HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_DraftTIR_180426_v1.pdf26 April 2018 RECEIVED 05/02/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION   Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Commercial Airplanes Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Submitted to The Boeing Company 800 North Sixth Street Renton, Washington 98055 26 April 2018 Prepared by BergerABAM 33301 Ninth Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 A18.0200.00 Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page i of ii  DRAFT TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT Boeing Commercial Airplanes Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE PROJECT ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATE ...................................................................................................... 1  1.0 SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 2  1.1 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................ 2   1.2 Proposed Improvements ................................................................................................ 4   1.3 Stormwater Improvements ............................................................................................ 4   2.0 SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY .................................................... 5  2.1 Requirements Summary: Stormwater Management Guidelines ................................ 5  2.1.1 Core Requirement 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location ......................................... 5  2.1.2 Core Requirement 2 - Off-site Analysis ....................................................................... 6  2.1.3 Core Requirement 3 - Flow Control ............................................................................. 6  2.1.4 Core Requirement 4 - Conveyance System ................................................................. 6  2.1.5 Core Requirement 5 - Erosion and Sediment Control ................................................ 6  2.1.6 Core Requirement 6 - Maintenance and Operations ................................................. 6  2.1.7 Core Requirement 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability ......................................... 6  2.1.8 Core Requirement 8 - Water Quality ............................................................................ 6  2.1.9 Core Requirement 9 – On-site BMPs .......................................................................... 7  2.1.10 Special Requirement 1 - Other Adopted Area-specific Requirements ...................... 8  2.1.11 Special Requirement 2 - Flood Hazard Delineation ................................................... 8  2.1.12 Special Requirement 3 - Flood Protection Facilities ................................................. 8  2.1.13 Special Requirement 4 - Source Control ..................................................................... 8  2.1.14 Special Requirement 5 - Oil Control ............................................................................ 8  2.1.15 Special Requirement 6 – Aquifer Protection Area ..................................................... 8  3.0 SECTION 3: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 8  3.1 Basin 30 – Outfall 004A ................................................................................................ 9   3.2 Basin 29 – Outfall 004A ................................................................................................ 9   3.3 Basin 58 – Outfall 004A ................................................................................................ 9   3.3.1 Reach 58B ..................................................................................................................... 9  3.3.2 Reach 58A ..................................................................................................................... 9  3.3.3 Proposed Improvements ............................................................................................. 10  3.4 Basin 28 – Outfall 004 ................................................................................................ 10   3.5 Basin 27 – Outfall 004 ................................................................................................ 10   3.5.1 Reach 27C ................................................................................................................... 10  3.5.2 Reach 27i .................................................................................................................... 11  3.5.3 Reach 27H ................................................................................................................... 11  3.5.4 Reach 27B ................................................................................................................... 11  3.5.5 Reach 27E ................................................................................................................... 12  3.5.6 Reach 27F ................................................................................................................... 12  3.5.7 Reach 27A ................................................................................................................... 12  3.5.8 Existing Conditions Summary .................................................................................... 13  3.5.9 Proposed Condition .................................................................................................... 14  4.0 SECTION 4: STORMWATER FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ............................................. 14  4.1 Water Quality Treatment ............................................................................................. 14   Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page ii of ii  4.1.1 Oil Control .................................................................................................................... 17 Flow Splitter ................................................................................................ 18 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator ..................................................... 18  4.1.2 Enhanced Water Quality Treatment .......................................................................... 18  5.0 SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................ 18  5.1 Conveyance System Analysis ..................................................................................... 19   5.1.1 Upstream Conveyance Analysis ................................................................................. 19  5.2 Conveyance System Design ........................................................................................ 19   5.2.1 HDPE Pipe .................................................................................................................... 19  5.2.2 Backflow Prevention ................................................................................................... 20  6.0 SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ....................................................................... 20  7.0 SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS .................................................................................................. 20   8.0 SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION SWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .............................................. 20   9.0 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ................................................................................................................................. 20  10.0 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ................................................... 21  11.0 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................ 21  LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1. Project Site Surface Cover .................................................................................................... 5  Table 3-1. Outfall 004A: Tributary Basin Areas .................................................................................. 10  Table 3-2. Basin 27 – Outfall 004: Off-site Basin Areas .................................................................... 13   Table 4-1. Existing Vault Tributary Area Summary ............................................................................. 15  Table 4-2. OWS-064/RTU-13 ............................................................................................................... 15  Table 4-3. OWS-067/RTU-016 ............................................................................................................. 16  Table 4-4. Cleanway Insert Treatment Areas ..................................................................................... 17  LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Site Maps Appendix B Drainage Maps and Calculations Appendix C City of Renton Maps Appendix D Flood Zone Maps Appendix E Geotechnical Report – Provided Under Separate Cover Appendix F Forms Appendix G Maintenance and Inspection Guidelines Appendix H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)   Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 1 of 21  DRAFT TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT BOEING MITIGATION HANGAR PROJECT RENTON, WASHINGTON PROJECT ENGINEER’S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that this Draft Technical Information Report for the Boeing Mitigation Hangar  Project has been prepared by me or under my direct supervision and meets minimum standards  of care and expertise, which is usual and customary in this community for professional  engineers. I understand that the City of Renton does not and will not assume liability for the  sufficiency, suitability, or performance of drainage facilities designed by me.  Reviewed by,                    Steven P. True, PE  Project Manager        Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 2 of 21  1.0 SECTION 1: PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed project is located at The Boeing Commercial Airplane 737 Airplane  Production Renton Plant, which is on the southern shore of Lake Washington, within  the city limits of Renton, Washington. The facility is bordered by the Cedar River to  the west and Logan Avenue to the east. The City of Renton Stadium is located directly  south of the Boeing Renton Production Plant. The surrounding land use is  predominantly commercial, industrial, and retail. The City of Renton Municipal  Airport is adjacent to the project site on the western bank of the Cedar River. The  Landing, a mixed‐use development, a newly constructed hotel and parking garage,  and an outdoor storage yard are located just east of the site. A site vicinity map is  provided in Appendix A.   The project site is located at the northern extent of The Boeing Renton Production  Plant, directly adjacent to the northwest corner of Building 4‐81 and just south of  Apron R, a large open‐paved space used to provide a transportation corridor for  aircraft, personnel, and material from the end of several key production lines to the  Renton Municipal Airport via a bridge crossing the Cedar River. Utility  improvements, drainage improvements, regrading, and repaving of Apron R are  proposed as a part of a separate project. The Mitigation Hangar project will include  constructing a 60,000‐square‐foot building extension on the northwest corner of  Building 4‐81. This building extension will include two aircraft manufacturing bays  and a two‐story manufacturing support area. See Appendix A for the developed site  map.  Additional improvements planned as a part of this project will include preloading the  building extension site, the abandonment of an existing 80,000‐gallon combined  oil/water separator and wet vault, constructing a new combined bypass and oil/water  separator vault, a new modular wetland water quality treatment vault, abandonment  of existing storm conveyance pipe, abandonment of existing utilities within the  proposed building extension footprint, and constructing new connections to the  existing fire protection system.  1.1 Existing Conditions The Mitigation Hangar project site is currently used for parts storage directly adjacent  to Building 4‐81 on the eastern extent of the site.  Aircraft staging stalls are located on  the western end of the project site. A two‐way vehicular drive aisle and a dedicated  pedestrian path separates these two main areas of use. An existing employee parking  area is located at the southern end of the project site. Existing canopies along the  western face of Building 4‐81, which provide covered storage, will be removed to  construct the new building extension.   The entire project site is impervious in its current condition, and its topography is  relatively flat, with slopes generally ranging from less than 1 to no more than  5 percent. Site runoff from the project site generally flows to the north and discharges    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 3 of 21  to Lake Washington via a closed conveyance system. Project improvements  constructed as a part of the Apron R project will include replacing outdated  stormwater infrastructure between the Mitigation Hangar project site and Lake  Washington.   An 80,000‐gallon existing combined oil/water separator and wet vault system  constructed in the 1990s is located centrally within the project site. This vault was  designed to provide water quality treatment for the paved area between Building 4‐81  and Building 4‐20/21 and bypass flows above the required design flow via a diversion  vault. This system will be demolished and abandoned as a part of the Mitigation  Hangar project and will be replaced with a combined oil/water separator and bypass  vault and a manifold modular wetland vault system that will provide oil control and  enhanced water quality treatment to this area.  The Boeing Commercial Airplane 737 Airplane Production Renton Plant operates  24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The industrial activities that occur at the project site  require the Boeing Renton Production Plant facilities to participate in a statewide  Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP) and maintain a stormwater pollution  prevention plan (SWPPP) meeting the requirements of the Washington State  Department of Ecology (Ecology). The Drainage Basin and Outfall definitions and  naming conventions used in this report will follow the existing ISGP SWPPP  conventions for continuity. The proposed project will alter Basins 27 and 58. The  conveyance systems for these basins receive runoff from tributary areas south of the  project site. A detailed discussion of these off‐site drainage elements is provided in  Section 3, Off‐site Analysis.   According to the draft geotechnical report, the project site is underlain by 4 to 10 feet  of compacted structural fill over 10 to 20 feet of very soft organic and inorganic silt.  The native silt is generally underlain by alluvial deposits consisting of loose‐ to  medium‐dense silty sand that extend to depths of greater than 100 feet. Because of its  close proximity to Lake Washington, groundwater elevations within the project site  follow the water level of the lake, which is controlled at the Ballard Locks by the  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The water level varies from approximately 3 feet below  grade in the summer months to 5 feet below grade in the winter months. A copy of the  geotechnical report is provided in Appendix E (under separate cover).  Contaminated soils were identified on the Boeing Renton Production Plant site in 1990.  Ongoing soils testing has identified that contaminants in the project vicinity are below  reportable levels. Soil and groundwater testing will be performed prior to disposal of  site spoils or off‐site discharge of groundwater from dewatering efforts.  Existing utilities within the project limits include fire protection water mains and  production support utilities that feed compressed air, potable water, power, and  communications to aircraft staging areas to facilitate light manufacturing activities.    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 4 of 21  Existing lighting for the project is provided by building mount fixtures on  Building 4‐81 and poles located in the parking area on the southern extent of the  project site.  1.2 Proposed Improvements The proposed improvements included in the Mitigation Hangar project are focused on  the construction of a two‐bay aircraft‐manufacturing hangar. Site improvements will  include abandoning and replacing underground drainage and utility systems within  the building footprint, providing new water quality and oil control facilities, and  preloading the proposed building site.   The project area adjacent to the building extension will be raised to match the finish  floor elevation of Building 4‐81. Pavement north and west of the building extension  will be graded to drain to the improvements constructed as a part of the Apron R  project. Oil control and water quality treatment facilities designed as a part of the  Apron R project will provide oil control and enhanced water quality treatment for  runoff from the paved area north and west of the building extension.  South of the building extension, new collection basins and conveyance piping will  direct runoff from the 5.529‐acre area bounded by Building 4‐81, Building 4‐17,  Building 4‐20, and the new building extension to a new combined oil/water separator  and bypass vault and manifold modular wetland system for oil control and enhanced  water quality treatment.   No new impervious or pollution generating impervious area will be created by the  proposed improvements. See the Developed Conditions Map included in Appendix B  and Table 1‐1 for additional surface cover information.  1.3 Stormwater Improvements Stormwater improvements proposed within the limits of this project will include new  collection and conveyance piping south of the building extension, a new oil control  facility, a new water quality treatment facility, and the demolition and abandonment  of an existing combined oil/water separator and wet vault.   