HomeMy WebLinkAboutCA_Cascade_Plaza_Lot_Closures_171117_v1Parcel name: ORIG A 110617
North: 167695-337
Line course: S 42-37-10 E
North: 167511.371
Line course: N 47-22-50 E
North: 167615.553
Line course: N 06-33-17 w
North: 167946.555
Line course: s 42-37-10 E
North: 166948.241
Line Course: N 88-07-38 w
North: 166986.990
Line course: N 01-46-35 E
North: 167695.339
ORIG A-8 110617
East : 1305760.768
Length: 250.00
East 1305930.049
Length: 153.86
East 1306043.269
Length: 333.18
East 1306005.236
Length: 1356.65
East : 1306923.859
Length: 1185.69
East : 1305738.802
Length: 708.69
East : 1305760.771
Perimeter: 3988.07 Area: 593,091 sq. ft. 13.62 acres
mapcheck closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)
Error closure: 0.004 Course: N 64-59-49 E
Error North: 0.0016 East : 0.0033
Precision 1: 997,017.50
Parcel name: ORIG B 110617
North: 166986.985
Line course: S 88-07-38 E
North: 166970.841
Line Course: S 01-46-35 w
North: 166710.966
Line course: N 88-07-38 W
North: 166727.110
Line course: N 01-46-35 E
North: 166986.985
East : 1305738.799
Length: 494.00
East 1306232.535
Length: 260.00
East 1306224.475
Length: 494.00
East 1305730.739
Length: 260.00
East 1305738.799
Perimeter: 1508.00 Area: 128,440 sq. ft. 2.95 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)
Error closure: 0.000 course: S 90-00-00 E
Error North: 0.0000 East : 0.0000
Precision 1: 1,509,000,000.00
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Parcel name: REV A 110617
North: 167511.371
Line Course: N 42-37-10 w
North: 167695.337
Line course: S 01-46-35 w
North: 166727.113
Line Course: S 88-07-38 E
North: 166710.969
Line Course: N 01-46-35 E
North: 166970.844
Line Course: N 01-46-35 E
North: 166991.314
Line Course: N 87-59-53 w
North: 166996.797
Line Course: N 42-34-16 w
North: 167086.429
Line Course: N 47-25-44 E
North: 167270.973
Line Course: S 42-37-10 E
North: 167248.507
Line Course: N 47-09-30 E
North: 167464.684
Line Course: N 42-37-10 w
North: 167946.545
Line -Course: S 06-33-17 E
North: 167615.543
Line Course: s 47-22-50 w
North: 167511.360
REV A - B 110617
East 1305930.049
Length: 250.00
East : 1305760.768
Length: 968.69
East : 1305730.739
Length: 494.00
East : 1306224.475
Length: 260.00
East : 1306232.535
Length: 20.48
East : 1306233.170
Length: 156.96
East : 1306076.306
Length: 121.71
East : 1305993.968
Length: 272.79
East : 1306194.861
Length: 30.53
East : 1306215.534
Length: 317.92
East : 1306448.644
Length: 654.82
East : 1306005.249
Length: 333.18
East : 1306043.282
Length: 153.86
East : 1305930.061
Perimeter: 4034.94 Area: 473,552 sq. ft. 10.87 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)
Error Closure: 0.016 course: S 50-38-24 E
Error North: -0.0102 East 0.0124
Precision 1: 252,183.75
Parcel name: REV B 110617
North: 167464.689
Line Course: S 47-09-30 w
North: 167248.512
Line Course: N 42-37-10 W
North: 167270.978
Line Course: S 47-25-44 w
North: 167086.434
Line Course: S 42-34-16 E
North: 166996.802
Line Course: S 87-59-53 E
North: 166991.319
Line Course: S 01-46-35 w
North: 166970.849
Line Course: S 88-07-38 E
North: 166948.244
Line Course: N 42-37-10 w
North: 167464.698
East 1306448.633
Length: 317. 92
East : 1306215-523
Length: 30.53
East : 1306194-850
Length: 272.79
East : 1305993-957
Length: 121.71
East : 1306076.294
Length: 156.96
East : 1306233-159
Length: 20.48
East : 1306232.524
Length: 691.69
East : 1306923.844
Length: 701.83
East : 1306448-617
Perimeter: 2313.92 Area: 247,979 sq. ft. 5.69 acres
mapcheck Closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas)
Error closure: 0.018 Course: N 61-15-51 w
Error North: 0.0087 East -0.0158
Precision 1: 128,550-56
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