HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/2016 - Minutes � ������ � �� k���� �� � � � ��� �r ���� Human Services Advisory Committee eetin e ort Renton c�ty Haii Council Conference Room, 7th Floor November 15, 2016 3:00 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Leslie Anderson, Brook Dodd,Tina Harris,Joanie Howe,Amy Koehl,Teresa Kenny, Krista Townsend Excused:Shelia Houston Absent: Staff: Karen Bergsvik,Jeannie Gabriel, Dianne Utecht With the approval of Brook Dodd, Kelly Beymer was to speak before start of agenda. Introduction of Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator and guest to the committee. Introduction of all attendees around the table. 4. Human Services Manager Position: Kelly informed committee about Karen's position. Her last day working for the City of Renton will be February 3�d, 2017. Human Services Manager position has been advertised for 10 days, and will be open till after Thanksgiving holiday. Position has been advertised on City of Renton website, Karen has posted job posting at All Cities,South King County Human Services, Leadership Tomorrow and Public Admin (?) Kelly has not heard from Human Resources on how many applicants they currently have, she plans to hold first round of interviews during the first week of December with the hopes of having the new Human Services Manager start in January 2017.Which will give Karen time to cross train our new manager.The first round interview panel will be varied, Human Services Advisory Committee Chair or Viee-Chair, community based, Police Department and Community Services Department.Second round will be both Kelly Beymer and Karen Bergsivk. If committee has any questions they would like to ask the interviewee,email Karen with questions. Karen will be working on a six month goal for Human Services Department. 1. Approval of Previous Minutes Committee approved October 2016 minutes 2. Quarterly Performance Reports:These are the reports that was asked of committee during previous meeting.Will re-visit this topie during January meeting to see if this is something the eommittee will want to see every quarter from our agencies. ■ Greater Maple Valley Community Center: Has a lot of staff turn-over, and not making goals. Dianne was able to give$500.00 for this quarter.Applied for next quarter, but did not make it. ■ Refugee Womens Alliance:A lot of staff turn-over, Dianne plans to go and have a meeting with them. ■ Ventures: During 4th quarter,they will have Spanish ■ YWCA Emergeney Housing: Community based senriees, nothing mueh they ean do with meeting goals. Performance measures for 2017 might have to change in submission of application. During application process, Dianne sits and negotiates with agency. Committee asked about coordinated entry change, 211, working with Renton Sehool District, direct like with eommunity services? Per Karen, no,only one point of entry. Mark P.from All Home should be scheduled to attend Human Services Advisory Committee meeting in February 2017,after One Count to explain what All Home provides. 4-0:�49vamaeo Snratces�l4�ain 5older�qdvisory CnmmiEkce�:JQ16 Y-0uman Senrices p,dvisrsry Cermenlctew�Plov 7U16\IVavemher rnlnuCe�F95P�C..drscx City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee November 17, 2015 Page 2 3. Rating tools used by other cities: Reviewing rating tools from other cities can give us ideas on how to better our rating tool. Dianne read a few questions that might be considered useful for our rating tool. ■ Bellevue; Budget Revenue/Expenses 0 1.)Are there funds committed form other sources, including the agency's own fundraising? 0 2.) Is the amount requested from Bellevue reasonable in view of the proportion of Bellevue residents served? ■ Redmond (rev 4/14/14) o Degree to which this program/project provides a service not otherwise available. ■ Federal Way(Program Accessibility) o Program has flexible hours and is operated multiple days during the week/weekend including evenings.Waiting lists are updated frequently and potential clients are notified. Client prioritization is based on need. o Program is free,offered on an affordable sliding scale, or scholarship assistance provided. Committee will re visit rating tool in lanuary 2017 meeting. Karen will reach out to Benita for her Social Equity tool. 5. Briefing on the Section 8 vouchers, Emergency Ordinance, Resource Fair Section 8 vouchers: 75 tenants,4 apartment complexes were given eviction notices.Some needed to be out before lease was up and others were informed that they will not be able to re-new their leases. Emergency Ordinance:A way to press"pause"on the eviction of tenants in section 8.The state