HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibits SWARRnm!nm!nm! nm!nm!nm! nm!nm!nm!nm! nm!nm!nm! nm! nm! ! !@Stream EntersUnderground Culvert@StormwaterDitch@Swale@Rolling Hills CreekOutlets to Channel @ Water Becomes Subsurface @Low Area BetweenRoad Fill and Berm @Water sheet flows through area.@Conveyance Intake !!!!!@Access to Site @StormwaterDitch @ StormwaterDitch Rolling Hills Creek@Tanks @Tanks (50 ft)%% %%75 feet BENSON RD SBENSON DR SPUGET DR STALBOT RD SS 19TH ST S 21ST ST EAGLE RIDGE DR SSE PUGET DR S 2 2 N D C T S 16TH ST Site Plan SWARR StationRenton, Washington Figure 1 Notes:1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication.3. Tree locations are approximate. Locations obtained with recreational GPS. Projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet P:\9\9186024\GIS\MXD\918602400_F01_SitePlan.mxd Date Exported: 08/11/17 by tkauhi Data Source: Drawing created August 9, 2017 and revised August 11, 2017. Streams and critical areas obtained from City of Renton GIS, http://rentonwa.gov/government/.Roads, 2015 aerial, contours and parcel boundaries from King County GIS. http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/gis.aspxTrees to be removed obtained from Otak, August 8, 2017. µ150 0 150 Feet Legend Parcel Boundary (731,015 square feet) nm!Tr ees to be Removed Culvert Faci lity Boundary (342,379 Square Feet) Excavation Areas Vegetation Cover (506,838 square feet) Stream Buffer Tank nm! nm!nm! nm!nm! nm! nm! nm! nm!nm! nm!nm! nm! nm! nm! 15 Trees to be Removed @Tanks @ ApproximateExcavation Area SWARR Storage Tank Coating Investigation Arborist Report and Tree Replanting Plans PSE SWARR Storage Tank Site 2100 Benson Drive South Submitted to: Dave Jenness and Elaine Babby, PSE Prepared by: Otak, Inc. 11241 Willows Road NE, Suite 200 Redmond, WA 98052 Otak Project No. 31983.i June 15, 2017 Updated August 9, 2017 i otak K:\project\31900\31983I\ProjectDocs\Reports\SWARR Arborist Report.docx Table of Contents SWARR Storage Tank Coating Investigation Arborist Report Page Section 1—Introduction .......................................................................................... 1 Section 2—Discussion ............................................................................................. 2 Section 3—Recommendations ............................................................................... 3 Appendices Appendix A— Tree Map Appendix B— Tree Table Appendix C— Images Figures Figure 1— Site Aerial Figure 2— Tree Removals Figure 3— Tree Replanting Plan Figure 4— Tree Replanting Plan Alternative Figure 5— City of Renton Tree Protection Fence Detail Section 1—Introduction 1 otak This arborist assessment and report was prepared to inform the PSE tank coating investigation team and the City of Renton of select existing tree conditions. A site visit was conducted on April 18, 2017 and a second site visit was conducted on August 7, 2017 to locate the trees using a handheld GIS supplemented with tape measurements in the field. The site is 727,887 square feet in size and located in the City of Renton jurisdiction on a lot zoned R-8. The tank coating investigation requires visual inspection of underground propane tanks in eight specific locations. The trees noted in this report and tree table are growing at or near the northeast location of one of the inspection excavation sites. Fifteen trees are located within the excavation limits required for the visual inspection of the propane tanks at the northeast corner of the site. These fifteen trees are numbered 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. The excavation is likely to extend deeper than 4’ below the ground surface in order to visually inspect the full cross section of the underground propane tanks. To comply with OSHA standards the excavation will need to provide a 1:1 slope to ground surface 4’ above the floor of excavation in order to protect personnel who are in the trench from potential trench failure. This expands the necessary soil excavation limits and the potential tree impacts. Seven trees are near the excavation limits but are unlikely to be detrimentally impacted by the excavation and inspection activities. These seven trees are trees 1, 2, 18, 19, 20, ROW 1 and ROW 2. Tree protection measures, discussed further in section 3, should be used to ensure retention of these trees. The trees are identified on the tree map in Appendix A by their tree numbers which correspond to the tree numbers of the tree table in Appendix B. The trees in the field are not tagged. The tree table also includes the diameter at breast height (DBH), common name, botanical name, health rating, condition rating, and comments about each tree. The health and condition ratings use a range of excellent, good, fair, and poor. These ratings are based on observations of each tree including the size; indications of relative vigor for species and location; canopy health including density, symmetry, and leaf or bud conditions; injury; abnormal insect activity; root damage and/or restrictions; trunk health; indications of parasitic and saprobic fungi; and dead and/or hanging limbs. Section 2—Discussion 2 otak The work proposed will require removal of significant trees and potentially reduce the visual buffer for two neighbors at 732 South 19th Street and 1812 Burnett Avenue South. These neighbors are at a much higher elevation than the facility and look over the Benson Drive South right-of-way and down at the subject site. The elevation difference between the on- site planting locations and the neighbors provides a challenge to meeting the intent of the code for providing a visual buffer. If new trees are planted on the subject property they are not likely to provide the visual buffer for ten to twenty years because the only available location on PSE’s property would place them in a low area at the base of the road embankment, see image 1. One solution is to plant some of the visual buffer plantings on the subject property and part of the visual buffer plantings on the east side of the Benson Drive South right-of-way. Alternatively, all of the mitigation trees can be placed on the subject property but the elevation changes between the neighbors and the newly planted trees would not achieve the visual buffer for many years after they are planted. View from west side of Benson Drive South, in line with view of subject site from 1812 Burnett Avenue South; the dotted red line indicates trees proposed to be removed for site investigative work Section 3—Recommendations 3 otak Otak recommends that fifteen trees be removed prior to excavation for visual inspection of the underground tanks. These trees recommended for removal are numbered 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. The excavation required will compromise the majority of these trees root zone and are likely to destabilize these fifteen trees. The existing visual buffer will be removed, impacting the neighbors at 732 South 19th Street and 1812 Burnett Avenue South. The best location for newly planted trees to provide visual buffer to the neighbors is on the Benson Drive South road embankment to the east of the travel lanes, within the public right-of-way. This is the best solution because it provides a visual buffer planting that will perform more quickly due to the elevation difference between the neighboring property and the subject property. Locating the visual buffer planting in the right-of-way will also diminish the vigor and expanse of Himalayan blackberry, a noxious weed. The alternative is to provide replacement visual buffer tree plantings entirely on the subject property. Otak also recommends tree protection measures for trees 1, 2, 18, 19, 20, ROW 1 and ROW 2 along with other trees on-site. Trees 1, 2 and 18 should have temporary construction fencing installed and maintained for the duration of work; the temporary construction fencing should be located at the outside drip line edge nearest the work to prevent excavation equipment and excavated soil from being placed on their root zone. Tree protection measures for tree 19 would include installing temporary construction fencing eight feet south of tree 19 and extending at least thirty feet, centered on the trunk of tree 19. Tree protection measures for tree 20 would include installing temporary construction fencing eight feet north of tree 20 and extending at least twenty feet, centered on the trunk of tree 20. Lastly, the arborist mulch generated from the removal and chipping of trees 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 should be spread within the drip line of the remaining trees but outside of the lawn area. Arborist mulch should be placed between three and six inches deep and feathered within a few inches of the trunk to avoid contact with the tree trunk. Prepared by: Tom Early, PLA Landscape Architect, State of Washington, #1199 Certified Arborist with Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, PN-5622A Appendix A - Tree Maptree # 20 tree # 19 tree # 1 tree # 2 tree # ROW 1 tree # ROW 2 tree # 5 tree # 4 tree # 3 tree # 8 tree # 7 tree # 6 tree # 10 tree # 9 tree # 11 tree # 16 tree # 15 tree # 14 tree # 18 tree # 17 tree # 13 tree # 12 NORTH NOT TO SCALE TREES LABELED IN GREEN WITH YELLOW LEADERS ARE RETAINED AND TREES LABELED IN RED ARE PROPOSED FOR REMOVAL PSE SWARR Tree Table 1 of 1 Tree #DBH Common Name Botanical Name Health Condition Comments 1 19.8 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Excellent Good Intact leader, great form, good color, healthy twig elongation, small amount of deadwood, young and vigorous with canopy space to continue to full mature height 2 24.5 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Excellent Good Intact leader, great form, good color, healthy twig elongation, small amount of deadwood, young and vigorous with canopy space to continue to full mature height 3 12.1 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Fair Fair Located on slope in which ex avation deeper than 4' is likely to disrupt root plat because of OSHA layback requirements for trenching; fair health and condition rating due to suppression from neighboring trees 4 17 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 5 17.3 Black Pine Pinus nigra Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 50% of potential canopy width 6 11.9 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Fair Fair Located on slope in which ex avation deeper than 4' is likely to disrupt root plat because of OSHA layback requirements for trenching; fair health and condition rating due to suppression from neighboring trees 7 15.6 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 8 14.4 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 9 9.9 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Fair Fair Fair health and condition rating due to suppression from neighboring trees, crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33-50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 10 19.9 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 11 10.7 Black Pine Pinus nigra Fair Fair Located on slope in which ex avation deeper than 4' is likely to disrupt root plat because of OSHA layback requirements for trenching; fair health and condition rating due to suppression from neighboring trees 12 19.5 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 13 10.4 Black Pine Pinus nigra Fair Fair Fair health and condition rating due to suppression from neighboring trees, crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 14 11.5 Black Pine Pinus nigra Fair Fair Located on slope in which ex avation deeper than 4' is likely to disrupt root plat because of OSHA layback requirements for trenching; fair health and condition rating due to suppression from neighboring trees 15 14.9 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Fair Fair Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 16 12.3 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Fair Fair Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 33- 50% of potential canopy width, do not isolate due to concerns over windfirmness 17 18.2 Black Pine Pinus nigra Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation, somewhat crowded by nearby trees which is impacting approximately 50% of potential canopy width 18 19.5 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Good Good Intact leader, good color and healthy twig elongation 19 19.8 Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata Good Fair Three main stems with a union at 3' above ground surface (AGS) and at 8' AGS, ivy up 40'+ in two stems 20 29 Deodar cedar Cedrus deodara Good Fair Lost top at ~35' with four regenerating stems extending approximately 15 to 20 feet above main stem, all regenerating stems are well attached and one is dominant , natural crown asymmetry to southwest due to light competition from trees to north and east ROW 1 ~14 Big Leaf Maple Acer macrophyllum Good Fair Located on road embankment due west of tree #11, acute angle at main stem union ~25' AGS ROW 2 ~14 Big Leaf Maple Acer macrophyllum Good Fair Located on road embankment due west of tree #9, acute angle at main stem union ~20' AGSAppendix B - Tree Table Appendix C—Images Image 1: subject trees with tree 1 indicated on right and tree 18 indicated on left; note the houses in the background and their elevation above the site. View is looking east along northern fence-line of site. Image 2: looking north with tree 14 indicated on left, tree 16 in middle and tree 17 on right; note swale to left of tree 14 descends approximately ten to fifteen feet and meets Benson Drive South road embankment Appendix C—Images Image 3: tree ROW 1 indicated on left and tree ROW 2 on right; image taken from bottom of swale looking northwest, note elevation gain and inability to see neighbor’s houses Image 4: tree 19 indicated on left with an abundance of ivy and tree 20 on right, these trees are to be retained; view is looking east towards northeast corner of site Figure 1 Figure 1 – Site Aerial: Google snapshot with visual buffer between the site and western neighbor’s indicated with white arrows and proposed tree removals approximated in white dotted line; callouts indicate site image location and directions 1 2 3 4 TREE PROTECTION FENCE DETAIL. DRIPLINE METHOD Figure 5 - City of Renton Tree Protection Fence Detail GolderAssociatesMay12,2017ProjectNo.1777638DavidJenness,PMPSeniorProjectManagerPugetSoundEnergy10885N.E.4thStreetBellevue,WA98004RE:CRITICALAREASSTUDYD.W.SWARRPROPANE-AIRPLANT(KINGCO.PARCELNO.202305-9071)2100BENSONDRIVESOUTHRENTON,WASHINGTON98055DearMr.Jenness:ThisletterpresentstheresultsofGolderAssociatesInc.’s(Golder’s)criticalareasstudyforPugetSoundEnergy’s(PSE’s)D.W.Swarrpropane-airplant(KingCo.ParcelNo.202305-9071)locatedat2100BensonDriveSouth,Renton,Washington,98055.ThisstudywasperformedinaccordancewiththescopeofworkpresentedinourproposaldatedMarch29,2017andtheAgreementforProfessionalServicesNo.4600005182,AmendmentNo.12,datedApril19,2017.TheSwarrsiteislocatedinaSensitiveAreaasdefinedandmappedbytheCityofRenton(COR)MunicipalCodeduetothefollowinggeologichazarddesignations:aSteepSlopes—Thesiteisdesignatedashavingsteepslopesgreaterthan40%•ErosionHazard—ThesiteissituatedinanareadesignatedashavingahigherosionhazardseverityaLandslideHazard—ThesiteissituatedinanareadesignatedashavingahighlandslidehazardseverityaCoalMineHazard—ThesiteissituatedinanareadesignatedashavingamoderatetohighcoalminehazardPSEisplanningroutinesitemaintenanceandminorfacilityworkattheSwarrfacility.TheCityofRentonnotedthemappedgeologiccriticalareasandrequestedPSEprepareacriticalareasreporttosupporttheplannedwork.BasedontheresultsofourreviewofPSE’splannedworkandtheCORmunicipalcodeweconcludethattheplannedactivitiesareinareasthatdonotmeetthedesignationcriteriaforthemappedcriticalareasorthehazardislow.Therefore,werecommendthatCORgrantanexemptionfortheplannedactivitiescurrentlylocatedinmappedcriticalareas.1.0PROJECTBACKGROUNDTheSwarrfacilityisa17acrepropane-airinjectionplantconstructedin1965andretrofittedin1996locatedinasmallravineinRenton,Washington.TheplantisborderedbySouthPugetDrivetotheeast,BensonDriveSouthtothewest,andresidentialpropertytothesouth(Figure1-1).Thefacilityhas39undergroundpropanestoragetanks,processequipmentthatproducesamixtureofpropaneandair,andaone-storybuildingthathousesprocessequipmentandcontroloperations.1777638-I-swarr-cñticalarea-revl-2017-05-12.docxGolderAssociatesInc.18300NEUnionHillRoad,Suite200Redmond,WA98052USATel:(425)883-0777Fax:(425)882-5498www.golder.comGolderAssociates:OperationsinAfrica,Asia,Australasia,Europe,NorthAmericaandSouthAmericaGolder,GolderAssociatesandtheGAglobedesignaretrademarksofGolderAssociatesCorporation DavidJennessPugetSoundEnergy2May12,20171777638Theundergroundtanklayoutincludestwogroupsoftanks,thewesttankgroupincludes19tanksandtheeasttankgroupincludes20tanks.Itisestimatedthatthetopsofthetanksareapproximately2to3feetbelowtheexistinggroundsurface(bgs).Constructionoftheplantsiteincludedtheplacementofimportedfillmaterialtobringthesitetograde;however,fillthicknessesareunknownatthistime.BasedondiscussionswithPSE,itisestimatedthatthelowerportionsofthetanksareburiedinnativematerialwiththeupperportionsburiedunderimportedfill.PSEisanticipatingcompletingthefollowingsiteworktoperformroutinemaintenanceandrepairoftheplantfacilities:BEvaluationofTankNos.7,8,and9and15through19inthewestportionofthesiteandTanks27,28,38and39intheeast.Theevaluationwillrequireexcavationstoamaximumdepthof7feetbgstoproperlyinspectthetanks.Excavationisplannedtobeaccomplishedusingavactortruck,andwilloccurneartheendofthetanksandbetweenthetanks(refertoAttachment1).Excavatedareaswillbebackfilledwithnativematerialifsuitable,orimportedgranularmaterial,followingcompletionoftheevaluation.•TofacilitateevaluationofTanks15through19,15treeslocatedadjacenttothesetanksareproposedtoberemovedastheymayposeasafetyhazardduringtheexcavationrequiredfortankevaluation.PSEisalsoconcernedthatrootsfromthenearbytreeshavepossiblygrownonoraroundthetanksandmaycausedisruptiontothetankcoatingprotectionsystem.Thetreeswillbecutandthestumpsleftinplacepriortoexcavationtoexaminethetanks.Followingcompletionoftheevaluation,thestumpsmayberemovedifdoingsowillnotimpacttheintegrityofthetanks.NotreeremovalisanticipatedforinspectionofTankNos.7,8,9,27,28,38,and39.BThetankinvestigationworkistheinitialphaseofanoverallupgradeoftheSwarrStation.Additionalworkidentifiedtodatewillbelimitedtotheimprovedportionofthesiteandwillincludeminorgradingandreplacingequipmentsuchasgeneratorsandthevaporizer.Noadditionalimpervioussurfacesareanticipatedaspartoftheupgrade.ThiscriticalareasstudywasperformedtomeetCORrequirementsastreeremovalandexcavationisnotallowedincriticalareaswithoutareview.Thisstudyhasbeencompletedtoreviewtheplannedrepairandmaintenanceasitrelatestothecriticalareasandwillbeutilizedtoassessthebestpathforwardforpermittingthesitework,whetherthatpathwillbefilingforacriticalareaexemptionordefinepotentialmitigationtoallowtheworktooccur.oiier-AssociatesFigure1-1.ApproximateSwarrFacilityPropertyBoundary.ImagecourtesyofGoogleEarth(2013).1777638-I-swarr-criticalarea-revl-2017-05-12doc DavidJennessMay12,2017PugetSoundEnergy317776382.0SITERECONNAISSANCEAsitereconnaissancewasperformedonApril18,2017byGolder’sgeologist,JohnHennessy.Mostoftheproposedtankexcavationareasexhibitedlittletonoslopereliefwithin50feetoftheplannedexcavationlocations.However,theslopestothewestandnorthofthewesterntankpadexhibitedthegreatestverticalriseneattheproposedexcavationlocationsforTanks15through19.ThesetanksarelocatedeastofadrainagethatrunsalongthetoeoftheslopeontheeastsideofBensonDriveSouth.Thisslopeisabout20to25feethighandiswithin50feetoftheproposedexcavations.AstaffgaugeandclinometerwereusedtodetermineslopeheightsimmediatelywestofTanks14and17andnorthandnorthwestofTank19(Attachment1).ABruntoncompasswasusedtomeasuretheapproximateangleofslopeateachlocation.Table2-1liststheslopeparametersdeterminedforeachlocation.Table2-1:DimensionsforSlopesAdjacenttothePlannedWorkAreaApproximateApproximateApproximateApproximateApproximateLocationSlopeRiseHorizontalRunSlopeAngleSlopePercentofMeasurement(ft)1(ft)3(Degrees)2(%)WestofTank147.112.33058WestofTank178.418.02547NorthwestofTank199.422.22542NorthofTank19(westend)10.625.12542NorthofTank19(eastend)11.928.22542Notes:1)Sloperise(verticalheight)measuredfrombasetocrestofslope.2)SlopeanglemeasuredfromhorizontalusingaBruntoncompass.3)Sloperun(horizontaldistance)frombasetocrestofslopecalculatedfromslopeheightandslopeangle.4)Slopepercentcalculatedfromsloperiseandrunfrombasetocrestofslope.TreeshavegrownwithinthesitedevelopmentareaattheendsoftheTanks15through19andaresituatedadjacenttotheplannedexcavationareas.Twopotholesweredugtoanapproximatedepthof0.5feetusingashoveltoobservetheshallowsubsurfacematerials.OnepotholedugmidwayonthewesternslopebetweenTanks16and17yieldedathincoverofforestduff(sandyloamofdecayedplantmatter)overlyingolivegray,finetomediumgrainedsandwithsomesilt(SP-SM).Thesecondpotholewasdugmidwayonthenorthwest-facingslopetothenorthwestofTank19andyieldedathincoverofforestduffoverlyingbrown,silty,finetomediumgrainedsand(SM).Basedonourunderstandingofsiteconstruction,thesesoilsarelikelyfillmaterial.3.0CRITICALAREASREVIEW3.1SteepSlopesTheCORMunicipalCode(RMC)definessteepslopesincriticalareasunderSection4-3-050-B.1.basslopeswithaminimumverticalriseof15feet.AslistedinTable2-1,theslopeheightsintheimmediatevicinityoftheproposedexcavationswerefoundtobelessthan15feet;therefore,nobufferorsetbackisrequiredfortheseslopesaspertheCORcriticalareasrequirement.3.2ErosionHazardsThesiteisdesignatedbytheCORashavingHigherosionhazardseverity.TheCORMunicipalCodedefinesHigherosionhazardunderSection4-3-050-G.5.c:GolderAssociatesI777638-I-swarr-cñticalarea-revl-2017-05-12dacx DavidJennessMay12,2017PugetSoundEnergy41777638HighErosionHazard—AreaswithsoilscharacterizedbytheNaturalResourceConservationService(NRCS;formerlyU.S.SoilConservationService)ashavingsevereorverysevereerosionpotential,andaslopemotethanfifteenpercent(15%)Thesoilsobservedintheupper0.5footappearedtobeimportedfillandarenotincludedintheNRCScharacterization.Erosionpotentialofafillmaterialisbasedonthesoiltypeandotherfactors.Aspreviouslystated,thefillwasusedtobringthesitetogradeduringconstruction;however,fillthicknesseswerenotdeterminedduringthefieldreconnaissance.Theobservedsoilswereloosenearthesurfacebuttherewasverylittleevidenceofsurfaceerosionobserved.Ashallowerosionchannelabout4inchesdeepbyabout8incheswidewasobservedonthenorthernslopeofthewesttankpad.Nootherevidenceoferosionwasobservedinthevicinityoftheproposedtankexcavationsandnosignificanterosionhazardscouldbeidentifiedwithregardtotheplannedworkactivity.3.3LandslideHazardsThesiteisdesignatedbytheCORashavingHighlandslidehazardseverity.TheCORMunicipalCodedefinesHighlandslidehazardunderSection