HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501D_Conditional Use Permit Staff Report_180417_v4_FINAL A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION DECISION: APPROVED APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS DENIED REPORT DATE: May 1, 2018 Project Name: Verizon SEA Renton Retail Store Wireless Communications Facility Owner: CPT The Landing LLC, c/o Shannon Jallow, 955 Park Ave N, Renton, WA 98057 Applicant: Verizon Wireless, 3245 158th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98008 Contact: Rick Cardoza, LDC, 20210 142nd Ave NE Project File Number: PR18-000095 Land Use File Number: LUA18-000142, CUP-A Project Manager: Alex Morganroth, Associate Planner Project Summary: The applicant is requesting an Administrative Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to install a concealed Wireless Communications Facility (WCF) on the rooftop of an existing multi- tenant commercial building located at 960 Park Ave N (Parcel #0886600029). The applicant has proposed to locate WCF equipment above the suite occupied by a Verizon Wireless retail store (Suite #104C). All equipment associated with the WCF would be entirely concealed within three (3) enclosures constructed to match the architectural style of the existing building. The enclosures would extend a maximum of eight (8) feet above the existing roof parapet. The cabinet equipment would be located inside of the Verizon store and would not be visible from outside of the building. The subject parcel is 4.77 acres in size and has a zoning designation of UC, Urban Center, as well as an Urban Design District C Overlay. The parcel has a Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Commercial Mixed Use. A High Seismic Hazard area was mapped on the project site. The applicant has not proposed any new impervious surface or the removal of any trees or vegetation. Project Location: 960 Park Ave N, Renton, WA 98057 Site Area: 4.77 acres DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 2 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Staff Report Exhibit 2: Site Plan and Elevations Exhibit 3: Photo Simulations Exhibit 4: RF/RS Documentation C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner(s) of Record: CPT The Landing LLC c/o Shannon Jallow 2. Zoning Classification: UC, Urban Center Urban Design District C Overlay 3. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) 4. Existing Site Use: Retail (Multi-tenant) 5. Critical Areas: High Seismic Hazard 6. Neighborhood Characteristics: The Landing Shopping Center a. North: Urban Center (UC) Zoning District and Urban Design District C Overlay b. East: Urban Center (UC) Zoning District and Urban Design District C Overlay c. South: Urban Center (UC) Zoning District and Urban Design District C Overlay d. West: Urban Center (UC) Zoning District and Urban Design District C Overlay 6. Site Area: 4.77 acres D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Comprehensive Plan N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Zoning N/A 5758 06/22/2015 Pacific Coast Annexation N/A 1793 09/23/1959 E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Existing Utilities a. Water: Water service is provided to the existing structure by the City of Renton. There are existing water mains in Park Ave N and N 10th St. b. Sewer: Sewer service is provided to the existing structure by the City of Renton. There is an existing sewer main in N 10th St. c. Surface/Storm Water: There are public stormwater mains in front of the site in both N 10th St and Park Ave ROW. The stormwater main travels across the site and enters the Cedar River via an outfall on the south west side of the subject site. DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 3 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 2. Streets: Access to the site is provided via N 10th St and Park Ave N. Park Ave N is classified as a Major Arterial and N 10th St is classified as a Local street. There are complete street improvements along the entire frontage of the project site. 3. Fire Protection: Renton Fire Authority F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts a. Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts b. Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations a. Section 4-3-050: Critical Area Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards a. Section 4-4-140: Wireless Communications Facilities Regulations 4. Chapter 9 Permits a. Section 4-9-030: Conditional Use Permit 5. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element 2. Utilities Element H. FINDINGS OF FACT (FOF): 1. The applicant, Verizon Wireless, is requesting an Administrative Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the installation of a concealed Wireless Communications Facility (WCF) on an existing commercial building. 2. The Planning Division of the City of Renton accepted the above master application for review on February 23rd, 2018 and determined the application complete on February 28th, 2018. The project complies with the 120-day review period. 3. The project site is located at 960 Park Ave N (Parcel #0886600029). 4. Two one-story multi-tenant commercial buildings are located on the site. 5. Access to the site is provided via multiple driveways off of Park Ave N and N 10th St. 6. The property is located within the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation. 