HomeMy WebLinkAboutREPORT 01CITY OF RENTOI". - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM Date: April 14, 2017 To: City Clerk's Office From: Jenny Cisneros Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please comDlete the followina information to facilitate orolect doseout and indexina bv the Citv Clerk's Office. Project Name: Copperwood Plat Roof Pitch and Garage Residential LUA (file) Number: LUA-16-000445, MOD Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Angelea Welhs . Acceptance Date: January 23, 2017 Applicant: TATYANA SIROTINSKY Owner: Quarant Homes Contact: TATYANA SIROTINSKY PID#: 1750400010, 1750400340, 1750400170, 1750400360, 1750400140, 1750400290, 1750400210, 1750400370, 1750400200, 1750400380, 1750400270, 1750400260, 1750400280, 1750400120, 1750400220, 1750400230, 1750400080, 1750400390, 1750400060, 1750400070, 1750400330, 1750400150, 1750400410, 1750400470, 1750400160, 1750400040, 1750400300, 1750400310, 1750400110, 1750400030, 1750400450, 1750400100, 1750400190, 1750400420, 1750400350, 1750400180, 1750400430, 1750400460, 1750400050, 1750400440, 1750400240, 1750400130, 1750400020, 1523059100, 1750400400, 1523059066, 1750400250, 1750400090, 1750400320, 1523059170, 1523059201, 1523059221, 1523059043, 1523059067, 1523059093 ERC Determination: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Administrative Decision: Approved with Conditions Date: January 23, 2017 Anneal Period Ends: Februarv 6. 2017 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Anneal Period Ends: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Project Description: Quadrant Homes is requesting a Modification of Residential Design Requirements for all lots within Copperwood Plat. The modification request Is for both the roof pitch design standard and the garage design standard. Quadrant Homes is requesting a roof pitch modification for plan types H32A-A, H241-A & B, H270-A & B, H270-3 car, H302-A, H330-A & B, H340-A & B, Monarch 10-B, and Monarch 11-A. Quadrant Homes is requesting a garage modification for olan tvne H270-3 Car Elevation B (for lots 13 and 161. Location: 4905 SE 2•d Pl Comments: ERC petermlnatjon Types: DNS -Detennination of Non-Significance; DNS-M -Determination of Non-Slanlflcance-Mltlaated: DS -Determination of Slanlflcance. ~.?.I"~~J·'~"; ...... .,. ·~ .. q ·"_·-,:/c~'t ~fr::.:~~~· 1r:r~~~"7" it:.;, :: " , ~\~9#/1K 1,l~~ If ~i·ft~t,,·, h ,:: .. ,,~,, -,, , ' ·, '.~f.t/ !Y ~~, ... .;.;,{ ',' f 1 J,t ;lbS, ·.;· ~ ' ... ,. .. , ... -. ,,,,_,_. .. ,·,},._, "!_--,~1,e"f"·(lw······l:,Jhfo,i·•A.:.,·IHJ/l'"S'-.,.-.µt~'""" I~:·. Jf f :/~iJf: ·•;,: ,~,·~,. < •• ~:_~~:;,j··~_ .. _,··: '~ .i;.,~·~,,. ... )'"'~~~1 ' • v"*r~f .!,,J-'11'· ··> -.. d-! ·.,. \: ;:-,:> ' ".'. t •. i·· · t( · ,Jr,•,;.. .. '.);'-· ·~ 1, ,, •;-.,'\ t.;:,.. ., ~,£.}\,,I_,~&:, -f::«,,'ii); ~· .. ~>t:, <,,1r·' ' '';~r:,.~;~, ! i,f~f"',;, r#:.H.·• h,,.~ ...... i· .,. ~-\~r:-.._,,,-~ ,,, ',, 'x,: "J. ,;.,,,•,f,,._"-",',i,?,j •;;;• ',; 1!1~.i'Ji~J •l '' ,,·;r '"""'~' ~Ji:.,t.'i f '.;. \icrr i;:ft ,'i ,.,,, .,_-h, ~·' ~~i .~ .. ;,q~ .... \~.~~-,·~·k,·~, , ~'ji!ic(!'!t:-~t ; ... "n,t;V''?< !\,..' .. -.:: ·, ;: •. _ r,, ~ '•',,,, "'4,s\,~n!-a-~ ;,,·-., < ';,/1""'"~ ' ,t' "V'-~' '""'ff r/:~; :•1-~,' -{ "\:;;::t,1-• ~\'~~ 'c: ,~:~ > ~;~,~~~:'.1'f~',~I ~-u~:-,;:~:· .. ~,;:_.:,~ .. \··<', ·? .. :+~ty Iii!" ··• f,k;fi:i•!,, · tti;·.f \~~fi::_.:_}.}~:f:~tSf!l , t ~ , ..... ~, 1!.)i~~>~, f ·:: ~-.=j:·.:\t~_.~: :;'.'·! w·:.·._;f·~. '.~~t { ~-1 i~~;;;~ij'.~, ~t,iJ' ·tr · '::: /'f;Ji~'': . : i/ ~~·," ::.,,_;, ",~ . ~f),,~. . ....... ·1 ,xl,,;:~g'iii ·.. ;:: . , • ,.,.,.,., ··~,: ~rrc ~::}r rtf //ii( ,, ~;ttf t1 .. ib·. ;··.