4-3-050-G.5.b:•HighLandslideHazard—Areaswithslopesgreaterthanfortypercent(40%),andareaswithslopesbetweenfifteenpercent(15%)andfortypercent(40%)andunderlainbysoilsconsistinglargelyofsiltandclay.Thesteepslopesadjacenttotheplannedworkareaaregreaterthan40%andarenotunderlainbysoilsconsistinglargelyofsiltandclay.Inaddition,noevidenceoflandslidemorphologywasobservedinthevicinityoftheproposedexcavations.Furthermore,noseeps,orevidencethereof,wereobservedalonganyoftheslopesinthevicinityoftheproposedexcavations.Thepotentialforlandslidestooccurasaresultoftheplannedworkactivityisverylowbasedontheproximitytoapplicableslopesandnon-cohesivesoilsobservedonsite.3.4CoalMineHazardsThesiteisdesignatedbytheCORashavingMediumtoHighcoalminehazardseverity.TheCORMunicipalCodedefinesHighlandslidehazardunderSection4-3-050-G.5.b:•MediumCoalMineHazards—Areaswheremineworkingsaredeeperthantwohundredfeet(200’)forsteeplydippingseams,ordeeperthanfifteen(15)timesthethicknessoftheseamorworkingsforgentlydippingseams.Theseareasmaybeaffectedbysubsidence.•HighCoalMineHazard—Areaswithabandonedandimproperlysealedmineopeningsandareasunderlainbymineworkingsshallowerthantwohundredfeet(200’)indepthforsteeplydippingseams,orshallowerthanfifteen(15)timesthethicknessoftheseamorworkingsforgentlydippingseams.Theseareasmaybeaffectedbycollapseorothersubsidence.Golderpreparedaminehazardevaluationoftheprojectsite(MineHazardEvaluationAddendumtothePSESwarrSafety-BasedQualitativeRiskAssessmentReport,Renton,Washington,preparedforPSE,datedMarch18,2015).Basedontheresultsofthisevaluation,mine-relatedsubsidenceandcollapsecanbequalitativelycharacterizedasalowrisk.Theplannedworkactivityinvolvesroutinemaintenanceandrepairofexistingfacilitiesanditisouropinionthattheplannedworkwillnotengage,affect,oralterdesignatedcoalminehazardspresentatthesite.4.0CONCLUSIONOurreviewofthecriticalareasdesignationindicatesthatalthoughtheplannedworkareasaremappedwithincriticalareas,theplannedworkisnotlocatedinareasthatmeetcriticalareadesignationrequirementsorthehazardposedbythecriticalareadesignationislow,asisthecasefortheCoalMineGo14er1777638-Iswarrcntjcalarearevi201705-12docxAsSociates DavidJennessMay12,2017PugetSoundEnergy51777638Hazard.Therefore,werecommendthatPSErequestaLetterofExemptionfromtheAdministratorfortheplannedworkactivityrequiredformaintenanceandrepairofexistingfacilities.WehopethislettersatisfiestheCORrequirementstopermittheproposedworkactivity.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcomments,pleasecontactusat(425)883-0777.GOLDERASSOCIATESINC..ogoeongGogsl943c’prnsonMargaretPryorJamesG.Johnson,LG,LEGSeniorProjectGeotechnicalEngineerPrincipalAttachments:AttachmentI-PSEPartialSitePlan,CoatingInvestigationMP/JGJ/tpGolderI777638-I-swarr-cricaIarea-revI-2Ol7-05-12docxASSociates ATTACHMENTIPSEPARTIALSITEPLAN,COATINGINVESTIGATION c}rpROP1STORAGE)RONONMARANONONONAlSWAIN015101$.At(ON)ONA00000MM.NAILSONRNP00WONAMINOIWO10000001010OMIT000010001010ON0000001110RION.ANOINtONAMINO0010ONMAIOUMAINURWAMONIMNMIWONAN001AMIOU!A001MIONMIONOONMAlIONWON10110010POWOAMIIRWOMWIAP00001001000010111.MtMARSMt0001010IONONMONJANAPANMAIN.©srrnogySYSrEMS,(NC.WINPUGET‘YSOUNDSAGPsoNRyENERGYftTWINS10ACINSPECTEDIAVOiDNOTESIl—lI-IlIPRELIMINARYN-Il-ANA.OIL!!rnhitZat”‘0501111.SIltPLAN.COATINGNISESTIORTANILL10—17—10WESTTANKGROUP(BURIEOPROPANESTORAGE)(13503—10—17113—C—2LNONE 1101 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98402 253.383.4940 April 24, 2017 Puget Sound Energy PO Box 97034 EST-05E Bellevue, Washington 98009-9734 Attention: Elaine Babby Subject: Stream Assessment SWARR Station Renton, Washington File No. 9186-024-00 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT UNDERSTANDING GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) was contracted by Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to perform stream assessment services at their SWARR Station facility in the City of Renton, Washington (Figure 1 – Vicinity Map). The project site is located on a portion of one parcel (Parcel No. 2023059071) that is approximately 16.7 acres in size. The site was developed by Washington Natural Gas (now Puget Sound Energy) in 1965 as a “peak shaving” facility for periods of high natural gas demand during cold weather. We understand there is a mapped stream (Rolling Hills Creek) that flows north through a culvert under the center of the property and, therefore the City of Renton is requiring a stream study. Figures 2 and 3 depict the site plan for the project and display stream habitat conditions identified during the site visit. This report has been prepared to provide baseline stream habitat information on the project site in accordance with Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Chapter 4-8-120D.19. Project Description PSE is proposing to conduct site exploratory work within the developed area of the site, to investigate underground tank conditions, conduct vegetation maintenance and gather information for a later phase of work, which will include upgrading the facilities. As part of this work, trees located adjacent to the tanks need to be removed due to roots growing into the underground tanks. There are 11 trees proposed for removal that are located at the northwest end of the SWARR facility boundaries near the underground storage tanks. The trees to be removed consist of 10 Douglas fir trees and 1 lodgepole pine tree that range from 12- to 20-inch diameter at breast height (DBH). The location of the trees is indicated on Figure 3 and a photograph of this area is included in Appendix B. An arborist report for trees to be removed, is being prepared by others. Puget Sound Energy | April 24, 2017 Page 2 File No. 9186-024-00 Project Location and Site Description The project site is