HomeMy WebLinkAboutActive Construction, Inc. A C j ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC P.O. BOX 430 • PUYALLUP,WA 98371 SEALED BID - DO NOT OPEN SOUTH 7TH STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS BID DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2024 @ 2:00 PM CITY O RENTON )I,S d-r •1 CITY OF RENTON OCT 0 2 2024 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY Oen RENTON, WA 98057 1.1ECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AC-TI-VC-I-164JL A C I ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC P.O.BOX 430 • PUYALLUP,WA 98371 CITY OF RENTON DBE SUPPLEMENTAL DOCS OCT 04 2024 SEALED BID DOCUMENTS RECEIVED SOUTH 7TH STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS CITY CLERK'S OFFICE l I1: f, l r I 6 o/14 /20M BID DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2024 @ 2:00 AM "1 1 CITY OF RENTON �. A 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON,WA 98057 AC-TI-VC-I-1 64JL Arrt\i : tee 1 W oobte / Fog- 8/0 OP6Iu/lu6--@ /%/- 2t 1 Project No.:CAG-24-109 Contract Provisions Contract No: Award Amount: Award Date: Award To: SOUTH 7TH STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS Federal Aid #CRPUL-CM 1292(003) TIB#P-P-i 02(P03)-1 City Project #CAG-24-109 Generat Bid Information: Builders Exchange of Washington,Inc. (425)258-1303 City Contact:Keith Woolley,(425)430-7318 ConsuLtant Contact:Brett Schock,(425)896-5229 Ap,pfà1edforBid / -‘I City of Renton Approved for Construction City of Renton lranspo )iOU Public \‘rks I)epartrncnt Irilnspnrtation Systems Divisn 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,Washington 98057 —. ___ j VoLume I of 2 FOR CIVIL Date Prepared by:FOR LANDS(AP&U6/.’124 Date Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scsi S 7TH STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS ADDENDUM NO.I Federal Aid Number:CRPUL-CM 1292(003) TIB Number:P-P-102(P03)-i City Project Number:CAG-24-109 DATE OF ADDENDUM ISSUE:September 11.2024 BID DUE DATE:October 2,2024 (CHANGED FROM DATE IN CALL FOR BIDS) DATE OF BID OPENING:October 4,2024 (CHANGED FROM DATE IN CALL FOR BIDS) NOTE TO ALL PLANHOLDERS: This Addendum No.1,containing the following revisions,additions,deletions,and/or clarifications,is hereby made a part of the Plans and Contract Provisions (Contract Documents)for the above-named project.Bidders shall take this Addendum into consideration when preparing and submitting their bids. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Addendum No.1 in the space provided on the Proposal Signature Page or by signing in the space provided below and submitting the signed addendum with the bid package.Failure to provide this written acknowledge may result in disqualification of the Bidder’s submittal. CALL FOR BIDS 1.Bid Due Date and Bid Opening Date: •Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 n.m.,Wednesday,October 2.2024,at the lobby Renton City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057.All supplemental documents, that are allowed to be submitted after this date and time,shall be received at the lobby of Renton City Hall.Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read at 2:00 p.m.,Friday,October 4,2024.Any bids received after the published bid submittal time cannot be considered and will not be accepted. BID PROPOSAL 2.No changes as this time. SPECIAL PROVISIONS S 7th Street Corridor Improvements Addendum No.1 Page 1 of 2 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scale CITY OF RENTON South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Oakesdale Avenue to Burnett Avenue FederalAid #CRPUL-CM 1292(003) Project No.CAG-24-109 INVITATION TO BID2’c Sealed Bids will be received by the Cityf_Renton,at the City Clerks Office,located on the 7th floor of Renton City Hall until 2:00 PM on the t8tfrof eptember 2024.Bid packages will be opened and publicly read at 2:00PM on the 20th of September,2024 in the Conferencing Center,room #726,located on the 7th floor of Renton City Hall.Renton City Hall is located at 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA,98057. Approved Plans,Specifications,Addenda,and Plan Holders List for this project are available on-line through Builders Exchange of Washington,Inc.,at http://www.bxwa.com.Click on bxwa.com;Posted Projects;Public Works;City of Renton;Projects Bidding.(Note:Bidders are encouraged to Register as a Bidder,in order to receive automatic email notification of future Addenda and to be placed on the Bidders List),contact Builders Exchange of Washington at 425-258-1303 should you requite further assistance. All Bid Proposals shall be accompanied by a Bid Proposal deposit (certified check or Surety bond)in an amount equal to five percent (5%)of the amount of such Bid Proposal.Should the successful Bidder fail to enter into such Contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the Specifications,the Bid Proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Renton. The City of Renton in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,78 Stat.252, 42 U.S.C.2000d to 2000d4 and Title 49,Code of Federal Regulations,Department of Transportation,subtitle A,Office of the Secretary,Part 21,nondiscrimination in Federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act,hereby notifies all Bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any Contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race,color,national origin,or sex in consideration for an Award. The improvement for which Bids will be received is described below: Construct the South 7th Street Corridor Improvements project.The work includes but is not limited to:signing and striping of bicycle facilities,construction of a new sidewalk and paths in unimproved right of way ,reconstruction of curbing,gutters and paving at intersections,modification of traffic signal systems,adjustment of damaged utility lids in the roadway,aesthetic landscaping and irrigation,adjustment of stormwater management systpms,temporary traffic control,property protection and restoration and all other Work necessary to complete the Work as specified and shown in the Contract Provisions. Jason A.Seth,City Clerk Published:Daily Journal of Commerce:August 28,2024,September 11,2024 Renton Reporter:August 28,2024,September 11,2024 Contract Documents Page 3 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal City of Renton Contract Provisions for South 7th Street Corridor Improvements II.INSTRUCTIONS AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS Contract Documents Page 4 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal INSTRUCTIONS AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS The following supplements the information in the Call for Bids: 1.Special Project Information.The Contract Documents,including Standard Specifications,and all applicable laws and regulations apply to this project.The following items particular to this project are repeated here for emphasis: a.Wages.This project includes federal funding.The State Prevailing Wages and Federal Wage Rates in effect at time of Advertisement are provided in Appendix A.It is the Bidder’s responsibility to obtain wage information for any work classifications that are not included. b.Traffic Control and Hours of Work.This project is on an arterial roadway in the City.Traffic control and the safety of the traveling public will be paramount.The Contractor will be required to keep lanes open to traffic during the day per the construction channelization plans,except when approved by the City during intersection closures.Night work may be required to meet the construction schedule;at night,additional lane closures will be permitted. 2.Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, shall request the explanation or interpretation in writing by the close of business five (5) business days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their Bids.Oral explanations,interpretations,or instructions given by anyone before the Award of Contract will not be binding on the City of Renton. 3.If a bidder has any questions regarding the project,the bidder may either: a.Submit questions in writing to Renton City Hall —Transportation Systems,1055 S Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057,Attn:Keith Waolley,or b.Submit questions via e-mail to:kwooIIeyrentonwa.gov.The subject line should include “South 7th Street Corridor Improvements”. c.No other type of inquiry will be accepted. 4.All bids must be self-explanatory.Partial bids will not be accepted.No opportunity will be offered for oral explanation except as the City may request further information on particular points.The bidder shall,upon request,furnish information to the City of Renton as to their financial and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work. 5.The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest responsible,responsive bidder.The total bid amount of all schedules combined will be used to determine the low bidder. 6.The City of Renton reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any and/or all informalities. 