In the developed condition, the Mitigation Hangar project site will contribute surface  water runoff to two separate outfalls (Outfall 004A and Outfall 004) and two separate  basins (27 and 58). Both Basins 27 and 58 extend beyond the project limits, conveying  Boeing Renton Production Plant runoff to Lake Washington from areas south of the  project site. Improvements constructed as a part of the Apron R project directly  downstream of the project site included both conveyance system and outfall  improvements, as well as new oil control and water quality treatment facilities.       Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 5 of 21  Table 1‐1 below summarizes existing and proposed surface coverage for the project  site.  Table 1-1. Project Site Surface Cover Existing Developed Square Feet Acres Square Feet Acres Project Site 130,522 2.996 130,522 2.996 Pervious 0 0 0 0.000 Impervious 130,522 2.996 130,522 2.996 New Impervious 0 0.000 New Pollution Generating Impervious 0 0.000 Removed Pollution Generating Impervious 59,645 1.369 Replaced Pollution Generating Impervious 70,877 1.627 Replaced Impervious 130,522 130,522   2.0 SECTION 2: CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY The following are the design standards that are applicable to this project.   City of Renton Municipal Code   City of Renton Development Standards   City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual,  2016 (SWDM)   King County SWDM, 2016    State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) (RCW 43.21C)  The following publications and manuals are applicable to this project when a specific  subject is not covered or discussed in the above‐listed documents.   Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (2009)   AASHTO “Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” (2004)   Washington State Department of Transportation Design Manual  2.1 Requirements Summary: Stormwater Management Guidelines The project site and Threshold Discharge Areas are subject to the following minimum  requirements.  2.1.1 Core Requirement 1 - Discharge at the Natural Location This project will reroute existing storm conveyance within the respective existing  basins. The project will also make modifications to the size of tributary drainage  basins. These changes will be made to redirect stormwater runoff to proposed water    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 6 of 21  quality treatment facilities before discharging and address capacity issues at existing  conveyance systems. Runoff from the project site discharges at the southern shore of  Lake Washington at Outfalls 004 and 004A. These discharge points combine within  1/4 mile downstream of the project site, maintaining the existing discharge location.   2.1.2 Core Requirement 2 - Off-site Analysis A quantitative analysis of the upstream on‐site conveyance systems for Basins 27 and  58 has been performed to determine that no negative impacts will result from  redirecting portions of the tributary area within the project site.   2.1.3 Core Requirement 3 - Flow Control The project site meets the requirements of the Direct Discharge Exemption per  Section 1.2.3 of the SWDM.   2.1.4 Core Requirement 4 - Conveyance System The new conveyance systems for this project are required to have capacity to convey  and contain the 25‐year, 24‐hour storm event per Section 1.2.4 of the SWDM. The  modifications to the existing conveyance system within the project site are required to  convey and contain the 25‐year, 24‐hour storm event. A backwater analysis of the  conveyance systems for the project site has been modeled using StormCAD. Peak  flows derived using the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method in accordance with  the requirements of the SWDM have been used for sizing the conveyance capacity for  the improvements to the existing systems. See Section 5 for additional information  regarding the design of the conveyance system for this project.  2.1.5 Core Requirement 5 - Erosion and Sediment Control The erosion and sediment control plan and construction SWPPP for the proposed  project will be included in the final technical information report (TIR).  2.1.6 Core Requirement 6 - Maintenance and Operations Stormwater facilities maintenance and operation for The Boeing Company’s Renton  Plant are conducted in accordance with the plant’s ISGP, WAR‐000232. Maintenance  and inspection guidelines for Modular Wetland Systems and Coalescing Plate  Oil/Water Separators will be included in the final TIR.  2.1.7 Core Requirement 7 - Financial Guarantees and Liability The Boeing Company is responsible for all storm drainage guarantees and liabilities  for this project.  2.1.8 Core Requirement 8 - Water Quality The project is exempt from providing water quality under Core Requirement No. 8,  Exemption 3, as it meets all the following criteria.  a. The total valuation of the project improvements (including interior  improvements and excluding required mitigation improvements) is less than  50 percent of the assessed value of the existing site improvements.    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 7 of 21  b. The project will add less than 5,000 square feet of new pollution‐generating  impervious surface (PGIS) that is not fully dispersed.  c. The project will add less than 3/4 acre of new PGPS that is not fully dispersed.  Although no new pollution‐generating area will be created by the proposed  improvements, the project will remove an existing combined oil/water separator and  wet vault. New oil control and treatment facilities will be constructed to provide  treatment and oil control for high‐use portion of this tributary area.   Runoff from a 4.78‐acre area upstream of the vault was also routed through the  existing vault diversion structure. This upstream tributary area includes landscaped  areas, pedestrian walkways, gravel areas, and employee parking lot/driveway areas.  Cleanway catch basin inserts will be installed to provide replacement water quality  treatment for the PGISs in this upstream basin. No high‐use areas, such as areas  receiving heavy truck traffic, are located in this upstream tributary area; therefore, no  new oil control measures will be provided.  A further discussion of the proposed Water Quality Treatment System can be found in  Section 4, Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design.  2.1.9 Core Requirement 9 – On-site BMPs This project will create greater than 2,000 square feet of new, plus replaced,  impervious surface and must evaluate the feasibility of on‐site best management  practices (BMPs) in accordance with this requirement.   This project is exempt from flow control requirements using the Direct Discharge  Exemption, in accordance with Section and, therefore, does not need to achieve  the Low Impact Development (LID) Performance Standard or consider bioretention,  permeable pavement, and full dispersion. However, target pervious surfaces must be  protected in accordance with the soil amendment BMP as detailed in Appendix C,  Section C.2.13 of the SWDM. In addition, target impervious surfaces must implement  full infiltration as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.2 of the SWDM, if feasible;  perforated pipe connection as detailed in Appendix C, Section C.2.11 of the SWDM for  roofs, if feasible; and Basic Dispersion per Appendix C, Section C.2.4 of the SWDM for  other impervious surfaces, if feasible.  No landscaped areas will be created by the proposed project; therefore, soil  amendment BMPs are not applicable to this project.  As discussed in the existing conditions section of this report and further detailed in the  draft geotechnical report, subsurface conditions, such as seasonal groundwater and  possible contaminated soils, preclude the use of infiltration for on‐site stormwater  management. Full Infiltration per Section C2.2 of the SWDM and Perforated Pipe  Connection per Section C2.11 of the SWDM are not feasible for the project site.     Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 8 of 21  2.1.10 Special Requirement 1 - Other Adopted Area-specific Requirements This project is located within the Cedar River Basin. There are currently no special  drainage requirements that apply to this project.   2.1.11 Special Requirement 2 - Flood Hazard Delineation This project is not located within a flood zone as designated by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency panel. Refer to the flood zone maps provided in Appendix D.   2.1.12 Special Requirement 3 - Flood Protection Facilities There are currently no flood protection facilities for the site.  2.1.13 Special Requirement 4 - Source Control When applicable per the King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual (King  County SPPM), structural source control measures, such as car wash pads or dumpster  area roofing, shall be applied to the entire site containing the proposed project, not just  the project site. All applicable structural source control measures shall be shown on  the site improvement plans submitted for engineering review and approval. Other,  nonstructural source control measures, such as covering storage piles with plastic or  isolating areas where pollutants are used or stored, are to be implemented after  occupancy and need not be addressed during the plan review process.   Per the King County SPPM, the Boeing Renton Production Plant is exempt from  implementing the BMPs in the manual because it has obtained, and is complying with,  a permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater  Permit Program. As a condition of the Renton Plant’s ISGP approval, Boeing maintains  a SWPPP that details their operational and structural BMPs throughout the entire site.  Additional discussion of source control is included in Section 4 of this report.  2.1.14 Special Requirement 5 - Oil Control The paved area surrounding the proposed Mitigation Hangar building will be used as  a staging area for light manufacturing activities, a transportation corridor for aircraft  and materials, and a storage area. These activities classify the immediate project site as  a high‐use site requiring oil control. See Section 4 for a detailed discussion of oil  control facilities on the project site.  2.1.15 Special Requirement 6 – Aquifer Protection Area The proposed project site is not located within an Aquifer Protection Area based on  the groundwater protection areas in the City of Renton Map that is included in the  SWDM.  3.0 SECTION 3: OFF-SITE ANALYSIS Stormwater runoff from the project site discharges directly to Lake Washington and  does not enter an off‐site conveyance system. Because the stormwater outfalls are  submerged, no bank sloughing or evidence of erosion was observed. The following  downstream and upstream analysis documents the Boeing Renton Production Plant    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 9 of 21  on‐site conveyance systems that will be affected by the proposed project  improvements.   3.1 Basin 30 – Outfall 004A Basin 30 consists entirely of roof area from Building 4‐20. An existing 10‐inch pipe  connects to an 18‐inch high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe just as it exits the  building. This 18‐inch pipe extends 110 feet north where it connects to an 18‐inch  HDPE pipe located parallel to Building 4‐20, which conveys runoff 260 feet east to a  point of convergence with Basin 29, as described in Section 3.2.2.   3.2 Basin 29 – Outfall 004A Basin 29 consists entirely of roof area from Building 4‐20. An existing 10‐inch pipe  connects to an 18‐inch HDPE pipe just as it exits the building. This 18‐inch pipe  extends 110 feet north where it connects to an 18‐inch HDPE pipe located parallel to  Building 4‐20 and a point of convergence with Basin 30 described above. The 18‐inch  HDPE pipe located parallel to Building 4‐20 continues to convey runoff 297 feet east to  converge with Basin 58 near the east end of Building 4‐20 as described in Section 3.3.2.   3.3 Basin 58 – Outfall 004A Basin 58 is located at the center of Apron R, near the east of Building 4‐20 and drains a  significant portion of the Building 4‐20 roof. The conveyance system for Basins 29, 30,  and 58 was replaced in its entirety as a part of the Apron R project.   3.3.1 Reach 58B An 18‐inch HDPE pipe conveys roof runoff 80 feet north of catch basin 492A to a point  of convergence with runoff from Basins 29 and 30 as described above. A 24‐inch HDPE  pipe conveys the combined roof runoff from Basins 29, 30, and Subbasin 58B north for  284 feet to catch basin 1084‐18. From catch basin 1084‐18, roof runoff will continue  west and then northwest via 36‐inch HDPE pipe to discharge into Lake Washington at  Outfall 004A.  3.3.2 Reach 58A A series of slot drains, safe drains, and HDPE pipe constructed as a part of the  Apron R improvements collects and conveys paved surface runoff to a combined  bypass and coalescing plate oil/water separator vault (OWS‐064). Water quality  treatment flows continue from this vault to a modular wetland system to receive  enhanced water quality treatment (RTU‐013). The high flow bypass and treatment  system discharge converge directly downstream of the modular wetland system vault.  Directly after this convergence, an actuated shut‐off valve provides emergency spill  control for runoff.  Reaches 58A and 58B converge downstream of the actuated valve at catch basin  1084‐18 prior to discharging via 36‐inch HDPE pipe at Outfall 004A as described  above.     Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 10 of 21  Table 3-1. Outfall 004A: Tributary Basin Areas Outfall 004A Existing Developed square feet acres square feet acres Basin 29 (100% Impervious) 99,292 2.279 99,292 2.279 Basin 30 (100% Impervious) 190,196 4.366 190,196 4.366 Basin 58 (100% Impervious) 378,128 8.681 407,914 9.364   3.3.3 Proposed Improvements Proposed improvements within Basin 58 will include directing runoff from  30,361 square feet of paved area adjacent to the proposed building extension to the  storm collection and conveyance, oil control, and treatment facilities constructed as a  part of the Apron R project. This area was previously part of Basin 27 and tributary to  Outfall 004 discussed below. These facilities were designed to include capacity for this  additional runoff. Please refer to Section 4 of this report for a discussion of water  quality facilities and Appendix B for supporting backwater calculations and basin  maps.  3.4 Basin 28 – Outfall 004 Basin 28 is located just north of Buildings 4‐81 and 4‐82. A series of slot drains and  HDPE pipe constructed as a part of the Apron R improvements collects and conveys  paved surface runoff to a combined bypass and coalescing plate oil/water separator  vault (OWS‐065). Water quality treatment flows continue from this vault to a modular  wetland system to receive enhanced water quality treatment (RTU‐014). The high flow  bypass and treatment system discharge converge directly downstream of the modular  wetland system vault. Directly after this convergence, an actuated shut‐off valve  provides emergency spill control for runoff. Flows from Basin 28 converge with flows  from Basin 27 directly downstream of the actuated shut‐off valve.  3.5 Basin 27 – Outfall 004 Basin 27 is located just west of Logan Avenue beginning at the intersection of Sixth  and Logan and extending north between Buildings 4‐21, 4‐20, and 4‐81 to the south  shore of Lake Washington. The table below summarizes the existing and proposed  surface coverage for the project site within Basin 27.  3.5.1 Reach 27C Stormwater runoff from a narrow area adjacent to and west of Logan Avenue  beginning at the intersection of Logan Avenue and North Sixth Street and extending  north to the southeastern corner of Building 4‐17 (Subbasin 27 C) is collected and  conveyed north via a closed network of catch basins and 12‐inch‐diameter pipe. Catch  basins with 4‐, 6‐, 8‐, and 12‐inch lateral pipe connections collect drainage from the  narrow parking between the existing covered walkway/utilidor east of Lot 7 and  Logan Avenue (approximately 1,335 linear feet of 12‐inch pipe with average slope of  0.2 percent). The 12‐inch conveyance main with lateral connections continues north    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 11 of 21  beyond the existing North Eighth Street entrance. This conveyance main collects  surface runoff from landscaped areas and the existing rail spurs located north of North  Eighth Street and east of Building 4‐90 until it reaches the southeast corner of  Building 4‐17 (approximately 705 linear feet of 12‐inch pipe with an average slope of  0.25 percent). A roof drainage connection at Building 4‐89 adds roof drainage runoff  from the entire building (Subbasin 27H) to the conveyance system. The conveyance  pipe increases to a 15‐inch‐diameter pipe at Building 4‐17 and continues north along  the east face of the building (approximately 402 linear feet of 15‐inch pipe with an average  slope of 0.5 percent). Beyond Building 4‐17, the conveyance main turns northwest. Catch  basins with 6‐inch lateral connections collect some surface runoff from the paved area  just north of Building 4‐17 (approximately 444 linear feet of 15‐inch pipe with an average  slope of 0.47 percent). The conveyance system turns north, and no further surface runoff  is collected prior to its connection to a flow splitter (No. 465) located between  Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐81 (approximately 518 linear feet of 15‐inch pipe with an average slope  of less than 0.1 percent).  Surface runoff from the paved area north of Buildings 4‐04 and 4‐17 between  Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐81 is collected and conveyed north to the flow splitter described  above (No. 465) via three collection and conveyance systems consisting of 12‐inch‐ diameter pipes, 8‐inch laterals, and catch basins.  