HomeMy WebLinkAboutREPORT 01$ f T.23N. R.5E. W.M. . -. w O /I ' s 6 -/ . 17•' ~ I " 251' :zs' ~ l:i 16 (-, ./' 11s,tsb ,nl J1 , ()2] )JI l5] IJ5~ ' ~t=-=~} _ _._.\, _. ---. ' r · -,.:;-:- 11 t'>r / ; ,;: '":::": ':":" "'~-~~:·:":'. ~ :i:~~,'Y::ES;[~~:· c<f 'TI[ ::." . " ~. · "t ,C .,,[' . ,-~"'-~ -'---1 ·· Yt:-t~-· · ,;,--·::2~\':f;":,,,,,,,,~*'..__ s& ~~ _.:-_.:_ 5-~~~~--; 1-:~~~:p-=-~---.. ~ ~ i -·_. 1 2\-~-, f,. '" ' "-9 ,ol 18d 11 112. 1 , Q -v19·~ ·~ ,.,..··~--,-- f :-:~:~~~-=.-=.-=.::::-.:-.:-.:~-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:~-=------~~:~~~'::~~?7~;_-:.~;~;\/t(\ \, , u o , , EX. OETEtHlON PONO I I , ' ,, I '-.', '•~ , , · · ,,, ·:t \:~r ', I 47 I ~- ":---~--- /;;; BEGIN F.A. NO. NHPP-0169(027) BEGIN PROJECT SR169 MP 22.868 -/>) ~ ~ . "" ('" " . " " " "" 1-~:-~=-----!h~~i{if J!;:~,if ~f ·~::~;. ,;:;:S,;S:;2-};;;;1.:;;;.~t-:,~~;:~:=;~., ~l7 19 4(1 ~ -'=':::~~=::.-~~ ls2k1 _ /5511-;,;1 ,-,-,_ '_/ , on <..:_·1s2 1.,ss i -·~ m • I.>!"". ./ a LEGEND EXISTING PAVEMENT MARK ... GS QUAtmTY Tll9ULAT10N NOTE WSOOT RIGHT OF WJ.Y ---------:o" EXISTING 9ARRIER EXISTl"IG GUARDl"AIL EXISTI"IG INLET I INLET PROTECTIO"I """""' =---i °""""""' FILE N ... l,IE ....--'""•o,...\mogn,..ilpw -dot\<11)108(110\0000 ~l5039 PV WP 001.dj" 3:17:00 PM OAHC 7/21/2016 PI.OTTED BY m•g~""J "42, _ • .,.. ~o.- [.4'l I so EJ!;ISTI"IG STORM SEWER EXISTING S,.NIT.IIRY SEWER EJ1;IST1"1G DITCH eonoM EXISTING ITS ELECTRICAL FULL DEPTH REPAIR PL.AMNG 81TUMl"IOUS COMPOST SOCK . --1 -. -~ " NOTES f 1, Tk( CONTRACTOR SHALL c>RESERVE AND P<lOTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS . 2 FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE QUAt./TlTIES ANC MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABUL/ITICN i l. UNLESS OTHERVl'ISE SH0\1\11'1 INSTALL PA'IEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE.EXITING LOCATIONS RFFFR~NCE AS PART OF THF 1310 ITT'M .'!EFF'!ENCING EXISTING PA•/EM~"'T P.IARKINGS' SEC: Sf'ECIAL PRO\llSIONS REFERENCING Sl\lSTING PAVEME~T P.IAR~INGS' 4 SEE Clll1B RAMP PLANS FOR SIDEWA'.K AND RAMP QUAILS 10 !WASI FEO.AJO PROJ.NO. NHPP-0169(027) ~ ,oo ~CALE IN fEET R_~~IR NOTES SEE WORIV'l.A.N DETAIL Sr<EET DP:l01 # roR CORRESPONDING t DIGOUT LOCATIONS -w SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. cii:s1mii;0Bv T.BIELENBERG ~·-:,1~~~: __ l------~--~1 I lx,~.~.3: I "" __ , I ENTEREO BY C~.E~KED 9Y Pl'!OJ. ENGR. B. NESBITT WHhlngton StatB PAVING Department of Transportation >-------------------, WORK PLAN REGION•L ADM. LENG REVISION ~~!!:!'.. C E ~ WP1 r+-'--H+-H i ! ;I f '• •• .. ~:!: 0, d ~· ., .g ~ 0 -,. ~ g ,; 0 ~ "' " .,, z ,; ~ z f .... ~ ... ~ ~- ~ 0 ~ z > < m "' m d "' "' n ~ m ~ 0 > "' .,, > "' " < ~ I , l ! Cl I~ I 1 8 ~ e I i • ~ ~ ~ 0 0 i ~ ,'! a ~ I • ~ • 0 ! s ~ • ~ • , ' a s ~ g ~ I • 0 ~ ~ ~ I ,, I ' i , I I ! • I I I ' i 0 ~ 0 • • ! I MJ\TCK LIN~ MP 23-92 SEE SHEET WP] : t' : r m C) m z C : ; ( "' ; ' f ~-~.-d·,'' Io; , . r;,r -:Q :, ' f ';) I 7[. I I [i ~ H . ~:! j ,· I , 1((>111~ I •; t;, '"" '.,,::, ~ I:, , I, .. ) '! i' ,I " I, ' tki~'- MATCH LINE MP 236~ SFf THIS SHE!cT / f • I ' MATCH UNE MP D5$ SEE THIS SHEET J ' 1 1 'I ' ,, ' I ' " '~ ,'I 1 ,, 1,1 'i I ·:,: ',j' '~ ·I~ : ,I I ,, ' "' r 1·.' ', 1:, I" ' i' ' ,, ,, ' ' " j' I / MATCH LINE MP 2342 SEE SHEET WP< T.23N. R.SE. W.M. 'q, \ X ' ~', '..::·: \ " , 4b'i ..._1 9), b:'fJQti 20 . 4 . ') Si !Sci / 1 '] 5 ,·;;: ,· i~ .·i3 /"'" ~ _ [is, 18, I;, : \' l6I 1fo/ ~_!_ 1 .-"' ; ,;;~; !;:=%£:'':'-:~~-1~1,~t:~:1:··:J;;:,cc~ .. ~ .. :/,e~.• ...•. • ;:i : , w 1 , & s 6 1 ~c; /.11) , ~ : 9 . i ·,/ . , :' 1•, ~-~ ,'° n . ..;.;, 1 ' 5 ',, [ ~ 10 \12 "-/[1]'• :,.1\ _ _,.. ,b(:. I 1211 22 ""ii'" :ro: !i° ~ J ' ..J~ ;: l/8: '-::, ~ SEE NOTE 1. --~o'<'A,,,_0(:.1>-·10 .,--,-~-~---·- p SEE NOTE 1 -~--:;: ___ >i'•"t. -·---"-~ '391 ,;f,21 i}J F,_~ ' SEE NOTE 1 \ I ·-'' !6 ~ II ~, ;; ~~~~~i~f ;;~:~: --j H LEGEND NOTES 1 CONTRACTOR SHAI I PRFSFRVF AND PROTFCT All EXIS'lNG SURVEY MONUMENTS. 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE QUANTITIES AND \!P LOGATIONS SEE OUM..JTITY TABULATION 3. UNLESS O'l-lERWISE SHO\'WII INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOC/\TlONS RUCR(NC[ AS PART OF THE BID 1-EM "REHC~~NC:INC EXISTING PA.\/El,'EtH MARKINGS" SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS 'REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS •. SEE CURB RAMP PL.ANS FOR SIDEWALK AND RAMP DETAILS FILE taME c:w .. ,.""•onu•('fw wadotl<ID10801D'OOOO XL~on TIIIIE J:11:12 PM DATE 7128/2016 PLOTTED BY mognuol OESIG~H>BY --T. BIELENSERG El<TEREO BY T. BlELENBERG CHECKED BY D. Wll.lllNSON PROJ. ENG~ B. NEBBITT REGIONAL ADIi!,_ LEN(," ----- WP 001.dg" R~VISION . ; D EXISnNG PAVEMENT MIIRKINGS QUANTTTY TAEIULAnON NOTE WSOOT RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING GUIIRDRAIL EXISTING INLET I INLET PROTECTION ::J:s FED.AID PRDJ.~. NHPP-0169(027) Xl-5039 DATE I BY """""' . ,---- """""""' EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM EXISTING ITS ElECTI!;ICJ,,L FULL DEPlli REPAIR PLANING BITUl,IINOUS COMl?OST SOCII a REPAIR NOT~ sr, l'JORKPLAN DETAIL SHEET DP001 ~ FOR CO'lllCSPONIJINc; ~ DIGOUT L:JCATION so 100 SCALE IN FEET -SR 169 vi 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. Washington State PAVING Department of Transportation f--------------------_-_-_-_ --------i 'IVUKK PLAN WPJ ,; T.23N. R.SE. W.M. LEGEND EJIISTING PAVEMENT M"-RKINGS QU ... NTITY TABULATION NOTE WSOOT RIGHT OF WAY ----+ EICIST1NG BARRIER - E)(ISTlffG STORM SEWER E)(]STJNG SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM El(ISTING ITS ELECTRICAL FULL OEPTH REPAIR " / 1/,, ,, • .<:'i-"' t,;' ,.,,:· ·/,(' /- ',.,,,,,,, a HISTING GUARDRAIL EJl!Sa.lG INLET I INLET PROTECTION -~ PLANING BITUIIQJIOUS """"""'" COMPOST SOCK SEE NOTE 1 "°Ji // .Y~ '· /./ 1.THE CONlRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL E:<JS11NG SURVEY M01'UMENTS 2 FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE. QUANTlTIES AN[) MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION. l UNIFSS OTHERWISE SHO"" INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOCATIONS REFERENCE AS <'ART OF me BID ITEM "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS" SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS REFERENCING EXISTll>IG PAVEMENT MARKINGS". 4 SEE CURB RAMP PLANS FOR SIOEWALK AND RAMP OSTAlLS. ,e' . ·/ ;-, ... .,,( . /> I l1 ' '.,, .... , .• ~. /.' 1S 6/. ·· ,,. l.t \"i ____ _,;;:t.,;--::',.~"-,:1 ,.,,, . .> , ' )/ ~,:f~f:"~i.j;// (") " , . -I ,,,. ,, ' -( ""a'" ~ I ,,, 4-i 1!f-~ "'-" ,,~, "= '"' t!f . <==-"" -: --< "~~'~; :0~lc;'~'c~~:°:~,~~;:ilf i?~ f"c~'f!:~,!~~~i:: .. ~· :;"~ \ "211 ,22) I ,'9·J ,2(k1 211 '~ ~ "'/._r - ,ZOI. 201!.- ' ,,1-END END FA NO. NHPP-0169(027) PROJECT SR169 MP 24.840 REPAIR NOTES ',J 100 ~ SEE WORKPlAN DETAIL SHEET DPoo, , / FOR C0RRESP0ND1Nla ~ DIGO,JT I OCATlON FILE N•Mie ...--o:\,JH,.lma..,uar,,w wo<lo~d0108010\0000 .ll~Ol, PV WP 001.dgn J:1"18 PM 112812016 ,;;;;;;;;:j" f: BlELEHBERG . I~"'~"'~" '" -!, BIELEHBERG =::t:==== ~uc~~c~ DV D. \MLl(IHSDH -B.NEBBifr L.EHG RE\IJSION FED .... ID PROJ.HO. NHPP-0169(027) SCALE IN FEET -SR 169 w 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. WP4 PAVING Washington Stale Department of Transportation f-----------------' WORK PLAN ! • ' ,I ii f ii~ .. ~ == 0 , -· •• a , aw ~• ~~ ~ g 0 C " .. " ~ ,. ,. ,: < ~ z \;; " -< 0 C • ~ 0 ~ ~ z 0 i ' ' 1 ! ~- ~ ~ I ,. < m "' m • "' 0 " n ~ m ~ 0 ,. " ~ ,. " " ~ 0 " '.: 0 • C > ' ;Q C z Ill ~ 0 --i ;Q 0 • --i )> m 0 ;: (I> I "ti " )> ,r r )> m l,i I~ >~zo111 -i;~~::l ;i~--~ r,G'I~ ~ ~(/)gr zCz m• :v~~ Om 0 . ~ t m n ~ a m ~ • m "• ~~; -u rn . ..,e s,1: r->z , / ~ ;g 0 <... ;o m " , 'N --i i > < m ~ .. , , . -'-,', ,, '' , ' , , , , --__ _, I /',---,, < /,1' ' ' "''''"'·'· / , , , , !1 I /~, , / 5 O FJ . ..,.. __ _ t/ ' ., •I ~'_:,;9:,fl.--· , .,,,....-\ .y / 0 VARIES . / r __ Q._Q FT -f,7 F;o-~/ ! .I a~'"' r;I I_ 1-MAX~I ./·1 ,~ /1 DETECTABLE WARNING SURF~-- -GRADE BREAK -TOP OF ROADWAY j " Y' ~,. /( ~~~[~~Ns\i-,-sa~--LANDING SECTION 0 -CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SFCTIONJ EXISTING l / CEMENT CONG / PEDESTRIAN CURB MATCH EXISTING f R I JOI~--------:::>,--1 · "4;,q, ;--______ .., ,---~ ' l -I ,. ,,_.- r t:1)1 4rd-. l \/Ji~-'-~~:n=-i~=;iii::::\--*it +Jf;/.o , " '1. <, M:~E~ ' , '') 0-;; -,:W \ -6 l'k -.ft,;..' ,:,<.'tiµ; ,,._ \.-.,,_ 'f/:\o~ ·'-~ / / / EXISITING --, SIDEWALK \ ~ SIDEWALK VARIES c.. /&~ ~1~ cew "~ f !~Af/SION IQINI (I'<P . ..L __ j RAMP VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW GRADE BREAK - 7 sci, MAX J -------- ~[ CROSSWALK A1 AND A2 CONTROL POINTS ---,------i ™' _ iERSE NORTHtlG EASTINO C~~ " 17361D.l!fi'l'I 1)1)2)2.119078 ! 1(12 HOHL DISTAtlCE TO BEA~INC. TO TIUV~RSE CO~L_.f'~T 12.511 FEET ~ 59"16'2MJ."E , ~AMP ti"-LANDING 1cc ~f!~l,\P ,..., \ ---.;~~-:::.>.-...,, Y--.:J.}; --1 _,..._ _ Q>"i• \ __ _-:;_.-,-/,,,, ........ ~.JCH_E;XIST1NG ~t~~:t~~i:i:{!t~, ~~~~~{it:>/ "~Ml~ CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC-/ ''-. // 1. I ',// /> CURB AND GUTTER '·\ -~/ A ,,, //\ //' \//\ /RP'' / .>-:. </\,_ />:_'-. ..... , ~/ i // ',, /·"','-._ '\. ',, // '\_ \_ ,' '.,,-.--' /,> '/, \/ ~ / ', ,• /'\\ '\. ~/" , / ,/\ ___ ,,, '-. "-\ / ------------- CROSSWALK . '\. / ,,/ A2 CENTERLINE -.._. PLAN VIEW CEMENT CONC: CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE GENERAi NOJF SEE CURB RAMP u,.vou~ S>IEET CRV\ FOR '"'"""~"ON :)N l SAV!,RS~ cr;~mQL POINTS FILE NAME c:IIIH'nl~nu•Jlpw_wadoll<Ml10fl000\0000_~L5039_FT_CRPR_001 TIME 8:tl'l:41 ~M O~TE ll/1'2016 CROSSWALK Al CENTERLINL 10 IWASI ClJRB RAMP C1 CONTROL POINT ,=,ERSE NORTH1NG USTING El.EV, C~ -HORLD!STANCE TO BEA"'MG TO TR.I.VERSE co1mro1._l'OIHT 84.'8 FEET "' 111612.122l'J I u112i1.688n : 87.oo ,~ S 61"16'16.(11" E 140TH SE RAMP C1 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ~~ CURB IUIIP CONTROi. POINT X EXISTING JUNCTION BOX 1r----EXISTING SIGNAi. PDI.E EXISTING MANHOLE ~ REMOVIHQ CEMENT CONC ./11 CURB ANO GUTTER EXISTING VALVE BOX ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC SIDEWALK i EXISTING SIGN POST [I] ROAOWAY EXCAVATION <D--PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON INCL HAUi. -AREA rn ~~:g~~~.mrLT " PEDESTRI.AN PUSH BUTTON POLE FEO.AIO PROJ.NO. LANDING VARIES / SEE PLAN VIEW"" 4 + ~~-.M~_ 1 I· RAMP VARIES SCEc PLAN-~EW -GRADE BREAK - ___ _]_"J'!_, MAX SIOFWALK VARIES see l"1 VIEW 50% \I ~AX .--E)(ISITING / SIDEWALK L SECTION 0 E;>;PANSION JOINT {T:'._l:'J __ "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP rYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT NOTES --7/-T- " DO NPT Pl.ACE G~ATittGS J'JNCrJON BOXtS ACCESS WVERS OR OTH~R APPl'RlANCeS IN FR('l<T 0, !H~ Cl>K~ ~• ... ~. UR A..V PART OF 11-lE CURB Jl.'.MP 00 LANDING 2 ALL DIMENTIONS ARE FOR !NFr.RMAllCN Ol<L< CUH~ ><A"f-S S><A.LL Btc CON5'SUCICL1 10 N()l EXCEE~ NOTED SLOPES l THF CURR RAO,a RUNNING SLOPE SHALL NOT REDlttRE THE RAMP L(NPH TO [XC[cD ·~ rrcr ~ND SHALL 0[ AS F' AT AS e=A$1R[F 4 THE BID '"" "CEMENT CDNC, CURB RAO,r "'Ir[ PAMLln A D0E5 NO, !SCI tJ'.)F' Tiff '\IJJACFNT CURR CURR M•f> Gu,rER OR SICEWAL~ ~ THE CURB RAMPS lANDINGS AND FLARES SHAU RECCIVC A RROC~ "~ISO see s:~Nll,>Hl} SPECl"CA<ION S-'~Js>; "Tt;E U~E o, ~lDPCS TM<E PREC~UeNC~ oveH TH~ USE or-L~MCM>cms IN A?A DESIGN 7 DISTURBED PLANllNG AAHS SHAL" BE RESTORFD WTH NATIVE ~OIL,>INe COM~~SI AN[) SfCD Ml" PE~ SPECIAL PROVISIONS CR1 -SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. w ~-LOTTED BY .;;~"·~"'I:, ::::====--!=:t=· DESIGNED 13)' M. ~'°GEON -- EMTl:REO BY M. FIDGEON PAVING Waahlngton State CHECKED BY O. WILKINSON ---'"'"'""= P'WJ--:E~.,._,..,c,.,.,, j ~Gl~AL ADM. -'(. ENG REVISION Department of Transportation >--------------- CURB RAMP PLANS /-DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE VARIES SEE PLAN EXISITNG SHARED GRAOF llRf'AK VIEW ~.._/ USE PATH / ,' GRADE BREAK EXISITNG I--VARIES BET\'JEEN 5.0 F-r ro 6.7TI-- GRADE _____ 'tAfl_l_E..s.....!l_[ lWEE.f.:l_ 100 FT. TO 11.9 FT :I /:-c:: ~ "'"~'5% ,/ ---' I I ' / i • -_'] '-RAMP / \ ' LANDING L TOP OF ROADWAY ,/ I BREAK I l(i"°' 'Q \ 1 O'io I •...., I i. ·1 -- .)~ \ __ CURB RAMP \, ~ -EXISTING GROUND SECTION 0 -CEMFNT CONG. CURB & GUIER IDEPRESSED CURB SECTION) \ '-LANDING ~ \ /C"' EXPANSION J01Nf (lYP.: > "CEMENT CONCRETF CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT : ;_' ---,---""--'\~ \,,, -~ ~ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT ,-CEMENT CONG PEDESTRIAN CURB A _,,/-:: CROSSWALK B1 AND 64 CONTROL POINTS _J -------------TRAVERSE HORZ. OISU.~E TO I COHT~OL IIEAR!tl(l TO . ~~~. E.O.STil«l f>gt(T _ TRAVERSE CDHTI!Ol..fR!l'I_T I j' 10UT FEET j CP -_:5709~~5JZ.90UO __ 1_01_ N ~J' 2'1'5~.75" W CURB RAMP C2 CONTROL POINT _ _ NOR!l11NCi EASTW;G __ : ELI;\'. C~Ol -~~&1~ [ -------,-TRAVERSE lf0Rl..01STANC~1 [RI' __ 17~S69.1'lll2!i -1l11~l4.Ul'O I 7UJ 107 N 5S'1!"2U6" W ~ ,o <}-'). / / , '8.'8 FEET GENERAL NOTE ,re Co.Ra Ph~P LSY~"T SH<rT ca•r T"-"'-'1:RS[ C0ITT"0l POIN,-S MATCH EXISTING JOINT ' /// / //' MULTJ-USE PATH <c,~//'." // 0' //\ -R-'~0 •-;:,o SHAR[D USE PATH CEMENr CONG PEDESTRIAN CURB , /.{"""<---. c:,<,. ~'·'.!-'r,,. / /:' ,4:• /::/ / -----..._ CEMENT CONG ,,_ -I // RAMP c ,.,.-:;/ PEDESTRIAN CURB ---------!-,, ,C R~~--//~// -Be~ "-, '.-l-. __. ------.r;T ~ T-l'Vi!o Ff , .. ~ 1(:-- tz/-""-'"i ( "ECTION 0 -CEMENT CONG PEDEST:C.IAN CURB ~ _L' i ' L -\ ---,----,_. _.L-' -1--~-: ,, 1----. 0 '; "~"' ' -5:';:;' , <"-/~" ' -'(;, MATCH EXISTING -~---;:_,--;b~::__"..__-1~~f~ t.~/ 1 I ~?/~,~~ . , _'," 131ST SE RAMP C2 J 1 ,,,,,_,,e,, ~ . .,,, ---rf:/ -. NOT TO SCALE / ) w,,c "-' -,!,; -1! , , ·, 'tf, . '-::at:- ~ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \] 1\ .. --------,:-Q·ff_'i _ '~ 1. . ----------.-,_,:_ -~--;._\!\---~ ~1.cl_ FT ' '--:: OS FT ---~ i'. ,' '1.53, ·~0 1__ LA~!~?-/ , -. ---l LEGEND -r_:~-------95 FT-I~ ___ n]', /1 /. ' ---EXISTING /'j___ /''"'-',,, / ! ' \ ', ~ CEMENT CONG TRAFFIC---. -...,._______-==-=---·c__ I_ ,, ~ M~TCl:i____E)';_J_:il).m,__ EXISnNG JUNCnOH BOX EXISnNG SIGNil.L POLE NOTES ~d~~HA~~ISJLNT~ER _/ < y--:~~?~~~~::;_~~=--i: GUnJP:-Nti~:-;;-=-~;:~~--z _ ----I 'fU>.> cuRB RAMP cONTRoL POINT r ' CURB AND GUTTER --::-r'--, ------:/1 1 f :';:»-_-;:::'~ -CLlRB AND GUTTER I /cp', CROSS.WAL.II CONT!IOL POINT // \ , / __ ,.._. ,,/ V // / \ · C~ ,/ , >----··/ ! 1"771 REMOVING CE"1ENl CONC HISTING MANHOLE ' "" ~o, PL.A.CE GF'-'TINCS !UN~noN BCX[S ACCES5 COVCRS ~R f'THfR ,eeuRIAN",s IN FRMT OF Tl-<E ~l'HS ~A ... P 0~ ANY PART D< THE C:'JR~ "-""'P OR L.,>,NDI,,.; CROSSWALK/ B' CFNTERLiNE £'}( . ' I t:LLI CURB /I.NO GUCTER ,/CIC)\ / ~ REMOVING CEMENT V 1:::::::..::::. CONC,5,IOEW ... LK ',, CROSSWALK IT] ROADWAY EXCAVATION B4 CENTERLINE INCL H/1.UL • ii.REA PLAN VIEW rT, REJj!O\IING ASPHALT TYPE PARALLEL A ~ CONC.SIDEWALK NOT TO SCALE FILE N.0.,,.E ,., e:\uH,-lm•pn"•llpw .,.dol\llCl!a8000\0000 XL>GJ9 FT CRPR 001.<ll,n B:D9:~1 A,,_ FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~" 8M/2D16 PLOTTED BY molJh""J DESIGMEo liY M: FIDGEON ENTERED BY ·M. FIDGEON CHECKEO BY D, WILKINSON PRoJ. ENOR.--a. NEBa·rrr REGIO"l,r.L ,r.Ofit L. ENG REVISION CD- " EXISnNG VALVE BOX EXISnNG SIGN POST PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE 1 Acl DIM[NDONS •Rt FOR ISFOPM>TION ""-' C'J~~ KA .. PS ~HALL"" rnNSTP!Uc;TEO '<' 'fOT EX~EED NOTFO SL OPES '· THF CVRS ~AMP RUNNING SLOPS ~H~Ll NOT PF.QUIR[ rnr aAMP L:NGT>< TO rxccrn 15 l'EET AND SHALL SF hS FIA-N; fEAS18l[ 4 Tt<E 81D ITEM 'CF. .. fNT CONC.CU~O ~,WO T~PE PARALl~L A DOFS NOT l'K'<UCJf" W' Ml.JhCE~T ~UH~ CU~~ ,,Nu CUTTSH CW SIOEW"1.K 5 TII[ CURB RAMPS LANDIN[",_, AND •LA.RH ~~All KCC,IVe , OW.>UM FINl';H sec STA~DAnD SP:CCIHCATl()N El-'• ~JJ fi THE 'JSE C>S SLOPS~ TAKO P~SCSOCNCt DYER Tl'<~ USE OF ~IMcNSIO~S IN ADA CE.SIC.I< ,.OIST!JPDLD PLANTIN~ ARFAS SHALi AS H>SloN,i) v,frH NAllVL sn1. Fl% CC:MP'lST AND ssrn ~x P[R SP[CIAL PRCNl5IDN5 -~ SR 169 CR2 Washington Sb1e Department of Transportation 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC, PAVING CURB RAMP PLANS ·z t;: ___ 23_,Z _ _r:,:_ ' " ( '-s ' ,, --0)-p) r- CURB RAMP Cl CONTROL POINT ~ I Mm, NORTHI~ EASTING ' El.EV CO~Ol I · P'Ol"1 Tll !)2.rl>Tl : ll11!1'L1i7l2 , ~ 101 /-DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE S.D FT. ---~ / SEE CURD ~AMP L~Y~UT ~"EET C.RV1 FOR ~ • ' ; GElllERAL NOTE -GRADE BREAK "' 0""""'°" "" '™""" '"""" """" f 1 '·" '11/ -::;:,:.,;,-:~,=! !=. 1.0% / -~'.0.°'·. . .. -. I c' .:J==----------- , I ' -TOP OF L ROA':IWAY ~~~g~{Rl~~N~URB ---LANDING CEMENT CONG. CURB & GUTIER SECTION 0 (DEPRESSED CURB SECT!ON) GRADE BREAK-; a·---- I J..i c~t-t.. '"7--L~-i' r ..... ~j' r·1-·'--U t"'-i--J 7 ~-i-/J~ji-C~·i-t~· ·r-r~~_j--,~~ji rU"i1'\l GRADE BREAK-, -~=~=~.:...i::_-=--~zrr-58.6 FT• =, ,_~'"''"-"'-. ~ / / '.... JOINT _j ----;. '". ""-EXISTING SHARED USE PATH~ -/ / '~ "., EXISTING SIDEWALK /"-"-'0'--/ 0"" ~ ------- --!7°' --',, ~", ~~fJ,,11l"foae ·-..__ , j t:j!){'i OATCS ''"""0 , / /'" '"',, ------Ii 0 °1:!/ /\ )OfN' y / ~ "( ~----I 9,,-. . .j,,,; 0:, / 'y, Mcrn-ose cam '-.C~ •'---. 0"..;,-.._ -./,':,:, •,,, --J//, \, ,\ "'I 5.0% ___ SJLET._t__ VARIES Bf:.JWEEtL I VARIES _ _i__6.D_fT,_...j "6.9 FT TO 42 4 FT. ; [JElWEEN I . 1 1 6.0FTTO 88FTII GRADE GRADE --BREAK , BREAK I ' 7~ /. ri,;01, 1.S% t 7~% \ 5.0'!-o f = -•-i ' ,, '{ ::: I, , 4 · ~ ' 7 , \ \_CURB • t~ \, CURB ' ' \ RAMP lt ~ LANDING/RAMP '---LANDING RAMP ' 'I<' EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) YO EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) \ SIDEWALK SIDEWALK - -y,· EXPANSION JOINT {TYP.) Y','" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) ~ SECTION "'·· / !',/;:-....'...." '" '\.<-, ~,;, ' ?,. .f /J,"/;::/;i <I;' T CONC. -::-.... o'-£/:J: ". '-...._ ~ / ,,-,J! "'...,'"; '';. ,..( r ')· 0-.,\' RA"IP "-: , ~ \ ...l-/ -()~"-'\' • -CURB AND GUTTER --t .,,..__ '~ ~, \ // '-· MATCH EXISTING C\J1l:B "AN\'.f"""G"IJTTER 0 ··cEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP T'r'PE (",_PARALLEL A"' PAY LIMIT EXISTING SIDEW,,,LK ~:~::rTRIAN CURB ~~;; f/ S~"( -......::::::...~ / __ ',.---, ~// t, 1 ~/ • , CEMENT CONC TRAFFIC \ ~ -~ -.,t. •,__ , , C,OSSWACS MA.Kk,.. l --'"-l'T-1--- 1 ',qt, '/ · I I B1 CtcNTERLINE rnrnso, . --" -s ';I I· · JOINT ,_ ___ _ --6 a n_ 21~-.F~ 20%_, 1 ,-c ----"' ~/,~, , 1 1 j '--' 6l.£L ll% , •]e \ \. // ,, : , B.4'.<, ,Sit RAAIP 1 :::-~ LA-;,ING SIDEWALK ~1"' 1 _s.:_~ _, ------r-+-------u· "'""' ,or ,., OS/ . cc>,: __ . I I IS,OcWAC<', ·,.1/1\c__ 'I*-"''"' ' ----.,,coec,,,,~ ;f7''"ssf%--' ',,, ' ! ·--,-............ !/ 717 ~ fl --------- '-~------':__~~- ~~irn--- p,,,,,""''~=,,=,=,=~ -,/;:/ ___ c_-------~ ' ----- LEGEND ~~ CURB !UMP CONTl!OL POINT E:i:ISTING JUM:TION BOX ~ c=wALK COtm!OI. POt/T EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLE ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC ,Ji,, CUR8 ANO GUTTER EXISTING VALVE eox ~ ~~:g,~E~!~rT D EXISTING SION POST [D ROADWAY EXCAVATKlN INCL. HAUL -AREA CD-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON IEr3 a6~KTiifEt:r~ ... LT " PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE c,1__,.., ....:lotldD108000\00CHI XL~39_FT_CRPR_001 Fll.E N ... t,IE TIME ~IT 1!':LOTTEO BY DESIGNED BV ENT£R-Eii8V CHECMEO BY PROJ, ENGR. REGION/<L~ 8:tl'l:S3 AN :~: ... "",~---- M. FIOGEON M. FIDGEON --D. WILKINSON 8. NESBITT LENG REYISIO!t -0 ' . 4 -----~- CROSSWALK El2 CENTERLINE ' ,/· PLAN VIEW TYPE PAIUITEL·-~ NOT TO SCALE ---1 131ST SE RAMP C3 --------· NOT TO SCALE CflOSSWALK 81 AND 82 CONTROL POll'ITS --~IHHING I E.0.$~-~--~~JL TRAVER~~~TI!WU'Qr,1' j--£-...-.,~, -~,-·" I er m;)l..9oou ! 1111s~.J5l% _w N .\~·~8J'~-~J-w __ J ---~SOMETRIC VIEW TYPI:. PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT NOTES • DO NOT PLACE GRATINGS JUNCnO'I DO~[S ACCESS COVERS °" ~mm APPIIRTANCCS ltl 'RONI o,. fl!> C~HS SA~P. OH ANY PAST O!-THE CURS OAMP OR LA~DING ;,All D1M['ITI0N5 ARE FOR INCORW.TIC'N ONIY cu11, IIAMSS ~HA I HF <;[)N~TPUCfll1 TO NOT EXCEEC '>OTW scorrs ' THC CURS RAMP RUNNING SI UPE ~><ALL NUT REQUIRE ThE RAMP I rsoTI-< TO r.xcrrn 11 C[rT AND S•IALc BE AS FLAT AS FFASB!F < THE Bill ltE" "CEMENT CGNC.C'JRij F\AMP TYP~ PARALLCl A OOl'S NOT INClUCF me ADJACENT CL:Ra CIJRR ANO GUHEII ,,,. 61U~WALK ' THE CURe RMIPS cANDl'<GS AND 'lARES SliALL RECEtVE A BPf'<JM Fl~ISH SHc ~[ANCSRU SPEGIFICM!UN ><-1' ~J> ; 'HE L·SE Of SLOPES TA<. PREGECENGE OVI:~ "HC US, O> DtM~'<SIO~S IN @A DCSION 7, DISTURSED Pl~ITTING AQ[AS SHALl Gr RESTORm ~KTH NATlvf SOIL Fl~F r.m;PC.ST ~NO Sff~ <!I' PE~ SPE~fAL PRQVISICNS FED.AID PROJ.NO, -iii SR 169 Washln{Jton State Department of Transportation 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. PAVING CURB RAMP PLANS CRJ ~_:,_rl--1 ,-.. ' I --~~ , ..... ,.9 ·,.,~-.(( ,:,;, c:,'<"'~~J " . " . '"=' CEMFNT CONCRFTE SIDEWALK PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION TO SIDEWALK WIDTH ITYP.) -., EXISTING \ \ GRADE BREAK ~Qf_L:' ' /} ..... "<,et,. i ,< ~,..... ~/ ,..., ".,, '~~~ -: ..... /;,~--'/ , -~'F'r ',, _ -. \ A -GRADE BREAK ....--_!-6~-fi ">, \ '·...._l -fW,, "'X-'7\.. I CfMENT CONCRETE , St. S.f /----,---. _ / SIDEWALK -----SLOPE TREATMHH - (SEE STANDARD PLAN F-33 10) DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -, A.Qfl_ 6.0 FT \ G . \______j RADF BRFAK \ I ,-GRADE / BREAK 1.0% .< _}.Jf. 1 / ~ / \ TOP OF ROADWAY ,,.., \-· 7 [' f \ i t CUREI RAMP-; I;;:-. ": ~ .,,~ \ -\_ ClcMlcNT CONC. CURB & GUTTER LANDING SECTION 0 {DEPRESSED CURB SFCTIONI TYPE PERPENDICULAR A CROSSWALK 8) ANO B4 CONTROL POINTS I TRAVER$E J Ho!U.oism1ce TO , NOIITTfllO EASTING C'=fl TRAVE~A~-~ c~ n~uo1411 m1saz.1Jm '" 30.17 FEET S s-4' S!"M.15" E ~~. c,,'~ -~t-l' ---i-_ / ,'_;-fl"'--!!.. >"' ,,; I;:: ' -!.. Ff~ / ,,---GRADE ' '·.,_ -?!Irr c,li§ I ~ ' ....... I . -;1" // BREAK CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP "TYPE PERPENDICULAR B' PAY LIMIT ."'::::, • --'<' .... :_-~ ..,1--1 LAN ING k:'I.:: ).. / -0··/ -''_;0 ,,,/-// ............. ~,-~-> ... "" ---:;--...--...--...;.;_ r;~-\ ,~-....... _~1>1\q1: 1-7 · ·, -.., ' / ..,--.. ""'· I' ...1Q :J-' I _\ / ~f. . ........... --...:::, 1(:---,---J}'/ 15, \~-6'.1 -.i, ""*"""i'"t /<> ~~ --...~--:..';c;.,,, \::.:::..1/:::,," lgJt: ........ ,~ ~\'1,\ /;/~/ ~ --, I ~STIOO R I"""·-·' , ~~- CURB RAMP C4 CONTROL POINT TRAVER$E I H~OISTlll<IC-El'o~ COl(TROl BEARING TO I POIJ/T I TRAVER~.~=-POIKT I 11111 I S SJ'1r!5.2!" E I ' __ ___J 114!,U.1{1691 CURB ANO GUTIER---,z~,---..._ .... ,. //;;/~ 1'1P i.-<1~LAA7, .<::;t /,. '-~·---.._ // I ', 1 i, ......... ,...---$./ /--:'(:"t CEM~tONC -... .. '<::---''i... 1V"--, ...:-~rt .. -----·Y~;;-.. ><>"-c_\JRl:I ANo ouTTE<l CiEN= NOTE <J:::j,Y!i~i'?;~.'./ . ..... ,--.._ ',. "..../ ........... \ ', __ /,....... \ '·,., --.._ \ '--~. /,// / ~ ... ,, ' ["·' e, _ _.O>-:, / A \ CROSSWALK \ B4 CENTERLINE ~~ ' FILE NAME ~ c·'*-rs\magous, 9:10:0al AM DATE B/1'21111 PLOTTED_ 8Y ·moll""", DESIGNE0-l!Y M. FbGEOH ENTERED BY M. FbGEOH CHEC.KED BY D. V.,LIONSON l'~NG~ -e. NEBIIITT REGIONAL ADM. L. EtfG PLAN VIEW PERPENDICULAR A --------,.ypr NOT TO SCALE .-dot\d01_08000\0C100_Xl50J9JT _CRPR_001 11.EVIS!ON "~ CROSSWAI K 83 CENTERLINE .,. 10 IWASI XL-5039 ~ ~FF cuae ..... p "AWJUT S><Hl CR'/1 FOR INFORMA'lON CN TRAVFRSE CONTROi POINTS LEGEND ~~ CURB IUIIIP COlllROL POINT ~ CROSSWALK CONTROL POIHl V 0 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. CURB AND GUITER ~ RDIIO\/ll'ro CEMENT CONC, SIDEWALK CD l'lOAOWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL • AREA B REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK FEO.A.10 PROJ.NO. 131ST SE RAMP C4 NOT TO SCALE C C X LC EXISTING JUNCTION EIOJo: x EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EJo:ISTIHG MANHOLE ,j}, "' EXISTING VALVE BOX .D. EXISTING SIGN POST (0-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON PO!..E ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PERPENDICULAR A PAY LIMIT NOTES 1.00 NOT PcACE (iRATIN(,S .!UNCnON w,~s.ACCES& COVERS OR OH<ER APPURTAN~ES IN FRONT or ;i,: ~URB RAMP OR ANY ~ART or -Hr: CURB RAYP ()R 'AN{}+NG 2.ALL Dl~ENflONS ARE FOR IN•ORo,<AnON O'ILY CURB 'Ul.1,0PS S~All BE CONSTRUCTED TD r,<)T EXCUO NOTED SLOC·ES \. THE CURB RA.MP RUNNING SLOPE Sf1All NOT REQ.1RC THE RA"P LEt¥;TH ,0 excee~ ,, """' ANJ SHALL M" AS FLAT AS FEASIBLE ·-T~E BIO ITEM ·eewEMT '·""'· r.:JR8 RI\IJS fVPC PARJ\lLCL A u~es HU" JNl:LUU" Tf<E A()JACfNT CURO CURD ANO GUTTC~ OP SIOL,'/!ILK >. T~C CURS flAMPS LANDINGS AND FLA.RES SftA[ L RfCEIVf A DR00" CINISH 5[[ STANDARC =~rocAMt< ~-1' ~H ~ T><E US( or 5LOPLS TA~[ PRECrnrsCE OV£~ m; USE oc °'"FNSl[)NS IN AC,A OFSIGH lHSTURBEO PLANTINC AREA~ SHALL BE RESTORED \',HH NAT,V~ SOL FINE COM~OST AND SEED MIX PER ',PCCIAl P~OVIOIONS -SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR4 w ""'"""'"" Washington Sta1& Departm&nt of Tran1porhltion PAVING -,.,.------CURB RAMP PLANS ,,:--\ 1 · ,,.., ,I --,,_ / //>--- SIDEWALK VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW ~ WITT 2 EXISTING SlnE'NALK 7 s: I SO% I ~ ( EXISTING 1 ,., " l_j_ a~ 1.0% ~~ v,: I ,---DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE I 2oi~t/ r i I 1 1 -U&- ,-GRADE BREAK -----,L TOP OF ROADWAY CEMENT CONC. ~' i PEDESTRIAN CURB -~! ' LANDING SECTION 0 \ CEMENT CONG. CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION! RAMP VARIES SEE PLAN 111EW lAlfillH SEE PLAN GRADE BREAK-, I I I 7 ~% MAX \I I~ ~, l 1.5% MAX I J 7.S% MM - SIDEWALK VARIES ~ PLAN VIEW 50% __;,AX \ \ \ _ ~~~:rlRfa~~URB :.i~ CURB RAMP 'L \_ CURB RAMP EXISTING_'., ? MATCH EXISTING _r· JOINT ' LANDING SIDEWALK 1-V." EXPANSION JOINT i"T'T"P.) MATCH EXISTING -----\ ~ j ' I-I JOINT , ..> ~ ----\ ~-~' ", -SIDEWALK J· '1 (" -~74--___ _,, --L-<V "" c' • ' ---r1~,1~-~--=---=-' -31 ;')'.,. \-1:"7 J "h-,-;__:C-----_ ~ --t--=-, ,; Jc'" ""°" SXISS<G eo1" ', ~V-lr-/ 6 }}r:--rv_=~. -~~'-.--0 ,,c,.-1 , , .. CCRB A<O GITTITR CURB RAMe CS CO"RI ,~ru""' ro ' ' I ~1 ,;, -,,~ ~\'" "'"' ', -·>r ---=" =-" """ ;,-/ ;; I ll:i~ .t! """" "r ""' ~-~ _!'\'~.\/' ,--_ ~ USTIHG I ELEY. ! c= I TIU.YfRAF c~_ ·-, / --1""--~l~o -"" ~r .,,,, :-· .. > ' '""" .. ~--' N I '11-,: ... ,, w MA>'" e><ls;l<G :)J.':_":_~'-1-~~------~ER',~,-;; %=-~f;-,-,.OCe_. -' \ a, : •=nma ""'"'°"' i •• ' --- © CURB ANO GUTTER / ' R=45 r;- L___ --~ CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC - CURB AND GUTTER <@> MAPLEWOOD AVE SE RAMP CS NOT TO SCALE ···-·--·---------1 LEGEND <@> CURB RAIIP CONTROL POltlT ' EXISTING JUNCTION BOX SECTION 0 LIMIT i ~ ClfflSSW.oJ..K i:tJf/TROI. l'QINT EJCISTIJIG SIGJIAL POLE I NOTES GWERfil._.tillTE SEE CU~B RM,!? LAYOUT, S>fEET CRV" FOR INFO~rAAT10N ON TRA\11:RSE CONTROL MINTS PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE FLE JIA_~ <_:lur.orslm.agn~ -tO!IOOO\OOOO •L~l9 FT c_'5f':lt_oo1 T-B:10:11 AM OA,TE 6tlll016 PLOTTED 8Y ~y M. FIOGEON ENTERED BY ~_!1__1,C,Ki;D _BY PROJ. EN!iR. REG!OliAL ADIII. M. FIDGEON o---:-WILKINSON e. NEBBm -·i:_:·ENG 10 iW"S ---------+---+----< XL-5039 ~---I Dm I evJ I EZ3 ~~=r1':o i~~ CONC. ~ REJIIOVING CEMl:NT CONC. SIDEW"-ll( D RO.O.DWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL • "-REA rn REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK FED.AID PROJ.NO. 13'f. _Q_ CD- ® EXISTIJIO MAJIMOI..E E)(ISTINti VALVE BOX EXISTING SIGN POST PEDESTRIAN Pl.ISM BUTTON PEDESTRIAN PI.ISH BUTTON POLE t 00 NOT PLACE GRATINGS, JUNCTION B0'E3 ACCESS COVE"S OR OT>IER APPUf/TA..CE& I~ "RONT or Tfl[ CURa RAM~. OR A~ PART or TIIE CURa RAMP OR L'.NDING < All Oll.oENTIO..S Af<E 'OR INFORMATION ONLY.CURB ..... PS SHALL BE CONSTRUC-E~ TO NOT EXCEEO NOTED ScOPES ], THE CURB R4M• RUNNING SLOPE SHAL" NOT REQUIRE THE RAMP LE~GTH ,0 F>:CHO !', >~el ANO SHACL 8. AS >[Al AS SEAS13Le. ~ THE BID ITEM "CEMfNT C-ONC CURB RAMP TYPF PARAL: Ft A OOH NOT ING1 UnF THE 4DJ"CENT CURB cune MID GUITER °" SIOEl'VALK S THE CURB RAMPS l.M<DINGS N<W 'VIRES SHALL RECErvE A 8R00>,1 'IMSH SEia STANDARD SPEClrlCATIOM fl.14 }(l\ ; THE ~'SE Of SLOPES T>.KE PRECEDENCE 0\11:R TliE us.: or Oll,O[NSIONS IN AOA OC!;IGN ' DIS'll..RBED Pl.ANTING AREAS SHALL SE RESTORE) WITH ftAll,E SOIL, FINE cm,eosr AND SEED \!IX PER SPECl~L PROVISIONS -w Washington State SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC, PAVING Department of Transportation f------------------t CURB RAMP PLANS CRS (' , • ' ' ' - ---- -<·<>~"· e "' ', "' .... MATCH EXISTING--. JOINT --2TI ff EXISITNG ----CEMENT CONG PEDESTRIAN CURB \ A -SIDEWALK \ / ,,,/" I -•. .,,. ct/ • .. l(-/ "'""G \ ----~--1•0' ... 1'1,q.,--/... EXISTING ',\ • (/ /I SIDEWALK -,, ~ ·-'y-:.-, : , _;. 4 ;-.£-";, <' ~'(C ' '"'i., !;: -11---~---_b-r:,<f• / ~,-., ,., i,:;;.__:.."' '-....__91,/-T ..I 5 "' ..,. 11.# ' 7 '""' *'"/ 1~ ,., /, , -' J ~ ~I::; i \ -~(~\~ ,,. MATCH-------~::::~~~~~1i1~---i ,ilr~----:_-l-;ii{Ji~-' / EXISTING 1 ----<'__"'r--:,e.:;:--T.;j'---~ _-t, ____ (t\ll-~---, CURB AND ,. ----'-·---,~ __ G\)TIE~ l;'J_JJ5-'k-• Gcnrn ,,,s,/~(~'<:;':,'~ ,~;;~~,::_:;:: CEMENT CONC. TRAFl'IC CURB AND GUTTER CROSSWALK C1 CENTERL!NE <@'.· •• . .. .. "" / . .. ·-...._·,-! .... "' """-.... ·~ '• ·. ~~rr CROSSWALK ;Ee CURB ~""r V,YOI, S~EET CRV1 ,c,R INFDRMAnOH ON WA'l!cNS~ c:,~ ~Ol »01,.rs ~l~ __ NAME PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE C4 CENTERLINE '\ ~ .~-DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ,~ __ 6ji __ F_J. /! -~~t/ -GRADE BREAK CEMENT CONG. PFDFSTRIAN CURR I ~~ 1 0% /i ·~<f<S,,vp -MAX / I / '·' : == ~ LLANOING \ --TOP OF L ROADWAY t SECTION 0 CEMENT CONG. CURB & GUTTER iDEPRESSED CURB SECTI0~1 r· -~~fuWirtw-- EXISTING SIDEWALK b{ GRADE BREAK - .I,. 7S% MAX ,_ ':i.. \ ":t_ '--CURB RAMP SEE PLAN V,EW " 1.5% MAX \~ 'J,'" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.} RAMP VARIE SEE PLAN VIEl'V GRADE BREAK- 7 5% MAX ' I CURB RAMP LANDING ? FXISTING SIDEWALK OL POINTS _ . -• AND C4 CONTR -HOii.i oisT.&.NC~W .--<-. cRosswACK 0 '------,.., ... , =•::i,1l( "'~ .,.. "<~~cc./;.;, " =· -, '': -::.:'"". . ,, >-cs,,,,,,,,_ 1 )08,IT,l.08$11 ,/ """'"'~ .. / / e CO CO"!<OC '°': ~,.~, W .,<~:::· / CURB RAM .. niii,"' ~ ''""fu',l( '°'"' .. ,.~~ " SECTION 0 1, _;-1 -~ •. : '':• -~... .,,,,.~~''·,<cc._~~ "' '""'"'" '"''" SE RAMP C6 ---.. _____ _ NROE AVE~--_ rr_t1 AV~ §Q~---·Nol -rn._s_CAc_, - ,---LEGEND ~-'"~ ~W =,---~-""-' C • I ";:~ co,m,:oL PONT I L CROSSWALK \C IIIENT CONC. ' OVIN-0 CE R [771 REM AND GUITE t::'...L.LI CURB 111G CEMENT r::::::-:::7':: REMg"llDEWALK l::::::L::.;J CON . EXCAVAnON II ROA~~:JL • AREA L___J INC /1.SPHAL T EB ~i=g:-i~~EWALK C -X EXISTING JUNCTION BO:t Co ;,_ >. EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLE :::;, ,]/:) EXISTING VALVE BOX _;J_ EXISTING SIGN POST CD-PEOES-n;:IAN PUSH eunoN " PEOES-n;:IAN PUSH eunoN 1'01.£ ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES 1 l)(l NOr """C< G~AllNGS JU,CTION BOX<S ACGSSS COVERS OR [}THOR APPC~IANc•s IN FRONT or THE CU Ra RA ... P OR ANY PART OF THC WRB RAMP 0~ "'"'"'" , All D1MENT10NS Af'E FOR IH,ORMA""lOH Q~L Y CURB RA"'PS S'1All Sf ~ONSHUCTrD TC t+)T F>r.CEO N/YTEn S:C>PF~ l TIIE' CURD RAMP RUNNING SL [}pt' 5><All ,or RFOUIRE' THF Ro.MP , FSGTH TO BCE EC 'S H,ET aN'.l SHA'.l 8' AS FL AT AS FEASIBLE • rn, ~ID ITf"' -ee ... EM-co,c G"J~~ RN,!P TYPl', PARAlLEL ,, UOES NO' INC"'''~" TIIE AD.AC ENT CURB. CURB AND GUTTER OR SIDEV'.'ALK ' THC ~uRa RA"'PS .ANDONCS ·A,W FLARES Sft'I.LL RE:El\11.a A aRoor,, Fl'll,H SEi SCANCARD SPFG!FlGATlOI, 3-1' u, ~ THE USI' OF SLOPES TAH ~RECEOENCE OVE~ THE USE OF DIMENSIONS IN ADA DC51GN 'DISTURB0,[1 PL,'NTlNU ARSAS SHAU "" RO,ST0R0l1 \~TH NATl\'S son H% t:OMPDST ~Nn s,rn ~IX PFR SP<r.lAL PROVISlOl<S o:\unrs\m.apn"•llpw ,.,..dol\d01D8000\0000 Xl~J9 FT CRP!t oo,,ivn 5:10:H AM FED.AID PROJ.NO. -SR 169 w 10 IWASI CR6 B11/201ti ~-~~----140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. M. FIDOEOH XL-5039 CURB RAMP PLANS M. FIDGEON 1 '-'"E<.:KED 1n D. W1U0NS0N hhn' ~•-~h B. NEBBITT L. ENG [ REVISION om -" PAVING Wahington State Department of Transportation >------------------, ·-'y --------- ·,,-..._ '------- MATCH EXISTING -. JOINT CROSSWALK C1 .. ND C2 CONTROL POINTS I L -8----------,,..,.,, --··-· '" NORTHIP>/0 USTIMi __ ' c~:rOI. Tiloli'o'E~_it POii!!_ • t11Z110.11m 1>0852-4-~ l_2_ N ~6!,·!Ui.H• w ,._., ~-~--\ 5.1 FT ·let: ~ 1.0% -~ r----DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ---------1 I ~{ GRADE BREAK TOP OF ROADWAY .. r--..,0 1 --\ 0-t-sf>" ,....--"'(" 19.~_fI------\(_: ~ \6' CEMENT CONC PEDESTRIAN CURB LLANDING SECTION 0 \ CEMENT CONG. CURB & GUTTER !DEPRESSED CURB SECTION! 3s.sFT- EXISTING \.a- \~ ' - =~< ·A ~<-y./ ------· ~/~, ~~./1 r.:::=>--/-" ., ---\ -/~/ ,.-1/ < - SIDEWALK VARIES SIDEWALK VARIES rn SEE _ 1 RAMP VARIES I LAN VIEW : SEE "J:>(AN VIEW -~i-~0 W8.N"ti8JW' ____E6Me__y/l.RIES SEE PLAN \/IFW --,,,-,lA.,NCfu-w-j SIDEI/IALK 71 GRADE BREAK , / 50% S.0% ' MAX ' MAX i EXISTING I I --I -GRADE-BREAK-'I / ( f 7 5% MAX ' 1.5% MAX 7S% MA)C \ --( , \ t I I , r~ \ j. ' \ \ \ ,i ' CURB RAMP \_ \_ CURB RAMP ' -LANDING EXISTING..\ SIDEWALK / MATCH EXISTING ~ r PEDESTRIAN CURB /s" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) /------"-------\ -JOINT SECTION 0 '" -_ 1<; 4 ----:-s----/-r Y, ---""( ~ CURB RAMf' C7 CONTROL POINT I 6_!/...f_r_ -:--~ r-_!,_5_H \ 1 ~r;.\:¥ ~~ ... s~o ELE~ POIN1' TRA~llJE CONTROi. F>()lt,'T {~::::::;:-y:~----~f---~-::_£_:::----t"""-§!,: \/i&) ----~=~cl ~EA~~~TO ' 1--, S 6% ~, I i '.''I, \-I ;,,'iJ,(i:v ,<"~ I iJM FEET SIDEWALK--_s{'i!f._ ~ RAMP~~ t,b.NDlf!G ·.,,\\'A i"\ 3K' . .-\ ·-"'... •----/ EXISTING __ ,If; :flt/ D,% t;:_~ ~ti , '0 'f'\ _ I R• 1"M!lllM1z 13N528.4"80l I %io 1G6 N 6l'"M5J9rw 1 A::-"'.:::_-:-_ '6'%, '1 Cl% ,],""-1~-----------~','--EXISTING ~/--~ / I ~ --c.. o~--rr .. -; -,-rn----1--.--, '·..._ SIDEWALK i:iEMERA.L NOH ~ / o,-,,,,,---~ ,&FT~-::-;,;;-.;;,..,, -\ 's '> -. MATCH EXISTING / / ----?!_~_ c: "U~ -1-;---; ~-------\ 's >le· CUH~ ><AMP cAYOUT SHEET CRV1 FOR INFOR.,AIION ON __ __, -. --.., -~ CURB ANO GUTT"ER f....._ -'-'-, ---..-''-. TR~\<RSE CONTR<:'l i>om1s --/_,. --..;:;c-__ ---- R•Sa6~ , I ',, ,, ' '. --__. ~ --_ --~- CEMENT CONC.TRAFFIC / ---' '---,_,.__,_ _ ___... '--MATCH EXISTING -~-'--_,/ // ---__ .._., CURB ANO GUTTER -------/ ~ ,' \ '--~-CURB AND GUTTER _, ··,. -.. ,/ / // ;,~~7°1 n __ '\ ------, ...... 7TH_fVE SE/MONROE AVE SE AVE s~ RAMP c?-~:.::_-_.~''0--.. / ,/ i / ~ /"-...__, \ "'l,,._ NOT TO SCALE ----......_..:_~_'----~----7 ~ / 7'----,, ' '~----------_:----::::---:::--' / -'--------/ '-\ / LEGEND [---------~ -' ~ '~, ;( . ' \\ CROSSWALK / (~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT r X ,i EXISTING JUNCTION BOX ---_:_-~::~_:::-_-:-----·----=----~/-----~~~~:-, / '----<€i' C 1 CENTERLINE ~/ L .,J --' --- ' , ......... '. Cf>: I ·'-.. 1'._,>., EXISTING SIG"IAL F>OLE NOTES ISOMETRIC VIEW ,' '...' (cp'-. CROSSWALK COICTROL POINT '('y· ' V ( \ EXISTING MANHOLE ',Z,:,,R~T '6:'\"H?;'.";J~~AJ~:~o~N~o~~~tg;:E~Ecii~:\f~p 0~~·:'.,,~;;.';',~'m:es CROSSWALK C2 CENTERLINE PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A MOT TO SCALE Flt.E NAME. o:lunni\magnuollf'" M<lol\d01C8000\0000 ~l~39 FT CRPR_OIH-"9n TIIII£ 8:10:23 ..... ,,~---~-=-=±· -··-M, FIDGEON NI. FIDGEON c,itcK~ D, WILKINSON PROJ. EN<ii.~BBm ~~w,.,~~ A'-''"• L. ENG I REVISION--DUE -"- ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC. ' •u. DI .. E•<noN~ ARE raR INroRMA""lO<,' "1<lY CURB R•~PS SHALL SE CONS-RUCTCD ~~:vi""N';;i :E=~ iJi: EXISTING VALVE BO~ , /H~ ~BE~JW ~·i:.iJ,~Gs~rJi S><ALL NOT REOO..'IRE TI<L RAMr LLNGTH I ~ CONC, SIDEWALK ..Q EXISTING SIGN POST , Tt,:~?6',c:;.,~; !°Jf~E~Dc~:L~,J,.'B °;A~~A~~~ '._,'"AA:.:r~~L A 00€,; '>OT l~CsUDE I [D ~~~Jl ?,.Cl·E",.,,"TION ([]---PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON s r',!t .-:t:c:~p~u~~g,~~ 1"N~ ';~~~ ~,~ ... ilui~~ A s~oo .. -l~ISH s~e STANDORD ~ ~g:g_"/s'/;E;:r:rLT ® PEDESTRI.I.N PUSH BUTTON POI..E i ~~:i~t;~:5.,lt~Cir,E.._;r~~·~tR?;.;-;R;;E..,U,'t.E ~T~~~~o~~EINC;~o~~Slrl~ ----ANO SEEi> ""' PFR SPECIAL PROVISIONS FED.AID PROJ.NO. -SR 169 w 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR7 Waehlngtim State PAVING ~ Department Df Transportation }---------------- CURB RAMP PLANS EXISITNG \\ \ ~ -~ --2z._1J::.l_ ---------,, _/------ 31.8 FT A PEDESTRIA.N CURB __ --,,~-- , ·,,o \:/ -_\: _/\ __ ;\ --."' , ~ ?_ " --MATCH EXISTING JOINI ~. -~t,'i" e,1rn,G -'i \ /.. \ -------· ' -- EXISTI\IG / ,"-, ,-;---r--------·~i.H ------'l't.cA\i" ,,---:~<1:,,·· / ~ SIDEWALK-~-\;~(:-~~----~--·T=-r-~-~~-~Jif~~-~:,---~\fi. \ 8 ,.._,.,,. ... ., .P \ i-,--~,lt:. RAMP *1-- 1 ,.,__. oJ,\r , ·---EXISTING / , ,"''' :1,,j lANOING ,n\! R _.... 1 ·-SIDEWALK ~-;-..0 b ;~, ---------~ __ ,,.; 00 /)'-/ 19'! ,s\'i"P __ ... --_-:., ... ---::.,-,,. -~ MATCH EXIS-ING MATCH -~"e<,----1-TI"FT_ ---=---=--=---=-~:;-----~~--'--CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING --~~..'.:.,. uff--~-~----:,,..,.,,.:;_':-'------:: ""--CEMENT CONC I CP '.':XISTING SIDEWA.LK / ~ CEMENT CONG PEDESTRIAN CURB - ,. I , " ! 6.5 FT .,.!;: 1.0% t, MN: L ~ J~ LLANDING SECTION 0 DEIECTABLC WARNING SURFACE -GRADE BREAK -TOP OF _L ROADWAY CEMENT CONG. CURB & GU'! TLR (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION! ~M:LAvNAR0fE5w I si~o~~'il~-s~~M:lAv:RJfJt.1 ~ GRADE BREAK -GRADE BREAK GRADE BREAK 7 ~% MAX ? 5% MAX 1.5% MAX. ~ j_ ,, :I ~ \__ CURE! RAMP ? J;; ~t. -CURB RAMP /,'" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP I LANDING EXISTING SIDEWALK CROSSWALK C2 AND Cl CONTROL POINTS ----f-N0!1TtUIG £ASnNG 1T6 ...... m~2 1ID8v,&.8S519; ~= i ~~NThTO POIIIT I TIIAVERSE COl!TROl POIIIT 118.SS FEET S &.I' 1H2.ff' E ,,, CURB RAMP ca CONTROL POINT ~lt!.DISTANCE ro SECTION 0 ''CFIIIFNT CONCRFTF CURB RAIY'P TYPE PARALLEL A'" PAY LIMIT AND _,. 29 1 _,. , - GUTTER /... -( -~,,::_:\~ r ~\-::-___.,,----~---... CURB ~-5 ' -, -;"Jlt~ ~ ----.,.. ... v,lo .,.-,,,, TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTIER _,m EA.STING "~ TRIIVERSE COl!TROL -SE,l,f!ING TO 1 TR,1,VERS!'_~O/ffitQI. __ PO!r.rf: 11<;.lJ FEET ,,,,",,/ / ' .\:_ -~'f~ \/./ ~ CROSSWALK , C3 CCN I f.RUNt. <e> PLAN VIEW ~~~~~~TY~P~E~PARAILEL A GENERA:_NQIE sn cuno RAMP LAYOUT SHCT CRV1 roR INrJRMA'lON ON TFIOVER~E GQHTR('L SOINT~ NOT TO SCALE c:IUHrs\magnusjlpw wado~108000\000G XL~3!1 n C:Plll'!I 001 \./ -, CROSSWALK C2 CENTERLINE "' 1T6J.l7.s«o7 1J08%6.00}19 6~.29 ,,, S &5'~5"JU-l"E 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE AVE SE RAMP CB ·~~ (Cf>' ,)/ EZJ [?;ZJ [I] [TI NOT TO SCALE LEGEND CURB RAMP coo~ >OINT C!IOSSWAU( COl!TROl POINT RE!,IOVltlG CEMEICT CONC. CURB AtlD GUTTER RE!,IOYltlG CEMEtlT CONC. SIDEWALK ROADWAY EXCAVATIOtl ltlCL. HAUL • AREA RE!,IOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK ~" X ·Z{ --'- (0- ® EXISnNG JUNCnON BOX EXISnNG SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLE EXISntlG VALVE BOX EXISTittG SIGN POST PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT NOTES 1 no "'" PLAfOE GlaAnN!JS JUNCTION BOXES ACCESS c,WFRS (_-,P CJ"HFR APPL.R",,Nf F, •N rRONT OF THF CLF<A RAMP"" AflY F'\Rr GC THF CURA l'AMP DR tANnlw; 1 All [}IMrNnoNS AR[ ron •Nrcn~AT!ON ONl v CURS RAMOS SHAL, "' CONSTlll)CTrn 10 Nf•I e•L~CU NCl~l> SLOO>S 1 TIIE cu~a R~,.., RUNNING SLOPE SHA.._ NOT REOLIRE "'" RAMP l~NGl•i TO iXCEaD 1> FEaT AND Sf-ALL BE AS FLAT AS FEMilBlE S fHC ~IU ll~M "CCMONl l,(lNC CUH~ ~AMP IY"~ PHALL'-l A LJO>,S ~C)I INCcJC> TH[ ADJACCNT CURS CURB AhD GUTIER 0,, SIOCNAl~ 'THE C~Ra ROMPS lANDINGS ANC FL.,,ES s~>_L RECETVE A BSOON FINISH SF S,/,NE'·"" CPFCIFl('.AT'ON 8-1' 'I" O -.. E USE or SLOPES TAKE PR;cmrncr J\/!'R TIIE JSE' ~, DIMrnSIONS IN ,,rA ()fSIGN , D1ST1JRBH' PL.ANT!NG ARSAS SHAU SE a,s-oarn '"""" ~ATr'/E SOil FINE C0'-'P0i'T AN() SFrn MIX PcR $PCCLAL PPOVI.SIONS a:10:lO AM FED.AID PROJ.NO. -iii SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR8 Washington State PAVING CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON Department of Transportation f----- PROJ. ENGR. B. NESBITT -- REGIONAL ADIi, -L. ENG REVISION DATE ( BY CURB RAMP PLANS • I ~,(_ ' ' --.:S.- ,.___'!,Ll_-r_I__::::-;:::c·_;';""" \'- .\ ~-·\ 1 ., r1 \ '" \o \• \" ~------< i ' "' SIDEWALK VARIES ___ 1o_El.__ ~I/ ,o '"T :/ DETECTABLI' WARNING SURFACE GRADE BREAK ,_J_ ~~ ~~ ~ _, ~NDING ~ ' TOP OF / ROACNvAY NT co-.c ~ fA\ i,~l'srn"" cue, > SECTION ~ --CEMENT CONG. CURB & GtJnER (OLPRESSEO CURB SECTION) r _ SEE _ -f----------J!AMP VAR!_ES I PLAN VIEW-I -~1= PL.AN VfEW RAMP __ ~,'\Blf.S__ SEE PLAN VIEW SIDE\NALK VARIES ------------.21;_.E__ ~' PLAN VIEW -------- 3(.3 FT EXISITNG 1 EXISTING SIDEWALK 7 so, MN<. GRADE BREAK 7 S% MAX Frl·trnw _ ' ,;% MAA. I GRADE BREAK CicMENT CONG PEDESTRIAN CURB MATCH EXISTING JOINT ~ ~ /-. ( , o.. I \ "rt CURB RAMP \ --! 'c LANDING y,•-EXPANSION JOINT /TYP) CROSSWALK Cl AND Cal CONTROL POINTS 1 ~% MAX I ,I I I CURB RAMP 50% ..-!!!_AX. ~ \ EXISTING SIDEWALK :t _ MATCH EXISTING _,_, JOINT ;...______ __ _ -/ ~ "''n:r, , .. 1 ......... _ L.. "'•-,,, -~...; j cc. --''d.rr· _ , _. _ "'"'" SIDEW '"\ ,/ 4 __ o '. r--,,.~=::::::::.=~ --\ -1 ~~' , . w_ {2,. Y -~ ,_ : SIOEW/ILK ' 't: '1°t--, 6_.9Ff I l) ~'",,c,\'tif', \ ~ ~ "k~~" -,,;;'-~,-w C ""' -,,.,,,A --, T ( "1''.·, '.'"' !~ '""''"'-C ' ' \-µc,,__-- """ '}1,:::,//f:.)~{ it'':' \' I -··-.----'TRAVER~ tt0~D1ST:.iNCE T0 9 ---~--• 1 EA~~=+-c:L T~~~Ag:;,;il_P_QINT CP mJ~,070)' 1=~180561 -~~-· ____ s_t2tr~.~--E I CURB RAMP C9 CONTROL POINT ----·~ I TRAVERSE FA~TING NORTHING --~'--j='-j CONTROl pQfjf fiou DISTAM:i ro I Bi,..t.RfjG TO TRAYf,!!SE. CONTr«:il._~NT '2.61 FEET SECTION 0 "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT C>l5''"G )''55 1-• ·-'c---_-.7) ~--C~ ""'et"" " / ,,----;~,,., ,.-,, ~ con -/-----"c-· , cues '"" /,, ·, / ',, crnrn, co~3J:,';"" -_. ·,,, /'., /,'<, .. ,./ ./) GEN~RALl>'QIE / ~/ CROSSWALK --- C4 CENTERLINE ·, / "., ' / ',/ -'-y_· 'v /' / --... 'X .. '-, ( _./',, , ,'. V CROSSWALK\ C3 CLNTERUNE PLAN VIEW -~---PARALLEL A---- NOT TO SCALE ~·E, cu~~ R""'' LAYOUT 5Htfl c~v, FOR 1~1-0~MAIIO~ ON TAAVERSF C~)N!~C.)L ern~TS FILE NA~E ~ c:luoor.1moqnuwllpw Wlldoll<lll1D6000IOOOO_XL';ll3'_FT CRPII 001 8:1G:J6 ~M om _Bl1/1D16 P_!:OTTED BY magnuo/ DESIG~EO BY 1',11. FIDGEON ENTER~-M. FIDGEciN -CHECKED -ev~l<JNSON PROJ. ENG~. --8.. NEBBln _REGIONAL ADM L. ENG ___ _ REVISIGM ~ .!:':SI c,,J MATCtl EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER 176)71.Jl.ll!ill ,,, S 56'10"19.~T' E \ SE 7TH ST/MONROE AVE SE AVE SE RAMP C9 -------- NOT TO SCALF LEGEND ~ CURB AAMI' CONTROL POIITT I <€~ CRD55WAl~ CONTROL m!ITT 17"7"] REMOVING CEMENT CONC. t::.L.L.! CURB AND GUTIER : ~ ~6~.~~i~r~:NT r-__,, X lJ, C ([]- EllSTl'-'O JUNCTION BOX EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTll'¥3 MANHDLE E~ISTING VALVE nox HISTING SIGN POST PEDESTRl,l,N PUSH BIJTTON I NOTES TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT 1 LlO ~or PLACE GRATINGS JIJN01C:N emes Access COVERS QR OTHrn <PPtlRTANCC~ I~ 'R0'1T Of' TME Cl.PB RAMP OR AHY PART OF THF ,C(JRA RAMP ;:R LASDI~<; :t.All o, .. rtmONS ARF FOR INroR ... ,·10,· ONLY Cl,R~ RWPS s~AL, AF GONsra,_,creJ TO NOT EXCEED NOTr.D 5.0PES l "IIE (;<JRB RAMP Rl!NN[NO 5LOPr Sf!Al. HOT RCOU1Rr TI•F RAMP ,rnGfH ~,., EXCEED 1; rEET ftND SHAl.C 0E A$ FLAT •s FE."Sl:!LE ' THE Blll ITCM ·c~"'ENl CONC CURB R.'MP TY"E P~''"'·" A JOCS Nor •HCLUC[ TIit ~DJ~CENT CUR~. CUNB AHO Gl..'TIER on SIDE WAL< S THE CURB RAMOS LANDINGS ANC FLA~>S SHA.l-RECUVE A BROOM Flhl5H SfF SCSNUANO ~ I I I ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL • ARl,A rn ~~:~~te~!r:t"lT " ~OESTRIAN ~USH BUTION PDLE SPECl,ICAllC.)H !-14>(J\ 6 TliC LSC ()f .SI OPFS TME PRCCEOEHCE QVfR •~: l.'SC 0F" CJIVFNSl<'NS lN ,oa OE'SIGN , OISTI.,RBED SLANTING AR FAS s~, L RC REST ORD W!TH "'-T1Vf SOIL r,Nr COMP<"'ST ~~ ~EEO MlX Pm SCECIAL "l'0\151~~s ----- FED.AID PRD.I.NO. -w SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK V1C. CR9 WHhlngton Stare PAVING ~ Department o, Tran&portatlon f------------------1 CURB RAMP PLAN:S " 2 7),F. CC---/ 05 FY f . i'IYP)~ 1---:--, .. A;.. · . <! C/ 21 6_~T -,c"_:>;; , C ~ DETECTABL~ WARNING SURF".CE r-M.EI. JO_U..j/ --GRAD[ BREM . ' ii ,.,_r 1 oo,;. I / ''%1] .-MAX~. TOP OF ___ / ROADWAY o/ //,. CEMENT CONG. PEDESTRIAN CURB - I ffi ! \ " -,' -LANDING MATCH EXISTING JOINT SIOE'NALK -L __ .., c,o,7f EXISITNG 0 ceMrn, co" -\ -! ! ''°"""" '"'' '\,, R '~ FT.---~ :· -----~---------~---·.:.:::<>·:._.~f,p , ..r ~~~-!: ,r;F~-a=;,-----~1r:~0: ~,.,.-:;..,.r f:~ ii:;;c~'"' f9~, -_ ~,"~ .r·..c. R~? B ' / ~ ~It:° LAN[)ING .~,;,.. :::!-;::<,,-..,. ' 14}~1:;;c. '"-5:p ~! '~ -,:~~--:_,,,.,,· ', MATCH EXISTING CURB AN:) GUTTER- CEMENT CONG lRAFFIC CURB AND GUTIER G.':NCRAL "1QE fa :J_] 72 Fl-I ',· Ff ,~----_-,__-l':>,.:,~,-;,~\~-;'-_ ·'.:;,unER;~LQIT t9C/, --f,-;;.e<·_:_':-_' ---- ~1 FT iii£ PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL.A NOT TO SCALE :; SEE fUP.B ~AMP LAY(l1)! SHCCI CR\'1 eoR INFO~P,1~1ION r.~ fKA,.,,~a rnNTROl POIN1S ~ILE .... ME , ~ -=,, 0 SJDEWALK VARIES ~ SECTION 0 CEMENT CONG. CURB & GUnER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION/ SEL , -PLAN \/JEW -SEE PLAN\i!i:w-~ -sa. Pl.fiiif\/lEW RAMP VARIES I LANDING VARIES---!--_MMe'_ .YA81ES SEE Pl.AN VIEW MATCH EXISTING JOINT EXISTING SIDEWALK ,7 _/ I ~.U% MAX t: GRADE BREAK --- 7 5Y, MA)( )_ ,;_ " "''i':: -CURB RAMP '.5% MAX GRADF BREAK 1 7 s'lo MAX GRALJ~ BREAK --- \ ~ '· CURB RAMP EXISTING \ SIDEWALK 11~81!8 /.' EXPANSION JOINT (TYP I SU)EWALK MATCH EXISTING -CURB AND Gunrn CURB RAMP C10 CONTROL POINT -I Tllffi!I~ i<lRZ. OIST.O.NCE TO -I NORTHIIIG L_~Tl-~G ELEV. c~~ 1 _TMYER~--1:U!ra;_ f'Oll,I)"_, " ,ns>4.11n1 1307594.24189 6S-S6 110 I s ~~~:~~w E ! _J 5TH AVE SE RAMP C10 ----- NOT TO SCALE LEGEND CJR8 11,1,MP CONTROL f'OINT EXJSTING JUNCTION BO)( I ~ CROSSW~l~ CONTROL POINT EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING llo'ANHOLE: I ~ l!EMOVfNG CEME"IT CONC. ,\\ CURB AND GUTfEI! EXISTING VALVE BOX I ~ ~6~g_v!1t~f~rT ~.,., EXISTING SIGN POST D ROAOWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL • AREA (D--PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON rn REMOVING ASPH.o.L T CONC. SIDEWALK ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE SECTION 0 "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPF PARALLEL A' PAY UMIT -7' ;tJ' .· 5) /·_.· - NOTES / _,, ,-__ ,., ··cs,ii,i'i-'.'. .--... J--· '\;:~-~;--ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT '00 NOT PLACl GRATINGS ,'Jf/CIIUN 80XE~.ACC[SS CC'\'CRS C• <JI~~~ AF'Pl,F>"Alf':[5 1h <R(l'1 ll> IH~ CJRB RAMP OR ANY P•w l" TH~ CJ'1B RAMP OR LANC.NI, 'All Dl~ONTIONS ASS >l'F> IN>DR,.ATI~~ ONLY r..JRR RSM>-S S"ALL BE C0NS1R<K.1EG T·> N{'T BCfT"l NOCD :SIOPFS l T>ir CLIRR RAMP RUNNING SIOF[ SHAii NClT ~i:rJUHS T~F R">"" l[NG"H "D EXC[D " 'rF-ANr. ,~All SE •s rtA" AS rrs.,;m,' 'HiF SlD <TEM "<:rM[~T CCNC C<J~R SA .. ~ f¥PE OARALLn A o~rs NC>' "C' UI'! TH( ~CJACEhT C'JRS Cu>B AND cunrn o:a SIDFWALK -, Hi~ CURB '1A'~PS LANDINGS ANll >Lf.kS~ SHALL R(C(rve A BR''"" >l'.'ISH s~, ST<~DAn[) .S>E<,IFl(;-'l~JN S-"<.),Jl O T~E U!E OF SLOPES l~KC oqecEDENn OVL'' Tl1l L!-SE r, OIMCN~l[)N~ IN AN )tSIG~ 7 r,1s,u,~tll P..AN~l~G ~R(~S SliALl Rf l<tSH.l~tO \WH sq!V[_ ';DrL ""' C.•)MSOST AOC s;FO r,ox PFS SPS~IAL PS()'IISrONS ~ o:\uwo~lm.lgnui~otl<I0106000\0000 JILl-Ol' FT CR_PR_001_ S:10,<) .0111 FEO.A!D PROJ.NO. -~ SR 169 ~re 8111~1116_ m•ll"':'_!L__ -M'. FIDGEON·- 1D IWASI 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR10 PAVING PLOTTEO BY DESIGNED er ~N@D~ M. FIIJGEO~-_ CHECI\EO 9Y D. YI/ILKl"ISON I".:::.::.'. I '".~. Washington State Departmant of Transportation PROJ.ii<GF!.-B.NEBBITT ~~16NiL-AOM. -LENG REVISION 0.0.TE ""' CURB RAMP PLANS '~ October 28, 2016 Maria Laura Musso Escude WSDOT 15700 Dayton Av N, NB82-138 Seattle, WA 98133 Denis Law Mayor Peter Sodeberg WSDOT City Clerk· Jason A. Seth, CMC 15700 Dayton Av N, MS 138 Seattle, WA 98133 Subject: Hearing Examiner's Decision -Final Decision RE: WSDOT (Noise Variance), LUA-16-000616, V Dear Ms. Escude & Mr. Sodeberg: I have attached the City of Renton's Hearing Examiner's Final Decision dated October 26, 2016. This document is also immediately available: • Electronically on line at the City of Renton website (www.rentonwa.gov); • To be viewed at the City Clerk's office on the 7th floor or Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8 am and 4 pm. Ask for the project file by the above project number; and • For purchase at a copying charge of $0.15 per page. The estimated cost for the Hearing Examiner Documents is $1.20, plus a handling and postage cost (this cost is subject to change if documents are added). APPEAL DEADLINE: RMC 4-8-080 provides that the final decision of the Hearing Examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-110(E)(14) requires appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the hearing examiner's decision. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to the City Council, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • (425) 430-6510 / Fax (425) 430-6516 • rentonwa.gov I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. cc: Hearing Examiner Rohini Nair, Civil Engineer II Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Sabrina Mirante, Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian, City Council Liaison Parties of Record (5) CITY OF RENTOl\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 14, 2017 To: City Clerk's Office From: Jenny Cisneros Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: WSDOT Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity LUA (file) Number: LUA-16-000616, V-H Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Rohini Nair Acceptance Date: August 16, 2016 Applicant: Peter Soderberg Owner: WSDOT Contact: Maria Laura Musso-Escude PID Number: 5568900000 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: October 11, 2016 Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: October 26, 2016 Anneal Period Ends: November 9. 2016 Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Project Description: WSDOT Noise Variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity Pavement Rehabilitation. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requests a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in areas with residential uses. The construction work would occur during 40 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The project is located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and south bound lanes, between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. The portion of the project located within the City of Renton limits includes work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only. Nighttime work will minimize congestion impacts to drivers, businesses, school buses and local commuters during the day, and is safer for workers and traveling public. Location: 15150 140th Way SE Comments: ERC Determination Types: DNS -Determination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated; DS -Determination of Significance. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON RE: WSDOT Pavement Rehabilitation Project for SR169, 140th Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity Noise Variance ) ) ) FINAL DECISION ) ) ) ) ) LUA16-000616, V-H ) ----------~-------~ Summary The Washington State Department of Transportation ("WSDOT") has applied for a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (noise regulations) in order to conduct construction work outside of restricted hours in residential areas located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and southbound lanes for approximately 2 miles between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84 during 40 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The variance is approved with conditions. Testimony Robin Nair, City of Renton Civil Engineer III, summarized the proposal. In response to examiner questions, Ms. Nair clarified that the proposed noise mitigation measures identified in the recommended conditions of approval are those identified in Slide No. 5 of the staff power point and those measures identified in Exhibit 6. Laura Musso-Escude, WSDOT representative, noted that some work will be done behind existing noise walls. Temporary noise shields will be used to reduce noise by up to 7 decibels. The pavement cutter will create the most noticeable noise. Work on traffic signals will involve conduit work and use Noise Variance I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 of power tools. Since work on the signals will be on an elevated structure, residents who are outside will notice the noise. One home is as close as 80 feet to the signal work. David Wilkinson, project manager, clarified that at most, work will be a total of three nights at any one intersection. The intersection work will involve a maximum of 75-87 dba. Ms. Musso-Escude noted that temporary shields cannot always be used because passing semi-trucks can blow them off their foundation, which causes a danger to workers. Ms. Musso-Escude also noted that workers only have seven hours to do night time work in order to open up the lanes for morning 5:00 am traffic and setting up noise shields takes some of that limited time away. The ambient noise levels at SR 169 as measured by Ms. Musso-Escude have a peak level of 73 dba at 50 feet. Traffic is heavy in the project area and there are several noise walls. 90% of the time the noise level is 62 dba. Ms. Musso-Escude noted that requiring the contractor to do the monitoring work will be very expensive for such a long project. She requested that monitoring only be required if complaints are made. Ms. Musso-Escude noted that WSDOT has found earplugs and white noise machines to be effective mitigation for persons who have noise complaints and if that does not work WSDOT also provides hotel vouchers. In response to a request from the examiner, Ms. Musso-Escude stated that WSDOT could make clear in its notice to property owners that more specific dates and other details can be provided to persons who call WSDOT. In response to examiner questions, Ms. Musso-Escude acknowledged that WSDOT has had to provide hotel vouchers on a couple occasions for other projects, but she has found that the white noise machines and earplugs usually work well. David Wilkinson, project manager, noted that the road area was last rehabilitated in 1990. The state proposes to mill and inlay approximately two miles of SR 169. There are three signalized intersections and three unsignalized intersections in the project area. The project involves converting the signalized intersections to video detection, which will require five nonconsecutive nights of work and the closure of one to two lanes. Crews will bring in utility trucks, bucket trucks and tools to do the work. Following the signal work, crews will do mill work on the road for 15 nonconsecutive nights, but the operation is mobile and any one location will not be worked upon for more than five nights. The project will involve street sweeping. Pavement repair will take eight nights and will involve excavation and pavement cutting. Asphalt will be delivered by dump truck and spread by an asphalt spreading machine. All night work is done for the safety of workers and travelling public and to minimize traffic back-ups and disruption to bus service. In response to examiner questions, Mr. Wilkinson noted that notice of construction work will be provided by one mailed notice in advance of the work as opposed to segregated notice for each portion of the work. WSDOT has a website that also provides information on the project timcline, but this information will probably not be detailed to the level where neighbors can know precisely when work will be done in front of their homes. Mr. Wilkinson also noted that contact information will be provided to neighbors and that they will be able to call someone to get more details as to when work will be done near their homes. Ms. Musso-Escude noted that the work is weather dependent, so it's not possible to identify all specific work dates and locations ahead of time. Mr. Wilkinson emphasized that the SR 169 pavement has reached the end of its design life and needs to be rehabilitated to prevent safety problems. If the work is done during the day, the higher traffic Noise Variance 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 volumes could result to harm to workers and the public and would result m significant traffic disruption. Marylin Whitley, neighbor in the Maplewood neighborhood, noted she will be greatly affected by the construction noise since she lives adjacent to the proposed work. She wanted to know what notice she would receive for work in front of her home. Mr. Wilkinson confirmed that there would be some minor pavement repair conducted close to her home involving work on a catch basin near a retaining wall on her property. In response to examiner questions he noted that the work would be done in one night. Ms. Musso-Escude said that she would have WSDOT contact Ms. Whitley about when the work would be done. Ms. Musso-Escude also noted that a temporary noise shield can be placed at the work site. Ms. Whitley noted that the Maplewood residents have been concerned about the project and have had trouble with inconsistencies in WSDOT documents describing the project. Ms. Nair noted that complaint driven monitoring is acceptable so long as there are not repeated complaints. Exhibits The October 4, 2016 Staff Report Exhibits 1-8 identified at page 2 of the Staff Report were admitted into the record during the hearing. In addition, the following exhibits were admitted during the hearing. Exhibit 9 Updated Ex. 3. Exhibit 10 Map of Maplewood neighborhood FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: I. Applicant. WSDOT 2. Hearing. A hearing was held on the subject application on October 11, 2016 at 12:00 pm in the City of Renton Council Chambers. Substantive: 3. Project Description. The Washington State Department of Transportation ("WSDOT") has applied for a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (noise regulations) in order to conduct construction work outside of restricted hours in residential areas located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and southbound lanes, for approximately 2 miles between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84 during 40 non-consecutive nights from March I, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The portion of the project located within the City of Renton limits includes work and improvements within the State right of Noise Variance 3 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 way limits only. Noise levels resulting from the project's construction activities will generate peak noise levels of 64 to 90 dBA as perceived at 50 feet from the WSDOT property line. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). 4. Neighborhood Characteristics. Surrounding areas that will be potentially affected by the noise of the proposal are primarily residential with a mix of commercial and industrial uses as well. The surrounding zoning includes R-4, R-8, R-10 and R-14, as well as Commercial Office/Residential (COR) and Commercial Neighborhood (CN). 5. Adverse Impacts. The noise generated by the proposal will be mitigated as much as reasonably practicable. Overall, it appears that night time construction noise will be noticeable to some residents, but that any one resident is not likely to hear a significant amount of noise for more than a total of three nights given the mobile nature of the construction work over the two mile stretch of SR 169. Several mitigation measures will be imposed to reduce noise impacts as much as reasonably possible, including the provision of ear plugs and white noise machines. Ultimately, WSDOT will provide hotel vouchers if other mitigation isn't effective. As shown in Exhibit 9 and from the list of proposed equipment identified in Finding of Fact No. 3, noise levels resulting from the project construction activity would generate peak noise levels up to 90 dBA as perceived at a distance of 50 feet from the construction equipment that generates the noise. The closest homes to project work would be 80 feet away. As testified by Ms. Musso-Escude, the night time ambient noise levels reach a maximum of 73 dBA. As she noted, the signal work in particular may be noticeable to residents who are outside since that work is from an elevated structure. The project area is already mitigated by a significant number of existing noise walls. The project is mitigated as much as can be reasonably required, including ultimately requiring hotel vouchers if measures such as ear plugs and white noise machines aren't sufficient. In order to mitigate against these noise impacts, the applicant has proposed a list of mitigation measures, some of which include: • • • • Temporary noise shields when safe to install around construction equipment. Providing advance notice to residents via door hanger or equivalent with complaint and contact phone numbers. Temporary relocation/compensation during the peak noise periods for local residents . (after receiving complaints). Ambient sensitive backup alarms required and tailgate banging prohibited . Noise Variance 4 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Conclusions of Law I. Authority. Variances to RMC 8-7-2 in excess of two days in duration are subject to a public hearing and Hearing Examiner review (RMC 8-7-S(A) and (C)). 2. Review Criteria. Variance criteria for variances to RMC 8-7-2 are governed by RMC 8-7- S(D). RMC 8-7-S(D)(l): That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the 8 variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the applicant's property or 9 project, and that the strict application of this Chapter will deprive the subject property owner or applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. The special circumstances are the proximity of SR 169 to the adjoining homes and the critical need for night-time work to complete SR 169 rehabilitation. In uncontested and plausible testimony from Dave Wilkinson, the pavement at the project site has reached its useful life and must be rehabilitated in order to maintain a safe driving surface. Work must be done at night in order to protect the safety of workers and travelers from accidents that may occur due to high day time traffic volumes. The night time work is also necessary to prevent disruption of day time SR 169 traffic. Since the night time work is necessary to prevent major traffic disruptions and to protect public and worker safety, the variance requested by the applicant would likely be approved for any other project of a similar nature and therefore denial of the variance should be considered to deprive WSDOT of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. RMC 8-7-8(D)(2): That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. 4. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, as conditioned and mitigated, the noise impacts are mitigated to the extent reasonably practicable under the circumstances. Ultimately, the mitigation measures require the applicant to provide hotel accommodations if the noise proves too much for adjoining property owners. In this regard, beyond the temporary inconvenience of relocation, the noise impacts are completely mitigated and as a result, the granting of the variance would not be considered materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to surrounding properties or improvements. RMC 8-7-8(D)(3): That the variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the 25 desired purpose. 26 6. As outlined in Finding of Fact No. 5 and concluded in Conclusion of Law No. 3, the applicant has taken all measures it reasonably can to reduce noise impacts. Noise Variance 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 RMC 8-7-8(0)(4): That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: a. Implementation of a noise monitoring program; b. Maximum noise levels; c. Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; d. Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; e. Required use of noise shields or barriers; f Restrictions to specific times and days; g. Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; h. Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; i. Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; J. Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; k. Specific program to allow for temporary hotel vouchers to effected residents; I. Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and m. Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. 7. Many of the mitigation measures identified above are proposed and/or incorporated into the conditions of approval. Noise shields will be used when safe and feasible. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and tailgate banging is prohibited. Equipment and noise levels are limited to that identified in Ex. 9. Notice of project work is required for neighboring residents within 300 feet along with a contact and complaint phone number. Hotel vouchers are required if ear plugs and white noise machines prove ineffective. RMC 8-7-8(0)(5): The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. 8. As outlined in Conclusion of Law No. 4, the proposed SR 169 night time work is necessary and unavoidable for both safety and traffic circulation reasons. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, the mitigation required of and proposed by WSDOT is as much as can reasonably be required under the circumstances. Some residents may notice and/or may be adversely affected by nighttime noise for what appears to be a maximum of three nights. On balance, the variance must be approved to facilitate significant and necessary improvements to SR 169. RMC 8-7-8(0)(6): The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. Noise Variance 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9. As noted in the staff report, there are no alternative locations available. RMC 8-7-8(0)(7): The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. 10. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 5, noise levels will reach levels ofup to 90 dBA and the work will occur over a 22 month period on 40 nonconsecutive nights. DECISION As conditioned below, the noise variance is approved: I. The applicant shall provide the City of Renton project manager with the phone number for after-hours noise complaints prior to commencement of construction. Any complaints within the Renton city limits will be summarized and reported to the City's project manager within 2 days of the complaint. 2. The applicant shall implement proposed noise mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction as outlined in Ex. 9. Additional mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction are to be provided by the applicant as necessary. 3. Written notice of the project will be mailed to all adjoining residents within 300 feet at least 14 days in advance of construction work. The notice shall contain a complaint number as well as a contact number for more information. The notice shall state that more detailed information on the dates and location of project work can be obtained by calling the contact number. More detailed information on project dates affecting the Maplewood neighborhood will be provided to Ms. Whitley so she can forward that information to Maplewood residents. 4. The applicant shall notify the City of Renton project manager with the date and areas of expected night work prior to commencement of night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 5. Noise monitoring shall be implemented pursuant to a schedule set by City staff and based upon noise complaints. City staff may require daily monitoring if the project results in repeated noise complaints. 6. The applicant shall provide temporary hotel vouchers to affected residents for the nights of the proposed noise variance work when noise impacts cannot be reasonably mitigated (by ear plugs or white noise generators) to levels that enable the residents to reasonably sleep at their homes. 7. Equipment and noise levels are limited to what is identified in Ex. 9. Noise Variance 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 8. Truck tailgate banging is prohibited. 9. Unwanted material is to be removed by sweeping. No scraping type of equipment shall be used during nighttime work. DATED this 26'h day of October, 2016. City of Renton Hearing Examiner Appeal Right and Valuation Notices RMC 8-7-8(F) and RMC 4-8-080 provide that the final decision of the Hearing Examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 8-7-8(F) and RMC 4-8-110(E)(l4) requires appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the Hearing Examiner's decision. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th floor, (425) 430-6510. Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes notwithstanding any program of revaluation. Noise Variance 8 LAND USE HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET WSDOT Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity / LUA16-000616, V-A October 11, 2016, 12:00 PM PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS Phone # with area code Email NAME (including City & Zip} (optional} (optional} ,-, ·J. . /o,v, w,lk,'_.,,OA WS.DOT , e "'-t+ Ice_ \JJA (20-G) ~OS-S-'i,8 LA.:); I k,/,... c\@ u.n,-c .o'i"". u.,;.. ·GaltJ JJ r1 v. tu) eu l-tC,/ (1,d. '7_...e___ .r i)1 nrJI ~,., .J. ~ <f :2-':>--;, 2-b -V 7 9 2., V/a.' .t.tJU/ I< (i tJ .•• ..I-, I ;f::,, u ~0,,C.ov . u L{}<.Aua-MUSWt7~ /.1 US5 JAL@ . · ZOG-YYo_ yss1 N vssc,,H c. e'4-J JD<:?, 4- ~~ (.. )<4.t- DEPARTMENT OF COMMU"' •. ! AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton® REVISED PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Name: Project Number: Hearing Date: Project Manager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: October 4, 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169, 140'h Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity LUA16-000616, V-H October 11, 2016 Rohini Nair, Civil Engineer Ill Washington State Department of Transportation Bruce Nebbit, WSDOT, 10511st Ave S Mail Stop NB-82-62, Seattle, WA 98134 Peter Soderberg, WSDOT, 15700 Dayton Ave N, MS 138, Seattle, WA 98133 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requests a variance from RMC 8- 7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in areas with residential uses. The construction work would occur during 40 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The project is located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and southbound lanes, for approximately 2 miles between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. The portion of the project located within the City of Renton limits includes work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only. Noise levels resulting from the project's construction activities will generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dBA as perceived at 50 feet from the WSDOT property line. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). State Route 169 from Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84 N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 10,454 Lineal Feet Toto/ Building Area GSF: N/A Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H City of Renton Deportment of Community & r PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of October 4, 2016 omic Development 'OR SR169, 140'" AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK I 8. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND: IITY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 2 of 8 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requests a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in areas with residential uses. The construction work would occur during 40 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The project is located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and southbound lanes, between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. The portion of the project located within the City of Renton limits includes work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only. The work would consist of planning asphalt lanes, pavement repair, paving roadway, pavement markings, curb ramps, and signal video detection. Nighttime work will minimize congestion impacts to drivers, businesses, school buses and local commuters during the day, and is safer for workers and traveling public. Construction equipment used during nighttime operations will include, but is not limited to pickup trucks, dump trucks, paving machines, planning grinder, air compressors, asphalt saw cutters, portable light plants and generators, compaction rollers, flat bed/ cement mixer trucks, truck mounted attenuators, sweepers, striper remover, and stripe grinders. Noise levels resulting from the project's construction activities will generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dBA as perceived at 50 feet from the WSDOT property line. When feasible, temporary noise shields will be placed around construction equipment. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. In addition, the proponent proposes to implement other measures to mitigate noise impacts. Truck tailgate banging will be prohibited. A WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for forwarding complaints will be provided to the residents affected by the project. A noise monitoring plan which outlines how WSDOT will proceed after a complaint is received has also been provided. The project also requires Street Use and detour permits. The project will include nighttime work where the zoning varies from Commercial Office/Residential, Commercial Neighborhood, residential (R-4, R-8, R-10, and R-14), and Resource Conservation. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). ~ C. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Report to Hearing Examiner. Exhibit 2: Location of proposed SR169 Pavement Rehabilitation. Exhibit 3: Table -Types of equipment -Noise Levels (dBA) -Proposed Mitigation Measures. Exhibit 4: Plans of proposed SR 169 Pavement Rehabilitation work. Exhibit 5: Letter of September 19, 2016 from WSDOT requesting the variance and Justification for the Noise Variance Request. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community i nomic Development PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA FOR SR169, 140'" AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK ilTY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Report of October 4, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Exhibit 6: Project Monitoring Plan for Nighttime Construction Noise. Exhibit 7: Public comment letter requesting information of advance notification of the work and information of the extra noise. Exhibit 8: Comment response letter to the public comment letter in Exhibit 7 I D. FINDINGS: Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: 1. Request: Variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) for work between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am over 40 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. 2. Variance: The proposal requires a public hearing with the Hearing Examiner. 3. Existing Land Uses: Single family residential, commercial, commercial office. 4. Zoning: Commercial Office/ Residential (COR), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), Residential -4 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-4), Residential -8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8), Residential -10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10), Residential-14 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-14), Resource Conservation (RC). 5. Faur parties of record requests were received from the public. One request included a question regarding advance notice of the proposed work and a question of the extra noise due to the project. I E. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: Section 8-7-8.D. Lists 7 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with oil other relevant information, in making a decision on a Noise Variance application. These include the following: The Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant a variance upon making a determination, in writing, that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: 1. That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the applicant's property or project, and that the strict application of this Chapter will deprive the subject property owner or applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. Staff Analysis: SR 169 is a heavily travelled State Route as it serves as a main connector for motorist uses, mass transit and freight and commercial within the Puget Sound area. This portion of SR 169 corridor carries approximately 42,000 vehicles per day. The existing pavement has reached the end of its useful life and is in need of repair/maintenance work. The preservation and repair of SR 169 is addressed in the ongoing WSDOT highway preservation budget. Day time closures, full or partial to perform this work, would have the potential to spike congestion on this Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community & PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of October 4, 2016 omic Development OR SR169, 140'" AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK IITY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 4 of 8 North-South corridor negatively and would affect the City of Renton arterials and local streets; consequently, working at night will allow residents, businesses and drivers to be able to maintain adequate travel times while using this corridor. The contractor on this project is required to provide a safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services through and around the project, while minimizing negative impacts to residents, commuters, and businesses. In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary that the work for this project be done at night. Working at night is the best way to minimize negative effects as a result of construction which would only exacerbate the existing traffic conditions mentioned above. WSDOT has indicated that safety for drivers and construction workers improves when work is conducted at night. Permitted noise levels will be exceeded during construction, in the area where the work is occurring. The type of equipment used to saw cut asphalt, grind pavement, compaction, and painting of pavement markings will generate noise that will exceed the allowed noise limits. The applicant has proposed mitigation measures that will reduce the impact of the noise generated by the construction activities. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. Staff Analysis: Granting of the variance will minimize risk to travelling public and construction workers, and reduce risks to property because nighttime traffic volumes are lighter. Temporary nighttime construction is one of the few tools that WSDOT employs to lessen traffic congestion and disruption to highway users while improving the roadway. Along the SR 169 pavement repair project within the City of Renton, there are noise sensitive receivers East and West of SR 169, adjacent to the Maplewood Golf Course that might perceive some noise peaks over the existing SR 169 traffic background noise, especially if they have direct line-of-sight to the work zone. However, the proposed work will be a mobile construction operation, meaning that noise sources and construction equipment will be operating at different locations along the project area during the 40 working nights. This mobile operation will mean that each individual resident will only be impacted for a few nights, and not all the 40 working nights. The noise levels coming from construction equipment will diminish with distance. A 6-dBA noise level decrease will occur with the doubling of distance from a stationary noise source. For example, a noise level of 70 dBA measured at 50 feet would be 64 dBA at 100 feet, 58 dBA at 200 feet and 52 dBA at 400 feet. Noise also decreases if an object interferes with the receiver's line of sight to the noise source. For residents within the city limits, this attenuation depends on the relative elevation of the source and the receiver, and the height and location of the intervening Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community & PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of October 4, 2016 omic Development OR SR169, 140'" AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK ITV Noise Variance Hex Report lUAl6-0006l6, V-H Page 5 of 8 object. Noise levels projected for this project have been estimated that some activities may generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dBA heard at 50 feet. Ambient traffic noise levels on SR 169 may reach approximately average peak levels up to 68 dBA at night at 50 feet from the travel lane. When distance is incorporated into the assessment as well as topography and the proposed mitigation measures, we estimate that the nearest residences would still notice the nighttime work but not as severe as without all the listed mitigation. Citizens will be impacted to the minimum extent and staff does not anticipate that public health or safety will be diminished. If any noise related complaints are received, the contractor along with the agency will work on alternative mitigation measures to stop the disruption. The applicant has submitted a noise monitoring plan that outlines how WSDOT will proceed once a noise complaint is received. Information regarding the proposed noise variance project was posted and notification was mailed to residents within 300 feet of the project corridor. Four requests have been received to be added as parties of record. One request included questions regarding the advance notification of the project and information of the extra noise. Staff has sent letter providing information requested in the comment letter. 3. That the variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. Staff Analysis: The work will occur over 22 months on 40 non-consecutive nights. The work limits include approximately 10,454 lineal feet of SR 169 within the City of Renton. Mitigation measures are proposed by the applicant to diminish the noise impact on the surrounding area. Staff believes that the request is the minimum needed to accomplish the necessary reconstruction, repair, and maintenance. 4. That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: a. Implementation of a noise monitoring program; b. Maximum noise levels; c. Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; d. Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; e. Required use of noise shields or barriers; f. Implementation of "approved" bed liners in dump trucks; g. Restrictions to specific times and days; h. Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community & PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of October 4, 2016 omic Development OR SR169, 140'" AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK i. Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; ITV Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 6 of 8 j. Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; k. Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; I. Specific program to allow for temporary hotel vouchers to affected residents; m. Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and n. Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. Staff Analysis: Noise mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction shall be implemented by the applicant. The applicant has submitted a project monitoring plan for nighttime construction noise that outlines the noise monitoring plan in the event a complaint is received. The plan also mentions that residents may be eligible for temporary motel vouchers when noise impacts cannot be reasonably mitigated (by ear plugs or white noise generators) to levels that enable the residents to reasonably sleep at their homes. Maximum noise level readings will be included in the noise monitoring program that will be conducted nightly and these results with the type of work being conducted during the noise level readings are to be provided to the City's project manager. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. Noise shields will be used as directed by the engineer and when feasible. Truck tailgate banging will not be allowed and dump trucks will have well maintained bed liners. An after-hours noise complaint phone number staffed by WSDOT and/or their contractors will be provided. The proposed noise mitigation measures are included in the attached project narrative. Additional mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction are to be provided by the applicant as necessary. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that WSDOT provide the City's project manager with the after-hours noise complaint phone number prior to the start of construction, and a summary of any complaints and the response provided, within 5 days of receiving the complaint. Staff also recommends that WSDOT provide temporary motel vouchers to affected residents for the nights of the proposed noise variance work when noise impacts cannot be reasonably mitigated (by ear plugs or white noise generators) to levels that enable the residents to reasonably sleep at their homes. Staff recommends that in addition to the applicant submitted project monitoring plan for nighttime construction noise outlining how the applicant will proceed once a complaint is received, a noise monitoring program is conducted nightly by the contractor and the results Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community & PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of October 4, 2016 omic Development FOR SR169, 140'" AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK IITY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 7 of 8 provided to the City's project manager. In addition, staff recommends that the applicant provide notice to the City's project manager of the date and areas of expected night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 5_ The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. Staff Analysis: The existing pavement life cycle of SR 169 has reached the point that requires repairs by the next construction season, and any delays of the repair of the existing pavement would create a further failing roadway structure. The resurfacing and repair of this portion of the highway would give drivers, residents and users a well maintained and safe highway. Construction noise mitigation measures are able to address or minimize any inconvenience to the nearby residents so granting this variance would not cause WSDOT to adversely affect the general policy and purpose of the ordinance. Improvements to this heavily travelled state route outweigh the limited-term noise impacts to residents and property owners. 6. The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. Staff Analysis: The nature of the SR 169 as a state highway route limits alternative locations for project work. Any pavement rehabilitation work must be completed at the location of the highway. No alternative locations are possible. Noise mitigation measures will be used to limit disturbance throughout the evening construction work. 7. The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. Staff Analysis: The noise variance is requested for 40 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. Peak noise levels produced by construction equipment are expected to range from 64 to 85 decibels at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise. These sound levels are expected to diminish to a range from 56 to 77 decibels at a distance of 200 feet from the source of the noise. The proposed work will be a mobile construction operation, meaning that noise sources and construction equipment will be operating at different locations along the project area during the 40 working nights. This mobile operation will mean that each individual resident will only be impacted for a few nights, not all 40 working nights. Work in any one particular area will not be for an extended duration. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community & PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of October 4, 2016 omic Development OR SR169, 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK IITY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 8 of 8 F. CONCLUSIONS: THE CORRIDOR IS LOCATED WITHIN THE SR 169 RIGHT-OF-WAY, FROM MILEPOST 22.86 TO MILEPOST 24.84. THE WORKS WOULD OCCUR OVER 22 MONTHS ON 40 NON-CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS. 1. The work requires a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) as levels of noise for night time would be exceeded. 2. Analysis ofthe proposal according to variance criteria of RMC 8-7-8-D is found in the body of the Staff Report. II G. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Variance for the Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity, File No. LUA16-000616, V-H be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide the City of Renton project manager with the phone number for after- hours noise complaints prior to commencement of construction. Any complaints within the Renton city limits will be summarized and reported to the City's project manager within S days of the complaint. 2. The applicant shall implement proposed noise mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction. Additional mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction are to be provided by the applicant as necessary. 3. The applicant shall notify the City of Renton project manager with the date and areas of expected night work prior to commencement of night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 4. Implementation of a noise monitoring program will be conducted nightly by the contractor and the results provided to the City's project manager. Maximum noise level readings will be included in the noise monitoring program that will be conducted nightly and these results with the type of work being conducted during the noise level readings are to be provided to the City's project manager. The applicant's submitted project monitoring plan for nighttime construction noise in the event of a complaint should also be implemented. 5. The applicant shall provide temporary motel vouchers to affected residents for the nights of the proposed noise variance work when noise impacts cannot be reasonably mitigated (by ear plugs or white noise generators) to levels that enable the residents to reasonably sleep at their homes. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH m >< :c 1-4 D:I ~ N SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO BLAINE DR VIC ,oo = SCALE IN FEET GENERAL NOTES: 0.15' OF ROADWAY WILL BE MILLED AND REPAVeo FROM THE BEGIN TO THE END OF PROJECT ALONG THE HIGHWAY. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS WILL BE REPLACED WITH TRAFFIC DETECTION CAMERAS LEGEND --600' DISTANCE FROM WORK --EXISTING NOISE WALL CITY LIMITS NEW ADA RAMP FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT REPAIR -PAVING AND STRIPING -i)i Washington state Department cf Tran,portatlon Item # 1 2 3 4 Types of Vehicles -Anticipated Nightime Noise Levels -Mitigation Measures Planned to Minimize Impacts Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at 100' at 200' at 300' I-ton pickup 68 65 60 57 Supports The sounds of this equipment would be perceived trucks vanous the same as existing nighttime traffic from SR 169 construction night. Contractor shall avoid parking and idling activities vehicles next to residences. After hours noise complaint phone number will he made available. Dump trucks 85 82 77 74 General Mobile operation. Construction equipment construction sounds likely will be noticeable by residents operations during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available. Paving machines 74 71 66 63 Paving Mobile operation. Construction equipment operations sounds likely will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available. Planning grinder 85 82 77 74 Paving Mobile operation. Construction equipment operations sounds likely will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available m >< :::c 1-t m 1-t -t w Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at 100' at 200' at 300' 5 Air compressor 68 62 60 57 Pavement Park equipment breaking the line of sight from repair and residences or place temporary noise shields when Support feasible. An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available. 6 Asphalt saw cut 85 79 77 74 Pavement An after hour noise complaint phone number will repair and ITS be available. loop placement 7 Portable Light 64 58 56 53 Paving Redirect temporary lights away from residences. plants and operations and A void parking and idling vehicles next to generators support varions residences. An after-hours noise complaint construction phone number will be available. activities. 8 Compaction 77 71 69 66 Pavement An after-hours noise complaint phone number Rollers and Hand repair will be available. compactor for pavement repair 9 Flat bed/Cement 83 80 75 72 Paving Stationary operation. Construction equipment mixer trucks operation and sounds likely will not be noticeable by residents support. during nighttime operations Ambient sensitive backup alarms arc required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available 10 Truck Mounted 68 62 60 57 Paving Traffic control drivers shall park at least 500' Attenuators operations, away from residences, when feasible. An after- support, and . hours noise complaint phone number will be traffic control. available. 11 Sweeper 69 66 61 58 Paving Mobile operation. Residents will notice while the operations. equipment is moving along the highway completing their task so the sound will dissipate as they move along from the sensitive receiver. Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at 100' at 200' at 300' 12 Stripe removal 76 70 68 65 Remove Mobile operation. Residents will notice while the existing equipment is moving along the highway pavement completing their task so the sound will dissipate striping or as they move along from the sensitive receiver. pavement markers. 13 Stripe grinder 82 76 74 71 Placing of Mobile operation. Residents will notice while the MMA equipment is moving along the highway Durable and completing their task so the sound will dissipate visible as they move along from the sensitive receiver. delineation T.23N. R.SE. W.M. s - -s _,-_,- s -s -s -s -s -:_':°_::/::;;::;::""0;2--f:-~:..:..::-_ ':..:..: -·'.'.-, === ' --_--" -"-,~,, '--':--::-----::::i ___ ~~ -- ,. ------R 169 ----=--- ----I --.!l"---:;;;_== -------~ " ® ---------------k.--·----·---· ----·--~::~:~:~-?:'-:::" -. :: -::~ ~ --, -----;\-::f:,,-~,--_---· __ -~~----:: -~=---- --~-/ --'(----n :· -1-f X $ --....... ,~1_: -------------, . DETENTION POND 59 II. 60 s ' I @ 62 o o o I I•• 4- 63 @ 28 BEGIN F.A. NO. NHPP-0169(027) BEGIN PROJECT SR169 MP 22.868 67 tu w :i: :-,r;_-~~=sr--~~~~~~~I°~ ~ 0-:=:~ "' -~~~~~-~-'~.=:~:::-~~2' -=-~ ~ R R ----~---'!"' --------1--- -~~~Li-& 2"zi:E.zT5_uz#3'3;,~tz,C"!,Czii'R'E,,aa_7,,5:--~ ---- :,: ,.; N "- -------------------- ~] ==-~-=-=-===-=-========--~ 66 NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES AND MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOCATIONS REFERENCE AS PART OF THE BID ITEM "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS" SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS" --------==--_J C. -L ~ ii: "' 1! w (J " w z ::; :i: ~ ~ • T.23N. R.SE. 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THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES AND MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION ------- z ::, :,: ;,' <( " REPAIR NOTES I I . w in 0:: z M N i,-: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ I I ~ I L---1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I \ I \ I \ I \ \ \ -~ w b z "' ~ w " "' "' 0 >-" " z ;:: !!l )( w " C ~ z w " " (!) ~ w "' ..I .! >-z w "' w > " 0. " z ;:: ., x w I " " . "' ~ w " i:: " >-z ;,; " z ;:: " x w " w >-0 z z 0 ;:: :'.l => m ;!: ~ ;:: z ~ a If) w f- 0 z a:: ~ w a:: "' ~ 0 m :c g C " z ~ )( w ' >-~ .. 0 >-:c !2 "' >- 8 ~ N 0 -1--1-- D ---'1 9 ~~@ I I T.23N. R.SE. W.M. LEGEND EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS -ST -- QUANTITY TA BULA Tl ON NOTE s -- WSDOT RIGHT OF WAV EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING GUARDRAIL EXISTING INLET I INLET PROTECTION if, :x: EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM EXISTING ITS ELECTRICAL FULL DEPTH REPAIR PLANING BITUMINOUS COMPOST SOCK -::------=---_Ji 20e] l, @) ?'i ~4 ~ 759 \ llW;J/;:c:;:;; --< 1 SEE NOTE 1 t ,<,-----~ -~· t-- ,~ -::&c.~----~_-...;;~;;;.;;;;;:;_;;:;; -----I _ __.., -::;$--= -~-:-:-~·::----~ iS __-c-;_:,:_· ,-:-:--~-=-~ ------:_-::-... ::----_-l!;f :----':"'~~ ---~=----\-----~--:--~---=-:~ N 0 ' 0 ci1:::;~~::::f ~?;'.:;~g~:~~~ =~~~~~.~ :::"i,:,J':'.:::.::"'~~,,c.·.c ~ ~ --t---------< _, _ __, _ __,.._ ~ ' ' t \ ) ~ ...... I 21 22 ':z. -"'v \.-'> '""'"" , '';I''" :Y<"~ .. ."')' ;t:o_, Washington State Department of Transportation September 19, 2016 Jennifer Henning, AICP Planning Director City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Dear Ms. Henning: RE: XL 5039 Noise Variance Request Ns)rl!1weq R,;;'~ion 15700 Dayton Avenue No1ih P.O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-971 O (206) 440-4000 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov SR 169/1401h Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity -MP 22.86 to MP 24.84. Dear Ms. Henning: The purpose of this letter is to request 40 non-consecutive nights of temporary noise variance to complete roadway rehabilitation and other project repairs within the state owned right of way along SR 169 in both the northbound and southbound directions within the City of Renton. WSDOT Acoustics group requests relief from the requirements of the Renton Municipal Code, Title VIII -Health and Sanitation -Chapter 7-and Noise Level Regulations, as per section 8-7-2 and the Washington State Administration Code (WAC) Chapter 173-60, allowing the WSDOT representative to work at night. The project ad date is set for January 9, 2017. The project is planned to commence on March I, 2017 with a contract completion of December 31, 2018. Project Narrative The project is located along State Route 169 from Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. SR 169 is a 4-lane, undivided, managed access highway within the project limits. It is classified as a principal arterial and includes 5 intersections with median turn pockets (3 signalized) and a bridge crossing over the Cedar River. This project will grind and inlay SR 169 with 0.15' of HMA, including bridge 169/031.25 but excluding bridge 169/024. Minor safety work includes delineation to current guidelines, signing evaluation, and assessing existing impact attenuators. As shown in the Vicinity Map in attachment J, all of the work is located within the City of Renton. The SR 169 project includes the following items of work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only of the within the highway roadway. EXHIBIT 5 f Table 1: ProJect items o wor k b , total num er o ni!!I ts e f · h qual 40 non-consecutive nights Item of work Number of ni!!hts 1 Pavement Repair 8 2 Planning Asphalt & Curb Ramp 15 Construction 3 Paving Roadway & Curb Ramp 10 Construction 4 Signal Video Detection 5 5 Pavement Marking 2 Total 40 This project requires Street Use Permits and Detour Permits wbich will be applied for separately. The project will include nighttime work where the zoning varies from residential, hotels, commercial, and light industrial zoning designation. Traffic.Limitations The primary reason for conducting nighttime work is to avoid daytime traffic congestion on SR 169 within the city of Renton. Day time full and pattial closures along this well-traveled route are expected to cause disruption in the urban circulation as well as increased travel times for the citizens of Renton. Partial closures may impact commercial and business traffic during business hours as well as delays to school routes and normal road users. Furthermore, data shows that day time closures could increase traffic accidents and compromise the safety of workers and the traveling public within the construction zones. Attachment 2 lists the proposed lane closures for the SR 169 highway. Construction Equipment and predicted noise impacts during nighttime operations The construction equipment is described in Table 2 included in Attachment 3 along with the estimated noise level prediction to nearby receivers approximately 50 feet away as well as proposed mitigation measures. Proposed Nighttime Noise Mitigation WSDOT will require the contractor to adhere to the following noise reduction measures: 1. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. The Contractor may use back-up observers in lieu of back-up warning devices for all equipment except dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610 and 296-155-615. The Contractor shall use back-up observers and back-up warning devices for dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610. 2. Truck tailgate banging is prohibited. All trucks shall be secured to prevent excessive noise from banging. 3. All trucks performing export haul shall have well maintained bed liners as inspected and approved by the Engineer. 4. A copy of noise variance shall be kept on the project site at all times. 5. Construction and stationary equipment, such as light plants, generators, compressors, and jackhammers must utilize WSDOT approved noise mitigation shields, noise blankets, skirts, or other means available as approved by the Engineer when feasible; 6. Provide a WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for the purpose of forwarding complaints; 7. The Contractor notifies residents, within 500 feet of the project corridor, of nighttime work activities at least 14 calendar days in advance of the proposed nighttime construction work. The Project engineer administering the projects are listed as follows Aleta Borschowa borscha@wsdot. wa. gov 6431 Corson Ave S Seattle, WA 98 I 08 206-768-5601 Should construction activities, associated with this project, cause noise impacts, we request your help resolving any complaint we may receive by notifying the Project Engineer within 24 hours of occurrence. Sincerely, Peter Soderberg Transportation Planning Specialist Acoustics, Air Quality, and Energy Specialist Attachments: Cc: Bruce Nebbit PE Aleta Borschowa l\B82-66 NB82-52 File: XL5039-SR 169/140'h Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity Paving' Justification for the Noise Variance Request • The Applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances. WSDOT is requesting this variance to work at night based on the fact that this portion of the SR 169 corridor carries 42,000 vehicles per day and the existing pavement has reached the end of its life cycle. SR 169 serves as a main connector for motorist uses, mass transit and freight and commercial within the Puget Sound area; so its preservation is addressed in the ongoing WSDOT highway preservation budget. Day time closures full or partial to perform this work would, have the potential to spike congestion on this North-South corridor negatively and would affect the city of Renton arterials and local streets; consequently, working at night will allow residents, businesses and drivers to be able to maintain travel time while using this corridor. The contractor on this project will be required to provide a safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services through and around the project, while minimizing negative impacts to residents, commuters, and businesses. In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary that the work for this project be done at night. Working at night is the best way to minimize negative effects as a result of construction which would only exacerbate the existing traffic conditions mentioned above. • The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. Temporary nighttime construction is one of the few tools that WSDOT implies to lessen traffic congestion and disruption to highway users while improving the roadway. However, along the SR 169 pavement repair project within the city of Renton, there are noise sensitive receivers East and West of SR 169, adjacent to the Maplewood Golf Course, that might perceive some noise peaks over the existing SR 169 traffic background noise, especially if they have direct line of sight to the work zone. The noise levels coming from construction equipment will diminish with distance. A 6-dBA noise level decrease will occur with the doubling of distance from a stationary noise source. For example, a noise level of 70 dB A measured at 50 feet would be 64 dB A at 100 feet, 58 dB A at 200 feet and 52 dB A at 400 feet. Noise also decreases if an object interferes with the receiver's line of sight to the noise source. For residents within the city limits, this attenuation depends on the relative elevation of the source and the receiver, and the height and location of the intervening object. Noise levels projected for this project have been estimated that some activities may generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dBA heard at 50 feet. Ambient traffic noise levels on SR 169 may reach approximately average peak levels up to 68 dBA at night at 50 feet from the travel lane. When distance is incorporated into the assessment as well as topography and the proposed mitigation measures, we estimate that the nearest residences would still notice the nighttime work but not as severe as without all the listed mitigation. Citizens will be impacted to the minimum extent and there is no possibility that the public health or safety will be diminished. If any noise related complaints are received, the contractor along with the agency will work on alternative mitigation measures to stop the disruption. • The variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. The requested non-consecutive days are the minimum number of nights required to complete this work and will address the nighttime work at different locations along SR 169 within the city of Renton as shown on the provided maps. • That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions. WSDOT implements a number of noise mitigation procedures during nighttime work, including: l. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. The Contractor may use back-up observers in lieu of back-up warning devices for all equipment except dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610 and 296-155-615. The Contractor shall use back-up observers and back-up warning devices for dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610. 2. Truck tailgate banging is prohibited. All trucks shall be secured to prevent excessive noise from banging. 3. All trucks performing export haul shall have well maintained bed liners as inspected and approved by the Engineer. 4. A copy of noise variance shall be kept on the project site at all times. 5. Constmction and stationary equipment, such as light plants, generators, compressors, and jackhammers must utilize WSDOT approved noise mitigation shields, noise blankets, skirts, or other means available as approved by the Engineer when feasible; 6. Provide a WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for the purpose of forwarding complaints; 7. The Contractor notifies residents, within 500 feet of the project corridor, of nighttime work activities at least 14 calendar days in advance of the proposed nighttime constmction work. Additionally, WSDOT maintains records of noise levels produced by the construction equipment and the rate at which the noise diminishes as the distance from the project area increases. • The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. SR 169 existing pavement life cycle has reached the point that shall be repaired by the next construction season and delaying the repair and resurfacing the existing pavement would create a further failing roadway structure. The resurfacing and repair of this portion of the highway would give riders, residents and users a well maintained and safe highway. Construction noise mitigation measures are able to address or minimize any inconvenience to the nearby residents so granting this variance would not cause WSDOT to adversely affect the general policy and purpose of the ordinance. • The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. The nature of the SR 169 as a state highway route limits alternative locations for project work. Any pavement rehabilitation work must be completed at the location of the highway. WSDOT has worked to utilize best practices for noise reduction in their methodology during nighttime work by using the above noise mitigation measures. If any noise related complaints are received, the contractor along with the agency will work on alternative mitigation measures to stop the disruption. • The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. Peak noise levels produced by construction equipment is expected to range from 64 to 85 decibels at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise. These sound levels are expected to diminish to a range from 56 to 79 decibels at a distance of 200 feet from the source of the noise. The requested variance is for a total of 40 non-consecutive nights. However, this will be a mobile construction operation, meaning that noise sources and construction equipment will be operating at different locations along the project area during the 40 working nights. This mobile operation will mean that each individual resident will only be impacted for a few nights, not all 40 working nights. SRJ 69, 140TH A VE SE TO CEDAR RIVER PARK VICINITY - PAVING PROJECT SR 169 Pavement Rehabilitation Project PROJECT MONITORING PLAN FOR NIGHTTIME CONSTRUCTION NOISE Submitted to: Jennifer Henning, AICP Planning Director City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Prepared by: Laura Musso-Escude Washington State Department of Transportation Acoustic, Air Quality and Energy Group 15700 Dayton Avenue North, P.O. Box 330310 MS138 Seattle, WA 98133-97 JO EXHIBIT 6 INTRODUCTION Beginning in March of 2017 through December of 2018, the Washington State Department of Transportation will commence roadway rehabilitation on SR 169 in the City of Renton. The beginning of the project is located approximately in the vicinity of Mile Post 22.86 and the end of the project is located in the vicinity of Mile Post 24.84. The length of the project segment is approximately 2 miles. See vicinity map in Figure l. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has applied for 40 non- consecutive nights of noise variances by the City of Renton for noise levels expected to result from construction work between the hours of 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. The noise variance application conditions recommended the implementation of a noise monitoring plan. SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO BLAINE DR VIC \ '~ \ 91!'!€AAL ~.:m,, 0,15"<)1' IOQA,:,WAY W1U 8E IIILI.EO Al«> .... ?All'EO FAQII 'ME BE-TO T"" •NO ~ rlOOJECT ALONG Tl1£ >11(;-AV. :,'J~'&.,~~~ WU. Bl ~EPljlC~p fflfH Tll,lfrk; l:._li_GEND -!X,,TIM<lNOIIIEWALL ----ctr< USTS Figure 1: Project Vicinity Map -........... o. .. -.. ,- The proposed plan is complaint driven and outlines how WSDOT will proceed once the complaint is received on the noise hotline. The project area consists of the following type of land uses: i) Residential neighborhood with the majority protected by existing noise walls ii) Parks iii) Commercial/residential mixed-use iv) Golf course The noise levels due to construction activities will not be continuous depending on the type of work (stationary such as pavement repair or mobile operations such as paving or pavement marking placement) and the location of the work zone along the roughly two miles of work. Residents may perceive construction noise equipment depending on if they are located behind an existing noise wall and how far they are located from the edge of pavement MONITORING PLAN The proposed monitoring plan is complaint driven consists of three phases: l. Contract plan nighttime mitigation specifications 2. Construction Nighttime residents' notification 3. Nighttime complaint response protocol 1. CONTRACT PLAN NIGHTTIME MITIGATION SPECIFICATIONS Noise mitigation special conditions submitted with the application are included in the project's contract plan, WSDOT ensures that they will be followed and enforced by the agency administrator and contractor. All activities will be conducted in compliance with the conditions as set forth in the exemption. 1. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. The Contractor may use back-up observers in lieu of back-up warning devices for all equipment except dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610 and 296-155-615. The Contractor shall use back-up observers and back-up warning devices for dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610. 2. Truck tailgate banging is prohibited. All trucks shall be secured to prevent excessive noise from banging. 3. All trucks performing export haul shall have well maintained bed liners as inspected and approved by the Engineer. 4. A copy of noise variance shall be kept on the project site at all times. 5. Construction and stationary equipment, such as light plants, generators, compressors, and jackhammers must utilize WSDOT approved noise mitigation shields, noise blankets, skirts, or other means available as approved by the Engineer when feasible. 6. Provide a WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for the purpose of forwarding complaints; 7. The Contractor notifies residents. within 500 feet of the project corridor, of nighttime work activities al least 14 calendar days in advance of the proposed nighttime construction work. 3. NIGHTTIME CONSTRUCTION COMPLAINT RESPONSE PROTOCOL This section summarizes how WSDOT will proceed to respond if a complaint is received at the WSDOT telephone line or by email. The protocol defines that the WSDOT representative-Contractor -and the WSDOT construction office shall follow providing assurance of adequate and reasonable complaint responsiveness. The protocol also details a procedure that in the case of a complaint the parties will be able to resolve and expedite a solution. If a noise complaint is received during the nighttime work operation, WSDOT will conduct the following noise level measurements: A. Baseline Highway background.field Measurements On 9.14.2016, WSDOT specialist measured sound generated by traffic on SR 169 50 feet from the outside edge of pavement a value of is 15 minute Leq 71 dB A at night. The meter recorded 95% during for 15 minutes a value of 62 dBA considered the highway background. B. Monitoring in Response to Complaints Noise level measurements will be taken outside of the property where the complaint was received by the WSDOT Noise Group. The noise reading will be taken at the same time as the construction activity which resulted in the complaint. All measurements and response complaint forms summary will be logged into a spreadsheet and submitted to the city. C. Complaint response protocol The WSDOT complaint response protocol proposed for this project is detailed as follows: 1. Implementation of a day time and night time telephone noise response line for residents to contact and direct to WSDOT personnel to respond to construction related nighttime noise complaints. 2. Internet web page with construction news, lane closures and night time work days expected. 3. WSDOT is committed to follow through on the proposed nighttime construction complaint response protocol plan. WSDOT provides citizens with a 206-440-4DOT noise hotline for construction noise related complaints. All complaints will be logged and responded to with by phone or email within 24 hours of when they are received by WSDOT. I. Upon the first complaint, WSDOT will contact the contractor to ensure that all mitigation measures are being enforced and to attempt to reduce any unnecessarily loud work practices. 2. WSDOT will provide industrial grade earplugs by mail or by hand-delivery. WSDOT will solicit information on the effectiveness of the mitigation by email or phone call (as preferred by citizen) within two days of earplug delivery. 3. If earplugs are not effective in reducing nighttime disturbances from grinding noise, residents are eligible to borrow a white noise generator from WSDOT. White noise generators remain the property of the state of Washington. Residents must sign a receipt acknowledging full responsibility for replacing the machine in-kind if it is lost or damaged. WSDOT is responsible for collecting the white noise generator following completion of the project Machines are intended to be used in the bedroom to mask construction noise. Multiple machines may be available for a single household depending on the number of occupied bedrooms where sleep is disturbed by night construction noise. White noise generators can be used in combination with earplugs. 4. If the white noise generators are not effective in reducing nighttime disturbances, residents may be eligible to receive motel vouchers from WSDOT for a nearby motel if the combination of earplugs and white noise generator(s) are not effective at a particular location. Motel vouchers are in the form of a reservation confirmation number that includes the number of eligible occupants as determined by the project schedule and location. The nightly rate may not exceed the allowable state lodging rate. WSDOT will determine the duration of nights based on our construction schedule, and how much construction noise we expect at the home. 9/28/16 To Rohini Nair CED· Planning Division This is in regards to project# LUA16-000616, V-H WSDOT pavement Rehabilitation Noise variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity. I would like to be made a party of Record to receive further information on this proposed project. I have a few questions. Will we be given advance notice with the hours and the days the work is to be done? Also how much extra noise will there be. I also have a question about another pavement matter.\ was wondering when the pavement, New sidewalks and extra drains on S.E. 5th street will be finished? Thank Youl Jerald Denning 3105 S.E. 6 TH ST Renton, WA.98058 If you wculd li:,e to-b; m A ---·--·-----fqrm d . _ ,a,,e a party of record t -~-----~-'·' an retw n to: Lity of Renton CEO "I o rece>ve further information o-,1-t·h-:--------···"'-····--·~~-' , -, anr.,ng D. · · • 1s prop d . · ---· - ,•roject name/File No. lJS001 il..~-, fti, ,v1s1on, 1055 So. Grady W·y ., t . ose· proJect, comple{;ih;::-·-- ' ·· ___ flt tJJr 11"'1.·n ~~,, 0 , ,,en on, WA 98057 ° . . -: . .t. 17f'w-u-,,., = Nase pp, f.i: . . , . NAME: .:JEfLA-L.j) W.J}:;:r.x L0 ;:i. /t-a.Jc.6if,; V-;-J 'l'1J~..tfcl:2.iffLO<'.JN2. (2.rv'cl {JJ!P'-'j:T'f MAILING ,'\DDRESS: )/ 0 r 5 ,-,-/ ~ ~ .J .,.c: <'(.::.? -sr-: TELEPHONE NO.: 'j ::i._'5" -d 3'J~~-;q_,~6c...." ------City/State/Zip: f<6N72i;J 1 (/)fr. Y!05lf EXHIBIT 7 Denis Law Mayor October 4, 2016 Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator Jerald Denning 3105 SE 6th Street Renton, WA 98058 SUBJECT: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIANCE FROM SR 169, 140th AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVERVICINTY COMMENT RESPONSE LETTER LUA16-000616, V-H Dear Mr. Denning: Thank you for your comments related to the Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169; dated September 28, 2016 wherein you requested project related information regarding the advance notification of the proposed work and information regarding the additional noise. The applicant has mentioned that noise notices will be mailed 7 days previous to start of nighttime work. Notices will be mailed to residents and property owners using approved Mailing list used for the City of Renton Hearing. The notices will include the project web site with updated progress schedule 2 week ahead of the work. The applicant has provided information ofthe different equipment that will be used within the entire project area and the anticipated noise levels within 50 feet, 100 feet, 200 feet, and 300 feet of the noise generation source. I am including that list also with this letter. The applicant anticipates 2-4 nights of consecutive or non-consecutive milling and pavement repair, and another 2-4 nights of consecutive or non-consecutive paving operations in proximity to the residence at 3105 SE 5th Street, resulting in a total range of 4- 8 consecutive or non-consecutive nights for this type of work in proximity to the residence. Please note that this is only an estimate based on an assumed range of means and methods available to the Contractor. The projected equipment noise levels ranges are approximately from 80 dBA to 70 dBA, outside the residences at 80' from the edge of pavement. You had one addition non noise variance project related question regarding pavement matter on SE 5th Street. I will convey your question to the City Transportation section and the response will be provided to you. EXHIBIT 8 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, rentonwa.gov Mr. Denning Page 2 of 2 October 4, 2016 Thank you for interest in this project and if you have any further questions please contact me at 425-430-7298 or rnair@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, Rohini Nair Civil Engineer cc: File LUA16-00D616 VH 9/28/16 To Rohini Nair CED-Planning Division This is in regards to project# LUA16-000616, V-H WSDOT pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for 5Rl69 Cedar River Vicinity. I would like to be made a party of Record to receive further information on this proposed project. I have a few questions. Will we be given advance notice with the hours and the days the work is to be done? Also how much extra noise will there be. I also have a question about another pavement matter. I was wondering when the pavement, New sidewalks and extra drains on 5.E. 5th street will be finished? Thank You! Jerald Denning 3105 5.E. 6 TH ST Renton, WA. 98058 "if;~u would 1;:,e to b;;;ad;;;;a ty .. f -----d·------:-· -·· ---------f ' o recor to receive furthor info . . _____ , _____ _ r/m and return to: City of Renton, CEO -Planr.ing Division, 1;55 So r;::~o~'.1 t~,s proposed project, complete this - 1roject name/File No.: kl~ OcT PA-'f{:1~r gf/P~-r;z:i.} N~. ' 1y-~y, Re~ton, 1/JA 98057. . · l~, f!, k , / ---£ /Jill'l'/!tJ.f£fog5-L.tft_<.Y~ j2.rtJtl UJ'lPv'Ti"f NAME _,.Jgfc.At.~_0.©V__i;J:7X, -66.r,.,,/(,I V-i-! -- MAILING .~DDRESS: )Ii_,) 5-.E ,{._, 6,s--;·-: TELEPHO 1.-/ 1 -City/State/Zip: }<aJ?2i/J [ofi /"'"'c_·is-f __ _ NE NO.: __L___±_) -;)35'-{,_,{b4!( f'. :?' ? __ October 4, 2016 Jerald Denning 3105 SE 6th Street Renton, WA 98058 Denis Law Mayor Community & Economic Development C. E. "Chip" Vincent, Administrator SUBJECT: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIANCE FROM SR 169, 140th AVE SE TO CEDAR RIVERVICINTY COMMENT RESPONSE LEITER LUAlG-000616, V-H Dear Mr. Denning: Thank you for your comments related to the Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169; dated September 28, 2016 wherein you requested project related information regarding the advance notification of the proposed work and information regarding the additional noise. The applicant has mentioned that noise notices will be mailed 7 days previous to start of nighttime work. Notices will be mailed to residents and property owners using approved Mailing list used for the City of Renton Hearing. The notices will include the project web site with updated progress schedule 2 week ahead of the work. The applicant has provided information of the different equipment that will be used within the entire project area and the anticipated noise levels within SO feet, 100 feet, 200 feet, and 300 feet of the noise generation source. I am including that list also with this letter. The applicant anticipates 2-4 nights of consecutive or non-consecutive milling and pavement repair, and another 2-4 nights of consecutive or non-consecutive paving operations in proximity to the residence at 3105 SE 61h Street, resulting in a total range of 4- 8 consecutive or non-consecutive nights for this type of work in proximity to the residence. Please note that this is only an estimate based on an assumed range of means and methods available to the Contractor. The projected equipment noise levels ranges are approximately from 80 dBA to 70 dBA, outside the residences at 80' from the edge of pavement. You had one addition non noise variance project related question regarding pavement matter on SE 5th Street. I will convey your question to the City Transportation section and the response will be provided to you. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov Mr. Denning Page2of2 October 4, 2016 Thank you for interest in this project and if you have any further questions please contact me at 425-430-7298 or rnair@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, Rohini Nair Civil Engineer cc: File LUA16-000616 VH lfyou \Nould Ii!;•:> to be marle a party of record to receive further information ~,n this proposed project, com~letc this form and re,rurn to: City of Renton, CED -Planning Divisic-n, i'JSS So. Graoy Way, Renton, WA 98057. . . . / Project name/File No.: \l,)_S_QOT Pautm{a:r.Rtli~ifc . .J101\ /Jbi5'_\)arJr,;,0gJ<)['_SR.K'l_(gd1>r k.100 U1C1ridj o/;~~6 NAME: __ 1550/l Le.wis: ____________ .. _________ .. ------· _____ _ ______________ V-H MAILING .~DDR.ESS: l'fDJu ~~ D-f __ , __ City/State/Zip: ]~~l]_-~&_13_~_5".li_ ___ _ TELEPHONE NO.: zor,-7:,9"',-'3 t?J7 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, CED -Planning Division, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Project name/File No.: ~v S /JOT PA"\/t:,'l,t&.fT J.Jo1:,E: v,11!/ttz,Jc.£' l. Ult I£., -0001(,,1 \/-H NAME: '.),<\ ',Ge ft:llX//7,J Diac-X MAILI NG ADDRESS: ) Sot>CJ I 3C-rh A--,/ 12 5 E City/State/Zip: R. c7'.I W7'i µ) ,4 q l(OE::,7{ TELEPHONE NO.: ~25--4 n-G,qa::, RECEIVED St.P l 3 ZO\ti cnY Of RENTON PLANNING DIVISION R-CITYOF ~ -------enton v Plan Review Routing Slip Plan Number: LUA16-000616 Site Address: SR169 Cedar River Name: WSDOT Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR 169 Cedar River Vicinity Description: WSDOT Noise Variance for SR 169 Cedar River Vicinity Pavement Rehabilitation Review Type: Police Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: 08/17/2016 Date Due: 08/31/2016 Project Manager: Rohini Nair Submittal Notes: Bob Mahn routed on 08/17/16 Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Environmental Health Water Energy/Natural Resources Plants Housing Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/Glare Historic/Cultural Preservation Recreation Airport Envi ronmenta I Utilities 10,000 Feet Transportation 14,000 Feet Public Service Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and /or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. (l {;/c//_/r_,, ----- Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Leslie Betlach --------Renton® Plan Review Routing Slip Plan Number: LUA16-000616 Name: WSDOT Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR 169 Vicinity Cedar River Site Address: SR169 Cedar River Description: WSDOT Noise Variance for SR 169 Cedar River Vicinity Pavement Rehabilitation Review Type: Community Services Review-Version 1 Date Assigned: 08/17/2016 Date Due: 08/31/2016 Project Manager: Rohini Nair Submittal Notes: Bob Mahn routed on 08/17/16 Environmental Impact Earth Animals Air Environmental Health Water Energy/Natural Resources Plants Housing Land/Shoreline Use Aesthetics Where to enter your comments: Manage My Reviews Which types of comments should be entered: Light/Glare Recreation Utilities Transportation Public Service Hi stori c/Cultura I Preservation Airport Environmental 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet Recommendation -Comments that impact the project including any of the Enivornmental Impacts above. Correction -Corrections to the project that need to be made before the review can be completed and/or requesting submittal of additional documentation and/or resubmittal of existing documentation. What statuses should be used: Reviewed -I have reviewed the project and have no comments. Reviewed with Comments -I have reviewed the project and and I have comments entered in Recommendations. Jj13 Correction/Resubmit -I have reviewed the project and the applicant needs to submit and/or resubmit documentation and I have added corrections in Corrections. Date NOA Poster Locations LUA16 -000616 NOA Poster Locations LUA16 -000616 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -----~Renton 0 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 J www.rentonwo.gov COUNffi OF KING ) I _-'-J(o.MA ____ [i __ }itf __ WYZ,o ___ W~~~dfL-----------~' certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct, and duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the :Z 5 day of J<..f./tni~. 20~ I posted4--posters in conspicuous places or nearby the following project: Project Name {.)) s>!)o 1 Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the posters. 3. I have attached a copy of this poster and will submit this affidavit to the City of Renton after posting. ( 4. These posters were posted in locations in qinform1/1_ ce with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 8 of Renton Municipal Code and I understand tha~~t!)Jrove them after completion of the project. l' Signature of person posting My commission expires on ---'---''c.;) t-e.:·,_J,_,ce' ccc·-.:=L _______ _ roJect Number: LUA16-000616, V-H r DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton 0 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov COUNTY OFrJNG ) I ~C{__, ~P}~ ,certifyunderpenaltyof perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct, and duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the 2l day of ~ , 20JL, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing notice of public hearing documents to surrounding property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the following proposed project: n $,fl } (a q }h ff mns,J--fCe ~ I' ~ 1 {e,u,.___ Project Name .U Y1)JT_ \ OwnerNre . 2. I have attached a copy of the list of names ~dd~r/ //tt)' property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed proiect. jfy';x:,/1, ~- Signature of person maili SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ;x) day of <'.,.<j,j..., . ._, 20 /'-:,. NOTAR'ii.PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, Printed name: .", !--/, ./, i~ i"; ,_:. , c ---~~~---~~--- y commission expires on / !., i: .. , -~~~~~~------- I Project Number: I LUA16-000616, V-H DEPARTMENT OF COMMU .. ,, Y AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------R-· e--n-t-;::o=yn-0 PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER REPORT A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST REPORT DATE: Project Name: Project Number: Project Manager: Owner: Applicant: Contact: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: September 12, 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity LUA16-000616, V-H Rohini Nair, Civil Engineer Ill Washington State Department of Transportation Bruce Nebbit, WSDOT, 10511st Ave S Mail Stop NB-82-62, Seattle, WA 98134 Peter Soderberg, WSDOT, 15700 Dayton Ave N, MS 138, Seattle, WA 98133 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requests a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in areas with residential uses. The construction work would occur during 31 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The project is located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and southbound lanes, for approximately 2 miles between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. The portion of the project located within the City of Renton limits includes work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only. Noise levels resulting from the project's construction activities will generate peak noise levels of 62 to 85 dBA as perceived at 50 feet from the WSDOT property line. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). State Route 169 from Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. The initial noise variance application and the publication were made based on the starting Mile Post 22.98. Subsequently, WSDOT has requested that the starting Mile Post be changed to 22.86 and the notification regarding the noise variance request has been provided to the surrounding residents from Mile Post 22.86. The additional project length is for only 0.12 miles from the information that was included in the publication. N/A 10,454 Lineal Feet Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): Total Building Area GSF: N/A Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H City of Renton Department of Community r -nomic Development PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA FOR SR169 CEDAR RIVER VICINITY Report of September 12, 2016 I 8. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND: Noise Variance Hex Report WA16-000616, V-H Page 2 of 8 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) requests a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) in order to conduct construction work at night in areas with residential uses. The construction work would occur during 31 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The project is located along State Route 169 in both the northbound and southbound lanes, between Mile Post 22.86 to Mile Post 24.84. The portion of the project located within the City of Renton limits includes work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only. The work would consist of planning asphalt lanes, pavement repair, paving roadway, pavement markings, curb ramps, and signal video detection. Nighttime work will minimize congestion impacts to drivers, businesses, school buses and local commuters during the day, and is safer for workers and traveling public. Construction equipment used during nighttime operations will include, but is not limited to pickup trucks, dump trucks, paving machines, planning grinder, air compressors, asphalt saw cutters, portable light plants and generators, compaction rollers, flat bed/ cement mixer trucks, truck mounted attenuators, sweepers, striper remover, and stripe grinders. Noise levels resulting from the project's construction activities will generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dBA as perceived at 50 feet from the WSDOT property line. When feasible, temporary noise shields will be placed around construction equipment. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. In addition, the proponent proposes to implement other measures to mitigate noise impacts. Truck tailgate banging will be prohibited. A WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for forwarding complaints will be provided to the residents affected by the project. The project also requires Street Use and detour permits. The project will include nighttime work where the zoning varies from Commercial Office/Residential, Commercial Neighborhood, residential (R-4, R-8, R-10, and R-14), and Resource Conservation. A variance from RMC 8-7-2 is necessary in order to conduct the nighttime work, as maximum permissible environmental noise levels (per WAC 173-60-040, incorporated by reference in RMC 8-7) limit extended periods of noise from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am to levels between 45 dBA and 60 dBA, with exceedances of 5 to 15 dBA permitted for periods of 1.5 to 15 minutes in any one-hour period (WAC 173-60-040). i C. EXHIBITS: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit 1: Staff report dated September 12, 2016. Exhibit 2: Exhibit of location of proposed work of SR169 Pavement Rehabilitation Cedar River Vicinity. Exhibit 3: Table -Types of equipment -Noise Levels (dBA) -Proposed Mitigation Measures. Exhibit 4: Plans of proposed SR 169 Pavement Rehabilitation work Exhibit 5: Letter of August 9, 2016 from WSDOT requesting the variance and Justification for the Noise Variance Request. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community. nomic Development PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA FOR SR169 CEDAR RIVER VICINITY Report of September 12, 2016 I D. FINDINGS: Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 3 of 8 Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes ond enters the following: 1. Request: Variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) for work between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am over 31 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. 2. Variance: The proposal requires a public hearing with the Hearing Examiner. 3. Existing Land Uses: Single family residential, commercial, commercial office. 4. Zoning: Commercial Office/ Residential (COR), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), Residential -4 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-4), Residential -8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8), Residential -10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10), Residential -14 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-14), Resource Conservation (RC). I E. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: Section 8-7-8.D. Lists 7 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Noise Variance application. These include the following: The Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant a variance upon making a determination, in writing, that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: 1. That the applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to the applicant's property or project, and that the strict application of this Chapter will deprive the subject property owner or applicant of rights and privileges enjoyed by others. Staff Analysis: SR 169 is a heavily travelled State Route as it serves as a main connector for motorist uses, mass transit and freight and commercial within the Puget Sound area. This portion of SR 169 corridor carries approximately 42,000 vehicles per day. The existing pavement has reached the end of its useful life and is in need of repair/maintenance work. The preservation and repair of SR 169 is addressed in the ongoing WSDOT highway preservation budget. Day time closures, full or partial to perform this work, would have the potential to spike congestion on this North-South corridor negatively and would affect the City of Renton arterials and local streets; consequently, working at night will allow residents, businesses and drivers to be able to maintain travel time while using this corridor. The contractor on this project is required to provide a safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services through and around the project, while minimizing negative impacts to residents, commuters, and businesses. In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary that the work for this project be done at night. Working at night is the best way to minimize negative effects as a result of construction which would only exacerbate the existing traffic conditions mentioned above. WSDOT has indicated that safety for drivers and Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community t. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of September 12, 2016 nomic Development FOR SR169 CEDAR RIVER VICINITY Noise Variance Hex Report WAl 6-000616, V·H Page 4 of 8 construction workers improves when work is conducted at night. Permitted noise levels will be exceeded during construction, in the area where the work is occurring. The type of equipment used to saw cut asphalt, grind pavement, compaction, and painting of pavement markings will generate noise that will exceed the allowed noise limits. The applicant has proposed mitigation measures that will reduce the impact of the noise generated by the construction activities. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. Staff Analysis: Granting of the variance will minimize risk to travelling public and construction workers, and reduce risks to property because nighttime traffic volumes are lighter. Temporary nighttime construction is one of the few tools that WSDOT implies to lessen traffic congestion and disruption to highway users while improving the roadway. Along the SR 169 pavement repair project within the City of Renton, there are noise sensitive receivers East and West of SR 169, adjacent to the Maplewood Golf Course that might perceive some noise peaks over the existing SR 169 traffic background noise, especially if they have direct line-of-sight to the work zone. However, the proposed work will be a mobile construction operation, meaning that noise sources and construction equipment will be operating at different locations along the project area during the 31 working nights. This mobile operation will mean that each individual resident will only be impacted for a few nights, and not all the 31 working nights. The noise levels coming from construction equipment will diminish with distance. A 6-dBA noise level decrease will occur with the doubling of distance from a stationary noise source. For example, a noise level of 70 dBA measured at 50 feet would be 64 dBA at 100 feet, 58 dBA at 200 feet and 52 dBA at 400 feet. Noise also decreases if an object interferes with the receiver's line of sight to the noise source. For residents within the city limits, this attenuation depends on the relative elevation of the source and the receiver, and the height and location of the intervening object. Noise levels projected for this project have been estimated that some activities may generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dBA heard at 50 feet. Ambient traffic noise levels on SR 169 may reach approximately average peak levels up to 68 dBA at night at 50 feet from the travel lane. When distance is incorporated into the assessment as well as topography and the proposed mitigation measures, we estimate that the nearest residences would still notice the nighttime work but not as severe as without all the listed mitigation. Citizens will be impacted to the minimum extent and staff does not anticipate that public health or safety will be diminished. If any noise related complaints are received, the contractor along with the agency will work on alternative mitigation measures to stop the disruption. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community i PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARI, nomic Development FOR SR169 CEOAR RIVER VICINITY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Report of September 12, 2016 Page 5 of 8 Information regarding the proposed noise variance project was posted and notification was mailed to residents within 300 feet of the project corridor. One resident has requested to be added as a party of record. No comments concerning the proposed noise variance have been received. 3. That the variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. Staff Analysis: The work will occur over 22 months on 31 non-consecutive nights. The work limits include approximately 10,454 lineal feet of SR 169 within the City of Renton. Mitigation measures are proposed by the applicant to diminish the noise impact on the surrounding area. Staff believes that the request is the minimum needed to accomplish the necessary reconstruction, repair, and maintenance. 4. That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions including, but not limited to, the following: a. Implementation of a noise monitoring program; b. Maximum noise levels; c. Limitation on types of equipment and use of particular equipment; d. Limitation on back-up beepers for equipment; e. Required use of noise shields or barriers; f. Implementation of "approved" bed liners in dump trucks; g. Restrictions to specific times and days; h. Specific requirements for documentation of compliance with the noise variance conditions; i. Specific requirements for notification to nearby residents; j. Required cash security to pay for inspection services to verify compliance; k. Required access to the project by the City to verify compliance with the noise variance conditions; I. Specific program to allow for temporary hotel vouchers to affected residents; m. Requirements for written verification that all workers understand the noise variance conditions for the project; and n. Provision allowing the City to immediately revoke the variance approval if the variance conditions are violated. Staff Analysis: Noise mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction shall be implemented by the applicant. Implementation of a noise monitoring program will be conducted nightly by the contractor and the results provided to the City's project manager. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-0D0616 VH City of Renton Department of Community i PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA Report of September 12, 2016 namic Development FOR SR169 CEDAR RIVER VICINITY Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 6 of8 Maximum noise level readings will be included in the noise monitoring program that will be conducted nightly and these results with the type of work being conducted during the noise level readings are to be provided to the City's project manager. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. Noise shields will be used as directed by the engineer and when feasible. Truck tailgate banging will not be allowed and dump trucks will have well maintained bed liners. An after-hours noise complaint phone number staffed by WSDOT and/or their contractors will be provided. The proposed noise mitigation measures are included in the attached project narrative. Additional mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction are to be provided by the applicant as necessary. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that WSDOT provide the City's project manager with the after-hours noise complaint phone number prior to the start of construction, and a summary of any complaints and the response provided, within 5 days of receiving the complaint. Staff also recommends that WSDOT provide temporary motel vouchers to affected residents for the nights of the proposed noise variance work when noise impacts cannot be reasonably mitigated (by ear plugs or white noise generators) to levels that enable the residents to reasonably sleep at their homes. In addition, staff recommends that the applicant provide notice to the City's project manager ofthe date and areas of expected night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. 5. The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. Staff Analysis: SR 169 existing pavement life cycle has reached the point that shall be repaired by the next construction season and delaying the repair and resurfacing the existing pavement would create a further failing roadway structure. The resurfacing and repair of this portion of the highway would give drivers, residents and users a well maintained and safe highway. Construction noise mitigation measures are able to address or minimize any inconvenience to the nearby residents so granting this variance would not cause WSDOT to adversely affect the general policy and purpose of the ordinance. Improvements to this heavily travelled state route outweigh the limited-term noise impacts to residents and property owners. 6. The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community & nomic Development PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA FOR SR169 CEDAR RIVER VICINITY Report of September 12, 2016 Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page7of8 Staff Analysis: The nature of the SR 169 as a state highway route limits alternative locations for project work. Any pavement rehabilitation work must be completed at the location of the highway. No alternative locations are possible. Noise mitigation measures will be used to limit disturbance throughout the evening construction work. 7_ The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. Staff Analysis: The noise variance is requested for 31 non-consecutive nights from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. Peak noise levels produced by construction equipment are expected to range from 64 to 85 decibels at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise. These sound levels are expected to diminish to a range from 56 to 77 decibels at a distance of 200 feet from the source of the noise. The proposed work will be a mobile construction operation, meaning that noise sources and construction equipment will be operating at different locations along the project area during the 31 working nights. This mobile operation will mean that each individual resident will only be impacted for a few nights, not all 31 working nights. Work in any one particular area will not be for an extended duration. F. CONCLUSIONS: THE CORRIDOR IS LOCATED WITHIN THE SR 169 RIGHT-OF-WAY, FROM MILEPOST 22.86 TO MILEPOST 24.84. THE WORKS WOULD OCCUR OVER 22 MONTHS ON 31 NON-CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS. 1. The work requires a variance from RMC 8-7-2 (Noise Regulations, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels) as levels of noise for night time would be exceeded. 2. Analysis of the proposal according to variance criteria of RMC 8-7-8-D is found in the body of the Staff Report. I G. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Variance for the Pavement Rehabilitation Noise Variance for SR169 Cedar River Vicinity, File No. LUA16-000616, V-H be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide the City of Renton project manager with the phone number for after-hours noise complaints prior to commencement of construction. Any complaints within the Renton city limits will be summari2ed and reported to the City's project manager within 5 days of the complaint. 2. The applicant shall implement proposed noise mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction. Additional mitigation measures to diminish or eliminate noise during construction are to be provided by the applicant as necessary. 3. The applicant shall notify the City of Renton project manager with the date and areas of expected night work prior to commencement of night work, a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the work. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH City of Renton Department of Community i nomic Development PAVEMENT REHABILITATION NOISE VARIA FOR SR169 CEDAR RIVER VICINITY Report of September 12, 2016 Noise Variance Hex Report LUA16-000616, V-H Page 8 of 8 4. Implementation of a noise monitoring program will be conducted nightly by the contractor and the results provided to the City's project manager. Maximum noise level readings will be included in the noise monitoring program that will be conducted nightly and these results with the type of work being conducted during the noise level readings are to be provided to the City's project manager. 5. The applicant shall provide temporary motel vouchers to affected residents for the nights of the proposed noise variance work when noise impacts cannot be reasonably mitigated (by ear plugs or white noise generators) to levels that enable the residents to reasonably sleep at their homes. Noise Variance HEX Report LUA16-000616 VH m >< :c: .... m .... -t "' SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO BLAINE DR VIC \ 4 00 BOO SCALE IN FEET GENERAL NOTES: 0.15' OF ROADWAY WILL BE MILLED ANO REPAVED FROM THE BEGIN TO THE END OF PROJECT ALONG THE HIGHWAY. TRAFFI C SIGNAL LOOPS WILL BE REPLACED WITH TRAFFIC DETECTION CAMERAS LEGEND --600' DIS TANCE FROM WORK --EXISTING NOI SE WALL CITY LIMITS NEW ADA RAMP FULL DEPTH PAVEMENT REPAIR -PAV ING A ND STRIPING ..... w Washi ngton State Department of T ranaporta t lon Types of Vehicles -Anticipated Nightime Noise Levels -Mitigation Measures Planned to Minimize Impacts Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at at 200' at 300' 100' I I-ton pickup 68 65 60 57 Supports The sounds of this equipment trucks vanous would be perceived the same construction as existing nighttime traffic activities from SR 169 night. Contractor shall avoid parking and idling vehicles next to residences. After hours noise complaint phone number will be made available. 2 Dump trucks 85 82 77 74 General Mobile operation. construction Construction equipment operations sounds likely will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available. 3 Paving 74 71 66 63 Paving Mobile operation. machines operations Construction equipment sounds like! y will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms arc required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available. EXHIBIT 3 Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at SO' at at 200' at 300' 100' 4 Planning 85 82 77 74 Paving Mobile operation. grinder operations Construction equipment sounds likely will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available 5 Air compressor 68 62 60 57 Pavement Park equipment breaking the repair and line of sight from residences Support or place temporary noise shields when feasible. An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available. 6 Asphalt saw 85 79 77 74 Pavement An after hour noise complaint cut repair and ITS phone number will be loop available. placement 7 Portable Light 64 58 56 53 Paving Redirect temporary lights plants and operations and away from residences. A void generators support parking and idling vehicles vanous next to residences. An after- construction hours noise complaint phone activities. number will be available. 8 Compaction 77 71 69 66 Pavement An after-hours noise Rollers and repair complaint phone number will Hand be available. compactor for pavement repair 9 Flat 83 80 75 72 Paving Stationary operation. bed/Cement operation and Construction equipment mixer trucks support. sounds likely will not be noticeable by residents during Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at at 200' at 300' 100' nighttime operations Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available 10 Truck 68 62 60 57 Paving Traffic control drivers shall Mounted operations, park at least 500' away from Attenuators support, and residences, when feasible. An traffic control. after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available. 11 Sweeper 69 66 61 58 Paving Mobile operation. Residents operations. will notice while the equipment is moving along the highway completing their task so the sound will dissipate as they move along from the sensitive receiver. 12 Stripe removal 76 70 68 65 Remove Mobile operation. Residents existing will notice while the pavement equipment is moving along striping or the highway completing their pavement task so the sound will markers. dissipate as they move along from the sensitive receiver. 13 Stripe grinder 82 76 74 71 Placing of Mobile operation. Residents MMA will notice while the Durable and equipment is moving along visible the highway completing their delineation task so the sound will dissipate as they move along from the sensitive receiver. = I gc;:\ ' :'°l"' i '~· \ 1J / I Ill I J // I I / 1 '1 I ,, 11 I '1 I I I I II I '-..__/ / v' I I I"-...._ '-1 I ,'/ .................. 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CURB & GUTTER !DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) LANDING VARIES /SEE PLAN VIEW SIDEWALK VARIES SEE RAMP VARIES SEE PLANVli;W ,-GRADE BREAK VIEW I ,0% -2'._AX .-EXISITING / SIDEWALK 1.5% MAX SECTION 0 "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT NOTES 7 5% MAX ,L EXPANSION IOINI (D'p I TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT 1 DO NOT PL.>.CE GRATINGS JUNCllON BOJIES ACCESS covrns OR OTHER ,\PPURTAt.CES l'I FROITT OF THE CURB RAMP. OR AAV PART OF THE CURB M,..P OR IANOINO 2 A,L OIMENTl0N5 ,\R~ fOR INFOAP,MTION ONL~. CURR RAMP$ $HALL BE CONSTRUCTEC TO ~QT E){CH~ hOTFO SI.OPES J THE CURB RAl,IP AUNNINO SLOPE SHALi. NOT REQUIRE THE Mt.IP LENGTH TO EXCEEO 'S FEET AAO SKALL BE AS SLAT AS FoA51BLE •-THE BIO ITEl,I "CE ... ENT CONC CUFlfl RA"'P TYPE PAFIAUEL ,\ DOES NOT INCLUDE Tl-iE ADJACENT CURB, CURB AND (hJTTER OR SIDEWAI..K I. THE CURB RAJ,<PS, L.>.N)IN<lS ~NO FI.A'ICS SH~LL RECtlVE A BROO,.. FINISH SEE STANOARO $OECIF1(:ATIQN ij-1' )Ill 6 THE ust OF SLOPES .,.~E PRECEDENCE OVER THE USE OF DIMENSIONS IN ADA DESIGN 1 DISTUAm:o PJ.NTING AREAS SIW.L BE RESTORED WIT~ ~Tl\ll: SOIL, FINE cor,,pQST ANO SEED "'I~ PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS CR1 -iJi SR. 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR. PARK VIC. D£S1QtjED BY M. flDGEON .,. -,._ EN'TERED BY M. FIDOEON XL-5039 Washington State PAVING CHECKED BY O. WILKINSON Department of Transportation >------------- PROJ. ENOR. B. NEB8lTT REGIONAL AC* L. ENG ---REVISION _CATE I BY ------...,.------CURB RAMP PLANS ,--DETECTABLE WAR"-IING SURFACE VARIES SEE PLAN // EXisirnG sHAReo , GRAoe aREAK \ I view .o n ; r GRADE BREAK USE PATH / \ _ 4 / 75% ,Q. / ,JC /-' I it,s~ 4 ~~g~D'i'JAY 'CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT I l L_RAMP / L LANDING \_ CEMENT CONC CURB & GUTIER 0,, (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) SECTION V ,-CEMENT CONC " EXISITNG ~ VAfl.lES Bi;D',l!;EN I VARIES BETWE-EN boFTT65.7~T 100FTT0119FT SIDEWALK 7 -GRADE BREAK ' /--~-I 7S% __l I~ \ . = :,Jg:; ' IC -CURB RAMP '-LANDING \_'/,"EXPANSION JOIN' (TYP.) ~ e •i CROSSWALK B1 A.ND 84 CONTROL POINTS SECTION 0 NORTHIMO EA!Tllt3 1CU7 FEET N ;J• H'5U8"W 174574.l!IS'SI! 1l11SJ2.906ZO "' CURB RAMP C2 CONTROL POINT TRAVERSE ~Ill. OISTANCE TO BEARING TO _!M'a.._iru_J:_~ 98.!I FEET ' ~ ----~'~ ~:+--~ / PEDESTRIAN CURB I /:: NORTHING EASTING ELEV, I c;rm~ RP msn.19026 1i11s:14.s,34s 1u1 101 N S5'11'20.?6"W ~METRIC ' ISOMETRIC VIEW / 4/ / TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT £;:::J;~ ' ' ,{'. ;:---:J:: '<' MULnUSE PA'S ~ ;;:t;fl."190 ~ //~ -\$.-,. ~~> CEMENT CONG. f" ..,__.... ; 1; A <, ·:~ \-MATCH ~ GENERA.I NO?F $FE CURH RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CRV1 FOR INFOR.VATION ON ;"RA\IERSE CONTROL POINTS EXISTING JOlf..lT SHARED USE PATH [ EXISTING GROUND ~~~~!, CEMENT CONC PEDESIBIAN CURB /;~ e...;:,. // PEDESTRIAN CURB ._.. J / / !-AAMP ---......_ CEMENT CONC \ ----.. __ 7 //......._-.....______ Rs1ri~ PEDESTRIAN CURB (---;;:::J:.tJ1/ /~;: :q,-------J!//(!' MATCH EXISTING )----11-.. 8 0&.F-C---J/ ~~/!// 8 _\ :...,--\ ' 1------~1t(FT-\,. J I• - 131ST SE RAMP C2 _ _ _ _ ---J,1:: -C NOT TO SCALE __ ?J.D .. F:i:_ ~--:1,r-~.OS--Fl" LEGEND EXISTING ~'-.. CIJ~B RAllP CONTJICI,. P'OINT I' X 7I EXJSTING JUNCTION BOX V L..>i JolNf j '"-""' J I ,,,,..._ "'i /4\;:. ~*I _ -~, ~ ' ,,_ •"I-----_LAN*-----/// ----~~ 'I / ------~~~~--11~·--=-}J.-.~a·::::~_:_-_-:~ -·" CEMEN"T CONC TRAFFIC ~--"--'·-I ,,/ I :-I' NOTES "~;:.--r-----l----..Ji.lITT PE._0.Z')._~--·- CURB AND GUTTER =---~ 1· / URBANDUER \/\ <f!>~/ y/ ~ i<..._)\ EXISTING SIGNAL POLE CROSSWALK CONTROL POiNT '(Y ( '\ EXISTING MANHOLE 1 oO NOT PLACE GAATINGS,JUNCT1rn. BOXES,ACCESS COVt:RS OR OrHER APPURTANCES N moNT OF THE CURB RA'1r OR ANY PART oe THE CURB RAA!P OR LANDING /'\) RP \___.,-----\ CROSSWALK ' \ B1 CENTERLINE '-s., CROSSWALK FILE NAME ~ ~" PLOnED BY c,\uoe,-ln,'11..,..1 a,o,,51 .11111 811/201' DUIGNED l!IY M. FIDGEON ENTERED BY M. FIDGEON CHECKED BY 0. WILKINSON Pllru. f.NGi B. NESBITT ii:G101<1Al "DIii L ENG PLAN VIEW 84 CENTERLINE TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE ~o!ld01Q!OOO'iOOCO_XL5019_FT_CRPR 001 REVISION ~" -" "':""l ""' " '"SI XL-5039 f"771 RE.MOVING CEMENT COhlC. -~ t:.L.LI CURB ANO Gl!TTER X:/1 EXISTING VALVE BOJC t2Zd ~r~~~:~ j{ EXISTING SIGN POST [D ~1tD~JL :X.fti't'TION ([]-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON lt33 ~a~A~&..¢~HALT ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON ,OCE FED.AID PROJ.NO. 2 ALL CI ... ENTIOSS ARE FOR INFO ....... TlO,,, ONLY, CURB fflt.O,PS SH"' I RF CONSTRUCTED TO NOT EJCCEEU ~OTEO SLOPES l THE CURB ....... p RUNNING $10,,E St-11\LL NOT REQUIRE THE RAMP LENGTH TO flCCFED 1~ FEET ANO SHALL BE AS Fl.>.T AS FEASIBLE • TI,E BIO ITEM "CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP TYPE PAAA!.LEL A DOES NOT INCLUOE THE AOJACENT CURB, CURB A'IO GUTTER OR SIOEWAl( ,. TI,E CURB -PS I.NIOINGS ANO FL>.RES SHALL RECEIVE A BROD" FIMSH SEE STANOAAO SPECIF,C.O.TION 8-1•.J(l) 6 THE USE OF SLOPES TA~E PRECEDENCE 0\/ER THE USE or OIMENSIO~S IN ADA DESIO~ ' o:STURBED ~LA~n~G AREAS St-11\LL BE RESTORED WITH NATIVE SOIL FINE COMPOST ANO SEE'.l !!IX PLR SPEC Al PRO'IISIONS -Ploi2 SR 1&9 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR w CR2 PARK VIC.~ """'"""'"' __ _ O.:i'i- Waahlngton sute I PAVING Department of Transportation f. ----------- CURB RAMP PLANS /' --- ff--_.§,_'l!:t I I I -,, -,-, rrr-.o) I C "' -c..:---=--=:-- CURB RAMP Cl CONTROL POINT Tlt,WERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO ~, .. usn~o "'' CONTROL BE.C.IUNG TCI '"" TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT " 1745).Z.1)57) 1J11~1U12 "' H.14 FEET N 4S"02'05.r.&" W r DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ~" i GENERAi NQJF 5.0 FT / SEE CURB Ftl.MP C.O.YOUT SHEET CRVI FOR ~e / -G°'D' ao••, lt,IF'QRW.TlON ON TRAVERSO CONTROL PO!~TS ' ~ v ' .r / "" n=s ; 1.0~ I / _1· ~g~~AV ~lj~T :i_~N~ -LANDING CEMENT CONC CURB & GUTIER IRI URB 0 (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) SECTION A 36 9 FT. TO 42.4 FT BET'NEEN 6DFTTO 88FT. GRADE BREAK - --586-H· ,~ I SHARED USE PATH~,_.r ,F ~ ' -~ .... ~~ CEMENT CONC PEDESTRIAN CURB MUL Tl-USE PATH : SIDEWALK ~1~ r "'r ~ RAMP " ,u__a '" EXISTING ~ --!:~i~~~· T ~ \.\tL It~ RAMP ,--cffi~~~---- SIDEWALK . J.11L. 1 6.!£l.... 229 FT & 1 FT , __ 1.8%_ ----::-:=-:-:-~~:CC --t_=_-:_ -= = = ------ LEGEND <@> CURB RAIIP COliTROL POINT C 7 EXlSTINQ JUNCTION BOX X L • ~ CRONWAI.K CO!il'Tl!Ol POINT x EXISTING SIGNAL POLE ( ' EXISTING MANHOLE ~ REJltOVINa CEMENT CONC. 1:ffJ CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING V"LVE BOX ~ REIIOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK .D. EXISTING SIGN POST [IJ ROADWAY EXCAVATION ([]-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BlJTTOf,I IN(;L. HAUL • AREA ~ REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK " PEDESTRIAN PUSH EllJTTOf,I POLE FILE NAME c:1 ...... 1moqM11>j\pw wod<>lld0108000',0000 X.L50l9 FT CIU'R DOI "E ~n PLOTTEO BY 1:119:58 All 811/21116 DE.!IIONEJJ BY M. FIDGEON ENlEREDIIY ~-M-:-FID!lEON CHECl(E0 RY .. D. WILKINSON PROJ. ENGR B. NEBBITT REOIOM.liL ADM l. ENG REVIBION DATE ,--=' ------i--,--- L_ i' I ,--J ' ' ' ' --~ ' -, i __ J_ I ,-- CROSSWALK B2 CENTERLINE / :CP: 0~ '\ \ \ l_cuaa Ji \ RAMP It:.. \ '~ \I,'' EXPANSION \ SIDEWALK JOINT (TYP.) '~ Y,'· EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) MATCH EXISTING CURB ANO GU I I CEMENT CONC TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER CROSSWALK .//// B1 CENTERLINE ·-LANDING/RAMP SECTION 0 1 5% 1 CURB .. ..J ' i ~ LANDING RAMP / / / I , I , '/,' EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) _) I / SIDEWALK -1 / Yi" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) -' i EXISTING __J SIDEWALK "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE /~LEL A'" PAY ;_IMIT I -..... ~>~ .:C-·>--. ',, PLAN VIEW ~za:_"z5a.Z7~~~ ISOMETRIC VIEW =':----------TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT ~=,-.,,-7""~~I£Z~ TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE 131ST SE RAMP C3 NOT TO SCALE CROSSWALK B1 ANO B2 CONTROL POINTS TRAVERS£ HOMZ. DISTltNCE TO NOTES 1 DO NOT PLACE GRATINGS JL'NCTIO~ BOXES .O.CCESS COVERS OR o-HER "PPURTANCES IN FRONT OF c1E CURB RAMP, OR MY PAAT OF THE CURB RAJ.OP OR LANDING ;,i ALL DIMENTION5 AAE FOR INFOR!M1IOS ONLY. CJRB RAJ.OPS S>tALL BE CONSTR.LPCTED TO NOT EXCEED NOTED SLOPES 1 THE CURB F!M!P AU .. tllNG SUlOE SAAI.L ~OT REQUIRE THE FIMIP LENGTH TO EXCEED «; FEET "ND SfiALL BE AS F"LAT AS F"C.,,S18l.E \74534.90018 1l11590.]!1!Ni "' JJ88FEET M W23'5'J1"W R NORTHING Elt$TING I C';!1TRDL BEltRING ro --t---,-E:01ffL . TIII\VfM.$LCQNTf\Qs...fil1NT • < HE BID ITEM "CC,..EST CONC CURB RAMP TYPE PAR,OJ.LEL A DOES NO~ INCLLPOE THE ADJACENT CURB CURB AND GUTTER OR SIDEWALK I T~E CURB RAMPS, I.J\NOINGS MO fL/\RES S>w.L RECEIVE /\ BR.QOM FINISH SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION &,143ilJ 6 THE USE OF SLOl'ES TAAF PRECrnFNCF OVER T~E USE OF DIMENSIO .. s ~ ADA DESIGN 7 DISTURBED PLANTING AREAS SAAl.l BE ~ESTOAED IMTH l<.'.TIVE SOIL, FINE COMPOST "NO SEED /,'I)( PER SPECl"l PRO\i1SIO~S FEO.AID PROJ.NO. -v SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR3 10 jwASI XL-5039 Washington State PAVING Department or Tranaportatlon >---------------------, ~ --...,.--1 CURB RAMP PLANS -" ', ', ' ' ' ' '.:.,, CEMENT CONCRETE - SIDEWALK \ -------------~-- EXISTING TMENT - \ fsL~IfEsillif'ARD PLAN \ r:: FT 1 0% ,~"'\.· l LANDING_/ F-30.10) DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ' -'.!LEI ./ GRAOE BREAK ~ \---i \ ' \ :/ GRADE /' 1/ BREAK .r TOP OF ROADWAY CURB RAMP Jt SECTION 0 TYPE PER.PENOICULAR A PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION TO \ SIDEWALK WIDTH (TYP) l '1 I , GRADE BREAK-CONTROL POINTS ,.,,,._ L---rc~\ 11 1 . GRADE sReAK ) ~-......t \~~ 'fQ CEMENT CONCRETE J',h.._ Sf· l . r-SJDEWALK ,,;e.<"'."<.r ~ ' -'fir-----I }. fl';}f"f }~ .l% l:;: I ~ FT / GRADE NORTHING EASTINO " 11""'2AIIT,Ul 13i1S82.1lS3l ,,~~',, :4-1 ;1--------~;D_i: ING rP--\ ~ , ,,-,-f. ;, ~ CURB RAMP TRAVE"5E I HORZ. OIST ... NCE TO ~i~T:fL TRAVER~r,~~;cii_ pc IHT ,. ' J0.11 FEET 5 W5fll4.1S"E C4 CONTROL POINT TRAVERSE HORL DISTANCE TO CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP "TYPE PERPENDICULAR B" /1, PA'!' LIMIT . IG ,~-:J;,r .,/~ ' • k" I ~BREAK '--._ -._,._ -!..(' @7/ ..(D I~ ,.,'f- tAf'JCH fXISJIN;,,~"'---Z,, ~~ It; 1 \\~t ~ ~ \~~~ RP CURB AND GUTIER---~"t"'';:,,, / 1 ,V.MP \.-p; Fl.ME ~~,..-l___________: "~ ,!U~ \ \l~.S~ /-:::..-:--/'.'i,.t,1, -~EM GENERAi NOTE ---9._F'f-J_~fie -----#~ SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT.SHEET CR\11 FOR INFOR..iAT;ON Ot. ~~ ~'M, ir-~:..----TAAi/ERSE CONTROL POINTS ~-~~ll.~-- -BEARINCl TO NO!ITHING I WTHIO I ElEY. ' CONTROL __ POINT TRAVERSE CO'-TROL POINT 16.T! FEET 5 !l'1!'!!.z&" E 11-1M1.lO!iJI' I 1111S111.flll062 I ra.41 "' FlLE NAME ~ ""' PLOTTED BY ~y ENl'ERED IIY CHECKED BY PROJ ENG~ JI-EGION.lLADM / ,<'..__·1;;,-;;:c-, I ? 131ST SE RAMP C4 I "'-.._ I :-....---, NOT TO SCALE , \ 7-/,,,/ / ____ L_E_G_E_ND __________ -----1 / 1 t / "I ~ r-? ~ 1 ~ / /"'\ ~ CURB R.I.IIP CONTROi. "OINT i.:...X.:. EXlSTINO JUNCTION BOX TYPE ISOMETRIC VIEW PERPENDICULAR A PAY LIMIT duo1nlm•g~, 8:10:114 AM 8/1121116 maqn""] M, FIDGEON M. FIDGEON o.wiiKINSoN B. NEBBITT LENG CROSSWALK CP / / ~ ,;j, B4 CEIIITERLINE , '()I EXISTING SIGNAL POLE "--., \ C CROSSW.t.LK CONTROL POINT ,- \ ' \ EXISTING MANHOLE 1 1'771 'IEMOVING CEMENT CONC, '--' CROSSWALK \ l'.'...L.LI CURB .\l<IO GUTTER (/J,,1 EXISTING V.\LVE BOX B3 CENTERLINE~ ~ ~5:r~~gE~:~:-NT ..D.. EXlSTING SIGN POST NOTES 1 DO "'01 P.ACE GM-INGS, JUNCTION :\OXES, ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES IN SRCNT OF IBE CURB A.o.r,,P. OR ANY PART OF THE CURB RAMP OR C.0.NOIN(l 2 Alt 01 ... ENTmNs ARE FOR INFostW.TION ONcY, CURB RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO NOT O:CEE:D NOTEC SLOPES l THE CURB RAMP RUNN'NG SLOPE SHALL NOT REOUl~E THE Ml,OP LENCH~ TO U.Cl~O i, ~~CT ANO SMLL B~ AS FUii AS f£AS1BL~ '!'YI'£ PLAN VIEW PERPENDICULAR A [IJ ~i~~JL ~X ... ~.;tTION CD-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON 4 THE 810 ITE ... "CEMENT CONC CURB RAMP 1"VPE P"RALLEL A DOES NOT INCLUOE THE .lOJ.lCF"'T CURB, CURB ANO ou-TER OR SIQFWAl K ; THE CURA RA\!PS. U\NOING$ ANO FLA~ES SHALL RECEIVE A BROOM FINISH SH STmDA~D SPECIF<CATION !•14 lill NOT TO SCALE Mdo1\d0108000\D000 XL5GH FT Cltl'II. 001. "":'"I"•"- " IASI XL-5D39 -- REVISION D"TE -" ~ sa:r:~E"i¢/~L T ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE ~ rnE USE OF SLOPES TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE USE 0' 01\0E~S•ONS 1N Ar». DESIG~ 7 DISTURBED PL,1,NTl"'O AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED 'MT~ NATIV!-. $01L.FINE COMPO$ FED.AID PROJ.NO. ~ ,~.,··- "ND SEED ML.; PER SPEClAl P~OI/ISIONS -------------~~0"10~,. SR. 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR. PARK VIC. u PAVING W••hington St.bl I Department of Tr.an1port11Uon 1------------------ CURB RAMP PLANS CR4 ·, ,, ~ .. -~ --lo.rn , ".I 1 r --~'~'~'~'---ol / ommBLE WARNING suseAc, ~ 2 O FT V ;-GRADE BREAK __l •t 10% 11/6= rTDP OF Tl. :-MAX I / _~ ___L ROADWAY Jc.JI· ... ·- ~ • ~ SIDEWALK CEMENT CONC PEDESTRIAN CURS r:VAR":..+--SAMP VAR"S EW I -SEEPLAN VIEW- EXISTING I SIDEWALK 7 r GRADE BREAK \ / \ ~-~ 75% MAX LLANDING SECTION 0 SEE PLAN VIEW 1 5% MAX ( CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) GRADE BREAK 7.5% MAX 5.0% --".AX EXISTING :t r ~:~:r1Rl~~N%URB \ ~i \ -L CURB RAMP \L Y/ EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) CURB RAMP LANDING I EXISTING__"'. SIDEWALK ,-----MATCH EXISTING MATCH EXISTING / / JOINT JOINT \ '.);>i I SIDEWALK ( --\ \'.y *~-----17 -~---~A.. c-'r-,,,a.\b ~~ SECTION 0 ~) it,}7l~f--=5~,1·~ef~-'-~'2id e M"DH ,x,S,ING , K.· --: ~b"' o... , lAHD"G ·~ ' {,I:,•"'" \ .. · .. -cuR, AND GUHER l" ->-. ~°" "(" """'"' ~I er.~ ~'i' -\.,.. ,~ --::;;.· , -----,---"ccuc•c•'--i'=C,cc,.~iii,Fi~-aia.m"°" -'<: :J___ I '.,..j -z:Q'!':! ' ~JY_::::..-, _. · · r ' ' -.,:_---------:M_,r-,m~----:·::::>:..~ NORTHN(] EASTING ELEY T MATCH EXISTING _/" -----t-.........__--=:::-"'== =-7--~'11i.-0°':.~____......--\ -- CURB AND GUTTER 1. --_G ER $.OPE .llij----RP 17&all.9S1T8 1l0117UIOl!411 ~.90 R=-t~r-1 ____;i, ~-~---~---·- CEMEN' CONG ,~;;;;;f---;:_ -~-------------------MAPLEWOOD AVE SE RAMP cs CURB AND GUTTER / NOT TD SCALE J GENER!II NOJE PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A- NOT TO SCALE <@> ~ EZl IZS] LEGEND CLJRa IU,IIP CONTROL POltlT CROSSWIU.K COHrROL POINT Rf'•OVING Cf'IIENT CONC. CURB AND GUTTER Rf'.0\/lNG CEIIENT CONC. $1DEWALK r-X 71 EXISTING JUNCTION BOX L , x EXISTING SIGNAL !'OLE ' ' EXISTING •11.NHOL~ (ff,; EXIBTIMlll VALVE BOX EXISTING SIGN POST CD--PEDESTRIIIN PUSH BUTTON TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT NOTES < 00 NOT PLACE GAATJ~GS. JUNcT,DN BOJI.ES. ACCESS COVERS OR o~HEA AP?URTANCE~ IN FRONT OF THE C~RB RAMP, OR ANY Pi<RT OF THE CURB RJ\M? OR LANDING 2 ALL 01'-'ENTIONS ARE <OR 1NFORW.l10N ONLY CURB AAMPS SHALL BC CONSTRUCTED TD lloOT EXCEEJ NOTED SLOOES l TIIE CU"IB AAMP RUl\oNING SLOPE SHALL ~OT REQUIRE THE RAl,IP LENGTI< TO EXCEED 15 FEET ANO SHALL BE 115 FL.AT AS FEASIBLE ~ THE BID ,rEM "CElolENT CONG CURB RAM' TYPE P,l,llJ\LLEL A DOES NOT •NCUJDE TH: ADJACENT CURB, CURB MD GUTTER OR S10EWA.K S -He CURS AAMPS, LANO MlS AND FLARES SHA.L RECEI\IE A BROOM f NISH SEE STANDARD SPEc1<ICATIOII 8.-1! l(l] SEE C~RB AAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CRVI FOR l~FORW.TION ON ~RA\IERSE cmrrno, POll>ITS D EB ROADWAY EXCAV.liTION INCL. HAm. • AREA REMOVING ASP"°'LT COMC. SIDEWALK " PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE 6 -HE USE Of SLOPES ri,.KE PRECEDENCE 0\/laR "fl,f us~ or D1r..t11S10NS IN ADA DESIGN 1 DISTURBED PLANTING ... ~l:,fl,S SHALL BE: R>:srn~cu 'MTH hATIVE SOIL, FINE COMPOST AND SEED Ml~ PEIi SPECU\l. PROVISIONS FILE NAME ~ d111•191m5nU1! !:_!D:11 AIII __ dotld0108000\DOOO_XL5Dlt_FT_CRP!l_00_1 I PLOTIED BY ""'II""") I I I I 10 !WASI D!!SIONED BY M. FIDOEON ' ~" l!l/1/ID1' ENTERED BY M. FIDGEON XL-5039 ~G:_!_ __ -~: =~~~~ON ---f--------------+---f--, REGIOh'Al ... o.. L. ENG-REVISION ~~ -"' FED.AID PRO.I.NO -iJi SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. Wa1hlngton State PAVING Department of Tran1portatlon f------------------.-.-,-CURB RAMP PLANS CRS ---------- ,, ", '\ MATCH JOINT ---~-FT EXISITNG ~ CEMENT CONC -._ ,I PEDESTRIAN CURB EXISTING\ ~ / \ , EXISTING \ / 1 SIDEWALK .. I/\ ' \ 1 '/ _.\ )~ \ __ 1.\0f( ~Ii .--/ EXISTING .~-: . '!JfiP /-. ,_,~~/. i SIDEWALK~ ,... f-t--;j__-_.,/ . -, I -.............:_-::::----__ U) --~--~tlJ_· / 1-'f_ \ "> .._ l1.Er:--___.,,,,.__7 --/<.:,• .-~0'9' -- j -..... "\.. -.9.1,i; ----'s -.f. ~9 , > ) ) R4.w, ~,,_. "' ./,.,. ,- r"'-·~, , ~/I! ~-Q'.1~ _.---;>---/ ' . -"' • I -,1, .. _>:a.a/ \ MATCH-----~ ---~ 3~%_ ---:::::::::-:....----::-~w,>"- EXISTING / I -~Ji~--;,,~-:_---To] ~---_:_.:'.".-:;,ct~~'* / g~E:ND l._ \ ------..:::'.!'!!_ GITTER,, -e£u.s,'llo--',ll,,'-'--" ,I'--.... // f~c-_____j._ ·. '--'-----,:--::J~_;:7 CEMENT CONG TRAFFIC _J 1 7 B\ ________ ... /_ , I ~ CURB AND GUTIER '" RP /' ', ' / \(; --;_/ g~oc'tJ/~~~INE ,, 0' ~ / (',,, -~~ ~v \ GENERAi NOT[ -------"--JI CROSSWALK SEE CURB AAMP L~YOUT, SHEET CRV1 FOR INFOR""'TION ON ~RAVERSE CONTROL POJN-s PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE FILE NAME c:h•.,.lm•gn•i!f! -.!ol\d0101lOOCI\OOCO Ji;L50l9 fT Cftl'!t OCl1., C4 CENTERLINE ~ / I CEMENT CONC PEDESTRIAN CURB EXISTING SIOEWALKl /-GRADE BREAK / 7.5% MA)( ;-DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE I I &SFT ~/ ( I GRADE ~I / BREAK ~ '" I rroPoF ____L .!DADWAY - " LANDING SECTION 0 SEE PLAN VIEW CEMENT CONC CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) SEE PLAN VIEW r GRADE BREAK 1.5% MAX ii 7 ,;% MA)( ~ ·,\ J• ' I~ CURB RAMP '~ \_ CURB RAMP \_EXIST'NG SIDEWALK I LANDING 1 Y." EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) CROSSWALK C1 AND C4 CONTROL POINTS TRAVERSE HORZ. Dl&T,.NCE TD NORTHING -,~ CONTROL BEA.RING TO -,-' 0 I " 1T6l0i.651"6 130M7,UJS511 ,. 1:12.o.t FEET N 6S' O:r20.2l" W CURB RAMP C6 CONTROL POINT EA.STING I ELEV. TM VERSE 1iDRZ. DISTltNCE TO NORTHING CONTROL BEARING TD -~ ,~ E C"NTR'"" "' 176Z!l1.61Z58 130M7.U1045 ~" 119.69 FEET ,. N 67'10'l'J.Jo!"W 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE RAMP C6 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND <@> <e> CURB RAIF CONTROL POINT CROSSWltLK CONTROL POINT C" X L" X ' ' EXISTING JUNCTION BOX EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLE REMOVINO CEIIENT CCJMC. CURB AND GLITTER REMOVING CEIIENT CONC. SIDEWALK T:h .0. EXISTING VALVE BOX EXISTING SIGN POST " ' E'2:a [2S'.j [TI EI] ROADWAY !XCAVATION INCL. HAUL · All.EA REMOVING ASPli.lt.L T (0-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON tONC. SIDEWALK " PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE SECTION 0 , NOTES , DO NOT PLACE 0RATIN0$ JUNCTION BOX~S ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER Al'PURTMCES IN F~ONT OF THE CURB RA\!P OR M'r P~RT OF THE CURB RAMP OR IANOINC 2 Ale D1MENTl<1NS ~R~ FOR INF<1RMA"l<1N ONLY, CURB RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO NOT EXCEED NOTED SLOPES l THE CURB RAMP RUNNING SLOPE SflAll NOT REQUIRE nu, RAM" LENGTH TO EXCEED ,, FEET ANO SflAl.l BC M FJ,.T AS FEASIB'.E •-THE BIO PTEM "CEMENT CONC CURB llAA'P TYPE •ARAI.LE" ~ OOES NOT INCLUOE THE ADJACENT CURB CURB AfJJ ounER OR S,Ql,WALK ~ THE CURB RAMPS, LANDl~GS ANO FLARES SflAU. RECEIIIE A BROOM fl NISH. SEE STANDARD S~ECIFICATION a-,~l[l) e. THE USE OF SLOPES TAKE PREC!:DE'ICE 0\/ER THE use OF o,w;:~SIONS IN ADA DESIGN 7.0rSTURBCO PLANTING ARU-S SflAl.l BE RESTORED WTH ~TIVE Sall FINE COMPOST ANO SEED '-'I)( PER SPECIAL PROVISIONS FED.AIO PROJ.NO. TIIIE 8:10:17 AM -v SR 169 DATE 811/2016 10 !WAS PLOTTED BY l=e~~ a~v ~ ! I I lxL-5039 CHECKED BY P. WILKINSON PROJ. ENGR. 8. NESBITT REOIONltL AOM L. ENG ] REVISION DATE " Washington State 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC, PAVING Department of Transportation I I CURB RAMP PLANS CR6 I - '/~ "<, ,.:~--~\ . ---·.\ fl \ ~4_fL_'.-------------:\}~I'~ \ ..---1 .. CROSSWALK C1 AND C2 CONTROL POINTS ' I ~THIIO um,o CP 1176280 87711 1JlliS2'1.664U TMYERIE HOIIL DISTANCE TO CONTROL "'~ ,~ TMYEA~r~~~l POl~T '7.00 FEET N 6l"Uol!.8J"W CEMENT CONG. PEDESTRIAN CURB / DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE --~'·'~'"'----I • 1 , rn / 1_ GRADE BREAK t 10% TOP OF ~ (/)• ;-:AX 1 6 r ROADWAY --'- w ( ' "-, tz:7 ·:. I ,; '•, ·,._] ~ '.,,>= ,, -' ~- ~ LLANDING SECTION 0 CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) SIDEWALK VARIES FILE NAME "'" /% .•' bb,,' SIDEWALK VARIES see PLAN VIEW RAMP VARIES EE PLAN VIEW PL.AN VIEW ----/l j \ --~~-----Y-1 , I~;' EXISTING SIDEWALK 7 50% """ ,-GRADE BREAK 7.5% MAX ( GRADE BREAK 5.0% .,,J!!'X EXISTING \/::1 ): t I PEDESTRIAN CURB MATCH EXISTING i. . +I . . . l{j;MATCH EXISTING JOINT _ 1--_ _ __ __-\ ., JOINT /----/ -----19_4 ____Q-,-----·\CJ \ __.---r·~ / S.;, tr----_ /-R= ' ~ I "---""----::-.:..-------t~}J \ ""t-7 __ Qj-!._ __ 6_D_ft~----±-..:--fJ_---\ -")),'lo * B ""' ;:f!$r0t:t.,,., f~ I 68 FT I Ji.to/.-I ..-"'\ EXISTING if: S::""-'< ~. >-0.3% _pi'G.. <" '\~ . .,., *I"-I "'1 \ SIDEWALK______...------,.:-6:_~ -RA"'p~/}1 ~NDING \t.:t 1"' ~ \l?~ ~C -·----:::----7.6% j ~ 2'1o 1 ~ I ( EXISTING ! -----:J:::.----.....--. Fr-..,~3!!'.,-I ' -,'i~--_>-SIDEWALK . I ;-~s:~-----~.-~~-----------\ MATCH EXISTING -' / --~ _GLITTE 1 ~ ~------I I "' I \ ~f \ CURB RAMP '---Y," CCXPANSION JOINT (TYP) U% MAX 7 5"/o MM L L CURB RAMP LANDING SECTION 0 CURB RAMP C7 CONTROL POINT I TRJiYeRse ~OAZ-DISTANCE TO NOlfTNINll I f.11,STING EL.!!11. CONTIIOl 8UJ!!NG TO ro,,, TIUIVERSE CONTROL /IOWT 176280.JM12 I 1308528.-4"80) I 66.20 I 6JAO FEET ,. N '2"~'5J93" W GENERAi NDIE SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CR\/1 FO~ INFDRW.TION 0~ TRAVERSE CONTROL POINTS ~~ EXISTING SIDEWALK CURB AND GUTIER ,..______ / R~5o_6_ -- 1 , .... -------__.-A CEMENT CONC TRAFFIC~-----........---........ --.L _-------+ ~-'-"-<..-----£~ -....._ MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GU TIER ---I"-... / \ ', -----; CURB AND GU TIER / // p; CROSSWALK C2 CENTERLINE ---::-F~4 FT_],\_---~ .......... /-........ / 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE AVE SE ,' \ ;' /'"/,.... NOT TO SCALE / "-. \ ' / /I LEGEND / VI \ i , ' ' ~ RDSSWALK / ( , PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE 1 CENTERLINE' p <@> ~ E:'ZJ l2Zl [I] EE CURB MMP CONTROl POINT CROSSWA:..k CONTROL POINT REMOVING CEMENT CONC. CURB AND GUTTER REMOVING CEMENT COHC. SIDEWALi( ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL · AREA REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALi( fx71 LS ?¢ ( ' ih <D- " D'.ISTINli JUNCTION BOX EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTINO MANHOLE EXISTINO VALVE BOX EXISTING SIGN POST PEDESTRIAN PUSH eunoN PEDESTRIAN PUSH eunoN POLE o:luo•r.11,,•iln""I .-d<>!la010aooo\OOOO_XL5019_FT_CRPll:_001 8:10:21 AM FED.AID PROJ.NO / ISOMETRIC NOTES 1 DO NOT PLACE ORATINOS, JUNCTION BOXES ACCCSS CDl'Ef\S OR OTI-<Efl APPURTANCES IN FRONT OF T>!E CURB f\MIP OR /1\NY P/1\f\T or THE CLRB RAMP OR LAN~N(l l ALL UI\OE~TIONS AAE FOR INFORMATION 0"LV CURB RAMPS SH/1\LL SE CONSTRUCTED TO NOT EXCEED /olOTED SLOPES l Tl-"E CURB RAMP RUNNING SLOPE 5AALL NOT REDUIRE THE RAMP LEl<GTH TO EXCEE) 1~ FEET AND Sf!ALL BE AS F.AT AS FEAS16LE ~ Tl-"E BID ITEM "CEMENT CONC CURB IUJ,IP TYPE PAR.lL[.~L A DOES ~OT INCLUDE WE ADJACENT CURB CURB MIO OUTTER OR SIDEWALK ~ Tl-"E CURB R.lr.<as. LA"DINOS AND 'LARES SHALL RECEIVE A BROOM i'INISH. SEE STANDARD SPECli'IGATION 8-1~ J(ll 6 Tl-"E USE Oi' SLOPES TAJ<E PRECEDENCE OVER TliE USE OF" DIMENSIONS IN ADA DESIGN 1 DISTIJRBEC OLAN-ING AREAS SHALL BE 'lESTDRED WHH '1>.TIVE SOIL FINE COMPOST AND SEED MIX PER SPECIAi. PR0\11SIONS -SR 1&9 ' ' l M,> llf1/2D16 10 IWASI w 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR7 PLOTIED BY fflOll!!lja! D£110NED BY M. FIDGEDN ENTERED BY M. FlDGEDN CHECKED BY 0. WILKINSON PAVING Wa1hington State Department of Tran1portatlon 1------ XL-5039 PROJ.f/olGR. 8. NEBBITT RE.GIIOtlAL ADM. L.ENG [)ATE __ l B.! ~ CURB RAMP PLANS R~IIIIO/ol ~ ~ /---"' ......... /\ \ ---~( •/ / ·.••· L ··:c ., .. .,_.---·: /~ _,,>r:._-<., / ,:· '"·"-,.· .. A ---;::.-r :_ ..... _, ------\ ~// ~ "'",< -,:/ -;,,<-__________ --~ _ ___lL.2_fI_--------------::-.:.A --~// ... <.->· ... -· ·;1> \ • /\~ . s//>(0 ::/ \{,>~;;~~__,! I ,> ... ·f3 )'-" .----( \---- ·-. I \. ' . ' ~ /" ~/ .....-----------1. ~ "'"---- 1'----------_,,_::._--------q ------------.; -0 ~T // _, EXISITNG 's A PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ MATCH EXISTING ,;;---JOINT ~ ATCH EXISTl<G f.7' \ T -1:'J ~ ' ~ ' '\ EXISTING /?~---..--~--~-\S\ FT --------~"4fT ----~ 1 B SIDEWAL f~"':_-~--':__ '\\__--£--_:-.:::::--..el~ SURFACE ~ /,-----DETECTABLE WARNING 2.~ FTj/ F GRADE BREAK I~ / I j ~i 10% -~ / TOP OF 1 r ROADWAY CEMENT CONC PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ ~ LLANDING SECTION 0 CEMENT CONG. CURB & GUnER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) I s~~M$1.2N"RJ~tw I si~o~NaNv,er~s_ s~~MfuW 8JT~ EXISTING SIDEWALK.71./" GRADE BREAK 7.5% MAX \ J• \_ \ I~ CURB RAMP 'L_ Y," EXPANSION JOINT (TYP) CROSSWALK C2 AND CJ CONTROL POINTS r NORTHINO EASTINO 1rv,0ERSE CONTROL POINT GRADE BREAK /GRADE BREAK 1 5% MAX _/ 7.5% MAX '--CURB RAMP LANDING SECTION 0 EXISTING SIDEWALK ~ ti'._cr--~-~ --------=----=-----141-FT f;"-1;1..-~ SJ%--bTh ..-\ ... , f-.-\ ~ \ --........_ EXISTING ""t ~p ~c LANDING ,WAI' -1--\ SIDEVIIALK . , 1 --. '° QS'io --.::::----~-1 CF 117,lU-H1Q2 l 1lllll56U55'.9 "' HORZ. Dllfritii:E TD BEARING TO TRAVERSE CO~ROL POINT 118.55 FEET SM' 11"DUr E "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A' PAY LIMIT ~ _:·.--.f..------a~·~-1 , .,-s"tii:lc..~~--~ MATCH EXISTING ~oii,---~-·---n-FT. -----====--;..------\ CURB ANO GUTIER ~l~iG /~,'----~'!S__;;,,,..--=-~R..--~-B% ----=---=-;;i~~_::_~--;::::1 CEMENT CONC CURB RAMP CB CONTROL POINT UTIER TRAVERSE HO,U. DISTANCE TO J CURB R -, ~-----o,.,,A,u • , TRAFFIC CURB ANO AND / "52 9'--.,/ \ ...._ " __ .-- GUTI%ER ~--~~z~\"~~3~~~..::: .... ~ 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE AVE SE RAMP CB ,/V \ / / \ NOT TO SCALE ,' IV&' LEGEND / \ / CROSSWALK / \ > ~ CURB RAIF CONT,UX. POih'T =-EASTING =, CONTROL BEARING TO ------'"~ TAAVEFUIE CONTROL POINT I 170'7 M.co7 I 1J015'1i D11111 11621 FEET " 65.:!9 "' ~ 65''5'l0.D.I" E - .~" :c_x.:,1 EXIBTING JUNCTION BOX ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT CJ CENTERLINE \ / \ ~ I CROSSWALK /c:p, CROSSWALK CONTROL ~'(T C2 CENTERLINE ~ 1'771 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. t'.:.LLJ CURB ANO GUTTER GENERA! NOIE PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT. SH[ET CFNI FOR INFORMI\T ON ON TRA~ERSE CONTROL POINTS ,1Le NAME c:haonlmoqn,.llf,w -dolldOleBOQOIOOOO XL~}! FT_Clll'R_D111., TIIIE BclO;JO AM CATE 311/2016 - M. FIDGEON M. FIDGEON D. WILKINSON PROJ. EtoOR. B. NEBBITI AEGIONAL AOM L. ENG REVISION ~]•"" 10 !WAS .... ..-- XL-5039 DAI!:_ .,, r:::::::,:;::n REMOVING CEMENT L::::::.::::::: CONC. SIDEWALK r--1 ROADWAY EXCAVATION L___j INCL. HAUL • AREA EB REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALi<: FED.AID PROJ.NO. ... ,. C>¢ ( ' ,fb D. CD- " EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLE EXIBTINO VALVE BOX EXISTING SIGN POST PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE NOTES 1 DO NOT Pl.AC€ GRATl'IGS_ JUNCTION BOJCES, ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPUATA.~CES IN FRONT OF THE CURB RAMP, OR ANV P,O.R' OF THE CURB RAMP OR l.AND1N0 l ALL DI ... ENTONS ARE FOR INFORMATION ONLY, CURB RAMPS SHALL BE co~smuc·rn •o NOT E>:CEED NOTED SLOPES 3 THE CURS RAMP RUN~ING SLOPE $HALL NOT REQUIRE THE RAMP LENGIB TO EXCEED 15 FEeT AND SHALL BE AS Fl.AT AS FEASIBLE 4 THE BID IT~M "CEMEH CONC. CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A DOES NOT INCLUDE THE: ADcACENT CURB C~RB AND GUTIER DR $1DEWAL~ 5 THE CURB ~PS L.A~OINGS ANO FL.AA.ES SHAL.L RECEIVE A BROOM FIN<SH SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATION ,-1' J(3: 6 THE use OF SLOPES TAKE ~RECEOENCE OVER rne USE OF DIMENSIONS I~ ADA DESIGN l DIST1JABEO PL.A1<T1NG AREAS St-lALL BE AeSTORED WITH NATIVE SOI\. FINE COMPOSI AND SSE~ MIX PER SPEC'"'-PR0V1S'0NS SR 1G9 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC . CRB -v W••hlngton State PAVING Department of Tranaportatlon >------------ CURB RAMP PLANS ;-DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE 7 0 FT I .' GRADE BREAK /..._~p~ lr0 s~,f--&h1 --~ t 7b rn,oe _J_ ~ ~ i~ I / .4 -' __1 ROADWAY p . -' -. ) 32.3 FT EXJSITNG --------- > ' C) 1 EXISTING SIDEWALK 7 SIDEWALK VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW SO% MAX. CEMENT CONG PEDESTRIAN CURB ;-GRADE BREAK . L 7.5% MAX_ \ ~[ \ __ CURB RAMP 0 w ~. LANDING SECTION 0 SEE PLAN VIEW 1.5% MAX ( LANDING \_ CEMENT CONC CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) GRADE BREAK 7.5% NI.AX CURB RAMP SIDEWALK VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW 50% ~AX. EXISTING j SIDEWALK t CEMENT coNgURB -MATCH EXISTING \_ Yi" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) r-PEDESTRIAN / JOINT / --I 09 coNTRo, eo,NT ___ ,, _, ' ---. ··--·---- _\_ JOINT _ -L , ..,. ---,_+~".c..~'~""'~'c'1,-""~::ru::=i!±~- \ r----n .,_,= ' -· -. ' h ·-~ -.. EXISTING~-, "" cc-c, ' , , ~-'"" •• SIDl:WALK 40ffc--r.:._---:y--____ ---,p-!,s¥, "!".,., 5'0EWACK "'"" •- r <1%..,,,_:k -,m---~ -,-, ' \ .. "' n~ ic ,,,-I " ~ ""'' -,·,-~<! L ___ _ C ' h ::: * *~ "'"'"'---~ \-Ci! • CROSSWALK Cl AND C4 CONTROL POINTS ' NORTHING ! EA.STING l TIIAYE!l:SE CONTIIOL -l!ll HORZ. DISTANCE TO BEARING TO TRAVERSE COlm!.OL POINT " 176)1U0707 I 1309so11~5!i I "' ~6.16 FEET S 68' Sl'J-4.81" E ; _______ ,,__ -.. ~ -· "" ------- SECTION 0 "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT ,', Jc ·' -'' \~ ,,, , --•-~''° c MOO CS -'• I o • ,,_---~--' --'" ~ '" s , ,rr,r- 1 ..J_j~~,, --~"1U'-\O.-~-.,, ouTTER /MONROE ____ ' :::~-I::-~--:.~·~~--,~.6%_---2------SE 7TH ST NOT TO SCALE ~WI,, I /7____ -s,:7 / -~. ~----------~ LEGEND =----~=- -· •• '-, -, • -,-"'7 --·" -J ------• ••• ' ' ....... . C TRAFF,C , ', <@> ···---··-A"iiif()i<M ... TllJti ONL, ETHE AAMP LENGTH 'cG~~'l,go~UnER , ', X RP , A =,~,,,. I 2 ~i. (li',i,E'"~i~~/~r:~~o\~~~t s~~~~\~.E ~i~~~:~L A ooEs NOT INCLUOESTANMRn ' ' ".. -" _, . '"'" "". %, (;', A -·-', ""-'"",>> .. ,a..s-,,,,,.,,,r.o .•• , "'"" <es .' '• "7 " --l< """ "'" " I • ""J, ",:S,,:~,~; \':','.',;,:i\ :"~ >=» '~, me ose os /;','\~\c 0 /,l,'"co,~s; 1 ',,\ ~ 15~",','l, iom:~ 'Jl' ~'"'" "" :~•:mo, 'f:,~i,;:~":'i':t!;/'1,'!..,",;;c,l':c',~i':'oarn ~H ~, , ~ ·-" "" I , "''''"" "' "--·-·· " ' '"" ~ .,___ ·-------'' --··-.--=~ "'~" "~TRICVIEW TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT CURB RAIIP COMTR(l(. POINT C a EXISTING JUNCTION BOX J<..,J ,;_;,, --·--···; SIG~L POLE -·--... -"' .... , .. OL POINT ~y NG M.lilllHOLE 111,_Mt,lVINli c;t,_..,_Nl C<,>NC. ,1{, CURB AND GUTTER PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE REMOVING CEMENT COl<fC. SIOEWALK 11011,0Wlt,Y E,;C ... Vlt.TION INCL. HAUL • AREA. £lC1ST1Nr, \/"AL VF ll<'lll (L $EE CURS RAMP l.AYQUT,$HEET CRV1 FOR INFQRIMnQN ON TRAVERSE CONTROL ?OIHTS FILE ~ME ~ m, c:\,..,...l,mog""" 8:1D:J6 AM 8/1121116 !'._LOTTE~Y _ ____!!!_"i!n'-'"J ... dolldD1080IIO\OOOO XL!illH fr ell.PR OC1.dpn 10 !WASI I DESIGHED IIY M. flD-GEON I ENTERED BY M. FIDGEON I I I XL-5039 CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ. ENOft B. NESBITT REOIONAL ADM L. ENG REVISIOIII DATE -" REMOVING, lt.SPHlt.LT " COi«:. 31ncouu " FED.A.IC PA.OJ.NO. -v SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR9 Washington State PAVING Department or Tra111portatlon >--------------- ~ CURB RAMP PLANS ' ' . /- . . . "--~. A• r ~ ---);// \.,. ~-- I ;__ ----- ------30 1 FT EXISITNG I r MATCH EXISTING JOINT t r ~~~fNRl~NgURB \ I •> MATCH EXISTING ______ ./ )'., " "" >DINT ~ t---I------. r+-SIDEWACK SIDEWALK -1 --16 1 FT--1-----i / ', ~, --I r~~38r ----:::-..----+'f-_ " l... ; \,. "1t=f='_cc--~ --==,,,-;, ,:,,'rf -:-'·') .J "-'¥:/ * 2~% -51'/o I _ • .,,,,. EXISTING SIDEWALK? ; ~· ·~r-1 6..lEL 1 4 TII -e1,"1o B " ,.'., S. "'i"'/ ""' "" ,.t',t;: LANDING lit:# 'r<I"'".: r---'/ 1 · MP ~1 MATCH EXISTING URB AND GUTTER --------?j:-~1 £J% l % SIDEWALK VARIES SEE PLAN VIEIN ;-DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE I I I 1// r GRADE BREAK -I 1""11.10% / / TOP OF ~-:-:t:. MAX. . I ' . I . ~ ..........1 ROADWAY IB I \_ CEMENT CONG. -,_ PEDESTRIAN CURB -1 ~ LANDING CEMENT CONG CURB & GUTTER > 0 (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) SECTION A I / --GRADE BREAK 50% MAX I_; /GRADE BREAK I GRADE BREAK 7.5% MAx 2%M~ / 7~% MAX "t CURB RAMP \_ CURB RAMP \ '/," EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) L l1~~\~a SECTION 0 "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A'' PAY LIMIT EXISTING_:, SIDEWALK ----~-_---~-5% ~ /'1e., -1 .... CURB AND GUTTER i --~ .mIT_TER LOPE MATCH EXISTIN.G z---. ~ ---:t;::=7~2~,rrr::__.....:._]i]\!'L..,!,:c:;;;~ CURB RAMP C10 CONTROL POINT CEMENT CONG TRAFFIC J-..___ R"40 10 _J / CURS AND GUTTER -------fa,___J__[f- J PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A GENERAi NOTE SEE CURB RAMP LAVDUT. SHEET CRV1 FOR INFORW.TION ON Tfi.A'IERSS CONTROL POINTS NOT TO SCALE FILE NAME c:'unn,\mapnuajlpw wadolld010IIOOO\OOOO XL!iOJ9 FT CIU'II. 001 TIME 5:1D:4l All DATI! __ 8111Z0___!6 P~!l'E~_!IY _m~uaj-__ _ DESIGNED RY M. FIDGEON ENTERED BY M. FIOOEON CHECKED BY 0. WILKINSON PROJ. EIWR. 8. NEBBITT IIJ;OIONAL AC* L. ENO I REVISION 10 )WASI XL-5039 ~" " MORTHNO " 17&t5ol.11771 EASTING 131175&i:U1H a~ ii.:16 TAAWERSE I HORZ. DISTANCE TO CONTROL !IE/IRING Ta POINT_ _ TIU.VERSE CONTROL ,01NT. ~17.lO FEET '" S 71"40'18.51" E 5TH AVE SE RAMP C10 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND CURB RAMP COH'TRO!. POlh'T r, EXIS71NG JUNC710N sex ,x, ~ CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT '.>¢ EXISTING SIGNAL POLE ( ' EXISTINO MANHOLE ~ REMOVINO CEMENT CONC. @ CURB ANO GUTTER EXl8TINO VALVE BOX ~ REMOVING CE"'ENT CONC. SIDEWALK .0. EXISTING SIGN POST [IJ ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. liAUL · AREA <D--PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT NOTES 1 00 NOT >LACE GMTINGS, .UNCTION BOXES ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES IN FRONT OF THE CURB IVIMP OR ANV PART 0" THE: CURB Fi.A"'P OR U.NOIN<l 2 All QIMENTIO~ ARE SOR INFORW.T10N 0/'<lV CURB RAMP$ $>!,O." BE CONSTRUCTED TO NOT EXCEED No·rn SLOPE~ 1 Tl<E CURB RAMP RUNNl~G SLOPE Sti,I.Ll NOT R[OLIR[ THE RAMP LENGTH TO EXCEED 15 FEET AijQ S~ALL BE AS FL.AT .0.S FCASIBLE • TI-IE BIO ITEM "CEMENT CONC CURB IVIMP IVPE PARAllEl A DOES NOT •NCWDE H<E A OJA CE~ T CURB CURB ANO GUTTER OR SIDEWALK ~ Tl<E CURB RAMPS, LAN()INOS AND 'ulRE$ $HAU RECFJIIE A BROOM FINISH SEE STANaARD SPECIFICATION 8-14 l[l) EEi REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE 6 TI-IE USE OF SLOPES TAKE PRECEDENCE 0\/ER Tl-IE USE OF OIUENSIONS IN ADA OESIGN 7 OISTVRBEO PI.NHING AAE>.S SH>.Ll BE RES-OREO w,c~ i<ATWC SOll FINE: COMPOST AND SEED MIX PER SPECIAL P!l(.1V1Sl0NS FED.AID PROJ.NO. -w SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO CEDAR PARK VIC. CR10 Wa1hington State PAVING Department of Traneportatlon >-------------------< ~ ---;;:;.--' CURB RAMP PLANS Washington State Department of Transportation August 9, 2016 Jennifer Henning, AICP Planning Director City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Dear Ms. Henning: RE: XL 5039 Noise Variance Request Northwc~t Ri:gion 15700 Dayton Avenue North P.O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 (206) 440-4000 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov SR 169/140'h Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity -MP 22.98 to MP 24.84. Dear Ms. Henning: The purpose of this letter is to request 31 non-consecutive nights of temporary noise variance to complete roadway rehabilitation and other project repairs within the state owned right of way along SR 169 in both the northbound and southbound directions within the City of Renton. WSDOT Acoustics group requests relief from the requirements of the Renton Municipal Code, Title VIII-Health and Sanitation -Chapter 7-and Noise Level Regulations, as per section 8-7-2 and the Washington State Administration Code (WAC) Chapter 173-60, allowing the WSDOT representative to work at night. The project ad date is set for January 9, 2017. The project is planned to commence on March 1, 2017 with a contract completion of December 31, 2018. Project Narrative The project is located along State Route 169 from Mile Post 22.98 to Mile Post 24.84. SR 169 is a 4-lane, undivided, managed access highway within the project limits. It is classified as a principal arterial and includes 5 intersections with median turn pockets (3 signalized) and a bridge crossing over the Cedar River. This project will grind and inlay SR 169 with 0.15' of HMA, including bridge 169/031.25 but excluding bridge 169/024. Minor safety work includes delineation to current guidelines, signing evaluation, and assessing existing impact attenuators. As shown in the Vicinity Map in attachment 1, all of the work is located within the City of Renton. The SR 169 project includes the following items of work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only of the within the highway roadway. EXHIBIT 5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN,, , AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~-------irenton 0 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I W\':!'~{,r_gr_:itofl\'/_a_,_gov I 1n.tJ /(A p. ~a_,, {/fC(/~ , certify under penalty of perjury under the laws otheState of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct, and duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the 3 I day of ~ , 20&, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing~blic hearing documents to surrounding property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the following proposed project: Project Name wsDo 1 Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the list of names and ddresses of the property owners within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed project. mission exp ires on ___ lul-1-d.LJo._L./.6.Ll..sL_ ______ _ I I j Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUr AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------~en ton 0 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) 55 COUNTY OF KING ) Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425A30-7200 I VNIV!JOlllOnwa.go_v 1 /v/0 n {{ fLUtCr Cnt{tl_ . certify under penalty of perjury under the laws o the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct, and duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the ,:;L, l, day of ~;µ..J . 2ojb1 posted+ posters in conspicuous places or nearby the following project: Project Name Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the posters. 3. I have attached a copy of this poster and will submit this affidavit to the City of Renton after posting. 4. These posters were posted in location in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 8 of Renton Municipal Code and I understan that nee t remove them after completion of the project. --- (~ SUBSCRIBED AN SWORN to before me this~ day of '--; u b 12,-, J, , 20 . \ l, . I : \_ : ) I: \,.,. 1) \.. \~\i.-er · bx c-v rc('-''t . NOTARY PUBLIC 1!1 and for the Stat~ ()f Wa~ington\ . • ,\ '_') Printed name: CJ·, "1 , n(2 .J . t::> /c::r, ,( t!.(\':o, h'J1 , commission expires on __ ._7_,,}__,,;_lc:..)-/L,.__,d"-· -_(.J"', ,'--"'.Js"'-'(;a!.., ___ _ / J ~oject Num_be_r._· __ ___JI_L~U A 1&:,~ DOO~lk, 2016 RAHS LESSONS tH(lllR ' 1-1,1t1R s~1ms, 1-1ovR ~,~~ ',IKlll R Sfn • OtlR JUNIOR '• H GROllf'~ 1-!0UR PLAYfr; B~ Ht'L E P;1,F".'"(Sf'1 SU-tfV ,•,11 '·,·t ,.,.,r ,,,,<V,,,•f:,-.1, ... • --- City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION WSDOT PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: SR 169, 1401" Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity -Paving PO Box 47316 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: SR 169 -MP 22.98 to MP 24.84 Olympia 98504-7316 CITY: ZIP: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): TELEPHONE NUMBER: N/A APPLICANT (if other than owner) Bruce Nebbit EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: State Highway . WSDOT PROPOSED LAND USE(S): COMPANY (if applicable): State Highway 1051 1" Ave S Mail Stop NB-82-62 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: N/A Seattle 98134 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY: ZIP: (if applicable)N/A (206) 805-5464 EXISTING ZONING: TELEPHONE NUMBER: State Highway CONT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): State Hiohwav Peter Soderberg SITE AREA (in square feet): NAME: WSDOT SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): DEDICATED: 15700 Dayton Ave N MS 138 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS: ,; l . ~·.,·.;:... "i~<al~~"'. Seattle 98133 CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED RESIDENTl~<iCl:i'jSIU'.J1i1llN11'S PER NET ACRE (if applicable)N/A . • -~·· ' . ,; --~ ;:!\ .... ~: ,.~ TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: (206) 440-4549 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (ifaJ:lplicable) N/A • " ; : ; ' -" ;_ -~ "ti ., soderpj@wsdot.wa.gov NUMBER OF NEW DWl;Wll,J~· ~TS. ~f a~llcable): N/A ·. ; ,, . :\: V ·. '. ••:n·tt*·· .: 1,· ' NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable):N/A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable):N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE D AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable):N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable):N/A NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable):N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): TBD -- D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. ___ sq.ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 05 E, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NE Quarter of Section 31, Township 23N, Range 05E, W.M. SE Quarter of Section 30, Township 23N, Range 05E, W.M. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP WSDOT ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON I ss COUNlY OF't"HURSION /<TN9 On this dayof f+v1u~f-• 20.l.4-.bcforc me personally appeared Peter Soderberg and thi:!I he executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and dcL'd of said State of Washington, for the uses and purposes therein sct forth, and on oath states that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the ;ifr dayof ~pst '''"'"'""''' ~,,~ ~··· .,,.. ,,,,,. ,.,~ ' ............ _._:',. * .,·~1111;····,;"il!~ :I ./ .. ,,,.. ,,~-.. 0 .:: l ......... ~... -a .: . ..,,.~ 1:.· -= i ......... \ = -I --~ o • -=-~ • : = ~ ... ,... iG' .. ,. : :: ""-· ~ •1, V • ..., .... ?........... .. ~ ~ . .,...... '\ •' ' .,, .. •,; ,, ,,, ...... ;::; ~ ..... . .. ~~" 'I< ........ ! .. , ... •;,,.\'" ~" ~.,,, i1111•· ,,,,~ '''"'"""'''' -I u)~ (Signature) ( Print or type name) Notal)' Public in and for the State of Washington res;d;ng " S Ao 2.d ,-,.,(!, 0 f. Mycommissionexpires J-// -:20/7 , 20.J.L, , DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • -. _ CityoL -------~i r. (t~·r I' Lr 1f I -t . ··-· L . , ; 1 . I . I ---~ ---"" -~ -._, WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED BY: MODIFIED BY: Arborist Report, Biological Assessment 4 Calculations 1 COMMENTS: ~Co~l'.:'or~e_:l_d~M~a'!'.p:_s ~fo'.r:r~D~is~pl~ayv_,~ ______ _j_ ___ j___lW~~_j~~~:=_!'B>t~~n.:!~~>ll'!!:_'(;+/~,::J·~:,y.:.~,.j~fl6,Tl1Vc:;: Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND, Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication 1 Density Worksheet, Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report, Elevations, Architectural, AND, Environmental Checklist 4 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1AND4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 1 AND, Flood Hazard Data 4 Floor Plans 3AND4 Geotechnical Report, AND, Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual, Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, Habitat Data Report 4 Improvement Deferral 2 Irrigation Plan 4 . ' /2.!l-- -· I ,,. I?/\ 1 . ; r? • J ·. 1 PROJECT NAME: SK \~9 ,~u~Avtsi;: h g,1~:4'0( r~,;)' DATE ~ /11 /lL H :\CE D\Oa ta \Forms-T em plates\Se lf-H elp Han douts\P!an n ing\ Wa iversu bm itta!reqs.docx Rev:02/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMIITAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 12.;J ~LL~ v-~- Landscape Plan, Conceptual, " I -,,.,... Landscape Plan, Detailed 4 ~ 'DJ- Legal Description 4 t<d..--- Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk 4 Pl!-- Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) 1 f!d--- Neighborhood Detail Map 4 Overall Plat Plan, fl/\l Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Pt-I Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 Post Office Approval 2 I( • I • Plat Name Reservation 4 f. 'A/ Plat Plan 4 /",., .. ,) /[} "1 Preapplication Meeting Summary 4 ' .~ • Public Works Approval Letter, 1• C::.-- Rehabilitation Plan, {2Jy._. Screening Detail 4 & Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 W- Site Plan lAND4 Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 {) I Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 ~ Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 (2 ,.j_ - Street Profiles 2 'prJ_ Title Report or Plat Certificate 1AND4 /UL f) w t{~f ~~ "LU J .:.::J.~ ~ ~ _., (?N-,. ~ Topography Map, T Traffic Study 2 (<IV ___ Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 lltv-- Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 o-,.J Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 o"/ Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 I~ Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 ll.r-1/' . 2 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Te mplates\Se lf-H e Ip Han do uts\Pla nning\ Waive rsubm itta I reqs.docx Rev:02/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement, AND, Inventory of Existing Sites lAND3 Lease Agreement, Draft, AND, Map of Existing Site Conditions lAND 3 Map of View Area, AND, Photosimulations 2AND, This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: w DJ\/ ~A f ·~ 12 A? p I\, o" I {JI\} 3 H :\CE O\Data \Forms-Te mp!ates\Se!f-Help Hand a uts \Pian ning\ Waiversu b m itta lreqs.docx COMMENTS: Rev: 02/2015 Washington State Department of Transportation August 9, 2016 Jennifer Henning, AICP Planning Director City of Renton Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Dear Ms. Henning: RE: XL 5039 Noise Variance Request r--:orth1.vcst Region 15700 Dayton Avenue North P.O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 (206) 440-4000 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov SR 169/I40'h Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity -MP 22.98 to MP 24.84. Dear Ms. Henning: The purpose of this letter is to request 31 non-consecutive nights of temporary noise variance to complete roadway rehabilitation and other project repairs within the state owned right of way along SR 169 in both the northbound and southbound directions within the City of Renton. WSDOT Acoustics group requests relief from the requirements of the Renton Municipal Code, Title VIII -Health and Sanitation -Chapter 7-and Noise Level Regulations, as per section 8-7-2 and the Washington State Administration Code (WAC) Chapter 173-60, allowing the WSDOT representative to work at night. The project ad date is set for January 9, 2017. The projeet is planned to commence on March I, 2017 with a contract completion of December 31, 2018. Project Narrative The project is located along State Route 169 from Mile Post 22.98 to Mile Post 24.84. SR 169 is a 4-lane, undivided, managed access highway within the project limits. It is classified as a principal arterial and includes 5 intersections with median tum pockets (3 signalized) and a bridge crossing over the Cedar River. This project will grind and inlay SR 169 with 0.15' of HMA, including bridge 169/031.25 but excluding bridge 169/024. Minor safety work includes delineation to current guidelines, signing evaluation, and assessing existing impact attenuators. As shown in the Vicinity Map in attachment I, all of the work is located within the City of Renton. The SR 169 project includes the following items of work and improvements within the State Right of Way limits only of the within the highway roadway. T bl 1 P a e : roJect items o wor , tota f k I f number o ni!?hts ec ual 31 non-consecutive nights Item of work Number of nights 1 Planning asphalt lanes & Pavement 16 Repair 2 Paving Roadway 6 3 Signal Video Detection & Curb 7 Ramps 4 Pavement Marking 2 Total 31 This project requires Street Use Permits and Detour Permits which will be applied for separately. The project will include nighttime work where the zoning varies from residential, hotels, commercial, and light industrial zoning designation. Traffic Limitations The primary reason for conducting nighttime work is to avoid daytime traffic congestion on SR 169 within the city of Renton. Day time full and partial closures along this well-traveled route are expected to cause disruption in the urban circulation as well as increased travel times for the citizens of Renton. Partial closures may impact commercial and business traffic during business hours as well as delays to school routes and normal road users. Furthermore, data shows that day time closures could increase traffic accidents and compromise the safety of workers and the traveling public within the construction zones. Attachment 2 lists the proposed lane closures for the SR 169 highway. Construction Equipment and predicted noise impacts during nighttime operations The construction equipment is described in Table 2 included in Attachment 3 along with the estimated noise level prediction to nearby receivers approximately 50 feet away as well as proposed mitigation measures. Proposed Nighttime Noise Mitigation WSDOT will require the contractor to adhere to the following noise reduction measures: 1. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. The Contractor may use back-up observers in lieu of back-up warning devices for all equipment except dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610 and 296- 155-615. The Contractor shall use back-up observers and back-up warning devices for dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610. 2. Truck tailgate banging is prohibited. All trucks shall be secured to prevent excess ive noise from banging. 3. All trucks perfonning export haul shall have well maintained bed liners as inspected and approved by the Engineer. 4. A copy of noise variance shall be kept on the project site at all times. 5. Construction and stationary equipment, such as light plants , generators, compressors, and jackhammers must utilize WSDOT approved noise mitigation shields, noi se blankets, skirts, or other m eans available as approved by the Engineer when feasible; 6. Provide a WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for the purpose of forwarding complaints; 7. The Contractor notifies residents, within 500 feet of the project corridor, of nighttime work activities at least 14 calendar days in advance of the proposed nighttime construction work. The Project engineer administering the projects are listed as follows Aleta Borschowa borscha(a),wsdo t. wa.gov 6431 Corson A ve S Sea ttle, WA 98108 206-768-5601 Should construction activities, associated with thi s project, cause noise impacts, we request yo ur help resolv ing any complaint we may receive by notify in g the Project Engineer within 24 hours of occurrence. Sincerely, Peter Soderberg Trans portation Planning Specialist Acoustics, Air Quality, and Energy Specialist Attachments: Cc: Bruce Nebbit P E Aleta Borschowa NB82-66 NB82-52 File: XL5039 -SR 169/140111 Ave SE to Cedar River Park Vicinity Paving' ATTACHMENT 1 Vicinity Map SR 169 140TH AVE SE TO BLAINE DR VIC \ ""' ..., SCALE ~ rn, GENERAL PfOTES~ 0.15'0F ROADWAY WILL BE 11111..LED AND REPAVED FROM THE BEGIN TO THE ENO OF ~OJECT ALONG THE HIGHWAY, ~~~'f.o~IO~~~ WIU BE REP~CED WITH TRAFTIK: LEGEND 600'DISTAHCE FROM WORK --EXISTING NOISE WALL ----CITY LIMtTS NEW ADA RAMP FUU DEPTH PAVEIIIIENT REPIJA -PAVING ANO STRIPING ..-.. w Wnhlngton s t.a,. DeponrMnt of T ...... ponatlon ATTACHMENT 2 Traffic Lane closures SR 169 Proposed Closures NB SR 169 One lane closed 8:00 p.m. Sunday to 5:00 a.m. Monday 8:00 p.m. Monday to 5:00 a.m. Tuesday 8:00 p.m. Tuesday to 5:00 a.m. Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Wednesday to 5:00 a.m. Thursday 8:00 p.m. Thursday to 5:00 a.m. Friday 8:00 p.m. Saturday to 9:00 a.m. Sunday SB SR 169 One lane closed 10:00 p.m. Sunday to 5:00 a.m. Monday I 0:00 p.m. Monday to 5:00 a.m. Tuesday 10:00 p.m. Tuesday to 5:00 a.m. Wednesday 10:00 p.m. Wednesday to 5:00 a.m. Thursday 10:00 p.m. Thursday to 5:00 a.m. Friday 10:00 p.m. Saturday to 9:00 a.m. Sunday ATTACHMENT 3 Operations and Equipment list Diesel Planning machines Diesel Pavement Machines Diesel Dump Trucks Diesel powered back hoes and front loaders Diesel pickup trucks Diesel painting vehicles MMA Grinders Light plants with generators Gas powered message signs and arrow signs Paving shoulders and traveled lanes Planning existing asphalt surface and hauling away Removing 2 inches of asphalt Placing new asphalt surface Placing 2 inches of asphalt Striping new surface Remove existing marking; including lanes lines, HOV lines, HOV markings, raised pavement markers Installing new pavement marking; including lane lines, HOV lines, HOV markers, raised pavement markers Types of Vehicles -Anticipated Nightime Noise Levels -Mitigation Measures Planned to Minimize Impacts Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at SO' at 100' at 300' at 300' I I -ton pickup 68 65 60 57 Supports The sounds of this equipment would be perceived trucks vanous the same as existing nighttime traffic from SR 169 construction night. Contractor shall avoid parking and idling activities vehicles next to residences. After hours noise complaint phone number will be made available. 2 Dump trucks 85 82 77 74 General Mobile operation. Construction equipment construction sounds likely will be noticeable by residents operations during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available. 3 Paving machines 74 71 66 63 Paving Mobile operation. Construction equipment operations sounds likely will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available. 4 Planning grinder 85 82 77 74 Paving Mobile operation. Construction equipment operations sounds likely will be noticeable by residents during nighttime operations but dissipated as the paving equipment moves along completing the tasks. Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at 100' at 300' at 300' 5 Air compressor 68 62 60 57 Pavement Park equipment breaking the line of sight from repair and residences or place temporary noise shields when Support feasible. An after-hours noise complaint phone number will be available. 6 Asphalt saw cut 85 79 77 74 Pavement An after hour noise complaint phone number will repair and ITS be available. loop placement 7 Portable Light 64 58 56 53 Paving Redirect temporary lights away from residences. plants and operations and Avoid parking and idling vehicles next to generators support various residences. An after-hours noise complaint construction phone number will be available. activities. 8 Compaction 77 71 69 66 Pavement An after-hours noise complaint phone number Rollers and Hand repair will be available. compactor for pavement repair 9 Flat bed/Cement 83 80 75 72 Paving Stationary operation. Construction equipment mixer trucks operation and sounds likely will not be noticeable by residents support. during nighttime operations Ambient sensitive backup alarms are required and truck tailgate banging is not allowed. An after hour noise complaint phone number will be available 10 Truck Mounted 68 62 60 57 Paving Traffic control drivers shall park at least 500' Attenuators operations, away from residences, when feasible. An after- support, and hours noise complaint phone number will be traffic con tro I. available. 11 Sweeper 69 66 61 58 Paving Mobile operation. Residents will notice while the operations. equipment is moving along the highway completing their task so the sound will dissipate as they move along from the sensitive receiver. Item Equipment Sound Sound Sound Sound Type of Mitigation measures # level level level level Construction (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) (dBA) work at 50' at 100' at 300' at 300' 12 Stripe removal 76 70 68 65 Remove Mobile operation. Residents will notice while the existing equipment is moving along the highway pavement completing their task so the sound will dissipate striping or as they move along from the sensitive receiver. pavement markers. 13 Stripe grinder 82 76 74 71 Placing of Mobile operation. Residents will notice while the MMA equipment is moving along the highway Durable and completing their task so the sound will dissipate visible as they move along from the sensitive receiver. delineation Justification for the Noise Variance Request • The Applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances. WSDOT is requesting this variance to work at night based on the fact that this portion of the SR 169 corridor carries 42,000 vehicles per day and the existing pavement has reached the end of its life cycle. SR 169 serves as a main connector for motorist uses, mass transit and freight and commercial within the Puget Sound area; so its preservation is addressed in the ongoing WSDOT highway preservation budget. Day time closures full or partial to perform this work would, have the potential to spike congestion on this North-South corridor negatively and would affect the city of Renton arterials and local streets; consequently, working at night will allow residents, businesses and drivers to be able to maintain travel time while using this corridor. The contractor on this project will be required to provide a safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services through and around the project, while minimizing negative impacts to residents, commuters, and businesses. In order to meet these requirements, it is necessary that the work for this project be done at night. Working at night is the best way to minimize negative effects as a result of construction which would only exacerbate the existing traffic conditions mentioned above. • The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health, welfare or safety, or unduly injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity of the location for which this variance is sought. Temporary nighttime construction is one of the few tools that WSDOT implies to lessen traffic congestion and disruption to highway users while improving the roadway. However, along the SR 169 pavement repair project within the city of Renton, there are noise sensitive receivers East and West of SR 169, adjacent to the Maplewood Golf Course, that might perceive some noise peaks over the existing SR 169 traffic background noise, especially if they have direct line of sight to the work zone. The noise levels coming from construction equipment will diminish with distance. A 6-dBA noise level decrease will occur with the doubling of distance from a stationary noise source. For example, a noise level of 70 dB A measured at 50 feet would be 64 dB A at I 00 feet, 58 dBA at 200 feet and 52 dB A at 400 feet. Noise also decreases if an object interferes with the receiver's line of sight to the noise source. For residents within the city limits, this attenuation depends on the relative elevation of the source and the receiver, and the height and location of the intervening object. Noise levels projected for this project have been estimated that some activities may generate peak noise levels of 64 to 85 dB A heard at 50 feet. Ambient traffic noise levels on SR 169 may reach approximately average peak levels up to 68 dBA at night at 50 feet from the travel Jane. When distance is incorporated into the assessment as well as topography and the proposed mitigation measures, we estimate that the nearest residences would still notice the nighttime work but not as severe as without all the listed mitigation. Citizens will be impacted to the minimum extent and there is no possibility that the public health or safety will be diminished. If any noise related complaints are received, the contractor along with the agency will work on alternative mitigation measures to stop the disruption. • The variance sought is the minimum variance which will accomplish the desired purpose. The requested non-consecutive days are the minimum number of nights required to complete this work and will address the nighttime work at different locations along SR 169 within the city of Renton as shown on the provided maps. • That the variance contains such conditions deemed to be necessary to limit the impact of the variance on the residence or property owners impacted by the variance. The variance approval may be subject to conditions. WSDOT implements a number of noise mitigation procedures during nighttime work, including: I. All vehicles shall be equipped with ambient sensitive backup warning devices. The Contractor may use back-up observers in lieu of back-up warning devices for all equipment except dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610 and 296- 155-615. The Contractor shall use back-up observers and back-up warning devices for dump trucks in compliance with WAC Chapter 296-155-610. 2. Truck tailgate banging is prohibited. All trucks shall be secured to prevent excessive noise from banging. 3. All trucks performing export haul shall have well maintained bed liners as inspected and approved by the Engineer. 4. A copy of noise variance shall be kept on the project site at all times. 5. Construction and stationary equipment, such as light plants, generators, compressors, and jackhammers must utilize WSDOT approved noise mitigation shields, noise blankets, skirts, or other means available as approved by the Engineer when feasible; 6. Provide a WSDOT complaint number as well as a list of designated contact persons for the purpose of forwarding complaints; 7. The Contractor notifies residents, within 500 feet of the project corridor, of nighttime work activities at least 14 calendar days in advance of the proposed nighttime construction work. Additionally, WSDOT maintains records of noise levels produced by the construction equipment and the rate at which the noise diminishes as the distance from the project area increases. • The importance of the services provided by the facility creating the noise and the other impacts caused to the public safety, health and welfare balanced against the harm to be suffered by residents or property owners receiving the increased noise permitted under this variance. SR 169 existing pavement life cycle has reached the point that shall be repaired by the next construction season and delaying the repair and resurfacing the existing pavement would create a further failing roadway structure. The resurfacing and repair of this portion of the highway would give riders, residents and users a well maintained and safe highway. Construction noise mitigation measures are able to address or minimize any inconvenience to the nearby residents so granting this variance would not cause WSDOT to adversely affect the general policy and purpose of the ordinance. • The availability of practicable alternative locations or methods for the proposed use which will generate the noise. The nature of the SR 169 as a state highway route limits alternative locations for project work. Any pavement rehabilitation work must be completed at the location of the highway. WSDOT has worked to utilize best practices for noise reduction in their methodology during nighttime work by using the above noise mitigation measures. If any noise related complaints are received, the contractor along with the agency will work on alternative mitigation measures to stop the disruption. • The extent by which the prescribed noise limitations will be exceeded by the variance and the extent and duration of the variance. Peak noise levels produced by construction equipment is expected to range from 64 to 85 decibels at a distance of 50 feet from the source of the noise. These sound levels are expected to diminish to a range from 56 to 79 decibels at a distance of 200 feet from the source of the noise. The requested variance is for a total of 31 non-consecutive nights. However, this will be a mobile construction operation, meaning that noise sources and construction equipment will be operating at different locations along the project area during the 31 working nights. This mobile operation will mean that each individual resident will only be impacted for a few nights, not all 31 working nights. • • WSDOT complaint response protocol SR 169 140th Ave SE to Blaine Dr Pavement Repair Project WSDOT provides citizens with a 24-hour noise hotline for construction noise related complaints. All complaints will be logged and responded to with by phone or email within 24 hours of when they are received by WSDOT. WSDOT will offer a graduated response for noise mitigation options to those complaining about noise from the project who meet the eligibility requirements. The eligibility verification process includes the following items: a. Residency b. Within the project limits c. Within 600' feet ofWSDOT state Right of Way. d. Noise sources are not coming from other construction projects within the project limits We will explain that noise mitigation options will be offered according to the following steps. I. Upon the first complaint, WSDOT will contact the contractor to ensure that all mitigation measures are being enforced and to attempt to reduce any unnecessarily loud work practices. 2. If complaints persist after this, WSDOT will provide industrial grade earplugs by mail or by hand-delivery. WSDOT will solicit infonnation on the effectiveness of the mitigation by email or phone call (as preferred by citizen) within two days of earplug delivery. 3. If earplugs are not effective in reducing nighttime disturbances from grinding noise, residents are eligible to borrow a white noise generator from WSDOT. White noise generators remain the property of the state of Washington. Residents must sign a receipt acknowledging full responsibility for replacing the machine in- kind if it is lost or damaged. WSDOT is responsible for collecting the white noise generator following completion of the project, or after the grinding work is no longer in the vicinity of the home. Machines are intended to be used in the bedroom to mask construction noise. Multiple machines may be available for a single household depending on the number of occupied bedrooms where sleep is disturbed by night construction noise. White noise generators can be used in combination with earplugs. If after two nights, the white noise generator is not effective at reducing sleep disturbance due to night construction noise, WSDOT will consider additional mitigation measures. 4. If the white noise generators are not effective in reducing nighttime disturbances, residents may be eligible to receive motel vouchers from WSDOT for a nearby motel if the comhination of earplugs and white noise gcnerator(s) are not effective at a particular location. Motel vouchers are in the form of a reservation confirmation number that includes the number of eligible occupants as determined by the project schedule and location. The nightly rate may not exceed the allowable state lodging rate. WSDOT will determine the duration of nights based on our construction schedule, and how much construction noise we expect at the home. Soderberg, Peter J. From: Soderberg, Peter J. Sent: To: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 2:40 PM 'Rohini Nair' Subject: RE: SR-169 Cedar River Vicinity Pavement Rehabilitation Hi Rohini, I have a slight correction to make. I was referencing a different project in my previous email. We will be working within 300 feet of Cedar River, not the Duwamish River. Our answers remain the same for this project, but I wanted to correct the name of the river in which we were working. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Peter From: Soderberg, Peter J. Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 1:14 PM To: 'Rohini Nair' <RNair@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: SR-169 Cedar River Vicinity Pavement Rehabilitation Hi Rohini, To follow up on our discussion today during the prescreen meeting regarding the environmental checklist, flood hazard data, habitat data, streams, lakes, and wetlands report, our project design office has determined that there are no: • Flood Hazards • Sensitive Habitats or Endangered Species Concerns • Lakes within 300 feet • Wetlands within 300 feet The Duwamish river is within 300 feet of our project, as we are completing bridge deck rehabilitation on the Duwamish River Bridge. However, a Haz Mat analysis has reported that there are no impacts expected on the river as a part of this project. Therefore, we believe that this and the above items should be waived from the final submittal of our variance request. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Peter Soderberg Peter Soderberg t'hone: 20ti-440-4o49 !-mail· soderpj@wsdot.wa.gov From: Rohini Nair [mailto:RNair@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 9:35 AM 1 ·o BLAINE DR VIC LEGEND ---i::.nn• nlCTA i-1t"c c:on•• ,a,nov a) --, T.23N. R.SE. W.M. ,--s - s ' s s -s -s -s 25 I __ , --_:_'°-:-::':;;:i;:::;;:;:~;:_:::_ ::: -f-1 ~:_:_:-~:_:; ~ • 16 23 -§ ----------,,>-29 ---------.--~. --, ; ~c;; -'-' ---' __ ,-,,or ~~/~ --- -~ t -b, ·':··· . co '" -· :cc-:''-: ;,;;_::;. :c. ~ • ,.; --.----3----------=~~~-~~= --------.;....,...- -=~-~ ~"§:~=~-===-~~~==· ,b,. ----- 18d ------------"" EX. DETENTION POND \ I .;- •• I -----(---:~--1--,--.. -----~-' -~~- 65 28 BEGIN F.A. NO. NHPP-0169(027) BEGIN PROJECT SR169 MP 22.868 ,_ w ' /i'"3:~~~~~~t~~~;;:;;~~l':~:~::•~:c~:::~:=:~=:~~~~::i~~~5:' i __ li[,wc,;,';/,z,_'zj!" __ .