HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA99-022- large format LUA SHPL LND SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT oe = : ! | | I | t <x | Lid ae ! Oh ; Bee ; ws es ix S =< | Be , O8e = oS a ee } . S oes | i , NZ = Sar ns | NS Ot AS VICINITY MAP fn ment 4 2s | due | 225 N & by NY NUH | N83 ‘a z : ’ ; 1. teal TO WIDE ALLEY — ies cielo <= : 40.6’ Sai i a age r——~ss eae, hy | 72,50 ror < ar aYetanan \ Br s LY | 9 re Le: g0.m, vevicaTion >) : | Ho ko20 * \J TO CITY OF RENTON 722930-0635 ae 2 \ = og BOLAND, JAMES M. oie FOOKS, CHAD S. \ bol M5 a "00720-0079 io 95.0 TICON, INC : LOr | BSS Sree FUTURE Ea Pe 500 S. TOBIN 722930—0630 S879 '1B'E 7 | LL. 250" REYNOLDS, GLENN x 577 i 000720-0078 26.8 / i TICON, INC « . t a 3 ee s — He peSS'| | eee ee _ | R, z 21 00072070040 a 25.2’ 7 4 N] SCHUMSKY, | 000720-0043 us | | we .. | DONALD W & MARGARET STORWICK. | ef 25.0 bp N | RUSSELL E & GRACE > e 4 cag Fo | | a: 20.0 | fy \ M ‘oh EXIST. + —k25.0') Hy i of private abies ane | 1 + = | / 00720-0072 3} ACCESS < | ha ANTIN, ERNIE AS} EASEMENT =| L— 20’ BSBL o} ACCESS & UTILITY [ex s& LORAINE | (SEE DETAIL) A Oo EASEMENT DETAIL WI, | PARPOR - re cause,” AY 1/77 [ews Th als ~ DONALD W. | / | 4 s hoe he & & MARGARET 41 f | See ial = 000720-0041 FND. CASED MONUMENT Bt t \OUSE 4 Te 1 > es, AT INTERSECTION OF i a EXIST. EXIST. ee Ree LAKE AND TOBIN uy ed) | b STORY) <3 Ne RR SPIKE W/X a | HOMISE 4 HOUSE sae eS ae 500 I | “504 is = =o id Q, ue oT 7'29'18"E 179.50’ es Soe —e fehl \ am * ee i ts NB 72918" Ste 1603.89’ e \ FIRE HYDRANT ae v BENCHMARK #2 FACE OF CURB (TYP) fe FND. CASED MONUMENT AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN AND AIRPORT STREETS. BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. - FND. CASED MONUMENT AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN il et Nl ' SOUT, ‘ ma AND TOBIN STREETS ‘4 stp iM TOBIN STREET BRASS CAP No. 10219. aw | 000720-—0060 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT LEGEND BEGINNING 414.67 FEET EAST AND 335 FEET NORTH OF THE LEGEND SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A 2 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SOLD TO TOTAL AREA OF SHORT PLAT = 0.389 ACRES DAVID C. MITCHELL BY CHARLES BRUHN APRIL 26-1900 (SAID PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS = 3 FOUND MONUMENT CORNER BEING 1077.12 FEET WEST AND 1136.52 FEET NORTH PROPOSED AREA OF EACH LOT: OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 25 OF THE TOWN OF LOT 1 = 0.155 ACRES (© SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RENTON); THENCE NORTH 240 FEET; THENCE EAST 72.5 FEET; LOT 2 = 0.126 ACRES ss SANITARY SEWER LINE THENCE SOUTH 240 FEET: THENCE WEST 72.5 FEET TO THE PROPERTY OWNER LOT 3 = 0.109 ACRES POINT OF BEGINNING, SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, MARKHAM HURD TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING BUILDINGS = 1660 SF * TREE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 7018 127TH PL. S.E. TOTAL AREA IN PUBLIC STREETS = 0 UTILITY POLE NEWCASTLE, WA 98056 % OF PLAT IN PUBLIC STREETS = 0 Os FIRE HYDRANT DECLARATION OF COVENANT - (SIGNATURE) (DATE) WM WATER METER THE OWNER OF LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN 2 RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, bq WATER VALVE BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT = syne ae BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE a ae LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL COUNTY OF KING . 3 RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. | CERTIFY THAT | KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT MARKHAM HURD, OWNER IS THE PERSON WHO NOTE: APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED ie NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND ee ae ee Hes Ree foe cae Mer ices ae ay teed © UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN BURPESES MENONED Ni 1one uermOneh: BENCHMARK Cn ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 2 & 3 SHALL , 4 Sea UND MANTENANGE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS @ UTLITY DATED: BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: SO (SIGNATURE) HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON; PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH MY APPOINTMENT THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GUARDRAIL OF THE LOGAN. AVE. APPROVALS EXPIRES FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY CLIENT: CITY OF RENTON APPROVED: MARKHAM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR OF PUBLIC WORKS APPROVED: HURD ASSESSOR'S OFFICE PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT APPROVED: ROOT: SHORT PLAT ADMINISTRATOR: OF BUILDING EASTSIDE CONSULTANTS, INC. pesenmn LG pate. 1/99 JOB NUMBER: 99008 ENGINEERS-— SURVEYORS 415 RAINIER BLVD. N. prawn: LG eer ed Gamiige PHONE: (206)392—5351 ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 QL /o/4 serail: SCALE: y bes vor | Se OR ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING aed : HICn oo URED — SHP-9-022~ he anc JO B NO : CD : ST A : PL O T SC A L E : PA P E R SP A C E : PL O T DA T E : XR E F : FI L E N A M E : CO} fo)) SE, m4 Sb aS ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT ats SO Le . E g i SECTION 18 T.23N., R.5SE W.M. pay HE CITY OF RENTON 7) Dk ALL CITY DINER FND. CASED MONUMENT————__,_ ry AS es x AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN %, o AND AIRPORT STREETS. ws 4 | wy BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. \ =|5 d 5 aes T, ee... > ‘! ——— : ‘ : CER co PUN ee ee we : ee ae 6 vt Ane Cg M=33,292— te F ! MS W= 25.49 ye Se eeepme cee ee he = - wi Ce Ae 10" WP ALLEY pase e _sw 71H strech | | = = < rc} ! one, a ee Tacs A) 9 Sam i : —_ ee mee kg ” - = a a. - Ki GIS'E —— ian i vt ~ j oc - \ 5’ BSBL \e R.O.W. DEDICATION c : . TO CITY OF RENTON aa W Gi (e) — f K Me > i 2 “IST ‘ ' = 6 Oo ~” = I a PROPOSED A (@) 10 D FUTURE © \ en eB 2 MOVE OF w6 ce ib — a | 4) 504 S. TOBIN o ine e L | \ VICINITY MAP ia\ | | 4747 SF | N.T.S. lay | S | £4) ‘o | Le) ns oe S 2 yt maak’ Be eet Oe. Sotelo ] i | oe ante ome / TABLE OF CONTENTS Ltt! : meee ey Wy | | } | a / - ne | 4 ae ! TITLE PAGE 1 ne er ed ae eee ee 4 : Oo Zs 1 iz 2+ | | 8 TOPOGRAPHY 2 | ¢ | lA S Se me pee oh eae _ | eee ss GENERALIZED UTILITIES PLAN 3 3 Z we S 2 Sa e I WATER NOTES & DETAILS 4 [i = ; ks oe rey | Aa 1 7 ? z| A is SEWER NOTES & DETAILS 5 ae | | a > TREE PLAN | A |L. PRIVATE * > E P 6 8. | | “5 DRIVE LLJ eae PON h~ W/TURN- | > Vee ! , | AROUND | VA <x ‘. 