HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract - Vol 1 CITY OF RENTON   RENTON, WASHINGTON      Contract Provisions    for the    NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project      Federal Aid Number:BROS‐1070(009) City Project Number:TED4003843 City Contract Number:CAG‐18‐001                 February 2018                  City of Renton   1055 South Grady Way  Renton, WA 98057 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Table of Contents  TED4003843 Page 1 of 2  2018  CITY OF RENTON    NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project    Table of Contents    VOLUME I      I. CALL FOR BIDS    II. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS    1. INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS    2. SUMMARY OF FAIR PRACTICES POLICY, CITY OF RENTON    3. SUMMARY OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT POLICY, CITY OF RENTON     III. PROJECT PROPOSAL  1. * PROJECT PROPOSAL COVER SHEET  2. * PROPOSAL  3. * SCHEDULE OF PRICES  4. * NON‐COLLUSION DECLARATION  5. * LOCAL AGENCY CERTIFICATION FOR FEDERAL‐AID CONTRACTS  6. * UNDERUTILIZED DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION    CERTIFICATION  7. * PROPOSAL FOR INCORPORATING RECYCLED MATERIALS INTO THE PROJECT  8. * PROPOSAL ‐ SIGNATURE PAGE  9. * PROPOSAL BID BOND  10. ‡ LOCAL AGENCY SUBCONTRACTOR LIST   11. ◊ UNDERUTILIZED DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (UDBE) WRITTEN   CONFIRMATION DOCUMENT  12. ◊ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH WAGE PAYMENT STATUTES    IV. AGREEMENT FORMS  1.  AGREEMENT   2.  CONTRACT BOND TO THE CITY OF RENTON  3.  FAIR PRACTICES POLICY AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE    V. REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR FEDERAL‐AID CONSTRUCTION CONTACTS  1.  REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR FEDERAL‐AID CONSTRUCTION   CONTRACTS     *  Submit as part of the bid.  ‡ Submit as part of the bid, or within one hour after published bid submittal time.  ◊ Submit as part of the bid, or no later than 24 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) after the  time for delivery of the Bid Proposal.    Submit within 10 days after Notice of Award.  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Table of Contents  TED4003843 Page 2 of 2  2018    VI. CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS   1. AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS   2. SPECIAL PROVISIONS    APPENDICES  A – GEOTECHNICAL REPORT   B – PREVAILING HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE RATES   C – WSDOT STANDARD PLANS  D – INFORMATION ON EXISTING BRIDGE  E – PERMITS AND LICENSES    VOLUME II ‐ PLANS         City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    I.  CALL FOR BIDS  CAG-18-001CITYOFRENTONNE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectFederalAidNumber:BROS-1070(009)CALLFORBIDSSealedbidswillbereceivedbytheCityofRenton,attheCityClerk’sOffice,locatedonthe7thfloorofRentonCityHall,until12:00PMonTuesday,March20,2018.Allsupplementaldocuments,thatareallowedtobesubmittedafterthisdateandtime,shallbedeliveredtotheCityClerk’sOffice.Thebidswillbeopenedandpubliclyreadat2:00PMonWednesday,March21,2012inroom#511,locatedonthe5thfloorofRentonCityHall.RentonCityHallislocatedat1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.Approvedplans,specifications,addenda,andplanholderslistforthisprojectareavailableon-linethroughBuildersExchangeofWashington,Inc.,athttp://www.bxwa.com.Clickonbxwa.com;PostedProjects;PublicWorks;CityofRenton;ProjectsBidding.(Note:BiddersareencouragedtoRegisterasaBidder,inordertoreceiveautomaticemailnotificationoffutureaddendaandtobeplacedontheBiddersList).ContactBuildersExchangeofWashingtonat425-258-1303shouldyourequirefurtherassistance.TheCityofRentoninaccordancewithTitleVIoftheCivilRightsActof1964,78Stat.252,42U.S.C.2000dto2000d-4andTitle49,CodeofFederalRegulations,DepartmentofTransportation,SubtitleA,OfficeoftheSecretary,Part21,NondiscriminationinFederally-AssistedprogramsoftheDepartmentofTransportationissuedpursuanttosuchAct,herebynotifiesallbiddersthatitwillaffirmativelyensurethatinanycontractenteredintopursuanttothisadvertisement,disadvantagedbusinessenterprisesasdefinedat49CFRPart26willbeaffordedfullopportunitytosubmitbidsinresponsetothisinvitationandwillnotbediscriminatedagainstonthegroundsofrace,color,nationalorigin,orsexinconsiderationforanaward.Theimprovementforwhichbidswillbereceivedisdescribedbelow:ConstructtheNE31stStBridgeReplacementProject.Theprojectconsistsoftheremovalofanexistingbridge(twospan),22-ftwideby32-ftlong(approximately),andconstructionofanewconcreteprecast,prestressed,voidedslabbridge(singlespan),spanningapproximately75-ftandfoundedonroundsteelpipepilesfilledwithrebarandconcrete.Theworkincludesbutisnotlimitedto:clearingandgrubbing,excavation,grading,removalofpavement,sheetandroundpiledriving,formingandplacementofconcreteandrebar,placementandinstallationofconcreteprecast,prestressed,voidedslabgirders,pavingwithasphalt,guardrailinstallation,propertyrestorationandallotherworknecessarytocompletetheWorkasspecifiedandshownintheContractProvisions.J2AA.Seth,9ØierkPublished:February27,2018andMarch6,2018NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectCallforBidsTED40038432018         City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    II.  INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project   Information and Checklist for Bidders   TED4003843 Page 1 of 4  2018  INFORMATION AND CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS    The following supplements the information in the Call for Bids:    1. Special Project Information.  The Contract Documents, including Standard Specifications, and  all applicable laws and regulations apply to this project.  The following items particular to this  project are repeated here for emphasis:    a. Prevailing Wages.  This project has federal funding. However, the project is not located  on a Federal‐aid route. Therefore, only State Prevailing Wages must be paid on this  project. The Prevailing Wages in effect at time of Advertisement are provided in  Appendix B.  It is the Bidder’s responsibility to obtain wage information for any work  classifications that are not included.      b. Traffic Control, Hours of Work and Street Closure.  This project is located in a remote  area of the City of Renton (City), on a low volume road that serves as the only public  access route for a handful of residences.  Due to the proximity of the project site to the  residences, night work will not be allowed. A full closure of the street will be required  to construct the project and will be allowed. Refer to special provisions Section 1‐ 07.23(3) for duration, requirements and restrictions.    c. Load Limits. The existing bridge (Name: NE 31st St Bridge, Bridge No.: RENTON‐23) is  currently posted with load restrictions.  Temporary supports were installed in 2014. A  copy of the latest load rating for this bridge is included in Appendix D.     2. Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, shall  request the explanation or interpretation in writing by the close of business five (5) business  days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders  before the submission of their Bids. Oral explanations, interpretations, or instructions given  by anyone before the Award of Contract will not be binding on the City of Renton.     3. If a bidder has any questions regarding the project, the bidder may either:   Submit questions in writing to Renton City Hall – Transportation Systems, 1055 S Grady  Way, Renton, WA 98057, Attn: Derek Akesson, or   Submit questions via e‐mail:  mailto: DAkesson@Rentonwa.gov. Put “NE 31st St Bridge  Replacement” in the subject line  No other type of inquiry will be accepted.    4. All bids must be self‐explanatory.  Partial bids will not be accepted.  No opportunity will be  offered for oral explanation except as the City may request further information on particular  points.  The bidder shall, upon request, furnish information to the City as to their financial  and practical ability to satisfactorily perform the work.     NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project   Information and Checklist for Bidders   TED4003843 Page 2 of 4  2018  5. The construction contract will be awarded by the City of Renton to the lowest responsible,  responsive bidder. The total bid amount of all schedules combined will be used to  determine the low bidder.     6. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any and/or all informalities.     7. Payment for this work will be made in cash warrants.    8. Bidders are not required to be in possession of a current City of Renton business license in  order to bid on City projects. However, Contractors and all subcontractors of all tiers must  be in possession of a current City business license while conducting work in the City.     9. Bidding Checklist   Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name and  address of the Bidder, and the name and number of the project for which the bid is submitted.   It is the responsibility of each bidder to ascertain if all the documents listed below and in the  Table of Contents are included in their copy of the Contract Provisions.  If documents are  missing, it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to contact the City of Renton to obtain the  missing documents prior to the date and time that bids are due.     The following documents shall be submitted with the bid.     a. Project Proposal Cover Sheet ‐ The form included in these Bid Documents must be used;  no substitute will be accepted.    b. Proposal – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be  accepted.     c. Schedule of Prices – The form(s) included in these Bid Documents must be used; no  substitute will be accepted. Bidders must bid on all schedules and items shown on the  Schedule of Prices.  If any unit price is left blank, it will be considered no charge for that  bid item, regardless of what has been placed in the extension column.     d. Non‐Collusion Declaration – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no  substitute will be accepted.     e. Local Agency Certification for Federal‐Aid Contracts – The form included in these Bid  Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted.    f. Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification – This form is  available at http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder may download and  complete form to include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number and revision date  must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise Bid will be regarded  nonresponsive and rejected.   NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project   Information and Checklist for Bidders   TED4003843 Page 3 of 4  2018    g. Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials into the Project – The form included in  these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted.      h. Proposal Signature Page – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no  substitute will be accepted.     i. Proposal Bid Bond – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no  substitute will be accepted. If an attorney‐in‐fact signs bond, the power of attorney  authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the  Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by‐laws or other applicable rules and resolutions,  and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries.    The following documents may be submitted with the bid or within one hour after the bid  submittal time listed in the Call for Bids.    j. Local Agency Subcontractor List ‐ This form is available at  http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder may download and complete form to  include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number and revision date must match the  form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise Bid will be regarded nonresponsive and  rejected.    The following documents may be submitted with the bid or within 24 hours after the bid  submittal date and time listed in the Call for Bids.    k. Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Written Confirmation  Document ‐ This form is available at http://wsdot.wa.gov/forms/pdfForms.html. Bidder  may download and complete form to include with Bid. The DOT Form, DOT Form Number  and revision date must match the form included in these Bid Documents, otherwise Bid  will be regarded nonresponsive and rejected.    l. Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes – The form included in these  Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will be accepted.    10. Contract Checklist  The following documents are to be executed by the successful Bidder after the Contract is  awarded.    a. Agreement – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute will  be accepted. Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder.    b. Contract Bond – The form included in these Bid Documents must be used; no substitute  will be accepted. Two originals shall be executed by the successful Bidder and its surety  company.  This bond covers successful completion of all work and payment of all laborers,  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project   Information and Checklist for Bidders   TED4003843 Page 4 of 4  2018  subcontractors, suppliers, etc. If an attorney‐in‐fact signs bond, the power of attorney  authorizing such execution must be current and enforceable, be properly executed by the  Surety in accordance with the Surety’s by‐laws or other applicable rules and resolutions,  and include all necessary corporate seals, signatures, and notaries.    c. Fair Practices Policy Affidavit of Compliance – The form included in these Bid Documents  must be used; no substitute will be accepted.     d. Certificates of Insurance – To be executed by an insurance company acceptable to the  City, on ACORD Forms.  Required coverages are listed in Section 1‐07.18 of the Special  Provisions.  The City of Renton shall be named as “Additional Insureds” on the insurance  policies as well as the entities listed in Section 1‐07.18(2) of the Special Provisions.    e. Bids & Quotes List – Business names and mailing addresses of all firms (contractors as  well as suppliers) that submitted a bid or quote, successful or not, to the Bidder as part  of bidding this project.  The submittal shall note which firms were successful and will  participate in the contract. Refer to Section 1‐07.11 of the Special Provisions.    The above bid and contract documents must be executed by the Contractor's President or  Vice‐President if a corporation, or by a partner if a partnership.  In the event another person  has been duly authorized to execute contracts, a copy of the resolution or other minutes  establishing this authority must be attached to the Proposal and Agreement documents.    NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project   Summary of Fair Practices Policy   TED4003843   2018    NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project   Summary of American Disabilities Act Policy   TED4003843   2018    Project Name: Federal Aid Number: City Project Number: City Contract Number: Company: Address: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Total Bid Amount:: City of Renton. Contract Provisions for NE 3pt St Bridge Replacement Project Ill. PROJECT PROPOSAL NE 31st St Bridge Replacement BROS-.1070(009) TED4003843 CAG-1&-00�· Hamilton Constrnction Co. PO Box 659, Springfield, OR 97477 541-746-2426 541-746-7635 $ PROPOSALNE315t5BridgeReplacementProjectFederalAidNumber:BROS-1070(009)TOTHECITYOFRENTONRENTON,WASHINGTONLadiesand/orGentlemen:Theundersigned(Bidder)herebycertifythattheBidderhasexaminedthelocationandconstructiondetailsoftheproposedwork,hasreadandthoroughlyunderstandstheContractDocumentsgoverningthework,andthenatureofthework,andthemethodbywhichpaymentwillbemadeforsaidwork.BidderherebyproposestoundertakeandcompletetheworkdetailedinandinaccordancewiththeseContractDocuments,fortheTotalBidAmountshownontheattachedScheduleofPrices.TheBidderunderstandsthatthequantitiesmentionedhereinareapproximateonlyandaresubjecttoincreaseordecrease,andherebyproposestoperformallquantitiesofworkaseitherincreasedordecreasedinaccordancewiththeContractDocuments.Asevidenceofgoodfaith,pursuanttoRCW35.23.352(1),anoriginalBidProposalDepositintheformof(checkone)IXIbidbond,orDcashier’scheck(madepayabletotheCityofRenton),or13postalmoneyorder(madepayabletotheCityofRenton),inanamountequaltofivepercent(5%)oftheTotalBidAmount,isattachedhereto.Ifabidbondissignedbyanattorney-in-fact,Bidderagreesthatthepowerofattorneyauthorizingsuchexecutionmustbecurrentandenforceable,bepropertyexecutedbytheSuretyinaccordancewiththeSurety’sby-lawsorotherapplicablerulesandresolutions,andincludealtnecessarycorporateseals,signatures,andnotaries.BidderunderstandsthatContractAwardorBidrejectionwiltoccurwithin45catendardaysaftertheopeningofbids,asspecifiedinSection1-03.2oftheStandardSpecifications.BidderfurtherunderstandsthatshouldBidderfailtoenterintothiscontractinaccordancewithhisorherBidandfurnishacontractbondwithinaperiodoften(10)daysfromthedateatwhichheorsheisnotifiedthatheorsheisthesuccessfulbidder,theBidProposalDepositshallbeforfeitedtotheCityofRenton,assetforthinRCW35A.40.200andRCW35.23.352BidderherebyagreestocompletethePhysicalWorkinallrespectswithin80workingdays.ContracttimeshallbeginonthefirstworkingdayfollowingtheNoticetoProceeddate.NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843Proposal201$ SCHEDULEOfPRICESNE31STSTBRIDGEREPlACEMENTPROJECTALLENTRIESSHALLBEWRI1TENtNINKORTYPEDTOVALiDATEBiDNOTE:Unitpricesforallitems,altextensions,andtotalamountofbldshallbeshown.Enterunitpricesinnumericalfiguresonly,indollarsandcentstotwof2)decimalplacesfinciudtngwholedollaramounts)AllfiguresmustbeclearlylegibleBidswithillegiblefiguresintheUnitPticecolumnwillberegardedasnonresponsiveandrejeded.WhereconflIctoccursbetweentheunitpriceandthetotalamountspecifiedforanyitem?theunitpriceshallprevaIl,andtotalsshallbecorrectedtoconformthereto.--j;ITEMDESCRIPTIONSECTIONUNITPRICE*AMOUNTIMINORCHANGE1-04CAIC11O,OOOOO1O,OOOOO2STRUCTURESURVEYING1-05LS.1Ret&°°ODt(’•3RECORDDRAWINGS1-05LS.1.j#t5?).4SPCCPLAN1-07LS1:bi,coo.oP5TYPEBPRO6RESSSCHEDULE1-08LS.IOOó0$•6MOBILIZATIONi-ô9IS.I11/%?£00N)%tOt.PP7PROJECTTEM?ORARYTRAFFICCONTROL140LS.13,8FLAGGERS1-10HR1605L(.SO$1O69OTHERTRAFFICCONTROLLABOR140KR809.(.5Z,q,io.oo10CONSTRUCTIONSIGNSCLASSA140S.R761.i,3to.ôZ11CLEARINGANDGRUBBING2O1.IS.1)j2,00.c)O1ib00.)Q12ROADSIDECLEANUP2-01EST.15,000.005,OQOOO13tNVASIVEPLANTREMOVAL2-01EST.13,000.003,000.00EOBSTRUCrIONS2-02IS1t5;Dooo1Lc,2oO.o15REMOVEEXISTINGBRIDGE2-02LS.1OOOD00%O,ivo,OZ16REMOVINGASPHALTCONC.PAVEMENT2-02S.Y.7254fl..#11,(‘O0c’LNE31stStBridgeReplacementProject-,-IrrAnn:,oA,ScheduleofPrices2018Pare1015 SCHEDULEOFPRICESNE31STSTBRIDGEREPLACEMENTPROJECTALLENTRIESSHALLBEWRITrENtNINKORTYPEDTOVALIDATEBIDNOTE:UnLtprftesforallitems,allextensions,andtotalamountofbidshallbeshown.Enterunitpricesinnumericatfiguresonty,indollarsandcentstotwo(2)decimalplaces(includingwholedollaramounts).Allfiguresmustbeclearlylegible.BidswithillegiblefiguresintheUnitPricecolumnwillberegardedasnonresponsiveandrejededWhereconflictoccursbetweentheunitpriceanäthetotalamountspecifiedforanyitem,theunitpriceshallprevail,andtotalsshallbecorrectedtoconformthereto,-—ITEMDESCRIPTIONUNITQUANTITYUNITPRICE*AMOUNT17SAWCUULNG2-02LF.90#3”,,Y’5Z.cc::REMOVALANDDISPOSALOFTREATED2-02EST.115,000.0015,000.0019ROADWAYEXCAVATIONINCL.HAUL2-03C.Y7303L157%4L2(4)20GRAVELBORROWINtL.HAUL2-b3TON2208t.t1’//7-,4’DQ•O0—;;—EMBANKMENTEXCAVATIONISOLATION2O3EST120000002000000—;;:—EMBANKMENTEXCAVATIONISOLATION2-b3LS.ISQQ.c)5ZO23CONTROLLEDDENSITYFILL2-09C.V.40,ZS’31D,,cOÔ—;::-STRUCTUREEXCAVATIONCLASSAJCL2-09CY.1858’O.#JVg-.oD25SHORiNGOREXTRAEXCAVATIONCL.A2-09LS.1ky,co.c000cO::CONSTRUCTiONGEOTEXTILEFOR2-12SN.7-?o.O*2./ô.27CRUSHEDSURFACINGBASECOURSE4-04TON2503o.fi•28HMACL1/2IN.PG64-225-04TON26011i5c%4)29COMPACTIONPRICEADJUSTMENT504CALC11.001.0030BRIDGETRANSVERSEJOINTSEAL5-04.LF.42ZY.O/,5o.ö—:TEMPORARYCONTRACTORWORKERACCESS6-01L&1I)1tOI135LOt32GRAVELBACKFILLFORWALL6-02C.Y.45tO.3,ft0NE31stStBridgeReplacementProject,-rrAnrnoAScheduleofPrices2018Page2of5 SCHEDULEOFPRICESNE31STSTBRIDGEREPLACEMENTPROJECTALLENTRIESSHALLBEWRIUENININKORTYPED10VALIDATEBIDNOTE:UnItpricesfoallItems,allextensions,andtotalamountofbldshallbeshown.Enterunitpricesinnumericalfiguresonly,Indollarsandcentstotwo(2)decImalplacesfindudingwholedollaramounts).Allfiguresmustbeclearlylegible.BidswithIllegiblefiguresintheUnitPricecotumnwillberegardedasnonresponsiveandrejectedWhereconflictoccursbetweentheunitpriceandthetotalamountspecifledforanyitem,theunitpriceshallprevail,andtotalsshallbecorrectedtoconformthereto.ITEMDESCRIPTION:I;NUNITQUANTiTYUNITPRICE*AMOUNT33CONCCLASS4000FORBRIDGE6-02C.Y.40t)2bDO5üUD003451.REINF.BARFORBRIDGE6-02lB.6,240).5?9,36o.oo::PRESTRESSEDCONC.GIRDER-30”VOIDED6-02IF.385.5’jJDO36SUPERSTRUCTURE-NE31STSTREETBRIDGE6-02LS.1%OIOOOD‘thjDJOOO0037FURNiSHINGANDDRMNGSTEELTESTPILE6-05EACH2‘‘/O,OOc13‘2O,t’).ö1.38FURNISHINGSTEELPILETIPORSHOE6-b5EACH65)O.to$339DRIVINGCONC.PILE(24”DIA)6-05EACH6t5€)O.0‘ISO1)O.cfl)40FURNISHINGCONC.PILINGf24’DIA)6-05I.E.210#100.OZW21,tV-O41MEMBRANEWATERPROOFiNG(DECKSEAL)6-08S.Y.178?o.oos-‘i.42FURNtSHINGSTEELSHEETPILING6-20TON6023OO,DO)30043INSTALLSTEELSHEETPILING6-20LF.1451%50013(iSDOD44CONCRETECLASS4000FORSHEETPILECAP6-20C.?.55‘)))OO.00‘(D,5co.oO45StREINF.BARFOBSHEETPILECAP6-20LB.5,700/./L79g’c‘46ESCLEAD8-01DAY100*JoG‘c)0‘.#Ji,000.61)47EROSION/WATERPOLLUTIONCONTROL8-01EST.150,000.0050,000.004$PLASTICCOVERING8-01S.Y.1,500-3.4q.NE31sStBridgeReplaCementProjectScheduleofPikes2018Page3of5 SCHEDULEOFPRICESNE31STSTBRiDGEREPLACEMENTPROJECTALLENTRIESSHALLBEWRIflENININKORTYPEDTOVALiDATEBIDNOTE:Unitpricesforaltttems,aftextensions,andtotalamountofbidshaUbeshown.Enterunitpricesininjerlcaffiguresonly,indollarsandcentstotwo(2)decimalplaces(Includingwholedollaramounts)Al!figuresmustbeclearlyegibIe.BidswithIllegiblefiguresintheUnitPricecolumnwiltberegardedasnbnresponsivèahdrejectedWhereconflictoccursbetweentheunitpriceandthetotalamountspecifiedforanyitem,theunitpriceshallprevail,andtotalsshallbecorrectedtoconformthereto.ITEMDESCRIPTIONSECTIONUNITQUANTITYUNiTPRICE*AMOUNT49STABILIZEDCONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE8-01SY240t2,ZoSOSTREETCLEANING8-01HR242oo.O*%.cii)51HIGHVISIBILiTYSILTFENCE8-01LF.800Jf.ODZ/)t052WAULE8-O1LF..053TOPSOILTYPEA8-02C.Y30O‘1/,5*—:REOCEDARTHUIAPUCATA/WESTERN82EACH28‘/00,2,ft’O—;;—PLANTSELECTIONACERCIRCINATUM/VINE8O2EACH1424.2go.—:P1ANTSELEC11ONPHLADELPHUSLEWISU/802EACH5ZOI00.57PLANTSELECTIONSAMBUCUSRACEMOSA8-02EACH5IOVAR.ARBORESCENS/REDELDERBERRY.058SANGUINEUM/RED-EACH52obD(00Z59PLANTSELECTIONRUBUSPARVIFLORUS/8-02EACH520cThI0THIMBLEBERRYPLANTSELECItONRUBUSSPECTABILIS/60SALMONBERRY8-02EACH5).cyi)-VJOOàD—:-BARKORWOODCHIPMULCH8-02ACRE02511Ft“t.62BEAMGUARDRAILFlAREDTERMINAL841EACH113,ÔØC)OS3,gt.63BEAMGUARDRAILNON-FLAREDTERMINAL841EACH3j2OO.ôDt/21O€.VD64RALLONSHEETPILECAPBEAM8-11IF.106#I73óD‘IjSSObNE3lstStBridgeReplacementProjectScheduleofPrices‘nie SCHEDULEOFPRICESNE31STSTBRIDGEREPlACEMENTPROJECTALLENTRIESSHALLBEWRIHENININKORTYPED10VALIDATEBIDNOIEUrdtprIcesforaltitems,alletensions1andtotalamountolbidshallbeshown.EnterunItpricesinnumericalfiguresonly,indollarsandcentstotwo(2)decimalplacesfincludingwholedollaramounts).Allfiguresmustbeclearlylegible.BidswithillegiblefiguresintheUnftPricecolumnwillberegardedasnonresponsiveahdrejected.Whéieconflictoccursbetweentheunitpriceandthetotalamountspecifiedforanyitem,theunitpriceshallprevail,andtotalsshallbecorrectedtoconformthereto-ITEMDESCRIPTIONSECtiONUNITQUANTITYUNITPRICE*AMOUNT65BEAMGUARDRAtLTRANSITIONSECTtON841EACH4aç,.y66QUARRY$PALLS8-15CY.2*%67HEAVYLOOSERIPRAP845TON450c)O::TEMPOBARYMAILBOXINSTALLATION/848LS1L,r.c/to69STREAMBEDBOULDERONEMAN849EACH203tOL)/fOO70STREAMBEDBOULDERTWOMAN8-19EACH473.c$/S,27.6071STREAMBEDCOBBLES6IN.8-19TON224?D‘.72STREAMBEDSEDIMENT8-19TON121t/05.c)D/2,5t73PERMANENTSIGNING8-21LS.1?SbCb%7-•74FISHHABITATLOGS8-26EST.15OOO.OO5,000.0075TRASHCOLLECTIONFORRESI1ENTS8-27ESt.15,000.005,OOO.0076FIELDOFFICEBUILDING8-28L.S.1i5O.)7)TOTALBIDAMOUNTfr1Z5jiq’jcV*NOTE:Allapplicablesalestaxshallbeincludedintheunitandlumpsumbidpricepersection1-07.2(1)andWAC458-20-171.NE3lstStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843-ScheduleofPrices2018Page5ofS FailuretoreturnthisDeclarationaspartofthebidproposalpackagewillmakethebidnonresponsiveandineligibleforaward.NON-COLLUSIONDECLARATIONI,bysigningtheproposal,herebydeclare,underpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheUnitedStatesthatthefollowingstatementsaretweandcorrect:I.Thattheundersignedperson(s),firm,associationorcorporationhas(have)not,eitherdirectlyorindirectly,enteredintoanyagreement,participatedinanycollusion,orotherwisetakenanyactioninrestraintoffreecompetitivebiddingriconnectionwfththeprojectforwhichthisproposalissubmitted.2.Thatbysigningthesignaturepageofthisproposal,Iamdeemedtohavesignedandtohaveagreedtotheprovisionsofthisdeclaration.NOTICETOALLBIDDERSToreportriggingactivitiescall:I8OO424-9O71TheU.S.DepartmentofTransportation(USDOT)operatestheabovetoll-free‘hotline”MondaythroughFriday,8:00am.to5:00p.m,easterntime,Anyonewithknowledgeofpossiblebidrigging,biddercollusion,orotherfraudulentactivitiesshouldusethe“hotlin&’toreportsuchactivities.ThehatlinenispartofUSDOIscontinuingefforttoidentifyandinvestigatehighwayconstructioncontractfraudandabuseandisoperatedunderthedirectionoftheUSDOTInspectorGeneral.Allinformationwillbetreatedconfidentiallyandcalleranonymitywillberespected.SRDOTForm272-O3IEF0712011NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectLocalAgencyNon-CollusionDeclarationTED40038432018 LocalAgencyCertificationforFederal-AidContractsTheprospectiveparticipantcertifiesbysigningandsubmittingthisbidorproposal,tothebestofhisorherknowledgeandbelief,that:(1)NoFederalappropriatedfundshavebeenpaidorwillbepaid,byoronbehalfoftheundersigned,toanypersonforinfluencingorattemptingtoInfluenceanofficeroremployeeofanyFederalagency,aMemberofCongress,anofficeroremployeeofCongress,oranemployeeofaMemberofCongressinconnectionwiththeawardingofanyFederalcontract,themakingofanyFederalgrant,themakingofanyFederalloan,Theenteringintoofanycooperativeagreement,andtheextension,continuation,renewal,amendment,ormodificationofanyFederalcontract,grant,loanorcooperativeagreement.(2)IfanyfundsotherthanFederalappropriatedfundshavebeenpaidorwillbepaidtoanypersonforinfluencingorattemptingtoinfluenceanofficeroremployeeofanyFederalagency,aMemberofCongress,anofficeroremployeeofCongress,oranemployeeofaMemberofCongressinconnectionwiththisFederalcontract,grant,loan,orcooperativeagreement,theundersignedshallcompleteandsubmitStandardForm-LLL,‘DisclosureFormtoReportLobbying,”inaccordancewithitsinstructions.Thiscertificationismaterialrepresentationofihefactuponwhichreliancewasplacedwhenthistransactionwasmadeorenteredinto.SubmissionofthiscertificationisaprereguisteformakingorenteringintothistransactionimposedbySection1352,Title31,US.Code,Anypersonwhofallstofiletherequiredcertificationshallbesubjecttoacivilpenaltyofnotlessthan$10000andnotmorethan$100,000foreachfailure.TheprcpectiveparicjpartalsoagreesbysqbmittinghioherbidorprQposalthatheorsheshallrequirethatthetanuageofthiscertificationbeincludedinalllowertiersuboontracts,whichexceed$100,000andthatallsuchsubrecipientsshallcertifyanddiscloseaccordingly.SRDOTForm272-O4OAEF07j2011NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectLocalAgencyCertificationForFederal-AidConttactsTED4003843201$ WashingtonStatev,DepartmentofTransportationTobeeligibleforAwardofthlsContractttieBiddershaLl1111outandsubmit,asasupplerneottoitssealedBIdProposal.anUndewtitizedDisadvantagedBusinessEnteipilse(UDSE)ULilizationCerliTication.TheContractingAgencyshallconsiderasnon-responsiveandshallrejectanyBidProposalthatdoesnotcontainaUDBEUtilizationCertificationwhichproperlydomonstratosthatthaBiddorwillmcctthcUDREparticipationrequirementsInoneofihomannersprovidedformthopropisedConlrãcLRefertotheinstructionsonPage2whenfillingoutthlsformorflueBidmayberejected.AnexampleformhasbeenprovidedonPage3ThesuccessfulBidder’sUDBEUtilizationCertificationshallbedeemedapartofiberesultingCnnltacl.Box1:_HaflUItOflConstructionCo.celflehattheUDBEJ1rmSlistedbelowhavebeencontactedregardingpartic1plononthisproject,ttthisBidderissuccesstutonthisprojectandIsawardedTheContract,Hshallassyrethat5uböôntraótsorupplyagreementsareexecutedwithnamedUDSEs.(IInecessary,useadditionalsheets.)Rox2:ColumnICotumn2Column3Column4Column5NameofUDBEProjeotRoleDescriptionofWorkAmountAmointtObe(SeekisIwcHon)(SeeinstwcIion)(Seelnstmcttons)SubcontractedAppliedTowardstoUDBEGoal(Seolnatructions)(Snstrucfins):coij&4$d41%5Ztt4;;:‘*re.4-crI7-J--s-cail---zazf;4LEJ-a444ASp€-’.n_&2171i1-z-FiL3H’t-iA:Co14%cc(e)QAkok1,(jfttk1LjFiqqqis1oo1H9,‘i5tO.wifir-.ithiñflUnderutilizedDisadvantagedBusiness1tii1YTotalUDBECommitment711EnterpriseConditIonofAwardContractGoateo3e45BycheckingBox5theBidderisstatingthattheirattemptstosolicitsufficientUDBEparticipationtomeettheOAContractgoalhasbeenunsuccessfulandgoodfaitheffortwillbesubmittedinaccordancewithSection1-02.9oftheContractDOTForm272-0561JRvtwi0612017NE31stStBridgeReplacementProject1ED4003843UndëwtllizedDisadyantagedBusinessEnterpriseUtilizationCertification2018UnderutilizedDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseUtilizationCertificationI., ADAfI==**APWA-WADivision1Committeerev.1/8/2016ProposalforIncorporatingRecycledMaterialsintotheProjectIncompliancewithanewlawthatwentintoeffectJanuary1,2016(8HB1695),theBiddershallproposebelow,thetotalpercentofconstructionaggregateandconcretematerialstobeincorporatedintotheProjectthatarerecycledmaterials.CalculatedpercentagesmustbewithintheamountsallawedinSection9-03.21(1)E,TableonMadmumAllowablePercent(ByWeight)ofRecycledMaterial,oftheStandardSpecifications.Proposedtotalpercentage:percent.Note:Useofrecycledmaterialsishighlyencouragedwithinthelimitsshownabove,butdoesnotconstituteaBidderP,eference,andwillnotaffectthedeterminationofaward.unlesstwoormorelowestresponsiveBidtotalsareexactlyequal,inwhichcaseproposedrecyclingpeicentageswillbeusedasatiebreakerpertheAPWAGSPinSection1-031oftheSpecialProvisions.Regaidless,theBiddet’sstatedpioposedpercentageswillbecomeagoaltheCOntiactorshouldcbitsbesttoaccomplish.BidderswillberequiredtotapoitonrecycledmaterialsactuallyincorporatedintothePiojectinaccordancewiththeAPWAGSPinSection1-06.6oftheSpecialPiovisions.Bidder:SignatureofAuthorizedOfficial:___________________________________________Date:/__-Z:;vNE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectProposalForIncorporatingRecycledMaterialsTED40038432012 PROPOSAL-SIGNATUREPAGEBysigningbelow,BidderacknowledgesreceIptandunderstandingofthefollowingAddendatotheBidDocuments:AddendumNo.12DateofReceipt3/15/I3AddendumNo.34DateofReceipt#4NOTE:AProposalmaybeconsideredirregularandmayberejectedifthereceiptofAddendaisnotacknowledged.Thebidderisherebyadvisedthatbysignatureofthisproposalhe/sheisdeemedtohaveacknowledgedallrementsandsignedallcertificatescontainedherein.HamiltonConstructionCo.ignatureofAuthorizedOfficial]*[BusinessName]*NealA.Spoon[PrintedName]VicePresidentP0Box659,Springfield,OR97477[AddressLine1][Title][AddressLine2]:%-zo-Zc:’,8[Date]541-746-2426[TelephoneNumber]NOTE:TheaddressandphonenumberlistedwillbeusedforallcommunicationsregardingthisproposaLCheckOne:SoleProprietorship0PartnershipDJointVentureCorporationStateofIncorporation,orStatewherebusinessentitywasformed:Oregon*NOTE:Abidbyacorporationshallbeexecutedinthecorporatename,bythepresidentoravicepresident(orothercorporateofficeraccompaniedbyevidenceofauthoritytosign).Abidbyapartnershipshallbeexecutedinthepartnershipnameandsignedbyapartner.AcopyofthepartnershipagreementshallbesubmittedwiththeProposalFormifanyUDBErequirementsaretobesatisfiedthroughsuchanagreement.Abidbyajointventureshallbeexecutedinthejointventurenameandsignedbyamemberofthejointventure.AcopyofthejointventureagreementshallbesubmittedwiththeProposalFormifanyUDBErequirementsaretobesatisfiedthroughsuchanagreement.NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843Proposal—SignaturePage2018 WAStateContractor’sRegistrationItUBI#IndustrialInsuranceAccountItEmploymentSecurityDepartmentItStateExciseTaxRegistration#DUNSItHAMILCC881B8409019076261,328-0130033200640901907600-585-3932TheSuretyCompanywhichwillfurnishtherequiredContractBondisContinentalCasualtyCompany12909SW68thParkway,Suite200,Portland,OR97223[Surety][AddressLine1]503-431-3145[TelephoneNumber][AddressLine21NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843Proposal—SignaturePage2018 PROPOSALBIDBONDTOTHECITYOFRENTONKNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS,Thatwe,[BiddenHamiltonConstructionCo.oftaddress]2213SouthFStreet,Springfield,OR97477asPrincipal,and(SuretyJContinentalCasualtyCompanyacorporationorganizedandexistingunderthelawsoftheStateofIllinoisasasuretycorporation,andqualifiedunderthelawsoftheStateofWashingtontobecomesuretyuponbondsofcontractorswithmunicipalcorporations,asSurety,arejointlyandseverallyheldandfirmlybounduntotheCityofRentoninthefullsumoffive(5)percentofthetotalbidamountoftheproposalofsaidPrincipalfortheworkhereinafterdescribed,forthepaymentofwhich,wellandtrulytobemade,webindourselvesandourheirs,executors,administratorsandassigns,andsuccessorsandassigns,jointlyandseverally,firmlybythesepresents.Theconditionofthebondissuch,thatwhereasthePrincipalhereinisherewithsubmittinghis/heroritssealedproposalforthefollowingpublicworksconstructionproject,towit:NE31St5BridgeReplacementProiect,FederalAidNumber:BROS-1070(009)saidbidandproposal,byreferencethereto,beingmadeaparthereof.NOW,THEREFORE,IfthesaidproposalbidbysaidPrincipalbeaccepted,andthecontractbeawardedtosaidPrincipal,andifsaidPrincipalshalldulymakeandenterintoandexecutesaidcontractandshallfurnishcontractbondasrequiredbytheCityofRentonwithinaperiodoften(10)daysfromandaftersaidaward,exclusiveofthedayofsuchaward,thenthisobligationshallbenullandvoid,otherwiseitshallremainandbeinfullforceandeffect.lNTHEEVENT,thePrincipal,followingaward,failstoexecuteanAgreementwiththeCityofRentoninaccordancewiththetermsoftheProposalandfurnishacontractbondwithSuretyorSuretiesapprovedbytheCityofRentonwithinten(10)daysfromandaftersaidaward,thenPrincipalshallforfeittheBidBond/BidProposalDepositorSuretyshallimmediatelypayandforfeittotheCityofRentontheamountoftheProposalBidBond,assetforthinRCW35A.40.200andRCW35.23.352.ThisProposalBidBondshallbegovernedandconstruedbythelawsoftheStateofWashington,andvenueshallbeinKingCounty,Washington.INTESTIMONYWHEREOF,thePrincipalandSuretyhavecausedthesepresentstobesignedandsealedthisl3thdayof,2O18NE3;st5BridgeReplacementProjectProposalBidBondtotheCityofRentonTED40038432018ProvidedtoBuildersExchan%eofWA,Inc.ForusageConditionsAgreementseewww.bxwa.comAlwaysVerifySeal PRINCPALSURETY7j¶[Title)-d(,[DateJContinentalCasualtyCompany[Surety[SignatureofAuthorizedOfficiafiKathleenAnnBeck[PrintedName]Attorney-in-fact[Title]March13,2018[Date]NameandaddressoflocalofficeofAgentand/orSuretyCompany:ContinentalCasualtyCompany12909SW68thParkway,Suite200SuretyWAOIC#SuretyNAIC#NE31StBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843Portland,OR97223Telephone:503-431-314533620443Propo5alBidBondtotheCityofRenton2018HamiltonConstructionCo.[Principal]UOffIdaI]Pct1.‘M’i[PrintedName]ProvidedtoBuildersExchangeofWA,Inc.ForusageConditionsAgreementseewww.bxwa.com-AlwaysVerifyScal POWEROFATTORNEYAPPOINTINGINDIVIDUALATTORNEY-IN-FACTKnowAllMenByThesePresents,ThatContinentalCasualtyCompany,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,NationalFireInsuranceCompanyofHartford,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,andAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania,aPennsylvaniainsurancecompany(hereincalled“theCNACompanies”),aredulyorganizedandexistinginsurancecompanieshavingtheirprincipalofficesintheCityofChicago,andStateofIllinois,andthattheydobyvirtueofthesignaturesandsealshereinaffixedherebymake,constituteandappointJamesWJohnson,BRichard$tinson,JeffParkhurst,LisaMLucas,SusanJSampson,KathleenAnnBeck,AnthonyJD’Asaro,TanyaChinchilla,SofiaOcegueda,NicholasTan,PatriciaLDrew,DeepaNeupane,JonathanRussell,IndividuallyofConcord,CA,theirtrueandlawfulAttorney(s)-in-Factwithfullpowerandauthorityherebyconferredtosign,sealandexecuteforandontheirbehalfbonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsofsimilarnature-InUnlimitedAmounts-andtobindthemtherebyasfullyandtothesameextentasifsuchinstrumentsweresignedbyadulyauthorizedofficeroftheirinsurancecompaniesandalltheactsofsaidAttomey,pursuanttotheauthorityherebygivenisherebyratifiedandconfirmed.ThisPowerofAttomeyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityoftheBy-LawandResolutions,printedonthereversehereof,dulyadopted,asindicated,bytheBoardsofDirectorsoftheinsurancecompanies.InWitnessWhereof,theCNACompanieshavecausedthesepresentstobesignedbytheirVicePresidentandtheircorporatesealstobeheretoaffixedonthis19thdayofJune,2017.GPSLL1ContinentalCasualtyCompany—.)oNationalfireInsuranceCompanyofHartford0U%A%PaulT.BruflatVicePresidentStateofSouthDakota,CountyofMinnehaha,ss:Onthis19thdayofJune,2017,beforemepersonallycamePaulT.Bruftattomeknown,who,beingbymedulyswom,diddeposeandsay:thatheresidesintheCityofSiouxFalls,StateofSouthDakota;thatheisaVicePresidentofContinentalCasualtyCompany,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,NationalFireInsuranceCompanyofHartford,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,andAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania,aPennsylvaniainsurancecompanydescribedinandwhichexecutedtheaboveinstrument;thatheknowsthesealsofsaidinsurancecompanies;thatthesealsaffixedtothesaidinstrumentaresuchcorporateseals;thattheyweresoaffixedpursuanttoauthoritygivenbytheBoardsofDirectorsofsaidinsurancecompaniesandthathesignedhisnametheretopursuanttolikeauthority,andacknowledgessametobetheactanddeedofsaidinsurancecompanies.J.MOHR_____!!!!.+MyCommissionExpiresJune23,20211.MohrNotaryPublicCERTIFICATEI,D.Johnson,AssistantSecretaryofContinentalCasualtyCompany,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,NationalfireInsuranceCompanyofHartford,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,andAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania,aPennsylvaniainsurancecompanydoherebycertifythatthePowerofAttorneyhereinabovesetforthisstillinforce,andfurthercertifythattheBy-LawandResolutionoftheBoardofDirectorsoftheinsurancecompaniesprintedonthereverseJjofisstillinforce.IntestimonywhereofIhavehereuntosubscribedmynameandaffixedthesealofthesaidinsurancecompaniesthis/Z/Adayof%‘-%._ContinentalCasualtyCompanyNationalfireInsuranceCompanyofHartfordAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,PennsylvaniaThqD.JohnsonformF6853-4/2012fAssistantSecretary AuthorizingBy-LawsandResolutionsADOPTEDBYTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOFCONTINENTALCASUALTYCOMPANY:ThisPowerofAttorneyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityofthefollowingresolutiondulyadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanyatameetingheldonMay12,1995:“RESOLVED:ThatanySeniororGroupVicePresidentmayauthorizeanofficertosignspecificdocuments,agreementsandinstrumentsonbehalfoftheCompanyprovidedthatthenameofsuchauthorizedofficerandadescriptionofthedomments,agreementsorinstmmentsthatsuchofficermaysignwillbeprovidedinwritingbytheSeniororGroupVicePresidenttotlSecretaryoftheCompanypriortosuchexecutionbecomingeffective.”ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedbyPaulT.Bmflat,VicePresident,whohasbeenauthorizedpursuanttotheaboveresolutiontoexecutepowerofattorneysonbehalfofContinentalCasualtyCompany.ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedandsealedbyfacsimileunderandbytheauthorityofthefollowingResolutionadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedthe25thdayofApril,2012:“Whereas,thebylawsoftheCompanyorspecificresolutionoftheBoardofDirectorshasauthorizedvariousofficers(the“AuthorizedOfficers”)toexecutevariouspolicies,bonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsoflikenature;andWhereas,fromtimetotime,thesignatureoftheAuthorizedOfficers,inadditiontobeingprovidedinoriginal,hardcopyformat,maybeprovidedviafacsimileorotherwiseinanelectronicformat(collectively,“ElectronicSignatures”);Nowthereforebeitresolved:thattheElectronicSignatureofanyAuthorizedOfficershallbevalidandbindingontheCompany.”ADOPTEDBYTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOFNATIONALFll{EINSURANCECOMPANYOFHARTFORD:ThisPowerofAttorneyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityofthefollowingresolutiondulyadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedMay10,1995:“RESOLVED:ThatanySeniororGroupVicePresidentmayauthorizeanofficertosignspecificdocuments,agreementsandinstrumentsonbehalfoftheCompanyprovidedthatthenameofsuchauthorizedofficerandadescriptionofthedocuments,agreementsorinstrumentsthatsuchofficermaysignwillbeprovidedinwritingbytheSeniororGroupVicePresidenttotheSecretaryoftheCompanypriortosuchexecutionbecomingeffective.”ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedbyPaulT.Bruflat,VicePresident,whohasbeenauthorizedpursuanttotheaboveresolutiontoexecutepowerofattorneysonbehalfofNationalfireInsuranceCompanyofHartford.ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedandsealedbyfacsimileunderandbytheauthorityofthefollowingResolutionadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedthe25thdayofApril,2012:“Whereas,thebylawsoftheCompanyorspecificresolutionoftheBoardofDirectorshasauthorizedvariousofficers(the“AuthorizedOfficers”)toexecutevariouspolicies,bonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsoflikenature;andWhereas,fromtimetotime,thesignatureoftheAuthorizedOfficers,inadditiontobeingprovidedinoriginal,hardcopyformat,maybeprovidedviafacsimileorotherwiseinanelectronicformat(collectively,“ElectronicSignatures”);Nowthereforebeitresolved:thattheElectronicSignatureofanyAuthorizedOfficershallbevalidandbindingontheCompany.”ADOPTEDBYTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOFAMERICANCASUALTYCOMPANYOFREADING,PENNSYLVANIA:ThisPowerofAttorneyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityofthefollowingresolutiondub’adoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedMay10,1995:“RESOLVED:ThatanySeniororGroupVicePresidentmayauthorizeanofficertosignspecificdocuments,agreementsandinstrumentsonbehalfoftheCompanyprovidedthatthenameofsuchauthorizedofficerandadescriptionofthedoatments,agreementsorinstrumentsthatsuchofficermaysignwillbeprovidedinwritingbytheSeniororGroupVicePresidenttotheSecretaryoftheCompanypriortosuchexecutionbecomingeffective.”ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedbyPaulT.Bmflat,VicePresident,whohasbeenauthorizedpursuanttotheaboveresolutiontoexecutepowerofattorneysonbehalfofAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania.ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedandsealedbyfacsimileunderandbytheauthorityofthefollowingResolutionadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedthe25thdayofApril,2012:“Whereas,thebylawsoftheCompanyorspecificresolutionoftheBoardofDirectorshasauthorizedvariousofficers(the“AuthorizedOfficers”)toexecutevariouspolicies,bonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsoflikenature;andWhereas,fromtimetotime,thesignatureoftheAuthorizedOfficers,inadditiontobeingprovidedinoriginal,hardcopyformat,maybeprovidedviafacsimileorotherwiseinanelectronicformat(collectively,“ElectronicSignatures”);Nowthereforebeitresolved:thattheElectronicSignatureofanyAuthorizedOfficershallbevalidandbindingontheCompany.” CALIFORNIAALL-PURPOSEACKNOWLEDGMENTAnotarypublicorotherofficercompletingthiscertificateverifiesonlytheidentityoftheindividualwhosignedthedocumenttowhichthiscertificateisattached,andnotthetruthfulness,accuracy,orvalidityofthatdocument.STATEOFCALIFORNIACountyofContraCostaOnMarch13,2018beforeme,MeghanR.0Bra‘NotaryPublic,DateInsertNameofNotaryexactlyasitappearsontheofficialsealpersonallyappearedKathleenAnnBeckName(s)ofSigner(s)IMEGHANR.0BRAt.’..:.,CommIssIon#2090276;NotaryPublic-CaliforniazFContraCostaCountyMyComm.ExpiresNov16,2078PlaceNotarySealAbovewhoprovedtomeonthebasisofsatisfactoryevidencetobetheperson(s)whosename(s)is/aresubscribedtothewithininstrumentandacknowledgedtomethathe/she/theyexecutedthesameinhis/her/theirauthorizedcapacity(ies),andthatbyhis/her/theirsignature(s)ontheinstrumenttheperson(s),ortheentityuponbehalfofwhichtheperson(s)acted,executedtheinstrument.IcertifyunderPENALTYOFPERJURYunderthelawsoftheStateofCaliforniathattheforegoingparagraphistrueandcorrect.WitnessmySignatureOPTIONALThoughtheinformationbelowisnotrequiredbylaw,itmayprovevaluabletopersonsrelyingonthedocumentandcouldpreventfraudulentremovalandreattachmentoftheformtoanotherdocument.DescriptionofAttachedDocumentTitleorTypeofDocument:ProposalBidBondtotheCityofRentonDocumentDate:March13,2018NumberofPages:2Signer(s)OtherThanNamedAbove:Capacity(ies)ClaimedbySigner(s)Signer’sName:KathleenAnnBeckE:IndividualDCorporateOfficer—Title(s):______PartnerElLimitedDGeneralAttorneyinFactDTrusteeEGuardianorConservatorUOther:___________________Signer’sName:______________UIndividual0CorporateOfficer—Title(s):UPartnerElLimitedGeneralDAttorneyinFactLiTrusteeDGuardianorConservatorE:Other:_______________SignerisRepresenting:RIGHTTHUMBPRINTOFSIGNERTopofthumbhereSignerisRepresenting:flnntinpntziIflciiciIf,RIGHTTHUMBPRINTOFSIGNERTopofthumbhereCnmnnv Cot&jcncyNamèCityofRenton.*‘——LocalAgency$ubcontractorUsfLvcaIencyidessPrepacedlncornpKancewithRCW3.3O.O5Oaamei,ded1055SouthGradyWayRenton,WA98057ToBeSubmittedWiththeBEdPropQsaIPrjctName31stStBridgeReplacementProjecta1IuretoiIstsubcontractoTswithwhcm(heb1dtterIfawardedthecontract,wi11dIrjyubcontractforperrorrnariceoftheworkofheating,ventilationandaircoiidillonlng,pIumbIngasdescribedInChapteris.ioaRCWffldeIecfrIc,asdescribedInChapter19.28RCWormimingmoretlninonesubcontractortoperformthesneworkwillreuItInyourbidbeingnon.responsiveandthEreforeVOid.SubconträotorLs)withwhomthebidd&wiiJdiedJysuboontraottliatareproposedtoperformtheworkofhealing,vent1Iaionandaircondfttonlng1plumbing,asdescribedinChapter18.106RCW,andetectricalasdescribedInChapterIR28RCWmiiibestedbelow.Theworktobeperformedlabbelistedbelowthesubcontractor(snam.ToiheextenttheProJet-lno1udesoneormorecategoriesofworkreferenceditiRGW39.3OOG&antinthebh3dercerIfiehthewoØcWtIplTherfl.kperformedbyihebldderitse1f.rjli)béerformedbyalowerliersubconiractorwhowlWnotcontEatdit&llcWdderbeOnttaqtorName•,---WqrktobPerlorrned___________________________________________________________SubcöntraótOrName,.WQrklobePMàrmedSuboóhtrót&Name.WorktobePerforrncl___________________________________________________________________ubcontmotorNameWorktobePerformed_ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ _ubo,ntractorName.WorktobePerformed_________________________________________________________________*idder’sarerot1ledthatltheoplrtonfthenfQrcmeItagencythatPVOormetalponduit]untionhoXe,tc,reconsideredelectricalequipmentandthereforeconsideredpartoTeteLtlca1work,evenIftheInslatlatonIstorfutureuseincinowiringieleottialcurrentisoonnetedduringthepojeot.DOTForm27iOi5AEF-kevitd0812012NE31sttbridgeReplacementProject.1ocalAgencyuixQntraçtotLISt—-—----.,.2018 teDsi;1::zAsAtVWODM)q’tiJ4M9iuwr6uop’puoa5sn,xoi•3U1‘(M;obut{Dxab)Lc19IozwawrnoauoewijuoUU(JM(aan)asjthawcsaucngpaue,pespznipuçi£P8EOOt’OipafoJ4wawejdeHsNLcor,9oPAaiwiioa--**.Q2‘°“W“vV:fpjupd)tuuL!OW3J!W3uo!1uZ!I!lnSULJJt1jSSlIflJPV1tWAPU!OX)ZttUøt1fl“PP!‘I1hfp4poJduoctuojutptgi;ticpuofoidqitrudpq.rnd03.1ipp!flCII!1UQtcL;@ilJtnt°tU!JjtTttUJ)L1O)?IJGJL?A%UB!PP!fljtAoqtpq!.t1pIJOM‘PtflUcJ1djOsothndtnpiqifodpnii;nnopiui‘[)!‘pPJH‘ii.qppnuouqowqn’quujt’ot;‘);!JdJo)u;1ptIIWApVSTQpZijtUC’pUfotpJoøA!W1tIoNdNp’ZUOt1)flUIV)N!jUJd,u;iw)tLts1lupJoI:J1IIJMW!qu;J.qtpIuJ)u;;11111MIJ1I‘IH121Vdpp1l8uotIdO,:1cIflpc1mli11IGqIfsq01tmotuvQQ1&’bht;l1oospw.io;p!IddVq‘;unotuvj::tI4-VF‘1,‘<:iX]j(Jt3Lit)(!!J1K(I—I°v(t%i.Y?11A4st&DVj4,4J:LUfls4SSUISflc1‘jL(KEfl—---------.--.0-pt4ij:1Y,W4ECUI‘!‘‘fl‘‘PP!11a%7diA-kcIQN:o1iI1‘w°•tio1iofrJP!f:1‘!t’1Jfl!MOsO01C1flfl)f‘Uoll3!J!UDuo!wzflTIfl$!JdJ1l1:ES1tIfilflHZflU)UflS£O)pEtUAWiSS1)flM1Ml1&6SUOqjutojcqSJJUø(j•‘PP1g‘1114-p)pfthftoaqOJ1VLlJauanLiuoioiuasoiiozuiviwta&mionv;owvwioaui•IoLLvD1da1:DNOLLVZfIUJISS1N1SI)U(l’dLYc(LNYMIVSKIU[ZC’ILL1U(UNI1IKXI.)VthIMC)J:wti.MC)(ILLgI’I1JYHJ.ffl(IiV*IX1N()’I’1VHNIOtIHItto!Jt)d’3.1IJvJJs!idta1u7ss;3uIY;zffp1oiuL’€1pm7qv1tJtt11!flbI1tJU;I1tflXQQfl1fl.JtIO31UWfl3OQUOfleW4UO3UaWJM(aan)asidiagsseuisngpa6eiue,ipesipz.1ti1tuapunUOflSIIV4jJOIuWedO$1vsuofluJqseN!7Q-z/:;‘wqzYbr’31VL1II(St ThisformmustbesubmittedwiththeBidProposalorasaSupplementtotheBidnolaterthan24hoursafterthetimefordeliveryoftheBidProposal,asprovidedforinSection1-02.9oftheContractProvisions.CertificationofCompliancewithWagePaymentStatutesThebidderherebycertifiesthat,withinthethree-yearperiodimmediatelyprecedingthebidsolicitationdate,thebidderisnota“willful”violator,asdefinedinRCW49.48.082,ofanyprovisionofchapters49.46,49.48,or49.52RCW,asdeterminedbyafinalandbindingcitationandnoticeofassessmentissuedbytheDepartmentofLaborandIndustriesorthroughaciviljudgmententeredbyacourtoflimitedorgeneraljurisdiction.IcertifyunderpenaltyofperjuryunderthelawsoftheStateofWashingtonthattheforegoingistrueandcorrect.HamiltonConstructionCo.BusinessNameiiureofAuthorized’’fficiatNealA.SpoonPrintedNameVicePresidentIftiec.zc:2SpringfieldORDateCityStateCheckOne:SoleProprietorshipUPartnership1JointVentureDCorporationEStateofIncorporation,orStatewherebusinessentitywasformed:Oregon*NOTE:Ifthebusinessisacorporation,thiscertificationshaltbeexecutedinthecorporatenamebythepresidentoravicepresident(orothercorporateofficeraccompaniedbyevidenceofauthoritytosign).Ifthebusinessisapartnership,thiscertificationshallbeexecutedinthepartnershipnameandsignedbyapartner.Ifthebusinessisajointventure,thiscertificationshallbeexecutedinthejointventurenameandsignedbyamemberofthejointventure.I*NE31StStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843CertificationofCompliancewithWagePaymentStatutes201$         City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    IV.  AGREEMENT FORMS  AGREEMENTCONTRACTNO.CAG-18-OO1THISAGREEMENT,madeandenteredintothis%dayofDIbyandbetweentheCITYOFRENTON,amunicipalcorporationoft’heStateofWashington,hereinafterreferredtoas“City”andftC&Mi1+o’1hereinafterreferredtoas“Contractor.”WITNESSETH:Thatinconsiderationofthetermsandconditionscontainedhereinandattachedandmadeapartofthisagreement,thepartiesheretocovenantandagreeasfollows:1.TheContractorshalldoallworkandfurnishalltools,materials,andequipmentfor:NE31st5BridgeReplacementProject,FederalAidNumber:BROS-1070(009)inaccordancewithandasdescribedintheattachedplansandspecifications,andthe2016StandardSpecificationsforRoad,Bridge,andMunicipalConstruction,aspreparedbytheWashingtonStateDepartmentofTransportation(WSDOT)andtheWashingtonStateChapteroftheAmericanPublicWorksAssociation(APWA)whicharebythisreferenceincorporatedhereinandmadeparthereofand,shallperformanychangesintheworkinaccordwiththeContractDocuments.TheContractorshallprovideandbeartheexpenseofallequipment,workandlabor,ofanysortwhatsoeverthatmayberequiredforthetransferofmaterialsandforconstructingandcompletingtheworkprovidedforintheseContractDocumentsexceptthoseitemsmentionedthereintobefurnishedbytheCity.2.TheCityherebypromisesandagreeswiththeContractortoemploy,anddoesemploytheContractortoprovidethematerialsandtodoandcausetobedonetheabovedescribedworkandtocompleteandfurnishthesameinaccordwiththeattachedplansandspecificationsandthetermsandconditionshereincontainedandherebycontractstopayforthesameaccordingtotheattachedspecificationsandthescheduleofunitoritemizedpricesatthetimeandinthemannerandupontheconditionsprovidedforinthiscontract.3.TheContractorforhimself/herself,andforhis/herheirs,executors,administrators,successors,andassigns,doesherebyagreetofullperformanceofallcovenantsrequiredoftheContractorinthecontract.4.ItisfurtherprovidedthatnoliabilityshallattachtotheCitybyreasonofenteringintothiscontract,exceptasprovidedherein.NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843Agreement2018 5.Intheeventlitigationiscommencedtoenforcethiscontract,theprevailingpartyshallbeentitledtorecoveritscosts,includingreasonableattorney’sandexpertwitnessfees.6.Thiscontractisexecutedintwo(2)identicalcounterparts,bytheparties,eachofwhichshallforallpurposesbedeemedandoriginal.INWITNESSWHEREOF,theContractorhasexecutedthisinstrument,onthedayandyearfirstbelowwrittenandtheMayorhascausedthisinstrumenttobeexecutedbyandinthenameoftheCityofRentonthedayandyearfirstabovewritten.CONTRACTOR[SiatureofAuthorizedIficial]*9r5aent[Title]*(\-flCi:,ny,c-jon[BusinessName]*-%-O-)*NOTE:Ifthebusinessisacorporation,thisagreementshallbenamebythepresidentoravice-president(orothercorporateofficeraccompaniedbyevidenceofauthoritytosign).Ifthebusinessisapartnership,thisagreementshallbeexecutedinthepartnershipnameandsignedbyapartner.Ifthebusinessisajointventure,thisagreementshallbeexecutedinthejointventurenameandsignedbyamemberofthejointventure.CONTRACTORADDRESSFORGIVINGNOTICESI-ainHvnCo—rchonc,oYoo;(?95yrflheC)O19711fCITYOFRENTONADDRESSFORGIVINGNOTICESTransportationSystemsDivisionRentonCityHall—5thFloor1055SouthGradyWayRenton,WA98057UUUU-UAgreement2018DenisLaw,pUCCUUUUUUUU[Date]ATTEST/L%h’NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843 EXECUTEDINDUPLICATECONTRACTBONDTOTHECITYOFRENTONBondNo.30028088KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS,Thatwe,[Contractor]HamiltonConstructionCo.of[address]2213SouthFStreet,Springfield,OR97477asPrincipal,and[SuretyJContinentalCasualtyCompanyacorporationorganizedandexistingunderthelawsoftheStateofIllinoisasasuretycorporation,andqualifiedunderthelawsoftheStateofWashingtontobecomesuretyuponbondsofcontractorswithmunicipalcorporations,asSurety,arejointlyandseverallyheldandfirmlyboundtotheCityof..OneMillionTwoHundredFifty-FiveThousandNineRenton(City)inthepenalsumof$HundredNinety-Nineand00/lOOs(1255,999.00)TotalContractAmount,forthepaymentofwhichsumondemandwebindourselvesandourheirs,executors,administratorsandassigns,successorsandassigns,orpersonrepresentatives,asthecasemaybe.ThisobligationisenteredintopursuanttothestatutesoftheStateofWashington,theOrdinanceoftheCityntn.Datedatt,Washington,thisdayof(\,201Nevertheless,theconditionsoftheaboveobligationaresuchthat:WHEREAS,underandpursuanttoContractNo.CAG-18-001providingforconstructionofthej[315tStBridgeReplacementProject,FederalAidNumber:BROS-1070(009);thePrincipalhasaccepted,orisabouttoaccept,theContract,andundertaketoperformtheWorkthereinprovidedforinthemannerandwithinthetimesetforth.NOW,THEREFORE,byexecutingthisContractBond,acombinedPerformanceandPaymentBond,SuretyindemnifiesandholdstheCity,itsofficers,agentsandassignsharmlessfromallclaims,liabilities,causesofaction,damagesandcosts,includingpropertydamagesandpersonalinjuries,resultingfromanydefectappearingordevelopinginthematerialprovidedorworkmanshipperformedundertheContractANDforsuchpaymentsforlabor,equipment,andmaterialsbysatisfyingallclaimsanddemandsincurredundertheContract,andreimbursingandpayingCityallexpensesthatCitymayincurinmakinggoodanydefaultbyPrincipal.FUTHERMORE,thisContractBondshallbesatisfiedandreleasedonlyupontheconditionthatPrincipal:.FaithfullyperformsallprovisionsoftheContractandchangesauthorizedbyCityinthemannerandwithinthetimespecifiedasmaybeextendedundertheContract;.PaysallpersonsinaccordancewithRCW39.08,39.12and60.28includingallworkers,laborers,mechanics,subcontractors,lowertiersubcontractors,materialpersons,andallotherpersonsoragentswhosupplylabor,equipment,ormaterialstotheProject;.Paysalltaxesincurredonsaidcontractundertitle50and51RevisedCodeofWashington(RCW)andalltaxesimposedonthePrincipleunderTitle82RCW;.ReceivesawrittendischargefromCity,signedbytheMayororbyadulyauthorizedrepresentativeofCity.NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843ContractBondtotheCityofRenton2018 Nochange,extensionoftime,alteration,oradditiontothetermsoftheContractortotheWorktobeperformedundertheContractshallinanywayaffectSurety’sobligationontheContractBond.Suretyherebywaivesnoticeofanychange,extensionoftime,alteration,oradditiontothetermsoftheContractortheWork,withtheexceptionthatSuretyshallbenotifiediftheContracttimeisextendedbymorethantwentypercent(20%).IfanymodificationorchangeincreasesthetotalamounttobepaidundertheContract,Surety’sobligationunderthisContractBondshallautomaticallyincreaseinalikeamount.Anysuchincreaseshallnotexceedtwenty-fivepercent(25%)oftheoriginalamountoftheContractBondwithoutthepriorwrittenconsentofSurety.ThisContractBondshallbegovernedandconstruedbythelawsoftheStateofWashington,andvenueshallbeinKingCounty,Washington.ThisContractBondshallbeexecutedintwo(2)originalcounterparts,andshallbesignedbytheparties’dulyauthorizedofficers.ThisContractBondwillonlybeacceptedifisaccompaniedbyafullyexecutedandoriginalpowerofattorneyfortheofficeexecutingonbehalfoftheSurety.PRINCIPALSURETYHamiltonConstructionCo.[PrincipalJ[StureofAuthorized0ciaI]NtoIr,oor)[PrintedName]‘I?re5Iau\E[Title]LHw-lb[Date]ContinentalCasualtyCompany[Surety]natureofAuthorizedOfficial]JonathanRussell[PrintedName]Attorney-in-Fact[Title]NameandaddressoflocalofficeofAgentand/orSuretyCompany:ContinentalCasualtyCompany12909SW68thParkway,Suite200Portland,OR97223Telephone:503-431-3145NE31stStBridgeReplacementProjectTED4003843ContractBondtotheCityofRentonApril18,2018[Date]2018 POWEROFATTORNEYAPPOINTINGINDIVIDUALATTORNEY-IN-FACTKnowAllMenByThesePresents,ThatContinentalCasualtyCompany,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,NationalFireInsuranceCompanyofHartford,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,andAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania,aPennsylvaniainsurancecompany(hereincalled“theCNACompanies”),aredulyorganizedandexistinginsurancecompanieshavingtheirprincipalofficesintheCityofChicago,andStateofIllinois,andthattheydobyvirtueofthesignaturesandsealshereinaffixedherebymake,constituteandappointJamesWJohnson,DRichardStinson,JeffParkhurst,LisaMLucas,SusanJSampson,KathleenAnnBeck,AnthonyJD’Asaro,TanyaChinchilla,SofiaOcegueda,NicholasTan,PatriciaLDrew,DeepaNeupane,JonathanRussell,IndividuallyofConcord,CA,theirtrueandlawfulAttorney(s)-in-factwithfullpowerandauthorityherebyconferredtosign,sealandexecuteforandontheirbehalfbonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsofsimilarnature-InUnlimitedAmounts-andtobindthemtherebyasfullyandtothesameextentasifsuchinstrumentsweresignedbyadulyauthorizedofficeroftheirinsurancecompaniesandalltheactsofsaidAttorney,pursuanttotheauthorityherebygivenisherebyratifiedandconfirmed.ThisPowerofAttomeyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityoftheBy-LawandResolutions,printedonthereversehereof,dulyadopted,asindicated,bytheBoardsofDirectorsoftheinsurancecompanies.InWitnessWhereof,theCNACompanieshavecausedthesepresentstobesignedbytheirVicePresidentandtheircorporatesealstobeheretoaffixedonthis19thdayoflune,2017.ContinentalCasualtyCompanyNationalFireInsuranceCompanyofHartfordAmericanCasityCompanyofReadingPennsylvaniaPaulT.BruflatVicePresidentStateofSouthDakota,CountyofMinnehaha,ss:Onthis19thdayofJune,2017,beforemepersonallycamePaulT.Bmflattomeknown,who,beingbymedulysworn,diddeposeandsay:thatheresidesintheCityofSiouxfalls,StateofSouthDakota;thatheisaVicePresidentofContinentalCasualtyCompany,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,NationalFireInsuranceCompanyofHartford,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,andAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania,aPennsylvaniainsurancecompanydescribedinandwhichexecutedtheaboveinstrument;thatheknowsthesealsofsaidinsurancecompanies;thatthesealsaffixedtothesaidinstrumentaresuchcorporateseals;thattheyweresoaffixedpursuanttoauthoritygivenbytheBoardsofDirectorsofsaidinsurancecompaniesandthathesignedhisnametheretopursuanttolikeauthority,andacknowledgessametobetheactanddeedofsaidinsurancecompanies.-.I.I#.c...IAIAI.I.rA,.*.cIJ.r.J.MOHR,4NOTAPUBUCSOUThDAKOTAMyCommissionExpiresJune23,2021I.MohrNotaryPublicCERTIFICATEI,D.Johnson,AssistantSecretaryofContinentalCasualtyCompany,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,NationalFireInsuranceCompanyofHartford,anIllinoisinsurancecompany,andAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania,aPennsylvaniainsurancecompanydoherebycertifythatthePowerofAttomeyhereinabovesetforthisstillinforce,andfurthercertifythattheBy-LawandResolutionoftheBoardofDirectorsoftheinsurancecompaniesprintedonthereversehereofisstillinforce.IntestimonywhereofIhavehereuntosubscribedmynameandaffixedthesealofthesaidinsurancecompaniesthisL*’dayofApriI,Z-oI‘ContinentalCasualtyCompanyNationalfireInsuranceCompanyofHartfordAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvaniacm(2€%døF%E.aJohnsonAssistantSecretaryFormF6853-412012I AuthorizingBy-LawsandResolutionsADOPTEDBYTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOFCONTINENTALCASUALTYCOMPANY:ThisPowerofAttomeyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityofthefollowingresolutiondulyadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanyatameetingheldonMay12,1995:“RESOLVED:ThatanySeniororGroupVicePresidentmayauthorizeanofficertosignspecificdocuments,agreementsandinstrumentsonbehalfoftheCompanyprovidedthatthenameofsuchauthorizedofficerandadescriptionofthedoatments,agreementsorinstrumentsthatsuchofficermaysignwillbeprovidedinwritingbytheSeniororGroupVicePresidenttotlSecretaryoftheCompanypriortosuchexecutionbecomingeffective.”ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedbyPaulT.Bmflat,VicePresident,whohasbeenauthorizedpursuanttotheaboveresolutiontoexecutepowerofattorneysonbehalfofContinentalCasualtyCompany.ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedandsealedbyfacsimileunderandbytheauthorityofthefollowingResolutionadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedthe25thdayofApril,2012:“Whereas,thebylawsoftheCompanyorspecificresolutionoftheBoardofDirectorshasauthorizedvariousofficers(the“AuthorizedOfficers”)toexecutevariouspolicies,bonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsoflikenature;andWhereas,fromtimetotime,thesignatureoftheAuthorizedOfficers,inadditiontobeingprovidedinoriginal,hardcopyformat,maybeprovidedviafacsimileorotherwiseinanelectronicformat(collectively,“ElectronicSignatures”);Nowthereforebeitresolved:thattheElectronicSignatureofanyAuthorizedOfficershallbevalidandbindingontheCompany.”ADOPTEDBYTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOFNATIONALFIREINSURANCECOMPANYOFHARTFORD:ThisPowerofAttorneyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityofthefollowingresolutiondulyadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedMay10,1995:“RESOLVED:ThatanySeniororGroupVicePresidentmayauthorizeanofficertosignspecificdocuments,agreementsandinstrumentsonbehalfoftheCompanyprovidedthatthenameofsuchauthorizedofficerandadescriptionofthedocuments,agreementsorinstrumentsthatsuchofficermaysignwillbeprovidedinwritingbytheSeniororGroupVicePresidenttotheSecretaryoftheCompanypriortosuchexecutionbecomingeffective.”ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedbyPaulT.Bruflat,VicePresident,whohasbeenauthorizedpursuanttotheaboveresolutiontoexecutepowerofattorneysonbehalfofNationalfireInsuranceCompanyofHartford.ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedandsealedbyfacsimileunderandbytheauthorityofthefollowingResolutionadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedthe25thdayofApril,2012:“Whereas,thebylawsoftheCompanyorspecificresolutionoftheBoardofDirectorshasauthorizedvariousofficers(the“AuthorizedOfficers”)toexecutevariouspolicies,bonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsoflikenature;andWhereas,fromtimetotime,thesignatureoftheAuthorizedOfficers,inadditiontobeingprovidedinoriginal,hardcopyformat,maybeprovidedviafacsimileorotherwiseinanelectronicformat(collectively,“ElectronicSignatures”);Nowthereforebeitresolved:thattheElectronicSignatureofanyAuthorizedOfficershallbevalidandbindingontheCompany.”ADOPTEDBYTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSOFAMERICANCASUALTYCOMPANYOFREADiNG,PENNSYLVANIA:ThisPowerofAttomeyismadeandexecutedpursuanttoandbyauthorityofthefollowingresolutiondutyadoptedbytheBoardofDfrectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedMay10,1995:“RESOLVED:ThatanySeniororGroupVicePresidentmayauthorizeanofficertosignspecificdocuments,agreementsandinstrumentsonbehalfoftheCompanyprovidedthatthenameofsuchauthorizedofficerandadescriptionofthedocuments,agreementsorinstrumentsthatsuchofficermaysignwillbeprovidedinwritingbytheSeniororGroupVicePresidenttotheSecretaryoftheCompanypriortosuchexecutionbecomingeffective.”ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedbyPaulT.Bruflat,VicePresident,whohasbeenauthorizedpursuanttotheaboveresolutiontoexecutepowerofattorneysonbehalfofAmericanCasualtyCompanyofReading,Pennsylvania.ThisPowerofAttorneyissignedandsealedbyfacsimileunderandbytheauthorityofthefollowingResolutionadoptedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompanybyunanimouswrittenconsentdatedthe25thdayofApril,2012:“Whereas,thebylawsoftheCompanyorspecificresolutionoftheBoardofDirectorshasauthorizedvariousofficers(the“AuthorizedOfficers”)toexecutevariouspolicies,bonds,undertakingsandotherobligatoryinstrumentsoflikenature;andWhereas,fromtimetotime,thesignatureoftheAuthorizedOfficers,inadditiontobeingprovidedinoriginal,hardcopyformat,maybeprovidedviafacsimileorotherwiseinanelectronicformat(collectively,“ElectronicSignatures”);Nowthereforebeitresolved:thattheElectronicSignatureofanyAuthorizedOfficershallbevalidandbindingontheCompany.” CALIFORNIAALL-PURPOSEACKNOWLEDGMENTAnotarypublicorotherofficercompletingthiscertificateverifiesonlytheidentityoftheindividualwhosignedthedocumenttowhichthiscertificateisattached,andnotthetruthfulness,accuracy,orvalidityofthatdocument.STATEOFCALIFORNIACountyofContraCostaOnApril18,2018beforeme,KathleenBeck,NotaryPublic,DateInsertNameofNotaryexactlyasitappearsontheofficialsealpersonallyappearedJonathanRussellName(s)ofSigner(s)whoprovedtomeonthebasisofsatisfactoryevidencetobetheperson(s)whosename(s)is/aresubscribedtothewithininstrumentandacknowledgedtomethathe/she/theyexecutedthesameinhis/her/theirauthorizedcapacity(ies),andthatbyhis/her/theirsignature(s)ontheinstrumenttheperson(s),ortheentityuponbehalfofwhichtheperson(s)acted,executedtheinstrument.IcertifyunderPENALTYOFPERJURYunderthelawsoftheStateofCaliforniathattheforegoingparagraphistrueandcorrect.PlaceNotarySealAboveSig9furofNotaryPublicOPTIONALThoughtheinformationbelowIsnotrequiredbylaw,itmayprovevaluabletopersonsrelyingonthedocumentandcouldpreventfraudulentremovalandreattachmentoftheformtoanotherdocument.DescriptionofAttachedDocumentTitleorTypeofDocument:ContractBond_____DocumentDate:April18,2018NumberofPages:2Signer(s)OtherThanNamedAbove:•Capacity(ies)ClaimedbySigner(s)Signer’sName:JonathanRussellIndividualCorporateOfficer—Title(s):PartnerflLimitedElGeneralAttorneyinFactTrusteeEGuardianorConservatorOther:Signer’sName:______________LIIndividual0CorporateOfficer—Title(s):___0PartnerELimitedLiGeneralUAttorneyinFactLiTrusteeLiGuardianorConservatorLiOther:______________SignerisRepresenting:KATHLEENBECKNotaryPublic•CaliforniaContraCostaCountyCommission#2162674Comm.ExpiresSen772020RIGHTTHUMBPRINTOFSIGNERTopofthumbhereSignerisRepresenting:++iRIGHTTHUMBPRINTOFSIGNERTopofthumbhereCnmnnv NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Fair Practices and Non‐Discrimination Declaration  TED4003843  2018  FAIR PRACTICES AND NON‐DISCRIMINATION POLICY   DECLARATION        I, by signing the Agreement, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the  United States that the following statements are true and correct:      1. That the undersigned person(s), firm, association or corporation affirms and subscribes to the  Fair Practices and Non‐discrimination policies set forth by the law and by City of Renton  policy, adopted by Resolution No. 4085.      2. That by signing the signature page of this Agreement, I am deemed to have signed and to  have agreed to the provisions of this declaration.                  City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    V.  REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR  FEDERAL‐AID CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS    NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 1 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 2 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 3 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 4 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 5 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 6 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 7 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 8 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 9 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 10 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 11 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 12 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 13 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 14 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 15 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 16 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 17 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 18 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 19 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 20 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 21 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 22 of 23 2018            NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  Required Contract Provisions For Federal‐Aid Construction Contracts  TED4003843 Page 23 of 23 2018              City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________     VI.  CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS                City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Amendments to the Standard Specifications  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 A (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 5 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 6 Section 1-01, Definitions and Terms ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 7 Section 1-02, Bid Procedures and Conditions ------------------------------------------------ 1 8 Section 1-04, Scope of the Work ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 9 Section 1-06, Control of Material ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 10 Section 1-07, Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public ------------------------ 4 11 Section 1-08, Prosecution and Progress ------------------------------------------------------ 6 12 Section 1-09, Measurement and Payment ---------------------------------------------------- 7 13 Section 1-10, Temporary Traffic Control ------------------------------------------------------- 7 14 Section 2-02, Removal of Structures and Obstructions ------------------------------------ 8 15 Section 2-03, Roadway Excavation and Embankment ------------------------------------- 8 16 Section 2-06, Subgrade Preparation ----------------------------------------------------------- 8 17 Section 3-04, Acceptance of Aggregate -------------------------------------------------------- 9 18 Section 4-04, Ballast and Crush Surfacing ---------------------------------------------------- 9 19 Section 5-01, Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation -------------------------------- 9 20 Section 5-02, Bituminous Surface Treatment ------------------------------------------------ 11 21 Section 5-04, Hot Mix Asphalt ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 22 Section 5-05, Cement Concrete Pavement ------------------------------------------------- 47 23 Section 6-02, Concrete Structures ------------------------------------------------------------ 48 24 Section 6-03, Steel Structures ----------------------------------------------------------------- 61 25 Section 6-05, Piling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 26 Section 6-07, Painting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 27 Section 6-08, Waterproofing -------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 28 Section 6-09, Modified Concrete Overlays -------------------------------------------------- 76 29 Section 6-10, Concrete Barrier ----------------------------------------------------------------- 77 30 Section 6-12, Noise Barrier Walls ------------------------------------------------------------- 77 31 Section 6-14, Geosynthetic Retaining Walls ------------------------------------------------ 78 32 Section 6-19, Shafts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78 33 Section 7-02, Culverts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 34 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 B (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 7-08, General Pipe Installation Requirements ----------------------------------- 91 1 Section 7-09, Water Mains ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 2 Section 8-01, Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control ----------------------------- 91 3 Section 8-09, Raised Pavement Markers ---------------------------------------------------- 92 4 Section 8-10, Guide Posts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 5 Section 8-11, Guardrail -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 6 Section 8-20, Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems, and 7 Electrical ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 92 8 Section 8-22, Pavement Marking -------------------------------------------------------------- 95 9 Section 9-01, Portland Cement ---------------------------------------------------------------- 96 10 Section 9-03, Aggregates ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 11 Section 9-04, Joint and Crack Sealing Materials ----------------------------------------- 100 12 Section 9-06, Structural Steel and Related Materials ------------------------------------ 101 13 Section 9-07, Reinforcing Steel --------------------------------------------------------------- 102 14 Section 9-10, Piling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 102 15 Section 9-11, Waterproofing ------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 16 Section 9-14, Erosion Control and Roadside Planting ---------------------------------- 103 17 Section 9-16, Fence and Guardrail ---------------------------------------------------------- 105 18 Section 9-20, Concrete Patching Material, Grout, and Mortar ------------------------- 106 19 Section 9-23, Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures ------------------------------ 106 20 Section 9-28, Signing Materials and Fabrication ------------------------------------------ 106 21 Section 9-29, Illumination, Signal, Electrical ----------------------------------------------- 107 22 Section 9-30, Water Distribution Materials ------------------------------------------------- 117 23 Section 9-31, Elastomeric Pads -------------------------------------------------------------- 117 24 Section 9-35, Temporary Traffic Control Materials---------------------------------------- 121 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 1 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 INTRODUCTION 1 The following Amendments and Special Provisions shall be used in conjunction with the 2016 2 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 3 4 AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 5 6 The following Amendments to the Standard Specifications are made a part of this contract and 7 supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications. For informational 8 purposes, the date following each Amendment title indicates the implementation date of the 9 Amendment or the latest date of revision. 10 11 Each Amendment contains all current revisions to the applicable section of the Standard 12 Specifications and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. 13 14 Section 1-01, Definitions and Terms 15 August 1, 2016 16 1-01.3 Definitions 17 The following new term and definition is inserted after the eighth paragraph: 18 19 Cold Weather Protection Period – A period of time 7 days from the day of concrete 20 placement or the duration of the cure period, whichever is longer. 21 22 Section 1-02, Bid Procedures and Conditions 23 June 1, 2017 24 1-02.4(1) General 25 The first sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 26 27 Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, 28 shall request the explanation or interpretation in writing by close of business on the 29 Thursday preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective 30 Bidders before the submission of their Bids. 31 32 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal 33 In this section, “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” is revised to read “Underutilized 34 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise”, and “DBE” is revised to read “UDBE”. 35 36 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal 37 The last sentence of the third paragraph is revised to read: 38 39 The Contracting Agency will not open or consider any Proposal when the Proposal or Bid 40 deposit is received after the time specified for receipt of Proposals or received in a location 41 other than that specified for receipt of Proposals unless an emergency or unanticipated 42 event interrupts normal work processes of the Contracting Agency so that Proposals 43 cannot be received. 44 45 The following new paragraph is inserted before the last paragraph: 46 47 If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal work processes of the 48 Contracting Agency so that Proposals cannot be received at the office designated for 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 2 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 receipt of bids as specified in Section 1-02.12 the time specified for receipt of the Proposal 1 will be deemed to be extended to the same time of day specified in the solicitation on the 2 first work day on which the normal work processes of the Contracting Agency resume. 3 4 1-02.12 Public Opening of Proposals 5 This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: 6 7 If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal work processes of the 8 Contracting Agency so that Proposals cannot be opened at the time indicated in the call 9 for Bids the time specified for opening of Proposals will be deemed to be extended to the 10 same time of day on the first work day on which the normal work processes of the 11 Contracting Agency resume. 12 13 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals 14 In this section, “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” is revised to read “Underutilized 15 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise”, and “DBE” is revised to read “UDBE”. 16 17 Section 1-04, Scope of the Work 18 June 1, 2017 19 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, 20 Specifications, and Addenda 21 The following new paragraph is inserted before the second to last paragraph: 22 23 Whenever reference is made in these Specifications or the Special Provisions to codes, 24 rules, specifications, and standards, the reference shall be construed to mean the code, 25 rule, specification, or standard that is in effect on the Bid advertisement date, unless 26 otherwise stated or as required by law. 27 28 1-04.3 Reference Information 29 This section is supplemented with the following new sentence: 30 31 If a document that is provided as reference information contains material also included as 32 a part of the Contract, that portion of the document shall be considered a part of the 33 Contract and not as Reference Information. 34 35 1-04.4(2)A General 36 Item number 4 in the third paragraph is revised to read: 37 38 4. Provide substitution for deleted or reduced Condition of Award Work, Apprentice 39 Utilization and Training. 40 41 Section 1-06, Control of Material 42 August 7, 2017 43 This section is supplemented with the following new section and subsections: 44 45 1-06.6 Recycled Materials 46 The Contractor shall make their best effort to utilize recycled materials in the construction 47 of the project; the use of recycled concrete aggregate as specified in Section 1-06.6(1)A 48 is a requirement of the Contract. 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 3 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 The Contractor shall submit a Recycled Material Utilization Plan as a Type 1 Working 2 Drawing within 30 calendar days after the Contract is executed. The plan shall provide 3 the Contractor’s anticipated usage of recycled materials for meeting the requirements of 4 these Specifications. The quantity of recycled materials will be provided in tons and as a 5 percentage of the Plan quantity for each material listed in Section 9-03.21(1)E Table on 6 Maximum Allowable Percent (By Weight) of Recycled Material. When a Contract does 7 not include Work that requires the use of a material that is included in the requirements 8 for using materials the Contractor may state in their plan that no recycled materials are 9 proposed for use. 10 11 Prior to Physical Completion the Contractor shall report the quantity of recycled materials 12 that were utilized in the construction of the project for each of the items listed in Section 13 9-03.21. The report shall include hot mix asphalt, recycled concrete aggregate, recycled 14 glass, steel furnace slag and other recycled materials (e.g. utilization of on-site material 15 and aggregates from concrete returned to the supplier). The Contractor’s report shall be 16 provided on DOT Form 350-075 Recycled Materials Reporting. 17 18 1-06.6(1) Recycling of Aggregate and Concrete Materials 19 1-06.6(1)A General 20 The minimum quantity of recycled concrete aggregate shall be 25 percent of the total 21 quantity of aggregate that is incorporated into the Contract for those items listed in 22 Section 9-03.21(1)E Table on Maximum Allowable Percent (By Weight) of Recycled 23 Material that allow the use of recycled concrete aggregate. The percentage of 24 recycled material incorporated into the project for meeting the required percentage 25 will be calculated in tons based on the quantity of recycled concrete used on the 26 entire Contract and not as individual items. 27 28 If the Contractor’s total cost for Work with recycled concrete aggregate is greater 29 than without the Contractor may choose to not use recycled concrete aggregate. If 30 the Recycled Material Utilization Plan does not indicate the minimum usage of 31 recycled concrete aggregate required above, or if completed project quantities do 32 not meet the minimum usage required, the Contractor shall develop the following: 33 34 1. A cost estimate for each material listed in Section 9-03.21(1)E that is utilized 35 on the Contract. The cost estimate shall include the following: 36 37 a. The estimated costs for the Work for each material with 25 percent 38 recycled concrete aggregate. The cost estimate shall include for each 39 material a copy of the price quote from the supplier with the lowest total 40 cost for the Work. 41 42 b. The estimated costs for the Work for each material without recycled 43 concrete aggregate. 44 45 The Contractor’s cost estimates shall be submitted as an attachment to the Recycled 46 Material Utilization Plan, or with the Reporting form. 47 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 4 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 1-07, Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1 August 7, 2017 2 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed 3 The second paragraph is deleted. 4 5 In the second to last sentence of the third paragraph, “WSDOT” is revised to read “Contracting 6 Agency”. 7 8 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax: WAC 458-20-170 – Retail Sales Tax 9 The last three sentences of the first paragraph are deleted and replaced with the following 10 new sentence: 11 12 The Contractor (Prime or Subcontractor) shall include sales or use tax on the purchase 13 or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or consumable supplies not integrated into the 14 project, in the unit bid prices. 15 16 1-07.3(1) Forest Fire Prevention 17 This section is supplemented with the following new subsections: 18 19 1-07.3(1)A Fire Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan 20 The Contractor shall prepare and implement a project-specific fire prevention, control, 21 and countermeasures plan (FPCC Plan) for the duration of the project. The Contractor 22 shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing no later than the date of the preconstruction 23 conference. 24 25 1-07.3(1)A1 FPCC Plan Implementation Requirements 26 The Contractor’s FPCC Plan shall be fully implemented at all times. The Contractor 27 shall update the FPCC Plan throughout project construction so that the plan reflects 28 actual site conditions and practices. The Contractor shall update the FPCC Plan at 29 least annually and maintain a copy of the updated FPCC Plan that is available for 30 inspection on the project site. Revisions to the FPCC Plan and the Industrial Fire 31 Precaution Level (IFPL) shall be discussed at the weekly project safety meetings. 32 33 1-07.3(1)A2 FPCC Plan Element Requirements 34 The FPCC Plan shall include the following: 35 36 1. The names, titles, and contact information for the personnel responsible for 37 implementing and updating the plan. 38 39 2. The names and telephone numbers of the Federal, State, and local 40 agencies the Contractor shall notify in the event of a fire. 41 42 3. All potential fire causing activities such as welding, cutting of metal, blasting, 43 fueling operations, etc. 44 45 4. The location of fire extinguishers, water, shovels, and other firefighting 46 equipment. 47 48 5. The response procedures the Contractor shall follow in the event of a fire. 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 5 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Most of Washington State is covered under the IFPL system which, by law, is 1 managed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It is the Contractor’s 2 responsibility to be familiar with the DNR requirements and to verify whether or not 3 IFPL applies to the specific project. 4 5 If the Contractor wishes to continue a work activity that is prohibited under an 6 industrial fire precaution level, the Contractor shall obtain a waiver from the DNR and 7 provide a copy to the Engineer prior to continuation of work on the project. 8 9 If the IFPL requirements prohibit the Contractor from performing Work the Contractor 10 may be eligible for an unworkable day in accordance with Section 1-08.5. 11 12 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of these provisions at no 13 additional cost to the Contracting Agency. 14 15 1-07.8 High-Visibility Apparel 16 The last paragraph is revised to read: 17 18 High-visibility garments shall be labeled as, and in a condition compliant with the 19 ANSI/ISEA 107 (2004 or later version) and shall be used in accordance with manufacturer 20 recommendations. 21 22 1-07.8(1) Traffic Control Personnel 23 In this section, references to “ANSI/ISEA 107-2004” are revised to read “ANSI/ISEA 107”. 24 25 1-07.8(2) Non-Traffic Control Personnel 26 In this section, the reference to “ANSI/ISEA 107-2004” is revised to read “ANSI/ISEA 107”. 27 28 1-07.9(2) Posting Notices 29 Items 1 and 2 are revised to read: 30 31 1. EEOC - P/E-1 (revised 11/09, supplemented 09/15) – Equal Employment 32 Opportunity IS THE LAW published by US Department of Labor. Post for projects 33 with federal-aid funding. 34 35 2. FHWA 1022 (revised 05/15) – NOTICE Federal-Aid Project published by Federal 36 Highway Administration (FHWA). Post for projects with federal-aid funding. 37 38 Items 5, 6 and 7 are revised to read: 39 40 5. WHD 1420 (revised 02/13) – Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under The 41 Family And Medical Leave Act published by US Department of Labor. Post on all 42 projects. 43 44 6. WHD 1462 (revised 01/16) – Employee Polygraph Protection Act published by US 45 Department of Labor. Post on all projects. 46 47 7. F416-081-909 (revised 09/15) – Job Safety and Health Law published by 48 Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Post on all projects. 49 50 Items 9 and 10 are revised to read: 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 6 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 9. F700-074-909 (revised 06/13) – Your Rights as a Worker in Washington State by 1 Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). Post on all projects. 2 3 10. EMS 9874 (revised 10/15) – Unemployment Benefits published by Washington 4 State Employment Security Department. Post on all projects. 5 6 1-07.15(1) Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan 7 The second sentence of the first paragraph is deleted. 8 9 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 10 11 The SPCC Plan shall address all fuels, petroleum products, hazardous materials, and 12 other materials defined in Chapter 447 of the WSDOT Environmental Manual M 31-11. 13 14 Item number four of the fourth paragraph (up until the colon) is revised to read: 15 16 4. Potential Spill Sources – Describe each of the following for all potentially hazardous 17 materials brought or generated on-site, including but not limited to materials used for 18 equipment operation, refueling, maintenance, or cleaning: 19 20 The first sentence of item 7e of the fourth paragraph is revised to read: 21 22 BMP methods and locations where they are used to prevent discharges to ground or 23 water during mixing and transfer of hazardous materials and fuel. 24 25 The last paragraph is deleted. 26 27 Section 1-08, Prosecution and Progress 28 June 1, 2017 29 1-08.1 Subcontracting 30 The eighth and ninth paragraphs are revised to read: 31 32 On all projects, the Contractor shall certify to the actual amounts paid to all firms that were 33 used as Subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, manufacturers, regular dealers, or 34 service providers on the Contract. This includes all Disadvantaged, Minority, Small, 35 Veteran or Women’s Business Enterprise firms. This Certification shall be submitted to 36 the Engineer on a monthly basis each month between Execution of the Contract and 37 Physical Completion of the Contract using the application available at: 38 https://wsdot.diversitycompliance.com. A monthly report shall be submitted for every 39 month between Execution of the Contract and Physical Completion regardless of whether 40 payments were made or work occurred. 41 42 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of RCW 39.04.250, 39.76.011, 43 39.76.020, and 39.76.040, in particular regarding prompt payment to Subcontractors. 44 Whenever the Contractor withholds payment to a Subcontractor for any reason including 45 disputed amounts, the Contractor shall provide notice within 10 calendar days to the 46 Subcontractor with a copy to the Contracting Agency identifying the reason for the 47 withholding and a clear description of what the Subcontractor must do to have the 48 withholding released. Retainage withheld by the Contractor prior to completion of the 49 Subcontractors work is exempt from reporting as a payment withheld and is not included 50 in the withheld amount. The Contracting Agency’s copy of the notice to Subcontractor for 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 7 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 deferred payments shall be submitted to the Engineer concurrently with notification to the 1 Subcontractor. 2 3 1-08.1(1) Prompt Payment, Subcontract Completion and Return of Retainage 4 Withheld 5 In item number 5 of the first paragraph, “WSDOT” is revised to read “Contracting Agency”. 6 7 The last sentence in item number 11 of the first paragraph is revised to read: 8 9 The Contractor may also require any documentation from the Subcontractor that is 10 required by the subcontract or by the Contract between the Contractor and Contracting 11 Agency or by law such as affidavits of wages paid, and material acceptance certifications 12 to the extent that they relate to the Subcontractor’s Work. 13 14 Item number 12 of the first paragraph is revised to read: 15 16 12. If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specification and the 17 Subcontractor’s retainage or retainage bond is wrongfully withheld, the Contractor 18 will be subject to the actions described in No. 7 listed above. The Subcontractor may 19 also seek recovery against the Contractor under applicable prompt pay statutes in 20 addition to any other remedies provided for by the subcontract or by law. 21 22 1-08.5 Time for Completion 23 In item 2c of the last paragraph, “Quarterly Reports” is revised to read “Monthly Reports”. 24 25 Section 1-09, Measurement and Payment 26 April 4, 2016 27 1-09.6 Force Account 28 The second sentence of item number 4 is revised to read: 29 30 A “specialized service” is a work operation that is not typically done by worker 31 classifications as defined by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries 32 and by the Davis Bacon Act, and therefore bills by invoice for work in road, bridge and 33 municipal construction. 34 35 Section 1-10, Temporary Traffic Control 36 January 3, 2017 37 1-10.1(2) Description 38 The first paragraph is revised to read: 39 40 The Contractor shall provide flaggers and all other personnel required for labor for traffic 41 control activities that are not otherwise specified as being furnished by the Contracting 42 Agency. 43 44 In the third paragraph, “Project Engineer” is revised to read “Engineer”. 45 46 The following new paragraph is inserted after the third paragraph: 47 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 8 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 The Contractor shall keep lanes, on-ramps, and off-ramps, open to traffic at all times 1 except when Work requires closures. Ramps shall not be closed on consecutive 2 interchanges at the same time, unless approved by the Engineer. Lanes and ramps shall 3 be closed for the minimum time required to complete the Work. When paving hot mix 4 asphalt the Contractor may apply water to the pavement to shorten the time required 5 before reopening to traffic. 6 7 1-10.3(2)C Lane Closure Setup/Takedown 8 The following new paragraph is inserted before the last paragraph: 9 10 Channelization devices shall not be moved by traffic control personnel across an open 11 lane of traffic. If an existing setup or staging of traffic control devices require crossing an 12 open lane of traffic, the traffic control devices shall be taken down completely and then 13 set up in the new configuration. 14 15 Section 2-02, Removal of Structures and Obstructions 16 August 7, 2017 17 2-02.3(2)A Bridge Removal 18 This section’s title is revised to read: 19 20 Bridge and Structure Removal 21 22 Section 2-03, Roadway Excavation and Embankment 23 August 1, 2016 24 2-03.3(7)C Contractor-Provided Disposal Site 25 The second paragraph is revised to read: 26 27 The Contractor shall acquire all permits and approvals required for the use of the disposal 28 sites before any waste is hauled off the project. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 29 Working Drawing consisting of copies of the permits and approvals for any disposal sites 30 to be used. The cost of any such permits and approvals shall be included in the Bid prices 31 for other Work. 32 33 The third paragraph is deleted. 34 35 Section 2-06, Subgrade Preparation 36 January 3, 2017 37 2-06.3(2) Subgrade for Pavement 38 The second sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: 39 40 The Contractor shall compact the Subgrade to a depth of 6 inches to 95 percent of 41 maximum density as determined by the compaction control tests for granular materials. 42 43 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 9 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 3-04, Acceptance of Aggregate 1 January 3, 2017 2 3-04.5 Payment 3 In Table 1, the Contingent Unit Price Per Ton value for the item HMA Aggregate is revised 4 to read “$15.00”. 5 6 Section 4-04, Ballast and Crush Surfacing 7 January 3, 2017 8 4-04.3(5) Shaping and Compaction 9 The first sentence is revised to read: 10 11 Immediately following spreading and final shaping, each layer of surfacing shall be 12 compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum density determined by the requirements of 13 Section 2-03.3(14)D before the next succeeding layer of surfacing or pavement is placed. 14 15 Section 5-01, Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation 16 January 3, 2017 17 In this section, “portland cement” is revised to read “cement”. 18 19 5-01.2 Materials 20 In the first paragraph, the following item is inserted after the item “Joint Sealants”: 21 22 Closed Cell Foam Backer Rod 9-04.2(3)A 23 24 5-01.3(1)A Concrete Mix Designs 25 This section, including title, is revised to read: 26 27 5-01.3(1)A Mix Designs 28 The Contractor shall use either concrete patching materials or cement concrete for the 29 rehabilitation of cement concrete pavement. Concrete patching materials shall be used 30 for spall repair and dowel bar retrofitting and cement concrete shall be used for concrete 31 panel replacement. 32 33 5-01.3(1)A1 Concrete Patching Materials 34 Item number 1 is revised to read: 35 36 1. Materials – The prepackaged concrete patching material and the aggregate 37 extender shall conform to Section 9-20. 38 39 5-01.3(1)A2 Portland Cement Concrete 40 This section, including title, is revised to read: 41 42 5-01.3(1)A2 Cement Concrete for Panel Replacement 43 Cement concrete for panel replacement shall meet the requirements of Sections 5-05.3(1) 44 and 5-05.3(2) and be air entrained with a design air content of 5.5 percent. Cement 45 concrete for panel replacement may use rapid hardening hydraulic cement meeting the 46 requirements of Section 9-01.2(2). Rapid hardening hydraulic cement will be considered 47 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 10 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 a cementitious material for the purpose of calculating the water/cementitious materials 1 ratio and the minimum cementitious materials requirement. 2 3 5-01.3(1)B Equipment 4 This section’s title is revised to read: 5 6 Equipment for Panel Replacement 7 8 5-01.3(2)B Portland Cement Concrete 9 This section’s title is revised to read: 10 11 Cement Concrete for Panel Replacement 12 13 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 14 15 5-01.3(2)B1 Conformance to Mix Design 16 Acceptance of cement concrete pavement for panel replacement shall be in accordance 17 with Section 5-01.3(2)B. The cement, coarse, and fine aggregate weights shall be within 18 the tolerances of the mix design in accordance with Section 5-05.3(1). 19 20 5-01.3(2)B1 Rejection of Concrete 21 This section is renumbered as follows: 22 23 5-01.3(2)B2 Rejection of Concrete 24 25 5-01.3(4) Replace Portland Cement Concrete Panel 26 This section’s title is revised to read: 27 28 Replace Cement Concrete Panel 29 30 5-01.3(8) Sealing Existing Transverse and Longitudinal Joints 31 This section’s title is revised to read: 32 33 Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse Joint 34 35 The first paragraph is revised to read: 36 37 The Contractor shall clean and seal existing longitudinal and transverse joints where 38 shown in the Plans or as marked by the Engineer. 39 40 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 41 42 Old sealant and incompressible material shall be completely removed from the joint to the 43 depth of the new reservoir with a diamond blade saw in accordance with the detail shown 44 in the Standard Plans. 45 46 The fifth paragraph is revised to read: 47 48 Immediately prior to sealing, the cracks shall be blown clean with dry oil-free compressed 49 air. If shown in the Plans, a backer rod shall be placed at the base of the sawn reservoir. 50 The joints shall be completely dry before the sealing installation may begin. Immediately 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 11 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 following the air blowing and backer rod placement, if required, the sealant material shall 1 be installed in conformance to manufacturer’s recommendations and in accordance 2 with Section 5-05.3(8)B. 3 4 5-01.3(9) Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Grinding 5 This section’s title is revised to read: 6 7 Cement Concrete Pavement Grinding 8 9 5-01.3(11) Concrete Slurry and Grinding Residue 10 The last sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 11 12 Slurry shall not be allowed to drain into an area open to traffic, off of the paved surface, 13 into any drainage structure, water of the state, or wetlands. 14 15 The following new sentence is inserted at the end of the second paragraph: 16 17 The Contractor shall submit copies of all disposal tickets to the Engineer within 5 calendar 18 days. 19 20 5-01.4 Measurement 21 The fourth paragraph is revised to read: 22 23 Sealing existing longitudinal and transverse joint will be measured by the linear foot, 24 measured along the line of the completed joint. 25 26 5-01.5 Payment 27 The Bid item “Sealing Transverse and Longitudinal Joints”, per linear foot and the paragraph 28 following Bid item are revised to read: 29 30 “Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse Joint”, per linear foot. 31 32 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse 33 Joint”, shall be full payment for all costs to complete the Work as specified, including 34 removing incompressible material, preparing and sealing existing transverse and 35 longitudinal joints where existing transverse and longitudinal joints are cleaned and for all 36 incidentals required to complete the Work as specified. 37 38 Section 5-02, Bituminous Surface Treatment 39 April 4, 2016 40 5-02.3(2) Preparation of Roadway Surface 41 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 42 43 5-02.3(2)E Crack Sealing 44 Where shown in the Plans, seal cracks and joints in the pavement in accordance with 45 Section 5-04.3(4)A1 and the following: 46 47 1. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant. 48 49 2. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry. 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 12 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Section 5-04, Hot Mix Asphalt 2 April 3, 2017 3 This section (and all subsections) is revised to read: 4 5 This Section 5-04 is written in a style which, unless otherwise indicated, shall be 6 interpreted as direction to the Contractor. 7 8 5-04.1 Description 9 This Work consists of providing and placing one or more layers of plant-mixed hot mix 10 asphalt (HMA) on a prepared foundation or base, in accordance with these Specifications 11 and the lines, grades, thicknesses, and typical cross-sections shown in the Plans. The 12 manufacture of HMA may include warm mix asphalt (WMA) processes in accordance with 13 these Specifications. 14 15 HMA shall be composed of asphalt binder and mineral materials as required, and may 16 include reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) or reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS), mixed 17 in the proportions specified to provide a homogeneous, stable, and workable mix. 18 19 5-04.2 Materials 20 Provide materials as specified in these sections: 21 22 Asphalt Binder 9-02.1(4) 23 Cationic Emulsified Asphalt 9-02.1(6) 24 Anti-Stripping Additive 9-02.4 25 Warm Mix Asphalt Additive 9-02.5 26 Aggregates 9-03.8 27 Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 9-03.8(3)B 28 Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles (RAS) 9-03.8(3)B 29 Mineral Filler 9-03.8(5) 30 Recycled Material 9-03.21 31 Joint Sealants 9-04.2 32 Closed Cell Foam Backer Rod 9-04.2(3)A 33 34 5-04.2(1) How to Get an HMA Mix Design on the QPL 35 Comply with each of the following: 36 37 • Develop the mix design in accordance with WSDOT SOP 732. 38 39 • Develop a mix design that complies with Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6). 40 41 • Develop a mix design no more than 6 months prior to submitting it for QPL 42 evaluation. 43 44 • Submit mix designs to the WSDOT State Materials Laboratory in Tumwater, 45 including WSDOT Form 350-042. 46 47 • Include representative samples of the materials that are to be used in the 48 HMA production as part of the mix design submittal. 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 13 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 • Identify the brand, type, and percentage of anti-stripping additive in the mix 1 design submittal. 2 3 • Include with the mix design submittal a certification from the asphalt binder 4 supplier that the anti-stripping additive is compatible with the crude source 5 and the formulation of asphalt binder proposed for use in the mix design. 6 7 • Do not include warm mix asphalt (WMA) additives when developing a mix 8 design or submitting a mix design for QPL evaluation. The use of warm mix 9 asphalt (WMA) additives is not part of the process for obtaining approval for 10 listing a mix design on the QPL. Refer to Section 5-04.2(2)B. 11 12 The Contracting Agency’s basis for approving, testing, and evaluating HMA mix 13 designs for approval on the QPL is dependent on the contractual basis for 14 acceptance of the HMA mixture, as shown in Table 1. 15 16 Table 1 Basis for Contracting Agency Evaluation of HMA Mix Designs for Approval on the QPL Contractual Basis for Acceptance of HMA Mixture (see Section 5-04.3(9)) Basis for Contracting Agency Approval of Mix Design for Placement on QPL Contracting Agency Materials Testing for Evaluation of the Mix Design Statistical Evaluation WSDOT Standard Practice QC-8 The Contracting Agency will test the mix design materials for compliance with Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6). Visual Evaluation Review of Form 350-042 for compliance with Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9-03.8(6) The Contracting Agency may elect to test the mix design materials, or evaluate in accordance with WSDOT Standard Practice QC-8, at its sole discretion. 17 If the Contracting Agency approves the mix design, it will be listed on the QPL for 12 18 consecutive months. The Contracting Agency may extend the 12 month listing 19 provided the Contractor submits a certification letter to the Qualified Products 20 Engineer verifying that the aggregate source and job mix formula (JMF) gradation, 21 and asphalt binder crude source and formulation have not changed. The Contractor 22 may submit the certification no sooner than three months prior to expiration of the 23 initial 12 month mix design approval. Within 7 calendar days of receipt of the 24 Contractor’s certification, the Contracting Agency will update the QPL. The maximum 25 duration for approval of a mix design and listing on the QPL will be 24 months from 26 the date of initial approval or as approved by the Engineer. 27 28 5-04.2(1)A Mix Designs Containing RAP and/or RAS 29 Mix designs are classified by the RAP and/or RAS content as shown in Table 2. 30 31 Table 2 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 14 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Mix Design Classification Based on RAP/RAS Content RAP/RAS Classification RAP/RAS Content1 Low RAP/No RAS 0% ≤ RAP% ≤ 20% and RAS% = 0% High RAP/Any RAS 20% < RAP% ≤ Maximum Allowable RAP2 and/or 0% < RAS% ≤ Maximum Allowable RAS2 1Percentages in this table are by total weight of HMA 2See Table 4 to determine the limits on the maximum amount RAP and/or RAS. 1 5-04.2(1)A1 Low RAP/No RAS – Mix Design Submittals for Placement 2 on QPL 3 For Low RAP/No RAS mix designs, comply with the following additional 4 requirements: 5 6 1. Develop the mix design with or without the inclusion of RAP. 7 8 2. The asphalt binder grade shall be the grade indicated in the Bid 9 item name or as otherwise required by the Contract. 10 11 3. Submit samples of RAP if used in development of the mix design. 12 13 4. Testing RAP or RAS stockpiles is not required for obtaining 14 approval for placing these mix designs on the QPL. 15 16 5-04.2(1)A2 High RAP/Any RAS - Mix Design Submittals for 17 Placement on QPL 18 For High RAP/Any RAS mix designs, comply with the following additional 19 requirements: 20 21 1. For mix designs with any RAS, test the RAS stockpile (and RAP 22 stockpile if any RAP is in the mix design) in accordance with Table 23 3. 24 25 2. For High RAP mix designs with no RAS, test the RAP stockpile in 26 accordance with Table 3. 27 28 3. For mix designs with High RAP/Any RAS, construct a single 29 stockpile for RAP and a single stockpile for RAS and isolate 30 (sequester) these stockpiles from further stockpiling before 31 beginning development of the mix design. Test the RAP and RAS 32 during stockpile construction as required by item 1 and 2 above. 33 Use the test data in developing the mix design, and report the test 34 data to the Contracting Agency on WSDOT Form 350-042 as part 35 of the mix design submittal for approval on the QPL. Account for 36 the reduction in asphalt binder contributed from RAS in 37 accordance with AASHTO PP 78. Do not add to these stockpiles 38 after starting the mix design process. 39 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 15 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Table 3 Test Frequency of RAP/RAS During RAP/RAS Stockpile Construction For Approving a High RAP/Any RAS Mix Design for Placement on the QPL Test Frequency1 Test for Test Method • 1/1000 tons of RAP (minimum of 10 per mix design) and • 1/100 tons of RAS (minimum of 10 per mix design) Asphalt Binder Content and Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate FOP for AASHTO T 308 and FOP for WAQTC T 27/T 11 1“tons”, in this table, refers to tons of the reclaimed material before being incorporated into HMA. 2 4. Limit the amount of RAP and/or RAS used in a High RAP/Any RAS 3 mix design by the amount of binder contributed by the RAP and/or 4 RAS, in accordance with Table 4. 5 6 Table 4 Maximum Amount of RAP and/or RAS in HMA Mixture Maximum Amount of Binder Contributed from: RAP RAS 40%1 minus contribution of binder from RAS 20%2 1 Calculated as the weight of asphalt binder contributed from the RAP as a percentage of the total weight of asphalt binder in the mixture. 2 Calculated as the weight of asphalt binder contributed from the RAS as a percentage of the total weight of asphalt binder in the mixture. 7 5. Develop the mix design including RAP, RAS, recycling agent, and 8 new binder. 9 10 6. Extract, recover, and test the asphalt residue from the RAP and 11 RAS stockpiles to determine the percent of recycling agent and/or 12 grade of new asphalt binder needed to meet but not exceed the 13 performance grade (PG) of asphalt binder required by the 14 Contract. 15 16 a. Perform the asphalt extraction in accordance with AASHTO T 17 164 or ASTM D 2172 using reagent grade solvent. 18 19 b. Perform the asphalt recovery in accordance with AASHTO R 20 59 or ASTM D 1856. 21 22 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 16 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 c. Test the recovered asphalt residue in accordance with 1 AASHTO R 29 to determine the asphalt binder grade in 2 accordance with Section 9-02.1(4). 3 4 d. After determining the recovered asphalt binder grade, 5 determine the percent of recycling agent and/or grade of new 6 asphalt binder in accordance with ASTM D 4887. 7 8 e. Test the final blend of recycling agent, binder recovered from 9 the RAP and RAS, and new asphalt binder in accordance with 10 AASHTO R 29. The final blended binder shall meet but not 11 exceed the performance grade of asphalt binder required by 12 the Contract and comply with the requirements of Section 9-13 02.1(4). 14 15 7. Include the following test data with the mix design submittal: 16 17 a. All test data from RAP and RAS stockpile construction. 18 19 b. All data from testing the recovered and blended asphalt 20 binder. 21 22 8. Include representative samples of the following with the mix 23 design submittal: 24 25 a. RAP and RAS. 26 27 b. 150 grams of recovered asphalt residue from the RAP and 28 RAS that are to be used in the HMA production. 29 30 5-04.2(1)B Commercial HMA - Mix Design Submittal for Placement on 31 QPL 32 For HMA used in the Bid item Commercial HMA, in addition to the requirements 33 of 5-04.2(1) identify the following in the submittal: 34 35 1. Commercial HMA 36 37 2. Class of HMA 38 39 3. Performance grade of binder 40 41 4. Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL) 42 43 The Contracting Agency may elect to approve Commercial HMA mix designs 44 without evaluation. 45 46 5-04.2(1)C Mix Design Resubmittal for QPL Approval 47 Develop a new mix design and resubmit for approval on the QPL when any of 48 the following changes occur. When these occur, discontinue using the mix 49 design until after it is reapproved on the QPL. 50 51 1. Change in the source of crude petroleum used in the asphalt binder. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 17 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 2. Changes in the asphalt binder refining process. 2 3 3. Changes in additives or modifiers in the asphalt binder. 4 5 4. Changes in the anti-strip additive, brand, type or quantity. 6 7 5. Changes to the source of material for aggregate. 8 9 6. Changes to the job mix formula that exceed the amounts as described 10 in item 2 of Section 9-03.8(7), unless otherwise approved by the 11 Engineer. 