HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE_Preapplication_meeting_summary_180214_v1PRE-APPLICATION MEETING FOR SOUTHPORT OFFICE HELIPAD PRE 17-000646 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division October 19, 2017 Contact Information: Planner: Clark H. Close, 425-430-7289, cclose@rentonwa.gov Public Works Plan Reviewer: Ian Fitz-James, 425-430-7288, IFitz-James@rentonwa.gov Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024, cthomas@rentonrfa.org Building Department Reviewer: Craig Burnell, 425-430-7290, cthomas@rentonrfa.org Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before making all of the required copies. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). RENTON REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU M E M O R A N D U M DATE:October 19, 2017 TO:Clark Close, Senior Planner FROM:Corey Thomas, Lead Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT:Southport Office Helistop 1. Proposed helistop shall comply with all applicable sections of the building and fire codes including 412.8, fire code section 2007 and NFPA 418. As often happens when multiple codes apply, these competing codes do not always coincide. As stated in section 102.10 of the fire code, when codes conflict, the specific requirement shall apply. Also as stated in section 102.7 of the fire code, the requirements of the fire code shall take precedent over those of the referenced standards like NFPA 418. K:\Preapps\2017\PRE17000646_Southport Helipad\02.Review Comments\17-1019 PRE17-000646 Civil Pre-App Comments.docx DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 19, 2017 TO: Clark Close, Senior Planner FROM: Ian Fitz-James, Civil Engineer III SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for Southport Helipad PRE17-000646 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non-binding and may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official City decision- makers. Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review of the application for the Southport Helipad located on the top of Tower 2 of the office complex under construction on the Southport campus. WATER COMMENTS 1. Page 16 Section Code Conclusion mentions that a 2-1/2” standpipe is required within 150’ of the helipad. Any connection of the standpipe to the City’s water system must be protected by an approved backflow prevention assembly. STORMWATER COMMENTS 1. A helipad is considered pollution generating impervious surface by the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. An evaluation of the additional pollution generating impervious surface (PGIS) and the on-site water quality treatment should be provided to verify that the PGIS will be treated or that an equivalent area can be treated. K:\Preapps\2017\PRE17000646_Southport Helipad\02.Review Comments DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:October 19, 2017 TO:Pre-Application File No. 17-000646 FROM:Clark H. Close, Senior Planner SUBJECT:Southport Office Helipad – 1107 Lake Washington Blvd General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00 plus tax from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall or online at www.rentonwa.gov. Project Proposal: The applicant is proposing to develop and activate a 40’ x 40’ private- use helipad to be located on Tower 2 of Southport offices located at 1101 Lake Washington Blvd N (parcel no. 0823059216). The Southport campus consists of three 9- story towers and Tower 2 is the center tower. The helipad proposal would be used to support travel requirements of executives who engage in business activities in Renton and the greater Seattle/Bellevue area. The use would not be available to the general public, nor would it be used on a scheduled basis. The helipad would not have adjacent support features used for fueling, de-fueling, maintenance, repairs or storage. The structure would consist of a thickened concrete slab, low-wattage LED perimeter lights to define the landing area surface, a lighted wind indicator, a non-smoking sign, and two 20A:160B wheeled fire extinguishers. Other features include a staircase to the occupied floor below, an alternative method for reaching the occupied floor below (hatch and ladder), and a standpipe within 150 feet of all areas of the helipad. The helipad would be surrounded by a 90-foot diameter safety area defined as an area that would be clear of all objects for a light-turbine helicopter. Towner 2 was structurally designed to allow the construction of a helipad. City of Renton (COR) Maps has mapped the site as a high seismic hazard area. Southport Office Helipad Page 2 of 5 October 19, 2017 K:\Preapps\2017\PRE17000646_Southport Helipad\02.Review Comments Current Use: Three, 125-foot tall, office buildings totaling approximately 743,610 gross square feet at Southport (under construction). Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-120A, “Development Standards for Urban Center Zoning Designations” effective at the time of complete application (noted as “UC standards” herein). These standards are available on the City’s website at http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Renton/#!