·;'i~tjJ~i(· t: __ ;!,t, .•. ·t;·'·:·~ .•. :_;_:1, .•. ! •. _:_:_11_1£,.'.,ttf It i,:·,-, . ,;:: }.<i}?.:· ft.~· . . . .. • .. n, . ~-,-~ .• :.\.:_'.-~_:-·.·:·.A.·_._:_·:·,·_ •• !_'._·.i __ ~,• .. ·_·.i_.~.:-·;_;_ •. t.·;,;_-_ .. i_;. .. ~-. ~/iit)-~if ; J~;'~}f ~ > , ' '.;. \/.:}t~tl·-:·j; ~ •. :.·_.,_._.j'.·,,_._ 1 .' .. ?.· .. ·.·.·.i .•.. ' .. •,: .. ~.}.-. . .. i :.: . ~-~tf ~-} . (.-.. ~t) .;·:.·~:J::,' /' . l·· ;· ·:. :·•. DEPARTMENT OF c ____ MUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton® For City Use Only Project Number: LUA16-00Q445 DECISION: Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies the criteria listed in RMC 4-2-115A2 for approval of residential design modifications. Therefore, the Copperwood Plat Roof Pitch and Garage Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single-family residential structures, Project Number LUAlG-000445, MOD is approved. C8J Modification Granted D Modification Partially Granted D Modification Denied (See attached staff comments) June 28, 2016 Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Date Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: Not Applicable f~CUR,~CE DATE / -z-• 0/G? R~01,,<;ut -tD o.dd NAME INITIAL/DATE Jennifer T. Henning Jli1 (__orJd; t--10 /7 . , Vanessa Dolbee 1/Y J ""IZ-7 t /(,, Sabrina Mirante Jennifer Cisneros Angelea Weihs Alv e,/z-~~(.,, The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on July 12, 2016. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'" Floor, (425) 430-6510. This decision expressly approves the specific request(s} ta: reduce the roof pitches to 4:12 and 5:12 pitches an all proposed homes within Copperwaad Plat, and reduce the roof extension aver the garage to less than the full length af the garage an the prapased homes an lots 13 and 16 (Plan Type H270-3 Car Elevation BJ of Capperwood Plat. Other design elements or representations, provided within the submitted application materials, are excluded from this approval and would be subject ta the Renton Municipal Cade in effect at the time of building permit application. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angelea Weihs, at 425.430.7312 or aweihs@rentonwa.gov. I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --------Renton e MODIFICATION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE R-4, R-6, R-8, R-10, AND R-14 ZONES APPLICATION FORM & DECISION Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION .. )::,,111jb1 , '>)]?)f".h"''"" Applicant Name: Company (if applicable): Phone Number: Email: TATYANA SIROTINSKY QUADRANT HOMES 425-646-8309 Applicant Mailing Address: City: State/ Zip: 14725 SE 36TH STREET BELLEVUE WA98006 PROJECT INFORMATION •••• .. Project Name: Copperwood Plat Roof Pitch and Parcel Number: Zoning Designation: Garage Residential Design Modification All lots in plat. See attached R-8 Exhibits for parcels. Project Location: All lots in plat. See attached Exhibits for addresses. Summary of Request: Quadrant Homes requests a Modification of Residential Design Requirements for all lots within Copperwood Plat. The modification request is for the roof pitch design standard, garage design standard, and window/door coverage design standard. Quadrant Homes is requesting a roof pitch modification for plan types H32A-A, H241-A & B, H270-A & B, H270-3 Car, H302-A, H330-A & B, H340-A & B, Monarch 10-B, and Monarch 11-A. Quadrant Homes requests a garage modification for plan type H270-3 Car Elevation B (for lots 13 and 16). Quadrant homes requests a modification from the window coverage standard for lots 1, 27, 28, 45, 19, and 36. Please explain how your project proposat meets: the uguidelines" for each design element; rather than the standards. , ':;" .. Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Roofs" Compliance with Guidelines: Guidelines: Quadrant Homes is proposing to use a roof pitch lower Roofs shall represent a variety of forms and profiles than 6:12 (required by vested code) for plan types that add character and relief to the landscape of the H32A-A, H241-A & B, H270-A & B, H270-3 Car, H302-A, neighborhood. The use of bright colors, as well as H330-A & B, H340-A & B, Monarch 10-B, and Monarch roofing that is made of material like gravel and/or a 11-A. The proposed 4:12 and 5:12 pitches provides reflective material, is discouraged. more congruent massing, scale and proportion for the Modern/Contemporary style of these elevations. Quadrant Homes feels that the proposed roof pitches meet the intent of the guidelines ("Roofs shall represent a variety of forms and profiles that add character ... ") and contribute diversity to the community. Prairie style architecture accentuates low slung forms and strong horizontal lines that pre-dates the west coast craftsman. Code Section: 4-2-115E.1. "Garages" Guidelines: The visual impact of garages shall be minimized, while porches and front doors shall be the emphasis of the front of the home. Garages shall be located in a manner that minimizes the presence of the garage and shall not be located at the end of view corridors. Alley access is encouraged. If used, shared garages shall be within an acceptable walking distance to the housing unit it is intended to serve Code Section: 4-2-115E.3. "Windows and Doors" Guidelines: Windows and front doors shall serve as an integral part of the character of the home. Primary windows shall be proportioned vertically rather than horizontally. Vertical windows may be combined together to create a larger window area. Front doors shall be a focal point of the dwelling and be in scale with the home. All doors shall be of the same character as the home. Compliance with Guidelines: Quadrant Homes is requesting a modification from the garage design standard which requires that the "roof extends at least five feet (5') (not including eaves) beyond the front of the garage for at least the width of the garage plus the porch/stoop area." For the proposed plan type H270-3 Car Elevation B (Lots 13 and 16 only), the roof extends only over the two car portion of the garage, rather than the entire length of the garage. The five foot (5') roof overhang that extends over 16' overhead door and front porch effectively deemphasizes the garage form by integrating it into the overall front massing. Breaking the roof at the third car door avoids a continuous horizontal fa~ade that would be detrimental to the overall composition of the home. Painting the garage doors the same color as the primary house will further deemphasize the garage form and meet the intent of the code. Compliance with Guidelines: Quadrant Homes is requesting a modification from the window and door coverage standard which requires a minimum of 25% window/door coverage for. all facades facing a public street. Quadrant homes proposes a window/door coverage of approximately 13-18% on the side yard along a street facades of lots 1, 27, 28, 45, 19, and 36. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that these lots include both belly bands and a minimum of two siding materials on the side yard along a street facades. In addition to.this.form, the followlng·ati:aciimi!iltsare required: • Site plan and elevation.s (8;Sx11 • • Built example photos (lfavailabl Criteria for Modification of the Residential Design Standards Renton Municipal Code, section 4-2-115, lists elements that are required to be included in all residential development in the zones stated in subsection B of this Section. Each element includes both standards and guidelines. Standards are provided for predictability. These standards specify a prescriptive manner in which the requirement can be met. Guidelines for each element are provided for flexibility. These guidelines provide direction for those who seek to meet the required element in a manner that is different from the standards. a. The determination as to the satisfaction of the requirement through the use of the guidelines is to be made by the Community and Economic Development Administrator when no other permit or approval requires Hearing Examiner review. b. When it has been determined that the proposed manner of meeting the design requirement through guidelines is sufficient, the applicant shall have satisfied that design requirement. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ---------Renton® For City Use Only . Project Number: LUA16-0445 DECISION: Staff agrees with the applicant's justification for Modification of Residential Design Requirements. The proposal satisfies the criteria listed in RMC 4-2-115A2 for approval of residential design modifications. Therefore, the Copperwood Plat Roof Pitch and Garage Residential Design Modification of the residential design requirements for the proposed single-family residential structures, Project Number LUA16-000445, MOD is approved with conditions. ~ Modification Granted 0 Modification Partially Granted 0 Modification Denied (See attached staff comments) ~-{~ ffe(MM,~.-- b January 23. 2017 Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Date Department of Community & Economic Development Conditions of Approval: 1. Plan type H270-3 Car Elevation B shall incorporate the stone siding on the center column between the garaged doors. 2. Corner lots 1, 27, 28, 45, 19, and 36 shall include both belly bands and a minimum of two siding materials on the side-yard-along-a-street facades. The decision to approve the modification(s) will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on February 6, 2017. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall -7'" Floor, (425) 430-6510. This decision expressly approves the specific request(s) to: reduce the roof pitches to 4:12 and 5:12 pitches on all proposed homes within Copperwood Plat, reduce the roof extension over the garage to less than the full length of the garage an the proposed homes on lats 13 and 16 (Plan Type H270-3 Car Elevation BJ, and reduce window/door coverage to 13-18% on the side-yard-along-a-street facades of lots 1, 27, 28, 45, 19, and 36 within Copperwood Plat. Other design elements or representations, provided within the submitted application materials, are excluded from this approval and would be subject to the Renton Municipal Code in effect at the time of building permit application. If you have any further questions regarding this decision, feel free to contact the project manager, Angelea Weihs, at 425.430.7312 or aweihs@rentonwa.gov. COPPERWOOD LOTS 37, 45: Plan H32A Elevation A \D~-e~-...