located at 2100 Benson Drive South in Renton, Washington (Figure 1). The SWARR station is located on an approximately 16-acre parcel; however, the developed portion of the site is limited to the south 8 acres of the property. The property is bordered to the north by forested habitat and Benson Road South, to the east by businesses and South Puget Drive, to the south by single family homes and to the west by the PSE Seattle South Gate Station, tennis courts and single family homes. The property is located within Section 20 of Township 23 North and Range 05 East of the Willamette Meridian (WM). The fenced southern portion of the property which includes the developed area, contains forested habitat with little understory vegetation around the edges of the improved area and maintained grass areas over the remaining areas. The northern portion of the parcel (outside of the fenced facility) is undeveloped and forested with shrub understory. Figure 2 provides a site overview of the parcel, facility boundary and City of Renton mapped stream data. Figure 3 depicts the site plan for the property with vegetation coverage. DATA REVIEW Environmental maps of the project area were collected and reviewed as part of a paper inventory. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey indicates two soil types on the property: Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes and Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes (USDA-NRCS 2016). Soil survey information is included in Appendix A (Data Review Maps). Additional information was obtained from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Practices Application Review System (FPARS), and Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Priority Habitat and Species (PHS) Interactive map viewer (DNR 2015; WDFW 2016). DNR FPARS maps a non-fishbearing and fishbearing stream flowing north through the property; WDFW PHS data does not map a stream on the project site (DNR 2015; WDFW 2016). No other streams are mapped on the project site (DNR 2015; WDFW 2016). PHS maps do not indicate any other priority habitats or species within 2,000 feet of the project vicinity (Appendix A). City of Renton GIS data (http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=27497) was also reviewed. A stream (Rolling Hills Creek) is mapped on the project site and is classified as non fishbearing perennial and non fishbearing seasonal. In addition, according to the Renton GIS data, there are no floodways, no 100-year floodplain or waterbodies mapped on the site or in the vicinity of the project site (Figure 2). FIELD INVESTIGATION GeoEngineers’ biologist conducted a field assessment on March 22, 2017 to document stream habitat conditions on the site. A wetland delineation was not conducted as part of this field investigation. Representative photographs of the site have been included in Appendix B. Stream Assessment Methods The ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of streams is evaluated and delineated by examining breaks in the topography, drift lines, shifts in vegetation and signs of water marks, according to United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) protocol as referenced from Regulatory Guidance Letter (No. 05-05), Ordinary High Puget Sound Energy | April 24, 2017 Page 3 File No. 9186-024-00 Water Mark Identification, December 7, 2005 and according to the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) 2016 guidance (Anderson, et al 2016). The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) was also referenced for the definition of OHWM (WAC 173-22-030 § 11). City of Renton maps Rolling Hills Creek as flowing north through the project site and types the stream as non fishbearing (Figure 2). During the site visit, the stream was observed flowing into a culvert at the south end of the property and discharges into an open stream channel approximately 760 feet to the north (Figure 3). The stream is located within a culvert through the SWARR facility; there is no stream channel through the SWARR facility and no evidence of water flow where the stream is mapped. Below is a description of site conditions within the project site and Table 1, on the following page, summarizes information regarding the stream features delineated within the area of investigation. Site Conditions The information below was gathered during the field investigation. Vegetation The SWARR facility contains forested habitat with little understory vegetation around the edges and maintained grass areas over the remaining areas. Figure 3 depicts the site plan for the property with vegetation coverage. Forested areas on the property had trees that ranged from 6- to 24-inch DBH. Coniferous forested areas are mainly around the facility to the south and west and consisted of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western red cedar (Thuja plicata) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). Deciduous forested areas dominate the parcel and consist of big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), red alder (Alnus rubra) and black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera). The understory vegetation was sparse and consisted of Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) and English holly (Ilex aquifolium). Hydrology Figure 3 depicts water flow through the site. Stormwater ditches were identified throughout the site and are depicted on Figure 3. These stormwater ditches are maintained conveyance features. Puget Sound Energy | April 24, 2017 Page 4 File No. 9186-024-00 TABLE 1. ROLLING HILLS CREEK Rolling Hills Creek – Information Location Mapped through the center of the property South end of the property, looking south at where the stream enters underground culvert. WRIA 9 – Duwamish-Green Local Jurisdiction City of Renton Stream Type Ns (south end) and Np (north end)1 Buffer Width2 Ns: 50 feet Np: 75 feet It is assumed that the buried portion of stream is not buffered. Average Channel Width Approximately 1 foot3 Gradient N/A Duration Perennial Description Summary Documented Fish Use None4 Connectivity DNR maps Rolling Hills Creek as flowing north and west into the Black River. City of Renton Maps depict the stream as flowing north and west, discharging into Springbrook Creek. Springbrook Creek discharges into the Black River, which flows into the Green River, which becomes the Duwamish River and eventually discharges into the Puget Sound. Riparian/Buffer Condition It is assumed that there is no buffer where the stream is underground. To the south, the daylighted stream has an impacted stream buffer because of the single-family homes but there are some deciduous forested areas. To the north, the daylighted stream has an impacted stream buffer due to homeless activity and surrounding roads but there are also some deciduous forested areas. Notes: 1 City of Renton GIS (http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=27497) 2 RMC Chapter 3 (Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts), Section 4-3-050 (G) (Development Standards). 3 Average Channel Width derived from site observations. 4 Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) PHS data (WDFW 2017). SUMMARY GeoEngineers performed stream assessment services at the PSE SWARR facility property to provide baseline stream habitat information for the proposed site exploration project. One stream (Rolling Hills Creek) is mapped as flowing through the site but is located within a culvert under the property. Since there is no stream channel through the property and no evidence of water flow, it is assumed that there is no stream buffer associated with the creek through the center of the property. The daylighted, south portion of the creek that is mapped as non fishbearing seasonal, will have a 50-foot-buffer. The daylighted north end of the creek, that is mapped as non fishbearing perennial, will have a 75-foot-buffer. Puget Sound Energy | April 24, 2017 Page 5 File No. 9186-024-00 LIMITATIONS GeoEngineers has prepared this letter report in general accordance with the scope and limitations of our proposal. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with the generally accepted practices for stream assessments in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Puget Sound Energy, authorized agents and regulatory agencies following the described methods and information available at the time of the work. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. The information contained herein should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. The applicant is advised to contact all appropriate regulatory agencies (local, state and federal) prior to design or construction of any development to obtain necessary permits and approvals. REFERENCES Anderson, Paul, S. Meyer, P. Olson and E. Stockdale. 2016. Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark for Shoreline Management Act Compliance in Washington State. Washington State Department of Ecology Publication No. 16-06-029. Available at: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/ documents/1606029.pdf GretagMacbeth. 2000. Munsell® Soil Color Charts. New Windsor, New York. Renton, City of. Renton Municipal Code, Title IV Development Regulations, Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, Section 4-3-050 – Critical Areas Regulations. Available at: http://www.codepublishing.com/wa/renton/ Renton, City of. Maps and GIS data. Available at: http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=27497 Riley, Don T. 2005. Ordinary High Water Mark Identification. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Regulatory Guidance Letter, No. 05-05). United States Department of Agriculture – National Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). 2016. Web Soil Survey. Available at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/. United States Department of Agriculture – National Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). 2017. National Hydric Soils List by State. Washington State Administrative Code. 2007. WAC 173-22-030. Definitions. Available at: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=173-22-030. Washington State Administrative Code. 1997. WAC 222-16-030. Water Typing System. Available at: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=222-16-030. Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). 2016. Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) on the Web. Available at: http://wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/phs/ Puget Sound Energy | April 24, 2017 Page 6 File No. 9186-024-00 Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 2015. Forest Practices Application Review System (FPARS) Mapping Application. Available at: https://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/protectiongis/ fpamt/index.html?maptheme=WaterType&extent=-14385498.437950825,5552851. 