7.Payment for this work will be made in cash warrants. Contract Documents Page 5 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal 8.Bidders are not required to be in possession of a current City of Renton business license in order to bid on City projects.However,Contractors and all subcontractors of all tiers must be in possession of a current City business license while conducting work in the City. 9.Bidding Checklist Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name and address of the Bidder,and the name and number of the project for which the bid is submitted.It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed below and in the Table of Contents are included in their copy of the Contract Provisions. If documents are missing,it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the missing documents prior to the date and time bids are due. The following documents shall be submitted with the bid. Project Proposal Cover Sheet —The form included in these Bid Documents must be used;no substitute will be accepted. Proposal —The form included in these Bid Documents must be used;no substitute will be accepted. Schedule of Prices —The form(s)included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted.Bidders must bid on all schedules and items shown on the Schedule of Prices.If any unit price is left blank,it will be considered no charge for that bid item,regardless of what has been placed in the extension column. Local Agency Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts. Non-Collusion Declaration —The form included in these Bid Documents must be used;no substitute will be accepted.-Local Agency Subcontractor List —This form is available at https://wsdot.wa .gov/forms/pdf Forms.html.Bidder may download,print and complete the form to include with Bid.The DOT form,DOT Form Number and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents,otherwise the Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials into the Project -The form included in these Bid Documents must be used;no substitute will be accepted. Contractor Certification,Wage Law Compliance —Responsibility Criteria, Washington State Public Works Contracts —This form is available at https://wsdot.wa .gov/forms/pdf Forms.html.Bidder may download,complete, print,and sign the form to include with Bid.The DOT form,DOT Form Number and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise the Bid will be considered irregular and non-responsive and the Bid will be rejected. ,-DBE Utilization Form —This form is available at https://wsdot.wa .gov/forms/pdf Forms.html.The form included in these Bid Documents must be used;no substitute will be accepted. Contract Documents Page 6 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see Www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal DEE Written Confirmation Form —This form is available at hftps://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html.The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted. DBE Trucking Credit Form —This form is available at hftpsi/wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html.The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted. DBE Bid Item Breakdown Form —This form is available at hftps://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html.The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted. Proposal Signature Page -The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted.Evidence of signatory’s authority to sign the Proposal on behalf of the business entity shall be submitted with the Bid.Otherwise,the submitted Bid will be considered irregular and non- responsive and the Bid will be rejected..Proposal Bid Bond —The form included in these Bid Documents must be used: no substitute will be accepted.If an attorney-in-fact signs bond,the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable,be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions,and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures,and notaries. 10.Contract Checklist The following forms are to be executed by the successful Bidder after the Contract is awarded. D Agreement —The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted.Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder. D Contract Bond —The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted.Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder and its surety company.This bond covers successful completion of all work and payment of all laborers,subcontractors,suppliers,etc.If an attorney-in- fact signs bond,the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable,be properly executed by the Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions,and include all necessary corporate seals,signatures,and notaries. D Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance -The form included in these Bid Documents must be used:no substitute will be accepted. D Certificates of Insurance —To be executed by an insurance company acceptable to the Owner,onACORD Forms.Required coverages are listed in Section 1- 07.18 of the Special Provisions.The City of Renton shall be named as “Additional Insureds”on the insurance policies as well as the entities listed in Section 1-07.18(2)of the Special Provisions. Contract Documents Page 7 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 .pu Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal CIW OF RENTON SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. It is the policy of the City of Renton to promote and provide equal treatment and service to all citizens and to ensure equal employment opportunity to all persons without regard to their race;religion/creed;national origin;ancestry,sex;age over 40;sexual orientation or gender identity;pregnancy;HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C status,use of a guide dog/service animal;marital status;parental/family status;military status;or veteran’s status,or the presence of a physical,sensory,or mental disability,when the City of Renton can reasonably accommodate the disability,of employees and applicants for employment and fair,non-discriminatory treatment to all citizens.All departments of the City of Renton shall adhere to the following guidelines: (1)EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES -The City of Renton will enstire all employment related activities included recruitment,selection,promotion,demotion, training,retention and separation are conducted in a manner which is based on job-related criteria which does not di5criminate against women, minorities and other protected classes.Human resources decisions will be in accordance with individual performance,stalling requirements, governing civil service rules,and labor contract agreements. (2)COOPERATION WITH HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS The City of Renton will cooperate fully with all organizations and commissions organized to promote fair practices and equal opportunity in employment. (3)CONTRACTORS OBLIGATIONS -Contrictors,subcontractors,consultants and suppliers conducting business with the City of Renton shall affirm and subscribe to the Fair Practices and Non-discrimination policies set forth by the law and by City policy Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees,shall appear in all operational documentation of the City,including bid calls,and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate city facilities. CONCURRED IN by the City Council of the City of Renton,Washington,this 7th day of March ,2011. CIW(bF,RENTON .RENTON CITY COUNCIL 7 _______ Denis Law,Mayor ‘unciI Prsident Attest:..•.-.,. U Cjv../ / Bonnie 1 Walton City Clerk (si. .‘r- Contract Documents Page 8 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scsi crr OF RENTON SUMMARY OFAMERICANS WrJZflJTSABHJZ7FSACTPOUCY ADOPTED BYRJSOLCTTIONNO.QQZ The policy of the City of Kenton is to promote and afford equal treatmcnr and service to all citizens and to assure employment opportunity to persons with disabilities,when the City of Kenton can reasobly accommodate the disability.This policy shall be based on the prmciples of equal employment opportunity,thc Americans With Disabilities Act and other applicable guittpli,r1 as set forth in federal,state and local laws.All departments of the City of Kenton shall adhere to (he following guidelines: (1)EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES -All activities relating to employment such as recruitment,selection,promotion,termination and training shall be conducted in a non discriminatory manner.Personnel decisions will be based on individual pcrfounance, stang requirements,and in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and other applicable laws and regulations. (2)COOPERATION WfllI WJMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS -The City of Kenton wil]cooperate fully with all orgamzafloas and commissions organized to promote ir pruodces and equal opportunity for pers with disabilities in employment and receipt of City services,activities and programs. (3)AMERICANS WITh DtSABUXI1ES ACT POLICY -The City of Renton Americans With Disabilities Act Policy will be m2rntined to fucilitate equitable representation within the City wodc force and to assure equal employment opportunity and equal access to City services,activiucs and programs to all people with thsabthties.It shall be the responsibility and the duty of all City ocials and employces to carry out the policies and guidelines as set forth in this policy (4)CONTRACTORS’OBLIGATION -Contractors,subcontractors,consultants and suppliers conducting business with the City of Kenton shall abide by the reqitirnnents of the Americans With Disabilities Act and promote access to services,activities and programe for people with disabilities. Copies of this policy shall be distributed to all City employees,shall appeer in all operational documentation of the City, including bid calls,and shall be prominently displayed in appropriate City cilities. CONCURRED INby the City Council of the City of Remon,Washington, thIs 4th day of 1993. C RENTON KENTON CHY COUNCIL:rr _______ Mayor cil President \AUeS ,) City Clerk V(] Contract Documents Page 9 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal City of Renton Contract Provisions for South 7th Street Corridor Improvements NI.PROJECT PROPOSAL Contract Documents Page 10 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROJECT PROPOSAL Project:South 7th Street Corridor Improvements FederaL Aid No:CRPUL-CM 1292(003) City Contract Number:CAG-24-1 09 Company:%t2flVe 7?2c4C77t,,l .ThJL Address:S7 ID jt V72 iI2 . 