HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Admin_RVMP_171214DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT-___hhhhhhP_Rentofl0PLANNINGDIVISIONROUTINEVEGETATIONMANAGEMENTPERMITEVALUATIONFORM&DECISIONDATE:December14,2017PROJECTNUMBER:LUA17-000790,RVMPPROJECTNAME:GuRVMPPROJECTMANAGER:MonaDavis,SeniorPlannerOWNER:NanGu2005NE40thStRenton,WA98056APPLICANT:BrianLevvis2018156thAveNE,BldgF-Suite330Bellevue,WA98007LOCATION:2005NE40THSTDESCRIPTION:TheapplicantisrequestingapprovalofaRoutineVegetationManagementPermitinordertoremovefiveexistingBigLeafMapletrees(averaging6-10inchesindiameter),alongwithgravelsurfacing,overgrownweedsandinvasiveplantmaterial.Theapplicantproposestoremovetheselectvegetationinordertoenhancethebackyardareawithnewlandscapefeatures,includingreplacementtrees,permeablepayers,andplantingbedsontheproperty.Staffrecommendsasaconditionofapprovalthatthehomeownerreplantaminimumoffivetreesaspartofthelandscapedesigninordertoreplacethefivetreesremovedtoprovidefornonetloss.ThisproposalwillcomplywithnormalandroutinemaintenancerequirementspursuanttotheprovisionsinRMC4-3-050(C)(3)and4-4-070(P).Thesubjectsiteislocatedat2005NE40thStreet(seeattachedsiteplanexhibit).Thelotsizeis11,400squarefeetandlocatedintheResidential-8(R-8)zonewithanexistingsinglefamilyhomeonthesite.EXPIRATIONDATE:December14,2018GENERALREVIEWCRITERIA4-9-195D4:YES1.ThelotshallcomplywithminimumtreedensityrequirementspursuanttoRMC4-4-130,TreeRetentionandLandClearingRegulations.Comments:Thelotexceedstheminimumtreedensityrequirements;alltreesproposedforremovalwillbereplacedaspartofthelandscapingprojecttoprovidefornonetloss.YES2.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallbeconsistentwithrestrictionsforcriticalareas,pursuanttoRMC4-4-130,TreeRetentionandLandClearingRegulations,andRMC4-3-050,CriticalAreasRegulations.Comments:ThelotisconstrainedbyaCategory2wetlandbufferandClass3streambufferandisconsideredlegallyestablished,non-conformingasthedevelopedportionofthepropertylieswithinaportionofthecriticalareabuffers.Noworkisproposedtobeexpandedfurtherintothecriticalareastoincreasetheexistingnonconformityofthesite.Page1of3 CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentRoutineVegetationManagementPermitGuRVMPLUAI7-000790,RVMP,YES3.Removalofalandmarktreeshallmeetthereviewcriteriaforremovalofalandmarktree,pursuanttoRMC4-4-130,TreeRetentionandLandClearingRegulations.Comments:Thefivetreesproposedtoberemovedarenotlandmarktrees.Thesubjecttreesrangeinsizebetweensixandteninchesindiameterandarelocatedinthesideyardonthewestsideofthelot.YES4.Streetfrontageandparkinglottreesandlandscapingshallbepreserved,unlessotherwiseapprovedbytheAdministrator.YES5.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallnotremoveanylandscapingorprotectedtreesrequiredaspartofalanddevelopmentpermit.YES6.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallmaintainvisualscreeningandbufferingbetweenlandusesofdifferingintensity,consistentwithapplicablelandscapingandsetbackprovisionsYES7.Thelandclearingandtreeremovalshallnotcreateorcontributetoahazardouscondition,suchasincreasedpotentialforblowdown,pestinfestation,disease,orotherproblemsthatmayresultfromselectivelyremovingtreesandothervegetationfromalot.DECISION:TheGuRVMPRoutineVegetationManagementPermitisApprovedwithConditions*.*CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL:Staffrecommendsasaconditionofapprovalthattheapplicantreplantaminimumoffive(2-inchcaliper)treesaspartofthelandscapedesigninordertoreplacethefivetreesremoved.Oncethereplacementtreesareinstalled,pleasecontacttheCurrentPlanningProjectManagertoscheduleaninspectioninordertofinalizethepermitapproval.SIGNATURE&DATEOFDECISION:December14,2017JenniferHenning,PlanningDirectorDateAppealsofpermitissuancemustbefiledinwritingonorbefore5:00p.m.onDecember28,2077,togetherwiththerequiredfeewith:HearingExaminer,CityofRenton,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.AppealstotheExamineraregovernedbyRMC4-8-110andmoreinformationregardingtheappealprocessmaybeobtainedfromtheRentonCityClerk’sOffice,425-430-6510.Reconsideration:Within14daysofthedecisiondate,anypartymayrequestthatthedecisionbereopenedbytheapprovalbody.Theapprovalbodymaymodifyhisdecisionifmaterialevidencenotreadilydiscoverablepriortotheoriginaldecisionisfoundorifhefindstherewasmisrepresentationoffact.Afterreviewofthereconsiderationrequest,iftheapprovalbodyfindssufficientevidencetoamendtheoriginaldecision,therewillbenofurtherextensionoftheappealperiod.Anypersonwishingtotakefurtheractionmustfileaformalappealwithinthe14-dayappealtimeframe. CityofRentonDepartmentofCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentRoutineVegetationManagementPermitGuRVMPLUAI7-000790,RVMP,Expiration:TheRoutineVegetationManagementPermitshallbevalidforoneyearfromthedateofissuance.AnextensionmaybegrantedbythePlanningDivisionforaperiodofoneyearuponapplicationbythepropertyownerormanager.Applicationforsuchanextensionmustbemadeatleastthirty(30)daysinadvanceoftheexpirationoftheoriginalpermitandshallincludeastatementofjustificationfortheextension. SE 84TH ST.110TH PL SE1 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17NEIGHBORHOODDETAIL MAPGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.G UNEIGHBORHOODDETAIL MAP 11.16.171" = 100'-0"50'0'75'100'SYMBOL LEGENDPROPOSED PROJECT PROPERTY LINENEIGHBORING PROPERTY LINES SE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGASPHALTLAWNEXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAYLAWNR E S I D E N C EGARAGEEXISTING GRAVELEXISTINGGRAVELEXISTINGGRAVELPOPLAR TREE3' CAL.#24POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#22DOGWOOD TREE6" CAL.