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[ APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. CITY OF RENTON FILE No. CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON - ADMINISTRATOR OF Examined ‘and acproved this OL. day'aF | BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLANNING/SUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS | Mamined eng approved knis “ve 2OO0O// O/ 9490003 LYL 70 Novertber __ LL UJ A = O O _ 4 O O _ L. L. A Examined and approved this 3]. gay of 2000 APHIS SCAL T=30 Seott+ Noalole. . " LND-30-0214 etober __, ao sae OE PRIDE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT| —Nefusty __ Beadalww cdl __ PORTION OF Administretor of the Plamniag/@uilding/Public works Dapartaant Account muber 2242/0-0080¢ 0055 SE 14/4 of SE 14/4, 5. 31 1.24 Rp, 5E | DECLARATION | Lot 2 | IA AL MOL Br TSE ues Toe, ETD saced el Rizes bn Gord de ba Whee’ a : BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 recorded in Nolene 48 oF Surveys, Page 161 records _ S907 00W 137.00" Record ve AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO. BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESEN— of King County, Washington -9 - TATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH 8 @ Ally THE FREE CONSENT ANO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF 3 THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS @ idiigiaae| VERTICAL DATUM iW ‘ LL, OA Ch > : : NAVD 88. Renton Monument $2116. a 25° | 25° 1 Eerste Saasam “arto a" f Ce red Alau Schenumar- we : ] 3 2 Per REFERENCE SURVEY(S) =! 5 MICHAEL L. LUNA Record of Su ded in Volume 123 of Surveys, { NOTARY PUBLIC pays a, tacos ch Kony County, woogie a STATE OF WASHINGTON | COMMISSION EXPIRES ‘ DEL cMBER 9.2003 sete of Nosingtn EQUIPMENT & METHODOLOGY yd! County of Topcon Total Station, HP 48 Data Collector. 7] L ot a L ot 8 ~ s | certify thot | know or have satisfactory evidence that Field traverse and electronic data collection. x S z signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/iga) free and | Block 3 > 8 voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. LEGEND ep arwe Bae! Es @ Monument found this survey ’ - O Property corners found this su = Found Corner by @ Rebar & Cap LS #34145 set this survey Xe Z @ / Ted Schneider 5 = yy Pe recyrs MICHAEL L'LUNA } Signature of ay Piblic Utilities Easement > | N. 33rd Pi NOTARY PUBLIC wi “hal Solana — ORIGINAL LEGALS : , <= erin RR) a =o * STATE OF WASHINGTON appointment expires DEG 1 goo : - so & LB. “a F City of COMMISSION EXPIRES se nabe bh. LUWA Lot 5, Block 3, Hillman’s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition No. 1, ~ Renton DECEMBER 9.2003 f RESIOING NW TAconm pecording te the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 af Plats, paye 63, in lot A ib : yh som Stats ary oy resords of King County, Washington. N. 3. Sr d : Pi. ra LOC 4 2 q , | certify ada oe ee geen calaue ak ' Block 4 Lot J Los = Lot 1 Bal ED "i QLAN ScHEINER Lot 6, Boek 3, i dag hate Moaltingtan Gordon a Pg ome a, 1, S rs g - according to the eof reco in lume paye 65, s S Sioned We lncigvenent ond scivowseges. 1 by be ree fe ons records of King County, Washington. | RS a : Together with that portion of vacated North 33rd Place adjoining, which ; a SY ~~ g would attach by operation of law. — | 12 we > ~S | | POS i Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. © eS as R Ste lla de ee : jary <> w wy Ke) 3 8/29/2000 My cppaintment expires DEG 7 R003 ‘ x City of CNAEL ; vi ; ee a em sae N. 33rd Stree ‘ jie fier R FE @ : 10/19/2000 | ; 8 < on oe N. 30th Street ® | Shas 1 B 5 N. 28tH2Place |& 10/19/2000] ~ : City of = Renton 2 Mon_ #1886 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE: . | SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATE: . FILED FOR RECORD THIS Ze?" _OAY OF foc) | \ D R Y C O ao - | THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR : | UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS : 2000, Ale’ ¥ S _, IN BOOK C¥Z___ oF: surveys. . cam OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF PAMELA PRIDE. : DWN. BY LS CHKD. BY PS AT PAGEMAZO _, AT THE REQUEST OF shoe 0 . Ko ‘Surveying, Incorporated ters ie ie | 12714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST) al a ‘ FEE No. — SUMNER, WA 98390 PSN : 10/30/2000 20001 66 — hele lala hart ‘253-826-0300 FAX 253-826-9705 ¢ 10 “BO-CD i] SCALE "| SHEET AUDITOR! G. PHIL SARGENT P.LS. 34145 g = 380’ 1 o 1 LLt-0b TAO SLL CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. CITY OF RENTON FILE No.