HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractUnited Way of King County Contract No. 16242 This contract is made between United Way of King County and City of Renton (referred to as "the Contractor"). From July 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024 A.Term and Scope of Contract Throughout the term of this Agreement, which shall begin on July 1, 2024 and terminate on August 31, 2024, the Contractor shall provide United Way of King County (UWKC) with the scope and range of services and performance commitments described in the exhibits attached hereto. Such services shall at all times be provided on a basis that United Way of King County in its sole discretion considers to be satisfactory, and shall at a minimum be consistent with the performance standards set forth in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Contractor agrees to comply with all federal and state laws pertaining to charitable organizations and to maintain its existence and good standing in accordance with such laws. The Contractor agrees to comply with all UWKC terms, conditions and requirements as stipulated in this contract and exhibits. At any time during the contract period, UWKC may conduct an audit to verify compliance with contract terms and Contractor will promptly cooperate with respect to such audit and promptly and timely comply with UWKC’s requests for information and documentation that UWKC considers to be necessary or beneficial to the conduct of such audit. B.Amount of Contract United Way of King County shall compensate the Contractor according to the payment schedule shown in Exhibit B for satisfactory performance of the scope and range of services identified in the attached exhibits; provided, however, that in no event shall the total payments provided to the Contractor by UWKC hereunder exceed the sum of $8,000.00. Grantee Agency Funding Contract United Way's Commitment to Racial Equity We recognize that… The United Way of King County (UWKC) benefits from systems of racial inequity and oppression and operates in a society deeply rooted in white supremacy that perpetuates harm and injustice for BIPOC people and communities. Given this, Racial Equity is critical to our work because… In our role as a grant-maker, fundraiser, and service provider we have a responsibility to restore power and resources to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and communities, address racial disparities, and support systems change. All people deserve the opportunity to thrive, manage their own destiny, and contribute their unique strengths. By centering expertise, and especially the lived experience of BIPOC people and communities, we can tackle the root causes of inequity to bring us closer to our vision of justice, liberation, and progress for all. City of Renton - Contract #16242 page 1 of          CAG-24-316 &5HSRUWVDQG,QIRUPDWLRQ The Contractor shall timely furnish United Way of King County with (a) the reports and other information required under the Scope of Work attached as Exhibit A-1 and the Reporting Requirements attached as Exhibits A-2 and A-3; and (b) such other reports and information as may be requested by UWKC related to this contract or the services provided hereunder with program funds, including statements and data demonstrating the effectiveness of the services provided in achieving the goals and objectives set forth in Exhibit A-1, Scope of Work. The Contractor will timely supplement, augment, and/or replace any such reports or other information upon request if and to the extent that United Way of King County finds them to be deficient, incomplete, or otherwise unsatisfactory for its purposes. UWKC may withhold payments otherwise due to the Contractor pending timely delivery of all such reports and information (including items requested during any audit conducted pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph A above). D.Amendments United Way of King County, at its sole discretion, may adjust amounts awarded under this contract or otherwise amend the contract, with at least thirty (30) days’ written notice, for changes in economic and other conditions affecting our community, including but not limited to: 1. Determination that UWKC revenues are insufficient to meet current or emerging priorities, or 2. Determination that significant changes in public sector funding warrant changes in UWKC’s funding. E. Termination of Contract If the Contractor fails to meet or comply with the terms of this contract, United Way of King County may, at its sole discretion, take one or more, without limitation, of the following actions: 1. Work with the Contractor to develop a goal and timeline for compliance 2. Defer payments 3. Eliminate payments 4. Amend the award 5. Terminate the contract During the contract period, the Contractor will notify UWKC at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date should the Contractor plan to discontinue a program that is tied to the funded work. UWKC may withhold payments and/or terminate all of its contractual obligations hereunder immediately if, at the sole discretion of UWKC, the Contractor mismanages or makes improper use of any funds provided hereunder, or refuses to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this contract. United Way of King County will require repayment of any funds determined by UWKC to be mismanaged by the Contractor. F. Entire Agreement This Agreement consists of nine (9) sections, together with the following exhibits. This Agreement and the exhibits set forth below contain the entire Agreement of the parties: Exhibit A1 – Scope of Work Exhibit A2 – Program Reporting Requirements Exhibit A3 – Grantee Requirements Exhibit B – Payment Schedule City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of          This Agreement, including all matters of construction, validity and performance, shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, as applied to contracts made, executed and to be fully performed in such state by citizens of such state, without regard to its conflict of law rules. H. No Assignment Contractor may not assign any right, remedy, obligation, or liability arising under or pursuant to this Agreement without the consent of UWKC, which may be granted or withheld by UWKC in its discretion for any reason or no reason. I. Signatures The signatures on this document indicate that the parties are in agreement with all stipulations made herein. Contractor, your signature further indicates that you are currently in compliance with all contract terms, conditions and requirements. The Contractor agrees that this agreement may be processed and signed electronically, which if done so, will be subject to additional terms and conditions found at https://www.docusign.com/company/terms-of-use. UNITED WAY OF KING COUNTY CITY OF RENTON Gordon McHenry, Jr. President/CEO Director/CEO Signature* Director/CEO Name (printed)* Director/CEO Title (printed)* Date SignedDate Signed * Required August 02, 2024 City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of  G.Governing Law               ____________________________________ Armodo Pavone, Mayor Date ______________________________________ Jason Seth, City Clerk 12/10/2024 Attest: Financial and Housing Stability Award Investment Area 3007 Child Nutrition $8,000.00 Investment Area exempt from client demographic data collection Project Overview The Contractor will actively participate in reducing summer hunger through the 2024 Summer Meals program in King County. Summer can be an uncertain time for low- income