17cv?A,t%J.W/q3 Phone Number:Z’9%%Yg tcA 1 Fax Number:3./t% TotaL Bid Amount:$ii (TotaL of Bid Schedutes A +B +C) Contract Documents (Addendum No.3)-Page 11 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements October 2024 Frovided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com —Always Verify Scale PROPOSAL South 7th Street Corridor Improvements TO THE CITY OF RENTON RENTON,WASHINGTON Ladies and/or Gentlemen: The undersigned (Bidder)hereby certify that the Bidder has examined the location and construction detaits of the proposed work and has read and thoroughly understands the Contract Documents governing the work,and the nature of the work,and the method by which payment will be made for said work.Bidder hereby proposes to undertake and complete the work detailed in and in accordance with these Contract Documents,for the TotaL Bid Amount shown on the attached Schedule of prices. The Bidder understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approximate only and are subject to increase or decrease,and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased in accordance with the Contract Documents. As evidence of good faith,pursuant to RCW 35.23.352(1),an original Bid ProposaL Deposit in the form of (check one) jzf bid bond,or D cashier’s check (made payable to the City of Renton),or D postal money order (made payabLe to the City of Renton),in an amount equal to five percent (5%)of the Total Bid Price,is attached hereto. If a bid bond is signed by an attorney-in-fact,Bidder agrees that the power of attorney authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable,be property executed by the Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by-laws or other applicable rules and resolutions,and include all necessary corporate seals,signatures,and notaries. Bidder understands that Contract Award or Bid rejection wilt occur within 60_calendardays after the opening of bids,as specified in Section 1-03.2 of the Standard Specifications. Bidder further understands that should Bidder fail to enter into this contract in accordance with his or her Bid and furnish a contract bond within a period of tn_(1)_days from the date at which he or she is notified that he or sheis the successful bidder,the Bid ProposaL Deposit shall be foileited to the City of Renton,as set forth in RCW 35A.40.200 and RCW 35.23.352. Bidder hereby agrees to complete the Physical Work in all respects within 40w_oricingdays. Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed date. Contract Documents Page 12 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwacom -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE A -South 7th Street,Shattuck to Burnett) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions,and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item,the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. Item Spec.- .Description Quantity Unit Unit Prlce*AmountNo.Section Al.1-05 Roadway Surveying 1 LS sjg,1)O0 D A2 1-05 ADA Features Surveying 1 LS S ‘lk?J oc’S A3 1-05 Record Drawings 1 LS S /57w oo $/SV Do A4 1-0715 SPCC Plan 1 LS S ye S A5 1-09 Mobilization 1 LS Sf50 t,4D S A6.1-10 Work Zone Safety Contingency 1 FA S25000 S25,000 A7 1-10 Pedestrian Traffic Control 1 LS S/oc’S /0,o0 A8 1-10 Flaggers 720 HR S qoo S A9 1-10 Other Traffic Control Labor 240 HR S 77.o t.,L/’ô. AlO 1-10 Construction Signs Class A 681 SF S De All.1-10 Other Temporary Traffic Control Devices 1 LS S 3Doô.oc’ Al 2 2-01 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $%o 00 S 01 A13 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 1 LS S/3,/3•s•S)?,163 .S A14 2-O2SP Sawcuffing 10260 IN-FT S (1)0 /p ZbOP A15.2-O3SP Pothole existing utilities 2 EA S /%1)DO S DO A16.2-03 Roadway Excavation md.Haul 50 CY S c’Z’O Oc’ Al7.2-03 Common Borrow md.Haul 133 CY S /2/ A18 4-04 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 470 TON s o S A19 5-O4SP HMA CL 1/2’,PG 64-22 310 TON S DO 9, A20 7-O4SP Ductile Iron Pipe.12 In.Diam 90 LF S 00 S /,,/0.O A2l 7-04 Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 12 In Diam 10 LF S 00 S 2lfi/o.00 Contract Documents (Addendum No.2)Page 13 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements September 2024 t2i2#2- Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE A -South 7th Street,Shaftuck to Burnett) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions,and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item,the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. kern Spec....-.- .Description Quantity Unit Unit Price AmountNo.Section A22 7-05 Catch Basin Type 1 7 EA S I’oo.00 A23 7-O5SP Open Grate Locking Lid 1 EA S 00 S j A24 7-O5SP Solid Locking Lid I EA S (OS)o S 00 A25 7-O5SP 24 In Locking Lid Non-Slip Manhole Cover 1 EA S 00 S A26 7-O5SP Adjust Manhole (Slip-Resistant Lid)13 EA S oo S 1,ôô 0 A27 7-O5SP Adjust Manhole (Slip-Resistant Lid Only)5 EA S -7-00 A28 7-05 Adjust Manhole 4 00 L bOO.0° A29 7-055P Adjust Water Valve 4 77o.O 00 A30 7-O5SP Adjust Utility Lid 6 EA S 01)S 1Y7o 0 A31 8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Prevention 1 LS S(o ooo.00 5 /c o o. A32 8-01 Inlet Protection 22 EA S 00 5 A33 8-02 Seeded Lawn Installation 425 SY S 00 S 09 A34 8-O2SP WoodChipMulch(3Depth)140 CY S 00 S 00 A35 8-O2SP Topsoil,Type A (8’Depth)393 CY S °S7qq Do A36 8-O2SP CoarseCompost(2.5”Depth)215 CY S Oo A37.8-02 Plant Selection,Deciduous Tree (2”Cal.)17 EA S Cf7i PD S A38,8-02 Plant Selection,Shrub (#2 Cont.)532 EA S pa /iiz.° A39 8-02 Plant Selection,Shrub (#5 Cont.)24 EA S Lf7 00 S A40 8-02 Plant Selection.Groundcover (#1 Cant.)3912 EA S f 5V cz, A41 8-O2SP Root Barrier (24’Depth)226 LF S /0 S 00 A42 8-O3SP Automatic Irrigation System.Complete 1 [S 00 5 ‘7,,i-j&.00 Contract Documents (Addendum No.2)Page 14 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements September 2024 2— Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see wwbxwacom -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE A -South 7th Street,Shattuck to Burnett) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions:and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item.the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. Item Spec...-- .Description Quantity Unit Unit Price AmountNo.Section A43 8-04 Cement Conc.Traffic Curb and Gutter 931 LF S $3t1 ioz.p0 A44 8-04 Cement Conc,Traffic Curb 57 LF S oO $ A45 8-04 Cement Conc.Pedestrian Curb 81 LF $0 S 2-tot A46 8-O6SP Cement Conc Driveway Entrance 160 SY S Do S A47 8-06 Cement Conc Driveway Entrance Type 3 50 SY $lIl o 00 A48.8-09 Raised Pavement Marker Type 1 10 HUND S DO S Zcjoo A49 8-09 RaisedPavementMarkerType2 5 HUND $100000 SSTh,QO A50 8-1OSP Traffic Separator.White 17 EA S 37 00 S 1Z’IO. A51 8-1OSP Traffic Separator,White 11 EA S 00 $qO7O.00 A52 8-12SP Black PoIinyi Coated 4FT Chainhink Fence 413 LF $qj 00 S I7,i A53 8-12SP Privacy Fence 6FT Wooden 97 LF S S 7q5-y 00 A54 8-13 Monument Case and Cover 2 EA S 00 $/2.Co 00 A55.8-14 Cement Conc.Sidewalk 1195 SY S r7 00 A56 8-14 Cement Conc Curb RampType Perpendicular A 2 EA SijO0 S A57 8-14 Cement Conc,Curb Ramp Type Perpendicular B 4 EA S o $/g/000. A58 8-14 Cement Conc.Curb Ramp Type Bike 2 EA $00 $00 A59 8-14 Detectable WarningSurface 107 SF S 1./j,00 S A60 8-14SP Tactile Directional Indicator 24 SF S oo s oo A61 8-2OSP Traffic Signal System Modification -S 7th St &1 LS Sf (,p $(/00 Shattuck_AyeS A62 8-20 Illumination System.Complete 1 LS !75 oc.OP $7g A63 8-20 Conduit Pipe 3 In Diam,2266 LF $0 S /0 O Contract Documents (Addendum No.2)Page 15 A .e2 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements September 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE A -South 7th Street,Shattuck to Burnett) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions,and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item,the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. Item Spec. .DescriptionNo.Section A64 8-21 Permanent Signing A65 8-21SP Remove Private Sign A66 8-22SP Remove Pavement Markings A67 8-22SP Plastic Bike Dot A68 8-22 Plastic Traffic Arrow A69 8-22 Plastic Speed Bump Symbol A70 8-22 Plastic Stop Line A71 8-22 Plastic Crosswalk Line A72 8-22SP MMA Profiled Line A73 8-22SP MMA Profiled Wide Line A74 8-22SP MMA Crosshatch Marking A75 8-22SP MMA Crosswalk Line (Green) Contract Documents (Addendum No.2) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Page 16 September 2024 Total Schedule A (South 7th Street,Shattuck to Burnett)*$f Sti,/OZ. *All applicable sales tax shall be included in the unit and lump sum Bid price per Section 1-07.2(1)and WAC 458-20-171. Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE B -South 7th Street,Oakesdale to west of Shattuck) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions,and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item,the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto Item SPec.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price*AmountNo.Section Si.1-05 Roadway Surveying 1 LS $(1OO..00 B2 1-05 ADA Features Surveying 1 LS Do S 00 B3.1-09 Mobilization 1 LS 00 S (0,001 B4 1-10 Work Zone Safety Contingency 1 FA $10000 $10,000 B5 1-10 Pedestrian Traffic Control 1 LS Zvo.DO B6.1-10 Flaggers 360 HR $1Z 00 33,/z.t.00 B7 1-10 Other Traffic Control Labor 180 HR S 7 7 oO I ,&,a 58,1-10 Other Temporary Traffic Control Devices 1 LS $oo B9.1-10 Uniformed Police Officer 72 HR S 1.fçOD 51Z,,o0.DO 510 2-02 Removal of Structures and Obstructions 1 LS $boo S /0c4’.0 Bli.2-O2SP Sawcutting 636 IN-FT $f oD Bi2 4-04 Crushed Surfacing Top Course 13 TON S 7 S fool 00 B13 5-O4SP HMA CL 1/2’,PG 64-22’8 TON $S DO 314 5-04 Planing Bituminous Pavement 34 SY S Do $GO B15 7-O5SP Adjust Manhole (Slip-Resistant Lid)12 EA S /Zoo 00 $/J qoc 0 B1S 7-O5SP Utility Lid Only 5 EA S tIc.00 7&Jo.00 517.8-01 Erosion Control and Water Pollution Prevention 1 LS S boo 00 /oo€.Oo B18 8-01 Inlet Protection 2 EA S 00 DO B19.8-02 Seeding &Mulching 34 SY S 00 S 320.8-02 Topsoil,Type A 34 SY S c,S 7)q 00 B21 8-04 Cement Conc Traffic Curb and Gutter 46 LF S o s 00 Contract Documents Page 17 Ar2i2 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements —Addendum No.2 September 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE B -South 7th Street,Oakesdale to west of Shattuck) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions,and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item,the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. item Spec.Description Quantity Unit Unit Price*AmountNo.Section B22 8-04 Cement Conc.Pedestrian Curb 36 LF $sD $CD 623 8-04 Extruded Curb 101 LF S oo S oO B24 8-74 Detectable Warning Surface 36 SF $3/3 oo Z’D.DO B25 8-14 Cement Conc Sidewalk 19 SY $DO fOt.D 626 8-14 Cement Conc Curb Ramp Type Combination 1 EA 52.75-a 00 $7 oD B27 8-74 Cement Conc.Curb Ramp Type Perpendicular 1 EA $ioo.DO 628.8-20 Traffic Signal System Modification 1 LS 3o oo 00 3oSW7thSt&Lind Ave SW 629 8-20 Traffic Signal System Modification:1 LS 530 oo 00 53o,c.t’o.00 SW 7th_St_&_Hardie_Ave_SW B30 8-20 Traffic Signal System Modification 1 LS $3 ott’00 s3,000. S 7th St &Rainier Ave S B31 8-2OSP RRFB System,Complete -SW 7th St 1 EA 00 $70 oOO.O B32 8-21 PermanentSigning 1 LS 5t5o0o.’° 633 8-22SP Remove Pavement Markings 1 LS S $ B34 8-22 Plastic Stop Line 44 LF $fg DO .7 ‘z .°° B35 8-22 Plastic Crosswalk Line 160 SF /7&o.° B36 8-22SP Plastic Shared Lane Marking 40 EA $00 t ‘7 ho. 637 8-22SP Plastic Bicycle Detection Marking 2 EA S 37/3 00 $DO Total Schedule B (South 7th Street,Oakesdale to west of Shattuck)*$3t’’OZtl.00 *All applicable sales tax shall be included in the unit and lump sum Bid price per Section 1-07.2(7)and WAC 458-20-771. Contract Documents Page 18 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements —Addendum No.2 September 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL (BID SCHEDULE C -South 7th Street 21”Clay Pipe Abandonment) South 7th Street Corridor Improvements ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID Note:Unit prices for all items,all extensions,and total amount of Bid shall be shown.Enter unit prices in numerical figures only in dollars and cents,i.e.to two (2)decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts).All figures must be clearly legible.Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be rejected as unresponsive.Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item,the unit price shall prevail,and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. Item Spec...- .Descrfpuon Quantity Unit Unit Prlce*AmountNo.Section Cl.7-O4SP Abandonment of Existing 21”Clay Pipe in place 467 LF S (5l $p2)7 5 C2.7-O4SP Compaction of pipe Abandonment 467 LF $(Z oc $00 C3.7-O4SP Ductile Iron Pipe.6 In,Diam 6 LF S DO S IJO C4 7-04 Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 6 In Diam 7 [F $co $00 C5.7-05 Abandon Existing Manhole 2 EA $7O S 00 Ci 7-O5SP lnsertaTeeOneFit 2 EA S3t’sD°°$/OO. Contract Documents South 7th Street Corridor Improvements —Addendum No.2 Page 18A September 2024 Total Schedule C (South 7th Street 21”Clay Pipe Abandonment)*$Zl,7o.622 *All applicable sales tax shall be included in the unit and lump sum Bid price per Section 1-07.2(1)and WAC 458-20-171. Summary:7 — Total Schedule A brought forward =S ‘,Sz-,lc2Z.L7 Total Schedule B brought forward =$3&,1 OZL/.00 Total Schedule C brought forward =$%-t)7’O.SV Total Bid Amount,Schedules A,B,C =$1,887,67.00 Note:Determination of low bidder will be based solely on the “Total Bid” Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Local Agency Certification for Federal-Aid Contracts The prospective participant certifies by signing and submitting this bid or proposal,to the best of his or her knowledge and belief,that: (1)No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the undersigned,to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency,a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan,the entering into of any cooperative agreement,and the extension,continuation,renewal,amendment, or modification of any Federal contract,grant,loan or cooperative agreement. (2)If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract,grant,loan,or cooperative agreement,the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL,“Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,”in accordance with its instructions. This certification is material representation of the fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352,Title 31,U.S.Code.Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not mote than $100,000 for each failure. The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts.which exceed $100,000 and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. SR DOT Form 272-040A EF 07/2011 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Failure to return this Declaration as part of the bid proposal package will make the bid nonresponsive and ineligible for award. NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION I,by signing the proposal,hereby declare,under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the following statements are true and correct: 1.That the undersigned person(s),firm,association or corporation has (have)not,either directly or indirectly,entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion,or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with the project for which this proposal is submitted. 2.That by signing the signature page of this proposal,I am deemed to have signed and to have agreed to the provisions of this declaration. NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS To report rigging activities call: 1-800-424-9071 The U.S.Department of Transportation (USDOT)operates the above toll-free ‘hotline”Monday through Friday,8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.,eastern time.Anyone with knowledge of possible bid rigging,bidder collusion,or other fraudulent activities should use the “hotline”to report such activities. The “hotline”is part of USDOT’s continuing effort to identify and investigate highway construction contract fraud and abuse and is operated under the direction of the USDOT Inspector General.All information will be treated confidentially and caller anonymity will be respected. SR DOT Form 272-03W EF 07/2011 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Local Agency Name ,1yt,y7JfrJ Local Agency Address (Ôçç-S.6’bt7A Local Agency Subcontractor List tiZJ1 t4.lL ‘‘‘oc Prepared in compliance with RCW39 30 060 as amended To Be Submitted with the Bid Proposal Project Name Scu-7-e/7771 z OF/r2t—/‘P2e,tr Failure to list subcontractors with whom the bidder,if awarded the contract,will directly subcontract for performance of the work of structural steel installation,rebar installation,heating,ventilation and air conditioning,plumbing,as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW,and electrical,as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW0r naming more than one subcontractor to perform the same work will result in your bid being non-responsive and therefore void. Subcontractor(s)with whom the bidder will directly subcontract that ate proposed to perform the work of structural steel installation, tebar installation:heating:ventilation and air conditioning,plumbing,as described in Chapter 18106 RCW,and electrical as described in Chapter 19 28 RCW must be listed below,The work to be performed is to be listed below the subcontractor(s)name To the extent the Project includes one or more categories of work referenced in RCW 39.30.060,and no subcontractor is listed below to perform such work,the bidder certifies that the work will either (i)be performed by the bidder itself,or (ii)be performed by a lower tier subcontractor who will not contract directly with the bidder. Subcontractor Name W3fl £oAr 516-ML- Work to be performed ______________________________________________________________________________________ Subcontractor Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Work to be performed 5772t4 ‘fE?t— Subcontractor Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Work to be performed _________________________________________________________________________________ Subcontractor Name T1hI€Ct7f27 L-t-Z— Work to be performed -- Subcontractor Name ht,Y72a—fl iJMfrZ /CfZ_ Work to be performed ______________________________________________________________________________________ *Bidder’s are notified that it is the opinion of the enforcement agency that PVC or metal conduit.junction boxes,etc,are considered electrical equipment and therefore considered part of electrical work,even if the installation is for future use and no wiring or electrical current is connected during the project DOT Form 271 -015A Revised 0612020 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwe.com -Always Verify Scal APWA-WA Division 1 Committee rev.5/13/202 2 Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials into the Project In compliance with RCW 70A.205.700,the Bidder shall propose below,the total percent of construction aggregate and concrete materials to be incorporated into the Project that are recycled materials.Calculated percentages must be within the amounts allowed in Section 9-03.21(1)E,Table on Maximum Allowable Percent (By Weight)of Recycled Material,of the Standard Specifications. Proposed total percentage:0 1 percent. Note:Use of recycled materials is highly encouraged within the limits shown above,but does not constitute a Bidder Preference,and will not affect the determination of award,unless two or more lowest responsive Bid totals are exactly equal,in which case proposed recycling percentages will be used as a tie-breaker,per the APWA GSP in Section 7-03.1 of the Special Provisions.Regardless,the Bidder’s stated proposed percentages will become a goal the Contractor should do its best to accomplish.Bidders will be required to report on recycled materials actually incorporated into the Project,in accordance with the APWA GSP in Section 7-06.6 of the Special Provisions. Bidder:/k—77V S7t77D Z-) Signature of Authorized Official: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________ Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Washington State Department of Tansportation Contractor Certification Wage Law Compliance -Responsibility Criteria Washington State Public Works Contracts FAILURE TO RETURN THIS CERTIFICATION AS PART OF THE BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE WILL MAKE THIS BID NONRESPONSIVE AND INELIGIBLE FOR AWARD I hereby certify,under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington,on behalf of the firm identified below that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,this firm has NOT been determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction to have willfully violated,as defined in RCW 49.48.082,any provision of RCW chapters 49.46,49.48,or 49.52 within three (3)years prior to the date of the Call for Bids. AC77v UC’r7C?iU Name of Contractor/Bidder -Print full legal entity name of firm By:__________________D’4 V/O 4’A-’77 Signature of authorized person Print Name of person making certifications for firm Title:__________________________Place:7om1,tOIq Title of person signing certificate Print city and state where signed Date:/o/Z /%.if Form 272-009 0812017 Frovided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Washington State Department of Transportation To be eligible for Award of this Contract the Bidder shall fill out and submit,as a supplement to its sealed Bid Proposal, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise fDBE)Utilization Certification.The Contracting Agency shall consider as non- responsive and shall reject any Bid Proposal that does not contain a DBE Utilization Certification which properly demonstrates that the Bidder will meet the DBE participation requirements in one of the manners provided for in the proposed Contract.Refer to the instructions on Page 2 when filling out this form or the Bid may be rejected.An example form has been provided on Page 3.The successful Bidder’s DBE Utilization Certification shall be deemed a part of the resulting Contract. Box 1 4tiiv CO/tS7U.t’77O?’—3t.certifies that the DBE firms listed below have been contacted regarding participation on this project.It this Bidder is successful on this project and is awarded the Contract,it shall assure that subcontracts or supply agreements are executed with named DBEs (If necessary,use additional sheets.) Box2:Co.€wo-rnn’,Lr Columni Cdumn2 Co)umn3 Column4 Cohjmn5 Name of DBE Project Role Description of Work Dollar Amount Dollar Amount (See instructions)(See instructions)(See instructions)Subcontracted to be Applied to DBE Towards Goal (See instructions)(See instructions) ;dEg,7 5U t9oa!’°A9O9.PI’ Hi -6,Q 5 u *1i f VM-6 q777 Q•0 7)77t’.°°APHfWr&4’tt6r’’-‘-gTg&A /LJ,qq5vo ,q cq-oa 5 By checking Box 5 the Bidder is stating that their attempts to solicit sufficient DEE participation to meet the COA Contract goal has been unsuccessful and good faith effort will be submitted in accordance with Section 1-02.9 of the Contract DOT Form 272-056 C Revised 03/2018 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification Disadvantaged Business Enterprise 33’‘ Condition of Award Contract Goal Box 3 Total DBE Commitment Dollar Amount 3/Z,53g.oa Box 4 Diu t/g-/jZ Washington state Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Department of Transportation Written Confirmation Document $eentract Provisions:DBE Document Submittal Requirements Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation THIS FO4 SHALL ONLY BE SUBMITTED TO A DBE THAT IS LISTED ON THE CONTRACTOR’S DISADVAN>FGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION. THE CONTRAëq SHALL COMPLETE PART A PRIOR TO SENDING TO THE D3E. PART A:To be comed by the bidder The entries below shall be\pnsistent with what is shown on the Bidder’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification.fail to do so will result in Bid rejection. Contract Title: ____________________________________________________________________ Bidder’s Business Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ DBE’s Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of DBE’s Work: __________________________________________________________________________________ Dollar Amount to be Applied Towards DBE Goal: ___________________________________________________ Dollar Amount to be Subcontracted to DBE*: *Optional Field PART B:To be cojIçed bvth Disadvm ness teipç As an authorized representative of the Disadvantaged Business Eçyprise.I confirm that we have been contacted by the Bidder with regard to the referenced project for the’wpose of peifonning the \Vork described above.If the Bidder is awarded the Contract,we will enter into an agreient with the Bidder to participate in the project consistent with the infonnation provided in Part A of this fon Name (printed): Signature: Title: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address:Date: ___________________________ DOT Form 422-031 Revised 07/2016 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal __pO/,tiqt I-Oz.’1 ‘7’\ashington State Disadvantaged Business EnterpriseV!Department of Transportation (DBE)Bid Item Breakdown Form 1.Contract umber 2.Contract Name 3 Prime Contra or 4 Prime Contractor Representative Name 5.Prime Contractorpresentative Phone Number 6.Prime Contractor Representative Email \\C I 7Column1Cimn2Column3Column4Column5Colulin6T Dollar Amount Name of UDBE Bid 1tem #Full/Partial Quantity Description Unit Price to be Applied (See InstructJns)(See inrVtens)(See instructons)(See InsttuCtans)(See Instruct5ris)(See instructions)Towards Goal\(See Instructions)\(See instructions)\ Subtotal:$0.00 $0.00 Name of UDBE Bid Item #Full/Partial antity Description Unit Price Total Unit \\\Subtotal:$0.00 S 0.00\Dollar Amount Name of UDBE Bid Item #FulllPartial Quantity DescrtRtion Unit Price Total Unit to be Applied\OS Towards Goal\\\\\ Sub’tal:$0.00 $0.00\T u -t Dollar Amount Name of UDBE Bid Item #Full/Partial Quantity Description Unit Pricè o05m to be Applied Towards Goat\\\\ Subtotal:$0,00 \o.oo TOTAL UDBE Dollar Amount:$0.00 $‘b00 DOT Form 272-054 Revised 09/2020 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)Trucking Credit Form PART A:TO BE COMPLETED BY THE BIDDER This forrs in support of the trucking commitment identified on the DBE Utilization Certification Form submitted with the proposal Please not\hat DBE’s must be certified prior to time of submittal. Federal Aid #Contract #Project Name If listing items by h’b4rs.or by lump sum amounts,please provide calculations to substantiate the quantities listed Bid Item Item Description\\\ Use additional sheets as necessary. Bidder Name/Title (please print) Phone Fax Signature Address ‘\I certify that the above information is complete and accurate Email Date PART B:TO BE COMPLETEDTHE DBE TRUCKING FIRM Note:DBE trucking firm participation may only be credited as DBE p’icipation for the value of the hauling services,not for the materials being hauled unless the trucking firm is also recognized as a spIier of the materials used on the project and approved for this project as a regular dealer. 1 Type of Material expected to be hauled?