HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_ERC_Addendum_DNS-M_Determination_Ltr_Notice_Signatures_Earlington_Townhomes_20170711_v1July 11, 2017 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental (SEPA) Threshold Determination Addendum Addendum to the Earlington Townhomes (LUA17-000169, ECF, SA-H, MOD, MOD, MOD) as Addended by the City of Renton (LUA17-000390, ECF, PP, PPUD) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on July 10, 2017: SEPA DETERMINATION:Determination of Non-Significance – Mitigated (DNS-M) PROJECT NAME:Earlington Townhomes PROJECT NUMBER:LUA17-000390, ECF, PP, PPUD This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project and have issued an addendum to the Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated. Please refer to the enclosed Notice of Environmental Determination for complete details. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7289. For the Environmental Review Committee, Clark H. Close Senior Planner Enclosure cc: Karen Walter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Division DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYtANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENTenonADDENDUMTOENVIRONMENTAL(SEPA)DETERMINATIONOFNON-SIGNIFICANCE(DNS-M)—MITIGATEDPursuanttoWAC197-11-600(4)fc)andWAC197-11-625AddendumtotheEarlingtonTownhomes(LUA17-000169,ECF,SA-H,MOD,MOD,MOD)asAddendedbytheCityofRentonfLUA17-000390,ECF,PP.PPUD)DeterminationofNon-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)DateofAddendum:July10,2017DateofOriginalIssuanceofSEPAThresholdDetermination:May8,2017Proponent:JordanSalisbury,BlueFernDevelopment,LICProjectNumbers:LUA17-000169,ECF,SA-H,MOD,MOD,MODandLUA17-000390,ECF,PP.PPUDProjectName:EarlingtonTownhomesProposal/PurposeofAddendum:TheoriginalSEPAthresholddeterminationforEarlingtonTownhomeswasissuedonMay8,2017.Theoriginalapplicationincludedaproposaltoconstruct62attachedsingle-familytownhomesona4.16-acresiteunderHearingExaminerSitePlanReview,Environmental(SEPA)Review,andthreemodificationrequests.OnJune13,2017,theapplicantwithdrewtheiroriginalapplicationandreappliedforPreliminaryPlannedUrbanDevelopment,PreliminaryPlat,andEnvironmental(SEPA)ReviewtoobtainsomeadditionalflexibilityofferedinRenton’sMunicipalCodeunderarevisedlayoutanddesignproposal(Exhibits2-4).TheintendedpurposeofthisSEPAAddendumistodiscloseanyproposedchangestotheproject.Thus,therevisedprojectwouldincludesomeadditionalright-of-waydedication(6,982squarefeet)alongtheprimaryaccessroadfromS132ndStinordertomorefullycomplywithcompletestreetstandards.Therevisedsiteplanincludestheconstructionof60attachedsingle-familytownhomeswithadditionalclusteringofbuildingswithinthesitetocreatemoreopenspace.TheprojectSEPAappealperiodendedonMay26,2017.PursuanttotheCityofRenton’sEnvironmentalOrdinanceandSEPA(RCW43.21C,1971asamended),onMay8,2017,theEnvironmentalReviewCommitteeissuedaDeterminationofNon-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)fortheEarlingtonTownhomes.TheDNS-Mincluded AddendumtoEnvironmental(SEPA)ReviewPage2of3July10,2017three(3)mitigationmeasuresrelatedtoseasonalearthworkperiods,geotechnicalrecommendations,anddrivewayaprons.A14-dayappealperiodcommencedonMay12,2017andendedonMay26,2017.Noappealsofthethresholddeterminationwerefiled.Analysis:IthasbeendeterminedthattheenvironmentalimpactsoftheproposalwereadequatelyaddressedundertheanalysisofsignificantimpactscontainedwithinthepreviouslyadoptedDNS-M.BasedonWAC197-11-600(4)(c),theaddendumprocessmaybeusedifanalysisorinformationisaddedthatdoesnotsubstantiallychangetheanalysisofsignificantimpactsandalternativesintheexistingenvironmentaldocument.TheCityofRentonisherebyissuingaSEPAAddendumpursuanttoWAC197-11-600.ThisAddendumisappropriatebecauseitcontainsonlyminorinformationnotincludedintheoriginalDeterminationandtherearenoadditionalenvironmentalimpactsrelatedtoinclusionofthenewinformation.Location:80745132ndSt,Renton,WA98178(APN’s214480-0487,-0488,-0500,-0285,and-0295)LeadAgency:CityofRenton,DepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentReviewProcess:AddendumtopreviouslyissuedDeterminationofNon-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)AdditionalInformation:Ifyouwouldlikeadditionalinformation,pleasecontactClarkClose,SeniorPlanner,CityofRentonPlanningDivision,DepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentat(425)430-7289.ThereisnocommentperiodforthisAddendum,datedJuly10,2017issuedbytheCityofRentonEnvironmentalReviewCommittee.ExhibitsExhibit1DNS-MAddendumExhibit2PlatPlan/SitePlan—SheetPP-01Exhibit3PreliminaryRoadandUtilityPlan—SheetPP-04Exhibit4LandscapePlan(RenderedPlan)—SheetLO 0.00093[O-dd0—nW..Mrrc2mmm-vI-i0;-rUmCD010100Ill,0000010/DII60LIII8000/061/CCL0566601COOloi616.006/CC001%06CO/C60660’600011Dl000100Ccc’CC00/ICl061’001Cr,10601/DI161160CIIIIC01/0IIICC,06111100BOILDI61006616006/65/I610100£1110/1/6’60006£1110//161196’ClCCIICCLIIIC(is)0106101(oS)01056101(10)01066101316013190131901039010103601010360101ZIISIHX3NNN_____0101600/061001Cl001400661010611011101,001l0.6C096_______033N)9N.933N10N3HD31030IUOA3AUflS/H11NNVCd11419161003/3000111616d3d0l3A30)W3NMO11013010111,9161040143:10,46016104061101016S8301350HdkLflhIfl:6Iool/6a0)101600361100601901001610010101010(0110)SOHVONVISLN3WdO3Aa0600161003600130105/31101000130016001306001111561II61000/06016376110140DI0100001001010oi:6005031015oooooj1010000/350090300630/0600101010011100016635006603081080(10i(eJ)100000010101Sd031140)60133010AdVNI9I139dNold100/NOD30031000HOldLOll/fl100900AlJVNlYll139dHOld00)00801)NNIYlfl3bdSNOIII030DONUSIX310Aol000noeHOld3/IS90—adS0—dd00—ad£0—dO£0—dOL0—ddNOLLdINOS3OON133H9HIKpI—a00612—3610’060016060760.001131V390660110401,140I0061110400110001/0110401111000/103001001101610,0141103CoOl010011111001110010100101ISH±OCLS__-NN00NM‘3930WNCCdM1‘CLDCCJOWL3N3W.dONOIlWOdV A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 13,TWP 23 N.,AGE 4 E.,W.M. I ALL ATETIAR ART.ffIATS S’t STIEWAAKS TA RE CCHMCAOIS CAACACTC 2.MDV SMAWALA mAMA ADWAS ALE S HALL,,SLATE TAWATA ICE CTAJCCT AT 155 -2 AS, A,NCR HMCWAA.A fl,ASA A DANA ST SHALL SLATE 4 AETNA TRANSA’ASS AL MATCH ETISTAA CASATANT TT TA ALNOSEA AT FlAME, CAISI,HA SlATS CAAAACF FASTFA SAAMTALH SCAlP —e--———-_PROPOSAL IA’S STATM AAAAALE —_,_—————._____, TRATASAL 80 ACAAA 4 CRC HASIWIT *SITED LIATT TIRLATIA SDMMAK ARC TTAARHCA AALICRCTC AROMA L________J SCALE:1 =40’ CONTOUR INTERVAL -2’ ROAD A SECTION A-A PLAN,SAID PP—A),FDA I1’ASHCA FLAAA Cl ECATASH IA’TOPiC I4’IAA5IALL/MA.T’ ‘di.ii JgI M’L A, 3’“Tk1, ,_ ‘“—IfAC CATTAIL STARR PRATCHEA RRST:T “PTAAASEA ROAD A START SECTION B-B ALLEY SECTION C-C STALL.I’—A’ ______________ A 3W ACAISIAL A/M Rn FTATACIA A:ACTI CARM ALA CACEA ‘g’Sfl 8’SAlTS --I CElL WRAA M%A*TEAMS:ANSi ‘&j _J AARIAAL CART AAA SAnER S 132ND ST flfll I Cfl’T’flO A n—rca’a’IFACING EAST) •; A’ISA Q CAHA &LATERCRAM “—‘CTATCLLA PLANNING DIVISION RECEIVED 0611 3P2017 cGose 1jn 031 t S II 2 hr P SI (1 S 0Ui 0xz z dj 1zw0. 