3 | ta gre Naas 9 td , ae 4 a Uo ee. | 5a - z : GRAPHIC SCALE 39 a | | . of t <q S 20 0 20 “ @ says / ee ; : iF ae 3 g os nore 5 {i | | S EXIST. ( IN FEET ) | } > GARAGE al ice as oO x 32 if | ; / z haat | CARPOR a ¥ i i / 4 NOTE: THE EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN . ee cae oe eo ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. OTHER “3 | | iF i a x : EXISTING UTILITIES MAY EXIST. 3 a & | | + ALONG THIS PROPOSED ALIGNMENT. avs | iat ) IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR AND/ & STORY | | =a OR OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO Hy ISE = S VERIFY THE SIZE TYPE LOCATION AND * | % DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES S , iP PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION n| & 2) | 7 Call Before You Dg z| 8] a § ie 1-800-424-5555 yar G- Jlatlg FND. CASED MONUMENT Fa AT INTERSECTION OF ee e : F : LAKE AND TOBIN a RR SPIKE W/X oc Tastee So a "FIRE HYDRANT — 2a : BENCHMARK ELEVA NION= 34.77 BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: rw Bite ml es es Gy SE Bs eee HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON; ,! re _ Pome BOE: a N87°29'18"W ALONG THE HOLDING THE USGS MONUMENT WM ! . ie ke Pn ec SASSI 179.50" MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH “ ‘ae ise SE WAL I emieT ces we ‘te SOUTH TOBIN STREET AS PER END OF THE WEST CONCRETE pas acy or a O> - ih /\ THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GAURDRAIL OF THE LOGAN AVE. (12” Di) Ce eae eee ee —t— Cy5 FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. oe a : pr FACE OF CUR WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. etree | iE= 31.01 a CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE : N87'29'18"w Ae é TO CITY STANDARDS $S~ pice t cre ee ae ON ae s oe : _ 1805.89" Pee reas 7. 1 BY DATE Bree ee ee é: Ue ate oS BY DATE FACE OF CURB (TYP.) , BY DATE : i D “5 RIM=33.64 FND. CASED MONUMENT ; if ’ LINE E/W=17.24 AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN F; - it a ek ag eee: aPaae: AND TOBIN STREETS. : — = BRASS CAP No) 10219. on ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS on 415 RAINIER BLVD. N 516 EAST FIRST < bo ee toes ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 CLE ELUM, WASHINGTON 98922 RENTON. HIGH. SCHOOL PH:(425)392-5351 FAX:392-4676 PH:(509)674-7433 FAX:674-7419 Pel Gt @ rotated SH P-97 CX FCS er BL Ve Uk: CD : JO B NO : ST A : PA P E R SP A C E : PL O T SC A L E : PL O T DA T E : XR E F : FI L E N A M E : CO! o fo) © lk S) -be | a ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT a is mK SECTION 18 T.23N., R.5E W.M. vy, SME CITY OF RENTON | : ALL CITY DINER FND. CASED MONUMENT————__ Sh, T WA < AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN Ree | 3 AND AIRPORT STREETS. 3 SIs — ae : | BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. \\ << Ld 4 & |? ‘A | ‘ ‘ . F. & 5 i en, - | : a ates ee | ee “OAR RiveR - SS Rate eo ee ee | é He q P- R M= 3 3.29 i A ora eee wees ee CO as. Ge oes ere, : Bin zee Te soe ae tt Tas 20 10’ WIDE ALLEYS Ee Sw 2TH STREP | a ty Fe ee Eh ce ere eee ge eee ay os a on > ¥ tar messy ~ & 2 - ue & : cre << a ac 6 Oo eo) - kK 30’ > 5 a a. ig = 6 ros ” Oo . 2) | LH SUBJECT PARCEL as | ! , VICINITY MAP | TAX LOT # 000720—0114 =~ | N.T.S. AREA = 0.389 ACRES | Grok : ' ! / S tt Bi 3 © | | : ean ge S a > a S i : Lay Z, ioe = < o _ O oo. g = wid se = Q Seal os : 4 Ch ie i < " i oe ; 5 r 2 / =z ¥ GRAPHIC SCALE 33 ES Fy 1 <q = 20 0 20 “ : : o a é SHED + 5 a | EXIST. O ( IN FEET ) =] GARAGE mal 1 inch = 20. ft. oO = APDOR T T 2 i ee ay NOTE: THE EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN RS 5/E§ + ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. OTHER <3 inte ie a EXISTING UTILITIES MAY EXIST. 2G © ALONG THIS PROPOSED ALIGNMENT. ° IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR AND/ she ¥ OR OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO : 5 VERIFY THE SIZE TYPE LOCATION AND - DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES z PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION 2 * Call Before You Djg EIS) ol a 1-800-424-5555 ge Ja] sl a<lg [— FND. CASED MONUMENT HOUSE EXIST. : Fa ~€ |x AT INTERSECTION OF i 2 OR 5 («8 ; j LAKE AND TOBIN HOUSE RR SPIKE W/X 2 ) ea 504 BENCHMARK . | a rlala ad Bae BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: e See utes HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON: = a ee ae occa N87‘29'18"W ALONG THE HOLDING THE USGS MONUMENT . WM _ §87'29'18"F ime an MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH ro wh on ee 3 pe ba SOUTH TOBIN STREET AS PER END OF THE WEST CONCRETE > a O> | a THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GAURDRAIL OF THE LOGAN AVE. > fa ee a ee FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. f ee TT ne asec WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. ee Q> Senedd “ : ee "5 - ee gee i E- e CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE NE72918' yw —— ai ae TO CITY STANDARDS ce eee ee t—(<“—S a Tee a ge | ne Paar ae —- CAT A SIN FACE OF CURB (TYP.) j BY Zz i = Mtg . FND. CASED MONUMENT a ss FLOWLINE E/W=17.24 AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN £)' na a sy Re eee “a Leite AND TOBIN STREETS. ae : ay ONES seein ae BRASS CAP No. 10219. ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS . 415 RAINIER BLVD. N 616 EAST FIRST S ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 CLE ELUM, WASHINGTON 98922 < RENTON HIGH SCHOO! PH:(425)392-5351 FAX:392-4676 PH:(509)674-7433 FAX:674-7419 ” NICROFILMED SHP-49-0 BA a wo CD : JO B NO : ST A : PA P E R SP A C E : PL O T SC A L E : PL O T DA T E : XR E F : FI L E N A M E : CO] w 3} of | ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT pe 2/1 ; ae SECTION 18 T.23N., R.5E W.M. ca =z CITY DINER FND. CASED pe ah “ff | AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN | < Bat SAWCUT PAVEMENT | mare | ! BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. . | AND TEE JNTO EXISTING Ne | , | B | \ a. | 8” SEWER LINE oro | | > [| ss 1E = - 26.364 (VERIFY?!) r= 4 g — Ge ea Se Pe ee eg EDGE OF PAVEMENT © <q =a RIM=33. 