\ Tractor/trailers \Dump trucks _____________ Tractor/trailers ___________ DBE Firm Name Name/Title (please print) Certification Number Phone Fax Signature Address I certify that the above information is complete and ccurate. Email Date DOT Form 272-058 fevised 09/20 20 Pti;GO/C t’11/r /-c1.3 Washington State Department of Transportation 2 Number of fully operational trucks expected to be used on this project? 3 Number of trucks and trailers owned by the DBE that will be used on this project? 4 Number of trucks and trailers leased by the DBE that will be used on this nrninfO Tractor/trailers Dump trucks Dump trucks Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see wbxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE By signing below,Bidder acknowledges receipt and understanding of the following Addenda to the Bid Documents: Addendum No. 1 2 3 Date of Receipt tD/t/V1 Addendum No. 4 5 6 Date of Receipt Note:a Proposat maybe considered irregutar and may be rejected if the receipt of Addenda is not ackno wtedged. The Bidder is hereby advised that by signature of this proposal,he/she is deemed to have acknowledged all requirements and signed all certificates contained herein. A-vfr OO7l772ICr7U1&-Zit [Signature of Authorized Official]* vtD !i1iJT1 [Printed Name] ,ee [Titte] totz/x-’-f [Date] [Business Name] 71O 12IV i2&• [Address Line 1] 1W9t71’7 ?L’ [Ad dress Line 2] %9,Lf’.fü’it [Telephone Number] *Note:Evidence of the signatory’s authority to sign the Proposat on be hatf of the business entity ,shait be submitted with the Bid.Othe rwis he submitted Bid wjtt be conidid irregular and n respnthdwilL&rejetecL Note:The address and phone numberlisted wilt be used for at!communications regarding this Proposal. Type of business entity (e.g.corporation,partnership,etc.) State of Incorporation,or State where business entity was formed: fr-/As11iAi&TOtJ Contract Documents South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Page 32 August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal WA State Contractor’s Registration # UBI # Industrial.Insurance Account # Employment Security Department # State Excise Tax Registration # DUNS# A,_T1Vc-,1_1bt1 —IZ- Z13-°°t -533 Zôo g%3—Do dz-1;’Ot’5a3 The Surety Compa fly which wilt furnish the required Contract Bond is: Li 12-rL’fI7lkfluqL tflS/iit6 toot /77/4 V S7.?7o [Surety][Address Line 1] 5ePr1L6,(,iM.‘7Bisz; [Telephone Number][Address Line 2] Contract Documents South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Page 33 August 2024 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PROPOSAL BID BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That we,[Bidder]Active Construction,Inc. of [addressJ P.0.Box 430,Puyallup,WA 98371 as Principat,and [Surety]Liberty Mutual Insurance Company a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Massachusetts as a surety corporation,and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations,as Surety,are jointly and severattyhetd and firmly bound unto the City of Renton in the futt sum of five (5)percent of the totat amount of the proposat of said Principalforthe work hereinafter described,for the payment of which,welt and truly to be made,we bind ourselves and our heirs,executors,administrators and assigns,and successors and assigns,jointty and severally,firmly by these presents. The condition of this bond is such,that whereas the Principal herein is herewith submitting his/her or its sealed proposal for the following public works construction project,to wit: SQith1thStreetCctridorimprQvemnts said bid and proposal,by reference thereto,being made a part hereof. NOW,THEREFORE,if the said proposat bid by said Principal be accepted,and the contract be awarded to said Principat,and it said Principat shall duly make and enter into and execute said contract and shatt furnish contract bond as required by the City of Renton within a period often (10)days from and after said award,exclusive of the day of such award,then this obligation shati be nult and void,otherwise it shall remain and be in fuLl force and effect. IN THE EVENT,the Principal,following award,fails to execute an Agreement with the City of Renton in accordance with the terms of the Proposal and furnish a contract bond with Surety or Sureties approved by the City of Renton within ten (10)days from and after said award,then Principal shall forfeit the Bid Bond/Bid Proposat Deposit or Surety shall immediately pay and forfeit to the City of Renton the amount of the Proposat Bid Bond,as setforth in RCW 35A.40.200 and RCW 35.23.352. This Proposal Bid Bond shall be governed and construed by the State of Washington,and venue shall be in King County,Washington. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,the Principal and Surety have caused these presents to be signed and sealed this 2nd day of,October 20 24 Contract Documents Page 34 South 7th Street Corridor Improvements August 2024 n..4 1 fl.....1._C,.,7 V.....fl...—...........fl......4-4..................t.......7 ......C..fl....7 PRINCIPAL SURETY Active Construction,Inc. [PRINCIPAL] [Signature of Authorized Officiat] 2i4VtO tiYAikfT1 [Printed Name] ti3’o-r [Titte] October 2nd,2024 [Date] Liberty Mutual Insurance CompanyURMJ_ [Signature of Authorized Officiat] Holli Albers [Printed Name] Attorney-in-Fact [TitLe] October 2nd,2024 [Date] Name and address of tocal office of Agent and/or SURETY Company: Propel Insurance 1201 Pacific Avenue,Suite 1000 Tacoma,WA 98402 TeLephone:253-759-2200 Surety WAQIC # Surety NAIC # 733 23043 Contract Documents South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Page 35 August2024 ,.1_,....C fl1 1-......11.....,.F...JC..fl...,7 b This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. Liberty Liberty Mutual Insurance Company .lt’IutuaL The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Certificate No:8211385 -023049 West American Insurance Company SURETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:That The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Hampshire,that Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Massachusetts,and West American Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana (herein collectively called the ‘Companies’),pursuant to and by authority herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint,Aliceon A. Keitner,Alyssa J.Lopez,Amber Lynn Reese,Amelia G.Burrill,Annelies M.Richie,Brandon K.Bush.Brent E.Heitesen,Carley Espiritu,Christopher Khiyon, Donald Shanklin,Jr..Eric A.Zimmerman.Holli Mbers,Jacob T.Haddock.James B.Binder,Janrie L.Marques,Julianne Morris,Julie R 1mm,Justin Dean Price. Katharine J.Snider,Lindsey Elaine Joreensen.Lois F.Weathers.Michael Mansfield.Sarah Whitaker,Tamara A.Ringeisen all of the city of Tacoma slate of WA each individually if there be more than one named,its true and lawful attorney-in-tact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations,in pursuance of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 25th day of March ,2024 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company West American Insurance Company cii a_),.F/.A4’/0)0 By ‘‘‘ David M Carey,Assistant Secretary Stateof PENNSYLVANIA .— County of MONTGOMERY .E On this 25th day of March ,2024 before me personally appeared David M,Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,The Ohio Casualty Company,and West American Insurance Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,execute the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at Plymouth Meeting,Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written. commonwealth of Pennsylvania-Notary Seal Teresa Pasiella,Notary Public /7 0) Montgomery county .,tJ E EoSMyonmmissionexpiresMarch28,2025 By:/0 CO commissro numbec 1126044 ‘o... Uen,ber.Pennoylvwvu Assomatian of Nolrnies l’eresa Pastefla,Notary Public o cu10),This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-laws and Authonzations of The Ohio Casually Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual C?.E Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect readrng as follows:..S ARTICLE Pt —OFFICERS:Section 12.Power of Attorney. E Any officer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in writing by the ChaIrman or the President,and subject to such limitation as the Chairman or the President may prescribe,shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety = any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall ‘o —have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed,such instruments shalt be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secretary.Any power or authority granted to any representative or attorney-in-fact under the provisions of this article may be revoked at any time by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority - ARTICLE XIII —Execution of Contracts:Section 5 Surety Bonds and Undertakings. Any officer of the Company authorized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president,and subject to such limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe, shall appoint such attorneys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company.When so executed such instruments shall be as bInding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. Certificate of Designation —The President of the Company,acting pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company,authorizes David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary to appoint such