~\ L-<:>~S "'""·"""' CIJIIIOS.1'1', l:Nl'/1.SIONI RE'£lj, W/1.""" IIE'EII. """...,. Lot 37: 326 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400370 FRONT ELEVATION ScK 1'A-' • f-.o" Le>t 45: 250 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400450 ---lll'J.. _ __J,l'J,; __ IIF_. ___ IFJ._ ---~.II ,..._ --___ OF __ ~ ::c t-1 03 !:t .... COPPERWOOD / Sl!1.1~6Pb{>8tl(·ltSE136:Jlb5+} Ir' ( ( w:: 5"' CITY OF RENTON ------- COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 5, 15, 24, 25, 26, 31, 44: Plan H241 Elevation A 11)-\"V\~-l~\ Lc::,J.:~ - -- • ~ """""""' ~ .,.111..a_ -- FIIRl " " --··--ii ---- ---I ... ao'ffll1 ,......, --·-• " -" " -----·--~ ....,_ ll'f.l'\.Q. " --·-·----·----" . ~ ..... II I I /, II /, /, II /, ~! 'I I I ,. " " -----" --" ---· I A?.'\. 'V'~ -----r-,-.... ~ -" -~= =--ea ~ .. ' " -~" " I " -I I-]0 I .... I-I--I -I-~D I -.... -.... -I --I -.... 0 ---I I -'"" I I I -I I ::,!,. ----- -" " -~ ,.... ,.,-l'l?T .. GM" ~ +r ~--" -" . " It 'f .. --I I I -I I I " ... --r I I I ~ :::c .... ii,, ~ N Lot 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400020 Lot 5: 277 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400050 Lot 25: 264 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400250 FRONT ELEV A TION Lot 26: 258 Field PL SE parcel# 1750400260 1r;a1ai.•.7"' Lot 15: 5009 SE 3rd PL, parcel# 1750400150 Lot 24: 270 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400240 Lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel # 1750400310 Lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400440 COPPERWOOD / SI! 21~6 Pb{Alb\ SE 13£rTl-}S-T) U- . '. < s ~ CITY OF RENTON ' Ll'-:_.J. SE3RD PL --~------ COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 10, 24, 25, 26, 31, 41, 44: Plan H241 Elevation B f"D1.ent1,o.\ L;c-t-S """"''·--------:::;,-C------ IPT..l'l,.VI_ ·~-- *3Nt"Al,.llp ... ·--p--··--- lt'tn.g_ .n 1H .n Ill ,# JI[ 1!.. ____ _ JI[ Lot 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400100 Lot 24: 270 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400240 Lot 25: 264 Field Pl SE, parcel# 1750400250 .n FRONT ELEVA llON .... .,, ..... -, .... ,= :!"alt-.. -~ .... I --...... Lot 26: 258 Field PLSE parcel# 1750400260 ~ ::c .... Ull I-! lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400310 lot 41: 302 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400410 lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400440 COPPERWOOD CITY OF RENTON ----- w "' w > u< ~ ~ (!) ttr 1 , ==--='J 1 COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 3, 10, 24-26, 31, 44: Plan H270 Elevation A fl~t2rvF, o,.\ Lc><.-~ """·-~ :11111Wf111• II II ES""BOmlll BB -·- ·-~1• h " ... ~!!,.../, II /, 'llf:b=1 -a, I MD-PONT MID-PC ............. ----· PMlliD P#fl. ' SIOIE ---------W=I:-' 111 ...... !llt::1_11 -lO 1 , , 'I ----· Lot 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 25: 264 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400250 Lot 3: 265 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400030 FRONT ELEVATION s-1/i'-1'-i' Lot 26: 258 Field PL SE parcel# 1750400260 m >< :c 1-1 g, .. - .s::i,. Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400100 Lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400310 Lot 24: 270 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400240 Lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400440 COPPERWOOD S! ll<IE> Pb(Alb1, SE 13tlli,$ll CITY OF RENTON ------.. -- w "' w ~ l i:2 Wl" I c., .. ·I -......JI -, ---.-vnn .-_, - -------~ I COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 10, 24-26, 31, 40, 44: Plan H270 Elevation B -t""o-\-,en+, ~ \ Lo+s -\\Nlilll 11111 'CP. lillD MID aamlil &ll 11"1!