9 ae Ee a eth ee a BY oe i pee : — = — == = Phy oie REE TSS Naa eer ee aed Lae fE E/W=25.49 jee —$ . Ae a oe Sensis a pe = _ Ba ee ee DE. ALLEY ¢ A as Tin > s <q —- | WOOGEN. Frnee: 8 owen onli ae ge Eon 72.50’ s rene i gee sable % 2 PIA s S = yj 2 ¥ — a ( S87 2918" A So Gee eee ce + y 1a & : a: san : 7 HR uu a AVF eee \ 6° ROM, DEDICATION cre - CAP & M TO CITY OF RENTON a & Q i = SEWER STUB on k 30° _ a 2 TT We ] | 3 lef) 1€=26.78 (min) a a. i 1; te DB FUTURE %9 oO onal ee , MOVE OF i a <q ON lp | ee - bl a 504 S. TOBIN © ee oe Hi ey | ly a? Zz g rere | ul \) S =| || 4747 . oS i! aaa S rs 4 — : + re Z N 4 bas i Cc ; re aaa $8Z29'18"E bie — oe 5: | 72. ou | | qe NN So ee iy tr , 4 / Ee i | a ; os | | ) Z CAP & MARK | 5 ee Zz sue ke aad Lo 12’ ~| SEWER STUB | S ; c) | y | | ? | IE=28.22 (MIN) | S ar a ea seuunes oe | a N — e ee os a Fal he N 5474 SF | 5! = fe 4] re > a "| vA WW i 5 fea} >. =| > 8 | | PRIVATE | = $a ~ DRIVE LU bh W/TURN— | > AROUND fs <x : ee ~—~ : | . st cs ’ < peice 55° | Sie z : GRAPHIC SCALE : wh [2 On | <q > 20 0 20 . sw ons S O ee STORM WATER DRAINAGE | ee ba |i baas oO (IN FEET ) Fe S GARAGE — 1 inch = 20 ft. STORM WATER FROM EXISTING HOUSES IS DIRECTED VIA aa Ye aa GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS AND INFILTRATED ON-SITE ey Bo A tee | oa 53 STORM WATER FROM PROPOSED HOUSE ON PROPOSED nl / ; 5 5 42 LOT SHALL BE DIRECTED VIA GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS oe gine “ 2148 AND INFILTRATED ON-SITE. SPLASH BLOCKS SHALL BE ee Bois Aiaterie ci NOTE: THE EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN - 3 ey USED ON BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED HOMES. | i | L eae. Fp * are oy ee ree i : |e | 2 | © ALONG THIS PROPOSED ALIGNMENT. 3 HS | : | s IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR AND/ | IST. = nd OR OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO il | eae a Re RS) VERIFY THE SIZE TYPE LOCATION AND Aes a. 4 Hh . 2h. ae DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ae tte / eo 4A \ 2 | ae eee | PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION 3 é ee Mi af Om) | | Call Before You DJg N} z | EXIST. 1 | Cf io fe S181 3 | 1 STORY EXIST. | | | ieee 1-800-424-5555 SX iat] 4 a> 5 FND. CASED MONUMENT HOUSE 2 STORY ; EAST, z : ie AT INTERSECTION OF 4 HOUSE | STOR} Fs LAKE AND TOBIN . HOU ) RR SPIKE W/X : | e | ee LL 504 \ a | | | BENCHMARK oO \ FIRE HYDRANT 26 "PINE qT aeece ts Piece = tthe wi pda eee | BENCHMARK’ #2 Po ee See a ! BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: i \ ae MR gis ef EONS OF i: I a or 3 HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON: “ aN ia a. oo feet 729'18"E__72.597 — | N87°29'18"°W ALONG THE HOLDING THE USGS MONUMENT oS : Qy ies ; a or ee ee H~ __ $87°999'18"F pee MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH S RA i wet , A AWM 2 NEW F SID aie nt Bed ge bg eae ing | SOUTH TOBIN STREET AS PER END OF THE WEST CONCRETE <5 i Cx Se ae lesen eee RAS cy. — vem OEY |S (| WATER METER WM EWALK peas THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GAURDRAIL OF THE LOGAN AVE. on ROXMATE WATERLINE (13° i Oe . Biescscrenes: ot ey; FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. geen ET ene: ment ig 7 a eae a FACE OF CURB WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. - : 32, — 20" DRIVEWAY APRON, - Seat ee See : i aie aa SAWCUT AND MATCH ek Rhee ogi S eee a 14 Ngee meme EXISTING CURB & WALK TAP INTO EXISTING | iE=31.01 CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE SP a —ss—- yr ies 5 See nen easiest Ba ie ics. EN ; ae ae ~~ N87*29'18"w a Pree e'4 WA TER LINE V& TO CITY STANDARDS \ Te Se ee me he tiie \V BY DATE \— RIM=30.30 Be ee : nian ~~ IE 23 ‘ ‘E fW=19.05 eee ot Le i ork oo aaa a BY DATE (368.92" WESTERLY) ‘ i ae DIM. a ON TD) BY DATE ACE OF CURB (TyYP.) F=30. 4 = : +m = ” i ssde FND. CASED MONUMENT 3 SL. se L i FLOWLINE E/W=17.24 AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN ee A oe Le Gages —~ ee onan oe AND TOBIN STREETS. Firs mae a. 3 : fee ie — ; BRASS CAP No. 10219. tie A ne age oe eee Pa :: : ee ee ae xS ae ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS re oly IN LEXPIRES 11/10/00 _] INC. 415 RAINIER BLVD. N 516 EAST FIRST S ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 CLE ELUM, WASHINGTON 98922 zZ PENITON HICH SCHOO! PH:(425)392-5351 FAX:392-4676 PH:(509)674-7433 FAX:674-7419 TEE Oy a Ae eg IE Ag ee | NAT ES Si Ee _ ss } - 4 a 0 Be pata SH Pp S DR Alar CD : JO B NO : ST A : PA P E R SP A C E : PL O T SC A L E : PL O T DA T E : XR E F : FI L E N A M E : CO} S = ae : -\le i AG ‘ : ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT 4 z |g SECTION 18 T.23N.,R.5E W.M. : CITY OF RENTON ‘ WATER UTILITY NOTES g¢ SPECIFICATIONS O a — 1. THESE NOTES SHALL APPEAR FOR PROJECTS FOR THE WATER oe Ne " s : : ¢ UTILITY: 14. PIG) only. PIGS” shall be cylinder shaped with bullet nose or square > —_ end. The City will assist the contractor who will perform the cleaning ,; , ce Lu 2. All work material shall be in conformance with the standards and operation. Box ail S/NG* STEBL. DIAMOND PLATE * Mime ar UN <f Q specifications of the City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works ; ; oe COVER EQUAL TO FOG TITE METER >! PROPERTY LINE. >! = = Department and the latest edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and 15. All water mains and services shall be pressure tested to a minimum of € SEAL CO. B-10 METER BOX. eI e = ¢q oes Specifications, as approved and modified by the City of Renton in the 200 PSI or 150 PSI over operating pressure, in accordance with the cutest dele Conidae E| SIDEWALK = = ol Renton Standard Plans & Specifications. A set of approved plans shall specifications of the City of Renton and the Washington State Health > ~~ ane ae a ai 2. be kept on site at all times during construction. Department. All pressure testing shall be done in the presence of a Bo ties POSSE oS Fi ey Lu - . representative of the City of Renton. The quantity of water lost from ce 3. The hours of work in the street right of way shall be limited to 8:30 am the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour as listed in We thes Se tee. 12” MIN = : ace io 3:30-pm on weekdave unless Bh Stwise ne ae in aitieg by the City of Renton Standard Plans & Specifications 7—11.3(11). The loss in ae eae eee 36” MIN COVER _ ome) Department of Public Works at 235-2631. All street closures, partial or pressure shall not exceed 5 psi during the 2 hour test period. COPPER TUBING a z full, shall be approved by the Department of Public Works 73 hours in . ; am a (eo) DMD advance. The Police Department, Fire Department, and 911 shall be 16. All water mains and services shall be disinfected by the injection of a 50 rte = (e) oc notified 24 hours in advance of ‘any work in the right of way. ppm (minimum concentration) chlorine/water solution. Dry Calcium FORD COPPERSETTER a a a ce TT Hypochlorite shall NOT be placed in the pipe as laid. Chlorine shall be NEW DUCTILE IRON LOOP DOWN TO CENTERLINE, we eh act eye on raat ) 5 2 i 4. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shall be metered/injected in accordance with Section Fett SCI QE or /- WATERMAIN Pg eee Bones BOTH INLET AND OUTLET WITH PACK JOINT WATH GRIPPER. “ff the contractor's responsibility to verify the true and correct location so 11.3(12)F of the Standard Specifications referenced in 1 above. O UNE TO: METER. ON OUTLET. as to avoid damage or disturbance. For utility locate call 48—Hours : CORPORATION STOP. FORD TAPERED ALL PACK—JOINT FITTINGS SHALL BE WTH GRIPPER. = Locators, 1-800-424-5555. 17. A preconstruction conference is required prior to any construction. A THREAD (CC). PACK se minimum of 3 (three) working days notice is required for scheduling. ‘ write an ke racer Gaon 5. All water main pipe to be cement lined ductile iron pipe conformina to Prior to scheduling the precon a permit information sheet must be FORD C14-33 OR 44 AWWA C110 gai Ay or latest cn. ik bease Papas 52. sa supplied to the Utility Engineers Office. Twenty-four hour notice will Pgh 2-1/2 FIDT x COMPRESSION COUPLING mortar lining and seal coating shall conform to AWWA C104 or latest be required prior to starting new construction. C7 ER 3/4” OR 1” GALVANIZED PLUG revision. Pipe joints to be push—on or mechanical joint. Bedding to be E ee : FOR SERVICE FROM EXISTING STEEL Class C. All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be polyethylene wrapped 18. It shall be the contractors responsibility to secure all necessary permits EXISTING CAST IRON ASBESTOS CEMENT OR PVC WATER MAINS ra per ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5—93 Standards. prior to starting construction. oF UATEHRLAIN eo TER SERVICE co = 6. Cast iron and ductile iron fittings shall be cement lined, pressure rated as 19. Installation of corporate stops, water services, lines and meters shall not areas ‘ noted on plans, and in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10— be done until all service agreements, meter applications, construction CITY OF RENTON — —— 87. Cement lining shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA permits, and payment of fees have been made to the City of Renton. O eramrnsen: ss Zz, C104/A21.4-—90. If fittings are 3 inches to 12 inches in diameter and : VR ‘ ; : = ea have mechanical joints, the fittings shall be in accordance with either 20. All connection to existing mains to be accomplished by the City of Ban REVISION By TAPPRO _DWG. NAME: BR41 SP PAGE: 8106 C3 ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10—87 or ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53-94. 3 Renton, except wet taps which may be made by approved wet tap inch to 12 inch diameter fittings which have mechanical joints and/or contractors with prior approval from the Department of Public Works. aS flanged joints shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA All necessary excavation and materials to be supplied by the contractor C110/A21.10.87 or a combination of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10.87 and be on-site prior to City notifications. and ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53-—94 such that the portion of the fitting : : : : with a mechanical joint(s), may be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA 21. Inspection will be accomplished by a representative of the City of C153/A21.53-94 and that portion of the fitting with flanged joint(s) Renton. It shall be the contractors responsibility to notify Development shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10—87. Services 24 hours in advance of backfilling all construction. The Acceptance testing in accordance with section 53.53 of ANSI/AWWA contractor as well as the Engineers shall keep as—built drawings. C153/A21.53-94 or with section 10-—4.3 of ANSI/AWWA ; : C110/A21.10—87 shall be obtained by the contractor and transmitted to 22. Contractor to provide plugs and temporary blow—off assemblies for the owner. testing and purity acceptance prior to final tie-in. 7. Gate valves shall be iron body, bronzed—mounted, double disc with 23. All joint restraint systems (shackle rods, nuts, bolts, etc.) shall be as bronze wedging device and O-ring stuffing box (AWWA C500) or of manufactured by the Star Manufacturing Company of Columbus Ohio resilient seated type (AWWA C509). Valves shall be designed for a or equal approved in writing by the Department of Public Works. minimum water operating pressure of 200 PSI. Gate valves shall be ; ae Clow List 14, Mueller Company NO A2380, or M & H. All valves 12” 24. Asphalt and concrete street paving shall be sawcut to a minimum depth in diameter and larger, shall be installed in a vault. See water standard of two inches. Oil mat streets may be spade cut. All surface concrete, detail for 12” Gate Valve Assembly Vault and 1” Bypass Installation. pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutters, and driveway approaches shall be sawcut to a minimum depth of two inches or removed to an existing 8. Fire hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) or expansion joint. S compression type (opening against pressure) conforming to AWWA C— : phy Gs n| & 2 5902-85 with a 6 inch mechanical joint inlet and a main valve opening 25. A temporary cold mix asphalt patch shall be placed on the day of initial S| §) 6} 3]. (M.V.0.) of 5-1/4 inches, two 2—1/2 inch hose nozzles with National excavation with a permanent, sealed patch to be placed, to City of a le (8 Standard Threads 7-1/2 threads per inch and one 4 inch pumper nozzles Renton policy, within ten is act Call for subgrade inspection prior to E e 1s with the new Seattle Pattern 6 threads per inch, 60 degrees V. Threads, placement of final patch. outside diameter of male tread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263. : : a. Hydrants shall have a 1—1/4” pentagon operating nut opened by turning 26. For City projects such as telemetry conduit, the PVC pipe used shall be > counter clockwise (left). schedule 40 in unimproved areas and schedule 80 under improved areas. All chemical process lines shall be schedule 80 PVC pipe. | 9. The two 2-1/2” hose nozzles shall be fitted with cast iron threaded caps a with operating nut of the same design and proportions as the hydrant stem nut. Caps shall be fitted with suitable neoprene gaskets for » positive water tightness under test pressures. 