00.0 1cE UiCo Ui _JD -0 0 Z Ui Ui_i P 01(2046 0325.11 062.11 =30 -O. LO 0ANT SC.i€03ULE 0 El aa El -—- -N=e-dI h-4 .UZ...D I ‘U 1=’ EXHIBIT4 DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNSM) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: LUA17-000169, ECF, SA-H, MOD, MOD, MOD and LUA17-000390, ECF, PP, PPUD APPLICANT: Jordan Salisbury, Blue Fern Development, LLC PROJECT NAME: Earlington Townhomes PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The original SEPA threshold determination for Earlington Townhomes was issued on May 8, 2017. The original application included a proposal to construct 62 attached single-family townhomes on a 4.16-acre site under Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Environmental (SEPA) Review, and three modification requests. On June 13, 2017, the applicant withdrew their original application and reapplied for Preliminary Planned Urban Development, Preliminary Plat, and Environmental (SEPA) Review to obtain some additional flexibility offered in Renton’s Municipal Code under a revised layout and design proposal (Exhibits 2-4). The intended purpose of this SEPA Addendum is to disclose any proposed changes to the project. Thus, the revised project would include some additional right-of-way dedication (6,982 square feet) along the primary access road from S 132nd St in order to more fully comply with complete street standards. The revised site plan includes the construction of 60 attached single-family townhomes with additional clustering of buildings within the site to create more open space. The project SEPA appeal period ended on May 26, 2017. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on May 8, 2017, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Earlington Townhomes. The DNS-M included three (3) mitigation measures related to seasonal earthwork periods, geotechnical recommendations, and driveway aprons. A 14-day appeal period commenced on May 12, 2017 and ended on May 26, 2017. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. PROJECT LOCATION: 8074 S 132nd St, Renton, WA 98178 LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division ERC Mitigation Measures and Advisory Notes Page 2 of 2 MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The project earthwork shall be limited to seasonally drier periods (typically April 1 to October 31) in accordance with the geotechnical recommendation made by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. 2. Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Feasibility Report completed by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (dated January 18, 2017) or an updated report submitted at a later date. 3. The applicant and/or developer shall install driveway aprons in accordance with the City of Renton Standard Plans 104.2 and 104.3 in order to distinguish the public access road (Road A) from the private alleys (Alleys A-E). ADIVISORY NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 24, 2017 TO: Clark Close, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Earlington/Minter Townhomes Environmental Impact Comments: 1. The fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $795.10 per townhome unit. This fee is paid at building permit issuance. Code Related Comments: 1. The fire flow requirement for the proposed townhomes is 3,750 gpm if built with non-rated construction and no fire sprinkler systems. The fire flow would drop to 1,750 with one hour rated construction and approved fire sprinkler systems (NFPA 13D type systems are acceptable). Four fire hydrants are required. One within 150-feet and three within 300-feet of each of the proposed buildings. There are some existing hydrants within 300-feet of the proposed homes. It appears water main extensions and additional hydrants will be required. Insufficient fire flow exists at this location at present time. 2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be minimum 20 -feet wide fully paved, with 25-feet inside and 45-feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed to support a 30-ton vehicle with 75-psi point loading. Access is required within 150-feet of all points on all buildings. Dead end streets that exceed 150-feet in length require an approved turnaround. Cul-de-sac turnarounds with 90-feet diameters are required for streets over 300-feet long. Proposed landscape islands are not allowed in the cul-de-sac. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 25, 2017 TO: Clark Close, Planner FROM: Ann Fowler, Civil Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for Earlington Townhomes 8074 S 132nd Street LUA 17-000169 I have reviewed the application for the Earlington Townhomes at 8074 S 132nd Street (APN(‘s) 214480- 0487, -0488, -0500, -0285, -0295) and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately 4.16 acres in size and is triangular in shape. The existing site was developed with a commercial plant nursery, which included a sales building, several greenhouses, a detached home and assocated gravel driveways and parking areas. The site includes Water Water service is provided by the City of Renton. The site is in the West Hill service area in the 495 hydraulic pressure zone. There is an existing 8-inch City water main located in S 132nd Street (see Water plan no. W-0613). There is an existing 8-inch City water main (see water plan no. W- 0377) in S 130th Street to the north of the subject properties. The maximum flowrate from the 8-inch mains is 1,450 gpm. The static water pressure ranges from about 111 psi at ground level elevation 238 feet and 84 psi at elevation 300 feet. The site is located outside of an Aquifer Protection Area. Sewer Wastewater service is provided by the City of Renton. There is an 8-inch wastewater main located in S 132nd Street along the south property line. There is an 8-inch wastewater main located in S 130th Street to the north of the subject properties. Storm There is a 12-inch stormwater main in Renton Ave S, S 130th St and S 132nd St surrounding the subject property. Streets The proposed development fronts Renton Ave S along the east property lines. Renton Ave S is classified as a Minor Arterial Road. Existing right-of-way (ROW) width is approximately 60 feet. The proposed development fronts S 132nd Street along the south property lines. S 132nd Street is classified as a Collector Arterial Road. The existing ROW width is approximately 60 feet. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 2 of 8 CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. The proposed water main improvements as shown on the composite utility civil plan submitted with the Land Use Application provides the required 8-inch water main extension into the development, connecting to the existing 8-inch water main located in S 132nd Street and the existing 8-inch water main located in Renton Ave S. Renton Fire Authority has determined that the preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development is 1,750 gpm, with the use of one-hour rated construction and approved fire sprinklers, which is greater than the available maximum fire flow capacity. 2. The following water main improvements are required to provide water service for domestic use and fire protection for the development per City Code and Development standards (RMC 4-6- 010B) including, but not limited to: a. Extension of approximately 380 feet of 8-inch water main in Renton Ave S from S 130th Street to a point which allow connection into the new water main for the development. A 15-foot water easement will be required for any water main not located within the public right-of-way. b. Installation of 8-inch water mains in the new primary access roadway and alley sections within the subdivision connecting to the new 8-inch water main in Renton Ave S and to the existing 8-inch water main in S 132nd Street. Maximum capacity from the new 8-inch main extension is 2,500 gpm. c. Installation of fire hydrants as required by Renton Fire Prevention. The number and location of the hydrants shall be determined based on the City’s review of the final building and site plans. d. Installation of a residential fire sprinkler system for each townhome unit with a double check valve assembly (DDCVA) for backflow prevention on the water supply line to the fire sprinkler piping. e. Installation of a domestic water meter to each townhome unit with a double check valve assembly (DCVA) behind the meter for townhomes with 3 or more stories. f. A pressure-reducing-valve (PRV) is required behind each water meter because the water pressure is over 80 psi. 3. Meter sizing shall be based on Uniform Plumbing Code meter sizing criteria. Sizing calculations shall be provided to the City. 4. A separate meter is required for landscape irrigation per COR Standard Plan 320.1. A double check valve assembly (DCVA) is required behind the meter per COR Standard Plan 340.8. 5. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City’s 2012 Water System Plan. 6. Adequate horizontal and vertical separation between the new water main and other utilities (storm sewer pipes and vaults, sanitary sewer, power, gas, electrical) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance of the water main. Based on the preliminary utilities plan submitted with the land use application (reference civil plan by ESM, page PP-05 dated 3/27/17), the horizontal separation between the proposed water mains and the proposed storm drains in the alley sections does not meet the minimum 10-feet separation between parallel potable water and non-potable water pipes. The vertical separation between the pipes is less than the minimum of 18-inches. Additional and special design and construction considerations will be required to protect the water lines and to reduce risk to public health and safety. Restrained-joint water pipes EXHIBIT 23 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 3 of 8 and fittings, pipe sleeves and controlled density fill (CDF) encasement will be required where minimum horizontal and vertical separations cannot be met. 7. Retaining walls, rockeries or similar structures cannot be installed over the water main unless the water main is inside a steel casing. 8. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the water meters. a. Water system development charges for each proposed 1-inch domestic water service is $3,486.00 per meter or $216,132.00 for (62) 1-inch meters. b. A redevelopment credit of the water system development charges in the amount of $27,888 will be applied to the one (1) existing 2-inch meter servicing the property (UB Ref #700087) if it is abandoned and capped at the main line. c. The total water SDC fee is $188,244.00. This is payable at construction permit issuance. 9. A redevelopment credit for the water SDC fee will be applicable for the existing 2-inch water meter currently serving the subject property (UB Ref #700087). 10. Drop-in meter fee is $460.00 per meter. The total water drop-in meter fee is $28,520.00 for (62) 1-inch meters. This is payable at issuance of the building permit. 11. Additional water system development charges and water meter charges will apply if a landscape irrigation meter is required and is based on the size of the meter. SEWER 1. The proposed sewer main improvements as shown on the composite utility civil plan submitted with the Land Use Application provides the required 8-inch sewer main extension from the existing sewer main located in S 132nd Street and extending into Renton Avenue South for future extension by the City. The required extension of the new 8-inch sewer main from S 132nd Street into the future public ROW is shown on the conceptual utilities plan and provides the required sanitary sewer service to each building. a. A 15-foot public sewer easement shall be provided for the extension of the sewer main through the stormwater tract for any portion of the extension located outside of the public ROW. 2. The development is subject to applicable wastewater system development charges based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. a. SDC fee for sewer is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. The current sewer fee for a 1-inch meter is $2,540.00 per meter. b. SDC fees are payable at construction permit issuance. 