/renton04/Renton0402/Renton040212 0A.html#4-2-120A. Zoning: The property is located within the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation, the Urban Center (UC) zoning designation, and Urban Design District C. Helipads are permitted as a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use in the UC zone at Southport (per CI-126). Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth – The minimum lot size required for new lots created after November 10, 2004 is 25 acres. There are no minimum width or depth requirements. No subdivision is proposed, therefore the minimum lot size requirement is not applicable. Lot Coverage – The maximum building coverage permitted in the UC zone is 90% of the lot area or 100% if parking is provided within the building. The helipad would be constructed on top of Tower 2. No changes to the maximum building coverage would result from the addition of the helipad. Setbacks – Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. Setback requirements in the UC zone are determined through the Site Plan Review process. No changes to the building setbacks or the Southport Office Development would result from the addition of the helipad. Building Height – The maximum building height permitted in the UC zone is 10 stories along primary and secondary arterials and 6 stories along residential/minor collectors. The combined maximum building height and site elevation cannot exceed the maximum height of 179 feet above sea level, meeting current FAA maximum height for structures. The helipad facility must be consistent with standards contained in the International Building Code (IBC), the International Fire Code (IFC) and National Fire Protection Association Publication (NFPA) Publication 418. It would also be consistent with Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular 150/5390-2C titled “Heliport Design” and Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77. Screening - All operating equipment located on the roof of any building shall be enclosed so as to be screened from public view in accordance with the requirements Southport Office Helipad Page 3 of 5 October 19, 2017 K:\Preapps\2017\PRE17000646_Southport Helipad\02.Review Comments outline under RMC 4-4-095. The helipad would be surrounded by a 90-foot diameter safety area that would be clear of all objects for a light-turbine helicopter. Building Design Standards – Compliance with Urban Design Regulations, District ‘C’, is required. Critical Areas: A seismic hazard area are mapped over the site. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ascertain whether any additional critical areas or environmental concerns are present on the site during site development or building construction. Environmental Review: The FSEIS and mitigation document was issued for the Southport Planned Action in September 1999. Ordinance #4804 was adopted by the City Council in October 1999 designating a Planned Action of the subject site. The objective of the Southport Planned SFEIS was to complete the environmental review in advance of the overall conceptual Master Site Plan. Project applications and development phases were then allowed to proceed without additional environmental review provided the proposed development is consistent with the plan alternatives and level of development that was analyzed in the EIS process. The procedure to review projects and to determine whether they meet the criteria as Planned Actions under State laws and City codes and ordinances consist, at a minimum, of the following: 1. Development application shall meet the requirements of RMC Chapters 4-8 and 4-9. Application shall be made on forms provided by the Department and shall include a SEPA checklist or revised SEPA checklist [where approved through WAC 197-11-315(2)] or such other environmental review forms provided by the Planning/Building/Public Work Department. The checklist may be incorporated into the form of an application; 2. The Director shall determine whether the application is complete as provided in RMC Chapter 4-8. 3. If the project application is within an area designated as a Planned Action, the application shall be reviewed to determine whether the proposed application is consistent with and meets all the qualification specified in Section III of Ordinance No. 4804. 4. Upon review of a complete application by the City, the Director shall determine whether the project qualifies as a Planned Action. If the project does qualify, the Director shall notify the applicant, and the project shall proceed in accordance with the appropriate permit procedure, except that no additional SEPA review, threshold determination, or EIS shall be required. 5. Public notice for projects that quality as Planned Actions shall be tied to the underlying permit. If notice is otherwise required for the underlying permit, the Southport Office Helipad Page 4 of 5 October 19, 2017 K:\Preapps\2017\PRE17000646_Southport Helipad\02.Review Comments notice shall state that the project has qualified as a Planned Action. If notice is not otherwise required for the underlying permit, no special notice is required. 