10. The 4” pumper nozzle shall be fitted with a Stortz adapter, 4” Seattle Thread x 5” Stortz. Stortz adapter shall be forged and/or extruded CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE 6061-—T6 aluminum alloy, hardcoat anodized. Threaded end portion TO CITY STANDARDS shall have no lugs and 2 set screws 180 degrees apart. Stortz face_to BY DATE be metal, no gasket to weather. Stortz cap to have synthetic molded rubber gasket, and shall be attached to hydrant adapter with 1/8” coated BY DATE stainless steel aircraft cable. BY DATE z 11. Fire hydrants shall be installed per City of Renton Standard Detail for S fire hydrants, latest revisions. > _ a 12. All water main 10 inches and smaller to maintain a minimum cover of 36 ay inches below finish grade. All water main 12 inches and larger shall be ree at a minimum of 48 inches below finish grade. Where utility conflicts occur, water mains are to be lowered to clear. 13. All water mains six (6) inches in diameter and larger shall be cleaned with pipe cleaning “PIGS” prior to disinfection. The "Poly Pigs” shall ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS be. Girard Industries Aqua Swab-—AS or approved equal, 2 l|b/cu ft. density foam with 90A durometer urethane rubber coating on the rear of EA TSIDE C N LTANT S ; 415 RAINIER BLVD. N 516 EAST FIRST z ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 CLE ELUM, WASHINGTON 98922 1/ 9 9 99 0 0 8 4 | ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT FI E L D B O O K PA G E : DR A W I N G NO : SH E E T : CD : JO B NO : ST A : PA P E R SP A C E : SECTION 18 T.23N.,R.5E W.M. CITY OF RENTON SANITARY SEWER NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS 1. All work materials shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications of the City of Renton Utility Department and the latest edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and Specifications. 2. The hours of work in the street right—of—way shall be limited to 8:30 r a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on weekdays unless otherwise approved in writing by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department at 235-2620. All street Se: te eas closures, partial or full, shall be approved by the Planning/Building/ Public Works Department 72 hours in advance. The Police Department, \ F-O% MIM, ja —__ gg yusnieee Fire Department, and 911 shall be notified 24 hours in advance of any ! 7 6" BUILDING SEWER PIPE BUILDING SEWER work in the right of way. “ — = = Ss SH O R T PL A T SE W E R NO T E S & DE T A I L S ex 4” STUD SERVICE MARKER PAINT UPPER Bevin pei Rg STENCIL ON SIDE “SEWER? WITH 3” HIGH BLACK LETTERS. ID #6 WIRE WRAPPED AROUND THE STUD AND EXTENDED TO THE TOP OF THE STUD. RO O T PR E L I M I N A R Y . nn | 3. All construction shall be in accordance with "Standard Specifications for TEE WITH 6” SIDE QUTLET Municipal Public Works Construction” prepared by Washington State Chapter American Public Works Association, latest edition (APWA) and City of Renton Standard Specifications. " 6” SIDE SEWER AND BUILDING SEWER PR O P E R T Y LI N E UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CITY, MAKE TAP THRDUGH CAST IRON SADDLE SECURED TO SEWER MAIN WITH STAINLESS STEEL BANDS 4. All locations of existing utilities shown are approximate and it shall be WHEN CONNECTING NEW SIDE SEWERS TO EXISTING MAIN. the contractor's responsibility to verify the true and correct location so 60” ALLOWABLE MAX. VITRIFIED CLAY, PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE, Di PIPE . AND Cl as to avoid damage or disturbance. FDR CAST IRON PIPE PIPE SEWER MAINS ARE TO BE CORE DRILLED PL O T SC A L E : PL O T DA T E : OR DUCTILE IRON PIPE. 5. A preconstruction conference and a 24 hour notice shall be required prior to starting new construction. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior to starting es Pa construction. (Inspection will be accomplished by a representative of the ay c+) (Tt Ohne === Fi WM RIES O City of Renton.) It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the apace tains : CO Utility Department 24 hours in advance of backfilling all construction. omit sileaih seats — CONCRETE BLOCKING ANGLE STANDARD SIDE SEWER INSTALLATION > ras 6. Contractor is solely responsible for the means, methods and sequences of ‘DF TEE AT MAIN DVER 25. : TYPICAL SIDE SEWER ELEVATION (SEWERSMAIN TO PROPERTY LINE) — construction and for the safety of workers and others on the construction ELEVATION sia ea) site. NOTE: ADOPTED fan UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN, SIDE SEWER SHALL HAVE 4 MINIMUM 5’ COVER AT PROPERTY mince OC 7. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain street use and LINE OR 3-S’ LOWER THAN THE LOWEST HOUSE ELEVATION, WHICHEVER IS LOWER. 3 ist Date 12/19/01 any other related permits prior to any construction. — | a bila dealt oaaa ie a 8. Plans approved by the City of Renton, Public Works Department, shall take precedence over all other plans. XR E F : FI L E N A M E : 3 35 of 9. A copy of these approved plans must be on the job site whenever construction is in progress. i z 10. The contractor shall provide the City of Renton with an as—built drawing of the sanitary sewer system which has been stamped and signed by a ae licensed professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor. SF > i iS} ae : 11. Backfill shall be placed equally on both sides of the pipe in layers with a t: ee gi25 loose average depth of 6 inches, maximum depth of 8 inches, thoroughly RIVEWAY OR_ALLEY wy xo 3 tamping each layer to 95 percent of maximum density. These compacted "<q SEE ZONING CODE, FoR 2 ae layers must extend for one pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or to Lae: w the side of the trench. Materials to complete the fill over pipe shall be a the same as described. 