12 13 7. Changes in the percentage of material from a stockpile, when such 14 changes exceed 5% of the total aggregate weight. 15 16 a. For Low RAP/No RAS mix designs developed without RAP, 17 changes to the percentage of material from a stockpile will be 18 calculated based on the total aggregate weight not including the 19 weight of RAP. 20 21 b. For Low RAP/No RAS mix designs developed with RAP, changes 22 to the percentage of material from a stockpile will be calculated 23 based on the total aggregate weight including the weight of RAP. 24 25 c. For High RAP/Any RAS mix designs, changes in the percentage 26 of material from a stockpile will be based on total aggregate weight 27 including the weight of RAP (and/or RAS when included in the 28 mixture). 29 30 Prior to making any change in the amount of RAS in an approved mix design, 31 notify the Engineer for determination of whether a new mix design is required, 32 and obtain the Engineer’s approval prior to implementing such changes. 33 34 5-04.2(2) Mix Design – Obtaining Project Approval 35 Use only mix designs listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL). Submit WSDOT 36 Form 350-041 to the Engineer to request approval to use a mix design from the QPL. 37 Changes to the job mix formula (JMF) that have been approved on other contracts 38 may be included. The Engineer may reject a request to use a mix design if production 39 of HMA using that mix design on any contract is not in compliance with Section 5-40 04.3(11)D, E, F, and G for mixture or compaction. 41 42 5-04.2(2)A Changes to the Job Mix Formula 43 The approved mix design obtained from the QPL will be considered the starting 44 job mix formula (JMF) and shall be used as the initial basis for acceptance of 45 HMA mixture, as detailed in Section 5-04.3(9). 46 47 During production the Contractor may request to adjust the JMF. Any 48 adjustments to the JMF will require approval of the Engineer and shall be made 49 in accordance with item 2 of Section 9-03.8(7). After approval by the Engineer, 50 such adjusted JMF’s shall constitute the basis for acceptance of the HMA 51 mixture. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 18 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 5-04.2(2)B Using Warm Mix Asphalt Processes 2 The Contractor may, at the Contractor’s discretion, elect to use warm mix 3 asphalt (WMA) processes for producing HMA. WMA processes include organic 4 additives, chemical additives, and foaming. The use of WMA is subject to the 5 following: 6 7 • Do not use WMA processes in the production of High RAP/Any RAS 8 mixtures. 9 • Before using WMA processes, obtain the Engineer’s approval using 10 WSDOT Form 350-076 to describe the proposed WMA process. 11 12 5-04.3 Construction Requirements 13 5-04.3(1) Weather Limitations 14 Do not place HMA for wearing course on any Traveled Way beginning October 1st 15 through March 31st of the following year, without written concurrence from the 16 Engineer. 17 18 Do not place HMA on any wet surface, or when the average surface temperatures 19 are less than those specified in Table 5, or when weather conditions otherwise 20 prevent the proper handling or finishing of the HMA. 21 22 Table 5 Minimum Surface Temperature for Paving Compacted Thickness (Feet) Wearing Course Other Courses Less than 0.10 55°F 45°F 0.10 to 0.20 45°F 35°F More than 0.20 35°F 35°F 23 5-04.3(2) Paving Under Traffic 24 These requirements apply when the Roadway being paved is open to traffic. 25 26 In hot weather, the Engineer may require the application of water to the pavement to 27 accelerate the finish rolling of the pavement and to shorten the time required before 28 reopening to traffic. 29 30 During paving operations, maintain temporary pavement markings throughout the 31 project. Install temporary pavement markings on the Roadway prior to opening to 32 traffic. Temporary pavement markings shall comply with Section 8-23. 33 34 5-04.3(3) Equipment 35 5-04.3(3)A Mixing Plant 36 Equip mixing plants as follows. 37 38 1. Use tanks for storage and preparation of asphalt binder which: 39 40 • Heat the contents by means that do not allow flame to contact the 41 contents or the tank, such as by steam or electricity. 42 43 • Heat and hold contents at the required temperatures. 44 45 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 19 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 • Continuously circulate contents to provide uniform temperature 1 and consistency during the operating period. 2 3 • Provide an asphalt binder sampling valve, in either the storage 4 tank or the supply line to the mixer. 5 6 2. Provide thermometric equipment: 7 8 • In the asphalt binder feed line near the charging valve at the mixer 9 unit, capable of detecting temperature ranges expected in the 10 HMA and in a location convenient and safe for access by 11 Inspectors. 12 13 • At the discharge chute of the drier to automatically register or 14 indicate the temperature of the heated aggregates, and situated in 15 full view of the plant operator. 16 17 3. When heating asphalt binder: 18 19 • Do not exceed the maximum temperature of the asphalt binder 20 recommended by the asphalt binder supplier. 21 22 • Avoid local variations in heating. 23 24 • Provide a continuous supply of asphalt binder to the mixer at a 25 uniform average temperature with no individual variations 26 exceeding 25°F. 27 28 4. Provide a mechanical sampler for sampling mineral materials 29 that: 30 31 • Meets the crushing or screening requirements of Section 1-05.6. 32 33 5. Provide HMA sampling equipment that complies with WSDOT 34 T168. 35 36 • Use a mechanical sampling device installed between the 37 discharge of the silo and the truck transport, approved by the 38 Engineer, or 39 40 • Platforms or devices to enable sampling from the truck transport 41 without entering the truck transport for sampling HMA. 42 43 6. Provide for setup and operation of the Contracting Agency’s field 44 testing: 45 46 • As required in Section 3-01.2(2). 47 48 7. Provide screens or a lump breaker: 49 50 • When using any RAP or any RAS, to eliminate oversize RAP or 51 RAS particles from entering the pug mill or drum mixer. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 20 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 5-04.3(3)B Hauling Equipment 2 Provide HMA hauling equipment with tight, clean, smooth metal beds and a 3 cover of canvas or other suitable material of sufficient size to protect the HMA 4 from adverse weather. Securely attach the cover to protect the HMA whenever 5 the weather conditions during the work shift include, or are forecast to include, 6 precipitation or an air temperature less than 45°F. 7 8 Prevent HMA from adhering to the hauling equipment. Spray metal beds with an 9 environmentally benign release agent. Drain excess release agent prior to filling 10 hauling equipment with HMA. Do not use petroleum derivatives or other coating 11 material that contaminate or alter the characteristics of the HMA. For hopper 12 trucks, operate the conveyer during the process of applying the release agent. 13 14 5-04.3(3)C Pavers 15 Use self-contained, power-propelled pavers provided with an internally heated 16 vibratory screed that is capable of spreading and finishing courses of HMA in 17 lane widths required by the paving section shown in the Plans. 18 19 When requested by the Engineer, provide written certification that the paver is 20 equipped with the most current equipment available from the manufacturer for 21 the prevention of segregation of the coarse aggregate particles. The certification 22 shall list the make, model, and year of the paver and any equipment that has 23 been retrofitted to the paver. 24 25 Operate the screed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations 26 and in a manner to produce a finished surface of the required evenness and 27 texture without tearing, shoving, segregating, or gouging the mixture. Provide 28 a copy of the manufacturer’s recommendations upon request by the Contracting 29 Agency. Extensions to the screed will be allowed provided they produce the 30 same results, including ride, density, and surface texture as obtained by the 31 primary screed. In the Travelled Way do not use extensions without both augers 32 and an internally heated vibratory screed. 33 34 Equip the paver with automatic screed controls and sensors for either or both 35 sides of the paver. The controls shall be capable of sensing grade from an 36 outside reference line, sensing the transverse slope of the screed, and providing 37 automatic signals that operate the screed to maintain the desired grade and 38 transverse slope. Construct the sensor so it will operate from a reference line or 39 a mat referencing device. The transverse slope controller shall be capable of 40 maintaining the screed at the desired slope within plus or minus 0.1 percent. 41 42 Equip the paver with automatic feeder controls, properly adjusted to maintain a 43 uniform depth of material ahead of the screed. 44 45 Manual operation of the screed is permitted in the construction of irregularly 46 shaped and minor areas. These areas include, but are not limited to, gore areas, 47 road approaches, tapers and left-turn channelizations. 48 49 When specified in the Contract, provide reference lines for vertical control. Place 50 reference lines on both outer edges of the Traveled Way of each Roadway. 51 Horizontal control utilizing the reference line is permitted. Automatically control 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 21 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 the grade and slope of intermediate lanes by means of reference lines or a mat 1 referencing device and a slope control device. When the finish of the grade 2 prepared for paving is superior to the established tolerances and when, in the 3 opinion of the Engineer, further improvement to the line, grade, cross-section, 4 and smoothness can best be achieved without the use of the reference line, a 5 mat referencing device may be substituted for the reference line. Substitution of 6 the device will be subject to the continued approval of the Engineer. A joint 7 matcher may be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. The reference line 8 may be removed after completion of the first course of HMA when approved by 9 the Engineer. Whenever the Engineer determines that any of these methods are 10 failing to provide the necessary vertical control, the reference lines will be 11 reinstalled by the Contractor. 12 13 Furnish and install all pins, brackets, tensioning devices, wire, and accessories 14 necessary for satisfactory operation of the automatic control equipment. 15 16 If the paving machine in use is not providing the required finish, the Engineer 17 may suspend Work as allowed by Section 1-08.6. 18 19 5-04.3(3)D Material Transfer Device or Material Transfer Vehicle 20 Use a material transfer device (MTD) or material transfer vehicle (MTV) to 21 deliver the HMA from the hauling equipment to the paving machine for any lift in 22 (or partially in) the top 0.30 feet of the pavement section used in traffic lanes. 23 However, an MTD/V is not required for HMA placed in irregularly shaped and 24 minor areas such as tapers and turn lanes, or for HMA mixture that is accepted 25 by Visual Evaluation. At the Contractor’s request the Engineer may approve 26 paving without an MTD/V; the Engineer will determine if an equitable adjustment 27 in cost or time is due. If a windrow elevator is used, the Engineer may limit the 28 length of the windrow in urban areas or through intersections. 29 30 To be approved for use, an MTV: 31 32 1. Shall be a self-propelled vehicle, separate from the hauling vehicle or 33 paver. 34 35 2. Shall not connected to the hauling vehicle or paver. 36 37 3. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a 38 windrow. 39 40 4. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to 41 placement into the paving machine. 42 43 5. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature 44 throughout the mixture. 45 46 To be approved for use, an MTD: 47 48 1. Shall be positively connected to the paver. 49 50 2. May accept HMA directly from the haul vehicle or pick up HMA from a 51 windrow. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 22 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 3. Shall mix the HMA after delivery by the hauling equipment and prior to 2 placement into the paving machine. 3 4 4. Shall mix the HMA sufficiently to obtain a uniform temperature 5 throughout the mixture. 6 7 5-04.3(3)E Rollers 8 Operate rollers in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. When 9 requested by the Engineer, provide a Type 1 Working Drawing of the 10 manufacturer’s recommendation for the use of any roller planned for use on the 11 project. Do not use rollers that crush aggregate, produce pickup or washboard, 12 unevenly compact the surface, displace the mix, or produce other undesirable 13 results. 14 15 5-04.3(4) Preparation of Existing Paved Surfaces 16 Before constructing HMA on an existing paved surface, the entire surface of the 17 pavement shall be clean. Entirely remove all fatty asphalt patches, grease drippings, 18 and other deleterious substances from the existing pavement to the satisfaction of 19 the Engineer. Thoroughly clean all pavements or bituminous surfaces of dust, soil, 20 pavement grindings, and other foreign matter. Thoroughly remove any cleaning or 21 solvent type liquids used to clean equipment spilled on the pavement before paving 22 proceeds. Fill all holes and small depressions with an appropriate class of HMA. 23 Level and thoroughly compact the surface of the patched area. 24 25 Apply a uniform coat of asphalt (tack coat) to all paved surfaces on which any course 26 of HMA is to be placed or abutted. Apply tack coat to cover the cleaned existing 27 pavement with a thin film of residual asphalt free of streaks and bare spots. Apply a 28 heavy application of tack coat to all joints. For Roadways open to traffic, limit the 29 application of tack coat to surfaces that will be paved during the same working shift. 30 Equip the spreading equipment with a thermometer to indicate the temperature of 31 the tack coat material. 32 33 Do not operate equipment on tacked surfaces until the tack has broken and cured. 34 Repair tack coat damaged by the Contractor’s operation, prior to placement of the 35 HMA. 36 37 Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, use cationic emulsified asphalt CSS-1, 38 CSS-1h, STE-1, or Performance Graded (PG) asphalt for tack coat. The CSS-1 and 39 CSS-1h may be diluted with water at a rate not to exceed one part water to one part 40 emulsified asphalt. Do not allow the tack coat material to exceed the maximum 41 temperature recommended by the asphalt supplier. 42 43 When shown in the Plans, prelevel uneven or broken surfaces over which HMA is to 44 be placed by using an asphalt paver, a motor patrol grader, or by hand raking, as 45 approved by the Engineer. 46 47 5-04.3(4)A Crack Sealing 48 5-04.3(4)A1 General 49 When the Proposal includes a pay item for crack sealing, seal all cracks ¼ 50 inch in width and greater. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 23 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Cleaning: Ensure that cracks are thoroughly clean, dry and free of all loose 1 and foreign material when filling with crack sealant material. Use a hot 2 compressed air lance to dry and warm the pavement surfaces within the 3 crack immediately prior to filling a crack with the sealant material. Do not 4 overheat pavement. Do not use direct flame dryers. Routing cracks is not 5 required. 6 7 Sand Slurry: For cracks that are to be filled with sand slurry, thoroughly mix 8 the components and pour the mixture into the cracks until full. Add additional 9 CSS-1 cationic emulsified asphalt to the sand slurry as needed for 10 workability to ensure the mixture will completely fill the crack. Strike off the 11 sand slurry flush with the existing pavement surface and allow the mixture 12 to cure. Top off cracks that were not completely filled with additional sand 13 slurry. Do not place the HMA overlay until the slurry has fully cured. 14 15 Hot Poured Sealant: For cracks that are to be filled with hot poured 16 sealant, apply the material in accordance with these requirements and the 17 manufacturer's recommendations. Furnish a Type 1 Working Drawing of the 18 manufacturer's product information and recommendations to the Engineer 19 prior to the start of work, including the manufacturer’s recommended 20 heating time and temperatures, allowable storage time and temperatures 21 after initial heating, allowable reheating criteria, and application temperature 22 range. Confine hot poured sealant material within the crack. Clean any 23 overflow of sealant from the pavement surface. If, in the opinion of the 24 Engineer, the Contractor’s method of sealing the cracks with hot poured 25 sealant results in an excessive amount of material on the pavement surface, 26 stop and correct the operation to eliminate the excess material. 27 28 5-04.3(4)A2 Crack Sealing Areas Prior to Paving 29 In areas where HMA will be placed, use sand slurry to fill the cracks. 30 31 5-04.3(4)A3 Crack Sealing Areas Not to be Paved 32 In areas where HMA will not be placed, fill the cracks as follows: 33 34 1. Cracks ¼ inch to 1 inch in width - fill with hot poured sealant. 35 36 2. Cracks greater than 1 inch in width – fill with sand slurry. 37 38 5-04.3(4)B Soil Residual Herbicide 39 Where shown in the Plans, apply one application of an approved soil residual 40 herbicide. Comply with Section 8-02.3(3)B. Complete paving within 48 hours of 41 applying the herbicide. 42 43 Use herbicide registered with the Washington State Department of Agriculture 44 for use under pavement. Before use, obtain the Engineer’s approval of the 45 herbicide and the proposed rate of application. Include the following information 46 in the request for approval of the material: 47 48 1. Brand Name of the Material, 49 50 2. Manufacturer, 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 24 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Registration Number, 1 2 4. Material Safety Data Sheet, and 3 4 5. Proposed Rate of Application. 5 6 5-04.3(4)C Pavement Repair 7 Excavate pavement repair areas and backfill these with HMA in accordance with 8 the details shown in the Plans and as staked. Conduct the excavation 9 operations in a manner that will protect the pavement that is to remain. Repair 10 pavement not designated to be removed that is damaged as a result of the 11 Contractor’s operations to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no cost to the 12 Contracting Agency. Excavate only within one lane at a time unless approved 13 otherwise by the Engineer. Do not excavate more area than can be completely 14 backfilled and compacted during the same shift. 15 16 Unless otherwise shown in the Plans or determined by the Engineer, excavate 17 to a depth of 1.0 feet. The Engineer will make the final determination of the 18 excavation depth required. 19 20 The minimum width of any pavement repair area shall be 40 inches unless 21 shown otherwise in the Plans. Before any excavation, sawcut the perimeter of 22 the pavement area to be removed unless the pavement in the pavement repair 23 area is to be removed by a pavement grinder. 24 25 Excavated materials shall be the property of the Contractor and shall be 26 disposed of in a Contractor-provided site off the Right of Way or used in 27 accordance with Sections 2-02.3(3) or 9-03.21. 28 29 Apply a heavy application of tack coat to all surfaces of existing pavement in the 30 pavement repair area, in accordance with Section 5-04.3(4). 31 32 Place the HMA backfill in lifts not to exceed 0.35-foot compacted depth. 33 Thoroughly compact each lift by a mechanical tamper or a roller. 34 35 5-04.3(5) Producing/Stockpiling Aggregates, RAP, & RAS 36 Produce aggregate in compliance with Section 3-01. Comply with Section 3-02 37 for preparing stockpile sites, stockpiling, and removing from stockpile each of 38 the following: aggregates, RAP, and RAS. Provide sufficient storage space for 39 each size of aggregate, RAP and RAS. Fine aggregate or RAP may be uniformly 40 blended with the RAS as a method of preventing the agglomeration of RAS 41 particles. Remove the aggregates, RAP and RAS from stockpile(s) in a manner 42 that ensures minimal segregation when being moved to the HMA plant for 43 processing into the final mixture. Keep different aggregate sizes separated until 44 they have been delivered to the HMA plant. 45 46 5-04.3(5)A Stockpiling RAP or RAS for High RAP/Any RAS Mixes 47 Do not place any RAP or RAS into a stockpile which has been sequestered 48 for a High RAP/Any RAS mix design. Do not incorporate any RAP or RAS 49 into a High RAP/Any RAS mixture from any source other than the stockpile 50 which was sequestered for approval of that particular High RAP/Any RAS 51 mix design. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 25 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 RAP that is used in a Low RAP/No RAS mix is not required to come from a 2 sequestered stockpile. 3 4 5-04.3(6) Mixing 5 The asphalt supplier shall introduce anti-stripping additive, in the amount 6 designated on the QPL for the mix design, into the asphalt binder prior to 7 shipment to the asphalt mixing plant. 8 9 Anti-strip is not required for temporary work that will be removed prior to Physical 10 Completion. 11 12 Use asphalt binder of the grade, and from the supplier, in the approved mix 13 design. 14 15 Prior to introducing reclaimed materials into the asphalt plant, remove wire, 16 nails, and other foreign material. Discontinue use of the reclaimed material if the 17 Engineer, in their sole discretion, determines the wire, nails, or other foreign 18 material to be excessive. 19 20 Size RAP and RAS prior to entering the mixer to provide uniform and thoroughly 21 mixed HMA. If there is evidence of the RAP or RAS not breaking down during 22 the heating and mixing of the HMA, immediately suspend the use of the RAP or 23 RAS until changes have been approved by the Engineer. 24 25 After the required amount of mineral materials, RAP, RAS, new asphalt binder 26 and recycling agent have been introduced into the mixer, mix the HMA until 27 complete and uniform coating of the particles and thorough distribution of the 28 asphalt binder throughout the mineral materials, RAP and RAS is ensured. 29 30 Upon discharge from the mixer, ensure that the temperature of the HMA does 31 not exceed the optimum mixing temperature shown on the approved Mix Design 32 Report by more than 25°F, or as approved by the Engineer. When a WMA 33 additive is included in the manufacture of HMA, do not heat the WMA additive 34 (at any stage of production including in binder storage tanks) to a temperature 35 higher than the maximum recommended by the manufacturer of the WMA 36 additive. 37 38 A maximum water content of 2 percent in the mix, at discharge, will be allowed 39 providing the water causes no problems with handling, stripping, or flushing. If 40 the water in the HMA causes any of these problems, reduce the moisture 41 content. 42 43 During the daily operation, HMA may be temporarily held in approved storage 44 facilities. Do not incorporate HMA into the Work that has been held for more than 45 24 hours after mixing. Provide an easily readable, low bin-level indicator on the 46 storage facility that indicates the amount of material in storage. Waste the HMA 47 in storage when the top level of HMA drops below the top of the cone of the 48 storage facility, except as the storage facility is being emptied at the end of the 49 working shift. Dispose of rejected or waste HMA at no expense to the 50 Contracting Agency. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 26 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 5-04.3(7) Spreading and Finishing 1 Do not exceed the maximum nominal compacted depth of any layer in any 2 course, as shown in Table 6, unless approved by the Engineer: 3 4 Table 6 Maximum Nominal Compacted Depth of Any Layer HMA Class Wearing Course Other than Wearing Course 1 inch 0.35 feet 0.35 feet ¾ and ½ inch 0.30 feet 0.35 feet 3⁄8 inch 0.15 feet 0.15 feet 5 Use HMA pavers complying with Section 5-04.3(3) to distribute the mix. On 6 areas where irregularities or unavoidable obstacles make the use of mechanical 7 spreading and finishing equipment impractical, the paving may be done with 8 other equipment or by hand. 9 10 When more than one JMF is being utilized to produce HMA, place the material 11 produced for each JMF with separate spreading and compacting equipment. Do 12 not intermingle HMA produced from more than one JMF. Each strip of HMA 13 placed during a work shift shall conform to a single JMF established for the class 14 of HMA specified unless there is a need to make an adjustment in the JMF. 15 16 5-04.3(8) Aggregate Acceptance Prior to Incorporation in HMA 17 Sample aggregate for meeting the requirements of Section 3-04 prior to being 18 incorporated into HMA. (The acceptance data generated for the Section 3-04 19 acceptance analysis will not be commingled with the acceptance data generated 20 for the Section 5-04.3(9) acceptance analysis.) Aggregate acceptance samples 21 shall be taken as described in Section 3-04. Aggregate acceptance testing will 22 be performed by the Contracting Agency. Aggregate contributed from RAP 23 and/or RAS will not be evaluated under Section 3-04. 24 25 For aggregate that will be used in HMA mixture which will be accepted by 26 Statistical Evaluation, the Contracting Agency’s acceptance of the aggregate 27 will be based on: 28 29 1. Samples taken prior to mixing with asphalt binder, RAP, or RAS; 30 31 2. Testing for the materials properties of fracture, uncompacted void 32 content, and sand equivalent; 33 34 3. Evaluation by the Contracting Agency in accordance with Section 3-04, 35 including price adjustments as described therein. 36 37 For aggregate that will be used in HMA which will be accepted by Visual 38 Evaluation, evaluation in accordance with items 1, 2, and 3 above is at the 39 discretion of the Engineer. 40 41 5-04.3(9) HMA Mixture Acceptance 42 The Contracting Agency will evaluate HMA mixture for acceptance by one of two 43 methods as determined from the criteria in Table 7. 44 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 27 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Table 7 Basis of Acceptance for HMA Mixture Visual Evaluation Statistical Evaluation Criteria for Selecting the Evaluation Method · Commercial HMA placed at any location · Any HMA placed in: o sidewalks o road approaches o ditches o slopes o paths o trails o gores o prelevel o temporary pavement1 o pavement repair · Other nonstructural applications of HMA as approved by the Engineer · All HMA mixture other than that accepted by Visual Evaluation 1 Temporary pavement is HMA that will be removed before Physical Completion of the Contract. 2 5-04.3(9)A Test Sections 3 This Section applies to HMA mixture accepted by Statistical Evaluation. A 4 test section is not allowed for HMA accepted by Visual Evaluation. 5 6 The purpose of a test section is to determine whether or not the Contractor’s 7 mix design and production processes will produce HMA meeting the 8 Contract requirements related to mixture. Construct HMA mixture test 9 sections at the beginning of paving, using at least 600 tons and a maximum 10 of 1,000 tons or as specified by the Engineer. Each test section shall be 11 constructed in one continuous operation. 12 13 5-04.3(9)A1 Test Section – When Required, When to Stop 14 Use Tables 8 and 9 to determine when a test section is required, 15 optional, or not allowed, and to determine when performing test 16 sections may end. Each mix design will be evaluated independently for 17 the test section requirements. If more than one test section is required, 18 each test section shall be evaluated separately by the criteria in table 19 8 and 9. 20 21 Table 8 Criteria for Conducting and Evaluating HMA Mixture Test Sections (For HMA Mixture Accepted by Statistical Evaluation) High RAP/Any RAS Low RAP/No RAS NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 28 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Is Mixture Test Section Optional or Mandatory? Mandatory1 At Contractor’s Option Waiting period after paving the test section. 4 calendar days2 4 calendar days2 What Must Happen to Stop Performing Test Sections? Meet “Results Required to Stop Performing Test Sections” in Table 9 for High RAP/Any RAS. Provide samples and respond to WSDOT test results required by Table 9 for Low RAP/No RAS. 1If a mix design has produced an acceptable test section on a previous contract (paved in the same calendar year, from the same plant, using the same JMF) the test section may be waived if approved by the Engineer. 2This is to provide time needed by the Contracting Agency to complete testing and the Contractor to adjust the mixture in response to those test results. Paving may resume when this is done. 1 Table 9 Results Required to Stop Performing HMA Mixture Test Sections1 (For HMA Mixture Accepted by Statistical Evaluation) Test Property Type of HMA High RAP/Any RAS Low RAP/No RAS Gradation Minimum PFi of 0.95 based on the criteria in Section 5- 04.3(9)B42 None4 Asphalt Binder Minimum PFi of 0.95 based on the criteria in Section 5- 04.3(9)B42 None4 Va Minimum PFi of 0.95 based on the criteria in Section 5- 04.3(9)B42 None4 Hamburg Wheel Track Indirect Tensile Strength Meet requirements of Section 9- 03.8(2).3 These tests will not be done as part of Test Section. Aggregates Sand Equivalent Uncompacted Void Content Fracture Nonstatistical Evaluation in accordance with the requirements of Section 3-043 None3 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 29 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1In addition to the requirements of this table, acceptance of the HMA mixture used in each test section is subject to the acceptance criteria and price adjustments for Statistical Evaluation (see Table 9a). 2Divide the test section lot into three sublots, approximately equal in size. Take one sample from each sublot, and test each sample for the property in the first column. 3Take one sample for each test section lot. Test the sample for the properties in the first column. 4Divide the test section lot into three sublots, approximately equal in size. Take one sample from each sublot, and test each sample for the property in the first column. There are no criteria for discontinuing test sections for these mixes; however, the contractor must comply with Section 5-04.3(11)F before resuming paving. 1 5-04.3(9)A2 Test Section – Evaluating the HMA Mixture in a Test 2 Section 3 The Engineer will evaluate the HMA mixture in each test section for 4 rejection, acceptance, and price adjustments based on the criteria in 5 Table 9a using the data generated from the testing required by Table 9. 6 Each test section shall be considered a separate lot. 7 8 Table 9a Acceptance Criteria for HMA Mixture Placed in a Test Section (For HMA Mixture Accepted by Statistical Evaluation) Test Property Type of HMA High RAP/Any RAS Low RAP/No RAS Gradation Asphalt Binder Va Statistical Evaluation Statistical Evaluation Hamburg Wheel Track Indirect Tensile Strength Pass/Fail for the requirements of Section 9-03.8(2)1 N/A HMA Aggregate Sand Equivalent Uncompacted Void Content Nonstatistical Evaluation in accordance with the requirements of Section 3-04 Nonstatistical Evaluation in accordance with the requirements of Section 3-04 1Failure to meet the specifications for Hamburg and/or IDT will cause the mixture in the test section to be rejected. Refer to Section 5-04.3(11). 9 5-04.3(9)B Mixture Acceptance – Statistical Evaluation 10 5-04.3(9)B1 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Lots and Sublots 11 HMA mixture which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation will be 12 evaluated by the Contracting Agency dividing that HMA tonnage into 13 mixture lots, and each mixture lot will be evaluated using stratified 14 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 30 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 random sampling by the Contracting Agency sub-dividing each mixture 1 lot into mixture sublots. All mixture in a mixture lot shall be of the same 2 mix design. The mixture sublots will be numbered in the order in which 3 the mixture (of a particular mix design) is paved. 4 5 Each mixture lot comprises a maximum of 15 mixture sublots, except: 6 7 • The final mixture lot of each mix design on the Contract will 8 comprise a maximum of 25 sublots. 9 • A mixture lot for a test section will consist of three sublots. 10 11 Each mixture sublot shall be approximately uniform in size with the 12 maximum mixture sublot size as specified in Table 10. The quantity of 13 material represented by the final mixture sublot of the project, for each 14 mix design on the project, may be increased to a maximum of two times 15 the mixture sublot quantity calculated. 16 17 Table 10 Maximum HMA Mixture Sublot Size For HMA Accepted by Statistical Evaluation HMA Original Plan Quantity (tons)1 Maximum Sublot Size (tons)2 < 20,000 1,000 20,000 to 30,000 1,500 >30,000 2,000 1 “Plan quantity” means the plan quantity of all HMA of the same class and binder grade which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation. 2 The maximum sublot size for each combination of HMA class and binder grade shall be calculated separately. 18 • For a mixture lot in progress with a mixture CPF less than 19 0.75, a new mixture lot will begin at the Contractor’s request 20 after the Engineer is satisfied that material conforming to the 21 Specifications can be produced. See also Section 5-22 04.3(11)F. 23 24 • If, before completing a mixture lot, the Contractor requests a 25 change to the JMF which is approved by the Engineer, the 26 mixture produced in that lot after the approved change will be 27 evaluated on the basis of the changed JMF, and the mixture 28 produced in that lot before the approved change will be 29 evaluated on the basis of the unchanged JMF; however, the 30 mixture before and after the change will be evaluated in the 31 same lot. Acceptance of subsequent mixture lots will be 32 evaluated on the basis of the changed JMF. 33 34 5-04.3(9)B2 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Sampling 35 Comply with Section 1-06.2(1). 36 37 Samples of HMA mixture which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation 38 will be randomly selected from within each sublot, with one sample per 39 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 31 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 sublot. The Engineer will determine the random sample location using 1 WSDOT Test Method T 716. The Contractor shall obtain the sample 2 when ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall sample the HMA 3 mixture in the presence of the Engineer and in accordance with FOP 4 for WAQTC T 168. 5 6 5-04.3(9)B3 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Acceptance Testing 7 Comply with Section 1-06.2(1). 8 9 The Contracting Agency will test the mixture sample from each sublot 10 (including sublots in a test section) for the properties shown in Table 11 11. 12 13 Table 11 Testing Required for each HMA Mixture Sublot Test Procedure Performed by Va WSDOT SOP 731 Engineer Asphalt Binder Content FOP for AASHTO T 308 Engineer Gradation: Percent Passing 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″, No. 4, No. 8, No. 200 FOP for WAQTC T 27/T 11 Engineer 14 The mixture samples and tests taken for the purpose of determining 15 acceptance of the test section (as described in Section 5-04.3(9)A) 16 shall also be used as the test results for acceptance of the mixture 17 described in 5-04.3(9)B3, 5-04.3(9)B4, 5-04.3(9)B5, and 5-04.3(9)B6. 18 19 5-04.3(9)B4 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Pay Factors 20 Comply with Section 1-06.2(2). 21 22 The Contracting Agency will determine a pay factor (PFi) for each of 23 the properties in Table 11, for each mixture lot, using the quality level 24 analysis in Section 1-06.2(2)D. For Gradation, a pay factor will be 25 calculated for each of the sieve sizes listed in Table 11 which is equal 26 to or smaller than the maximum allowable aggregate size (100 percent 27 passing sieve) of the HMA mixture. The USL and LSL shall be 28 calculated using the Job Mix Formula Tolerances (for Statistical 29 Evaluation) in Section 9-03.8(7). 30 31 If a constituent is not measured in accordance with these 32 Specifications, its individual pay factor will be considered 1.00 in 33 calculating the Composite Pay Factor (CPF). 34 35 5-04.3(9)B5 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Composite Pay 36 Factors (CPF) 37 Comply with Section 1-06.2(2). 38 39 In accordance with Section 1-06.2(2)D4, the Contracting Agency will 40 determine a Composite Pay Factor (CPF) for each mixture lot from the 41 pay factors calculated in Section 5-04.3(9)B4, using the price 42 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 32 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 adjustment factors in Table 12. Unless otherwise specified, the 1 maximum CPF for HMA mixture shall be 1.05. 2 3 Table 12 HMA Mixture Price Adjustment Factors Constituent Factor “f” All aggregate passing: 1½″, 1″, ¾″, ½″, ⅜″ and No.4 sieves 2 All aggregate passing No. 8 sieve 15 All aggregate passing No. 200 sieve 20 Asphalt binder 40 Air Voids (Va) 20 4 5-04.3(9)B6 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Price Adjustments 5 For each HMA mixture lot, a Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will 6 be determined and applied, as follows: 7 8 JMCPA = [0.60 x (CPF – 1.00)] x Q x UP 9 10 Where 11 12 JMCPA = Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment for a given lot of 13 mixture ($) 14 CPF = Composite Pay factor for a given lot of mixture 15 (maximum is 1.05) 16 Q = Quantity in a given lot of mixture (tons) 17 UP = Unit price of the HMA in a given lot of mixture ($/ton) 18 19 5-04.3(9)B7 Mixture Statistical Evaluation – Retests 20 The Contractor may request that a mixture sublot be retested. To 21 request a retest, submit a written request to the Contracting Agency 22 within 7 calendar days after the specific test results have been posted 23 to the website or emailed to the Contractor, whichever occurs first. The 24 Contracting Agency will send a split of the original acceptance sample 25 for testing by the Contracting Agency to either the Region Materials 26 Laboratory or the State Materials Laboratory as determined by the 27 Engineer. The Contracting Agency will not test the split of the sample 28 with the same equipment or by the same tester that ran the original 29 acceptance test. The sample will be tested for a complete gradation 30 analysis, asphalt binder content, and Va, and the results of the retest 31 will be used for the acceptance of the HMA mixture in place of the 32 original mixture sublot sample test results. The cost of testing will be 33 deducted from any monies due or that may come due the Contractor 34 under the Contract at the rate of $250 per sample. 35 36 5-04.3(9)C Vacant 37 38 5-04.3(9)D Mixture Acceptance – Visual Evaluation 39 Visual Evaluation of HMA mixture will be by visual inspection by the 40 Engineer or, in the sole discretion of the Engineer, the Engineer may sample 41 and test the mixture. 42 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 33 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 5-04.3(9)D1 Mixture Visual Evaluation – Lots, Sampling, Testing, 2 Price Adjustments 3 HMA mixture accepted by Visual Evaluation will not be broken into lots 4 unless the Engineer determines that testing is required. When that 5 occurs, the Engineer will identify the limits of the questionable HMA 6 mixture, and that questionable HMA mixture shall constitute a lot. Then, 7 the Contractor will take samples from the truck, or the Engineer will 8 take core samples from the roadway at a minimum of three random 9 locations from within the lot, selected in accordance with WSDOT Test 10 Method T 716, taken from the roadway in accordance with WSDOT 11 SOP 734, and tested in accordance with WSDOT SOP 737. The 12 Engineer will test one of the samples for all constituents in Section 5-13 04.3(9)B3. If all constituents from that test fall within the Job Mix 14 Formula Tolerances (for Visual Evaluation) in Section 9-03.8(7), the lot 15 will be accepted at the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. 16 17 When one or more constituents fall outside those tolerance limits, the 18 other samples will be tested for all constituents in Section 5-04.3(9)B3, 19 and a Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment will be calculated in 20 accordance with Table 13. 21 22 Table 13 Visual Evaluation – Out of Tolerance Procedures Comply with the Following Pay Factors1 Section 5-04.3(9)B4 Composite Pay Factors2 Section 5-04.3(9)B5 Price Adjustments Section 5-04.3(9)B6 1The Visual Evaluation tolerance limits in Section 9-03.8(7) will be used in the calculation of the PFi. 2The maximum CPF shall be 1.00. 23 5-04.3(9)E Mixture Acceptance – Notification of Acceptance Test 24 Results 25 The results of all mixture acceptance testing and the Composite Pay Factor 26 (CPF) of the lot after three sublots have been tested will be available to the 27 Contractor through The Contracting Agency’s website. 28 29 The Contracting Agency will endeavor to provide written notification (via 30 email to the Contractor’s designee) of acceptance test results through its 31 web-based materials testing system Statistical Analysis of Materials (SAM) 32 within 24 hours of the sample being made available to the Contracting 33 Agency. However, the Contractor agrees: 34 35 1. Quality control, defined as the system used by the Contractor to 36 monitor, assess, and adjust its production processes to ensure 37 that the final HMA mixture will meet the specified level of quality, 38 is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 39 40 2. The Contractor has no right to rely on any testing performed by the 41 Contracting Agency, nor does the Contractor have any right to rely 42 on timely notification by the Contracting Agency of the Contracting 43 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 34 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Agency’s test results (or statistical analysis thereof), for any part 1 of quality control and/or for making changes or correction to any 2 aspect of the HMA mixture. 3 4 3. The Contractor shall make no claim for untimely notification by the 5 Contracting Agency of the Contracting Agency’s test results or 6 statistical analysis. 7 8 5-04.3(10) HMA Compaction Acceptance 9 For all HMA, the Contractor shall comply with the General Compaction 10 Requirements in Section 5-04.3(10)A. The Contracting Agency will evaluate all 11 HMA for compaction compliance with one of the following - Statistical Evaluation, 12 Visual Evaluation, or Test Point Evaluation - determined by the criteria in Table 13 14: 14 15 Table 14 Criteria for Determining Method of Evaluation for HMA Compaction1 Statistical Evaluation of HMA Compaction is Required For: Visual Evaluation of HMA Compaction is Required For: Test Point Evaluation of HMA Compaction is Required For: · Any HMA for which the specified course thickness is greater than 0.10 feet, and the HMA is in: o traffic lanes, including but not limited to: · ramp lanes · truck climbing lanes · weaving lanes · speed change lanes · “HMA for Preleveling]” · “HMA for Pavement Repair]” · Any HMA not meeting the criteria for Statistical Evaluation or Visual Evaluation 1This table applies to all HMA, and shall be the sole basis for determining the acceptance method for compaction. 16 The Contracting Agency may, at its sole discretion, evaluate any HMA for 17 compliance with the Cyclic Density requirements of Section 5-04.3(10)B. 18 19 5-04.3(10)A HMA Compaction – General Compaction Requirements 20 Immediately after the HMA has been spread and struck off, and after 21 surface irregularities have been adjusted, thoroughly and uniformly 22 compact the mix. The completed course shall be free from ridges, ruts, 23 humps, depressions, objectionable marks, and irregularities and shall 24 conform to the line, grade, and cross-section shown in the Plans. If 25 necessary, alter the JMF in accordance with Section 9-03.8(7) to achieve 26 desired results. 27 28 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 35 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Compact the mix when it is in the proper condition so that no undue 1 displacement, cracking, or shoving occurs. Compact areas inaccessible to 2 large compaction equipment by mechanical or hand tampers. Remove HMA 3 that becomes loose, broken, contaminated, shows an excess or deficiency 4 of asphalt, or is in any way defective. Replace the removed material with 5 new HMA, and compact it immediately to conform to the surrounding area. 6 7 The type of rollers to be used and their relative position in the compaction 8 sequence shall generally be the Contractor’s option, provided the specified 9 densities are attained. An exception shall be that pneumatic tired rollers 10 shall be used for compaction of the wearing course beginning October 1st 11 of any year through March 31st of the following year. Coverage with a steel 12 wheel roller may precede pneumatic tired rolling. Unless otherwise 13 approved by the Engineer, operate rollers in the static mode when the 14 internal temperature of the mix is less than 175°F. Regardless of mix 15 temperature, do not operate a roller in a mode that results in checking or 16 cracking of the mat. 17 18 On bridge decks and on the five feet of roadway approach immediately 19 adjacent to the end of bridge/back of pavement seat, operate rollers in static 20 mode only. 21 22 5-04.3(10)B HMA Compaction – Cyclic Density 23 Low cyclic density areas are defined as spots or streaks in the pavement 24 that are less than 90 percent of the theoretical maximum density. At the 25 Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer may evaluate the HMA pavement for 26 low cyclic density, and when doing so will follow W SDOT SOP 733. A $500 27 Cyclic Density Price Adjustment will be assessed for any 500-foot section 28 with two or more density readings below 90 percent of the theoretical 29 maximum density. 30 31 5-04.3(10)C HMA Compaction Acceptance – Statistical Evaluation 32 HMA compaction which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation will be based 33 on acceptance testing performed by the Contracting Agency, and statistical 34 analysis of those acceptance tests results. This will result in a Compaction 35 Price Adjustment. 36 37 5-04.3(10)C1 HMA Compaction Statistical Evaluation – Lots and 38 Sublots 39 HMA compaction which is accepted by Statistical Evaluation will be 40 evaluated by the Contracting Agency dividing the project into 41 compaction lots, and each compaction lot will be evaluated using 42 stratified random sampling by the Contracting Agency sub-dividing 43 each compaction lot into compaction sublots. All mixture in any 44 individual compaction lot shall be of the same mix design. The 45 compaction sublots will be numbered in the order in which the mixture 46 (of a particular mix design) is paved. 47 48 Each compaction lot comprises a maximum of 15 compaction sublots, 49 except for the final compaction lot of each mix design on the Contract, 50 which comprises a maximum of 25 sublots. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 36 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Each compaction sublot shall be uniform in size as shown in Table 15, 1 except that the last compaction sublot of each day may be increased 2 to a maximum of two times the compaction sublot quantity calculated. 3 Minor variations in the size of any sublot shall not be cause to invalidate 4 the associated test result. 5 6 Table 15 HMA Compaction Sublot Size HMA Original Plan Quantity (tons)1 Compaction Sublot Size (tons) <20,000 100 20,000 to 30,000 150 >30,000 200 1 In determining the plan quantity tonnage, do not include any tons accepted by test point evaluation. 7 The following will cause one compaction lot to end prematurely and a 8 new compaction lot to begin: 9 10 • For a compaction lot in progress with a compaction CPF less 11 than 0.75, a new compaction lot will begin at the Contractor’s 12 request after the Engineer is satisfied that material 13 conforming to the Specifications can be produced. See also 14 Section 5-04.3(11)F. 15 16 All HMA which is paved on a bridge and accepted for compaction by 17 Statistical Evaluation will compose a bridge compaction lot. If the 18 contract includes such HMA on more than one bridge, compaction will 19 be evaluated on each bridge individually, as separate bridge 20 compaction lots. 21 22 Bridge compaction sublots will be determined by the Engineer subject 23 to the following: 24 25 • All sublots on a given bridge will be approximately the same 26 size. 27 28 • Sublots will be stratified from the lot. 29 30 • In no case will there be less than 3 sublots in each bridge 31 compaction lot. 32 33 • No sublot will exceed 50 tons. 34 35 • Compaction test locations will be determined by the Engineer 36 in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T716. 37 38 5-04.3(10)C2 HMA Compaction Statistical Evaluation – 39 Acceptance Testing 40 Comply with Section 1-06.2(1). 41 42 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 37 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 The location of HMA compaction acceptance tests will be randomly 1 selected by the Contracting Agency from within each sublot, with one 2 test per sublot. The Contracting Agency will determine the random 3 sample location using WSDOT Test Method T 716. 4 5 Use Table 16 to determine compaction acceptance test procedures and 6 to allocate compaction acceptance sampling and testing 7 responsibilities between the Contractor and the Contracting Agency. 8 HMA cores shall be taken or nuclear density testing shall occur after 9 completion of the finish rolling, prior to opening to traffic, and on the 10 same day that the mix is placed. 11 12 Table 16 HMA Compaction Acceptance Testing Procedures and Responsibilities When Contract Includes Bid Item “HMA Core – Roadway” or “HMA Core – Bridge”4 When Contract Does Not Include Bid Item “HMA Core – Roadway” or “HMA Core – Bridge”4 Basis for Test: Cores Cores3 Nuclear Density Gauge3 In-Place Density Determined by: Contractor shall take cores1 using WSDOT SOP 7342 Contracting Agency will determine core density using FOP for AASHTO T 166 Contracting Agency will take cores1 using WSDOT SOP 734 Contracting Agency will determine core density using FOP for AASHTO T 166 Contracting Agency, using WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 355 Theoretical Maximum Density Determined by: Contracting Agency, using FOP for AASHTO T 209 Rolling Average of Theoretical Maximum Densities Determined by: Contracting Agency, using WSDOT SOP 729 Percent Compaction in Each Sublot Determined by: Contracting Agency, using WSDOT SOP 736 Contracting Agency, using WSDOT SOP 736 Contracting Agency, using WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 355 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 38 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1The core diameter shall be 4-inches unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2The Contractor shall take the core samples in the presence of the Engineer, at locations designated by the Engineer, and deliver the core samples to the Contracting Agency. 3The Contracting Agency will determine, in its sole discretion, whether it will take cores or use the nuclear density gauge to determine in- place density. Exclusive reliance on cores for density acceptance is generally intended for small paving projects and is not intended as a replacement for nuclear gauge density testing on typical projects. 4The basis for test of all compaction sublots in a bridge compaction lot shall be cores. These cores shall be taken by the Contractor when the Proposal includes the bid item “HMA Cores – Bridge”. When there is no bid item for “HMA Cores – Bridge”, the Engineer will be responsible for taking HMA cores for all compaction sublots in a bridge compaction lot. In either case, the Engineer will determine core location, in-place density of the core, theoretical maximum density, rolling average of theoretical maximum density, and percent compaction using the procedure called for in this Section. 1 When using the nuclear density gauge for acceptance testing of 2 pavement density, the Engineer will follow WSDOT SOP 730 for 3 correlating the nuclear gauge with HMA cores. When cores are 4 required for the correlation, coring and testing will be by the Contracting 5 Agency. When a core is taken for gauge correlation at the location of a 6 sublot, the relative density of the core will be used for the sublot test 7 result and is exempt from retesting. 8 9 5-04.3(10)C3 HMA Statistical Compaction – Price Adjustments 10 For each HMA compaction lot (that is accepted by Statistical 11 Evaluation) which has less than three compaction sublots, for which all 12 compaction sublots attain a minimum of 91 percent compaction 13 determined in accordance with WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 355 (or 14 WSDOT SOP 736 when provided by the Contract), the HMA will be 15 accepted at the unit Contract price with no further evaluation. 16 17 For each HMA compaction lot (that is accepted by Statistical 18 Evaluation) which does not meet the criteria in the preceding 19 paragraph, the compaction lot shall be evaluated in accordance with 20 Section 1-06.2(2) to determine the appropriate Compaction Price 21 Adjustment (CPA). All of the test results obtained from the acceptance 22 samples from a given compaction lot shall be evaluated collectively. 23 Additional testing by either a nuclear density gauge or cores will be 24 completed as required to provide a minimum of three tests for 25 evaluation. 26 27 For the statistical analysis in Section 1-06.2, use the following values: 28 29 x = Percent compaction of each sublot 30 USL = 100 31 LSL= 91 32 33 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 39 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Each CPA will be determined as follows: 1 2 CPA = [0.40 x (CPF – 1.00)] x Q x UP 3 4 Where 5 6 CPA = Compaction Price Adjustment for the compaction lot ($) 7 CPF = Composite Pay Factor for the compaction lot (maximum 8 is 1.05) 9 Q = Quantity in the compaction lot (tons) 10 UP = Unit price of the HMA in the compaction lot ($/ton) 11 12 5-04.3(10)C4 HMA Statistical Compaction – Requests for 13 Retesting 14 For a compaction sublot that has been tested with a nuclear density 15 gauge that did not meet the minimum of 91 percent of the theoretical 16 maximum density in a compaction lot with a CPF below 1.00 and thus 17 subject to a price reduction or rejection, the Contractor may request 18 that a core, taken at the same location as the nuclear density test, be 19 used for determination of the relative density of the compaction sublot. 20 The relative density of the core will replace the relative density 21 determined by the nuclear density gauge for the compaction sublot and 22 will be used for calculation of the CPF and acceptance of HMA 23 compaction lot. When cores are taken by the Contracting Agency at the 24 request of the Contractor, they shall be requested by noon of the next 25 workday after the test results for the compaction sublot have been 26 provided or made available to the Contractor. Traffic control shall be 27 provided by the Contractor as requested by the Engineer. Failure by 28 the Contractor to provide the requested traffic control will result in 29 forfeiture of the request for retesting. When the CPF for the compaction 30 lot based on the results of the cores is less than 1.00, the Contracting 31 Agency will deduct the cost for the coring from any monies due or that 32 may become due the Contractor under the Contract at the rate of $200 33 per core and the Contractor shall pay for the cost of the traffic control. 34 35 5-04.3(10)D HMA Compaction – Visual Evaluation 36 Visual Evaluation will be the basis of acceptance for compaction of the Bid 37 items “HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ PG ___”and “HMA for Prelevelling 38 Class___ PG___”. This HMA shall be thoroughly compacted to the 39 satisfaction of the Engineer. HMA that is used to prelevel wheel ruts shall 40 be compacted with a pneumatic tire roller. 41 42 5-04.3(10)E HMA Compaction – Test Point Evaluation 43 When compaction acceptance is by Test Point Evaluation, compact HMA 44 based on a test point evaluation of the compaction train. Perform the test 45 point evaluation in accordance with instructions from the Engineer. The 46 number of passes with an approved compaction train, required to attain the 47 maximum test point density, shall be used on all subsequent paving. 48 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 40 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 5-04.3(10)F HMA Compaction Acceptance – Notification of 1 Acceptance Test Results 2 The obligations and responsibilities for notifying the Contractor of 3 compaction acceptance test results are the same as for mixture acceptance 4 test results. See Section 5-04.3(9)E. 5 6 5-04.3(11) Reject Work 7 This Section applies to HMA and all requirements related to HMA (except 8 aggregates prior to being incorporated into HMA). For rejection of aggregate 9 prior to its incorporation into HMA refer to Section 3-04. 10 11 5-04.3(11)A Reject Work – General 12 Work that is defective or does not conform to Contract requirements shall 13 be rejected. The Contractor may propose, in writing, alternatives to removal 14 and replacement of rejected material. Acceptability of such alternative 15 proposals will be determined at the sole discretion of the Engineer. 16 17 5-04.3(11)B Rejection by Contractor 18 The Contractor may, prior to acceptance sampling and testing, elect to 19 remove any defective material and replace it with new material. Any such 20 new material will be sampled, tested, and evaluated for acceptance. 21 22 5-04.3(11)C Rejection Without Testing (Mixture or Compaction) 23 The Engineer may, without sampling, reject any batch, load, or section of 24 Roadway that appears defective. Material rejected before placement shall 25 not be incorporated into the pavement. 26 27 No payment will be made for the rejected materials or the removal of the 28 materials unless the Contractor requests the rejected material to be tested. 29 If the Contractor requests testing, acceptance will be by Statistical 30 Evaluation, and a minimum of three samples will be obtained and tested. 31 When uncompacted material is required for testing but not available, the 32 Engineer will determine random sample locations on the roadway in 33 accordance with WSDOT Test Method T 716, take cores in accordance with 34 WSDOT SOP 734, and test the cores in accordance with WSDOT SOP 737. 35 36 If the CPF for the rejected material is less than 0.75, no payment will be 37 made for the rejected material; in addition, the cost of sampling and testing 38 shall be borne by the Contractor. If the CPF is greater than or equal to 0.75, 39 the cost of sampling and testing will be borne by the Contracting Agency. If 40 the material is rejected before placement and the CPF is greater than or 41 equal to 0.75, compensation for the rejected material will be at a CPF of 42 0.75. If rejection occurs after placement and the CPF is greater than or 43 equal to 0.75, compensation for the rejected material will be at the 44 calculated CPF with an addition of 25 percent of the unit Contract price 45 added for the cost of removal and disposal. 46 47 5-04.3(11)D Rejection – A Partial Sublot (Mixture or Compaction) 48 In addition to the random acceptance sampling and testing, the Engineer 49 may also isolate from a mixture or compaction sublot any material that is 50 suspected of being defective in relative density, gradation or asphalt binder 51 content. Such isolated material will not include an original sample location. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 41 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 The Contracting Agency will obtain a minimum of three random samples of 1 the suspect material and perform the testing. When uncompacted material 2 is required for testing but is not available, the Engineer will select random 3 sample locations on the roadway in accordance with WSDOT Test Method 4 T 716, take cores samples in accordance with WSDOT SOP 734, and test 5 the material in accordance with WSDOT SOP 737. The material will then be 6 statistically evaluated as an independent lot in accordance with Section 1-7 06.2(2). 8 9 5-04.3(11)E Rejection – An Entire Sublot (Mixture or Compaction) 10 An entire mixture or compaction sublot that is suspected of being defective 11 may be rejected. When this occurs, a minimum of two additional random 12 samples from this sublot will be obtained. When uncompacted material is 13 required for the additional samples but the material has been compacted, 14 the Contracting Agency will take and test cores from the roadway as 15 described in Section 5-04.3(11)D. The additional samples and the original 16 sublot will be evaluated as an independent lot in accordance with Section 17 1-06.2(2). 18 19 5-04.3(11)F Rejection - A Lot in Progress (Mixture or Compaction) 20 The Contractor shall shut down operations and shall not resume HMA 21 placement until such time as the Engineer is satisfied that material 22 conforming to the Specifications can be produced when: 23 24 1. the Composite Pay Factor (CPF) of a mixture or compaction lot in 25 progress drops below 1.00 and the Contractor is taking no 26 corrective action, or 27 28 2. the Pay Factor (PFi) for any constituent of a mixture or compaction 29 lot in progress drops below 0.95 and the Contractor is taking no 30 corrective action, or 31 32 3. either the PFi for any constituent (or the CPF) of a mixture or 33 compaction lot in progress is less than 0.75. 34 35 5-04.3(11)G Rejection – An Entire Lot (Mixture or Compaction) 36 An entire lot with a CPF of less than 0.75 will be rejected. 37 38 5-04.3(12) Joints 39 5-04.3(12)A HMA Joints 40 5-04.3(12)A1 Transverse Joints 41 Conduct operations such that placement of the top or wearing course 42 is a continuous operation or as close to continuous as possible. 43 Unscheduled transverse joints will be allowed, but the roller may pass 44 over the unprotected end of the freshly laid HMA only when the 45 placement of the course is discontinued for such a length of time that 46 the HMA will cool below compaction temperature. When the Work is 47 resumed, cut back the previously compacted HMA to produce a slightly 48 beveled edge for the full thickness of the course. 49 50 Construct a temporary wedge of HMA on a 50H:1V where a transverse 51 joint as a result of paving or planing is open to traffic. Separate the HMA 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 42 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 in the temporary wedge from the permanent HMA upon which it is 1 placed by strips of heavy wrapping paper or other methods approved 2 by the Engineer. Remove the wrapping paper and trim the joint to a 3 slightly beveled edge for the full thickness of the course prior to 4 resumption of paving. 5 6 Waste the material that is cut away and place new HMA against the 7 cut. Use rollers or tamping irons to seal the joint. 8 9 5-04.3(12)A2 Longitudinal Joints 10 Offset the longitudinal joint in any one course from the course 11 immediately below by not more than 6 inches nor less than 2 inches. 12 Locate all longitudinal joints constructed in the wearing course at a lane 13 line or an edge line of the Traveled Way. Construct a notched wedge 14 joint along all longitudinal joints in the wearing surface of new HMA 15 unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The notched wedge joint 16 shall have a vertical edge of not less than the maximum aggregate size 17 nor more than ½ of the compacted lift thickness, and then taper down 18 on a slope not steeper than 4H:1V. Uniformly compact the sloped 19 portion of the HMA notched wedge joint. 20 21 On one-lane ramps a longitudinal joint may be constructed at the center 22 of the traffic lane, subject to approval by the Engineer, if: 23 24 1. The ramp must remain open to traffic, or 25 26 2. The ramp is closed to traffic and a hot-lap joint is constructed. 27 28 a. Two paving machines shall be used to construct the hot-29 lap joint. 30 31 b. The pavement within 6 inches of the hot-lap joint will not 32 be excluded from random location selection for 33 compaction testing. 34 35 c. Construction equipment other than rollers shall not 36 operate on any uncompacted HMA. 37 38 When HMA is placed adjacent to cement concrete pavement, construct 39 longitudinal joints between the HMA and the cement concrete 40 pavement. Saw the joint to the dimensions shown on Standard Plan A-41 40.10 and fill with joint sealant meeting the requirements of Section 9-42 04.2. 43 44 5-04.3(12)B Bridge Paving Joint Seals 45 5-04.3(12)B1 HMA Sawcut and Seal 46 Prior to placing HMA on the bridge deck, establish sawcut alignment 47 points at both ends of the bridge paving joint seals to be placed at the 48 bridge ends, and at interior joints within the bridge deck when and 49 where shown in the Plans. Establish the sawcut alignment points in a 50 manner that they remain functional for use in aligning the sawcut after 51 placing the HMA overlay. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 43 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the sealant 2 manufacturer’s application procedure. 3 4 Construct the bridge paving joint seal as specified in the Plans and in 5 accordance with the detail shown in the Standard Plans. Construct the 6 sawcut in accordance with Section 5-05.3(8). Apply the sealant in 7 accordance with Section 5-05.3(8)B and the manufacturer’s application 8 procedure. 9 10 5-04.3(12)B2 Paved Panel Joint Seal 11 Construct the paved panel joint seal in accordance with the 12 requirements specified in Section 5-04.3(12)B1 and the following 13 requirement: 14 15 1. Clean and seal the existing joint between concrete panels in 16 accordance with Section 5-01.3(8) and the details shown in 17 the Standard Plans. 18 19 5-04.3(13) Surface Smoothness 20 The completed surface of all courses shall be of uniform texture, smooth, 21 uniform as to crown and grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The completed 22 surface of the wearing course shall not vary more than ⅛ inch from the lower 23 edge of a 10-foot straightedge placed on the surface parallel to the centerline. 24 The transverse slope of the completed surface of the wearing course shall vary 25 not more than ¼ inch in 10 feet from the rate of transverse slope shown in the 26 Plans. 27 28 When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found that result from 29 a high place in the HMA, correct the pavement surface by one of the 30 following methods: 31 32 1. Remove material from high places by grinding with an approved 33 grinding machine, or 34 35 2. Remove and replace the wearing course of HMA, or 36 37 3. By other method approved by the Engineer. 38 39 Correct defects until there are no deviations anywhere greater than the 40 allowable tolerances. 41 42 Deviations in excess of the above tolerances that result from a low place in the 43 HMA and deviations resulting from a high place where corrective action, in the 44 opinion of the Engineer, will not produce satisfactory results will be accepted 45 with a price adjustment. The Engineer shall deduct from monies due or that may 46 become due to the Contractor the sum of $500.00 for each and every section of 47 single traffic lane 100 feet in length in which any excessive deviations described 48 above are found. 49 50 When portland cement concrete pavement is to be placed on HMA, the surface 51 tolerance of the HMA shall be such that no surface elevation lies above the Plan 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 44 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 grade minus the specified Plan depth of portland cement concrete pavement. 1 Prior to placing the portland cement concrete pavement, bring any such 2 irregularities to the required tolerance by grinding or other means approved by 3 the Engineer. 4 5 When utility appurtenances such as manhole covers and valve boxes are 6 located in the Traveled Way, pave the Roadway before the utility appurtenances 7 are adjusted to the finished grade. 8 9 5-04.3(14) Planing Bituminous Pavement 10 Plane in such a manner that the underlying pavement is not torn, broken, or 11 otherwise damaged by the planing operation. Delamination or raveling of the 12 underlying pavement will not be construed as damage due to the Contractor’s 13 operations. Pavement outside the limits shown in the Plans or designated by the 14 Engineer that is damaged by the Contractor’s operations shall be repaired to the 15 satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. 16 17 For mainline planing operations, use equipment with automatic controls and with 18 sensors for either or both sides of the equipment. The controls shall be capable 19 of sensing the grade from an outside reference line, or a mat-referencing device. 20 The automatic controls shall have a transverse slope controller capable of 21 maintaining the mandrel at the desired transverse slope (expressed as a 22 percentage) within plus or minus 0.1 percent. 23 24 Remove all loose debris from the planed surface before opening the planed 25 surface to traffic. The planings and other debris resulting from the planing 26 operation shall become the property of the Contractor and be disposed of in 27 accordance with Section 2-03.3(7)C, or as otherwise allowed by the Contract. 28 29 5-04.3(15) Sealing Pavement Surfaces 30 Apply a fog seal where shown in the Plans. Construct the fog seal in accordance 31 with Section 5-02.3. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, apply the fog 32 seal prior to opening to traffic. 33 34 5-04.3(16) HMA Road Approaches 35 Construct HMA approaches at the locations shown in the Plans or where staked 36 by the Engineer, in accordance with Section 5-04. 37 38 5-04.4 Measurement 39 HMA Cl. ___ PG ___, HMA for ___ Cl. ___ PG ___, and Commercial HMA will 40 be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2, with no deduction being made 41 for the weight of asphalt binder, mineral filler, or any other component of the HMA. If the 42 Contractor elects to remove and replace HMA as allowed by Section 5-04.3(11), the 43 material removed will not be measured. 44 45 Roadway cores will be measured per each for the number of cores taken. 46 47 Crack Sealing-LF will be measured by the linear foot along the line of the crack. 48 49 Soil residual herbicide will be measured by the mile for the stated width to the nearest 50 0.01 mile or by the square yard, whichever is designated in the Proposal. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 45 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Pavement repair excavation will be measured by the square yard of surface marked prior 1 to excavation. 2 3 Asphalt for fog seal will be measured by the ton, as provided in Section 5-02.4. 4 5 Longitudinal joint seals between the HMA and cement concrete pavement will be 6 measured by the linear foot along the line and slope of the completed joint seal. 7 8 HMA sawcut and seal, and paved panel joint seal, will be measured by the linear foot 9 along the line and slope of the completed joint seal. 10 11 Planing bituminous pavement will be measured by the square yard. 12 13 Temporary pavement marking will be measured by the linear foot as provided in Section 14 8-23.4. 15 16 Water will be measured by the M gallon as provided in Section 2-07.4. 17 18 5-04.5 Payment 19 Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal: 20 21 “HMA Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 22 “HMA for Approach Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 23 “HMA for Preleveling Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 24 “HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 25 “Commercial HMA”, per ton. 26 The unit Contract price per ton for “HMA Cl. ___ PG ___”, “HMA for Approach Cl. ___ 27 PG ___”, “HMA for Preleveling Cl. ___ PG ___”, “HMA for Pavement Repair Cl. ___ 28 PG ___”, and “Commercial HMA” shall be full compensation for all costs, including 29 anti-stripping additive, incurred to carry out the requirements of Section 5-04 except 30 for those costs included in other items which are included in this Subsection and 31 which are included in the Proposal. 32 33 “Crack Sealing-FA”, by force account. 34 “Crack Sealing-FA” will be paid for by force account as specified in Section 1-09.6. 35 For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting 36 Agency has entered an amount in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by 37 the Contractor. 38 39 “Crack Sealing-LF”, per linear foot. 40 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Crack Sealing-LF” shall be full payment for 41 all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-04.3(4)A. 42 43 “Soil Residual Herbicide ____ ft. Wide”, per mile, or 44 “Soil Residual Herbicide”, per square yard. 45 The unit Contract price per mile or per square yard for “Soil Residual Herbicide” shall 46 be full payment for all costs incurred to obtain, provide and install herbicide in 47 accordance with Section 5-04.3(4)B. 48 49 “Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul”, per square yard. 50 The unit Contract price per square yard for “Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul” 51 shall be full payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 46 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 5-04.3(4)C with the exception, however, that all costs involved in the placement of 1 HMA shall be included in the unit Contract price per ton for “HMA for Pavement 2 Repair Cl. ___ PG ___”, per ton. 3 4 “Asphalt for Fog Seal”, per ton. 5 Payment for “Asphalt for Fog Seal” is described in Section 5-02.5. 6 7 “Longitudinal Joint Seal”, per linear foot. 8 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Longitudinal Joint Seal” shall be full 9 payment for all costs incurred to construct the longitudinal joint between HMA and 10 cement concrete pavement, as described in Section 5-04.3(12)B. 11 12 “HMA Sawcut And Seal”, per linear foot. 13 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “HMA Sawcut And Seal” shall be full 14 payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-15 04.3(12)B1. 16 17 “Paved Panel Joint Seal”, per linear foot. 18 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Paved Panel Joint Seal” shall be full 19 payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-20 04.3(12)B2. 21 22 “Planing Bituminous Pavement”, per square yard. 23 The unit Contract price per square yard for “Planing Bituminous Pavement” shall be 24 full payment for all costs incurred to perform the Work described in Section 5-25 04.3(14). 26 27 “Temporary Pavement Marking”, per linear foot. 28 Payment for “Temporary Pavement Marking” is described in Section 8-23.5. 29 30 “Water”, per M gallon. 31 Payment for “Water” is described in Section 2-07.5. 32 33 “Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment”, by calculation. 34 “Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described 35 in Section 5-04.3(9)B6 and 5-04.3(9)D1. 36 37 “Compaction Price Adjustment”, by calculation. 38 “Compaction Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in Section 39 5-04.3(10)C3. 40 41 “HMA Core – Bridge”, per each. 42 The unit Contract price per each for “HMA Core – Bridge” shall be full payment for all 43 costs, including traffic control, associated with taking HMA density cores in pavement 44 that is on a bridge deck. 45 46 “HMA Core – Roadway”, per each. 47 The unit Contract price per each for “HMA Core – Roadway” shall be full payment for 48 all costs, including traffic control, associated with taking HMA density cores in 49 pavement that is not on a bridge deck. 50 51 “Cyclic Density Price Adjustment”, by calculation. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 47 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 “Cyclic Density Price Adjustment” will be calculated and paid for as described in 1 Section 5-04.3(10)B. 2 3 Section 5-05, Cement Concrete Pavement 4 January 3, 2017 5 5-05.3(1) Concrete Mix Design for Paving 6 In last sentence of the second paragraph of item number 1, the reference to “Section 9-01.2(4)” 7 is revised to read “Section 9-01.2(1)B”. 8 9 The following is inserted after item number 2: 10 11 3. Mix Design Modifications - The Contractor may initiate adjustments to the 12 aggregate proportions of the approved mix design. An adjustment in both the fine 13 and coarse aggregate batch target weights of plus or minus 200 pounds per cubic 14 yard will be allowed without resubmittal of the mix design. The adjusted aggregate 15 weights shall become the new batch target weights for the mix design. 16 17 Item number 3 is renumbered to 4 and revised (up until the table) to read: 18 19 4. Conformance to Mix Design - Cement and coarse and fine aggregate weights shall 20 be within the following tolerances of the batch target weights of the mix design: 21 22 Portland Cement Concrete Batch Weights Cement +5% -1% Coarse Aggregate +2% -2% Fine Aggregate +2% -2% 23 5-05.3(3)B Mixing Equipment 24 The last sentence of item number 4 is revised to read: 25 26 Plant-mixed concrete may be transported in nonagitated vehicles provided that the 27 concrete is in a workable condition when placed and: 28 29 a. discharge is completed within 45 minutes after the introduction of mixing water 30 to the cement and aggregates, or 31 32 b. discharge is completed within 60 minutes after the introduction of mixing water 33 to the cement and aggregates, provided the concrete mix temperature is 70°F 34 or below during placement, or 35 36 c. discharge is completed within 60 minutes after the introduction of mixing water 37 to the cement and aggregates, provided the mix contains an approved set 38 retarder at the manufacturer’s minimum dosage rate. 39 40 5-05.3(6) Subgrade 41 This section, including title, is revised to read: 42 43 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 48 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 5-05.3(6) Surface Preparation 1 The Subgrade surface shall be prepared and compacted a minimum of 3 feet beyond 2 each edge of the area which is to receive concrete pavement in order to accommodate 3 the slip-form equipment. 4 5 Concrete shall not be placed during a heavy rainfall. Prior to placing concrete: 6 7 1. The surface shall be moist; 8 9 2. Excess water (e.g., standing, pooling or flowing) shall be removed from the 10 surface. 11 12 3. The surface shall be clean and free of any deleterious materials. 13 14 4. The surface temperature shall not exceed 120°F or be frozen. 15 16 5-05.3(7)A Slip-Form Construction 17 The second sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 18 19 The alignment and elevation of the paver shall be regulated from outside reference lines 20 established for this purpose, or by an electronic control system capable of controlling the 21 line and grade within required tolerances. 22 23 Section 6-02, Concrete Structures 24 August 7, 2017 25 6-02.2 Materials 26 The item “Elastomeric Bearing Pads” is revised to read “Fabricated Bridge Bearing 27 Assemblies”. 28 29 6-02.3(2) Proportioning Materials 30 In the sixth paragraph, the reference to “Section 9-01.2(4)” is revised to read “9-01.2(1)B”. 31 32 6-02.3(2)A Contractor Mix Design 33 The following new sentence is inserted after the first sentence of the third paragraph: 34 35 The mix design submittal shall also include test results no older than one year showing 36 that the Aggregates do not contain Deleterious Substances in accordance with Section 9-37 03. 38 39 6-02.3(2)A1 Contractor Mix Design for Concrete Class 4000D 40 Item number 4 of the first paragraph is deleted. 41 42 Items number 5, 6, and 7 of the first paragraph are renumbered to 4, 5, and 6, respectively. 43 44 The following new sentence is inserted after the second sentence of the last paragraph: 45 46 Mix designs using shrinkage reducing admixture shall state the specific quantity required. 47 48 The following new sentence is inserted before the last sentence of the last paragraph: 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 49 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Testing samples of mixes using shrinkage reducing admixture shall use the admixture 1 amount specified in the mix design submittal. 2 3 6-02.3(2)B Commercial Concrete 4 The last sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 5 6 Commercial concrete does not require mix design or source approvals for cement, 7 aggregate, and other admixtures. 8 9 6-02.3(5)G Sampling and Testing for Temperature, Consistency and Air 10 Content 11 The last three paragraphs are revised to read: 12 13 Sampling and testing will be performed before concrete placement from the first load. 14 Concrete shall not be placed until all tests have been completed by the Engineer, and the 15 results indicate that the concrete is within acceptable limits. If the concrete is not within 16 acceptable limits, sampling and testing will continue before concrete placement for each 17 load until one load meets all of the applicable acceptance requirements. After one test 18 indicates that the concrete is within specified limits, the concrete may be placed and the 19 sampling and testing frequency may decrease to one for every 100 cubic yards. Sampling 20 shall be performed in accordance with FOP for WAQTC TM 2 and random samples shall 21 be selected in accordance with WSDOT T 716. After the first acceptable load of concrete, 22 up to ½ cubic yard may be placed from subsequent loads to be tested prior to testing for 23 acceptance. 24 25 When the results for any subsequent acceptance test indicates that the concrete as 26 delivered and approved by the Contractor for placement does not conform to the specified 27 limits, the sampling and testing frequency will be resumed for each load. Whenever one 28 subsequent test indicates that the concrete is within the specified limits, the random 29 sampling and testing frequency of one for every 100 cubic yards may resume. 30 31 Sampling and testing for a placement of one class of concrete consisting of 50 cubic yards 32 or less will be as listed above, except that after one set of tests indicate that the concrete 33 is within specified limits, the remaining concrete to be placed may be accepted by visual 34 inspection. 35 36 6-02.3(6)A1 Hot Weather Protection 37 This section is revised to read: 38 39 The Contractor shall provide concrete within the specified temperature limits. Cooling of 40 the coarse aggregate piles by sprinkling with water is permitted provided the moisture 41 content is monitored and the mixing water is adjusted for the free water in the aggregate. 42 Shading or cooling aggregate piles (sprinkling of fine aggregate piles with water is not 43 allowed). If sprinkling of the coarse aggregates is to be used, the piles moisture content 44 shall be monitored and the mixing water adjusted for the free water in the aggregate. In 45 addition, when removing the coarse aggregate, it shall be removed from at least 1 foot 46 above the bottom of the pile. Refrigerating mixing water; or replacing all or part of the 47 mixing water with crushed ice, provided the ice is completely melted by placing time. 48 49 If air temperature exceeds 90°F, the Contractor shall use water spray or other accepted 50 methods to cool all concrete-contact surfaces to less than 90°F. These surfaces include 51 forms, reinforcing steel, steel beam flanges, and any others that touch the mix. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 50 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 6-02.3(6)A2 Cold Weather Protection 2 This section is revised to read: 3 4 Concrete shall be maintained at or above a temperature of 40°F during the first seven 5 days of the Cold Weather Protection Period and at or above a temperature of 35°F during 6 the remainder of the Cold Weather Protection Period. Cold weather protection 7 requirements do not apply to concrete in shafts and piles placed below the ground line. 8 9 Prior to placing concrete in cold weather, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working 10 Drawing with a written procedure for cold weather concreting. The procedure shall detail 11 how the Contractor will adequately cure the concrete and prevent the concrete 12 temperature from falling below the minimum temperature. Extra protection shall be 13 provided for areas especially vulnerable to freezing (such as exposed top surfaces, 14 corners and edges, thin sections, and concrete placed into steel forms). Concrete 15 placement will only be allowed if the Contractor’s cold weather protection plan has been 16 accepted by the Engineer. 17 18 Prior to concrete placement, the Contractor shall review the 7-day temperature 19 predictions for the job site from the Western Region Headquarters of the National Weather 20 Service (www.wrh.noaa.gov). When temperatures below 35°F are predicted, the 21 Contractor shall: 22 23 1. Install temperature sensors in each concrete placement. One sensor shall be 24 installed for every 100 cubic yards of concrete placed. Sensors shall be installed 25 at locations directed by the Engineer, and shall be placed 1.5 inches from the 26 face of concrete. 27 28 2. Immediately after concrete placement, temperature sensors shall be installed 29 on the concrete surface at locations directed by the Engineer. One sensor shall 30 be installed for every 100 cubic yards of concrete placed. 31 32 Temperatures shall be measured and recorded a minimum of every hour for the duration 33 of the Cold Weather Protection Period. Temperature data shall be submitted to the 34 Engineer as a Type 1 Working Drawing within three days following the end of the Cold 35 Weather Protection Period. 36 37 For each day that the concrete temperature falls below 40°F during the first seven days 38 of the Cold Weather Protection Period, no curing time is awarded for that day and the 39 Cold Weather Protection Period is extended for one additional day. If the concrete 40 temperature falls below 35°F during the Cold Weather Protection Period, the concrete 41 may be rejected by the Engineer. 42 43 6-02.3(7) Concrete Exposed to Sea Water 44 This section including title is revised to read: 45 46 6-02.3(7) Vacant 47 48 6-02.3(8) Concrete Exposed to Alkaline Soils or Water 49 This section including title is revised to read: 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 51 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-02.3(8) Vacant 1 2 6-02.3(10)D4 Monitoring Bridge Deck Concrete Temperature After Placement 3 This section is revised to read: 4 5 The Contractor shall measure and record the concrete temperature and ambient 6 temperature a minimum of every hour for seven calendar days after concrete placement. 7 The Contractor shall place two temperature sensors in the bridge deck at locations 8 specified by the Engineer. The Contractor shall measure ambient temperature near the 9 locations where concrete temperature is being measured. When the bridge deck is being 10 enclosed and heated to meet cold weather requirements, ambient temperature readings 11 shall be taken within the enclosure. The Contractor shall submit the concrete temperature 12 and ambient temperature data as a Type 1 Working Drawing in spreadsheet format within 13 14 calendar days from placing the bridge deck concrete. 14 15 The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the type and model 16 of each device and the method used to measure and record the temperatures. 17 18 6-02.3(13)A Strip Seal Expansion Joint System 19 The first paragraph is revised to read: 20 21 The Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings consisting of the strip seal 22 expansion joint shop drawings. These plans shall include, at a minimum, the following: 23 24 1. Plan, elevation, and sections of the joint system and all components, with 25 dimensions and tolerances. 26 27 2. All material designations. 28 29 3. Manufacturer’s written installation procedure. The installation procedure shall 30 indicate how the extrusions set into the two sides of the joint will be allowed to 31 move independently of one another. 32 33 4. Corrosion protection system used on the metal components. 34 35 5. Locations of welded shear studs, lifting mechanisms, temperature setting 36 devices, and construction adjustment devices. 37 38 6. Method of sealing the system to prevent leakage of water through the joint. 39 40 7. Details of the temporary supports for the steel extrusions while the 41 encapsulating concrete of the headers is placed and cured. 42 43 8. The gland installation procedure, including the means and methods used to 44 install the gland and assure correct seating of the gland within the steel 45 extrusions. 46 47 The following new paragraph is inserted after the third paragraph: 48 49 If the gland is installed in the field, the Contractor shall have the services of a strip seal 50 expansion joint system manufacturer’s technical representative physically present at the 51 job site. The manufacturer’s technical representative shall train the Contractor’s 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 52 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 personnel performing the field installation of the gland, provide technical assistance for 1 installing the gland, and observe and inspect the installation of at least the first complete 2 joint. 3 4 The second to last paragraph is deleted. 5 6 6-02.3(14)D General Requirements for Concrete Surface Finishes Produced by 7 Form Liners 8 The first two sentences of the third paragraph are deleted. 9 10 6-02.3(16) Plans for Falsework and Formwork 11 The last sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 12 13 A submittal is not required for footing or retaining wall formwork if the concrete placement 14 is 4 feet or less in height. 15 16 The second to last paragraph is revised to read: 17 18 The Contractor shall furnish associated design calculations to the Engineer as part of the 19 submittal. The design calculations shall include the structural and geotechnical design of 20 the foundation and shall show the stresses and deflections in all load-carrying members 21 that are part of the falsework system. Construction details which may be shown in the 22 form of sketches on the calculation sheets shall be shown in the falsework or formwork 23 drawings as well. Falsework or formwork plans will not be accepted in cases where it is 24 necessary to refer to the calculation sheets for information needed for complete 25 understanding of the falsework and formwork plans or how to construct the falsework and 26 formwork. 27 28 The last paragraph is deleted. 29 30 6-02.3(17)D Falsework Support Systems: Piling, Temporary Concrete 31 Footings, Timber Mudsills, Manufactured Shoring Towers, Caps, and Posts 32 This section, including title, is revised to read: 33 34 6-02.3(17)D Falsework Support Systems: Foundations, Manufactured 35 Shoring Towers, Caps, and Posts 36 Foundations for falsework shall be designed for conditions stated in this Section using 37 methods shown in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges 38 Seventeenth Edition – 2002 for allowable stress design, the AASHTO LRFD Bridge 39 Design Specifications for load and resistance factor design or the AASHTO Guide Design 40 Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works. Allowable stresses for materials shall not 41 exceed stresses and conditions allowed by Section 6-02.3(17)B. 42 43 6-02.3(17)D1 Piling 44 This section including title is revised to read: 45 46 6-02.3(17)D1 Vacant 47 48 6-02.3(17)D2 Temporary Concrete Footings and Timber Mudsills 49 This section including title is revised to read: 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 53 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-02.3(17)D2 Vacant 1 2 6-02.3(17)D4 Manufactured Shoring Tower Systems and Devices 3 The fifth paragraph is deleted. 4 5 6-02.3(17)D5 Cross-Braced Type Base Frames 6 This section is deleted in its entirety. 7 8 6-02.3(17)D6 Ladder Type Base Frames 9 This section is deleted in its entirety. 10 11 6-02.3(17)D7 Intermediate Strength Shoring 12 This section is deleted in its entirety. 13 14 6-02.3(17)D8 Heavy-Duty Shoring Systems 15 This section is deleted in its entirety. 16 17 6-02.3(17)K Concrete Forms on Steel Spans 18 In the last paragraph, “ASTM A325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A325”. 19 20 6-02.3(17)N Removal of Falsework and Forms 21 The fifth paragraph is deleted. 22 23 6-02.3(19)A Vacant 24 This section, including title, is revised to read: 25 26 6-02.3(19)A Submittals of Acceptance Test Reports and Certificates 27 The Contractor shall submit the following production samples and test reports and 28 certificates for fabricated bridge bearing assemblies as applicable: 29 30 1. A Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a six-inch square by 1⁄8-inch thick 31 sample of PTFE taken from the lot of production material. 32 33 2. A Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a six-inch square by 1-inch thick sample 34 of pre-formed fabric pad taken from the lot of production material. 35 36 3. Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of Manufacturers’ Certificates of 37 Compliance for the PTFE, polyether urethane, pre-formed fabric pad duck, 38 silicone grease, epoxy gel, and resin filler. 39 40 4. Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of certified mill test reports for all steel and 41 stainless steel in the bearing assemblies. 42 43 5. Type 1 Working Drawings consisting of certified test reports confirming that the 44 pre-formed fabric pads meet the specific requirements of proof load. 45 46 6-02.3(24)A Field Bending 47 This section (excluding the tables) is revised to read: 48 49 Field bending of AASHTO M31 Grade 60 and ASTM A706 Grade 60 reinforcement shall 50 be done in accordance with the requirements of this section. Field bending of all other 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 54 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 reinforcement shall require a Type 2 Working Drawing showing the bend radii, bending 1 and heating procedures, and any inspection or testing requirements. 2 3 Field bending shall not be done on reinforcement within the top or bottom third of column 4 lengths or within plastic hinge regions identified in the Plans. Field bending shall not be 5 done on bar sizes No. 14 or No. 18. 6 7 In field-bending steel reinforcing bars, the Contractor shall: 8 9 1. Make the bend gradually using a bending tool equipped with a bending diameter 10 as listed in Table 1. Bending shall not be done by means of hammer blows and 11 pipe sleeves. When bending to straighten a previously bent bar, move a hickey 12 bar progressively around the bend. 13 14 2. Apply heat as described below for bending bar sizes No. 6 through No. 11 and 15 for bending bar sizes No. 5 and smaller when the bars have been previously 16 bent. Previously unbent bars of sizes No. 5 and smaller may be bent without 17 heating when the bar temperature is 40°F or higher. When previously unbent 18 bars of sizes No. 5 and smaller have a bar temperature lower than 40°F, they 19 shall be heated to within the range of 100°F to 150°F prior to bending. In applying 20 heat for field-bending steel reinforcing bars, the Contractor shall: 21 22 a. Avoid damage to the concrete by insulating any concrete within 6 inches of 23 the heated bar area; 24 25 b. Apply two heat tips simultaneously at opposite sides of bar sizes No. 7 or 26 larger; 27 28 c. Heat the bar to within the required temperature range shown in Table 2 as 29 verified by using temperature-indicating crayons or other suitable means; 30 31 d. Heat a minimum bar length as shown in Table 3. Locate the heated section 32 of the bar to include the entire bending length; 33 34 e. Bend immediately after the required temperature range has been achieved. 35 Maintain the bar within the required temperature range during the entire 36 bending process; 37 38 f. Do not cool bars artificially with water, forced air, or other means. 39 40 3. Limit any bend or straightening to these maximum angles: 135 degrees for bar 41 sizes No. 8 or smaller, and 90 degrees for bar sizes No. 9 through No. 11. 42 43 4. Repair epoxy coating on epoxy coated bars in accordance with Section 6-44 02.3(24)H. 45 46 6-02.3(25) Prestressed Concrete Girders 47 Under the heading “Prestressed Concrete Slab Girder”, the second sentence is deleted. 48 49 6-02.3(25)A Shop Drawings 50 The sixth paragraph is deleted. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 55 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-02.3(25)F Prestress Release 1 The last two sentences of the last paragraph are deleted and replaced with the following single 2 sentence: 3 4 This request shall be submitted as a Type 2E Working Drawing analyzing changes in 5 vertical deflection, girder lateral stability and concrete stresses in accordance with Section 6 6-02.3(25)L2. 7 8 6-02.3(25)H Finishing 9 Item number 2 in the first paragraph is revised to read: 10 11 2. The bottoms, sides, and tops of the lower flanges on all girders, including the top of 12 the bottom slab between the tub girder webs. 13 14 6-02.3(25)I Fabrication Tolerances 15 Items 4 and 5 in the first paragraph are revised to read: 16 17 4. Flange Depth: ± ¼ inch 18 19 5. Strand Position: 20 21 Individual strands: ± ¼ inch 22 23 Bundled strands: ± ½ inch 24 25 Harped strand group center of gravity at the girder ends: ± 1 inch 26 27 Items 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the first paragraph are revised to read: 28 29 7. Position of an Interior Void, vertically and horizontally: ± ½ inch. 30 31 8. Bearing Recess (center of recess to girder end): ± ⅝ inch. 32 33 9. Girder Ends (deviation from square or designated skew): 34 35 Horizontal: ± ⅛ inch per foot of girder width, up to a maximum of ± ½ inch 36 37 Vertical: ± 3⁄16 inch per foot of girder depth, up to a maximum of ± 1 inch 38 39 10. Bearing Area Deviation from Plane (in length or width of bearing): ± ⅛ inch 40 41 Items 14 and 15 in the first paragraph are revised to read: 42 43 14. Local smoothness of any surface: ± ¼ inch in 10 feet. 44 45 15. Differential Camber between Girders in a Span (measured in place at the job site): 46 47 For wide flange deck and deck bulb tee girders with a cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck: Cambers shall be equalized when the differences in cambers between adjacent girders exceeds ± ¾ inch NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 56 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 For wide flange deck, deck bulb tee and slab girders without a cast-in- place reinforced concrete deck: Cambers shall be equalized when the differences in cambers between adjacent girders exceeds ± ¼ inch 1 Item 17 in the first paragraph is revised to read: 2 3 17. Position of Lifting Embedments: ± 3 inches longitudinal, ± ¼ inch transverse. 4 5 6-02.3(25)J Horizontal Alignment 6 This section is revised to read: 7 8 The Contractor shall check and record the horizontal alignment (sweep) of each girder at 9 the following times: 10 11 1. Initial – Upon removal of the girder from the casting bed 12 13 2. Shipment – Within 14 days prior to shipment; and 14 15 3. Erection – After girder erection and cutting temporary top strands but prior to 16 any equalization, welding ties or placement of diaphragms. 17 18 Horizontal alignment of the top and bottom flanges shall be checked and recorded. 19 Alternatively, the Contractor may check and record the horizontal alignment of the web 20 near mid-height of the girder. Each check shall be made by measuring the maximum 21 offset at mid-span relative to a chord that starts and stops at the girder ends. The 22 Contractor shall check and record the alignment at a time when the girder is not influenced 23 by temporary differences in surface temperature. Records for the initial check (item 1 24 above) shall be included in the Contractor’s prestressed concrete certificate of 25 compliance. Records for all other checks shall be submitted as a Type 1 Working Drawing. 26 27 For each check (Items 1 to 3 above), the alignment shall not be offset more than ⅛ inch 28 for each 10 feet of girder length. Girders not meeting this tolerance for the shipment check 29 (Item 2 above) shall require an analysis of girder lateral stability and stresses in 30 accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)L1. The Contractor shall perform this analysis and 31 submit it as a Type 2E Working Drawing prior to shipment of the girder. Any girder that 32 exceeds an offset of 1⁄8 inch for each 10 feet of girder length for the erection check (Item 33 3 above) shall be corrected at the job site to the 1⁄8 inch maximum offset per 10 feet of 34 girder length before concrete is placed into the diaphragms. The Contractor shall submit 35 a Type 2 Working Drawing for any required corrective action. 36 37 The maximum distance between the side of a prestressed concrete slab girder, or the 38 edge of the top flange of a wide flange deck, wide flange thin deck or deck bulb tee girder, 39 and a chord that extends the full length of the girder shall be ±½ inch after erection (Item 40 3 above). 41 42 6-02.3(25)K Vertical Deflection 43 Items 2 and 3 in the first paragraph are revised to read: 44 45 2. Shipment – Within 14 days prior to shipment; 46 47 3. Erection – After girder erection and cutting temporary top strands but prior to any 48 equalization, welding ties or placement of diaphragms. 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 57 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 The following new paragraph is inserted after the second paragraph: 2 3 Girders with vertical deflections not meeting the limit shown in the Plans for the shipment 4 check (Item 2 above) shall require an analysis of girder lateral stability and stresses in 5 accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)L1. The Contractor shall perform this analysis and 6 submit it as a Type 2E Working Drawing prior to shipment. 7 8 The following new sentence is inserted after the second sentence of the fourth to last 9 paragraph: 10 11 Any diaphragms are assumed to be placed. 12 13 The last three paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following: 14 15 If the girder vertical deflection measured for the erection check (Item 3 above) is not 16 between the lower “D” dimension bound shown in the Plans and the upper “D” dimension 17 bound shown in the Plans plus ¾ inches, the Engineer may require corrective action. The 18 Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing for any required corrective action. 19 20 6-02.3(25)L Handling and Storage 21 The second paragraph is revised to read: 22 23 For strand lift loops, only ½-inch diameter or 0.6-inch diameter strand conforming to 24 Section 9-07.10 shall be used, and a minimum 2-inch diameter straight pin of a shackle 25 shall be used through the loops. Multiple loops shall be held level in the girder during 26 casting in a manner that allows each loop to carry its share of the load during lifting. The 27 minimum distance from the end of the girder to the centroid of the strand lift loops shall 28 be 3 feet. The loops for all prestressed concrete girders, with the exception of prestressed 29 concrete slab girders, shall project a minimum of 1′-6″ from the top of the girder. The loops 30 for prestressed concrete slab girders shall project a minimum of 4 inches. Loops shall 31 extend to within 3 inches clear of the bottom of the girder, terminating with a 9-inch long 32 90-degree hook. Loads on individual loops shall be limited to 12 kips, and all girders shall 33 be picked up at a minimum angle of 60 degrees from the top of the girder. 34 35 The third sentence of the fourth paragraph is revised to read: 36 37 Alternatively, these temporary strands may be post-tensioned provided the strands are 38 stressed on the same day that the permanent prestress is released into the girder and 39 the strands are tensioned prior to lifting the girder. 40 41 The second to last sentence of the fourth paragraph is revised to read: 42 43 When the post-tensioned alternative is used, the Contractor shall be responsible for 44 properly sizing the anchorage plates, and configuring the reinforcement adjacent to the 45 anchorage plates, to prevent bursting or splitting of the concrete in the top flange. 46 47 The second to last paragraph is deleted. 48 49 This section is supplemented with the following new subsections: 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 58 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-02.3(25)L1 Girder Lateral Stability and Stresses 1 The Contractor shall be responsible for safely lifting, storing, shipping and erecting 2 prestressed concrete girders. 3 4 The Contract documents may provide shipping and handling details for girders including 5 lifting embedment locations (L), shipping support locations (L1 and L2), minimum shipping 6 support rotational spring constants (Kθ), minimum shipping support center-to-center 7 wheel spacings (W cc), vertical deflections and number of temporary top strands. These 8 shipping and handling details have been determined in accordance with Section 6-9 02.3(25)L2. 10 11 The Contractor shall submit a Type 2E Working Drawing analyzing girder lateral stability 12 and concrete stresses during lifting, storage, shipping and erection in accordance with 13 Section 6-02.3(25)L2 in the following cases: 14 15 1. Any of the analysis assumptions listed in Section 6-02.3(25)L2 are invalid. 16 Determination of validity shall be made by the Contractor, except that analysis 17 assumptions shall be considered invalid if the actual values are outside of the 18 provided tolerances. 19 20 2. The Contractor intends to alter the shipping and handling details provided in the 21 Contract documents. 22 23 3. The Contract documents do not provide shipping and handling details. 24 25 6-02.3(25)L2 Lateral Stability and Stress Analysis 26 Analysis for girder lateral stability and concrete stresses during lifting, storage, shipping 27 and erection shall be in accordance with the PCI Recommended Practice for Lateral 28 Stability of Precast, Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders, First Edition, Publication CB-29 02-16-E and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications edition identified in the 30 Contract documents. The following design criteria shall be met: 31 32 1. Factor of Safety against cracking shall be at least 1.0 33 34 2. Factor of Safety against failure shall be at least 1.5 35 36 3. Factor of Safety against rollover shall be at least 1.5 37 38 4. Allowable concrete stresses shall be as specified in Section 6-02.3(25)L3 39 40 The analysis shall address any effects on girder vertical deflection (camber), “A” 41 dimensions at centerline of bearings and deck screed cambers (C). 42 43 Shipping and handling details provided in the Contract documents have been determined 44 using the following analysis assumptions: 45 46 1. Girder dimensions, strand locations and lifting embedment locations are within 47 the tolerances specified in Section 6-02.3(25)I 48 49 2. Girder horizontal alignment (sweep) is within the tolerance specified in Section 50 6-02.3(25)J 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 59 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 3. Girder vertical deflection (camber) at midspan is less than or equal to the value 1 shown in the Plans for shipping 2 3 4. Minimum concrete compressive strength at release (f’ci) has been reached 4 before initial lifting from casting bed. Minimum concrete compressive strength at 5 28 days (f’c) has been reached before shipping. 6 7 5. Height of girder bottom above roadway at shipping supports is less than or equal 8 to 72 inches 9 10 6. Height of shipping support roll center above roadway is 24 inches, ± 2 inches 11 12 7. Shipping support longitudinal placement (L1 and L2) tolerance is ± 6 inches 13 14 8. Shipping support lateral placement tolerance is ±1 inches 15 16 9. Shipping supports provide the minimum shipping support rotational spring 17 constant (Kθ) and minimum shipping support center-to-center wheel spacings 18 (W cc) shown in the Plans 19 20 10. For shipping at highway speeds a ± 20% dynamic load allowance (impact) is 21 included with a typical roadway superelevation of 2% 22 23 11. For turning at slow speeds, no dynamic load allowance (impact) is included with 24 a maximum roadway superelevation of 6% 25 26 12. Wind, centrifugal and seismic forces are not considered 27 28 6-02.3(25)L3 Allowable Stresses 29 Prestressed concrete girder stresses shall be limited to the following values at all stages 30 of construction and in service: 31 32 Condition Stress Location Allowable Stress (ksi) Temporary Stress at Transfer and Lifting from Casting Bed Tensile In areas without bonded reinforcement sufficient to resist the tensile force in the concrete 0.0948 ′≤0.2 In areas with bonded reinforcement sufficient to resist the tensile force in the concrete 0.24 ′ Compressive All locations 0.65 ′ Temporary Stress at Shipping and Erection Tensile In areas without bonded reinforcement sufficient to resist the tensile force in the concrete 0.0948 ′≤0.2 In areas with bonded reinforcement sufficient to resist the tensile force in the concrete 0.19 ′ NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 60 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 In areas with bonded reinforcement sufficient to resist the tensile force in the concrete when shipping at 6% superelevation, without impact 0.24 ′ Compressive All locations 0.65 ′ Final Stresses at Service Load Tensile Precompressed tensile zone 0.0 Compressive Effective prestress and permanent loads 0.45 ′ Effective prestress, permanent loads and transient (live) loads 0.60 ′ Final Stresses at Fatigue Load Compressive Fatigue I Load Combination plus one- half effective prestress and permanent loads 0.40 ′ Variables are as defined in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. 1 6-02.3(25)M Shipping 2 The last four paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following: 3 4 Girder lateral stability and stresses during shipping shall be in accordance with Section 5 6-02.3(25)L1. 6 7 If the Contractor elects to assemble spliced prestressed concrete girders into shipping 8 configurations not shown in the Contract documents, the Contractor shall submit a Type 9 2E Working Drawing analyzing girder lateral stability and concrete stresses in accordance 10 with Section 6-02.3(25)L2 before shipping. 11 12 6-02.3(25)N Prestressed Concrete Girder Erection 13 The second sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 14 15 The erection plan shall conform to Section 6-02.3(25)L1. 16 17 The last paragraph is revised to read: 18 19 Stop plates and dowel bars for prestressed concrete girders shall be set with either epoxy 20 grout conforming to Section 9-26.3 or type IV epoxy bonding agent conforming to Section 21 9-26.1. 22 23 6-02.3(25)O Girder to Girder Connections 24 The second paragraph is revised to read: 25 26 Prestressed concrete girders shall be constructed in the following sequence: 27 28 1. If required, deflections shall be equalized in accordance with the Contractor’s 29 equalization plan. 30 31 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 61 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 2. Any intermediate diaphragms shall be placed and any weld ties shall be welded 1 in accordance with Section 6-03.3(25). Welding ground shall be attached directly 2 to the steel plates being welded when welding the weld-ties. 3 4 3. Any keyways between adjacent girders shown in the Plans to receive grout shall 5 be filled flush with the surrounding surfaces using a grout conforming to Section 6 9-20.3(2). 7 8 4. Equalization equipment shall not be removed and other construction equipment 9 shall not be placed on the structure until intermediate diaphragms and keyway 10 grout have attained a minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi. 11 12 6-02.3(26)D2 Test Block Dimensions 13 The first sentence is revised to read: 14 15 The dimensions of the test block perpendicular to the tendon in each direction shall be 16 the smaller of twice the minimum edge distance or the minimum spacing specified by the 17 special anchorage device manufacturer, with the stipulation that the concrete cover over 18 any confining reinforcing steel or supplementary skin reinforcement shall be appropriate 19 for the project-specific application and circumstances. 20 21 6-02.3(26)E2 Ducts for External Exposed Installation 22 In the first paragraph, “ASTM D3350” is revised to read “ASTM D3035”. 23 24 In the fourth paragraph, "ASTM D3505" is revised to read "ASTM D3035". 25 26 6-02.3(26)G Tensioning 27 Item number 1 of the second paragraph is revised to read: 28 29 1. All concrete has reached a compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi or the strength 30 specified in the Plans. When tensioning takes place prior to 28-day compressive 31 strength testing on concrete sampled in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)H, 32 compressive strength shall be verified on field cured cylinders in accordance with the 33 FOP for AASHTO T23. 34 35 6-02.3(27)A Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast Units 36 Item number 2 of the first paragraph is revised to read: 37 38 2. Precast reinforced concrete three-sided structures, box culverts and split box 39 culverts in accordance with Section 7-02.3(6). 40 41 Section 6-03, Steel Structures 42 January 3, 2017 43 6-03.3(33) Bolted Connections 44 In this section, “AASHTO M253” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A490”, “ASTM F1852” 45 is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade F1852”, and “ASTM A325” is revised to read “ASTM 46 F3125 Grade A325”. 47 48 In the headings of Table 3, “A 325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A325”. 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 62 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 In the headings of Table 3, “M 253” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A490”. 1 2 Section 6-05, Piling 3 August 1, 2016 4 In this section, the words “capacity” and “capacities” are replaced with “resistance” and 5 “resistances”, respectively. 6 7 6-05.3(1) Piling Terms 8 The third paragraph is revised to read: 9 10 Overdriving – Over-driving of piles occurs when the ultimate bearing resistance 11 calculated from the equation in Section 6-05.3(12), or the wave equation driving criteria if 12 applicable, exceeds the ultimate bearing resistance required in the Contract in order to 13 reach the minimum tip elevation specified in the Contract, or as required by the Engineer. 14 15 The first sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 16 17 Minimum Tip Elevation – The minimum tip elevation is the elevation to which the pile tip 18 shall be driven. 19 20 6-05.3(3)A Casting and Stressing 21 The last sentence of the third paragraph is revised to read: 22 23 If the corrective action is not acceptable to the Engineer, the piling(s) will be subject to 24 rejection by the Engineer. 25 26 6-05.3(5) Manufacture of Steel Piles 27 This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: 28 29 At least 14-days prior to the start of production of the piling, the Contractor shall advise 30 the Engineer of the production schedule. The Contractor shall give the Inspector safe and 31 free access to the Work. If the Inspector observes any nonspecification Work or 32 unacceptable quality control practices, the Inspector will advise the plant manager. If the 33 corrective action is not acceptable to the Engineer, the piling(s) will be subject to rejection 34 by the Engineer. 35 36 6-05.3(9)A Pile Driving Equipment Approval 37 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 38 39 The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of a wave equation 40 analysis for all pile driving systems used to drive piling with required maximum driving 41 resistances of greater than 300 tons. 42 43 Section 6-07, Painting 44 August 7, 2017 45 6-07.3(2) Submittals 46 This section is revised to read: 47 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 63 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 The Contractor shall submit a painting plan consisting of one comprehensive submittal 1 including all components described in this Section. The Contractor shall submit Type 2 2 Working Drawings of the painting plan components. 3 4 For shop application of paint, the painting plan shall include the documents and samples 5 listed in Sections 6-07.3(2)B, 6-07.3(2)C, and 6-07.3(2)E. 6 7 For field application of paint, the painting plan shall include the documents and samples 8 listed in Section 6-07.3(2)A through 6-07.3(2)F. 9 10 6-07.3(2)A Work Force Qualifications Submittal Component 11 Item number 2 is revised to read: 12 13 2. Resumé of qualifications and contact information for the Contractor’s on-site 14 supervisors. Each on-site supervisor shall have 3 years’ minimum of industrial 15 painting field experience with 1 year minimum of field supervisory or management 16 experience in bridge painting projects. 17 18 6-07.3(2)D Hazardous Waste Containment, Collection, Testing, and Disposal 19 Submittal Component 20 This section is revised to read: 21 22 The hazardous waste containment, collection, testing, and disposal submittal component 23 of the painting plan shall include the following: 24 25 1. Abrasive blasting containment system attachment and support in accordance 26 with Section 6-07.3(10)A, with a complete description of each attachment 27 device. 28 29 2. Details of jobsite material storage facilities and containment waste storage 30 facilities, including location, security, and environmental control. 31 32 3. Methods and materials used to contain, collect, and dispose of all containment 33 waste and all construction-related waste, including transportation of waste. 34 35 4. Details of the containment waste sampling plan conforming to WAC 173-303 for 36 waste designated as dangerous waste or extremely hazardous waste. 37 38 5. The name of, and contact information for, the accredited analytical laboratory 39 performing the testing of the containment waste samples in accordance with 40 Section 6-07.3(10)F. 41 42 6. Process for tracking the disposal of hazardous waste, including a sample form 43 of the tracking documentation. 44 45 7. When a wind speed threshold is specified, a description of the method to lower 46 or withdraw tarps, plastic exterior, and other containment components 47 presenting an exposed face to wind, and the estimated time required to 48 accomplish this action. 49 50 8. Provisions for dust and debris collection, ventilation, and auxiliary lighting within 51 the containment system. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 64 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 6-07.3(2)E Cleaning and Surface Preparation Equipment Submittal Component 2 This section, including title, is revised to read: 3 4 6-07.3(2)E Cleaning and Surface Preparation Submittal Component 5 The cleaning and surface preparation submittal component of the painting plan shall 6 include the following: 7 8 1. Details of the abrasive blast cleaning operation, including: 9 10 a. Description of the abrasive blast cleaning procedure. 11 12 b. Type, manufacturer, and brand of abrasive blast material and all associated 13 additives, including Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). 14 15 c. Description of the abrasive blast cleaning equipment to be used. 16 17 6-07.3(3)A Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Shop Application of 18 Paint 19 In this section, “approved” is revised to read “accepted”. 20 21 6-07.3(3)B Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Field Application of Paint 22 The first sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 23 24 For field application of paint, the Contractor shall conduct quality control inspections as 25 required by SSPC-PA 1, using the personnel and the processes outlined in the painting 26 plan. 27 28 The second paragraph is revised to read: 29 30 A Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of the Contractor’s daily quality control report, 31 signed and dated by the Contractor’s quality control inspector, accompanied by copies of 32 the test results of quality control tests performed on the work covered by the daily quality 33 control report, shall be submitted before the end of the next day’s work shift. 34 35 In the third paragraph, “approval” is revised to read “acceptance”. 36 37 Item number 2 of the fourth paragraph is deleted. 38 39 In the fourth paragraph, items 3, 4 and 5 are renumbered to 2, 3 and 4, respectively. 40 41 6-07.3(9)F Shop Surface Cleaning and Preparation 42 In the first sentence, “approved” is revised to read “accepted”. 43 44 6-07.3(9)G Application of Shop Primer Coat 45 In the first sentence of the first paragraph, “approval” is revised to read “acceptance”. 46 47 The last sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 48 49 Primer shall be applied with the spray nozzles and pressures recommended by the 50 manufacturer of the paint system, to attain the film thicknesses specified. 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 65 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 In the third paragraph, the first sentence is revised to read: 2 3 The Contractor shall provide access to the steel to permit inspection by the Engineer. 4 5 6-07.3(9)I Application of Field Coatings 6 The following new paragraph is inserted before to the first paragraph: 7 8 An on-site supervisor shall be present for each work shift at the bridge site. 9 10 In the fourth paragraph (after the preceding Amendment is applied), “approved” is deleted from 11 the first sentence. 12 13 The first sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 14 15 All paint damage that occurs shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s 16 written recommendations. 17 18 6-07.3(10)A Containment 19 The first four paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following three paragraphs: 20 21 The containment system shall be in accordance with SSPC Technology Guide No. 6, 22 Guide for Containing Surface Preparation Debris Generated During Paint Removal 23 Operations Class 1. The containment system shall fully enclose the steel to be painted 24 and not allow any material to escape the containment system. The Contractor shall 25 protect the surrounding environment from all debris or damage resulting from the 26 Contractor’s operations. 27 28 Except as otherwise specified in the Contract, the containment length shall not exceed 29 the length of a span (defined as pier to pier). The containment system shall not cause any 30 damage to the existing structure. Attachment devices shall not mark or otherwise damage 31 the steel member to which they are attached. Field-welding of attachments to the existing 32 structure will not be allowed. The Contractor shall not drill holes into the existing structure 33 or through existing structural members except as shown in the Contractor’s painting plan 34 Working Drawing submittal. 35 36 Emissions shall be assessed by Visible Emission Observations (Method A) in SSPC 37 Technology Update No. 7 Section 6.2 and shall be limited to the Level A Acceptance 38 Criteria Option Level 0 Emissions standard. If visible emissions occur or if failure to the 39 containment system occurs or if signs of failure to the containment system are present, 40 the Contractor shall stop work immediately. Work shall not resume until the failure has 41 been corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 42 43 6-07.3(10)B Bird Guano, Fungus, and Vegetation Removal 44 The last paragraph is revised to read: 45 46 Bird guano, bird nesting materials, fungus, and vegetative growth shall be disposed of at 47 a land disposal site accepted by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 48 Working Drawing consisting of a copy of the disposal receipt, which shall include a 49 description of the disposed material. 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 66 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-07.3(10)C Dry Cleaning 1 This section is revised to read: 2 3 Dry cleaning shall include removal of accumulated dirt and debris on the surfaces to be 4 painted. Collected dirt and debris shall be disposed of at a land disposal site accepted by 5 the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of a copy 6 of the disposal receipt, which shall include a description of the disposed material. 7 8 6-07.3(10)D Surface Preparation Prior to Overcoat Painting 9 The second paragraph is revised to read: 10 11 Following any preparation by SSPC-SP1, all steel surfaces to be painted shall be 12 prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 7, brush-off blast cleaning. Surfaces inaccessible 13 to brush-off blast shall be prepared in accordance with SSPC-SP 15, commercial grade 14 power tool cleaning, as allowed by the Engineer. 15 16 The first sentence of the third paragraph is revised to read: 17 18 Following brush-off blast cleaning, the Contractor shall perform spot abrasive blast 19 cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 6, commercial blast cleaning. 20 21 In the fifth sentence of the third paragraph, “approved” is revised to read “accepted”. 22 23 The second sentence of the last paragraph is deleted. 24 25 6-07.3(10)F Collecting, Testing, and Disposal of Containment Waste 26 The third, fourth and fifth paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following two new 27 paragraphs: 28 29 Containment waste is defined as all paint chips and debris removed from the steel surface 30 and all abrasive blast media, as contained by the containment system. After all waste 31 from the containment system has been collected, the Contractor shall collect 32 representative samples of the components that field screening indicates are lead-33 contaminated material. The Contractor shall collect at least one representative sample 34 from each container. The Contractor may choose to collect a composite sample of each 35 container, but the composite sample must consist of several collection points (a minimum 36 of 3 random samples) that are representative of the entire contents of the container and 37 representative of the characteristics of the type of waste in the container. In accordance 38 with WAC 173–303-040, a representative sample means “a sample which can be 39 expected to exhibit the average properties of the sample source.” 40 41 The debris shall be tested for metals using the Toxicity Characteristics Leaching 42 Procedure (TCLP) and EPA Methods 1311 and 6010. At a minimum, the materials should 43 be analyzed for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8 Metals (arsenic, 44 barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver). Pursuant to the 45 Dangerous Waste (DW) Regulations Chapter 173-303-90(8)(c) WAC, “Any waste that 46 contains contaminants which occur at concentrations at or above the DW threshold must 47 be designated as DW.” All material within each individual container or containment 48 system that designates as DW shall be disposed of at a legally permitted Subtitle C 49 Hazardous Waste Landfill. All material within each individual container or containment 50 system that designate below the DW threshold, will be designated as “Solid Waste” and 51 shall be disposed of at a legally permitted Subtitle D Landfill. Disposal shall be in 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 67 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 accordance with WAC 173-303 for waste designated “Dangerous Waste” and pursuant to 1 WAC 173-350 for waste designated as “Solid Waste”. 2 3 The first sentence of the fifth to last paragraph is revised to read: 4 5 The Contractor shall submit a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of two copies of the 6 transmittal documents or bill of lading listing the waste material shipped from the 7 construction site to the waste disposal site. 8 9 6-07.3(10)G Treatment of Pack Rust and Gaps 10 In this section, “approved by the Engineer” is revised to read “accepted by the Engineer”. 11 12 6-07.3(10)H Paint System 13 In the last paragraph, “approved” is revised to read “allowed”. 14 15 6-07.3(10)I Paint Color 16 In the last sentence, “approved” is revised to read “allowed”. 17 18 6-07.3(10)J Mixing and Thinning Paint 19 In the third paragraph, “approved” is revised to read “allowed”. 20 21 6-07.3(10)O Applying Field Coatings 22 The following new paragraph is inserted before the first paragraph: 23 24 An on-site supervisor shall be present for each work shift at the bridge site. 25 26 In the sixth paragraph (after the preceding Amendment is applied), “approved” and “approval” 27 are revised to read “accepted” and “acceptance”, respectively. 28 29 In the seventh paragraph (after the preceding Amendment is applied), “approval” is revised to 30 read “concurrence”. 31 32 The second sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 33 34 Any plank removal or cutting shall be done with the concurrence of the Engineer. 35 36 6-07.3(10)P Field Coating Repair 37 In the second to last sentence, “approved” is revised to read “accepted”. 38 39 The last sentence is deleted. 40 41 6-07.3(11)A Painting of Galvanized Surfaces 42 In the last sentence, “approval” is revised to read “acceptance”. 43 44 6-07.5 Payment 45 The following new paragraph is inserted after the paragraph following the Bid item “Cleaning 46 and Painting - _____”, lump sum: 47 48 When a weather station is specified, all costs in connection with furnishing, installing, 49 operating, and removing the weather station, including furnishing mounting hardware and 50 repeaters, accessories and wireless display console units, processing and submitting 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 68 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 daily weather data reports, maintenance and upkeep, shall be included in the lump sum 1 Contract price for “Cleaning And Painting – _____”. 2 3 Section 6-08, Waterproofing 4 January 3, 2017 5 This section and all subsections, including title, is revised to read: 6 7 6-08 Bituminous Surfacing on Structure Decks 8 6-08.1 Description 9 This Work consists of removing and placing Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) or Bituminous 10 Surface Treatment (BST) directly on or over a Structure. This Work also includes 11 performing concrete bridge deck repair, applying waterproofing membrane, and 12 sealing paving joints. 13 14 6-08.2 Materials 15 Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: 16 17 Bituminous Surface Treatment 5-02.2 18 Hot Mix Asphalt 5-04.2 19 Joint Sealants 9-04.2 20 Closed Cell Foam Backer Rod 9-04.2(3)A 21 Waterproofing Membrane (Deck Seal) 9-11 22 Bridge Deck Repair Material 9-20.5 23 24 6-08.3 Construction Requirements 25 6-08.3(1) Definitions 26 Adjusted Removal Depth – the Bituminous Pavement removal depth specified 27 by the Engineer to supersede the Design Removal Depth after review of the 28 Contractor survey of the existing Bituminous Pavement grade profile. 29 30 Bituminous Pavement – the surfacing material containing an asphalt binder. 31 32 Design Removal Depth – the value shown in the "pavement schedule" or 33 elsewhere in the Plans to indicate the design thickness of Bituminous Pavement 34 to be removed. 35 36 Final Grade Profile – the compacted finished grade surface of completed 37 Bituminous Pavement surfacing consisting of a vertical profile and 38 superelevation cross-slope, developed by the Engineer for Grade Controlled 39 Structure Decks based on the Contractor survey. 40 41 Grade Controlled – a Structure Deck requiring restriction of Bituminous 42 Pavement work, including restriction of pavement removal methods and 43 restriction of overlay pavement thicknesses. 44 45 Structure Deck – the bridge deck (concrete or timber), bridge approach slab, 46 top of concrete box culvert, or other concrete surfaces over or upon which 47 existing Bituminous Pavement is removed and new Bituminous Pavement is 48 applied. 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 69 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-08.3(2) Contractor Survey for Grade Controlled Structure Decks 1 Prior to removing existing Bituminous Pavement from a Grade Controlled 2 Structure Deck, the Contractor shall complete a survey of the existing surface 3 for use in establishing the existing cross section and grade profile elevations. 4 When removal of Bituminous Pavement is to be achieved by rotary 5 milling/planing, the Contractor’s survey shall also include the depths of the 6 existing surfacing at each survey point. 7 8 The Contractor is responsible for all calculations, surveying, installation of 9 control points, and measuring required for setting, maintaining and resetting 10 equipment and materials necessary for the construction of the overlay to the 11 Final Grade Profile. 12 13 6-08.3(2)A Survey Requirements 14 The Contractor shall establish at least two primary survey control points for 15 controlling actual Bituminous Pavement removal depth and the Final Grade 16 Profile. Horizontal control shall be by station and offset which shall be tied 17 to either the Roadway centerline or the Structure centerline. Vertical control 18 may be an assumed datum established by the Contractor. 19 20 Primary control points shall be described by station or milepost and offset 21 on the baseline selected by the Contractor. The Contractor may expand the 22 survey control information to include secondary horizontal and vertical 23 control points as needed for the project. 24 25 Survey information collected shall include station or milepost, offset, and 26 elevation for each lane line and curb line. Survey information shall be 27 collected at even 20 foot station intervals, and along the centerline of each 28 bridge expansion joint. The survey shall extend 300’-0” beyond the bridge 29 back of pavement seat or end of Structure Deck. The survey information 30 shall include the top of Bituminous Pavement elevation and, when rotary 31 milling/planing equipment is used, the corresponding depth of Bituminous 32 Pavement to the Structure Deck. The Contractor shall ensure a surveying 33 accuracy to within ± 0.01 feet for vertical control and ± 0.2 feet for horizontal 34 control. 35 36 Voids in HMA created by the Contractor’s Bituminous Pavement depth 37 measurements shall be filled by material conforming to Section 9-20 or 38 another material acceptable to the Engineer. 39 40 6-08.3(2)B Survey Submittal 41 The Contractor's survey records shall include descriptions of all survey 42 control points including station/milepost, offset, and elevations of all 43 secondary control points. The Contractor shall maintain survey records of 44 sufficient detail to allow the survey to be reproduced. The Contractor shall 45 submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of the compiled survey records 46 and information. Survey data shall be submitted as an electronic file in 47 Microsoft Excel format. 48 49 6-08.3(2)C Final Grade Profile and Adjusted Removal Depth 50 Based on the results of the survey, the Engineer may develop a Final Grade 51 Profile and Adjusted Removal Depth. If they are developed, the Final Grade 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 70 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Profile and Adjusted Removal Depth will be provided to the Contractor 1 within three working days after receiving the Contractor's survey 2 information. When provided, the Adjusted Removal Depth supersedes the 3 Design Removal Depth to become the Bituminous Pavement removal depth 4 for that Structure Deck. 5 6 6-08.3(3) General Bituminous Pavement Removal Requirements 7 The Contractor shall remove Bituminous Pavement and associated deck repair 8 material from Structure Decks to the horizontal limits shown in the Plans and to 9 either the specified or adjusted Bituminous Pavement removal depth as 10 applicable. 11 12 Removal of Bituminous Pavement within 12-inches of existing permanent 13 features that limit the reach of the machine or the edge of the following items 14 shall be by hand or by hand operated (nominal 30-pounds class) power tools: 15 existing bridge expansion joint headers; steel expansion joint assemblies; 16 concrete butt joints between back of pavement seats and bridge approach slabs, 17 bridge drain assemblies; thrie beam post steel anchorage assemblies fastened 18 to the side or top of the Structure Deck. 19 20 When removing Bituminous Pavement with a planer, Section 5-04.3(14) shall 21 apply. If the planer contacts the Structure Deck in excess of the specified planing 22 depth tolerance, or contacts steel reinforcing bars at any time, the Contractor 23 shall immediately cease planing operations and notify the Engineer. Planing 24 operations shall not resume until completion of the appropriate adjustments to 25 the planing machine and receiving the Engineer’s concurrence to resume. 26 27 6-08.3(4) Partial Depth Removal of Bituminous Pavement from Structure 28 Decks 29 The depth of surfacing removal, as measured to the bottom of the lowest milling 30 groove generated by the rotary milling/planing machine shall be +0.01, -0.02-31 feet of the specified or Adjusted Removal Depth as applicable. 32 33 6-08.3(5) Full Depth Removal of Bituminous Pavement from Structure 34 Decks 35 6-08.3(5)A Method of Removal 36 The Contractor shall perform full depth removal by a method that does not 37 damage or remove the Structure Deck in excess of the specified Bituminous 38 Pavement removal tolerance. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 39 Working Drawing consisting of the proposed methods and equipment to be 40 used for full depth removal. 41 42 6-08.3(5)B Planer Requirements for Full Depth Removal 43 The final planed surface shall have a finished surface with a tolerance of 44 +0.01, -0.02 feet within the planed surface profile, as measured from a 10-45 foot straight edge. Multiple passes of planing to achieve smoothness will 46 not be allowed. 47 48 In addition to Section 6-08.3(3), the planing equipment shall conform to the 49 following additional requirements: 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 71 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1. The cutting tooth spacing on the rotary milling head shall be less 1 than or equal to ¼ inch. 2 3 2. The rotary milling/planing machine shall have cutting teeth that 4 leave a uniform plane surface at all times. All teeth on the mill 5 head shall be kept at a maximum differential tolerance of 3⁄8-inch 6 between the shortest and longest tooth, as measured by a straight 7 edge placed the full width of the rotary milling head. 8 9 3. Cutting tips shall be replaced when 30 percent of the total length 10 of the cutting tip material remains. 11 12 Prior to each day’s Bituminous Pavement removal operations, the 13 Contractor shall confirm to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the rotary 14 head cutting teeth are within the specified tolerances. 15 16 6-08.3(5)C Structure Deck Cleanup after Bituminous Pavement 17 Removal 18 Waterproofing membrane that is loose or otherwise not firmly bonded to the 19 Structure Deck shall be removed as an incidental component of the Work 20 of surfacing removal. Existing waterproofing membrane bonded to the 21 Structure Deck need not be removed. 22 23 6-08.3(6) Repair of Damage due to Bituminous Pavement Removal 24 Operations 25 All concrete bridge deck, pavement seat, and steel reinforcing bar damage due 26 to the Contractor’s surfacing removal operations shall be repaired by the 27 Contractor in accordance with Section 1-07.13, and as specified below. 28 29 Damaged concrete in excess of the specified Bituminous Pavement removal 30 tolerance shall be repaired in accordance with Section 6-08.3(7), with the bridge 31 deck repair material placed to the level of the surrounding bridge deck and 32 parallel to the final grade paving profile. 33 34 Damaged steel reinforcing bar shall be repaired as follows: 35 36 1. Damage to steel reinforcing bar resulting in a section loss less than 20-37 percent of the bar with no damage to the surrounding concrete shall be 38 left in place and shall be repaired by removing the concrete to a depth 39 ¾-inches around the top steel reinforcing bar and placing bridge deck 40 repair material accepted by the Engineer to the level of the bridge deck 41 and parallel to the final grade paving profile. 42 43 2. Damage to steel reinforcing bar resulting in a section loss of 20-percent 44 or more in one location, bars partially or completely removed from the 45 bridge deck, or where there is a lack of bond to the concrete, shall be 46 repaired by removing the adjacent concrete and splicing a new bar of 47 the same size. Concrete shall be removed to provide a ¾-inch 48 minimum clearance around the bars. The splice bars shall extend a 49 minimum of 40 bar diameters beyond each end of the damage. 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 72 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-08.3(7) Concrete Deck Repair 1 This Work consists of repairing the concrete deck after Bituminous Pavement 2 has been removed. 3 4 6-08.3(7)A Concrete Deck Preparation 5 The Contractor, with the Engineer, shall inspect the exposed concrete deck 6 to establish the extent of bridge deck repair in accordance with Section 6-7 09.3(6), except item 4 in Section 6-09.3(6) does not apply. Areas of 8 Structure Deck left with existing well bonded waterproof membrane after full 9 depth Bituminous Pavement removal are exempt from this inspection 10 requirement. 11 12 All loose and unsound concrete within the repair area shall be removed with 13 jackhammers or chipping hammers no more forceful than the nominal 30 14 pounds class, or other mechanical means acceptable to the Engineer, and 15 operated at angles less than 45 degrees as measured from the surface of 16 the deck to the tool. If unsound concrete exists around the existing steel 17 reinforcing bars, or if the bond between concrete and steel reinforcing bar 18 is broken, the Contractor shall remove the concrete to provide a ¾ inch 19 minimum clearance to the bar. The Contractor shall take care to prevent 20 damage to the existing steel reinforcing bars and concrete to remain. 21 22 After removing sufficient concrete to establish the limits of the repair area, 23 the Contractor shall make ¾ inch deep vertical saw cuts and maintain 24 square edges at the boundaries of the repair area. The exposed steel 25 reinforcing bars and concrete in the repair area shall be abrasive blasted 26 and blown clean just prior to placing the bridge deck repair material. 27 28 6-08.3(7)B Ultra-Low Viscosity, Two-Part Liquid, Polyurethane-Hybrid 29 Polymer Concrete 30 The ultra-low viscosity, two-part liquid, polyurethane-hybrid polymer 31 concrete shall be mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s 32 recommendations. 33 34 Aggregate shall conform to the gradation limit requirements recommended 35 by the manufacturer. The aggregate and the ultra-low viscosity, two-part 36 liquid, polyurethane-hybrid polymer concrete shall be applied to the repair 37 areas in accordance with the sequence and procedure recommended by 38 the manufacturer. 39 40 All repairs shall be float finished flush with the surrounding surface within a 41 tolerance of 1⁄8 inch of a straight edge placed across the full width and 42 breadth of the repair area. 43 44 6-08.3(7)C Pre-Packaged Cement Based Repair Mortar 45 The Contractor shall mix the pre-packaged cement based repair mortar 46 using equipment, materials and proportions, batch sizes, and process as 47 recommended by the manufacturer. 48 49 All repairs shall be float finished flush with the surrounding surface within a 50 tolerance of 1⁄8 inch of a straight edge placed across the full width and 51 breadth of the repair area. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 73 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 6-08.3(7)D Cure 2 All bridge deck repair areas shall be cured in accordance with the 3 manufacturer's recommendations and attain a minimum compressive 4 strength of 2,500 psi before allowing vehicular and foot traffic on the repair 5 and placing waterproofing membrane on the bridge deck over the repair. 6 7 6-08.3(8) Waterproof Membrane for Structure Decks 8 This work consists of furnishing and placing a waterproof sheet membrane 9 system over a prepared Structure Deck prior to placing an HMA overlay. The 10 waterproof membrane system shall consist of a sheet membrane adhered to the 11 Structure Deck with a primer. 12 13 The Contractor shall comply with all membrane manufacturer’s installation 14 recommendations. 15 16 6-08.3(8)A Structure Deck Preparation 17 The Structure Deck and ambient air temperatures shall be above 50°F and 18 the Structure Deck shall be surface-dry at the time of the application of the 19 primer and membrane. 20 21 All areas of a Structure Deck that have fresh cast bridge deck concrete less 22 than 28 days old (not including bridge deck repair concrete placed in 23 accordance with Section 6-08.3(7)) shall cure for a period of time 24 recommended by the membrane manufacturer, or as specified by the 25 Engineer, before application of the membrane. 26 27 The entire Structure Deck and the sides of the curb and expansion joint 28 headers to the height of the HMA overlay shall be free of all foreign material 29 such as dirt, grease, etc. Prior to applying the primer or sheet membrane, 30 all dust and loose material shall be removed from the Structure Deck with 31 compressed air. All surface defects such as spalled areas, cracks, 32 protrusions, holes, sharp edges, ridges, etc., and other surface 33 imperfections greater than ¼ inch in width shall be corrected prior to 34 application of the membrane. 35 36 6-08.3(8)B Applying Primer 37 The primer shall be applied to the cleaned deck surfaces at the rate 38 according to the procedure recommended by the membrane manufacturer. 39 All surfaces to be covered by the membrane shall be thoroughly and 40 uniformly coated with primer. Structure Deck areas left with existing well 41 bonded waterproof membrane after bituminous surfacing removal shall 42 receive an application of primer in accordance with the membrane 43 manufacturer’s recommendations. Precautionary measures shall be taken 44 to ensure that pools and thick layers of primer are not left on the deck 45 surface. The membrane shall not be applied until the primer has cured or 46 volatile material has substantially dissipated, in accordance with the 47 membrane manufacturer’s recommendations. 48 49 The primer and waterproof membrane shall extend from the bridge deck up 50 onto the curb face and expansion joint header face the thickness of the HMA 51 overlay. The membrane shall adhere to the vertical surface. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 74 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 6-08.3(8)C Placing Waterproof Membrane 2 Membrane application shall begin at the low point on the deck, and continue 3 in a lapped shingle pattern. The overlap shall be a minimum of six inches 4 or greater if recommended by the membrane manufacturer. Membrane 5 seams shall be sealed as recommended by the membrane manufacturer. 6 Hand rollers or similar tools shall be used on the applied membrane to 7 assure firm and uniform contact with the primed Structure surfaces. 8 9 The fabric shall be neatly cut and contoured at all expansion joints and 10 drains. The cuts at bridge drains shall be two right angle cuts made to the 11 inside diameter of the bridge deck drain outlet, after which the corners of 12 the waterproof membrane shall be turned down into the drains and laid in a 13 coating of primer. 14 15 6-08.3(8)D Membrane Repair and Protection 16 The waterproof membrane will be visually inspected by the Engineer for 17 uniformity, tears, punctures, bonding, bubbles, wrinkles, voids and other 18 defects. All such deficiencies shall be repaired in accordance with the 19 membrane manufacturer’s recommendations prior to placement of the HMA 20 overlay. 21 22 The membrane material shall be protected from damage due to the paving 23 operations in accordance with the membrane manufacturer’s 24 recommendations. No traffic or equipment except that required for the 25 actual waterproofing and paving operations will be permitted to travel or rest 26 on the membrane until it is covered by the HMA overlay. The use of 27 windrows is not allowed for laydown of HMA on a membrane. 28 29 Where waterproofing membrane is placed in stages or applied at different 30 times, a strip of temporary paper shall be used to protect the membrane 31 overlap from the HMA hand removal methods. 32 33 6-08.3(9) Placing Bituminous Pavement on Structure Decks 34 HMA overlay shall be applied on Grade Controlled Structure Decks using 35 reference lines for vertical control in accordance with Section 5-04.3(3)C. 36 37 The compacted elevation of the HMA overlay on Structure Decks shall be within 38 ± 0.02 feet of the specified overlay thickness or Final Grade Profile as applicable. 39 Deviations from the final grade paving profile in excess of the specified tolerance 40 and areas of non-conforming surface smoothness shall be corrected in 41 accordance with Section 5-04.3(13). 42 43 Final grade Roadway transitions to a Structure Deck with Bituminous Pavement 44 shall not exceed a 0.20 percent change in grade in accordance with the bridge 45 deck transition for HMA overlay Standard Plan, unless shown otherwise in the 46 Plans. 47 48 Final grade compacted HMA elevations shall be higher than an adjacent 49 concrete edge by ¼ inch ± 1⁄8 inch at all expansion joint headers and concrete 50 butt joints as shown in the concrete to asphalt butt joint details of the bridge 51 paving joint seals Standard Plan. This also applies to steel edges within the limits 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 75 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 of the overlay such as bridge drain frames and steel joint riser bars at bridge 1 expansion joints. 2 3 6-08.3(9)A Protection of Structure Attachments and Embedments 4 The Contractor is responsible for protecting all Structure attachments and 5 embedments from the application of BST and HMA. 6 7 Drainage inlets that are to remain open, and expansion joints, shall be 8 cleaned out immediately after paving is completed. Materials passing 9 through expansion joints shall be removed from the bridge within 10 working 10 days. 11 12 All costs incurred by the Contractor in protective measures and clean up 13 shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the associated Bid items of 14 Work. 15 16 6-08.3(10) HMA Compaction on Structure Decks 17 Compaction of HMA on Structure Decks shall be in accordance with Section 5-18 04.3(10). 19 20 Work rejected in accordance with Section 5-04.3(11) shall include the materials, 21 work, and incidentals to repair an existing waterproof membrane damaged by 22 the removal of the rejected work. 23 24 6-08.3(11) Paved Panel Joint Seals and HMA Sawcut and Seal 25 Bridge paving joint seals shall be installed in accordance with Section 5-26 04.3(12)B and the details shown in the Plans and Standard Plans. 27 28 When concrete joints are exposed after removal of Bituminous Pavement, the 29 joints shall be cleaned and sealed in accordance with Section 5-01.3(8) and the 30 paved panel joint seal details of the bridge paving joint seals Standard Plan, 31 including placement of the closed cell backer rod at the base of the cleaned joint. 32 If waterproofing membrane is required, the membrane shall be slack or folded 33 at the concrete joint to allow for Structure movements without stress to the 34 membrane. After placement of the HMA overlay, the second phase of the paved 35 panel joint seal shall be completed by sawing the HMA and sealing the sawn 36 joint in accordance with Section 5-04.3(12)B2. 37 38 6-08.4 Measurement 39 Removing existing Bituminous Pavement from Structure Decks will be measured by 40 the square yard of Structure Deck surface area with removed overlay. 41 42 Bridge deck repair will be measured by the square foot surface area of deck concrete 43 removed with the measurement taken at the plane of the top mat of steel reinforcing 44 bars. 45 46 Waterproof membrane will be measured by the square yard surface area of Structure 47 Deck and curb and header surface area covered by membrane. 48 49 6-08.5 Payment 50 Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items when they are included in 51 the Proposal: 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 76 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 “Structure Surveying”, lump sum. 2 3 “Removing Existing Overlay From Bridge Deck___”, per square yard. 4 The unit Contract price per square yard for "Removing Existing Overlay From 5 Bridge Deck___”, shall be full pay for performing the Work as specified for full 6 removal of Bituminous Pavement on Structure Decks, including the removal of 7 existing waterproof membrane and disposing of materials. 8 9 “Bridge Deck Repair Br. No.___”, per square foot. 10 The unit Contract price per square foot for "Bridge Deck Repair Br. No.___" shall 11 be full pay for performing the Work as specified, including removing and 12 disposing of the concrete within the repair area and furnishing, placing, finishing, 13 and curing the repair concrete. 14 15 “Waterproof Membrane Br. No.___”, per square yard. 16 The unit Contract price per square yard for "Waterproof Membrane Br. No.___" 17 shall be full pay for performing the Work as specified, including repairing any 18 damaged or defective waterproofing membrane and repair of damaged HMA 19 overlay. 20 21 Section 6-09, Modified Concrete Overlays 22 April 4, 2016 23 6-09.3(8)A Quality Assurance for Microsilica Modified and Fly Ash Modified 24 Concrete Overlays 25 The first sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read the following two new sentences: 26 27 The Engineer will perform slump, temperature, and entrained air tests for acceptance in 28 accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)D and as specified in this Section after the Contractor 29 has turned over the concrete for acceptance testing. Concrete samples for testing shall 30 be supplied to the Engineer in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)E. 31 32 The last paragraph is deleted. 33 34 6-09.3(8)B Quality Assurance for Latex Modified Concrete Overlays 35 The first two paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following: 36 37 The Engineer will perform slump, temperature, and entrained air tests for acceptance in 38 accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)D and as specified in this Section after the Contractor 39 has turned over the concrete for acceptance testing. The Engineer will perform testing as 40 the concrete is being placed. Samples shall be taken on the first charge through each 41 mobile mixer and every other charge thereafter. The sample shall be taken after the first 42 2 minutes of continuous mixer operation. Concrete samples for testing shall be supplied 43 to the Engineer in accordance with Section 6-02.3(5)E. 44 45 The second to last sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 46 47 Recommendations made by the technical representative on or off the jobsite shall be 48 adhered to by the Contractor. 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 77 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 6-10, Concrete Barrier 1 August 7, 2017 2 6-10.3(5) Temporary Concrete Barrier 3 This section title is revised to read: 4 5 Temporary Barrier 6 7 The first paragraph is revised to read: 8 9 For temporary barrier, the Contractor may use precast concrete barrier or temporary steel 10 barrier. Temporary concrete barrier shall comply with Standard Plan requirements and 11 cross-sectional dimensions, except that: (1) it may be made in other lengths than those 12 shown in the Standard Plan, and (2) it may have permanent lifting holes no larger than 4 13 inches in diameter or lifting loops. Temporary steel barrier shall be certified that it meets 14 the requirements of NCHRP 350 or MASH Test Level 3 or 4 and shall be installed in 15 accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 16 17 6-10.4 Measurement 18 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 19 20 Temporary barrier will be measured by the linear foot along the completed line and slope 21 of the barrier, one time only for each setup of barrier protected area. 22 23 6-10.5 Payment 24 The Bid item “Temporary Conc. Barrier”, per linear foot, and the paragraph following this Bid 25 item, is revised to read: 26 27 “Temporary Barrier”, per linear foot. 28 29 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Temporary Barrier” shall be full pay for all costs, 30 including furnishing, installing, connecting, anchoring, maintaining, temporary storage, 31 and final removal of the temporary barrier. 32 33 Section 6-12, Noise Barrier Walls 34 January 3, 2017 35 6-12.3(9) Access Doors and Concrete Landing Pads 36 The first sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 37 38 The Contractor shall construct concrete landing pads for each access door location as 39 shown in the Plans. 40 41 6-12.5 Payment 42 In the paragraph following the bid item “Noise Barrier Wall Access Door”, per each, “concrete 43 landing pad” is revised to read “concrete landing pads”. 44 45 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 78 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 6-14, Geosynthetic Retaining Walls 1 January 3, 2017 2 6-14.3(2) Submittals 3 The first sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 4 5 The Contractor shall submit Type 2E Working Drawings consisting of detailed plans for 6 each wall. 7 8 6-14.5 Payment 9 The bid item “Concrete Fascia Panel”, per square foot, and the paragraph following this bid 10 item are revised to read: 11 12 “Concrete Fascia Panel For Geosynthetic Wall”, per square foot. 13 14 All costs in connection with constructing the concrete fascia panels as specified shall be 15 included in the unit Contract price per square foot for “Concrete Fascia Panel For 16 Geosynthetic Wall”, including all steel reinforcing bars, premolded joint filler, polyethylene 17 bond breaker strip, joint sealant, PVC pipe for weep holes, exterior surface finish, and 18 pigmented sealer (when specified), constructing and placing the concrete footing, edge 19 beam, anchor beam, anchor rod assembly, and backfill. 20 21 Section 6-19, Shafts 22 January 3, 2017 23 6-19.3 Construction Requirements 24 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 25 26 6-19.3(10) Engineer’s Final Acceptance of Shafts 27 The Engineer will determine final acceptance of each shaft, based on the nondestructive 28 QA test results and analysis for the tested shafts, and will provide a response to the 29 Contractor within 3 working days after receiving the test results and analysis submittal. 30 31 6-19.3(1)B Nondestructive Testing of Shafts 32 This section’s content is deleted and replaced with the following new subsections: 33 34 6-19.3(1)B1 Nondestructive Quality Assurance (QA) Testing of Shafts 35 Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, the Contractor shall perform 36 nondestructive QA testing of shafts, except for those constructed completely in the dry. 37 Either crosshole sonic log (CSL) testing in accordance with ASTM D 6760 or thermal 38 integrity profiling (TIP) testing in accordance with ASTM D 7949 shall be used. 39 40 6-19.3(1)B2 Nondestructive Quality Verification (QV) Testing of Shafts 41 The Contracting Agency may perform QV nondestructive testing of shafts that have been 42 QA tested by the Contractor. The Contracting Agency may test up to ten percent of the 43 shafts. The Engineer will identify the shafts selected for QV testing and the testing 44 method the Contracting Agency will use. 45 46 The Contractor shall accommodate the Contracting Agency’s nondestructive testing. 47 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 79 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-19.3(2) Shaft Construction Submittal 1 This section is revised to read: 2 3 The shaft construction submittal shall be comprised of the following four components: 4 construction experience; shaft installation narrative; shaft slurry technical assistance; and 5 nondestructive QA testing personnel. The submittals shall be Type 2 Working Drawings, 6 except the shaft slurry technical assistance and nondestructive QA testing personnel 7 submittals shall be Type 1. 8 9 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 10 11 6-19.3(2)D Nondestructive QA Testing Organization and Personnel 12 The Contractor shall submit the names of the testing organizations, and the names of the 13 personnel who will conduct nondestructive QA testing of shafts. The submittal shall 14 include documentation that the qualifications specified below are satisfied. For TIP 15 testing, the testing organization is the group that performs the data analysis and produces 16 the final report. The testing organizations and the testing personnel shall meet the 17 following minimum qualifications: 18 19 1. The testing organization shall have performed nondestructive tests on a 20 minimum of three deep foundation projects in the last two years. 21 22 2. Personnel conducting the tests for the testing organization shall have a minimum 23 of one year experience in nondestructive testing and interpretation. 24 25 3. The experience requirements for the organization and personnel shall be 26 consistent with the testing methods the Contractor has selected for 27 nondestructive testing of shafts. 28 29 4. Personnel preparing test reports shall be a Professional Engineers, licensed 30 under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, and in accordance with WAC 196-23-31 020. 32 33 6-19.3(3) Shaft Excavation 34 The second paragraph is revised to read: 35 36 Shaft excavation shall not be started until the Contractor has received the Engineer’s 37 acceptance for the reinforcing steel centralizers required when the casing is to be pulled 38 during concrete placement. 39 40 This section is supplemented with the following: 41 42 Except as otherwise noted, the Contractor shall not commence subsequent shaft 43 excavations until receiving the Engineer’s acceptance of the first shaft, based on the 44 results and analysis of the nondestructive testing for the first shaft. The Contractor may 45 commence subsequent shaft excavations prior to receiving the Engineer’s acceptance of 46 the first shaft, provided the following condition is satisfied: 47 48 The Engineer permits continuing with shaft construction based on the Engineer’s 49 observations of the construction of the first shaft, including, but not limited to, 50 conformance to the shaft installation narrative in accordance with Section 6-19.3(2)B, 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 80 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 and the Engineer’s review of Contractor’s daily reports and Inspector’s daily logs 1 concerning excavation, steel reinforcing bar placement, and concrete placement. 2 3 6-19.3(5)B Steel Reinforcing Bar Cage Centralizers 4 This section is supplemented with the following new sentence: 5 6 The Contractor shall furnish and install additional centralizers as required to maintain the 7 specified concrete cover throughout the length of the shaft. 8 9 6-19.3(5)C Concrete Cover Over Steel Reinforcing Bars 10 In the table, the second column (including heading) is revised to read: 11 12 Minimum Concrete Cover, and Concrete Cover Tolerance, Except at Permanent Slip Casing (Inches) 3, -1½ 4, -2 4, -2 6, -3 13 The following new paragraph is inserted after the table: 14 15 The concrete cover tolerances specified above apply to the concrete cover specified in 16 the Plans, even if it exceeds the minimum concrete cover. 17 18 6-19.3(6) Access Tubes for Crosshole Sonic Log (CSL) Testing 19 This section title is revised to read: 20 21 6-19.3(6) Contractor Furnished Accessories for Nondestructive QA Testing 22 23 This section is supplemented with the following three new subsections: 24 25 6-19.3(6)D Shafts Requiring Thermal Wire 26 The Contractor shall furnish and install thermal wire in all shafts receiving the thermal wire 27 method of TIP testing, except as otherwise noted in Section 6-19.3(1)B1. 28 29 6-19.3(6)E Thermal Wire and Thermal Access Points (TAPs) 30 The thermal wire and associated couplers shall be obtained from the source specified in 31 the Special Provisions. 32 33 The Contractor shall securely attach the thermal wire to the interior of the reinforcement 34 cage of the shaft in conformance with the supplier’s instructions. At a minimum, one 35 thermal wire shall be furnished and installed for each foot of shaft diameter, rounded to 36 the nearest whole number, as shown in the Plans. The number of thermal wires for shaft 37 diameters specified as "X feet 6 inches" shall be rounded up to the next higher whole 38 number. The thermal wires shall be placed around the shaft, inside the spiral or hoop 39 reinforcement, and tied to the vertical reinforcement with plastic "zip" ties at a maximum 40 spacing of 2-feet. Steel tie wire shall not be used. 41 42 The thermal wire shall be installed in straight alignment and taut, but with enough slack 43 to not be damaged during reinforcing cage lofting. The wires shall be as near to parallel 44 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 81 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 to the vertical axis of the reinforcement cage as possible. The thermal wire shall extend 1 from the bottom of the reinforcement cage to the top of the shaft, with 15-feet of slack 2 wire provided above the top of shaft. Care shall be taken to prevent damaging the thermal 3 wires during reinforcement cage installation and concrete placement operations in the 4 shaft excavation. 5 6 After completing shaft reinforcement cage fabrication at the site and prior to installation 7 of the cage into the shaft excavation, the Contractor shall install and connect thermal 8 access points (TAPs) to the thermal wires. The TAPs shall record data for at least one 9 hour after the cage is placed in the excavation to measure the slurry temperature and 10 enable the steel and slurry temperatures to equilibrate prior to placing concrete in the 11 shaft. The TAPs shall record and store data every 15 minutes. The TAPs shall remain 12 active for a minimum of 36 hours. 13 14 Prior to beginning concrete placement the TAPs shall be checked to ensure they are 15 recording data and that the wires have not been damaged. If a TAP unit is not functioning 16 due to a damaged wire, the Contractor shall repair or replace the wire. If a TAP unit fails 17 or a wire breaks after concrete placement has started, the Contractor shall not stop the 18 concrete placement operation to repair the wire. 19 20 6-19.3(6)F Use of Access Tubes for TIP Testing Under the Thermal Probe 21 Method 22 The Contractor may use access tubes for TIP testing under the thermal probe method. 23 Access tubes shall be cared for in accordance with Section 6-19.3(6)C. Prior to TIP testing 24 under the thermal probe method, the water in each tube shall be removed, collected, and 25 stored in an insulated container. The access tube shall be blown dry and swabbed to 26 remove residual water. After TIP testing, the collected and stored tube water shall be 27 introduced back into the access tube. New potable water may be used, provided the water 28 temperature is not more than 10°F cooler than the average concrete temperature 29 measured by the probe. 30 31 6-19.3(6)A Shafts Requiring CSL Access Tubes 32 This section, including title, is revised to read: 33 34 6-19.3(6)A Shafts Requiring Access Tubes 35 The Contractor shall furnish and install access tubes in all shafts receiving CSL testing or 36 the thermal probe method of TIP testing, except as otherwise noted in Section 6-37 19.3(1)B1. 38 39 6-19.3(6)B Orientation and Assembly of the CSL Access Tubes 40 This section’s title is revised to read: 41 42 6-19.3(6)B Orientation and Assembly of the Access Tubes 43 44 6-19.3(6)C Care for CSL Access Tubes from Erection through CSL Testing 45 This section’s title is revised to read: 46 47 6-19.3(6)C Care for Access Tubes from Erection Through Nondestructive 48 QA Testing 49 50 The second sentence is revised to read: 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 82 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 The Contractor shall keep all of a shaft’s access tubes full of water through the completion 2 of nondestructive QA testing of that shaft. 3 4 6-19.3(7)A Concrete Class for Shaft Concrete 5 This section is revised to read: 6 7 Shaft concrete shall be Class 5000P conforming to Section 6-02. 8 9 6-19.3(7)B Concrete Placement Requirements 10 The last sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 11 12 The Section 6-02.3(6) restriction for 5 feet maximum free fall shall not apply to placement 13 of concrete into a shaft. 14 15 6-19.3(7)I Requirements for Placing Concrete Above the Top of Shaft 16 This section is revised to read: 17 18 Concrete shall not be placed above the top of shaft (for column splice zones, columns, 19 footings, or shaft caps) until the Contractor receives the Engineer’s acceptance of 20 nondestructive QA testing, if performed at that shaft, and acceptance of the shaft. 21 22 6-19.3(9) Nondestructive Testing of Shafts (Crosshole Sonic Log (CSL) 23 Testing) 24 This section, including title, is revised to read: 25 26 6-19.3(9) Nondestructive QA Testing of Shafts 27 The Contractor shall provide nondestructive QA testing and analysis on all shafts with 28 access tubes or thermal wires and TAPs facilitating the testing (See Section 6-19.3(1)B). 29 The testing and analysis shall be performed by the testing organizations identified by the 30 Contractor’s submittal in accordance with Section 6-19.3(2)D. 31 32 The Engineer may direct that additional testing be performed at a shaft if anomalies or a 33 soft bottom are detected by the Contractor’s testing. If additional testing at a shaft 34 confirms the presence of a defect(s) in the shaft, the testing costs and the delay costs 35 resulting from the additional testing shall be borne by the Contractor in accordance with 36 Section 1-05.6. If the additional testing indicates that the shaft has no defect, the testing 37 costs and the delay costs resulting from the additional testing will be paid by the 38 Contracting Agency in accordance with Section 1-05.6, and, if the shaft construction is on 39 the critical path of the Contractor’s schedule, a time extension equal to the delay created 40 by the additional testing will be granted in accordance with Section 1-08.8. 41 42 6-19.3(9)A Schedule of CSL Testing 43 This section, including title, is revised to read: 44 45 6-19.3(9)A TIP Testing Using Thermal Probes or CSL Testing 46 If selected as the nondestructive QA testing method by the Contractor, TIP testing using 47 thermal probes, or CSL testing shall be performed after the shaft concrete has cured at 48 least 96 hours. Additional curing time prior to testing may be required if the shaft concrete 49 contains admixtures, such as set retarding admixture or water-reducing admixture, added 50 in accordance with Section 6-02.3(3). The additional curing time prior to testing required 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 83 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 under these circumstances shall not be grounds for additional compensation or extension 1 of time to the Contractor in accordance with Section 1-08.8. 2 3 6-19.3(9)B Inspection of CSL Access Tubes 4 This section’s title is revised to read: 5 6 6-19.3(9)B Inspection of Access Tubes 7 8 6-19.3(9)C Engineer’s Final Acceptance of Shafts 9 This section, including title, is revised to read: 10 11 6-19.3(9)C TIP Testing With Thermal Wires and TAPs 12 If selected as the nondestructive QA testing method by the Contractor, TIP testing with 13 thermal wires and TAPs (See Section 6-19.3(6)E) shall be performed. The TIP testing 14 shall commence at the beginning of the concrete placement operation, recording 15 temperature readings at 15-minute intervals until the peak temperature is captured in the 16 data. Additional curing time may be required if the shaft concrete contains admixtures, 17 such as set retarding admixture or water-reducing admixture, added in accordance with 18 Section 6-02.3(3). The additional curing time required under these circumstances shall 19 not be grounds for additional compensation or extension of time to the Contractor in 20 accordance with Section 1-08.8. 21 22 TIP testing shall be conducted at all shafts in which thermal wires and TAPs have been 23 installed for thermal wire analysis (Section 6-19.3(6)A). 24 25 6-19.3(9)D Requirements to Continue Shaft Excavation Prior to Acceptance of 26 First Shaft 27 This section, including title, is revised to read: 28 29 6-19.3(9)D Nondestructive QA Testing Results Submittal 30 The Contractor shall submit the results and analysis of the nondestructive QA testing for 31 each shaft tested. The Contractor shall submit the test results within three working days 32 of testing. Results shall be a Type 1 Working Drawing presented in a written report. 33 34 TIP reports shall include: 35 36 1. A map or plot of the wire/tube location within the shaft and their position relative 37 to a known and identifiable location, such as North. 38 39 2. Graphical displays of temperature measurements versus depth of each wire or 40 tube for the analysis time selected, overall average temperature with depth, 41 shaft radius or diameter with depth, concrete cover versus cage position with 42 depth, and effective radius. 43 44 3. The report shall identify unusual temperatures, particularly significantly cooler 45 local deviations from the overall average. 46 47 4. The report shall identify the location and extent where satisfactory or 48 questionable concrete is identified. 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 84 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 a. Satisfactory (S) - 0 to 6% Effective Radius Reduction and Cover Criteria 1 Met 2 3 b. Questionable (Q) - Effective Local Radius Reduction > 6%, Effective Local 4 Average Diameter Reduction > 4%, or Cover Criteria Not Met 5 6 5. Variations in temperature between wire/tubes (at each depth) which in turn 7 correspond to variations in cage alignment. 8 9 6. Where shaft specific construction information is available (e.g. elevations of the 10 top of shaft, bottom of casing, bottom of shaft, etc.), these values shall be noted 11 on all pertinent graphical displays. 12 13 CSL reports shall include: 14 15 1. A map or plot of the tube location within the shaft and their position relative to a 16 known and identifiable location, such as North. 17 18 2. Graphical displays of CSL Energy versus Depth and CSL signal arrival time 19 versus depth or velocity versus depth. 20 21 3. The report shall identify the location and extent where good, questionable, and 22 poor concrete is identified, where no signal was received, or where water is 23 present. 24 25 a. Good (G) - No signal distortion and decrease in signal velocity of 10% or 26 less is indicative of good quality concrete. 27 28 b. Questionable (Q) - Minor signal distortion and a lower signal amplitude with 29 a decrease in signal velocity between 10% and 20%. 30 31 c. Poor (P) - Severe signal distortion and much lower signal amplitude with a 32 decrease in signal velocity of 20% or more. 33 34 d. No Signal (NS) - No signal was received. 35 36 e. Water (W) - A measured signal velocity of nominally V = 4,800 to 5,000 fps. 37 38 All QA test reports will provide a recommendation to accept the shaft as-is, 39 recommendation for further review by the Engineer, or will provide a plan for further 40 testing, investigation or repair to address any deficiencies identified by the testing. 41 42 6-19.3(9)E Additional CSL Testing 43 This section, including title, is revised to read: 44 45 6-19.3(9)E Vacant 46 47 6-19.3(9)I Requirements for CSL Access Tubes and Cored Holes After CSL 48 Testing 49 This section’s title is revised to read: 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 85 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6-19.3(9)I Requirements for Access Tubes and Cored Holes After CSL 1 Testing 2 3 6-19.4 Measurement 4 This section is revised to read: 5 6 Constructing shafts will be measured by the linear foot. The linear foot measurement will 7 be calculated using the top of shaft elevation and the bottom of shaft elevation for each 8 shaft as shown in the Plans. 9 10 Rock excavation for shaft, including haul, will be measured by the linear foot of shaft 11 excavated. The linear feet measurement will be computed using the top of the rock line, 12 defined as the highest bedrock point within the shaft diameter, and the bottom elevation 13 shown in the Plans. 14 15 QA shaft test will be measured once per shaft tested. 16 17 6-19.5 Payment 18 This section is revised to read: 19 20 Payment will be made for the following Bid items when they are included in the Proposal: 21 22 “Constructing___Diam. Shaft”, per linear foot. 23 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Constructing___Diam. Shaft” shall be full 24 pay for performing the Work as specified, including: 25 26 1. Soil excavation for shaft, including all costs in connection with furnishing, 27 mixing, placing, maintaining, containing, collecting, and disposing of all 28 mineral, synthetic and water slurry, and disposing of groundwater collected 29 by the excavated shaft. 30 31 2. Furnishing and placing temporary shaft casing, including temporary casing 32 in addition to the required casing specified in the Special Provisions, and 33 including all costs in connection with completely removing the casing after 34 completing shaft construction. 35 36 3. Furnishing permanent casing for shaft. 37 38 4. Placing permanent casing for shaft. 39 40 5. Casing shoring, including all costs in connection with furnishing and 41 installing casing shoring above the specified upper limit for casing shoring 42 but necessary to provide for sufficient water head pressure to resist artesian 43 water pressure present in the shaft excavation, removing casing shoring, 44 and placing seals when required. 45 46 6. Furnishing and placing steel reinforcing bar and epoxy-coated steel 47 reinforcing bar, including furnishing and installing steel reinforcing bar 48 centralizers. 49 50 7. Installation of CSL tubes or thermal wires. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 86 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 8. Furnishing, placing and curing concrete to the top of shaft or to the 1 construction joint at the base of the shaft-column splice zone as applicable. 2 3 Payment for “Constructing___Diam. Shaft” will be made upon Engineer acceptance 4 of the shaft, including completion of satisfactory QA shaft tests as applicable. 5 6 “Rock Excavation For Shaft Including Haul”, per linear foot. 7 When rock excavation is encountered, payment for rock excavation is in addition to 8 the unit Contract price per linear foot for “Constructing___Diam. Shaft” 9 10 “Shoring Or Extra Excavation Cl. A - ___”, lump sum. 11 The lump sum Contract price for “Shoring Or Extra Excavation Cl. A - ___” shall be 12 full pay for performing the Work as specified, including all costs in connection with all 13 excavation outside the limits specified for soil and rock excavation for shaft including 14 haul, all temporary telescoping casings, and all temporary casings beyond the limits 15 of required temporary casing specified in the Special Provisions. 16 17 “QA Shaft Test”, per each. 18 The unit Contract price per each for “QA Shaft Test” shall be full pay for performing 19 the Work as specified, including operating all associated accessories necessary to 20 record and process data and develop the summary QA test reports. Section 1-04.6 21 does not apply to this bid item. 22 23 “Removing Shaft Obstructions”, estimated. 24 Payment for removing, breaking-up, or pushing aside shaft obstructions, as defined 25 in Section 6-19.3(3)E, will be made for the changes in shaft construction methods 26 necessary to deal with the obstruction. The Contractor and the Engineer shall 27 evaluate the effort made and reach agreement on the equipment and employees 28 utilized, and the number of hours involved for each. Once these cost items and their 29 duration have been agreed upon, the payment amount will be determined using the 30 rate and markup methods specified in Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing 31 a common proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount 32 for the item “Removing Shaft Obstructions” in the Bid Proposal to become a part of 33 the total Bid by the Contractor. 34 35 If drilled shaft tools, cutting teeth, casing or Kelly bar is damaged as a result of the 36 obstruction removal work, the Contractor will be compensated for the costs to repair 37 this equipment in accordance with Section 1-09.6. 38 39 If shaft construction equipment is idled as a result of the Work required to deal with 40 the obstruction and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then standby 41 payment for the idled equipment will be added to the payment calculations. If labor 42 is idled as a result of the Work required to deal with the obstruction and cannot be 43 reasonably reassigned within the project, then all labor costs resulting from 44 Contractor labor agreements and established Contractor policies will be added to the 45 payment calculations. 46 47 The Contractor shall perform the amount of obstruction Work estimated by the 48 Contracting Agency within the original time of the Contract. The Engineer will 49 consider a time adjustment and additional compensation for costs related to the 50 extended duration of the shaft construction operations, provided: 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 87 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1. The dollar amount estimated by the Contracting Agency has been 1 exceeded, and 2 3 2. The Contractor shows that the obstruction removal Work represents a delay 4 to the completion of the project based on the current progress schedule 5 provided in accordance with Section 1-08.3. 6 7 8 Section 7-02, Culverts 9 January 3, 2017 10 7-02.2 Materials 11 The following three new items are inserted after the item “Aggregate for Portland Cement 12 Concrete: 13 14 Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3) 15 Butyl Rubber Sealant 9-04.11 16 External Sealing Band 9-04.12 17 18 The last paragraph is deleted. 19 20 7-02.3(6) Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structures, Box Culverts and Split 21 Box Culverts 22 This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: 23 24 When the Plans include a complete set of design details for a Structure (defining panel 25 shapes and dimensions, concrete strength requirements, and steel reinforcing bar, joint, 26 and connection details), the design and load rating preparation and calculation submittal 27 requirements of Sections 7-02.3(6)A1 and 7-02.3(6)A2 do not apply for the components 28 shown in the Plans, but all other requirements of this Section remain in effect. The 29 Contractor may propose alternate concrete culvert designs, accommodating the same 30 rise, span, and length as shown in the Plans, to replace the Structure details shown in the 31 Plans. If an alternate concrete culvert design is proposed, all of the requirements of this 32 Section, including design and load rating preparation and calculation submittal, apply. 33 34 7-02.3(6)A General 35 This section is supplemented with the following two new paragraphs: 36 37 Tolerances for PRCTSS shall be as follows: 38 39 1. Internal Dimensions – The internal dimension shall not vary more than 1 percent 40 or 2 inches, whichever is less, from the Plan dimensions. The haunch 41 dimensions shall not vary more than 3⁄4 inch from the Plan dimensions. 42 43 2. Slab and Wall Thickness – The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than 44 that shown in the Plans by more than 5 percent or ½ inch, whichever is greater. 45 A thickness more than that required in the Plans will not be a cause for rejection 46 if proper joining is not affected. 47 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 88 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 3. Length of Opposite Surfaces – Variations in lengths of two opposite surfaces of 1 the three-sided section shall not be more than 3⁄4 inch unless beveled sections 2 are being used to accommodate a curve in the alignment. 3 4 4. Reinforcing steel placement shall meet the tolerances specified in Section 6-5 02.3(24)C. 6 7 Tolerances for PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be as follows: 8 9 1. Internal Dimensions – The internal dimensions shall not vary more than 1 10 percent from the Plan dimensions. If haunches are used, the haunch dimensions 11 shall not vary more than ¼ inch from the Plan dimensions. 12 13 2. Slab and Wall Thickness – The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than 14 that shown in the Plans by more than 5 percent or 3⁄16 inch, whichever is greater. 15 A thickness more than that required in the Plans will not be a cause for rejection. 16 17 3. Length of Opposite Box Segments – Variations in lengths of two opposite 18 surfaces of the box segments shall not be more than 1⁄8 inch per foot of internal 19 span, with a maximum of 5⁄8 inch for all sizes through 7 feet internal span, and a 20 maximum of ¾ inch for internal spans greater than 7 feet, except where beveled 21 sections are being used to accommodate a curve in the alignment. 22 23 4. Length of Box Segments – The underrun in length of a segment shall not be 24 more than 1⁄8 inch per foot of length with a maximum of 1⁄2 inch in any box 25 segment. 26 27 5. Length of Legs and Slabs – The variation in length of the legs shall not be more 28 than 1⁄8 inch per foot of the rise of the leg per leg with a maximum of 5⁄8 inches. 29 The differential length between opposing legs of the same segment shall not be 30 more than 1⁄2 inch. Length of independent top slab spans shall not vary by more 31 than 1⁄8 inch per foot of span of the top slab, with a maximum of 5⁄8 inches. 32 33 6. Reinforcing steel placement shall meet the tolerances specified in Section 6-34 02.3(24)C. 35 36 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 37 38 7-02.3(6)A5 Wingwalls and Retaining Walls 39 Wingwalls and retaining walls (including cutoff walls and headwalls) shall be constructed 40 in accordance with the Contractor’s design and Working Drawing submittal or when the 41 Plans include a complete set of design details for a wall (defining panel shapes and 42 dimensions, concrete strength requirements, and steel reinforcing bar, joint, and 43 connection details),the details shown in the Plans. 44 45 Precast concrete construction shall conform to Sections 6-02.3(28) and 6-11.3(3). 46 47 Culvert bedding material shall be furnished, placed, and compacted in accordance with 48 Section 7-02.3(6)A4. 49 50 7-02.3(6)A1 Design Criteria 51 The first sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 89 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Whenever the minimum finished backfill or surfacing depth above the top of the Structure 2 is less than 1’-0” (except when the top of the Structure is directly exposed to vehicular 3 traffic), either all steel reinforcing bars in the span unit shall be epoxy-coated with 2" 4 minimum concrete cover from the face of concrete to the face of the top mat of steel 5 reinforcing bars, or the minimum concrete cover shall be 2½". 6 7 The last sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 8 9 Concrete cover from the face of any concrete surface to the face of any steel 10 reinforcement shall be 1-inch minimum end clearance at all joints, and 2-inches minimum 11 at all other locations. 12 13 7-02.3(6)A2 Submittals 14 The first paragraph is revised to read: 15 16 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings of the precast Structures. Fabrication shop 17 drawings replicating complete design details when shown in the Plans shall be Type 2 18 Working Drawings. Submittals completing the design based on the schematic geometric 19 requirements shown in the Plans, or proposing a Contractor designed alternative concrete 20 culvert Structure shall be Type 2E Working Drawings with supporting design calculations. 21 22 The last paragraph is revised to read: 23 24 For precast Structures with a span length greater than 20-feet (as defined in Section 7-25 02.3(6)A1), except when the depth of fill above the top of culvert exceeds the Structure 26 span length, a Type 2E Working Drawing shall be submitted consisting of a load rating 27 report prepared in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation and 28 WSDOT Bridge Design Manual LRFD M 23-50 Chapter 13. Soil pressures used shall 29 include effects from the backfill material and compaction methods, and shall be in 30 accordance with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 and the geotechnical 31 report prepared for the project. 32 33 7-02.3(6)A3 Casting 34 This section is revised to read: 35 36 Concrete shall conform to Section 6-02.3(28)B, with a 28-day compressive strength as 37 specified in the Plans or the Working Drawings submittal. 38 39 7-02.3(6)A4 Excavation and Bedding Preparation 40 The last paragraph is revised to read: 41 42 The upper layer of bedding course shall be a 6-inch minimum thickness layer of culvert 43 bedding material, defined as granular material either conforming to Section 9-03.12(3) or 44 to AASHTO Grading No. 57 as specified in Section 9-03.1(4)C. The plan limits of the 45 culvert bedding material shall extend 1-foot beyond the plan limits of the culvert or the 46 Structure footing as applicable. The culvert bedding material shall be compacted in 47 accordance with the Section 2-09.3(1)E requirements for gravel backfill for drains. After 48 compaction, the culvert bedding material shall be screeded transversely to the specified 49 line and grade. Voids in the screeded culvert bedding material shall be filled and then 50 rescreeded prior to erecting the precast Structure. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 90 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 7-02.3(6)B3 Erection 1 The last paragraph is revised to read: 2 3 Adjacent precast sections shall be connected by welding the weld-tie anchors in 4 accordance with Section 6-03.3(25). Welding ground shall be attached directly to the steel 5 plates being welded when welding the weld-ties. The weld-tie anchor spacing shall not 6 exceed 6’-0”. After connecting the weld-tie anchors, the Contractor shall paint the 7 exposed metal surfaces with one coat of field primer conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F. 8 Keyways shall be filled with grout conforming to Section 9-20.3(2). 9 10 7-02.3(6)C1 Casting 11 This section is revised to read: 12 13 PRCSBC shall consist of lid elements and “U” shaped base elements. The vertical legs 14 of the “U” shaped base elements shall be full height matching the rise of the culvert, 15 except as otherwise specified for culvert spans greater than 20-feet. For PRCSBC spans 16 greater than 20-feet (as defined in Section 7-02.3(6)A1), the lid elements may include 17 vertical legs of a maximum length of 4-feet. 18 19 All vertical and horizontal joints of PRCBC and PRCSBC elements shall be tongue and 20 groove type joints, except PRCBC and PRCSBC of 20-foot span or less may have keyway 21 joints connected by weld-tie anchors in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)O. The weld-22 tie anchor spacing shall not exceed 6’-0”. There shall be at least two galvanized steel tie 23 plates across each top unit tongue and groove joint and each tongue and groove joint 24 between upper and lower units, unless otherwise shown in the Plans or required by the 25 seismic designed completed in accordance with Section 7-02.3(6)A1. 26 27 7-02.3(6)C3 Erection 28 This section is revised to read: 29 30 PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be erected and backfilled in accordance with the erection 31 sequence specified in the Working Drawing submittal, and the construction equipment 32 restrictions specified in Section 6-02.3(25)O. 33 34 The Contractor shall install a continuous strip of butyl rubber sealant within all tongue and 35 groove joints prior to connecting the precast elements together. The butyl rubber sealant 36 shall have a minimum cross section of 1⁄2-inch by 11⁄2-inch, unless otherwise shown in the 37 Plans. 38 39 After connecting the joints with weld-tie anchors, the Contractor shall paint the exposed 40 metal surfaces with one coat of field primer conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F. Keyways 41 shall be filled with grout conforming to Section 9-20.3(2). 42 43 The Contractor shall wrap all exterior joints along the top and sides of the PRCBC and 44 PRCSBC with a 12-inch wide strip of external sealing band centered about the joint and 45 adhesively bonded to the concrete surface. 46 47 Backfill beside the PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be brought up in sequential layers, 48 compacted concurrently. The difference in backfill height on opposing sides of the 49 Structure shall not exceed 2-feet. 50 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 91 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 7-02.4 Measurement 1 This section is supplemented with the following: 2 3 Culvert bedding material will be measured by the cubic yard of material placed. 4 5 7-02.5 Payment 6 This section is supplemented with the following: 7 8 “Culvert Bedding Material”, per cubic yard. 9 10 Section 7-08, General Pipe Installation Requirements 11 January 3, 2017 12 7-08.3(1)A Trenches 13 The second sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 14 15 The embankment material shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density and the 16 moisture content at the time of compaction shall be between optimum and 3 percentage 17 points below optimum as determined by the Compaction Control Tests specified in 18 Section 2-03.3(14)D. 19 20 Section 7-09, Water Mains 21 April 3, 2017 22 7-09.3(24)D Dry Calcium Hypochlorite 23 The second paragraph is revised to read: 24 25 The number of grams of 70 percent test calcium hypochlorite required for a 20-foot length 26 of pipe equals 0.238 × d2, in which “d” is the diameter in inches. 27 28 Section 8-01, Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control 29 August 1, 2016 30 8-01.2 Materials 31 This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: 32 33 Recycled concrete, in any form, shall not be used for any Work defined in Section 8-01. 34 35 8-01.3(7) Stabilized Construction Entrance 36 The last sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 37 38 Material used for stabilized construction entrance shall be free of extraneous materials 39 that may cause or contribute to track out. 40 41 8-01.3(8) Street Cleaning 42 This section is revised to read: 43 44 Self-propelled street sweepers shall be used to remove and collect sediment and other 45 debris from the Roadway, whenever required by the Engineer. The street sweeper shall 46 effectively collect these materials and prevent them from being washed or blown off the 47 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 92 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Roadway or into waters of the State. Street sweepers shall not generate fugitive dust and 1 shall be designed and operated in compliance with applicable air quality standards. 2 3 Material collected by the street sweeper shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 4 2-03.3(7)C. 5 6 Street washing with water will require the concurrence of the Engineer. 7 8 Section 8-09, Raised Pavement Markers 9 January 3, 2017 10 8-09.5 Payment 11 In the last paragraph, “flaggers and spotters” is revised to read “flaggers”. 12 13 Section 8-10, Guide Posts 14 January 4, 2016 15 8-10.3 Construction Requirements 16 The last sentence of the second paragraph is deleted. 17 18 Section 8-11, Guardrail 19 January 17, 2017 20 8-11.3(1)C Terminal and Anchor Installation 21 This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: 22 23 Beam Guardrail Non-flared Terminals for Type 1 guardrail shall meet the crash test and 24 evaluation criteria of NCHRP 350 or the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH). 25 Beam Guardrail Non-flared Terminals for Type 31 guardrail shall meet the crash test and 26 evaluation criteria of MASH. 27 28 8-11.3(1)F Removing and Resetting Beam Guardrail 29 The last sentence of the first paragraph is deleted. 30 31 8-11.5 Payment 32 The paragraph following the Bid item “Removing and Resetting Beam Guardrail”, per linear 33 foot is revised to read: 34 35 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Removing and Resetting Beam Guardrail” shall 36 be full payment for all costs to perform the Work as described in Section 8-11.3(1)F, 37 except for replacement posts and blocks. 38 39 The paragraph following the Bid item “Raising Existing Beam Guardrail”, per linear foot is 40 revised to read: 41 42 The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Raising Existing Beam Guardrail” shall be full 43 payment for all costs to perform the Work as described in Section 8-11.3(1)E, except for 44 replacement posts and blocks. 45 46 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 93 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 8-20, Illumination, Traffic Signal Systems, Intelligent Transportation 1 Systems, and Electrical 2 August 7, 2017 3 8-20.1 Description 4 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 5 6 8-20.1(3) Permitting and Inspections 7 Electrical installations are subject to electrical inspection in accordance with RCW 8 19.28.101. Electrical inspections may only be performed by an electrical inspector 9 meeting the requirements of RCW 19.28.321. Electrical installations will not be accepted 10 until they have been inspected and approved by an electrical inspector as required by this 11 Section. This inspection is required even if there is no new electrical service or new 12 electrical meter being installed in the Contract. 13 14 Installations within WSDOT right of way are subject to a minimum of a final inspection by 15 a WSDOT certified electrical inspector as allowed by RCW 19.28.141. A separate permit 16 is not required for electrical installations within WSDOT right of way. Additional 17 inspections may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. 18 19 Installations outside of WSDOT right of way are subject to permitting and inspection by 20 the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) or a local jurisdiction 21 approved for that location by L&I. Approved local jurisdictions and their contacts may be 22 found on the L&I website at 23 http://www.lni.wa.gov/TradesLicensing/Electrical/FeePermInsp/CityInspectors/. 24 25 8-20.1(1) Regulations and Code 26 The second paragraph is revised to read: 27 28 Wherever reference is made in these Specifications or in the Special Provisions to the 29 Code, the rules, or the standards mentioned above, the reference shall be construed to 30 mean the code, rule, or standard that is in effect on the Bid advertisement date. 31 32 8-20.3(5)A General 33 The last paragraph is revised to read: 34 35 Immediately after the sizing mandrel has been pulled through, install an equipment 36 grounding conductor if applicable (see Section 8-20.3(9)) and any new or existing wire or 37 cable as specified in the Plans. Where conduit is installed for future use, install a 200-38 pound minimum tensile strength pull string with the equipment grounding conductor. The 39 pull string shall be attached to duct plugs or caps at both ends of the conduit. 40 41 8-20.3(5)A1 Fiber Optic Conduit 42 The last paragraph is deleted. 43 44 8-20.3(5)B Conduit Type 45 The second and third paragraphs are deleted and replaced with the following new paragraph: 46 47 PVC and HDPE conduits shall be Schedule 80 unless installed as innerduct. 48 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 94 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 8-20.3(5)D Conduit Placement 1 Item number 2 is revised to read: 2 3 2. 24-inches below the top of the untreated surfacing on a Roadbed. 4 5 8-20.3(9) Bonding, Grounding 6 The following two new paragraphs are inserted after the first paragraph: 7 8 Install an equipment grounding conductor in all new conduit, whether or not the equipment 9 grounding conductor is called for in the wire schedule. 10 11 For each new conduit with innerduct install an equipment grounding conductor in only one 12 of the innerducts unless otherwise required by the NEC or the Plans. 13 14 The fourth paragraph (after the preceding Amendments are applied) is revised to read: 15 16 Bonding jumpers and equipment grounding conductors meeting the requirements of 17 Section 9-29.3(2)A3 shall be minimum #8 AWG, installed in accordance with the NEC. 18 Where existing conduits are used for the installation of new circuits, an equipment 19 grounding conductor shall be installed unless an existing equipment ground conductor, 20 which is appropriate for the largest circuit, is already present in the existing raceway. The 21 equipment ground conductor between the isolation switch and the sign lighter fixtures 22 shall be minimum #14 AWG stranded copper conductor. Where parallel circuits are 23 enclosed in a common conduit, the equipment-grounding conductor shall be sized by the 24 largest overcurrent device serving any circuit contained within the conduit. 25 26 The second sentence of the fifth paragraph (after the preceding Amendments are applied) is 27 revised to read: 28 29 A non-insulated stranded copper conductor, minimum #8 AWG with a full circle crimp on 30 connector (crimped with a manufacturer recommended crimper) shall be connected to 31 the junction box frame or frame bonding stud, the other end shall be crimped to the 32 equipment bonding conductor, using a “C” type crimp connector. 33 34 The last two sentences of the sixth paragraph (after the preceding Amendments are applied) 35 are revised to read: 36 37 For light standards, signal standards, cantilever and sign bridge Structures the 38 supplemental grounding conductor shall be #4 AWG non-insulated stranded copper 39 conductor. For steel sign posts which support signs with sign lighting or flashing beacons 40 the supplemental grounding conductor shall be #6 AWG non insulated stranded copper 41 conductor. 42 43 The fourth to last paragraph is revised to read: 44 45 Install a two grounding electrode system at each service entrance point, at each electrical 46 service installation and at each separately derived power source. The service entrance 47 grounding electrode system shall conform to the “Service Ground” detail in the Standard 48 Plans. If soil conditions make vertical grounding electrode installation impossible an 49 alternate installation procedure as described in the NEC may be used. Maintain a 50 minimum of 6 feet of separation between any two grounding electrodes within the 51 grounding system. Grounding electrodes shall be bonded copper, ferrous core materials 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 95 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 and shall be solid rods not less than 10 feet in length if they are ½ inch in diameter or not 1 less than 8 feet in length if they are ⅝ inch or larger in diameter. 2 3 8-20.3(13)A Light Standards 4 The first sentence in the second to last paragraph is revised to read: 5 6 All new and relocated metal light standards shall be numbered for identification using 7 painted 4 inch block gothic letters (similar to series C highway lettering) and numbers 8 installed 3 feet above the base facing the Traveled Way. 9 10 The numbered list in the second to last paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following: 11 12 NN 13 CC-SSSS 14 VVV 15 16 Where: 17 NN – Is the pole number as identified in the Plans. May be one or more characters. 18 CC – Is the circuit letter as identified in the Plans. May be one or more characters. 19 SSSS – Is he service cabinet number as identified in the Plans. Do not include the two 20 or three letter prefix. Up to four digits - do not include leading zeros. 21 VVV – Is the operating voltage of the luminaire. Always three digits. 22 23 8-20.3(13)C Luminaires 24 The first paragraph is revised to read: 25 26 The Contractor shall mark the installation date on the inside of the luminaire ballast or 27 driver housing using a permanent marking pen. 28 29 Section 8-22, Pavement Marking 30 August 7, 2017 31 8-22.3(6) Removal of Pavement Markings 32 This section is revised to read: 33 34 Pavement markings to be removed shall be obliterated until all blemishes caused by 35 the pavement marking removal conform to the coloration of the adjacent pavement. 36 37 Grinding to remove pavement markings in their entirety is allowed in areas designated for 38 applications of either Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) or Bituminous Surface Treatment (BST). 39 Pavement marking removal shall be performed from April 1st through September 30th and 40 only in those areas that shall be paved within the same time window as the grinding, 41 unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer in writing. 42 43 For all cement concrete pavement and areas that will not be overlaid with hot mix asphalt 44 or BST, grinding is allowed to a depth just above the pavement surface and then Water 45 blasting or shot blasting shall be required to remove the remaining pavement markings. 46 47 If in the opinion of the Engineer, the pavement is materially damaged by pavement 48 marking removal, such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor in accordance with 49 Section 1-07.13(1). Sand or other material deposited on the pavement as a result of 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 96 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 removing lines and markings shall be removed as the Work progresses to avoid 1 hazardous conditions. Accumulation of sand or other material which might interfere with 2 drainage will not be permitted. 3 4 8-22.4 Measurement 5 The first two sentences of the fourth paragraph are revised to read: 6 7 The measurement for “Painted Wide Lane Line”, “Plastic Wide Lane Line”, “Profiled 8 Plastic Wide Lane Line”, “Painted Barrier Center Line”, “Plastic Barrier Center Line”, 9 “Painted Stop Line”, “Plastic Stop Line”, “Painted Wide Dotted Entry Line”, or “Plastic 10 Wide Dotted Entry Line” will be based on the total length of each painted, plastic or 11 profiled plastic line installed. No deduction will be made for the unmarked area when the 12 marking includes a broken line such as, wide broken lane line, drop lane line, wide dotted 13 lane line or wide dotted entry line. 14 15 8-22.5 Payment 16 The following two new Bid items are inserted after the Bid item “Plastic Crosshatch Marking”, 17 per linear foot: 18 19 “Painted Wide Dotted Entry Line”, per linear foot. 20 21 “Plastic Wide Dotted Entry Line”, per linear foot. 22 23 Section 9-01, Portland Cement 24 August 7, 2017 25 This section’s title is revised to read: 26 27 Cement 28 29 9-01.1 Types of Cement 30 This section is revised to read: 31 32 Cement shall be classified as portland cement, blended hydraulic cement, or rapid 33 hardening hydraulic cement. 34 35 9-01.2(2) Vacant 36 This section, including title, is revised to read: 37 38 9-01.2(2) Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cement 39 Rapid hardening hydraulic cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 1600. 40 41 9-01.2(3) Low Alkali Cement 42 This section is renumbered as follows: 43 44 9-01.2(1)A Low Alkali Cement 45 46 9-01.2(4) Blended Hydraulic Cement 47 This section is renumbered as follows: 48 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 97 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 9-01.2(1)B Blended Hydraulic Cement 1 2 In the first paragraph, items number 3 through 5 are revised to read: 3 4 3. Type IT(PX)(LY), where (PX) equals the targeted percentage of pozzolan, and (LY) 5 equals the targeted percentage of limestone. The pozzolan (PX) shall be Class F fly 6 ash and shall be a maximum of 35 percent. (LY) shall be a minimum of 5 percent and 7 a maximum of 15 percent. Separate testing of each source of fly ash at each 8 proposed replacement level shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM C1012. 9 Expansion at 180 days shall be 0.10 percent or less. 10 11 4. Type IT(SX)(LY), where (SX) equals the targeted percentage of slag cement, and 12 (LY) equals the targeted percentage of limestone. (SX) shall be a maximum of 50 13 percent. (LY) shall be a minimum of 5 percent and a maximum of 15 percent. 14 Separate testing of each source of slag at each proposed replacement level shall be 15 conducted in accordance with ASTM C1012. Expansion at 180 days shall be 0.10 16 percent or less. 17 18 5. Type IL(X), where (X) equals the targeted percentage of limestone, and shall be a 19 minimum of 5 percent and a maximum of 15 percent. Testing shall be conducted in 20 accordance with ASTM C1012. Expansion at 180 days shall be 0.10 percent or less. 21 22 9-01.3 Tests and Acceptance 23 The second paragraph is revised to read: 24 25 Cement producers/suppliers that certify portland cement or blended hydraulic cement 26 shall participate in the Cement Acceptance Program as described in WSDOT Standard 27 Practice QC 1. Rapid hardening hydraulic cement producers/suppliers are not required 28 to participate in WSDOT Standard Practice QC 1. 29 30 Section 9-03, Aggregates 31 August 7, 2017 32 9-03.1(1) General Requirements 33 In this section, each reference to “Section 9-01.2(3)” is revised to read “Section 9-01.2(1)A”. 34 35 This first paragraph is supplemented with the following: 36 37 Reclaimed aggregate may be used if it complies with the specifications for Portland 38 Cement Concrete. Reclaimed aggregate is aggregate that has been recovered from 39 plastic concrete by washing away the cementitious materials. 40 41 9-03.1(2) Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete 42 This section is revised to read: 43 44 Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or manufactured sand, or combinations 45 thereof, accepted by the Engineer, having hard, strong, durable particles free from 46 adherent coating. Fine aggregate shall be washed thoroughly to meet the specifications. 47 48 9-03.1(2)A Deleterious Substances 49 This section is revised to read: 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 98 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 The amount of deleterious substances in the washed aggregate shall be tested in 2 accordance with AASHTO M 6 and not exceed the following values: 3 4 Material finer than No. 200 Sieve 2.5 percent by weight 5 Clay lumps and friable particles 3.0 percent by weight 6 Coal and lignite 0.25 percent by weight 7 Particles of specific gravity less than 2.00 1.0 percent by weight. 8 9 Organic impurities shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO T 21 by the glass 10 color standard procedure and results darker than organic plate no. 3 shall be 11 rejected. A darker color results from AASHTO T 21 may be used provided that when 12 tested for the effect of organic impurities on strength of mortar, the relative strength 13 at 7 days, calculated in accordance with AASHTO T 71, is not less than 95 percent. 14 15 9-03.1(4) Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete 16 This section is revised to read: 17 18 Coarse aggregate for concrete shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, or 19 combinations thereof having hard, strong, durable pieces free from adherent coatings. 20 Coarse aggregate shall be washed to meet the specifications. 21 22 9-03.1(4)A Deleterious 23 This section, including title, is revised to read: 24 25 9-03.1(4)A Deleterious Substances 26 The amount of deleterious substances in the washed aggregate shall be tested in 27 accordance with AASHTO M 80 and not exceed the following values: 28 29 Material finer than No. 200 1.01 percent by weight 30 Clay lumps and Friable Particles 2.0 percent by weight 31 Shale 2.0 percent by weight 32 Wood waste 0.05 percent by weight 33 Coal and Lignite 0.5 percent by weight 34 Sum of Clay Lumps, Friable Particles, and 35 Chert (Less Than 2.40 specific gravity SSD) 3.0 percent by weight 36 37 1If the material finer than the No. 200 sieve is free of clay and shale, this percentage 38 may be increased to 1.5. 39 40 9-03.1(4)C Grading 41 The following new sentence is inserted at the beginning of the last pargraph: 42 43 Where coarse aggregate size 467 is used, the aggregate may be furnished in at least two 44 separate sizes. 45 46 9-03.1(5) Combined Aggregate Gradation for Portland Cement Concrete 47 This section is revised to read: 48 49 As an alternative to using the fine aggregate sieve grading requirements in Section 9-50 03.1(2)B, and coarse aggregate sieve grading requirements in Section 9-03.1(4)C, a 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 99 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 combined aggregate gradation conforming to the requirements of Section 9-03.1(5)A may 1 be used. 2 3 9-03.1(5)A Deleterious Substances 4 This section is revised to read: 5 6 The amount of deleterious substances in the washed aggregates 3⁄8 inch or larger shall 7 not exceed the values specified in Section 9-03.1(4)A and for aggregates smaller than 3⁄8 8 inch they shall not exceed the values specified in Section 9-03.1(2)A. 9 10 9-03.1(5)B Grading 11 The first paragraph is deleted. 12 13 9-03.8(2) HMA Test Requirements 14 In the table in item number 3, the heading “Statistical and Nonstatistical” is revised to read 15 “Statistical”. 16 17 9-03.8(7) HMA Tolerances and Adjustments 18 In the table in item number 1, the column titled “Nonstatistical Evaluation” is deleted. 19 20 In the table in item 1, the last column titled “Commercial Evaluation” is revised to read “Visual 21 Evaluation”. 22 23 9-03.11(1) Streambed Sediment 24 The following three new sentences are inserted after the first sentence of the first paragraph: 25 26 Alternate gradations may be used if proposed by the Contractor and accepted by the 27 Engineer. The Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of 0.45 28 power maximum density curve of the proposed gradation. The alternate gradation shall 29 closely follow the maximum density line and have Nominal Aggregate Size of no less than 30 1½ inches or no greater than 3 inches. 31 32 9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains 33 The following new sentence is inserted at the beginning of the second paragraph: 34 35 As an alternative, AASHTO grading No. 57 may be used in accordance with Section 9-36 03.1(4)C. 37 38 9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells 39 The following new sentence is inserted at the beginning of the second paragraph: 40 41 As an alternative, AASHTO grading No. 4 may be used in accordance with Section 9-42 03.1(4)C. 43 44 9-03.21(1)B Concrete Rubble 45 This section, including title, is revised to read: 46 47 9-03.21(1)B Recycled Concrete Aggregate 48 Recycled concrete aggregates are coarse aggregates manufactured from hardened 49 concrete mixtures. Recycled concrete aggregate may be used as coarse aggregate or 50 blended with coarse aggregate for Commercial Concrete. Recycled concrete aggregate 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 100 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 shall meet all of the requirements for coarse aggregate contained in Section 9-03.1(4) or 1 9-03.1(5). In addition to the requirements of Section 9-03.1(4) or 9-03.1(5), recycled 2 concrete shall: 3 4 1. Contain an aggregated weight of less than 1 percent of adherent fines, 5 vegetable matter, plastics, plaster, paper, gypsum board, metals, fabrics, wood, 6 tile, glass, asphalt (bituminous) materials, brick, porcelain or other deleterious 7 substance(s) not otherwise noted; 8 9 2. Be free of components such as chlorides and reactive materials that are 10 detrimental to the concrete, unless mitigation measures are taken to prevent 11 recurrence in the new concrete; 12 13 3. Have an absorption of less than 10 percent when tested in accordance with 14 AASHTO T 85. 15 16 4. Be considered mechanically fractured and therefore be considered part of the 17 total fracture calculation as determined by the FOP for AASHTO T 335. 18 19 Recycled concrete aggregate shall be in a saturated condition prior to mixing. 20 21 Recycled concrete aggregate shall not be placed below the ordinary high water mark of 22 any surface water of the State. 23 24 9-03.21(1)D Recycled Steel Furnace Slag 25 This section title is revised to read: 26 27 Steel Slag 28 29 9-03.21(1)E Table on Maximum Allowable Percent (By Weight) of Recycled 30 Material 31 32 In the Hot Mix Asphalt column, each value of “20” is revised to read “25”. 33 34 The last column heading “Steel Furnace Slag” is revised to read “Steel Slag”. 35 36 The following new row is inserted after the second row: 37 38 Coarse Aggregate for Commercial Concrete 9-03.1(4) 0 100 0 0 39 40 Section 9-04, Joint and Crack Sealing Materials 41 January 3, 2017 42 This section is supplemented with the following two new subsections: 43 44 9-04.11 Butyl Rubber Sealant 45 Butyl rubber sealant shall conform to ASTM C 990. 46 47 9-04.12 External Sealing Band 48 External sealing band shall by Type III B conforming to ASTM C 877. 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 101 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 9-04.1(2) Premolded Joint Filler for Expansion Joints 2 This section is supplemented with the following: 3 4 As an alternative to the above, a semi-rigid, non-extruding, resilient type, closed-cell 5 polypropylene foam, preformed joint filler with the following physical properties as tested 6 to AASHTO T 42 Standard Test Methods may be used. 7 8 Closed-Cell Polypropylene Foam Preformed Joint Filler Physical Property Requirement Test Method Water Absorption < 1.0% AASHTO T 42 Compression Recovery > 80% AASHTO T 42 Extrusion < 0.1 in. AASHTO T 42 Density > 3.5 lbs./cu.ft. AASHTO T 42 Water Boil (1 hr.) No expansion AASHTO T 42 Hydrochloric Acid Boil (1 hr.) No disintegration AASHTO T 42 Heat Resistance °F 392°F± 5°F ASTM D 5249 9 9-04.2(1) Hot Poured Joint Sealants 10 This section’s content is deleted and replaced with the following new subsections: 11 12 9-04.2(1)A Hot Poured Sealant 13 Hot poured sealant shall be sampled in accordance with ASTM D5167 and tested in 14 accordance with ASTM D5329. 15 16 9-04.2(1)A1 Hot Poured Sealant for Cement Concrete Pavement 17 Hot poured sealant for cement concrete pavement shall meet the requirements of 18 ASTM D6690 Type IV, except for the following: 19 20 1. The Cone Penetration at 25°C shall be 130 maximum. 21 22 2. The extension for the Bond, non-immersed, shall be 100 percent. 23 24 9-04.2(1)A2 Hot Poured Sealant for Bituminous Pavement 25 Hot poured sealant for bituminous pavement shall meet the requirements of ASTM 26 D6690 Type I or Type II. 27 28 9-04.2(1)B Sand Slurry for Bituminous Pavement 29 Sand slurry is mixture consisting of the following components measured by total weight: 30 31 1. Twenty percent CSS-1 emulsified asphalt, 32 33 2. Two percent portland cement, and 34 35 3. Seventy-eight percent fine aggregate meeting the requirements of 9-03.1(2)B 36 Class 2. Fine aggregate may be damp (no free water). 37 38 9-04.2(2) Poured Rubber Joint Sealer 39 The last paragraph is deleted. 40 41 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 102 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 9-04.4(1) Rubber Gaskets for Concrete Pipes and Precast Manholes 1 “AASHTO M 198” is revised to read “ASTM C 990”. 2 3 9-04.4(3) Gaskets for Aluminum or Steel Culvert or Storm Sewer Pipe 4 In the last sentence, “AASHTO M 198” is revised to read “ASTM C 990”. 5 6 Section 9-06, Structural Steel and Related Materials 7 January 3, 2017 8 9-06.5(3) High-Strength Bolts 9 In this section, “ASTM A325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A325”, “ASTM A490” is 10 revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A490”, and “ASTM F1852” is revised to read “ASTM 11 F3125 Grade F1852”. 12 13 In the fifth paragraph, “ASTM-A325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125”. 14 15 9-06.12 Bronze Castings 16 In this section, “AASHTO M107” is revised to read “ASTM B22”. 17 18 9-06.16 Roadside Sign Structures 19 In the first paragraph, “ASTM A325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A325”. 20 21 Section 9-07, Reinforcing Steel 22 August 1, 2016 23 9-07.1(1)A Acceptance of Materials 24 The first sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 25 26 Reinforcing steel rebar manufacturers shall comply with the National Transportation 27 Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) Work Plan for Reinforcing Steel (rebar) 28 Manufacturers. 29 30 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 31 32 Steel reinforcing bar manufacturers use either English or a Metric size designation while 33 stamping rebar. 34 35 9-07.1(2) Bending 36 The first two sentences of the first paragraph are deleted and replaced with the following two 37 new sentences: 38 39 Steel reinforcing bars shall be cut and bent cold to the shapes shown on the Plans. 40 Fabrication tolerances shall be in accordance with ACI 315. 41 42 Section 9-10, Piling 43 August 1, 2016 44 9-10.3 Cast-In-Place Concrete Piling 45 This section is revised to read: 46 47 Reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete piles shall conform to Section 9-07.2. 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 103 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Section 9-11, Waterproofing 2 January 3, 2017 3 This section (and all subsections), including title, is revised to read: 4 5 9-11 Waterproof Membrane 6 9-11.1 Asphalt for Waterproofing 7 Waterproof membrane shall be a sheet membrane conforming to ASTM D 6153 Type 8 III, the puncture capacity specified below, and either the thin polymer sheet tensile 9 stress or the geotextile and fabric grab tensile strength specified below: 10 11 Performance Properties Test Method Specification Requirements Tensile Stress (for Thin Polymer Sheets) ASTM D 882 75 pounds per inch min. Grab Tensile Strength (for Geotextiles and Fabrics) ASTM D 4632 (Woven or Nonwoven) 200 pounds min. Puncture Capacity (For Thin Polymer Sheets, Geotextiles and Fabrics) ASTM E 154 200 pounds min. 12 Waterproofing membrane will be accepted based on a Manufacturer’s Certificate of 13 Compliance with each lot of waterproof membrane. 14 15 9-11.2 Primer for Waterproof Membrane 16 The primer for the waterproof membrane shall be appropriate for bonding the sheet 17 membrane to the bridge deck surface and shall be compatible with the membrane in 18 accordance with the waterproof membrane manufacturer’s recommendations. 19 20 Section 9-14, Erosion Control and Roadside Planting 21 August 7, 2017 22 9-14.4(2) Hydraulically Applied Erosion Control Products (HECPs) 23 The first paragraph is revised to read: 24 25 All HECPs shall be made of natural plant fibers unaltered by synthetic materials, and in a 26 dry condition, free of noxious weeds, seeds, chemical printing ink, germination inhibitors, 27 herbicide residue, chlorine bleach, rock, metal, plastic, and other materials detrimental to 28 plant life. 29 30 The last sentence of the third paragraph is revised to read the following two sentences: 31 32 Under no circumstances will field mixing of additives or components be acceptable, with 33 the exception of seed and water. The product shall be hydrated in accordance with the 34 manufacturer’s recommendations. 35 36 In Table 1 of the fourth paragraph, the following new row is inserted below the table heading: 37 38 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 104 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 These test requirements apply to the fully mixed product, including tackifiers, dyes, or other additives that may be included in the HECP final product in its sprayable form. 1 The last two paragraphs are revised to read: 2 3 If the HECP contains a dye to facilitate placement and inspection of the material, it shall 4 be nontoxic to plants, animals, and aquatic life and shall not stain concrete or painted 5 surfaces. 6 7 The HECP shall not be harmful to plants, animals, and aquatic life. 8 9 9-14.4(4) Wood Strand Mulch 10 The last paragraph is revised to read: 11 12 The Contractor shall provide a test report performed in accordance with WSDOT T 125 13 demonstrating compliance to this specification prior to acceptance. This product shall not 14 be harmful to plants, animals, and aquatic life. 15 16 9-14.4(7) Tackifier 17 The first paragraph is supplemented with the following: 18 19 Tackifiers shall include a mulch tracer added to visible aid uniform application, and shall 20 not be harmful to plants, animals, or aquatic life. 21 22 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 23 24 The Contractor shall provide test results documenting the tackifier and mulch tracer meets 25 the requirements for Acute Toxicity, Solvents, and Heavy Metals as required in Table 1 in 26 Section 9-14.4(2). 27 28 9-14.4(7)A Organic Tackifier 29 This section is revised to read: 30 31 Organic tackifiers shall be derived from natural plant sources and shall not be harmful to 32 plants, animals, and aquatic life. 33 34 9-14.4(7)B Synthetic Tackifier 35 This section is revised to read: 36 37 Synthetic tackifiers shall not be harmful to plants, animals, and aquatic life. 38 39 9-14.5(2) Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket 40 The first paragraph is revised to read: 41 42 Biodegradable erosion control blankets, including netting if present, shall be made of 43 natural plant fibers unaltered by synthetic materials. All blanket material shall effectively 44 perform the intended erosion control function until permanent vegetation has been 45 established, or for a minimum of 6 months, whichever comes first. 46 47 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 105 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 9-14.5(4)A Biodegradable Check Dams 1 This section is revised to read: 2 3 Biodegradable check dams shall meet the following requirements: 4 5 Wattle Section 9-14.5(5) 6 Compost Sock Section 9-14.5(6) 7 Coir Log Section 9-14.5(7) 8 9 The Contractor may substitute a different biodegradable check dam as long as it complies 10 with the following and is accepted by the Engineer: 11 12 1. Made of natural plant fiber unaltered by synthetic material. 13 14 2. Netting if present shall be made of natural plant fibers unaltered by synthetic 15 materials. Materials shall effectively perform the intended erosion control 16 function until permanent vegetation has been established or for a minimum of 6 17 months, whichever comes first. 18 19 3. Straw bales shall not be used as check dams. 20 21 9-14.5(5) Wattles 22 This section is revised to read: 23 24 Wattles shall consist of cylinders of plant material such as weed-free straw, coir, wood 25 chips, excelsior, or wood fiber or shavings encased within netting made of natural plant 26 fibers unaltered by synthetic materials. Wattles shall be a minimum of 8 inches in 27 diameter. Netting material shall be clean, evenly woven, and free of encrusted concrete 28 or other contaminating materials such as preservatives. Netting material shall be free from 29 cuts, tears, or weak places and shall effectively perform the intended erosion control 30 function until permanent vegetation has been established or for a minimum of 6 months, 31 whichever comes first. 32 33 If wood chip filler is used, it shall meet the material requirements as specified in Section 34 9-14.4(3). If straw filler is used, it shall meet the material requirements as specified in 35 Section 9-14.4(1). If wood shavings are used, 80 percent of the fibers shall have a 36 minimum length of 6 inches between 0.030 and 0.50 inches wide and between 0.017 and 37 0.13 inches thick. 38 39 Stakes for wattles shall be made of wood from untreated Douglas fir, hemlock, or pine 40 species. 41 42 9-14.5(6) Compost Socks 43 This section is revised to read: 44 45 Compost socks shall consist of fabric made of natural plant fibers unaltered by synthetic 46 materials. The compost sock shall be filled with Medium Compost as specified in Section 47 9-14.4(8). Compost socks shall be at least 8 inches in diameter. The sock shall be clean, 48 evenly woven; free of encrusted concrete or other contaminating materials; free from cuts, 49 tears, broken or missing yarns; free of thin, open, or weak areas; and free of any type of 50 preservative. Sock fabric shall effectively perform the intended erosion control function 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 106 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 until permanent vegetation has been established or for a minimum of 6 months, whichever 1 comes first. 2 3 Stakes for compost socks shall be made of wood from untreated Douglas fir, hemlock, or 4 pine species. 5 6 Section 9-16, Fence and Guardrail 7 January 17, 2017 8 9-16.3(3) Galvanizing 9 The first three sentences are deleted and replaced with the following single sentence: 10 11 W-beam or thrie beam rail elements and terminal sections shall be galvanized in 12 accordance with AASHTO M 180, Class A, Type II. 13 14 Section 9-20, Concrete Patching Material, Grout, and Mortar 15 January 3, 2017 16 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 17 18 9-20.5 Bridge Deck Repair Material 19 Bridge deck repair material shall be either an ultra-low viscosity, two-part liquid, 20 polyurethane-hybrid polymer concrete, or a pre-packaged cement based repair mortar, 21 conforming to the following requirements: 22 23 1. Minimum compressive strength of 2,500 psi, in accordance with ASTM C 109. 24 25 2. Total soluble chloride ion content by mass of product shall conform to the limits 26 specified in Section 6-02.3(2) for reinforced concrete. 27 28 3. Permeability of less than 2,000 coulombs at 56-days in accordance with 29 AASHTO T 277. 30 31 If pre-packaged deck repair material does not include coarse aggregate, the Contractor 32 shall extend the mix with coarse aggregate as recommended by the manufacturer. 33 34 Section 9-23, Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures 35 January 3, 2017 36 9-23.9 Fly Ash 37 The first paragraph is revised to read: 38 39 Fly ash shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M295 Class C or F including 40 supplementary optional chemical requirements as set forth in Table 2. 41 42 The last sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: 43 44 The supplementary optional chemical limits in AASHTO M295 Table 2 do not apply to fly 45 ash used in Controlled Density Fill. 46 47 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 107 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 9-23.12 Metakaolin 1 This section, including title, is revised to read: 2 3 9-23.12 Natural Pozzolan 4 Natural Pozzolans shall be either Metakaolin or ground Pumice and shall conform to the 5 requirements of AASHTO M295 Class N, including supplementary optional chemical 6 requirements as set forth in Table 2. 7 8 Section 9-28, Signing Materials and Fabrication 9 April 3, 2017 10 9-28.14(3) Aluminum Structures 11 This section is revised to read: 12 13 Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with AWS D1.2/D1.2M, latest edition, 14 Structural Welding Code – Aluminum. 15 16 Aluminum alloy filler metals utilized on anodized structures shall result in color matching 17 to base metals. 18 19 Section 9-29, Illumination, Signal, Electrical 20 August 7, 2017 21 9-29.2 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes 22 This section is supplemented with the following new subsections: 23 24 9-29.2(5) Testing Requirements 25 The Contractor shall provide for testing of junction boxes, cable vaults and pull boxes. 26 Junction boxes, cable vaults and pull boxes shall be tested by an independent materials 27 testing facility, and a test report issued documenting the results of the tests performed. 28 29 For each junction box, vault and pull box type, the independent testing laboratory shall 30 meet the requirements of AASHTO R 18 for Qualified Tester and Verified Test Equipment. 31 The test shall be conducted in the presence of a Professional Engineer, licensed under 32 Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, in the branch of Civil or Structural, and each test 33 sheet shall have the Professional Engineer’s original signature, date of signature, original 34 seal, and registration number. One copy of the test report shall be furnished to the 35 Contracting Agency certifying that the box and cover meet or exceed the loading 36 requirements for that box type, and shall include the following information: 37 38 1. Product identification. 39 40 2. Date of testing. 41 42 3. Description of testing apparatus and procedure. 43 44 4. All load deflection and failure data. 45 46 5. Weight of box and cover tested. 47 48 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 108 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6. Upon completion of the required test(s) the box shall be loaded to failure or to 1 the maximum load possible on the testing machine (70,000 pounds minimum). 2 3 7. A brief description of type and location of failure or statement that the testing 4 machine reached maximum load without failure of the box. 5 6 9-29.2(5)A Standard Duty Boxes and Vaults 7 Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes shall be load 8 tested to 22,500 pounds. The test load shall be applied uniformly through a 10 by 10 9 by 1-inch steel plate centered on the lid. The test load shall be applied and released 10 ten times, and the deflection at the test load and released state shall be recorded for 11 each interval. At each interval the junction box shall be inspected for lid deformation, 12 failure of the lid/frame welds, vertical and horizontal displacement of the lid/frame, 13 cracks, and concrete spalling. 14 15 Concrete junction boxes will be considered to have withstood the test if none of the 16 following conditions are exhibited: 17 18 1. Permanent deformation of the lid or any impairment to the function of the 19 lid. 20 21 2. Vertical or horizontal displacement of the lid frame. 22 23 3. Cracks wider than 0.012 inches that extend 12 inches or more. 24 25 4. Fracture or cracks passing through the entire thickness of the concrete. 26 27 5. Spalling of the concrete. 28 29 9-29.2(5)B Retrofit Security Lids for Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes 30 Security lids used to retrofit existing Standard Duty Concrete Junction Boxes shall 31 be tested as follows: 32 33 1. The security lid shall be installed on any appropriately sized box that is 34 currently approved on the Qualified Products List. 35 36 2. The security lid and box assembly shall be load tested in accordance with 37 Section 9-29.2(5)A. After the ten load cycles but before loading to failure, 38 the security lid shall be fully opened and removed to verify operability. 39 40 3. The locking mechanism(s) shall be tested as follows: 41 42 a. The locking mechanism shall be cycled 250 times (locked, then 43 unlocked again) at room temperature (60-80°F). If there is more than 44 one identical locking mechanism, only one needs to be cycled in this 45 manner. 46 47 b. Temperature changes should be limited to no more than 60°F per hour. 48 49 c. The security lid shall be cooled to and held at -30°F for 15 minutes. The 50 locking mechanism shall then be cycled once to verify operation at this 51 temperature. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 109 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 d. The security lid shall be heated to and held at 120-122°F for 15 2 minutes. The locking mechanism shall then be cycled once to verify 3 operation at this temperature. 4 5 e. The security lid shall be temperature adjusted to and held at 110°F and 6 95% humidity for 15 minutes. The locking mechanism shall then be 7 cycled once to verify operation at this temperature and humidity. 8 9 9-29.2(5)C Standard Duty Non-Concrete Junction Boxes 10 Non-concrete Junction Boxes shall be tested as defined in the ANSI/SCTE 77 Tier 11 15 test method using the test load of 22,500 pounds (minimum) in place of the design 12 load during testing. In addition, the Contractor shall provide a Manufacturer 13 Certificate of Compliance for each non-concrete junction box installed. 14 15 9-29.2(5)D Heavy-Duty Boxes and Vaults 16 Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes shall be load tested to 17 46,000 pounds. The test load shall be applied vertically through a 10 by 20 by 1-inch 18 steel plate centered on the lid with an orientation both on the long axis and the short 19 axis of the junction box. The test load shall be applied and released ten times on 20 each axis. The deflection at the test load and released state shall be recorded for 21 each interval. At each interval the test box shall be inspected for lid deformation, 22 failure of the lid or frame welds, vertical and horizontal displacement of the lid frame, 23 cracks, and concrete spalling. After the twentieth loading interval the test shall be 24 terminated with a 60,000 pound load being applied vertically through the steel plate 25 centered on the lid and with the long edge of steel plate orientated parallel to the long 26 axis of the box. 27 28 Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes will be considered to have withstood the 46,000 pound 29 test if none of the following conditions are exhibited: 30 31 1. Permanent deformation of the lid or any impairment to the function of the 32 lid. 33 34 2. Vertical or horizontal displacement of the lid frame. 35 36 3. Cracks wider than 0.012 inches that extend 12 inches or more. 37 38 4. Fracture or cracks passing through the entire thickness of the concrete. 39 40 5. Spalling of the concrete. 41 42 Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes will be considered to have withstood the 60,000 pound 43 test if all of the following conditions are exhibited: 44 45 1. The lid is operational. 46 47 2. The lid is securely fastened. 48 49 3. The welds have not failed. 50 51 4. Permanent dishing or deformation of the lid is ¼ inch or less. 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 110 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 5. No buckling or collapse of the box. 2 3 9-29.2(1) Standard Duty and Heavy Duty Junction Boxes 4 This section, including title, is revised to read: 5 6 9-29.2(1) Junction Boxes 7 For the purposes of this Specification concrete is defined as portland cement concrete 8 and non-concrete is all others. 9 10 The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for all components, hardware, lid, frame, 11 reinforcement, and box dimensions. The shop drawings shall be prepared by (or under 12 the supervision of) a Professional Engineer, licensed under Title 18 RCW, State of 13 Washington, in the branch of Civil or Structural. Each sheet shall carry the following: 14 15 1. Professional Engineer’s original signature, date of signature, original seal, and 16 registration number. If a complete assembly drawing is included which 17 references additional drawing numbers, including revision numbers for those 18 drawings, then only the complete assembly drawing is required to be stamped. 19 20 2. The initials and dates of all participating design professionals. 21 22 3. Clear notation of all revisions including identification of who authorized the 23 revision, who made the revision, and the date of the revision. 24 25 Design calculations shall carry on the cover page, the Professional Engineer’s original 26 signature, date of signature, original seal, and registration number. 27 28 For each type of junction box, or whenever there is a change to the junction box design, 29 a proof test, as defined in this Specification, shall be performed and new shop drawings 30 submitted. 31 32 9-29.2(1)A Standard Duty Junction Boxes 33 This section is revised to read: 34 35 Standard Duty Junction Boxes are defined as Type 1, 2 and 8 junction boxes and shall 36 have a minimum load rating of 22,500 pounds and be tested in accordance with Section 37 9-29.2(5). A complete Type 8 Junction Box includes the spread footing shown in the 38 Standard Plans. All Standard Duty Junction Boxes placed in sidewalks, walkways, and 39 shared use paths shall have slip resistant surfaces. Non-slip lids and frames shall be hot 40 dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M111. 41 42 9-29.2(1)A1 Concrete Junction Boxes 43 The Standard Duty Concrete Junction Box steel frame, lid support, and lid shall be 44 painted with a black paint containing rust inhibiters or painted with a shop applied, 45 inorganic zinc primer in accordance with Section 6-07.3, or hot-dip galvanized in 46 accordance with AASHTO M 111. 47 48 Concrete used in Standard Duty Junction Boxes shall have a minimum compressive 49 strength of 6,000 psi when reinforced with a welded wire hoop, or 4,000 psi when 50 reinforced with welded wire fabric or fiber reinforcement. The frame shall be 51 anchored to the box by welding headed studs ⅜ by 3 inches long, as specified in 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 111 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 9-06.15, to the frame. The wire fabric shall be attached to the studs and 1 frame with standard tie practices. The box shall contain ten studs located near the 2 centerline of the frame and box wall. The studs shall be placed one anchor in each 3 corner, one at the middle of each width and two equally spaced on each length of the 4 box. 5 6 Materials for Type 1, 2, and 8 Concrete Junction Boxes shall conform to the following: 7 8 Materials Requirement Concrete Section 6-02 Reinforcing Steel Section 9-07 Fiber Reinforcing ASTM C1116, Type III Lid ASTM A786 diamond plate steel Slip Resistant Lid ASTM A36 steel Frame ASTM A786 diamond plate steel or ASTM A36 steel Slip Resistant Frame ASTM A36 steel Lid Support ASTM A36 steel, or ASTM A1011 SS Grade 36 (or higher) Handle & Handle support ASTM A36 steel, or ASTM A1011 CS (Any Grade) or SS (Any Grade) Anchors (studs) Section 9-06.15 Bolts, Studs, Nuts, Washers ASTM F593 or A193, Type 304 or 316, or Stainless Steel grade 302, 304, or 316 steel in accordance with approved shop drawing Locking and Latching Mechanism Hardware and Bolts In accordance with approved shop drawings 9 9-29.2(1)A2 Non-Concrete Junction Boxes 10 Material for the non-concrete junction boxes shall be of a quality that will provide for 11 a similar life expectancy as portland cement concrete in a direct burial application. 12 13 Type 1, 2, and 8 non-concrete junction boxes shall have a Design Load of 22,500 14 pounds and shall be tested in accordance with Section 9-29.2(5). Non-concrete 15 junction boxes shall be gray in color and have an open bottom design with 16 approximately the same inside dimensions, and present a load to the bearing surface 17 that is less than or equal to the loading presented by the concrete junction boxes 18 shown in the Standard Plans. Non-concrete junction box lids shall include a pull slot 19 and embedded 6 by 6 by ¼-inch steel plate, and shall be secured with two ½ inch 20 stainless steel Penta-head bolts recessed into the cover. The tapped holes for the 21 securing bolts shall extend completely through the box to prevent accumulation of 22 debris. Bolts shall conform to ASTM F593, stainless steel. 23 24 9-29.2(1)B Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes 25 The first paragraph is revised to read: 26 27 Heavy-Duty Junction Boxes are defined as Type 4, 5, and 6 junction boxes and shall be 28 concrete and have a minimum vertical load rating of 46,000 pounds without permanent 29 deformation and 60,000 pounds without failure when tested in accordance with Section 30 9-29.2(5). 31 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 112 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 9-29.2(1)C Testing Requirements 2 This section is deleted in its entirety. 3 4 9-29.2(2) Small Cable Vaults, Standard Duty Cable Vaults, Standard Duty Pull 5 Boxes, and Heavy Duty Pull Boxes 6 This section, including title, is revised to read: 7 8 9-29.2(2) Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes 9 Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall be constructed as a concrete box and as a concrete 10 lid. The lids for Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall be interchangeable and both shall fit 11 the same box as shown in the Standard Plans. 12 13 The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for all components, including concrete box, 14 Cast Iron Ring, Ductile Iron Lid, Steel Rings, and Lid. In addition, the shop drawings shall 15 show placement of reinforcing steel, knock outs, and any other appurtenances. The shop 16 drawing shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a Professional Engineer, 17 licensed under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, in the branch of Civil or Structural. 18 Each sheet shall carry the following: 19 20 1. Professional Engineer’s original signature, date of signature, original seal, and 21 registration number. If a complete assembly drawing is included which 22 references additional drawing numbers, including revision numbers for those 23 drawings, then only the complete assembly drawing is required to be stamped. 24 25 2. The initials and dates of all participating design professionals. 26 27 3. Clear notation of all revisions including identification of who authorized the 28 revision, who made the revision, and the date of the revision. 29 30 Design calculations shall carry on the cover page, the Professional Engineer’s original 31 signature, date of signature, original seal, and registration number. 32 33 For each type of box or whenever there is a change to the Cable Vault or Pull box design, 34 a proof test, as defined in this Specification, shall be performed and new shop drawings 35 submitted. 36 37 9-29.2(2)A Small Cable Vaults, Standard Duty Cable Vaults, and Standard Duty 38 Pull Boxes 39 This section’s title is revised to read: 40 41 9-29.2(2)A Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes 42 43 The first paragraph is revised to read: 44 45 Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall be concrete and have a minimum load 46 rating of 22,500 pounds and be tested in accordance with Section 9-29.2(5). For the 47 purposes of this Section, Small Cable Vaults are considered a type of Standard Duty 48 Cable Vault. 49 50 The first sentence of the second paragraph is revised to read: 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 113 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 Concrete for Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall have a minimum 2 compressive strength of 4,000 psi. 3 4 The first sentence of the third paragraph is revised to read: 5 6 All Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes placed in sidewalks, walkways, and 7 shared-use paths shall have slip-resistant surfaces. 8 9 The fourth paragraph (up until the colon) is revised to read: 10 11 Materials for Standard Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall conform to the following: 12 13 9-29.2(2)B Heavy-Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes 14 The first paragraph is revised to read: 15 16 Heavy-Duty Cable Vaults and Pull Boxes shall be constructed of concrete having a 17 minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi, and have a minimum vertical load rating of 18 46,000 pounds without permanent deformation and 60,000 pounds without failure when 19 tested in accordance with Section 9-29.2(5). 20 21 9-29.2(3) Structure Mounted Junction Boxes 22 The first and second paragraphs are revised to read: 23 24 Surface mounted junction boxes and concrete embedded junction boxes installed in cast-25 in-place structures shall be stainless steel NEMA 4X. 26 27 Concrete embedded junction boxes installed in structures constructed by slip forming 28 shall be stainless steel NEMA 3R and shall be adjustable for depth, with depth adjustment 29 bolts, which are accessible from the front face of the junction box with the lid installed. 30 31 9-29.3(1) Fiber Optic Cable 32 This section is revised to read: 33 34 All fiber optic cables shall be single mode fiber optic cables unless otherwise specified in 35 the Contract. All fiber optic cables shall meet the following requirements: 36 37 1. Compliance with the current version of ANSI/ICEA S-87-640. A product data 38 specification sheet clearly identifying compliance or a separate letter from 39 manufacturer to state compliance shall be provided. 40 41 2. Cables shall be gel free, loose tube, low water peak, and all dielectric with no 42 metallic component. 43 44 3. Cables shall not be armored unless specified in the Contract. 45 46 4. Cables shall be approved for mid-span entries and be rated by the manufacturer 47 for outside plant (OSP) use, placement in underground ducts, and aerial 48 installations. 49 50 5. Fiber counts shall be as specified in the Contract. 51 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 114 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 6. Fibers and buffer tubes shall be color coded in accordance with the current 1 version of EIA/TIA-598. 2 3 7. Fibers shall not have any factory splices. 4 5 8. Outer Jacket shall be Type M (Medium Density Polyethylene). Outer jacket shall 6 be free from holes, splits, blisters, or other imperfections and must be smooth 7 and concentric as is consistent with the best commercial practice. 8 9 9. A minimum of one (1) rip cord is required for each cable. 10 11 10. Cable markings shall meet the following additional requirements: 12 13 a. Color shall be white or silver. 14 15 b. Markings shall be approximately 3 millimeters (118 mils) in height, and 16 dimensioned and spaced to produce good legibility. 17 18 c. Markings shall include the manufacturer’s name, year of manufacture, the 19 number of fibers, the words “OPTICAL CABLE”, and sequential length 20 marks. 21 22 d. Sequential length markings shall be in meters or feet, spaced at intervals 23 not more than 1 meter or 2 feet apart, respectively. 24 25 e. The actual cable length shall not be shorter than the cable length marking. 26 The actual cable length may be up to 1% longer than the cable length 27 marking. 28 29 f. Cables with initial markings that do not meet these requirements will not be 30 accepted and may not be re-marked. 31 32 11. Short term tensile strength shall be a minimum of 600 pounds (1bs). Long term 33 tensile strength shall be a minimum of 180 pounds (1bs). Tensile strength shall 34 be achieved using a fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) central member and / or 35 aramid yarns. 36 37 12. All cables shall be new and free of material or manufacturing defects and 38 dimensional non-uniformity that would: 39 40 a. Interfere with the cable installation using accepted cable installation 41 practices; 42 43 b. Degrade the transmission performance or environmental resistance after 44 installation; 45 46 c. Inhibit proper connection to interfacing elements; 47 48 d. Otherwise yield an inferior product. 49 50 13. The fiber optic cables shall be shipped on reels with a drum diameter at least 20 51 times the diameter of the cable, in order to prevent damage to the cable. The 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 115 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 reels shall be substantial and constructed so as to prevent damage during 1 shipment and handling. Reels shall be labeled with the same information 2 required for the cable markings, with the exception that the total length of cable 3 shall be marked instead of incremental length marks. Reels shall also be labeled 4 with the type of cable. 5 6 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 7 8 9-29.3(1)B Multimode Optical Fibers 9 Where multimode fiber optic cables are specified in the Contract, the optical fibers shall 10 be one of the following types, as specified in the Contract: 11 12 a. Type OM1, meeting the requirements of EIA/TIA 492-AAAA-A or ISO/IEC 11801. 13 The fiber core diameter shall be 62.5 µm. 14 15 b. Type OM2, meeting the requirements of EIA/TIA 492-AAAB-A or ISO/IEC 11801. 16 The fiber core diameter shall be 50 µm. 17 18 All multimode optical fibers shall have a maximum attenuation of 3.0 dB/km at 850nm and 19 1.0 dB/km at 1300nm. Completed cable assemblies shall be rated for 1000BaseLX 20 Ethernet communications. 21 22 9-29.3(1)A Singlemode Fiber Optic Cable 23 This section is revised to read: 24 25 Single-Mode optical fibers shall be EIA/TIA 492-CAAB or ISO/IEC 11801 Type OS2, low 26 water peak zero dispersion fibers, meeting the requirements of ITU-T G.652.D. 27 28 9-29.6 Light and Signal Standards 29 The third paragraph is revised to read: 30 31 Light standard, signal standards, slip base hardware and foundation hardware shall be 32 hot dip galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111 and AASHTO M 232. Where 33 colored standards are required, standards shall be powder-coated after galvanizing in 34 accordance with Section 6-07.3(11). The standard color shall be as specified in the 35 Contract. 36 37 9-29.6(1) Steel Light and Signal Standards 38 In the first paragraph, “ASTM A325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A325”. 39 40 9-29.6(2) Slip Base Hardware 41 In this section, “ASTM A325” is revised to read “ASTM F3125 Grade A325”. 42 43 9-29.7(2) Fused Quick-Disconnect Kits 44 The table is supplemented with the following new row: 45 46 LED* 10A 10A 20A 47 The following footnote is inserted after the table: 48 49 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 116 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 * Applies to all LED luminaires, regardless of wattage. Fuses for LED luminaires shall 1 be slow blow. 2 3 9-29.10 Luminaires 4 The first sentence of the third paragraph is revised to read: 5 6 All luminaires shall be provided with markers for positive identification of light source type 7 and wattage in accordance with ANSI C136.15-2011, with the exception that LED 8 luminaires shall be labeled with the wattage of their conventional luminaire equivalents – 9 the text “LED” is optional. 10 11 The table in the fourth paragraph is revised to read: 12 13 Conventional Lamp Wattage Conventional Wattage Legend Equivalent LED Legend 70 7 7E 100 10 10E 150 15 15E 175 17 17E 200 20 20E 250 25 25E 310 31 31E 400 40 40E 700 70 70E 750 75 75E 1,000 X1 X1E 14 9-29.13(10)C NEMA Controller Cabinets 15 Item number 6 of the first paragraph is revised to read: 16 17 6. LED light strips shall be provided for cabinet lighting. Each LED light strip shall be 18 approximately 12 inches long, have a minimum output of 320 lumens, and have a 19 color temperature of 4100K (cool white) or higher. Two light strips shall be provided. 20 One light strip shall be ceiling mounted and oriented parallel to the door face. The 21 second light strip shall be mounted under the lower shelf, such that the output 22 terminal landings are illuminated. Lighting shall not interfere with the proper 23 operation of any other ceiling or shelf mounted equipment. All lighting fixtures shall 24 energize automatically when any door is opened. Each door switch shall be labeled 25 “Light”. 26 27 9-29.13(10)D Cabinets for Type 170E and 2070 Controllers 28 Item number 6 of the first paragraph is revised to read: 29 30 6. LED light strips shall be provided for cabinet lighting, powered from the Equipment 31 breaker on the Power Distribution Assembly. Each LED light strip shall be 32 approximately 12 inches long, have a minimum output of 320 lumens, and have a 33 color temperature of 4100K (cool white) or higher. There shall be two light strips for 34 each rack within the cabinet. Lighting shall be ceiling mounted – rack mounted 35 lighting is not permitted. One light strip shall be installed above the front of the rack, 36 oriented parallel to the door face, and placed such that the front of the rack and the 37 rack mounted equipment is illuminated. The second light strip shall be installed 38 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 117 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 above the rear of the rack, oriented perpendicular to the door face, and placed such 1 that the interior of the rack is illuminated. Lighting shall not interfere with the proper 2 operation of any other ceiling mounted equipment. All lighting fixtures above a rack 3 shall energize automatically when either door to that respective rack is opened. Each 4 door switch shall be labeled “Light”. 5 6 9-29.13(12) ITS Cabinet 7 Item number 6 of the first paragraph is revised to read: 8 9 6. LED light strips shall be provided for cabinet lighting, powered from the Equipment 10 breaker on the Power Distribution Assembly. Each LED light strip shall be 11 approximately 12 inches long, have a minimum output of 320 lumens, and have a 12 color temperature of 4100K (cool white) or higher. There shall be two light strips for 13 each rack within the cabinet. Lighting shall be ceiling mounted – rack mounted 14 lighting is not permitted. One light strip shall be installed above the front of the rack, 15 oriented parallel to the door face, and placed such that the front of the rack and the 16 rack mounted equipment is illuminated. The second light strip shall be installed 17 above the rear of the rack, oriented perpendicular to the door face, and placed such 18 that the interior of the rack is illuminated. Lighting shall not interfere with the proper 19 operation of any other ceiling mounted equipment. All lighting fixtures above a rack 20 shall energize automatically when either door to that respective rack is opened. Each 21 door switch shall be labeled “Light”. 22 23 9-29.25 Amplifier, Transformer, and Terminal Cabinets 24 Item 2C is revised to read: 25 26 c. Transformer up to 12.5 KVA 20″ 48″ 24″ 27 Transformer 12.6 to 35 KVA 30″ 60″ 32″ 28 29 The following new sentence is inserted before the last sentence of item number 10: 30 31 There shall be an isolation breaker on the input (line) side of the transformer, and a 32 breaker array on the output (load) side. 33 34 Section 9-30, Water Distribution Materials 35 August 7, 2017 36 9-30.6(3) Service Pipes 37 This section is supplemented with the following new subsection: 38 39 9-30.6(3)C PEX-a Tubing 40 PEX-a tubing shall be a minimum of ¾-inch or a maximum 2-inch in diameter and shall 41 be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C904 and ASTM F876. The tubing shall 42 have a minimum materials designation code of 3306 in accordance with ASTM F876, a 43 pressure rating of 200 psi at 73.4 degrees using a design factor of 0.63 as outlined in PPI 44 TR-3, Part F-7, and shall have a minimum SDR of 9. Tubing color shall be blue in 45 accordance with APWA Uniform color standards. 46 47 9-30.6(4) Service Fittings 48 This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: 49 50 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 118 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Fittings for PEX-a tubing shall meet the requirements of AWWA C904. 1 2 Section 9-31, Elastomeric Pads 3 August 7, 2017 4 This section, including title, is revised to read: 5 6 9-31 Fabricated Bridge Bearing Assemblies 7 9-31.1 Steel Plates and Bars 8 Steel plates and bars, including anchor array templates, shall conform to ASTM A 36. 9 10 Recessed steel surfaces retaining PTFE shall have an average surface roughness 11 of 250-microinches or less. 12 13 Steel surfaces in contact with pre-formed fabric pad or polyether urethane disc shall 14 have an average surface roughness of 250-microinches or less. 15 16 Steel surfaces in contact with stainless steel sheet, or with the bearing block of a pin 17 bearing assembly, shall have an average surface roughness of 125-microinches or 18 less. 19 20 All other steel surfaces in contact with other fabricated bridge bearing assembly 21 components shall have an average surface roughness of 250-microinches or less. 22 23 9-31.2 Stainless Steel 24 Stainless steel sheet shall conform to ASTM A 240 Type 304L. Stainless steel in 25 contact with PTFE shall be polished to a Number 8 mirror finish. Stainless steel 26 sheet for fabric pad bearing assemblies shall have a thickness greater than or equal 27 to 14-gage. 28 29 Stainless steel countersunk screws shall be hexagon socket type conforming to the 30 geometric requirements of ANSI B 18.3 and shall conform to ASTM F 593 Type 304L. 31 32 9-31.3 Bearing Blocks and Keeper Rings 33 Bearing block forgings for pin bearing assemblies shall conform to Section 9-06.11, 34 including AASHTO M 102 Supplemental Requirement S4. The grade shall be Grade 35 F. The bearing block forging surfaces in contact with other pin bearing assembly 36 components shall have an average surface roughness of 63-microinches or less. All 37 other bearing block forging surfaces shall have an average surface roughness of 38 250-microinches or less. 39 40 Keeper ring forgings for pin bearing assemblies shall conform to Section 9-06.11, 41 and the grade shall be Grade H. All keeper ring surfaces shall have an average 42 surface roughness of 125-microinches or less. 43 44 9-31.4 Pin Assembly 45 Pins shall conform to ASTM A 276 UNS Designation 21800. The pin surfaces in 46 contact with the bearing block shall have an average surface roughness of 63-47 microinches or less. 48 49 Nuts shall conform to ASTM A 563 Grade DH. Nuts with a thread diameter equal to 50 or less than six-inches shall have a minimum Rockwell Hardness of HRc 24. Nuts 51 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 119 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 with a thread diameter greater than six-inches shall have a Rockwell Hardness 1 between HRc 20 and HRc 30. 2 3 Washers shall conform to ASTM A 572 Grade 50. 4 5 Cotter pins shall be stainless steel. 6 7 9-31.5 Welded Shear Connectors 8 Welded shear connectors shall conform to Section 9-06.15. 9 10 9-31.6 Bolts, Nuts and Washers 11 Bolts, nuts and washers shall conform to Section 9-06.5(3). 12 13 9-31.7 Anchor Array Rods, Nuts and Washers 14 Anchor array rods, nuts and washers shall conform to Section 9-06.5(4). The top 1’-15 0”, minimum, of the exposed end of the anchor rods, and the associated nuts and 16 washers, shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 232 or ASTM F 2329 17 as applicable. 18 19 Pipe sleeves for anchor array templates shall conform to ASTM A 53 Grade B Type 20 E or S, black. 21 22 9-31.8 Bearing Pads 23 9-31.8(1) Elastomeric Pads 24 Elastomeric pads shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M251 unless 25 otherwise specified in the Plans or Special Provisions. The elastomer shall be 26 low-temperature Grade 3 and shall not contain any form of wax. Unless 27 otherwise specified in the Plans or Special Provisions, the elastomer shall have 28 a shear modulus of elasticity of 165 psi at 73°F. 29 30 All elastomeric pads with steel laminates shall be cast as units in separate molds 31 and bonded and vulcanized under heat and pressure. Corners and edges of 32 molded pads may be rounded at the option of the Contractor. Radius at corners 33 shall not exceed ⅜ inch, and radius of edges shall not exceed ⅛ inch. 34 Elastomeric pads shall be fabricated to meet the tolerances specified in 35 AASHTO M251. 36 37 Shims contained in laminated elastomeric pads shall be mill rolled steel sheets 38 not less than 20 gage in thickness with a minimum cover of elastomer on all 39 edges of: 40 41 ¼ inch for pads less than or equal to 5 inches thick and, 42 43 ½ inch for pads greater than 5 inches thick. 44 45 Steel shims shall conform to ASTM A1011, Grade 36, unless otherwise noted. 46 All shim edges shall be ground or otherwise treated so that no sharp edges 47 remain. 48 49 9-31.8(2) Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 50 PTFE shall be unfilled (100-percent virgin) PTFE or fiberglass fiber filled PTFE 51 (or woven fabric PTFE for disc or spherical bearing assemblies) conforming to 52 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 120 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 Section 18.8 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, and the 1 following additional requirements: 2 3 1. PTFE shall be unfilled (100-percent virgin) PTFE except where filled 4 PTFE is specified in the Plans. 5 6 2. Filled PTFE shall be composed of PTFE resin uniformly blended with 7 15-percent maximum fiberglass fiber. 8 9 3. The substrate shall limit the flow (elongation) of the confined PTFE to 10 not more than 0.009-inch under a pressure of 2,000 psi for 15-minutes 11 at 78°F for a two-inch by three-inch test sample. 12 13 4. Unfilled PTFE shall have a hardness of 50 to 65 Durometer D, at 78°F, 14 in accordance with ASTM D 2240. 15 16 5. The PTFE may be dimpled. 17 18 9-31.8(3) Pre-Formed Fabric Pad 19 Pre-formed fabric pads shall be composed of multiple layers of duck, 20 impregnated and bound with high-quality oil resistant synthetic rubber, 21 compressed into resilient pads. The pre-formed fabric pads shall conform to MIL 22 C 882 and the following additional requirements: 23 24 1. The pre-formed fabric pad shall have a shore A hardness of 90 ± 5 in 25 accordance with ASTM D 2240. 26 27 2. The number of plies shall be as required to produce the specified 28 thickness after compression and vulcanization. 29 30 9-31.9 Polyether Urethane 31 Polyether urethane shall be a molded polyether urethane compound conforming to 32 the following properties: 33 34 Physical Properties Specification Hardness, Type D durometer ASTM D 2240 45 55 65 Minimum tensile stress, ksi At 100-percent elongation At 200-percent elongation ASTM D 412 1.5 2.8 1.9 3.4 2.3 4.0 Minimum tensile strength, ksi ASTM D 412 4.0 5.0 6.0 Minimum ultimate elongation, percent ASTM D 412 350 285 220 Maximum compression set (22 hours at 158°F) Method B, percent ASTM D 395 40 40 40 35 Required minimums for tensile stress at specific elongations, tensile strength, 36 ultimate elongation, and compression set may be interpolated for durometer 37 hardness values between 45 and 55, and 55 and 65. 38 39 9-31.10 Silicone Grease 40 Silicone grease for use with dimpled PTFE shall conform to SAE AS 8660. 41 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project Amendments to the 2016 Standard Specifications TED4003843 121 (Revised: 8/7/17) 2018 1 9-31.11 Epoxy Gel 2 Epoxy gel shall be Type 1, Grade 3, Class A, B, or C, conforming to Section 9-26.1. 3 4 9-31.12 Resin Filler 5 Resin filler shall be a two-component, resin and catalyst, liquid thermoset material, 6 with the following properties: 7 8 1. The viscosity of the resin-catalyst mixture shall be 35,000 ± 5,000cP at 75°F 9 immediately after mixing. 10 11 2. The flash point shall be 100°F minimum. 12 13 3. After mixing, the resin-catalyst mixture shall be pourable for a minimum of 14 8-minutes at 60°F and shall harden in 15-minutes maximum. Heating of 15 the mixture to a maximum temperature of 250°F after placement is 16 permissible to obtain a full cure. 17 18 The properties of the cured resin-catalyst mixture shall be: 19 20 1. The fully cured compressive strength shall be 12,000 psi, minimum. 21 22 2. The maximum allowable shrinkage shall be 2-percent. To control 23 shrinkage, an inert filler may be used in the resin provided the specified 24 viscosity requirements are met. 25 26 3. The hardness shall be between 40 and 55 in accordance with ASTM D 27 2583. 28 29 The resin and catalyst components shall be supplied in separate containers. 30 31 Section 9-35, Temporary Traffic Control Materials 32 August 7, 2017 33 9-35.12 Transportable Attenuator 34 The second sentence of the first paragraph is revised to read: 35 36 The transportable attenuator shall be mounted on, or attached to, a host vehicle that 37 complies with the manufacturer’s recommended weight range. 38 39 9-35.14 Portable Temporary Traffic Control Signal 40 The last sentence of the eighth paragraph is revised to read: 41 42 A highly retroreflective yellow strip, 1 inch wide, shall be placed around the perimeter of 43 the face of all vehicle signal backplates to project a rectangular image at night toward 44 oncoming traffic. 45 46           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Special Provisions GREG O R Y A. B A NKSSTATE O F W ASHI N GTONR EGIST E R E DPRO F E SSIONAL E N G IN EER45120 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 1 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction To The Special Provisions ....................................................................................... 3 DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 4 Description of Work ....................................................................................................................... 4 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS ...................................................................... 6 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT ............................................................ 15 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK .......................................................................................................... 18 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK ................................................................................................... 18 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL ........................................................................................... 27 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC ...................... 29 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS .............................................................................. 61 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT .............................................................................. 66 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL .......................................................................... 68 DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK ................................................................................................... 70 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP .......................................... 70 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS ........................................... 71 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT .................................................... 74 DIVISION 5 – SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS ............................................ 76 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT ...................................................................................................... 76 DIVISION 6 – STRUCTURES ................................................................................................... 80 6-01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES ................................................. 80 6-02 CONCRETE STRUCTURES ......................................................................................... 80 6-08 WATERPROOFING ........................................................................................................ 85 6-20 STEEL SHEET PILE WALL .......................................................................................... 88 DIVISION 8 – MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION ......................................................... 92 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION ........................................................................................ 92 8-11 GUARDRAIL .................................................................................................................. 95 8-15 RIPRAP ............................................................................................................................ 95 8-18 MAILBOX SUPPORT..................................................................................................... 96 8-19 STREAMBED AGGREGATES ..................................................................................... 97 8-26 FISH HABITAT LOGS .................................................................................................. 98 8-27 TRASH COLLECTION FOR RESIDENTS ................................................................. 99 8-28 FIELD OFFICE BUILDING ........................................................................................ 100 DIVISION 9 – MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 101 9-10 PILING ........................................................................................................................... 101 9-11 WATERPROOFING ...................................................................................................... 101 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 2 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING ........................................... 102 9-32 MAILBOX SUPPORT................................................................................................... 104 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 3 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 SPECIAL PROVISIONS Introduction To The Special Provisions (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) The work on this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2016 edition, as issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works Association (APWA), Washington State Chapter (hereafter “Standard Specifications”). The Standard Specifications, as modified or supplemented by the Amendments to the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, all of which are made a part of the Contract Documents, shall govern all of the Work. These Special Provisions are made up of both General Special Provisions (GSPs) from various sources, which may have project-specific fill-ins; and project-specific Special Provisions. Each Provision either supplements, modifies, or replaces the comparable Standard Specification, or is a new Provision. The deletion, amendment, alteration, or addition to any subsection or portion of the Standard Specifications is meant to pertain only to that particular portion of the section, and in no way should it be interpreted that the balance of the section does not apply. The project-specific Special Provisions are not labeled as such. The GSPs are labeled under the headers of each GSP, with the effective date of the GSP and its source, as follows: (May 18, 2013 APWA GSP) (April 1, 2013 WSDOT GSP) (******) Project Specific Special Provision added by City of Renton Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are: · Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, currently adopted edition, with Washington State modifications, if any · Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, WSDOT/APWA, current edition · City of Renton Standard Details, City of Renton Public Works Department, Current Edition · Public Rights-Of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), current edition Contractor shall obtain copies of these publications, at Contractor’s own expense. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 4 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) This Contract provides for the improvement of NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project and other work, all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. 1-01.3 Definitions (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) Delete the heading Completion Dates and the three paragraphs that follow it, and replace them with the following: Dates Bid Opening Date The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the Bids. Award Date The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder for the Work. Contract Execution Date The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the Agency to the Contract. Notice to Proceed Date The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract time begins. Substantial Completion Date The day the Engineer determines the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, any remaining traffic disruptions will be rare and brief, and only minor incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, plant establishment periods, or correction or repair remains for the Physical Completion of the total Contract. Physical Completion Date The day all of the Work is physically completed on the project. All documentation required by the Contract and required by law does not necessarily need to be furnished by the Contractor by this date. Completion Date The day all the Work specified in the Contract is completed and all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. All documentation required by the Contract and required by law must be furnished by the Contractor before establishment of this date. Final Acceptance Date The date on which the Contracting Agency accepts the Work as complete. Supplement this Section with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 5 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 All references in the Standard Specifications, Amendments, or WSDOT General Special Provisions, to the terms “State”, “Department of Transportation”, “Washington State Transportation Commission”, “Commission”, “Secretary of Transportation”, “Secretary”, “Headquarters”, and “State Treasurer” shall be revised to read “Contracting Agency”. All references to the terms “State” or “state” shall be revised to read “Contracting Agency” unless the reference is to an administrative agency of the State of Washington, a State statute or regulation, or the context reasonably indicates otherwise. All references to “State Materials Laboratory” shall be revised to read “Contracting Agency designated location”. All references to “final contract voucher certification” shall be interpreted to mean the Contracting Agency form(s) by which final payment is authorized, and final completion and acceptance granted. Additive A supplemental unit of work or group of bid items, identified separately in the Bid Proposal, which may, at the discretion of the Contracting Agency, be awarded in addition to the base bid. Alternate One of two or more units of work or groups of bid items, identified separately in the Bid Proposal, from which the Contracting Agency may make a choice between different methods or material of construction for performing the same work. Business Day A business day is any day from Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in Section 1-08.5. Contract Bond The definition in the Standard Specifications for “Contract Bond” applies to whatever bond form(s) are required by the Contract Documents, which may be a combination of a Payment Bond and a Performance Bond. Contract Documents See definition for “Contract”. Contract Time The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the Contract within which the Work must be physically completed. Notice of Award The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful Bidder signifying the Contracting Agency’s acceptance of the Bid Proposal. Notice to Proceed The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer to the Contractor authorizing and directing the Contractor to proceed with the Work and establishing the date on which the Contract time begins. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 6 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Traffic Both vehicular and non-vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and equestrian traffic. 1-02 BID PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS 1-02.1 Prequalification of Bidders Delete this Section and replace it with the following: 1-02.1 Qualifications of Bidder (January 24, 2011 APWA GSP) Before award of a public works contract, a bidder must meet at least the minimum qualifications of RCW 39.04.350(1) to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to be awarded a public works project. 1-02.2 Plans and Specifications (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed can be found in the Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the work. After award of the contract, Plans and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no cost as detailed below: To Prime Contractor No. of Sets Basis of Distribution Reduced Plans (11" x 17") 5 Furnished automatically upon award. Contract Provisions 5 Furnished automatically upon award. Large Plans (e.g., 22" x 34") 1 Furnished only upon request. Additional Plans and Contract Provisions may be obtained by the Contractor from the source stated in the Call for Bids, at the Contractor’s own expense. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 7 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-02.4 Examination of Plans, Specifications and Site of Work 1-02.4(1) General (August 15, 2016 APWA GSP Option B) The first sentence of the last paragraph is revised to read: Any prospective Bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the Bid Documents, shall request the explanation or interpretation in writing by close of business, five (5) business days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their Bids. 1-02.4(2) Subsurface Information (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) The second sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: The Summary of Geotechnical Conditions and the boring logs, if and when included as an appendix to the Special Provisions, shall be considered as part of the Contract. 1-02.5 Proposal Forms (July 31, 2017 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: The Proposal Form will identify the project and its location and describe the work. It will also list estimated quantities, units of measurement, the items of work, and the materials to be furnished at the unit bid prices. The bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal form that call for, but are not limited to, unit prices; extensions; summations; the total bid amount; signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgment of addenda; the bidder’s name, address, telephone number, and signature; the bidder’s UDBE/DBE/M/WBE commitment, if applicable; a State of Washington Contractor’s Registration Number; and a Business License Number, if applicable. Bids shall be completed by typing or shall be printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The required certifications are included as part of the Proposal Form. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the proposal forms with alternates and additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The bidder shall bid on all alternates and additives set forth in the Proposal Form unless otherwise specified. 1-02.6 Preparation of Proposal (June 20, 2017 APWA GSP) Supplement the second paragraph with the following: 4. If a minimum bid amount has been established for any item, the unit or lump sum price must equal or exceed the minimum amount stated. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 8 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 5. Any correction to a bid made by interlineation, alteration, or erasure, shall be initialed by the signer of the bid. Delete the fourth paragraph and replace it with the following: The Bidder shall submit with the Bid a completed Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) Utilization Certification, when required by the Special Provisions. For each and every UDBE firm listed on the Bidder’s completed Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification, the Bidder shall submit written confirmation from that UDBE firm that the UDBE is in agreement with the UDBE participation commitment that the Bidder has made in the Bidder’s completed Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification. WSDOT Form 422-031U (Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Written Confirmation Document) is to be used for this purpose. Bidder must submit good faith effort documentation with the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification only in the event the bidder’s efforts to solicit sufficient UDBE participation have been unsuccessful. Directions for delivery of the Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Written Confirmation Documents and Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Good Faith Effort documentation are included in Sections 1-02.9 Delete the last paragraph, and replace it with the following: The Bidder shall make no stipulation on the Bid Form, nor qualify the bid in any manner. A bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a vice president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). A bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a partner. A copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any UDBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. A bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a member of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted with the Bid Form if any UDBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. 1-02.6(1) Recycled Materials Proposal (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) Section 1-02.6(1) is an added new section: The Bidder shall submit with the Bid, its proposal for incorporating recycled materials into the project, using the form provided in the Contract Provisions. 1-02.7 Bid Deposit (March 8, 2013 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 9 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Bid bonds shall contain the following: 1. Contracting Agency-assigned number for the project; 2. Name of the project; 3. The Contracting Agency named as obligee; 4. The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage which represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be awarded; 5. Signature of the bidder’s officer empowered to sign official statements. The signature of the person authorized to submit the bid should agree with the signature on the bond, and the title of the person must accompany the said signature; 6. The signature of the surety’s officer empowered to sign the bond and the power of attorney. If so stated in the Contract Provisions, bidder must use the bond form included in the Contract Provisions. If so stated in the Contract Provisions, cash will not be accepted for a bid deposit. 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal (July 31, 2017 APWA GSP, Option A) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Each Proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the Project Name and Project Number as stated in the Call for Bids clearly marked on the outside of the envelope, or as otherwise required in the Bid Documents, to ensure proper handling and delivery. If the project has FHWA funding and requires UDBE Written Confirmation Document(s) or Good Faith Effort (GFE) Documentation, then to be considered responsive, the Bidder shall submit Written Confirmation Documentation from each UDBE firm listed on the Bidder’s completed UDBE Utilization Certification, form 272-056U, as required by Section 1-02.6. The UDBE Written Confirmation Document(s) and/or GFE (if any) shall be received either with the Bid Proposal or as a Supplement to the Bid. The document(s) shall be received no later than 24 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) after the time for delivery of the Bid Proposal. The Bidder shall submit to the Contracting Agency a signed “Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes” document where the Bidder under penalty of perjury verifies that the Bidder is in compliance with responsible bidder criteria in RCW 39.04.350 subsection (1) (g), as required per Section 1-02.14. The “Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes” document shall be received either with the Bid Proposal or no later than 24 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) after the time for delivery of the Bid Proposal. If submitted after the Bid Proposal is due, the document(s) must be submitted in a sealed envelope labeled the same as for the Proposal, with “Supplemental Information” added. All other information NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 10 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 required to be submitted with the Bid Proposal must be submitted with the Bid Proposal itself, at the time stated in the Call for Bids. The Contracting Agency will not open or consider any Bid Proposal that is received after the time specified in the Call for Bids for receipt of Bid Proposals, or received in a location other than that specified in the Call for Bids. The Contracting Agency will not open or consider any “Supplemental Information” (UDBE confirmations, GFE documentation, or Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes) that is received after the time specified above, or received in a location other than that specified in the Call for Bids. 1-02.10 Withdrawing, Revising, or Supplementing Proposal (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Delete this section, and replace it with the following: After submitting a physical Bid Proposal to the Contracting Agency, the Bidder may withdraw, revise, or supplement it if: 1. The Bidder submits a written request signed by an authorized person and physically delivers it to the place designated for receipt of Bid Proposals, and 2. The Contracting Agency receives the request before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals, and 3. The revised or supplemented Bid Proposal (if any) is received by the Contracting Agency before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals. If the Bidder’s request to withdraw, revise, or supplement its Bid Proposal is received before the time set for receipt of Bid Proposals, the Contracting Agency will return the unopened Proposal package to the Bidder. The Bidder must then submit the revised or supplemented package in its entirety. If the Bidder does not submit a revised or supplemented package, then its bid shall be considered withdrawn. Late revised or supplemented Bid Proposals or late withdrawal requests will be date recorded by the Contracting Agency and returned unopened. Mailed, e-mailed, or faxed requests to withdraw, revise or supplement a Bid Proposal are not acceptable. 1-02.13 Irregular Proposals (June 20, 2017 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: 1. A Proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if: a. The Bidder is not prequalified when so required; b. The authorized Proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not used or is altered; NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 11 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 c. The completed Proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, alternate Bids, or conditions; d. The Bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, or enter into the Contract; e. A price per unit cannot be determined from the Bid Proposal; f. The Proposal form is not properly executed; g. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Subcontractor list, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6; h. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete an Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6; i. The Bidder fails to submit written confirmation from each UDBE firm listed on the Bidder’s completed UDBE Utilization Certification that they are in agreement with the bidder’s UDBE participation commitment, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the written confirmation that is submitted fails to meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; j The Bidder fails to submit UDBE Good Faith Effort documentation, if applicable, as required in Section 1-02.6, or if the documentation that is submitted fails to demonstrate that a Good Faith Effort to meet the Condition of Award was made; k. The Bid Proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet the material terms of the Bid invitation; or l. More than one Proposal is submitted for the same project from a Bidder under the same or different names. 2. A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if: a. The Proposal does not include a unit price for every Bid item; b. Any of the unit prices are excessively unbalanced (either above or below the amount of a reasonable Bid) to the potential detriment of the Contracting Agency; c. Receipt of Addenda is not acknowledged; d. A member of a joint venture or partnership and the joint venture or partnership submit Proposals for the same project (in such an instance, both Bids may be rejected); or e. If Proposal form entries are not made in ink. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 12 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-02.14 Disqualification of Bidders (July 31, 2017 APWA GSP, Option B) Delete this Section and replace it with the following: A Bidder will be deemed not responsible if the Bidder does not meet the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), as amended; or does not meet Supplemental Criteria 1-7 listed in this Section. The Contracting Agency will verify that the Bidder meets the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), and Supplemental Criteria 1-2. Evidence that the Bidder meets Supplemental Criteria 3-7 shall be provided by the Bidder as stated later in this Section. In addition, the Bidder shall submit to the Contracting Agency a signed “Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes” document where the Bidder under penalty of perjury verifies that the Bidder is in compliance with responsible bidder criteria in RCW 39.04.350 subsection (1)(g). A form appropriate for “Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes” will be provided by the Contracting Agency in the Bid Documents. The form provided in the Bid Documents shall be submitted with the Bid as stated in Section 1-02.9. 1. Delinquent State Taxes A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not owe delinquent taxes to the Washington State Department of Revenue without a payment plan approved by the Department of Revenue. B. Documentation: The Bidder shall not be listed on the Washington State Department of Revenue’s “Delinquent Taxpayer List” website: http://dor.wa.gov/content/fileandpaytaxes/latefiling/dtlwest.aspx , or if they are so listed, they must submit a written payment plan approved by the Department of Revenue, to the Contracting Agency by the deadline listed below. 2. Federal Debarment A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not currently be debarred or suspended by the Federal government. B. Documentation: The Bidder shall not be listed as having an “active exclusion” on the U.S. government’s “System for Award Management” database (www.sam.gov). 3. Subcontractor Responsibility A. Criterion: The Bidder’s standard subcontract form shall include the subcontractor responsibility language required by RCW 39.06.020, and the Bidder shall have an established procedure which it utilizes to validate the responsibility of each of its subcontractors. The Bidder’s subcontract form shall also include a requirement that each of its subcontractors shall have and document a similar procedure to determine NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 13 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 whether the sub-tier subcontractors with whom it contracts are also “responsible” subcontractors as defined by RCW 39.06.020. B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall submit a copy of its standard subcontract form for review by the Contracting Agency, and a written description of its procedure for validating the responsibility of subcontractors with which it contracts. 4. Claims Against Retainage and Bonds A. Criterion: The Bidder shall not have a record of excessive claims filed against the retainage or payment bonds for public works projects in the three years prior to the bid submittal date, that demonstrate a lack of effective management by the Bidder of making timely and appropriate payments to its subcontractors, suppliers, and workers, unless there are extenuating circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the Contracting Agency. B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall submit a list of the public works projects completed in the three years prior to the bid submittal date that have had claims against retainage and bonds and include for each project the following information: • Name of project • The owner and contact information for the owner; • A list of claims filed against the retainage and/or payment bond for any of the projects listed; • A written explanation of the circumstances surrounding each claim and the ultimate resolution of the claim. 5. Public Bidding Crime A. Criterion: The Bidder and/or its owners shall not have been convicted of a crime involving bidding on a public works contract in the five years prior to the bid submittal date. B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the Bidder and/or its owners have not been convicted of a crime involving bidding on a public works contract. 6. Termination for Cause / Termination for Default A Criterion: The Bidder shall not have had any public works contract terminated for cause or terminated for default by a government agency in the five years prior to the bid submittal date, unless there are extenuating circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the Contracting Agency. B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the Bidder has not NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 14 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 had any public works contract terminated for cause or terminated for default by a government agency in the five years prior to the bid submittal date; or if Bidder was terminated, describe the circumstances. 7. Lawsuits A Criterion: The Bidder shall not have lawsuits with judgments entered against the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid submittal date that demonstrate a pattern of failing to meet the terms of contracts, unless there are extenuating circumstances and such circumstances are deemed acceptable to the Contracting Agency B. Documentation: The Bidder, if and when required as detailed below, shall sign a statement (on a form to be provided by the Contracting Agency) that the Bidder has not had any lawsuits with judgments entered against the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid submittal date that demonstrate a pattern of failing to meet the terms of contracts, or shall submit a list of all lawsuits with judgments entered against the Bidder in the five years prior to the bid submittal date, along with a written explanation of the circumstances surrounding each such lawsuit. The Contracting Agency shall evaluate these explanations to determine whether the lawsuits demonstrate a pattern of failing to meet of terms of construction related contracts As evidence that the Bidder meets Supplemental Criteria 3-7 stated above, the apparent low Bidder must submit to the Contracting Agency by 12:00 P.M. (noon) of the second business day following the bid submittal deadline, a written statement verifying that the Bidder meets supplemental criteria 3-7 together with supporting documentation (sufficient in the sole judgment of the Contracting Agency) demonstrating compliance with Supplemental Criteria 3-7. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to request further documentation as needed from the low Bidder and documentation from other Bidders as well to assess Bidder responsibility and compliance with all bidder responsibility criteria. The Contracting Agency also reserves the right to obtain information from third-parties and independent sources of information concerning a Bidder’s compliance with the mandatory and supplemental criteria, and to use that information in their evaluation. The Contracting Agency may consider mitigating factors in determining whether the Bidder complies with the requirements of the supplemental criteria. The basis for evaluation of Bidder compliance with these mandatory and supplemental criteria shall include any documents or facts obtained by Contracting Agency (whether from the Bidder or third parties) including but not limited to: (i) financial, historical, or operational data from the Bidder; (ii) information obtained directly by the Contracting Agency from others for whom the Bidder has worked, or other public agencies or private enterprises; and (iii) any additional information obtained by the Contracting Agency which is believed to be relevant to the matter. If the Contracting Agency determines the Bidder does not meet the bidder responsibility criteria above and is therefore not a responsible Bidder, the Contracting Agency shall notify the Bidder in writing, with the reasons for its determination. If the Bidder disagrees with this determination, it may appeal the determination within two (2) business days of the Contracting Agency’s determination by presenting its appeal and any additional information to the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will consider the appeal and any additional information before issuing its final determination. If the final determination affirms that the Bidder is not responsible, the NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 15 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Contracting Agency will not execute a contract with any other Bidder until at least two business days after the Bidder determined to be not responsible has received the Contracting Agency’s final determination. Request to Change Supplemental Bidder Responsibility Criteria Prior To Bid: Bidders with concerns about the relevancy or restrictiveness of the Supplemental Bidder Responsibility Criteria may make or submit requests to the Contracting Agency to modify the criteria. Such requests shall be in writing, describe the nature of the concerns, and propose specific modifications to the criteria. Bidders shall submit such requests to the Contracting Agency no later than five (5) business days prior to the bid submittal deadline and address the request to the Project Engineer or such other person designated by the Contracting Agency in the Bid Documents. 1-02.15 Pre Award Information (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: Before awarding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these items or actions of the apparent lowest responsible bidder: 1. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or all materials to be used, 2. Samples of these materials for quality and fitness tests, 3. A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the order of and time required for the various phases of the work, 4. A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item, 5. Attendance at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the Engineer, 6. Obtain, and furnish a copy of, a business license to do business in the city or county where the work is located. 7. Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that the bidder is the lowest responsible bidder. 1-03 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1-03.1 Consideration of Bids (January 23, 2006 APWA GSP) Revise the first paragraph to read: After opening and reading proposals, the Contracting Agency will check them for correctness of extensions of the prices per unit and the total price. If a discrepancy exists between the price per unit and the extended amount of any bid item, the price per unit will control. If a minimum bid amount NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 16 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 has been established for any item and the bidder’s unit or lump sum price is less than the minimum specified amount, the Contracting Agency will unilaterally revise the unit or lump sum price, to the minimum specified amount and recalculate the extension. The total of extensions, corrected where necessary, including sales taxes where applicable and such additives and/or alternates as selected by the Contracting Agency, will be used by the Contracting Agency for award purposes and to fix the Awarded Contract Price amount and the amount of the contract bond. 1-03.1(1) Identical Bid Totals (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: After opening Bids, if two or more lowest responsive Bid totals are exactly equal, then the tie-breaker will be the Bidder with an equal lowest bid, that proposed to use the highest percentage of recycled materials in the Project, per the form submitted with the Bid Proposal. If those percentages are also exactly equal, then the tie-breaker will be determined by drawing as follows: Two or more slips of paper will be marked as follows: one marked “Winner” and the other(s) marked “unsuccessful”. The slips will be folded to make the marking unseen. The slips will be placed inside a box. One authorized representative from each Bidder shall draw a slip from the box. Bidders shall draw in alphabetic order by the name of the firm as registered with the Washington State Department of Licensing. The slips shall be unfolded and the firm with the slip marked “Winner” will be determined to be the successful Bidder and eligible for Award of the Contract. Only those Bidders who submitted a Bid total that is exactly equal to the lowest responsive Bid, and with a proposed recycled materials percentage that is exactly equal to the highest proposed recycled materials amount, are eligible to draw. 1-03.3 Execution of Contract (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: Copies of the Contract Provisions, including the unsigned Form of Contract, will be available for signature by the successful bidder on the first business day following award. The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor will be determined by the Contracting Agency. Within ten (10) calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the signed Contracting Agency-prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by Section 1-07.18, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1-03.4. Before execution of the contract by the Contracting Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre-award information the Contracting Agency may require under Section 1-02.15. Until the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the Contracting Agency nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within Contracting Agency-furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the contract documents within the calendar days after the award date stated above, the Contracting Agency may NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 17 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 grant up to a maximum of zero (0) additional calendar days for return of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. 1-03.4 Contract Bond (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Delete the first paragraph and replace it with the following: The successful bidder shall provide an executed payment and performance bond(s) for the full contract amount. The bond may be combined payment and performance bond; or be separate payment and performance bonds. In the case of separate payment and performance bonds, each shall be for the full contract amount. The bond(s) shall: 1. Be on a Contracting Agency-furnished form; 2. Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that: a. Is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and b. Appears on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 3. Guarantee that the Contractor will perform and comply with all obligations, duties, and conditions under the Contract, including but not limited to the duty and obligation to indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against all losses and claims related directly or indirectly from any failure: a. Of the Contractor (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform and comply with all contact obligations, conditions, and duties, or b. Of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, material person, or any other person who provides supplies or provisions for carrying out the work; 4. Be conditioned upon the payment of taxes, increases, and penalties incurred on the project under titles 50, 51, and 82 RCW; and 5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety’s officer empowered to sign the bond; and 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements (sole proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond(s) must be signed by the president or vice-president, unless accompanied by written proof of the authority of the individual signing the bond(s) to bind the corporation (i.e., corporate resolution, power of attorney, or a letter to such effect signed by the president or vice-president). NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 18 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-03.7 Judicial Review (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: Any decision made by the Contracting Agency regarding the Award and execution of the Contract or Bid rejection shall be conclusive subject to the scope of judicial review permitted under Washington Law. Such review, if any, shall be timely filed in the Superior Court of the county where the Contracting Agency headquarters is located, provided that where an action is asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.05 shall control venue and jurisdiction. 1-04 SCOPE OF WORK 1-04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications and Addenda (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read: Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): 1. Addenda, 2. Proposal Form, 3. Special Provisions, 4. Contract Plans, 5. Amendments to the Standard Specifications, 6. Standard Specifications, 7. Contracting Agency’s Standard Plans or Details (if any), and 8. WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 1-05 CONTROL OF WORK 1-05.4 Conformity With and Deviation from Plans and Stakes Section 1-05.4 is supplemented with the following: Bridge and Structure Surveys (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP, Option 2) For all structural work such as bridges and retaining walls, the Contractor shall retain as a part of Contractor’s organization an experienced team of surveyors. The Contractor shall provide all surveys required to complete the structure, except the following primary survey control which will be provided by the Engineer. 1. Centerline or offsets to centerline of the structure. 2. Stations of abutments and pier centerlines. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 19 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 3. A sufficient number of bench marks for levels to enable the Contractor to set grades and reasonably short distances. 4. Monuments and control points as shown in the Plans. The Contractor shall establish all secondary survey controls, both horizontal and vertical, as necessary to assure proper placement of all project elements based on the primary control points provided by the Engineer. Survey work shall be within the following tolerances: Stationing ±.01 foot Alignment ±.01 foot (between successive points) Superstructure Elevations ±.01 foot (from plan elevations) Substructure Elevations ±.05 foot (from plan elevations) During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall make available to the Engineer all field books including survey information, footing elevations, cross sections and quantities. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the close coordination of field locations and measurements with appropriate dimensions of structural members being fabricated. Contractor Surveying - Structure (August 7, 2017 WSDOT GSP) Copies of the Contracting Agency provided primary survey control data are available for the bidder's inspection at the office of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for setting, maintaining, and resetting all alignment stakes, slope stakes, and grades necessary for the construction of bridges, noise walls, and retaining walls. Except for the survey control data to be furnished by the Contracting Agency, calculations, surveying, and measuring required for setting and maintaining the necessary lines and grades shall be the Contractor's responsibility. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer when monuments are discovered that were not identified in the Plans and construction activity may disturb or damage the monuments. All monuments noted on the plans “DO NOT DISTURB” shall be protected throughout the length of the project or be replaced at the Contractors expense. Detailed survey records shall be maintained, including a description of the work performed on each shift, the methods utilized, and the control points used. The record shall be adequate to allow the survey to be reproduced. A copy of each day's record shall be provided to the Engineer within three working days after the end of the shift. The meaning of words and terms used in this provision shall be as listed in "Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms" current edition, published by the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and the American Society of Civil Engineers. The survey work by the Contractor shall include but not be limited to the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 20 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1. Verify the primary horizontal and vertical control furnished by the Contracting Agency, and expand into secondary control by adding stakes and hubs as well as additional survey control needed for the project. Provide descriptions of secondary control to the Contracting Agency. The description shall include coordinates and elevations of all secondary control points. 2. Establish, by placing hubs and/or marked stakes, the location with offsets of foundation shafts and piles. 3. Establish offsets to footing centerline of bearing for structure excavation. 4. Establish offsets to footing centerline of bearing for footing forms. 5. Establish wing wall, retaining wall, and noise wall horizontal alignment. 6. Establish retaining wall top of wall profile grade. 7. Establish elevation benchmarks for all substructure formwork. 8. Check elevations at top of footing concrete line inside footing formwork immediately prior to concrete placement. 9. Check column location and pier centerline of bearing at top of footing immediately prior to concrete placement. 10. Establish location and plumbness of column forms, and monitor column plumbness during concrete placement. 11. Establish pier cap and crossbeam top and bottom elevations and centerline of bearing. 12. Check pier cap and crossbeam top and bottom elevations and centerline of bearing prior to and during concrete placement. 13. Establish grout pad locations and elevations. 14. Establish structure bearing locations and elevations, including locations of anchor bolt assemblies. 15. Establish box girder bottom slab grades and locations. 16. Establish girder and/or web wall profiles and locations. 17. Establish diaphragm locations and centerline of bearing. 18. Establish roadway slab alignment, grades and provide dimensions from top of girder to top of roadway slab. Set elevations for deck paving machine rails. 19. Establish traffic barrier and curb profile. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 21 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 20. Profile all girders prior to the placement of any deadload or construction live load that may affect the girder's profile. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency copies of any calculations and staking data when requested by the Engineer. To facilitate the establishment of these lines and elevations, the Contracting Agency will provide the Contractor with the following primary survey and control information: 1. Descriptions of two primary control points used for the horizontal and vertical control. Primary control points will be described by reference to the project alignment and the coordinate system and elevation datum utilized by the project. In addition, the Contracting Agency will supply horizontal coordinates for the beginning and ending points and for each Point of Intersection (PI) on each alignment included in the project. 2. Horizontal coordinates for the centerline of each bridge pier. 3. Computed elevations at top of bridge roadway decks at one-tenth points along centerline of each girder web. All form grades and other working grades shall be calculated by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give the Contracting Agency three weeks notification to allow adequate time to provide the data outlined in Items 2 and 3 above. The Contractor shall ensure a surveying accuracy within the following tolerances: Vertical Horizontal 1. Stationing on structures ±0.02 feet 2. Alignment on structures ±0.02 feet 3. Superstructure elevations ±0.01 feet variation from plan elevation 4. Substructure ±0.02 feet variation from Plan grades. The Contracting Agency may spot-check the Contractor's surveying. These spot-checks will not change the requirements for normal checking by the Contractor. When staking the following items, the Contractor shall perform independent checks from different secondary control to ensure that the points staked for these items are within the specified survey accuracy tolerances: Piles Shafts NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 22 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Footings Columns The Contractor shall calculate coordinates for the points associated with piles, shafts, footings and columns. The Contracting Agency will verify these coordinates prior to issuing approval to the Contractor for commencing with the survey work. The Contracting Agency will require up to seven calendar days from the date the data is received to issuing approval. Contract work to be performed using contractor-provided stakes shall not begin until the stakes are approved by the Contracting Agency. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the accuracy of the stakes. Payment Payment will be made for the following bid item when included in the proposal: "Structure Surveying", lump sum. The lump sum contract price for "Structure Surveying" shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, materials, and supervision utilized to perform the Work specified, including any resurveying, checking, correction of errors, replacement of missing or damaged stakes, and coordination efforts. 1-05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified in a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the Contract Documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be identified in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as the Contracting Agency may deem necessary. If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public. Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, and costs for repair and replacement of NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 23 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor’s unauthorized work. No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency’s rights provided by this Section. The rights exercised under the provisions of this section shall not diminish the Contracting Agency’s right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor’s failure to perform the work as required. 1-05.11 Final Inspection Delete this section and replace it with the following: 1-05.11 Final Inspections and Operational Testing (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 1-05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial Completion Date. The Contractor’s request shall list the specific items of work that remain to be completed in order to reach physical completion. The Engineer will schedule an inspection of the work with the Contractor to determine the status of completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the work is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. If, after this inspection the Engineer does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify the Contractor giving the reasons therefore. Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial Completion Date and the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection. 1-05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection, the Contractor by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection. The Engineer will set a date for final inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then make a final inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the final inspection reveals the work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 24 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 measures as are necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been corrected. If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to Section 1-05.7. The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of a delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer’s right hereunder. Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall not imply acceptance of the work or that all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract have been fulfilled. 1-05.11(3) Operational Testing It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar work it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of work are listed in the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract prices related to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the proposal. Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer’s guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the contract. 1-05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) Delete the sixth and seventh paragraphs of this section. 1-05.15 Method of Serving Notices (March 25, 2009 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 25 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 All correspondence from the Contractor shall be directed to the Project Engineer. All correspondence from the Contractor constituting any notification, notice of protest, notice of dispute, or other correspondence constituting notification required to be furnished under the Contract, must be in paper format, hand delivered or sent via mail delivery service to the Project Engineer's office. Electronic copies such as e-mails or electronically delivered copies of correspondence will not constitute such notice and will not comply with the requirements of the Contract. 1-05.16 Water and Power (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Section 1-05.16 is an added new section: The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the contract includes power and water as a pay item. 1-05.18 Record Drawings (March 8, 2013, APWA GSP) Section 1-05.18 is an added new section: The Contractor shall maintain one set of full size plans for Record Drawings, updated with clear and accurate red-lined field revisions on a daily basis, and within 2 business days after receipt of information that a change in Work has occurred. The Contractor shall not conceal any work until the required information is recorded. This Record Drawing set shall be used for this purpose alone, shall be kept separate from other Plan sheets, and shall be clearly marked as Record Drawings. These Record Drawings shall be kept on site at the Contractor’s field office, and shall be available for review by the Contracting Agency at all times. The Contractor shall bring the Record Drawings to each progress meeting for review. The preparation and upkeep of the Record Drawings is to be the assigned responsibility of a single, experienced, and qualified individual. The quality of the Record Drawings, in terms of accuracy, clarity, and completeness, is to be adequate to allow the Contracting Agency to modify the computer-aided drafting (CAD) Contract Drawings to produce a complete set of Record Drawings for the Contracting Agency without further investigative effort by the Contracting Agency. The Record Drawing markups shall document all changes in the Work, both concealed and visible. Items that must be shown on the markups include but are not limited to: · Actual dimensions, arrangement, and materials used when different than shown in the Plans. · Changes made by Change Order or Field Order. · Changes made by the Contractor. · Accurate locations of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water mains and other water appurtenances, structures, conduits, light standards, vaults, width of roadways, sidewalks, landscaping areas, NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 26 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 building footprints, channelization and pavement markings, etc. Include pipe invert elevations, top of castings (manholes, inlets, etc.) If the Contract calls for the Contracting Agency to do all surveying and staking, the Contracting Agency will provide the elevations at the tolerances the Contracting Agency requires for the Record Drawings. When the Contract calls for the Contractor to do the surveying/staking, the applicable tolerance limits include, but are not limited to the following: Vertical Horizontal As-built sanitary & storm invert and grate elevations ± 0.01 foot ± 0.01 foot As-built monumentation ± 0.001 foot ± 0.001 foot As-built waterlines, inverts, valves, hydrants ± 0.10 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built ponds/swales/water features ± 0.10 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built buildings (fin. Floor elev.) ± 0.01 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built gas lines, power, TV, Tel, Com ± 0.10 foot ± 0.10 foot As-built signs, signals, etc. N/A ± 0.10 foot Making Entries on the Record Drawings: · Use erasable colored pencil (not ink) for all markings on the Record Drawings, conforming to the following color code: · Additions – Red · Deletions – Green · Comments – Blue · Dimensions – Graphite · Provide the applicable reference for all entries, such as the change order number, the request for information (RFI) number, or the approved shop drawing number. · Date all entries. · Clearly identify all items in the entry with notes similar to those in the Contract Drawings (such as pipe symbols, centerline elevations, materials, pipe joint abbreviations, etc.). NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 27 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The Contractor shall certify on the Record Drawings that said drawings are an accurate depiction of built conditions, and in conformance with the requirements detailed above. The Contractor shall submit final Record Drawings to the Contracting Agency. Contracting Agency acceptance of the Record Drawings is one of the requirements for achieving Physical Completion. Payment Payment will be made for the following bid item: "Record Drawings", lump sum Payment for this item will be made on a prorated monthly basis for work completed in accordance with this section up to %75 of the lump sum bid. The final 25% of the lump sum item will be paid upon submittal and approval of the completed Record Drawing set prepared in conformance with these Special Provisions. A minimum bid amount has been entered into the Bid Proposal for this item. The Contract must bid at least that amount. 1-06 CONTROL OF MATERIAL Section 1-06 is supplemented with the following: Buy America (August 6, 2012 WSDOT GSP) In accordance with Buy America requirements contained in 23 CFR 635.410, the major quantities of steel and iron construction material that is permanently incorporated into the project shall consist of American-made materials only. Buy America does not apply to temporary steel items, e.g., temporary sheet piling, temporary bridges, steel scaffolding and falsework. Minor amounts of foreign steel and iron may be utilized in this project provided the cost of the foreign material used does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total contract cost or $2,500.00, whichever is greater. American-made material is defined as material having all manufacturing processes occurring domestically. To further define the coverage, a domestic product is a manufactured steel material that was produced in one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or in the territories and possessions of the United States. If domestically produced steel billets or iron ingots are exported outside of the area of coverage, as defined above, for any manufacturing process then the resulting product does not conform to the Buy America requirements. Additionally, products manufactured domestically from foreign source steel billets or iron ingots do not conform to the Buy America requirements because the initial melting and mixing of alloys to create the material occurred in a foreign country. Manufacturing begins with the initial melting and mixing, and continues through the coating stage. Any process which modifies the chemical content, the physical size or shape, or the final finish is considered a manufacturing process. The processes include rolling, extruding, machining, bending, NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 28 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 grinding, drilling, welding, and coating. The action of applying a coating to steel or iron is deemed a manufacturing process. Coating includes epoxy coating, galvanizing, aluminizing, painting, and any other coating that protects or enhances the value of steel or iron. Any process from the original reduction from ore to the finished product constitutes a manufacturing process for iron. Due to a national waiver, Buy America does not apply to raw materials (iron ore and alloys), scrap (recycled steel or iron), and pig iron or processed, pelletized, and reduced iron ore. The following are considered to be steel manufacturing processes: 1. Production of steel by any of the following processes: a. Open hearth furnace. b. Basic Oxygen. c. Electric furnace. d. Direct reduction. 2. Rolling, heat treating, and any other similar processing. 3. Fabrication of the products. a. Spinning wire into cable or strand. b. Corrugating and rolling into culverts. c. Shop fabrication. A certification of materials original will be required for any items comprised of, or containing, steel or iron construction materials prior to such items being incorporated into the permanent work. The certification shall be on DOT Form 350-109EF provided by the Engineer, or such other form the Contractor chooses, provided it contains the same information as DOR Form 350-109EF. (August 6, 2012) The following items of work containing steel or iron construction materials are considered to be temporary and are excluded from the Buy America requirements contained in 23 CFR 635.410 as described in the above paragraphs: *** Temporary Contractor Worker Access Bridge Temporary Mailbox Installation/Removal *** 1-06.6 Recycled Materials (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) Delete this section, including its subsections, and replace it with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 29 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The Contractor shall make their best effort to utilize recycled materials in the construction of the project. Approval of such material use shall be as detailed elsewhere in the Standard Specifications. Prior to Physical Completion the Contractor shall report the quantity of recycled materials that were utilized in the construction of the project for each of the items listed in Section 9-03.21. The report shall include hot mix asphalt, recycled concrete aggregate, recycled glass, steel furnace slag and other recycled materials (e.g. utilization of on-site material and aggregates from concrete returned to the supplier). The Contractor’s report shall be provided on DOT form 350-075 Recycled Materials Reporting. 1-07 LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC 1-07.1 Laws to be Observed (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent regulation shall apply. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and paramount administrative agency responsible for the administration of the provisions of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well known place at the project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor shall establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring immediate removal to a hospital, or doctor’s care, persons, including employees, who may have been injured on the project site. Employees should not be permitted to work on the project site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor’s care. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of the Contractor’s plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting from their failure, or improper maintenance, use, or operation. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety for all persons and property in the performance of the work. This requirement shall apply continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The required or implied duty of the Engineer to conduct construction review of the Contractor’s performance does not, and shall not, be intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor’s safety measures in, on, or near the project site. 1-07.2 State Taxes Delete this section, including its sub-sections, in its entirety and replace it with the following: 1-07.2 State Sales Tax (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) The Washington State Department of Revenue has issued special rules on the State sales tax. Sections 1-07.2(1) through 1-07.2(3) are meant to clarify those rules. The Contractor should contact the NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 30 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Washington State Department of Revenue for answers to questions in this area. The Contracting Agency will not adjust its payment if the Contractor bases a bid on a misunderstood tax liability. The Contractor shall include all Contractor-paid taxes in the unit bid prices or other contract amounts. In some cases, however, state retail sales tax will not be included. Section 1-07.2(2) describes this exception. The Contracting Agency will pay the retained percentage (or release the Contract Bond if a FHWA- funded Project) only if the Contractor has obtained from the Washington State Department of Revenue a certificate showing that all contract-related taxes have been paid (RCW 60.28.051). The Contracting Agency may deduct from its payments to the Contractor any amount the Contractor may owe the Washington State Department of Revenue, whether the amount owed relates to this contract or not. Any amount so deducted will be paid into the proper State fund. 1-07.2(1) State Sales Tax — Rule 171 WAC 458-20-171, and its related rules, apply to building, repairing, or improving streets, roads, etc., which are owned by a municipal corporation, or political subdivision of the state, or by the United States, and which are used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic. This includes storm or combined sewer systems within and included as a part of the street or road drainage system and power lines when such are part of the roadway lighting system. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall include Washington State Retail Sales Taxes in the various unit bid item prices, or other contract amounts, including those that the Contractor pays on the purchase of the materials, equipment, or supplies used or consumed in doing the work. 1-07.2(2) State Sales Tax — Rule 170 WAC 458-20-170, and its related rules, apply to the constructing and repairing of new or existing buildings, or other structures, upon real property. This includes, but is not limited to, the construction of streets, roads, highways, etc., owned by the state of Washington; water mains and their appurtenances; sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems unless such sewers and disposal systems are within, and a part of, a street or road drainage system; telephone, telegraph, electrical power distribution lines, or other conduits or lines in or above streets or roads, unless such power lines become a part of a street or road lighting system; and installing or attaching of any article of tangible personal property in or to real property, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation. For work performed in such cases, the Contractor shall collect from the Contracting Agency, retail sales tax on the full contract price. The Contracting Agency will automatically add this sales tax to each payment to the Contractor. For this reason, the Contractor shall not include the retail sales tax in the unit bid item prices, or in any other contract amount subject to Rule 170, with the following exception. Exception: The Contracting Agency will not add in sales tax for a payment the Contractor or a subcontractor makes on the purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment, or consumable supplies not integrated into the project. Such sales taxes shall be included in the unit bid item prices or in any other contract amount. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 31 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-07.2(3) Services The Contractor shall not collect retail sales tax from the Contracting Agency on any contract wholly for professional or other services (as defined in Washington State Department of Revenue Rules 138 and 244). 1-07.5 Environmental Regulations (September 20, 2010 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-07.5 is supplemented with the following: Environmental Commitments The following provisions summarize the requirements, in addition to those required elsewhere in the Contract, imposed upon by the Contracting Agency by the various documents referenced in the Special Provision Permits and Licenses. Throughout the work, the Contractor shall comply with the following requirements: (August 3, 2009 WSDOT GSP) A mixing zone is established within which the turbidity standard is waived during actual in-water work. The mixing zone is established to only temporarily allow exceeding the turbidity criteria (such as a few hours or days) and is not authorization to exceed the turbidity standard for the entire duration of the construction. The mixing zone shall not exceed *** 150 *** feet downstream from the construction area. (February 25, 2013 WSDOT GSP) The Contractor shall retain a copy of the most recent U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit Verification Letter, conditions, and permit drawings on the worksite for the life of the Contract (See Special Provision titled Permits and Licenses). The Contractor shall provide copies of the items above listed to all Sub-Contractors involved with the authorized work prior to their commencement of any work. (February 25, 2013 WSDPT GSP) Temporary structures and dewatering of areas under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must maintain normal downstream flows and prevent upstream and downstream flooding to the maximum extent practicable. (August 3, 2009 WSDOT GSP) The Contractor shall dispose of all creosoted timber, creosoted piling and associated debris as shown in the Plans in accordance with current federal, state, and local regulations and provisions, and following Best Management Practices. Disposal shall be made in a landfill which meets the liner and leachate standards of the Minimum Functional Standards, Chapter 173-304 WAC. The Contractor shall provide receipts from the disposal facility to the Project Engineer. If the material is transported to a NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 32 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 transfer station, the Contractor shall obtain documentation indicating that final disposal will comply with the standards referenced above. (August 3, 2009 WSDOT GSP) Payment All costs to comply with this special provision for the environmental commitments and requirements are incidental to the contract and are the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall include all related costs in the associated bid prices of the contract. 1-07.6 Permits and Licenses (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-07.6 is supplemented with the following: The Contracting Agency has obtained the below-listed permit(s) for this project. A copy of the permit(s) is attached as an appendix for informational purposes. Copies of these permits, including a copy of the Transfer of Coverage form, when applicable, are required to be onsite at all times. Contact with the permitting agencies, concerning the below-listed permit(s), shall be made through the Engineer with the exception of when the Construction Stormwater General Permit coverage is transferred to the Contractor, direct communication with the Department of Ecology is allowed. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining Ecology’s approval for any Work requiring additional approvals (e.g. Request for Chemical Treatment Form). The Contractor shall obtain additional permits as necessary. All costs to obtain and comply with additional permits shall be included in the applicable Bid items for the Work involved. *** See Appendix E for copies of permits. *** 1-07.7 Load Limits (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-07.7 is supplemented with the following: If the sources of materials provided by the Contractor necessitates hauling over roads other than State Highways, the Contractor shall, at the Contractor's expense, make all arrangements for the use of the haul routes. 1-07.11 Requirements for Nondiscrimination Section 1-07.11 is supplemented with the following: (August 5, 2013 WSDOT GSP) Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (Executive Order 11246) NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 33 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1. The Contractor's attention is called to the Equal Opportunity Clause and the Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications set forth herein. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation set by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate work force in each construction craft and in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Women - Statewide Timetable Goal Until further notice 6.9% Minorities - by Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) Spokane, WA: SMSA Counties: Spokane, WA 2.8 WA Spokane. Non-SMSA Counties 3.0 WA Adams; WA Asotin; WA Columbia; WA Ferry; WA Garfield; WA Lincoln, WA Pend Oreille; WA Stevens; WA Whitman. Richland, WA SMSA Counties: Richland Kennewick, WA 5.4 WA Benton; WA Franklin. Non-SMSA Counties 3.6 WA Walla Walla. Yakima, WA: SMSA Counties: Yakima, WA 9.7 WA Yakima. Non-SMSA Counties 7.2 WA Chelan; WA Douglas; WA Grant; WA Kittitas; WA Okanogan. Seattle, WA: SMSA Counties: Seattle Everett, WA 7.2 WA King; WA Snohomish. Tacoma, WA 6.2 WA Pierce. Non-SMSA Counties 6.1 WA Clallam; WA Grays Harbor; WA Island; WA Jefferson; WA Kitsap; WA Lewis; WA Mason; WA Pacific; WA San Juan; WA Skagit; WA Thurston; WA Whatcom. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 34 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Portland, OR: SMSA Counties: Portland, OR-WA 4.5 WA Clark. Non-SMSA Counties 3.8 WA Cowlitz; WA Klickitat; WA Skamania; WA Wahkiakum. These goals are applicable to each nonexempt Contractor’s total on-site construction workforce, regardless of whether or not part of that workforce is performing work on a Federal, or federally assisted project, contract, or subcontract until further notice. Compliance with these goals and time tables is enforced by the Office of Federal Contract compliance Programs. The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligations required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60-4.3(a), and its efforts to meet the goals. The hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, in each construction craft and in each trade, and the Contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor's goal shall be a violation of the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60-4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. 3. The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) within 10 working days of award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 or more that are Federally funded, at any tier for construction work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification shall list the name, address and telephone number of the Subcontractor; employer identification number of the Subcontractor; estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical area in which the contract is to be performed. The notification shall be sent to: U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Pacific Region Attn: Regional Director San Francisco Federal Building 90 – 7th Street, Suite 18-300 San Francisco, CA 94103(415) 625-7800 Phone (415) 625-7799 Fax Additional information may be found at the U.S. Department of Labor website: http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/TAguides/ctaguide.htm 4. As used in this Notice, and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the Covered Area is as designated herein. Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications (Executive Order 11246) NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 35 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1. As used in these specifications: a. Covered Area means the geographical area described in the solicitation from which this contract resulted; b. Director means Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, United States Department of Labor, or any person to whom the Director delegates authority; c. Employer Identification Number means the Federal Social Security number used on the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, U. S. Treasury Department Form 941; d. Minority includes: (1) Black, a person having origins in any of the Black Racial Groups of Africa. (2) Hispanic, a fluent Spanish speaking, Spanish surnamed person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, South American, or other Spanish origin. (3) Asian or Pacific Islander, a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Pacific rim or the Pacific Islands, the Hawaiian Islands and Samoa. (4) American Indian or Alaskan Native, a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. 2. Whenever the Contractor, or any Subcontractor at any tier, subcontracts a portion of the work involving any construction trade, it shall physically include in each subcontract in excess of $10,000 the provisions of these specifications and the Notice which contains the applicable goals for minority and female participation and which is set forth in the solicitations from which this contract resulted. 3. If the Contractor is participating (pursuant to 41 CFR 60-4.5) in a Hometown Plan approved by the U.S. Department of Labor in the covered area either individually or through an association, its affirmative action obligations on all work in the Plan area (including goals and timetables) shall be in accordance with that Plan for those trades which have unions participating in the Plan. Contractors must be able to demonstrate their participation in and compliance with the provisions of any such Hometown Plan. Each Contractor or Subcontractor participating in an approved Plan is individually required to comply with its obligations under the EEO clause, and to make a good faith effort to achieve each goal under the Plan in each trade in which it has employees. The overall good faith performance by other Contractors or Subcontractors toward a goal in an approved Plan does not excuse any covered Contractor's or Subcontractor's failure to take good faith effort to achieve the Plan goals and timetables. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 36 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 4. The Contractor shall implement the specific affirmative action standards provided in paragraphs 7a through 7p of this Special Provision. The goals set forth in the solicitation from which this contract resulted are expressed as percentages of the total hours of employment and training of minority and female utilization the Contractor should reasonably be able to achieve in each construction trade in which it has employees in the covered area. Covered construction contractors performing construction work in geographical areas where they do not have a Federal or federally assisted construction contract shall apply the minority and female goals established for the geographical area where the work is being performed. The Contractor is expected to make substantially uniform progress in meeting its goals in each craft during the period specified. 5. Neither the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, nor the failure by a union with whom the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement, to refer either minorities or women shall excuse the Contractor's obligations under these specifications, Executive Order 11246, or the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. 6. In order for the nonworking training hours of apprentices and trainees to be counted in meeting the goals, such apprentices and trainees must be employed by the Contractor during the training period, and the Contractor must have made a commitment to employ the apprentices and trainees at the completion of their training, subject to the availability of employment opportunities. Trainees must be trained pursuant to training programs approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. 7. The Contractor shall take specific affirmative actions to ensure equal employment opportunity. The evaluation of the Contractor's compliance with these specifications shall be based upon its effort to achieve maximum results from its action. The Contractor shall document these efforts fully, and shall implement affirmative action steps at least as extensive as the following: a. Ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment, intimidation, and coercion at all sites, and in all facilities at which the Contractor's employees are assigned to work. The Contractor, where possible, will assign two or more women to each construction project. The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foremen, superintendents, and other on-site supervisory personnel are aware of and carry out the Contractor's obligation to maintain such a working environment, with specific attention to minority or female individuals working at such sites or in such facilities. b. Establish and maintain a current list of minority and female recruitment sources, provide written notification to minority and female recruitment sources and to community organizations when the Contractor or its unions have employment opportunities available, and maintain a record of the organizations' responses. c. Maintain a current file of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each minority and female off-the-street applicant and minority or female referral from a union, a recruitment source or community organization and of what action was taken with respect to each such individual. If such individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and was not referred back to the Contractor by the union or, if referred, not employed by the Contractor, this shall be documented in the file with NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 37 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 the reason therefor, along with whatever additional actions the Contractor may have taken. d. Provide immediate written notification to the Director when the union or unions with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement has not referred to the Contractor a minority person or woman sent by the Contractor, or when the Contractor has other information that the union referral process has impeded the Contractor's efforts to meet its obligations. e. Develop on-the-job training opportunity and/or participate in training programs for the area which expressly include minorities and women, including upgrading programs and apprenticeship and trainee programs relevant to the Contractor's employment needs, especially those programs funded or approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. The Contractor shall provide notice of these programs to the sources compiled under 7b above. f. Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy by providing notice of the policy to unions and training programs and requesting their cooperation in assisting the Contractor in meeting its EEO obligations; by including it in any policy manual and collective bargaining agreement; by publicizing it in the company newspaper, annual report, etc.; by specific review of the policy with all management personnel and with all minority and female employees at least once a year; and by posting the company EEO policy on bulletin boards accessible to all employees at each location where construction work is performed. g. Review, at least annually, the company's EEO policy and affirmative action obligations under these specifications with all employees having any responsibility for hiring, assignment, layoff, termination or other employment decisions including specific review of these items with on-site supervisory personnel such as Superintendents, General Foremen, etc., prior to the initiation of construction work at any job site. A written record shall be made and maintained identifying the time and place of these meetings, persons attending, subject matter discussed, and disposition of the subject matter. h. Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy externally by including it in any advertising in the news media, specifically including minority and female news media, and providing written notification to and discussing the Contractor's EEO policy with other Contractors and Subcontractors with whom the Contractor does or anticipates doing business. i. Direct its recruitment efforts, both oral and written to minority, female and community organizations, to schools with minority and female students and to minority and female recruitment and training organizations serving the Contractor's recruitment area and employment needs. Not later than one month prior to the date for the acceptance of applications for apprenticeship or other training by any recruitment source, the Contractor shall send written notification to organizations such as the above, describing the openings, screening procedures, and tests to be used in the selection process. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 38 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 j. Encourage present minority and female employees to recruit other minority persons and women and where reasonable, provide after school, summer and vacation employment to minority and female youth both on the site and in other areas of a Contractor's work force. k. Validate all tests and other selection requirements where there is an obligation to do so under 41 CFR Part 60-3. l. Conduct, at least annually, an inventory and evaluation of all minority and female personnel for promotional opportunities and encourage these employees to seek or to prepare for, through appropriate training, etc., such opportunities. m. Ensure that seniority practices, job classifications, work assignments and other personnel practices, do not have a discriminatory effect by continually monitoring all personnel and employment related activities to ensure that the EEO policy and the Contractor's obligations under these specifications are being carried out. n. Ensure that all facilities and company activities are nonsegregated except that separate or single-user toilet and necessary changing facilities shall be provided to assure privacy between the sexes. o. Document and maintain a record of all solicitations of offers for subcontracts from minority and female construction contractors and suppliers, including circulation of solicitations to minority and female contractor associations and other business associations. p. Conduct a review, at least annually, of all supervisors' adherence to and performance under the Contractor's EEO policies and affirmative action obligations. 8. Contractors are encouraged to participate in voluntary associations which assist in fulfilling one or more of their affirmative action obligations (7a through 7p). The efforts of a contractor association, joint contractor-union, contractor-community, or other similar group of which the Contractor is a member and participant, may be asserted as fulfilling any one or more of the obligations under 7a through 7p of this Special Provision provided that the Contractor actively participates in the group, makes every effort to assure that the group has a positive impact on the employment of minorities and women in the industry, ensure that the concrete benefits of the program are reflected in the Contractor's minority and female work-force participation, makes a good faith effort to meet its individual goals and timetables, and can provide access to documentation which demonstrate the effectiveness of actions taken on behalf of the Contractor. The obligation to comply, however, is the Contractor's and failure of such a group to fulfill an obligation shall not be a defense for the Contractor's noncompliance. 9. A single goal for minorities and a separate single goal for women have been established. The Contractor, however, is required to provide equal employment opportunity and to take affirmative action for all minority groups, both male and female, and all women, both minority and non-minority. Consequently, the Contractor may be in violation of the Executive Order if a particular group is employed in substantially disparate manner (for example, even though the NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 39 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Contractor has achieved its goals for women generally, the Contractor may be in violation of the Executive Order if a specific minority group of women is underutilized). 10. The Contractor shall not use the goals and timetables or affirmative action standards to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. 11. The Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract with any person or firm debarred from Government contracts pursuant to Executive Order 11246. 12. The Contractor shall carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of these specifications and of the Equal Opportunity Clause, including suspensions, terminations and cancellations of existing subcontracts as may be imposed or ordered pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementing regulations by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Any Contractor who fails to carry out such sanctions and penalties shall be in violation of these specifications and Executive Order 11246, as amended. 13. The Contractor, in fulfilling its obligations under these specifications, shall implement specific affirmative action steps, at least as extensive as those standards prescribed in paragraph 7 of this Special Provision, so as to achieve maximum results from its efforts to ensure equal employment opportunity. If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Executive Order, the implementing regulations, or these specifications, the Director shall proceed in accordance with 41 CFR 60-4.8. 14. The Contractor shall designate a responsible official to monitor all employment related activity to ensure that the company EEO policy is being carried out, to submit reports relating to the provisions hereof as may be required by the government and to keep records. Records shall at least include, for each employee, their name, address, telephone numbers, construction trade, union affiliation if any, employee identification number when assigned, social security number, race, sex, status (e.g., mechanic, apprentice, trainee, helper, or laborer), dates of changes in status, hours worked per week in the indicated trade, rate of pay, and locations at which the work was performed. Records shall be maintained in an easily understandable and retrievable form; however, to the degree that existing records satisfy this requirement, the Contractors will not be required to maintain separate records. 15. Nothing herein provided shall be construed as a limitation upon the application of other laws which establish different standards of compliance or upon the application of requirements for the hiring of local or other area residents (e.g., those under the Public Works Employment Act of 1977 and the Community Development Block Grant Program). 16. Additional assistance for Federal Construction Contractors on contracts administered by Washington State Department of Transportation or by Local Agencies may be found at: Washington State Dept. of Transportation Office of Equal Opportunity PO Box 47314 310 Maple Park Ave. SE Olympia WA 98504-7314 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 40 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Ph: 360-705-7090 Fax: 360-705-6801 http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/equalopportunity/default.htm (June 1, 2017 WSDOT GSP) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 and USDOT’s official interpretations (i.e., Questions & Answers) apply to this Contract. Demonstrating compliance with these Specifications is a Condition of Award (COA) of this Contract. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Specification may result in your Bid being found to be nonresponsive resulting in rejection or other sanctions as provided by Contract. DBE Abbreviations and Definitions Broker – A business firm that provides a bona fide service, such as professional, technical, consultant or managerial services and assistance in the procurement of essential personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, or supplies required for the performance of the Contract; or, persons/companies who arrange or expedite transactions. Certified Business Description – Specific descriptions of work the DBE is certified to perform, as identified in the Certified Firm Directory, under the Vendor Information page. Certified Firm Directory – A database of all Minority, Women, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, including those identified as a UDBE, currently certified by Washington State. The on-line Directory is available to Contractors for their use in identifying and soliciting interest from DBE firms. The database is located under the Firm Certification section of the Diversity Management and Compliance System web page at: https://wsdot.diversitycompliance.com. Commercially Useful Function (CUF) – 49 CFR 26.55(c)(1) defines commercially useful function as: “A DBE performs a commercially useful function when it is responsible for execution of the work of the contract and is carrying out its responsibilities by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. To perform a commercially useful function, the DBE must also be responsible, with respect to materials and supplies used on the contract, for negotiating price, determining quality and quantity, ordering the material, and installing (where applicable) and paying for the material itself. To determine whether a DBE is performing a commercially useful function, you must evaluate the amount of work subcontracted, industry practices, whether the amount the firm is to be paid under the contract is commensurate with the work it is actually performing and the DBE credit claimed for its performance of the work, and other relevant factors.” Contract – For this Special Provision only, this definition supplements Section 1-01.3. 49 CFR 26.5 defines contract as: “… a legally binding relationship obligating a seller to furnish supplies or services (including, but not limited to, construction and professional services) and the buyer to pay for them. For purposes of this part, a lease is considered to be a contract.” NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 41 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) – A business firm certified by the Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises, as meeting the criteria outlined in 49 CFR 26 regarding DBE certification. A Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) firm is a subset of DBE. Force Account Work – Work measured and paid in accordance with Section 1-09.6. Good Faith Efforts – Efforts to achieve the UDBE COA Goal or other requirements of this part which, by their scope, intensity, and appropriateness to the objective, can reasonably be expected to fulfill the program requirement. Manufacturer (DBE) – A DBE firm that operates or maintains a factory or establishment that produces on the premises the materials, supplies, articles, or equipment required under the Contract. A DBE Manufacturer shall produce finished goods or products from raw or unfinished material or purchase and substantially alters goods and materials to make them suitable for construction use before reselling them. Regular Dealer (DBE) – A DBE firm that owns, operates, or maintains a store, warehouse, or other establishment in which the materials or supplies required for the performance of a Contract are bought, kept in stock, and regularly sold to the public in the usual course of business. To be a Regular Dealer, the DBE firm must be an established regular business that engages in as its principal business and in its own name the purchase and sale of the products in question. A Regular Dealer in such items as steel, cement, gravel, stone, and petroleum products need not own, operate or maintain a place of business if it both owns and operates distribution equipment for the products. Any supplementing of regular dealers’ own distribution equipment shall be by long-term formal lease agreements and not on an ad-hoc basis. Brokers, packagers, manufacturers’ representatives, or other persons who arrange or expedite transactions shall not be regarded as Regular Dealers within the meaning of this definition. Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) – A DBE Firm that is underutilized based on WSDOT’s Disparity Study. All UDBEs are DBEs. UDBE Commitment – The dollar amount the Contractor indicates they will be subcontracting to be applied towards the UDBE Condition of Award Goal as shown on the UDBE Utilization Certification Form for each UDBE Subcontractor. This UDBE Commitment amount will be incorporated into the Contract and shall be considered a Contract requirement. Any changes to the UDBE Commitment require the Engineer’s approval. UDBE Condition of Award (COA) Goal – An assigned numerical amount specified as a percentage of the Contract. Initially, this is the minimum amount that the Bidder must commit to by submission of the Utilization Certification Form and/or by Good Faith Effort (GFE). This is also the minimum required amount of UDBE participation specified as a percentage of the final Contract amount inclusive of all change orders. UDBE COA Goal The Contracting Agency has established a UDBE COA Goal for this Contract in the amount of: *** 10% *** NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 42 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DBE Eligibility/Selection of DBEs In order to determine the distinct element(s) of work for which a DBE is certified, Contractors should refer to the Certified Business Description. The Contractor shall not use NAICS codes on the UDBE Utilization Certification. Crediting DBE Participation Subcontractors proposed as COA must be certified prior to the due date for bids on the Contract. All non-COA DBE Subcontractors shall be certified before the subcontract on which they are participating is executed. Be advised that although a firm is listed in the Certified Firm Directory, there are cases where the listed firm is in a temporary suspension status. The Contractor shall review the OMWBE Suspended DBE Firms list. A DBE firm that is included on this list may not enter into new contracts that count towards participation. DBE participation is only credited upon payment to the DBE. The following are some definitions of what may be counted as DBE participation. DBE Prime Contractor Only take credit for that portion of the total dollar value of the Contract equal to the distinct, clearly defined portion of the Work that the DBE Prime Contractor performs with its own forces and is certified to perform. DBE Subcontractor Only take credit for that portion of the total dollar value of the subcontract that is equal to the distinct, clearly defined portion of the Work that the DBE performs with its own forces. The value of work performed by the DBE includes the cost of supplies and materials purchased by the DBE and equipment leased by the DBE, for its work on the contract. Supplies, materials or equipment obtained by a DBE that are not utilized or incorporated in the contract work by the DBE will not be eligible for DBE credit. The supplies, materials, and equipment purchased or leased from the Contractor or its affiliate, including any Contractor’s resources available to DBE subcontractors at no cost, shall not be credited. DBE credit will not be given in instances where the equipment lease includes the operator. The DBE is expected to operate the equipment used in the performance of its work under the contract with its own forces. Situations where equipment is leased and used by the DBE, but payment is deducted from the Contractor’s payment to the DBE is not allowed. When the subcontractor is part of a UDBE Commitment, the following apply: 1. If a UDBE subcontracts a portion of the Work of its contract to another firm, the value of the subcontracted Work may be counted toward the UDBE COA Goal only if the Lower-Tier Subcontractor is also a UDBE. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 43 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 2. Work subcontracted to a Lower-Tier Subcontractor that is a DBE, but not a UDBE, may be counted as DBE race-neutral participation but not counted toward the UDBE COA Goal. 3. Work subcontracted to a non-DBE does not count towards the UDBE COA Goal nor DBE participation. DBE Subcontract and Lower Tier Subcontract Documents There must be a subcontract agreement that complies with 49 CFR Part 26 and fully describes the distinct elements of Work committed to be performed by the DBE. The subcontract agreement shall incorporate requirements of the primary Contract. Subcontract agreements of all tiers, including lease agreements shall be readily available at the project site for the Engineer’s review. DBE Service Provider The value of fees or commissions charged by a DBE Broker, a DBE behaving in a manner of a Broker, or another service provider for providing a bona fide service, such as professional, technical, consultant, managerial services, or for providing bonds or insurance specifically required for the performance of the contract will only be credited as DBE participation, if the fee/commission is determined by the Contracting Agency to be reasonable and the firm has performed a CUF. Force Account Work When the Contractor elects to utilize force account Work to meet the UDBE COA Goal, as demonstrated by listing this force account Work on the UDBE Utilization Certification Form, for the purposes of meeting UDBE COA Goal, only 50% of the Proposal amount shall be credited toward the Contractors Commitment to meet the UDBE COA Goal. One hundred percent of the actual amounts paid to the DBE for the force account Work shall be credited towards UDBE COA Goal or DBE participation. Temporary Traffic Control If the DBE firm is being utilized in the capacity of only “Flagging”, the DBE firm must provide a Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) and flagger, which are under the direct control of the DBE. The DBE firm shall also provide all flagging equipment (e.g. paddles, hard hats, and vests). If the DBE firm is being utilized in the capacity of “Traffic Control Services”, the DBE firm must provide a TCS, flaggers, and traffic control items (e.g., cones, barrels, signs, etc.) and be in total control of all items in implementing the traffic control for the project. In addition, if the DBE firm utilizes the Contractor’s equipment, such as Transportable Attenuators and Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) no DBE credit can be taken for supplying and operating the items. Trucking DBE trucking firm participation may only be credited as DBE participation for the value of the hauling services, not for the materials being hauled unless the trucking firm is also certified as a supplier. In situations where the DBE’s work is priced per ton, the value of NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 44 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 the hauling service must be calculated separately from the value of the materials in order to determine DBE credit for hauling The DBE trucking firm must own and operate at least one licensed, insured and operational truck on the contract. The truck must be of the type that is necessary to perform the hauling duties required under the contract. The DBE receives credit for the value of the transportation services it provides on the Contract using trucks it owns or leases, licenses, insures, and operates with drivers it employs. The DBE may lease additional trucks from another DBE firm. The trucking Work subcontracted to any non-DBE trucking firm will not receive credit for Work done on the project. The DBE may lease trucks from a non-DBE truck leasing company, but can only receive credit towards DBE participation if the DBE uses its own employees as drivers. DBE credit for a truck broker is limited to the fee/commission that the DBE receives for arranging transportation services. Truck registration and lease agreements shall be readily available at the project site for the Engineer review. When Trucking is a UDBE Commitment, the following apply: 1. If the trucking firm is a UDBE, participation may count towards the UDBE COA Goal. 2. The Work that a UDBE trucking firm performs with trucks it leases from other certified UDBE trucking firms qualify for 100% credit towards the UDBE COA Goal. 3. The UDBE may lease trucks from a non-UDBE truck leasing company, but can only receive credit towards UDBE participation if the UDBE uses its own employees as drivers. DBE Manufacturer and DBE Regular Dealer One hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the manufactured product obtained from a DBE manufacturer can count as DBE participation. If the DBE manufacturer is a UDBE, participation may count towards the UDBE COA Goal. Sixty percent (60%) of the cost of materials or supplies purchased from a DBE Regular Dealer may be credited as DBE Participation. If the role of the DBE Regular Dealer is determined to be that of a pass-through, then no DBE credit will be given for its services. If the role of the DBE Regular Dealer is determined to be that of a Broker, then DBE credit shall be limited to the fee or commission it receives for its services. Regular Dealer status and the amount of credit is determined on a Contract-by-Contract basis. If the DBE regular dealer is a UDBE, participation may count towards the UDBE COA Goal. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 45 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Regular Dealer DBE firms, including UDBEs must be approved before being used on a project. The WSDOT Approved Regular Dealer list published on WSDOT’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) web site must include the specific project for which approval is being requested. For purposes of the UDBE COA Goal participation, the Regular Dealer must submit the Regular Dealer Status Request form a minimum of five days prior to bid opening. Purchase of materials or supplies from a DBE which is neither a manufacturer nor a regular dealer, (i.e. Broker) only the fees or commissions charged for assistance in the procurement of the materials and supplies, or fees or transportation charges for the delivery of materials or supplies required on a job site, can count as DBE participation provided the fees are not excessive as compared with fees customarily allowed for similar services. Documentation will be required to support the fee/commission charged by the DBE. The cost of the materials and supplies themselves cannot be counted toward as DBE participation. Note: Requests to be listed as a Regular Dealer will only be processed if the requesting firm is a material supplier certified by the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises in a NAICS code that falls within the 42XXXX NAICS Wholesale code section. Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization The requirements of this section apply to projects with a UDBE COA Goal. To be eligible for award of the Contract, the Bidder shall properly complete and submit an Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) Utilization Certification with the Bidder’s sealed Bid Proposal, as specified in Section 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal. The Bidder’s UDBE Utilization Certification must clearly demonstrate how the Bidder intends to meet the UDBE COA Goal. A UDBE Utilization Certification (WSDOT Form 272-056 EF) is included in your Proposal package for this purpose as well as instructions on how to properly fill out the form. The Bidder is advised that the items listed below when listed in the Utilization Certification must have their amounts reduced to the percentages shown and those reduced amounts will be the amount applied towards meeting the UDBE COA Goal. • Force account at 50% • Regular dealer at 60% In the event of arithmetic errors in completing the UDBE Utilization Certification, the amount listed to be applied towards the UDBE COA Goal for each UDBE shall govern and the UDBE total amount shall be adjusted accordingly. Note: The Contracting Agency shall consider as non-responsive and shall reject any Bid Proposal submitted that does not contain a UDBE Utilization Certification Form that accurately demonstrates how the Bidder intends to meet the UDBE COA Goal. Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Written Confirmation Document(s) The requirements of this section apply to projects with a UDBE COA Goal. The Bidder shall submit an Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) Written Confirmation Document (completed and signed by the UDBE) for each UDBE firm listed in the Bidder’s completed UDBE Utilization Certification submitted with the Bid. Failure to do so will result in NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 46 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 the associated participation being disallowed, which may cause the Bid to be determined to be nonresponsive resulting in Bid rejection. The Confirmation Documents provide confirmation from the UDBEs that they are participating in the Contract as provided in the Contractor’s Commitment. The Confirmation Documents must be consistent with the Utilization Certification. A UDBE Written Confirmation Document (form No. 422-031 EF) is included in your Proposal package for this purpose. The form(s) shall be received as specified in the special provisions for Section 1-02.9 Delivery of Proposal. It is prohibited for the Bidder to require a UDBE to submit a Written Confirmation Document with any part of the form left blank. Should the Contracting Agency determine that an incomplete Written Confirmation Document was signed by a UDBE, the validity of the document comes into question. The associated UDBE participation may not receive credit. Selection of Successful Bidder/Good Faith Efforts (GFE) The requirements of this section apply to projects with a UDBE COA Goal. The successful Bidder shall be selected on the basis of having submitted the lowest responsive Bid, which demonstrates a good faith effort to achieve the UDBE COA Goal. The Contracting Agency, at any time during the selection process, may request a breakdown of the bid items and amounts that are counted towards the overall contract goal for any of the UDBEs listed on the UDBE Utilization Certification. Achieving the UDBE COA Goal may be accomplished in one of two ways: 1. By meeting the UDBE COA Goal Submission of the UDBE Utilization Certification and supporting UDBE Written Confirmation Document(s) showing the Bidder has obtained enough UDBE participation to meet or exceed the UDBE COA Goal. 2. By documentation that the Bidder made adequate GFE to meet the UDBE COA Goal The Bidder may demonstrate a GFE in whole or part through GFE documentation ONLY IN THE EVENT a Bidder’s efforts to solicit sufficient UDBE participation have been unsuccessful. The Bidder must supply GFE documentation in addition to the UDBE Utilization Certification, and supporting UDBE Written Confirmation Document(s). Note: In the case where a Bidder is awarded the contract based on demonstrating adequate GFE, the advertised UDBE COA Goal will not be reduced. The Bidder shall demonstrate a GFE during the life of the Contract to attain the advertised UDBE COA Goal. GFE documentation shall be submitted as specified in Section 1-02.9. The Contracting Agency will review the GFE documentation and will determine if the Bidder made an adequate good faith effort. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 47 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Good Faith Effort (GFE) Documentation GFE is evaluated when: 1. Determining award of a Contract that has COA goal, 2. When a COA UDBE is terminated and substitution is required, and 3. Prior to Physical Completion when determining whether the Contractor has satisfied its UDBE commitments. 49 CFR Part 26, Appendix A is intended as general guidance and does not, in itself, demonstrate adequate good faith efforts. The following is a list of types of actions, which would be considered as part of the Bidder’s GFE to achieve UDBE participation. It is not intended to be a mandatory checklist, nor is it intended to be exclusive or exhaustive. Other factors or types of efforts may be relevant in appropriate cases. 1. Soliciting through all reasonable and available means (e.g. attendance at pre-bid meetings, advertising and/or written notices) the interest of all certified UDBEs who have the capability to perform the Work of the Contract. The Bidder must solicit this interest within sufficient time to allow the UDBEs to respond to the solicitation. The Bidder must determine with certainty if the UDBEs are interested by taking appropriate steps to follow up initial solicitations. 2. Selecting portions of the Work to be performed by UDBEs in order to increase the likelihood that the UDBE COA Goal will be achieved. This includes, where appropriate, breaking out contract Work items into economically feasible units to facilitate UDBE participation, even when the Contractor might otherwise prefer to perform these Work items with its own forces. 3. Providing interested UDBEs with adequate information about the Plans, Specifications, and requirements of the Contract in a timely manner to assist them in responding to a solicitation. a. Negotiating in good faith with interested UDBEs. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to make a portion of the Work available to UDBE subcontractors and suppliers and to select those portions of the Work or material needs consistent with the available UDBE subcontractors and suppliers, so as to facilitate UDBE participation. Evidence of such negotiation includes the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of UDBEs that were considered; a description of the information provided regarding the Plans and Specifications for the Work selected for subcontracting; and evidence as to why additional agreements could not be reached for UDBEs to perform the Work. b. A Bidder using good business judgment would consider a number of factors in negotiating with subcontractors, including DBE subcontractors, and would take a firm’s price and capabilities as well as the UDBE COA Goal into consideration. However, the fact that there may be some additional costs involved in finding and NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 48 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 using UDBEs is not in itself sufficient reason for a Bidder’s failure to meet the UDBE COA Goal, as long as such costs are reasonable. Also, the ability or desire of a Contractor to perform the Work of a Contract with its own organization does not relieve the Bidder of the responsibility to make Good Faith Efforts. Contractors are not, however, required to accept higher quotes from UDBEs if the price difference is excessive or unreasonable. 4. Not rejecting UDBEs as being unqualified without sound reasons based on a thorough investigation of their capabilities. The Contractor ’s standing within its industry, membership in specific groups, organizations, or associations and political or social affiliations (for example union vs. non-union employee status) are not legitimate causes for the rejection or non-solicitation of bids in the Contractor’s efforts to meet the UDBE COA Goal. 5. Making efforts to assist interested UDBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, or insurance as required by the recipient or Contractor. 6. Making efforts to assist interested UDBEs in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or related assistance or services. 7. Effectively using the services of available minority/women community organizations; minority/women contractors’ groups; local, State, and Federal minority/women business assistance offices; and other organizations as allowed on a case-by-case basis to provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of UDBEs. 8. Documentation of GFE must include copies of each UDBE and non-DBE subcontractor quotes submitted to the Bidder when a non-DBE subcontractor is selected over a UDBE for Work on the Contract. (ref. updated DBE regulations – 26.53(b)(2)(vi) & App. A) Administrative Reconsideration of GFE Documentation A Bidder has the right to request reconsideration if the GFE documentation submitted with their Bid was determined to be inadequate. • The Bidder must request within 48 hours of notification of being nonresponsive or forfeit the right to reconsideration. • The reconsideration decision on the adequacy of the Bidder’s GFE documentation shall be made by an official who did not take part in the original determination. • Only original GFE documentation submitted as a supplement to the Bid shall be considered. The Bidder shall not introduce new documentation at the reconsideration hearing. • The Bidder shall have the opportunity to meet in person with the official for the purpose of setting forth the Bidder’s position as to why the GFE documentation demonstrates a sufficient effort. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 49 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 • The reconsideration official shall provide the Bidder with a written decision on reconsideration within five working days of the hearing explaining the basis for their finding. Procedures between Award and Execution After Award and prior to Execution, the Contractor shall provide the additional information described below. Failure to comply shall result in the forfeiture of the Bidder’s Proposal bond or deposit. 1. A UDBE Bid Item Breakdown is required which shall contain the following information for all UDBEs as shown on the UDBE Utilization Certification: a. Correct business name, federal employee identification number (if available), and mailing address. b. List of all Bid items assigned to each UDBE with a clear description of Work to be performed for each Bid item and the dollar value of the Work to be performed by the UDBE. c. Description of partial items (if any) to be sublet to each UDBE specifying the Work committed under each item to be performed and including the dollar value of the UDBE portion. d. Total amounts shown for each UDBE shall match the amount shown on the UDBE Utilization Certification. A UDBE Bid Item Breakdown that does not conform to the UDBE Utilization Certification or that demonstrates a different amount of UDBE participation than that included in the UDBE Utilization Certification will be returned for correction. 2. A list of all firms who submitted a bid or quote in attempt to participate in this project whether they were successful or not. Include the business name and mailing address. Note: The firms identified by the Contractor may be contacted by the Contracting Agency to solicit general information as follows: age of the firm and average of its gross annual receipts over the past three-years. Procedures after Execution Commercially Useful Function (CUF) The Contractor may only take credit for the payments made for Work performed by a DBE that is determined to be performing a CUF. Payment must be commensurate with the work actually performed by the DBE. This applies to all DBEs performing Work on a project, whether or not the DBEs are COA, if the Contractor wants to receive credit for their participation. The Engineer will conduct CUF reviews to ascertain whether DBEs are performing a CUF. A DBE performs a CUF when it is carrying out its responsibilities of its contract by actually performing, managing, and supervising the Work involved. The DBE must be responsible for negotiating price; determining quality and quantity; ordering the material, installing (where applicable); and paying for the material itself. If a DBE does not perform “all” of these functions on a furnish-and-install contract, it has not performed a NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 50 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 CUF and the cost of materials cannot be counted toward UDBE COA Goal. Leasing of equipment from a leasing company is allowed. However, leasing/purchasing equipment from the Contractor is not allowed. Lease agreements shall be readily available for review by the Engineer. In order for a DBE traffic control company to be considered to be performing a CUF, the DBE must be in control of its work inclusive of supervision. The DBE shall employ a Traffic Control Supervisor who is directly involved in the management and supervision of the traffic control employees and services. The DBE does not perform a CUF if its role is limited to that of an extra participant in a transaction, contract, or project through which the funds are passed in order to obtain the appearance of DBE participation. The following are some of the factors that the Engineer will use in determining whether a DBE trucking company is performing a CUF: • The DBE shall be responsible for the management and supervision of the entire trucking operation for which it is responsible on the contract. The owner demonstrates business related knowledge, shows up on site and is determined to be actively running the business. • The DBE shall with its own workforce, operate at least one fully licensed, insured, and operational truck used on the Contract. The drivers of the trucks owned and leased by the DBE must be exclusively employed by the DBE and reflected on the DBE’s payroll. • Lease agreements for trucks shall indicate that the DBE has exclusive use of and control over the truck(s). This does not preclude the leased truck from working for others provided it is with the consent of the DBE and the lease provides the DBE absolute priority for use of the leased truck. • Leased trucks shall display the name and identification number of the DBE. DBE Utilization Plan The UDBE Bid Item Breakdown is the initial plan for Bid Item work committed to UDBE firms. When a Contractor identifies a change in the plan, an update shall be submitted within 7 calendar days between Execution and Physical Completion. Plan updates shall not make changes to the Commitment or the UDBE Utilization Certification. Joint Checking A joint check is a check between a Subcontractor and the Contractor to the supplier of materials/supplies. The check is issued by the Contractor as payer to the Subcontractor and the material supplier jointly for items to be incorporated into the project. The DBE must release the check to the supplier, while the Contractor acts solely as the guarantor. A joint check agreement must be approved by the Engineer and requested by the DBE involved using the DBE Joint Check Request Form (form # 272-053) prior to its use. The NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 51 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 form must accompany the DBE Joint Check Agreement between the parties involved, including the conditions of the arrangement and expected use of the joint checks. The approval to use joint checks and the use will be closely monitored by the Engineer. To receive DBE credit for performing a CUF with respect to obtaining materials and supplies, a DBE must “be responsible for negotiating price, determining quality and quantity, ordering the material, installing and paying for the material itself.” The Contractor shall submit DBE Joint Check Request Form for the Engineer approval prior to using a joint check. Material costs paid by the Contractor directly to the material supplier are not allowed. If proper procedures are not followed or the Engineer determines that the arrangement results in lack of independence for the DBE involved, no DBE credit will be given for the DBE’s participation as it relates to the material cost. Prompt Payment Prompt payment to all subcontractors shall be in accordance with Section 1-08.1. Prompt payment requirements apply to progress payments as well as return of retainage. Reporting The Contractor and all subcontractors/suppliers/service providers that utilize DBEs to perform work on the project, shall maintain appropriate records that will enable the Engineer to verify DBE participation throughout the life of the project. Refer to Section 1-08.1 for additional reporting requirements associated with this contract. Changes in COA Work Committed to UDBE The Contractor shall utilize the COA UDBEs to perform the work and supply the materials for which each is committed unless approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for work or material completed by the Contractor or subcontractors that was committed to be completed by the COA UDBEs. Owner Initiated Changes Where the Engineer makes changes that result in changes to Work that was committed to a COA UDBE. The Contractor may be directed to substitute for the Work in such instances. Contractor Initiated Changes The Contractor cannot reduce the amount of work committed to a COA UDBE without good cause. Reducing UDBE Commitment is viewed as partial UDBE termination, and therefore subject to the termination procedures below. Original Quantity Underruns In the event that Work committed to a UDBE firm as part of the COA underruns the original planned quantities the Contractor may be required to substitute other remaining Work to another UDBE. Contractor Proposed DBE Substitutions Requests to substitute a COA UDBE must be for good cause (see UDBE termination process below), and requires prior written approval of the Engineer. After receiving a termination NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 52 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 with good cause approval, the Contractor may only replace a UDBE with another certified UDBE. When any changes between Contract Award and Execution result in a substitution of COA UDBE, the substitute UDBE shall be certified prior to the bid opening on the Contract. UDBE Termination Termination of a COA UDBE (or an approved substitute UDBE) is only allowed in whole or in part with prior written approval of the Engineer. If the Contractor terminates a COA UDBE without the written approval of the Engineer, the Contractor shall not be entitled to credit towards the UDBE COA Goal for any payment for work or material performed/supplied by the COA UDBE. In addition, sanctions may apply as described elsewhere in this specification. The Contractor must have good cause to terminate a COA UDBE. Good cause typically includes situations where the UDBE Subcontractor is unable or unwilling to perform the work of its subcontract. Good cause may exist if: • The UDBE fails or refuses to execute a written contract. • The UDBE fails or refuses to perform the Work of its subcontract in a way consistent with normal industry standards. • The UDBE fails or refuses to meet the Contractor’s reasonable nondiscriminatory bond requirements. • The UDBE becomes bankrupt, insolvent, or exhibits credit unworthiness. • The UDBE is ineligible to work on public works projects because of suspension and debarment proceedings pursuant to federal law or applicable State law. • The UDBE voluntarily withdraws from the project, and provides written notice of its withdrawal. • The UDBE’s work is deemed unsatisfactory by the Engineer and not in compliance with the Contract. • The UDBE’s owner dies or becomes disabled with the result that the UDBE is unable to complete its Work on the Contract. Good cause does not exist if: • The Contractor seeks to terminate a COA UDBE so that the Contractor can self- perform the Work. • The Contractor seeks to terminate a COA UDBE so the Contractor can substitute another DBE contractor or non-DBE contractor after Contract Award. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 53 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 • The failure or refusal of the COA UDBE to perform its Work on the subcontract results from the bad faith or discriminatory action of the Contractor (e.g., the failure of the Contractor to make timely payments or the unnecessary placing of obstacles in the path of the UDBE’s Work). Prior to requesting termination, the Contractor shall give notice in writing to the UDBE with a copy to the Engineer of its intent to request to terminate UDBE Work and the reasons for doing so. The UDBE shall have five (5) days to respond to the Contractor’s notice. The UDBE’s response shall either support the termination or advise the Engineer and the Contractor of the reasons it objects to the termination of its subcontract. When a COA UDBE is terminated, or fails to complete its work on the Contract for any reason, the Contractor shall substitute with another UDBE or provide documentation of GFE. A plan to achieve the COA UDBE Commitment shall be submitted to the Engineer within 2 days of the approval of termination or the Contract shall be suspended until such time the substitution plan is submitted. Decertification When a DBE is “decertified” from the DBE program during the course of the Contract, the participation of that DBE shall continue to count as DBE participation as long as the subcontract with the DBE was executed prior to the decertification notice. The Contractor is obligated to substitute when a DBE does not have an executed subcontract agreement at the time of decertification. Consequences of Non-Compliance Breach of Contract Each contract with a Contractor (and each subcontract the Contractor signs with a Subcontractor) must include the following assurance clause: The Contractor, subrecipient, or Subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT- assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in the termination of this Contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate, which may include, but is not limited to: (1) Withholding monthly progress payments; (2) Assessing sanctions; (3) Liquidated damages; and/or (4) Disqualifying the Contractor from future bidding as non-responsible. Notice If the Contractor or any Subcontractor, Consultant, Regular Dealer, or service provider is deemed to be in non-compliance, the Contractor will be informed in writing, by certified mail by the Engineer that sanctions will be imposed for failure to meet the UDBE COA NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 54 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Commitment and/or submit documentation of good faith efforts. The notice will state the specific sanctions to be imposed which may include impacting a Contractor or other entity’s ability to participate in future contracts. Sanctions If it is determined that the Contractor’s failure to meet all or part of the UDBE COA Commitment is due to the Contractor’s inadequate good faith efforts throughout the life of the Contract, including failure to submit timely, required Good Faith Efforts information and documentation, the Contractor may be required to pay DBE penalty equal to the amount of the unmet Commitment, in addition to the sanctions outlined in Section 1-07.11(5). Payment Compensation for all costs involved with complying with the conditions of this Specification and any other associated DBE requirements is included in payment for the associated Contract items of Work, except otherwise provided in the Specifications. 1-07.12 Federal Agency Inspection (January 25, 2016 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-07.12 is supplemented with the following: Required Federal Aid Provisions The Required Contract Provisions Federal Aid Construction Contracts (FHWA 1273) Revised May 1, 2012 and the amendments thereto supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications and are made a part of this Contract; provided, however, that if any of the provisions of FHWA 1273, as amended, are less restrictive than Washington State Law, then the Washington State Law shall prevail. The provisions of FHWA 1273, as amended, included in this Contract require that the Contractor insert the FHWA 1273 and amendments thereto in each Subcontract, together with the wage rates which are part of the FHWA 1273, as amended. Also, a clause shall be included in each Subcontract requiring the Subcontractors to insert the FHWA 1273 and amendments thereto in any lower tier Subcontracts, together with the wage rates. The Contractor shall also ensure that this section, REQUIRED FEDERAL AID PROVISIONS, is inserted in each Subcontract for Subcontractors and lower tier Subcontractors. For this purpose, upon request to the Project Engineer, the Contractor will be provided with extra copies of the FHWA 1273, the amendments thereto, the applicable wage rates, and this Special Provision. 1-07.13 Contractor’s Responsibility for Work 1-07.13(4) Repair of Damage (August 6, 2001 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-07.13(4) is revised to read: The Contractor shall promptly repair all damage to either temporary or permanent work as directed by the Engineer. For damage qualifying for relief under Sections 1-07.13(1), 1-07.13(2) or 1-07.13(3), NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 55 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.4. Payment will be limited to repair of damaged work only. No payment will be made for delay or disruption of work. 1-07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: 1-07.18 Insurance (January 4, 2016 APWA GSP) 1-07.18(1) General Requirements A. The Contractor shall procure and maintain the insurance described in all subsections of section 1-07.18 of these Special Provisions, from insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A-: VII and licensed to do business in the State of Washington. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to approve or reject the insurance provided, based on the insurer’s financial condition. B. The Contractor shall keep this insurance in force without interruption from the commencement of the Contractor’s work through the term of the Contract and for thirty (30) days after the Physical Completion date, unless otherwise indicated below. C. If any insurance policy is written on a claims made form, its retroactive date, and that of all subsequent renewals, shall be no later than the effective date of this Contract. The policy shall state that coverage is claims made, and state the retroactive date. Claims-made form coverage shall be maintained by the Contractor for a minimum of 36 months following the Completion Date or earlier termination of this Contract, and the Contractor shall annually provide the Contracting Agency with proof of renewal. If renewal of the claims made form of coverage becomes unavailable, or economically prohibitive, the Contractor shall purchase an extended reporting period (“tail”) or execute another form of guarantee acceptable to the Contracting Agency to assure financial responsibility for liability for services performed. D. The Contractor’s Automobile Liability, Commercial General Liability and Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance policies shall be primary and non-contributory insurance as respects the Contracting Agency’s insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage. Any insurance, self-insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by the Contracting Agency shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. E. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency and all additional insureds with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipts of such notice. F. The Contractor shall not being work under the Contract until the required insurance has been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency. G. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the Contracting Agency may, after giving five business days’ notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 56 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency. H. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or lump sum prices of the Contract and no additional payment will be made. 1-07.18(2) Additional Insured All insurance policies, with the exception of Workers Compensation, and of Professional Liability and Builder’s Risk (if required by this Contract), shall name the following listed entities as additional insured(s) using the forms or endorsements required herein: the Contracting Agency and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, and volunteers Consultants hired by the Contracting Agency to provide construction management and inspection services on this project and provide engineering support during construction of this project: BergerABAM Inc.; Beyler Consulting, LLC; PanGeo, Inc.; Watershed Science and Engineering, Inc. Consultants hired by the Contracting Agency to provide environmental support during construction of this project: DGK Inc. (dba Widener & Associates) The above-listed entities shall be additional insured(s) for the full available limits of liability maintained by the Contractor, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by the Contractor are greater than those required by this Contract, and irrespective of whether the Certificate of Insurance provided by the Contractor pursuant to 1-07.18(4) describes limits lower than those maintained by the Contractor. For Commercial General Liability insurance coverage, the required additional insured endorsements shall be at least as broad as ISO forms CG 20 10 10 01 for ongoing operations and CG 20 37 10 01 for completed operations. 1-07.18(3) Subcontractors The Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor of every tier to provide insurance coverage that complies with all applicable requirements of the Contractor-provided insurance as set forth herein, except the Contractor shall have sole responsibility for determining the limits of coverage required to be obtained by Subcontractors. The Contractor shall ensure that all Subcontractors of every tier add all entities listed in 1-07.18(2) as additional insureds, and provide proof of such on the policies as required by that section as detailed in 1-07.18(2) using an endorsement as least as broad as ISO CG 20 10 10 01 for ongoing operations and CG 20 37 10 01 for completed operations. Upon request by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall forward to the Contracting Agency evidence of insurance and copies of the additional insured endorsements of each Subcontractor of every tier as required in 1-07.18(4) Verification of Coverage. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 57 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-07.18(4) Evidence of Insurance The Contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Agency a Certificate(s) of Insurance and endorsements for each policy of insurance meeting the requirements set forth herein when the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. Failure of Contracting Agency to demand such verification of coverage with these insurance requirements or failure of the Contracting Agency to identify a deficiency from the insurance documentation provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor’s obligation to maintain such insurance. Verification of coverage shall include: 1. An ACORD certificate or a form determined by the Contracting Agency to be equivalent. 2. Copies of all endorsements naming Contracting Agency and all other entities listed in 1-07.18(2) as additional insured(s), showing the policy number. The Contractor may submit a copy of any blanket additional insured clause from its policies instead of a separate endorsement. 3. Any other amendatory endorsements to show the coverage required herein. 4. A notation of coverage enhancements on the Certificate of Insurance shall not satisfy these requirements – actual endorsements must be submitted. Upon request by the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall forward to the Contracting Agency a full and certified copy of the insurance policy(s). If Builders Risk insurance is required on this Project, a full and certified copy of that policy is required when the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. 1-07.18(5) Coverages and Limits The insurance shall provide the minimum coverages and limits set forth below. Contractor’s maintenance of insurance, its scope of coverage, and limits as required herein shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the Contracting Agency’s recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. All deductibles and self-insured retentions must be disclosed and are subject to approval by the Contracting Agency. The cost of any claim payments falling within the deductible or self-insured retention shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. In the event an additional insured incurs a liability subject to any policy’s deductibles or self-insured retention, said deductibles or self-insured retention shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 1-07.18(5)A Commercial General Liability Commercial General Liability Insurance shall be written on coverage forms at least as broad as ISO occurrence form CG 00 01, including but not limited to liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. There shall be no exclusion for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 58 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide a per project general aggregate limit, using ISO form CG 25 03 05 09 or an equivalent endorsement. Contractor shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance arising out of the Contractor’s completed operations for at least three years following Substantial Completion of the Work. Such policy must provide the following minimum limits: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury, each offence $1,000,000 Stop Gap / Employers’ Liability each accident 1-07.18(5)B Automobile Liability Automobile Liability shall cover owned, non-owned, hired, and leased vehicles; and shall be written on a coverage form at least as broad as ISO form CA 00 01. If the work involves the transport of pollutants, the automobile liability policy shall include MCS 90 and CA 99 48 endorsements. Such policy must provide the following minimum limit: $1,000,000 Combined single limit each accident 1-07.18(5)C Workers’ Compensation The Contractor shall comply with Workers’ Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the state of Washington. 1-07.23 Public Convenience and Safety 1-07.23(1) Construction Under Traffic (January 2, 2012 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented with the following: Work Zone Clear Zone The Work Zone Clear Zone (WZCZ) applies during working and nonworking hours. The WZCZ applies only to temporary roadside objects introduced by the Contractor’s operations and does not apply to preexisting conditions or permanent Work. Those work operations that are actively in progress shall be in accordance with adopted and approved Traffic Control Plans, and other contract requirements. During nonworking hours equipment or materials shall not be within the WZCZ unless they are protected by permanent guardrail or temporary concrete barrier. The use of temporary concrete barrier shall be permitted only if the Engineer approves the installation and location. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 59 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 During actual hours of work, unless protected as described above, only materials absolutely necessary to construction shall be within the WZCZ and only construction vehicles absolutely necessary to construction shall be allowed within the WZCZ or allowed to stop or park on the shoulder of the roadway. The Contractor's nonessential vehicles and employees private vehicles shall not be permitted to park within the WZCZ at any time unless protected as described above. Deviation from the above requirements shall not occur unless the Contractor has requested the deviation in writing and the Engineer has provided written approval. Minimum WZCZ distances are measured from the edge of traveled way and will be determined as follows: Regulatory Posted Speed Distance From Traveled Way (Feet) 35 mph or less 10 * 40 mph 15 45 to 55 mph 20 60 mph or greater 30 * or 2-feet beyond the outside edge of sidewalk Minimum Work Zone Clear Zone Distance 1-07.23(3) Construction and Street Closure (******) Section 1-07.23(3) is an added new Section: The project is located in a remote area of the City, on a low volume road, that serves as the only public access route for a handful of residences. Since the project consists of replacement of an existing bridge with a new bridge, without a temporary crossing over the creek, a full closure of the street at the project location, is anticipated and will be allowed. A Street Closure Period is defined as a full street closure 24-hours per day, for consecutive days, over an extended period of time. The Contractor will be allowed one Street Closure Period that shall not exceed 89 consecutive calendar days. The Street Closure Period shall be highlighted in the Progress Schedule. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing of the start date for the Street Closure Period, fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the actual start date. The Contractor shall not begin the Street Closure Period until the Contractor receives authorization from the Engineer. The Contractor shall install road closure signage, seven (7) calendar days in advance of the actual start date. The signs shall be fabricated as shown in the plans and installed at locations as shown in the plans. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 60 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Refer to the plans for the proposed construction sequence. The following work activities are anticipated to occur during the Street Closure Period: 1. Removal of trees, sawcutting, removal of asphalt, trench excavation for new bridge foundation. 2. Installation of steel sheet piles and round piles. 3. Installation of concrete abutment cap beams and sheet pile wall concrete cap beams (lower sections, below the new superstructure). 4. Removal of existing bridge and associated roadway and roadway fill. 5. Grading and placement of streambed materials. 6. Placement of grout and bearing pads. 7. Installation of precast prestressed concrete voided slab girders. 8. Construction of back walls on the concrete abutment cap beams. 9. Construction of sheet pile wall concrete cap beams (upper sections, adjacent to the new superstructure). 10. Construction of the approaches to the bridge. 11. Paving the approaches and bridge deck. 12. Installation of bridge rail, transitions, guardrail and end terminals. With the exception of the Street Closure Period described above, the Contractor shall maintain a minimum of one lane of travel, through the project site. At the end of each work day, the road shall be re-opened to two-way traffic. If the Engineer determines that any lane closure is not warranted (e.g. due to a lack of construction activities, etc.), the Contractor shall re-open the lane(s), as directed by the Engineer. 1-07.24 Rights of Way (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Street Right of Way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are indicated in the Plans. The Contractor’s construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to bid opening, all rights of way and easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Bid Documents or will be brought to the Contractor’s attention by a duly issued Addendum. Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public Right of Way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private property. Copies of the easement agreements may be included in the Contract Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been obtained by the Engineer. Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, these areas are so noted in the Plans. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 61 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Agency in obtaining easements, rights of entry or right of way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contractor. This includes entry onto easements and private property where private improvements must be adjusted. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the work or not, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the private property owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release from the property owner of each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued under this contract. The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary permits have been obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property has been satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address, and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the Completion Date will be established. 1-08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Add the following new section: 1-08.0 Preliminary Matters (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Add the following new section: 1-08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) Prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other interested parties as may be invited. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 1. To review the initial progress schedule; 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work; 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc.; 4. To establish normal working hours for the work; 5. To review safety standards and traffic control; 6. To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to the work; The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction meeting the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 62 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1. A breakdown of all lump sum items; 2. A preliminary schedule of working drawing submittals; and 3. A list of material sources for approval if applicable. Add the following new section: 1-08.0(2) Hours of Work (December 8, 2014 APWA GSP) Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the normal working hours for the Contract shall be any consecutive 8-hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, exclusive of a lunch break. If the Contractor desires different than the normal working hours stated above, the request must be submitted in writing prior to the preconstruction conference, subject to the provisions below. The working hours for the Contract shall be established at or prior to the preconstruction conference. All working hours and days are also subject to local permit and ordinance conditions (such as noise ordinances). If the Contractor wishes to deviate from the established working hours, the Contractor shall submit a written request to the Engineer for consideration. This request shall state what hours are being requested, and why. Requests shall be submitted for review no later than 2 weeks prior to the day(s) the Contractor is requesting to change the hours. If the Contracting Agency approves such a deviation, such approval may be subject to certain other conditions, which will be detailed in writing. For example. 1. On non-Federal aid projects, requiring the Contractor to reimburse the Contracting Agency for the costs in excess of straight-time costs for Contracting Agency representatives who worked during such times. (The Engineer may require designated representatives to be present during the work. Representatives who may be deemed necessary by the Engineer include, but are not limited to: survey crews; personnel from the Contracting Agency’s material testing lab; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees or third party consultants when, in the opinion of the Engineer, such work necessitates their presence.) 2. Considering the work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as working days with regard to the contract time. 3. Considering multiple work shifts as multiple working days with respect to contract time even though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24-hour period. 4. If a 4-10 work schedule is requested and approved the non-working day for the week will be charged as a working day. 5. If David Bacon wage rates apply to this Contract, all requirements must be met and recorded properly on certified payroll. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 63 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-08.1 Subcontracting (October 12, 1998 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-08.1 is supplemented with the following: Prior to any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor beginning work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a certification (WSDOT Form 420-004) that a written agreement between the Contractor and the subcontractor or between the subcontractor and any lower tier subcontractor has been executed. This certification shall also guarantee that these subcontract agreements include all the documents required by the Special Provision Federal Agency Inspection. A Subcontractor or lower tier Subcontractor will not be permitted to perform any work under the contract until the following documents have been completed and submitted to the Engineer: 1. Request to Sublet Work (Form 421-012), and 2. Contractor and Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor Certification for Federal-aid Projects (Form 420-004). The Contractor's records pertaining to the requirements of this Special Provision shall be open to inspection or audit by representatives of the Contracting Agency during the life of the contract and for a period of not less than three years after the date of acceptance of the contract. The Contractor shall retain these records for that period. The Contractor shall also guarantee that these records of all Subcontractors and lower tier Subcontractors shall be available and open to similar inspection or audit for the same time period. 1-08.3 Progress Schedule 1-08.3(2)B Type B Progress Schedule (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Revise the first paragraph to read: The Contractor shall submit a preliminary Type B Progress Schedule at or prior to the preconstruction conference. The preliminary Type B Progress Schedule shall comply with all of these requirement and the requirements of Section 1-08.3(1), except that it may be limited to only those activities occurring with the first 60-working days of the project. Revise the first sentence of the second paragraph to read: The Contractor shall submit 5 copies of a Type B Progress Schedule depicting the entire project no later than 21-calendar days after the preconstruction conference. 1-08.4 Prosecution of the Work Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 64 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 1-08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of Work (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Notice to Proceed will be given after the contract has been executed and the contract bond and evidence of insurance have been approved and filed by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall not commence with the work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the project site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date, unless otherwise approved in writing. The Contractor shall diligently pursue the work to the physical completion date within the time specified in the contract. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the work within the time(s) specified in the contract. When shown in the Plans, the first order of work shall be the installation of high visibility fencing to delineate all areas for protection or restoration, as described in the Contract. Installation of high visibility fencing adjacent to the roadway shall occur after the placement of all necessary signs and traffic control devices in accordance with 1-10.1(2). Upon construction of the fencing, the Contractor shall request the Engineer to inspect the fence. No other work shall be performed on the site until the Contracting Agency has accepted the installation of high visibility fencing, as described in the Contract. 1-08.5 Time for Completion (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-08.5 is supplemented with the following: This project shall be physically completed within 80 working days. (September 12, 2016 APWA GSP, Option A) Revise the third and fourth paragraphs to read: Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed Date. Each working day shall be charged to the contract as it occurs, until the contract work is physically complete. If substantial completion has been granted and all the authorized working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the Engineer will provide the Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days: (1) charged to the contract the week before; (2) specified for the physical completion of the contract; and (3) remaining for the physical completion of the contract. The statement will also show the nonworking days and any partial or whole day the Engineer declares as unworkable. Within 10 calendar days after the date of each statement, the Contractor shall file a written protest of any alleged discrepancies in it. To be considered by the Engineer, the protest shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of time disputed. By not filing such detailed protest in that period, the Contractor shall be deemed as having accepted the statement as correct. If the Contractor is approved to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4-10 schedule) and the fifth day of the week in which a 4-10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day then the fifth day of that week will be charged as a working day whether or not the Contractor works on that day. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 65 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Revise the sixth paragraph to read: The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the completion date of the contract after all the Contractor’s obligations under the contract have been performed by the Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be established: 1. The physical work on the project must be complete; and 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the contract and required by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance of the contract. The following documents must be received by the Project Engineer prior to establishing a completion date: a. Certified Payrolls (per Section 1-07.9(5)). b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents. c. Monthly Reports of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation, as required by the Contract Provisions. d. Final Contract Voucher Certification e. Copies of the approved “Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid” for the Contractor and all Subcontractors f. Property owner releases per Section 1-07.24 1-08.6 Suspension of Work (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-08.6 is supplemented with the following: Contract time may be suspended for procurement of critical materials (Procurement Suspension). In order to receive a Procurement Suspension, the Contractor shall within 21 calendar days after execution by the Contracting Agency, place purchase orders for all materials deemed critical by the Contracting Agency for physical completion of the contract. The Contractor shall provide copies of purchase orders for the critical materials. Such purchase orders shall disclose the purchase order date and estimated delivery dates for such critical material. The Contractor shall show procurement of the materials listed below as activities in the Progress Schedule. If the approved Progress Schedule indicates that the materials procurement are critical activities, and if the Contractor has provided documentation that purchase orders are placed for the critical materials within the prescribed 21 calendar days, then contract time will be suspended upon physical completion of all critical work except that work dependent upon the below listed critical materials: *** Prestressed Conc. Girder – 30” Voided Slab Furnishing Steel Sheet Piling Furnishing Conc. Piling (24” Dia) *** NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 66 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Charging of contract time will resume upon delivery of the critical materials to the Contractor or 120 calendar days after execution by the Contracting Agency, whichever occurs first. 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages (August 14, 2013 APWA GSP) Revise the fourth paragraph to read: When the Contract Work has progressed to Substantial Completion as defined in the Contract, the Engineer may determine that the work is Substantially Complete. The Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of the Substantial Completion Date. For overruns in Contract time occurring after the date so established, the formula for liquidated damages shown above will not apply. For overruns in Contract time occurring after the Substantial Completion Date, liquidated damages shall be assessed on the basis of direct engineering and related costs assignable to the project until the actual Physical Completion Date of all the Contract Work. The Contractor shall complete the remaining Work as promptly as possible. Upon request by the Project Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish a written schedule for completing the physical Work on the Contract. 1-09 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1-09.2(5) Measurement (May 2, 2017 APWA GSP) Revise the first paragraph to read: Scale Verification Checks – At the Engineer’s discretion, the Engineer may perform verification checks on the accuracy of each batch, hopper, or platform scale used in weighing contract items of Work. 1-09.6 Force Account (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: The Contracting Agency has estimated and included in the Proposal, dollar amounts for all items to be paid per force account, only to provide a common proposal for Bidders. All such dollar amounts are to become a part of Contractor's total bid. However, the Contracting Agency does not warrant expressly or by implication, that the actual amount of work will correspond with those estimates. Payment will be made on the basis of the amount of work actually authorized by Engineer. 1-09.9 Payments (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Delete the first four paragraphs and replace them with the following: The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of Work performed according to the Contract and as specified for payment. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 67 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of the cost of lump sum bid items at the Preconstruction Conference, to enable the Project Engineer to determine the Work performed on a monthly basis. A breakdown is not required for lump sum items that include a basis for incremental payments as part of the respective Specification. Absent a lump sum breakdown, the Project Engineer will make a determination based on information available. The Project Engineer’s determination of the cost of work shall be final. Progress payments for completed work and material on hand will be based upon progress estimates prepared by the Engineer. A progress estimate cutoff date will be established at the preconstruction conference. The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 days after the Contractor commences the work, and successive progress estimates will be made every month thereafter until the Completion Date. Progress estimates made during progress of the work are tentative, and made only for the purpose of determining progress payments. The progress estimates are subject to change at any time prior to the calculation of the final payment. The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the following: 1. Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate quantity of acceptable units of work completed multiplied by the unit price. 2. Lump Sum Items in the Bid Form — based on the approved Contractor’s lump sum breakdown for that item, or absent such a breakdown, based on the Engineer’s determination. 3. Materials on Hand — 100 percent of invoiced cost of material delivered to Job site or other storage area approved by the Engineer. 4. Change Orders — entitlement for approved extra cost or completed extra work as determined by the Engineer. Progress payments will be made in accordance with the progress estimate less: 1. Retainage per Section 1-09.9(1), on non FHWA-funded projects; 2. The amount of progress payments previously made; and 3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for disbursement in accordance with the Contract Documents. Progress payments for work performed shall not be evidence of acceptable performance or an admission by the Contracting Agency that any work has been satisfactorily completed. The determination of payments under the contract will be final in accordance with Section 1-05.1. 1-09.9(1) Retainage (June 27, 2011 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-09.9(1) content and title is deleted and replaced with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 68 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Vacant 1-09.11(3) Time Limitation and Jurisdiction (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: For the convenience of the parties to the Contract it is mutually agreed by the parties that any claims or causes of action which the Contractor has against the Contracting Agency arising from the Contract shall be brought within 180 calendar days from the date of final acceptance (Section 1-05.12) of the Contract by the Contracting Agency; and it is further agreed that any such claims or causes of action shall be brought only in the Superior Court of the county where the Contracting Agency headquarters is located, provided that where an action is asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.05 shall control venue and jurisdiction. The parties understand and agree that the Contractor’s failure to bring suit within the time period provided, shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the parties that when any claims or causes of action which the Contractor asserts against the Contracting Agency arising from the Contract are filed with the Contracting Agency or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the Contracting Agency to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the Contracting Agency to assist in evaluating the claims or action. 1-09.13 Claim Resolution 1-09.13(3)A Administration of Arbitration (July 23, 2015 APWA GSP) Revise the third paragraph to read: The Contracting Agency and the Contractor mutually agree to be bound by the decision of the arbitrator, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in the Superior Court of the county in which the Contracting Agency’s headquarters is located, provided that where claims subject to arbitration are asserted against a county, RCW 36.01.05 shall control venue and jurisdiction of the Superior Court. The decision of the arbitrator and the specific basis for the decision shall be in writing. The arbitrator shall use the Contract as a basis for decisions. 1-10 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1-10.2 Traffic Control Management 1-10.2(1) General (January 3, 2017 WSDOT GSP) Section 1-10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: Only training with WSDOT TCS card and WSDOT training curriculum is recognized in the State of Washington. The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: The Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Ave. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 69 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297-3035 Evergreen Safety Council 12545 135th Ave. NE. Kirkland, WA 98034-8709 1-800-521-0778 or The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-1022 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642-4637 Phone: (540) 368-1701 1-10.4 Measurement 1-10.4(3) Reinstation Unit Items With Lump Sum Traffic Control (WSDOT GSP August 2, 2004) Section 1-10.4(3) is supplemented with the following: The bid proposal contains the item “Project Temporary Traffic Control.” Lump sum and the additional temporary traffic control items listed below. The provisions of Section 1-10.4(1), Section 1-10.4(3), and Section 1-10.5(3) shall apply. “Flaggers” “Other Traffic Control Labor” “Construction Signs Class A” END OF DIVISION 1 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 70 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK 2-01 CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND ROADSIDE CLEANUP 2-01.1 Description Section 2-01.1 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995 WSDOT GSP) Clearing and grubbing on this project shall be performed within the following limits: *** The limits of clearing and grubbing are as shown in the Plans. The Contractor shall preserve trees and vegetation where required in the Plans. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, any trees abutting or adjacent to the limits of clearing and grubbing are damaged and require removal, the Contractor shall remove such trees at no additional cost. The trunks and rootwads of three (3) existing trees within the clearing and grubbing limits are to be utilized as Fish Habitat Logs. These trees will be marked in the field by the Engineer. Refer to Special Provision Section 8-26.2 for information and requirements. *** 2-01.3 Construction Requirements 2-01.3(4) Roadside Cleanup Section 2-01.3(4) is supplemented with the following: (January 5, 1998 WSDOT GSP) *** Restore and vegetate staging, clearing, grubbing, and any disturbed areas. *** 2-01.3(5) Invasive Plant Removal Section 2-01.3(5) is a new section: (******) Invasive plants along the banks of May Creek, within the project clearing and grading limits shown on the plans, shall be removed as directed by the Engineer. Once removed, the invasive plant material shall be hauled to the nearest King County Solid Waste Transfer Station for disposal. The invasive plant material shall not be stockpiled on the project site for disposal at a later time and/or date. 2-01.4 Measurement Section 2-01.4 is supplemented with the following: (******) “Invasive Plant Removal” shall be by Force Account. 2-01.5 Payment Section 2-01.5 is supplemented with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 71 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (******) “Invasive Plant Removal”, shall be performed by Force Account as provided in Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for “Invasive Plant Removal” in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. 2-02 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 2-02.2 Removal and Disposal of Treated Timber Piles Section 2-02.2 is supplemented with the following: (******) Timber piles treated may be encountered during excavation activities within the existing roadway prism. If encountered, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately. The Contractor shall remove of these piles as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall dispose of these piles per the requirements of Section 1-07.5 of the Special Provisions. 2-02.3 Construction Requirements 2-02.3(2) Removal of Bridges, Box Culverts, and other Drainage Structures Section 2-02.3(2) is supplemented with the following: (******) Remove Existing Bridge The existing bridge shown in the plans to be removed is identified by the following information: Structure ID (FHWA): 08557300 Bridge Number: Renton-23 Bridge Name: NE 31st Street Bridge All available record drawings of the bridge are included in Appendix D of the Contract Provisions, along with a copy of the latest bridge inspection report and bridge load rating. The Contractor shall remove the existing bridge and dispose of all demolished materials. Remove Existing Bridge includes the removal and disposal of following elements of the existing bridge: · All guardrail/associated posts installed on the bridge and guardrail/associated posts installed along the approaches to the bridge, including the guardrail end terminals. · All traffic control signage/associated posts, installed on the bridge and/or along the bridge approaches. · Removing existing weight limit sign. · All asphalt concrete pavement located on top of the concrete girders. · All superstructure elements, including but not limited to, the concrete girders and steel anchor rods. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 72 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 · All substructure elements, including but not limited to, the timber pier caps, timber piles, temporary timber shoring posts and associated cribbing pads, all timber planks/boards that comprise the abutment walls and wing walls, timber bracing between bridge piers. Most of the timber elements in the substructure are treated timber. (January 2, 2018 WSDOT GSP) Requirements for Closing Bridge to Traffic Prior to Beginning Removal The Contractor shall not close the existing bridge to traffic, and shall not begin bridge removal operations, until the following conditions are met: 1. The Contractor’s bridge demolition plan Working Drawing submittal has been processed and all comments from the Engineer have been addressed. 2. The Contractor has received the Engineer's acceptance of all shop drawings and materials submittals for materials required for the work to be executed during the closure. 3. The Contractor has submitted a Type 1 Working Drawing consisting of a report on the status of material delivery. The report shall specify the materials already available at the site, the materials yet to arrive at the site, and the scheduled delivery dates of the materials yet to arrive at the site, with written verification from the supplier or copies of confirmed purchase orders indicating the delivery dates of the materials yet to arrive at the site. 4. The Contractor shall provide an updated progress schedule in accordance with Section 1-08.3 confirming that the scheduled delivery of materials will meet the schedule to complete the work within the allowed time. The Contractor shall supplement the progress schedule with a written narrative describing the assumed production rates and planned resource allocations that support the bridge construction activity durations provided in the progress schedule. 5. The Contractor has received the Engineer’s concurrence to proceed. (******) Requirements for Demolishing Bridge Superstructure The bridge demolition plan shall include a containment system for removal of the bridge superstructure. The superstructure demo containment system shall be designed to prevent debris from entering May Creek during superstructure demolition. The existing bridge substructure may be utilized to support the containment system for superstructure demolition. (******) Requirements for Demolishing Bridge Substructure The bridge demolition plan shall include detailed steps for removal of the bridge substructure. All treated timber shall be removed and properly disposed of. No demolition debris may enter May Creek. 2-02.3(2)A Bridge Removal 2-02.3(2)A1 Bridge Demolition Plan Submittal Section 2-02.3(2)A1 is supplemented with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 73 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (******) All costs incurred by the Contractor to develop, submit and obtain approval of the bridge demolition plan from the Engineer, are incidental to the bid item “Remove Existing Bridge”. 2-02.3(2)A4 Removal of Treated Timber Piles in Bridge Substructure Section 2-02.3(2)A4 is a new section. (******) Vibratory extraction shall be utilized to remove the existing treated timber piling that constitutes the bridge substructure (15 piles total). If during the course of vibratory extraction a pile breaks at or just above the mudline and cannot be removed using additional vibratory extraction, the Contractor shall stop removal operations on that pile, notify the Engineer and continue operations to remove the remaining piles. The crane operator shall be experienced in pile removal. Piles shall be removed slowly to minimize turbidity in the water that may be in contact with the pile, as well as sediment disturbance. Pulled pile shall be placed in a containment basin to capture any adhering sediment. The pile shall be placed immediately in the containment basin upon removal from the substrate. The pile shall not be shaken, hosed-off, left hanging to drip or any other action intended to clean or remove adhering material from the pile, outside of the containment basin. The Containment basin shall be constructed of durable plastic sheeting with continuous sidewalls support by hay bales, ecology blocks, other non-contaminated materials, or support structure to contain all sediment and creosote. Piles shall be cut into lengths as required by the disposal company. Any sawdust generated when cutting up the piling shall be contained and property disposed of. The piling, sediment, absorbent pads, construction residue (e.g. sawdust) and plastic sheeting from the containment basin shall be disposed of per the requirements of Section 1-07.5 of the Special Provisions. 2-02.3(3) Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters Section 2-02.3(3) is supplemented with the following: (******) Where shown in the plans or where designated by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remove asphalt concrete pavement. Prior to removal, the Contractor shall make a full-depth sawcut to delineate the areas of pavement removal from those areas of pavement to remain. The Engineer shall approve the equipment and procedures used to make the full-depth sawcut. No wastewater from the sawcutting operation shall be released directly to any stream or storm sewer system. The removed pavement shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the project. Damage caused to portions of the pavement to remain, due to the Contractor’s operation, shall be repaired by the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The removal of asphalt concrete pavement includes removal of all asphalt concrete as designated in the plans and is not part of the “Roadway Excavation Including Haul”. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 74 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (September 8, 1997 WSDOT GSP) The approximate thickness of the *** asphalt conc. *** pavement is *** four (4) inches ***. 2-02.4 Measurement Section 2-02.4 is supplemented with the following: (******) “Sawcutting” existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be measured per linear foot, full depth. The existing asphalt concrete pavement depth ranges from 0-inches to 6-inches. “Removing Asphalt Conc. Pavement” will be measured by the square yard. 2-02.5 Payment Section 2-02.5 is supplemented by the following: (******) “Remove Existing Bridge”, lump sum. The lump sum unit price includes all the materials, labor, and preparation required to remove the existing bridge as described in these special provisions. “Sawcutting”, per linear foot. “Removal and Disposal of Treated Timber Piles”, shall be performed by Force Account as provided in Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for “Removal and Disposal of Treated Timber Piles” in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. "Removing Asphalt Conc. Pavement", per square yard. The removal of asphalt concrete pavement shall not be paid for as part of “Roadway Excavation Including Haul”. 2-03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2-03.3 Construction Requirements 2-03.3(20) Excavation at Embankments adjacent to Stream Channel Section 2-03.3(20) is a new section: (******) “Roadway Excavation Including Haul” includes the excavation of the embankments, existing revetment, and untreated timber piles adjacent to the stream channel and new bridge abutments. Roadway Excavation Including Haul does not include the removal of asphalt concrete pavement. Since NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 75 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 the depth of excavation for these areas might be deeper than water level of May Creek, these areas will need to be isolated from May Creek prior to achieving the final excavation depths. The Contractor shall submit a Type 3 Working Drawing consisting of an Embankment Excavation Isolation Plan. The system shall be designed to prevent turbid water in excavated areas from entering May Creek and May Creek from entering excavated areas. Portable, submersible pump(s) and hoses may be necessary to dewater the excavated areas. Dewatering operations shall be conducted in a manner that does not violate the Federal Clean Water Act or Washington State Surface Water Quality Standards. Water from dewatering operations may be discharged within the Special Use Permit Area shown in the plans. The isolation system shall remain in place until the excavated areas are backfilled to an elevation that is above the water level of May Creek. 2-03.5 Payment Section 2-03.5 is supplemented with the following: (******) “Embankment Excavation Isolation System”, shall be performed by Force Account as provided in Section 1-09.6. It also includes the costs for all materials and labor for the installation and removal of the system components. For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for “Embankment Excavation Isolation System” in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. “Embankment Excavation Isolation Plan”, shall be Lump Sum. This includes all costs for the development, submission and approval of the Embankment Excavation Isolation Plan by the Engineer. END OF DIVISION 2 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 76 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DIVISION 5 – SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS 5-04 HOT MIX ASPHALT (June 19, 2017 APWA GSP) Delete WSDOT Amended Section 5-04, Hot Mix Asphalt, and replace it with Section 5-04, Hot Mix Asphalt as printed in the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2016 edition. 5-04.1 Description Section 5-04.1 is supplemented with the following: (******) This Work consists of constructing bridge transverse joint seals in accordance with these Special Provisions and the Plans. 