has been working on this for the past 10 years.City of Renton passed the Emergency Ordinance. City of Renton funds Catholic Community Services,St.Vincent De Paul and Multi Services Center. Mark P.was granted $25K and gave funds to City of Renton to help the 75 tenants. Multi Services Center were willing to come and help families. Money that Multi Services Center will be receiving during 4tn qtr will be for personal use. How did this happen? Money motivated, if they(landlords) don't accept Section 8 vouchers,they are able to raise up rent cost. Resource Fair: On November 10th 2016 Karen organized a "Resource Fair"at Renton Community Center. Resource Fair is for the 75 families that needed help or funds to find a new place to live. Linda Smith offered to be a case manager for families needing help.Tenants living in Renton Wood Apartments will be evicted end of this month. Committee questions: o Will families get a tax break? Not sure o Is there a time limit for the$25k to be spent? Money will be used from now-June 2017. Families are wanting to move in June 2017 so children can finish up school year at current school. o Rent Control?Very challenging on rent control and it's a risk to take. Land lord could sell,then no one can rent complexes. 6. Update on Sobering Center: Karen has been working on this project for the past 2.5 years. Center will have no medical attention, it will be a place where they can sleep if off.Only other Sobering Center is in the City of Seattle.The current process now,911 gets called, Fire Department is first to arrive, ambulance or police transfers to ER, no medical attention needed, discharged to parking lot.Two hours later, police is called again.Thousands of dollars wasted for these services to a person not needing any medical attention. Finally found a site,St.Vincent De Paul on Rainier.Storage area now has 8 beds which are only for Kent/Renton.Sobering Center is funded by EMS, King Co}anty Mental Health. Open from 8PM-8AM, at 8AM they will be taken to Valley Ciites Mental Health by Tri-Med for free or be given a bus pass.Sobering Center will be staffed by 2 EMT,this is not a shelter they will be tested for blood/alcohol level. Police, Fire,EMT will be doing assessments. Case Manager from five City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee November 17,2015 Page 3 different agencies will be at the center, Kent Cares, Renton Housing,Valley Cities,St.Vincent De Paul, �� .One for every day of the week. No Case Manager during weekends, only EMT.This is not a permanent location,this is only a demo.Sobering Center will open December 15t, 2016.Anyone with withdrawals, EMT will call Tri-Med to transport to Valley Med ER. King County EMS gas 60K, King County paying for EMT. Detox Center opening in City of Kent in the old LA Fittness. Questions from committee: Any criteria available? Karen will have the same criteria as City of 5eattle.2 EMT,8 beds, 1-4 ratio. Do they have a choice?After they meet criteria? If causing public nuisance,jail would be the only place. What if you have 27 people, and you only have 8 bed? City of Seattle will take the ones that are least drunk and ones with a home. EMT will be checking blood pressure, etc. Once they are sober enough they will be able to leave center. Will EMT call families?We are working on it What if someone shows up at the door before it opens?St Vincent De Paul has case management that will accept them,and stay with them until Sobering Center opens. 7. Status of Members: a. Shannon has officially resigned b. Recruitment of additional members: Currently have 2 opening and a youth position. Teresa Kenney and Joanie Howe has re-new term till 2019. Karen/Jeannie will be working on website, updating.Committee will go over recruitment update in lanuary meeting. Recruiting group,who would like to be a part of it? 20 minute evening interviews.Teresa, Leslie,Tina,Joanie, Brook,Amy would like to be a part of process.Advertising will start December 2016. 8. City budget public hearing: 6 agencies went to hearing, and we had one complaint. a. King County Bars Ass. Moved clinic to library b. Catholic Community Services thanked us c. Eastside Baby Corner d. Chinese�,�; only agency that complained. e. Friday November 18`", 2016; Greater Renton Housing Meeting. Karen is mentoring Lisa from Renton Housing Authority. We will be talking about Resource Guide during meeting. Next meeting after November will be on January 204h, 2017 at Valley Medical. Followed by a meeting on March 17t", 2017 at the Downtown Library. Respectfully submitted, ��:�,� Brook Dodd, Chair Next regular meeting:January 10th,2017, Council Conference room 7th Floor, Renton City Hall