HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Landscape_240731_v3EHEHEHRCsfsfOGOGsfsfsfsfEHEHsfMYMYEHEHsfsfOGOGRCEHEHsfsfLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3STORMWATER TRACTΔEXISTING LANDSCAPING TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING NON-SIGNIFICANT DECIDUOUSTREE TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING NON-SIGNIFICANT DECIDUOUSTREE TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING NON-SIGNIFICANT EVERGREENTREE TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING NON-SIGNIFICANT EVERGREENTREE TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING LANDSCAPING TO BE RETAINED.CONTRIBUTES TO REQUIRED 10' LANDSCAPEBUFFEREXISTING LAWN TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING ONSITE SIGNIFICANT DECIDUOUSTREE TO BE REMOVED. SEE ARBORISTREPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONTREE PROTECTION FENCEIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSKnow what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RSIERRA HOMES SHORT PLATJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEY3TREE RETENTION PLANL-1TREE CALCULATIONSSITE AREA: 31,998 S.F. (0.734 ACRES)30 TREE CREDITS PER NET ACRE REQUIRED0 S.F. DEDUCTIONS0 TREE CREDITS RETAINED30 x 0.73 = 21.9 CREDITS REQUIRED23 CREDITS PROVIDEDSEE LANDSCAPE PLAN THIS SET FOR REPLACEMENT TREESLEGENDNORTH1" = 20'-0"SHEET SIZE 22" x 34"NE 7th PLACENILE AVENUE NEPROPERTYBOUNDARYPROPERTYBOUNDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY1300000133.940000*TREE INFORMATION SOURCE: LAYTON TREE CONSULTING LLCREPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 19, 2023TREE PROTECTIONFENCE, TYPICAL*ADDITIONAL TREES SHOWN TO MEET OTHER ZONING CODE REQUIREMENTS.SEE SHEET L-2 FOR LOCATIONS AND SHEET L-3 FOR SPECIES MGMGMGNNNDVDVDVAZAZAZAZAZMGMGMGMGMGMGNNNAZAZAZDVDVDVDVDVAZMGMGMGDVDVAZAZMGMGMGNNNEHEHEHRCsfsfOGOGsfsfsfsfEHEHsfMYMYEHEHsfsfOGOGRCEHEHsfsfLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3STORMWATER TRACTΔLEGENDEXISTING LANDSCAPING TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING NON-SIGNIFICANT DECIDUOUSTREE TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING NON-SIGNIFICANT EVERGREENTREE TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING LANDSCAPING TO BE RETAINED.CONTRIBUTES TO REQUIRED 10' LANDSCAPEBUFFEREXISTING LAWN TO BE RETAINEDEXISTING LANDSCAPINGBETWEEN R.O.W. ANDSIDEWALK DOES NOTCONTRIBUTE TO REQUIRED 10'LANDSCAPE BUFFERIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSKnow what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RSIERRA HOMES SHORT PLATJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEY3LANDSCAPE PLANL-2PROPERTY BOUNDARY2 TREES/5,000 S.F.9,214 S.F. / 5,000 = 1.84 TREES REQ'D4 TREES PROVIDED2 TREES/5,000 S.F.10,165 S.F. / 5,000 = 2.034 TREES REQ'D4 TREES PROVIDED2 TREES/5,000 S.F.10,306 S.F. / 5,000 = 2.064 TREES REQ'D4 TREES PROVIDEDALL PROPOSED TREES AND LANDSCAPING TO BEINSTALLED AT TIME OF HOME CONSTRUCTION10'10' WIDTH LANDSCAPE BUFFERREQUIRED. BEGINS ATPROPERTY BOUNDARY10'10' WIDTH LANDSCAPE BUFFER REQ'D. BEGINSAT PROPERTY BOUNDARYSee Sheet L-3 for plant scheduleEXISTING FENCE TO BERETAINEDNORTH1" = 20'-0"SHEET SIZE 22" x 34"REVISE EXISTING FENCE ASNECESSARY FOR PROPOSEDDRIVEWAY, TYPICAL'SMALL' AND 'MEDIUM' TREES INSTORMWATER TRACT TO AVOIDCONFLICT WITH VAULT WALLS BOTANICAL NAMEFull and MatchingFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htFull and MatchingFull and Matching, min. 8'-10' htPicea omorika*Gleditsia tri. inermis 'Shademaster'*Pyrus calleryana*Acer rubrum 'Bowhall'*Acer circinatum*Pinus contorta contorta*Gymnocladus dioicus 'Espresso'Serbian Spruce**Honeylocust**Flowering Pear**Red Maple**Vine Maple**Shore Pine**Kentucky Coffeetree**2" cal2" cal2" cal2" cal2" cal2" cal2" calTREE PLANT SCHEDULETree height listed is from top of rootball to top of tree at time of planting. Damaged trees shall be replaced with samespecies and minimum 2" caliper.COMMON NAMEQTYSIZEREMARKSInstall watering bags on all trees unless trees are to be installed on building lots.Note: caliper is measured 4.5' above top of rootball.TREES2521652Full and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and MatchingFull and Matching/Plant 30" o.c.Full and Matching/Plant 36" o.c.Viburnum davidii*Nandina domestica*Azalea sp. 'Hino Crimson'*Miscanthus sinensis*Polystichum munitum*Myrica californica*Mahonia aquifolium*Vaccinium ovatum*Ribes sanguineum*Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi*Gaultheria shallon*David ViburnumNandinaEvergreen AzaleaMaiden GrassSword FernPacific Wax MyrtleTall Oregon GrapeEvergreen HuckleberryRed Flowering CurrantKinnikinnikSalal2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon2 gallon1 gallon1 gallon1091115112592As req'dAs req'dDVMG*Considered drought tolerant in Pacific Northwest once establishedNew Lawn, shovel cut transition between lawn and landscape bedsNAZ*Considered drought tolerant in Pacific Northwest once established**Replacement treeBOTANICAL NAMEPLANT SCHEDULECOMMON NAMEQTYSIZEREMARKSSHRUBS and GROUND COVERPER TREECREDITSCREDITSTREE2 'Large'41 'Medium'51 'Medium'21 'Medium' 1.25 'Small'1.51 'Medium'52 'Large'4Tree credits provided: 22.5BOTANICAL NAMESTREET TREE PLANT SCHEDULECOMMON NAMEQTYSIZEREMARKSTREESFull and MatchingAcer rubrumMatch existing cultivarRed Maple2" cal1sfMYOGRCEHIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSKnow what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RSIERRA HOMES SHORT PLATJEFF VARLEY landscape architect19819 30th Dr SE Bothell Washington 98012email varley_jeff@hotmail.com phone 425-466-9430www.varleylandscape.comVARLEY VARLEY VARLEY3LANDSCAPE NOTES and DETAILSL-3LANDSCAPE NOTES