.. ........ 111:0l-ll'T~IN ~--IU'lt ""° l;l;lll!fr, STATUTU. nca:PffOlrlS' 0, .UCV,W: 1"1!11_ ..... ___ "" ,,-. .... g-···-___ ,,,_"'1.,, ___ ,,,_ _,,, __ ..._..,,, __ """"-"'=---... ..,,--~....,.,._..,_ ... _ ... ____ _,_ .. __ --1!-""""-·---(J/-C _,..N<l!l>C ___ _ Su.-~~~~==--:=:::. .. J"::o. .--------~.:=-~-JO .... ,,,, ........ c =~~:--, ~=~~=~,arr,,-· === ~ ,.,..::_ -,""oc,_ __ ._ ................. , ..... --..1.<M.---:-'--=o.~l:II-~=.."":'-----... -__ ........ _..,._.,. ___ _ ----=-~~~:==~..:..~ ___ ,.,,, _ __ , .... ,,lllDOlll Ktftc COf)NTY, WASl!/NGTON '@),'§' -~OU/vDARY ,, , . LINE 1".J A/fJ1(STMENT ;'· _NO, -t-0610093 _ ! . , 1• ' ~::;-; --i'I: /~ • -:r~1./ . ,1·,, ,, .. , .. , ~ ...... .... , ....... ,!' t0ITO.t1l'ID0111 l{JNG COUNTY BOUNDARY IJNE ADJUSTJIENT FOR RA VEN NA DEVELOPJIENT LLC LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE S. Jf. 1/4-, OF SECTION SS, TOWNSHIP 2S NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, 1'.Jl., KlNfl COUNTY, ,rAsHJNCTON -W:aT ... .IJ II _.,._1'_..8°' ... 'I ,.,-_ ~:'-..:..,._ .., ... --·-·· ·-"'-"' " 0 BASISOI~ ·----·~ ...... --'''••·-~~::~~=~ ... .,,...ca,i:;:~.-.-.,;. .... ..;..r.. ... _ ··;•o.s. ...... : ..... _....,. ;{. ·-.... ··'-/' _-:-"''~ .-:-:"° ~~~:-}"' _;·;;gr;;=-.:'r· _.,-,..,,,_......_,.,;.p,. .. ' -... ~·--"'" --· --- .. .a' ' ' c:'.. . . : ,,· I . ,• ' . i\~ G ..•. 72-·· ... . ·< :,-,tt~ '""'·1·8$1 . . :S: ~ .) l S tHfl trrUR~ ,mid;i~\.~;>;•~#~i.i .• \Y.c ;· . ,' W-.Jii.M · LU ·,~~,i-,: a~r t,J· -· . 1-~~~~1 ' ~ • ) •'ii·q·tJ~~t,tf}'·:~. ;_ .~1'.' and hmln1l1tr called "Onnlot}i~ilt~~i;~J}j\~~~v,ii'' · ·: i~t; ' 1 W11'1a11on · . ',)" :-i'i,'-_' '_.., ·.\ ._, ... ,-;,J ',j_••· _,t_.'"',.i-.,1,\·,·,·-:.· 'j, I' ct.irponllan, l'ltrtlnlfttf calltd 1:a rlnitt;h i,J;'·1 :_, •• \f ·. :h.' ;:\tl'.'i .. : :i;;·, .,, ~1 ~-; ff -, · I ·.... . . '... ~·:i.-f-.. ·(·,',l~(t.;:-· ;ii.~,t~tr~-·~ Otltd "M1trtt~tt11 .~:~ ~n £.::.~d~r~!lon ol Ou Dol;ii, Ill) onitt~i~ ~.~Jti ~.1.:~~tJ),1tptolwlitu11 ~ ... ~ ac11..'!0wl,Qtd, u" srantor h1r1t, 1rant, !\nd cOMtJ• ~ tilt 1rutt1, .u, ~0•11ao~1 Ind_ 111trn1, lht ~lfiM. to connruct, r,eon1lr11r:t 1 lmpro,,1 1 r1p1lr,;m:alntl1·n'lnd 0,1rat1~·11nfrl1 tnn1m1111on Md/ot dl11rlbu\lon ll:n.t .s__eon111tlna: ot pol11 or lOwtfa "tlth 1iHHlll"f brlGllt aur• and au'han• aro11,. arm•, lnnlltou, lr&hlmtulon1 dlltrlbu.tlon an11.l11aal,wlrte; -~~antf~tinera and othtr MCIHHr)' or ccnr~•nlent facUltt•• and tqvtpm,nt onr and ICtOH th• foll~IDJ dHcrS~ Jaftd: locatt4 J."--- K In C~unlJ, •111; ol W11hlnaton, Thet portion of S, E. 19!nd Street to be vtcated Iring edJecent to the south lino of Tract 13 of Northwestern Cordon Tr•cts Div ,ton NS In th• Southeost 1/4 of th• Southeast 1/4 of Soctl<m 33, Townthlp 23 North, Rong• S Eost, W,N, Th• centn lln, of each tran1m\11lon ·,nd/or dlttrlbt.ltlon tint shall bt louted II tallow,~ As now constructed In• northerly dlrectlon over tho east 60 feet of said portfon to be vacated or es mey be relocated by mutual consent. Oranlu 1h1ll h1n th• r11ht ot acc111 acrou tht •dJ•Hnt Jand of tht arantor In. ord1r lo txtrclH tht rtsM• 1rtnttd by thl1 ln1tnm1nt 1 lnc-h1dlrc th1 rlrht to oonetruct. malntaln lnd u111 pa1111ble road In 1 convtnt,nt loc1Uon, wllh nu1111ry brldftt and 1att1. GranlH •hall hnt the rlsht, at any and 111 Um11, to C\ll 1 top and/or trim any and all btuahortrtta now or htuaflu 1t1ndl111 or 1rowlnc upon aalll lan4 or adjaetnt land of lht 1rantor which ,,. or mar ta wllhln rut ot the aald ctntn Un,_, and alto tht rltht to cut. top and/or trim uy tun upon nld land or ad)1c11nt land of tht 1rantor which, In falllnc, could com• within feet or 1ny of tht polt1 1 lowtra, flxtun•, 1111•, conductor, or oilier f1c1J1t1n of th11rantu or In any manner bt a menace or hazard lhere10. Cirantor 1hatl not place, <:on11ru.c1 or mal11laln any bulldlna: or olhH 1tn1eture within 2.5 leel of nld ctntt:r lin• and shall do no blulln1 whataoever wllhln a dlatanct or 300 fHI from aald lint unleu up.•onablt-notice thereof hu betn lirlt llVitn to 1t1nttt ln wr1t1nc. The rt1h11 htrtln cunttd to U•t sunttt 1h1U continue In force antll avch Ume II lM' gr~H, Ila aucu .. ora or au11n•, shall compleUI)' umoYf 111 ttruclutH utd eq-,lpmtnl lrom Hld land or 1hall othtrwlH perm11.nent1y abandon tho Hmt, Upon 111ch removal or abandonment all rtcht1 t,treby granted •hall trrminat,, An)' mor11aai:e on.aald land ht-Id by th, mort11111 I• htrtby rtleaaed to the excent, but only ta, lM ext•nt, n,cuaary 10 •i,bordtnat, 1he Hid mort111t 1u th• rtahl• hereby 1ranttd to the 1rantee,• IN WITNESS WKEREOF this lnatNmtnt hll bHn C!HCul•d lhto day and )'Hr flut aboYe wrltlrn • . , ft'L1,.;.,. A.:k;,4'. · q- ST 4 TE ~ • .WMIJ,(~TON I " C 't'i'J°F if"i•w,.i~'"•., .:~. . ... \ ") :f,Onthl,4aype,~~111op,eo,•clb•forell'lf 111 1··4 r 1 n (lJ 1 .1{i: '(· fff'lfil.. (i.•1 11 (1: . 1 ltnown to be ffia incl.1¥1Mr..tc1 .. crlbtcl In oM who ancvtetl the within ,nit fortt .. nt 1n,1r,nNnl 1 ai,4 odnowlHI" tha1 ·' t l9Md ,M tonlt O~.~ frH ond vohmlo,y oct Ofld ••cl ftr the UHi entf pW(llltlH t'r.troln Nntlflftff'. ·~--~i~EN ondet . .ii; ~•d and olllclol Hol thl1 <,',f; doy of II (ti «·c: « . . -, 19 -".,.C, ......... , 4-M., (,f ~1/y' 'C-·,', 'r ..:·,·, .... ,,,71 E.ASEMENT ELECTRIC L INEFll,,I for a.cord l'fk'.! ~ 19 f',MRoto,~ p-,"lc In"? for'"' Sttlt To1M111ton, t?M, r,:o ,t•OI! ltq11111I DI Puttl Sound Po•tr & l .. Co: hll Of •..-.;-__.,-·((? L, 11 ,,. to!ERT A. MORRIS, County Avdf/t 1 . I'll .I ',.··.·. .;:a ·'!-·' ·,:f{::t,::'_i -,.) {~f.·l.;~> e . EASEMENT For a ,alll&ble comkleratlon. receipt or which 13 hereby ackllQWtedpd, tbe Gian tor ... 1. . . . . Mel•tn R. Vbtte aad Peerl Vblte bl• wit• :· ·--~----~·----~--~------------·······-·····----------'······--··· ·-·-----... ·'· ('1 ~ ~-. hereby grant-~----and COJlffY __ ! ___ to the Oraat. -~-".:!!!LP_,.!'.•.~r.'!fP_.1!.P!l.,9LtUlVII h. ~-~ .• ..,.,._ and _,_ the rip~. pr!Ylle,e and autborlty to construct, lmpro....,, repa;, and mamtatn __ .. !_!..~!.!'l)!!l._f 9_,:_ tl!el_'!!l •• @rul. ,Eou. _____ .... __ ........ _ ..... __ . --·--·· .. . act088, over and upon tbe followlncl&Dd located In •.•. __ .flJII! .. ---... ·-·----: .. County, state o! Walb1nglcm, to-wii: . . · The J:a1t 30 (tblrtJ) teet ot Lot l) (thirteen) ot Northwutern Gerdea Tract,, D1Y11toa Ho, 5 (tlYe) Volu•• 47-;0, Said !O toot .runt Northerly fro• S,E, 192nd street along a line extendtne tno cent•rllne or l24tt1· Avenu, s ,B, 'Tt e.t' '-f'£ .. 'Y .0 /'l Et' 1)/ 77,,r-, "t1'-io,#'=:...4~L ,l I"';;: , ;v -r ~ ii' ,, e c Tile Granlor.~--8ball malle no uae or \be land occupied bf !O.id ••• ,~~!!.Y-,----,-... -,ep1 ror-~--r~!!.~, .. !Y.!,.t., .. •J~.•-'!~_l,_~•, .. ~tUtt.!~.•-• _ ,J!lr.,. \l_i:U!l.f .. ,011.,.; ... _ __ otber. uae1 _naru.111 .-oe_ of. •J~l!.~•u. or_ ,tra,t,---------•-·-------- In ez...w,,g the righto -panted, the Ot'&lltee-••. bl~ .. aucc....,. and ossll(Jla, may pus and ,epoa over aakl ••• !_~~.!~1~-!~~--~.-::::-.:::-.-:::-:.::-:_:::.:::.::-:-.:::.:::-.:::::::.~.:. ___ . may cat and remoYe brUsb, Ines and other -.Uctlcma which In the opinion or the Grantee-. ! . In· The cmeaants herein contained shall run with the land and are binding upiHl all subsequent .,,.,...,. --. ' . . .......... ,.......__:._,._._.,._, •• .dea dlMnat ei.tA81..W..fraa...~~:.cata~......,.-w, i-. ibe aboye r1ehte 1nol.u0e th• r1ebt to aieke necuHry 1lcpu tor cllt or rtll upon aald. pteurau 1li the reaeonable orl@l•l gradlng of l'oatvaJ. In Wltneu Wbereof, 'l'IMI aakl Granlcir-S.. ha.V:~. execuhd Ulla !Jistrillnent the.'. •. · " 1· ..;_ : · · · ,'f day o!_;,'.c::: -""'··'-· ··--·------···--19 •.• .:., . . . ' ' .. !');:.d~.x~/.-:~-~·.£-:,~ .. · ~G:,..,-.\ •. ·• ~~~JL\,~: .... --- ~ .. ' ~ Cl I .... N a a) .... "" 0 ;t .... ... .~ N C 0 •. ,;ii I I l .~ "" , .•. · · .. · . ·~· :.::_ .. . · .. ·. . . . I ' ... tlND1VlDUAL ACKNOWl.EDOMEH"ri ...... .\ . , . Noc n.r,i t>ubUc tn and for t.he $~Le Of \Vul\1ftillon, ~dn1•: ', ." .....• ,", ... : ... do hmllJ' terl.11) U\at OJ:1 lhtt .. , . , ~ ,. :,) , FILED i'or i1~(;u,u iii Request 01 j; 1or h::~. : ... ,,.H 11, , .. ...1:!Z!,-r·.~,c./.;:; l'-t4f. t>.1''1f,<"./ ..,. . 7,,,J ''/ :....f. / z'8 7? S;.., r r,= r: .,:V,v ~7.$ I i I ::-/ ""'%: ·;j I ... > -;: I ~ " 21 3 ·-·; -.,. : .>: r, 2 -~ 1 ·I i i .':: I I l&I . .:Y' I ~, ' . ~ I I . U),,":r :.l1 •.. u*i ~.· _, I ' :3f ... I -=1· I I .;1. wl .. .. ,/· ., ~i I ~?.i i .. ' ' ---! .. I:• ,:'·,~·. : ,, -:-. \ ',~:;;1~ -~ .. :,:· REOOIID£0 ...... OF ......... :. ~ ...... R£.r1~~ · · ... I I EASEMENT For a valuable -Uon. receipt ol wlllch la bereby admowladpd, the Omntor~----------, • <i!!>.r.!l'! _ !'J..t~-~!'-'!..!!!!tl,_ b_J!.U11~Jiif.Jd.f• . .MO.ll!!Jterl. Jl •• tdln .ilruLo.ttc•d.------_ . I?,. k'IYY .... .l1i•-!tY'.• •• _QlzoS.BJ;.t_ f'Ju.oa•u•. __ • _. ··---______ .•••••. __ • ______ ••. _________ _ hereby grant_f ____ and CODYOJ-"---·'° tile GnnteelttllvJa..1t •• l11JdU.,A11d.P.aarl...ll...Wllili._J>is wife, ' t h.~r--SU......,... and auigm, the right, prl'fllege &lid au-t)r to COllOlzuct, lmpro,e, repair 111d g:: main-__ jlJLMll!l9Jll...(or • .J:"M*U.NuL•tili ;,,_i,. .. _ ---------------· ------------ § ~== o~ t:::~:~7 :~:~· -~: · ===~:=· ·::-ol ~ D:lvl•ion 411.5, according to tbe Plat racordld ln VolllN 47 o't Plata, Page 90 r-King County, Waabf.ngtOII. The Granter-•--aball mab no 111111 of tbe l&nd occupied by &ald...M., __ nad __________ _ except for.!t<a!!!i!'Jt.U!l.'ltU.f..~-PP.l'R9t.M •. -----.............••••..•.... ----···--·. -----. In ex-g the r!Rhtl ben!ln panted, lbe Grantee.&.~.......,.,,,.. and Ullgm, may pua and repus over aaJd ___ .t...(or . ...,...,,.JIJ< _allll.uUli.\ll'.PJUPOaJOa ... __ .. ___ ... --------- 111117 cut and remove brual>, treea and other obstrucllona wblch In the opinion ol the oranteoa. .. fn- terfere with..---.FlllldDl<--·-----··--------...... ···-· ------.,. .. -·-----·------··-------·------·· Tho co....,ants horobl conlalnod lhall run with the land and are binding upon RU IIUboequont ownen thereof. n. ... NII-Mlle,ef4U:1 _________________________ .. _____________ 1111111 ba p:x!ld IIIIHII, tllld. not ------------------------.. ··--·-.. p,1""""' ___ aid land, '" EXCIS2 TJ>.X NOT R!:OUIRED ~~': Rec.rd; Division ff---y:.?-r~, D~pu~J =~~II-..)--=:-:. ~ 11111111111 la U#l'ft, &..N • •• , •• -':::,-~~ '. •'-;:, •·.•···· •• •;• • •• -.·: .••. ---~ ••"C; '.r'' •'c'"••·• -~~·"'f,f'• ! CDM~ ol •• ~::.;p_~:.:: ............. J a ,m=uAL ~MENT> I, _L.aJ...~J ..... J.~:t:.f,.;,.(_ ___ . -------......•.•...• NOV'otJ' PubUc io Md for t.be eu.14 of Wuhlapm, tsldifl.w .t .... B.t:J.J.{;.l!JJ£ •...........•.................... -.............. -•... 3.'.1.. ............ ······· ..,. ot •••• ::/ .0.(~!-1.S..T. .•••..•.•.........•• , 11.712. -.-bel.,. -...<.i:~:<:.E .KJ.T.:c.: •... . Cc.ltd .... fo.1 ,usl..E. .. L.., .Ki :r:;:;. ...........•...•..............•.•••.•...... , ........•••..............•.. lo me taowu lo be the lndl~--.. dllatNd ID and. who a.out.ct 1be wllblD .IQal1uDIDi 11114 ~ UW .. :Hifd..t;;;._..-... -... -u..::f-.he.,.c .. _ .... -...... ....., ....... -lo< ... -... p!UlllQlla mm---. A k ,., . :Ilref . .,<,\\~'1.M Jfo ··-OIVZR tDm1:R MY BAND AKI> ~ S&AL U:U...----~-•~--------.. ---------·~.:r,! ... _":•/i.!i'j··~~ . of --i ~ .·~_'¢' :" ... ,.,~~~; ·· .. · ____ .Ji1tt.r:-.h .. ~t---------------------· 11.ZtL. ' / .. ,,,,-· / ; : _.· · -\; \ h. Uc:'. \ .'l \ -·····[:-'i..J'.'J'L~:.,.;.: .. ,~,:;;_f'\--iL'. ... '.;.; N-. PubUc 1n -ta< th• -o1 .,._ -•••• B1.:rrf1tw£ ......... '.\,.;.,,:_;,,.tii_.-i ~-x. .. · · T STATE OF:-~n,•11¥,w.larurtiwllll..._ ___ }.._ County of __ ..;..:::... _____ _ ()Q. I.Lie 8th day of1_aAl,.1c,po&Sut._-=.....,-,-....,.--------A D. J 9~ before me, the under- tian«I. • Notar, Public in tnd for th. State of Wsshington duly eoMmiuioncd and swom, peraon•lb, appoared~-IPffliMa;o,._Ea,., __,WIY=ce..-----------------,-,----- to m• ltnirwn to l,e the individual ducn"bec:I in and who aecuted t1e foresoina in.tnrm.ent for: him eelf and ·. j/ u •ttom•7 in fad of (ififtllJJJJ · 8 · I.EVY alto t~erein de-cn"bed, and acbowl~ to me that ____he aipecl and aa.led the .ame IIL-his vohantary act and deed end •• the !iree aad \l'ohmtary act and deed ·1 0 of the Pid OeJ'1::nad 8, Ievv for the uaa ar1d PlUJ:IONI therein menti<,nod. and on oath tt\ rtated that the powH f'l'f attorney anthorizm1 the execution of thlil inlltrum.nt ha• 1lOt been revoked 11nd tlu,t the u.id I ;z Gertrud 8 • levy _ · now livin1, ; WJlNESs my hand and olieial seal hereto afm.ed th.e day and year in t ' 0 Ntidin. at- Fl)Tlll L Jl (Actncf UldltJl•nt by Self and aa .\ttorney in Pact. PlonHr National T1tlti lnaurance CoJ'npPJII I R£CQR0f0 KC RECOROS • r_ (jji TICOR TITLE . Ell INSURANCE • Filed for Record al Request of Mrt JI I 2a i 1: 'Bl AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: FILED for Record at i,qllli8t of HwT-«>: t... rt. ... ,,,,,, .. M*N /::!-:(1£ .fE l?-;t.,I. Sf; (< ... ~•\ ~4,~ l..t .,. 1-L) .~• •' rw 3; 1988 1002940 ~:ie,, t; .. ::1 ~ Ct· J:" r:. ~.J.1$L 0::-.. Qi) Statutory Warranty Deed THE GRANTOR ROBERT E. LEVY ;ind GERTRUD S, LEVY, husband :ind w1.te, forandl1c:onlidcn111.loaof 1'en Dolla.rs ($10.00) nnd other vnluuble con~ideration In hand paid. conveys and warran.11 to JAMES !..EE HO\' the f0Uowln1 described real estate, si1ua1ed in th~ Count, or 1'110MPSON and ,JUDITH CAMPEJISON TUOIIPSON, hustua.nd a.nd wife, K 1 NO , S1atP. of Washin1ton: SEE EXHIDIT "A" ON A'l'TACIIED RIDER WHICH BY ·rms l!EFERENCE IS MADE A PAR1' HEREOF AS TIIOUGII FUf,L\' SE1' FOR1'11 HEREIN. 1'11£ CONVEYANCE AND WARRANTY HEREIN PERTAIN ONLY 'fO AND ARf. ,\PPL I CABLE ONLY TO THE LAND !'ER SE AND NOT TO ANY UIPROVENENTS, INCLUDING oOtLbmc(S), UTILITIES ANO ANVo'THER FACILITIES Tl!EREON, THEREIN AND THEREUNDEII, TIIE GRANTEES HEIIEIN HAVING CONSTRUCTED OR CAUSED TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND/OR !NSTAl,l,ED ALL SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, BUILD!NG(S), lT1'lLl'fIES ,\ND OTUER FACILITIES THEREON, THEREIN ANU THEREUNDER DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME GllAN'J'EES HEREIN LEASED TUE 11,\RE LAND FROM GRANTORS HEREIN BETWEEN JUNE 1. 1984, AND THE DATE OF THIS INSTRUMENT, ,\LL AT GRANTBF.S' OWN EXPf.NSE; SUCH BUILDING($), UTILITIES AND ANY FACILITIES THEREON, TIIEHEIN AND THEREUNDER DEINO TUE PROPERTY AND IN OIIIERSll!P OP 1'HE GRANTEES HEREIN PRIOR TO ,\ND THI,. DATE OF TilIS INSTRUMENT. Dated thi• 31st dayof ---~-t~·-············ STATE OF h' A SH PICTON } Coaat, of-~K"'l"N"'G ______ _, .. 8 ' · ~~~~-:~00 .. rl-1\toomoy in F:Lct as Der General 11cM' or Attorney recorded in l(!ng Comty, June 10, 19'1'1. Auditor's Nllmer ?T...6100862 0a thi, 31 at clay of·-:-_.1,.1a.,y'-c--:::--:--:---:--------A. t>. 19...i§. 1:iafore me. die und1r 0 ~peel, • Notary Pwllc In Mm for the Stale vi lrP.Hbi D!ttQO ch,ly comm!Nioncd aad IWOffl, p&nonall:r appeorecf-~R~o .. e~E.,Rc,T~E-.. I, .. SY .. x ...... ___________________ ....., to me known to be the l!ldi,rlclual ductt"bed in and wllo aeeaa1ed tl,e forqoin, inlhument for b1rn 111Jr and u ahomey In fact of OEBTBl1D S J f;YY alao thert:in de1cn111td. and ach.owledpd to me tlriat ---Ml aiped and 1ealcd the Hme 01 b15 volunt.,Y•d. and deed and aa lh• fr .. and volanhll)' •c& and deacl of tM ,aid GEBTBJIP a LKVY for the UHi •nd purpOHS thwein mentioned. and on oath llaled that \ho powu of atlomey au1harldn1 the execudon af 1hr. 1Mtrum1nl hu not been revobcl and t\11 the •kl GERTRUD S 1,EYY now lim1. j I -------. ---·----.... ---... ___ _L_ • RE: STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED DATED IIAY 31, 1988 ROBERT E, LEVY ond GERTRUD S. LEVY, husbund und wife, GRANTOR JAMES LEE ROY THO&IPSON and JUDITH CAMPERSON, husbu;id and wife, GRANTEE EXHI011' "A" I.QT 12, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, DIV. NO. 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PACE 90, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT 'l'HE sou'l'lfffif CORNER. THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE l!ESTERLY LINE THEREOF 300 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH 1.!NE OF SAID L01' 135 FEb"l'; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL \!ITll THE WEST LINE or SAID LOT 300 FEET; ·rHENCE l'ESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT TO Tl!ll POINT OF BEGINNING; RESERVING, HO\IEVEll 1 ANIJ EXCEPTING FROit TIIE HEREINAOOVE CONVEYED REAL ESTATE!! 'ro AND FOR tffil UENEFIT oF THE dkAN'roRS Ake THEIR HEIRS ARb As IGNS FOREVER. AN EASEIIENf FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS ARD FOR RO.ID AND UTILITY PURPOSES OVER, ACROSS, UPON AND UNDER THE EAST 43.58 FEET OF TUE SOU111 JOO FEET OF SAID LOT 12, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS, DIVISION NO. 5, ACCOllDIIIG TO TUE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUIIE 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 90, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. This convc)•ance is fu1·ther SUBJECT 1'0 nll casements, restrict- tJons, rescL·vations, covenants, conditions, resolutions and agreements or record inr~luding but not limited to covenants, condjtions and restrictions in n!orcsnid plnl: Ca.sender Sewer District Resolution No. 131.0, recorded March IS, 1983; 11nd is further SUD~TECT TO a..n enttement to )ilelvin R. \\'hite nnd Paarl IL White, his wlre, with p1•oviaions, conditions nnd covenants ns sat forth thoreln, tor rond o.nd ut tl 1 ty put'poses, ncJ·oss, over a.nd upon the following land locnted in King Count,\•, Stute or Washington, to-wit: The Enst 30 feet of tho South 300 roet or TrZJ.ct 12, Northwestern G:u•den Tracts, Division No. 5, according t1J the Plat recorded in VoJumo 47 or Plats, Pai::i:e 90, in Kins;: County, l\"ashins;:ton. reflected of recol'd by instrument recorded August 9, 1978, Kin,: County Auditor'R No. 7808090599. The covena.nts of wnrra.nty he1-•c.h contained shall not apply to nny title, interest or encum1Jr11nce nriR1 n,: by, throui:h or under the Ornntecs, a.nd .shnl l not a1>ply to ony tuxes, assessments or ocher chnrces leviet!1 ZI.Hitessed or becominJ due subFwquent to June 1, 1984, being-the elate Grnntees leased .B.nd occupiod the heret nabove conveyed 1-·eal estnta on a bare land, trJple net, le:..se, Grantees Accept the hcreinnbove conveyed renl estato tn its present con ... dition, in all respects: as is, how is nnd where ls. Gruntors make no wnrrnnties whnteoever concern in~ the condl tion ot the land as present]~· improved by Grnntee9 nor of nny of the Jmprove- ments mode thereto, thereon a.nd thereunder by Cirantees . .'L-----------•'"·• ·----- • 20080306000502.001 After Recording return to: 1111111111111111 20080306000502 Travis S. Thornton Flkso Kretschmer Smith Dixon PS 2025 First Avenue, Suite 1130 Seattle Washington 98121-2100 FIRST AIIIRICIIN IAS 5Z. ee PAOIIII Of' e11 13/N/2918 I : ZI KING COUNTY, 11A Reference Number of Related Documents: N/A Grantor(s): 5005 CREEK REAL ESTATE LLC 6i) Grantee(s): HEIDI L. KUEHNLENZ AND ANTHONY FORD t;\1--Z.-:fo":f Abbreviated Legal Descriptions: Lot 2, King County Short Plat 388021, recorded under 8902210370; ptn, Tract 6, Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. 5, recorded In V47 of Plats, P90. Full Legal Descriptions may be found on Exhibits A and 8 Tax Part:el Numbers: 61990000240 ~ :=i-= == ~ • 111 aDOOffll'IIC! 1 lcn only. I hie not baen_....,ulob I 11DRW ..... __ ...... DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT SOOS CREEK REAL ESTATE LLC, a Washington limited llabllity company ("Grantor''), and HEIDI L. KUEHNLENZ and ANTHONY FORD ("Grantee"), In consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, enter Into this Drainage Easement Agreement ('Agreement"). RECITALS: A. Grantor is the owner of the real property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto f'Grantor Property"). B. Grantee Is the owner of adjacent real property legally described in Exhibit B attached hereto ("Grantee Property"). C. Grantor desires to grant to Grantee, and Grantee desires to accept from Grantor, and easement for the installation and maintenance of a stonn water outfall facility on the Granter Property to satisfy governmental requirements for the development c:i the Grantee Property, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties hereto and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Easement for Grantee Sto1111 water System. Granter hereby grants to Grantee a perpetual non-exclusive easement f'Easement") for the Installation, construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of a storm water runoff fine and level spreader sufficient to satisfy ~ "'"""""""'""'-·---·---°"'f""---2(Tl)l2).doc 20080306000502.002 all applk:able governmental requirements associated with G@ntee's development of the Grantee Property pursuant to the proposed short plat commonly referred to as the Hltone Short Plat (''Grantee Storm Water System"). The storm line will enter the Grantor Property between twenty-two feet and twenty- eight feet north of the southern boundary line of the Grantee Property. The areas in which elements of the Grantee Storm Water System are or will be located are referred to as the "Easement Area,• and the location of the Easement Areas are generally depicted on Exhibit C. In association with the foregoing grant, Grantor conveys to Grantee the nonexduslve right, at times as may be necessary, to discharge into the Grantee Storm Water System the surface water naturally deposited on the Grantee Property. 2. Temporary Construd:lon Easement, The Easement Includes the right by Grantee (or Its designees) to enter upon and occupy, on a temporary basis such other portions of the Grantor Property as Is necessary or appropriate In connection with any construction, lnstallatfon, maintenance or repair work performed In the exercise of Grantee's rights under this Agreement. Grantee shall use all reasonable efforts to minimize disturbance to the Grantor Property during construction of the Grantee Storm Water System, and upon completion of construction, shall restore the Grantor Property ID Its pre- construction condition ID the greatest extent practicable. Grantee shall remove any downed trees from the Grantor Property. Grantee shall pay aff costs of constructing the Grantee Storm Water System, Including without llmltatlon all fees charged by King County (DOES) ID review plans, grant permits and conduct on-site inspections of the storm system, and shall not permit any liens to be filed against the Grantor Property as a result of such work. 3. Coordination. Grantee or Grantee's engineer shall coordinate the exact depth and location of the storm runoff line and level spreader with Grantor's engineer, which shall comply with all requirements for recording of the Hltone Short Plat. The exact location of the easement will be determined accordlngly. As soon as possible after the date of mutual execution of this Agreement, Grantor shall engage a surveyor, chosen and paid for by Grantor, to stake the boundaries of the Easement Area and the exact location of the storm line and level spreader. Grantee's engineer or Grantee's surveyor wm prepare all other drawings, legal description and other documentation pertaining ID the Grantee Storm Water System and the Easement as may be required by King County. 4. Maintenance of System. Grantee agrees to construct, operate and maintain the Grantee Storm Water System in strict compliance with all governmental requirements, and shall indemnify and hold Gran!Dr hanmless from any and an claims, loss, damage, cost (Including the cost of litlgatlon) and liability resulting from any such faflure of compliance caused by Grantee, until such time as the system Is dedicated as described in 5ectlon 8 below. s. Grantee's Rights. The rights conveyed by GranlDr to Grantee in this Agreement shall be subject to matters of record affecting the Easement Area and to the rights of Grantor to construct, maintain, repair, replace, modify, and use structures in, on, under, and upon the Easement Area if penmltted by all appllcable governmental authorities (through their ordinary land use and construction permitting processes), but only to the extent that such structures do not interfere with Grantee's tights hereunder. 6. Grantor storm Water Detentlon system. The parties anticipate that Grantor may develop the Granter Property, generally in accordance with the proposed plat commonly referred to as the Plat of Reuve Des Voiles. In association therewith, Grantor will be required to construct a storm water detention system ("G@ntor Storm Water System") ID comply with applicable governmental requirements. In such event, then Granter shall be permitted at Grantor's sole expense to, first, connect the outfall pipe serving the Grantee Stonm. Water System to the Grantor storm Water System. At no time shall Grantor take any action that causes the Grantee or the Grantee Property to fail ID comply with all applicable governmental C;\0Qcutllmend$ettinat\T111~8etli"IQS\Ttql0fay~~~KMQ\INS\Drainac,eease-nto42(TT).doc ~ 20080306000502.003 requirements relating to storm water discharge from the Grantee Property, and Granter shall indemnify and hold Grantee harmless from any and all daims, loss, damage, cost (lndudlng the cost of litigation) and ilabfflty resulting from any such failure of compliance caused by Granter. 7. Dedication. If at any time ail or any part of this Easement, the Grantee Storm Water System or the Granter Storm Water System are required to be dedicated to King County or any other governmental or quasi-governmental entity, the parties shall cooperate with such cledlcatlon as required and execute all required or appropriate documents In association therewith. In the event a replacement easement Is aeated in assodatlon with the final platting of the Granter Property or the dedication of either storm water system ( e.g., via creation of an easement on the face of the plat), then this Easement shall automatically terminate. a. Grantnr C.Onnectk>n to water Main. As part of the development of the Grantee Property, Grantee wlll construct a water main to serve the property ("Water Main") within an easement granted to the Soos Creek Water aod Sewer District ("District"), dated December 2, 2004 and recorded under King County Recording No. 20050125000596. As part of the consideration for the Easement, Grantee agrees that It shall extend the Water Main with In the Water Main Easement to the boundary between the Grantor Property and Grantee Property, as generaly depicted on Exhibit C, and terminate or stub out the line In a manner to facilitate connection to the Water Main by Granter. Granter shall be permitted to connect to the Water Main to serve the Granter Property without reimbursement of any of the cost of construction of the Water Main to Grantee, either directly or via a late-<:omer agreement (but exdudlng standard connection charges by the Dlstrlct), and Grantee agrees to execute any agreements or other Instruments reasonably required by the District to accomplish such connection. 9. Attorneys' Fees. In the event any party employs an attorney IX> enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover Its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees In connection with such action. 10. Assignment; Binding Effect. The Easement hereby granted and the conditions herein contained shall be a covenant running With the land and shall Inure IX> the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns, including any subsequent owners of the Grantor Property and the Grantee Property. 11. MisceHaneoys. Time Is of the essence hereof. The headings contained herein shall not be used to Interpret the provisions hereof. This Agreement shall be construed under and governed by the laws of the State of Washington. A party's failure to enforce any provision hereof shall not constitute waiver thereof In any future Instance. If any provision hereof Is held IX> be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue In full force and effect. 12. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed In two or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but together the counterparts shall constitute one and the same agreement. _,;,e...,S" (SIGNATIJRES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] • 20080306000502.004 OAlcD this '$ ' ~ d/1'/ of t,,1;),: .. 2008. GRANTOR: SOOS CREEK REAL ESTA'TE, llC By: RiM!rvla Development, LLC, a Washlngtx,n llmlted ttablllty company, ltS Manager Tltle: By: __ ---.:. _____ _ Name:, __________ _ Tltle: __________ _ • • 20080306000602.005 DATED this :z.g'17tday of n_t,, 2008. GRANTOR: SOOS CREEK REAL ESTATE, LlC By: Ravenna Development, LLC, a Washington Amlted liability company, Its Manager By: _________ _ Name: , __________ _ Title: ~ f:@~fa'!e@P • 20080306000602.006 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day before me the undersigned, a Nolllry Publle In and for the state of Washington, duly commissioned and swom, personally appemed Qmdffi w. Spaeth to me known to be Managing Member of RAVENNA DEVELOPMENT, U.C, the Manager of SOOS CREEK REAL ESTATE, LLC, the limited llllbtllty company described In and which executed the within and foregoing Instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that s/he Is authorized to exec:ie said Instrument In the name of and on behalf of such flmlted Habllity company. Given under my hand and offldal seal hereto affixed this e£:! day of MC)gCJ\ .200.B,_. - . ., Cl MrAiltlt i I J , ..... STffl\gNle C.. • I'\§'! , NOTa lf:>.,I ~ Publle In and for the State 'ot Washington, residing at sn:r:ne . My appointment expin!S M;:l.~ :J .21)1) . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS, COUNTY OF KING ) On this day before me the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for tti_e state of Washington, duly commissioned and swom, personaBy appeared • to me known to be -.,....--,--,--of RAVENNA DEVELOPMENT, U.C, the Manager of SOOS CREEK REAL ESTATE, LLC, the limited llabfllty company described In and which executed the within and foregoing Instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that s/he Is authorized to exeaite said Instrument In the name of and on behalf of such limited llllbffity company. Given under my hand and offld;il seal hereto affixed this_ day of ____ _, 200_. (Signature) Notary Public In and for the State of WllshlngtDn, residing at My appointment expires _____ ~ 20080306000602.007 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COONTY OF KING ) On this day before me the undersigned, a Notary Pubffc In and for the State of Washington, duly cx,mmlssloned and sworn, personally appeared J12~19:'ti1f!t..... M 1,JBl:,J to me known to be 4W4'1i1& Me,,..i§\of RAVENNA DEVELOPMENT, LLC, the Manager of SOOS CREEK REAL ESTATE, LLC, the Umlted llablHty company desatbed In and which execulled the within and folegolng Instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that s/tte Is authorized to execute said Instrument: In Iha name of and on behalf of such Rrnlted ffablllly a,mpany. Given uncter,,\ll)l,hll)~,and ~al seal hereto affixed this mday of F°661W'1":'f • 200~. ~,,~, \ _\AM Pi?!1. · .:,"~~ ....... , .. :::,,v. ,,'-:. c· :J ~ ~~~'1,110# 1.ti.:PA · §:vl~ ~··~ "i, ~ ,""'J Iftl! :J -.ouR,. .,. \~\.,.,¥:= ~=::::;:::::::=::::::... _____ _ ~a:; --ims (Signature) ! \ PUB\.\I:. i ..... § ~~···~ A/~$ \ ~>a•,, t-29, 'Z>J;,:;,_~~ ~,. ,-,-......... ,•'\°\"" ~ ,,,,,, OF WAI",,,,,, 11111111111 u\\\\\ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day before me the undersigned. a Nolary Public In and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be -----of RAVENNA DEVELOPMENT, LLc, the Manager ol SOOS CREEK REAL ESTATE. U.C. the limited llablHty company desalbed In and which executed the within and foregoing Instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath st.ated that S/tte IS authorized to execute said Instrument In the name of and on behalf of such llmlted Rablllly company. Given under my hand and official seal ttereto affixed this_ day of ____ _, 200_. (Slgnatiae) Notary Public In and for the State d Washington, residing at My appolntment expires ____ ~ 20080306000602.008 STATE OF l!hshty\&h,)._) V' 1 )ss. COUNTY OF p, I (h;., ) On this day before me the undersigned, a Nolllry Public In and for the State of i .L).)S\\~"6P.'duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared HEIDI L KUEHNLENZ AND ANTHONY FORD, who executed the within and foregoing Instrument, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal hereto affixed this~ day of J\A~ 200..i_. My appointment expires \::Z.