HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Variance_Justification_Re-Align_Environmental_240729_v1.pdfVariance Applica�on
Purelander SFR
1828 NE 20th St.
Renton, WA 98056
Variance Request Jus�fica�on
The applicant is proposing to redevelop an exis�ng single-family parcel. The proposed development is a
new single-family home (4,549 sf) and an accessory dwelling unit (ADU – 738 sf) for a total floor area of
5,287 sf. Access to the lot is proposed to be retained via the exis�ng lot flagpole that extends north to
the homesite from NE 20th ST.
Re-Align Environmental (2023, 2024) iden�fied a wetland that is located along the western and southern
por�ons of the parcel. A ra�ng score of 14 indicates that the wetland is a Category IV wetland. The
City’s Cri�cal Areas Regula�ons at 4-3-050G Development Standards prescribes a 50-foot buffer for this
The proposed development has been located on the northern por�on of the site, such that the proposed
driveway and buildings avoid the wetland buffer at the homesite. The flagpole, which contains the
exis�ng, overgrown driveway, passes through the wetland buffer and within 2 – 20 feet of the exis�ng
wetland boundary. At 4-3-050I Altera�ons to Cri�cal Areas Buffers, the City code provides criteria for
buffer averaging. Sec�ons 4-3-050I(3)(a)(2) and 4-3-050I(3)(b)(4) specifically require that buffer
reduc�ons or averaging may not reduce the buffer to less than 75% of its standard width. In this case,
with a 50-foot wetland buffer, the buffer could be reduced to a minimum of 37.5 feet. The exis�ng
driveway, and therefore the proposed driveway, would be well-within the reduced 37.5-foot buffer. As a
result, the driveway represents an exis�ng, non-conforming use and the development of the new
driveway will require a Reasonable Use Variance for the development in the buffer. Staff comments on
the preliminary submital also noted this in their discussion of cri�cal areas.
The proposed development would not include any impact to the wetland area. However, due to the
configura�on of the lot, with a flagpole driveway through the wetland buffer, the proposed site plan
would redevelop the exis�ng driveway in the pipestem, resul�ng in 0.14 acre of impact to the buffer. As
compensa�on for this unavoidable buffer impact, enhancement of the 0.23-acre wetland is proposed to
increase plant diversity and to improve wildlife forage opportuni�es in the wetland. Restora�on of the
0.23-acre, remaining buffer area outside of the driveway is also proposed. With 0.46 acre of restora�on/
enhancement proposed, the ra�o of buffer impact to mi�ga�on would be 3.3:1.