#2MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#1BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#3BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#4BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#5BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#7BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#6BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#8BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#9BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#12BIG LEAF MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#10BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#11BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#13BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#14BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#15BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#16POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#23POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#25POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#26BIG LEAF MAPLE6" CAL.#19BIG LEAF MAPLE9" CAL.#18BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#20BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#21BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#173 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17TOPOGRAPHY MAPGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UTOPOGRAPHY MAP 11.16.17GU RESIDENCESYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEEXISTING CONTOUR LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING DECK1ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0" R E S I D E N C EEXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAYGARAGEBIG LEAF MAPLE6" CAL.#19BIG LEAF MAPLE9" CAL.#18BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#20BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#21BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#17SE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGASPHALTLAWNLAWNEXISTING GRAVELEXISTINGGRAVELEXISTINGGRAVELPOPLAR TREE3' CAL.#24POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#22DOGWOOD TREE6" CAL.#2MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#1BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#3BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#4BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#5BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#7BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#6BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#8BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#9BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#12BIG LEAF MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#10BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#11BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#13BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#14BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#15BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#16POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#23POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#25POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#264 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17TREE RETENTION/REPLACEMENTPLANGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UTREE RETENTION/REPLACEMENT PLAN 11.16.171ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0"SYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEPROPOSED TREE CLEARING LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING DECK 20'-0"R E S I D E N C EGARAGESE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGASPHALTLAWNEXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAYLAWNEXISTING GRAVEL9'-1"7'-10"6'-10"20'-5"22'-5"16'9'-11"5'-7"23'2'11'-1"18'2'5'-3"2'6'-1"14'-6"18'-3"18'-5"2'20'20'30'30'29'-8"2'2'EXISTINGGRAVELEXISTINGGRAVEL151'-3"110'-8"76'-6"144'100'137'51'74'-9"POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#24POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#22DOGWOOD TREE6" CAL.#2MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#1BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#3BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#4BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#5BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#7BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#6BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#8BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#9BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#12BIG LEAF MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#10BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#11BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#13BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#14BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#15BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#16POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#23POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#25POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#26BIG LEAF MAPLE6" CAL.#19BIG LEAF MAPLE9" CAL.#18BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#20BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#21BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#175 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17PROPERTY LINE, SETBACKS& RESIDENCE DIMENSIONSGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UPROPERTY LINE, SETBACKS& RESIDENCE DIMENSIONS 11.16.171ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0"SYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEBUILDING SETBACK LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING DECK R E S I D E N C EGARAGESE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGASPHALTLAWNLAWNEXISTING GRAVEL11'-7"41'-8"43'-0"8'-4"40'-11"9'-3"48'-7"61'-3"15'-10"12'-3"7'-4"4'-5"7'-1"52'-10"5'-2"1'7'5"24'-1"4'4'-8"6'-8"9'-9"12'EXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAYEXISTINGGRAVELEXISTINGGRAVEL6 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17EXISTING FENCE &WALLS DIMENSIONSGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UEXISTING FENCE &WALLS DIMENSIONS 11.16.17SYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING DECK1ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0" R E S I D E N C EGARAGESE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGASPHALTEXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAY7'-0"4'3'-0"4'4'13'4'4'12'-0"27'9'-11"48'-1"11'4'-8"4'11'-0"7'-6"4'17'-4"16'-11"8'9'-8"7 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17EXISTING/ PROPOSEDDECK & FENCEGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UEXISTING/ PROPOSEDDECK & FENCE 11.16.17SYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEPROPOSED FENCE LINENEW DECK = 80 SQ. FT.REPLACED DECK = 159 SQ. FT.REMOVED DECK = 502 SQ. FT.1ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0" R E S I D E N C EGARAGEEXISTINGASPHALTLAWNLAWNEXISTING GRAVELEXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAYSE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGGRAVELEXISTINGGRAVEL9'-7"24'-3"14'-3"18'5'-9"25'-10"9'-8"3'-5"17'-1"8'-1"19'-8"13'-11"29'-7"28'-2"5'-1"POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#24POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#22DOGWOOD TREE6" CAL.