-QQi-O 8' • EXHIBIT ATO DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF GRANTOR PROPERJY PARCEL A: LOl' 2, KI:IIG COUNTY SHORT PIAT NIJKBBR 388021, RECol!DBD tlllDBR RBCORDIIIG !lalBER 8t02210370, IH KING COUIITY, IIASHil«JTOII; 20080306000502.009 BEIIIG A fO!tTION OP OP LOT 11, lfORTllll2STBRN GARl>BH TRACTS DIV. HO. 5, ACCX>RDlllG TO TRi Pl.AT 'l'IIBREOP, RBCORDJ!ll IN VOLUMB 47 OP PLATS, PJ\GB 90, lN ICING COUNTY, WASHIHGTOII; (At.SO XH011N .AS Im 'A' .Alllll A PORTION OP Im 'B', KI1iG COUNTY BOUNDARY LlNI! ADJUSTMBIIT IIUMIIBR L06L0020, RECOl!DED UIIDBR RECORl)ING ~ 20060711900004). PARCEI.o B: THAT PORTION OP LOT 12, IIIORTHIIESTBRN GARDEII TRAC'1'S DIV. NO. 5, ACCORDING ro THE Pl.AT. TIIEREOP, RIICORDED Ill" VOLUME 47 OP PLATS, PAGB !10, IN KING CXlONTY, IQSIIIIIG'l'ON I EXC'IIPT TIIE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: BEGIIDIIIIG AT THE SOUTHWl!ST CORNl!R OF SAID LOT; THRNCI! l!IORTIIERLY ALOIIIG THE IIB.STBRLY LIN!! 3 00 PIIET; THBIIC2 BASTERLY PAPAI,I BI, WITH Tm: SOtlTR LINE OP SAID LOT 135 PUT; TBIIIICI! SOUTH PAl!..loIJ,BI, WI'nl THE WEST LINl! OP SAID LOT, 3 00 PEBT; THBIICB WESTERLY ALO»G THE SOUTH ?.IBE OP SAID LOT TO TBB POINT OP BmDIHING; (ALSO KNOIIII AS A PORT!(»! OP Im 'B', KIIIG C<XJIITJ' BOUID1tRY LINE AilJUSTMBIIT NUMBER L06L0020, RECORDED UIIDBR R.BCORDIIIG NIJMBBR 20060711900004). .Alf!l!-4/S' • EXHIBIT BTO DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT • LEGAL DESCRIPTION PE GRANTEE PROPERJY TRACT 6, NORTHWESl'ERN GARDEN TRACTS, DMSION NO. 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGE 90, IN KING COUNn', WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE WEST 343.00 FEET THEREOF. 20080306000602.010 • EXHIBITCTO DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT DEPICTION OF EASEMENT AREA AND GRANTEE WATER SYSTEM ( I C ':f:;1 B ' • 1,i I ·-·t • "' <I ; I \ / ' v ;!( I '~ -,, ........ --..... f ·-_, -~ ' . .._ -....-.. I -~~-....... ·~ 20080306000502.011 • NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO. 5 90 S.E.1/4 OF TH[ SW. 114 Of SEC.33 T.23.N.R.SE.W.N. KING COlalNTY WASH. Continental EntinMrlng ca. ,)- L',, ., =~· " N r.; ,o " '-'·' " " ~,J l·· :,: "' I :: i ?: " ,:, #!" • ·, ~: II ; •' . . , • I .. ~' It ~.:. • : .... ' ' :~ • Saalllt Wn. DESCRIPTION Thi• plet of HMTHv~nnllN o..1111ou1TRM:n Dno, NO.~ embraeu 1hr 5 r,t •' ,h• .. wi of Section 21:1 Twp.1a Nill s. r.w.M. •ll'C'ept that pDrtion lying within the 1H1II• -cvvi"gton Tr1n1mi19;on Line Right of rway. RESTRICTIONS 'T.'l:lM.R&~. Y.'111:Nl'l~t. i"'°" ·~~, ?0 nd·ii: Sl. -~ 33 .. -----·-- C•n. "•"· 4 •iCiJr"n Er~m·,ned and Bf,!preved Tt,it •• tL. day of •• ,-A,j;r#,n!fo-_______ .1t.D.19.'5o · c·o~~-.~~.r···- , hrr•'Q~ ~.r,ify 1kat ttoe wilhin 11J_,11t o, ~-n .... r••t.111,.. S-a•ot.N ,..,. .. !:"fl Dw.Na.S it duly •pt1ro,.,eC1 b)l 1he 1<1n,9 cou111.:, Plll'u'lin9 Com1t1\~tian o" tl'JisZ.'-.~•y of --~fc,.fi !e ___ .lt..D 19.5,0 ::;;;,.,t "'~--~iR.~,2-_,'1_. ~-.,,si,1.,,;;1.<: ·rsrc.-.'tt"r,. l,.Jl•nn,n9 o uc.,r -·p'"'f"""•n I rie-rftl) N:rlif.)' 11-iat 11\t 13l1t of NDIIITl'IWUUIIN cu,1100,1 TA.&CT'I 91'11 NQ !, i1 b•~ed on •oi 1ctuitl ,u.-,,.:y •Tld tubdiu",1iooi Ot SN:'tiooi ·3,11 "'to'?'nship n Nl,R. . .r. tw ... ; 1h"t lhe dist•oicu, eouN:ct •nd an9l•&-1.-e showfl th.,N:Ol'l corrsctly, iiiat th• •mmum.!'11 ! h,.,. bctl'I ,cct and lat afld tJl(tcl. cor-ntl'1 !+•lffd correetl_y onthm 9n,t1nd;""!~' f':1!11oye full.)' complied .,.;11, the pr-a"ilions. eif ttle st1tut,u and fhf''phlftlr11~?"9ulation1, .'~ ' ,.. I.. l>IIC -'L ••• _ /' \ .~· :' ·-/_-.u.11..111-;J • ..._ ._'I. ____ _ ·' ~,r1i'f.c11e s.10 -.u,-•1 No. L •• 4061621 Filed for t.cord ,i Iha r,iq.,.,t of tl,1 1e1n9 Co,.inly P11nn'1119 Cl)fnmittiOll thi~.!.<.da.:, or ----..5•.Pt-----~ Ao 1uo 11..l.f •• mioiuhs p,i,i:t. ___ ,A~---_y_.., erid "eor!led In 1101..,~ .• !'U .•• of Pte1i p1gt •. '!o.._ 1tal:ord1 of 1tir,9 Couoity ' < "ci:i,'ify-CciUnlj-:1.Ua~,:-• ---~.,:~ -·-~~:T.)'-A~ififor'" .. DEDICATION IIMOW Al.I. ""'0,1 •vTl'l15"1'f ... ., .... ,.. 1h11 IHC, ,~1.mde-ts\9oied w;lhlll"l ¥1.G.,rdon and t11.idy, i:' GOl'dan t,;,,,.·,r«, owns'"" in f•e 1lmp\1' of th• 11ond het'tby ,plefled, hereb)' decl•re thit pl11t 1111d d1dicet1 to the uSII of tht J)l,tblic {ari911•r 1111 ,tl'C!'~!s. alley1 111'ld ay,rnuH !lhown hereon 111d the u,111 lhl'reof for .:ill plllllic pvrpo,n not inconti1ten~ wilh the LIH l~reof for public high'¥111)' P"'t-poHS; also all park:;., ea"S•ments or wh•l•v•" pvbl;.. P"°l"'r1y or P'"'" ·ih•re •rv ,tiown o,, th• ,il11t for lhe purpose th•l"th, '1ndic11hd 1 •ho if.e ri9M to,,,.,.,, ,ill ,h,pe• for t;"uh or ftlh1 vpil1'11h• loit, bloc=lr1, traeh or p11r,o;els of 1a'1d shewn on +ne-plet in 1h11 or',g',r11,) 1n1on11b1egrlldin9 of al! 1'1• 51reels,a..,.,nuesa~ llllf:J!o and pl;ic11& 11hown hereon J '"' ,,.,.,.t.iru -(Rtor,we naur hrr•11nto '5.11 our h1111(11 tnd Wll!. thit . .< ___ _ 41y of._._ J,,l,t--. __ •..• __ ,.,o, 1t_# e ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~;~!~/~.,. ... -:.~:~N .... OM} I.$ Th;II ·,, \001.-lify 'fhat O'l tt.is., •• di}' ol ~--···""o,..,_, o•fore me, th1 und•reign"d, • notary public;, per$0nlll:i 1p'jl;l,;d"'' wi1ti&ll'I, w. Sordor, •'"' Gladys f. eordon ?lie w\f..t, to"'" ',jnownto be 1h• pe.,.smn, -Nho •n•cuted the form,90in9 d•d~•tioTI .,..d ,..1,o .elorr,owled9•d 10 ~ tlial tll•.Y sigried and na1.-d the iil'lffltl n 1h•lr 'f°l'fl 1na "o1unluy ad.•nd d"d fer 1he uw1 and p.Jq110..:s t'lel"eff'II tr111nf1ontd. wn1o1us rn;y Plend M\d offir:'11111 sea\ the d•y•~drrf;.-., •be,,,. wr~u,. . . ,-,··---,·"-·jl_,~-,___ . . . •· .. 111otar::, P1,1bhc;: in 1r,d for 1nit :,Ilic e W•t:n1n9Ton ,...1,1din in Si;att'- ,'·1 .. ' '>J _,,. ----.. .' . ___ ..:..,. .. I· ! rder: Quid<View_ Doc: KC:MPLT 47·00090-53033 Page I of I Created By: kdark Printed: 6/27/2014 7:23:59 AM PST • ' i ! '. ' I l j j • e e ~ •0769 B eet-< r a ong It .ia tbe pa,,cme of ti-ll'UtS 1111d -.ta to P1&WD1: certain practt.- ~ ~ 111 tbe ... of tbe:A14"czw,toffJIDd ..... 1ch mielrt <Xlll- tlllllnete N1d -.8"PP1:,. · • . !DJ, m, 1n ~ of a. Dollil' ('1..00) tn 1wic1 paid UICI otller ~ w1 ftllllble orwwtdlt?atim .-t'll&d i,y said anntor, t11e -tor 1111'6" 1111d WU nt wf.tb tt,,e cr,mtee, its 811 t ilV IDd wtw:,,., aa1d -ts to J.'UII witb tbe 1aDd tor tbe bmetit of tbe 1aDd ot ... , gnmtee, tlat aaJ.d. srantor, its (tbeir) bal.%9, -111 1111d am1-wi. d01: -ftlCt, aiatain or eutter to be OCllllt%UCted or ma1nta1Jled llpOD tbe sat, 111d ot tile lfflltor 1111d within Qie lbldrlld (lllO) ,_ ot the wll of tile ..-,u,taa, IIIJ' of tbe fol.lowlq: • peols, • prlvta, :1ic tanlal ~ields n IIIY ot.llar NCll!Otllblea for tbe .... _, of --8 :ri!iliI~te portipn o rll!Ultoi-'S~Iand ·s'fta.ILONLY be the a91,1th ~~ --...-• feet of t e nortn Jfl , U feet of the west 15.00 feet of Lot 1 of = ~;3f,N1 ;:.,co~tll ~·\U~a..ri"!lf.U,si,;,; JPa1.~~s102a. ~or~ IDT rt.pt, t1t:i., or 1Jrtet•t 1D t11a land dlSaribad be11i1n a:r 1113' part tbe.eot, as 1mg u said .. 11 or ....... 11 .. Ja UNd tor tbe papoaa cd .....i~~ wat:111', and shall tenuinate immediately Graotee obtains ~a1:e"1"'"lb~tiat-..e•s above-described land ~rom a_water district oio8f~~r-. "W~,w--my bud tb1a 22nd ___ day ol October , ~ .c N ... u, I, tile~. a Notary N>11c 111 1111d fOl' tbe ~ ONattiid'ia.:-, do_,.,,. cert1fJ tbat ai tll1II 22nd dQ ot October , 29...§lj, Jl,~ly ~ befon, • ltobert E. Levy "' • '.• ·'. ~·).- I ! ' i I I s ' j I I .I· . I t<, ·,·:. . . ~. ' fl~ -for Record at Request 01 rr, .:,:_ i rJo,..,.,,....._ • •• ' • • ~-h W" f'l1'JC -SE:l.& ~ ...... . ' ···e 81Yl°"22. .. .. #0170 I RECO F 5.00 , 'ft!,,· p,llltl)r 18 (&re) tbe -of (U 1n~ in) the folloll1q dallcrtbed n,al estate. aitu&ted 1D IC1Dc Olunt,' etate of l'lllh1nltca' .to wit' O'.f.·.ll;ri,artb_vlati 11X:den THAGK3,1?XVT8TQM K0,5 AQGABPUfQ TO THR PT,AT iH·~(".ORQt.·p TY :m1r1 et:rrMt;1~ttdett.t:':tiiUtG1fN1t~•TO,CE :HiT TO rnr f:'OTN'r PP REPTHNIIO ROH , 'fiii 11111tiii liimiii, #IJ:lllU.);!&Jiiii..'J:l!PMPSOJI _. !'. . ma11 and open.tea & Wffiiid watenbric(auwi:yiiii wafttl' for pri•ti c&.tlc ... , • located upon tbe !ollollillc dlllcrtbad ml estate Iii tllllted 1n ... K_.I_IO _____ _ j . Qxmty, 8tate,ot Wlllihillirt111._ to wit: l ,.pf, 12,IPRTWiEST OfBDB'N 1rrucKs,DiYTSION HO 1a»tiruJDDW: TA 'Mifi! PT,&2' HP'GARnrn II ' IQT[!t.li Ja .gp PI,tU PIPE99,I¥ nnm c0 nlTX-W43H,,VQRT 'l'lii ror-i:.owrw PtSQRtBm I IQ, WWW, 1D ~10D of Clle D:lllar ($1.00) 1n bud paid 1Dc1 otber pct Ud .aluable <PW1derat:lm 2-i-S by said P"Utor, the snntor aa:ree ud ...-t Witll tbe pmtae, ita •• :,a and.,.... __ , 8&1d -ta to run with the land for tbe beaefit of 1:be laacl ot tJ --· tliat Aid IP'DtOI", its (tbelr) be1n, IUC .. ud ~ Will • CCll8tzuct, Dmt&ill OJ' sutfer to ba CCIDlltl'llcted or~ ,;,an the eaicl ladcl ot tbe cnntor IDd Witbill Oae lllDdrad (lllO) -ftf tbe wall of tbe sn,,tee, -ot tbe tollolliq: pools, -prtw.•, aepctc tlllka, dn1D:fielda or any otber reaeptlblea for tha cl:I.BpcW) of-· l -WU -llball l'llil With tile 1ud ucl 1111&11 be b1Jldinl OIi all.l>UtiN llav1q or~ 1111)' n,111:, title, or 1Dt9lMt 111 the luicl dllacr1becl bezaio or a:iy part tbeNOf, u lcq u add "811 or wate"""ita ta macl for tbe p,rpme ot """"'19illl! mrtable wa.ter,and shall tcnninate l.Jl)On grantee Obtaining ..,ter for grantM'i' l4n<f illx:M.> described from the aJlPlicable ... ter district. wmw -baad · • · 4 ~1r-da¥ ot L is41: +-1µ,a.Cff--/.~'t,,-'::.._-~) l I i our .. I I ' I, ! ;i~ 6' = ... ~ ... ::::i .. ;e" $ ,.,,m m n,:>,c,~ N .. O,,·< w ~ §j.. .•• \: "' .. :;,. Q ...,, iii ::-z ... ! c..o fl 3., tlLfO tor Record at Requesc 01 ... ;; ... ,.,_, ~ T"kR"tfO•·\.· .-. ·· <<a:r1r.· · .. s~·~,. t ~·· ,. ~::o;: G7 ::OVZ:.U'T l'Kr'l:.."Z ·m... lCl:oV all l:IA Of tlleH ;,N1ut t.b&t l ()14) ~U Ullllu'li,=.cl, -l.11, !H dapl1 at tu l.1.:4 d11mb"4 i:. .. .u, t,u,11,y d1olar1 tlil.1 oo..--&ad i,Iaoi"' -an Noori, I (.!"), o: (tri) tu -. .. _ 1D t,1 liap11 ot (an 1Dta11t l.11.) tu :OlloVUs d .. c."'11:u•I :'al. 11t&te li-ud .1:1-.,.,_...1:f{1.1«.C'IJf,r..----------------Co,mt7, Si&te ot ~~ri, ta wit, ~on:IIMa~··I, ivo).-~,-t~.U.or v&tcvori:1 1\lpplnn, 11Gt1::.~ prl;:t, . dou.U. 1111 loa&tad OI\ ..U,nal, ln&te, ta. vi'II ~ --119 f51nI 5 NRfiitl: Of a..Tt'E. rfY:Tti ~!3°PEJ31Y Ll'Nt: AND 40 EEEJ", W'li:j'F O,f ·~E E\ST .!."~OPl:R.1,t: I...J l,,)E I. m • (an) Z'lqlW'M ta uop ~ watlZ' .wpplilld. r:aia MS.d vell pa\&l:le, It 11 tb<I PIZP'ff ot tliN1 ~ a. . an-. ta FIIIOR olll'taiA pnatS,oe1 lleniA- &ftM' .., aw ill tlMo 111 .. ot .cd 1an4 viii.ell m.pt oom:m1no,, NU water 11111111T, JDW, WIii, r, vo_..;,.o.,NI &D4 CO\' r rt tllat aid-_. ·IIU (w) (tlM111') --• &D4 um.pa vUl •' -=lloOt, 11111rta:1A, or sutta ta Ito oautrulad or mai4ta£Md apcr tb1 1&£4 1llsd d t.111 ......... _ ld.tld.A lOO ,_ oil -tlll . ...U .llani:..d.Naribocl,. u,:ot_ tho.tolJ.old.Dl1 ooapoola, ..,_.,, ~'"'''• nptS,o 'C&lllls, dnillt1elda, or &ZJT at.Ill#' rec1ptabl.a1 tor tu d.tlpolal. ot •-· • • ,• I • SPECIAL POWER OP ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENT: That I, ROBERT E. LEVY, residiDJ in tbe City ot Seattle, County of King, State o! WHb1n1ton, with offices at 30'/ Y,yon Building, 607-3rd Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104, my said office telephone number being 622-3395, have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint JAMES LEE ROY THOIIPSON wbo, togetber with his wtfe, baa leased for twenty (20) yea.rs commencing June l, 1984, my her3.'.nbelow-descr1bed unim- proved real property situated in the County of King, Stat~ o! Washington, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, and for my use and benefit, to do all things reasonably necessary in connection with obtaining and affecting tbe inst.allAtion of ut.ilities and utilities services, viz., water, electricity, telephones, nbtural gas, septic tank or sewer, and TV cable on said property 1 ;1g the term of the aforemttutioned lease, and at bis owr, expense, Givin1 and Granting unto eaid Jame• Lee Roy Thompson, the said attorney, full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and neceftsary to be done as fully to all intents and purposes as I mlght or could do if person- ally present, hereby ratl.fying and confirming all that the said attorney shall lawfully and reasonably do or cause to be done, by virtue of these presents. This power of Attorney shall continue in full force and effect until revoked by me by subsequent writing. The leased real estate reforrBd to ln the first paragraph herein- above is described 1 as follows: I.Of 12, NlmlWES'IERN GAllllPl 'll!ACTS, DIVISICfi N:>. 5, ACXn!Dil«l TO 1llE PLAT RmlRDED IN \IOUJ4E 47 OF PI.ATS, PAGE 90, IN Kl!~ o:uflY, WASHIN:l- 'IQI, EXC!:PT nm rou.a'/Il«l i:m::R!BID Plf.l.>ERIY: Bm!NNING AT '1lll! &Xmf.. llm'r ?milffi, 'Dll!!a tamll!RLY Al.Cm 1llE IIFS'lmlLY LINE 1™lli 300 FEE:!'; 1lliH:l! B/ISTllltLY PARAL!EL wrra 'llll! SCUil! LINE OF SAID wr l~ FEET; 'I1lDa SWffl PARAUEL WI'lH THE WES!' LINE OF SAID tJ:1r 300 FliEI'; 'l1IDX:'E WES'IEIU..Y AUl'li, TIii! lin1IR LINE OF SAID I.Or TO nm POINI' OF BWINNIN:J, SOBJB::I' TO: ANY AND AIL :EASEJIENIS, RESTRICTI!Hl, CO\IENANTS, RES:Un'ICJf.l, Cl)IJ)JTI!Hl, AGIIElilmlIS IOt OF RIOCa!D, In Witness l\'bcreo!, I have hereunto est my hand the 8th day of llay, 1985. ,-.... ..- ~ ' ~. r- :" .... , ~ ,, ... ,.. ' i't,: ·-t', 0 "' .... '• =: ·', \" 8 c.~\ a ,.-, ,., ' -·a :,: }.. "' ... ' ; r:: • Cl ~ I -.a ,.3 <O ··~ t .... "' "' ..., c:, OQ .... ,0 ... z. 0 0 :...I ~ "O .... ,:. 5! ' .l, ; .(;-: .. :, •'• -~~ ·. e #61 S • ...ll.. T • ...2.J R, _L I f LEGAL ... 0 riled tor r•cord •t th• r.quNt of1 Qhi +.. m, I~ i of a.turn to, Buttdine I La>ld U.U•r.op,n.,,t 460 KC Adm£nutration Bldg Soatttc, llaahiogton 96104 OUCRIPTION e SHORT PLAT NO .... Z ... 7,..fJ.-/.,_t ... ~L-.- K J NG COUNTY, WASH I NG TON APPIIOYAL Dai,P,1r:1111tnt ot Plann1ng •NJ CommunJC¥ Dev•Jo.-,.nt 8uJldin9 a.nd lAnd' .O.velopaent DJvJ•Jon hua1ned and •ppzoved thJe ttlf{_ d.av of -',,:,~'-::;1i:!a::i::::.---::;---:-'' J9 7( I .If •~ ot .h?f t Dtrector /1~:#ii ... J,[ £aat.n•d •nd •p1roved thi• / .j- /f-c.4 U.S / Deputy An~Hor O&,O sw »-,11,-s<,1,,eo-out oi,1. Trec::t 1.3, Nortbwe1tem Garden Traot•, Dtvialon if!, aooord:lno to t:he plat: recorded in Vol ... 47 ~ Plato, pag• 90 in King Coanty, Waohtngton, SUBJBCT to, o\gl'e-•• be--.. and Ki119 County Water Diatrict #58, Allditor•a tile "761260085 and " 741290026, SIJll.tllCT to, An u•••t tor C:O,,ingt-SeatUe P-rl:Lne. Allditor•o #3178820 SUBJ8CT to, An ... -, tor electric tranaiuion u-. AudUor•o "631!1654 SU8JIICT to, An ... _, tor Roa-y attecttng tba But 30' ot Said Tnct U, Auditor'• "7403lll04a7 l'OOIIT-wn11, An Ha-t f!or "°"doay and aUUO p•-•• over th• ll&ot 30' ot the Soatll 300tO of Hid Tract 12, llort ...... tem Gardon Tracta, Dlvlolon "51 aocordtnp to the plU noorci.d in Vol-47 ot Plato, pag• 90 in King Couty, llaobingtoa. udltor!I -or 7._0599, Lot 11 8-ginnlng at a point 298' nortb froo t.,. ooatheaat comer ot Tract 13, th«lc• \feet 120' on • line at: right aagln to the ••t line td ••id '?race 13, tbe111oe SOuth 100• on a liN parallel witb the -•t •149 ~ nid Tract 131 thnc. 'NHt sa• oa • ll.119 at right aa11l•1 to tho eaat oici. of Hid Tract 13, tbMIO• SOatb 881 011 • ltu parallel with the Hat •i* ot aaid Tract 13, t--'lleot 143't to a point 7' trootbe ... , otci. of! aaid Tract 13, th-ooatb 170' °" a liu parallel with the ftlt atdo ot oaid Tract 13, thonce so..,-., 7•t along tbe -tlaerls, otci. ot aaid Tract lS, to t.,. aout-at oorner ot odd Tract u, th-l'orth 697.491 al-the ftlt 1ido ot Hid Tract 13, thonc• Baat 276, 75' .i-the north Ilda ot Hid Tract 13, thenco Soatbeaot 168,lS' along the Seattl .. Covington Tran .. taton lin• right of .. ,., tbnce, Soatll 176,52 1 along the .... oide ot aatd Tract 13 to tlae point ot begin11ln11. SUIIJ8C? m, An H-t for raa-y and vtil:Lty paipMea offr th• ••t 301 o! SN.d· ,.,t. 13. ·easement to he designated as Tra,,to ~. ·• 'l. 11.'ld a.Iao, Map on FIi• I" vault ra,. Jo/ L i i ,. ' ; • i ;, ::0 {'\J 0 -co ('J :~ /'!) .. ~ Ult l oontirued l'OGBTHBR lflflt: •n ea•nent tor roadway and utility purpoae~ Offr the •••t 30! o~ the South 300' of Tract 12 .(of,-14 ~ ~ Tract!r,) as i:eo,roed. in 1"':litx>r'o Pile !lo. 7808090599 • Lot 2r Begtnn.lng at • point 291' north froa the aoutheast comer ot Tract 13, thence We•t 120' on a line at ripht •n•l .. to the ••t U.M O'f ••id Tract 13. t-loutb 100' on • 11'"' parallel with the ... , side o~ Hid Tr•ct 13, thence Weat :52' on a llae at right angln to the ••tiaide of Hid Tract 131 thence Soutb 18' on a u..., parallel with t11• .. u aids of said Tract 13, t-~• WHt 1'3't to a point 7 1 froa tbe wut sida of Hid Traet U, thence SOath 170't oa a liH Pl rallel wl th the ... c •l~ d ••id Tract 11, tllen.o. last on tbe a011tb sidll of said Traot 13, to tbe &oRtllNat oomer of said 'rraot 131 thence """h 29' • to tbe poillt of NVimlinp. roaa~ WirH AND Sll8.JIICT m, an .._..,, for roa-y and ut:l.lity pu,poseo o .. r tba •st 301 of Mid ~ 1.1, -"* to.he designated u Tracts A -B. ~ Shore PlAt No, ____________ _ j ! ~ l I ' I l ' : •. ····WARNING: K~o.nty has no res;one1bility to .411111l., improvei.maintain, o~erwise service the· private road~tained wiviin or providing service to the property described in thiesiort plat. .~ ,, ~ ~-/ r-: .. .,, 276,7:1 i;l? TRACTl3 ,.: N "' LOTI \ I 1· . ·, ~ -¥ i·:---,. .......... -.... --... ~ .... _· -_-_:_._:n._, z, -1'-l,E I 9_2_ ... _s1 ___ -~~~~,~S-o"T~r~-cor- ' I Daphne A Ghan 2210 108tr, SE Bellevue, WA 454-8658 .sllort l'J•t 11<>, _ ___,2..._'7.""""J.,_/~:J----- Map on FU• in Vaull H DirectJ·on: • t 0 j. , ........... • e e COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS RUNNING WITH THE LAND: Tract(s) ,,, , designated upon the plat aa a private road and thoroughfare, is deccrlbed in the Kini County Comprehen- sive plan as a "local access street or road" and in accordance with tbe standards therein, may be required for future County street, road, or thoroughfare. 1. The owner, his grantees •PJ,asaigna, hereby agree to dedicate Tract(a) to King County tor right-of-way and street purposes, at auch time as said Tract(s) •,1.• ia/are needed, tpr those purposes. A15iea conveyln1 Tract(a) A to King County shall be execute,d~b-y-,.trh-e~ ~°"-n_e_r ..... ,-h,...,..is~g~ranteea and asstcnsJ and sball be deli• vered to ling County upon demand. 2. The owner, hia graatees and 1eat1ns, hereby agree(s) to participate In, and/or not oppose or protest, the formation of a County Ro11 Improvement District (CRID) pursuant to RCW 36,88 or any Road Improvement project sanctioned by King ,5.<>tJnty which Is designed to improve Tract(s) and the immediate street system of-;;ti\ch It is a part. Timing o! the fonnatioo of said CRID or other road improvement project shall be determined by King County. The street improvement authorized by the CRID or other ro.a.d_ improvement prc."'ect shall call tor the improvem~nt or Tract(H) 'A' and its immediate street system to at least the minimum king CoU.Qty road standards applicable to the CRID or other road project Is formed; provided that, in situations whero ther~ ls a multiple ownership of properties par- ticipating in the formation of the CRID, or other road improvement project, tf a majority of the property owners want a highar standard, i.e., curbs, gutters, undcrgrnund drainage, etc., that standard shall prcva i I. Short Plat llwober 27&'/J Pace~ of L •: .•·--·······-·.··· -~,·.,--. •• .. • • ~ • .~, • • v._.·,, • • • ·.,· ·, .. : .. :,, .. ,' ..• · .. · .• ·, •·.· ··or-...;.:.,:·, .•• ·.;',/'.~_'.;. •·:a;,·,:-~:.:..>.: .. ·, •, ,; ·,·,.:.: ~ .~r -·.· . ""-j , ' • • DECLARATION: Know all men by these presents tha.t we, tbe undel'Signed, owner(s) in fee simple f and contract purchaser(s)J of the land here~n described do hereby make a short subdivision thereof pvrsuant to RCW 58.I7.060 and declare this short plat to be the graphic representation of same, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owner( s) . In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals. Nam:, Name Name P\..a nq :is -.:dLt, Name Name Name STATE OF l!ASH:t:NGl'ON,1·.._ Count!/ oI 1c,•nr Melvin R, Wh1to_.;;onc1=. ____ _ Peel'l i .,,.. White to • .tnaem to be ~ 1nd1v.1dual ducribed in and who execute~ within and b,ngo1ng instru11Unt, and •c.tnowledgad that th1 y •.lgned eh• ••ne u J z; free and voJuntuy act ,Md dHd, 'Lor the us.s and pvrpoau there.in mentioned. QC. ,t::IVEN under .If&' hand .md of'fic1al •e.al tb1s ....2JltJa dag of ,,-1:1 ,l9'--ZB· ' ,. . ,;'."A('J_tf-1U,J' ,2. ,-;,.-%,,,__.,~ :·;,, ~=~zn:"!! in •nd ~~ the state om~n, ·• ... ; wc,I ··/· \\.;' STATE OF WASHINGTON,! ... Caunty ot _____ _ On th.is d•'I person.alls, ap;eaz.ed before me ------------------ to ow knawn to h4 the .ind.ividu.l duci-~ in and who e.recuted' th• within and foregoing instl'W!'ll!llt, a11d iilcknowledged eh..st signed the s•• u ____ free and voluntary •ct and deed, tor the u.ses and purposes thtuein nmtioned. GIVEN und•r !DJ h.:tl'ld And cfficial seal th.Ls _ day of _______ , 19 __ • ,.,,, Short Pb~ Xumber ~78'/,3 NOtary Public J11 •nd tor t:he Stat.!! ot riuhington, nsidin![ at ·., .. : ·., ... ;. ;< . -~··. ·-,.., e ......... 9110• TIS..• .;..,, A Cvnu' I :1 .. , ···r,·~ .. :::.c-.. :::,,----,.,,.1..,"'. ,----,=----,,","••'"·-------, !.,1, ~.,, ... ~ 1 .~! .. .L~ ,~ ;z I ,:,o~·-:z. ~ :ZG, ,·~"~.u'"· ,., ............ _ ...... ,.:.u.,::.::.....:<..L,!--,'-,i..--....,:,,..: .• 1.,..::..C--'=:U---t 1-'-"~""".C::=-":'<-':!-=---.' ..!...J , .'.,'''-'' ,._.,.· _,ILl.__,:,.•.:,,,f.:•~'I'"''"'''-"'·'-· 1,Jl'<u..·i;l' __ ,...;1,·'r'.:o.;:.··_,.,,_,....;. ....... -.>.«."''-. --t ;.. -t:u1. c.:.:y :::.p 1!'10n• :.I.I ,.J .\ I,._ ''4 1:: ' 1-> t~ ..,-;, < I I' :i:: ·~ w--Y .... C/J--------- Lotti :. : :er":~!'! :.·..t: ~.. ~.,,!::":'!a~.:.~., !:u,a...s1',1t illy :a - :•El 1 2i:., (1(1 •:ASH~'.i... ~·it .... ::,2. 1X1 :~::;(1 IV(•!:'P(·:)1 10 ·.:i {:: tO:!Otr!! ~or-~ ! 1 ;'ttF.(f,!U,~ ! ! • ~~ H;. 131.C::J :r.E~. ;:;:i, !:"!.{II) ccm .e~ ------------- , -·----"'------____ ,,,,,, .. ., .. _____________ ..., _ _, -NOIIT" SCA.I.I: 11 .s 1CC· 1 • :F<N GARDEN TRAcrs1 --~ er 47, r,g 90 · I ,e•n•r Celt. 14' 11'1.ArJ e;;,. 1-,-· ·-.; ' !! .. ,. .. ,,,.,11 5 } ~ ... ., t g " I ' "' Ii i,,1' t..ZVZ ~ZA U:Ul::rAl/ffJ'D . ' ' ; • Direct Vehicular acce,1 to S'.!Ji:Z, otreet from Lot 111 prohibited. . .. \. . . ;g Approval i.s he:w:r r-an::.od _a! __ _ ~· CJ D15approved becaW1e, A;=;:-cval o! :.~i.s aeji:s=e:i': as.sc-e :!:e :=::re~! cv::e: :.':a~ :.':e s\:.:jec-: r::;:e::.v ~:sel! ha.a s.a.:.:.s!!et ~e su-:1 !::: C::i:.:-=:, Rl=• ~vt.1ic:: :ec;:'.::!.:a=L~~ :2te1 !S.!7 -.~~ X:!.:; c:-:..-:-1 ::.,::.e !9!. 1 .. ase ~. &dvitied ':..\a': ~\:.ild!n~ re.:::i:s ~!:! ~c~ ~~ ~ •• ~.d :: !~~· vr.!:~ •2":'l•!! have nC't CC:c:t;tlie•." ,/:..':.'?. :.'1e :ec;".;.i:e::-.e:::s c!, .~.:.~ It.!':'!":.. a.::.c! C:c! •• l ..... _·_· _______ . _____ , .... l • f' "' .. i ' I I ! Q r:,. ~ Q ""4 ~ C'-2 0 Q) QC) I I , . ' ~a, ;.., ill r·1-< ... ® :r,~= !::= ~ SHORT PLAT NO. 3S8Q2l ~f;;:f'i < :-, i,i..a S! "' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON -" ,,?.!'.~;: .. ... ·····=--; ~~;i 5: .. ;o ,,,,; > .. <h'" ... .'IPPIIOVALS: PARKS. PLANNING & RESOUF,CES DEPAATMENl"OF ASSESSMENTS ..QEPARTMENT ~ Exam/nod and-d thls __ {..,G.~_dayol Examlnad and 8pplOV8d this l 1, day of _ _._t.c&6=/t.,=""'--1't-------· 19~ Fe\. ..... ..., .. ~: . ,19~ ]r;vn.lC £-00<¥.- -\, ~-::s,· ~ Manager, Building& ~•nd;;"'ntbMalo~ i,,L ~ Examlnad and approwd th's I Jtb dayol Doputy-m; ~' ,19ft\ Accol"llNumbtr (,,/'1900·0220 MW _ _ I-""'-SE 114 ol .ill: 1/4, S. .li. T. ..&J.. A. ...£.... tEnglnoor / j -'tJ I LF.OAL CiSCAl?TION i ! I l l I I ' I I I ' ' I J I l .. Tract 11 of Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5 as per plat recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Page 90, records of King County; T<l<'ETER WITH the South 240 feet of Lot l in Short Plat No. 5d20S4, accurding t~ the short plat recorded under King County Recording No. 8404200923. SUBJECT TO restrictions and slope rights as recorded on the plat of Northwestern r.arden Tracts Div, No. 5. SUBJECT TO easements, restrictions and recitals set forth on the face of short plat No. 582084 nnd recorded under Recording No. 6404200923. SUBJECT TO a lot line a.djustment #8710011 recorded under Recordin~ No. 8803020949. SUBJECT TO well covenants recorded under hecording No, 8510220770. 89'-02/21 RECO F REO S CRSHSL ,00 .oo #0070 D .,...,..,... DO 55 l'Ggo1 ol 3 Tiil8 Sl'llCE Re§l!Rveo FOR RECORDER'S use ONLY F'<Otffll 314 - ,·9. ,Ji" .-:: :to!· '° m •.o -~ i . ·-"" ·;, ' -r. ,11 I~. II 'v I '' ,,. ·"'~ .. ~,....,., .. ,-....... ,.-,-,-,.,-,.--,--;.:"lllrdli.;i)~~-~~ ·:·;•-;, .!_::-·· ··. . ., . ·''·''I. ... ~'·'r'.'rl':·· j f r l I ! i I i I ' I ' BElfRl/.16~ ,1ND D16r.tNel.$ ~~DM r,ur Pt.,H """ l(•llrN- 'lv1.rr~lfft OAIIOEN r,u~r, 01~. #-S-V04 ¥7, P~ fp, ANO KczP s,1.0," AF If S¥O¥Z.oc,,1aq. /0 // I., . .:; =:!.:>.,,Y.!:l..-'lc,:l::O • 9 3 ' I Joint-·u.oo dr1vaway easement ,.· ----ror tJJe benef'it ot Lot#f 4 Develop111tnt ot a,optic f:11.rU\ t1dwa,ra d1epoea1 ayetems on Lota #1 & 2 naay require the conatruotion ot a mound or eand ~iltor ayatam. Conta~t tho kins County Health Dept. £or :f'urthor :lnf'orma C::lon. MRP P/fllPflRIO er: GARY w•tr11,s. '-f'A•"cl h l:h!Q, -rt not lf01,_,.,s;a;e:.;0_2 ... , .... _____ _ l"-209•4 Mop Lot #2. Direct veh1cuiar accea.a to ·s .E, 192nd Stroet Erom Lota H1 4 2 ia pro- hibited. Acceae ehall be by way ot Joint-uae easement. an Flt• 5n Vaull N DlttC'tlon, M f Sc•Jdt 1" • 100 1 0 ,o 100 ,,o 200 250 1090 .a..at_l. I I ; .; .. -• DEDICATION ·-k!IOW All PEO!'L£ er THESE PRESENTS that""• th• undersigned owners of Interest In tltt land ~•rtby short subdl.•ldtd, htrwby dtchrt this short pht to be tht graphic rtPrtstnu- tlon of the short subdl,lsion 1Wde htP'tby, 1nd do hereby dedicate to tht us• of t111 .Public forever 111 itr .. ts tnd •~•nuts llllt shown as prlv1tt hertcn and dedicate the use thereof for 111 public purpos1s not inconsistent with tht ust th,rtof for Pllbllc hl9hW1y purposes, 111d also th• right ta 111kt 111 H1c11iar1 llopes for cuts and fills ·ipon the lots shown thereon In th• orl9ln1l 1"W1son1blt griding of said straits and 1v1nu1s, and further dedic1t to the us, of the public all the ttsl!llllflts and tracts shown on this short pl1: for 111 public Pu,,,.,111 ts lndic1ttd ~htreon, Including but not llmt:ed to parts, optn space, utllft1ts and drainage unl11s such tast111ents or tracts,,. spectffc.ally tndentifled on thl1 short plat as bt1ng Cledlc1t1d or conveyed to I p1rson or 1ntit1 other thin the public. Further, th~ undirsl9ned 11W11ers or the land fllr1b7 short suhdhfded w1tve for thmnulves, thtfr htfrs ind 11stgn1 and any ptrson or tntlty deriving tltlt frem the undersigned, 1n7 and 111 chfns for damtgH 1gilnst king County, Its successors and uslvns •htch 11141 be occ1siontd by the 1St1bllshlllnt, constn,ctlon, or 111lnt1n1nc1 of ro1d1 and/or drainage syst..,s wtthln this Jhort subdt,lslon other thin cl1t11S resulting fre111 ln1dequ1tt 11111lnt1~ r.111c1 by Kfng County. · • i O F'urthtr, tlle und1rsf9111d owntrs of the land htreby short subdivided 1gre1 for th-elves; : I"' tllelr ""lrs and assigns lo lnd11111ffy 1nd hold King County, Its successors and usfgns, ! 8 htr,nl1u fl'OIII 1n1 dutge, Including any costs of dtfonse, chfa,ed b7 persons within or !~ ~·thout th1s short subdivision to h1v1 bten c1u11d by 1lttr1tfons of tht ground surf1ct, i ~ ,1etltlon, dr1tn1g1, or surf1ct or 1ub-surf1ca water nows •fthln thf1 short subd!Yhfon 1 or by tstaolfsho!ent, conttnictlon or 1111lnt1n1nc1 of tho roods within tills short subdlvi• i slon. Provided, tbls w1htr Ind lnd...,fftc~tlon sh111 not be const,.,.td II rehutng king · <O County, fts successors o,. usfgns, fn,m 1f1ollfty for damagu, lncludtn9 tht cost of ; defense, resulting In wholt or In part fro• tltt ntglfgonc1 of kin9 Collllty, Its successors, · or usigns. · f° ' Thfs subdivision, dedication, W1lv1r of cl1f111 Ind agreement to hold harmless Is 111d1 with tilt frae constnt and In 1ccord1nce with the dtslros of said ooners. I lj 4.~ ~ Rur . , 7>2,ll ./ ~,.r l .... • i 11 .... I • I Na•• Name l • I I STAr! or NASBINGTON ( ' I ) ... Co anty c,f \(,: 1) r.., J ' j ·I I l j on th1• day pen~nally ai,pund befon N C.:.eoR.@.'i ::3?,.;t,,._ eod tof'J:-~~,.,.n\,.t~ls. Individual a,.~r,s.a In ana WDO tzec:uted ~~. Vl"4~n and fore9oln9 inatrume11t, tnd ac:11:nnvledged tllat1hE~ ligntd tll• 1&111 u ::t'n.t: \g frH and wohntaey .an and dud, ortlie uu, and purpoa•s there1n mftnt1oned. 1 i I hand and official ,ul tllia ci3,a& day ~f o. •• r ~aonc, ~·r~n~ · taey .iii 1 Ta~ t.'1• St1 to of Wa1hin9ton, residing at.~~~~- • AA~?..I. 1i&-'aee"'r'>· V..tJ,\i},:,\,. 9Ktt~ SHORT PLAT 388021 'PAl'ir,E ! l I I J ···: -:.: ... : ... · .. ·.\:}::·:'.· 1,~.,,, . -~~--,~ ............. /.-.:::: . ·~··-.> KING CQ//NTY. WASHINGTON "©)'~i ·BOl!N_,.DARY -· Ej LINE , A/)JUSTMENT ,, · /\tO,c'.~Q~O __ KIN(; COUNTY BOUNDARY UN/l ADJUSTMENT FOR RAVENNA DEVELOPMENT LLC LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/•. OF THE S. r. 1/•, OF SECTION S3, TOWNSHIP 2S NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, W.JI., KINC COUNTY, WASHINGTON l------------4 LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE R8CORD•R'S C6R1'1FICAU ..... ;u:o rOA ll(COA(I TM,S_ (t~r.i,,.T o,..1"114'.x,{l(,,.,,,~Jj,,. ft< 800!(.;lt,l .. ON.~~PM.t:::1:rr.~, rwt 11toum or . 9'I~. ,t..~ .. f'~~----... ---~-"""·-lM_ _____ ----- ~\--~.--------. \IOL./P"'GE KJNC COUNTY BOUNDARY IJNE AJJJUSTJ/ENT FOR RAVENNA DEVELOPMENT LLC LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1 /4, OF THE S. ,r. 1/4, OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 2S NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, Jr.JI., KINC COUNTY, WASHINGTON YOL /Pal.GF :;:_t,7 /1-1-~ • • K/NC COUNTY BOUNDARY UNE ADJUSTMENT FOR RA VENN A DEVELOPMENT UC LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4. OF THE S. 1f. 1/4, OF SECTION 33, TOlfNSHJP 2S NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST. r.JI., KINC COUNTY, 1fASHINCTON ""''"""""""'""" "'" """"""' __ ..... ___ ,_._..,._ ·--~=.=-r---.. ,- ~ll~or~~·.~J";....--==-'"'·= --~·.,~--.. --.- RECOROtlo/C NO. tOOfHll•Uoo,, 1------"-------l LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE co,w:r,r S CERT/FICA 2'.I' ~ ~ ,__,.._-.:11.,_ ._.._ .... _.,.. __ _ --SUftMDc:o.MIYPATVID.. =~:=.':':..~.~":u"'::.='.t'-.:: _.., ___ IO ___ ll<"_'9M-__ , ___ .-... -............. .-... _____ .. _,, ___ __ 3,_ -=·-·-rl--C --""'----------·--··---=-~~-:"::..T--=r""'-: --~·---... ·--=:-::.::;-----•--"'1[,;,sr.,.~or....no _ _.., .. ,.,. ---·-1 :=' :.."!.."i::l..-...=--· =----=·~O,l>,E-JOO,U,-0,-· ________ -... _ .. L ..... __ ., ____ _ a<'!!.~""'.=...~_....,.. ----·--=:r.:=.--------==-;us, -......~':===~~ -.m,;,n,-·-·-· ---... ·-__ , .. ,,,_ '·~-~~---:="~-~A .. 7"'._....,"" .,,.,,,.,,,,._ ., ,· ' .::=:.s., _ .,._,:,,,-:~~~--.=s.-=-=.,~--·-.•·. -· .,~··.-....,,·~-----.·---~,~.,:.'l:.,,., ... ...c_....,._ ~-<..& ~_,:,;;.,;;.,...., .. ~llf ... _, __ ,::·'~£":~'"'=.:,,~=~,::.:_-or ~ ... -..,..,.or_ • .,._,_ =-""':'.:~~.:c==--=--::,,:.~.----· mi,,,,,_._.._,,.. .... ,,,_,. __ ,_ =-~ =""'--"" ~ :L.,.,:,:O.::,.":..-.t --· _______ -. .. _.A7_ ..... _ ... ___ _ ------··-· --· __ ... !Zia __ _ ·--~---ll-,,c-.n ___ ....,._... .... _...._,., .... ,.. __ ,. _ _ ,,,.,,_._ ~-, KI/JG COUNTY, WASIIINGTON ··e·~,· . iB·O·l···'.~.DARY ' Q UN£ . A!)JU§TMENT /. /No.--,· t~L~-~93 _ / ,..--_,,. ,_ ,,. • • tMlOt11"tHIIII KING COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR RA VENN A DEVELOPIIENT UC LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE S. Jr. 1/4, OF SECTION 33, T01fNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST. W.Jf., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON f •. "\·,,. j::'' ,,: ~ ·· .. ~/;} -··=1.,· ·--"""-·~ -"""""' ••• "'".'I.J' ... ·:::t .. ~· -::=.. ... ~:..=.:-~~-"'· ..... ·,:;~~-... ~iL....::_T.::.":::. 'All£'3.,·· .,•' .'' =~n,...,..::-.t a·k..--,"Cli·..-,., .. ~.,,.,,.,,,, . . /· .. ·=:J~I~~/~• ... .,,, -D N (··· ~ ;';.. 0 '!If ~ r- . '· -· e Kil!O camn WATIR DISTRICT NO. 51! AGR!llMSNT FOR TEMPORARY WATaR SIIRVICI! The unclerdgnect, (lluab&nd and •He), ""nu (•) of the fo11 .... 