HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ_Conditional_Use_and_Variance_Justification_241007_v1Conditional Use Permit and Variance Justification for Buil ADU
Location:5424 NE 10th St,Renton,WA
The proposed project involves the construction of a 968-square-foot Accessory Dwelling Unit
(ADU)on a residential lot located at 5424 NE 10th St.Due to the existing geography of the site,
the ADU is proposed to be located within a designated wetland buffer.Additionally,a variance is
requested regarding Renton’s setback requirement that stipulates the ADU’s front facade must
be set back an additional 5 feet parallel to the primary residence's front facade.Due to site
constraints,meeting this requirement would place the ADU closer to the wetland,which we aim
to avoid.
This justification addresses both the conditional use of building within the wetland buffer and the
requested variance for the front facade setback.
Site Conditions and Constraints:
The subject property is characterized by sloped topography and a delineated wetland (Honey
Creek)that occupies a significant portion of the lot.The 150 buffer extends beyond the property
line in all directions.Alternative locations for the ADU were considered but were found to be
either infeasible or would result in more significant environmental disturbance.The proposed
ADU location was selected to minimize site disruption while still adhering to local zoning codes
and setbacks where possible.
Conditional Use Justification:ADU Within Wetland Buffer
The necessity to place the ADU within the wetland buffer stems from the following factors:
1.Topographical Constraints:The steep slopes and natural geography of the lot limit
buildable areas.The flat and accessible portions of the lot are located within the buffer,
making it the only practical location for an ADU without significant grading or earthwork,
which would cause greater environmental impact.
2.Existing Primary Residence Location:The current location of the primary residence,
which predates current wetland regulations,precludes placing the ADU any further from
the wetland boundary.Relocating the ADU any further from the wetland would involve
demolition or extensive modifications to the existing home and would cause more
disturbance than the proposed location.
3.Minimal Impact on Wetland Functionality:The ADU design and site plan prioritize
minimizing disturbance to the wetland and its buffer.The structure will be sited on the
periphery of the buffer,away from the most sensitive areas.Additionally,the proposed
build site provides easy access from the street for construction equipment and
personnel,thus avoiding any direct wetland encroachment.Furthermore,mitigation
strategies will be employed as needed to ensure no net loss of wetland function.The
small footprint of the ADU and removal of a second non-conforming driveway on the
property ensures the impact on the buffer zone remains limited and contained,and total
impervious service is actually reduced.
Mitigation and Environmental Protection Measures:
To address any potential environmental impacts,the following mitigation strategies will be
1.Erosion Control and Sediment Management:Best Management Practices (BMPs)
such as silt fencing,erosion control blankets,and temporary sediment ponds will be
utilized during construction to prevent sediment from entering the wetland area.A
construction management plan will be in place to ensure compliance.
2.Minimizing Disturbance:Construction activities will be confined to a defined area,and
heavy equipment will be limited to zones outside the most sensitive parts of the buffer.
Vegetation removal will be minimized,and any impacted areas will be restored with
native species post-construction.
3.Stormwater Management:A low-impact development (LID)strategy will be used to
manage stormwater on-site.The ADU will be built on the site of an existing
4.Wetland Buffer Enhancement:As part of the mitigation plan,buffer enhancement
activities such as planting native vegetation,removing invasive species,and improving
habitat functions will be undertaken.This will offset the impact of placing the ADU within
the buffer and result in a net ecological gain.
5.Long-term Monitoring and Maintenance:A long-term wetland buffer monitoring and
maintenance plan will be established to ensure the buffer remains functional and healthy
Compliance with City of Renton’s Conditional Use Criteria:
In accordance with Renton’s conditional use permit requirements,this project will:
1.Be Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan:The ADU aligns with Renton’s
comprehensive plan,promoting housing diversity and infill development while prioritizing
sustainable growth.
2.Minimize Environmental Impact:By employing BMPs and mitigation measures,the
project will avoid significant adverse environmental impacts,protecting wetland functions
and values to the maximum extent feasible.
3.Support Public Interest:The project serves a public interest by providing additional
housing in an area where development opportunities are limited.Furthermore,the
mitigation plan will improve wetland buffer quality over time.
4.Not Detract from Public Health,Safety,or Welfare:The ADU will be constructed with
consideration for flood control,water quality,and habitat preservation.No detriments to
public health,safety,or welfare will arise from this project.
Variance Justification:ADU Front Facade Setback
Variance Request:
Renton’s building code requires the ADU’s front facade to be set back an additional 5 feet
behind the front facade of the primary residence.However,complying with this requirement
would force the ADU to be placed closer to the wetland,creating additional environmental
impact.The proposed ADU location adheres to the general setback requirement that the ADU
must be at least 30 feet from the street,while also maximizing the distance from the wetland
Justification for Variance:
The variance is necessary due to the unique geography of the property and the need to balance
compliance with both the building code and environmental protection requirements.Key points
of justification include:
1.Topographical and Environmental Constraints:The property’s geography,including
sloped terrain and the presence of a wetland buffer,limits the space available for
construction.Complying with the additional 5-foot setback would place the ADU in a
location that encroaches further into the wetland buffer,increasing the environmental
impact.By positioning the ADU as proposed,the structure remains as far from the
wetland as possible while still complying with other setback requirements,such as the
30-foot distance from the street.
2.Minimum Necessary Relief:The requested variance is the minimum necessary to
balance compliance with Renton’s setback and environmental regulations.The ADU is
positioned to align with the intent of the setback rule,which is to ensure that accessory
units are appropriately distanced from the street and primary structure.However,strict
adherence to the additional 5-foot setback would create greater harm by increasing
disturbance to the wetland buffer.
3.No Detriment to Public Interest or Neighboring Properties:The proposed ADU
location will not cause any detriment to neighboring properties or the public interest.The
structure’s placement is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood,and the ADU
will be screened with landscaping to maintain privacy and aesthetic continuity.
Furthermore,this variance request ensures that the environmental health of the wetland
buffer is prioritized,which aligns with broader public interest in preserving natural
4.Maintaining Consistency with City Goals:The ADU construction aligns with Renton’s
broader goals of increasing housing diversity,providing additional affordable housing
options,and encouraging infill development.Granting the variance allows the property
owner to make reasonable use of the land without causing unnecessary harm to the
environment,consistent with the city’s vision for sustainable development.
This application seeks approval for both a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of
an ADU within a wetland buffer and a variance to the front facade setback requirement.The
property’s topographical constraints and the location of the wetland make strict compliance with
these regulations impractical and environmentally harmful.The proposed location of the ADU
represents the least impactful option for both the wetland and the surrounding environment,
while still adhering to other setback requirements and minimizing neighborhood impact.
With the implementation of comprehensive mitigation and environmental protection measures,
this project will result in minimal ecological disruption and provide a valuable addition to the
property and the Renton community.The requested variance is consistent with the intent of the
code and ensures that the development of the ADU can proceed without increasing adverse
environmental or neighborhood effects.