3. The S 132nd Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District fee (SAD) fee will be applicable on the project. The SAD fee rate when it was established in 2015 was $11,254.92 plus interest per lot with frontage along S 132nd Street. As of 4/25/2017, the SAD fee rate per lot is $11,828.95 plus additional interest per day of $0.80 after the date noted above. The rate that will be applicable on the issuance day of the utility construction permit will be applicable on this project. As currently designed, there are 13 lots applicable to the SAD fee, however the maximum assessment will be for 12 lots. SURFACE WATER 1. A geotechnical report, dated January 18, 2017, completed by Associated Earth Sciences, Incorporated (AESI) for the site has been provided. The submitted report describes the site is a ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 4 of 8 Low, Medium, and High Erosion Hazard areas. Erosion control measures will need to be in place prior to starting grading activities on the site. The report discusses the soil and groundwater characteristics of the site including infiltration potential and provide recommendations for project design and construction. The report discounts the use of infiltration due to the shallow site soils that are either dense and impermeable or saturated. Geotechnical recommendations presented need to be address within the project plans. 2. A Preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report (TIR), dated March 27, 2017, was submitted by ESM Consulting Enginerrs, LLC with the Land Use Application. Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard area matching Forested Site Conditions and is within the West Lake Washington Drainage Basin. The development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). All nine core requirements and the six special requirements must be discussed in the Technical Information Report. The following stormwater improvements are required and shall be discussed within the TIR: a. Applicant shall include discussion of Special Requirement (SR) #6 in the final drainage report. SR #6 relates to the aquifer protection area, which is not applicable to this site, but it should be noted as such in the report. b. The TIR references the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton Amendments to the SWDM. The City has adopted the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual rather than providing amendments to the 2016 King County SWDM. The final TIR submitted with the Civil Construction Permit Application shall reference the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). c. An infiltration testing report shall be submitted with the civil construction permit application following the test methods outlined in the manual. See Section 5.2 and Reference Section 6-A for approved testing methods. 3. The development is required to provide flow control and basic water quality treatment prior to discharge. A detention vault is proposed to meet the flow control facility requirement to satisfy Core Requirement #3. The detention pond has been sized to the City’s Flow Control Duration Standard using WWHM. The project matches the pre-developed discharge rates from 50% of the 2-year peak flow up to the full 50-year peak flow and peak discharge rates for the 2 and 10-year return periods as required in the City’s Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Site Conditions) area. Project water quality treatment will consist of conveyance to a water quality filter vault following the proposed detention vault prior to connection to the existing 12-inch concrete stormwater main located S 132nd Street. a. The conveyance and water quality systems shall be designed in accordance with the RSWDM that is current at the time of civil construction permit application. b. A maintenance access road is required to the stormwater facilities in the proposed storm tract and shall be in accordance with the design requirements outlined in the RSWDM. 4. Any proposed detention and/or water quality vault shall be designed in accordance with the RSWDM that is current at the time of civil construction permit application. Separate structural plans will be required to be submitted for review and approval under a separate building permit for the detention and/or water quality vault. Special inspection from the building department is required. 5. Appropriate on-site BMPs will be required to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. A preliminary drainage plan, including the application of on-site BMPs, has been included with the land use application. The final drainage plan and drainage report must be submitted with the civil construction permit application. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 5 of 8 a. The final drainage plan shall evaluate the feasibility of utilizing on-site BMPs to mitigate all target impervious areas to the maximum extent feasible as outlined in the RSWDM. This shall include infiltration testing to determine the feasibility of utilizing permeable pavements and bioretention areas. 6. The site contains regulated slopes across the site with an elevation change of approximately 72- feet from the northwest corner (approximate elevation 306 feet) to the low point of the property near the southeast corner (approximate elevation 234 feet). 7. Detailed plans for any proposed cut and fill operations shall be submitted. These plans shall include the angle of slope, contours, compaction and retaining walls. 8. Maximum exposed retaining wall height is 6-ft and shall be setback a minimum of 3-ft from the right-of-way. Based on the site topography, terraced retaining walls may be needed for the development. Retaining walls over 4-feet in height from footing require a separate building permit. a. The proposed development includes an 8-ft wall along Renton Ave S. The applicant will be required to reduce the height of the proposed wall to the maximum 6 -ft allowed by code. The civil construction plans shall fully detail the proposed retaining wall abutting the public ROW. A handrail and/or fence may be required at the top of the wall. 9. All work proposed outside of the applicant’s property will require a permanent drainage easement to be provided to the City and a temporary construction easement prior to any permits being issued. 10. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology will be required since grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site. 11. Surface water system development fee is $1,608 per new dwelling unit. This is payable prior to issuance of the construction permit. TRANSPORTATION 1. The proposed development fronts Renton Ave S along the east property lines. To meet the City’s complete street standards for minor arterial streets, minimum ROW is 91 feet (4 lanes) or 103 feet (5 lanes). The traffic analysis provided by the developer has been reviewed by the City and the City concurs that the existing pavement width is sufficient and additional lanes are not required as a result of the development. a. The City’s transportation group has determined and will support an alternate standard to match the established standard street section for Renton Ave S. The City established standard street section for Renton Ave S, which shall be installed by the developer as part of the proposed development, will allow the existing curb line to be maintained with a new 8-ft planter strip and 8-ft sidewalk to be installed behind the curb. The final ROW dedication will be dependent upon the final survey and will vary along Renton Ave S. The required ROW behind the existing curb is 18-ft (8-ft planter strip, 8-ft sidewalk, 2- ft behind the curb). b. The bike lanes included in the street section for Renton Ave shown on the site plans (PP- 05) are not needed. Currently, the Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan specify a separate combined bike/pedestrian path parallel to Renton Ave to provide bike access for the Renton Ave corridor. c. Applicant will need to submit an application to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvements as outline in City code 4-9-250C5d. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 6 of 8 2. The proposed development fronts S 132nd Street along the south property lines. To meet the City’s complete street standards for collector arterial streets, minimum ROW is 83 feet (2 lanes) or 94 feet (3 lanes). The traffic analysis provided by the developer has been reviewed by the City and the City concurs that the existing pavement width is sufficient and additional lanes are not required as a result of the development. The required street section for S 132nd Street as proposed by the applicant meets the minimum street standards as outlined in RMC 4-6-060F includes 83-ft of ROW, 46-ft paved roadway width (two 10-ft travel lanes, 5-ft bike lanes and 8-ft parking lanes on both sides), a new 0.5-foot curb and gutter, an 8-foot planting strip, an 8-foot sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements on both sides. a. Half-street improvements, which shall be installed by the developer, along S 132nd Street shall include, 23-ft paved roadway width from centerline (10-ft travel lane, 5-ft bike lane and 8-ft parking lane), a new 0.5-foot curb and gutter, an 8-foot planting strip, an 8- foot sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements. 3. The applicant has submitted an application to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvements. The development proposes installation of a new public residential access road (Road A) with 29 feet of right-of-way, which includes 28 feet of paved roadway width, 0.5-ft curb and gutter on both sides, private 4.5-ft planter strips on the east side of the street and private 5-ft sidewalks on both sides of the street. The proposed street section does not meet the minimum street standards in accordance with RMC 4-6-060F and is not supported by the City. a. The new public street for the development shall meet the minimum street standards as outlined in RMC 4-6-060F. Minimum standards for a residential access road requires a 53-ft right-of-way, 26-ft pavement width, 0.5-ft curb and gutter, 8-ft planter strips and 5-ft sidewalks on both sides of the street. 4. Current City of Renton standards require a turnaround for dead-end streets greater than 150 feet. Dead-end streets exceeding 300-feet must utilize a cul-de-sac meeting the requirements for emergency services access, including a 45-foot paved radius and 55-ft ROW radius. Reference RMC 4-6-060H. The cul-de-sac shall have a design approved by the Administrator and Fire and Emergency Services. 5. Five alleys (Tracts A, B, C, D, and E), each with a pavement width of 20-ft, are proposed to provide access to each unit. a. Driveway aprons shall be installed at the entrance to each alley tract in accordance with the City of Renton Standard Plans 104.2 and 104.3. b. No parking is allowed within the 20-ft paved roadway of the alleys. 6. Corner lots on Minor Arterial and Collector Arterial Streets require a minimum radius of 35 feet for dedication of right of way. 7. ADA access ramps shall be installed at all street crossings. Ramps shall be shown at each intersection. Ramps shall be oriented to provide direct pedestrian crossings. a. ADA ramps shall be installed facing east and west at the crossing of Road A along the frontage of S 132nd Street. b. ADA ramps shall be installed at the intersection of South 132nd Street and Renton Avenue South with a companion ramp for the existing sidewalk on the south side of intersection. Because of the steep grade on South 132nd Street and possibly steep grade of the new sidewalk to be installed as part of the development, a pass through may be needed in the existing paved island for access between the new curb ramp to be installed at the northeast corner of the intersection and the new curb ramp on the south side of South 132nd Street. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 7 of 8 8. Street lighting and street trees are required to meet current city standards. Lighting plans were not submitted with the land use application and shall be submitted with the civil construction permit application. 9. A traffic analysis dated December 14, 2016, was provided by Northwest Traffic Experts (TraffEx). The site generated traffic volumes were calculated using data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition, (2009). Based on the calculations provided and providing credit for the existing trips utilized for the current site use, the proposed development would generate approximately 292 net new average weekday daily trips. During the weekday AM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 26 net new trips (5 inbound and 21 outbound). During the weekday PM peak hour, the project would generate approximately 30 net new trips (20 inbound and 10 outbound). As detailed in the report the proposed project is not expected to lower the levels of service of the surrounding intersections included in the traffic study. Increased traffic created by the development will be mitigated by payment of transportation impact fees. a. The traffic analysis analyzed the new site access intersection (Road A and S 132nd Street) and the intersection of