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ee MON RO 4 AVE.N. Ee , SAN. M.H. SAN. M.H. ve oa. ae : | RIM 341.93 RIM 346. aN RIM 347. \ SAN. M.H. CB. -{ 6 ¥C.B. [Po BOX \ Bo RIM 346. msi\ RIM PH RIM 344.33, et N&-Y. Li -TRIM 345.26 — tetris see sos act "| DRAIN M.H. “ . oe + - by ° o tata EX ee : Lt PP es Denana, Gaeee ".° ce. D - Bag tibemapnty = Fae —— ae; a CRS RSA URAC hE TI OL Ba ar PDO “¥ ’ \ phi aecinenit ae a a Le a TEA EY UE ES ES IIIA SELF TE aS | LATE On AY - Je ht: ot he YD wettit Y os c ahaa! ere. ty : . bias A as CATE ty CEST ROC eer 9 ated : . a . . ; = ; ; os . a is “ Pet - aa > tS ah RPE ER EEE EGER H. “RIM 345.05 DRAIN WM.H. No — eB — prea ey Gy Sibel ate ny gl os , MH. ? AP ae Yen ¢ Cm RIM 339.89 meyers cape , DRAIN M.H. at 345.73 7 WH RIM 344.59 A\ JAN. 7, 2000 ~ _ - es ERROR WARES Be Sauget ig meertsameoas RIM 346.43 . . E> en aeons A MAR. 9, 2000 z “ | cB Le =e > Le Se Sec 9 RES ROERSNTON GPs _ pron rence =m CB DESIGNED: MGM DRAWN: MGM ra ES iB. f ie ‘i {3 CHECKED: APPROVED: oe a ee 18” HDPE . INV. 321.58 18” END PIPE.” INV. 297.42 “ DATE: NOV. 16, 1999 C.B. LA PIANTA RIM 341.67 LLC C.B. RIM 341.61 P. O. BOX 88028 TUKWILA, WA. 98138 OFFICE: 206—575—2000 FAX: 206-575-1837 UPPER BALCH PIT C.B. RIM 338.82 C.B. RIM 338.42 ein 338.31 EXISTING — CONDITIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A NOTES: The East half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter GRAPHIC SCALE of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., ABER or WOR ~ oan Roe ne PROJECT NO. 3 = at 00 150 EXCEPT the North 330 feet; and EXCEPT the East 30 feet for FILL TO BE PLACED — 1,000,000 C.Y. (+/— 1,500,000 T.) mee ay NAL REVISION NO. ro n ” right—of—way. . ae : : nn ee Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. " dikes mitdiar ican sheceried’ voordea tat took ala 3 a ee ( IN FEET ) : peement. (er. transaussion ne mecoriad ier broken concrete smaller than 8 inches in diameter and ; SRR a: eee Auditor’s File No. 2571770 and easement for transmission line . t f ; tt be included — recorded under Auditors File No. 3425304. MUBOT SEBOUNLS OF OFZEINC IetLer may pe inemced. lore SP- QO- O04 NO R T H PR O P E R T Y ~~ LI N E ro ni t at o 340 1° ) ae ) iP .. ‘ELEVATION 325.00 LIMIT OF PERMIT _HYDROSEED UPON ; 1 t { i ! ‘ 5 $ i ba i i i i A i i . F 4 i i : i ; H 4 ‘ a De aks 320: : i : ger: a, : i ; : : } ¢ ; i, : : ; —_ H i § t i $ , 3 i $ i i - : : : : i ; \ H i . : t é iH > i ¥ B ‘ FH } ¢ Th 4 3 H ; 3 / 3 i 4 z : t i z é ; ee § ; $ : F } 1 : i i i ; i j j 310: \: : i” | ? %, i f : i ; : i i iY 3 i Hi 3 + t ; 4 } a ‘ i a ; i : t : : A i : yt i ] : i ; . ‘ ; } 4 3 ’ ‘ Fy 3 3 i i Z : Hy 3 2 f t A . : 3 f 3 ; , ; : H ; t i ; { : ; ; ; # c i : 300: ‘ be ; i ‘ ‘ i : i ; ; ; ; i i my : : i f 5 \ { i i 4 i i ‘ ' E ; i ; : i , i : : } : H Hi i 5 pie H 3 — 5s Hi — H i ey 280: _EXISTING: GROUND MARCH 2000 | SO U T H ~s . , PR O P E R T Y 380. noni 270 0+00 2+00 3+00 4400 6+00 SECTION A 9+00 WE S T PR O P E R T Y 270: 3 : é " FS 7 — aoe Poennese Sey i “ea Al As meee ae eee ‘TRUCK ENTRANCE _ AND EMPLOYEE. PARKING, AREA ELEVATION 325.00 _ LIMIT OF PERMIT. - HYDROSEED COMPLETION 5 —_— f — + _— et i : i : i i : ; : : i i i \ i i i j ; i i : : : ? : ; i 300. : i i : $ > 3 y [ t ‘ ? 