HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement, Recorded, CoR at SAEInstrumcnt Number: 2O240923OOO729 Documcnt:EAS Rcc: 5307.50 Pagc-l of 5 Rccord Date:912312024 2:50 PM Electronically Recorded King County' WA Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 flllq; Utilities Easpment ProperW Tax Parcel NumbeT; 722400-0580 Proiect File f1 C22006382 I Sttuet hte.;ection or Project Name:Saltori Elementary School Reference Number(sl of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on pa8e -.Grantor(s): Granteelsl: 1. RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT F403 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. Additional legal is on page 4,5 of document. (Abbrevioted legoldescription MUST go hete.) TFGAT DE5CRIPTION: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHWESTQUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST W, M. MORE PARTICUTARLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF CITY OF RENTON DECLARATION OF LOT COMBINATION LUA 17.000539.1C, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDER'S NUMtsER 2017111700075T. LESS THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THF CITY OF RENTON UNDER DEED OF DEDICATION RECORDED AUGT,]ST 11,2020, UNDER KtNG COUNTvRECORDIN6 NO. 20200811002413 (KING COUNTY PARCEL NO. 7224000i80), DESCRIEEDAS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID XING COUNTY PARCFL NO. 7224000580, THENCE SOUTIJ 4"i2'10" WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY KING COUNTY PARCEL NO. 7224000580, BEING THE :ASTERIY RIGHT OF WAY OF PARK AVENUE NORTH A DiSTANCE OF 13I.70 FEET TO AN ANGI€ POINT OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY OF PARK AVENU€ NORTH; THENCE CONTINUING ATONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY AND SAIB WESTERI-Y L|NE SOUTH 0"55,18" WEST A DISIANCE OF 227,53 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF EEGINNIT{G; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH O'55'18" WEST A DISTANCE OF 5.OO FEET; THEITCE SOUTH 89'03'42" EAST A DISTANCE OF 5.OO FEET; H6NCE NORTH O'5918" EASTA DISTANCE OF 5.OO FSET; THENCE NORTH 89'03'42" WEST A DISIANCE OT 5.OO FEET TO TH€ POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAI^IING 25 SQUAR: FEET MORE OR IESS. Page 1 of 5 That said Grantor{s) (hereina presents, grant, bargain, sell, assigns, an s3Sgmsnl for fter, "Grantor"), for and jn consideration of mutual benefits, do by these convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and oublic utilitie {includrne water. sanitarv sewer, and storm drainasel with necessary appurte4ances over, under, through, across and upon the property in King county, Washington, described on Page 1. For the purpose of constrilcting, reconstructing, installing, repairinS, replacing, enlarginS, operating and maintaining utiliues and utilltv pip€lines, includinE. but not iimited to, water, sanitary s€wer and storm draina€e, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any sujt or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligatlon or liability therefor Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may {rom time to time construct such additional facilities as it maV require or desire. This easernent is granied subiect to the following terms and conditicns: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entrv bY the Grantee. 2. Grantor shatl retain the .ight to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall nct, however, have the right to: a. Erec! or maintain any builCrngs or structures within the easement; or b, Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation havirg deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utililies to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c Develop, landscape, or beautify the easerrent area in any r'vay which would unreasonably increase ihe costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private imProvemen!s therein; or d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-waY, or endan8er the lateral support facilities; or e. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the easement; or f. Erect fences in such a way as to prevent access by the Grantee's vehicles to lhe 6rantee's faciiities. Any fence constructron must provide for an opening {8ated, remavable sections, barriers' etc.) of at least ren {10} feet in width; or B. [rect any objects within f]fteen (15) above the ground surface within (he easement This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties' their heirs' succesEors in tnterert and assigns- Grantor cOVenants that it is the lawful owner of the above property(ies) and that it has a good and lawful right to execute this agreement Grantor shall proteci, save and hold harmless, and defend, with counsel oJ its sole reasonable choice, 6rantee, its tenant(s), and their successors, assigns, customers and tnvitees, from all ciaims, actions, tilgd or threatened' co5t5, damages, or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any acts or omitsions ol Grantor in connection wtih this easement. The obligation to protect, save and hold harmless, and defend shall not include such claims, actions, costs, damages, or expenses whrch may be caused bY the sole negligence Of Grantee or its tenant(s), or their successors or assigns; Provided that if the clarms actions, costs, dama8es' or expenses are caused by or result from concurrent negligence of {a} Grantee or its tenant{s), ot their successor's or assigns and (b) Grantor, its agents, contractors or assrgns, and invoives those actions covered bV RCW 4.24,11S, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of Grantor, its agents, contractors ol assigns. 6rantor shall prOmptly notify Grantee and its tenant{s) o{ any loss' dartrage' injury cr death arising out oiol, in connectron with any acts or omissions of Grantor in connection wilh this easement. 8y this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the conveyance nereby rnade unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfullV, claiming or to claim the Same- Thls conveyance Shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever Page 2 of 5 ear a5 belowlN wlrNESS wHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha STATE OF \^/ASHINGTCN }55 COUNTY OF KING ; I cerl;fy thal I know o'have ratisfacto.V evidence tnat - Notary Seal must be within box Notary (Prin rl Nolary Public in and for the state of Washington NAVOUAL FORM Of My appointment exPires Dated acknowledged ;t to be his/her/theii iree and volunta purposes mentioned in the insrruneni srgned this rnstrumenl and ry acl for the uses and STATE OF WAsHINGTON ] 55 ccuNTY Or KtN6 l I cetlity thai know or have 53risfuctory evidence tha! HtsrC-F- 5*Bl!o 2?t or-if s 9 BirE,3 3-iEE :f Washingtonfor voruntary act of such pariy/partieg fot the uses and purposes mentioned in the oath stated at R€PNESENIATNE FONM OF ACKNOWLEOGMENT Notary Public in a signed thls rnstrumeni, on authorazed to execute the instrurent erd' be the free and Notary (Pri Deted anc acKnowledged li as the ot CORPOBA1E FONM Af AC'WOWLEDGMENI STATE OF WASHINGTON } 95 CCU\ITY OF KING } or this -...........-".-"..._ da,1 of - 19-. beiore ne personally appeared uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stateo that he/9he was authorired to execute said inttrumcnt and that the 3eal atfixed is lhe ccrporate seal of satd corporatlon. Nolary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) Notary Seal musi b€ wilain 3ot cor3oratron thai e.kecuted thc w:Ilrin instrumeni. and rnslrument to ce the'.ee anc volLntarY act and deed acknowjedge the said of 5aid corporation, for the known lo be me rhe Mv appointment ex Daied: Page 3 of 5 EXH IBIT A THAT PORTION OFTHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OFTHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17' TowNsHlP 23 NoRTH, RANGE 5 EAST W. M. MoRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED As A PoRTloN oF CITY OF RENTON DECLARATION OF LOTCOMBINATION LUA 17'OOO53g'LC' RECORDED UNDER KING COUNW RECORDER'S NUMBER 20171117000762, LESS THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON UNDER DEED OF DEDICATION RECOBDED AUGUST 11 ' 2O2O' UNDER KING couNw RECORDING NO.2020081 1002413 (KING COUNTY PARCEL NO' 7224000580)' DESCRIEED AS FOLLOV1IS; COMMENCINGATTHE NORTHWEST CORNER OFSAID KING COUNTY PARCEL NO' 7224000580' THENcESoUTH4"12,.'0"WESTALoNGTHEWESTERLYKlNGcouNTYPARCELNo.T224000530' BEING THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF PARKAVENUE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 131'70 FEETTO AN ANGLE POINT OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY OF PARK AVENUE NORTH; THENcEcoNTINUINGALoNGSAIDRIGHToFWAYANDSAIDWESTERLYLINESoUTH0056'18, WESTADISTANCEAF22T,6}FEETTOTHEPOINTOFBEGINNING; THENCEcoNTINUINGSoUTH0o56'lS"WESTADlsTANcEoF5.00FEEI; THENCE SOUTH SgOOg'42" EAST A DISTANCE OF 5'OO FEFT; THENCE NORTH 0O56'18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 5'OO FEET; THENCE NORTH 89"03'42" WEST A DISTANCE OF 5.OO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING' CONTAINING 25 SQUARE FETT MORE OR LESS. JUI.Y :,j PAGE 1 OF 2 LL\\\ Lt EXHIBIT A N. 4TH ST. '.i t^.,1 a" )'- ufii 'w-. 'l,JRi';_R .r A> -tsca 3ti \liFl I, tr:ijtC rr Tli,i; ]a Ji '14 ;? 1 f -i,-:?ei. r a4SI:i_', Fii,/ DADii A;f. f! AS:jaSCri!Eli \. jtai :i Di;ilA- 4i.. .rlr rt jx l-4 \ \ :,a ;.--: 9 CITY OF RENTON DECLARATION OF tOT COMBINATION LUA 17-0000539-LC K.C. RECORDER'S NO. 2Q171117000762=/a ',1 K.C. PARCEL 7224000580 ,'f-_/r 'l-L i',, '_Y /: ,. :_ ^: i'il ', t= !4 t- :'1 a.- -r NOT TO SCALE 2 u.i Yt o- .,,AF:: D i,:,t,3E'11 :lzi"rV r CC' - nr-,'; rL'c. t, "t,t 10-r 'rrl, ^'l "F i 5 r,l s3E' :r:'C 4 "i q ^Tr IAS'[FiLY "C./irlFk 6\':. r'! GRAPHIC EXHIBIT FOR UTILITY EASEM ENT LEG AL D ESCRI PTION FOR RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT lrA nr ai! 3iF:t_r :lr PAGE 2 oF2 Dct" cg,:og//21 l.i \rc -JC i5 1 93C 6th n venue S Su,le r01 searrte u/A 381 3d 206,332.0800 Approximate localion of easernent fot City of Renton Vault behind sidewalk ffin CAPITAL PLANNIN6 AND CONSTRUCTIONgERvrcE I EXCELLENcc I EoulrY DATE: August 21,2024 TO. Dr. Damien Pattenaude, Superintendent FROM: Matt Feldmeyer, Executive Director, Capital Planning and Construciion FOR BOARD DATE: Auoust 28, 2024 t-Ac€ %12\/t\ CONSENT AGENDA ITEM: Easement with the City of Renton The City of Renton is requesting a Utilities Easement at Sartori Elementary for constructing, reconstiucting, installing, iepairirig, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utiiity pipelinel, incluJini urt not iimited to, water, sln*ary sewer and storm drainage together with the right of ingress and egress. DrsTRlcT GOAL(S): Removing Barriers and Supporting Students BUDGET IMPLICATION: This item has no budget implication. RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval of the attached Easement for sartori Elementary ATTACHMENT: Easement Project File # C22006382 ewed a d approval of this request: rA.Date ent of Finance & OPerations/CFO SERVICE I EXCELLENCE IEQUITY nt 7812s124thst.,Seaft/e,Washingtong8178-4830|p.425'2044403|t425.204.4476 ffin CAPITAL PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTIONsERvlcE I ExcELLENcE I EoulrY DATE: August 21,2024 TO: Dr. Damien Pattenaude, Superintendent FROM: Matt Feldmeyer, Executive Director, Capital Planning and Construction FoR BoARD DATE: Auqust 28, 2024 f4<f Wa\/L\ CONSENT AGENDA ITEM: Easement with the City of Renton The City of Renton is requesting a Utilities Easement at Sartori Elementary for constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including but not limited to, water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage together with the right of ingress and egress, DrsTRrcT GOAL(S): Removing Barriers and Supporting Students BUDGET IMPLICATION: This item has no budget implication RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the attached Easement for Sartori Elementary. ATTACHMENT: Easement Project File # C22006382 nd approval of this request:lha A.Date ent of Finance & Operations/CFO SERVTCE I EXCELLENCE IEQUITY 7812 S 124th St., Seaff/e, Washington 98178-4830 | p.425.204.4403 | f.425.2A4-4476