051296187,-12532664.872318646,6457865.466192433 Sincerely, GeoEngineers, Inc. Jennifer L. Dadisman, PWS Joseph O. Callaghan, MS, PWS Biologist Associate Biologist JLD:JBL:JOC:cam:tjh List of Figures: Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Overview Figure 3. Site Plan List of Appendices: Appendix A. Data Review Maps Appendix B. Site Photographs One electronic copy submitted Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. μ SITE Vicinity Map Figure 1 6:$556WDWLRQ Stream Assessment Renton, Washington 2,000 2,0000 Feet Data Source: Mapbox Open Street Map, 2016 Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Projection: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N P:\9\9186024\GIS\MXD\918602400_F01_VM.mxd Date Exported: 03/22/17 by ccabrera Stream isPiped Through the SiteStream Outlets to ChannelStream EntersUndergroundCulvertBENSON R D S BENSON DR SPUGET D R S TALBOT RD SS 18TH STS 21ST STS 19TH STEAGLE RIDGE DR SS 22ND CT S 16TH STSE PUGET DRS 17TH STTHOMAS LNWELLS CT SWILLIAMS AVE SS 18TH STRolling Hills C r e e k Site OverviewRenton Stream AssessmentRenton, WashingtonFigure 2μ200 0 200FeetLegendParcel BoundaryFacility BoundaryStreams (Classified)Type NpType NsNotes:1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication.Projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 FeetP:\9\9186024\GIS\MXD\918602400_F02_SiteOverview.mxd Date Exported: 04/19/17 by cchelf Data Source: Streams and critical areas obtained from City of Renton GIS,http://rentonwa.gov/government/.Roads, 2015 aerial and parcel boundaries from King County GIS.http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/gis.aspxNo floodway, no 100-year floodplain or waterbodies mapped in the vicinity. !{!{@Stream EntersUnderground Culvert@StormwaterDitch @11 Trees to be removed@Swale@Rolling Hills CreekOutlets to Channel@Water Becomes Subsurface@ Low Area BetweenRoad Fill and Berm@Water sheet flows through area.@ Conveyance Intake!! ! ! !@Access to Site@ StormwaterDitch@StormwaterDitchRolling Hills CreekBENSON DR SPUG ET DR S BENSO N R D S S 22ND CTWELLS CT SSite PlanRenton Stream AssessmentRenton, WashingtonFigure 3LegendParcel BoundaryCulvertTrees to be RemovedFacility BoundaryExcavation AreasVegetation CoverBlack Cottonwood and Red Alder forestwith western red cedar un understory.Trees range from 8 to 24 inch DBH.Mostly Evergreen forest with Douglas fir,western red cedar and lodgepole pine.Trees range from 12-20 inch DBH.Deciduous forest of red alder, Big leafmaple.Mainly Deciduous forest (red alder,big-leaf maple) with trees rangingfrom 6 to 20 inch DBH.Mowed GrassShrub and GrassNotes:1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication.Projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 FeetP:\9\9186024\GIS\MXD\918602400_F03_SitePlan.mxd Date Exported: 04/18/17 by cchelf Data Source: Streams and critical areas obtained from City of Renton GIS,http://rentonwa.gov/government/.Roads, 2015 aerial, conotours and parcel boundaries from King County GIS.http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/gis.aspxNo floodway, no 100-year floodplain or waterbodies mapped in the vicinity.μ100 0 100Feet APPENDIX A Data Review Maps Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/29/2017 Page 1 of 3525660052567005256800525690052570005257100525720052573005257400525660052567005256800525690052570005257100525720052573005257400559600559700559800559900560000560100560200 559600 559700 559800 559900 560000 560100 560200 47° 28' 3'' N 122° 12' 35'' W47° 28' 3'' N122° 12' 3'' W47° 27' 35'' N 122° 12' 35'' W47° 27' 35'' N 122° 12' 3'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 10N WGS84 0 200 400 800 1200 Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Meters Map Scale: 1:4,310 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: King County Area, Washington Survey Area Data: Version 12, Sep 8, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Aug 31, 2013—Oct 6, 2013 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/29/2017 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend King County Area, Washington (WA633) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI AgC Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 8.0 12.8% AgD Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 44.9 72.0% BeC Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes 6.8 10.8% BeD Beausite gravelly sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes 2.7 4.4% Totals for Area of Interest 62.5 100.0% Soil Map—King County Area, Washington Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/29/2017 Page 3 of 3  Screen shot of PHS map at the project site.  APPENDIX B Site Photographs !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(Rolling H ills Creek SE PUGET DR S 21ST ST S 19TH ST BENSON RD SEAGLE RIDGE DR SBENSON DR SPUGET DR S Photo 9 Photo 8 Photo 5 Photo 1 Photo 10 Photo 7 Photo 6 Photo 2 Photo 4 Photo 3 Photo Appendix Figure B-1 µ200 0 200 Feet Legend Parcel Boundary Facility Boundary Streams (Classified) Type Np Type Ns Notes:1. The locations of all features shown are approximate.2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended toassist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and contentof electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Projection: NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet P:\9\9186024\GIS\MXD\918602400_FB1_SiteOverviewPhotos.mxd Date Exported: 03/30/17 by cchelf Data Source: Streams and critical areas obtained from City of Renton GIS,http://rentonwa.gov/government/.Roads, 2015 aerial and parcel boundaries from King County GIS.http://www.kingcounty.gov/services/gis.aspx No floodway, no 100-year floodplain or waterbodies mapped in the vicinity. Photo 9Looking west at south end property Photo 8Looking west Photo 2Looking south along the east edge of the facility Photo 7Looking north Photo 10Rolling Hills Creek enters the site Photo 3Underground storage tanks and treesto be removed (yellow ribbons) Photo 1Stream discharges from culvertnorth of SWARR facility Photo 4Stream is mapped as flowing throughlow area in center of photo Photo 5Typical stormwater ditch and outfall Photo 6SWARR facility SWARR Station Stream Assessment Renton, Washington