7 am , a eek : py COMMERCIAL_ZONE SS ae 12. Open cut road crossings for utility trenches on existing traveled roadway SIDEWALK AND PLANTER STRIP > 6” RESIDENTIAL ZONE oie S fs shall be backfilled with crushed rock and mechanically compacted. Cuts \( coun APPROACH n| & ; san ‘ ; : CURB AND GUTTER SHOWN oe Gl eat t= into the existing asphalt shall be neatline cut with saw in a continuous HOWEVER, OTHER CURBS SEE DETAL A’ ~| 6| o| 4 ; . FOR MONOLITHIC CURB lat] sla<|g line. A temporary mix patch must be placed immediately after backfill (SCE STANDARD PLANS) SECTION A—A 5 8 and compaction. A permanent hot mix patch shall be placed within 10 days and shall be per City of Renton current standards. faa * wil a 13. Datum shall be City of Renton, U.S.C. and G-.S. O Tony 3/16" SCORE LINE Lu 14. All disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched or otherwise stabilized ALTERNATE 2 “ oe - . ° . . . < to the satisfaction of the Department for the prevention of on-site SIDEWALK NEXT TO CURB ie L a erosion after the completion of construction. se copra Cotte 6" RESIDENTIAL ZONE 9 THICKENED BASE OF CURB & GUTTER DETAIL A co 15. All pipe and appurtenances shall be laid on a properly prepared NOTES: ON COMMERCIAL APPROACHES. (TYP) Fer sinter WITH foundation in accordance with Section 7—02.3(1) of the current State of Te eer a ee etree eee CPO NOR TERE: Ale FCP. THEY Suna. oe ak a Washington Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. 2. 1/i ie deat ke ea prices. ax Shak Macs ions trent Gave CURB) OF APPROACH : CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE This shall include necessary leveling of the trench bottom or the top of AND IN CURB/GUTTER TO DUMMY JOINTS. TO CITY STANDARDS : A : : 3. CEMENT CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 3000 AIR ENTRAINED. CEMENT CONCETE APPROACH the foundation material as well as placement and compaction of required 4. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE CLEANED AND EDGED. FOR DRIVEWAYS AND ALLEYS bedding material to uniform grade so that the entire length of the pipe Oe ee ee a Oe MO ER eT mat OE PoE ADOPTED BY DATE will be supported on a uniformly dense unyielding base. Pipe bedding 6. SUBGRADE COMPACTION. SHALL A: won selaen nic. ponies ra BY DATE | shall be pea gravel 6 above and below the pipe. © roe kemeihess she UE Me Gee ae eee | aon BY DATE : ALLEY WOTH.) : 10, e 7. 16. Sanitary sewer pipe shall be polyvinyl! chloride (PVC) rubber gasketed i 2 rand DWG. NAME: FROIN SP PAGE: F006 a ASTM D 3034, SDR 35, or ductile iron class 50. a rN Gs 17. In unimproved areas, manhole to extend minimum 6 inch and maximum FEB 4.9 peor ios 18 inch above finished grade. In paved area, cover must slope in all . i directions to match paving. VO 2 Sirs ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS re lle ‘HES 11/10/00 fo) 415 RAINIER BLVD. N 516 EAST FIRST = ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 CLE ELUM, WASHINGTON 98922 SHP-9%-O92QA CD : JO B NO : ST A : PA P E R SP A C E : PL O T SC A L E : PL O T DA T E : XR E F : FI L E N A M E : CO}lw 2| [Sh eee ROOT PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT Ok : fel e By? SECTION 18 T.23N., R.5E W.M. CITY OF RENTON ALL CITY DINER FND. CASED MONUMENT—————_»_ | | ) AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN ee SAWCUT PAVEMENT 9 AND AIRPORT STREETS. | AND TEE INTO EXISTING : BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. | 8” SEWER LINE : > Pep AE oe RO RBS (VERIFYN) < 2 eee ee Ore = Se oo W= 25.49 as Bee os OS Te eee tae ee. SS a chee z = c . » pero co TOI AEE EY 47 Rae. i : : TS eps as: Gas cinennareat tempt aac vn ee 87°29'18"E ree Sa es eee ae sa > i MOQUEN FENCE AUT BE rae a a ——_—cn_ 72.50" S = ad onl \ : ee if ies eg gs ae Sa, Gk. ee ee K S = a. a. " 4 S8729'16°E ~S vik s > ce a a es 5’ BSBL \e R.O.W. DEDICATION a. a TH z CAP & MARK TO CITY OF RENTON 0 = SEWER STUB oN er LW Bf ‘ ke IE=26.78 (MIN) < 30 > ve) ° uv) ce ee. x PROPOSED af ‘e) = oO & a FUTURE = 2 MOVE OF . ce capes fi in 504 S. TOBIN oS a ae a . te: @ | _ LOT 3 s = | 4747 SF | = | ae =) © a ye ee ee er —— ) ‘. Pace | 72.50 ] ae N ne eee | es Ba ind “4 FRUIT TREES ’ 4 i" BE CLEARED aa PG i hes ua : ae O y—12’'t | SEWER STUB | S es oh IE=28:22 (MIN) | S : >» © BU LOL 2 ae a NOTES ae N en Bae Se in! : m fr] S [te =| cl CLEAR AND GRUB TO PROPERTY LINES. ae i | "AP @ ve Lu TAKE MEASURES TO RETAIN LARGE PINE “| | > TREE IN SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PARCEL. a . PRIVATE as > re) DRIVE W LLJ wm W7TURN— | AROUND oa x L. & ; | A. < - 33 2 55° 4 x $3 ig ae 2 B56 / z : GRAPHIC SCALE " ee E ” : eee <x S 20 0 20 ‘0 é S R=25/ 0? O cat L=40'\ 7. 3 ae ° (1N FEE ) 5 wel 1 inch = 20 ft. : i ‘4 ete ee © z15— 7 N 2/%y SDT N | w i x ee y 2! s/°5 if : = NOTE: THE EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN “23 ere OT 1 * ARE ONLY: APPROXIMATE. OTHER ” 6742 SF : EXISTING UTILITIES MAY EXIST. As ee) | Na st ALONG THIS PROPOSED ALIGNMENT. bs {\ ‘ 9 IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR AND/ . 9 ah OR OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO A 5 Ea, S VERIFY THE SIZE TYPE LOCATION AND ~ {! i | | MS t\ Sasa DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES 2 : Pd ae 3 ‘RETAIN PINE (© | PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION Flez| .| 2 a ! TREE ) Call Before You DJg ~} o| o| 3S EXIST. : z | AT INTERSECTION OF ae iat 2 STORY z | LAKE AND ia a HOUSE | STOR RR SPIKE W/X : |. 33 qaae Ina ‘ | oO 504 po a FIRE HYDRANT — io \ | — BENCHMARK 2 ees : | | BENCHMARK 42 ee i 506 oa oe e3 | ELEVA TION= 34. 77 « | BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: : a ed a ee eed a. eo nee HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON; < —H8229'18"E_ 72.50 tae N87'29'18"W ALONG THE HOLDING THE USGS MONUMENT 3 aM pe A : a i cans tO __ $87°29'18"C ae MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH : - Ol eA Ose. or 2 NEW I S| a it re SOUTH TOBIN STREET AS PER END OF THE WEST CONCRETE z ~ 2 WATER METER wn SIDEWALK s mo MPa are dense ee enc RA chemi >: = re /\ THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GAURDRAIL OF THE LOGAN AVE. V WATERLINE 4" 5 A hod NE —S_ be Di) SN ee xy ees 2 —— as D FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. ey re ; a _—-20-DRIVEWAY APRON, — ee OF CUR WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. ~o cia rsa. | Mag ae ee SAWCUT AND MATCH oe -~ CATCH BASIN : eat! se i Rida satan ete EXISTIN R TAP INTO EXISTING i RIM=32.( e Cen ee ee ce EO ge ee Sea ent fe asic 12” WATER LINE i 57. " CHECKED FOR COMPLIANCE \ SS eeesamipnges oe een eae eee N87'29'18"W Mareen ‘ oe TO CITY STANDARDS “ sd e -SS-——- AVA Raat Yes a seer eee . \— RIM= 30. 30 kone Pe : re tesa: 5 V : BY DAVE ee oe FACE OF CURB (TyP.) : © RIM= 51.80 43) BY DATE —___ a H TOBIN Ss f no WM = re TREET RIM= 33.64 — FND. CASED MONUMENT , a ee WLINE E/W=17.24 AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN ‘ : ‘ . aaltepet AND TOBIN STREETS. FES ‘ : BRASS CAP No. 10219. / a i we aoe aie et ieee Set ~~ ~ Res bd eh, 2 S A ON ; So. N R URVEYORS “NSomte ENGINEERS - S 4 ee 36S 1110/09 _} fe) 415 RAINIER BLVD. N 516 EAST FIRST z PENTON HIGH SCHOO! ; ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 CLE ELUM, WASHINGTON 98922 DONT Flor OCNUUL PH:(425)392-5351 FAX:392-4676 ae PH:(509)674-7433 FAX:674-7419 — SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. ROOT SHORT PLAT UNPLATTED LUA 99- 022- SHPL.] LND-20-0240 FND 1” IRON PIPE W/CAP NO. 28074 $3119'28"W 0.08’ NOT SET + ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMENT DETAIL FND 1” IRON PIPE W/CAP NO. 28074 $00°42'14"E 0.08’ FND. CASED MONUMENT AT INTERSECTION OF LAKE AND TOBIN RR SPIKE W/X NOT SET Bee 3 a et fo = i. AB FIRE HYDRANT BENCHMARK #2 ELEVA TION= 34. 77 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE HH TOBIN DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 37, || DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: || BEGINNING 414.67 FEET EAST AND 335 FEET NORTH OF THE _ | SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A 2 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SOLD TO DAVID C. MITCHELL BY CHARLES BRUHN APRIL 26-1900 (SAID CORNER BEING 1077.12 FEET WEST AND 1136.52 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 25 OF THE TOWN OF RENTON); THENCE NORTH 240 FEET; THENCE EAST 72.5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 240 FEET: THENCE WEST 72.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. RE S P LU A 96 - 0 9 0 97 0 3 20 9 0 0 5 FND. CASED MONUMENT cy ft AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN ae | AND AIRPORT STREETS. ee | BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. > | C.0.R. MON. No. 1099 an Ge TIED NOV.11 1997. ae | 10’ WIDE ALLEY = me to gaaeaat any ale . oe | ae. 5872918" Fp ae o" 5 oO 1 Ss” \ 6! .0.W, DEDICATION ‘ =e . TO CITY OF RENTON ae i. , = x UNDER RECORDING Oli 2) Ds i) a eae Ge T = SN | pRoposeD brews FUTURE LOT 3 MOVE OF > Raha 500 S. TOBIN ST. oO 872918"F toa —$, ” Oo S v q m LOE 21 7s = | © |5335 SF); ® t 28 = | ii 3 OR Lu FND. CASED MONUMENT WITH “ Aj BRASS PIN AT INTERSECTION iS => OF SOUTH 2nd STREET AND a emcee <LI BURNETT AVENUE SOUTH. : a S C.0.R, MON. No. 205 0 BSBL yV-: TIED NOV.11 1997. o— ae eg 2 © ; ~ | NEW PRIVATE oe <x = | ACCESS SP EASEMENT 0.6’ O SJ (SEE DETAIL) — i oO o 6881 SF Mo : “js LOT ADDRESSES ».. < 7 . re ee LOT 1: 504.S. TOBIN-ST, RENTON, WA 98055 1 hie LOT 2: 502 § TOBIN ST. _ sian: te , 179.50" e | a » Se ae OT 3: 500 S. yi 2 1/2” REBAR W/LS oe Be ae RENO) TOBIN ST. J So} AP NO” TESTS. (TIPFICALS 8 : N, WA 98055 ia -N87'29'18"W os Bg ca eee a ee 1603.89 Me FND. CASED MONUMENT 3 UNPLATTED OWNER’S CERTIFICATE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND IN THIS SHORT PLAT. (MARKHAM HURD) (DATE) SOUTH TOBIN STREET SHORT PLAT LEGEND TOTAL AREA OF SHORT PLAT = PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS = 3 PROPOSED AREA OF EACH LOT: | LG: + =- 0.155 . ACRES LOT 2 = 0.126 ACRES LOT 3 = 0.109 ACRES TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING BUILDINGS = TOTAL AREA IN PUBLIC STREETS = 0 % OF PLAT IN PUBLIC STREETS = 0O SURVEY NOTES 1660 SF AT INTERSECTION OF LOGA,, j AND TOBIN STREETS. | aan BRASS CAP No. 10219. ; eae VISITED 11/22/97 ia 0.389 ACRES LEGEND FOUND MONUMENT 1 © SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ss SANITARY SEWER LINE TREE UTILITY POLE DECLARATION OF COVENANT: THE OWNER OF LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE 1. INSTRUMENT: USING A PENTAX PTS—V3 THREE SECOND TOTAL STATION WTH RESULTING CLOSURES EXCEEDING THE MINIMUM ACCURACY STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY WAC 332-130-100; THE CONTROL TRAVERSE WAS ADJUSTED BY THE COMPASS ADJUST METHOD. 2. ALL CONTROLLING MONUMENTS AS SHOWN HEREON WERE VISITED DURING NOVEMBER OF 1997. 3. REFERENCE 1S MADE TO THE FOLLOWING RECORDS OF SURVEY WHICH WERE USED TO CALCULATE AND/OR (MOLLY HURD) (DATE) Oo Xs o 8 6 * ACKNOWLEDGMENT FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER WATER VALVE CATCH BASIN BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS | SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE ff LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. | NOTE: _ NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND | UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN _ ff ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 2 & 3 SHALL ff} HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 5 $5. COUNTY OF KING ) | CERTIFY THAT | KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT MARKHAM HURD & MOLLY HURD, OWNERS ARE THE PERSONS WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSONS ASCERTAIN THE BOUNDARY AS SHOWN HEREON... CITY OF RENTON S.P. No. LUA—96—090-—SHPL CITY OF RENTON S.P. No. LUA—95—198-—SHPL ROS BOOK 41, PAGE 245 ROS BOOK 47, PAGE 20 ROS BOOK 106, PAGE 81 ROS BOOK 114, PAGE 7. ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED |T TO BE THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. BENCHMARK GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1. Lie 1 inch = 40 ft. Os oa Seni RM reas DATED: e seentee ° BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: Deere ee ce Fre FRIVATE ACCESS & UTLITY (SIGNATURE) HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON; Pm coecMeN!.. MAINTENANCE COST SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. N87'29'18"W ALONG THE HOLDING THE USGS MONUMENT er 2 Sey INTHE ACCESS EXSEMENT IS «\ MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH | : _ PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. TITLE SOUTH TOBIN STREET AS PER END OF THE WEST CONCRETE | ee MY APPOINTMENT THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GUARDRAIL OF THE LOGAN AVE. J - |CERTIFICATION OF APPROVALS SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. | 5G, aaa WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. i CITY OF RENTON This map correctly represents a survey made by eee me or under my direction in conformance with the CLIENT: - § APPROVED: requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the 