attorneys-in- fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. Authorization —By unanimous consent of the Company’s Board of Directors,the Company consents that facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the Company,wherever appeanng upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. I,Renee C.Llewellyn,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company do hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. INTESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 2nd day of October .2024 By:___ Renee C.Llewellyn,Assistant Secretary CMS-12673 LMiC OCIC WA1C Multi Cc 02121 Docusign Envelope ID:5DFEO91 0-831 2-4E20-AFBO-39824A50DACA ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION,INC. JOINT CONSENT IN LIEU OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS September 15,2023 The undersigned,being all of the shareholders and all of the members of the Board of Directors of Active Construction,Inc.,a Washington corporation (the “Corporation”),hereby waive all notices,statutory and otherwise,and,acting pursuant to RCW 233.08.2 10 and RCW 238.08.230,without a meeting,do hereby unanimously adopt the following corporate resolutions, and do hereby unanimously consent to the taking of the actions therein set forth: Election of Directors RESOLVED,that David Ceccanti,Rosemarie A.Garms and Ryan Heathers are hereby elected to serve as the directors of the Board of Directors of the Corporation until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. Appointment of Officers RESOLVED,that the following persons are hereby appointed to serve as officers of the Corporation until their successors shall be duly appointed and qualified: David Ceccanti President Ryan Heathers Vice President Rosemarie A.Garms Secretary/Treasurer General Authority RESOLVED,that the President is hereby authorized and directed,in the name and on behalf of the Corporation,to take any and all such further action as in his judgment may be desirable or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the foregoing resolutions; RESOLVED FURTHER,that the execution by the President of any paper or document or the doing by him of any act in connection with the foregoing matters shall conclusively establish his authority therefor from the Company and the approval and ratification by the Board of Directors of the papers and documents so executed and the action so taken;and RESOLVED FURTHER,that any and all actions heretofore or hereafter taken by the President within the terms of the foregoing resolutions be,and they hereby are,ratified and confirmed. DocuSign Envelope ID:5DFE091 0-831 2-4E20-AFBO-39824A50DACA The undersigned shareholders and directors of Active Construction,Inc.hereby consent to the foregoing resolutions effective as of September 15,2023. SHAREHOLDERS: r—DocuSigned by: L4VCfUJMI1 gRAFrp7Egr72FF David Ceccanti (—___DocuSiened by: 62CFB259B10A403 Rosemarie A.Garms DocuSigned by: B32CFEDD6B98459 Ryan Heathers DIRECTORS: __DocuSigned by: LAPCf(Lwrl 396AEF2E9C324EF David Ceccanti by: a. 62CFB259B10A403 Rosemarie A.Garms DocuSigned by: 4tuV% B32CFE006B98459 Ryan Heathers DocuSign Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:5DFE091 0831 24E20AFB039824A50DACA Subject:Complete with DocuSign:Joint Consent in Lieu of Annual Meeting (20230915).pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages:2 Signatures:6 Certificate Pages:2 Initials:0 AutoNav:Enabled Envelopeld Stamping:Enabled Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time (US &Canada) Record Tracking Status:Completed Envelope Originator: Amanda Sampson amandas@activeconstruction.com IP Address: Status:Original 9/14/2023 9:47:36 AM Holder:Amanda Sampson amandas@activeconstruction.com Location:DocuSign Signer Events DAVID CECCANTI davidc@activeconstwction.com President Active Construction,Inc. Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Signature DcyuS,gned by: Signature Adoption:Pre-selected Style Using P Address: Timestamp Sent:9/14/2023 9:56:06 AM Viewed:9/14/2023 2:41:03 PM Signed:9/14/2023 2:42:28 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Rosemarie A.Garms roseg@activeconstruction.com Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) by: 1?.txYS e2tFy2SyDoA4o3 Signature Adoption:Pre-selected Style Using lPAddress: Sent:9/14/2023 9:56:07 AM Viewed:9/14/2023 2:37:22 PM Signed:9/14/2023 2:37:55 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Ryan Heathers ryanh@activeconstruction.com CONSTRUCTION MANAGER/ESTIMATOR Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) y,,,Signd by: ftt4uxs y32cFEDoeBoy59 Signature Adoption:Pre-selected Style Using IPAddress: Sent:9/14/2023 9:56:07 AM Resent:9/15/2023 9:49:07 AM Viewed:9/15/2023 2:23:56 PM Signed:9/15/2023 2:26:37 PM Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Editor Delivery Events Agent Delivery Events Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Carbon Copy Events Status Status Timestamp Timestamp Signature Status Status Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 9/14/2023 9:56:07 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 9/15/2023 2:23:56 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 9/15/2023 2:26:37 PM Completed Security Checked 9/15/2023 2:26:37 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps 3.No changes at this time. ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT. Sincerely, Bob Ha son,E. Transportation Design Manager City of Renton Receipt acknowledged,and conditions agreed to this _____ day of _______, 2024 Bidder ________________________________ Signature S 7th Street Corridor Improvements Addendum No.1 Page 2 of 2 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scale PLANS 13.DELETE Sheet CDV and REPLACE with attached revised Sheet CDV.Revisions include: •Revision of the index to reflect the added sheets SDO8 and SDO9. 14.DELETE Sheets SVO1 to SVO5 and REPLACE with attached revised Sheets SVO1 to SVO5. Revisions include: •Signature of professional land surveyor on aB survey sheets. 15.DELETE Sheets SD-Cl to SD-07 and REPLACE with attached revised Sheets SD-Cl to 50-09. Revisions include: •Removal of an existing 21”clay stormwater pipe and reconnection of pipes to an existing parallel trunk line. 16.DELETE Sheet EL-03 and REPLACE with attached revised Sheet EL-03.Revisions include: •Revised anchor bolt required minimum length on City standard. 17.DELETE Sheets SGO1 to SGO3 and REPLACE with attached revised Sheets SGO1 to SGO3. Revisions include: •Luminaire at Shattuck intersection to be replaced with new luminaire and salvage existing back to City of Renton. 18.DELETE Sheets,IL-03 and IL-04 and REPLACE with attached revised Sheets IL-Cl,IL-03 and IL-04.Revisions include: •Clarification of the City of Renton (COR)standard to be used for luminaire poles.117.1 should be used.Standards 1l7.1A and 117.1B removed from the Plans. Transportation Design Manager City of Renton j Receipt acknowledged,and conditions agreed to this ____ day of 1Z7 ,2024 Bidder ________________________________ Signature S 7th Street Corridor Improvements Addendum No.2 Page 12 of 12 ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT. Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com -Always Verify Scal PLANS 3.No changes at this time ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT. Sincerely, öb Hanson,P.E. Transportation Design Manager City of Renton Receipt acknowledged,and conditions agreed to this /day of ,2024 Bidder ________________________________ Signature S 7th Street Corridor Improvements Addendum No.3 Page 2 of 2 Provided to Builders Exchange of WA,Inc.For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com —Always Verify Scale October 3,2024 F CITY OF RENTON ATIN:Keith Woolley 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98057 RE: PROJECT: BID DATE: BIDDER SUPPLEMENTAL INFO -DBE DOCUMENTATION South 7th Street Corridor Improvements FA#CRPUL-CM 1292(003)!TIB#P-P-102(P03)-1 /Project#CAG-24-109 October 2.2024 at 2:00 PM Active Construction,Inc.(ACT)submitted a bid proposal on Wednesday,October 2 for the project referenced above.Attached to this letter you will find supplemental DBE documentation as required per Section 1-02.9.If you should require additional information, please reach out to me. Sincerely, Active Construction,Inc.L Melissa Looker Project Engineer 253-248-1410 mel issal(activeconstruction.corn Enclosure(s):DBE Written Confirmation(s) DBE Bid Item Breakdown P0 BOX 430 PUYALLUP,WA 98371 PHONE (253)248-1091 FAX (253)248-1092 www.activeconstruction.com ft 7 a an 1-quaIl.mph nmc’n!Oppaiiwun /iii1m CI ACTIVEi\4D I CONSTRUCTION Delivered Via Hand Deliveiy 7 Washington State Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Department of Transportation Written Confirmation Document .Sc’c Ct)llItUtt PUt)1NlO,1,%.L)BL DO(L(fl1?flt Submittal Rt’qmrc-’mc’nts Disctdvtintaged Btisiness Enterprise Participation TI uS FORM SI tALL ONLY BE SUBMITTED TO A DRE TI TAT IS LISTED ON Ti IF CONTRACTOR’S DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTIL[ZATION CERTIFICATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE PART A PRIOR TO SENDING TO THE DBE. PAR I’A:i’o be completed by the bidder The entries below shall he consistent with what is shown on the Bidders Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification.Failure to do so will result in Bid rejection. Contract Title:South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Bidders