5-04.2 Materials Section 5-04.2 is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) ESAL's The number of ESAL's for the design and acceptance of the HMA shall be *** 0.3 *** million. (******) Bridge Transverse Joint Seal Bridge transverse joint seals shall be filled with hot poured joint sealant meeting the requirements of Standard Specifications Section 9-04.2(1). 5-04.3 Construction Requirements 5-04.3(3)A Material Transfer Device / Vehicle (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) The first paragraph of this section is revised to read: Additionally, a material transfer device or vehicle (MTD/V) is not required at the following locations: All locations. Section 5-04.3(6) is a new section: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 77 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (******) Bridge transverse joint seals shall be constructed at the locations specified in the Plans and in accordance with the Standard Plans. Hot poured joint sealant shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s written recommendations. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s written installation procedure to the Engineer prior to installation. 5-04.3(7) Preparation of Aggregates 5-04.3(7)A Mix Design 5-04.3(7)A2 Statistical or Nonstatistical Evaluation Delete this section and replace it with the following: 5-04.3(7)A2 Nonstatistical Evaluation (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) Mix designs for HMA accepted by Nonstatistical evaluation shall; · Be submitted to the Project Engineer on WSDOT Form 350-042 · Have the aggregate structure and asphalt binder content determined in accordance with WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure 732 and meet the requirements of Sections 9-03.8(2) and 9- 03.8(6). · Have anti-strip requirements, if any, for the proposed mix design determined in accordance with WSDOT Test Method T 718 or based on historic anti-strip and aggregate source compatibility from WSDOT lab testing. Anti-strip evaluation of HMA mix designs utilized that include RAP will be completed without the inclusion of the RAP. At or prior to the preconstruction meeting, the contractor shall provide one of the following mix design verification certifications for Contracting Agency review; · The proposed mix design indicated on a WSDOT mix design/anti-strip report that is within one year of the approval date · The proposed HMA mix design submittal (Form 350-042) with the seal and certification (stamp & signature) of a valid licensed Washington State Professional Engineer. · The proposed mix design by a qualified City or County laboratory mix design report that is within one year of the approval date. The mix design will be performed by a lab accredited by a national authority such as Laboratory Accreditation Bureau, L-A-B for Construction Materials Testing, The Construction Materials Engineering Council (CMEC’s) ISO 17025 or AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) and shall supply evidence of participation in the AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory (AMRL) program. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 78 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 At the discretion of the Engineer, agencies may accept mix designs verified beyond the one year verification period with a certification from the Contractor that the materials and sources are the same as those shown on the original mix design. 5-04.3(8)A1 General (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Acceptance of HMA shall be as defined under nonstatistical or commercial evaluation. Nonstatistical evaluation will be used for all HMA not designated as Commercial HMA in the contract documents. The mix design will be the initial JMF for the class of HMA. The Contractor may request a change in the JMF. Any adjustments to the JMF will require the approval of the Project Engineer and must be made in accordance with Section 9-03.8(7). Commercial evaluation may be used for Commercial HMA and for other classes of HMA in the following applications: sidewalks, road approaches, ditches, slopes, paths, trails, gores, prelevel, and pavement repair. Other nonstructural applications of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation shall be as approved by the Project Engineer. Sampling and testing of HMA accepted by commercial evaluation will be at the option of the Project Engineer. Commercial HMA can be accepted by a contractor certificate of compliance letter stating the material meets the HMA requirements defined in the contract. 5-04.3(8)A4 Definition of Sampling Lot and Sublot (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) Section 5-04.3(8)A4 is supplemented with the following: For HMA in a structural application, sampling and testing for total project quantities less than 400 tons is at the discretion of the engineer. For HMA used in a structural application and with a total project quantity less than 800 tons but more than 400 tons, a minimum of one acceptance test shall be performed: i. If test results are found to be within specification requirements, additional testing will be at the engineers discretion. ii. If test results are found not to be within specification requirements, additional testing as needed to determine a CPF shall be performed. 5-04.3(8)A5 Test Results (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 79 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The first paragraph of this section is deleted. 5-04.3(8)A6 Test Methods (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Testing of HMA for compliance of Va will be at the option of the Contracting Agency. If tested, compliance of Va will be use WSDOT Standard Operating Procedure SOP 731. Testing for compliance of asphalt binder content will be by WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T 308. Testing for compliance of gradation will be by WAQTC FOP for AASHTO T 27/T 11. 5-04.4 Measurement Section 5-04.4 is supplemented with the following: (******) Bridge transverse joint seal will be measured by the linear foot along its completed line and slope. 5-04.5 Payment Section 5-04.5 is supplemented with the following: (******) “Bridge Transverse Joint Seal”, per linear foot, shall be full payment for all costs to perform the Work including saw cutting, cleaning the saw cut joint, and furnishing and installing joint sealant. 5-04.5(1)B Price Adjustments for Quality of HMA Compaction (January 16, 2014 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: The maximum CPF of a compaction lot is 1.00. For each compaction lot of HMA when the CPF is less than 1.00, a Nonconforming Compaction Factor (NCCF) will be determined. THE NCCF equals the algebraic difference of CPF minus 1.00 multiplied by 40 percent. The Compaction Price Adjustment will be calculated as the product of the NCCF, the quantity of HMA in the lot in tons and the unit contract price per ton of the mix. END OF DIVISION 5 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 80 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DIVISION 6 – STRUCTURES 6-01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES 6-01.5 Work Access and Temporary Structures Section 6-01.5 is re-titled and revised to read: (******) Temporary Contractor Worker Access Bridge The Contractor shall design, furnish, erect, maintain, and remove a temporary pedestrian work access bridge, as required by the environmental permits, to cross over to each side of May Creek during construction of the NE 31st Street Bridge. The temporary pedestrian work access bridge shall comply with WSDOT Standard Specification Section 6-02.3(16). Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-09.3 for the following bid item: “Temporary Contractor Worker Access Bridge”, lump sum. 6-02 CONCRETE STRUCTURES 6-02.2 Materials Section 6-02.2 is supplemented with the following: (April 1, 2013 WSDOT GSP) Resin Bonded Anchors The resin bonded anchor system shall include the nut, washer, and threaded anchor rod which is installed into hardened concrete with a resin bonding material. Resin bonding material used in overhead and horizontal application shall be specifically recommended by the resin manufacturer for those applications. Resin bonding material used in submerged liquid environment shall be specifically recommended by the resin manufacturer for this application. The resin bonded anchor system shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Threaded Anchor Rod and Nuts NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 81 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Threaded anchor rods shall conform to ASTM A 193 Grade B7 or ASTM A 449, except as otherwise noted, and be fully threaded. Threaded anchor rods for stainless steel resin bonded anchor systems shall conform to ASTM F 593 and shall be Type 304 unless otherwise specified. Nuts shall conform to ASTM A 563, Grade DH, except as otherwise noted. Nuts for stainless steel resin bonded anchor systems shall conform to ASTM F 594 and shall be Type 304 unless otherwise specified. Washers shall conform to ASTM F 436, and shall meet the same requirements as the supplied anchor rod, except as otherwise noted. Washers for stainless steel resin bonded anchor systems shall conform to ASTM A 240 and the geometric requirements of ASME B18.21.1 and shall be Type 304 Stainless Steel unless otherwise specified. Nuts and threaded anchor rods, except those manufactured of stainless steel, shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Galvanized threaded anchor rods shall be tested for embrittlement after galvanizing, in accordance with Section 9-29.6(5). Threaded anchor rods used with resin capsules shall have the tip of the rod chiseled in accordance with the resin capsule manufacturer's recommendations. Galvanized threaded rods shall have the tip chiseled prior to galvanizing. 2. Resin Bonding Material Resin bonding material shall be a two component epoxy resin conforming to Type IV ASTM C 881 or be one of the following: a. Vinyl ester resin. b. Polyester resin. c. Methacrylate resin. 3. Ultimate Anchor Tensile Capacity Resin bonded anchors shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 488 to have the following minimum ultimate tensile load capacity when installed in concrete having a maximum compressive strength of 6000 pounds per square inch (psi) at the embedment specified below: Anchor Diameter (inch) Tensile Capacity (lbs.) Embedment (inch) 3/8 7,800 3-3/8 1/2 12,400 4-1/2 5/8 19,000 5-5/8 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 82 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 3/4 27,200 6-3/4 7/8 32,000 7-7/8 1 41,000 9 1-1/4 70,000 11-1/4 The Contractor shall submit items 1 and 2 below to the Engineer for all resin bonded anchor systems. If the resin bonded anchor system and anchor diameter are not listed in the current WSDOT Qualified Products List, the Contractor shall also submit item 3 below to the Engineer. For resin bonded anchor systems that are installed in a submerged liquid environment the Contractor shall submit items 1, 2, and 4 below. If the resin bonded anchor system and anchor diameter are not listed in the current WSDOT Qualified Products List, the Contractor shall also submit item 3 below to the Engineer. 1 The resin manufacturer's written installation procedure for the anchors. 2 The manufacturer's certificate of compliance for the threaded anchor rod certifying that the anchor rod meets these requirements. 3 Test results by an independent laboratory certifying that the threaded anchor rod system meets the ultimate anchor tensile load capacity specified in the above table. The tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E 488. 4 For threaded anchors intended to be installed in submerged liquid environments the Contractor shall submit tests performed by an independent laboratory within the past 24 months which certifies that anchors installed in a submerged environment meet the strength requirements specified in the above table. (December 2, 2002 WSDOT GSP) Epoxy Bonding Agent For Surfaces And For Steel Reinforcing Bar Dowels Epoxy bonding agent for surfaces shall be Type II, as specified in Section 9-26.1. Epoxy bonding agent for steel reinforcing bar dowels shall be either Type I or Type IV, as specified in Section 9-26.1. The grade and class of epoxy bonding agent shall be as recommended by the resin manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. 6-02.3(20) Grout for Anchor Bolts and Bridge Bearings Section 6-02.3(20) is supplemented with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 83 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (June 26, 2000 WSDOT GSP) Grout placed at the following locations shall conform to the requirements of this section. *** All grout pad locations for bearing pads. Under each guardrail post mounted to the sheet pile cap beams. *** 6-02.3(24) Reinforcement Section 6-02.3(24) is deleted and replaced with the following: (******) A bar list is not included in the Plans. A bar list was not prepared for this Project. Reinforcement fabrication details shall be determined from the information provided in the Plans. Before delivery of the reinforcing bars, the Contractor shall submit Type 2 Working Drawings that include the supplemental bending diagrams. 6-02.3(24)C Placing and Fastening Section 6-02.3(24)C is supplemented with the following: (June 26, 2000 WSDOT GSP) Drilling Holes for, and Setting, Steel Reinforcing Bar Dowels Where called for in the Plans, holes shall be drilled into existing concrete to the size and dimension shown in the Plans. The Contractor may use any method for drilling the holes provided the method selected does not damage the concrete and the steel reinforcing bar that is to remain. Core drilling will be required when specifically noted in the Plans. The Contractor shall exercise care in locating and drilling the holes to avoid damage to existing steel reinforcing bars and concrete. Location of the holes may be shifted slightly with the approval of the Engineer in order to avoid damaging the existing steel reinforcing bars. All damage caused by the Contractor's operations shall be repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Contracting Agency and the repair shall be as approved by the Engineer. Steel reinforcing bars shall be set into the holes noted in the Plans with epoxy resin. The holes shall be blown clean with dry compressed air before placing the resin. The Contractor shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that the method used for setting the steel reinforcing bars completely fills the void between the steel reinforcing bar and the concrete with epoxy resin. Dams shall be placed at the front of the holes to confine the epoxy and shall not be removed until the epoxy has cured in the hole. 6-02.4 Measurement Section 6-02.4 is supplemented with the following: (August 2, 2010 WSDOT GSP) NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 84 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 *** Superstructure – NE 31st Street Bridge *** contains the following approximate quantities of materials and work: *** STEEL EDGE ANGLE LF 160 ELASTOMERIC BEARING PAD EA. 20 DOWELS - 1 5/8" DIA SS LF 40 THRIE BEAM RAILING SYSTEM LF 160 *** The quantities are listed only for the convenience of the Contractor in determining the volume of work involved and are not guaranteed to be accurate. The prospective bidders shall verify these quantities before submitting a bid. No adjustments other than for approved changes will be made in the lump sum contract price for *** Superstructure – NE 31st Street Bridge *** even though the actual quantities required may deviate from those listed. 6-02.5 Payment The third bid item under Section 6-02.5 is supplemented with the following: (June 26, 2000 WSDOT GSP) Bridge and Structures Minor Items For the purpose of payment, such bridge and structures items as *** grout pads, pre-molded joint filler, rubber joint sealer, falsework, formwork, hardware *** etc., for which there is no pay item included in the proposal, are considered as bridge and structures minor items. All costs in connection with furnishing and installing these bridge and structures minor items as shown and noted in the Plans and as outlined in these specifications and in the Standard Specifications shall be included in the *** Superstructure – NE 31st Street Bridge *** (******) The fourteenth bid item, “Prestressed Conc. Girder ____”, under Section 6-02.5 is supplemented with the following: The contract unit price per linear foot of Precast Conc. Girder – 30” Voided Slab includes all the Work described in Sections 6-02.3(25) and 6-02.3(25)A through 6-02.3(25)O. 6-05.3(10) Test Piles Section 6-05.3(10) is supplemented with the following: (March 6, 2000 WSDOT GSP) NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 85 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The Contractor shall furnish and drive *** steel *** test piles at the following locations or at locations designated by the Engineer: *** One (1) test pile at Abutment 1, Pile 1A and one (1) test pile at Abutment 2, Pile 2D. *** The *** steel *** test piles shall be driven in the location of permanent piles and the number of permanent *** concrete *** piles required for this project has been reduced by the appropriate number. 6-05.5 Payment (******) Section 6-5.5 is supplemented with the following: The unit Contract price per each for “Furnishing and Driving Steel Test Pile” shall include furnishing, fabricating, and installing the steel reinforcing bar cage, and furnishing, casting, and curing the concrete. 6-08 WATERPROOFING 6-08.1 Description Section 6-08.1 is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) This work consists of furnishing and placing an approved waterproofing membrane system over a properly prepared concrete bridge deck prior to placing the HMA overlay. The waterproofing membrane system shall consist of an impermeable sheet membrane that prevents passage of water from the overlay surfacing to the bridge deck substrate. The system shall also include a primer to bond the membrane to the bridge deck substrate, regardless of bridge deck temperature, except for circumstances when the waterproofing membrane system manufacturer specifically prohibits the use of a primer. 6-08.2 Materials Section 6-08.2 is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) Primer for Membrane Waterproofing (Deck Seal) The membrane waterproofing (deck seal) primer shall be compatible for use with the membrane manufacturer’s sheet membrane, and shall be appropriate for bonding the sheet membrane to the bridge deck surface. 6-08.3 Construction Requirements NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 86 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 6-08.3(2) Preparation of Surface Section 6-08.3(2) is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) Preparation of Bridge Deck The entire bridge deck and the sides of the curb and expansion joint headers to the height of the HMA overlay shall be essentially free of all foreign material such as dirt, grease, etc. Prior to applying the primer or sheet membrane, all dust and loose material shall be removed from the bridge deck with compressed air. All surface defects such as spalled areas, cracks, protrusions, holes, sharp edges, ridges, etc., and other imperfections greater than 3/8 inch that will decrease the effectiveness of the membrane by puncturing, stretching, etc., shall be corrected prior to application of the membrane. Weather and Moisture Limitations Work shall not be done during wet weather conditions, or when the bridge deck and ambient air temperatures are below 50F. The bridge deck shall be surface-dry at the time of the application of the primer or sheet membrane. The Engineer may order work to be suspended in accordance with Section 1-08.6 because of the above weather and moisture limitations. New Concrete Areas All areas of the bridge deck that have less than 28 day old concrete shall be allowed to cure for a period of time recommended by the membrane manufacturer or as specified by the Engineer before application of the membrane. Concrete Protection The Contractor shall use care to protect all concrete surfaces from damage. Any damage to exposed surfaces shall be repaired in accordance with Section 1-07.13. 6-08.3(3) Application of Waterproofing Section 6-08.3(3) is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) Membrane Waterproofing (Deck Seal) The primer and membrane waterproofing shall extend from the bridge deck up onto the curb face and expansion joint header face the thickness of the HMA overlay. Special care shall be used at the curb face and expansion joint header face to see that the membrane adheres to the vertical surface. The Contractor shall not begin application of membrane waterproofing deck seal to the bridge deck until demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to apply the membrane and HMA overlay are either on hand or readily available to complete the work in a timely manner. The primer shall be applied to the cleaned concrete surfaces at the rate and according to the procedure recommended by the membrane manufacturer. All surfaces to be covered by the membrane shall be thoroughly and uniformly coated with primer. Precautionary measures shall be NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 87 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 taken to ensure that pools and thick layers of primer are not left on the deck surface to scum over. Drying time prior to applying the membrane shall normally be as recommended by the manufacturer, however, the membrane shall not be applied until substantially all volatile material has dissipated from the primer. The prefabricated membrane shall be applied to the primed curb and bridge deck surfaces by either hand methods or mechanical applicators. Membrane application shall begin at the bridge deck low point and continue in a shingled pattern so that any water which accumulates will drain toward the curb and the bridge deck drains (if present) without accumulation against the membrane seams. Each strip shall be overlapped a minimum of six inches or as recommended by the manufacturer. An adhesive or a wide tipped torch to cause tackiness shall be used, if necessary, to assure a good seal of the joints. Hand rollers or other satisfactory pressure apparatus shall be used on the applied membrane to assure firm and uniform contact with the primed concrete surfaces. Any torn or cut areas, or narrow overlaps, shall be patched using a satisfactory adhesive and by placing sections of the membrane over the defective area in such a manner that the patch extends at least six inches beyond the defect. The patch shall be rolled or firmly pressed onto the surface. The fabric shall be neatly cut and contoured at all joints as specified by the Engineer. After the membrane waterproofing application has been completed, the membrane shall be cut with two right angle cuts at all bridge deck drains (if present). The cuts shall be made to the inside diameter of the bridge deck drain outlet, after which the corners of the membrane waterproofing shall be turned down into the drains and laid in a coating of asphalt binder. The waterproofing membrane will be visually inspected by the Engineer for uniformity of application, tears, punctures, bonding, bubbles, wrinkles and other defects as described in the membrane manufacturer’s literature. All such deficiencies shall be repaired as recommended by the membrane manufacturer and approved by the Engineer prior to placement of the HMA overlay. 6-08.3(4) Protection Course Section 6-08.3(4) is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) General Membrane Protection The membrane material shall be protected from damage due to the paving operations. The method of membrane protection shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the membrane system and approved by the Engineer. No traffic or equipment except that required for the actual waterproofing and paving operations will be permitted to travel or rest on the membrane waterproofing until it is covered by the HMA overlay. HMA Overlay The membrane manufacturer's recommendations shall be thoroughly considered in the application of the HMA overlay particularly as to the type of paving machine, laydown temperature of the HMA, protection of membrane while paving, rolling temperature and technique, and other items unique to NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 88 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 each membrane. Differences in application procedure shall be resolved by the Engineer and the Engineer’s decision shall be final. Vibratory rollers shall not be used on bridge decks. 6-08.4 Measurement Section 6-08.4 is supplemented with the following: (March 6, 2000 WSDOT GSP) Membrane waterproofing will be measured by the square yard of the bridge deck and curb which is satisfactorily sealed and accepted. 6-08.5 Payment Section 6-08.5 is supplemented with the following: (August 2, 2004 WSDOT GSP) “Membrane Waterproofing (Deck Seal)”, per square yard. The unit contract price per square yard for "Membrane Waterproofing (Deck Seal)" shall be full pay for performing the work as specified, including repairing any damaged or defective waterproofing membrane and damaged HMA overlay. 6-20 STEEL SHEET PILE WALL Section 6-20 is a new section. (******) 6-20.1 Description This item of work shall consist of providing all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to construct the sheet pile wall, including steel sheet piling, and concrete cap, all in accordance with the Plans, Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. 6-20.2 Materials Steel Sheet Piling Steel sheet piling, and all steel hardware shall meet the requirements specified on the drawings. All materials shall be new. Sheet pile shall be supplied in one piece without splices, except where required by limited headroom. Concrete Cap Concrete Cap shall be Class 4000 and conform to Section 6-02. Reinforcing steel for the concrete anchor wall shall conform to Section 9-07.26 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 89 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 6-20.3 Construction Requirements Quality Assurance for Steel Sheet Piling The contractor shall provide a person experienced in steel sheet piling inspection who will keep a detailed record of all pile-driving operations from the time the pile is picked up until driving is complete. The Contractor shall render assistance as may be required by the Engineer for observation of pile driving activity. Qualifications of Workmen: Provide at least one person who shall be thoroughly familiar with this type of installation and shall direct all work performed under this section. Tolerances in Driving Steel Sheet Piling: 1. Maximum permissible tolerance in driving shall be as follows. a. Plumb (Steel Sheet) Piling: Deviation form plumb shall not be more than 1/8 in per foot of exposed pile length. b. Pile Location: Top of sheet piling shall be within 2 inches of the indicated plan location. c. Vibration Control: Vibration levels during pile driving and other work shall conform to Section 6-05.3(11)H of the Standard Specifications. 2. Manipulation of piling to force them into position will not be permitted. Any of these piling that deviate more than the limits specified shall be rejected by the Engineer and not paid for and, if so ordered, shall be pulled and re-driven, or cut off and a new pile driven, at the Contractor‘s expense. Submittals The Contractor shall submit four copies of the following information: A. An overall construction operation sequence to be utilized in pile driving. B. List, description and capacities of the proposed equipment and the procedure intended to be utilized in pile driving. C. Detail of excavation methods including methods of cleanout and disposal plan. D. Order lengths for steel sheet piling. E. Mill certificates for steel sheet piling and all miscellaneous steel hardware. F. Reinforcing steel shop drawings. G. List of three (3) previous projects where the Contractor installed sheet piling. Job Conditions Existing Facilities 1. The Contractor shall be aware of the existing surface conditions which include the presence of some armor rock on the banks of May Creek. These armor rocks are on the order of three- man rocks or larger along the upstream side of the stream, however, it is anticipated that the sheet pile wall will be placed behind these rocks, so their impact will be minimal. Riprap was also placed behind the existing abutments to fill in scouring that occurred over the years, however, it is anticipated that the contractor can move this material as necessary so that it will NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 90 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 not adversely impact the sheet pile wall installation. The Contractor shall visit the site prior to beginning the work to verify the existing site conditions and notify the Engineer immediately if they foresee any problems. The Contractor shall drive piling at the designated locations and shall be prepared to encounter existing armor rock, riprap, and/or other subsurface obstructions during this work. 2. Contractor shall verify the presence and location of utilities before constructing the sheet pile wall. B. Soils Boring 1. The information presented in the soil borings were specifically developed for design of the improvements and shall not be considered as indicative of construction methods and procedures that may be required for the work indicated by these plans and specifications. The subsurface soils information presented in the borings is intended solely and specifically to provide a general representation of the materials that may be encountered. The Contractor shall visit the site prior to beginning the work to verify the existing site conditions and notify the Engineer immediately if they foresee any problems. 2. The Contractor shall make its own determinations and conclusions regarding the nature of the materials and the methods and procedures to be utilized in performing the work. Extra payment shall not be made by the Contracting Agency nor shall the Contractor make any claim for extra payment for subsurface soils conditions which may be, in the opinion of the Contractor, different from the conditions indicated by the plans, specifications, and previously referenced report(s). C. Equipment Placement Restrictions Heavy construction equipment for pile driving will be used . Heavy timber mats shall be used under the wheels or tracks of such equipment. Edge of mats shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the crest of slope. Product Handling A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. Execution Use fixed lead pile drivers when driving all piling. The use of hanging or swinging leads will not be allowed unless they are so constructed that they can be held in a fixed position during the driving operations. Leads shall be of sufficient length so that the use of a follower will not be necessary. Leads shall be adjustable for the driving of batter piling. Steel Sheet Piling A. Handling: Move steel piling by the use of "bridles," "strong backs," or other appropriate rigging which will prevent permanent deformations. B. Driving: Drive Sheet Piling in true line and position. Prior to driving steel sheet piling, submit to NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 91 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 the Contracting Agency complete details of driving equipment and falsework to be used in placing sheet piling. Falsework must be of such a nature as to offer complete assurance of plumbness and alignment. Crooked alignment to avoid interference from obstructions will not be permitted; and such obstructions, when encountered, must be removed before proceeding with driving. Drive sheet pile sections with the ball end ahead, continuous interlocks shall be a tight fit after driving. Drive steel sheet piling with a vibratory driver. Pile-driving hammers shall be capable of driving the piling to the tip elevations indicated on the drawings. The hammer shall be equipped with a suitable ―gripping jaw‖ shaped to fit the particular pile being driven. Drive steel sheet piling to the tip of elevations indicated on the drawings. However, assume that a cutoff will be required to make the heads uniform prior to construction the sheet pile cap. C. Cutoff: Cut off steel piling at the elevations indicated on the drawings. Use templates or other devices after the piling has been located in its final alignment to ensure that the cutoff will be true and level. 6-20.4 Measurement Measurement will be made as follows: - Furnishing Steel Sheet Piling will be measured by the ton installed. - Install Steel Sheet Piling will be measured by the linear foot of wall, measured horizontally along the workline shown in the plans. - Concrete Class 4000 for Sheet Pile Cap will be measured by cubic yards of concrete. - St. Reinf. Bar for Sheet Pile Cap will be measured by pounds of reinforcing. 6-20.5 Payment Payment will be made, in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: - Furnishing Steel Sheet Piling, per ton, shall include all materials, labor, haul and equipment required to furnish the steel sheet piling and associated hardware. - Install Steel Sheet Piling, per linear foot, shall include all costs in connection with constructing the sheet piles including but not limited to materials, labor, haul and equipment required to install the steel sheet pile, and connection to all the associated hardware. - Concrete Class 4000 for Sheet Pile Cap, per cubic yard, shall include all materials, labor, and equipment required or incidental to construct the concrete cap as shown on the plans. - St. Reinf. Bar for Sheet Pile Cap, per pound, shall include all materials, labor, haul and equipment required to furnish and place the reinforcing bars for sheet pile cap. All costs in connection with drilling or burning holes in the steel sheet piling for placement of steel reinforcing bar shall be included in the unit price of St. Reinf. Bar for Sheet Pile Cap. END OF DIVISION 6 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 92 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DIVISION 8 – MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION 8-02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION 8-02.3 Construction Requirements 8-02.3(4) Topsoil 8-02.3(4)A Topsoil Type A (******) Section 8-02.3(4)A is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall provide Topsoil Type A. Topsoil Type A shall conform to Section 9-14.1(1) of these Special Provisions. Topsoil Type A shall be placed in all planting pits for trees, shrubs and groundcovers to the dimensions shown on the WSDOT Standard Plan H-10.10-00, included in these contract provisions. 8-02.3(5) Planting Area Preparation (******) Section 8-02.3(5) is supplemented with the following: Lightly compact soil and establish a smooth and uniform finished grade that protects against obstruction to surface drainage and ponding. For planting areas that become compacted due to construction use, such as staging areas and access roads, the Contractor shall loosen and cultivate to a minimum depth of 12 inches prior to planting operations. No cultivation shall occur in areas within the drip line of existing vegetation to remain. Bark or Woodchip Mulch shall not be placed until the Engineer has approved the planting area subgrade. 8-02.3(7) Layout of Planting (******) Section 8-02.3(7) is deleted and replaced with the following: The Engineer shall stake the location of all trees, when requested by the Contractor. The Engineer shall define the areas for all shrubs and groundcover in the field, when requested by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make these requests seven (7) days in advance of planting activities. 8-02.3(8) Planting NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 93 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (******) Section 8-02.3(8) is supplemented with the following: Excavate planting pits for trees, shrubs and groundcovers, as shown on the WSDOT Standard Plan H- 10.10-00, included with these contract provisions. Immediately notify the Engineer if an unusual condition is encountered which appears detrimental to the new planting. Use loosened and replaced compacted mineral native soil without organics under tree root ball. Use topsoil on sides of tree root ball only. Use full depth of topsoil for shrubs and groundcovers. Trees shall be handled by the root ball, not by the trunk. Burlap and wire shall remain intact until trees are set in their final positions within each planting pit. Plant trees and shrubs upright and rotate in order to give the best appearance or relationship to adjacent plants, topography and structures. Hold plant rigidly in position until topsoil has been backfilled and water settled free of voids and air pockets and tamped firmly around the ball or roots. When the planting pit is three-quarters (3/4) backfilled, fill with water and allow water to soak away. Fill the pits with additional topsoil to finish grade and continue backfilling as detailed on the plans. Water trees immediately after planting. Refer to special provision 8-02.3(9) for staking requirements. 8-02.3(8)A Plant Sizes (******) Section 8-02.3(8) A is a new section. When the following bid items are included in the Proposal, the plant sizes are as follows: Plant Selection Thuja Plicata/Western Red Cedar: minimum 6 feet tall Plant Selection Acer Circinatum/Vine Maple (Multi-stem): minimum size 5 gallon Plant Selection Phladelphus Lewisii/ Mock Orange: minimum size 5 gallon Plant Selection Sambucus Racemosa Var. Arborescens/ Red Elderberry: minimum size 5 gallon Plant Selection Ribes Sanguineum/ Red-Flowering Currant: minimum size 5 gallon Plant Selection Rubus Parviflorus/ Thimbleberry: minimum size 5 gallon Plant Selection Rubus Spectabilis/ Salmonberry: minimum size 5 gallon 8-02.3(9) Pruning, Staking, Guying, and Wrapping (******) Section 8-02.3(9) is supplemented with the following: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 94 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 The Contractor shall stake all trees that are 6 feet or greater in height, measured from the ground, after planting. Trees shall be staked from three directions. The Contractor shall install stakes such that an angle of approximately 120 degrees exists between guys. 8-02.3(11) Bark or Wood Chip Mulch (April 2, 2012, WSDOT GSP) Section 8-02.3(11) is supplemented with the following: Bark mulch or wood chip mulch shall be placed to a uniform non-compacted depth of four (4) inches over all planting areas. Bark or wood chip mulch shall not be placed in areas of standing or flowing water. 8-02.4 Measurement (******) Section 8-02.4 is supplemented with the following: Topsoil will be measured by the cubic yard of material delivered to the project site and placed as shown in the plans and standard plans. 8-02.5 Payment (******) Section 8-02.5 is supplemented with the following: Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid items when included in the Proposal: “Topsoil Type A”, per cubic yard “Plant Selection Thuja Plicata/Western Red Cedar”, per each “Plant Selection Acer Circinatum/Vine Maple”, per each “Plant Selection Phladelphus Lewisii/Mock Orange”, per each “Plant Selection Sambucus Racemosa Var. Arborescens/Red Elderberry”, per each “Plant Selection Ribes Sanguineum/Red-Flowering Currant”, per each “Plant Selection Rubus Parviflorus/Thimbleberry”, per each “Plant Selection Rubus Spectabilis/Salmonberry”, per each NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 95 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 8-11 GUARDRAIL 8-11.4 Measurement (******) Section 8-11.4 is supplemented with the following: Beam Guardrail Transition Section shall be measured per each. Rail on Sheet Pile Cap Beam shall be measured per linear foot. 8-11.5 Payment (******) Section 8-11.5 is supplemented with the following: “Beam Guardrail Transition Section”, per each. The unit price for “Beam Guardrail Transition Section” shall be full payment for all costs to obtain and provide materials and perform the Work as described in Sections 8-11.3(1)A and 8-11.3(1)B, including costs for additional rail elements when nested rail is required and when connections to concrete structures are required. “Rail on Sheet Pile Cap Beam”, per linear foot. The unit price for “Rail on Sheet Pile Cap Beam” shall be full payment for all costs to furnish and install the rail, including posts, anchors, base plates, hardware, etc. as shown on the plans. 8-15 RIPRAP 8-15.3(1) Excavation for Placement of Riprap (******) Section 8-15.3(1) is deleted and replaced with the following: The limits and depths of excavation for placement of riprap shall be as shown in the Plans. The excavation for placement of riprap shall be classified, measured and paid for as Roadway Excavation Inc. Haul in accordance with Section 2-03. All costs for furnishing and placing riprap shall be included in the Contract price of the class of riprap included in the Proposal. 8-15.4 Measurement (******) Section 8-15.4 is supplemented with the following: Heavy Loose riprap will be measured by the ton of riprap actually placed. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 96 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 8-18 MAILBOX SUPPORT (******) Section 8-18 is deleted and replaced with the following: 8-18 TEMPORARY MAILBOX INSTALLATION / REMOVAL 8-18.1 Description This Work consists of the furnishing, installation and removal of temporary mailboxes. All existing mailboxes along NE 31st Street, east of the project location, are to remain in place during construction. During Street Closure Period for NE 31st Street, defined in Special Provision Section 1-07.23(3), mail delivery and pickup from the existing mailboxes will not be possible for the United States Postal Service (USPS). Temporary mailboxes shall be installed for USPS mail delivery for the duration of the Street Closure Period for NE 31st Street. 8-18.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Wood Posts 9-32.4 Metal Lockable Post Mount Mailbox 9-32.11 8-18.3 Construction Requirements Prior to the Street Closure Period for NE 31st Street, six (6) locking mailboxes and associated wood posts are to be furnished and installed, at the location shown in the Plans. Each mail box shall be identified with the street address shown in the Plans, using 1 inch min. white vinyl mailbox decal stickers. The Contractor shall include the mailbox installation in the project schedule. After installation, Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer, all keys provided for each mailbox. Upon completion of the Street Closure Period for NE 31st Street, the mailboxes and associated posts are to be removed and the disturbed area restored. The Engineer will return all keys provided for each mailbox to the Contractor. 8-18.4 Measurement No specific unit of measurement shall apply to Temporary Mailbox Installation / Removal. 8-18.5 Payment “Temporary Mailbox Installation / Removal”, lump sum The lump sum Contract payment shall be full compensation for all costs incurred by the Contractor in performing the Work for Temporary Mailbox Installation / Removal defined in this section. Payment for this item will be made on the following basis: · The first payment will be 80% of the lump sum bid price once the installation of the mailboxes is complete and all mailbox keys have been delivered to the Engineer. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 97 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 · The final payment will be 20% of the lump sum bid price once the mailboxes have been removed and the disturbed area restored. 8-19 STREAMBED AGGREGATES (******) Section 8-19 is a new section. 8-19.1 Description This work consists of furnishing, mixing, and placing streambed aggregates, of the type specified, at the locations and in conformity with the lines and dimensions shown in the plans or established by the Engineer. Streambed aggregates are classified as follows: Streambed Sediment Streambed Cobbles 6 in. Streambed Boulder One Man Streambed Boulder Two Man 8-19.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Streambed Aggregates 9-03.11 Streambed Sediment 9-03.11(1) Streambed Cobbles 6 in. 9-03.11(2) Streambed Boulders 9-03.11(3) 8-19.3 Construction Requirements 8-19.3(1) Excavation for Placement of Streambed Aggregates The limits and depths of excavation for placement of streambed aggregates shall be as shown in the Plans or established by the Engineer. The excavation for placement of streambed aggregates shall be classified, measured and paid for as Roadway Excavation Inc. Haul in accordance with Section 2-03. 8-19.3(2) Streambed Sediment and Streambed Cobbles Acceptance and Mixing Acceptance of Streambed Sediment and Streambed Cobbles shall be made by the Engineer based upon visual inspection of the material in the truck(s), at the time of delivery to the project site, prior to placement into temporary stockpiles. Any recycled materials (e.g. wood, brick, concrete, rebar. etc.) found in a truck load of streambed sediment or streambed cobbles, will result in rejection of that truck load of material. If two (2) truck loads from the same source are rejected by the Engineer, no additional streambed sediment or streambed cobbles will be accepted from that source. After acceptance by the Engineer, Streambed Sediment and Streambed Cobbles shall be thoroughly mixed on site into a well graded stockpile, to an approximate 50% to 50% ratio by volume. Payment for mixing these materials on site shall be incidental to the unit price of both bid items. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 98 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 8-19.3(3) Placement of Streambed Aggregates Placement of streambed aggregates shall be as shown in the Plans or established by the Engineer. Placement of streambed aggregates shall not occur until the Engineer has accepted the materials and approved the final grades of all areas to receive materials. All costs for furnishing and placing streambed aggregates shall be included in the Contract price of the type of streambed aggregate included in the Proposal. 8-19.4 Measurement Streambed Sediment and Streambed Cobbles shall be measured by the ton. Streambed Boulders shall be measured per each. 8-19.5 Payment “Streambed Sediment”, per ton. “Streambed Cobbles 6 in.”, per ton. “Streambed Boulder One Man”, per each. “Streambed Boulder Two Man”, per each. The unit Contract price per ton for the streambed sediment and cobbles specified above shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to place the streambed sediment and cobbles as shown in the plans. The unit Contract price per each for the streambed boulders specified above shall be full pay for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to install the streambed boulders as shown in the plans. Payment shall be made for the quantity of materials actually placed. 8-26 FISH HABITAT LOGS (******) Section 8-26 is a new section. 8-26.1 Description This work shall consist of fashioning Fish Habitat Logs from a maximum of three (3) trees designated for removal in the plans and installing them where designated in the Plans or directed by the Engineer. The Engineer shall mark the trees designated for use as Fish Habitat Logs, in the field. 8-26.2 Materials Fish Habitat Logs shall meet the following requirements: 1. Each Log shall consist of a rootwad and trunk. 2. The trunk diameter shall be a minimum of 1.5 feet, measured four (4) feet above the ground when the tree is standing. 3. The trunk length shall be a minimum of 15 feet, measured from the cut end of the trunk to the top of the rootwad. 4. The rootwad diameter shall be a minimum of three (3) feet with roots intact. Roots shall be free of rocks and soil prior to installation. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 99 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 8-26.3 Construction Requirements The Contractor shall exercise care when installing the Fish Habitat Logs to minimize disturbance of waterways and prevent sediment or pollutant discharge into water. The Contractor shall follow TESC Plan to meet water quality standards. The Contractor shall install each Fish Habitat Log at the locations and orientations shown in the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise care when fashioning and installing Fish Habitat Logs to avoid damage to the trunks and rootwads. Acceptance of Fish Habitat Logs will be based upon visual inspection of the Engineer. 8-26.4 Measurement The fashioning and installation of Fish Habitat Logs shall be by Force Account. 8-26.5 Payment “Fish Habitat Logs”, shall be performed by Force Account as provided in Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for “Fish Habitat Logs” in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. 8-27 TRASH COLLECTION FOR RESIDENTS (******) Section 8-27 is a new section. 8-27.1 Description This work is facilitating the pickup of trash, recycle and yard waste containers from residences located on NE 31st Street, east of the project location. All trash, recycle and/or yard waste containers placed out by residents for curbside pickup from Republic Services, shall be transported to the west side of the project, prior to scheduled pick-up day and time, so Republic Services can access the containers for disposal. The containers shall be placed along NE 31st Street, in the area shown in the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. After Republic Services has disposed of the materials in the containers, the containers shall be transported back to the locations from which the residents originally placed them along NE 31st Street. Residences may have different sized containers. Therefore, the Contractor shall ensure that containers are returned to the proper residence. 8-27.2 Measurement The Trash Collection for Residents, specifically the transporting of trash, recycle and yard waste containers back and forth between residences and the pickup location, shall be by Force Account. 8-27.3 Payment “Trash Collection for Residents”, shall be performed by Force Account as provided in Section 1-09.6. For the purpose of providing a common Proposal for all Bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for “Trash Collection for Residents” in the Proposal to become a part of the total Bid by the Contractor. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 100 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 8-28 FIELD OFFICE BUILDING (******) Section 8-28 is a new section. 8-28.1 Description This work shall consist of furnishing and setting-up a temporary office building for the sole use of the Contracting Agency. 8-28.2 Construction Requirements The building shall be set-up, at the location designated by the Engineer, within the first 10 working days, unless the Engineer has approved a different schedule. The building shall be weather-tight, installed plumb and level, and provided with the following as a minimum: 1. 220 square feet of floor space 2. Above ground floor 3. HVAC 4. Electric lights 5. Internet Service with voice over IP capability 6. Adequate windows with security screens 7. Six square feet of shelving 8. Plan table: 3 feet 6 inches deep by 6 feet wide by 3 feet 3 inches high 9. Drafting stool 10. Conference Table: 4 foot by 8 foot 11. Four chairs 12. Cylinder door lock and six (6) keys 13. Sanitary facilities (unless existing facilities are available) The building shall remain the property of the Contractor and removed from the site upon physical completion of the contract, or when designated by the Engineer. 8-28.3 Payment Payment will be made for the following bid item when include in the proposal: “Field Office Building”, lump sum. The lump sum contract price for “Field Office Building” shall be full pay for furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing the facility, including all costs associated with all required utility hook-ups and disconnects, and monthly utility charges for all utilities except internet service. The monthly internet service costs will be paid by the Contracting Agency. END OF DIVISION 8 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 101 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 DIVISION 9 – MATERIALS 9-10 PILING 9-10.5 Steel Piling Section 9-10.5 is deleted and replaced with the following: (******) Steel pipe piling and splices shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A252, Grade 2. All steel pipe piling may be accepted by the Engineer based on the Manufacturer’s Certification of Compliance. 9-10.6 Steel Sheet Piling (*****) Section 9-10.6 is a new section: Steel sheet piling shall be ASTM A572, Grade 50, hot rolled steel sections having the following minimum properties: Minimum Flange Thickness: 0.600 INCHES Minimum Web Thickness: 0.500 INCHES Minimum Section Modulus: 48.4 IN^3/FT All steel sheet piling may be accepted by the Engineer based on the Manufacturer’s Certification of Compliance. 9-11 WATERPROOFING 9-11.2 Waterproofing Fabric Section 9-11.2 is supplemented with the following: (January 2, 2012 WSDOT GSP) Membrane waterproofing (deck seal) sheet membrane shall conform to ASTM D 6153 Type III, and the following additional material properties: Property Specification Minimum Value Minimum Tensile Stress (At tear or breaking load for Thin Polymer Sheets) ASTM D 882 50 pounds per inch Minimum Grab Tensile Strength (At breaking load for Geotextiles and Fabric) ASTM D 4632 50 pounds Minimum Puncture Capacity ASTM E 154 200 pounds NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 102 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 (For Thin Polymer Sheets, Geotextiles and Fabric) Membrane waterproofing (deck seal) sheet membrane will be accepted based on manufacturers certificate of compliance that the material furnished conforms to these specifications. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s certificate of compliance to the Engineer in accordance with Section 1-06.3. 9-14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING 9-14.1 Topsoil 9-14.1(1) Topsoil Type A (August 7, 2017, WSDOT GSP) Section 9-14.1(1) is supplemented with the following: Topsoil Type A shall meet the following requirements: 1. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of Topsoil Type A shall be a minimum of 5 milliequivalents CEC/100 g dry soil (U.S. EPA Method 9081). 2. Organic content greater than 8-percent but less than 15-percent as measured on a dry weight basis using AASHTO T 267 Determination of Organic Content in Soils by Loss on Ignition. Topsoil Type A shall be 60-percent to 70-percent *** Sandy *** Loam and 40-percent to 30-percent *** Medium *** Compost by volume. *** Sandy *** Loam shall be as defined by the US Department of Agriculture Soil Classification System. The Contract shall submit a Particle Size Analysis as a Type 1 Working Drawing from an independent accredited soils testing laboratory indicating the Material source and compliance with all Topsoil Type A specifications. The laboratory analysis shall be with a sample size of no less than 2 pounds. The *** Medium *** Compost shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-14.4(8). 9-14.6 Plant Materials 9-14.6(2) Quality (******) Section 9-14.6(2) is supplemented with the following: Plant material shall be free from disfiguring knots, swollen grafts, sunscald injuries, bark abrasions, evidence of improper pruning or other objectionable disfigurement. Potted and container stock shall be well rooted and vigorous enough to ensure survival and healthy growth. Shrubs shall have full foliage (not leggy). Container stock shall be grown in its delivery NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 103 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 container for not less than six (6) months, but not for more than two (2) years. Root bound or broken containers will not be accepted. Bare root, liner and root stock with dried or shriveled roots from exposure will not be accepted. Trees shall be provided with untapped, straight, single leaders. Trees shall have full crowns and balanced branching. Measurements, caliper, branching, grading, quality, balling and burlapping shall follow the Code of Standards of the American Associate of Nurserymen in the American Standard for Nursery Stock, ANSI 260.1, latest edition. Measurements shall be taken with all branches in their normal growing position. 9-14.6(3) Handling and Shipping (******) Section 9-14.6(3) is supplemented with the following: All plant material shall be transported to planting locations with care to prevent damage. Tie back branches as necessary, and protect bark from chafing with burlap bags. Do not drag plant materials along ground without proper protection of roots and branches. Protect root balls from environmental or mechanical damage and water as necessary to keep roots moist. Do not store plants for more than one week. 9-14.6(4) Tagging (******) Section 9-14.6(4) is supplemented with the following: All plant material except ground cover shall be legibly tagged. Tagging may be by species or variety with minimum of one tag per ten trees, shrubs, or vines. Remove all tagging prior to final acceptance. 9-14.6(5) Inspection (******) Section 9-14.6(5) is supplemented with the following: The Contracting Agency shall reserve the option of selecting and inspecting plant material at the nursery. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency with at least one week notice prior to preparing plants for shipping and delivery. The Contractor shall neither deliver to site nor install plant materials until authorized by the Contracting Agency. NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 104 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 9-14.6(7) Temporary Storage (******) Section 9-14.6(7) is supplemented with the following: Cold storage of plants shall not be permitted. If planting is delayed more than 24 hours after delivery, set balled and burlapped plants on the ground, well protected with soil or wet peat. Adequately cover all roots of bare root material with soil or wet peat. Protect root balls from freezing, sun, drying winds or mechanical damage. Water plant material as necessary until planted. Plants shall not be stored for more than one week. Longer storage period at project site will result in rejection of plant materials by the Contracting Agency. 9-14.7 Stakes, Guys, and Wrapping (******) Section 9-14.7 is supplemented with the following: Stakes shall be BVC round tree stakes with heavy duty poly chain lock guying or Engineer accepted product. No wrapping required. 9-32 MAILBOX SUPPORT 9-32.11 Metal Lockable Post Mount Mailbox (*****) Section 9-32.11 is a new section: Metal Lockable Post Mount Mailboxes shall include the following: · Dimensions: Height = 11.25 inches, Width = 10.75 inches, Depth = 21 inches. · Constructed of welded 14-gauge and 16-gauge electro galvanized steel, powder coated black. · Locking access door with a high security 12 disc anti-pick wafer lock. · Anti-pry latch locking mechanism with forged steel cam. · Three (3) keys. · Mounting hardware. END OF DIVISION 9 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 105 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Appendices (January 2, 2012) The following appendices are attached and made a part of this contract: *** APPENDIX A: Geotechnical Report APPENDIX B: Prevailing Hourly Minimum Wage Rates APPENDIX C: WSDOT Standard Plans APPENDIX D: Information on Existing Bridge APPENDIX E: Permits and Licenses *** (August 7, 2017) Standard Plans The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21-01 transmitted under Publications Transmittal No. PT 14-046, effective August 4, 2014 is made a part of this contract. The Standard Plans are revised as follows: A-40.20 Plan Title, Bridge Transverse Joint Seals is revised to read: Bridge Paving Joint Seals Note 3, replace the phrase “sawing out” with “saw cutting” Add Note 4. For Details 1, 2, 3, and 4 the item “HMA Sawcut and Seal” shall be used for payment. For Details 5 and 6, the item “Paved Panel Joint Seal” shall be used for payment. For Detail 7, the item “Sealing Existing Longitudinal and Transverse Joint” shall be used for payment. Details 5 and 6, callout “Waterproofing Membrane (Deck Seal)” delete “(Deck Seal)” A-50.10 Sheet 2 of 2, Plan, with Single Slope Barrier, reference C-14a is revised to C-70.10 A-50.20 Sheet 2 of 2, Plan, with Anchored Barrier, reference C-14a is revised to C-70.10 A-50.30 Sheet 2 of 2, Plan (top), reference C-14a is revised to C-70.10 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 106 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 A-60.10 Sheet 2, Section B, callout, WAS-“New Tie Bar ~ #5 x 30” (IN) Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Bar” is revised to read: “New Tie Bar ~ #5 x 30” (IN)” B-10.20 and B-10.40 Substitute “step” in lieu of “handhold” on plan B-15.60 Table, Maximum Knockout Size column, 120” Diam., 42” is revised to read; 96” B-25.20 Add Note 7. See Standard Specification Section 8-04 for Curb and Gutter requirements B-55.20 Metal Pipe elevation, title is revised to read; “Metal Pipe and Steel Rib Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe” B-90.40 Offset & Bend details, add the subtitle, “Plan View ” above titles C-1 Assembly Detail, Steel Post, (post) callout – was - ”W6 x 9 or W6 x 15” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 or W6 x 15” C-1a General Note 1, first sentence, was – “Type 10 post shall be 6x8 timber or W6x9.” Is revised to read; “Type 10 post shall be 6 x 8 timber, or W6 x 9 or W6 x 8.5 steel.” C-1b General Note 3, first sentence, was – “W6x9 steel posts and timber blocks are alternates for 6 x 8 timber posts and blocks.” Is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 steel posts and timber blocks are alternates for 6 x 8 timber posts and blocks.” Sheet 2, steel post detail, dimension, was – “1 1/8” for W6x9” is revised to read;”1 1/8” for W6 x 9 or W6 x 8.5” C-10 General Note 1, first sentence, was – “Length of W8 x 35 and W6 x 9 shall be determined by measurement from top of ground to top of grout pad.” Is revised to read; “Length of W8 x 35 and W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 shall be determined by measurement from top of ground to top of grout pad.” Sheet 1, Post Base Plate Detail, callout, was – “W6 x 9” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9” Sheet 1, Box Culvert Guardrail Steel Post Type 2 detail, callout, was – “W6 x 9 Steel Post” is revised to read;” “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post” Sheet 1, Post Anchor Attachment Detail, callout, was – “W6 x 9 ~ See Note 1” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 ~ See Note 1” Sheet 1, Detail A, callout, was – “W6 x 9 Steel Post ~ See Note 1” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post ~ See Note 1” Sheet 2, Box Culvert Guardrail Steel Post Type 1, callout, was – “W6 x 9 x 27.5” Steel Post” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 x 27.5” (IN) or W6 x 9 x 27.5” (IN) Steel Post” NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 107 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Sheet 2, Detail B, callout, was – “W6 x 9 x 27.5” Steel Post” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 x 27.5” (IN) or W6 x 9 x 27.5” (IN) Steel Post” C-16a Note 1, reference C-28.40 is revised to C-20.10 C-16b Note 3, reference C-28.40 is revised to C-20.10 C-20.10 Typical Section ~ without Curb & Typical Section ~ with Curb, callout, was – “6 x 8 Timber Post or W6 x 9 Steel Post (See Notes 1 & 5)” is revised to read; “6 x 8 Timber Post, or W6 x 8.5, or W6 x 9 Steel Post (See Notes 1 & 5)” Wood Block, Plan View, callout, was – “6 x 8 Timber Post or W6 x 9 Steel Post (See Notes 1 & 5)” is revised to read; “6 x 8 Timber Post, or W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post (See Notes 1 & 5)” Isometric View, callout, was – “6 x 8 Timber Post or W6 x 9 Steel Post (Typ.)” is revised to read; “6 x 8 Timber Post, or W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post (Typ)” Isometric View, callout, was – “W6 x 9 x 6’ Long Steel Post (See Notes 1 & 5)” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 x 6’ (FT) or W6 x 9 x 6’ (FT) Long Steel Post (See Notes 1 & 5)” C-20.40 Plan View, Elevation View and Span with Headwall Detail, callout, was – “6 x 8 Timber Post or W6x9 Steel Post (Typ.) (See Note 3)” is revised to read; “6 x 8 Timber Post, or W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post (Typ.) (See Note 3)” C-20.41 Plan View, Box Culvert Post detail and Section A, callout, was – “W6 x 9 Steel Post” is revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post” C-20.42 Case 22A-31 (Plan View), callout, was – “6 x 8 Timber Post or W6 x 9 Steel Post (Typ.)” is revised to read; “6 x 8 Timber Post, or W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post (Typ.)” C-22.14 Plan, callout, was – “Location of Post (Without Block) ~ W6 x 9 Steel Post Only” is revised to read; “Location of Post (Without Block) ~ W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post Only” Elevation, callout, was – “Location of Post (Without Block) ~ W6 x 9 Steel Post Only” is revised to read; “Location of Post (Without Block) ~ W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post Only” C-22.16 Plan, 2x callout, was – “W6 x 9 Steel Post Only (without Block)” are revised to read; “W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Post Only (without Block)” Elevation, callout, was – “Location of Posts without Blocks ~ W6 x 9 Steel Posts Only” is revised to read; “Location of Posts without Blocks ~ W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 Steel Posts Only” C-22.41 Note 4, Third sentence, Was – “A maximum flare rate of 25 : 1 or flatter over the length of the terminal is allowed for the SKT-MGS (TL-3).” Is revised to read; “A maximum flare rate of 25 : 1 or flatter over NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 108 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 the length of the terminal is allowed for the SKT-MGS (TL-3), with a maximum offset of 7.4” (in) over 50’ (ft).” Plan View, dimension callout, was – “(SEE NOTE 5)” is revised to read; “(SEE NOTE 4)” C-25.18 General Note 6, was – “Posts 1 and 2 are 10 x 10 timber posts or W6 x 15 steel posts: 7’ – 6” long. Posts 3 through 9 are 6 x 8 timber posts or W6 x 9 steel posts: 6’ – 0” long.” Is revised to read; “Posts 1 and 2 are 10 x 10 timber posts or W6 x 15 steel posts: 7’ – 6” long. Posts 3 through 9 are 6 x 8 timber posts, or W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 steel posts: 6’ – 0” long.” C-25.20 elevation view, dimension, was – “”W6 x 9 ~ 6’ – 0” Long Steel Post with 6 x 12 Block” is revised to read;”W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 ~ 6’ – 0” Long Steel Post with 6 x 12 Block” C-25.22 elevation view, dimension, was – “”W6 x 9 ~ 6’ – 0” Long Steel Post with 6 x 12 Block” is revised to read;”W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 ~ 6’ – 0” Long Steel Post with 6 x 12 Block” C-25.26 elevation view, dimension, was – “”W6 x 9 ~ 6’ – 0” Long Steel Post with 6 x 12 Block” is revised to read;”W6 x 8.5 or W6 x 9 ~ 6’ – 0” Long Steel Post with 6 x 12 Block” F-10.12 Section Title, was – “Depressed Curb Section” is revised to read: “Depressed Curb and Gutter Section” G-20.10 Multiple Sign Post Installation in Ditch Section, dimension “7’ MIN.” is revised to read; “3’ MIN.”, add dimension at third post on the right, add dimension from post and backslope junction vertically to under side of the sign, callout = “7’ MIN.” G-50.10 Delete – Plan View (bottom center of sheet) Delete – Mounting Bracket and Steel Strap Detail Add Note 5, “5. For signs installed back to back on a single post no bracing is required.” G-60.10 Sheet 4, Screen Detail, callout – “drill and Tap for ¼” diameter Cap Screw – Spacing approx. 9” o.c. ASTM F593, w/S.S. washer Liberally coat the threads with Anti-seize compound (TYP.)” is revised to read: “*Drill and Tap ¼” (IN) Diam. x 1” (IN) Cap Screw with washer ~ space approx.. 9” o.c. ~ Liberally coat threads with Anti-seize compound (TYP.)” Add Boxed note: * Bolts, Nuts, and washers ~ ASTM F593 or A193 Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel (S.S.) G-60.20 Side View, callout, “Anchor Rod ~ 1-3/4” Diam. x 4’-4” Threaded 8” Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 4 Heavy Hex Nuts ~ Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1’-0” Min.” is revised to read; “Anchor NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 109 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Rod ~ 1-3/4” Diam. x 4’-4” Threaded 8” Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 6 Heavy Hex Nuts ~ Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1’-0” Min.” G-60.30 End View, callout, “Anchor Rod ~ 1-3/4” Diam. x 4’-4” Threaded 8” Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 4 Heavy Hex Nuts ~ Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1’-0” Min.” is revised to read; “Anchor Rod ~ 1-3/4” Diam. x 4’-4” Threaded 8” Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 6 Heavy Hex Nuts ~ Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1’-0” Min.” G-70.10 Sheet 4, Screen Detail, callout – “drill and Tap for ¼” diameter Cap Screw – Spacing approx. 9” o.c. ASTM F593, w/S.S. washer Liberally coat the threads with Anti-seize compound (TYP.)” is revised to read: “*Drill and Tap ¼” (IN) Diam. x 1” (IN) Cap Screw with washer ~ space approx.. 9” o.c. ~ Liberally coat threads with Anti-seize compound (TYP.)” Add Boxed note: * Bolts, Nuts, and washers ~ ASTM F593 or A193 Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel (S.S.) H-70.20 Sheet 2, Spacing Detail, Mailbox Support Type 1, reference to Standard Plan I-70.10 is revised to H- 70.10 J-3b Sheet 2 of 2, Plan View of Service Cabinet, Boxed Note, “SEE STANDARD PLAN J-6C…” is revised to read: “SEE STANDARD PLAN J-10.10…” Sheet 2 of 2, Plan View of Service Cabinet Notes, references to Std. Plan J-9a are revised to J-60.05 (3 instances). Sheet 2 of 2, “Right Side of Service Cabinet” detail, callout, “1 5/8” x 2 7/16” 12 GA. SLOTTED STEEL CHANNEL BRACKETS (3 REQ’D), EMBED 12”MIN. IN FOUNDATION.” Is revised to read: “1-5/8” x 3-1/4”, 12 GA. BACK TO BACK SLOTTED STEEL CHANNEL BRACKETS (3 REQ’D), EMBED 12” MIN. IN FOUNDATION” J-10.22 Key Note 4, “Test with (SPDT Snap Action, Positive close 15 Amp – 120/277 volt “T” rated). Is revised to read: “Test Switch (SPDT snap action, positive close 15 amp – 120/277 volt “T” rated).” J-20.11 Sheet 2, Foundation Detail, Elevation, callout – “Type 1 Signal Pole” is revised to read: “Type PS or Type 1 Signal Pole” Sheet 2, Foundation Detail, Elevation, add note below Title, “(Type 1 Signal Pole Shown)” J-22.15 Ramp Meter Signal Standard, elevation, dimension 4’ - 6” is revised to read; 6’-0” J-28.50 Section D, callout, was – Backup Strip (ref. to key note 3) is revised to read; “Continuous Backup Strip (ref. to key note 3)” NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 110 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Key Note 3, was – ¼” Thick, or No thinner than pole wall thickness. Tack weld or seal weld to Base plate. Is revised to read; “1/4” Thick, or No thinner than Pole wall thickness. Tack weld in root or continuous seal weld to Base plate or Pole wall.” J-28.70 Detail C, dimension, 2” MAX. is revised to read: 1” MAX. Detail D, dimension, 2” MAX. is revised to read: 1” MAX. J-29.10 Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh detail, callout – “Drill and Tap for ¼” Diam. Cap Screw, 3 Places, @ 9” center, all 4 edges S.S. Screw, ASTM F593 and washer” Is revised to read; “*Drill and Tap ¼” (IN) Diam. x 1” (IN) Cap Screw with washer ~ space approx.. 9” o.c. ~ Liberally coat threads with Anti-seize compound (TYP.)” Add Boxed note: * Bolts, Nuts, and washers ~ ASTM F593 or A193 Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel (S.S.) J-29.15 Title, “Camera Pole Standard” is revised to read; “Camera Pole Standard Details” J-29-16 Title, “Camera Pole Standard Details” is revised to read; “Camera Pole Details” J-60.14 All references to J-16b (6x) are revised to read; J-60.11 J-90.10 Section B, callout, “Hardware Mounting Rack ~ S. S. 1-5/8” Slotted Channel” is revised to read: “Hardware Mounting Rack (Typ.) ~ Type 304 S. S. 1-5/8” Slotted Channel” J-90.20 Section B, callout, “Hardware Mounting Rack (Typ.) ~ S. S. 1-5/8” Slotted Channel” is revised to read: “Hardware Mounting Rack (Typ.) ~ Type 304 S. S. 1-5/8” Slotted Channel” K-80.10 Sign Installation (Fill Section), dimension, 6’ TO 12’ MIN. is revised to read: 12’ MIN. Sign Installation (Sidewalk and Curb Section), dimension, 6’ TO 12’ MIN. is revised to read: 12’ MIN. Sign Installation (Behind Traffic Barrier Section), Delete dimensions - 6’ TO 12’ MIN. and 6’ MIN. Sign with Supplemental Plaque Installation (Fill Section), dimension, 6’ TO 12’ MIN. is revised to read: 12’ MIN. Sign Installation (Ditch Section), dimension, 6’ TO 12’ MIN. is revised to read: 12’ MIN. Delete dimension – 6’ MIN. K-80.30 In the NARROW BASE, END view, the reference to Std. Plan C-8e is revised to Std. Plan K-80.35 L-20.10 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 111 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 Sheet 1, Type 3 elevation view, callout, was “Knuckled Selvage (Typ.)” located at the top of the fence elevation, is revised to read; “Twisted and Braided (Typ.)” Sheet 2, Type 3, elevation view, callout, was “End or Corner (Brace) Post” is revised to read; “End or Corner Post” Sheet 2, Type 4, elevation view, callout, was “End or Corner (Brace) Post” is revised to read; “End or Corner Post” The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was advertised. The date shown with each plan number is the publication approval date shown in the lower right-hand corner of that plan. Standard Plans showing different dates shall not be used in this contract. A-10.10-00........8/7/07 A-30.35-00.......10/12/07 A-50.20-01…......9/22/09 A-10.20-00......10/5/07 A-40.00-00.........8/11/09 A-50.30-00…....11/17/08 A-10.30-00......10/5/07 A-40.10-02...........6/2/11 A-50.40-00…....11/17/08 A-20.10-00......8/31/07 A-40.15-00.........8/11/09 A-60.10-02........6/17/14 A-30.10-00......11/8/07 A-40.20-02...........5/29/13 A-60.20-02............6/2/11 A-30.15-00......11/8/07 A-40.50-01............6/2/11 A-60.30-00..........11/8/07 A-30.30-01......6/16/11 A-50.10-00…....11/17/08 A-60.40-00..........8/31/07 B-5.20-01........6/16/11 B-30.50-01.........4/26/12 B-75.20-01..........6/10/08 B-5.40-01.........6/16/11 B-30.70-03.........4/26/12 B-75.50-01..........6/10/08 B-5.60-01.........6/16/11 B-30.80-00...........6/8/06 B-75.60-00............6/8/06 B-10.20-01........2/7/12 B-30.90-01........9/20/07 B-80.20-00.........6/8/06 B-10.40-00........6/1/06 B-35.20-00..........6/8/06 B-80.40-00.........6/1/06 B-10.60-00........6/8/06 B-35.40-00..........6/8/06 B-82.20-00.........6/1/06 B-15.20-01........2/7/12 B-40.20-00..........6/1/06 B-85.10-01.........6/10/08 B-15.40-01........2/7/12 B-40.40-01........6/16/10 B-85.20-00..........6/1/06 B-15.60-01........2/7/12 B-45.20-00..........6/1/06 B-85.30-00..........6/1/06 B-20.20-02.......3/16/12 B-45.40-00..........6/1/06 B-85.40-00..........6/8/06 B-20.40-03.......3/16/12 B-50.20-00..........6/1/06 B-85.50-01.........6/10/08 B-20.60-03.......3/15/12 B-55.20-00..........6/1/06 B-90.10-00..........6/8/06 B-25.20-01........3/15/12 B-60.20-00..........6/8/06 B-90.20-00..........6/8/06 B-25.60-00.........6/1/06 B-60.40-00..........6/1/06 B-90.30-00..........6/8/06 B-30.10-01.........4/26/12 B-65.20-01..........4/26/12 B-90.40-00..........6/8/06 B-30.20-02.........4/26/12 B-65.40-00..........6/1/06 B-90.50-00..........6/8/06 B-30.30-01.........4/26/12 B-70.20-00..........6/1/06 B-95.20-01..........2/3/09 B-30.40-01..........4/26/12 B-70.60-00..........6/1/06 B-95.40-00..........6/8/06 C-1....................6/16/11 C-6....................5/30/97 C-23.60-03......6/11/14 C-1a.................10/14/09 C-6a................10/14/09 C.24.10-01......6/11/14 C-1b...................6/16/11 C-6c....................1/6/00 C-25.18-04........6/11/14 C-1c..................5/30/97 C-6d...................5/30/97 C-25.20-05........7/2/12 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 112 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 C-1d................10/31/03 C-6f...................7/25/97 C-25.22-04........7/2/12 C-2....................1/6/00 C-7.....................6/16/11 C-25.26-02........7/2/12 C-2a..................6/21/06 C-7a...................6/16/11 C-25.80-03........6/11/14 C-2b..................6/21/06 C-8.....................2/10/09 C-40.14-02........7/2/12 C-2c..................6/21/06 C-8a...................7/25/97 C-40.16-02........7/2/12 C-2d..................6/21/06 C-8b....................6/27/11 C-40.18-02........7/2/12 C-2e..................6/21/06 C-8e....................2/21/07 C-70.10-01........6/17/14 C-2f...................3/14/97 C-8f.....................6/30/04 C-75.10-01........6/11/14 C-2g..................7/27/01 C-10......................6/3/10 C-75.20-01........6/11/14 C-2h..................3/28/97 C-16a.................6/3/10 C-75.30-01........6/11/14 C-2i...................3/28/97 C-16b.................6/3/10 C-80.10-01........6/11/14 C-2j...................6/12/98 C-20.10-02.........6/11/14 C-80.20-01........6/11/14 C-2k..................7/27/01 C-20.14-03..........6/11/14 C-80.30-01........6/11/14 C-2n..................7/27/01 C-20.15-02..........6/11/14 C-80.40-01........6/11/14 C-2o..................7/13/01 C-20.18-02..........6/11/14 C-80.50-00........4/8/12 C-2p................10/31/03 C-20.19-02..........6/11/14 C-85.10-00........4/8/12 C-3...................7/2/12 C-20.40-04...........6/11/14 C-20.41-00..........6/30/14 C-85.11-00........4/8/12 C-3a.................10/4/05 C-20.42-04...........6/11/14 C-85.14-01........6/11/14 C-3b................6/27/11 C-20.45.01...........7/2/12 C-85.15-01........6/30/14 C-3c................6/27/11 C-22.14-03........6/11/14 C-85.16-01........6/17/14 C-4b..................6/8/06 C-22.16-04........6/11/14 C-85-18-01........6/11/14 C-4e..................10/23/14 C-22.40-04........10/23/14 C-22.41-01........10/23/14 C-85.20-01........6/11/14 C-4f...................7/2/12 C-22.45-01........10/23/14 C-90.10-00........7/3/08 D-2.04-00........11/10/05 D-2.48-00........11/10/05 D-3.17-01……5/17/12 D-2.06-01........1/6/09 D-2.64-01........1/6/09 D-4.................12/11/98 D-2.08-00........11/10/05 D-2.66-00........11/10/05 D-6...................6/19/98 D-2.14-00........11/10/05 D-2.68-00........11/10/05 D-10.10-01......12/2/08 D-2.16-00........11/10/05 D-2.80-00........11/10/05 D-10.15-01......12/2/08 D-2.18-00........11/10/05 D-2.82-00........11/10/05 D-10.20-00.........7/8/08 D-2.20-00........11/10/05 D-2.84-00........11/10/05 D-10.25-00.........7/8/08 D-2.32-00........11/10/05 D-2.86-00........11/10/05 D-10.30-00.........7/8/08 D-2.34-01........1/6/09 D-2.88-00........11/10/05 D-10.35-00.........7/8/08 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 113 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 D-2.36-03........6/11/14 D-2.92-00........11/10/05 D-10.40-01......12/2/08 D-2.42-00........11/10/05 D-3.09-00........5/17/12 D-10.45-01......12/2/08 D-2.44-00........11/10/05 D-3.10-01……5/29/13 D-15.10-01......12/2/08 D-2.60-00........11/10/05 D-3.11-03……6/11/14 D-15.20-02........6/2/11 D-2.62-00........11/10/05 D-3.15-02……6/10/13 D-15.30-01......12/02/08 D-2.46-01........6/11/14 D-3.16-02……5/29/13 E-1....................2/21/07 E-4....................8/27/03 E-2....................5/29/98 E-4a..................8/27/03 F-10.12-03.......6/11/14 F-10.62-02........4/22/14 F-40.15-02........6/20/13 F-10.16-00.......12/20/06 F-10.64-03........4/22/14 F-40.16-02........6/20/13 F-10.18-00.........6/27/11 F-30.10-03........6/11/14 F-45.10-01........6/21/12 F-10.40-02...........6/21/12 F-40.12-02........6/20/13 F-80.10-03........6/11/14 F-10.42-00.........1/23/07 F-40.14-02........6/20/13 G-10.10-00........9/20/07 G-24.60-03.....6/17/14 G-70.20-02....6/10/13 G-20.10-01........6/11/14 G-25.10-04......6/10/13 G-70.30-02......6/10/13 G-22.10-02..........6/17/14 G-30.10-03.....6/17/14 G-90.10-01…..5/11/11 G-24.10-00......11/8/07 G-50.10-01.....6/20/13 G-90.20-02…..3/22/13 G-24.20-01......2/7/12 G-60.10-02.......6/10/13 G-90.30-02…..3/22/13 G-24.30-01......2/7/12 G-60.20-01.......6/27/11 G-90.40-01…..10/14/09 G-24.40-04.....6/17/14 G-60.30-01.......6/27/11 G-95.10-01.....6/2/11 G-24.50-03.....6/17/14 G-70.10-02......6/10/13 G-95.20-02......6/2/11 G-95.30-02......6/2/11 H-10.10-00..........7/3/08 H-32.10-00.......9/20/07 H-70.10-01......2/7/12 H-10.15-00..........7/3/08 H-60.10-01.........7/3/08 H-70.20-01......2/16/12 H-30.10-00......10/12/07 H-60.20-01.........7/3/08 H-70.30-02......2/7/12 I-10.10-01.........8/11/09 I-30.20-00.........9/20/07 I-40.20-00.........9/20/07 I-30.10-02.........3/22/13 I-30.30-01.........6/10/13 I-50.20-01..........6/10/13 I-30.15-02.........3/22/13 I-30.40-01.......6/10/13 I-60.10-01..........6/10/13 I-30.16-00.........3/22/13 I-30.60-00.........5/29/13 I-60.20-01..........6/10/13 I-30.17-00.........3/22/13 I-40.10-00.........9/20/07 I-80.10-01..........8/11/09 J-3.....................8/1/97 J-26.15-01…..5/17/12 J-26.20-00…..6/11/14 J-40.40-00……5/20/13 J-3b...................3/4/05 J-27.10-00…..3/15/12 J-50.10-00…….6/3/11 J-3c...................6/24/02 J-27.15-00…..3/15/12 J-50.11-00…….6/3/11 J-10..................7/18/97 J-28.10-01......5/11/11 J-50.12-00…….6/3/11 J-10.10-02……6/11/14 J-28.22-00.......8/07/07 J-50.15-00…….6/3/11 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 114 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 J-10.15-01........6/11/14 J-28.24-00.......8/07/07 J-50.16-01…….3/22/13 J-10.22-00........5/29/13 J-28.26-01......12/02/08 J-50.20-00…….6/3/11 J-15.10-01........6/11/14 J-28.30-03......6/11/14 J-50.25-00…….6/3/11 J-15.15-01……6/11/14 J-28.40-02......6/11/14 J-50.30-00…….6/3/11 J-28.42-01.......6/11/14 J-28.43-00.......6/11/14 J-60.05-00…….6/16/11 J-28.45-02.......6/11/14 J-60.11-00…....5/20/13 J-20.10-03......6/30/14 J-28.50-02.......6/2/11 J-60.12-00…....5/20/13 J-20.11-02......6/30/14 J-28.60-01.......6/2/11 J-60.13-00…....6/16/10 J-20.15-03......6/30/14 J-28.70-01.......5/11/11 J-60.14-00……6/16/10 J-20.16-02......6/30/14 J-29.10-00.......6/27/11 J-75.10-01……5/11/11 J-20.20-02......5/20/13 J-29.15-00.......6/27/11 J-75.20-00……2/10/09 J-20.26-01......7/12/12 J-29.16-01.......6/20/13 J-75.30-01…….5/11/11 J-21.10-04......6/30/14 J-40.10-03…...5/20/13 J-75.40-01……6/11/14 J-75.41-00……6/11/14 J-21.15-01......6/10/13 J-40.20-02…...6/11/14 J-75.45-01……6/11/14 J-21.16-01......6/10/13 J-40.30-03……5/20/13 J-90.10-01…….6/27/11 J-21.17-01......6/10/13 J-40.35-01……5/29/13 J-90.20-01…….6/27/11 J-21.20-01......6/10/13 J-40.36-01……5/20/13 J-90.21-00……6/30/14 J-22.15-01......6/10/13 J-40.37-01……5/20/13 J-22.16-02......6/10/13 J-40.38-01.......5/20/13 J-26.10-02…..3/15/12 J-40.39-00……5/20/13 K-70.20-00.......2/15/07 K-80.10-00.......2/21/07 K-80.20-00.....12/20/06 K-80.30-00.......2/21/07 K-80.35-00.......2/21/07 K-80.37-00.......2/21/07 L-10.10-02........6/21/12 L-40.10-02........6/21/12 L-70.10-01.......5/21/08 L-20.10-02........6/21/12 L-40.15-01........6/16/11 L-70.20-01.......5/21/08 L-30.10-02........6/11/14 L-40.20-02........6/21/12 M-1.20-03.........6/24/14 M-9.60-00…….2/10/09 M-40.10-03......6/24/14 M-1.40-02.........6/3/11 M-11.10-01.......1/30/07 M-40.20-00...10/12/07 M-1.60-02.........6/3/11 M-15.10-01.......2/6/07 M-40.30-00......9/20/07 M-1.80-03.........6/3/11 M-17.10-02.........7/3/08 M-40.40-00......9/20/07 M-2.20-02.........6/3/11 M-20.10-02.........6/3/11 M-40.50-00......9/20/07 M-3.10-03.........6/3/11 M-20.20-01.......1/30/07 M-40.60-00......9/20/07 M-3.20-02.........6/3/11 M-20.30-02.....10/14/09 M-60.10-01......6/3/11 M-3.30-03.........6/3/11 M-20.40-03.........6/24/14 M-60.20-02......6/27/11 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project SP 115 Special Provisions (Conformed) TED4003843 2018 M-3.40-03.........6/3/11 M-20.50-02.........6/3/11 M-65.10-02......5/11/11 M-3.50-02.........6/3/11 M-24.20-01.......5/31/06 M-80.10-01......6/3/11 M-5.10-02.........6/3/11 M-24.40-01.......5/31/06 M-80.20-00......6/10/08 M-7.50-01.........1/30/07 M-24.50-00.......6/16/11 M-80.30-00......6/10/08 M-9.50-02.........6/24/14 M-24.60-04.......6/24/14           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    APPENDICES            City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Appendix A – Geotechnical Report            City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Appendix B – Prevailing Hourly Minimum Wage Rates  State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Washington State Prevailing Wage The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly rate of fringe benefits. On public works projects, worker's wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements are provided on the Benefit Code Key. Prevailing wage rates which have been published On: 2/1/2018 and will be effective from: 3/3/2018 County Trade Job Classification Wage Holiday Overtime Note King Asbestos Abatement Workers Journey Level $46.57 5D 1H King Boilermakers Journey Level $66.54 5N 1C King Brick Mason Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King Brick Mason Pointer-Caulker-Cleaner $55.82 5A 1M King Building Service Employees Janitor $23.73 5S 2F King Building Service Employees Traveling Waxer/Shampooer $24.18 5S 2F King Building Service Employees Window Cleaner (Non- Scaffold) $27.23 5S 2F King Building Service Employees Window Cleaner (Scaffold) $28.13 5S 2F King Cabinet Makers (In Shop)Journey Level $22.74 1 King Carpenters Acoustical Worker $57.18 5D 4C King Carpenters Bridge, Dock And Wharf Carpenters $57.18 5D 4C King Carpenters Carpenter $57.18 5D 4C King Carpenters Carpenters on Stationary Tools $57.31 5D 4C King Carpenters Creosoted Material $57.28 5D 4C King Carpenters Floor Finisher $57.18 5D 4C King Carpenters Floor Layer $57.18 5D 4C King Carpenters Scaffold Erector $57.18 5D 4C King Cement Masons Journey Level $57.21 7A 1M King Divers & Tenders Bell/Vehicle or Submersible Operator (Not Under Pressure) $110.54 5D 4C King Divers & Tenders Dive Supervisor/Master $72.97 5D 4C King Divers & Tenders Diver $110.54 5D 4C 8V King Divers & Tenders Diver On Standby $67.97 5D 4C King Divers & Tenders Diver Tender $61.65 5D 4C Page 1 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Divers & Tenders Manifold Operator $61.65 5D 4C King Divers & Tenders Manifold Operator Mixed Gas $66.65 5D 4C King Divers & Tenders Remote Operated Vehicle Operator/Technician $61.65 5D 4C King Divers & Tenders Remote Operated Vehicle Tender $57.43 5A 4C King Dredge Workers Assistant Engineer $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Assistant Mate (Deckhand) $56.00 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Boatmen $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Engineer Welder $57.51 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Leverman, Hydraulic $58.67 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Mates $56.44 5D 3F King Dredge Workers Oiler $56.00 5D 3F King Drywall Applicator Journey Level $56.78 5D 1H King Drywall Tapers Journey Level $57.43 5P 1E King Electrical Fixture Maintenance Workers Journey Level $28.99 5L 1E King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer $76.96 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Cable Splicer (tunnel) $82.24 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder $74.38 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Certified Welder (tunnel) $79.80 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Construction Stock Person $39.69 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level $71.80 7C 4E King Electricians - Inside Journey Level (tunnel) $76.96 7C 4E King Electricians - Motor Shop Craftsman $15.37 1 King Electricians - Motor Shop Journey Level $14.69 1 King Electricians - Powerline Construction Cable Splicer $79.43 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Certified Line Welder $69.75 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Groundperson $46.28 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Heavy Line Equipment Operator $69.75 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Journey Level Lineperson $69.75 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Line Equipment Operator $59.01 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Meter Installer $46.28 5A 4D 8W King Electricians - Powerline Construction Pole Sprayer $69.75 5A 4D King Electricians - Powerline Construction Powderperson $52.20 5A 4D King Electronic Technicians Journey Level $31.00 1 Page 2 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Elevator Constructors Mechanic $91.24 7D 4A King Elevator Constructors Mechanic In Charge $98.51 7D 4A King Fabricated Precast Concrete Products All Classifications - In- Factory Work Only $17.72 5B 1R King Fence Erectors Fence Erector $15.18 1 King Flaggers Journey Level $39.48 7A 3I King Glaziers Journey Level $61.81 7L 1Y King Heat & Frost Insulators And Asbestos Workers Journeyman $67.93 5J 4H King Heating Equipment Mechanics Journey Level $78.17 7F 1E King Hod Carriers & Mason Tenders Journey Level $48.02 7A 3I King Industrial Power Vacuum Cleaner Journey Level $11.50 1 King Inland Boatmen Boat Operator $61.41 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Cook $56.48 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Deckhand $57.48 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Deckhand Engineer $58.81 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Launch Operator $58.89 5B 1K King Inland Boatmen Mate $57.31 5B 1K King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Sewer & Water Systems By Remote Control Cleaner Operator, Foamer Operator $31.49 1 King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Sewer & Water Systems By Remote Control Grout Truck Operator $11.50 1 King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Sewer & Water Systems By Remote Control Head Operator $24.91 1 King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Sewer & Water Systems By Remote Control Technician $19.33 1 King Inspection/Cleaning/Sealing Of Sewer & Water Systems By Remote Control Tv Truck Operator $20.45 1 King Insulation Applicators Journey Level $57.18 5D 4C King Ironworkers Journeyman $67.88 7N 1O King Laborers Air, Gas Or Electric Vibrating Screed $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Airtrac Drill Operator $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Ballast Regular Machine $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Batch Weighman $39.48 7A 3I King Laborers Brick Pavers $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Brush Cutter $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Brush Hog Feeder $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Burner $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Caisson Worker $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Carpenter Tender $46.57 7A 3I Page 3 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Laborers Caulker $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Cement Dumper-paving $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Cement Finisher Tender $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Change House Or Dry Shack $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Chipping Gun (under 30 Lbs.) $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Chipping Gun(30 Lbs. And Over) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Choker Setter $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Chuck Tender $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Clary Power Spreader $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Clean-up Laborer $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Concrete Dumper/chute Operator $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Concrete Form Stripper $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Concrete Placement Crew $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Concrete Saw Operator/core Driller $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Crusher Feeder $39.48 7A 3I King Laborers Curing Laborer $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Demolition: Wrecking & Moving (incl. Charred Material) $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Ditch Digger $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Diver $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Drill Operator (hydraulic,diamond) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Dry Stack Walls $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Dump Person $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Epoxy Technician $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Erosion Control Worker $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Faller & Bucker Chain Saw $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Fine Graders $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Firewatch $39.48 7A 3I King Laborers Form Setter $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Gabian Basket Builders $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers General Laborer $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Grade Checker & Transit Person $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Grinders $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Grout Machine Tender $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Groutmen (pressure) including Post Tension Beams $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Guardrail Erector $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers $48.02 7A 3I Page 4 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Hazardous Waste Worker (level A) King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (level B) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Hazardous Waste Worker (level C) $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers High Scaler $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Jackhammer $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Laserbeam Operator $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Maintenance Person $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Manhole Builder-mudman $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Material Yard Person $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Motorman-dinky Locomotive $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Nozzleman (concrete Pump, Green Cutter When Using Combination Of High Pressure Air & Water On Concrete & Rock, Sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Bla $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Pavement Breaker $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Pilot Car $39.48 7A 3I King Laborers Pipe Layer Lead $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Pipe Layer/tailor $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Pipe Pot Tender $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Pipe Reliner $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Pipe Wrapper $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Pot Tender $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Powderman $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Powderman's Helper $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Power Jacks $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Railroad Spike Puller - Power $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Raker - Asphalt $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Re-timberman $48.02 7A 3I King Laborers Remote Equipment Operator $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Rigger/signal Person $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Rip Rap Person $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Rivet Buster $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Rodder $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Scaffold Erector $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Scale Person $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Sloper (over 20") $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Sloper Sprayer $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Spreader (concrete) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Stake Hopper $46.57 7A 3I Page 5 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Laborers Stock Piler $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Tamper & Similar Electric, Air & Gas Operated Tools $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Tamper (multiple & Self- propelled) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Timber Person - Sewer (lagger, Shorer & Cribber) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Toolroom Person (at Jobsite) $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Topper $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Track Laborer $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Track Liner (power) $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Traffic Control Laborer $42.22 7A 3I 8R King Laborers Traffic Control Supervisor $42.22 7A 3I 8R King Laborers Truck Spotter $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Tugger Operator $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 0-30 psi $92.60 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 30.01-44.00 psi $97.63 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 44.01-54.00 psi $101.31 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 54.01-60.00 psi $107.01 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 60.01-64.00 psi $109.13 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 64.01-68.00 psi $114.23 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 68.01-70.00 psi $116.13 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 70.01-72.00 psi $118.13 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Compressed Air Worker 72.01-74.00 psi $120.13 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Guage and Lock Tender $48.12 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Tunnel Work-Miner $48.12 7A 3I 8Q King Laborers Vibrator $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Vinyl Seamer $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers Watchman $35.88 7A 3I King Laborers Welder $47.44 7A 3I Page 6 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Laborers Well Point Laborer $47.44 7A 3I King Laborers Window Washer/cleaner $35.88 7A 3I King Laborers - Underground Sewer & Water General Laborer & Topman $46.57 7A 3I King Laborers - Underground Sewer & Water Pipe Layer $47.44 7A 3I King Landscape Construction Irrigation Or Lawn Sprinkler Installers $13.56 1 King Landscape Construction Landscape Equipment Operators Or Truck Drivers $28.17 1 King Landscape Construction Landscaping or Planting Laborers $17.87 1 King Lathers Journey Level $56.78 5D 1H King Marble Setters Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King Metal Fabrication (In Shop)Fitter $15.86 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shop)Laborer $11.50 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shop)Machine Operator $13.04 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shop)Painter $11.50 1 King Metal Fabrication (In Shop)Welder $15.48 1 King Millwright Journey Level $58.68 5D 4C King Modular Buildings Cabinet Assembly $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Electrician $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Equipment Maintenance $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Plumber $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Production Worker $11.50 1 King Modular Buildings Tool Maintenance $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Utility Person $11.56 1 King Modular Buildings Welder $11.56 1 King Painters Journey Level $41.60 6Z 2B King Pile Driver Crew Tender $52.37 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 0-30.00 PSI $71.35 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 30.01 - 44.00 PSI $76.35 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 44.01 - 54.00 PSI $80.35 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 54.01 - 60.00 PSI $85.35 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 60.01 - 64.00 PSI $87.85 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 64.01 - 68.00 PSI $92.85 5D 4C Page 7 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 68.01 - 70.00 PSI $94.85 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 70.01 - 72.00 PSI $96.85 5D 4C King Pile Driver Hyperbaric Worker - Compressed Air Worker 72.01 - 74.00 PSI $98.85 5D 4C King Pile Driver Journey Level $57.43 5D 4C King Plasterers Journey Level $54.89 7Q 1R King Playground & Park Equipment Installers Journey Level $11.50 1 King Plumbers & Pipefitters Journey Level $81.69 6Z 1G King Power Equipment Operators Asphalt Plant Operators $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Assistant Engineer $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Barrier Machine (zipper) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Batch Plant Operator, Concrete $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Bobcat $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Brokk - Remote Demolition Equipment $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Brooms $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Bump Cutter $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cableways $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Chipper $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Compressor $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Over 42 M $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Finish Machine -laser Screed $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump - Mounted Or Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Up To 42m $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Conveyors $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes Friction: 200 tons and over $62.33 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons With Attachments $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 100 Tons Through 199 Tons, Or 150' Of Boom (Including Jib With Attachments) $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or 250’ of boom $61.72 7A 3C 8P Page 8 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 including jib with attachments King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 300 tons and over or 300’ of boom including jib with attachments $62.33 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And Under $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Friction cranes through 199 tons $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Cranes: Through 19 Tons With Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Crusher $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Deck Engineer/deck Winches (power) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Derricks, On Building Work $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Dozers D-9 & Under $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck Or Crane Mount $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Drilling Machine $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Elevator And Man-lift: Permanent And Shaft Type $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Finishing Machine, Bidwell And Gamaco & Similar Equipment $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over With Attachments $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With Attachments $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Grade Engineer: Using Blue Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Gradechecker/stakeman $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Guardrail Punch $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. & Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill Locator $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Horizontal/directional Drill Operator $59.96 7A 3C 8P Page 9 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/boom Trucks Over 10 Tons $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Hydralifts/boom Trucks, 10 Tons And Under $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. & Over $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But Not Including 8 Yards $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Overhead Under 6 Yards $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loaders, Plant Feed $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Locomotives, All $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Material Transfer Device $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Mechanics, All (leadmen - $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Motor Patrol Graders $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Oil Distributors, Blower Distribution & Mulch Seeding Operator $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Outside Hoists (elevators And Manlifts), Air Tuggers,strato $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 Tons And Over $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pavement Breaker $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pile Driver (other Than Crane Mount) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Posthole Digger, Mechanical $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Power Plant $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Pumps - Water $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Quick Tower - No Cab, Under 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators $60.49 7A 3C 8P Page 10 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Remote Control Operator On Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment King Power Equipment Operators Rigger And Bellman $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman (Certified) $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Rollagon $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift Materials $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Saws - Concrete $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Scraper, Self Propelled Under 45 Yards $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Scrapers - Concrete & Carry All $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 Yards And Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Service Engineers - Equipment $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 90 Metric Tons $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Slipform Pavers $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Spreader, Topsider & Screedman $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Subgrader Trimmer $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Bucket Elevators $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane Up To 175' In Height Base To Boom $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Crane: over 175’ through 250’ in height, base to boom $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Tower Cranes: over 250’ in height from base to boom $62.33 7A 3C 8P Page 11 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Power Equipment Operators Transporters, All Track Or Truck Type $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Trenching Machines $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 Tons And Over $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Truck Crane Oiler/driver Under 100 Tons $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Welder $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators Yo Yo Pay Dozer $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Asphalt Plant Operators $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Assistant Engineer $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Barrier Machine (zipper) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Batch Plant Operator, Concrete $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Bobcat $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Brokk - Remote Demolition Equipment $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Brooms $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Bump Cutter $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cableways $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Chipper $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Compressor $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Over 42 M $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Concrete Finish Machine -laser Screed $56.90 7A 3C 8P Page 12 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Concrete Pump - Mounted Or Trailer High Pressure Line Pump, Pump High Pressure. $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Concrete Pump: Truck Mount With Boom Attachment Up To 42m $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Conveyors $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes Friction: 200 tons and over $62.33 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons With Attachments $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: 100 Tons Through 199 Tons, Or 150' Of Boom (Including Jib With Attachments) $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: 200 tons- 299 tons, or 250’ of boom including jib with attachments $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: 300 tons and over or 300’ of boom including jib with attachments $62.33 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons, Under 150' Of Boom (including Jib With Attachments) $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: A-frame - 10 Tons And Under $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: Friction cranes through 199 tons $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Cranes: Through 19 Tons With Attachments A-frame Over 10 Tons $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Crusher $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Deck Engineer/deck Winches (power) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Derricks, On Building Work $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Dozers D-9 & Under $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Drill Oilers: Auger Type, Truck Or Crane Mount $59.49 7A 3C 8P Page 13 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Drilling Machine $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Elevator And Man-lift: Permanent And Shaft Type $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Finishing Machine, Bidwell And Gamaco & Similar Equipment $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Forklift: 3000 Lbs And Over With Attachments $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Forklifts: Under 3000 Lbs. With Attachments $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Grade Engineer: Using Blue Prints, Cut Sheets, Etc $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Gradechecker/stakeman $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Guardrail Punch $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off- Road Equipment 45 Yards. & Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Hard Tail End Dump Articulating Off-road Equipment Under 45 Yards $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Horizontal/directional Drill Locator $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Horizontal/directional Drill Operator $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Hydralifts/boom Trucks Over 10 Tons $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Hydralifts/boom Trucks, 10 Tons And Under $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Loader, Overhead 8 Yards. & Over $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Loader, Overhead, 6 Yards. But Not Including 8 Yards $60.49 7A 3C 8P Page 14 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Loaders, Overhead Under 6 Yards $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Loaders, Plant Feed $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Loaders: Elevating Type Belt $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Locomotives, All $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Material Transfer Device $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Mechanics, All (leadmen - $0.50 Per Hour Over Mechanic) $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Motor Patrol Graders $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel Drill, Boring, Road Header And/or Shield $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Oil Distributors, Blower Distribution & Mulch Seeding Operator $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Outside Hoists (elevators And Manlifts), Air Tuggers,strato $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Overhead, Bridge Type Crane: 20 Tons Through 44 Tons $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Overhead, Bridge Type: 100 Tons And Over $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Overhead, Bridge Type: 45 Tons Through 99 Tons $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Pavement Breaker $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Pile Driver (other Than Crane Mount) $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Plant Oiler - Asphalt, Crusher $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Posthole Digger, Mechanical $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Plant $56.90 7A 3C 8P Page 15 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Pumps - Water $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Quad 9, Hd 41, D10 And Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Quick Tower - No Cab, Under 100 Feet In Height Based To Boom $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Remote Control Operator On Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Rigger And Bellman $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Rigger/Signal Person, Bellman (Certified) $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Rollagon $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Roller, Other Than Plant Mix $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Roller, Plant Mix Or Multi-lift Materials $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Roto-mill, Roto-grinder $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Saws - Concrete $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Scraper, Self Propelled Under 45 Yards $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Scrapers - Concrete & Carry All $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Scrapers, Self-propelled: 45 Yards And Over $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Service Engineers - Equipment $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Shotcrete/gunite Equipment $56.90 7A 3C 8P King $59.49 7A 3C 8P Page 16 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Shovel , Excavator, Backhoe, Tractors Under 15 Metric Tons. King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Shovel, Excavator, Backhoe: Over 30 Metric Tons To 50 Metric Tons $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes, Tractors: 15 To 30 Metric Tons $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 50 Metric Tons To 90 Metric Tons $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Shovel, Excavator, Backhoes: Over 90 Metric Tons $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Slipform Pavers $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Spreader, Topsider & Screedman $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Subgrader Trimmer $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Tower Bucket Elevators $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Tower Crane Up To 175' In Height Base To Boom $61.10 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Tower Crane: over 175’ through 250’ in height, base to boom $61.72 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Tower Cranes: over 250’ in height from base to boom $62.33 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Transporters, All Track Or Truck Type $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Trenching Machines $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Truck Crane Oiler/driver - 100 Tons And Over $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Truck Crane Oiler/driver Under 100 Tons $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Truck Mount Portable Conveyor $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Welder $60.49 7A 3C 8P Page 17 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type $56.90 7A 3C 8P King Power Equipment Operators- Underground Sewer & Water Yo Yo Pay Dozer $59.96 7A 3C 8P King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Journey Level In Charge $50.02 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Spray Person $47.43 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Tree Equipment Operator $50.02 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Tree Trimmer $44.64 5A 4A King Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmers Tree Trimmer Groundperson $33.67 5A 4A King Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanics Journey Level $77.86 6Z 1G King Residential Brick Mason Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King Residential Carpenters Journey Level $28.20 1 King Residential Cement Masons Journey Level $22.64 1 King Residential Drywall Applicators Journey Level $42.86 5D 4C King Residential Drywall Tapers Journey Level $57.43 5P 1E King Residential Electricians Journey Level $30.44 1 King Residential Glaziers Journey Level $41.05 7L 1H King Residential Insulation Applicators Journey Level $26.28 1 King Residential Laborers Journey Level $23.03 1 King Residential Marble Setters Journey Level $24.09 1 King Residential Painters Journey Level $24.46 1 King Residential Plumbers & Pipefitters Journey Level $34.69 1 King Residential Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanics Journey Level $77.86 6Z 1G King Residential Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $44.56 7F 1R King Residential Soft Floor Layers Journey Level $47.61 5A 3J King Residential Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Protection) Journey Level $46.58 5C 2R King Residential Stone Masons Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $51.36 5A 1M King Residential Terrazzo/Tile Finishers Journey Level $21.46 1 King Residential Tile Setters Journey Level $20.00 1 Page 18 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Roofers Journey Level $51.02 5A 3H King Roofers Using Irritable Bituminous Materials $54.02 5A 3H King Sheet Metal Workers Journey Level (Field or Shop) $78.17 7F 1E King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Boilermaker $43.31 7M 1H King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Carpenter $41.06 7T 2B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Electrician $42.07 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Heat & Frost Insulator $67.93 5J 4H King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Laborer $41.99 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Machinist $42.00 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Operator $41.95 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Painter $42.00 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Pipefitter $41.96 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Rigger $42.05 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Sheet Metal $41.98 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Shipfitter $42.05 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Trucker $41.91 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Warehouse $41.94 7T 4B King Shipbuilding & Ship Repair Welder/Burner $42.05 7T 4B King Sign Makers & Installers (Electrical) Sign Installer $22.92 1 King Sign Makers & Installers (Electrical) Sign Maker $21.36 1 King Sign Makers & Installers (Non-Electrical) Sign Installer $27.28 1 King Sign Makers & Installers (Non-Electrical) Sign Maker $33.25 1 King Soft Floor Layers Journey Level $47.61 5A 3J King Solar Controls For Windows Journey Level $12.44 1 King Sprinkler Fitters (Fire Protection) Journey Level $75.64 5C 1X King Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Structural) Journey Level $13.23 1 King Stone Masons Journey Level $55.82 5A 1M King Street And Parking Lot Sweeper Workers Journey Level $19.09 1 King Surveyors Assistant Construction Site Surveyor $59.49 7A 3C 8P King Surveyors Chainman $58.93 7A 3C 8P King Surveyors Construction Site Surveyor $60.49 7A 3C 8P King Telecommunication Technicians Journey Level $22.76 1 King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Cable Splicer $40.52 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Hole Digger/Ground Person $22.78 5A 2B Page 19 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Installer (Repairer) $38.87 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Special Aparatus Installer I $40.52 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Special Apparatus Installer II $39.73 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Telephone Equipment Operator (Heavy) $40.52 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Telephone Equipment Operator (Light) $37.74 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Telephone Lineperson $37.74 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Television Groundperson $21.60 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Television Lineperson/Installer $28.68 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Television System Technician $34.10 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Television Technician $30.69 5A 2B King Telephone Line Construction - Outside Tree Trimmer $37.74 5A 2B King Terrazzo Workers Journey Level $51.36 5A 1M King Tile Setters Journey Level $51.36 5A 1M King Tile, Marble & Terrazzo Finishers Finisher $42.19 5A 1B King Traffic Control Stripers Journey Level $45.43 7A 1K King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix Over 16 Yards (W. WA-Joint Council 28) $52.70 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Asphalt Mix To 16 Yards (W. WA-Joint Council 28) $51.86 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Dump Truck & Trailer $52.70 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Dump Truck (W. WA-Joint Council 28) $51.86 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Other Trucks (W. WA- Joint Council 28) $52.70 5D 3A 8L King Truck Drivers Transit Mixer $43.23 1 King Well Drillers & Irrigation Pump Installers Irrigation Pump Installer $17.71 1 King Well Drillers & Irrigation Pump Installers Oiler $12.97 1 King Well Drillers & Irrigation Pump Installers Well Driller $18.00 1 Page 20 of 20 02/15/2018https://fortress.wa.gov/lni/wagelookup/wageupdatepublication.aspx?PubCtlId=140 Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 1 Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Policy Statement (Regarding the Production of "Standard" or "Non-standard" Items) Below is the department's (State L&I's) list of criteria to be used in determining whether a prefabricated item is "standard" or "non-standard". For items not appearing on WSDOT's predetermined list, these criteria shall be used by the Contractor (and the Contractor's subcontractors, agents to subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and fabricators) to determine coverage under RCW 39.12. The production, in the State of Washington, of non-standard items is covered by RCW 39.12, and the production of standard items is not. The production of any item outside the State of Washington is not covered by RCW 39.12. 