#2MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#1BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#3BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#4BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#5BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#7BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#6BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#8BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#9BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#12BIG LEAF MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#10BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#11BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#13BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#14BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#15BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#16POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#23POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#25POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#26BIG LEAF MAPLE6" CAL.#19BIG LEAF MAPLE9" CAL.#18BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#20BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#21BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#178 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17WETLAND & STREAMPLANGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UWETLAND & STREAMPLAN 11.16.17SYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING STREAM CENTERLINEEXISTING STREAM HIGH WATER MARK/ SETBACKEXISTING WETLAND/ SETBACKEXISTING DECK1ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0" R E S I D E N C EGARAGESE 84TH ST.110TH PL SEEXISTINGASPHALTLAWNEXISTINGASPHALTDRIVEWAYLAWNEXISTING GRAVELPROPANETANKEXISTINGGRAVELEXISTINGGRAVELPOPLAR TREE3' CAL.#24POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#22DOGWOOD TREE6" CAL.#2MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#1BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#3BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#4BIG LEAFMAPLE TREE9" CAL.#5BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#7BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#6BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#8BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#9BIRCH TREE9" CAL.#12BIG LEAF MAPLE TREE6" CAL.#10BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#11BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#13BIRCH TREE6" CAL.#14BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#15BIRCH TREE18" CAL.#16POPLAR TREE 4' CAL.#23POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#25POPLAR TREE3' CAL.#26BIG LEAF MAPLE6" CAL.#19BIG LEAF MAPLE9" CAL.#18BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#20BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#21BIG LEAF MAPLE10" CAL.#179 of 9NAN & MICHELLE GU2005 NE 40TH ST, RENTON, WA 98056765.404.927911.16.17UTILITIES PLANGU RESIDENCEwww.alderwoodlandscaping.comALDERWOODLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTIONtoll free:>866.467.8298>98007© ALDERWOOD LANDSCAPING 2017project >sheet >surveyed by >This landscape plan is the property of Alderwood Landscaping Incorporated (Alderwood). The use of this plan in whole or in part without the express written permission of Alderwood is prohibited. Reproduction of this document is strictly limited to Alderwood 's own use and distribution. This plan was created for the design-build use of Alderwood. As such, Alderwood shall not be responsible for creation, installation, or maintenance of any part of these plans by any individuals or companies other than Alderwood. Any deviation from the aforementionedstatement must be certified in writing with Alderwood. This plan was created based on information and measurements acquired from others and/or site visits. It is the responsibility of the contractor to verify measurements and locations in the field prior to construction. Any revisions necessary or otherwise shall be approved by Alderwood's Landscape Architect prior to completion. This drawing shall not be considered in any way to be a legal survey and Alderwood shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions, or revisions made by any other company.For all work completed outside the scope of Alderwood's construction contracts it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicable contractor to obtain all necessary permits.date >scale >2018 156TH AVE. NE - BLDG. F - SUITE 330drafted by >reviewed by >architect >BELLEVUE, WANATHAN M.BRIAN L.JOHNNY S.TIM G.1" = 20'-0"10'0'15'20'G UUTILITIES PLAN 11.16.17SYMBOL LEGENDPROPERTY LINEEXISTING FENCE LINEEXISTING UTILITIES/ UTILITY LINESEXISTING DECK1ASYMBOL LEGENDSCALE: NTSPROPOSED PERENNIALS& SHRUB PLANTINGSBENCH ROCKBRIDGE ROCKLANDSCAPE BOULDEREXISTING SHRUB PLANTINGB/RB/RB/RB/RPROJECT LIMIT LINEEXISTING TREE (SIGNIFICANT)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT TREEFLAGSTONE PATHORNAMENTAL GRASS (TYP.)PAVER PATHB/RSINGLE - FALLWATER FEATUREPROPOSED SUB-ALPINE FIREXISTING TREE (NON-SIGNIFICANT)REMOVE TREEGRAVEL PATHLAWNNATIVE+ 0'-0"+ 1'-0"+ 0'-0"+ TF 3'-0"