3.5.2 Reach 27i The eastern collection system collects and conveys drainage from south to north  adjacent to Building 4‐20. The existing conveyance pipe generally follows the eastern  face of Building 4‐20 to a point adjacent to the flow splitter and makes a 90‐degree turn  east to its point of connection (approximately 950 linear feet of pipe with an average slope of  0.5 percent).   3.5.3 Reach 27H The central collection system collects and conveys drainage from south to north from  the paved area just north of Building 4‐17 to and extends directly north to the flow  splitter (No. 465). (Approximately 847 linear feet of 12‐inch pipe with an average slope of  0.5 percent.)   3.5.4 Reach 27B The western collection system conveys drainage from south to north, following the  western edge of the striped drive aisle adjacent to Building 4‐81 to a point adjacent to  the flow splitter and makes a 90‐degree turn west to its point of connection  (approximately 650 linear feet of 12‐inch pipe with an average slope of 0.6 percent).   Runoff from Reaches 27B, 27H, 27i, and 27C combine at the flow splitter (No. 465) and  receive water quality treatment at an existing wet vault with flows above the designed  water quality treatment volume being bypassed. The bypass flow and discharge from  the wet vault continue north via a 27‐inch‐diameter pipe (approximately 175 linear feet of  27‐inch pipe with an average slope of 1.6 percent).     Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 12 of 21  3.5.5 Reach 27E Runoff from the western portion paved area south of Building 4‐20 and the western  portion the rail spur area south of Building 4‐20 that lies within Subbasin 27E is  collected via catch basins with 4‐, 6‐, and 8‐inch lateral connections to 8‐ and 10‐inch  conveyance pipes. Runoff from this western portion of Basin 27 is directed to oil/water  separator (ROWS ‐047). Drainage is then directed to the southeast corner of  Building 4‐21 from an adjacent pump system (No. 516B) via a 6‐inch force main.   The southwestern portion of Subbasin 27E, including roof drainage runoff from  Building 4‐90, the western portion of the rail spur area south of Building 4‐20, and the  existing and proposed Parts Movement Road (Basin 27E), is collected and conveyed to  a second separate oil/water separator (ROWS‐048) via a system of catch basins with  4‐, 6‐, and 8‐inch lateral connections to 12‐inch conveyance pipes. Runoff is directed  from the oil/water separator to an adjacent pump system (No. 510A). The 6‐inch force  main from pump No. 516B connects to the force main exiting pump No. 510A at the  southeast building corner. Discharge from both pumps is directed north from the  southeastern corner of Building 4‐21 via a 12‐inch force main between Buildings 4‐21  and 4‐04 to a connection point near the interface of Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐20.   3.5.6 Reach 27F Runoff from the paved drive aisle between Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐04 is collected via a  system of 6‐inch lateral pipes and catch basins and is conveyed north via a variety of  pipes, including 6‐ and 12‐inch circular pipes and 17‐ by 13‐inch arch pipe to a  connection point adjacent to Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐20 line.   Roof drain runoff from Building 4‐04 is collected and conveyed via a variety of 6‐, 8‐,  12‐, and 18‐inch circular pipes, as well as a 21‐ by 15‐inch arch pipe to combine with  surface runoff and discharge from the force main Reach 27E at a connection point  adjacent to Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐20 line.  From the interface of Buildings 4‐21 and 4‐20, runoff is then tight‐lined via an 18‐inch  and 24‐inch‐diameter gravity pipe system north adjacent to Building 4‐20 to a manhole  located near the north face of Building 4‐20 installed as a part of the Apron R  improvements. The conveyance system installed as a part of the Apron R  improvements continues north via a 30‐inch HDPE pipe for 400 feet before turning  east to connect to a point of convergence with Reaches 27B, 27C, 27H, and 27i at the  wet vault discharge and bypass flows and continues north via a 30‐inch pipe  (approximately 600 linear feet of 30‐inch pipe with an average slope of 0.2 percent).  3.5.7 Reach 27A Stormwater runoff from the western portion of the Building 4‐81 roof is collected and  conveyed north via a 10‐inch‐diameter pipe to the northwest corner of Building 4‐81.  Drainage is then directed northwest via a 12‐inch pipe to connect to the 30‐inch pipe  conveying drainage from the remainder of Basin 27 (approximately 112 linear feet of  12‐inch pipe with an average slope of 3.06 percent). From this point, drainage is conveyed    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 13 of 21  north via a 36‐inch‐diameter pipe to converge with flows from Basin 28 prior to  discharging into Lake Washington. As a part of the 2015 Washington State Department  of Natural Resources mitigation site construction, Outfall 004 was increased to a  42‐inch pipe and extended to discharge beyond the shallow water habitat  (approximately 140 linear feet of 36‐inch pipe with an average slope of less than 0.15 percent  and 115 linear feet of 42‐inch pipe with an average slope of 8.95 percent).  3.5.8 Existing Conditions Summary Water quality flow from a total tributary basin area of 678,285 square feet, including  Subbasins 27C, 27B, 27H, and 27i, is directed from the flow splitter (No. 465) to a  combination wet vault and oil/water separator (No. 487/ROWS‐030). The design water  quality treatment volume and oil control treatment capacity of the coalescing plate  separator located within the wet vault are unknown. Based on record documents, this  facility was designed to provide oil control and water quality treatment for only  Subbasins 27B, 27H, and 27i. ROWS‐047 is a coalescing plate oil/water separator  module (Model No. 612‐2‐CPS) that accepts runoff from an 84,140‐square‐foot portion  of Subbasin 27E and has a maximum oil control treatment capacity of 438 gallons per  minute (gpm). The required design flow for this separator was 260 gpm. ROWS‐048 is  a coalescing plate oil/water separator module (Model No. 816‐2‐CPS) that accepts  runoff from a 175,180‐square‐foot portion of Subbasin 27E and has maximum oil  control treatment capacity of 585 gpm. The required design flow for this separator was  516 gpm.  Table 3-2. Outfall 004: Off-site Basin Areas Outfall 004 Existing Developed square feet acres square feet acres Basin 28 (100% Impervious) 99,292 2.279 99,292 2.279 Basin 27 Total 1,108,621 25.450 1,078,834 24.767 Pervious 67,301 1.545 67,301 1.545 Impervious 1,041,320 23.905 1,011,533 23.222   Table 3-2. Basin 27 – Outfall 004: Off-site Basin Areas Basin 27 Existing Developed square feet acres square feet acres 27C Total 264,641 6.075 242,464 5.566 Pervious 67,301 1.545 67,301 1.545 Impervious 197,340 4.530 175,163 4.021 27B (100% Impervious) 110,402 2.534 72,591 1.666 27H (100% Impervious) 121,914 2.799 87,567 2.010 27i (100% Impervious) 78,967 1.813 80,725 1.853191 27E (100% Impervious) 311,066 7.141 311,066 7.141 27F (100% Impervious) 105,987 2.433 105,987 2.433 27A (roof) (100% Impervious) 213,421 4.899 213,421 4.899   Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 14 of 21  3.5.9 Proposed Condition Proposed improvements within Basin 27 will be primarily located within Reaches 27B,  27C, 27H, and 27i. The new building extension will eliminate the northern portion of  all four reaches and the existing flow splitter and wet vault will be demolished and  abandoned.   Reaches 27B, 27H, and 27i will be directed via new HDPE conveyance pipe to a new  combined oil/water separator and bypass structure. Water quality flows from these  three reaches will receive oil control treatment prior to being directed to a manifold  modular wetland treatment system.   Within Reach 27C, cleanway inserts will be added to existing catch basins that receive  runoff pollution‐generating surfaces, such as employee parking areas and passenger  vehicle entrance generally located south of Building 4‐17. These areas are not exposed  to high truck traffic or industrial activity and, therefore, are not considered high‐use  areas requiring oil control. North of Building 4‐17, catchments that collect runoff from  high‐use areas will be reconnected to Reach 27H via new catch basins and piping to  receive both oil control treatment and enhanced water quality treatment in the newly  installed system described above.  Runoff from Reaches 27C, 27B, 27H, and 27i will converge directly downstream of the  new treatment facilities. From this new point of convergence, they will be conveyed  west via new 30‐inch HDPE pipe to combine with Reaches 27E and 27F at a point up  stream of the original point of convergence.   Roof runoff from the new building extension will be conveyed north to connect to the  existing 30‐inch pipe via a new separate collection and conveyance system. This new  roof area will be considered an extension of Basin 27A.  A backwater analysis of the alterations to the existing conveyance systems for the  project site has been modeled using StormCAD. Peak flows derived using the SCS  method in accordance with the requirements of the SWDM have been used for sizing  the conveyance capacity for the improvements to the existing systems. This analysis  indicated that the proposed improvements will not create any new or worsen any  existing overtopping conditions during the 25‐year design storm event.   4.0 SECTION 4: STORMWATER FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN   4.1 Water Quality Treatment No new pollution‐generating area will be created by the proposed improvements;  however, the project will remove an existing combined oil/water separator and wet  vault that was designed to treat an area located between Buildings 4‐81 and 4‐20,  which included subbasins 27B, 27C, 27H, and 27i (see existing vault as‐builts provided  in Appendix B of this report). This vault appears to have been designed to meet the  requirements of the 1990 King County SWDM (Special Requirement 5: Special Water    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 15 of 21  Quality Controls and Special Requirement 6: Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators) as  an off‐line facility. Table 4‐1 summarizes the existing vault tributary basin area.  Table 4-1. Existing Vault Tributary Area Summary Subbasins EX OWS-030 square feet acres 27B High-use PGIS 110,402 2.534 27H High-use PGIS 121,914 2.799 27i High-use PGIS 78,967 1.813 27C Total 264,641 6.075 Pervious 67,301 1.545 NPGIS 80,336 1.844 PGIS 117,004 2.686 Total 575,924 13.221   Enhanced water quality treatment and oil control will be provided for all high‐use  areas that were tributary to the existing combined oil/water separator and wet vault to  be demolished and abandoned as a part of this project. The oil control and water  quality treatment system installed as a part of Apron R (OWS‐064 and RTU‐013) was  designed with additional capacity to accommodate runoff from 30,361 square feet of  paved area adjacent to the north and west sides of the proposed building extension  within Subbasin 058. Table 4‐2 below summarizes the tributary area for OWS‐064 and  RTU‐013.  Table 4-2. OWS-064/RTU-13 OWS-064/RTU-013 Existing Developed square feet acres square feet acres Basin 58B High-use PGIS 117,898 2.707 148,259 3.404 Design Tributary Area (see Appendix B) 148,260 3.404   A new oil control and water quality treatment system to be located at the southwest  corner of the new building extension will provide oil control and enhanced water  quality treatment for the remaining high‐use areas located in Subbasins 27B, 27H, and  27i. Table 4‐3 below summarizes the tributary area for the oil control and water quality  treatment facilities (OWS‐067 and RTU‐016, respectively).      Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 16 of 21  Table 4-3. OWS-067/RTU-016 New OWS-067/RTU-016 Tributary Area square feet acres 27B High-use PGIS 72,578 1.666 27H High-use PGIS 87,565 2.010 27i High-use PGIS 74,707 1.7150367 Total 234,850 5.391   As pollutants become diluted within stormwater runoff, they become much more  difficult to remove. The total PGIS portion of Subbasin 27C is less than 40 percent of  the total tributary area, which makes a total subbasin treatment system less than ideal.  To maximize efficiency, catch basin filter inserts will be used to provide water quality  treatment for all non‐high‐use, pollution‐generating surfaces that were tributary to the  ROWS‐030 vault from Subbasin 27C. Cleanway catch basin filtration inserts effectively  remove a variety of pollutants, from turbidity to suspended solids, dissolved metals,  and floatables/debris. These adaptive filters can be made to fit existing catch basin  geometry, and filter media can be customized to address site‐specific needs. Catch  basin filter media type and recommended inspection, sampling, and maintenance  schedules provided by the manufacturer will be provided in the final TIR. See  Table 4‐4 for a summary of proposed treatment filter locations within Subbasin 27C.  Please refer to Figure 4.0, Water Quality Basin Map, in Appendix B for a visual  representation of the project areas. MGS Flood, an Ecology‐approved continuous  modeling software, was used to determine the required water quality treatment design  flows. Sizing calculations were performed in accordance with Ecology’s approval  requirements and the SWDM. Sizing calculations, system component details, and  Ecology’s requirements for the water quality and oil control system are included in  Appendix B of this report.       Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 17 of 21  Table 4-4. Cleanway Insert Treatment Areas Subbasin 27C Treatment Summary New Cleanway Inserts Provided PGIS (target Surface) NPGIS Landscape Total square feet acres square feet acres square feet acres square feet acres 480 6,038 0.139 - - - - 6,038 0.139 526 14,395 0.330 11,650 0.267 6,215 0.143 32,260 0.741 632 (637) (0.015) 4,706 0.108 5,177 0.119 9,246 0.212 687 18,347 0.421 4,129 0.095 (11,392) (0.262) 11,084 0.254 535 12,430 0.285 - - - - 12,430 0.285 537 16,388 0.376 - - 16343 0.375 32,731 0.751 538 4,868 0.112 - - - - 4,868 0.112 540 8,613 0.198 - - - - 8,613 0.198 541 6,744 0.155 - - 3744 0.086 10,488 0.241 No WQ Treatment Provided PGIS (target Surface) NPGIS Landscape Total square feet acres square feet acres square feet acres square feet acres 479 - - 26,772 0.615 - - 26,772 0.615 527A - - 4,723 0.108 4,307 0.099 9,030 0.207 528 - - 8,189 0.188 - - 8,189 0.188 529 - - 7,101 0.163 17,529 0.402 24,630 0.565 531 - - 7,697 0.177 - - 7,697 0.177 532 - - 6,158 0.141 12,185 0.280 18,343 0.421 533 - - 1,228 0.028 2,278 0.052 3,506 0.080 548 - - 443 0.010 2,189 0.050 2,632 0.060 546 (CoR)* 1,727 0.040 351 0.008 - - 2,078 0.048 547 (CoR)* - - 776 0.018 1,056 0.024 1,832 0.042 * Catch Basin Located in City of Renton Public Right-of-Way   4.1.1 Oil Control Unique site characteristics, such as high groundwater, heavy traffic loading needs, and  minimal head above outfalls, created a need for a custom vault to meet the design  requirements of the City of Renton SWDM. The combined bypass and oil/water  separator vault consists of a structural steel vault supported on piles that will receive a  4‐inch concrete interior lining. Reinforced concrete beams within the vault will serve  as both structural supports and separation between vault chambers or as baffles. A  cast‐in‐place concrete lid will be customized to provide adequate access and vertical  clearance to internal components, meeting project loading requirements and providing  a smooth transition to surrounding pavement grades. The outer structural steel  component can be placed, secured, and dewatered prior to the construction of the  internal concrete lining and baffles, reducing both placement time and construction  dewatering.    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 18 of 21 Flow Splitter The vaults will consist of two defined chambers: a bypass chamber and an oil/water  separator chamber. The chambers are separated by a reinforced concrete wall that also  acts and a structural support beam. A 6‐inch‐diameter connection sleeved through the  wall with an orifice plate will allow the appropriate water quality flow to continue  onto the oil/water separator chamber. The connection will be fitted with a shear gate  that can close the connection to facilitate maintenance in the oil/water separator  chamber. An overflow bypass riser will route flows greater than the water quality  design flow directly into the conveyance system. The internal chamber component  configuration and sizing follows the design guidelines in Section of the SWDM.  See Appendix B for bypass sizing calculations, oil control calculations, and water  quality flow calculations, as well as details of the custom vaults. Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator The second chamber of the custom vaults will be further divided into a forebay, an oil  separation cell, and an afterbay with dimensions in accordance with Section of  the SWDM. The 6‐inch connection from the bypass chamber will enter the oil/water  separator forebay via a submerged tee. Inspection access will be provided via a  24‐inch‐diameter round lid directly above the tee. A second access with ladder will be  provided to the forebay to facilitate maintenance. A weir will separate the forebay  from the oil separation cell. The separation cell will contain coalescing plate packs  sized to meet the required plate effective separation area calculated per Section  of the SWDM. A 72‐inch by 36‐inch opening will be provided over the oil separation  cell to allow plate packs to be removed as needed for maintenance. The afterbay is  separated from the oil separation bay by a reinforced concrete baffle that also acts as a  structural support beam. Two 24‐inch accesses will be provided at the afterbay: an  inspection access located directly over the outlet tee and a maintenance access with  ladder. Ventilation pipes at the corners of the vault will not be required because access  points are closer than 12 feet on center per Section of the SWDM. A gate valve  will be located just downstream of the vault outlet to allow for vault isolation during  maintenance.  