1. Is the item fabricated for a public works project? If not, it is not subject to RCW 39.12. If it is, go to question 2. 2. Is the item fabricated on the public works jobsite? If it is, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 3. 3. Is the item fabricated in an assembly/fabrication plant set up for, and dedicated primarily to, the public works project? If it is, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 4. 4. Does the item require any assembly, cutting, modification or other fabrication by the supplier? If not, the work is not covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 5. 5. Is the prefabricated item intended for the public works project typically an inventory item which could reasonably be sold on the general market? If not, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 6. 6. Does the specific prefabricated item, generally defined as standard, have any unusual characteristics such as shape, type of material, strength requirements, finish, etc? If yes, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. Any firm with questions regarding the policy, WSDOT's Predetermined List, or for determinations of covered and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) 902-5330. WSDOT's Predetermined List for Suppliers - Manufactures - Fabricator Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 2 Below is a list of potentially prefabricated items, originally furnished by WSDOT to Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, that may be considered non- standard and therefore covered by the prevailing wage law, RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the "YES" column should be considered to be non-standard and therefore covered by RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the "NO" column should be considered to be standard and therefore not covered. Of course, exceptions to this general list may occur, and in that case shall be evaluated according to the criteria described in State and L&I's policy statement. ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 1. Metal rectangular frames, solid metal covers, herringbone grates, and bi-directional vaned grates for Catch Basin Types 1, 1L, 1P, and 2 and Concrete Inlets. See Std. Plans X 2. Metal circular frames (rings) and covers, circular grates, and prefabricated ladders for Manhole Types 1, 2, and 3, Drywell Types 1, 2, and 3 and Catch Basin Type 2. See Std. Plans X 3. Prefabricated steel grate supports and welded grates, metal frames and dual vaned grates, and Type 1, 2, and 3 structural tubing grates for Drop Inlets. See Std. Plans. X 4. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes smaller than 60 inch diameter. X 5. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes larger than 60 inch diameter. X 6. Corrugated Steel Pipe - Steel lock seam corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in diameter. May also be treated, 1 thru 5. X 7. Corrugated Aluminum Pipe - Aluminum lock seam corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in diameter. May also be treated, #5. X Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 3 ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 8. Anchor Bolts & Nuts - Anchor Bolts and Nuts, for mounting sign structures, luminaries and other items, shall be made from commercial bolt stock. See Contract Plans and Std. Plans for size and material type. X 9. Aluminum Pedestrian Handrail - Pedestrian handrail conforming to the type and material specifications set forth in the contract plans. Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). X 10. Major Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of major steel items such as trusses, beams, girders, etc., for bridges. X 11. Minor Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of minor steel Items such as special hangers, brackets, access doors for structures, access ladders for irrigation boxes, bridge expansion joint systems, etc., involving welding, cutting, punching and/or boring of holes. See Contact Plans for item description and shop drawings. X 12. Aluminum Bridge Railing Type BP - Metal bridge railing conforming to the type and material specifications set forth in the Contract Plans. Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). X 13. Concrete Piling--Precast-Prestressed concrete piling for use as 55 and 70 ton concrete piling. Concrete to conform to Section 9-19.1 of Std. Spec.. X 14. Precast Manhole Types 1, 2, and 3 with cones, adjustment sections and flat top slabs. See Std. Plans. X 15. Precast Drywell Types 1, 2, and with cones and adjustment Sections. See Std. Plans. X 16. Precast Catch Basin - Catch Basin type 1, 1L, 1P, and 2 With adjustment sections. See Std. Plans. X Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 4 ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 17. Precast Concrete Inlet - with adjustment sections, See Std. Plans X 18. Precast Drop Inlet Type 1 and 2 with metal grate supports. See Std. Plans. X 19. Precast Grate Inlet Type 2 with extension and top units. See Std. Plans X 20. Metal frames, vaned grates, and hoods for Combination Inlets. See Std. Plans X 21. Precast Concrete Utility Vaults - Precast Concrete utility vaults of various sizes. Used for in ground storage of utility facilities and controls. See Contract Plans for size and construction requirements. Shop drawings are to be provided for approval prior to casting X 22. Vault Risers - For use with Valve Vaults and Utilities X Vaults. X 23. Valve Vault - For use with underground utilities. See Contract Plans for details. X 24. Precast Concrete Barrier - Precast Concrete Barrier for use as new barrier or may also be used as Temporary Concrete Barrier. Only new state approved barrier may be used as permanent barrier. X 25. Reinforced Earth Wall Panels – Reinforced Earth Wall Panels in size and shape as shown in the Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and materials to be used. See Shop Drawing. Fabrication at other locations may be approved, after facilities inspection, contact HQ. Lab. X 26. Precast Concrete Walls - Precast Concrete Walls - tilt-up wall panel in size and shape as shown in Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and materials to be used X Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 5 ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 27. Precast Railroad Crossings - Concrete Crossing Structure Slabs. X 28. 12, 18 and 26 inch Standard Precast Prestressed Girder – Standard Precast Prestressed Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A X 29. Prestressed Concrete Girder Series 4-14 - Prestressed Concrete Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A . X 30. Prestressed Tri-Beam Girder - Prestressed Tri-Beam Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A X 31. Prestressed Precast Hollow-Core Slab – Precast Prestressed Hollow-core slab for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A. X 32. Prestressed-Bulb Tee Girder - Bulb Tee Prestressed Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)A X 33. Monument Case and Cover See Std. Plan. X Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 6 ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 34. Cantilever Sign Structure - Cantilever Sign Structure fabricated from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-183. See Std. Plans, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. X 35. Mono-tube Sign Structures - Mono-tube Sign Bridge fabricated to details shown in the Plans. Shop drawings for approval are required prior to fabrication. X 36. Steel Sign Bridges - Steel Sign Bridges fabricated from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-138 for Aluminum Alloys. See Std. Plans, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. X 37. Steel Sign Post - Fabricated Steel Sign Posts as detailed in Std Plans. Shop drawings for approval are to be provided prior to fabrication X 38. Light Standard-Prestressed - Spun, prestressed, hollow concrete poles. X 39. Light Standards - Lighting Standards for use on highway illumination systems, poles to be fabricated to conform with methods and materials as specified on Std. Plans. See Specia Provisions for pre-approved drawings. X 40. Traffic Signal Standards - Traffic Signal Standards for use on highway and/or street signal systems. Standards to be fabricated to conform with methods and material as specified on Std. Plans. See Special Provisions for pre-approved drawings X 41. Precast Concrete Sloped Mountable Curb (Single and DualFaced) See Std. Plans. X Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 7 ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 42. Traffic Signs - Prior to approval of a Fabricator of Traffic Signs, the sources of the following materials must be submitted and approved for reflective sheeting, legend material, and aluminum sheeting. NOTE: *** Fabrication inspection required. Only signs tagged "Fabrication Approved" by WSDOT Sign Fabrication Inspector to be installed X X Custom Message Std Signing Message 43. Cutting & bending reinforcing steel X 44. Guardrail components X X Custom End Sec Standard Sec 45. Aggregates/Concrete mixes Covered by WAC 296-127-018 46. Asphalt Covered by WAC 296-127-018 47. Fiber fabrics X 48. Electrical wiring/components X 49. treated or untreated timber pile X 50. Girder pads (elastomeric bearing) X 51. Standard Dimension lumber X 52. Irrigation components X Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 8 ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO 53. Fencing materials X 54. Guide Posts X 55. Traffic Buttons X 56. Epoxy X 57. Cribbing X 58. Water distribution materials X 59. Steel "H" piles X 60. Steel pipe for concrete pile casings X 61. Steel pile tips, standard X 62. Steel pile tips, custom X Prefabricated items specifically produced for public works projects that are prefabricated in a county other than the county wherein the public works project is to be completed, the wage for the offsite prefabrication shall be the applicable prevailing wage for the county in which the actual prefabrication takes place. It is the manufacturer of the prefabricated product to verify that the correct county wage rates are applied to work they perform. See RCW 39.12.010 (The definition of "locality" in RCW 39.12.010(2) contains the phrase "wherein the physical work is being performed." The department interprets this phrase to mean the actual work site. Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 9 WSDOT's List of State Occupations not applicable to Heavy and Highway Construction Projects This project is subject to the state hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits in the contract provisions, as provided by the state Department of Labor and Industries. The following list of occupations, is comprised of those occupations that are not normally used in the construction of heavy and highway projects. When considering job classifications for use and / or payment when bidding on, or building heavy and highway construction projects for, or administered by WSDOT, these Occupations will be excepted from the included "Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Work Contracts" documents. • Building Service Employees • Electrical Fixture Maintenance Workers • Electricians - Motor Shop • Heating Equipment Mechanics • Industrial Engine and Machine Mechanics • Industrial Power Vacuum Cleaners • Inspection, Cleaning, Sealing of Water Systems by Remote Control • Laborers - Underground Sewer & Water • Machinists (Hydroelectric Site Work) • Modular Buildings • Playground & Park Equipment Installers • Power Equipment Operators - Underground Sewer & Water • Residential *** ALL ASSOCIATED RATES *** • Sign Makers and Installers (Non-Electrical) • Sign Makers and Installers (Electrical) • Stage Rigging Mechanics (Non Structural) The following occupations may be used only as outlined in the preceding text concerning "WSDOT's list for Suppliers - Manufacturers - Fabricators" • Fabricated Precast Concrete Products • Metal Fabrication (In Shop) Definitions for the Scope of Work for prevailing wages may be found at the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries web site and in WAC Chapter 296-127. Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 10 Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Policy Statements (Regarding Production and Delivery of Gravel, Concrete, Asphalt, etc.) WAC 296-127-018 Agency filings affecting this section Coverage and exemptions of workers involved in the production and delivery of gravel, concrete, asphalt, or similar materials. (1) The materials covered under this section include but are not limited to: Sand, gravel, crushed rock, concrete, asphalt, or other similar materials. (2) All workers, regardless of by whom employed, are subject to the provisions of chapter 39.12 RCW when they perform any or all of the following functions: (a) They deliver or discharge any of the above-listed materials to a public works project site: (i) At one or more point(s) directly upon the location where the material will be incorporated into the project; or (ii) At multiple points at the project; or (iii) Adjacent to the location and coordinated with the incorporation of those materials. (b) They wait at or near a public works project site to perform any tasks subject to this section of the rule. (c) They remove any materials from a public works construction site pursuant to contract requirements or specifications (e.g., excavated materials, materials from demolished structures, clean-up materials, etc.). (d) They work in a materials production facility (e.g., batch plant, borrow pit, rock quarry, etc.,) which is established for a public works project for the specific, but not necessarily exclusive, purpose of supplying materials for the project. (e) They deliver concrete to a public works site regardless of the method of incorporation. (f) They assist or participate in the incorporation of any materials into the public works project. Supplemental to Wage Rates 03/03/2018 Edition, Published February 1st, 2018 11 (3) All travel time that relates to the work covered under subsection (2) of this section requires the payment of prevailing wages. Travel time includes time spent waiting to load, loading, transporting, waiting to unload, and delivering materials. Travel time would include all time spent in travel in support of a public works project whether the vehicle is empty or full. For example, travel time spent returning to a supply source to obtain another load of material for use on a public works site or returning to the public works site to obtain another load of excavated material is time spent in travel that is subject to prevailing wage. Travel to a supply source, including travel from a public works site, to obtain materials for use on a private project would not be travel subject to the prevailing wage. (4) Workers are not subject to the provisions of chapter 39.12 RCW when they deliver materials to a stockpile. (a) A "stockpile" is defined as materials delivered to a pile located away from the site of incorporation such that the stockpiled materials must be physically moved from the stockpile and transported to another location on the project site in order to be incorporated into the project. (b) A stockpile does not include any of the functions described in subsection (2)(a) through (f) of this section; nor does a stockpile include materials delivered or distributed to multiple locations upon the project site; nor does a stockpile include materials dumped at the place of incorporation, or adjacent to the location and coordinated with the incorporation. (5) The applicable prevailing wage rate shall be determined by the locality in which the work is performed. Workers subject to subsection (2)(d) of this section, who produce such materials at an off-site facility shall be paid the applicable prevailing wage rates for the county in which the off-site facility is located. Workers subject to subsection (2) of this section, who deliver such materials to a public works project site shall be paid the applicable prevailing wage rates for the county in which the public works project is located. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 39.12 RCW, RCW 43.22.051 and 43.22.270. 08-24-101, § 296-127-018, filed 12/2/08, effective 1/2/09. Statutory Authority: Chapters 39.04 and 39.12 RCW and RCW 43.22.270. 92-01-104 and 92-08-101, § 296-127-018, filed 12/18/91 and 4/1/92, effective 8/31/92.] Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  1  ************************************************************************************************************ Overtime Codes Overtime calculations are based on the hourly rate actually paid to the worker. On public works projects, the hourly rate must be not less than the prevailing rate of wage minus the hourly rate of the cost of fringe benefits actually provided for the worker. 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. D. The first two (2) hours before or after a five-eight (8) hour workweek day or a four-ten (10) hour workweek day and the first eight (8) hours worked the next day after either workweek shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All additional hours worked and all worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. G. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays and the first ten (10) hours worked on a fifth calendar weekday in a four- ten hour schedule, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions or equipment breakdown) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. I. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall also be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. J. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over ten (10) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. K. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. M. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if work is lost due to inclement weather conditions) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. N. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  2  Overtime Codes Continued 1. O. The first ten (10) hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays, holidays and after twelve (12) hours, Monday through Friday and after ten (10) hours on Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. P. All hours worked on Saturdays (except makeup days if circumstances warrant) and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Q. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and up to ten (10) hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of ten (10) hours per day Monday through Saturday and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Christmas day) shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Christmas day shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. S. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays and all other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Labor Day) shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. V. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays (except make-up days due to conditions beyond the control of the employer)) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. X. The first four (4) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first twelve (12) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours Monday through Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. When holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the day before Saturday, Friday, and the day after Sunday, Monday, shall be considered the holiday and all work performed shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Y. All hours worked outside the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm (or such other hours as may be agreed upon by any employer and the employee) and all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day (10 hours per day for a 4 x 10 workweek) and on Saturdays and holidays (except labor day) shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. (except for employees who are absent from work without prior approval on a scheduled workday during the workweek shall be paid at the straight-time rate until they have worked 8 hours in a day (10 in a 4 x 10 workweek) or 40 hours during that workweek.) All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and Labor Day shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Z. All hours worked on Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid the straight time rate of pay in addition to holiday pay. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  3  Overtime Codes Continued 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. C. All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. F. The first eight (8) hours worked on holidays shall be paid at the straight hourly rate of wage in addition to the holiday pay. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. O. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. R. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays and all hours worked over sixty (60) in one week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. U. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked over 12 hours in a day or on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. W. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten- hour weekly schedule, either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The first eight (8) hours worked on the fifth day shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked on the fifth, sixth, and seventh days and on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 3. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at time and one-half the straight time rate. Hours worked over twelve hours (12) in a single shift and all work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 6:00 am Monday and holidays shall be paid at double the straight time rate of pay. Any shift starting between the hours of 6:00 pm and midnight shall receive an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour for all hours worked that shift. The employer shall have the sole discretion to assign overtime work to employees. Primary consideration for overtime work shall be given to employees regularly assigned to the work to be performed on overtime situations. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. C. Work performed in excess of eight (8) hours of straight time per day, or ten (10) hours of straight time per day when four ten (10) hour shifts are established, or forty (40) hours of straight time per week, Monday through Friday, or outside the normal shift, and all work on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All work performed after 6:00 pm Saturday to 5:00 am Monday and Holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. After an employee has worked eight (8) hours at an applicable overtime rate, all additional hours shall be at the applicable overtime rate until such time as the employee has had a break of eight (8) hours or more. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  4  Overtime Codes Continued 3. E. All hours worked Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. Each week, once 40 hours of straight time work is achieved, then any hours worked over 10 hours per day Monday through Saturday shall be paid at double the hourly wage rate. F. All hours worked on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sunday shall be paid at two times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on paid holidays shall be paid at two and one-half times the hourly rate of wage including holiday pay. H. All work performed on Sundays between March 16th and October 14th and all Holidays shall be compensated for at two (2) times the regular rate of pay. Work performed on Sundays between October 15th and March 15th shall be compensated at one and one half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay.    I. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. In the event the job is down due to weather conditions during a five day work week (Monday through Friday,) or a four day-ten hour work week (Tuesday through Friday,) then Saturday may be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate. However, Saturday shall not be utilized as a make-up day when a holiday falls on Friday. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. J. All hours worked between the hours of 10:00 pm and 5:00 am, Monday through Friday, and all hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at a one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. B. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours per day and all hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. C. On Monday through Friday, the first four (4) hours of overtime after eight (8) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, unless a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek has been established. On a four (4) day ten (10) hour workweek scheduled Monday through Thursday, or Tuesday through Friday, the first two (2) hours of overtime after ten (10) hours of straight time work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay. On Saturday, the first twelve (12) hours of work shall be paid at one and one half (1-1/2) times the straight time rate of pay, except that if the job is down on Monday through Friday due to weather conditions or other conditions outside the control of the employer, the first ten (10) hours on Saturday may be worked at the straight time rate of pay. All hours worked over twelve (12) hours in a day and all hours worked on Sunday and Holidays shall be paid at two (2) times the straight time rate of pay. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  5  Overtime Codes Continued 4. D. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Saturday, Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of pay. Rates include all members of the assigned crew. EXCEPTION: On all multipole structures and steel transmission lines, switching stations, regulating, capacitor stations, generating plants, industrial plants, associated installations and substations, except those substations whose primary function is to feed a distribution system, will be paid overtime under the following rates: The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday of overtime on a regular workday, shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours in excess of ten (10) hours will be at two (2) times the hourly rate of wage. The first eight (8) hours worked on Saturday will be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays will be at the double the hourly rate of wage. All overtime eligible hours performed on the above described work that is energized, shall be paid at the double the hourly rate of wage. E. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. On a four-day, ten-hour weekly schedule, either Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday thru Friday schedule, all hours worked after ten shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. The Monday or Friday not utilized in the normal four- day, ten hour work week, and Saturday shall be paid at one and one half (1½) times the regular shift rate for the first eight (8) hours. All other hours worked Monday through Saturday, and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. F. All hours worked between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:00 am, Monday through Saturday, shall be paid at a premium rate of 20% over the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Sundays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. G. All hours worked on Saturdays shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked Monday through Saturday over twelve (12) hours and all hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. H. The first two (2) hours after eight (8) regular hours Monday through Friday and the first eight (8) hours on Saturday shall be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate of wage. All other overtime hours worked, except Labor Day, and all hours on Sunday shall be paid at double the hourly rate of wage. All hours worked on Labor Day shall be paid at three times the hourly rate of wage. Holiday Codes 5. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (7). B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the day before Christmas, and Christmas Day (8). C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  6  Holiday Codes Continued 5. D. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Day after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas (6). I. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). J. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, And Christmas Day (7). K. Holidays: New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). L. Holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (9). P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday And Saturday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas, And Christmas Day (9). If A Holiday Falls On Sunday, The Following Monday Shall Be Considered As A Holiday. Q. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving Day, One-Half Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day. (7 1/2). S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, And The Day Before Or After Christmas (9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). 6. A. Paid Holidays: New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). E. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Day Before Or After New Year's Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and a Half- Day On Christmas Eve Day. (9 1/2). G. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve Day (11). Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  7  Holiday Codes Continued 6. H. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, New Year’s Eve Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, The Day After Christmas, And A Floating Holiday (10). I. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Last Working Day Before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (9). Z. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). If a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be considered as the holiday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered as the holiday. 7. A. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any Holiday Which Falls On A Sunday Shall Be Observed As A Holiday On The Following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. B. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. C. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. D. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Unpaid Holidays: President’s Day. Any paid holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any paid holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. E. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. F. Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the last working day before Christmas day and Christmas day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. G. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. H. Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  8  Holiday Codes Continued 7. I. Holidays: New Year's Day, President’s Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Friday After Thanksgiving Day, The Day Before Christmas Day And Christmas Day (9). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. J. Holidays: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (6). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. K. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. L. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Last Work Day before Christmas Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. M. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, The Day after or before New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, And the Day after or before Christmas Day (10). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. N. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. When Christmas falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. P. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, And Christmas Day (7). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. Q. Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, the Last Working Day before Christmas Day and Christmas Day (8). Any holiday which falls on a Sunday shall be observed as a holiday on the following Monday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a regular work day. R. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, the day after or before New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and the day after or before Christmas Day (10). If any of the listed holidays fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. S. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the Day after Christmas, and A Floating Holiday (9). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  9  Holiday Codes Continued T. Paid Holidays: New Year's Day, the Day after or before New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and The Day after or before Christmas Day. (10). If any of the listed holidays falls on a Sunday, the day observed by the Nation shall be considered a holiday and compensated accordingly. Any holiday which falls on a Saturday shall be observed as a holiday on the preceding Friday. Note Codes 8. D. Workers working with supplied air on hazmat projects receive an additional $1.00 per hour. L. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $0.75, Level B: $0.50, And Level C: $0.25. M. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows: Levels A & B: $1.00, Levels C & D: $0.50. N. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Level A: $1.00, Level B: $0.75, Level C: $0.50, And Level D: $0.25. P. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows -Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, Class C Suit: $1.00, And Class D Suit $0.50. Q. The highest pressure registered on the gauge for an accumulated time of more than fifteen (15) minutes during the shift shall be used in determining the scale paid. R. Effective August 31, 2012 – A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. These classifications are only effective on or after August 31, 2012. S. Effective August 31, 2012 – A Traffic Control Supervisor shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012. T. Effective August 31, 2012 – A Traffic Control Laborer performs the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations. Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. This classification is only effective on or after August 31, 2012. Benefit Code Key – Effective 3/3/2018 thru 8/30/2018  10  Note Codes Continued 8. U. Workers on hazmat projects receive additional hourly premiums as follows – Class A Suit: $2.00, Class B Suit: $1.50, And Class C Suit: $1.00. Workers performing underground work receive an additional $0.40 per hour for any and all work performed underground, including operating, servicing and repairing of equipment. The premium for underground work shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who work suspended by a rope or cable receive an additional $0.50 per hour. The premium for work suspended shall be paid for the entire shift worked. Workers who do “pioneer” work (break open a cut, build road, etc.) more than one hundred fifty (150) feet above grade elevation receive an additional $0.50 per hour. V. In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth and enclosure premiums shall be paid. The premiums are to be calculated for the maximum depth and distance into an enclosure that a diver reaches in a day. The premiums are to be paid one time for the day and are not used in calculating overtime pay. Depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more. Over 50' to 100' - $2.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet. Over 101' to 150' - $3.00 per foot for each foot over 101 feet. Over 151' to 220' - $4.00 per foot for each foot over 220 feet. Over 221' - $5.00 per foot for each foot over 221 feet. Enclosure premiums apply when divers enter enclosures (such as pipes or tunnels) where there is no vertical ascent and is measured by the distance travelled from the entrance. 25’ to 300’ - $1.00 per foot from entrance. 300’ to 600’ - $1.50 per foot beginning at 300’. Over 600’ - $2.00 per foot beginning at 600’. W. Meter Installers work on single phase 120/240V self-contained residential meters. The Lineman/Groundmen rates would apply to meters not fitting this description. PREVAILING WAGE POLICY MEMORANDUM DATE: February 28, 2013 TO: All Interested Parties FROM: ~· Ann Selover, Industrial Statistician, Prevailing Wage Program Manager SUBJECT: How to Calculate the Hourly Rate of Contribution for Usual (Fringe) Benefits as Part of the Prevailing Rate of Wage. Policy Disclaim er This policy is designed to provide general inform ation in regard to the current opinions of the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) on the subject matter covered. Thi s policy is intended as a guide in the interpretation and application of the relevant statutes, regulations, and policies, and may not be applicable to all situation s. This policy does not replace applicable RCW or WAC standards. If additional clarification is required, the Program Manager for Prevailing Wage should be consulted. This document is effective as of the date of print and supersedes all previous interpretations and guidelines. Changes may occur after the date of print due to sub seque nt leg is lation, administrative rule, or judicial proceedings. The u ser is encouraged to notify the Program Manager to provide or receive updated information. This docum ent will remain in effect until rescinded, modified, or withdrawn by the Director or his or her designee. PREVAILING WAGE RATE: The prevailing wage required under chapter 39.12 RCW to be paid on public work projects is defined under RCW 39.12.01 0( l) to include a "rate of hourly wage, usual benefits, and overtime." As a result, usual benefits are recognized as part of the total wage rate when publishing the prevailing wage, and when gauging compliance with prevailing wage Jaw. This document is intended to provide guidance to employers in determining wh ich cont ributions qualify as usual benefits and how to calcul ate such benefits as part of the prevailing wage rate. USUAL BENEFITS: Usual benefits are defined in RCW 39.12.010(3) and WAC 296-127-0 14 and include employer payments for medical insurance, pensions, approved apprenticeship training programs, vacation and holiday pay, and other bona fide benefits. Deductions from workers' paychecks are not usual benefits. Usua l benefits are employer paid. Benefits that arc required by law (Industrial Insurance, Social Security , State Unemployment Compensation taxes , etc.) do not qualify as usual benefits. Public Works Act (Chapter 39.12 RCW) Calculation of Usual Benefits 2 28 2013 LAS Employers must pay a wage and usual benefit package that adds up to the published prevailing rate of wage for the work perf01med. Employers are not required to provide usual or fringe benefits, and if they do not, the total prevailing wage rate must be paid as an hourly wage. In any event, employer paid usual benefits cannot be applied to reduce the hourly wage paid to les s than the state minimum wage. Please note special overtime and holiday rates may also be establi sh ed for so me trades and occupations. A. Insurance (medical, dental, life, etc.): Insurance premiums include employer paid portions of medical, dental, vision and life insurance benefits. Do not include insurance benefits that are employee paid through payroll deduction , workers' compensation premiums, unemployment insurance, or any other federally or state mandated payroll deductions. B. Pension or retirement plans: Pension and retirement contributions include employer paid portions of pension and retirement plans which are irrevocably made to a trustee or to a third person pursuant to a fund, plan, or program. Do not include pension or retirement benefits that are employee paid through payroll deductions. c. Vacation and/or holiday: Report employer paid vacation and/or holiday benefits. Do not include vacation fund deposits that are employee paid through a payroll deduction. D. Apprenticeship programs: Report employer paid contributions made to apprenticeship or training programs recognized by the Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council. E. Other bona fide programs: Other employer paid programs may qualify as "usual benefits." Please consult with L&I prior to including payments to such programs in your repmied wage rate. See RCW 39.12.010, WAC 296-127-014 and WAC 296-127-01410. POSTING AND DOCUMENTATION: Employers must comply with all posting and employee notification requirements provided by applicable federal and state laws concerning usual benefits plans. Employers must also have and make available to L&I upon request, copies of all docum ents concerning usual benefits identified in WAC 296-127-014. See WAC 296-127- 01410 . See also U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration Reporting and Disclosure Guide {or Employee Benefit Plans. CALCULATING BENEFIT AMOUNTS -APPORTIONING BENEFITS TO HOURS WORKED: Although "usual benefits" are defined under RCW 39.12 .0 10(3), certain plans will require additional information on how benefit payments should be apportioned to hours worked. It has been the long-time position of L&I, consistent with the approach adopted by many other states and by the U.S. DOL with respect to most plans, that contributions made to a fringe benefit plan for public works should be based on the effective annual rate of ~ontributions for all hours, public and private, worked during the year by an employee. In order to apportion benefits to hours worked, L&I will generally look at contributions and hours worked over the course of a year, assuming 2,080 hours per worker per year, unl ess an employer provides an alternate schedule and can document actual hours worked. This approach is so metimes called "annuali zation." Public Works Act (Chapter 39.12 RCW) Calculation of Usual Benefits 2 28 2013 LAS As the U.S. DOL manu al explains the analogous principle under the Dav is-Bacon Act (federal prevailing wage law), " ... contributions made to a fringe benefit plan for government work generall y may not be used to fund the plan for periods of non-government work." See D av is- Baco n a nd Re la ted Ac ts a nd Co ntrac t Wo rk llo urs and Safet y Sta ndards Ac t F ie ld Opera ti ons H andbook -10/25/20 10 at 15fll (b). For a basic exampl e, if an emp loyer places $5,000 a year into a health plan for an employee, and the employee works a full time sc hedule of 2,080 hours, the credit is $2.40/h.r . Thus, the employer cam1ot say that the plan is only for public wo rk s, even if conhibutions are tied to pub li c hours. Examples Tllustrating the Use of Different Annual H ours . Suppose that an employer places $5 ,000 a year into a health p lan for an employee, and the employee works a fu ll time schedule of 2,080 homs on a combination of public a nd private work. In order to obtain an hourly c redit, the total contribution is divided b y the total hours worked. Thus, at these rates, the hourly contribut ion is $2.40 /lu. $5,000 /2080 = $2.40 Alternative ly, the wo rker may be a part tim e employee, and only slated to work 1600 h ours in the year. In that case, the employer may u se the employee's actual hours, with a resulting credit of $3 .1 3/hr. $5,000 I 1600 = $3.125 The use of a full year is not po ssible for all benefit calculation situations. In these cases, another period may be allowed if an employer uses a cons istent rate of contri bution into a bona fide benefit plan, but has di ffic ulty forecas tin g e ither the total worker hours or the total contributio ns for the year. Please cont act L&I regarding such situations. Special Provisions for Certain Defined Contribution Plans-"DOL Exception" For defined contribution pension plans that provide for a higher hourly rate of contr ibutions to be made for prevailing wage covered work than for non-covered work, the hi ghe r rate paid for covered work will be fu lly credited toward satisfaction of the required prevailing wage rate only if the plan prov ides for inunediate participation and an immediate or essentiall y immediate ve sting schedule (e.g., 100% vesting after an e mpl oyee works 500 or fewer hours). Fo r su ch plans the hourly rate of credit is arrived at by calculating the total contrib utions made on behalf of each worker during th e course of the public works project, and dividing that number by the number of hours worked by the same worker on the public works proj ect. This exemption mirrors an exemption provided by the U.S. DOL in its a dministrati on of the Davis-Bacon Ac t. TIMELY DEPOSIT OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO BENEFIT PLANS: Benefit pl an contributions must b e made on a regular basi s, and no less often than quarterly . PERIOD USED ("YEAR") FOR ANNUALIZATION PURPOSES: If yo ur plan does not s pecify a time frame to calc ul ate the credit toward the prevailing wage ra te, in most inst anc es L&I will use a cale ndar year. Otherwise, L&lmay look to t he time frame yo u use (e.g., a fi scal yea r, cal endar year , plan year, et c.). The period yo u adopt must be reasonably consistent over time . Public Works Act (Chapter 39.12 RCW) Ca l cu l ati on of U sua l Benefits 2 28 2.013 LAS • CONTACT L&l FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR PLAN-SPECIFIC QUESTIONS: If tlus explanation and the above examples do not cover your specific situation, please contact L&I for guidance on the appropriate calculation. P lease direct your questions to the Prevailing Wage Office at (360) 902-5335 or by e-mail at PWl @ Lni.wa.gov. How to Calculate Benefit Contributions Based on L&l's Annualization Policy Example: Health, Pension and Apprentice Contributions Calculation An employe r cont1·ibutes $10,000 towards a full-time employee's health care coverage from January 1, 2011 to December 31 , 2011. A full-time employee works a total of 2,080 hours in a fu ll -time year (52 weeks x 40 h ours a week). Calculation: $10 ,000 pai'd during t he year I 2 ,080 hours worked = $4.81 The amount to be reported for health coverage in this example is $4.81 per hour. If the employer contributed an equivalent amount to an employee's pension plan during the year (except those plans that meet the "DOL Exception" noted above), the same calculation method would be used to obtain the rate to report for pension benefits. Example: Vacation and Holidav Calculation An employee works a total of 1,750 hours in a year and receives 2 weeks (80 hours) of paid vacation time from January 1, 2011 , to December 31 , 2011. The total amount received in paid vacation is $1 ,050. Calculation: $1 ,050 total vacation pay I 1,750 total hours worked = $0.60 The amount to be reported for vacation in this example is $0.60 per hour. If the employee received paid holidays during the year, the same calculation method would be used to obtain the rate to report for the holiday pay. L&I will as sume 2,080 hours per year, per employee, in the absence of evidence to the contrary . If actual hours worked are substantially more than 2 ,080, or can be reasonably anticipated to be more th an 2,080, actual hours must be used for the calculation. If an employer calculates using less than 2,080 hours per employee per year, it must be able to document the reduced schedule which provides the basis for the calculation. Public Works Act (Chapter 39.12. RCW) Ca lcu l ation of Usual Benefits 2. 2.8 2.013 lAS SUMMARY • Employers must comply with a ll posting and employee notification requirements provided by appl icab le federal and state laws concerning usual benefits plans. Employers must also have and make available to L&J upon request, copies of all documents concerning usual benefits as identified in W AC 296-127-0 14 . See WAC 296-127- 01410 . • Usual benefits are credited on an hourly basis and are expected to accrue at a regular rate. Employers may not count benefits associated with public and private work as if they were only associated with public work projects. L&I will generally apportion or annualize benefit contribution or costs to all hours worked over the course of a year unless an employer provides an alternate schedule and can document actual hours worked. Certain defmed contribution pension plans (DOL . exception) do not need to meet this annualization requirement. • Benefit contributions must be deposited on at least a quarterly basis. • Basic Annuali zed Calculation Method: Divide the total yearly contributions made by the employer for each individual worker by 2,080 hours ( 40 hours per week X 52 weeks = 2,080 hours). • Generally a calendar year is used in calculating credits toward the prevailing wage rate, but there may be instances when calculations are appropriately based on a fiscal year or plan year. Pub l ic Works Act (Chapter 39 .12 RCW) Calculation of Usual Benefits 2 28 2013 LAS PREVAILING WAGE POLICY MEMORANDUM DATE: May 19,2010 TO: All Interested Parties FROM:~avid J. Soma, Industrial StatisticianiPrevailing Wage Program Manager SUBJE~~ Landscape Construction Policy Disclaimer This policy is designed to provide general information in regard to the current opinions of the Department of Labor & Industries on the subject matter covered. This policy is intended as a guide in the interpretation and application ofthe relevant statutes, regulations, and policies, and may not be applicable to all situations. This policy does not replace applicable RCW or WAC standards. If additional clarification is required, the Program Manager for Prevailing Wage should be consulted. The July 23, 2009 Landscape Construction policy is rescinded. This document is effective as of the date of print. Letters and clarifications posted on the L&I web site provide continuing guidance. Changes may occur after the date of print due to subsequent legislation, administrative rule, or judicial proceedings. The user is encouraged to notify the Program Manager to provide or receive updated information. This document will remain in effect until rescinded, modified, or withdrawn by the Director or his or her designee. Application of the Landscape Construction Scope of Work The Landscape Construction scope of work, WAC 296-127-01346, is organized with (1) an introductory paragraph that establishes a context for potential uses of the scope; (2) a description of specific tasks that may be within the scope for Landscape Construction if they are not otherwise excluded by (3) a list of activities that are not included in Landscape Construction. 1) The Landscape Construction scope's introductory paragraph reads: For the purposes of the Washington state public works law, chapter 39.12 RCW, landscape construction involves the beautification of a plot of land by changing its natural features through the addition or modification oflawns, trees, bushes, etc. Landscape Construction Policy 05/19/2010 Page 1 of4 2. Work performed within the Landscape Construction scope of work: • Constructing or maintaining lawns, yards, gardens or other landscaped surfaces. • Mixing and spreading mulches, ground covers, soil amendments, decorative bark or decorative rock. • Seeding, sodding or hydroseeding. • Applying chemicals or fertilizers. • Planting trees, shrubs or plants. • Installing, servicing or repairing above ground lawn or landscape sprinkler systems. • Installing, servicing or repairing underground lawn or landscape sprinkler systems to a maximum depth of three feet below finish grade. • Assembling or placing premanufactured trellis work, play equipment, benches or picnic tables. • Constructing rock walls to a maximum height offour feet. • Land clearing. • Spreading top soil to a maximum depth of six inches below fInish grade. • Trenching to a maximum depth of three feet below fInish grade. • Installing french drains or other subsurface water collection systems to a maximum depth of three feet below fInish grade. • Hauling top soil, plants or other landscaping materials in trucks with only one rear axle. 3. The Landscape scope of work makes exclusions that will override the list of allowed tasks in (2) above. Landscape Construction does not include: • Any activity or task (including those mentioned above) when performed preparatory to any nonlandscaping construction work. • Constructing roads, footpaths, trails or rock walls more than four feet high. • Custom fabrication of trellis work, play equipment, benches or picnic tables. • Constructing restrooms, shelters or similar structures. • Installing sewer systems, storm sewer systems, catch basins, vaults or drainage systems for impervious surfaces (such as parking lots). • Installing drainage systems or underground sprinkler systems more than three feet below fmal grade. • Land clearing, dozing, grading, excavating or hauling except as permitted above. • Tree falling or bucking. • Subgrade preparation. • The use of power equipment with more than ninety horsepower. • The use of trucks with more than one rear axle except hydroseeders. • Demolition of structures. • Asphalt or concrete work except incidental anchorage for play equipment, benches or picnic tables. landscape Construction Policy 05/19/2010 Page Z of4 • Welding. • Installing agricultural irrigation systems. • Encapsulation oflandfills. NOTE: the scope of work for Utilities Construction, WAC 296-127-01389, places the "cleanup and restoration of right of way (e.g., restore landscaping)" for such work exclusively in Utilities Construction and that work may not be performed as Landscape Construction. 4). The following are specific areas where the department has received frequent questions regarding this scope of work. These activities are not allowed as Landscape Construction under WAC 296-127-03146. a. "Land Clearing" that cannot be performed as Landscape Construction such as: o Clearing preparatory to other construction o Use of equipment over 90 horsepower; o Tree falling and bucking; and o Dirt or materials work beyond the up to six (6) inches of topsoil allowed to be graded in the Landscape Construction scope of work. b. Erosion control work, including the following, cannot be performed as Landscape Construction: o Erosion control blankets or fabric; o Jute matting installation; o Silt fence installation and maintenance; o Trenching and installation of straw wattles; o Sediment trap installation; o Straw bale barriers; o Brush barriers; o Construction or other storm water filtration; o Straw application for erosion control; o Sand bag installation; o Erosion control fence; o Construction project dust control; o Water bars; o Pipe slope draining; o Outlet protection; o Interceptor dike and/or swale; o Check dam installation; o Turbidity curtain installation; o Level spreader installation; o Silt dikes installation; o Storm drain inlet protection; o Slope protection; and o Storm water infiltration. Landscape Construction Policy 05/19/2010 Page 3 of4 Note: Seeding or hydroseeding, mulchlbark application, sod installation, planting vegetation, and landscape maintenance associated with these erosion control activities may still be performed under the Landscape Construction scope unless the work is exclusive to another scope of work such as the scope for Utility Construction, WAC 296-127-01389. c. Except for those tasks allowed as Landscape Construction in WAC 296- 127-01346, stream or river channel modifications, wetlands creation or enhancement projects, as well as construction of environmental mitigations, habitat improvements, swales, etc. cannot be performed as Landscape Construction. d. Except for spreading up six (6) inches of topsoil, and mulches, and planting, golf course construction (land grading and contouring not permissible under the Landscape Construction scope of work) cannot be performed as Landscape Construction. Whenever your fact set is less than a perfect match from those specifically addressed above, check with the Industrial StatisticianlPrevailing Wage Program Manager for specific answers. The Department is happy to provide guidance on your fact set. Please identifY the actual circumstances and describe them in full to the Department. You may contact us by phone: 360- 902-5335 or bye-mail at: PWl@LNI.WA.GOV landscape Construction Policy 05/19/2010 Page 4 of4           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Appendix C – WSDOT Standard Plans            City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Appendix D –Information on Existing Bridge            City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Record Drawings of Existing Bridge            City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Bridge Inspection Report (2017)  BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage1of3Status:ReleasedPrintedOn:1116/2017Agency:RENTONCDGuid:4ldfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a27CDDate:7/14/2017ProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.No.RENTON-23SID08557300Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGECarryingNE31STSTREETRouteOn01070MilePost50.00IntersectingMAYCREEKRouteUnderMilePost/vtR%örEE-InspectorsSignatureCert#G1408CertExpDate4/16/2020Co-InetureJNJ—IInspectionsPerformed:4StructuralEval(1657)38LOperatingTons(1552)0NoUtilities(2675)—FreqHrsDateRepType5DeckGeometry(1658)1.06OpRF(1553)0BridgeRails(1684)—I121.5611/2017Routine9Underclearance(1659)23[InventoryTons(1555)0Transition(1685)—FractCnt8Alignment(1661)0.64nvRE(1556)1Guardrails(1686)—UW6DeckOverall(1663)4OperatingLevel(1660)0Terminals(1687)——Special5Superstructure(1671)DOpen/Closed(1293)3.00AsphaltDepth(2610)——Interim4Substructure(1676)8Waterway(1662)10.0DesignCurbHt(2611)——UWI9Culvert(1678)2Scour(1680)32.0BridgeRailHt(2612)——Damage8Chan/Protection(1677)NSoundingsFlag(2693)1950YearBuilt(1332)——SafetyNPier/Abut/Prot(1679)NReviseRating(2688)1978YearRebuilt(1336)——ShortSpan9DrainCond(7664)PhotosFlag(2691)YSubjtoNBIS(2614)——InDepth0DrainStatus(7665)MeasureClrnc(2694)——AlphaSpanType:GeometricNDeckScaling(7666)9SdwkCond(7673)——TTC0ScalingPct(7667)9PaintCond(7674)7DeckRutting(7669)6ApproachCond(7681)8ExposedRebar(7670)9RetainingWall(7682)SufficiencyRating50.90SD6CurbCond(7672)9PierProt(7683)HighRiskBMSElementsElementElementDescriptionTotalUnitsState1State2State3State4ll4ConcreteMultipleWebGirderUnit192LF1620300216TimberAbutment66LF420024228TimberSubmergedPile/Column15EA1202—235TimberPierCap78LF590190—330MetalBridgeRailing64LF54010036lScour3EA2010—800AsphalticConcrete(AC)Overlay746SF746000:Notes0ORIENTATIONThebridgeisorientatedwesttoeast.Abutment1=west.PileA=north.MayCreekflowsfromthenorthtothesouth.3NOTE:—Bridgeisscheduledforreplacementin2017,projecttobefundedbyBRAC. BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage2of3Status:ReleasedPrintedOn:1116/2017Agency:RENTONCDGuid:4ldfb4UO-f506-42Ub-86eb-ea45eaae9a27CDDate:7/14/2017ProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.No.RENTON-23SID08557300Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGECarryingNE31STSTREETRouteOn01070MilePost5OOOIntersectingMAYCREEKRouteUnderMitePostNotes(Continued)IILOADRATINGBridgeloadpostingsignsareinplace(Type3=20T,Type3S2=30T,Type3-3=38T).RHP(9/15/2014)Bridgetimbercapatcenterbenthasbeenratedconsideringtherottenpiles(2Band2C)aregoneandthetemporaryshoringremoved.Withoutthepiles/shoring,thebridgecapcannotcarrythedeadload.MaintainadequatesupportofcapatBent2.ItemWB7293coded“D”fortemporaryshoring.114CONCRETEMULTIPLEWEBGIRDERUNITSpallswithexposedverticalbaronmostgirderwebs,bothspans.SPAN1-leakingandleachingbetweenmostlongitudinalgirdertubjoints.SPAN1&2-numerousspallswithexposedrebarinsoffitandwebs.216TIMBERABUTMENTBackwallplanksaremoistwithareasofalgaeandmossgrowth.Plankendsaresoft.Bothwallshavehollowsoundingareas.ToevoidsatthebottomofbackwallalongthesouthhalfofabutmentI.Wngwallsarerottenthroughout.Seerepairs.228TIMBERSUBMERGEDPILEICOLUMN1A-opencheck,drillnearbottom-8”shell,toprot-2”shell-eastfaceatcap.(state3)1E-drill-solid2A-abrasionatwaterline2B-I0’topdelam,1“shellatgroundlinewithlargeopencheck.RedTag(state4).2C-3”shellatwaterlineopenvoid.RedTag(state3)Bent2-Temporaryhelpercolumns-10”x10”timberpostsontimbermudsillsaddedbetween2B/Cand2C/D.Nodefectsinhelpercolumns235TIMBERPIERCAP2strutsextendingtoeachabutment.Strutsatpiles;2Eto1D,2BtoIA,2Dto3E,2Ato3BCap2-horizontalcheckleakingwater,westface,capendsaresoft;longitudinalsplitonthebottomofcaponsouthend.330METALBRIDGERAILINGTheW-beamonthesouthsidehaslightdamageatmidspan.MinordamageattopofNWmostbridgerailpost.Bridgerailissetbehindfaceofcurb.Railismis-lappedinsouthmidspanagainstdirectionoftraffic.Seerepairs.361SCOUR-FIELDAbutmentI-Toevoidsbetweenpiles1Eand1C;varyinghorizontaldepthsupto1’-9”,verticaldepth1-5”(state3)Seerepairs.Pier2-driftanddebrisacculatedonupstreampile2A.Abutment3-Minorscourholesformingaroundpiles3B,3C,and3D-novoidsatbottomplank.800ASPHALTICCONCRETE(AC)OVERLAYTransversecrackateastabutment.SomesettlementatallcornersofthebridgedeckintheHMA.1658DECKGEOMETRYUpdatedADTnumbersraisedcodefrom4to5.1680SCOUR-OFFICEBridgefoundationsareunknown,preparePlanofActionorScouranalysisTemporaryshoringsupportingBent2caprestsonmudsillsthatarescourcritical.1685TRANSITIONMissingstandardsizespacerblockatfirstpost.1687TERMINALThenortheastapproachrailterminalhasbeendamaged.Seerepairs.2688RATINGNOTE:2014analysisassumestempshoringatpier2isnotinplace.7681APPROACHROADWAYApproximately1/2”settlementonsouthsideofPierIandPier3.VoidalongedgeofpavementinsideofguardrailatSWcornerwestbridgejoint.Missingdelineatorsonsouthsideofbridge.Seerepairs.RepairsRepairNoPrRRepairDescriptionsNotedMaintVerifiedIiCHANNELDEBRIS9/23/2011Removewoodydebrisaccumulatedatupstreamendofpier221iGUARDRAIL9/23/2011NEguardrailterminaldamagedsectionneedsreplacement10001iSCOUR11/8/2011ToevoidshaveformedalongBentIbetweenPilesIEand1Cwithvaryinghorizontaldepthsupto1-10”,verticaldepth10-11”.——Implementscourmeasuresforbothabutments. Status:ReleasedCDGuid:4ldfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a2fAgency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPrintedOn:11/6/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Page3of3Br.No.RENTON-23SID08557300Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGECarryingNE31STSTREETRouteOn01070MilePost50.00IntersectingMAYCREEKRouteUnderMilePost——Repairs(Continued)RepairNoPrRRepairDescriptionsNotedMaintVerified10002iWINGWALLS11/8/2011Wingwallpilesandplanksarerottenthroughout.1.Replacerottentimberwingwallcomponentsinkind.10004TISIGNSDELINEATORS7/26/2012Missingdelineator’satsouthsideofbridge.Dirtydelineator’satnorthsideofbridge.Replaceand/orcleandelineators.—10005GUARDRAIL9/27/2012Re-alignmis-lappedrail.10007T1MBERPILES8/5/2014Pier2pilesBandChave3shellatgroundline.Provideshoringorreplacerottenpilesatpier2.100081LOADRATINGSIGNS6/23/2016——Moveloadpostingsignsclosertothebridge.InspectionsPerformedandResourcesRequiredReportTypeP?ErqFirin.iCertNoCoinspRoutine6/1/2017121.5TTMG1408JNJResourcesHoursMmPrefMaxFreqDateNeedDateOverrideNotesSpecialWADERS-HipwadersatminimumneededforEquipmentinspection BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage1offStatus:ReleasedCDGuid:41dfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb..ea45eaae9a2fBr.No.RENTON-23SID08557300CarryingNE31STSTREETIntersectingMAYCREEKBentBridgeRaiLSouthSide_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:BridgeRaiLNorthSideRenton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:PrintedOn:11/7/2017Agency:RENTONCDDate:7/1412017ProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.NameNE3151STREETBRiDGERouteOn01070RouteUnder(none)6/1/2017MilePost50.00MilePost(none)6/1/2017 BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage2offStatus:ReleasedCDGuid:41dfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a2fPrintedOn:11/7/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Agency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.No.RENTON-23CarryingNE31STSTREETIntersectingMAYCREEKDeckOverall_LookingEast_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:ExposedRebaronGirderWeb_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:MilePost50.00MilePostSID08557300Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGERouteOn01070RouteUnder(none)6/1/2017(none)6/1/2017 BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage3offStatus:ReleasedCDGuid:4ldfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a2fBr.No.RENTON-23SID08557300CarryingNE31STSTREETIntersectingMAYCREEKHelperColumn@Pier2Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Oñentafion:Date:Repairs:Pile2C_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Oentation:Date:Repairs:PrintedOn:11/7/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Agency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGERouteOn01070RouteUnderMilePost50.00MilePost(none)6/1/2017(none)6/1/2017 BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage4of7Status:ReleasedCDGuid:41dfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a27PrintedOn:11/7/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Agency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.No.RENTON-23CarryingNE31STSTREETIntersectingMAYCREEK4InchDeepOpenVoid@Pier2C_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:(none)Orientation:Date:6/1/2017Repairs:Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGERouteOn01070RouteUnderMilePost50.00MilePostEastAbutment_Renton23_C-I-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:SID08557300(none)6/1/2017 Status:ReleasedCDGuid:41dth4d0-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a27BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPrintedOn:11/7/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Agency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaPage5offBr.No.RENTON-23SID08557300CarryingNE31STSTREETIntersectingMAYCREEKWestAbutment_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:LongitudinalSplit@BoftomofCapbeam_Pier2SouthEnd_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:MilePost50.00MilePostBr.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGERouteOn01070RouteUnder(none)6/1/2017(none)6/1/2017 BRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPage6of7Status:ReleasedCDGuid:41dfb4dO-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a27PrintedOn:11/7/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Agency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaBr.No.RENTON-23CarryingNE31STSTREETintersectingMAYCREEKPier2_LookingEast_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:SEWingWallPilewithTopRot_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Orientation:Date:Repairs:Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGERouteOn01070RouteUnderSID08557300MilePost50.00MilePost(none)6/1/2017(none)6/1/2017 Status:ReleasedCDGuid:41dth4d0-f506-42db-86eb-ea45eaae9a2fBRIDGEINSPECTIONREPORTPrintedOn:11/7/2017CDDate:7/14/2017Agency:RENTONProgramMgr:RomanG.PeraltaPage7offBr.No.RENTON-23SID08557300CarryingNE31STSTREETIntersectingMAYCREEKSuperstructure_Renton23_6-1-2017{root}PhotoType:Oentaon:Date:Repairs:Br.NameNE31STSTREETBRIDGERouteOn01070RouteUnderMilePostMilePost50.00(none)6/112017           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Bridge Load Rating (2014)  JN. BY hacl DATE 9/14/2014 JOB DESCRIPTION SHEET 1 OF 10 CALCULATION FOR CHECKED BY MJLE DATE 9/14/2014 RENT-16 City of Renton Load Rating May Creek Cap Load Rating (RENTON23) 1.0 Design Assumptions: Loading rating completed assuming temporary shoring is not in place. (Timber piles 2B and 2C have failed) Temporary shoring must be maintained to ensure public safety. During high water and flood events the bridge should be monitored. Load rating should be completed with temporary shoring for legal posting values and special haul vehicles. 1.1 Design Specifications: 1. Washington Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual (BDM) 2. The Manual for Bridge Evaluation Edition/2013 (MBE) 2.0 Bridge Information Lspan1 16ft:= Lspan2 16ft:= Widthbridge 24ft:= twearing 3in:= Cap Dimensions: Wcap Widthbridge cos 30deg( ) 2 1.5×ft+30.71ft=:= Bfield 16 1 8 + in:=Field Measured Hfield 11.5in:=Field Measured Pile Dimensions: Pdia 12in:=Pile Diameter -Field measured (TYP) Pdia_2B 10in:=Pile Diameter -Field measured (TYP) Spile 6ft 8in+:=Typical pile spacing L2D2A 20ft 5in+:=width between 2D and 2A -field measured Hpile 6ft 2ft+:=Height of Pile -6ft to ground 2 ft to fixity Properties: timber 50pcf:=unit weight for timber BDM 13 := ACP 140pcf:=unit weight for ACP/HMA BDM 13 3.0 Cap Properties Inspection did not reveal any section loss therefore, Sx Bfield Hfield 2× 6 := Bending and Shear Stress Fb 1350psi:=Design Value for Douglas Fir No. 1 Timber, 2002 AASHTO Standard Spec Table 13.5.1A Fv 85psi:=Design Value for Douglas Fir No. 1 Timber, 2002 AASHTO Standard Spec Table 13.5.1A E 1600000psi:=Design Value for Douglas Fir No. 1 Timber, 2002 AASHTO Standard Spec Table 13.5.1A CM.b 0.85:=Wet Service Facto, C 2002 AASHTO Standard Spec Table 13.5.1A CM.v 0.97:= CM.E 0.9:= CD 1.15:=Duration Factor, 2002 AASHTO Standard Specs x 10:=Lbending L2D2A:= Cv min 21 Lbending ft 1-×     1 x 12 Hfield ft 1-×     1 x , 5.125 Bfield ft 1-×     1 x , 1,       1=:= Volume Factor, 2002 AASHTO Standard Specs CL 1.0:=Beam Stability Factor, 2002 AASHTO Standard Specs Allowable Bending Stress, per 2002 AASHTO Specs F'b Fb CM.b× CD× Cv× CL× 1319.62psi=:=Inventory F''b 1.33 F'b× 1755.1psi=:=Operating Allowable Shear Stress, per 2002 AASHTO Standard Specs F'v Fv CM.v× CD× 94.82psi=:=Inventory F''v 1.33 F'v× 126.11psi=:=Operating Modulus of Elasticity, per 2002 AASHTO Standard Specs 13.6.3 E' E CM.E× 1440000psi=:= 2 of 11 4.0 Bridge Loading Dead Load: Wgirder 6 2 1ft 9in+5.5in-( )× 6×in 4.5in 4ft 0in+( )×+[] 155×pcf Lspan1 Lspan2+ 2    × 41.54 kip×=:= weight of girder wgirder Wgirder Wcap 1.35 kip ft ×=:= wACP twearing Lspan1 Lspan2+ 2  × ACP× Widthbridge Wcap × 0.44 kip ft ×=:= wcap Bfield Hfield× timber× 0.06 kip ft ×=:= wDC wcap wgirder+1.42 kip ft ×=:= MDC wDC L2D2A 2× 12 49.22ft kip×=:= VDC wDC L2D2A× 2 14.46 kip×=:= DB.DC MDC Sx 1661.77 psi×=:= DV.DC 3VDC 2 Bfield× Hfield× 117psi=:= Wearing Surface: wDW wACP:= MDW wACP L2D2A 2× 12 15.2ft kip×=:= DB.DW MDW Sx 513.22 psi×=:= VDW wDW L2D2A× 2 4.47 kip×=:= DV.DW 3VDW 2 Bfield× Hfield× 36.14psi=:= +=:= 3 of 11 Db DB.DC DB.DW+2174.99psi=:= Dv DV.DC DV.DW+153.14psi=:= Live Load: HS-20 PHS20 max 8kip Lspan1 14ft- Lspan1 × 16kip+16kip Lspan2 14ft- Lspan2 ×+ 0.640 kip ft Lspan1 Lspan2+ 2  × 2 19.5kip 2 +,       19 kip×=:= Type 3 Truck PType3 8kip Lspan1 15ft- Lspan1 × 8.5kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 4ft- Lspan2 ×+15.37 kip×=:= Type 3S2 Truck PType3S2 7.75kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 × 7.75kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+13.56 kip×=:= Type 3-3 Truck PType3_3 6kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 × 6kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+8kip Lspan2 15ft- Lspan2 ×+11 kip×=:= 4 of 11 Notional Rating Load PNRL 4kip Lspan1 12ft- Lspan1 × 4kip Lspan1 8ft- Lspan1 ×+8.5kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 ×+ 8.5kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 × 4kip Lspan2 4ft- Lspan2 ×+4kip Lspan2 8ft- Lspan2 ×+4kip Lspan2 12ft- Lspan2 ×++ ...23.88 kip×=:= Special Haul Vehicles SU4 Truck PSU4 6kip Lspan1 14ft- Lspan1 × 4kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 4ft- Lspan2 ×+18.63 kip×=:= SU5 Truck PSU5 4kip Lspan1 8ft- Lspan1 × 4kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 4ft- Lspan2 ×+19.87 kip×=:= SU6 Truck PSU6 4kip Lspan1 8ft- Lspan1 × 4kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 4ft- Lspan2 ×+4kip Lspan2 8ft- Lspan2 ×+21.87 kip×=:= SU7 Truck 5 of 11 PSU7 4kip Lspan1 8ft- Lspan1 × 4kip Lspan1 4ft- Lspan1 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 0ft- Lspan2 ×+8.5kip Lspan2 4ft- Lspan2 ×+4kip Lspan2 8ft- Lspan2 ×+ 4kip Lspan2 12ft- Lspan2 ×+ ...22.87 kip×=:= Moments and Shears: Loads taken from Larsa Model Assuming that Pile 2B and 2C have failed MLL 96kip ft× 78kip ft× 68kip ft× 56kip ft× 121kip ft× 94kip ft× 101kip ft× 110kip ft× 116kip ft×                       := HS_20 Type_3 Type_3S2 Type_3_3 NRL SU4 SU5 SU6 SU7                       LLB MLL Sx 3241.22 2633.49 2295.86 1890.71 4085.29 3173.69 3410.03 3713.9 3916.47                       psi=:= HS_20 Type_3 Type_3S2 Type_3_3 NRL SU4 SU5 SU6 SU7                        6 of 11 Loads taken from Larsa Model Assuming that Pile 2B and 2C have zero support VLL 34kip 28kip 25kip 20kip 43kip 34kip 36kip 40kip 42kip                       := HS_20 Type_3 Type_3S2 Type_3_3 NRL SU4 SU5 SU6 SU7                       LLV 3VLL 2 Bfield× Hfield× 275.03 226.49 202.22 161.78 347.83 275.03 291.2 323.56 339.74                       psi=:= HS_20 Type_3 Type_3S2 Type_3_3 NRL SU4 SU5 SU6 SU7                       Distribution Factor: DF 1.0:= 4.0 Rating Factors RF C D- L =Load Rating Factor Cinv.b F'b 1319.62psi=:=Bearing Capacity for Inventory Rating Cop.b F''b 1755.1psi=:=Bearing Capacity for Operating Rating Clegal.b F''b 1755.1psi=:=Bearing Capacity for Legal Rating Cspl.b F''b 1755.1psi=:=Bearing Capacity for SHV Rating Cinv.v F'v 94.82psi=:=Shear Capacity for Inventory Rating Cop.v F''v 126.11psi=:=Shear Capacity for Operating Rating HS-20 7 of 11 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_HS Cinv.b Db- LLB1 0.26-=:= RFint.V_HS Cinv.v Dv- LLV1 0.21-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_HS Cop.b Db- LLB1 0.13-=:= RFop.V_HS Cop.v Dv- LLV1 0.1-=:= Type 3 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_3 Cinv.b Db- LLB2 0.32-=:= RFint.V_3 Cinv.v Dv- LLV2 0.26-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_3 Cop.b Db- LLB2 0.16-=:= RFop.V_3 Cop.v Dv- LLV2 0.12-=:= Type 3S2 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_3S Cinv.b Db- LLB3 0.37-=:= RFint.V_3S Cinv.v Dv- LLV3 0.29-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_3S Cop.b Db- LLB3 0.18-=:= - 8 of 11 RFop.V_3S Cop.v Dv- LLV3 0.13-=:= Type 3-3 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_33 Cinv.b Db- LLB4 0.45-=:= RFint.V_33 Cinv.v Dv- LLV4 0.36-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_33 Cop.b Db- LLB4 0.03-7×=:= RFop.V_33 Cop.v Dv- LLV4 0.17-=:= Type NRL Inventory Rating: RFint.B_NRL Cinv.b Db- LLB5 0.21-=:= RFint.V_NRL Cinv.v Dv- LLV5 0.17-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_NRL Cop.b Db- LLB5 0.1-=:= RFop.V_NRL Cop.v Dv- LLV5 0.08-=:= SU4 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_SU4 Cinv.b Db- LLB6 0.27-=:= RFint.V_SU4 Cinv.v Dv- LLV6 0.21-=:= Operating Rating: -9 of 11 RFop.B_SU4 Cop.b Db- LLB6 0.13-=:= RFop.V_SU4 Cop.v Dv- LLV6 0.1-=:= SU5 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_SU5 Cinv.b Db- LLB7 0.25-=:= RFint.V_SU5 Cinv.v Dv- LLV7 0.2-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_SU5 Cop.b Db- LLB7 0.12-=:= RFop.V_SU5 Cop.v Dv- LLV7 0.09-=:= SU6 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_SU6 Cinv.b Db- LLB8 0.23-=:= RFint.V_SU6 Cinv.v Dv- LLV8 0.18-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_SU6 Cop.b Db- LLB8 0.11-=:= RFop.V_SU6 Cop.v Dv- LLV8 0.08-=:= SU7 Inventory Rating: RFint.B_SU7 Cinv.b Db- LLB9 0.22-=:= - 10 of 11 RFint.V_SU7 Cinv.v Dv- LLV9 0.17-=:= Operating Rating: RFop.B_SU7 Cop.b Db- LLB9 0.11-=:= RFop.V_SU7 Cop.v Dv- LLV9 0.08-=:= 11 of 11           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Appendix E – Permits and Licenses            City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife  Hydraulic Project Approval  PERMITTEE AUTHORIZED AGENT OR CONTRACTOR City of Renton Widener & Associates ATTENTION: Derek Akesson ATTENTION: Ross Widener 1055 S Grady Way 10108 32nd Ave W, Ste D Renton, WA 98057 Everett, WA 98204-1302 Project Name:NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement Project Description:The project will replace an existing bridge on NE 31st Street with a new structure. Construction activities include demolition of the existing bridge, excavation, grading and clearing, pile driving (above OHW), installation of a new bridge foundation and superstructure, paving, erosion control, guardrail installation, riprap/boulder revetment, stream channel enhancements, and landscaping. The new bridge span will be 75 feet long, an increase from the original 32-foot bridge span. The project may involve the placement of a sandbag or steel sheet temporary stream diversion to isolate and dewater the work area. The stream diversion will only be used if necessary to deal with high flows. The project will provide net habitat improvements by removing creosote piers and abutments and incorporating a bridge design that spans the entire channel. The longer span will increase the amount of viable habitat beneath the bridge. Some riprap will be removed and streambed cobble will top what is currently the location of existing abutments. These improvements will provide a benefit to water quality and physical habitat features. PROVISIONS TIMING - PLANS - INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL 1. TIMING LIMITATION: You may begin the project immediately and you must complete the project by March 21, 2022, provided that installation of bridge piling and work within the wetted perimeter shall occur only between June 15 and August 31. 2. APPROVED PLANS: You must accomplish the work per plans and specifications submitted with the application and approved by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife entitled, "PROPOSED PROJECT: NE 31st St Bridge Replacement", dated January 30, 2017", except as modified by this Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA). You must have a copy of these plans and this HPA available on site during all phases of the project construction. 3. INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL: Thoroughly clean all equipment and gear before arriving and leaving the job site to prevent the transport and introduction of aquatic invasive species. Properly dispose of any water and chemicals used to clean gear and equipment. You can find additional information in the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's Invasive Species Management Protocols (November 2012), available online at http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01490/wdfw01490.pdf. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 4. PRE- AND POST-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION: You, your agent, or contractor must contact the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife by e-mail to larry.fisher@dfw.wa.gov or his successor and to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov; mail to Post Office Box 43234, Olympia, Washington 98504-3234; or fax to (360) 902- 2946 at least three business days before starting work, and again within seven days after completing the work. The Page 1 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 notification must include the permittee's name, project location, starting date for work or date the work was completed, and the permit number. 5. PHOTOGRAPHS: You, your agent, or contractor must take photographs of the job site before the work begins and after the work is completed. You must upload the photographs to the post-permit requirement page in the Aquatic Protection Permitting System (APPS) or mail them to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at Post Office Box 43234, Olympia, Washington 98504-3234 within 30-days after the work is completed. 6. FISH KILL/ WATER QUALITY PROBLEM NOTIFICATION: If a fish kill occurs or fish are observed in distress at the job site, immediately stop all activities causing harm. Immediately notify the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Habitat Biologist listed below or his successor of the problem. If the likely cause of the fish kill or fish distress is related to water quality, also notify the Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division at 1-800-258 -5990. Activities related to the fish kill or fish distress must not resume until the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife gives approval. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife may require additional measures to mitigate impacts. STAGING, JOB SITE ACCESS, AND EQUIPMENT 7. Establish staging areas (used for equipment storage, vehicle storage, fueling, servicing, and hazardous material storage) in a location and manner that will prevent contaminants such as petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh concrete, sediments, sediment-laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or harmful materials from entering waters of the state. 8. Clearly mark boundaries to establish the limit of work associated with site access and construction. 9. Limit the removal of native bankline vegetation to the minimum amount needed to construct the project. 10. Retain all natural habitat features on the bed or banks including large woody material and boulders. You may move these natural habitat features during construction but you must place them near the preproject location before leaving the job site. 11. Check equipment daily for leaks and complete any required repairs in an upland location before using the equipment in or near the water. 12. Use environmentally acceptable lubricants composed of biodegradable base oils such as vegetable oils, synthetic esters, and polyalkylene glycols in equipment operated in or near the water. CONSTRUCTION-RELATED SEDIMENT, EROSION AND POLLUTION CONTAINMENT 13. Work in the dry watercourse (when no natural flow is occurring in the channel, or when flow is diverted around the job site). 14. Complete all in-water construction activity prior to releasing the water flow to the project area. 15. Protect all disturbed areas from erosion. Maintain erosion and sediment control until all work and cleanup of the job site is complete. 16. All erosion control materials that will remain onsite must be composed of 100% biodegradable materials. 17. Straw used for erosion and sediment control, must be certified free of noxious weeds and their seeds. 18. Stop all hydraulic project activities except those needed to control erosion and siltation, if flow conditions arise that will result in erosion or siltation of waters of the state. 19. Prevent project contaminants, such as petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh concrete, sediments, sediment- laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or harmful materials, from entering or leaching into waters of the state. 20. Route construction water (wastewater) from the project to an upland area above the limits of anticipated floodwater. Remove fine sediment and other contaminants before discharging the construction water to waters of the state. 21. Deposit waste material from the project, such as construction debris, silt, excess dirt, or overburden, in an upland area above the limits of anticipated floodwater unless the material is approved by the Washington Department of Fish Page 2 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 and Wildlife for reuse in the project. 22. Deposit all trash from the project at an appropriate upland disposal location. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 23. Store all construction and deconstruction material in a location and manner that will prevent contaminants such as petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh cement, sediments, sediment-laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or harmful materials from entering waters of the state. 24. Use only clean, suitable material as fill material (no trash, debris, car bodies, tires, asphalt, concrete, etc.). 25. Angular rock used for the project must be large enough and installed to withstand the 100-year peak flow. 26. Do not use wood treated with oil-type preservatives (creosote, pentachlorophenol) in any hydraulic project. You may use wood treated with waterborne preservatives (ACZA, ACQ) provided the wood is approved by the Western Wood Preservers Institute for use in the aquatic environment. Any use of treated wood in the aquatic environment must follow guidelines and best management practices available at www.wwpinstitute.org. IN-WATER WORK AREA ISOLATION USING A TEMPORARY BYPASS 27. Isolate fish from the work area by using either a total or partial bypass to reroute the stream through a temporary channel or pipe. 28. Provide fish passage during times of the year when fish are expected to migrate. 29. Sequence the work to minimize the duration of dewatering. 30. Use the least-impacting feasible method to temporarily bypass water from the work area. Consider the physical characteristics of the site and the anticipated volume of water flowing through the work area. 31. The hydraulic capacity of the stream bypass must be equal to or greater than the 25-year peak flow event expected when the bypass will be operated. 32. Design the temporary bypass to minimize the length of the dewatered stream channel. 33. During all phases of bypass installation and decommissioning, maintain flows downstream of the project site to ensure survival of all downstream fish. 34. Install the temporary bypass before starting other construction work in the wetted perimeter. 35. Install a cofferdam or similar device at the upstream and downstream end of the bypass to prevent backwater from entering the work area. 36. Return diverted water to the channel immediately downstream of the work area. Dissipate flow energy from the diversion to prevent scour or erosion of the channel and bank. 37. If the diversion inlet is a gravity diversion that provides fish passage, place the diversion outlet where it facilitates gradual and safe reentry of fish into the stream channel. 38. If the bypass is a pumped diversion, once started it must run continuously until it is no longer necessary to bypass flows. This requires back-up pumps on-site and twenty-four-hour monitoring for overnight operation. 39. If the diversion inlet is a pump diversion in a fish-bearing stream, the pump intake structure must have a fish screen installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with RCW 77.57.010 and 77.57.070. Screen the pump intake with one of the following: a) Perforated plate: 0.094 inch (maximum opening diameter); b) Profile bar: 0.069 inch (maximum width opening); or c) Woven wire: 0.087 inch (maximum opening in the narrow direction). The minimum open area for all types of fish screens is twenty-seven percent. The screened intake facility must have enough surface area to ensure that the velocity through the screen is less than 0.4 feet per second. Maintain fish screens to prevent injury or entrapment of fish. Page 3 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 40. The fish screen must remain in place whenever water is withdrawn from the stream through the pump intake. 41. Remove fish screens on dewatering pumps in the isolated work area only after all fish are safe and excluded from the work area. 42. Isolate pump hose intakes with block nets so that fish cannot get near the intake. IN-WATER WORK AREA ISOLATION USING A COFFERDAM STRUCTURE 43. Use a cofferdam, dike, or similar structure to exclude water from the work area. 44. Maintain water quality when installing and removing the cofferdam, dike or similar structure. 45. Install the cofferdam, dike or similar structure and remove fish prior to the start of other work in the wetted perimeter. 46. Route the construction water (wastewater) from the project to an upland area above the limits of anticipated floodwater. Remove fine sediment and other contaminants before discharging the construction water to waters of the state. 47. Sequence the work to minimize the duration of dewatering. FISH LIFE REMOVAL 48. All persons participating in capture and removal must have training, knowledge, and skills in the safe handling of fish life. 49. If electrofishing is conducted, a person with electrofishing training must be on-site to conduct or direct all electrofishing activities. 50. If personnel are available, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and affected tribes may help capture and move fish life from the job site. 51. Place block nets upstream and downstream of the in-water work area before capturing and removing fish life. 52. Capture and safely move fish life from the work area to the nearest suitable free-flowing water. CHANNEL AND HABITAT RESTORATION AND STREAMBANK PROTECTION 53. The length of the bank armoring must not exceed what is shown in the approved plans (Provision 2). 54. Install the toe to protect the integrity of bank protection material. 55. Bury the base of the structure deep enough to prevent undermining. 56. Do not release overburden material into the waters of the state when resloping the bank. 57. Do not use bed gravel for exterior armor or backfill unless approved by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. BRIDGE 58. Design and construct the bridge to pass water, ice, large wood, and associated woody material and sediment likely to move under the bridge during the 100-year flood flows. 59. Use material for the approaches that is structurally stable and that will not harm fish life if it erodes into the water. 60. Prevent the existing structure and associated construction materials from entering the stream when removing them. DIVERSION/INTAKES 61. Equip, operate, and maintain any device used for diverting water from a fish-bearing watercourse with a fish screen approved by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to prevent passage or impingement of fish. Operate and maintain the fish screen and associated structures as necessary to achieve the required approach velocity, a functional Page 4 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 APPLY TO ALL HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVALS This Hydraulic Project Approval pertains only to those requirements of the Washington State Hydraulic Code, specifically Chapter 77.55 RCW. Additional authorization from other public agencies may be necessary for this project. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued is responsible for applying for and obtaining any additional authorization from other public agencies (local, state and/or federal) that may be necessary for this project. LOCATION #1:Site Name: NE 31st Street Bridge , Renton, WA 98056 WORK START:March 22, 2017 WORK END:March 21, 2022 WRIA Waterbody:Tributary to: 08 - Cedar - Sammamish May Creek Lake Washington 1/4 SEC:Section:Township:Range:Latitude:Longitude:County: 32 24 N 05 E 47.51905 -122.191643 King Location #1 Driving Directions From I-405, take exit 7 and turn onto NE 44th St eastbound. Turn right onto NE 43rd Pl and continue until it veers left and becomes Jones Ave NE. Continue straight until it becomes NE 31st St. The bridge is located approximately ¼ mile down the road. bypass, and fish protection and passage criteria. DEMOBILIZATION AND CLEANUP 62. Do not relocate removed or replaced structures within waters of the state. Remove and dispose of these structures in an upland area above the limits of anticipated floodwater. 63. Replace native riparian zone and aquatic vegetation, and wetland vascular plants (except noxious weeds) damaged or destroyed by construction using a proven methodology. 64. Seed areas disturbed by construction activities with a native seed mix suitable for the site that has at least one quick-establishing plant species. 65. Complete planting of riparian vegetation prior to the end of the first dormant season (late fall through late winter) after completion of other project grading activities. Maintain plantings for at least three years to ensure at least eighty percent survival of each species of a contingency species approved by the Habitat Biologist. Failure to achieve the eighty percent survival in year three will require you to submit a plan with follow-up measures to achieve requirements or reasons to modify requirements. 66. Upon completion of the project, remove all materials or equipment from the site and dispose of all excess spoils and waste materials in an upland area above the limits of anticipated floodwater. 67. Remove temporary erosion and sediment control methods after job site is stabilized or within three months of project completion, whichever is sooner. Page 5 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 This Hydraulic Project Approval shall be available on the job site at all times and all its provisions followed by the person (s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued and operator(s) performing the work. This Hydraulic Project Approval does not authorize trespass. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued and operator(s) performing the work may be held liable for any loss or damage to fish life or fish habitat that results from failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval could result in a civil penalty of up to one hundred dollars per day and/or a gross misdemeanor charge, possibly punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. All Hydraulic Project Approvals issued under RCW 77.55.021 are subject to additional restrictions, conditions, or revocation if the Department of Fish and Wildlife determines that changed conditions require such action. The person(s) to whom this Hydraulic Project Approval is issued has the right to appeal those decisions. Procedures for filing appeals are listed below. MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS HPA: You may request approval of minor modifications to the required work timing or to the plans and specifications approved in this HPA unless this is a General HPA. If this is a General HPA you must use the Major Modification process described below. Any approved minor modification will require issuance of a letter documenting the approval. A minor modification to the required work timing means any change to the work start or end dates of the current work season to enable project or work phase completion. Minor modifications will be approved only if spawning or incubating fish are not present within the vicinity of the project. You may request subsequent minor modifications to the required work timing. A minor modification of the plans and specifications means any changes in the materials, characteristics or construction of your project that does not alter the project's impact to fish life or habitat and does not require a change in the provisions of the HPA to mitigate the impacts of the modification. Minor modifications do not require you to pay additional application fees or be issued a new HPA. If you originally applied for your HPA through the online Aquatic Protection Permitting System (APPS), you may request a minor modification through APPS. A link to APPS is at http://wdfw.wa.gov/licensing/hpa/. If you did not use APPS you must submit a written request that clearly indicates you are seeking a minor modification to an existing HPA. Written requests must include the name of the applicant, the name of the authorized agent if one is acting for the applicant, the APP ID number of the HPA, the date issued, the permitting biologist, the requested changes to the HPA, the reason for the requested change, the date of the request, and the requestor's signature. Send by mail to: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, PO Box 43234, Olympia, Washington 98504-3234, or by email to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov. Do not include payment with your request. You should allow up to 45 days for the department to process your request. Page 6 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS HPA: You may request approval of major modifications to any aspect of your HPA. Any approved change other than a minor modification to your HPA will require issuance of a new HPA. If you paid an application fee for your original HPA you must pay an additional $150 for the major modification. If you did not pay an application fee for the original HPA, no fee is required for a change to it. If you originally applied for your HPA through the online Aquatic Protection Permitting System (APPS), you may request a major modification through APPS. A link to APPS is at http://wdfw.wa.gov/licensing/hpa/. If you did not use APPS you must submit a written request that clearly indicates you are requesting a major modification to an existing HPA. Written requests must include the name of the applicant, the name of the authorized agent if one is acting for the applicant, the APP ID number of the HPA, the date issued, the permitting biologist, the requested changes to the HPA, the reason for the requested change, the date of the request, payment if the original application was subject to an application fee, and the requestor's signature. Send your written request and payment, if applicable, by mail to: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, PO Box 43234, Olympia, Washington 98504-3234. You may email your request for a major modification to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov, but must send a check or money order for payment by surface mail. You should allow up to 45 days for the department to process your request. APPEALS INFORMATION If you wish to appeal the issuance, denial, conditioning, or modification of a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) recommends that you first contact the department employee who issued or denied the HPA to discuss your concerns. Such a discussion may resolve your concerns without the need for further appeal action. If you proceed with an appeal, you may request an informal or formal appeal. WDFW encourages you to take advantage of the informal appeal process before initiating a formal appeal. The informal appeal process includes a review by department management of the HPA or denial and often resolves issues faster and with less legal complexity than the formal appeal process. If the informal appeal process does not resolve your concerns, you may advance your appeal to the formal process. You may contact the HPA Appeals Coordinator at (360) 902-2534 for more information. A. INFORMAL APPEALS: WAC 220-660-460 is the rule describing how to request an informal appeal of WDFW actions taken under Chapter 77.55 RCW. Please refer to that rule for complete informal appeal procedures. The following information summarizes that rule. A person who is aggrieved by the issuance, denial, conditioning, or modification of an HPA may request an informal appeal of that action. You must send your request to WDFW by mail to the HPA Appeals Coordinator, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Program, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501-1091; e-mail to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov; fax to (360) 902-2946; or hand-delivery to the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St SE, Habitat Program, Fifth floor. WDFW must receive your request within 30 days from the date you receive notice of the decision. If you agree, and you applied for the HPA, resolution of the appeal may be facilitated through an informal conference with the WDFW employee responsible for the decision and a supervisor. If a resolution is not reached through the informal conference, or you are not the person who applied for the HPA, the HPA Appeals Coordinator or designee will conduct an informal hearing and recommend a decision to the Director or designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of the informal appeal, you may file a request for a formal appeal. B. FORMAL APPEALS: WAC 220-660-470 is the rule describing how to request a formal appeal of WDFW actions taken under Chapter 77.55 RCW. Please refer to that rule for complete formal appeal procedures. The following information summarizes that rule. Page 7 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017 A person who is aggrieved by the issuance, denial, conditioning, or modification of an HPA may request a formal appeal of that action. You must send your request for a formal appeal to the clerk of the Pollution Control Hearings Boards and serve a copy on WDFW within 30 days from the date you receive notice of the decision. You may serve WDFW by mail to the HPA Appeals Coordinator, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Program, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501-1091; e-mail to HPAapplications@dfw.wa.gov; fax to (360) 902-2946; or hand-delivery to the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St SE, Habitat Program, Fifth floor. The time period for requesting a formal appeal is suspended during consideration of a timely informal appeal. If there has been an informal appeal, you may request a formal appeal within 30 days from the date you receive the Director's or designee's written decision in response to the informal appeal. C. FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME PERIODS: If there is no timely request for an appeal, the WDFW action shall be final and unappealable. Habitat Biologist Larry.Fisher@dfw.wa.gov for Director WDFWLarry Fisher 425-313-5683 Page 8 of 8 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 43234 Olympia, WA 98504-3234 (360) 902-2200 Permit Number: 2017-4-164+01 FPA/Public Notice Number: N/A Application ID: 10211 Project End Date: March 21, 2022 Issued Date: March 22, 2017           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    US Army Corps of Engineers  Nationwide Permit 23  NATIONWIDE PERMIT 23 Terms and Conditions Effective Date: March 19, 2017 A. Description of Authorized Activities B. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) National General Conditions for all NWPs C. Corps Seattle District Regional General Conditions D. Corps Regional Specific Conditions for this NWP E. Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) Section 401 Water Quality Certification (401 Certification): General Conditions F. Ecology 401 Certification: Specific Conditions for this NWP G. Coastal Zone Management Consistency Response for this NWP In addition to any special condition that may be required on a case-by-case basis by the District Engineer, the following terms and conditions must be met, as applicable, for a Nationwide Permit (NWP) authorization to be valid in Washington State. A. DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES Approved Categorical Exclusions. Activities undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded, or financed, in whole or in part, by another Federal agency or department where: (a) That agency or department has determined, pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality's implementing regulations for the National Environmental Policy Act (40 CFR part 1500 et seq.), that the activity is categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact statement or environmental assessment analysis, because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually nor cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment; and (b) The Office of the Chief of Engineers (Attn: CECW-CO) has concurred with that agency’s or department’s determination that the activity is categorically excluded and approved the activity for authorization under NWP 23. The Office of the Chief of Engineers may require additional conditions, including pre- construction notification, for authorization of an agency’s categorical exclusions under this NWP. Notification: Certain categorical exclusions approved for authorization under this NWP require the permittee to submit a pre-construction notification to the district engineer prior to commencing the activity (see general condition 32). The activities that require pre-construction notification are listed in the appropriate Regulatory Guidance Letters. (Authorities: Sections 10 and 404) Note: The agency or department may submit an application for an activity believed to be categorically excluded to the Office of the Chief of Engineers (Attn: CECW-CO). Prior to approval for authorization under this NWP of any agency's activity, the Office of the Chief of Engineers will solicit public comment. As of the date of issuance of this NWP, agencies with approved categorical exclusions are: the Bureau of Reclamation, Federal Highway Administration, and U.S. Coast Guard. Activities approved for authorization under this NWP as of the date of this notice are found in Corps Regulatory Guidance Letter 05-07, which is available at: http://www.usace.army.mil/Portals/2/docs/civilworks/RGLS/rgl05-07.pdf . Any future approved 2 categorical exclusions will be announced in Regulatory Guidance Letters and posted on this same web site. B. CORPS NATIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ALL NWPs To qualify for NWP authorization, the prospective permittee must comply with the following general conditions, as applicable, in addition to any regional or case-specific conditions imposed by the division engineer or district engineer. Every person who may wish to obtain permit authorization under one or more NWPs, or who is currently relying on an existing or prior permit authorization under one or more NWPs, has been and is on notice that all of the provisions of 33 CFR 330.1 through 330.6 apply to every NWP authorization. Note especially 33 CFR 330.5 relating to the modification, suspension, or revocation of any NWP authorization. 1. Navigation. (a) No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. (b) Any safety lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, must be installed and maintained at the permittee's expense on authorized facilities in navigable waters of the United States. (c) The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. 2. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the necessary life cycle movements of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species that normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. All permanent and temporary crossings of waterbodies shall be suitably culverted, bridged, or otherwise designed and constructed to maintain low flows to sustain the movement of those aquatic species. If a bottomless culvert cannot be used, then the crossing should be designed and constructed to minimize adverse effects to aquatic life movements. 3. Spawning Areas. Activities in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g., through excavation, fill, or downstream smothering by substantial turbidity) of an important spawning area are not authorized. 4. Migratory Bird Breeding Areas. Activities in waters of the United States that serve as breeding areas for migratory birds must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 5. Shellfish Beds. No activity may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish populations, unless the activity is directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by NWPs 4 and 48, or is a shellfi sh seeding or habitat restoration activity authorized by NWP 27. 6. Suitable Material. No activity may use unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.). Material used for construction or discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts (see section 307 of the Clean Water Act). 7. Water Supply Intakes. No activity may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake, except where the activity is for the repair or improvement of public water supply intake structur es or adjacent bank stabilization. 3 8. Adverse Effects From Impoundments. If the activity creates an impoundment of water, adverse effects to the aquatic system due to accelerating the passage of water, and/or restricting its flow must be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 9. Management of Water Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, the pre-construction course, condition, capacity, and location of open waters must be maintained for each activity, including stream channelization, storm water management activities, and temporary and permanent road crossings, except as provided below. The activity must be constructed to withstand expected high flows. The activity must not restrict or impede the passage of normal or high flows, unless the primary purpose of the activity is to impound water or manage high flows. The activity may alter the pre-construction course, condition, capacity, and location of open waters if it benefits the aquatic environment (e.g., stream restoration or relocation activities). 10. Fills Within 100-Year Floodplains. The activity must comply with applicable FEMA-approved state or local floodplain management requirements. 11. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands or mudflats must be placed on mats, or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 12. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls. Appropriate soil erosion and sediment controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the ordinary high water mark or high tide line, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. Permittees are encouraged to perform work within waters of the United States during periods of low-flow or no-flow, or during low tides. 13. Removal of Temporary Fills. Temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to pre-construction elevations. The affected areas must be revegetated, as appropriate. 14. Proper Maintenance. Any authorized structure or fill shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety and compliance with applicable NWP general conditions, as well as any activity-specific conditions added by the district engineer to an NWP authorization. 15. Single and Complete Project. The activity must be a single and complete project. The same NWP cannot be used more than once for the same single and complete project. 16. Wild and Scenic Rivers. (a) No NWP activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” for possible inclusion in the system while the river is in an official study status, unless the appropriate Federal agency with direct management responsibility for such river, has determined in writing that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation or study status. (b) If a proposed NWP activity will occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” for possible inclusion in the system while the river is in an official study status, the permittee must submit a pre-construction notification (see general condition 32). The district engineer will coordinate the PCN with the Federal agency with direct management responsibility for that river. The permittee shall not begin the NWP activity until notified by the district engineer that the Federal agency with direct management responsibility for that river has determined in writing that the proposed NWP activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation or study status. (c) Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency responsible for the designated Wild and Scenic River or study river (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). Information on these rivers is also available at: http://www.rivers.gov/. 4 17. Tribal Rights. No NWP activity may cause more than minimal adverse effects on tribal rights (including treaty rights), protected tribal resources, or tribal lands. 18. Endangered Species. (a) No activity is authorized under any NWP which is likely to directly or indirectly jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), or which will directly or indirectly destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. No activity is authorized under any NWP which “may affect” a listed species or critical habitat, unless ESA section 7 consultation addressing the effects of the proposed activity has been completed. Direct effects are the immediate effects on listed species and critical habitat caused by the NWP activity. Indirect effects are those effects on listed species and critical habitat that are caused by the NWP activity and are later in time, but still are reasonably certain to occur. (b) Federal agencies should follow their own procedures for complying with the requirements of the ESA. If pre-construction notification is required for the proposed activity, the Federal permittee must provide the district engineer with the appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance with those requirements. The district engineer will verify that the appropriate documentation has been submitted. If the appropriate documentation has not been submitted, additional ESA section 7 consultation may be necessary for the activity and the respective federal agency would be responsible for fulfilling its obligation under section 7 of the ESA. (c) Non-federal permittees must submit a pre-construction notification to the district engineer if any listed species or designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the activity, or if the activity is located in designated critical habitat, and shall not begin work on the activity until notified by the district engineer that the requirements of the ESA have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. For activities that might affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitat, the pre-construction notification must include the name(s) of the endangered or threatened species that might be affected by the proposed activity or that utilize the designated critical habitat that might be affected by the proposed activity. The district engineer will determine whether the proposed activity “may affect” or will have “no effect” to listed species and designated critical habitat and will notify the non-Federal applicant of the Corps’ determination within 45 days of receipt of a complete pre-construction notification. In cases where the non-Federal applicant has identified listed species or critical habitat that might be affected or is in the vicinity of the activity, and has so notified the Corps, the applicant shall not begin work until the Corps has provided notification that the proposed activity will have “no effect” on listed species or critical habitat, or until ESA section 7 consultation has been completed. If the non-Federal applicant has not heard back from the Corps within 45 days, the applicant must still wait for notification from the Corps. (d) As a result of formal or informal consultation with the FWS or NMFS the district engineer may add species-specific permit conditions to the NWPs. (e) Authorization of an activity by an NWP does not authorize the “take” of a threatened or endangered species as defined under the ESA. In the absence of separate authorization (e.g., an ESA Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion with “incidental take” provisions, etc.) from the FWS or the NMFS, the Endangered Species Act prohibits any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to take a listed species, where "take" means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct. The word “harm” in the definition of “take'' means an act which actually kills or injures wildlife. Such an act may include significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding or sheltering. (f) If the non-federal permittee has a valid ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permit with an approved Habitat Conservation Plan for a project or a group of projects that includes the proposed NWP activity, the non-federal applicant should provide a copy of that ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) permit with the PCN required by paragraph (c) of this general condition. The district engineer will coordinate with the agency that issued the ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) permit to determine whether the proposed NWP activity and the associated incidental take were considered in the internal ESA section 7 consultation conducted for the ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) permit. If that coordination results in concurrence from the agency that the proposed NWP activity and the associated incidental take were considered in the internal ESA section 7 consultation for the ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) permit, the district engineer does not need to conduct a 5 separate ESA section 7 consultation for the proposed NWP activity. The district engineer will notify the non-federal applicant within 45 days of receipt of a complete pre-construction notification whether the ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) permit covers the proposed NWP activity or whether additional ESA section 7 consultation is required. (g) Information on the location of threatened and endangered species and their critical habitat can be obtained directly from the offices of the FWS and NMFS or their world wide web pages at http://www.fws.gov/ or http://www.fws.gov/ipac and http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/esa/ respectively. 19. Migratory Birds and Bald and Golden Eagles. The permittee is responsible for ensuring their action complies with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permittee is responsible for contacting appropriate local office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine applicable measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds or eagles, including whether “incidental take” permits are necessary and available under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act for a particular activity. 20. Historic Properties. (a) In cases where the district engineer determines that the activity may have the potential to cause effects to properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places, the activity is not authorized, until the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) have been satisfied. (b) Federal permittees should follow their own procedures for complying with the requirements of section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. If pre - construction notification is required for the proposed NWP activity, the Federal permittee must provide the district engineer with the appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance with those requirements. The district engineer will verify that the appropriate documentation has been submitted. If the appropriate documentation is not submitted, then additional consultation under section 106 may be necessary. The respective federal agency is responsible for fulfilling its obligation to comply with section 106. (c) Non-federal permittees must submit a pre-construction notification to the district engineer if the NWP activity might have the potential to cause effects to any historic properties listed on, determined to be eligible for listing on, or potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, including previously unidentified properties. For such activities, the pre-construction notification must state which historic properties might have the potential to be affected by the proposed NWP activity or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic properties or the potential for the presence of historic properties. Assistance regarding information on the location of, or potential for, the presence of historic properties can be sought from the State Historic Preservation Officer, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, or designated tribal representative, as appropriate, and the National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). When reviewing pre-construction notifications, district engineers will comply with the current procedures for addressing the requirements of section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The district engineer shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to carry out appropriate identification efforts, which may include background research, consultation, oral history interviews, sample field investigation, and field survey. Based on the information submitted in the PCN and these identification efforts, the district engineer shall determine whether the proposed NWP activity has the potential to cause effects on the historic properties. Section 106 consultation is not required when the district engineer determines that the activity does not have the potential to cause effects on historic properties (see 36 CFR 800.3(a)). Section 106 consultation is required when the district engineer determines that the activity has the potential to cause effects on historic properties. The district engineer will conduct consultation with consulting parties identified under 36 CFR 800.2(c) when he or she makes any of the following effect determinations for the purposes of section 106 of the NHPA: no historic properties affected, no adverse effect, or adverse effect. Where the non-Federal applicant has identified historic properties on which the activity might have the potential to cause effects and so notified the Corps, the non-Federal applicant shall not begin the activity until notified by the district engineer either that the activity has no potential to cause effects to historic properties or that NHPA section 106 consultation has been completed. (d) For non-federal permittees, the district engineer will notify the prospective permittee within 45 days of receipt of a complete pre-construction notification whether 6 NHPA section 106 consultation is required. If NHPA section 106 consultation is required, the district engineer will notify the non-Federal applicant that he or she cannot begin the activity until section 106 consultation is completed. If the non-Federal applicant has not heard back from the Corps within 45 days, the applicant must still wait for notification from the Corps. (e) Prospective permittees should be aware that section 110k of the NHPA (54 U.S.C. 306113) prevents the Corps from granting a permit or other assistance to an applicant who, with intent to avoid the requirements of section 106 of the NHPA, has intentionally significantly adversely affected a historic property to which the permit would relate, or having legal power to prevent it, allowed such significant adverse effect to occur, unless the Corps, after consultation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), determines that circumstances justify granting such assistance despite the adverse effect created or permitted by the applicant. If circumstances justify granting the assistance, the Corps is required to notify the ACHP and provide documentation specifying the circumstances, the degree of damage to the integrity of any historic properties affected, and proposed mitigation. This documentation must include any views obtained from the applicant, SHPO/THPO, appropriate Indian tribes if the undertaking occurs on or affects historic properties on tribal lands or affects properties of interest to those tribes, and other parties known to have a legitimate interest in the impacts to the permitted activity on historic properties. 21. Discovery of Previously Unknown Remains and Artifacts. If you discover any previously unknown historic, cultural or archeological remains and artifacts while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify the district engineer of what you have found, and to the maximum extent practicable, avoid construction activities that may affect the remains and artifacts until the required coordination has been completed. The district engineer will initiate the Federal, Tribal, and state coordination required to determine if the items or remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 22. Designated Critical Resource Waters. Critical resource waters include, NOAA-managed marine sanctuaries and marine monuments, and National Estuarine Research Reserves. The district engineer may designate, after notice and opportunity for public comment, additional waters officially designated by a state as having particular environmental or ecological significance, such as outstanding national resource waters or state natural heritage sites. The district engineer may also designate additional critical resource waters after notice and opportunity for public comment. (a) Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States are not authorized by NWPs 7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 29, 31, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51, and 52 for any activity within, or directly affecting, critical resource waters, including wetlands adjacent to such waters. (b) For NWPs 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, and 54, notification is required in accordance with general condition 32, for any activity proposed in the designated critical resource waters including wetlands adjacent to those waters. The district engineer may authorize activities under these NWPs only after it is determined that the impacts to the critical resource waters will be no more than minimal. 23. Mitigation. The district engineer will consider the following factors when determining appropriate and practicable mitigation necessary to ensure that the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal: (a) The activity must be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects, both temporary and permanent, to waters of the United States to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on site). (b) Mitigation in all its forms (avoiding, minimizing, rectifying, reducing, or compensating for resource losses) will be required to the extent necessary to ensure that the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal. (c) Compensatory mitigation at a minimum one-for-one ratio will be required for all wetland losses that exceed 1/10-acre and require pre-construction notification, unless the district engineer determines in writing that either some other form of mitigation would be more environmentally appropriate or the adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity are no more than minimal, and provides an activity-specific waiver of this requirement. For wetland losses of 1/10-acre or less that require pre- 7 construction notification, the district engineer may determine on a case-by-case basis that compensatory mitigation is required to ensure that the activity results in only minimal adverse environmental effects. (d) For losses of streams or other open waters that require pre-construction notification, the district engineer may require compensatory mitigation to ensure that the activity results in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. Compensatory mitigation for losses of streams should be provided, if practicable, through stream rehabilitation, enhancement, or preservation, since streams are difficult-to- replace resources (see 33 CFR 332.3(e)(3)). (e) Compensatory mitigation plans for NWP activities in or near streams or other open waters will normally include a requirement for the restoration or enhancement, maintenance, and legal protection (e.g., conservation easements) of riparian areas next to open waters. In some cases, the restoration or maintenance/protection of riparian areas may be the only compensatory mitigation required. Restored riparian areas should consist of native species. The width of the required riparian area will address documented water quality or aquatic habitat loss concerns. Normally, the riparian area will be 25 to 50 feet wide on each side of the stream, but the district engineer may require slightly wider riparian areas to address documented water quality or habitat loss concerns. If it is not possible to restore or maintain/protect a riparian area on both sides of a stream, or if the waterbody is a lake or coastal waters, then restoring or maintaining/protecting a riparian area along a single bank or shoreline may be sufficient. Where both wetlands and open waters exist on the project site, the district engineer will determine the appropriate compensatory mitigation (e.g., riparian areas and/or wetlands compensation) based on what is best for the aquatic environment on a watershed basis. In cases where riparian areas are determined to be the most appropriate form of minimization or compensatory mitigation, the district engineer may waive or reduce the requirement to provide wetland compensatory mitigation for wetland losses. (f) Compensatory mitigation projects provided to offset losses of aquatic resources must comply with the applicable provisions of 33 CFR part 332. (1) The prospective permittee is responsible for proposing an appropriate compensatory mitigation option if compensatory mitigation is necessary to ensure that the activity results in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. For the NWPs, the preferred mechanism for providing compensatory mitigation is mitigation bank credits or in-lieu fee program credits (see 33 CFR 332.3(b)(2) and (3)). However, if an appropriate number and type of mitigation bank or in-lieu credits are not available at the time the PCN is submitted to the district engineer, the district engineer may approve the use of permittee-responsible mitigation. (2) The amount of compensatory mitigation required by the district engineer must be sufficient to ensure that the authorized activity results in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects (see 33 CFR 330.1(e)(3)). (See also 33 CFR 332.3(f)). (3) Since the likelihood of success is greater and the impacts to potentially valuable uplands are reduced, aquatic resource restoration should be the first compensatory mitigation option considered for permittee-responsible mitigation. (4) If permittee- responsible mitigation is the proposed option, the prospective permittee is responsible for submitting a mitigation plan. A conceptual or detailed mitigation plan may be used by the district engineer to make the decision on the NWP verification request, but a final mitigation plan that addresses the applicable requirements of 33 CFR 332.4(c)(2) through (14) must be approved by the district engineer before the permittee begins work in waters of the United States, unless the district engineer determines that prior approval of the final mitigation plan is not practicable or not necessary to ensure timely completion of the required compensatory mitigation (see 33 CFR 332.3(k)(3)). (5) If mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program credits are the proposed option, the mitigation plan only needs to address the baseline conditions at the impact site and the number of credits to be provided. (6) Compensatory mitigation requirements (e.g., resource type and amount to be provided as compensatory mitigation, site protection, ecological performance standards, monitoring requirements) may be addressed through conditions added to the NWP authorization, instead of components of a compensatory mitigation plan (see 33 CFR 332.4(c)(1)(ii)). (g) Compensatory mitigation will not be used to increase the acreage losses allowed by the acreage limits of the NWPs. For example, if an NWP has an acreage limit of 1/2-acre, it cannot be used to authorize any 8 NWP activity resulting in the loss of greater than 1/2-acre of waters of the United States, even if compensatory mitigation is provided that replaces or restores some of the lost waters. However, compensatory mitigation can and should be used, as necessary, to ensure that an NWP activity already meeting the established acreage limits also satisfies the no more than minimal impact requirement for the NWPs. (h) Permittees may propose the use of mitigation banks, in-lieu fee programs, or permittee- responsible mitigation. When developing a compensatory mitigation proposal, the permittee must consider appropriate and practicable options consistent with the framework at 33 CFR 332.3(b). For activities resulting in the loss of marine or estuarine resources, permittee-responsible mitigation may be environmentally preferable if there are no mitigation banks or in-lieu fee programs in the area that have marine or estuarine credits available for sale or transfer to the permittee. For permittee-responsible mitigation, the special conditions of the NWP verification must clearly indicate the party or parties responsible for the implementation and performance of the compensatory mitigation project, and, if required, its long-term management. (i) Where certain functions and services of waters of the United States are permanently adversely affected by a regulated activity, such as discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States that will convert a forested or scrub-shrub wetland to a herbaceous wetland in a permanently maintained utility line right-of-way, mitigation may be required to reduce the adverse environmental effects of the activity to the no more than minimal level. 24. Safety of Impoundment Structures. To ensure that all impoundment structures are safely designed, the district engineer may require non-Federal applicants to demonstrate that the structures comply with established state dam safety criteria or have been designed by qualified persons. The district engineer may also require documentation that the design has been independently reviewed by similarly qualified persons, and appropriate modifications made to ensure safety. 25. Water Quality. Where States and authorized Tribes, or EPA where applicable, have not previously certified compliance of an NWP with CWA section 401, individual 401 Water Quality Certification must be obtained or waived (see 33 CFR 330.4(c)). The district engineer or State or Tribe may require additional water quality management measures to ensure that the authorized activity does not result in more than minimal degradation of water quality. 26. Coastal Zone Management. In coastal states where an NWP has not previously received a state coastal zone management consistency concurrence, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained, or a presumption of concurrence must occur (see 33 CFR 330.4(d)). The district engineer or a State may require additional measures to ensure that the authorized activity is consistent with state coastal zone management requirements. 27. Regional and Case-By-Case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions that may have been added by the Division Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)) and with any case specific conditions added by the Corps or by the state, Indian Tribe, or U.S. EPA in its section 401 Water Quality Certification, or by the state in its Coastal Zone Management Act consistency determination. 28. Use of Multiple Nationwide Permits. The use of more than one NWP for a single and complete project is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the United States authorized by the NWPs does not exceed the acreage limit of the NWP with the highest specified acreage limit. For example, if a road crossing over tidal waters is constructed under NWP 14, with associated bank stabilization authorized by NWP 13, the maximum acreage loss of waters of the United States for the total project cannot exceed 1/3-acre. 29. Transfer of Nationwide Permit Verifications. If the permittee sells the property associated with a nationwide permit verification, the permittee may transfer the nationwide permit verification to the new owner by submitting a letter to the appropriate Corps district office to validate the transfer. A copy of the nationwide permit verification must be attached to the letter, and the letter must contain the following 9 statement and signature: “When the structures or work authorized by this nationwide permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this nationwide permit, including any special conditions, will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this nationwide permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below.” _____________________________________________ (Transferee) _____________________________________________ (Date) 30. Compliance Certification. Each permittee who receives an NWP verification letter from the Corps must provide a signed certification documenting completion of the authorized activity and implementation of any required compensatory mitigation. The success of any required permittee- responsible mitigation, including the achievement of ecological performance standards, will be addressed separately by the district engineer. The Corps will provide the permittee the certification document with the NWP verification letter. The certification document will include: (a) A statement that the authorized activity was done in accordance with the NWP authorization, including any general, regional, or activity- specific conditions; (b) A statement that the implementation of any required compensatory mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. If credits from a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program are used to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements, the certification must include the documentation required by 33 CFR 332.3(l)(3) to confirm that the permittee secured the appropriate number and resource type of credits; and (c) The signature of the permittee certifying the completion of the activity and mitigation. The completed certification document must be submitted to the district engineer within 30 days of completion of the authorized activity or the implementation of any required compensatory mitigation, whichever occurs later. 31. Activities Affecting Structures or Works Built by the United States. If an NWP activity also requires permission from the Corps pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will alter or temporarily or permanently occupy or use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) federally authorized Civil Works project (a “USACE project”), the prospective permittee must submit a pre-construction notification. See paragraph (b)(10) of general condition 32. An activity that requires section 408 permission is not authorized by NWP until the appropriate Corps office issues the section 408 permission to alter, occupy, or use the USACE project, and the district engineer issues a written NWP verification. 32. Pre-Construction Notification. (a) Timing. Where required by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notify the district engineer by submitting a pre-construction notification (PCN) as early as possible. The district engineer must determine if the PCN is complete within 30 calendar days of the date of receipt and, if the PCN is determined to be incomplete, notify the prospective permittee within that 30 day period to request the additional information necessary to make the PCN complete. The request must specify the information needed to make the PCN complete. As a general rule, district engineers will request additional information necessary to make the PCN complete only once. However, if the prospective permittee does not provide all of the requested information, then the district engineer will notify the prospective permittee that the PCN is still incomplete and the PCN review process will not commence until all of the requested information has been received by the district engineer. The prospective permittee shall not begin the activity until either: (1) He or she is notified in writing by the district engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the district or division engineer; or (2) 45 calendar days have passed from the district engineer’s receipt of the complete PCN and the prospective permittee has not received written notice from the district or division engineer. However, if the permittee was required to notify the Corps pursuant to general condition 18 that listed species or critical habitat might be affected or are in the vicinity of the activity, or to notify the Corps pursuant to general condition 20 that the activity might have the potential to cause effects to historic properties, the 10 permittee cannot begin the activity until receiving written notification from the Corps that there is “no effect” on listed species or “no potential to cause effects” on historic properties, or that any consultation required under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (see 33 CFR 330.4(f)) and/or section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)) has been completed. Also, work cannot begin under NWPs 21, 49, or 50 until the permittee has received written approval from the Corps. If the proposed activity requires a written waiver to exceed specified limits of an NWP, the permittee may not begin the activity until the district engineer issues the waiver. If the district or division engineer notifies the permittee in writing that an individual permit is required within 45 calendar days of receipt of a complete PCN, the permittee cannot begin the activity until an individual permit has been obtained. Subsequently, the permittee’s right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2). (b) Contents of Pre-Construction Notification: The PCN must be in writing and include the following information: (1) Name, address and telephone numbers of the prospective permittee; (2) Location of the proposed activity; (3) Identify the specific NWP or NWP(s) the prospective permittee wants to use to authorize the proposed activity; (4) A description of the proposed activity; the activity’s purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the activity would cause, including the anticipated amount of loss of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters expected to result from the NWP activity, in acres, linear feet, or other appropriate unit of measure; a description of any proposed mitigation measures intended to reduce the adverse environmental effects caused by the proposed activity; and any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity, including other separate and distant crossings for linear projects that require Department of the Army authorization but do not require pre-construction notification. The description of the proposed activity and any proposed mitigation measures should be sufficiently detailed to allow the district engineer to determine that the adverse environmental effects of the activity will be no more than minimal and to determine the need for compensatory mitigation or other mitigation measures. For single and complete linear projects, the PCN must include the quantity of anticipated losses of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters for each single and complete crossing of those wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters. Sketches should be provided when necessary to show that the activity complies with the terms of the NWP. (Sketches usually clarify the activity and when provided results in a quicker decision. Sketches should contain sufficient detail to provide an illustrative description of the proposed activity (e.g., a conceptual plan), but do not need to be detailed engineering plans); (5) The PCN must include a delineation of wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters, such as lakes and ponds, and perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams, on the project site. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current method required by the Corps. The permittee may ask the Corps to delineate the special aquatic sites and other waters on the project site, but there may be a delay if the Corps does the delineation, especially if the project site is large or contains many wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and other waters. Furthermore, the 45 day period will not start until the delineation has been submitted to or completed by the Corps, as appropriate; (6) If the proposed activity will result in the loss of greater than 1/10-acre of wetlands and a PCN is required, the prospective permittee must submit a statement describing how the mitigation requirement will be satisfied, or explaining why the adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal and why compensatory mitigation should not be required. As an alternative, the prospective permittee may submit a conceptual or detailed mitigation plan. (7) For non-Federal permittees, if any listed species or designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the activity, or if the activity is located in designated critical habitat, the PCN must include the name(s) of those endangered or threatened species that might be affected by the proposed activity or utilize the designated critical habitat that might be affected by the 11 proposed activity. For NWP activities that require pre-construction notification, Federal permittees must provide documentation demonstrating compliance with the Endangered Species Act; (8) For non-Federal permittees, if the NWP activity might have the potential to cause effects to a historic property listed on, determined to be eligible for listing on, or potentially eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places, the PCN must state which historic property might have the potential to be affected by the proposed activity or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. For NWP activities that require pre-construction notification, Federal permittees must provide documentation demonstrating compliance with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act; (9) For an activity that will occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a “study river” for possible inclusion in the system while the river is in an official study status, the PCN must identify the Wild and Scenic River or the “study river” (see general condition 16); and (10) For an activity that requires permission from the Corps pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 because it will alter or temporarily or permanently occupy or use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers federally authorized civil works project, the pre-construction notification must include a statement confirming that the project proponent has submitted a written request for section 408 permission from the Corps office having jurisdiction over that USACE project. (c) Form of Pre-Construction Notification: The standard individual permit application form (Form ENG 4345) may be used, but the completed application form must clearly indicate that it is an NWP PCN and must include all of the applicable information required in paragraphs (b)(1) through (10) of this general condition. A letter containing the required information may also be used. Applicants may provide electronic files of PCNs and supporting materials if the district engineer has established tools and procedures for electronic submittals. (d) Agency Coordination: (1) The district engineer will consider any comments from Federal and state agencies concerning the proposed activity’s compliance with the terms and conditions of the NWPs and the need for mitigation to reduce the activity’s adverse environmental effects so that they are no more than minimal. (2) Agency coordination is required for: (i) all NWP activities that require pre-construction notification and result in the loss of greater than 1/2-acre of waters of the United States; (ii) NWP 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, and 52 activities that require pre- construction notification and will result in the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of stream bed; (iii) NWP 13 activities in excess of 500 linear feet, fills greater than one cubic yard per running foot, or involve discharges of dredged or fill material into special aquatic sites; and (iv) NWP 54 activities in excess of 500 linear feet, or that extend into the waterbody more than 30 feet from the mean low water line in tidal waters or the ordinary high water mark in the Great Lakes. (3) When agency coordination is required, the district engineer will immediately provide (e.g., via e-mail, facsimile transmission, overnight mail, or other expeditious manner) a copy of the complete PCN to the appropriate Federal or state offices (FWS, state natural resource or water quality agency, EPA, and, if appropriate, the NMFS). With the exception of NWP 37, these agencies will have 10 calendar days from the date the material is transmitted to notify the district engineer via telephone, facsimile transmission, or e-mail that they intend to provide substantive, site-specific comments. The comments must explain why the agency believes the adverse environmental effects will be more than minimal. If so contacted by an agency, the district engineer will wait an additional 15 calendar days before making a decision on the pre-construction notification. The district engineer will fully consider agency comments received within the specified time frame concerning the proposed activity’s compliance with the terms and conditions of the NWPs, including the need for mitigation to ensure the net adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity are no more than minimal. The district engineer will provide no response to the resource agency, except as provided below. The district engineer will indicate in the administrative record associated with each pre- construction notification that the resource agencies’ concerns were considered. For NWP 37, the emergency watershed protection and rehabilitation activity may proceed immediately in cases where there is an unacceptable hazard to life or a significant loss of property or economic hardship will occur. The district engineer will consider any comments received to decide whether the NWP 37 authorization should be modified, suspended, or revoked in accordance with the procedures at 33 CFR 330.5. 12 (4) In cases of where the prospective permittee is not a Federal agency, the district engineer will provide a response to NMFS within 30 calendar days of receipt of any Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendations, as required by section 305(b)(4)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. (5) Applicants are encouraged to provide the Corps with either electronic files or multiple copies of pre-construction notifications to expedite agency coordination. District Engineer’s Decision: 1. In reviewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the district engineer will determine whether the activity authorized by the NWP will result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to the public interest. If a project proponent requests authorization by a specific NWP, the district engineer should issue the NWP verification for that activity if it meets the terms and conditions of that NWP, unless he or she determines, after considering mitigation, that the proposed activity will result in more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment and other aspects of the public interest and exercises discretionary authority to require an individual permit for the proposed activity. For a linear project, this determination will include an evaluation of the individual crossings of waters of the United States to determine whether they individually satisfy the terms and conditions of the NWP(s), as well as the cumulative effects caused by all of the crossings authorized by NWP. If an applicant requests a waiver of the 300 linear foot limit on impacts to streams or of an otherwise applicable limit, as provided for in NWPs 13, 21, 29, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, 52, or 54, the district engineer will only grant the waiver upon a written determination that the NWP activity will result in only minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects. For those NWPs that have a waivable 300 linear foot limit for losses of intermittent and ephemeral stream bed and a 1/2-acre limit (i.e., NWPs 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, and 52), the loss of intermittent and ephemeral stream bed, plus any other losses of jurisdictional waters and wetlands, cannot exceed 1/2-acre. 2. When making minimal adverse environmental effects determinations the district engineer will consider the direct and indirect effects caused by the NWP activity. He or she will also consider the cumulative adverse environmental effects caused by activities authorized by NWP and whether those cumulative adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal. The district engineer will also consider site specific factors, such as the environmental setting in the vicinity of the NWP activity, the type of resource that will be affected by the NWP activity, the functions provided by the aquatic resources that will be affected by the NWP activity, the degree or magnitude to which the aquatic resources perform those functions, the extent that aquatic resource functions will be lost as a result of the NWP activity (e.g., partial or complete loss), the duration of the adverse effects (temporary or permanent), the importance of the aquatic resource functions to the region (e.g., watershed or ecoregion), and mitigation required by the district engineer. If an appropriate functional or condition assessment method is available and practicable to use, that assessment method may be used by the district engineer to assist in the minimal adverse environmental effects determination. The district engineer may add case-specific special conditions to the NWP authorization to address site- specific environmental concerns. 3. If the proposed activity requires a PCN and will result in a loss of greater than 1/10-acre of wetlands, the prospective permittee should submit a mitigation proposal with the PCN. Applicants may also propose compensatory mitigation for NWP activities with smaller impacts, or for impacts to other types of waters (e.g., streams). The district engineer will consider any proposed compensatory mitigation or other mitigation measures the applicant has included in the proposal in determining whether the net adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity are no more than minimal. The compensatory mitigation proposal may be either conceptual or detailed. If the district engineer determines that the activity complies with the terms and conditions of the NWP and that the adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal, after considering mitigation, the district engineer will notify the permittee and include any activity-specific conditions in the NWP verification the district engineer deems necessary. Conditions for compensatory mitigation requirements must comply with the appropriate provisions at 33 CFR 332.3(k). The district engineer must approve the final mitigation plan before the permittee commences work in waters of the United States, unless the district engineer determines that prior approval of the final mitigation plan is not practicable or not necessary t o ensure timely completion of the required compensatory mitigation. If the prospective permittee elects to 13 submit a compensatory mitigation plan with the PCN, the district engineer will expeditiously review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The district engineer must review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan within 45 calendar days of receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the proposed mitigation would ensure the NWP activity results in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. If the net adverse environmental effects of the NWP activity (after consideration of the mitigation proposal) are determined by the district engineer to be no more than minimal, the district engineer will provide a timely written response to the applicant. The response will state that the NWP activity can proceed under the terms and conditions of the NWP, including any activity-specific conditions added to the NWP authorization by the district engineer. 4. If the district engineer determines that the adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity are more than minimal, then the district engineer will notify the applicant either: (a) that the activity does not qualify for authorization under the NWP and instruct the applicant on the procedures to seek authorization under an individual permit; (b) that the activity is authorized under the NWP subject to the applicant’s submission of a mitigation plan that would reduce the adverse environmental effects so that they are no more than minimal; or (c) that the activity is authorized under the NWP with specific modifications or conditions. Where the district engineer determines that mitigation is required to ensure no more than minimal adverse environmental effects, the activity will be authorized within the 45-day PCN period (unless additional time is required to comply with general conditions 18, 20, and/or 31, or to evaluate PCNs for activities authorized by NWPs 21, 49, and 50), with activity-specific conditions that state the mitigation requirements. The authorization will include the necessary conceptual or detailed mitigation plan or a requirement that the applicant submit a mitigation plan that would reduce the adverse environmental effects so that they are no more than minimal. When compensatory mitigation is required, no work in waters of the United States may occur until the district engineer has approved a specific mitigation plan or has determined that prior approval of a final mitigation plan is not practicable or not necessary to ensure timely completion of the required compensatory mitigation. Further Information: 1. District Engineers have authority to determine if an activity complies with the terms and conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPs do not obviate the need to obtain other federal, state, or local permits, approvals, or authorizations required by law. 3. NWPs do not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 4. NWPs do not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. 5. NWPs do not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project (see general condition 31). C. CORPS SEATTLE DISTRICT REGIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS: The following conditions apply to all NWPs for the Seattle District in Washington State, unless specified. 1. Project Drawings: Drawings must be submitted with pre-construction notification (PCN). Drawings must provide a clear understanding of the proposed project, and how waters of the U.S. will be affected. Drawings must be originals and not reduced copies of large-scale plans. Engineering drawings are not required. Existing and proposed site conditions (manmade and landscape features) must be drawn to scale. 2. Aquatic Resources Requiring Special Protection: Activities resulting in a loss of waters of the United States in mature forested wetlands, bogs and peatlands, aspen-dominated wetlands, alkali wetlands, vernal pools, camas prairie wetlands, estuarine wetlands, wetlands in coastal lagoons, and wetlands in dunal systems along the Washington coast cannot be authorized by a NWP, except by the following NWPs: NWP 3 – Maintenance NWP 20 – Response Operations for Oil and Hazardous Substances NWP 32 – Completed Enforcement Actions NWP 38 – Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste 14 In order to use one of the above-referenced NWPs in any of the aquatic resources requiring special protection, prospective permittees must submit a PCN to the Corps of Engineers (see NWP general condition 32) and obtain written authorization before commencing work. 3. New Bank Stabilization in Tidal Waters of Puget Sound: Activities involving new bank stabilization in tidal waters in Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs) 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 (within the areas identified on Figures 1a through 1e on Corps website) cannot be authorized by NWP. 4. Commencement Bay: The following NWPs may not be used to authorize activities located in the Commencement Bay Study Area (see Figure 2 on Corps website): NWP 12 – Utility Line Activities (substations) NWP 13 – Bank Stabilization NWP 14 – Linear Transportation Projects NWP 23 – Approved Categorical Exclusions NWP 29 – Residential Developments NWP 39 – Commercial and Institutional Developments NWP 40 – Agricultural Activities NWP 41 – Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches NWP 42 – Recreational Facilities NWP 43 – Stormwater and Wastewater Management Facilities 5. Bank Stabilization: All projects including new or maintenance bank stabilization activities require PCN to the Corps of Engineers (see NWP general condition 32). For new bank stabilization projects only, the following must be submitted to the Corps of Engineers: a. The cause of the erosion and the distance of any existing structures from the area(s) being stabilized. b. The type and length of existing bank stabilization within 300 feet of the proposed project. c. A description of current conditions and expected post-project conditions in the waterbody. d. A statement describing how the project incorporates elements avoiding and minimizing adverse environmental effects to the aquatic environment and nearshore riparian area, including vegetation impacts in the waterbody. In addition to a. through d., the results from any relevant geotechnical investigations can be submitted with the PCN if it describes current or expected conditions in the waterbody. 6. Crossings of Waters of the United States: Any project including installing, replacing, or modifying crossings of waters of the United States, such as culverts or bridges, requires submittal of a PCN to the Corps of Engineers (see NWP general condition 32). If a culvert is proposed to cross waters of the U.S. where salmonid species are present or could be present, the project must apply the stream simulation design method from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife located in the Water Crossing Design Guidelines (2013), or a design method which provides passage at all life stages at all flows where the salmonid species would naturally seek passage. If the stream simulation design method is not applied for a culvert where salmonid species are present or could be present, the project proponent must provide a rationale in the PCN sufficient to establish one of the following: a. The existence of extraordinary site conditions. b. How the proposed design will provide equivalent or better fish passage and fisheries habitat benefits than the stream simulation design method. If a culvert is proposed to cross waters of the U.S. where salmonid species are present or could be present, project proponents must provide a monitoring plan with the PCN that specifies how the proposed culvert will be assessed over a five-year period from the time of construction completion to ensure its effectiveness in providing passage at all life stages at all flows where the salmonid species would naturally seek passage. Culverts installed under emergency authorization that do not meet the above 15 design criteria will be required to meet the above design criteria to receive an after-the-fact nationwide permit verification. 7. Stream Loss: A PCN is required for all activities that result in the loss of any linear feet of stream beds. No activity shall result in the loss of any linear feet of perennial stream beds or the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of intermittent and/or ephemeral stream beds. A stream may be rerouted if it is designed in a manner that maintains or restores hydrologic, ecologic, and geomorphic stream processes, provided there is not a reduction in the linear feet of stream bed. Streams include brooks, creeks, rivers, and historical waters of the U.S. that have been channelized into ditches. This condition does not apply to ditches constructed in uplands. Stream loss restrictions may be waived by the district engineer on a case- by-case basis provided the activities result in net increases of aquatic resource functions and services. 8. Mitigation: Pre-construction notification is required for any project that will result in permanent wetland losses that exceed 1,000 square feet. In addition to the requirements of General Condition 23 (Mitigation), compensatory mitigation at a minimum one-to-one ratio will be required for all permanent wetland losses that exceed 1,000 square feet. When a PCN is required for wetland losses less than 1,000 square feet, the Corps of Engineers may determine on a case-by-case basis that compensatory mitigation is required to ensure that the activity results in minimal adverse effects on the aquatic environment. Compensatory mitigation for impacts to marine waters, lakes, and streams will be determined on a case- by-case basis. If temporary impacts to waters of the U.S. exceed six months, the Corps of Engineers may require compensatory mitigation for temporal effects. 9. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act – Essential Fish Habitat Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) is defined as those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. If EFH may be adversely affected by a proposed activity, the prospective permittee must provide a written EFH assessment with an analysis of the effects of the proposed action on EFH. The assessment must identify the type(s) of essential fish habitat (i.e., Pacific salmon, groundfish, and/or coastal-pelagic species) that may be affected. If the Corps of Engineers determines the project will adversely affect EFH, consultation with NOAA Fisheries will be required. Federal agencies should follow their own procedures for complying with the requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. If PCN is required for the proposed activity, Federal permittees must provide the district engineer with the appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance with those requirements. 10. Forage Fish: For projects in forage fish spawning habitat, in-water work must occur within designated forage fish work windows, or when forage fish are not spawning. If working outside of a designated work window, or if forage fish work windows are closed year round, work may occur if the work window restriction is released for a period of time after a forage fish spawning survey has been conducted by a biologist approved by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Forage fish species with designated in-water work windows include Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), and surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus). This RGC does not apply to NWP 48, Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Activities. Please see specific regional conditions for NWP 48. 11. Notification of Permit Requirements: The permittee must provide a copy of the nationwide permit authorization letter, conditions, and permit drawings to all contractors and any other parties performing the authorized work prior to the commencement of any work in waters of the U.S. The permittee must ensure all appropriate contractors and any other parties performing the authorized work at the project site have read and understand relevant NWP conditions as well as plans, approvals, and documents referenced in the NWP letter. A copy of these documents must be maintained onsite throughout the duration of construction. 16 12. Construction Boundaries: Permittees must clearly mark all construction area boundaries before beginning work on projects that involve grading or placement of fill. Boundary markers and/or construction fencing must be maintained and clearly visible for the duration of construction. Permittees should avoid and minimize removal of native vegetation (including submerged aquatic vegetation) to the maximum extent possible. 13. Temporary Impacts and Site Restoration a. Temporary impacts to waters of the U.S. must not exceed six months unless the prospective permittee requests and receives a waiver by the district engineer. Temporary impacts to waters of the U.S. must be identified in the PCN. b. No more than 1/2 acre of waters of the U.S. may be temporarily filled unless the prospective permittee requests and receives a waiver from the district engineer (temporary fills do not affect specified limits for loss of waters associated with specific nationwide permits). c. Native soils removed from waters of the U.S. for project construction should be stockpiled and used for site restoration. Restoration of temporarily disturbed areas must include returning the area to pre- project ground surface contours. If native soil is not available from the project site for restoration, suitable clean soil of the same textural class may be used. Other soils may be used only if identified in the PCN. d. The permittee must revegetate disturbed areas with native plant species sufficient in number, spacing, and diversity to restore affected functions. A maintenance and monitoring plan commensurate with the impacts, may be required. Revegetation must begin as soon as site conditions allow within the same growing season as the disturbance unless the schedule is approved by the Corps of Engineers. Native plants removed from waters of the U.S. for project construction should be stockpiled and used for revegetation when feasible. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control measures must be removed as soon as the area has established vegetation sufficient to control erosion and sediment. e. If the Corps determines the project will result in temporary impacts of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) that are more than minimal, a monitoring plan must be submitted. If recovery is not achieved by the end of the monitoring period, contingencies must be implemented, and additional monitoring will be required. This RGC does not apply to NWP 48, Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Activities. Please see specific regional conditions for NWP 48. D. CORPS REGIONAL SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR THIS NWP: A pre-construction notification (PCN) must be submitted to the district engineer prior to commencing the activity (see NWP general condition 32). The PCN must include a statement or form bearing the signature of an official of the Federal agency that issued the categorical exclusion, or of an official with delegated authority from that Federal agency verifying the proposed work is categorically excluded. E. ECOLOGY 401 CERTIFICATION: GENERAL CONDITIONS In addition to all the Corps National and Seattle Districts’ Regional permit conditions, the following State General Section 401 Water Quality Certification (Section 401) conditions apply to all Nationwide Permits whether certified or partially certified in the State of Washington. 1. For in-water construction activities. Ecology Section 401 review is required for projects or activities authorized under NWPs that will cause, or may be likely to cause or contribute to an exceedance of a State water quality standard (Chapter 173-201A WAC) or sediment management standard (Chapter 173-204 WAC). State water quality standards and sediment management standards are available on Ecology’s website. Note: In-water activities include any activity within a wetland and/or activities below the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). 17 2. Projects or Activities Discharging to Impaired Waters. Ecology Section 401 review is required for projects or activities authorized under NWPs if the project or activity will occur in a 303(d) listed segment of a waterbody or upstream of a listed segment and may result in further exceedances of the specific listed parameter. To determine if your project or activity is in a 303(d) listed segment of a waterbody, visit Ecology’s Water Quality Assessment webpage for maps and search tools. 3. Application. For projects or activities that will require Ecology Section 401 review, applicants must provide Ecology with a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) along with the documentation provided to the Corps, as described in National General Condition 32, Pre-Construction Notification, including, when applicable: (a) A description of the project, including site plans, project purpose, direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause, best management practices (BMPs), and any other Department of the Army or federal agency permits used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity. (b) Drawings indi cating the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM), delineation of special aquatic sites and other waters of the state. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current method required by the Corps and shall include Ecology’s Wetland Rating form. Wetland rating forms are subject to review and verification by Ecology staff. Guidance for determining the OHWM is available on Ecology’s website. (c) A statement describing how the mitigation requirement will be satisfied. A conceptual or detailed mitigation or restoration plan may be submitted. See State General Condition 5 for details on mitigation requirements. (d) Other applicable requirements of Corps Nationwide Permit General Condition 32, Corps Regional Conditions, or notification conditions of the applicable NWP. (e) Within 180 calendar days from receipt of applicable documents noted above and a copy of the final authorization letter from the Corps providing coverage for a proposed project or activity under the NWP Program Ecology will provide the applicant notice of whether an individual Section 401 will be required for the project. If Ecology fails to act within a year after receipt of both of these documents, Section 401 is presumed waived. 4. Aquatic resources requiring special protection. Certain aquatic resources are unique, difficult-to- replace components of the aquatic environment in Washington State. Activities that would affect these resources must be avoided to the greatest extent possible. Compensating for adverse impacts to high value aquatic resources is typically difficult, prohibitively expensive, and may not be possible in some landscape settings. Ecology Section 401 review is required for activities in or affecting the following aquatic resources (and not prohibited by Seattle District Regional General Condition): (a) Wetlands with special characteristics (as defined in the Washington State Wetland Rating Systems for western and eastern Washington, Ecology Publications #14-06-029 and #14-06-030):  Estuarine wetlands.  Wetlands of High Conservation Value.  Bogs.  Old-growth and mature forested wetlands.  Wetlands in coastal lagoons.  Interdunal wetlands.  Vernal pools.  Alkali wetlands. (b) Fens, aspen-dominated wetlands, camas prairie wetlands. (c) Marine water with eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds (except for NWP 48). (d) Category I wetlands. (e) Category II wetlands with a habitat score ≥ 8 points. This State General Condition does not apply to the following Nationwide Permits: NWP 20 – Response Operations for Oil and Hazardous Substances, NWP 32 – Completed Enforcement Actions 5. Mitigation. Applicants are required to show that they have followed the mitigation sequence and have first avoided and minimized impacts to aquatic resources wherever practicable. For projects 18 requiring Ecology Section 401 review with unavoidable impacts to aquatics resources, adequate compensatory mitigation must be provided. (a) Wetland mitigation plans submitted for Ecology review and approval shall be based on the most current guidance provided in Wetland Mitigation in Washington State, Parts 1 and 2 (available on Ecology’s website) and shall, at a minimum, include the following: i. A description of the measures taken to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands and other waters of the U.S. ii. The nature of the proposed impacts (i.e., acreage of wetlands and functions lost or degraded). iii. The rationale for the mitigation site that was selected. iv. The goals and objectives of the compensatory mitigation project. v. How the mitigation project will be accomplished, including construction sequencing, best management practices to protect water quality, proposed performance standards for measuring success and the proposed buffer widths. vi. How it will be maintained and monitored to assess progress towards goals and objectives. Monitoring will generally be required for a minimum of five years. For forested and scrub-shrub wetlands, 10 years of monitoring will often be necessary. vii. How the compensatory mitigation site will be legally protected for the long term. Refer to Wetland Mitigation in Washington State – Part 2: Developing Mitigation Plans (Ecology Publication #06-06-011b) and Selecting Wetland Mitigation Sites Using a Watershed Approach (Ecology Publications #09-06-032 (Western Washington) and #10-06-007 (Eastern Washington)) for guidance on selecting suitable mitigation sites and developing mitigation plans. Ecology encourages the use of alternative mitigation approaches, including credit/debit methodology, advance mitigation, and other programmatic approach such as mitigation banks and in-lieu fee programs. If you are interested in proposing use of an alternative mitigation approach, consult with the appropriate Ecology regional staff person. Information on alternative mitigation approaches is available on Ecology’s website. (b) Mitigation for other aquatic resource impacts will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 6. Temporary Fills. Ecology Section 401 review is required for any project or activity with temporary fill in wetlands or other waters of the state for more than 90 days, unless the applicant has received written approval from Ecology. Note: This State General Condition does not apply to projects or activities authorized under NWP 33, Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering 7. Stormwater pollution prevention: All projects that involve land disturbance or impervious surfaces must implement stormwater pollution prevention or control measures to avoid discharge of pollutants in stormwater runoff to waters of the State. (a) For land disturbances during construction, the applicant must obtain and implement permits (e.g., Construction Stormwater General Permit) where required and follow Ecology’s current stormwater manual. (b) Following construction, prevention or treatment of on-going stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces shall be provided. Ecology’s Stormwater Management and Design Manuals and stormwater permit information are available on Ecology’s website. 8. State Section 401 Review for PCNs not receiving 45-day response from the Seattle District. In the event the Seattle District Corps does not issue a NWP authorization letter within 45 calendar days of receipt of a complete pre-construction notification, the applicant must contact Ecology for Section 401 review prior to commencing work. 19 F. ECOLOGY 401 CERTIFICATION: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR THIS NWP: Certified subject to conditions. Ecology Section 401 review is required for projects or activities authorized under this NWP if: The project or activity has fill impacts to waters of the state greater than ½ acre. G. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT CONSISTENCY RESPONSE FOR THIS NWP: (Note: This is only applies in the following counties: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum and Whatcom) NWP Specific Response: Ecology concurs that this NWP is consistent with the CZMP, subject to the following condition: An individual Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination is required for project or activities under this NWP if State Section 401 review is required. If an individual Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination is required: General Conditions: For Non-Federal Permittees 1. Necessary Data and Information. A Coastal Zone Management Program “Certification of Consistency” form is required for projects located within a coastal county. “Certification of Consistency” forms are available on Ecology’s website. The form shall include a description of the proposed project or activity and evidence of compliance with the applicable enforceable policies of the Washington Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP). Also, a map of the site location is required. 2. Timing. Within 6 months from receipt of the necessary data and information, Ecology will provide a federal consistency determination for the proposed project or activity. If Ecology fails to act within the 6 month period, concurrence with the CZMP is presumed. General Conditions: For Federal Permittees (Agencies) 1. Necessary Data and Information. Federal agencies shall submit the determination, information, and analysis required by 15 CFR 930.39 to obtain a federal consistency determination. 2. Timing. Within 60 days from receipt of the necessary data and information, Ecology will provide a federal consistency determination for the proposed project or activity. If Ecology fails to act within the 60 day period, concurrence with the CZMP is presumed. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SEATTLE DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 3755 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98124-3755 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Regulatory Branch November 1, 2017 Mr. Derek Akesson City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Reference: NWS-2017-133 Renton, City of (Northeast 31st Street Bridge Replacement) Dear Mr. Akesson: We have reviewed your application to replace an existing 32 foot span bridge with a new 75 foot span bridge to in May Creek at Renton, King County, Washington. Based on the information you provided to us, Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23, Approved Categorical Exclusions (Federal Register January 6, 2017, Vol. 82, No. 4), authorizes your proposal as depicted on the enclosed drawings dated January 30, 2017. In order for this authorization to be valid, you must ensure the work is performed in accordance with the enclosed NWP 23, Terms and Conditions and the following special conditions: a. You must implement and abide by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) requirements and/or agreements set forth in the Biological Assessment-No Effect Determination, dated October 17, 2016, in its entirety. Failure to comply with the commitments made in this document constitutes non-compliance with the ESA and your Corps permit. b. This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) permit does not authorize you to take a threatened or endangered species. In order to legally take a listed species, you must have a separate authorization under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (e.g., an ESA Section 10 permit, or ESA Section 7 consultation Biological Opinion (BO) with non-discretionary “incidental take” provisions with which you must comply). The Regional Road Maintenance Program Limit 10 BO prepared by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) contains mandatory terms and conditions to implement the reasonable and prudent measures that are associated with the specified “incidental take” in the BO (NMFS Reference Numbers 2003-00313, 2004-00647, 2009-03290, and WCR-2014-304). Your authorization under this Corps permit is conditional upon your compliance with all of the mandatory terms and conditions associated with incidental -2- take of the BO. These terms and conditions are incorporated by reference in this permit. Failure to comply with the commitments made in this document constitutes non-compliance with the ESA and your Corps permit. The NMFS is the appropriate authority to determine compliance with the ESA. c. In order to meet the requirements of the Endangered Species Act you may conduct the authorized activities from July 1 through August 31 in any year this permit is valid. You shall not conduct work authorized by this permit from September 1 through June 30 in any year this permit is valid. d. Incidents where any individuals of fish species listed by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries) under the Endangered Species Act appear to be injured or killed as a result of discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S. or structures or work in navigable waters of the U.S. authorized by this Nationwide Permit verification shall be reported to NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources at (301) 713-1401 and the Regulatory Office of the Seattle District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at (206) 764-3495. The finder should leave the animal alone, make note of any circumstances likely causing the death or injury, note the location and number of individuals involved and, if possible, take photographs. Adult animals should not be disturbed unless circumstances arise where they are obviously injured or killed by discharge exposure or some unnatural cause. The finder may be asked to carry out instructions provided by NOAA Fisheries to collect specimens or take other measures to ensure that evidence intrinsic to the specimen is preserved. The Federal Highways Administration completed National Historic Preservation Act, Section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultation and Magnuson Stevens Act, Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation for the proposed activity. For the purpose of this Department of the Army authorization, we have determined this project will comply with the requirements of these laws provided you comply with all of the permit conditions. We have determined the permit action is sufficiently addressed in their ESA and EFH consultation documents. By this letter we are advising you and the Services, in accordance with 50 CFR 402.07 and 50 CFR 600.920(b), that this agency has served as the lead Federal agency for the ESA and EFH consultation responsibilities for the activity described above. The authorized work complies with the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) Water Quality Certification (WQC) requirements and Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency determination response for this NWP. No further coordination with Ecology for WQC and CZM is required. You have not requested a jurisdictional determination for this proposed project. If you believe the Corps does not have jurisdiction over all or portions of your project you may request a preliminary or approved jurisdictional determination (JD). If one is requested, please be aware -3- that we may require the submittal of additional information to complete the JD and work authorized in this letter may not occur until the JD has been completed. Our verification of this NWP authorization is valid until March 18, 2022, unless the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked prior to that date. If the authorized work has not been completed by that date and you have commenced or are under contract to commence this activity before March 18, 2022, you will have until March 18, 2023, to complete the activity under the enclosed terms and conditions of this NWP. Failure to comply with all terms and conditions of this NWP verification invalidates this authorization and could result in a violation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. You must also obtain all local, State, and other Federal permits that apply to this project. You are cautioned that any change in project location or plans will require that you submit a copy of the revised plans to this office and obtain our approval before you begin work. Deviating from the approved plans could result in the assessment of criminal or civil penalties. Upon completing the authorized work, you must fill out and return the enclosed Certificate of Compliance with Department of the Army Permit. Thank you for your cooperation during the permitting process. We are interested in your experience with our Regulatory Program and encourage you to complete a customer service survey. These documents and information about our program are available on our website at www.nws.usace.army.mil, select “Regulatory Branch, Permit Information” and then “Contact Us.” A copy of this letter with enclosures will be furnished to Mr. Ross Widener, Widener and Associates, 10108 32nd Avenue West, Suite D, Everett, Washington 98204. If you have any questions, please contact me at jason.t.sweeney@usace.army.mil or (206) 764-3450. Sincerely, Jason Sweeney, Project Manager Regulatory Branch Enclosures 1 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 Widener & Associates Transportation & Environmental Planning 10108 32nd Ave W, Suite D, Everett, WA 98204 Tel (425) 348-3059 Fax (425) 348-3124 Washington State Department of Transportation October 17, 2016 Northwest Region Attn: Mr. Phil Segami P.O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9701 Biological Assessment – No Effect Determination NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement City of Renton Introduction This ‘No Effect’ memo has been prepared on behalf of the City of Renton to satisfy Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) requirements for the NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement Project. The City of Renton is proposing to replace a structurally deficient bridge to improve public infrastructure and road safety. This Memo addresses potentially impacted ESA listed species within the action area of the project. As this project is covered under the Regional Road Maintenance Plan (RRMP), NMFS consultation is not required. Therefore, only USFWS listed species are addressed in this report. Federal Nexus This memo has been prepared on behalf of City of Renton to address the proposed action in compliance with Section 7(c) of the ESA, as amended. Section 7 of the ESA requires that, through consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), federal actions do not jeopardize the continued existence of any threatened, endangered, or proposed species or result in the destruction or adverse modification to critical habitat. Section 305(b)(4) of the MSA requires that each Federal agency shall consult on any action authorized, funded, or undertaken, or proposed to be authorized, funded, or undertaken, by this agency that may adversely affect any EFH identified in the MSA. The project will receive funding from the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) that will be administered through the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Local Programs office and managed by the City of Renton. As this project would receive federal funding, it has a federal nexus to the ESA. Therefore, we have 2 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 prepared this assessment to address potential impacts on federally-listed species and habitats. Specific project design elements are identified that avoid or minimize adverse effects of the proposed project on listed species and/or critical habitat. Site Description The existing bridge crosses May Creek on NE 31st Street, located within the City of Renton, King County, Washington. It is within the legal geographic location of Township 24N, Range 5E, Section 32. See Figure 1 – Vicinity Map. Surrounding landuse is primarily a King County owned open spaced called May Creek Park and residential. I - 405 is located roughly ¼ mile to the west of the project area. May Creek flows west from the project area and drains into Lake Washington approximately one mile northwest. The project area is within the Puget Sound Douglas-fir vegetation zone of Western Washington (Franklin and Dyrness, 1988). Directly surrounding May Creek is a riparian zone dominated by a big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), red alder (Alnus rubra), and black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) overstory. Patches of conifer and mixed conifer forest line the edges of May Creek Park, generally occupying dryer and higher elevation areas. The conifers are almost exclusively Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) with infrequent scattered western red cedar (Thuja plicata). The understory of the conifer dominated areas is predominantly sword fern (Polystichum munitum), Salal (Gaultheria shallon), and beaked hazel (Corylus cornuta). The National Wetland Inventory does not list any wetlands in the area, however, a site visit found scattered small wetlands in the vicinity (USFWS, 2016c). None are located within the project limits. Project Description The proposed project will replace an existing structurally deficient bridge on NE 31st Street. Project activities include demolition of the existing bridge, excavation, grading and clearing, installation of a new bridge foundations and superstructure, riprap and boulder revetment (overlaid with native gravel), paving, erosion control, guardrail installation, temporary stream bypass, stream channel enhancements, and landscaping. The streambed enhancements will feature a wider channel with added streambed gravel. The footprint is located within existing ROW; however temporary construction easements will be required for the stream bypass (Figure 2). All project staging will take place within the defined project area within the limits of existing City of Renton ROW . Impact Avoidance and Minimization Measures Care was taken in project planning to reduce overall environmental impacts to the maximum extent practicable. Minimization and avoidance measures as well as BMPs to reduce potential inadvertent impacts are listed below.  Clearing limits will be clearly marked to avoid unnecessary impacts.  There will be no net increase in impervious surface. 3 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016  In-water work will be limited to the minimum necessary to complete the project.  A temporary bypass will be created and fish exclusion protocols will be enacted to prevent harm to aquatic species.  Prior to construction, a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Plan will be approved and implemented to prevent runoff from entering sensitive environmental areas such as streams and wetlands. At a minimum, this plan will include the use of silt fencing and/or straw wattles during construction to prevent inadvertent runoff of construction stormwater to May Creek or adjacent wetlands.  An impervious containment structure will be installed underneath the bridge during over-water work and demolition to prevent construction materials or debris from inadvertently falling into the creek.  A Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan will be approved and implemented to identify potential spill risks and ensure that measures are taken to prevent or reduce spill occurrences. This plan will require that the contractor maintain spill cleanup kits on-site during construction at all times.  All equipment will be checked daily for leaks or required repair work.  Refueling operations will be conducted at least 50 feet from any open water body. 4 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 5 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 6 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 Action Area The physical limits of an action area are defined by site -specific conditions and project activities. The action area for a project encompasses the geographic extent of all direct and indirect effects of a project that affect both terrestrial and/or aquatic species. Terrestrial noise levels will be temporarily increased from the use of heavy machinery such as a pile driver, concrete saw, and other general constru ction equipment. As is the case for this project, the terrestrial noise element is generally the farthest -reaching impact from construction activities. Therefore, noise was used to determine the limits of the action area. For terrestrial animals, sound is measured in alpha-weighted decibels (dBA) which deemphasizes the upper and lower portions of the frequency spectrum while emphasizing the middle, where humans have the greatest sensitivity. Marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) is the only terrestrial ESA listed species that has the potential to be present in the area. The action area is therefore defined based on species specific noise thresholds for this species. WSDOT guidance in a programmatic agreement with the USFWS regarding marbled murrelet resulted in >0.25 mile threshold for a ‘No Effect’ determination and between 363 feet and 0.25 miles for a ‘Not Likely to Adversely Affect’ (NLAA) determination from the nearest suitable nesting habitat from the operation of heavy equipment and pile driving (WSDOT, 2015). As such, the 0.25 mile threshold for a ‘No Effect” determination was used in the effects determination for marbled murrelet instead of the action area defined by construction noise attenuation to background (Figure 3). 7 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 8 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 Federally Listed Species and Designated Critical Habitat Both the USFWS and the NMFS have listed species that are potentially present within the project action area (Table 1). The USFWS IPaC official species list, received on August 22, 2016, and the NMFS list, updated October 31, 2012, were reviewed to determine potential species presence (USFWS, 2016 a)(NMFS, 2012). See Appendix A & B for USFWS and NMFS species lists. Table 1: Listed species and designated critical habitat potentially present in the project area. Common Name Scientific Name Federal Status USFWS Streaked Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris strigata Threatened Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus Threatened Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus Threatened North American wolverine Gulo gulo lascus Proposed Coastal/Puget Sound DPS Bull Trout Salvelinus confluentus Threatened Bull Trout Critical Habitat Salvelinus confluentus Designated Dolly Varden – Similarity of Appearance Salvelinus malma Proposed NMFS Puget Sound ESU Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Threatened Puget Sound Chinook Critical Habitat Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Designated Puget Sound DPS Steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss Threatened Puget Sound Steelhead Critical Habitat Oncorhynchus mykiss Designated Effects Analysis NMFS Listed Species: May Creek is a fish bearing stream that has documented presence of the Puget Sound DPS of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawtscha) (WDFW, 2016a). It is also listed as designated critical habitat for steelhead and chinook (NOAA, 2016a)(NOAA, 2016b). The City of Renton is covered under the Regional Road Maintenance Program (RRMP) which exempts qualifying projects from ESA section 7 consolations regarding NMFS listed species. Due to RRMP coverage, impacts to these species are not addressed in this document. Bull Trout: Bull trout have very specific habitat requirements that preclude the species from habitating the May Creek sub-basin. They are temperature limited at about 59 degrees Fahrenheit and spawn in waters colder then 48 degrees Fahrenheit (USFWS, 2016d). They also require clean stream substrate, complex habitats, and habitat connectivity (USFWS, 2016d). Temperatures reach up to 64 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer (King County, 2016), which will prevent the species from being in the area during these times. Monitoring of May Creek indicates a decline in water quality over the last 25 years with significant decreases in temperature, conductivity, ammonia-nitrogen, 9 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 and pH (King County, 2016). There are currently 303(d) listings for temperature, bacteria, and bioassessment within this reach of the river (WA ECY, 2016). The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife does not recognized bull trout presence within the May Creek Watershed (WDFW, 2016a)(WDFW, 2016b). Within the Lake Washington watershed, bull trout only have self-sustaining populations within the Cedar River drainage (King County, 2010). As this species is not present within May Creek, the project will have No Effect on bull trout. North American Wolverine (Gulo gulo lascus): While the North American wolverine is listed as potentially occurring within King County, no suitable habitat is found within the project area. Wolverine habitat typically consists of mountainous, high alpine regions, with a large surrounding dispersal area (Inman, 2013). They occupy these habitats at a very low density and depend in part on intact migration corridors. The project takes place in an urban area, far from any alpine regions. Since no suitable habitat is present, the project will have No Effect on the North American wolverine. Yellow -billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus): Yellow-billed cuckoos are migratory birds that breed in riparian forest stands dominated by cottonwoods (Populus spp.) and willows (Salix spp.). Riparian forests are present surrounding May Creek, however, black cottonwood co-dominates with big-leaf maple and red alder. The last confirmed Washington breeding records of yellow-billed cuckoos were in the 1930’s, and it is probable that cuckoos no longer breed in Washington (WSDOT, 2015b)(WDFW, 2012). The yellow-billed cuckoo is generally considered to be extirpated from Washington State (Teachout, 2015). No critical habitat for the species has been proposed in the State of Washington (79 FR 48548). In addition, only 2 individuals have been documented west of the Cascades since 1990 (Teachout, 2015). In other regions where they are more likely to occur, yellow-billed cuckoos are most likely to be found in patches of willow-cottonwood riparian habitat greater than 200 acres in size (78 FR 61622-61666). The riparian forest near the project site does not come close to this size requirement. Since no breeding of the species occurs within Washington State and there have been so few individuals observed in Western Washington, the presence of yellow-billed cuckoo within the action area can be discounted. As such, the project will have No Effect on yellow-billed cuckoo. Streaked Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata): The streaked horned lark was listed as threatened in 2013 (78 FR 61452). The proposed project area is within the historic range of the streaked horned lark, however, it is well outside its current range (Anderson & Pearson, 2015). Streaked horned larks require open landscapes with generally less than 5% tree or shrub cover. While they have been documented on open sites as small as 1 acre in the vicinity of open water, the majority of terrestrial occupied sites are hundreds of acres or greater. Streaked horned lark occurrences within Washington have been primarily in prairies and airports, however Oregon populations are known to occupy agricultural fields (Anderson & Pearson, 2015). Within potential habitat within the Puget Lowlands, streaked horned lark prefer patches with vegetation heights between 17-25 cm, no tree cover, less than 2% shrub cover, between 12-20% bare ground, and 50-86% grass/forbs (Anderson & Pearson, 2015). Habitat within the 10 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 action area is almost entirely forested, and no habitat meets criteria for streaked h orned lark suitable habitat. Therefore, the proposed project will have No Effect on the streaked horned lark. Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus): Nesting marbled murrelets are dependent on low elevation mature and old-growth coniferous forests with multi-layered canopies on the lower two-thirds of forested slopes. While compiling information for the listing of marbled murrelet designated critical habitat, all known nesting trees were larger than 30 inches in diameter and had large branches with complex structures to support nests (USFWS, 1996). Despite general favorability of larger trees, trees with a DBH of 15 inches or greater with platforms in the canopy are considered suitable habitat (WSDOT, 2015). Marbled murrelet nests are most often observed within 12 miles of the ocean but have been found as far as 50 miles from saltwater (Shohet et al, 2008). Saltwater foraging habitat is approximately 10 miles from the project site. The nesting season for marbled murrelet is April 1st through September 23rd (WSDOT, 2015). Suitable nesting forest stands are conifer-dominated and greater than 5 acres in size (WSDOT, 2015). Any nests beyond 0.25 miles have been determined not to be impacted by the operation of heavy construction equipment (WSDOT, 2015). Therefore, only habitat within a 0.25- mile radius of the project site was assessed for suitable habitat. A survey was conducted to determine the suitability of marbled murrelet habitat. As shown in Figure 3, there are three conifer dominated stands within the action area. All three stands are below the 5-acre minimum size threshold for marbled murrelet habitat. Nearly all conifers were Douglas fir, however a few intermittent western red cedar were also present. The largest measured Douglas fir had a DBH of 3.7 feet. There was a wide range of size in trees down to as low as a few inches in diameter. Most trees were in the range of 1-2 feet DBH. Forest structure was consistent with a mature forest, including a diverse age class and open space below the canopy. One tree was observed that had large limbs at the canopy that could potentially be used for marbled murrelet nesting. This tree was less than 100 feet from a residential neighborhood. Despite the general suitability of habitat quality, the forest patch was not large enough to support a breeding pair. Since the conifer stand does not meet the requirements for suitable habitat, the project will have No Effect on marbled murrelet. Conclusion Based on the analysis presented in this report, it is concluded that there will be No Effect on all USFWS ESA listed species. Impacts to NMFS managed ESA listed species and Essential Fish Habitat are not analyzed because the project is covered under the RRMP. It is our understanding that this satisfies our responsibilities under Section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act. We will continue to remain aware of any change in status of these species and will be prepared to re-evaluate potential project impacts if necessary. 11 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 Should you have any questions about this assessmen t or require additional information, please contact Ross Widener at (425) 503-3629 or rwidener@prodigy.net. Appendixes: Appendix A - USFWS IPaC List Appendix B - NMFS Species List 12 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 References Literature Cited 78 FR 61452 78 FR 61622-61666 Anderson, Hannah E. and Scott F. Pearson. 2015. Streaked Horned Lark Habitat Characteristics. Center for Natural Lands Management and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. April 2015. Inman, R. M., Brock, B. L., Inman, K. H., Sartorius, S. S., Aber, B. C., Giddings, B., . . . Chapron, G. (2013). Developing priorities for metapopulation conservation at the landscape scale: Wolverines in the Western United States. Biological Conservation, 166, 276-286. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2013.07.010 King County. (2000). Literature Review and Recommended Sampling Protocol for Bull Trout in King County King County. (2016). Stream Report - May Creek. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from http://green2.kingcounty.gov/streamsdata/watershedinfo.aspx?Locator=0440#sp ecialstudies NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 2016a. Critical Habitat Puget Sound Chinook Salmon. NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region. Available at: http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/publications/gis_maps/maps/salmon_st eelhead/critical_habitat/chin/chinook_pug.pdf NOAA 2016b. Map of Designated Critical Habitat for Puget Sound Steelhead. NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region. Available at: http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/publications/gis_maps/maps/salmon_st eelhead/critical_habitat/steelhead/2016_ch_web_map_stpug.pdf NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2012. Status of ESA Listings & Critical Habitat Designations for West Coast Salmon & Steelhead. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. NOAA Fisheries. October 31, 2012. Shohet, Cecile, Shawna Bautista, and Diana Perez. 2008. Brief Life History Narratives for Botanical, wildlife, and Fish, - Gifford Pinchot National Forest Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Washington Side Invasive Plant Treatment FEIS. Tech. 13 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 Teachout, Emily. 2015. Interim Consultation Guidance for Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Last updated April 14, 2015. WDFW. 2012. Candidate Species - Yellow-Billed Cuckoo. Available at: http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/endangered/species/yellow-billed_cuckoo.pdf USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 1996. ETWP; final designation of critical habitat for the Marbled Murrelet; final rule. May 24. Federal Register 61 (102): 26279. USFWS. 2016a. Environmental Conservation Online System: Information, Planning and Conservation System (IPaC). Available at: https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/ USFWS. 2016b. US Fish & Wildlife Service Critical Habitat Portal web application. Available at: http://criticalhabitat.fws.gov/crithab/ USFWS. 2016c. National Wetlands Inventory. U. S. Department of Interior. Available at: http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/data/Mapper.html USFWS 2016d. Species Fact Sheet Bull Trout Salvelinus confluentus. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from https://www.fws.gov/wafwo/species/Fact sheets/BT final.pdf WA ECY (Washington Department of Ecology). 2016. Washington State Water Quality Atlas. Available at: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/waterqualityatlas/map.aspx?CustomMap=y&RT=0&La yers=23,29&Filters=n,n,n,n WDFW. 2016a. PHS on the Web. Priority Habitat and Species web application. Available at: http://wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/phs/ WDFW. 2016b. SalmonScape. Available at: http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/ WSDOT. 2015. Biological Assessment Preparation for Transportation Projects - Advanced Training Manual. Version 2015 . APPENDIX A – USFWS Official IPaC List 14 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 APPENDIX A – USFWS Official IPaC List 15 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 APPENDIX A – USFWS Official IPaC List 16 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 APPENDIX A – USFWS Official IPaC List 17 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 APPENDIX A – USFWS Official IPaC List 18 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 APPENDIX A – USFWS Official IPaC List 19 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016 APPENDIX B – NMFS Official Species List 20 NE 31st Street Bridge Replacement – No Effect Determination October 2016           City of Renton  Contract Provisions for  NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Project  ______________________________________________________________________________    National Marine Fisheries Service  Endangered Species Act 4(d) Coverage  DocumentationTemplateRegionalRoadMaintenanceProgram:ESA4(d)CoveragefNMFS)Date:1/31/2017Agency:CityofRentonRRMP4(d)ContactPerson:RichardMarshallPhoneNumber:425-430-7400Email:RWMarshall@Rentonwa.govFax:Locationwhereproposedworkwilloccur:Address(streetaddress,city,county):Closestaddress:2100NE31stStreet,Renton,KingCountyWaterbody:MayCreek%Section:SESection:32Township:24NRange:05ELatitude:47.51905NLongitude:122.19165WProjectDescription:TheprojectproposestoreplaceanexistingbridgeonNE31stStreetwithanewstructure.Constructionactivitiesincludedemolitionoftheexistingbridge,excavation,gradingandclearing,piledriving(aboveOHW),installationofanewbridgefoundationandsuperstructure,paving,erosioncontrol,guardrailinstallation,temporarystreamdiversion(sandbag),riprap/boulderrevetment(understreambedgravel),streamchannelenhancements,andlandscaping.Thebridgespanwillbelengthenedto75feetfrom32feetandspantheentirechannelwidth.Theprojectmayinvolvetheplacementofastreamdiversionandinvolvedewatering.MaintenanceCategory(checkallthatapply):1.RoadwaySurfaceEl2.EnclosedDrainageSystems3.CleaningEnclosedDrainageSystemsD4.OpenDrainageSystems5.WatercoursesandStreams6.StreamCrossings7.GravelShouldersU8.StreetSurfaceCleaning9.BridgeMaintenanceElio.SnowandIceControl11.EmergencySlide/WashoutRepairs12.ConcreteD13.SewerSystems14.WaterSystems15.VegetationDescribehowtheprojectfitsintheRRMP4(d)Program:Thisprojectreplacesaright-of-waystructure,andisamaintenanceactivityasdefinedinappendixCoftheRRMPProceduralGuidance“activitiestakentopreventadecline,lapse,orcessationintheuseofstructuresandsystemsortoreplacedysfunctionalfacilities.”Theexistingbridgeisstructurallydeficientwithasufficiencyratingof27.Inorderfortheroadtoremainserviceableatthislocation,itmustberepaired.BMP5listedinpart2oftheguidancewillbeinstalledandmaintainedthroughoutconstructiontominimizesedimentation,erosion,andotherimpactstothewaterbody.BMP’swerechosentosatisfyfiveconservationoutcomes:(1)Keepwaterfromworkarea,(2)Reducepotentialforsoilfrombecomingwaterorairborne,(3)Filterandperimeterprotection,(4)Reducewatervelocityanderosiveforces,and(5)habitatprotectionandmaintenance.BMPsinclude:sandbags(diversion),dewatering,dustcontrol,hydroseeding,mulching,sweeping,plasticcovering,siltfence,strawlog,andstreambedgravel.Seeattachedletterforadditionalprojectdetails.NameofResponsibleOfficialSignature___________________________ videner&AssociatesTransportation&EnvironmentalPlanningH)it)t132aJSum:i)Fvecetr14:)S2.4‘r1(425)3113O5t)(425)34S3124January31,2017RichardMarshallMaintenanceSupervisorCityofRenton10555.GradyWayRenton,WA98057ComplianceUnderRRMPE$A4(d)ProgramNE31stStreetBridgeReplacementDearRichard,ThisletterisprovidedtodocumentthattheNE31stStreetBridgeReplacementproject,carriedoutbytheCityofRenton,qualifiesforcoverageundertheRegionalRoadMaintenanceProgram(RRMP)andisthereforenotrequiredtoconsultwiththeNationalMarineFisheriesService(NMFS).TheCityofRentonislistedasanapprovedparticipatingagencyoftheprogram(AppendixBoftheproceduralguidance).TheprojectwilloccuronNE31stStreet,atasectionthatcrossesMayCreek.MayCreekisdocumentedtohaveapresenceofESAlistedchinooksalmon(Oncorhynchitstshawvtscha,PugetSoundESU)andsteelheadtrout(Oncorhynchitsmykiss,PugetSoundDPS).ThesespecieshavebeenpreviouslyaddressedinthethreeconsultationswithNMFSconductedundertheESA4(d)program.Theproposedprojectinvolvesthereplacementofstructuraldeficientbridgewithasufficiencyratingof27.Replacementoftheexistingbridgeisnecessarytomaintainitsstructuralfunctionalityandpreservepublicsafety.Constructionactivitieswillincludedemolitionoftheexistingbridge,excavation,gradingandclearing,installationofnewbridgefoundationandsuperstructure,piledriving(aboveOHW),paving,erosioncontrol,guardrailinstallation,atemporarystreamdiversion(sandbag),riprap/boulderrevetment(understreambedgravel),streamchannelenhancements,andlandscaping.Thenewbridgewillhaveaspanof75feet(increasedfrom32feet);however,thewidthwillremainthesame.Theexistingstreetisalowvolume,ruralminoraccessroadthatservesahandfulofsinglefamilyresidences.Thisprojectdoesnotinvolvein-waterpiledriving.Itthereforemeetsthedefinitionofregular“maintenance”undertheRegionalProgram,definedbelow:Page1of3 “Repairandmaintenance“includeactivitiesthat.(a)areconductedoncurrentlyserviceablestructures,facilities,andeqit4rnzentbeyondthosethatexistedprevio;tsly;and(b)involvenoexpansionoforchangeinuseofsztchstructures,flicilities,andeqit4,mentbeyondthosethatexistedpreviouslv;and(c)donotresultinsignficaiztnegativehydrologicalin’q)act”InaccordancewiththeRRMPpart1.34,MaintenanceCategories,theproposedprojectfallsundertheroadwaysurface,streamcrossing,bridgemaintenance,watercourses&streams,concrete,andvegetationmaintenancecategories.AppropriateBMPswillbeimplementedtopreventandminimizeimpacts.Asoutlinedinpart2oftheRRMPguidance,theseBMPswillbeusedtoreachthefollowingenvironmentalconservationoutcomes:OutcomeCategory:KeepwaterfromworkareaProposedBMPs:Sandbag(diversion)DewateringOutcomeCategory:ReducepotentialforsoilfrombecomingwaterborneorairborneProposedBMPs:DustcontrolifneededHydroseedMulchingSweepingPlasticcoveringOutcomeCategory:FilterandperimeterprotectionProposedBMPs:SiltfenceStrawLogIStrawWattleOutcomeCategory:ReducewatervelocityanderosiveforcesProposedBMPs:HydroseedOutcomeCategory:HabitatprotectionandmaintenanceProposedBMPs:HydroseedStreambedgravel(wheredisturbed)OtherproposedBMPs:FlagclearinglimitsSecurestagingareatocontainallconstructionmaterials,fuels,etc.KeepoilabsorbentmaterialandspillcleanupkitsonsiteatalltimesPage2of3 Inconclusion,theproposedprojectmeetsrequirementsforcoverageundertheE$A4(d)programasitislocatedwithinanapproved4(d)programjurisdiction,meetsthedefinitionofastandardroadmaintenanceproject,andwillutilizeappropriateBMPsaslistedintheRRMPGuidelines.BestRegards,WIDENER&ASSDcIATESRossLWidenerVicePresidentPage3of3