HomeMy WebLinkAboutA_Application and construction description with project narrative_v1Routine Vegetation Management Permit Application Construction Mitigation Description: 1. Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates): a. January 8th – February 2nd 2. Hours and days of operation: a. Monday-Friday b. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 3. Proposed hauling/transportation routes: a. To be along SE 84th St. and along West side of residence 4. Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics: a. To minimize traffic and transportation impacts we will be using the existing front yard lawn area and driveway to dump/ stage materials. A silt fence will be erected at the bottom of slopes located within the project limits and all exposed soil will be covered at the end of each working day to mitigate soil erosion, dust and mud. 5. Any special hours proposed for construction or hauling (i.e. weekends, late nights): a. No special hours will be proposed for this project. 6. Preliminary traffic control plan: a. No traffic will be blocked or in need of re-routing due to proposed construction. However, if traffic control is necessary there will be orange safety cones set out and a crew member to direct traffic. Routine Vegetation Management Permit Application Statement of legal non-conformity for wetland and stream buffers: The proposed project site is legally non-conforming for wetland and stream buffers. The proposed deck reduction/ re-working and fence line expansion take place within the buffers/ setbacks for the existing wetland and stream on-site. However, the proposed deck and fencing work takes place within the existing deck footprint and/ or will be occurring further from the actual locations of the wetland and stream (i.e. the work occurs closer to the wetland and stream buffers/ setbacks than the existing deck and fence). Our overall goal is to make the backyard space usable and enjoyable to interact with. Currently the backyard area is not suitable for activity or entertaining and provides little attainable value to the re-sale value of the home. We are going to reduce the overall size of the deck by removing a section between the south side of the residence and the southern fence line. Currently the area below the existing deck footprint is gravel and concrete. The area covered by the gravel/ concrete will be replaced with a permeable paver patio and planting beds. By removing the portion of the deck and replacing the gravel/ concrete with a permeable paver and planting beds we hope to reduce the non- permeable surfaces located between the south side of the residence and the existing wetland/ stream located on site. For every tree removed on site, a tree will be planted in its place. In addition, all lot coverage calculations will reflect legal conformity and existing hard surface square footage will not be increased from the existing value, as the site is legally non-conforming. Project Narrative: 1. Project name, size and location of site: a. Gu Residence b. 11,400 sq. ft. c. 2005 NE 40th St. Renton, WA 98056 2. Land use permits required for proposed project: a. Routine Vegetation Management Permit 3. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties: a. R-8 4. Current use of the site and any existing improvements: a. The site is currently used for residential purposes b. No known existing improvements on site 5. Special site features (i.e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes): a. Class 3 stream – 75’ setback b. Category 2 wetland – 50’ setback 6. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions: a. According to websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov to existing soil on site is EvC (Everett very gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes) and is somewhat excessively drained 7. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development: a. The proposed use for the property is for residential purposes b. Proposed development includes: removal of 5 existing trees, clearing of existing gravel and overgrown weeds/ plant material, reduction of deck, paver patio w fire pit, boulder walls/ steps, flagstone pathways, small (movable) pre-cast concrete water feature, new lawn in back yard, expanding fence line towards front of residence, installation of new deciduous trees and container plantings 8. For plats indicate the proposed number, net density and range of sizes (net lot area) of the new lots: a. N/A 9. Access: a. Project access to be from SE 84th St. (according to King County Department of Assessments or NE 40th St. according to King County iMaps) 10. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.): a. N/A 11. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project: a. ± $75,000 b. ± $75,000 12. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed: a. 7 cubic yards of proposed fill i. Fill to consist of the following material: sandy loam soil b. 52 cubic yards of proposed excavation i. Proposed excavation to consist of the following materials: poured concrete, overgrown plant material/ weeds, lawn (grass), concrete segmental block wall cap, wood edging, wood fencing and gravel 13. Number, type and size of any trees to be removed: a. (5) Big Leaf Maple trees to be removed i. Averaging 6”-10” in diameter 14. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City: a. N/A 15. Any proposed job shacks, sales trailers, and/or model homes: a. N/A 16. Any proposed modifications being requested (include written justification): a. Reduction of deck: i. The existing deck has no access from the upper level to the lower level and is oversized relative the size of the backyard area. the deck also drastically reduces sun exposure to the lower area. With a reduction in size to the existing deck it would allow for greater sun exposure to the lower area and open views up to the densely vegetated area located on the Southern side of the existing backyard fence and allow outdoor access from the upper level of the residence to the lower level. b. Paver patio w fire pit: i. Currently the area covered by the proposed paver patio/ fire pit is composed of a small (9’9” x 6’8”) concrete pad, loose gravel, overgrown plants/ weeds and exposed soil. By removing the existing materials and replacing with a paver patio/ fire pit area we will be increasing the usable area in the backyard and be removing undesirable plant material/ weeds. c. Boulder walls/ steps: i. The proposed boulder walls and steps are being installed to provide safe access between front and back yard areas, to create a level landing for the bottom of the proposed deck stairs and to raise/ level area for proposed lawn. d. Flagstone pathways: i. The flagstone stepping stones are being installed to provide a level landing between proposed boulder stairs, as access through backyard lawn area and as access between front and back yard areas along East side of residence. e. Small (movable) pre-cast concrete water feature: i. The proposed water feature is being installed to provide visual interest and to help mask sound coming from traffic along 110th Pl. SE (according to King County Department of Assessments or Monterey Pl. NE according to King County iMaps). f. New lawn in back yard: i. The new lawn area is being installed to reduce the area of exposed soil and to provide an area for homeowner’s dog to go to the bathroom and play. g. Expanding fence line towards front of residence: i. The backyard fence line on the West side of the residence is being expanded to allow for an enclosed backyard lawn area and to accommodate proposed deck stairs. h. installation of new deciduous trees and container plantings: i. (5) new deciduous trees are being installed to replace the (5) Big Leaf Maple trees being removed within the existing wetland and stream buffer. The container plantings are being installed to help mitigate the effects of installing new hardscape (non-permeable) materials i. Distance in feet from the wetland or stream to the nearest area of work: i. 18’-11” from the existing stream to the nearest area of work.