HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Cascade_Plaza_Waters_Sewer_Letters_171117_v1Cerfificate t 5767 This ccrlíficote provides ìnformølion t ecessor! lo evoluale developnrcnl proposøls, TYPe: Applicant's Name; Proposed Use: Location: Parcel: Information: SOOS CREEK \ryATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CBRTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILABILITY Comrnercial MBA Cascade PlazaLLC - lbdd Anderson Lot Line Adjustment to make Bidg A its orvn lot. Lot: 9 Block: DeveloPment: 282305 90Ag Àddress: 17036176'fïl AVE SE, RITNTON Known as Bldg A, previously the QFC Business ( Attach nap & LÈgal dcs$¡ptiotr ifnecr5sil] ) SEWER PURVEYOR INFORMATION Sewerservicewillbeprovidedbyserviceconnectiononlytoanexistingsewermain5feet fromthe site anrl the sewer syst€m has the capacity to serve the proposed area. l.^'{ a b 2. Other (describe): The sewer system is in confornlance with a counfy approved server comprelrensive plan. The sewer syslem improvement rvill require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment' 3. " v 'fheproposedprojecliswithinthecorporatelimitsofthedistrict,orhasbeengrantedBoundary Review Board approval for cxtension ofservice outs¡de the disb'icf or city. b , .t Annexation or Boundary Review Board approval will be necessary to provide service, or sign a Porver of Attomey for ânnexation. 4. Service is sulrject to the following: a {' ConnectionCharge: ExistingUBAccount#0708-001320 b r1 Easement(s): Avoidencroachmentsonexistingeasements c .2, Other: Anychangeofuse,mayrequireupdatedGFCsbepa¡d' Service is subject to 1he applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installatiotl andlor cotutections tr¡ the standârds, regulations, requirements and condirions of this Distlict and such other agency or agencies havingjurisdiction. This District is not representing that it's facilities will be extended or otherwise modifred to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility ofthe applicant to rnake any required extetrsion offacilities to serve theìr ploperty. I hereby certify that the above seryer purveyor information is true. 'Ihis certif¡cation shall be valid for one vear from date ofsignaturc, SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRÍC'| Agenc)' Name Supervisor, Development Admin istration-- ' -..'- ìnì; Darci Mattioda Sígnatory Nanre 9/27t2017 Datc q 1 ,,7 Datc Soos ûeck\Y¡tcr & Scwc, f)Lricr'rplÀrÂilsltglc¡¡rc¡L\ddscsc/' a6l% t7 CertÍficate : 4748 T h is ce ¡tifi cate p rov i des infarmation necessary to evaluate develoPment proposals. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTR]CT CERTIFICATE OF \ryATER AVAILABILITY Type: Commercial: Applicant's Namc: MBA Cascade ?lazaLLC - Todd Anderson Proposed Use: Lot lline Adjustmenl to make Bldg A its own lo1- Location: Lot:9 Block: DeveloPnrent: Parcel: 2823059009 Address: l7036176thAveSE Information; Known as Bldg A, previously the QFC Business WATER PURVEYOR INFORMATION l. a lV4 Warer will be provided by service connection only to an existing 10" Dl water main,20 feet *om lhe she. b I I Water service will require an improvement io the water sysiem of: 2. a ú The water system is in conformance with a county approvd wafer comprehensive plan. b i - , The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendmenl. 3- a iJ¡ The proposed project is w¡th¡n the corporate limits of the district, or has been granted Boundary Review eoaø ai'ptova-l for extension ofservice outside the district or city, or is within the County approved service area ofa private water purveyor. bil AnnsxationorBoundaryReviewBoardapprovalwillbenecessarytopmvideservice- 4. a :t. \ilater ilor will be available at the rate offlow and duration indicafed below al no less than 20 psi measrnrd ar the nearest fire hydrant I I 5 feot from the buildinlproperty (or as marked on ¡he attached map): RateofFlow: 1,000 gpm Duration: 2 hours b I i Watersystem isnot capable ofprovidingfireflow. 5. Service is subject to füe following: a l-l Connection Charge: Existing UB Account # 0708-001320 6 iv, Easement (s): Avoid encroachments on existing easemens c h¡' Other: Any change of use may require updated GFCs be paid Cross Connection Control deviccs must be in conformance rvith state laws. Service is subject to the applicants agreement to comply and perform to make such installation and/or connections to the standards, regulations, requirements and conditions ofthis District and such other agency or agencies having jurisdiction. This District is not representing that its facilities will be extended or otherwise modified to make such service available to the applicant. It is the responsibility ofthe applicant to make any required extension offacilities to serve their frropely. I hereby cert¡fy that thc abovc water purveyor information is true. This certification sh¡ll be valid for one year from date of signature. SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Agency Name Supervisor, Development Admhìistration 'rfte Darci Mattioda S¡gnstory Nme 9n712017 Datc Sôos Cdware & Sc\rr Dilricr ail^leilsi¡glcpûrcel^ddwelcl zl9ú