HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum No.1 Public Works Department Addendum No.1\ SE 172nd St Green Stormwater Infrastructure CAG-25-047 ADDENDUM No. 1 Date of Addendum Issue: March 10, 2025 Due Date for Bids: 2:00 pm on March 25, 2025 To: ALL PLAN HOLDERS AND/OR PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS The following changes, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part of the project bid documents for the SE 172nd St Green Stormwater Infrastructure project and shall have the same effect as if set forth therein. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Addendum No. 1 by signing the addendum and submitting with the bid. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum may result in your bid proposal being disqualified. 03 – Scope of Work DELETE original Scope of Work (03 Scope of Work) and REPLACE with the updated attached document (03 Scope of Work_Add1). Revisions to the Scope of Work are indicated via track changes in the document and are included with this Addendum. Updates include the following: 1. The estimated project cost on the second page is revised as follows: The estimated project cost is $4,000,000 to $4,400,000 $4,500,000. 05 – Instructions to Bidders DELETE original Instructions to Bidders (05 Instructions to Bidders) and REPLACE with the updated attached document (05 Instructions to Bidders _Add1). Revisions to the Instructions to Bidders are indicated via track changes in the document and are included with this Addendum. Updates include the following: 1. The first paragraph on the first page is revised as follows: Electronic Sealed bids for this proposal will be received by the City of Renton at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov at the lobby of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton 98057, until the time and date specified in the Call for Bids. Public Works Department Addendum No.1\ 10 – Schedule of Prices DELETE original schedule of prices (10 Schedule of Prices) and REPLACE with the updated attached document (10 Schedule of Prices _Add1). Updates include the following: 1. Bid item A23 on the second page is revised as follows: POLYETHYLENE POLYPROPYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN. DIAM. 2. Bid item A24 on the second page is revised as follows: POLYETHYLENE POLYPROPYLENE STORM SEWER PIPE 18 IN. DIAM. 31 – PSE Gas Relocation Plans DELETE original gas relocation plans (31 PSE Gas Relocation Plans) and REPLACE with the updated attached gas relocation plans (31 PSE Gas Relocation Plans _Add1). The plan revisions are indicated by clouding on the sheets included with this Addendum. Updates include the following: 1. On page 3 of 10 the proposed gas service relocation at 17012 122nd Ave SE is moved north to the opposite side of the existing has service. 2. On page 9 of 10 the proposed gas main relocation at 17025 125th Ave SE is moved west away from proposed storm system. 3. On page 9 of 10 the proposed gas main relocation at 17017 125th Ave SE is moved west away from proposed storm system. 4. On page 9 of 10 the proposed gas main relocation at 16863 125th Ave SE is moved west away from proposed storm system. Public Works Department Addendum No.1\ ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT Sincerely, Kevin Evans, PE Civil Engineer III (Project Manager) City of Renton All Bidders must sign this Addendum No. 1 in the space provided below and attach the signed Addendum No. 1 to the Formal Bid Proposal Signature: __________________________________ Title:_______________________ Company: __________________________________ Date:_______________________