6. If a project is determined not to be a Planned Action, the Director shall notify the applicant and prescribe a SEPA review procedure consistent with the City SEPA procedures and state laws. The notice to the applicant shall describe the elements of the application that result in disqualification as a Planned Action. 7. Projects disqualified as a Planned Action may use or incorporate relevant elements of the environmental review analysis in the SEIS prepared for the Planned Action, as well as other environmental documents to assist in meeting SEPA requirements. The Environmental Review Committee may choose to limit the scope of the SEPA review to those issues and environmental impacts not previously addressed in the SEIS. After a review of Ordinance No. 4804, it doesn’t appear that the helipad was analyzed in the EIS process under the Planned Action in September 1999. Please provide supporting written documentation that the helipad was review under the Planned Action environmental analysis contained in the Southport Development Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) issued by the City on September 9, 1999 in order for the Conditional Use Permit to be processed consistent the procedures of the Planned Action. If the helipad is unable to be processed under the Planned Action, the land use application would be processed under the current procedures that implement the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 as described under RMC 4- 9-070. An environmental checklist must be submitted with the land use application. Permit Requirements: The proposed project would require a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. This land use permits would be processed within an estimated time frame of 12 weeks. The current application fees would total $3,090 ($3,000 CUP + 3% technology surcharge fee = $3,090). The application fee for SEPA Review (Environmental Checklist) is $1,545 ($1,500 SEPA + $3% technology surcharge fee = $1,545). All fees are subject to change. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal can be found on the City’s website by clicking “City Documents” on the home screen, then “CED Forms.” All forms are in alphabetical order. The City now requires electronic plan submittal for all applications. The City’s Electronic File Standards can also be found on the City’s website. In addition to the required land use permits, separate construction, building and sign permits would be required (if applicable). Public Information Sign: Public Information Signs are required for all Type III Land Use Permits, as classified by RMC 4-8-080. Public Information Signs are intended to inform Southport Office Helipad Page 5 of 5 October 19, 2017 K:\Preapps\2017\PRE17000646_Southport Helipad\02.Review Comments the public of potential land development, specific permits/actions being considered by the City, and to facilitate timely and effective public participation in the review process. The applicant must follow the specifications provided in the public information sign handout (see land use forms on City website). The applicant is solely responsible for the construction, installation, maintenance, removal, and any costs associated with the sign. Next Steps: When the formal application materials are complete, the applicant will have the materials pre-screened with the project manager at the 6th floor front counter prior to submitting the complete application package. Please contact Clark Close, Senior Planner at 425-430-7289 or cclose@rentonwa.gov to schedule an appointment. Expiration and Extensions: Once the Conditional Use Permit applications have been approved, the applicant has two years to comply with all conditions of approval and to apply for any necessary permits before the approval becomes null and void. A single two-year extension may be granted for good cause by the Administrator. HYATT REGENCY PROPOSED HELIPAD PARCEL NUMBER 0523059216 N RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Section 3: SITE PLAN Tower 1 Tower 2 Tower 3 Elevator Stair Helipad 30'x30' N Section 4 HELIPAD LOCATION ON TOWER 2 SOUTHPORT OFFICE COMPLEX 306 - 5" 65' - 4"118' - 3" 55' - 8" PARCEL 0523059216 1103 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NORTH 1" - 85' (APPROX) H:\CED\Planning\Title IV\Docket\Administrative Policy Code Interpretation\CI-126\Code Interpretation.docx Department of Community and Economic Development Planning Division ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY/CODE INTERPRETATION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY/CODE INTERPRETATION #: CI-126 MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS: 4-2-080 Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables REFERENCE: ORD 5759 SUBJECT: Helipads in the UC Zone BACKGROUND: In 2015, the City of Renton adopted a new Comprehensive Plan and corresponding text amendments to Title IV, Development Regulations. The 2015 Comprehensive Plan merged the zones formerly known as Urban Center – North 1 (UC-N1) and Urban Center – North 2 (UC-N2). Prior to the 2015 Title IV text amendments, helipads (commercial or private) were permitted under