Renton Ave S and S 132nd Street to the east of the proposed development. b. Renton Ave S and S 132nd Street both have posted speed limits of 35 miles per hour (MPH). The required stopping sight distance and intersection sight distance for the posted speed limit is 250-ft and 390-ft, respectively, per the current AASHTO “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” standards. As designed, the stopping sight distance and intersection sight distance exceeds 500-ft both to the east and west directions from the site access location. c. The proposed development provides pedestrian connectivity through the development via a series of concrete walkways through the open space tract at the north side of the property and connecting to the proposed sidewalk along Renton Ave S. i. At least one pedestrian connection to Renton Avenue South shall be ADA accessible. ii. An additional pedestrian connection shall be provided in the vicinity of Alley TR- D or through Tract I. 10. Refer to City code 4-4-080 regarding driveway regulations. a. A minimum separation of 5 feet is required between driveway and the property line. b. Maximum driveway slopes shall not exceed 15%. Driveways exceeding 8% shall provide slotted drains. c. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveway shall not exceed nine feet (9') and double-loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen feet (16'). 11. Paving and trench restoration shall comply with the City’s Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 12. Payment of the transportation impact fee is applicable on the construction of the development at the time of application for the building permit. The current rate of transportation impact fee is $175,001.82 for 62 condominiums ($2,822.61 x 62 units). The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. 13. Traffic concurrency is provided under separate cover. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Earlington Townhomes – LUA17-000169 Page 8 of 8 GENERAL COMMENTS 1. All existing and proposed utility lines (i.e. electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) along property frontage or within the site must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 2. Maximum exposed retaining wall height is 6-ft and shall be setback a minimum of 3-ft from the right-of-way as outlined in RMC 4-4-040 – Fences, Hedges and Retaining Walls. 3. Adequate separation between utilities as well as other features shall be provided in accordance with code requirements. a. 7-ft minimum horizontal and 1-ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with the exception of water lines which require 10-ft horizontal and 1.5-ft vertical. b. The stormwater line should be minimum 5 feet away from any other structure or wall or building. c. Trench of any utility should not be in the zone of influence of the retaining wall or of the building. 4. All construction utility permits for utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. Please visit the Development Engineering Forms page for the most up-to-date plan submittal requirements: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=42473 5. A landscaping plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate sheets. 6. Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2017 only and will be assessed based on the fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit www.rentonwa.gov for the current development fee schedule. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT 13"x24" PLASTIC METER BOX EQUAL TO MID -STATES PLASTIC, INC. BCF SERIES MSBCF 1324-18 WITH 1.75" THICK DUCTILE CITY PRIVATE IRON DIAMOND PLATE COVER EQUAL TO MID -STATES PLASTICS, INC. MSCBC-1324-R WITH READER LID AND 2" DRILLED HOLE PIPING PIPING FOR TOUCHREAD PIT LID (SEE DETAIL A -A) 9" MIN. 12" MAX FINISH GRADE z ¢ TOUCHREAD WATER METER TO BE o 0 SUPPLIED BY THE 12 z Q bj 36" MIN COVER N 7 CITY > TYPE " K" SOFT c 0 22-1/2° COPPER TUBING V u NEW DUCTILE IRON WATERMAIN IF SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE IS 3/4" OR 1" TO BE INSTALLED IN THE FUTURE GALVANIZED INSTALL FORD C14-33 OR 44 FIPT PLUG x COMPRESSION COUPLING Z_LOOP DOWN TO CENTERLINE OF WATER MAIN TO PROVIDE SLACK IN COPPER COPPERSETTER FOR 5/8"x3/4" METER: FORD SERVICE LINE TO METER. VBH72-15W-44-33G, OR McDONALD BRASS: 21-215WCQQ33, OR MUELLER: 3/4-B-2470-2 WITH ANGLE BALL VALVE ON INLET AND SINGLE CHECK VALVE ON OUTLET CORPORATION STOP WITH BALL VALVE. FORD COPPERSETTER FOR 1" METER: FORD VBH72-15W-44-44G, OR TAPERED THREAD (CC). QUICK JOINT McDONALD BRASS: 21-415WCQQ44, OR MUELLER: 1-B-2470-2 3/4" FB1000-3-Q) OR AY MCDONALD 4701B BOTH INLET AND OUTLET WITH QUICK JOINT. PADLOCK WINGS ON 1" FB1000-4-Q) OR AY MCDONALD 4701B INLET ANGLE BALL VALVE AND SINGLE CHECK VALVE ON OUTLET. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE WITH QUICK JOINT. NOTE: ALL METER BOXES INSTALLED WITHIN CONCRETE OR PAVED DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CAST-IRON EQUAL TO OLYMPIC FOUNDARY. EXPANSION JOINTS MUSH BE INSTALLED ON BOTH SIDES OF METER BOX. AA DRILL 2" DIA. HOLE FOR AMR (AUTOMATIC METER READ) TOUCHREAD DEVICE 7F—"—T; 2-1/2" MIN. FROM NEAREST FAND FRONT EDGE OF PIT LID 71 TYPICAL RIB NOTE: THE CENTER OF THE HOLE MUST BE AT LEAST 1" FROM UNDERNEATH RIBS UNLESS THE RIB SPACING ALLOWS THE NUT TO TIGHTEN AGAINST THE OPEN SIDE OF MORE THAN ONE RIB. ZY Oer< PUBLIC WORKS 34" AND 1" WATER SERVICE STD. PLAN — 320.1 DEPARTMENT N,yp NOVEMBER 2009 J I IN UNIMPROVED RIGHT OF JfWAYINSTALLMETERBOXAT PROPERTY LINE WITH 12" w LONG COPPER TAILPIECE, w aI SIDEWALK m z ¢ TOUCHREAD WATER METER TO BE o 0 SUPPLIED BY THE 12 z Q bj 36" MIN COVER N 7 CITY > TYPE " K" SOFT c 0 22-1/2° COPPER TUBING V u NEW DUCTILE IRON WATERMAIN IF SERVICE LINE TO HOUSE IS 3/4" OR 1" TO BE INSTALLED IN THE FUTURE GALVANIZED INSTALL FORD C14-33 OR 44 FIPT PLUG x COMPRESSION COUPLING Z_LOOP DOWN TO CENTERLINE OF WATER MAIN TO PROVIDE SLACK IN COPPER COPPERSETTER FOR 5/8"x3/4" METER: FORD SERVICE LINE TO METER. VBH72-15W-44-33G, OR McDONALD BRASS: 21-215WCQQ33, OR MUELLER: 3/4-B-2470-2 WITH ANGLE BALL VALVE ON INLET AND SINGLE CHECK VALVE ON OUTLET CORPORATION STOP WITH BALL VALVE. FORD COPPERSETTER FOR 1" METER: FORD VBH72-15W-44-44G, OR TAPERED THREAD (CC). QUICK JOINT McDONALD BRASS: 21-415WCQQ44, OR MUELLER: 1-B-2470-2 3/4" FB1000-3-Q) OR AY MCDONALD 4701B BOTH INLET AND OUTLET WITH QUICK JOINT. PADLOCK WINGS ON 1" FB1000-4-Q) OR AY MCDONALD 4701B INLET ANGLE BALL VALVE AND SINGLE CHECK VALVE ON OUTLET. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE WITH QUICK JOINT. NOTE: ALL METER BOXES INSTALLED WITHIN CONCRETE OR PAVED DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CAST-IRON EQUAL TO OLYMPIC FOUNDARY. EXPANSION JOINTS MUSH BE INSTALLED ON BOTH SIDES OF METER BOX. AA DRILL 2" DIA. HOLE FOR AMR (AUTOMATIC METER READ) TOUCHREAD DEVICE 7F—"—T; 2-1/2" MIN. FROM NEAREST FAND FRONT EDGE OF PIT LID 71 TYPICAL RIB NOTE: THE CENTER OF THE HOLE MUST BE AT LEAST 1" FROM UNDERNEATH RIBS UNLESS THE RIB SPACING ALLOWS THE NUT TO TIGHTEN AGAINST THE OPEN SIDE OF MORE THAN ONE RIB. ZY Oer< PUBLIC WORKS 34" AND 1" WATER SERVICE STD. PLAN — 320.1 DEPARTMENT N,yp NOVEMBER 2009 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT f TO MF r' L_ f-'\ I N BOXES u V11114. r r«E- DRAINING GRAVEL NOTES: 1. ALL DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLIES (DCVA's) MUST BE LISTED ON LATEST LIST OF "BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION IN WASHINGTON STATE", PUBLISHED BY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. 2. THE OWNER/APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN A SEPARATE CITY OF RENTON PLUMBING PERMIT FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE DCVA AND PIPING. THE OWNER SHALL FURNISH, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THE DCVA AND ALL PIPING AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. 3. THE DCVA MUST BE TESTED BY A STATE CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER AFTER ITS INITIAL INSTALLATION, AFTER REPAIRS AND ANNUALLY THEREAFTER AT OWNER'S EXPENSE. A COPY OF THE TEST REPORT SHALL BE SENT OR FAXED TO CITY OF RENTON WATER UTILITY ENGINEERING DEPT., ATTN: WATER UTILITY CROSS—CONNECTION CONTROL SPECIALIST, FAX NO. 425-430-7241. 4. DCVA AND METER BOX SHALL BE LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AND AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THE WATER METER. Y s4" TO 2" DOUBLE CHECK VALVE STD. PLAN — 340.8 n + PUBLIC WORKS ASSEMBLY FOR IRRIGATION OR 1 oI DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER MARCH 2010 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT CEMENT CONCReTE -. SIDEWALK \ ~ /'~ /"' ~--. >::·· ,, .. ~,~,..., \ CEMENT CONCRETE DEPRESSED MONOUTHIC CURB & GliTTER (SEE DETAIL lliiS SHEET) '-CURB & GliTTER (SEENOTE3) ..... .;~~ TYPE C2B -ISOMETRIC VIEW (COMMERCIAL, WITH BUFFER) NOTES 1. When a driveway width exceeds 15 feet, construct a full depth expansion joint with 3/8" joint filler along the driveway lane lines (see std. plan 102). Construct expansion joints parallel with the centerline as required at 15' maximum spacing when driveway widths exceed 30'. 2. See std. plan 102 for sidewalk details. 3. Curb and gutter shown, other curb designs may be specified. See std. plan 101 for curb details. 4. Not used. 5. The engineer will design all driveways to Include elevallons at all points marked with symbol "X". All elevations are at the back of curb top on uphill side. 6. Not used. 7. For Driveway Widths see DRIVEWAY STANDARDS {See NOTE 10). The expansion joints {see std. plan 102) shall be spaced as shown In the corresponding lsometr1c view. 8. Slopes shall comply with sections R303.2.1 or R303.2.2 or R303.2.3 of the Revised Draft Guidelines for Accessible Public Rights-of-Way ofNovc:mbcr 23, 2005 {PROWAG). 9. CUrb returns for any Type C-MAX Driveway may be approved on a case-by-case basis. 10. STREET STANDARDS= Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Title IV Development Regulations CHAPTER 6 STREET AND UTIUTY STANDARDS Section 4-6..060 STREET STANDARDS DRIVEWAY STANDARDS= Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Title IV Development Regulations CHAPTER4 CITY-WlDE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Section 4-4..()8() PARKING , LOADING AND DRIVEWAY REGULATIONS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEKT c FACE~CURB SEE DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL e 1/2" .-ON THIS SHEET 1/2" R TOP OF F RONJWAY . . 1'-8" 1'-8" NOTE: DRIVEWAY LONGITUDINAL EXPANSION JOiNTS SHAl.1. BE FULL DEPTH DEPRESSED MONOLITHIC CURB & GUTTER DETAIL • to , ",. /l \ t> • t) ,. ... ,.p.':-·,. 0 ·p_/ .. ~ DEPRESSED CURB DETAIL AT RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS, AND ALLEYS Driveway Example: TYPE C1 B R=Resldentlal , C=Commerclal 3 1 Number of Lanes,-------" (MAX,_. Lane COmmercial) B•Bull'er (Planting Slrip), Blank=No Buffer ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT BID I TElA (I~ICLUOES SIDEWAlK RAMPS ) IS' MIN . VARIES (SEE NOTE 7 ' 6 Mu-.1. (SEE NOTES) I (SEE NOTE 8) r-10 LF OF PAVED DRIVEWAY REQUIRED ""' ><~AA·"'-1\"" (SEE STD . PLAN 102) I !CEI co SIO AENT NCRETE EWALK ~~ 5! I \ w 7 ,_ l " 0 SEE NOT E S~ ~ z ill 1 g ., "' '\. ,._....,n,.,., J: I \ ~ .... 5!1 ~ ~ a: w w ... !5 w .. "'I )7 I ,--- RAI.:P WITH 12H IV J CO N1s'TRUc;~~N~~ _) CEMENT CONCRETE J B CURB & GUTTER SLOPE (TYP.) J ~8· CONTRACT ION JOINT {TYP ) (SEE STD. PLAN 101} (SEE NOTE l) PLAN VIEW 10'-DIFFERENCE IN SLOPE t.tAX - DRIVEWAY WI RELATIVE NEGA liVE SLOPE (SLOP - SHOWN EXAGGERATED ) PUBLIC WORK S DEPARTMENT VARIES (SEE NOTE 10) 8 31)1, MAX SEE NOT£ B lTYPJ SECTION 0 JJe • EXPAJI.SION JOINT {TYP ) fliEE STD. PLAN 1021 DEPRESSED CUR.B & GUITER (S EE NOTE l ) TYPE R18 -ISOMETRIC VIEW (RESIDENTIAL , WITH BUFFER) CEMENT CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (SEE NOTE 3) CEMENT CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE -TYPE R1 B For NOTES STD . PLAN 104 .2 STD. PLAN -104.3 Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator PLANTER STRIP (TYP) CONSISTENT SLOPE MODIFIED ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA17-000169 March 27, 2017 Name: Earlington Townhomes Application Date:13045 Renton Ave S Renton, WA 98178-4950 Site Address: PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Police Plan Review Comments Contact: Cyndie Parks | 425-430-7521 | cparks@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: LUA17 000169; Earlington Townhomes Location: 8074 S 132nd Street, Renton Estimated CFS Annually: 55 CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most commonly reported crimes in the City. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting, and any construction trailer or storage area should be completely fenced in with portable chain link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminal and will demonstrate that the area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should be fitted with heavy duty deadbolts with a minimum 1 1/2” throw when bolted. Glass windows in construction trailers should be shatter resistant. Toolboxes and storage containers should be secured with heavy duty padlocks and kept locked when not in use. “No Trespassing” signs should be posted on the property during the construction phase. These signs will aid police in making contacts with unwanted individuals on the property if they are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. COMPLETED COMPLEX Each residential unit should have solid core doors, preferably metal or solid wood, with peepholes. The doors should have heavy duty deadbolt locks with a minimum 1 ½” throw and installed with 3” wood screws. Any external storage areas should also have solid wood or metal doors, with deadbolts and latch guards installed. Sliding windows and glass patio doors should have secondary locks installed to restrict movement. Simply placing a sturdy, fitted dowel into the tracks may be adequate. Alarm systems are recommended for each residential unit. Any stairways at the complex should be constructed of lattice, wood or metal railing so that visibility is possible through them. There should not be solid walls in any stairway that would limit visibility up and down the stairs, or provide a place for a criminal to hide. Balcony construction should also be of lattice or railing – no solid walls, for the same reason. Security lighting should be installed along sidewalks, in stairways, foyers, alleys, and pathways. Each residential unit should have individual unit numbers clearly posted with numbers at least 6” in height and of a color contrasting with the building. Unit numbers should also be illuminated so that they are easily located. This will assist emergency personnel in locating the correct location for response. Landscaping should be installed with the objective of allowing visibility: not too dense or too high. Too much landscaping will make residents feel isolated and will provide criminals with concealment to commit crimes such as burglary and vandalism. I have concerns regarding the two park areas on each end of the “triangle”. I cannot discern if there is going to be a fence lining this property’s boundaries, but both these sites will be tempting loitering locations for unwanted subjects (especially if there are benches installed ). I recommend fencing be installed along the Renton Ave S / S 132nd St side of the property – even if only four feet in height, to delineate between public and private space. Although this area isn’t known for a large amount of pedestrian traffic, there is an alternative school located west of this project and students frequently travel on foot from Renton Ave S onto 132nd to get to school. If there isn’t a barrier along this property’s boundary lines, students will utilize Earlington Townhomes as a short cut over onto 132nd. And – they will most likely use the landscaped green space areas as resting points in their travels to and from school. Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close | 425-430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov Recommendations: 1. RMC section 4 4 030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Multi family construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. Page 1 of 2Ran: May 02, 2017 EXHIBIT 2 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT LUA17-000169 PLAN - Planning Review - Land Use Version 1 | Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close | 425-430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov 5. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 6. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 7. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Page 2 of 2Ran: May 02, 2017 EXHIBIT 25 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. OF PUBLIC HEARING POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF A PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT NAME:Earlington Townhomes PROJECT NUMBER:LUA17-000169, ECF, SA-H, MOD, MOD, MOD and LUA17-000390, ECF, PP, PPUD LOCATION:8074 S 132nd St, Renton, WA 98178 DESCRIPTION:The applicant is requesting a Preliminary Planned Urban Development, Preliminary Plat and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the construction of 60 attached single-family townhomes. The 4.16-acre site is located at 8074 S 132nd St (APN’s 214480-0487, -0488, -0500, -0285, and -0295) in the R-14 zoning district. The residential density of the project with bonus density is 18 du/ac. Access to the townhomes would be from S 132nd St. The site slopes down to the south with vertical relief of roughly 70 ft. The garages would be accessed via private alleys and all of the townhomes would be alley-loaded. The soils consist of sand with silt and gravel fill and native soils indicative of Vashon Recessional Outwash (Qvr) and Lodgement Till (Qvt). Preliminary estimates of 15,000 cy of cut and 3,600 cy of fill. The site contains greenhouses, a shop, a utility building and a single family detached home. All of the existing structures would be demolished as part of the proposed project. No wetlands or streams are located on the property. There is a small drainage that runs east-west and is roughly 175 ft to 350 ft south of the property. The developed site would continue to drain to the south to the natural discharge location for the site. The site is located in the West Lake Washington drainage basin and stormwater would be met with a stormwater detention vault followed by a media filter vault with Level 2 Flow Control standards. The site contains 57 significant trees, all of which are proposed to be removed. Construction is estimated to begin in May 2018 and end one year later. The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Technical Information Report, Traffic Impact Analysis, Arborist Report, Wetland and Stream Reconnaissance, Letter of Understanding of Geologic Risk, and a Geotechnical Engineering Report with the application. Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on May 8, 2017, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Earlington Townhomes. The DNS-M included three (3) mitigation measures related to seasonal earthwork periods, geotechnical recommendations, and driveway aprons. A 14-day appeal period commenced on May 12, 2017 and ended on May 26, 2017. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JULY 25, 2017 AT 12:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATIONS.