HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/2016 - Minutes �:say ar�", ����r�y
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Human Services Advisory Committee
Meeting Report
Renton City Hall
Council Conference Room, 7th Floor
September 20, 2016 3:00 p.m.
A7TENDANCE: Leslie Anderson,Tina Harris,Shelia Houston,Teresa Kenney,Amy Koehl, Krista Townsend
Excused: Brook Dodd, Shannon Matson,Joanie Howe
Staff: Karen Bergsvik and Jeannie Gabriel
1. Approval of Previous Minutes
Amy Koehl asked that the August minutes be amended to show she was in attendance. Krista moved to
aeeept the August 2016 minutes as amended; seconded by Teresa.
2. Outstanding items from the last meeting
• Ageney Surveys; Instruction
Narrative to be very specific on how they senre the City of Renton. Outside ageneies have not
specified what they will do to help our eity. Committee as a whole, agreed that agencies will need to
specify how they will be helping our Renton residents.
• Persona� Knowledge of agencies(other cites do inelude this in application)
Tina does not oppose ( no personal experience),Amy stated that this might be a little slippery and was
unsure of this option. Karen opposed, as grading an agency we have not worked with before should be
graded by applieation, not by what or how we know them. Committee did not come to a decision on
personal knowledge on application.
• Misinformation
If and outline lie has been pointed out, should the committee vote or make a decision? Committee did
not come to a deeision.
• Rating Tools
Committee would like to see other cities rating tools. Question 2, Karen stated that it cannot be
changed. Question 5,Amy,states it would be more explicit.
• Seoring, Discussion
If we have an agency that has more than one program,would we like to see reports for all programs
provided or just one?
Karen would like to see an analysis for agencies that have more than one program. Analysis for all the
categories on what we funded. GAP Tool for next month's meeting?
• Parking Lot
Take care of Renton first then regional. Sheila wants agencies that make Renton a priority rather than
other cities. Unlike giving grants to other agencies that aren't providing Renton.
• Limit the size of field agencies can answer on
Committee wants specifies about Renton in there, but will also want to know how their agency will
benefit the region.
Karen explained that ageneies wanted to know about their scores. Somali Youth,were very upset that
they were not approved. We have previously f�nded this ageney for years. Agencies that we dinged
15 points were not aecepted. Karen explained to them our point system. We could be elearer in
application about supplemental application. REACH also contacted Karen,they thought they were
doing a greatjob. But, it is not about the work, it was about the application and paperwork turned in.
H:\Human Services\Main folder�Advisory Commrttee\2016 Human Serv(ces Advisory Committee\Sept 201fi\SEPT 2016 HSAC MEET1NG.doeae
City of Renton Human Services Advisory Committee
November 17, 2015
Page 2
• Narrative Report with the quarterly performance
Diane found a way she could combine narrative and quarter performance. Diane will provide us with
this information for next quarter.
• Agency Survey
What they thought about our process? Waiting 6 months later is too long. If we want to do a survey,
do it rite when it's done not 6 months later. They won't remember what the process is. Example; who
wrote the grant? Did they hire someone or someone personal? Tina wanted to know,why we needed
to know who grant writer is? Karen stated it might help us decide on how much funding to give the
agency? Professional: less, personal: more? Should there be 2 different pools? Some agencies don't
have the tools and time to write grants. Should we offer classes on how to write grants or have Diane
offer her help to the agencies that need it? One for professional and the other for volunteer
(personal)? Tina opposed on looking at 2 different pools. No decision was made. 2 funding streams,
smaller agencies should apply for 1-2 years. Karen started the topic on "Building capacity, how can we
build it?"
3. Human Services Strategic Plan
• Comprehensive plan in the city
• No demographic data
• Needs assessment,this was designed as a bridge,4-5 year plan
• 15t part: What are our roles?
o Priorities of Human Services
o Plan gives us direction on what we should be doing
o Funding strategy; last year committee did not want percentages.
o Appendix; committee wanted to target funding; "how do we measure if we moved the
Karen has baseline data. Every 1-2 years before funding cycle, we will be able to review data.
• Page 4
o Tina expressed her feelings on how we have profiled an agency that did not make it(photo of
Cryout). We should profile an agency that has been funded by the City of Renton. Sheila
thought that instead of adding a photo of an agency,we should add a photo since we fund so
many agencies. Next step to getting strategic plan finalized, present to Mayor and Jay.
Human Services Strategic Plan: Karen did the overview, Brook: background and process,Amy: process,
what do we do? Committee did not have any questions.
4. Funding recommendations/council presentation
• Budget is not yet approved. Mayor's proposal is to have$24,000.00 for four agencies.
• 2 agencies that will want to meet with Council
5. Overview for the Housing Repair Assistance Program
• Housing Repair Assistance program has been in the City of Renton for the past 30 plus years. Anytime
a Renton resident called,we went out to fix the problem. We have since then changed to safety and
health repairs only. HRAP is funded by the federal government. To qualify, Renton residents must fall
under the HUD income guidelines,own their home for one year. Clients in our program are not to
exceed $4,000 in a year(0-30%)$2,000 in year(30-50�) and$750.00 a year(50-80%). We also only
serve newer mobile homes being built before 1976. In the next few years, Karen would like to change
this program into a proactive program. To help our residents prevent things from happening or from
getting worst. To do more than minor home repairs, install/replace fans, roofs. HRAP budget is
$250,000.00. Having Joel and Mark going out to change light bulbs and batteries is too expensive.
Habitat of Humanity would be able to cover small things, as in changing light bulbs and batteries.
Committee thought that maybe we could coordinate a "Day of Service" where neighbors would be
able to help one another. Some questions committee has about HRAP:
City of Renton Human Serviees Advisory Committee
November 17,2015
Page 3
o Krista;What is the average wait time for something that is not urgent?
Karen:Average wait time for non-urgent repairs is 2 weeks.
o Amy; How does Renton residents find us?
Karen: Our trucks are all over the City of Renton in neighborhoods. Habitat of Humanity, King
County Housing Repair Program. If there is something that HRAP cannot fix, we are able to buy up
to$4,000.00 for HRAP client, while our partners finish the project. We have a lot of volunteers to
help us work on a bigger projeet. Referrals from code enforcement, Bellevue Rotary Club/21 Club.
Bellevue Rotary Club/21 Club replaced appliances for our clients. PSE does not replace appliances
by income, but by how old appliances are.
o Leslie;Are there any earpentry classes available at Renton Technieal College?
Karen:Since we are working in a home, it would be the quality of work that is provided.
HRAP senres 217 elients,with 985 senrices provided. 170 of them were seniors, 69 are disabled and
170 are Caucasian.
o Karen; How can we serve more people of color?
Karen has done research on the population of both colored and low income in the City of
Renton. 2,500 of our residents fall into this category. How can we advertise more to this
eommunity?Some changes that will be in the future for HRAP, money will be given to clients
who is in more need of help rather than income. For example, a family that is needing
$3,000.00 worth of work on their home, compared to a seniors with ineome that is not
• Safe and Healthy Housing(this was not on our agenda)
o Karen explained a little more regarding this subject. Apartments will need to be registered.
City of Tukwila is one of the first cities to do this,which our landlords do not agree with. The
proposed area here in Renton is Sunset area. Renton is going towards the rules that City of
Tukwila has in place, rental inspection program, apartments are to obtain small business
license, landlords to make repairs when they do not meet city standards. Tenant will have the
option to have a city inspector inspect home, or to have landlord inspeetor. Karen will ask
Elizabeth Higgins to perhaps come to our next meeting and inform our eommittee more about
this subject. November meeting, we will have this on our agenda. Housing,things that are
being proposed, discriminating section 8 and applications.
6. Vaeaney on committee
o Karen explained when applications are received,we keep applications for one year.
o Should we look thru our previous applications, or should we reeruit new applicants?
We are in need of one adult and youth member.
Committee agreed that we should reeruit new applicants. Karen will advertise again, she also implied
that referrals from our committee is best. Committee also agreed that the new members be diverse
and male?
Respectfully submitted,
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Brook Dodd,Chair
Next regular meeting:October 18,2016, Council Conference room 7th Floor,Renton City Hall