a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit (CUP) within the UC-N2 zone. In order to maintain helipads as a permitted use within the former boundaries of UC-N2, Condition #78 (shown below) was added to RMC 4- 2-080, Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables, and applied to the use “Helipads” in the new Urban Center (UC) zone column within RMC 4 - 2-060, Zoning Use Tables – Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations. “Condition #78. Specified use(s) are permitted in locations that are both west of Logan Avenue and east of the Cedar River.” Condition #78 was crafted based on the zoning map in effect prior to the 2015 Comprehensive Plan adoption. A portion of that zoning map is shown below wherein UC-N2 is identified by a light blue shading and UC- N1 in a darker shade of blue (no map symbol shown). CI-126 Page 2 of 3 In the map above, Logan Avenue North appears to extend to I-405. However, as shown in the portion of COR Maps below, North Park Drive commences at the terminus of Park Avenue North, which eliminates some properties from the described boundaries of Condition #78. CI-126 Page 3 of 3 DECISION: Amend Condition #78 to better reflect the boundaries of the former UC- N2 zone. JUSTIFICATION: Condition #78 inadvertently removed helipads as a use allowed within the boundaries of the former UC-N2 zone via a Hearing Examiner CUP, which was neither disclosed to the public nor the intent of staff. ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL: _______________________________________ C. E. “Chip” Vincent EFFECTIVE DATE: September 19, 2017 APPEAL PROCESS: To appeal this determination, a written appeal--accompanied by the required filing fee--must be filed with the City's Hearing Examiner (1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, 425-430-6515) no more than 14 days from the date of this decision. Your submittal should explain the basis for the appeal. Section 4-8-110 of the Renton Municipal Code provides further information on the appeal process. DISCLAIMER: Excerpts from the Renton Municipal Code shown below may not contain the most recently codified text. In such instances, code amendments implemented through this Administrative Code Interpretation shall be construed to affect the current code and past/future Administrative Code Interpretations not yet codified in the same manner as shown below. Should any conflicts result the Administrator shall determine the effective code. CODE AMENDMENTS NEEDED TO IMPLEMENT DETERMINATIONS: 4-2-080 Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables Condition #78. Specified use(s) are permitted in locations that are south of Gene Coulon Memorial Park, north of North Park Drive or both west of Logan Avenue and east of the Cedar River. STAFF CONTACT: Paul Hintz, x7436 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO! 4804 ^ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DESIGNATING A PLANNED ACTION FOR THE SOUTHPORT SITE, APPROXIMATELY 17 ACRES LOCATED ADJACENT TO LAKE WASHINGTON AND BETWEEN GENE COULON PARK ON THE EAST AND BOEING MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS ON THE WEST. WHEREAS, RCW 43.21C.031 and WAC 197-11-164, - 168, and-172 allow and govern the application of a Planned Action designation; and, WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 3379, the City indicated its intent to study and consider a Planned Action designation for the Shuffleton Steam Plant site, also known as the Southport site; and, WHEREAS, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) has been prepared for a portion of the Shuffleton Steam Plant site, entitled the Southport Development Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, and such document considers the potential environmental impacts of a phased mixed-use project on approximately 17 acres of property within the City limits; and, WHEREAS, with Ordinance No. 4796 , the City has amended the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for the subject area from Employment Area - Industrial (EA-I) to Center Office Residential (COR); and, WHEREAS, with Ordinance No. 4800 , the City has amended the Zoning Map from Heavy Industrial (IH) to Center Office Residential (COR) ; and, WHEREAS, this Ordinance would designate certain land uses and activities as "Planned Actions" which would be consistent with the Center Office Residential (COR) designation and zone; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF RENTON DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. Purpose. The City of Renton declares that the purpose of this ordinance is to: A. Set forth a procedure designating certain project actions within the subject site as Planned Actions" consistent with state law, RCW 43.21C.031; and, B. Provide the public with an understanding as to what constitutes a Planned Action and how land use applications which qualify as Planned Actions will be processed by the City; and, C. Streamline and expedite the land use permit review process for this site by relying on completed and existing detailed environmental analysis for the subject site; and, Entire Document Available Upon Request