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ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT “< a 701 DEXTER AVE. N. a eee 7 SEATTLE, WA. 98109 eer) ret meee | ? | NS a (206) 285-4300 MUU. PASE, Rieyt dE y Ary OLYMPIC Ny ASSOCIATES COMPANY ARCHITECTURE A ee iT ” SERVICE LINEN ) SUPPLY j25 DEVEL Op BO “4 ¢| isa oF REKYANMINg _ i RECE}y t E; ate |) 28 g D Re) Sade REE gl 420 WELLS AVE SOUTH | Pao , RENTON, WA | F326) | ; «(324 cx th | -1 3 | / MS x q . cS ~ ‘4 ‘ lj. [442 : e 14264 7 Umm ; NEIGHBORHOOD 7s DETAIL MAP $l im 3 nn FF 4 + (tty . QPEN “4 + ’ Ny ga-T OT . i eC, } Pea | A eee Bi sreren’t . teemueind ny 1Ee8 i & la a at M be. at 2 ye = | 0 (9 309 Z Bol a LZel ra | a 3 aoa fk ie bees : iy tf | + A ee Acca el a : | | rE s = pia a Bd, & hie) g ree : sof tome LE rained tf om} lil 4 cao aaa é ei : ay — bt —_ i} fe BS oy r NORTH NR. DATE REVISION : m ! 16% Ba a rr ™ ig #4 ° di gt yl! ie Ni Ana vy fs . ra ; L- Le — ¢ = Giese PLOT DATE: PLOT TIME: : ge rs (77) Se a Pc | =) = ‘ 3 4 t ‘ oO Pf gitar — sins 7 7 ™y a 524 "it Ay So me oF ie q ss * re Be peaches uh a Miremw ‘(amet ial Top PEAS S| | 4 pa | Q : 8 & B 4 - aa APT ee — 10 ss iis ¥ HES ee 15 Io gy ae ; ") 0 50 100 2000 300 PS LEQ Su F ; foe ° 9 | yesh { |SseMilu) i Se iw ea | ce | ig fag “9 | gh she 4 go (SAVES. ar — =x 536 fr ofey isa Sada a M J ace aoe it I a iy ils ( pd | a 20 10 , : S lees THoeaST | ne Do *C © PP ¥ RF |. GG - H_T* ms == 508 pA Sr i MK Rane cameras "nme eit tees : _ THESE DOCUMENTS, THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN AS AN INSTRUMENT we : oryrny ws . 2 ee re OF SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF OLYMPIC ASSOCIATES COMPANY AND ARE NOT TO BE a : ee ie rc | . rt | f 2 Fre) ; USED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF OLYMPIC ASSOCIATES ves 7 “ : Pa oe . ’ t ° COMPANY. _ al T e 202 : | 4 - DATE 126-2000 SCALE 1°= 100 2000153 f : ted oe Ms | DESIGN DRAWN WILLLAMSSAQURT & ‘ A COND, Ae UN. APPROVED CHECKED L . 1 6 \ 3 \ : SIS FILE: PLOT SCALE: PLOT VIEW: MLA OD/E en yCity of Renton */LUA—OQ2—-108—-LLA 68/ LND —30-0254 Renton, Washington APPROVALS: Examined and approved this 3) day of December 20. 2S Nel Waly fov Gvege Zimmer man City of Renton — Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works DECLARATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDER-— SIGNED OWNER(S) OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME, AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN AC— CORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S) IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS RECORDING NO. VOL. /PAGE Examined and approved this _ 2 day of pte atone larg 20 Assessor Deputy Assessor PORTION OF SW 74 OF SW 4 7455.17 Te Account Number 1. SED REAL ESTATE, L.L.C., A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY By: MR VAY ~ J Day sal eSony Its Mane a2 A WASHINGTON NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 2, WASHINGTED A TFRSG O14 TIC ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION, / / - i) i) By: ly WAIL Von JM Lk <i A. La lhe ape. pega. Poi Buda Its STATE OF WASHINGTON ) / )SS. COUNTY OF _Airg ) Bcc is the | certify that | know or have satisfactory evidence that person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that / signed this instrument, on oath stated that _A<__ was instrument and acknowledged it as the “Cun. yr to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. authorized to execute the of SED Real Estate, L.L.C. DATED: 12623] , 2003. aS py 6 + tn JDkewar/ +» (Print Name) Notary Public My appointment expires: OLD LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 15 THROUGH 18 IN BLOCK 16 OF TOWN OF RENTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 135, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR STREET PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9807211996. LOT 2 LOTS 7 THROUGH 14 IN BLOCK 16 OF TOWN OF RENTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 135, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR STREET PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9807211996. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )sS. COUNTY OF __KING ) | certify that | know or have satisfactory evidence that Mie COUBEC It is the person who appeared before me and said person acknowledged that He signed this instrument, on oath stated that _HE__ was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the &xuc_ PwectoR of Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: VUCEMBLE 30, 2003. Welling, : ) eee KS LEAN L. FRANCIS ms s v3 OS 7 Di 2 . is oS i: Print Na z {8 novny 8] Ct ie ea Zee sm$ PuBlic & ; sai ¥ jz Notary Public SM”, 7 LOS GS et ROG S My appointment expires ; nan oer \ : a *) sc YH RNS y app pires: // [22] 20cG © MUTT TT bp filed for record this........... day of......... ,20....... at...... M This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by 5 S PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS _ ad 7 dees a. me or under my direction in conformance with the Service Linen Supply 3 = P.O. Box 813, Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-6621 FAX (206)243-9679 ebaced Sk ie i beual Sacuedey requirements of the appropriate State and County P.O. Box 957 : S 1 eamncemingaioes 1 weascenamer tees woerer, oem Statute and Ordingnce in ¥vG... Renton, WA : S cos tea law DATE 9/12/02 JOB NO. 357/5 CZ i 3 __| DATE FIELD 1/18/00 | PROJECT NO. 00006 CRRA AREEDD VOCS DOOCEOCCRE 8, | Ma RENE e. he O:O:e 60 eee.9e 8.88.0 © & 0.688008 i. _ , = 7 sy CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET Mgr. Supt. of Records Certificate No. REVISED 12/08/03 Pe. ry LAND SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATE VO L . /P A G E SURVEY FOR: y eoues ag a A“ cy \ SCHROETER giLAND SURVEYING LLA 03-/09 oCity of Renton ¢) LUA—O2-108-—-LLA Found 3” brass disk _it concrete in case — N _88°26'45" W meos._ ___—300.00’ meas. 300.15’ pilot 30 ’ South 4th St. 1/11/00 enroe/ LND — 30-0254 TOTAL LOT ACREAGE = 2.15 acres 1/11/00 Renton, Washington po IN M/ OLD LOT AREAS S 30 xo’ RECORDING NO. VOL. /PAGE 8 LOT A = 46,890 sq.ft. I LOT B = 46,884 sq.ft. @ 3 gS _SW_1/4 of _SW_1/4, S._17_ T._23N., R._9_E., W.M. | Lor a = 51,792 sqft. ™ NOTE: LOT B = 41,982 sq.ft. Fleld data for this survey was obtained by ' direct field measurements. Angular and linear relationships PROPERTY ADORESSES: were measured with a six second theodolite and electronic iid ae 7 measuring device, supplemented by a steel tape. LOT A: 903 SOUTH 4TH STREET , ” : REFERENCES: LOT 8: 434 WELLS AVENUE SOUTH 3 Survey by Ken J. Olyer for the Henry Ford School, dated 6/18/68 a; / § Survey by David L. Hill for the Renton School District dated 10-01/97 oO © ' ity of Renton Survey Control Network re £ 8 Monument # 1887 1 § Found brass staub in road G - ' Lee City of Renton @ north end bridge — el § - Easement for Roadwo ry ‘. Wells Ave and Riverside Drive ag = 8 i Rec. 9990929001173 7 Senn gas LE (oxig Pay o N 4 5 ‘> LEGEND 2 2 28 yf ONG ae = ' g wD g/ tN Be Concrete Monument in Case Haid Op o ™, \. x Tack in Lead or Nail & Disk | 9) PA O Set rebar w/cap #23604 14.8 —e > 7e3 PA @ Found pipe or rebar Wu < a Wooley es” £5 :| < 3 ™ : 2' m ~~ . © ene a. oe 3B s€| ‘5 @ 3 = ‘ 5.8 >. | 2nd St. ieee 1/8" brass pin ey Y) ee ay < |) oe in concrete in case — co a Le an5 U) 1/18/00 ~ sii ie »a = ity of Renton 12 é I > e'asor 5 Ecsement fer Roadwo RhaG Gg} g g; <<. Rec. 41900092900117 L250 YM 2 @ 2 g (5'x10") 3 > B s| on Baa <<! Y) _ 3 | Nn ‘ 3 Gz fa cies 2 | 0% N 88'24'51" w BB | qs ODE - |= P51 - > | Detail © Ww , ee eee : W209 Lash laine a 2 <1! Control Monuments 5 8 7 5 a ¢ = ~ nts c x © . fz 3 a = in City of Renton Easement for = | = <=. roadway (5x10) — is Rec. #19901005001770 = GRAPHIC SCALE | 0 20 * 80 160 ks rang won oko 12 concrete in case — i 2 Found concrete 2/1/03 ( IN FEET ) = Som monument in case N 88°23'00" W (m) 1 inch = 40 ft. te 1/18/00 ‘ i 299.99(m) _S, 4th St . mae -—- {Br - —— 30 ! y es) 10 +—~10' x 25' Puget Sound Energy a . LOT B 11 I easement Rec. 9080 ‘Ke City of Renton Easement for 0) iq Fr > N 88°23'35" W 240.16 roadway (5x10) «i 9 S : . Rec.#19991005001770 Op) si - = outh Sth St. ® Found tack in lead = s\TE Found 2-1/4" brass disk S 88°23'35" E 1 - ” - - > ws In canc. in case ~ = T1700 in case — \ 36° 6 mone. 300.17" meas. 300.16’ Plat 1/11/00 1/11/00 SURVEY FOR: RECORDER’S CERTIFICATE ...sssseeseseeesees LAND SURVEYOR’S CERTIFICATE SCHROETER aiLAND SURVEYING filed for record this........... day Of......... ph drones at...... M This Short Plat correctly represents a survey made by : PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS oo, — Of..cat page........at the request of a iar ie Boodle <tc of : ane Service Linen Supply : PD. Box O12 Seehurst, Weshngten 90068 (B06) R4R-G6E! FAK (2060849-9679 UU. Ox = f ' Ei chare/ Sehreeter, Land! Surveyor Statute and Ordinance Ee 2 Renton, WA OWN. BY jew DATE Te } JOB NO. 597/75 CLL DATE FIELD 1/18/00 PROJECT NO, 00006 Moe. CN. IEE... ' scariaidiblacsséacevakwiuensiewn ”.” <. —” paanngiynnneiasienetiaadeexsinicsnin Reviees SCALE 1" = 40’ | SHEET Mgr. Supt. of Records Certificate No. L52360¢ Reviaed 12/08/03 & or 2 LLA ©3-/08 Found 3” brass disk in concrete in case — 1/11/00 Storm MH i MH io South 4th St. Ma i n Av e . S. Found 3” brass disk in concrete in case — 1/11/00 if | | m——traffic & j street light | pole | in City of Renton Easement for Roadway Rec. #19990929001173 (5’x10”) Sewer MH N 88°26'45” W meas. rim = down 0.5’ N 300.00’ meas. 300.15’ plat O © ‘ 7 ; GV 5 = bf | IsV phone ev, EV ui on ped tee ER 3 ~ ae Ww = Dy 5 ae | | 30° tele. pole | | +7 | ] 20 w/undgrd drop-T | |39) wr O _ — a _ _ _ ic an TP 1g ¢ fo a} Z © Gv GV DP | a ae s =_— ~ eb) = E oe wee ice) 2 isd NEW SANITARY 18 g Boppele nf 7 | 3 oO Oddw pole | oO ny 7 W-+SNEW WATER SERVICE 17 0 GC NEW GAS 4 | s | CG ‘ SERVICE =. [J oS as | | oa | 0 lad ” : POT 7 gents 58 | | _ Le | o\ NT O\ Tan n& io Wy , e. NIN ie co i 2 { ™ | eceeewnees | _ a Z o Sth | 5D 19) 2 | 15 Se : 6 5 J OLD — City of Renton ee wood —;-——>) 20.31 Lot Line | Easement for Roadway | Os. pole ' : | : Rec. #19990929001173 [7.7 >o no ©& wen (5’x10") H [ade / OG wires © / —) |” oO Oo] S 88°24’50” E£ LIN Sa a = 234.42’ oe O |. 7 “ee il Ye tele (| / —feasearert line—-—™ 14 . oe D | : NEW LOT on pe vault Concrete So | 2 — _ _ _ : curbing 85 - |o a "| 6. | a} fe D/O N }00 | 5 |o 8 15 uw) Zz eee ene ens ne se el en Se se est soem Sy emeute d are are ie it re | 9 12 30' 30° 10 LOT 2 : | \ see 254, 59° \4 ~ N 88°23'35” W 240,16’ A — 30 ’ South 5th St. 8 Found 2-1/4" brass disk in conc. cose S 682335" © mess. Elevation datum per City 300.17’ meas. 300.16’ Plat i I , of Renton Benchmark tt © Storm Drain Manhole City of Renton Easement for roadway (5x10) Rec.#19991005001 770 10° x 25’ Puget Sound Energy easement Rec. #9807060543 — City of Renton Easement for roadway (5x10) Rec.#19991005001770 Found tack in lead in conc. in case — 1/11/00 #2123 30 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 120 ft. OHV PAy ARCHITECTURE pp II ENGINEERING b “gy ap ° PLANNING “Cery.,. MANAGEMENT 701 DEXTER AVE. N. SEATTLE, WA. 98109 (206) 285-4300 Lida OLYMPIC ASSOCIATES COMPANY SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 420 WELLS AVE SOUTH | RENTON, WA GENERALIZED UTILITIES PLAN NR. 4 DATE REVISION el PLOT DATE: PLOT TIME: *C O P. ¥ R 1:6 RH. T* THESE DOCUMENTS, THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF OLYMPIC ASSOCIATES COMPANY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF OLYMPIC ASSOCIATES COMPANY. a DATE 9-20-2000 SCALE 1”=30' 2000153 JMB DESIGN DRAWN APPROVED CHECKED FILE: _ 4, PLOT SCALE: 1"=1" PLOT VIEW. ae, LLA 0O8-/08