1no deoeribed •••J rropert1 in Kino Count,, !"l&abinoton, towit: Nortllweet Guden tract• U, Dlv. 1115 diatance nortll l"o3'l4 Baat 198 feel :troa Nori.eat corner tlloreo:t; thence South 89°40'54" Weat 100 :t•t U-e North l°D3'1'" But U l•t North l~fO'Si• ~~-1~ (ieS.-!!'1:1!! 1~9!~1:; !>eol 1 lc,r and'Wcl.\81tl.M.\\o\l'ft tif.~.Mt'l:"Y.~, Yl~6JIA\,J,0 tff.Wngton, non. hereinafter called "District", orantino perlliaalon to com,cct a private teaporar1 -tar li-to aaid propertl,' puranant to the t•rlNI and ccmditlona of Reaolutlon No. 1403, adopted bl,' the Board of Water Coallisaioner, of said water Dietrict on March a6, 1974, doe, hareb1 agrff a, roll""" l. Water •rvice shall be for a •lnole fa11.Uy ~ GIily, 19109 124 th Ave. S. ll. 2. The 1111"-rai~ed .ii&ll ~in fro• other• at hie coat all ea-11ta wlllch aay be -ceHary for the foetallatlon of • t811Poruy Hrvlce u-. 3. If .,.qafred by -Diatrfct -du part of the ,,_.tderatlon for aald rerlliHiou, tt>e -donecf !ae granted end conv,,yect or hereby aoreee to orant &nd conw, to the Pietrlot ..... -ta over, thrOUOb, under and Acroae the above dHcri~ property for •·ater -Ina &lld appart..._• lo,: the illple•nuu ... of th• coaprebenelve plan or for tlle 1..,r..,,. .. nt of the •i..r a.uprly of tlltt ayet•• of th• Diatrict. 4. The llllderaioned &or•• to pay fortbwl th the mwt:er and aervico tnatallati.., charoe. th• -al faciliti•• cilaroe and the •pecial ten,porary .. rvice charoe of the Di•trict and shall pay for wat•r service at the prevaflino rat•• of the Diatrict under tl>e .... ,~,,,.. and conditione aa the other cuataaer, of the Di•trict, 5. The undeuigned i..reb)' •oree that no prot .. sts can be •de by hia (ti.a) <-r his (theil" J heiu, ad111inlstrat~ra, executors and •••ion•, against the construction of or ass••1eae,,t for a pel'1lallent water •in which •Y be constructed to serv• ••id property, 6, The u-r•i9Tled futher agree to p;,y the Ir pro rata sha<e of the coat of tile water line inatall•d ~r to be inetalled as a part of a utility lnoal i"'Prnve .. nt district or by a priv&tft party or parties, T (••) hereby •or•• to pay the cuet of 010ving the wt,r fro• it, oriolnal location to connect to the n'"' ~ater 111&in, topether with the cost of conn•ction, if and when a r-eraanent .. tn is in1talled to 1erve aaid proparty, This aor•o..nt ahan be a coven&llt r111111f.no •1th the land and shall be binding upon all parties and tll,,ir INolrs, Adlllinietrators, ••ecutora and •••ions until the per,unomt water -in to .. rve the abow daacrlbed property has been conatructvd and acc~rt•~ by the District • IN Wiffil!SS WHl!RBOF, J <•> have ......... nio Ht '"Y hand and .... 1 ~o~ .~~ thia _...;;;.,;;...=-d&y of _ _,;r;,1,.;Vl.;a.,;;C_'-\.i.. ____ , 19~• RECEIVED A\)6261974 WAlU DIST, j.5S 47. ' \ . .. r -~ .. - 5TATF. OF W/1.t;HJ r«lTCW ) ss C"a.ll<TY OF KTNC ) I, Nu> , ,., w.. t ,t'.\ ~ ( , ... , 6 H 1...•vl t n... • a Notary Pub\ le ln and for th• 4 state of Waahington, r"1 ldf119 at (?,.<tt,j p N , do hereb>' c1trUfy that on this ~. ~ day of _;:~ .... ;:.~;:.;;;;\~----·'' 19.lf, puaon&lll' appeared before,... TAf+&~ A. c~c,-,y/11 NgM:e It\· ~<,- to • k-tn be the lJl<lfvtdual (a) deacrilwd herein an,t "'o •-tecl the "ithin !natru•nt and aclcnollledged thllt ·l 1.... ~-'::;\ 1fgnod and .. aled the .... aa a free and voluntar)' ~c:t and deed for: the ,.. .. and loaed'. GIVl!K '-tml!ll MY HM'!> NII> OFFICIAL S&Al. thh 191.f· ·~~---~·' • • • a I ... N C> C> c,. N C> ... :r <! ,-.. N 0 ' 0 0 ... f ~ ii .. i..:'.-.r·,;,-& ~ • . .. e . --·-.,. ... ,, __ .,~ ... -·-···-·-e flLfD for B8cord at Request of Filed for record at the request of KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 10818 S,E, 176th Renton, Washinaton 98055 IEOORDED ___ of··-··--···. .,, •... _P~"' ~r,... ·' · m, IICT 29 "" 10 o5 OIREC D'I RECORDS & c:..~cTtONS KING CCU:.:'. '.'IA::.H. • , .. ·; ...... ··~ , . ' ,,_ /~ ·:·. \ ~-->·:-/\,. ,.• ···{ ,,TJ/, •. t. : -. _ ... -" " ~ ., ":'l'''':'\., .. ' .• ~·· ...... !I.· ·. ~ •, ·, • _.i,:. _;,.:,, ., ,, •.-~ .. .... ,.A .. • 1 •'&, ' """llii;-.~i ..... ..,, ,•· i ' ! ,.. . ! (ti) .. \ \ .. . I. -. \ • I 819111D j ? I I .-( ., II ---··, .. i ..... '. i \ I \ \ \ '·· . ._--~ .. _ ...... \- / \ I ! ·-l:· .. --·-·· I .. e REAL ESTATE CONTRACT- TIIIS C'OllffACT, -ud _ ..._ IWa 29th dl,r ol August, 1973 ... _ NONA MAY GIBBONS, aa h .. r Hparate eotate, ........ ·..,, WILLIAM G. SCl!I/LTZ and PATRICIA L. SCH\ILTil:, his wife W11'Hm&T8: n.t 1M .arr....., Lo 41111 io "'° Plftiuw Md. tt. p\aldla a,,-. t. ~ fr• Ult 11:llv ~ roRoWUII ...._, ml lltali', Wit• tbs •: t •--. -J< 1 nq-Cou•IT, State ol Wa.liillcloa: That ?Ortion of Tract S of ~ortbt,.,e3~ern G~rdan Tracts, D1ViR1on Mo. s, os per plat recordad in VolUma 47 of Plats, o~ page 90, records of King ~aunty, O.scribed as follow•• !3eg1nn1ng at the Northeast corner of Tract 4 of Said Northwestern Garden Tracts, DiVi3ion No. 5, thence South 1• oe• 10" along th,. West line of said Tract 5 a distance of 120 feet, thence South B9' 34' 39" East 150 feet, thence North 1• 08' 10" East ISO feat to the }Torth lin~ of said Tracts, thence North 89' 34' 39" West alona •aid line 103.3R feet to on angle point thence South O• 25' 21" West 30 feet, the~ce North 89• 34 • 39 ""'46 ,89 faet to the true point of beginnir.gr Subject to, an eaS11ment tor the extention of southeast 188th Street, SituatP in the County of King, State of Washington, 1" ....... M CMil:laal ... t1i1t calmd ua » ...._: ,,_ ,-,dlaa pdca II--------------• -.. ----------- 'nlBNTY TWO TftOUSAMl> FIVE HUNDRED AlllD N0/100----(' 22,500.00 > 1>.u.,, •' - TWO TS011SAND AND II0/100..-------------------------# 2,000.00 l Dolluo.,,. bla-. C. IIClllpt....., • ._., n = 1s r w1 u. w... ., .w ~---p1m,... •,... .. ~--------- ONE HUNDRED PlP'l'Y AND N0/100------------------------'f 150.00 >llolut. ., ~at~....,• or Wofll tk 1st U) of October , 19 73, ud ONE HU!IDR!D FIFTY JIN!) II0/100---------------------<• 150 0 00 J llollor., or ._. 11 pmdmu't Gfl&oe. oa or illfo?I! 1M lat cla.7 ol adll ......... calaidar ...oi udl Utt bllua: 1111 .W PIUQW pria 11111: Mve liiatt. t.a, pull. fta ~ &ru.-.-1o pay law.I. .a tbt dlnbhhl,. W....:. or IDd puaw JIID ,.._...... iii ..,._.,._,,_,.. lat ..,.., September , 1• 73, .... ---..... be ...,.. ,,. ... lalt.lDmat ,.,... aad tbt Wuai of ad. .. ,--q,pW • ~ ., PrlDcisa1 .,_,...,_....._..,..,....,., Seattle First Nationel Banlt 1 Renton Branch H at a.11 otlm' pl-a at U. .0. mQ' ..... 1'llt6ls, It is understood that sa1d property is subject to a mortgage in !avor of Seattle Fir•t National Bank, dated August 1, 19~2, recorded under Audit.or's File Ne. 5461277. The Sellers herein agree to make all payments required by virtue of said mortgage as tbe same becane due and before delinquency thereof. In the event seller fails to make any payrn~nt due under said mortgage, purchaser shall have the right of allocating a sufficient portion of his succeeding contract payments to make said mortgage 9ayments. Aa nlnnd,. 11 u.. --· "dolo ,1 ......-..u ~"~~Sz•~pt=em=be=r~l~,~1~9~7~3~--- ........ ... 1 ........... ' , (',I JI ...U,r\ llllt 10 1,1:i,d' l'ftl t'lll.&111' UI Sllllll,ed to •• ~ tQll'ICt Ill fOn1racu. UNk't Wbirh MIM'r U, ['UffhlM1111 J.\l•I ,.. .. 1 P\l.1lf, "' 111:r,· ,nonnn vr ollwr nblia;1Uo11, •lllr• ldkt' ii 10 plf, wlln lllftt lt'I -kt su, h p,l)'fllt'lt1" 111 ac(onbntf wilh tllf' 1,r:r_, tl,,•nml •nol UI>'~ ,)P1<11u, •• lbc' put1:....._., ~I tl1.-llw n,111 lo IDU• ••Y' l'IYIKMJ Ma:11o1t,.· h, ~mun-th .. cld•ull. .:.1111 any 1.1a:vmrr.11 J4l 1n.an• tJ-, ,ll br .af,plHd te rhl> ~11)'111tM1, MIi f.r,Pilllir dllt lbt 1tUtr ._cll'f this cnntr&Ct ti) n.., tdJlor..,..,.., UJi,11111111 rwQIIWUIJ 11111 PII, ... , ., Ille SJUKbw-ps-KC' aa4 illlHHl in lht "111Jlhtr •IJ'!\"t' spte~d. lo "U'OJIC 111d 4c'li,.-..,r to pu11Cb.uff & tlah11ory watrul)· dtTt.l tl'J l&ld · ·al Cliatt", nuptlnv: .any S'lrt thtw1ot hfftahrr ,...,.a for (lll\lli(' uw, Im DI H(Wllbr:aatt,, fttt'ltl an,· thal 11U1f ati.ch Ailtr dat, ol <lrnirui 1~.muiilr, an:, JlfO.tm ,,1ht-r lhn the H!ltor, ~M Mh>1ffl to 11" loU•wiec: !asernants., restrictions ~nd reservations of recoI"d. Oil and Gas lP.asei LesP.')r" Geothermal Resources Int~rnational, tnc., ,;\ !lel•wAro Col-poration, dated Ap~il 9, 1967, ~ecorded May B, 19~7, u~~~r Auditor• s !';.le No. 617247'5. King }~ """""" __ ..,.,._ Nona May Gibbons to _. uo-to be lk iildiri4u1S MKr1W ti. ADd wtao beOllUI the •ithhi. and forq;oinJ instnlmnt. and ack.now?aedp:I tb'\t they ti.pied 1h ... u their fm-and vol1U1W)' .a ud. deed. for the UMt ud purpu1s tlaetllla. IIIU.tiaaed. . -' ._.-~· _. T .4 .~f"rr-irr nf fr,o,.w11,~rrk'n f"1<rporoti<:i1' Filed for lecord at loq .. ot of 3/ :.,,.., 11--··-··-·1R7·Jr".';'0 !'-1:.rTr:rr·"ffi~uRMct·cu;-·········· .Yet, ........ l', . .0.-ll~ ~.:.4····~--~~··· ~-................•.. City "'.d J_Ell_TCJ, I.A ~ ~.R:,J~ ....... __ ..... __ .... • ... . r--'"'lJU».,• i8111111R1t«<, llal!ueit ot / TRANIAJIHICA J1JtE INS./ CQ. : SEATTLE. WASH. i ··· .... ~Eaui.s1 °' 00 •.: .: i. i • r.: .· .. _. .. l. !ltcn,-. .. ~'NG co: WN, DEPUTY i. . : ·c: , C- cr- • C ' t I .IF1D RECO!Ul!NG MAIL TO ,L \'l I FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF 01 ' NKING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 g·oszs .IS. E. 176TH Sr. · ~P.Eino.~. WASHINGTON 98055 (Y) • EASEMENT NO. 33-23-5-H PROJECT 31 S. E. 188th Street Exten$loB Marvin D. \lP.hrman & Roatemary Wehnnan. as Purchaser Luella G. Givens as Se 1.ler ~POllSe f.f ~arried on 30 $.fft!.\<t'$itc~, /.f ~6JS _TIT££ ""0 4i IV 0 ,. . c,·.. • . . ''"Avr~Zf114,,i!fQ!J~t; o, E A S E 1":f :t':r-~s / · Seir,1£(J•HP4,ir .1 "•' ':lIJ. WA · "'1'A 9. a:> r-. n.(,. ' ~1,, TUIS INDENTURE, made this /.X_-"71.ay of __ .,_4_,1:.,"°~Wi~.c~'.d._,._ ______ _ 1978, by and between kING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO.!?s: a municipal corporation and of King County II Wash.ing:_on, hel'eina.fter termed the "Grantee", HARVIN D. WEHRMAN_& ROSEMARY W£HRMAN, H/W ------------------, hereinafter termed the "Grantors0 • 1 n TNESSETH: That the said Granti>rs for a valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Grantee, does by these presents convey, · grant and warrant unto the Grantee a perpetual easement for water mains and appur-tenances··under,. through, above, over and g,cross the following described property situated in King County, Wa:;hington, together with all after acquired title of the Grantors herein, and more particularly described as follows: . ' · Th• North 20 feet of the following: -~ ·-;1 ;El ?- (ll t- 1 ' Tract 5 of Northweatern Cardeu Tra~ta. Division No. S,. accor~iag to th• Plat the~eof recocded in Volume 47 of.Plats. page 90; EXCEPT the West 150 feet thereof~ as measured alons the South line of aaid T~act j; TOGETHER. WITH en ~ser.ient for ingress and egress over the North 30 feet of che remainiPg portion of Tract j of said Addition. TOG.ETHiR WI.rB a temporary COD..btruction easement described as the North 40 fee': of the above de~cr;l.bed: p.arcel_. Said teapo_rary construction easement shall remain in force during construction and until the water mains and appurten8nc~a are accepted.for maintenance and operation by 9ater District Now 58. The Grantor warrants that their title is fr"e and clear of all encumbrances except: Real Estate Contract with Luella G. Given, - Easements. restrict1ons and reservations of record. The Grantor ackno,.ledges that part ·of the considerntion beinr. Pl'iil by· the Grantee is for any· nnd all d~mage resulting to or resulting hereafter fr~m the possible interfe,·cnce of the natural flow of surface wnters by Grantee's digging e>f pipe lines which may disturb the soil composition wi-th in ::.ald ~~!.ement.. • '.L ' f • j t ' I ,. I en C\J 0 0 ,... M I M r 0 co .i ,.... • ' ~ ,' t I ·• J l i . . . EASEMENT N0.33-23-5-14 WEHRMAN SPEC !AL ST! PULAT IOIJS I. 2. 3. 4. 5. ' 6. Trees removed in the construction work area will be conveniently stoc;kpiled for use of property owner and/or his ass1~ns. n,e construction work area w!l I be seeded w1 th a good grade of pasture grass during restoration. All stu«1page and brush cleared in the construction work area wlll be re1110ved by the contractor. Area segregation is available to the property owner. Late-comers-charges will be established at the completion of the project based upon an 8" equivalent pipe size. These costs will be div~t1P.d proportionately over the beneficial property frontAges, The existing metal drain culvert lying diagonal to the right-of- way will be fully restored upon completion of the project. 7. Construction time on this project will not exceed 90 days from day of entry on property until restoration is completed. ; ,. - ' i ! f ' f; ; ' ' ;. i t I: ····-... • l ! t ------~''-/' '"):! I e--... ·. ----:,.....--~ .. It----- • Tht: said Cran~c:li': shall hov,a t:he right 1.1ithout. ptiac i11i:1tii.:1:tion c,f any &1..ti:t CIC' ..,. , prOc·~.?"dint at law, at 6-Uch ti!llles ag 111ay be necossa.ry, to entc1: upon the ea!leoent 1·01: the pur;>ou of coiutr11cttng, rep•iring, altering or :.·e:constt'uct.lng sa1.d wiH:~r r.-.ain, or 111•kl"t any connections theTe..-itb, wiLhout inr:utring any lt!ga l obli ga.:ioo or 1 iabil ity tber~1for, provi4ed that such constructing, repairing, altering or reconstructluo ut said water JAain shall be accomplished in auch a manner chat the private improv-.entEJ existing in thi• eas•:iient shall not t,e dbtut'bed or destroyed, or in the event tt,at they at'e disturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced in ea good a c~r,dition aa th~y were imDediately before the property waa entered upon by the $aid Grant••• thf! Crantor shall r.ctaiu the ·r 1ght to use the &urface. c~ the eas~meJ,t lf Ruch use does not interfare with installation of tl111! water 1Dain4 However, the Grantor shall not erect buildings or atructurea on the casement during the eAistelice of said caseaaer.t. The ease1t11E1t, during itl:I existence, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall ba binding OTI the •uccessors; heirs, and assigns of both of the par~es hereto. IN WITNESS ~EOF, have set Ol1t ha"lds and seals this ---,,L:_ft day of _..:. _____ _,~~~'----· 19 7~8____ ~ STATS OF WASlllllG"CON) ) .. COU,."l'Y OF KING ) . Thi.$ if'. to ce-rlify that oa. this day personally appeared before Cle --------- Marvin 0. Wet,rman and Rosemary Wehnnan too~ known tn be the individ~al described in end who executed the withiu and foregoing Wtru!ilen1 • and aclcnowled.sed that they sigued the pa.me as their free and volua.ta.z:y 3Ct and deed, for the use& and purposes therein menti~n~ --;; Civan under my h.aod and official seal this ... '.e:·~~ of . sL;L:-~ ,,.,---r- •.• t,,. .::. _;,.· ~'3,?, &T,i'_: :'rt" Washington residing at ******•*******~*********k*******~******************"********~*********•"•~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ... ~.~.~. 1. 2. The c:onsici.eraUon for thi5 ease.'flent ts ---~',,/!Ls.'">:.t.~-,,c.Z:.,,~"".>.1.-0.:-'':..:-:.ct_'-__ :_:_·_· _. -------7'-; There are/'•--ope:cial conditions attached to this ~a&IJtl'lent. 1a appr~v"\d and recommended. Engineer. · Atto"I"ney. Dated 3-/S:-7lf OARD OF COM>ltSSIONERS OF KIN', COUNTY WATER DISTRICT @,_i' lndividuail •. ckno~l edgC!1tent EASEMl!IIT NO. 33-23-5-14 i J i ' -,.!;,.:~::i;-:~;~~b ..... -· .. ' .. ,.:· ..... ·· ... -... _·~-.. ' .... :..... .. ~~,i,..,,~ .... ;;i..:.: ,;.;,.....;,,,._.'".;.;.;%;~,:£: .. J :~~ l .. • • i I 'i .. , ;.:~~,:""-~-'--'-·--:·:------·---------·-··--··· ·-· .-.. • tlUil IOR RECORll Al lltQUm ijr EASEME!>IT NO. 33-23-~-14 Y-eo 0 0 O'> sueco Tift£ INSUIWICE tiJI/IPIKI • i611 6 AVElWE. SEAi IU. W• ~utij' FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF · KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 10828 S, E, 176TH ST, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 !;O. 58 J PROJECT RF!'"'~l'it:D APR 3 mrti ~ru 121~L tttl E A S E 11 E N T ts. E. 188th Street Extenaio11 ManJn o. Wehrman , Roa ... ry Web?"a&:A, a1 Purch..aer .1 Luella G. Giv•n• •• Seller 6: Spouae lf aan1ed. on 12-21-68 THIS INDENTURE, 11ade this ill!! day of _____ ..:Ma=l'C"'h'------• 1978, ~y and between IING CCUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. S8, a 1tunicipal ;;; corporation of Kini County, Wash~n1ton, hereinafter teraed the "Grantee", 0 a.ncl LUELLA 6, GI VEHS a) r-, . heretnafter tenecl the "Granto rs". t ~ ~ "l' • ~ ~ WITNESSBTH: That the said Grantors for a valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowled1ecl by.the Grantee, does by these presents convey 1 . grant ancl warrant unto tha Grantee a perpetual easement for war~r.11a1ns and •:t>purtenances"uncler, through, above, over a11d across the foll.owing described property situated in King County, Nashin1ton, toge~her with all after acquired title of the Grantors her~in, and more particularly _described as follows: the Nortb 20 feet of the follorl03: Tract S ot ?lorthwutera: Garden Tract•, D1v1a1on Bo. 5, a1•cor~1ua: to the Plat thereof recorded iD Volt,me 47 of Pl•t•, Pat• 90i !JClt't-tlnl Wut 150 feet tbereof, •• zaeuu.l'ed UQng tbe South liu of ~id Traet .S; 'fOCJ!IIER. WITS an .. seant fGr iltgr.e11s aDd egress over the Horth 30 feet of th• remainiq port:1.o,, of rrac~, of .. id Addition. 'IOG&l:tU WlTB a t.-porary co119,auct:l.on Waeut deacr1l>e4 as the Borth 40 f9at1 of the above descrl-parcel . Said t~,ffJ" consttuctioo eueaiea.t •hall r~hJ iD fore-· dur1q: constru.ctto,i and ua.til the .••t• -1u aad appul'tenancee are acce;,tad for .. mr:enanc.e and operation by Water Du trlct llo. 58. 1 % EXCISE TAX NOT AEQU1R~I) _..>ill& r.n. Recorlls Divilioli ly{J.:-~-·-, 0tl)Uly °The Grantor warrants that their title "i.s free end clear of all encumbrances except: NOfi~ I r f t t The Grantor •~knowledges that part of the considerntion beina paid by· the Grantee is for any and all clamage resulting to or resultin5_hereafter {rom the pos5ible interference of the natural flow of surface wat~rs by · Gr~ntee's digging of pipe lines which may disturb the soil composition within said easement. J ... ·1..:~ ' 1 I 1 I i I I I • ••••• '· ,,> ' • ••• ·' " • ···-·-... ·-· ---~--. -·----... _,_.,.,_,.,... -·-· .... ---~-.. -·--·-~------· -. -· • ' .· 'Th• ~•l.d Grante~ shall hav~ tha tight \lithouL prior institution of any suit or pro~eed1n1 At lev, at such t1=~• aa may be nec•••••Y, to enter upon the easement for the pu.rppii:.,"-of con1truc:1a1, repairin!J,-altering OT recunstructing 11aid water aain, or mak:ing amy connection• therewith, vithout incurring any laaal obliaat~on or liability tht~efor, provided thftt auch constructing, Tepair1n&, altering or recon.atr~cting of aa1d water aain shall be acc011pltshed lb •uch a .. qner that the private i•provement, exiatiaa in thi• easement 1hall not be ~bturbed or-de1tr'oyed, or in the event that they al'e dfrturbed or destroyed, th1y ~111 btl replaced in am good a conc!1t1on •• thay v.ra t..ad!ately bmfore the prop,··-~ty wa11 entered upon. by the 1aid Grant••· .... U) 0 0 Ct) .... ..,. 0 co ,-.. The Cr•nt~r ah&ll retain-the right to ua~ the surface of the easeaent if euch uae does not intarfe:t"·d with :lnatallation of the vat.er Nin. However, the Crantor 1hall not ere~t building• or at~ucture• on the eeae!Dent durtns the exiatence "Of ~id eaaement. The ••• .. •nt, during 1t• exl•tr.nce, 1hall b• • covenant runoi'DC tirith tbe land aod sball b• binding on the aucce•aore, heir•, and •saigna of both of the partiea hereto • ~nmss IIIIIREOF, ve havo aoc our hand• ond aub thia ---="""::....· _,7c_ __ day of ~, I.A .L , 19 7~8 .... ___ _ GRAIITORS1 /I,<, 'L,,,,1,1 STATE or ID&&&UN) 111 h, 't1tl ,4,A •• COIIIITY or -> l. 2. Thia ie to certify that on thi1 day personally appeared before 11e -------- Luella G, Givens individual doscribed in aad Olho executed the within al>d foregoing ,ledged. tb..t .14:? .., a1gned the smu aa __ free and voluntary .. usea aad purp°i,aeo therciu mentioned, \.._ · d and official seal thia c.:? Z day of .,!J.44,Ad{, 191!, > The coGaiderat:lor. fo-r this ea1emerac ia _____ _,_,16"-'t!l"-',_•_r.;c.. __________ _ there ...tat• 1t0t 1pecial condition• attached to this ea• ... nt. t la approved and racOIIIIUGded • • Eugiaoer. Doted 4-1/o J ZR l/ 7 Attorney. Dated ..:/ 11 I 7 't ' j CE by BOARD OF COIIIIISSIOKER!' OF ltlllG COIJll1"Z VA\'D DISTB.ICT BO, 58 'Ih• special coDdit1ona, if any, ancl the consideration of the are hel'd,y approved •nd accepted thi• -'I!:-day of (2 op•n public ....eti11g of the lo&rd ot Comiaaioner• ofic.il thin and fo_~~:tna eaat.w.a.t • 19/","'at a re1ular DISTB.ICT IIO, 58, By ---l-;,~~~f"l~~~~::::,....../,:__ I l'reeiden~and~i••ioner By_ By ---.---:--:--::::-"""'"""'c:::, Socret~:-y &ad Coamiaaioner Jpdividual Aclu\owleta .. •nt IASIIIIEIIT II0,33•23•5•14 f ' i \ , i I l • T ' I \ i J l '! ~· .. , .... ~ .. , .;_ ,'.' .. J.'4 ., I ·. r---,:r---1' 11. I ' I~---~--:.T . :I I •. • ' -:r. I CD o~ g~ ~ :e"!:! ··.®: ~~ . . . . . •, · ... ·.· . .. · . : .'.:~:-~. . -·~· .... ·6, •• . .... ~;.:. . '.'• ·": ... . ••,! .. '..:.•. . ----·-· ..... -- . ...... -·. ' ., . ····---· j ---~~--·---·: ___ :. •· .. '---~~ ... -. .-~ ,::.. . . _,._, ~--,,.w_ -~---~--·-~-..:...;. I ,' ., , ·; ,. 'Sl8 APR 19 AM 8 30 -···--------________ ., J # I I • ' ...... EASEMEl:T KO. JJ-23-5-19 PROJECT S.E. 188th $treet ixtens1on Carl L. Norri.4 & June H. ...f[LED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF gJ:JNG COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 58 q0823 S. E. 176TH Sr. Norris as Purchasers~ 31 Nona May Gibbons as Saller ~"'· . • SAJ:"'.1 rc,.-r ,;, .. 2. teo fii:··.•,:_;ro: r -. · ' '6Js 411, L[ ll(Su.,.,'·• ,:;£··, ~E~TON. WASHINGTON .98055 (Y) 0 CD ,._ -~1. ;!,, :.:.~ ,.; r!ONS AJt(NIJt. ,"f,!lVC,.7 V,J~5 r r;;; ,_..,,,, f. llASH, • S&r,z/OJ,pA~·~ E A1 S E M E rl T . '+'4 !/f/121 INDENTURE, made this/ffeay of "&m@'i'I.R,/ THIS 1978, by and bet\ieen KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 5'8, a municipal corporation of King County> Washington, hereinafter termed the ncrante:;!", and CARL L. NORRIS and JUNE H. NORRIS, H/W ______ , hereinafter termed the .. Grantors". 1'/ITNESSETH: That the said GTantors for a valuablP.: consideration, receipt of whicJL is hereby acknowledged by the Grantee, does by these presents convey, grant and warrant unto the Granted a perpetual easement for water mains and appurtenances under, through. above, over and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington, togetheT with all after acquired title of the Grantors herein, 1nd more particularly described as follows: · th~ IIK!St !iot"tharly 20 feet of the. folloti1ng: That portioQ of l'ract 5 of Northwestern Gardeu Tracts, Division NQ. 5, acco~dina to the pl•t thereof recorded in Volu,ae. 47 of Plats. nn page 90, in King County, Washington, described as follows: Be.g:Ll\tling at the Nortt.u.st corner of Tract 4 of said Northwesrern Garden Trac:t:s, Divisicn No. 5 thence South l"o8' 1011 West along the \lest: liile of said Tr.ac.t .5 a distance of thence South sg 0 J4' 39" Bast 150 feet; thance North 1 gst10" East 150 feet to the: North line of said Tract S; thence: North 89 34'39" West along said line 103.38 feet t.o an ang.le point, t:heuce. Sol.1th 0°25'21" West 30 feet; ·thance Not'th 89°34'39" West 46.89 feet to the. true point of beglnnin3. 120 feet; TOGETHER WITH a tempo·L_.cy construe.cl.on eaaeni.nt described 8s the most northerly -4Q. feet of the above described parcel. Said temporary con&r.ruction easement shall remain in forc1= i.urin.g coast·· the water mains and appurt:enaQcea are accepted (or 'IU!'.intena.nce and opet,. Viscricc No, 58. "..on and until by Water The Grantor l-.arrants that their title is free and clear of all cncumbr~nces except: Real lstate contract with NONA NAY GIBBONS The Gi'antor aclrttowledges that patt of the c.onsiderc.tion being paid by the Grantee· is for any and all damage resulting to or resulting hereafter from the possible i~terfcrence of the natural flow of sur£nc~ waters by Grant~e's digging of pipe lines which may disturb the soil composition within said .-~~:~emf:nt:, ' y,····,"· ,>:~,,~ f. :,·· ':·-.~ ~ ' ,_, {, . .\ . . ~-... _ .. ~·=.:·;;·;:.,.:~ .· . ·. .· · .. ·.·.• •. · •. · .. ·.;··.·.,·· •. ··· ... ·.·. · .• ·.' ... · ... ·.. • ~:-· • .,.·' ... t··.,';.1-.. · .. '..( ~,;.,•, ... ·· ~ .. ·~.:.·?·"'··'_,?:_1:t.,,.}_·.:_:.;.~~.Jr _--_ ~ -·· f 7~ ,,. ·l'.:.. ~· ~ , ;lf'):._~~{~~i.;:J1.;t!~;.~_i,f~;~iu64tl ~.£iis!M.""Qtt"~~1,s_;,ie,· !,o,~'4.H,o=.:.1~1~0~:,;~;_.-~, .«,"3"'W:1r~i':t!"~$.~.f~-;·!!"~.;·.r.,, t ·/ ' ' ' t i ' l' : l ,..... (\') 0 0 ,.... M M 0 co I"- ' I .. SP~CIAL STlPOLATIONS I. Ingress arid egreaa through owni:!rs dz:i veway shall be provid:l'ld at all ticoes to t.i,em during conat.ruction Md restoration. 2. fl.Oct systemB of trees and sl'-.ruba located '-'ithin the eonst.ruction work a.r~a will be proteeted by contrector to inaur. their safety. 3. Couatruction tiaae through to completion of full rest:iration shall not exce~d twenty (20) workin9 days. . :~~ ~~.:..:;:~· \'•/:::· ~r~l0~it. • -~ ~ f ! ' • ' ! } l ~; ,_ ~· ; r t ,. IJ\ • ' (b -,4 ' • ' I ITI i I I o:> co ' y I .... I ,I ':1' : 0 f f.. 1 "I, I "',<0 .. I ,. Ch-I ' ._. "'.· ., ·-~ l·1.· -~ I-~~ I I : ~E -: .' f :u 1~ [ I fTI \JI :r: J; rii ' l'll \,I ~ I I . o. 1 ~11 g~ ..f~ I . 'o-l Jc:-'"'= -,.!>- ''l;;> '~· "'11?: l J ' I L '"'' \ :( I i • j I l ' ~ l N ' 0 ()l ' I, ' ' I I I 1- l _j_ k i j t l f 1 ' I • ' • t ~\ ' l -("') 0 0 -('I') ('I') 0 ' · 'fhc •~~d .. ::.-.:~~l h«vo th:·:~g~:::·hou~rio: inetlt on of ony sult or I "l)rcce'l?dins at law, at such time:t1 as may ·be 1,ecessary. to eote,:-upon thft eaa1A"1ent for the r-·rpose of con$tru:t1ng, re~airlng. altering or r~constructing said water ttain, or raa.King ,ny connections the:rewitht without in.:urring any legal cbli8Jlltion or liability tho!refor, provided that such constructin~, repairing. altering or reconstructing of gaid water main shall be accoaplished io such a aannar that the pl'ivate irAprc:•tl!Dlents uisting in this ea.:ement shall not be dtsturhed or dett-royt=d, or in the event tbat they are di.&turhed or destroyed, they will be replececl in as good a condHi11n as they vere immediately before the property was enterecl upo~ by the saiQ c~antee. The Grsntor eh.all t"etain the right to use the ~mrface cf the "'.aeement U' such use does not interfere wJth installation of the water aain. Ho•evP.~. the Gr•ntor shall not erect buildings or structures on the. eo.s..?ment during the existenc~ of said easement. The eaaement 1 during its existence. shAll shRll be bindin! or. the aueeesaors, heirs, and land and hereto. IN w~s WHEREOF. we ----~«lPJL be a covenant running wit:c~ aasign• of both of the pa~--s have set our hands and seals thi• ;!?~~ dRy of 19 "'-"---- CRANTORS: (i;,d 1 trc i u!iiJiAi· ,: •' ' ........ , ·'-' I ,e.s,:-.•·-~111;/'• .. ~' __ r-s.-4l..,,4'-::"''"c.;,;,......_, ~ ';1,z,L /~;,a, ~ // !.· -,,,~ J· .• ·II . 1:..· • ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) .. --'---------;'-''-',' '';.'·'-·---...:.....W- _\ ,· ". r' -~: COt.~TY OF KING )" This is to certify that on thie day personally appesr"?d before me Carl L• Morris 11nd ----·--------'"~""""'-H. Horris .~-'./ .. ,:' :: ;;~/ ..... to ma knotn to be the tndivid~al described in and who executed th~ wi~hin end foragoiag instrunent 1 and ackn01otledg&d that they __ dg'!'led the same as1;b,tk free and voluntary f •ct ai:td dead. for the uses and purpoe~a therein meu~nJ'. Given under my hand and nfftcial s~al this ~-. ay , 19-71.. or'· Wasdington residing at -'""isan~t~op"--~~~~ ****************************************************************************'********~··· -iv~·~ 1. The consideration for chis easement is , 2. There arelrrs rot~special r.oadJtions attached to this ease:nent. ia approved and recOITID\ended, Engineer. Attorney. APPROVAL A.'ID AC~EPTANCE by BOARD OF COHlllSSIONERS OT KlNC COUNTY WA!.ER DISTRict NO. 58 The •pec!al conditions, if any, and the constderat1etn of tbe within and foregoin3 eaeement . are he1:eby approvad. and accepteci. this ~ day of :z274-, ,c ..£ , 19.zL. at a regular open ublie neoting of the Board of C0111Jni&stoners of XINC COUN ATER DISTRICT NO, 58. By Individual Acknowl:edt,emtmt EASBll!!NT NO. JS-23-5-19 .,. ..... ; e ' AFI'F.n r.r:conoi:-:,; M.'. n. rr> EASE~mNT NO. 33-23-5-19 PROJECT S.£, 188tn St:reat Extension Carl L, Nortio & Jun, H. FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF KING COUNTY WATER DiSTRICT NO. 58 10828 s. E. 176TH Sr. Norris•• Purchaaera 6 Nona Hay Gibl>ono H So Uer I,: ,., r r·o , • • . · ''' :, CMn (TR RE~TON, WASHINGTON .98055 s1:. ·. '·"' ,•,,u· toot.tro, 26,~. ~11> 1,Vll;lr ~~t i:OMP,INy <. '""'TIU:, WA 118121 E A S E M E N T TIii$ INDENTURE, made this li?day of ~ 1978, by and between XING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO~~ municipal corporation of Xins County, lfnhington, hereinafter termed the "Grantee", d NONA MAY GIBBONS an ------------------------------::> O'I -------------------• hereinafter termed the "Gran tors". ~ WITNESSl!TH: :'l>I That the said Grantors for a '.'aluable consideration, receipt of which ~ is hereby acknowledged by the Grantee, does by these presents convey, grant and warrant unto the Grantee a perpetual easement £or water mains ~ and appurtenances under, through, above, over and across tho foll6wing ' described property situated in Xing County, Washington, together with all after acquired title of the Grantors herein, and more particularly described as follows: .. The. most Northerly 20 fee: of the fDllowing: That portion of Tract 5 of Northwe•tern Garden Tract•, Diviaiou Ho. 5 1 &ccording to the plat thereof recorded in Voluae 47 of P].ets. 011 page 90, 1n ling County, Waahinaton, desci'1bed •• follwa: Beginniua at the Mo~theaat corner of Tract 4 of said Morthweatarn Garden Tra~ts, Division No. 56 thence South 1 ga•1ou Weat along the Vest line of aaid~tract 5 a distance of 120 thence South 88 34' 39" Eaot 150 feot; · thence tto~th l 88'1011 Baat 150 feet to the Horth line of ••id Tl'act 5; ((" thence North 8§ 34'l9n Weat •lona Mid lina 10.3.38 feet to an angle point, -:r thence South O J5' 21'1 West 30 feet; · · M thence North 89 34 1 3911 Weat 46.89 feet to the true point of beg14n.iq,. feet: j JP TOCEtllil Wttll a temporary construction eaa811lant deecribed &s the moat a.ortherly-48-feit of the above ducr1be.d parcel. · · Said temporar, conatruetion eas•ant ahall remain in force durtna construction and until the water maint, and appu~tenancea are accepted. for maintenance and operatioR by Wate~ District No. 58, 1,. EXCIS!'.: T;\X NOT Rl:QUIREO . 2:;' ;:.1_Lo. RJco:ds Division fit~ . ._ . Depul1 _ The Grantor warrants that their title is free and clear of all ~ncumbrancos excopt: ··--··~- The Grantor acknowledges that patt of the consideration being paid by the Grantee is for ony and all damage resulting to or resulting hereafter from the possible intorforence of the natural flow of surface waters b)' Grantee's digging of pipe lines which may disturb the soil composition with in s:lid easer:ient. .;·::-.-.; l ' : ., .-,\t!I, , ' " ~lt,.' ' cit, •'<s> "" s ~, ~4, ~, -q. '::/ .;;,, :q.,,-q .~, I ~'"" . Oo I ~I •E. ''i. -1 ..,,~ O' ~~ /j 'iF I ri.!-' In w~ .I ~. I o..~ 2 fl .~ I ·o ~l ·-t\J ,I ~ I : I ' ~. ::t ~ .~ . ,,I 1 I -~~ ii: I.I) : I • ~t-= a: < . ·:r I cc •• I u~ 0 z I . ::i I ~~--ti -~ . ' '. :'._, , t I • '! , • lO I. tO . '' ' ·. i] • I .,., t-, • I , U) .1-· _ .. : .-r· . . _;.. . I l • I a...., I ov . ':,J ' . ., I o, J~ I l,_IJ IL I I .c :, • J I J.. -[:i:11)• a) --:r IQ a) = > ::t \\l -~ -r\ --~ J x•gJ N • Ill !Yi w V ! ' . -uJ...lWUl ?J ' i >..J-,r I • ~<ti--' ' ' LLI t-~· I I ' • ' If) • (IJ I I U) \.LI~ -·" (ll ,l I r -cu 1'------L--.:......:.:....-c_~:_..;___.:__ i 1 'A.. , ... , ..... , ... ,.d J ' )lo'.:·'.· : -... . .· 'l:rtM: ~ ' . ... 'i .. I_J _____ . ___ , __ ..... _, ------'-""~~::::::::i'_':... ____ ~--.. :_, .. -"._ ... -... -.. -. --.. ,,."'"".1 ' ' ' ._ .. A ' ; ' ' ·' • e . EASEM£NT N0,33-23-5-19 GIBBONS SPECIAL STIPULATIONS 1, The required right-of-way easements for this project have been granted by respective property owners. 