Business Name:Active Construction.Inc. DBE’s Business Name:Green City inc. Description of DBEs Work:Landscaping Dollar Amount to be Applied Towards DBE Goal:S 198,80% Dollar Amount to be Subcontracted to DBE*: Optional Field PARI’B:To be completed by the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise As an authorized representative of the Disadvantaized Bttsiness Enterprise,I confirm that we have been contacted by the Ridder with regard to the referenced project for the purpose of performing the Work described above.If the Bidder is awarded the Contract,we will enter into an agreement with the Bidder to participate in the project consistent with the information provided in Part A of this form. Name (printed):Andrew Falaniko Sinaturc: Title:Project Manager 720 N 10th St Address:A#11 2 Date:I 0/3/2024 Renton,WA 98056 DOT Form 422-031 Revised 07/20 16 7”Washington State Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Department of Transportation Written Confirmation Document See Contract Provisions:DBE Document Submittal Requirements Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation THIS FORM SHALL ONLY BE SUBMITTED TO A DBE THAT IS LISTED ON THE CONTRACTOR’S DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE PART A PRIOR TO SENDING TO THE DBE. PART A:To be completed by the bidder The entries below shall be consistent with what is shown on the Bidder’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification.Failure to do so will result in Bid rejection. Contract Title:South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Bidder’s Business Name:Active Construction,Inc. DBE’s Business Name:Hi-Grade Asphalt &Sealcoat Description of DBE’s Work:HMA Paving Dollar Amount to be Applied Towards DBE Goal:$97,770 Dollar Amount to be Subcontracted to DBE*: _____________________________________________ *OptionaI Field PART B:To be completed by the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise As an authorized representative of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise,I confirm that we have been contacted by the Bidder with regard to the referenced project for the purpose of performing the Work described above.If the Bidder is awarded the Contract,we will enter into an agreement with the Bidder to participate in the project consistent with the information provided in Part A of this form. Name (printed):ANGELICA DANIELLE DIINCAN Signature: Title:PRESIDENT Address:P0 BOX 1890 Date:10/3/2024MILTON,WA 98354 DOT Form 422-031 Revised 07/2016 Washington Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Department of Transportation Written Confirmation Document See Contract Provisions:DBE Document Submittal Requirements Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation THIS FORM SHALL ONLY BE SUBMITTED TO A DBE THAT IS LISTED ON THE CONTRACTOR’S DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE PART A PRIOR TO SENDING TO THE DBE. PiRTA;To be cojpphei.by the hclcr The entries below shall be consistent with what is shown on the Bidder’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification.Failure to do so will result in Bid rejection. Contract Title:South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Bidder’s Business Name:ALT1 VS772&Q2770fl 2AJC- DBE’s Business Name:Obunco Engineering Description of DBE’s Work:Surveying Dollar Amount to be Applied Towards DBE Goal:S Dollar Amount to be Subcontracted to DBE*: *OptIonal Field PART B:To be compictcd by te sadv antagc Business EntCrprise As an authorized representative of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise,I confirm that we have been contacted by the Bidder with regard to the referenced project for the purpose of performing the Work described above.If the Bidder is awarded the Contract,we will enter into an agreement with the Bidder to participate in the project consistent with the information provided in Part A of this form. Name (printed): Signature: Title: Address: Todd Williams Principal 33650 6th Avenue S STE 102 Federal Way WA 98003 Date:9/29/24 DOT Form 422-031 Revised 07/2016 I71 Washington State Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Department of Transportation Written Confirmation Document See Contract Provisions:DBE Document Submittal Requirements Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation THiS FORM SHALL ONLY BE SUBMITTED TO A DBE THAT IS LISTED ON THE CONTRACTOR’S DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION CERTIFICATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE PART A PRIOR TO $ENDfNG TO THE DBE. PART A:To be completed by the bidder The entries below shall be consistent with what is shown on the Bidder’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification.Failure to do so will result in Bid rejection. Contract Title:South 7th Street Corridor Improvements Bidder’s Business Name:Active Construction,Inc. DBE’s Business Name:Silver Streak,Inc. Description of DBE’s Work:Tmcking Dollar Amount to be Applied Towards DBE Goal:$19,995 Dollar Amount to be Subcontracted to DBE*: *Optional Field PART B:To be completed by the Disadvantaged Business Entejprie As an authorized representative of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise,I confirm that we have been contacted by the Bidder with regard to the referenced project for the purpose of perforniing the Work described above.If the Bidder is awarded the Contract,we will enter into an agreement with the Bidder to participate in the project consistent with the information provided in Part A of this form. Name (printed):Mitch San Sebastian Signature: Title:General Manager Address 23700 SE 264th St.Date:10/03/24 Maple Valley.WA 98038 DOTFom,422-031 Revised 07/2016 Washington State Department of Transportation Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)Bid Item Breakdown Form Column 1 Name of UDBE (See Instructions) Green City Inc. Column 2 Bid Item # (See Instructions) Column 3 FuIlIPartial (See Instructions) Column 4 Quantity (See Instructions) Column 5 Description (See Instructions) I See attached bid item breakdown spteadsheet Column 6 Unit Price (See Instructions) Column 7 Total Unit Cost (See Instructions) $198,808.0 Subtotal:$198,808.Oi $198,808.00 T Dollar Amount Name of UDBE Bid Item #FullIPartial Quantity Description Unit Price 0 ni to be AppliedOsTowardsGoal Hi-Grade Asphalt A5 Partial 1 LS Sub Mobilization $2,400.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 Hi-Grade Asphalt 1(Full 310 Ton HMACI 1/2’PG64-22 $285.00 $88,350.00 $88,350.00 Hi-Grade Asphalt B3 Partial 1 LS Sub Mobilization $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500,00 Hi-Grade Asphalt /3 Full 8 Ton HMA Cl 1/2”PG64-22 $690.00 $5,520.00 $5,520.00 Subtotal:$97,770.00 $97,770.00 T tal U Dollar Amount Name of UDBE Bid Item #FulllPartial Quantity Description Unit Price to be Applied OS Towards Goal O’BunCo Engineering Al Full 1 LS Roadway Surveying $17,650.00 $17,650.00 $17,650.00 OBunCo Engineering A2 Full 1 LS ADA Features Surveying $3,190.00 $3,190.00 $3,190.00 OBunco Engineeringi BI Full 1 LS Roadway Surveying $4,125.00 $4,125.00 $4,125.00 O’Bunco Engineering B2 Full 1 LS ADA Features Surveying $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Subtotal:$25,965.00 $25,965.00 .Dollar Amount Name of UDBE Bid Item #FullIPartial Quantity Description Unit Price Total Unit to be Applied05TowardsGoal Silver Streak A12 Partial 24 HRS Clear &Grub Haul $215.00 $5,160.00 $5,160.00 Silver Streak A13 Partial 51 HRS Asphalt/Conc Demo Haul $215.00 $10,965.00 $10,965.00 SilverStreak A63 Partial 18HRS HaulSandforFill $215.00 $3,870.00 $3,870.00 Subtotal:$19,995.00 $19,995.00 TOTAL UDBE Dollar Amount:$342,538.0($342,538.00 Column B Dollar Amount to be Applied Towards Goal (See Instructions) $198,808.00 3.Prime Contractor 4.Prime Contractor Representative Name Active Construction,Inc.David Peterson 1.Contract Number 2.Contract Name CRPUL-CM 1292(003)/P-P-102(P03)-i S 7th Street Corridor Improvements 5.Prime Contractor Representative Phone Number 6.Prime Contractor Representative Email 253-248-1091 davidp@activeconstruction.com DOT Form 272-054 Revised 09/2020 DBE BID ITEM BREAKDOWN CITY OF RENTON SOUTH 7TH STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS BID DATE:1D/2/2024 2PM Name of DBE:Bid Item:FulilPaftial:Quantity:Descriotion:Unit Price:Total Unit Amt AopIied Cost:Tomards Goal: GREEN CITY,INC AS FULL 1 LE SUB MOBILIZATION $450000 54,50000 54,50000 GREEN CITY,INC A34 FULL 140 CV WOOD CHIP MULCH 3”DEPTh 05500 57,700.00 $7,700.00 GREEN CITY,INC A35 FULL 393 CV TOPSGILTYPEA8”DEPTh $55.00 021,61500 521,615.E0 GREENCITY,INC A36 FULL 215 CV CGARSECGMPGST $5500 $11,8250E 511,82500 GREEN CITY,INC.A37 FULL 17 EA PLANT SELECTION DECIDUOUS TREE 2”CAL 545000 57,65000 $7,650.00 GREENCITY,INC.A38 FULL 532 EA PLANTEELECTIONSHRUE#2CONT $2000 $1064000 510,64000 OREENCITY,INC A39 FULL 24 EA PLANTSELECTIONSHRUB#SCGNT $45.00 $1,000.00 $1,080.00 GREEN CITY,INC A40 FULL 3912 BA PLANTSELECTIONGROUNDCOVER#1 CONT $12.75 $49,878 00 549,878.00 GREEN CITY,INC A41 FULL 226 BA ROOT EARRIER 24”DEPTH $2000 $4,520.00 $4,520.00 GREEN CITY,INC.A42 FULL 1 BA AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM COMPOST $78,550.00 $78,550 00 578,55000 GREENCITY,INC.B19 FULL 34 SY SEEDINGANDMULCHING $500 517000 517000 GREEN CITY,INC 820 FULL 34 SY TOPSOIL TYPE A $20 00 $680 00 $680 00 Subtotal:$188,888.00 $198,808.00