families. When the school year ends, kids lose access to free and reduced-priced school meals, and many families are forced to make paychecks stretch further to cover additional food costs during the summer months. The federal Free Summer Meals program (operated by the USDA as the Summer Food Service Program) alleviates summertime food insecurity by providing free meals in the places where kids live, learn, and play – from parks and community centers to apartment complexes and schools. United Way of King County (UWKC) and partners have set a goal of serving 500,000 meals this summer. In order to achieve this goal, UWKC is partnering with Summer Food Service Program sponsors and sites, including the Contractor, to expand access to meals and snacks during the summer months while youth are not in school. The Contractor is poised to make a significant impact in their community through leveraging the federal Free Summer Meals program, and to contribute to UWKC and partners' shared goals this summer. As a 2024 Summer Meals program grantee, the Contractor will work to reduce barriers to participation in the program and increase awareness of the program through promotion. Specifically, sites are expected to utilize and display United Way's Free Summer Meals marketing materials at United Way supported sites. Deliverables The Contractor will operate federal Summer Food Service Program sites in King County, in accordance with the information and plans submitted to United Way of King County and outlined through the funding award process. The Contractor will distribute Free Summer Meals outreach materials, provided by OSPI and United Way, to community members within their service area. AWARD TOTAL $8,000.00 Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of          REQUIREMENT DUE DATE 1. Reporting The Contractor will provide services as outlined in Exhibit A-1 Scope of Work and will report to United Way regarding results achieved. Submission shall be made via email to: mvistica@uwkc.org, mvisticasseelmeyer@uwkc.org and communityservices@uwkc.org 1. End-of-contract Report: •An overview of the Contractor’s Summer Meals program and activities •Meal counts and program results •Accomplishments: describe what you were able to do as a result of United Way of King County funding •Challenges: describe any issues that affected services •Recommendations: detail any recommendations for United Way’s Summer Meals program, including recommendations related to AmeriCorps deployment, outreach materials, funding, or overall strategy •Success story and at least two photos from Summer Meals program sites, if available 2. Upon request, the Contractor may be required to provide: •Preliminary meal counts and service data •Operational or program information •Other updates as needed End-of- Contract Report 10/01/2024 With End-of- Contract Report 10/01/2024 2. Success Story When requested, the Contractor will arrange for access to program staff and families for interviews, briefing sessions and other educational opportunities for individuals and groups such as donors and public officials. United Way will be sensitive to the number of requests made and will consult the Contractor about scheduling. The Contractor will work collaboratively with United Way to seek out and respond to funding opportunities for our core programs in ways that support the overall expansion in King County and build system sustainability. United Way may arrange coordination of payment under this contract. Submission shall be made via email to: mvistica@uwkc.org, sseelmeyer@uwkc.org and communityservices@uwkc.org With End-of- Contract Report 10/01/2024 City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of  Exhibit A-2 Program Reporting Requirements         Exhibit A-3 Grantee Requirements The Contractor agrees to the following requirements: 1.Non-Discrimination Compliance Measures The Contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, presence of a disability, or any other requirements of federal, state, or local law in the delivery of service. The Contractor acknowledges and understands United Way of King County’s strong commitment to and preference for funding contractors who prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, sexual orientation, national origin, religion and presence of a disability in all areas, including governance, employment or volunteer recruitment. Ongoing 2. Anti-Terrorism Compliance Measures In compliance with the spirit and intent of the USA Patriot Act and other counterterrorism laws, the Contractor represents that it takes reasonable steps to: Ongoing a. Verify that individuals or entities to which it provides, or from which it receives, funds or other material support or resources are not on the U. S. Government Terrorist Related Lists*; b. Protect against fraud with respect to the provision of financial, technical, in- kind or other material support or resources to persons or organizations on such lists; and c. Ensure that it does not knowingly provide financial, technical, in-kind or other material support or resources to any individual or entity that it knows beforehand is supporting or funding terrorism (whether through direct allocation by the United Way of King County Board of Directors or through the distribution of donor designated funds which it processes for donors participating in a United Way of King County fundraising campaign). *In this form, “U. S. Government Terrorist Related Lists” refers to (a) the list of persons and entities in Executive Order 13244, (b) the master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons maintained by the Treasury Department, and (c) the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations maintained by the Department of State, as may be updated from time-to-time. 3. If the Contractor has a website, it will display the United Way of King County logo on its home page with hyperlink to http://www.uwkc.org and the statement, “Supported by United Way of King County.” Ongoing 4. The Contractor will display the amount of funding received from United Way of King County in newsletters, e-newsletters, annual reports or other documents where it acknowledges funding received. Ongoing 5. The Contractor will provide copies of electronic or hard-copy newsletters to: Communications Director, United Way of King County, 720 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, or to jerlandson@uwkc.org. Ongoing City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of          6. The Contractor will maintain an up-to-date listing in the 211 registry.Ongoing 7. If funded for results targeting homeless individuals, the Contractor will comply with HMIS reporting requirements, unless specifically exempted from participation. All other results are exempt from this requirement. Ongoing 8. Throughout the contract period United Way of King County may provide opportunities for representatives of the Contractor to be involved in its fundraising campaign. The Contractor shall not use the United Way of King County fundraising campaign for its own fundraising purposes. Ongoing City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of          Exhibit B Payment Schedule Payment for (month)Date Payable Payment Amount July 2024 July 31, 2024 $8,000.00 Total Contract $8,000.00 Payment from United Way of King County for this contract shall not exceed $8,000.00 pending receipt of signed contract from Contractor. Payment(s) to be made on or before the last working day of the month as per the schedule below. City of Renton - Contract #16242 page  of