2. The subject ~•ter 011ln easement ls located within the area of existing easements as disclosed by: Instrument recorded under Recording Number 5511180 (Ingress and egress -The north 30 feet of Parcel B} Instrument recorded under Recording Number 7309060131 (To extend southeast 188th Street an undisclosed portion of Parcel 8) lnstrU11111nt recorded under Recording Humber 3919394 (Puget Sound Power & Light Company Electric transmission line -That portion of the north 30 feet of said pre111lses lying within the westerly 800 feet of the SW 1/4 33-23-5. ' ' i' . • ~ -9 7 The •~1d Grantee ahall hav• thft tight without prior institution uf a~y ault o, pro~ecding at law~ at auch tl~~~ •• ~ay ~~ n•c••a,ry, to ente~ upon the aatcmant for, the putpOH' of conat.ruuins:. repa:f.ring, aluring• or rec:on1tructing ,aid vater 1111n, or uk:Ln9 any connection• therewith, without incurrin1 any l•gal obligation or liability thcrcfort provided that euch con1tructing, repair1n&, altering or recon1tructin1 of said water 111atn ehall be accoapltahed in such• manner that the private taprovementa exi1tin1 tn thi1 ea,eiaHnt cball not b1 d11turbed or destroyed, or in the event that they are disturbed or de1troyed, they will be repl~~•d in•• good"a.condition aa they were immed.1ately before .the property wa• etatar-.:! upon by the ••id Grantee. The Graator •hall retaill the tight to uee the eurface of the ea1oeat if tuch u11 doa1 not 111terfero with inat•llation of the 'Water 1ni1in. However, the Crantor 11:hall not ~-_. erect buildina• or etructur•• on the Heea.nt during the exl•tenca of aaid eaHMnt. f•. The uaeaeot, durina ita niatence, · •hall ehall ba bindina oa the aucc•••ora, heirs, and ba • coven,~t running with tha •••tan• of both of the~•• UI Wll'KUS'/EO'F • wa have ••t our hand• and 1eal1 tbia Jr. ______ ,,,_...,,... _______ • 19 ... za.._ __ _ ciwn:oas, land and ,.~ hareto. day of .};n~)·a,~. _________ .,..· :......,...:..:___.__, .::.: I STATZ OF WASHIIICTOII~ H COUNTY OF KING ) Tb.is 1• to c.ertlfy that oi, thi• d4y pHaonally appeared before 11e ___ "_l{,;:~.':.:.~..a";;,·:_~·-··- • to•• 1<nown to be tho 1Ddividual deaoribod in and who executed tho within ...i foreaoina i11at-rument, and. acknowledged that . shg 1i1ned the ••• •• ....bit. free and voluntary act and dead, for tbe uaee and purpoae1 therein mentione Givan uoder .., band and official oe.i th • 19.a_, 1. The consideration for thi• 2. tbare are/111 El apecial condition• attached to thla ••1..,..nt. t is approved and re commanded. :::: ~~ ~}:: APPROVAL AIID ACC!PTMIC! by BOARD or COHKISSIONUS OP Kll!O COUNTY WATER J)tsTRICT NO. 58 , !q1peer • • • Attorney. Individual Acknovle.ia .. 111t !ASIMl!NT NO, 33•23•5•19 / ./, ': .. 4 ., ·, ' .,· ' i .{ ' i \ f '• 1971; .',,,,_ 26 " 3-t c··. nr:coRoS; 4 ,·;..;, ~. r,'OHs • ·:~ !!Ot:~IT'r', "lll'lfft. • t 4. •. ' l Filed for Record at the request of: SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 14616 SE 192nd St POBoxS8039 Renton, Washington 98058-1039 Document Title(s): SEWER SPECIAL CONNECTION CHARGE #267 Reference Numbcr(s) ofDocwnents assigned or released: NIA Additional reference numbers on page_ of document(s) Grantor(s): SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Additional names on page_ of document Grantee(s): SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Additional names on page_ of document. Legal Description: The Plat ofNorthwestem Garden Tracts, King County Washington Additional legal is on page 2-3 of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s): See Legal Description 20080226000498.001 _.....~ - • 8" N Easement No. 33-23- 6-S 1006 (tax parcel 73) EaaernentNo.33-23- 5-81008 (tax paroel 73) and Eaaement No. 33·23-5•81017 raot C Exhibit "A" SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT S&WSR LATECOMl!R'S NO. 2Cl7 Auria Woods Saee Map E-4 E sting Man ole 39- II02A, appl'Oldmately 62 feet +/·. aoU!h of 1he nol1heaat oomer of tax el 3 Man e 1183-1, 132.73 feet eaet of 1he west parcel line and 90 feet south of 1he nor1h parcel llne of 173 Manhole 883·1, 132. 73 feet east of the west parcel line and 90 feet aou1h of 1he north parcel line of tax r 173 Manhole 883·2, at the southeast oomer of Tract C of Auria Woode 20080226000498.002 U!NGTH 273.4L.F. 198.2 L.F. "-'°'' ,_ e Exhibit "B" SOOS CREEK WATER & 8EWl!R DISTRICT SEWER LATECOMER'S NO, 287 AURIA WOODS Base MapE-4 Existing MH 39-902A to MH963-2 (BPA CroHing) and Offslte All of the followlng described property that receives -r eervtce through mains es construction In the BPA crossing and deacrtbed In Exhibit "A". 20090221!000496.003 The Plat of Northwestem Garden Tracts, OMaton No. 3, es recorded In Volume 47 of Plats, page 73, records of King County Washington. AND The Plat of Northwestern Garden Tracts, Division No. e, es recorded In Volume 48 of Plats, page 100, racon:18 of King County, Washington. AND Any portion of Tracts 1 through 4 Inclusive, Block 1 and Tracts 1 through 4 Inclusive, Block 2 of the Plat of Northwestern Garden Tracts, OMslon No. 4 as recorded In Volume 47 of Plats, page 47, records of King County, Washington. ANO Tracts 1 through 5 Inclusive of the Plat of Northwestern Garden Tracts. Division No. 5, as recorded In Volume 47 of Plats, page 90 records of King County, Washington. Less the Plat of Auria Woods as recorded In Volume 220 of Plets, pages 78 records of King County, Washington. RATE PER EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT 10% AOMIN. FEE TOTAL L.C. CHARGE PER ERU $159.71 S 1597 $175.88 Note: Latecomers No. 267 area shown on Base Map No. E-4 Is approximate and the point of service oonnacUon wlll be used to determine all fees to be peld. LUMP SUM LATECOMER'S RATE: $175.88 PER EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT F:\0004\00Q04\03\LC20re,cB.doo 011117/05 RECORD OF SURVEY FOR JIARVJN WEHRJIAN LOCATED IN THE S.E. 1/4, OF THE S. W. t/4, OF SECTION S3, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.JI., KING COUNTY, 'lfASHINGTON . ~--~· .. ,.-----,f··+-;--.-_ ....... ~ ' :"~i-~-+-----------~;..;,,;· ' ' •, ,•,•/ : .. ti. "''11 t Ii: «~:~~ ~·-/"'" s,n U::H .. ,:i:i, I if I I I . .. .. BASIS OT lttAJmlGS: _____ ,,,,,,._ ... O,llll/llLCl10_""'° ___ _ ,,,_o.-w_,,,. __ ._.. _ ..... -.. -·7 ........... -. '°·-·---·-Ll:GAL DE1iCRIPTWN: l"D' -.....,. ""' u.nn:,,f!" .,_ ·- _,,.,.,, ____ .. ..._ ...... ,ur-.-.. .. -.. ....... ~"« ..... _ ........ _ ,_,,nc_,~,..,----nc...,.....,..,_._.& ~;:,..-... ~-===-= NOff:S, t.1ttl-..-'"' .. ----............... --··"--··- ,. ,_,..- ~ .. _: I =-~r.:~ ----+--f __ .,.. .......... :11111 ' •!:'~ ~ t ·.:t ............ ~-"'"·-.... _,,_._,; '''"' /Offll'C!!re,vl 6NtlX!N rlit'rG~ OIVl5IO( HO. 5 w:u,,e 47, f"'C"" ~~~ """"' ·--·-0 --......... -• 111117--,...·-- t.J'i C :2- \ • • ~ --------.. --------.---------... 1o111s:::;=~,uQ------------------+7 "'ff.P r,.,_-., ' RECORD OF SURVEY FDR J/ARVIN rrEHRJ/AN LOCATED IN THE s.E. 1/<. OF THE S. rr. 1/<. OF SECTION 33, TOrNSHJP 23 NORTH, RANCE 5 EAST, W.JI., KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON ORAPIDC llC4LI I" ,.90• .. • .. ,~ -· • l1: • .;a, i !~:" ~~::-..:iAI' l'l~' ll ~!:__J ~-·· ... ,,__,,...,._.,_,. ... ,,,,_ ______ __ OfflllloBllM.r,.., ___ _ ·-IW'EUHCI 3URn1'5': !Jl•J r.c.v ..,, -·· m . ..i -.,oJ,., 11'1)._,,.._ .... _______ ,,, (11',j r<a._.,..,. --. .w,;, JCl _.,,_ ~ ... ~oo:...-=:::..!r~-" .. -.... --. -""'., ......... -...-. ........... ,_,, laoJ •.o.l...__._, ____ ...__ ,.,.:, •o..r.--.---~ ... -.. • a • I • ' i i-_..,..._.,, ·--.... ,.,.-J :\"o.---""'-" _ .. ..., ____ ..... _., Of,,,.,.,_., .. __ _ _ ....... ,,.,,r:ff' __ ,,, __ _ INl'--ot--,. "'"111111-M--••rttrCF,,,.,.-or-,.J, ,,, ___ """"' ......... .._ .. _ ~~~-... ,.., ... _ _.._ ... --........ _ ... _ .... __ ,,,_.,...,..,, • .......,, "' ... '117 • __ ........ _.., .. ...., --_., ... _ -..... ___ (JI'_,,.,,,, .. _ _.. ............ ...___..._,......,,m.,..,_,._.. --"'"""1roor,JO-.,, __ ,,,,..,.. • ...,. __ ,rrr.,,.,._,,,._ -· -•-OF"£11l11Sf_,a,.,._,.-,.....,....,-...,_.._ ,,,...,_,..,_,. __ ,_ ...... ___ _ , __ .,,,..,,..,,, ............ _ _..._., _ .. JOI[ ...... .__ ..... _ .. O,OW'l_J\COO. ...... -- .t.mEND: ·----o----·--• :ars..-::':.;:.:r --{--:-""r'-~--~'":'~! .. ~~~-·-6---------,_._=-=-·-""-=·~--------~ ' ', ': ... , ... ,o.,n . ! ., ______ ---------------- ,~...,.,iw-. . .. --..--.i -------------- S.E. 192ND S1'. -·----... ,....,,.,·-.i-.. ---------·- e , FIRST ~~ ~1~ fil: 1?)~ AFTER RECORDING MAIL JO; Name First American 11tle Address 11400 SE 8th Street #250 Oty/Stl!te Bellevue, WA 98004 Document Tltle(s): 1. Storm Water Sewer and Drainage Easement 1111111111111111 20130927001468 ~T MERlCAN DIS e4 .H -1 OF 113 19/:z?l2t13 l&:41 KING COI.NTY, UA Reference Number(s) of Documents Assigned or released: Grantw(s): 1. Rosema,y Wehrman 2. [ J Additional lnrorma~on on page of document Grantee(s): 1. Soos Creek Real Estate, LLC 2. J Additional lnrormatlon on page of document Abbreviated Legal Description: PTN TR 5, NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO. 5, VOL 47, P. 90, KING COUNTY, etal Tax Parcel Number(s): 619900-0101-06 etal J Complete legal description Is on page or document lrder: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 EXOISETAXNOTREQUU'Jll> JCiDg c;,.,-rds ~ -·~ .Deputy Page 1 of 13 Created By: sholstlne Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST SfOIIM WATER SEWER ANO DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1HISS'IORMWA'J'.Ell,SEWEllANODllAINAGEEASEMl!Nl'(rhi,~isnde and .-..d imo u of tbis1::'.'.I. day of Seprember, 2013 (die ("Effcam Om"), by and ""-a llOSEMAllY WEHRMAN;• hu ,cpamc """"f'D<clannr) andSOC6 OU!EK REALESTAlE, U.C. • W..hinp,n limir.d liabilisy comp,my ("SOIE'?, WH!llEAS, Dec:lanm is die owner of dm ceroaill ral property da<nbed on Exhibit A amched hemo and made I part bmof (the "Declaona'1 Pan:el"); and WHEllEAS, Oeclanm is also d,e owner of rhac unain ...i l""P'rt)'descmed on Exhibit 8 amdicd hemo and nde a part heroof Jocaud adjacent to the Oeduam's P=I (the "Oec:larw's Btnelitted Pn,pffl)'?, and WHEI\EAS, SCllE is the owaerof that cenain ...t propertyadjac:em ,o Oeduam's llmeliaod Pn,peey which is <bcn'bed on Exhibit C amath,d bemo and mado a part bem,I (die "SOIE Pan:eP')(the Dtclannt's lleaef'md Ptopeny and the SCIU! Pan:el .,. rekind eo bei.io " cnlleaively " die •'Benefme<J Propeny'?; and WHEREAS, the lepJ descripaon of the OecJa..nn Pan:el and the ll<nefnwd Pn,peny is aaached hemo and m,do a part hereof II Emibit O; and WHEREAS, Oedannr, wiih n:spea,o the Deduant's Pao:el Im ena,red imo a Puichase and Sale Agreemens widt the King 0,wxy, a politic21 subdivision of the Sm, of Wuhington, ro sdl the Dtclannt's Pan:cl"' King Cowltyfor park and ...a purposes, and WHEREAS, Declanm, wid, rapr<1 ro the Oeclanm's Beoefmed P,operty and SCllE, wiih n:spea to the S0IE'1 Pan:el, haw each ...,,..! into a Pwclwe md Sale Apttmom IO sell their llenefmedPropertytoathinlpanywbo.....,..todeveloptheBentl'medP,openiaunduaCOOIDIOII ac:hem, m,d, as a part of that common scheme desires "' consauct <enain tlOml,..,., m>ml&" facilitia on !he Oeduam's Pan:el (die ·Gnnrce·, Facililies'? "',.,.. Beoefmed Pn>peny(Oeclaiant and i1s l1ICCtlSOIS and....,. widt n:spea to die Oeclaram's Benefmed Pareel and SOIE and ir, successon and assip,, are mentd to cnlleaivelyas the "Gtlntee"); and WHEREAS, Declanm grams, ostohlishcs, declares and OOINe)' for die bendi, of Benelmd Propenies an easemom for the pu,posa of connruaing and mana..ing en-,, FaciJiaes and to allow «>rlV<)OIICe of "'"'" """" from G......,•, Pacilitie, and for the consuucaon, servia, and rminrenance of the~. Facilities. NOW; niEREFORE, in ,wwdetaior, of the ll1ll<Ual c:ov,,nams conamed bei.in, the parties agree as follow,, I. Permanent, Non-ea,;lu,ive 5umn5e.,., Easement. Subjoato all of the tem11 and po,..., of tbis E-. Oeclaram, for mlf and ia succeuo11 and....,.., does herebypam, emblisb, declan: and COD\ICT, for iadf and its successors and assigns, a permanent, non-adusive nonn wmr ,....r easemem (the •Pemw,em SIOOD Waa,r S.-Easement") for the use, maimemnc<, opcacion, repuand ,q,lacemem of Gnruee's Fac:ili<i<,s. Tho Gna!ee's Facilities are described on Exhm E. Tho location and pbcemem of the G ....... , PaciJitios shall be determined and established bythe Grantee prior to COIMlODCemem of consaucrioo, provided, the location shall not ........,,.bly imedere with the uail S)S"'m to be cOIISINCIOd on dll! Oeclanm's Pn>peny by King Q,wxy. Al. such time as the Gramee's Pacilitin have been conmucud and the locaaon of the Permanel't Slorm Warer:Eas<mentha b«nestabtished, the G..-shaDreoo,danamendm:mtotbisOeclamionprovidinc11epl~ofthe•11 buils" locaion of !he G_., Fadlitia. G,a...., shd have the ,.in at times, and upon five (5) da,.· prior -. now ro Oeclaram, which do ""' ......-i,iy inwfm widi !ht Storm Water Sewer and Drainage Euement Pagel lrder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 2 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST aaiviaes of Deci....t, ID eou:r the Decw.m's P=cl for the purpose of illsp,cting. maim:aioing. imp.oftl1 and Rpai,ing Gr.wce's Facilities. 2. Temporaiy ,Itta, and Omnruaioa Euemom. Subject ID the ttm1S and provisions or this · Euemmt, Declamar, for adf, iu succason and usigm, does he1<by pni and "''""YID Grantee, for iuel, ia successon and migm, a ttmpOrary', non-aclusive easement (the "Tempot11y ll<as, J!uemem'') for mg,as and_.. ID and from the Declarant'1 Pan:el for the purpose of, solely for, vducular and pedestrian ~· and egrm to and from d,e Declarann Pa=I u ,my be rasoaablynecmaryforihe ini1ia1 """"""""of the G...-•, Faciliiie,. !be T<ll1)0nrYComauction E........,. ls pani.d sol<lyford,e pwpose of, a me Temponry O,IISbUClion Eaeman Alea ,ball be used byGmm.e solelyford,e pwpose of, a -.... and ocher constNClion -necenarily and -blr .. -to tht inilial construction of rhe G11JUe'1 Faciliies and coaneaioo to Decluant', Facilitio.s. 3. ll.iglns Raerved to Decluun. Dcda,om rball reaio me np,I ID use rhe surfaces of the Oeclanm's PuteL Occlanzu ,ball nor. however, have the rip,, to: .. b. Plan,: addioioml-,, slvubo orvepwion havmg deep roo< pmems which nay cause daimp to or mie,f.,. with rhe Gn=c, Facilioes; or o. .. 1op. bndsape or beaulily with rhe =<pcjon of the l>Uhlic trail and ..quired mitigation improvelllfflll the Bwdened Pan:el in ..,,...,. which ......id ~ly inc..ue rhe '°"' ro the .,,....,. of the Beoefiaed Pan:el of JeStoring rhe llwde,,,d P=cl and anypnv,u 4o....,m, the,em (unlc,, the owaer of the Burdened Pam:!._ to f:,'J.inc,rased con of n:,,omion) -,king from such developmmt, landscaping or aaoa; or 4. Muunance of Facilitios. Gmm.e shall ,epoir and maintam the G......,•, Paci1iti<s in good ,.pair and operating c:ondmon and in , ......,.bly sale condicion. G...-, ill IIICC<SIOr or anicn>,,hall,atiasolo<cotand-.mainwningocdordcrallstorm-.rbcili:icsonw ~. P=cl 1hi, indud,s, but is --to, the •leaninc and """""'1 of sedim<ms, ..........t _...;on. md debris ID maioQin f,.. flow or the ltonndninop disclmwe, Once dte Oetbr.mt's Beoef...J. Propmy and dte Beamted Pmpeny is developed for ..,idemial -..ion, the mainrtrvtnn: mpomilnlides will be d,e mpomi,iliry of me &_.-, Association of du: ..i;.:.., plot AD""' or........_., l<poiror i<placcmemof ~~ Facililies shall be bnme by die Gn!Re. II G...-,hall fail or ,.ha, ro perform the DIUdffllJ1Ce and repair obliptioc, set forth above, then Declama shall ha.. tht riglu ro pn,vide wri&tcn notx:e of sud, r,il ... to Gnm.e.11 G-fails or .. ru... ID per/om,;,, ropair and.....,,._ obligations 'Mthirt rhitty(JO) da}I of the date ol ,...iptof such noric, (or such ,ho...,. period as may be reascmab1e in me event of an emergency sination), °" fails to oornmmce such a.. within ,aid rhitty ()0) day period (or sbon,r period in the cue of an •me-,! and diereafwr daipndy punues the oompl<tion of in ,q,air and ........... oblipiiom, allaaual and........,., a,m incumd by O.danm. includiogmsonable Oltome,o' r .... ,ball be p,ompdy paid byC........ S. Repair and l\esromion of n.ci.--, P>n:e1. A,zy .....t< whi:h is pe,/onued on Declanm', Pamel cha is wiihin dx: scope of this Easemem shall be repain,d orm10ml oo me Dedmm's Pan:.t, original, or similar to original, condidon in o.dmnrs msonablo ci...rrrumion. 6. Compliooce ...i. uw. Declanm am! G ....... shall 11 all ana exen:ise their ripts bnm in oompliann: ...i. all of dx: requira,,em, ol them-. ominanc<s, nde, and..,..-of all publicawiorilies JiavinsjurisdicuonanduiooR-,onlm,rulesand......,. .,.m,m ame r.o time amenc1ec1. 7. Plans. G""""' 1haD )lR1Yid, O.clmnt with copi,s ol al plans and specifaaom for the Faciwes prior to commencing conmuctioo. L\,on Gr.mree's n,qum, and ID the e11ent Storm Water Sewer and Drainage Easement Pa .. 2 e , lrder: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 3 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 -'M PST • moilablo,Declatw,hallproq,clypn,videGnmeewihanyas-buikcbw,gsandasurveyfor die uail .. it miglR em ,bowing die locotios, and depd, of die ~. Facimios. 8. . Dtfault. In die evmtt Deda""' orGnnree b,_hesorfailuo pelfonnocobsen,c anyof the matetia1 teamo or conditions herein and shall fail ro..,. such bmcb ordefauk within WI (10) m,. of after bavin& been provided wmen nou:e ihmof, lhe --~~shall be entitled to aD mneda in cquiryor at law, save and ezcep.: for ~rminxion or nscinaon of the p.,._. ri&lm p:amrxl bemmdu and DO faihm, at aoylime shal CO ...... a waiver of the non-~ puty's right ro any,.medyforanyrutu1< brad, or default. 9. lnoLwif4bOU. Gnmeeshallpmtea,defeod,....,aodholdO.cluamhannlessfromauyand all claims, d.maad,, loss, damqe, "'I""" fmcJudii.>l! atromcys' fees), liem, chug,,, and liability of ewry kind and descripooa, including penoml ll1jury and for any dumce to, Joa of or detuuaionofpropmy..i....o.-sulferedbyDecJ.rant,iabein,sua:monand.....,orby myocherpenons, fllDII orco,pontions beaus<, byltalOII of, or arising fmm1be exercise of aoyof Gnmee's rigbrs pauted bmin. Declarantsball protect,defend, .... andholdGnmee lwmlm ffl1III any and all claim,, demands, Ion, cwmg., -(including atromeJ'S' fees), liens, chugn aod liabili,yof Offl)' kind and~ incbling penoml injwyand for any mmllF IO, Ion of or destrucnon of property wmoever su6ii.d by Gtantee, ill hein, SlXffllOllandas...,.orby,myocherpenons,fumsorcoq,o11tionsbec .... ,bylfttOAof,or arisiog from die negligent or mWllional miscon<kt of Ooclaiam. 10. Ruolwidube Laod. Theripsaodoblipliom of the pm,;.. shall iaun:ta1be benefaohnd be bindiog ~ 1be ponies htm, and their ... pec,ive -and w.ign,. Upon aoy amgnmem by DeCMm and G..-of their rigbrs lllider dm Euemem, Declanm and Gnmeesballbeforevcrzeloued,nddi,clmpdfromanyandallclaim,,damnc!,u,d~ done or occuning after the date of such usipunent. This p.,._. ,ball be binding upon ~s succeuon, .....,. and =hams for II long II Declannt and Gnmee or their IIICCffl0!1 and assign, opmu ml ... 1be Facimios. The ponies fuaber -!hat this Easement is ""' penoml ro the parties lu shall be considered a covenant dw rum w the land. and the rigba and oblipions of the · shall ...,. w rhe benefa of and be binding ~ rheir mpecrm, bein, IIICCffl0!1 :r.:::,. Because the p.,.,,_ is ormted for the benef• of the Bendmed Propeme,, which m adjacent ,ad coatiguous "' the O.duam's Pam,L the p...,,_;, an easemem appuneoaru "'the Decla,ant's P=L II. Miscellaneous. o. Waiver. No ,..;,,., of any of the p,ovisions of this Ag,eemem shall be effeane union it is in writing. signed by the p,nyapinn whom it is m<ned and any such ...... nmr ,ball only be applicable ro the specifsc innance ro which k .._ and sball noc be doemedw be a cominuins or fua... waiver. b. Govemioguw. This Ag,eemem shall be p,vemed by and construed in acconlance wiih the In,, oE the s ... of Wuhingron. c. Final and Complete bprasion; Alnmlm<m. 'l1us Agreement constiura tbe fmal 111d compiet, "'I'" uion of the parties wi:h -to the mactions comemplaa,d bc,oio. This Apemem moynor be modified, amended, altered, supeneded orwminared e-i,, by ao -mmt in writing si&oed by tho then .,,.,,.,. ol tho land who .,. benefaed or bwdened byw pmvisions or any......du-to this Apm,ent. d. Noam. Anyno<a,request,appn,val,consem,demand,orotbercomminicuion,equimi 0< penniard to be gi,m byeitberp,nyro die ocher l,emmder shall be in ffiioJ anc!,hall be deemed ro ha.. been duly F.!' when: delivered penonally or byovemigm cowier, trmsmmed by RClimile (provided the a.nf,umiou copy i, muled the same da}j; or ,-ived following deposa u prepaid c:eni6ed mail (lfflm -ipc ~ wisb the United Slate, Pona!Service; ll!dadclmted tothe apjAop,iaoe p,nyat a addaas setfonh Storm Water Sewer and Dralnq:e Euement PaseJ >rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 4 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST below, or• such o<ber oddm:s as such puty shall ha.. Ian 4erignaced by IIOlia: ID the other. GRANI'EE1 Storm Water Sewer and Drainage Easement lrder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 5 of 13 Created By: sholstlne Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST STA'Jr: OF WASllNG"ION ) <Xl\.MYOFKING Notary Public Slate of Washington Sherill Taduran Commission Expires 09-01-15 Storm Water Sewer and Dn1nap Easement lrder: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 6 of 13 Page6 Created By: sholstlne Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST below, or ac suth oiher addr.ss as such pony shall have last desigoated by JlCli:< ro the om,r. GRANTEE: soa; CREEK REAL l!STA"lll, ILC, a Washi,,gum limited liabwtycompmy By. Its: Storm Water Sewer and DraJna,e EasemHt Page4 rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 7 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST STATEOF~ ::,,..a !,or,,. Is'-'\ .,. CDIJNIY Of 1311113 l """"Y ..... I koow or haw ,c;,n=,y .-..... <he I"""" 'PP'WI belo,e "" ond muiag WI ~ ls the pcnoa ..bcae uw 1igmuw ~ oo tba clacw:nn.. Oadmdqponomlly,pp,,mll,d.,.. .. -...,.-..... ............. t.e.t.e,,.,... wbo ellltCUICd the wi&hm Md~ .imtnlme-. and w:hrlzrt,,:d ma m: s.igned ml! same -his -ad ........, ...... _ 1ur.i.. .... ond __ ........... Storm Water Sewer and Drainage Easement Pages 1rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 8 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/201~ 7:27:27 AM PST • EXHIBIT A Do:clannt's Pan:el THAT POIITION Of THE EAST HALF Of THE SOt.111iEAST QUAil.TEil Of THE SOI.TTHWEST QUAil.TEii.Of SECTION JJ. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, II.ANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTEllLY OF TRACT 5 Of NORTHWESTERN GARDEN TRACTS DIV. NO. 5, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THE!lEOP llEOlRDED IN VOLUME 47 Of PLATS, PAGE 90, IN KING CX>IJNTY, WASHINGTON. Sturm Water Sewer and Draiiiip Easement Page7 • )rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 9 of 13 Created By: sholstlne Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST EXHIBITB Declan111'1 Bcae&u.d P,opcrty TRACTS, NOlllHWl!STI!RN GAIIDEN "Il\Acr.i DIV. NO. S, ACOJIIDJNG TO !HE PLAT1HERl!OP REOJIIDEDIN VOLUME 47 OPPLATS,PAGE 90,INXINGCOUNIY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT"!HE WEST 150 FEETnlERl!OP, AS MEASURED ALONG nm SOUIHLINE OF SAID TRACTS, TOGElHEll WllHnlE NORlHERLYJOFEETOFlHATPORTIONOP"Il\ACTS OF SAID NORlHWl!STERN GAIIDEN l1lACTS DIV. NO. s, DESOUBED AS FOU.OWS: BEGINN!l'GATnENCll.lHEAST<DI\NEROFTRACT40PSAIDNOlllHWESTEl\N GARDEN"Il\ACIS DIV.NO.S; nl!NCE SOUlH l'llll'IO" ALONG 1l!E WEST LINl! OF SAID TRACT 5, A DISTANCE Ofl20FEET; 1lil!NCE SOIJIH fl9034 39" EAST, ISO FEET; THENCE NORTii 1 'llll'IO" EAST, ISO FEET TO lHE NORTii LINE OF SAID 11\ACT S; lllENCl NORTii 89".ln9" WEST ALONG SAID LINE, IOJ.J8 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINJ'; lllENCl SOUIH00"25'21" WEST,30 FEET: THENC! NORTii89".l4"J9" WEST, 46.89 FEl!TTOlHE 1?JJE POINTOPBl!GINNING. Stor'mWiater Sewer iind Drainage Easement Pages )rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 10 or 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:27 AM PST EXHIBITC Gnnue•,Pau! P,uwA; Lw X. Y and Z of Killg Coumyl!oundaryl.a Adj,.,...... No. l.061.00!IJ, m:onkd ooApril 19, 2007 under ltccording No. 20070.19900019, in <he offi:ial r=ms oE King County, Wuhingion. Pa=IB: AllOl>elldusive easanem !O<rood as disdosed byimuw,,om underllcoonliag No. 7ll08C'l0599 and 880531099), in tho official ..conls oE Kina Co.my, Wasbiogtoa. Tu Pan:el Number. 619900-0240-08, 61990().0260,0J and 619900-02U-07 Stonn Water Sewer and Drslnage Easement Pase9 lrder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 11 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:28 AM PST Exln'bitD DeclamDl"s Paa<el and die llenefilucl Pn,pcity PatcelA: Lou X, Y andZ of 11.ingCountyBounda,yLine /ldjustment No. LC61009J, r<eomed on Apnl 19, '1!JJl unduRecoiding No. 200704!9'Xl0019, in 1hc official -of King Cl,umy, Washington. Pm,;el B: A non-nz:luom casement for o:,ad as disclosed by iNaurnem wido:r &coiding No. 7BOIO'I0599 and 8805) 10993, in die official i«onls of King County, W..hingom Taa 1'ucd Number: 619900-0210-01, 6199Q0.0260-0l and 619900-0241--07 Pa=IQ 11\ACT S, NORlHWES'IERNGARDEN TRACIS DIV. NO. S. AaDRDJNG 10™1! PIATnll!l\EOl'llEOOIU>ED INVOL\.ME 47 OF PIAn, PAGE 90, INKING CX>lJNI"{, WASHING11'JN; EXCEPT niE WEST ISO FEET TiiEREOF, AS MEASURED ALONG lliE SOI.ITT{ LINE OF SAID 11\ACT 5; TOGE'JHERWI1HniENORlliERLYJOFEETOP1HATPORTIONOPTI\ACT50F SAID NOR1HWES11!RN GARDENTRACTS DIV. NO. 5, DESa\lBEO AS l'Oll.OWS: BEGINNING AT'rnE NORlHEAST<XliNER OF 11\ACT 4 OF SAID N0R1HWES11!RN GARDEN TRACIS DlV.N0.5; 'rnENO! SOUIH 1'08'10' ALONG nm WEST UNE OF SAID 11\ACT 5, A DISTANO! OF 120FEET; lliENCE SOUIH19"l419' EAST, 150 FEET; TiiENCE NORlli l'Ofl'lO" EAST, 150FEET10THE NORniUNE OF SAID TRACTS; THENCE NORlli 89"34'39" WEST ALONG SAID LINE, IOJ.38 FEET10 AN ANGLE POINT; lliENCE SOUTH 00"15'21" WEST, JO FEET; 'rnENCl! JIORlli 19"34'39" WEST, 46.19 FEET101liE TilUE POINT OI' BEGINNING. Storm Water Sewer and Drainage Easement Page 10 rder: 19183-()6 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 12 of 13 Created By: sholstlne Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:28 AM PST EXHIBIT E Description of FacililieJ SComi daimge pipe, Imm the lower poniom of the pmposed adjacent lob and Imm the pmpo,ed adjoccat dell:nlion/ ...... , qmlitf faciliq, ID beyond and below the ei...tion ol the Soos C..Ck llqional Tail pmpo,ed ID be imblled in the fullft by the King County Pub Dci--ntinthe ,mtod)-diinlofthe nilting 1001oot .... tlandbd:~ Tlx1e111>111ulm!mge pipe, will discharge illlD appropriate pbion ene111 da1ipator 111UCblm, dispeaion piu, and/or lewl spmdca ID dispene u 1umce llow toward the CU .... wetland. Storm Watet Sewer and Dralnap Basement Papll rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2013 20130927001468 Page 13 of 13 Created By: sholstine Printed: 6/27/2014 7:27:28 AM PST ; WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SurTff Insurance Company 3033 5111 Ave., Suite JOO San Diqo, CA 92103 Alta: Ron Ballard e 1111111111111111 20140912000897 JAlfl(Y , JAME DT 148 .99 PQGE-111 OF 114 ft/12/2114 \4:43 KING COUNTV, 11A DEED OF TRUST WITH ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS 2014091.000897 001 Thb DEED OF TRUST, mode July 3. 2014, between Swnmh fm,cbies, LLC, herein <Oiled TRUSTOR, ..i-addrm is 601 Carlson Pal<wly, Ste. 201, MIMOIOllka, MN ,no, and SurcTec laronna1ioa Symm1, l0<., hm,in <Oiled TRUSTEE, and SureTec 1-roncc Compooy bcttin called BEl'o'EFICIARY, WITNESSF:TH: Thal TT\ISlOJ' grunis IO TRISlc< in Trusi, wilh Power of Sale, lbal ffOI proper!)' in lhe Counl)' or King, Slale or WuhillSlon. described os: See allachcd EXHIBIT "A". TOOF:THER WITH lhe mllS, l""" and prof,u lhem>r, subjc<I to Ibo rigbl bertinafter confm<d -, lhe Beneficiary 10 collect ond apply such ffAIS, issues md profils, ror lhe pwpose or securing Ille poymenl of 1111)' and all indeblcdness or lhc Trustor 10 lhe Bcncfociary, whelher hemofore or llen:after llisi"8, including. wi-limiullion, lhc TruSIOr's dlll)' to '"""blnc lhe BcncOci'")' • set forth in !he Gtoenl lndanait)' A1rH111Cal cxecutcd by Tn,,wr to Bcnefocillr)' for all po)'IIIClllS, loaru, cxpcoscs, or liobiUtics paid, suffered or in<umd, u • rosult or the e,fflllioo hemof ... O< hcTcafter or. bond O< bands, by Ille Beneficiary on behalf or Summit F.--bin, LLC as Princ:ipol; and to scam, lhe pcrformoncc or each -, c:ontaincd in said Cienerul lndemnily A_...,,, and each IBJfttnenl contained herein. TRUSTOR AGREES: (a) To keep ,aid proper!)' in good condition and ffJ)llir; IIOI IO fflllOVC or demolish any buildin1 thereon; lo malntaln adeqWlle insurance """-; and lo pay II leasl tm days hero,. delinquency, all UIXes and asscssmenis affecting said propcrt)·, DII encumbrances. ......... and liens, \\ith inlemt. on said property or any pan thereor, lftd all cosu. fees and oxpcnsu of this Trust. (b) That upon default by lhe Trustor, the Bcneficimy may, wilhout no<ice, 111d wilhoul rqanl to lhe adequacy of aay security, hike ..,.....ton ofall or ony pnn or said property, and sue in his own name or otherwise collect the ffftlS, iaucs and profiis, including those past duo, and apply the """"• net of costs or collection including attomoys' fees, 10 lhe ;-.... securod hereby, wilhout WIUvi:r of def auk or invalidating of my notice or act done punuanl to notice. (<) That llenefici'")', or m,y successor in ownmhip or any indeblednns or obliaauon secured hereby, may from time lO time:, by i1111n1111<111 in wri1iq, subslitute a ......,.... or successon to any TIUll<C lll111lcd herein « ICling hemindcr, wltidt instrumem e.,eaited by the llenofi<i'")' and duly adutowledged and rocorded in lhe office of the ffeotdcr or lhe COl1llly or cOWllies witere said property is situllled, shall be conclusive proof or proper substitution or such succasor Trus1ee or r-. wbo sholl; without conveyance from the Trust« predecessor, succeed lo oil Its title, eswe, powm and duties. (d) That o c:erlificalc signed by Ille Bcncficimy al '"'Y tiJne hcmifter seuina forth: (I) lhal Ille said boad has been dcclarod forfeited or lhal O 1055. dom:tge. e.tpenditures Or [iolnlity has been SUSlllined or ineumd by tho Bcncficim)• Clll IICOOUlll or O llond ror lite above mmtioned Principal, and the date or dales and amount or amounts or sud! loss, damaacs, apendi"'"" and/or liability; (2) lhal poymmt bas been demonded orlhe poll)' or ponies on whose beholrlhe afomaid Bond was ""ecuted; and (3) !hat such loss, damqes. expenditum or liabili1y has not been paid to the Batefocimy; shall be conclusive and binding on lite Trust«, and shall be tbe worrant or tbe Truslee to proceed ronhwith to foreclose upon and sell the security boffin, and from the proceeds of sale (after deducting the Trustee's expenses including cosu or sale and semdl of evidenco or tide) P"l' to lhe Bcnellcimy lhe amoun, so c:erlified, includiag int""" al ten per cent per IIMlllll llom demaad to dato or payment and llloruty's recs. Upon delivery of said Certiflca1c to Trustee, Beneficiary ml)' declare oil sums or obligations --i hmby iJnmcdiately duo and payable by delivery lo Trustee or wriuen doclanlion or delilult and demand ror sale and of wriuen notice of delilult and of election to cause to be sold said proper!)', which nOlice Truslce shall an15C IO be duly filed for roccrd. THE UNDERSIGNED TRUSTOR REQUESTS that a copy of •Y notice or dcflllll1 md or notice or sale hereunder be mailed lO him at lhis lllldross here-... forlh. Signature orTrustor Summil frenchlcs, LLC By: Presidio Summi~ LLC, Member By: Presidio Men:ed Land II Activc,~C . By: :nr~~~ Nlfflt& Titte: Micha :un "':'iiiii2'r2 ~ Name& Tille: UI,,, , Praidcni 201<Ml912000897.002 . . • MINNESOTA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT /Vr State of-n n e 7QT~ County of jj-WV\.Q__?·, (\ ' AmifumtLJI On )vJ.va '1,..q. 1-0lilbefore me, , Notary Public penonally appeared IAl11IM...,._ who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ics), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the insmnnent the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PURJURY under the laws lft~~:~1 of the state of Minnesota that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my ~and and official seal. Signatu~d.JJ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not requued by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could pn:venl mwdulent reattnchment of this fonn. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION or AlTACHED DOCUMENT 0 INDIVIDUAL Deed of Trust with AssiB!Jment of Rents 0 CORPORATE OFFICER Title or Type of Document 2 D PARTNER(S) Number of Pages 181 MEMBER ofLLC 0 ATTORNEY-JN-FACT D TRUSTEE(S) 7-3-14 0 OUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR Date of Document OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Signer(s) other than named above NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) 20140912000897 003 .. NEVADA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State oflisddl I/IJA County of -t.h•'llr 0n rTt/lffJ/111 before me, sneri11 '1ar?L4KaVl-, Notary Public personally appeared Dnn Wbire who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s} whose name(s) is/are subscribed 10 the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s} on the insll'Ument the penon(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument l cenify under PENAL TY OF PURJURY under the laws Notary Publlo of the state of Nevada that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Slate of Washington WITNESS my hand and official seal. Sherill Taduran Commission Expires 09-01 .. 1& ~)\tVitf ~LAra~ Signature of Notary OPTIONAL Though the dabi below is not required by law, ii may pn,ve valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent n!OtlaChment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF AlTACHED DOCUMENT B INDIVIDUAL Deed of Trust with Assisnment of Rents CORPORA TE OFFICER Title or Type of Document 2 ~ PARTNER(S} Number of Pages MEMBER ofLLC ATTORNEY-IN-FACT D TRUSTEE(S} 7-3-14 0 GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR Date of Document OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Signer{s} other than named above NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) . . .. Parcel A: EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Lots X, Y and Z, King County Boundary Line Adjustment Number L06L0093, recorded under recording number 20070419900019, in King County, Washington. Together with a non-exclusive easement for road as disclosed by Instruments recorded under recording numbers 7808090599 and 8805310993. Parcel B: 20140912000897 .004 Tract 5 cf Northwestern Garden Tracts, Division 5, according to the plat th•reof, recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Page 90, In King County, Washington; Except the-st 150 Ifft thereof, as measured along the south line of said Tract 5. Together with the northefty 30 feet of that portion of Tract 5, of said Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5, described as foJIOws: BegiMing at the northeast comer of Tract 4 of said Northwestern Garden Tracts Div. No. 5; Thence south 1•oa·10· along the west line of said Tract 5, a distance of 120 feet; Thence south 89"34'39" east, 150 feet; Thence north 1•oa·10· east, 150 feet to the north line of sald Tract 5; Thence north 89"34"39" west along said line, 103.38 to an angle point; Thence south 0°25'21" west. 30 feet; Thence north 89"34"39'" west, 46.89 feet to the point of beginning. .. RfTU8N ,rre,v~ Puget Sound~. Inc. A1tn: ROW De.,.-(AEM) PO Box 97034 / EIJT- llele-WA IICION1M • PUGET SOUND ENERGY 11111111111111111 20150501000626 PUCIT SOUND EN EAS 75, It pjlGE.;efl OF .... 85/11/291111:11 KING COUNTY, 11A EASEMENT ORIGINAL REFERENCE I: GRNITOR (Owner): SUMMIT FRENCNIEI, LLC. OAANTEE (PSEr, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. SHORT LEGAL: Pin 01 E.1/ZOIU. 1.E.1/4olthe SW 114, Sic."' Twp. 23 N, Rng. OS E., W.M., K.C. ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCELS: 111900,4101, 111100-tNO, 11 l900-G241, 11IOM210 For and In """""""°llon of good and valuable conslderation, lhe receipt and oulf"ocioncy ol which ara hereby acknowf80glld, SUMMIT FRENCHIES, LLC., a Wnhl""8n Umltecl ltalllUty company ("Owiw" herwk,i hereby grantw and con-.yt lo PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC., a WUhlrlglon oorporollon ("PSE" herai,), far lhe purposee dllClibed below, a nonexclu1lv1 l)ll)lelUll .........,t <Nar, under, along acroaa and through 1hl lollowlng ~ -property (1111 'ProPIIIY" herain) In King County, Washlnglon: see ExHl8rr "A" ATrACHID HIRl!TO AND IIY Tlffll REFERENCE·-A PART HEREOF. e.cap1 n may bl --1181 far1h herein PSE'a righta -bl --upon 1het poltian of the Property ('Euefflllfll -· hareln)dnalblld 11-: feMMINJ NO, 1: Au. ITRE!ff AND RO,I\D RIGHTl-0,-WAY (8011! PRNATI! AND PUIIUC) M -OR HEREAFTER DEIIGNID, PU.fflD, AND/Ott CONSnlUC11!D WfflllN THE MIME DHCAIIED PltOPEltTY. (WHEN IAIO ITNiETI AND -ME DEDICATI!D TO THI PUBUC:, THIS CLAIIIE 1HA1.L IIECOIIE NULL AND VOID,) EAIIHENT Np. 2: A STRIP Of LAND 10 FUT IN WIDTH ACltOII ALL LOTS, TRAC'II AND OPEN IPACII LOCATED WITHIN THE MOVE -IED PROPl!RTY RING PARAU.11. TO AND COINCIDENT Wini THE IOUNDARIEI Of MID PUILlc: SIMEll, ltOAD --WAY, ALLEYWAYS AND PRIVATI! DIIMI, EAlaENT No. 3: AN EAIEMENT OWi! 1Hl5 -DHCtaelD l'ltOPl«'IY FOR YMll.111, PEDESTAL& AND REI.AlED FACLITIH ("VAULT EAIIEMENT") !ME-OR ADJACINT TO EMIMENT AIWl NO. 2. THE VMR.T EAlllll!NT AREA m 10 FEET IN-™, HAVING 5 FEET OF SUCH WIDlN ON EACH SIDE Of A CENTERLINE DEICRIIIED Al FOLLOWS: TH! C!NTERUNI! Of P8E'I FACIUTIEI M -CONSTIIUC1ED, TO • CCINSTRUClED, EXTENMD DR Rl!l.oc:ATED LYING WITHIN THE MOVE DUC-D l'RDl'l!ltTY, 10'.S-.S' "'"'-2013 WOI 105071591 /10lQOIA27 /RW-GlltllZ3/Con)onT- Pag11 ol4 20150501000626.001 rder: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2015 20150501000626 Page 1 of 4 Created By: mlharris Printed: 11/30/2015 4:29:17 PM PST 1. ,-. PSE lhall have tho right ID -tho E-Area ID -. open,18, rnoin1a1n, n,palr, repl8ce, impnlve, ,emove, upgn,de end extend one or more utllty 1J1*111 for -or -Ion, -butlon and ..,. ot gn end eloclrlclty. Sucll ayn,nw may -· but "' not D-IO: Undolground faclllUM. Condulll. linaa, ceblet. •aulla. ewi1Chea and fn111afoln•• for -Icily. plpN, llll*lnel, malna, lelonlll, c,ondulll, ~. g._ and ,....... for gae; fiber opflc cable end Ofher Inn, -end ,.,_ for oommunlcallonl: semi-lluriecl or grouncl-moomfed lacllltiu end plda, manholel, -· -· atlachmenll and any and 1111 Ofher -Ilea o, __...... necnN,Y o, .......... n1 ID eny or al ol the foregoing. F-ng the lnllill CIOlllflUCUon ol Ill or a POf1iOfl ol 111 .-_ PSE may, 1rom -ID time, c,onafrucl such oddllionel facillti11 •• I may '9qUlre for IIUCh sytfama. PSE -'-tho rtghf of 8CIOlal lo tho Eeeomanl ArH -and acn,u tho ~11y IO anallla PSE lo-ill rtghfapiladln Ihle -l 2. Enemanl Arn CINllng and llalntanance. PSE -,-Iha right but not the obfigllflon lo cut, remove and di._ Of any and aH bruall, -o, -vegefation in lhe EMemant Ania. PSE 111811 alto h ... lha rtgh~ but not tho obligation, IO con1rlll, on • continuing -end by any prudent and -mun1, lha -bflsllment and growfh Of bnJsll, "-o, other vegetation In tho Eaaamanf Area. 3. r,... Ol*lda Eaaamont Aleo. PSE ohal h ... Iha right IO cut, lrlm ....,.,.. and dlt-or any - located on the Property OUfllde the Eaoament NM that CO<Jld, In PSE'a aola judgmen~ Jmerla,e wlfll or .,... a hazlfd lo PSE'a oystama. PSE -· except In Ile even! of an .,_ cy, prior lo Ille uon:lle Of 1UC11 rtgh~ ldanllfy ouch frees and make a reasonable effort lo give Owner prior notice lhat IIUCh 1rH1 wil bl CUI, frinmad. -Of dllpooed. Owner -bl entitled loc:ompenaafion for the acfuol maruf .-ol meR:hlldabla -(II any) CUI and retnoveel tom the Propa11y by PSE. 4. Rn-Ion. Following Initial in-.,,., ropalt or -n ol lfa l'llcill1IN, PSE -· lo the Ufent """'°""bfy practlcabla, -landscaplng and surf._ and porllonl Of the p,_iy affected by PSE'a -IO lhe CIOndltion existing lrrmediatoly prior to IUCh -. UIMII Nici --done al the requeat of Owner, in which cae Owner lhlll bl roeponlible for ouch Nlllotatlon. Al raolotatlon which la Iha ruponalblity ol PSE lhd bl performed as econ as reasonably poslllbfe after tho completion or PSE'a -and -bl CIOOtdinaled wifh Owner oo as lo cauae tho ninimum amount ol diaruption kl Owner'I UN of !he Properly. S. OMlon Uao al _Ill ma. Owner,_. the rtghf kl UN Ile Eaumanl Ania for any - not lnc:onlillanl with 1h11 rtgh!s herein granllcl, ~. -· Owner -not -wlhin or otherwlM chlngl the g.-al 11111 Eoaamanf Ania or c,onllnlc1 or mainfllin any buldlnga or lfrucflno on tho-~ NM and Ownor-do no blasting -300 feet of PSE'a -iliea wllhoul PSE'a prior Wlill9n oonoent. e. 1-nlly. PSE agreos to lnden•llfy OwlW from Ind ogoinll llablllty incumld by Owner as a raaulf of lho nagflgonoo of PSE or ill c,ontraclols In !ho --or lha rtghla ""'81n granted to PSE, but notnlng -1111811 require PSE to indemnify OWner for !hat POf1iOfl ol any aucll Habiity attr,-lo the nagllg.,,.. of OWnlr or lhe nag11g.,,.. of olhoro. 7. Twmlnatlon. The righ!s herein gro-sllal ....,._ until IIUCh -as PSE termlnataa ouch right by -n inafrUm8nf. II tennlnaled, any imprwemenll ,emalning In !he Easement Ania ahllll blCIOma the pn,per1y ol Own«. No termination sllal bl clHmed lo have oc:cumtCI by PSE'o fallu,. ID lnstd Ila oyotama on tho Eaaamant Ania. e. Succnaora ond Anlgno, PSE """'1 '-lhe rlghf lo Ulign, apportion or otharwloe lnlnofer any o< al ol III rights, bonatlta, prlvil-and --ariolng In and under 1h11 -nl Wifho<II Umlling tho 8--"Y Of the ""-'"ti, tho rights and obtlgatlonl or the pa,IIH -be bfndng upon their ,..pect1ve ,_.., and ualgna. 10'-5'-5' PIIIIEMMlonl8113 W0.105019511 lt0704ll27 IAW.CJ91e2:llc.n,..T...- Plge2ol4 20150501000626.002 lrder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2015 20150501000626 Page 2 of 4 Created By: mlharrts Pnnted: 11/30/2015 4:29:17 PM PST DATED tllla~day ot_,_&-t...,\..._\ _____ ~, 2015. OWNER: SUMMIT FRENCHll!S, U.C, • W.ohlnglon llmltad loblll)' - By: SUMMIT HOMEI OF WASHINGTON, UC, • -hlnglon llmltad -lly co,apany lb:0,-UngM~L ·-Ila: STATEOFWASHINGTON ! SS COUNTYOF't/1/l(I ) Notary Public State of Washington Sherill Taduran Commission Expires 09-01·16 On this ~ day of /Jr!Pvi ·, J . 2015. be!ot1 me, tho underligned, I Notary Pubic In and for tho State of Wuhlngton. cUy c:ommlllioned and _,.,, petlOll8ly appearacl a,,.n -· to me known to be tho penon(1) wllo olgned 11 ....._ ol SUMMIT HOIIE8 OF WAIIHINGTON, LLC, a Waohlngton llmlled llabillty c:ompany In lb capacily II Oparetlng --d SUMMIT FRENCHES. LLC, U... Wllllinglan llmlted lablity compony that exec:u1ed tho within Ind foregoing lnotrument. and acknowledged llid inlllument to be NI fr• and YOMnwy ICI and -and tho rr.. and voluntary act and -of Nil limited llablllty company for tho UIOI Ind purpotll -rMnlionect, and on oath -11181 ho WII IUthorlzod to-tn• Nici lnotrumtnt on bthaWof -·-~company. IN WllNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto sat my hand and olllclll -tht day Ind y.-Int 1boVe -·· (S.~~rd (Prinl or attmp name of Notaty) NOTARY PIIBUC: In #ldJor 11t State d W1111ing1Dn. rtlkllng at ".Wlllldl/1 m1. /1_ MyAIJpolntmentExpno: Oq.tm,11>:J~ .................................. ,..,..... 10'-$'-6' Plat-2013 WOI 10501&51> I 1-IRW-123/Conyan T- Pogo 3Cll4 20150501000626.003 rder: 19183--06 Doc: KC:2015 20150501000626 Page 3 of 4 Creal:l!d By: mlharrts Prinl:l!d: 11/30/2015 4:29:17 PM PST PAIICILA TAXIO: 11t900-0101 TIIN;T 5, NOlfTHWESTEIIN GMDIN T-.,_ NU111Elll 5,-T0111E PLAT 111ERIOP RECOIIIDID 111 VOLUME 47 OP PLATI, PAGE N, IN KINCI Col.WTY, WAIIHINGTOII; Elrg!PT1NI MIT 150 FUT 1NEll£0P, Al IIEAIUN!D M.OICO lNI IOVlll UNI! Of IAIO TRM:T S; TOGelNIR W111t lNll l'OllllllllllL Y 30 FEET OF lNAT POIITION OF TRM:T 5 Of SM> NOIITHWEITl!191 G-.i T11N;T1 DmlloN NU1118Ell 5 DEIC-DAI FOUOWI; BEGINNING AT lNE l'OllllllEAST COIINH Of TIIN;T 4 Of IIIIID NOll'IHWl!ITHN ONuleHT T- DMaloN NUIIIER S; THl!NCE aovnt 01'08'10" ALONG ntl MIT L.INE OF &AID TRM:T 5 A DISTANCI! OF 120 FUT; THENCE aovnt ... 34'31" EAIT, 150 FEET; THENCE -01'08'10" EAST, 150 FEET10 ntE-™ LINI Ol' IIIIIDTMcf 5; THENCE -89°34'31" WEIT M.ONG -,NE, 103.31 FHT10 AN ANGLE POINT; THINCE aovnt 00°25'32" MST, 30 FUT; THENCE -,,it 89°34'31"WEIT, 41.89 FIIT 10 lNE TIIUI POINT Of IEGIN-. PNIC&I.B TAX1D:81t900-0240 LOT X OF KING COUNTY Bou-Y LINE AD.lulTIIENT NUIIIIR LOSL0093, RECORDED UNDER KING CouN1V IIECOIIIDING -IIER 20070419900019. PMCELC TAXID:819900-0241 loT Z OP KING COUNTY BoUNDMY LINE AIIJUITIIENT NUMBER L08LOOl3, RECOIIIDED UNDER KING COUNTY RICORDING --20070419900019. PMGELD TAX ID: 81tl00.0280 lOT Y OF KING CoUNTY BouNDMY LINE AD.lulTIIINT NUIIIER L08l0093, RE-D UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUIIBER 2007041l900019. 20150501000626.004 rder: 19183·06 Doc: KC:2015 20150501000626 Page 4 of 4 Created By: mlharris Printed: 11/30/2015 4:29:17 PM PST ' I 11. • • ' ,, : '1 11 ..... .. RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF RENTON IQSS SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTQN. WA 98057 ' • ~ 11 • • 11 . "· .•.. .. I L 11 "' DECLARATION OF COVENANT • ! ' ' I • 11 11 • FOR MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF FLOW CONTROL BMPS Grantor: Summit Homes of Washington, LLC Grantee: City of Renton Legal Description: Canyon Terrace· Lot 69 20150811000957.001 Additional Legal(s)on: ______________________ _ Asse5SOfS Tax Parcel ID#: 619900-0101 ~~"-'-~~~---------------- IN CONSIDERATION of the approved City ofRenton(check one of the following) Ill residential building permit, a commercial building pennit, a clearing and grading permit, a subdivision permit, or a shon subdivision permit for Application File No. LUA/SWP _______ relating to the real propeny ("Propeny") described above, the Grantor(s), the owner(s) in fee of that Propeny, hereby rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2015 20150811000957 Page 1 of 7 Created By: mlharris Printed: ll/30/2015 4:29:22 PM PST 20150611000957 002 covenants(covenant) with City or Renton, a political subdivision of the stale of Washington, that he/she(they) will observe, consent to, and abide by the conditions and obligations set fonh and described in Paragraphs I through 8 below with reg11rd to the Property. Orantor(s) hereby grants(g,ant), covenants(covenant), and agrees(agree) as follows: I. Orantor{s) or his/her(their) succ:cssors in interest and assigns ("Owners") shall retain, uphold, and proleci the stormwater management devices, features, pathways, limits, and restrictions, known as flow control best management practices ("BMPs"), shown on the approved Flow Control BMP Site Plan for the Property anached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. 2. The Owners shall al their own cost, operate, maintain, and keep in good repair, the Propert/s BMPs as described in the approved Design and Maintenance Details for each BMP anached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B. 3. City or Renton shall provide at least 30 days written notice to the Owners that entry on the Propeny is planned for the inspection of the BMPs. After !he 30 days, the Owners shall allow the City of Renton to enter for the sole purpose of inspecting the BMPs. In lieu of inspection by the City, the Owners may elect to engage a licensed civil engineer registered in the state of Washington who has expenise in drainage to inspect the BMPs and provide a written repon describing their condition. If the engineer option is chosen, the Owners shall provide written notice to the City of Renton within fifteen days of receiving the City's notice of inspection. Within 30 days of giving !his notice, the Owners, or the engineer on behalf of the Owners, shall provide the engineer's repon to !he City of Renton. If the repon is not provided in a timely manner as specified above, !he City of Renton may inspect the BMPs without funher notice. 4. If the City determines from its insper;tion, or from an engineer's report provided in accordance with Paragraph 3, Iha! maintenance, repair, restoration, and/or mitigation work is required for the BMPs, The City shall nolify the Owners of the specific maintenance, repair, restoration, and/or mitigation work (Work) required under RMC 4-6-030. The City shall also set a reasonable deadline for completing the Work or providing an engineer's report that verifies completion of the Work. After !he deadline has lrder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2015 20150811000957 Page 2 of 7 Created By: mihan1s Printed: 11/30/2015 4:29:22 PM PST 201508110009~7 003 passed, the Owners shall allow the City access to re-inspect the BMPs unless an engineer's report has been provided verifying completion of the Work. If the work is not completed properly within the time frame set by the City, the City may initiate an enfon:ement action. Failure to properly maintain the BMPs is a violation of RMC 4-6-030 and may subject the Owners to enforcement under the RMC 1-3, including fines and penalties. 5. Apar1 from perfonning routine landscape maintenance, the Owneis are hereby required to obtain wrillen approval from the City or Renton before perfonning any alteralions or modifications to the BMPs. 6. Any notice or approval required to be given by one party to the other under the provisions of this Declaration of Covenant shall be effective upon personal delivery 10 the other par1y, or after three (3) days from the dale that the notice or approval is mailed with delivery confirmation to the current address on record with each Party. The parties shall notify each other of any change to their addresses. 7. This Declaration of Covenant is intended to promote the efficient and effective management of surface water drainage on the Propeny, and it shall inure to the benefit of all the citizens of the City of Renton and its successors and assigns. This Declaration of Covenant shall run with the land and be binding upon Grantor(s), and Granto~s(s') successors in interest and assigns. 8. This Declaration of Covenant may be terminated by execution of a wrinen agreement by the Owners and the City of Renton that is recorded by King County in its real propeny records. rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2015 20150811000957 Page 3 of7 0-eated By: miharr1s Printed: ll/30/20151:29:22 PM PST 20150311000957 004 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this D«laration of Covenant for the Maintenance and Inspection of Flow Control BMPs is executed thi~day of Jv kJ , 20 (~ . ~L ~~-~ I> ' ---~~ ,.,),... ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) )ss. ~-,,._ J., -----J~2!..fl,lit1.-l.:-.d.{!J.!l' '.Z:_ ____ ,, to me known to be the individual(s) described in and who xecuted within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein stated. Given under my hand and official seal this~ day of ££:fW., ,201'5"'. rder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2015 20150811000957 Printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at ·111i111L11 JA/b My appointment expires /)({JbJ fl? - Notary flublle State of Washington Sherill Taduran Commission Expires 09-01-15 Page 4 of 7 Created By: mlharrls Printed: ll/30/2015 4:29:22 PM PST ~ :.; -i ~ ~ ~ -"' ::,: -ii -; l "' SI. " I ~ ;l_ 5 ~ I -i -"' .. ~ ~ i ~ r ., q I I I 111 I I I ,, I ~I n1 I 1 ,I I I ~ I I \ I I! I ~ l LEGN. WWWiot CMVQltl reRRACE -LOTM AIJOfESS: .......... ...ell P-N0:-01 LOT' Ml:A: 4.IIISF I . . . _. - MAXMJlil M'BMCJU8 COWRAalE AU.OWED• lft (3,118 SF) TOTAL IW'IIIVDJS A11EA: Z.117 SF f44" OF TOTAL N11!At TOTM. .. IMA c AUOWID .. N1EA CJ.111 SF c 1.111 SF) IIM)CMJMOIWEWAV GRA0E: &.n, ~- i!'--l satoi'...S w LDTIJNE~ • S-T-R~ GENDAL tarES;: 1. ROOF DRAIN c:c:MECTIONTOFPYC PPE SHALL IE AT ....... 168El.OW' THE FOOTNJ DRAIN OClfl ECIU. B.EYATION. . 2. ..:>OF' DRAIN APE SHAU 81 .-PYC e 2'I, ~ 8l.OPE. :S. NSTAU. ROOF DRAIN CLEANOUTSAT EVERY' llr IIEND AND AT TOP OF FPVCOIJIFM.L PIPE. Mead &Hunt ---M..TZ1.atl CANYON TERRACE -LOT 69 BUILDING PERMIT SITE AND DRAINAGE PLAN EXHIIIT A-Sl£ET 1 Of 2 SUMMIT HOMES OF WASHINGTON, llC 180GO CHRISll:NSEN ROAD, SUITE 303 1\JKWII.A, WA 911188 ::i ~ I § ( ( a ~ -"' -.. 6 "' R £ 0 -"' N 0 -u, al --8 ii! u, .... l .. "' g, .... i ~ I i -~ ~ -u, ... ~ N N i ~ II '11 .I lDT UE (l'IPICALJ--" Mead &Hunt ---M.V2t ... S-T-R 33-23-05 I / ~OEI.MEATICJr~•-'"------! \ ;R EStruffll I I i 2D1827801418) • • • ...,, .... --"""' a.DNCCft AND) A..lUIF~ t • 1 tWMltED A0CK '-... MIIDr~l!DPN.Uil)Fl.AT SECTION 1'rA Nii CANYON TERRACE -LOT 69 BUILDING PERMIT SITE AND DRAINAGE PLAN EXHIBIT~ SHEET 2 OI' 2 f-wo.c.---1 ~ .. _ T --.. IIOmtal WIii! ~ SUMMIT HOMES OF WASHINGTON, UC 18000 OiRISlBISBI ROAD, SUITE 303 TUKWII.A, WA118Hl8 ~ ~ ~ !:l § ( ( EXHIBIT B • From 2009 KCSWDM asadoprtdb)lth•Cityo/R•ntun C.2.1.9 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR nJLL DISPERSION If 1hc: Ml diapcnion flow C"OAlrol HMP is f>l'OPO'ed for I pf'Ojact. the rollowma m,in1cnancc and op,n1ion inslrudions mu11 ~ rcconled II an anachmcnc 10 lhc n,quired declaration or tOl'IIIUll ud put or eastm111I per Req~irc:mcnt 3 of Seel ion C. I.J.J {p. C-18). The in1en1 of these ias.uvc:1K)ru is to explain IO fu1ure pmpeny owners. me purpose of she BMP and how It mUM be maintained Ind operated. These inscructions are in&ended to be I mlnlmum: DDES may require addilional lnstNCtktns ~ on 1i1i,.apcciflc condi1iona. AllO, 11 lhc Count)' pin, ffN;lff: experience with the maintenance and operation of these HMh. ruwre updDlc:a 10 the instnK1ion1 will be posted on Kini County'• S11,f11~~ Wa,,,. o.n,n MfUlual WCNitc or the Cil)' or Renton SWDM webaile, TEXT OF INS'TllUCllONS YOA11 proper1)' contel,,s a ltonnwator rnanagll!Mfll flow conlrol 8MP (bes1 managemen1 p,acllce) called "lull dloperslon." Full ~ II • slrategy lor mlnlml<lng lht area dlllur1led by -lopmont (I.e., impe,viouo ot non- nalive pe,vlous surlacas,-. as concr,11 areu, rooll, and lawno) retallve to nalive vegetated areas (e.g., forested Ulace) logelher with lho appllcallon of dllpertlo,, 19Chnlqun lhat utllz11he nalUral capacily of !he native vegeta1ed araes to mlligall lhe stonnwator runoff quantity and quality lmpoc:ta of !he developed surfaces. Thlo flow control BMP has two p,lmary componenlS !hat nut bl mainQined: (1) tho davlou !hat ~ .. runoff &otn the developed au-and (2) !he native vegetated area. Dllpffllon O.W- The dlapenlon dlvlces used on your pr-1)' Include the following as lndicaled on the flow conbol BMP sill plan: splash blocks, rock peda, gravel flied 1.-.ncMI, lhffl llow. The size, placamont, compotilion, and downstream flowpatho ol lhaH -u depicled by !ho flow conlrOI BMP alta plan and design dllllla must bl maintained and may not ba changad without writlen app,oval tither from Iha King County W-and Land RHO"""' Division, the City ol Renton, or lllrough a future -opmenl permit hom Iha City of Renton. Dlspetsion davlou must bl Inspected annually and al1er major stonn evenll to ldlntify and repair any pt,yalcal dlfecll. When native soil la e~ or erosion channets .,. praunt, lhe soun:n of the llrOOion o, concentrated flow need to bl Identified and mitigated. Baie spoil should bl re-vegetated wilh native vegelallon. Concontntted flow can bl mi1igated by iewllng Ille odg9 of the pervlous area and/or regarding or replenishing !he rock In the dispersion dlvic:e, such u In rock pads and gravol·liled 119nches. Native Growth Relanllon Ana Tha nalive veo-iated surface required lor lull dispersion lo delinlaled u a "nalive growth -ntion area• on Iha llow control BMP lite plan. The lrees, vegetallon, ground OOVllr, and soB condltlona In !his arae may nol bl dlslUrbed, excap! u allowed by the ,_ng provisions for !hat Portion of !he native growth -nlion area outoldl ol critical areas and critical area buffers: 1. TrHI may bl harvested In accordance wllll a Cily of Retiton-app,oved Iotas! managemenl plan. 2. lndivim,al treas !hat have a atrucM'al dlfaot due 10 dloeue orOlher-. and wnlch lhraaten to damage a slruOlure, road, parking area, utility, or place of employment or public u.nbl)', or block trn8fQlflCY - may be toppad, pnmed, or removed u naeded to eliminate the lhreat. 3. Dead or lalen -· t,.. llmbt wilhin ton Ifft of the ground, and bnlnchn overhanging a residence may bl removed to reduce the danger of wiclflre. •. Noxious -(I.e., planl..,..... Hated on Ille Slate noxioul WHCl 1111 In Chaptor 18•750 WAC) and lnvasNe -.getation (La., plant species listed as abnoxioua WHds on !he noxious WHd 1181 adopled by lho King Counly Dtpar1ment of NatUlal Reoou!<:ff and Parks) may bl removed. 5. Passive rec:rullon uoes and related t-. Including pedeslrlan, -ian community and bloycle traa, nature viewing or-, b'*1g and camping mu, and other similar ,...11111, cla not require permanent SITIIClurea, an, allowed ff Clearing and soil compaction associated with U.S. uaes and lac:ititles does not •-elghl -nt of Iha nalive growth retention area. 20150811000857.007 lrder: 19183-06 Doc: KC:2015 20150811000957 Page 7 of7 Created By: mlharris Printed: 11/30/2015 ~:29:22 PM PST Name: Lot : 1 North: 160346.7785' segment #1 Line course: s56°32'02"E North: 160330.7952' Segment #2 Curve Length: 71.0829' Delta: 55°24'42" chord: 68.3449' LDT 1. txt East: 1308065.3959' Length: 28.9844' East: 1308089.5750' Radius: 73.5000' Tangent: 38.5978' course: s28°49'41"E course In: s33°27'58''w RP North: 160269.4806' End North: 160270.9203' course out: N88°52'39''E East: 1308049.0439' East: 1308122.5298' Segment #3 Line course: N88°10'51''w North: 160273.4882' segment #4 Line course: N88°11'28''w North: 160274.2437' segment #5 Line Length: 80.8907' East: 1308041.6798' Length: 23.9368' East: 1308017.7550' Page 1 Canyon Terrace Fleld Calculations/Lot Closures Renton File No. LUA 13-000840 Our Job No., 17601 r I ' REC',:,;vED SEP 2 6 2016 CITY Of RENTON PLANNING DIVISION LOT l.txt Course: N33"17'49''E Length: 86.7809' North: 160346.7784' East: 1308065.3958' Perimeter: 291.6757' Area: 4728 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: S47"02'03''w Error North: -0.00010 East: -0.00011 Precision 1: 2889377.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 2 North: 160346.7785' Segment #1 Line course: s33"17'49''w North: 160274.2438' Segment #2 Line course: N88"11'28"w North: 160274.5321' segment #3 Line course: N56"42'11''w North: 160296.6080' segment #4 Line course: N33"17'49"E North: 160360.6732' segment #5 curve Length: 23.6062' Delta: 90"10'09" chord: 21. 2445' LOT 2.txt East: 1308065.3959' Length: 86.7809' East: 1308017.7551' Length: 9 .1319' East: 1308008.6277' Length: 40.2127' East: 1307975.0165' Length: 76.6480' East: 1308017.0946' Radius: 15.0000' Tangent: 15.0443' course: N78"22'53''E Page 1 course rn: S56"42'11"E RP North: 160352.4385' End North: 160364.9518' Segment #6 Line LOT 2.txt course Out: N33"27'58''E East: 1308029.6321' East: 1308037.9038' course: s56"32'02"E Length: 32.9559' North: 160346.7784' East: 1308065.3960' Perimeter: 269.3357' Area: 4331 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: S50"09'58"E Error North: -0.00006 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 2669739.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 3 North: 160273.4883' Segment #1 Line course: s1'49'09"w North: 160206.3673' Segment #2 Line course: N56'42'11"W North: 160263.1746' segment #3 Line course: N33'17'49''E North: 160296.6081' Segment #4 Line course: S56'42'11''E North: 160274.5322' segment #5 Line course: S88'11'28''E North: 160274.2440' LOT 3. txt East: 1308041.6800' Length: 67.1548' East: 1308039.5481' Length: 103.4783' East: 1307953.0572' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307975.0163' Length: 40.2127' East: 1308008.6275' Length: 9.1319' East: 1308017.7549' Page 1 segment #6 Line course: S88"11'28"E North: 160273.4884' Perimeter: 283.9147' Error closure: Error North: LOT 3. txt Length: 23.9368' East: 1308041.6798' Area: 3984 Sq. Ft. 0.0002 course: N60"27'14''w 0.00011 East: -0.00019 Precision 1: 1419572.5000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 4 North: 160263.1746' segment #1 Line course: s56"42'11"E North: 160206.3673' Segment #2 Line course: S1"49'09''w North: 160173.5387' segment #3 Line course: N88"10' 51"w North: 160174.2675' segment #4 Line course: N56"42'11"w North: 160229.7411' Segment #5 Line course: N33"17'49''E North: 160263.1746' LOT 4.txt East: 1307953.0572' Length: 103.4783' East: 1308039.5482' Length: 32.8452' East: 1308038.5055' Length: 22.9586' East: 1308015.5585' Length: 101.0489' East: 1307931.0981' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307953.0572' Page 1 LOT 4.txt Perimeter: 300.3310' Area: 4468 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: S10'00'22"E Error North: -0.00004 East: 0.00001 Precision 1: 300331000.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 5 North: 160229.7412' segment #1 Line course: s56'42'll"E North: 160174.2675' Segment #2 Line course: N88'10'5l"w North: 160175.1894' Segment #3 Line course: sl'49'09"w North: 160137.8089' segment #4 Line course: N53'16'59"w North: 160195.3165' Segment #5 Curve LOT 5. txt East: 1307931.0981' Length: 101.0489' East: 1308015.5585' Length: 29.0396' East: 1307986.5335' Length: 37.3993' East: 1307985.3462' Length: 96.1886' East: 1307908.2416' Length: 9.5926' Delta: 2'27' 33" chord: 9.5919' Radius: 223.5000' Tangent: 4.7971' course: N34'31'36''E Page 1 course In: N54"14'38''w RP North: 160325.9156' End North: 160203.2189' segment #6 Line LOT 5. txt course out: S56"42'11"E East: 1307726.8687' East: 1307913.6782' course: N33" 17 '49"E Length: 31. 7314' North: 160229.7412' East: 1307931.0980' Perimeter: 305.0005' Area: 3815 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 Course: S68"05'35"w Error North: -0.00003 East: -0.00007 Precision 1: 3049997.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 6 North: 160195.3165' Segment #1 Line course: s53"16'59"E North: 160137.8090' Segment #2 Line course: S1"49'09"w North: 160087.2338' segment #3 Line Course: N88"10'51''w North: 160088.2118' segment #4 Line course: N43" 33' 51"w North: 160163.9668' segment #5 curve Length: 41.6598' Delta: 10"40'47" chord: 41. 5995' LOT 6.txt East: 1307908.2417' Length: 96.1886' East: 1307985.3463' Length: 50.6007' East: 1307983.7400' Length: 30.8080' East: 1307952.9475' Length: 104.5469' East: 1307880.8973' Radius: 223.5000' Tangent: 20.8904' course: N41"05'46"E Page 1 course In: N43"33'51''w RP North: 160325.9156' End North: 160195.3165' LOT 6.txt Course Out: S54"14'38''E East: 1307726.8686' East: 1307908.2417' Perimeter: 323.8040' Area: 5761 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: s37"37'35''E Error North: -0.00001 East: 0.00001 Precision 1: 323743700.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 7 North: 160163.9667' Segment #1 Line course: s43"33'5l''E North: 160088.2117' segment #2 Line course: N88"10'5l"w North: 160091.8552' segment #3 Line Course: N25"27'01"w North: 160124.0939' Segment #4 curve Length: 70.6834' Delta: 18"07'13" chord: 70.3892' LOT 7.txt East: 1307880.8973' Length: 104.5469' East: 1307952.9476' Length: 114.7720' East: 1307838.2334' Length: 35.7034' East: 1307822.8907' Radius: 223.5000' Tangent: 35.6392' course: N55"29'46''E course In: N25"26'38"w course out: S43"33'51''E RP North: 160325.9158' East: 1307726.8690' End North: 160163.9667' East: 1307880.8976' Perimeter: 325.7057' Area: 5324 Sq. Ft. Page 1 Error Closure: Error North: 0.0002 -0.00004 Precision 1: 1627057.5000 LOT 7. txt course: 579• 10' 38"E East: 0.00021 Page 2 Name: Lot : 8 North: 159947.0488' Segment #1 Line course: sl' 52' 51"w North: 159903.0002' segment #2 Line Course: S80'17'10"W North: 159885.7762' segment #3 Line course: N1'52'51''E North: 159950.3307' Segment #4 Line course: s88'07'09''E North: 159947.0487' Perimeter: 310.7407' Error closure: Error North: LOT 8.txt East: 1307751.5600' Length: 44.0724' East: 1307750.1135' Length: 102.0810' East: 1307649.4961' Length: 64.5893' East: 1307651.6159' Length: 99.9979' East: 1307751.5600' Area: 5433 sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: S7'07'41"w -0.00012 East: -0.00002 Precision 1: 3107406.0000 Page 1 LOT 8.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 9 North: 159987.0273' Segment #1 Line course: s1'52'51"w North: 159947.0488' segment #2 Line course: N88'07'09''w North: 159950.3309' segment #3 Line course: Nl'52'51"E North: 159990.3093' segment #4 Line course: s88'07'09''E North: 159987.0273' Perimeter: 279.9957' Error Closure: Error North: LOT 9.txt East: 1307752.8728' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307751.5599' Length: 99.9979' East: 1307651.6159' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307652.9287' Length: 99.9978' East: 1307752.8727' Area: 4000 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 Course: N88'07'09''w 0.00000 East: -0.00010 Precision 1: 2799957.0000 Page 1 LOT 9.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 10 North: 160027.0057' segment #1 Line Course: Sl'52'5l"w North: 159987.0273' segment #2 Line Course: N88'07'09"w North: 159990.3093' Segment #3 Line course: Nl'52'5l''E North: 160030.2878' Segment #4 Line LOT 10. txt East: 1307754.1855' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307752.8727' Length: 99.9978' East: 1307652.9288' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307654.2416' Course: S88'07'09"E Length: 99.9978' North: 160027.0057' East: 1307754.1855' Perimeter: 279.9956' Area: 4000 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: NO'OO'OO"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 279995600.0000 Page 1 LOT 10.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 11 North: 160027.0057' segment #1 Line course: N88'07'09"w North: 160030.2878' Segment #2 Line course: N1'52'51''E North: 160070.2662' segment #3 Line course: s88'07'09''E North: 160067.0351' Segment #4 curve Length: 29.3946' Delta: 6'02'50" Chord: 29. 3810' LOT 11.txt East: 1307754.1855' Length: 99.9978' East: 1307654.2416' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307655.5544' Length: 98.4479' East: 1307753.9493' Radius: 278.5000' Tangent: 14.7110' Course: S1'08'35"E course In: s85'50'00''w RP North: 160046.7998' End North: 160037.6599' Course Out: S88'07'09"E East: 1307476.1854' East: 1307754.5354' segment #5 Line Page 1 LOT 11.txt Course: S1"52'51"w Length: 10.6599' North: 160027.0058' East: 1307754.1855' Perimeter: 278.5003' Area: 3985 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: N61"33'10"E Error North: 0.00001 East: 0.00002 Precision 1: 278486600.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 12 North: 160125.7268' segment #1 Line course: N80°23'36"E North: 160139.5088' Segment #2 curve LOT 12. txt East: 1307657.3757' Length: 82.5842' East: 1307738.8018' Length: 74.2597' Delta: 15°16'39" chord: 74.0399' Radius: 278.5000' Tangent: 37.3514' course: Sll 0 48'19"E Course In: s70°33'21"w RP North: 160046.7994' End North: 160067.0349' segment #3 Line course: N88°07'09"w North: 160070.2661' segment #4 Line course: N1"52'51''E North: 160125.7269' Perimeter: 310.7825' course out: N85°50'00"E East: 1307476.1856' East: 1307753.9493' Length: 98.4479' East: 1307655.5544' Length: 55.4907' East: 1307657.3757' Area: 5909 Sq. Ft. Page 1 LOT 12.txt Error closure: 0.0000 Course: N33°24'16"E Error North: 0.00004 East: 0.00002 Precision 1: 310562700.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 13 North: 160159.8203' Segment #1 Line course: N71'10'18"E North: 160192.2334' segment #2 curve LOT 13. txt East: 1307618.6372' Length: 100.4332' East: 1307713.6962' Length: 58.5042' Delta: 12'02'10" chord: 58.3967' Radius: 278.5000' Tangent: 29.3601' Course: S25'27'44''E course In: s58'31'12"w RP North: 160046.8005' End North: 160139.5089' segment #3 Line course: 580 • 23' 36"w North: 160125.7269' segment #4 Line course: N89'33'11''w North: 160126.0380' segment #5 Line course out: N70'33'21"E East: 1307476.1852' East: 1307738.8019' Length: 82.5842' East: 1307657.3758' Length: 39.8795' East: 1307617.4975' Page 1 Course: N1'55'57"E North: 160159.8204' Perimeter: 315.2026' Error closure: Error North: LOT 13. txt Length: 33.8016' East: 1307618.6374' Area: 5301 sq. Ft. 0.0002 course: N46'54'53"E 0.00014 East: 0.00015 Precision 1: 1575476.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 14 North: 160181.8781' segment #1 Line course: s88"04'03''E North: 160177.8314' segment #2 Line Course: S1'55'57"w North: 160159.8201' segment #3 Line course: s1"55'57"W North: 160126.0377' segment #4 Line course: N89 • 33 '11 "w North: 160126.9741' segment #5 Line course: N1"55'57''E North: 160181.8779' LOT 14.txt East: 1307499.3130' Length: 120.0001' East: 1307619.2449' Length: 18.0216' East: 1307618.6372' Length: 33.8016' East: 1307617.4973' Length: 120.0405' East: 1307497.4605' Length: 54.9351' East: 1307499.3130' Page 1 LOT 14.txt Perimeter: 346.7990' Area: 6406 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0002 Course: S22"37'09''w Error North: -0.00014 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 1733994.5000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 15 North: 160221.8553' Segment #1 Line course: S88°04'03"E North: 160218.4831' segment #2 Line course: Sl 0 55'57''w North: 160178.5059' segment #3 Line course: N88°04'03''w North: 160181.8781' Segment #4 Line course: Nl 0 55'57''E North: 160221.8553' Perimeter: 280.0002' Error closure: Error North: LOT 15. txt East: 1307500.6619' Length: 100.0001' East: 1307600.6051' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307599.2562' Length: 100.0001' East: 1307499.3130' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307500.6619' Area: 4000 sq. Ft. 0.0000 course: N0°00'00"E 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 280000200.0000 Page 1 LOT 15. txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 16 North: 160261.8326' segment #1 Line course: s88'04'03"E North: 160258.2147' Segment #2 Curve Length: 36.4581' Delta: 23'12'36" chord: 36.2093' LOT 16.txt East: 1307502.0108' Length: 107.2840' East: 1307609.2338' Radius: 90.0000' Tangent: 18.4825' course: S13'32'15''w course In: s64'51'28"E RP North: 160219.9767' End North: 160223.0115' course out: N88'04'03"w East: 1307690.7068' East: 1307600.7578' segment #3 Line course: sl • 55' 57"w North: 160218.4831' segment #4 Line Course: N88'04'03"w North: 160221.8553' Segment #5 Line Length: 4.5309' East: 1307600.6050' Length: 100.0001' East: 1307500.6618' Page 1 LOT 16.txt course: N1"55'57''E Length: 40.0000' North: 160261.8326' East: 1307502.0107' Perimeter: 288.2730' Area: 4085 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: N87"07'02"w Error North: 0.00000 East: -0.00009 Precision 1: 2880243.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 17 North: 160301.8098' segment #1 Line course: s88"04'03''E North: 160298.8280' Segment #2 Line course: N81"21'51''E North: 160306.2402' Segment #3 curve LOT 17. txt East: 1307503.3596' Length: 88.4225' East: 1307591.7319' Length: 49.3635' East: 1307640.5357' Length: 9.7940' Radius: 271.5000' Delta: 2"04'01" Tangent: 4.8975' chord: 9.7935' course: S29"20'34''E course In: N61"41'27''E RP North: 160434.9933' End North: 160297.7031' segment #4 curve course Out: s59"37'26"w East: 1307879.5647' East: 1307645.3348' Length: 54.3243' Delta: 34"35'02'' chord: 53.5034' Radius: 90.0000' Tangent: 28.0181' Course: S42"26'04"W course In: s30"16'25''E RP North: 160219.9766' Course Out: N64"51'28"w East: 1307690.7065' Page 1 End North: 160258.2150' Segment #5 Line course: N88'04'03''w North: 160261.8328' Segment #6 Line LOT 17.txt East: 1307609.2336' Length: 107.2840' East: 1307502.0106' course: N1'55'57''E Length: 40.0000' North: 160301.8100' East: 1307503.3595' Perimeter: 349.1884' Area: 5073 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0002 Course: N28'46'42"w Error North: 0.00021 East: -0.00011 Precision 1: 1741834.5000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 18 North: 160346.7842' Segment #1 Line course: S88'04'03"E North: 160342.7577' segment #2 curve LOT 18.txt East: 1307504.8771' Length: 119.4030' East: 1307624.2122' Length: 40.0363' Delta: 8'26'56" chord: 40.0000' Radius: 271.5000' Tangent: 20.0545' Course: S24'05'05''E course In: N70'08'23"E RP North: 160434.9938' End North: 160306.2400' Segment #3 Line Course: S81'21'51''w North: 160298.8279' segment #4 Line course: N88'04'03"w North: 160301.8097' Segment #5 Line course Out: S61'41'27"w East: 1307879.5644' East: 1307640.5357' Length: 49.3635' East: 1307591.7318' Length: 88.4225' East: 1307503.3596' Page 1 course: N1"55'57''E North: 160346.7841' Perimeter: 342.2253' Error closure: Error North: LOT 18.txt Length: 45.0000' East: 1307504.8771' Area: 5608 sq. Ft. 0.0002 course: S2"15 '27"E -0.00015 East: 0.00001 Precision 1: 1710945.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 19 North: 160386.7615' segment #1 Line course: S88'04'03"E North: 160383.1568' Segment #2 Curve LOT 19.txt East: 1307506.2260' Length: 106.8938' East: 1307613.0590' Length: 41.9521' Delta: 8'51'12" chord: 41. 9104' Radius: 271.5000' Tangent: 21.0179' course: S15'26'01''E course In: N78'59'35"E RP North: 160434.9938' End North: 160342.7577' Segment #3 Line course: N88'04'03"w North: 160346.7842' Segment #4 Line course: N1'55'57"E North: 160386.7615' Perimeter: 308.2490' course out: S70'08'23''w East: 1307879.5645' East: 1307624.2123' Length: 119.4030' East: 1307504.8772' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307506.2261' Area: 4503 Sq. Ft. Page 1 Error Closure: Error North: 0.0001 -0.00000 Precision 1: 3082072.0000 LOT 19. txt course: s88°17'56"E East: 0.00006 Page 2 Name: Lot : 20 North: 160426.7387' Segment #1 Line course: s88°04'03"E North: 160423.3396' segment #2 curve LDT 20.txt East: 1307507.5749' Length: 100.7973' East: 1307608.3148' Length: 40.4995' Delta: 8°32'48" chord: 40.4619' Radius: 271.5000' Tangent: 20.2874' course: S6°44'01''E Course In: N87°32'23''E RP North: 160434.9943' End North: 160383.1569' segment #3 Line course: N88°04'03''w North: 160386.7615' Segment #4 Line course: Nl 0 55'57''E North: 160426.7388' Perimeter: 288.1906' course out: S78'59'35"w East: 1307879.5646' East: 1307613.0591' Length: 106.8938' East: 1307506.2261' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307507.5750' Area: 4133 Sq. Ft. Page 1 LOT 20.txt Error closure: 0.0001 course: N73"57'05''E Error North: 0.00004 East: 0.00014 Precision 1: 2881530.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 21 North: 160474.7114' segment #1 Line course: s88"04'03''E North: 160472.1823' LOT 21. txt East: 1307509.1935' Length: 74.9997' East: 1307584.1505' Segment #2 curve Length: 39.2699' Delta: 90"00'00" chord: 35.3553' Radius: 25.0000' Tangent: 25.0000' course: S43"04'03''E course In: s1"55'57"w RP North: 160447.1965' End North: 160446.3535' course out: S88"04'03''E East: 1307583.3075' East: 1307608.2932' Segment #3 Line course: S1"55'57''w North: 160444.1487' Segment #4 Curve Length: 20.8144' Delta: 4 • 23' 33" Chord: 20.8093' Length: 2.2060' East: 1307608.2189' Radius: 271.5000' Tangent: 10.4123' Course: S0"15'5D''E course In: S88"04'03''E RP North: 160434.9932' Course Out: S87"32'23"W East: 1307879.5644' Page 1 End North: 160423.3397' Segment #5 Line Course: N88'04'03"W North: 160426.7388' segment #6 Line LOT 21. txt East: 1307608.3147' Length: 100.7973' East: 1307507.5747' Course: N1'55'57"E Length: 48.0000' North: 160474.7115' East: 1307509.1934' Perimeter: 286.0873' Area: 4671 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0. 0001 course: N80' 22' 14 "w Error North: 0.00002 East: -0.00011 Precision 1: 2821676.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 22 North: 160574.6546' segment #1 Line course: s88"04'03''E North: 160571.2824' segment #2 Line Course: S1"55'57"w North: 160535.8026' segment #3 curve Length: 30.6305' Delta: 90"00'00" chord: 27. 5772' LOT 22. txt East: 1307512.5657' Length: 99.9996' East: 1307612.5084' Length: 35.5000' East: 1307611.3113' Radius: 19.5000' Tangent: 19.5000' course: S46"55'57''w Course In: N88"04'03"W RP North: 160536.4601' End North: 160516.9712' Course out: Sl"55'57"w East: 1307591.8224' East: 1307591.1647' Segment #4 Line course: N88"04'03"w North: 160519.6858' segment #5 Line Length: 80.4997' East: 1307510.7108' Page 1 LOT 22. txt course: Nl'55'57''E Length: 55.0000' North: 160574.6545' East: 1307512.5655' Perimeter: 301.6298' Area: 5418 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0001 course: S80'34'4l"w Error North: -0.00002 East: -0.00013 Precision 1: 2985765.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 23 North: 160617.7632' Segment #1 Line course: S89"08'33''E North: 160615.9630' segment #2 Line course: Sl'55'57''w North: 160605.5791' Segment #3 Line course: N88'04'03''w North: 160605.9163' Segment #4 Line course: Sl"55'57"w North: 160570.9362' Segment #5 Line course: N88'04'03"w North: 160571.2825' LOT 23.txt East: 1307514.0202' Length: 120.2888' East: 1307634.2955' Length: 10.3898' East: 1307633.9452' Length: 10.0000' East: 1307623.9508' Length: 35.0000' East: 1307622.7706' Length: 10.2681' East: 1307612.5083' Page 1 Segment #6 Line course: N88'04'03"w North: 160574.6547' segment #7 Line LOT 23.txt Length: 99.9996' East: 1307512.5656' Course: Nl • 55' 57"E Length: 43 .1332' North: 160617.7634' East: 1307514.0201' Perimeter: 329.0794' Area: 4973 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0002 course: N22'03'59"w Error North: 0.00016 East: -0.00007 Precision 1: 1645397.5000 Page 2 LOT 24.txt Name: Lot : 24 North: 160615. 9630' East: 1307634. 2955 'segment #1 : Li necourse: 589 · 08' 33 "E Length: 29.7203'North: 160615.5183' East: 1307664.0125'Se~ment #2 : Linecourse: S89"08'12"E Length: 93.0330'North: 160614.1165 East: 1307757.0349'segment #3 : Linecourse: Sl 0 55'57''w Length: 47.6833'North: 160566.4603' East: 1307755.4270'segment #4 : Linecourse: N88°04'03"w Length: 98.0000'North: 160569.7651' East: 1307657.4827'Segment #5 Linecourse: N88"04'03"w Length: 14. 7319'North: 160570.2619' East: 1307642.7592'Segment #6 : Linecourse: Nl 0 55'57''E Length: 35.0000'North: 160605. 2420' East: 1307643. 9394' segment #7 : Li necourse: N88 °04 '03"w Length: 10.0000'North: 160605.5792' East: 1307633.9451'Se~ment #8 : Linecourse: Nl 0 55'57"E Length: 10.3898'North: 160615.9631 East: 1307634.2955'Perimeter: 338.5583' Area: 5362 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0000 Course: N43"32'2l"wError North: 0.00003 East: -0.00003Precision 1: 338558300.0000 Page 1 Name: Lot : 2 5 North: 160569.7651' Segment #1 Line course: S88"04'03''E North: 160566.4604' Segment #2 Line course: sl · 55' 57"w North: 160526.4831' Segment #3 Line Course: N88"04'03"W North: 160529.7879' segment #4 Line LOT 25.txt East: 1307657.4828' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307755.4271' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307754.0782' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307656.1339' course: N1"55'57''E Length: 40.0000' North: 160569.7651' East: 1307657.4828' Perimeter: 276.0000' Area: 3920 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 course: NO"OO'OO"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 276000000.0000 Page 1 LOT 25. txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 26 North: 160529.7879' segment #1 Line course: s88'04'03"E North: 160526.4831' segment #2 Line course: S1'55'57"w North: 160486.5059' segment #3 Line course: N88'04'03"w North: 160489.8106' segment #4 Line LOT 26.txt East: 1307656.1340' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307754.0782' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307752.7294' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307654.7851' course: N1'55'57"E Length: 40.0000' North: 160529.7879' East: 1307656.1340' Perimeter: 276.0000' Area: 3920 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: NO'OO'OO"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 276000000.0000 Page 1 LOT 26.txt Page 2 I Name: Lot : 27 North: 160489.8106' segment #1 Line Course: S88'04'03"E North: 160486.5059' segment #2 Line course: s1'55'57''w North: 160446.5286' segment #3 Line course: N88'04'03"w North: 160449.8334' Segment #4 Line course: N1'55'57"E North: 160489.8106' Perimeter: 276.0000' Error closure: Error North: LOT 27.txt East: 1307654.7852' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307752.7294' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307751.3805' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307653.4363' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307654.7852' Area: 3920 sq. Ft. 0.0000 course: NO'OO'OO"E 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 276000000.0000 Page 1 LOT 27.txt Page 2 Name: Lot :28 North: 160449.8334' segment #1 Line course: s88.04'03"E North: 160446.5286' Segment #2 Line course: 51 • 55' 57"w North: 160439.3267' segment #3 curve Length: 28.3773' Delta: 12°39'10"' LDT 28.txt East: 1307653.4364' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307751.3806' Length: 7.2060' East: 1307751.1376' Radius: 128.5000' Tangent: 14.2466' chord: 28.3197' course: s4•23•39''E course In: S88.04'03''E course out: 579•16'46"w RP North: 160434.9934' East: 1307879.5645' End North: 160411.0903' East: 1307753.3074' Segment #4 Line course: S79.16'46"w North: 160392.8604' segment #5 curve Length: 98.0000' East: 1307657.0179' Page 1 LOT 28.txt Length: 50.0191' oelta: 12'39'10" chord: 49.9175' Radius: 226.5000' Tangent: 25.1117' course: N4 • 23' 39"W course In: N79'16'46"E RP North: 160434.9937' End North: 160442.6312' course out: N88'04'03"w East: 1307879.5646' East: 1307653.1933' Segment #6 Line course: N1'55'57"E Length: 7.2060' North: 160449.8331' East: 1307653.4363' Perimeter: 288.8084' Area: 4548 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0003 course: S4'50'21"W Error North: -0.00033 East: -0.00003 Precision 1: 962164.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 29 North: 160392.8607' Segment #1 Line course: N79"16'46''E North: 160411.0905' LDT 29.txt East: 1307657.0178' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307753.3073' segment #2 curve Length: 34.6128' Delta: 15"26'00" Chord: 34. 5083' Radius: 128.5000' Tangent: 17.4118' course: S18"26'14''E course In: N79"16'46"E RP North: 160434.9940' End North: 160378.3535' course out: s63"50'47"w East: 1307879.5645' East: 1307764.2211' segment #3 Line course: S63"50'47"w North: 160335.1571' segment #4 curve Length: 61.0101' Delta: 15"26'00'' chord: 60.8258' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307676.2548' Radius: 226.5000' Tangent: 30.6908' course: Nl8"26'14"w course In: N63"50'47''E RP North: 160434.9936' course out: S79"16'46"w East: 1307879.5647' Page 1 End North: 160392.8608' Perimeter: 291.6229' Error closure: LOT 29.txt East: 1307657.0177' Area: 4686 Sq. Ft. 0.0002 course: N37"59'40''w Error North: 0.00015 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 1456670.5000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 30 North: 160335.1569' Segment #1 Line course: N63°50'47"E North: 160378.3533' Segment #2 curve Length: 15.6873' Delta: 6' 59'41" chord: 15. 6775' LOT 30.txt East: 1307676.2548' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307764.2211' Radius: 128.5000' Tangent: 7.8534' course: s29'39'04"E course In: N63' 50 '47"E RP North: 160434.9934' End North: 160364.7287' course out: s56'51'06"w East: 1307879.5647' East: 1307771.9771' segment #3 Line course: s33'08'54''E North: 160346.4170' segment #4 Line course: S56'51'06''w North: 160292.8297' segment #5 Line Length: 21.8711' East: 1307783.9364' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307701.8851' Page 1 course: N33'08'54''w North: 160311.1415' segment #6 Curve Length: 27.6511' LOT 30.txt Length: 21.8711' East: 1307689.9258' Radius: 226.5000' Delta: 6'59'41" Tangent: 13.8428' chord: 27.6339' course: N29'39'04"w course In: N56'51'06''E course out: s63'50'47''w RP North: 160434.9936' East: 1307879.5647' End North: 160335.1568' East: 1307676.2548' Perimeter: 283.0806' Area: 4267 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: S13'59'05"E Error North: -0.00010 East: 0.00003 Precision 1: 2830536.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 31 North: 160292.8298' Segment #1 Line course: N56"51'06''E North: 160346.4170' segment #2 Line course: s33"08'54"E North: 160312.9267' Segment #3 Line course: S56"51'06''w North: 160259.3395' Segment #4 Line Course: N33"08'54"w North: 160292.8298' Perimeter: 276.0000' Error closure: Error North: LOT 31. txt East: 1307701.8851' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307783.9364' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307805.8087' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307723.7574' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307701.8851' Area: 3920 Sq. Ft. 0.0000 Course: NO"OO'OO"E 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 276000000.0000 Page 1 LOT 31. txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 32 North: 160259.3395' segment #1 Line course: N56'51'06"E North: 160312.9267' Segment #2 Line course: S33'08'54''E North: 160279.4364' segment #3 Line course: s56'51'06"w North: 160225.8492' segment #4 Line LOT 32.txt East: 1307723.7575' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307805.8087' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307827.6811' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307745.6298' course: N33'08'54''w Length: 40.0000' North: 160259.3395' East: 1307723.7575' Perimeter: 276.0000' Area: 3920 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: NO'OO'OO"E Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Precision 1: 276000000.0000 Page 1 LOT 32.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 33 North: 160225.8492' segment #1 Line course: N56°51'06"E North: 160279.4364' segment #2 Line course: s33°08'54''E North: 160245.9461' segment #3 Line course: s56°51'06"w North: 160191.1712' segment #4 curve Length: 37.5085' Delta: 6°38'36" LOT 33.txt East: 1307745.6298' Length: 98.0000' East: 1307827.6811' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307849.5534' Length: 100.1720' East: 1307765.6837' Radius: 323.5000' Tangent: 18.7753' Chord: 37 .4875' course: N29°49' 36"W course In: s63°29'41"w course out: NS6°51'06"E RP North: 160046.7995' East: 1307476.1857' End North: 160223.6929' East: 1307747.0382' segment #5 Line Page 1 LOT 33.txt course: N33'08'54''w Length: 2.5755' North: 160225.8492' East: 1307745.6299' Perimeter: 278.2560' Area: 3947 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: N43'20'51''E Error North: 0.00006 East: 0.00006 Precision 1: 2782350.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 34 North: 160191.1712' Segment #1 Line course: N56"51'06''E North: 160245.9461' segment #2 Line course: s33"08'54''E North: 160217.1188' Segment #3 curve Length: 81.6863' Delta: 26"13'12" chord: 80.9754' LDT 34.txt East: 1307765.6836' Length: 100.1720' East: 1307849.5534' Length: 34.4306' East: 1307868.3804' Radius: 178.5000' Tangent: 41.5712' course: s50"39'50"w course In: N52"26'46''w RP North: 160325.9159' End North: 160165.7911' course out: 526"13' 34"E East: 1307726.8691' East: 1307805.7507' segment #4 curve Length: 40.2672' Delta: 92°17'08"' chord: 36.0534' Radius: 25.0000' Tangent: 26.0177' course: N70"05'00"w course In: N26"13'34"w RP North: 160188.2175' course out: s66"03'34"w East: 1307794.7028' Page 1 End North: 160178.0728' Segment #5 curve LOT 34.txt East: 1307771.8537' Length: 14.4801' Delta: 2"33'53" Chord: 14.4789' Radius: 323.5000' Tangent: 7.2413' course: N25"13'22''w course In: S66"03'34"w RP North: 160046.8001' End North: 160191.1712' Perimeter: 271.0362' Error closure: course out: N63"29'41''E East: 1307476.1854' East: 1307765.6837' Area: 4174 Sq. Ft. 0.0000 Course: N42"41'47"E Error North: 0.00001 East: 0.00001 Precision 1: 266110300.0000 Page 2 LOT 35.txt Name: Lot : 35 North: 160373.7252' East: 1307889.5759'Segment #1 : Linecourse: N53"24'33''E Length: 97.3401'North: 160431.7493' East: 1307967.7315'Segment #2 curve Length: 19. 0167' Radius: 235. 5000' Del ta: 4 · 37' 36" Tan~ent: 9.5135'chord: 19.0115' course: S45"51'23"ECourse In: N46"27'24 E course out: S41"49'49"WRP North: 160593.9860' East: 1308138.4345'End North: 160418.5086' East: 1307981.3741'segment #3 : curveLength: 27.7264' Radius: 19.5000'oelta: 81' 28 '01" Tangent: 16. 7924' chord: 25. 4491' course: S7' 26' ll"Ecourse rn: S41'49'49"w course out: S56'42'11"ERP North: 160403.9787' East: 1307968.3690'End North: 160393.2735' East: 1307984.6679'se9ment #4 : Linecourse: S33'17'49"w Length: 81.8699'North: 160324.8437 East: 1307939.7231'Segment #5 : curveLength: 70.1347' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 10' 51' 38" Tangent: 35 .1727 'chord: 70. 0298' course: N45 • 43' 56"wcourse In: N38'50'15''E course out: S49'41'53''WRP North: 160613.0469' East: 1308171.7552'End North: 160373.7254' East: 1307889.5757'Perimeter: 296.0877' Area: 5117 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0002 course: N49'58'53"WError North: 0.00013 East: -0.00015Precision 1: 1468502.0000 Page 1 LOT 36.txt Name: Lot : 36 North: 160412.6632' East: 1307860.7144'segment #1 : Linecourse: N59"50'17''E Length: 96.3556'North: 160461.0767' East: 1307944.0243'Segment #2 curveLength: 37.7518' Radius: 235.5000'oelta: 9"11'05'' Tangent: 18.9164'chord: 37.7114' course: S38"57'03"ECourse In: N55"38'30"E Course Out: S46"27'24''WRP North: 160593.9850' East: 1308138.4352'End North: 160431.7490' East: 1307967.7317'Segment #3 : LineCourse: S53"24'33''w Length: 97.340l'North: 160373.7250' East: 1307889.5761'Segment #4 curveLength: 48.5027' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"30'39'' Tangent: 24.2862'chord: 48.4680' Course: N36"32'47"wcourse In: N49"41'53"E course Out: S57"12'32''WRP North: 160613.0467' East: 1308171.7552'End North: 160412.6629' East: 1307860.7147'Perimeter: 279.9502' Area: 4161 sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0004 course: S45"38'20"EError North: -0.00026 East: 0.00026Precision 1: 699687.7500 Page 1 LOT 37.txt Name: Lot : 37 North: 160455.1988' East: 1307837.1151'Segment #1 : Linecourse: N66°16'00"E Length: 96.2665'North: 160493.9442' East: 1307925.2402'Segment #2 Curve Length: 37. 8972' Radius: 235. 5000' Delta: 9°13 '13" Tangent: 18.9896'Chord: 37.8564' course: S29°44'54"Ecourse In: N64°51'42''E course out: S55°38'30"WRP North: 160593.9858' East: 1308138.4348'End North: 160461.0768' East: 1307944.0243'Segment #3 : Linecourse: S59°50'17''w Length: 96.3556'North: 160412.6633' East: 1307860.7144'Segment #4 curveLength: 48.6788' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7°32'17'' Tangent: 24.3745'Chord: 48.6437' Course: N29°01'19"Wcourse In: N57°12'32"E Course out: S64 • 44' 49"WRP North: 160613. 0471' East: 1308171. 7551' End North: 160455.1990' East: 1307837.115l'Perimeter: 279.1981' Area: 4162 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0002 course: N0°53'50"EError North: 0.00019 East: O.OOOOOPrecision 1: 1395611.0000 Page 1 I LOT 38.txt Name: Lot : 38 North: 160501.0173' East: 1307819.1232'segment #1 : Linecourse: N72"41'43''E Length: 97.0945'North: 160529.8984' East: 1307911.8228'segment #2 CurveLength: 38.4186' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 9"20'49'' Tangent: 19.2520'Chord: 38.3760' Course: S20"27'53"ECourse In: N74"12'32"E course Out: S64"51'42''WRP North: 160593.9852' East: 1308138.4351'End North: 160493.9444' East: 1307925.2402'Segment #3 : Linecourse: s66"16'00''w Length: 96.2665'North: 160455.1990' East: 1307837.1151'segment #4 curveLength: 49.2608' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"37'42" Tangent: 24.6668'chord: 49.2244' course: N21"26'20''wcourse In: N64"44'49''E course Out: S72"22'31"WRP North: 160613.0473' East: 1308171.7551'End North: 160501.0174' East: 1307819.1232'Perimeter: 281.0403' Area: 4235 Sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0002 course: N4"46'36"EError North: 0.00019 East: 0.00002Precision 1: 1404807.0000 Page 1 LOT 39.txt Name: Lot : 39 North: 160547. 8214' East: 1307807. 5497' Segment #1 : Li necourse: N79° 07' 27"E Length: 98.7737'North: 160566.4582' East: 1307904.5493'Segment #2 curveLength: 37.3157' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 9°04'43'' Tangent: 18.6970'Chord: 37.2767' Course: Sll 0 15'07''ECourse In: N83°17'15''E Course Out: S74°12'32''WRP North: 160593.9852' East: 1308138.4350'End North: 160529.8980' East: 1307911.8229'Segment #3 : Linecourse: S72°41'43"w Length: 97.0945'North: 160501.0169' East: 1307819.1232'Segment #4 Cu rveLength: 48. 2480' Radius: 370. 0000 'De 1 ta: r 28' 17" Tangent: 24.1583'chord: 48.2139' course: Nl3°53'21''wcourse In: N72°22'31''E course Out: S79°50'48"WRP North: 160613.0459' East: 1308171.7555'End North: 160547.8211' East: 1307807.5497'Perimeter: 281.4319' Area: 4184 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0003 course: S0°51'14"EError North: -0.00034 East: O.OOOOOPrecision 1: 937862.6667 Page 1 LOT 40.txt Name: Lot : 40 North: 160595.4894' East: 1307802.1721'5egment #1 : Linecourse: N85'33'10''E Length: 100.2663'North: 160603.2641' East: 1307902.1365'5egment #2 Linecourse: 52'58'15''E Length: 21.5133'North: 160581.7798' East: 1307903.2515'5egment #3 : curveLength: 15.3790' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 3 '44' 30" Tangent: 7. 6922 'chord: 15. 3763' Course: 54' 50' 30"ECourse In: N87'01' 45"E Course out: 583' 17' 15"WRP North: 160593. 9851' East: 1308138.4349'End North: 160566.4583' East: 1307904.5492'5e~ment #4 : Linecourse: S79'07'27"w Length: 98.7737'North: 160547.8216 East: 1307807.5497'5egment #5 : curveLength: 48.0040' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7'26'01" Tangent: 24.0357'Chord: 47 .9704' course: N6'26'12"wcourse rn: N79'50'48"E course out: 587'16'49"WRP North: 160613.0463' East: 1308171.7553'End North: 160595.4896' East: 1307802.1720'Perimeter: 283.9364' Area: 4229 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0002 course: N25'49'49"WError North: 0.00017 East: -0.00008Precision 1: 1419500.0000 Page 1 LOT 41.txt Name: Lot : 41 North: 160643.1973' East: 1307800.4173'Segment #1 : Linecourse: N87"01'45''E Length: 99.5128'North: 160648.3548' East: 1307899.7964'Segment #2 Linecourse: S2"58'15''E Length: 40.1498'North: 160608.2590' East: 1307901. 8772 'Segment #3 : Li necourse: S85 · 33 'lO"w Length: 100. 2116' North: 160600.4885' East: 1307801.9674'Segment #4 : LineCourse: N2"04'43"W Length: 42.7368'North: 160643.1972' East: 1307800.4173'Perimeter: 282.6110' Area: 4137 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0001 Course: S18"39'04"WError North: -0.00014 East: -0.00005Precision 1: 2826110.0000 Page 1 Name: Lot : 42 North: 160683.1758' Segment #1 Line course: N87"01'45"E North: 160688.3010' segment #2 Line Course: S2"58'15''E North: 160648.3548' Segment #3 Line course: s87"01'45"w North: 160643.1973' Segment #4 Line LOT 42.txt East: 1307798.9663' Length: 98.8898' East: 1307897.7232' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307899.7963' Length: 99.5128' East: 1307800.4173' course: N2"04'43"W Length: 40.0049' North: 160683.1759' East: 1307798.9663' Perimeter: 278.4075' Area: 3968 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 Course: N53"29'47"w Error North: 0.00005 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 2784075.0000 Page 1 LOT 42.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 43 North: 160723.1543' Segment #1 Line course: N87'01'45"E North: 160728.2473' segment #2 Line course: S2'58'15''E North: 160688.3010' Segment #3 Line course: S87'01'45"w North: 160683.1758' Segment #4 Line course: N2°04'43"w North: 160723.1544' Perimeter: 277.1615' Error closure: Error North: LOT 43.txt East: 1307797.5153' Length: 98.2669' East: 1307895.6501' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307897.7232' Length: 98.8898' East: 1307798.9663' Length: 40.0049' East: 1307797.5153' Area: 3943 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: N35'43'10''E 0.00005 East: 0.00004 Precision 1: 2771616.0000 Page 1 LOT 43. txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 44 North: 160763.1329' Segment #1 Line course: N87"01'45''E North: 160768.1935' segment #2 Line Course: S2"58'15"E North: 160728.2473' Segment #3 Line course: s87"01'45''w North: 160723.1543' Segment #4 Line LOT 44.txt East: 1307796.0643' Length: 97.6439' East: 1307893.5770' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307895.6501' Length: 98.2669' East: 1307797.5152' course: N2"04'43"W Length: 40.0049' North: 160763.1329' East: 1307796.0642' Perimeter: 275.9156' Area: 3918 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: N53"29'47"w Error North: 0.00005 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 2759157.0000 Page 1 LOT 44.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 45 North: 160803.1114' segment #1 Line course: N87"01'45''E North: 160808.1398' Segment #2 Line Course: S2"58'15"E North: 160768.1935' segment #3 Line course: S87"01'45"w North: 160763.1329' Segment #4 Line LOT 45.txt East: 1307794.6133' Length: 97.0209' East: 1307891.5038' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307893.5769' Length: 97.6439' East: 1307796.0642' course: N2"04'43"w Length: 40.0049' North: 160803.1114' East: 1307794.6132' Perimeter: 274.6697' Area: 3893 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: N53"29'47"w Error North: 0.00005 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 2746697.0000 Page 1 LOT 45. txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 46 North: 160843.0899' segment #1 Line course: N87°01'45"E North: 160848.0860' segment #2 Line course: S2"58'15''E North: 160808.1398' segment #3 Line Course: s87"01'45"w North: 160803.1114' Segment #4 Line course: N2"04'43"w North: 160843.0900' Perimeter: 273.4237' Error Closure: Error North: LOT 46.txt East: 1307793.1623' Length: 96.3979' East: 1307889.4306' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307891.5037' Length: 97.0209' East: 1307794.6132' Length: 40.0049' East: 1307793.1622' Area: 3868 sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: N53"29'47"w 0.00005 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 2734237.0000 Page 1 LOT 46.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 47 North: 160883.0685' Segment #1 Line course: N87°01'45"E North: 160888.0322' Segment #2 Line course: s2'58'15"E North: 160848.0860' Segment #3 Line course: s87'01'45''w North: 160843.0899' segment #4 Line course: N2°04'43"W North: 160883.0685' Perimeter: 272.1778' Error closure: Error North: LOT 47.txt East: 1307791.7113' Length: 95.7750' East: 1307887.3576' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307889.4307' Length: 96.3979' East: 1307793.1623' Length: 40.0049' East: 1307791.7113' Area: 3843 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: N35'43'10''E 0.00005 East: 0.00004 Precision 1: 2721778.0000 Page 1 LOT 47.txt I Page 2 Name: Lot : 48 North: 160923.0470' segment #1 Line course: N87"01'45''E North: 160927.9785' Segment #2 Line course: s2"58'15"E North: 160888.0322' segment #3 Line course: S87"01'45''w North: 160883.0685' Segment #4 Line course: N2'04'43"w North: 160923.0470' Perimeter: 270.9318' Error closure: Error North: LOT 48.txt East: 1307790.2603' Length: 95.1520' East: 1307885.2844' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307887.3575' Length: 95.7750' East: 1307791.7112' Length: 40.0049' East: 1307790.2602' Area: 3819 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 Course: N53"29'47"w 0.00005 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 2709319.0000 Page 1 LOT 48.txt Page 2 LOT 49.txt Name: Lot : 49 North: 160960. 9998' East: 1307788. 6712 'Segment #1 : Li necourse: N80' 29' 31"E Length: 95.3921'North: 160976.7572' East: 1307882.7528'segment #2 Li neCourse: 52" 58' 15"E Length: 48. 8444' North: 160927. 9785' East: 1307885. 2843' Segment #3 : Li necourse: S87 '01' 45"W Length: 95 .1520' North: 160923. 0470' East: 1307790. 2602 'segment #4 : Li necourse: N2 '04 '43"w Length: 29.0240'North: 160952.0519' East: 1307789.2075'segment #5 : CurveLength: 8.9647' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 2'42'12" Tangent: 4.4832'chord: 8.9639' course: N3'25'49"wcourse In: 587"55'17"w course out: N85'13'05"ERP North: 160945.1605' East: 1307599.3325'End North: 160960.9997' East: 1307788.6711'Perimeter: 277.3774' Area: 4118 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0. 0001 course: s50' 16' 14"WError North: -0. 00005 East: -0.00006Precision 1: 2773764.0000 Page 1 LOT 50.txt Name: Lot : 50 North: 161001.3633' East: 1307780.8298'segment #1 : Linecourse: N72"33'07"E Length: 97.0030'North: 161030.4487' East: 1307873.3696'segment #2 curveLength: 49.6346' Radius: 204.5000'Delta: 13'54'23" Tan~ent: 24.9398'Chord: 49.5128' course: S10'36'02''ECourse In: 572'26'47 w course out: N86'21'10"ERP North: 160968.7719' East: 1307678.3921'End North: 160981.7809' East: 1307882.4780'segment #3 : Linecourse: s80'29'31''w Length: 95.6037'North: 160965.9885' East: 1307788.1877'segment #4 : curveLength: 36.1866' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 10'54'44" Tan~ent: 18.1482'chord: 36.1319' course: N11'44'59''wcourse In: 583'42'24 w course Out: N72'47'39''ERP North: 160945.1610' East: 1307599.3327'End North: 161001.3633' East: 1307780.8299'Perimeter: 278.4278' Area: 4139 Sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0001 course: N53'55'02''EError North: 0.00008 East: O.OOOllPrecision 1: 2782514.0000 Page 1 LOT 51.txt Name: Lot : 51 North: 161037.0046' East: 1307767.0351'segment #1 : Linecourse: N65'59'42''E Length: 95.6277'North: 161075.9075' East: 1307854.3919'se~ment #2 : Linecourse: S24'18'44''E Length: 25.1734'North: 161052.9666 East: 1307864.7560'segment #3 : curveLength: 24.1229' Radius: 204.5000'oelta: 6'45'31" Tangent: 12.0755'chord: 24.1089' course: S20'55'59"ECourse In: S65'41'16''w course out: N72'26'47''ERP North: 160968.7721' East: 1307678.3920'End North: 161030.4489' East: 1307873.3696'se~ment #4 : Linecourse: s72'33'07"w Length: 97 .0030'North: 161001. 3634 East: 1307780.8298'segment #5 : curveLength: 16.7973' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 5 '03' 55" Tangent: 8. 4041' chord: 16. 7918' course: N19' 44' 18"wcourse In: S72 • 47' 39"w course out: N67' 43 '44"ERP North: 160945 .1604' East: 1307599.3326'End North: 161017.1686' East: 1307775.1587'se~ment #6 : Li necourse: N22 '16' 16"w Length: 21. 4351' North: 161037. 0047 East: 1307767.0351'Perimeter: 280.1594' Area: 4218 Sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0001 course: N8'05'23"EError North: 0.00010 East: 0.00001Precision 1: 2801399.0000 Page 1 LOT 52.txt Name: Lot : 52 North: 161074.0376' East: 1307751.8685'segment #1 : Linecourse: N65"59'42''E Length: 94.2023'North: 161112.3606' East: 1307837.9233'sevment #2 : Linecourse: s24"18'44"E Length: 40.0006'North: 161075.9075 East: 1307854. 3919' segment #3 : Li necourse: 565 • 59' 42"w Length: 95. 6277' North: 161037.0045' East: 1307767.0350'segment #4 : Linecourse: N22"16'16"w Length: 40.0183'North: 161074.0375' East: 1307751.8685'Perimeter: 269.8489' Area: 3797 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0001 course: s29'26'34"WError North: -0.00007 East: -0.00004Precision 1: 2698489.0000 Page 1 LOT 53.txt Name: Lot : 53 North: 161110.9749' East: 1307736.9224'5egment #1 : Linecourse: N64"43'52''E Length: 92.4260'North: 161150.4285' East: 1307820.5046'5egment #2 : curveLength: 5.8299' Radius: 84.5000'0elta: 3"57'11'' Tangent: 2.9161'Chord: 5. 8287' course: 526" 17' 19"Ecourse In: 561 "44' 05"w Course Out: N65 • 41' 16"ERP North: 161110.4132' East: 1307746.0800'End North: 161145.2027' East: 1307823.0861'segment #3 : Linecourse: S24"18'44"E Length: 36.0381'North: 161112.3606' East: 1307837.9233'segment #4 : Linecourse: S65"59'42"w Length: 94.2023'North: 161074.0375' East: 1307751.8686'segment #5 : Li necourse: N22 "16' 16"w Length: 31. 6568' North: 161103. 3328' East: 1307739.8710'segment #6 : curveLength: 8.1918' Radius: 200.0000'Delta: 2"20'48" Tangent: 4.0965'Chord: 8.1912' course: N21"05'52"wcourse In: N67"43'44"E course out: S70"04'32"WRP North: 161179.1307' East: 1307924.9512'End North: 161110.9749' East: 1307736.9225'Perimeter: 268.3448' Area: 3817 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0000 course: S29"52'09"EError North: -0.00002 East: 0.00001Precision 1: 268343100.0000 Page 1 LOT 54.txt Name: Lot : 54 North: 161198.3627' East: 1307725.3069'Segment #1 : Linecourse: S88"48'44''E Length: 22.5916'North: 161197.8944' East: 1307747.8937'Segment #2 Li necourse: sl" 11' 16"w Length: 3. 0000' North: 161194. 8951' East: 1307747.8315'Segment #3 : CurveLength: 89.2949' Radius: 84.5000'Delta: 60"32'49'' Tangent: 49.3254'Chord: 85.1977' course: S58"32'19''Ecourse In: Sl"l1'16"w course out: N61"44'05"ERP North: 161110.4132' East: 1307746.0799'End North: 161150.4284' East: 1307820.5044'se~ment #4 : Linecourse: S64"43'52"w Length: 92.4260'North: 161110.9748 East: 1307736.9223'Segment #5 : curveLength: 73.6951' Radius: 200.0000'Delta: 21"06'43" Tangent: 37.2702'Chord: 73.2789' course: N9"22'06"wcourse In: N70"04'32"E course out: N88"48'44''WRP North: 161179.1309' East: 1307924.9508'End North: 161183.2763' East: 1307724.9939'segment #6 Li necourse: Nl · 11 • 16"E Length: 15. 0896' North: 161198. 3627' East: 1307725.3067'Perimeter: 296.0972' Area: 5221 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0003 course: s70"04'3l"WError North: -0.00009 East: -0.00024Precision 1: 971946.0000 Page 1 Name: Lot : 5 5 North: 161043.7435' Segment #1 Line course: N63"58'26"E North: 161064.7744' Segment #2 Line course: s22"16'16''E North: 161009.5887' Segment #3 Curve LOT 55.txt East: 1307690.9801' Length: 47.9303' East: 1307734.0500' Length: 59.6344' East: 1307756.6508' Length: 45.3467' Radius: 170.0000' Delta: 15"17'00" Tangent: 22.8088' chord: 45.2124' course: sl4"37'46"E course In: S67"43'44"w course out: N83"00'44"E RP North: 160945.1604' East: 1307599.3326' End North: 160965.8421' segment #4 Line course: S83"26'58"w North: 160959.3789' Segment #5 Line East: 1307768.0699' Length: 56.6543' East: 1307711.7855' Page 1 course: N13 • 51' 12"w North: 161043.7435' Perimeter: 296.4579' Error closure: Error North: LOT 55. txt Length: 86.8921' East: 1307690.9803' Area: 5154 sq. Ft. 0.0002 course: N83"29'49''E 0.00002 East: 0.00020 Precision 1: 1481617.5000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 56 North: 160939.5666' Segment #1 Line course: N83'26'58''E North: 160945.8655' Segment #2 Line Course: S2'04'43"E North: 160850.4760' segment #3 Line course: s87'55'17"w North: 160848.4799' Segment #4 Line course: N2'05'13"w North: 160939.5666' Perimeter: 296.8477' Error Closure: Error North: LOT 56. txt East: 1307714.5646' Length: 55.2148' East: 1307769.4189' Length: 95.4523' East: 1307772.8810' Length: 55.0336' East: 1307717.8837' Length: 91.1471' East: 1307714.5644' Area: 5135 Sq. Ft. 0.0002 Course: S69'06'12"w -0.00006 East: -0.00015 Precision 1: 1484239.0000 Page 1 LOT 56.txt Page 2 I Name: Lot : 57 North: 160848.4800' Segment #1 Line course: N87"55'17''E North: 160850.4761' segment #2 Line Course: S2"04'43"E North: 160760.5425' segment #3 Line course: S87"54'47"w North: 160758.5389' segment #4 Line course: N2 "05' B"w North: 160848.4799' Perimeter: 290.0477' Error closure: Error North: LOT 57.txt East: 1307717.8837' Length: 55.0336' East: 1307772.8811' Length: 89.9928' East: 1307776.1452' Length: 55.0206' East: 1307721.1611' Length: 90.0007' East: 1307717.8836' Area: 4952 sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: s38'48'13"w -0.00011 East: -0.00009 Precision 1: 2900477.0000 Page 1 LOT 57.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 58 North: 160738.5522' Segment #1 Line course: N87"54'47''E North: 160740.5558' segment #2 Line course: s2'04'43''E North: 160650.6150' Segment #3 Line course: s87'54'47"w North: 160648.6119' Segment #4 Line course: N2'05'13"w North: 160738.5522' Perimeter: 290.0225' Error closure: Error North: LOT 58.txt East: 1307721.8893' Length: 55.0177' East: 1307776.8705' Length: 90.0000' East: 1307780.1349' Length: 55.0048' East: 1307725.1666' Length: 90.0000' East: 1307721.8891' Area: 4951 Sq. Ft. O. 0002 course: s88 • 12 'Ol"w -0.00001 East: -0.00019 Precision 1: 1450112.5000 Page 1 LOT 58.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 1 North: 161226.7595' segment #1 Line course: s88'48'44"E North: 161223.3691' Segment #2 Line course: S14'36'45"E North: 161184.1016' segment #3 Line Course: S67'41'16"w North: 161141.9308' Segment #4 Line course: N24'18'44"w North: 161163.7295' Segment #5 curve Length: 89.5938' Delta: 39'38'23" chord: 87.8177' LOT 59.txt East: 1307802.9465' Length: 163.5552' East: 1307966.4666' Length: 40.5801' East: 1307976.7041' Length: 111.0772' East: 1307873.9434' Length: 23.9201' East: 1307864.0953' Radius: 129.5000' Tangent: 46.6736' course: N44'07'56''w Page 1 course In: S65'41'16''w RP North: 161110.4132' End North: 161226.7593' Perimeter: 428.7263' Error closure: LOT 59.txt course out: N26'02'53"E East: 1307746.0799' East: 1307802.9464' Area: 8241 Sq. Ft. 0.0002 Course: S42'02'36''W Error North: -0.00013 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 2134751.5000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 1 North: 161141.9308' Segment #1 Line course: N67"41'16''E North: 161184.1017' Segment #2 Line Course: S14'36'45''E North: 161145.0434' Segment #3 Line course: s67'41'16''w North: 161105.4560' Segment #4 Line course: N24"18'44"w North: 161141.9308' Perimeter: 295.7379' Error closure: Error North: LOT 60.txt East: 1307873.9434' Length: 111.0772' East: 1307976.7041' Length: 40.3639' East: 1307986.8871' Length: 104.2724' East: 1307890.4217' Length: 40.0244' East: 1307873.9433' Area: 4307 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: N65'31'16"W 0.00003 East: -0.00006 Precision 1: 2957379.0000 Page 1 LOT 60.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 61 North: 161105.4560' Segment #1 Line course: N67°41'16"E North: 161145.0434' Segment #2 Line course: Sl4°36'45"E North: 161099.6643' segment #3 Line course: S72°23'15"w North: 161070.3224' segment #4 curve LOT 61.txt East: 1307890.4218' Length: 104.2724' East: 1307986.8872' Length: 46.8960' East: 1307998.7181' Length: 96.9731' East: 1307906.2907' Length: 1.2835' Radius: 249.5000' Delta: 0°17'41" Tangent: 0.6418' Chord: 1.2835' Course: N24"09'54"w course In: S65"58'57''w RP North: 160968.7719' End North: 161071.4934' segment #5 Line course out: N65°41'16"E East: 1307678.3921' East: 1307905.7653' Page 1 LOT 61.txt Course: N24°18'44"w Length: 37.2677' North: 161105.4560' East: 1307890.4218' Perimeter: 286.6926' Area: 4279 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: N49°35'31''E Error North: 0.00002 East: 0.00003 Precision 1: 286692700.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 62 North: 161070.3223' Segment #1 Line Course: N72"23'15''E North: 161099.6643' segment #2 Line course: S14"36'45"E North: 161054.3052' Segment #3 Line course: S77"24'42''w North: 161033.9153' segment #4 Curve Length: 38.6793' Delta: 8"52'57" chord: 38.6406' LOT 62.txt East: 1307906.2907' Length: 96.9731' East: 1307998.7181' Length: 46.8753' East: 1308010.5438' Length: 93.5552' East: 1307919.2376' Radius: 249.5000' Tangent: 19.3785' course: N19"34'35''w course In: S74"51'54''w course Out: N65"58'57''E RP North: 160968.7723' East: 1307678.3919' End North: 161070.3223' East: 1307906.2905' Perimeter: 276.0829' Area: 4044 Sq. Ft. Page 1 Error closure: Error North: 0.0001 -0.00001 Precision 1: 2760442.0000 LOT 62.txt course: s86'16'35''w East: -0.00011 Page 2 Name: Lot : 63 North: 161033.9154' segment #1 Line course: N77'24'42"E North: 161054.3052' Segment #2 Line course: sl4'36'45"E North: 161010.1231' Segment #3 Line Course: S81'31'39''w North: 160995.8754' segment #4 curve Length: 38.7503' Delta: 8'53'55" chord: 38.7114' LOT 63.txt East: 1307919.2376' Length: 93.5552' East: 1308010.5439' Length: 45.6590' East: 1308022.0627' Length: 96.7025' East: 1307926.4156' Radius: 249.5000' Tangent: 19.4142' course: Nl0'41'09"W course In: s83'45'49"w course out: N74'51'54"E RP North: 160968.7721' East: 1307678.3921' End North: 161033.9155' East: 1307919.2376' Perimeter: 274.6670' Area: 3985 Sq. Ft. Page 1 Error Closure: Error North: 0.0002 0.00018 Precision 1: 1373140.5000 LOT 63.txt course: Nl5"16'15''w East: -0.00005 Page 2 Name: Lot : 64 North: 160995.8753' Segment #1 Line course: N81"31'39"E North: 161010.1229' Segment #2 Line course: S14"36'45''E North: 160963.0442' Segment #3 Line course: s87°01'45"w North: 160957.5676' Segment #4 Line course: N2"58'15"w North: 160981.7032' segment #5 Curve Length: 14.2199' Delta: 3"15'56" chord: 14.2180' LOT 64.txt East: 1307926.4156' Length: 96.7025' East: 1308022.0627' Length: 48.6524' East: 1308034.3368' Length: 105.6695' East: 1307928.8093' Length: 24.1681' East: 1307927.5567' Radius: 249.5000' Tangent: 7.1119' course: N4"36'13"w Page 1 course In: S87°01'45"w RP North: 160968.7722' End North: 160995.8754' LOT 64.txt Course Out: N83°45'49"E East: 1307678.3920' East: 1307926.4156' Perimeter: 289.4124' Area: 4361 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0001 course: N9°13'58"w Error North: 0.00009 East: -0.00001 Precision 1: 2894105.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 65 North: 160957.5676' segment #1 Line course: N87"01'45''E North: 160963.0442' Segment #2 Line Course: S14"36'45''E North: 160923.5251' segment #3 Line course: S87"01'45"w North: 160917.6214' Segment #4 Line LOT 65.txt East: 1307928.8093' Length: 105.6695' East: 1308034.3368' Length: 40.8401' East: 1308044.6400' Length: 113.9106' East: 1307930.8825' course: N2"58'15"w Length: 40.0000' North: 160957.5677' East: 1307928.8094' Perimeter: 300.4203' Area: 4392 sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: N43"47'19"E Error North: 0.00003 East: 0.00003 Precision 1: 300420200.0000 Page 1 LOT 65.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 66 North: 160907.6348' Segment #1 Line Course: N87"01'45''E North: 160913.6453' segment #2 Line course: S14"36'45"E North: 160874.1262' Segment #3 Line course: S87"01'45"w North: 160867.6886' Segment #4 Line course: N2" 58' 15 "w North: 160907.6349' Perimeter: 321.0231' Error closure: Error North: LOT 66.txt East: 1307931.4008' Length: 115.9709' East: 1308047.2158' Length: 40.8401' East: 1308057.5190' Length: 124.2120' East: 1307933.4739' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307931.4008' Area: 4804 sq. Ft. 0.0000 course: N43"47'19''E 0.00003 East: 0.00003 Precision 1: 321023000.0000 Page 1 LOT 66.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 67 North: 160867.6886' Segment #1 Line course: N87'01'45"E North: 160874.1262' Segment #2 Line course: S14'36'45''E North: 160834.6071' segment #3 Line course: S87'01'45"w North: 160827.7424' Segment #4 Line LOT 67.txt East: 1307933.4739' Length: 124.2120' East: 1308057.5190' Length: 40.8401' East: 1308067.8221' Length: 132.4531' East: 1307935.5470' course: N2'58'15"w Length: 40.0000' North: 160867.6886' East: 1307933.4739' Peri meter: 337. 5053' Area: 5133 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0000 course: N43'47'18''E Error North: 0.00003 East: 0.00003 Precision 1: 337505200.0000 Page 1 LOT 67.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 68 North: 160827.7423' Segment #1 Line course: N87'01'45"E North: 160834.6071' Segment #2 Line Course: S14'36'45"E North: 160825.5079' segment #3 Line course: Sll'l3'54"w North: 160794.3553' segment #4 Line course: s87'01'45"w North: 160787.7961' Segment #5 Line Course: N2'58'15"W North: 160827.7424' LOT 68.txt East: 1307935.5470' Length: 132.4531' East: 1308067.8221' Length: 9.4033' East: 1308070.1944' Length: 31.7609' East: 1308064.0081' Length: 126.5581' East: 1307937.6201' Length: 40.0000' East: 1307935.5470' Page 1 Perimeter: 340.1755' Error closure: Error North: LOT 68.txt Area: 5245 Sq. Ft. 0.0000 course: N60"39'47"w 0.00002 East: -0.00003 Precision 1: 340175400.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 69 North: 160787.7961' Segment #1 Line Course: N87"01'45"E North: 160794.3553' segment #2 Line course: 511 • 13' 54 "w North: 160753.8844' Segment #3 Line course: s87°01'45''w North: 160747.8498' Segment #4 Line LOT 69.txt East: 1307937.6202' Length: 126.5581' East: 1308064.0082' Length: 41.2612' East: 1308055.9715' Length: 116.4348' East: 1307939.6932' course: N2"58'15"w Length: 40.0000' North: 160787.7961' East: 1307937.6201' Perimeter: 324.2541' Area: 4860 Sq. Ft. Error Closure: 0.0001 course: S70"18'21"w Error North: -0.00004 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 3242541.0000 Page 1 LOT 69.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 70 North: 160747.8499' Segment #1 Line course: N87"01'45''E North: 160753.8844' Segment #2 Line course: Sll"l3'54''w North: 160713.4134' Segment #3 Line course: S87"01'45"w North: 160707.9036' segment #4 Line LOT 70.txt East: 1307939.6933' Length: 116.4348' East: 1308055.9716' Length: 41.2612' East: 1308047.9349' Length: 106.3114' East: 1307941.7664' course: N2° 58' 15 "w Length: 40. 0000' North: 160747.8498' East: 1307939.6933' Perimeter: 304.0073' Area: 4455 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: s28"25'16"w Error North: -0.00004 East: -0.00002 Precision 1: 304007400.0000 Page 1 LOT 70.txt Page 2 Name: Lot : 71 North: 160414.8784' Segment #1 Line course: N35'13'13''E North: 160467.0204' segment #2 curve LOT 71. txt East: 1307773.3154' Length: 63.8259' East: 1307810.1252' Length: 104.9463' Delta: 15'25'04'' Chord: 104.6299' Radius: 390.0000' Tangent: 52.7921' course: S29'41'52''E course In: N68'00'40"E RP North: 160613.0469' End North: 160376.1336' segment #3 Line course: s51'07'26''w North: 160342.2166' segment #4 Line course: N32'39'36"w North: 160414.8783' Perimeter: 309.1194' course out: s52'35'36"w East: 1308171.7552' East: 1307861.9615' Length: 54.0390' East: 1307819.8918' Length: 86.3081' East: 1307773.3154' Area: 5096 Sq. Ft. Page 1 Error closure: Error North: 0.0001 -0.00008 Precision 1: 3088029.0000 LOT 71. txt course: S5°08'47"E East: 0.00001 Page 2 Name : Lot : 72 North: 160326.6904' Segment #1 Line course: N51'07'26''E North: 160360.5635' segment #2 curve LOT 72.txt East: 1307832.4990' Length: 53.9692' East: 1307874.5143' Length: 75.5697' Delta: 11'06'08" Chord: 75.4515' Radius: 390.0000' Tangent: 37.9035' course: S45'53'47''E Course In: N49'39'17''E RP North: 160613.0465' End North: 160308.0525' segment #3 Line course: 533° 17' 49"w North: 160261.9115' segment #4 Line Course: N45'29'14"W North: 160326.6906' Perimeter: 277.1427' course out: s38'33'09"w East: 1308171.7555' East: 1307928.6947' Length: 55.2033' East: 1307898.3893' Length: 92.4005' East: 1307832.4990' Area: 4430 sq. Ft. Page 1 LOT 72. txt Error closure: 0.0002 course: NS 0 56'49"E Error North: 0.00019 East: 0.00002 Precision 1: 1385122.5000 Page 2 PUBLIC ROADS.txt Name: Lot : PUBLIC ROADS North: 159903.0002' East: 1307750.1136'segment #1 : Linecourse: Nl 0 52'5l"E Length: 44.0724'North: 159947.0488' East: 1307751.5601'Se~ment #2 : Linecourse: Nl 0 52'5l"E Length: 40.0000'North: 159987.0273 East: 1307752.8729'Segment #3 : Linecourse: Nl 0 52'51''E Length: 40.0000'North: 160027.0057' East: 1307754.1857'segment #4 : Linecourse: Nl 0 52'5l"E Length: 10.6599'North: 160037.6599' East: 1307754.5356'segment #5 curveLength: 29.3946' Radius: 278.5000'Delta: 6°02'50'' Tan~ent: 14.7110'Chord: 29.3810' course: Nl 0 08'35"wcourse In: N88°07'09 w Course out: N85"50'00"ERP North: 160046.8005' East: 1307476.1856'End North: 160067.0350' East: 1307753.9495'segment #6 : curveLength: 74.2597' Radius: 278.5000'Delta: 15 °16' 39" Tangent: 37. 3514 'chord: 74. 0399' course: Nll O 48' 19"wcourse In: S85"50'00''w course out: N70"33'21''ERP North: 160046.7998' East: 1307476.1856'End North: 160139.5089' East: 1307738.8019'Segment #7 cu rveLength: 58. 5042' Radius: 278. 5000' Delta: 12° 02 '10" Tan~ent: 29.3601'chord: 58.3967' course: N25"27'44"wcourse In: 570°33'21 w course Out: N58 • 31' 12"ERP North: 160046. 7995' East: 1307476 .1858' End North: 160192.2334' East: 1307713.6963'Segment #8 : curveLength: 8.1090' Radius: 278.5000'Delta: 1°40'06" Tangent: 4.0548'Chord: 8.1087' course: N32°18'51"wcourse In: s58"31'12"W Course out: N56"51'06"ERP North: 160046.8005' East: 1307476.1852'End North: 160199.0863' East: 1307709.3617'segment #9 Linecourse: N33"08'54"w Length: 97.5654'North: 160280.7737' East: 1307656. 0121' segment #10 : Li necourse: N33 °08' 54"w Length: 6. 8812 'North: 160286.5351' East: 1307652.2494'Segment #11 : curveLength: 13.1365' Radius: 271.5000'Delta: 2°46'20" Tangent: 6.5695'chord: 13.1352' course: N31"45'44"wcourse In: N56"51'06"E course out: s59"37'26"WRP North: 160434.9936' East: 1307879.5649'End North: 160297.7031' East: 1307645.3351'Segment #12 : curveLength: 9. 7940' Radius: 271. 5000' Del ta: 2 • 04' 01" Tangent: 4. 8975' Chord: 9.7935' course: N29"20'34"wcourse In: N59"37'26"E Course Out: S61"41'27"WRP North: 160434.9937' East: 1307879.5648'End North: 160306.2402' East: 1307640.5359'segment #13 : curveLength: 40.0363' Radius: 271.5000'Delta: 8°26'56" Tangent: 20.0545'chord: 40.0000' course: N24"05'05"wcourse In: N61 • 41' 27"E course out: S70 • 08' 23"WRP North: 160434. 9934' East: 1307879.5649'End North: 160342.7579' East: 1307624.2125'Segment #14 curveLength: 41.9521' Radius: 271.5000'Delta: 8°51'12" Tangent: 21. 0179' chord: 41. 9104' course: N15 • 26' Ol"wcou rse In: N70 • 08' 2 3" E course Out: S78"59'35"WRP North: 160434.9939' East: 1307879.5647'End North: 160383.1570' East: 1307613.0592'Segment #15 : CurveLength: 40.4995' Radius: 271.5000'Delta: 8°32'48" Tangent: 20.2874'Chord: 40.4619' course: N6"44'01"wcourse In: N78"59'35"E course out: S87"32'23"WRP North: 160434.9939' East: 1307879.5647'End North: 160423.3398' East: 1307608.3149'segment #16 curveLength: 20. 8144' Radius: 271. 5000' Del ta: 4 • 23' 33" Tan~ent: 10.4123'Chord: 20.8093' course: N0°15'50"wcourse In: N87°32'23 E Course Out: N88. 04' 03"WRP North: 160434. 9944' East: 1307879. 5646' End North: 160444 .1488' East: 1307608. 2191' segment #17 : Li necourse: Nl • 5 5' 5 7" E Length: 2. 2060' North: 160446.3536' East: 1307608.2934'segment #18 : curveLength: 39.2699' Radius: 25.0000'Delta: 90°00'00" Tangent: 25.0000'Chord: 35.3553' Course: N43° 04' 03"wcourse In: N88 • 04' 03"w course out: Nl • 55' 57"ERP North: 160447 .1966' East: 1307583.3077'End North: 160472.1824' East: 1307584.1507'Segment #19 Linecourse: N88°04'03"W Length: 74.9997'North: 160474.7115' East: 1307509 .1937' segment #20 : Li necourse: Nl • 55' 57"E Length: 45. 0000' North: 160519. 6860' East: 1307510. 7112' segment #21 : Li necourse: s88 • 04' 03"E Length: 80.4997'North: 160516.9713' East: 1307591.1651'segment #22 cu rveLength: 30. 6305' Radius: 19. 5000' De 1 ta: 90 • 00' 00" Tan~ent: 19.5000'chord: 27.5772' course: N46"55'57''ECourse In: Nl 0 55'57 E course out: S88°04'03"ERP North: 160536.4602' East: 1307591.8227'End North: 160535.8027' East: 1307611. 3116' segment #23 : Li necourse: Nl • 5 5' 5 7" E Length: 3 5. 5000' North: 1605 71. 282 5' East: 1307612. 5088' segment #24 : Li necou rse: 588 • 04' 03" E Length: 10.2681'North: 160570.9362' East: 1307622.7710'segment #25 : Linecourse: s88°04'03"E Length: 20.0000'North: 160570.2618' East: 1307642.7596'Segment #26 : Linecourse: S88°04'03"E Length: 14.7319'North: 160569.7650' East: 1307657.4832'Segment #27 Linecourse: Sl 0 55'57''w Page 1 PUBLIC ROAOS.txt Length: 40.0000'North: 160529.7878' East: 1307656.1343'seyment #28 Li necou rse: sl • 5 5' 5 7 "w Len 9th: 40. 0000' North: 160489. 8105 East: 1307654.7854'Segment #29 : L1necourse: Sl'55'57''w Length: 40.0000'North: 160449.8333' East: 1307653.4365'Segment #30 : Linecourse: sl'55'57"w Length: 7.2060'North: 160442.6314' East: 1307653.1935'segment #31 curve Length: 50. 0191' Radius: 226. 5000' Del ta: 12° 39' 10" Tangent: 25.1117'Chord: 49.9175' course: S4'23'39"Ecourse In: s88'04'03"E course out: S79'16'46"WRP North: 160434.9933' East: 1307879.5647'End North: 160392.8606' East: 1307657.018l'Segment #32 : curveLength: 61.0101' Radius: 226.5000'Delta: 15'26'00" Tangent: 30.6908'Chord: 60.8258' course: Sl8'26'14"Ecourse In: N79'16'46"E course out: S63'50'47"WRP North: 160434.9939' East: 1307879.5648'End North: 160335.1569' East: 1307676.2552'segment #33 curveLength: 27.6511' Radius: 226.5000'Delta: 6'59'41" Tangent: 13.8428'Chord: 27.6339' course: S29'39'04"Ecourse In: N63'50'47''E course Out: S56'51'06"WRP North: 160434.9934' East: 1307879.565l'End North: 160311.1416' East: 1307689.9261'Segment #34 : Linecourse: s33'08'54''E Length: 21.8711'North: 160292.8298' East: 1307701.8854'Segment #35 Linecourse: s33'08'54"E Length: 40.0000'North: 160259.3395' East: 1307723.7578'segment #36 : Linecourse: s33'08'54"E Length: 40.0000'North: 160225.8492' East: 1307745.6301'Segment #37 : Linecourse: S33'08'54''E Length: 2.5755'North: 160223.6928' East: 1307747.0384'Segment #38 curveLength: 37.5085' Radius: 323.5000'Delta: 6'38'36'' Tangent: 18.7753'chord: 37.4875' course: S29'49'36"ECourse In: S56'51'06"W Course Out: N63'29'41"ERP North: 160046.8003' East: 1307476.1855'End North: 160191.1712' East: 1307765.6839'Segment #39 : curveLength: 14.4801' Radius: 323.5000'Delta: 2'33'53'' Tangent: 7.2413'chord: 14.4789' Course: s25'13'22"Ecourse In: s63'29'41"w course Out: N66'03'34"ERP North: 160046.7995' East: 1307476.1859'End North: 160178.0727' East: 1307771.8539'Segment #40 curveLength: 40.2672' Radius: 25.0000'Delta: 92'17'08" Tangent: 26.0177'Chord: 36.0534' Course: S70'05'00"ECourse In: N66'03'34''E course Out: S26'13'34"ERP North: 160188.2174' East: 1307794.703l'End North: 160165.7910' East: 1307805.7509'Segment #41 : curveLength: 81.6863' Radius: 178.5000'Delta: 26'13'12" Tangent: 41.5712'chord: 80.9754' course: N50'39'50"ECourse In: N26'13'34"w course out: S52'26'46"ERP North: 160325.9157' East: 1307726.8691'End North: 160217.1188' East: 1307868.3806'segment #42 CurveLength: 13.2616' Radius: 178.5000'Delta: 4'15'24" Tanffent: 6.6339'Chord: 13.2586' course: N35'25'3l"Ecourse In: N52'26'46 w course out: S56'42'1l"ERP North: 160325.9158' East: 1307726.8693'End North: 160227.9228' East: 1307876.0658'Segment #43 : Linecourse: N33'17'49"E Length: 40.6640'North: 160261.9113' East: 1307898.3895'segment #44 : Linecourse: N33'17'49''E Length: 55.2033'North: 160308.0522' East: 1307928.6949'Segment #45 : Linecourse: N33'17'49"E Length: 20.0890'North: 160324.8434' East: 1307939. 7233' segment #46 : Li necourse: N33' 17' 49"E Length: 81. 8699' North: 160393.2732' East: 1307984.6681'segment #47 : curveLength: 27.7264' Radius: 19.5000'Delta: 81'28'01" Tangent: 16.7924'chord: 25.4491' course: N7'26'11"wcourse In: N56'42'11"w course out: N41'49'49"ERP North: 160403.9783' East: 1307968.3693'End North: 160418.5083' East: 1307981.3743'Segment #48 curveLength: 19. 0167' Radius: 235. 5000' Delta: 4' 37' 36" Tanffent: 9.5135'Chord: 19.0115' course: N45'51'23"wcourse In: N41'49'49 E course out: 546' 27' 24"WRP North: 160593. 9849' East: 1308138. 4355 'End North: 160431. 7490' East: 1307967.7317'Segment #49 : curveLength: 37.7518' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 9'11'05" Tangent: 18.9164'Chord: 37.7114' course: N38'57'03"wcourse In: N46'27'24''E course out: s55'38'30''WRP North: 160593.9857' East: 1308138.4348'End North: 160461.0766' East: 1307944.0244'Segment #50 curveLength: 37.8972' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 9'13'13" Tangent: 18.9896'Chord: 37.8564' course: N29'44'54"wcourse In: N55'38'30"E course Out: S64'51'42"WRP North: 160593.9850' East: 1308138.4353'End North: 160493.9440' East: 1307925.2403'Segment #51 : curveLength: 38.4186' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 9'20'49'' Tangent: 19.2520'chord: 38.3760' course: N20'27'53"wcourse In: N64'51'42"E course out: s74'12'32"WRP North: 160593.9857' East: 1308138.4349'End North: 160529.8980' East: 1307911.8229'Segment #52 curveLength: 37.3157' Radius: 235.5000'Delta: 9'04'43'' Tangent: 18. 6970' chord: 37. 2767' course: Nll' 15 '07"wcourse In: N74' 12' 32"E course Page 2 PUBLIC ROADS.txt Out: 583' 17' 15 "WRP North: 160593. 9849' East: 1308138. 4352' End North: 160566.4582' East: 1307904.5494'Segment #53 : curveLength: 15.3790' Radius: 235.5000'oelta: 3'44'30" Tangent: 7.6922'Chord: 15.3763' Course: N4'50'30"wcourse In: N83'17'15"E course out: s87'01'45"WRP North: 160593.9852' East: 1308138.4350'End North: 160581.7797' East: 1307903.2516'Segment #54 Li necourse: N2 • 58' 15 "w Len!;Jth: 21. 5133 'North: 160603. 2641' East: 1307902.1366'segment #55 : L1necourse: N2'58'15"w Length: 5.0017'North: 160608.2590' East: 1307901.8773'Segment #56 : LineCourse: N2'58'15"w Length: 40.1498'North: 160648.3549' East: 1307899.7965'seyment #57 Li necourse: N2 • 58' 15 "w Len!;Jth: 40. 0000' North: 160688. 3011 East: 1307897. 72 34' Segment #58 : L 1 neCou rse: N2 · 58' 15 "w Length: 40. 0000' North: 160728.2474' East: 1307895.6503'Segment #59 : Linecourse: N2'58'15''w Length: 40.0000'North: 160768.1936' East: 1307893.5772'seyment #60 : Linecourse: N2'58'15"w Len!;Jth: 40.0000'North: 160808.1398 East: 1307891. 5041' segment #61 : L ,neCou rse: N2 · 58' 15 "w Length: 40. 0000' North: 160848.0861' East: 1307889.4310'Segment #62 : Linecourse: N2'58'15"w Length: 40.0000'North: 160888.0323' East: 1307887.3579'seyment #63 Li necourse: N2 • 58' 15 "w Len!;Jth: 40. 0000' North: 160927. 9786 East: 1307885.2848'Segment #64 : L1necourse: N2'58'15''w Length: 48.8444'North: 160976. 7573' East: 1307882. 7533 'segment #65 : Li necourse: N2 • 58' 15 "w Length: 2.6171'North: 160979.3709' East: 1307882.6176'segment #66 : CurveLength: 2.4141' Radius: 204.5000'Delta: 0'40'35" Tangent: l.2071'chord: 2.4141' course: N3'18'33"wcourse In: s87°01'45"w course out: N86'21'10"ERP North: 160968.7722' East: 1307678.3925'End North: 160981.7810' East: 1307882.4783'segment #67 : curveLength: 49.6346' Radius: 204.5000'oelta: 13 · 54' 23" Tangent: 24. 