5 { Ly 290: : : i : : , : : — 280 | eres eE, Meneame orien Pera: Ceeegy rere. Monae tel freee Uy ere sree re mrttrn er serett rye: enviar ree ep me aT omen ernirr onan reeeren eenr try oterrtaceyar ety momen memrerr nee rer treme tart! wmnrser rare er Me cenerT ererre ren erence rer. e meyrorte er err were rem ecovert een terree rey: Nome rere env me orre Te rene etree reer ree ere meer Terr Ree Mem ena mere Aer mre Tree etre erent ern mere tel ope rene teen re men ree mrcape ee rere | Mere ee eeren eer nr smermrn eyrer mr tre! Corer 7 4 i i LI N E UPON EA S T “S . PR O P E R T 340 <n B30 B20. __ 310, _....300 _ EXISTING (GROUND _MARCH. 2000 _ , 280. 270 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 SECTION REVISION NO. DESIGNED: MGM DRAWN: MGM CHECKED: APPROVED: DATE: MAR. 9, 2000 LA PIANTA LLC P. 0. BOX 88028 TUKWILA, WA. 98138 OFFICE: 206—575—2000 FAX: 206-575-1837 UPPER BALCH PIT PROFILES THROUGH | FILL SITE PROJECT NO. REVISION NO. SHEET NO. CF 2S SP-CO~ Olo4 C.B. RIM 339.33 SAN. M.H. RIM 341.93 RIM 346.09 RIM 345.97 C.B. RIM a SAN. M.H. - PH J-BOX Se ted kee tee p eet eae <a ee RIM 345.36 RIM 344.33 iets es 38, PR er re OT ek 2, scthe Dest 2 te ee OP jee ky 8 GND ta ee KO Song ee PENA REE AF aD || 8 YLT OP. _ nos amy c ~ z PCO CA amen Vv. CB. RIM 345.52 eceememta ed DRAIN ea RIM 339.89 . DRAIN M.H. S RIM 346.43 cB RIM 339.35 18” HDPE . INV. 321.58 © 18” END PIPE. INV. 297.42 LV J oS ASPHALT ROADWAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The East half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., EXCEPT the North 330 feet; and EXCEPT the East 30 feet for GRAPHIC SCALE ) 50 75 100 150 right-of —way. en Oe Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SUBJECT TO: Easement for transmission line recorded under ( IN FEET ) Auditor’s File No. 2571770 and easement for transmission line 1 inch = 50 ft. recorded under Auditor's File No. 3425304. A NOTES: e r e AREA OF PROPERTY — 628,574 5S.F. AREA OF WORK — 628,574 S.F. FILL TO BE PLACED — 1,000,000 C.Y. (+/— 1,500,000 T.) Fill to be limited to clean dirt, soil, sand, gravel, and other similar clean materials, provided that rock and broken concrete smaller than 8 inches in diameter and minor amounts of organic matter may be included. RIM 344.59 C.B. [RIM 344.06 C.B. RIM 341.67 C.B. RIM 341.61 WCB. RIM 338.82 C.B. RIM 338.42 SAN. M.H. RIM 338.31 REVISION NO. A, JAN. 7, 2000 A, MAR. 9, 2000 DESIGNED: MGM DRAWN: MGM CHECKED: APPROVED: DATE: NOV. 16, 1999 LA PIANTA LLC P. O. BOX 88028 TUKWILA, WA. 98138 OFFICE: 206—575—-2000 FAX: 206-575-1837 UPPER BALCH PIT EXISTING CONDITIONS PROJECT NO. REVISION NO. SHEET NO. lore SP-00-004 REVISION NO. ee ~ LIMIT ‘OF ‘PERMIT : | : : : : : | : SF — HYDROSEED UPON” : : | | ! : foo ros / | | MAR. 9, 2000 - , | LA PIANTA 3 ; : i i : t i : } i ; P ‘ i i H : { ; A : : i i : : 320 i \ ; : ‘ } : i : i ; § j i i E : i : { j ; : : ? 3 ¢ i ; § : ‘ Fe ; ; i ci ere eo ce ee ae ne a ena neuen arene eel eam ac rausarn a neater Nox casa LA SRA a ev UNO ec sia A a ht sta an A i lm Sc Do Rh lls Seo tne ii he cn or ee eid ed ARB RS a, ins en prs ame rer eatin tn ss dons sn nepmsnent oc wenn yin pistes aot eran ec oeeanatd areecete } ' : i H ; i i i i } i ; 3 : } i ; fa i ; i £ 3 : i ; t { 3 ; i ; : : ; i i i 4 ; i : i i j i H t i } i : ; ; } { i é i : : H 3 H } ‘ : 3 ; : { A i i 5 : : 5 i i : : i ! 