# CITY OF RENTON - ADMINISTRATOR OF : : =i BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ExSmaned ono ApNreNed Shas aavior 2000 — _— —_— Examined and approved this 3! day of 7 = Spnqo> | ) A O O | OO | LA GRAPHIC SCALE 1" =30 betober 2000 SCALE: Se a 4 LND-30-0214 Assessor : 0 30 50 So P R | D E LO I LI N E ADJ U ST M E N T _jkel a ae Works Department —_— See 5 Account. Number SE 1/4 of SE 1/4, §. 31 1.24 7, 5 DECLARATION / So. Lot 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED Basis OF ‘SURVEY So. Lot 4 0 OWNER(S) OF THE LAN HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A Record of Survey by Gene Acroe for Ed Scheiner as i i BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 recorded in Volume 49 of Surveys, Page 161 records y ne9°07'00E 79.70" ~ $89°07'00'W 137.00" Record) _ : AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESEN— of King County, Washington , «© -9 - = : TATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH . x Parcel A . om 2 2" Alley : THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF re) 7463 Sq Ft Rarer? A ie | THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS = iN wo ice p AND SEALS, , VERTICAL DATUM / E 8 ' ) NAVD 88. Renton Monument #2116. Lot 3 S 3312 8 ' 25° 2s” B A Com QI Alon Schanr> j Standard CGS disk marked N3B4. f ? S210 006) errrnt g| 12 Z i ie = Elevation 12.848m 42.15ft 3 . 5 f : lame Name a k Gross Flipor 12.54 = ; Eciaizieel Maa Scherer - RY Gravel F Area 1540 sq ft Fc 2 ere “ REFERENCE SURVEY(S) » ae Parking £, S209, sscece 3 ° : at —UNA Record of Survey recorded in Volume 123 of Surveys, / 8) Old Li e i { NOMA: - YBLIC Page 88, records of King County, Washington. / % — N89 ‘07 '00°E 109.82" T = (3 Se fe SHINGTON = Fi tre wl «PIRES e 3 | P5 wee Zee 3g State of Washington EQUIPMENT & METHODOLOGY x WUE oat ee ~ ? Re a ; County of PIE ce - Topcon Total Station, HP 48 Data Collector. / a aa ae Chantgeence "71 Lot 7 Lot 8 ~ 7 | certify that | know A Pe satisfactory evidence that Field traverse and electronic data collection. | x a eg SE PAMELA RIDE Dy} 10.64 Os signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/W@?) free and 426° ‘ rm) Block 3 = 3 voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. LEGEND s ; 3 aN t =| % NB 07 WE 6.00 | @ Monument found this survey / 0 0085 N89 ‘07 00°F 139.80" sg > ~ © Property corners found this survey ¥ @ Rebar & Cap LS #34145 set this survey / Rs 2 BT, fot ee 5 aden «4 Vacated MICHAEL L. LUNA Signature of - ied = rye NOTARY PUBLIC — Notary Public ‘hihi ol dana \ T 3” Street 3 | poli UEiities Easement & N. 33rd Pl 7 . . Recording 160926 _2- _ _ ~-ATE Q’ ‘NASHINGTON & Doted C3CTORER 30 2000 ORIGINAL LEGALS LOTT — sag 3938W 131.43" —— re wags NoXPIRES { My appointment expires héc. 7 2003 “07 00'W 159.25 5 50’ 50’ 4g: ~ City of “DECENT: © 2 2903 mrenAeL 4. UWA Lot 5, Block 3, Hillman’s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition No. 1, R ~ Renton selmi os hla em Resrbooq IN TAco™ A according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats. page 63, by Lot 4 q O& er #550 | State of Washington records of King County, Washington. N y R 29/2001 County of CLERCE N. 33rd_ PI. Block 43 Lot 3 Lot 2 Lot 1 Sg | certify that | know or have satisfactory evidence that . P . ue | s a! Epwden ALAA SCHEINER Lot 6, Block 3, Hillman’s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition No. 1, y ES - — ~ according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page 63, Re) x RQ a i signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be isyher) free and records of King County, Washington ~ . 3 voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ’ . <> 3 f=} ig Together with that portion of vacated North 33rd Place adjoining, which ; Ne & <P 8 ; would attach by operation of law. 12 we PS Z| PO's Z s W/ Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. io) < es R Signature of Mache A / Y & G & Notary Public vo ay w Dated QCTOCHER 30 2000 ae) 3 8/29/2000 f My appointment expires BOO = City of i PNICHAEL 4. KUNA Renton H RESTDENG xN TACOMA N. 33rd Street a4 en #1814 & & hu So & | 10/19/2000 § City of : N. 30th Street 2 {tor hase y wT 8 3 8 o < N. 28th2Place |& é 10/19/2000], ~ — | st City of = | Renton 2 a . Mon #1886 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE: SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATE: FILED FOR RECORD THIS OAY OF D R Y C O THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR Z UNDER MY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS 2000, AT IN BOOK OF SURVEYS. OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST OF PAMELA PRIDE. DWN. BY LS ‘CHKD. BY PS i AT PAGE , AT THE REQUEST OF Surveying, Incorporated DATE JOB NO 12714 VALLEY AVENUE EAST } FEE No. — M SUMNER, WA 98390 oe! Ae L B- 10/30/2000 _ 2000166 253-826-0300 FAX 253-826-9703 - \e 1-32-00 SCALE SHEET AUDITOR G. PHIL SARGENT P.LS. 34145 1 = 80’ or J LLA-o7- 120