4.1.2 Enhanced Water Quality Treatment A manifold Linear Modular Wetland system will be located directly downstream from  the combined bypass and oil/water separator vault. The Linear Modular Wetland  proprietary treatment system has been granted General Use Level Designation  approval for enhanced treatment and phosphorus removal by Ecology. Field tests  have found that Linear Modular Wetlands also provide hydrocarbon removal from  surface water. While the Linear Modular Wetland is not listed as an approved oil  treatment device, it will provide a level of redundancy with respect to oil removal.  5.0 SECTION 5: CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN     Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 19 of 21  5.1 Conveyance System Analysis The proposed conveyance systems for this project are required to have capacity to  convey and contain the 25‐year, 24‐hour storm event and will also be sized to properly  contain the 100‐year, 24‐hour storm event on site per Section of the SWDM. Any  project modifications that affect existing conveyance systems off site are also required  to convey and contain the 25‐year, 24‐hour storm event and will contain the 100‐year,  24‐hour storm on site per Section of the SWDM. This section covers both off‐site  and on‐site conveyance systems affected by or constructed under this project.  Flows were computed using StormSHED 3G, an approved single event model, which  estimates stormwater runoff using the SCS method. The backwater analysis was  performed using StormCAD, in accordance with the requirements of the SWDM.  5.1.1 Upstream Conveyance Analysis As a part of the upstream and downstream analysis included in Section 3, a  preliminary backwater analysis of the existing trunk line was performed to determine  if the system can contain and convey the 25‐year, 24‐hour storm event and the effects  that this project will have on the privately maintained Boeing Renton Production Plant  site conveyance systems.  Proposed storm improvements planned to redirect the conveyance system around the  proposed building extension footprint and incorporate the new oil control and water  quality treatment system were also modeled as a part of this analysis. Basin and reach  maps and backwater analysis calculation summaries are included in Appendix B. Final  conveyance system backwater analysis calculations and mapping will be included in  the final TIR.  5.2 Conveyance System Design Unique site conditions at the Boeing Renton Production Plant, and specifically the  Apron R project site, influence the structures and materials used in the conveyances  system and create the need for unique system components. Factors that influence  system design are site topography, soil conditions, groundwater elevations, site  operations, construction conditions, and the requirements of the Ecology statewide  ISGP.   5.2.1 HDPE Pipe Groundwater elevations at the Boeing Renton Production Plant are typically within  5 feet of finished elevations. Boeing prefers to use fusion‐welded HDPE pipe wherever  possible to isolate stormwater from the surrounding groundwater. Isolating  stormwater ensures that sampling done as a part of the ISGP requirements is not  compromised or influenced by groundwater conditions. Fusion‐welded HDPE also  eliminates the need to “make‐up” joints in the pipe trench and reduces the  construction dewatering required for installation.     Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 20 of 21  Conveyance pipe is designed to be as shallow as possible while still meeting the  aircraft loading requirements. This shallow design is intended to reduce the need for  dewatering during installation. Once permanent site elevations have been achieved,  pipe buoyancy will be counteracted by the weight of the final pavement and subgrade  sections. Pipe anchoring will be required at larger diameter pipes and may be required  at other locations if grades are not immediately brought to the final elevation.   5.2.2 Backflow Prevention Tideflex Checkmate inline valves will be installed on the discharge pipes of the  proposed modular wetland system to prevent system back flushing during high flow  storm events.    6.0 SECTION 6: SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES A report addressing geotechnical considerations for the project is included as  Appendix E. This report summarizes the site history, general subsurface, soils, and  groundwater conditions at the site and anticipated design and construction  considerations.   7.0 SECTION 7: OTHER PERMITS The following is a list of the actions and permits that will be required as part of this  project.   SEPA   National Pollution Discharge Elimination System – Construction Stormwater  General Permit   Building, Grading, and Utility   Dewatering*  *The Boeing Company holds an Industrial Wastewater Permit with King County. This permit requires a  separate dewatering permit application for dewatering activity in excess of 25,000 gallons per day.  Because of high groundwater conditions, dewatering activity required for the construction of  foundations and for utility trenching is anticipated to exceed this amount. Therefore, a dewatering permit  application is needed through King County. The anticipated dewatering volume will be determined by a  qualified hydrologist prior to permit application.  8.0 SECTION 8: CONSTRUCTION SWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A construction SWPPP will be included in the final TIR.  9.0 SECTION 9: BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT The project facilities will be constructed, owned, and maintained by The Boeing  Company. The Bond Quantities and Facility Summaries forms will be provided as a  part of the final TIR.    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington  Page 21 of 21  10.0 SECTION 10: OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL The stormwater facilities for this project include catch basins for collection of  stormwater runoff and pipe system mains, ranging between 8‐ and 30‐inch pipes.   Existing stormwater facilities on the site include catch basins and stormwater  conveyance pipes. The existing stormwater system maintenance program, currently in  place for the site, will be used for the new conveyance system catch basins and pipes.  Stormwater facilities maintenance and operation at the Boeing Renton Production  Plant are in accordance with the plant’s ISGP, WAR‐000232.  Operations and Maintenance Manuals—including manufacturer‐recommended  maintenance practices, site maps, and facility details—will be included for all newly  installed proprietary facilities as a part of the final TIR. This manual shall be updated  to include as‐builts of all stormwater facilities upon project completion.   11.0 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BMP best management practice  Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology  gpm gallons per minute  HDPE high‐density polyethylene  ISGP Industrial Stormwater General Permit  LID low impact development  OWS‐064 oil/water separator vault  PGIS pollution‐generating impervious surface  SCS Soil Conservation Service  SEPA State Environmental Policy Act  SPPM King County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual  SWDM Surface Water Design Manual  SWPPP stormwater pollution prevention plan  TIR technical information report        Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix A Site Maps PROJECT AREACONTROL POINT°LAT:-122.209723°LONG:47.500763°VICINITY MAPSCALE:NTS PAVEMENT/UTILITY/STORM DRAINAGE REPLACEMENT LIMITS PAVEMENT/UTILITY/STORM DRAINAGE REPLACEMENT LIMITS LAKE WASHINGTON 4-87 4-81 4-20 200-FOOT SHORELINE SETBACK PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 EXISTING POLLUTION-GENERATING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE PAVEMENT/UTILITY/STORM DRAINAGE REPLACEMENT LIMITS 200-FOOT SHORELINE SETBACK PROPERTY LINE LAKE WASHINGTON 4-87 4-81 4-20 PAVEMENT/UTILITY/STORM DRAINAGE REPLACEMENT LIMITS REPLACED POLLUTION-GENERATING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REPLACED NON PULLUTION-GENERATING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE DEVELOPED CONDITIONS MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 Last Saved by: BROOK.EMRY on: Apr 20, 2018 2:26 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2018\A18.0200\00\CADD\Dwgs\Pre-app\01_4-Mitigation-Hangar-C01.dwgSTEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN GTON31271R EGIST E R E DPROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERPRELIMI N A R Y LANELANEC01C1 PRELOAD GRADING AND ELEVATION PLAN RENTON SITE 4-87 MITIGATION HANGAR PEDlNGXPEDlNGXMPHl5MPHl5MPHl5MPHl5AMBULANCE PARKINGNO PARKING NO PARKINGLOADING ZONENO PARKINGSTOP STO P NO P A R KI N G NO PARKINGSTOPLOADING ZONE 10 MINMW MWRRRRRRMPHl5MPHl5MPHl5ONLYHANDLINGMATERIALMOTORCYCLEPARKINGMOTORCYCLEPARKINGLOGAN AVE NTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANELast Saved by: Brook.emry on: Apr 20, 2018 2:26 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2018\A18.0200\00\CADD\Dwgs\Pre-app\01_4-Mitigation-Hangar-C02.dwgSTEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN GTON31271R EGIST E R E DPROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERPRELIMI N A R Y LANELANEC02C2 SITE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PLAN RENTON SITE 4-87 MITIGATION HANGAR TOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARTOWZONEKEEPCLEARAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANEAIRPLANELast Saved by: Brook.emry on: Apr 20, 2018 2:26 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2018\A18.0200\00\CADD\Dwgs\Pre-app\01_4-Mitigation-Hangar-C03.dwgSTEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN GTON31271R EGIST E R E DPROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERPRELIMI N A R Y LANELANEC03C3 SITE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PLAN RENTON SITE 4-87 MITIGATION HANGAR Last Saved by: BROOK.EMRY on: Apr 24, 2018 4:20 PM File: Q:\FederalWay\2018\A18.0200\00\CADD\Dwgs\Pre-app\01_4-Mitigation-Hangar-C04.dwgSTEV E N P. T R UESTATE O F WASHIN GTON31271R EGIST E R E DPROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERPRELIMI N A R Y LANELANEC04C4 SITE ELEVATION AND GRADING PLAN RENTON SITE 4-87 MITIGATION HANGAR     Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix B Drainage Maps and Calculations   OUTFALL 021 OUTFALL 014A OUTFALL 012A OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 OUTFALL 003 OUTFALL 002A 27E-51830,667 SF0.704 AC27E-518B14,530 SF0.333 AC27E-51323,265 SF0.534 AC27E-51153,553 SF1.229 AC27E-52329,879 SF0.686 AC27C-5471,832 SF0.042 AC27C-5462,078 SF0.048 AC27C-5482,632 SF0.060 AC27C-5408,613 SF0.198 AC27C-54110,488 SF0.241 AC27C-5384,868 SF0.112 AC27C-53512,430 SF0.285 AC27C-53732,731 SF0.751 AC27C-68711,084 SF0.254 AC27C-6329,246 SF0.212 AC27C-5317,697 SF0.177 AC27C-53218,343 SF0.421 AC27C-5333,506 SF0.080 AC27C-5288,189 SF0.188 AC27C-527A9,030 SF0.207 AC27C-52632,260 SF0.741 AC27C-47926,772 SF0.615 AC27C-4806,038 SF0.139 AC27E-52517,761 SF0.454 AC27A-459213,515 SF4.902 AC27F-50458,562 SF1.344 AC27F-5089,041 SF0.208 AC27C-52924,620 SF0.565 AC27i-4953,827 SF0.088 AC27i-4979,369 SF0.215 AC27i-4987,532 SF0.173 AC27i-4998,432 SF0.217 AC27i-50012,048 SF0.277 AC27i-490K4,744 SF0.109 AC27i-490I4,113 SF0.094 AC27i-490G4,113 SF0.094 AC27i-490E2,395 SF0.055 AC27i-490F 1,961 SF 0.045 AC 27i-490H8,345 SF0.192 AC27i-490C2,485 SF0.057 AC27H-47212,728 SF0.292 AC27H-47311,590 SF0.266 AC27H-4747,545 SF0.173 AC27H-47510,943 SF0.251 AC27F-5057,607 SF0.175 AC27F-507D11,577 SF0.266 AC27F-507B9,655 SF0.222 AC27F-509A9,528 SF0.219 AC27C-63510,009 SF0.230 AC27E-520A7,331 SF0.168 AC27E-51611,095 SF0.255 AC27E-5159,745 SF0.224 AC27E-51432,279 SF0.741 AC58B-492A259,780 SF5.964 AC28A-1105A42,563 SF0.977 AC28A-1105B19,445 SF0.446 AC28A-1106A31,921 SF0.733 AC58A-1095B40,009 SF0.918 AC58A-1095A25,070 SF0.576 AC27F-48685,895 SF0.135 AC58A-72711,540 SF0.265 AC58A-7287,570 SF0.174 AC28A-110314,152 SF0.325 AC27C-4769,349 SF0.215 AC27C-47812,282 SF0.294 AC27B-46337,402 SF0.895 AC27H-46810,809 SF0.248 AC27H-46913,021 SF0.299 AC27B-46226,789 SF0.615 AC27i-493B2,997 SF0.069 AC27H-48338,559 SF0.885 AC27H-4846,932 SF0.159 AC27H-4859,870 SF0.227 AC27B-46016,465 SF0.378 AC27B-46129,692 SF0.682 AC58A-1095C34,207 SF0.785 ACLAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 EXISTING CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 OUTFALL 021 OUTFALL 014A OUTFALL 012A OUTFALL 004A OUTFALL 004 OUTFALL 003 OUTFALL 002A PAVING LIMITS PAVING LIMITS 27E-51830,667 SF0.704 AC27E-518B14,530 SF0.333 AC27E-51323,265 SF0.534 AC27E-51153,553 SF1.229 AC27E-52329,879 SF0.686 AC27C-5471,832 SF0.042 AC27C-5462,078 SF0.048 AC27C-5482,632 SF0.060 AC27C-5408,613 SF0.198 AC27C-54110,488 SF0.241 AC27C-5384,868 SF0.112 AC27C-53512,430 SF0.285 AC27C-53732,731 SF0.751 AC27C-68711,084 SF0.254 AC27C-6329,246 SF0.212 AC27C-5317,697 SF0.177 AC27C-53218,343 SF0.421 AC27C-5333,506 SF0.080 AC27C-5288,189 SF0.188 AC27C-527A9,030 SF0.207 AC27C-52632,260 SF0.741 AC27C-47926,772 SF0.615 AC27C-4806,038 SF0.139 AC27E-52517,761 SF0.454 AC27B-46337,402 SF0.895 AC27A-459213,515 SF4.902 AC27F-50458,562 SF1.344 AC27F-5089,041 SF0.208 AC27C-52924,620 SF0.565 AC27i-4953,827 SF0.088 AC27i-4979,369 SF0.215 AC27i-4987,532 SF0.173 AC27i-4998,432 SF0.217 AC27i-50012,048 SF0.277 AC27i-490K4,744 SF0.109 AC27i-490I4,113 SF0.094 AC27i-490G4,113 SF0.094 AC27i-490E2,395 SF0.055 AC27i-490F 1,961 SF 0.045 AC 27i-490H8,345 SF0.192 AC27i-490C2,485 SF0.057 AC27H-47212,728 SF0.292 AC27H-47311,590 SF0.266 AC27H-4747,545 SF0.173 AC27H-47510,943 SF0.251 AC27F-5057,607 SF0.175 AC27F-507D11,577 SF0.266 AC27F-507B9,655 SF0.222 AC27F-509A9,528 SF0.219 AC27C-63510,009 SF0.230 AC27E-520A7,331 SF0.168 AC27E-51611,095 SF0.255 AC27E-5159,745 SF0.224 AC27E-51432,279 SF0.741 AC58B-492A259,780 SF5.964 AC28A-110314,187 SF0.326 AC28A-1105A42,563 SF0.977 AC28A-1105B19,445 SF0.446 AC28A-1106A31,921 SF0.733 AC27A-109763,043 SF1.447 AC27B-4608,279 SF0.190 AC27B-46226,901 SF0.618 AC27H-46912,860 SF0.295 AC27H-4689,724 SF0.223 AC27i-493B4,636 SF0.106 AC58A-72720,655 SF0.474 AC58A-72817,410 SF0.400 AC58A-1095B40,009 SF0.918 AC58A-1095A25,070 SF0.576 AC27H-47812,282 SF0.294 AC27H-4769,349 SF0.215 AC27F-48685,895 SF0.135 AC58A-1095C44,901 SF1.031 ACLAKE WASHINGTON 4-87 4-81 4-20 DEVELOPED CONVEYANCE MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 4/9/2018 BASIN 27.html file:///Q:/FederalWay/2018/A18.0200/00/Engineering/Civil/Drainage/StormShed/BASIN%2027.html 1/2 Appended on: Monday, April 09, 2018 5:01:42 PM BasinID Event Peak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/Loss Raintype 27A-459 25 yr 24 hr 3.8066 8.01 1.2963 4.902 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27B-460 25 yr 24 hr 0.2935 8.01 0.10 0.378 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27B-461 25 yr 24 hr 0.0932 8.01 0.0317 0.12 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27B-462 25 yr 24 hr 0.4558 8.01 0.1552 0.587 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27B-463 25 yr 24 hr 0.695 8.01 0.2367 0.895 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-476 25 yr 24 hr 0.167 8.01 0.0569 0.215 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-478 25 yr 24 hr 0.2283 8.01 0.0777 0.294 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-479 25 yr 24 hr 0.4776 8.01 0.1626 0.615 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-480 25 yr 24 hr 0.1079 8.01 0.0368 0.139 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-526 25 yr 24 hr 0.5326 8.01 0.1812 0.741 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-527A 25 yr 24 hr 0.1311 8.01 0.0445 0.207 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-528 25 yr 24 hr 0.146 8.01 0.0497 0.188 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-529 25 yr 24 hr 0.3185 8.01 0.1079 0.565 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-531 25 yr 24 hr 0.1374 8.01 0.0468 0.177 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-532 25 yr 24 hr 0.2432 8.01 0.0824 0.421 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-533 25 yr 24 hr 0.0466 8.01 0.0158 0.08 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-535 25 yr 24 hr 0.2213 8.01 0.0754 0.285 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-537 25 yr 24 hr 0.471 8.01 0.1599 0.751 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-538 25 yr 24 hr 0.087 8.01 0.0296 0.112 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-540 25 yr 24 hr 0.1439 8.01 0.0489 0.198 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-541 25 yr 24 hr 0.1614 8.01 0.0548 0.241 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-546 25 yr 24 hr 0.0373 8.01 0.0127 0.048 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-547 25 yr 24 hr 0.0254 8.01 0.0086 0.042 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-548 25 yr 24 hr 0.0316 8.01 0.0107 0.06 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-632 25 yr 24 hr 0.1646 8.01 0.0561 0.212 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-635 25 yr 24 hr 0.1786 8.01 0.0608 0.23 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27C-687 25 yr 24 hr 0.1972 8.01 0.0672 0.254 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27E-501 25 yr 24 hr 4.1382 8.01 1.4092 5.329 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-464 25 yr 24 hr 0.9576 8.01 0.3261 1.2332 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-488 25 yr 24 hr 0.4675 8.01 0.1592 0.602 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-504 25 yr 24 hr 1.0437 8.01 0.3554 1.344 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-505 25 yr 24 hr 0.1359 8.01 0.0463 0.175 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-507B 25 yr 24 hr 0.1724 8.01 0.0587 0.222 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-507D 25 yr 24 hr 0.2066 8.01 0.0703 0.266 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-508 25 yr 24 hr 0.1615 8.01 0.055 0.208 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27F-509A 25 yr 24 hr 0.1701 8.01 0.0579 0.219 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-468 25 yr 24 hr 0.1747 8.01 0.0595 0.225 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-469 25 yr 24 hr 0.2306 8.01 0.0785 0.297 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 4/9/2018 BASIN 27.html file:///Q:/FederalWay/2018/A18.0200/00/Engineering/Civil/Drainage/StormShed/BASIN%2027.html 2/2 27H-472 25 yr 24 hr 0.2268 8.01 0.0772 0.292 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-473 25 yr 24 hr 0.2066 8.01 0.0703 0.266 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-474 25 yr 24 hr 0.1343 8.01 0.0457 0.173 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-475 25 yr 24 hr 0.1949 8.01 0.0664 0.251 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-483 25 yr 24 hr 0.2438 8.01 0.083 0.3139 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-484 25 yr 24 hr 0.12 8.01 0.0409 0.1545 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27H-485 25 yr 24 hr 0.1728 8.01 0.0588 0.2225 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-4868 25 yr 24 hr 0.1118 8.01 0.0381 0.144 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490 25 yr 24 hr 0.3852 8.01 0.1312 0.496 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490C 25 yr 24 hr 0.0412 8.01 0.014 0.053 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490E 25 yr 24 hr 0.0427 8.01 0.0145 0.055 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490F 25 yr 24 hr 0.0349 8.01 0.0119 0.045 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490G 25 yr 24 hr 0.0699 8.01 0.0238 0.09 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490H 25 yr 24 hr 0.1491 8.01 0.0508 0.192 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490I 25 yr 24 hr 0.073 8.01 0.0249 0.094 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-490K 25 yr 24 hr 0.0846 8.01 0.0288 0.109 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-491 25 yr 24 hr 0.2687 8.01 0.0915 0.346 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-493B 25 yr 24 hr 0.0792 8.01 0.027 0.102 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-495 25 yr 24 hr 0.0683 8.01 0.0233 0.088 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-497 25 yr 24 hr 0.167 8.01 0.0569 0.215 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-498 25 yr 24 hr 0.1343 8.01 0.0457 0.173 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-499 25 yr 24 hr 0.1685 8.01 0.0574 0.217 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 27I-500 25 yr 24 hr 0.2151 8.01 0.0732 0.277 SCS TYPE1A.RAC Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. 