7. The site is located within the Urban Center (UC) zoning classification. 8. The majority of the site consists of impervious surface, including the existing building and associated parking. 9. The applicant has proposed retaining all trees on the sites. 10. The site is mapped as a High Seismic Hazard area. 11. No grading is proposed on site. 12. The applicant is proposing to construct the WCF in the summer of 2018. 13. Staff did not receive any public or agency comments. DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 4 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 14. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of this report. 15. Comprehensive Plan Compliance: The site is designated Commercial Office Residential (COR) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the COR designation are intended to evolve from underutilized and vacant to compact, mixed-developments that act as a gateway to the City. The land banking designation is characterized by enhanced master planning and coordinated design that takes advantage of significant amenities and major transportation or transit routes. The proposal is compliant with the following Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies if all conditions of approval are met: Compliance Comprehensive Plan Analysis Compliant if condition of approval under FOF 18.a is met Policy U‐79. Require that the siting and location of telecommunications facilities be accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on the environment and adjacent land uses. Staff Comment: See analysis below under FOF 18.a CUP. If conditions of the CUP are met the proposed concealed WCF would meet the policy objective.  Policy U‐80. Require wireless communication structures and towers to be designed and site to minimize aesthetic impacts and to be co-located on existing structures and towers wherever possible. Staff Comment: See analysis below under FOF 18.g CUP.  Goal L-P: Minimize adverse impacts to natural systems, and address impacts of past practice where feasible, through leadership, policy, regulation, and regional coordination.  Goal L-BB: Maintain a high quality of life as Renton grows by ensuring that new development is designed to be functional and attractive. Staff Comment: See analysis below under FOF 18.a CUP. If conditions of the CUP are met the proposed concealed WCF would meet the policy objective.  Goal L-FF: Strengthen the visual identity of Renton and its Community Planning Areas and neighborhoods through quality design and development. Staff Comment: See analysis below under FOF 18.a CUP. If conditions of the CUP are met the proposed concealed WCF would meet the policy objective.  Policy L-55: Protect public scenic views and public view corridors, including Renton’s physical, visual and perceptual linkages to Lake Washington and the Cedar River. Staff Comment: See analysis below under FOF 18.a CUP. If conditions of the CUP are met the proposed stealth tower would meet the policy objective. 16. Zoning Development Standard Compliance: The site is located in the Urban Center (UC) District and the Urban Design District C on the City’s Zoning Map. Land with the UC zoning designation is intended to attract a wide range of office, technology, commercial, and residential uses. The overall mix and intensity of uses is intended to create an urban rather than suburban character. The purpose of the design requirements in Urban Design District C is to encourage high-quality, pedestrian-scale structures in areas zoned Urban Center (UC) or Commercial Office Residential (COR). Although the design requirements for structures in Urban Design District C are not applicable to wireless communication facilities, the design DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 5 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 and siting of new towers or equipment should be compatible with the goals and overall intent of the design regulations. All new wireless communication facilities are required to meet the standards and requirements in RMC 4-4-140 in lieu of the typical development standards based on zoning designation. Compliance Wireless Communication Facility Standards Analysis  a. Equipment Shelters/Cabinets: Location - Equipment shelters and cabinets used to house related equipment should be located within buildings or placed underground, unless it is infeasible. Screening - Equipment shelters and cabinets shall be surrounded by a fifteen foot (15') wide sight obscuring landscape buffer around the outside perimeter of required security fencing with a minimum height that is no less than the height of the compound fence at any point. Existing topography, vegetation and other site characteristics may provide relief from the screening requirement Size - The applicant shall provide documentation that the size of any equipment shelters or cabinets is the minimum necessary to meet the provider’s service needs. Generators – i. Architectural integration is required (if applicable). ii. To the extent feasible, generators shall be enclosed along with the related equipment. Similar to equipment shelters, the screening