5 4 H 300 4 ‘ i i : i } t 3 A ¢ i Fy t r t 4 } 7 t 4 F i ; ¢ y ; i } i i t ; $ A a AE NALD: SELEN CONDNNION, ON EN AN SO OS SO Oe SO Be P. 0. BOX 88028 Lo ! | , | | 7 : | : | | ae ! ao | - TURWILA, WA. : | : . : | : | : | | , | pS ae | | | , 98138 | | | : | MARCH 2000 : | : : | ! | : | : sees , | : | | : | 2 ! : : : : : oa 206-575-2000 ce Sl —— | | | cn 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 206-575-1837 ELEVATION 325.00 __LIMIT OF PERMIT -HYDROSEED UPON | ain = 4 ee ee ee COMPLETION | — —_—_- — — : by scien a eee —_ oor UPPER BALCH PIT 340 i i oo } 330 _ | : ‘TRUCK ENTRANCE : | \ : : : | / pS papatiCa ow AND EMPLOYEE NN tt FILL. SITE | | PARKING, AREA Bea a = ss : , | , | : : : ONG / _ EXISTING GROUND | ! | | nd | 270: | 270 PROJECT NO. 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 REVISION NO. SECTION B — B SCALE: — RIM 341.93 RIM 346. \ RIM 347. A SAN. MH. ea. ic a Ue F.Hy J—BOX B ia RIM oe. = RIM oe RIM 344.33 rye. 5 RIM 345.26 | @ a ee IPS YP LETC aie \ AW BE Re LEBER STAR IOLEM AE RAT PEEL aE aie tan Yee oa LP. Hygiene i f RAIN M.H. | ge 4 ea yi a Y eas ROOTED a LEE DEVE TATE eget DE HH. £1 “RIM 345.05 oyt a — LP a Sty. : ; | | DRAIN M.H | CURB & . | | : : : : : SAN. MH. REVISION _NO. | RIM 339.89 pore & ele DRAIN M.H. RIM 344.59 A JAN.7, 2000 Sees SSE RIM 346.43 ES = - —= —y A, MAR. 9, 2000 CB. ee ee CB. RIM 339.35 UE 3. }.05 =e — [RIM 344.06 SU, Yon | We | 7. DESIGNED: MGM o ee DRAWN: MGM be — me 8 ARO CHECKED: | Ne Nn ne APPROVED: “ 18” HDPE . = INV. 321.58 © 18” END PIPE.” INV. 297.42 - | R r : “NOV. 16, 1999 i - t CB. LA PIANTA D> RIM 341.67 LLC © OD gee) Zz C.B. | RIM 341.61 P. O. BOX 88028 TUKWILA, WA. 98138 Wo TN hy A a fg A ! _ SEES SSS goo. To NY POEL AA TINAT 206—575—2000 206-575-1837 8 1 ‘7 Xp, —_C.B. RIM 338.82 C.B. RIM 338.42 SAN. M.H. RIM 338.31 EXISTING NORTH ——( Seal tg ©) Se LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A NOTES: The East half of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter 1. AREA OF PROPERTY — 628,574 S.F. PROJECT NO. GRAPHIC SCALE of Section 16, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., 2 AREA OF WORK — 628,574 SF. EXCEPT the North 330 feet; and EXCEPT the East 30 feet for 3 FILL TO BE PLACED — 1,000,000 C.Y. (+/— 1,500,000 T.) REVISION NO. 0 os = "e right—of—way. 4. Fill to be limited to clean dirt, soil, sand, gravel, and ee ee Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. other similar clean materials, provided that rock and SHEET NO. , SUBJECT TO: See eprom eo F Sieadhatte! bon ra broken concrete smaller than 8 inches in diameter and IN FEET Auditor’s File No. 2571 and easement for transmission line f nic matter may be included. eins eet th recorded under Auditor's File No. 3425304. meibor’ enreunte 0h “Gree y NO R T H _ 340 PR O P E R T Y _COMPLETION: S1 0 PR ( LI N E HYDROS SEED UPON” aaa ae EXISTIN ten GROUND- a 2000. BO / 270 840 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 SECTION A — A WE S T PR O P E R T Y é : H $ 1 t : § i q 300. : | | | ; 2 : : : : ooh whee mentoring mira nnnnr bat ainunihnnbatnattantaatiterntfra: tur tneninrhesacte tenet ainunnnentinnpy abner hat acbirtneeRntteh a nuenunnr Eat abel Rnthiht ainertnintnhattut annette BEA: win-etnentheMtes! ah Wrekin auninIn nth min ethentheetetA! ait -bAheN nett a nen nets ARAN see manent Ainanatnenbae minnie Abas : } 200, 270: ae * ELEVATION 325. 00 _LIMIT_OF PERMIT. - HYDROSEED UPON . COMPLETION _ | _— —_—- — —_ — 3 ‘ _ eee ee Vee ——_— ons 380 _ LI N E PR O P E R T Y ~~ . Ann BO. AND. a Sy l _ EXISTING GROUND 270 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 SECTION B — B SCALE: REVISION NO. DESIGNED: MGM DRAWN: MGM CHECKED: APPROVED: DATE: MAR. 9, 2000 LA PIANTA LLC P. 0. BOX 88028 TUKWILA, WA. 98138 | OFFICE: 206-575-2000 FAX: 206-575-1837 UPPER BALCH PIT PROFILES | THROUGH FILL SITE PROJECT NO. REVISION NO. SHEET NO.