4/9/2018 BASIN 58.html file:///Q:/FederalWay/2018/A18.0200/00/Engineering/Civil/Drainage/StormShed/BASIN%2058.html 1/1 Appended on: Monday, April 09, 2018 4:58:24 PM BasinID Event Peak Q (cfs)Peak T (hrs)Peak Vol (ac-cf)Area (ac)Method/Loss Raintype 58A-1095A 25 year 0.4473 8.01 0.1523 0.576 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 58A-1095B 25 year 0.7121 8.01 0.2425 0.917 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 58A-1095D 25 year 0.8029 8.01 0.2734 1.034 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 58A-727 25 year 0.3658 8.01 0.1246 0.471 SCS TYPE1A.RAC 58A-728 25 year 0.3106 8.01 0.1058 0.40 SCS TYPE1A.RAC Licensed to: Engenious Systems, Inc. Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OF_002A.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-066 42 0.002 18 HDPE 0.012 5.08 1.9 1.08 OWS-066 13.32 15.44 18.75 1112-18 13.24 15.43 19.07 P-417 87 0.003 36 HDPE 0.012 41.79 14.21 2.01 417 9.32 15.21 18.03 1116-18 9.03 15.16 18.31 P-419 157.5 0.006 36 UKN 0.013 51.46 14.21 2.01 25B-419 10.3 15.34 18.66 417 9.36 15.3 18.03 P-420 54.1 0.049 12 CONC 0.013 7.88 3.42 4.35 25C-420 12.95 15.48 19.22 25B-419 10.3 15.45 18.66 P-422 53.1 0.075 8 CONC 0.013 3.31 0.09 4.14 25A-422 15.9 15.56 17.6 T-422 11.9 15.56 17.6 P-423 135.3 0.003 36 CONC 0.013 39.3 10.34 1.46 N-423 11.2 15.56 18.9 T-422 10.73 15.56 17.6 P-423 (1) 124 0.003 36 CONC 0.013 39.3 10.43 1.48 T-422 10.73 15.48 17.6 25B-419 10.3 15.45 18.66 P-424 65.8 0.026 6 PVC Pipe 0.013 0.91 0.24 1.22 25A-424 13.8 15.67 17.8 T-424 12.07 15.67 18.9 P-425 77 0.017 8 PVC Pipe 0.013 1.58 0.27 0.77 25A-425 13.5 15.7 18.1 T-425 12.19 15.7 18.9 P-426 100.3 0.011 8 PVC Pipe 0.013 1.27 0.07 0.2 25A-426 14.6 15.75 18.3 25A-425 13.5 15.75 18.1 P-427 54.7 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.19 0.91 25A-427 11.79 15.7 18.94 T-425 11.64 15.7 18.9 P-427 (1) 75.3 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.46 1.02 T-425 11.64 15.67 18.9 T-424 11.44 15.67 18.9 P-427 (2) 92.2 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.7 1.12 T-424 11.44 15.62 18.9 N-423 11.2 15.61 18.9 P-428 15.4 0.163 8 CONC 0.013 4.88 0.28 7.59 25A-428 15.3 15.76 18.7 T-428 12.75 15.75 18.7 P-429 15.5 0.108 8 PVC Pipe 0.013 3.98 0.27 0.77 25A-429 14.5 15.78 18.2 N-456 12.81 15.77 18.86 P-430 15.8 0.053 6 CONC 0.013 1.3 0.23 1.15 25A-430 14.6 15.79 18.5 T-430 13.75 15.79 18.5 P-431 15.8 -0.067 6 CONC 0.013 1.46 0.33 1.7 25A-431 13 15.8 18.5 T-431 14.07 15.8 18.5 P-432 15.9 0.011 8 CONC 0.013 1.26 0.21 0.59 25A-432 14.5 15.81 18.2 T-432 14.33 15.81 18.2 P-433 41 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.35 0.69 0.29 N-433 13.9 15.81 18.71 T-432 13.79 15.81 18.2 P-433 (1) 122.2 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 0.89 0.37 T-432 13.79 15.8 18.2 T-431 13.44 15.8 18.5 P-433 (2) 112.6 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.23 0.51 T-431 13.44 15.79 18.5 T-430 13.13 15.79 18.5 P-433 (3) 114.1 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.45 0.6 T-430 13.13 15.78 18.5 N-456 12.81 15.77 18.86 P-434 14.2 0.007 8 conc 0.013 1.03 0.27 0.78 25A-434 15 15.85 18.3 T-434 14.9 15.85 18.3 P-435 71.3 0.008 12 CONC 0.013 3.27 0.42 2.86 N-435 15.33 15.85 18.9 T-434 14.73 15.85 18.3 P-435 (1) 98.5 0.008 12 CONC 0.013 3.27 0.69 0.88 T-434 14.73 15.81 18.3 N-433 13.9 15.81 18.71 P-436 92.2 0.009 8 CONC 0.013 1.15 0.42 3.04 25A-436 16.17 15.88 18.72 N-435 15.33 15.87 18.9 P-437 3.5 0.5 8 METAL 0.013 8.54 0.21 0.61 25B-437 14.3 15.68 18.8 T-437 12.25 15.68 18.8 P-438 15.9 0.157 8 CONC 0.013 4.79 0.47 1.35 25B-438 14.9 15.88 18.6 T-438 12.37 15.87 18.6 P-439 6.9 0.411 6 CONC 0.013 3.6 0.34 11.53 25B-439 16.7 16 19.05 T-439 13.6 16 18.7 P-440 23.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 6.61 2.1 N-440 13 16 19 T-439 12.85 16 18.7 P-440 (1) 74.7 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 6.95 2.21 T-439 12.85 15.88 18.7 T-438 12.37 15.87 18.6 P-440 (2) 123.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 7.42 2.36 T-438 12.37 15.68 18.6 T-437 11.59 15.68 18.8 P-440 (3) 60.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 7.64 2.43 T-437 11.59 15.62 18.8 N-423 11.2 15.61 18.9 P-441 6 0.313 8 Metal 0.013 6.76 0.36 1.04 25B-441 14.8 16.22 18.7 T-441 12.82 16.22 18.7 P-442 84.2 -0.001 24 CONC 0.013 8.66 6.25 1.99 N-442 12.7 16.22 18.6 T-441 12.82 16.22 18.7 P-442 (1) 120.7 -0.001 24 CONC 0.013 8.66 6.61 2.1 T-441 12.82 16.07 18.7 N-440 13 16.07 19 P-443 14.5 0.078 8 CONC 0.013 3.38 0.28 0.79 25B-443 14.6 16.39 18.3 T-443 13.46 16.39 18.3 P-444 14.7 0.091 8 CONC 0.013 3.64 0.35 1.01 25B-444 15 16.47 18.5 T-444 13.66 16.47 18.5 P-445 11.2 0.168 10 di 0.013 8.98 0.51 8.89 25B-445 15.96 16.59 18.61 T-445 14.05 16.59 18.68 P-446 32.3 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.11 1.63 25B-446 13.58 16.59 18.8 T-445 13.47 16.59 18.68 P-446 (1) 140.2 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.62 1.79 T-445 13.47 16.47 18.68 T-444 13 16.47 18.5 P-446 (2) 59.7 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.97 1.9 T-444 13 16.39 18.5 T-443 12.8 16.39 18.3 P-446 (3) 28.6 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 6.25 1.99 T-443 12.8 16.33 18.3 N-442 12.7 16.33 18.6 P-447 98.1 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.76 4.1 5.22 N-447 14.32 16.64 19.38 25B-446 14.08 16.64 18.8 P-448 59.6 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.31 4.1 5.22 25B-448 14.67 18.04 19.35 N-447 14.42 17.81 19.38 P-450 248.5 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.03 3.78 4.81 N-450 15.38 19.08 19.35 25B-448 14.57 19.08 19.35 P-451 43.2 -0.002 0 Trench Drain 0.013 4.91 3.78 1.89 25B-451 16.43 19.1 18.52 J-451 16.52 19.1 19.1 P-451 (1) 65.1 -0.015 12 conc 0.013 4.31 3.78 4.81 J-451 15.47 19.35 19.1 N-450 16.43 19.35 19.35 P-452 87.9 -0.092 12 conc 0.013 10.81 2.6 3.3 N-452 8.39 18.52 19.3 25B-451 16.52 18.52 18.52 P-453 66.7 0.009 12 conc 0.013 3.43 2.6 3.3 25B-453 15.26 19.3 18.47 N-452 14.64 19.3 19.3 P-456 97.9 0.004 21 CONC 0.013 10.14 1.72 0.72 N-456 12.61 15.76 18.86 T-428 12.21 15.75 18.7 P-456 (1) 102.2 0.004 21 CONC 0.013 10.14 2 0.83 T-428 12.21 15.73 18.7 25A-427 11.79 15.72 18.94 P-1112 15 0.002 18 HDPE 0.012 5.08 1.9 1.08 1112-18 13.24 15.41 19.07 1113-18 13.21 15.4 19.17 P-1113 10 0.002 18 HDPE 0.012 5.09 1.9 1.08 1113-18 13.21 15.39 19.17 1114-18 13.19 15.38 19.13 P-1114 58.3 0.002 18 HDPE 0.012 4.92 1.9 1.08 1114-18 13.18 15.35 19.13 1115-18 13.07 15.34 18.75 Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OF_002A.xlsx 25-Year Event P-1115 190.2 0.002 18 HDPE 0.012 5.09 1.9 1.08 1115-18 11.69 15.21 18.75 1116-18 11.31 15.16 18.31 P-1116 160 0.002 36 HDPE 0.012 32.31 16.11 2.28 1116-18 9.03 15.03 18.31 1117-18 8.7 15.03 15.58 P-1117 72.7 0.005 36 HDPE 0.012 51.09 16.11 2.28 1117-18 1.5 (N/A) 15.58 O-002 1.14 (N/A) 0 Page 2 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OF_004.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-065 (Hangar_Storm) 9.5 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 1.92 2.45 OWS-065 14.87 15.95 18.7 1101-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.85 15.91 18.65 P-458 68.2 0 33 EX CONC 0.013 7.84 19.96 3.36 EX 458 (Hangar_Storm)10.48 15.15 17.91 1098-18 (Hangar_Storm)10.47 15.15 18.76 P-459 114.4 0.031 12 EX CONC 0.013 6.3 3.81 4.85 27A-459 14.26 15.48 19.26 EX 458 (Hangar_Storm)10.68 15.39 17.91 P-465 164.8 0.016 27 0 0.013 39.5 10.02 2.52 OWS-030 12.94 15.71 18.31 N-1097 10.26 15.64 17.64 P-486B (Hangar_Storm)8.2 0.018 24 HDPE 0.01 39.42 6.13 1.95 27F-4868 13.55 15.98 19.22 1091-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.4 15.98 19.22 P-486C-14 (Hangar_Storm)161.5 0 24 HDPE 0.01 4.01 6.03 1.92 N-486C-14 (Hangar_Storm)13.99 15.98 19.3 27F-4868 13.96 15.98 19.22 P-486D-14 (Hangar_Storm)96.4 0 24 HDPE 0.01 2.99 6.03 1.92 N-486D-14 (Hangar_Storm)14 16.09 19.65 N-486C-14 (Hangar_Storm)13.99 16.09 19.3 P-486E-14 (Hangar_Storm)32.7 0 24 HDPE 0.01 5.14 6.03 1.92 N-486E-14 (Hangar_Storm)14.01 16.2 18.92 N-486D-14 (Hangar_Storm)14 16.16 19.65 P-486F-14 (Hangar_Storm)50 0 24 HDPE 0.01 4.16 6.03 1.92 N-486F-14 (Hangar_Storm)14.02 16.28 18.93 N-486E-14 (Hangar_Storm)14.01 16.25 18.92 P-486G-14 (Hangar_Storm)46.7 0 24 HDPE 0.01 4.3 6.03 1.92 N-486G-14 (Hangar_Storm)14.03 16.37 20.22 N-486F-14 (Hangar_Storm)14.02 16.34 18.93 P-501 (Hangar_Storm) 31.7 0.033 18 CONC 0.013 18.96 5.86 3.32 27E-501 15.9 17.31 19.39 T-501 (Hangar_Storm) 14.87 17.24 19.72 P-504 (Hangar_Storm) 98 0 18 CMP 0.024 1.15 1.21 0.68 27F-504 16.03 17.55 19.68 27E-501 15.99 17.52 19.39 P-505 (Hangar_Storm) 5.5 0.204 6 DI 0.012 2.75 0.14 7.27 27F-505 17.61 17.74 19.42 T-505 (Hangar_Storm) 16.46 17.73 19.52 P-506 (1) (Hangar_Storm)101.6 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 1.98 0.51 0.66 T-505 (Hangar_Storm) 16.2 17.55 19.52 27E-501 15.89 17.52 19.39 P-506 (Hangar_Storm) 30.8 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 1.98 0.38 0.48 N-506 (Hangar_Storm) 16.3 17.74 19.73 T-505 (Hangar_Storm) 16.2 17.73 19.52 P-507A (Hangar_Storm)82.4 0 6 PVC 0.01 0.11 0.17 0.88 N-507A (Hangar_Storm)17.18 17.96 19.43 27F-507D 17.16 17.95 19.22 P-507B (Hangar_Storm)39.7 0.016 6 CPP 0.012 0.76 0.17 3.13 27F-507B 17.8 18.07 20.17 N-507A (Hangar_Storm)17.18 18.06 19.43 P-507D (Hangar_Storm)56.8 0.003 6 DI 0.012 0.32 0.38 1.93 27F-507D 17.06 17.75 19.22 N-506 (Hangar_Storm) 16.9 17.74 19.73 P-508 (1) (Hangar_Storm)24.5 0.008 8 CONC 0.013 1.08 0.16 0.46 B-508 (Hangar_Storm) 16.65 17.77 20.5 B-508 (1) (Hangar_Storm)16.46 17.77 20.37 P-508 (2) (Hangar_Storm)41.1 0.008 8 CONC 0.013 1.08 0.16 0.46 B-508 (1) (Hangar_Storm)16.46 17.76 20.37 27F-504 16.13 17.76 19.68 P-508 (Hangar_Storm) 117.8 0.008 8 CONC 0.013 1.08 0.16 2.23 27F-508 17.6 17.78 20.12 B-508 (Hangar_Storm) 16.66 17.78 20.5 P-509A (1) (Hangar_Storm)411.1 -0.003 18 VC 0.013 6.16 0.17 0.1 T-509A (Hangar_Storm)14.87 17.31 19.5 T-501 (Hangar_Storm) 16.28 17.24 19.72 P-509A (2) (Hangar_Storm)244 -0.003 18 VC 0.013 6.16 6.03 3.41 T-501 (Hangar_Storm) 14.03 16.45 19.72 N-486G-14 (Hangar_Storm)14.87 16.42 20.22 P-509A (Hangar_Storm)12 0 4 PVC 0.01 0 0.17 1.95 27F-509A 16.28 17.49 18.83 T-509A (Hangar_Storm)16.28 17.49 19.5 P-1091 (Hangar_Storm)203.2 0.002 30 HDPE 0.01 23.85 6.13 1.25 1091-18 (Hangar_Storm)12.48 15.94 19.22 1093-18 (Hangar_Storm)12.07 15.94 18.84 P-1093 (Hangar_Storm)203.2 0.002 30 HDPE 0.01 23.85 6.13 1.25 1093-18 (Hangar_Storm)12.07 15.9 18.84 1094-18 (Hangar_Storm)11.66 15.88 17.65 P-1094 (Hangar_Storm)120.2 0.002 30 HDPE 0.01 23.85 6.13 1.25 1094-18 (Hangar_Storm)11.66 15.71 17.65 N-1097 11.42 15.64 17.64 P-1097 (Hangar_Storm)58 0.016 30 HDPE 0.01 68.01 16.15 3.29 N-1097 11.42 15.48 17.64 EX 458 (Hangar_Storm)10.48 15.39 17.91 P-1098 68 0.035 33 0 0.013 98.61 21.88 3.68 1098-18 (Hangar_Storm)10.47 15.04 18.76 N-DNR004 (Hangar_Storm)8.1 15.03 16.5 P-1099 (Hangar_Storm)20 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 1.92 3 1099-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.71 15.15 18.76 1098-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.67 15.15 18.76 P-1100 (Hangar_Storm)15.1 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 1.92 2.99 1100-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.74 15.56 18.65 1099-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.71 15.49 18.76 P-1101 (Hangar_Storm)58.1 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 1.92 2.45 1101-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.85 15.75 18.65 1100-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.73 15.68 18.65 P-DNR004 (Hangar_Storm)114.2 0.089 42 HDPE 0.01 390.76 21.88 2.27 N-DNR004 (Hangar_Storm)10.1 (N/A) 16.5 OF-004 -0.2 (N/A) 15.2 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OF_004A.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Stop Rim (ft) P-013 (1) (Hangar_Storm)53.2 0.023 18 HDPE 0.01 20.78 2.11 7.56 1096-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.32 15.01 18.44 EX 488A (Hangar_Storm)13.09 15 16.58 P-064 (Hangar_Storm)56.7 0.03 18 HDPE 0.01 23.65 2.11 8.28 OWS-064 16.02 15 18.65 1096-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.32 14.96 18.44 P-492A (Hangar_Storm)11.7 0.003 18 HDPE 0.01 7.48 4.63 4.46 EX 492A (Hangar_Storm)14.77 15.93 18.98 1081-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.73 15.65 18.9 P-1077 (Hangar_Storm)80.6 0.009 18 HDPE 0.01 12.73 3.39 6.09 1077-18 (Hangar_Storm)15.1 16.29 19.17 1078-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.4 16.26 18.47 P-1077A (Hangar_Storm)17.7 0.008 18 HDPE 0.01 12.58 3.39 6.04 1077A-18 (Hangar_Storm)15.25 16.37 19.31 1077-18 (Hangar_Storm)15.1 16.36 19.17 P-1078 (Hangar_Storm)254.5 0.002 18 HDPE 0.01 6.05 3.39 1.92 1078-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.4 16 18.47 1080-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.9 15.99 18.47 P-1079 (Hangar_Storm)84.9 0.015 18 HDPE 0.01 16.9 1.77 6.2 1079-18 (Hangar_Storm)15.2 16 19.21 1080-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.9 15.99 18.47 P-1079A (Hangar_Storm)13.1 0.011 18 HDPE 0.01 14.62 1.77 5.59 1079A-18 (Hangar_Storm)15.35 16.13 19.35 1079-18 (Hangar_Storm)15.2 16.12 19.21 P-1080 (Hangar_Storm)302.7 0.002 18 HDPE 0.01 6.15 5.16 2.92 1080-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.9 15.46 18.47 1082-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.29 15.43 18.44 P-1081 (Hangar_Storm)78.9 0.012 18 HDPE 0.01 14.98 4.63 7.47 1081-18 (Hangar_Storm)14.74 15.46 18.9 1082-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.79 15.43 18.44 P-1082 (Hangar_Storm)160.1 0.002 24 HDPE 0.01 13.15 9.79 3.12 1082-18 (Hangar_Storm)13.29 15.16 18.44 1083-18 (Hangar_Storm)12.97 15.16 17.88 P-1083 (Hangar_Storm)84.8 0.002 24 HDPE 0.01 13.15 9.79 3.12 1083-18 (Hangar_Storm)12.97 15.1 17.88 1084-18 (Hangar_Storm)12.8 15.09 17.96 P-1084 (Hangar_Storm)70.2 0.002 36 HDPE 0.01 38.77 9.79 1.39 1084-18 (Hangar_Storm)11.76 15.06 17.96 1085-18 (Hangar_Storm)11.62 15.04 18.75 P-1085 (1) (Hangar_Storm)55.1 0.088 36 HDPE 0.01 257.85 11.9 1.68 EX 488A (Hangar_Storm)9.29 (N/A) 16.58 OF-004A 4.4 (N/A) 15.2 P-1085 (Hangar_Storm)17.2 0.002 36 HDPE 0.01 38.77 9.79 1.39 1085-18 (Hangar_Storm)11.62 15.01 18.75 EX 488A (Hangar_Storm)11.59 15 16.58 Pipe - (130) (Hangar_Storm)14 -0.009 18 EX HDPE 0.01 12.66 4.63 2.62 58B-492A 14.75 16.24 19.08 EX 492A (Hangar_Storm)14.87 16.23 18.98 Pipe - (137) (Hangar_Storm)10.4 0.014 10 EX CI 0.012 2.85 3.39 6.22 30A 16.85 16.43 19.35 1077A-18 (Hangar_Storm)16.7 16.42 19.31 Pipe - (138) (Hangar_Storm)9.6 0.01 8 EX CI 0.012 1.34 1.77 5.07 29A 16.75 16.15 19.35 1079A-18 (Hangar_Storm)16.65 16.14 19.35 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OF_012A.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Stop Rim (ft) P-063 101.5 0.002 12 0 0.013 1.59 2.11 2.69 N-063 13.9 15.49 18.54 1089-18 13.7 15.42 18.54 P-1089 15.1 0.002 12 HDPE 0.013 1.59 2.11 2.69 1089-18 13.7 15.3 18.54 1090-18 13.67 15.3 18.65 P-1090 84.9 0.136 12 HDPE 0.013 13.14 2.11 2.69 1090-18 13.67 (N/A) 18.65 O-12 2.01 (N/A) 0 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OF_014A.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Stop Rim (ft) P-062 106.1 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.73 2.12 2.7 N-062 13.8 15.4 18.54 1075-18 13.58 15.33 18.54 P-1075 15.1 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.72 2.12 2.7 1075-18 13.58 15.21 18.54 1076-18 13.55 15.21 18.65 P-1076 73.9 0.1 12 HPDE 0.012 12.18 2.12 2.7 1076-18 13.55 (N/A) 18.65 O-014 6.56 (N/A) 0 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_030.