9398' chord: 49. 5128' course: NlO' 36 '02"wcourse In: s86'21'10"w course out: N72'26'47"ERP North: 160968.7721' East: 1307678.3925'End North: 161030.4488' East: 1307873.3699'Segment #68 curveLength: 24.1229' Radius: 204.5000'oelta: 6'45'31'' Tangent: 12.0755'chord: 24.1089' course: N20'55'59"wcourse In: S72'26'47"w course out: N65 • 41' 16"ERP North: 160968. 7720' East: 1307678. 3924' End North: 161052. 9665' East: 1307864. 7563 'Segment #69 : Li necourse: N24' 18' 44"w Length: 25.1734'North: 161075.9074' East: 1307854.3922'Segment #70 Li necou rse: N24' 18' 44 "w Length: 40. 0006' North: 161112. 3605' East: 1307837.9236'Segment #71 : Linecourse: N24'18'44"w Length: 36.0381'North: 161145.2026' East: 1307823.0864'Segment #72 : curveLength: 5.8299' Radius: 84. 5000 'oe lta: 3' 5 7' 11" Tan~ent: 2. 9161' chord: 5. 8287' course: N26'17'19"wcourse In: 565'41'16 w course out: N61'44'05"ERP North: 161110.4132' East: 1307746.0802'End North: 161150.4285' East: 1307820.5049'segment #73 CurveLength: 89.2949' Radius: 84.5000'Delta: 60'32'49" Tangent: 49. 3254' chord: 85 .1977' course: N58 • 32 '19"wcourse In: 561' 44 '05"w course Out: N1'11'16"ERP North: 161110.4131' East: 1307746.0803'End North: 161194.8952' East: 1307747.8319'seyment #74 : Linecourse: Nl'11'16"E Length: 3.0000'North: 161197.8945 East: 1307747.8941'segment #75 : Linecourse: N88 • 48' 44 "w Length: 22. 5916' North: 161198. 3628' East: 1307725. 3074' segment #76 : Li necourse: N88 • 48' 44 "w Length: 20. 0000' North: 161198. 7774' East: 1307705.3117'Segment #77 : Linecourse: N88'48'44"w Length: 21.6086'North: 161199.2254' East: 1307683.7077'Segment #78 : Linecourse: N88'48'44"w Length: 103.lOOO'North: 161201.3625' East: 1307580.6299'Segment #79 LineCourse: N1'55'55''E Len!;Jth: 30.0025'North: 161231.3480' East: 1307581. 6413 'Segment #80 : L inecourse: 588 · 48 '44 "E Length: 221. 3532' North: 161226.7595' East: 1307802.9470'segment #81 : curveLength: 89.5938' Radius: 129.5000'oelta: 39'38'23'' Tangent: 46.6736'Chord: 87.8177' course: 544 • 07' 56"Ecourse In: 526 '02' 53"w course out: N65 • 41' 16"ERP North: 161110. 4133' East: 1307746.0803'End North: 161163.7297' East: 1307864.0959'Segment #82 Li necou rse: 524' 18 '44" E Length: 2 3. 9201' North: 161141. 9309' East: 1307873.9440'Segment #83 : LineCourse: S24'18'44"E Length: 40.0244'North: 161105.4561' East: 1307890.4224'Segment #84 : Linecourse: S24'18'44"E Length: 37.2677'North: 161071.4934' East: 1307905.7658'Segment #85 : curveLength: 1.2835' Radius: 249.5000'Delta: 0'17'41" Tangent: 0.6418'Chord: 1.2835' course: s24'09'54"Ecourse In: s65'41'16"w course out: N65'58'57"ERP North: 160968.7721' East: 1307678.3926'End North: 161070.3224' East: 1307906.2913'segment #86 curveLength: 38.6793' Radius: 249.5000'Delta: Page 3 PUBLIC ROAOS.txt 8'52'57" Tangent: 19.3785'Chord: 38.6406' course: S19'34'35"Ecourse In: 565 · 58' 57"w course Out: N74 • 51' 54"ERP North: 160968. 7720' East: 1307678.3927'End North: 161033.9154' East: 1307919.2383'Segment #87 curveLength: 38.7503' Radius: 249.5000'Delta: 8'53'55" Tangent: 19.4142'Chord: 38.7114' course: S10'41'09"Ecourse In: S74'51'54"w course Out: N83'45'49''ERP North: 160968.7724' East: 1307678.3926'End North: 160995.8753' East: 1307926.4163'Segment #88 : curveLength: 14.2199' Radius: 249.5000'Delta: 3'15'56'' Tangent: 7.1119'chord: 14.2180' course: S4' 36' 13"ECourse In: S83 '45 '49"W Course Out: N87'01' 45"ERP North: 160968. 7720' East: 1307678.3928'End North: 160981.7032' East: 1307927.5575'segment #89 Linecourse: S2'58'15"E Len9th: 24.1681'North: 160957.5676' East: 1307928.8101'Segment #90 : L1necourse: S2'58'15''E Length: 40.0000'North: 160917.6213' East: 1307930.8832'Segment #91 : Linecourse: S2'58'15''E Length: 10.0000'North: 160907.6348' East: 1307931.4014'se~ment #92 : Linecourse: S2'58'15''E Len9th: 40.0000'North: 160867.6885 East: 1307933.4745'Segment #93 : L1necourse: S2'58'15''E Length: 40.0000'North: 160827.7423' East: 1307935.5476'segment #94 : Linecourse: S2'58'15''E Length: 40.0000'North: 160787.7960' East: 1307937.6207'se~ment #95 : Li necourse: 52 · 58' 15"E Len9th: 40. 0000' North: 160747. 8498 East: 1307939.6938'Segment #96 : L1necourse: S2'58'15''E Length: 40.0000'North: 160707.9036' East: 1307941.7670'Segment #97 : Linecourse: s2'58'15''E Length: 123.9582'North: 160584.1120' East: 1307948.1914'segment #98 curveLength: 178.0893' Radius: 190.5000'Delta: 53'33'47'' Tan~ent: 96.1514'Chord: 171.6747' course: S29'45'09"Ecourse In: N87'01'45 E course Out: S33'27'58''WRP North: 160593.9851' East: 1308138.4354'End North: 160435.0679' East: 1308033.3857'segment #99 : Linecourse: S54'51'38''E Length: 68.4937'North: 160395.6451' East: 1308089.3967'Segment #100 : Linecourse: S12'45'13''E Len9th: 15.8984'North: 160380.1389' East: 1308092.9064'segment #101 : L1necourse: S56'32'02"E Length: 24.4316'North: 160366.6663' East: 1308113.2876'Segment #102 : CurveLength: 88.0657' Radius: 116.5000'Delta: 43'18'42" Tangent: 46.2568'Chord: 85.9838' Course: S34'52'41"ECourse rn: S33'27'58"w Course Out: N76'46'39"ERP North: 160269.4806' East: 1308049.0444'End North: 160296.1277' East: 1308162.4558'Segment #103 Li necou rse: sl • 49' 09"w Len9th: 26. 4622' North: 160269. 6788' East: 1308161. 6158' segment #104 : L, necourse: N88' 10' 51"w Length: 39 .1053' North: 160270.9202' East: 1308122.5302'Segment #105 : curveLength: 71.0829' Radius: 73.5000'Delta: 55'24'42" Tangent: 38.5978'chord: 68.3449' course: N28'49'41"wcourse In: S88'52'39"w course out: N33'27'58"ERP North: 160269.4803' East: 1308049.0443'End North: 160330.7952' East: 1308089.5755'segment #106 Linecourse: N56'32'02"w Length: 28.9844'North: 160346.7784' East: 1308065.3963'Segment #107 : Linecourse: N56'32'02''w Length: 32.9559'North: 160364.9518' East: 1308037.9041'5egment #108 : curveLength: 23.6062' Radius: 15.0000'Delta: 90'10'09" Tangent: 15.0443'chord: 21.2445' course: S78'22'53"wcourse In: s33'27'58"w course out: N56'42'11"WRP North: 160352.4386' East: 1308029.6324'End North: 160360.6732' East: 1308017.0949'Segment #109 Li necourse: 533' 17' 49"W Length: 76. 6480' North: 160296. 6080' East: 1307975.0168'Segment #110 : Linecourse: s33'17'49''w Length: 40.0000'North: 160263 .1745' East: 1307953. 0577' segment #111 : Li necourse: 533' 17 '49"w Length: 40.0000'North: 160229.7411' East: 1307931.0986'Segment #112 : Li necourse: 533 '17 '49"w Length: 31. 7314' North: 160203. 2188' East: 1307913.6787'5egment #113 : CurveLength: 9.5926' Radius: 223.5000'Delta: 2 • 27' 33" Tangent: 4. 7971' chord: 9. 5919' course: 534' 31' 36"wcourse In: N56'42'11"W course out: S54'14'38"ERP North: 160325.9154' East: 1307726.8692'End North: 160195.3164' East: 1307908.2421'Segment #114 curveLength: 41.6598' Radius: 223. 5000'oelta: 10'40'47" Tan~ent: 20.8904'chord: 41.5995' course: S41'05'46"wcourse In: N54'14'38 w course out: s43'33'51''ERP North: 160325.9155' East: 1307726.8693'End North: 160163.9667' East: 1307880.8978'Segment #115 : curveLength: 70.6834' Radius: 223.5000'Delta: 18'07'13" Tangent: 35.6392'chord: 70.3892' course: 555 · 29' 46"wcourse In: N43' 33' 51"w course out: 525 • 26' 38"ERP North: 160325. 9154' East: 1307726.8691'End North: 160124.0939' East: 1307822.8909'Segment #116 curveLength: 22. 3462' Radius: 223. 5000' Del ta: 5 '43 '43" Tan~ent: 11.1824'chord: 22.3369' course: s67'25'13"wcourse In: N25'26'38 w course Page 4 PUBLIC ROADS.txt Out: Sl9"42'55''ERP North: 160325.9158' East: 1307726.8693'End North: 160115.5172' East: 1307802.2662'Segment #117 : curveLength: 16.1044' Radius: ll.5000'oelta: 80"14'09" Tangent: 9.6901'Chord: 14.8204' course: s30'10'00"wcourse In: sl9'42'55"E course out: s80'02'56"WRP North: 160104.6913' East: 1307806.1457'End North: 160102.7040' East: 1307794.8187'Segment #118 curveLength: 66.8049' Radius: 323.5000'Delta: 11"49'55'' Tangent: 33.5217'chord: 66.6863' Course: s4"02'07"ECourse In: s80"02'56"w course out: 588"07' 09"ERP North: 160046, 8006' East: 1307476 .1856' End North: 160036.1830' East: 1307799. 5115' Segment #119 : Li necou rse: sl • 52' 51 "w Length: 18.4346'North: 160017.7583' East: 1307798.9064'segment #120 : curveLength: 38. 6766' Radius: 27. 5000'Delta: 80" 34' 55" Tangent: 23. 3143 'chord: 35. 5668' course: s38"24'37"Ecourse In: s88"07'09"E course out: s11"17'56"WRP North: 160016.8557' East: 1307826.3916'End North: 159989.8888' East: 1307821.0037'Segment #121 : LineCourse: S1"52'5l"W Length: 36.411l'North: 159953.4973' East: 1307819.8086'Segment #122 : CurveLength: 43.6969' Radius: 27.5000'Delta: 91'02'30" Tangent: 28.0046'Chord: 39.2428' course: S47"24'06"wcourse In: s2'55'21"W course out: N88"07'09"WRP North: 159926.0331' East: 1307818.4065'End North: 159926.9357' East: 1307790.9213'Segment #123 Linecourse: S1"52'51"w Length: 17.0550'North: 159909.8898' East: 1307790.3616'segment #124 : Linecourse: s80"17'10"w Length: 40.8332'North: 159903.0001' East: 1307750.1138'Perimeter: 4879.6627' Area: 107412 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0002 course: s82'35'41"EError North: -0.00003 East: 0.00024Precision 1: 24177566.5000 Page 5 TRACT A -ALLEY.txt Name: Lot : TRACT A -ALLEY North: 160324.8435' East: 1307939.7232'5egment #1 : Linecourse: 533'17'49"w Length: 20.0890'North: 160308.0524' East: 1307928.6948'5egment #2 curveLength: 75.5697' Radius: 390.0000'Delta: 11'06'08'' Tanffent: 37.9035'chord: 75.4515' course: N45'53'47"wcourse In: N38'33'09 E course Out: 549' 39' 17"WRP North: 160613 .0470' East: 1308171. 7550' End North: 160360.5635' East: 1307874.5144'5egment #3 : CurveLength: 20.0022' Radius: 390.0000'Delta: 2'56'19" Tangent: 10.0033'Chord: 20.0000' course: N38'52'34"wcourse In: N49'39'17"E course out: 552'35'36"WRP North: 160613.0465' East: 1308171.7556'End North: 160376.1336' East: 1307861.9616'segment #4 curveLength: 104.9463' Radius: 390.0000'Delta: 15'25'04" Tanffent: 52.7921'Chord: 104.6299' course: N29'41'52"wcourse In: N52'35'36 E course Out: 568 • 00' 40"WRP North: 160613. 0462' East: 1308171. 7 5 5 7' End North: 160467.0204' East: 1307810.1253'segment #5 : curveLength: 135.5248' Radius: 390.0000'Delta: 19'54'37" Tangent: 68.4526'chord: 134.8440' course: N12' 02 '01 "wcou rse In: N68 • 00' 40"E course out: 587' 5 5' 17"WRP North: 160613. 0469' East: 1308171.7554'End North: 160598.9013' East: 1307782.0123'segment #6 Linecourse: N2'04'43"w Length: 51.7478'North: 160650.6151' East: 1307780 .1354' segment #7 : Li necourse: N2' 04 '43"w Length: 90. 0000' North: 160740.5558' East: 1307776.8710'5egment #8 : Linecourse: N2'04'43"w Length: 20.0000'North: 160760.5427' East: 1307776.1456'se9ment #9 : Linecourse: N2'04'43''W Len~th: 89.9928'North: 160850.4763 East: 1307772. 8815 'segment #10 : L rnecou rse: N2 • 04' 43 "w Length: 95. 452 3 'North: 160945.8658' East: 1307769.4194'Segment #11 : Linecourse: N2'04'43''w Length: 5.4645'North: 160951.3267' East: 1307769.2212'Segment #12 CurveLength: 14.5656' Radius: 170.0000'Delta: 4'54'33" Tangent: 7.2872'Chord: 14.5611' course: N4'31'59"wcourse In: S87'55'17"w course out: N83'00'44"ERP North: 160945.1606' East: 1307599.333l'End North: 160965.8422' East: 1307768.0704'Segment #13 : curveLength: 45.3467' Radius: 170.0000'Delta: 15'17'00" Tangent: 22.8088'chord: 45.2124' course: N14'37'46"wcourse In: S83'00'44"w course out: N67'43'44"ERP North: 160945.1604' East: 1307599.3331'End North: 161009.5888' East: 1307756.6512'se9ment #14 : Linecourse: N22'16'16"w Length: 59.6344'North: 161064.7745 East: 1307734. 0504' segment #15 : Li necourse: N22 · 16' 16"w Length: 33. 4758 'North: 161095.7531' East: 1307721.3634'Segment #16 : curveLength: 90.0755' Radius: 220.0000'Delta: 23'27'32'' Tangent: 45.6777'Chord: 89.4477' course: NlO • 32 '30"wcou rse In: N67' 43' 44" E course out: N88 • 48 '44 "WRP North: 161179 .1308' East: 1307924.9516'End North: 161183.6911' East: 1307704.9989'Segment #17 Linecourse: N1'11'16''E Len~th: 15.0896'North: 161198.7774' East: 1307705.3117'Segment #18 : L1necourse: S88'48'44"E Length: 20.0000'North: 161198. 3629' East: 1307725. 3074' segment #19 : Li necourse: 51 · 11' 16"w Length: 15.0896'North: 161183.2765' East: 1307724.9946'Segment #20 CurveLength: 73.6951' Radius: 200.0000'Delta: 21'06'43" Tangent: 37.2702'Chord: 73.2789' course: s9'22'06''Ecourse In: s88'48'44''E course out: S70'04'32"WRP North: 161179.1307' East: 1307924.9517'End North: 161110.9750' East: 1307736.9230'Segment #21 : curveLength: 8.1918' Radius: 200.0000'Delta: 2'20'48'' Tangent: 4.0965'chord: 8.1912' course: s21'05'52''ECourse In: N70'04'32"E course out: s67'43'44"WRP North: 161179.1311' East: 1307924.9516'End North: 161103.3328' East: 1307739.8715'se9ment #22 : Linecourse: S22'16'16"E Length: 31.6568'North: 161074.0376 East: 1307751.8691'Segment #23 : Linecourse: S22'16'16"E Length: 40.0183'North: 161037. 0046' East: 1307767. 0357' segment #24 : Li necourse: 522' 16' 16"E Length: 21.4351'North: 161017.1686' East: 1307775.1593'segment #25 curveLength: 16.7973' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 5'03'55" Tanffent: 8.4041'chord: 16.7918' course: s19'44'18"Ecourse In: s67'43'44 w course out: N72'47'39''ERP North: 160945.1606' East: 1307599.3332'End North: 161001.3634' East: 1307780.8303'Segment #26 : curveLength: 36.1866' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 10' 54' 44" Tangent: 18 .1482' Chord: 36.1319' course: 511' 44' 59"ECourse In: S72'47'39"w course out: N83'42'24"ERP North: 160945.1604' East: 1307599.3332'End North: 160965.9886' East: 1307788.1881'Segment #27 : CurveLength: 5.0122' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 1'30'41" Tangent: 2.5062'chord: 5.0120' course: S5'32'16"ECourse In: S83'42'24"w course out: N85'13'05"ERP Page 1 TRACT A -ALLEY.txt North: 160945.1610' East: 1307599.333l'End North: 160961.0000' East: 1307788.6718'Segment #28 : CurveLength: 8.9647' Radius: 190.0000'Delta: 2 • 42' 12" Tangent: 4. 4832 'Chord: 8. 9639' Course: 53 · 25 '49"ECourse In: s85'13'05"w Course Out: N87'55'17"ERP North: 160945.1608' East: 1307599.3332'End North: 160952.0521' East: 1307789.208l'Segment #29 Linecourse: s2'04'43''E Len9th: 29.0240'North: 160923.0472' East: 1307790. 2609' segment #30 : L rnecourse: 52° 04' 43"E Length: 40. 0049' North: 160883.0687' East: 1307791.7119'Segment #31 : Linecourse: S2"04'43"E Length: 240.029l'North: 160643.1975' East: 1307800.4179'Segment #32 Linecourse: S2"04'43''E Len9th: 42.7368'North: 160600.4888' East: 1307801. 9680' Segment #33 : L rnecourse: 52 • 04' 43"E Length: 0. 8626' North: 160599.6268' East: 1307801.9993'Segment #34 : curveLength: 4.1409' Radius: 370. 0000' Del ta: o· 38' 28" Tangent: 2. 0704' chord: 4 .1408' course: S2"23'57"Ecourse In: N87"55'17"E course out: S87"16'49"WRP North: 160613.0469' East: 1308171.7558'End North: 160595.4896' East: 1307802.1726'Segment #35 curveLength: 48.0040' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"26'01" Tanffent: 24.0357'chord: 47.9704' course: s6"26'12''Ecourse In: N87"16'49 E course out: S79"50'48"WRP North: 160613.0462' East: 1308171.7558'End North: 160547.8216' East: 1307807.5503'segment #36 : curveLength: 48.2480' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"28'17" Tangent: 24.1583'chord: 48.2139' course: sl3"53'2l"Ecourse In: N79"50'48"E course out: s72"22'3l"WRP North: 160613.0463' East: 1308171.7559'End North: 160501.0174' East: 1307819.1238'segment #37 curveLength: 49.2608' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"37'42'' Tangent: 24.6668'Chord: 49.2244' course: S21"26'20''ECourse In: N72"22'3l''E course out: s64"44'49"WRP North: 160613.0464' East: 1308171.7560'End North: 160455.1989' East: 1307837.1157'Segment #38 : curveLength: 48.6788' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"32'17'' Tangent: 24.3745'Chord: 48.6437' course: S29"01'19"ECourse In: N64"44'49"E course out: S57"12'32"WRP North: 160613.0472' East: 1308171.7557'End North: 160412.6632' East: 1307860.7150'segment #39 curveLength: 48.5027' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 7"30'39" Tangent: 24.2862'Chord: 48.4680' Course: S36"32'47''ECourse In: N57"12'32"E course Out: 549" 41' 53"WRP North: 160613. 0470' East: 1308171. 7557' End North: 160373.7252' East: 1307889.5764'Segment #40 : CurveLength: 70.1347' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 10"51'38" Tangent: 35.1727'Chord: 70.0298' course: S45"43'56''Ecourse In: N49"41'53''E course out: S38"50'15''WRP North: 160613.0470' East: 1308171.7555'End North: 160324.8435' East: 1307939.7237'Perimeter: 1913.6518' Area: 18736 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0005 course: s89"47'47"EError North: -0.00000 East: 0.00050Precision 1: 3822021.4000 Page 2 Name: Lot : TRACT B North: 160395.6452' Segment #1 Line course: N54'51'38"w North: 160435.0680' segment #2 curve TRACT B.txt East: 1308089.3962' Length: 68.4937' East: 1308033.3852' Length: 178.0893' Radius: 190.5000' Delta: 53°33'47" Tangent: 96.1514' chord: 171.6747' course: N29'45'09''W course In: N33'27'58"E Course Out: S87'01'45"W RP North: 160593.9854' East: 1308138.4353' End North: 160584.1120' Segment #3 Line course: N2'58'15"w North: 160707.9036' Segment #4 Line course: N87'01'45''E North: 160713.4135' Segment #5 Line East: 1307948.1909' Length: 123.9582' East: 1307941.7665' Length: 106.3114' East: 1308047.9350' Page 1 course: Sll' 13' 54 "w North: 160683.5830' segment #6 Line course: S0"51'27''W North: 160609.8682' segment #7 Line course: S12'45'13"E North: 160395.6451' Perimeter: 800.6306' Error closure: Error North: TRACT B.txt Length: 30.4130' East: 1308042.0113' Length: 73.7230' East: 1308040.9079' Length: 219.6421' East: 1308089.3959' Area: 26512 sq. Ft. 0.0003 course: s71'03'30''w -0.00011 East: -0.00033 Precision 1: 2647387.0000 Page 2 TRACT C.txt Name: Lot : TRACT C North: 160917.6214' East: 1307930.8825'segment #1 : Linecourse: N87'01'45''E Length: 113.9106'North: 160923.5251' East: 1308044.6400'Segment #2 Li necourse: S14 · 36' 45 "E Length: 10. 2100' North: 160913. 6453' East: 1308047. 2158' segment #3 : Li necourse: S87 '01' 45 "w Length: 115. 9709' North: 160907. 6349' East: 1307931. 4007' segment #4 : Li neCourse: N2' 58' 15"W Length: 10.0000'North: 160917.6214' East: 1307930.8824'Perimeter: 250.0916' Area: 1149 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0000 course: N36'50'll"WError North: 0.00003 East: -0.00002Precision 1: 250091500.0000 Page 1 Name: Lot : TRACT D North: 160945.8656' segment #1 Line course: s83°26'58"W North: 160939.5667' Segment #2 Line course: N7'59'07"w North: 160959.3790' segment #3 Line course: N83"26'58"E North: 160965.8421' segment #4 curve TRACT D.txt East: 1307769.4189' Length: 55.2148' East: 1307714.5646' Length: 20.0063' East: 1307711.7853' Length: 56.6543' East: 1307768.0698' Length: 14.5656' Delta: 4"54'33" chord: 14. 5611' Radius: 170.0000' Tangent: 7.2872' course: s4"31'59''E course In: s83"00'44"W RP North: 160945.1603' End North: 160951.3266' segment #5 Line Course Out: N87"55'17''E East: 1307599.3325' East: 1307769.2206' Page 1 course: S2"04'43''E North: 160945.8657' Perimeter: 151.9055' Error closure: Error North: TRACT D.txt Length: 5.4645' East: 1307769.4188' Area: 1122 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 course: N57"11'59"w 0.00008 East: -0.00012 Precision 1: 1519010.0000 Page 2 Name: Lot : 1 North: 160740.5557' Segment #1 Line course: 587° 54 '47"w North: 160738.5522' Segment #2 Line course: N2'05'13''w North: 160758.5389' Segment #3 Line Course: N87'54'47''E North: 160760.5425' Segment #4 Line TRACT E.txt East: 1307776.8706' Length: 55.0177' East: 1307721.8894' Length: 20.0000' East: 1307721.1610' Length: 55.0206' East: 1307776.1451' course: S2'04'43''E Length: 20.0000' North: 160740.5557' East: 1307776.8706' Perimeter: 150.0383' Area: 1100 Sq. Ft. Error closure: 0.0000 course: s89'16'39"w Error North: -0.00000 East: -0.00001 Precision 1: 150038300.0000 Page 1 TRACT E.txt Page 2 TRACT F. txt Name: Lot : TRACT F North: 160178.5060' East: 1307599.2563'segment #1 : Linecourse: N1"55'57''E Length: 40.0000'North: 160218.4833' East: 1307600.6052'Segment #2 : Linecourse: N1"55'57''E Length: 4.5309'North: 160223.0116' East: 1307600.7580'segment #3 : curveLength: 36.4581' Radius: 90.0000'Delta: 23 · 12' 36" Tangent: 18.4825 'Chord: 36. 2093' course: N13 · 32' 15"Ecourse In: 588 "04' 03"E course out: N64 • 51' 28"WRP North: 160219. 9766' East: 1307690.7068'End North: 160258.2149' East: 1307609.2339'Segment #4 cu rveLength: 54. 3243' Radius: 90. 0000 'De 1 ta: 34 • 3 5 '02" Tangent: 28.0181'Chord: 53.5034' course: N42"26'04"ECourse In: S64"51'28"E Course Out: N30"16'25"WRP North: 160219.9769' East: 1307690.7069'End North: 160297.7031' East: 1307645.3351'Segment #5 : CurveLenyth: 13.1365' Radius: 271.5000'Delta: 2"46'20'' Tangent: 6.5695'Chord: 13.1352 Course: S31"45'44''ECourse In: N59"37'26''E course out: S56"51'06''WRP North: 160434.9936' East: 1307879.5648'End North: 160286.5350' East: 1307652.2494'segment #6 Linecourse: S33"08'54"E Length: 6.8812'North: 160280.7737' East: 1307656.0121'Segment #7 : curveLength: 71.2949' Radius: 70.0000'Delta: 58"21'20" Tangent: 39.0861'chord: 68.2531' course: s31"06'37"wcourse In: S29"42'43''E course out: N88"04'03"WRP North: 160219.9767' East: 1307690.7069'End North: 160222.3371' East: 1307620.7466'segment #8 Li necourse: 51 • 55' 57"w Length: 44. 5309' North: 160177. 8315' East: 1307619.2450'Segment #9 : Linecourse: N88"04'03"W Length: 20.0000'North: 160178.5060' East: 1307599.2563'Perimeter: 291.1568' Area: 2510 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0001 course: S40"53'52"EError North: -0.00006 East: 0.00005Precision 1: 2870440.0000 Page 1 TRACT G.txt Name: Lot : TRACT G North: 160570.9363' East: 1307622.7707'segment #1 : Linecourse: N1"55'57''E Length: 35.0000'North: 160605.9164' East: 1307623.9509'Segment #2 : Li necourse: S88 • 04' 03" E Length: 10. 0000' North: 160605. 5 792' East: 1307633.9452'segment #3 : Linecourse: S88"04'03''E Length: 10.0000'North: 160605.2420' East: 1307643.9396'Segment #4 : Linecourse: S1"55'57''w Length: 35.0000'North: 160570.2619' East: 1307642.7593'Segment #5 Linecourse: N88"04'03"w Length: 20.0000'North: 160570.9363' East: 1307622.7707'Perimeter: 110.0000' Area: 700 Sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0000 course: NO"OO'OO"EError North: 0.00000 East: O.OOOOOPrecision 1: 110000000.0000 Page 1 TRACT H.txt Name: Lot : TRACT H North: 160360.5635' East: 1307874.5143'Segment #1 : Linecourse: s51"07'26''w Length: 53.9692'North: 160326.6904' East: 1307832.4990'Se~ment #2 : LineCourse: N39"04'34"w Length: 20.000l'North: 160342.2166 East: 1307819.8919'Segment #3 : Linecourse: N51"07'26"E Length: 54.0390'North: 160376.1336' East: 1307861.9615'segment #4 : curveLength: 20.0022' Radius: 390.0000'Delta: 2"56'19" Tangent: 10.0033'Chord: 20.0000' course: S38"52'34''ECourse In: N52"35'36''E course out: S49"39'17"WRP North: 160613.0462' East: 1308171.7557'End North: 160360.5635' East: 1307874.5143'Perimeter: 148.0106' Area: 1078 Sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S7"23'47"EError North: -0.00003 East: O.OOOOOPrecision 1: 148008300.0000 Page 1 Name: Lot : TRACT I North: 160217.1189' segment #1 Line course: N33'08'54''w North: 160364.7289' Segment #2 curve Length: 78.6774' Delta: 35'04'51" chord: 77. 4542' TRACT I.txt East: 1307868.3804' Length: 176.3017' East: 1307771.9771' Radius: 128.5000' Tangent: 40.6155' course: N15"36'29''w course In: N56'51'06''E RP North: 160434.9938' End North: 160439.3270' Course Out: N88"04'03"W East: 1307879.5647' East: 1307751.1377' Segment #3 Line course: Nl'55'57"E North: 160614.1168' Segment #4 Line Course: N89'08'12''w North: 160615.5186' segment #5 Line Length: 174.8893' East: 1307757.0353' Length: 93.0330' East: 1307664.0128' Page 1 course: N1'55'57''E North: 161199.2255' segment #6 Line Course: S88'48'44"E North: 161198.7776' Segment #7 Line course: sl'll'l6"w North: 161183.6912' segment #8 curve TRACT I.txt Length: 584.0391' East: 1307683.7079' Length: 21.6086' East: 1307705.3118' Length: 15.0896' East: 1307704.9990' Length: 90.0755' Delta: 23'27'32'' chord: 89.4477' Radius: 220.0000' Tangent: 45.6777' course: S10'32'30"E course In: s88'48'44"E RP North: 161179.1308' End North: 161095.7532' segment #9 Line course: S22'16'16''E North: 161064.7747' course out: S67'43'44"w East: 1307924.9518' East: 1307721.3635' Length: 33.4758' East: 1307734.0505' Page 2 Segment #10 Line course: s63'58'26"W North: 161043.7438' Segment #11 Line course: s13'51'12''E North: 160959.3792' Segment #12 Line course: S7'59'07''E North: 160939.5669' segment #13 Line Course: S2'05'13"E North: 160648.6122' segment #14 Line course: N87'54'47"E North: 160650.6153' TRACT I.txt Length: 47.9303' East: 1307690.9806' Length: 86.8921' East: 1307711.7858' Length: 20.0063' East: 1307714.5651' Length: 291.1478' East: 1307725.1675' Length: 55.0048' East: 1307780.1358' Page 3 Segment #15 Line course: S2"04'43''E North: 160598.9015' Segment #16 curve Length: 135.5248' Delta: 19"54'37" chord: 134.8440' TRACT I. txt Length: 51.7478' East: 1307782.0128' Radius: 390.0000' Tangent: 68.4526' course: s12"02'01"E course In: N87"55'17"E RP North: 160613.0471' End North: 160467.0206' course out: S68"00'40"W East: 1308171.7561' East: 1307810.1258' Segment #17 Line course: S35"13'13"w North: 160414.8787' Segment #18 Line course: s32"39'36''E North: 160342.2169' segment #19 Line course: S39"04'34"E Length: 63.8259' East: 1307773.3160' Length: 86.3081' East: 1307819.8924' Length: 20.0001' Page 4 North: 160326.6907' segment #20 Line course: s45"29'14''E North: 160261.9116' segment #21 Line course: s33"17'49"w North: 160227.9231' Segment #22 curve TRACT I.txt East: 1307832.4995' Length: 92.4005' East: 1307898.3898' Length: 40.6640' East: 1307876.0661' Length: 13.2616' Radius: 178.5000' Delta: 4"15'24" Tangent: 6.6339' chord: 13.2586' course: s35"25'31''w course In: N56"42'11"w RP North: 160325.9158' End North: 160217.1191' Course Out: S52"26'46"E East: 1307726.8693' East: 1307868.3809' Area: 40939 Sq. Ft. Perimeter: 2271.9041' Error closure: 0.0005 course: N76"35'47''E Error North: 0.00013 East: 0.00053 Precision 1: 4538738.6000 Page 5 Name: Lot : TRACT J North: 160192.2335' segment #1 Line course: S71"10'18"W North: 160159.8203' Segment #2 Line course: N1"55'57"E North: 160177.8317' Segment #3 Line course: Nl"55'57''E North: 160222.3373' Segment #4 curve TRACT J.txt East: 1307713.6962' Length: 100.4332' East: 1307618.6372' Length: 18.0216' East: 1307619.2449' Length: 44.5309' East: 1307620.7466' Length: 71.2949' Delta: 58"21'20'' Radius: 70.0000' Tangent: 39.0861' Chord: 68.2531' course: N31"06'37''E course In: s88"04'03"E course out: N29"42'43"w RP North: 160219.9767' End North: 160280.7738' Segment #5 Line East: 1307690.7068' East: 1307656.0121' Page 1 course: s33'08'54''E North: 160199.0864' segment #6 curve TRACT J.txt Length: 97.5654' East: 1307709.3616' Length: 8.1090' Radius: 278.5000' Delta: 1'40'06" Tangent: 4.0548' Chord: 8.1087' course: S32'18'51''E Course In: S56'51'06"W RP North: 160046.8003' End North: 160192.2335' Perimeter: 339.9549' Error closure: course out: N58'31'12"E East: 1307476.1854' East: 1307713.6962' Area: 6599 Sq. Ft. 0.0001 Course: N85'50'16"E Error North: 0.00001 East: 0.00007 Precision 1: 3369129.0000 Page 2 TRACT K.txt Name: Lot : TRACT K North: 160124.0938' East: 1307822.8906'Segment #1 : Linecourse: s25"27'0l''E Length: 35.7034'North: 160091.8551' East: 1307838.2333'Se~ment #2 : Linecourse: sl"51'37"w Length: 174.8340'North: 159917.1133 East: 1307832.5578'Segment #3 : Linecourse: S80"17'10''w Length: 42.8103'North: 159909. 8899' East: 1307790. 3613' Segment #4 : Li neCou rse: Nl • 52' 51" E Length: 17.0550'North: 159926.9358' East: 1307790.9211'Segment #5 curve Length: 43. 6969' Radius: 27. 5000' Delta: 91 "02' 30" Tangent: 28.0046'Chord: 39.2428' course: N47"24'06''Ecourse In: S88"07'09''E course Out: N2"55'21"ERP North: 159926.0332' East: 1307818.4062'End North: 159953.4974' East: 1307819.8083'Segment #6 : Linecourse: N1"52'51''E Length: 36.4111'North: 159989.8889' East: 1307821.0034'segment #7 : curveLength: 38.6766' Radius: 27.5000'Delta: 80"34'55" Tangent: 23.3143'chord: 35.5668' course: N38"24'37"wcourse In: N11"17'56"E course out: N88"07'09"WRP North: 160016.8559' East: 1307826.3914'End North: 160017.7584' East: 1307798. 9061' segment #8 : Li necourse: Nl · 52' 51"E Length: 18. 4346' North: 160036.1831' East: 1307799.5112'segment #9 : curveLength: 66.8049' Radius: 323.5000'Delta: 11"49'55" Tangent: 33.5217'Chord: 66.6863' course: N4"02'07"wcourse In: N88"07'09"w course out: N80"02'56"ERP North: 160046.8006' East: 1307476.1855'End North: 160102.7041' East: 1307794.8184'Segment #10 cu rveLength: 16. 1044' Radius: 11. 5000' De 1 ta: 80" 14' 09" Tan~ent: 9.6901'Chord: 14.8204' course: N30"10'00"ECourse In: N80"02'56'E Course Out: N19 "42' 55"WRP North: 160104. 6914' East: 1307806 .1454' End North: 160115. 5173' East: 1307802.2659'Segment #11 : CurveLength: 22.3462' Radius: 223.5000'Delta: 5"43'43'' Tangent: 11.1824'Chord: 22.3369' course: N67"25'13"Ecourse In: N19"42'55"w Course Out: S25"26'38"ERP North: 160325.9159' East: 1307726.8690'End North: 160124.0940' East: 1307822.8906'Perimeter: 512.8773' Area: 6692 Sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0002 course: N13"56'20"EError North: 0.00016 East: 0.00004Precision 1: 2519508.0000 Page 1 Name: Lot : TRACT L North: 160825.5080' segment #1 Line course: sl4"36'45''E North: 160452.5711' segment #2 Line course: sl"49'09"w North: 160296.1279' Segment #3 curve TRACT L.txt East: 1308070.1944' Length: 385.4031' East: 1308167.4241' Length: 156.5221' East: 1308162.4553' Length: 88.0657' Delta: 43"18'42'' chord: 85.9838' Radius: 116.5000' Tangent: 46.2568' course: N34"52'41"w course In: S76"46'39"w RP North: 160269.4805' End North: 160366.6665' Segment #4 Line course: N56"32'02"w North: 160380.1391' Segment #5 Line Course out: N33"27'58''E East: 1308049.0438' East: 1308113.2870' Length: 24.4316' East: 1308092.9059' Page 1 course: Nl2'45'13"W North: 160395.6453' Segment #6 Line Course: Nl2'45'13"W North: 160609.8685' Segment #7 Line Course: N0'51'27''E North: 160683.5832' segment #8 Line Course: Nll'l3'54''E North: 160825.5081' Perimeter: 1108.3821' Error Closure: Error North: TRACT L.txt Length: 15.8984' East: 1308089.3962' Length: 219.6421' East: 1308040.9082' Length: 73.7230' East: 1308042.0116' Length: 144.6961' East: 1308070.1950' Area: 32134 Sq. Ft. 0.0005 course: N83'53'37''E 0.00005 East: 0.00051 Precision 1: 2212600.4000 Page 2 TRACT M.txt Name: Lot : TRACT M North: 160600. 4886' East: 1307801. 9674' Segment #1 : Li necourse: N85 · 33' lO"E Length: 100.2116'North: 160608.2591' East: 1307901.8773'Segment #2 Linecourse: s2"58'15''E Length: 5.0017'North: 160603.2641' East: 1307902.1365'segment #3 : Linecourse: s85"33'10''w Length: 100.2663'North: 160595.4894' East: 1307802.1721'segment #4 : curveLength: 4.1409' Radius: 370.0000'Delta: 0°38'28" Tangent: 2.0704'chord: 4.1408' course: N2° 23' 57"wcourse In: NS?° 16 '49"E course out: 587° 55 '17"WRP North: 160613 .0460' East: 1308171.7553'End North: 160599.6265' East: 1307801.9988'segment #5 Li necou rse: N2 • 04' 43 "w Length: O. 8626' North: 160600. 4886' East: 1307801.9675'Perimeter: 210.4830' Area: 501 sq. Ft.Error closure: 0.0001 course: S75°38'27"EError North: -0.00002 East: 0.00007Precision 1: 2104830.0000 Page 1 TRACT N.txt Name: Lot : TRACT N North: 160965. 9884' East: 1307788 .1875 'Segment #1 : Li necourse: N80 · 29' 31"E Length: 95.6037'North: 160981.7808' East: 1307882.4779'Segment #2 : curveLength: 2.4141' Radius: 204.SOOO'Delta: 0°40'35" Tangent: l.2071'Chord: 2.4141' course: 53°18'33"Ecourse In: s86°21'10"W Course Out: N87°01'45"ERP North: 160968.7720' East: 1307678.3920'End North: 160979.3708' East: 1307882.6172'Segment #3 : Linecourse: s2"58'15"E Length: 2.6171'North: 160976.7572' East: 1307882.7528'segment #4 : Linecourse: s80"29'31''w Length: 9S.3921'North: 160960.9997' East: 1307788.6712'Segment #5 : curveLength: 5.0122' Radius: 190.0000'oelta: 1°30'41" Tangent: 2.5062'chord: S. 0120' Course: NS· 32 '16"wcou rse In: 585 • 13' OS "w course out: N83° 42' 24 "ERP North: 160945.1606' East: 1307599.3326'End North: 160965.9883' East: 1307788.1875'Perimeter: 201.0392' Area: 477 Sq. Ft.Error Closure: 0.0001 Course: S8°09'30"EError North: -0.00010 East: 0.00001Precision 1: 2010390.0000 Page 1