~"'"' II 11 I I =:=:=:L ------i j 'I ,,, Vi«V~l'lf'. ILJI _I Jj 11 Lot 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400100 Lot 24: 270 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400240 Lot 25: 264 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400250 11 "' I I I I 11 "' I= j j~ j j ~ j [ FRONT ELEV A TION .. v,•11 Nr MID-POINT t.e-P<IINT ,,.....,.or Z" f',',lf Mtli[ D. IIIGOWtll """ Sllll0 ;r~na m m;ia ·m11111 ,.J;!l,IW ~ ::c 1-1 g:i 1-1 -I u, Lot 26: 258 Field PL SE parcel# 1750400260 Lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400310 Lot 40: 308 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400400 Lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400440 COPPERWOOD S~ ~MB Fb(J\IE:J\ SE 136ll t!T) CITY OF RENTON _..., -- COPPERWOOD LOTSB, 16: Plan H270 Elevation B-3Car R~ri+, "' t-.~-t5 ... ,,..,..._:r...1= II rn I II I '1m-- .,,. &11:1)~ 'TIP. ,. JI[ Ill Ill FRONT ELEVATION Lot 13: 4913 SE 3rd PL, parcel# 1750400130 Lot 16: 5015 SE 3rd PL, parcel # 1750400130 -V.f'·Twr ~ --~ ::c .... "' ~ 0\ .,.,w: ,fle,f. ...... ~ ·-~ ~ z- j~ 11.. J 1-----------a: I : 0 't g .. 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I e' I I 11'01'1!:'IENEl!R ,-b -gi ,-~ e= I ' 1 ----I Ill I I ' Fi'/,£'\. r,,,r,,r,, ~~ ,-'\I",'\ ~ ,...,_ ' ,,, J' ... , ' -' .. ,, -~ -- FRONT ELEVATION 'A' MODERN PRAIRIE T /4" a 1'-a· ~ :c .... m ~ "J LIST OF LOTS. PARCELS. AND ADDRESSES THAT MAY HAVE THE H302 PLAN ELEVATION A: Lot 1: 253 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400010 LOT 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400100 Lot 14: 5003 SE 3rd PL, parcel# 1750400140 Lot 23: 276 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400230 Lot 24: 270 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400240 Lot 25: 264 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400250 Lot 26: 258 Field PL SE parcel# 1750400260 Lot 27: 252 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400270 Lot 28: 251 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400280 Lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400310 Lot 43: 270 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400430 Lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400440 COPPERWOOD CITY OF RENTON / S~214BFb{ldE':A5El36lltH) P-~------'---'.:"""-..L __ _ ' u_ ~--- SE 3RD PL ........... I II :1 /I I \ w V, w ~ ~ I <( "" 0 ti1.. 1 ' ••• =e; 1 . n::c:c:mc COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 10, 24, 25, 26, 31, 44: Plan H330 Elevation A 1eten\'-.._1C\.\ U::st S. "'"'· """"""" ........ """'"""' ~ fCil9. wa a IOffCtl --· LOT 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400100 Lot 24: 270 Field PLSE, parcel# 1750400240 Lot 25: 264 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400250 ------- FRONT ELEVATION -~" --·'"'··...,, ---•-" ____ _J,f P.,\ttltP ,..... fflftl'""' 'i;rafTAI. rill)Nl:I ~----J __ .1£l.M ___ _tfll<I NKIID Ma TlltfQ:11 ___ l ~ :c ... g =I 00 Lot 26: 258 Field PL SE parcel# 1750400260 Lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400310 Lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 17S0400440 COPPERWOOD CITY OF RENTON --- / !k ~14B Pb(Al~A SE 13~ll ptT) II -. ........ -'""·"' I II :1 /\ I \ w "' w ~ :e <( :i: ~ <-' ~ 1 • w~J I ,. -------.=I-_/ -I COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 4, 9, 10, 24, 25, 26, 31, 44: H330 Elevation B P\:);,e rrt-1 q,\ '-~-ts I== ~· ) rrrm e ne DEF& ~mtQEE! 