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-5A 89.2 0.019 8 DI 0.012 1.82 0.45 1.29 27C-527A 19.62 21.93 24.43 N-527 17.9 21.93 21.93 P-460 57.8 0.005 12 CONC 0.013 2.52 2 2.54 27B-460 13.09 (N/A) 18.15 N-465 12.8 (N/A) 18.3 P-461 200.7 0.006 12 DI 0.012 2.97 1.7 2.17 27B-461 14.28 16.45 18.32 27B-460 13.09 16.4 18.15 P-462 199.4 0.008 12 DI 0.012 3.36 1.17 1.49 27B-462 15.7 16.92 18.44 27B-461 14.19 16.92 18.32 P-463 200.7 0.005 12 DI 0.012 2.75 0.69 2.92 27B-463 16.72 17.16 18.47 27B-462 15.7 17.16 18.44 P-466 238.9 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.32 4.54 3.7 N-466 14.13 (N/A) 19.35 N-465 13.5 (N/A) 18.3 P-467 122 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 1.05 1.19 1.51 N-467 15.1 16.38 19.34 T-485 14.99 16.38 19.05 P-467 (1) 109.1 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 1.05 1.36 1.74 T-485 14.99 16.22 19.05 N-482 14.9 16.21 18.31 P-468 12 0.084 8 CONC 0.013 3.51 0.19 5.39 27H-468 16.1 16.6 19.14 T-468 15.08 16.6 19.25 P-469 16 0.052 8 CONC 0.013 2.75 0.23 0.67 27H-469 16 16.72 18.86 T-469 15.17 16.72 18.96 P-470 138.1 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 0.94 0.76 0.97 N-470 15.1 16.72 19.23 T-469 15 16.72 18.96 P-470 (1) 125.7 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 0.94 0.99 1.27 T-469 15 16.6 18.96 T-468 14.92 16.6 19.25 P-470 (2) 23.2 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 0.94 1.19 1.51 T-468 14.92 16.55 19.25 N-467 14.9 16.55 19.34 P-471 288 0 15 CONC 0.013 1.37 4.54 3.7 N-471 13.98 17.42 19.33 N-466 14.11 17.42 19.35 P-472 10 0.107 8 CONC 0.013 3.95 0.23 6.14 27H-472 17 16.82 19.55 T-472 15.93 16.82 19.12 P-473 16.1 0.032 8 CONC 0.013 2.16 0.21 3.91 27H-473 16.9 16.86 19.12 T-473 16.39 16.86 19.35 P-474 15 0.009 12 CONC 0.013 3.29 0.13 2.06 27H-474 16.8 16.97 19.3 T-474 16.67 16.95 19.36 P-475 80.6 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.19 1.77 27H-475 17 16.97 20 T-474 16.67 16.95 19.36 P-475 (1) 111.4 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.33 2.06 T-474 16.67 16.86 19.36 T-473 16.22 16.86 19.35 P-475 (2) 113.2 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.54 2.37 T-473 16.22 16.82 19.35 T-472 15.76 16.82 19.12 P-475 (3) 14.5 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.76 0.97 T-472 15.76 16.8 19.12 N-470 15.7 16.8 19.23 P-476 38.3 0.062 6 DI 0.012 1.51 0.17 0.85 27C-476 17.39 19.2 19.77 T-476 15.02 19.2 19.2 P-478 3.3 0.286 6 CONC 0.013 3 0.23 1.16 27C-478 16.1 18.91 18.9 T-478 15.1 18.91 18.91 P-479 62.3 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 4.04 3.29 27C-479 14.98 19.21 19.53 T-480 14.82 19.21 19.21 P-479 (1) 35.6 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 4.14 3.38 T-480 14.82 18.91 19.21 T-478 14.73 18.91 18.91 P-479 (2) 32.8 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 4.37 3.56 T-478 14.73 19.2 18.91 T-476 14.64 19.2 19.2 P-479 (3) 239.8 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 4.54 3.7 T-476 14.64 19.47 19.2 B-479 14.02 19.47 19.47 P-479 (4) 73.8 -0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.28 4.54 3.7 B-479 14.02 18.97 19.47 N-471 14.21 18.97 19.33 P-479A 18.4 0.009 15 CONC 0.013 6.21 3.56 2.9 N-479A 15.25 19.53 19.45 27C-479 15.08 19.53 19.53 P-480 83.4 0.033 6 DI 0.012 1.11 0.11 0.55 27C-480 17.96 19.21 20 T-480 15.19 19.21 19.21 P-482 17.5 0 24 CONC 0.013 0 3.48 1.11 N-482 11.3 (N/A) 18.31 N-465 11.3 (N/A) 18.3 P-483 119.8 0.006 12 CONC 0.013 2.78 0.69 0.87 27H-483 13.03 16.22 16.55 N-482 12.3 16.21 18.31 P-484 20.5 0.16 8 CONC 0.013 4.84 0.12 5.9 27H-484 15.72 16.22 18.13 N-482 12.4 16.21 18.31 P-485 16.2 0.125 8 CONC 0.013 4.26 0.18 5.99 27H-485 17.2 16.38 19.06 T-485 15.16 16.38 19.05 P-490A-14 96.4 0.001 15 CONC 0.013 1.47 1.31 1.07 N-490A-14 12.15 16.22 18.3 N-482 12.1 16.21 18.31 P-490B-14 195.1 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.28 1.31 1.67 N-490B-14 13.18 16.28 19.9 N-490A-14 12.2 16.27 18.3 P-490C-14 64.8 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.15 1.25 1.6 27i-490C 13.6 16.49 19.09 27i-493B 13.3 16.49 19.03 P-490D-14 39.5 0.003 12 HDPE 0.01 2.59 1.18 1.5 N-490D-14 13.72 16.56 18.87 27i-490C 13.6 16.56 19.09 P-490E-14 37.6 0.005 8 DI 0.012 0.96 0.04 1.38 27i-490E 16.7 16.61 19.08 N-490D-14 16.5 16.61 18.87 P-490F-14 18.1 0.01 6 DI 0.012 0.62 0.03 1.71 27i-490F 17.5 17.44 18.52 B-490F 17.31 17.41 18.95 P-490F-14 (1) 51.4 0.011 6 DI 0.012 0.62 0.03 1.71 B-490F 17.31 16.9 18.95 B-490F (1) 16.77 16.87 19.34 P-490F-14 (2) 25.6 0.011 6 DI 0.012 0.62 0.03 1.71 B-490F (1) 16.77 16.56 19.34 27i-490C 16.5 16.56 19.09 P-490G-14 11.4 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.01 1.13 1.44 27i-490G 13.76 16.61 18.84 N-490D-14 13.72 16.61 18.87 P-490H-14 53.3 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.91 1.06 1.35 27i-490H 13.97 16.65 19.25 27i-490G 13.76 16.65 18.84 P-490I-14 50.7 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.91 0.91 1.16 27i-490i 14.9 16.7 18.9 27i-490H 14.7 16.7 19.25 P-490J-14 32 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.95 0.84 1.07 N-490J-14 15.03 16.74 18.9 27i-490i 14.9 16.74 18.9 P-490K-14 38.7 0.004 8 DI 0.012 0.84 0.08 1.54 27i-490K 16.81 16.76 18.5 N-490J-14 16.65 16.76 18.9 P-493B-14 30.3 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.92 1.31 1.67 27i-493B 13.3 16.44 19.03 N-490B-14 13.18 16.44 19.9 P-494-14 91.1 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.95 0.75 0.96 N-494-14 15.4 16.76 19.28 N-490J-14 15.03 16.76 18.9 P-495 35.3 0.031 12 DI 0.012 6.85 0.07 2.81 27i-495 16.74 16.85 18.8 N-496-14 15.63 16.83 19.5 P-496-14 56 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.97 0.75 0.96 N-496-14 15.63 16.81 19.5 N-494-14 15.4 16.8 19.28 P-497 18.4 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.2 0.68 0.87 27i-497 15.7 16.85 19.4 N-496-14 15.63 16.83 19.5 P-498 64.7 -0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.4 0.52 0.66 27i-498 15.6 16.86 19.1 27i-497 15.7 16.86 19.4 P-499 72.2 0 12 CONC 0.013 0 0.38 0.49 27i-499 15.7 16.89 19.2 27i-498 15.7 16.89 19.1 P-500 76.2 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.08 0.22 1.71 27i-500 16.06 16.9 19.4 27i-499 15.8 16.9 19.2 P-526 46.5 0.006 15 CONC 0.013 5.14 3.56 2.9 27C-526 17.8 22.75 21.66 B-526 17.51 22.75 22.75 Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_030.xlsx 25-Year Event P-526 (1) 343.7 0.006 15 CONC 0.013 5.11 3.56 2.9 B-526 17.51 19.45 22.75 N-479A 15.35 19.45 19.45 P-527 90.8 0.012 12 CONC 0.013 3.92 3.03 3.85 N-527 17.9 21.66 21.93 27C-526 16.8 21.66 21.66 P-528 24.2 0.135 6 DI 0.012 2.23 0.15 0.74 27C-528 21.88 21.93 22.92 N-527 18.6 21.93 21.93 P-529 27.9 0.004 8 DI 0.012 0.78 0.32 0.91 27C-529 19.82 23.95 23.27 27C-527A 19.72 23.95 24.43 P-530 278.1 0.005 15 CONC 0.013 4.4 2.43 1.98 N-530 19 21.93 23.8 N-527 17.71 21.93 21.93 P-531 17.3 0.118 6 CONC 0.013 1.93 0.14 0.7 27C-531 22.56 23.8 23.86 N-530 20.5 23.8 23.8 P-532 51.8 -0.022 8 DI 0.012 1.94 0.29 0.83 27C-532 19.76 23.8 24.91 N-530 20.9 23.8 23.8 P-533 57.2 0.007 8 CONC 0.013 1 0.05 0.13 27C-533 21.4 24.29 25.57 27C-532 21.01 24.29 24.91 P-535 19.2 0.08 6 DI 0.012 1.72 0.22 1.13 27C-535 23.24 25.03 25.62 N-536 21.7 25.03 25.03 P-536 300.5 0.004 15 CONC 0.013 3.89 1.46 1.19 N-536 20.25 25.29 25.03 N-T-11 19.16 25.29 26.02 P-537 58.9 0.017 18 CONC 0.013 13.89 0.47 0.27 27C-537 21.38 25.03 25.17 N-536 20.35 25.03 25.03 P-538 262.7 0.008 6 DI 0.012 0.56 0.09 0.44 27C-538 24.1 25.04 26.48 B-538 21.87 25.04 25.04 P-538 (1) 11.9 0.008 6 DI 0.012 0.56 0.09 0.44 B-538 21.87 25.03 25.04 N-536 21.77 25.03 25.03 P-539 329.8 0.002 15 CONC 0.013 2.54 0.68 0.56 N-539 21 25.03 25.97 N-536 20.49 25.03 25.03 P-540 18.5 0.118 6 DI 0.012 2.09 0.14 0.73 27C-540 24.79 25.56 27.17 N-539 22.59 25.56 25.97 P-541 20.4 0.039 4 DI 0.012 0.41 0.16 1.85 27C-541 24.58 25.95 26.78 B-541 23.78 25.95 25.95 P-541 (1) 63.4 0.039 4 DI 0.012 0.41 0.16 1.85 B-541 23.78 25.56 25.95 N-539 21.27 25.56 25.97 P-545 237 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.65 0.06 0.08 N-545 22.51 25.61 27.65 T-548 22 25.61 27.62 P-545 (1) 48.5 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.65 0.38 0.48 T-548 22 25.6 27.62 N-549 21.9 25.6 27.41 P-546 94.4 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 1.22 0.06 0.08 27C-546 22.17 25.61 27.84 N-545 22.06 25.61 27.65 P-547 29.5 0.054 8 CONC 0.013 2.8 0.03 0.07 27C-547 24.54 25.61 27.7 27C-546 22.95 25.61 27.84 P-548 19.5 0.208 6 UKN 0.013 2.56 0.32 8.87 27C-548 26.4 25.61 28.75 T-548 22.25 25.61 27.62 P-549 330.3 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.58 0.38 0.48 N-549 21.6 25.56 27.41 N-539 20.95 25.56 25.97 P-632 153.6 -0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.66 1.83 2.32 27C-632 18.37 24.67 25.44 T-635 18.7 24.67 25.04 P-632 (1) 137.8 -0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.66 2 2.55 T-635 18.7 23.8 25.04 N-530 19 23.8 23.8 P-635 32.5 0.01 8 CONC 0.013 1.22 0.18 0.51 27C-635 19.2 24.67 25.2 T-635 18.87 24.67 25.04 P-687 39.3 0.003 12 ADS N-12 0.01 2.45 0.2 0.25 27C-687 22.92 25.29 25.6 N-T-11 22.81 25.29 26.02 P-T-11 43.6 0.017 12 CONC 0.013 4.71 1.66 2.11 N-T-11 19.13 25.14 26.02 27C-632 18.37 25.14 25.44 Page 2 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_062.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-721 (Storm) 47 0.009 12 HDPE 0.012 3.61 0.75 0.96 56B - 721 14 17.17 18 1074-18 (Storm) 13.59 17.1 18.41 P-722 (Storm) 142.4 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.86 0.35 0.44 56B - 722 14.33 17.29 18 56B - 721 14 17.29 18 P-1071 (Storm) 97.2 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.72 0.38 0.48 1071-18 (Storm) 14.03 17.41 17.58 1072-18 (Storm) 13.84 17.41 18.76 P-1072 (Storm) 65.6 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.72 0.38 0.48 1072-18 (Storm) 13.84 17.36 18.76 1073-18 (Storm) 13.71 17.34 18.4 P-1073 (Storm) 57.6 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.72 1.37 1.74 1073-18 (Storm) 13.71 17.17 18.4 1074-18 (Storm) 13.59 17.1 18.41 P-1074 (Storm) 47.8 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.79 2.12 2.7 1074-18 (Storm) 13.59 (N/A) 18.41 ROWS - 062 13.49 (N/A) 18.52 SD-1013A (Storm) 97.7 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.99 1.26 56A -1073A 16.15 17.36 18.4 1073-18 (Storm) 16.15 17.34 18.4 SD-1013B (Storm) 196.9 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.72 0.92 56A -1073B 16.15 17.66 18.4 56A -1073A 16.15 17.65 18.4 SD-1071 (Storm) 108.6 0 15 SLOTTED DRAIN 0.024 0 0.38 0.31 56A -1071 15.15 17.42 17.58 1071-18 (Storm) 15.15 17.42 17.58 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_063.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft) Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft) Stop Rim (ft) P-723 (Storm)87.1 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 1.95 1.07 1.36 57A - 723 14.33 17.12 18 1088-18 (Storm)14.18 17.05 18.43 P-724 (Storm)50.4 0.003 12 HDPE 0.01 2.57 1.04 1.33 57B - 724 14.33 17.12 18 1088-18 (Storm)14.18 17.05 18.43 P-1086 (Storm)97.5 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.22 0.67 0.85 1086-18 (Storm)14.8 17.28 18.4 57A - 723 14.33 17.27 18 P-1087 (Storm)97.5 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.22 0.66 0.84 1087-18 (Storm)14.8 17.26 18.4 57B - 724 14.33 17.25 18 P-1088 (Storm)47 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.16 2.11 2.68 1088-18 (Storm)14.18 (N/A)18.43 ROWS - 063 14.07 (N/A)18.52 SD-1086A (Storm)181.3 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.49 0.62 57A - 1086A 16.15 17.33 18.4 1086-18 (Storm)16.15 17.32 18.4 SD-1086B (Storm)66.9 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.18 0.23 57A - 1086B 16.15 17.33 18.4 1086-18 (Storm)16.15 17.32 18.4 SD-1087 (Storm)66.9 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.18 0.23 57B - 1087A 16.15 17.31 18.4 1087-18 (Storm)16.15 17.3 18.4 SD-1087B (Storm)200 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.48 0.61 57B - 1087B 16.15 17.31 18.4 1087-18 (Storm)16.15 17.3 18.4 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_064.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-1095 (Hangar_Storm) 44.3 0.002 18 HDPE 0.01 6.11 2.11 1.19 N-1095-18 13.7 (N/A) 17.96 OWS-064 13.62 (N/A) 18.65 Pipe - (175) (Hangar_Storm) 145 0.002 12 HDPE Pipe 0.01 2.21 0.21 0.26 58A-727 14.33 16.99 18.15 58A-728 14 16.99 18.15 Pipe - (176) (Hangar_Storm) 147.8 0.002 12 HDPE Pipe 0.01 2.07 0.34 0.43 58A-728 14 16.96 18.15 N-1095-18 13.7 16.95 17.96 SD-1095A (Hangar_Storm) 118.5 0 15 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 1.16 0.95 58A-1095A 15.5 16.96 17.99 N-1095-18 15.5 16.95 17.96 SD-1095B (Hangar_Storm) 137.5 0 15 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.71 0.58 58A-1095B 15.5 17.1 17.99 58A-1095A 15.5 17.1 17.99 SD-1095C (Hangar_Storm) 233.1 0 15 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.61 0.5 58A-1095C 15.5 16.96 17.84 N-1095-18 15.5 16.95 17.96 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_065.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-1102 33.9 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.72 1.93 2.45 1102-18 14.04 (N/A) 18.63 OWS-065 13.97 (N/A) 19.27 P-1103 36.6 0.016 12 HDPE 0.012 4.93 0.25 0.32 1103-18 14.63 17.05 18.2 1102-18 14.04 17.03 18.63 P-1104 106.7 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.72 1.67 2.13 1104-18 14.25 17.05 18.62 1102-18 14.04 17.03 18.63 P-1105 63.2 0.003 12 HDPE 0.012 2.04 1.11 1.41 1105-18 14.43 17.34 18 1104-18 14.25 17.31 18.62 P-1106 250.4 0.002 12 HDPE 0.012 1.73 0.57 0.72 1106-18 14.75 17.34 18.3 1104-18 14.25 17.31 18.62 SD-1105A 94.9 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 1.11 1.41 1105A 15.75 17.47 18 1105-18 15.75 17.45 18 SD-1105B 49.7 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.35 0.44 1105B 15.75 17.8 18 1105A 15.75 17.8 18 SD-1106 147.6 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.57 0.72 1106A 16.05 17.47 18.3 1106-18 16.05 17.47 18.3 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins _OWS_066.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-725 40.8 0.015 12 HDPE 0.01 5.61 0.7 0.89 URE 725-18 14 (N/A) 18 1112-18 13.4 (N/A) 18.51 P-726 119.9 0.003 12 HDPE 0.01 2.43 0.38 0.48 URE 726-18 14.33 16.94 18 URE 725-18 14 16.94 18 P-1107 50.4 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 0.74 0.95 1107-18 14.44 (N/A) 18.26 1110-18 14.34 (N/A) 18.38 P-1108 83.8 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.2 0.26 0.33 1108-18 14.35 17.05 17.9 1109-18 13.95 17.05 17.5 P-1109 90.6 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 0.46 0.58 1109-18 13.95 (N/A) 17.5 1110-18 13.77 (N/A) 18.38 P-1110 152.7 0.002 12 HDPE 0.01 2.07 1.2 1.53 1110-18 13.77 (N/A) 18.38 1111-18 13.46 (N/A) 18.34 P-1111 29.9 0.002 18 HDPE 0.01 6.11 1.2 0.68 1111-18 13.46 (N/A) 18.34 1112-18 13.4 (N/A) 18.51 P-1112 41 0.002 18 HDPE 0.01 6.11 1.9 1.07 1112-18 13.4 (N/A) 18.51 OWS-066 13.32 (N/A) 0 SD-1107A 223.7 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.35 0.44 1107A 16.05 (N/A) 18.26 1107-18 16.05 (N/A) 18.26 SD-1107B 38.3 0 12 SLOT DRAIN 0.024 0 0.39 0.5 1107B 16.05 (N/A) 18.3 1107-18 16.05 (N/A) 18.26 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins X_OF_002.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-417 31.3 -0.02 27 UNKN 0.013 44.27 14.21 3.57 N-417 9.36 (N/A) 16.99 OF-002 10 (N/A) 15.2 P-419 157.5 0.006 36 CONC 0.013 51.52 14.21 2.01 25B-419 10.3 15.2 19.11 N-417 9.36 15.09 16.99 P-420 54.1 0.049 12 CONC 0.013 7.88 3.42 4.35 25C-420 12.95 15.46 19.26 25B-419 10.3 15.45 19.11 P-422 53.1 0.075 8 CONC 0.013 3.31 0.09 4.14 25A-422 15.9 15.54 17.6 T-422 11.9 15.54 17.6 P-423 135.3 0.003 36 CONC 0.013 39.3 10.26 1.45 N-423 11.2 15.54 18.9 T-422 10.73 15.54 17.6 P-423 (1) 124 0.003 36 CONC 0.013 39.3 10.35 1.46 T-422 10.73 15.46 17.6 25B-419 10.3 15.45 19.11 P-424 65.8 0.026 6 PVC Pipe 0.01 1.18 0.24 1.22 25A-424 13.8 15.65 17.8 T-424 12.07 15.65 18.9 P-425 77 0.017 8 PVC Pipe 0.01 2.05 0.19 0.55 25A-425 13.5 15.68 18.1 T-425 12.19 15.68 18.9 P-426 100.3 0.011 8 PVC Pipe 0.01 1.64 0.07 0.2 25A-426 14.6 15.7 18.3 25A-425 13.5 15.7 18.1 P-427 54.7 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.19 0.91 25A-427 11.79 15.68 18.94 T-425 11.64 15.68 18.9 P-427 (1) 75.3 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.38 0.99 T-425 11.64 15.65 18.9 T-424 11.44 15.65 18.9 P-427 (2) 92.2 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.17 2.62 1.09 T-424 11.44 15.6 18.9 N-423 11.2 15.59 18.9 P-428 15.4 0.163 8 CONC 0.013 4.88 0.28 7.59 25A-428 15.3 15.73 18.7 T-428 12.75 15.73 18.7 P-429 15.5 0.108 8 PVC Pipe 0.01 5.17 0.27 0.77 25A-429 14.5 15.75 18.2 N-456 12.81 15.75 18.86 P-430 15.8 0.053 6 CONC 0.013 1.3 0.23 1.15 25A-430 14.6 15.77 18.5 T-430 13.75 15.77 18.5 P-431 15.8 -0.067 6 CONC 0.013 1.46 0.33 1.7 25A-431 13 15.78 18.5 T-431 14.07 15.78 18.5 P-432 15.9 0.011 8 CONC 0.013 1.26 0.21 0.59 25A-432 14.5 15.78 18.2 T-432 14.33 15.78 18.2 P-433 41 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.35 0.69 0.29 N-433 13.9 15.78 18.71 T-432 13.79 15.78 18.2 P-433 (1) 122.2 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 0.89 0.37 T-432 13.79 15.78 18.2 T-431 13.44 15.78 18.5 P-433 (2) 112.6 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.23 0.51 T-431 13.44 15.77 18.5 T-430 13.13 15.77 18.5 P-433 (3) 114.1 0.003 21 CONC 0.013 8.38 1.45 0.6 T-430 13.13 15.75 18.5 N-456 12.81 15.75 18.86 P-434 14.2 0.007 8 conc 0.013 1.03 0.27 0.78 25A-434 15 15.82 18.3 T-434 14.9 15.82 18.3 P-435 71.3 0.008 12 CONC 0.013 3.27 0.42 2.86 N-435 15.33 15.82 18.9 T-434 14.73 15.82 18.3 P-435 (1) 98.5 0.008 12 CONC 0.013 3.27 0.69 0.88 T-434 14.73 15.79 18.3 N-433 13.9 15.79 18.71 P-436 92.2 0.009 8 CONC 0.013 1.15 0.42 3.04 25A-436 16.17 15.85 18.72 N-435 15.33 15.84 18.9 P-437 3.5 0.5 8 METAL 0.024 4.63 0.21 0.61 25B-437 14.3 15.66 18.8 T-437 12.25 15.66 18.8 P-438 15.9 0.157 8 CONC 0.013 4.79 0.47 1.35 25B-438 14.9 15.85 18.6 T-438 12.37 15.85 18.6 P-439 6.9 0.411 6 CONC 0.013 3.6 0.34 11.53 25B-439 16.7 15.98 19.05 T-439 13.6 15.98 18.7 P-440 23.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 6.61 2.1 N-440 13 15.98 19 T-439 12.85 15.98 18.7 P-440 (1) 74.7 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 6.95 2.21 T-439 12.85 15.85 18.7 T-438 12.37 15.85 18.6 P-440 (2) 123.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 7.42 2.36 T-438 12.37 15.66 18.6 T-437 11.59 15.66 18.8 P-440 (3) 60.1 0.006 24 CONC 0.013 18.1 7.64 2.43 T-437 11.59 15.6 18.8 N-423 11.2 15.59 18.9 P-441 6 0.313 8 Metal 0.024 3.66 0.36 1.04 25B-441 14.8 16.19 18.7 T-441 12.82 16.19 18.7 P-442 84.2 -0.001 24 CONC 0.013 8.66 6.25 1.99 N-442 12.7 16.19 18.6 T-441 12.82 16.19 18.7 P-442 (1) 120.7 -0.001 24 CONC 0.013 8.66 6.61 2.1 T-441 12.82 16.05 18.7 N-440 13 16.05 19 P-443 14.5 0.078 8 CONC 0.013 3.38 0.28 0.79 25B-443 14.6 16.36 18.3 T-443 13.46 16.36 18.3 P-444 14.7 0.091 8 CONC 0.013 3.64 0.35 1.01 25B-444 15 16.44 18.5 T-444 13.66 16.44 18.5 P-445 11.2 0.168 10 di 0.012 9.73 0.51 9.4 25B-445 15.96 16.56 18.61 T-445 14.05 16.56 18.68 P-446 32.3 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.11 1.63 25B-446 13.58 16.56 18.8 T-445 13.47 16.56 18.68 P-446 (1) 140.2 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.62 1.79 T-445 13.47 16.44 18.68 T-444 13 16.44 18.5 P-446 (2) 59.7 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 5.97 1.9 T-444 13 16.36 18.5 T-443 12.8 16.36 18.3 P-446 (3) 28.6 0.003 24 CONC 0.013 13.14 6.25 1.99 T-443 12.8 16.3 18.3 N-442 12.7 16.3 18.6 P-447 98.1 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.76 4.1 5.22 N-447 14.32 16.62 19.38 25B-446 14.08 16.61 18.8 P-448 59.6 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.31 4.1 5.22 25B-448 14.67 18.01 19.35 N-447 14.42 17.79 19.38 P-450 248.5 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.03 3.78 4.81 N-450 15.38 19.06 19.35 25B-448 14.57 19.06 19.35 P-451 43.2 0.002 0 Trench Drain 0.013 5.02 3.78 1.89 25B-451 16.52 19.1 18.52 J-451 16.43 19.1 19.1 P-451 (1) 65.1 0.015 12 conc 0.013 4.31 3.78 4.81 J-451 16.43 19.35 19.1 N-450 15.48 19.35 19.35 P-452 87.9 -0.092 12 conc 0.013 10.81 2.6 3.3 N-452 8.39 18.52 19.3 25B-451 16.52 18.52 18.52 P-453 66.7 0.009 12 conc 0.013 3.43 2.6 3.3 25B-453 15.26 19.3 18.47 N-452 14.64 19.3 19.3 P-456 97.9 0.004 21 CONC 0.013 10.14 1.72 0.72 N-456 12.61 15.73 18.86 T-428 12.21 15.73 18.7 P-456 (1) 102.2 0.004 21 CONC 0.013 10.14 2 0.83 T-428 12.21 15.71 18.7 25A-427 11.79 15.7 18.94 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins X_OF_004.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-458 136.1 0 33 CONC 0.013 9.06 20.63 3.47 N-458 10.48 15.04 16.38 N-DNR004 10.44 15.02 16.5 P-459 114 0.032 12 CONC 0.013 6.36 3.81 4.85 27A-459 14.32 15.35 19.26 N-458 10.68 15.24 16.38 P-464 55.2 -0.01 30 CONC 0.013 41.32 16.83 3.43 27F-464 9.92 15.35 16.12 N-458 10.48 15.24 16.38 P-465 183.2 0.017 27 CONC 0.013 40.15 9.27 2.33 N-465 13 15.63 18.3 27F-464 9.92 15.56 16.12 P-486-14 287.2 0.006 18 VC 0.013 8.43 6.13 3.47 N-486-14 13.85 15.91 18.24 27F-488 12 15.88 16.8 P-486A-14 77 0.001 24 HDPE 0.01 10.05 6.13 1.95 N-486A-14 13.94 16.97 19.23 N-486-14 13.85 16.86 18.24 P-486B-14 146.6 0 24 HDPE 0.01 3.43 6.13 1.95 27F-4868 13.96 17.21 19.22 N-486A-14 13.94 17.17 19.23 P-486C-14 161.5 0 24 HDPE 0.01 4.01 6.03 1.92 N-486C-14 13.99 17.31 19.3 27F-4868 13.96 17.31 19.22 P-486D-14 96.4 0 24 HDPE 0.01 2.99 6.03 1.92 N-486D-14 14 17.41 19.65 N-486C-14 13.99 17.41 19.3 P-486E-14 32.7 0 24 HDPE 0.01 5.14 6.03 1.92 N-486E-14 14.01 17.52 18.92 N-486D-14 14 17.49 19.65 P-486F-14 50 0 24 HDPE 0.01 4.16 6.03 1.92 N-486F-14 14.02 17.61 18.93 N-486E-14 14.01 17.57 18.92 P-486G-14 46.7 0 24 HDPE 0.01 4.31 6.03 1.92 N-486G-14 14.03 17.69 20.22 N-486F-14 14.02 17.66 18.93 P-488 203.3 0.008 27 CONC 0.013 26.87 6.6 1.66 27F-488 11.45 15.63 16.8 27F-464 9.92 15.56 16.12 P-501 31.7 0.033 18 CONC 0.013 18.96 5.86 3.32 27E-501 15.9 18.6 19.39 T-501 14.87 18.57 19.72 P-504 98 0 18 CMP 0.024 1.15 1.21 0.68 27F-504 16.03 18.83 19.68 27E-501 15.99 18.81 19.39 P-505 5.5 0.204 6 DI 0.012 2.75 0.14 0.69 27F-505 17.61 19.02 19.42 T-505 16.46 19.02 19.52 P-506 30.8 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 1.98 0.38 0.48 N-506 16.3 19.02 19.73 T-505 16.2 19.02 19.52 P-506 (1) 101.6 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 1.98 0.51 0.66 T-505 16.2 18.83 19.52 27E-501 15.89 18.81 19.39 P-507A 82.4 0 6 PVC 0.01 0.11 0.17 0.88 N-507A 17.18 19.22 19.43 27F-507D 17.16 19.22 19.22 P-507B 39.7 0.016 6 CPP 0.013 0.7 0.17 0.88 27F-507B 17.8 19.32 20.17 N-507A 17.18 19.32 19.43 P-507D 56.8 0.003 6 DI 0.012 0.32 0.38 1.93 27F-507D 17.06 19.03 19.22 N-506 16.9 19.03 19.73 P-508 117.8 0.008 8 CONC 0.013 1.08 0.16 0.46 27F-508 17.6 19.06 20.12 B-508 16.66 19.06 20.5 P-508 (1) 24.5 0.008 8 CONC 0.013 1.08 0.16 0.46 B-508 16.65 19.06 20.5 B-508 (1) 16.46 19.06 20.37 P-508 (2) 41.1 0.008 8 CONC 0.013 1.08 0.16 0.46 B-508 (1) 16.46 19.04 20.37 27F-504 16.13 19.04 19.68 P-509A 12 0 4 PVC 0.01 0 0.17 1.95 27F-509A 16.28 18.78 18.83 T-509A 16.28 18.78 19.5 P-509A (1) 411.1 0 18 VC 0.013 0 0.17 0.1 T-509A 16.28 18.6 19.5 T-501 16.28 18.57 19.72 P-509A (2) 244 0.003 18 VC 0.013 6.16 6.03 3.41 T-501 14.87 17.78 19.72 N-486G-14 14.03 17.75 20.22 P-DNR004 114.9 0.089 42 HDPE 0.01 390.76 20.63 2.14 N-DNR004 10.1 (N/A) 16.5 OF-004 -0.2 (N/A) 15.2 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins X_OF_004A.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-488A 24.9 -0.008 36 EX CI 0.012 66.22 5.5 0.78 N-488A 9.29 (N/A) 16.57 OF-004A 9.5 (N/A) 0 P-488B 224.1 0.001 12 conc 0.013 0.86 4.63 5.9 N-488B 12.24 15.01 17.44 No. 488C 12.11 15 15.97 P-488C 79.1 0.006 36 EX CONC 0.013 53.02 5.5 0.78 No. 488C 10 14.99 15.97 N-488A 9.5 14.98 16.57 P-489 (1) 98.6 0.006 4 EX DI 0.012 0.16 0.87 9.97 58A-489 13.68 14.67 16.48 B-489 13.12 14.67 14.67 P-489 (2) 20.6 0.006 4 EX DI 0.012 0.16 0.87 9.97 B-489 13.12 15.01 14.67 No. 488C 13 15 15.97 P-492B-14 136.1 0.006 12 conc 0.013 2.7 4.63 5.9 N- 492B 13.02 17.44 18.87 N-488B 12.24 17.44 17.44 Pipe - (336) 14 0.009 18 di 0.012 10.55 4.63 2.62 N- 492B 14.87 18.87 18.87 58B-492A 14.75 18.87 18.95 Page 1 of 1 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins X_OWS_30.xlsx 25-Year Event Pipe Length (ft) Slope (ft/ft) Diameter Description Maning's n Full Flow Capacity (cfs)Flow (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Start Node Start Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (In) (ft)Start Rim (ft) Stop Node Stop Invert (ft) Hydraulic Grade Line (Out) (ft)Stop Rim (ft) P-5A 89.2 0.019 8 DI 0.012 1.82 0.46 1.33 27C-527A 19.62 21.93 24.43 N-527 17.9 21.93 21.93 P-460 57.8 0.005 12 CONC 0.013 2.52 2 2.54 27B-460 13.09 (N/A) 18.15 N-465 12.8 (N/A) 18.3 P-461 200.7 0.006 12 DI 0.012 2.97 1.7 2.17 27B-461 14.28 16.45 18.32 27B-460 13.09 16.4 18.15 P-462 199.4 0.008 12 DI 0.012 3.36 1.17 1.49 27B-462 15.7 16.92 18.44 27B-461 14.19 16.92 18.32 P-463 200.7 0.005 12 DI 0.012 2.75 0.69 2.92 27B-463 16.72 17.16 18.47 27B-462 15.7 17.16 18.44 P-466 238.9 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.32 4.26 3.47 N-466 14.13 (N/A) 19.35 N-465 13.5 (N/A) 18.3 P-467 122 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 1.05 1.19 1.51 N-467 15.1 16.38 19.34 T-485 14.99 16.38 19.05 P-467 (1) 109.1 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 1.05 1.36 1.73 T-485 14.99 16.22 19.05 N-482 14.9 16.21 18.31 P-468 12 0.084 8 CONC 0.013 3.51 0.19 5.39 27H-468 16.1 16.6 19.14 T-468 15.08 16.6 19.25 P-469 16 0.052 8 CONC 0.013 2.75 0.23 0.67 27H-469 16 16.72 18.86 T-469 15.17 16.72 18.96 P-470 138.1 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 0.94 0.76 0.97 N-470 15.1 16.72 19.23 T-469 15 16.72 18.96 P-470 (1) 125.7 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 0.94 0.99 1.27 T-469 15 16.6 18.96 T-468 14.92 16.6 19.25 P-470 (2) 23.2 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 0.94 1.19 1.51 T-468 14.92 16.55 19.25 N-467 14.9 16.55 19.34 P-471 288 0 15 CONC 0.013 1.37 4.26 3.47 N-471 13.98 17.27 19.33 N-466 14.11 17.27 19.35 P-472 10 0.107 8 CONC 0.013 3.95 0.23 6.14 27H-472 17 16.82 19.55 T-472 15.93 16.82 19.12 P-473 16.1 0.032 8 CONC 0.013 2.16 0.21 3.91 27H-473 16.9 16.86 19.12 T-473 16.39 16.86 19.35 P-474 15 0.009 12 CONC 0.013 3.29 0.13 2.06 27H-474 16.8 16.97 19.3 T-474 16.67 16.95 19.36 P-475 80.6 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.19 1.77 27H-475 17 16.97 20 T-474 16.67 16.95 19.36 P-475 (1) 111.4 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.33 2.06 T-474 16.67 16.86 19.36 T-473 16.22 16.86 19.35 P-475 (2) 113.2 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.54 2.37 T-473 16.22 16.82 19.35 T-472 15.76 16.82 19.12 P-475 (3) 14.5 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.27 0.76 0.97 T-472 15.76 16.81 19.12 N-470 15.7 16.8 19.23 P-476 38.3 0.062 6 DI 0.012 1.51 0.17 0.85 27C-476 17.39 19.2 19.77 T-476 15.02 19.2 19.2 P-478 3.3 0.286 6 CONC 0.013 3 0.23 1.16 27C-478 16.1 18.91 18.9 T-478 15.1 18.91 18.91 P-479 62.3 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 3.75 3.06 27C-479 14.98 19.21 19.53 T-480 14.82 19.21 19.21 P-479 (1) 35.6 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 3.86 3.15 T-480 14.82 18.91 19.21 T-478 14.73 18.91 18.91 P-479 (2) 32.8 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 4.09 3.33 T-478 14.73 19.2 18.91 T-476 14.64 19.2 19.2 P-479 (3) 239.8 0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.29 4.26 3.47 T-476 14.64 19.07 19.2 B-479 14.02 19.07 19.47 P-479 (4) 73.8 -0.003 15 CONC 0.013 3.28 4.26 3.47 B-479 14.02 18.64 19.47 N-471 14.21 18.64 19.33 P-479A 18.4 0.009 15 CONC 0.013 6.21 3.28 2.67 N-479A 15.25 19.53 19.45 27C-479 15.08 19.53 19.53 P-480 83.4 0.033 6 DI 0.012 1.11 0.11 0.55 27C-480 17.96 19.21 20 T-480 15.19 19.21 19.21 P-482 17.5 0 24 CONC 0.013 0 3.69 1.17 N-482 11.3 (N/A) 18.31 N-465 11.3 (N/A) 18.3 P-483 119.8 0.006 8 CONC 0.013 0.94 0.24 0.7 27H-483 13.03 16.22 16.55 N-482 12.3 16.21 18.31 P-484 20.5 0.16 8 CONC 0.013 4.84 0.12 5.85 27H-484 15.72 16.22 18.13 N-482 12.4 16.21 18.31 P-485 16.2 0.125 8 CONC 0.013 4.26 0.17 5.97 27H-485 17.2 16.38 19.06 T-485 15.16 16.38 19.05 P-490 58 0.004 15 CONC 0.013 4.15 0.65 0.53 27i-490 12.44 16.33 17.04 N-490A-14 12.2 16.31 18.3 P-490A-14 96.4 0.001 15 CONC 0.013 1.47 1.96 1.6 N-490A-14 12.15 16.22 18.3 N-482 12.1 16.21 18.31 P-490B-14 195.1 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.28 1.31 1.67 N-490B-14 13.18 16.33 19.9 N-490A-14 12.2 16.31 18.3 P-490C-14 64.8 0.005 12 HDPE 0.01 3.15 1.25 1.6 27i-490C 13.6 16.56 19.09 27i-493B 13.3 16.56 19.03 P-490D-14 39.5 0.003 12 HDPE 0.01 2.59 1.18 1.5 N-490D-14 13.72 16.63 18.87 27i-490C 13.6 16.63 19.09 P-490E-14 37.6 0.005 8 DI 0.012 0.96 0.04 1.38 27i-490E 16.7 16.69 19.08 N-490D-14 16.5 16.68 18.87 P-490F-14 18.1 0.01 6 DI 0.012 0.62 0.03 1.71 27i-490F 17.5 17.44 18.52 B-490F 17.31 17.41 18.95 P-490F-14 (1) 51.4 0.011 6 DI 0.012 0.62 0.03 1.71 B-490F 17.31 16.9 18.95 B-490F (1) 16.77 16.87 19.34 P-490F-14 (2) 25.6 0.011 6 DI 0.012 0.62 0.03 1.71 B-490F (1) 16.77 16.63 19.34 27i-490C 16.5 16.63 19.09 P-490G-14 11.4 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.01 1.13 1.44 27i-490G 13.76 16.69 18.84 N-490D-14 13.72 16.68 18.87 P-490H-14 53.3 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.91 1.06 1.35 27i-490H 13.97 16.72 19.25 27i-490G 13.76 16.72 18.84 P-490I-14 50.7 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.91 0.91 1.16 27i-490i 14.9 16.77 18.9 27i-490H 14.7 16.77 19.25 P-490J-14 32 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.95 0.84 1.07 N-490J-14 15.03 16.81 18.9 27i-490i 14.9 16.81 18.9 P-490K-14 38.7 0.004 8 DI 0.012 0.84 0.08 1.54 27i-490K 16.81 16.83 18.5 N-490J-14 16.65 16.83 18.9 P-491 107.4 0.016 8 CONC 0.013 1.52 0.27 0.77 27i-491 14.43 16.37 16.35 27i-490 12.74 16.37 17.04 P-493B-14 30.3 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.92 1.31 1.67 27i-493B 13.3 16.51 19.03 N-490B-14 13.18 16.51 19.9 P-494-14 91.1 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.95 0.75 0.96 N-494-14 15.4 16.83 19.28 N-490J-14 15.03 16.83 18.9 P-495 35.3 0.031 12 DI 0.012 6.85 0.07 2.81 27i-495 16.74 16.92 18.8 N-496-14 15.63 16.9 19.5 P-496-14 56 0.004 12 HDPE 0.01 2.97 0.75 0.96 N-496-14 15.63 16.88 19.5 N-494-14 15.4 16.87 19.28 P-497 18.4 0.004 12 CONC 0.013 2.2 0.68 0.87 27i-497 15.7 16.92 19.4 N-496-14 15.63 16.9 19.5 P-498 64.7 -0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.4 0.52 0.66 27i-498 15.6 16.93 19.1 27i-497 15.7 16.93 19.4 P-499 72.2 0 12 CONC 0.013 0 0.38 0.49 27i-499 15.7 16.96 19.2 27i-498 15.7 16.96 19.1 P-500 76.2 0.003 12 CONC 0.013 2.08 0.22 1.71 27i-500 16.06 16.97 19.4 27i-499 15.8 16.97 19.2 P-526 46.5 0.006 15 CONC 0.013 5.14 3.28 2.67 27C-526 17.8 21.99 21.66 B-526 17.51 21.96 22.75 P-526 (1) 343.7 0.006 15 CONC 0.013 5.11 3.28 2.67 B-526 17.51 19.45 22.75 N-479A 15.35 19.45 19.45 P-527 90.8 0.012 12 CONC 0.013 3.92 2.74 3.49 N-527 17.9 21.66 21.93 27C-526 16.8 21.66 21.66 P-528 24.2 0.135 6 DI 0.012 2.23 0.13 0.67 27C-528 21.88 21.93 22.92 N-527 18.6 21.93 21.93 P-529 27.9 0.004 8 DI 0.012 0.78 0.15 0.42 27C-529 19.82 22.98 23.27 27C-527A 19.72 22.98 24.43 Page 1 of 2 Boeing Renton - Apron R Backwater Analysis 4/20/2018 Basins X_OWS_30.xlsx 25-Year Event P-530 278.1 0.005 15 CONC 0.013 4.4 2.15 1.75 N-530 19 21.93 23.8 N-527 17.71 21.93 21.93 P-531 17.3 0.118 6 CONC 0.013 1.93 0.14 0.7 27C-531 22.56 23.17 23.86 N-530 20.5 23.16 23.8 P-532 51.8 -0.022 8 DI 0.012 1.94 0.27 0.77 27C-532 19.76 23.17 24.91 N-530 20.9 23.16 23.8 P-533 57.2 0.007 8 CONC 0.013 1 0.22 0.63 27C-533 21.4 23.23 25.57 27C-532 21.01 23.23 24.91 P-535 19.2 0.08 6 DI 0.012 1.72 0.09 0.44 27C-535 23.24 24.18 25.62 N-536 21.7 24.18 25.03 P-536 300.5 0.004 15 CONC 0.013 3.89 1.37 1.11 N-536 20.25 23.99 25.03 N-T-11 19.16 23.99 26.02 P-537 58.9 0.017 18 CONC 0.013 13.89 0.24 0.14 27C-537 21.38 24.18 25.17 N-536 20.35 24.18 25.03 P-538 262.7 0.008 6 DI 0.012 0.56 0.14 2.38 27C-538 24.1 24.2 26.48 B-538 21.87 24.2 25.04 P-538 (1) 11.9 0.008 6 DI 0.012 0.56 0.14 0.73 B-538 21.87 24.18 25.04 N-536 21.77 24.18 25.03 P-539 329.8 0.002 15 CONC 0.013 2.54 0.89 0.73 N-539 21 24.18 25.97 N-536 20.49 24.18 25.03 P-540 18.5 0.118 6 DI 0.012 2.09 0.2 6.69 27C-540 24.79 24.26 27.17 N-539 22.59 24.26 25.97 P-541 20.4 0.039 4 DI 0.012 0.41 0.47 5.4 27C-541 24.58 25.95 26.78 B-541 23.78 25.95 25.95 P-541 (1) 63.4 0.039 4 DI 0.012 0.41 0.47 5.4 B-541 23.78 24.26 25.95 N-539 21.27 24.26 25.97 P-545 237 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.65 0.2 0.25 N-545 22.51 24.29 27.65 T-548 22 24.29 27.62 P-545 (1) 48.5 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.65 0.22 0.29 T-548 22 24.28 27.62 N-549 21.9 24.28 27.41 P-546 94.4 0.001 12 CONC 0.013 1.22 0.2 0.25 27C-546 22.17 24.3 27.84 N-545 22.06 24.29 27.65 P-547 29.5 0.054 8 CONC 0.013 2.8 0.04 2.83 27C-547 24.54 24.3 27.7 27C-546 22.95 24.3 27.84 P-548 19.5 0.208 6 UKN 0.013 2.56 0.03 4.15 27C-548 26.4 24.29 28.75 T-548 22.25 24.29 27.62 P-549 330.3 0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.58 0.22 0.29 N-549 21.6 24.26 27.41 N-539 20.95 24.26 25.97 P-632 153.6 -0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.66 1.58 2.01 27C-632 18.37 23.51 25.44 T-635 18.7 23.51 25.04 P-632 (1) 137.8 -0.002 12 CONC 0.013 1.66 1.74 2.22 T-635 18.7 23.17 25.04 N-530 19 23.16 23.8 P-635 32.5 0.01 8 CONC 0.013 1.22 0.16 0.47 27C-635 19.2 23.51 25.2 T-635 18.87 23.51 25.04 P-687 39.3 0.003 12 ADS N-12 0.01 2.45 0.18 0.23 27C-687 22.92 23.99 25.6 N-T-11 22.81 23.99 26.02 P-T-11 43.6 0.017 12 CONC 0.013 4.71 1.54 1.97 N-T-11 19.13 23.87 26.02 27C-632 18.37 23.86 25.44 Page 2 of 2 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-81 4-20 EXISTING OIL CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY TREATMENT BASIN MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 LAKE WASHINGTON 4-87 4-81 4-20OUTFALL 004A PAVING LIMITS PAVING LIMITS OIL/WATER SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY UNITS OIL CONTROL AND ENHANCED WATER QUALITY TREATMENT BASIN MAP33301 9th Avenue South, Suite 300 Federal Way, Washington 98003-2600 (206) 431-2300 Fax: (206) 431-2250 Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:4/20/201812:44 PM Bypass 064.xlsx BASIN 58A STRCT ROWS-064 Rim Elev 18.65 Inlet Elev 14.6 Sump Elev 12.1 WQ Outlet Elev 16.35 WQ Outlet Dia (in)6 WQ Orifice Dia (in)6.625 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.1 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)18 Backwater Elev 15.38 Weir Elev 16.93 Weir Height (ft)0.58 Weir Length (ft)12.5664 (above Inlet) (dia or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.239386 Bypass Area:1.76714587 WQ Flow:0.9044 Peak Bypass Flow:3.0428 10% Max Increase:YES At Elev:16.93 At Elev:17.06 Orifice Coefficient:0.62 Dual Access Req:YES 16.35 0.000 0.00 0.000 10.764 0.000 0.000 16.36 0.119 0.00 0.000 10.800 0.000 0.119 16.37 0.168 0.00 0.000 10.836 0.000 0.168 16.38 0.206 0.00 0.000 10.871 0.000 0.206 16.39 0.238 0.00 0.000 10.907 0.000 0.238 16.40 0.266 0.00 0.000 10.942 0.000 0.266 16.41 0.292 0.00 0.000 10.977 0.000 0.292 16.42 0.315 0.00 0.000 11.012 0.000 0.315 16.43 0.337 0.00 0.000 11.047 0.000 0.337 16.44 0.357 0.00 0.000 11.082 0.000 0.357 16.45 0.377 0.00 0.000 11.117 0.000 0.377 16.46 0.395 0.00 0.000 11.152 0.000 0.395 16.47 0.413 0.00 0.000 11.186 0.000 0.413 16.48 0.429 0.00 0.000 11.221 0.000 0.429 16.49 0.446 0.00 0.000 11.255 0.000 0.446 16.50 0.461 0.00 0.000 11.289 0.000 0.461 16.51 0.476 0.00 0.000 11.324 0.000 0.476 16.52 0.491 0.00 0.000 11.358 0.000 0.491 16.53 0.505 0.00 0.000 11.392 0.000 0.505 16.54 0.519 0.00 0.000 11.425 0.000 0.519 16.55 0.533 0.00 0.000 11.459 0.000 0.533 16.56 0.546 0.00 0.000 11.493 0.000 0.546 16.57 0.559 0.00 0.000 11.526 0.000 0.559 16.58 0.571 0.00 0.000 11.560 0.000 0.571 16.59 0.583 0.00 0.000 11.593 0.000 0.583 16.60 0.596 0.00 0.000 11.627 0.000 0.596 16.61 0.607 0.00 0.000 11.660 0.000 0.607 16.62 0.619 0.00 0.000 11.693 0.000 0.619 16.63 0.630 0.00 0.000 11.726 0.000 0.630 16.64 0.641 0.00 0.000 11.759 0.000 0.641 16.65 0.652 0.00 0.000 11.791 0.000 0.652 Potential Bypass Outlet (cfs) Actual Bypass Outlet (cfs) Total Outlet (cfs) Water Surface Elev (ft) WQ Outlet (cfs) Head at Weir (ft) Flow over Weir (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:4/20/201812:44 PM Bypass 064.xlsx Potential Bypass Outlet (cfs) Actual Bypass Outlet (cfs) Total Outlet (cfs) Water Surface Elev (ft) WQ Outlet (cfs) Head at Weir (ft) Flow over Weir (cfs) 16.66 0.663 0.00 0.000 11.824 0.000 0.663 16.67 0.674 0.00 0.000 11.857 0.000 0.674 16.68 0.684 0.00 0.000 11.889 0.000 0.684 16.69 0.695 0.00 0.000 11.922 0.000 0.695 16.70 0.705 0.00 0.000 11.954 0.000 0.705 16.71 0.715 0.00 0.000 11.986 0.000 0.715 16.72 0.724 0.00 0.000 12.019 0.000 0.724 16.73 0.734 0.00 0.000 12.051 0.000 0.734 16.74 0.744 0.00 0.000 12.083 0.000 0.744 16.75 0.753 0.00 0.000 12.115 0.000 0.753 16.76 0.763 0.00 0.000 12.146 0.000 0.763 