>,_ --W_)i;_a,_~W.li[,Z_"'l,1'j;-'i\r,&~l,-1i,Se--,;,3,-,.,-a-~-_____ -=---=-----,,--,-----------,-,-----N --·"""'-""7----_zz. --~$7,.;, ~ ,. ;t·5::-~,=.-,.. ....... -...,-..,:.0I!;~------ R R M ------------------------- --"=,::~.:_;,;;~;;,=~':1'.'"='=,=,;;~,;,~;,,;;~,~,a:~~~~,:::::: :: : '~---------- 64] ------------------ NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS. 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES AND MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION. 3. UNLESS OTHERVIIISE SHOWN INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOCATIONS. REFERENCE AS PART OF THE BID ITEM "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS" SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS". ~ ---: . ::_:_::::_:_::_:/' ~ _:: _: ~ ~ ~ _: ~\(\\/ :\\,:~~~~ ~~~: ~-: ~ -- I "' i 0. ,. ~ ~ ,. :E ,.___.-~-~.._.__...._.___.__ ......... __ ,__~---... , w ----------------------------------- -m,.-.-..... ,. -~-r---==--- "' .-.._.,,....._ ~ _..__ -...... --.. ~ -------- ...J ---~---"tt.~.@-~tt2lt2,?..·,.:::~:&2z.2ZL&:Uk:.:Z._:.tt""a,:.: __ __ ---S'F.-.,4£-f{f-~"£:.~..::..4:Z'=?°S~?°-~-29...~ .. 3!.W:..._2Zl'2t!.;!'h-."'"4':."".&t."'$..""b.,.'4t';W...:w!_~tt~Z7-7'-.~.&Z:; -_W.:S:&?.Zt.W-727-.~~W_, ~ n n -n--n--n--n--n--n--•--•--n ~ / i ~ -------------------------------~--------------------- >-v '--• Cl;o~~ ~~ ~ -------------------- I',. .... ---------------------------------- I I I I I II ) " , /! ~--L.1. I .I 22 27 :_-.;~;__t-..:.__-2_ ,__.., ___ s _-_ s --s -<"-s-sU:C-; -~"'?"ec-=-s~ .......;,._ ~--.-':'it, __ ':;:,;;;;;;~;;;;:;,;;:;;:;,;;;;;:;,;; :::.~:::--. -----1f-~-;.,-, ',;.:..!,,--;;t;E=~= :r-· . ··r = -.-:::-=.·-s·~-;-:::-:::-,-..::-~ 1--• --.s --_! --. --~ L --.. ----·-1. ·-.... --~=Ji-; __ :_"fiR.:6~-----~--e''-------·?i" '-----~---···--··-·······-··---f.._ __ ~ ~,, = ----~-··1, ~t. i" ------..:..:. .. ,......--~~-_-.:: __ ::.::.. .. ...=_::__::_t-· ..=.__-:.::._,,.:~..:-_-,:::..,_~-·...::-00 "' ----------,x--------"-, ' "'fill'· -- N 17 \ '..._ ___ _ n. 13 14 15 16 21b -,--,._~--::-. .,.._.,.._-:,. __ ---------23 26 ; ~~: ~~?-.-'-.~ ~:: :_:_:::: ~ ~~:::: :._:._::: :: ~ ~::::::::::: :';'';::: .-.-~~:;.::.::=;·::::; ~ ', --...... . ----:,: ~ -*-~~--x~ -x---x--x--------------· · • · · .. · .. · · ... -.......•.......• ·· . ~/ '.·, C ·.:: ;.: ;~'. ·'·"·: '.·.:·••cc.·, .·. C: .·.CC.::.: cc.·. CC · · · · ·:.: :. ; ; : : 0 -1--1-· ,, a FILE NAME c:\u&•rs\mapnusepw: wsdot\d0108010\0000 TIME 3:17:06 PM DATE 7128/2016 Dt nTTCn ey magnuaJ . --· ·---· - DESIGNED BY T. BIELENBERG LEGEND EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS -ST -- QUANTITY TABULATION NOTE WSDOT RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING GUARORAIL EXISTING INLET / INLET PROTECTION .S039_PV_WP _001.dgn -s -- J. "\i'" '-£' C, L ::::: :j z Zl EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM EXISTING ITS ELECTRICAL FULL DEPTH REPAIR PLANING BITUMINOUS COMPOST SOCK -.. 10 FED.AID PROJ,NO, NHPP-0169(027) ENTERED BY T, BIELENBERG Xl.-5039 CHECKED BJ 0. WILKINSON """"'~"" ---PRQ}!.. ENGR. B. NEBBITT REGIONAL ADM. L. ENG REVtslON DATE BY ----------------------:,:-_-_;_-_:.:.-.::!.:-_:.:"".:-_:.:"".-.~ -- 28 NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND Pl 2, FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES 3. UNLESS OTHER\!VISE SHOVVN INSTALL PAVEM REFERENCE AS PAl;tT OF THE BID ITEM "R SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS ''REFERENCING 4. SEE CURB RAMP PLANS FOR SIDEWALK ANO 0 so 100 SCALE IN FEET ~n P.E.STAIF BOX P.EIITII_. BOll I I I I I I .' • w in • 0::: • z M N • ~ I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I _I - Z6'€Z dW 3Nl1 H::> ~ <dMl33HS33S : :,I:~ . 'T : : I: I : : I o : '. 1 I 11"'1 I 'I \ : : l • • I i~ ':: : 'f \ : . I: I '. ; 'i\ ' . : '1: I ' x: \ ', ; I,\ I ' '1 \, 1 ', ',' \\ I ' ' ,, \ ' ' \', ' ', : 1', \ : '. ', ~ I !ii : '. i': I .---,, ·. · .. t'. ', I , 1" \ \ ',' ',\ I . . . . I \ \\ \\ \ ' ', ',\ ; ' \ ,, ' \ ', ' \\ I ', ',' ',\ \ ' ' ,, \ ·, ', ',\ \ \\\\\ \ ' ' ,' I I ,', ' ' ,, ', ' 1', \ \ \ \\ ' '. ,, ', ', ',·. .. ', \ '.,\ \ \, \\ ' \' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ,~ I I ' 5 z w lJ! ., ,, ~ ,s - ~ .. w b z w w .. C z w C) ;; w .J "' ~ .. ~ ~ ., " ~ ! w I I ~ .. " ~ 0: :ii ,_ z w ~ : I" " ' ' ' Cf) w 6 z 0:: ~ w 0:: "' ~ '" 0 .. ~ > 0: ; :c ~ ~ " " I ~ >< w w " t 5 z z s :, m ;!; 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE ANO PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS. 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES ANO MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION. 3, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOVVN INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOCATIONS. REFERENCE AS PART OF THE BIO ITEM "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS" SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS". 4. SEE CURB RAMP PLANS FOR SIDEWALK AND RAMP DETAILS. ca===== -1--1-- "" Cll ~~-.J,! "" ,;m, I I CAli:I I IAl:II D"R1'1CR EXISTING GUARDRAIL EXISTING INLET / INLET PROTECTION 7:-1 c", I.CIU"'II .... UI ll<il FULL DEPTH ! / 21 PLANING BlTU! COMPOST soi SEI ~ 121 -~~=~ ... "{__--.:~;;;_:;---~------,o·----.. _ ___, __ .._...:E§:___... .. _,.._., - ,...~,:,,~"-;--i-:-_s_ --::::_:::_~:_--==-=.._-=--~-----_:__-_-==---~ -~-=--- ·-~!.----~ =---:t--=--,-=----;,:o·, ::_-~t#"'·l~-==-s -. ---r=~·~--~~~--:___._...:.,:_::.,_-.:._.. ...;._.-_ ~~-~-_:;..,,J ~=i-------1----;---t-----1 -1---1--1- ~ ' } T END END F.A. NO. NHPP-0169(027) PROJECT SR169 MP 24.840 FILE NAME c:\ul:en\magnus~pw_wsdot\d0108010\0000 _XL5039_PV _WP _001.dgn TIME 3:17:18 PM DATE 712812016 PLOTTED BY magnu•J DESIGNED BY T. BIELENBERG ENTERED BY T. BIELENBERG CHECKED BY 0. WIL_tQJ,.!SOt_t PROJ, ENGR, B. NEBBITT REGIQNAL_A,DM. L ENG I REVISION DATI;_ BY -~ 10 XL-5039 CONIIU,CT NC>. FED.AID PROJ.NO. NHPP-0169(027) --- 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET ~~ f'.£.8TAAP 80X P.£.&TMIP - CROSSWALK CROSSWALK ORIGIN ANO BEARING DESIGNATION RAMP NOS. ORIENTATION ORIGIN BEARING A1p SW TO ISLAND CONTROL POINT FOR C12 N 62°08'08, 79" E A1 C1 ISLAND TO SE CONTROL POINT FOR C1 N 61G56"S8.09" W ~ A2 C1 SE TO NE CONTROL POINT FOR C1 N 28°54'28.D8" E B1 C2 C3 SW TO SE CONTROL POINT FOR C2 S 55°2''25.83"" E ~ ., C3 SE TO NE CONTROL POINT FOR C3 N 36°09'18.64" E B3 C4 NE TO NW CONTROL POINT FOR C4 S 64°56'21.22"' E .. C4 C2 NW TO SW CONTROL POINT FOR C4 S 35"53"53.49'' W D1 cg C7 SW TO SE CONTROL POINT FOR C6 S 66°42'31.82" E D2 C7 C8 SE TO NE CONTROL POINT FOR Cl N n•40"43.4T' E Dl C3 C9 NE TO NW CONTROL POINT FOR C4 N 61"24'01.21" W D4 C9 c• NW TO SW CONTROL POINT FOR C4 S 20°53'03.95"' W SEE CURB RAMP, SHEET CR1 THRU CR11, FOR NORTHING ANO EASTING OF CONTROL POINTS FOR EACH CURB RAMP SEE WORKING FILE$, W1 THRU W6, FOR CROSSWALK PAVEMENT MARKINGS TYPE SEE WORKING FILE QTABS FOR QUANTJTIES FOR CROSSWALK PAVEMENT MARKINGS TRAVERSE CONTROL POINTS NO. MP NORTHING EASTING ELEV. DESCRIPTION :t02 2U9 173652.96720 1313161,171BO 87.8000 pk nall 103 2).01 173669.84700 1313088.78500 87.8340 hub and tack 104 ,,.., 175974.19300 1309240.29400 68.4980 ,fflbed "I" on ,ldewll< 105 24.02 176395.56700 1308468.02100 66.7690 Kribed "I" on lldewalk 106 2199 176251.18900 1308584.7270 ... ,220 ICl'ibed "x"' on lkltwllk 107 23.33 174512.84890 1311616.07820 79.9950 •~rlMd "'x~ In ........ 108 23.35 174659.72170 1311557.42230 78.1630 ..:rlbtd 'Y' kl •ldawall: 110 ..... 177116.78900 1307093.18000 ., __ •crlbed "x" THE CONTROL TRAVERSES WERE RUN USING STATE PLANE COORIDINATES USING GROUND DISTANCES US SURVEY FEET. NO SCALE FACTOR WAS APPi.JED INTERMEDIATE POINTS WERE ADJUSTED TO TtE PRIMARY CONTROL POINTS. THE SURVEY CONTROL BASIS OF BEARING AND OISTANCES ARE DETERMJNED FROM THE WASHINGTON STATE PU.NE COORDINATE SYSTEM NORTH ZONE NAD 83191 {ADJ,) USING WSDOT CONTROL POINTS GP1740>66 AND GP17405-67 AND KfNG COUNTY CONTROL POfNTS KC3960 ANO KC3961 AND CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS RENT2677' AND RENT2678 --,:::::::::::::::::_<:>, ' I ' ', /\ /108\ 131ST AVE SE '-. I ' ' --/ ,,.., ' ---',, ---/ / \.' ........ .... .... ........ / / ' ' ', ~--/ ,--, ,, / ', ', /' . \ /106\ ~·~- ', ', / ', ' --- ---, ,/ I ; ',, ------, '-I I I I ,-----, I I / / \ \ I ( ,_:-,~ I ............. ', .... , I,......... .... ........ j\ ...__ . '..._, I / ............ .._ I \ ................ .,.f ;104\ -- ~ ~ MAPLEWOOD SE SEE DETAIL CRD1 INSTALLATION OF DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE AT SW CORNER OF 140 AVE SE /\ /101\ SEE DETAIL CRD1 SHOULDER IMPROVEMENT //\. 1102\ 140th AVE SE --------------33.9 FT. -------- EXISTING CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB / MATCH EXISTING JnlNT r-----11\5 FT.-------+---1 ./ CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC_, CURB AND GUTTER CROSSWALK/ A2 CENTERLINE , , , , , , , R=l2.2' 6f. ~-.5 LANDING c~ PLAN VIEW ' ' ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '-......._CROSSWALK A 1 CENTERLINE CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE GENERAi NOTE SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CRV1 FOR INFORMATION ON TRAVERSE CONTROl POINTS FILE NAME w wsdot\d0108000\0000 XL5039 FT CRPR 001.d TIIIE DATE PLOTTED BY magnusJ DESIGNED BY M.FIDGEON I ENTERED BY M.FIDGEON CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ.ENGR. B.NEBBlTT REGIONAL ADM. L.ENG I REVISION ·--10 jwAS I I IXL-5039 -~~ I DATE I BY ,, ·.s- ~ ".:l ,() " EXISITING SIDEWALK SIDEWALK VARIES SEE ·INT (TYP. PLAN VIEW 5.0% ~ 8AM SEEP 1,GRA ' CROSSWALK A1 AND A2 CONTROL TRAVERSE HOO CONTROL I NORTHING EASTING POINT TRAVER I CP 173610.8159g 1313232.M078 102 s, CURB RAMP C1 CONTROL POii TRAVERSE HOO NORTHING EASTING ELEV. CONTROL I POINT TRAVER I RP 173'12.12239 131323S.68893 87.00 102 SI 140TH SE RAMP C1 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT c X 'l EXISTING JUNCTION L .J ~ CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT ~ EXISTING SIGNAL POL ( \ EXISTING MANHOLE ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC. ~ CURB AND GUTTER ,fi,J EXISTING VALVE BOX ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK _Q_ EXISTING SIGN POST [IJ ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL • AREA CD-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUl rn REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BU, FED.AID PROJ.NO. L.OC:il.TION WO. ~R P._9TAMP ilOlC P.E.ST.\a> 8!11: "ECTABLE WARNING SURFACE _3RADE BREAK , TOP OF i4#1iii-l1t!W'•"' ROADWAY 'MENT CONG. CURB & GUTIER :PRESSED CURB SECTION) EXISITNG SIDEWA7 CROSSWALK B1 AND B4 CONTROL POINTS v., o;o . ..,, "' \ ·. CEMENT CONG. PEDESTRIAN CURB ._/: I RP TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO EASTING CONTROL BEARING TO NORTHING POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 1311532.90620 107 103.47 FEET CP 17.574.39558 N 53~ 29''55.78" W CURB RAMP C2 CONTROL POINT NORTHING EASTl<G I ELEV. 174569.19026 1311534.69345 I 78.43 GENERAi NOTE TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 107 HORz. DISTANCE TO BEARING TO TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 98.98 FEET N 55'18'20.76" W SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CRV1 FOR INFORMATION ON TRAVERSE CONTROL POINTS \\\ \{;, \ ~:( MATCH EXISTING JOINT MULTI-USE PATH \~ ED USE PATH \\/.· ~SHAR CEMENT CONG. PEDESTRIAN CURB '· ,;:\ 131ST SE RAMP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT :x: ~ CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT ~ ( \ EXISTING JUNCTION BOX EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLI! VARIES BETWEEN VARIES BETWEEN 6.0 FT TO 6.7 FT. 10.0 FT. TO 11.9 FT. _r GRADE BREAK 7.5% --1.Q.% _J_ "It L CURB RAMP Y." EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) '"' I! LANDING SECTION 0 -... i1cQJT_ EXISTING NOTES ., EXISTING GROUND ~~~~', \_ CEMENT CONG. PEDESTRIAN CURB \ \~ \;o ~-\ ,,'?. \"> \ , / _, . ,- 1. 00 NOT PLACE GRATINGS, JUNCTION BOXES.ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES "'I~, rR,.,~~!.,e:,..J~E "~~R!,..,,,RA,~,~;._~.A~: ... P~!" 0!, ,!~E.,, ~~.f!f! ~~~' ~~ ';,A,._t!~J~~; ,Mr,n I;: "' .,; SHARED USE PATH CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB MATCH EXISTING JOINT r <; 6.1..fl_ 8.4% ~ SIDEWALK . .1lL 6.1 FT. MATCH EXISTING JOINT MULTI-USE PATH / ~ ~ "" %, RAMP 6.8ff~ t:~ Tir t: 1.1% ;:!;...: RAMP ~ . LANDING SIDEWALK 6&.£1... 0.6%. 1.8% ISIDEWALKr __ ~ 2TITI ______ _ . . 6.1 FT. ---___ --·--GUTTEFISLOPEY~ll;S ______ l, ·-· -·-----·---·--R•127' -:::: _ -·--·----MATCH EXISTING . ~ ~ · --CURB AND GUTTER LEGEND ~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT :x: ~ CROSSWALK CCNTROL POINT ~ ( \ 0 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. ~ CURB AND GUTI'ER ,:fb ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK .D.. EXISTING JUNCTION BOX EXISTING SIGNAL POLE EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING VALVE BOX EXISTING SIGN POST m ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL • AREA CD-PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON EE REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON POLE FILE NAME c:\uaara\ma wadot\d0108000\0000 XLS039 FT CRPR 001.d n .RP CROSSWALK B2 CENTERLINE I I I I I l I /' J I CP J,t- ,...-"' CEME GRADE BREAK EXISTING~ SIDEWALK \ ~ -SIDEWALK \ S~ '/ l.S ..... ('',· . ..r, ~ c~ [ \ t \\ '----• \_SIDEWAI Vis" EXPANSi MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GOTTER CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER PLAN VIEW CRO __ /B1 C TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE 131ST SE RAMP C3 NOT TO SCAUE CROSSWALK B1 AND B2 CONTROL POINTS TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTAN EASTING CONTROL BEARING NORTHING POINT TRAVERSE CONTI 1311590.35196 107 33.SS FEE 174534.90018 N 49• 23'SU TIME 8:09:58 All MO~ ... FED.AID PROJ.NO. DATE 811/2016 PLCnED BY magnusj DESIGNED BY M. FIDGEON I ENTERED BY M.FIDGEON CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ.ENGR. B. NEBBITT REGIONAL ADM. L.ENG I REvtSION 10 I I I XL-5039 ~·~ I DATE I BY LOCAT10N NO, P.&.:tTAIIP 90K ~ .. --' ' P.E.ITIJF - '1' \ , , ~----SLOPE TREATMENT - (SEE STANDARD PLAN F-30, 10) \\ ,,.A:¥ ; ; "> ... ~ 'O /; ?7 Al'O )::~ DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE BREAK '~/ ... /~?S' \ ~ CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK '-1. A) -' \ "'VGRADE Y.X'..-<.>-BREAK \_-t}-~. '\' /~ I I RP 4.0 FT. n.lLEI r-GRADE BREAK 1.0% / 7.5% ,v/,, I LANDING_/ CURB RAMP SECTION 0 TYPE PERPENDICULAR CROSSWALK B3 AND B4 CONTROL POINTS TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO EASTING CONTROL BEARING TO NORTHING POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 1]11582.135]3 "' 30.17 FEET CP 17.6'2-'07'8 S 54" 59'04.15'" E CURB RAMP C4 CONTROL POINT TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO NORTHtlG EASTING ELEV. CONTROL BEARING TO POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 26.78 FEET 174643.70697 1311578.88062 78.48 '" S 53°15'55.28~ E GENERAi NOTE SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CRV1 FOR INFORMATION ON TRAVERSE CONTROL POIMTS 131ST SE RAMP C4 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ' ', ....."'."',... /.,/ / , ... ~ .. I / ~' <e> CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT :x: EXISTING JUNCTION BOX ~ EXISTING SIGNAL POLE NOTES A \-GRADE BREAK ;-TOP OF ROADWAY \ CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTIER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP ''TYPE PERPENDICULAR B" PAY LIMIT ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PERPENDICULAR A PAY LIMIT \ ~ ( \ EXISTING MANHOLE 1. DO NOT PLACE GRATINGS, JUNCTION BOXES, ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES r7""7"1 RHIOVINr. CF'IIF'NT CnNr.: ., 1~. fR ... ~~!~,4;F ... ~E A~:JR! ... ~.~.:r.'!f;./'!f:.~, p~r v 0! .. x~e "'~~.~ ~~r. ~ ~ .. tt~m~ .. lf'T'""' MATCH EXISTING JOINT MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER 30.2 FT EXISTING '\_,\.~ L~ ~~· f"~ -17.7 lfT. 6.9 Ff ,,-,,..,7.4' ~ . f~T .RAl.,p ~t LANDING ;~ 8~ R-45.9-1 6:9 FT ~' g5~~NlN50~fi~FFIC_/~3Q2 FT.~ GENERAi NOTE I <@> SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT. SHEET CRV1 FOR INFORMATION ON TRAVERSE CONTROL POINTS PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE FILE NAIE c:\users\ma nus wsdot\d0108000\0000 XLS039 FT CRPR 001.d n TIME 8:10:11 AM DATE 811/2016 PLOTTED BY magnu!.[ DESIGNED BY M.FIDGEON I ENTERED BY M.FIDGEON CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ.!NGR. B. NEBBITT REGIONAL ADM. !,.ENG I REVISION I I DATE CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB ?. "' ~ MATCH EXISTING JOINT MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER NORTHING I RP 176023.95178 EXISTING SIDEWALK EASTING 1309178.80848 MAPLEWOOD AVE SIDEWALK VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW 5.0% MAX. TRAVERSE ELEV. CONTROL POINT '"'' 104 SE RAMP r H• TRAVI ' c~ NOT TO SCALE -~ "' 10 I I XL-5039 _., I BY LEGEND ~ CURB R4MP CONTROL POINT :x: ~ CROSSWALK CONTRCL POINT ~ ( \ E:Z} REMOVING CEMENT CONC. ~ CURB AND GUTIER <:th ~ REMOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK Sl [I] ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL -AREA co-rn REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK ® FED.AID PROJ.NO. LoeATION MO. ~~ P,E,8TAMP IIOt EXISTING JUNCTION B1 EXISTING SIGNAL PQi EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING VALVE BOX EX,STING SIGN POST PEDESTRIAN PUSH BU1 PEDESTRIAN PUSH au, --, P.&.STAIIP 8011. / / / //. ,·, / / // ., •,j> ~ q, -<> J CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB EXISTING SIDEWALK RAMP VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW ;-GRADE BREAK • 7.5% MAX. t 1t: -1 ''L ~ 2.0 FT. ~ "' w 1i: ~ LANDING SECTION 0 SEE PLAN VIEW 1.5% MAX. -DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -GRADE BREAK -TOP OF • ROADWAY ~ CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) RAMP VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW GRADE BREAK-1 \\\ 7.5% l,IA)(. ~ MENT CONC. DESTRIAN CURB CURB RAMP CURB RAMP EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING ,f SIDEWALK .. ~ /\~\~. 0\.9 ' /~ I . i, ....... Ii '~ / I ....... i I I"._ ... (/ I '\ LANDING Y," EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) RP CROSSWALK C1 AND C4 CONTROL POINTS ! TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO ' NORTHING EASTING CONTROL BEARING TO POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL PotNT I CP 1176302.65146 1)08(74.08511 106 122.02 FEET N 65' 03'20,23" W CURB RAMP C6 CONTROL POINT NORTHING EASTING I ELEV. 1762'7.61258 1301W7U11MS I 66.2] TRAVERSE Cotm!OL POINT 106 HORZ. DISTANCE TO BEARING TO TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 119.69 FEET N 67.10'39.34" W 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE RAMP C6 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT :x: EXISTING JUNCTION BOX '.& ~ CROSSWAU< CONTROL PO .. T EXISTING SIGNAL POLE ( \ EXISTING MANHOLE SECTION 0 ISOMETRIC VIEW NOTES 1. DO N:OT PLACE GRATINGS, JUNCTION BOXES, ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES IN FRONT_ OF THE_ CURB RAMP, OR .ANY. PART OF _THE CURB RAMP OR LANDING., ___ _ ' "' (:. '<,! <o -~ --~:-,> MATCH EXISTING - JOINT \ EXISTING SIDEWALK MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ,\ CEMENT CONC. TRAF;I~ CURB AND GUTTER R~ CROSSWALK~ C2 CENTERLINE 35.5 FT EXISTING PEDESTRIAN CURB r---19:j~x_; 6.8 FT. 0.3% ijlNDING ~- S.1% 9t / ~ y,-·y" I -' - SIDEWALK VARIES E PLAN VIEW EXISTING SIDEWALK ;- '3. ~ EXISTING JOINT RP EXISTING SIDEWALK 5.0% MAX. - CURB RAMI NORTHING I EASTING I ELEI 176280.38412 I t30852SMI03 I 66.: GENERAi NDIF SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET TRAVERSE COttTROL POINTS . MATCH EXISTING ~ / CURB AND GUTTER ; ',,,/,.j1 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE AVE SE 1 PLAN VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE I //', NOT TO SCALE ~ I LEGEND CROSSWALK ~ C1 CENTERLINE ~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT I' '1 EXISTING JUNCTION LX_j :c~ ~ E:ZLI ~ [IJ EE CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT REMOVING CEMENT CONC. CURB AND GUTTER REMOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL a AREA REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK '.2¢ EXISTING SIGNAL ( \ EXISTING MANHOLE ~ iJ/y EXISTING VALVE D_ EXISTING SIGN POS CD-PEDESTRIAN PUSH ® PEDESTRIAN PUSH FILE NAME wadot\d0108000\0000 L5039 FT CRPR 001 n TIME DATE PLOTTED BY ma9nusJ DESIGNED BY M.FIDGEON ENTERED BY M.FIDGEON I I CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ.ENGR. B.NEBBITT REGIONAL ADM. L.J;!!G I REVISION I ... ~ -10 I IX:;;!3! DATE I BY FED.AID PROJ.NO. LOCATllDN MO. l'.E.STAIIP 80JC ~~ --, P.LSTAIIP IIQll (~ ,// I ,,,,..,, ' .~ DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE CURB -- CROSSWALK C2 CENTERLINE / / / ~ / . ,,. .,, '=' / / / / /· ,,.--,,· / //. ,/~~:,·' / / • ~ ':I _.,, .-- / .,..::_,/ EXISTING SIDEWALK CEMENT CONC. , PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ RAMP VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW / GRADE BREAK ', ' 7.5% MAX. 6.5 FT. 2.0 FT. ; GRADE BREAK _l ,t 1.0% ~ _/' TOP OF ROADWAY fil ii: ;:; LANDING SECTION 0 SEE PLAN VIEW \ ·._ CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTIER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) RAMP VARIE SEE PLAN VIEW 1.5% MAX. 1 GRADE BREAK 7.5% MAX. GRADE BREAK\ \ ~MATCH EXISTING JOINT g // EXISTING SIDEWALK MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTIER I CP CURB RAMP %" EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) CROSSWALK C2 AND Cl CONTROL POINTS TRAVERSE HORZ. DlSTANCE TO EASTING CONTROL BEARING TO NORTHING POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 1308566.85519 105 118.SS FEET 176344.19102 S w• 19'G2.4T' E CEMENT CONG. TRAFFIC CURB AND G UTTER CURB RAMP ca CONTROL POINT TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO NORTHING EASTING ELEV. CONTROL BEARING TO POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT I 116.23 FEET RP 176347.84407 1306566.00)19 65.29 105 S 65°45'30.D4" E 7TH AVE SE/MONROE AVE SE AVE SE RAMP ca NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ~ CURB RAIIP CONTROL POINT :x: EXISTING JUNCTION BOX :x: EXISTING SIGNAL POLE CROSSWALK CONTROL P~T NOTES CURB RAMP LANDING SECTION 0 · "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT EXISTING SIDEWALK ISOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT ~ ( \ r7""7"'"1 s;n:.unvu.rr.. ri.ui.NT rnwr EXISTING MANHOLE 1.DO NOT PLACE GRATINGS.JUNCTION BOXES.ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES IN FRONT OF THE CURB RAMP, OR ANY PART OF THE CURB RAMP OR LA_ND_ING. --. -.. . -.' ~ MATCH EXISTING 32.3 FT EXISITNG ",,,·· . -: ..... ' ~ '1 '-" CEMENT CONC. PEDESTRIAN CURB ~ MATCH EXISTING I EXISTING SIDEWALK SIDEWALK VARIES ~ PLAN VIEW 5.0% MAX. - CROSSWALK C3 AND C4 / EXISTING SIDEWALK \ JOINT 1\~ FT~ / JOINT NORTHING EASTWG TRAYE CONTROi POINT 'x"' L ~ MATCH _________/ EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER RP H ~ 1.4% LANDll,lll.. ' I , CROSSWALK ___________ , C4 CENTERLINE PLAN VIEW .8%_ ' ' GENERAi NOTE TYPE PARALLEL A NOT TO SCALE SEE CURB RAMP LAYOUT, SHEET CRV1 FOR INFORMATION ON TRAVERSE CONTROL POINTS FILE NAME c:\Users\ma nus Mdot\d010BOOO\OOCHI XL5039 FT CRPR D01.d1 TIME 8:10:36 AM DATE 81112016 PLOTTED BY magnut1j DESIGNED BY M, FIDGEON ENTERED BY M. FIDGEON I CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ, ENGR. B. NESBITT REGIONAL ADM. L.ENG I REVISION ' '\ f'f.~ '- ' '·, ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ·, ' ' t~ CROSSWALK\ C3 CENTERLINE ,,_ ~ 10 I I XL-5039 -~ I DATE I BY CP 176378.90707 130850118056 105 CURB EXISTING SIDEWALK NORTHING EASTING I ELEY. RP 11mall8SO I 1301499.03173 I 65.55 105 MATCH EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER SE 7TH ST/MONROE AVE SE AVE NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ~ CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT ,,, ~_j EXISTING JUN ~ CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT ~ EXISTING SIGNI ( ' EXISTING MANI 0 REMOVING CEMENT CONC. ~ CURB AND GUTTER @ EXISTING VAL' m REMOVING CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK .D.. EXISTING SIGN [I] ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL HAUL • AREA 0-PEDESTRIAN P EE REMOVING ASPHALT CONC. SIDEWALK ® PEDESTRIAN P' FED.AID PROJ.NO. --- ~n P.t,t,TA,t,11' .l!Q! P.l.91'A,W'IIOII ~/~"' ~ _·cs, ONC. . "' ·" ,, ,//" /, ,, / ,· > . .,. ;). ,::;_ ,<) c/ / ~ ) EXISTING SIDEWALK N CURB .~ MATCH EXISTING . JOINT SIDEWALK VARIES SEE PLAN VIEW 5.0% MAX. ~~~:ri1i~Ng-URB j RAMP VARIES EE PLAN VIEW 1 GRADE BREAK / 7.5% MAX. CURB RAMP I~ ~1~ :~n -MAX. r~ [fl I LANDING SECTION 0 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE -GRADE BREAK ~TOP OF ROADWAY ·._ CEMENT CONC. CURB & GUTTER (DEPRESSED CURB SECTION) SEE GRADE BREAK - 1 GRADE BREAK ~% MAX. / \J.~B\~8 7.5% MA)(. CURB RAMP EXISTING SIDEWALK ' '~>/\ SIDEWALK Y." EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) / .' / / //;~; /~ / .... ,.. . .,, MATCH EXISTING -·---<:URB AND GUTTER I RP -------------s- NORTHING 176954.11771 CURB RAMP C10 CONTROL POINT TRAVERSE HORZ. DISTANCE TO EASTING ELEV. CONTROL BEARING TO POINT TRAVERSE CONTROL POINT 517.30 FEET 1307584.24189 6~56 110 S 71G40'18.51" E 5TH AVE SE RAMP C10 NOT TO SCALE LEGEND CURB RAMP CONTROL POINT I'" X '1 EXISTING JUNCTION BOX L .J ~ CROSSWALK CONTROL POINT ~ EXISTING SIGNAL POLE ( ' EXISTING MANHOLE SECTION 0 "CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A" PAY LIMIT ~SOMETRIC VIEW TYPE PARALLEL A PAY LIMIT NOTES 1. 00 NOT PLACE GRATINGS, JUNCTION BOXES, ACCESS COVERS OR OTHER APPURTANCES IN FRONT OF THE CURB RAMP. OR ANY PART OF THE CURB RAMP OR LANDING. ,TION. E 1 ~ 0 -1--1-- Cll T.23N. R.SE. W.M. LEGEND EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS -sr -- QUANTITY TABULATION NOTE WSDOT RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING GUARDRAIL EXISTING INLET J INLET PROTECTION -s -- ']i z n .x. Zl EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER . EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM EXISTING ITS ELECTRICAL FULL DEPTH REPAIR PLANING BITUMINOUS COMPOST SOCK ?t ~ 24 -~ ~ ~ -----__. SEE NOTE 1 _ ~-.---,;;;_..~-~ ~. -~'~"'---"-,~~, ~ ---< --t_.__ --~"---· CC' .. .\..C:-.C---:: ;c ; _ ;-~~~t:;~~=\~ii;Y~~~:~::;:.;~~~;~~~:~--~ ,·) T -----r--=r--~~1--t--1---l -1---1----t---t,,.>-\ • ~ ? C ' 2526 :Z 21 22 • ~ ! § 2 fr--- NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS. [] .,,,. . ., ... PROTECT "'<"<" 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES AND MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION "'+~ --1:;° "'«> '1;;,,. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN INSTAU PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOCATIONS REFERENCE AS PART OF THE BID ITEM "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS" SEE SPl:CIAL PROVISIONS "REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS". 4. SEE CURB RAMP PLANS FOR SIDEWALK AND RAMP DETAILS. FILE NAME _c_:\~ers\magnusl\pw wsdot\d0108010\0000_XL5039 _ PV _ WP _001.dgn Tl"" 3:17:12 PM DATE 7128/2016 PLOTTED BY magnua. 1-:-e1ELENBERG DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY T. BIELENBERG CHECKED BY D. WILKINSON PROJ.ENGR. B. NEBBITT REGIONAL ADM. L ENG I Rla\'ISIQ>I / ,, r------ l 0 -1--1-- " ., CB ·-~- 10 ---- --r-- ' ' _l -- ,,,. :: :.- 41 ---z.=· ' 401142 LEGEND EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS -ST -- QUANTITY TABULATION NOTE WSDOT RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING GUARDRAIL EXISTING INLET I INLET PROTECTION FED.AID PROJ.NO. NHPP-0169(027) • s -- q., z " .', ZI ~~-LOCATION NO. -<--;:::--·-- :-·---: _-.: :.-.: ;. : . ------------ /~ ~ I 0, SEE NOTE 451 : &,~ i7, '(" . il: "-' . ;"'<~~ lop. '\] EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM EXISTING ITS ELECTRICAL FULL DEPTH REPAIR PLANING BfTUMNOUS COMPOST SOCK ~ra --, DATE BY P.E.tfll.JIIP 80JC P.i.Sl.lillll' IIDX T.23N. R.SE. W.M. V V V ~ __ ....o._ i @ r "' ~ ,;: ~~~----,,..,--= --~--~-~-=i=°~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f~_; '" "' ~ !I! 1-.....e,--...~~ ......... , ~"'S,,_._~.......-....1 -~a"'._;tt.~tt_~'2::"- --ST --s7 - "-~W'!:'2£~4' .... '".&.'"b-"tZ>-~~~'Z:7-.W .... 2ot.:~.?£z;::--~~~-.zt.~v..a.-m:z-w.:--~.i2:l.'"b".:~-.z,_:w_-;,£"W:.z,,~-~-~-~w .... ,z:,_p..z:r_.:m:,W-:a::c'.l>:.-.r-..e:-.a>:.w-_a, .... -.2"_'".:w..~-J w--w--w--w--w--w--b--•--•--•--•--•--w -sr--ST--ST--sr--ST 7 4 '-y v -------------------------------------- 27 29 22 ~~=s""'5:::) ~~~= ____ J; ___ "':s--s --if -s --s --s----s --1~ ~=--~ -_:-g-.:. ..:~;._ C ---,,---~ -------,---------------------------------------. JI .... --..~,---.-_,._.__,_...._..._...._..,""'..._..._...__.. ... ..._.. L .-----...--=------.___,.-,_..,.-. ._ ... ._.,. __ . ._.,.._,.,..~--.-.,.._..,_~_,..._....,~ ..,_..,__,_....,,._..I --__ _J_-_.::..::__ ------------------T --NB- . ..c.c.:'.'::-= f ·::::/.·: -:c:,:__:._",:..::_f "-"-·""-:C:~J,_::..!" • -~.:::.::..-:_::. _:: -_-:_~-~=~=-:., ', ______ 21 __ $ _______________ -----------------------------------------------,______________ -- ----------------------------------------------------,_-_--_---,----------------... --... ------------------------------------------------------, -7- 28 30 NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS. Iii 'l! "' !/l I= ill "' ! "' "- " w z :, :z: i --:, :z: ----I (.) i EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTTOM 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES AND MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY TABULATION. REPAIR NOTES 3. UNLESS OTHERv\lJSE SHOWN INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE.EXITING LOCATIONS. • !/ j-1, ·-xr~t --------~ -\ 1 ~ -- l: i ST --sr+1sr--~',,- ~ (~, l i >-II ~\ "' . 3SJ ® ~ _9 __ --0--~--~ -,.._, _,._.._ i'i i[~:;-~~~~ ST--ST- 0~ -1--1-- a LEGEND EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS -sr -- QUANTITY TABULATION NOTE -s -- WSDOT RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING BARRIER EXISTING GUARDRAIL EXISTING INLET / INLET PROTECTION if, z ~x: Zl " ~ I 9 I I 10 I 118d "'-------------~-~---~ I~,-------------------------- ! /-'\. EX. DETENTION POND .. 62 63 65 ST S I • '"=--.,.,,..,.j=~~1"'srce-~.,.~=y-~"""r= ~,-, r--1-------. --·-·-. -· -:c:.:.. ~-.,_. ~ -~ --""= ~ -~---I~~::~~r-.':-:_:-:_-, ~ _,,: 0-, ~-~~~=~~"""~=,.~~ ;;, .. .. ''---~~,;;;~f,:...-,;__:c __ :;,:...:..."CC EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING DITCH BOTIOM EXISTING rrs ELECTRICAL FULL DEPTH REPAIR PLANING BITUMINOUS COMPOST SOCK ~\".'\·. \ -CHffe. -_ -\~ "-;=::. ~i~~~-~ ~-:-_ ~-¥.$'ii_<§c-5:,..,at.;;;,'1,a'iilo2;:-,;~,._""''"-\<~:;,'\>---_.. ----_-_-_------------. ---------------- -,~""'-"'-:r:====::r. -------------------------""'===""'===:r:=:r:==r.=:r:=.,,= ... ="'===' 64 NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE ANO PROTECT ALL EXISTING SURVEY MONUM 2. FOR PAVEMENT MARKING TYPE, QUANTITIES ANO MP LOCATIONS SEE QUANTITY T, 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PRE-EXITING LOCAU REFERENCE AS PART OF THE BIO ITEM ~REFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MAR SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS ffREFERENCING EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS". 4. SEE CURB RAMP PLANS FOR SIDEWALK ANO RAMP DETAILS. 0 SO 100 SCALE IN FEET FILE NAME c:\users\magnusJ\pw_wsdot\d01D8010\0000_XLS039_PV_WP _001.dgn TIME DATE PLOTTED BY DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ.ENGR. REGIONAL ADM. 3:17:00 PII 712812016 magnual T. BIELENBERG T, BIELENBERG D. WILKINSON B.NEBBITT L. ENG I REVISION DATE BY -~- 10 XL-5039 -~~ FED.AID PROJ.NO. NHPP-0169(027) --~ P.E.IT....,. BO'- ~ff P.E.nA•BOll RECEIPT EG00058304 BILLING CONTACT Peter Soderberg WSDOT REFERENCE NUMBER FEE NAME LUA 16-000616 PLAN -variance Technology Fee Printed On: August 16, 2016 Prepared By: Rohlnl Nair --------Renton 0 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 TRANSACTION TYPE Fee Payment Fee Payment Transaction Date: August 16, 2016 PAYMENT METHOD Credit Card Credit Card SUBTOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT PAID $1,200.00 $36.00 $1,236.00 $1,236.00 Page 1 of 1