1!1'1.412l5------t--... II I Ill II --- .......... ..,... .. _ ' .2 ! jJ """"" ~-~ II' '1 1 p E 'I' p I ~ ::k."""""' I 11 "'""™' 11 I I 11 I LOT 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 FRONT ELEVA llON ~-· _.,,....r ... • Lot 4: 271 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400040 Lot 24: 270 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400240 Lot 9: 323 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400090 Lot 25: 264 Field PL SE, parcel # 1750400250 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400100 _____ J:I!' ------ ---~~ !:! :c 1-1 1:1:11 ~ '° Lot 26: 258 Field PL SE parcel# 1750400260 Lot 31: 269 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400310 Lot 44: 266 Graham Ave SE, parcel# 1750400440 COPPERWOOD CITY OF RENTON --g,,,J, . 2 l ·. ----' I [;I 13 / 3~ 214B Pb(Al(A SE lUl'l-f,.:I) I• "------.L----:--,--L-- .........-....- I \/ :1 I\ I \ COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 10: Plan H340 Elevation A 'rt>t-llrrt-'c C\.{ ,L(::.\-.S - ~~ :;::>,,............. 111111,tNA&, lat,lll ........ _.,. ....... :=JI A II 7/ IQ .g..g -----------JL'T"-U•---------------------II , '1-H 1--,r ; .. I!!! FRONT ELEV A TION ... Vff•NI" Lot 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400100 - J!]J! ---- I I I J:-=i---F-4- ..tt.t.l: ----- 11 I 'I--I I II I 11--1 I ~ .. .... -~ ::c .... m ~ .... Q COPPERWOOD CITY OF RENTON ---~-----ceSL COPPERWOOD LOTS 2, 10: Plan H340 Elevation B yt:i T" i 41,n C\ l t-J:/t:'S, .. a "'"''""""--+--- ,~ IIPltl-4'-"""" .__ ~--.-.aonc:tf -- ---,iSii.coiliiia.-- ~ DD DO DD 1r-S Lot 2: 259 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400020 Lot 10: 329 Field PL SE, parcel# 1750400100 FRONT ELEVATION iiiii.ii•. ,,., ... _,,,. 2• f'MT!lllila!!! -~ I 1--_Jf. ___ _..If. 111--1 H I 11--1 I Q>.llll)OII, -"'"'""""' 111 "'"""''"" --.II:. Ill ~ !i I -• 1ft' 4'40.§ m >< :c .... m ~ i,.a. i,.a. COPPERWOOD } Pb(Alb'c SE 13£TI bi+} II , ( ......... CITY OF RENTON --- EXHIBIT 12 I I I I ' ' I I 1111 I I ' ' COPPERWOOD ')s SI! 21.ai, Fb(J6clEA SE 1 a&rH,i+) CITY OF RENTON - -----.. -- • I ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 ' ' 11 II " T I .... ~11--~ ~ ---r--~ I I-1--I-1--1-----...-~1-1--~ ---1--- ~I--1--L---- -- ltJI 111 -- Ulll --~ ~H ........ -- -------"""=~U------r--.--- ----- II~ 1111\!WI I \ I 111111 ~ !!:!!!!:!:!!: I I I I II I I I ,: I I e I I fi I I I I I ~ I I I : EXHIBIT 13 z~ o, ~j [i ..J w !z 0 a: lL COPPERWOOD SI! 2146 Pb(/d(A SE 1361'1-l,,i-T] CITY OF RENTON ......... ---- EXHIBIT 14 COPPERWOOD LOT: 1, 19, 28 -H302-Eelvation B ADRESS: 253 & 322 Field PL SE, 251 Graham Ave SE MODIFICATION REQUEST: Glazing less than 25% on corner side elevation Fll'.)QF: )HAKE): CHPRCCAL GRAYSW7045 P4 11 & 11 11 . ,.:, = -{J --·-- -- IIIIW•-1111 ..... _.. "' ... -------.. t,., .... ·- ---·-----...... •• ---::r - -· REAR ELEVATION 'B' • -· RIGHT ELEVATION 'B' 1/4':. '-:: ----•• d ' -... _. t I -s • LEFT ELEVATION 'B' 1{+ -''·cc' COPPERWOOD LOT: 27 and 36 -H302-Elevation D ADRESS: 252 Field PL SE, MODIFICATION REQUEST: Glazing less than 25% on corner side elevation --- -I ~ 11 '0,~ 11 ¥1§ 11 --I 11 11 SECONDARY (GARAGE& SHAKE): IARY (LAP): GAUNllET GRAY SW7019 ' ETAIL S'N 7013 ONT ELEVATION 'D' COP ~/4'•1-0' .... ': -- LEFT ELEV ATJON 'D' ,[/ / " L ' ' REAR ELEVATION "D' .~ ,. ' ' I • ' RIGHT ELEVATION 'D' ---- -t----=· -=~--""'-~ "T.:: ·-.,.._ __ f---t::: J l ' :,,.~ I ..... COPPERWOOD LOT: 37, 45 -H32A Elevation A ADRESS: 252 and 326 Graham Ave SE MODIFICATION REQUEST: Glazing less than 25% on corner side elevation only -------' -----------'· :!L~.J.::! ____ _ MODERN FRONT ELEVATION flclllll, VII• 1'4' --------~ ......,_. At= SI '" IIE ~ -WT_?, ~ ------"-""- ~ -gJ D '§ f--f----,,_ ~ --- ~ ---f--f--------.. REAR ELEVATION ...i.W'-ICi' LEFT ELEVATION RIQHT B..EVATION GARAGE REAR ELEV GARAGE FRONT ELEV