16.77 0.772 0.00 0.000 12.178 0.000 0.772 16.78 0.781 0.00 0.000 12.210 0.000 0.781 16.79 0.790 0.00 0.000 12.241 0.000 0.790 16.80 0.799 0.00 0.00 12.27 0.00 0.80 16.81 0.808 0.00 0.000 12.304 0.000 0.808 16.82 0.817 0.00 0.00 12.34 0.00 0.82 16.83 0.825 0.000 0.000 12.367 0.000 0.825 16.84 0.834 0.000 0.000 12.398 0.000 0.834 16.85 0.842 0.000 0.000 12.429 0.000 0.842 16.86 0.851 0.000 0.000 12.460 0.000 0.851 16.87 0.859 0.000 0.000 12.491 0.000 0.859 16.88 0.867 0.000 0.000 12.522 0.000 0.867 16.89 0.88 0.00 0.00 12.55 0.00 0.88 16.90 0.883 0.000 0.000 12.584 0.000 0.883 16.91 0.891 0.000 0.000 12.614 0.000 0.891 16.92 0.899 0.000 0.000 12.645 0.000 0.899 16.93 0.907 0.000 0.000 12.68 0.00 0.907 16.94 0.915 0.010 0.042 12.706 0.042 0.957 16.95 0.923 0.020 0.118 12.736 0.118 1.041 16.96 0.930 0.030 0.217 12.767 0.217 1.148 16.97 0.938 0.040 0.335 12.797 0.335 1.273 16.98 0.95 0.05 0.47 12.83 0.47 1.41 16.99 0.953 0.060 0.615 12.857 0.615 1.568 17.00 0.960 0.070 0.775 12.887 0.775 1.735 17.01 0.968 0.080 0.947 12.917 0.947 1.914 17.02 0.975 0.09 1.130 12.947 1.130 2.105 17.03 0.982 0.10 1.323 12.977 1.323 2.305 17.04 0.989 0.11 1.527 13.006 1.527 2.516 17.05 0.997 0.12 1.740 13.036 1.740 2.736 17.06 1.004 0.13 1.96 13.07 1.96 2.97 17.07 1.011 0.14 2.192 13.095 2.192 3.203 17.08 1.018 0.15 2.431 13.125 2.431 3.449 17.09 1.025 0.16 2.678 13.154 2.678 3.703 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:4/20/201812:44 PM Bypass 064.xlsx Potential Bypass Outlet (cfs) Actual Bypass Outlet (cfs) Total Outlet (cfs) Water Surface Elev (ft) WQ Outlet (cfs) Head at Weir (ft) Flow over Weir (cfs) 17.10 1.031 0.17 2.933 13.183 2.933 3.965 17.11 1.038 0.18 3.196 13.213 3.196 4.234 17.12 1.045 0.19 3.466 13.242 3.466 4.511 17.13 1.052 0.20 3.743 13.271 3.743 4.795 17.14 1.059 0.21 4.027 13.300 4.027 5.086 17.15 1.065 0.22 4.318 13.329 4.318 5.383 17.16 1.072 0.23 4.616 13.358 4.616 5.688 17.17 1.079 0.24 4.920 13.387 4.920 5.999 17.18 1.085 0.25 5.231 13.416 5.231 6.316 17.19 1.092 0.26 5.548 13.444 5.548 6.639 17.20 1.098 0.27 5.871 13.473 5.871 6.969 17.21 1.105 0.28 6.200 13.502 6.200 7.305 17.22 1.111 0.29 6.535 13.530 6.535 7.646 17.23 1.117 0.30 6.876 13.559 6.876 7.993 17.24 1.124 0.31 7.223 13.587 7.223 8.346 17.25 1.130 0.32 7.575 13.616 7.575 8.705 17.26 1.136 0.33 7.933 13.644 7.933 9.069 17.27 1.142 0.34 8.296 13.672 8.296 9.439 17.28 1.149 0.35 8.665 13.700 8.665 9.813 17.29 1.155 0.36 9.039 13.729 9.039 10.194 17.30 1.161 0.37 9.418 13.757 9.418 10.579 17.31 1.167 0.38 9.802 13.785 9.802 10.969 17.32 1.173 0.39 10.192 13.813 10.192 11.365 17.33 1.179 0.40 10.586 13.841 10.586 11.765 17.34 1.185 0.41 10.986 13.869 10.986 12.171 17.35 1.191 0.42 11.390 13.896 11.390 12.581 17.36 1.197 0.43 11.799 13.924 11.799 12.996 17.37 1.203 0.44 12.213 13.952 12.213 13.416 17.38 1.209 0.45 12.632 13.980 12.632 13.841 17.39 1.215 0.46 13.055 14.007 13.055 14.270 17.40 1.220 0.47 13.483 14.035 13.483 14.704 17.41 1.226 0.48 13.916 14.062 13.916 15.142 17.42 1.232 0.49 14.353 14.090 14.090 15.322 17.43 1.238 0.50 14.795 14.117 14.117 15.355 17.44 1.244 0.51 15.241 14.144 14.144 15.388 17.45 1.249 0.52 15.691 14.172 14.172 15.421 Flowsplitter Analysis Prepared by: Brook Emry, EIT Date:4/20/201812:44 PM Bypass 067.xlsx BASIN 27 STRCT ROWS-067 Rim Elev 19.35 Inlet Elev 14.6 Sump Elev 12.1 WQ Outlet Elev 17.32 WQ Outlet Dia (in)12 WQ Orifice Dia (in)12 Bypass Outlet Elev 14.1 Bypass Outlet Dia (in)18 Backwater Elev 15.38 Weir Elev 17.46 Weir Height (ft)0.14 Weir Length (ft)12.56637 (above Inlet) (cir or width of Structure) WQ Area:0.785398 Bypass Area:1.76714587 WQ Flow:1.449 Peak Bypass Flow:4.94 10% Max Increase:NO At Elev:16.93 At Elev:17.06 Orifice Coefficient:0.62 Dual Access Req:YES 17.32 0.000 0.00 0.000 13.813 0.000 0.000 17.33 0.391 0.00 0.000 13.841 0.000 0.391 17.34 0.553 0.00 0.000 13.869 0.000 0.553 17.35 0.677 0.00 0.000 13.896 0.000 0.677 17.36 0.782 0.00 0.000 13.924 0.000 0.782 17.37 0.874 0.00 0.000 13.952 0.000 0.874 17.38 0.957 0.00 0.000 13.980 0.000 0.957 17.39 1.034 0.00 0.000 14.007 0.000 1.034 17.40 1.105 0.00 0.000 14.035 0.000 1.105 17.41 1.172 0.00 0.000 14.062 0.000 1.172 17.42 1.236 0.00 0.000 14.090 0.000 1.236 17.43 1.296 0.00 0.000 14.117 0.000 1.296 17.44 1.354 0.00 0.000 14.144 0.000 1.354 17.45 1.409 0.00 0.000 14.172 0.000 1.409 17.46 1.462 0.000 0.000 14.20 0.00 1.462 17.47 1.513 0.01 0.042 14.226 0.042 1.555 17.48 1.563 0.02 0.118 14.253 0.118 1.681 17.49 1.611 0.03 0.217 14.280 0.217 1.829 17.50 1.658 0.04 0.335 14.307 0.335 1.993 17.51 1.703 0.05 0.468 14.334 0.468 2.171 17.52 1.748 0.06 0.615 14.361 0.615 2.363 17.53 1.791 0.07 0.775 14.388 0.775 2.566 17.54 1.833 0.08 0.947 14.415 0.947 2.780 17.55 1.874 0.09 1.130 14.442 1.130 3.004 17.56 1.914 0.10 1.323 14.468 1.323 3.238 17.57 1.954 0.11 1.527 14.495 1.527 3.481 17.58 1.993 0.12 1.740 14.522 1.740 3.732 17.59 2.031 0.13 1.961 14.548 1.961 3.992 17.60 2.068 0.14 2.192 14.575 2.192 4.260 17.61 2.104 0.15 2.431 14.601 2.431 4.535 Potential Bypass Outlet (cfs) Actual Bypass Outlet (cfs) Total Outlet (cfs) Water Surface Elev (ft) WQ Outlet (cfs) Head at Weir (ft) Flow over Weir (cfs) 1 of 3 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:4/20/201812:44 PM Bypass 067.xlsx Potential Bypass Outlet (cfs) Actual Bypass Outlet (cfs) Total Outlet (cfs) Water Surface Elev (ft) WQ Outlet (cfs) Head at Weir (ft) Flow over Weir (cfs) 17.62 2.140 0.16 2.678 14.628 2.678 4.818 17.63 2.176 0.170 2.933 14.65 2.93 5.109 17.64 2.211 0.18 3.196 14.680 3.196 5.406 17.65 2.245 0.19 3.466 14.707 3.466 5.710 17.66 2.279 0.20 3.743 14.733 3.743 6.021 17.67 2.312 0.21 4.027 14.759 4.027 6.339 17.68 2.345 0.22 4.318 14.785 4.318 6.663 17.69 2.377 0.23 4.616 14.811 4.616 6.993 17.70 2.409 0.24 4.920 14.837 4.920 7.329 17.71 2.440 0.25 5.231 14.863 5.231 7.671 17.72 2.471 0.26 5.548 14.889 5.548 8.019 17.73 2.502 0.27 5.871 14.915 5.871 8.373 17.74 2.532 0.28 6.200 14.941 6.200 8.732 17.75 2.562 0.29 6.535 14.967 6.535 9.098 17.76 2.592 0.30 6.876 14.993 6.876 9.468 17.77 2.621 0.31 7.22 15.02 7.22 9.84 17.78 2.650 0.32 7.575 15.044 7.575 10.225 17.79 2.679 0.33 7.93 15.07 7.93 10.612 17.80 2.707 0.340 8.296 15.095 8.296 11.003 17.81 2.735 0.350 8.665 15.121 8.665 11.400 17.82 2.763 0.360 9.039 15.146 9.039 11.802 17.83 2.791 0.370 9.418 15.172 9.418 12.209 17.84 2.818 0.380 9.802 15.197 9.802 12.620 17.85 2.845 0.390 10.192 15.223 10.192 13.037 17.86 2.87 0.40 10.59 15.25 10.59 13.46 17.87 2.898 0.410 10.986 15.27 10.99 13.884 17.88 2.924 0.420 11.390 15.299 11.390 14.314 17.89 2.950 0.430 11.799 15.324 11.799 14.750 17.90 2.976 0.440 12.213 15.349 12.213 15.189 17.91 3.002 0.450 12.632 15.374 12.632 15.634 17.92 3.027 0.460 13.055 15.399 13.055 16.082 17.93 3.052 0.470 13.483 15.424 13.483 16.535 17.94 3.077 0.480 13.916 15.449 13.916 16.993 17.95 3.10 0.49 14.35 15.47 14.35 17.45 17.96 3.126 0.500 14.795 15.499 14.795 17.921 17.97 3.151 0.510 15.241 15.524 15.241 18.391 17.98 3.175 0.520 15.691 15.549 15.549 18.724 17.99 3.199 0.53 16.146 15.574 15.574 18.772 18.00 3.222 0.54 16.605 15.599 15.599 18.821 18.01 3.246 0.55 17.069 15.623 15.623 18.869 18.02 3.269 0.56 17.536 15.648 15.648 18.918 18.03 3.293 0.57 18.008 15.673 15.673 18.965 18.04 3.316 0.58 18.484 15.697 15.697 19.013 18.05 3.339 0.59 18.964 15.722 15.722 19.061 Prepared by: Brook Emry, PE Date:4/20/201812:44 PM Bypass 067.xlsx Potential Bypass Outlet (cfs) Actual Bypass Outlet (cfs) Total Outlet (cfs) Water Surface Elev (ft) WQ Outlet (cfs) Head at Weir (ft) Flow over Weir (cfs) 18.06 3.362 0.60 19.448 15.747 15.747 19.108 18.07 3.384 0.61 19.936 15.771 15.771 19.155 18.08 3.407 0.62 20.429 15.795 15.795 19.202 18.09 3.429 0.63 20.925 15.820 15.820 19.249 18.10 3.451 0.64 21.425 15.844 15.844 19.296 18.11 3.473 0.65 21.929 15.869 15.869 19.342 18.12 3.495 0.66 22.437 15.893 15.893 19.388 18.13 3.517 0.67 22.949 15.917 15.917 19.434 18.14 3.539 0.68 23.465 15.942 15.942 19.480 18.15 3.560 0.69 23.984 15.966 15.966 19.526 18.16 3.581 0.70 24.508 15.990 15.990 19.571 18.17 3.603 0.71 25.035 16.014 16.014 19.617 18.18 3.624 0.72 25.565 16.038 16.038 19.662 18.19 3.645 0.73 26.100 16.062 16.062 19.707 18.20 3.666 0.74 26.638 16.086 16.086 19.752 18.21 3.687 0.750 27.180 16.11 16.11 19.797 18.22 3.707 0.76 27.725 16.134 16.134 19.841 18.23 3.728 0.77 28.274 16.158 16.158 19.886 18.24 3.748 0.78 28.827 16.182 16.182 19.930 18.25 3.768 0.79 29.383 16.206 16.206 19.974 18.26 3.789 0.80 29.943 16.230 16.230 20.018 18.27 3.809 0.81 30.506 16.253 16.253 20.062 18.28 3.829 0.82 31.072 16.277 16.277 20.106 18.29 3.849 0.83 31.643 16.301 16.301 20.150 18.30 3.868 0.84 32.216 16.325 16.325 20.193 18.31 3.888 0.85 32.793 16.348 16.348 20.236 18.32 3.908 0.86 33.374 16.372 16.372 20.280 18.33 3.927 0.87 33.957 16.395 16.395 20.323 18.34 3.947 0.88 34.544 16.419 16.419 20.366 18.35 3.966 0.89 35.135 16.442 16.442 20.408 18.36 3.985 0.90 35.729 16.466 16.466 20.451 18.37 4.004 0.91 36.326 16.489 16.489 20.494 18.38 4.023 0.92 36.926 16.513 16.513 20.536 18.39 4.042 0.93 37.530 16.536 16.536 20.578 18.40 4.061 0.94 38.137 16.559 16.559 20.620 18.41 4.080 0.95 38.747 16.583 16.583 20.663 18.42 4.098 0.96 39.361 16.606 16.606 20.704 4/20/2018Structure NameTributary Area Forebay Area (min)Vault Area (min)sf cfs cfsGPM sf sf62 118,872 3.533 Off-line 0.202 Off-line 0.7136320 12 3663 118,092 3.533 Off-line 0.2 Off-line 0.70654317 12 3564 148,259 3.533 Off-line 0.252 Off-line 0.89024400 15 4465 107,884 3.533 Off-line 0.183 Off-line 0.64648290 11 3266 106,632 3.533 Off-line 0.181 Off-line 0.63942287 11 3267 240,838 3.533 Off-line 0.409 Off-line 1.44487649 24 72* Per Table 6.2.1.A of the 2016 KCSWDM (Eq. 6-2)2-year ,24-hr Precip= 2 inches k = 2.4777 (0.72*2-yr)-0.0352 k= 3.532688Boeing - Apron R Oil/Water Separator SizingK factor* 15 minute discharge Per MGSFloodOil/Water Separator Flow Rate (min)Q:\FederalWay\2018\A18.0200\00\Engineering\Civil\Drainage\EXCEL\WQ\Oil Water separators.xlsx ————————————————————————————————— MGS FLOOD PROJECT REPORT Program Version: MGSFlood 4.46 Program License Number: 200410008 Project Simulation Performed on: 04/10/2018 5:33 PM Report Generation Date: 04/10/2018 5:50 PM ————————————————————————————————— Input File Name: WQ Analysis.fld Project Name: Boeing Renton Analysis Title: WQ Sizing Comments: ———————————————— PRECIPITATION INPUT ———————————————— Computational Time Step (Minutes): 15 Extended Precipitation Time Series Selected Climatic Region Number: 14 Full Period of Record Available used for Routing Precipitation Station : 96003605 Puget East 36 in_5min 10/01/1939-10/01/2097 Evaporation Station : 961036 Puget East 36 in MAP Evaporation Scale Factor : 0.750 HSPF Parameter Region Number: 1 HSPF Parameter Region Name : USGS Default ********** Default HSPF Parameters Used (Not Modified by User) *************** ********************** WATERSHED DEFINITION *********************** Predevelopment/Post Development Tributary Area Summary Predeveloped Post Developed Total Subbasin Area (acres) 12.903 19.297 Area of Links that Include Precip/Evap (acres) 0.000 0.000 Total (acres) 12.903 19.297 ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 ---------- Subbasin : Untreated Apron R Area (total) ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 12.903 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 12.903 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 6 ---------- Subbasin : 062 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.729 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.729 ---------- Subbasin : 063 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.711 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.711 ---------- Subbasin : 064 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 3.403 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 3.403 ---------- Subbasin : 065 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.477 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.477 ---------- Subbasin : 066 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 2.448 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 2.448 ---------- Subbasin : 067 ---------- -------Area (Acres) -------- Impervious 5.529 ---------------------------------------------- Subbasin Total 5.529 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ************************* LINK DATA ******************************* ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 6 ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-062 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-063 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-064 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-065 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-066 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None ------------------------------------------ Link Name: WQ-067 Link Type: Copy Downstream Link: None **********************FLOOD FREQUENCY AND DURATION STATISTICS******************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 1 Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Subbasins: 6 Number of Links: 6 ***********Groundwater Recharge Summary ************* Recharge is computed as input to Perlnd Groundwater Plus Infiltration in Structures Total Predeveloped Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: Untreated Apron R Ar 0.000 _____________________________________ Total: 0.000 Total Post Developed Recharge During Simulation Model Element Recharge Amount (ac-ft) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subbasin: 062 0.000 Subbasin: 063 0.000 Subbasin: 064 0.000 Subbasin: 065 0.000 Subbasin: 066 0.000 Subbasin: 067 0.000 Link: WQ-062 0.000 Link: WQ-063 0.000 Link: WQ-064 0.000 Link: WQ-065 0.000 Link: WQ-066 0.000 Link: WQ-067 0.000 _____________________________________ Total: 0.000 Total Predevelopment Recharge Equals Post Developed Average Recharge Per Year, (Number of Years= 158) Predeveloped: 0.000 ac-ft/year, Post Developed: 0.000 ac-ft/year ***********Water Quality Facility Data ************* ----------------------SCENARIO: PREDEVELOPED Number of Links: 0 ----------------------SCENARIO: POSTDEVELOPED Number of Links: 6 ********** Link: WQ-062 ********** Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 1075.96 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 1075.96 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 1075.96 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-063 ********** Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 1068.86 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 1068.86 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 1068.86 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-064 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.46 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.25 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 1341.69 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 1341.69 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 1341.69 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-065 ********** Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 976.60 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 976.60 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 976.60 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-066 ********** Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 965.17 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 965.17 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 965.17 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ********** Link: WQ-067 ********** 15-Minute Timestep, Water Quality Treatment Design Discharge On-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.74 cfs Off-line Design Discharge Rate (91% Exceedance): 0.41 cfs Infiltration/Filtration Statistics-------------------- Inflow Volume (ac-ft): 2179.90 Inflow Volume Including PPT-Evap (ac-ft): 2179.90 Total Runoff Infiltrated (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Total Runoff Filtered (ac-ft): 0.00, 0.00% Primary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 2179.90 Secondary Outflow To Downstream System (ac-ft): 0.00 Percent Treated (Infiltrated+Filtered)/Total Volume: 0.00% ***********Compliance Point Results ************* Scenario Predeveloped Compliance Subbasin: Untreated Apron R Area (total) Scenario Postdeveloped Compliance Link: WQ-067 *** Point of Compliance Flow Frequency Data *** Recurrence Interval Computed Using Gringorten Plotting Position Predevelopment Runoff Postdevelopment Runoff Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) Tr (Years) Discharge (cfs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-Year 4.568 2-Year 1.958 5-Year 6.081 5-Year 2.606 10-Year 7.183 10-Year 3.078 25-Year 8.615 25-Year 3.691 50-Year 11.054 50-Year 4.737 100-Year 13.170 100-Year 5.643 200-Year 14.157 200-Year 6.066 ** Record too Short to Compute Peak Discharge for These Recurrence Intervals     Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix C City of Renton Maps   Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington Appendix C ‐ City of Renton Maps Page C‐1 of C‐3    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington Appendix C ‐ City of Renton Maps Page C‐2 of C‐3    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington Appendix C ‐ City of Renton Maps Page C‐3 of C‐3      Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix D Flood Zone Maps   Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington Appendix D ‐ Flood Zone Maps Page D‐1 of D‐2    Draft Technical Information Report  BergerABAM, A18.0200.00  Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project  26 April 2018  Renton, Washington Appendix D ‐ Flood Zone Maps Page D‐2 of D‐2      Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix E Geotechnical Report (provided under separate cover)       Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix F Forms (to be included in Final TIR)     Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix G Maintenance and Inspection Guidelines (to be included in Final TIR)       Draft Technical Information Report Boeing Mitigation Hangar Project Renton, Washington Appendix H Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (to be included in Final TIR)