for the generator shall utilize similar building materials, colors, accents, and textures as the primary building; if no buildings exist on site, ensure that the building is designed to blend in with the environment. iii. A screening wall and/or landscaping material shall be required to mitigate visual impacts. iv. Fences shall be constructed of materials that complement and blend in with the surroundings. v. Anti-graffiti finish shall be applied to all solid fences, walls, and gates. vi. A noise analysis shall be required to demonstrate that the generator will operate within allowed noise limits if the generator is the sole power source. Staff Comment: The associated cabinet equipment would be located inside a room on the first floor of the existing structure and according to the applicant, would not be visible when viewed from outside. The cabling used to connect the interior equipment with the roof-mounted antennas would be located on the roof and would not be visible from the ground. Due to the importance of the first floor glazing on the building’s visual impact, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant provide the exact location of the internal equipment to the Current Planning Project Manager for approval prior to building permit application.  b. Maximum Height: The maximum building height permitted in the UC zone is 10 stories along primary and secondary arterials and 6 stories along residential/minor collectors. The maximum height of wireless communication facilities is governed by RMC 4-4-140F, which limits the height of concealed and/or camouflaged WCFs erected on a rooftop to sixteen feet (16') above the allowed zone height. DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 6 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 Staff Comment: The max height above grade of the proposed concealed WCF is thirty feet (30’). The proposal complies with the maximum height permitted in the UC zone. Shall comply using the CUP Criteria below under FOF 18.a c. Visual Impact: RMC 4-4-140F.3 requires that site location and development preserve the pre-existing character of the surrounding buildings and landscape to the extent consistent with the function of the communications equipment. Towers shall be integrated through location and design to blend in with the existing characteristics of the site to the extent practical. Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved or improved, and disturbance of the existing topography shall be minimized, unless such disturbance would result in less adverse visual impact to the surrounding area. Towers, antennas and related equipment shall be uniformly painted a non-reflective neutral color that best matches the colors within the immediately surrounding built and natural landscape in order to reduce the contrast between the WCF and the landscape. Staff Comment: The proposed location of the concealed WCF, on the rooftop of the existing structure, creates a negligible visual impact on the building and site as a whole. Both enclosures would extend a maximum of eight feet (8’) above the existing parapet and would entirely screen the proposed antennas. The applicant has proposed matching the aesthetic look of the enclosure walls with the various façade materials on the existing building. See Conditional Use Permit analysis provided below in FOF 19.a, and the associated condition of approval. N/A d. Setbacks: RMC 4-4-140F.4 requires that towers be set back from each property line by a distance equal to the tower height, unless an engineering analysis concludes that a reduced setback is safe for abutting properties and the Administrator determines that a reduced setback is appropriate for the site.  e. Maximum Noise Levels: RMC 4-4-140F.5 limits the noise of equipment associated with Wireless Communication Facilities to forty five (45) decibels as measured from the nearest property line on which the facility is located. Staff Comment: The applicant has stated in their project narrative that they do not anticipate any changes in the noise levels. If noise levels exceed the maximum decibel limit, the applicant would be required to bring the proposed facility into compliance with code.  e. Fencing: RMC 4-4-040 limits fences within commercial and industrial zoning to a maximum height of 8 feet. In addition, RMC 4-4-140F.6 requires the installation of security fencing coated with a non-reflective neutral fence. Staff Comment: No fencing is proposed as a part of the concealed WCF project.  f. Lighting: RMC 4-4-140F.7 prohibits the artificial lighting of towers or antennas, unless required by the FAA or other authority. Staff Comment: No new lighting is proposed as a part of the concealed WCF project.  g. Advertising Prohibited: RMC 4-4-140F.8 prohibits the placement of advertising on any part of the Wireless Communication Facility or associated equipment. Staff Comment: The applicant has not proposed any type of advertising to be included on the structure. h. Building Standards: RMC 4-4-140F.9 requires support structures to be constructed so as to meet or exceed the most recent Electronic Industries DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 7 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 Compliance not yet demonstrated Association/Telecommunications Industries Association (EIA/TIA) 222 Revision G Standard. Prior to issuance of a building permit the Building Official shall be provided with an engineer’s certification that the support structure’s design meets or exceeds those standards. Staff Comment: The structural integrity of the proposed concealed WCF will be evaluated via engineering analysis at the time of application for the building permit.  i. Radio Frequency Standards: RMC 4-4-140F.10 requires the applicant to ensure that the Wireless Communication Facility will not cause localized interference with the reception of area television or radio broadcasts. Staff Comment: The applicant does not anticipate any inference with the reception of the area television or radio broadcasts and would be required to immediately address any interference issues should they be reported.  j. Concealed Wireless Communication Facility Standards: RMC 4-4-140 requires concealed facilities to meet minimum standards that effectively disguise the tower. 1. Building Addition: All antennas shall be fully concealed within a structure that is architecturally compatible with the existing building. Roof top additions shall be concealed on all sides. 2. Related Equipment: The related equipment shall be completely concealed inside a structure or inside an underground vault. Concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and prefabricated facilities do not meet the intent of a concealed WCF. Equipment enclosures shall be designed to be compatible with the existing building/structure. 3. Materials: Fiberglass reinforced plastic or radio frequency transparent materials may be used to screen and integrate a WCF with an existing building. Visible transition lines between the old and new surfaces are prohibited. 4. Architectural Elements: New architectural features such as columns, pilasters, corbels, or other ornamentation that conceal antennas may be used if it complements the architecture of the existing building. Staff Comment: The antennas associated with the proposed WCF would be fully screened behind RF-porous panels made of materials that are substantially similar to those used on the exterior of the existing building. All associated cabinet equipment would be located entirely inside of a room on the first floor the existing building and would not be visible from the outside of the building. See FOF 18 below for analysis related to the concealed WCF. 17. Critical Areas: Project sites which contain critical areas are required to comply with the Critical Areas Regulations (RMC 4-3-050). The proposal is consistent with the Critical Areas Regulations, if all conditions of approval are complied with:  Geologically Hazardous Areas: Based upon the results of a geotechnical report and/or independent review, conditions of approval for developments may include buffers and/or setbacks from buffers. A standard 15-foot building setback is required for all structures from Protected Slope areas. A 50-foot buffer and 15-foot building setback are required from Very High Landslide Hazard Areas. DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 8 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 Staff Comment: The proposed WCF would be located within a High Seismic Hazard area. A geotechnical report was waived as part of the land use submittal application. However, a geotechnical report may be required as part of the building permit submittal at the discretion of the Building Official. 18. Conditional Use Analysis: In lieu of the criteria normally evaluated for Conditional Use Permits, the following criteria (RMC 4-9-030E) will be considered in determining whether to issue a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communication facility. Compliance Conditional Use Analysis for Wireless Facilities Compliant if condition of approval is met a. Height and Design of the Proposed Tower: The height of the proposed tower and/or antenna as well as incorporation of design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness. Staff Comment: The proposed location of the concealed WCF, on the rooftop of the existing structure, creates no significant visual impact on the building or site as a whole. All rooftop mounted equipment would be fully screened by RF-porous panels and associated cabinet equipment would be located inside of the existing building. The three enclosures would extend a maximum of eight (8’) feet above the existing parapet and would not have a significant impact on the overall look of the building or site. The existing building utilizes a number of both vertical and horizontal façade modulations. Although visible from Park Ave N, the screening structures would not look out of place due to the modulations and use of various materials on the existing building. The applicant has proposed matching the aesthetic look of the enclosure walls with the two façade materials utilized on the existing building. Detailed information on the screening wall material and color was not provided to staff at the application submittal. In order to ensure that enclosures adequately match the architectural and style of the existing building, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant provide detailed information on the screening color and materials to the Current Planning Project Manager for review and approval prior to building permit issuance.  b. Proximity of The Tower to Residential Structures And Residential District Boundaries: The nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties and the proximity of the tower and/or antenna to residential structures and residential district boundaries. Staff Comment: Existing residential uses are located in a mixed-use structure to the north of the proposed project site across N 10th St (aka Sanctuary Apartments). The proposed concealed WCF would be located approximately 250 feet (250’) from southern façade of the Sanctuary Apartments building. The roofline of the building where the WCF would be installed would largely obscure the equipment from apartments on the lower floors of the buildings. While the upper floors may have a visual line of sight to the proposed antennas, the WCF equipment would not look substantially different than the various other rooftop HVAC and communications systems located on other rooftops in the vicinity. Therefore, the WCF would not have a negative impact on any residential uses in the nearby area.  c. Nature of Uses On Adjacent and Nearby Properties: The nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties. The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. Staff Comment: The proposed WCF is located in a predominantly commercial area with DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 9 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 variety of building scales and architectural styles. The presence of two (2) screened rooftop WCF enclosures that are visually comparable to other rooftop-mounted equipment on adjacent structures would not result in adverse effects on any adjacent properties.  d. Topography and Vegetation: The surrounding topography and tree canopy coverage. Staff Comment: No clearing or grading is proposed as a result of this project. There are existing significant trees located on the project site that would not be affected as a result of the proposed project.  e. Ingress/Egress: Vehicular access to the project site would be provided via an existing driveway off of Maple Valley Hwy and through the existing parking lot on the site. No changes are proposed to the existing vehicular access to the project site.  f. Impacts: The potential noise, light, glare, and visual impacts. Staff Comment: The impacts of light, glare, and noise are not anticipated to be above what would be permitted in the UC zone. See FOF 16 for additional analysis. Compliant if condition of approval is met g. Colocation Feasibility: The availability of suitable existing towers and other structures to accommodate the proposal. Staff Comment: The applicant submitted satisfactory evidence that no existing tower or support structure can accommodate the proposed equipment relocation. A lack of existing towers in the Renton downtown and Landing area have led to a number of new proposals from Verizon and other providers for new WCFs in the area. Due to the existing zoning in the downtown area, monopoles are generally not feasible and therefore colocation is not easily accomplished. However, in order to ensure that future proposals from other providers or an expansion of the subject facility by Verizon has enough space to locate on the subject rooftop, the layout of the three proposed enclosures should ensure that the installation of additional equipment is feasible. Therefore staff recommends as a condition of approval that the design and location of the rooftop WCF enclosure allow for additional equipment colocation in the future unless determined infeasible by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of building permit application. The analysis should be provided with the building permit application and should identify either the location for additional equipment or a determination of colocation infeasibility.  j. Consistency With Plans And Regulations: The compatibility with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, this Title, and any other City plan, program, map or ordinance. Staff Comment: As previously discussed above under FOF 15 and 16 the proposed installation of the proposed concealed WCF is consistent with the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and RMC 4-4-140 Wireless Communication Facilities regulations provided the conditions of approval is complied with.  k. Landscaping: Additional landscaping may be required to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. Staff Comment: All cabinet equipment would be installed inside of the building and would not require landscape screening. DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 10 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 I. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The subject site is located in the Commercial Mixed Use Comprehensive Plan designation and complies with the goals and policies established with this designation if conditions of approval are met, see FOF 15. 2. The subject site is located in the Urban Center (UC) zoning designation and complies with the zoning and development standards established with this designation provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 16. 3. The proposed concealed WCF meets the ten development standards that apply specifically to new Wireless Communication Facilities, provided the applicant meets all conditions of approval, see FOF 16. 4. The proposed concealed wireless communication facility complies with the Critical Areas Regulations provided the applicant complies with City Code and conditions of approval, see FOF 17. 5. The proposed concealed wireless communication facility meets the nine special decision criteria considered when making a decision on a conditional use permit request for a Wireless Communications Facility, as specified in RMC 4-9-030E, provided the applicant meets all conditions of approval, see FOF 18. J. DECISION: The Verizon SEA Renton Retail Conditional Use Permit, File No. LUA18-000142, as depicted in Exhibit 2, is approved and is subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant shall submit material and color details of the rooftop screening enclosure for approval by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to Building Permit issuance. 2. The design and location of the rooftop WCF enclosures shall allow for additional equipment colocation in the future unless determined infeasible by the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of building permit application. The analysis shall be provided with the building permit application and should identify either the location for additional equipment or a determination of colocation infeasibility. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Date TRANSMITTED this 1th day of May, 2018 to the Owner/Applicant/Contact: Owner: Applicant: Contact: CPT The Landing LLC c/o Shannon Jallow 955 Park Ave N Renton, WA 98057 Verizon Wireless 3245 158th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Rick Cardoza, LCD 20210 142nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 TRANSMITTED this 1th day of May, 2018 to the Parties of Record: No Parties of Record TRANSMITTED this 1th day of May, 2018 to the following: DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 5/1/2018 | 3:33 PM PDT City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Administrative Report & Decision SEA RENTON RETAIL STORE LUA18-000142 May 1, 2018 Page 11 of 11 D_CUP_Administrative_Report_180501 Chip Vincent, CED Administrator Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Amanda Askren, Property Services Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Fire Marshal K. LAND USE ACTION APPEALS, REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, & EXPIRATION: The administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within 14 days of the decision date. APPEAL: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on May 15th, 2018. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680), together with the required fee to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. RMC 4-8-110.B governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. EXPIRATION: The Conditional Use Permit decision will expire two (2) years from the date of decision. A single two (2) year extension may be requested pursuant to RMC 4-9-030. THE APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DOCTRINE: provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning the land use decision. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial decision, but to Appeals to the Hearing Examiner as well. All communications after the decision/approval date must be made in writing through the Hearing Examiner. All communications are public record and this permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence in writing. Any violation of this doctrine could result in the invalidation of the appeal by the Court. DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 PROPERTY OWNER: BOEING LAKESHORE LANDING - BSP LOT 1 OF RENTON SHORT PLAT #LUA-06-069-SHPL REC #20061024900005 SD SP BEING LOT 3A OF RENTON LLA LUA-06-004 REC #20060510900003 TGW TR N BOEING BSP 20041223000856 LEGAL DESCRIPTION APPROVED BY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER DATE SIGNATURE PROJECT MANAGER SITE ACQUISITION ZONING APPROVAL / SIGN OFF PROJECT CONTACT LIST PROJECT INFORMATION RF REVIEWERS SHALL CLEARLY PLACE INITIALS ADJACENT TO EACH REDLINE NOTE AS DRAWINGS ARE BEING REVIEWED FROM VERIZON WIRELESS OFFICE: x GET ON I-90 W FROM SE EASTGATE WAY x HEAD EAST TOWARD 158TH AVE SE x TURN RIGHT ONTO 158TH AVE SE x TURN RIGHT ONTO SE EASTGATE WAY x TURN LEFT ONTO THE I-90 W RAMP TO SEATTLE x KEEP LEFT, FOLLOW SIGNS FOR I-90 W/SEATTLE AND MERGE ONTO I-90 W x TAKE I-405 S TO NE PARK DR IN RENTON. TAKE EXIT 5 FROM I-405 S x MERGE ONTO I-90 W x TAKE EXIT 10 FOR INTERSTATE 405 S TOWARD RENTON x MERGE ONTO I-405 S x TAKE EXIT 5 TOWARD WA-900 E/PARK AVENUE NORTH/SUNSET BLVD N.E x DRIVE TO GARDEN AVE N x TURN RIGHT ONTO NE PARK DR (SIGNS FOR PARK AVENUE N) x TURN LEFT ONTO GARDEN AVE N x TURN RIGHT ONTO N 10 ST x TURN LEFT ONTO PARK AVE N x DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE LEFT x DRIVING DIRECTIONS VERIZON WIRELESS PROPOSES TO CONSTRUCT AN UNMANNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY CONSISTING OF (6) PANEL ANTENNAS, (6) RRUS UNITS, AND (2) OVP DISTRUBUTION BOXES CONCEALED WITHIN (2) SHROUDED ANTENNA MOUNTS; ALSO, THE ADDITION OF (2) MICROWAVE ANTENNAS WITHIN AN FRP CANISTER ASSEMBLY MOUNTED ON A 38.0'BUILDING. MICROWAVE (NEW) TELEPHONE:POWER: PUGET SOUND ENERGY PHONE: (888) 225-5773ZONING CLASSIFICATION: CODE INFORMATION: UC (URBAN CENTER) BUILDING CODE:IBC 2015 CONSTRUCTION TYPE:IIIA OCCUPANCY:B, M, S-2 JURISDICTION:CITY OF RENTON PROPOSED BUILDING USE: UNMANNED TELECOM LATITUDE: SITE LOCATION (NAD83): 47° 29' 50.14" N LONGITUDE:122° 12' 06.76" W TOP OF STRUCTURE:68.00'± AMSL BASE OF STRUCTURE:30.00'± AMSL TBD PROJECT LEASE AREA: 0886600029 PARCEL NUMBER: 4.77 ACRES AREA OF PARCEL: N/A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1. PARKING REQUIREMENTS ARE UNCHANGED. 