7 CITY oF RENTON : | ADMINISTRATOR OF PLANNING/BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS request of Robin Root in November 1997. MARKHAM PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS | _ KING COUNTY Certificate No 16915 OCT ocr 199 FINAL SHORT PLAT : J APPROVED. : RECEIVED ROOT SHORT PLAT | Minit: COUN TY MSeSESt F | T! DESIGNED: LG DATE. 8/99 | JOB NUMBER 99008 _ PPROVED 3 TSIDE CONSU a aie E08 | DEPUTY KI NG COUNTY ASSESSOR ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS rTT3 RAINIER BLVD. N. DEA a ESS 1°=40' HORZ. OF: ey sgiagn eo PHONE: (206)392~5361 ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027 sea actiey FE SCALE: w/a. vert. | SHEET: i oF | | f) ¥ ’ f) 4 a a VOR a RAIN 7 W. _M. ROOT SHORT PLAT LUA- 99-022—SHPL Q wh et ae ape a Siew dines ~ | | * FND. CASED MONUMENT AT INTERSECTION OF LOGAN AND AIRPORT STREETS. | BRASS CAP W/PUNCH. C.0.R. MON. Ne. 1088 | TIED NOV.11 1997. | re coe 1 Feac} ere ae a eee ee ee % 41.6 FND 1” IRON PIPE § | W/CAP NO. 28074 S3119'28"w 0.08" =| xe 21. “T NOT SET | xr \ , = 55.0’ oo | 8 = | ie v”) 7, 5 a a wey | § Ww / - =) I 3 2 71.9° i TT) FN. CASED MONUMENT WITH > © > BRASS PIN AT INTERSECTION | OF SOUTH 2nd STREET AND | < <q BURNETT AYENUE SOUTH. | a C.0.R. MON. Ne. 205 | t TIED NOV.11 1997. pha} | 3 : zé ae 9 << | : =. ACCESS & UTILITY | 2 Oo EASEMENT DETAIL | > FND 1” IRON PIPE | | LAKE_AND TOBIN are oe | | LOT 1: 504 S. TOBIN ST. RR SPWE W/X NOT SET ) 1 RENTON, WA 98055 et wire ee ee 1 _ 7509 | LOT 2: 502 S. TOBIN ST. 7 ~~ : _ __$8729'18E | ue | RENTON, WA 98055 | , rs) 2 . _—— . mates aca 1 TU | ¥ wn — 9 SET 1/2” REBAR WAS x LOT 3% 500 S. TOBIN ST. | ies x Ss CAP NO. 16915 (TYPICAL) 3 RENTON, WA 98055 § & N8729'18"W 209. 50° FIRE HYDRANT —————_-—~ , vi ane S, mine 10, ASD MONET ae SE eae lo SOUTH TOBIN STREET = 0, 0ON SIRES | i ded ee VISITED 11/22/87 > UNPLATTED Se A ey a ier i RENTON HIGH SCHOOL ‘ oy LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER’S CERTIFICATE _ THAT PORTION OF THE HH TOBIN DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 37, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS FEE SIMPLE ND << BEGINNING 414.67 FEET EAST AND 335 FEET NORTH OF THE OF THE LAND IN THIS SHORT PLAT. SHORT PLAT LEGE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A 2 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SOLD TO | YY AAs ° # ; TOTAL AREA OF SHORT PLAT = 0.389 ACRES Sf} DAVIO C. MITCHELL BY CHARLES BRUHN APRIL 26-1900 (SAID BZA 4 yes 33 PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS = 3 LEGEND CORNER BEING 1077.12 FEET WEST AND 1136.52 FEET NORTH (MARKHAM HURD) 7 ~(DATE) PROPOSED AREA OF EACH LOT: OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 25 OF THE TOWN OF LOT 1 = 0.155 ACRES RENTON); THENCE NORTH 240 FEET; THENCE EAST 72.5 FEET; LOT 2 = 0.126 ACRES 4 FOUND MONUMENT THENCE SOUTH 240 FEET; THENCE WEST 72.5 FEET TO THE LOT 3 = 0.109 ACRES © SANTARY SEWER MANHOLE POINT OF BEGINNING, SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, (MOLLY (AUR 9 (DATE) TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING BUILDINGS = 1660 SF STATE OF WASHINGTON. TOTAL AREA IN PUBLIC STREETS = 0 w= — SANITARY SEWER LINE % OF PLAT IN PUBLIC STREETS = 0 ie ex ACKNOWLEDGMENT DECLARATION OF COVENANT: ae Gc wanieecoll SURVEY NOTES vein” Aieliere aie 1. INSTRUMENT: USING A PENTAX PTS—V3 THREE SECOND THE OWNER OF LAND EMBRACED MITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN COUNTY OF KING SS. TOTAL STATION WITH RESULTING CLOSURES EXCEEDING X% FIRE HYDRANT RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, TE IRAN ACCUMACY STOANDS ASSET FORT BY BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE | CERTIFY THAT | KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE ada i ae Ga aes ure Wl WATER METER BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS THAT MARKHAM HURD & MOLLY HURD, OWNERS ARE THE 2 ALL CONTROLLING MONUMENTS AS SHOWN HEREON WERE w SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE PERSONS WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSONS VISITED DURING NOVEMBER OF 1997. D4 «WATER VALVE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT AND 3. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE FOLLOWING RECORDS OF a cela wie RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE THEIR FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT ein he tonne eee FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. Gry OF RENTON SP. Ne. LUA-96-090-_ SHC CITY OF RENTON S.P. Ne. LUA—95—198—SHPL NOTE: pateD: /a’z.5/9 9 AC/ ROS BOOK 41, PAGE 245 GRAPHIC SCALE NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND (SIGNATURE) tee num tok Daa “s ° ‘a “ UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN deihe ‘ated ROS BOOK 114 PAGE 7. ee ge gs ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 2 & 3 SHALL far OE HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE a ( I FEET ) MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS & UTILITY IN’ ‘nn ar 6 EASEMENT. MAINTENANCE COST SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. EXPIRES Tee gy 7S, Zee BENCHMARK PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. itn, BASIS OF BEARING: VERTICAL DATUM: = : i frte HOLDING THE BEARING OF CITY OF RENTON; ct oe N87°29'18"W ALONG THE HOLDING THE USGS MONUMENT > ‘2 3. A MONUMENTED CENTERLINE OF 1.7 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH CERTIFICATION OF APPROVALS : : SOUTH TOBIN STREET AS PER END OF THE WEST CONCRETE ITY ; : THAT RENTON SHORT PLAT GUARDRAIL OF THE LOGAN AVE. c OF RE TON ui . Z FILED IN BOOK 114, PAGE 7 BRIDGE OVER THE CEDAR RIVER. APPROVED:-] ieag wr ye/litan 16/36!aq i eS WITH KING COUNTY. ELEV.=40.55 FEET. ADMINISTRATOR OF i cama, rom WORKS "", wi we MTT SRY 44 neers ack 27/797 APPROVED: S¢-¢¢ We ble KING COUNTY ASSESSOR APPROVED: Clesne Klew find DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR coo7dte- of SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Survey Recording Act at the request ee? in z= 7 No RECORDER’S CERTIFICATE/ 229297 7 O0G¢ cITryvy oF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FINAL SHORT PLAT ROOT SHORT PLAT Filed for thisxtZ...day of Os%., 1999 at4atl in book. 4.2... of Seserx<........at page.2./.......at the Shao | AS TS DI ONS Rime o/ — |DaTE 8/99 JOB NUMBER 99008 x. t_of Records PHONE (206)392—-6361 /o/2. an a SCALE NA vent> | SHEER 1 OF 1 SHP-FF -0AD,