2. TRAFFIC IS UNAFFECTED. 3. SIGNAGE IS UNAFFECTED. GENERAL INFORMATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 38.0'± AGL 0.0' AGL (47.4972619° N) (122.2018766° W) VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE GENERAL LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECTPROJECT TITLE SHEET T-1.0 LANDLORD 960 PARK AVE N RENTON, WA 98057 SEA RETAIL RENTON DRAWING INDEX DWG NO.DESCRIPTION T-1.0 TITLE SHEET A-1.0 SITE PLAN A-2.0 ENLARGED SITE PLAN A-3.0 ELEVATIONS CPR THE LANDING LLC APPLICANT: VERIZON WIRELESS 3245 158TH AVENUE SE BELLEVUE, WA 98008 PROJECT ARCHITECT: LDC, INC. CONTACT: RICHARD B. HALL, AIA PHONE: (425) 806-1869 EMAIL: rhall@ldccorp.com PROJECT CONSULTANT: LDC, INC. CONTACT: RICK CARDOZA PHONE: (253) 218-9017 EMAIL: rcardoza@ldccorp.com UTILITY COMPANIES THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE. ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO VERIZON WIRELESS SERVICES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ADVISE CONSULTANTS OF ANY ERRORS AND OMISSIONS. ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES OF THIS DRAWINGS ARE SUPERSEDED BY THE LATEST REVISION. LDC TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADEQUACY OF TOWER MOUNTS FOR EXISTING OR PROPOSED LOADING. CONTRACTOR AND MOUNT MANUFACTURER TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MOUNTING PRODUCTS USED & THEIR ADEQUACY. MOUNTS SHOWN IN DRAWINGS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. DISCLAIMERS SHEET NUMBER SUBMITTALS DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SITE DESCRIPTION BYDATE SHEET TITLE REV SEA RETAIL RENTON 960 PARK AVE N RENTON, WA 98057 8-29-17 RJG RBH 1 8-29-17 PRELIMINARY ZONING RJG 2 9-13-17 FINAL ZONING ENS APPROVAL STAMP Structural Engineering Architectural www.LDCcorp.com 20210 142nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 THE CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP Fx. 425.482.2893 Ph. 425.806.1869 Survey 8828 RECEIVED 02/27/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION Exhibit 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 1 1 ZONING: ADJACENT ZONING: ZONING MAP NOT TO SCALE SITE PLAN 22"x34" SCALE: 1" = 50'11"x17" SCALE: 1" = 100' PROJECT EXISTING SITE ACCESS SITE PLAN A-1.0 UC (URBAN CENTER) UC (URBAN CENTER) SHEET NUMBER SUBMITTALS DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SITE DESCRIPTION BYDATE SHEET TITLE REV SEA RETAIL RENTON 960 PARK AVE N RENTON, WA 98057 8-29-17 RJG RBH 1 8-29-17 PRELIMINARY ZONING RJG 2 9-13-17 FINAL ZONING ENS APPROVAL STAMP Structural Engineering Architectural www.LDCcorp.com 20210 142nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 THE CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP Fx. 425.482.2893 Ph. 425.806.1869 Survey 8828 PROPERTY LINES AND STRUCTURES HAVE BEEN DIGITIZED FROM PREVIOUS PLAN SETS OR FROM ASSESSORS MAPS. LDC HAS NOT COMPLETED A SITE SURVEY AND THEREFORE MAKES NO CLAIM AS TO THE ACCURACY OF INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS MOUNTED WITHIN A FRP SHROUD ON A 38.0' BUILDING ADJACENT ZONING: UC (URBAN CENTER) ADJACENT ZONING: IH (INDUSTRIAL HEAVY) ADJACENT ZONING: UC (URBAN CENTER) UC UC UC IH 16'± ANTENNASETBACK 1 0 9 '±A N T E N N A S E T B A C K 553'±ANTENNASETBACK187'±ANTENNASETBACKDocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 1 1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 22"x34" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"11"x17" SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" MW:288°MW: 1 4 5 ° ENLARGED SITE PLAN A-2.0 SHEET NUMBER SUBMITTALS DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SITE DESCRIPTION BYDATE SHEET TITLE REV SEA RETAIL RENTON 960 PARK AVE N RENTON, WA 98057 8-29-17 RJG RBH 1 8-29-17 PRELIMINARY ZONING RJG 2 9-13-17 FINAL ZONING ENS APPROVAL STAMP Structural Engineering Architectural www.LDCcorp.com 20210 142nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 THE CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP Fx. 425.482.2893 Ph. 425.806.1869 Survey 8828 CONSTRUCTION PLAN KEYED NOTES 1. VERIFY ANTENNA MODEL, TIP HEIGHT & AZIMUTHS. 2. ANALYSIS OF BUILDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY LDC & STAMPED BY A LICENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. SITE NOTES PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS HYBRID FIBER CABLE TO ANTENNAS (2 TOTAL). PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SHROUDED ANTENNA MOUNT (2 TOTAL). STRUCTURAL PENDING. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNA (TYP 3 PER SECTOR, 6 TOTAL). PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS GPS ANTENNA. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 1'Ø MICROWAVE (2 TOTAL). PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RAYCAP DISTRIBUTION OVP BOX (2 TOTAL). EXISTING 38.0' BUILDING. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS WALL MOUNTED STEEL ANGLE. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS RRUS 32 UNIT (TYP 3 PER SECTOR, 6 TOTAL). PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CABLE SUPPORT BLOCKS. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 3'Ø x 6' TALL FRP CANISTER ASSEMBLY. STRUCTURAL PENDING. 3 4 6 7 11 12 14 17 20 26 29 2 4 EXISTING PARKING LINE, TYP (TO REMAIN) ROOF DECK EXISTING BUILDING CANOPY OVERHANG 11 21 7 22'-0"19'-0" EXISTING BUILDING CANOPY OVERHANG 12 PROPOSEDVERIZONWIRELESS10'-0"ANTENNASHROUDPROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 10'-0" ANTENNA SHROUDPROPOSEDVERIZONWIRELESS8'-0"ANTENNASHROUDPROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 8'-0" ANTENNA SHROUD5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"29 3 17 14 66 6 6S E C T O R 1 :6 0 °S E C T O R 3 :2 4 0 °SECTOR2:150° 14 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 2 1PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION (LOOKING NORTH) 22"x34" SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"11"x17" SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION (LOOKING EAST) 22"x34" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"11"x17" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 0.0' AGL 28.0' AGL TOP OF PARAPET 25.0' AGL FINISH GRADE 0.0' AGL ELEVATIONS A-3.0 SHEET NUMBER SUBMITTALS DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SITE DESCRIPTION BYDATE SHEET TITLE REV SEA RETAIL RENTON 960 PARK AVE N RENTON, WA 98057 8-29-17 RJG RBH 1 8-29-17 PRELIMINARY ZONING RJG 2 9-13-17 FINAL ZONING ENS APPROVAL STAMP Structural Engineering Architectural www.LDCcorp.com 20210 142nd Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98072 THE CIVIL ENGINEERING GROUP Fx. 425.482.2893 Ph. 425.806.1869 Survey 8828 CONSTRUCTION PLAN KEYED NOTES 1. VERIFY ANTENNA MODEL, TIP HEIGHT & AZIMUTHS. 2. ANALYSIS OF BUILDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY LDC & STAMPED BY A LICENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. SITE NOTES PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SHROUDED ANTENNA MOUNT (2 TOTAL). STRUCTURAL PENDING. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS PANEL ANTENNA (TYP 3 PER SECTOR, 6 TOTAL). PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 1'Ø MICROWAVE (2 TOTAL). EXISTING 38.0' BUILDING. PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS 3'Ø x 6' TALL FRP CANISTER ASSEMBLY. STRUCTURAL PENDING. 4 6 7 11 12 FINISH GRADE 27.5' AGL TOP OF LOWER PARAPET 22.0' AGL TOP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CANISTER 28.0' AGL TIP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS MICROWAVES 27.5' AGL TOP OF PARAPET 25.0' AGL 4 4 11 7 7 11 TOP OF BUILDING 38.0' AGL TIP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS MICROWAVES TOP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS CANISTER TOP OF LOWER PARAPET 22.0' AGL TOP OF BUILDING 38.0' AGL 12 6 6 12 33.0' AGL 32.5' AGL TIP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS TOP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SHROUD 33.0' AGL 32.5' AGL TIP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS TOP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SHROUD TOP OF ROOF DECK 19.0' AGL 30.0' AGL 29.5' AGL TIP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS TOP HEIGHT OF PROPOSED VERIZON WIRELESS SHROUD TOP OF ROOF DECK 19.0' AGL DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 www.LDCcorp.comExisting Proposed Photo Location Site Photo SEA Retail Store Project Information Project type: Building Overall height: 38’-0” Latitude: 47° 29’ 50.14” N Longitude: 122° 12’ 06.76” W Ground elevation: 30.00 AMSL Jurisdiction: City of Renton Zoning: UC (Urban Center) 960 Park Ave NRenton, WA 98057 Southeast View (Looking Northwest) from Parking Lot Issue Date: 10-12-17 RECEIVED 02/27/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION Exhibit 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 www.LDCcorp.comExisting Proposed Photo Location Site Photo SEA Retail Store Project Information Project type: Building Overall height: 38’-0” Latitude: 47° 29’ 50.14” N Longitude: 122° 12’ 06.76” W Ground elevation: 30.00 AMSL Jurisdiction: City of Renton Zoning: UC (Urban Center) 960 Park Ave NRenton, WA 98057 Northwest View (Looking Southeast) from N 10th St & Park Ave N Issue Date: 10-12-17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 www.LDCcorp.comExisting Proposed Photo Location Site Photo SEA Retail Store Project Information Project type: Building Overall height: 38’-0” Latitude: 47° 29’ 50.14” N Longitude: 122° 12’ 06.76” W Ground elevation: 30.00 AMSL Jurisdiction: City of Renton Zoning: UC (Urban Center) 960 Park Ave NRenton, WA 98057 Southwest View (Looking Northeast) from Park Ave N Issue Date: 10-12-17 DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 Exhibit 4 RECEIVED 02/27/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065 DocuSign Envelope ID: 35C81E54-0D45-4462-9C1B-CC146B4BA065